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September 30, 2015
Creekside thrived under Jassmann’s touch
Byron Louis says First Nations “are not in a position to be critical of anybody because they have a way of making us pay.” ...............................
James Baker says when the Conservative government scrapped most of the 2015 Kelowna Accord, it was a set-back for relations with First Nations. ...............................
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Horst Jassmann remembers pretty much every show that has come through Lake Country’s Creekside Theatre. When he started managing the theatre 16 years ago—moving to Lake Country from the Lower Mainland—only about 45 people showed up to the first event. That was Canadian singer/songwriter Laurie Thain of Tommy Hunter Show fame. Then Robert Service brought in about 90 folks before noted country singer Gary Fjellgaard packed in 150 people. But that was just a precursor to the next show when Canadian boogie-woogie pianist, vocalist and composer Michael Kaeshammer came to Creekside. The place was sold out. “That was our first sellout and the support has never stopped,” said Jassmann, who’s contract to manage the Creekside Theatre will run out at the end of the year when he retires and is replaced by a cultural development officer, a new position the District of Lake Country has created and is currently taking applications for. “A lot of the shows we got were sold out or close to sold out,” he said. “We were lucky. In the beginning there wasn’t much going on. In Kelowna the Rotary Centre hadn’t been built and the Vernon Performing Arts Centre hadn’t been built. “They came on in 2002 and it kind of knocked the wind out of our sales. But we slowly
try n u o Lake C and h Healt s Fair es n l l e W
What you have in Lake Country is a lot of people who are involved in the arts and very dedicated to it.” Horst Jassmann
CREEKSIDE THEATRE manager Horst Jassmann is in the final months of running the theatre, the only
manager in Creekside’s eclectic 16 year history. rebounded.” Now 67 and “of a retireable age,” Jassmann says he has come to terms with the fact Creekside Theatre will no longer be the top priority in his working life. Jassmann has been the theatre’s only manager in its lifetime. As he calls it, he has been the “head of a department of one,” logging countless hours at the theatre, booking acts, working the lights, selling tickets, replacing seats. You name it; Jassmann did it. When he was hired, Jassmann had been working in Langley trying to get a theatre built in that community. Then
he heard of the Creekside Theatre, a quaint 258-seat theatre attached to a school in a place called Lake Country. “I was really impressed when I came up here,” he said. “I had worked at Expo 86 and at the PNE and had written three musicals and I was working in Langley trying to get a theatre built for 10 years. When I saw the (Creekside) Theatre they put with the school and found out there was only 12,000 people in the community, I thought, ‘These people have a vision for the future.’ I really thought for the theatre and cultural support, this community was ahead of other com-
munities.” Creekside Theatre was built as an extension on George Elliot Secondary in the late 1990s and opened in November 1999. There is a shared use agreement between Lake Country and the school district to operate the theatre inside the school. Prior to its opening, community members had put on plays at the Winfield Memorial Hall before a movement began to push for a theatre. When it opened Jassmann was hired as its first manager. Lake Country’s recreation and community services supervisor says, while there were some wrinkles over
the years, it’s been a great ride for the theatre under Jassmann. “I would say we’ve been really fortunate to have him and his vision for getting it off the ground,” said Sheila Gunn. “Having someone come in with the knowledge and energy and get it off the ground really made a difference. Was there growing pains? Yes. Having a shared-use facility—everyone has to communicate. But it has worked very well and I think we were fortunate to have Horst doing it for so long.” Lake Country’s new cultural development officer will be in charge of the Creekside Theatre as
October 3rd, 2015 • 10 AM – 3 PM Winfield Memorial Hall All ages are welcome. There will be door prizes and fun activities. If anyone wants to be an exhibitor or sponsor please feel free to contact LCHPS.
well as the Lake Country Open Air Performance schedule and other culture and heritage community events. It’s a change in the way things have always been done—Jassmann won’t be running his department of one. But the theatre and Lake Country will always be in his heart. “What you have in Lake Country is a lot of people who are involved in the arts and very dedicated to it,” he said. “You think of ArtWalk and the people running the art gallery. These things came out of nothing. “It takes determination and dedication. Lake Country has a tight and well organized group of theatre attendees. I always said, if you can give a person a positive experience in the theatre you will get them back.” So, as the schedule of events at Creekside runs its course over the rest of 2015, it would be worth your while to take in one of the last shows under Jassmann. He will likely go quietly and may not get a curtain call, but he deserves it. And when he does exit stage left, it will be with pride in building a community theatre from the ground up. Take a bow sir. Well done.
Lake Country
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Candidates trumpet party promises in run-up to federal election ALISTAIR WATERS In a recent interview with the Toronto Star, Assembly of
First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde was asked to rate the relationship between the current Conservative
government and Canada’s aboriginal people on a scale of one to 10. While Bellegarde said it would not be a 10 or a
one, he figured the score would be pretty low. The main parties running in this federal election are al l looking to
raise that number should they form the next government. As a result, while aboriginal policies have not
been released by the parties, promises of support for the country’s aboriginal population have been made.
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The Conservatives, in the most recent federal budget, included $200 million over five years to help First Nations, $215 million over five years to provide skills and development training for aboriginal people, and $34 million over five years to help the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency support consultations with indigenous peoples over resource management issues. An earlier commitment by the current federal government pledged $500 million over seven years to improve on-reserve school infrastructure. NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, prior to releasing his party’s aboriginal platform, has vowed to set up a national inquiry into the issue of missing and murdered aboriginal women within the first 100 days of an NDP government taking power and creation of a cabinet-level committee to make sure treaty rights, inherent rights and Canada’s international obligations to its First Nations are met when government decisions are made. The NDP’s aboriginal platform is expected to include promises of more money for First Nations’ education and infra-
Meetings to discuss Lake Country’s budget A series of District of Lake Country council meetings have been scheduled to deliberate on the 2016 budget. The meetings will be held in the council chambers at municipal hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., and are open to the public. Agendas will be posted by the end of the week prior to each meeting.
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Tuesday, Oct. 6 Tuesday, Nov. 17 Thursday, Nov. 19 (if required) Tuesday, Nov. 24 Thursday, Nov. 26 (if required) Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016 All meetings will start at 4:30 p.m.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 30, 2015 A3
Spiritually uplifting powwows help grow pride, heal old wounds KATHY MICHAELS Richard Jackson knows a lot about reconciliation. He’s reconciled himself with a childhood disrupted by Canada’s residential schools, and with the many ways his community struggled for stability long after the majority of those schools shut down. As the Truth and Reconciliation Commission traveled across Canada examining the legacy of residential schools, he also reconciled himself with taking on the heavy emotional weight that came with revisiting those memories. “It opens up old wounds to talk about it, but the healing I’ve done is something I’m happy to share with people,” said Jackson, who works as a resident elder with the Central Okanagan School District. He is part of the Thompson band, but lives in the Okanagan and is a familiar presence at local powwows for his emceeing. While some may just enjoy the music and the dances involved with powwows as entertainment, Jackson explained there is more to them than meets the eye. As the drum beats, the history of residential schools is oftentimes explored in song, reflecting the significant role they now play in aboriginal history. At its peak there were 80 residential schools across Canada, and over 150,000 children walked
as tense. Grand Chief Stewart Phillip is an Okanagan aboriginal leader who has served as president of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs since 1998. He explained that’s because shortly after Harper was elected, his government rejected Liberal leader Paul Martin’s motion to adopt the Kelowna Accord, which came with a $5.1 billion boost to aboriginal spending over five years. The Conservatives are also the only party that has not committed to launching a full inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.
POWWOWS go a long way to lifting First Nations spirits while they wait for the federal government to fulfill promises. through their doors. Some were given an education and walked away with few scars. But the commission found that for the vast majority, the experiences were of cruel abuse and hardship as the government pursued the goal of “removing the Indian from the child.” In addition to practices that fragmented families and indigenous culture, 4,000 children died during their stays. “I made it. I went through it. I am not
blaming anybody,” said Jackson, pointing out that traditions that settlers tried to snuff out have helped the process. “In our powwows, we experience a very highly-positive spiritual cleansing. We balance and ground ourselves, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.” They have helped him, but overall forgiveness, he explained, is a nuanced concept that will require buy-in from whatever government
Canadians elect. “They’ve started with the apology,” Jackson said. “But they need to have more funding for schools, for housing and for education so we can compete with the jobs that are going on today.” Some funds aimed at addressing aboriginal needs have been spent over the course of the Harper government’s tenure, but the relationship between the current government and Canada’s aboriginals can be most politely described
Voice tied to economic growth The Okanagan Indian Band won’t be endorsing any political party in the Oct. 19 federal election for fear that it could have a negative impact on the
about the best way to achieve reconciliation are being asked. It will be a long process, Jackson said. “Healing is a journey, not a destination,” he said. “It’s a commitment we have to take for the rest of our lives. We need to heal the racism and show kindness to one another.” “Powwows are one good way to do that. They are the heartbeat of our First Nation people, our cultural identity, and our aboriginal right. “They’re also empowering, and that’s what we need to share with non-native people.”
Which party will live up to its promises on aboriginal affairs?
“The Harper government has pursued a unilateral legislative agenda that has not served the interests of aboriginal people in this country,” said Phillip, who is asking his community to get out and vote for “anybody but Harper.”(See story A29.) It’s a strong political message that some say is resonating among young aboriginal voters, whose political will was galvanized in recent years by things like the Truth and Reconciliation process. Now that the truth part is over, and the Canadian government has apologized, questions
band’s future ability to partner with the federal government. OKIB chief Byron Louis says aboriginal leaders have been stung in the past by publicly supporting one party
over another. Louis said he also has rarely voted in federal elections because he doesn’t want his band to suffer the consequences of supporting the wrong party.
“Asking First Nations at the national level and down to endorse any political party puts us in a very bad position,” said Louis. SEE OKIB A11
structure on reserves. As government, the Greens say they will restore the $5.1 billion commitment and the specifics of the Kelowna Accord, which was reached between federal, provincial, territorial and First Nations governments in November 2005. The Greens propose to increase access for First Nations education by removing the two per cent funding cap and fully funding the program backlog at a cost of $424 million. They’d also ensure that Canada upholds the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and launch a full inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women. Liberal leader Justin Trudeau has already promised $2.6 billion in spending on First Nations issues, including $515 million per year in core funding for kindergarten to Grade 12 education on reserves. That figure would rise to $750 million per year
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by the end of the Liberals’ first term in office. Another $500 million over three years has been promised for school infrastructure on reserves and $50 million more per year in financial assistance for aboriginal students attending post-secondary education. Trudeau has also pledged to implement all the recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and call a national public inquiry into the murdered and missing aboriginal women. Speaking at an all-candidates forum at UBCO last week, Kelowna-Lake-Country Liberal candidate Stephen Fuhr said for him dealing with aboriginal issues goes beyond simply dollar and cents. It is a moral concern. “(The federal government) made agreements and (it) has to live up to them,” he said. “We have a constitutional responsibility here, but it is also the right thing to do.” Conservative candidate Ron Cannan said in a Black Press inter-
view, as the MP for the last nine years he has developed a good working relationship with leaders of both the Westbank First Nation and the Okanagan Indian Band, which has resulted in more money for skills training for aboriginal students at both Okanagan College and UBCO and on-reserve infrastructure for the Okanagan Indian Band. He said concerns voiced elsewhere about federal changes to voting identification requirements that some feel will adversely affect aboriginal people voting in this election have never been raised with him. However, Cannan expects issues concerning more assistance for Canada’s First Nations will be a focus if the Conservatives are re-elected to government. Norah Bowman, the Kelowna-Lake Country NDP candidate, told the all-candidates gathering she was proud her party would immediately launch a national public inquiry into the murdered and missing aboriginal women.
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Ultimate tool for change H
adisa is a bright 18-year-old Afghan girl, a top student in her Grade 12 class. That in itself makes her exceptional.
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Jim Taylor
Barry Gerding Editor
“The question is,” she wonders, “are human beings capable of abolishing war?” After World War II, Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein asked the same question in a manifesto: “Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to
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Inner children take over city hall W e’re seeing the effects of our post-literate, feelings-based education system and media on the federal election. Candidate bozo eruptions are becoming more frequent. Most recently a Liberal candidate on Vancouver Island admitted she has long believed that hijacked jetliners could not have destroyed the World Trade Centre on 9-11, that it was all “a lie.” That was “my truth,” she said, in the lingo of the feelings-first, inner-child crowd. Now she’s “moved on” to a slightly different fact-free conclusion, that we’ll just never know how those 3,000 people were murdered. And she wants to go to Ottawa and help run this country. Feelings-based beliefs were on display again at last week’s Union of B.C. Municipalities convention in Vancouver, where bozo eruptions by local politicians come in bunches.
BC Views
Tom Fletcher This year’s main outbreak was an emotional demand that the B.C. government enact a provincial bill of rights. This magic municipal Magna Carta “recognizes the right of every resident to live in a healthy environment, including the right to clean air, clean water and vibrant ecosystems.” Alert taxpayers may wonder, how many lawyers would it take to define “vibrant”? More on that in a moment. Local councils across B.C. and around the country have been pitched this scheme by
the David Suzuki Foundation, which calls it the Blue Dot campaign. In short, it’s part of the bigger plan to save the planet by crushing capitalism, currently being pushed by the Pope, the UN and others. Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps was one of the most passionate backers. She quoted the plea presented to her council by an 11-year-old recruited by the Blue Dot team. There are many such children, terrified by indoctrination about the imminent destruction of Earth and all its cuddly creatures that has bombarded them since they learned to speak. They are found in the wealthiest countries in human history, those enjoying health, comfort and opportunity not imagined by anyone 100 years ago. In the vast, air-conditioned hall of the Vancouver Convention Centre, there were several attempts at adult supervision.
Coquitlam Coun. Terry O’Neill noted that unlike intrinsic rights articulated in Canada’s charter, freedom of assembly and so forth, this is an attempt to invent new rights that are actually demands for “others to do something for you.” Indeed, if we’re going to have government by 11-year-olds, we might as well throw in a right to free ice cream. Chilliwack Mayor Sharon Gaetz went off on a rant about how this new “vision” would protect us from things like Volkswagen fiddling its diesel fuel emission results. The resolution calls for “access to justice when environmental rights are infringed,” which sounds like code for some sort of costly new legal aid program to pursue every individual grievance. Meanwhile in the real world, class action lawsuits are being prepared to gain compensation for lost resale value
of millions of cars. This is what happens in fortunate places like Canada that already have access to justice. O’Neill read off a long list of existing B.C. legislation that protects water, air, wildlife, food, public health and so on. Helps replied that this bill of rights would “consolidate” all that. One more layer of bureaucracy, that’s the Victoria spirit. Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb pleaded with rural delegates to reject this “David Suzuki propaganda” that is designed to put more roadblocks in the way of the very resource industries that provide our modern comforts. Alas, the resolution passed in a show of hands that should have been, but wasn’t, put to a counted vote.
Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press.
the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?” One of my friends wonders if we humans are hard-wired for war. Our history—the history we record, at least—lists mainly wars and conquests. Who beat whom. Who seized whose lands, peoples, resources… Noah Yuval Harari, in Sapiens, his sweeping history of human existence, suggests that we have become the world’s dominant species by exterminating our competition. There were once, he argues, seven human species. Homo sapiens killed off the others. Just as we are now wiping out 140,000 non-human species every year. That’s an estimate, of course, because much of it happens to insects, algae, and other life forms that are commonly overlooked. Science journal makes the connection—the SEE TAYLOR A5
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 30, 2015 A5
Election 2015: Truth and reconciliation still pending
ur focus in today’s Lake Country Calendar is on aboriginal issues facing our country. Truth and reconciliation is a term used to describe the status of the
relationship between our government and aboriginal people. The truth is about acknowledging our government-instituted sins of the past. Reconciliation is about our aboriginal people mov-
ing forward, economically and culturally. In other words, it’s about respect and it’s about money. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has taken the step, symbolic but
still important, to acknowledge those misdeeds of past generations to attempt to eradicate the aboriginal culture. Those misplaced policies have since been well documented—the abuse
Education is the best tool for change
TAYLOR FROM A4 , number of invertebrates fell by half over the past 35 years, at the same time the human population doubled. Mass extinctions are not new. Dinosaurs, for example, emerged after one of the biggest extinctions, about 250 million years ago. They in turn disappeared some 65 million years ago after an asteroid smashed into what is now Mexico’s Yucatan. The resulting climate change doomed the dinosaurs, but gave small mammals an opportunity to flourish. However, Scientific American claims that the current human-caused extinction rate is the fastest ever, roughly 1,000 times faster than the average pace in Earth’s history. Even as we destroy other life forms on the planet, we wage war against each other. In Syria and Ukraine to-
day, in Kosova and Bosnia a few years ago, in the trenches of Europe a century ago. Are we, as my friend wonders, hardwired for violence? In Afghanistan Hadisa lives in a world that a volunteer doctor calls “riddled with intractable violence.” But every Friday, Hadisa teaches at the Borderfree Afghan Street Kids School. Over 100 ragamuffin street kids, often the breadwinners for their families, attend morning and afternoon classes. “In this school,” Hadisa tells her students, “we wish to build a world without war for you.” Like the more widely known Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for her commitment to women’s education (after being shot in the head by a resentful male), Hadisa puts her life on the line daily for her convictions. Both girls are Muslim—a religion often
portrayed in the west as dedicated to jihad, holy war. Both girls agree that the best tool for change is not weapons but education. Malala wrote, earlier this year, “The shocking truth is that world leaders have the money to fully fund primary AND secondary education around the world—but they choose
to spend it on other things… If the whole world stopped spending money on the military for just eight days, we could have the $39 billion needed to provide 12 years of free, quality education to every child on the planet.” Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
that children in residential schools suffered, how the physical and mental harm was inflicted on those students, in turn left without the resources or help to end the recycling of the damage as they became adults. The new generations of aboriginals, educated in the post-secondary world, proud of their heritage and determined to correct the ills of the past while moving forward, seriously began in the 1980s as they challenged how government has dealt with them. Land claim legal issues have been on the forefront since then, a long arduous legal battle that rests here in B.C. today with the assertion from our own premier that developing our
Editor’s Note
Barry Gerding natural resources will require addressing aboriginal land rights issues, already clearly evident in the northern B.C. pipeline debate. Here in the Okanagan, we have seen the success of the Westbank First Nation taking on the role of self-governance, the issue of land rights played out during
the negotiations over the Okanagan Rail Trail involving the Okanagan Indian Band, and the environment and other land use support initiatives of the Okanagan Nation Alliance. We are making baby steps, but the elephant in the room remains for us all to achieve that reconciliation. It will likely come with a hefty pricetag, a combination of cash alongside economic development opportunities and infrastructure. Besides land claims, it’s about creating the financial impetus to meet the current and future education, business development, social and health care needs of aboriginal band members. newsroom@
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Conservatives called ‘hostile’ to First Nation rights, interests KATHY MICHAELS “Anybody but Harper.” Grand Chief Phillip Stewart didn’t mince words when it came to the message he has for Okanagan voters. “Clearly, after nine and a half years of fighting, the Harper government has demonstrated that the Conservative Party of government is very hostile and adversarial to First Nation rights and interests,” he said, last week. Phillips has served as president of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs since 1998 and chief of the Penticton Indian Band from 1994 to 2008. “Right from the time [the Conservative Party] took power, they com-
pletely trashed the Kelowna Accord, which represented $5.1 billion in funding for desperately needed new health, education, housing and infrastructure.” The Harper government, Stewart said, has pursued a unilateral legislative agenda that has not served the interest of aboriginal people in this country. “They have been very consistent in their campaign against the interests of aboriginal people,” he said, pointing out the Conservatives are the only party that absolutely refused to consider a federal inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women. Stewart also takes issue with the Harper government’s misuse of
GRAND CHIEF Phillip Stewart, president of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs since 1988.
the term ‘surplus.’ “This so-called surplus was achieved by defunding and underfunding programs to aborig-
inals and veterans, and the most marginalized groups in Canada,” he said. Phillip’s view on the
government is clear, but while he encourages aboriginal people to vote for anybody other than Harper, he stops short at
offering his personal pick for prime minister. “I guess in many ways, my wife [of 30 years, Joan] and I honour the memories of aboriginal veterans that fought for the democratic rights for our people,” he said, explaining that aboriginal people in B.C. didn’t get the vote until 1949 and in Canada until 1960. “That was a hard struggle, so I vote in every election. I urge all people to go out and express themselves at the ballot box.” A rise in First Nation voter turnout is something that he expects to see happen, given recent grassroots efforts for political change. The momentum from Idle No More, a 2012 grassroots mobiliza-
tion of aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians against Harper, is still noticeable, he said. “It was inclusive and it brought Canadians together,” he said, saying he believes that energy will continue in years to come. It’s an exciting time, for the veteran politician, who’s been fighting for aboriginal rights for more than four decades. “It was exciting because it brought so many different diverse groups together, native and non-native alike, for a common purpose— to speak out against the Harper government,” he said.
Incumbent MP keeps locals first priority while maintaining national focus ALISTAIR WATERS After nine years as the MP for Kelowna-Lake Country and nine years before that as a Kelowna city councilor, Conservative candidate Ron Cannan sums up the reason he is seeking re-election in one sentence. “I love the community work, connecting people and helping people,” he said. For Cannan, 54, the constituency work is the most rewarding part of a job that can take a toll if you’re a B.C. MP, as the travel schedule is brutal. It regularly takes the
MP halfway across the country to work, and in Cannan’s case has resulted in him spending about half the year away from home. But while he considers his brand of politics to be local first, he’s also keenly aware of the national focus an MP must also maintain. He is a member of the parliamentary trade committee and has served on several other government committees including the finance committee and the Treasury Board sub-committee on government administration.
Cannan says he recognizes the importance of accountability when it comes to being an elected official, something that was taught to him during his time on Kelowna city council. And he feels he has maintained that local focus during his time as an MP, helped the riding secure federal funding for a long list of projects including infrastructure, health, education, innovation and job creation projects. Cannan describes himself as a “fiscal conservative with a social conscience,” who keeps an eye open to helping projects that create jobs, to build the econ-
AT AN open house for local federal election candidates, Conservative Ron Cannan speaks with UBCO student Dawson Markle. omy and helping meet the needs of the people
he serves. The affable back bencher, who is often lauded for his hard work behind the scenes, said his years on city council also helped prepare him for taking local issues and concerns to Ottawa
and bringing them to the attention of government officials. But while he can trot out a long list of accomplishments in terms of government funding for the riding since 2006, he’s also quick to share
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Hi, we’d like for you to meet Gertrude - lovingly referred to as “Gerti”. We know nothing of her background, but we do know that she is a true loving and soulful gal. We believe she had a hard life but now it’s time for her to live the ‘good life’ and find a new home who will show her that humans are capable of giving great care and much wanted and needed love. Gerti is a calm, mature girl who would be a good walking partner but for now, just short walks. She would be content hanging out on her bed pillow next to you while you watch television or on the computer. She lightens up any room. She listens very well and knows how to ‘shake a paw’ when asked - well even when not asked! You just have to look at Gerti and say hello to her and she puts a smile in her eyes and a wag on her tail. Please - give Gerti a chance to show you what a great addition to your life she will be. We are confident she will enrich your life more than you could imagine. Please come down to the Kelowna SPCA to speak with the Staff and ask to meet Gerti.
the credit with others, saying an important part of an MP’s job is creating partnerships with other politicians both federal and provincial, the public and private sector and social agencies. Over the years, Cannan has developed close working relationships not only with his Conservative counterpart on the west side of Okanagan Lake, but also with two of the three B.C. Liberal MLAs representing the Central Okanagan. A married father of three adult daughters and a grandfather of three, Cannan says serving as the MP for the last nine years would not have been possible without the support of his family. “This job really does affect the whole family,” he said. “You miss a lot of family events but you try to make up the time.” For Cannan, who has faced his share of family tragedy over the years —both his parents died of AIDS and his brother had a troubled life facing addiction, time in and out of jail and an untimely death in a fire at age 50—re-election will mean more of his local-first focus. As he likes to quip when asked by visiting politicians how can he leave an area as nice as the Okanagan to work in Ottawa: “It’s because I have a return ticket.”
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 30, 2015 A7
Welcome Back to a New School Year! On September 24, we had our Annual Terry Fox Run. Primary students ran laps in the back field, with each lap representing a province of Canada (students carried maps of Canada on which each province was checked off as they completed a lap). The Intermediates also participated in a run along a route through the neighbourhood. Along the route students in the grade 6 class held colourful posters representing each province and territory as well and joined in the run once all of the students had passed them.
On September 25, we had our first House Team Colour Spirit Day. All students are assigned House Teams while at OTS and we have four Houses: Bushi (Yellow House), Musha (Green House), Samurai (Red House) and Tsuwamono (Blue House).
Proud to support Oyama Traditional School! 16020 Oyama Road Open Monday-Saturday 7am-9pm • Sunday & Holidays 9am-9pm
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Scrapping of accord set First Nations/federal gov’t relations back KEVIN PARNELL Lake Country Mayor James Baker has a unique perspective on native affairs in this country. As a municipal politician, he knows the intricacies of working with both the federal government and with First Nations groups such as the Okanagan Indian Band, which has reserves in and around Lake Country. As a retired professor, he taught anthropology and archaeology and the study of cultures. Among his students at Okanagan College were the chiefs of the two major Indian bands operating in the Central Okanagan: Byron Louis of the Okanagan Indian Band and Robert Lou-
ie of the Westbank First Nation. Baker says the current state of affairs with First Nations and the relationship between native groups and the government can date back to the ill-fated Kelowna Accord, negotiated right here in 2005. “A lot of bands thought they were further ahead with the Kelowna Accord,” said Baker. “They were pleased with that, but it was scrapped and I think most of the issues First Nations people have with the Conservative government now is because of that. They settled it with a lot less generosity than it should have been and it’s been an ongoing issue ever
since.” In 2005, the leaders of five national aboriginal organizations came together in Kelowna with the federal government as well as provincial and territorial governments to conclude an 18-month-long consultation process on First Nations issues. The resulting Kelowna Accord proposed a number of initiatives on economic development, education, health and housing and included a $5.1 billion investment over five years. The problem was Paul Martin’s Liberal government was defeated shortly after the conference in 2005 and Conservative Stephen Harper took power. The Kelowna Accord
JAMES BAKER has taught the subject and been involved in the politics long enough to see alliances made and promises broken.
was never fully implemented with the Conservatives, saying while they agreed with the goals of the accord, they did not agree with the funding associated with it. PRECISION TUNE-UP BY CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS $180 to Baker, • Inspect blower, belts & bearings • Clean and adjust burners Worth theAccording • Tighten all wire connections for safety • Check motor for reduced wear relationship between • Inspect thermocouple or ignitor • Inspect heat exchanger for cracks, holes & of ServiceFirst Nations groups separations • Lubricate all moving parts if necessary for only and the federal govern• Measure manifold pressure • Test fan and furnace limits for safety • Vacuum & brush heat exchanger • Polish/wash furnace exterior ment took a serious hit • Test for gas & carbon monoxide leaks • Test gas valve with the changes to the • Clean furnace filter • Measure temperature differential • Verify thermostat calibration accord. OUR GUARANTEES Baker says while the 1. NO BREAKDOWNS GUARANTEED If you experience a breakdown this issue of moving forward winter AFTER our service, we will Double Air Miles credit you the $129 toward our repair. with First Nations con-
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cerns is complex, all it really is going to take is commitment from senior levels of government to fund much-needed help to aboriginal groups. “It could be done in very quick time if the federal and provincial government would put their minds to reconciling it,” said Baker. “There are issues that need to be addressed with funding and the ability for bands to manage their own affairs. “It has been simply
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shown that if bands are given access to the resources they have had for tens of thousands of years they are able to manage them.” Baker says First Nations groups should have been given fair treatment many years ago, but instead of allowing them to prosper, the federal government viewed Indians as a people that needed to be looked after like children instead of equal playing partners. When given the chance, he said many bands have found success
Lake Country
HEALTH Planning Society
Jim Byrnes
Jim Byrnes was born in St. Louis, Missouri – that’s blues country. By age thirteen, Jim was singing and playing blues guitar. His first professional gig was in 1964. Over the years, he has had the great fortune to appear with a virtual who’s who of the blues. From Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker to Taj Mahal and Robert Cray, Jim has been on the blues highway for 45 years. Byrnes moved to Vancouver, BC in the mid-70s after years of drifting, working odd jobs and playing music. In 1981 he put together a band that became a staple of the local music scene. In 1986 the Jim Byrnes Band played 300 nights. Jim Byrnes’ fame as an actor has grown immeasurably from his too-numerousto-mention TV and movie roles, highlights including television’s Wiseguy and Highlander series, and his national variety show The Jim Byrnes Show. Jim has proven that a serious car accident in 1972 has done anything but hinder him. Despite two swipes with death and some pretty hard knocks, Byrnes has still managed to rack up an enviable string of credits, both on and off-screen. Jim’s first love, however, is the blues. His evocative, smoky vocals are found in a truth that doesn’t come overnight. In 1981 he released Burnin’, followed in 1987 with I’ve Turned My Nights into Days and 1995’s Juno-Award winning That River. Jim has produced five outstanding albums in six years since he hooked up with Steve Dawson, one of North America’s most critically acclaimed roots music producers. 2004’s Fresh Horses and 2006’s gospel tinged Juno Award winning House Of Refuge set standards that aren’t often equalled. Jim Byrnes plays With Special Guest Star 150 dates a year in North America and Europe. He will continue to bring his music to stages all over the world. Who could ask for more than that? Kenny "Blues Boss" Wayne
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and prosperity. s “Where band lead- W ers have been able to get t concessions from the b federal or provincial gov- o ernment to tap into their resources, whether that a be logging, mining or N natural gas, they have c shown they can manage a their affairs to a much f better extent than when they can only do things p through Ottawa,” said l Baker. M “It’s hard enough for c local government to get F things out of Ottawa, t never mind non-govern- r ment groups.” m Baker said a commit- n ment is needed to allow C First Nations self-government and the ability L to prosper. e “They certainly are t able to manage their self A government because they had self governmentt as individual bands and a even as tribal associationsC for thousands of years w and were able to make p a living from the land,” C said Baker. “They should still be able to, but in a different manner now: In manufacturing, mining or logging, not as hunters and gatherers.”
A lot of bands thought they were further ahead with the Kelowna Accord…but it was scrapped and I think most of the issues First Nations people have with the Conservative government now is because of that.” James Baker
Jim Byrnes
Saturday, Oct. 3 • 7:30pm
Jim’s first love is the blues. His evocative, smoky vocals are found in a truth that doesn’t come overnight. In 1981 he released Burnin’, followed in 1987 with I’ve Turned My Nights into Days and 1995’s Juno-Award winning That River. Jim has produced five outstanding albums in six years. He will continue to bring his music to stages all over the world.
Tickets: $25 includes all service charges
10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country
1 c
d a i 9
3 W b i
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 30, 2015 A9
Solid partnership with party in power most important for all First Nations OKIB FROM A3 “In the past we have suffered greatly for this. We are not in a position to be critical of anybody because they have a way of making us pay. “It’s undeniable and a reality for a lot of First Nations. Why take a chance (by voting) if you are going to be penalized for your vote.” Louis pointed to high profile First Nations leaders such as Ovide Mercredi, the national chief of the Assembly of First Nations from 1994 to ‘97, who had a close relationship to prime minister Brian Mulroney and the Progressive Conservative party. But according to Louis, when the Liberals took power after the PCs, funding to the AFN was slashed. Louis also said it was the same with national chief Matthew Coon Come (2000 to 2003), who spoke out against prime minister Jean Chretien and Canada’s
treatment of aboriginals, only to see funding cut by as much as a third the next year. Louis said while the privacy of individual band member votes would be protected, it wouldn’t be difficult for the governing party to find out who a particular native band was supporting. But he added as First Nations groups continue to evolve and become more self sufficient with development of their reserve lands, the backlash for speaking out may come to an end. “The current process of punishing First Nations for being outspoken is going to be short-lived,” said Louis. “Once First Nations get back on their economic feet they will not have the opportunity to do that. With economic power, you finally get the respect of the powers that be. “Up to this date, we have been low in economic power, but as that
All-candidates forums coming up
OKIB Chief Byron Louis: “We are not in a position to be critical of anybody because they have a way of making us pay.”
grows so does the ability to start to win influence.” Louis said the seven different native bands in the Okanagan—OKIB, Westbank First Nation, Penticton, Osoyoos, Upper and Lower Similkameen and Upper Nicola—represent some 5,600 First Nations whose economic power is growing with more and more development on native land. And he said that development also serves to
The public have several opportunities coming up to question and listen to the local federal election candidates. For Kelowna-Lake Country, future all-candidate forums are planned for Lake Country’s Creekside Theatre on Oct. 7, hosted by the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, 7 to 9 p.m. Ameet and greet with candidates is set for Oct. 14 at the Okanagan College atrium on the Kelowna campus, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola candidates are also invited to the Okanagan College event, as well as in West Kelowna at a public forum organized by Const. Neil Bruce Middle School for Oct. 8, 9 to 10 a.m. Also in West Kelowna today, Wednesday, Sept. 30, an all-candidates forum is being put on by the Westside Board of Trade at the Lions Hall in Westbank, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., for Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola candidates.
stimulate the local and regional economies. So while Louis said this year’s federal election is important, it’s more important that First Nations groups have a solid partnership with whichever party is in power. “For us there is no denying the importance of every federal election for aboriginal people and this one is no different,” he said. “We have to really look at the parties and
who actually has the potential for forming government and what the platform is going to be for the next four years.” In terms of issues, Louis said the environment, and specifically water, is a major issue moving forward, especially for those living within 250 kilometres of the Canada-US border, where the majority of Canada’s population resides, putting the most stress on water systems. “We’re quite concerned with the lifting of the protection of water in some of these omnibus bills,” he said. “To us that’s absurd. To lift restrictions or guidelines to protect water doesn’t make sense. It’s an important issue for everyone. “For First Nations the basis of a lot of our Supreme Court challenges have been fish and aquatic resources. We’re very concerned about it and so should everybody else be.” With respect to the federal election, Louis said he believes OKIB members are paying close attention to the campaign. But with a small band
of about 2,000 members, he says it’s not like they can make a huge difference in the vote. “Without a doubt I really believe that there is a high percentage of our members that are paying attention because whoever is sitting behind the prime minister’s desk has the ability to affect them,” said Louis. “I think our people are watching. But when you take into consider-
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ation our numbers, it’s not really like we could greatly effect any number of elections in the Okanagan Valley. “There are places where First Nations in Canada can make a difference in some northern ridings where First Nations are 40 or 50 per cent of the population. But for a lot of us we are more or less dictated to by demographics.” @KP_media1
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS
What Good Is Lecturing Anyone About Teeth?
I am about ready to make an appointment to see a dentist. I haven't been lately because I saw this incredible smart-ass hygienist who acted like she had the only 'smart card' in town while she lectured my wife and me about brushing and flossing. Frankly, we just quit going there. When we saw their caller ID on our telephone we just quit speaking to them. Why do they do that?
You're preaching to the choir, so to speak. Adults make choices in life, and once they have done so it is usually a waste of perfectly good oxygen lecturing them on it. In our profession we deal with everyone from the twice per day flossers to the 'never' flossers. We've even had patients from some Middle Eastern countries who have only ever cleaned their teeth with a tree branch! As dental professionals, we have no right to give anyone a hard time. The truth is, we shall see them all eventually – whether or not they heed our advice or otherwise. The only real variable is whether they are being fitted for dentures, or in for more preventative dentistry as part of their own dental choices they have made.
Petrina Koltun
Why should I have a buyer agent? When someone tells me they are looking for a home in Lake Country I take them under my wing. Having a buyer agent means you have someone who knows the area, does a
lot of business here, and often has already toured the home that you are looking for. Another benefit of having a buyer agent is that I often know about homes that are soon to be listed that are not on the MLS system yet. So what that means to you is that you have “insider information” so to speak, of the best opportunities in Lake Country. I follow a professionally developed buyer process that allows me to treat my clients professionally. My service includes confidentiality, instant information, insider advantage, active agent advantage which coordinates the whole entire experience into finding your perfect home. 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100
Case in point – consider the gruesome photographs that are on cigarette packages, and the plethora of media material that has inundated the public since 1984 when the tobacco sellers had to rotate their 'warning' labels every 3 months out of fear that the public would become 'blind' to the danger. There are still people today claiming that nobody ever told them it was a dangerous habit. We make suggestions, both general and specific around oral health habits. Playing any kind of 'guilt card' just plain irritates all people in general, so I believe it is of no value. Our most constructive role is that of an advisor. Make a choice, and there will consequences – one way or another. Our favourite auto mechanic has a list of preventative maintenance items he rattles off – from changing your oil every 5000 klicks to rotating tires, and he can happily recite off details of his customers who always follow his advice to those who never do. Some drive their cars for 300,000 klicks or more, and others are surprised that they run into catastrophic failure much earlier. According to him it is usually when they ignored all the warning signs and waited for the car to actually quit before they called him. When we need advice on car care, we ask him. Not surprising, he returns every 4 months for his hygiene appointment and calls it his 'tune-up'. Same issue - different details. He gave up on lecturing his 'patients' too!
Winfield Dental Centre
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Dr.Paul Rollett
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
My optometrist told me that the pressure in my eye was too high. That sounds pretty scary, what does it mean?
At the risk of simplifying an immensely complex function within our body, the production, movement and drainage of fluid within our eyes operates in a similar fashion to a kitchen sink. Fluid initially moves into the center of the eye, circulates and then drains back into our circulatory system near our cornea. As with a partially clogged kitchen sink, if the drainage system does not allow for the efficient exit of the circulating fluid, ocular pressure may increase. While this is not typically an issue in the shortterm, elevated ocular pressure can certainly do damage to the sensitive tissues in our eye over time, leading to irreversible vision loss. Fortunately, there are a variety of prescription eye drops that work to open this drainage system and allow for more efficient passage of the circulating fluid. If the pressure in the eye is only slightly elevated, these drops are not necessarily required, but annual eye-exams to reassess should certainly be made a priority. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240
YOUR QUESTIONS? YOUR ANSWERS If you would like to be featured in
for a low price of $49 per issue please contact Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 or email:
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 30, 2015 A11
Lake Country
Candidates on environment concerns Throughout the election campaign, the Lake Country Calendar and Kelowna Capital News will pose questions to the candidates referred to us by our readers. The question asked was: Do you support the right to a healthy environment being part of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Dan Albas (Conservative): “In principle, I believe Canadians would support a healthy environment as part of our charter. The challenge legislators face is creating a definition that clearly outlines what a healthy environment means in a legal context. I certainly support and welcome further discussion on how we can reduce pollution. Norah Bowman (NDP): “As the environment minister of Quebec, NDP leader Tom
Mulcair made the right to a healthy environment the law of the land. As MP, I will work to restore protections to our lakes and waterways, and work with the provinces to enshrine the same right for all Canadians, from coast to coast to coast.” Ron Cannan (Conservative): “The Charter of Rights upholds our freedom and equality. Objectives such as a healthy environment are delivered by elected federal/provincial/territorial/local governments, which respects a voters’ democratic right to have a say. We have undertaken significant measures in regulation and enforcement to protect clean air, water and land (, while supporting responsible resource development ensuring funding for health care, education
and social programs. Steve Fuhr (Liberal): “In 2011, the Liberals voted for the federal environmental bill of rights C-469 demonstrating their support for the right to a healthy environment. This was a logical precursor to recognizing this right in the Charter of Rights, however, it was not supported by the Conservatives and ultimately interrupted by the 2011 election. Robert Mellalieu (Green): “Our Vision Green does not mention the idea of a Charter of Rights and Freedoms amendment. However, I will work for this to be added to our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It would be an overriding, all-encompassing amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that would allow for the rights of individuals to clean air, clean
water and clean soil. These rights would be an excellent way to protect the environment— by protecting Canadians rights to it. “Our Green Party environmental policy is renowned throughout the world. Our policy is several hundred pages so please refer to it online at vision-green. “I once was a conservative but since then I have learned that the Earth does not need us but we need the Earth. I can see how ecology and economy have a synergy that helps both grow.” The other candidates chose not to respond to the question. Email a question you would like us to ask the l ocal candidates to edit
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41.Couch 42.Alike 44.Cover, as a gift 46.Repeat 47.Destitution 48.Cultivate 50.Maple-syrup source 51.Cub Scout group
Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. In style 4. Yaks 8. Mimicked 12.Fruit juice 13.Border on 14.Do in, as a dragon 15.Gave permission to 16.Approximately 18.Go without food 20.Client 21.Plus 22.Large vase 24.Equipment 26.Frightened 29.Try 33.Soil
34.Sounds 35.Leg joints 37.Halts 38.Dine 39.Lodging 40.Horse’s relative 43.Small city 45.Had delivered 49.Comforted 52.Dee preceder 53.Papa’s lady 54.Gentle 55.Coop dweller 56.Tread 57.Bridge 58.Different
DOWN 1. 50%
2. Brainstorm 3. Fido and Fluffy, e.g. 4. Home utility 5. Swarm 6. Tramps 7. Guides 8. ____ Wednesday 9. Appeal 10.Derive 11.Changed hair color 17.Set down on paper 19.Snapping ____ 23.Fixes leftovers 25.Pun replies
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COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. - Come to the Taoist Tai Chi® Open House and Beginner registration on Monday, Oct. 5 at 6:30pm at the Oyama Community Hall. Classes commence Wed., Oct. 7 at 6:30pm. For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. •OLD AGE PENSIONERS’ ORGANIZATION CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the calendar. Registration at 9:00 am games begin at 10:00 am sharp, $30.00 per team includes hot lunch, coffee etc. Pre-registration 250-762-6208 or 250766-5437. Tournament Sunday September 24th will be held in the Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Rd •CARR’S LANDING COMMUNITY & RECREATION ASSOCIATION - Encourages all residents of the Carr’s Landing Ward to attend their Annual General Meeting on Wed., Oct. 7, 7pm in the Carr’s Landing Fire Hall. Find out about recent projects, current and future issues in our Community. Meet the association directors and your ward councillor, Matt Vader. Become a voting family member for just $10 annually - individual $5 annually. •THE LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY & OYAMA LIBRARY - Knitting circles beginning in Sept. The Oyama branch at 15718 Oyama Road will have its knitting circle each Tuesday night from 6 pm-7 pm, beginning Sept. 15. The Lake Country branch in the Municipal Hall at #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road will hold its circle on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm-8 p.m. starting Sept. 16. Both knitting circles are free, drop-in, & open to any age and skill level; bring your yarn, needles & whatever project you are working on. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Fall sessions starting first week of Sept. Stop by for an events schedule. 250-766-4220 or 250-766-4568 for more info. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9. Take home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road on Monday afternoons will be hosting Prime Time starting Sept. 15 at 1-3pm. Free. Everyone welcome. Come down & see the changes. Call Joanne at 250-766-0667 for more information. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Chair Yoga will be starting on Sept. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Paid monthly at the rate of $3 per session. Call 250766-4220 between 10am & 2pm Monday to Friday or call 250-766-4568. •LAKE COUNTRY FARMERS & CRAFTERS MARKET - Fridays 3 to 7 pm, July through Sept., Swalwell Park, 10090 Bottom Wood Rd, Lake Country. Vendors sell fresh local produce, handmade crafts, sweet & savoury treats, & hand-prepared foods, in a relaxed, shaded grassy area featuring lots of FREE parking, live entertainment, public washrooms, a water park, & a skateboard park. Contact: or 250-826-7100. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE CHAIR YOGA - Strengthening fitness class. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm. Call 250-317-3508 for more info. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. PUZZLE NO. 785 •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise &7. funRestrained for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 8.Pizza Sound •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian for $7org available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. 9. Brink •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard 10.With work, light little housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to 11.Defrost help seniors in your community by volunteering. 20.Opposition •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. Winter hours starting Sept. 15: open Tues., Wed., Thurs. 11am-4pm. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run22.Inquisitive by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. type •LC SENIORS’ BUS SCHEDULE - Tuesday Sept 29 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Tuesday Sept 22, 29 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Wednesday Sept 16 Gellatley Nut 24.Eyeshade Farm, West Kelowna, Koi Gardens Kelowna, lunch to reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 25.Play a part •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/ 26.Bikini lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club,piec please contact us at: 27.City prope •VISIT THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES - 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open 7 days a week, 10am to 4pm, from29.Put Mother’s money Day through Labour Day. 250-766-0111 or visit the website 30.Mature, as •LC FOOD BANK - has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be allwine 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games Copyright 2015, Penny Press with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy© an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. 50.Middle of the ACROSS •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH23.Christmas THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding day ____ 1. Wild attempt appropriate donatioåns. •LC 5. LINEFarmer’s DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pmat & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. 25.Best the job 51.Wholly Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 52.Fare measure •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays,28.Expel 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250766-3982. 53.Advance 9. Shade source 32.Frog sound ANSWER TO PU •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy group 54.Coloring 12.Sixty minutes devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations 33.Blockade wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax material 13.Dog’s woe 34.Rip 604-576-9733 or for info. dirtA DIFFERENCE! •LC 14.Letter HEALTH PLANNING - VOLUNTEERS ARE55.Lump NEEDED TOof MAKE after SOCIETY 36.Mailed Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: 56.Supplements Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action cee 37.Noteworthy & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at www. 15.Female singer period •DO16.Lodge YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a DOWN 38.Picasso’s neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society Kind of Program. Training, is matching volunteer drivers withspecialty seniors through the1. Better at Home 17.Maiden support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247. carpet
39.Broad smile 18.Shine 2. Tunnel fee 42.Commotion 19.“My ____ 3. Car Private Idaho” 44.Likewise 4. Intimidated 20.Sublet 48.Pioneered 5. Drifting Come & join us at the monthly community 24th at 21.Sheepish 49.“____ We Gotbingo - Thursday September the senior citizens’ activity centre 9832 bottom wood lake road. CROSSWORD Doors open 6. Scratch AMERICAN comment Fun” Concession open, 50/50. All areUSE at 6:00pm games start at 7:00pm. welcome. Sponsored by the old age pensioners’ organization Lake Country 55 Plus.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
ORL Oyama branch: It’s the little library that could While it’s been on went from 6,341 in 2013 at the Kelowna branch. In previous years, THURSDAY, 2015 the chopping block OCTOBER to 7,423 in1, 2014, a 17.06 Dickie believes a some ORL staff and polover the years, Okaper cent increase. couple of factors have iticians have suggested TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E nagan Regional Library’s “No other branch kept the Oyama branch closing the Oyama # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 Oyama branch has excame anywhere close to bustling. “Th ere is a branch because of CSI: its Miami The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar MLB Boj The View :00 IRB Rugby Sugar World Cup ” Monster Right change Debt/Part Baseball PAW Patrolsize and ” proximity ” perienced cant Debt/Part that large of an increase,” in the population small 10 :30 signifi PGA TOUR Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young in & Oyama, Rachaelwith Ray MLB’s Best Monkey See KOMO 4 Winfi Theeld, First 48 :00 growth. “It’s great to see said Dickie. younger to branches in 2015 IRB ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” NHL Top 50 Bucket-Dino News ” 11 :30 the facility beingWorld usedOCTOBER so News For the1, same time families living he PAWVernon andChew Kelowna. Noon CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News here,” World Poker Patrol The The First 48 :00 Rugby THURSDAY, 2015 France Hour Vancouver Now ” Hour Tour Kate and ” ” 12 much,”:30 saidCup: Owen Dickperiod, circulation at the said. “Th e programs are However, Dickie says The Talk Days of our World Poker Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 :00 vs. Canada Days of our The Social Heartland TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ie, an1ORL director and Lake Country branch also attracting children the recent circulation fi ” Lives ” ” ” Lives Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital ”g:30 The$ Talk in Winfi Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife The( Talk Oyama Tim ) andhas Sid Maya The Doctors The First 48 :00 Off Record # % & _ * ` 1 Lake Country councillor. eld inched up and families. ures puts him in a strong Interruption ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” ” 2 :30 IRB Rugby Sugar The Bookaboo The Price Is always Sugar Boj position The CSI:onMiami Circulation of items by Ellen 0.77View per cent, while itBold also beenMLB a library to View lobby for :00 SportsCentre The Meredith DeGeGrand The Meredith ” The Doozers Steve The First 48 :00 World ”Cup Debt/Part ” Monster Right Debt/Part Baseball PAW Patrol ” 10 :30 Vieira Show neres Show Designs Vieira Show Blue Jays PAW Patrol Harvey ”” :30Oyama branch from3the was down 5.07 per centThisMinute town.” going service in Oyama. Rachael Ray MLB’s Best Monkey See KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 PGA TOUR Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young &
11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :30 7 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 8 :00 4 :30 9 11 5 :00 10 :30 12 :00 6 11 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 7 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 8 :30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 11 :30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 :30 11 :00 5 :30 12 :00 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 :00 8 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :30 # $ % & :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 12 :30 :30 :00 12 :30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 :00 6 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 10 :30 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 12 :30 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 1 :30 :30 CFL Pre 2015 IRB CFL
Young & ” Restless
Rugby World Football: Cup: France Montreal vs. Canada Alouettes at ” Ottawa
Noon News News Hour ”
The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show
CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver Days of our The Social News Hour CTV News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil RedBlacks Ent etalk Interruption ” ” SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang SportsCentre The Meredith Grey’s Ellen DeGeIRB Rugby Sugar The View ” Heroes Vieira Show Anatomy neres ”Show World ”Cup Debt/Part UEFA Reborn CFL Young & Ray Saving The Oz SportsCentre Blacklist Hope PGA Pre TOUR The Rachael The Dr. Marilyn CFL Restless Show ” ” 2015 IRB Denis ”Show Football: News News Get CTVAway News SportsCentre Rugby World Elementary Noon CTV News Montreal Vancouver ” With Murder Cup: France Hour ”” Vancouver Alouettes at News Hour CTV News SportsCentre vs. Canada CHBC Days ofNews our News-Lisa The Social Ottawa CHBC News News--11:30 Vancouver Final ” Lives ”
Bondi Vet Stefano Bondi Vet CBC News News CBC Now ”
Judge Judy Restless NFL Kickoff KIROKickoff News NFL NFL ”
Young & ” Restless
MLB Mister Maker NHL Top 50 Creative Bucket-Dino Baseball: World Poker PAW Dan Patrol Toronto Blue Dino Tour Kate Kratts and Jays at Wild
KOMO 4 News News
The First 48 ””
SpongeBob Rated A for Turtles
Amanda MacNeil Lang
Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Hathaways Sidekick Talia
CBC News News CBC Now With ”
Daily Planet Thru Hell ”
The Chew News World ”News World Poker Ruf-Tweet General4 Baltimore Space Suite KOMO Tour Tumble Leaf News Hospital Orioles Park Tim and Sid Waterfront Maya The Doctors Sportsnet Wheel ” Curious ” Central Cities Jeopardy! The Doozers Grey’s Steve MLB ” Best The Boj Spice The View MLB’s Blue Jays PAW Harvey Baseball PAW Patrol Patrol Anatomy ” Blue Jays Trail MLB Best Johnny Mister Maker KOMO 4 4 MLB MLB’s Monkey See Scandal KOMO Baseball: Creative News ” Baseball Man, News NHL Top 50 Cash: Bucket-Dino Toronto Blue His DinoWorld Dan News Sportsnet Away World Poker PAW Patrol Get The Chew Jays Wild WorldMurder Central Foncie’s With Tour at Kate Kratts and ”News Baltimore Space Suite KOMO Sportsnet News World Poker Waterfront Ruf-Tweet General4 Orioles Park News Central Cities Tour Tumble Leaf Jimmy Hospital
” SportsCentre UEFA” SportsCentre CFL Pre CFL ”
Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Heartland The Talk Days of our CBC News Football: News Hour ” ” at Lives ” Dragons’ Ravens Murdoch FABLife The Talk Den Steelers Ent Mysteries ” Coronation ”” ET Canada Grand Bold The Meredith Bookaboo The Price Sugar The Nature KIRO PostIs Heroes Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show Monster Right Show Reborn Debt/Part of Things Game Bondi Vet Judge Judy Young & Ray Doc Zone News The Blacklist Best Recipes Young & Rachael Bondi ”Vet NFL Kickoff Restless ” ” Stefano Restless CBC News NFL Kickoff Early News The Raible’s CBCNational News KIRO News Elementary Noon News NFL ” Global Scouting Now ”” Hour ” Nat. CBC News Football: News Hour CBC News KIRO News News Heartland The Talk Days of our Dragons’ Ravens ” Coronation Late ShowLate ” ” at LivesShowEnt etalk Den Steelers Ent TBA Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert Colbert The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife The Talk Big Bang Coronation ”” ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada ” ” Mysteries ” Heroes Grey’sDeGe- Grand The Nature Bold KIRO Post Heroes The Meredith Ellen The Meredith Reborn Anatomy of Things Game Show Reborn Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show The Blacklist Saving Doc Zone News Blacklist Young & The Dr.Hope Oz Bondi Vet Judge Judy The Young & ” ” ” Restless Show ” Bondi ”Vet NFL Kickoff Restless
MLB MLB Baseball Baseball:
Yukon Men How-Made ” How-Made Andrew Fool’s The National Fast N’Gold Loud Nichols Fool’s”Gold ” The First 48 Nicky, Wayside Power & Airplane Tapes Ricky CBC News Cuban Kid vs. Kat Repo ”” Stanley Dyn. Politics ” Chrome The First 48 Funny Sidekick ” How/Made CSI: First Miami Wayside CBCNational News Mayday The 48 Home The How-Made Nerds How/Made Kid vs. Kat Now With ” ”” Videos ”” How-Made The First 48 SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet The First 48 Wipeout National How-Made Rated A for The Carole Highway Turtles Lang ” ” ”” ”A for MacNeil How-Made Rated Thru Hell The 48 Odd Parents CBC CBC News News How-Made O.J. Speaks: Fast N’Men Loud The First First 48 Haunting Chucks Yukon ” SpongeBob ” How-Made The Hidden Haunting ” ” ” Squirrel Now With O.J. Speaks: Hathaways The National Fast N’ Loud Tapes The National Cuban The First 48 Gags Almost Andrew Fool’s Gold The Hidden Talia ” Gags ” Chrome Sidekick Nichols Fool’s”Gold Waterfront Wheel Tapes Nicky, Ricky CBC News Cuban Johnny Live The Home Amanda How-Made Maya Cash Kimmel The Doctors The First First 48 48 Funny Wayside Power & Airplane Cities Jeopardy! Stanley Dyn. Lang ” Chrome ” Nightline ”” Videos How-Made Curious ” Kid vs. Kat Politics Repo The Doozers Spice Grey’s The First First 48 48 Sidekick Funny Home The National How-Made The Steve The ” How/Made Trail Anatomy ” Videos ” How-Made PAW Patrol Harvey ” Nerds ” How/Made Johnny Scandal The First 48 Wipeout The National How-Made Mister Maker KOMO 4 The First 48 SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet Cash: Man, News ” ”” How-Made Creative Turtles” Lang ” ”
SportsCentre Football: ” Montreal SportsCentre Alouettes at ” Ottawa SportsCentre RedBlacks ” SportsCentre
Elementary News ” ” CHBC News News Hour Final CHBC News TBA Ent ET Canada ET Canada
Get Away CTV News With Murder Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show etalk Seth Meyers Big Bang
The National CBC News ” ” CBC News CBC News Coronation Dragons’ Rick Mercer Den 22 Minutes Coronation
Sportsnet Toronto Blue Central Jays at Sportsnet Baltimore Central Orioles Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central
His World Dino Dan Foncie’s Wild Kratts Waterfront Space Suite Cities Park Johnny Cash Waterfront ” Cities
Heroes Reborn
Grey’s Anatomy
The Nature of Things
RedBlacks SportsCentre Off Record SportsCentre ” Interruption
SportsCentre The Blacklist Saving Hope Doc Zone ” ” ” ”
Raible’s NFL Kickoff Scouting NFL KIRO News Football: Late ShowRavens at Colbert Steelers Corden ”
Elementary Early News ” Global Nat. News News Hour Late Show” Colbert Ent ET Canada ET Canada
KIRO Post Heroes Game Show Reborn News ”
Sportsnet Tim and Sid Central ” MLB’s” Best Blue Jays Blue Jays
Get Away News With Murder World News News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live Wheel Nightline Jeopardy!
A&E 1
O.J. Speaks: The First 48 The Hidden ” Tapes O.J. Speaks: ” The Hidden The First 48 Tapes ” ”
Heroes Ellen DeGeReborn neres Show The Blacklist KING 5 News ”
Amer. Dad Movie: Amer. Dad “Just Like Family Guy Heaven” Payne ” Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Seinfeld
World ”News Murder Business Myster. PBS Antiques NewsHour Justice for Craftsman’s My Sister Start Up
The Player KING 5 ” News KING News Nightly News Tonight News Show News Seth Meyers Evening
News ” Mike ” Mod Fam ” Anger ” Mike ” Two Men ” How I Met ” Mod Fam ” Cougar Paid Prog. Big Bang ” Name Game Paid Prog. Big Bang ”
” ”
King King
The Bletchley Circle
Heroes Reborn
The Middle Family Guy
DCI Banks ”
The Blacklist ”
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
” Murder
The Player ”
Family Guy Divorce Payne Divorce Browns Judge There Yet? Judge
Myster. Sesame Antiques Street Justice for Dinosaur My Sister Dinosaur
KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest
Millionaire Millionaire
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
Super Why! Thomas
KNOW Get KOMO Away With` Murder *
A&E 1
PAW Patrol Kate and
The Chew ”
Rugby World Noon News Cup: Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
European Poker Tour
Georgia vs. Days of our New Zealand Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital
Off Record Interruption
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
KIRO FABLife _ ”
Days of our Lives
SportsCentre ” CFL SC Pre CFL 2015 IRB Football: Rugby World Calgary Cup: Stampeders Georgia vs. at Hamilton New Zealand Tiger-Cats Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre CFL Pre ” CFL SC
The Meredith Ellen DeGeSugar The View Vieira Show neres ”Show Debt/Part Young & Ray The Oz Rachael The Dr. Marilyn Restless Show ” Denis Show News Noon News CTV CTV News News Vancouver Hour ” Vancouver News Hour News Days of our CTV The Social CHBC Lives News Vancouver ” Ent etalk The Talk Dr. Phil ET Canada Big Bang ” ” Security The Meredith The EllenAmazing DeGeSecurity Vieira Show Race neres Show Sugar The View Debt/Part ”Tank Hawaii Five- Shark Young & The Dr. Oz 0 ” Restless Rachael Ray Show The Marilyn
Grand Bookaboo Designs Monster Bondi Vet Best Recipes Bondi Vet Stefano CBC CBC News News Now ”
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Young Judy & Judge Judy Restless KIRO KIRO News News KIRO ”News
CHAN The Talk ( ”
SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”
The Meredith Darts ” Sugar Vieira Show Blue Jays Debt/Part ” Young & Ray MLB Rachael Champion of Restless Baseball: ” Champions Early Blue Noon News News Toronto European Global Hour Nat. Jays PokeratTour CBC News KIRO News News Hour Bay Heartland The Talk Days of our Tampa World Poker Dragons’ CBS News Rays ” ” Lives ” Tour Den The Insider Ent Sportsnet Murdoch FABLife The Talk Tim and Sid Coronation Ent ET Canada Central Mysteries ” ” ” Gags The Amazing Security MLB’s Grand Bold The Meredith ” Best Gallery Race Designs ThisMinute Vieira Blue Jays Bookaboo The Price Is Security Sugar Show Blue DartsJays Monster Right Debt/Part Music Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Plays/Month Bondi Vet Judge Judy Young & MLB ” Festival 0 0 Game.of BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Restless Ray NFL Baseball: Best Young & Rachael Champion Stefano Restless ” Champions The National Blue Bloods See No Evil Sportsnet CBC News KIRO News Early News Toronto Blue ”” KIRO ”News Global Nat. Central Jays at CBC News Noon ”News European
The Amazing Security Race Security
MLB’s Best Blue Jays
The Boj Doozers PAW Patrol Mister Maker Monkey See Astroblast Bucket-Dino ” PAW Patrol Wild Kate Kratts and Waterfront Ruf-Tweet Cities Tumble Leaf Coast Maya Australia Curious Murder The Doozers Myster. PAW Boj Patrol PAW George MisterPatrol Maker Gently Astroblast Monkey See
Murder Myster.
Last Man Dr. Ken
Tank KNOW Shark KOMO ” * ` ” 20/20
Gags Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Rated A for Videos Rated A for
The National How-Made ” How-Made
Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam
The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
Cuban Mayday Chrome ” How-Made Cold Water How-Made Cowboys
Mike Steve How I Met Harvey Cougar Family Feud Name Game Family Feud
Crime Watch What Not to Daily Wear
The First 48 ”
Nerds Squirrel
CBC News Now With
How-Made How-Made
Almost Sidekick
Andrew Nichols
Fast N’ Loud Paid Prog. ” The Office
A&E The First 48 1 ” 48 48 48 48
A&E48 1 48 48 48 48 48
Criminal Minds
A&E 1
YTV Wayside 6Kat Kid vs.
Sidekick Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat Assembly Rated A for Nicky, Ricky Rated A for Henry Nerds Thunder Squirrel Bella Almost Talia Sidekick Thunder Wayside Scooby-Doo Kid vs. Kat 2: Monsters Sidekick Unleashed Chucks Wayside Kid vs.” Kat Assembly Game On Nicky, A Ricky Rated for
TLC ” ” <
CBC News ”
The First 48 ”
Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO News 4 News Seattle News The Chew World ”News
O.J. Speaks: Haunting The Hidden Haunting
Criminal The First Minds” Criminal The First Minds” Criminal The First Minds” KOMO Criminal General4 The First News Minds” Hospital Wheel The Doctors Criminal The First Jeopardy! Minds ” ” Last Man Criminal Steve Criminal Dr. Minds Harvey Minds TheKen View The First ” Shark Criminal KOMO”Tank 4 Criminal Minds Minds News ” The First Bucket-Dino Seattle ” ”” 20/20 Criminal News Criminal The ”News Minds Wild Kratts Minds PAWSecret Patrol World The Chew The First CBC News KIRO News News Sportsnet The Great News Criminal Now ” Hour Poker Tour Kate and ” ” CBC News KIRO News News Hour Tampa Bay Waterfront KOMO 4 Criminal Coronation Late ShowLate ShowJimmy Minds Dragons’ CBSTalk News ” our Central Rays Poker War CitiesTour News Minds Heartland The Days of World Ruf-Tweet General The First Backstage Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Murder ” Lives Tour Tumble Leaf Kimmel HospitalLive Criminal ” Den ” The Insider Ent Sportsnet Coast Wheel Criminal 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Central Myster. Nightline Minds Coronation Ent ET Central Jeopardy! Murdoch FABLife TheCanada Talk Tim and Sid Australia Maya The Doctors Minds The First Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” ” Gags The Amazing Security MLB’s Best Murder Last Man Criminal Gallery Race Security Myster. Dr. Ken Minds Grand Bold The Meredith Blue Jays ” The Doozers Steve Criminal Designs ThisMinute Jays PAW Patrol Harvey Music Hawaii Five- Vieira HawaiiShow Five- Blue Plays/Month George Shark Tank Minds Criminal Festival 0 NFL Minds Bondi Vet Judge Judy 0 Young & MLB Game. Gently Mister Maker KOMO” 4 Criminal Bondi Vet Judge Judy See Restless Baseball: Astroblast News Minds The National Blue Bloods No Evil Sportsnet ” 20/20 Criminal ” ” ” Central The Secret ” Minds CBC News KIRO News Early News Toronto Blue ” News Criminal ” KIRO News Global Nat. Jays at Wild Kratts World News Minds CBC News News Sportsnet The Great News Criminal Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral War Tour Jimmy Minds CBC News KIRO News News Hour Tampa Bay Waterfront KOMO 4 Criminal Dragons’ CBS News ” Rays Cities News Live Criminal Minds Backstage Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Murder Kimmel 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Sportsnet Central Myster. Nightline Minds Den The Insider Ent Coast Wheel Criminal Coronation Ent ET Canada Central Australia Jeopardy! Minds
The BletchMasterpiece ley Circle Classic DCI Banks Great British Baking” Show
To Be” ” Announced
” ”
News Tapes The View The First Jimmy ” 48 ” ” Kimmel Live The First 48 News The First 48 Nightline ” Seattle ”
The Amazing Gags Race Gallery
King Fam Mod King Fam Mod The Middle Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang
Sleepy Paid Prog. Hollow Raising
Bones ”
Waterfront Boj Cities PAW Patrol Johnny Cash Monkey See ” Bucket-Dino
Security Security
Seinfeld Browns Payne Seinfeld There Yet? Browns
KING 5 The NewBlacklist Day News ” Northwest World KING 5 ”News Player Peg Plus Cat The KING 5 Business News ” Murder Peg Plus Cat News PBS Nightly News Myster. News Super Why! KING Days of our NewsHour News Antiques Tonight Thomas Lives Craftsman’s News Justice for Show Sesame St. Dr. Phil Start Evening My Seth Meyers Cat Sister inUp the ”
Big Bang The Middle Judge Big Bang Family Guy Judge Movie:Dad Amer. Millionaire “Just Like Amer. Dad Millionaire Heaven” Family Guy Crazy Talk Payne Crazy ”Talk
Sleepy Hollow
Sportsnet Darts Central ” Sportsnet Champion of Central Champions
” ”
Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen TodayDeGeHeroes neres cont’d Show Reborn
Funny Home The National How-Made Videos ” How-Made
News Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
at Hamilton TBA CHBC News Big Vancouver SportsCentre Bang ” ET Tiger-Cats Ent Canada Seth etalk Meyers SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang
Sesame St. Craftsman’s Cat inUp the Start Masterpiece Sesame The BletchClassic Street ley Circle Great British DCI Banks Dinosaur Baking ” Show Dinosaur
Wipeout ”
News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show
News-Lisa Vancouver CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver The Social Big ” etalkBang Seth Meyers Big Bang Dr. Phil ” The Amazing Race Ellen DeGeneres Shark Show Tank ” Oz The Dr. ShowBloods Blue ” CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa News--11:30 CTV News
Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld Mod Fam Divorce King Mod Fam Divorce King
PaidBang Prog. Big Family Feud Big Bang Paid SteveProg. Bones Pets.TV Harvey ” Paid Prog. Sleepy Family Feud RaisingFeud Hollow Family Mike Watch News Crime Anger Mod DailyFam Two Mike Paid Men Prog. Mod Office Fam How I Met The Big Bang ” Cougar Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Big Bang ” Name Game Prog. Family Feud Paid Say Yes Bones ” Paid Prog. Suddenly ” Pets.TV Royal ”
KING 5 5 KING News News Days of our Nightly News Lives News
The First 48 ”
SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre SC ” 2015 IRB
Denis Show Blue CTV Bloods News ” Vancouver CTV News
Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour
The First 48 ”
His World Foncie’s
2015 IRB ” Evil SportsCentre See No Football: News Calgary Rugby” World Noon ””News SportsCentre News Cup: Hour Stampeders CHBC News Hour ” Final at Hamilton CHBCofNews Georgia vs. Days our SportsCentre New Zealand TBA Lives Tiger-Cats Ent ” ET Canada SportsCentre ET Off Record TheCanada Talk Interruption ” ” Security ” Security SportsCentre The Meredith ” Vieira Show SportsCentre Hawaii Five” 0 CFL Pre Young & CFL Restless SportsCentre See No Evil ” Football: News ” Calgary SportsCentre CHBC” News ” Final Stampeders News Hour
Crazy Talk Heaven” Crazy ”Talk
Grey’s Anatomy
Sportsnet Central
Fast N’ Loud How-Made ” How-Made Cuban Fast N’ Loud Chrome ” How-Made Cuban How-Made Chrome
Paid Men Prog. Two The Office Mod Fam
Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Suddenly Sister ”Wives Royal ” To Be”Wives Sister Announced ” ”” Say Yes ”” Say Yes ”” Say Yes ” Say Yes
KING 5 Northwest News
Scandal ”
Elementary ”
KIRO News The Is Late Price ShowRight Colbert Young & Corden Restless
CBC News CBC News ” ” The National The National ” ” Amanda CBC News Lang ”
Great British Dinosaur Baking Show Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Business Cat
The Spice Trail
Get Away The National Raible’s With Murder ” Scouting CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Monster Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano
Haunting Odd Parents Haunting SpongeBob Gags Hathaways Gags Talia Funny Home Nicky, Ricky Videos Stanley Dyn.
Big Bang Judge Big Bang Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Just Like
Johnny Cash: Man,
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
CHBC News Sugar Final Debt/Part TBA Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
Paid Prog. To Be Family Feud Announced ” Raising Crime Watch Say Yes Mike ” Daily Say Yes Anger ”
The Blacklist MLB ” Baseball
MLB’s Best Blue Jays
The First First 48 48 The ”” The First 48 O.J. Speaks: ” The Hidden
“It’s had a library goof ORL’s 29 branches. lating numbers from the ing back a number of “We changed the incatalogue. years and it’s part of the tegrated library sys“That said, we know YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING social fabric of the comtem program in Octothere has been a slight 6 7 9 ; < A N P munity. I hope peopleMayday berSteve 2014,” said Marla decrease in circulation of Wayside CBC News Sister Wives Divorce Sesame Today Kid Now With Harvey public relations ” Divorcephysical Streetmaterials cont’d willvs.sitKatback and realize ” O’Brien, durRated Carole Highway manager, Family Feud Sister Dinosaur New Day thereAisfora demand. Way “and this”Wives cre- Judge ing the two-year comRated A for MacNeil Thru Hell Family Feud Judge Dinosaur Northwest to go Oyama. some hiccups parison.” Chucks CBC We Newsneed Yukon Menated Crime Watch Say YeswithMillionaire Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Squirrel ” Daily Say Yes Peg Plus Cat News to use it orNow weWith will lose tracking, so we recog- Millionaire Overall ORL circuAlmost Andrew Fool’s Gold Paid Prog. Say Yes Crazy Talk Super Why! Days of our NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING it YTV so let’s see anotherFool’s incomparing the 2013 lationThomas went from 3,202, Sidekick Nichols Goldnize The Office Say Yes Crazy Talk Lives Wayside Power & Airplane Paid Prog.year Say Yes Payne Sesame St. Dr. Phil 6 7 9 ; < A N P crease this year.” and 2014 is not ne963 in 2013 to 3,090,479 Kid vs. Kat Politics Repo Family Feud Say Yes Browns Cat in the ” Wayside CBC News Mayday SteveProg. Sister Divorce Sesame Today Circulation cessarily a case of Wives applesMod in 2014, or down 3.51 Sidekick ”figures How/Made Paid Suddenly Fam Masterpiece Ellen DeGeKid vs. Kat Now With ” Harvey ” Divorce Street cont’d Nerds ” How/Made Royal Classic neres Show have been released for all to Pets.TV apples when extrapo-Mod Fam per cent. Rated A for Carole Highway Family Feud Sister Wives Judge Dinosaur New Day
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
DISC Cuban 9 Chrome
” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC CBC News News ” Now With
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet Cold Water ” Cowboys Edge of How-Made Alaska How-Made The National Highway Andrew Fast N’ Loud ” Thru Hell Nichols ” CBC News Mayday Power & Cuban ” ” Politics Chrome The National Airplane ” How/Made ”” Repo How/Made CBC News Mayday Now With ” The National Highway Amanda Daily Planet Thru Lang ” ” Carole Cold Hell Water MacNeil Cowboys CBC News Edge of CBC News Edge of ” Alaska ” Alaska CBC News How-Made
KAYU Paid Prog. ; Family Feud
” What Not to ” Wear Paid Prog. What Not to Paid Prog. Wear
What Not to Wear
TLC WTBS What Not to Payne < A Wear Browns
Paid SteveProg. Zoo Clues Harvey
What Not to Wear Paid Prog. Family Feud What What Not Not to to Raising Family Feud Wear Wear Mike Crime Watch What What Not Not to to Anger Wear Daily Wear Seahawks First Paid Prog. WhatSwipe Not to Mod Fam First The Office WearSwipe Big Sex Public PaidBang Prog. WhatinNot to Big Bang SheSaid Family Feud Wear Grand First Swipe Paid Prog. What Not to The Grinder First Zoo Clues Wear Steve WhatSwipe Not to
Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Divorce
Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Movie: Millionaire “This Millionaire Christmas” Crazy Talk Crazy ”Talk Payne” Seinfeld Browns King Mod Fam King Mod Fam Divorce Harvey Wear Divorce Scream Sex Public Middle Paid Prog. WhatinNot to The Big Bang Queens SheSaid Family Guy RaisingFeud What Wear Not to Judge Big Bang Family Rated for Family Wear Judge Make News Henry ItAPop Mike Feud What What Not Not to to Amer. Movie:Dad Make Mod Fam Dad Thunder Anger Wear “This Nerds It Pop Crime Watch Wear What Not to Amer. Millionaire Haunting The Mayday Mike What Not to Family Guy Squirrel Now With How-Made Daily Wear Millionaire Bella The National National Highway Seahawks First Swipe Christmas” Haunting ”” ” Two Wear Payne Talia Thru N’ Hell Mod Men Fam First Swipe Almost Andrew Fast Loud Paid Prog. What Not to Crazy ”Talk Scooby-Doo Amanda Airplane How I Met Paid Prog. Sidekick Nichols ” TheBang Office Wearin Crazy ”Talk Thunder CBC News Mayday Big Sex Public Movie: 2: Monsters Lang ” Repo ” Cougar Paid Prog. “Eurotrip” Scooby-Doo Big SheSaid Wayside Power & Cuban PaidBang Prog. What Not to Seinfeld Payne Kid vs. Kat Politics Chrome Family Feud Wear Browns 2: Monsters The National Airplane Grand First Swipe King Unleashed ” Repo The Grinder First Swipe King Sidekick ” How/Made Paid Prog. What Not to Mod Fam Chucks ” How/Made Zoo Clues Wear Fam ” The National Highway Scream Sex in Public Mod The Middle Game On ” Thru SheSaid Guy Assembly Amanda Daily Hell Planet Queens Paid Prog. What Not to Family Big Bang Nicky,ItRicky Lang News ” Raising Wear Not to Amer. Big Bang Make Pop CBC Edge of News What Dad Make It Pop ” Alaska Mod Fam Wear Amer. Dad Henry CBC News Edge of Mike What Not to Movie: Thunder ” Alaska Anger Wear Not to Family “This Guy Haunting The National Mayday Mike What Haunting ” ” Two Men Wear Bella The National Highway Seahawks First Swipe Payne Christmas”
Talia ” Scooby-Doo Amanda 2: Monsters Lang Thunder CBC News Scooby-Doo ”
Thru Hell Airplane Repo Mayday ”
2: Monsters Unleashed
The National Airplane ” Repo
Mod Fam How I Met Cougar Big Bang
Big Bang
First Swipe Paid Prog. Movie:” Paidin Prog. Sex Public “Eurotrip” ” SheSaid Seinfeld
Grand The Grinder
First Swipe First Swipe
King King
KCTS Sesame St. Cat N in the
Days of our Lives
Dr. Phil ”
Foyle’s SesameWar Street”
Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show
Father Dinosaur Brown Dinosaur World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Washington Sesame St. Charlie Rose Cat in the Father Foyle’s War Brown ” Sesame Street Pilchuck: A Father Dance Brown With Dinosaur
KING 5 New Day News Northwest KING KING 5 5 News News Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” Best Ellen Time DeGeEver neres TodayShow cont’d Dateline KING 5 NBC NewsDay New
Dinosaur POV World News ” Business Peg Plus Cat
Northwest KING ”5 News ”5 KING Movie: Peg News PBS Plus Cat KING NightlyNews News “The Great Tonight NewsHour Super Why! News Days of our Escape” Show Thomas Lives Washington News ” Seth Meyers Charlie SesameRose St. Evening Dr. Phil Cat in the ” Father Best Time Brown Ever Foyle’s War Ellen DeGe” neres Show Pilchuck: A Dateline Dance Father With NBC KING 5 Brown News ” POV World ”News KING ”5 Business News News Movie: KING “The TonightNews PBS Great Nightly NewsHour News Escape” Show ” Seth Meyers Washington News Charlie Rose Evening Father Brown
Best Time Ever
SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Shark Tank ” 0 ”
Music Festival
Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Plays/Month George 0 0 NFL Game. Gently
Criminal Minds
” Game On
The National Highway ” Thru Hell
Scream Queens
Sex in Public The Middle SheSaid Family Guy
Pilchuck: A Dance With
SportsCentre ” College Football SportsCentre cont’d:”
See No Evil ” Fish’n Real Fishing CHBC News Final Powerboat
Blue Bloods ” The Marilyn Denis Show News-Lisa News--11:30 It Is Written
The National ” Absolutely Canadian CBC News Coronation Doc Zone
Blue Bloods ” Changers Auto KIRORacing News Late Show”
See No Evil ” Fish’n Real NewsFishing Late ShowPowerboat
Sportsnet Central English Premier League Sportsnet Central Soccer
” College Football News Jimmy cont’d:
Make It Pop Make It Pop Odd Parents Kung Fu Haunting Haunting Teenage
CBC News ” CBC News CBC News The National ” Now With
Edge of Alaska Airplane Repo Mayday ” Mayday
News Mod Fam MLB Baseball: Mike Two Men Teams TBA
What Not to Wear My 600-Lb. Life What Not to Wear My 600-Lb.
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Break Seinfeld Family Guy Payne The
The Secret Wild Kratts Wild Kratts The Great War Tour Mister Maker
Criminal Minds Behind Bars: Rookie CriminalYear Minds Bars: Behind
Teams TBA SportsCentre ””
Driving TV TBA ET Canada Noon News
etalk Big Bang Seth Meyers SportsCentre ”
” Backstage 22 Minutes The Nature of Things
Football Colbert Corden Col. Football College
Driving Colbert TV ET Canada Noon News Hour
Matchday Sportsnet Central NFL Game. NHL Top 50
Creative Murder Myster. Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs
Teams KimmelTBA Live Nightline Football College
Rookie CriminalYear Minds The First 48 ”
Mutant Ninja Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Movie: “Peter Pan”
Asha Amanda Lang Tomlinson ”
” Airplane Repo Railroad Alaska
How I ”Met Cougar ”
Life Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 10 Biggest Hoards
International Make It Movie: Escape” “Eurotrip” ” ” Happen ” cont’d
Red Bull Show Seth Meyers Signature Series
Amanda Lang
Football: Teams TBA
Carnival Eats MLB’s Best Hope for Donut Plays/Month Wildlife
Football: Teams TBA
The First 48 ”
” ”
Edge of Alaska
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
10 Biggest Hoards
” Movie:
Action Sports
CFL Football:
Carnival Eats Corner Gas Donut Corner Gas
Eskimos at Blue
Income Canada’s Dragons’ Leave-Bryan Worst Driver Den
Bombers College ” Football CFL cont’d: Football: Teams TBA Roughriders ” at Lions CFL Pre ” CFL ” Football: SportsCentre Eskimos at MLS Soccer: Blue Whitecaps Bombers FC at ” Earthquakes College CFL SportsCentre Football Football: SportsCentre cont’d: Roughriders Teams” TBA at Lions SportsCentre ” ”” CFL Pre ” SportsCentre CFL SportsCentre ” Football:
Movie: Fish’nSocial “The Real Fishing Network” Powerboat ” Driving TV ” Noon CHBCNews News Hour Global Nat. Carnival Eats CHBC News Donut The West Income Block Leave-Bryan Saturday Movie:Live Night “The Social Fish’n” Network” ” Real Fishing ” ” Powerboat ”” TV Driving CHBC News News Final Noon News Global Nat. Saturday Hour CHBC News Night Live Carnival Eats The West Donut ”
Cash Cab The Marilyn MoneyTalk Denis Show The Marilyn It Is Written Denis Show etalk The Social SportsCentre etalk ” CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas W5 Canada’s ” Worst Driver Big Bang Cash Cab Anger MoneyTalk Spun Out The Marilyn The Marilyn Spun Denis Out Show Denis Show Saving Hope It Is Written The Social etalk ” etalk News SportsCentre CTV News News--11:30 ” Vancouver Castle Corner Gas W5 ” Corner Gas
Rick Mercer Absolutely 22 Minutes Canadian Doc Zone Doc Zone ” ” Land & Sea The Nature Mansbridge of Things The National Amanda Marketplace Lang Short Film Dragons’ Face Off Den Life Story Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes The Book of Absolutely Doc Zone Negroes Canadian ” News Doc Zone Land & Sea Movie: ” Mansbridge “The Bourne The Nature The National Ultimatum” of Things Marketplace ” Amanda Short Film Lang ”
KIRO ” ” _
” Changers ” Auto Racing ThisMinute Sports” Stars Football KIRO News Col. Football KIRO News College CBS News Football: KIRO News Teams TBA Steve Raible ” The Insider ” NCIS: New ” Orleans ” Code Black Changers ThisMinute ” Auto Racing Sports Stars 48 Hours ” KIRO ”News Football KIRO News KIRO News Col. Football CBS News Scandal College KIRO News ” Football: Steve Raible Ent Teams TBA
CHAN Income Leave-Bryan (
Movie: Fish’nSocial “The Real Fishing Network” Powerboat ” Driving TV ” Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour News Hour Carnival ” Eats Donut The West Income Block Leave-Bryan Saturday Movie:Live Night “The Social Fish’n” Network” ” Real Fishing ” ” Powerboat ”” TV Driving Global Nat. News Final Noon News News Hour Saturday Hour ” Night Live Carnival Eats The West Donut ”
SNP Sportsnet Blue) Jays
MLB English PreBaseball: mier League Toronto Blue Soccer Jays at Matchday Tampa Bay NFL Game. Rays NHL Top 50 Sportsnet MLB’s Best Central Plays/Month NHL Sportsnet Preseason Blue Jays Hockey: MLB at Oilers Baseball: Canucks English PreToronto Blue Sportsnet mier League Jays at Sportsnet Soccer Tampa Bay Central Matchday Rays Sportsnet NFL Game. Sportsnet Central NHL Top 50 Central Sportsnet MLB’s Best NHL Central Plays/Month
KNOW KOMO Ultimate ” Engineering ” * `
Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts Wild Prairie Mister”Maker Creative The Spice Dogs/Jobs Trail Dogs/Jobs Hope for Hope for Wildlife Wildlife Wild Prairie Ultimate ” Engineering Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Foyle’s War Wild Kratts Wild Prairie ” Wild Kratts ” ” Mister Maker The Spice ” Creative Trail Waterfront Dogs/Jobs Hope for Cities Dogs/Jobs Wildlife Foyle’s Hope forWar Wild Prairie ” Wildlife
” College Football Football KOMO 4 cont’d: News Teams TBA College Football Football: College Teams TBA Football: ” Teams TBA ” ”” ” ” ” Pac-12 Football Fan Face Off College KOMO 4 Wheel Football News Jeopardy! cont’d: College Seattle Teams TBA Football: News Football Teams TBA Castle College ” ” Football: ” Crimes Teams TBA
A&E The First 48 ” 1
The First 48 Behind ” Bars: Rookie Year The First 48 Behind ” Bars: Rookie Year The Secret The First 48 Tapes of the ” O.J. Case The First 48 ” ” O.J. Speaks: The Hidden First 48 The ” Tapes The First 48 ” ” The Secret Behind Bars: The First 48 Tapes the Rookieof Year ” O.J. Case Behind Bars: The Secret ” Year Rookie Tapes of the O.J. Speaks: The First 48 O.J. Hidden Case The ” ” Tapes The First 48 O.J. Speaks: ””
A&E 1
YTV ” Bella 6
Bella Odd Parents Bella Kung Fu Bella Teenage Bella Mutant Ninja Bella Movie: Bella “Peter Pan” Make It Pop Make ”It Pop ” Funny Home Videos” Bella Movie: Bella “The Bella Goonies” Odd Parents Bella ” Kung Fu Bella ” Teenage Bella Movie: Mutant Ninja Bella “Gremlins” Movie: Make It Pop “Peter”Pan” Make It Pop ”” Funny Home Gremlins ”
” ”
NEWS DISC The National Highway Issue Thru9 Hell 7
The National CBC News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Now With of Things Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National ” Marketplace ” The PassionTheEye National ate Issue The National The National Issue Mansbridge The CBCNational News The Nature Mansbridge CBC News of Things The PassionNow With the Eye fifth ate Asha estate The National Tomlinson The National Issue ” Marketplace The National ” The PassionMansbridge ”
How/Made Airplane How/Made Repo Fool’s Gold Mayday Fool’s Gold ” Rockies Railroad Rockies Alaska Treasure Edge of Quest Alaska Fast N’ Loud Highway ” Thru Hell Cuban How/Made Chrome How/Made Treasure Airplane Fool’s Gold Quest Repo Fool’s Gold Fast N’ Loud Mayday Rockies ”” Rockies Rockies Railroad Treasure Rockies Alaska Quest Gold Edge Rush of Fast N’ Loud Alaska”
KAYU Kids News Old ; House
Bones MLB ” Baseball: Pregame Teams TBA College ” Football: Teams” TBA ” ” Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ” Kids News ” Old House Seahawks Bones Paid Prog. ” Two MLB Men Pregame Big Bang Baseball: College News Teams TBA Football: Wanted ” Teams TBA Animation ” ” Domination ” ” Person of Paid Prog. ” Interest Paid Prog.
TLC 10 Biggest Hoards <
10 Biggest My 600-Lb. Hoards Life Dateline on My 600-Lb. ID Life Dateline on 10 ID Biggest Hoards Dateline on 10 Biggest TLC Hoards ” 10 Biggest ” Hoards Dateline on 10 Biggest TLC Hoards ” My 600-Lb. Dateline on Life ” ID Dateline on My 600-Lb. Dateline on ID Life ID Dateline on 10 Biggest Dateline on ID Hoards TLC Peter Popoff 10 Biggest ” Paid Prog. Hoards
WTBS “Red Eye” ” A
The Middle Break The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld The Atlanta Eats International King ” King ” Movie: ” “Mr. Deeds” Movie: ” “Red Eye” ” ” Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Burgers Break Seinfeld First Family Seinfeld Atlanta Eats Community The King Community International King Movie:” Movie: “Minority ” “Mr. Deeds” Report” ” ” Movie:
” American Graduate Movie: “The Great Day: Let’s
” ”
KCTS ” ” N
Dropping American Dropping Graduate Dropping Day: Let’s Dropping Make It Aging Happen Backwards cont’d Weekend News ” ” Suze Orman’s ”Finan” cial SoluDropping tions for You Dropping The C-Word American Dropping ” Graduate Dropping ” Day: Let’s Aging Pioneers Make It Backwards Austin City Happen Weekend Limits cont’d News Younger ” Suze OrHeart ”
Dateline NBC
” English Premier KINGLeague News Tonight Soccer
Horse Racing
Clangers English PreLuna! mier League Biz Kid$ Soccer Kids News Red Bull KING 5 Signature News Series Nightly News ActionNews KING Sports Traveler Horse Backroads Racing Saturday Clangers Night Live Luna! ” PreEnglish Biz Kid$ ” mier League Kids News ” Soccer KING ”5 Red Bull News KING News Signature Nightly News Saturday Series KING News Night ActionLive Traveler Sports”
10 4 :30
Football: Night
Block On Stranger Football: SportsCentre Marketplace Exhibitionists Football: Pets.TV
Block On Stranger Central ” MLB’s MLB Best Blue Jays Baseball
TBA Joel Osteen Teams TBA September Power Houston Calendar Wednesday, 30,News 2015Joel Osteen rLake Country :00 Teams NFL Tides” Cash Cab Movie: & KIRO Tides” ” Paid Prog. ” Politics Texans at Paid Prog. CHBC News Cash Cab “Planes” KIRO News Global Nat. 11 :30 5 :30 Football: Noon ” 2015 Land & Noon :00 SUNDAY, GlobalNews Nat. CTV4, News ” Sea Atlanta CBS News News News Hour :00 Dallas”” OCTOBER Hour ” Mansbridge Falcons Hour
12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 7 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 4 :30 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 1 6 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2 8 :00 3 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015 :00 8 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :30 TSN # $ % & _ :00 10 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 3 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015 6 :00 :30 1 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 4 :30 :00 :00 10 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 7 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :30 5 :00 :30 11 6 :00 :30 12 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 10 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2015 12 :30 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 :00 12 5 :30 :00 1 :30 6 :00 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2015 :00 2 :30 7 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 4 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :00 :30 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2015 :00 2 :30 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 12 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 4 :30 :30 :00 11 5 :30 6 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30
MLB MLB Baseball: Cowboys at CHBC News Vancouver ” KIRO News ” Baseball NFL Carnival Eats NFL Overrun Bondi Vet NFL Post. Carnival Eats Toronto Blue New Orleans Security Saving Hope Heartland 60 Minutes Security Sportsnet Football: Donut Bondi ”Vet Postgame Donut at Saints Emergency NFL ” ” Emergency Jays Central Teams” TBA Income Football: Bull Riding Income Tampa Bay Madam Once Upon Our Canada’s Madam Madam Jays Season ” Movie: Teams ” Movie: Rays SportsCentre Secretary a Time TBA Vancouver Smartest Secretary Secretary Blue Jays NFL ” The West NFL ” Coronation NFL The West Sportsnet “Pirates of q Pets.TV “Pirates of Sportsnet ” The Good Blood & Oil Marketplace Canada The Good The Good MLB Central Football: Block Football: Football: Block Central ” the ” Lucky Dog the Central ” Wife ” Alive ” Wife Wife ” Teams Osteen Teams” TBA Backstage Power & Houston Joel Osteen MLB MLB’s Best FootballTBA Joel Caribbean: Lucky Dog Caribbean: Central SportsCentre Simpsons Quantico The National CSI: Cyber Simpsons Sportsnet Paid Prog. ” Politics Texans at PaidStranger Prog. Blue Jays Night ” On Stranger SportsCentre Exhibitionists Pets.TV On ” ” Simpsons ” ” ” Simpsons Central Noon ” Land & Sea Atlanta NFL ” Tides”News Cash Cab Movie: KIRO News Noon Tides”News MLB MLB SportsCentre News Final News ” CBC News KIRO News News Final Baseball: Sportsnet ” Hour Mansbridge Falcons Football: CHBC News Cash Cab “Planes” KIRO News Hour Global Nat. Baseball ” The West News--11:30 Movie: KIRO News The West Central NFL Carnival Eats NFL Overrun Bondi Vet NFL Post. Carnival Eats Toronto Blue Dallas Global Nat. CTV News ” CBS News News Hour MLB SportsCentre Block Castle “Take This Face/Nation Block Sportsnet Football: Bondi ”Vet Postgame Jays at Cowboys at Donut CHBC News NFL Vancouver KIRO News Donut ” Baseball ” Paid Prog. ” Waltz” Scandal Paid Prog. Central Teams TBA Income Football: Bull Riding Income Tampa Bay New Orleans Security Saving Hope Our Heartland 60 Minutes Security Sportsnet Saints” Emergency Teams ” TBA Vancouver ” ” Emergency Rays Central Movie: Movie:
” SportsCentre ” ” Football Night ” SportsCentre NFL ” Football:
Madam “Pirates of Secretary the
Once ”Upon a Time ”
Canada’s q Smartest ” Canada Backstage Alive Exhibitionists The National Movie: ” “Planes”
Little Prince ” Little Prince The Manor Little Prince Reborn
Rescue Rock-Park World News of X Games World News Animals WNBA Ultimate KOMO 4 Animals Basketball: Engineering News Waterfront Finals, Game Hunt for the The Muppets Cities Teams Shadow Cat 1: The Muppets Space Suite TBA New Tricks Once Upon Park ” Ocean a Time Mys. Wild Kratts Full Measure Hope for Born-Explore Waking the Rescue Blood & Oil Little Prince Wildlife Sea Rescue Dead ” Little Prince Wildlife World ofDocs X Archaeology Waking the Quantico Little Prince Games ” Rock-Park Dead ” Animals WNBA The Manor News Hunt for the Basketball: News Animals Reborn World News Shadow Cat Castle Waterfront Finals, Ultimate KOMO Game 4 New Tricks ” Cities Teams Engineering 1: News ” Crimes Space Suite TBA Muppets Hunt for the The Shadow Cat The Muppets Park Ocean Mys.
“Ocean’s Thunder ” Escape 2 Twelve” The First 48 Make Africa It Pop ”” Make It ” Pop ” The First 48 Henry Madagascar Movie:” Stanley Dyn. 3: Europe’s “Ocean’s The First 48 Game Most On Thirteen” Assembly ” Wanted ” The First 48 Madagascar Toy Testers ”” Game” On Movie: Thunder The First 48 The First 48 Thunder Make ”It Pop “Ocean’s ” ” ” Assembly Twelve” Make It Pop The First 48 Madagascar: The First 48 Make Haunting It Pop ”” Escape 2 ” Haunting ” The First 48 Henry Africa The First 48 Stanley Haunting Movie: ” ” Dyn. ” Haunting “Ocean’s On The First 48 Game Madagascar The First 48 Madagascar Thirteen” Assembly ” 3: Europe’s ” 3: Wanted ” Madagascar The First 48 Most ” Wanted ”
A&E 1
The First 48 ”
Toy Testers ” Game”On Make It Pop Madagascar: Assembly Escape 2 Haunting Africa Haunting ” Haunting Madagascar Haunting 3: Europe’s
Madam Pets.TV Secretary Lucky Dog The Good Lucky Dog Wife Pets.TV CSI: Cyber KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News CBS News KIRO KIRO News News
Madam “Pirates of Secretary the The Good Caribbean: Wife On Stranger Simpsons Tides” Simpsons Global Nat. News News Final Hour The West ”
Jays Season Sportsnet Blue Jays Central MLB Central ”” Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball
New HopeTricks for ” Wildlife Waking the Archaeology Dead ” Waking the The Manor Dead Reborn Hunt for the Ultimate Shadow Cat Engineering
Face/Nation 60 Minutes Scandal ”
Block Security Paid Prog. Emergency
Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central
New ” The First First 48 48 Hunt Tricks for the The Muppets The ” Crimes ” Shadow Cat The Muppets ”
The Good Caribbean: Wife On Stranger Simpsons Tides” Simpsons CHBC News SportsCentre News Dallas GlobalFinal Nat. ” West Cowboys at The CHBC News SportsCentre Block New Orleans Security ” Paid Prog. Saints Emergency
Blood ”& Oil ” SportsCentre Quantico Cash Cab ” Cash Cab
” Madam SportsCentre Secretary
Once Upon a Time
Canada’s Smartest
Madam Secretary
Madam Secretary
Jays Season New Tricks Blue Jays ”
The Good Wife
Blood & Oil ”
Canada Alive
The Good Wife
The Good Wife
MLB Central Waking the ” Dead
Simpsons Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part The West Rachael Ray Block ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour
Quantico ” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn Castle Denis Show ” CTV News Vancouver
The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Monster Movie: Our “Take This Vancouver Waltz” CBC News Now
CSI: Cyber ” The Price Is KIRO Right News KIRO News Young & Face/Nation Restless Scandal KIRO News ”
SportsNation Days of our ” Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Off Record Interruption
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
FABLife ”
” ”
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SC SportsCentre SC ” Hockey Lunch
The Talk ”
News CBC News CTV News ” News--11:30 Movie:” Vancouver Castle “Take This Saving Hope Heartland ” Waltz” ” ”
Monday The Meredith Night Vieira Show SportsCentre Sugar ” Debt/Part Countdown Young & ” Restless Ray SC Rachael SC NFL News ”
Ellen DeGe- Grand neres Show Bookaboo Designs The View ” Oz Monster The Dr. Bondi Vet Show Bondi Vet The Marilyn Our Denis Show Vancouver CTV News Dragons’
Bold ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy
Football: Hockey Lunch Detroit Lions SportsNation at Seattle ” Seahawks Off Record ” Interruption ” Monday SportsCentre Night ” SportsCentre Countdown ” ” SportsCentre SC NFL ” SC Football: SportsCentre Hockey Detroit” Lions Lunch at Seattle SportsCentre SportsNation Seahawks ”” ” Off Record ” Interruption SportsCentre
” Noon News Hour News Hour Days our CHBCofNews Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Elementary The Meredith ” Vieira Show Minority Sugar Young Report & Debt/Part Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray News Angeles ” ” CHBCNews News Noon News Final Hour Hour CHBC News TBA of our Days Ent ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Elementary ””
Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Big Phil Bang ” Gotham Ellen DeGe” neres Show Blindspot The View The Dr. ” Oz Show Castle The Marilyn CTV News ”Show Denis Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Vancouver DailySocial Show The etalk Seth Meyers ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Gotham ””
KIRO News ” KIRO News The CBSTalk News ” The Insider FABLife Ent ” Big Bang Bold Life in ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge”Judy Right Judge Judy NCIS: Young Los & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO Late Show”News CBS News Colbert The Talk The Insider Corden ” Ent FABLife Big Bang Life in”
Monday ” Night ”
The Meredith Ellen DeGeMinority Blindspot Vieira ReportShow neres ”Show Young & The Dr. NCIS: Los Castle Oz Restless Show ” Angeles News News News-Lisa CTV News CHBC ” Vancouver Final News--11:30
Countdown SportsCentre ”” NFL SportsCentre Football: ”
Den News CBC Now CBC News Heartland ” ” Marketplace Murdoch Coronation Mysteries Murdoch Grand Mysteries Designs This Life Bookaboo Bondi ”Vet Monster Bondi Vet The Our National Dragons’ ” Vancouver Den CBC News CBC News Coronation Now ” Rick Mercer Heartland Marketplace 22 Minutes ” Coronation Murdoch Murdoch Mysteries Mysteries
Grand This Life Designs ”
Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ” Bondi Vet Judge Judy The National NCIS: Los Bondi ”Vet Judge Judy Angeles Dragons’ KIRO News News CBC News KIRO Den KIROShowNews Coronation Late
Detroit Lions TBA News Hour CTV News CBC Mercer News SportsCentre Daily Show Rick at Seattle CHBC News Seth Vancouver ” ” ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes Seahawks ”
Ent ET Canada
” Elementary SportsCentre ”
Judge Judy Young & Restless KIRO News
Once Upon Born-Explore a Time Sea Rescue Blood &Docs Oil Wildlife ” Rock-Park Quantico News World ”News News KOMO 4 Castle News
Once Upon a Time
The First ”” The The First First ”” The The First First ””
48 48 48 48 48
CBC News estate Now With Power & Asha Politics Tomlinson The National ”” ” A Sinner in Mecca”
Thru Hell ” Rockies Treasure Rockies Quest Treasure Yukon Men Quest ” Fast N’ and Loud Naked Afraid”
Football: First Swipe The OT ” Philadelphia Say Yes Paid Prog. Sister Wives Eagles at Say Yes How I Met ” Washington Say Yes Monopoly Sister Wives Redskins Say Yes Big Bang ” ” Say Yes Mike 90 Day NFL Say Yes Simpsons Fiancé
Man Big Bang
SciGirls Many Rivers Action Night in
First Mod Family Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “Road to Sinbad: Perdition” Legend ” of
Americans Americans African Weekend Americans: A Chef’s Life Many Great Rivers British African Baking Show
Volleyball NFL ” Football: Auto Racing Dallas ” Cowboys at ” New Orleans
” The National Marketplace ” CBCZone News Doc The National CBC News ” ” Nowfifth With the A Sinner in Asha estate Mecca Tomlinson Power & The National ” Politics ” ” The National The National ” ” ” in A Sinner Mecca Marketplace
Bering Sea MythBusters Gold ” Highway Cash Cab Yukon Men Thru Hell Cash Cab ” Rockies MythBusters Treasure Rockies ” Quest Treasure Treasure Naked and Quest Quest Afraid Fast N’Men Loud Yukon Treasure ” Quest Bering and Sea Naked Afraid Gold
Football: Simpsons Packers Brooklynat NFL 49ers Family Guy Football: ” Last Man Philadelphia ” News Eagles The OTat Livin’ Dream Washington Paid Prog. Cougar Redskins How I Met Paid Prog. ” Monopoly Mod Fam NFL Big Bang Raising Football: Mike Simpsons Packers at
Say Yes ” Say Yes Sister Wives First Swipe Sister ”Wives First Swipe ” 90 Day Say Yes Sister Wives Fiancé Say Yes ” ” Say Yes Sister Wives Sister Wives Say Yes ” ” Say Yes Sister Wives Paid Prog. Say Yes ” Paid Prog. SayDay Yes 90 Fiancé Say Yes
the Seven ” Seas The Closer She’s the Big Bang ” ManBang Big The Closer Paid Prog. Big Bang ” FirstBang Family Big There Yet? Paid Prog. Mod Fam Paid Prog. Box Mod Office Fam Paid Prog. Sinbad: Movie: Paid Prog. Legend “Road toof Paid Prog. the Seven Perdition” Seas ”
Americans Masterpiece African Classic Sid Science Americans Masterpiece SciGirls African Classic African Americans: The Widower Americans Many Rivers ” African African Scott & Americans: Americans Bailey Many Rivers Weekend POV African A Chef’s Life ” Americans Great British Baking African Show
Horse Saints Racing 5th Quarter Presidents LazyTown KING 5 Action Tree NewsFu Tom Sports Football Dateline Volleyball Night in NBC ” America KINGRacing News Auto NFL Up Late NW ” Football: Bensinger Dallas” Paid Prog. Horse Cowboys at New Orleans Racing
The National MythBusters Doc Zone Cash Cab ” ” Cash Cab Thefifth National MythBusters Yukon Men the ” estate ”” A Sinner Treasure Power & in Treasure Mecca Quest Politics Quest The and The National National Naked Yukon Men ”” Afraid ”
Simpsons 49ers Brooklyn ” Family” Guy Last Man The OT News Paid Prog. Livin’ How IDream Met Cougar Monopoly Paid Prog. Big Bang
” Sister ”Wives Big Bang Sister ”Wives Big TheBang Closer ” Sister ”Wives Big Bang 90 Day TheBang Closer ” Big Fiancé ” Sister Wives Mod Fam ”” There Yet? Mod Fam
Madagascar A The National Treasure Most Sinner in Naked and 3: Wanted ” Quest Wanted Mecca Afraid
” 90 Day
” The Closer
Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News
Dateline NBC Today KING cont’dNews Up Late NW New Day Bensinger Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News
Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * ` The Doozers Steve
A&E 1 My Haunted
YTV 6 Sidekick
Maya Curious
Vieira Show Sugar Debt/Part Young &
” PAW Patrol Plays/Month Boj NHL Top 50 PAW HockeycenMisterPatrol Maker Restless Ray Blue tral Jays CreativeSee Rachael Monkey ” Blue Jays Bucket-Dino Early News NHL Top 50 Dino Dan GlobalNews Nat. MLB Blue Jays Wild Kratts Noon PAW Patrol Hour MLB Post-. Kate and News Hour MLB Ultimate Days of Ruf-Tweet ” our MLB Classics Engineering Lives Classics Tumble Leaf Ent Sportsnet Hope for The Talk Tim and Sid Maya ET Canada Central Wildlife ” ” Curious Elementary Blue Jays Edwardian The Meredith ” The ” Blue Jays FarmDoozers Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Minority Hockeycen- Boj Lost Sugar Plays/Month Young HockeycenMister Maker Report & tral Top 50 PAW Treasure Debt/Part NHL Patrol Restless tral Creative NCIS: Los Sportsnet The Great Rachael Ray Blue Jays Monkey See Early News NHL Top 50 Dino Dan Angeles Central War Tour ” Blue Jays Bucket-Dino Global Nat. Blue Jays Wild Kratts News News MLB Sportsnet Hope Patrol for Noon PAW News Hour MLB Ultimate Late ShowCentral Wildlife Hour MLB Post-. Kate and ” Classics Engineering Colbert Sportsnet Lost Days of our MLB Ruf-Tweet Ent Sportsnet Hope for ET Canada Classics Central Treasure Lives Tumble Leaf ET Canada Central Wildlife The Talk Tim and Sid Maya Elementary Blue Jays Edwardian ” Curious ”” Blue Jays Farm
Harvey The View ” 4 KOMO
” CSI: Miami The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 ”
The First 48 ”
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Haunting Rated A for Madagascar Rated A for 3: Wanted Nerds Squirrel
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
TLC < Fiancé
” My 600-Lb. Sister Life Wives ” My 600-Lb. Paid Life Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
There Yet? Divorce Paid Prog. Divorce Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Millionaire Millionaire
The Widower ” Sesame Scott Street& Bailey Dinosaur POV Dinosaur ” Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat
Diana Swain Airshow ” ”
Paid Prog. The Office
Say Yes Say Yes
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
NEWS 7 ”
KAYU ; Paid Prog.
TLC Payne WTBS Browns < A Randy to the Mod Fam
KCTS N Masterpiece
KING P Ellen DeGe-
Rescue Mod Fam My 600-Lb. Divorce Life Wo.- World’s Divorce Big Bang Biggest Hips Judge Big Bang My 600-Lb. Life Judge The 132-lb. Movie:
Classic Sesame Street ”
neres Show Today cont’d KING 5
Scrotum Say Yes Say Yes Man; 80lb Say Yes Groin Say Yes With No Say Yes Penis Say Yes Body Bizarre Randy” to the Rescue Man; 80lb My 600-Lb. Wo.GroinWorld’s Life Biggest Hips With No My 600-Lb. The 132-lb. Penis Life Scrotum The Yes 132-lb. Say Man; 80lb Scrotum Say Yes Groin Peter Popoff Say Yes With No PaidYes Prog. Say Penis Say Yes Body Bizarre Say Yes ”
Power & Politics
Quest Mayday Naked” and Afraid Cold Water Treasure Cowboys Quest Jade Fever Jade Fever
DISC 9 Canada’s
” CBC News Now With Amanda
News 4 KOMO News News
Lang Carole MacNeil CBC News
Worst Driver Steve Big World Mayday ” Harvey Daily Planet Paid Prog. ” RaisingFeud Cold Water Family Cowboys Family How/Made Mike Feud
World News The Chew ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Dancing Steve With the Harvey Stars The View KOMO ” 4 News Castle KOMO 4 News News ” World News News The Chew KOMO Jimmy” 4 News Kimmel General Live Wheel Nightline Hospital Jeopardy! The Doctors Dancing ” With the
House The First 48 ” My Haunted The First 48 House ” My Haunted The First 48 House ” My Haunted My Haunted House House My Haunted CSI: Miami My Haunted House ” House My Haunted The First 48 My Haunted House” House My Haunted The First 48 My Haunted House ” House My Haunted The First 48 My Haunted House ” House TheHaunted First 48 My House”
” CBC News Now With The National Diana ”Swain ” CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The National CBC News Amanda ” Now With Lang CBC News Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The National CBC News The National ” Now With ” Amanda Diana Swain CBC News Lang ” ” Power & The National Politics ”
How/Made Jade Fever Jade Fever River Airshow Monsters ” Treasure MythBusters Quest ” How/Made Canada’s How/Made Worst Driver River Mayday Daily Planet Monsters ” ” Treasure Cold Water How/Made Quest Cowboys How/Made How/Made Jade Fever River How/Made Jade Fever Monsters How/Made Airshow Treasure How/Made ” Quest MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made
The Meredith Hockeycen” Minority Vieira ” ReportShow tral Young & HockeycenNCIS: Los Sportsnet Restless tral Angeles Central Early News News Global Nat. Late Show-
The Lost Doozers Steve Stars PAW Patrol Harvey Treasure ” Mister Maker KOMO The Great Castle 4 Creative News ” War Tour NHL Top 50 Hope Dino Dan News Sportsnet for News Blue Jays Wild Kratts World News Central Wildlife Jimmy
A&E 1
SpongeBob Nerds Squirrel Hathaways Almost Hathaways Sidekick Stanley Dyn. Wayside Game On Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Sidekick Videos Chucks Wipeout Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs.” Kat Kung Fu Haunting Rated A for Odd Parents Haunting Rated A for SpongeBob Gags Nerds Hathaways Gags Squirrel Hathaways Funny Home Almost Stanley Videos Dyn. Sidekick Game On Wayside Funny Home Kid vs. Kat Videos
My My Haunted Haunted Sidekick Wipeout House Chucks House ” My Haunted SpongeBob My Haunted Haunting House Kung Fu House Haunting
” The National ”” Amanda CBC News Lang ” My Haunted Haunted Gags Odd Parents The CBCNational News My House SpongeBob ” Gags
Hathaways The National How/Made River Funny Home Amanda Hathaways Monsters Videos Lang ” How/Made
Masterpiece Ellen DeGeAntiques ” Classic neres ”Show Roadshow ” KING 5 I’ll Have Blindspot ” News ” What Phil’s World News KING KING News 5 Roadtrip Business News SciTech Tonight
Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar
Man; 80lb ” Peter Popoff Browns GroinProg. Paid There ”Yet?
PBS Brain Super NewsHour ”
Nightly Show News News Seth Meyers
Big Bang Big Bang
With No Penis
Old House Antiques
News Evening The Voice ”
KOMO 4Live My Haunted Kimmel News Nightline House
Hope for Wildlife
Wheel Jeopardy!
My Haunted Stanley Dyn. CBC News House Game On ”
Dancing With the
My Haunted Funny Home The National How/Made House Videos ” How/Made
A&E 1
Gotham ”
Body Bizarre King ” King
The National River ” Monsters
Minority Report
Antiques Roadshow
My Haunted Wipeout House ”
Man; 80lb Groin
The Middle Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
News Steve Mod Fam Harvey Mike Family Feud Two Men Family Feud How I Met Crime Watch Cougar Daily
With No Marry Penis Marry The 132-lb. Marry Scrotum Marry Peter Popoff Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes
Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Divorce Family Guy Judge Payne Judge Browns Millionaire There Yet? Millionaire
I’ll Have Sesame What Phil’s Street Roadtrip Dinosaur SciTech Dinosaur Super Brain Peg Plus Cat ” Peg Plus Cat
Blindspot Today ” cont’d KING News New Day Tonight Northwest Show KING 5 Seth Meyers News
Paid Prog. The Office
Say Yes Say Yes
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Treasure Quest
Edwardian Farm
Lost Treasure
SportsCentre IRB Rugby ” World Cup SportsCentre World Rugby ” 2015 IRB SportsCentre Rugby World ” Cup: Fiji vs.
NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part CHBC News Rachael Ray Final ” TBA Noon News ET Canada Hour
Castle The View ” ” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Seth Meyers Vancouver
The National Bookaboo ” Monster CBC News Best Recipes Coronation Stefano Rick Mercer CBC News 22 Minutes Now
NCIS: Los The Price Is Angeles Right KIRO News Young & Late ShowRestless Colbert KIRO News Corden ”
NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part News Rachael Ray Late Show” Colbert Noon News ET Canada Hour
Sportsnet MLB Central Classics Sportsnet Blue Jays Central MLB Post-. Sportsnet Plays/Month Central NHL Top 50
The Great Boj War Tour PAW Patrol Hope for Monkey See Wildlife Bucket-Dino Lost PAW Patrol Treasure Kate and
Castle The View ” ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”
My Haunted CSI: Miami House ” My Haunted The First 48 House ” My Haunted The First 48 House ”
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags Rated A for Gags Rated A for Funny Home Chucks Videos Squirrel
CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With
Uruguay ”
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
Diana Swain Treasure ” Quest
Off Record Interruption
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
FABLife ”
CHAN The Talk ( ”
The BoldPrice Is Right ThisMinute
Sugar The Meredith MLB ” Debt/Part Vieira Show Classics ”
IRB Rugby Sugar SportsCentre The Meredith The EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Grand World ”Cup Debt/Part Vieira Show neres ”Show Monster Designs World Rugby Rachael CFL Pre Young & Ray The Marilyn Dr. Oz 2015 ” Denis CFL IRB Restless Show Show
Best Young & BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless Bondi Vet Judge Judy
CBC News Dragons’ Now Den Heartland CBC News ”” Dr. Phil Murdoch etalk Gags ” Mysteries Big Bang Coronation Ellen DeGe- Grand The Flash Rick Mercer neres ”Show Designs 22 Minutes Young & The Dr. of Oz Bondi NCIS: New Agents YoungVet Drunk Restless Show Bondi Vet Sugar The View Bookaboo Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Wolves Debt/Part ” Monster News CTV News Dragons’ Limitless CSI: Cyber The National ”” Ray The Vancouver Den Recipes Rachael Marilyn Best ” ” DenisNews Show Stefano News ”Hour CBC News CHBC News CTV News-Lisa CBC News CHBC News Vancouver ” Noon News CBC News Final News CTV News--11:30 Coronation Ent etalk Gags Hour Vancouver Now TBA Daily Show Rick Mercer ET Canada Big Bang Coronation ET Canada SethSocial Meyers Heartland 22 Minutes Days of our The NCIS The Flash Rick Mercer Lives ” ” ” ” 22 Minutes The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch NCIS:”New Agents of Young Drunk ” Mysteries Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Wolves The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Limitless CSI: Cyber The National Vieira Show neres Show Designs ” ” ” Young & The Dr. Oz Bondi Vet CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News Restless Show Bondi Vet Sugar The View Bookaboo Final News--11:30 Coronation Debt/Part ” Monster News CTV News Dragons’ TBA Daily Show Rick Mercer ” Ray Vancouver Rachael The Marilyn Den Best Recipes ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes DenisNews Show CBC Stefano News ”Hour CTV News Noon News CTV News CBC News CHBC News Vancouver ” Hour Vancouver Now Ent etalk Gags Days of our Big TheBang Social Heartland ET Canada Coronation Lives ” ” NCIS The Flash Rick Mercer The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch ” ” 22 Minutes ” ” Mysteries NCIS: New Agents of Young Drunk The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Wolves Vieira Show neres Show Designs
SportsCentre Limitless Hockey Young & ” ” Off Record Restless
Randy to the Mod Fam Man; 80lb The Middle Rescue Mod Fam Groin Family Guy Wo.World’s Big Bang With No Amer. Dad Biggest Hips Amer. Big Bang Penis Dad The 132-lb. 132-lb. Family Movie: Guy The Scrotum “Extract” Payne
Ultimate Lost Engineering Treasure
Blue Jays Blue Jays
SportsCentre Fantasy ” Special
Sportsnet Central
Minority Report
MLB Sportsnet Classics Central
Elementary ”
SportsNation ” ”
NewsDay New Northwest KING 5 News 5 KING News Nightly News Days Newsof our Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Today” KING 5 ” cont’d News Blindspot New Day KING 5 ” Northwest News KING 5 News KING Nightly Tonight News News News Show Days of our News Seth Meyers Lives Evening Dr. ThePhil Voice ””
Ent ET Canada
Scorpion ”
” Dinosaur Dinosaur World News Business Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Old House Sesame AntiquesSt. Cat in the Antiques Masterpiece Roadshow Classic Antiques Sesame ” Roadshow Street ” I’ll Have Dinosaur World News What Phil’s Dinosaur Business Roadtrip Peg Plus Cat PBS SciTech Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Super Why! Brain Super Old House ” Thomas Antiques Sesame St. Antiques Cat in the Roadshow
News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada
Big Bang Life in
Dr. Phil ”
KIRO News Colbert CBS News Corden
This Life ”
Argonauts Georgia vs. SportsCentre
Sesame St. Cat in the
Marketplace The Insider Coronation Ent
Murdoch Mysteries
2015 IRB RedBlacks SportsCentre at Toronto Rugby ” World Argonauts Cup: Fiji vs. SportsCentre SportsCentre ” Uruguay ” ” Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” CFL Pre SportsCentre CFL IRB Rugby ” World Cup Football: SportsCentre Ottawa Motoring ” 2015 IRB RedBlacks Rugby World at Toronto
“Extract” Millionaire Millionaire ” Crazy ”Talk Crazy Talk Seinfeld Payne Seinfeld Browns King Mod King Fam Mod Fam The Middle Divorce Big Bang Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Judge Dad Movie: Amer. Dad Judge “Extract” Family Guy Millionaire Payne” Millionaire ” Browns Crazy Talk Seinfeld There Talk Yet? Crazy Seinfeld Payne King Browns King
etalk Big Bang
Blindspot ”
CFL Pre SportsCentre CFL Rugby IRB ” World Cup Football: SportsCentre Ottawa World ”Rugby
Anger Watch Crime Daily Two Men Paid Mod Prog. Fam The Office Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud Gotham Paid Prog. ” Big World Minority Steve Paid Prog. Report Harvey Raising News Feud Family Mike Mod Fam Family Feud Anger Mike Watch Crime Two Men Two Men Daily Mod Fam How Prog. I Met Paid Big Bang Cougar The Office Big Bang Paid Prog. Gotham Family” Feud
Canada’s Paid Prog. River Minority Worst Driver Big World Monsters Report Daily Planet Paid Treasure NewsProg. Raising Quest” Mod Fam How/Made Mike How/Made Mike How/Made Anger Two Men
Gotham ”
Rugby World Noon Football: News News Cup: Fiji vs. Hour ” Ottawa Uruguay Days our RedBlacks News of Hour ” Lives at Toronto CHBC News Off Record The Argonauts Ent Talk Interruption ” SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre The Meredith ” NCIS ”” Vieira ”Show
Livin’ Dream Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud Mod Fam Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Daily
MythBusters Paid Prog. Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes
Minority Report
” ”
Family Guy Last Man
KAYU ; News
Mecca CBC News The NowNational With ” Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Now With
DISC 9 Treasure
House Chucks CSI: Miami Wayside ” Kid vs. Kat My Haunted SpongeBob House Kung Fu The First 48 Rated A for ” Rated A for My Haunted Odd Parents
POV British Cowboys Bensingerat Great ” Paid Prog. Baking Show New Orleans
The National Yukon Men ” ”
MLB Classics
SNP ) ”
Paid Prog. Perdition” Paid Prog. ”
Make It Pop Assembly
Days of our Lives
Tim and Sid ”
Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. “Road to
Masterpiece LazyTown Saints Americans Classic 5th Quarter African Tree Fu Tom Masterpiece Football KING 5 Americans: Classic News Many Rivers Night in The Widower Dateline African America ” NBC Americans NFL Scott & KING News Weekend Football: Bailey Up Late NW A Chef’s Life Dallas
The First 48 ”
NEWS 7 in A Sinner
CHAN ( The Meredith
Masterpiece Saints Classic 5th Quarter
YTV 6 Haunting
The Talk ”
” ” Sister Wives The Closer
A&E The 1 First 48
” The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 News ” Crimes The Chew ”
Sister Sister Wives Wives ”” Paid Prog. 90 Day Paid Prog. Fiancé
The National MythBusters Simpsons ” ” Brooklyn
& Oil KNOW Blood KOMO ” *the Quantico ` Waking Dead Boj Hunt the PAW for Patrol Shadow Cat Monkey See New Tricks Bucket-Dino ” PAW Patrol Kate and
Mod Fam Mike Raising Simpsons
Toy Testers Game On
SNP ) Sportsnet
Central Plays/Month Sportsnet NHL Top 50 Central Blue Jays Sportsnet Blue Jays Central MLB MLB Post-.
The First 48 ”
CHAN ( Simpsons
Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part The West Rachael Ray Block ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour
Paid African Sports Mod Prog. Fam African AmericaA13
CTV News Vancouver The CTVSocial News ” Vancouver
FABLife The Insider Ent ” Bold NCIS ThisMinute ”
Judge Judy NCIS: New Judge Judy The Price Is Orleans Right KIRO News Limitless KIRO ”News Young &
Restless KIRO News KIRO News CBS News KIRO News Late ShowThe Insider ” Colbert Ent Corden The Talk NCIS ” ” FABLife NCIS:”New Orleans Bold Limitless ThisMinute ” Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy The Price Is Late ShowRight News KIRO Colbert KIRO YoungNews & Corden Restless KIRO News KIRONews News CBS ”
The Insider The Talk Ent NCIS
FABLife ” ”
NCIS: New Bold Orleans ThisMinute
KNOW Stars KOMO ” * `
Leaf Hospital SNP Tumble KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ” Boj View The Doozers The Steve PAW Patrol Harvey ”
A&E The First 48 1 ”
YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat
Treasure Mayday Quest ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made River How/Made Monsters
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
KAYU Paid Prog. ;Feud Family
WTBS Payne A Browns
CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage
Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds
CBC News ” Now With ”
Mayday How/Made ” How/Made
Rachael See KOMO 4 Young & Ray Blue MLB Jays Playoff Monkey Mister Maker ” MLB Post-. Bucket-Dino News Restless Preview Creative
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Rated A for SpongeBob Rated A for Chucks
Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang
How/Made Feud Marry Daily Planet Family Paid Prog. Fat Fabulous Judge Big Bang How/Made Family ” RaisingFeud Marry Fat Fabulous Judge Big Bang
Noon Early News Hour Global Nat. Days our Newsof Hour Lives ” The Ent Talk ” ET Canada The Meredith NCIS Vieira ”Show
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
The Chew News World”News General KOMO 4 Hospital News Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors Card: Teams Canada Wheel ” Curious ” TBA ” Jeopardy! ” The Sportsnet FirstDoozers Steve The Muppets ” PAW Patrol Harvey Central Footprints Fresh-Boat Young & MLB Maker KOMO NCIS: New MLB Playoff Mister The Manor Agents 4 of Restless Preview Creative News Sugar MLB Post-. Boj The View Orleans ” S.H.I.E.L.D. Debt/Part Classics PAW Patrol News ” Early News MLB Dino Dan Limitless Sportsnet Carts of Beyond the Global” Nat. Baseball: Wild Kratts World Rachael Ray Blue Jays Monkey See KOMO 4 Central Darkness Tank News MLB Post-. Bucket-Dino News News ”Hour American Hope for KOMO 4 News Boxing Canada News ” League Wild Wildlife News Noon News Plays/Month The Chew Late ShowChampions PAW Patrol ” Jimmy Ent Card: Teams Wheel” Hour NHL Top 50 Canada Kate and Colbert Sportsnet The Manor Kimmel Live ET Canada TBA ” Jeopardy! ET Canada Central ” Nightline Days of our HockeycenRuf-Tweet General NCIS Sportsnet First Muppets Lives tral Tumble Leaf The Hospital ” Central Footprints Fresh-Boat The Talk Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors NCIS:”New MLB ” The Manor Agents Curious ” of Orleans MLB Post-. ” S.H.I.E.L.D. The Meredith ” The Doozers Steve Limitless Carts Patrol of Beyond the Vieira Show Sportsnet ” PAW Harvey ” Central Darkness Tank Young & MLB Playoff Mister Maker KOMO 4 News Boxing Canada News Restless Preview Creative News Sugar NHL Boj The View Late Show- Champions ” Jimmy Debt/Part Classics PAWDan Patrol News ” Early News MLB Dino Colbert Sportsnet The Manor Kimmel Live Global Nat. Wild Kratts Rachael Ray Baseball: MLB Monkey See World KOMONews 4 ET Canada Central ” Nightline Classics Bucket-Dino News 4 News ”Hour American Hope for KOMO Noon ”News League MLB PAW Patrol News The Chew Wild Wildlife Hour NHL Top 50 Kate and ” Ent Card: Teams Canada Wheel Days of our TBA Blue Jays Ruf-Tweet General ET Canada ” Jeopardy! Lives Plays/Month Tumble Leaf Hospital NCIS Sportsnet First The Muppets The Talk Tim and Sid Footprints Maya The Doctors ” Central Fresh-Boat ” ” Curious ” NCIS: New MLB The Manor Agents of The Meredith ” The Doozers Steve Orleans MLB Post-. ” S.H.I.E.L.D. Vieira Show Hockey PAW Patrol Harvey
Plays/Month PAW Patrol MLB Dino Dan NHL Top 50 Kate and Baseball: Wild Kratts HockeycenRuf-Tweet American Hope for tral League Wild Tumble Wildlife Leaf
A&E 1
CBC CBC News News Now With ”
River Fool’s Gold Monsters Fool’s Gold Diana Swain Treasure The National Edge of ”” Quest Alaska Power & How/Made CBC News Highway Politics How/Made ” Thru Hell ” How/Made The National Rockies ”” How/Made Rockies Amanda The National Daily Edge Planet of Lang News ” CBC Mayday ” Alaska Now With ”Gold CBC News Fool’s CBC News Highway Fool’s Gold Carole”” How/Made Thru Hell
Rated A for Hathaways Gags Hathaways Chucks Gags Game Squirrel Funny Home Shakers Videos Almost Funny Home Sidekick Videos Wayside Wipeout Kid vs. Kat ” A&E Sidekick YTV Haunting Nerds Haunting 1 6 SpongeBob Gags Chucks Wayside Gags Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Funny Home SpongeBob Rated A for Videos Rated A for Hathaways The First 48 Hathaways Nerds Storage
MacNeil The National The National ” CBC News ” CBC News Now With Amanda ” Lang Swain Diana The National ” ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ” ” 7 Amanda The National Lang CBC News ” Now With CBC News Amanda Carole” Lang MacNeil The National CBC News ”
How/Made Edge of Rockies Alaska River Rockies Highway Monsters Fool’s Gold Thru Hell Fool’s Gold Treasure Rockies Quest Rockies How/Made Edge of How/Made Alaska How/Made DISC Highway How/Made Thru9 Hell Daily Planet Rockies ” Mayday Rockies Fool’s ”Gold Fool’s Gold Fool’s Fool’s Gold Gold Fool’s Gold Fool’sof Gold Edge Edge of Alaska
Storage Game The First 48 Shakers Almost Wars: Miami
CBC News Highway Diana”Swain Thru Highway Hell
” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Wars: Miami Storage ” Storage Wars: Miami Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage CSI: Miami Wars: Miami ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage ”
Now With
Marry Fat Fabulous Divorce Mod Fam Marry Fat Fabulous Divorce Mod Fam
KCTS Sesame St. Cat N in the
KING ” ” P
Dr. Phil ”
Sesame Masterpiece Today Ellen DeGeStreet cont’d Classic neres Show Dinosaur Masterpiece New KINGDay 5 Dinosaur Northwest Classic News
Crime Mike Watch Daily Anger Paid Prog. Two Men The ModOffice Fam Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Paid Prog. Grand Eco The Co. Grinder
Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Our Yes Little Say Yes Family Fat Fabulous Cake Boss Fat Fabulous Cake Boss
Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld Mod King Fam Mod King Fam
Peg Plus Cat KING World News KING 5 5 Peg Plus Cat News Business News Super of News our PBS Why! Days Nightly Thomas Lives NewsHour News Sesame St. Dr. Phil Pépin News Cat in the ” School Evening Masterpiece DeGeGorongosa Ellen Best Time Classic neres Park -Ever Show
Paid Prog. Scream Raising Steve Queens Harvey Mike News Anger Family Feud Mod Fam
Fat OurFabulous Little Fat Fabulous Marry Family Marry Cake Cake Boss Boss Cake Marry Cake Boss Boss
Big TheBang Middle Big Bang Divorce Family Guy Divorce Movie: Amer. Dad “Old Dogs” Judge Amer. Dad
Masterpiece Rebirth of Classic Sesame Paradise Street World News Frontline Business Dinosaur ”
Family Feud Two Men Mike Mod Fam Crime Watch Two Men Big Bang Daily How I Met Big Bang Cougar Paid Prog. Grand The Office The Grinder Paid Prog. Scream Family Feud Queens Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod; Fam Paid Prog. Mike Raising Steve Two Men Harvey Mike How I Met Anger Family Feud Cougar Family Feud Two Men Crime Watch Mod Fam Daily
Marry Cake Boss Fat Fabulous CakeYes Boss Say Fat Fabulous Our Say Little Yes Paid Prog. Family PaidYes Prog. Say Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Our Little Say Yes Family FatTLC Fabulous Cake Boss Fat Fabulous Cake Boss < Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous What Not to Fat Fabulous Wear Boss Cake Paid Prog. Cake Boss First Swipe Paid Prog. First Swipe Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes
Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Old Dogs” Crazy ”Talk Crazy ”Talk
KING 5 The Voice News Today” cont’d KING 5 ” NewsDay New ”
Judge” Family Guy ” Millionaire Payne Seinfeld Millionaire Browns Seinfeld There Talk Yet? Crazy King Crazy Talk King Payne The Middle Browns Family Guy Mod Fam WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad A Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Payne Divorce Movie: Browns “Old Dogs” Judge There Yet? Judge” Millionaire ”
Dinosaur PBS Chef NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Moveable Pépin Peg Plus Cat This Is Your School Do-Over Super Why! Gorongosa Thomas Park -Sesame St. Rebirth of Cat in the Paradise Masterpiece KCTS Frontline Classic ” N Masterpiece Chef Classic Sesame Moveable Street News World This Is Your Business Dinosaur Do-Over Dinosaur PBS Peg Plus Cat NewsHour
Northwest Nightly News KING News News KING 5 Tonight News Show Evening Seth Meyers Days of our Best LivesTime Ever Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show ” KING 5 KING News News Today Tonight cont’d5 KING Show News New Day Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News
KING 5 News Peg Plus Cat News
Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang
Our Little Say Yes Family
Seinfeld Crazy Talk Seinfeld
Pépin Super Why! School
News Days of our Evening
Storage Funny Home The National Rockies The First 48 Videos Wayside Power” & Rockies Storage Rockies
King Payne King
Gorongosa Sesame Park -- St.
Best Time Dr. Phil Ever
Wipeout Sidekick ” Chucks
Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss
Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.
Grand PaidGrinder Prog. The
The National Edge of ” How/Made ”” Alaska How/Made
Scream Our Little Paid Prog. Say Yes Queens Family Animal Atlas Say Yes
The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam
Rebirth of The Voice Masterpiece Ellen DeGeParadise ” Classic neres Show
Storage Duck Storage Dynasty
Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Penguins
CBC News Amanda Lang ”
Highway Daily Planet News Paid Prog. Thru Hell Mod Fam ” Raising
Kid vs. Kat
Thru Hell
The Office
Say Yes
Family Feud Say Yes
Cake Boss Suddenly Cake RoyalBoss
Crazy Talk Browns
Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang
Cat in the
Frontline Edward” George
Limitless Young & ” Restless
Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey:
News Early News Late ShowGlobal Nat.
Boxing Canada Montreal Dino Dan Champions ” Canadiens at Wild Kratts
News Storage Gags Rockies News Duck D. Odd Parents The CBCNational News Yukon Men Jimmy Miami Gags ”” Rockies World News Wars: Duck D. SpongeBob ”
Mike Mike Two Men Anger
Fat Fabulous Family Fabulous: Movie Guy Fat Fabulous Payne” Extra
Chef World News KING KING News 5 Moveable Tonight Business News
News Hour CTV News CBC Mercer News SportsCentre TBA Daily Show Rick CHBC News Seth Vancouver ” ” ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes
Survivor ”
Carts Misterof Maker Beyond KOMO 4the Darkness Tank Creative News
Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob The First 48 Almost Storage Hathaways ” Sidekick Storage Hathaways The First 48 Wayside Storage Game ” Kid vs. Kat Wars: Miami Shakers Storage Sidekick Storage Funny Home Storage Nerds Storage Videos Storage SpongeBob Storage Wipeout Storage Chucks CSI: Miami Wayside Storage ” ” Kid vs. Kat Storage Odd Parents Storage Haunting Storage SpongeBob The First 48 Rated A for Storage Haunting
Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Eco Co.
TLC Say Yes Say< Yes
KIRO KIRO News News Late KIROShowNews
” ”
The National Limitless Bondi Vet Judge Judy Bondi ”Vet Judge” Judy
SportsCentre CBC News Interruption CHBC News News News-Lisa CTV News Dragons’ ” Final ” News--11:30 Coronation CFL 30 Vancouver Den
MLS Soccer Ent ” ET Canada
CSI: Cyber The Dr. Oz Show ”
KIRO News KIRO ”News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News
Seinfeld Seinfeld
KING ”5 News ”
KIRO News Colbert CBS News Corden
News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada
Toronto Canada Sportsnet The Manor Maple Leafs Central ”
KOMO 4Live Storage Duck D. Kimmel News Duck D. Nightline Storage
Hathaways The National Fool’s Fool’s Gold Gold Funny Home Amanda Hathaways Fool’s Gold Gold Videos Lang ” Fool’s
Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar
Fat Fabulous ” Paid Prog. Browns Fat Fabulous Paid Prog. There ”Yet?
PBS Is Your This NewsHour Do-Over
etalk Big Bang
Young Drunk The Insider Coronation Ent
Ent ET Canada
NHL Hockey:
The Water Park
Wheel Jeopardy!
Duck D. Duck D.
Make It Pop Bella
Big Bang Big Bang
Suddenly Royal
SciTech Field Guide
News Evening
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Vancouver Canucks at
Emperor’s Treasure
The Middle Goldbergs
Duck D. Duck D.
Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell
Rosewood ”
Fat Fabulous King Fat Fabulous King
Nature ”
The Mysteries of Laura
Criminal Minds
Bones ”
Calgary Flames
Movie: “Tosca”
Mod Fam blackish
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
The National Yukon Men ” ”
Empire ”
Suddenly Royal
The Middle Family Guy
Law & Order: SVU
Chicago PD ”
Sportsnet Central
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Fabulous: Extra
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Chicago PD ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Gags Gags
The National Airplane ” Repo
Mike Two Men
Suddenly Royal
Family Guy Payne
Globe Trekker
KING News Tonight
How I Met Cougar
Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?
SportsCentre Bones ” ”
Criminal Minds
This Life ”
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
Code Black ”
The National Code Black ” ”
” ”
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Coronation
KIRO News Late Show-
News Late Show-
Sportsnet Central
The Forest The Water
News Jimmy
SportsCentre TBA ” ET Canada
Colbert Corden
Colbert ET Canada
Sportsnet Central
Emperor’s Treasure
Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.
Daily Show Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes
CBC News ”
Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang
Airplane Repo
Fool’s Gold Fool’s Gold
Highway Thru Hell
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Nightly News Show NewsMeyers Seth
Deepak Show Chopra-God Seth Meyers
Wednesday,September September30, 30,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
A14 A14
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
Landscaping EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email
Moving & Storage DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
â&#x20AC;Śshow it! Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Pets & Livestock
Pets SHEPHERD / WOLF CROSS PUPS FOR SALE. 3 females, 3 males; 5 weeks old. $250.00 Call (250) 803-5235 or email
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Merchandise for Sale
Firearms HUNTING Season Savings on selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6
Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
Heat, Air, Refrig. AIRTIKA Heating Ltd. * Heat Pumps * Furnaces * Hot Water Tanks * Repairs & Installations 778-821-2665
Auto Financing
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates + Chad: 250-863-3082 Local.
Auto Financing
Dream Catcher
AUTO Financing
Read Fatmehâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s story here
WFP/Dina El Kassaby
Fatmeh and her family are among millions of Syrians displaced inside Syria and neighbouring countries. Their outlook is bleak. The World Food Programme is helping them by providing food, vouchers or e-cards to buy food. WE NEED YOUR HELP or text â&#x20AC;&#x153;RELIEFâ&#x20AC;? to 45678 to donate $10. Join us on Facebook
follow us @WFP
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,September September30, 30,2015 2015 A15 A15
EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber • 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Horton’s
Hair Services
for the month of September.
The Strand Hair Co By Appointment Only
250-300-6058 • 10074 Hwy.97, Lake Country
I look forward to seeing all my clients again!
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
NOTICE of Permissive Tax Exemption The Council of the District of Lake Country will be considering adoption of “Tax Exemption (Lake Country Food Bank Society) Bylaw 934, 2015”. The tax exemption applies to the taxation period commencing January 1, 2016 for three years. The meeting of Council to adopt the bylaw will be held on October 6, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers, Lake Country Municipal Hall.
There is still time to complete the COME PLAY! online survey and have your say about Parks & Recreation Planning for the future and get your name entered in the prize draw. Visit the COME PLAY! Online Survey quicklink at (also known as
Lake Country Budget The 2016 Lake Country budget process is starting. Budget deliberations are the focus of a series of Special Council Meetings scheduled for: 4:30 pm Tuesday, October 6, 2015 4:30pm Tuesday, November 17 (and 4:30pm Thursday, Nov.19 if required); 4:30pm Tuesday, November 24 (and 4:30pm Thursday, Nov. 26 if required); & 4:30pm Tuesday, February 18, 2016. . Watch the website events calendar at for additional information and confirmation or cancellation of the extra “if required” budget sessions. Council meetings are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend. If you have questions or comments about the budget please contact the Administration at Municipal Hall 250-766-5650.
Municipal Hall is CLOSED Monday, October 12 for the Thanksgiving statutory holiday. We look forward to serving you again Tuesday, October 13 at 8:30am. Semi-annual Water Utility Bills are due October 30th Semi-annual water bills for the period July 1 to December 31, 2015 are due and payable before 4:30 pm on Friday, October 30. Payments received after the close of business October 31, 2015 will be charged a late penalty of 5% on the unpaid balance. Payments can be made by mail; in person at Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd; at all major financial institutions; or via internet and telephone banking. There is an after-hours drop box to the right of the main door of Municipal Hall. Municipal office hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).
For more information please contact Rose Bronswyk Kassa, CPA,CMA, Chief Financial Officer. Pursuant to Section 227 (1) and (2) of the Community Charter the following information is provided with regard to the Bylaw: Legal Description Civic Address Lot 39 , KAP457
Estimated Municipal Taxes Term 3 years
Registered Owner District of Lake Country
Lake Country Food Bank Society Buidling
Volunteer Committee Members Needed The District of Lake Country is seeking volunteer members to serve on the following advisory groups to Council:
Access & Age-friendly Committee Agricultural Advisory Committee Public Art Advisory Commission Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Do you, or anyone you know, have an interest in identifying gaps and suggesting solutions in the District? Would you like to provide recommendations to Council on issues pertaining to enhancing access, agricultural matters, public art, or parks and recreation? Review the Terms of Reference for each advisory body to see where your interests and experience could benefit the community ( Please provide a letter of interest outlining your relevant background and interest in serving on the Committee or Commission most related to your interests to Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Services Manager, via email:, fax: 250-766-2903 or regular mail: 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M
The Arena is OPEN for public skating The full winter public skating and shinny hockey schedule for Winfield Arena starts this Friday, October 2, 2015. Check the Public Skating/Shinny QuickLink at to find out more.