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Published by Black Press Ltd at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC •
Friday, October 2, 2015
What’s Inside
Teaching time trimmed Teachers across the province will cut teaching time to train on curriculum. page 2
Dropping out of the race Libertarian candidate Christina Yahn will not be seeking election. page 5
Celebration of peace The annual Celebration for Peace included dignitaries, students and residents. page 13
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Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Training cuts into teaching time
Photo submitted
B.C. School Trustees’ Association president Teresa Rezansoff and Education Minister Mike Bernier announce plan to introduce new curriculum to the province’s schools over the next three years. by Tom Fletcher B.C. teachers switching to the education ministry’s new curriculum this year will use 10 hours of classroom time to train on it. Education Minister Mike Bernier announced the training plan Monday at the B.C. legislature, with teacher, trustee and parent representatives alongside. Bernier said training the first 2,000 teachers to deliver the new cur-
riculum this year will cost $1 million and take the equivalent of two teaching days. It’s up to local school districts to decide how that time is organized, but it may mean extra non-instructional days or parts of days when students would be sent home early. The new curriculum is being piloted this year for kindergarten through Grade 9 and will become mandatory across the province starting next fall.
Curriculum updates for the higher grades are still in development. For the next two years, teachers across B.C. will use one of their current professional development days for curriculum training and an additional five hours, the equivalent of one classroom day, will also be devoted to the new curriculum. Bernier confirmed that the program is being implemented
within existing budgets. The additional $1 million this year is to fund teacher training seminars and travel costs for rural teachers where the training isn’t offered in their home districts. The training plan was announced with representatives of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation, the B.C. School Trustees’ Association, superintendents, principals and vice principals, parent advisory councils, independent schools, and the First Nations Steering Committee. BCSTA president Teresa Rezansoff said school boards will decide how to structure the training to “best meet the needs of teachers while minimizing any impact on student learning time.” Bernier says the new curriculum emphasizes “hands on” learning and more flexibility for individualized studies. Two areas of emphasis are environmental education and an enhanced aboriginal perspective in every subject.
The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL), Black Press, Decoda Literacy Solutions and Kootenay Savings Credit Union are partnering to raise funds for literacy programs in the 5th Annual Reach a Reader Campaign.
Photos Erin Carlisle
The Kimberley Community Fall Fair took place last weekend. Vendors, games for the kids and even a climbing wall (above)made for a great couple of days.
Buy a paper from one of our volunteers on October 7 and 100% of your donation goes to literacy programs in Cranbrook. Can’t be there? Donate online at
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015 3
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Brought to you by Bill Bennett, MLA. (Kootenay East) Province of British Columbia
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1. The Union of BC Municipalities annual conference is where the RDEK and municipalities of Elkford, Sparwood, Fernie, and Cranbrook come together to advance the interests of our region. 2. I have had meetings with provincial ministers and all four municipalities and the RDEK. Issues range from more investment for highways, schools and health facilities, to mitigation of wildfire risk, forest harvesting practices & Idlwild Lake. 3. Tax payers have a right to expect their elected representatives to collaborate on the important issues. I take pride in the fact that I have such a positive relationship with the four municipalities and the RDEK and I am thankful we have such committed local government leaders. MLA Bill Bennett Telephone: 250 417-6022 Facsimile: 250 417-6026 Toll Free: 1 866 417-6022 email: website: Constituency Office: 100c Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9
Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Cities debate marijuana dispensaries by Tom Fletcher
With medical marijuana dispensaries continuing to open in defiance of federal law, more B.C. communities have joined the call for local
authority to regulate what are often little more than retail pot stores. Lower Mainland communities found majority support at last week’s Union of B.C. Municipalities
convention to bypass legal wrangling over medical marijuana access, as a court challenge continues against the Conservative government’s strict controls on growing and sell-
The Kootenay Advertiser’s First and best reader’s forum Email to:
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Slugs: To the owner of the off-leash Rottweiler coming out of the cemetery in Marysville on Tuesday who didn’t even care or bother to try and call her dog back after it took off after a deer with two fawns, biting at their hind legs as they tried to escape. If you have no control over your dog, at least put it on a leash so it won’t needlessly harass the wildlife! Hopefully your dog won’t chase a deer right into someone’s vehicle someday. Hugs: To a clerk at
Shoppers Drug Mart. I was on my way in to the Post Office to mail letters (only) & she kindly took them for me saving me the long walk. Thank you so very much, (from a Senior). Slugs: To all of those of you who don’t seem to have the energy to walk your dogs but rather, drive them to the quad park, let them run off leash and do their business and then load them back into the car! The “dogs on leash by-laws” within our city apply to everyone and the quad park is not an “off leash park”. I do not enjoy walking my dogs and having to contend with deer, dogs off leash and feces everywhere. Have some consideration for others and respect our bylaws and be a responsible pet owner! Slugs: To people that use media to promote their socialist political views. I would advise people to read 1 John: 22-23 and 4:1-3. Hugs: To the City employees who have taken such great care of the planters and hang-
Give Where You Live Photo submitted
‘Bongy’ promotes a head shop in Esquimalt, before the mascot was banned. In Vancouver, illegal pot stores have employed scantily clad women to attract customers, including young people.
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ing baskets around town all summer & fall. In spite of the hot, dry weather the flowers still look beautiful and I really enjoy looking at them.
Here’s how it works!
Our weekly feature, Hugs and Slugs is intended to be a light-hearted forum for you, our readers, to express brief views on issues and events in your lives. It’s not intended to hurt people or make unsubstantiated and libelous comments. Names won’t be published with the Hugs and Slugs; however, we do need your full name, mailing address and telephone number for verification purposes.
ing it legally. Maple Ridge Coun. Corisa Bell said other cities are facing the same issues as Vancouver, where about 100 dispensaries have opened in a free-for all with street-level marketing to young people. Vancouver ignored protests from federal Health Minister Rona Ambrose to used authorized sources of medical marijuana, and adopted a licensing system last spring to keep pot shops away from schools, community centres and each other. Vancouver set a licence fee of $30,000 for dispensaries and $1,000 for non-profit “compassion clubs,” with Victoria preparing to follow suit. But other communities don’t have the same revolutionary zeal. Esquimalt Coun. Susan Lowe, whose community banned the pipe-headed mascot “Bongy” from hawking wares of a marijuana paraphernalia store in 2013, said she isn’t qualified to regulate medical pot. The Lower Mainland proposal also doesn’t prevent a patchwork of different rules in adjoining communities, Lowe said.
Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart said the latest resolution seems intended to stick to municipal authority over location and zoning, but it doesn’t say so explicitly, and the UBCM loses credibility when it wanders outside its mandate. Port Alberni Coun. Jack McLeman said he supports the twoyear-old UBCM endorsement of legalizing pot, although his drug of choice for pain is Scotch whisky. He said his council has been approached about medical dispensaries, and invited applications, but no one followed through. “Just legalize the junk,” McLeman said. “Don’t tell me it’s your aspirin.” Maple Ridge Coun. Craig Speirs drew laughter from delegates when he said there was “some consternation” when his city’s first dispensary opened, “but it’s proved to have a calming effect on the neighbourhood.” The motion to support municipal control over pot stores passed in a show of hands, with about one third of those attending opposed.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015
Libertarian candidate drops out of race
Christina Yahn. Libertarian candidate Christina Yahn has withdrawn from the race for member of Parliament for the Kootenay-Columbia federal riding. “Due to personal reasons, I regret to
announce my resignation as a candidate for the 2015 election,” she said in an email this morning. “I wish the best to fellow candidates and I look forward to future political endeavours when I am 5 able to participate.” Yahn was one of more than 80 Libertarian Party candidates across the country. “The mission of the Libertarian Party of Canada is to reduce the responsibilities and expense of government,” says “This, so that we may each manage our lives to mutually fulfill our needs by the free and voluntary exchange of our efforts and property for the value that best realizes our happiness.” The Nelson resident had participated in the Kootenay-Columbia Black Press Q&A to explain her party’s viewpoints on regional issues (Parts 1, 2 and 3). “I appreciate being included in the Q&A series thus far to offer the perspective of liberty,” she said.
Dynamiters supporting Starlite The Kimberley Dynamiters Hockey Club is gearing up to once again support the East Kootenay Foundation for Health and its annual Starlite Campaign. During the month of October the team is hosting a fundraiser at each home game by auctioning off players’ one of kind jerseys in support of breast cancer. The funds raised from the popular event will also help to light a star atop the East Kootenay Regional Hospital when the Starlite Campaign launches at the end of November. “Several years ago we had a very successful jersey fundraiser with EKFH and the digital mammography campaign. That donation
made a big difference to people with a breast cancer diagnosis so we wanted to help again this year,” shares Dynamiters President Chad Koran. Funds raised from the month long events will go to EKFH and be dedicated toward helping with the purchase of a sentinel node biopsy probe. The concept of the sentinel lymph node is important because of the advent of the sentinel lymph node biopsy technique, also known as a sentinel node procedure. This technique is used in the staging of certain types of cancer to see if they have spread to any lymph nodes, since lymph node metastasis is one of the most important prognostic
signs. It can also guide the surgeon to the appropriate therapy. The team worn jerseys will be up for auction and bidding will take place at all of the home games in October. The bidding will close at the 10:00 minute mark of the third period at the October 25th game when the Dynamiters take on the Chase Heat at 2:00 pm. Make sure that you get your bids in for your chance
to win your favorite jersey and support a great cause! For more information on the Kimberley Dynamiters visit www. kimberleydynamiters. net. To help light a path for others and supporting health care programs in your community, please consider a donation to the 2015 Starlite Campaign visit www.
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The Weekend View
Letter: An open letter to David Wilks Mr. Wilks, you are running for re-election as MP for KootenayColumbia. I would like your constituents to know that you are not a fit person for the job. Over the past four years, you have shown that you are more concerned with following orders from the Prime Minister’s Office than acting on behalf of your constituents. One example of your
failure to do the right thing concerns Flying Officer David Dakin DFC, a decorated veteran of World War II who flew 35 missions over Germany and occupied Europe while serving with Bomber Command in England. Dave Dakin was one of 40,000 young Canadians who flew in Bomber Command operations – 9,919 of whom died in action.
Meet the teachers at MBSS open house Mount Baker Secondary School and
Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Kootenay Educational Services (KES)
With skill, bravery and good luck, Flying Officer Dakin survived. Bomber Command came under heavy criticism post-war because of the many German civilian casualties caused by the bombing. It is true that civilian lives were lost, but it is also true that the effectiveness of the bombing attacks on German industry shortened the war, thus saving many lives. Nonetheless, the controversy left many Bomber Command veterans feeling ostracized and abandoned.
They were bitter that their role in the successful outcome of the war was ignored, indeed censured. Then in June 2012, the British government decided to give a long-overdue special award to British survivors of Bomber Command. The Harper government decided to follow suit in Canada. To my great distress, however, your government made no particular effort to get this new military award to the surviving veterans – most of them aged 85 to 95 – before they
are hosting an open house. Tuesday October 6th from 6 to 7 p.m. Come out and meet your student(s) teachers and find out more about our amazing
programs. Parent Advisory Council meeting to follow at 7 p.m. in the Library. KES on location, MBSS in the gym.
died. Which brings me back to my friend Dave Dakin and you, Mr. Wilks. In July 2012 I wrote to you about Dave, then aged 90, a constituent of yours living in Kimberley. I asked you to act quickly to get the new Bomber Command award to him. Over the next 15 months I made 13 contacts with you and various Conservative cabinet ministers to no avail. I finally made a special plea to you to do something personally to ensure that
Dave received official notice of his award before he died. Soon after this, Dave was in Cranbrook hospital diagnosed with lung cancer. You could have done something, despite the lack of action by the Ministers of National Defence and Veterans Affairs. You could have visited Dave in hospital, or phoned him, or sent him a card. You chose to do nothing. Dave died in hospital in 2013, two days before his 92nd birthday, still unrecognized for his valour as a
Canadian veteran of Bomber Command. Some time after Dave’s death, the government put his award in an envelope and mailed it to his family. The callous attitude of you and your government toward our veterans does not bode well for the people of this riding, Mr. Wilks. You are not a fit person to be our Member of Parliament. ~Peter Moody, MB Kimberley
Photo submitted Photo submitted
Mount Baker Senior Girls volleyball team just won their second Alberta tournament. The team competed in Lethbridge at the Lethbrige Collegiate Institute’s Green and Gold Invitational tournament.
Published by Black Press Ltd. 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified: Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
The Playpen Pet Boarding and Grooming hosted a garage sale on September 11 & 12 to raise funds for local animal rescue organizations. Their goal of $3,000 was surpassed and an incredible $8,000 was raised! (From left) Karla Shalley (owner The Playpen) Volunteers: Eva Shalley, Cheryl King and Gail Ballance.
Zena Williams
Brian Coombs
Kimberly Clayton
The Kootenay News Advertiser is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015
Things to See & Do
TO PLACE A listing in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.Only non-profit organizations/events will be allowed.
Oct.15-Dec.17 “The Way” Introductory Orthodox Christianity, St.Aidan Orthodox Church, 201-7th Ave. Cranbrook. 7pm. Drop in to any or all of the sessions. Contact: Fr.Andrew 250420-1582 or frandrewapplegate@gmail. com. Oct.6-Oct.30 CDAC Presents: First Members Fall Exhibition. 1013 Downtown Baker Street. Featuring “Autumn Inspired” work in various styles and mediums from CDAC’s member artists. Note the new gallery location. Marisa Phillips at 250-4264223 or email cdac@ October is “United Way Month”. 930 Baker St.Cranbrook, 250-426-8833 or www. Sept.13-October 25, Special Gospel Services: Each Sunday 3-4pm, from Girl Guides of Canada Hall, 1421 2nd St.S, Cranbrook. 250-464791. Oct.14-Nov.25 Alpha Campus, Cranbrook Alliance Church,1200 Kootenay St.N, 6pm every Wednesday. Free Supper. 250-489-4704 or facilities@cranbrookalliancechurch. com to register.
“Photography Hike”1 0 a m - L e a d e r - Ly l e Grisedale 250-4275153. Along the way, there will be discussion of photo techniques. Bring a snack & water for this 2-3 hour hike. Meet at the Higgins St. entrance to the Nature Park. Harvest Tea, Centennial Centre, Kimberley. $6/person, Includes coffee/tea, sandwiches and des-
serts. Live music (The Bunk House Boys and the Round Up ), gift baskets to raffle off, baking and canning for sale, door prizes will be drawn throughout the tea. Everyone is welcome! Yahk Care-Fest Fundraiser, 5:30pm at the Yahk Hall. Dinner, Dance & auction. All proceeds go to the ICU equipment for the Cranbrook Regional Hospital. Tickets $25 each 250-4245118. EK Outdoor Club hike, West side of Saugum Lake, Lorne 250426-8864. Studio Stage Door, Live performances “LOCALS” 7:30pm. Tickets $10 cash, available at Lotus Books & at the door. EK Outdoor Club hike, Brewer Creek., Darlene 250-489-5851. Music Jam, 1pm4pm, Admission $2, Ice cream $1, Seniors Hall, 17th Ave. and 2nd St.S. Everyone welcome.
silent auction, Traditional Newfoundland Jiggs Dinner. Tickets available at Lotus Books, Prestige Resort, EKSNapd or
thru Verna 250-9190401. All proceeds going to Cranbrook Women’s Resource Centre and Cranbrook Minor Hockey.
Christ Church Anglican Sunday Worship at 9:15 & 11:00am 46 - 13th Ave. S., Cranbrook 250-426-2644
Rev. Yme Woensdregt
Cranbrook Alliance
Sunday Service & Children’s Ministry 10:30am
250-489-4704 Senior Pastor 1200 Kootenay St. N. Grant McDowell
EK Lutheran Parish
Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10:00am, Monday Worship 2:15pm 250.426.7564 Holy Cross Pastor Kimberley David 105 Howard St. Morton Sunday Worship 10:00am Trinity Fernie 691 4th Ave., Sunday Worship 1:30pm Immanual Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4:00pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm
Lutheran Church-Canada
Knox Presbyterian Sunday Worship/ Children’s Classes 10:00am
Friendly congregation biblical teaching - traditional & contemporary music 250-426-7165 Corner Victoria & 3rd St. S.
The Salvation Army
Free Public Swim, Kimberley Aquatic Centre, 5-6pm. Sponsored by Kimberley Medical Clinic.
Sunday Worship Service 10:30am
Wednesday Praise Service 5:00pm
“Newfoundland Kitchen Party Fundraiser” (Glen & Kathy’s 80th Birthdays), Prestige Rocky Mtn Resort 6pm-1am, Live entertainment,
Thurs, Oct 8th • 4 - 8 p.m. Ricki’s - Tamarack Mall
East Kootenay Houses of Worship Jaffray United
All Services Sunday 11:00am October 11 October 25 November 8 November 29 December 20 (Christmas Service)
“Seeking the heartbeat of God”
Mount Baker Secondary & Kootenay Educational Services (KES) are hosting a OPEN HOUSE, 6-7pm. Come out and meet your student(s) teachers and find out more about our amazing programs. Parent Advisory Council meeting to follow, 7pm in the library. KES on location, MBSS in the gym.
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250-429-3603 Jaffray Baynes Lake Rd
Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Sunday Service 10:30am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm
250-426-7897 Senior Pastor 518 Cranbrook St. N. Steve Moon
Cranbrook United
Sunday Service 10:00am
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am
250-489-1057 Senior Pastor 308 10th Ave. S. Gordon Henry
Catholic Churches
Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Family Worship 10:30am
Sunday School 9:30am
Interim Pastor Helmut Strauss
Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada 250-489-5169 2000-5th St. N.
First Baptist
Sunday Service 10:30am
Children’s Ministries 10:30am Senior Pastor Kevin Ewaskow 250-426-4319 334-14th Ave. S.
St. Aidan Orthodox
Divine Liturgy Service (English)10:30am Fellowship lunch & Sunday School to follow
Saturday evening Vespers 6:30pm
Father Andrew Applegate
250-420-1582 201-7th Ave. S.
Kimberley Pentecostal
Christ the Servant 1100-14th Ave. S. Saturday 5 pm & Sunday 9:30am St. Mary 39-10th Ave. S. Sunday 8am & 11am
250-426-2022 #2-12 Ave S (corner of Baker & 12th)
Reverand Frank Lewis
250-426-3612 533 Slater Rd NW
New Life Foursquare
Pastor Tim Klassin
Pastor Ray Green Sr.
Pre-Service Prayer 9:30am Sunday Service & Children’s Church 10:00am King’s Cottage Clothing: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm 250-427-4677 8687 Hwy 95A
Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015
African Children’s Choir coming to city
Photo submitted
The African Children’s Choir. The internationally acclaimed African
Children’s Choir will be performing at 9 Cranbrook Alliance Church on Friday, October 23. The African Children’s Choir melts the hearts of audiences with their charming smiles, beautiful voices and lively African songs and dances. The program features wellloved children’s songs, traditional Spirituals and Gospel favorites. Concerts are free and open to all. A freewill offering is taken at the performance
to support African Children’s Choir programs, such as education, care and relief and development programs. Music for Life (The parent organization for The African Children’s Choir) works in seven African countries such as, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa. MFL has educated over 52,000 children and impacted the lives of
over 100,000 people through its relief and development programs during its history. The African Children’s Choir has had the privilege to perform before presidents, heads of state and most recently the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, for her diamond jubilee.
The Choir has also had the honor of singing alongside artist such as, Paul McCartney, Annie Lennox, Keith Urban, Mariah Carry, Michael W. Smith, and other inspirational performers! Promotional support of this community concert is greatly appreciated. The African
Children’s Choir is a nonprofit humanitarian and relief organization dedicated to helping Africa’s most vulnerable children today so they can help Africa tomorrow. The Cranbrook Alliance Church is located at 1200 Kootenay St N. The show starts at 7 p.m.
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Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
A proper smoke alarm system could save your family In the case of a night-time fire, where you put your smoke alarm is the main factor that determines whether you’ll be able to get out of the house in time. This year’s Fire Prevention Week takes place October 4-10,
Providing helicopter support for fire prevention, protection, and cleanup
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and the slogan is Hear the Beep Where You Sleep: Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm. The sponsor, the National Fire Prevention Association, wants everybody to remember that getting out fast is what saves lives. In many home fires, it’s the smoke and fumes that kill first. The NFPA says a house fire can turn deadly in three minutes; that doesn’t give you much time to notice smoke, get up and get out. Don’t forget to make sure every resident of the house knows how to open the window in their bedroom so they can escape the smoke and flames. Here are some other smoke alarm messages from the NFPA: • Install smoke alarms on every level of the house, including the basement and garage.
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Your smoke alarm is the first line of defence if a fire erupts while you are asleep. tified for use. You never know when you need a fire extinguisher and when you do, it needs to be dependable.
Thank you firefighters!
• If possible, link all the smoke alarms with a wiring system so that when one goes off to alert you, they all do. • Test alarms at least monthly by pushing the test button. • Replace even problem-free smoke alarms at least every ten years. • Review with each resident of the house what to do when they hear the smoke alarm. • Make sure they all know the fastest route outside and where to meet in case of an evacuation. • Don’t linger in the house to call the fire department; dial 911 from outside the home. Fire Extinguisher: In case your smoke alarm rings, of course you should evacuate your home as soon as possible. However, there are many cases when a porrtable fire extinguisher can come in handy. Make sure to get yours checked and cer-
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015 11
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Boo, an orphaned grizzly bear residing at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort in the bear habitat, is seen readying his winter home underneath a tree on the hillside. Boo was brought to the refuge as a cub, a move that definitely saved the bear’s life.
Photo Kicking Horse Mountain Resort
Get ready for AND RECEIVE A WAGE SUBSIDY Hire a first-level apprentice for construction electrician, carpentry, heavy duty mechanic and automotive service technician. Small businesses, non-profit, First Nation or public organizations may apply. Application forms available online. ADMINISTERED & MANAGED BY:
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for our 2015 Remembrance Day Special Edition Publishes November 6th, 2015
It’s difficult for those of us who have only known peace to truly understand the horrors of war and to appreciate the level of sacrifice that families make during the armed conflicts in which Canada has participated. Every November 11th we have an opportunity to honour the memory of those who lost their lives and to salute those who today fight for our freedom and peace.
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Help us remember those from our region by sending us their photograph and story. Please mail, email or drop off to: The Kootenay Advertiser 1510-2nd St. N, Cranbrook BC, V1C 3L2 NO LATER THAN: October 9th Please include the following information: Name of the Veteran, regiment, years of service, did he/she live in the area, where? And any interesting details you may know of. Your contact name and phone number. If you wish the picture returned please also include a self addressed stamped envelope. NOTE: due to space limitation in the printed edition, we may not be able to print all photos/details, however we will be posting all (present and past) submissions to If you have submitted in the past you do not need to resubmit unless you wish to change the picture and/or have further details to add.
Pro Drivers is again booking Class 5/7 car lessons. Please call Lara Today!
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Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Kootenay Region Association for Community Living
1:00 P.M. MST (Creston time) and PDT (2:00 P.M. MDT)
Saturday, October 3, 2015 Spectrum Farms (Archibald House) 849 Erickson St., Creston, BC New members welcome!
Nordic club looks forward to new season Kootenay Tae Kwon Do Train with Master Saran 7 dan 43 years in the Kootenay Valley At St. Mary’s School, Mondays and Thursdays • 6:30 - 7:30 Ages 4 and up
For more information contact: Dorothy Carter (3rd Dan) at 250.417.7302 Nicole Barker (2nd Dan) at 250.581.0435 Email: Photo submitted
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y d alread dairy an items) (except riced p d te n discou er
f Octob
ic p organ o t s e n Your gorocery store onth o
m For the
Hikers on top of Fisher Peak on July 29. (Front row) Marie Mercier (biathlon exchange student from Chambèry, France) and Marielle Ackermann, (Back row) Annika Ackermann, Molly Miller and Sydney Wilson.
Thank You!
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The following business was inadvertently missed when we placed our thank you ad. Adams Wooley, Chartered Professional Accountants has strongly supported the BPNS tournament and EKFH for years. CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS
National Character Conference Hosted by Character Abbotsford
Thank You!
We would like to thank the following sponsors for making the 2015 Kids’ Summer Reading Club such a success! • A&W • ABC Restaurant • Arby’s • Booster Juice • Boston Pizza • BC Library Association • Bulk Barn • Bumble Tree • Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza • Canadian Tire • CBAL • Chatters Salon • Coles • College of the Rockies • Columbia Theatre • Cranbrook Photo • Dairy Queen • Domino’s • EB Games • Elizabeth Lake Lodge • Favorit Cycles • Hemp 2000 • High Country Sportswear • Home Depot • Hot Shots • Juniper Lanes • Just Music • Koko Beach • Kootenay Roasting Company • Leisure Services • Lotus Books • Loving Healthy Choices Inc. • M&M Meat Shops • Mad Max’s Go Karts • Marco Polo • Max’s Place • McDonald’s • MJ’s Floral Designs • Mr. Mikes • Pages • Panago • Pharmasave • Pizza Hut • Quiznos • Sakura Sushi & Grill • Safeway • Save On Foods • Scotiabank • Spice Hut • Staples • Starbucks • Subway • Superstore • TD Canada Trust • The Choice • The Cottage Restaurant • The Dollar Store • Tim Hortons • Trends N Treasures • Urban Roots Salon & Spa
The Playpen Pet Boarding and Grooming hosted a garage sale on September 11 & 12 to raise funds for local animal rescue organizations. Their goal of $3000 was surpassed and an incredible $8000 was raised! The Playpen would like to thank: ~ the volunteers who so graciously gave their time ~ the people who donated great sellable items ~ the following corporates sponsors:
In partnership with
SAVE ANYWHERE. In partnership with In partnership with
Pack Rat Storage
Funds raised will be divided and donated to animals rescue organizations in Cranbrook, Creston and Invermere.
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The Kimberley Nordic Club (KNC) is gearing up for another great ski season! Let the snow fall! “Well not quite yet,” says President, Derm Kennedy “ not until early November if we are lucky and we usually are. The fact is, not much snow is needed to start skiing given our grooming equipment and compact, sawdust covered trails.” The KNC Executive is optimistic it will be another great ski year. Last year was proof enough given the limited snow but yet great Nordic ski conditions enjoyed by most for both classic and skating techniques. Trails are being prepped, fire-wood supply is in, parking has been improved, new signage is in the works, staff are being hired.... Changes this year prove the club is ‘keeping up with the times’ as memberships can now be purchased (at last year’s prices!!!!) through a variety of ways. People can purchase online by clicking the Zone 4 link on the KNC website (kimberleynordic. org) As well, they will be accepting cash, cheques and (new this year) Credit/Debit cards at the kiosk. Any memberships purchased before Oct. 19 will be eligible to win some great draw prizes including a free membership! Organizers of the Jackrabbit program for kids and Masters Program for adults are busy planning. New this year will be lessons for beginner adults - yes, if you have never been on skis before but want to try it, this is the year! Again this year there will be ‘demo’ days where by local businesses give people a chance to try out brand new modern ski gear at NO COST. Mark your calendars now for the annual New Year’s Eve Candle-light Ski Event, Kootenay Cup Races Jan. 2 & 3 and the very popular Gourmet Ski Event Feb. 13, 2016 Everyone is invited to the upcoming KNC Annual General Meeting being held Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. at the Nordic Center.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015 13 as he is one of our local paramedics, and his home country is
Kenya, Africa. The entertainment was absolutely fantas-
tic—the singers, muscians, soloists, duos,
2015 Jeep Renegade
Looking for a new vehicle?
Photo submitted
Dignitaries, students and residents gathered for the 5th Celebration for Peace.
Another great Peace Celebration The 5th Annual Celebration for Peace went off without a hitch, albeit was a very windy afternoon which kept some of the International Students from the College busy ‘catching’ and ‘re-attaching’ the ‘flags of the world’ as the breeze whipped them from the decorating streamers. The Color Guard may have been smaller this year but all the words for peace were so meaningful. It was especially refreashing to hear Katie Grady’s comments and to know that she went to the effort to interview some of her peers. Well done !!! All of the prayers
were excellent; we thank Sargent Linda Green for the Opening Prayer, Pastor Gordon Henry for the Closing
Prayer, and Ifti Sumra for the Prayer for Mankind. We were especially honored to have Ifti participate
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December is on the horizon and so the time has come to start planning your holiday festivities. This year, make a pledge that you won’t leave things until the last minute. Who needs the headache of harried scrambling to busy grocery stores or battling the crowds at the bigbox stores? Preparing early will help you organize a truly unforgettable event, whether it’s for work colleagues, friends, or family members. Start by considering whether you want to host a party at home or dine out. Fix the date and reserve a restaurant or caterer as early as possible. After all, you don’t want to be one of those disorganized people who have to settle for a less-than-ideal place just because it’s one of the few still available. Then, if you have a large enough budget, find a DJ to provide the music for your event. Your guests will have lots of fun on the dance floor to the sound of today’s hits as well as their very own special requests. Karaoke is always a popular entertainment
option as well. Once you’ve settled all those details, let your imagination run riot and think up ways to add some magic to your party. Plan an evening that will appeal to the majority of your guests, one that will require some amusing involvement on their part. Even the most dignified of people can let their hair down with some well-planned party games. If you really want to impress your guests, bring in a specialist to decorate your home or reception room in a tasteful holiday style. Don’t forget that their first impression as they enter the room is often what people remember most. If all this organization seems a little overwhelming and time-consuming to you, you could always hire a professional party planner, an increasingly popular service for busy people. Be sure to phone around early if you want to get the best!
14 14
Friday,Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay October 2, 2015 KootenayNews NewsAdvertiser Advertiser
Your community. Your classifieds.
1.800.665.2382 Obituaries
In Loving Memory of Lorna Juanita Earl August 7, 1928 – September 25, 2015 It is with sadness and a sense of peace that we announce the passing of a great lady, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother who passed peacefully on the morning of September 25th. Lorna was born in Lillooet, BC on August 7, 1928 to parents Julia and Bert Durban. When she was a young girl her family moved from Lillooet to a farm at Grassy Plains, BC. She attended school at Grassy Plains and then to Smithers, BC for high school. At the age of 19 years she met and married Gordon Earl. Together they purchased the Bar Forty Ranch in Newgate from Gordon’s parents. Through hard work and dedication they expanded the ranch and Lorna’s ties to the land and country lifestyle became stronger every year. Lorna, besides being a mother and lead ranch-hand was a loyal supporter of 4-H programs, Secretary-Treasurer for the Newgate Farmers Institute, Baynes Lake Lions Club and always in demand as a Rodeo secretary. She could always be counted on to held in community endeavors. Lorna is survived by many family members including her sons Lorne (Marilyn), and Gene (Cheri); 7 grandchildren: Cody (Kathy), Bob (Jill), Jay (Denise), and their mother Susan, Jordan (Sheri), Lani (Lucien), Gentry, and Kelsey (Tyler); 8 great grandchildren: Chase, Kady, Brodie, Lily, Scarlett, Caleb, Remy, and Maddi; her brother Clarence, and sisters Frances and June. She was predeceased by her parents, and brothers Bill and Albert Durban. Memorial Donations may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation, BC & Yukon Division, Okanagan & Kootenay Area Office, 4-1551 Sutherland Ave. Kelowna, BC V1Y 9M9. Memories & condolences shared at Arrangements entrusted to Cherished Memories Funeral Services Ltd.
Ernest Billey May 23rd, 1933 - September 28th, 2015 It is with profound sadness that the family of Ernest “Ernie” Billey announce his passing in the early morning hours of September 28th, 2015. Ernie was surrounded by family who loved him deeply and were there to assist him in his peaceful transition to be with the Lord. Ernie was born in Desjarlais, Alberta and joined his large family on the farm which gave him ample opportunity to develop his incredible mechanical abilities early. He was a man who loved deeply, was loyal and always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needed a handyman. Ernie truly enjoyed the challenge of fixing anything that had moving parts. It was common to hear the comment “if Ernie can’t fix it – no one can.” Ernie was a devoted family man. He loved his family and enjoyed any and all family gatherings. One of his enjoyments was showing off his BBQ skills by serving up perfectly seasoned and cooked steaks or prime rib. He was a simple man not needing a lot, but he never stopped giving. Ernie leaves to mourn his loss his wife Sharron of 56 years, 3 daughters, Brenda Goodspeed, Amber (Charlie) Scarborough & Crystal Billey, 1 son, Farren (Meskerem) Billey, 3 granddaughters, Ashley (Mike) Buczkowski, Saladayne Billey & Breann Billey, 3 grandsons, Jared Peterson, Matthew Scarborough & Tristan (Jenn) Peterson, 1 great grandson, Theron Peterson, 1 great granddaughter, Quinn Buczkowski, 3 sisters, Teresa Edinger, Marlys (Clifford) Sluggett, Stella (Howard) Ness, several brothersin-law, sisters-in-law, cousins, nieces, nephews and their families. Ernie was predeceased by his first wife (Ruth), his parents, George & Mary, his stepfather, Mike Kilarowski, his grandparents, 5 brothers, Bill, Steave, Andy, Ed & John, 2 sisters, Lucy and an infant (un-named) sister. A memorial service for Ernie will be held at McPherson Funeral Home in Cranbrook on Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 at 2:00 pm. He will be interred in Westlawn Cemetery. Please join the family back at McPherson’s after the interment for a lunch and fellowship. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Ernie’s honour to the charity of your choice. Funeral arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
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Joanne Marie Dorogdi (nee Yanosik) 1939 – 2015 Joanne Dorogdi, long-time resident of Ta Ta Creek, wellknown in the community for her years at the family business Alexander’s Inn, passed away on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 in Cranbrook, BC at 76 years of age. Joanne was born on September 15, 1939 in Lethbridge, AB. She will be missed dearly by her remaining family and many close friends. Joanne is survived by her children Marina, Frank and David; grandchildren Jocelyn, Michael, Katie, Gordie, Alex, McKayla and Olivia; great grandchildren Brayden and Carly; sister-in-law Darienne; son-in-law Dan and nieces Melanie, Christine, Veronica, Morgan and Maddy. She was predeceased by her parents Rose and Alex, her brother Bill and daughter Dianna. At Joanne’s request, there will be no funeral service. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Duncan Roderick Robertson (December 9, 1931 – September 27, 2015) It is with great sadness that the family of Duncan Roderick Robertson announces his passing, in the early morning hours of Sunday, September 27th, 2015. Duncan fought bravely against the ravages of bladder cancer and inspired us all with his unfailing optimism and courage. Duncan was born in 1931, the youngest of five, in ‘The Gulch’ in Trail BC. He spent his childhood roaming the West Kootenay hills in search of fish and huckleberries. At the age of 16, he took advantage of an opportunity to work at Cominco, becoming a skilled machinist and earning the nickname ‘Doc’. His 42 year tenure at Cominco started in Trail, led him to Riondel, and ended in Kimberley. A seemingly confirmed bachelor, Duncan had his share of Kootenay adventures, from helping to build the golf course in Riondel to racing cars in Spokane. Bachelorhood ended when Duncan met Anne Scott. They married in 1968 and together raised two boys, Ross and David. Duncan was a dedicated father, enduring AC/DC on hunting trips and travelling to every hockey rink in Western Canada. After Duncan’s retirement in 1993, he and Anne delighted in taking trips and becoming grandparents, cherishing their time with Megan and Jamie every Friday. After Anne’s passing in 2005, Duncan continued to enjoy golf and curling, including a memorable eight-ender and several runs at the BC Seniors’ curling championships. Duncan relished his role as head baby whisperer, when Skye and Kirk arrived on the scene. In the last couple of years, Duncan found love again with his fiancée, Goldie Pedersen. Duncan and Goldie enjoyed many trips to the West Kootenay as well as seniors’ bowling, where Duncan parlayed his curling skills into the ‘rookie of the year’ bowling award, at the tender age of 82. Duncan was predeceased by his wife, Anne, his siblings, Connie, Isobel, and Doug, and his infant grandson, Ewan. He is survived by his sister, Dorothy (Chuck), his sons, Ross (Lynnette) and David (Laura), his grandchildren, Megan, Jamie, Skye, and Kirk, and his fiancée, Goldie Pedersen. The family would like to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Clay and the homecare staff for helping Duncan to stay at home as long as possible and to the staff at The Pines for ensuring that his final days were as comfortable as possible. In keeping with Duncan’s wishes, there will not be a funeral. Instead, there will be a celebration of life come and go tea, on Saturday October 3, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, at the Kimberley Curling Club. In lieu of flowers, please feel free to make a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society Financial Support Program at or #19-9th Ave. S., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 2L9.
Herbert William “Bill” Colton 1932 - 2015 Herbert William Colton passed away on Tuesday, September 15, 2015. He was born in Kelowna at the Jubilee Hospital on June 29, 1932. Bill enjoyed camping, fishing, his airplane and his home in Wasa. He will be dearly missed by all his friends and family. Bill is survived by his wife of 35 years, Lorraine, daughter Jenn (Mike) Stead, stepdaughters Sharon (Cam) Gee, Linn (Wayne) Anderson and Corrie Eikanger (Jim), stepson Dan (Christine) Tiessen, brother Frank (Teddy) Colton, sisters Judy and Eva, as well as 12 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Bill was predeceased by his daughter Angie Achter. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Cards of Thanks
Cards of Thanks
Thank You The family of Mary Lou Price
would like to extend a very heartfelt, sincere thank you to all the special people who have been so kind and caring for our mom, particularly these past five years. Dr. Stuart MacDonald and Dr. E. Schiebenstock for your care and attentiveness to mom and her family. The wonderful staff at the FW Green Memorial Home and the Daybreak Program for loving her and making the “FW” her home these last 2-1/2 years, we are grateful to all of you for your excellence of care. Dean, Dane and Murray of McPhersons Funeral Home for your sensitivity and compassion at our loss. Pastor Ron Short for officiating at her service, and the church family at The Dwelling Place (Cranbrook Christian Centre) for your love and support. To everyone, all the family and friends, who came to the Memorial Service on September 5, 2015 and made it a “joyful celebration” of her life! It is so difficult to find the words to express our thanks for all your kindnesses, words of comfort and encouragement, gifts of food, flowers, cards, phone calls, emails and monetary gifts given in mom’s honour and memory. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May God richly bless you. Dale & Marjorie Price Gwen and Dave Manarey Arlene and Perry Clarke Cory Price and their families
Friends of The Library Invite you to our
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Lost & Found Lost: Blue USB flash drive. Has wire pigtail adaptor attached. Lost between The Bing and Royal bank parking lot, or by Axis center. If found please call (250) 421-3125.
Coming Events
In Memoriam
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In Memoriam
Fennessy - Magdalene (Meg) May 5, 1930-October 3, 2005 Ten years have passed since that sad day when the one we loved was called away. God took her home, it was His will, Loving wife & mother. Long days, long nights she bore her pain to await a cure but all in vain. God knew what was best, He took her home and gave her rest. It broke our hearts to see her go, but she did not go alone, for part of us went with her the day God called her home. Still missed & loved.
The family, Robert (Pat), Brenda, Kalvaleen, Karen, Kevin & 6 grand children and 4 great grandchildren
Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Friday, October 2, 2015 www.kootenayadvertiser.com15 15
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Fernie KÄ?Ć&#x161;Ĺ˝Ä?Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; ĎŽĎŻ &Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152;ĹśĹ?Ä&#x17E; ŽžžƾŜĹ?Ć&#x161;Ç&#x2021; Ä&#x17E;ĹśĆ&#x161;Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E; ώͲϹĆ&#x2030;Ĺľ
re Ç&#x2021;oĆľ an eĹľĆ&#x2030;ĹŻoÇ&#x2021;er inĆ&#x161;ereĆ?Ć&#x161;eÄ&#x161; in Ĺ&#x161;oĆ?Ć&#x;nĹ? a Ć&#x161;abĹŻeÍ? ConĆ&#x161;aÄ?Ć&#x161; ĆľĆ? Ć&#x161;o reĹ?iĆ?Ć&#x161;er
Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853 START A new career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765 TRAIN TO be an apartment/condo manager. Many jobs registered with us. Good wages and benefits. Government Certified online course. 35 Years of success!
Help Wanted Tri-Kon Precast Products Ltd. is searching for a shop forman / laborer. Resumes may be submitted to Tri-Konâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office located at 601 Patterson Street West, Cranbrook, BC.
â&#x20AC;˘ We require a person willing to dream big and have a strong desire to succeed and reach their full potential. â&#x20AC;˘ Intelligent, hardworking and conscientious. â&#x20AC;˘ Ability to work under pressure and follow direction & processes â&#x20AC;˘ Desire to learn and strive to be successful. Carry out all aspects of sales role in an extremely professional manner. â&#x20AC;˘ Deal with walk in traffic. â&#x20AC;˘ Create opportunities both through local events and partnerships combined with cold calls and follow up calls. Please send your resume to
802 Hwy 3, Fernie, BC
OPEN Monday to Friday â&#x20AC;˘ 9am to 5pm
Permanent, F/T required for Porcupine Wood Products located in Salmo, BC which boasts an abundance of outdoor activities including: fishing, hiking, hunting and skiing. If you have 3 years of relevant supervisory experience and are interested in a challenging career with a strong growing organization please apply. Send cover letter and resume to: johnt@
Sales Person for New & Pre-owned Vehicles
Account Executive Cranbrook-Fernie, BC
The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group has an exciting opportunity for an Account Executive with CHDR FM and CHBZ Cranbrook-Kimberley and CJDR FM and CFBZ Fernie-Sparwood. Reporting to the General Sales Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for maximizing retail sales revenue and growing our retail client base. Key characteristics are strong self-motivation, exceptional work ethic and focus on success. Your Responsibilities Include: * Provide excellent customer service to our clients * Build and manage great client relationships * Create and market local sales initiatives * Meet and exceed sales targets You possess these skills and qualifications: * Self-confidence with a positive, friendly manner and customer service approach * Enthusiastic with a passion for Radio * Excellent interpersonal skills and an effective problem solver * Communicates effectively and professionally in person, on the phone and in writing * Excellent organizational and time management skills * Computer proficiency * Direct sales experience is an asset but we will train the right candidate. * Valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license and reliable vehicle Please send your resume and completed copy of the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group New Applicant Self ID form by October 25/2015 to Jason Caven, General Sales Manager at No phone calls please. Short listed candidates will be contacted by the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group. **Our New Applicant Self ID form is available for download at www.jpbroadcast. com/selfidform.pdf and should be completed and attached to all employment applications. Please note your completed forms will be kept confidential.** As part of the Jim Pattison Broadcast Groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Employment Equity Policy we encourage women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities to identify themselves as this may be to their advantage in helping us correct under-representation of those groups in our company.
Full-time Daycare Manager with an Early Childhood Educator Licence for the ?aqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;amnikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Daycare Centre At ?aqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;am we are dedicated to working toward our community Vision, collaborating to provide quality programs and services to ?aqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;amnikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (the people). By infusing our Ktunaxa language and culture into the programming at our ?aqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;amnikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Daycare Centre we are laying the foundation for the next generation of strong and healthy Ktunaxa citizens! Our employees enjoy exposure to Ktunaxa culture and language, a casual work environment, excellent benefits and pension plan and a diverse, dedicated and enthusiastic team! Starting wage - $43,688 per annum (35 hours per week) plus an excellent group benefits and pension package! ?aqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;am is seeking an experienced Early Childhood Education practitioner to step into an exciting leadership opportunity with our culturally and community-driven Daycare Centre. We are a forward-thinking dynamic First Nations organization looking for an equally dynamic and personable individual to lead our Daycare team. Knowledge of best practices, budget management, reporting and positive team building are required. The ideal candidate is a proactive, solution-oriented leader with excellent administrative, organizational and communication skills and a proven record of maintaining effective relationships with staff, parents and children. This position offers a career opportunity for a creative childcare leader to create an exceptional facility, with the support and organizational vision to do so. Key Responsibilities: â&#x20AC;˘ Efficiently and effectively lead the team of daycare staff as well as collaborating with support staff and outside supporting agencies; â&#x20AC;˘ Manage all administrative duties for the Centre including invoicing, accounts receivable, managing Provincial Child Care Subsidy program and accounts payable; â&#x20AC;˘ Manage the Centreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fiscal budget; â&#x20AC;˘ Ensure all reporting requirements are completed in a timely manner and manage the Child Care Operating Fund; â&#x20AC;˘ Organize and retain child registration and waitlists; â&#x20AC;˘ Effectively communicate with parents and guardians; â&#x20AC;˘ Collaborate with staff to plan and provide creative and creative educational childcare programming which is developmentally and age appropriate to engage children in learning; â&#x20AC;˘ Help children complete daily tasks and routines to gain independence and provide constant feedback and communication to build self-esteem. The successful candidate will: â&#x20AC;˘ Possess at minimum: a valid and current Early Childhood Education Certificate and licence; â&#x20AC;˘ Possess a valid and current Child Safe First Aid Certificate; â&#x20AC;˘ Consent to and pass a Criminal Record Check for working with children; â&#x20AC;˘ Possess a valid and current Class 5 BC Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Licence; â&#x20AC;˘ Possess a reliable vehicle; â&#x20AC;˘ Possess office administration training or equivalent experience; â&#x20AC;˘ Possess previous managerial experience; â&#x20AC;˘ Possess Doctorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s medical clearance letter; and â&#x20AC;˘ Possess up-to-date Immunization records. Preference will be given to candidates who also have: â&#x20AC;˘ Previous experience working in a First Nation community; â&#x20AC;˘ A valid and current Infant/Toddler Certificate and Licence; â&#x20AC;˘ A valid and current Class 4 BC Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Licence; and â&#x20AC;˘ Previous managerial experience. To apply, submit a cover letter, resume and copy of certificates, including 3 working references to: Jan Bailey, Human Resource Manager ?aqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;am 7470 Mission Road, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 7E5, Fax: (250) 426-8935 Email: Closing Date: Friday, October 9th, 2015 at 4:30 pm MT While we sincerely appreciate all applications, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
16 16
Financial Services
Financial Services
LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
AUTO FINANCING-Same Day Approval. Dream Catcher Auto Financing 1-800-910-6402 or NEED A loan? Own property? Have bad credit? We can help! Call toll free 1-866-405-1228
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Fruitvale, BC BC Cranbrook,
COOKg / Care CHEF Registered Aide FOR
Community. WEEKENDS
CAREER â&#x20AC;˘ Attractive Compensation Package Mountain Side Village Is Fruitvaleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newest OPPORTUNITY! â&#x20AC;˘ Flexible Hours Seniors Housing, Care, & Services Competitive Wage & Benefits
Friday,Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News October 2, 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser
Personal Care â&#x20AC;&#x153;We care about your hair lossâ&#x20AC;?
Capilia Hair & Scalp Centre
Thinning hair or hair Loss Dandruff, dry or oily scalp Psoriasis & Eczema Chemotherapy/radiation therapy Wigs & hair systems for men & women 3019 Hwy 3
Household Services
KOOTENAY Duct Cleaners . Locally owned & operated , affordable , professional and insured Duct Cleaning services & system sterilizations .Toll Free 1-844-428-0522 Free Estimates .
Sand,Gravel & Top Soil. We deliver anywhere. Call Lo-Cost Sand & Gravel, (250)417-9291
Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928. Randyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471
24/7 â&#x20AC;˘ anonymous â&#x20AC;˘ conďŹ dential â&#x20AC;˘ in your language
Household Services A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)
Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
Meadowbrook Horse Drawn Cart,
made of Oak, comes with brakes, also with double tree, like new, $2200 obo. (250)342-0617
Feed & Hay HAY FOR SALE. Large round bales. Grass mix hay $200/bale. Alfalfa mix hay (50/50) $220.00/bale. Located near Wasa. Please call 250420-1660. Delivery also available.
Livestock Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372
Pets Free Kittens to a good home. (250)426-3986
â&#x20AC;˘ Permanent Innovative Support Team to Available Ensure Your Position Success Joseph Creek Village is â&#x20AC;˘ Opportunity for Growth within an Cranbrookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Seniors Housing, Expanding Company & Services Community. â&#x20AC;˘ Care, Vibrant Professional Atmosphere
Service Advisor
Denham Ford is looking to add a full time Service Advisor to their team! Responsibilities would include: booking customer appointments, managing mechanics schedules, explaining repairs and maintenance to customers, opening and closing work orders, returns and inventory, following up with previous clients. Candidates must have excellent customer service skills and attention to detail. Automotive knowledge is a must and previous experience in a similar position is recommended. Email:, attn Mike or Cori We are people working together to build strong and empowered families and healthy communities. Bring your dedication, enthusiasm and willingness to make a difference to be part of our dynamic and history making organization.
Administrative Support The Administrative Support position is responsible for providing direct administrative and operational support to the Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society. 3osition 4ualiÂżcations Â&#x2021; CertiÂżcate in 2fÂżce Administration Â&#x2021; 2ne year related experience Â&#x2021; Strong computer skills Â&#x2021; (xcellent interpersonal skills Â&#x2021; Excellent organization skills. Closing date: October 13, 2015 Please fax or e-mail your cover letter and resume to Darlene Trach, HR Manager, at: 250-489-2438 or
Estate/ Garage sale. Sat Oct 3, 9-1. 1208 4th Ave S. Everything must go. ESTATE SALE. Everything must go! 406 11 Ave. S. Sat. Oct.3, 9-4pm. King size bedroom suite, couch and loveseat, dining room table & chairs. Estate Sale, Fri, Oct 2, 12-5, Sat, Oct 3, 9-5 and Sun Oct 4, 9-5. 916 307th Ave Marysville ( Valley View lodge) Antiques, medical supplies and household items. Garage Sale. Sat, Oct, 3, 9-1pm, 1400, 3rd Ave S.
Friday Oct 2, 5-9, Sat, Oct 3, 9-2, 3603 37St S. Lots of baby and kids items, clothing , patio furniture, outdoor, household, tools, something for everyone. HUGE GARAGE SALE. Household items, snowboard, boots, clothing, furniture, misc. 1620 7 Ave. S., Sat. Oct.3, 8am-1pm
Multi Family Garage sale, Sat Oct 3, 9-4. 1938 Kokanne Cres N. Many misc items.
SHOPPING EVENT DEALS & SPECIALS October 3 10am - 3pm Your personal pop up shopping! Located @ Library Manual
Training Centre 1212 2nd Street South Cranbrook
All the PET-iculars New!
Floating aquarium rocks Super Cool!
Super fun new cat toys have just arrived!
$100 & Under 2 Cooper Discoverer 245.70.R17â&#x20AC;? winters , like new, $75/each. 2 Cooper 215.70.R14â&#x20AC;? studded winters. $80/ total. 2- 225.60.R16â&#x20AC;? hankook winter pike. $80 / total. 4P235.75.R16â&#x20AC;?, $100/ total. Turn at Lordco, downhill past dump, first right before B.A., follow in to barn on left.
Merchandise for Sale
Computer monitor, $25. Shelving unit, $10 (250)4892697
Auctions Auction: October 3 Elkford Condo For Sale by Auction. Great recreational area. For info, (403)302-7447 or email
$100 & Under 2- 215.50.R17â&#x20AC;? B.F. Goodrich T/A, low profile brand. New $100/ each. 4- 16â&#x20AC;? chrome dodge 5 hole truck rims, $100/ total. Turn at Lordco downhill past dump, first right before B.A., follow to barn on left.
For Sale, wooden dresser, $100. Double bed frame, $35. (250)489-2697 Variety of indoor / outdoor Christmas decorations. Great condition and bargains. available until Sun, Nov 1st. Serious inquires only, (250)489-3072 Wine making supplies. 3 glass 5 gallon carboys, 2 plastic 5 gallon carboys, 1 plastic 20 gallon primary, 2 7 gallon primary, 1 hand corker, hydrometer, labels and other supplies. $75.(250)427-7300
$200 & Under
Assorted tires: 13â&#x20AC;? to 18â&#x20AC;?, $25/each. Pairs & spares. I buy some tires. Also pairs and spares in winter tires. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to barn on left.
4 matching P205.70.R15â&#x20AC;?, Nordic ice trac on Ford aluminum rims, 5 hole, 4â&#x20AC;? centre to centre. First $200 takes. Turn at Lordco, downhill past dump, first right before B.A., follow to barn on left.
"We make your house a home."
Oct 3, 3248 Jim Smith Lk Rd, 10-4. Large variety of misc items.
Inside Garage Sale, 105 14th Victoria Ave S ( lego manor) Sat, Oct 3, 9- ?. George Forman grill, stools, t.v. stand, 4 drawer dresser, and lots more. Everything must go.
Pets LOOKING TO GIVE A LOVING HOME to a little boy or girl Chihuhua, would like him/her to be small, applehead, short hair, he/she may not be born yet. Please call Joanne, leave message (250)426-2878
Handmade wool dog sweaters are now available
Mini Aqua Ponic Betta bowls are now here!
Please review the detailed description on our website:
Find us on Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 11am-5pm Facebook 1610 Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, BC â&#x20AC;˘ Phone: 250-426-8600
813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t
Colossal Deals
â&#x20AC;˘ CPBM189RF -Frigidaire Professional 2.0 Cu. Ft. Over-The-Range Microwave Stainless Steel - Reg $699 Sale $499 = $200 Savings â&#x20AC;˘ FPIC3095MS - Frigidaire Professional 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Induction Cooktop â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reg $1899 Sale $1359 = $540 Savings â&#x20AC;˘ FPEC3085KS - Frigidaire Professional 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Electric Cooktop â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reg $1149 Sale $879 = $270 Savings â&#x20AC;˘ FFEC3024LW - Frigidaire 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Electric Cooktop â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reg $749 Sale $599 = Savings $150 â&#x20AC;˘ CFPH44M4LM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Frigidaire 4.4 cu. ft. Compact Refrigerator Silver Mist â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reg $409 Sale $299 = Savings $110 â&#x20AC;˘ FG2I2334NP Frigidaire Gallery FG2I2334NP Bottom Mount Refrigerator White, 22.8 cu.ft â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reg $1699 Sale $1399 = Savings $300 â&#x20AC;˘ EDW7505HPS Electrolux ICON Professional Dishwasher Stainless Steel â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reg $1999 Sale $1299 = Savings $700 â&#x20AC;˘ E30DF7CGPS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Electrolux ICON Professional 30`` duel fuel freestanding range Stainless Steel - Reg $4199 Sale $2999 = Savings $1200 â&#x20AC;˘ E23BC781PS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Electrolux ICON Professional 22.6 cu.ft. Counter-Depth French Door Refrigerator Ice/Water Stainless Steel- Reg $4299 Sale $2999 = Savings $1300 â&#x20AC;˘ CPEF3081MF/KF - Frigidaire Professional 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Freestanding Electric Range Stainless Steel â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reg $1699 Sale $999 = Savings $700 â&#x20AC;˘ EIDW5705PS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Electrolux IQ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Touch Dishwasher Stainess Steel Reg $1199 Sale $899 = Savings $300
1708 Cranbrook St. N. (on the Strip) 250-426-2311
Kootenay News Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015
Food Products
WE PAY CA$H FOSR USED FIREARM ividuals) tate, Collections & Ind
Mountain Man Outdoors
250-426-2717 1-800-796-4666
GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished Freezer Packages Available Quarters/Halves $4.90/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Ground Beef Available TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston
WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750
Open Houses
Open Houses
www.kootenayadvertiser.com17 17
Fruit & Vegetables
Misc. for Sale
Faraman Farm
3111 Hwy 3 Erickson, BC 250-402-3056 Visit us for apples
From Ambrosia to Zestar, we have more than 20 varieties available in season. We also have carrots & fresh-pressed cider. Bulk orders welcome! Closed Sundays
Garden Equipment Husqvarna 42” ride em mower, with bags, new belt and snow plow. Kohler 14hp with oil filter & chains. $1000. (250)426-7710
Mary’s Costumes is selling out. Approx 300 plus, adults and children’s, loads of accessories , a great business for out of home. Asking $2500 obo. For appointment phone between 12-6. (250)421-0109. 1/3 of intake will go to SPCA.
Heavy Duty Machinery
$259,900 $259,900
10:30 10:30––11:30am 11:30am 3221 32217th 7thStreet StreetSouth South Great Greatneighbourhood, neighbourhood,within within walking walkingdistance distanceto toschool. school.
$298,900 $298,900
Theresa TheresaKostiuk Kostiuk
Saturday, Saturday,October October33 1:00 1:30--2:30 2:30pm pm
Hosted Hostedby byCary CarySwanson Swanson&&Isaac IsaacHockley Hockley New Newenergy energyefficient efficient&&affordable affordablehomes homesby by Living LivingStones StonesDevelopments. Developments. All prices include GST, Appliances & Fenced Yard All prices include GST, Appliances & Fenced Yard
1423 142321A 21AAvenue AvenueSouth South-$399,000 $399,000
44bdrms, bdrms,open openfloor floorplan plan&&great great master masterbedroom bedroomwith withwalk walkinincloset! closet!
710B JD Extend A back hoe, slides & cylinders have been repaired, digging & clean up buckets 80%, detachable, no tractor, digging depth 23’ $2500 (250)417-6536 A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014
Miscellaneous Tanks These tanks can be used for many things. They hold 250 US gallons. Made of plastic w/a metal cage. 6” top opening, with a 2” discharge. They weigh about 125lbs. $150.00 Call George (250)347-9500 STEEL BUILDINGS. “Summer madness sale!” All buildings, all models. You’ll think we’ve gone mad deals. Call now and get your deal. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422
No NoRenovations RenovationsRequired! Required! Brand Brand new newwith withgarage, garage,covered covereddecks decks&& more! more!
Antlers Wanted,
Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444
For Sale By Owner
House for sale
Vehicle Lease / Rent
Vehicle Lease / Rent
Renting Quality Cars At Great Prices
• compacts • full size • mini vans • mid size • 15 passenger vans • moving trucks Providing superior value by offering outstanding service along with high quality, clean and dependable vehicles at affordable prices.
Cars - Domestic
CRANBROOK: 426-3004 CRESTON: 428-9343 TRAIL: 364-0211 NELSON: 352-5122
Cars - Domestic
LOT for sale or trade for home in Cranbrook. Building lot at Rivers Crossing backing onto irrigation lake for sale or trade for home in Cranbrook. 604760-4383 By owner RV Lots for sale on Kootenay Lake located on the west arm two kilometres from the Balfour Ferry, prices starting at $65,000. Call 1-877-352-9172, email or visit
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1200 sq ft, 1 bedroom apt , available Oct 1. Fridge, stove. blinds, washer and dryer in the building. Close to all amenities, N/P, N/S, and strictly no pets. Ref required. (250)919 2075 or (250)4891906 2-bdrm unit available in Victoria Villas, rent includes W/D & water, starting at $825/mo + electric. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)417-7325 Condo for rent in Creston, Crestview Estates, age 55 plus. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage. $950/ month plus utilities. 1 (250)919-2778 ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
CHATEAU VICTORIA Real RealEstate, Estate,Property Property&& Strata StrataManagement Management&&Mortgages Mortgages
25 25 -- 10th 10th Ave. Ave. S. S. Cranbrook Cranbrook 250-426-8211 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 1-866-426-8211
Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™
Homes for Rent SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448
Seasonal Accommodation
2004 Dodge Magnum 5.7 Hemi, over $6000 in extras, 234,365 km with rebuilt engine, excellent fuel mileage, 22’’ tires, asking $7450. 250.489.3152 or 250.919.2713
1 or 2 Bedroom units Beautifully renovated, Clean, quiet, secure, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented. Ref. req. Starting at $750/month
2002 Merc Cougar 2.5L V6, Std, almost new, rebuilt front to back, ex. cond., very fast, $5000 Too many details to list. (250)489-1956
Are you looking for inside boat storage this winter? We have lots of room. For more information please call (250)427-5525 or (250) 9195869
Shared Accommodation ROOM for rent in Cbk, incl util. Must be working or college student, $430. Available immediately. (250)426-2479
Want to Rent Wanted for family: 3-bdrm house or 2-bdrm w/ensuite (preferred) in Cranbrook, $1000 - $1200/mth. Call (250)644-2552
2004 Chrysler Sebring Convertible. low mileage, 86,000 km, good condition $5000 OBO (250)919-5451 2004 Sunfire, standard, HS, 264,000 km, new winter tires, runs well, little TLC, $1500 obo. (250)421-0613
Transportation Auto Accessories/Parts
on 5 acres, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 2 kitchens recently renovated, well water and septic, near Cranbrook City limits, also on Kijiji. 2100 plus Sq footage. (250)489-0105 to view. Serious inquires only.
Cars - Domestic
Duplex / 4 Plex
4 New Hankook winter tires, with rims and tpm’s for a Mitsubishi outlander. $800. (250)489-1951 5th Wheel hitch, no rail design, $925. Cut away tailgate, $275. Both fit Ford Super Duty. Also Truck tool box, black, 63’’ wide, 18.5’’ high, $275. 1 (250)489-2452
Cars - Domestic
1515 151521A 21AAvenue AvenueSouth South-$379,000 $379,000 Over Over1040 1040sq.ft. sq.ft.finished finishedwith with22 bdrms, bdrms,full fullensuite ensuite&&garage! garage!
Auction: October 3 Elkford Condo For Sale by Auction. Great recreational area. For info, (403)302-7447 or email
Misc. Wanted
Propane heater, good shape, $600.(250) 422-3346
1519 151921A 21AAvenue AvenueSouth South-$369,900 $369,900
Apt/Condos for Sale
All Kinds, Taxidermy, Antiques Kelly, (250)426-6993
Open Openfloor floorplan planwith with44bdrms, bdrms,22 decks decks&&carport. carport.
Ready Readyto toPersonalize! Personalize! 33bdrms, bdrms,full full ensuite, ensuite,main mainfloor floorlaundry laundry&&garage. garage.
Real Estate
Antlers, Horns,
1427 142721A 21AAvenue AvenueSouth South-$359,000 $359,000
2117 211716th 16thStreet StreetSouth South-$369,000 $369,000
DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.
917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook
Features Featuresmain mainfloor floorlaundry laundry44bdrms bdrms &&finished finishedbasement. basement.
Move MoveininReady! Ready! Brand Brandnew new33bdrm, bdrm, 22bath bathhome. home.
Musical Instruments
1307A 10th St. S Clean upper 3-bdrm, c/w 4-appl, living room, dining, kitchen, parking & yard, shared laundry, one year lease, n/s, n/p, $950/mth + utilities. (250)417-7325 417-2828
1419 141921A 21AAvenue AvenueSouth South-$386,500 $386,500
1518 151821A 21AAvenue AvenueSouth South-$325,000 $325,000
Sparwood 1 bdrm condo, @ Mtn. Air Chalets - furn or not inc util, W&D, w/deck, no pets, $700 + DD Call 403-616-6467 or 403-474-3926.
Consignment Sporting Goods
9:00 9:00––10:00am 10:00am 1029 102917th 17thAvenue AvenueSouth South Theresa TheresaKostiuk Kostiuk
Apt/Condo for Rent
Sporting Goods
Cranbrook Cranbrook••Saturday, Saturday,October October33 Loads Loadsof ofupdates updatesininaaquiet quiet cul-de-sac cul-de-sacwith withquick quickpossession. possession.
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030, Local. Wanted, Older model Everest Jennings wheel chair. (250)489-2697
1966 Chrysler Windsor, $5500 obo. (250)429-3937 1979 Chev Malibu Classic, 2-dr, new: engine, paint, headers, top end cam & lifters, ex. cond., asking $5500. Call after 5pm, (250)426-5498 1985 Chev Corvette, 40,000KM, speaker system, red leather seats, summer driven only. $12,000 OBO (250)421-4374 1995 Crown Vic, Runs, new tires. $1250.(250)489-1171 1996 Olds 98. Runs, new tires. $1000. (250)489-1171 1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary Edition, black, V6, auto, loaded, 30,000km on new motor, $4700 obo. (250)428-7454 1998 Honda CRV AWD black, 250,000 kms, 5 sp man, a/c, p/w, p/m, radio cd, in good condintion. $2900 obo. 250489-8925 1999 Subaru Outback, Excellent condition, well maintained. Asking $4000. For more information please call (250)4263053 2000 Honda CRV , all wheel drive, very good condition, 338,000 kms $1800. (250)4276444 2000 Pontiac Sunfire GT, 2.4L engine, auto, sunroof, 2 sets of tires on rims, $2200 obo. (250)919-8765, leave message 2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE, automatic, good condition, 125,000KM. $3000. OBO (778)517-4647 2002 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dr, runs great, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, good tires, 270,000 km, $2500 obo. (250)489-1521 (250)464-9997 2003 Buick LeSabre, $2500. 1993 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4, $800. 1(406)291-7201 Grasmere, BC
2005 4-dr Buick Allure
3.8L V6, auto, 175,820 km, mounted winter & summer tires, cloth tan interior, car seat anchors
$7195 (250)429-3552
2005 Chevrolet Impala, 198,000km, air, cruise, power everything, summer & winter tires, $2900 obo. Call (250)464-9981 2005 Honda Accord Hybrid, leather interior, power windows, locks and brakes. New ignition and new timing belt $6500 obo. (250)421-6625 2007 Honda Civic Sedan, in excellent condition with only 87,000km! Silver, manual, sunroof, summer and winter tires on rims. $9200. (250)4201659 2008 Pontiac Grande Prix, V6, 1 owner, no rust, no dents, 111,000 km, $9500. Call (250)427-7094 (250)427-8758 2011 Dodge Charger SXT, 53,000 kms. To many options to list here. Replacement cost $37,000, asking $17,500. Call for details or see pictures and list of options on Kijiji. (250)420-7150
2013 Camaro Convertible RS, black, 33,600km, V6-325hp, 6-spd auto, leather interior, back-up camera & alarm, new tires, remote start, $25,000 obo. Needs minor body work. Call Mike, (250)426-3616 2013 Dodge Chrysler, excellent condition , 20,000 km’s, Asking $17,000 obo. (250)426-5634 Reduced: 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt, 121,650km, 1-owner, hwy driven, summer & winter wheels, new front pads & rotors, new spark plugs, new anti freeze, all recalls completed, no accidents, Carproof, $5500 obo. (250)427-7153
Cars - Sports & Imports 2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $7777.77. (250)426-7354
Commercial Vehicles 45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5000. (250)489-8794
1982 Honda Interstate Goldwing, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $5500. Henry, (250)428-3545 1999 Vulcan nomad, 1500cc liquid cooled, shaft drive, hard bags, windshield, hiway pegs, new battery, 36,000kms. $5500. (250)421-3556 2003 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic, great cond., new tires, 16â&#x20AC;? apes, braided steel cables, custom grips, Cobra slashcut exhaust, forward controls, saddlebags, $3999. Call (250)489-8731 2004 Black Honda Rukas scooter, 50cc, low mileage, $1500. (250)417-9976 2004 Vulcan 2000, 2053 of power & torque, if you are searching for the most powerful cruiser in mint cond., this is it! $7900. (250)2316720 Kimberley 2006 Honda 1300 cc Touring bike, liquid cooled, shaft drive, windshield, foot pegs, back rest, saddlebags, excellent tires, burgundy color with all chrome accents, 35,600 km, $5800.(250)421-3556 2008 750 Honda Shadow, 16,823 km, c/w windshield, saddle bags, sissy bar, engine guard & bike cover, ex. cond., $6000. (250)529-7724 2009 Honda Goldwing, nav, audio, CB, other extras, call in evenings, (250)428-4301 HD Sportster factory 1200 custom, 5400 km, mint. (250)426-7710
2003 Triple E Topaz 5th Wheel, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, rear kitchen, double table/couch, slide, 3-burner stove/oven, fridge, microwave, awning, air, furnace, two 30lb propane tanks, outdoor shower, BBQ, vent covers, no smoking, no pets, towed from Calgary new & never moved since, ex. cond., will sell fully equipped, asking $15,000. (250)426-4015 2004 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Pioneer travel trailer. Queen walk around bed , new tires, very good condition. Reduced to $8000. 1 (250)4289606 2005 Forest River Rockwood Premier tent trailer, $4800 obo. To view, (250)421-0751 2006 Mallard 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; travel trailer, sleeps 5, great cond., $11,000 obo. (250)919-7580 2008 28-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Passport Ultra Lite travel trailer, 1/2 ton towable, hardwall, all options, slide (couch, sink & stove), new tires, ex. cond., road ready, everything works, $15,500, includes hitch, $15,000 without. 1(250)4026663 2008 Pioneer sprit by Fleetwood, 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, like new, walk around Queen bed, full fridge and many extras. Asking 12,000 obo. Willing to trade for a cargo trailer. (250)489-2896
Friday,Friday, October October 2, 2015 2, 2015 Kootenay Kootenay News NewsAdvertiser Advertiser
Recreational/Sale 1976 Class C Dodge 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Tioga, 318 C.I., fiberglass body, like new tires, good running cond., $3000 obo. (250)4894688 1991 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;10â&#x20AC;? camper, flush toilet, 3-way fridge, large windows, approx. 1300lbs, propane tank & alum. stairs inc., roof has been resealed, ex. cond., $4500 obo. (250)4270500
1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $24,999 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Wilderness, front kitchen, twin beds, newer fridge, hot water tank, awning, sofa folds down to bed, ex. cond., $6000 obo. Call (250)489-1948 1996 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Corsair 5th Wheel, very good cond., polar package, 3-way fridge 4-burner stove w/oven, dinette, asking $8000 obo. (250)344-7636 or (250)344-0111 1997 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Komfort travel trailer, very good cond, solar panel, new awning, California room, sleeps-6, $5800. Includes equalizer hitch. Call (250)4894532 1998 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, like new, original owners, never smoked in, used 2 weekends, slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, paid $51,900, reduced to $10,500 obo. (250)427-4435 1999 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Salem 5th Wheel, slide, loaded, $5600. Call (250)422-3217 1999 26-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Frontier 5th Wheel, awning, slide, completely self contained, great cond., $10,000 obo. Call (250)426-4704 2003 Vanguard 5th Wheel trailer Model 266SL, 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, sleeps 4, rear kitchen, 11â&#x20AC;&#x2122; slide, full winter package, 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; awning, like new, ex. cond., $16,500 obo. (250)489-8373
2008 Springdale 189FL 23.7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; double axle trailer, gently used, very clean, single owner, ex. cond., microwave, tub surround, 13.5 BTU A/C, front Diamond plate, 6 gallon gas/electric water heater, cable TV hook up, fridge/freezer, $12,500. (250)919-0734 Cranbrook 2011 Coleman 26-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lite CT250GS travel trailer, walk around queen bed, ducted air & heat, slide has couch, sink & stove, 1/2 ton towable, power awning, hard wall siding, $16,500. 1(250)402-6717 2011 Lance camper 1181, slide out, full bathroom, winter package, solar, loaded, like new, $28,800 obo. (250)4269832 2013 22 Ft Springdale camper. Used once, a/c , awning, 3 bunk beds, queen bed, winterized, $15,900. To view in Invermere Call (403)801-9284 33 Ft, 1998 four winds class A sport motor home. Gas motor, generator, air cond, back up monitor, new awning, all new blinds. Excellent condition. 27,000 miles. $20,000. Kar dolly extra. In Creston. (250)428-6284 or (250) 4283015 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Toy hauler, has 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; garage, sleeps 8-10, $16,000. Two 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; campers, both have fridge, stove, furnace, one has bathroom, $1200 & $3000. Good clean units, Call (250)428-9759
ADVENTURER CAMPER LIKE NEW! 9ft awning. loaded, inside/outside shower, $9,900 250-428-4079 cell: 250-435-0234
Combo: 2002 F150 4x4 truck, 110,000km, and 1996 5th Wheel, both in good shape, many extras, $12,000 obo. (250)426-2471 Hunterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Special, older 8-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Vanguard camper, new jacks, good shape, $700. Call (250)422-3346 Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
REDUCED 2012 Creekside 22RB, walk-around bed, couch, oven, MW, large bathroom, day/night blinds, 30 lb propane tanks, black tank flush, solar panel, p/awning, new battery, 3-yrs left on EXTENDED WARRANTY, $17,300. (250)489-1645 Tour Edition Presidential Series, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Golden Falcon, used 2 summers, like new, solar panels, holding tanks enclosed insulated and heated, $30,000. (250)417-1783
1996 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup. 3.8 liter, V6, 5spd manual. Hard Tonneau cover. Very good shape. Comes with 4 Nokia winter tires. Just serviced, new windshield. Great for commuting to work or school. $2000 obo. (250)489 1630
3.3L 6cyl. 132,000km Well maintained. Bonus! Price includes extended warranty & winter tires on rims. (value $2,500.)
1999 Dodge Dakota, V6, 5-spd, 4x4, good runner, $3500. (250)423-0328
1999 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, 5 speed manual
Call 778-481-2222 2008 F150, 4x2, Super Crew, XLT, V8, 170,000km, loaded, white/tan, new 3-fold Tonneau cover, great cond., $10,999.99. (250)426-5093
Hunters Special Price.
F-250 4 X 4 Ford 1999, In mint condition, 213,000 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Titan V8, fully loaded Lariat. All leather & electric interior. New Kenwood sound system. ( Bt & MX ) Body in great shape. 5 new tires, Full tow package new box rack, box liner. Very clean truck. $5800 obo. (250)432-9383 or Selling locally, 2003 GMC 4x4 pickup, 5-spd standard, regular cab, short box, $6000 obo. Call for more details, (250)427-7171 or (250)4645214
2005 Arctic Cat M7, $3500 obo. (250)489-2877
Utility Trailers
Sport Utility Vehicle
8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Snow Bear trailer,spare tire and jack included. Excellent condition. $350 (250)426-6426 Flatdeck trailer, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Tandem utility trailer, flatdeck, 8x16, $2200. (250)4176893
1989 Jeep Cherokee, 5-spd transmission, $850. Call (250)426-5022
Are you looking for a truck but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need full size? This vehicle is perfect for â&#x20AC;&#x153;back to schoolâ&#x20AC;? or a variety of hauling needs.
It has great gas mileage, has been regularly maintained, is a comfortable ride and comes with new tires. 320,000km-$3500
1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Very Good Condition! Many Upgrades Call for info (250)426-7988 1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446 1999 Chev Blazer SUV, good cond., 239,263km, 4WD, auto, sunroof, 31 10.50 R15 LT tires, clean, V6, $4000 obo. (250)427-3040 (250)427-6376 2002 Explorer Limited, V8, w/trailer tow package, ex. cond., $5500. (250)426-7354
2000 Chev Astro van, body & interior good, good mechanically, $2200 obo. Call (250)420-1897 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab 4x4, $5200 obo. Call (250)426-8032 2001 Astro Van, AWD, good condition, 330K. Needs windshield . $2000. (250)426-7168 2001 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4, fully loaded, 5.3L recently serviced engine, new brakes, Tonneau cover, bed rug, auto, 2â&#x20AC;? lowering kit, 160,000km, $9000 obo. (250)919-8765 leave message 2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 4.7L, auto, 205,000km, 4-dr, air, very clean, $6900 obo. (778)517-5084
2009 Chev Silverado 1500 Extra cab 4x4, immaculate cond., 134,000km, $18,000 (250)428-9606 2010 Dodge Ram 1500, Laramie Edition, fully loaded, leather interior, 167,000 km, 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; lift, chrome pkg, $24,000. (250)919-0837 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2012 Black F350 XLT 4x4 Crew cab, 3â&#x20AC;? lift, fender flares, headache rack, box rails, toolbox, custom seat covers, custom rims, 35â&#x20AC;? Toyo mudders, 6.2L gas, V8, 97,000 km, asking $22,000. (250)421-0195 2014 Silver F150 4x4 XLT Crew cab, full load, off road package, V8, 3â&#x20AC;? lift kit, 33â&#x20AC;? Toyo mudders, custom rims, custom exhaust, fender flares, smoked lights, push bar & light bar, purchased one year ago, 22,000 km, mint, asking $41,000. (250)421-0195
Boats 10-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Fiberglass pontoon boat with double hull, oars, life jackets, 28 lb thrust Minnkota, like new in the box, trailer with spare tire, $1250.OBO Call (250)428-9145
Off Road Vehicles 2010 Dinli Centhor, red, 700cc ATV, trunk, wench, 500km, $5500. (250)428-7305 2011 CanAm 800, wench, fairing, alum skid plates, tracks and snow blade. 560kms. $12,000. (250)428-8749 350 Honda Odyssey, full suspension, good cond., $2700 obo. (250)427-2491 ATV For Sale. 2007 CanAm outlander 400XT, $4000 OBO. (250)919-2276
Trucks & Vans
Boat Accessories Tow rope, 4-adult life jackets, motor flusher, Merc oil drain pump, anchor 15lb, all for $150. (250)426-8508
16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Open Bow inboard/outboard, EZ-Load trailer, ready to go, some accessories, $6000. (250)427-4987 2008 Campion Explorer 552i 225 HP, inboard 4.3 L Mercruiser, 8HP troller with remote control fully loaded for fishing $35,000. 250 417-6867 Aluminum 11â&#x20AC;&#x2122;5â&#x20AC;? 51â&#x20AC;? wide, car topper, oars, MINN KOTA electric motor $400 (250) 2701221 Boat & trailer, 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, reduced to $3900 obo. (250)829-0708 SUNSHINE HOUSEBOATS & Marina Boat Sales, Service & Winter Storage. 1-877-489-2610 Variable speed prop. 14 to 19 variable pitch, $250. Call (250)426-5577
Worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Finest FISHING BOATS
Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Markâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200
If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Attention Snow Removal Contractors
EK Realty Strata Division is now accepting sealed bids for snow removal for the Kimberley and Cranbrook areas for the 2015-2016 season. Packages can be picked up at 25-10th Ave S, Cranbrook The deadline for bids to be returned is Oct 8, 2015
East Kootenay Realty
Legal Notices
2004 Astro AWD
2008 Buick Enclave CXL, 141,000 km, fully loaded, twin skylight/sunroof, new winters, tan with leather seats, Navigation/On Star, immaculate, $19,900. (250)919-8564
2011 Chev Traverse LT, 60,000km, AWD, 8-passenger, 2-1/2 yrs left on extended warranty, never winter driven, ex. cond., $25,500. (250)342-6968 Windermere
Trucks & Vans 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1987 Mazda B2200 pickup, long box, 2 wd, 4 cylinder , 5 speed, 183,000km, canopy, and new winters on rims. $2200 obo. (250)417-7575 1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350, 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $2400 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston 1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $6000 obo. Call (250)428-9884
Many upgrades. Phone for details. (250)426-7988 2004 F150 4x4, XLT 5.4 Triton, 187,000 kms, New engine, new brakes, new winter tires and 4 all season tires. Like new. Asking $7500.(250) 427 3917
2004 Nissan Quest, 3.5 SL. V-6, auto, 155,000kms. New brakes, new all season tires, stow away 3rd row seats, excellent condition. Asking $8,500. (250)421-0252 2006 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, V8, auto, a/c, 260,000km, well maintained, receipts for new parts, $15,000. (250)426-8591 2006 Silverado 1500 Quad cab 4x4. 120K, hard tonneau cover, box liner, mud guards, bug deflector, bose stereo, sirius xm, studded winter tires on rims, trailer brake, service records. $16,900 obo.(250)489-6162 or (250)919-5148. 2007 Dodge Caravan mini van, 6 cyl. auto, 75,600 kms, dark green (magnesium), 4 good summer tires on wheels, 4 very good winter tires (Toyo) mtd. on van. Anti- theft bar. Very good condition.$ 7000 firm (250)426-2809 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199
Please note: You may bid on one or more schools. You may bid on one or more communities. School bids and community bids will be given equal consideration. &UDQEURRN
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, October 2, 2015 Peace from page 13
choirs, groups—certainly a lively and entertaining afternoon was enjoyed by all. We had a very special treat this year. Chief Jim Whithead joined Doug Mitchell for a couple of songs. A huge thank you to Chief Jim Whitehead for being part of the celebration. How does one find words to convey the beauty of Jacqueline Henry’s interpretive dance to Song For Canada? The dance is so spiritual, almost angelic, that you find yourself holding your breath. Some of the comments received about the Celebration for Peace were: “we need to have more celebrations like this”; it would be wonderful to have at least two celebrations for peace every year”; this celebration is so uplifting, you leave feeling so good inside”. I’m sure all of us attending felt very much like the preceeding comments. Our Organizing Committee wishes to sincerely thank
all the sponsors, all of the entertainers, and all of the volun- 19
Gregarious Gardener
teers. Together it was a beautiful, hopeful, inspiring Celebration.
Welcoming NEW Patients of ALL ages!!!! Address: 2 25 12th Ave S Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8 Office # 250-489-4551 Dr. Scott Harris DMD Dr. Chris Callen DMD Hours of operation 8-5 Mon – Fri. Wednesday EVENINGS 5-8pm Website:
BC 55+ Games Zone 7
MEETING Wednesday, Oct. 14
10:30 am
Heritage Inn Cranbrook East ballroom, main floor
Election for President, Secretary and Treasurer Light lunch to be provided. Next year finals are Coquitlam Sept. 20-24/16
10 neat things...daffodils sap in daffodils can also be harmful to other flowers. When you cut daffodils to use in the house, it is best to keep them on their own. When arranging them in a vase, do not mix them with other flowers unless the daffodils have been soaking in water for 24 hours. Do not recut the stems as it will re-release the toxin. 5. A Gift of Happiness. It is no wonder that with their cheerful yellow, white or even pink blooms, a gift of daffodils is said to ensure happiness. Remember, however, to always present them in a bunch. The same legend states that while these cheerful flowers will bring good fortune, when given as a single bloom, a daffodil can foretell misfortune instead. 6. Happiness Can’t Wait! In the Chinese tradition, daffodils are connected with good fortune as well. Ancient Chinese legends tell of daffodils bearing cups of gold for the poor but kind. Another legend has it that if a daffodil bulb is forced to bloom during the New Year, it will bring good luck to your home. 7. Hail the National Flower. Daffodils are a part of the national emblem of Wales and it is a custom to wear a daffodil on St. David’s Day in March. The Welsh name for daffodil is cennin Pedr, literally translated as “Peter’s Leeks”. And in fact, the leek is the
1. What’s in a Name? We commonly refer to flowers of the narcissus variety as daffodils, but are all narcissus daffodils? The American daffodil society claims that all narcissus are daffodils and vice versa. They prefer the term daffodil for all but scientific uses. Other names for daffodils include paperwhites, jonquils and ‘Poet’s Hower’. 2. Greek Origins. The name narcissus is linked to a figure in Greek mythology with the same name. He was said to have been so entranced with his reflection in a pool of water that eventually he fell in and drowned. The first daffodil sprang up from the spot. A more scientific root of the word narcissus is also linked to Greek. It’s stem is the word narke which means ‘to grow numb’ and refers to the effect a narcotic compound in the plant will have when ingested. 3. A Bitter Taste. Not only humans do not appreciate, lycorine, the toxic content of daffodils. Ingested in large quantities it can be fatal. This is the reason squirrels and other rodents will leave the bulbs alone in the ground and deer turn their noses once the friendly flowers start to sprout and bloom in the spring. 4. Keep to Yourself! The toxic
other official plant of Wales. 8. Message of Hope. In Canada, the daffodil has served as a symbol of cancer awareness since the 1950 and it is the logo of the Canadian Cancer Society. At fundraising teas at the time, volunteers would decorate tables with daffodils, hoping it would create the feeling of hope that cancer can be beaten. Today, April is Daffodil month and the Society is the world’s largest purchaser of daffodils for its fundraising campaign. 9. It’s What’s Under the Ground. After you plant daffodil bulbs in your garden, there is a good chance they will increase their numbers from year to year. This is mostly due to bulb division, but daffodils can set seed as well. This is less common as daffodils don’t always get pollinated and when you do get seed, they will take a good five years to produce a blooming plant. 10. Not Just a One Colour Wonder. Yellow is the first colour that will come to mind when talking daffodils, but there are now a host of other colours and more being added every year. There are also many shapes, from single to double-blooming and split cup (butterfly) daffodils. A gorgeous novelty variety is ‘Vanilla Peach’. This butterfly narcissus has soft yellow petals with a coral coloured split cup in the middle.
must present coupon
Buy 3 King Alfred Daffodil Bulbs and get the fourth free.
must present coupon
ABFD4331 Coupon expires Oct. 8, 2015
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC • (250) 489.4555
This Fall We’re Our Days of Delivery!
Starting Wednesday, October 7th the Advertiser will be delivered on Wednesdays & Fridays!
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er y Deliv as Are Local
Regional 19,500 copies Booking/Copy Deadline: 11am FRIDAYS Word Classifieds: 2pm FRIDAYS
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delivery to Cranbrook, Kimberley, Jim Smith, Gold Creek, Wycliffe, Canal Flats, Fairmont, Invermere, Windermere, Moyie, Skookumchuk, Wasa, Fort Steele, Tata Creek, Jaffray, Baynes Lake, Wardner, Mayook, Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford, Creston, Erickson, Canyon Lister, Kitchener, Yahk
delivery to Cranbrook, Kimberley, Jim Smith, Gold Creek, Wycliffe
For Delivery Inquiries contact
Kim Clayton 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382
For Advertising Information contact
Erin Carlisle:, Lily Durham: or Amy Soucy:
Scene & Heard
Friday, October 2, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Photos by Brian Coombs To book your event contact Erin Carlisle 250-489-3455 or email:
Joseph Creek Village and Golden Life Annual Silver Fox Run Joseph Creek Village and Golden Life held the annual Silver Fox Run on September 18 to raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation. At least one resident has participated in the either the Terry Fox Run or the Silver Fox Run for the past 30 years. Residents took either a 2.5 kilometre walk or a 0.5 kilometre walk and were treated to the sounds of local band Out On A Limb and a barbecue. A silent auction rounded out the dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activities.
Thank you to Pharmasave for the barbecue.
a h T
! u o Y nk
The staff and management of Golden Life Management and the residents of Joseph Creek Village would like to thank all the supporters who helped with their Silver Fox Run beneďŹ tting the Terry Fox Foundation.