CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, September 17, 2015
Breaking news at
Vol.12 • Issue 38
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1451 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC
Rebels take home win
Sculpturewalk call for artists
Wooden bat tournament
See page 14
See page 3
See page 22
Bears invade Castlegar
Should be quite a show!
BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.
Nancy Trotman Mortgage Broker
250-365-9513 888-998-9513
Carmen Harris
Your HometownRealtor
The Pass Creek Fall Fair is celebrating its twentieth anniversary and it is adding Global FMX performances to this year’s attractions. is an extreme freestyle motorcross show Please come out and help celebrate this incredible old fashion fall fair on Sept. 26 and 27.
An ever increasing influx of bears over the past few weeks is becoming quite the problem for residents, conservation officers and bears alike. WildSafeBC community coordinator for Castlegar Jenny Wallace stated, “The bear situation is Castlegar right now is crazy. It is very different from the last two seasons.” She blames the increase on the hot dry summer and the failed huckleberry crop. “The root cause of most human wildlife conflict is food,” continued Wallace. “Food conditioned bears are potentially very dangerous bears.” The improper storage and management of attractants like garbage, fruit trees, compost and recycling lies at the heart of the problem. Many of the current conflicts involve unpicked ripe fruit. With as much education efforts as have been done by WildSafeBC (formerly Bear Aware) and the City of Castlegar, it is hard to believe that there is still a large problem with residents putting their garbage out the night before their scheduled pick up. Some residents have been keeping their garbage in, but putting their recycling out early,
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continued on page 3
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which is still an attractant because of the smell, even though it does not end up as a reward for the bear. At their last meeting, city council discussed instructing staff to be more aggressive in ticketing the bylaw breaking action in order ensure residents are limiting the attractants. Unfortunately, there is no local source for bear resistant garbage containers. However, Home Hardware will order in Ty-Dee bins for residents interested in a bear proof garbage storage locker. Another option comes from Rollins Machinery in Langley, they offer a 32 gallon bear resistant cart for $175 plus tax and delivery or a 64 gallon version for $195 you can see these containers at www. Conservation officer Tobe Sprado reports that his office has received about 100 bear complaints, with most of those occurring in the last few weeks. This has resulted in the necessity of putting down seven bears. “That is one of the most distasteful parts of our job, having to put down wildlife,” said Sprado. Conservation officers take careful consideration before making the decision to put down a bear. Sprado said, “We are extremely cautious.”
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Marshall Neufeld
Conservative Candidate Office Opening/Open House
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
Address: 1402 Columbia Ave, Suite A (across from the Husky station)
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Date: September 19, 2015 Opportunity for people to come and meet with Marshall. Refreshments will be served.
Our job is to help you find one.
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Drop in or call us today! KCDs WorkBC Castlegar B-1020 Columbia Ave. phone: 250-365-6515
Mayor Chernoff congratulates Rachael TeBulte for winning the BC Ambassador title.
Council on the record, well not recorded, but on the record Betsy Kline Castlegar News
Due to ongoing problems with equipment, the September 8 Castlegar City Council meeting was not recorded and will not be available for future viewing on the city’s web site. As an alternative, Shaw cable recorded the meeting and will be airing it twice.
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Photo by Betsy Kline
Rock Creek supported The City of Castlegar has unanimously passed a resolution to donate $5,000 to those suffering from the Rock Creek/Westbridge Wildfire. The funds will be directed to the Unmet Needs Committee. This Committee has been created to support those residents impacted by the Fire in cooperation with the Canadian Red Cross, support agencies and area representatives. Bears Wildsafe BC Castlegar coordinator Jenny Wallace made a presentation to council updating them on the present bear situation in town. Sightings and conflicts are up this year, mostly due to hot dry weather and the poor huckleberry crop. Most of the conflicts have revolved around fruit and garbage. Wallace emphasized the importance of managing attractants. With fruit crops ripening early, the bears have arrived in town and unpicked fruit is causing a lot of the problems. One bear was even hit by
a car in Robson last week as it was eating unpicked fruit. Councilor Deb McIntosh responded by commenting that staff should be encouraged to take a more aggressive role in ticketing those who put their garbage or recycling out early. “No more warnings, I think tickets need to be issued because it is such a bad year,” said McIntosh. “It’s about keeping people safe.” Wallace also encouraged council to strive towards becoming a Bear Smart community, a program that has been designed by the Ministry of Environment in partnership with the British Columbia Conservation Foundation and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities.
and acknowledge those citizens who take the time to care for the city and its citizens and who take pride in calling Castlegar their home. Residents can submit a letter or email the City of Castlegar detailing the gesture and nominating a Good Samaritan to be entered in a draw for $250. Nomination deadline will be set for November 30 of each year with the draw to take place at a council meeting in December. To be eligible a nominee must be a resident of Castlegar.
Skate club grant Council approved a $500 grant to the Castlegar Skate Club out of the city’s grants line item to assist with the costs associated with hosting the West Kootenay Invitational Skate Canada Figure Skating Competition in Castlegar December 4-6, 2015. At present time there is $4,830 remaining in the grant budget line item.
Building permits and business licences As of the end of August, building permits are still up drastically over last year. Year to date figures show 164 permits have been issued valued at $10.4 million compared to 100 permits last year valued at $3.8 million for the same period. “It speaks well for the healthiness of our community and what is going on here, that people are still willing to invest here,” said Councilor Kevin Chernoff. The business license report shows figures very similar to last year with an increase of just one.
Good Samaritan Award: Castlegar will now have a Good Samaritan Award in order to acknowledge individuals who gratuitously perform gestures or random acts of kindness that improve the community’s appearance and/or assist another community member. The program will enable council to thank
BC Ambassador Newly crowned BC Ambassador Rachael TeBulte appeared before council to present her pageant speech and to receive congratulations, a certificate and flowers from council. “Thank you so much. We are so proud of you,” said Mayor Lawrence Chernoff.
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Castlegar News Thursday, September 17, 2015 A3
There are 7 BILLION people. There are 14 BILLION pounds of garbage per year being dumped into the ocean. There are 9000 blue whales.
Help by recycling
2015 People’s Choice winner, “Northern Leopard Frog” by artists Kevin Kratz and James Karthein.
2016 call for Sculpturewalk artists
Castlegar Sculpturewalk is now accepting applicants from sculptors (national and international) to take part in our 2016 event. The application deadline is October 31, 2015. Next year’s Opening Gala and installation day will take place on May 14, 2016. Now in its sixth successful year, Sculpturewalk is a year-long outdoor exhibit of original sculpture by local and international artists.
This year’s program featured 32 pieces on its outdoor walking tour. The sculptures are owned by the artists and loaned to the exhibit, where they are available for purchase, lease, and are open for public voting. There is a total of $25,000 in prizes available, which includes the purchase of the People’s Choice winner by The City of Castlegar for permanent display.
Travel/shipping costs of up to $500 per artist are covered by Sculpturewalk, in addition to hotel accommodation for the installation/opening and awards gala. Entry guidelines and the entry form are available online at For more information, please contact castlegarsculpturewalk@
Castlegar urged to be better bear cautious
cerning. “It’s an attractant problem, it’s not a bear problem,” said Sprado. The decision is usually reserved for a bear that Sprado would really like to see the public make has been deemed aggressive. This would include a better effort picking fruit and nuts and making behaviour such as property damage like trying sure there is no rotting fruit on the ground. He to break into a home or emphasized that leaving garage. Another form the fruit is just putting of aggressive behaviour your family at risk. Even is when the bear knows though a mauling is exyou are there and then tremely rare for a fruit lowers its ears, puts its or garbage fed bear, it head down and pops its does happen. Food conjaws. Side swiping with ditioned, habituated paws, growling and makbears quickly become ing bluff charges are also problem bears. Sprado warning signs. Another recommends that if you concern are solitary bears are determined to keep �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� that are active during the the fruit on your trees day. The final category is until it is completely ripe bears that hang out around then an electric fence is school grounds and play a good deterrent. grounds. If you have a problem bear in your neighbourBears that roam at night looking for fruit and hood you can call the BC Conservation Service 24 garbage, especially sows with cubs are not as con- hours a day, seven days a week at 1-877-952-7277. continued from page 1
It’s an attractant problem, it’s not a bear problem
loans for all purposes
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386
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Saturday September 19 & Sunday September 20 2:00-4:00pm Skates - $3.00 per pair helmets - $1.00 (be sure to bring keys or license for deposit)
Next ReBel GameS! Wednesday Sept 23 Spokane Braves are in town! Game 7pm Be sure to come and support the Rebels
35th aNNual teRRy Fox RuN Sunday Sept 20th 8:30registration Castlegar Complex
Please join us!
CommuNity eveNtS: Brent hayden motivation talk Friday Sept 18 7:00pm – Castlegar Complex Admission: $5/plus donation to food bank
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PuBliC SkatiNG
a new purchase or unexpected expenses.
Castlegar West Boundary Branch # 100 630 - 17th Street, 256 S. -Copper, p.o. box 76, Castlegar, B.C. 4G7 Greenwood, b.c.V1N voh ijo phone:250-445-9900 250-365-7232 Phone: Fax:250-445-9902 250-365-2913 Fax:
& reducing waste.
online: a
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
Support the Special Olympics Special Olympics - BC - Castlegar is hard at work sorting your donated recyclable cans and bottles. Your generous donations are a huge part of funding our Special O Athletes’ programs including bowling, swimming, bocci, floor hockey, basketball, golf, and rhythmic gymnastics! Please drop off your returnables at 2908 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, by October 15, 2015. In the photo are several Executive members and two Special O Athletes, Mike Cook and Shaleen Smith.
Moved recently? Make sure you’re ready to vote. Federal election day is Monday, October 19. Are you registered to vote? Most voters are already registered. But if you’ve moved recently or are planning a move before election day, you may need to update your address. With an up-to-date registration, you’ll get: • a personalized voter information card that tells you when and where to vote • faster service at the polls Check and update your registration at today, or call 1-800-463-6868 ( TTY 1-800-361-8935). Elections Canada has all the information you need to be ready to vote.
Castlegar’s French program expanding CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News
The Canadian Parents for French recently circulated a press release celebrating record-breaking French immersion enrollment in the Kootenay Columbia area, but Bill Ford, assistant superintendent for School District No. 20, says the press release isn’t really looking at the context behind the numbers. “What they do is they just track pure numbers. They don’t know the districts story at all,” said Ford. Though the district’s French immersion enrollment is up, it’s because the district has been significantly expanding its French immersion programs. Historically the French immersion program in the district has been a late immersion program for grades six to twelve. That program began in Castlegar and was expanded to Rossland four years ago for kids in grades six to nine. Since each Rossland class has approximately 30 students each, that means that the program has expanded by 30 students each year over the past four years, as the first group of grade sixes moved on to grade seven and a new group started the program in grade six, etc. Now that the first group has reached grade nine, the program will no longer be growing by 30 students each year, and should level off. “For a small district like us, that was a significant
increase,” said Ford. The district also just launched a two-year trial early immersion program in Castlegar this September with 22 kindergarden students, and will take on another 22 students next year. “Next year the board will decide whether or not they’re going to support an early french immersion program full on,” said Ford. “So we’ll examine what have the learning outcomes been, how have the kids been handling the early program, is there still lots of interest in supporting the early program, and the board will decide whether or not the program is going to continue.” If the early immersion program continues, then the late immersion program will be fazed out once this year’s kindergardeners reach grade six. Asked whether or not the french immersion program has had any impact on the Russian program, Ford responded, “The board is proud that we offer three language programs in the north end of the district. It’s proud of the history ... of the Russian bilingual program, and its proud of the excitement and enthusiasm around its new early french immersion program.” “These two programs don’t compete,” Ford continued. “The board is equally supportive of both programs and continues to work at ensuring that those programs will continue to operate.”
Castlegar News Thursday, September 17, 2015 A5
$125 $50
r Spot:
Book your space today and contact
Christine 250-365-6397 or WEST KOOTENAY
WEE Free Library A second WEE Free Library has arrived in Castlegar, this one is now at Millennium Park.
The Navigational Lock at the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam will be closed from Friday, September 25 to Monday, October 12. The lock will reopen at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 13. This closure is necessary to undertake infrastructure upgrades which will ensure the long-term,
Voter turnout challenge accepted Betsy Kline Castlegar News
Castlegar city council has passed a resolution to join the Community Voters Challenge. “The City of Castlegar looks forward to joining in this worthwhile initiative to increase awareness and ultimately increase voter turnout during the upcoming Federal Election,” said Mayor Lawrence Chernoff in a statement. The Community Voters Challenge is a citizens’ initiative intended to increase voter turnout for the federal election to be held on October 19, 2015. The goal is to foster community spirit and democratic involvement through creative and imaginative ways. So far Castlegar, Nelson, Fernie, Nakusp, Kaslo, Grand Forks and Regional District of Central Kootenay Areas D, E and F have joined the challenge and organizers expect to add more communities to the list soon. Basically, the organizers will calculate the percentage of voter turnout for each participating community and compare it to the turnout from the 2011 federal election. The community that shows the largest increase wins. For the purposes of this contest, Castlegar had a turnout of 59%, a figure calculated using stats from regular and advance voting polls. The idea is truly a grassroots nonpartisan one conceived by a group of Nelson citizens, and then brought to fruition by city and district councils and community groups. Organizer Mike Chapman said the idea was to
instill some enthusiasm and excitement around the electoral process. “When people vote they feel empowered, which then empowers the entire community,” said Chapman. To support the challenge, the Castlegar and District Library in partnership with the City of Castlegar has put in place a plan to assist with voter registration. Councillor Deb Macintosh, who raised the idea at the September 8 city council meeting said, “The turnout for the last federal election was 59%. Come on Castlegar, we can do better than that! We want everyone’s voice to be heard. We are partnering with the Library since it’s a hub in our community.” “The Library will be providing dedicated computers for people to register to vote, as well as one-on-one assistance from staff and volunteers,” said Library Director Heather Maisel. “For those who are ineligible to register online, we are offering our phone, copier, printing and fax or mailing to help get them registered.” Assistance will be available at the library from September 21through October 10 on Mondays from 3-5 p.m., Tuesdays 5-8 p.m., Wednesdays 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Thursdays 2-5 p.m. and Saturdays 2-4 p.m. The schedule is posted on the library’s website. No appointment is necessary just bring your driver’s license or other ID showing your address. In addition, Elections Canada will be sending two representatives to the library on September 30 from noon until 7 p.m. to register people to vote.
reliable and safe operation of the navigational lock. We regret any inconvenience that this early closure may cause and thank you for your support as this work is completed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mary Anne Coules at 250 365 4565. 4728
Celebrate National Forest Week
Publication: Size: Insertion date: Deadline:
Castlegar News (BCNG) 5.8125” X 63 lines Sept 17, 24, Oct 1 and 8 September 14
September 20 - 26, 2015
It’s National Forest Week, a time for all Canadians to celebrate our forests. Plant a tree, tour a local mill or take a walk in the woods – these are just a few ways you can take part in National Forest Week. For a list of events happening around the province, check out our website: or find us on Facebook: BC’s National Forest Week
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
Editor: Chuck Bennett Publisher: Chuck Bennett Published Thursdays by Black Press Ltd. at Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
letter to the editor
In this federal election the future of Canada and its role on the world stage is at a crossroads. We are faced with problems and opportunities that are complex and far reaching in their scope. For example, our role in a national economic strategy, climate change, energy dependency and new energy development, national sovereignty and related international trade agreements, international affairs, the refugee crises, food security, healthcare, education and unemployment, to name only a few. The great and complex problems that we must deal with require input, discussion, negotiation and debate from a broad range of viewpoints. We are a nation of many and varied back-
grounds, viewpoints and ideologies. This is not a weakness, as Canadians this is our strength. The ability to negotiate and draw upon new and innovative solutions to challenges is a principle of democracy. Unfortunately our federal government under Stephan Harper has failed to draw upon this resource and is leading us dangerously towards a one man rule. This cannot serve any interest fairly as it represents a narrow viewpoint and it betrays fair democratic representation. As a nation we can and must do better than this. I call upon all Canadians to involve themselves in this vital election. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Dave Carter Castlegar
A Retrospective Walter Volovsek Like Edward, John Mahon had one son. Edward’s son Bryan embraced aviation for a career, while John’s son Denis had no interest in his father’s financial empire and instead embraced the arts. Seen here in his crib, Denis in adulthood became an authority on Italian Baroque painters and acquired an amazing personal collection, which he endowed to the various museums in the UK. He fought for free admission to the British museums. Denis was honoured by various awards for his work, including knighthood in 1986. He died April 24, 2011 at the age of 100. See the Wikipedia entry for Sir Denis Mahon. (Photograph from Mahon Family Records)
Animals taking over We’ v e been away traveling most of the summer. So when we arrived home, we expected a dried-out lawn, a few dead flowers, and tree branches scattered Gord Turner across the yard. After a hot, dry summer, the rains arrived a few days before we returned, so we felt lucky that our yard had begun to re-green. We were not lucky, though, in our visitors while we were away. A big black-brown bear had es-
Spots in Time
tablished visiting rights. And rightly so, I suppose, because our magnificent plums ripened early this year, and because we were not there to pick them, this bear claimed them all (or most of them). How do I know that? Well, bears leave their calling cards not far from where they’ve been gorging on fruit and vegetables. In our case, this well-fed bear left five piles of waste near the plum tree and over by the grape vines. So, I grabbed a shovel and cleaned, scraped, and disposed of the lumpy messes. With no plums left to shake to the earth and only a few dried husks at the base of the tree, I decided I’d seen the last of that bear. I felt I’d re-staked my claim to the yard by cleaning up all signs
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of the bear. Ha, little did I know! The next morning I opened the door to my front yard and there, not 10 meters away, was a fresh pile of bear scat. It’s as if the bear knew I wanted it gone and decided to leave a message: “You don’t get rid of this bear that easily.” Later, I’m wandering about the yard, estimating which part of the lawn to mow first when the rains come to a halt. I come upon an area of the lawn that’s peppered with small holes about the size of quarters and loonies. I’ve seen these punctures before—the result of nightly forays by skunks or raccoons seeking June bugs and grubs. What a mess these animals make until they run out of bugs to dig up. Two summers ago, I decided
Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone 250-365-6397 Chelsea Novak Reporter
Sandy Leonard Creative Director
to stay up all night so that I could see the culprits enter my yard and begin digging with their tiny paws. I was curious as to which animal—skunk or raccoon—dug the holes. But I fell asleep on the deck and woke with the sun in my eyes—none the wiser. During the dry part of yesterday, I sat in my yard chair overlooking what’s left of the garden. It was cool, but quite pleasant, and various images began to take over my mind. At one point, I floated beside a whiteness of 30 or so swans, exactly like the swans alongside the cruise boat on our recent Danube river trip in Europe. I was drifting asleep, dreaming a bit, and then I heard one of these swans utter “gobblegobble.” I awoke with a start
and shrank in horror as 30 or so wild turkeys (young and old, small and big) sauntered across the lawn between me and the garden. I yelled at the rafter of turkeys, but they looked toward me indifferently and continued their slow traverse. A few of them stopped briefly to drop white pellets behind them. A new set of calling cards—fresh versions of the dry white pellets I’d discovered days earlier and didn’t know what they were. Now I’ve begun another cleanup of the yard. My hope is to convince the wild turkeys not to locate a thoroughfare across my lawn. If they get too used to the route, they’ll want to stop and feed—and I don’t have much left for these gobblers to devour.
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BC Press Council
The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Katelyn Hurley Creative
Jaime Tarasoff Creative
Betsy Kline Reporter
Chuck Bennett Publisher
PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 100% B.C. owned and operated by Black Press. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder.
Your Community News Team
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
Upcoming SEPTEMBER CASTLEGAR SENIORS ACTIVITIES AT THE COMPLEX Monday: 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist 9:30 Floor Curling (starts 14th) Tuesday: 9:30 Floor Curling Carpet Bowl 1:00 Crafts 1:00 Line Dancing 7:00 Pool Wednesday: 9:30 Floor Curling 9-12 Tech Learning Centre 2nd & 4th Wed CBT for Srs. until end of year 10:00 Coffee Talk 2 &30 10:00 Raspberry Hi Coffee 16th 11:30-12:30 Financial Legal Planing Kootenay Room 23rd 1:00 Rummoli Not 1st Wed Thursday: 9:30 Floor Curling 1:00 Bingo, not on 3rd 2:00 General Meeting 3rd 2:00 Tea Dance 17th Friday: 10:00 Qi Gong 1:00 Crib Saturday: 11:30 Soup Day Sept.19th 1 :00 Bingo
This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free (or nearly so) that run at the editor’s discretion. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit A - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or call us at 250-365-6397.
ALL CANDIDATES FORUM: Sept. 17, 7:00 p.m. To be held at the Sandman Inn. Dialogue will focus on foreign wars, international terrorism and climate change. Hosted by the Selkirk College Mir Centre for Peace and the Nelson & West Kootenay Citizens’ Climate Lobby. HEART SUPPORT GROUP Sept 30 7 p.m. at Kinnaird Hall OSTOMY SUPPORT GROUP: Sept. 21, 2:00 p.m. The Ostomy Support Group will meet at 2 pm at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail. Guest: Paul Meise from Cooper Medical Supplies in Kelowna. For more info, please call 250-368-9827 or 250-365-6276. PASS CREEK FALL FAIR Sept. 26-27 Pass Creek Exhibition Grounds - Relkoff Road, Robson. Old Fashion Fall Fair, All weekend - Exhibits, Live Entertainment, Dirty Diggers, Horse Show, Vendors, Carnival Rides, Children’s Games. Clown, Saturday Car Show, Sunday Dog Show. Please take the free bus or parking $2.00 Gate fee is $5.00 per person ages 6 and under free.
Ongoing ROBSON FLEA MARKET is open all summer. Sundays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Breakfast served until food runs out. Crafts, collectibles and much more. Call Elke to book a table: 250-3657022. BLUEBERRY BOTTLE DRIVE: Please drop off refundable bottles and cans at the Blueberry School. All donations go towards funding programs and events at the school. WOMEN’S SUPPORT GROUP: Mondays 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 At Castlegar Community Services Office. Supporting Wellness, Healthy Relationships and Community Engagement. Lunch provided. Call Laurie at 250-608-2254 for more info. MYRA DUFF WILL BE HOSTING SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS: For information about the Heart Support Group please call Myra at 250-3656369. COMMUNITY LEARNING PLACE: drop in to get free help with basic computers, reading and writing, Test preparation, and skills upgrading at the Castlegar and District Public Library on Tuesdays from 12 to 3 p.m.
1507 Columbia Ave Castlegar 250-365-2955 1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
ST. DAVID’S & UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP: located at 605 Columbia Ave. Stock includes clothing,shoes,bedding linen,books, household items and sewing, knitting & craft supplies. Please NOTE we are back to regular hours effective SEPT. 9th; Tues. to Thurs 10:00am to 4:00pm; Fri. & Sat. 10:00am to 1:00pm. Closed Sun. Mon and Stat. Holidays. Check our weekly in store specials! Clean donations accepted during working hours only.” SELKIRK WEAVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD: meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, 10 to 11 a.m. followed by show and tell. COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK & DROP-IN CENTRE: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. to 1:30 Wednesday Drop-in centre 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30 Friday Drop-in centre 10 to 1:30 (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St. David’s Church. Call 250-608-2227.
Please send items to
TOPS GROUP MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY 8:30 to 10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 250-365-7956.
FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250-6082254.
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAMS: Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, oneon-one tutoring. Free. More info call Corinne at 250-687-4714.
COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK The food bank needs donations. Cash, cheques and food items can be dropped off during food bank hours or at the Station Museum.
CASTLEGAR FARMERS MARKET Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Downtown Castlegar at the Station Museum. Call 250-365-6440 to book a table. CASTLEGAR-ROBSON LEGION MEAT DRAW: Every Saturday in the Lounge. 4-6 p.m. Guests must be signed in.
This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs. CASTLEGAR LIBRARY PROGRAMS: September 17 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. September 17 - Toddler Once Upon a Story Time 10:30 a.m. September 22 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. September 24 - Toddler Once Upon a Story Time 10:30 a.m September 24 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. September 25 - “Rock On” Pro-D day program 10:30 a.m. September 29 - Preschool Story Time 10:00 a.m. SILVER FOX RUN: Sept. 17, 10:30 a.m. Castle Wood Village. Run/Walk to benefit the Terry Fox Foundation. By donation BBQ lunch and dance to follow. Silent auction, bake and craft sale. Registations available at Castle Wood Village.
Please send items to
Simon Laurie 250-365-1585
Val Koochin 250-365-1846
Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831
Carmen Harris 250-365-1520
Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679
toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |
HAUNTED HALLOWEEN HO-DOWN HORSE SHOW: Oct 4th at the Pass Creek Riding Grounds. Hosted by the Horse Association of Central Kootenay. Info call Pam @ 250 359 7097 THE NEW LIFE CHURCH (behind the Castlegar Primary School) will be serving hot nutritious meals for people in the community every Thursday. Doors open at 3:45 and the meal will be served at 4:30 p.m. Please use the basement entrance at the back of the church. For info phone 250365-7500. SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOTTLE DRIVE: The annual Castlegar Special Olympic bottle drive is on now. Drop your returnables off at 2908 Columbia support Special Olympics in Castlegar. Special Olympics promotes an active lifestyle and better quality of life for persons with disabilities through their participation in sport. Thank you for dropping off your bottles and supporting our Special Olympic athletes in the Castlegar Community.
Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373
Chad Williams 250-304-5241
Pat Klohn 250-365-1731
Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017
Tammy Peitzsche 250-365-9640
Connor McCarthy 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |
BILLETS: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 to 20). Please contact Mel Rinas 250-365-5596. GRACE COMMUNION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH: Meets Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at the Resker Hall in Robson (next door to the Robson Community Church) on Waldie Ave. Phone 250-365-6405 for more information. CASTLEGAR HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is offering for sale quality furniture, household items, clothing (plus sizes), footwear, books, monthly silent auctions and many other items. Donations are received Wednesdays and Saturdays only. See castlegarhospitalauxiliary. org. Open Monday thru Thursday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enquiries 250365-7317.
ALL ABOUT BREASTFEEDING: Informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tuesday 10:30 to noon. More info: 250-365-3662, or see CASTLEGAR A.A. MEETINGS AT THE PIONEER ARENA Sunday at 10 a.m.; Tuesday at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wednesday at noon (Dan 250-359-7817) Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216 or Alex 250-359-7031) and Saturday at 8 p.m (Len at 250365-7805). AL-ANON MEETS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8 to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Sydney 250608-1867.
Please send items to
Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564
Tyler Gienger 250-304-7865
James Kereiff 250-304-8970
TWIN RIVERS COMMUNITY CHOIR Thursdays 7:00 – 9:00 PM The Twin Rivers Community Choir has resumed in the basement of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 713, 4th Street, Castlegar. New members are welcome.
THE SHARING POT DINNER The Sharing Pot Dinner begins serving its hot dinners on Tuesday Sept 29 at 12 noon downtown at the Cadet Hall. The hot meals will be offered every Tuesday throughout the year.
Get your ed! ve ent notic r here fo e s i t r Adve
K! e e w / 0 2 $ Christine
t Contac 5-6397 250-36
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
CONTRACT: 24th Street Sidewalk Replacement (Columbia Ave to 6th Ave) REFERENCE NUMBER: RFQ 2015-14 The City of Castlegar invites tenders for: General rehabilitation works for the 24th Street Sidewalk Replacement (Columbia Avenue to 6th Avenue) in Castlegar, British Columbia including: o Removal and disposal of approximately 75m of existing sidewalk along 24th street. o Removal and disposal of approximately 60m of sidewalk along 6th Avenue. o Base preparation and installation of approximately 75m of concrete sidewalk and wide base barrier curb. o Removal and disposal of approximately 75m of 300 mm wide asphalt. o Restoration of approximately 75m of asphalt. o Park surface restoration. Quotation documents are available during normal business hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm local time) at: Address:
Mayor Lawrence Chernoff (left) aids Cole Stanbra with the unveiling of his new plaque for the Castlegar Complex Wall of Fame. Photos by Betsy Kline
City of Castlegar Transportation and Civic Works (Public Works) Yard 4500 Minto Road
Tender Closing Date: Tender Closing Time: Deliver sealed Tenders to:
September 22nd, 2015 2:00 p.m. local time 460 Columbia Avenue (City Hall)
Stanbra added to Wall of Fame
Inquiries should be directed to: Leford Lafayette, AScT Phone: 250-365-8982 Email:
M����� Q���������
Castlegar News
Stock quotes as of closing
5N Plus ............................. 1.23 BCE Inc. .......................... 53.46 Bank of Montreal ............. 69.73 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 58.27 CIBC .............................. 94.17 Canadian Utilities ............ 35.49 Canfor Corporation ......... 18.06 EnCana Corp. ................... 9.51 Enbridge Inc. ................... 50.45 Finning International.......... 21.65 Fortis Inc. ........................ 36.22 Husky Energy .................. 20.91
Manitoba Telecom ........... 28.25 Mercer International ......... 11.05 National Bank of Canada . 43.00 Onex Corporation ............ 79.34 Royal Bank of Canada...... 73.20 Sherritt International ............ 0.97 TD Bank .......................... 52.08 TELUS Corp...................... 41.78 Teck Resources ................... 8.51 TransCanada Corp ........... 42.76 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 23.50
M����� F���� CIG
Portfolio Series Balanced ... 29.57
Signature Dividend ........... 14.04
Portfolio Series Conservative 16.27
Manulife Monthly High ... 13.884
Cole Stanbra is a name already well known to many Castlegar residents. Last week the professional figure skater was honoured with a place on the Wall of Fame at the Castlegar and District Community Complex. “I am very honoured and I just want to say thank you to Castlegar for always supporting me and to my family and friends,” said Stanbra at the unveiling ceremony. Stanbra’s photo will take its place next to those of Steve Junker, Travis Green, Darcy Martini, Dane Jackson, Shawn Horcoff and other Castlegar natives who have made the cut into the realm of professional athletics. Manager of recreation at the Complex, Jim Crock-
ett, shared the purpose of the Wall of Fame, “Our wall of fame is a real important feature for our community because it gives us an opportunity to celebrate the achievements our athletes.” Stanbra was successful in many competitions at the regional, provincial and national levels before being recruited in 2008 by Willy Bietek Productions to perform as a principal soloist of international cruise ships. Since then he has been cruising the seas, performing four shows a week on various ships in the Royal Caribbean line. In October Stanbra starts a new route that will sail out of Singapore and travel to South Korea and Thailand. Performances are on sea days, so he has enjoyed exploring many ports of call during his travels. The text on the plaque sums up Stanbra’s hard work and reward, “Starting from Castlegar with his never-ending dedication, enthusiasm and determination, Cole has reached for the stars and is living and skating his dream.”
I am very honoured and I just want to say thank you to Castlegar for always supporting me
C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.755
Light Sweet Crude Oil ....... 45.12
Gold............................ 1104.10
Silver ............................. 14.375
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Contact an evening Rotary club member near you or to order. Last date for ticket sales is Tuesday, September 29 with delivery on October 6th.
1/2 price brewing fee on all wine ends September 30!
Also check out the 2016 Limited edition ready to be reseved.
601A - Columbia Ave. Castlegar BC 250.365.3839
Castlegar News Thursday, September 17, 2015 A9
? h t r o W s d at are Wor
t they mean a h w s g in y Popular sa they came to be. and how
“Nineteen to the dozen� Meaning: Going very fast. Origin: In Cornish mines in the 18th century, pumps were installed to drain floodwater. When working at full capacity, they could drain 19,000 gallons of water for every 12 bushels of coal that powered them.
Want to scout the wilderness?
Take Back the night is an international annual event which is locally organized by Castlegar’s Violence Against Women in Relationships (VAWIR) committee. The march will be held Thursday, Oct 1 at 5:30 p.m. The march will be from Canadian Tire to Safeway with the presenations taking part atSafeway. This is a community march in support of women’s and children’s safety. Everyone in the community is encouraged to join. The march began in the early 1970s in Europe as a way to protest the violence that women experienced while walking in public at night. The purpose of these marches was to speak out against this violence and raise community awareness as a preventive measure against future violence. The mission of Take Back the Night has since grown to encompass all forms of violence against all persons, though sexual violence against women is still a top focus. The word night was originally meant to be taken literally to express the fear that many women feel during the night and has since changed to symbolize a fear of violence in general, including feminist concerns such as domestic violence and sexual abuse within the home. While many think the West Kootenay is safe, the
statistics show otherwise for women. Every year in B.C. there are over 60,000 physical or sexual assaults against women — almost all of which are committed by men. Only 12 per cent of sexual assaults against women are reported to the police. (Statistics Canada 2009). One in three women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. (Statistics Canada. Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends 2006). According to police-reported data for 2010, there were almost 99,000 victims of family violence, accounting for one-quarter (25 per cent) of all victims of violent crime. Almost an equal proportion of these family violence victims were spouses (49 percent) or other types of family members, such as children, parents, siblings or extended family members (51 percent). Unlike other forms of violent crimes, females had more than double the risk of males of becoming a victim of police-reported family violence (407 victims per 100,000 population versus 180 victims per 100,000). Join us on Thursday, Oct 1 at 5:30 p.m. for the march from Canadian Tire to Safeway. Following the march are speakers, presentations and entertainment. Bring noise makers, signs, banners, etc. Call Lora at 250-365-2104 for more information.
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For more information please call the Brilliant Cultural Centre at 250-365-3613, Ext. 21.
Notary Public Inc. Inc. Notary Public
This gathering is sponsored by Kootenay Region Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada, USCC Working Groups, and friends of peace in the Kootenays.
Kootenay area residents are invited to gather at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 21, at the CPR Railway Museum in Castlegar, to express through reflection, speech, and song, their feelings on the importance of peace, particularly at this difficult and dangerous time in our world.
Philip Kanigan Philip Kanigan
This designation by the United Nations Organization is intended to focus people’s attention on the importance of peace in all aspects of human development, and to the environmental wellbeing of our planet.
Castlegar holding Take Back the Night event
Monday, September 21, is the International Day of Peace.
Scouts Canada was on hand recruiting new members at the Parade of Programs held last week at the Castlegar Complex.
“I always get the service I need at Glacier Honda. The staff are very helpful in the service department.� Email your testimonial to and be entered to win a $25 store credit to Glacier Honda service department on us! (Testimonials can be anonymous but please include your contact info in the email so that we can contact you if you win).
If you purchased a ticket please bring to Chamber office for Watch forreimbursement. more vendors! Sponsors...
Tickets available at the Chamber Office & the Lions Head Pub.
19 AND OVER. Alcohol Beverages $1.00 Token
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
Are you…
…looking for a great winter activity? …a fun, social person who wants to meet others?
Castlegar Mixed Curling is what you’re looking for!
We welcome new curlers as well as those with years of experience. We play Friday nights, starting mid-October through late March. Games start at 7:00pm and last about 2 hours. Then we socialize, talk about the game, the strategy – or whatever! Don’t have a full team? Not a problem – we can match you up with others. Can’t commit to every Friday? Not a problem – we can work around that. Have questions? Contact Shawn Biln at 250 365 7813 or come to the AGM on Oct 1 at 7:00 at the Curling Rink. Come out and see what all the excitement is about!
Customer Appreciation Day 15% OFF*
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Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar
Mark your Calendar Castlegar & District Community Services Society Annual General Meeting Sept. 23th at 4:30 pm - 1007 2nd St., Castlegar, BC. Refreshments at 4:30pm Speaker at 5pm Guest Speaker: Kelvin Saldern Community Liaison, Southwest Basin Come and meet Board members and staff Learn more about us. Looking forward to seeing you there. Special Resolutions to be adopted at AGM 1. Affordable Housing Purpose (Low and Moderate Income Households). To acquire land or buildings by purchase, gift, transfer, lease or otherwise and to maintain and operate such lanads or buildings on a non-profit basis for the purpose of providing transitional housing for women and their dependent children and /or affordable housing for low and moderate income households. 2. Unalterable non-remuneration to directors’ provision. Directors shall serve without remuneration and directors shall not receive directly or indirectly, any profits from their positions as directors but may be paid reasonable expenses they incur in the performance of their duties. This provision is unalterable.
After awarding financial prizes to high school students in our region for almost three decades, the Phil Malekow Peace Award’s final donation is to the Selkirk College Mir Centre for Peace. Earlier this month a cheque was presented to Mir Centre for Peace chair Randy Janzen (left) by (L-R) Elaine Malekow, Steve Malekow and Edna Sapriken.
Malekow Family Supports Selkirk College’s Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping Program A freak accident involving a firearm took the life of a young Castlegar man almost 33 years ago, but the legacy of Philip Mark Malekow continues to this day. On September 26, 1982, Malekow and a friend were out for a Sunday drive when they picked up a pair of female hitchhikers. After they dropped the passengers off at their destination, Malekow discovered that one of them left behind a purse. The two friends went back to look for the two hitchhikers and came upon a group of hunters in a truck. As they were talking to the hunters, one of their guns went off inside the truck and the bullet went through the vehicle’s door. Metal fragments from the shot went into Malekow’s heart and he died instantly at the age of 21. Malekow had graduated from Mount Sentinel Secondary and had achieved his millwright foundation certificate from Selkirk College in 1981. He was a pacifist, brought up in a Doukhobor tradition opposed to violence. “To ensure that his death not be meaningless and for the cause of peace and love, our mother [Polly Malekow] raised money to establish an award fund in his memory,” said Phil’s older brother Steve Malekow. “The award’s intent was to provide financial assistance for students who are concerned about issues of peace and non-violence.” For almost three decades, financial awards were presented to Grade 12 students graduating from Mount Sentinel, Stanley Humphries and Grand Forks Secondary. Students applied for the Phil Malekow Peace Award by writing an innovative and original essay focused on awareness of the consequences involved in owning and using fire-
Find a job you love.
arms. Special merit was awarded to students who described their personal efforts in promoting peace. Earlier this year, the decision was made to wrap up the fund and provide the remainder to the Selkirk College Mir Centre for Peace. The family presented a cheque for $660 to Randy Janzen, the Mir Centre for Peace chairperson. “We knew they would continue with a cause my brother and my family believe in,” Steve Malekow said earlier this month. “We feel honoured to see how many people this peace award has touched over the years and it has gotten more people thinking about the idea of peace. Phil’s death was not in vain.” The donation by the Malekow family will be used for a bursary aimed at bringing international students to Castlegar for the upcoming Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping Program which begins in January, 2016. The program—which is open to everyone in the region—is the first of its kind in Canada and has been developed in partnership with the Nonviolent Peaceforce with a goal of strengthening the effort to deploy professionally prepared unarmed civilians to assist areas of violent conflict. “We very much appreciate this donation,” said Janzen. “We will ensure that the funds are used in a way that will further the cause of what Phil Malekow believed in.” Selkirk College is hosting a fundraising dinner for the Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping Program at the Brilliant Cultural Centre on September 26. The evening will include a traditional borsch dinner and admission to the Parfaite Ntahuba Mir Lecture that follows. You can find out more about this unique and exciting evening by going to selkirk. ca or calling 250.365.1288. A11
Castlegar News Thursday, September 17, 2015
LOOK WHAT’S HERE! Our newest Black Press health magazine is available this week! Watch for it at locations throughout the community. E F R E
m e r S u m
5 2 0 1
n t i o E d i
hy o healt Guide t nd Seniors agy nic techneomlo electro brace
Serious skills
Seniors little he s with a device
Zach Tremblay works on his scooter skills at the Castlegar Skate Park. Photos by Betsy Kline
International Mountaineering legend Ian Welsted to speak at Kootenay Rock Climbing Festival The Kootenay Rock Climbing Festival is pleased to announce Canadian mountaineering legend Ian Welsted will be guest speaking at the event being held Sunday, September 20 in Robson. Welsted, who now resides in Golden, has innumerable alpine and rock climbing ascents to his credit around the world including the first ascent of K6 West in Pakistan for which he won the coveted P’iot D’or award. Organized by TAWKROC (the Association of West Kootenay Rock Climbers), the Kootenay Climbing Festival is now entering its fourth year and will be held 2-9 p.m. by the natural rock climbing wall behind the Lions Head Pub. During the day there will be: • zipline for the kids • slackline • door prize draw • top-ropes on the 11 rock climbing routes located on the natural rock wall • silent auction • and the always popular Tower of Power competition, which sees competitors try to stack the most number of milk crates while standing on them.
The Lion’s Head has a family dining license which means kids can come and go from the restaurant anytime before 7 p.m. (Children must be accompanied by an adult.) Everyone young and old are welcome at the festival and there is no coverage charge although, as this is a fundraiser to help new outdoor route development, donations are greatly appreciated. TAWKROC was established in 2009 to help promote outdoor rock climbing in the Kootenay region by organizing work parties to improve rock climbing areas, both for locals and tourists, and by offering a bolt fund for climbing developers. Every year the organization reimburses climbers who spend time and money putting up new rock climbs in the area. In 2012, TAWKROC became a chapter of the Climbing Access Society of British Columbia and its directors are now committed to ensuring various climbing areas in the Kootenays remain accessible for all. For more information about TAWKROC or the Kootenay Climbing Festival, please contact director Vince Hempsall at or call 250-354-7535.
for all positions
September 22 & 23, Doors at 7 pm, Concert at 7:30 pm Shambhala Music & Performance Hall Tickets at the door (minimum donation $10)
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Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
n nay/Boundary Regio Life in the West Koote
ival The evolution of a fest
Living history plays out in Nakusp
Take a wander and the bounty offered
A Dam good thing
ion complete Waneta Dam expans
The Fall Issue of Route Sleeping by the tracks 3 is coming soon! To advertise contact Christine at 250-365-6397! For the Summer Issue of Route 3 check your locations throughout the Kootenay/Boundary Call your local newspaper office for more information!
Autumn Beef Stew Ingredients • • • • • • • • • •
1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt 1 teaspoon cracked black pepper 2 pounds boneless beef chuck, trimmed of excess fat and cut into 1 1/2-inch chunks 2 strips bacon, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch strips Canola oil 2 medium onions, cut into 1/2-inch wedges 4 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed 2 tablespoons tomato paste 5 cups reuduced-sodium chicken broth
Directions 1.
In a large plastic bag, combine flour, salt and pepper. Add beef; shake to coat evenly. In a Dutch oven or large heavy pot, cook and stir bacon over medium-high heat until crisp. Transfer to paper towels with a slotted spoon. Add enough oil to bacon drippings to equal 2 tablespoons. Add half the beef to pot, shaking off any excess flour. Cook, stirring occasionally, until browned. Remove beef with a slotted spoon. Repeat with remaining beef. If pot is dry, add 1 tablespoon of oil. Add onions; cook and stir for about 4 minutes or until starting to brown. Stir in garlic; cook for 1 minute. Stir in tomato paste. Return beef, bacon and any remaining flour to pot. Stir to combine. Add chicken and beef broth, wine, bay leaves, thyme and paprika. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, for 1 1/2 hours or until meat is tender, stirring occasionally. Add potatoes, squash, carrots and celery. Return to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove lid and simmer about 15 minutes more or until vegetables are tender and liquid is desired consistency. Remove bay leaves. Stir in parsley.
• • • • • • • • •
2 cups lesssodium beef broth 1 1/2 cups dry red wine 3 bay leaves 1 tablespoon snipped fresh thyme or 1 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 pound potatoes, cut 2-inch chunk. 1 pound butternut squash; peeled, seeded and cut into 1 1/2-inch chunks 4 carrots, cut into 1-inch chunks 2 stalks celery, sliced into 1/2-inch thick 1/4 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
More people will be sleeping on the street in Castlegar Saturday night than usual. A group of people will be spending the night by the tracks in downtown Castlegar as part of a fundraiser to help raise money and awareness for the Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank. They are hoping to help address poverty, hunger and homelessness in Castlegar. Participants already include several city council members and an RCMP officer who will be at the tracks behind the Station Museum from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. but more people are welcome to join. The event is part of a challenge between Castlegar and Trail, where a similar event is taking place, to see which community can raise the most funds. Those planning on spending the night are raising funds through pledges. If you are not sleeping by the tracks, but still want to make a donation, feel free to drop off your monetary donation on the day of the event or any time at the Station Museum. The food bank is
presently in need of a financial boost. “Our numbers are up. With out money we are not able to provide any of the services we do,” said organizer Deb McIntosh. “Bring your money. We want to be able to continue to provide things like the shelter, emergency services... the services that we have been providing.” Another way to support the cause is to show up for the chili cookup between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. You can have a bowl of chili and a bun for a minimum donation of $5. At 9 p.m. there will be a bonfire wiener roast and a chance to talk about issues that people living in poverty face. McIntosh emphasized that homeless looks different in Castlegar than it does in a big city. “Homelessness in Castlegar is real,” she said. “Ours are couch surfing and going from friend to friend... grown children who are still depending on their parents, because life is hard sometimes.” “We need to help these people who are down on their luck,” continued McIntosh. “If everybody gave a little bit, then no one would have to go without.”
1761 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, B.C.
Saturday September 19th 12:00-3:00
2302 11th Ave., Castlegar, BC
Season ending soon! Time to stock up! BC non-waxed Ambrosia, Gala, and Spartan Apples - 20lbs/$18 BC #1 Field & Roma tomatoes still available - 40lbs/$35 BC #1 non-waxed Bartlett Pears - 20lbs/$18 BC Assorted Squash - $0.70/lb
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$339,900 Simon Laurie 250-365-1585 cell 250-365-2166 office 1-877-365-2169 toll free A13
Castlegar News Thursday, September 17, 2015
International Day of Peace This Monday is the International Day of Peace, as designated by the United Nations Organization. The designation is intended to focus people’s attention on the importance of peace in all aspects of human development, and to the environmental wellbeing of our planet. Kootenay area residents are invited to gather at 6 p.m. on Monday, September 21, at the CPR Railway Museum in Castlegar, to express through reflection, speech, and song, their feelings on the importance of peace, particularly at this difficult and dangerous time in our world. This gathering is sponsored by Kootenay Region Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada, USCC Working Groups, and friends of peace in the Kootenays. For more information please call the Brilliant
Cultural Centre at 250-365-3613, Ext. 21.
CONTRACT: Ridgewood Drive Sanitary Sewer Inspection Chambers REFERENCE NUMBER: RFQ 2015-10 The City of Castlegar invites tenders for: o Installation of Sanitary sewer inspection chambers on Ridgewood Drive. Quotation documents are available during normal business hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm local time) from September 17th, 2015 at: Address:
City of Castlegar Transportation and Civic Works (Public Works) Yard 4500 Minto Road
Tender Closing Date: Tender Closing Time: Deliver sealed Tenders to:
September 29th, 2015 2:00 p.m. local time 460 Columbia Avenue (City Hall)
Inquiries should be directed to: Leford Lafayette, AScT Phone: 250-365-8982 Email:
Pass Creek Fall Fair 26th & & 21nd 27th September 20st Entry Fee $5.00 | Ages 6 & under : FREE ALSO HAPPENING THROUGHOUT THE DAY • Dirty Diggers • Blacksmith Demos • Fall Fair Exhibits • Educational Displays • Bouncy House • Vendor Village • Farmer for a Day • Horse Show • Entertainment on Stage • Food Concessions
• Selkirk Lions Family Carnival • Small Farm Animal Displays • Cross Bow Gallery • Fun Swing - Carnival Ride • Weaver / Spinning Demo • Mini Golf • Clown • Pancake Breakfast daily • Antique Car Show (Saturday only)
Check out the website for Fall Fair Categories & COMPETE AT THE FAIR: $100 in Prizes for Top Scarecrows Cash Prizes for Youth Entries Entry Deadline Friday Sept. 25 until 4:00 pm Youth prizes are sponsored by Johnny’s Grocery & Gas
SATURDAY & SUNDAY 11am to 3pm Sponsored by: by: CHRIS POPOFF
Mountain Transport Institute
Pass Creek Fall Fair to celebrate their 20th Anniversary is adding Global FMX performances to this year’s attractions. www. is an extreme Freestyle Motorcross Show Please come out and help celebrate this incredible Old Fashion Fall Fair brought to your community on Sept. 26th & 27th.
$$$ in the haystack sponsored by Ernie’s Used AutoParts (Saturday) and Arrow Lakes Veterinary Clinic (Sunday)
Saturday & Sunday from 10 am - 5 pm Pick-up: every 30 min. at the Complex and Castlegar Heritage Museum
Parking Fee $2.00 For Emergency Access - NO PARKING on Relkoff Road. Violators will be towed at owners expense.
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
PUBLICATION: Abbotsford News, Aldergrove stAr, CAmpbell river mirror, CAstlegAr News, ChilliwACk progress, Comox vAlley reCord, duNCAN CowiChAN piCtoriAl NewsleAder, kelowNA CApitAl News, kooteNAy Advertiser, lANgley times, mAple ridge News, missioN City reCord, NANAimo News bulletiN, NelsoN stAr, NortherN CoNNeCtor, pArksville QuAliCum News, peACe ArCh News, peNtiCtoN westerN News, port AlberNi vAlley News, priNCetoN similkAmeeN spotlight, QuesNel observer, shuswAp mArket News, summerlANd review, surrey/N. deltA leAder, trAil dAily times, verNoN morNiNg stAr, viCtoriA regioNAl, viCtoriA sooke News, williAms lAke, wiNfield lAke CouNtry CAleNdAr / AD#: 06-sdm-tol-2015 / SIZE: 4.3125" x 8"
GROWIN G WO M E N ’ S H E a lt H We believe you’re at your best when you LOVE. YOU. Share the love and give for a healthier community.
The Castlegar Rebels won their first game of the season against the Fernie Ghostriders.
Photo by Chelsea Novak
Rebels begin season with a win Chelsea Novak Castlegar News
The Castlegar Rebels won their first regular season game against the Fernie Ghostriders on Friday. The Rebels got off to an early lead in the first period with Morgan Scriber scoring the first goal. The Ghostriders responded in the second period with a goal of their own, briefly tying up the game, but then the Rebels went on to score another two goals, the first scored by Castlegar’s own Darren Medeiros playing centre and the second scored by wingman Tayden Woods. The Ghostriders scored once more early in the third period, but couldn’t manage a third goal against goalie Joe Mcleod to tie things up, and the Rebels won 3-2. “I attribute the win to everybody just working hard tonight,” said coach Jesse Dorrans after the game. “With a younger squad our work ethic has to come out hard from the gate, and we did a great job, but I
Visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart from September 12 to October 9, 2015 and join our annual campaign to Grow Women’s Health. 100% of the proceeds will support local Women’s Health initiatives in your community.
5 06-SDM-TOL-2015.indd 1
2015-09-01 3:10 PM
Notice of Tax Sale
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Community and the Local Government Act, the City of Castlegar will NoticeCharter of Tax Sale th be conducting thegiven Annualthat Taxpursuant Sale of lands for Community delinquent taxes at 445 and 13 the Avenue, 101, Castlegar, Notice is hereby to the Charter LocalSuite Government Act,British the City th City Columbia commencing at 10:00am on Monday September 28, 2015. The following is a list oftaxes properties within the ofNotice Castlegar will be conducting the Annual Tax Sale of lands for delinquent at 445 13 Avenue, Notice of Tax Sale is hereby to the11, Community Charter and the Local Government Act, the City of Castlegar subjectgiven to taxthat sale pursuant as at September 2015. Suite 101, Castlegar, British Columbia commencing 10:00am on Monday September 28, 2015. is hereby that pursuant to the Community Charter and thefor Local Government Act, City13th of Castlegar willThe ofNotice Castlegar willgiven be conducting the Annual Tax Sale of at lands delinquent taxes atthe445 Avenue, th following is a list of properties within the City of Castlegar subject to tax sale as at September 11, 2015. be conducting the Annual Tax Sale of lands for delinquent taxes at 445 13 Avenue, Suite 101, Castlegar, British
Notice of Tax Sale
Folio101, Castlegar, British Columbia commencing at 10:00am on Monday September Legal Description Suite 28, 2015. The Property Address Columbia commencing at 10:00am within on Monday September 28, 2015.subject The following a list within City following is a list of properties the City of Castlegar to tax issale asofatproperties September 11,the 2015.
Folio Property Address of Castlegar subject to tax sale as at September 11,th 2015. 00309.170
7-625 11
Folio 00030.000 416 9th Avenue 00332.000 Folio th 00309.170 00589.065 00309.170 7-625 11 Avenue 00332.000 761 10th Avenue 00622.000 00589.065 00332.000 605 Tamarack Street 00622.000 186 Columbia Avenue 01023.000 00589.065 2804 5th Avenue 01023.000 001543.00 2309 10th Avenue 001543.000 0 00622.000 01689.010 909 27th Street 01689.010 01023.000 01696.010 2609 10th Avenue 01810.501 01696.010 001543.0004490 Blueberry Road rd 01810.501 04126.000 01689.010 316 103 Street
181, PID 028-882-598
Lot A, Plan NEP5570, District Legal Description Lot & 14, Block 17, Plan NEP650, District Lot 181, PIDLot 016-159th 13Address Property Legal Property 761 10 Address Avenue 181, PID Description 014-486-067 250, 016-159-276 Lot181, C, DL 4598, 7, Plan EPS893, District LotPID th7, Plan Lot EPS893, District Lot PIDNEP2882, 028-882-598 605 Tamarack Street 7-625 11 Avenue 015-086-984 181, 181, PID PID 028-882-598 Lot A, Plan NEP5570, District Lot 014-486-067 Lot 3, A, Plan Plan NEP1984, NEP5570, District District Lot Lot th C, Plan 186 Avenue Lot NEP2882, DL 4598, PID 015-086-984 761 Columbia 10 Avenue 4598, PID 015-604-063 181, PID 014-486-067 Lot 3, Plan NEP1984, District Lot 4598, PID 015-604-063 Lot 8, 3, Plan 2293, 4598, C, Block Plan NEP2882, DL DL 4598, PID th 605 Tamarack Street 2804 5 Avenue Lot 8, Block 3, Plan 2293, DL 4598, PID 015-326-471 PID 015-326-471 015-086-984 Lotth5, Plan NEP2261, DL 7174,Lot PID 012-380-385 5, NEP2261, District DL 7174,Lot PID 3, Plan NEP1984, 186 Columbia Avenue 2309 10 Avenue
012-380-385 4598, PID 015-604-063
LotPID 1, NEP16224, DLDL 7171, Lot 009-027-432 8, Plan Block 3, Plan 2293, 4598, th 1, Plan NEP16224, DL 7171, 909 280427 5 Street Avenue PID009-692-746 009-027-432 015-326-471 Lot 1, Plan 15101, DL 7175, PID Lot 1, 15101, DL DL 7175, PID015-4515, Plan NEP2261, 7174, PID Lotth2, Manufactured Home Reg. No. 24672, DL 12354, PID 2609 2309 10 Avenue 009-692-746 012-380-385 895 Lot 2, Home Reg. No. 1, Manufactured Plan NEP16224, th 12, Plan 4490 Blueberry Lot NEP4319, DL 4598, PID 005-205-701 DL 7171, 909 27 Street Road 24672, DL 12354, PID 015-451-895
rd th Street 103 pertaining316 to the Tax 2609 10Annual Avenue
The city does not provide information specific to properties or tax sale information.
Additional information pertaining to the Annual Tax Sale can be found at the following web site: To make arrangements to pay delinquent property please contact: The city does not provide information specifictaxes to properties or tax sale information. To make arrangements to pay delinquent property taxes please contact: To make arrangements Chief Financial Officer to pay delinquent property taxes please contact:
Email: Chief Financial Officer TheFinancial city does not provide information specific to properties or tax sale information. Chief Offi cer Email: (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810 Email: (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810 To make arrangements to pay delinquent property taxes please contact: (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810 Chief Financial Officer
Made ` you...
LegalLot Description 7, Plan EPS893, District Lot
PID 009-027-432 Lot 12, Plan15101, NEP4319, DL 4598, 1, Plan DL 7175, PID information Sale can be found at the following web site: PID 005-205-701 009-692-746 Lot 2, Manufactured Home Reg. No. 01810.501 4490 Blueberry Road Additional information pertaining to the Annual Tax Sale can be found at the following web site: PID 015-451-895 24672, DL 12354, Lot 12, Plan NEP4319, DL 4598, Additional information pertaining to the Annual Tax Sale can be found at the following web site: rd 04126.000 316 103 Street The city does not provide information specific to properties or tax PID sale005-205-701 information. 04126.000 01696.010 Additional
really gotta tip my hat to Joseph Mcleod. He made some big saves at the end of the game there, and it gave us the win.” Mcleod is 17 years old and new to the team this year. He came from the Vernon Vipers camp and moved in with his billet family the day before the game. “I thought we had a really good first period,” Mcleod said after the game. “I thought, you know, our legs were moving, we were getting pucks deep, and we were making it really tough on their d. We got that one goal that really sparked our bench.” The Rebels also played the Kelowna Chiefs on Sunday, in what ended up being a tie game at 3-3. Asked what he thought his team could work on for that game beforehand, Mcloed said, “You know I think it’s just crisper passes. You know when it was getting late in the period there, guys were kind of feeling nerves coming on, and I think if we kind of harness that energy and put it in the right places, I think we’ll really fit into the game as it progresses.”
See! Advertising WORKS! Call Christine today to get your business NOTICED. 250.365.6397 or
Castlegar News A15
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Kids Day fun Kids Day is scheduled for this Saturday at the Northport International Raceway. Time trials are scheduled for 2 p.m. with racing starting at 3 p.m. Kids will be allowed to go around race track with their favorite drivers. There are two point races remaining with the Castlegar crew doing very well. Season championship race scheduled for October 3. In this picture is Stacey MacKinnon with son Zak from last week’s action at Republic. MacKinnon finished third in the modified main, followed by Zaitsoff in fifth and Hyson in seventh.
Mixed Curling looking for players Betsy Kline Castlegar News
Curling season is fast approaching and the Castlegar Mixed Curling league is looking for new teams to join in on the winter fun. The league is open to new curlers as well as those with years of experience. Games are played on Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. mid-October through late March. The two hour games are followed by an opportunity to talk
Fall Classes begin Sept. 21st Pre-school (3&4yrs) Kinderdance (5yrs)
Adult Jazz/Hip Hop
(The age to dance is the age you are now!)
•Jazz • Acro • Ballet • Ly rical • H
ip Hop
Dance Store & Office are open Monday - Thursday from 2:00pm - 6:00 pm Contact Us At: 250.365.5046 Email: pointoi@telus.met or visit our website
strategy and socialize with the other teams. The league is flexible, allowing any combination of men and ladies as long as the group is mixed. If committing to every week is a problem, they also allow teams to be made up of more than four players who then alternate who plays each week. If you do not have a team but would like to join one, the organizers will help you connect with a team looking for a player. If you have any questions or would like to register, call Shawn Biln at 250-365-7813.
Courses starting in Castlegar Beekeeping for Beginners: Preparing for Winter
Sept 13
Prenatal Series
Sept 16
Federal Election 2016: Climate Change, Peace & Human Security
Sept 17
Chainsaw Basics Level 1 (Enform)
Sept 18
Fitness Theory
Sept 19
Occupational First Aid level 1
Sept 20
Grant Writing
Sept 22
Excel 2013: Core Skills
Sept 24
Facebook for Business
Sept 26
Prezi for Business
Sept 26
CPR for Heath Care Providers
Sept 26
Canadian Firearms Safety
Sept 26
Mir Lecture: Ntahuba Parfaite
Sept 26
Occupational First Aid: Transportation Endorsement
Sept 27
Integrated Worksite Health and Safety: Mod 1
Sept 28
Simply Accounting
Sept 29
Join Brent Hayden
Olympic Swimmer and Bronze Medalist in 2012, as he discusses the mental aspect of sport
Friday, September 18 7 pm Castlegar Complex $10 (or $5 + food donation) OPEN TO ALL AREA YOUTH ATHLETES!
Castlegar News Thursday, September 17, 2015 A17
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Help Wanted
Financial Services
Misc. for Sale
For Sale By Owner
Part-Time & Full Time Taxi Drivers
AUTO FINANCING-Same Day Approval. Dream Catcher Auto Financing 1-800-910-6402 or
STEEL BUILDINGS. Summer Madness Sale! All buildings, all models. You’ll think we’ve gone mad deals. Call Now and get your deal. Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422.
REDUCED RETIREMENT LIVING Castlegar Sandlewood Court. Small Senior Complex. Unit 9 - 1260 sq ft. Lrg Kitchen / Dining Area, features skylight. High efficiency fireplace in living room. Bright 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large walk in closet. Central Vac / Air, 5 appls, sound proof walls, garage, full bsmt, covered deck and fenced back yard with garden space. $252,000, reduced to $239,900. Call 250.359.7945 or 250.365.0068
required for Trail, Castlegar & Creston Class 1, 2 or 4 drivers license required. Must like working with the public. A great way to meet people and keep in touch with the community. Please indicate the area you wish to drive. Please send resume to ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9X1
ARROW BUILDING SUPPLIES (RONA) has the following employment opportunities: 1. Cashier: Full time / Part time. Experience in the hardware industry is a plus. 2. Weekend yard person Apply in person BLUEBERRY BUDS DAYCARE AT BCCS HUB IS NOW EXCEPTING RESUMES FOR E.C.E. AND ONE TO ONE SUPPORT STAFF POSITIONS! Must be willing to work as a team to implement a quality program for 3 - 5 year old children and maintain healthy relationships and communicate effectively and respectfully with children, families and colleagues in a fun, rewarding environment. Please send resumes Attn. Alana Medeiros at by Friday, September 18th 2015.
KB Division of Family Practice seeks Physician Recruiter. For details, visit: divisioncareers
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services
Great Career Opportunity for a Hotel/Motel Live-In Management Team. Compensation includes Managers suite, power, water, phone, internet, competitive salaries. Please send resumes to
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online NEED A LOAN? Own Property? Have Bad Credit? We can help! Toll free 1-866-405-1228
Household Services KOOTENAY Duct Cleaners . Locally owned & operated , affordable , professional and insured Duct Cleaning services & system sterilizations .Toll Free 1-844-428-0522 Free Estimates .
Help for today. Hope for Tomorrow.
Real Estate
For Sale By Owner 3 Bedroom House, Workshop, Green house. Abundant water supply. .82acre lot 25 minute drive to either Nelson or Castlegar. This small Hobby farm has everything you need to live off the land 1100 square foot 3 Bedroom house, comes with a 1000 square work shop, Green House and large fenced garden area. Priced to sell 250-505-3806
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions BIGGEST Restaurant Equipment Auction In Canadian History! Kwik Auctions 2 Day Sale. Sept 14/15 - - Online Bidding Available Via Bidspotter!
Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 HUGE AVON SALE! Sept. 18,19 & 20. 9 am - 5 pm. Everything 50% - 70% OFF. 7559 16th St. 250-442-2321
Homes for Rent 2 brm house with basement on large lot, downtown Castlegar. Older house, no appliances, need good references. $750 Avail Immed -778.882.3959
Suites, Lower Daylight 2 bedroom basement suite for rent. Avail Oct 1st. N/P,N/S, W/D, call 250.304.8854
Auto Financing
NORTH CASTLEGAR Quality 1 bedroom ground level suite W/D, DW, Stove, Fridge, parking, N/S, N/P. $850.00 Inc Utilities. Available Nov 1st Ph: (250) 608-2325
Cars - Domestic 2005 Chev Aveo, 275,000K, Very good condition winterized. $2500. 2000 Dodge Caravan, 188,000K, good condition winterized. $3000. 2005 Ford Mustang GT Convertible, 44,000K, excellent condition. $15,000. 250-368-5324
Dream Catcher
AUTO Financing
Acreage for Sale
Acreage for Sale
ESTATE SALE In the matter of the Estate of ROLF BERNECE WEBB, AKA ROLF WEBB, AKA ROLF BERNICE WEBB, deceased, (the “Estate”) and the lands located at Vector Road Sheep Creek and legally described as: That Part of Parcel A (Reference Plan 61457I) lying East of the Nelson-Nelway Highway Sublot 36 District Lot 1236 Kootenay District Plan X69 except Part included in Plan 10200, Parcel Identifier 009-371-010 (108 acres)
= Blood pressure Recommended Target: 130/80 mm Hg
Lot 2 District Lot 1236 Kootenay District Plan 10200, Parcel Identifier 012-951-226 (0.35 acres)
If you have diabetes, you are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke, and other complications such as eye and kidney disease, nerve damage and foot problems. Keeping your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol in a healthy range can reduce your risk of complications. For more information about staying healthy with diabetes, visit: CANADIAN
= AIC (measure of blood glucose levels over time) Recommended Target: 7.0% or below
= Cholesterol Recommended Target: LDL: 2.0 mmol/L or lower. Total cholesterol to HDL ratio: below 4
Call 1-800-667-3742
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
Do you know your diabetes ABCs?
Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service
Lot 7 District Lot 1236 Kootenay District Plan 10200, Parcel Identifier 006-191-860 (0.47 acres) Lot 11 District Lot 1236 Kootenay District Plan 10200, Parcel Identifier 006-191-894 (0.36 acres) Invitations are being accepted for written bids for the purchase of these properties “as is where is” and with no representations. Offers must be without conditions and for completion of the sale by no later than October 30, 2015. Bids are to be submitted to Joni D. Metherell, the Administrator of the Estate, at 301-1665 Ellis Street, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3 (facsimile 250-762-5219), by no later than September 30, 2015. The Estate may accept a bid or bids, or refuse all bids.
CLUES ACROSS 1. W. Loman’s failed son 5. Largest English dictionary (abbr.) 8. Wanes 12. Lifeless geologic period 14. No (Scottish) 15. Filled chocolate cookie 16. Circular chordophones 18. Short-term memory 19. Any small compartment 20. Poisonous gas 21. Cologne 22. Scaleless fishes 23. Ormolu 26. Well-known & respected 30. Man-made river embankment 31. Yearned after something 32. Before 33. Garlic mayonnaise 34. California white oak 39. CNN’s founder Turner 42. Removed contents 44. Frighten 46. Responded 47. “Extant” star 49. Aba ____ Honeymoon 50. Box (abbr.) 51. Reptile leather 56. Norse goddess of old age 57. Drive obliquely, as of a nail 58. Inspire with love 59. Affirm positively 60. European sea eagle 61. Congresswoman Giffords 62. Emit coherent radiation 63. Fall back time 64. Masses of fish eggs
CLUES DOWN 1. Leavened rum cake 2. Moslem women’s garment 3. Quilting duo: ____ & Porter 4. S W Pacific state 5. The start of something 6. Edible 7. More coy 8. From 56 to 34 million years ago 9. Small wind 10. Disney heroine 11. Helios 13. Existing at birth but not hereditary 17. Paris river 24. Confined condition (abbr.) 25. More than charged 26. A major division of geological time 27. Japanese apricot 28. Initial public offering 29. A quantity of no importance 35. Securities market 36. Sharp part of a tool 37. Downwind 38. Doctor of Education 40. Built up 41. Borrowers 42. Stray 43. Country singer Haggard 44. Eurasian marten pelts 45. Fashion magazine Marie ___ 47. Turkish candy 48. Regarding 49. Distribute game cards 52. Princess Anne’s daughter 53. Planned pipeline from Burgas to Vlore 54. An academic gown 55. Removes moisture
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
Advertise your Garage Sale for
In Loving Memory
(May - September) Call or come into the Castlegar News office 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar 250-365-6397
Friday to Sunday 1
September 18, 19 & 20
September 19 8am - 12pm
Multi family garage sale. Everything must go. Priced to sell.
Cro ws ne st H wy
wy Cro wsn est H
Rd Terr ace
s Dr Lake
ge w oo
est Hw Cro wsn
Ro bs
Garage Sale:
C m
olu bia
loo Rd
Waterloo Rd
Columbia Rd
henia Ootic
Ootichenia Rd
Prairie Rd
3rd Ave Water
ge w oo
5th Ave
Rd us mp Ca Rd ale sed Ro
Cro wsn est Hw
5th Ave
3rd Ave
3rd Ave
6th Ave 5th Ave
Columbia Ave
8th Ave
4th Ave
5th Ave
Cremation has taken place in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. A private burial will T take place at a OOTICHENIA N later date. LA
kes D
Arrow La
18th St
2nd St
5th St
6th Ave
4th St
Oak St
9th Ave
7th Ave
3rd St
9th St
8th St
8th Ave
10th Ave
10th Ave
9th Ave
14.4 km from Castlegar
11th St
o en r Pl Grosv
14th Ave
14th Ave
th 24
14th Ave
Cro wsn est Hw y
k Dr.
6th Ave
2nd St
5th St
7th Ave
3rd St
9th Ave
4th St
11th St
10th St
8th St
d Woo
ia mb
Oak St
Dr land
9th St
10th St
726 16th Ave. Genelle
28th St
213 4th Ave, Downtown
s Dr
Lot’s of good stuff! Downsizing!!
Something for everyone. Priced to sell.
She was a loving mother to daughters Nadine (Alex), Debbie (Marco) and Chris (Lance) and to sons Frank (Cindy), Ken (Marian) and Jim (Sandy). Marie was and adoring grandmother and greatgrandmother and also a friend and sister to Helen Blake.
Terr ace
Cro wsn est Hw
on Rd
so nR d
Ro b
September 19 9am - 2pm
Garage Sale:
Ro bs on R
s Dr
ge w oo
Terr ace
Rd on bs Ro
Terr ace
t Hw y Cro wsn es
ge w oo d
6.6km from Castlegar
September 19 8am - 1pm
Terr ace
s Dr Lake Arrow
ge w oo Rid
5th St
2nd St
4th St
Marie Shlakoff
Surrounded by her loving family, in her T 84th year, Marie AN Shlakoff passed L IL away and BR reunited with her beloved husband William Shlakoff.
Rd us mp Ca Rd ale sed Ro
henia Ootic
3rd St
18th St
6th Ave
3rd Ave
Ootichenia Rd
Columbia Rd
9th Ave 7th Ave 5th Ave
Waterloo Rd
Prairie Rd
13.7 km from Castlegar
2nd St
Rd us mp Ca Rd ale sed
loo Rd
Oak St
11th St
10th St
18th St
9th St
8th St
5th Ave
3rd Ave
Ootichenia Rd
henia Ootic
4th St
o en r Pl Grosv
8th Ave
10th Ave
5th Ave
4th Ave
Columbia Rd
6th Ave
Prairie Rd
33.8 km from Castlegar
14th Ave
14th Ave
Columbia Ave
8th Ave
Waterloo Rd
loo Rd
Cro wsn est Hw y
10th Ave
5th Ave
3rd Ave
3rd Ave
9th Ave
6th Ave 5th Ave
4th Ave
k Dr.
28th St 2nd St
6th Ave
5th St
7th Ave
5th Ave
14th Ave
Columbia Ave
8th Ave
9th Ave
4th St
10th Ave
9th Ave
Household items, tools, numerous misc. Artist on location to do sketching. 3rd St
Rd 8th Ave
10th Ave
ve ia A
b lum
9th St
8th St
Oak St
11th St
Genelle Storage Upper China Creek Rd. Wood
Garage Sale:
10th St
14th Ave
14th Ave
o en r Pl Grosv
September 19 & 20 9am - 4pm
Cro wsn est Hw y
th 24
14th Ave
k Dr.
Saturday & Sunday
Rd henia Ootic
R A G E L T S A C ea
Ootichenia Rd
Prairie Rd
All proceeds to area food banks. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 28th St
Columbia Rd
Giant Sale:
3585 Laburnum Dr. Trail by RCMP
ale sed
3rd Ave
Water loo
September 19 8am - 3pm
Remembered & Loved Always Marie, Joe, Marnita, Jim T & Families.
5th Ave
Waterloo Rd
3rd St
4th Ave
henia Ootic
6th Ave
6th Ave
5th Ave
3rd Ave
7th Ave 5th Ave
5th St
Columbia Ave
8th Ave
8th St
9th Ave
ol C
Rd us mp Ca Rd ale sed Ro
Ootichenia Rd
Oak St
Memories are the golden chain that binds us till we meet again.
9th Ave
us mp Ca
18th St
9th St
10th Ave
10th Ave
3rd Ave
11th St
5th Ave
10th St
10th Ave
8th Ave
18th St
5th St
6th Ave
2nd St
9th Ave 7th Ave
4th St
10th St
11th St
8th Ave
3rd St
8th St
Oak St
9th St
o en r Pl Grosv
4th Ave
o en r Pl Grosv
14th Ave
Hw y
14th Ave
dl Woo
14th Ave
th 24
14th Ave
28th St
Arrow La
R A G E L T S CA ea
k Dr.
1515 Mountain Ridge Rd/Pass Creek Rd
Sam W. Postnikoff, Sr., Dec 30, 1921 - Nov 19, 1991 kes Dr
2424 9th Ave Southend
5pm-9pm /9am-8pm
Sam Postnikoff, Jr., April 6, 1945 - Oct 28, 2012
Garage Sale:
so nR d
Almost everything must go
Ro b
Moving sale:
Mary Postnikoff Feb 22, 1925 - Sept 21, 2012
d on R Ro bs
Terr ace
ew oo
Ootichenia Rd
kes D
5th Ave 3rd Ave
5th Ave
6th Ave
18th St
Waterloo Rd
Columbia Ave
est Hw
Cro wsn
OOTICHENIA Rd us mp Ca Rd ale sed Ro
Arrow La
6th Ave
17 t
Rid ge w oo
7th Ave
2nd St
10th Ave
10th Ave
9th Ave
3rd St
8th St
Oak St
11th St
10th St
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2nd St
5th St
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11th St
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3rd St
9th St
10th St
8th St
Oak St
18th St
St th 24
o en r Pl Grosv
14th Ave
6th Ave
Prairie Rd
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10th Ave
Columbia Ave
8th Ave
dl Woo
14th Ave
th 24
k Dr.
k Dr.
28th St
o Rd
5th Ave
10th Ave
28th St
A 8th Ave
st H
1102 3rd Street, Downtown
14th Ave
14th Ave
Restaurant dishes & supplies. Lots of other stuff, all must go! Tables chairs, lighting etc
5th St
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The family of Amelia Profili wishes to express our sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness, generosity and words of comfort during the recent loss of our Mother. Thank you Father David, your spirituality and gentle manner was greatly appreciated and also to those who participated in the Mass to make the service so special in honor of “Grandma”. Thanks to the CWL for the Honor Guard and the lovely luncheon. Thanks to Personal Alternatives, Al Grywacheski and Tracy, for your guidance and care. And lastly, warmest thanks to the staff at Castlewood and more recently, Talarico Place, Amber and Kelly, for treating Mom with such kindness.
Castlegar News A19
Thursday, September 17, 2015
To honor your loved one in the Castlegar News, please contact us at 250-365-6397 or by email:
Francesco Eugenio Toniutti It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Francesco Eugenio Toniutti (Frank) on Saturday, September 12, 2015.
Survived by the love of his life, Doreen, one daughter, Merissa (Jim) of Spokane, WA; two sons, Mario (Judy) of Beaumont, Ab.; Marc (Kim) of Lethbridge, Ab., and Ron (Jozie) of Langley, B.C.; four grandchildren; Caleisha, Tabitha, Summer and Logan; two brothers Luciano and Marco both in Italy, one niece Erica Toniutti of Italy. Frank will be sadly missed by his family and many friends.
In Loving Memory of John W. Hlookoff
September 17th 1936 to September 17th 2009 It seems like yesterday, but now has been six years. Not a day goes by that you don’t walk across our minds. You are forever missed and loved. Charlotte and Family
Fred Konkin
Oct 25, 1917 - Sept 19, 2004
Gertrude Konkin
Mar 20, 1922 - Sept 18, 2014 MOTHER A Mother’s warm hug, how eternal it lasts, The feeling remains long after she’s passed. You close your eyes and remember her there, The calm of her voice, the smell of her hair. A Mother’s enduring Love, so unending and strong, Makes the worst of our troubles seem like nothing is wrong. And though she’s been called off to a much better place, That Love is still felt like a warm embrace. How we wish you were still here to help show the way, And your presence is missed each and every day. But we know in our hearts and believe that it’s true, That your spirit is still a part in all that we do. So for all you’ve done without asking anything in return, Your boundless devotion is the lesson we’ve learned. In this 1st year that has passed since you’ve left for above, Know in your Soul that we’ve missed you & send you our Love
FATHER Theres’s a special kind of feeling When we think about you, Dad. It’s a pleasure to remember All the happy times we had. There’s a special kind of caring That’s meant for you alone. There’s a place somewhere Within our hearts That only you can own. Missed and Forever Loved. Your daughters, son-in-laws, grandchildren and great grandchildren
Joan Rutley
(nee Harvey)
passed away peacefully at Ivy House (Silver Kettle) in Grand Forks on Sunday, September 6th, 2015 at the age of 91. Cherished mother of Jill Medvedeff (Paul), Carol Blackwell (Garston) and Irene Simkus (Ron), loving grandmother of Michael Shannon (Bri), Kristen Simkus (Pete Wessel) and Danielle Simkus. Joan is predeceased by husbands Gordon Rutley and Walter Dembicki, parents Charles and Cissie Harvey and sister Gladys Leckie. After graduation from business college in Trail, Joan began her secretarial career at Cominco and later, was employed as an administrative assistant to the principal at Selkirk College. Mom was a very accomplished machine knitter who enjoyed creating beautiful garments for family and friends. She was happy working in her flower gardens at the homes in which she lived in Trail, Castlegar, Genelle, Naramata, Cranbrook and Kamloops. Mom loved music and singing in choirs. She also enjoyed travelling with family and friends to explore new places. Most of all, Mom treasured time spent with her family. The family would like to extend their gratitude to Dr. Keith Merritt, Dr. Nathan Dalla Lana, and the Drs., nurses and staff of the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Grand Forks Boundary Hospital and Ivy House in Grand Forks for their compassionate care of our mother. Thank you to the residents and staff of Castlewood Retirement Home for their friendships with Mom. A special thank you is extended to Mom’s companion, Alex Taranko, for all his care and kindness towards her. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC (#4-1551 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 9M9). A service was held in celebration of Joan’s life on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 11:00am in St. David’s Anglican Church, 614 Christina Place, Castlegar, with The Reverend Elizabeth Huether officiating. Reception followed in the church hall. Final resting place at the Mountain View Cemetery in Rossland. Gwen Ziprick of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services has been entrusted with the arrangements. You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence at the family’s online register at Mom, you were a treasured mother, grandmother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, niece and friend who always thought of others before yourself. We love you with all our hearts and will miss you deeply.
In Loving Memory
Mitchel Peter Chernoff
October 5, 1932 - September 20, 2012 Gone but not forgotten
Chernoff Family
In Loving Memory
Timothy Michael Ribalkin On Sunday, August 30, 2015, our father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Timothy Ribalkin, passed away peacefully at Castleview Care Centre with family by his side. He was 95 years young. Tim was born in Ootischenia on November 1, 1919 to parents Martha and Michael and big brother Fred. When he was 8 years old, the family moved to Perry’s Siding, where he attended school until grade 7. In 1939, Tim married his lifelong love, Polly Kalmakoff, and in the years to come they raised five daughters. During this time, he worked at many jobs, notably for the Hadikin Brothers at their sawmill and in his later years as a carpenter with Verigin Industries. Tim loved music, singing, reading and engaging in conversations about the latest happenings in the news and recalling stories and people from years gone by with great clarity and accuracy. Tim was a man of great faith and dedication. He loved his family, especially his grandchildren and great-grandchildren and would always try to participate in all their events and activities, being extremely proud of who they were and what they had accomplished. He will be greatly missed. Tim is predeceased by his parents Martha and Michael, brother Fred, daughter Nina, wife Polly, son-in-law Harry and daughter Katie. He leaves behind his daughters Margy (Harry) Bojey and family, Winnie Plotnikoff and family, Naida (Peter) Nazaroff and family, son-in-law Jim Laktin and family, grandsons Corey Hoodikoff and family and Mark Hoodikoff. He was blessed with 14 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, many nieces, nephews, cousins and countless friends and acquaintances. Funeral Services were officiated by Harry Zeabin at the Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Friday, September 4, 2015, followed by interment at Perry’s Siding Cemetery and a luncheon at Krestova Hall. Our heartfelt gratitude to the staff at Castleview Care Center, Dr. Merrit, Bill Strilaeff , Peter Zaytsoff and staff at Castlegar Funeral Chapel and Harry Zeabin for their excellent service. Also a big thank you to the harmonious and inspiring singers, the strong gravediggers, the exceptional cooks, everyone who attended the service and those who phoned, sent cards, flowers or gifts. Your support was greatly appreciated!
“Rest in Peace in God’s Heavenly Kingdom”
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
CONTEST! Congrats to our winner, Lis Hoole!
Lis has won 12 sessions of KMI Structural Integration therapy with Katherine Donovan of Spectrum Massage. Two days after my third session i woke up with zero pain in my left foot. I was astonished. I had to walk around trying to feel some kind of pain and thankfully there still wasn’t any to find. At that point, i had to text Katherine the great news and thank her. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a 100% healed, but it’s no longer the feeling of pain I feel. The change is this realignment of my foot and it feels good and awkward all at once. I have also noticed positive changes in my posture, flexibility and most of all there is no longer a crack each time I lift my right arm.
After the first two sessions there is visible ease in Lis’ body. Session 3 looked at connecting the first two by working with the Lateral lines of the body. This is where we get to open the body’s sides and encourage the lateral expansion of the rib cage with breath. We dealt with the areas of the Peroneal fascia and Iliotibial tract (outsides of the lower and upper leg) which connects foot and pelvis. The
upper body region continues from the pelvis (Quadratus Lumborum) up through the Abdominal Obliques and Intercostal muscles, up into the axilla (arm pit) and then right up into the neck (Scalene muscles). We definitely noted much restriction in the right side upper axilla. Moving into session 4, the Spiral line and last of the “Superficial” sessions, we again noted more ease and balance between the sides. The goal of the session is ease any rotations, balance
the position of the shoulder blade, and help balance the arches of the foot and pelvic tilt. Key structures of this session are the Rhomboids and Serratus Anterior connections, the Abdominal Obliques, and in the lower leg the Tibialis Anterior and Peroneals. For Lis, restricted areas were the right Rhombo-Serratus connection, and the left lower leg. Next sessions will address the “core” of the body which is primarily responsible for stabilization via the Deep Front Line.
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Ph: 250.365.3014
Local swimmers excel on provincial stage
The British Columbia Summer Swim Association (BCSSA) swim season recently culminated with a Provincial Championship meet in Victoria. This is a showcase of the best summer swimmers in British Columbia. The Castlegar Aquanauts were represented by seven swimmers; Claire Cartwright, Avery Cooke, Cayden Cooke, Emma Lawczynski, Ethan Lawczynski, Ethan Marshall and James Marshall. “Just qualifying for Provincials is a big deal,” said Aquanauts cocoach Michaella Yang. Once at the Provincial meet, swimmers then have to go through qualifying heats in order to gain a place in the finals. When qualifying heats are com-
pleted, only the 16 strongest swimmers in the province compete in the finals. Aquanaut swimmers distinguished themselves with 18 total finals appearances and a multitude of personal best times. “We were so proud of their best times” said co-coach Laura Zevenhuizen. “As a coach, you want your swimmers to peak on the biggest stage, and we could not have asked for more from this group.” In total, the Aquanauts brought home seven provincial medals and two fourth place finishes. “When you put that in context of a provincial competition, the results are staggering” said Yang, “especially considering that we compete with some clubs on the mainland and in the Okanagan
whose memberships count in the hundreds of swimmers.” “I think what strikes me the most is how our swimmers were able to continually surpass their best times right through the qualifying heats and into the finals” added Zevenhuizen. With the competitive portion of the season over, the Castlegar Aquanauts swim club will now turn their attention to their fall and winter maintenance sessions. The Club will run swim sessions twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Castlegar and District Recreational Centre starting in September and running until April and new swimmers are certainly welcome.
continued on page 21
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Castlegar News A21
Thursday, September 17, 2015
“Neighbours Helping Neighbours”
Seven Castlegar Aquanauts have what it takes continued from page 20
“That’s the great thing about summer swim you can use it for training to be a competitive swimmer, but we also have swimmers who do it as a means to become a more confident recreational swimmer or for cross training purposes
to simply stay in shape. In other words, all kids are welcome. It’s a non-intimidating atmosphere to become a better swimmer and have fun at the same time,” said Paulette Lawczynski, the club Registrar. Individual Aquanaut swimmers were recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet held in
Coins for Change
August. All of the aquanauts worked so hard this year and we recognize this hard work and dedication by giving out awards. These awards all have very special meanings and we could not be more proud of the swimmers that received each one.
“Sleeping by the Tracks”
September 19th 2015 6:00pm - 8:00am Station Museum, Castlegar
The Aquanaut fall swim session begins September 28th, with a gator (introduction to fundamentals meant for youngest swimmers), widths (transition into the big pool) and junior (needs to be able to swim full length of pool comfortably) programs available. For more information, contact Paulette Lawczynski at or visit the Castlegar Aquanauts website at Congratulations to all of the following swimmers: Most Improved IM – Corbin Anderson Most Improved Back – Ethan Marshall Most improves Breaststroke – Sydney Furman Most Improved Fly – Van Bellamy Most improved Free – Emily Ashton Best IM Male – Bryce Anderson Best IM Female – Sierra Buchanan Best Backstroke Male – Noah Larocque Best Backstroke Female – Kenna Cartwright Best Breaststroke Male – Harper Shaman Best Breaststroke Female– Bella Keus Best Fly Male – Cayden Cooke Best Fly Female – Sophie Jansen Best Free Male – James Marshall
Best Freestyle Female – Avery Cooke Best Sportsmanship and Ethics – Ethan Marshall Best First Year Swimmer – Esme Ortega Most Dedicated – Ethan Lawczynski Perseverance Award – Allynna Lipinski Coaches Award – Ayden and Reid Quintanilha Best Senior Female – Emma Lawczynski Best Senior Male – Jeff Ashton Best Junior Female – Claire Cartwright Best Junior Male – Ethan Lawczynski Most Best Times – Avery Cooke Most Points Earned – Jeff Ashton Most Outstanding – Emma Lawczynski
A Bi-City challenge between Castlegar and Greater Trail to raise funds for poverty and homelessness. Food, fun, festivities and fundraising. Let’s show Trail Castlegar’s community spirit and rise to the challenge.
Provincial results: Claire Cartwright – Division 3 girls • 50 Fly – 7th • 100 IM – Bronze • 100 Free – Bronze • 50 Free – Gold Ethan Lawczynski – Division 3 boys • 50 Back – Gold • 100 IM – 14th • 100 Free – Silver • 50 Free – 20th Avery Cooke – Division 2 girls • 50 Back – 15th • 100 IM – 4th • 50 Breast – 4th • 50 Fly – 20th Ethan Marshall – Division 1 boys • 50 Breast – 10th • 100 IM – 11th • 100 Free – 8th • 50 Fly – 8th Cayden Cooke – Division 4 boys • 50 Back – 18th • 200 IM – 16th • 100 Free – 10th • 50 Free – 19th James Marshall – Division 4 boys • 50 Fly – 17th • 200 IM – 19th • 100 Back – 19th • 50 Free – 22nd Emma Lawczynski – Division 5 girls • 100 Back – 22nd • 50 Free – Bronze • 100 Free – 21st • 100 Back – Silver
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Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
So you’ve made your will and named your executor.
7 out of 10 executors report their experience as highly stressful
Only you (will-writer) can prevent this Do you know how high the probate fee will be? Should you jointly-own your home to avoid probate? What are the dangers of that strategy? What struggles aggravate executors the most? What simple steps can you take now to avoid them? Will your executor have to deal with capital gains taxes? Is it more difficult for family if the cremation or burial wasn’t preplanned?
“Excellent…great info delivered in easy to understand language… and entertaining as well. The best seminar I’ve seen on the topic” Richard Jahnert, Owner of Clayton’s Directors Ltd.
These Free Seminars are Free Seminar
st Thursday, October 8, 6:301pm Wednesday, October
at Royal Canadian #170 10:00 - 11:30 AM & Legion 6:30 - 8:00 PM 248 Columbia Ave, Castlegar Qualicum Beach Inn 2690 Island Highway To Register: Call 250-365-3222 or TO REGISTER email To register, call CALL 250-248-5859 Sponsored by by Sponsored YatesCastlegar Funeral Service and Crematorium Funeral Chapel
The Fall Ball Charity Wooden Bat Tourney raised over $4000 for fire victims over the weekend.
Photo by Betsy Kline
Batter up for charity Chelsea Novak Castlegar News
The Fall Ball Charity Wooden Bat Tourney took place at Kinnaird Park over the weekend. The event was organized by Castlegar Slo-Pitch and raised over $4000 to help benefit the Rock Creek
and Westbridge fire victims. Nine teams participated in the tournament, including one team of 12-15 year old boys. After a weekend of fun it all came down to the playoffs on Sunday, where the Master Batters beat out the Maulers in the A final, and the Shooters beat out the Made Batters in the B final.
Brent Hayden here to inspire all athletes Brent Hayden, an Olympic medalist, World Champion, two-time Commonwealth Games Champion, and Canadian Record Holder in six individual events will speak in Castlegar on Friday. His camps are designed to give swimmers the tools to improve the dynamics of their strokes, starts
and turns, as well as inwater demonstrations by Hayden and insight into mental preparation and performance. All athletes are welcome to his talk on Friday, Sept. 18, 6:30 p.m. at the Castlegar Recreation Complex. Admission is $5 with food bank donation.
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Sept 18th - Coleman Hell w DCF & guest Sept 19th - Sage Francis w Apathy & Celph Titled Sept 20th - Hayden & Chad Van Gaalen w Samantha Savage Smith Sept 24th - Sticky Fingers Sept 25th - Ron Sexsmith
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Castlegar News
Thursday, September 17, 2015
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Thursday, September 17, 2015 Castlegar News
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