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September 23, 2015
35 years in and the funds raised by the Terry Fox Run continue to make a difference in people’s lives. ...............................
Your district needs you There are a number of volunteer positions open on District of Lake Country advisory committees and commissions. Take a look at your options, then step up to the plate and make a difference in your community. ...............................
IT WAS another successful ArtWalk for both artists and art lovers earlier this month in Lake Country. Natasha Harvey enjoyed meeting people coming through
the event to show their appreciation for the arts.
Environment not for discussion this election
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As the leaders from the three major political parties vying for votes in this year’s federal election debated the economy last Thursday, some Okanagan residents were still waiting to hear more about the environment, climate change and how
try n u o Lake C and h Healt s Fair es n l l e W
a Canadian economy based on fossil fuels can flourish globally in the long term. With federal Green party leader Elizabeth May shut out of the debate and her party fighting an uphill battle despite being the only one to officially launch a platform, we will likely
be waiting even longer. “I don’t see the environment being talked about very much by anybody to be honest,” said Wayne Wilson, the executive director of the Central Okanagan Land Trust. “The campaign seems to be about the economy and security. Absolutely anything and
everything about the environment should be on the table because it affects us all. From water to air, to soil to biodiversity. I would hope to see the environment higher (as an election topic).” Wilson, who spent 35 years on the board of the Kelowna Museum and is now with the Central
Okanagan Land Trust, says the environment is connected to the economy and should be front and centre in this election. His thoughts are echoed by Jorma Jyrkkanen, a retired biologist and the vice president of the Central Okanagan Naturalists Club, which
October 3rd, 2015 • 10 AM – 3 PM Winfield Memorial Hall All ages are welcome. There will be door prizes and fun activities. If anyone wants to be an exhibitor or sponsor please feel free to contact LCHPS.
has 270 members. Jyrkkanen says there are many troubling issues when it comes to the environment, but none of the political parties are talking about the planet, save for the Green Party, which now doesn’t have
Lake Country
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Green Party will not field candidate in Kelowna-Lake Country ALISTAIR WATERS A spokesman for the
federal Green Party says the national executive will not order the Ke-
lowna-Lake Country Green riding association to nominate a new can-
didate now that the man who won the nomination has quit to support
the Liberals. Julian Morelli, director of communications
for the Green Party of Canada, said the decision to not seek a replacement for now former Green candidate Gary Adams was made locally and will be allowed to stand.
(Members of the local riding association) came to a consensus and we respect their choice as a local grassroots decision.” Julian Morelli, Green Party of Canada
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Morelli said while national party officials are concerned there will not be a Green candidate in the riding, they feel the decision was a “grassroots” one, and because of that the party’s national executive will not step in. He said discussions about the decision were ongoing right up until a week ago Monday night when the riding association made the announcement. “They (members of the local riding association) came to a consensus and we respect their choice as a local grassroots decision,” he said. Last Monday, the CEO of the Kelowna-Lake Country Green Party Electoral District Association, Zena Ryder, confirmed the constituency will not have a Green Party candidate. It was Ryder’s husband Dan Ryder who came up with the plan to have Adams win the nomination, then not run but throw his support toward Liberal candidate Stephen Fuhr, as a way to defeat incumbent Conservative Ron Cannan. She added that because Adams is no longer the party’s candidate, he is free to support and work for anyone else who is running. While Adams has indicated he will support Fuhr, she said the riding association will not endorse any candidate in the election campaign. Under the Green
Gary Adams
Party’s constitution, a Green candidate is not allowed to endorse another party’s candidate. A week ago Wednesday, Adams, who has stayed out of the campaign since winning the Green nomination— with the exception of appearing at Fuhr’s campaign office opening— said in a public statement he was stepping down as the Green candidate and was pleased the party and the EDA were “respecting our members’ grassroots decision by not running (another) candidate and freeing local members to work on other campaigns.” He called Fuhr a “superb” candidate with broad appeal and recommended Green voters here support him. In a deal made earlier in the campaign, Fuhr agreed to consult regularly with the Kelowna-Lake Country Green EDA if elected in return for Adams not running and supporting him. Adams said he was sorry Green Party supporters who want to mark their ballots for a Green candidate in the riding would not get that opportunity. Prior to winning the nomination last month, Adams had stated that if he won, he would not campaign but, instead, would support Fuhr. In his statement, Adams said there are other ridings where Green Party candidates can win, especially in B.C., and the best way to “discard our dysfunctional first-past-the-post electoral system, protect the planet and save our democracy from the Harper Conservatives” was for all or some of them to be elected. [Editor’s Note: See candidate’s letter on page A6.]
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 23, 2015 A3
Terry Fox Run comes into sharp focus for those who experience cancer KEVIN PARNELL Lake Country native Rejeanne Droppo can still remember the day that Terry Fox ran through her community on his Marathon of Hope, beginning what would become an annual fundraiser in his name that has raised close to $700 million for cancer research over the past 35 years. Droppo was an elementary school kid in Lake Country, and like most kids who run the Terry Fox run year after year, likely didn’t know much about the devastating effects of cancer. Now 40, and a mother of two who has been cancer-free for five years, Droppo ran in last Sunday’s Terry Fox Run with her own daughters, who in turn ran to support their mom, a Terry’s Team Member and one of thousands and thousands of cancer survivors who tooke part in various Terry Fox runs across Canada. “I remember seeing him running down the highway,” said Droppo. “I can’t even describe in words or fathom what he did. From minute to
Rejeanne Droppo minute what he had to endure. Putting one step in front of another. One step at a time. Every morning he had to get up and he just kept going. I think it’s amazing. He set a goal and he just kept going.” Terry Fox was diagnosed with cancer in 1977 and soon after had his right leg amputated above the knee. His Marathon of Hope took place in 1980 with the objective of informing Canadians of the importance of finding a cure for cancer. He ran an average of 42 kilometres every day for 143 days before he was forced to end his run when cancer spread to his lungs. He passed away in June of 1981. But the legacy of this true Canadian hero lives
SOME RAN, others walked, but however they covered the ground, hundreds turned out in Kelowna for the 35th annual Terry Fox Run in support of cancer research.
on every year in schools across B.C. and the rest of Canada as school children take part in Terry Fox runs. And it lives on in people like Rejeanne Droppo and other Terry’s Team Members, cancer survivors who run in Terry’s name.
Twelve years ago Droppo was on a personal high. She had just gotten engaged and her life was in full swing when she found a lump on her neck. She didn’t think much of it but when she found another lump in her arm-
pit, she knew she had to get checked out. It was cancer. Hodgkin’s disease. And all of a sudden life was not what it used to be. “I remember asking the doctor with the medication I had to take, would I be able to have
kids. To think for a period of time that that option might be taken away was really scary,” said Droppo. “Now I think how lucky I am to have these two girls that are amazing. They know my story. In school, almost every kid has some-
one they are running for. Cancer has touched so many lives. The children write who they are running for on their name tags and both my daughters put ‘My Mom’ on their tags. To see that was pretty special.” On Sunday Droppo had her family at her side as they took part in the 35th anniversary running of the Terry Fox Run. For the first time it took place at the UBC Okanagan campus and included live bands to open and close the race as well as a celebratory BBQ lunch. For Droppo there’s a lot of pride that she takes part as a Terry’s Team member and cancer survivor. “It really does make me proud to be able to support it and also proud that Terry’s family has continued his legacy and kept it true to what he wanted,” she said. “It’s about fundraising and research as opposed to creating a bigger entity. It’s about family. It makes me proud on a lot of levels. It’s worth supporting.” @KP_media1
Step up and serve on a district advisory committee or commission The District of Lake Country is seeking volunteer members to serve on several advisory groups that report back to Lake Country council. Volunteers are needed for the following
committees: • Access & Age-friendly Committee • Agricultural Advisory Committee • Public Art Advisory Commission • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Do you, or anyone you know, have an interest in identifying service gaps and suggesting viable solutions in the district? Would you like
to provide recommendations to council on issues pertaining to enhancing access, agricultural matters, public art, or parks and recreation? Review the Terms of Reference for each advisory body to see where your interests and experience could benefit the community, online at under Municipal, then Council and then Committees.
Provide a letter of interest outlining your relevant background and interest in serving on the committee or commission most related to your interests to Reyna Seabrook, corporate services manager, via email:, fax: 250-766-2903 or regular mail: 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. V4V 2M.
Local naturalists concerned about lack of environment discussion in campaign ENVIRONMENT FROM A1 a candidate running in Kelowna-Lake Country (see story page A2). “I would love to see the parties all take a stand on the environment but I’m not hearing it,” said Jyrkkanen. “It isn’t happening from Stephen Harper. And I haven’t heard much clarity from all of the parties. There are so many issues. There is loss of habitat,
climate change, the pine beetle was the first phase and now we’re seeing the fires come through. It’s a pretty grim picture out there from an environmental perspective. A lot of countries are really getting on board and taking a leadership role in alternative energy and what we really need Canada to do is to get on board and start showing us how we might live in harmony with nature.”
In terms of which party leader might be the most visionary and will have the planet’s best interests at heart, Jyrkkanen says May is a strong leader who isn’t being treated fairly this election campaign. “She has a head on her shoulders like none of the other party leaders and she is one of the brightest minds in terms of government policies but we are not hearing
enough from her because she is cut out of the debates,” he said. With Green Party candidate Gary Adams pulling out of the race for a seat in Kelowna-Lake Country, voters who may have been leaning to the Green Party in that riding must now cast ballots for either the Conservative, Liberal or NDP candidates. It’s something that has been happening in other ridings
as well, including in Vancouver, as Green candidates try to pool votes together to defeat the Conservatives, the governing party that critics say has put fossil fuels first over the last decade. “Many in the environmental community are trying to co-ordinate the non-Conservative voters given that the Liberals or NDP or Greens would do substantially more than the Conserv-
atives (for the environment),” said UBC political science professor Kathryn Harrison. “They are asking people who care deeply about the environment to vote as a block for the candidate that is most likely to defeat the Conservatives.” Locally, Jyrkkannen says while not having a Green candidate to vote for in Kelowna-Lake Country isn’t ideal, he urges all polit-
icians to start taking climate change seriously. “Climate change is the biggest crisis we face because it is affecting everything,” he said. “We need someone out there that is connected to nature and understands how this is all connected. The goodness of the planet is not derived from corporations it’s derived from nature and we have to respect that.” @KP_media1
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
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ur 10-year-old granddaughter Katherine went to Art Walk, 10 days ago.
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Jim Taylor
She was strolling through the exhibits, when an elderly woman suddenly caressed Katherine’s cheek and told her, “You have such beautiful skin.” And then the woman faded into the crowds again. Katherine is indeed beautiful (as her grand-
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Do balanced budgets matter? T he federal election campaign has produced a jumble of conflicting claims about whether or not Canada has a balanced budget or a deficit, how it was determined, and whether it even matters. The definitive word on this came out last week, with the release of the Government of Canada Annual Financial Report, signed off by Auditor General Michael Ferguson. “The government posted a budgetary surplus of $1.9 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, compared to a budgetary deficit of $5.2 billion in 2013-14,” the report says. “Revenues increased by $10.7 billion, or 3.9 per cent, from 201314, reflecting increases across all major revenue streams. Program expenses increased by $5.2 billion, reflecting increases in major transfers to persons and other levels of government, offset in
BC Views
Tom Fletcher part by a decrease in direct program expenses.” The Conservative government’s pre-election budget calculated that last year was in deficit, and this year would be the first in the black since 2008. Ottawa pundits say this “surprise surplus” was engineered with intentionally pessimistic budget estimates, so Prime Minister Stephen Harper would get a boost right about now. Liberal leader Justin Trudeau claimed last year’s surplus was partly generated by cuts to Veterans’ Affairs and Ab-
original Affairs. Wrong and wrong. Veterans’ Affairs spending was up 13 per cent, and Aboriginal Affairs spending rose nearly 30 per cent. Trudeau has also insisted Canada is in recession now, which helps his suddenly adopted position that a Liberal government would run deficits for the next three years to build infrastructure. Harper ran the biggest deficits in Canadian history after the 2009 crash, bailing out auto makers and building lots of “shovel ready” infrastructure, as did the U.S. and other countries. The question raised by Trudeau’s plan is whether it’s a good idea to keep doing that without a financial crisis. France, for example, has run operating deficits every year since the early 1970s, although the current Socialist government vows to balance the books by 2017. France’s operating debt is now equal to 91 per cent of its
Gross Domestic Product. Canada’s net debt-toGDP ratio is currently around 30 per cent, down from frightening levels in the 1990s before the Chrétien government finally balanced the budget. (Fun fact: then-finance minister Paul Martin not only cut transfers to provinces, unlike the current government, he inflicted the largest-ever cuts to the CBC. Harper’s CBC cuts were part of government-wide reductions, again due to that 2009 crisis.) NDP leader Thomas Mulcair has promised to balance the budget every year of his mandate, should he form Canada’s first-ever socialist government. He will spend the rest of the campaign trying to reconcile this promise with the grandiose spending plans he has piled up. Meanwhile in B.C., Finance Minister Mike de Jong may have benefited from Harper’s low-
ball budget. In his first quarter update last week, de Jong reported that his February budget forecast is on track, with a $277 million surplus. This is despite a $300 million bill for forest firefighting, thanks to personal and corporate income tax revenue expected to be $374 million higher than budgeted. B.C. bases its tax revenue figures on federal estimates, and the ones they got early this year were clearly low. Understated or not, this is a nice problem to have. De Jong says that at the current pace, B.C. will pay off its accumulated operating debt by 2020. The last time the province was free of operating debt was 1982. The big debt peak came during the NDP 1990s, with another spike from 2009 to 2013 under the B.C. Liberals. Tom Fletcher is the legislature columnist for Black Press.
father, I may be biased). She’s tall, carries herself well, with a high forehead and big dark eyes in a perfect oval face. But she was taken aback at getting fondled by a total stranger. The incident makes me reflect on socially acceptable norms. Obviously, it’s all right for us to touch Katherine’s cheek; we’re family. Katherine would probably not object if our closest friends touched her. But from an stranger, it felt like an invasion of her privacy. An acquaintance defended the woman’s action: “Some people are just bubbly.” They hand out hugs the way clowns scatter candy at a parade. I find that when I’m unsure of what’s appropriate, it helps to vary the
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community
Q The Lake Country T Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 23, 2015 A5
Green Party candidate Wouldn’t it be good to hear from says he’s sorry to step aside ▼ GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP
scientists on climate change? W
hen it comes to the environment, one would assume that scientists would be the best available source to help the rest of us figure out complex things like climate change. Further, one might think scientists who work for the government should be the most trustworthy, given that their salaries are paid for by the taxpayers and they are non-partisan meaning they work for whichever party takes power in Ottawa. Like polit,icians, they are supposed to work for us. But in Canada—the true north strong and free—information is not power on this issue. Unless you are in government and you are keeping the information secret to continue your grip on the country. In this case we’re talking about Canada, a country that by most accounts, has fallen behind many others when it comes to dealing with climate change and ap-
No Boundaries
Kevin Parnell pears hell-bent on continuing its reliance on fossil fuels, not only for use at home but also as our main export industry. Experts say climate change is the toughest issue to deal with for political parties because it is a global problem that will need everyone working together to try and solve. So what we need is teamwork and a government willing to share information and work well with others. Is this what we have in Canada? Not according to an Ottawa-based non-partisan and not-for-profit government watchdog called Democracy
Watch. That group is still waiting for the results of its 2013 complaint to the federal information commissioner on this very issue. They say the Conservatives have violated their own Access to Information Act with a policy that requires scientists to get clearance from the government before they talk to the media and the public. “Any government official including government scientists are employees of the public so the public has a right to know what they are doing and what they are telling the government,” said Duff Conacher, cofounder of Democracy Watch and visiting law professor of the University of Ottawa. “The basis of our complaint is that essentially the government does not want those people speaking publicly because what they are showing contradicts the government agenda.” Part of the problem is the actual Access to Information Act, a law that
is supposed to keep the government accountable to the people. But Conacher says there are many loopholes in the access to information acts. “They should actually be called ‘how to hide information from the public acts.’ That’s what they actually are: A guide for politicians on how to hide information from the public,” said Conacher. “What they are trying to hide is scientific results by government scientists that contradict the government’s viewpoint and agenda.” Ask a Conservative MP about this issue, as we did, and you will hear denials. They don’t muzzle scientists and aren’t trying to control the flow of information. They would never! But how do we trust what a politician says when the track record of truth versus lies is a joke. Democracy Watch also tracks promises made by federal parties SEE SCIENCE CHILL A9
To the editor: Re: To my supporters and other interested parties. At our most recent meeting, Kelowna Lake-Country Greens voted for me based on my platform of cooperation with the local Liberal candidate, Stephen Fuhr. Subsequently, Green Party leader Elizabeth May asked me to put our partnership on hold while she initiated a conversation about cooperation at the national level. While Liberal leader Justin Trudeau has always been supportive of our local cooperation effort, he was not interested in a broader cooperation that involved Liberals standing down in another riding, and Thomas Mulcair would not even return May’s phone calls. Stephen Fuhr is a superb candidate with broad appeal across the political spectrum, and therefore an excellent chance of winning. He is personally committed to evidence-based policy, serious action on
Change the context and see if your argument holds up TAYLOR FROM A4
cast of characters. Suppose a man had touched Katherine. Would she, would we, tolerate an older man? A young buck? And what if he were a known pedophile, out on bail or parole? Other factors also enter the equation. Katherine is black, an Ethiopian orphan whom our daughter adopted. Did the woman think that she could take more liberties with a black girl because, well, you know, they’re not quite the same as us, are they? Would she have felt equally free to caress a white girl? I don’t know, of course, but I’m guessing that age and sex both had a lot to do with it. Girls are more vulnerable to unwanted attention than boys. And it’s generally OK to touch children— and pets—in ways that we would never risk with adults.
I’m sometimes tempted to formulate a general rule—if I can’t do something openly, I shouldn’t do it anywhere, to anyone. The same with speech—a difficult lesson for me to apply, because my tongue tends to utter what I think will be a brilliant witticism before I realize its potential to offend. But my rule can’t be extended to all situations. Privileged conversations do have to happen, sometimes. Lovers treat each other in ways that casual acquaintances
can’t. When I get mired in ethical quicksand, it also helps me to reverse the roles. How would I feel, if I were the butt of that story? How would I feel, if I belonged to that other group? I recall a meeting where the speaker advocated rehabilitation for criminals instead of punishment. Her message infuriated a man in the audience. Seizing the floor microphone, he ranted about vicious criminals getting off too lightly. He didn’t
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quite demand that they be drawn and quartered, but he certainly wanted them to suffer. The speaker tried to reason with him. “How would you feel if it was your daughter that had been raped?” he demanded angrily. “How would you feel if it was your son charged with the raping?” she countered.
The reversal changed the tone of debate from judgement to compassion. Heated arguments tend to polarize into black and white. Changing the context can introduce nuances of grey. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
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climate change, and proportional representation, all key parts of Green policy. In addition, he has welcomed Greens as part of his team, including as independent policy advisors fully encouraged to maintain their ‘greenness.’ These are some of the reasons I entered into a cooperation agreement with him, and presented this agreement to our members. This Green-initiated local grassroots endeavour was never envisioned as an endorsement, but rather a working partnership. Quite rightly, however, our local Green EDA executive wants to avoid any appearance of endorsing the Liberal Party, since our policies differ on many points. To that end, I am stepping down as the Green Party candidate, and will instead be volunteering as an individual on Stephen Fuhr’s campaign team. My personal aim is to help Fuhr and his team bring Green policy to the voters, and ultimately to Parliament; this is the essential element of our partnership agreement which made it attractive to my local Green supporters, and unique in the history of Canadian politics. I am pleased that our party and EDA executive will be respecting our members’ grassroots
decision by not running a candidate, freeing local members to work on other campaigns, including to join me on Fuhr’s campaign. This demonstrates how the Green Party does politics differently; we are not a top-down organization. I also value the Green process aimed at achieving consensus on decisions. However, this process does take time and, in this case, it was in addition to the already considerable delay while waiting for Mulcair. I thank those who supported me in the nomination contest for their patience. To Green supporters who wish they could mark their ballots for the Green Party in Kelowna-Lake Country, I am genuinely sorry that you will not have this opportunity on election day, Oct. 19. Fortunately, there are many ridings where excellent Green candidates can win, especially in B.C., and the best way to discard our dysfunctional first-past-the-post electoral system, protect the planet, and save our democracy from the Harper Conservatives is to elect them. In Kelowna-Lake Country, however, I recommend that you cast your ballot for Stephen Fuhr. Gary Adams, Kelowna
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Party leaders shy off debating issues on the campaign trail
There has been little talk about the environment in this year’s election campaign and that’s nothing new when it comes to federal politics, according to a UBC professor who studies climate change and politics. And if historical election patterns continue, the environment will likely go largely unmentioned in this federal campaign, despite the fact climate change is “the biggest environmental problem the world has ever faced,” according to UBC professor Kathryn Harrison. “Historically the environment has not been very prominent in Canadian elections,” said Harrison, an expert in Canadian and environmental politics, global warming and climate change. “The leaders are all, at least on the surface, debating tweaks here and there to a business-asusual economic strategy. “But I think a much more fundamental challenge is looming large for Canada. “We have one of the most greenhouse gas-reliant economies in the world. Canadians live
Kathryn Harrison in big houses and drive big cars. “And we rely on producing greenhouse gases for export. We are potentially vulnerable in that regard in that as the countries we rely on to export our fossil fuels to get serious about climate change, they are not going to want what we are selling anymore.” As climate change continues to loom, Harrison says the problem is the effects of climate change are still coming in terms of decades, not days, allowing the three major political parties to avoid talking about the issue. For Mother Earth, it’s been that way through the history of Canadian politics. Only a few times in Canadian voting history has the environment been an issue at the forefront of the federal cam-
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paign and each time it coincided with a period of economic prosperity as well as major environmental incidents, said Harrison. In the late 1960s, pollution issues and oil spills brought the environment to the fore while in the late 1980s, word of problems with the ozone layer were top of mind for Canadians. In 2008, climate change was briefly part of the conversation as was urban air pollution, before a recession brought people’s thoughts back to the economy. But as the world prepares for the largest ever conference on climate change coming up this fall—the COP 21 Sustainable Innovation Forum in Paris—you would think politicians would be trying to tackle the issue. But people listening to the three major party leaders haven’t heard it. And the one party with the environment as its main agenda—the Greens—are still considered fringe with the hope to maybe elect a handful of candidates. “I think we have this chicken and egg problem because Canada is one of the countries that needs to change the most,” said Harrison.
“We need to make the most fundamental changes to our economy and our systems in order to address climate change. “For 25 years politicians have said ‘don’t worry we can have it all, a healthy climate and a healthy economy are compatible.’ “That’s true. But that doesn’t mean any economy is compatible with a healthy climate. And ours is not.” Harrison said the complexity of the problem and the major changes needed to the Canadian economy to make an impact on climate change is keeping the parties from really sinking their teeth into the environmental issue. “Voters have been led to believe this will be easy and as a result no politician in the middle of an election campaign wants to say, ‘Oh by the way, we are going to make gasoline more expensive,’” said Harrison. “The Liberals and the NDP have promised more than the Conservatives. “They have been speaking in code for those who are listening while not trying to alienate voters who have yet to grasp how fundamental the challenge for Canada is.”
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Wouldn’t it be nice to know what scientists think of climate change
hen it comes to the environment, one would assume that scientists would be the best available source to try and figure out complex things like climate change. Further, one might think scientists who work for the government should be the most trustworthy, given that their salaries are paid for by the taxpayers and they are non-partisan, meaning they work for whichever party takes power in Ottawa. Like politicians, they are supposed to work for us. But in Canada—the true north strong and free—information is not power on this issue. Unless you are in government and you are keeping the information secret to continue your grip on the country. In this case we’re talking about Canada, a country that by most accounts, has fallen behind many others when it comes to dealing with climate change and appears hell-bent on continuing its reliance on fossil fuels, not only for use at home but also our main export industries. Experts say climate change is the toughest issue to deal with for political parties because it is a global problem that will need everyone working together to try and solve. So what we need is teamwork and a government willing to share information and work well with others.
No Boundaries
Kevin Parnell Is this what we have in Canada? Not according to an Ottawa-based non-partisan and not-for-profit government watchdog called Democracy Watch. That group is still waiting for the results of its 2013 complaint to the federal information commissioner on this very issue. They say the Conservatives have violated its own Access to Information Act with a policy that requires scientists to get clearance from the government before they talk to the media and the public. “Any government official including government scientists are employees of the public so the public has a right to know what they are doing and what they are telling the government,” said Duff Conacher, cofounder of Democracy Watch and visiting law professor of the University of Ottawa. “The basis of our complaint is that essentially the government does not want those people speaking publicly because what they are showing con-
tradicts the government agenda.” Part of the problem is the actual Access to Information Act, a law that is supposed to keep the government accountable to the people. But Conacher says there are many loopholes in the access to information acts. “They should actually be called ‘how to hide information from the public acts.’ That’s what they actually are: A guide for politicians on how to hide information from the public,” said Conacher. “What they are trying to hide is scientific results by government scientists that contradict the government’s viewpoint and agenda.” Ask a Conservative MP about this issue, as we did, and you will hear denials. They don’t muzzle scientists and aren’t trying to control the flow of information. They would never! But how do we trust what a politician says when the track record of truth versus lies is a joke. Democracy Watch also tracks promises made by federal parties in election campaigns and whether or not they follow through on their promises. Here’s a shocker: Turns out they are usually lying. According to Democracy Watch, the Conservatives did just that to get elected in 2006, when they made eight promises on an accountability act and kept just one. “In 2006 the Conservatives baited voters with false promises of cleaning up the government and making it more transparent and the Liberals may be doing that now,” said Conacher. “We will have to wait until all the platforms are out. We know politicians are lying about some of their promises so voters should take all promises with a grain of salt because of the rampant problem of dishonesty in politics. “Usually they break about half their promises. That’s been about the average,” Conacher said. The rampant problem of dishonesty in politics: Reassuring right? With that I say good luck Canada. Sounds like we need it. @KP_media1
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 23, 2015 A7
Candidate believes strongly in her NDP roots ALISTAIR WATERS If Kelowna-Lake Country NDP candidate Norah Bowman defeats incumbent Conservative Ron Cannan in the Oct. 19 federal election, the popular local Tory will only have himself to blame. He may not know it, but he’s the reason she is running against him. Bowman, a professor at Okanagan College, said she is in the race as a direct result of an appearance by Cannan in her classroom. According to Bowman, who teaches English and women’s studies, she invited Cannan to speak to her class about the federal response to missing and murdered aboriginal women in B.C. But her students were so unhappy with Cannan’s answers to their questions, one, a member of the NDP’s youth wing, implored Bowman to seek the party’s nomination for the upcoming election.
Norah Bowman The single mother of a seven-year-old son said while she voted NDP anyway, she took her time deciding to enter the rough and tumble world of politics. But once she did, and won the nomination, she immersed herself in listening to what residents of the riding have to say rather than telling them first what an NDP government would do. “I think it’s important to hear first what their issues are,” she said. Bowman is no stranger to election campaigns having volunteered to work on several in the past. But she described her-
self as someone who normally comes in late and the does whatever organizers need her to do, like passing our leaflets and putting up signs. But this time it’s different. This time she’s the candidate and that brings with it a totally different responsibility. “There’s a lot of door-knocking,” says the affable Bowman, who moved to Kelowna when she was in Grade 12 and graduated from Kelowna Senior Secondary. “Mostly I listen,” she says of her campaign style. “How do you know you will be able to represent people if you don’t shut up and listen to what they have to say?” And she is hearing plenty on the doorsteps of the riding during this campaign—concerns about personal freedoms in light of recent legislation passed by the federal Conservative government, the sputtering performance of the economy, jobs, environmental protections and the need for afford-
able daycare. For Bowman, who despite growing up poor in rural B.C. before moving here, completing a Bachelor of Arts degree at Okanagan College while working several jobs to pay her way and then earning her PhD from the University of Alberta, the NDP seemed like a natural fit. “NDP values are my values,” she said. “And I believe they are Canadians’ values too.” She said those values include something she learned growing up—the need to help people who need assistance. It is something she has experienced firsthand. Bowman moved to the Cariboo with her family when she was five years old because her stepfather got a good job at a lumber mill. But when the mill closed and he lost his job, times were tough for her family. “He was unemployed for 10 years and there were times we were on
Upcoming all-candidates public forums
The following is a list of all-can-didate events taking place for Kelowna-Lake Country candidates. - Sept. 23: UBC-Okanagan Student forum UBCO, 2-4 p.m. Sept. 24: Okanagan Young Professionals Collective—All candidates meet and greet
ntry Lake Cou Wellness d n a h t l ea -H Fair
BNA Brewing, 5-7 p.m. Sept. 25: Kelowna Chamber of Commerce all-candidates forum Manteo Resort, 7:30-10 a.m. (broadcast on AM 1150) Sept. 29: All-candidates forum, hosted by Central Okanagan Retired Teachers’ Association and Canadian Association for Retired
Bowman said she is running a principled campaign, one that she, her team and her supporters can be proud of and one that, at the end of the day, will leave her
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Reservations: 250.766.9309 Jim Byrnes
Saturday, Oct. 3 • 7:30pm
Jim’s first love is the blues. His evocative, smoky vocals are found in a truth that doesn’t come overnight. In 1981 he released Burnin’, followed in 1987 with I’ve Turned My Nights into Days and 1995’s Juno-Award winning That River. Jim has produced five outstanding albums in six years. He will continue to bring his music to stages all over the world.
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the same person she was when she embarked on her run to win the job as MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.
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Persons Mary Irwin Theatre at Rotary Centre of the Arts, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Oct. 7: All-candidates forum, Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, Creekside Theatre 7-9 p.m. Oct. 14: All-candidates meet and greet, Okanagan College campus atrium 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
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social assistance,” said Bowman. She described her family as poor but responsible.“We always looked after one another.”
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Smoke-filled valley puts tourism on hold KATHY MICHAELS
LAST YEAR’S Lake Country Health and Wellness
Fair provided locals with lots of helpful information about their health and where they can keep it topped up in the district. This year’s event goes Oct. 3 at the Winfield Memorial Hall.
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Community health fair coming up soon The Lake Country Health and Wellness Fair is coming up early next month and will focus on a theme of Creating Community Connections. The Fair provides an awareness of different companies that provide and promote a healthier living. There will be a wide range of exercise and lifestyle products that
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We’re looking for photographs for our annual Lake Country Calendar ‘2016 Calendar’! We’d like to fill the pages with local photography, taken by Lake Country residents, or visitors, that have memorable shots they wish to share. Pictures should showcase the community, lifestyle, or 13 MONTH CALENDAR the wonderful scenery of Lake Country.
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
tists say that more extreme weather events, and the subsequent fallout, are the new normal. Locally, she said, those weather fluctuations are projected to cause the most issue by creating drought and forest fires. “That will affect agriculture, tourism and forestry,” she said, adding that there are countless other economic spinoffs from these changes. If the changes are already underway, however, what happens next? “We need to do two things, first and foremost, we need to be mitigating climate change by meeting science-based emissions reductions targets and we need to invest in adaptations,” she said. Unfortunately, she said, some emission producing industries have C more influence on government policy than s they should, and climate i change targets are falling a to the wayside. i The Harper government now says Canr ada will reduce its car- c bon emissions by 30 per o cent from 2005 levels by p 2030—a commitment t that’s been described as one of the least ambi- e tious targets of any ad- p vanced industrial coun- t try. s It’s an opportunity losth in favour of short-term N gain, said Nagy. E While it may offer p s SEE CLIMATE IMPACT A9t n
Saturday, Oct. 3 • 7:30pm
v d a m a f t l p m t i a
Tickets: $25 includes all service charges
C e i a d t e P p
CREEKSIDETHEATRE THEATRE CREEKSIDE Lake Country, info 250.766.5669 Lake Country, BCBC info 250.766.5669 Reservations: 250.766.9309 Reservations: 250.766.9309
We need at least 14 photographs to fill the pages of the calendar. Photos need to be at least 8” wide, full colour and have a resolution of at least 300dpi.
will help with this journey and the fair has something for everyone. Explore the aisles to learn about cutting-edge health products, services and fitness techniques, relax with a bodywork treatment, shop with special event pricing and discover the latest trends. The event is Saturday Oct. 3, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Winfield Memorial Hall.
Many Okanagan residents said they felt the reality of climate change weigh down on them last month, as a heavy blanket of smoke rolled over the valley. A long, and unusually hot summer made a number of US and Canadian forests particularly vulnerable to fire. As that summer and when a strong northerly wind stoked the flames of a Washington blaze, it carried a week’s worth of ash to the Okanagan. The quantity of fine particulate matter in valley sky was measured at 390 micrograms per cubic metre as August came to a close, said Tarek Ayache, an air quality specialist with the Ministry of Environment. At the peak of the 2003 Okanagan Mountain Park wildfire, the reading only got as high as 300 micrograms per cubic metre. Dehli, which is considered one of the dirtiest cities in the world, had cleaner skies than the Okanagan did that week. It was a phenomenon that significantly disrupted the flow of activity in the Okanagan. In addition to health concerns among the elderly and children, tourism operators took a hit as beaches emptied and visitors headed for cleaner spaces. Even Oka-
nagan College reported a side effect, noting that their facility-running, solar batteries were drained as the sun’s rays were blocked. For longtime Kelowna resident and environmental advocate Angela Nagy, the summer and its effects were far from a surprise. That doesn’t mean, however, she took them in stride. “I look around and I am disappointed,” she said. “We had 30 years to figure it out. If we only listened to the scientists, we wouldn’t be in this position. Now, even if we stopped all emissions, scientists say it would take 50 years to go back to normal.” Nagy, who is a former Kelowna city councillor and Green Party candidate is the CEO of GreenStep Solutions, a business aimed at helping others improve their environmental footprint. And, thanks to training by former US Vice President Al Gore, David Suzuki, and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientists she’s qualified to speak on Climate Reality Project presentations to raise awareness on the issue. “While you can’t point at a forest fire or storm and say ‘that’s because of climate change,’ we know the incidents of these catastrophic events will increase,” Nagy said, pointing out that scien-
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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Jim Byrnes
Jim’s first love is the blues. His evocative, smoky vocals are found in a truth that doesn’t come overnight. In 1981 he released Burnin’, followed in 1987 with I’ve Turned My Nights into Days and 1995’s Juno-Award winning That River. Jim has produced five outstanding albums in six years. He will continue to bring his music to stages all over the world.
10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 23, 2015 A9
Science that doesn’t support political agenda sees no light of day SCIENCE CHILL A5 in election campaigns and whether or not they follow through on their promises. Here’s a shocker: Turns out they are usually lying. According to Democracy Watch, the Conservatives did just that to get elected in 2006, when they made eight promises on an accountability act and kept just one. “In 2006 the Conservatives baited voters with false promises of cleaning up the government and making it more transparent and the Liberals may be doing that now,” said Conacher. “We will have to wait until all the platforms are out. We know politicians
are lying about some of their promises so voters should take all prom-
ises with a grain of salt because of the rampant problem of dishonesty in
politics. “Usually they break about half their promises.
luck Canada. Sounds like we need it. @KP_media1
lem of dishonesty in politics. Reassuring right? With that I say good
A great deal just bubbled up.
Adapt to change smoggier industries profit in the meantime, there are economic opportunities being lost. “There are emission reduction (activities) that could stimulate the economy and provide more predictability into the future,” Nagy said. Government, however, may have to start prompting business to take those greener steps, she said. Leaning into her Green Party roots Nagy pointed out that Elizabeth May and the party she leads have consistently shown the intention to address those needs on a national level. “The Green Party is very focused on ‘what does the science say?’ and upholding commitments on the national level, while not interfering with conversations at the international level,” she said. “The Stephen Harper government is known for getting in there and talking around the issue and avoiding action.” NDP, Liberal and Conservative leaders have been discussing their environmental policy in dribs and drabs, when asked questions about pipelines and emissions. The Green Party has released its platform in full.
That’s been about the average” The rampant prob-
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AGM for Carr’s Landing residents association Carr’s Landing Community and Recreation Association encourages all residents of the Carr’s Landing Ward to attend the association’s annual general meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 7, 7 p.m., at the Carr’s Landing Fire Hall. Find out about recent projects, current and future issues in the Carr’s Landing community; meet the association directors and the Carr’s Landing ward councillor Matt Vader.
Glenmore Rd. traffic delays Alternating traffic is in effect on Glenmore Road between McKinley Road and the landfill entrance from 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. This is to accommodate a sanitary sewer main installation for the McKinley Beach development and the work is expected to continue until mid-October. Motorists are urged to be patient and obey on site traffic safety personnel as the City of Kelowna says every effort will be made to minimize delays for residents and commuters.
U-Builts: Legal documents and quads KATHRYN BATTRUM CONTRIBUTOR
It is not every day that you find a way to combine two such different topics—self-created legal documents and quads— into one thought process, but I have managed to do that. As a good neighbour, I would like to share some thoughts and facts with you on both these topics from a legal perspective. Let’s start with the legal documents. Many people like to follow the path of ‘u-built’ to create their own documents such as wills, powers of
Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
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attorney, representation agreements, and advance directives (formerly known as ‘living wills’). In many cases, this can be an entirely successful approach and should be heartily endorsed as a way to save time and money. But in many cases, this can create huge problems on or about the time the document is required for use, because it has not been completed or executed properly, and authorities, banks, the Land Titles Office, or insurance companies will not accept it as surety for the transfer of a property title or release of funds of any kind. That sounds kind of serious, and it is. So, let’s understand the kinds of documents that are out there:
The highest level of individual capacity of the adult donor is required for this document to be created and executed, and this document must be witnessed and notarized by an officer of the court for B.C. (for a BC resident), which is either a notary public or a lawyer. As of 2014, POAs are only applicable for financial and legal decision-making powers. Powers of attorney from other provinces will be honoured if properly executed but this document is definitely not a U-built.
This is the next document in the hierarchy of documents that requires almost as much mental capacity as a power of attorney, and needs to be done with care. This document bestows health and well-
being decision-making powers on the representative(s). That includes decisions involving removing the adult donor from his/her residence to a care home, as well as decisions about which care home is chosen. There are no financial powers included with this Section 9 Level of Representation Agreement. This can be a u-built, but be very careful to ensure the adult is competent or it could be disputed by health-care professionals who are providing care at critical times.
Similar to the Section 9 Agreement, this provides health and wellbeing decision-making authority to the representative(s) chosen by the adult donor. Somewhat less capacity is required to make this document and there is no authority for the representative to make decisions about moving the donor to a care home, or to make decisions about where the adult might move. Those decisions will be made by Interior Health or the public guardian and trustee if they have not been made before the adult has lost competency. The Section 7 agreement allows the representative to conduct minor financial transactions, such as small banking, rent and credit-card payments, on behalf of the adult donor. The representative under a Section 7 agreement is subject to the oversight of a monitor, which is compulsory under the agreement. This is not a u-built
document because there are financial regulations involved with the monitor oversight.
This is probably the most misunderstood of all the documents we need to consider as we age. Many people seem to believe that the directions provided in a properly executed Power of Attorney will persist after the death of the adult donor. This is not the case. What this means is that wishes adult donors believe have been dealt with in other documents may not be honoured if they are not re-iterated in the will. Powers of attorney and representation agreements become void upon the death of the adult donor of those powers, and all decision-making authority reverts to the executor/ trustee of the will. In many cases, families name the same persons as power of attorney, representative, and executor/trustee and thus there may not be a problem. But in today’s increasingly diverse society, there are more and more blended families; there are more thoughts of disownment of entitled heirs; and there is more confusion about who actually has an entitlement under a will. In 2014, new legislation was passed in B.C. that gave greatly increased rights to spouses and children of deceased persons to dispute the provisions in the deceased’s will. Ironically, the same legislation also gave some rights to ex-spouses that had not formally divorced, even while
a new, legally-perceived-to-be married common-law spouse was in the picture. So, legally in B.C. you can currently be a bigamist. Not fun when trying to construct a will. For simple families, a u-built will might work; if there is any complexity, then be assured that you will leave a problem for those who remain after your demise. Even for a simple will, make sure you sign as it specifically says in the jurat at the end of the document—signed by me and in the presence of two witnesses. Otherwise, the will will not be valid. ***
This has been a topic of some great concern since new requirements were revealed earlier this year—what to do about my quad, four-wheeler, u-built trailer because it needs to be registered. Without spending any time discussing the possible motivations for this legislative change, let me try to shed some light on it. The transfer is easy; just get the form plus instructions from your closest ICBC office; do not sign anything before you reach the notary/lawyer office. There are six instructions on the instruction form; even if you do not have answers for the questions in entirety, number your responses with an answer or an N/A Next, go forth and have fun on your quad. Kathyrn Battrum is a notary public in Lake Country. 778-480-0900
Find local employees.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 23, 2015 A11
Lake Country
Gender equality activist to talk about socialization of children in culture of violence An internationally-renowned American educator, author, filmmaker and cultural theorist is coming to Kelowna for three speaking events on gender violence this fall. Dr. Jackson Katz is known around the world for his pioneering work in gender violence prevention education and critical media literacy. In 1993, he co-founded the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program at Northeastern University’s Center for the Study of Sport in Society. The mixed-gender, multiracial MVP program is one of the most widely implemented and influential sexual and relationship abuse prevention programs in schools, colleges, sports culture and the military in North America. MVP training sessions have been held with athletes in the NFL, CFL, NBA, MLB, NASCAR and many other sports organizations. Dr. Katz and MVP are critical partners with the Ending Violence
Association of BC ter has offered a safe and the BC Lions place for women football club’s highly and children imsuccessful “Be More pacted by family Than a Bystander” violence and abuse campaign. since 1980. On Oct. 7, The The shelter proCentral Okanagan vides emergency Elizabeth Fry Soresponse to abuse ciety will host Dr. crisis, 24 hours a Katz for an evening day, seven days a talk at Okanagan week with: Crisis Jackson Katz College. and support counKatz will speak about seling over the phone the socialization of girls and boys or in person, emergency accomin a culture of violence. modation, child care, and indiThe following day, Katz will vidual and group counseling for speak at the planned Violence and women and their children. Silence Community Leadership The shelter also provides outBreakfast taking place at the Coast reach in the community through Capri Hotel. support in alternate locations, acAlso on Oct. 8, the Kelowna companiment to appointments, Women’s Shelter will host Katz community education, awareness for a presentation for high school and prevention activities. students called Blurred Lines: The Central Okanagan ElizaViolence in Media and Real Life. beth Fry Society provides support For more information about and empowerment to those affectany of the events or to purchase ed by sexual abuse, exploitation or tickets, call 250-763-4613. violence in relationship. The Kelowna Women’s Shel-
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Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street • 778 – 215 - 5247
COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. - Come to the Taoist Tai Chi® Open House and Beginner registration on Monday, Oct. 5 at 6:30pm at the Oyama Community Hall. Classes commence Wed., Oct. 7 at 6:30pm. For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. •PANCAKE BREAKFAST, YARD SALE AND BAKE SALE - Saturday, Sept. 26 at Winfield United Church, 3751 Woodsdale Road, 8:30 to noon. Contact Anne at 250-766-3216. •OLD AGE PENSIONERS’ ORGANIZATION CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the calendar. Registration at 9:00 am games begin at 10:00 am sharp, $30.00 per team includes hot lunch, coffee etc. Pre-registration 250-762-6208 or 250766-5437. Tournament Sunday September 24th will be held in the Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Rd •CARR’S LANDING COMMUNITY & RECREATION ASSOCIATION - Encourages all residents of the Carr’s Landing Ward to attend their Annual General Meeting on Wed., Oct. 7, 7pm in the Carr’s Landing Fire Hall. Find out about recent projects, current and future issues in our Community. Meet the association directors and your ward councillor, Matt Vader. Become a voting family member for just $10 annually - individual $5 annually. •THE LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY & OYAMA LIBRARY - Knitting circles beginning in Sept. The Oyama branch at 15718 Oyama Road will have its knitting circle each Tuesday night from 6 pm-7 pm, beginning Sept. 15. The Lake Country branch in the Municipal Hall at #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road will hold its circle on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm-8 p.m. starting Sept. 16. Both knitting circles are free, drop-in, & open to any age and skill level; bring your yarn, needles & whatever project you are working on. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Fall sessions starting first week of Sept. Stop by for an events schedule. 250-766-4220 or 250-766-4568 for more info. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9. Take home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road on Monday afternoons will be hosting Prime Time starting Sept. 15 at 1-3pm. Free. Everyone welcome. Come down & see the changes. Call Joanne at 250-766-0667 for more information. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Chair Yoga will be starting on Sept. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Paid monthly at the rate of $3 per session. Call 250766-4220 between 10am & 2pm Monday to Friday or call 250-766-4568. •LAKE COUNTRY FARMERS & CRAFTERS MARKET - Fridays 3 to 7 pm, July through Sept., Swalwell Park, 10090 Bottom Wood Rd, Lake Country. Vendors sell fresh local produce, handmade crafts, sweet & savoury treats, & hand-prepared foods, in a relaxed, shaded grassy area featuring lots of FREE parking, live entertainment, public washrooms, a water park, & a skateboard park. Contact: or 250-826-7100. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE CHAIR YOGA - Strengthening fitness class. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm. Call 250-317-3508 for more info. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. Winter hours starting Sept. 15: open Tues., Wed., Thurs. 11am-4pm. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. •LC SENIORS’ BUS SCHEDULE - Tuesday Sept 29 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Tuesday Sept 22, 29 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Wednesday Sept 16 Gellatley Nut Farm, West Kelowna, Koi Gardens Kelowna, lunch to reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/ lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: •VISIT THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES - 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open 7 days a week, 10am to 4pm, from Mother’s Day through Labour Day. 250-766-0111 or visit the website •LC FOOD BANK - has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donatioåns. •LC LINE DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at www. •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247.
Come & join us at the monthly community bingo - Thursday September 24th at the senior citizens’ activity centre 9832 bottom wood lake road. Doors open at 6:00pm games start at 7:00pm. Concession open, 50/50. All are welcome. Sponsored by the old age pensioners’ organization Lake Country 55 Plus.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Changing resource uses for library places pressure on 2016 budget THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER The Okanagan RegionHalf of24, that 2015 increase would nishing purchases into the ed in a strategic planning ses- experiencing a critical shift al Library (ORL) board met fund negotiated wage increas- regular ORL levy. sion that included a presen“from information to imagiTSN CHBC CIVT KIRO SNPthese KNOW KOMO YTV forNEWSnation, DISC TLC last Wednesday to review es for staffCBC , while other in- CHAN Currently, are funded tationA&E by Ken Roberts, from KAYU consumption to # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 6 7 9 ; the proposed 2016 operating creases are related to higher by local government in a sepmer CEO of the Hamilton creation, and to increased< colThe View The Price Is Sugar Plays/Month Boj The View CSI: Miami Wayside CBC News Mayday Steve Secretly :00 SportsCentre Sugar budget. rents andBookaboo utilities, and arate process. ThePAW ORL board and ” Debt/Part ” Monster Righthigh- Debt/Part MLB’s Best Patrol ” Public Library ” Kid vs. member Kat Now With laboration.” ” Harvey Pregnant 10 :30 This is PGA Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Rachael Ray Darts Monkey See KOMO 4 The First 48 Rated A for Carole Highway Family Feud Secretly :00 that the finanStating er book and eResource costs asked for further clarifi caof the Royal Society of CanHis research indicates li” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” ” Bucket-Dino News ” Rated A for MacNeil Thru Hell Family Feud Pregnant 11 :30 2015 IRB cial plan goals are to maintain based inflNews ation and ef-Noon tion how such a policy ada’sThe Expert on theCBC Fu-News braries are becoming Rugby World Noon News CTV News onCBC KIROthe News News about European PAW Patrol The Chew First 48Panel Chucks Yukon Men Crime WatchplacSay Yes :00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 ” New Hour Now and ” Squirrel Now With es where ” Daily connect Say Yes 12 :30 Cup:budgeting conservative with- Vancouver fect of the lower Canadian Hour wouldPoker workTour to beKate provided at ” ture of Libraries and Archives people The Talk Days of our World Poker Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 Almost Andrew Fool’s Gold Youthful Say Yes :00 Zealand vs. Days of our The Social Heartland in a 1 cost-of-living the dollar. the next meeting.Tumble in Canada. technology, can create Lives ” ” ” Lives Tour Leaf Hospital ” Sidekick Fool’s Gold The Office Say Yes TSN range, CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV Nichols NEWSwith DISC KAYU TLC :30 Namibia Talk Dr. Phil Murdochincrease FABLife The Talk After Timthe and formal Sid Maya Doctors According The First 48 to Wayside Power Airplane Oil Say Yes :00 SportsNation 2016 budget calls for The a 1.98 The budget also board The` Roberts, li-7& music, or; texts, work # $ % & _ ( ) * 1 6 9video,Fish < ” ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” ” Kid vs. Kat Politics Repo Family Feud Say Yes 2 :00 :30 per cent spending increase. covers the cost of moving fur-The Meredith meeting, directors participataround the worldCBC are News away from home, collaboSportsCentre Sugar The Plays/Month Boj Viewbraries CSI: Miami Mayday Steve Secretly SC The Meredith The EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Grand BoldPrice Is Sugar ” The Doozers The Steve The First 48 Wayside Sidekick ” How/Made Paid Prog. Suddenly
10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 :00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 12 5 :30 :00 1 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 $ % & _ 2 7 :30 # :00 10 3 8 :30 :00 4 11 9 :30 5 :00 :30 12 10 :00 6 11 1 :30 :00 7 12 2 :30 :00 8 3 :30 :00 9 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 8 :30 SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 FRIDAY, 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 :30 :00 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 4 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 12 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 :00 6 :00 :30 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 :00 :30 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 12 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 6 :00 :30 1 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 7 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 10 :30 9 :00 4 :30 :00 :00 10 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 6 :30 :00 12 1 :00 :30 ” SC This is PGA Hockey 2015 IRB McKenzie’s Rugby World Amazing Cup: Race New
Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless Noon News News Hour ” Zealand vs. Days our SportsCentre News of Hour Namibia Lives ” CHBC News SportsNation The SC Ent Talk ” ” SC ET Canada SportsCentre The Sugar SC Meredith Heroes ” Debt/Part SC Vieira Show Reborn
neres ”Show The The Marilyn Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV CTV News News Vancouver Vancouver The CTVSocial News ” Vancouver
Monster Designs Best BondiRecipes Vet Stefano Bondi Vet CBC News CBC News Now ” Heartland CBC News ” Dragons’
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang
Murdoch Den Mysteries Coronation The View Bookaboo Ellen DeGe- Grand Grey’s The Nature ”Show Designs Monster neres Anatomy of Things
Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless NFL Kickoff KIRO News NFL Kickoff NFL ”
” Harvey KOMO KOMO 4 4 News News The Chew News World”News The Talk Ruf-Tweet General Football: Watchers KOMO 4 ” Tumble Leaf Hospital Redskins at Park News FABLife Maya The Doctors Giants Waterfront Wheel ” Curious ” Cities Jeopardy! The Price Sugar Boj Doozers The View Bold Meredith Plays/Month The Steve KIRO PostIs The Heroes MLB ” Spice Grey’s Right Debt/Part ” ThisMinute Show MLB’s ” Best PAW Game Show Vieira Reborn Baseball Trail Patrol Harvey Anatomy
This is PGA Young Rachael Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Hockey Dr. Oz Bondi Vet Judge SportsCentre ” & Ray The Saving Hope Doc Zone News Judy McKenzie’s Restless Show Bondi ”Vet NFL Kickoff 2015 IRB ” Denis ”Show Stefano Restless ” ” Amazing News Rugby World Noon News SportsCentre Elementary Race Cup: New Hour ” ”
MLB’s”Best Darts MLB ” Baseball: European Chicago Poker Tourat White Sox World Poker New York Tour Yankees Tim and Sid Sportsnet ” Central
PAW PAW Patrol Patrol Monkey See Mister Maker Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate and Wild Kratts
Rachael See KOMO Young” & Ray Darts MLB Mister Maker MLB’s Best Monkey The Scandal4 Restless Baseball: Creative ” Gotta ”See It Bucket-Dino Champagne News ”
”” The The First First 48 48 ”” The First 48 Behind Bars: ” Overtime The First 48 Behind Bars: ” Overtime
A&E 1
The First 48 Behind Bars: ” Year Rookie
CSI: Miami The First 48 Behind Bars: ” Year Rookie
Kid vs. Kat Nerds Rated A for SpongeBob Rated TurtlesA for Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Hathaways Sidekick Talia Wayside Nicky, Ricky Kid vs. Kat Stanley Dyn. Wayside Sidekick Funny Home Kid vs. Kat Nerds Videos
The First 48 Rated A for SpongeBob Behind Bars: Wipeout Turtles”A for ” Rated Overtime
Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC CBC News News Now With ” Andrew The National Nichols ” Power & CBC News Politics ” CBC News ” The National Now With ”
” How/Made Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ” Yukon Men How-Made ” How-Made
Harvey Pets.TV Family Feud Joint Relief Family RaisingFeud Crime Watch Mike Daily Anger Fool’s Fast N’Gold Loud Youthful Two Men Fool’s ”Gold The ModOffice Fam Airplane Fish Oil Cuban Big Bang Repo Family Feud Chrome Big Bang Mayday Steve How/Made Paid Prog. How-Made Scream ” Harvey How/Made Pets.TV How-Made Queens
Carole Amanda Daily Planet The National Highway How-Made Lang ” ” MacNeil Thru Hell How-Made
Early News Noon News Elementary Global Hour ” Nat.
Chicago Dino European PAW Patrol Sportsnet SafariDan White Sox Kratts Poker Tourat Wild Kate and Central Chung
SportsCentre Hour News CBC News Zealand vs. News Days our CTV The Social Heartland CHBCof News News-Lisa ” CHBC Dragons’ Final News Vancouver News--11:30 Coronation Namibia Lives ” ”
Football: The Talk KIRO News Redskins at Late Show”
News Hour Days of our ” Late ShowLives
New York KOMO World Poker Watchers Ruf-Tweet General Sportsnet Waterfront News 4 Yankees Park Central Cities Leaf News Jimmy Tour Tumble Hospital
SC Ent SportsCentre The TBA Talk SportsNation SC ET Canada ” ”
etalk Den Big Phil Bang Rick Mercer Dr. Murdoch Big Coronation SethBang Meyers 22 Minutes ” Mysteries
Giants Colbert FABLife ” Corden
Ent Colbert The Talk ET Canada ”
Sportsnet Tim and Sid Central ”
Waterfront Wheel Behind Bars: Nicky, CBC News The Cham- The Kimmel Live The Funny Ricky Home Power Amanda Maya Doctors First 48 Wayside & Cities Rookie Dyn. Politics pagne Safari Jeopardy! Nightline Videos Lang ” Curious ” ” Year Stanley Kid vs. Kat
SC SC SportsCentre Hockey ” McKenzie’s SportsCentre Amazing Race ”
Heroes The Meredith Reborn Vieira Show Young” & ” Restless Elementary News ”” SportsCentre CHBC News SportsCentre News Hour ”” Final CHBC News SportsCentre TBA SC Ent ” ET SC ET Canada Canada
Grey’sDeGeEllen Anatomy neres Show Saving The Dr.Hope Oz ” Show Get CTVAway News With Murder Vancouver
KIRO Post Heroes Bold The Meredith Game Show Vieira Reborn ThisMinute Show Doc Zone News Bondi Vet Judge Judy Young” & ” ” ” Bondi Vet NFL Kickoff Restless The Raible’s CBCNational News NFL Kickoff Elementary Early News ”” Scouting NFL Global” Nat. News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News CTV News CBC News Football: News Hour News--11:30 Coronation Late ShowVancouver Dragons’ Redskins at Late Show” Big Rick Colbert etalkBang Den Mercer Colbert Giants Ent Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Big Bang Coronation ” ET Canada
MLB ” Baseball ” MLB’s MLB Best Gotta See It Baseball: Sportsnet Chicago Central White Sox at Sportsnet New York Central Yankees Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central
The Doozers Spice Grey’s Steve Trail Patrol Harvey Anatomy PAW The Mister Maker Scandal KOMO 4 Champagne Creative News ” Safari Get Away Dino Dan News Chung With Wild Kratts WorldMurder News Waterfront News Watchers KOMO 4 Cities Jimmy Park News The Cham- Kimmel Waterfront Wheel Live pagne Safari Nightline Cities Jeopardy!
Behind Bars: Funny Home The First 48 Sidekick Rookie Videos ” Year Nerds Behind Bars: The First 48 Wipeout SpongeBob Overtime ” Turtles” Behind Behind Bars: Bars: Haunting Odd Parents Overtime Haunting Overtime SpongeBob Behind Bars: Just Kidding Behind Bars: Hathaways Rookie Year Just Overtime TaliaKidding
Grey’s Anatomy
KIRO Post Heroes Game Show Reborn
MLB Baseball
The Spice Trail
Behind Bars: Funny Home The National How-Made Rookie Year Videos ” How-Made
Heroes Reborn
SportsCentre ”
” ”
CTV News News NFL Kickoff CBC KIRO News Get Away The National Raible’s Vancouver NFL ” With Murder Now ” Scouting
Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days our Newsof Hour Lives ” The Ent Talk ” ET Canada
The Nature Grand of Things Designs
The Nature of Things
Saving Hope Doc Zone ” ”
Grey’s Anatomy
Family Secretly Judge Joint Relief ” Feud Fat Fat Fabulous Fabulous Big TheBang Middle Raising ” Big Bang Family Judge ” Feud Pregnant Fat Fabulous Family Guy
How-Made Mike Movie: Yukon Say Yes Millionaire Fast N’Men Loud Crime News Watch Fat Fat Fabulous Fabulous Amer. Dad How-Made Anger Fat “The Last ” Daily Say Yes Millionaire Mod Fam Fat Fabulous Fabulous Amer. Dad
Behind Bars: National Fast N’Gold Loud Two The First 48 Hathaways Almost Andrew Fool’s Youthful Just Kidding The Cuban MikeMen Overtime ” ”Gold Mod Fam Rookie Just Kidding Nichols Chrome HowOffice I Met ” Year Talia Sidekick Fool’s The Cuban How-Made Airplane Chrome How-Made Repo
The National How-Made ” How/Made How-Made ” How/Made
The National Amanda Lang ” CBC CBC News News ”” The National The National ”” Behind Home Amanda Behind Bars: Bars: Funny Nicky, Ricky CBC News Rookie Year Videos Lang Rookie Year Stanley Dyn. ”
Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “The Last Say Yes Crazy Fat Fabulous Song” Talk Say Yes Crazy ”Talk Fat Fabulous Say Yes Payne Fat Fabulous Seinfeld Say Yes Browns Fat Fabulous Seinfeld Secretly Divorce Suddenly Fat Fabulous Mod King Fam Pregnant Divorce Royal Mod ” King Fam
Fat Song” Say Yes Crazy Fat Fabulous Fabulous FamilyTalk Guy Fat Fat Fabulous Fabulous Payne”Talk Say Yes Crazy
Mike Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar Big Bang Name Game Big Bang
Fat Fat Fabulous Fabulous Fat Fat Fabulous Fabulous PaidFabulous Prog. Fat Paid Prog. Fat Fabulous
Scream Queens
Fat Fabulous King ” King
The Bletchley Circle
Fat Fabulous The Middle Fat Fabulous Family Guy
DCI Banks ”
The National How-Made ” How-Made CBC News ”
Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam
Fat Fabulous Amer. Dad Fat Fabulous Amer. Dad
SportsCentre IRB Rugby ” World Cup SportsCentre Triathlon ” ”
CHBC News Sugar Final Debt/Part TBA Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Big Bang The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show
CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Monster Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano
KIRO News The Price Is Late ShowRight Colbert Young & Corden Restless
News Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
Sportsnet MLB’s Best Central NFL Game. Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball:
Waterfront Boj Cities PAW Patrol The ChamMonkey See pagne Safari Bucket-Dino
News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle
Behind Bars: Behind Year Bars: Rookie Rookie Year Behind Bars: Behind Year Bars: Rookie Rookie Year
The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
Cuban Mayday Chrome ” How-Made Cold Water How-Made Cowboys
Mike SteveI Met How Harvey Cougar FamilyGame Feud Name Family Feud
Fat Fabulous SayFabulous Yes Fat Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes
Vancouver Lunch
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
Pittsburgh Pirates at
PAW Patrol Kate and
The Chew ”
Behind Bars: Nerds Rookie Year Squirrel
CBC News Now With
How-Made How-Made
Crime Watch Say Yes Daily Say Yes
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Chicago Cubs
Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital
Behind Bars: Almost Rookie Year Sidekick
Andrew Nichols
Fast N’ Loud Youthful ” The Office
Racing ”
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
FABLife ”
The Talk ”
Tim and Sid ”
Maya Curious
Behind Bars: Wayside Rookie Year Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
Cuban Chrome
Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
SportsCentre IRB Rugby World ”Cup Hockey Triathlon Off Record ” CFL Pre Vancouver CFL Lunch
The Meredith Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Ray Rachael Restless ” News News Noon Hour ”
EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Grand The neres ”Show Monster Designs The Marilyn Dr. Oz BondiRecipes Vet The Best Show Show Stefano Bondi Vet Denis
BoldPrice Is The ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless
The Meredith Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Ray Rachael Restless ” Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour
MLB’s”Best Blue Game. Jays NFL MLB MLB Baseball: Baseball:
The Doozers Boj PAW Patrol Patrol PAW Mister Maker Monkey See Creative Bucket-Dino
” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Water Planet Cold ” Cowboys Edge of How-Made Alaska How-Made
CBC News News CBC ” Now With The National Andrew ” Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics
Fish Oil Steve Zoo Clues Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud RaisingFeud Family Mike Watch Crime Anger Daily
” CBC News ”” Now With The National Amanda Carole Lang ” MacNeil CBC News News CBC CBC News ”” Now With The National National The Andrew ”” Nichols Amanda CBC News Lang ” & Power
KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
A&E 1
CriminalBars: Behind Minds Year Rookie CriminalBars: Behind Minds Year Rookie CTV News News CBC News News KIRO News News Tampa Bay PAW Wild Kratts: News CriminalBars: CTV CBC KIRO Pittsburgh Patrol The Chew Behind Vancouver KIRO ”News Rays atat Back and World”News Rookie Minds Year Vancouver Now ” Pirates Kate Football: News of Hour CTVSocial News CBC News KIRO News Days Newsof Hour Toronto Blue Ruf-Tweet Waterfront KOMO 4 CriminalBars: SC Days our The Heartland The Talk our Chicago General Behind Stampeders CHBC News Vancouver Dragons’ CBS News ” Jays Cities News Minds Year NASCAR Lives ” ” ” Lives Cubs Tumble Leaf Hospital Rookie at Blue Ent etalk Den The Insider Ent Sportsnet Coast Wheel CriminalBars: Racing The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife The Talk Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors Behind Bombers ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Ent ” ET Canada Central ” Jeopardy! Minds Year ” ” ” Mysteries ” ” Curious ” Rookie ” Security The Amazing Quietest.The Amazing The Security Murder Last Man Criminal SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold Meredith MLB ” The Doozers Steve Criminal SportsCentre Security Race Concert.Ever Race Security Baseball: Myster. Muppets Minds IRB Rugby Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar MLB’s Best Boj The View Behind ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show Blue Jays PAW Patrol Harvey Minds Bars: World ”Cup Debt/Part ”Tank Monster Right Game. Patrol Shark”Tank Rookie Hawaii & Five- The Shark SongCamp HawaiiJudy Five- Debt/Part Hawaii & Five- NFL Mariners at PAW George CriminalYear Hockey Young Dr. Oz Bondi Vet Judge Young MLB Mister Maker KOMO 4 Criminal ” 0 ” ”Vet 0 0 Angels Gently See News Minds Bars: Triathlon Rachael Ray Show The Marilyn Best Young & Rachael Ray MLB Monkey Behind Off Record Restless BondiRecipes Judge Judy Restless Baseball: Creative News ” Minds ” ” Evil Denis Show Stefano Restless ” Evil Baseball: Bucket-Dino Seattle Rookie SportsCentre See No Blue News Bloods The National Blue Bloods See No Sportsnet ” 20/20 CriminalYear CFL Pre News CTV CBC News KIRO News Early News Tampa Bay Wild Kratts: News Criminal ” ” ” ” ” ” Central The Secret ” Minds Vancouver Noon ”News Vancouver CTV News CBC News Noon News Pittsburgh PAW Patrol World The Chew Behind Bars: CFL ” KIRO News Global Nat. Rays at Back News Minds Lunch Now Pirates at Kate and Rookie Formula One Hour CHBCHour News Vancouver News-Lisa CBC News News KIRO ”News News Hour News Hour Sportsnet The Great News ” 4 CriminalYear Football: News CTV News CBC KIRO News Toronto Blue Waterfront KOMO Criminal Racing Final News--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral War Tour Jimmy Minds Bars: SC Days of our The Social Heartland The Talk Days of our Chicago Ruf-Tweet General Behind Stampeders CHBC News Vancouver Dragons’ CBS News ” Jays Cities News Minds NASCAR Lives ” ” ” Lives Cubs Tumble SportsCentre TBA Big Bang Backstage Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Murder Leaf Hospital Kimmel Live Rookie CriminalYear at Blue Ent etalk Den The Insider Ent Sportsnet Coast Wheel Criminal SportsCentre ET ET Canada Canada Seth Meyers Coronation 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Canada Central Myster. Nightline Minds Bars: Racing The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife The Talk Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors Minds Behind Bombers Big Bang Ent ET Central ” Jeopardy! ” ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” Rookie Year ” Security The Amazing Quietest.The Amazing Security MLB Murder Last Man Criminal The Meredith Race Ellen DeGe- Concert.Ever Grand Bold The Meredith Baseball: ” The Doozers The Steve Criminal SportsCentre Security Race Security Myster. Muppets Minds ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show Blue Jays PAW Patrol Harvey Minds ” Hawaii Five- Shark Tank SongCamp Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Mariners at George Shark Tank Criminal ” 0 ” Oz 0 Angels Gently Minds Hockey Young & The Dr. Bondi ”Vet Judge Judy 0 Young & MLB Mister Maker KOMO” 4 Criminal Off Record Restless ShowBloods The Bondi Vet Judge Judy See Restless Baseball: Creative News Minds SportsCentre See No Evil Blue National Blue Bloods No Evil Sportsnet ” 20/20 Criminal
” CFL Pre News ” CFL Formula One CHBC” News Racing Final Football: News Hour Stampeders CHBC News SportsCentre TBA
” CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa News--11:30 CTV News Vancouver Big Bang
” CBC News Coronation CBC News Dragons’ Backstage
KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO Late KIROShowNews CBS News Colbert
” Early News Global Nat. News Late NewsShowHour ” Colbert
SportsCentre ET at Blue Ent Canada Bombers ET Canada
Seth Minutes etalk Meyers 22 Den Big Bang Coronation
Corden The Insider Ent
ET Ent Canada ET Canada
” Security SportsCentre Security
The Amazing Quietest.The Amazing Security Race Concert.Ever Race Security
” ”
” CBC News
Central Tampa Bay Rays at Sportsnet
The Wild Secret Kratts: BackGreat The
Central Tour Toronto Blue War Waterfront Jays Cities Sportsnet Murder Central Myster. Sportsnet Coast Central ”
MLB Baseball:
Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 News News Seattle
A&E 1
Sidekick Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat Assembly Rated A for Nicky, A Ricky Rated for Henry Nerds Thunder Squirrel Bella Almost Talia Sidekick Thunder Wayside Movie: Kid vs. Kat
Sidekick One Crazy Thunder Cruise Wayside Movie:
Family Guy Divorce Payne Divorce Browns Judge Yet? There Judge
KCTS ” Murder N
Myster. Sesame Miss Fisher Street Uncovered Dinosaur Victor Borge Dinosaur
Heroes Reborn ” ”
The Player ”
KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show New Meyers Day Seth Northwest
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Payne Browns
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say
Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge
Foyle’s War Sesame Street ” Father Dinosaur Brown Dinosaur
Ellen DeGeToday neres Show cont’d KINGDay 5 New News Northwest
Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say
Movie: Millionaire “SpiderMillionaire
KING 5 5 KING News News
Highway Seahawks Fast N’ Loud Youthful Thru Hell ModOffice Fam ” The Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud
Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say
Man” Talk Crazy Crazy ”Talk Payne” Seinfeld Browns
World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Why! Super NewsHour Thomas Washington Sesame St. Charlie Rose Cat in the
How/Made Repo Mayday How/Made ” Highway Daily Planet Thru Water Hell Cold ” Cowboys Edge of of Edge Alaska How-Made Alaska How-Made Mayday Highway ” Loud Fast Thru N’ Hell ” Airplane Mayday Repo ” Cuban
Fish Oil Report Steve Zoo Clues Harvey Rosewood Paid Prog. ” Feud Family Raising Family Feud News Mike Mod Fam Crime Watch Anger Daily Mike Seahawks Two Fam Men Youthful Mod
Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say
Mod Fam King Fam Divorce Mod Divorce TheBang Middle Big Family Guy Judge Big Bang Judge Amer. Dad Movie: Amer. Dad Millionaire “SpiderMillionaire Family Guy Man” Payne”Talk Crazy
Foyle’s War Brown” Sesame Street Women’s Father List-Masters Dinosaur Brown Dinosaur POV News World ” Cat Peg Plus Business Peg Plus Cat PBS ” WheatWhy! Belly Super NewsHour
Family Feud Minority Fish Oil Report Zoo Clues Rosewood ” Paid Prog. Raising News
Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say
Browns King Mod Fam King Mod Fam The Middle Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Movie:Dad “Spider-Guy Family
Chrome Airplane How/Made Repo How/Made Highway Thru Daily Hell Planet ” Edge of
KAYU ; Minority
The Office HowBang I Met Big Cougar Paid Prog. Big Bang
Say Yes Say Yes
TLC < Say Yes
Say PaidYes Prog. Say Yes PaidYes Prog. Say
Crazy Talk The Ring ” Two Payne Seinfeld
KCTS N Father
Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ”
KING P Best Time
Ellen DeGeEver Show Today neres cont’d Dateline KING 5 NBC Day New News Northwest ” KING 5 ” KING News 5 News KING News Nightly News Tonight Days of our News Thomas Lives Total HealthShow Washington News William Rose Seth Meyers Sesame St. Evening Dr. Phil Charlie Cat in the ” Father Best Time Foyle’s War Ever Ellen DeGeBrown ” neres Show Women’s Dateline List-Masters NBC Father KING 5 Brown News ” POV
Politics The National ” ” The National ” Amanda Lang News CBC
Mod Mike Fam Anger Mike Two Men Seahawks Mod Fam How I Met
Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say PaidYes Prog.
Payne Man” ” The Ring
World ”News KING ”5 Business News News ” KING Wheat TonightNews PBS Belly Nightly NewsHour News Total Health- Show
Cougar Big Bang Big Bang
Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
Two ” Seinfeld
William Washington Seth NewsMeyers Charlie Rose Evening
Minority Report
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Father Brown
Make Henry It Pop Thunder Haunting
Minds Criminal Minds Criminal
Haunting Bella TaliaCrazy One
” Alaska CBC News Edge of ” Alaska The National Mayday ” ” The National Highway ” Thru Hell Amanda Airplane
Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
Minds Criminal Minds
Cruise Thunder Movie:
Lang CBC News ”
“One Crazy Cruise”
The National Airplane ” Repo
Repo Mayday ”
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kid vs. Kat “One Crazy Sidekick Cruise” Chucks Gags Game On Assembly Nicky,ItRicky Make Pop
Minds Criminal Minds Criminal
Last Man Criminal The Muppets Minds
Uncovered Show Craftsman’s News VictorUp Borge Evening Seth Meyers Start
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
News ” World News News Jimmy KOMO 4 News Live Kimmel
Murder Myster.
KING News Nightly News Tonight News
Millionaire Millionaire
YTV NEWS Cuban DISC Mayday ” Chrome 6 7 9 “One Crazy The National Airplane
Sidekick Cruise” Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat Gags Assembly Game A On Rated for Nicky, Ricky Rated for Make ItAPop Henry Make It Pop Nerds Thunder Squirrel Haunting Bella Haunting Almost Talia
” ”
Family Song” Guy Payne” Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Seinfeld
Behind Bars: Haunting Overtime Haunting
Nightly News Days our KINGof News News Tonight Lives
Myster. PBS Miss Fisher NewsHour
Cuban Fast N’ Loud Chrome ” How-Made Cuban How-Made Chrome
Behind Bars: Wipeout Overtime ”
Just Kidding Wayside Just Kidding Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Rated A for Videos Rated A for
PBS Super Why! Myster. NewsHour Miss Fisher Thomas
” Joint Relief ” Raising News Mike Mod Fam Anger
Safari Chung
World Peg Plus Cat KING 5 ”News The Player Business Peg Plus Cat News ” Murder
How-Made Daily Planet How-Made ” Fast N’ Loud How-Made ” How-Made
The Scandal Champagne ”
Dinosaur New Day Great British KING 5 DCI Banks ” Baking Dinosaur Northwest ” Show News ”
The Bletch- Heroes Masterpiece Ellen DeGeley Circle Reborn Classic neres Show DCI Banks Great British KING ”5 ” Baking Show News ” The Player World ”News KING 5 Murder Business News ”
Sportsnet Central
A&E 1
Craftsman’s Uncovered Show Sesame St. News Dr. Phil Start Victor Borge Evening Seth Meyers Cat inUp the ”
MLB’s Best Gotta See It
KNOW Get KOMO Away With Murder * `
Fat Fabulous King Suddenly Mod Fam King Royal ” Mod Fam TheBang Middle Fat Fabulous Big Fat Fabulous Family Guy ” Big Bang Fat Fabulous Fabulous Movie: Amer. Dad Fat Fat Dad Fat Fabulous Fabulous Amer. “The Last
Elementary ”
cont’d neres Show New KINGDay 5 Northwest News KING 5 KING 5 News News Super ofNews our PBS Why! Days Nightly Thomas Lives NewsHour News Sesame St. Dr. Phil Craftsman’s News Cat the ” StartinUp Evening Sesame Today Masterpiece DeGeThe Bletch- Ellen Heroes Street cont’d Classic neres Show ley Circle Reborn
Scream Paid Prog. Queens Pets.TV
Get Away The National Raible’s With Murder ” Scouting
Street Classic Dinosaur Great British Dinosaur Baking Show Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Cat Business
Big Bang Fat Seinfeld Cougar PaidFabulous Prog. Browns Fish Oil Say Yes Payne Big Bang Seinfeld Name Game PaidFabulous Prog. There Yet? Family Feud Fat Say Yes Browns
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
” ”
News Behind Bars: Odd Parents CBC News The Chew The First 48 Chucks Get Away Haunting World SpongeBob ” ”News Overtime ” Squirrel Now With With Murder Haunting
Pregnant Royal Secretly Fat Fabulous Pregnant ” Say Yes Fat Fabulous Say Yes Fat Fabulous
rate, study, and gather as communities. While libraries still WTBS KCTS KING have a strong role in promotA N ing reading and literacy,P RobDivorce Sesame Today erts says statistics show more Divorce Street cont’d Judge Dinosaur New Day items are circulating online, Judge Dinosaur Northwest which can free up space Millionaire Peg Plus Cat KING for 5 Millionaire Peg Plus Cat News new activities. Further public Crazy Talk Super Why! Days of our in1put the budgetLives will be Crazy TalkonThomas WTBS KCTS KING Payne Sesame Dr. Phil in sought itsSt.adoption A before N P Browns Cat in the ” February Sesame 2016. Divorce Mod Fam Masterpiece Today Ellen DeGe-
Best Time Ever
Hawaii Five- Shark Tank 0 ”
SongCamp ”
Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Mariners at 0 0 Angels
George Gently
Gags Game On
The National Highway ” Thru Hell
Rosewood ”
Say Yes Say Yes
The Middle Family Guy
Women’s Dateline List-Masters NBC
See No Evil ” PGA Tour CHBC News Golf Final ” TBA ” ET Canada ” News
Blue Bloods ” The Marilyn News-Lisa Denis Show News--11:30 It Is Written Big Bang etalk Seth Meyers SportsCentre ”
The National ” Absolutely CBC News Canadian Coronation Doc Zone Backstage ” 22 Minutes The Nature of Things
Blue Bloods ” Changers KIRO News Paid Prog. Late ShowBull Riding Colbert ” Corden Col. Football College
See No Evil ” PGA Tour News Golf Late Show” Colbert ” ET Canada ” News
Sportsnet Central MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Central Tampa Bay Sportsnet Rays at Central Toronto Blue Jays
Tank KNOW Shark KOMO ” * ` ” 20/20
Criminal Minds
SportsCentre ” College Formula Football One Racing cont’d: SportsCentre Teams TBA SportsCentre ” Ohio State
Criminal The Secret ” Minds Wild Kratts College Movie: The News Criminal WildGreat Kratts Football “Payback” War Tour Jimmy Minds Mister Maker cont’d: Cont’d Murder Kimmel Live Criminal Creative Teams TBA ” Myster. Nightline Minds Dogs/Jobs Football Movie: Dogs/Jobs College “The
Make It Pop Make It Pop Odd Parents Haunting Kung Fu Haunting Turtles One Crazy Turtles Cruise Movie: “One Crazy
CBC News ” CBC News The CBCNational News ” Now With Amanda Asha Lang Tomlinson ”
News Mod Fam MLB Mike Preseason Two Men Baseball: How I Met Teams TBA Cougar ” ”
Say Yes Say Yes Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Four Paid Prog. Weddings Paid Prog. Four Weddings
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Break Family Guy Seinfeld Payne Movie: The Ring “Dreamer: Two Inspired by a True Story”
CFL Football:
Museum Secrets
Corner Gas Corner Gas
Amanda Lang
Football: Tennessee
Museum Secrets
MLB Baseball:
Hope for Wildlife
Patriot” ”
Cruise” Nicky, Ricky
BC Lions at Edmonton
Trashopolis ”
Amazing Race
Dragons’ Den
at Florida ”
Trashopolis ”
Chicago Ultimate White Sox at Engineering
Eskimos College ” Football CFL cont’d: Football: Teams TBA Toronto ” Argonauts at Ohio State Ottawa CFL RedBlacks Football: MLS Soccer BC Lions at ” Edmonton ” Eskimos ” ” College SportsCentre CFL Football Formula One Football: Formula One cont’d: Toronto Racing:TBA Teams Argonauts at Japanese ” Ottawa GrandState Prix Ohio RedBlacks SportsCentre CFL MLS Soccer SportsCentre Football: ”
To Be PGA Tour Announced Golf TBA Battle ”Castle ” ” CHBC” News News News Hour Museum ” Secrets The West Trashopolis Block ” Limitless To Be” Announced PGA To BeTour TBA Golf Announced Battle Castle Dual ” ”” Suspects CHBC News News ”Final News Hour Saturday News ” Night Live Museum The West ” Secrets Block
Cash Cab The CashMarilyn Cab Denis Show The Marilyn It Is Written Denis Show etalk The Social SportsCentre etalk ” CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas Amazing Amazing Race Race Dark Swan Cash Cab ” Cash Cab The MikeMarilyn The Marilyn Denis Show Cleveland Denis Show Saving Hope It Is Written The ” etalkSocial etalk News SportsCentre CTV News News--11:30 ” Vancouver Castle Gas Corner Amazing Corner” Gas Race
Rick Mercer Absolutely 22 Minutes Canadian Doc Zone Doc Zone ” ” Land & Sea The Nature Mansbridge of Things The National Amanda Marketplace Lang Short Film Dragons’ Face Off Den Life Story Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Absolutely The Book of Doc Zone Canadian Negroes ” News Doc Zone Land & Love Child ” Sea Mansbridge ” The Nature The National Movie: of Things Marketplace “The Bourne Amanda Short Film Supremacy” Lang Face Off
” Changers ” Paid Prog. ThisMinute Bull Riding Sports Stars ” KIRO News Col. Football KIRO News College CBS News Football: KIRO News Tennessee Steve Raible at Florida The Insider ” Limitless ”” ” Changers 48 Hours ThisMinute Paid Prog. ” Sports Stars ” Bull Riding KIRO ”News KIRO News KIRO News Col. Football CBS News Scandal College KIRO News ” Football: Steve Raible Ent Tennessee The Insider
To Be PGA Tour Announced Golf TBA Battle ”Castle ” ” Global” Nat. News News Hour Museum ” Secrets The West Trashopolis Block ” Limitless To Be ” Announced PGA To BeTour TBA Golf Announced Battle Castle Dual ” ”” Suspects Global Nat. News ”Final News Hour Saturday News ” Night Live Museum The West ” Secrets Block
New York MLB Yankees Baseball: Sportsnet Tampa Bay NHL Rays at Preseason Toronto Hockey: Blue Jays Canadiens at MLB Maple Leafs Baseball: NHL Chicago Preseason White Sox at Hockey: New York Flames at Yankees MLB Canucks Sportsnet Baseball: Sportsnet NHL Sportsnet Tampa Bay Preseason Central Rays at Hockey: Sportsnet Toronto Blue Canadiens at Central Jays Maple Leafs Sportsnet MLB NHL Central Baseball: Preseason
Football: Teams TBA
KNOW KOMO ” ” * `
Waterfront Wild CitiesKratts Wild Kratts Shark SuperMister Maker highway Creative The Spice Dogs/Jobs Trail Dogs/Jobs Hope for Hope for Wildlife Wildlife Lost Ultimate Mummies Engineering Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Wild Kratts Foyle’s War Shark Wild Kratts ”Superhighway Mister”Maker The Spice ” Creative Trail Waterfront Dogs/Jobs Hope Cities for Dogs/Jobs Wildlife Foyle’s Hope forWar Lost ” Wildlife Mummies
” College Football Football KOMO 4 cont’d: News Teams TBA College Football Football: College Teams TBA Football: ” Teams TBA ” ”” ” ” ” Pac-12 Football College Fan Face Off KOMO Football Wheel 4 News Jeopardy! cont’d: College Seattle TBA Teams Football: News Football Teams Castle TBA College ” ” Football: ” TBA Crimes Teams ”
A&E 1
A&E ” ” 1
The First 48 Movie:” “Payback” The First 48 Cont’d” ” The First 48 Movie:” “The The First 48 Patriot” ” ” The First 48 ”” ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” Movie: The First 48 The First “Payback” ” 48 ” The First 48 Cont’d The First ” 48 ” The First 48 Movie: The ” 48 “TheFirst ” The First 48 Patriot” The First ” 48 ”
A&E 1
” ”
Nicky, Ricky The National Nicky, Ricky Issue Nicky, Ricky Odd Parents Nicky, Ricky Kung Fu Henry Turtles Henry Turtles Henry Movie: Henry “One Crazy Make It Pop Cruise” Make It Pop Nicky, Ricky Funny Home Nicky, VideosRicky Nicky, Ricky Movie: Nicky, “Big Ricky Nicky, Ricky Odd Parents Miracle” Henry Kung Fu ” Henry That’s-Weird Turtles Henry Assembly Turtles Henry Haunting Movie: Make It Pop Haunting “One Crazy Make It Pop Big Miracle Cruise” Funny Home Nicky,”Ricky Videos
The National CBC News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Now With of Things Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National ” Marketplace ” MegatsunThe National ami Issue The National The National Issue Mansbridge CBC News The National The Nature CBC News Mansbridge of Things MegatsunNow With the amififth Asha estate The National Tomlinson The National Issue ” Marketplace The National ” MegatsunMansbridge ” ami
Edge of Alaska Airplane Mayday Repo ” Mayday Airplane ” Repo Railroad Alaska
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Younger Heart-Masley
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WTBS ” ” A
The Middle Break The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie: Atlanta Eats “Dreamer: King Inspired by a King True Story” Confessions Movie: of a “Duplex” Shopaholic ”” ” Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Break Burgers Seinfeld Seinfeld First Family Atlanta Eats Community Movie: King Community “Dreamer: King Atlanta Eats Inspired by a Confessions Special True Story” of a Win a Date Movie: Shopaholic ” “Duplex” ”
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KING ” ” P
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10 4 :30
Racing: Night
PGA Tour Weird or
Football: Marketplace Football: SportsCentre ” Post Game
PGA Tour Weird or
Japanese Golf Teams TBA September Power & Pittsburgh Golf Calendar Wednesday, 23,News 2015 rLake Country What? Cash Cab Movie: KIRO What? :00 NFL Grand Prix ” Politics Steelers at CHBC” News Cash Cab “Roald KIRO News Global” Nat. 11 :30 Football: 5 :30 E:60 ” 27, Land &Esio Sea CBS St. Louis :00 Denver SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2015 News ”Hour CTV News Dahl’s News News ”Hour :00 ” ” ” Mansbridge Rams ”
12 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 :30 7 :00 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 :00 10 3 :30 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 1 6 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :00 8 :30 3 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 :00 8 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :30 # $ % & _ :00 10 :30 :00 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 12 :30 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 :00 1 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 3 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 :00 6 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 10 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 11 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 1 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :00 6 :30 12 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 9 :30 :00 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 4 :30 11 :00 5 :30 12 1 :00 :30 6 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 :00 2 :30 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 3 :00 :30 8 # $ % & _ :00 4 :30 :00 9 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 8 :00 :30 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 :00 2 9 :30 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 4 :30 :30 :00 11 5 :30 :00 6 :30 12 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30
Baseball: Central Tampa Bay Blue Jays RaysJays at Blue
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” Scared The First 48 Beyond ” Scared
Thunder “Nim’s Stanley Dyn. Island” Game” On
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Thru Hell ” Rockies Treasure Rockies Quest
Football: Mike Atlanta How I Met Falcons at Monopoly
Say Yes Royal
” Big Bang
SciGirls ”
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The First 48 Beyond ” Scared The First 48 Beyond ” Scared
Henry Movie: Henry “Nanny Assembly McPhee” Assembly ”
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Treasure Yukon Men Quest” Fast N’ Loud Naked and Afraid ”
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The First 48 Behind Bars: ” Year Rookie The First 48 Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared The First 48 Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared The First 48 Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared The First 48 Beyond Behind ” Bars: Scared Rookie Year The First 48 Beyond Scared ”
Movie:” “Doctor Make It Pop Thunder Dolittle” Make It Pop Thunder ” Assembly Stanley Movie: Dyn. Haunting Game “Nim’s On Haunting Henry Island” Haunting Henry ” Haunting Assembly Movie: Nanny Assembly “Nanny McPhee Movie: McPhee” ” “Doctor
” The National Marketplace ” CBC News Doc Zone The CBCNational News ”” Now With the fifth The PassionAsha estate ate Eye Tomlinson Power & The National ” Politics ” ” The National The National ” ” ” The Passionate Eye Marketplace
Bering Sea MythBusters Gold ” Highway Cash Cab Yukon Men Thru CashHell Cab ” Rockies MythBusters Treasure Rockies ” Quest Treasure Treasure Naked and Quest Quest Afraid Fast N’Men Loud Yukon Treasure ” Quest Bering Naked Sea and Afraid Gold
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Suddenly Sister Wives Royal ” Say Yes Suddenly Sister Wives Say Yes Royal ” Say Yes Suddenly Sister Wives Say Yes Royal ” Say Yes Sister Wives Suddenly Say Yes ” Royal Say Yes Sister Wives Paid Prog. Say Yes ” Paid Prog. Suddenly Sister Wives Royal ”
Great A VeryPerBritformances The Closer ish Murder at Road Trip Sid Science Big Bang the Met ”” Masterpiece SciGirls Big Bang ” The Closer Classic Paid Prog. Nature” Big Bang ” ”” First Family Big Bang ” There Yet? American Paid Prog. Live From Mod Fam Father Paid Prog. Masters Box Lincoln ModOffice Fam Brown Paid Prog. ” Movie: Tyler Perry’s Center Weekend Paid Prog. Great “War” Harpist Why Did I A Chef’s Life Paid Prog. ” ” Great PerGet Married British Too? ” Baking Show formances at
5th Quarter Presidents LazyTown KING 5 PGA Luna!Tour News Golf Football 19th Annual ” Night in Prism ” America KING ”News NFL Up Late NW ” Football: Bensinger ” Denver Paid Prog. ” at Broncos Detroit” Lions
Say Yes Paid Fam Prog. Nature Golf A13 Sister Wives Mod Father America Say Yes First Family ” ”
Vancouver NFL Overrun Saving Hope NFL ”
Trot” Bondi Vet Heartland Bondi ”Vet
KIRO News ” 60 Minutes NFL ”
” ” Security ” Emergency
Toronto Blue Blue Jays Jays Misplays MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Central
Football: Once Upon Teams a Time TBA NFL ” Blood & Oil Football: ”” Teams” TBA Quantico ” SportsCentre ” ” Cash Cab News ” Cash Cab News--11:30 NFL CTV Overrun News Castle NFL Vancouver ” Football: Saving Hope Teams” TBA
Our When Calls Vancouver the Heart Coronation King John Fool Canada Marketplace ” Still Standing Power” & The National Politics ” ” Land & Sea Movie: CBC News Mansbridge “Roald the fifth Bondi Dahl’s Vet Esio estate Bondi Trot” Vet Canadian Our Heartland ” Vancouver
Football: ” Chicago CSI: Crime NFL Bears at Scene Football: Seattle Investigation Pittsburgh Seahawks ” at Steelers Post Game TBA St. Louis KIRO News KIRO News Rams KIRO News KIRO News ” CBS News The Insider NFL KIRO News Scandal Football: 60 Minutes ” Chicago
” Simpsons ” Simpsons Block TV-Torrens Simpsons PGA Tour Battle Castle Simpsons Golf ” Simpsons Weird ”or Simpsons What?” News ”Final Global Nat. The West News ”Hour Block ” Mackenzie ” Security Emergency ”
Giants at Blue Jays Athletics MLB’s Best MLB ” European Baseball: Poker ”Tour Tampa Bay Sportsnet Sportsnet Rays at Central Central Toronto Blue Blue Jays Sportsnet Jays Blue Jays Central MLB Blue Jays Sportsnet Baseball: Misplays Central Giants at Sportsnet Central Athletics
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New Tricks Hope for ” Wildlife
Once Upon Beyond Behind Bars: Dolittle” ” T. McCarver a Time Rookie Year Make ”It Pop Paid Prog. Scared
The National MythBusters Simpsons Doc Zone Cash Cab Old House ” Brooklyn ” Cash Cab Kids News
Sister Wives Big Bang ” Suddenly TheBang Closer Royal ” Big
A Very the MetBritish Murder ”
” LazyTown 5th Quarter Luna!
” Football Night ” SportsCentre NFL ” Football:
Scene Seahawks Investigation Post Game KIRO ”News TBA News KIRO KIRONews News CBS KIRO News News KIRO
Simpsons ” Simpsons Weird or Simpsons What? Simpsons Global Nat. News Hour Final News The West ”
European Sportsnet Poker Tour Central Sportsnet Blue Jays Central Blue Jays Sportsnet Blue Jays Central Misplays
Waking the Archaeology Dead ” Waking the The Manor Dead Reborn
Thefifth National the estate” The PassionPower & ate Eye Politics
Yukon Men MythBusters ”” Treasure Treasure Quest Quest
Family Guy Raising Last Man Mike News How I Met Livin’ Dream Monopoly
Sister Wives Suddenly Royal ” Sister Wives Sister Wives ””
” Big Bang TheBang Closer Big ” Mod Fam There Yet? Mod Fam
Masterpiece ” Classic ” Father” American Brown
KING 5 Football News in Night 19th Annual America Prism NFL
TheMinutes Insider 60 Scandal ”
Block Security Mackenzie Emergency
Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central
Lost Ultimate Mummies Engineering New Prairie Tricks Wild ””
Blood & Oil Cougar ” UW 360 Quantico Go Huskies World ”News News CybersecurCastle ity
Naked Men and Yukon Afraid” Treasure Naked and Quest Afraid
Cougar Big Bang Paid Prog. Simpsons Mod Fam Family Guy Raising Burgers
Suddenly Sister Wives Royal ” Paid Prog. Sister Wives Paid Prog. ”
Paid Prog. Tyler Perry’s Paid Did Prog. Why I Paid Prog. Get Married Paid Prog. Too?
Masters Weekend ” Life A Chef’s Great British Great Baking” Show
KING News Football: Up Late NW Denver Bensinger Broncos at Paid Prog. Detroit Lions
” CSI: Crime
” 5th Quarter
Broncos at ” CFL ” Detroit Lions Security Football: ” ” Emergency Alouettes at Simpsons ” ” Roughriders ” SportsCentre Simpsons Formula ”” One Block TV-Torrens Simpsons Racing: PGA Tour Battle Castle ”” Simpsons Japanese Golf ” Football SportsCentre Simpsons Grand Night Prix Weird ”or ” Simpsons E:60 NFL What?” SportsCentre News ”Final ” Football: CHBC News ” The West CFL Denver News ”Hour SportsCentre Block Football: ” Broncos at ” Mackenzie Alouettes at Security ” Detroit Lions ” Emergency Roughriders ”
KNOW KOMO World of X * ` Once Upon Games
Simpsons ” Simpsons Weird or Simpsons What? Simpsons CHBC News SportsCentre News News Hour Final Denver ” The West Broncos at ” SportsCentre Block Detroit Lions Security Mackenzie ”” Emergency
Blood ”& Oil ” SportsCentre Quantico Cash Cab ” Cash Cab
Fool Canada ” Still Standing ” The National Movie: “Roald”
NewsNews CTV News--11:30 Vancouver Castle Hope Saving ””
CBC News Dahl’s Esio the fifth Trot” estate Heartland Canadian ”
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Once Upon a Time
When Calls the Heart
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New Tricks ”
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Waking the Dead
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Fins SportsCentre Motoring ” Hockey Lunch
Simpsons Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part The West Rachael Ray Block ” Mackenzie Noon News Hour
Quantico ” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn Castle Denis Show ” CTV News Vancouver
The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Monster the fifth Our estate Vancouver Canadian CBC News Now
TBA The Price Is KIRO News Right KIRO News Young & The Insider Restless Scandal KIRO News ”
CHAN ( Simpsons
Amazing Race
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
World Poker Ruf-Tweet General ” Tumble Leaf Hospital
Off Record Interruption
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
FABLife ”
The Talk ”
Tim and Sid ”
Monday Night SportsCentre ” Countdown Fins ” Motoring NFL
The Meredith Vieira Sugar Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Rachael Ray ” News Noon ”News Hour Hour News
Ellen DeGeneres Show The View ” Oz The Dr. Show The Marilyn DenisNews Show CTV
Grand Designs Bookaboo Monster Bondi Vet Bondi Vet Our Vancouver CBC News
Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * ` The Doozers Steve
Vieira Sugar Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Rachael Ray ” Early News
Blue DartsJays MLB ” Baseball: Champion of Champions Toronto Blue
PAW Boj Patrol PAW Patrol Mister Maker Creative Monkey See Bucket-Dino Dino Dan
Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News
” CBC News Now News CBC Dragons’ Heartland Den ”
Bold ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judy Judge Judge Young Judy & Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News
CHAN ( The Meredith
Global Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News
Jays at European Poker Tour Baltimore
” our Days of Lives Ent ET TheCanada Talk ” Elementary The Meredith ” Vieira Show Minority Sugar Young & Report Debt/Part Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Early News Angeles ” Global Nat. News Noon News NewsShowHour Late Hour ” Colbert Days of our Ent ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Elementary ””
Orioles World Poker MLB ”
” ”
Football: Hockey Lunch City Kansas Chiefs at Amazing Race Bay Green
Packers Off Record Interruption ” Monday SportsCentre Night ” SportsCentre Countdown ” ” SportsCentre Fins NFL ” Motoring Football: SportsCentre Hockey Kansas ” City Lunch Chiefs at SportsCentre Amazing Green” Bay Race Packers Off Record ” Interruption SportsCentre
Monday ” Night ”
CHBC Days ofNews our Vancouver The Social Lives Ent etalk ” ET Big Bang TheCanada Talk Dr. Phil ” ” Elementary Gotham The Meredith Ellen DeGe” ” Vieira Show neres Show Minority Blindspot Sugar The View Young & The Dr. Report Debt/Part ” Oz Restless Show NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Castle The Marilyn News CTV News Angeles ” Denis ”Show ” Vancouver CHBC News News-Lisa Noon News CTV News News Hour CTV News Final News--11:30 Hour Vancouver CHBC News Vancouver TBA Show Days of our Daily The Social Ent etalk Meyers ET Canada Seth Lives ” ET Canada Big Bang The Talk Dr. Phil Elementary Gotham ”” ””
Coronation Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Grand Mysteries Designs Global CitiBookaboo Bondi Vet zen Festival Monster Bondi Vet The Our National CBC News ” Vancouver ” CBC CBC News News CBC News Coronation Now Dragons’ Rick Mercer Heartland Den 22 Minutes ” Coronation Murdoch Murdoch Mysteries Mysteries
CBS News The Talk ” The Insider
Ent FABLife ” Big Bang Boldin Life ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge”Judy Right Judge Judy NCIS: Young Los & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News KIROShowLate ”News CBS News Colbert The Talk The Insider Corden ” Ent FABLife Big Bang Life in”
Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part The West Rachael Ray Block ” Mackenzie Noon News Hour
SNP ) Sportsnet
Central Darts Sportsnet ” Central Champion of Sportsnet Champions Central European Poker Tour
SNP ) ”
Baseball: Tim and Sid ” Dodgers at Giants” Blue Jays Darts ” MLB ” Baseball: Sportsnet Champion of Toronto Blue Central Champions Jays at Sportsnet European Baltimore Central Poker Tour Orioles Sportsnet World Poker MLB Central ” Baseball: Tim and Sid Dodgers at Giants”
A&E 1
Beyond Scared Scared Beyond Beyond Scared Scared
A Very British Murder
Beyond Scared
The National Yukon Men ” ”
Sister Wives ” ” The Closer
Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News
A&E 1 Beyond
Make It Pop Assembly
YTV 6 Haunting
NEWS DISC 9 The 7 Passion- Treasure
KAYU ; News
TLC WTBS < A Sister Wives ” ” Hoarding: Suddenly Buried Alive Royal Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
Diana Swain Airshow ” ”
Paid Prog. The Office
Say Yes Say Yes
A&E 1 The First 48
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
YTV 6 Sidekick
Power & Politics
DISC 9 Canada’s
KAYU ; Paid Prog.
” CSI: Miami ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 Wild News The First ” PAWKratts Patrol World The Chew 48 Kate and ” Ultimate KOMO” 4 The First 48 Engineering News ” Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 Tumble Hospital ” Hope forLeaf Wheel The First 48 Wildlife Jeopardy! ” Maya The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ” Edwardian Dancing The First 48 The Doozers With Stevethe The First 48 Farm ” PAW Patrol Harvey ” Artemisia StarsView The First 48 Boj The CSI: Miami MisterPatrol Maker KOMO The First 48 Undaunted PAW ” 4 ” Creative News ” The Great The Monkey See Castle KOMO 4 The First First 48 48 Dino Dan News The First 48 War Tour ”” Bucket-Dino News ” Wild Kratts World News ” Hope for News The PAW Patrol The Chew The First First 48 48 Ultimate KOMO The First 48 Wildlife Jimmy ”” Kate and ” 4 Engineering News ” Artemisia Kimmel Ruf-Tweet General Live The The First First 48 48 Hope for Wheel The First 48 Undaunted ”” Tumble Leaf Nightline Hospital Wildlife Jeopardy! ” Maya The Doctors The First 48 Edwardian Dancing The First 48 Curious ” ”” Farm With the
Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Kung RatedFu A for Rated A for Odd Parents
” CBC News Now With Amanda Lang Carole MacNeil CBC News ” CBC News NowNational With The
Worst Driver Mayday ” Daily Planet ” Cold Water Cowboys How/Made
Big World Steve Harvey Paid Prog. Raising Family Feud Family Mike Feud
How/Made Jade Fever Jade Fever River
Anger Crime Watch NY SayER Yes DailyMen SayER Yes Two NY Mod NY Paid Fam Prog. SayER Yes The Office Say Yes Big Bang NY ER
48 48
Sidekick Wipeout Chucks ”
48 48
SpongeBob Haunting Kung Fu Haunting
” The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 News ” Crimes The Chew ”
Maya Curious
Scared CSI: Miami Beyond ” Scared The First 48 Behind ” Bars: Rookie Year The First 48 ”
The First 48 ”
Harvey The View KOMO” 4 News KOMO 4 News News
A&E 1
The The First First ”” The First The First ”” The The First First ”” The First ”
Green Bay Packers
Ent ET Canada
etalk Big Bang
Den Coronation
The Insider Ent
Ent ET Canada
MLB Baseball:
Hope for Wildlife
Wheel Jeopardy!
Gotham ”
Murdoch Mysteries
Big Bang Life in
Elementary ”
Dodgers at Giants
Edwardian Farm
Dancing With the
Blindspot ”
Global Citizen Festival
Scorpion ”
Minority Report
NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
TLC Payne WTBS Browns < A Randy to the Mod Fam
Sesame St. Cat in the
KCTS N Masterpiece
KING P Ellen DeGe-
Rescue Hoarding: Buried NY ER Alive NY ER Hoarding: Buried NY ER Alive
Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang Big Bang Judge Judge Movie:
Mystery! Sesame Street” ” Dinosaur Dinosaur World News
neres TodayShow cont’d5 KING News New Day Northwest KING 5
“Think Like Millionaire Millionaire a Man”
Business Peg Plus Cat News KING 5 Peg Plus Cat Nightly News News PBS NewsHour Super Why! News Days of our Thomas Lives Old House News
Quest MythBusters ” How/Made Canada’s How/Made Worst Driver River Mayday Daily Planet Monsters ” ” Treasure Cold Water How/Made Quest Cowboys How/Made How/Made Jade Fever River Fever How/Made Jade Monsters How/Made Airshow Treasure How/Made ” Quest MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made
Big PaidBang Prog. Family Feud Gotham Paid Prog. ” Big World Minority Steve Paid Prog. Report Harvey Raising News Family Feud Mike Fam Mod Family Feud Anger Mike Crime Watch Two Men Daily Mod Fam How Met Paid IProg. Big Bang Cougar The Office Big Bang Paid Prog. Gotham Family” Feud
NY SayER Yes Say Yes NY ER Randy NY ER to the Rescue NY ER Hoarding: NY ER Alive Buried NY ER NY ER Hoarding: NY ER Alive Buried NY ER NY SayER Yes NY SayER Yes NY ER Peter Popoff Say Yes NY ER Paid Prog. Say Yes NY ER Say Yes NY ER Say Yes NY ER
Crazy”Talk Crazy Talk Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne Browns King Mod Fam King Mod Fam The Middle Divorce Big Bang Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Judge Dad Movie: Amer. Judge Dad “Think Like Family Guy Millionaire a Man” Payne Millionaire ” Browns Crazy Talk Seinfeld There Yet? Crazy Talk Seinfeld Payne King Browns King
Antiques Sesame St. Cat in the Antiques Masterpiece Roadshow Mystery! Antiques Sesame ” Roadshow Street ” I’ll Have Dinosaur World News What Phil’s Dinosaur Business Roadtrip Peg Plus Cat PBSPlus Cat SciTech Peg NewsHour Age of Why! Super Old House Champions Thomas Antiques Sesame St. Antiques Cat in the Roadshow
Big Bang Big Bang
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Old House Antiques
News Evening The Voice ”
The First 48 ”
Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made
Gotham ”
King King
Antiques Roadshow
The First 48 ”
Wipeout ”
The National River ” Monsters
Minority Report
The Middle Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
The Great Boj War PAWTour Patrol
The First 48 CSI: Miami ”” The First 48 48 The First ””
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat
CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil
News Steve Mod Fam Harvey
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Amanda CBC News Lang Now With
How/Made River How/Made Monsters
Castle The View ”” Hope for News Monkey See KOMO 4 Wildlife Jimmy Bucket-Dino News Artemisia Live PAW Patrol Kimmel The Chew Undaunted Nightline Kate and ”
A&E 1
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Off Record Interruption
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
FABLife ”
CHAN The Talk ( ”
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right
The Meredith Misplays ” Sugar Vieira Show Blue Jays Debt/Part Premier
The Boj Doozers Steve The View PAW Patrol Harvey ”
Storage CSI: Miami Storage ”
Mister Maker Monkey See KOMO 4 Creative Bucket-Dino News
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital
SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”
Young & Ray The Dr. Oz Rachael Marilyn Restless Show ” Denis Show
Bondi Vet Judge Best Recipes Young Judy & Bondi Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless
Young & Ray MLB Rachael League Restless Baseball: ” Darts
Teams TBA Champions ” League
News Noon News Hour ”
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now ”
KIRO News KIRO ”News
Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat.
Toronto Blue Dino World Poker PAW Dan Patrol Jays Wild Tour at Kate Kratts and
Soccer ” ”
Days of our CTV The Social News Hour News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC
Heartland CBC News ” Dragons’
The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News
Days of our News Hour Lives ”
World Poker Hope Ruf-Tweet General4 Baltimore for KOMO Tour Tumble Leaf News Hospital Orioles Wildlife
Off Record MLB Interruption Baseball:
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada
Murdoch Den Mysteries Coronation
FABLife The Insider ” Ent
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada
Tim and Sid MLB ” Baseball:
Maya Canada Curious ”
The The First First 48 48 ””
Gags A for Rated Gags A for Rated Funny ChucksHome Videos Squirrel
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
A&E The First 48 1 ”
News Storage The Chew The First 48 World ”News Storage ”
YTV Wayside 6 Kid vs. Kat
Treasure Mayday Quest”
Diana Swain Treasure ” Quest
I’ll Have Sesame What StreetPhil’s
Blindspot Today cont’d”
Roadtrip Dinosaur SciTech Dinosaur
KINGDay News New Tonight Northwest
Browns Millionaire There Yet? Millionaire
Age Plus of Show 5 Peg Cat KING Champions Seth Meyers Peg Plus Cat News
Paid Prog. The Office
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
Super Why! Thomas
Sidekick Wayside Nerds Kid vs. Kat
” CBC News ” Now With
How/Made Mayday How/Made ”
Paid SteveProg. Eco Co. Harvey
SpongeBob Rated A for Chucks Rated A for
Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made Fool’s River Gold Fool’s Gold Monsters
KAYU Paid Prog. ; Family Feud
Say Yes Say Yes
TLC Say Yes Say < Yes
Days of our Lives
Dr. Phil ”
Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show
Paid Prog. Fabulous Bang Family Feud Fat Dateline on Big Judge Raising Bang Family Feud Fat TLCFabulous Big Judge
A Very BritDinosaur ish Murder Dinosaur
KING 5 New Day News Northwest
Mike Crime Watch Labor Say Yes Anger Labor Daily Say Yes
Movie: Millionaire “Mamma Millionaire
World News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Business Peg Plus Cat News
Crazy Talk Mia!” Crazy”Talk
Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour
Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News
Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld
Sesame St. Pépin Cat in the Rick Steves
Dr. Phil News ” Evening
Diana Swain Edge Treasure The National of Quest ” Alaska
Paid Men Prog. Two The Office Mod Fam
Power & CBC News Politics ”
PaidBang Prog. Say Little Yes Big Our Family Feud Family Say Yes Big Bang
KCTS Sesame St. Cat N in the Crippled Sesame Kaiser Street
Wayside Max Kid vs. Kat Henry
WTBS Payne A Browns
Fat Fabulous Fam Dateline on Mod Divorce Fat Fam TLCFabulous Mod Divorce
Almost Hathaways Sidekick Talia
KING ” ” P
Family Guy Judge Payne Judge
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
A&E 1
Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Divorce
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell
NY ER Dateline on NY TLCER Mike NY ER on Family Feud Dateline Two Men NY ER Family Feud TLC How Popoff CrimeI Met Watch Peter Say Yes Cougar Paid Prog. Daily Say Yes
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
Odd Parents CBC News Chucks SpongeBob ” Squirrel Now With
The Doctors Storage The First 48 Wheel ” ” Jeopardy! Storage
KNOW KOMO * `of KOMO 4 Agents
Evening Dr. Phil ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Today” KING ”5 cont’d News Blindspot New Day KING ”5 Northwest News KING 5 News KING Nightly News Tonight News News Show Days of our News Seth LivesMeyers Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ””
Treasure Quest
CBC News ”
Artemisia Undaunted
KNOW Stars KOMO ” * `
Dr. Phil ”
Assembly Game On
Soccer ”
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
MythBusters Paid Prog. Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes
Diana”Swain Monsters Airshow ” Treasure
” CBC News Power” & Politics The National ” ” The National CBC News Amanda ” Now With Lang CBC News Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The CBCNational News The National ” Now With ” Amanda Diana Swain CBC News Lang ” ” Power & The National Politics ”
There Yet? Divorce Paid Prog. Divorce Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Millionaire Millionaire
The First 48 ”
48 48
Colbert KIRO News Corden ”
Game On Wayside Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Sidekick Videos Chucks Wipeout Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs.” Kat Kung Fu Haunting Rated A for Odd Parents Haunting Rated A for SpongeBob Gags Nerds Hathaways Gags Squirrel Talia Funny AlmostHome Assembly Videos Sidekick Game On Wayside Funny Home Kid vs. Kat Videos
Livin’ Dream Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud Mod Fam Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Daily
Masterpiece Ellen DeGeAntiques ” Mystery! neres ”Show Roadshow ” KING 5 I’ll Have Blindspot ” News ” What Phil’s World News KING Roadtrip KING 5 News Business News SciTech Tonight PBS Nightly Age of Show News NewsHour Champions News Seth Meyers
Rick CBC Mercer News 22 Minutes Now
Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss
The Meredith Houston ” NCIS Vieira ”Show Astros Blue Jays at
The Doozers The Steve Archaeology Muppets Storage PAW Patrol Harvey ” Fresh-Boat Storage
Sidekick ” How/Made Funny Home The National Rockies Nerds How/Made Videos ” Rockies
Paid Prog. Grand Eco Grinder Co. The
Fat Fabulous Mod Fam Cake Boss King Fat Fabulous Mod Fam Cake Boss King
Crippled Gorongosa Kaiser Park --
EllenTime DeGeBest neres Show Ever
Bondi Vet Creek Bondi Vet Still Standing Bookaboo Monster CBCNational News The ”” Best Recipes
Judge New Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Orleans The Price Is Right KIRO News Limitless KIRO ”News Young & Stefano Restless CBC News News KIRO News News CBC KIRO Dragons’ CBS ShowNews Coronation Late CBC News KIRO News Now ” Den The Insider Rick Mercer Colbert Coronation Ent 22 Minutes Corden Heartland The Talk Rick Mercer NCIS ” ” 22 Minutes ” Murdoch FABLife Creek NCIS: Mysteries ”New Still Standing Orleans Grand Bold The National ThisMinute Limitless Designs ” ” Bondi Vet Judge Judy CBC News KIRO News Bondi Vet Judge Judy Bookaboo The Price Is Coronation Late ShowMonster Right News CBC News KIRO Rick Mercer Colbert ” KIRO Best Recipes YoungNews & 22 Minutes Corden Stefano Restless CBC News KIRO News CBC News KIRONews News Dragons’ CBS
Young New & NCIS: Restless Orleans Sugar Debt/Part Early News Limitless Global” Nat. Rachael Ray
MLB Seattle Baseball: Mariners Misplays Premier Toronto Blue Sportsnet Jays at Central League
Mister Maker Finding Creative Mercy Boj PAW Patrol Dino Dan ” Wild Kratts Take MeSee Monkey
Darts Bucket-Dino Baltimore Hope for Boxing Canada Orioles Wildlife ”Poker PAW ” World Patrol Tour Kate and MLB Canada Sportsnet Finding Baseball: ” Central Mercy World Poker Ruf-Tweet Houston Archaeology Tour Tumble Leaf Astros at ” Tim and Sid Maya Seattle Finding ” Curious Mariners Mercy ” The Doozers SNP KNOW Sportsnet ” Blue Jays PAW Patrol Central Take Me * MLB) Mister Maker Boxing Canada Baseball: Creative Darts Boj ” ” ” PAW Patrol Toronto Blue Dino Dan Sportsnet Finding Jays at Wild Kratts ” Monkey See Central Mercy ” Bucket-Dino Baltimore Hope for World Poker Wildlife PAW Patrol Orioles
Big Bang The Middle Big Bang Family Guy Divorce Divorce Movie:Dad Amer. “Mamma Amer. Dad Judge Judge Mia!” Guy Family ” Payne Millionaire Millionaire Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Crazy Talk King Talk Crazy King Payne The Middle Browns Family Guy Mod Fam WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad A Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Payne Divorce Movie: Browns “Mamma Judge There Yet? Judge Mia!” Millionaire ”
A Very BritRebirth of ish Murder Paradise Sesame Street World News Frontline Business ” Dinosaur
News ”Hour News ” Late NoonShowNews Hour Ent Colbert ET Canada Canada ET Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS:”New Orleans The Meredith CHAN Limitless Vieira Show ” ( Young & News Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Early News ColbertNat. Global Rachael Ray ET Canada News ”Hour Noon ”News
SpongeBob Wipeout Chucks ” Wayside Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Rated A for Rated A for Hathaways Gags Talia Gags Chucks
Paid Prog. Scream Raising Queens Steve Harvey Mike News Anger Mod Fam Family Feud
UEFA” SportsCentre ”” Champions League MLB SportsCentre Baseball: ” Soccer Teams ” TBA ” Off Record ” Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” MLB SportsCentre Baseball: UEFA ” Soccer TBA Teams SportsCentre UEFA” ” UEFA ” Champions ”
The Dr. of Oz Agents Show S.H.I.E.L.D. The View ” CTV & News Law Vancouver Order: SVU The Marilyn Denis Show News ”Hour CTV News CHBC News News-Lisa CHBC News Vancouver Final Noon News News--11:30 CTV News Hour Vancouver Ent etalk Show TBA Daily ET Canada Canada Seth Big Bang ET Meyers Days of our The Social NCIS Best Time Lives ” ” Ever The Talk Dr. Phil NCIS:”New Agents ” of Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. The Meredith Ellen DeGeLimitless Law &Show Vieira Show neres ” Order: SVU Young & The Dr. Oz CHBC News News-Lisa Restless Show Sugar The View Final News--11:30 Debt/Part ” News CTV News TBA ” Daily Show Rachael Ray Vancouver The Marilyn ET Canada Seth Meyers Denis Show News ”Hour CTV News Noon News CTV News CHBC News Vancouver
Dinosaur PBS Chef NewsHour Dowdle Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat Pépin Underground Rick Steves Underground Super Why! Gorongosa Thomas Park -Sesame St. Rebirth of Cat in the Paradise Crippled KCTS Frontline Kaiser ” N A Very BritChef ish Murder Sesame Dowdle Street World News Underground Business Dinosaur Underground Dinosaur PBS Peg Plus Cat NewsHour
KING 5 The Voice News ” Today cont’d KING ”5 NewsDay ” New Northwest NightlyNews News KING News Tonight KING 5 News Show Evening Seth Days Meyers of our Best Time Lives Ever Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGeKING neres ”Show ” P KING 5 KING News News Today Tonight cont’d KING 5 Show News New Day Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News KING 5 News
MLB Soccer Baseball:
Ent Days of our ET Canada
etalk TheBang Social Big
Den Heartland Coronation
The Insider The Talk Ent
Ent Days of our ET Canada
MLB Canada World Poker Ruf-Tweet Baseball: ”
Teams TBA Off Record ”
Best Time Dr. Phil Ever
Rick Mercer Murdoch 22 Minutes
Houston Archaeology The Muppets Storage Funny Home The National Rockies Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors The First 48 Wayside Power & Rockies Astros at ” Fresh-Boat Storage Videos ” Rockies
MLB ” Baseball: ” IRB Rugby World TeamsCup TBA SportsCentre UEFA””
League ”
Racing ””
Young New & NCIS: Restless Orleans Sugar Debt/Part News Limitless ”” Ray Rachael
The Talk ” ”
Vancouver ” ”
Bold NCIS ThisMinute ”
Talia Almost Sidekick Assembly
NEWS 7 ”
Quest Mayday Naked” and Afraid Cold Water Treasure Cowboys Quest Jade Fever Jade Fever
19th Annual American Prism Sesame Today Masters KING News Street cont’d ” Up Late NW Dinosaur New Day Great Bensinger Dinosaur Northwest ” Paid Prog. Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Randy Fam NY ER to the Mod The Middle Rescue Mod Fam NY ER Family Guy NY ER Big Bang NY ER Amer. Dad NY Big Bang NY ER ER Amer. Dad NY Movie: NY ER ER Family Guy NY “Think NY ER ER Payne Like NY ERPopoff a Man” Peter Browns NY PaidER Prog. There”Yet?
Sportsnet Misplays Central Premier News Sportsnet Rachael Ray League Late ShowCentral ” Darts Colbert Noon News Sportsnet World Poker ET Canada Central Hour Tour
SportsCentre The Meredith Best Ellen Time DeGe- Rick Grand Teams TBA NCIS Mercer Vieira ”Show Ever neres Show 22 Designs ” Minutes
SpongeBob Nerds Squirrel Hathaways
ate Eye CBC News The National Now With ” Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Now With
Canada’s Paid Prog. River Minority Worst Driver Big World Monsters Report Daily Planet Paid Treasure NewsProg. Raising Quest” Mod Fam How/Made Mike How/Made Mike How/Made Anger How/Made Two Men River Two How/Made How Men I Met Monsters Mod Fam How/Made Cougar
The National NCIS: Los Bookaboo The Price Is ” Angeles Monster Right CBC News KIRO Best Recipes YoungNews & Coronation Late ShowStefano Restless
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Haunting Rated A for Nanny Rated A for McPhee Nerds Squirrel
Family Guy Last Man
” The National ”” Amanda CBC News Lang ” Odd News GagsParents CBC The National SpongeBob ”” Gags Hathaways National Funny Home The Amanda Talia Videos Lang ”
Castle The View ”” CHBC News News-Lisa Rachael Ray The Marilyn Final ” News--11:30 Denis Show SportsCentre Show Champions TBA Noon News Daily CTV News ” ET Canada Seth Meyers League Hour Vancouver
SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand IRB Rugby Sugar The View Bookaboo Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs World ”Cup Debt/Part Monster
NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part
KING P ”” ”
Sister Wives ” ” The Closer
& Oil KNOW Blood KOMO ” * ` Waking the Quantico Dead Boj Lost Patrol PAW Mummies Monkey See New Tricks Bucket-Dino ” PAW Patrol Kate and
The National MythBusters Simpsons ” ” Brooklyn
The Doozers Steve Artemisia Stars PAW Patrol Harvey Undaunted ” Mister Maker KOMO The Great Castle 4 Creative News ” War Tour Dino News HopeDan for News Wild Kratts World Wildlife JimmyNews Ultimate KOMO Artemisia Kimmel4Live Engineering News Undaunted Nightline
SportsCentre IRB Rugby World ”Cup SportsCentre UEFA UEFA”
WTBS A ”” ”
Behind Bars: ” Rookie Year Make It Pop
The Meredith ”” Minority Vieira ReportShow Blue Jays ” Young & MLB NCIS: Los Sportsnet Restless Baseball: Angeles Central Early Blue News News Toronto Sportsnet Global Nat. Jays at Late ShowCentral News Hour Baltimore Colbert Sportsnet ” Orioles ET Canada Central
SNP ” ” )
Once Upon a Time
Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ” Bondi Vet Judge Judy The National NCIS: Los Bondi ”Vet Judge Judy Angeles CBC KIRO CBC News News KIRO News News ” KIRO News Coronation Late ShowCBC News KIRO News Rick Mercer Colbert Dragons’ CBS News 22 Minutes Corden
The National National The ”” The National The Passion” ate Eye
Grand Global CitiDesigns zen Festival
Minority Report
Beyond Beyond Scared Scared Behind Bars: McPhee” Nanny Beyond Rookie Year McPhee Scared ”
The Meredith Ellen DeGeMinority Blindspot Vieira ReportShow neres ”Show Young & The Dr. NCIS: Los Castle Oz Restless Show ” Angeles News News CHBC News CTV News-Lisa Vancouver Final ” News--11:30 News CTV TBA Hour Daily News Show CHBC News Vancouver ET Canada Seth Meyers
” ”
Make It Pop Movie: Assembly “Nim’s Haunting Island” Haunting ” Haunting Movie: Haunting “Nanny
” Dark Swan Crimes ”
Countdown SportsCentre ”” NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Kansas City SportsCentre Chiefs” at
” Elementary SportsCentre ”
” ”
FABLife ” ”
NCIS: New Agents of Creek NCIS: New The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold Orleans Standing Orleans Vieira Show S.H.I.E.L.D. neres Show Still Designs ThisMinute
SportsCentre Limitless Hockey Young & ” Top Restless ” Hockey:
Law & Oz The Dr. Order: Show SVU
The Talk ” ”
Kate and
General Jeopardy! Tumble Leaf Hospital
Squirrel Max Home Funny Henry Videos Almost Funny Home Sidekick Videos Wayside Wipeout Kid vs. Kat ” Sidekick YTV Haunting Nerds Haunting 6 SpongeBob Gags Chucks Wayside Gags Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Funny Home SpongeBob Rated A for Videos Rated A for Hathaways Nerds Talia Squirrel
Storage Max The First 48 Henry Almost Storage ” ”
Kid vs. Kat
Amanda The National Lang News ” CBC Now CBC With News CBC News Carole””
MacNeil The National National How/Made Edge of The Rockies Alaska ”” Rockies CBC News River Now With Monsters CBC News Highway Amanda Fool’s Gold ” Thru Hell Lang Gold Diana Swain Fool’s Treasure The National Rockies ” Quest ” Rockies Power & How/Made The National How/Made Edge of Politics ” Alaska ” How/Made NEWS DISC CBC News Highway ” How/Made ” Thru9 Hell 7 Amanda Daily Planet The National Rockies Lang ” CBC News Mayday ” Rockies Now With CBC News Fool’s ”Gold Amanda Fool’s Gold Gold Fool’s Carole” Fool’s Gold Lang Fool’s Gold MacNeil Fool’s Gold The National Edge of CBC News Edge of ” Alaska
Daily Big Bang How I Met Big Bang Cougar Paid Prog. Grand The Office The Grinder Paid Prog. ScreamFeud Family Queens Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod Fam Paid; Prog. Mike Raising Steve Two Men Harvey Mike How I Met Anger Family Feud Cougar Family Feud Two Men Crime Watch Mod Fam
Fat Fabulous Our Little Fat Fabulous Family Dateline on TLC Labor Labor Labor Labor Dateline on TLC Cake Boss Fat Fabulous Cake Boss Fat Fabulous Say Yes Say Yes Our Little Paid Prog. Family Paid Prog. Say Yes CakeYes Boss Say Cake Boss Say Yes Our Little Say Yes Family FatTLC Fabulous Labor Fat Fabulous Labor < Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Fat My Fabulous Mom Is Fat Fabulous Obsessed Labor Paid Prog. Labor My Mom Is Paid Prog. Obsessed Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss
CBC News Highway Diana”Swain Thru Highway Hell
Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang
Our Little To Be Family
Seinfeld Crazy Talk Seinfeld
Pépin Super Why! Rick Steves
News Days of our Evening
Grand Paid Prog. The Grinder
Cake Boss ” Cake Boss
King Payne King
Gorongosa Sesame St. Park --
Best Time Dr. Phil Ever
The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam
Rebirth of The Voice Masterpiece Ellen DeGeParadise Classic neres ”Show
Now With ”
Daily Planet Edge of ” Alaska Mayday Fool’s”Gold Highway Fool’sHell Gold Thru How/Made
Thru Hell
Family Feud Two Men Mike Mod Men Fam Two Crime Watch
The Office
NCIS: New Seattle The Meredith ” Orleans Vieira Show Mariners Blue Jays
Finding Agents of The Doozers Steve Mercy PAW Patrol S.H.I.E.L.D. Harvey
Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.
Wipeout Sidekick ” Chucks
The National Edge of ” How/Made ”” Alaska How/Made
Family Feud
Mister” Maker Beyond KOMO 4the Take Me Tank Creative News
Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.
Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Penguins
CBC News Amanda Lang ”
Highway Daily Planet News Paid Prog. Thru Hell Mod Fam ” Raising
Say Yes
Announced ”
Scream Our Little Paid Prog. ” Queens Animal Atlas Family”
Crazy Talk Browns
Cat in the
Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball:
News Early News Late ShowGlobal Nat.
Boxing Toronto Blue Canada Dino Dan ” ” Jays at Wild Kratts
News Storage News Duck D. Jimmy World News Storage Duck D.
Gags Rockies Odd Parents The CBCNational News Yukon Men Gags ”” Rockies SpongeBob ”
Mike Mike Two Men Anger
Fat Fat Fabulous Fabulous Family Movie: Guy Fat Fabulous Payne ” “Envy”
Chef World News KING KING News 5 Dowdle Tonight Business News
News Hour CTV News CBC Mercer News SportsCentre TBA Daily Show Rick CHBC News Seth Vancouver Dragons’ ” ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes
KIRO News Colbert CBS News Corden
News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada
Baltimore Sportsnet Orioles Central
Canada Finding Mercy”
KOMO 4Live Storage Duck D. Kimmel News Duck D. Nightline Storage
Hathaways The National Fool’s Fool’s Gold Gold Funny Home Amanda Talia Fool’s Gold Gold Videos Lang ” Fool’s
Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar
Fat Fabulous ” Paid Prog. Browns Fat Fabulous Paid Prog. There ”Yet?
PBS Nightly News Underground Show NewsHour NewsMeyers Underground Seth
UEFA Champions
Ent ET Canada
The Insider Ent
Ent ET Canada
MLB Baseball:
Space Suite Park
Wheel Jeopardy!
Make It Pop Bella
Big Bang Big Bang
Suddenly Royal
SciTech Field Guide
News Evening
League Soccer
Survivor ”
The Mysteries of Laura
CBC News ”
Airplane Repo
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Frontline ” ” Vicious
Limitless Young & ” Restless
Duck Dynasty
Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang
Peg Plus Cat News
KIRO KIRO News News Late KIROShowNews
Den Coronation
Labor ” Labor ”
SportsCentre CHBC CBC 50 Players News News News-Lisa CTV News CBC News News ” Final ” News--11:30 Coronation Champions Vancouver ”
etalk Big Bang
The National Limitless Bondi Vet Judge Judy Bondi ”Vet Judge” Judy
Storage News S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage The View CSI: Miami ” ” News the Storage Storage Beyond World News Storage Tank Storage KOMO 4 The First 48 News ” KOMO 4 Storage News Storage News Storage Jimmy Storage The Chew The First 48 ” ” Wheel Storage Kimmel Live Storage Jeopardy! Storage Nightline Storage General The First 48 The Muppets Storage Hospital ” Fresh-Boat Storage The Doctors The First 48 Agents of Storage ” ” S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage Steve Storage KOMO A&E Beyond the Storage Storage Harvey Tank Storage ` 1 KOMO 4 Storage News Storage News Storage The View CSI: Miami Jimmy Storage ” ” News Storage Kimmel Live Storage Storage World KOMONews 4 The First 48 Nightline Storage News ” KOMO 4 Storage The Chew The First 48 News Storage
KING ”5 News ”
Big Bang Goldbergs
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Houston Astros at
Hanging Coffin
The Middle Goldbergs
Duck Dynasty
Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell
Rosewood ”
Fat Fabulous King Fat Fabulous King
Nature ”
SportsCentre Bones ” ”
Criminal Minds
Winnipeg Comedy
Criminal Minds
Bones ”
Seattle Mariners
In Search of Chopin
Mod Fam blackish
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
The National Yukon Men ” ”
Empire ”
Suddenly Royal
E.O. Wilson -- Of Ants
Law & Order: SVU
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
Code Black ”
The National Code Black ” ”
Chicago PD ”
Sportsnet Central
In Search of Chopin
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Fat Fabulous Amer. Dad ” Amer. Dad
and Men ”
Chicago PD ”
Duck Dynasty
Just Kidding The National Airplane Just Kidding ” Repo
Mike Two Men
To Be Announced
Family Guy Payne
Globe Trekker
KING News Tonight
Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang
How I Met Cougar
Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?
Globe Trekker
Show Seth Meyers
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Coronation
KIRO News Late Show-
News Late Show-
Sportsnet Central
Park Space Suite
News Jimmy
SportsCentre TBA ” ET Canada
Colbert Corden
Colbert ET Canada
Sportsnet Central
Hanging Coffin
Kimmel Live Duck Nightline Dynasty
Daily Show Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes
Fool’s Gold Fool’s Gold
Highway Thru Hell
The Middle Family Guy
Wednesday,September September23, 23,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
A14 A14
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.
Caretakers/ Residential Managers
Help Wanted
MOTEL ASST Manager Team to run small Motel in Parksville BC. Non-Smoking, no Pets, good Health, fulltime live-in position. Fax 250-5861634 or email resume to:
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
SUTCO is looking for long haul truck drivers for our Super B Flat Deck Division. We offer steady work, Health/Dental benefits, a pension plan, late model equipment, electronic logs and more. Preference given to those with BC mountain and US Cross border experience. Apply on line today at or fax (250) 357 2009
Home Care/Support 6 Care Aide Positions available in Prince George. Currently offering guaranteed hour agreement of 35 hrs/week. Relocation option and bonus. DL/Vehicle required. Email or fax 1-250717-7538. RNs and LPNs also needed for Prince George and Quesnel area.
CAREGIVERS Dengarry Professional Services Ltd.
is seeking caregivers for 24hr. support within the caregivers hm. of individuals with mental / physical / developmental disabilities. Basement suites and / or accessible housing an asset.
Contact Kristine at (1)250-554-7900 for more detail.
Trades, Technical MUSTANG Powder, a cat-ski lodge near Revelstoke, requires an exp. mechanic to fill a part-time role. Exp w/ snowcats an asset. Send resume to
June 27, 1928 ~ September 17, 2015 It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the passing of Leslie Edgar at the age of 87. Leslie was a loving and devoted husband of 61 years and was a terrific father and role model. He is survived by his loving wife Helen; daughter Sharon and Ken Martin; sons Raymond and Bonnie Edgar, Larry and Cindy Edgar; grandchildren: Danyelle Haagsman, Amanda and Rico Edgar; great grandchildren: Ashtyn, Quintin, Benjamin, Colin, Krystali, Shaylam and Tiakohl; three brothers: Roy (Vi), Bud (Ann) and Orville (Mary Lou). Predeceased by his son Wayne; brothers Bill and Ken; grandsons Wayne and Macon Edgar. Leslie was an avid hunter and fisherman and pursued these passions as long as his health permitted. Les worked in mining and construction until his retirement in 1993. A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, September 24 at 1:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Central Okanagan Hospice House, 2035 Ethel Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2Z6 Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-7077
Find a job close to home.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,September September23, 23,2015 2015
Merchandise for Sale
Financial Services
Moving & Storage
Garage Sales
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282
Moving sale 16911 Coral Beach Rd Lake Country Sept 26 & 27 from 8 - 2 pm
Painting & Decorating
Misc. for Sale
CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
(1) 250-899-3163
Misc. Wanted
3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour
Private Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates + Chad: 250-863-3082 Local.
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Firearms HUNTING Season Savings on selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6
Free Items
Storage INDOOR/COVERED Boat/RV Storage Safe, clean, affordable. Salmon Arm Mike 604-615-5108 â&#x20AC;˘
24/7 â&#x20AC;˘ anonymous â&#x20AC;˘ conďŹ dential â&#x20AC;˘ in your language
The eyes have it
FREE kittens, looking for a good home, can deliver. 250859-9441.
Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
Heat, Air, Refrig.
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
AIRTIKA Heating Ltd. * Heat Pumps * Furnaces * Hot Water Tanks * Repairs & Installations 778-821-2665 A15 A15
Quick. Easy.
EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Dream Catcher
AUTO Financing
ClassiďŹ eds Get Results!
EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Hair Services
for the month of September.
The Strand Hair Co By Appointment Only
250-300-6058 â&#x20AC;˘ 10074 Hwy.97, Lake Country
I look forward to seeing all my clients again!
ing Opetnember! Sep
Landscaping â&#x20AC;˘ Bobcat â&#x20AC;˘ Excavation Trenching â&#x20AC;˘ Landscape Supplies Post Hole Auger â&#x20AC;˘ Dump Truck â&#x20AC;˘ Screened Topsoil
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
â&#x20AC;˘ 10 Year Workmanship Warranty â&#x20AC;˘ Liability/ Torch-On Insurance
250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
â&#x20AC;˘ New Construction â&#x20AC;˘ Custom Metal â&#x20AC;˘ Re-Roofs â&#x20AC;˘ Asphalt â&#x20AC;˘ Torch-On â&#x20AC;˘Tile â&#x20AC;˘Shakes â&#x20AC;˘ All Repairs
Visit our office/showroom at 682 Fitzpatrick, Kelowna e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199
250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 Call today for your FREE ESTIMATE! DAYCARE
Josef Kalis
â&#x20AC;˘Design & manufacture of custom furniture, cabinets, wall units & entertainment centres â&#x20AC;˘Antique furniture restoration & repairs â&#x20AC;˘Specialty & regular millwork â&#x20AC;˘Hardwood & laminate flooring â&#x20AC;˘Tile setting â&#x20AC;˘Renovating/building kitchens & bathrooms
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Do It! â&#x20AC;?
Serving the Okanagan since 1988
Mike Wagner â&#x20AC;˘ 250-718-7278
â&#x20AC;˘ Fully qualified technicians â&#x20AC;˘ Service all brands of major appliances â&#x20AC;˘ Refrigeration specialists â&#x20AC;˘ Dishwasher installs
Book your tour now!
Josef Kalis 250.766.1234
Open 7 Days a Week 24/7 Emergency Service
So worth the wait!
Lake Country Adventure Centre
CONTRACTING â&#x20AC;˘ 250-864-0374
â&#x20AC;˘ Commercial â&#x20AC;˘ Residential â&#x20AC;˘ Controls â&#x20AC;˘ Design
â&#x20AC;˘ Hot Tub Repairs â&#x20AC;˘ Trenching â&#x20AC;˘ Fire Alarms
OfďŹ ce/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
In a regular Council meeting held on September 15, 2015 Council resolved that there be a moratorium on further placement of buoys on lakes within the District of Lake Country.
LCFD Recruitment Info Night TONIGHT at 7pm Come have all your questions answered and consider joining the first response team.
The purpose of the moratorium which takes effect immediately is for staff to draft regulations relating to buoy type, the means of installation, placement & separation between buoys, registration & fees.
NOTICE of Permissive Tax Exemption The Council of the District of Lake Country will be considering adoption of “Tax Exemption (Lake Country Food Bank Society) Bylaw 934, 2015”. The tax exemption applies to the taxation period commencing January 1, 2016 for three years. The meeting of Council to adopt the bylaw will be held on October 6, 2015 at 7:00 pm inthe Council Chambers, Lake Country Municipal Hall.
There is still time to complete the COME PLAY! online survey and have your say about Parks & Recreation Planning for the future and get your name entered in the prize draw. Visit the COME PLAY! Online Survey quicklink at (also known as
For more information please contact Rose Bronswyk Kassa, CPA,CMA, Chief Financial Officer. Pursuant to Section 227 (1) and (2) of the Community Charter the following information is provided with regard to the Bylaw: Legal Description Civic Address Lot 39 , KAP457
This is a mid-level professional position that requires a high degree of professional responsibility in public dealings with excellent organizational skills. The Cultural Development Coordinator primarily works independently and works collaboratively with District staff to foster and enhance the growth of a culturally vibrant and creative municipality, run open air performances, the community Theatre and to organize events including festivals. The preferred candidate will have completed a diploma in Cultural Administration, Cultural Planning, Arts Management, Public Administration, or related education. A minimum of four years’ related experience with event or promotional organization and management, with preference taken to relevant experience in municipal government. Must have a valid driver’s license (Class 4 preferred) and CPR with AED. Must be able to provide a clear criminal record check. The hourly rate of pay for this unionized position is between $26.40/hr and $31.43/hr (2015 rates). For a detailed job description, and more information about Lake Country please visit the District’s website at Applications will be received Until 4:00 pm on September 25, 2015 Please submit your cover letter and resume to: Human Resources and Safety Manager District of Lake Country E-mail: PLEASE USE THE SUBJECT OF CDC-2015a-POSITION IN THE EMAIL WHEN APPLYING We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Term 3 years
Registered Owner District of Lake Country
Lake Country Food Bank Society Buidling
Tax Sale
Cultural Development Coordinator The Administration & Corporate Services Department is seeking a permanent full-time Cultural Development Coordinator to join their team. The Cultural Development Coordinator is responsible for the coordination of the Community Theatre, public art supervision, cultural and heritage events, applicable grant applications, related research and proposals, as well as working with external organizations, both government and NGO. This position may supervise the work of contract employees and volunteers. The normal work week is 35 hours, with a variable schedule which may include evenings and weekends.
Estimated Municipal Taxes
In accordance with Part 11 of the Local Government Act, the properties described hereunder shall be offered for sale by Public Auction in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC, on Monday, September 28, 2015 at 10:00 am, unless the delinquent taxes with interest, are sooner paid. At the time of the bid, successful bidders are required to deposit cash and/or bank draft with the Collector, for an amount equal to the upset price of the property offered for sale. Should the property be sold for more than the upset price, any excess must be paid to the Collector no later than 12:00 noon on Monday, September 28, 2015, by cash and/or bank draft. Any person placing successful bids on behalf of a Company must be prepared to affix the Company’s Corporate Seal to documents. The purchase of a Tax Sale property is subject to tax under the Property Purchase Tax Act on the fair market value of the property. The sale may be adjourned to the same hour on the following day, and from day to day, until each parcel is disposed of.
Properties listed for Tax Sale will be withdrawn from the Tax Sale upon payment of delinquent taxes, plus interest. This payment must be by CASH, CERTIFIED CHEQUE, BANK DRAFT, or INTERAC and must be received in City Hall PRIOR to 10:00 a.m. Monday, September 28, 2015. BCAA FOLIO
2952157 2952161 2952575 2952576 2953072 10094639 11606129
SHORT LEGAL Lot: 19, Plan: KAP81276 Lot: 23, Plan: KAP81276 Lot: 15, Plan: KAP90921 Lot: 16, Plan: KAP90921 Lot: 3, Plan: KAP23180 Lot: 41, Plan: KAS3226 Lot: 20, Plan: KAP20368
UPSET PRICE 3,865.46 3,872.85 5,409.90 6,319.44 8,695.17 8,374.81 8,386.12