CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, September 10, 2015
Breaking news at
Vol.12 • Issue 37
Lorene MacGregor RE
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Gallery hosts photo exhibits
Rebels fall in exhibition play
Get ready to Cuddle
See page 11
See page 19
See page 10
Bringing the fire For more see page 2
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.
Firefighters from across the province gathered in Robson at Pass Creek Park last weekend for the Firefighter Games. Sixteen four person teams contended for the championship in competitions spanning window rescues, hose relays, axe throwing, pike pole javelin and a chin-up square off. At the end of the day. it was the Creston Irons who came out on top.
Nancy Trotman Mortgage Broker
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Mayor breaks tie at council meeting BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
PJ Poznekoff
In what is an extremely rare situation for Castlegar city council, Mayor Chernoff had to cast a deciding vote when councillors were split three to three on a decision at Tuesday’s meeting. The issue at hand was the awarding of a contract to Castlegar and District Community Services Society (CDCSS) to run the concession services at the new Celgar Pavilion at Millennium Park. An original request for proposals with a June 23 deadline ended without any completed proposals, and was then reissued with an Aug. 25 deadline. That call yielded only two submissions. Councillors Vassilakakis, Chernoff and Rye were opposed to rewarding the contract. Many of their con-
cerns involved the small number of proposals to choose from. They expressed a preference that the issue go back out to proposal again, with a longer period of time for interested parties to respond. Another concern was that the monthly fee to be paid by the CDCSS to the City in the proposal would not be enough to cover the utility costs of operating the concession. “I understand that this is a service we want to provide to the community, but at the same time I don’t think we should necessarily be subsidizing it,” said Councillor Vassilakakis. Councilor Tassone, who was in favour of the motion, commented that he did not think the cost should be a concern as the city already covers similar costs for the Kinnaird concession. CDCSS plans to staff the concession by hiring up to
five students, three full-time and two part-time staff, along with a volunteer pool and individuals participating in their skills program. They will provide opportunities to persons with multiple barriers for employment a chance to gain work place experience and knowledge. “I think the group is credible and that they will manage the staffing of it really well,” said Councillor McIntosh. “I know there are people out there that they can hire with multiple barriers, that are just waiting for this opportunity, which is a really good thing for our residents.” Along with Tassone and McIntosh, Councillor Heaton-Sherstobitoff voted in favour of the motion, bringing the resolution to a tie until Mayor Chernoff joined them resulting in the motion being carried and the contract being awarded to the Castlegar and District Community Services Society.
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Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
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Firefighters from across the province joined in the spirit of competition to raise over $9000 for Muscular Dystrophy Canada. Photos by Betsy Kline
Firefighters compete for glory Betsy Kline Castlegar News
Dig Tip
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Firefighters from across the province gathered in Robson at Pass Creek Park last weekend for the Firefighter Games. Sixteen four person teams contended for the championship in competitions spanning window rescues, hose relays, axe throwing, pike pole javelin and a chin up square off. At the end of the day. it was the Creston Irons who came out on top. The finale event, Mayday Mayday Mayhem, was an obstacle course that saw the firefighters dive into a giant slip and slide and crawl to the end, pass through a narrow tunnel, climb over and under walls, grab a fire hose and put out
three fires, rescue a180 pound dummy from a house and then carry him over a flight of stairs and through a series of doors that had to be kicked open and a wall that had to be opened by axe and sledge hammer. The crowd pleasing event showcased the stamina of the competitors. “Everything came together and all the sponsors stepped right up,” said Robson Fire Chief Jeff Grant. “It has been an awesome event.” The purpose of the event hosted by the Robson Fire Department was to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy Canada. Canadian firefighters have been helping Muscular Dystrophy Canada since 1954, mostly through “Fill Our Boots” campaigns. The Robson
Fire Department has done so well in their efforts that they are receiving an award for being in the top three fundraisers in British Columbia. “We have done really well this year,” said Grant. “That’s competing with Richmond, Surrey, huge population areas; so little Robson has really been put on the map.” The event required an impressive amount of organization and volunteer efforts. Lead organizer Dustin Lepage was happy with the outcome. “We are really enjoying ourselves. The competitive spirit is definitely coming out among the competitors,” said Lepage. Competitors and spectators alike thoroughly enjoyed the competition.
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Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015
News A3
? h t r o W s d r o What are W hey mean t ings - what to be. y a s r la u p o P y came and how the
“Flash in the pan” Meaning: Something disappointingly short-lived. Origin: There was an old type of gun that had a ‘pan’ on which a trail of powder led from the charge to the flint. Sometimes the powder ignited, but the gun didn’t go off. Hence it was merely a “flash in the pan.”
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386
! w e N Three girls enjoyed one of the rides at last year’s fall fair.
Gearing up for Pass Creek’s Fall Fair Betsy Kline Castlegar News
The Pass Creek Fall Fair is just a few weeks away. Castlegar’s salute to country living will be held September 26 and 27. At 20 years old, the Pass Creek Fair continues to grow and please young and old alike. The antique car show, Dirty Diggers and Fun Swing will be back again this year. The children’s area will feature games, Bubbles the Clown and a bounce tent. The Mini-Golf course has been expanded to nine holes. Make sure you show up to the fair hungry in order to enjoy the concession and many food vendors that will be present. The tantalizing scents make the food offerings hard to resist.
A fair isn’t complete without the exhibits of home grown, home spun and hand made products. Along with displays of arts, crafts, baking, preserving and needlecraft mingle gorgeous flowers and garden produce. The youth competition always showcases the amazing talents found in our local youth. There are many trophies and prizes to be won including a $100 prize for the winner of this year’s Scarecrow competition. The Dressage and Horse Show will run Friday through Sunday with events taking place all throughout the day. In order to cut down on parking congestion, a bus will be running from the Castlegar Complex and Heritage Museum to the fair grounds. Simply park your car at these locations and catch the free round trip bus that will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.
Two Sears Hometown Stores feel the axe
opened almost 20 years ago, and company is currently seeking a inventory clearances are currently catalogue agent in both markets. underway. That delivery model would Local Sears employees will The hammer came down on have an existing business dedicate soon be out of work. the Trail and Castlegar busi- a small space for Sears customers Trail store manager Kathy Fra- nesses following a corporate to pick up merchandise ordered ser says the Sears Hometown Store review in July. online or through the company’s was notified by corporate on AuThe locations were evaluated catalogue. gust 11 and informed that both the against Sears expectations, said Hometown stores remain open �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� retail and order desk would close Alicia Richler, Sears director of in Creston, Nelson and Grand by September 24. corporate affairs and communi- Forks, as well as a full line departThe same happened at the Sears cation. ment store in Kelowna. Hometown Store in Castlegar. “(The) decision was made to Sears customers can continue Three employees of that outlet not continue with the existing to order online and have merchanwere told, August 10, that the store lease as of July 2015,” she added. dise shipped to any of the existing would close on September 17. The future of a local Sears hometown locations at no charge Both hometown stores were counter remains uncertain, as the or pay for home delivery. Sheri Regnier Castlegar News
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Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
There are 7,000,000,000 people. There are 9,000 blue whales.
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Ootischenia Fire Chief George Hamm was busy recruiting volunteers during the Firefighter Games held at Pass Creek Park. Photo by Betsy Kline
Call for firefighters Betsy Kline Castlegar News
The Regional District of Central Kootenay is recruiting volunteer firefighters for all 18 fire departments under its jurisdiction. Seven departments are operating with a minimum level of volunteers, but all could use some reinforcement. Ootischenia, Pass Creek, Blewett and Ymir are especially in need of help. Regional Fire Chief Terry Swan says that volunteer recruitment and retention is the number one issue that faces all volunteer fire departments. “It is an effort. It is ongoing and I am certain will continue to be the number one issue for years to come,” said Swan. New volunteers are constantly needed to
SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES Chair: Wm. Scott Hamilton, MLA (Delta North) Deputy Chair: Carole James, MLA (Victoria-Beacon Hill)
replace those that retire or move away. Current lifestyles and job schedules make it more complicated for many to volunteer, but the two hour per week training commitment is very manageable. Training is done weekly at each firehall, but the night varies from station to station. Volunteers also carry a pager and are called in when an emergency arises. No experience is necessary to become a volunteer and training to professional standards is part of the package. All required personal protective equipment is provided, there are no out of pocket expenses. Becoming a volunteer firefighter not only helps the community, but often helps with one’s career and personal growth. “It looks really great on a resume that
you have this kind of volunteer work and you are doing such a huge service for the community,” said Deb Burnett, RDCK administrative assistant for Fire and Emergency services. “You are trained completely from the ground up, so you are becoming stronger, you are developing interpersonal skills, you are working together as a team.” These skills translate well into everyday life. The training not only covers the expected firefighting skills, but first responder, swift water rescue, over embankment rescue, wildland interface and jaws of life training also. The RDCK also has an officer development training program for those wishing to take the next step to become officers. Current volunteers encompass all ages and
What are your priorities for the next provincial budget? The all-party Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services will be holding province-wide public consultations on the next provincial budget. British Columbians are invited to participate by: • Attending a public hearing • Sending a written, audio or video submission • Completing an online survey The deadline for submissions is Thursday, October 15, 2015. For more information, visit our website at: or contact: Parliamentary Committees Office, Room 224, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4; tel: 250.356.2933, or toll-free in BC: 1.877.428.8337; fax: 250.356.8172; e-mail: Susan Sourial, Committee Clerk
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come from many socioeconomic backgrounds and are both male and female. More women are joining all of the time, and the Balfour department has a female Deputy Fire Chief. Younger firefighters are also being recruited with several RDCK fire departments incorporating a Junior Firefighter Training program for those under age 19 that would like to volunteer. Volunteer firefighters receive insurance coverage through WorkSafe BC, 24 hour accident insurance coverage and $100,000 life insurance in case of accidental death. The federal government also provides tax credits to volunteer firefighters who serve at least 200 hours per year. If you want more information on becoming a volunteer firefighter, you can call the department that is closest to you. If you are ready to volunteer, an application is available on the RDCK web site. The next step requires obtaining a medical clearance form, criminal background check and a drivers abstract from ICBC. Any fees incurred will be reimbursed after completion of the new recruit three month probation period. “Everybody isn’t going to be the guy kicking open the door. There is a role for everybody; we have driver operators, people that do administrative roles,” said Ootischenia Fire Chief George Hamm. “If you have a bad knee or a bad back, don’t hesitate to call. Come on out, maybe we have a role for you. Fill out an application, all of the departments are looking.” A5
Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015
Local Cop Pedalling for Kids
Twenty-five riders and six support people from RCMP and supporting enforcement agencies within South East District will embark on this year’s annual Cops for Kids Ride on Friday, September 11. The 2015 Ride, presented by The Thomas Alan Budd Foundation, will take the team across the South Eastern corner of British Columbia, to raise awareness and essential funds for children in medical, physical or traumatic crisis. Over the ten-day journey, Cops for Kids riders will cycle into 18 different communities across South Eastern British Columbia, facing some challenging terrain and possible inclement weather conditions along the way. The route includes the assent and decent of two mountains passes: the Anarchist Mountain and Blueberry-Paulson. These encounters will remind each rider of the challenges that some children, our Ambassadors, face on a daily basis and it will serve to keep them focused to complete their journey to help
better the lives of these children. As a part of the 2015 Cops for Kids Ride, our team will be arriving in Castlegar on Sunday September 13th from Grand Forks at approximately 3:30 p.m. to Andre’s Electronics in Castlegar to do some community presentations to local children, and the opportunity to meet with local media and dignitaries. Following their presentations, the group will be graciously fed and hosted in our community by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Boston Pizza and the Super 8. Cops for Kids are grateful for 2015 Cops for Kids Ride community landing dates and the generosity shown by all of our route. communities. “Our riders join us from across Krenz. “We are very honoured to and Cops for Kids is able to prothe region, and they’ve each raised be welcomed into each community vide these crucial funds because a minimum of $2,000 through var- with such open arms.” of this event. It’s an honor for me ious fundraising efforts in their “This is my first year with Cops to be able to help my own comown community. During the ride, for Kids, and I can’t wait to see the munity and I can’t wait to arrive local community groups, restau- impact our donations are making in Castlegar.” rants, and hotels generously extend in each community,” said Castlegar Donations are graciously actheir hospitality to our team. Sav- Cst. Ron George. “These children cepted at any time. To follow the ing on these costs allows us to put require medical equipment, mo- team along their journey or to all of our efforts towards the chil- bility & learning aids that aren’t make a donation please visit the dren,” boasts Ride Captain, Julio covered by government funding, website at
Castlegar gets ready to showcase it’s best delicacies CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News
The Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce will hold its third annual Taste of Castlegar event in the Lions Head Pub parking lot on Saturday, September 19. The event features locals restaurants and other food and beverage suppliers. “It’s where local food services and also breweries and wineries can showcase their products and
services,” said Anna Kaytor, executive assistant at the Chamber. The cost of a $30 ticket includes samples from restaurants like Cuisine of India, and CC’s Sushi. To sample adult beverages, like wine from Hester Creek or vodka from Kootenay Country Craft Distillery, attendees will need to purchase a $1 alcohol token. There will also be musical entertainment for the evening, though the final lineup has yet to be confirmed, and there will be a band
playing onstage at the Lions Head Pub following the event. Kaytor also wanted to thank the sponsors—including Zellstoff Celgar, Hall Printing, Trowelex Rentals and Sales, and Russell Food Equipment—as well as the volunteers who make the event possible. The event is 19 plus. Tickets can be purchased at the Lions Head Pun or the Chamber office, and the Mountain Transport Institute will provide safe rides home.
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Stock quotes as of closing
5N Plus ............................. 1.41 BCE Inc. .......................... 54.55 Bank of Montreal ............. 69.35 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 59.50 CIBC .............................. 94.87 Canadian Utilities ............ 34.86 Canfor Corporation ......... 19.72 EnCana Corp. ................... 9.15 Enbridge Inc. ................... 53.85 Finning International.......... 21.67 Fortis Inc. ........................ 35.25 Husky Energy .................. 22.25
Manitoba Telecom ........... 28.69 Mercer International ......... 11.84 National Bank of Canada . 42.69 Onex Corporation ............ 81.45 Royal Bank of Canada...... 72.41 Sherritt International ............ 1.05 TD Bank .......................... 52.01 TELUS Corp...................... 42.50 Teck Resources ................... 8.64 TransCanada Corp ........... 43.90 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 26.76
M����� F���� CIG
Portfolio Series Balanced ... 29.44
Signature Dividend ........... 13.99
Portfolio Series Conservative 16.22
Manulife Monthly High ... 13.901
C����������, I������ � C���������
CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.757
Light Sweet Crude Oil ....... 45.85
Gold............................ 1121.00
Silver ............................... 14.75
The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. and Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks are to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.
BC Hydro would like to notify the public that the Navigational Lock at the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam will be closed on Saturday, September 12. The lock will reopen at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 13. Regular hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., seven days a week. This service is available at no charge for all properly equipped watercraft.
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This closure is necessary to undertake infrastructure upgrades which will ensure the long-term, reliable and safe operation of the dam. We regret for any inconvenience that this closure may cause and thank you for your support while this work is completed.
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Thursday, September 10 Castlegar News
Editor: Chuck Bennett Publisher: Chuck Bennett Published Thursdays by Black Press Ltd. at Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
We are excited to announce that the Canadian Cancer Society has moved to a new location in downtown Trail. While our old space served us well for many years, it was time to downsize. We have always been strongly committed to living within our means and providing responsible leadership and stewardship of donor dollars. With that said, our new office move has allowed us to benefit in cost savings. We can now put more money towards our mission and continue to have an office presence within Trail and the West Kootenays. We wanted to ensure the stability of our organization’s ability to serve British Columbians and this office move has allowed us to continue down this road. We will continue to offer the support services we have been providing to our communities throughout the years that include: • Cancer Information Service (CIS)- a national, toll-free service available to cancer patients, caregivers, families and friends, the general public and healthcare professionals. To access CIS call toll-free at 1-888-939-3333. • Financial Support Program and/or the Financial Support Drug Program - limited, short-term financial assistance to cover a portion of clients’ cancer-related transportation and accommodation expenses. In addition, through our partnership with the BC Cancer Agency, we can assist clients with a portion of the cost of selected prescription medications that manage symptoms related to
cancer treatment. • Wig room - women can browse a selection of wigs and various headwear including toques, turbans and scarves. Our wig room is a free service and helps women living with cancer find wigs when they lose their hair as a result of cancer treatment. • Community services locator (CSL) - a directory that helps cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare providers find the services they need. • Accommodations - the Canadian Cancer Society operates four reasonably priced lodges in close proximity to cancer treatment centres in Vancouver, the Southern Interior, on the Island and Northern BC. • CancerConnection – a service that connects people living with cancer with trained volunteers who listen, provide hope, offer encouragement and share ideas for coping – all from their unique perspective as someone who’s been there. We’re still working on getting settled in, but we’re incredibly excited to be in the new space. The new office is located at the South Kootenay Business Centre, same building as the Post Office. Our address is 835 Spokane Street, Suite 15. Office hours are 8:30-4:00pm, Monday-Friday and phone number is 1-800-403-8222. Feel free to stop in and say hello, just look for the yellow daffodil outside our door. Allison McCarthy Annual Giving Coordinator
A Retrospective Walter Volovsek
Although older than Edward, John Mahon outlived his brother by five years. The famous London financier was still fully engaged with his business interests when he died on November 5, 1942. Hand-tinted photograph in Mahon Family Records
Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division
What advice would you give your younger self I think each and every one of us has moments of reflection in which they contemplate the choices they made in life and the results of those sometimes life Karen Haviland changing decisions. The other day I was reading online Global News BC and spotted the headline Women Reveal What They’d Do Differently if They Were Young Again. Naturally, the headline intrigued me and I was drawn into the piece to see what my contemporaries had to say for themselves. The underlying question of the
Off the Line
story was “What advice would you give your younger self.” From those numerous long talks I have had with myself, I knew what my answers would be, but I was curious to see how that aligned with women just like me; women who are, shall we say, a little long in the tooth and also long in the accompanying wisdom (if we are lucky enough to ever get introspective and honest enough with ourselves to open that door). According to the story, nearly half the women surveyed that they “admitted they felt moderately or extremely stressed”, while 40 per cent “confessed to being close to a burn out” and sadly, 62 per cent “felt their lack of me time was holding them back.” So, there it was in black and white, the undeniable fact that
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Pam Malekow Office Manager
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many of us let life pass us by while we are dancing as fast as we can for other people. You know what’s ironic about that? If those statistics are true, many of those other people were/are likely dancing at break neck speed for us! Think about that for a moment. As we age, all of us, men and women alike take our temperature, so to speak. We take inventory. That is how we grow. If we are brutally honest with ourselves then much good can come out of that inward reckoning. Contrary to the popular saying, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Imagine that! In case you didn’t read the article, I will quote a few words of advice posted on Global’s FB page that resonated with me. “Don’t listen to what ‘society’
Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone 250-365-6397 Chelsea Novak Reporter
Sandy Leonard Creative Director
deems beautiful. Be your own beauty regardless of what others think.” - Victoria Clark. “I would have slowed down and enjoyed my little ones. Read more stories, made more crafts, play more. They grow up too fast.” – Shannon Bell McFadden. “I have made so many poor choices. If I could talk to my younger self, I would tell me to stop being so hard on myself ”. – Jennefit Edmunds. Then there was this local person who weighed in with her thoughts. “Breathe. Live. Feel. Experience. Be courageous, but above all listen to the beautiful woman you are. Believe in yourself even when others don’t.” – Karen Haviland. I’ll tell you, it’s easy to throw your ideas into the pot and hope it adds to the soup. Anyone can do it.
The trick is to not only do it, but to live it, believe it and pass it on. If we keep our past experiences, including the most embarrassing and the most heartbreaking, to ourselves, we have done nothing as a person, or in my case, as a woman, to try to soften your sometimes heavy touch on the world and those in it really is a shame. It doesn’t just hurt those it would benefit, but it hurts the one who it could benefit the most – you. Honesty and owning your actions aren’t always easy. In fact, they are sometimes downright painful, but once one puts on that cold cape of honesty it magically transforms into the warm cape of peace and tranquility. In the winter of our life having such a mantle of warmth around is both comforting and affirming.
It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of the Castlegar News, in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser and that there shall be no liability greater than the amount paid for such advertising.
BC Press Council
The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Katelyn Hurley Creative
Jaime Tarasoff Creative
Betsy Kline Reporter
Chuck Bennett Publisher
PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 100% B.C. owned and operated by Black Press. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder.
Your Community News Team
Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015 A 7
Upcoming SEPTEMBER CASTLEGAR SENIORS ACTIVITIES AT THE COMPLEX Monday: 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist 9:30 Floor Curling (starts 14th) Tuesday: 9:30 Floor Curling Carpet Bowl 1:00 Crafts 1:00 Line Dancing 7:00 Pool Wednesday: 9:30 Floor Curling 9-12 Tech Learning Centre 2nd & 4th Wed CBT for Srs. until end of year 10:00 Coffee Talk 2 &30 10:00 Raspberry Hi Coffee 16th 11:30-12:30 Financial Legal Planing Kootenay Room 23rd 1:00 Rummoli Not 1st Wed Thursday: 9:30 Floor Curling 1:00 Bingo, not on 3rd 2:00 General Meeting 3rd 2:00 Tea Dance 17th Friday: 10:00 Qi Gong 1:00 Crib Saturday: 11:30 Soup Day Sept.19th 1 :00 Bingo
This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free (or nearly so) that run at the editor’s discretion. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@castlegarnews. com, drop off at our office at Unit A - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or call us at 250-365-6397.
1507 Columbia Ave Castlegar 250-365-2955 1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
Castlegar Realty parking lot. Minimum $10 donation per vehicle. Come out and support your local dancers, get your vehicle washed and enjoy a hot dog and beverage!
Dirty Diggers, Horse Show, Vendors, Carnival Rides, Children’s Games. Clown, Saturday Car Show, Sunday Dog Show. Please take the free bus
At Castlegar Community Services Office. Supporting Wellness, Healthy Relationships and Community Engagement. Lunch provided. Call Laurie at 250-608-2254 for more info.
DEMENTIA EDUCATION: Sept. 15 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. October 8 Castlegar Health Centre Free course on understanding dementia, warning signs and diagnosis. A complete overview of dementia, coping with behavior and communication issues, planning for the future and caregiver well-being. Registration is required. Contact Julie Leffellar at 250-365-6742.
MYRA DUFF WILL BE HOSTING SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS: For information about the Heart Support Group please call Myra at 250-3656369.
CAR SEAT CHECK: Wednesday, Sept. 16, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. FREE Car Seat clinic at the Castlegar Firehall. The clinic is hosted by Interior Health Public Health Nurses and BCAA Child Passenger Safety Educators. Please phone the Castlegar Health Centre at 250-365-4310 to make an appointment. Spaces limited. SILVER FOX RUN: Sept. 17, 10:30 a.m. Castle Wood Village. Run/Walk to benefit the Terry Fox Foundation. By donation BBQ lunch and dance to follow. Silent auction, bake and
OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, Sept. 15 6:45 - 8:30 Castlegar Complex – Columbia Room Thursday, Sept. 17 6:45 – 8:30 Crescent Valley Hall Featuring new Fall/Holiday products. Lots of Prizes! Bring your friends! For more info call (250) 365-4719
Ongoing or parking $2.00 Gate fee is $5.00 per person ages 6 and under free. THE NEW LIFE CHURCH (behind the Castlegar Primary School) will be serving hot nutritious meals for people in the community every Thursday. Doors open at 3:45 and the meal will be served at 4:30 p.m. Please use the basement entrance at the back of the church. For info phone 250-365-7500.
COMMUNITY LEARNING PLACE: drop in to get free help with basic computers, reading and writing, Test preparation, and skills upgrading at the Castlegar and District Public Library on Tuesdays from 12 to 3 p.m. BILLETS: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 to 20). Please contact Mel Rinas 250-365-5596. GRACE COMMUNION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH: Meets Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at the Resker Hall in Robson (next door to the Robson Community Church) on Waldie Ave. Phone 250-365-6405 for more information. CASTLEGAR HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is offering for sale quality furniture, household items, clothing (plus sizes), footwear, books, monthly silent auctions and many other items. Donations are re-
& DROP-IN CENTRE: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. to 1:30 Wednesday Drop-in centre 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30 Friday Drop-in centre 10 to 1:30 (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St. David’s Church. Call 250-608-2227. ALL ABOUT BREASTFEEDING: Informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tuesday 10:30 to noon. More info: 250-365-3662, or see CASTLEGAR A.A. MEETINGS AT THE PIONEER ARENA Sunday at 10 a.m.; Tuesday at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wednesday at noon (Dan 250-359-7817) Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216 or Alex 250-3597031) and Saturday at 8 p.m (Len at 250-365-7805). AL-ANON MEETS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8 to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Sydney 250608-1867. TOPS GROUP MEETS EVERY WEDNES-
This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs. CASTLEGAR LIBRARY PROGRAMS: September 15 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. September 17 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. September 17 - Toddler Once Upon a Story Time 10:30 a.m. September 22 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. September 24 - Toddler Once Upon a Story Time 10:30 a.m September 24 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. September 25 - “Rock On” Pro-D day program 10:30 a.m. September 29 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. TWIN RIVERS COMMUNITY CHOIR: RESUMES Sept. 10 AT 7:00 P.M. Thursdays. Basement of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 713, 4th Street, Castlegar. New members are welcome. CAR WASH FUND RAISER FOR TURNING POINTE PERFORMANCE COMPANY Sept. 12 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Simon Laurie 250-365-1585
Val Koochin 250-365-1846
Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831
Carmen Harris 250-365-1520
Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679
toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |
craft sale. Registations available at Castle Wood Village. ALL CANDIDATES FORUM: Sept. 17, 7:00 p.m. To be held at the Sandman Inn. Dialogue will focus on foreign wars, international terrorism and climate change. Hosted by the Selkirk College Mir Centre for Peace and the Nelson & West Kootenay Citizens’ Climate Lobby. OSTOMY SUPPORT GROUP: Sept. 21, 2:00 p.m. The Ostomy Support Group will meet at 2 pm at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail. Guest: Paul Meise from Cooper Medical Supplies in Kelowna. For more info, please call 250-3689827 or 250-365-6276. PASS CREEK FALL FAIR Sept. 26-27 Pass Creek Exhibition Grounds Relkoff Road, Robson. Old Fashion Fall Fair, All weekend - Exhibits, Live Entertainment,
Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373
Chad Williams 250-304-5241
Pat Klohn 250-365-1731
Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017
Tammy Peitzsche 250-365-9640
Connor McCarthy 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |
SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOTTLE DRIVE: The annual Castlegar Special Olympic bottle drive is on now. Drop your returnables off at 2908 Columbia Avenue to support Special Olympics in Castlegar. Special Olympics promotes an active lifestyle and better quality of life for persons with disabilities through their participation in sport. Thank you for dropping off your bottles and supporting our Special Olympic athletes in the Castlegar Community. ROBSON FLEA MARKET is open all summer. Sundays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Breakfast served until food runs out. Crafts, collectibles and much more. Call Elke to book a table: 250-3657022. BLUEBERRY BOTTLE DRIVE: Please drop off refundable bottles and cans at the Blueberry School. All donations go towards funding programs and events at the school. WOMEN’S SUPPORT GROUP: Mondays 10:00 a.m. to 1:00
ceived Wednesdays and Saturdays only. See castlegarhospitalauxiliary. org. Open Monday thru Thursday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enquiries 250365-7317. ST. DAVID’S & UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP: located at 605 Columbia Ave. Stock includes clothing,shoes,bedding linen,books, household items and sewing, knitting & craft supplies. Please NOTE we are back to regular hours effective SEPT. 9th; Tues. to Thurs 10:00am to 4:00pm; Fri. & Sat. 10:00am to 1:00pm. Closed Sun. Mon and Stat. Holidays. Check our weekly in store specials! Clean donations accepted during working hours only.” SELKIRK WEAVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD: meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, 10 to 11 a.m. followed by show and tell. COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK
Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564
Tyler Gienger 250-304-7865
James Kereiff 250-304-8970
DAY 8:30 to 10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 250-365-7956. FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250608-2254. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAMS: Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, oneon-one tutoring. Free. More info call Corinne at 250-687-4714. COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK The food bank needs donations. Cash, cheques and food items can be dropped off during food bank hours or at the Station Museum. CASTLEGAR FARMERS MARKET Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Downtown Castlegar at the Station Museum. Call 250-365-6440 to book a table.
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
So you’ve made your will and named your executor.
PREPARED? EVELYN VAANANEN It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Evelyn Vaananen in Castlegar BC, on August 30, 2015, after a brief respiratory illness. Evelyn was born in 1907 in Hibbing, Minnesota. When she was a young girl of nine, her family immigrated to Canada to homestead in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The family moved to Cobalt, Ontario during the 1920’s where she met her future husband, William (Bill) Vaananen, whom she married in 1931. Evelyn and Bill lived in the Sudbury area where Bill spent his entire career with Inco. Evelyn was a homemaker and enjoyed baking, gardening, and watching sports on TV--she particularly enjoyed curling and the ‘Leafs’. Evelyn was also a member of the Eastern Star. At the age of 102, when she decided that she couldn’t live alone anymore, she moved to Castlegar, BC to be closer to family. Evelyn enjoyed the many visits and letters from family and friends while living in Castlegar, although she always missed Sudbury. She moved to Extended Care after sustaining serious injuries in a head-on car collision, but like a cat, she seemed to have nine lives and amazed us all when she would recover just when we thought that she was on the brink of death. She maintained her feisty spirit and kept those around her on their toes! She was sharp of mind until the end and regularly beat everyone at cribbage. Evelyn experienced many technological changes during her lifetime. She was born during a time when she still travelled by horse and buggy (the Model-T Ford came in 1908), cooked on a wood burning stove, milked the family’s cows, and indoor plumbing, electricity and telephones were a household rarity. Up until recently, she flew on a plane, cooked in her microwave oven, and skyped with her grandchildren. It is possible that the world has made more technological advancements during her 100 plus years than in any other point in history. Evelyn was a strong and independent woman, who was a positive and inspiring role model for her entire extended family for an incredible 107 years! She will be fondly remembered as a gentle, kind, and generous lady with “sisu”... the stamina, perseverance and stoic determination that typified her Finnish spirit. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Evelyn was predeceased by her husband Bill in 1974, her parents Hilda and Mattias Lahteenmaa, her sisters Mae Anderson (Miles) and Helen Tikkanen (John), and her brothers Ted (Mary) and Bill Lahteenmaa. She is survived by her son Ronald (Marney Miller) of Denver, Colorado; her grandchildren Keith (Brenda Derochie) of North Bay, ON, Sheila Vaananen (Chris Johnson) of San Jose, Mexico, and Paula Vaananen (David Larocque) of Castlegar, BC; her five great-grandchildren: Braden, Kiersten, and Graeme Vaananen, and Noah and Simon Larocque; her sister-in-law Elnora Lahteenmaa of BC; as well as many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Many thanks to the staff and doctors at Talarico Place for their care of Evelyn for the past three years. At Evelyn’s request, there will be no funeral service. In lieu of flowers the family is requesting that donations be made to a charity of your choice.
When someone you love becomes a memory. . . that memory becomes a treasure.
7 out of 10 executors report their experience as highly stressful
Only you (will-writer) can prevent this Do you know how high the probate fee will be? Should you jointly-own your home to avoid probate? What are the dangers of that strategy? What struggles aggravate executors the most? What simple steps can you take now to avoid them? Will your executor have to deal with capital gains taxes? Is it more difficult for family if the cremation or burial wasn’t preplanned?
“Excellent…great info delivered in easy to understand language… and entertaining as well. The best seminar I’ve
Notice of passing
Catherine (Cathy) Pereverzeff
seen on the topic” Richard Jahnert, Owner of Clayton’s Directors Ltd.
These Free Seminars are Free Seminar
st Thursday, October 8, 6:301pm Wednesday, October
at Royal Canadian #170 10:00 - 11:30 AM & Legion 6:30 - 8:00 PM 248 Columbia Ave, Castlegar Qualicum Beach Inn 2690 Island Highway To Register: Call 250-365-3222 or TO REGISTER email To register, call CALL 250-248-5859 Sponsored by by Sponsored YatesCastlegar Funeral Service and Crematorium Funeral Chapel
March 29, 1956, passed away on Tuesday, September 1, 2015. Cathy was predeceased by her parents Andrew and Polly and infant sister Verna. She is survived by sister Marlene, brother Jack and partner Bill Perepolkin.
Catherine Pereverzeff With great sadness and much love we announce the passing of Catherine Pereverzeff on September 1, 2015 at the age of 59. A beautiful soul gone too soon, Cathy was dearly loved and will never be forgotten. She was predeceased by her parents Andrew and Polly Pereverzeff and a sister in infancy, Verna. Survived by her partner Bill Perepolkin and her siblings brother Jack (Laurel) and sister Marlene (Larry) and their children, her nieces who were very dear to their Aunt's heart, Erin (Dan), Andrea (Sean) and her precious greatnephew Nicolas and great niece Jenna to who she was their Tyota that they loved so much. At Cathy's request there will be no service and her ashes to be scattered at a later date. We would like to thank the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Trail, BC, her doctors, nurses and other caregivers and staff on the 3rd floor for the superb care and compassion they gave to Cathy while she was in their care.
To honor your loved one in the Castlegar News, please contact us at 250-365-6397 or by email:
CONTEST! Congrats to our winner, Lis Hoole!
Lis has won 12 sessions of KMI Structural Integration therapy with Katherine Donovan of Spectrum Massage. So far i have had two KMI sessions and i can officially say i am addicted! The clarity i am having is phenomenal. My body and alignment is already making positive and noticeable changes. I can feel my breath moving and expanding throughout my body and most importantly to the places that have been blocked for years...i cant even believe it!! I am learning to listen to my body which naturally slows me down. My posture feels as if its being corrected without me doing anything but be present during our sessions. The KMI process is lovely, painful, relieving and peaceful. Katherine has made me feel incredibly comfortable and i appriciate her expertise. I am so thankful for this experience.
my first meeting with Lis, she indicated many issues on the right side of her body, from the longest standing pain in the right shoulder blade region, to her right knee and hip, and both feet, but right more than left. On visual assessment, it was clear there is something creating a lean to her right as demonstrated in her shoulder girdle and pelvis both tilting right. There were other
compensatory tilts and shifts and leg length issues present in the body as well. Our first session involved working with the Superficial Front Line of myofascia. Basically working from the tops of the feet/toes up the front of the legs to the pelvis and abdomen, and continuing up the sternum to the front of the neck. While checking in through the treatment, words like lighter and breath of fresh air was how she described the releases in her body.
Moving on to the second session, which mirrored the first, we worked the Superficial Back line, which runs from the bottom of the feet, up the calves and hamstrings to the back of the pelvis, and continuing up the back myofascia to the back of the neck and over top of the head to the forehead. This is more of a grounding session, and Lis reported being more in her heels. We will be heading into the last two “superficial” lines coming up, being the Lateral Line and Spiral line for sessions 3 & 4.
Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015 A9
Flourish There could be MORE to that SNORE than you think! Unsurpassed Ser vice, Lifelong Suppor t
• Sleep Apnea Screening • CPAP Therapy • Home Oxygen Therapy
Do You Snore? Are You Tired?
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Dr. Diana Draper Naturopathic Physician Services Offered Include:
Acupuncture, IV Therapy, B12 Shots, Lifestyle Counseling, Nutritional Counseling
Septembers Helpful Hint to Help You Feel Better Naturally
Did you know a combination of lysine and other vitamins, along with stress management, prevents the outbreak of cold sores.
Now accepting new patients! Operating 5 days a week at Back in Balance
Naturopathic Medicine is covered under most extended health 2325 6th Ave. Castlegar, BC benefits. 250.304.4401
Sleep is extremely important to good health. After a night’s sleep you should wake up feeling rested and refreshed. For more than 25% of Canadians this is not the case. If you wake up feeling tired and remain tired throughout the day you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. One of the most common sleep disorders is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)? During sleep the muscles that control the tongue and soft palate hold the airway open. If these muscles relax too much the airway narrows and can block the passage, as you breathe in, the soft of floppy part of the throat vibrates causing snoring. As you enter deep sleep, these tissues can fully block the airway and breathing stops. Regular occurrence of these sleep disruptions increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and can exasperate conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. If sleep disturbances occur regularly many of your body systems will suffer. The most common signs symptoms are: • Daytime tiredness • Snoring • Pauses in breathing • Gasping or choking during sleep • Depression or anxiety • Difficulty concentrating
• Large neck circumference • Excessive Weight BMI >28 • Family History If left untreated you could be at risk for: • High Blood Pressure or congestive heart failure • 8 to 18 times more likely to have a heart attack and or stroke • Decreased quality of life • 3 fold increased risk for car accidents • 2.5 times more likely to die in your sleep • Erectile Dysfunction • Concentration or attention problems • Sleep deprived bed partners • Complications with medications and Surgery Diagnosis: OSA can be diagnosed in several ways. The standard for OSA is an overnight visit to a provincial sleep lab where you would undergo testing. BC has 11 sleep labs located in major centers. Independent Respiratory Services offers home testing in communities across BC. Home testing is an effective screening program that measures up to 7 parameters allowing for diagnosis. Treatments: There is no easy fix for OSA, the following can help reduce its affects: weight loss, avoidance of alcohol, sleep position and good sleep
habits. When these do not work other treatments are available: • Dental appliances (bite-blocks) have been shown to reduce Apneas in mild to moderate cases. Pros: Non invasive, easily portable. Cons: Only 50% effective , no trial period to see if they work, have to be purchased upfront, cost, adjustment period 4-12 weeks • Surgery: Not recommended by the College of Surgeons and Physicians due to failure rates and complications of surgery. • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine: This device is the gold standard for treatment. CPAP applies gentle air pressure through the nose or mouth preventing the soft tissues in the back of the throat from collapsing. Pros: 100% effective when worn. Cons: Getting use to the mask and pressure, cost. Should you suspect you or someone you know is suffering from OSA, talk to you physician or contact IRS for more information and free testing 1-877-965-6204 or www. Independent Respiratory Services is a BC-owned and operated full service respiratory company. We have been providing sleep apnea and home oxygen therapy to British Columbians since 1996.
Acupuncture - Massage Therapy - Laser Therapy - Orthotics
Independent Dental Hygiene Clinic 2709A Columbia Ave. Castlegar • 250-365-8024
Dr. David Bzdel DC
Chris Mansbridge, Reg. Acupuncturist
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1020 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.3365 |
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Register now! Bootcamp for Non‐Profits: Law and Governance 101
Cuddle party in the Kootenays
(focus on Arts & Heritage)
Nelson: September 18, 2015 Trail: September 19, 2015 Pre‐registration required & space is limited. Registration deadline: September 14, 2015 Register online: click “workshops” More Info: WKRAC 250‐352‐2421 toll free: 1‐800‐850‐2787
Castlegar News
Cuddle Party has come to the the Kootenays. Castlegar resident Erica Scott is training to be a Cuddle Party facilitator, and has two upcoming cuddle parties in the area. The first will be in Nelson at the Health Collective on September 26, and the second will be in Castlegar on October 17. A cuddle party is in some ways exactly what it sounds like. A group of people get together to cuddle each other. But before the cuddling comes the workshop and the laying out of ground rules. “It’s very important that everyone involved be part of the welcome circle,” says Scott. “So
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During and after the welcome circle participants still have the chance to decide whether or not Cuddle Party is for them. If it’s not, they can leave and get a full refund. Cuddle parties last for three and a half hours, and at the end everyone is invited to join a puppy pile. A lot of the media coverage around Cuddle Party emphasizes the benefits of human touch. Among other things, people who are deprived human touch don’t live as long. But Cuddle Party also
We are now donating $21 from each closed sale to a local charity.
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is if it’s something you wouldn’t do beside an eight year old, then don’t do it,” says Scott. The first rule is that pajamas—which participants are encouraged to wear—stay on. Pajamas should be cozy, not lacy or sexy. Another rule is that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. “If you decide that you don’t want to be a part of it at all, but you want to stay, you can sit and watch, you can write in your journal, you can read a book, [or] you can sketch,” says Scott.
Over $100,000 in recent upgrades. Tonnes of character.
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At the end of a Cuddle Party, participants are invited to join a puppy pile. Photo provided by Erica Scott
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what we do is, we open the doors half an hour before it starts, but when it starts we shut the doors and we lock them, so that no one new comes in without being part of the welcome circle.” The welcome circle gives participants a chance to get to know each other, and it’s where the facilitator—in this case, Scott—leads consent and communication exercises like “practicing saying no, practicing hearing no, practicing asking for what you want and how to do that, and verbal consent, what that looks like and what it doesn’t look like.” Scott will also go through the rules. Cuddle parties are non-sexual events, and many of the rules reinforce that idea. “The general idea
Chelsea Novak
Kelsey Ozeroff Dan Rywaczuk Shirley Kosiancic
Anji Jones
250-365-2111 |
Greg Gritchin Aszjeca Burden
Christine is selling this advertising spot Advertise your business to thousands with the Castlegar News. With a paper circulation of 6,731 you’ll get noticed. Contact Christine at 250-365-6397 or
provides an opportunity to learn about consent and communication in a safe space. “Some people come to Cuddle Party just to practice saying no, because they’ve never been able to do that before, or they struggle with it in their daily lives and they just want to practice,” says Scott. Participants are also encouraged to change their mind, and are taught ways to express that. “If you say yes to something, and five seconds later you decide it’s no, then you are encouraged to be authentic in that moment, and change your mind,” says Scott. “And we encourage people to take that experience out into the world.” Scott works as an electrician, but she’s been looking for something else. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to integrate how I feel inside with how I make a living and how I am in the world,” she says. Scott started her training at a workshop in Chicago, but to complete her certification she needs to host three review parties, each with a minimum of eight participants who will give feedback on her performance as a facilitator. She hopes that the parties in Nelson and Castlegar will have enough participants to count as her first two review parties. A11
Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015
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Franchise’s 30th Anniversary celebrations winner Joey’s Seafood Restaurant would like to congratulate Ruth Sommers who participated in our Franchise’s 30th Anniversary celebrations by entering the monthly giveaways and becoming our July winner of a $1,000 BBQ from Canadian Tire. Pictured left to right Ruth Sommers, Nick Ahlefeld (Canadian Tire) , Cherry Johnson, Ray Rowe ( Joey’s).
Browse the mobile app Take a photo of your Once you reach just $5, 1. Browse & Shop 2. Upload Receipt Get Cashyou Back! for your favourite brand’s andin submit it 3.the money save will Get Cash receipt Back 3 Easy Steps mobile app a photo ofapp your Once youCash reach just $5,your 1.Browse Browse & Shop 2.Take Upload Receipt 3. Get Back! offers, andthe purchase through the be transferred into for your favourite receipt and submit it the money you save them at any storebrand’s PayPal wallet Browse the mobile app Take a photo of your Once you reach justwill $5, offers, and through the app 1. Browse &purchase Shop Upload Receipt for your favourite brand’s 2. receipt and submit it
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Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More
Visit to Learn More
Gallery to host photo exhibits
On September 25 an opening reception will be held at the Kootenay Gallery of Art for two photographic exhibitions. The East Gallery will feature the work of photographers, Jo Brown and Tom Bradley, who live and work in Winlaw. They have formed a creative partnership in which they share a passion for their craft, a fascination with the effect of natural light on their subjects and an interest in the natural world. Brown invites the viewer to imagine themselves as part of the landscape and therefore part of the story told by the images. Bradley brings an historical perspective, a curiosity as to who may have walked on the narrow streets or passed along the country road many years before. Brown and Bradley have created a body of work independent of each other yet found that when exhibited together another dimension is added to the stories they tell. In the West Gallery is a very timely exhibition of photographs taken by front line forestry firefighters. After every fire season and especially toward the end of this devastating one, people feel a huge sense of gratitude to those who
Clay Mitchell, Front Line Forestry Firefighter, South East Fire Centre. serve on the fireline. Karlie Shaughnessy, Communications Officer for this Southeast Fire Centre works with the men and women who fight the fires in our local district and encourages them to capture their stories on camera. The results are incredible photographs that reflect the level of intensity they face in their efforts to control the often powerful and unpredictable fire events. Come to the opening of this exhibition, meet some of these men and women and get a glimpse into eye care professionals
their world. The opening reception for both these exhibitions will be held on Friday, September 25. The exhibitions will run from September 25 to November 7. The Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10-5 p.m. with admission by donation. The Gallery is located across from the Castlegar Regional Airport adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Center on Heritage Way. For more information visit www.
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PHARMASAVE C apsule C omments
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Disgraced cop must go Editor’s note: This column was written by Nelson Star (and former Castlegar News) editor Greg Nesteroff. It is about a Nelson police issue but we felt it was would be of interest to readers in Castlegar.
Cst. Drew Turner is a disgrace to the Nelson Police Department Greg and should be fired forthwith. Or he can do us all a favour and resign. Nesteroff It’s bad enough that he found it necessary to punch a woman twice — at least once in the face — but after his astonishing testimony at trial, the community can no longer trust him. And trust is a police officer’s greatest and most important asset. Turner would have us believe a handcuffed woman who weighs barely more than 100 pounds twice was about to attack him — he could “see it in her eyes” — and but for his actions, four male officers would have been at risk of bodily harm. He claimed a fellow officer who touched his shoulder to calm him down “was not there.” He explained that after knocking the woman unconscious, his comment “That will shut her up” was an attempt at gallows humour. (Guess you had to be there.) All preposterous. In convicting him of a single count of assault, Judge Richard Hewson rejected Turner’s testimony and accepted instead the word of three fellow officers, whom we applaud for their forthrightness. It could not have been easy for Sgt. Jarrett Slomba, Cst. Bill Andreashuk, and Det.-Cst. David Laing to testify against their colleague, but we’re grateful they did. Police officers have a hard, thankless job at the best of times. Sometimes force is necessary in making an arrest. But Turner’s actions and subsequent outrageous explanations are the sort of things that makes the public cynical about the profession. The judge has yet to mete out Turner’s punishment, but we believe he no longer has any business holding a badge in this city. Police officers are held to a higher standard of conduct than the general public and with good reason. No one’s perfect, but Turner’s behaviour falls dramatically short of what citizens expect of their police force. The other disturbing part of this case is that the police department kept it secret. They neither announced an investigation into the conduct of one of their own was underway, nor that a charge had been laid. The police board should adopt a
Kevin Ralloff Pharmacy Manager/ Co-owner
September is Arthritis Month Awareness in Canada. An estimated 4.6 million Canadians over the age of 15 report having the disease and by 2036, that number will increase to 7.5 million. It is not a disease that affects only the elderly. About 56% of arthritis sufferers are under 65. A new arthritis diagnosis is made every sixty seconds in Canada. For more information, go to Breastfeeding mothers should check with their doctor or pharmacist when taking new medications, over-the-counter or herbal products. Some products will appear in the breastmilk and could be harmful to the baby. Before you take it, talk about it.
1761 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, B.C.
Saturday September 12th 11:00 - 2:00 1332 Forest Road, Castlegar
Another area of research into the use of the chemicals in marijuana is in the treatment of the common behavioural symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients. These include anxiety, depression, sleep problems, agitation and aggression. Early double-blind studies didn’t show much improvement of these symptoms perhaps due to conservative dosing but future testing will use higher doses.
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Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar
Fall Yoga Classes Private Lessons Monday and Friday 8:30-12:30 Yoga for MS Monday and Friday 1:00-2:30 Studio Wednesday 10:00-11:00 Trail Stay Strong Yoga for Older Adults Tuesday and Thursday 8:45-10:15 Studio Yoga All Levels Tuesday and Thursday 10:30-11:00 Studio Beginners Yoga Tuesday 6:00-7:30 Library Intermediate & Advanced Tuesday 7:30-9:15 Library
It’s good to live in Canada. A report released recently in the U.S. said that a half million Americans had more than $50,000 in prescription drug costs and 139,000 had costs of more than $100,000. Much of these costs were related to cancer and Hepatitis C treatments. Take charge of your own health and your family’s health. Let our pharmacists be part of your healthcare team.
an officer is under investigation — and certainly if a criminal charge is laid. It’s not the first time an officer’s conduct has been in question and the public has not been told. The following cases involving members of the Nelson Police Department appear on the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner’s website, without any names: • On Feb. 23, 2008 an officer was investigated for discreditable conduct after failing to provide access to a lawyer for a man he arrested for being drunk in public. The officer was required to participate in a “specified program or activity” and given advice to avoid repeating the mistake. • In June 2010, an officer disclosed someone’s criminal record to a third party without lawful authority. The officer was verbally reprimanded. • On March 22, 2011, an officer was accused of neglect of duty after arresting a man for drug possession but failing to read him his rights. The officer was reprimanded verbally, told about the absolute necessity of informing someone of their Charter rights, and advised of the necessity of keeping notes. • On April 30, 2011, two officers used unnecessary force while booking a man into jail. This case was reviewed first by a sergeant from the Delta Police Department, who concluded the pair was guilty of excessive force and then by a retired judge who agreed. The suspect stole a bottle from the liquor store and was arrested soon after outside the youth centre. His takedown provoked the complaint, but it was what happened at the police station, recorded on a cell block video, that drew the greatest scrutiny. One constable grabbed the suspect’s head and neck from behind with both hands, forcing him to look forward. The other then grabbed the man’s head and slammed in onto the booking desk. The officers were both given verbal reprimands, ordered to review police manuals on arrest procedures and use of force, and complete courses in tactical communications and critical incident de-escalation. We aren’t suggesting these are anything more than isolated incidents — and compared to larger municipal departments, they are very few and far between — but until now the public hasn’t been aware of them. The Nelson Police Department and its board’s apparent hope that Turner’s case would be dealt with outside the public eye in place of open transparency shakes our faith in them — which is unfortunate, because Turner’s poor example notwithstanding, we still have a high regard for the men and women who protect this community.
The Children’s Class Wednesday 3:15-4:30 Studio
$369,000 Connor McCarthy 250-304-4781 cell 250-365-2166 office 1-877-365-2169 toll free
NEW The Men’s Class All Levels Thursday 4:30-6:00 Library Intermediate and Advanced Thursday 6:00-7:45 Library Both Studios are fully equipped. Yoga is a method of self discovery.
Janice Ferraro. 250 365-5428 815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC A13
Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015
Mark your Calendar Castlegar & District Community Services Society Annual General Meeting Sept. 23th at 4:30 pm - 1007 2nd St., Castlegar, BC. Refreshments at 4:30pm Speaker at 5pm Guest Speaker: Kelvin Saldern Community Liaison, Southwest Basin Come and meet Board members and staff Learn more about us.
Participants from last year’s Silver Fox Run walked a route through downtown Castlegar.
Castle Wood hosting Silver Fox Run Betsy Kline Castlegar News
Castle Wood Village will be hosting a Silver Fox Run on Thursday, September 17. The event is a version of the Terry Fox Run geared for seniors. This is the second year Castle Wood has hosted a Silver Fox event and last year over $4,000 was raised for cancer research. There will be a short walk/run that goes around the Castle Wood property and a longer one that circles downtown and takes about one hour to complete. The Castlegar Rebels will be on hand to serve water, refreshments and encouragement along the route.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Special Resolutions to be adopted at AGM
The public is encouraged to participate. Registration can be done in advance through Castle Wood Village or on the day of the race. There is no fee for registration, but all funds donated go directly to the Terry Fox Foundation. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the run starts at 10:30 a.m., followed by a by-donation BBQ lunch, silent auction, bake and craft sale, and a dance with live music. Golden Life, the company that owns Castle Wood, will be busing residents from their other properties in Fruitvale, Trail, Nelson and Grand Forks to the event. Organizers are expecting around 500 people at the event.
1. Affordable Housing Purpose (Low and Moderate Income Households). To acquire land or buildings by purchase, gift, transfer, lease or otherwise and to maintain and operate such lanads or buildings on a non-profit basis for the purpose of providing transitional housing for women and their dependent children and /or affordable housing for low and moderate income households. 2. Unalterable non-remuneration to directors’ provision. Directors shall serve without remuneration and directors shall not receive directly or indirectly, any profits from their positions as directors but may be paid reasonable expenses they incur in the performance of their duties. This provision is unalterable.
Power tools, household items, ect. If raining posponed untill Sept. 19.
#75 Wispering Pines. M.H.P Genelle
Knight Rd
Pass Creek Fairgrounds rs Wate
Broadw ater Rd
ew Rd
Lower C hina
Cres Smit h
r Rd
ate adw
Creek Rd
cen t
Homegoods Rd
China Creek Rd
Broadwater Rd
Horcoff st
Vine St
nA ve
Vine Rd
Moving sale:
Quances St
September 12 9am - 3pm
Multi family garage sale, misc items. Lots of stuff!!
Columbia Heights
Pas s Cr eek
Moving sale:
1094 Wanjoff RD Robson Mountain St
1558 Pass Creek Road
Multi family garage sale, kids stuff, high chair, play pen, records & lots more.
September 12 8am - 1pm
Moving sale:
Pass Creek Rd
Maps are aprox.
September 11 &12 8am - 4pm
Marshall Rd
Fri &Sat
Relkoff Rd
(May September) Call or come into the Castlegar News office 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar
Hazelwood st
Advertise your Garage Sale for
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Forum for federal candidates Federal election candidates will have an opportunity to focus on issues of peace, security and climate change in a pair of all-candidates forums slated for Sept. 16 and 17.
Courses starting in Castlegar
Come visit us at: Sears Appliance Store 1502 Columbia Ave.• Castlegar (250) 365 - 3331 HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday – Saturday : 9am to 5pm Sunday: 11am to 4pm
Add Map pic here!
Beekeeping for Beginners: Preparing for Winter
Sept 13
Prenatal Series
Sept 16
Federal Election 2016: Climate Change, Peace & Human Security
Sept 17
Chainsaw Basics Level 1 (Enform)
Sept 18
Fitness Theory
Sept 19
Occupational First Aid level 1
Sept 20
Grant Writing
Sept 22
Excel 2013: Core Skills
Sept 24
Facebook for Business
Sept 26
Prezi for Business
Sept 26
CPR for Heath Care Providers
Sept 26
Canadian Firearms Safety
Sept 26
Mir Lecture: Ntahuba Parfaite
Sept 26
Occupational First Aid: Transportation Endorsement
Sept 27
Integrated Worksite Health and Safety: Mod 1
Sept 28
Simply Accounting
Sept 29
SALES • RENTALS • DELIVERY 10’ 20’ 40’ 48’ Units Available 1875 Robson Access Rd. (Brilliant) Castlegar, BC
Ph: 250.365.3014
The three important and often intertwined topics are of increasing relevance to Canadians in the twenty-first century. Co-hosted by Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace and the Nelson-West Kootenay chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL), the forums will take place in Nelson and Castlegar. “A national opinion poll recently stated that Canadians feel less secure now than they did several years ago,” says Randy Janzen, chair of the Mir Centre for Peace. “We are asking the candidates to reflect honestly on how foreign policies can foster global peace and security, or conversely even exacerbate peace. We are also asking the candidates to listen to what the constituents are saying about peace and security.”
continued on page 15
Juans Flooring Hardwood Floors Wholesale 100% Canadian - Maple & R Oak 2 1/4 x 3/4 pref Bistro $4.39/SF North Plank 3 1/4 x 3/4 $5.39/SF Import Eng H/S (Smooth) from $3.99/SF Cork click or glue down from $2.49/SF Bamboo - Slate
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Evenings by appointment.
Walk-Ins Monday 9:30am - 2pm | Tues - Sat 9:30am - 5pm Welcome! 2327 6th Ave. | 250-304-6933
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19TH, 2015
Climate change is the defining issue of this century. Experts predict that if we don’t drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we are heading to some very dark places in the coming decades. Severe warming is expected to result in massive disruptions in world food supplies, cause lasting droughts and extreme weather events, and collapse our socio-economic systems. We can expect unprecedented numbers of climate refugees as the situation worsens. “One of the goals for this forum is to have a candid dialogue about this complex issue,� says Laura Sacks, one of the organizers and head of the local CCL chapter. “The biggest obstacle to solving this problem is political will. How can we tackle this complex issue, which requires a long-term commitment in an era of sound bites and short-term political thinking?� The forums are expected to have a respectful tone and will be moderated by United Church
ministers David Boyd in Nelson and Greg Powell in Castlegar. Public interaction and discussion of key issues will be encouraged. Invitations were sent to candidates from the four main political parties back in June. Christina Yahn, the Libertarian party candidate, has also been invited to the Nelson forum. David Wilks, Conservative candidate and current MP for Kootenay-Columbia has declined the invitation. The Castlegar forum is at the Sandman Hotel (1944 Columbia Avenue) on Thursday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. for the South Okanagan-West Kootenay riding.
continued from page 14
Federal forums to take place in Castlegar and Nelson
Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015
will host Food/Beverage providers
$30 / TICKET
Ticket includes: Entertainment, food/beverage sampling & complimentary glass Safe ride home MTI
Watch for more vendors!
Treat someone you love with 1 dozen roses delivered right to their door!
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Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
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Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
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Household Services
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Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Pacific Insight Electronics (PI) is a world-class designer, manufacturer and supplier of electronic solutions for the automotive, specialty and commercial vehicle sectors. PI is currently recruiting for the following positions at our Nelson, BC operation: • Production Associate – 4x4x12 SMT Shift – Quote Reference #1508SMT
The Production Associate SMT Shift position is responsible for the quality assembly of electronic products that Pacific Insight sells to its customers. This position specifically must be available to work a 4 on, 4 off shift rotation with 12 hour shifts rotating between days and evenings. The primary function of this position will include training on Surface Mount Technology (SMT) machinery processes and AOI machinery processes. • General Production Associate – Quote Reference #1508GP
The General Production Associate position is responsible for the quality assembly of electronic products that Pacific Insight sells to its customers. The primary function of this position will include learning a variety of basic production processes preparing final products for shipment. Detailed job postings along with the required skills and abilities are listed on PI’s website.
Send resumes to or fax 250-365-3390
Please visit our website for details on how to apply:
Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
Busy office is looking for a self motivated, team player with proficiency in Microsoft Office. Experience in accounts payable an asset.
Certified Coating Specialists Inc. 1840 Co-op Lane
Resumes can be emailed directly to:
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB Wanted:Will pay cash for construction equipment, backhoes, excavators, dozers, farm tractors w/loaders, skid steers, wheel loaders, screeners, low beds, any condition running or not. 250-260-0217.
Classifieds Get Results!
CAREER OPPORTUNITY Independent Respiratory Services (IRS), the leader in providing sleep apnea and home oxygen therapy solutions across British Columbia, is accepting applications for the position of:
Information Technology Lead Castlegar, BC
The IT Lead ensures that infrastructure, hardware and software supports current and future business operations, including IT strategic planning and policy development. We are seeking a dynamic and innovative IT professional with progressive experience in developing, implementing and maintaining IT infrastructure, hardware and software. An ITfocused diploma or degree is preferred, along with effective communication, planning, and training skills. If you are interested in an exciting career with our great team, please submit a cover letter and resume at or by e-mail to by Wednesday, September 23rd. Further details on this opportunity are available at our careers webpage.
Help Wanted
Now seeking a Catalogue Agent tŽƵůĚ LJŽƵ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ͙ ĂƌŶ ĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂů ŝŶĐŽŵĞ͍ /ŶĐƌĞĂƐĞ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ƚƌĂĨĨŝĐ͍ &ƵůůLJ ƵƚŝůŝnjĞ LJŽƵƌ ĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞ͛Ɛ ƚŝŵĞ Θ ƐŬŝůůƐ͍ dƵƌŶ ^ĞĂƌƐ͛ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ ŝŶƚŽ zKhZ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ͍
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Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Misc. for Sale
Houses For Sale
Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 HUGE AVON SALE! Sept. 18,19 & 20. 9 am - 5 pm. Everything 50% - 70% OFF. 7559 16th St. 250-442-2321
Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service
DON’T OVERPAY! “Your smart housing solution” Canada’s largest provider of manufactured housing. Text or call (844-3342960). In stock 16’/20’/22’ Homes on sale now! A17
Fight Back.
The link to your community
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
Classifieds Get Results!
Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $825/mth + utilities,250-365-5070 leave msg
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
Dream Catcher
AUTO Financing
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Referral Notice - Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd. 2016-2021 Forest Stewardship Plan for Forest Licenses A20194 - Arrow TSA and A30172 - Kootenay Lake TSA. Please be advised that Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd. is advertising a Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) to cover the entire area of Arrow and Kootenay Lake Timber Supply Areas, while excluding all actively managed area-based tenures including Woodlots, Community Forests and Tree Farm Licences. The Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) is a landscape level plan, which is focused on establishing objectives, strategies, and results for conserving and protecting timber and non-timber resource values within crown lands slated for future forest management activities. The FSP is the primary referral process for notifying the public, First Nations, and government agencies as to the location of Forest Development Units (FDU's) and the strategies and results that will apply to the respective FDU's. The objective of this notice is to provide resource users with an opportunity to identify areas of concern within FDU's to ensure that concerns are addressed prior to development of an area of crown land allocated for the company's forest development activities. Comments specific to the FDU's will be recorded and kept on record to ensure that comments are considered at the development stage. The FSP is available for public review at Kalesnikoff’s office in Thrums (2090 Highway 3A) during regular business hours 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Alternatively, the FSP can be viewed on the company website with a corresponding email for the public to provide written comments on the plan. For concerns to be reflected in the final submission of the FSP, Kalesnikoff encourages all potentially affected stakeholders to submit their comments by email to tylerh@ or in writing, attention of the undersigned by October 15, 2015. Tyler Hodgkinson Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd. Box 3000 Thrums, BC V1N 3L8
CLUES ACROSS 1. Recesses 6. Slanderous defamation 12. Fruit phrase: Life is just .... 16. Undergraduate degree 17. A way of damaging 18. Indicates position 19. Equally 20. Manuscript (abbr.) 21. ___ Lanka 22. Thus 23. 4th tone of scale 24. Town or commune in France 26. Sharp inclination 28. Watering holes 30. 1st state (abbr.) 31. Cattle genus 32. Type of American Indian 34. Before 35. Hairless 37. Hosts film festival 39. African tribe 40. Loud crowd noise 41. Quarter 43. Swiss capital 44. Sandhurst (abbr.) 45. Golfer Snead 47. Bachelor’s of Applied Science 48. A radio band 50. Assist in some wrongdoing 52. SW German state ___: Württemberg 54. Rosary component 56. Expresses surprise 57. Hot Springs state (abbr.) 59. Soak flax 60. Atomic #73 61. Exist 62. Megabyte 63. Energy in the form of waves or particles 66. Farm state (abbr.) 67. WWII flyer’s phrase: On ........ 70. Store fodder for preservation
71. Lubed CLUES DOWN 1. Lowered in prestige 2. Turin river 3. Moves through water 4. Disappearing shade trees 5. Standard operating procedure 6. A shrill cry 7. Japanese apricot 8. Emergency Response Notification System (abbr.) 9. Sparta’s ancient rival city 10. The Ocean State 11. Jack-tar 12. Sleeveless Arab garments 13. Abstains from food 14. Waxed finish 15. Conditions of balance 25. Cloud of interstellar dust 26. Turf 27. Political action committee 29. Repentant act 31. B.B. King sang them 33. Salesman’s items 36. Every 38. Neither 39. African nation 41. Hindu’s creator god 42. The bill in a restaurant 43. Edict 46. Maritime 47. Small bright tropical fish 49. Cockered 51. Mountain lakes 53. No longer alive 54. Unoriginal 55. Costly 58. Finger millet 60. Aaron Spelling’s child 64. Dekaliter 65. Initial public offering 68. Not out 69. Thou
Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
service above self Castlegar Rotary exchange students This week, the two Castlegar Rotary Clubs welcomed this year’s Exchange students. The Evening Club is hosting two students — Andrea Alvarado from Ecuador, and Jan Weber from Switzerland, and the Sunrise Club is hosting one student — Kaoru Ono from Japan. Rotary Student Exchange is a Rotary sponsored program for high school aged students who are interested in living and studying abroad for one year. Its goal is to promote the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace at the person-to-person level. Over the past 30 years, over 100 students have come to Castlegar, and about the same number have gone abroad. As well as hosting these three “inbounds,” the Clubs have two “outbounds” – Jeffrey Ashton has gone to France and Annie LePage to Germany for the year. While in Castlegar, Andrea, Jan, and Kaoru will each stay with three differ-
ent host families. These host families are essential to the program, and both Clubs want to thank them for taking on the responsibility of having these students become part of their families for three months. As well as attending school, skiing at Red Mountain, and going on outings with their host families, the exchange students will go on a number of different trips with all of the other exchange students in Rotary District 5080 (South Eastern BC, eastern Washington, and part of Idaho). The students will be taking part in an orientation camp in Idaho this fall, a ski weekend in Chewelah in February, and a District Tour in the spring. If you have a son or daughter who would like to go on a Rotary exchange, contact Stacie Martini, the Rotary Youth Exchange officer at 250-3651953. By Wayne Groutage
Jan Weber from Switzerland with his first host parents, Dean and Jennifer Priore.
Kaoru Ono from Japan exchanging club banners with host club president Gregg Ziegler Photo by Mike Balahura
Andrea Alvarado (right) is welcomed by Cameran Millar (left). Cameran and her parents are Andrea’s first hosts and will help her adjust to life in Castlegar.
Thanksgiving Roses—tickets now available Once again, the Castlegar Rotary Club is busy selling tickets for the Thanksgiving Roses fundraiser. For only $25, a dozen beautiful roses will be delivered by a Rotarian to your special someone at your home or business on Tuesday, Oct. 6. All of the money goes back into the community and helps to fund a number of local projects. To place an order, please contact your local evening club Rotarian or Kim Morris at 250-354-8004. Deadline for tickets is Sept. 29.
Castlegar Sunrise Rotary Club meets Thursdays at 6:45 a.m. Selkirk College, 301 Frank Beinder Way, Faculty Lounge Castlegar, BC
Left: The purple shirted Interactors on their way to the work site. Right: The Interact Club members are pictured at the cancha with the sign naming the completed park. Photos by Geoff Yule
Interact Students in Ecuador
Twelve members of the SHSS Interact Club (a Rotary sponsored Service Club for high school students), along with their four adult chaperones have reported in from Ecuador that their service project has been a huge success and a wonderful experience. The members of the club have been fundraising for two years to be able to travel to Ecuador to build a cancha — a multi-purpose playground in the small town of Malchingui, north of Quito. While in Malchingui, the students and adults have stayed at the homes of locals, giving all of them an opportunity to better experience what life is like in that country. The project was coordinated by Rotarians in Ecuador, but our Interact Club members provided most of the labour. The completed park was named “Castlegar Park” in honour of the students who built it. The trip has been more than just the completion of the project for the 12 students and the four adults. The hospitality of their hosts has been overwhelming, and the opportunity to live with the locals and see some of the local sights has been an added bonus. One of the club members reported, “There is always so much food at meals and the people here are so willing to share all that they have, even when they have very little.” Another notes, “Some friends of my host family stopped by to visit where we struggled to make conversation but we have gotten better at charades since we got here.” Stan Hadikin, one of the adults on the trip, said, “I have to laugh when the boys are complaining that the host families are feeding them too much!” The building work was quite strenuous, with heat, wind, and dust making it uncomfortable. Hadikin also
remarked, “We are all feeling the effects of the elevation as we are at 9000 feet and the oxygen is a little thin. This makes the work seem quite a lot harder than it would in Castlegar, but the group managed well. The climate is very dry and we are all feeling the need to drink a lot of water to keep hydrated and energetic.” As well as building the playground, the students painted a seniors’ centre. It wasn’t all work – one of the Interactors reported that they went on a tour to a park and, “we made our way up to the top of a little hill where we found that we were on the equator with one foot in the southern hemisphere and one in the northern hemisphere!” The locals held a ceremony to celebrate the completion of the playground. Lorraine Hartson reports, “We were paired with a child from the community and together we planted a tree and placed our names in front of the tree. Each student will be responsible for watering their tree for the coming years. The wind and the dust did not disappoint and was in full force while we were doing our photo ops. We were pleased and honoured when we were shown a large sign stating the park was now named “Castlegar Park”. When we could no longer stand the wind we headed to the community centre for speeches. The message that was loud and clear was how the community was so impressed with these young people building a cancha in 10 days, a feat they did not think was possible. It was also mentioned how much our hosts enjoyed having us in their homes and there will be many wet tears tomorrow morning as we leave town.” By Wayne Groutage
Castlegar Rotary Club meets Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Community Complex, 2101-6th Avenue Castlegar, BC A19
Castlegar News Thursday, September 10, 2015
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Household Hazardous Waste Round-Up Events September 12
Castlegar Community Center
Residential Household Hazardous Waste Only
No Explosives, Ammunition, Flares, Radioactive Materials, or Bio-Hazardous Waste. No Commercial or Industrial Wastes will be accepted.
Visit or call 1-800-268-7325
The Castlegar Rebels lost their first exhibition game of the season to the Beaver Valley Nitehawks, 5-2. Photo by Chelsea Novak
Rebels off to rough start Chelsea Novak Castlegar News
The Castlegar Rebels lost its first exhibition game of the season against the Beaver Valley Nitehawks at the Castlegar Complex on Wednesday, September 2. The Rebels got off to an energetic start, but were quickly overtaken by the aggressive forecheck of the Nitehawks. By the end of the first period, the Nitehawks were up by three goals, thanks in part to a breakaway by forward Blake Sidoni. Things were a little more evenly matched in the second period. Tayden Woods got the Rebels on the scoreboard with a goal 13 minutes in. Unfortunately, the Nitehawks had also scored another goal earlier in the period, so they maintained their three-goal lead.
The Nitehawks scored its fifth and last goal six minutes into the third period, and shortly after Woods managed a second and final goal for the Rebels. A fight broke out in the middle of the period, ending with gloves and sticks all over the ice, and a brief lull in the action while officials tried to sort out penalties. The game ended without anyone else scoring. Despite the Nitehawks getting off to an early three-goal lead, the Rebels managed to keep things fairly even in the second and the third. But they weren’t so fortunate when they played a second exhibition game against the Nitehawks in Fruitvale on Friday, when they lost 1-13. The Rebels will play their first regular season game against the Fernie Ghostriders on Friday, September 11 at the Castlegar Complex.
Feels Good
Sept 11th - Roots Roundup - Kootenay Coop Radio Birthday Celebration Sept 12th - Five Alarm Funk w Gabriel Palatchi Band Sept 16th - The Dears w Vogue Dot - On Sale soon! Sept 18th - Coleman Hell w DCF & guest Sept 19th - Sage Francis w Apathy & Celph Titled Sept 20th - Hayden & Chad Van Gaalen w Samantha Savage Smith Sept 24th - Sticky Fingers Sept 25th - Ron Sexsmith Oct 3rd - All You Can Swallow Funk - Subspace + Lint
Oct 6th - D.O.A w guests - On Sale Soon!
Notice of Tax Sale
Folio Property Address Legal Description Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Community Charter and the Local Government
Act, the City of Castlegar will be conducting the Annual Tax Sale of lands for delinquent taxes 00030.000 416 9th Avenue Lot 13 & 14, Block 17, Plan NEP650, District Lot 181, PID at 445 13th Avenue, Suite 101, Castlegar, British Columbia commencing at 10:00am on Monday 016-159-250, 016-159-276 September 28, 2015. The following is a list of properties within the District City of Lot Castlegar subject to tax th 00184.00 113 6 Avenue Lot 5, Block 36, Plan NEP650, 181, PID 016-240-979 Folio Property Address Legal Description sale as at September 4, 2015. 00218.000 00030.000 Folio 00309.170 00184.00 00030.000 00332.000 00218.000 00184.00 00589.065
319 4th Avenue 416 9th Avenue Property Address th 7-625 11 Avenue 113 69ththAvenue 416 761 10 Avenue 319 4thth Avenue 113 AvenueStreet 605 6Tamarack
Lot 9 & 10, Block 42, Plan NEP650, District Lot 181, PID Lot 13 & 14, & Block 17, Plan NEP650, District Lot 181, PID Legal Description 011-523-221 011-523-280 016-159-250, 016-159-276 Lot 7, Plan EPS893, District Lot 181, PID 028-882-598 5, Block Plan17, NEP650, DistrictDistrict Lot 181, PID 016-240-979 Lot 13 & 14, 36, Block Plan NEP650, Lot 181, PID Lot A, Plan NEP5570, District Lot 181, PID 014-486-067 016-159-250, 016-159-276 Lot 9 & 10, Block 42, Plan NEP650, District Lot 181, PID Lot 5, 36, Plan NEP650, Lot 181, PID 016-240-979 C, Block Plan NEP2882, DL 4598,District PID 015-086-984 011-523-221 & 011-523-280 th th 00309.170 7-625 11 Avenue 7,& Plan EPS893, Lot PID 028-882-598 00218.000 Avenue 9 10,NEP1984, Block 42,District Plan NEP650, District Lot 181, PID 00622.000 319 186 4 Columbia Avenue Lot 3, Plan District Lot181, 4598, PID 015-604-063 011-523-221 & 011-523-280 th 00332.000 Lot A, Plan NEP5570, District Lot 181, 014-486-067 01023.000 761 280410 5 Avenue 8, Block 3, Plan 2293, DL 4598, PIDPID 015-326-471 00309.170 7-625 11th Avenue Lot 7, Plan EPS893, District Lot 181, PID 028-882-598 00589.065 C, Plan EEP5441, NEP2882, District DL 4598, 015-086-984 01375.250 605 2154Tamarack CrestviewStreet Crescent Lot A, LotPID 7173, PID 028-134-818 00332.000 761 10th Avenue Lot A, Plan NEP5570, District Lot 181, PID 014-486-067 00622.000 Lot 3, Lot PID 4598, PID 015-604-063 01459.200 186 2200Columbia ColumbiaAvenue Ave. B, Plan Plan NEP1984, NEP20639,District DL 7174, 018-340-059 00589.065 605 Tamarack Street Lot C, Plan NEP2882, DL 4598, PID 015-086-984 th 01023.000 Lot 8, 3, Plan 2293, DL 4598, 015-326-471 001543.000 2804 2309 5 10thAvenue Avenue 5, Block Plan NEP2261, DL 7174, PID PID 012-380-385 00622.000 186 Columbia Avenue Lot 3, Plan NEP1984, District Lot 4598, PID 015-604-063 th Street Crescent 01375.250 Crestview Lot A, Plan NEP16224, EEP5441, District LotPID 7173, PID 028-134-818 01689.010 2154 909 27 1, Plan DL 7171, 009-027-432 01023.000 2804 5th Avenue Lot 8, Block 3, Plan 2293, DL 4598, PID 015-326-471 01459.200 Ave. Lot B, Plan 15101, NEP20639, DL 7174, PID 018-340-059 01696.010 2200 2609 Columbia 10th Avenue 1, Plan DL 7175, PID 009-692-746 01375.250 2154 Crestview Crescent Lot A, Plan EEP5441, District Lot 7173, PID 028-134-818 001543.000 Avenue Lot A, 5, Plan 01705.010 2309 2520 10 9ththAvenue Plan NEP2261, NEP 8538,DL DL7174, 7175,PID PID012-380-385 013-318-357 01459.200 2200 Columbia Ave. Lot B, Plan NEP20639, DL 7174, PID 018-340-059 th Street 01689.010 Lot 1, NEP16224, DL 7171, PID24672, 009-027-432 01810.501 909 449027 Blueberry Road 2, Plan Manufactured Home Reg. No. DL 12354, PID 001543.000 2309 10th Avenue Lot 5, Plan NEP2261, DL 7174, PID 012-380-385 015-451-895 01696.010 2609 10thth Avenue Lot 1, Plan 15101, DL 7175, PID 009-692-746 01689.010 Lot 1, Plan NEP16224, 01821.010 909 420827 16thStreet Avenue NEP87449, DL 7171, 12355,PID PID009-027-432 027-638-499 01705.010 2520 9ththAvenue Lot A, Plan NEP 8538, DL 7175, PID 013-318-357 01696.010 10 Avenue Lot 1, DL 7175, PID 009-692-746 01821.040 2609 4112 16 4, Plan 15101, NEP87449, DL 12355, PID 027-638-529 01810.501 4490 Blueberry Road Lot 2, Manufactured Home Reg. No. 24672, DL 12354, PID th 01705.010 Lot A, 8538, DL PID 013-318-357 01821.110 2520 4000 9 16thAvenue Avenue 11,Plan PlanNEP NEP87449, DL7175, 12357, PID 027-638-596 015-451-895 th 01821.010 4208 16 Avenue 1, Manufactured Plan DL PID 027-638-499 01810.501 Road 2, Home Reg. No. 24672, DL 12354, PID 01821.120 4490 3918 Blueberry Lot 12, PlanNEP87449, NEP87449, DL12355, 12357, PID 027-638-600 015-451-895 th 01821.040 AvenueDrive Lot 4, 01821.150 4112 3901 16 Grandview 15,Plan PlanNEP87449, NEP87449,DL DL12355, 12357,PID PID027-638-529 027-638-634 01821.010 4208 16th Avenue Lot 1, Plan NEP87449, DL 12355, PID 027-638-499 th Avenue 01821.110 Lot 11, 01821.160 4000 3905 16 Grandview Drive 16, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-596 027-638-642 01821.040 4112 16th Avenue Lot 4, Plan NEP87449, DL 12355, PID 027-638-529 01821.120 Lot 12, 01821.170 3918 3901 16th Avenue 17, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-600 027-638-651 01821.110 4000 16th Avenue Lot 11, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-596 th 01821.150 3901 Grandview Drive Lot 15, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-634 01821.180 3905 16th Avenue 18, 027-638-669 01821.120 3918 16 Avenue Lot 12, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-600 01821.160 3905 Grandview Drive Lot 16, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-642 01821.420 1536 Rosewood Lane 42, 12355, 027-638-901 01821.150 3901 Grandview Drive Lot 15, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-634 th 01821.170 AvenueDrive Lot 17, 01821.430 3901 1537 16 Grandview 43, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, 12355, PID 027-638-651 027-638-910 01821.160 3905 Grandview Drive Lot 16, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-642 th 01821.180 AvenueDrive Lot 18, 01821.550 3905 3913 16 Grandview 55, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-669 027-639-037 01821.170 3901 16th Avenue Lot 17, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-651 01821.420 Lot 42, 01821.560 1536 3909 Rosewood GrandviewLane Drive 56, Plan NEP87449, DL 12355, 12357, PID 027-638-901 027-639-045 01821.180 3905 16th Avenue Lot 18, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-638-669 rd 01821.430 Grandview Lot 43, DL4598, 12355, PID 027-638-910 04126.000 1537 316 103 Street Drive 12, Plan NEP87449, NEP4319, DL PID 005-205-701 01821.420 1536 Rosewood Lane Lot 42, Plan NEP87449, DL 12355, PID 027-638-901 01821.550 3913 Grandview Drive Lot 55, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-639-037 01821.430information 1537 Grandview Drive to the LotAnnual 43, PlanTax NEP87449, 027-638-910 Additional pertaining Sale canDL be12355, found PID at the following web site: 01821.560 3909 Grandview Drive Lot 56, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-639-045 01821.550 3913 Grandview Drive Lot 55, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-639-037 rd Street The city does 316 not 103 provide information specific to properties information. 04126.000 Lot 12, Plan NEP4319, or DLother 4598,tax PIDsale 005-205-701 01821.560 3909 Grandview Drive Lot 56, Plan NEP87449, DL 12357, PID 027-639-045
To make arrangements to pay delinquent property taxes please contact: 04126.000
316 103rd Street
Chief Financial Officer Email: (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810
Lot 12, Plan NEP4319, DL 4598, PID 005-205-701
Silver Fox Run
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Proud Supporter of Silver Fox’s Full service pharmacy offering medication consultations, flu and travel vaccines, mobility aids, compression stockings, braces and supports and natural health supplements.
r Fox Silve n Ru orter Supp
Visit Proud sponsor of the Silver Fox run!
1602 Columbia Ave., Castlegar
Downtown Castlegar 1128 3rd Street
Join Castle Wood Village in working together to outrun cancer. • Live Music • BBQ Lunch by Donation • Meet & Greet with Castlegar Rebels • Silent Auction
• Bake/Craft Sale
Castle Wood Village, 525 Columbia Ave, Castlegar NO MINIMUM PLEDGE | NO ENTRY FEE | EVERYONE CAN PARTICIPATE
9AM Registration, Run Begins At 10:30, Lunch at 12
Short (15 min) and Long Route (1 hour)
Proudly Supported By: