Kootenay News Advertiser, September 28, 2015

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Published by Black Press Ltd at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC • www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, September 28, 2015


What’s Inside

Councillor gets trained

Exclusive East Kootenay Retailer

Poo-Pour ri

City Councillor Ron Popoff took part in Fire Ops 101 in Vancouver recently.


page 2

Girls Night Out

This Tues., Sept. 29 • 5:30-8:00pm

Jeremy Fisher at Stage Door The Juno nominated musician is coming to Cranbrook today. page 3

Bed Stu Leather Boots National Senior’s Day Strategies to stay in your home longer and fashion tips for the baby boomer. pages 6 and 7

Private shopping parties can be booked starting in November

Fall open house Oct. 22, 23 & 24


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Monday, September 28, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

Councillor put through the paces at Fire Ops in Vancouver for The Advertiser City Councillor Ron Popoff got a taste of the difficult and dangeroustasks that firefighters across the country face each and every day. Councillor Popoff took part in the BC Professional Firefighters 2015 Fire Ops 101 program in Vancouver Monday, while at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) conference. Cranbrook Firefighters Local 1253 members Clay Murrell and Gregory Green also partici-

pated in the fire ops program alongside Councillor Popoff. The goal of the half day program is to educate Mayors, Councillors and the media about what firefighters can be involved in each day. Participants ran through eight different fire related tasks including: a burning car fire attack, rescuing a patient in a smoke-filled tower, crawling through a firefighter survival course and using the Jaws of Life in an auto extrication exercise.

Photo submitted

(Above) City Councillor Ron Popoff takes his turn on the fire hose during the BC Firefighters Fire Ops 101 program. (Inset) Councillor Popoff gets that sinking feeling during an exercise.

Elections Canada reminds voters to go to proper polling station Unlike in the BC provincial elections where voters can vote at any polling station, in the Federal KUNG FU

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Martial Arts & Family Fitness

Sifu Barry Northey 250-426-2401 • northeygungfu@shaw.ca

Election voters must go to the polling location that has been assigned to them. Starting today, millions of personalized Voter Information Cards (VIC) are being sent to registered voters’ homes in Cranbrook and the Kootenay Region. Even more will be sent

over the next ten days. VIC’s contain that very important personalized polling location information. VIC’s identify each voter’s poll number and location for Election Day – Oct 19 and the one for Advanced Polling Days (Thanksgiving Long weekend Oct 9 –

Oct 12 – open each of the 4 days from noon to 8 pm). When voters receive their VIC, it’s a good idea to check their information. Voters who haven’t received their VIC by October 1st or whose card shows the wrong address can register or update their address

online. Or, they can drop by a local Elections Canada office. To locate your local Elections Canada office you can also use the Voter Information Service tool on the Elections Canada home page at www.elections.ca Voters can vote today and any time

up until Oct 13 by 6 pm local time at an Elections Canada office using a Special Ballot. Elections Canada offices are open 7 days a week and are there to help voters. Voters can call their local Elections Canada office as well or call the toll-free national line 1-800-

463-6868 with any questions. To locate your local Elections Canada office you can also use the Voter Information Service tool on the Elections Canada home page at www.elections.ca


This Fall We’re Our Days of Delivery!

Starting Wednesday, October 7th the Advertiser will be delivered on Wednesdays & Fridays!

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delivery to Cranbrook, Kimberley, Jim Smith, Gold Creek, Wycliffe, Canal Flats, Fairmont, Invermere, Windermere, Moyie, Skookumchuk, Wasa, Fort Steele, Tata Creek, Jaffray, Baynes Lake, Wardner, Mayook, Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford, Creston, Erickson, Canyon Lister, Kitchener, Yahk


delivery to Cranbrook, Kimberley, Jim Smith, Gold Creek, Wycliffe

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Kim Clayton 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 circulation@kootenayadvertiser.com

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Erin Carlisle: erin@kootenayadvertiser.com, Lily Durham: lily@kootenayadvertiser.com or Amy Soucy: amy.soucy@kootenayadvertiser.com

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 28, 2015

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Jeremy Fisher brings his musical style to the Stage Door

Photo submitted

Juno nominated musician Jeremy Fisher will be at the Stage Door on September 28. by Brian Coombs Jeremy Fisher is no stranger to hard work. The Hamilton, Ontario, musician came out with his debut album, Back Porch Spirituals back in 2001 and since that time has put out another six albums. He has also toured with

such notable musicians as Xavier Rudd, The Proclaimers and Great Big Sea. During his career, he has been nominated for three Juno awards. This coming Monday, September 28, at the Stage Door in Cranbrook, Fisher will be performing from his library of

past work and his latest album, The Lemon Squeeze, including the single Uh-Oh, that featured Serena Ryder on the album. “Working with Serena Ryder is one of those funny stories,” said Fisher. “We never spent a moment in a room together for that. I reached out to her with a track and asked if she wanted to sing on it. I emailed it to her, she emailed back her track and we mixed it in. Stuff like that is just so easy now because everything is on computer anyway.” And Fisher has a wide catalogue of musicians to collaborate with, partly because he has spent his entire life with a guitar. “I’ve always done it. I started teaching

guitar in high school and I wrote songs for a theatre company after high school,” explained Fisher. “I never did anything else or entertained doing anything else. I played guitar every weekend with my buddies. It was my entertainment, my social circle, it was my everything.” And this interest gave him a keen ear for quality. It was in Wisconsin, when he was volunteering playing music at a nursing home, when he was introduced to a musician he would most like to emulate. “One caregiver gave me a John Prine songbook. When I discovered what he could do with a very simple couplet, that was poignant and funny at the same

Home Services/Contractors Directory

Don Johnston for the Liberals, Wayne Stetski for the NDP and David Wilks for the Conservatives. JCI will ask as many questions as the time permits. David Hull, the executive director of the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce will be the moderator for this event. JCI is encouraging all Cranbrook and surrounding area residents to attend the forum and to bring their questions to Key City Theatre at 7pm on Tuesday, October 6. For more information about the event, contact: forum@ jcikootenay.com. The Federal election takes place Oct. 19. JCI Kootenay is a non-partisan, membership-based nonprofit organization comprised of members aged 19-40 who live and work in the East Kootenay. Our members believe in the importance of creating positive change within our communities and the world. For more information, visit: www. jcikootenay.com.

album. Well, I woke up yesterday and thought it would be interesting to take Ryan Adams’ ‘Come Pick Me Up’ song and do it like ‘Style’ from Taylor Swift’s 1989.” That may have been a tongue-in-cheek comment, but should Fisher be serious,

it will definitely be a memorable and more than likely beautiful piece of artistry.


Ladies Only Kung Fu Kick Fit Cranbrook/Kimberley


Martial Arts & Family Fitness Sifu Barry Northey 250-426-2401 • northeygungfu@shaw.ca

families wanted! Join a healthy living program for the entire family!

MEND is a fun, FREE healthy lifestyle program that empowers children and their families to become fitter and healthier through group sessions that promote healthy eating and physical activity.

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Visit www.bchealthykids.ca to learn more!

For information call or email Jodine Toorenburgh at 250-489-0270 or toorenburgh@cranbrook.ca

Meet the candidates with JCI Kootenay Meet the local candidates seeking your support in the upcoming Federal Election. Proudly hosted by JCI Kootenay, this event is an opportunity for all Cranbrook and surrounding area residents to engage in and discuss important political issues that concern our community while getting to know the local candidates. The forum is open to the public and will run from 7-9 p.m. at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook on Tuesday, October 6. In the 2011 Federal election, Cranbrook’s voter turnout was sadly only 33%. JCI is striving to increase voter participation with the All Candidates Forum by making it easier for the public to get to know the candidates. Candidates will be asked a short set of structured questions followed by questions from the audience. Attendees will have the opportunity to anonymously submit their questions at the event. Attending the forum will be Bill Green for the Green Party,

time, I knew I wanted to write and do music like this. His songs are still relevant now.” When asked what he is working on now, Fisher said that he would let people in on a secret. “You know Ryan Adams just covered Taylor Swift’s 1989


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September 2015 - October Mailer Insert usual basebar at bottom

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The Weekday View

Letter: The bum’s rush for Canal Flats Being a former employee (retired) of Crestbrook Forest Ind. Ltd., turned Tembec Forest Products, and later Canfor, it is a huge shock to see the closing of the Canal Flats Sawmill / Planer mill. Through all the years and all the problems CFI and Tembec faced, they always managed to keep operating. In all those years both former companies spent millions of dollars to upgrade and modernize both the planner and sawmills, to make sure they were always viable. Some years yes, it was tough but they always managed to fight off that “final blow”. For me there were ‘issues’ I wondered about when Tembec

took over, but that was their ultimate decision and they had to live with it. When they announced they had sold the mill, they were again having problems and everyone thought Canfor was the big rescue and were going to save the day. (same thoughts when Tembec took over) Myself, already retired, I didn’t really worry about it but something just didn’t sit right with me. Canfor also owns the Radium sawmill, and they had been shut down “indefinitely” for a very long time. Canfor readily admitted it was because of taking over from Tembec that they would be able to restart the Radium mill. With the forestry

Letter: A huge thank you A huge thank you to all the businesses, organizations and individuals who supported this year’s Park on Us event held on September 25th. This is the only annual fundraiser held by the United Way East Kootenay and has raised around $15,000 in the past two years. Raising this amount means that community investments con-

tinue to increase. This year $97,785 has been invested in the East Kootenay realizing a 24.9% increase over 2014 investments. Moving further into the fall campaign towards a target of $175,000 we ask that all residents support “Improving Lives Locally” by making a minimum donation of $10 to United

Letter: Election fairness Now that we have left the summer doldrums and our federal election campaign is starting to get a little more focused and serious, I would like to remind the people of the East Kootenay of the rules regarding election signs.

These signs account for one of the biggest expenses of any political hopeful’s campaign and are a large part of their advertising budget. Tampering with, damaging or removing any legally placed sign, regardless of which

Published by Black Press Ltd. www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com localworkbc.ca Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Monday, September 28, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

laws changed, allowing companies the freedom to NOT be operating in an area they get their timber supply from (thank you BC Govt) Canfor was now in a position to get the former Tembec timber supplies to open the Radium mill, which is just what they did. Then the sudden cutbacks in the Flats, yet Radium kept running. After all, Canfor has no real ties with Canal Flats, not like they do in Radium. Then just a few short months latter, the same song of poor timber supplies, low prices for the lumber, the economic downturn, no more so I think than in the past, and BANG, the Flats is out and gone. One thing Tembec had always told us was that if and when it came to “push and shove”, even though Canal Flats was farther from the US border, where our lumber

went to, Elko even though closer to the border, Elko would shut down first. That gave a pretty good indication of how modern and efficient the Canal mill was. From where the timber is coming from, it is a whole lot further from the bush to the Radium mill as it is to the Canal mill. The Canal Flats mill, from everything we had ever been told, was much more modern than almost every mill around, so why all of a sudden is it cheaper to truck to Radium, driving past the Flats? Now, maybe there is something that hasn’t been spelled out here but to me, Canal Flats has been given the “old bums rush”. Once again, just a little bit more of our valleys history gone and to be soon forgotten. ~Tom Haverko Cranbrook BC

Way. You will receive a receipt for income tax purposes and you will be part of making your community a more caring, healthier place for all. October is United Way month and may be a great time to schedule making your annual donation. The United Way office on 930 Baker Street is open Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm if you wish to bring in your donation or you can mail to Box

657, Cranbrook, V1C 4J2. You may wish to call in credit card information to 250-426-8833. When phoning in if your call is not answered please leave your name and phone number and I will return your call. Again thanks to all United Way supporters your support ensures our successes, you are so appreciated. ~The United Way, Cranbrook

candidate it belongs to, is a federal criminal offence, punishable by substantial fines and/ or jail time. If you are aware of anyone doing anything to any of these signs, report them to the police or Crime Stoppers (1-800-2228477). If you want to show

your support or displeasure with anyone in particular, do it by casting your vote for your preferred candidate at the polls. We all have the right to vote, but we also have the right to a fair election. ~Ron McConnell Cranbrook

Photo submitted

Mary Lindquist winner of the 2014 Outstanding exhibition award for her many years of contributing to the Kootenay Country Fair. Award presented by on the left Yvonne Thompson and on her right Trudy Larsen. The fair was an outstanding success. Thanks to the many volunteers.

Photo submitted

On Friday, September 18, Pinewood School held its annual Terry Fox Run at Jim Smith Lake. (Pictured) Lacie Daniels crosses the finish line.

Zena Williams

Brian Coombs

Kimberly Clayton

publisher@ kootenayadvertiser.com

editor@ kootenayadvertiser.com

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The Kootenay News Advertiser is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 28, 2015

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Things to See & Do

TO PLACE A listing in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at www.kootenayadvertiser.com (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: lily@kootenayadvertiser.com 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.Only non-profit organizations/events will be allowed.


Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association, Heritage Inn, 803 Cranbrook St.N, 10am Executive meeting, 10:45 regular meeting. Guest speaker Dr. Mark Langer, Optometrist. No host luncheon Noon. Jubilee Chapter #64, Order of the Eastern Star will start the season with their first meeting at 7:30 sharp, Masonic Hall, 401-3rd Ave.S. Cranbrook.

SEPTEMBER 30 Free Family Swim,

Kimberley Aquatic Centre, 6pm-7pm. Sponsored by Vermette Roofing. Sept.30-Oct.4-Annual Fall Book Sale from the Friends of the Cranbrook Library and the Sunrise Rotary Club of Cranbrook . Ktunaxa Gym. Wednesday if for member only. Membership can be purchased at the door for $10. Sale is from 9:30am-5pm on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday night late evening sale closing at 9pm. Sunday is the usual Bag Sale from 9:30am1pm. Your can fill your Cranbrook Library bag for $5. If you have no bag, you can purchase one for $5 at the hall. Only Cranbrook Library bags can be used. For more information contact Ursula Boy 250-426-4707. Visually Impaired Support Group, Heritage Inn, 1pm luncheon, meeting to follow. Bonnie 250427-3289 or Fay 778517-1803.


“Photography Hike”1 0 a m - L e a d e r - Ly l e

Grisedale 250-4275153. Come and explore the fall colours in the Nature Park. Along the way, there will be discussion of photo techniques. Bring a snack & water for this 2-3 hour hike. Meet at the Higgins St. entrance to the Nature Park. Harvest Tea, Centennial Centre, Kimberley. $6/person, Includes coffee/tea, sandwiches and desserts. Live music (The Bunk House Boys and the Round Up ), gift baskets to raffle off, baking and canning for sale, door prizes will be drawn throughout the tea. Everyone is welcome! Yahk Care-Fest Fundraiser, 5:30pm at the Yahk Hall. Dinner, Dance & auction. All proceeds go to the ICU equipment for the Cranbrook Regional Hospital. Tickets $25 each 250-424-5118. EK Outdoor Club hike, West side of Saugum Lake, call Lorne 250-426-8864. Studio Stage Door, Live performances “LOCALS” 7:30pm. Tickets $10 cash, available at Lotus Books & at the door. locals@shaw.ca. EK Outdoor Club

hike, Brewer Creek., phone Darlene 250489-5851.

OCTOBER 10 “Newfoundland

Kitchen Party Fundraiser” (Glen & Kathy’s 80th Birthdays), Prestige Rocky Mtn Resort 6pm-1am, Live entertainment, silent auction, Traditional Newfoundland Jiggs Dinner. Tickets available at Lotus Books, Prestige Resort, EKSNapd or thru Verna 250-9190401. All proceeds going to Cranbrook Women’s Resource Centre and Cranbrook Minor Hockey.

OCTOBERHealth 15 Cranbrook

Care Auxiliary Fashion Show, Heritage Inn, $25. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets available at the thrift store on 8th or at the Hospital gift shop. For table reservations contact Kate Fox 250417-2746 or email katefox1@telus.net . Don’t miss out on an evening filled with fun and surprises! Raffle draws, 50/50 draws

and door prizes plus amazing fashions.


Grand Opening and Reception for the Members Fall show at Cranbrook & District Arts Councils new location- 1013 Baker St, Cranbrook. 7pm-9pm. Reception, win and refreshments available. Marisa Phillips at 250-426-4223 or email cdac@shaw.ca.


Cranbrook Food Bank AGM, 7pm. Labour Centre Building, 104-105 9th Ave. S. Everyone welcome!


African Children’s Choir, Cranbrook Alliance Church, 1200 Kootenay St.N, 7pm. Everyone welcome! Concert is free and an offering will be taken to help support African Children’s Choir programs.


Canadian Federation University Women, Cranbrook, 31st Craft Bazaar, 10am-4pm @ Cranbrook Golf Course. Admission

$2 per person. Door prizes and featuring local Artisans. Great christmas gifts!


The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help! More volunteers are required during food hamper days Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1. Driver/pickup good 9 am-12 pm. 2. Food sorters 9 am-12 pm. Hamper packers 12-2:30pm. Hamper Shoppers 12-2:30 pm. If you can spare 3 hours a week on a consistent basis, please call the Food Bank between 12 and 2 pm Mon, Wed or Friday. 250-426-7664. We appreciate your support! Starting September 30th, beginning at noon every Wednesday in the downtown United Church and Centre for Peace, the bells will call you to a time of calm. This is NOT church, rather it is a time to gather in a circle in a welcoming and harmonious space to practice the way of Taize. In the busyness of your life, wouldn’t you cherish a time to


All Ages Welcome, Suitable for Seniors Cranbrook/Kimberley


Martial Arts & Family Fitness Sifu Barry Northey 250-426-2401 • northeygungfu@shaw.ca

Our community-minded Canadian Tire is here to provide efficient customer service and deliver an exceptional shopping experience.



In Search of

stop? to gather when the bells ring? to join with others in silence, in prayer, in meditative song? October is “United Way Month”. Your donations help “improve lives locally”, donate today and help make a difference. Our office is at: 930 Baker St.Cranbrook, 250-426-8833 or www. facebook.com/ourunitedway. Sept.13-October 25, Special Gospel Services: Each Sunday 3-4pm, from Girl Guides of Canada Hall, 1421 2nd St.S, Cranbrook. 250-464791. Oct.14-Nov.25 Alpha Campus, Cranbrook Alliance Church,1200 Kootenay St.N, 6pm every Wednesday. Free Supper. 250-489-4704 or facilities@cranbrookalliancechurch. com to register.

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Veterans for our 2015 Remembrance Day Special Edition Publishes November 6th, 2015

It’s difficult for those of us who have only known peace to truly understand the horrors of war and to appreciate the level of sacrifice that families make during the armed conflicts in which Canada has participated. Every November 11th we have an opportunity to honour the memory of those who lost their lives and to salute those who today fight for our freedom and peace.




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Help us remember those from our region by sending us their photograph and story. Please mail, email or drop off to: The Kootenay Advertiser 1510-2nd St. N, Cranbrook BC, V1C 3L2 advertising@kootenayadvertiser.com NO LATER THAN: October 9th Please include the following information: Name of the Veteran, regiment, years of service, did he/she live in the area, where? And any interesting details you may know of. Your contact name and phone number. If you wish the picture returned please also include a self addressed stamped envelope.




Sale 59.99 Reg 159.99 Nordica 36’’ Ceiling Fan. Brushed-nickel finish with 6 reversible blades. 52-1191-4




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NOTE: due to space limitation in the printed edition, we may not be able to print all photos/details, however we will be posting all (present and past) submissions to kootenayadvertiser.com. If you have submitted in the past you do not need to resubmit unless you wish to change the picture and/or have further details to add. For days like today™

See our flyer in Friday’s Kootenay Advertiser All sale prices end Thursday at close


Sale 69.99 Reg 139.99 Tasco Binoculars Combo Pack. 10x 42 and 10x 25 waterproof binoculars. 175-2444-6

Enter to win one of 4 4-$25 gift cards

Name: _______________ Phone: _______________ Draw date October 31, 2015

* Cranbrook Store ONLY. Gift card must be picked up within the month or it will be re-drawn

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Monday, September 28, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

National Senior’s Day October 1

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stay in their homes, find appropriate new housing or connect with available support in recognition of National Seniors’ Day on October 1. “There are several good resources available which provide more information for busy baby boomers who might be downsizing or moving into a strata property for the first time; and also for more mature seniors on a fixed income who may be looking for financial assistance or supported housing,” said Tammy Morin Nakashima, a Richmond Notary and President of BC Notaries. Eight Housing Tips for BC Seniors: 1. Know the strata laws before you buy: Many active aging boomers are downsizing to free-up funds for retirement or travel, or to make life simpler after their children leave home. If you’re considering a strata property, make sure you read and understand the strata minutes and bylaws, particularly on the topics of noise, pets, smoking and parking, which are the most frequent points of concern in most strata communities. People who’ve owned freehold properties for most of their lives may not be accustomed to some of the expectations of strata living so it’s important to make sure you’re comfortable with the rules that will apply to both you and your neighbours before you make a purchase. 2. Consider deferring your property taxes: If you’re over 55, you might qualify to defer all or part of your current year’s property taxes. You’ll be charged interest and the Province will hold a lien on

Wills & Estates

Can you take the word “or” out from between 13 & 27 and just add a comma

KOOTENAY COLUMBIA HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT our name has changed but our products and service remain the same!


your property, but this might be a viable option if your home has increased substantially in value, as the deferred costs would be settled as part of your estate – or paid back if you sell your home. 3. Take advantage of homeowner grants for seniors: If you’re over 65 and your property is your principal residence, you may also be eligible for a homeowner grant of up to $845 ($1045 in northern and rural areas) against your property taxes. 4. Learn more about funding to adapt your home for safety: Adapting your home in small ways can help you stay in your home longer and more safely. There are a number of programs available that might help fund these improvements including Home Adaptations for Independence and the BC Seniors’ Home Renovation Tax Credit. 5. Funding available for renters over 60: BC residents over 60 with low to moderate incomes who rent their homes may be eligible for the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) program, which provides monthly cash payment to subsidize rent, including homes in the private rental market. 6. More information for those needing home support: If you or your parent are looking for supportive housing—typically modified rental homes for low-income seniors and people with disabilities—or assisted living housing facilities that offer a range of care services, BC Housing can provide more information.

We measure our success based on your success.

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lAwyers & NotAries

45-8th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2K4 Phone: 250-489-3350 Fax: 250-489-2235

Come see us for a good selection of

We provide the equipment you need to stay in your home longer, help with recovery and enhance quality of life.

We are located in Cranbrook but are in YOUR Kootenay community weekly. 250 Slater Road, Cranbrook, BC (250)426-6600 • 1-800-661-4022

luggage and travel accessories. Pick up your passport applications and have your passport photos taken here!


Ph: 250-342-6978 Fx: 250-342-3091 • Toll Free: 1-888-98-8888 3, 755 13 Street, Invermere, BC • www.tvlworld.ensembletravel.com

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 28, 2015

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National Senior’s Day 7. Consider home swapping to save on property transfer tax: Another little-known tip is a provision in the Property Transfer Tax Act that eliminates the requirement for this tax when a principal residence is transferred between related individuals, including a parent and child. This means parents and children could “swap” homes, or a child could move into and purchase a parent’s home without paying property transfer tax if the parent moves on to supported housing without paying property transfer tax, if they meet specific guidelines. 8. Keep your planning documents upto-date: It’s important to remember that whenever your housing situtation changes, it may affect your overall estate planning needs. It’s important to ensure your Will, Power of Attorney and other important documents are up to date. This is particularly important if yours is a blended family as the type of ownership of the home impacts your estate plan. These tips can add up to substantial savings and peace of mind for baby boomers, seniors and their families. BC Notaries provide legal services for more than half of all real estate transactions in B.C. They understand the unique needs of downsizing boomers, seniors transitioning to supportive housing, estate sales and clients who want to refinance their mortgage to free-up funds for other priorities. To find a Notary in your community, please visit www.notaries.bc.ca.

October 1 washed out ones. 10 fashion tips for 6. Avoid plunging necklines as well. If you have a small bust, round necklines are your best option, while women with baby boomers a fuller bust should opt for V-necks.

7. Rely on well-cut, quality fabrics and neutral colours for basic clothing items. Be more daring with colour for seasonal clothing. Don’t blow your budget on these more transient wardrobe items.

ROCKIES LAW C O R P O R AT I O N wills & estate planning prostate & estate administration

Should you stop following fashion trends after the age of 50? Absolutely not! You can still adopt an up-to-date look inspired by the latest trends without dressing exactly the same as young people. Here are 10 tips for success. 1. Opt for narrow rather than skinny pants, which are more suited to the younger crowd. 2. Go for knee-length skirts instead of very short ones. 3. Choose your clothing size with care. You can ruin your look with clothes that are too big or too tight. 4. Always have a classic black dress in your wardrobe. It’s a multipurpose and timeless clothing item that’s perfect for women over 50. 5. Don’t give up wearing jeans. Just remember that jeans in dark, solid colours look better than worn or

Live Well at Home with Pharmasave Cranbrook

Cranbrook 201 - 907 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC Tel: (250) 426-7211 Fernie Suite 202, 502 Third Avenue, Fernie, BC Tel: (250) 423-4446 Kimberley 290 Wallinger Avenue, Kimberley, BC Tel: (250) 427-0111 INFO@ROCKIESLAW.COM WWW.ROCKIESLAW.COM

8. Avoid large patterns on dresses as well as empire waistlines. Dresses can be worn shorter than skirts because their length isn’t as eye-catching. 9. Complete your look with fashionable accessories, but don’t go overboard. 10. Above all, your choice of clothes shouldn’t be based on what you want to hide, but rather on what you want to highlight.

Estate planning now so you can enjoy your future

Optometrist now available for eye exams


Walmart Vision Centre for your best value every day!

Second Floor, 6 - 10th Ave S. Cranbrook, BC (250) 426-89811

Remember, your prescription belongs to you.

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Did you know we also offer equipment rentals & repair services?

We offer everything you need for an armasave Cranbrook independent lifestyle.

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We offer a large selection of rental medical equipment:

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In Memoriam



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

In loving memory of

Giuseppina Romeo

PHONE:250.489.3455 OR 1.800.665.2382 FAX:

Oct. 5, 1932-Sept. 30, 2014


classifieds@ kootenayadvertiser. com

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Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years.

Be responsible don’t litter! www.spca.bc.ca

Happy 4th Anniversary

Love Always & Forever





If we could have one lifetime wish. One dream that would come true. We’d pray to God with all our hearts For yesterday and you. In our hearts your memory lingers Always tender, fond and true; There’s not a day, dear mother, We do not think of you. Love Always, Bruno, Carlo, Joe and Cristina and Families





Let us be your first choice to create a lasting memory of your loved one with our custom design, in-house production and installation services.



OMG! It’s your BFF! And FYI: he’s such a QT!

In Loving Memory Jerry Mottl Sept. 29/01 Joan Mottl Dec. 16/97

Gone but not forgotten Gerald & Ena




(Competition #26-2015)

MANAGER OF HUMAN RESOURCES FULL-TIME - EXEMPT Kimberley, a good place to be Manager of Human Resources. Surrounded by a beautiful mountain landscape in south-eastern British Columbia, the City of Kimberley is a good place to live, work, learn, and play. Kimberley residents enjoy four seasons of recreational activities such as golfing, hiking, biking, and skiing. Kimberley has an active arts and festival scene, great restaurants, excellent schools, and offers a perfect balance of work and lifestyle. With a growing population of over 7,000, Kimberley offers affordable mountain living in close proximity to an International Airport (20 km), Cranbrook (29 km), and Calgary (393 km). The City of Kimberley is seeking an experienced, motivated, and approachable individual for the position of Manager of Human Resources (HR). Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), the Manager of Human Resources is responsible for employee recruitment, orientation, retention, training and development; return to work management. HR assists all departments with labour relations and negotiations; occupational health and safety programs; procedure and policy development; and the implementation of performance management systems. Candidates will hold a degree or diploma in business administration or human resources management. A Certified Human Resources Professional Designation (CHRP) is preferred. Human resources knowledge will have been gained through a minimum of 5 years of experience in a unionized and/or local government environment; interpreting collective agreements, handling grievances, and assisting with preparations for collective bargaining. The City of Kimberley offers a competitive compensation and benefits package for this management position, including relocation assistance.

Lost & Found Lost: Blue USB flash drive. Has wire pigtail adaptor attached. Lost between The Bing and Royal bank parking lot, or by Axis center. If found please call (250) 421-3125.

Help Wanted

Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today! spca.bc.ca Help Wanted

Help Wanted

JOIN THE AXIS TEAM IN CRANBROOK! We are seeking 2 Temporary Full Time Wrap Around Family Support Workers (35 hours per week may lead to regular Full Time) who will work as part of a “Wrap Around” Program for referred families. The program will provide short term, outcome-focused assistance to families experiencing significant difficulties with parent- child or parent- adolescent difficulties. Crisis and short-term interventions will include conflict resolution, immediate modelling of parenting techniques, facilitation of meetings, etc. For further information on this position, refer to our website www.axis.bc.ca under job opportunities. Email resume with cover letter to hr@axis.bc.ca or fax (250) 851-2977

For further information, please see our website at http://www. kimberley.ca/city/careers-job-opportunities for a complete job description. If you think that your combination of education and experience makes you qualified for this position, please submit your resume and covering letter by 4:00 PM MDT, Friday, October 9th, 2015 quoting competition #26-2015 to: Scott Sommerville, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Kimberley 340 Spokane Street, Kimberley BC V1A 2E8 E-mail: ssommerville@kimberley.ca (Submissions in Word or .pdf formats only) We wish to express our appreciation to all applicants for their interest and effort in applying for this position, however only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

340 Spokane Street, Kimberley, BC V1A 2E8 I Tel: 250.427.5311 I Fax: 250.427.5252 I Kimberley.ca

Adopt a Shelter Cat! The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today. www.spca.bc.ca

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 28, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, September 28, 2015

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Career Opportunities

Caretakers/ Residential Managers


Permanent, F/T required for Porcupine Wood Products located in Salmo, BC which boasts an abundance of outdoor activities including: fishing, hiking, hunting and skiing. If you have 3 years of relevant supervisory experience and are interested in a challenging career with a strong growing organization please apply. Send cover letter and resume to: johnt@ porcupinewood.com www.porcupinewood.com

MOTEL ASST Manager Team to run small Motel in Parksville BC. Non-Smoking, no Pets, good Health, fulltime live-in position. Fax 250-5861634 or email resume to: kjjr27@hotmail.com

JOIN THE AXIS TEAM IN CRANBROOK! We are seeking 2 Temporary Full Time Wrap Around Family Support Workers (35 hours per week) who will work as part of a “Wrap Around” Program for referred families. May lead to regular Full Time. The program will provide short term, outcome-focused assistance to families experiencing significant difficulties with parentchild or parent- adolescent difficulties. Crisis and short-term interventions will include conflict resolution, immediate modelling of parenting techniques, facilitation of meetings, etc. For further information on this position, refer to our website www.axis.bc.ca under job opportunities. Email resume with cover letter to hr@axis.bc.ca or fax (250) 851-2977.


Almo Court Motel requires housekeeping staff. Apply in person with resume. Call (250)426-3213


Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Carriers Wanted in Cranbrook Route 13021, 52 papers, available Oct. 7th. 15th Ave S, 16th Ave S, 17th Ave S Route 13013, 56 papers, available immediately, 20th Ave S, 3A St S, 21st Ave S Route 13461, 101 papers, available Sept. 29, Kokanee Cres, Court & Drive Route 13171, 75 papers, available Sept. 29, 4th St N, 5th St N, 14th Ave N Route 13461, 27 papers, available Sept. 29, Kokanee Court Route 13463, 54 papers, available Sept. 29, Kokanee Cres. & Dr. Route 13464, 19 papers, available Sept. 29, Kokanee Drive Route 13462, 67 papers, available Sept. 29, Kelowna Cres. Route 13013, 56 papers, available immediately, 20th Ave S, 3A St S, 21st Ave S Route 1371, 75 papers, available Sept. 29, 4th St N, 5th St N, 14th Ave N Route 13021, 52 papers, available Oct. 7, 15th Ave S, 16th Ave S, 17 th Ave S Route 13230, 69 papers, available Oct. 7, 12th Ave S, 13th Ave S

Call Kim (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382

The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today! spca.bc.ca

Classifieds work HARD! 250.489.3455

Help Wanted




Help Wanted

Financial Services


LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca

Sand,Gravel & Top Soil. We deliver anywhere. Call Lo-Cost Sand & Gravel, (250)417-9291

Tri-Kon Precast Products Ltd. is searching for a shop forman / laborer. Resumes may be submitted to Tri-Kon’s office located at 601 Patterson Street West, Cranbrook, BC.

Financial Services AUTO FINANCING-Same Day Approval. Dream Catcher Auto Financing 1-800-910-6402 or www.PreApproval.cc GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca


CHIMPS HANDYMAN SERVICE Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Painting, Flooring, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements & More

WE DO THAT! Call Doug

250-426-7222 Leave a message ChimpsHandyman.ca

Home Improvements Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471

Marketing & Community Relations Specialist

Household Services

We’re seeking an experienced indi]id\aS [V ÄSS [Ois rVSe

KOOTENAY Duct Cleaners . Locally owned & operated , affordable , professional and insured Duct Cleaning services & system sterilizations .Toll Free 1-844-428-0522 Free Estimates .

For more information please visit www.creditunioncareers.ca (search job title).

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Paving/Seal/ Coating


Meadowbrook Horse Drawn Cart,

made of Oak, comes with brakes, also with double tree, like new, $2200 obo. (250)342-0617

Livestock Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372

Pets Free Kittens to a good home. (250)426-3986 LOOKING TO GIVE A LOVING HOME to a little boy or girl Chihuhua, would like him/her to be small, applehead, short hair, he/she may not be born yet. Please call Joanne, leave message (250)426-2878

Paving/Seal/ Coating

BLACKTOP NOW! Driveways & Parking Lots No job too small! Free Estimates! Serving all the Kootenays

1-888-670-0066 Call 250-421-1482

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Monday, Monday, September September 28, 2015 28, 2015 Kootenay Kootenay News NewsAdvertiser Advertiser

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate


Antiques / Vintage

Heavy Duty Machinery

Apt/Condos for Sale

Commercial/ Industrial

A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Shannon Heights. Recently renovated, 2 bedroom, close to hospital, collage and all amenities. Asking $129,700. (250)489-5602

Condo for sale in

For Sale By Owner

Misc. for Sale Antique cook stove. Canada pride, newly nickled. Asking $1500. 1 (250)427-3917

Auctions Auction: October 3 Elkford Condo For Sale by Auction. Great recreational area. For info, (403)302-7447 or email


$100 & Under 18” Paulin Chainsaw with case, excellent condition. $100.(250)417-3343 2 Cooper Discoverer 245.70.R17” winters , like new, $75/each. 2 Cooper 215.70.R14” studded winters. $80/ total. 2- 225.60.R16” hankook winter pike. $80 / total. 4P235.75.R16”, $100/ total. Turn at Lordco, downhill past dump, first right before B.A., follow in to barn on left. Assorted tires: 13” to 18”, $25/each. Pairs & spares. I buy some tires. Also pairs and spares in winter tires. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to barn on left. Computer monitor, $25. Shelving unit, $10 (250)4892697 For Sale, wooden dresser, $100. Double bed frame, $35. (250)489-2697 Large fancy wall mirror $80, Hoover steam vac carpet cleaner, with attachments. In excellent condition. $100. (250)421-4407 Nordic 450 Sport ski, $30. (250)421-3556

$200 & Under Old Mahogany buffet and dining room table; need refinishing; both for $150. Call (250)489-3072

Firearms WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750

Free Items Free truck: you tow or trailer. 1988 Chev Silverado Supercab, 4WD, mechanically sound before ignition problems. (250)422-3714 Wasa

Firewood/Fuel Logging truck loads of firewood: Fir, Larch or Pine. Moyie area. (250)421-1836

Furniture Like New! 2 matching recliners w/massage, asking 1/2 price, $600/pair. (250)4267400

Propane heater, good shape, $600.(250) 422-3346


Antlers, Horns,

All Kinds, Taxidermy, Antiques Kelly, (250)426-6993 kubiwest@telus.net

House for sale

on 5 acres, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 2 kitchens recently renovated, well water and septic, near Cranbrook City limits, also on Kijiji. 2100 plus Sq footage. (250)489-0105 to view. Serious inquires only.

Lots LOT for sale or trade for home in Cranbrook. Building lot at Rivers Crossing backing onto irrigation lake for sale or trade for home in Cranbrook. 604760-4383 By owner


Antiques wanted by private collector, car dealership, gas station or soda signs & door pushes, pre 1970 tin toy trucks, cars & windups, also brewery or soda calendars. (250)427-0500 or (250)4207129

Apt/Condo for Rent

Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444 Private Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030, Local. Wanted antiques by private collector, Medalta advertising, like Ogilvies flour, milk pitchers & bowls, or pottery whiskey jugs, with town names on them, also Seltzer bottles, soda pops or pottery ginger beers, from BC, AB or Sask. 1 (250)427-0500 or 420-7129 Wanted, Older model Everest Jennings wheel chair. (250)489-2697

Musical Instruments DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale Auction: October 3 Elkford Condo For Sale by Auction. Great recreational area. For info, (403)302-7447 or email


1307A 10th St. S Clean upper 3-bdrm, c/w 4-appl, living room, dining, kitchen, parking & yard, shared laundry, one year lease, n/s, n/p, $950/mth + utilities. (250)417-7325

2 bedroom trailer for rent in Cranbrook. For more information please call 1 (250)4252732

Misc. Wanted

Antlers Wanted,

Duplex / 4 Plex

Modular Homes

Composted manure, top soil, bark mulch, lava, pond boulders, flagstone & stackers, delivery available (250)421-7399 New SHELTER, 60’Wx64’L, engineered for the Town of Sparwood snow loads, includes two 36”x80” steel man doors, two 36” exhaust fans, two 48” shutters, clear Twinwall Gablellete for back wall, seismic strapping for 2 runs of blocks, $76,800 obo. For more info, (250)489-9502

For lease: Billboard (one half available soon), located at prime location, North end of Cranbrook St., Cranbrook, BC For more info, (250)489-9502

APARTMENTS FOR RENT • 1& 2 Bedroom units • Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital


Homes for Rent SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448 primeprop@mymts.net

Seasonal Accommodation Are you looking for inside boat storage this winter? We have lots of room. For more information please call (250)427-5525 or (250) 9195869

Suites, Lower MARYSVILLE, Partially Furnished Basement Suite $650. includes 5 Appliances, Heat & Hydro. N/S, N/P. References Required 250-427-6176.

Want to Rent Wanted for family: 3-bdrm house or 2-bdrm w/ensuite (preferred) in Cranbrook, $1000 - $1200/mth. Call (250)644-2552

Sparwood 1 bdrm condo, @ Mtn. Air Chalets - furn or not inc util, W&D, w/deck, no pets, $700 + DD Call 403-616-6467 or 403-474-3926.



Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

1995 Crown Vic, Runs, new tires. $1250.(250)489-1171 1996 Chrysler Concorde, has snow tires, winterized, 165,000km, no rust , excellent condition. $1700 obo. (250)489-8009 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis limited edition; forest green; 52,000KM (no tampering); pristine condition; V8 engine; stored indoors; spotless forest green / beige leather interior; only 2 senior owners; Michelin tires; original rims; very smooth; great on highway. $8500. (250)489-3072 1996 Olds 98. Runs, new tires. $1000. (250)489-1171 1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary Edition, black, V6, auto, loaded, 30,000km on new motor, $4700 obo. (250)428-7454 1998 Honda CRV AWD black, 250,000 kms, 5 sp man, a/c, p/w, p/m, radio cd, in good condintion. $2900 obo. 250489-8925 1999 Subaru Outback, Excellent condition, well maintained. Asking $4000. For more information please call (250)4263053 2000 Honda CRV , all wheel drive, very good condition, 338,000 kms $1800. (250)4276444 2000 Pontiac Sunfire GT, 2.4L engine, auto, sunroof, 2 sets of tires on rims, $2200 obo. (250)919-8765, leave message 2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE, automatic, good condition, 125,000KM. $3000. OBO (778)517-4647 2002 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dr, runs great, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, good tires, 270,000 km, $2500 obo. (250)489-1521 (250)464-9997

Transportation Auto Accessories/Parts 12000 lb truck winch, fairlead, auto break, remote contr. Lots of other features, New $400 firm. (250) 489- 8925 4 New Hankook winter tires, with rims and tpm’s for a Mitsubishi outlander. $800. (250)489-1951

2002 Merc Cougar

Cars - Domestic

2003 Buick LeSabre, $2500. 1993 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4, $800. 1(406)291-7201 Grasmere, BC

2.5L V6, Std, almost new, rebuilt front to back, ex. cond., very fast, $5000 Too many details to list. (250)489-1956


2005 Honda Accord Hybrid, leather interior, power windows, locks and brakes. New ignition and new timing belt $6500 obo. (250)421-6625 2007 Honda Civic Sedan, in excellent condition with only 87,000km! Silver, manual, sunroof, summer and winter tires on rims. $9200. (250)4201659 2008 Pontiac Grande Prix, V6, 1 owner, no rust, no dents, 111,000 km, $9500. Call (250)427-7094 (250)427-8758 2011 Dodge Charger SXT, 53,000 kms. To many options to list here. Replacement cost $37,000, asking $17,500. Call for details or see pictures and list of options on Kijiji. (250)420-7150 2013 Dodge Chrysler, excellent condition , 20,000 km’s, Asking $17,000 obo. (250)426-5634 Reduced: 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt, 121,650km, 1-owner, hwy driven, summer & winter wheels, new front pads & rotors, new spark plugs, new anti freeze, all recalls completed, no accidents, Carproof, $5500 obo. (250)427-7153

Cars - Sports & Imports 2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $7777.77. (250)426-7354

Commercial Vehicles 45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5000. (250)489-8794

Motorcycles 1982 Honda Interstate Goldwing, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $5500. Henry, (250)428-3545 1999 Vulcan nomad, 1500cc liquid cooled, shaft drive, hard bags, windshield, hiway pegs, new battery, 36,000kms. $5500. (250)421-3556 2003 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic, great cond., new tires, 16” apes, braided steel cables, custom grips, Cobra slashcut exhaust, forward controls, saddlebags, $3999. Call (250)489-8731 2004 Black Honda Rukas scooter, 50cc, low mileage, $1500. (250)417-9976


2004 Vulcan 2000, 2053 cu.cm of power & torque, if you are searching for the most powerful cruiser in mint cond., this is it! $7900. (250)2316720 Kimberley

Open Houses

Open Houses

Cranbrook • Tuesday, September 29 4:00 - 5:00pm A - 1013 23rd Ave N

Entertaining is easy in this 2 bdrm, 2 level townhouse.


Nancy Heidmiller


1966 Chrysler Windsor, $5500 obo. (250)429-3937 1979 Chev Malibu Classic, 2-dr, new: engine, paint, headers, top end cam & lifters, ex. cond., asking $5500. Call after 5pm, (250)426-5498

Lori White

2004 Chrysler Sebring Convertible. low mileage, 86,000 km, good condition $5000 OBO (250)919-5451

1985 Chev Corvette, 40,000KM, speaker system, red leather seats, summer driven only. $12,000 OBO (250)421-4374

2004 Sunfire, standard, HS, 264,000 km, new winter tires, runs well, little TLC, $1500 obo. (250)421-0613

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

2005 Forest River Rockwood Premier tent trailer,

Inside Garage Sale, 105 14th Victoria Ave S ( lego manor) Sat, Oct 3, 9- ?. George Forman grill, stools, t.v. stand, 4 drawer dresser, and lots more. Everything must go.

2005 Chevrolet Impala, 198,000km, air, cruise, power everything, summer & winter tires, $2900 obo. Call (250)464-9981

2013 Camaro Convertible RS, black, 33,600km, V6-325hp, 6-spd auto, leather interior, back-up camera & alarm, new tires, remote start, $25,000 obo. Needs minor body work. Call Mike, (250)426-3616

Bright & sunny 2 bdrm mobile with tons of updates!

sleeps 6, fridge, stove & sink, no tears in canvas or screens, $4200 obo 710B JD Extend A back hoe, slides & cylinders have been repaired, digging & clean up buckets 80%, detachable, no tractor, digging depth 23’ $2500 (250)417-6536

$7195 (250)429-3552

4:30 - 5:30pm #32 - 1900 10th St S


Heavy Duty Machinery

2005 4-dr Buick Allure

3.8L V6, auto, 175,820 km, mounted winter & summer tires, cloth tan interior, car seat anchors


5th Wheel hitch, no rail design, $925. Cut away tailgate, $275. Both fit Ford Super Duty. Also Truck tool box, black, 63’’ wide, 18.5’’ high, $275. 1 (250)489-2452

106 1850 2nd St. N., Cranbrook Phone (250) 489-5160 (250) 417-1260 1200 sq ft, 1 bedroom apt , available Oct 1. Fridge, stove. blinds, washer and dryer in the building. Close to all amenities, N/P, N/S, and strictly no pets. Ref required. (250)919 2075 or (250)4891906 2-bdrm unit available in Victoria Villas, rent includes W/D & water, starting at $825/mo + electric. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)417-7325


MUST BE SOLD, MAKE US AN OFFER to view call Andwell Collections Services Ltd.

250-489-5440 andwell@telus.net

5:30 - 6:30pm 1313 19th St S

Wow! This is surprising & way bigger than it looks with over 2600 sq.ft. finished.


Nancy Heidmiller

6:00 - 7:00pm 18 - 724 Innes Ave

Watch your children play from this 2 bedroom mobile on its own land.

$164,900 Lori White

Cranbrook • Wednesday, September 30 4:30 - 5:30pm 533 Woodland Dr NW

Get Out - But not far out of town. This 4 bdrm, 2 bath home is on .49 of an acre.

$339,900 Lori White

4:30 - 5:30pm 1938 5th St S

Over 1800 sq.ft. finished with 4 bdrms, 2 baths, single garage & great area!


Nancy Heidmiller

www.ekrealty.com Real Estate, Property & Strata Management & Mortgages

25 - 10th Ave. S. Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211

Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, September 28, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, September 28, 2015

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2006 Honda 1300 cc Touring bike, liquid cooled, shaft drive, windshield, foot pegs, back rest, saddlebags, excellent tires, burgundy color with all chrome accents, 35,600 km, $5800.(250)421-3556 2008 750 Honda Shadow, 16,823 km, c/w windshield, saddle bags, sissy bar, engine guard & bike cover, ex. cond., $6000. (250)529-7724 2009 Honda Goldwing, nav, audio, CB, other extras, call in evenings, (250)428-4301 HD Sportster factory 1200 custom, 5400 km, mint. (250)426-7710

2006 Mallard 21’ travel trailer, sleeps 5, great cond., $11,000 obo. (250)919-7580 2008 28-1/2’ Passport Ultra Lite travel trailer, 1/2 ton towable, hardwall, all options, slide (couch, sink & stove), new tires, ex. cond., road ready, everything works, $15,500, includes hitch, $15,000 without. 1(250)4026663 2008 Pioneer sprit by Fleetwood, 19’, like new, walk around Queen bed, full fridge and many extras. Asking 12,000 obo. Willing to trade for a cargo trailer. (250)489-2896

Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038

Off Road Vehicles 2010 Dinli Centhor, red, 700cc ATV, trunk, wench, 500km, $5500. (250)428-7305 2011 CanAm 800, wench, fairing, alum skid plates, tracks and snow blade. 560kms. $12,000. (250)428-8749 350 Honda Odyssey, full suspension, good cond., $2700 obo. (250)427-2491 ATV For Sale. 2007 CanAm outlander 400XT, $4000 OBO. (250)919-2276

Recreational/Sale 1976 Class C Dodge 17’, Tioga, 318 C.I., fiberglass body, like new tires, good running cond., $3000 obo. (250)4894688 1991 8’10� camper, flush toilet, 3-way fridge, large windows, approx. 1300lbs, propane tank & alum. stairs inc., roof has been resealed, ex. cond., $4500 obo. (250)4270500

1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $24,999 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 26’ Wilderness, front kitchen, twin beds, newer fridge, hot water tank, awning, sofa folds down to bed, ex. cond., $6000 obo. Call (250)489-1948 1996 29’ Corsair 5th Wheel, very good cond., polar package, 3-way fridge 4-burner stove w/oven, dinette, asking $8000 obo. (250)344-7636 or (250)344-0111 1997 22’ Komfort travel trailer, very good cond, solar panel, new awning, California room, sleeps-6, $5800. Includes equalizer hitch. Call (250)4894532 1998 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27.5’, like new, original owners, never smoked in, used 2 weekends, slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, paid $51,900, reduced to $10,500 obo. (250)427-4435 1999 25’ Salem 5th Wheel, slide, loaded, $5600. Call (250)422-3217 1999 26-1/2’ Frontier 5th Wheel, awning, slide, completely self contained, great cond., $10,000 obo. Call (250)426-4704 2000 28-1/2’ Seahawk 5th wheel by golf stream. Back kitchen sleeps 6, oak cupboards, double dinette / couch slide. $9500.OBO (250)4233465 in Fernie 2003 Triple E Topaz 5th Wheel, 25’, rear kitchen, double table/couch, slide, 3-burner stove/oven, fridge, microwave, awning, air, furnace, two 30lb propane tanks, outdoor shower, BBQ, vent covers, no smoking, no pets, towed from Calgary new & never moved since, ex. cond., will sell fully equipped, asking $15,000. (250)426-4015 2003 Vanguard 5th Wheel trailer Model 266SL, 28’, sleeps 4, rear kitchen, 11’ slide, full winter package, 15’ awning, like new, ex. cond., $16,500 obo. (250)489-8373 2004 24’ Pioneer travel trailer. Queen walk around bed , new tires, very good condition. Reduced to $8000. 1 (250)4289606 2005 Forest River Rockwood Premier tent trailer, $4800 obo. To view, (250)421-0751

2008 Springdale 189FL 23.7’ double axle trailer, gently used, very clean, single owner, ex. cond., microwave, tub surround, 13.5 BTU A/C, front Diamond plate, 6 gallon gas/electric water heater, cable TV hook up, fridge/freezer, $12,500. (250)919-0734 Cranbrook 2011 Coleman 26-1/2’ Lite CT250GS travel trailer, walk around queen bed, ducted air & heat, slide has couch, sink & stove, 1/2 ton towable, power awning, hard wall siding, $16,500. 1(250)402-6717 2011 Lance camper 1181, slide out, full bathroom, winter package, solar, loaded, like new, $28,800 obo. (250)4269832 2013 22 Ft Springdale camper. Used once, a/c , awning, 3 bunk beds, queen bed, winterized, $15,900. To view in Invermere Call (403)801-9284 33 Ft, 1998 four winds class A sport motor home. Gas motor, generator, air cond, back up monitor, new awning, all new blinds. Excellent condition. 27,000 miles. $20,000. Kar dolly extra. In Creston. (250)428-6284 or (250) 4283015 35’ Toy hauler, has 10’ garage, sleeps 8-10, $16,000. Two 8’ campers, both have fridge, stove, furnace, one has bathroom, $1200 & $3000. Good clean units, Call (250)428-9759

Sport Utility Vehicle

3.3L 6cyl. 132,000km Well maintained.

2005 Arctic Cat M7, $3500 obo. (250)489-2877

Trucks & Vans

If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to

1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094

on most cellular networks.

Sport Utility Vehicle 1989 Jeep Cherokee, 5-spd transmission, $850. Call (250)426-5022

1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Very Good Condition! Many Upgrades Call for info (250)426-7988 1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446 1999 Chev Blazer SUV, good cond., 239,263km, 4WD, auto, sunroof, 31 10.50 R15 LT tires, clean, V6, $4000 obo. (250)427-3040 (250)427-6376

2004 Astro AWD

Many upgrades. Phone for details. (250)426-7988 2004 F150 4x4, XLT 5.4 Triton, 187,000 kms, New engine, new brakes, new winter tires and 4 all season tires. Like new. Asking $7500.(250) 427 3917

LIKE NEW! 9ft awning. loaded, inside/outside shower, $9,900 250-428-4079 cell: 250-435-0234

Combo: 2002 F150 4x4 truck, 110,000km, and 1996 5th Wheel, both in good shape, many extras, $12,000 obo. (250)426-2471 Hunter’s Special, older 8-1/2’ Vanguard camper, new jacks, good shape, $700. Call (250)422-3346 ONLINE RV DEALS www.VoyagerRV.ca Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447

1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350 cu.in., 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $2400 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston

1996 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup. 3.8 liter, V6, 5spd manual. Hard Tonneau cover. Very good shape. Comes with 4 Nokia winter tires. Just serviced, new windshield. Great for commuting to work or school. $2000 obo. (250)489 1630 1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $6000 obo. Call (250)428-9884 1999 Dodge Dakota, V6, 5-spd, 4x4, good runner, $3500. (250)423-0328

1999 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, 5 speed manual

Are you looking for a truck but don’t need full size? This vehicle is perfect for “back to school� or a variety of hauling needs.

It has great gas mileage, has been regularly maintained, is a comfortable ride and comes with new tires. 320,000km-$3500


2000 Chev Astro van, body & interior good, good mechanically, $2200 obo. Call (250)420-1897 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab 4x4, $5200 obo. Call (250)426-8032

2008 Ford Escape LTD, 4 wd, V-6 auto, tilt, cruise, auto air cond, p/w, power seat, power moon roof, and much more. Only 63,000 kms, senior driver. Premium condition thru out. Tan leather interior.

2001 Astro Van, AWD, good condition, 330K. Needs windshield . $2000. (250)426-7168


2001 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4, fully loaded, 5.3L recently serviced engine, new brakes, Tonneau cover, bed rug, auto, 2� lowering kit, 160,000km, $9000 obo. (250)919-8765 leave message


Auto Financing

2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 4.7L, auto, 205,000km, 4-dr, air, very clean, $6900 obo. (778)517-5084


AUTO FINANCING REDUCED 2012 Creekside 22RB, walk-around bed, couch, oven, MW, large bathroom, day/night blinds, 30 lb propane tanks, black tank flush, solar panel, p/awning, new battery, 3-yrs left on EXTENDED WARRANTY, $17,900. (250)489-1645

Quick. Easy.

Dream Catcher

AUTO Financing



$10,498. Call 778-481-2222


Hunters Special Price.

F-250 4 X 4 Ford 1999, In mint condition, 213,000 km’s. Titan V8, fully loaded Lariat. All leather & electric interior. New Kenwood sound system. ( Bt & MX ) Body in great shape. 5 new tires, Full tow package new box rack, box liner. Very clean truck. $5800 obo. (250)432-9383 or rockymtboy1@gmail.com

Utility Trailers Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 2004 Nissan Quest, 3.5 SL. V-6, auto, 155,000kms. New brakes, new all season tires, stow away 3rd row seats, excellent condition. Asking $8,500. (250)421-0252 2006 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, V8, auto, a/c, 260,000km, well maintained, receipts for new parts, $15,000. (250)426-8591 2006 Silverado 1500 Quad cab 4x4. 120K, hard tonneau cover, box liner, mud guards, bug deflector, bose stereo, sirius xm, studded winter tires on rims, trailer brake, service records. $16,900 obo.(250)489-6162 or (250)919-5148. 2007 Dodge Caravan mini van, 6 cyl. auto, 75,600 kms, dark green (magnesium), 4 good summer tires on wheels, 4 very good winter tires (Toyo) mtd. on van. Anti- theft bar. Very good condition.$ 7000 firm (250)426-2809 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199 2008 F150, 4x2, Super Crew, XLT, V8, 170,000km, loaded, white/tan, new 3-fold Tonneau cover, great cond., $10,999.99. (250)426-5093 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199

Legal Notices


Bonus! Price includes extended warranty & winter tires on rims. (value $2,500.)

1987 Mazda B2200 pickup, long box, 2 wd, 4 cylinder , 5 speed, 183,000km, canopy, and new winters on rims. $2200 obo. (250)417-7575

2002 Explorer Limited, V8, w/trailer tow package, ex. cond., $5500. (250)426-7354

2008 Buick Enclave CXL, 141,000 km, fully loaded, twin skylight/sunroof, new winters, tan with leather seats, Navigation/On Star, immaculate, $19,900. (250)919-8564

Trucks & Vans



1-800-663-5555 or *5555


2011 Chev Traverse LT, 60,000km, AWD, 8-passenger, 2-1/2 yrs left on extended warranty, never winter driven, ex. cond., $25,500. (250)342-6968 Windermere

Tour Edition Presidential Series, 35’ Golden Falcon, used 2 summers, like new, solar panels, holding tanks enclosed insulated and heated, $30,000. (250)417-1783

Trucks & Vans

2009 Chev Silverado 1500 Extra cab 4x4, immaculate cond., 121,000km, $20,000 (250)428-9606 2010 Dodge Ram 1500, Laramie Edition, fully loaded, leather interior, 167,000 km, 4’’ lift, chrome pkg, $24,000. (250)919-0837 2012 Black F350 XLT 4x4 Crew cab, 3� lift, fender flares, headache rack, box rails, toolbox, custom seat covers, custom rims, 35� Toyo mudders, 6.2L gas, V8, 97,000 km, asking $22,000. (250)421-0195

Tandem utility trailer, flatdeck, 8x16, $2200. (250)4176893

Boat Accessories Tow rope, 4-adult life jackets, motor flusher, Merc oil drain pump, anchor 15lb, all for $150. (250)426-8508 Under boats kicker motor. 1 (250)426-7710

Boats 10-1/2’ Fiberglass pontoon boat with double hull, oars, life jackets, 28 lb thrust Minnkota, like new in the box, trailer with spare tire, $1250.OBO Call (250)428-9145

2014 Silver F150 4x4 XLT Crew cab, full load, off road package, V8, 3� lift kit, 33� Toyo mudders, custom rims, custom exhaust, fender flares, smoked lights, push bar & light bar, purchased one year ago, 22,000 km, mint, asking $41,000. (250)421-0195

16’ Open Bow inboard/outboard, EZ-Load trailer, ready to go, some accessories, $6000. (250)427-4987

Selling locally, 2003 GMC 4x4 pickup, 5-spd standard, regular cab, short box, $6000 obo. Call for more details, (250)427-7171 or (250)4645214

Aluminum 11’5� 51� wide, car topper, oars, MINN KOTA electric motor $400 (250) 2701221

Legal Notices

2008 Campion Explorer 552i 225 HP, inboard 4.3 L Mercruiser, 8HP troller with remote control fully loaded for fishing $35,000. 250 417-6867

Boat & trailer, 24’ Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, reduced to $3900 obo. (250)829-0708 www.jonesboysboats.com Variable speed prop. 14 to 19 variable pitch, $250. Call (250)426-5577


Please note: You may bid on one or more schools. You may bid on one or more communities. School bids and community bids will be given equal consideration. &UDQEURRN













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Monday, September 28, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

Literacy campaign launches in the Kootenays! Setting financial goals Community leaders and volunteers will join Black Press, Kootenay Savings Credit Union and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy from Oct. 7-9 to raise awareness about the importance of literacy and to celebrate the power literacy has in the Kootenays. The 5th Annual Reach a Reader campaign will raise funds for our region’s community-based literacy programs. You may be wondering, why literacy? The answer is simple, literacy is important. It is a common thread woven through resilient and thriving communities. It has a direct impact on issues such as crime rates, poverty, health, economic prosperity and workplace safety. Local literacy programs provide support to help the 40% of British Columbians who struggle with reading, writing, numeracy, digital literacy and language skills. Programs are offered across the ages from early literacy

programs to help families promote emergent skills, to adults who wish to upgrade workplace skills, to seniors who want to learn how to use a computer or tablet. The needs are growing and now you can help. In the Kootenays, funds will help support family and adult literacy programs. Literacy programs help people to gain the skills needed to be successful in their life, work and community. “As a field we are proud of the work we do, not just because it feels good, but because the work has a meaningful and long reaching impact on the individuals who participate in literacy programs and that in turns benefits the community, the region and beyond”, says Desneiges Profili, Regional Program Manager. You can support the Reach a Reader campaign by making a donation in exchange for a special edition of the Kootenay Advertiser. Volunteers will be hitting the

Photo submitted

Franca, Jesse and their daughter enjoy learning together. streets with papers in hand at across the region. You may also donate online at cbal. org. To learn more about community-based literacy programs in your community, visit cbal.org . About Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy: The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is a not-forprofit organization that develops, pro-

motes and delivers literacy and essential skills services for people of all ages in the Columbia Basin and Boundary regions. C BA L’s 16 Community Literacy Coordinators provide services in 77 communities, working with local literacy advisory committees to develop effective literacy programs and resources in the communities they serve.

The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL), Black Press, Decoda Literacy Solutions and Kootenay Savings Credit Union are partnering to raise funds for literacy programs in the 5th Annual Reach a Reader Campaign.

with your goals? Saving for children’s education – Are you utilizing RESPs? Have by Maria Kruchen, such as: Debt management – you looked at other Kootenay Savings How to reduce, man- ways to save? MoneyWorks Take a snapshot of age and pay down your When it comes to debts like mortgage, where you are right personal finance, too credit cards, lines of now. Recognize your many people wander credit. Which ones areas of strength and aimlessly with very lit- should you tackle first? weakness and estabSaving money – How lish your goals around tle awareness how their spending habits today much should you them. Develop an action will affect their future. save? Is it better to plan; goals cannot be Setting goals is very use RRSPs or TFSAs? powerful and reward- When do you have met without action. It may be easier to break ing simply because it enough? Tax Planning – It’s down your goals into sets a foundation for future success and a not how much you smaller milestones and make that counts but make adjustments as strategy to achieve it. Many people skip rather how much you necessary. Achieving this important step in keep after tax that goals starts with findtheir path to financial makes all the differ- ing a balance between setting goals that can independence or retire- ence. Retirement planning be accomplished while ment. Some make an attempt to set goals – When do you want to still allowing you to but they may not do retire? Can you retire? live the life you want it properly. Skipping Do you have a plan for right now. What is really imporgoal setting can cer- retirement? Estate planning – Do tant to you? Do your tainly still lead to success but maybe success you have a will? An goals match your valby chance instead of enduring power of ues? Is building up a choice. On the other attorney? Have you savings account imporhand, setting goals thought about what tant or is paying down can increase the like- will happen if you die debt more important to you? Your goals lihood of success or become disabled? Risk management belong to you and no because it starts a plan. Remember the old say- - Are you protected one else. Ensure they ing “People who fail to from financial disaster? reflect what you want, Do you have enough not your neighbor, plan, plan to fail?” One of the challenges life insurance or dis- coworker or extended family members. in the world of person- ability coverage? And remember, it’s Investing – Do you al finance is it’s such a never too late or too big space. Financial know what you are planning can mean so investing in? Do your early to start planning. many different things, investments line up

Buy a paper from one of our volunteers on October 7 and 100% of your donation goes to literacy programs in Cranbrook. Can’t be there? Donate online at cbal.org.


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