Lake Cowichan Gazette, September 23, 2015

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WEDNESDAY, SEptEmbEr 23, 2015


VOL. 19, NO. 37 | $1 + GST

Freeman Foster: Long-time resident honoured for her service to LC PAGE 3


High riders: Cowichan Valley riders competed in Washington state. PAGE 13

Election 2015: We start coverage of the candidates and the issues PAGE 10

LakeTown needs local response Teresa Bird Black Press

The businesses and organizations of Lake Cowichan need to act now if they hope to benefit from the proposed LakeTown Ranch. That was the message from Cathy Robertson of Community Futures Cowichan to the Lake Cowichan Chamber of Commerce Sept. 15. LakeTown Ranch is the proposed new development on 69 hectares at Meade Creek, just west of Lake Cowichan. The event facility that would be the permanent home of the annual Sunfest Country Music Festival and potentially host other events during the year. The purpose-built facility would include a performance venue, campground and infrastructure for large crowds, potentially numbering more than 50,000 during Sunfest, which is currently held at the Cowichan Exhibition Grounds in Duncan. “LakeTown Ranch could bring incredible benefit,” said Robertson. “Or it could bringe v

incredible havoc. Is Lake Cowichan going to lead or is Lake Cowichan going to respond?” Robertson said Community Futures is willing to help Lake Cowichan organize a task force or committee and provide resources to help the community navigate the waters ahead.

“LakeTown Ranch

could bring incredible benefit. Or it could bring incredible havoc. Is Lake Cowichan going to lead or is Lake Cowichan going to respond?”

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“How do we embrace this?” posed eevv e enn Robertson. “How do t t we squeeze everything out of this we can for the local businesses? I believe the wisdom is UP TO UP TO in this room.” Much of that wisdom, as well even e v e n IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS as questions and t t Amount available the2014 2014 Veloster Turbo Manual Amount available on on the Veloster Turbo Manual anecdotal information was shared in the Submitted Photo ensuing discussion, GET GET UP TO UP TO but no one stepped Dancing in the rain forward to be part of a A little rain didn’t dampen the spirit of participants in the Terry Fox Run Sunday. A little pre-event dancing got everyone warmed up for the annual PURCHASE FINANCING PURCHASE FINANCING committee that night. FOR UP UP TOTO 96 MONTHS FOR 96 MONTHS fundraiser e to benefit cancer research. For more see page 13. ven SELECT MODELS ONON SELECT MODELS IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS e ncont’d on page 2

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22 Wednesday, Wednesday,September September23, 23,2015 2015 || THE THELAKE LAKE COWICHAN COWICHAN GAZETTE GAZETTE ||

Next public hearing Sept. 28 911 service moving from page 1

Although it will several months before any decision is made on the rezoning of the proposed site in Lake Cowichan, Robertson said a group of local business people should be starting the groundwork now as well as begin liaising with LakeTown Ranch. Ian Morrison, regional director for Area F, explained that the next step in the rezoning process is a public meeting Sept 28 in Youbou. The new facility is in Area I. After the public meeting the proposal will go to the Area I planning council and then a staff report

Teres Bird photo

Cathy Robertson of Community Futures Cowichan, chats with Mayor Ross Forrest.

will be written and presented to the regional board. “There is a fair bit of ground work to be done,” explained Morrison. “Lake Cowichan voices need to be heard at the upcoming meeting.

People who are in support need to show up and express that. We want to make sure we have heard from everyone. If you can’t be there, Sunfest is looking for letters of support as soon as possible.” The Town


PROPOSED “LAKE TOWN RANCH” MUSIC CONCERT/CAMPING/OUTDOOR RECREATION SITE Applicable to Electoral Area I – Youbou/Meade Creek A public meeting will be held as follows to consider the proposed Lake Town Ranch Music Concert/Camping/Outdoor Recreation Site:

DATE: Monday, September 28, 2015 TIME: 7:00 pm PLACE: Youbou Community Hall (main hall) 8550 Hemlock Street, Youbou, BC Lake Town Ranch is a development proposal on a large parcel of forestry land in the Meade Creek area. The owners have submitted an application to amend both the Youbou/Meade Creek Official Community Plan and the Electoral Area I - Youbou/Meade Creek Zoning Bylaw. The purpose of the requested bylaw amendments is to permit an outdoor concert and events venue, along with a camping facility with about 400 sites. Part of the camping area – roughly 80 units – would be more luxurious than a traditional campsite, with larger sites and possibly cabins for accommodation.

of Lake Cowichan has sent of letter of support in principle. Lake Cowichan Mayor Ross Forrest said he will do his part by meeting with the mayors of Pemberton, Squamish and Merritt – other music festival communities in B.C. – while attending the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention this week. “I hope to meet with them so we can learn from their experience,” said Forrest. Robertson also offered to connect with her colleagues in those same communities and perhaps invite them to Lake Cowichan to share their knowledge. During the discussion at the chamber meeting, several businesses shared how they already benefit from Sunfest when it is held in Duncan, increasing their business as much as fivefold in the four days of the festival this summer. “Greg Adams (of Sunfest), said LakeTown Ranch would be used four to 15 days max, a year,” said Forrest. “In those 15 days businesses will do so well, they will be able to keep their doors open all year.

to Vancouver centre If you call 911 after Nov. 17, the person assisting you will be located in Vancouver. All 911 calls will be answered by E-Comm, the emergency communications centre in Vancouver that provides 911 services for 23 regional districts and communities in B.C. said a press release from the Cowichan Valley Regional District last week. E-Comm operates the largest multi-jurisdictional, tri-service emergency radio system in the province. In the Central Island 911 partnership, calls will continue to be transferred by E-Comm to dispatch centres located in Nanaimo (fire), Courtenay (police) and Victoria (ambulance). The change to E-Comm will have no impact on the public’s experience when dialling 911, said the press release. The City of Nanaimo and the Regional Districts of Nanaimo and Cowichan Valley, who jointly own the Central Island 911 system, recently determined through an independent study

that transferring the 911 response services will not only result in considerable cost savings for the Central Island partnership, but also provide access to additional staffing

“We are committed to ensuring residents of the Central Island continue to receive high quality, responsive services 24 hours a day.” ~David Guscott

resources and the necessary expertise to satisfy current and future technical requirements for 911. “The study concluded that E-Comm has the ability to handle large spikes in incoming 911 call volume due to the size of the centre and its staffing model,” says Mike Dietrich, Nanaimo’s Manager of Police Support Services. “Combined with its built-in redundancies, we agree that E-Comm provides the best option for the Central Island 911 partnership both technically and operation-

ally, particularly as the overall 911 system in Canada evolves in the future,” he added. The Central Island 911 partnership covers the Cowichan Valley Regional District, the City of Nanaimo, the District of Lantzville and the Regional District of Nanaimo’s Electoral Areas A, B and C. E-Comm is located in a purpose-built facility designed to resist a major earthquake and be self sufficient for 72 hours. E-Comm currently manages approximately 1.25 million 911 emergency calls each year from across British Columbia. Its service is 24/7, 365 days a year and has a number of back-up provisions to ensure the continuity of 911 call answer services. “E-Comm staff have managed more than 15 million incoming 911 calls in our 16 years of service,” says David Guscott, E-Comm President and CEO. “We are committed to ensuring residents of the Central Island continue to receive high quality, responsive services 24 hours a day.”

At the public meeting, CVRD staff will explain the process related to this application and the applicant and his consultants will make presentations concerning this proposal. There will then be a question and answer session moderated by CVRD elected officials, and any comments that persons in attendance may have will be received. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for community members to become familiar with the proposal, before the matter goes to a public hearing, if the application is advanced to that stage by the Regional District Board of Directors. Written submissions may be submitted before or during the meeting by: Fax: 250-746-2621 • Email: Mail and/or deposit at the Regional District office: 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, V9L 1N8 Please note that all correspondence submitted to the CVRD in response to this Notice will form part of the public record and will be published in a meeting agenda that is posted online when this matter is before the Board or a Committee of the Board. The CVRD considers the author’s address relevant to the Board’s consideration of this matter and will disclose this personal information. The author’s phone number and email address is not relevant and should not be included in the correspondence if the author does not wish this personal information disclosed. Please contact the Planning & Development Department at 250-746-2620 or 1-800-665-3955, or the Recording Secretary at the time of submission. For more information on disclosure, contact the CVRD FOI Coordinator at 250-746-2507 or 1-800-665-3955. Note: The CVRD has prepared a staff report to the Electoral Area I – Youbou/Meade Creek Advisory Planning Commission related to this proposal. You may request a copy by sending an email to the address noted above or telephoning the CVRD office. The report is also available for viewing online at

FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT Mike Tippett, Manager, Community & Regional Planning Division, Planning & Development Department at 250-746-2620 or by email Dennis Skalicky photo

Mayor Ross Forrest congratulates Fire Chief Doug Knott on 35 years of service to the Lake Cowichan Fire Department. Town council recognized Knott’s service with an award during a council meeting Sept. 15. | | THE THELAKE LAKECOWICHAN COWICHANGAZETTE GAZETTE | | Wednesday, Wednesday,September September23, 23,2015 2015 33

Foster named Freeman

chair of the finance committee. Foster was part of many projects with the council during her tenure, but she is particularly proud of bringing transit to the community. “We had been 10

years without transit in the early 90s,” says Foster. Her parents had previously operated a taxi and bus shuttle service for the community, but when they retired no one took up the business, leaving the

community without transportation to Duncan. “Along with a few others, I played a lead role in getting a transit system in Lake Cowichan. We negotiated with Fletcher Challenge to

pay for one bus trip a week for people.” Foster retired from council seven years ago to care for her mother. Foster also served on the board of Community Futures Cowichan for 22 years, including two seven-year stints as chair and vice chair of the Community Futures Association of B.C. “They are such a great organization, I am really proud of the work they do,” says Foster. Although Foster is now retired from public life, she has not stopped being involved in the community. She is very active with the museum, the Community Forest Co-op, and Communities in Bloom. The Freeman of the Town is selected by the town council to recognize extraordinary service to the community.

The current licence expired in June. In the next few months the co-op is working to get a longer-term licence with the Ministry of Forests. Most communities have 25-year licences, but the Cowichan Lake co-op was established in 1995,

a job creation program encouraged by then B.C. premier Mike Harcourt. The co-op’s mission is to create local jobs, as well as provide training to new forest workers. “We create a lot of direct jobs and we create a lot of indirect jobs,” said Hodson. And they support

co-op is partnering with the Pacheedaht First Nation to form a community forest corporation and apply for a licence under the more modern legislation. “We have identified an area that would allow about 30,000 cubic metres,” said Hodson. “There is a lot of work to be done, our goal is very ambitions but we hope to have a new licence in 2016.” And what better way to announce that new licence than by hosting the BC Community Forest Association annual convention in Lake Cowichan? CLCFC thinks it might be a perfect fit and they are exploring the possibility over the next few days. If the threemember committee are confident the community could host

the 100-participant event, then CLCFC will send in their application along with a $5,000 cheque. The event would host delegates from 55 community forests in B.C. in May or June. Hodson shared a tentative itinerary with the chamber of commerce and noted that there would be many opportunities for delegates to spend time and money in the community over the four-day event. And the event would put a spotlight on the community. “I expect there would be a higher turnout from politicians because of the proximity to Victoria,” noted Hodson. However there are challenges to consider including accommodations, and the availability of volunteers to support the event.

Teresa Bird

Black Press

Pat Foster was bestowed with the Town of Lake Cowichan’s highest honour, Freeman of the Town, at the council meeting Sept. 15. Foster was honoured for her many years of service to the community as a school board trustee, town councilor and other community involvement. Foster has lived in the Lake Cowichan area most of her 73 years and in the home she shares with her husband George at the lake for 53 years. “I raised my family and before my son left home, I decided to run for school board, and served on the board for six years,” says Foster who is the mother of three. “Then I ran for council and sat as a councilor for 15 years.” For many of those years she was deputy mayor and

Dennis Skalicky Photo

Mayor Ross Forrest presents long-time resident Pat Foster with Freeman of the Town.


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#2 - 2986 Boys Road, Duncan

2x3 Lake Cowichan Community Services AGM Notice of

ANNUAL GeNeRAL MeetiNG 7:00 p.M. MoNdAy, SepteMbeR 28, 2015 coMMUNity SeRviceS bUiLdiNG 121 poiNt ideAL RoAd, LAke cowichAN,

Audit | ElEction of nEw BoArd MEMBErs | AnnuAl rEport

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Community Forest Co-op looks to host provincial conference Teresa Bird Black Press

The Cowichan Lake Community Forest Co-op has been given a twoyear extension on its licence and they want to celebrate by hosting the B.C. Community Forest Association conference next year. Brooke Hodson, chair of CLCFC, credits the community with helping the co-op secure the extension. “There were lots of letters from the community and it made a difference,” Hodson told a meeting of the chamber of commerce Wednesday night. The extended licence gives the co-op the opportunity to log the remaining volume in the 3,000 hectare Bolduc Block near Gordon River that the CLCFC has been working since 1995.

“There is a lot of work to be done, our goal is very ambitions but we hope to have a new licence in 2016.” ~Brooke Hodson before provincial legislation granted licences based on long term operations. Consequently, the Community Forest Co-op has operated under an old model of volume-based licences and is the oldest community forest on Vancouver Island. The CLCFC was established as part of

the community with the money they realize from the logging operations. Ten percent of proceeds are held in a reserve fund for contingencies, 10 percent is set aside for a Community Legacy Fund and 80 percent is used to generate and sustain employment. Hodson says now the



Wednesday,September September23, 23,2015 2015 || THE THELAKE LAKECOWICHAN COWICHANGAZETTE GAZETTE || 44 Wednesday,


We welcome your original comments on editorials, columns, on topics in the Lake Cowichan Gazette or any subjects important to you. Only letters that include name, address and day and evening phone numbers and that are verified by the Lake Cowichan Gazette can be considered for publication.

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Letters to the editor and articles submitted to the Lake Cowichan Gazette may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms and will be edited for clarity, grammar and length. Publication is not guaranteed. Published by Black Press Ltd. 170E-Cowichan Lake Road, Lake Cowichan, BC

Act now on Lake Town

The Town of Lake Cowichan and Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce should act now on the advice of Cathy Robertson of Community Futures and form a group to prepare for the possible Lake Town Ranch development. And they should jump at Robertson’s offer to facilitate that group’s meetings. Everyone is talking about the proposed event facility that would host Sunfest and other events up to 15 days a year. But no one except Robertson has been willing to step up and say they are willing to help the community prepare. There are potential opportunities for business and for economic growth and stability through the Lake Town Ranch proposal. But that potential won’t be realized without a viable plan. There is much to consider in the prospect of the town’s population increasing tenfold for even a few days a year. Parking, security, transportation, services, staffing, demand for products and much more must be considered, mitigated and planned for so that the town can truly work with the Lake Town Ranch and benefit in every possible way. If businesses and townspeople wait and simply react to the challenges as they arise, the full potential will never be realized. While there was plenty of discussion and comments from the floor at the chamber dinner Wednesday night, there wasn’t any response when Robertson suggested a task force, committee or similar group be formed. She laid an offer to help, even lead, on the table and no one picked it up. The businesses of the community cannot expect benefit from a project of this magnitude if they are not proactive and involved. It was clear at the chamber of commerce dinner there are already a lot people in the community with information, skills and ideas that could make a difference. But they and others need to come together. Success doesn’t come without hard work and investment of time and resources. Robertson knows that. She is willing to offer her skills and resources to help those who want to be prepared for the opportunity that may be coming. And she is willing to do it for free. Town council and the chamber of commerce should be banging down Robertson’s door. Now is the time for the people of Lake Cowichan to act. The actions taken – or not taken now – will ultimately impact the future of the community.

Letters to the editor: Your saY

We Want to hear from you! Letters to the editor are welcome, but writers are requested to keep their submissions to 350 words or less. Keep it local — letters raised in response to issues raised in our pages get top priority. Letters will be edited for clarity, grammar, length — attack the issue, not the individual. all letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. thank you letters will not normally be considered for publication.

Leadership needed on river flow decisions

Re: Cowichan River flows to remain low despite of rain. Apparently on Sept. 8 a group calling themselves the “Cowichan River flow committee” held a meeting. D.F.O. Cowichan Tribes, Catalyst etc. attended. Initially the group felt that because of rain and improved inflows from the main tributaries, that a pulse may be possible in late September. Then I read that because the lake is at such a low level, the river wouldn’t be flowing properly (would it be flowing improperly?) and upped the date to November 1. There was “ some” discussion about whether everybody was brave enough to up that flow for the fish. This group didn’t want

to spend what they have in the lake until they know they have enough. Are these the same people who want to take control of our river? Lets see some leadership! The spring run is almost done by November. Last year we couldn’t get the pulses quick enough. The claim was that the seals were slaughtering our “trapped in Cowichan Bay salmon” in great numbers. Has the situation changed? Are we not as concerned about the fish? I thought this was all about the salmon having enough water in the river to spawn comfortably! Open the river and allow a pulse for the usual time, the end of September, or leave the control of the river in the Comptrollers. Terry Pool Lake Cowichan

Caycuse • Honeymoon Bay • Lake Cowichan • Mesachie Lake • Youbou

Box 10, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia V0R 2G0 Street Address: 170E-Cowichan Lake Road Phone: 250-749-4383 FAX: 250-749-4385 Classifieds: 1-855-310-3535 (toll free) EDITORIAL: ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BLACK PRESS LTD. Canadian Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement #1090194 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

DENNIS SKALICKY Publisher The Lake Cowichan Gazette is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to



SUBSCRIPTION RATES Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$38 Within BC . . . . . . . . . . $54 National . . . . . . . . . $107 Electronic . . . . . . . . . $38 || THE THE LAKE LAKE COWICHAN COWICHAN GAZETTE GAZETTE || Wednesday, Wednesday, September September 23, 23, 2015 2015 55

Street Beat The Gazette asked: Have you decided you who will vote for in the federal election Oct. 19? Jarly Slatta “Yes, same as I voted last year. I just think Mulcair is more grown up and is more responsible, Trudeau, as the commercials say, needs to grow up more and Harper has been shafting us for years.”

Vicki Miller “No, I don’t think I am even going to vote actually because they all make a bunch of promises they don’t keep.”

Marina Huslar “ I do, the Green party. I voted for them when I was in Alberta because they were the lesser of all evils and I’ll vote for them again here.”

Deanne Yaremchuck “Actually I haven’t, which is kind of weird because I work for Elections. I will decide on the day I get there. I am going to be doing some reading in the paper, so I am hoping that will help me decide.”

Stephen Rubin “Justin Trudeau all the way because he has been bred for this position. We need a person that is worried about the environment for a change. We need someone that seems to be honest and represents the people.

Rain brings relief to Lake Cow tributaries One Cowichan By Parker Jefferson

As August was winding down in our very dry summer we were projecting zero storage and a drying river to be happening right about now. Then our wishes and prayers were answered. The significant rainfall we have received since August 28 has made a huge difference. The mid-river weather station received only 58.7 mm of rain from May 1st to August 28th this year. From August 28th to September 16th we have received an additional 85.1 mm with more rain in the forecast. This huge increase in our water wealth has been a

very welcome relief. The tributaries of Cowichan Lake are again running. We have chosen to maintain the river flow at the absolute minimum 4.5 cubic meters per second (CMS) and bank the additional water behind the weir, so the lake level has risen by 35 cm. This equates to 35 days of river flow at seven CMS and 54 days of flow at our current 4.5 CMS rate. It is now clear that there is no longer any danger of our river running dry this year. The Watershed Board Flows and Fish working group is now considering our options, and it is very nice to finally have some options for what to do with our water. The lake tributaries are currently contributing about exactly the same 4.5 CMS as we are sending down the river, so the lake

level is holding steady. We will have to decide whether to increase the river flow a bit or save the water for what we call pulse flows. With a pulse flow we increase the river flow to 18 CMS for a few days to encourage the migrating chinook salmon to enter the river. In doing this we trick the salmon that are waiting in the estuary and in Cowichan Bay into thinking that the fall rains have come and it is time to go up the river to spawn. When the fish enter the river they are safe from the predating seals and sea lions that gather there each fall to feast on our salmon. In the fall drought crisis of 2012 we lost about one quarter of the salmon run to predators because we could not afford any pulse flows. We are expecting 5,000 to 7,000 chinook salmon this

year, with the peak of their migration around October 15th. We will likely time some pulse flows for early October to aid their migration up the river. Large salmon are still being counted at the mid-river counting station, some over three feet long,

“We are expecting 5,000 to 7,000 chinook salmon this year with the peak of their migration around October 15th.” so with the knowledge of their continued ability to navigate our very low river we will likely not increase the base flows at this time and save water for pulses. It remains to be seen if it will be necessary again this year to move salmon

by truck from the lower river to their spawning grounds. So we are nearly through another dramatic and damaging drought summer and it appears that we have again dodged the bullet of the river running dry. We are very lucky to have our weir and the ability to store water behind it that has allowed the careful management of our limited summer water resources. The initiative to reconstruct the weir and enable more water storage is ongoing and making slow but steady progress. The lack of any support from senior levels of government continues to impede rapid progress on this essential project. Cowichan tribes, the CVRD and Catalyst continue to meet to try to find a path, but without government support it is a very complicated situation.

On September 17th NDP candidate Alistair McGregor and NDP House Leader Peter Julian attended the Stewardship Roundtable meeting and later announced that if the NDP are elected, they will address the lack of leadership on the weir issue and see that the process is expedited. This announcement was greeted with enthusiasm by the people in attendance that included two mayors, Cowichan Tribes Chief Chip Seymour, Provincial NDP MLAs Bill and Doug Routley and various conservation groups. We should be asking all the local candidates where they stand on the weir reconstruction issue. We have every right to expect support from senior levels of government to protect and preserve our National Heritage River.

NDP pledges to raise Lake Cowichan weir if elected

NDP candidate Alistair MacGregor met with stakeholders and announced they would raise the weir if elected.

Submitted Photo

DUNCAN - An NDP government will provide the leadership necessary to raise the Lake Cowichan weir, said NDP House Leader Peter Julian on a stop in Duncan Sept 17. “Tom Mulcair and the NDP will get the job done, with the support of First Nations, local communities, local industries and local leaders,” said Julian. “We need to act now to save salmon, save jobs and save this river.” Julian and Alistair MacGregor, the NDP Candidate for Cowichan-Malahat-Langford, stood with stakeholders to discuss next steps in the project Thursday

morning. “After too many years of stalling, excuses and buck-passing by federal and provincial governments, we will take an active leadership role to see this process gets completed,” said MacGregor. MacGregor noted there is still much work to do before all the funding is in place, but that the NDP are committed to showing federal leadership and working with project partners, the Cowichan Tribes and the province to get federal funding for this project. “We will make it a priority when we are in government,” said MacGregor.

66Wednesday, Wednesday,September September23, 23,2015 2015 | | THE THELAKE LAKECOWICHAN COWICHANGAZETTE GAZETTE | |

Smile CowiChan Lake


With Malcolm Chalmers

Name: Cindy Affleck Hometown: Lake Cowichan I’ve always wanted to: Take a Mediterranean cruise Most people don’t know: I have six children Vancouver Departure Favourite food: chicken Best thing about living here: November 24, 2015 the river Favourite activity: spending 3 nights time with family My proudest moment: My + daughter becoming a lawyer 3 nights I define down time as: spend+ with my family/ relax ing time If I was stuck on a desert is3 nights land I would need: my family Favourite moment of day is: noon, the kids are in school My guiltiest pleasure is: from $ p.p. chocolate INSIDE cabin, double occupancy My go-to wardrobe: PJ’s

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Mayors Report

By Ross Forrest

Council has bestowed the honor of Freeman of the Town upon Pat Foster. Pat’s commitment to our community goes back as far as 1984 when she was first elected to local government as a school trustee for School District 66 where she served until 1990. In 1990 Pat was elected as an Alderman for the Village of Lake Cowichan until 1993. In 1993 the elected office of Alderman was changed to councillor across the Province of British Columbia. The Town became a Town in 1996 the year Pat was elected councillor where she would remain for four consecutive terms until 2008 when she decided to hang up her hat as an elected official and dedicate her time to family. While Pat may have ended her political career she still continues to dedicate her time to the Cowichan Lake Community Forest Co-op, the Kaatza Museum and Communities in Bloom. She also served in other capacities regionally and locally. Of note is her service as Chair of the Cowichan Lake Economic Development initiative from 1998 to 2000. At various times she served as a member on both the Economic Development Commission and the Transit Committee of the Cowichan Valley Regional District. Pat was Chair of Community Futures Development Corporation for the Cowichan Region 1992 to 1999 and vice chair of the Community Futures Development Association of BC from 1994 to 1999. She was President of the Cowichan Lake and District Chamber of Commerce from 1995 to 1996

3x4 Many Happy Returns George Auger celebrates his 100th birthday on Sunday Sept 27. Auger celebrated earlier this summer with family, but a birthday cake celebration for open to anyone to attend at the Shaker Mill Restaurant on the big day Sunday at 1 p.m. Submitted Photo

and Chair to the Cowichan Lake Forest Co-operative from 1997 to 2002. It is no surprise that Pat was awarded Citizen of the Year in 1994. Congratulations Pat for your most deserving designation as Freeman of the Town. Congratulations to Fire Chief Doug Knott who received the British Columbia 35 year Long Service Award in recognition of his commitment to the fire safety of his community. Fire Commissioner Gordon A. Anderson sends his congratulations and best wishes for Doug attaining this milestone. He said in his letter “Your contribution to the fire service is greatly appreciated. It is individuals such as yourself who make British Columbia a safer place to live”. Doug began his service as a volunteer fireman with the Town of Lake Cowichan on March, 1980 and has been in the service of the community in that capacity since. He became Fire Chief on December, 2009 and still currently holds that office. Thank you Doug on behalf of the Town; your long-time contributions are greatly appreciated. On September 27, 2015 long-time resident George Auger will be celebrating his 100th birthday. George moved to Lake Cowichan around 1965, raised his family here and has remained here ever since. Congratulations George for reaching this tremendous milestone. Happy 100th birthday. The Cowichan Lake Community Forest Co-op has made many contributions to our community through their legacy funds. The primary project they funded was the Forest Workers Memorial Park. The memorial bricks are very popular with thepublic and the Co-op ensures that they are updated annually with new

contributions. Most recently the Forest Co-op hired Zak Stoltz to refurbish the murals that are displayed in the park. Thank you very much for the generous donation and contribution for this project; the new enhanced murals look fantastic. Council once again dealt with a request to allow backyard chickens and council chose not to initiate a change in the bylaw. It was felt that we have not seen enough interest from the general public to rewrite the bylaw to serve just a small portion of our residents. There is a cost that comes with changes to any bylaw as well as added enforcement responsibilities that council is not prepared to undertake at this time. Please note Stage 3 water restrictions will be downgraded to Stage 2 on Friday, September 18, 2015. The recent rainfalls have helped us make that transition. I would like to thank all residents and commercial businesses for their water conservation efforts these past few months. It made a difference and thanks for the individual sacrifices made in an otherwise wonderful summer. September is Distracted Driving awareness month, as well as “back to school” month. As we move into the new school year, please be very aware of the school children on our streets. Their safety and ours must be safeguarded by taking steps to avoid being distracted while driving. ICBC advises that distracted driving, as in the use of cell phones, is the second leading cause of crash fatalities and is a leading cause of crashes involving motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians. Show your support for ICBC’s campaign in “no distractions while driving”. | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, September 23, 2015 7

250.749.6660 145 South Shore Rd. Lake Cowichan

TOLL FREE PAGE 1-800-729-3246

Keith Nelson

Tracy Forrest

WHEN YOU WANT IT LISTED - WHEN YOU NEED IT SOLD site is already roughed in so take advantage before winter sets in. There is a large protected area that assures peace & quiet.



477 Point Ideal Lot 17 Kestral Drive Beaver Lake Resort $99,900 53 & 54-8631 S.Shore Rd. $85,000 Panoramic views of the mountains Big Lot with Privacy – 1 ¼ acre and the lake on this south facing 0.28 2 Rec lots for$89,900 the price of 1 at Beaver Lake

This 3 or 4 bedroom home radiates hospitality & charm from the marble & Boeing bathtub to the vaulted ceilings. The living room has a cozy terra cotta fireplace and downstairs is a cold room for your wine or preserves. The home boasts unique tiles, intercom system, built in vacuum and fully finished detached workshop with over height double carport for your RV or Boat

IMMACULATE RANCHER This quiet cul-de-sac is home to some of the nicest homes in the Lake Cowichan area. 3 bedroom/2 bath home features recent updates including heat pump, pellet stove, newer appliances, flooring, lights ,electrical upgrades water purifier, big garden shed and more! This home is move in ready and just awaiting your arrival.

406 Scholey Cresc



$699,000 9911 Stin-Qua PARADISE IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD Nestled in the trees, this 38 ft cottage style park model is situated on a large private lot offering multi-level decks, covered shelter & sunken deck wired for a hot tub. Enjoy a small cooking firepit or sit around a propane firepit for those chilly nights. Lots of extra’s including a full size fridge, all appliances, and even a 3 person dinghy. This is a turnkey sale with private sleeping accommodation for 6. Call to view today – this is a must see!



462 Point Ideal

104 Elk Rd



Gorgeous Lake & Mountain views from all sides on this Kwassin Lake home. The home features 3 bed / 3 bath with an open plan living design. The master bedroom overlooks the lake and boasts a walk in closet and 4 pc en-suite. The backyard is perfect for entertaining or relaxing while watching the Kingfishers, ducks and more on your doorstep. Call now to view!


225 Johel REDUCED

340 Carnell Drive


TRADE FOR THIS HOME? Are you looking to trade up to this spectacular home from your older home? The Seller may be interested. This 3100 sq ft custom home features hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, custom sandstone fireplace with cedar mantel, a solarium off the kitchen, Jacuzzi bath, heat pump, built-in-vacuum and so much more! Call to view today


SPECTACULAR VIEWS This waterfront home has the WOW factor! Located in a protected bay waterski, fish, lounge on the dock by the beach. 2000 sq ft family home. Many updates: windows, roof, kitchen, bathroom & more. Outdoor features are fruit trees, garden, big level lawn, wharfs all on .43 of an acre.



This 1528 sq ft level entry home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious interior with huge kitchen, attached dining area and family room. The master is large and includes a en-suite and walk in closet. The yard is level with lots of room for RV/Boat parking, there is a courtyard with paving stones and glass covered entryway, nice flower beds and a large deck at the back. Minutes to downtown Duncan. Call to view today, this one won’t last long!




10552 Coon Creek


Sunny Youbou waterfront on .29 acre The main home has 3 bedroom & 2 bathrooms, beautiful birch floors and an open plan kitchen / living roomdesign. There is a 2nd residence with 2 bed/1 bath which is currently being rented. Why not own a piece of paradise?


PRETTY AS A PICTURE This lot is ideally suited to build your dream home in charming Mesachie Lake. The flat lot is close to swimming, golfing, hiking and camping. The lot includes a car port and a newer 200 sq ft shed which is wired, plumbed including a bathroom and insulated. The lot is fully fenced & has mature trees adding to the tranquility and privacy you will feel. Call to view today!



6624 Forestry Road HUGE SHOP

1200 Sq Ft shop with two bays for all your toys. There is also a 3 bedroom home situated on a roomy .32 acre lot. The back yard is large and private. Located close to all town amenities

196 Neva


GREAT FAMILY HOME Great family home in a Wonderful Neighborhood. Fully finished spacious 5 bed / 3 bath home including a 12’ x 25’ garage and separate workshop. Offers central vac, heat pump, awning over deck & a big fenced back yard.

Across from the river & in the heart of town, minutes from all amenities. There are up to 4 bedrooms depending on the layout you prefer. The lot is over 14,000 sq ft and includes a huge double carport, large garage & storage shed. This home could easily be converted to wheelchair friendly. Call to view today!

10 Riverside Drive



Great Investment property in the heart of Lake Cowichan. This property has been used as a residential rental but lends itself to redevelopment for commercial because of the prime location. Lot size is approx. 90x300



413 Winter Drive

This 3 bedroom double wide sits on A 7093 sq ft site and has beautiful decks to enjoy the magnificent views. Very low monthly fees and taxes make this the perfect recreational retreat or retirement destination

7- 8389 Sa-Seenos


147 MacDonald


$458,888 250 South Shore Rd.

This home is level entry buy has a fully finished basement. This 4 bed, 2 bath home boasts a huge family room, newer flooring, Low E windows on the south facing side of the home, vinyl decking, private fenced back yard with fish pond, flowers and shrubs. This is a great family home with room for you and your pets! Call to view today

This large home features 3 bedrooms upstairs with a huge living room, country kitchen and laundry room. There is a 1 bed suite downstairs which will provide extra revenue if needed or simply use as a big home. There is a big easy access wired shop that would be great for projects or storage. Call to view today!


Spectacular home in the sought after subdivision of Point Ideal. Only steps to the lake and marina & walking distance to shops & restaurants. Features in this 5 bedroom, 3 bath home include hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, spacious kitchens, hot tub and so much more. There is a definite attention to detail with quality products and excellent workmanship. Call to view today!


This 4 bed, 3 bath home sits on a private 0.57 acre lot which offers peace & quiet. The home has a good layout with hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen cabinets. Newer reno’s have been done. There is room to park your RV and enjoy the view from your back deck or relax in the hot tub. This is a must see to appreciate everything this property offers.


2 bed/2 bath rancher is move in ready with nothing to do! The home is immaculately maintained, the partially fenced yard has a mixture of beautiful plants, garden area and greenhouse. Great starter or retirement home. Call to view today!

47 Blackwood Heights $159,900 10125 South Shore

At beaver lake resort. 30ft immaculate RV boarding on beachfront with huge covered deck area and large garden shed. The lot is hidden by an evergreen hedge for assured privacy. This is a turnkey setup, great for that weekend getaway or can be used full time.



boasting 4 acres of play fields, private marina, boat launch & sandy beach.

2 ½ acre treed lot in Lake Cowichan. Great opportunity to build your dream home in this private wilderness.


30 Coronation

An Impressive open design makes this a great home for two families. This 4 bedrooms, 3 bathroom offers stunning maple floors, 10 ft ceilings custom millwork, granite, quartz and Fisher Paykel appliances. There is a 717 sq ft finished garage with high ceilings and over height door for secured boat storage. Included is a huge walkway and deep water dock for all your water sport toys. These are some of the best water & mountain views in the all of the Cowichan Lake area. This is lake living at its finest!

23-8631 South Shore

Immaculate double wide mobile in a small adult park with only 10 units. This 2 bed/2 bath home has been meticulously maintained including paint, flooring, appliances, new hot tub, bathroom and the list goes on and on. A great home and wonderful location so don’t miss your chance to live here!

#1-8697 North Shore

Lot 11 Indian Rd $209,000

boarding on beachfront w/ huge covered deck area and large garden shed. The lot is hidden by an evergreen hedge for assured privacy. This is a turnkey setup, great for that weekend getaway or can be used full time.


You can’t beat this combination – an affordable price for a level entry, 3 bed, 1 bath, well maintained rancher located in a quiet area in a good location. Lots of room for RV, Boat & Vehicle parking, beautiful covered gazebo for entertaining and BBQ’s. Motivated Vendor – Call to view today!


panoramic views of the mountains and Cowichan Lake. Town Sewer & water are at the lot line for ease of building. A bargain at just $65,000



Make this your holiday get-a-away! Share Resort. Use one and rent the other or use both Estates. This 0.32 of an acre lot is ready to for family time. interest in a waterfront development build on, so bring your house plans.

271 Castley Heights 23-8631 South Shore $155,000 $65,000 At beaver lake resort. 30ft immaculate RV South East facing lot with spectacular


87 Park



of an acre lot in the “Cottages at Marble Bay.”

PARADISE VILLAGE 34 Creekside #57-6855 Park Ave $309,900 $102,000 Waterfront Lot in the prestigious Creekside REDUCED

504 Johel Cresc.


8 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |

You’ll Feel Like Family.

Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. Sept. 23 - 26, 2015

Proud to be serving the Cowichan Valley since 1985

B.C. Grown

Russet Potatoes 97 g 10 lb Ba

Grown in Australia

Navel Oranges








LIMIT 6 Total


Lemonade or Limeade



1.75 L




Buffalo Chicken or Chipotle Monterey Jack


Chicken Breast Roast Reg. Retail 1.99/100g



Maple Lodge Farms

BIG ! Savings



lb 8.75 Kg

Plain or Smoked


950 ml

Cut From Canada AA Beef

Boneless Cross-Rib Oven Roast


375 g

In our Bakery...


Deep Dish Apple Pie

100 g


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Offers valid at Lake Cowichan and Cobble Hill Country Grocer locations only WATCH FOR OUR

FLYER THIS FRIDAY in the Citizen Newspaper

1400 Cowichan Bay Rd, Cobble Hill • Open Daily 8 am - 9 pm 83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan • Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9

Lake Cowichan Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. September 23 - 26, 2015

You’ll Feel Like Family. Locally Owned & Operated since 1984


Vega One All In One

Nutritional Shake 836-879 g


97 Oasis

Organic Apple Juice 12x960 ml


Spry Gum 10 Pack





946 ml



BBQ Sauce


940 ml



Hot Sauce



Coconut Water




Green Giant

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12x341 ml


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These Specials available at 83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan Country Grocer Lake Open Daily 7 am - 10 pm Cowichan ONLY

10 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11

Pat Duringer

Sandy Stinson


Your Trusted Authority ~ Going the extra mile for you!




7777 Sunset Drive

4 Bedroom home, 3 minues from great beach. Functional & fantastic home with new kitchen.

7971 Cowichan Valley Hwy. 297 North Shore Road

PROPOSED NICE NEW HOUSE. Big log home with loft, and shop on 14 acres in town boundary. Big 16’ x 23’ workshop with 14’ ceilings



Penny Lane

521 Point Ideal


Great Riverfront Community, Walk to Town


Renovated mobile in waterfront park. Full time living or your summer escape.


175 Elk

127 Darnell Rd.

Cute cottage, easy walk to town



67 South Shore Rd.



72 Park Road

93 & 95 South Shore Rd.

Riverfront home on the Cowichan River Commercial/Residential downtown riverfront property walking distance to all Lake Cowichan has to offer.


Perfect for the person who has everything!!

Your own island on Cowichan Lake, private and peaceful.


6789 2nd St



Charming Cottage in Honeymoon Bay Fully fenced yard and large hedge for total privacy. Less than 5 minute walk to public park on Cowichan Lake


Delightful water view home just a minute’s walk to the beach and your own Boat slip Maintenance free grounds with total privacy

9224 Towhee, $465,000

10215 Youbou Rd. Awesome View, Awesome House

10484 Youbou Rd.

Lake view from kitchen, landscaped, .52 acre



3 bedrooms, two baths, bring your lake toys and enjoy. 9866 Stin-Qua Road $364,900

10150 Youbou Road

169 South Shore

9220 Nighthawk Road

Land & building or start your own business

Bayview Village, with private beach, nice deck


130 Neva Rd.

154 South Shore Rd. Commercial Building and Land Main St. in Lake Cowichan, 7200 sq. ft. lot


32 Paddle Duck Lane


$310,000 266 Hillside Road 3 bedroom A-frame with separate shop.




24 Nelson Road

147 Cowichan Ave

Huge lot, water glimpses, 3 bedrooms



10501 Youbou Rd. Great Beach Access!

New roof and renovations to basement!

2 Bedroom home with sweet yard, newer roof; perfect for a garden lover.

5 acres of amazing waterfront, huge log cabin, tennis court, swimming pool, caretakers cabin, shop.

$2,500,000 $218,000 #2-77 Nelson PENDING

Awesome house & land. Private. Big lot, huge shop

$284,900 262 Kingfisher Pl.

Includes Mother-in-law suite

$249,900 3 bed, 2 bath rancher, propane fireplace, jacuzzi tub in master, double garage.

$199,999 228 Grants Lake Rd. 175 MacDonald

59 Eldred

110 River Road

Unique waterfront development situated on the Cowichan River 2 bdrm cottage perfect for a weekend retreat or live year round



264 Hillside

Awesome family home in quiet neighborhood 3 bd and family room



80 Fern Road

Cozy home on extra large lot, open concept living, metal roof, just 2 years old!


$199,900 199 MacDonald

LOTS Big House, 5 $68,000 bdrms, 2 baths, big 164 Elk 466 Point Ideal 1/4 Acre $105,900 workshop wired and includes 1/2 bath 1734 Meagan St. Crofton Ocean View $133,900



Lake Cowichan Home Centre, business and mini mall

Best of both worlds. Weekend Gettaway or live full time. This Park Model is right at the edge of the pond

Large family home with many updates, wood stove downstairs and fenced backyard, across from TC trail.

Cute 9 year old 4 bedroom home with open concept, Huge south facing waterfront 1.01 acres. fenced yard with Steel roof and bonus sun room RV hook-up.



• Riverfront +/ residential+/ +business too! • Location, location,location • Established since 1960 • 1960 sq’ building • 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom • 62x104 riverfront lot

10351 Youbou 2 bdrm & Den, Big Workshop

23 Stevens Crescent 3 Bdrm. cedar sided, wood floors, 2 shops, awesome fenced yard.



9041 Meades Creek

Magnificent lakefront home on .70 of an acre. Complete with guest cottage

Duplex $239,000 Cottage $259,000


146 Wavell Road

Timber frame home across from the One acre in town, walk to everything, WATERFRONT lake with 1 bdr. suite new open concept living 1.66 acres, HUGELY MOTIVATED! RIVERFRONT

SLOPES Beautiful upscale development has attracted a lovely mixture of mostly retired professionals.

481 Mountain View Rd.

229 Johel Rd


10196 Youbou


ATTENTION DEVELOPERS & Investors – here is a great opportunity to purchase a multifamily site within city limits with full community servicing. “The Slopes”, a new Lake Cowichan subdivision showcasing a variety of beautiful new homes. Close to town & minutes to the Lake with easy hwy. access.

Large Sunny Lots STARTING AT $100,000 The SLOPES BIG LOTS $99,000

RECREATION – MULTI-FAMILY INVESTMENT – SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Nearly 1.5 acres of gently-sloping waterfront. panoramic Views. Private & sheltered. This charming cottage includes a sweet bungalow & has everything you need for rest, relaxation & entertaining.


12 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |

Kaatza gala marks 40th anniversary

The Rivernotes Choir performed outdoors earlier this year. Now they are practicing for a holiday performance.

Submitted Photo

Voices needed for choir’s biggest event

Ding Dong Merrily on High! The Rivernotes Choir is celebrating its fifth season with its biggest event ever, a Christmas concert extravaganza Dec. 21 featuring various singers along with the choir. The concert will feature every kind of Christmas song, a narration and some

traditional Christmas atmosphere with costumes, punch, and visiting with neighbours. But enthusiasm is not enough, says Judith Quinlan music director for the group. “The choir recently lost a number of its alto singers, just because of changing life plans, which is a perfectly normal event,”

said Quinlan in a press release to the Gazette. “Except in this case the flux has left this important voice group struggling. So we are putting out a call for all women and girls who maybe have never been in a choir (or have), who like to sing but have never had lessons (or have) who are maybe thinking of trying us

out. Please, we need you now!” The Rivernotes Choir is Cowichan Lake’s “favourite women’s choir,” said Quinlan. “No seriously, we’re an easy-to-get-along with group and every little bit helps. We welcome all our singers with open arms. And this fall it’ll be Christmas every week!”

The Rivernotes Choir practices every Monday night 6 to 8 p.m. at the Lake Cowichan 55-plus Activity Centre (the former Seniors Centre) and welcome all ages and all skill levels. Any questions contact any choir member, or music director Judith Quinlan at 250749-3728 or email

The Kaatza Historical Society will celebrate their 40th anniversary October 17 with a gala fundraiser to support an addition to the museum. It will also mark to the day, the 40th anniversary of the society. “The Steelworkers Union gave the museum all the artefacts for the history of the IWA for all of B.C. to us,” says Pat Foster of the need for the additional space. “We also want a place to display the Wilmer Gold photographic collection.” Gold is a internationally acclaimed photographer of early logging operations. The new addition to the existing museum would cost $110,000. The planned gala will bolster the corporate donations already received and all private donations before Dec.

31 will be matched by the Community Forest Co-op up to $30,000. If you can’t make it to the gala, donations can be made at the museum or online at Gala tickets are $35 and include dinner, door prizes, a slideshow of Wilmer Gold photographs, and an interactive computer presentation of Main Street, historical photographs of the street 40 years ago and how it looks today. The Main Street display will also be available in booklet format for purchase. As well calendars featuring photos from the Wilmer Gold collection will be available to purchase. Tickets are available at the museum, $35 per person and includes a $10 tax deductible receipt.

Lake Cowichan Gazette Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm • Thursday: CLOSED

FAITH DIRECTORY ANGLICAN St. Christopher and St. Aidan

70 Cowichan Ave. W Lake Cowichan 250-749-3466

BAPTIST Cowichan Lake Baptist Church 8259 Beaver Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-3211

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Brian Wood

Pastor Dale Winters

PENTECOSTAL ROMAN CATHOLIC Lake Cowichan St. Louis Christian Fellowship de Montfort 57 King George St. South Lake Cowichan 250-749-6492

60 Fern Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-4103

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.

Mass Sunday 8:00 a.m.

Pastor Terry Hale

Fr. Alfredo Monacelli || THE THE LAKE LAKE COWICHAN COWICHAN GAZETTE GAZETTE || Wednesday, Wednesday, September September 23, 23, 2015 2015 13 13

Business Fair booths still available

Submitted Photo

Terry Fox event participants warmed up with a little dancing in the rain on Sunday.

Terry Fox shines despite rain The Saywell Park shelter was fairly buzzing with energy as people assembled Sunday morning for the 35th annual Terry Fox run or walk. Donations were significantly higher than last year at a total of $2,600. After sign-up people moved out for a guided warm up - dancing in the rain. They then sang “Oh Canada” and with a blast of the megaphone siren people were off safely across the road under

RCMP guidance. Participants headed down Southshore road, crossed onto the trail at Greendale Road and continued to the other end of Greendale where five km people turned back up Greendale and ten km people continued a further 2.5 km down the trail. Volunteers along the road offered encouragement, kept people on the straight and narrow and provided water as needed. Organizing and guid-

ing this event involved a team of almost 30 volunteers with most as track monitors, some at the sign up table, a mobile nurse on a bicycle, sweeps and a timekeeper. Many volunteers were Retread members and there were some stalwart volunteers such as Anne Newman who has been involved with Terry Fox for many many years. Records showed 65 percent were walkers, 30 percent runners and

2 were on bikes. The first runners were back in under 30 minutes and the sweeps assigned to follow the pack, arrived back in two hours. Lake people are a hardy bunch who don’t mind some rain and 65 percent did the full 10 km. Among well known participants were Mayor Ross Forrest accompanied by a big handsome black dog, and Joan Henn who was known over the

years for her participation in the Great Lake Walk. She came back from Victoria for this event. Participants were welcomed back with a cheeseburger prepared on the spot by Jakes at the Lake. Water was supplied by Country Grocer. The recreation staff at the arena and visitor centre provided support and various organizations helped with publicity. Submitted by Beth Kidd.

It’s not too late to register for a booth at the Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce Business Fair Oct. 17. There are just four booths left for the annual event that promotes local businesses. Community Connections – A Business Showcase, will feature a Taste of the Lake for the first time, with a food court style venue featuring local restaurants on the lower level. The event will also feature $600 in door prizes and a slideshow. To help participating businesses reach visitors to the fair effectively, and have a better chance at the Best Booth Award, the chamber is offering pointers at a meeting at Country Grocer before the event.

Booths are available for $65 for non-members of the chamber of commerce and $50 for chamber of commerce members. Electrical outlet access and tables are available on a first come, first serve basis. The event takes place Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Centennial Hall. Set up for vendors is Friday evening 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday morning 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Take down is Saturday following the event. For more information or to register for a booth, contact the Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce at 250749-3244 or email Entry forms available at the chamber office or online at

increase in riders in all classes with the Valley’s Matt Weremi, Byron Dewaal, Kurt

Allan and Pat Barry riding bikes in the large bike classes.

Local riders take top spots in U.S. races

Lily, Cynthia and Jayden Barry with the trophies they brought home from an event in Port Angeles.

Submitted Photo

The Labour Day Motorcycle Hill Climb races held in Port Angeles Washington was attended by a contingent of Cowichan Valley riders. This event is hosted by the Olympic Peninsula Motorcycle Club, a non-profit club that owns a 40-acre track facilty in Port Angeles, particularly popular with families. The annual Labour Day HIll Climb event features classes for all ages. Cynthia, Jayden and Lily Barry, daughters of Pat and Amanda Barry rode very well and brought home trophies in several classes. This year saw an

RACE RESULTS Saturday Racing 50cc - Jayden Barry 1st place 85cc - Cynthia Barry 4th place 85cc MOD - Cynthia Barry 5th place 250x - Byron Dewaal 5th place 250 MOD - Byron Dewaal 7th 450x - Matt Weremi 6th place 450MOD - Pat Barry 8th place Openx - Matt Weremi 4th place Sunday Racing 50cc - Jayden Barry 2nd place - Lily Barry 8th place 85cc - Cynthia Barry 2nd place 85cc MOD - Cynthia Barry 4th place 250x - Byron Dewaal 4th place 250 MOD - Byrol Dewaal 3rd place 450x – Kurt Allan 1st place Matt Weremi 7th place Pat Barry 15th place

BC Job News. Just one of the reasons to follow on Twitter. /localwork-bc


14 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, September 23, 2015 15 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, September 23, 2015 15

In Brief Wine and Cheese fundraiser for Auxiliary The Lake Auxiliary to the Cowichan District Hospital is hosting a wine and cheese event to raise funds to purchase equipment for the maternity ward of the hospital. The group promises a fun-filled evening on October 3. In addition to wine and cheese, the event will also feature a fashion show, cash bar, 50/50 draws, silent auction and door prizes. Tickets are available at the Footwear Centre (42 South Shore Road) for $20. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and the event will start at 7 p.m.

Lake Cowichan Men’s Fellowship breakfast

Teresa Bird Photo

Charlie Crossno tries her hand zendoodling during an afterschool art program at the Lake Cowichan School. Amanda Griesbach of Good Karma Goods is instructing the class in a number of mulitmedia art projects. There are still a few seats left in the class that meets Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. Register at the recreation centre.


Gary Dyck is inviting men in the community to join him and others for breakfast at the Shaker Mill Restaurant Oct. 3 at 9 a.m.. Dyck says the breakfast is something he has been wanting to do for a long time, and wants to make clear that this is not a church-affiliated event, but rather a time for guys to get together. Breakfast buffet is $10. Reservations are needed for planning purposes. Call Gary at 250-745-3808 or email

Experience the amazing iPhone 6 at TELUS. iPhone 6 at TELUS. Experience the amazing

16 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | www.lakecowichangazette.comb:ê√b:–√b:ƒb:Pƒb:êƒb:–ƒb:≈b:P≈b:ê≈b:–≈b:∆b:‡ºb: Ωb:`Ωb:@«b:Ä«b:‡…b:

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*Subject to approved credit. Not available to customers on the credit limit program. Available for clients who activate or renew on a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 monthly spend before tax or a $50 monthly spend when adding a line to DEALER LOGO AND ADRESS GO HERE an existing(dotted plan. SIM not included. $5not Tablet Share plan required to be added to a TELUS Your Choice rate plan. Customers will receive the $5 rate for as long as they choose to stay on the Tablet Share plan. Available only on Consumer accounts. ADRESS GO HERE line does print) DEALER LOGO AND Only available at participating locations. Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Retail price of the 16GB iPad mini 2 is $470. Customers must pay back the balance of the tablet over a 24 month period via monthly payments equal to (dotted line does not print) ADRESS GO HERE $20/month. TELUS, the TELUS logo are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. TM and © 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS.

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