Lake Country Calendar, September 16, 2015

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Calendar to e! e d ut nsi l Sa rs i l ua hte n g Anrefi Fi

Lake Country


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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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September 16, 2015


Lake Country Firefighters are featured in this edition of the Calendar. Meet your firefighters starting on page ...........................

‘Dire’ need for new fire hall



Open Air concert founder will hand off organizing duties to a new district cultural coordinator ...............................


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Lake Country volunteer firefighter Peter Whitfield says there are a lot of good memories in the old Winfield Fire Hall. He should know. In the late 1970s Whitfield’s father was among the volunteer firefighters who built the last major addition on the aging building, adding to the original two-bay Winfield Fire Hall, built in 1959. “There’s a lot of history in this building,” said Whitfield, a member of the Lake Country Fire Department for 15 years. “I’ve been here for so long and I know so many firefighters who have retired and helped to build this. It’s been a great hall. And it will be sad to see it go. But it’s slowly falling apart. There comes a time when you need a safer and better place. It has served it’s purpose.” The Winfield Fire Hall is the nerve centre and main firehall of the

Today at the Winfield Fire Department, modern firefighting vehicles are kept under temporary shell covers just big enough. three in Lake Country. The halls work together with the Winfield location housing the administration in a separate building and operating the two satellite halls in Oyama and Carr’s Landing. It began as an operation that fielded just nine calls in its first year. But now the Winfield Fire Hall has turned into a high tech operation that had 451 calls in the first six months of 2015 alone and can have as many as 1,000 in an average year. Most of the district’s equipment is also housed at the Winfield location but some of it has to be left outside due to space. Last winter the district’s water tender had to be kept outside but it suffered some weather damage prompting


AN ADDITION to the original Winfield Fire Hall was built in 1977. the LCFD to purchase a large tent to park the tender under, to shield it from the winter elements. It’s these kind of

Band-Aid solutions that have kept the hall going over the years. But as the call volume rises, as there is more residential growth and more tourists


on area roads and lakes, it’s becoming more and more evident the LCFD needs a new building. “A firehall in the Winfield area is dire at

this point,” LCFD fire chief Steve Windsor told Lake Country council at its meeting on Sept.1 “We’re at a point where we will be bringing forward a recommendation on how to move the firehall project ahead in the 2016 budget to get some design work to move it ahead.” It’s not the first time the district will try to move forward with a new firehall project. In 2008 Lake Country held a referendum asking residents to approve the borrowing of $4 million for a new fire hall. Held in conjunction with a municipal election, the fire hall was turned down by a vote of 675 to 625. However voter turnout was just 19 per cent as SEE FIRE HALL 3


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Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



A cultural development coordinator will have a lot of responsibilities C

The District of Lake Country is hiring. Lake Country coun-

cil recently approved the addition of a cultural development coordinator

position in the district. The new position will be responsible for the co-

ordination of the community theatre, open air performances, pub-

lic art supervision, cultural and heritage events, and working with vari-


K ous community organ“We really appreizations. ciate the success that In a release, the disCreekside Theatre mantrict stated that the time ager Horst Jassmann has c is right to hire somemade of the venue in co- R one with the contracted ordinating performances c Creekside Theatre manand events at our local ager, Horst Jassmann, re- community theatre durtiring at ing his 16- s the end of year tenure,” c the year said Baker. C w and with a “Lake In the 2015 comR burgeonCountry was munity survey, ing music a forerun- a 75 per cent of re- ner in com- r scene inspondents felt cluding munity space o r concerts sharing,” Lake Country d held by Baker said, should consider d the Lake “and effiorganizing desCountry ciently using g tination events in available re- L Open Air sources when Performthe community. ance Sowe made the 2 ciety, which arrangement b will become a municipal to collaborate with the r function. school district on that i e In the recent 2015 shared-used facility.” community survey, 75 The new position will a per cent of respondents be the first point of con- C felt Lake Country tact for arts and culture t should consider organorganizations in Lake izing destination events Country and will work l in the community and cooperatively with the g Mayor James Baker said recreation and custom- b it has become evident er services supervisor on R that a cultural developthe integration of arts “ ment coordinator posand culture programs ition would be a valuable and events in the comone in Lake Country. munity.



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Calendar Lake Countr y

DLR 6371

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A3




Cops for Kids to come through Lake Country Sunday Open Air founder built it and the people came


Lake Country RCMP constable Brandwyn Rigby won’t call herself a cyclist. Not yet anyway. For that declaration she will wait until the conclusion of the 2015 Cops for Kids ride that will see a team of 30 RCMP members as well as community members, ride 1,000 kilometres over 10 days in a fundraiser that began last Friday and concludes Sunday Sept. 20, when the group will ride through Lake Country. It’s the first time the 20-year RCMP member and Lake Country resident has taken part in the unique fundraiser and the first time in a couple of years a Lake Country member has taken part. “I’ve watched colleagues over the years go on the ride and come back invigorated,” said Rigby before the ride. “It’s something I have

been interested in doing and now that I am working with kids as the school resource officer, I thought this works well.” Admittedly a nonbike rider, Rigby joked that she once fell off a stationery bike. But equipped with the new road bike she purchased to take part in the fundraiser, she has taken the opportunity to challenge herself and help raise money for charity. “I didn’t own a road bike prior to volunteering for this so even the process of being fit for a bike had me a little bit anxious,” she said. “But I really like to volunteer and I like to do things for the community. This is something I can do and it’s really nice to see things in a positive light. Usually we are responding to people’s needs but this is something I can do that really can help bring the community together.” Since beginning to raise funds for the ride,


LAKE COUNTRY RCMP member Brandwyn

Rigby is in the midst of a 10 day, 1,000 km Cops for Kids road ride. The group will be passing through Lake Country this Sunday. Rigby said she has received great support from the community, from people donating to

the cause to people wishing her well on her pursuit. “I think this can bring

the community together,” she said. “People are responding to me and saying ‘go for it’ or ‘thanks for doing this,’” she said. “It gives me encouragement and shows this is a great community where we live.” Rigby admitted the lead-up to the event is looming large in her mind. “There is a fine line between excitement and stress,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to it. The way I see it is I’m going to pay attention to the bike in front of me.” The Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation provides limited, shortterm financial assistance for children in need and their families. All applications are reviewed for eligibility by the Cops for Kids Grants Committee which meets once a month to review all applications that have been received. This year’s ride takes place from Sept. 11 to 20. @KP_media1

KEVIN PARNELL There is a line in the movie Field of Dreams that says “If you build it they will come.” And for the people who built the Lake Country Open Air Performance Society from the ground up, the line fits. For the past eight years, Open Air founder Grant Lawrence and a small but dedicated group of volunteers built a unique, made in Lake Country series of musical performances and yes, movies in the park. And now Lawrence and his crew will step back from the Lake Country Open Air Performance Society. After years of hard work—more triumphs than failures—the District of Lake Country will take over organizing

duties for what has become a success in more ways than one. Lake Country will hire a cultural coordinator to take over managing the Lake Country Open Air Society as well as other duties within the district (see story on page A2). For Lawrence it’s the culmination of nearly a decade of building the event up, organizing, hosting and cultivating local music. “This is great progress for the event,” said Lawrence. “I think it’s just awesome. We have grown it to critical mass and now I think it’s found a permanent home. I think it’s a good move. The district is going to be manning and supporting it and movSEE OPEN AIR A18

Electors’ consent will be needed to borrow money to build new fire hall


the mayor and five of six councillors that year were elected by acclamation. During the 2008 referendum the price of the land was included in the $4-million price tag. The district now owns a fouracre parcel of land just blocks from the current fire hall outright. A recent review of the potential cost of a new building pegged the cost at $4 million, according to Lake Country chief administrative officer Alberto DeFeo, who also said the district will need to hold another referendum or an Alternate

Approval Process to get elector’s assent to borrow the money. That brings to mind last year’s referendum on the CN rail corridor, when 75 per cent of Lake Country voters passed a referendum to borrow $2.6 million to help purchase the corridor, something some residents campaigned against, including Guy Bissonette. Bissonette believes the district needs a new fire hall and won’t be against it, unless the district attempts to use the AAP as opposed to a referendum as it first did with the rail trail referendum.

“My feelings from the start when we were talking about the rail money was that there was this need for a fire hall and the money could be better spent on the fire hall than the rail trail,” said Bissonette. “That’s where the money should have gone. How many times can you go to the taxpayers? Each time you spend money you lose people. To me a fire hall would have been more reasonable to pay a tax increase for than a hiking trail.” So as the local fire department continues to operate out of a fire hall that no longer meets its needs, residents can pre-

pare at some point in the future to be asked to approve a new building, to bring the fire hall into modern times. For firefighters like Peter Whitfield, it likely can’t come soon enough. “I don’t disagree with it being voted down in 2008,” he said. “The way the economy was, the construction was booming and there wasn’t many viable contractors available. But now we can get a better hall than we could have in ‘08. It’s critical.”



LAKE COUNTRY firefighter Peter Whitfield points out his father when he was a firefighter with the Lake Country Fire Department. Whitfield’s brother was also a volunteer member until moving away.

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The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


The use and abuse of the Bible

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


y wife Joan had cataract surgery last week. It’s an amazing operation—even if the mere thought of it makes me wince; the ophthal-

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

mic surgeon slices open a living eye, vacuums out a cloudy lens, inserts a plastic or silicone lens, and closes everything up again. It takes little more than 15 minutes. Roughly 50 per cent of people in our age group have cataracts.

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Protest stunts distract from real efforts


am tired of managing poverty.” The words of Lake Babine Nation Chief Wilf Adam were quoted by both Aboriginal Relations Minister John Rustad and Premier Christy Clark at their second annual meeting with aboriginal leaders around the province. In her closing remarks, Clark repeated her aim to continue economic development and resource revenue sharing that have dominated the government’s approach in recent years. “Let’s eliminate poverty in First Nations communities,” she said, adding “the only way we can fight poverty is to grow the economy.” Not surprisingly, Clark’s chosen example was the potential of liquefied natural gas development for the Haisla Nation near Kitimat. That and similar proposals require new gas pipelines. And as is customary in B.C., what people most often hear

BC Views

Tom Fletcher about are threats and wild claims regarding protests such as the Unist’ot’en camp near Smithers, set up to block a gas pipeline. There was a round of this in late August, after Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the militant Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs claimed hundreds of RCMP officers were about to descend on the camp. This echoed previous false claims made by self-styled anarchists such as Victoria’s Zoe Blunt, who has been organizing outside support for the camp for the last couple of years. Media jumped at the

prospect of another Gustafson Lake-style confrontation. This prompted an unusual statement from Cpl. Janelle Shoihet of the North District RCMP. “To clarify, the B.C. RCMP has no intention of ‘taking down the camp’ set up by the Unist’ot’en,” she said, emphasizing that police are not taking sides or acting as security for pipeline exploration crews being harassed by protesters, who have token support from a couple of dissident members of a Wet’suwet’en clan. Four elected chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en issued their own statement, to correct media coverage that represents the Unist’ot’en as speaking for their communities. “Our Nations support responsible resource development as a way to bring First Nations out of poverty and bring opportunities for our young people,” said Burns Lake Band Chief Dan George. Wet’suwet’en First

Nation Chief Karen Ogen said job and benefit agreements for the Coastal GasLink pipeline were entered into after careful consideration, and she objected to protests from outsiders, some from outside the country. “Sustainability means standing on our own two feet, providing our young people with good paying jobs, and reducing the 40 to 60 per cent unemployment we now experience,” Ogen said. Haisla Nation Chief Councillor Ellis Ross has no time for crude oil projects, but he has been working towards gas-related development as long as anyone. Ross spoke out in support of the elected Wet’suwet’en chiefs in their efforts to resolve the dispute with Unist’ot’en members. “Opposition is the easiest job in the world,” he said. “What is difficult is finding an answer when a First Nations mother has concerns about her child’s future.

“Politicians are quick to shout out sound bites and get into camera shots, but where are the cameras when another First Nations member takes their own life or when they pass away from highway/alcohol related deaths?” Ross noted that recent court decisions have put B.C. aboriginal leaders in the best position they have ever had, with governments and development project proponents coming to them “with inclusion in mind” after decades of resource development that has passed them by. You wouldn’t know it most days, but First Nations along both the Coastal GasLink and Pacific Trails gas pipelines have agreed to them. More aboriginal leaders are getting tired of managing poverty, and misguided protesters. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press.

The Museum of London calls cataract surgery “the most common operation in the world.” I would be appalled if the surgeon based his procedures on a medical text that had not been updated in, say, the last 2500 years. Yes, that’s the right figure. The first documented reports of treating cataracts go back to the fifth century B.C. It was, as you might expect, a crude procedure. After a lens had become completely opaque and rigid, the surgeon hit the patient in the eye with a blunt object to smash the clouded lens into fragments. Thus treated, the eye could discern light and dark, but obviously could not focus. Modern surgical techniques began in 1748, SEE TAYLOR A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A5

Catching up on the election trail–where we stand half way through


f this year’s federal election campaign was anything like a normal federal campaign in Canada, we would be heading to the polls (or not) already, having listened to promises from politicians since the August long weekend. But instead of the typical five-week lead up to a federal election, we are already that far into what will be 11 weeks of political parties telling us why we should vote for them, or more likely, why we shouldn’t vote for the other guy.

No Boundaries

Kevin Parnell And given the importance of what we as a country are about to do (try something new or make Stephen Harper the fifth-longest serv-

ing PM in our history), I suppose it’s fitting that we take our time getting to a decision. Much has already been said, written and done in this federal campaign, but if you spent the summer enjoying the summer (why else are we here?) you have already missed so much (or little). So while we here at Central Okanagan’s Black Press papers kick off our federal election coverage in today’s issue and prepare to examine the issues over the final

Taking Bible parables literally just doesn’t make sense TAYLOR FROM A4 when anesthetics made it possible to extract an unbroken lens from a human eye. But the recovery process was, to say the least, arduous. Patients had to lie absolutely still with sandbags packed around their head to immobilize it, until the wound healed. Immobilization lasted into my parents’ generation. So even a 50-year-old medical text would be less than trustworthy. The whole point of progress is to update— and when necessary to render obsolete—older practices. So it beats me why so many people insist on treating as absolute authority a text that has not incorporated a single new idea in 1,900 years. The most recent words in the Bible were written somewhere around 100 A.D. For another 200 years, Christian factions

argued over which texts should be included in the Bible. God may have inspired the biblical texts; unfortunately, God neglected to provide a table of contents. The current 27 books of the New Testament didn’t get finalized until 367 A.D. And at that point, they fossilized. Nothing new could be added. Nothing about guns or nuclear weapons. About cars or planes, submarines and spaceships. About quarks or calculus. In the last 1,900 years, we humans have changed the world we live in more than the whole of human development until then. So why would I expect a 1,900-year-old document to provide the definitive knowledge about sexual orientation, gynecology, evolution, international boundaries, geology, fetal development, astronomy, organ transplants, DNA, brain

function….? I don’t expect the Bible to provide guidance about chemical compounds, automatic transmissions, or the pros and cons of fracking. They didn’t exist back then. And even if God had dictated NaOH + HCl = H2O + NaCl, God’s scribes would have considered it utter nonsense. I consider the Bible a valuable book—indeed, the only source of our knowledge of Jesus, whose teachings have shaped western civilization and my own life— but I put my faith in God, not in a book. Any book. Basing modern laws and politics on isolated verses from the Bible makes as much sense to me as fixing cloudy cataracts with a hammer. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

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six weeks of the campaign, I present to you the Cole’s Notes version of what has already happened. The leaders: Depending on who you believe, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is either a power hungry mad man plummeting the country into environmental chaos or one of the best political leaders this country has ever seen, creating jobs out of thick oil and stimulating the economy with solid policy. Liberal candidate Justin Trudeau is

just too darn young and has a new hair cut; however his dad flipped off the west 50 years ago so out here we supposedly hate him. NDP leader Thomas Mulcair is a career politician who’s tried his luck with a few parties at a few levels of government and is now trying to ride the orange wave that swept up Alberta. And Green party leader Elizabeth May can say whatever she wants because there is no hope she will ever get elected, despite having

ntry Lake Cou Wellness d n a h t l Hea Fair

the planet’s best interests at heart. Controversy: Google Mike Duffy trial for one. Elsewhere, a Conservative candidate peed in a cup, another made fun of those with disabilities and here in the Okanagan, the Liberals and Greens hatched a plan without a plan to allow Liberal candidate Stephen Fuhr to get the votes of Green candidate Gary Adams to unseat Ron Cannan. Or something like that. When they figure it out we’ll let you know.


OCTObER 3, 2015 10AM-3pM WINfIEld MEMORIAl HAll

The debate: They all said they would be great government and bashed their opponents. The pundits then talked about who won and lost. How about the public as the big loser? Who cares who won and lost. Give us some help wading though the rhetoric. Who do we believe? Who has the best policies and how will they translate to the working stiffs? Anyone? Anyone? The promises: Way too many to list. You will

SEE PARNELL A6 Lake Country

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SEE, HEAR & CELEBRATE! Thank You to all of the very talented Performers:


Jordan Dean Public House Band Windborn Sista B Chris Schriek Feet First Farmer The Malarkeys An ABBA Tribute Kath & the Tomkats Gypsy and the Rose Steve Stairs Michael Painchaud Crystal Ships JS Garcia Band Olivia Penalva Blue Skies, the Trio Andrew Smith Ben Klick

Thank you to the Board of Directors and Volunteers:

Amber Hugo Jennifer Boal Karen Miller Fred Murray Veronica Scarpino Kathy Scott Grant Lawrence Hailie Miller Carmelo Scarpino TD employees Kiwanis volunteers Sound Production by

DM Audio Studios Dan Marcelino John Marcelino Irene Marcelino

We also appreciate the event/weekly door prize draw sponsors and the great vendors that provided food services during evening performances too! THANK YOU

Follow us on Facebook to see event photos

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


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50 Shades of Blue: A look at the Central Okanagan’s federal gov’t voting history KATHY MICHAELS The Central Okangan’s political history could succinctly be summed up under the title, 50 Shades of Blue. Faithfulness to small-c conservative politics is consistent throughout its history, save for one fouryear blip. That was in 1968 when the Okanagan, like the rest of the country, showed the symptoms of ‘Trudeaumania,’ and voted in a Liberal MP. Bruce Howard, then 45, was one of the 155 Liberals elected to the House of Commons that year. The Conservatives took only 72 seats.

On the night of his win, Howard told a Kelowna Daily Courier reporter that his success was due in large part to the party leader Pierre Trudeau. “Trudeau inspired people to think there was something worthwhile about politics,” said Howard. “He makes them feel, by involving themselves, there is an attainable objective.” By the next election, however, the prime minister’s star had faded some and Howard, in turn, was ousted. As he conceded the 1972 election to Conservative candidate

George Whittaker, the Kelowna daily paper quoted Howard saying: “There will be more battles to be won and fought, and we, as Liberals, will be there to fight them.” The Liberals never disappeared from Kelowna in the intervening years, but their fights have continually come up short. As have the efforts of the NDP, Green Party and various others. A search of Elections Canada’s record of riding histories shows that Howard’s win is a standout for the better part of 60 years, otherwise the region has voted in So-

cial Credit, Reform and Canadian Alliance MPs. When the Progressive Conservatives merged with the Canadian Alliance, the Okanagan Valley officially became Conservative. “If you could find records that go beyond that, you’d still only see conservatives. It’s the conservative heartland,” said Wolf Depner, a political scientist, who has instructed students at UBC Okanagan on Canadian politics, and before that covered local politics as a reporter. For those who have wondered why, the answer isn’t complicated. “It’s history,” said

Depner. “It’s a very Anglo Saxon part of western Canada, with strong British, German and Dutch roots. These people are conservative in terms of their values,” he said. It’s also an area with a high proportion of seniors, he said, who also tend to vote conservative. Most telling about its right leaning tendencies, however, may be the region’s economic roots. The Central Okanagan, for example, has never had any experience with unions. The driving force of its economy has historically been small to


▼ #ELXN42

Moved recently? Make sure you’re ready to vote. Federal election day is Monday, October 19. Are you registered to vote? Most voters are already registered. But if you’ve moved recently or are planning a move before election day, you may need to update your address.

Committed to giving you coverage of the local candidates S PARNELL FROM A5

hear them again. Not many will be followed— until the next election is called. Our plan: Leading up to the election, we here at Black Press will bring you as much coverage of the issues and the people involved in this election as we can. Every week until you

cast your ballot (please vote) we will present a V comprehensive package of stories, people, quotes and notes from the election campaign. All joking aside, it’s important that we all step forward and vote, even if you’re picking the lesser of four evils. It is politics after all. @KP_media1

With an up-to-date registration, you’ll get: • a personalized voter information card that tells you when and where to vote • faster service at the polls Check and update your registration at today, or call 1-800-463-6868 ( TTY 1-800-361-8935). Elections Canada has all the information you need to be ready to vote.

David P. Yerema Lawyer


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A7

Two Central Okanagan ridings divided by population numbers NORTH OKANAGAN B





































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nan took 58 per cent of the vote, while his NDP challenger Tricia Kal-













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So, a triangular area of Kelowna has been added to the newly named Central Okanagan-Sim-

stripes, overcoming the feeling of western alienation that often influenced its political ideology. The Okanagan, said Depner, was slower on that front. In the ‘90s, the Reform Party gained traction in the region, using the slogan “the west wants in,” he said. “Now the Okanagan has a government that reflects local politics,”

he said. “There’s a weird regional alliance between Southern Ontario and Western Canada, so it will be interesting to see what will happen in this election.” Southern Ontario could glide off and go NDP, or they could return to the Liberals. “Then the Okanangan will be in the a familiar pattern.”

ilkameen-Nicola riding, including Highway 97 south to Mission Creek and east to the Dilworth/Springfield intersection in Kelowna. There, residents living east of the intersection are in Kelowna-Lake Country. With the redrawn ridings, Kelowna-Lake

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ago. This time population was used to separate the two ridings that cover the Central Okanagan.

manovitch took 21 per cent, Liberal Kris Stewart 11 per cent and Green Alice Hooper eight per cent. For more information about the two ridings, go to Elections Canada’s webpage ( and type in your postal code. That will pull up information about the riding and a map of the riding boundaries.







medium size businesses, and their allegiance is to parties that value less taxation and social spending. “Think of Wacky Bennett and Bill Bennett,” he said. “These are prototypical small business westerners and they’re from the Okanagan.” W.A.C. Bennett, a hardware merchant from Kelowna, was B.C.’s premier for 20 years, earning votes by paving roads and building bridges. His son, Bill, followed his lead and became premier in 1979. He passed a series of laws, known as the “restraint” program, aimed at unburdening businesses from government spending on social services. Their free-market economy approach to politics was a departure from what was happening in eastern provinces. And the way British Columbians voted federally often mirrored their provincial political choices. Since the heyday of the Bennetts, however, some of B.C.’s more urban areas have changed their political



Small business drives economy







Where do you live? The question may seem odd during this federal election campaign, but thanks to a change in boundaries affecting the Kelowna-Lake Country riding on the east side of Okanagan Lake and the new Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola riding—the majority of which is west of Okanagan Lake. In addition to a vast swath of the southern Interior that includes such diverse communities as West Kelowna, Keremeos, Merritt, Princeton, Summerland and Logan Lake, the sprawling new Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola riding also includes part of the city of Kelowna. Okanagan Lake was the eastern boundary of the old Okanagan-Coquihalla riding the last time riding borders were reconfigured 10 years




Country has just over 110,000 residents, while Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola has just over 104,000 residents. As for the impact the changes will have on voting patterns, that remains to be seen. In the 2011 federal election, incumbent Conservative Ron Can-

1 1


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Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Meet the Kelowna-Lake Country candidates info 250.766.5669

Lake Country, BC

Reservations: 250.766.9309 Jim Byrnes

Saturday, Oct. 3 • 7:30pm

Jim’s first love is the blues. His evocative, smoky vocals are found in a truth that doesn’t come overnight. In 1981 he released Burnin’, followed in 1987 with I’ve Turned My Nights into Days and 1995’s Juno-Award winning That River. Jim has produced five outstanding albums in six years. He will continue to bring his music to stages all over the world.

Tickets: $25 includes all service charges

The Louisiana Hayride: Christmas Special

Wednesday, December 2 /2015 Show time at 7:30pm (doors open 7pm)

Get in the Christmas spirit with the incredibly talented cast of the Louisiana Hayride Show. After 5 years of successful shows across Western Canada, the cast and crew of the Louisiana Hayride Show are bringing their very special Christmas show to you.This one of a kind show will feature some of the most popular hits from Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Roy Orbison and more, but most importantly will be filled with your favorite Christmas songs. Come and enjoy a special evening of Christmas fun that will delight you from start to finish.”

Tickets: $39 including all service charges

Reserve your seat for this performance today. Tickets can be purchased by phone or in person at the Customer Service Centre in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall. The reservation phone line is 250-766-9309. 10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country

GROWIN G WO M E N ’ S H E a lt H We believe you’re at your best when you LOVE. YOU. Share the love and give for a healthier community.

Age: 40 Occupation: Okanagan College professor Family: Mother of Hugo, 7 years old Place of birth: British Columbia Education background: BA, Hons, Okanagan University College; MA, University of Manitoba; PhD, University of Alberta Past political experience: Community organizing Community organization membership af-

effective MP: My family worked hard to make ends meet. Both my family and country supported me to become a college professor and a proud mother. NDP val-

Norah Bowman filiations: Okanagan College, Federation of Post-Secondary Educators, North Okanagan Labour Council, volunteer at the Kelowna Friendship Centre. Why you would be an

Stephen Fuhr Liberal Age: 46 Occupation: Pilot/ entrepreneur Family: Single, 15-year-old son Place of birth: Edmonton Education background: Trinity Western University in Langley Past political experience: Federal Liberal Riding Association board Member since 2011 Community organization membership affiliations: Rotary Club of Kelowna, Royal Canadian Legion Kelowna Branch 26, Kelowna Army Navy & Air Force Veterans Unit 376, Kelowna Club, 100 Men Kelowna

PUBLICATION: Abbotsford News, Aldergrove stAr, CAmpbell river mirror, CAstlegAr News, ChilliwACk progress, Comox vAlley reCord, duNCAN CowiChAN piCtoriAl NewsleAder, kelowNA CApitAl News, kooteNAy Advertiser, lANgley times, mAple ridge News, missioN City reCord, NANAimo News bulletiN, NelsoN stAr, NortherN CoNNeCtor, pArksville QuAliCum News, peACe ArCh News, peNtiCtoN westerN News, port AlberNi vAlley News, priNCetoN similkAmeeN spotlight, QuesNel observer, shuswAp mArket News, summerlANd review, surrey/N. deltA leAder, trAil dAily times, verNoN morNiNg stAr, viCtoriA regioNAl, viCtoriA sooke News, williAms lAke, wiNfield lAke CouNtry CAleNdAr / AD#: 06-sdm-tol-2015 / SIZE: 4.3125" x 8"


Norah Bowman NDP

Stephen Fuhr Why you would be an effective MP: I have worked in the public sector for 20 years and the private sector for six years. While working in or with large organizations I have learned how to navigate bureaucracy while staying focused on the mission. I am an evidence-based thinker and I understand the value of mutually beneficial relationships.

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951





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ues of living within a balanced budget, and caring for community are my values. The NDP will bring economic stability, jobs, and environmental protection to Canada.

Ron Cannan Conservative Age: 54 Occupation: Member of Parliament Family: Married with three adult daughters and three grandsons (ages 8, 3 and 1) Education: Graduated in 1981 from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton in business administration, major in marketing management; University of Alberta, supervisory management certificate program graduated in 1988 Political Experience: Served as City of Kelowna councillor from 1996 to 2005, during which time also served as director for Regional District of Central Okanagan & Hospital Board, president of the Okanagan Mainline Municipal Association, Union of BC Municipalities executive, Treaty Advisory Committee and numerous committees in Kelowna-Lake Country. Community organization membership affiliates: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 26 in

Ron Cannan

Kelowna, Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans of Canada Branch 376 in Kelowna, Sunrise Rotary Club, Willow Park Church Why you would be an effective MP: I have a passion for helping people and will remain accessible to help wherever and whenever I can. I have proven experience bringing federal investment into Kelowna-Lake Country to help strengthen the local economy. I’ve developed strong relationships with all levels of local government; after all, there is only one taxpayer. With my small business background, I know firsthand the importance of keeping taxes low and helping local businesses, singles, seniors and families to thrive.

Lake Country Calendar serving you since 1951

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Direct to Smelter – Precious Metals Roadshow coming to Lake Country Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin will be in Lake Country September 21st and 22nd during a roadshow making its way through the Okanagan. You can bring your gold, silver, coins and Canadian paper money to the Winfield Memorial Hall in Lake Country between 10am and 6pm each day. No appointment is required. Barry Dick is a precious metals buyer and President of Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin. “Ursa Major has the unique advantage of dealing direct with a smelter� said Dick. “That allows us to cut out one or even two middlemen. Ursa Major purchases gold and silver from other gold buyers, pawn shops, jewellers and jewellery makers as well as from the general public.� Recent price increases of precious metals have created lots of “gold buyers� including mail in companies. Many of those buyers offer pennies on the dollar to unsuspecting customers and are limited to what they buy, choosing to ignore silver and coins and only purchase gold. “Better Business Bureau complaints about mail in gold companies are extremely high, but it is hard to regulate. My advice is that you do NOT mail your precious metals to anyone you haven’t met or spoken with at length� says Dick. Ursa Major analyzes your gold, silver and coins while you watch, with the process explained to you in detail. Coins with numismatic value are set aside from those with a ‘melt’ value. Silver items such as jewellery and flatware are analyzed for hallmark identification. Items thought to contain gold will also be analyzed for hallmarks, and then confirmed using precise testing that is done while you watch. Then a cash offer is made and you decide to sell or not. Dick took out his first gold claim when he turned 16 in the 1970’s and has been involved with precious metals ever since. An ardent gold panner, he was a regular at the world championship gold panning competition with a personal best of 3rd place in 1984. Now he concentrates on building the wholesale business with jewellers and brokers while taking the roadshow out one or A9

! Y NL





Ur M sil ap m & ha bo

Executors, s Estate Sale and Coin s Collection welcome!

NO obligation NO pressure FREE analysis & quote

�� � � Paper • �Canadian �Money � � �� • platinum � � � • �earrings �� ��� • �bracelets • �rings �� � �� • gold charms ��� �gold �� • �dental �� �� �� • �broken chains • �gold nuggets �� �� � � �� � • sterling silver � �� �� � � �� � • sterling flatware COINS OINS • COINS COINS


inIn LAKE COUNTRY In at the the at the

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Millennium Winfield Carman Active Exhibition Centre Living Centre Memorial Hall 227 10th Avenue NW 10130 Wood Lake Road 47 Bottom Ed Belfour Drive Friday & Saturday Wednesday & Thursday Monday, September 21 10am to 6pm Daily 10am to 6pm Daily and & 15th June 14th June 12th & 13th

Di th ev at wi co jew on

Valid Government Photo ID Required

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Tuesday, September 22 Carman at the Carman Active Living Centre Altona at the Millennium Exhibition Centre June 12th & 13th June10am 14 & 15 Winkler atDaily the Winkler 6pmSeniors Winkler at the Winkler Centre Seniors Centre June 16 & 17 June 16 & 17 Valid Government Photo Photo IDIDRequired Valid Government Required

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Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin two times a month across Western Canada. “People bring in all kinds of interesting items, but for the most part it is a broken or old chain, unloved jewelry, a single earring, and out of fashion items like charm bracelets. We also accept dental gold but it should be clean. Lately I see more and more silver flatware sets, but before you bring those in please make sure it says “Sterling� on the handle. There is a lot of silver plated flatware that we can’t buy due to the low silver content� says Dick. Another valuable item is coin with

“P fo je ch sh st th ha se co w an an Pe fo

silver content. Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars and Dollars from Canada and America can be sorted and the silver content determined in no time at all. People are encouraged to bring in any and all coins for assessment. Ursa Major also assesses and purchases Canadian and Dominion of Canada Paper Money. Ursa Major has extensive experience working with estate sales, executors, widows and widowers in a respectful and caring manner. No appointment necessary.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


This 2015 federal election had a slow start, but now it’s full steam ahead We are now seven weeks into the federal election campaign. Being the middle of summer when Prime

Minister Stephen Harper kicked off this campaign, the attention span for politics was seriously challenged. Even lo-

cal candidates acknowledged it was a tough sell. But now it’s in full sail, so how should you choose who to vote for in

your riding? Over the weeks leading up to election day Oct. 19, our editorial staff will address a num-

ber of issues of potential interest to local voters. We hope to enlighten everyone about why the candidates are seeking

your support, what issues matter to our local area and why you should all exercise your democratic right to vote.

A great deal just bubbled up.

Candidate forums coming up


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As well, watch for our election coverage on our Lake Country Calendar website, And please share your thoughts with us on Facebook and Twitter. While our cynicism towards politics often is reflected in voter apathy, elections do matter. So please, mark your ballot on Oct. 19, and we’ll do our part to help you make a thoughtful decision about which candidate deserves your support.


West Kelowna

Banks Centre Mission Park Orchard Park Spall Mall 266 Bernard Ave. 1744 Springfield Rd. 2153 Springfield Rd. Westbank Towne Centre 2180 Elk Rd. *Offer is available until November 16, 2015, where access and line of sight permit, to residential customers who have not subscribed to TELUS TV in the past 90 days. TELUS Satellite TV is not available to residents of multi-dwelling units. Cannot be combined with other offers. TELUS reserves the right to modify channel lineups and packaging, and regular pricing without notice. HDTV-input-equipped television required to watch HD. Minimum system requirements apply. Final eligibility for the services will be determined by a TELUS representative. TELUS Home Phone and Long Distance service terms apply; visit for details. Taxes and 911 service charges are extra. †Regular prices will apply at the end of the promotional period. Rates include a $5/mo. discount for bundled services and a $3/mo. digital service fee. Bundle discount applicable for customers with more than one TELUS Home Service. The service agreement includes a free PVR rental and 2 free digital box rentals; current rental rates apply at the end of the term. A cancellation fee applies to the early termination of a service agreement and will be $10 for the digital boxes and PVR rental multiplied by the number of months remaining in the service agreement. Rental equipment must be returned in good condition upon cancellation of service, otherwise the replacement cost will be charged to the account. TELUS, the TELUS logo, TELUS Satellite TV, and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. ©2015 TELUS.

The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce was the first to announce an all-candidates forum last month, but other groups are now stepping up to host similar meetings. The Kelowna Chamber event is Sept. 25, 7:30 a.m., at the Manteo Resort. It will include a buffet breakfast and networking session for the first half hour. To register, visit www. or call 250-469-7350. Tickets must be purchased by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept.23 The Lake Country Chamber of Commerce will host an all-candidates forum for Kelowna-Lake Country candidates Wednesday, Oct. 7, 7 p.m., at Creekside Theatre, 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Free to the public, questions to the candidates can be submitted prior to the forum at Any questions that, due to time constraints, can’t be addressed at the forum will be posted on the chamber website and newsletter with responses. The Sukwtemsqilxw West Kelowna Arts Council (SWAC) will present the arts and culture all-candidates forum on Saturday Sept. 26, 2 to 4 p.m., at The Heritage Retirement Residence in West Kelowna, 3630 Brown Rd. Seating is limited so register at eventbrite. com/e/all-candidatesforum-arts-and-culturetickets-18467039412.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A11



C A R R ’ S


to Firefighters 2 0 1 5

Lake Country firefighters respond to a tow truck fire on Highway 97.

Among the firefighting assets at the command of the Lake Country Fire Department is a regional rescue zodiac, which can respond to emergencies on any of the Okanagan Lakes.

Lake Country Fire Department firefighters standby as a water bomber dumps retardant on a grass fire near Beaver Lake Road in a coordinated attack by the LCFD and the BC Wildfire Service.

Every household in Canada should have an emergency plan in order to react quickly if a fire were to occur. Draw up a floor plan of your home showing all possible exits from each room. If possible, plan two exits: a main route and an alternate route from each room. Identify a safe place where everyone should meet. Practice the plan with your family and make sure every member knows what to do.

a fire safety message from

Gray Monk Estate Winery A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1982 1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre 250-766-3168 •

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


to Firefighters

The Colourful History of the

Lake Country Fire Departments By Kevin Parnell

Dating back to its origins

firehalls: Station 71 Winfield,

the commitment to their

over the years at the Lake

fire truck was purchased in

"Not only does our crew

in the mid-1950s, the three

Station 91 Oyama or Station

neighbors and community to

Country Fire Department. At


have the dedication to work

stations that make up the Lake

81 Carr's Landing.

Today the Lake Country Fire

throughout most of the night



Despite the volunteer base,

Department has as many as

and then go to their career

have a long and colourful

you would never guess the

13 vehicles including cutting

workplace sleep deprived but

history, built on the hard work



edge and new fire trucks to


of community volunteers.

employees by the response to

work with. A new 4x4 bush

300 hours into training to

From the time a group of 10

incidents, the work and the

truck has just arrived in

ensure that they understand

farmers formed the Winfield

hours they put in.

Lake Country and the fire


Volunteer Fire Brigade in

"Many residents believe that

department also has the use

changing). At the end of the

1956 to the present day with


of rescue zodiac, and a fire-

training program all members

a force of about 65 paid on-

full-time career firefighting

fighting quad.


call firefighters, fire protection

coverage to the municipality,"

All three of Lake Country's

party accredited testing that

in Lake Country has always

said deputy fire chief. "These


qualifies them for professional

been carried off by a force


independently of each other


of dedicated local men and

illustrate the level of service

prior to incorporation but



provided by our volunteers.

once the district amalgamated

becoming a paid on call

Nowadays Lake Country's fire-

It is dedicated men and

to become Lake Country 20


fighting force comes from far


years ago, they were brought

holding a recruitment session

and wide in the district. They









help Left to Right (sitting): Henry Redecopp, Frank Baxter, Susie Taiji, Al Janzen, Dave Lodge, Randy Holitzki, Matt Kobayashi. Left to Right (standing): Murray Sheritt, Ruben Krebs, Gilbert Arnold, Art Arnold, Pete Rodall, Carl Hondl, Ben Crooks, Cliff Gunn, Line Lines, Otto Holitzki, Gilbert Berry Photo courtesy of













interested the


in is





respond to about 1,000 calls

the Oyama Hall, the first fire


on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. for all

have jobs and careers, but as

continue to answer the bell

per year (an average of nearly

truck was a used 1937 Ford,

"Today all firefighters for all

three stations.

soon as their pager goes off,

over and over again. We

3 calls per day). "

purchased from the Rutland

three stations work and train

as many as possible respond



The amount of manpower isn't

Fire Department while in

together; everyone is part of

to one of the district's three

that these individuals have

the only thing that has changed

Winfield, a brand new $15,000

the same team," said Penner.

Contact the department for more information at 250-766-2327.


Proud to support Station 91 Oyama Fire Department and all the Lake Country Firefighters

Your willingness to serve keeps our families and communities safe… Thank-You!

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A13

to Firefighters Administration 71 81 91

Station 71 Be sure generators are kept outside where exhaust doesn’t enter buildings. a fire safety message from


Steve Windsor Fire Chief

Brent Penner

Deputy Fire Chief

Terry Cameron Clerk

Peter Whitfield

Eric DeGelder

District Training Officer Maintenance

Lieutenant Fire Inspector

• Commercial • Residential • Controls • Design

• Hot Tub Repairs • Trenching • Fire Alarms

Office/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707

Mike Gesi Lieutenant

Ben Burbine Fire Fighter

Cory Drinkwater Lieutenant

Tyson Attrell

Eric Bauld Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, boiling, or broiling food. If you are simmering, baking, or roasting food, check it regularly, stay in the kitchen while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.

Rylan Carnegie Fire Fighter

Brady Bloomer Fire Fighter

Know your company’s fire and emergency plans. These should be posted in a prominent location on every floor of the building. Participate in regular fire drills to ensure you are familiar with exits, pull stations and the location of fire extinguishers.

Cameron Burke

Keep anything that can catch fire — oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or curtains — away from your stovetop.

Fire Fighter

Proud to work with our community firefighters.

A fire safety message from 102-3121 Hill Road Lake Country 250-766-5670

a fire safety message from

Lake Country RCMP Detachment

Your Link To Okanagan Real Estate


Garth Donhauser REALTOR®

• Meat • Produce • Dairy • Deli

• Bakery • Grocery • Floral • RBC Bank Machine

#9-10017 Main Street, Lake Country


Post emergency numbers near telephones. Be aware that if a fire threatens your home, you should not place the call to emergency services from inside the home. It is better to get out and place the call to fire authorities from a safe location outside the home. a fire safety message from the RCMP

Did you know?

Smoke is the cause of the majority of fire-related deaths.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


to Firefighters Station 71

Colin DeWolf

Kyle Davis

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Karl Featherstone

Don Glavin

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Glen Gregory Lieutenant

Heiko Albrecht

Paul Hipsey

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Robert Lussier

Brandon Marshall

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Rick Gandha

Evan Tozer

Keep the underbrush trimmed around your home. a fire safety message from

250-470-7372 Give Brian a call!

Complete landscape maintenance Residential • Commercial • Condo Keep anything that can catch fire — oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or curtains — away from your stovetop. a fire safety message from

Kyle Hlina Fire Fighter

Chris Backhouse Fire Fighter

a food store

Proud of our own hometown heroes! 250-766-9009


Fire Fighter

of all

9522 Main Street, Lake Country


Trevor Lakey

Thank you for the many services that you provide to our community!

Lesli Matsuda Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Baybridge-Baltic Properties... a great place to live and work

Suites Available! Call for Details

Lake Country Lodge & Manor Proud to offer Residential Care & Independent Living

Our mission is to consistently provide excellence in care, service and housing to all within our residences. We promote wellness, implement creative approaches to care and service, and serve as a contributing member of our community.

101-9685 Hwy. 97 • 250-766-1050

Fire Fighter

#100 10163 Konschuh Road

“Thank you for your strong dedication & commitment you’ve been showing Lake Country, BC to this community!” – All the best, from Lake Country Lodge & Manor P: 250-766-3007 • F: 250-766-3316

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A15

to Firefighters Station 81

Bruce Boechler

Bob Smith

District Training Officer

Chief Medical Officer

Tim Kim

Terry Day


Fire Fighter

Smoke alarms & batteries make great holiday gifts. Every home needs working smoke alarms on each level.

a fire safety message from

Shaun Reed Fire Fighter

Brian Toering Fire Fighter

Jeff Monk Fire Fighter

Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional. a fire safety message from

TD Canada Trust

Small Business Advisor


Michael Herald Fire Fighter • #5, 10058 Hwy 97 Lake Country, BC V4V 1P8 250-766-3300 • 250-860-3355


Vicky Conway 9890 Main Street Lake Country 250-712-3350 ext. 300

The Interior’s largest VW dealership.

250.860.6278 1717 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna Our VW family serving your VW family since 1953

0 84 CASH $6,000 DISCOUNT

Finance From or get up to


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on se l ect mo d e l s

Did you know? Cooking is the #1 cause of home fires!

on ot h er se l ect mo d e l s

A fire safety message from Turner VW The all-new 2015

Passat is here!

“We Thank & Support Our Local Fire Fighters”

“Have your car serviced by a professionally trained mechanic. A car that is not properly maintained is more likely to perform below its full capabilities in an emergency braking or evasion situation. A well-maintained car is a safer car!”

Thank-you for protecting our community!

Ever Wonder What’s Beyond the Boat?

Visit Call (250) 766-4255



Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


to Firefighters Station 91

Ray Cusmano

Joshua Macy

Jesse Hammer

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Graham Kershaw

District Training Officer

Todd Roberts

Chris Casparis

Jim Thomson

Cale Berger

Uriah Stene

Murray Davidson

Noel Harder

Cody Holtam

Tyson Kershaw

Ryan Murdain

Rick Stoltz

Alex Wilkes

Ken Raine

Allan Wilkes

Gary Rawsthorne

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter


Fire Fighter


Fire Fighter


Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Quality Construction Products for Over 45 Years Complete Line of Engineered Wood Products • Roof Trusses • LVL Beams • I Joists • Pre-Fab Wall Panels • Glulam Beams

Trusses • LVL Beams • I Joists • Metal Roofing • Glulam Beams • Friendly & Professional Staff • Friendly & Professional Staff • Engineering Services ering Services • Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) • Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) • Crane Truck

• Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) • Crane Truck

WINFIELD - 250-766-3331 WINFIELD - 766.3331 • KELOWNA - 860.6667 • PENTICTON - 493.3307 WESTBANK - 768.0700 •KELOWNA VERNON - 545.3215 • KAMPLOOPS - 372.3443 • 1.877.545.3215 250-860-6667 • WEST KELOWNA - 778-755-5999

VERNON 250-545-3215 TOLL FREE 1-877-545-3215 •



Fire Fighter

Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old.

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Check smoke detectors once a month and change the batteries at least once a year. Smoke detectors sense abnormal amounts of smoke or invisible combustion gases in the air. They can detect both smoldering and burning fires. At least one smoke detector should be installed on every level of a structure. Purchase smoke detectors labeled by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM). a fire safety message from

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter


4-11852 Highway 97 • Winfield (250) 766-2973

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A17

to Firefighters Thank you Lake Country firefighters for all your hard work and dedication. Fire Safety Tip:

Lake Country Fire Department deputy fire chief Brent Penner at the LCFD command center where he can monitor which of the district’s 65 paid-on call firefighters are out in the field.

Fires can strike anywhere at any time. Along with installing smoke detectors in your home, you should have a fire extinguisher in key areas.

Make the time NOW to get your family PREPARED. Then think about how you could HELP others in your community.

Could YOU answer the call? Lake Country Fire Department is seeking applicants interested in becoming paid-on-call firefighters for all stations. Come to the


7:00 pm Wednesday, September 23 at Station 71 10591 Okanagan Centre Rd East or email

Thank you for being there when we need you most!


Firefighters action a logging truck fire on the new Highway 97.

2850 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country


Be alert when you cook, and keep children out of the way. Don’t wear loose fitting clothing and be careful not to reach over hot burners. a fire safety message from

Don’t burn a candle all the way down — put it out before it gets too close to the holder or container.

l ke wil i b r u Yo e us!


3175 Woodsdale Road • Lake Country, BC


Winfield Shopping Centre • 4 - 10051 Hwy 97, Lake Country


If a pot catches fire, cover it with a lid to smother the flames and turn off the burner.

Fire Safety a fire safety message from Saves LAKE COUNTRY Lives LIQUOR STORE Cooper’s Village Mall #72 - 9522 Main Street


9. Japanese coin ____ 22.Burrowing 39.Dangerous A18 10.Electric fish44.Deadlocks rodent 41.Dwindled 11.Cloud’s locale appeal 46.Sincere Community Connections! Lake Country Creating 42.The British 24.Embroidered 20.Mariner 47.Avails ____ 25.Hurry 22.Burrowing 48.Overly 44.Deadlocks 26.Woodcutting inquisitive rodent since 1982 ... supporting Community Wellness 46.Sincere appeal tools 24.Embroidered HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR 49.’60s do 47.Avails trace October 3, 10am-3pm27.Wound • Winfield Memorial Hall 50.Not high 25.Hurry 48.Overly Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am 2pm • 10080 Main Street 28.Shopper’s bag 51.Sweet drink 26.Woodcutting inquisitive 49.’60s do www.lakecountryhealth.catools • 778 – 215 - 5247 27.Wound trace 50.Not high 28.Shopper’s bag 51.Sweet drink

Health Planning Society

COMMUNITY EVENTS Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date Garden 54.Motored • CARR’S LANDING COMMUNITY vegetable 55.Letter & RECREATION ASSOCIATION - Encourages all residents of the Carr’s Landing Ward to attend their Penny General Meeting on Wed., Oct. 7, 7pm in the Carr’s Copyright © 2015, Press deeAnnual Important Landing Fire Hall. Find outbefore about recent projects, current and future issues in our Community. Meet the association directors56.Charges and your ward councillor, Matt Vader. Become a voting family member for just time 30.Garden 54.Motored $10 annually - individual $5 annually. vegetable 57.Had an 55.Letter Shy • THE LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY & OYAMA LIBRARY - Knitting circles beginning in Sept. The Oyama TO PUZZLE NO. 779 obligation deeANSWER 31.Important branch at 15718 Oyama Road willbefore have its knitting circle each Tuesday night from 6 pm-7 pm, Light bender beginning Sept. 15. The Lake56.Charges Country branch in the Municipal Hall at #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake time 58.Hazardous rExclamation Road will hold its circle on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm-8 p.m. starting Sept. 16. Both knitting 57.Had an and skill level; bring your yarn, needles & whatever project 32.Shy circles are free, drop-in, &curve open to any age Dined ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 779 you are working on. 59.Elementary obligation 33.Light bender Tough rowPENSIONERS’ to •OLD AGE ORGANIZATION CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT - 4th Sunday of the month plus 58.Hazardous 5th35.Exclamation Sunday if on the Calendar. Registration at 9am games begin at 10am sharp. $30 per team includes ____ hot36.Dined lunch etc. Pre-registration 250-762-6208 or 250-766-5437. DOWN callcurve Cousins’ 59.Elementary •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Fall sessions starting first 1. Hole37.Tough row to mothers week of Sept. Stop by for an events schedule. 250-766-4220 or 250-766-4568 for more information. punching ____ Convert, as SENIORS BUFFET •LAKE COUNTRY DOWN- 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9. Take home meals $738.Cousins’ & freezer meals will beinstruments $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. coupons 1. Hole2. Chamber •LAKEmothers COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road on Monday afternoons will Stopover spot Time punching be hosting Prime starting Sept. 15 at 1-3pm. Free. Everyone welcome. Come down & see the For takeout: 40.Convert, 250-766-0667 changes. Call Joanne for more information. instruments Impish kids 2 wds. •LAKEcoupons COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Chair Yoga will be starting on 2. Chamber Twirled 4. Motto Sept. 8 from 3:30 tospot 4:30pm. Paid monthly at the rate of $3 per session. Call 250-766-4220 between 42.Stopover 3. orFor takeout: 10amweight & 2pm Monday Friday call 250-766-4568. Extra Stood up 43.Impish kids 2 wds. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Pancake breakfast on Sept. 19 None 45.Twirled from 8-11am. $6. 6. Eternal 4. Motto CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING As•LAKE well spirit COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 49.Extra weight 5. Stood upBottom Wood Lake Road Annual Yard Sale Sept. 19, 8am-noon. Now accepting donations. Call 250-766-4220 or 250-766-4568. 52.None Eternal MARKET -CROSSWORD ANSWERS •LAKE COUNTRY FARMERS6. & CRAFTERS Fridays 3 to 7 pm,PUZZLE July through Sept., Swalwell AMERICAN SPELLING 53.As spirit Park, 10090well Bottom Wood Rd, Lake Country. VendorsUSE sell fresh local produce, handmade crafts,

sweet & savoury treats, & hand-prepared foods, in a relaxed, shaded grassy area featuring lots of FREE parking, live entertainment, public washrooms, a water park, & a skateboard park. Contact: or 250-826-7100. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE CHAIR YOGA - Strengthening fitness class. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm. Call 250-317-3508 for more info. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact 11.Gardener’s 35.Cinch Rob. 766-3034 nemesis 38.Copied •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. 17.Snow runner 42.Sailor’s 11.Gardener’s 35.Cinch yes • BETTER AT HOME is a program to help seniors19.Coffeepots live in theirnemesis own homes longer by providing non38.Copied 44.Hot vapor medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & 17.Snow runner 21.Burn friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please 42.Sailor’s yes 45.Tiff call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. 19.Coffeepots 22.Enrage 44.Hot vapor Kingston •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE 3250 Berry Rd. Winter21.Burn hours starting Sept.46.The 15: open Tues., Wed., 23.Naughty kids 45.Tiffvolunteers. Thurs. 11am-4pm. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our____ friendly 22.Enrage For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. 24.World 46.The Kingston 47.Fair feature •LC SENIORS’ BUS SCHEDULE - Tuesday Sept 22, 29 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Tuesday 23.Naughty kids supporter ____ Sept 22, 29 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Wednesday Sept 16 Gellatley Nut Farm, West 48.Eye rudely Kelowna, Koi Gardens Kelowna, lunch to reserve25.Cat’s seat on24.World bussound phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 47.Fair feature 50.Label 250-861-4131, Thursday Sept 17 - local shopping, Saturday Sept 19 Keremeos Fall Fair. supporter 28.Greasy 48.Eye rudely •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, 51.Respectful 25.Cat’s 30.Songs ofinfosound wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For about our club, please contact 50.Label fear 28.Greasy us at: praise 51.Respectful 30.Songs of 53.Contest •VISIT THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake 31.Winter Country. Admission by donation. Open 7 days a week, 10ampraise to 4pm, from Mother’s Dayfear through 54.Blunder Olympics Labour Day. 250-766-0111 or visit the website 53.Contest 31.Winter eventvolunteers to join55.Canadian •LC FOOD BANK has an URGENT need for men & women our team. Requirements 54.Blunder as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t haveOlympics to be all 3 days); must be physically fit 32.Drums whiskey enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition the rest of the eventfits in nicely with55.Canadian volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & whiskey Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. 32.Drums •CRIBBAGE. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a Copyright © 2015, Penny Press chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. Copyright © 2015, Penny Press European peak 60.Honey •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., Farm towers 10am to 2pm for shopping &60.Honey donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate 33.European peakproducer donatioåns. 61.Insignificant Appropriate producer 34.Farm towers •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always Relaxation welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850.61.Insignificant 36.Appropriate DOWN7pm at the Seniors’ •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766Grassy area 37.Relaxation ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 781 3982. 1. Dab DOWN Hen output 39.Grassy area ANSWER 781 •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO)TO is anPUZZLE advocacyNO. group devoted to 2. ofBuilding 1.forDab improving “The Quality Life” all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or Light beams 40.Hen output individuals wishing to become vinemembers contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer2@ Beasts offor info. 41.Light beams 2. Building 3. Bit of vine advice •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! burden 43.Beasts of Bit ofin the advice 4. Kind of Meaningful opportunities are3. available, Better at Home program & on Committees: burden Wander away Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response Communications, brick 4. Kind of to45.Wander Elder for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at Make a Abuses).Call choice away brick ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour 5. Poisonous •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? VOLUNTEERS 48.Make a choice - 5. Garment maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer Poisonous serpents drivers seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are 49.Garment ticket: 2with wds. serpents 6. ____ your provided. Call for info 778-215-5247.

At any ticket: point 2 wds. request 6. ____ your 52.At any point request ____-de-camp 7. Golf gadget 56.____-de-camp 7. Golf gadget Hole punch 8. Quick 57.Hole punch 8. Quick Well-ventilated 9. Little ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS9.willLittle be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. Like58.Well-ventilated some 10.“____ in a CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 59.Like some ForLifetime” all other in inquiries, please email ANSWERS pstockings 10.“____ aUSE AMERICAN CROSSWORD PUZZLE SPELLING USE AMERICAN Lifetime” stockings or fax SPELLING 250-762-3220

43.Desertlike 25.Sir Francis Than L Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake46.“____ Country Calendar 22.Associate 44.Goofy Zero” ____ 23.Superior or 45.Teenage 48.No ifs, ____, 27.Wonderland Huron problem or buts girl Francis 25.Sir 46.“____ Than 51.Become sick ▼ OPEN AIR ENTERTAINMENT 29.Vinegar Zero” cousin ____ is one 52.Ump’s 48.No ifs, ____, 30.Holiday tune 53.Boater’s 27.Wonderland or buts 31.Split girl utensil 51.Become sick 29.Vinegar is one 54.Intrude 34.Magnify 52.Ump’s cousin 30.Holiday tune 53.Boater’s 31.Split utensil 54.Intrude 34.Magnify OPEN AIR FROM A3 use it as a destination for Copyright © 2015, Penny Press families in the evenings.’” ing forward The first events began 58.Shades 33.Rental ACROSSwith it.” Th1.e Open indocument the month of June AwryAir Per59.Wings Copyright © 2015, Penny Press formance series—this but it didn’t for 4. Glance at 35.Bird call take long 60.Saute year 8. there were eight the weather to dampGreen gem 33.Rental part There58.Shades concertsACROSS and two movies 36.Needle en a few nights. 1. Awry 12.Microscopic document 59.Wings 37.Squid’s fluidlike clasDOWN held in district parks— were themes ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 780 4. asGlance 35.Bird call 60.Saute 1. Possess first 13.Aspiration began an ideaat sic rock jazz but soon 38.Not as or wet 8. Green gem 40.Musical 14.Burn soother part by by Lawrence, who had it36.Needle became staff evident 2. Charge for 12.Microscopic spent15.Beginner a couple of years the quality of the musi37.Squid’s DOWN use symbol fluid ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 780 working on theSmith Carr’s cians thatasoriginal music 13.Aspiration 17.Actor 1.Small Possess 38.Not wet 3. 42.Loaf Landing Community would be key. 14.Burn 18.Stick up soother 43.Flowering Charge for 40.Musical staff 2.amount Centre board. He no“We had some lessonsuse 15.Beginner KEVIN PARNELL/LAKE COUNTRY CALENDAR 19.Immensely symbol 4. Drive away shrub and some exticed there were a lot of learned 17.Actor Smith 21.Festive 3. Small LAKE COUNTRY Open Air Performance Society 42.Loaf artists in the area but no 47.Conducted 5. Jazz band perimenting with dates,” 18.Stick up amount founder Grant Lawrence says he’s happy the music in 24.Stench 43.Flowering real local music scene to 49.Run said Lawrence. “Th6. e first Monkey 19.Immensely 4. Drive away park’s program has a new home. 26.Andes pack shrubwas a challenge. give them a place to play summer 7. Jittery competitively 21.Festive original animal tunes. We had to convince the 5. Jazz band 47.Conducted 8. Sharkextend movie 50.Sky water 24.Stench also sparked the music “Seeing the amount district to do it in the 28.Molasses 6. Monkey it to people cre49.Run 9. Came to 55.Lodging 26.Andes pack ating their own, unique scene in Lake Country of artistsspirit around and parks, we had to fi gure competitively 7. Jittery animal ground material.” to grow including events the number of people places out how to set up the so29.Picnic 8. Shark Over moviethe years the 50.Sky water like Lake Country Open around playing guitars, I ciety. We spent hours 28.Molasses 10.Plaything 56.Cover with nuisance to 55.Lodging performance series not Mic Has Talent, another thought there was a huge and hours trying to11.Slippery fi9. g- Came spirit gold 32.Moose’s CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS ground places only gave Okanagan Valavenue for local artists to opportunity,” he said. ure it out. We always 29.Picnic USE AMERICAN SPELLING 57.Pitcher handle 16.Stuff full relative 10.Plaything find playing time. “We thought ‘let’s start 56.Cover wanted up with and comers in ley musicians an outlet nuisance to play original music. it creating 32.Moose’s community and the opening gold act and then 11.Slippery CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING 57.Pitcher handle 16.Stuff full relative

Original content key to growth of series


8. Neck hair 9. Range 8. Neckofhair 10.King beasts 9. Range skin 11.Summer 10.King tones of beasts 11.Summer skin 19.Archaic tones 21.Wrinkle 19.Archaic treatment 21.Wrinkle 22.“____ Magic treatment Moment” 22.“____ Magic 23.Solemn Moment” statement 23.Solemn 25.Recluse statement 27.Stains 25.Recluse 29.Pets 27.Stains 30.Wheel shaft 29.Pets 30.Wheel shaft


Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

31.Antlered animal 34.Wondrous 31.Antlered animal joint 39.Plumbing 34.Wondrous 41.Bullwinkle, 39.Plumbing joint e.g. 41.Bullwinkle, 43.Did well on e.g. center 44.Apple’s 43.Did 45.Fossilwell fuelon 44.Apple’s 46.Or ____center 45.Fossil (threat)fuel 46.Or ____ 48.Moistens (threat) 51.Harbor 48.Moistens 53.Burst open 51.Harbor 54.“____ 53.Burst open Wednesday” 54.“____ Wednesday”


Volunteers Needed!

Must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box Copyright © 2015, Penny Press 29.Bad guy 55.Historic ACROSS of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the times 1. Candy unit rest of the volunteers. 32.For what 29.Bad guy____ 55.Historic ACROSS See Phyllis MacPherson at the 4. A1.long wayunit off 56.Ship’s pole worth times Candy 32.For what ____ Food Bank located in the rear of the 8. Fountain drink 57.Eternity Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. 4. A long way off33.Chinese 56.Ship’s pole worth on any of the days noted. 12.Hymn of drink 33.Chinese 58.Take out, mammal 8. Fountain 57.Eternity ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 782250-766-0125 praise as text 35.Wood splitter 12.Hymn of 58.Take out, mammal ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 782 13.Drillpraise 59.Looks at as text 36.Feminine 35.Wood splitter 14.Opera 60.Enemy 13.Drill 59.Looks at pronoun 36.Feminine show-stopper agent 14.Opera 60.Enemy 37.Have bills pronoun 15.Promos show-stopper38.Singer agent 37.Have bills 16.Mary’s pet 15.Promos DOWN Haggard 38.Singer 1. DOWN Feathered 16.Mary’s 17.Light gas pet Haggard 40.Semester neckwear 1. Feathered 17.Light gas 18.Browning’s 40.Semester neckwear 2. Say further work 18.Browning’s 42.Rude look 42.Rude look 43.Entry Say further work 3. 2.Reaction 20.Indian and 43.Entry 20.Indian and 47.Nighttime Atlantic 4. 3.UpReaction to snuff 47.Nighttime hooters Atlantic 4. Up to snuff 22.Chisel, e.g. 5. Becomes hooters 22.Chisel, e.g. 49.Chilly 5.frothy Becomes 24.Insult 49.Chilly kin 6. Coat frothy 24.Insult 50.Clarinet’s sleeve 26.Gives 50.Clarinet’s kin 6. Coat 26.Gives 52.Resort, 7. Bouncesleeve CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 28.“____ Good 52.Resort, 7.back Bounce 28.“____ Good CROSSWORD ANSWERS USE AMERICANPUZZLE SPELLING Cop” of a sort


of a sort



rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015 A19


Popularity of French immersion means a re-fit is in order for School District 23 KEVIN PARNELL able classroom seats elementary schools tary schools’ attendance THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 and School District 23 while the district’s lone has gone up (in FI) it’s When close to 22,000 will need to revamp its French immersion midputting a huge amount TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E students streamed back French immersion prodle school—KLO Midof pressure` on KLO. 1 We # $ % & _ ( ) * to school on Sept. 8, gram. dle—was at capacity on really do need to look UEFA Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar MLB Boj The View CSI: Miami ” Monster Debt/Part Baseball: classrooms across theDebt/Part It’s projected about Right opening day with about PAWatPatrol a different” model for” 10 :00 :30 Europa League Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland & Rachael Ray Cubs at See KOMO 4 The First 48 Central Okanagan 2,300 students will en- Young 480 FI students and 400 Monkey French immersion.” ” Denis Show ” Restless ” Pirates Bucket-Dino News ” 11 :00 :30 Soccer School District terCTV French in English programs.” To deal inUEFA were SEPTEMBER Noon News News immersion CBC News KIRO News Noon News PAW Patrol The with Chew the The First 48 THURSDAY, 17, 2015 :00 Hour Now ” Hour Misplays Kate and ” ” :30 Europa fi12 lled with more learners thisVancouver year, about 12 per “We have struggled creased General numbers the Days of our The Social Best Recipes The Talk Days of our World Poker Ruf-Tweet The First 48 :00 League TSN CHBC CBC CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Soccer Best Recipes ” to keep Lives Leaf district Hospital ” than1in:30 previous years.Lives centCIVT of ”the district’s stu- KIRO up withTour the de- Tumble school will emUEFA The$ Talk Dr. Phil Stefano The( Talk Tim ) and Sid Maya Doctors The1 First 48 #in par% & _ * onThe ` :00 One program dent population. The FABLife mand,” said district bark a lengthy pub” ” Stefano ” ” ” Curious ” ” 2 :30 Europa UEFA Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar MLB Boj The View CSI: Miami :00 ticular is out-pacing majority of those stu- Bold superintendent Hugh licPatrol consultation process League The Meredith Ellen DeGeFool Canada The Meredith Baseball: ” The Steve ” The First 48 :00 Debt/Part ” Monster Right Debt/Part PAWDoozers ” 10 :30 Europa Soccer Vieira Show neres Show Gags ThisMinute Vieira Show Blue Jays PAW Patrol Harvey ” 3 :00 :30 League the number of avail- Young dents in one of six Judge “AsRay theMLB elementhatSee willKOMO bring4 students, Rachael Ray The are Marilyn Heartland Young Gloster. & Rachael Cubs at Monkey The First 48 Hockey & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judy Young & Mister Maker KOMO 4 The First 48

11 :30 4 :00 :30 5 :00 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 6 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 8 :30 SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 FRIDAY, 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 :30 4 :00 :00 12 5 :30 SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 FRIDAY, 1 :00 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 7 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 8 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 9 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 5 12 :00 :30 11 :30 6 1 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 2 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 3 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 4 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 5 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 7 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 1 7 :30 :30 Soccer UEFA

” Restless

Denis Show Show

” Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days of our The Social Best Recipes The Talk Days of our News Hour CTV News CBC News Football: News Hour Lives ” Best Recipes ” Lives CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch Broncos at ” The Talk Dr. Phil Stefano FABLife The Talk Ent etalk Mysteries Chiefs Ent ” ” Stefano ” ” ET Canada Big Bang Coronation ” ET Canada The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Fool Canada BoldPrice Is The Meredith Sugar The View Bookaboo Sugar Movie: Big Bang The Nature The KIRO Post Movie: Vieira Show neres ”Show Gags ThisMinute Show Debt/Part Monster Right Show Vieira Debt/Part “Skyfall” Goldbergs of Things Game “Skyfall” Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Young & Rachael Marilyn Heartland Young Judy & Rachael ” Ray Amazing Doc Zone News ” Ray Restless Show Den ” NFL Kickoff Restless ”” Denis Show Restless ” Race ” ” ” News CTV News CBC News NFL Kickoff Early News Noon ”News Saving CTV News CBCNational News KIRO News Noon ”News Hope The Raible’s Vancouver NFL ” Global Hour ”” Vancouver Now ”” Hour ” Nat. ” Scouting News Hour CTV News CBC Recipes News Football: News of Hour Days of our The Social Best The Talk CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News Days News our CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch Broncos at ” Lives ” Best Recipes Late Show” Lives Final News--11:30 Coronation Late ShowEnt etalk Mysteries Chiefs Ent The Talk Dr. Phil Stefano FABLife The Talk TBA Big Bang Rick Mercer Colbert Colbert ET Canada Big Bang Coronation ”” ET Canada ” ” Stefano ” ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Movie: Big Bang The Nature KIRO Post Movie: The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Fool Canada Bold The Meredith “Skyfall” Goldbergs of Things Game Show Vieira “Skyfall” Vieira Show neres Show Gags ThisMinute Show Amazing Doc Zone News Young” & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy Young” & ” Race ” ” ” Restless Show Den NFL Kickoff Restless Den

Restless NFL Kickoff

UEFA Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Off Record News CTV News CBC News NFL Kickoff :00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 Hour Vancouver Now ” 12 :00 :30 Europa Interruption ” Vancouver ” NFL League SportsCentre Soccer ” UEFA UEFA Europa Europa League UEFA League Soccer Europa Soccer Hockey League SportsCentre UEFA Soccer ” Off Record UEFA SportsCentre Interruption Europa ” SportsCentre League SportsCentre ” Soccer ” UEFA UEFA SportsCentre Europa Europa ” League League Soccer Soccer SportsCentre Hockey UEFA”


Pirates Baseball: ” Toronto MisplaysBlue Jays at World Poker Atlanta Tour Braves Tim and Sid Sportsnet ” Central ” MLB MLB’s Best Blue Jays Baseball: Blue Jays MLB Cubs at European Baseball: Pirates Poker Tour Toronto ” Blue Sportsnet Jays at Misplays Central AtlantaPoker World Sportsnet Braves Tour Central Sportsnet Tim and Sid Sportsnet Central ” Central MLB’s” Best Blue Jays Jays Blue


Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Kate Dan and Wild Kratts Ruf-Tweet Watchers Tumble Leaf Park Maya Waterfront Curious Cities The Doozers Boj The Spice PAW Patrol Trail


Mister Maker Monkey See Movie: Creative Bucket-Dino “Lightning in Dino Dan PAW Patrol a Bottle” Wild Kate Kratts and ” Watchers Ruf-Tweet Waterfront Park Tumble Cities Leaf Waterfront Maya Lightning in Cities Curious a Bottle The Doozers Spice The Trail Patrol PAW

SportsCentre Off Record News ” ” ”” Interruption SportsCentre News CHBCHour News SportsCentre ”” Final CHBC News

Saving Hope The CTV News CBCNational News ” ”” Vancouver News-Lisa CBC News News CTV News CBC News--11:30 Coronation Vancouver Murdoch

Raible’s NFL Kickoff Scouting NFL

” Early News Global” Nat.

KIRO News Football: Late ShowBroncos at

News News Hour Late Show”

Movie: Mister Maker “Lightning Creative in Sportsnet a Bottle” Toronto Blue Dino Dan Central ” Jays at Wild Kratts Sportsnet Waterfront Atlanta Watchers Central Cities Braves Park

SportsCentre UEFA ” Europa

TBA Ent ET Canada ET Canada

Big etalkBang Seth Meyers Big Bang

Colbert Chiefs Corden ”

Colbert Ent ET Canada ET Canada

Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central

League Soccer

Movie: “Skyfall”

Rick Mercer Mysteries 22 Minutes Coronation

News News The Chew News ” World News General KOMO 4 Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! Steve The View Grey’s Harvey ” Anatomy

European MLB Poker Tour Baseball:

KOMO 4 Scandal News ” News The Away Chew Get World ”News With Murder KOMO 4 General News News Hospital Jimmy Wheel The Doctors Kimmel Live Jeopardy! ” Nightline Grey’s Steve Anatomy Harvey

” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 To Be ” Announced The First 48 Behind Bars: ” Rookie Year The First 48 CSI: Miami Behind Bars: ” Rookie Year

A&E 1

The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First TheBe First 48 48 To ”” Announced To Be The First 48 Behind Bars: Announced ” Year Rookie Behind Bars: The First 48 Behind Bars: Rookie Year ” Year Rookie Behind Bars: The First 48 Rookie ” Year

Scandal KOMO 4 News ”

The The First First 48 48 ”” Get Away To Be News The First 48 With WorldMurder News Announced ”

parents, teachers and ad“We know we have the lone high school ofministrators together to a program that is really fering French immerlook at how the district popular but we’re willing sion. YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING can6 best accommodate to look at other models In October, theP school 7 9 ; < A N students wanting to take and the driver for change district will start consulWayside CBC News Mayday Steve My Giant Divorce Sesame Today Kid vs. Katimmersion. Now With ” Harvey Lifepoint with Divorce tation. Street cont’d is French is the pressure “The process Rated A for Carole Highway My Giant Judge Gloster said the curallFamily of theFeud elementary goingDinosaur to take usNew theDay betRated A for MacNeil Thru Hell Family Feud Life Judge Dinosaur Northwest rent modelCBC canNews last for programs flowing ter part aCat year-and-aChucks River Crime Watch Say Yesinto Millionaire Peg of Plus KING 5 Squirrel Now With Monsters Daily Say Yes Millionaire Peg Plus Cat News two more Andrew years but by KLO (Middle School),Crazy half to come to a deciAlmost Fool’s Gold MemoryLoss Say Yes Talk Super Why! Days of our YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Sidekick Goldwhich The Office Yes Talk Lives the start ofNichols the 2017 Fool’s has a fiSay xed cap- Crazy sion,”Thomas said Gloster, who Wayside Power & Airplane Youthful Say< Yes Payne Sesame Dr. Phil 6 season, 7 9 acity,” ; Awill present N St. P school it’s exhe said. the public Kid vs. Kat Politics Repo Family Feud Say Yes Browns Cat in the ” Wayside News Mayday Steve My Giant Divorce Sesame Today pected theCBC district will KLO is the only midconsultation plan to the Sidekick ” How/Made Paid Prog. Suddenly Mod Fam Masterpiece Ellen Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Harvey Life Divorce Street cont’dDeGeNerds ” How/Made Pets.TV Royal Mod Fam Classic neres Show haveAafor newCarole program.Daily school and on Oct. 7New Day Rated Highway dle Family Feud My KSS Giant is Judge board Dinosaur SpongeBob Amanda Planet 21 Day Fix My 600-Lb. Big Bang Great British KING 5 Rated A for Turtles Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Thunder Sidekick Talia Wayside Nicky, Ricky Kid vs. Kat Stanley Dyn. Sidekick Wayside Funny Home Nerds Kid vs. Kat Videos


SpongeBob Rated A for Wipeout Turtles Rated”A for Odd Parents Chucks Haunting SpongeBob Squirrel Haunting Thunder Almost Just Kidding Talia Sidekick Just Kidding Nicky, Ricky Wayside Funny Home Stanley Dyn. Kid vs. Kat Videos Funny Home Sidekick Videos Nerds

MacNeil Lang CBC News CBC News Now With ” Andrew The National Nichols ” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” CBC News The National ” Now With ” Amanda Carole The National Lang MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News News CBC ” Now With ” The National Andrew The National ” Nichols ” CBC News Power & Amanda ” Politics Lang The National ” ””


Wipeout SpongeBob Turtles”

Lightning Waterfrontin a Bottle Cities

The National Amanda Lang ” Haunting CBC Odd Parents CBC News News Haunting ”” SpongeBob News Behind Just Kidding The The National National KOMO 4 To Be Bars: Thunder Jimmy Rookie Year Just Kidding ”” News Announced Talia Kimmel Home Amanda Wheel Live Behind Behind Bars: Bars: Funny Nicky, Ricky CBC News Nightline Rookie Year Videos Lang Jeopardy! Rookie Year Stanley Dyn. ”

Grey’s Anatomy

Thru Hell ” River How-Made Monsters How-Made Fool’s Gold Fast N’ Loud Fool’s Gold ” Airplane Cuban Repo Chrome How/Made Mayday How-Made How/Made ” How-Made

Life Life Say Yes The Say World’s Yes Fattest Man Say Yes The World’s Say Yes Fattest Man Say Yes 900 Pound Say Yes Man: Race Suddenly My TheGiant World’s Royal Life Fattest Man My 600-Lb. TheGiant World’s Life Fattest Man The World’s Say Pound Yes 900 Fattest Man Say Yes Man: Race The Yes World’s Say My 600-Lb. Fattest Man Say Life Yes 900 Say Pound Yes Paid Prog. Man: Race Say Yes Paid Prog. The World’s Suddenly Fattest Man Royal

Judge Big Bang Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Mamma Crazy Talk Mia!” Crazy Talk ” Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld Mod Fam Divorce King Mod Fam Divorce King Big Bang Judge The Middle Big Bang Judge The Middle Movie: Millionaire Family Guy “Mamma Millionaire Amer. Dad Mia!” Talk Crazy Amer. Dad ” Crazy FamilyTalk Guy Seinfeld Payne Payne Seinfeld Browns Browns King Fam Mod King Fam Mod

Dinosaur Baking Show Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Cat Business Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour Sesame St. Starlight Cat in the Ballroom Masterpiece Sesame (My Music) Classic Street” Great British Dinosaur Aging Baking Show Dinosaur Backwards World News Peg Cat MissPlus Fisher Business Peg Plus Cat Uncovered PBS Why! Super Being Poirot NewsHour Thomas ” Starlight Sesame ” St. Ballroom Cat in ”the (My Music) Masterpiece ” Classic

Northwest News KING 5 KING 5 News News Days of our Nightly News Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeToday Jeff Dunham neres cont’d”Show KING 5 NewFranco’s Day Mat News Northwest Got Magic KING 5 KING ”5 News News ” Nightly News Days our KING of News News Lives Tonight News Dr. Phil Show Evening ” Seth Meyers Jeff Dunham Ellen DeGeneres ”Show

” Fix 21 Day ” Raising Fast N’ Loud News How-Made Mike ” Mod Fam How-Made Anger Cuban Mike Men Fast N’ Loud Two Chrome How I Met ” Mod Fam

The World’s My 600-Lb. Fattest Man Life

The Middle Big Bang The Middle Big Bang

900 The Pound World’s Man: Race Fattest Man

Family Movie: Guy Amer. Dad “Mamma

Aging British Great Backwards Baking Show Miss WorldFisher News Uncovered Business

Mat Franco’s KING 5 Got Magic News ” KING 5 News ”

My The600-Lb. World’s Life Fattest Man

Amer. Mia!” Dad Family” Guy

How-Made Cuban How-Made Chrome

Paid Prog. 900 Pound Paid Prog. Man: Race

Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld

Being PBS Poirot ” NewsHour ” Starlight ” Ballroom

KING News Nightly News Tonight News Show News Seth Meyers Evening


Daily Planet Highway How-Made ” Thru Hell How-Made How-Made RiverN’ Loud Fast How-Made Monsters ” Fast N’Gold Loud Fool’s Cuban ”Gold Fool’s Chrome Cuban Airplane How-Made Chrome Repo How-Made How-Made How/Made How-Made How/Made

Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Mike Daily Anger MemoryLoss Two Men The Office Mod Fam Youthful Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Paid Prog. Steve Movie: Pets.TV Harvey “Scream 3”


21 Day Feud Fix Family ” Raising Family” Feud Mike Crime Watch News Anger DailyFam Mod Two Men MemoryLoss Mike Mod Fam The HowOffice I Met Big Bang Youthful Cougar Big Bang Family Feud Name Game Movie: Paid Prog. “Scream 3” Pets.TV

How-Made Daily Planet How-Made ”

Big Bang Goldbergs

The Nature of Things

KIRO Post Movie: Game Show “Skyfall”

MLB’s Best Blue Jays

The Spice Trail

SportsCentre ”

” ”

Amazing Race

Doc Zone ”


European Poker Tour

Movie: Scandal “Lightning in ”

The First 48 ”

Wipeout ”

SportsCentre ”

” ”

Saving Hope The National Raible’s ” ” Scouting

Sportsnet Central

a Bottle” ”

To Be Announced

Haunting Haunting

SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre 2015 ” Opening

CHBC News Sugar Final Debt/Part TBA Rachael Ray ET Canada ”

Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”

World CentralPoker Tour Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball:

Boj Cities PAW Patrol Lightning in Monkey a Bottle See Bucket-Dino

The View The First 48 Jimmy Rookie Year ” ” Kimmel Live Behind Bars: News The First 48 Nightline Rookie Year Seattle ”

Wayside Just Kidding Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Rated A for Videos Rated A for

CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil

Mayday Chrome ” How-Made Cold Water How-Made Cowboys

Steve How I Met Harvey Cougar FamilyGame Feud Name Family Feud

Noon News Hour

St. Louis Cardinals at

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

Nerds Squirrel

CBC News Now With

How-Made How-Made

Crime Watch Say Yes Daily Say Yes

Days of our Lives

Chicago Cubs



Behind Bars: Almost Rookie Year Sidekick

Andrew Nichols

Fast N’ Loud Paid Prog. ” The Office

News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Big Bang The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show

CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Monster Rick Mercer Heartland 22 Minutes ”

KIRO News The Is Late Price ShowRight Colbert Young & Corden Restless

2015 IRB Noon News Rugby World Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Now

KIRO News ”


The Social ”

Best Recipes The Talk Best Recipes ”

Days of our Lives

” ”

CHAN ” ” ( News

CHAN The Talk ( ”

SNP ) Sportsnet

KNOW Get KOMO Away With Murder * ` Waterfront News

Leaf Hospital SNP Tumble KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”

Behind Bars: Funny Home The National How-Made Rookie Year Videos ” How-Made

Cougar Big Bang Name Game Big Bang

A&E 1 Behind Bars:

The National How-Made ” How-Made

Movie: “Scream 3”


” ”

YTV CBC NEWS DISC KAYU News Fast N’ Loud News ” ” Mod Fam 6 7 9 ; Just Kidding The National Cuban Mike

A&E Behind Bars: 1 Rookie Year

YTV Wayside 6 Kid vs. Kat

NEWS Power & 7 Politics




The World’s Fattest Man

King King

(My Music) ”

Jeff Dunham ”

The World’s Fattest Man

The Middle The Middle

Aging Backwards

Mat Franco’s Got Magic

900 Pound Man: Race

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Miss Fisher Uncovered

Four Life Weddings Paid Prog. Four Prog. Paid Weddings

Divorce Family Guy Divorce Payne Judge Browns Judge

Sesame ” Street ” Dinosaur ” Dinosaur

Millionaire Millionaire

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

SesameWar Foyle’s Street”

Dr. Phil ” TodayDeGeEllen cont’d neres Show

New Day KING 5 Northwest News

TLC < My 600-Lb.

Say Yes Say Yes

TLC Say Yes < Say Yes

WTBS A Amer. Dad

DISC Cuban 9 Chrome

KAYU Top Cooker ; Family Feud

WTBS Payne A Browns

Mayday How/Made ” How/Made

SteveOil Fish Harvey State

FourYes Say Weddings Say Yes

Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam

KCTS N Being Poirot

KCTS Sesame St. N Cat in the

KING ” ” P KING News

Today Tonight cont’d Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest


Off Record Interruption SportsCentre ”

The Talk Dr. Phil ” ” Sugar The View The Meredith Ellen DeGeDebt/Part ” Vieira Show neres Show

Stefano Stefano Bookaboo Fool Canada Monster Gags

FABLife ” The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute

Sugar Boj Doozers Steve The View The Meredith World ”Poker The Debt/Part Tour Jays PAW Patrol Harvey ” Vieira Show Blue

The First 48 Criminal Minds”

Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Chucks

2015 Hockey Opening SC

Rachael Marilyn Young & Ray The Dr. Oz ” Denis Restless Show Show

Heartland Dragons’ Den ”

Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy

Rachael Young & Ray MLB ” Baseball: Restless

Monkey See News Mister Maker KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino Seattle Creative News

The First 48 Criminal Minds”

Rated A for Carole Assembly Amanda Rated A for MacNeil Nicky, Ricky Lang

Cold Water Daily Planet Cowboys ”

Family Feud Four Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Feud Say Weddings Raising Yes

Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang

Dinosaur Father Dinosaur Brown

CBC News Now ”

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global

St. Louis Boston Red Cardinals at Sox at

PAW Dan Patrol Dino Kate Kratts and Wild

Nerds Henry Squirrel Thunder

How-Made Edge of How-Made Alaska

Crime Watch Say Yes Mike Daily Say Yes Anger

Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Match

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 World News Peg Plus Cat News Business

2015 IRB Noon SC News News Rugby World Hour ” CFL Pre

CTV News Vancouver

The Chew The First 48 News Criminal World ”News Minds”

CBC News ” Now With ”

CBC News Now With ”

Cup CFL ” Football:

Days of our The News Hour CTVSocial News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC

Best The Talk CBC Recipes News KIRO News Best Recipes CBS News ” Murdoch

Days our News of Hour Lives ”

Chicago General Toronto Blue Ruf-Tweet Waterfront KOMO 4 Cubs Tumble Jays Cities Leaf Hospital News

Behind CriminalBars: Almost Bella Rookie Minds Year Sidekick Talia

Andrew N’ Loud Paid Prog. The National Fast Highway Two Men Nichols ” The ” Thru Hell Mod Office Fam

Off Record BC Lions at Interruption Calgary

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

Stefano Mysteries Stefano Coronation

FABLife The Insider Ent ”

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

Tim and Sid MLB ” Baseball:

Maya Coast Curious ”

Behind Bars: Wayside Criminal Thunder Rookie Year Kid vs. Kat Minds Movie:

Power & CBC News Politics ”

SportsCentre Stampeders SportsCentre ” ” Hockey SportsCentre 2015 ” SC Opening SC SportsCentre ” CFL 2015Pre IRB Rugby World SportsCentre CFL

The Meredith Divorced Sugar Vieira Show Divorced Debt/Part Young & Hawaii FiveRachael Ray Restless 0 ” News See No Evil

Fool GagsCanada Bookaboo Gags 22 Minutes Monster Dragons’ Like Me Heartland Den Like Me ” CBCNational News The ” CBC News Now CBC News

Bold Elementary The Price Is ThisMinute ” Right Judge Judy Hawaii FiveYoung Judy & Judge 0 Restless KIROBloods News Blue KIRO ”News KIRO ”News

The Meredith Divorced Sugar Vieira Show Divorced Debt/Part Young & Hawaii FiveRachael Ray Restless 0 ” Evil EarlyNo News See Global Nat. Noon ”News Hour Hour News

” Pittsburgh World Poker Blue Jays Pirates at Tour MLBAngeles Los MLB Baseball: Dodgers Baseball: Boston Red Sportsnet Central Sox at St. Louis Cardinals at Sportsnet Toronto Blue

The Doozers Murder Boj PAW Patrol Myster. PAW Patrol Mister Maker George Monkey See Creative Gently Bucket-Dino Dino Dan ” The Wild Kratts PAWSecret Patrol Kate and The Great Waterfront

” The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda The National Carole” Lang MacNeil CBC News

ET TheCanada Talk ” Divorced

Central Baseball: Tim and Sid ” Pittsburgh

War Jimmy CitiesTour News Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Murder Kimmel Coast Leaf Hospital Wheel Live Myster. Nightline Jeopardy! Maya ” The Doctors Curious ” Murder Last Man

Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal Minds The First 48 ” Criminal

Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang



KNOW Wheel KOMO The Doctors ” Jeopardy! * `


Super PBS Why! Thomas NewsHour

Payne” Browns Seinfeld

Sesame St. Dr. Phil Washington News Cat in the ” Charlie Rose Evening

How/Made Airplane Mayday How/Made Repo ” Daily Planet Highway Cold Hell Water ” Thru Cowboys Edge of ” Alaska CBC News How-Made NowNational With How-Made The Mayday Highway ” ” Loud Thru N’ Hell Andrew Fast Nichols ” Amanda Airplane CBC News Mayday

Fish Oil Gotham Steve ” State Harvey Paid Prog. ” Family” Feud Raising Family Feud Mike News Mod Fam Anger Crime Watch Daily Mike Two Men

Mod King Fam Divorce Mod King Fam Divorce Big Bang The Middle Judge Big Bang The Middle Judge Movie: Guy Family Amer. Dad “Match Millionaire Millionaire Amer. Point” Dad

Foyle’s Father War Sesame Brown” Street Father American Dinosaur Brown Masters Dinosaur World News POV ” Business Peg Plus Cat Peg Cat ” PBS Plus

Lang Repo Power” & Cuban” Politics The National Chrome Airplane Repo ” How/Made ” How/Made The National Highway

Cougar Prog. Big Say Yes TopBang Cooker Paid Family Feud Say Say Yes Gotham Yes ” Fish Oil Say Yes State ” Say Say Yes Yes

“Mr. 3000” Seinfeld Payne Browns King

” Amanda Lang News CBC ” CBC News ” The National ” The National ” Amanda Lang CBC News ”

” Paid Prog. Raising News Mod Mike Fam Anger Mike Two Two Men Men Mod Fam How I Met Cougar Big Bang Big Bang

Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes

King Fam Mod Mod Fam The Middle The Middle Big Bang Big Bang Family Guy Amer. Movie:Dad “MatchDad Amer. Family Point” Guy Movie:” “Mr. 3000” ” Seinfeld

Never Age Meyers Charlie Rose Evening Sesame St. Seth Dr. Phil Cat in the ” Father Best Time Brown War Ellen Ever DeGeFoyle’s ” neres Show American Dateline

Gotham ”

Say Yes Say Yes


Cuban Mayday Chrome ”


Coronation Late ShowMurdoch CBSTalk News Best Recipes The Best Recipes Colbert ” Backstage Mysteries The Insider 22 Minutes Corden Coronation Ent Stefano FABLife Stefano ” Gags Elementary

” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Hockey SC SportsCentre ” SC CFL Pre SportsCentre CFL ” Football: SportsCentre ” BC Lions at Calgary

a Time Ellen DeGeneres Show Once Upon a Time The Dr. Oz Show ” ” CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa News--11:30 CTV News Vancouver Big Bang Seth etalk Meyers Big Bang

22 Minutes Fool Canada Gags Like Me Like Me Dragons’ Den National The ” CBC News ” CBC News Coronation CBC News Murdoch Backstage 22 Minutes Mysteries Coronation

Bold ” ThisMinute Hawaii Five0 Judge Judy Judge Judy Blue Bloods KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO Late KIROShowNews CBS News Colbert Corden The Insider Ent

Divorced The Meredith Vieira HawaiiShow Five0 Young & Restless See No Evil ” Early News Global Nat. News Late ShowNews Hour ” Colbert ET Ent Canada ET Canada

Pirates ” at Blue Jays Los Angeles Dodgers MLB Baseball: Sportsnet Central Boston Red Sox at Sportsnet Central Toronto Blue Jays Sportsnet Central MLB Baseball:

Myster. The Doozers PAW Patrol George Gently Mister Maker Creative ” The DinoSecret Dan Wild Great Kratts The War Tour Waterfront Cities Murder Myster. Coast ”

ABC Fall Steve Harvey Shark Tank KOMO” 4 News 20/20 News ” World News News Jimmy KOMO 4 News Live Kimmel Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!

Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

Boots” Sidekick Chucks ” Game On Assembly Nicky,ItRicky Make Pop Make Henry It Pop Thunder Haunting Haunting Bella Talia in Puss Boots Thunder Movie:

Once Upon a Time

Gags 22 Minutes

Elementary ”

Divorced Divorced

Pittsburgh Pirates at

Murder Myster.

Last Man ABC Fall

Criminal Minds

“Puss in Boots”

The National Airplane ” Repo

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Once Upon ” 0 a Time

Like Me Like Me

Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Los Angeles George 0 0 Dodgers Gently

Shark Tank

Criminal Minds

” Game On

The National Highway ” Thru Hell

SportsCentre ” IRB Rugby SportsCentre World Cup ” MLS Soccer: SportsCentre Colorado ” Rapids at Toronto FC

See No Evil ” PGA Tour CHBC News Golf Final ” TBA ” ET Canada ” News

” ” The Marilyn News-Lisa Denis Show News--11:30 It Is Written Big etalkBang Seth Meyers SportsCentre ”

The National ” Absolutely CBC News Canadian Coronation Doc Zone Backstage ” 22 Minutes Triathlon ”

Blue Bloods ” Changers KIRO News Paid Prog. Late ShowSports Colbert Spectacular Corden Col. Football College

See No Evil ” PGA Tour News Golf Late Show” Colbert ” ET Canada ” News

Sportsnet Central Bundesliga Sportsnet Soccer Central ” Sportsnet NFL Game. Central Blue Jays Central

Criminal The Secret ” Minds Wild Kratts College Duck The News Criminal Wild Great Kratts Football Dynasty War Tour Jimmy Minds Mister Maker cont’d: Duck D. Murder Kimmel Live Criminal Creative Teams TBA Duck D. Myster. Nightline Minds Dogs Football Duck D. Dogs College Duck D.

Make It Pop Make It Pop Odd Parents Haunting Kung Fu Haunting Turtles Puss in Turtles Boots Movie: “Puss in

CBC News ” CBC News The CBCNational News ” Now With Amanda Asha Lang Tomlinson ”

Edge of Alaska Airplane Mayday Repo ” Mayday Airplane ” Repo Railroad Alaska

News Mod Fam MLB Mike Baseball: Two Men Regional How I Met Coverage Cougar ” ”

CFL Football:

Museum Secrets

Corner Gas Corner Gas

Rhythmic Gymnastics

Football: Auburn at

Museum Secrets

MLB Baseball:

Hope for Wildlife

Duck D. Duck D.

Boots” ”

Edge of Alaska

Edmonton Eskimos at

To Be Announced

Amazing Race


To Be Announced

Boston Red Sox at

Ultimate Engineering

The First 48 ”

SpongeBob SpongeBob

Divorced The Meredith Vieira Show Hawaii Five0 Young & Restless See No Evil News ” CHBC” News Final News Hour CHBC News TBA ET Ent Canada ET Canada

Stampeders Divorced ” Divorced

Hamilton IRB Rugby Tiger-Cats World Cup

” ”

” PGA Tour Golf ” MLS Soccer: MLS Soccer: ”” Sounders Colorado at Battle ”Castle Whitecaps ”” Rapids at FC CHBC News Toronto FC News

Movie: The Marilyn “Terry” Denis Show

Rick Mercer Absolutely 22 Minutes Canadian

” It Is Written etalk ” CTV’s Big SportsCentre Fall Preview ”

Doc Zone Doc Zone ”” Land & Sea Triathlon Mansbridge ”

CFL CFL Football: Football:

News Hour Museum ” Secrets

CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas

RedBlacks Edmonton at Eskimos at

The West To Be Block Announced

Amazing Amazing Race Race

The National Football: CBS News Rhythmic Marketplace News Gymnastics KIRO Auburn at Short ”Film Steve LSU Raible Face Off The Insider ” ”

Roughriders Hamilton ” Tiger-Cats IRB Rugby SportsCentre MLS Soccer: World ”Cup Sounders at MLS Soccer: SportsCentre Whitecaps Colorado ” FC Rapids at SportsCentre CFL Toronto ” FC Football: CFL SportsCentre RedBlacks ” Football: at

Movie: ” “The ” PGA Tour Building” Golf ”” Battle Castle ” Continuum ” ” CHBC News News ”Final News Hour News Saturday ” Museum Night Live The West ” Secrets Block

Big Bang Movie: Anger “Terry” The Marilyn Criminal Denis ”Show Minds ” It Is Written Motive CTV’s etalk ”Big Fall Preview SportsCentre News CTV News ” News--11:30 Vancouver Corner Gas Castle Amazing Corner” Gas Race

Life Story Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Absolutely The Book of Doc Zone Canadian Negroes ” Doc Zone News Land & ” Sea Love Child Mansbridge Triathlon ” The National Movie:” Marketplace Rhythmic “The Bourne Short Film Identity” Gymnastics Face Off



” ” Changers PGA Tour ” Paid Prog. Golf ” ThisMinute ”” Sports Sports Stars Battle ”Castle Spectacular KIRO News Col. Football ”” KIRO News News Global Nat. College

NCIS: New ” Orleans ” Changers Criminal ThisMinute Paid Prog. Minds Sports Stars Sports 48 Hours KIRO News Spectacular ” KIRO News Col. KIROFootball News CBS News College Scandal KIRO News Football: ” Steve Raible Ent Auburn at The Insider

Central Jays Chicago Cubs Sportsnet MLB



KNOW KOMO ” ” 20/20 * `


TBA KNOW Teams KOMO ” ” * `

Sidekick “Puss in Wayside Chucks Boots” Kid vs. Kat Assembly ” Rated A for Nicky, Ricky Game On Rated A for Henry It Pop Make Make Thunder Nerds It Pop Squirrel Haunting Bella

Crazy Point” Talk Crazy ”Talk

TopBang Cooker Say Yes Big Family Feud Say Yes Big Bang


Ellen Once DeGeUpon The View neres Show a Time ” The Dr. Oz Once Upon The Marilyn Show a Time Denis ”Show CTV News ” Noon ”News Vancouver CTV News Hour Vancouver CHBC News News-Lisa News Hour CTV News Final Football: CHBC Vancouver Cup ” Days ofNews our News--11:30 The Social ” Lives ” SportsCentre Big BC Lions at TBA Ent etalkBang ” ET Seth Meyers Calgary Big Bang Off Record TheCanada Talk Dr. Phil Interruption Divorced ” Stampeders Once ”Upon

Late Show” our Days of Lives Colbert Ent

Steve Last Man The Harvey ABCView Fall ” KOMOTank 4 Shark News ” Seattle News 20/20 ”News World The Chew News KOMO” 4

A&E 1

Minds Bars: Almost Haunting Talia Behind Rookie CriminalYear Sidekick Puss in Thunder Minds Movie: Behind Bars: Boots Wayside Rookie Year “Puss Kid vs.inKat Criminal

A&E 1

A&E 1




” NEWS 7

Thru Daily Hell Planet ” Edge of Alaska Edge of Alaska Mayday ” Highway Thru Hell Airplane Repo Mayday ”



The National Highway Issue Thru Hell

Two Mod Men Fam Paid Prog. The Office How I Met Big Bang

Say Yes Say Yes


Say Yes FourYes Say Weddings Say Yes FourYes Say Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say

Say Yes Say Paid Prog. Say Yes Yes


Family”Talk Guy Crazy Crazy Movie:”Talk


Glorious NewsHour Super Why! Thomas Women Washington

Father Brown

Best Time Ever

Say Yes Say Yes

The Middle The Middle

American Masters

Dateline NBC

Say Yes Say Yes Suddenly Say Yes Royal Say Yes Untold StoPaid Prog. ries of ER Paid Prog. Untold Stories of ER

Family Guy Amer. Dad Break Amer. Dad Seinfeld Family Guy The Love Movie: Guru “Mr. 3000” Movie: “The Fast


” Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts Glorious Disease Women Proof Never Age KCTS 9 Cooks: All-

” Show ” Seth Meyers ” College

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Untold Stories of ER

and the Furious”

Time Favorites!

Football: Georgia

Old House Kids News

Untold Stories of ER

KAYU ” ;





WTBS ” ” A

KCTS ” ” N

How/Made Airplane How/Made Repo Fool’s Gold Mayday Fool’s”Gold

Livin’ Untold StoMLB Dream Suddenly 21 Day Fix ries of ER Baseball: Royal Pregame Dateline on Regional Untold StoCollege ID Coverage ries of ER

Misplays Blue Jays Blue Jays Central

The Spice Dogs Trail Dogs

College Football Football: College

The First Duck D. 48 ” Duck D.

SpongeBob Movie: SpongeBob “Puss in

Rockies Railroad Rockies Alaska

Football: ” California at ”

Dateline on Untold StoID of ER ries

Seinfeld Starlight The Love Disease Atlanta Guru Eats Ballroom Proof King (My Music) Movie: KCTS 9 King Fast ” All“The Cooks:

News Hour Museum ” Secrets

MLB MLB Baseball: Baseball:

Hope Hope for for Wildlife Wildlife

Stanford Football: at USC Teams TBA

Texas Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog.

Dateline on Untold StoTLC ries of ER

Movie: and the “One for the Furious”

Pittsburgh Boston Red Pirates Sox at at

Python UltimateWars ” Engineering

”” ””

The DuckFirst D. 48 ” Duck D. To Be The First 48 Announced ”

Make Boots”It Pop Make ”It Pop

The West To Be Block Announced

” Old House ” Kids News

Dateline on Untold StoTLCof ER ries

Money” ” ””

” PGA Tour Building” Golf ”” Battle Castle ” Continuum ” ” Global Nat. ” News Final News Hour News Saturday ” Museum Night Live The West ” Secrets Block

Jays Bundesliga Sportsnet Sportsnet Soccer Central Central ” Sportsnet Misplays NFL Game. Central Blue Jays Blue Jays Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball: MLB Sportsnet Pittsburgh Central Baseball: Pirates at

Cities Wild Kratts Foyle’s War Nat’l Wild Kratts ” Geographic Mister”Maker The Spice Creative ” Trail Dogs Waterfront Hope for Dogs Cities Wildlife Hope forWar Foyle’s Python Wars ” Wildlife ”

Football College Fan Face Off KOMO Football4 Wheel News cont’d: To Be College Teams TBA Announced Football: Football News Stanford at College Castle USC Football: ” ” Burn Notice Teams TBA ”

” DuckFirst 48 The The First 48 Dynasty ” ” DuckFirst D. 48 The The 48 DuckFirst D. ” ” Duck To BeD. The First 48 Duck D. Announced ” DuckFirst D. 48 The To Be ” Duck D. Announced

A&E The First 48 The1 First 48 ”




KAYU Seahawks Livin’ Dream ; Paid Prog.

21 Day Fix MLB Men Two Pregame Baseball: Mike College Regional News Football: Coverage Wanted California at ” Animation Texas ” Domination ” Paid Prog. Glee ” ” Paid Prog. ”

The Middle Break The Middle Seinfeld


SpongeBob The National Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob Mansbridge Kung Fu CBC News SpongeBob Now The Nature Turtles With SpongeBob of Things Turtles Asha

SNP KNOW KOMO Los Angeles Heartbeat ” Toronto ” )Blue Waterfront * ` Dodgers ” Pac-12

Tonight News Days of our Lives Show News

King King

The DuckFirst 48 ” Dynasty The First Duck D. 48 ” Duck D.

CHAN Movie: ” ( “The

Ellen DeGeBest Time Today neres Ever Show cont’d KING 5 Dateline New Day News NBC Northwest KING ”5 News ”5 KING News KING News Nightly News

NBC KING 5 News ” KING ”5 News News KING Tonight Nightly News News Show Seth NewsMeyers Evening

” College Football Football KOMO 4 cont’d: News Teams TBA

The National Treasure ” Edge of Marketplace Quest ” Alaska Funny Home Our CanadaN’ Loud SpongeBob The National Fast Highway Videos Mansbridge ” SpongeBob Issue Thru Hell Movie: The National Cuban SpongeBob The National How/Made “Super 8” Issue Chrome SpongeBob Mansbridge How/Made Odd Parents CBCNational News Airplane ” The Treasure SpongeBob The Fool’s Kung Fu CBCNature News Repo Gold ” Mansbridge Quest SpongeBob of Things Fool’s Gold Turtles” NowCanadaWith Mayday Our Fast N’ Loud SpongeBob the fifth Rockies Turtles Asha Assembly Mansbridge ” SpongeBob estate Rockies Movie: Tomlinson Railroad Haunting The National Rockies Make It Pop The National Treasure “Puss in Alaska Haunting Issue ” Rockies Make It Pop Marketplace Quest Boots” ” Edge Rush of Movie: The National Gold Funny Home Our Canada- Fast N’ Loud “Super” 8” Mansbridge ” Alaska” Videos Mansbridge ”


Masters Father Brown POV World ”News Business ” Glorious PBS NewsHour Women Never Age Washington Charlie Rose

Toronto Blue Wild Waterfront Bundesliga Kratts Jays Cities Soccer Wild Kratts Sportsnet Nat’l Maker ” Mister Central NFL Game. Geographic Creative

the fifth Tomlinson estate”

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Aging Wild Kratts Backwards Wild Kratts

Weekend Time News Favorites!


” PGA Tour KING Golf News Tonight


Tech at Notre Dame ” PGA Tour Golf ” Biz Kid$ ” Kids News ” KING ”5 News College Preview Football: KING News Georgia

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10 :30 4 :00 :30

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Sarila” Best Recipes Heartland Stefano ” Our When Calls Vancouver the Heart Coronation Movie: Marketplace Fool Canada “Antony and Still Standing Power & Cleopatra” The National Politics ” ” Land & Sea Movie: CBC Mansbridge “The News the fifth Best Recipes Legend of estate Stefano Sarila” Canadian Our Heartland Vancouver ”

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New Tricks ”

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Sister Wives Time” ” The Closer

In Their Own Packers Words 5th Quarter

Waking the Dead

KNOW aKOMO Time ” * `

Once Upon

Beyond Scared

Make It Pop Assembly

The National Yukon Men ” ”

Family Guy Big Bang

Sister Wives ” ” The Closer

Masterpiece KING 5 Mystery! News

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News How I Met Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud Mod Fam Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Daily

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Say Yes Say Yes

Blue Joel Osteen Teams TBA Power & San Diego A20 :00 NFL What? 67th Emmy Movie: KIRO News :00 Bombers at Paid Prog. ” Politics Chargers at 11 :30 Football: CHBC News Awards “The KIRO News 5 :30 Alouettes News ” Land & Sea Cincinnati SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2015 :00 Seattle News Hour ” 20, Legend of CBS News :00 ” PGA Tour ” Mansbridge Bengals

12 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 1 :30 6 12 :30 :00 2 7 :30 8 :00 3 :30 9 :00 4 :30 10 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 7 :30 2 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 1 12 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 11 6 :00 :30 12 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 10 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 :30 4 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 6 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :00 :30 8 :30 # $ % & _ :00 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 :00 10 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 :00 11 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 :00 :00 2 :30 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 12 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 5 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 Seahawks at NFL Green Bay Football: Packers Teams TBA ”” SportsCentre CFL ” Football: ”” ” Blue Football SportsCentre Bombers at Night ” Alouettes NFL SportsCentre ” Football: ” NFL Seattle SportsCentre Football: Seahawks at ” Teams TBA Green Bay ” Packers

” Golf Security ” Emergency ” Big Brother ” ” The West TV-Torrens Block Movie: Ice Pilots “Limitless” Joel NWTOsteen ”or Paid WeirdProg. ” News What? News Final PGA Tour CHBC News The West Golf News Hour Block ” Mackenzie ” Security ” Emergency

Movie: NWT “Limitless” Weird or

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” ”


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” Scared The First 48 Beyond ” Scared Behind Bars: Beyond Rookie Year Scared Behind Bars: Beyond Rookie Year Scared Behind Bars: Behind Bars: Rookie Year Rookie Year The First 48 Beyond ” Beyond Scared Scared The First 48 Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared Behind BeyondBars: Beyond Rookie Scared Year Scared Behind BeyondBars: Behind Bars: Rookie Scared Year Rookie Year Behind Bars: Beyond Rookie Year Scared

A&E 1

Thunder a Chance of Stanley Dyn. Meatballs Game On ” Henry Movie: Henry “Despicable Assembly Me” Assembly ” Movie: That’s-Weird “Surf’s Up” Make It Pop Thunder ” Thunder Make ”It Pop Assembly Stanley Dyn. Cloudy With Haunting Game On of a Chance Haunting Henry Meatballs Haunting Henry” Haunting Assembly Movie: Despicable Assembly “Despicable Me Movie: Me” “Surf’s” Up”


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Thru Hell ”

Football: The OT

Say Yes ”

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Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “Prince of Movie: Persia: The “The Sands of Pacifier” Time” ” The Closer Witch Mount Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Dish Worth Big Bang ” First Family Big Bang There Yet? Paid Prog. Mod Fam Paid Prog. Box Mod Office Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Movie: Paid Prog. “The “Prince of Paid Prog. Pacifier” Persia: The Sands” of

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T. McCarver BeyondBars: That’s-Weird ” Doc National Zone Cash Cab Cowboys at Sister Wives Time” Big Bang Once Upon Behind The MythBusters Raising a Time Rookie ” ” Simpsons ” The Closer Paid Prog. Scared Year Make ”It Pop Cash Cab Philadelphia Big Bang

News ” World ”News News KOMO 4 Castle News

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Disease Poppy Cat In Their Own Packers Words 5th Proof TreeQuarter Fu Tom

Dateline America NBC NFL Vicious KING News Weekend Football: Victor Borge Up Late NW A Chef’s Life Seattle Starlight Bensinger Great British Seahawks at Ballroom Top Blower Baking Show Green Bay

Movie: “Limitless”

Movie: “Wedding

Fool Canada Madam Still Standing Secretary

Movie: “Limitless”

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Planner Mystery” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn Castle Denis Show ” CTV News Vancouver

The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Monster the fifth Our estate Vancouver Canadian CBC News Now

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Amazing Race

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

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MLB’s Best Misplays

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Dr. Phil ”

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Power & Politics

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Payne Browns

Sesame St. Cat in the

Dr. Phil ”

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The Meredith Sugar Show Vieira Debt/Part Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” News Noon ”News Hour News Hour Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Elementary The Meredith ” Vieira Show Sugar Minority Young & Debt/Part Report Restless Rachael Ray NCIS: Los News ” Angeles ” Noon News CHBC News News Hour Hour Final CHBC News Days of our TBA Ent Lives ET Canada ET Canada The Talk Elementary ” ” The Meredith Minority Vieira ReportShow

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ” Gotham Ellen DeGe” neres Show The View Blindspot The Dr. ” Oz Show The Marilyn Castle CTV News Denis ”Show Vancouver CTV News News-Lisa CTV News Vancouver News--11:30 Vancouver TheBang Social Big etalk ” Seth Meyers Big Bang Dr. Phil Gotham ” ” Ellen DeGeBlindspot neres ”Show

Grand Bookaboo Designs Monster Bondi Vet Our Bondi Vet Vancouver CBC News CBC News ” Now CBC News Heartland Dragons’ ” Den Murdoch Coronation Mysteries Murdoch Grand Mysteries Designs Bookaboo Just for Bondi Vet Monster Laughs Bondi Vet Our National The CBC News Vancouver ” ” CBC News CBC News Now Coronation Dragons’ Heartland Rick Mercer Den ” 22 Minutes Coronation Murdoch Murdoch Mysteries Mysteries Grand Just for Designs Laughs

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young Judy & Judge Restless KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” The Insider FABLife Ent ” Big Bang Bold Life in ThisMinute The Price Is Scorpion Judge”Judy Right Judge Judy Young & NCIS: Los KIRO News Restless Angeles KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News Late ShowCBS News The Talk Colbert The Insider ” Corden Ent FABLife Big Bang ” Life in Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ”

The Meredith Sugar Show Vieira Debt/Part Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Elementary The Meredith ” Vieira Show Sugar Minority Young & Debt/Part Report Restless Rachael Ray NCIS: Los Early News ” Angeles Global Nat. Noon News News News Hour Hour Late Show” Days of our Colbert Ent Lives ET Canada ET Canada The Talk Elementary ” ” The Meredith Minority Vieira ReportShow

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The Doozers Boj Patrol PAW PAW Patrol Mister Maker Monkey See Creative Bucket-Dino Dino Dan PAWKratts Patrol Wild Kate and Ultimate Ruf-Tweet Engineering Tumble Leaf Hope for Maya Wildlife Curious Edwardian The FarmDoozers PAW Patrol Boj Rubens: An MisterPatrol Maker PAW Extra Large Creative Monkey See The Great Dino Dan Bucket-Dino War Tour Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Hope for Ultimate Kate and Wildlife Engineering Ruf-Tweet Rubens: An Hope for Tumble Leaf Extra Large Wildlife Maya Edwardian Curious Farm The Doozers Rubens: An PAW Extra Patrol Large

Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Dancing Steve With the Harvey The StarsView KOMO ” 4 News KOMO 4 Castle News News ” World News The Chew News KOMO ” 4 Jimmy News General Live Kimmel Wheel Hospital Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors Dancing ” With the Steve Stars Harvey ”

The First 48 CSI: Miami ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” CSI: Miami The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The The First First 48 48 ””

Sidekick Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob RatedFu A for Kung Rated A for Odd Parents Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel Thunder Almost Talia Sidekick Assembly Wayside Game On Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Sidekick Videos Chucks Wayside Wipeout SpongeBob Kid vs.” Kat Kung Fu Rated A for Haunting Odd Parents Rated A for Haunting SpongeBob Nerds Gags Thunder Squirrel Gags Talia AlmostHome Funny Assembly Sidekick Videos Game On Wayside Funny Home Kid vs. Kat Videos Sidekick Wipeout Chucks ”

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Paid Prog. Steve Big World Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising Family Feud Mike Crime Watch Anger Daily Two Men Paid Fam Prog. Mod The Office Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big Family Feud Gotham Paid Prog. ” Big World Steve Minority Paid Prog. Harvey Report Raising Family Feud News Mike Fam Family Feud Mod Anger Crime Watch Mike Two Men Daily Two Men Mod Fam Paid IProg. How Met Big Bang The Office Cougar Big Bang Paid Prog. Gotham Family Feud ” Paid Prog. Minority Big World Report

Randy to the Extreme Rescue Extreme Conjoined Extreme Twin Extreme My Shocking Say Yes Story Say Yes Treeman: Say Yes Dede’s Say Yes Journey Say Yes ” Say Yes Body Bizarre Randy” to the Rescue Extreme My Shocking Conjoined Extreme Story Twin Extreme Treeman: My Shocking Extreme Dede’s Story Say Yes Journey Treeman: Say Yes ” Dede’s Say Yes Peter Popoff Journey Say Yes Paid Prog. ” Say Yes Body Bizarre Say Yes ” Randy to the My Shocking Rescue Story

Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Anchorman: Millionaire The Legend Millionaire of Ron Crazy Talk Burgundy Crazy Talk Seinfeld Payne Seinfeld Browns King Mod King Fam Mod Fam Divorce The Middle Big Bang Divorce The Middle Big Bang Judge Guy Family Anchorman: Judge Dad Amer. The Legend Millionaire Amer. Dad of Ron Millionaire Family Guy Burgundy Crazy Talk Payne Seinfeld Crazy Talk Browns Seinfeld Payne King Browns King Mod Fam The Middle Mod Fam The Middle

Masterpiece Sesame Mystery! Street ” Dinosaur ” Dinosaur World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Old House Sesame St. Antiques Cat in the Antiques Masterpiece Roadshow Mystery! Sesame After ” Street Charleston ” Dinosaur POV World Dinosaur ”News Business Peg Plus Cat ” PBS Plus Cat Peg Wildlife Det. NewsHour Super Why! Wheat Belly Old House Thomas Total Health Antiques Sesame St. Antiques Cat in the Roadshow Masterpiece After Mystery! Charleston

Ellen DeGeTodayShow neres cont’d KING 5 New Day News Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days of our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Today” KING ”5 cont’d News New Day Blindspot KING ”5 Northwest News KING 5 News Nightly News TonightNews News Days of Show our News LivesMeyers Seth Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres ”Show

Countdown SportsCentre ”” NFL SportsCentre Football: ” New York SportsCentre Jets at”

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The Dr. Oz Castle Show ” News News News-Lisa CTV News CHBC ” Vancouver Final News--11:30 News Hour CTVBang News TBA Big CHBC News Seth Vancouver ET Canada Meyers

Bondi Vet Judge Los Judy The National NCIS: Bondi ”Vet Judge Judy Angeles CBC News News KIRO News News CBC KIRO ” KIROShowNews Coronation Late CBC News KIRO News Rick Mercer Colbert Dragons’ CBS News 22 Minutes Corden

Young Los & NCIS: Restless Angeles

MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Central

KOMO 4 Castle News ” News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4Live Kimmel News Nightline

The First First 48 48 The ””

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Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad My Shocking Amer. Anchorman: Journey Dad Story ” The Legend Family Guy Treeman: of Ron Peter Popoff Payne Dede’s Burgundy Paid Prog. Browns

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World ”News Business Wildlife Det. PBS Belly Wheat NewsHour Total Health

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etalk Big Bang

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My Shocking The Middle Story The Middle

After Charleston

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Say Yes Say Yes

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Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

” Elementary SportsCentre ”






” The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 News ” Burn Notice The Chew ”

KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `


Gotham ”

Murdoch Mysteries

Big Bang Life in

Elementary ”

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Edwardian Farm

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Rubens: An Extra Large

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The Social ”

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

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World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

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The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute

Best BondiRecipes Vet Stefano Bondi Vet CBC News News CBC Now ” Heartland CBC News ” Dragons’

Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News News KIRO KIRO ”News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Murdoch Den Mysteries Coronation Grand Rick Mercer Designs 22 Minutes

FABLife The Insider Ent ” Bold NCIS ThisMinute ”

Bondi Vet Creek Bondi Vet Bookaboo Still Standing Monster CBC News The National ” Best Recipes ” Stefano CBC News CBC News Dragons’ CBC News Coronation Now Den Rick Mercer Coronation Heartland 22 Minutes Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Murdoch Creek Mysteries Still Standing Grand The National Designs ” Bondi Vet CBC News Bondi Vet Bookaboo Coronation Monster CBC News Rick Mercer ” Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano CBC News Dragons’ CBC News

Judge New Judy NCIS: Judge Judy The Price Is Orleans Right KIRO News Limitless KIRO News Young ”& Restless KIRO News KIRO News CBS News KIRO News Late Show” The Insider Colbert Ent The Talk Corden NCIS ” ” FABLife NCIS:”New Orleans Bold Limitless ThisMinute ” Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy The Price Is Late ShowRight News KIRO Colbert KIRO News Young & Corden Restless KIRO News CBS KIRONews News

” ”

SportsCentre Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part ” Vieira Show Golf Rachael MLB Young & Ray Fishing Flats Restless ” Baseball: HockeyTBA Teams Lunch” Cabbie ” Cabbie ” Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ”

Noon News News Hour ”

CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver Days of our CTV The Social News Hour News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC The Talk Dr. Phil Ent etalk ” ” ET Canada Big Bang

SportsCentre NCIS The Meredith Ellen DeGeSC The Voice ” Vieira ”Show neres ”Show SC MLB Young New & The Dr. SportsCentre NCIS: ” Oz Baseball: Restless Show SportsCentre Sugar The View ” Orleans ” ” TBA Debt/Part ” Teams News CTV News SportsCentre Limitless Best Time ” Vancouver Golf ”” Rachael The Marilyn ” Ray Ever Fishing Denis Show ” Flats News ”Hour CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” CHBCNews News CTV Vancouver Hockey Noon News ” Final News--11:30 Lunch Hour Vancouver SportsCentre Ent etalk SportsCentre TBA Big Bang ” ET Canada Big Bang Cabbie Days of our Seth The Social ” ET Canada Meyers SC NCIS The Voice Cabbie Lives ” SC ” ” Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre NCIS:”New ” Interruption ” Orleans ” SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGeSportsCentre Limitless Best Time ” Vieira Show neres Show ” ” Ever MLB Young & The Dr. Oz SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa Baseball: Restless Show IRB Rugby Sugar The View ” Final News--11:30 World Cup Debt/Part ” Teams TBA News CTV News SportsCentre TBA ” Big Bang ” Golf Talk Rachael Ray Vancouver The Marilyn ” ET Canada Seth Meyers 2015 IRB DenisNews Show ” News ”Hour CTV

News Vancouver Rugby” World CHBC Noon News CTV News Cup: France Hour Vancouver



CHAN The Talk ( ” Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ” The Talk Ent ” ET Canada


Castle The View ” ” News KOMO Jimmy 4 News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”

SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ” Misplays ” Bundesliga Blue Jays Soccer: MLB Bayern Baseball: Munich vs New York Wolfsburgat Yankees World Poker Toronto Blue Tour Jays

Tim and Sid Sportsnet ” Central The Meredith NCIS MLB ” Vieira ”Show Blue Jays Baseball Young New & MLB ” NCIS: Restless Baseball: Sugar Misplays Orleans ” Debt/Part Early News Bundesliga New York Limitless Sportsnet Global Nat. Yankees at Rachael ” Ray Soccer: Central Bayern News ”Hour Toronto Blue News Sportsnet ”News Munich Jays NoonShowLate Central vs Hour Wolfsburg Ent Sportsnet Colbert Sportsnet ET Canada Central Days of our Central World Poker ET Canada NCIS MLB Lives Tour ” Baseball The Talk Tim and Sid NCIS:”New ” Orleans ” The Meredith ” Limitless Sportsnet Vieira Show Blue Jays ” Central Young & MLB News Sportsnet Restless Baseball: Sugar Blue Jays Late Show- Central Debt/Part Misplays Early News New York Colbert Sportsnet Global Nat. Yankees at Rachael Ray MLB ET Canada Central Baseball: News ”Hour Toronto Blue





Noon ”News Hour

KNOW Stars KOMO ” * `

Jays Angels at Astros

Boj Doozers Steve The View The ” PAW Patrol Harvey Monkey See KOMO Mister Maker KOMO 4 4 Bucket-Dino News Creative News PAW Dan Patrol News The Chew Dino Kate Kratts and Wild World ”News Ruf-Tweet General4 Hope for KOMO Tumble Leaf News Hospital Wildlife

A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E The First 48 1 ”

Movie: Creative Boj “Oil Sands PAW Patrol Dino Dan Karaoke” Wild Kratts Monkey Take MeSee Bucket-Dino Hope for Canada Wildlife PAW Patrol ” Kate and Canada Oil Sands ” Ruf-Tweet Karaoke Archaeology Tumble Leaf ” Maya Movie: Curious “Oil Sands The Doozers KNOW Karaoke” PAW Patrol Take Me * Mister Maker Canada Creative Boj ” PAW Patrol Dino Dan Oil Sands Wild Kratts Monkey Karaoke See Bucket-Dino Hope for Wildlife PAW Patrol

Dancing News The View With the News ” Stars World News KOMO ” 4 News KOMO 4 News News The Chew Jimmy Wheel” Kimmel Live Jeopardy! General Nightline The Muppets Hospital Fresh-Boat The Doctors Dancing ” With the Steve KOMO Stars Harvey ” ` KOMO 4 News News The View Jimmy ” News Kimmel Live World News KOMO 4 Nightline News KOMO 4 News The Chew

Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage A&E Storage Storage Storage 1 Storage Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage The First 48 ”

etalk TheBang Social Big

Den Heartland Coronation

The Insider The Talk Ent

Ent Days of our ET Canada

Sportsnet ” Central

Canada Ruf-Tweet ”

SC Off Record SC

The Voice Dr. Phil ”

Rick Mercer Murdoch 22 Minutes



MLB Tim and Sid Baseball

Archaeology The Muppets Storage Maya ” The Doctors Storage The First 48 Fresh-Boat




Tumble Leaf Hospital




The Meredith ” Orleans ” Vieira Show Blue Jays

Limitless Young & ” Restless

Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball:

The Doozers Steve “Oil Sands With the PAW Patrol Harvey

SportsCentre CBC MLS Soccer: CHBC News News News-Lisa CTV News CBC News News ” Final ” News--11:30 Coronation Montreal Vancouver ” SportsCentre TBA Big Rick Impact at News Hour CTVBang News CBC Mercer News Chicago CHBC News Seth Vancouver Dragons’ ” Fire ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes

KIRO KIRO News News Late KIROShowNews

News Early News Late ShowGlobal Nat.

Sportsnet New York Central Yankees at

Canada Dino Dan ” Wild Kratts

Colbert KIRO News CBS News Corden

Colbert News Hour ” ET Canada

SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

Den Coronation

The Insider Ent

Ent ET Canada

SC SC Top 10

Survivor ”

Big Bang Goldbergs

Dragons’ Den

Survivor ”

Survivor ”


” Big Brother

Amazing Race

Winnipeg Comedy

” Big Brother

” Big Brother

After the Race

The National ”

SportsCentre NCIS: New ” Creek NCIS: New SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold ” Orleans ” Still Standing Orleans ”

Vieira Show

SportsCentre Limitless Hockey Young & ” ” Off Record Restless

SportsCentre ”

” ”

neres Show

Best Time The Dr. Oz Ever Show

The National Limitless Bondi Vet Judge Judy Bondi ”Vet Judge”Judy

” ”

The Talk ” ”

FABLife ” ”


The Talk ” ”


” ”




Karaoke” Mister Maker Stars KOMO 4 Take Me Creative News ”

Storage The First 48 Storage ” ”


Duck Storage Dynasty

Storage Duck Storage Dynasty




CBC News ”



Treasure Quest Mayday Naked and ” Afraid Cold Water Treasure Cowboys Quest Jade Fever Jade Fever




Treasure Mayday Quest ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made River How/Made Monsters

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

DISC How/Made 9 How/Made

CBC News ” Now With ”

Mayday How/Made ” How/Made

Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang Chucks CBC News News Odd Parents CBC Squirrel SpongeBob Now With ” Almost Diana Swain Hathaways The National Sidekick Talia ”” Wayside Power & Max CBC News Kid vs. Kat Politics Henry ”

How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” River Gold Fool’s Monsters Fool’s Gold Treasure Edge of Quest Alaska

How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell Sidekick ” How/Made Funny Home The National Rockies Nerds How/Made Videos ”” Rockies SpongeBob The Amanda Daily Planet Wipeout National Edge of Chucks Lang News ” Wayside CBC Mayday ” ” Alaska Kid Kat Now Oddvs. Parents CBC With News Fool’s”Gold Haunting CBC News Highway SpongeBob Fool’s Gold Rated A for Carole”” How/Made Haunting Thru Hell Rated A for MacNeil Hathaways The National How/Made Edge of Gags The National Rockies Talia ” Alaska Chucks CBC News River Gags ” Rockies Squirrel Now With Monsters Max CBC News Highway Funny Home Amanda Fool’s Gold Henry Thru Hell Almost Diana ”Swain Fool’s Treasure Videos Lang Gold Funny Home The National Rockies Sidekick ” Quest Videos ” Rockies Wayside Power & How/Made Wipeout The National Edge of Kid vs. Kat Politics How/Made ” ” Alaska Sidekick ” How/Made Haunting CBC News Highway Nerds ” How/Made Haunting ” Thru Hell SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet Gags The National Rockies Chucks Lang ” Wayside CBC News Mayday Gags ” Rockies Kid vs. Kat Now With Odd Parents CBC News Fool’s”Gold Funny Home Amanda Fool’s Gold SpongeBob Fool’s Gold Gold Rated A for Carole” Fool’s Videos Lang Fool’s Gold Rated A for MacNeil Gold Hathaways The National Fool’s Edge of







Talia Nerds Squirrel

Max Almost Henry


” CBC News Now With

Alaska Edge of Alaska

CBC News Highway Diana ”Swain Thru Highway Hell ”

Thru Hell

Funny Home The National Rockies Wayside Power” & Rockies Videos Rockies Kid vs. Kat


Sidekick ” Chucks

Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Penguins



The National Edge of ” How/Made ” Alaska ”

CBC News Amanda Lang ”


Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ”





KAYU Paid Prog. ; Family Feud





TLC Say Yes Say< Yes

SteveProg. Paid Harvey Eco Co. Family Feud Paid Prog. Family RaisingFeud




Seinfeld Seinfeld


WTBS Payne A Browns

Prison Fat Fabulous Diaries Fat Fabulous Prison Fat Fabulous Diaries Fat Fabulous Crime Watch Labor Say Yes Mike Daily Say Yes Anger Labor Paid Men Prog. Say Yes Two Cake Boss The Office Say Yes Mod Fam Cake Boss PaidBang Prog. Say Little Yes Big Our Family Feud Say Yes Big Bang Family Paid Prog. Fat Fabulous Scream Cake Boss Eco Co. Fat Fabulous Queens Cake Boss

Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Stand by Crazy Talk Me” Crazy ”Talk

” Raising Steve ” Harvey Mike News Anger Feud Family Mod Fam Family Feud Two Men Mike Mod Fam Crime Watch Two Men Daily Big Bang How I Met Big Bang Paid Prog. Cougar Scream The Office Queens Paid Prog. Family” Feud ” Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod; Fam Paid Prog. Mike Raising Steve Two Men Harvey Mike How AngerI Met Family CougarFeud Family Feud Two Men Mod Fam Crime Watch

KAYU ; Paid Prog.



Cake Boss Say Yes Say Yes

Rebirth of ” Sesame Paradise Street World News On Two Business Dinosaur Fronts: Dinosaur PBS Latinos NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Wildlife Det. Peg Plus Cat LatinosVictor Borge Wash. Super”Why! Gorongosa Thomas Park -Sesame St. Rebirth of Cat in the Paradise Queen KCTS On Two Victoria’s Fronts: N Empire Latinos ” Sesame Wildlife Det. Street World News Victor Borge Business Dinosaur ” Dinosaur PBS NewsHour Peg Plus Cat

” News Today” cont’d KING 5 Best Time News New Ever Day Northwest Nightly News KING News News KING 5 Tonight News Show Evening Days Meyers of our Seth The LivesVoice ” Dr. Phil ” ” Ellen DeGeBest Time neres Show Ever KING 5 KING News News Today Tonight cont’d 5 KING Show NewsDay New Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News


” Millionaire Millionaire

King Payne King

Our Little

News Paid Prog. Mod Fam Raising

Labor Suddenly Labor Royal

TodayDeGeEllen cont’d Show neres New Day KING 5 Northwest News

The Middle Big Bang Divorce The Middle Divorce Movie: Family Guy “Stand by Judge Amer. Dad Judge Me” Amer. Dad ” Millionaire Family Guy Millionaire Seinfeld Payne Seinfeld Crazy Talk Browns King Crazy Talk King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Family Guy Divorce Movie: Payne “Stand by Judge Browns Judge Me”

Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss

Sesame Queen Street Victoria’s


Dr. Phil ”

Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeThe Voice neres ”Show

Scream Paid Prog. Queens

Family Feud Say Yes

KCTS Sesame St. Cat N in the

KING ” ” P

Sesame St. LatinosCat in the Wash. Queen Gorongosa Victoria’s Park --

Seinfeld Crazy Talk Seinfeld

Paid Prog. Our Little ” Family Animal Atlas Family



Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld

Our Little Say Yes Family Say Yes



KING KING 5 5 News News Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big The Office



Dinosaur Empire Dinosaur ” Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Business Cat Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour

TLC Mod WTBS Fam King Mod Fam KingA < Fat Fabulous Big Bang Our Little Fat Fabulous Prison Family Diaries Labor Labor Labor Prison Labor Diaries Cake Boss Fat Fabulous CakeYes Boss Say Fat Fabulous Say Little Yes Our Paid Prog. Family Say Yes Paid Prog. Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Our Say Little Yes Family Fat Fabulous Labor Fat Fabulous Labor Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Untold StoFat Fabulous ries of ER Labor Paid LaborProg. Untold StoPaid Prog. ries ofBoss ER Cake


Crazy Talk Browns

The Middle

Mod Fam The Middle Mod Fam

Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang

KCTS N Empire



News 5 KING Peg Plus Cat News LatinosSuper Why! Wash.

News Days of our Evening

Gorongosa Sesame Park -- St.

The Voice Dr. Phil ”


Cat in the

Rebirth of


Victoria’s Paradise Children

Ellen DeGe” neres Show

KING 5 News KING Tonight News

On Two Best Masterpiece KINGTime 5 Fronts: Ever Mystery! News

News Storage News Duck D. Jimmy World News Storage Duck D.

Gags Rockies Odd Parents The CBCNational News Yukon Men Gags ”” Rockies SpongeBob ”

Mike Mike Two Men Anger

Fat Fabulous Fabulous Movie: Amer. Dad Fat Fat Fabulous Family Guy ” “Guess

LatinosNews World Wildlife Det. Business

Sportsnet Sands Toronto Blue Oil Canada Jays ” Central Karaoke

Kimmel KOMO 4Live Storage Duck D. News Duck D. Nightline Storage

Funny Home Amanda Thunder The National Fool’s Gold Talia Videos Lang ” Fool’s Gold

How I Met Two Men Mod Fam Cougar

PaidFabulous Prog. Payne Fat Who” Fat ” PaidFabulous Prog. Browns

Victor Borge Nightly Show News PBS NewsHour News ” Seth Meyers

Sportsnet Central

Watchers Park

Wheel Jeopardy!

Duck D. Duck D.

Make It Pop Bella

Big Bang Big Bang

Suddenly Royal

MLB Baseball:

Man Made Marvels

The Middle Goldbergs

Duck D. Duck D.

Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell

Rosewood ”

Fat Fabulous King Fat Fabulous King

CBC News ”

Airplane Repo

Seinfeld Seinfeld

News Evening The Mysteries of Laura

Giants at Padres

Europa Kon- Mod Fam zert 2012 blackish

Duck D. Duck D.

Wipeout ”

The National Yukon Men ” ”

Empire ”

Suddenly Royal


Law & Order:

from Vienna Dreamers

Nashville ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

Fat Fabulous Family Guy ” Amer. Dad

Return to Wild

Special Victims Unit

Duck D. Duck D.

Just Kidding The National Airplane Just Kidding ” Repo

Mike Two Men

Suddenly Royal

Globe Trekker

KING News Tonight

Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang

How I Met Cougar

Peter Popoff Payne Paid Prog. Browns

Front and Center

Show Seth Meyers

KIRO News Late Show-

News Late Show-

Premier Boxing

Park Watchers

News Jimmy

SportsCentre TBA ” ET Canada

Colbert Corden

Colbert ET Canada

Champions ”

Man Made Marvels

Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.

Fool’s Gold Fool’s Gold

Highway Thru Hell

The Middle The Middle

SciTech Field Guide Nature ”

Sportsnet Central

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Coronation

Big Bang Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes

YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat Rated A for SpongeBob Rated ChucksA for

The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage

SportsCentre Ent vs. Romania Days of our ” ET Canada ”


The First 48 Storage ” Storage

The Doctors Storage The First 48 Wheel ” ” Jeopardy! Storage


Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds

KNOW The KOMO A&E Steve Storage Muppets Storage Harvey Storage Fresh-Boat Storage * ` 1 Mister Maker KOMO 4 Storage

Wheel General Jeopardy!


CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage

Maya Canada Curious ” The Doozers Archaeology PAW Patrol ”

Kate and


Amer. Dad Family Guy

rLake Lake Country Country Calendar Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,September September16, 16,2015 2015 A21 A21

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.




Home Care/Support

CAREGIVERS Dengarry Professional Services Ltd.



is seeking caregivers for 24hr. support within the caregivers hm. of individuals with mental / physical / developmental disabilities. Basement suites and / or accessible housing an asset.

Read Fatmeh’s story here

Contact Kristine at (1)250-554-7900 for more detail.





GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Landscaping EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6’ tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email


Moving & Storage

Caretakers/ Residential Managers

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MOTEL ASST Manager Team to run small Motel in Parksville BC. Non-Smoking, no Pets, good Health, fulltime live-in position. Fax 250-5861634 or email resume to:


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

WFP/Dina El Kassaby

fax 250.766.4645 email classiďŹ

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

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Fatmeh and her family are among millions of Syrians displaced inside Syria and neighbouring countries. Their outlook is bleak. The World Food Programme is helping them by providing food, vouchers or e-cards to buy food. WE NEED YOUR HELP or text “RELIEF� to 45678 to donate $10.

3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour

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Wednesday,September September16, 16,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,


Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Garage Sales

BIGGEST Restaurant Equipment Auction In Canadian History! Kwik Auctions 2 Day Sale. Sept 14/15 - - Online Bidding Available Via Bidspotter!

MUTLI-FAMILY Garage Sale. 196-720 Commonwealth Rd. Fri Sept 18, 2-7, Sat 9-5 & Sun, 9-2. Workshop tools, garden tools and many more household items.


Misc. for Sale

HUNTING Season Savings on selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6

Antiques & Collectables Sale Vernon Collectors Club 27th Annual Vernon Rec Centre 3310 - 37 Avenue Next to Curling Rink 120 + tables of collectables! Fri. Sept 18 2 - 8 PM, Sat Sept 19, 10 - 4 PM Admission $3.00 is good for BOTH days ENTRANCE at WEST SIDE OF building (backside) Table Rental 250-379-2587

Free Items FREE kittens, looking for a good home, can deliver. 250859-9441.

Fruit & Vegetables FRESH LOCAL

Garlic, Table Grapes, Peppers hot & sweet! Come see us at the Lake Country Farmers’ Market Fri, Sept 18. Phone Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628 Kids Welcome!

CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

Auto Financing

Auto Financing



Dream Catcher

AUTO Financing




EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!



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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS

What Makes A Dental Emergency?

Q: What exactly is a dental emergency? My old dentist used to tell me he was just 'going to watch' a tooth and not do anything until it was really necessary. My new young dentist wants to go 'gung ho' and fix teeth that don't even hurt yet. I'm very suspicious. Which is right? A:

There are as many schools of thought as there are dentists, and in Canada that numbers about 28,000. Some practitioners choose to do nothing until absolutely necessary. Dentistry never gets any easier or less expensive to restore by letting things deteriorate. The reality is some doctors are less comfortable with certain procedures that are routinely done in other offices, and they opt for the 'watch' route. This may occur when they are in the twilight of their career and are less inclined to take on difficult procedures. The difficulty for a young dentist taking over one of these practices is a patient may have a mouth full of 'deferred maintenance', not unlike a car that has had no ongoing preventative work. When the 'new' dentist suggests what may be simply comprehensive dentistry, a patient may react that 'Bob' the retired dentist never said anything about that and deem it to be a cash grab. Neither is necessarily true.

Petrina Koltun


Do all Realtors work the same?

No, all realtors work differently, deal with clients differently and offer differentstrengths to their clients. My suggestion to people who are looking for a Realtor is to always interview at least three different Realtors. When listing your home, and when purchasing, you will have certain expectations and needs and will want to find someone with whom you feel comfortable and whom you can trust. When deciding on a Realtor, it is important to ask questions that will give you insight into their working style,people skills and work methodologies. If you ask a question like, ”Whats sold the last three properties you listed?” the listing Realtor should be able to explain how they have sold houses in the past and how those experiences can benefit your sale. Another question that might give you insight into a Realtor’s workstyle would be; “Given our family’s situation, what advice can you offer us?” Advice on location, school accessibility for your children and privacy are issues that your Realtor will need to understand to help your family make the best decision. For more information on interviewing a Realtor, and for some questions that you can use, please contact me at 250-826-5660 or 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100

I recently travelled on a long flight. A young passenger had a tooth actually disintegrate on him over the ocean and he was in extreme discomfort. There was nothing that could be done for him mid-flight, and he did admit to me that his dentist had recommended treatment 4 months ago but he put it off because he didn't want to spend the money. He actually said he would prefer to spend his money on travelling than wasting it at a dental office. Now he arrived in a strange land and had to find emergency dental care when it could have all been avoided. These are places in this world you don't want to have dental emergencies. You will find that most dentists encourage preventative dental care. Give your mouth the sporting chance it deserves, and apply some preventative maintenance to it to ensure it doesn't let you down when you most need it!

Winfield Dental Centre



208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.




What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Our bodies may endure an enormous amount of dental grief before actual pain occurs, and if you wait that long it can be difficult or impossible to rehabilitate one's mouth. Please don't blame your new dentist for not wishing to wait until you actually experience pain in a tooth. It may be too late to repair the problem.

Dr.Paul Rollett


My son started back to school this week and has been complaining of headaches at the end of the day. He sees 20/20, so what could the issue be?

One of the most fascinating and often overlooked elements of our visual system has to do with the cascade of muscular coordination that goes into making our world clear. When a person transitions from looking at a distant target (such as the smart board) to a near target, extraocular muscles of convergence must turn the eyes inward and intraocular muscles of accommodation must contract to make the target clear. As with any muscular system, the continual contraction and relaxation of our extraocular and intraocular muscles can lead to fatigue, which can certainly manifest as headaches late in the day. While glasses may not always be the remedy for such issues, increased visual breaks (periodically looking off into the distance) while reading or on the computer can certainly help. For more advanced cases, Vision Therapy (analogous to physiotherapy for the ocular muscles) can be very effective for treating these classroom issues. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240

YOUR QUESTIONS? YOUR ANSWERS If you would like to be featured in


for a low price of $49 per issue please contact Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 or email:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Tax Sale

Volunteer Committee Members Needed

In accordance with Part 11 of the Local Government Act, the properties described hereunder shall be offered for sale by Public Auction in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC, on Monday, September 28, 2015 at 10:00 am, unless the delinquent taxes with interest, are sooner paid. At the time of the bid, successful bidders are required to deposit cash and/or bank draft with the Collector, for an amount equal to the upset price of the property offered for sale. Should the property be sold for more than the upset price, any excess must be paid to the Collector no later than 12:00 noon on Monday, September 28, 2015, by cash and/or bank draft. Any person placing successful bids on behalf of a Company must be prepared to affix the Company’s Corporate Seal to documents. The purchase of a Tax Sale property is subject to tax under the Property Purchase Tax Act on the fair market value of the property. The sale may be adjourned to the same hour on the following day, and from day to day, until each parcel is disposed of.

Properties listed for Tax Sale will be withdrawn from the Tax Sale upon payment of delinquent taxes, plus interest. This payment must be by CASH, CERTIFIED CHEQUE, BANK DRAFT, or INTERAC and must be received in City Hall PRIOR to 10:00 a.m. Monday, September 28, 2015. BCAA FOLIO

2952157 2952161 2952575 2952576 2953072 10094639 11606129 11607181


SHORT LEGAL Lot: 19, Plan: KAP81276 Lot: 23, Plan: KAP81276 Lot: 15, Plan: KAP90921 Lot: 16, Plan: KAP90921 Lot: 3, Plan: KAP23180 Lot: 41, Plan: KAS3226 Lot: 20, Plan: KAP20368 Lot: 0, Plan: KAP83433

UPSET PRICE 3,865.46 3,872.85 5,409.90 6,319.44 8,695.17 8,374.81 8,386.12 11,145.10

Cultural Development Coordinator The Administration & Corporate Services Department is seeking a permanent full-time Cultural Development Coordinator to join their team. The Cultural Development Coordinator is responsible for the coordination of the Community Theatre, public art supervision, cultural and heritage events, applicable grant applications, related research and proposals, as well as working with external organizations, both government and NGO. This position may supervise the work of contract employees and volunteers. The normal work week is 35 hours, with a variable schedule which may include evenings and weekends. This is a mid-level professional position that requires a high degree of professional responsibility in public dealings with excellent organizational skills. The Cultural Development Coordinator primarily works independently and works collaboratively with District staff to foster and enhance the growth of a culturally vibrant and creative municipality, run open air performances, the community Theatre and to organize events including festivals. The preferred candidate will have completed a diploma in Cultural Administration, Cultural Planning, Arts Management, Public Administration, or related education. A minimum of four years’ related experience with event or promotional organization and management, with preference taken to relevant experience in municipal government. Must have a valid driver’s license (Class 4 preferred) and CPR with AED. Must be able to provide a clear criminal record check. The hourly rate of pay for this unionized position is between $26.40/hr and $31.43/hr (2015 rates). For a detailed job description, and more information about Lake Country please visit the District’s website at Applications will be received Until 4:00 pm on September 25, 2015 Please submit your cover letter and resume to: Human Resources and Safety Manager District of Lake Country E-mail: PLEASE USE THE SUBJECT OF CDC-2015a-POSITION IN THE EMAIL WHEN APPLYING We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

The District of Lake Country is seeking volunteer members to serve on the following advisory groups to Council:

Access & Age-friendly Committee Agricultural Advisory Committee Public Art Advisory Commission Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee

Do you, or anyone you know, have an interest in identifying gaps and suggesting solutions in the District? Would you like to provide recommendations to Council on issues pertaining to enhancing access, agricultural matters, public art, or parks and recreation? Review the Terms of Reference for each advisory body to see where your interests and experience could benefit the community ( Please provide a letter of interest outlining your relevant background and interest in serving on the Committee or Commission most related to your interests to Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Services Manager, via email:, fax: 250-766-2903 or regular mail: 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M

Saturday, September 19 11am – 3pm

Beasley Park

3450 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country, BC FREE Community Event  Food  Activities  Music  Have your say! Be a part of the vision for the parks, trails and recreation facilities in our community. Your valuable input will help guide the decision-making for future planning. Come to the Party in the Park for some family fun and let us know what you value about parks and recreation in the community. Pick up your Party in the Park invitation and Prize Draw Passport from Municipal Hall before Sept. 19th or on site at the event. Collect stamps from each of the COME PLAY! kiosks and turn your passport in at the last one you visit for a chance to win prizes.

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