Candidates up to debate at seniors forum Page 6
Summer Stomp gives back after successful year Page 8
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015 PM40008236
Vol. 60 No. 41 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (GST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com
Polling results add to local debate Survey results: Divergent data adds to uncertainty of Liberal/NDP vote. By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
A sudden proliferation of local polling results offer more for North Okanagan-Shuswap voters to ponder before the Oct. 19 federal election. As of Tuesday, three polls had been conducted in the North Okanagan-Shuswap riding. One was commissioned by local residents, another by the organization Leadnow.ca and a third by the Liberal Party of Canada. The former two, when compared to the Liberal poll, paint a different election outcome for the Liberal and NDP positions. The Leadnow polling results – a sampling of 755 eligible voters in the riding – are the latest to be released. It suggests 37 per cent of eligible voters in the riding will be casting their ballots for NDP candidate Jacqui Gingras, 33 per cent for Conservative candidate Mel Arnold, 22 per cent for Liberal Cindy Derkaz and eight per cent for Green candidate Chris George. Five per cent are undecided. The results of this poll are the culmination of two questions, “If the federal election were held tomorrow, which one of the following parties would you vote for here in the riding of North Okanagan-Shuswap,” and “Even though you are undecided, is there a party’s candidate that you are leaning towards.” It was conducted by Environics Analytics between Oct. 9 and 11, by telephone, using interactive voice response technology and random sampling, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 per cent, 19 times out of 20. The results can be found at https://www.votetogether.ca/riding/59020/northokanaganshuswap/. On Saturday, Oct. 10, polling company Mainstreet Technologies conducted a telephone survey in the riding funded by the local Liberal Party of Canada campaign. To the question: “If the election were held today, which candidate would you vote for,” 38 per cent of respondents said Arnold, 22 per cent said NDP candidate Jacqui Gingras, 20 per cent said Liberal candidate Cindy Derkaz and four per cent said Green candidate Chris George. Ten per cent of respondents were undecided. To the follow-up question, If you knew your preferred candidate wouldn’t win, which candiSee Group on page 2
Safety concerns: Sicamous council has issued a remedial action requirement for the demolition of the former Extreme Power Sports site at 1305 Rauma Ave. Photo by Lachlan Labere
District takes action towards demolition By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
The District of Sicamous is taking steps to get the firedamaged remains of the former Extreme Power Sports building demolished. Last week, municipal council supported a recommendation by staff to impose a remedial action requirement on the owner of the property at 1305 Rauma Ave. The building was severely damaged in a May 6 fire, and is considered by council to be in an “unsafe condition, which creates a significant risk to health and safety.” In a report to council, district community planner Mike
Marrs explains “written com- charter, the property owner “They have 10 days – typiplaints have been received by 30 has days after receiving cally, the charter says 14, but the district about the unsightly notice of the remedial action because of the state of the nature of the building building, we consider and the spreading of it to be an urgent matcontaminated debris, ter…,” said Marrs. ash and dust onto ad“Council can listen to jacent residential and their appeal and then commercial properties.” you can decide to agree They have 10 days – typically, “Further, despite with them or to stand the charter says 14 but, because the erected fencing, it behind the decision you of the state of the building, is obvious that vandals make tonight. So that we consider it to be an urgent are being attracted to decision is up to counmatter…. the building, resulting cil.” Mike Marrs in exposure to serious In August, Marrs District of Sicamous personal injury,” writes said he’d spoken with Marrs. “This exposure the building’s insurer, and safety concern will con- requirement to demolish and and confirmed the demolition tinue and increase given we remove the building, includ- contract had been awarded to are entering the fall/winter ing its foundation. However, a local contractor. patterns.” the owner has 10 days to ap“We’re just waiting for As per the community peal council’s decision. See Property owner on page 3
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Group supports strategic vote Continued from front
date would you vote for, Arnold received 24 per cent, Derkaz 20 per cent, Gingras 18 per cent and George 12 per cent, while 26 per cent remained undecided. A total of 567 people were interviewed in this survey, available at http://cindyderkaz. liberal.ca/ndp-supportfading-fast-in-northokanagan-shuswap/, using random number selection, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 per cent, 19 times out of 20. “The national polls make it clear that Justin Trudeau is the only leader, and the Liberals are the only party who can replace Stephen Harper,” said Derkaz in a news release accompanying the Liberal poll. “The Mainstreet survey confirms the same trend in the North OkanaganShuswap. The NDP are fading fast here as well.” Derkaz says the results of the Liberal poll paint a very different picture from another poll, conducted on Oct. 5 and 6 by polling company Oraclepoll. This poll, which surveyed 312 eligible voters in the riding, shows the NDP leading the Liberals by a much wider margin and narrowly beating out the Conservatives. To the Oraclepoll question: “If a federal election were held today, which party and its candidate in the riding of North Okangan Shuswap would you most likely vote for or be leaning towards at this time,” 41 per cent of (109 of 264) respondents chose Gingras. Thirty-eight per cent
(99) said Arnold, 12 per cent (31) said Liberal Cindy Derkaz and nine per cent (25) said Green candidate Chris George. To the follow up question, “Is there a party or several parties you may be leaning towards,” 31.3 per cent (15 respondents) said the Liberal camp, 27.1 per cent (13) said the Conservatives, 20.8 per cent (10) said the NDP, 8.3 per cent (4) said the Green Party and 12.5 per cent (6) said they didn’t know. The complete Oraclepoll results can be found at http://pollokanaganshuswap.weebly. com. It was commissioned by Warren Bell, and funded by a nonpartisan group of 25 individuals of voting-age residents in the riding. Derkaz dismisses the Oraclepoll results, noting the non-partisan group is connected to Renewing Democracy Through Co-operation. “The group (Renewing Democracy) was started by Jacqui Gingras and she has been very involved in it,” said Derkaz. “The whole poll is rather dubious. The sample size is very small. Our results from 23,000 attempted contacts and door knockings show something different. We are very strong and ahead of the NDP.” Bell, spokesperson for the residents who commissioned the poll, says some are members of Renewing Democracy and some are not, and the poll was nonpartisan. Gingras confirms she was a member of Renewing Democracy,
but stepped away when the election campaign began. “I haven’t contributed any money to the poll or participated in the poll,” she said. Bell, meanwhile, calls the Liberal poll skewed, noting its 66 per cent of female re-
If it was based on random sampling… You probably have reasonable representation there. Ron McGivern TRU spondents is well over the regional proportion, as is the 52 per cent of respondents aged 65 and over. As for the Oraclepoll results, Gingras, said they’re an accurate reflection of what she and her campaigners have been hearing on the hustings. George too said the Oraclepoll results are consistent with what he’s heard, while Arnold says there’s no clear outcome until election day. Bell said the group is not anti-Conservative, but wanted to make available current, local polling data for the
candidates and voters, particularly those interested in voting strategically. The Oraclepoll results have margin of error of +/- 5.5 per cent, 19 out of 20 times. It was conducted by telephone using live operators at Oraclepoll, using computer-assisted techniques of telephone interviewing and random number selection. It’s this random selection that’s critical to a poll’s reliability, says Ron McGivern, senior lecturer and chair of the departments of sociology and anthropology with Thompson Rivers University, who teaches “If it was based on a random sampling… You probably have reasonable representation there,” said McGivern. who teaches a course on survey design and analysis. McGivern said the survey methodology of the Oraclepoll appears to have followed standard protocols of telephone based surveys laid out by the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. McGivern says he and other members of the association are required to abide by a code of conduct on research. “If we don’t abide by that, well, we’re in trouble,” added McGivern. With files from the Vernon Morning Star.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
Columbia Shuswap Regional District NOTICE OF ALTERNATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS Shuswap Watershed Council Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5705 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of Electoral Areas C, D, E and F of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) and to the electors of the District of Sicamous that approval is being sought for Shuswap Watershed Council Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5705 by use of the alternative approval process. Approval to proceed with the adoption of this bylaw is being sought from the electors of Electoral Areas C, D, E, and F of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and from the electors of the District of Sicamous. Bylaw No. 5705 will establish a service within all of Electoral Areas C, D, E and F of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and within the District of Sicamous. The service proposed to be established under Bylaw No. 5705 is and means: the collaboration, promotion, protection and monitoring of water quality in those parts of the Shuswap Watershed that comprise the Service Area for the purposes of obtaining, coordinating and analyzing water quality monitoring data; protecting and improving water quality and promoting recreational water safety. The maximum amount that may be requisitioned annually for the service is $180,000.00, with the costs to be recovered by a parcel tax applied to each parcel in the service area. Based on the $180,000 annual tax requisition, the annual parcel tax is estimated to be $10.93 per parcel. This amount is subject to change dependent on the parcel tax roll which is verified annually in February of each year. The Board may proceed with adoption of Bylaw No. 5705 unless at least 10% of the electors of Electoral Areas C, D, E and F of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and the District of Sicamous submit a signed Elector Response Form indicating their opposition to adoption of the bylaw by 4 PM on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at the address below: Deputy Manager of Corporate Administration Services Columbia Shuswap Regional District 555 Harbourfront Drive NE Box 978 SALMON ARM, BC V1E 4P1 The number of valid elector responses required to prevent the Board from proceeding with the establishment of the Shuswap Watershed Council Service proposed in Bylaw No. 5705 is 1,534. A copy of the Shuswap Watershed Council Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5705 is available for public inspection on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 through and including Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at the following locations: • CSRD office, 555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Salmon Arm, BC between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM, Monday to Friday (except Statutory Holidays) • CSRD website at www.csrd.bc.ca • District of Sicamous municipal office, 446 Main Street, Sicamous BC between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday (except Statutory Holidays). Elector Response Forms must be in the form established by the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and only those persons who qualify as electors of Electoral Areas C, D, E and F OR electors of the District of Sicamous are entitled to sign an Elector Response Form. Elector Response Forms are available at the CSRD office, on the CSRD website and at the District of Sicamous municipal office at the addresses above. Those persons eligible to sign the Elector Response Form may qualify as either resident electors OR non-resident electors as follows: • 18 years of age or older; and • Canadian citizen; and • resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding November 17, 2015; and • resident of OR registered owner of real property in Electoral Area C, D, E, or F of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District OR the District of Sicamous for at least 30 days immediately prior to November 17, 2015, and • not otherwise disqualified by law from voting. For additional information on the Alternative Approval Process, please contact: Lynda Shykora Deputy Manager, Corporate Administration Services Columbia Shuswap Regional District Phone: 250-833-5939 (direct) OR 250-832-8194 Toll-free: 1-888-248-2773 Email: lshykora@csrd.bc.ca
Visit our website at www.csrd.bc.ca
555 Harbourfront Dr. NE, Salmon Arm, BC | PO Box 978 V1E 4P1 250.832.8194 | Toll Free 1.888.248.2773
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, October 14, 2015
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No quick decision expected on boat ban Need Help? No quick decision is expected on a proposed boat ban on sections of the Shuswap River. It could be January or February before the Regional District of North Okanagan has a firm direction on possibly pursuing restrictions on motorized vessels from south Mabel Lake upstream to Shuswap Falls and from Trinity Valley Road upstream
to the eastern end of Skookumchuck Rapids Park. “We’re waiting for the outcome of the public questionnaires to decide where we will go with this,” said Herman Halvorson, director. “Absolutely no decision has been made.” While some sections of the river could see motorized boats banned, it’s proposed that there be a vessel engine size limit of 10 horsepower from Mara
Lake upstream to Trinity Valley Road. The ultimate decision on restrictions would be made by Transport Canada if the regional district decides to pursue the matter further. “The development of the Shuswap River watershed sustainability plan and subsequent consideration of boating regulations were in response to concerns regarding the Shuswap River watershed that
have been raised within the community and with the regional board over the last 22 years,” said Anna Page, sustainability co-ordinator, in a report. As part of the process, more than 2,000 surveys have been received from the public about boat regulations. The potential future actions by the RDNO board include applying to Transport Canada for boat regulations, considering alterna-
signed authorization from the owner so we can issue those. It will be done fairly quickly,” Marrs told council at that time. However, in his report, Marrs says application fees and a refundable damage deposit for the demolition permit have not yet been paid. He says staff had been advised by the underwriter/adjuster that funds for the demolition had been requested, and the purchase order contract for the work issued but, upon a second inquiry, found no funds had been issued by the insurer. The district has been unable to get a timeline from the adjuster.
Marrs’ report also notes staff spoke with the owner of Extreme Power Sports Inc., Jason Stutzke, on Sept. 8, who said he also wants to see the building demolished and cleaned up as soon as possible, “but is not in a position to fund the expense to complete the work.” Asked who would pay for the demolition, district interim administrator Tim Palmer explained when there is failure to comply with a remedial action order, the district will proceed with remedial action, and that the work would likely be tendered out. Related costs would be added to the property taxes and, should the property owner default, the property would be subject to a tax sale.
“The intent of the remedial action order is to get compliance with the demolition,” said Palmer. “Most of the time remedial action orders are issued, the landowner will comply
with that. In the event that isn’t successful at motivating, then we have those options and we’ll have further dialogue with council at that time.”
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Property owner can appeal decision Continued from front
tive regulations and not applying to Transport Canada. The current process covers from Shuswap Falls to Mara Lake, but there is always the possibility of a phase two in the future.
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By Richard Rolke
Federal election day is Monday
Are you ready to vote? If you’re a Canadian citizen, 18 or older, you can vote in the federal election. Your voter information card tells you when and where to vote. If you didn’t receive your card, you can still register and vote at your polling place.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
Published by Black Press Ltd. 171 Shuswap Street NW, Salmon Arm, B.C.
Conflicting polls confound voting
here’s been a lot of hullaballoo about polling this election. Thanks to technology, voters can tap in daily to a whole host of polls, which appear to show everything from the Conservatives winning another majority government to a possible minority government. Some polls name Harper as the future PM, others suggest its Mulcair, and still more say Trudeau is surging fast for the top job. Locally, as well, the release of a poll commissioned by an ad hoc group of citizens spearheaded by Warren Bell, caused much flurry among the local camps, especially the Liberals, who then commissioned their own survey that countered some of the findings of the Oraclepoll results. Polls can provide some interesting information, as they use a small sampling of the population to draw general conclusions about the entire riding. But the information is simply that – another element in the decision-making process. Everyone can point to polling results which turned out to be terrible predictors of the actual outcome. The 2013 B.C. election is a case in point. Polling results through much of the campaigning period suggested a strong NDP win. Polling conducted a week prior to the election, however, showed the BC Liberals receiving a strong surge in voter support. This indicates how quickly and easily a political party’s fortunes can turn. Other polling grey areas that can cloud outcomes include the margin of error and the number of undecided voters, who can be leaning one way one week, another the next and, in the end, may not vote at all. (In the 2011 federal election, 39 per cent – two out of five – of eligible voters didn’t vote.) While polls can provide useful, and even reasonably accurate data, it is important for voters to educate themselves about their candidates and their positions on issues that matter to you, as well as the positions of the party they represent. Regardless of who wins, making a thoughtful, well-researched decision at the ballot box is the best thing for our democratic system.
Seeing the forests and the trees By Tom Fletcher News Columnist
VICTORIA – There was a flurry of excitement in the B.C. legislature last week, as Delta South independent MLA Vicki Huntington released documents suggesting that a multinational manufacturing company continued to buy up B.C. farms for carbon offsets after they said last June they would stop. False alarm, as it turns out. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick clarified that three more farms in the Peace and Cariboo region had indeed been bought, but the company was merely following legal advice to close deals on farms that it had already agreed to purchase. The company, British-based cleaning product and pharmaceutical maker Reckitt Benckiser (RB) confirmed this. A company official reiterated that its program to buy farms and replant them with trees is suspended.
By the time the B.C. government became aware of this global public relations scheme, thanks to the work of NDP MLA Lana Popham and others, about 10,000 hectares of farmland were already planted with seedlings. RB initially said they were buying up abandoned and unproductive farms, but local government officials disputed that. RB soon realized that undermining already precarious farming communities was going to provide the opposite of the green publicity they sought, at least in B.C. The company told me it is now looking to switch its carbon offset program to replanting forest areas depleted by pine beetle and fire. I’ll believe that when I see it, but on the face of it, this sounds almost as questionable as converting farmland back to forests. Pine forests need fire to regenerate, so fires have been part of the regeneration of the ecosystem since the retreat of the last Ice Age.
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Beetle-kill areas are already coming back, and they were never completely denuded in any case, so the notion of manual planting these areas seems impractical. Most are now crisscrossed with deadfall and all but impassible. Another situation that received little public attention was a report issued late this summer by the B.C. Forest Practices Board about forest stewardship plans. The board reviewed 43 stewardship plans from all regions of B.C., prepared as required under provincial law by forest tenure holders on Crown land. They are supposed to deal with things like where roads go and how streams are protected. This is the management system put in place in 2003, when the B.C. Liberal government changed its approach to “results-based” forest management, where licence holders had to produce a plan showing stream protection and other values. The Forest Practices Board
PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Terry Sinton PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison
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has found these plans often aren’t good for much, although results are generally good when they follow up with on-the-ground audits of actual timber harvest areas. The investigation found that many of the plans cover “vast and overlapping areas of the province, and were written using legal language that makes them very difficult for public understanding or review.” Little has changed since a similar finding in 2006. During that time, the forests ministry was turned into Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, with greatly increased responsibility over wildlife, mining, gas drilling and so on. Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald, who travelled the province as NDP forests critic in recent years, says the problem now is there just aren’t enough people on the ground to assess what’s going on in our huge expanse of Crown land.
Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, October 14, 2015
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Sicamous Vision Care Centre
1) Do you support a public health-care system and how do you think it could be improved? 2) How would you plan to address the need for affordable housing in the North Okanagan-Shuswap?
Response to Question 1
Response to Question 2
The Liberal Party is committed to publiclyfunded universal health care. We need to make a shift from physician/hospital-based care to an integrated, primary care system which is multidisciplinary, patient-centred, and committed to managing chronic disease within community, home, and long-term care settings. We will negotiate a new Health Accord with the provinces and provide long-term stable funding, starting with $3 billion over four years for additional and improved home-care services. We will create new centres of excellence that will specialize in mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder, and related issues for both veterans and first responders.
We will prioritize new investment in affordable housing and seniors’ facilities as part of our 10-year investment of nearly $20 billion in social infrastructure, including $125 million annually in tax incentives to increase and renovate the supply of rental housing. This is an opportunity for North OkanaganShuswap where some people have no housing and others lack affordable housing. Affordable housing Cindy is a government issue. Liberals will take action and Derkaz work collaboratively with all levels of government to provide sustained funding. Many Canadians are priced out of home ownership, putting pressure on crowded rental markets and on affordable housing units.
Response to Question 1
Response to Question 2
Health care remains one of the leading expressed concerns in this region. Tommy Douglas pioneered public health care and NDP will defend it. Progress on wait times has stalled. Canadians now wait longer in the ER, or to see their family doctor than in other countries. To reduce wait times, we will invest $300 million to build 200 community health clinics and hire 7,000 health care professionals. The NDP government will stop Harper’s unilateral cuts and returning to collaboration with provinces. We will initiate a pharmacare plan and improve access to home care. We will invest millions in mental health.
The NDP developed the Affordable Housing Act, which the Conservatives opposed. Justin Trudeau simply missed the vote. NDP will enact the Affordable Housing Act ensuring secure, adequate, and affordable housing as a right for Canadians. The NDP will provide incentives and resources, including construction of 10,000 affordable and market housing units, incorporating green technology in these new buildings. Jacqui Gingras Over $2 billion will be invested in co-operatives/ social housing and co-operative agreements will be renewed. Critical to this region are housing needs for seniors. We need to ensure that there is appropriate housing for seniors along with adequate and integrated home care.
Response to Question 1
Response to Question 2
The Greens support the Canada Health Act (CHA) and its principles. We oppose any level of privatized, for-profit health care. I would work to: 1. Identify and measure the extent of two-tier health care in Canada and strive for the elimination of two-tier health care as quickly as economically possible; 2. Use the full force of federal spending power under the Canada Health Act to oppose any steps that open the way to further two-tier health care in Canada. 3. Provide more money to hire staff to open closed beds, utilize existing operating rooms in hospitals, and purchase new diagnostic equipment.
The Green Housing Strategy addresses the continuum of needs – from social housing for those in poverty or dealing with mental health and addiction problems, to First Nation housing crises, to the market failures depriving those with even a decent income of access to the affordable housing they need. We can ensure that all housing needs are met. We will implement a National Housing Strategy Chris based on Housing First principles. Housing First is George a proven, recovery-oriented approach that centres on quickly moving people experiencing homelessness into independent, permanent housing, and then providing additional supports and services as needed.
Response to Question 1
Response to Question 2
I support a public health system in Canada that provides universal health to all Canadians. B.C. alone will receive over $4.4B in health transfers this year from the federal government who is committed to ensuring that health care remains a national priority. While parts of our health-care system are better managed at a local or provincial level, some components may be improved with support at a national level. For example, our Conservative government has implemented bulk purchasing of prescription drugs for federal programs and is working with the provinces on enhancing this program.
While local communities can best identify their individual housing challenges, all levels of government must work collectively on affordable housing. I will work toward expansion of existing CMHC programs like the Affordable Housing Centre providing seed money to cover costs incurred during the proposal and development stage of affordable housing projects. Further, tax incentives for developers or landlords will affect the inventory of Mel low-income housing within our communities. The Arnold Conservative government has underwritten nearly $1.7B in social transfers to B.C. this year, indicating that safe shelter is a basic human need – and a priority for me.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
By Martha Wickett
of this bill, Elizabeth May voted against it. She didn’t put her finger in the air to see which way the political wind was blowing.” He pointed out he is not a Supreme Court judge, but he can read – and he read that people could be held in detention for five days without charge, and that secret trials without witnesses could be held. “We have very much forgotten who we are. We are Canadians and we are not afraid,” he said to an eruption of loud applause. Arnold said one key duty of the prime minister is to keep Canadians safe. “That was the intent,” he said, adding that prior to the bill, if enforcement agencies knew of a threat they couldn’t share it with
Candidates debate health care, veterans and Bill C-51 Eagle Valley News
Fair treatment for veterans and getting rid of Bill C-51 drew some of the largest rounds of applause at Thursday night’s all-candidates meeting. More than 150 people packed the Fifth Avenue Seniors Activity Centre to hear the views of the four candidates vying to become the North Okanagan-Shuswap MP. The first four questions the candidates answered, in random speaking order, came from the host Shuswap and District Retired Teachers Association, while the remaining 12 were generated by the audience. In what was a civil debate with few barbs thrown, health care and supports for seniors and veterans were predominant topics, with questions also ranging from price gouging at the gas pumps to the future of the CBC. Asked how the parties would meet the medical needs of Canadians without extra charges or discrimination, Jacqui Gingras of the NDP referred to the creation of Medicare by the “steel will and determination of Tommy Douglas,” and said the national health accord must be renegotiated with the provinces. To applause, she noted that 20 per cent of seniors in B.C. live in poverty
Vying for the vote: Candidates Jacqui Gingras, Cindy Derkaz and Mel Arnold listen as Chris George responds to a question during an all-candidates meeting held Thursday, Oct. 8 at the Fifth Avenue Seniors Activity Centre in Salmon Arm. Photo by Martha Wickett and should have universal access to affordable medication, which has been put in jeopardy by the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Chris George of the Green Party said the Greens understand that health is about more than just health care. He noted that Canadians are in the midst of a cancer epidemic that no one wants to talk about. Greens would tax the creation of toxins, he said. Conservative candidate Mel Arnold said the Conservatives support the five basic principles of Medicare, and have increased the amount of health care transfers by 70 per cent since 2006. He said the federal government has penalized B.C. doctors for billing separately. Cindy Derkaz of the Liberal Party said the Liberals negotiated the health care accord that has now expired and noted the prime min-
ister has not met with the provinces since 2009 – a problem that Justin Trudeau would remedy. She said health care needs to be patient centred, keeping people healthy at home longer. Regarding care for seniors, George promoted a “guaranteed livable income,” which he said would lift all Canadians out of poverty, including seniors. He said the plan was implemented in Dauphin, Manitoba and resulted in the reduction of acute care visits to hospital as well as an increase in the number of high school graduates. A response to a question about veterans drew one of the loudest crowd reactions: “It is widely acknowledged that today’s veterans have been shabbily treated with respect to veterans of the Second World War. If elected, what will your government do?”
Arnold said while there may be some veterans who have received shabby treatment, he disagrees with the wideranging description. He said the Conservatives are responding to the needs expressed by a non-partisan committee on veterans. Gingras drew laughter when she said, “We’re clearly talking to different veterans,” noting those she’s spoken to are facing profound difficulties. She said people need to stop believing that bombing is a way to achieve peace. The loudest applause came when she stated: “If we’re going to initiate that conflict, we need to provide appropriate care for our veterans when they return home.” Derkaz said the Liberals will re-establish life-long pensions for veterans. “We’re not going to just pay out lump sums.”
More loud applause erupted when she noted that the government can spend $125 million on an election but can’t keep nine offices serving veterans open. “There’s something profoundly wrong.” George said a number of specifics have been changed for veterans over the past 15 years and veterans deserve better treatment when they return. “Greens think this is fundamentally wrong.” One question asked the candidates about Bill C-51, which it said had sparked many concerns about Canadians’ rights and freedoms. Gingras said the NDP would repeal the Draconian law. She said four previous prime ministers and Supreme Court judges, among others, have spoken against it and asked why Trudeau didn’t vote against it. George spoke next. “At the first reading
each other. “There’s a lot of misbelief about C-51 – the main reason it was brought in was to keep Canadians safe.” His response was met with some applause and the first two ‘boos’ of the evening. Derkaz said the bill was going to be rammed through the house with the majority Harper government, so the Liberals went to work to amend it. “We proposed 22 amendments. The NDP voted against everyone,” she said, adding that rights to protest were maintained and the number of agencies that can share information went from unlimited to 17. “If the Liberals are elected, we are committed to amending that bill.”
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To be continued...
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Stomp gives back to community Burnout: Organization asks for $10,000 for 2016.
By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
Despite receiving some critical feedback, the success of this year’s Summer Stomp enabled the organization to give back to the community. In a presentation to municipal council, Stomp CEO/producer Steve Hammer said the non-profit group was able to make several donations from the proceeds of this year’s event. The Sicamous Legion received about $5,000, while $1,500 went to the Sicamous food bank. Another $2,000 went to the Salmon Arm Elks, and $1,600 was given to both the Easter Seals House and Ronald McDonald House in the Lower Mainland. Hammer said there’s still another $2,000 earmarked for Sicamous. “Whether that’s the food bank or there’s a project going on at a school or a park or something, we’d be happy to get some feedback from the council and the staff,� said Hammer. Number-wise, Hammer said there was about 1,850 people in paid attendance on the Stomp grounds this year, and he estimated between 4,000 and 5,000 people visited the community during the four-day event. Hammer also noted the organization put $4,500 into the Main Street events, which he said don’t make any money. “It does create a little bit of havoc on Main Street,� said Hammer.
“There are some marks that are left and some people have some issues with it, others don’t. I think it brings a lot, not only financially, to Sicamous, but also social benefits in getting people out. A lot of the community is out on the street.� Hammer did refer to a “little survey� put out by the Sicamous and District Chamber
of more information to local businesses to provide customers; focusing more on including the community and its businesses, adding more family-friendly events downtown, considering a two-day event to make it worth it for participants, vendors and local businesses and sticking to the planned schedule. “We did stick to
I think it brings a lot, not only financially, to Sicamous, but also social benefits in getting people out. A lot of the community is out on the street. Steve Hammer Summer Stomp
of Commerce inviting feedback from local businesses and residents on the Stomp. “The big comments‌ the feedback that we got out of that, really, was that the advertising needs to be a little bit better in town. I’m going to blame that on the Eagle Valley,â€? said Hammer, referring to the Eagle Valley News. A summary of the survey’s results, released by the chamber, states the “community is definitely divided over the Summer Stomp and Burnout,â€? but respondents felt if the planning committee could address key issues, they could get more people on board with hosting the event. Those issues, along with “providing more and better advertising,â€? include the provision
schedules fairly well,� said Hammer. To the question, Overall, how would you rate the Summer Stomp and Burnout, with 1 being very poor, 2 being poor, 3 average, 4 good and 5 excellent, the total average from individual respondents was 4.1, and 3.7 from businesses. Asked, How organized did you feel
the event was, the total average from business respondents was 2.6, and 2.9 from individuals. Along with his report, Hammer made a couple of requests to council. One was to either apply to the Agricultural Land Commission to get the Sicamous Dog Park, aka the Stomp Grounds, out of the Agricultural Land Reserve, or seek a five year extension with the ALC to allow the event to continue. The second request was for funding for the Main Street events. “The district did contribute $7,500 for 2015 for Main Street, and we’re asking for $10,000 to be contributed to the Main Street event for 2016, along with a few‌ person hours for district staff,â€? said Hammer. Regarding the $2,000 donation, Mayor Terry Rysz said council could certainly find a home for it. As for Hammer’s requests, he said council will be discussing them in upcoming budget deliberations.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
Student lunch program expands By Barb Brouwer
Eagle Valley News
More students will be getting lunch this year as a partnership between the Salmon Arm Rotary Club and Askew’s Foods expands. In October 2014, the service club and Askew’s launched a school lunch program for children in need of daily lunch assistance at elementary schools. The program provided assistance to children from Falkland, Enderby, Salmon Arm, Silver Creek, Sorrento and Sicamous. Now the program will not only continue but funds have been secured to include high
schools in Salmon Arm, Sicamous and Enderby for the coming year. The idea grew from club member Kari Wilkinson’s request for $250 to support a PAC Hot Lunch program after noticing the number of children who could not afford to participate in the program. The lunch program served approximately 250 to 275 children on a daily basis from October through June. Kids were provided healthy foods including cheese, fruit, vegetables, granola bars, sandwiches, juice, and milk. Organizers in each school are responsible
for shopping for their own lunch ingredients and distribution within the school. “The positive outcomes from this program included improved attendance, and students more focused and ready to learn as a result of not being hungry,” says Wilkinson. “Anxiety levels decreased around food security, and a positive change in behaviour was noted in vulnerable students.” Wilkinson says there was also no stress or stigma for students to get the lunch support needed as items were made available to all children in need, including those who
might just have left their lunch at home. As Rotary Lunch Program co-ordinator, Wilkinson is thrilled the program will not only continue but funds have been secured to include high schools in Salmon Arm, Sicamous and Enderby for the coming year. To help raise the funds, the Salmon Arm Rotary Club will be raffling off a threeminute Askew’s Foods Shopping Spree again this fall. Corporate partners are also welcome to sponsor the program. For more information, contact Kari Wilkinson, 250-832-8261 or kari@ toliverdesign.com.
LASS welcomes new co-ordinator The Literacy Alliance of the Shuswap Society (LASS) has welcomed Darcy Calkins as the new Literacy Outreach coordinator for the North Okanagan-Shuswap area. Calkins is a busy, active mum of four who loves to cook yet still finds time to curl up with a good book. Originally from Salmon Arm, Calkins went farther afield to the University of Victoria where she earned a bachelor of engineering before heading to the University of Calgary to earn her Bachelor of Education. She travelled farther still to Bangladesh to teach for a year before landing in the Sooke School District where she taught high school mathematics. In 2012 – 20 years after she graduated from high school in Salmon Arm – Calkins returned to her hometown with her young family and will now oversee all of the LASS literacy programs and initiatives as the new Literacy Outreach Coordinator. Calkins will be takEAGLE VALLEY
NEWS 171 Shuswap St. Salmon Arm
ing over the position from Jennifer Findlay who has been with LASS for the past fiveand-a-half years. It is with mixed feelings that Findlay leaves the organization to continue her work with School District #83. “It has been so amazing to watch this community literacy organization grow over the years. Back in 2010, I was the sole employee and my kitchen table, mini-van, and local coffee shops were my office spaces,” remem-
Darcy Calkins LASS
bers Findlay. LASS currently has eight employees, more than 200 dedicated volunteers, a downtown office space and many literacy programs for learners of all ages. “I am so grateful
for all of the amazing people in our community who have helped support LASS and community literacy over the years – our volunteer board, LASS staff, volunteers, community organizations, local businesses, local media, and government officials,” said Findlay. “I will greatly miss connecting, collaborating and learning from them all but I plan to be a continued community supporter of LASS and all things literacyrelated.”
WORSHIP In Sicamous
Fire smart: Parkview
Elementary student Joel Price shares a moment with Sicamous Fire Chief Brett Ogino during the school’s fire safety awareness day. Photo contributed
THE Best Choice FOR OTTAWA AND THE NORTH OKANAGAN-SHUSWAP. I have been working hard to earn your vote. I will work tirelessly to bring REAL CHANGE to our riding and Canada, while holding true to our guiding principles of building the economy; respecting our environment; restoring democracy and infrastructure investment.
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If your church would like to advertise their services and location, or special events happening at your church, please call The Eagle Valley News at 250-517-0034 for advertising here. or email tbl@cablelan.net
Choice for our riding.
Authorized by the Official Agent for Cindy Derkaz.
SALMON ARM 250.804.0660
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, October 14, 2015
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Jersey auction to support Megan Senn
Tough month
October hasn’t been easy for the Eagles. As of press time, the was on a four-game losing streak, to reside at the bottom of the Doug
Birks Division with four points. On Oct. 3, the Eagles wound up on the losing end of a 7-4 contest versus the Osoyoos Coyotes. Eagle Alex Astasiewicz was named first star in this physical, penaltyheavy game. On Oct. 9, the Eagles were in the Cariboo to where they lost 5-1 to 100 Mile. Nathan Plessis put the Eagles on the board with an unassisted marker in the first frame.
An Oct. 10 home game saw guests the Kamloops Storm earn a 5-4 win. Plessis was named first star for this game, after potting the final goal of the evening. The following night, on Oct. 11, the Eagles suffered a 7-1 defeat to the Coyotes. Once again Plessis received first-star honours, and was responsible for Sicamous’ single. Game time is 7 p.m. for the Oct. 16/17 matches.
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Authorized by the Official Agent for Chris George
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Happy Corkers U-Vin, Clothing and Gifts
ew p r n hi de ers Un wn o
Sicamous Business Directory
On the block: The Sicamous Eagles will be auctioning off specially-designed jerseys in support of Megan Senn. Photo contributed
No computer? No internet? Phone us to book a visit with your Green candidate!
Authorized by the Official Agent for Chris George
Wine & Gifts
The Sicamous Eagles will be back in the pink for a cause. On Oct. 16 and 17, when they host the Chase Heat and the 100 Mile House Wranglers, the Eagles will be wearing specially made black jerseys with emblazoned with a pink ribbon in support of
end of the second period. Bids can be submitted via text message to 1-250-517-9243, or emailed to fred77@ telus.net. There will also be bidding sheets available at both game. “Lets make this work for Megan and her family,” said March.
Happy Corkers
Eagle Valley News
Megan Senn, a local youth who is battling leukemia at Vancouver Children’s Hospital. Eagles general manager Wayne March said the jerseys will be auctioned off, and money raised will go to Senn’s family. Bidding on the jerseys will start on the night of Oct. 16 and finish on 17th of at the
By Lachlan Labere
Virtual Campaign Office: chris.george@greenparty.ca www.facebook.com/BCGreenShuswap Website: chrisgeorge.greenparty.ca Vision: greenparty.ca/platform Cell: 250-463-2629
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Cards of Thanks
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Thank You to all who have given their time, prayers, hugs, donations, food and all sorts of efforts for Megan Senn. Megan is just at the beginning of a two year
treatment regime for leukemia.
We are touched by everyone’s concern and love for Megan! Love from Megan’s Family, extended family & friends
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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, October 14, 2015
www.eaglevalleynews.com A11
Oct. 16 Early Years Fair 9:30 am to 11:30 am at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre. Come and enjoy the displays, fish pond, crafts, circle time and snacks. For more information, call Gwyneth at 250836-3440. Nov. 2 Learn to Skate Session 2 A program that teaches the fundamentals of skating to children. To register or for info contact Jamie 836-2477. Monday to Friday Community Access Site at the Senior’s Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Internet & related services. Call Diana. 836-2446
Every Tuesday
Sicamous Baby Talk 9 - 11 am Free drop-in program for parents & babies to 12 months of age. Sicamous health unit Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700. Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Sicamous Strongstart 12:30-3:30 Parkview Elementary 8362871
Every Wednesday
Malakwa Parent & Tot ~ 10:00 – 12:00 pm ~ Malakwa Preschool Building. For more information call Gwyneth 250836-3440 Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 2:15 pm at Parkview. Brownies - 3:30 pm at Legion. New members welcome! Leaders needed. 250-836-3366 or online: girlguides.ca United Church Thrift Store Open 10:00 am to 3 p.m. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Bev 836-3435 or Ed 836-4133 T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250836-4041 for info. 1st & 3rd Wed. Parkinsons Support Group Contact Don at 250-838-0794. 1st & 3rd Wed. Eagle Valley Photographic Arts Club meets at the Red Barn at 7 pm. Everyone Welcome.
DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays
Every Thursday
Last Sat. of the Month Ladies’ Auxiliary Dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion at 6 pm. Tickets sold until the Friday before at the Legion. No tickets at the door.
Sicamous Strongstart 12:30-3:30 Parkview elementary 8362871
Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome.
Malakwa Thrift Store between the 2 churches Open every Thursday 10-5. Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every 2nd Thursday Sicamous Lions Club meeting at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Doors open at 6:15 and meeting starts at 6:30. Anyone interested in being a volunteer for the community, please feel free to call Mary at 250-517-8107, Joan at 250-836-4876 or Pam at 250-836-4788. 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 4th Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:00 in the Learning Centre Library.
Every Friday
Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at the Sicamous Resource Center. Free Drop-in program for parents & children to age 6. Active play, crafts and socialization. 836-3440.
Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Carol 250-8363135 or Amy 250-836-4756. www.eaglevalleybrushandpalette. com Pool Tournament at the Legion at 6:00 pm 1st Friday of the month Sicamous Seniors Ctre general meeting 11 am followed by a great pot luck lunch. We encourage everyone to join us. 2nd 3rd and 4th Friday Wii Tournament at 10 am at the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Everyone Welcome. Lunch at noon. Everyone Welcome. At the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue.
Every Saturday
Indoor market at the Red Barn 10 am - 3 pm. Concession from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm United Church Thrift Store open 10:00 am to 3 p.m. Morning tailgate market Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 – Everyone welcome – sell anything – for details call Murray @250-836-2224.
thy Braden McCar
Position: Defense Home Town: Salmon Arm Age: 18 Weight: 187
KARMA YOGA (Gentle Hatha) Sundays 5:30 pm @ I Am Yoga. 60 minutes (Studio) KARMA MEDITATION CIRCLE ~Sundays 9:30 am ~ 30 minutes (Main Street Landing green space when it shines, studio when it rains.) * Suggested $5 min. donation or pay what you can! Every 4th Sunday Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 1 p.m. Birthday Tea (formerly the OAPO) for members and friends at Seniors Activity Ctre 1:30 pm. Everyone is Welcome.
Sicamous and District
Recreation Centre WEDNESDAY Oct. 14 Public Skating: 9 am - 10:45 am Lunch Bunch: 12:15 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 3:45 pm Eagles 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm Novice 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm ATOM 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm SA JUV 7:45 pm - 9 pm
Height: 5’9”
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Mon., Wed. & Fri Sicamous Strongstart 8:15-11:15 Parkview Elementary 8362871
This is a FREE listing of community events for not-forprofit organizations and paid advertisers.
tHURSDAY Oct. 15 Public Skating: 9 am - 10:45 am Lunch Bunch: 12:15 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 3:45 pm Eagles 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm Pre Novice 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm SA Midget T2 6:45 pm - 8:00 pm SA Midget T3 8:15 pm - 9:30 pm FRiDAY Oct. 16 Public Skating: 9 am - 10:45 am Lunch Bunch: 12:15 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 3:45 pm Learn to Skate: 4:00 -6:00 pm Chase vs Sicamous Skate for Cancer 7 pm - 9 pm
SAtURDAY Oct. 17 SA Atom Div B 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm 100 Mile vs Sicamous Skate for Cancer 7 pm - 9 pm SUNDAY Oct. 18 SA Atom Div B 11:45 am - 1:45 pm MONDAY Oct. 19 Public Skating: 9 am - 10:45 am Lunch Bunch: 12:15 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 3:45 pm Eagles Practise 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm Novice 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Atom 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Old Timers 7:45 pm - 9:00 pm tUESDAY Oct. 20 Public Skating: 9 am - 10:45 am Lunch Bunch: 12:15 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 3:45 pm Eagles Practise 4 pm - 5:15 pm Prenovice 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm SA Midget T3 6:45 pm - 8 pm
Rec Centre Gym open 8:00 am to close. Full Membership: $20 a month (250) 836-2283 • arena@cablelan.net • Box 665 Sicamous
Eagle Valley News welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. Letters must be signed and include writer’s address or phone number for verification purposes only. No thank yous to specific businesses please.
Letters can be emailed to lachlan@saobserver.net or faxed to 250.832.5140
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Home Game Friday, 0ctober 16th
Sicamous vs Chase Heat
Home Game Saturday, October 17th
Sicamous vs 100 Mile House
Away Game Friday, October 23rd
Sicamous vs North Okanagan Knights Sicamous & District Recreation Centre
A12 www.eaglevalleynews.com
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
Trail Alliance benefits from CSRD support By Barb Brouwer Eagle Valley News
The Shuswap Trail Alliance (STA) received financial support and kudos from the Columbia Shuswap Regional District at the Sept. 17 board meeting in Salmon Arm. Directors unanimously approved $40,000 per year from the parks budget for a four-year term in operational funding, plus an annual provincial consumer price index increase to a maximum of two per cent annually. CSRD has been involved in a three-year pilot project with the alliance at the $40,000 level that expires Dec. 31. “The STA has excelled in creating partnerships with volunteer groups and organizations and has collaborated extensively with First Nations, building strong relationships to foster trail development,” wrote Community Services team leader Ryan Nitchie in his report to the board. “The STA has also built a strong contingent of volunteers and stewards whose efforts and inkind contributions toward trail maintenance and development is invaluable.” Thanking Trail Alliance co-ordinator Phil McIntyre Paul, who was in the gallery, Salmon Arm director Chad Eliason said the organization has done many more intangible things for Salmon Arm
and CSRD in terms of government relations, setting of standards for the province and community and First Nations relations – “all the work he has done to make us look good and bring the province together.” But Eliason noted he supported the fouryear contract, noting that while he wanted the work to continue, it gives the next board the opportunity to continue or withdraw support. “As the second largest contributor in the region, I am happy with what is being done,” said Area F North Shuswap director Larry Morgan. Salmon Arm Mayor Nancy Cooper said the benefits have extended beyond trail building and maintenance. “It has resulted in a number of events being held here, and now we have the Healthy Communities initiative,” she said. “I do believe Salmon Arm is better for all the work that has been done.” Area E Rural Sicamous director and board chair Rhona Martin echoed the praise delivered by other directors. “I am grateful for your ability to share your knowledge when we are negotiating our way through some tricky things,” she said. “At the end of the day, we have healthier people and people are coming to spend their dollars here.”
Letters Eagle Valley News welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality.
Letters must be signed and include writer’s address or phone number for verification purposes only. No thank yous to specific businesses please.
Letters can be emailed to lachlan@saobserver.net or faxed to 250.832.5140
Columbia Shuswap Regional District PROPOSED: RURAL SICAMOUS LAND USE AMENDMENT (Shandy Cove) Bylaw No. 2062 Lakes Zoning Amendment (Shandy Cove) Bylaw No. 900-11
What is Rural Sicamous Land Use Amendment (Shandy Cove) Bylaw No. 2062? Bylaw No. 2062 proposes to introduce a revised Map A into Rural Sicamous Land Use Bylaw No. 2000, which illustrates the Shandy Cove property, as shown outlined in bold red on the map below:
Bylaw No. 2062 also proposes to rezone the subject property Lot B, Section 25, Township 21, Range 8, West of the 6th Meridian, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 13404, located at 9866 Mara West Road from RC – Resort Commercial to a proposed new CDE3 Comprehensive Development Zone 3 – Shandy Cove to support the existing use of the property, as shown hatched on the map below:
Electoral Area E
Some new definitions are also proposed to be added to the bylaw. What is Lakes Zoning Amendment (Shandy Cove) Bylaw No. 900-11? Bylaw No. 900 currently zones Mara Lake adjacent to the subject property is FM2 Foreshore Multi-Family 2. The FM2 zone currently limits the number of berths to 20 at a group moorage facility. The proposed site specific density for Shandy Cove is proposed to be 32 berths.When? Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 6:00 PM Where? Sicamous and District Recreation Centre, Second Floor, 1121 Eagle Pass Way, Sicamous, BC
Bylaw No. 2062 also proposes to re--designate the subject property Lot B, Section 25, Township 21, Range 8, West of the 6th Meridian, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 13404, located at 9866 Mara West Road, from RC Resort Commercial to Shandy Cove – Comprehensive Development Area as shown hatched on the map below:
Who should attend? Anyone who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw Amendments shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the Bylaws at the Public Hearing. How can I find out more about this rezoning amendment? A copy of the proposed bylaws and relevant background documents may be inspected at the CSRD offices, 555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Salmon Arm, BC between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM., beginning Tuesday, October 13, 2015 and ending Wednesday, October 28, 2015 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory holidays). How do I send a written submission? Written submissions will be received in the Regional District Offices until 4 p.m. on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 or may be submitted until the close of the public hearing. Written submissions received will be available to the public and the applicant. Email submissions may be sent to: dpassmore@csrd.bc.ca
Electoral Area E
Who can I speak to about this application? Dan Passmore, Senior Planner T: 250.833.5915 dpassmore@csrd.bc.ca
Visit our website at www.csrd.bc.ca
555 Harbourfront Dr. NE, Salmon Arm, BC | PO Box 978 V1E 4P1 | 250.832.8194 | Toll Free 1.888.248.2773