Lake Cowichan Gazette, October 07, 2015

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VOL. 19, NO. 39 | $1 + GST

Love the Library: A new catalogue is coming to the library. PAGE 2


Potluck fun: Seniors gathered to celebrate the season. PAGE 3

Election: Candidates weigh in on the economy. PAGE 6

LakeTown gets Area I approval Teresa Bird Black Press The rezoning application by Sunfest for the LakeTown Ranch project has progressed a little further through the regional district process. The Area I advisory planning commission has approved

“We want to set

up some groups to start getting a plan together.” ~Mayor Ross Forrest

the LakeTown Ranch proposal in principal, says town representative on the Cowichan Valley Regional District board, councillor Bob Day. While the rezoning application wends its way through the governmental process, the Lake Cowichan community is starting to organize in preparation for the possibility of Sunfest coming to Lake Cowichan, says Mayor Ross Forrest. Forrest was at the Union of BC e v Municipalities

last week and had hoped to speak with other music festival communities, but only had the opportunity to speak with the mayor of Squamish, Patricia Heintzman. “I had a good conversation with her,” said Forrest. “They are a bit different because Squamish supplies a lot of the facilities, elds and recreation centres, more like a community event. But she did say it has been a huge benet nancially to the community.” When Forrest asked about the start up, “she told me they involved as many people as possible, they really got everybody on board”. Forrest is hoping to eevv e do the same in Lake enn t t Cowichan. “We have spoken with Cathy Robertson [of Community UP TO UP TO Futures], and we are starting discussions at our next Economic even e v e n and Sustainable IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS t t Development Amount available the2014 2014 Veloster Turbo Manual Amount available on on the Veloster Turbo Manual Committee meeting. We want to set up GET some groups to GET UP TO UP TO start getting a plan Local Heroes PURCHASE FINANCING PURCHASE FINANCING together.” Above, local firefighter Tom Denninger was awarded the 30 year medal for exemplary service Monday night. local fire departments and FORFor UPmore TOTO 96onMONTHS FOR UP 96 MONTHS The meeting will e v ON SELECT MODELS ON SELECT MODELS National Fire Prevention week, see pages 11-13. Malcolm Chalmers photos IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS e n the 2014 Veloster TurboAmount e n take placet Oct. 20. available on the 2014 Veloster Turbo Manual Amount available ont Manual

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2 Wednesday, October 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | 2 Wednesday, October 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |

New catalogue for library

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Teresa Bird Black Press

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Love your Cowichan Lake library in October. October is Love Your Library month for Vancouver Island Regional Library and the local branch is set to celebrate. Library users of all ages are invited to drop by the branch and pick up an I Love My Library button. “They can pick up a button and share their love about what they love about their library,� says customer services librarian Kristen Rumohr. The love notes will be posted for others to see. The library is also celebrating with a new cataloguing system that is currenly being installed island wide. “we are celebrating by being trained and

organized for the new system,� laughs Rumohr. During the switch, the library catalogue will unavailable from Oct. 11 at 5 p.m. to Oct. 14 at 10 a.m. Customers will not be able to access their Library Accounts online or make payments during this time. VIRL branches will be closed Tuesday Oct. 13 to transition to the new catalogue. Branch staff will still be available by phone and email. Rumohr says an average about 3,000 visitors frequent the Cowichan Lake library every month. “It’s a pretty bustling little branch,� says Rumohr. “A little busier in the summer, slower in the winter, but busy.� In addition to full library services, Cowichan Lake library



Summer Vehicle Service

Teresa BIrd photo Diana Hutton, library assistant at the Lake Cowichan branch stands beside the display set up for Love Your Library month.




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also offers two weekly programs for children. Tuesdays at 11 am is the Mother Goose program for infants and toddlers up to age two. Children must be accompanied by an

adult. On Thursday, Family Story Time for four to seven year olds is at 11:30 a.m. For more information on the Lake Cowichan branch, including hours and services,


The library will be closed Tuesday Oct. 13



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River open for fishing Teresa Bird Black Press

More water in the rivers, means y shing for trout has returned. The Cowichan River opened Oct. 1. “The conservation measures that were put in place due to low ows and high water temperatures, in the Cowichan River, have been rescinded,” said a notice from Fisheries Canada. The Cowichan River is open to y shing only from the weir in Cowichan Lake downstream to the Mile 66 Trestle (CNR Trestle). As a conservation measure for migrating salmon, the Cowichan River remains closed to all species of salmon shing. But for those who love y shing for trout, it is time to pull out the waders and check your ies. Brown trout as large as 10 pounds have been pulled from the

rinver in the past, although ve pounds is more common, says Gord March of Gord’s Fly Box and Goodies in Lake Cowichan. Rainbows up to four pounds are also hooked in the Cowichan River as well as an occasional cut throat trout. “Skutz Falls to 70.2 trestle is excellent for browns and rainbows,” says March. “Stanley Creek to 70.2 trestle is loaded with rainbows that have dropped from the lake to dine on the salmon eggs and prepare for spawning. The largest Browns in the river are found in this section.” His ies of choice: single egg patterns, rolled mudlers, prince nymphs, hairs ear nymphs, pheasant tail nymphs. “Stick to the bead heads and weighted ies as these are the best to use at this time of the year,” advises March.

s ’ d o R



#2 - 2986 Boys Road, Duncan

Healthy Beginnings You are invited to Healthy Beginnings Relaxed groups for moms, dads and others who care for infants and children

October 19: Positive Parenting solutions with Bonnie Potter

October 26: Infant Development with Lorna Lawson

November 2: To Be Announced November 9: No group November 9: Child Care Resources Kaatza Health Unit, 58 Cowichan Ave. West Vancouver Island Health Authority

More information? Rhoda Taylor 250.709.3050

FAITH DIRECTORY ANGLICAN St. Christopher and St. Aidan

Trimming the trees

Quinn Barton of VI Tree service bucks up a round from a Douglas fir that was felled from the Mid-Island Co-op property last week. The trees are being cut to allow the renovation of the facility. The wood is cut for firewood, the limbs are chipped. Teresa Bird photo

Potluck welcomes newcomers

On a beautiful fall evening thirty-one members enjoyed the Golden Agers’ potluck, music and games night at the 50 Plus Activity Centre in Lake Cowichan. Two non-members attended and volunteered to help set-up and clean-up which is what we always need at the Centre. They conversed with many members during the evening and listened to the variety of music played by “The Good Time Boys”. Many danced and sang along to the music until about 7:30 P.M. and some played cards. The pool tables, darts and shufeboard were silent for the night, but are always available for those interested. Three of the Cowichan Lake Tenors sang their hearts out to songs from different eras. A favourite was “California Dreaming” by the Mamas and the Papas. Many different and

Golden Agers By Carolyne Austin

Submitted photo Marcel and Fred cut a rug after dinner to tunes performed by The Good Time Boys.

delectable food items, both hot and cold, from those attending lled three tables and were enjoyed by all. As a dessert item, the apple pie went rst, but there were plenty of other treats for everyone. Thanks go out to Island Pharmacy, The

Footwear Centre and L.C. Country Grocer for the generous door prize baskets packed to the brim with various items. Recipients, Keith, Mindo and Lillian, were very pleased with their prizes. Our next event is the Golden Agers

Annual Fall Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 7 from 9 until 2. Table rental is $15.00 and the list is available at the hostess desk. You may phone to say you are coming but tables cannot be reserved and must be paid for by Nov. 4 with no exceptions. New and

used items, crafts and baking are welcome. During the bazaar we will be selling fresh, home-made lunch items from the kitchen from 11 a.m. until 1:15 p.m. and coffee and tea will be available while we are open. There are plenty of things to do at the 50 Plus Activity Centre from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday to Friday. We hope you will stop by for a visit, enjoy some activities and consider volunteering for one of our events. Note that while the vice president and I were setting up in the morning three newcomers to the community stopped by to see what we were all about and will be back to take part in our activities.

70 Cowichan Ave. W Lake Cowichan 250-749-3466

BAPTIST Cowichan Lake Baptist Church 8259 Beaver Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-3211

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Brian Wood

Pastor Dale Winters

PENTECOSTAL ROMAN CATHOLIC Lake Cowichan St. Louis Christian Fellowship de Montfort 57 King George St. South Lake Cowichan 250-749-6492

60 Fern Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-4103

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.

Mass Sunday 8:00 a.m.

Pastor Terry Hale

Fr. Alfredo Monacelli

4 THE LAKE LAKE COWICHAN 4 Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 07, 07, 2015 2015 || THE COWICHAN GAZETTE GAZETTE ||


We welcome your original comments on editorials, columns, on topics in the Lake Cowichan Gazette or any subjects important to you. Only letters that include name, address and day and evening phone numbers and that are veried by the Lake Cowichan Gazette can be considered for publication.

Got a news tip?

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Letters to the editor and articles submitted to the Lake Cowichan Gazette may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms and will be edited for clarity, grammar and length. Publication is not guaranteed. Published by Black Press Ltd. 170E-Cowichan Lake Road, Lake Cowichan, BC

Put politics aside and be thankful this weekend

Wherever you live in Canada, you much to be thankful for this coming weekend. We live in a beautifully diverse country with a high standard of living with personal rights and privileges many in the world do not enjoy. The current federal election is just one remindeer of the freedom we have in this vast country to speak to our mind, make a difference and direct the destiny of our country. Is our governmental system perfect? Of course not. We struggle with voting for person or party, with pockets of population directing the results and more. But as Winston Churchill pointed out, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” All the federal candidates will tell you our country has challenges facing it. Despite our great wealth and freedoms and privileges, we still have people who live in poverty, people who are unemployed and people who are uneducated. While we are a country at peace, we still battle crime and racism and inequality “Political parties and even terrorism. exploit the whining But there are those in other countries – or eeing other of comfortable countries – that would sacrice Canadians and use it their lives for a chance to raise their families on Canadian soil. to try to convince us To have the opportunity to speak without persecution, to learn, we really aren’t so to work, to worship, to live in well off after all.” freedom and hope. We sometimes forget that while life may sometimes be difcult, as Canadians we have far more opportunities and resources available to us to change our circumstances than people in most of the countries in the world. During elections, candidates like to remind us of all the things that are wrong with our country. How things were better in the old days or how much better they could be in the future. Political parties exploit the whining of comfortable Canadians and use it to try to convince us we really aren’t so well off after all. That’s why they make promises. Promises of a better tomorrow, of a better life for you. But as Mary Poppins would say, those are pie crust promises: “easily made, easily broken”. Of course things can always be better. But here in beautiful Lake Cowichan there really isn’t a lot to complain about. This weekend take a break from all the political posturing and ponder instead all that we can be truly thankful for: living in this great country, Canada.

Letters to the editor: YOUR SAY

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Letters to the editor are welcome, but writers are requested to keep their submissions to 350 words or less. Keep it local — letters raised in response to issues raised in our pages get top priority. Letters will be edited for clarity, grammar, length — attack the issue, not the individual. All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. Thank you letters will not normally be considered for publication.

Voter switching to Green Party To the editor, Over the past 50 years voter turnout at federal elections has slowly dropped from a high of 79 percent down to 61 percent in 2011. More and more eligible voters seem to feel that, however they vote, the resulting government will not full all of those promises made during the campaign. This election could be different. It is unlikely that any of the major parties will be able to form a government without forming a coalition with a smaller party. With a few more seats in Ottawa the Green Party could be part of a new coalition and be able to inuence our future. To those who feel jaded by the personal bickering that has dominated the TV debates and don’t intend to vote, to the many people who have never voted, please take time to look at the policies of all

parties. I nd that the Green Party has a non-confrontational approach which is refreshing and policies which give sensible solutions to the problems of our times. I have supported the NDP for the past 25 years and worked in election campaigns with some great people, Jean Crowder, Libby Davies, Penny Priddy, all of whom did tremendous work in Ottawa. The urgent problem which has made me change my political colour is climate change. It is only the Green Party who seem to realize that the future of this planet is more important than corporate greed. I believe that Elizabeth May and Fran Hunt Jinnouchi can take this message to the corridors of power. David Ridley Lake Cowichan

Caycuse • Honeymoon Bay • Lake Cowichan • Mesachie Lake • Youbou

Box 10, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia V0R 2G0 Street Address: 170E-Cowichan Lake Road Phone: 250-749-4383 FAX: 250-749-4385 Classifieds: 1-855-310-3535 (toll free) EDITORIAL: ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BLACK PRESS LTD. Canadian Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement #1090194 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

DENNIS SKALICKY Publisher The Lake Cowichan Gazette is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to



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Street Beat | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, October 07, 2015 5

with Malcolm Chalmers

The Gazette asked:

Home many smoke alarms do you have in your home? Do you have one in the bedrooms?

Vicky Fortin “Three, two in the upstairs hallway and one in the downstairs hallway. I would consider one in the bedroom, why not I don’t smoke.”

Letters: YOUR SAY

Craig New “ Three, one between the two upstairs bedrooms and in each of the downstairs bedrooms.”

Where is the meaningful political discourse around our treasured Universal Healthcare System? I have yet to hear that any political party is willing to fully reinstate the 2004 Heath Accord agreement between the federal and provincial governments, which expired last year. The present Conservative government failed to renew the Health Accord in 2014 and has no intention of doing so in the future. In fact, Stephen Harper has met with the provinces once in the last 10 years and over the course of 20142027 they intend to cut $52.6 billion dollars from federal health care funding. These cuts will leave more seniors without residential care, community patients struggling on their own and sick people lined up in the hallways of our already overburdened hospitals. The practice conditions for nurses, already stretched, will further erode and nurses will continue to struggle in providing the quality health care that Canadians have received for generations. It does not have to be this way. There are other policy choices available if the electorate votes for candidates who commit to better funding and a political will to to strengthen the public health care system now in place. Although not perfect, our Universal Healthcare System is the envy of much of the world and to lose it would put an additional increased nancial strain on the Canadian middle class family. I will be asking the federal candidates how their party will strengthen medicare and oppose healthcare privatization? Will their party support a national drug plan? What are the party’s plans to improve seniors care? Mental health services? As a nurse, I realize we live in a global environment with many important issues that need solutions, nancial and otherwise; however, I also believe that public healthcare in Canada is at the core of who we are as Canadians and an integral part of our cultural foundation. When you vote, please carefully consider how you want to access our healthcare system now and in the future. Ted Gamble Lake Cowichan

Bill McMartin “Two, one upstairs in the hall and one downstairs in the hall. I would consider putting one in the bedroom, it’s a pretty good idea, We just had a re in our shop area, it could happen to anyone.”

Derrice Knight “Three in the house, they are in the basement, the main oor and the loft. There is one just outside the bedroom.”

Health spending history

Ask about health care To the editor,

Elmer Bethune “Two, one’s in the kitchen and one in the hallway between the bedrooms. I don’t think we would add another in the bedroom, the hallway is ne.”

BC VIEWS By Tom Fletcher

The federal budget document began with an ominous warning about deep cuts. Social programs, justice and corrections would be spared as much as possible, but no department would escape the knife. The stark truth was revealed in a table of gures. Health care spending, the core of the Canadian state, was cut by 3.8 per cent in just the rst year of the scal plan, as population and need continued to grow. No, this is not from the Stephen Harper budget of April 2015, or any other in the last decade. It’s from the Jean Chretien budget of 1995, more than 20 years ago. That’s the last time anyone actually cut health care spending. But wait, you may say. Didn’t I hear that Harper has slashed health care spending by $30 billion? Yes, you probably did hear the biggest, most brazen lie of this election campaign, either from the government unions that advertised it or the politicians who parrot it. If health care really is everyone’s high-priority issue,

“As the current election campaign turns into the home stretch, Statistics Canada has announced a milestone. For the first time in history, the number of seniors exceeds number of children. This demographic shift is inexorable, predictable and must be addressed by whoever wins the Oct. 19 federal election.” as pollsters have long assured us, voters should at least know the facts. After cutting provincial health and social services transfers for years to end the string of operating decits that began under Pierre Trudeau and continued under Brian Mulroney, Liberal nance minister Paul Martin rose briey to the top job. In 2004, Martin staged meetings with premiers, emerging with what was billed

as “a x for a generation,” with federal health transfers to rise six per cent each year into the future. The future for Martin’s government lasted only two years, as his minority was replaced with one led by Harper. These galloping increases continued until the Conservative majority of 2011, after which then-nance minister Jim Flaherty came to Victoria to inform provincial nance ministers of the new plan. (I was there, and the joke was that this was as far from Ottawa as Flaherty could get without leaving Canada.) The six-per-cent increases, by that time triple ination, would continue for another ve years. Starting in 201718, increases would be tied to economic growth, with a minimum hike of three per cent, still well ahead of today’s ination. That remains the Conservative plan today. All provinces east of Saskatchewan pitched a t. Manitoba’s NDP nance minister termed it “un-Canadian.” Lefties immediately called it a cut, to which Flaherty replied that transfers to provinces would rise from $30 billion to $38 billion in 2018-19, and continue to grow after that. In B.C., then-nance minister Kevin Falcon praised the long-term approach,

acknowledging that health spending was ballooning to half of the provincial budget and had to be brought under control as baby boomers start to retire. B.C. has largely accomplished that, with spending increases below three per cent and health care outcomes that continue to lead the country. As the current election campaign turns into the home stretch, Statistics Canada has announced a milestone. For the rst time in history, the number of seniors exceeds number of children. This demographic shift is inexorable, predictable and must be addressed by whoever wins the Oct. 19 federal election. NDP leader Thomas Mulcair is on record that he will scrap the Conservative formula for growth-based increases that he pretends are cuts, returning to six per cent every year while balancing the budget. Little detail has been provided on how this would be done. Liberal leader Justin Trudeau announced in Surrey last week that he will ante up an extra $3 billion over four years for health care, and “sit down with the provinces immediately” to renegotiate, a rerun of Paul Martin’s political theatre. Tom Fletcher is the legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press. Reach him at

66 Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 07, 07, 2015 2015 || THE THE LAKE LAKE COWICHAN COWICHAN GAZETTE GAZETTE ||


FRAN HUNT-JINNOUCHI, GREEN PARTY Fran Hunt-Jinnouchi is an experienced leader who has a long history of contributing to her community as a successful business owner, an elected First Nations Chief, a school trustee, and as a senior manager in post-secondary education. Fran holds a Bachelor of Social Work, Masters of Adult Education, and has completed the coursework for a Doctor of

Philosophy: Education Psychology & Leadership Studies. Fran was the inaugural Director of the Ofce of Indigenous Affairs at the University of Victoria. Fran has made it her life’s work to advocate for those whose voices are not heard, and has spent her career bridging cultural divides and creating closer communities. She incorporates the tradi-

tional teachings of First Nation elders to have a spirit of reciprocity, humility and gratitude. From her ancestry in the Kwakiutl/Quatsino Nations, Fran has found similar philosophy in the Green Party. Fran felt 2015 was the right time to bring her experience and knowledge to politics, and to use her passion, tenacity, and tireless efforts to support the work of

the Green Party of Canada. Known to be a person who can get things done, Fran believes she is well suited to represent the constituents of the Cowichan–Malahat–Langford riding, and looks forward to working with them to nd solutions to the challenges our riding, province and country now face.

The Lake Cowichan Gazette will feature a short prole each week on one of the candidates. The candidates are chosen by alphabetical order by last name.








“The Conservative government has been a strong manager of the Canadian economy. In 2008 the world experienced the worst recession since the ’30s. We have focused on keeping taxes low for individuals and competitively taxes for business,” he said. “With our sound management, the economy has generated 1.3 million jobs,” he added, noting that the Conservatives have already committed to creating another 1.3 million jobs by 2020. “Despite global economic uncertainty, the Conservatives have balanced the budget one year ahead of schedule and are currently running a $5.2 billion dollar surplus in the current scal year,” he said. Barker cited relief for families and seniors, as well, with income splitting, universal child care benets, doubling of child activity and child care tax deductions, and specialized tax breaks for seniors among the Conservatives’ latest efforts.

“The Marxist-Leninist Party and I believe, workers must decide and run the economy in their interests, the interests of the overwhelming majority of Canadians,” Haythornthwaite said. “I will uphold public right over monopoly right with decisions about the economy made in Canada, not in the boardrooms of Wall Street.” Haythornthwaite said domestic manufacturing is his party’s priority. “Our resources must be processed in Canada into products to ll our domestic needs. Public assets will no longer be sold to ‘friends’ at re sale prices but instead public assets will be expanded and improved to better serve the needs of Canadians,” he said. No more paying the rich, he said, but instead the Marxist-Leninists would increase funding for social programs. “We believe there is a fundamental right of the people to childcare and recreation, education, health care, seniors’ care and pensions,” he said. “International trade will be structured for the mutual benet and development of Canada and our trading partners.

“It’s about taking big, bold steps to get people working and meet two needs at once,” she explained. “It’s about working with the infrastructure and the retrotting of business, hospitals and schools. It’s an immediate way to get people working and it is also addressing the loss of energy,” she said, referring to energy loss due to aging buildings. While some people believe the Greens espouse shutting down the oil sands and shrinking the resource industry, Hunt-Jinnouchi said, the party recognizes the importance of those jobs to the national economy. At the same time, the Greens hope to see Canada reduce its dependency on fossil fuels, stop exporting dirty coal and focus more on renewable technologies as a way to create jobs. “The overarching theme is to diversify,” the Langford resident said. She suggested that more attention be paid to small business in B.C. and federally, which contributes more by percentage to the country’s gross domestic product.

As this candidate has only recently entered the race, we were not able to obtain his comments on this issue in time for this edition. However in an interview with the Black Press, Krayenhoff acknowledged the riding’s diversity, from the more agricultural, resource base of the Cowichan Valley in the north to the more urban development-minded tone of Langford, with First Nations playing a role throughout. Krayenhoff said the Liberals have the best plan that works for all. “The role of government is to set the stage for the private sector to create wealth,” he added. “The idea is not to get everybody working for the civil service, it’s to have a good foundation to grow the economy. Government can be kind of a bafing thing, and it’s important to know [its] limitations and I think I do.”

“I think for the last 10 years that we’ve been told that we can have either the economy or the environment,” MacGregor said. “I don’t believe in that false choice. I think the real economic opportunity lies in the environmental sustainability future.” The party recently laid out its scal plan. “We want to .. diversify our economy a little bit more,” he said, noting having all the country’s eggs in the oil industry basket isn’t the best way to go. An affordable $15 a day child care plan is also one of the party’s two major planks. “It’s not only a good social policy, but it’s good economics because currently the work-life conict that’s experienced by employees with pre-school children costs the Canadian business community about $4 billion a year,” he said. MacGregor said the NDP also wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. The NDP won’t touch personal income tax rates, instead helping small business by reducing their taxes from 11 to 9 per cent. | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, October 07, 2015 7

250.749.6660 145 South Shore Rd. Lake Cowichan

TOLL FREE PAGE 1-800-729-3246

Keith Nelson

Tracy Forrest



477 Point Ideal Lot 17 Kestral Drive Beaver Lake Resort $99,900 53 & 54-8631 S.Shore Rd. $85,000 Panoramic views of the mountains Big Lot with Privacy – 1 ¼ acre and the lake on this south facing 0.28 2 Rec lots for$89,900 the price of 1 at Beaver Lake site is already roughed in so take advantage before winter sets in. There is a large protected area that assures peace & quiet.

REVENUE PROPERTY This large home features 3 bedrooms upstairs with a huge living room, country kitchen and laundry room. There is a 1 bed suite downstairs which will provide extra revenue if needed or simply use as a big home. There is a big easy access wired shop that would be great for projects or storage. Call to view today!

APPEARANCES CAN BE DECEIVING This home is level entry buy has a fully finished basement. This 4 bed, 2 bath home boasts a huge family room, newer flooring, Low E windows on the south facing side of the home, vinyl decking, private fenced back yard with fish pond, flowers and shrubs. This is a great family home with room for you and your pets! Call to view today!

panoramic views of the mountains and Cowichan Lake. Town Sewer & water are at the lot line for ease of building. A bargain at just $65,000

225 Johel $339,000 PRICE IS NOT THE ONLY FEATURE You can’t beat this combination – an affordable price for a level entry, 3 bed, 1 bath, well maintained rancher located in a quiet area in a good location. Lots of room for RV, Boat & Vehicle parking, beautiful covered gazebo for entertaining and BBQ’s. Motivated Vendor – Call to view today!


#1-8697 North Shore

At beaver lake resort. 30ft immaculate RV boarding on beachfront with huge covered deck area and large garden shed. The lot is hidden by an evergreen hedge for assured privacy. This is a turnkey setup, great for that weekend getaway or can be used full time.

23-8631 South Shore



462 Point Ideal




This 4 bed, 3 bath home sits on a private 0.57 acre lot which offers peace & quiet. The home has a good layout with hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen cabinets. Newer reno’s have been done. There is room to park your RV and enjoy the view from your back deck or relax in the hot tub. This is a must see to appreciate everything this property offers.

104 Elk Rd

Spectacular home in the sought after subdivision of Point Ideal. Only steps to the lake and marina & walking distance to shops & restaurants. Features in this 5 bedroom, 3 bath home include hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, spacious kitchens, hot tub and so much more. There is a definite attention to detail with quality products and excellent workmanship. Call to view today!

10552 Coon Creek

Sunny Youbou waterfront on .29 acre The main home has 3 bedroom & 2 bathrooms, beautiful birch floors and an open plan kitchen / living roomdesign. There is a 2nd residence with 2 bed/1 bath which is currently being rented. Why not own a piece of paradise?


SPECTACULAR VIEWS This waterfront home has the WOW factor! Located in a protected bay waterski, fish, lounge on the dock by the beach. 2000 sq ft family home. Many updates: windows, roof, kitchen, bathroom & more. Outdoor features are fruit trees, garden, big level lawn, wharfs all on .43 of an acre.


TRADE FOR THIS HOME? Are you looking to trade up to this spectacular home from your older home? The Seller may be interested. This 3100 sq ft custom home features hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, custom sandstone fireplace with cedar mantel, a solarium off the kitchen, Jacuzzi bath, heat pump, built-in-vacuum and so much more! Call to view today

9911 Stin-Qua



This 1528 sq ft level entry home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious interior with huge kitchen, attached dining area and family room. The master is large and includes a en-suite and walk in closet. The yard is level with lots of room for RV/Boat parking, there is a courtyard with paving stones and glass covered entryway, nice flower beds and a large deck at the back. Minutes to downtown Duncan. Call to view today, this one won’t last long!



This 3 or 4 bedroom home radiates hospitality & charm from the marble & Boeing bathtub to the vaulted ceilings. The living room has a cozy terra cotta fireplace and downstairs is a cold room for your wine or preserves. The home boasts unique tiles, intercom system, built in vacuum and fully finished detached workshop with over height double carport for your RV or Boatdock.

This 3 bedroom double wide sits on A 7093 sq ft site and has beautiful decks to enjoy the magnificent views. Very low monthly fees and taxes make this the perfect recreational retreat or retirement destination



87 Park

PRETTY AS A PICTURE This lot is ideally suited to build your dream home in charming Mesachie Lake. The flat lot is close to swimming, golfing, hiking and camping. The lot includes a car port and a newer 200 sq ft shed which is wired, plumbed including a bathroom and insulated. The lot is fully fenced & has mature trees adding to the tranquility and privacy you will feel. Call to view today!

Great Investment property in the heart of Lake Cowichan. This property has been used as a residential rental but lends itself to redevelopment for commercial because of the prime location. Lot size is approx. 90x300



6624 Forestry Road HUGE SHOP

GREAT FAMILY HOME Great family home in a Wonderful Neighborhood. Fully finished spacious 5 bed / 3 bath home including a 12’ x 25’ garage and separate workshop. Offers central vac, heat pump, awning over deck & a big fenced back yard.

504 Johel Cresc.




7- 8389 Sa-Seenos


413 Winter Drive

CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME This home is level entry buy has a fully finished basement. This 4 bed, 2 bath home boasts a huge family room, newer flooring, Low E windows on the south facing side of the home, vinyl decking, private fenced back yard with fish pond, flowers and shrubs. This is a great family home with room for you and your pets! Call to view today


10125 South Shore

2 bed/2 bath rancher is move in ready with nothing to do! The home is immaculately maintained, the partially fenced yard has a mixture of beautiful plants, garden area and greenhouse. Great starter or retirement home. Call to view today!

47 Blackwood Heights $159,900 250 South Shore Rd.



boasting 4 acres of play fields, private marina, boat launch & sandy beach.

2 ½ acre treed lot in Lake Cowichan. Great opportunity to build your dream home in this private wilderness.


Nestled in the trees, this 38 ft cottage style park model is situated on a large private lot offering multi-level decks, covered shelter & sunken deck wired for a hot tub. Enjoy a small cooking firepit or sit around a propane firepit for those chilly nights. Lots of extra’s including a full size fridge, all appliances, and even a 3 person dinghy. This is a turnkey sale with private sleeping accommodation for 6. Call to view today – this is a must see!


boarding on beachfront w/ huge covered deck area and large garden shed. The lot is hidden by an evergreen hedge for assured privacy. This is a turnkey setup, great for that weekend getaway or can be used full time.

Immaculate double wide mobile in a small adult park with only 10 units. This 2 bed/2 bath home has been meticulously maintained including paint, flooring, appliances, new hot tub, bathroom and the list goes on and on. A great home and wonderful location so don’t miss your chance to live here!

30 Coronation

Gorgeous Lake & Mountain views from all sides on this Kwassin Lake home. The home features 3 bed / 3 bath with an open plan living design. The master bedroom overlooks the lake and boasts a walk in closet and 4 pc en-suite. The backyard is perfect for entertaining or relaxing while watching the Kingfishers, ducks and more on your doorstep. Call now to view!

Lot 11 Indian Rd $209,000




Make this your holiday get-a-away! Share Resort. Use one and rent the other or use both Estates. This 0.32 of an acre lot is ready to for family time. interest in a waterfront development build on, so bring your house plans.

271 Castley Heights 23-8631 South Shore $155,000 $65,000 At beaver lake resort. 30ft immaculate RV South East facing lot with spectacular


147 MacDonald

340 Carnell Drive


of an acre lot in the “Cottages at Marble Bay.”

PARADISE VILLAGE 34 Creekside #57-6855 Park Ave $309,900 $102,000 Waterfront Lot in the prestigious Creekside REDUCED

1200 Sq Ft shop with two bays for all your toys. There is also a 3 bedroom home situated on a roomy .32 acre lot. The back yard is large and private. Located close to all town amenities

$299,000 196 Neva



Across from the river & in the heart of town, minutes from all amenities. There are up to 4 bedrooms depending on the layout you prefer. The lot is over 14,000 sq ft and includes a huge double carport, large garage & storage shed. This home could easily be converted to wheelchair friendly. Call to view today!

10 Riverside Drive


Want to sell your home? The market is MOVING! Let us list it for you!

8 Wednesday, October 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |

You’ll Feel Like Family.

Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. October 7 - 10, 2015

Proud to be serving the Cowichan Valley since 1985 Oh Snap! Buy a special reflective snap band this October. You’ll be visible in the dark, and also contribute to the $ 5 Canadian Cancer Society! Support healthy eating and $ decreasing cancer risk. 5

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35 R

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Offers valid at Lake Cowichan and Cobble Hill Country Grocer locations only WATCH FOR OUR

FLYER THIS FRIDAY in the Citizen Newspaper

1400 Cowichan Bay Rd, Cobble Hill • Open Daily 8 am - 9 pm 83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan • Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, October 07, 2015 9

Lake Cowichan Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. October 7 - 10, 2015

You’ll Feel Like Family. Locally Owned & Operated since 1984

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These Specials available at Country Grocer Lake Cowichan ONLY

83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan

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10 Wednesday, October 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |

Pat Duringer

Sandy Stinson


Your Trusted Authority ~ Going the extra mile for you!




7777 Sunset Drive

4 Bedroom home, 1 minute from great beach. Functional & fantastic home with new kitchen.

7971 Cowichan Valley Hwy. 297 North Shore Road

PROPOSED NICE NEW HOUSE. Big log home with loft, and shop on 14 acres in town boundary. Big 16’ x 23’ workshop with 14’ ceilings



Penny Lane

521 Point Ideal


Great Riverfront Community, Walk to Town


Renovated mobile in waterfront park. Full time living or your summer escape.


175 Elk

127 Darnell Rd.

Cute cottage, easy walk to town



67 South Shore Rd.



72 Park Road

93 & 95 South Shore Rd.

Riverfront home on the Cowichan River Commercial/Residential downtown riverfront property walking distance to all Lake Cowichan has to offer.




Charming Cottage in Honeymoon Bay Fully fenced yard and large hedge for total privacy. Less than 5 minute walk to public park on Cowichan Lake

Perfect for the person who has everything!!

Your own island on Cowichan Lake, private and peaceful.


6789 2nd St


Delightful water view home just a minute’s walk to the beach and your own Boat slip Maintenance free grounds with total privacy

9224 Towhee, $465,000

10215 Youbou Rd. Awesome View, Awesome House

10484 Youbou Rd.

Lake view from kitchen, landscaped, .52 acre


$265,000 169 South Shore

Land & building or start your own business


130 Neva Rd. Lake Cowichan Home Centre, business and mini mall


Best of both worlds. Weekend Gettaway or live full time. This Park Model is right at the edge of the pond 32 Paddle Duck Lane


3 bedrooms, two baths, bring your lake toys and enjoy. 9866 Stin-Qua Road $364,900

10150 Youbou Road

Large family home with many updates, wood stove downstairs and fenced backyard, across from TC trail.

9220 Nighthawk Road Bayview Village, with private beach, nice deck

147 Cowichan Ave

Huge lot, water glimpses, 3 bedrooms




10501 Youbou Rd. Great Beach Access!

New roof and renovations to basement!

2 Bedroom home with sweet yard, newer roof; perfect for a garden lover.

5 acres of amazing waterfront, huge log cabin, tennis court, swimming pool, caretakers cabin, shop.

Main St. in Lake Cowichan, 7200 sq. ft. lot

$310,000 266 Hillside Road 3 bedroom A-frame with separate shop.

SOLD $239,000

59 Eldred Includes Mother-in-law suite


$2,500,000 $213,000 #2-77 Nelson

110 River Road 3 bed, 2 bath rancher, propane fireplace, jacuzzi tub in master, double garage.

Unique waterfront development situated on the Cowichan River 2 bdrm cottage perfect for a weekend retreat or live year round



228 Grants Lake Rd. 175 MacDonald Awesome house & land. Private. Big lot, huge shop

$284,900 262 Kingfisher Pl.


264 Hillside


Awesome family home in quiet neighborhood 3 bd and family room

$250,000 80 Fern Road

Cozy home on extra large lot, open concept living, metal roof, just 2 years old!


$194,900 199 MacDonald

LOTS Big House, 5 $68,000 bdrms, 2 baths, big 164 Elk $105,900 workshop wired and 466 Point Ideal 1/4 Acre includes 1/2 bath 1734 Meagan St. Crofton Ocean View $133,900



154 South Shore Rd. Commercial Building and Land


24 Nelson Road

Cute 9 year old 4 bedroom home with open concept, Huge south facing waterfront 1.01 acres. fenced yard with Steel roof and bonus sun room RV hook-up.



• Riverfront +/ residential+/ +business too! • Location, location,location • Established since 1960 • 1960 sq’ building • 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom • 62x104 riverfront lot

10351 Youbou 2 bdrm & Den, Big Workshop

23 Stevens Crescent 3 Bdrm. cedar sided, wood floors, 2 shops, awesome fenced yard.



9041 Meades Creek

Magnificent lakefront home on .70 of an acre. Complete with guest cottage

Duplex $239,000 Cottage $259,000


146 Wavell Road

Timber frame home across from the One acre in town, walk to everything, WATERFRONT lake with 1 bdr. suite new open concept living 1.66 acres, HUGELY MOTIVATED! RIVERFRONT

SLOPES Beautiful upscale development has attracted a lovely mixture of mostly retired professionals.

481 Mountain View Rd.

229 Johel Rd


10196 Youbou


ATTENTION DEVELOPERS & Investors – here is a great opportunity to purchase a multifamily site within city limits with full community servicing. “The Slopes”, a new Lake Cowichan subdivision showcasing a variety of beautiful new homes. Close to town & minutes to the Lake with easy hwy. access.

Large Sunny Lots STARTING AT $100,000 The SLOPES BIG LOTS $99,000

RECREATION – MULTI-FAMILY INVESTMENT – SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Nearly 1.5 acres of gently-sloping waterfront. panoramic Views. Private & sheltered. This charming cottage includes a sweet bungalow & has everything you need for rest, relaxation & entertaining.

$739,000 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, October 07, 2015 11

Fire Prevention Week October 4-11, 2015

Malcolm Chalmers Photography

Award of Recognition


Beep where They Sleep


omeowners must focus on both the location and age of their smoke alarms to ensure family members will wake XS GXULQJ DQ RYHUQLJKW Ă€UH VD\V D VDIHW\ expert. Statistics from the United States show WKDW DW OHDVW RQH KDOI RI DOO KRPH Ă€UH GHDWKV RFFXU EHWZHHQ SP DQG DP WKH WLPH when most people are asleep. Canadian RIĂ€FLDOV DUH FHUWDLQ WKH VDPH WUHQG H[LVWV here. To emphasize the importance of being DZDNHQHG GXULQJ DQ RYHUQLJKW Ă€UH HPHUJHQF\ WKH 1DWLRQDO )LUH 3URWHFWLRQ $VVRFLDWLRQ 1)3$ KDV FRLQHG LWV WKHPH IRU LWV )LUH 3UHYHQWLRQ :HHN ² ´+HDU 7KH %HHS :KHUH <RX 6OHHS (YHU\ %HGURRP 1HHGV $ :RUNLQJ 6PRNH $ODUP Âľ $FURVV 1RUWK $PHULFD IURP 2FWREHU Ă€UH GHSDUWPHQWV ZLOO EH RXW HQ PDVVH UHLQIRUFLQJ WKH EDVLFV RI KRPH Ă€UH VDIHW\ )LUH 3UHYHQWLRQ :HHN JDUQHUV KXJH VXSSRUW LQ &DQDGD VR PXFK VR WKDW FODVVURRP HGXFDWLRQDO SURJUDPV IRU WHDFKHUV SULPDU\ VFKRRO YLVLWV E\ Ă€UHĂ€JKWHUV DQG D P\ULDG other special community events extend the week into a month-long safety campaign. ´:H NQRZ WKDW VPRNH DODUPV DW OHDVW double your family’s chance of a safe escape. But to provide that critical early ZDUQLQJ WKH\ QHHG WR EH LQVWDOOHG LQ DOO the right locations and they need to be ZRUNLQJ Âľ VD\V &DURO +HOOHU D KRPH VDIHW\ specialist with smoke and carbon monoxide DODUP PDQXIDFWXUHU .LGGH &DQDGD $OWKRXJK PRVW FLWLHV WRZQV SURYLQFHV and territories have adopted their own

version of Canada’s Building Code at a PLQLPXP RQH VPRNH RU FRPELQDWLRQ VPRNH &2 DODUP VKRXOG EH LQVWDOOHG RXWside every sleeping area of a home. ´)LUH 3UHYHQWLRQ :HHN LV D JUHDW WLPH WR remind people that if you’ve taken down a smoke alarm after burning the toast and IRUJRWWHQ WR SXW LW EDFN XS RU UHPRYHG EDWWHULHV DQG OHIW DQ DODUP XQSRZHUHG you are placing your family at severe ULVN Âľ +HOOHU DGGV ´7KLV LV QRW D WULYLDO issue. In almost two-thirds of fatal house Ă€UHV LQYHVWLJDWRUV Ă€QG WKDW VPRNH DODUPV ZHUH HLWKHU QRW SUHVHQW RU ZHUH PLVVLQJ EDWWHULHV Âľ Heller’s other cautionary advice centres on aging smoke alarms. She is quick to point out that even if an alarm sounds when \RX SXVK LWV 7HVW EXWWRQ WKDW RQO\ PHDQV circuits are working and power is getting to the unit. It does not mean the alarm’s sensors are operating at full sensitivity. $IWHU EHLQJ H[SRVHG WR \HDUV RI GXVW FRRNLQJ JULPH SHW IXU DQG RWKHU DLUERUQH contaminants Heller warns that sensors could lose responsiveness. That’s why WKH 1)3$ UHFRPPHQGV WKDW LI \RXU VPRNH alarm is more than 10 years old or you FDQ¡W UHPHPEHUV LWV DJH ZKHWKHU LW LV KDUGZLUHG RU EDWWHU\ SRZHUHG UHSODFH LW LPPHGLDWHO\ )RU &2 DODUPV DQ\ PRGHOV purchased prior to 2009 should also be replaced. Find more Fire Prevention Week tips and smoke alarm installation advice at

FIRE PREVENTION WEEK October 4-10, 2015 Essential steps to keeping you and your family safe


he majority of fatal fires occur in residential settings where people feel safe. Fortunately there are many ways to reduce the risk from fire for you and your family. This Fire Prevention Week, October 4 through 10, we the members of your local Fire Departments would like to take a few moments to think about some important tips. With the colder weather approaching, wood stoves and fireplaces will soon become active. In our area, chimney fires are a common source of fires and in poorly maintained and unclean chimneys, fire can quickly spread and engulf the entire home. Fires are real, not just events seen in movies. Fire is fast, extremely hot and spreads rapidly. It creates thick, black toxic smoke that will kill long before the flames! When fire strikes, seconds are important, there is not time to stop and try to come up with some sort of hastily put together plan. Everyone needs to know what to do beforehand. Smoke alarms provide the early warning of the fire and having a home fire escape plan will provide time for you and your family to escape safely. We the firefighters in your area hope you never have to use it, but creating and practicing your home fire escape plan may one day save your life and the lives of your loved ones. Take time during this week to create a home fire escape plan. Show two ways out of every room and identify a family meeting place away from the danger. During Fire Prevention Week, October 4 - 10 come up with a plan and practice with your family. Most fatal fires take place at night while you and your family are asleep. Seconds can make the difference between life and death, by having one or more working smoke alarms in your home, this increases your chances of surviving a fire.

Smoke alarms are inexpensive and easy to install, there shouldn’t be any excuse for not having at least one. If nothing else, • clean and maintain your chimney • test and/or install smoke alarms, and • make a home fire escape plan Feel free to talk to with any of your local Fire Fighters for help with these tips during Fire Prevention Week or any other time. On behalf of the men and women of your local Fire Department, Thank You.

COMMUNITY FIRE DRILL Wednesday, October 7 at 6:30 pm

Test your smoke alarm at 6:30 pm then practice your escape plan to gather at your meeting place.

12 Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 07, 07, 2015 2015 || THE THE LAKE LAKE COWICHAN COWICHAN GAZETTE GAZETTE || 12

Mesachie Lake VFD

Malcolm Chalmers Photography

L-R Brad Smith, D/Chief Owen Robertson, Paul Zalinko, Randy Lindsay, Samantha Oliver, Jordan Gibson, Colton Walters, Ragan Eve, Chief Gary Eve. Not in photo; Bill Bergan, Tyson Allnutt, Kirk Kleinke, Casy Van Dalen, Nick Sohye.

Making our Communities a safer place to live!

Our families.… Our homes.… Our thanks to firefighters

October 4-11, 2015

Fire Prevention Week

Dedication Appreciated Fire Fighters

Malcolm Chalmers Photography

L-R Terry Hind, John Hind, Jim Caldwell, Leut Shane Gaiger, Anthony Woodsworth, Shay Atleo, Hailey Nickell, David Hind, Mike Cantin, Alex Teo D/Chief Ray Wear Not in photo; Chief Keith Bird, Leuit Shawn MacMillan, Blake Sprague, Scott Flemming.


Thanks Firefighters

Your is Greatly

Honeymoon Bay VFD

Saluting Our Volunteer Firefighters

for your dedication to our Communites

to the women and men who serve as Volunteer Firefighters

Many Thanks to all our Volunteer Firefighters

Thanks Firefighters

Town of Lake Cowichan

Footwear Centre 42 S. Shore


Beaver Lake Resort sends a

“Thank You”

Thanks Firefighters! for making our community a safer place to live.

to the firefighters in our communities

Beaver Lake Resort Mayor and Council, Town of Lake Cowichan

• RV • Tenting • Cabins


130 Neva Road Lake Cowichan


Thank You


Thanks Fire Fighters

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #210 250-749-6041

Serving you 7 days a week


Reasonable Rates for: CONVEYANCING

Thank-yotuers Firefigh Keith, Tracayggie and M


•Pet Food •Livestock Feed •Pets Supplies • Grooming • Wood Pellets 170A Cowichan Lake Rd.


Patricia Thomson Notary Public




Dr. Ken Welch (Dentist) & Staff 74 Renfrew St. 250-749-6111

Volu ntee r Fire fg

Cowichan Lake Community Services 121 Point Ideal Rd.

Lake Cowichan Home Centre

92 Cowichan Lake Rd. Lake Cowichan, BC 250-749-3912 Email:

k Than Youthe

to all TERS FIGH FIRE the Lake! d aroun

Sandy, Pat & Elaine

81 Cowichan Lake Road || THE THE LAKE LAKE COWICHAN COWICHAN GAZETTE GAZETTE || Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 07, 07, 2015 2015 13 13

Caycuse Volunteer Fire Dept

Malcolm Chalmers Photography

L-R Bruce Maher, Rick Johnson, Jode Roach, Laura Couch, John Pereira, Carol Pereira, Chief Ron Couch Not in photo; Ron Smart, Karen Smart, Rocky Elves, Nola Nahirnick, Brad Cartmell, Dan Forcier

October 4-11, 2015

Fire Prevention Week Youbou Volunteer Fire Dept.

Malcolm Chalmers Photography

FR - Faron Harvey, Stan Nelson, D/Chief Stu Mckee, Chief Orest Smycniuk, Todd Vaughan, Cam Hamilton BR- Ed Vanherwaarden, Derrick Carlson, Regan Carey, $VSHQ *DLQHU 3UHVWRQ 6FKHGHO 'DYH 6XWĂ€Q -XVWLQ Vaughn. not in photo Jeff Abbott, Lt Bill Cheal, Grant Daly, Kim Smycniuk, Ken Wilde

Lake Cowichan Fire Department FR - Monroe Grobe, Ray Bourassa, Gary Miller, Brad Kochanuk, Dave Mountain, Tyson Smith, Tom Denninger, Adam Elliott, Greg Elliott, Al Fawcett, Cory Robertson, Doug Knott, Doug Calsen

Malcolm Chalmers Photography

A Special Thanks to all Volunteer Firefighters Serving our Communities

To all the Thanks to all the Volunteer Volunteer Fire Department Crews Firefighters in our for your Communities... dedication.



250-749-6614 728 NEVA ROAD, LAKE COWICHAN

Kaatza Station Museum & Archives 250-749-6142

Neisers Sales, Service and Rentals Ltd. Neisers Mini Storage Junction Youbou & Cowichan Valley Hwy. 250-749-6033

Tiptons Gas Bar 14 N. Shore Rd.


BR - Billy Robertson, Devon Loewen, Jim Segee, Stephen Vatcher, Greg Smith Tyler Knott, Doug Janzen, Mark Johnson, Bill Hieta, Bill Robertson, Steve Vatcher.

14 Wednesday, October 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, October 07, 2015 15 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, October 07, 2015 15

In Brief Museum Fundraiser

Kaatza Historical Society 40th Anniversary Dinner and Fundraiser - October 17, 2015 - 6:00 pm Dinner served at 6:30 pm. Arena Multi-Purpose Room. A slide show of the Wilmer Gold Photos will be shown, Some historical displays and artifacts will be on display, the model of the addition to the museum will be on hand and donations can be made at the event. Tickets for the Tommy Douglas show will also be on sale. There will also be a pre-sale of our 2016 Calendar. Tickets for the dinner and fundraiser are available at the museum $35 per person. A $10.00 tax receipt will be given with the ticket.

Christmas Market The Lake Cowichan Farmers Market is now accepting applications for A Christmas Market Nov. 21 at Centennial Hall. The fee for a stall is $20 for 1 table or $30 for 2. All vendors must supply the society with information and photos for advertising purposes as well as a gift for the door prizes. For more information contact Jenn Pollner at or check it out on Facebook at lakecowichanfarmersmarket.

Malcolm Chalmers Photo

At the Shaker Mill this weekend, Mix and Match Night. On stage the band nfuze - Andy Okell, Dean Wolfe, Sheldon Bordal and Dee Cooper welcomes the likes of Ray Harvey, Robby Kant and Beverly Mckeen on stage to play with them.


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