Lake Country Calendar, October 14, 2015

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Calendar th

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Lake Country

Petrina Koltun R



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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

your home is where my heart is

October 14, 2015


in Lake Country were called to a residence on Glenmore Road near Chase Road on Sunday, Oct. 4, where a fire was reported burning out of control. Three fire trucks responded and firefighters knocked the blaze down in about an hour, but not before two out-buildings were destroyed. Lake Country fire chief Steve Windsor said the blaze started in a nearby vehicle that the property owner was working on and spread to two garages and a nearby log pile before it was could be extinguished.

Hard of hearing advocate gets the message at all-candidates meeting. ...............................


RCMP remind all drivers to take all valuables out of your car and lock the doors wherever you park it. Thieves have been busy in Lake Country targeting vehicles to steal credit cards, cash, wallets, portable computers and other electronics. ...............................



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Agriculture, connection with Lake Country KEVIN PARNELL Questions surrounding the agriculture community, how to best market Okanagan fruit and vegetables and the candidates relationship with Lake Country were front and centre last week as the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce held a federal election all-candidates forum. Along with the other

topics such as the economy (see story page A3), candidates Ron Cannan of the Conservatives, Norah Bowman of the NDP and Stephen Fuhr of the Liberals were quizzed on a variety of topics close to the hearts of Lake Country residents including help for the agriculture industry. The candidates were asked about any new

plans for the agriculture industry in the party platforms. Conservative Ron Cannan said his party will continue to look into more technology advancements that could help the industry and try to break down inter-provincial trade barriers to make Okanagan fruit widely available across Canada. “We partnered with

the province to change the processing at the Packinghouse to a brine so that if there is a spill they can just clean it up instead of having to evacuate the plant,” he said. “We will continue to work with technology and innovation to make sure we have the best supply available and to partner with the province on replanting programs.”

Norah Bowman of the NDP said her party would bring in pay first legislation to ensure growers are paid first when they sell products to the USA as opposed to what happens now when a buyer may go broke before paying the local supplier. She also said they want to work on increasing the amount of fruit being planted.

“We have some of the best quality soft fruits in the world so we’re going to make some investment in infrastructure and research so that we have a strong industry,” she said, adding they will introduce a program called from farm to fork to increase the access to farm fresh food.


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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Candidates quizzed on economy and more at Lake Country forum KEVIN PARNELL More money for infrastructure projects, an aging workforce, Can-

ada’s reliance on the oil industry, a recession, deficits and investing in small- and medium-size businesses.

All of those topics and more were raised by the three candidates running for federal office in the Kelowna-Lake Coun-

try riding as they answered questions about the economy in front of a boisterous crowd of about 200 citizens in

Lake Country on Wednesday night. When asked about the three most pressing issues facing the Can-


adian economy, the candidates had a variety of responses. Incumbent Conservative MP Ron Cannan told the crowd that one of the biggest issues facing Canada is the aging workforce and the need for partnerships to continue to grow our nation’s skilled labour pool. “There was a study done that said in the valley by 2020 there is going to be a need for 100,000 jobs and they anticipate only having about half of those filled so we need to ensure we are working with Okanagan College and UBC Okanagan to ensure students have the skills that are going to be needed,” said Cannan. The Conservatives, he said, have an $80-billion infrastructure program to help communities deal with things like aging roads. “The government doesn’t create jobs, entrepreneurs create jobs, so we have to make sure the money is there for entrepreneurs to take their idea to market.” Liberal candidate Stephen Fuhr hammered away at Canada’s current job creation record and economic growth and said a Liberal plan would put $125 billion towards helping Canadian cities deal with infrastructure shortages. “We are in a recession and a deficit,” he said. “We have the worst

economic growth record since the 1930s and A the worst job creation record since World War II. We’re going to invest money from the ground up. We’re going to put more into the pockets of Canadians with a more generous tax-free child benefit and a lower middle income tax bracket. To create jobs you invest in infrastructure. That’s the most cost-effective way that you create jobs.” NDP candidate Norah Bowman said the first thing Canada must do is cut its reliance on the oil industry and invest money in alternative energy and innovation. “We need an oil industry in Canada, we need to keep it going, but we also need to diversify so the NDP is proposing to stop subsidizing the oil companies to the degree they are subsidized and use some of that money to invest in alternative energy and innovation,” said Bowman. “The economy is driven by families and people going to work and schoolE so we’re going to create one million child care t spaces at no more than w $15 a day.” t The economy was just o one of several topics the candidates touched on o during the all-candiu dates forum, which had l pre-submitted questions, r allowing the candidates P

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 14, 2015 A3

Agri industry, marketing ALL-CANDIDATES A1 Liberal Stephen Fuhr said his party has money set aside for sector specific improvements which includes the agriculture industry as well as promoting consumpztion of Okanagan fruits. “That will improve the efficiency and technology that will help farmers do what they do, it’s money set aside for improvement in agriculture whether it be irrigation or pesticide help. I’d like to work with the community to find out exactly what they need so I can go to Ottawa and bring it back for them.” All three candidates were also asked the question of why their party should form government at this time. Cannan was asked why the Conservatives should be re-elected with

many Canadians saying it’s time for change. “We’ve got a proven track record with our Prime Minster of solid leadership not only at home. We are in the second round of balanced budget, we have the lowest tax rate in 50 years, we created 1.3 million jobs since the recession. It’s not time for change, time to go into deficit situations. We are doing this with a balanced budget. It’s fiscally responsible and we are looked at around the world as a leader.” Bowman was asked why the NDP should be given a chance now, after never forming the federal government. “Right now the NDP is the federal opposition,” she said. “(Leader) Tom Mulcair has been standing up to Harper for four years. We voted against

Bill C 51 because it was against the principles of being Canadian and we voted against omnibus bills taking away things like health care for refugees and taking away protection of our lakes and waters and slashing funding to health care in the future.” Fuhr (Liberals) was asked why Canadians should elect the Liberals after they were decimated in the 2011 election. “The Liberals were decimated in the 2011 election because they deserved to be decimated. There was institutional arrogance that was nauseating and essentially Canadians sent a message that they should probably think about sending again very soon,” he said. “When we see government deviate from what we want, we need to send a message. As


KELOWNA-LAKE COUNTRY federal candidates NDP Norah Bowman (left), Conservative Ron Cannan

and Liberal Stephen Fuhr at the all-candidates meeting held in Lake Country last week. far as standing up to Mr. Harper, Mr. Trudeau is

Baker: ‘Work with whoever is in power’ ECONOMY FROM A2 to answer each query without follow up questions from a moderator or the audience. Lake Country Mayor James Baker said it’s unfortunate that the Kelowna-Lake Country race is without a Green Party candidate as he felt the Greens had some good environmental and social policies. But Baker said his municipality will work with whoever is in power, trying to access federal funding to help with infrastructure as well as with social programs such as affordable housing. “What I’m hearing is each of the candidates and parties in our area have pretty similar policy with regard to infrastructure. All of them are saying they would certainly be contributing towards infrastructure. To a large extent things that we have to deal


We need an oil industry in Canada…but we also need to diversify…stop subsidizing the oil companies…and…invest in alternative energy and innovation.” Norah Bowman, NDP

with at local government level, we need funding from both senior government, federal and provincial. We have certainly benefitted from it in the past whether our local candidates is in opposition or government, they have been very effective in getting things for local government.” Other topics included questions about the chronic shortage of doc-


We’re going to put more [money] into the pockets of Canadians with a more generous tax-free child benefit and a lower middle income tax bracket.” Stephen Fuhr, Liberal

tors, how the parties would help promote the agriculture industry as well as the legalization of marijuana, one of the few topics the parties were split on. Bowman said the NDP would decriminalize marijuana immediately upon election allowing them to start the process of taking the control of pot out of the hands of organ-


…we need to ensure we are working with Okanagan College and UBC Okanagan to ensure students have the skills that are going to be needed.” Ron Cannan, Conservative

ized crime. Fuhr said the Liberals will legalize marijuana but said there are more pressing issues such as the economy. Cannan said he thinks the issue needs an adult discussion but is uncomfortable with either legalization or decriminalization, saying it’s a poor message to kids to make it available the same way alcohol is. The federal election is Oct. 19.

not standing up to Mr. Harper, he is standing

up for all Canadians and that’s what this is about.”



Lake Country hard of hearing advocate informed for election KEVIN PARNELL For the first time in her lifetime, Arlene Brenner is fully informed and ready to vote in this year’s federal election. The Lake Country resident, legally deaf since birth, Brenner says this year’s election campaign, including Wednesday’s all candidate’s forum in Lake Country, was the first time she truly was able to follow an election forum. A pair of interpreters provided sign language at the forum, held by the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce and featuring the three candidates for federal office in Kelowna-Lake Country. “It was a wonderful learning experience,” Brenner wrote in an e-mail to the Lake

Find a job you love.

Country Calendar. “Now I know who to vote for. It’s the first time in my life. I have not been able to attend because they were not communication-accessible for years.” Brenner, who ran for municipal council in Lake Country last year, has been an advocate for the hard of hearing community for years, pushing for more accessible meetings and the ability to follow things like council meetings, all candidate’s forums and other events. During last year’s municipal election, she was unable to follow questions during meetings as no interpreters were provided. But she kept pushing and with the help of the Lake Country Chamber, she was able to get better in-

formed about the federal election this time around. “In the last municipal election we became aware how difficult it was going to be to have Arlene aware of questions and of what her fellow candidates were saying in answering these questions,” said Chamber manager Corrinne Cross-Franson. “When we started planning this federal election forum Arlene worked with us to see about funding for an interpreter.” After finding a pair of Lake Country sign language interpreters and working out the funding of who would pay (the Chamber picked up the tab) Brenner and others in the hard of hearing




The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Toward our inevitable winter

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n the northern hemisphere, autumn has come.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Life and Faith

Barry Gerding

Jim Taylor


Brown leaves drift down off my oak tree. My oriental lilies look as dead as a handful of chopsticks sticking out of the soil. One rose bravely blooms on. It’s the time of year when our thoughts turn involuntarily to the coming winter. And to death.

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In her Traditional Iconoclast blog, Isabel Gibson mused: “The grasses glow as October light falls sideways against their end-of-season mix of colours. Fall winds rustle their drying stalks and fronds.” I hear echoes of a psalmist’s lament: “As for mortals,” says Psalm 103, “their lives are like grass…the wind passes over it and it is gone.” Isabel and I have both had acquaintances die, suddenly and unexpectedly, in the last few weeks. Life seems fragile. “As I poke bulbs into soil,” Isabel wrote, “I cannot be certain that I will see these tulips bloom… As I plant, I consider the grasses, admiring their fall colours, even enjoying the gentle death rat-



Seeing the forest and the trees T here was a flurry of excitement in the B.C. legislature last week, as Delta South independent MLA Vicki Huntington released documents suggesting that a multinational manufacturing company continued to buy up B.C. farms for carbon offsets after they said last June they would stop. False alarm, as it turns out. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick [Liberal MLA Kelowna-Lake Country] clarified that three more farms in the Peace and Cariboo region had indeed been bought, but the company was merely following legal advice to close deals on farms that it had already agreed to purchase. The company, British-based cleaning product and pharmaceutical maker Reckitt Benckiser (RB) confirmed this. A company official reiterated that its program to buy farms and replant them with trees is suspended. By the time the B.C. government became

BC Views

Tom Fletcher aware of this global public relations scheme, thanks to the work of NDP MLA Lana Popham and others, about 10,000 hectares of farmland was already planted with seedlings. RB initially said they were buying up abandoned and unproductive farms, but local government officials disputed that. RB soon realized that undermining already precarious farming communities was going to provide the opposite of the green publicity they sought, at least in B.C. The company told me it is now looking to switch its carbon offset program

to replanting forest areas depleted by pine beetle and fire. I’ll believe that when I see it, but on the face of it, this sounds almost as questionable as converting farmland back to forests. Pine forests need fire to regenerate, so fires have been part of the regeneration of the ecosystem since the retreat of the last Ice Age. Beetle-kill areas are already coming back, and they were never completely denuded in any case, so the notion of manual planting these areas seems impractical. Most are now crisscrossed with deadfall and all but impassible. Another situation that received little public attention was a report issued late this summer by the B.C. Forest Practices Board about forest stewardship plans. The board reviewed 43 stewardship plans from all regions of B.C., prepared as required under provincial law by forest tenure holders on Crown land. They are supposed to deal with things like

where roads go and how streams are protected. This is the management system put in place in 2003, when the B.C. Liberal government changed its approach to forest management. Gone was the NDP’s infamous seven-volume “Forest Practices Code,” which attempted to micromanage every detail of a timber licence, right down to inspecting for litter left at a logging site. In came “results-based” forest management, where licence holders had to produce a plan showing stream protection and other values. The Forest Practices Board has found these plans often aren’t good for much, although results are generally good when they follow up with on-theground audits of actual timber harvest areas. The investigation found that many of the plans cover “vast and overlapping areas of the province, and were written using legal language that makes them

very difficult for public understanding or review.” Little has changed since a similar finding in 2006. During that time, the forests ministry was turned into Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, with greatly increased responsibility over wildlife, mining, gas drilling and so on. Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald, who traveled the province as NDP forests critic in recent years, says the problem now is there just aren’t enough people on the ground to assess what’s going on in our huge expanse of Crown land. Meanwhile the city media covers professional protesters issuing demands about the Walbran Valley. <I>Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @ tomfletcherbc Email:

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Whether our life be like an annual or perennial TAYLOR FROM A4

tle made by their stalks and the wind. Whenever it comes, I hope that I will slide into my own inevitable winter as beautifully, as peacefully, as rightly, somehow.” But perhaps grass is not the best metaphor for life and death. Because grass goes brown, but it does not die. It looks dead under the burning summer sun, or under winter’s bitter frosts. But when weather changes, when the rains return, the grass springs up once more, lush and green. Tulips and lilies and oak trees do not die in winter either. They simply hibernate. So their greening again next spring is not really a resurrection. Perhaps that’s why we like to use them as a figure of speech. Because their “resurrection” implies that perhaps death is not the end for us, either. Annuals might offer us a more valid meta5phor. Because annuals really do die. They bloom their little hearts out during summer, brightening the earth with colour and fragrance. And then they die. And they cannot know—assuming plants are capable of knowing anything—

whether the seeds they leave behind will produce new flowers next spring, or will disappear. Just like us. We don’t like to think that when we’re gone, we’re gone. Death is not just a period of dormancy. When we “slide into our inevitable winter,” as Isabel put it, we don’t come back in spring. Maybe there’s a heaven; maybe there’s re-incarnation. But both of those will be in a different garden. We don’t pop up again, like sliced bread in a toaster. And if we have trouble accepting our own death, we are petrified by the possible death of our cherished institutions and organizations. We almost dare not imagine the death of our churches, for example, even though we claim to believe in a life after death. We know our churches must change. But we want to know how they will be re-born before we’re willing to let go of their current incarnation. We fear that the seeds we have scattered will not take root and bloom, after we’re gone. Instead, we want to preserve our plants in an artificial hothouse, just in case. We should learn from those annuals. A5


d l o h e Hous rdous Haza e Wast fe


Plea to politicians on behalf of Syrian refugees Open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the leaders of all other political parties: Re: Asking for an immediate commitment to bring more Syrian refugees to Canada. We are writing this open letter to you and to the leaders of all federal parties with an appeal for politics and campaigning to be put aside and for the government to take immediate, concrete and generous steps to significantly boost Canada’s response to the mounting Syrian refugee crisis. Although your government’s recent step is in the right direction, it still falls far short of what we

would consider a “quick and compassionate” response to this humanitarian disaster. “The human rights crisis in Syria is global. The staggering refugee crisis it has provoked is global. The solutions must be global. This means it is also Canada’s crisis and we must act generously in response to the growing number of refugees who are faced with the impossible choice of remaining in desperate conditions in refugee camps or of making terrifying journeys and risking their lives to escape endless suffering. We are disappointed with

the numbers being considered for resettlement in Canada and strongly encourage the Canadian government to immediately commit to increasing the number of refugees admitted to at least 50,000 by the end of 2016; this number is somewhat arbitrary but intended to make the point that none of the political parties have committed to a large enough number to date. “In solidarity with Amnesty International we call on our government to urgently take the following steps: SEE REFUGEES A7

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Calendar Lake Countr y

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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If you’re a Canadian citizen, 18 or older, you can vote in the federal election. Your voter information card tells you when and where to vote. If you didn’t receive your card, you can still register and vote at your polling place. To find out where to vote, and what ID to bring, visit or call 1-800-463-6868 ( TTY 1-800-361-8935). Elections Canada has all the information you need to be ready to vote.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL




District will apply for grants from senior governments to help pay for transportation upgrades

Thieves target unlocked vehicles in Lake Country


adding that the other option for funding was a parcel tax. Transportation for Tomorrow looks at all aspects of transportation for the long-term and specifically maintenance, renewal and improvements. “It’s something that needs doing and we will also go after grants to try and provide some (tax) relief,” said Baker. The plan identified

Lake Country residents will be forking out cash for upgrades to roads. Last week, Lake Country district council considered finance strategy options for the Transportation for Tomorrow plan. “There was a majority vote for property taxes over the next 20 years,” said Mayor James Baker,

an additional $30 million for renewal and improvements, which means an extra $1.5 million per year to address a shortfall. Also, council held preliminary discussions about the 2016 municipal budget. “We will pare it down from the wish list to something achievable,” said Baker, adding that a projected tax increase has not been determined yet.

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Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Take valuables out, close the windows, lock the doors On Oct. 3 Lake Country RCMP responded to several thefts from vehicles in the Okanagan Centre area. Police have seen an increase in these types of thefts over the past couple of weeks. The reports reveal that someone is targeting unlocked vehicles at night but the suspect(s) have also broken windows to gain access. In one report, an unlocked home was entered while the occupants slept. The most common items stolen include credit cards, cash and wallets but have also included notebook computers and other electronics. Police ask that the public follow these tips to help prevent future thefts: • At home, light your driveway at night. Elsewhere, park in well-lit areas near pedestrian traffic

• Do not leave wallets or purses containing personal identification in an unattended vehicle or you could become a victim of identity theft • Remove all valuables from plain view, even if your car is locked. Take the items with you or secure them in the trunk out of sight • Report any suspicious persons or activities near a vehicle in your neighbourhood to police immediately, and let the police determine if it’s a crime in progress • Always lock your car, even at home or in a secure underground parking. Anyone with any information is asked to call the Lake Country RCMP at 250-766-2288. Remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477, leaving a tip online at or by texting your tip to CRIMES (274637) ktown.



Interpreters help deaf ‘hear’ candidates SIGN FROM A3

Friday, October 16 • Grapevine Restaurant

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Lake Country Chamber of Commerce • 106-3121 Hill Road, Lake Country, BC

Bring Us Your Old, ‘Retired’ Tires

community were able to understand what was taking place. Brenner says it’s an ongoing issue that she has been fighting for her entire life. She says people take for granted their hearing and many public events don’t take into account the fact that there is a large hard of hearing community, not just people who are deaf but also seniors and others who have hearing loss. She says the next step is having closed captioning available for those who are hard of


JONATHAN Oslund, from Lake Country, signs for

the hard of hearing at the all-candidate’s forum. hearing and can’t under-

Safely dispose of any old tires you have collecting water and sitting around your property! You’ll help to reduce breeding habitat for mosquitoes and the potential spread of West Nile Virus. The Regional District of Central Okanagan is sponsoring a free tire collection program this fall where you can drop off old used passenger vehicle or transport tractor-trailer tires (no agricultural tires, please) with or without rims between 10 am and 3 pm on the following dates and locations:

Saturday, October 24th

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Sunday, October 25

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stand sign language.

“Arlene is a great advocate and has certainly brought awareness of the challenges she faces to our attention,” said Cross-Franson. As for Brenner she says she is ready to vote and it is a great relief to finally be fully aware and informed to cast her ballot. “I’m very pleased with everything,” she said. “I’m hoping next time we will be better prepared with funding for interpreters and having real time captions for everyone.” @KP_media1

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 14, 2015 A7


On October 19 RE-ELECT


Be quick about saving desperate refugees REFUGEES FROM A5 1) Lift obstacles to speedy family reunification such that Syrian refugees with relatives in Canada are able to come immediately and have their cases processed from within the country. We are currently sponsoring a Syrian family of seven, while another five children are still in Syria and Jordan that we are willing to support here. 2) Create a program to immediately resettle a minimum of 25,000 Syrians through government

sponsorship, selected on the basis of need. 3) Provide support and encouragement additionally for generous levels of private sponsorship of Syrian refugees for resettlement by removing barriers such as limits on eligibility for health care. 4) On an urgent basis significantly boost financial, human and logistical resources in Canada and abroad, to ensure Syrian refugee cases are processed expeditiously. 5) Make a clear commitment that increased

efforts with respect to Syrian refugees will be additional to, and not at the expense of, ongoing government and private resettlement of refugees from other countries. 6) Intensify Canada’s efforts to ensure more effective international action is taken to resolve the conflict and human rights crisis in Syria. It is past time to act Mr. Harper. Given the urgency and gravity this

Ron Cannan

Jim Hannah, Minister, Winfield United Church, co-signed by 53 members of the congregation

Small Business Advisor Vicky Conway 9890 Main Street Lake Country 250-712-3350 ext. 300

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

requires your leadership. Canada must accept its share of responsibility and step up its response. We have the capacity, the experience, the connections, the will and above all - the responsibility to do so.

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

When you want people to know your business, get it in the Lake Country Calendar.



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Working for you in Kelowna - Lake Country

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Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Now is the time for strong Conservative leadership.




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For information contact: Teresa Huscroft-Brown

Advertising Representative

250.979.7329 OR

Connect with Ron: Phone: (778) 581-0098 Website: Email: Facebook: Ron Cannan Twitter: @RonCannan

Ron’s Campaign Offices: Kelowna: Unit 102 - 1855 Dilworth Drive (next to the Blood Donor Clinic) Lake Country: Unit 6 - 11852 Highway 97 (Beside Tim Hortons) Authorized by Lorne Beloud, Official Agent for Ron Cannan

Be aware: Take care of our water and forests.



Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Acceptance for all takes broad strokes in Lake Country KEVIN PARNELL It started out as a conversation between some friends in the Lake Country arts community. And it ended up as a positive message of acceptance in the form of “guerilla art.”

Local artist Wanda Lock and some friends, colleagues and even passers-by got together last week and painted a sidewalk in a movement to promote acceptance for all. “It was a conversation I was having with many

The Seventeenth Annual General Meeting Lake Country Sail & Boating Association Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015 7:30 PM at George Elliot Secondary School room 113. Please come out and support your club, we need ideas and energy to keep it going!!! For info contact Kevin at 250-766-2254 or **Welcome all existing and non-members**


LAKE COUNTRY artist Wanda Lock begins painting what she called a guerrilla art project entitled You, Me, We...Pride Painting Project.

The colours of the rainbow symbolize acceptance of all regardless of sexual orientation.

CREEKSIDE THEATRE info 250.766.5669

Lake Country, BC

Reservations: 250.766.9309 Kinshira’s Memory Park

Fri., Oct. 16 Doors 7pm Show time 7:30pm




Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the release of:

(doors open at 1pm)

Sat., Oct. 17 • 6-10pm Doors open at 6:00pm, Movie starts at 7:00pm

How Our Collections Tell of Our History Sat., Oct.17 • 1:30pm






Join us at the Creekside Theatre for a story of passion and love as Kinshira tells the tumultuous tale of Josh Pike. With light and flow, Kinshira will guide you through mists of time to see Josh travel the paths of Memory Park and how the pursuit of passion can shape the life of one man General $25.00 Group of 4 $88.00 includes all services charges

This presentation by Jordan Coble will The “Life After Laundry” LADIES CLUB has been hosting events in Lake offer an insight into the background of the Okanagan First Nation with Country since 2013! particular reference to the Westbank Join an amazing, fun group of First Nation. Jordan will explain how women that support our community the Sncewips Heritage Museum and each other...because there is plays a pivotal role in the Community and the Nation.For info about this a...”Life After Laundry” or upcoming lectures contact Lake Country Museum & Archives at Cash Wine Bar, Concession, 250-766-0111, or e-mail info@ Raffle Table & Prizes Admission by donation or $12 available from the Creekside Theatre Box Office Admission by donation

10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country

cross-walks to promote acceptance. She said it would be great if Lake Country could join that movement in the spring. The painted sidewalk is out front of George Elliot high school and was painted using exterior paint, meaning it won’t be permanent. But Lock is hoping to make it more permanent in the future. “This was kind of guerrilla art,” she said. “If we do this in the spring, maybe we can do something proper. As artists in our community, I think that is part of our responsibility to get out there and make a statement.” Lock was helped in the project by Petrina McNeil, Yolanda Robinson, Megan Ross, Rick Davidson, Neena Sood, Elizabeth Henderson, Tara Milne and Jamie McEwan, all from Lake Country, and special guest artist Rena Warren, from Kelowna.

Teresa Showcase your business, & learn Huscroft-Brown of others in your community! Advertising Representative 250.979.7329, ext. 7329

Small Business WEEK

people in Lake Country,” said Lock. “We thought it would be nice if Lake Country could do something to recognize acceptance and make a statement that we are inclusive and accept diversity.” The rainbow coloured sidewalk painting— which Lock called You, Me, We, A Pride Painting Project—mirrors the rainbow colours that have signified acceptance of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community. “The response I have been getting has been fantastic,” said Lock. “Even from people I don’t even know. This was kind of a pilot project so if we could do it in the spring and maybe do the entire sidewalk, I think the community would be behind it.” Lock said the idea came from movements from other communities such as Kelowna that has four rainbow coloured

Watch for this special supplement in the October 21 issue of your local Lake Country Calendar Ad booking deadline: October 15

Fax: 250.862.5275

Calendar Lake Countr y


8-2 1 . T OC

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 14, 2015 A9



Natural body aging excuse to lessen insurance claim


e all despise those who try to cheat an insurance company. What about when the shoe is on the other foot?

your spine that’s responsible for your ongoing pain.”

far less than fair financial compensation for their injuries and losses. Does

it have any basis? If you were to look at the degree of degenera-

tion in my spine, would you be able to accurately predict my level of back

or neck pain?


A great deal just bubbled up.

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

There are a number of common arguments D that some insurance adjusters make that are so lacking of foundation in logic, science and law that I consider them an attempt at cheating. This column is the first in a series that will expose those arguments. The most ridiculous has to do with the natural wear and tear, ‘degeneration’ that occurs in the spine. It is a natural process that cannot be avoided; it happens to all of us. It starts at a young age and progresses year after year. At some point, it will become significant enough that it will show up on an x-ray or other scan. The degeneration process occurs at different rates for different people. My 45-year-old spine might have more or less degeneration than that of another 45-year-old man. Degrees of degeneration are referred to in terms of “mild”, “moderate” and “severe.” It sounds scary. Anything to do with our spines sounds scary. ,There’s really nothing to be afraid of. It’s part of the normal, natural aging process. How does this natural aging process form part of a baseless insurance company argument? You’re injured in a car crash. Before the crash, you had no back or neck pain. After the crash, you do. An x-ray is taken of your spine to rule out a fracture. The x-ray shows degeneration. “Look, there, at that degeneration in your spine. The crash didn’t cause that. Your whiplash injury should have resolved long ago. It must be that degeneration in

It’s an argument that is used to convince injured victims to accept


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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS

‘You’re Going To Die If You Don’t Fix Your Teeth’


I've had it with over-exaggeration from people trying to sell me something. My teeth are pretty good – lasted me for 60 years without too much trouble. This young whippersnapper dentist is trying to get me to spend more than I paid for my first truck to 'fix' them now – or else. He's warning of all kinds of dire consequences. How do I know he isn't full of hot air?


There are indeed many methods to sell anything. The 'fear factor' is one that some dental professionals routinely utilize, and as you have indicated it doesn't fly very far with you! Funnily enough, I know you are not alone. Here is the major issue. Our teeth and our bodies will absorb a tremendous amount of neglect and marginal care without really complaining very much. We see patients who have gone to the same practitioner for decades, and for whatever reason that dentist has been a fan of the 'wait and see' program before he/she ever recommended anything outside the comfort zone. In the eyes of many patients, this meant that 'nothing was wrong'. If it didn't hurt (and it often doesn't) that just added more credence to the idea that additional dental work is unnecessary. A young colleague purchased a practice from an older retiring gentleman whose patients loved him.

Petrina Koltun


We are getting ready to list our home. Where should my focus be when thinking about first impressions and curb appeal?

As we all know, first impressions are extremely important and can make, or break, your chance to get a potential buyer in the front door for a look! To make your home’s first impression a memorable one, there are a few details to attend to in order to make the curb appeal stand out while also improving your ability to sell quicker for the right price. Stand in front of your house with a friend and take note of all things that might improve that all-important first impression. Remember to look at the small details before looking at the bigger picture and have a realistic plan with a time-frame that will allow you to do a great job. For example, simple things like getting rid of weeds, cleaning the windows, getting pine needles and leaves off the roof and out of the gutter and a raked lawn will make your home look well kept and will brighten and accentuate the foliage that you want to be noticed. A freshly painted front door and a new welcome mat are simple ways to make your home look inviting! Finally, remember to wash your driveway and edge it for that clean, professional look. If you are getting your home ready for sale, remember to have a plan of action and to ask your Realtor for other great tips on how to get your home prepared for buyers! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100

He was, however, reluctant to do much other than fillings and checkups for the last decade of his working life. The young purchaser knew there was a ton of deferred maintenance in those charts, and assumed he could come in and just begin methodically caring for these patients without any obstacle. Guess what? They fled like he was a forest fire! In their minds, they had nothing wrong because kindly old 'Dr. Bob' never mentioned it, so this young guy just wanted to buy a new BMW. Nothing could be further from the truth. The patients needed the diagnosed work to save their teeth, but because of the retired dentist's inaction they refused to believe it. The majority of them just left the practice because they didn't trust the new guy. True story! Both parties suffered – the young dentist paid a premium for an office full of active dental charts and was punished for simply telling the truth. The patients suffered because they had a totally inaccurate estimation of the level of their current dental health. It was their choice to go elsewhere to find a 'trustworthy' dentist. There was no 'winner'. Chances are your young dentist is just looking out for your best dental interest. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Seek a second opinion elsewhere before you toss him under the bus!

Winfield Dental Centre





208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.

Dr. Paul Rollett


What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Halloween is around the corner and I’m looking to get some spooky contact lenses to liven up my costume. Are these safe?


While there certainly are versions of these contact lenses that have been approved for wear, it’s very important to evaluate the credibility of your supplier prior to ordering. Discount or off-label sales of this style of contact lens has been linked to numerous incidents of bacterial corneal infection over the years. These cases commonly result in preventable blindness or severe visual disability. Because these are niche products it’s sometimes hard to know what you’re getting, what the lens has been stored in and what the conditions were like during the manufacturing process. As such, I always advise consultation with your local doctor of optometry prior to purchasing or wearing what is still considered to be a medical device (even if it does have a pumpkin painted on it). 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240

YOUR QUESTIONS? YOUR ANSWERS If you would like to be featured in


for a low price of $49 per issue please contact Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 or email:

PUZZLE NO. 784 Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Calendar rLake Country


48.Cultivate 32.Snake shape 50.Maple-syrup 26.Neptune’s 41.Couch 36.Pub brews source kingdom 37.Movie house 42.Alike 51.Cub Scout 27.Is able to 44.Cover, as a group 40.Munitions

Credit Union makes a difference in community 28.Genesis ship 30.Officeholders 31.Kind of neckline 32.Snake shape 36.Pub brews 37.Movie house 40.Munitions

gift 46.Repeat 47.Destitution 48.Cultivate 50.Maple-syrup source 51.Cub Scout group

As part of its commitment to tackling hunger, Valley First, a division of First West Credit Union recently presented the Lake Country Food Copyright © 2015, Penny Press Bank with $10,000 to help ACROSS support its ongoing 34.Sounds 2. Brainstorm programming. 1. In style 35.Leg joints 3. Fido and The donation, made 4. Yaks Fluffy, e.g. 37.Halts by Valley First president 8. Mimicked 4. Home utility 38.Dine Paulette Rennie, came 12.Fruit 5. Swarm during Valley juice First’s an- 39.Lodging ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 784 Copyright © 2015, Penny Press nual 13.Border Make a Diffon er40.Horse’s 6. Tramps ence14.Do Days campaign—a relative 34.Sounds in, as a Brainstorm ACROSS 7. 2.Guides week-long commun1. In style 35.Legcity joints 8. 3.____ dragon 43.Small Fido and ity support blitz. Rennie 4. Yaks Fluffy, e.g. 37.Halts 15.Gave 45.Had delivered Wednesday was at the Lake Country 8. Mimicked 4. Home 38.Dine to 49.Comforted 9. Appeal utility Seniors’ permission Activity Centre 12.Fruit juice 5. Swarm 39.Lodging CONTRIBUTED 16.Approximately during a volunteer event 52.Dee preceder 10.Derive ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 784 13.Border on 40.Horse’s 6. Tramps PAULETTE (left) president of Valley First Credit Union, presents to cook and without serve a hot 53.Papa’s 18.Go ladyRENNIE, 11.Changed relative in, as a $10,000 7. Guides lunch tofood the14.Do residents. to the Lake Country Food Bank treasurer Marion Podgornik. hair color dragonis a 54.Gentle 43.Small city “Tackling hunger 8. ____ 20.Client dweller down nized for the importValley program to raise against hunger.” priority for 15.Gave us,” said Ren- 55.Coop 45.Had delivered17.SetWednesday 21.Plus paper ant service they provide; food and funds for food The opportunity to9.onAppeal permission to 49.Comforted nie. “Food banks are such 56.Tread a service that can only be for the Okanagan, Sim22.Large vase support the Lake Couna vital part of our com- 57.Bridge 16.Approximately 19.Snapping 52.Dee preceder 10.Derive delivered through an colilkameen and Thompson try53.Papa’s Food Bank came munity. To extend our 58.Different 24.Equipment 18.Go without ____ lady 11.Changed approach that valleys. The organization from Valley First’s 23.Fixes on- hairlaborative support to Lake Counfood 26.Frightened 54.Gentle color includes individuals, the has helped raise more going connections with try enables us to help 20.Client 55.Coop dweller 17.Set down community leftovers DOWN business andPUZZLE than ANSWERS $950,000 and colCROSSWORD community partners even29.Try more British Col21.Plus onreplies paper 56.Tread 33.Soil 25.Pun 1. and 50% AMERICAN SPELLING food bankUSE advocates. lected more than 60,000 local and provincial umbians in need and 22.Large vase 57.Bridge In 2010, Valley First pounds of food in a little elected officials. Food19.Snapping continue to make a real 24.Equipment 58.Different over five years. banks are widely recog- ____launched the Feed the difference in the fight 26.Frightened 23.Fixes leftovers 29.Try DOWN CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 33.Soil 25.Pun replies USE AMERICAN SPELLING 1. 50%


9. Early-light time 10.Healing plant 11.Loop 9. Early-light 19.Mining time product 10.Healing 21.Among plant 11.Loop 22.Wood strip 19.Mining 23.Breezy product 24.Skinny 21.Among 26.Formerly 22.Wood strip 29.“Walking 23.Breezy ____” 24.Skinny 26.Formerly 31.Pulled apart 29.“Walkingruler 32.Russian ____” 33.Chops 31.Pulled apart 35.Tale kickoff


40.Jest 43.Care for an orphan 45.Two-door 40.Jest auto 43.Care for an 46.Rowers’ orphan needs 45.Two-door 47.Paste auto 48.Green citrus 46.Rowers’ fruit needs 47.Paste 50.Sonnets’ kin 48.Green 53.Courtcitrus fruit romantically 50.Sonnets’ kin 55.Ser. deliverer 53.Court 56.____ whiz! romantically 57.Stray 55.Ser. deliverer

32.Russian ruler 56.____ whiz! 33.Chops 57.Stray 35.Tale kickoff

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

URGENT ! Volunteers Needed!

Must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box 30.Craving 59.Read ACROSS of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with Copyright © 2015, Penny Press the rest of the volunteers. We only need people for closely 1. Piercing tools 34.Peter, Paul & half days. See Phyllis MacPherson at the 30.Craving 59.Read ACROSS 60.Gaze Mary, e.g. 5. Singe Food Bank located in the rear of the closely 1. Piercing tools 34.Peter, Paul & Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. 36.“Roses ____ 61.Date 9. Wipe gently Open Mon., Wed., & Thurs. 9-3. 60.Gaze Mary, e.g. 5. Singe regularly red . . .” 12.Bucket 250-766-0125 ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 786 61.Date 36.“Roses ____ 9. Wipe gently 37.Sleep lightly 62.Mix, as salad 13.Jumble regularly red . . .” 12.Bucket ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 786 any as time 14.Strong brew 38.Religious 62.Mix, salad 37.Sleep lightly 63.At 13.Jumble song 15.Printed 63.At any time 14.Strong brew 38.Religious DOWN mistake 15.Printed 39.Thinsong 1. DOWN Skillful 39.Thin 16.Very black mistake 41.Immature 1. Skillful 2. “No ____ 41.Immature cow 16.Veryfirst black 42.Baby 17.Finished 2. “No ____ Out” 42.Baby cow 44.Bakery 18.“On17.Finished Golden first Out” 44.Bakery 3. Face feature 18.“On Golden workers ____” 3.Slant Face feature workers ____” 4. 46.Stared at 20.Like a lion 4. Slant 46.Stared at 20.Like a lion 49.Commotion: 5. Jaw 22.Intense light 49.Commotion: 5. Jaw 22.Intense light hyph. 6. Skilled beam hyph. 6. Skilled beam 51.Boxing legend 25.Newsy bit 51.Boxing legend artisans artisans 25.Newsy bit creditors 27.Feel27.Feel unwellunwell52.Had 52.Had creditors7. 7.Inquire Inquire 8. 8.Reason’s 28.Engrave on on54.Beg 54.Beg Reason’s 28.Engrave CROSSWORD PUZZLEANSWERS ANSWERS CROSSWORD PUZZLE USE SPELLING 58.Daiquiri glass glass liquor USEAMERICAN AMERICAN SPELLING partner 58.Daiquiri liquor partner

22.Inquisitive A11 7. Restrainedtype 31.__ Connections! Lake Country Creating Community (fa 24.Eyeshade 8. Sound organ 9. Brink 25.Play a35.Ti part 10.With little fat 36.Hu 26.Bikini piec ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982 pu 11.Defrost 27.City prope HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR 39.Ha 20.Opposition October 3, 10am-3pm • Winfield Memorial Hall 29.Put money 40.De 22.Inquisitive Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Streetas 30.Mature, type 41.Im wine • 778 24.Eyeshade – 215 - 5247 43.“_ lif 25.Play a part 45.Pe 26.Bikini piece Copyright © 2015, Penny Press 27.City property 46.Un 50.Middle of the ACROSS Copy deadline23.Christmas Friday, 1 pm before issue am 29.Put moneydate on dayLake Road ____- 9832 Bottom Wood 1. COUNTRY Wild attempt 47.Bu 30.Mature, as •LAKE SENIORS CENTRE will be holding their October Pancake Breakfast 25.Best on Oct. 17,at8am-11am. $6. wine 49.Cu the job 51.Wholly 5. Farmer’s


Health Planning Society


•LC SENIORS BUS SCHEDULE - Mon., Oct. 19 Prime Entertainment, Winfield Senior 52.Fare measure 28.Expel Centre, Tues., Oct. 20, 27 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Thurs., Oct. 22 Local Shopping, Fri., Oct. 23 Fall Colours Mystery Tour. 53.Advance 9. Shade source 32.Frog sound ANSWER TO PU Copyright © 2015, Penny Press •LAKE COUNTRY SENIOR CENTRE 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is open Mon.-Fri. 54.Coloring 12.Sixty minutes 33.Blockade 10am-2pm to answer23.Christmas questions about seniors’ issues. of Wethe are in need of volunteers to 50.Middle ACROSS material do odd jobs. Fallwoe session ____ on34.Rip all groups have started; stop by for an events schedule. Our 13.Dog’s day 1. Wild attempt next event: Prime Time is held on the first & third Monday of the 55.Lump ofmonth dirt - call Joanne 14.Letter after 36.Mailed 51.Wholly 25.Best at installed the job on 5. Farmer’s at 250-766-0667. Have a plaque the Memorial Wall for $20. This is a great 56.Supplements place to cee share with loved ones. Call 250-766-4220 Dorothy at 250-766-4568. 52.Fareor measure 37.Noteworthy 28.Expel •BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. Taoist Tai 15.Female 9. Shade sourcesinger period 53.AdvanceChi® at the Oyama Community 32.Frog sound Hall at 6:30pm. For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 7 DOWN 54.Coloring 12.Sixty minutes 16.Lodge 38.Picasso’s •THE LAKE COUNTRY33.Blockade LIBRARY & OYAMA LIBRARY - Knitting circles beginning in Sept. Kind ofcircle each Tuesday night material The 17.Maiden Oyamawoe branch at34.Rip 15718 Oyama Road will have1. its knitting 13.Dog’s specialty from 6 pm-7 pm, beginning Sept. 15. The Lake Country branch 55.Lump ofcarpet dirt in the Municipal Hall at 14.Letter after 36.Mailed 39.Broad 18.Shine #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road will smile hold its circle on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 56.Supplements, Tunnel fee& open to any age and ceep.m. starting Sept. pm-8 16.42.Commotion Both knitting circles are drop-in, 37.Noteworthy 19.“My ____ skill level; bring your yarn, needles & whatever project you are working on. 3. Car 15.Female singer period Private Idaho” •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS44.Likewise BUFFET - 9832DOWN Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9. Take 16.Lodge 4. Intimidated 38.Picasso’s home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5.1.When don’t forget about the 2 free 20.Sublet 48.Pioneered Kindavailable of specialty 17.Maiden meals. 5. Drifting carpet 21.Sheepish 49.“____ We Bottom Got •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE Lake Road, Chair Yoga will be 39.Broad smile- 9832 18.Shine CROSSWORD 6.Wood Scratch 2. Tunnel fee starting comment on Sept. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Paid monthly at the rate of $3 per session. Call USE AMERICAN Fun” 42.Commotion 19.“My ____ between 250-766-4220 10am & 2pm Monday to Friday or call 250-766-4568. 3. Car Private Idaho” 44.Likewise •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game 4. Intimidated starts @ 10AM sharp.48.Pioneered $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for 20.Sublet 5. Drifting more information. 21.Sheepish 49.“____ We Got CROSSWORD •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama 6. Hall.Scratch Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise &PUZZLE fun for AN USE AMERICAN SPELLING Fun” all. comment Contact Rob. 766-3034 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical PUZZLE NO. 787 support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating 11.Cherish these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. 16.TV’s “Falco •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. Winter hours starting Sept. 15: open ____” Tues., Wed., Thurs. 11am-4pm. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run PUZZLE NO. 787 19.Beef by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call dish 33.Ca 11.Cherish 778-480-3250. 20.Earring’s p 16.TV’s “Falcon 34.Su •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, 21.Certain exa snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for____” hiking. For info 39.Bu 22.Bride’s41.So 19.Beef dish about our club, please contact us at: headpiecech 20.Earring’s place •VISIT THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES - 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open 7 days a week, 10am24.Translated to 4pm, 21.Certain exam 42.Cr from Mother’s Day through Labour Day. 250-766-0111 or visit the website www. 22.Bride’s into symbo 43.St headpiece 25.Newspape •LC FOOD BANK - has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. 44.D 24.Translated Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to items be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery 46.“T into symbols 28.“____ War G disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson 25.Newspaper directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 29.Skin Berry Rd. condi on 48.__ items any of the days noted. 30.Those peo 49.Po 28.“____ Wars” •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 32.Point-scor games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with50.G 29.Skin condition fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. 30.Those people serves51.Jo •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale32.Point-scoring Road.), is open from52.So Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info Copyright © 2015, Penny Press serves ne regarding appropriate donatioåns. •LC ACROSS LINE DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30amasin the Seniors’ Centre. 31.Deceptive 57.Wet, Copyright © 2015, Penny Press Beginners always welcome. Joy,sales 250-766-0850. grass scheme: 1. At least one •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 31.Deceptive 57.Wet, as ACROSS 58.Kind of tide 3 wds. 4. Iranian ruler, 250-766-3982. grass sales scheme: 1. At least one once OF SENIOR35.Building •THE COUNCIL CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy 58.Kind of tide 3 wds. 4. Iranian ruler, group Quality of Life” forDOWN all seniors. Senior organizations/ 8. devoted Rear to improving “Theaddition ANSWER TO PU once wishing 35.Building associations to affiliate or individuals wishing become members contact Ernie 1. toEnjoyed a 36.Actor’s or hint 12.Plus Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax addition 604-576-9733 for info. DOWN 8. Rear sandwich ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 7 37.Tresses vehicle 1. Enjoyed a •LC 13.Hired HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A 36.Actor’s hint 12.Plus 2. Head signal DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & sandwich 38.Discontinues 14.Scope 37.Tresses Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES 13.Hired vehicle on Committees: Communications, “____ Light 2. Head3.signal 40.Hunter’s 15.Learned (Community Action &38.Discontinues Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get 14.Scope Up My Life” connected” at quarry 3. “____ Light 40.Hunter’s 15.Learned 17.Cash drawer My 4. Life” Don’t go A DIFFERENCE! •DO YOU drawer LIKE TO DRIVE? -41.Stains VOLUNTEERS AREUp NEEDED TO MAKE quarry 17.Cash Help18.Whiskey a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning 4. Don’t goDespises 5. 41.Stains 18.Whiskey 45.Linden Society is matching volunteer drivers withorseniors through the Better at Home Program. variety 5. Despises an Training, support & compensation info 778-215-5247. 45.LindenHolbrook orare provided. Call6.forHave variety

19.Layered rock 6. Have an____ to Holbrook 19.Layered rock 20.“Puppy ____” 47.Rigging line ____ togrind 20.“Puppy ____” 47.Rigging line 48.Farm sectiongrind7. Encrypted 23.Scram 48.Farm section 7. Encrypted 23.Scram 53.Chilled 26.Valuable 53.Chilled 26.Valuable lodeslodes 8. Tub 8. Tub 54.Ogled 27.Poem of 9. Soprano’s 54.Ogled 27.Poem 9. Soprano’s Comepraise & of join us at the monthly community bingo - Thursday September 24th at 55.Type of chart 55.Type of centre chart 9832solo praise the senior citizens’ activity bottomsolo wood lake road. CROSSWORD Doors open AN CROSSWORD PUZZLE at 6:00pm games start at 7:00pm. Concession open, room 50/50. areUSE welcome. AMERICAN 28.Fri. follower 56.Geologic ages USEAll AMERICAN SPELLING 28.Fri. follower 56.Geologic ages 10.Jail 10.Jail room Sponsored by the old age pensioners’ organization Lake Country 55 Plus.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


‘Don’t let the bunk arguments…cheat you…out of fair compensation’ HERGOTT FROM A9 would not be able to pre- an argument for increas- you smash your car into THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2015 dict which15, of those 1,000 ing it. The reason is that the back of a stopped No, you wouldn’t. Sciare suff ering from spin- KIRO the greater your spinal vehicle, KOMO you (your inTSN CHBC CIVT CBC CHAN SNP KNOW A&E entifically, the# level of $ al pain% by looking at the degeneration, the more surance company) is 1 re& _ ( ) * ` spinal degeneration is a x-rays. likely you are going compensate The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar World to Poker Boj sponsible Theto View CSI: Miami :00 SportsCentre Sugar ” ” Monster Patrol ” ” 10poor :30 predictor very ofDebt/Part The irony is that in- Right have Debt/Part long term Tour pain aris- PAWyour victim for all of his Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Rachael Ray MLB Monkey See KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 Motoring pain and other sympstead of being an arguing from a spinal injury. or her losses that would Fishing Flats ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” Classics Bucket-Dino News ” 11 :30 Noon News CTVfor News News Noon News MLB sysPAW Patrol Chew The 48 :00 Hockey toms. ment reducing an KIRO ”NewsOur civil justice not haveTheoccurred hadFirst THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15,CBC 2015 Hour Vancouver Now Hour Misplays Kate and ” ” 12 :30 Lunch In other words, if you entitlement to fair tem works on a premise the crash not occurred. The Talk Days of our MLB Post-. Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 :00 SportsNation Days of our The Social Heartland TSN CHBCcompensation, CIVT CBC CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ” Lives ” ” ” Lives MLB Central Tumble Hospital ” :30 of took1x-rays the spines spinal de-KIRO that “you take your vicIfLeaf your victim hapOff The$ Talk Dr. % Phil Murdoch FABLife The( Talk MLB Maya The` Doctors The1 First 48 :00 Face # & _ ) * of 1,000 generation best supports ” tim as you” find him.” pens to have” a young, ” Cabbie you ” ” Mysteries BaseballIf Curious 2 :30people, :00 :00 10 3:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4:00 :30 :00 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 12 5:30 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 6:30 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 7:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 3 8:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 4 9:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 :30 6 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 :00 2:30 :30 7 12 :30 :00 :00 3:30 :30 8 :00 :00 9 4:30 :30 :00 :00 10 5:30 :30 :00 :00 11 6:30 :30 :00 :00 12 7:30 :30 :00 8 :30 OCTOBER 16, 2015 FRIDAY, 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 :30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 3:30 :30 10 :00 :00 4:30 :30 11 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 :00 :00 6:30 :30 1 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 7:30 :30 2 # $ % & :00 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 10:00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 11:00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 12:00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 1:30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2:00 :30 :00 8 :30 3:00 :30 :00 9 4:30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5:00 :30 :00 11 :30 6:00 :30 :00 12 7:30 :30 :00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3:30 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5:30 :30 12 :00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015 :00 6:30 :30 1 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7:30 :30 2 :00 # $ % & :00 8:30 :30 3 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 9:30 :30 4 :00 :00 11 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 11 :30 6 :30 :00 1:00 12 :30 SportsCentre SportsCentre Sugar The Meredith ”” Debt/Part Vieira Show Motoring Rachael College Young &Ray Fishing Flats Restless ” Football:

The EllenView DeGeneres”Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show

Bookaboo Grand Monster Designs Best Recipes Bondi Vet Stefano Bondi Vet

Hockey Auburn at Lunch Kentucky

CTV CTV News News Vancouver Vancouver

CBC News Dragons’ Now Den

Noon NewsNews Hour ”

SportsNation ” ”” Face Off College Cabbie Football: SportsCentre SportsCentre UCLA at ”” Stanford

Days our Newsof Hour Lives CHBC News The Ent Talk ” ET Canada Sugar The Meredith Heroes Debt/Part Vieira Show Reborn Motoring Rachael College Young & Ray ” The Blacklist Fishing Flats ”” Football: Restless ” Hockeyat Noon News Auburn News SportsCentre Crazy ExLunch” Hour ” Kentucky Girlfriend SportsNation Days of our ” News Hour SportsCentre News Final LivesShow””” CHBC News Late

The CTVSocial News ” Vancouver

Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang The View Ellen DeGeGrey’s ” neres Show Anatomy

The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Saving Hope Denis ”Show Show CTVAway News CTV News Get Vancouver Vancouver With Murder

The BoldPrice Is Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless NFL Kickoff

KIRO News NFL Kickoff NFL ” Heartland The Talk CBC VanFootball: ” News Falcons ” at couver Murdoch 22 Minutes FABLife Saints Mysteries ”” Coronation Bookaboo The Price Is Grand The Nature Bold KIRO Post Monster Right Designs ThisMinute of Things Game Show Best Recipes Young & Bondi Vet Judge Judy Firsthand Raible’s Stefano Restless Bondi ”Vet NFL Kickoff Scouting CBCNational News NFL KIRO News Dragons’ Kickoff The News Now ” Den NFL ””


Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Young &Ray ” Restless

CSI: Miami The First 48 ”” The First 48 The First 48 ”” Noon PAW Patrol The Chew The Early News News MLB Sportsnet Dino Dan News The First First 48 48 Hour Misplays Kate and ” ”” Global Nat. Central Wild Kratts World News Days of our MLB Post-. Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 News Hour MLB The Water KOMO 4 The First 48 Lives ” MLB Central Tumble Leaf Hospital ”” Baseball Park News The MLB ” Maya The Doctors The Ent Talk Waterfront Wheel The First First 48 48 ” Baseball Curious ” ”” ET Canada ” Cities Jeopardy! Sugar World Poker Boj The View CSI: Miami The Meredith ”” The The Heroes TonyDoozers Robin- Steve Grey’s The First First 48 48 Debt/Part PAW Patrol Patrol ” Vieira Show Tour ”” PAW ””” Reborn son Explores Harvey Anatomy Rachael Ray MLB Monkey See KOMO 4 The First 48 Young & ” Mister Maker KOMO 4 The First 48 The Blacklist Sportsnet Movie: Scandal The First 48 ”” Classics Bucket-Dino News ” Restless ” Creative News ””” Central “Grass” NoonNews News MLB PAWDan Patrol The Away Chew The First First 48 48 Early Sportsnet Dino News The Crazy ExSportsnet ” Get The First 48 Hour Nat. Central Misplays KateKratts and ”News Global Wild World ””” Girlfriend Central Neon With Murder Days of our MLB Post-. Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 News Hour MLB The Water KOMO 4 The First 48 News Sportsnet Waterfront News The First 48 LivesShowMLB Central Park Tumble Leaf News Hospital ” Baseball ””” Late Central Cities Jimmy


World ”Poker Tour ” MLB ” Classics ”


Boj View The Doozers The Steve PAW ” PAW Patrol Patrol Harvey Monkey See KOMO Mister Maker KOMO 4 4 Bucket-Dino News Creative News


A&E 1

healthy spine, and injurpain, then your insurance around you so as to preies are very small, then company is correspondvent injuries from occuryour insurance company unlucky. TLC WTBS ring in the first place. YTV NEWS DISC ingly KAYU KCTS KING is lucky, and will have to Don’t let the bunk 6 7 9 ; < A N P pay a smallCBC amount arguments ofHoarding: an insur-Divorce Wayside News of Mayday Steve Sesame Today Kid vs. Kat Now With Harvey Street compensation for that ” ance adjusterBuried cheatAlive youDivorce Paul Hergottcont’d is a perRated A for Carole Highway Family Feud Hoarding: Judge Dinosaur New Day smallA injury. If your victhoseFeud closeBuried to you injury lawyer at Rated for MacNeil Thru Hell orFamily Aliveout Judge sonalDinosaur Northwest Chucks CBCto News Watch Say Yes Millionaire Peg Plus tim happens haveYukon an ” MenofCrime fair compensation. Hergott LawCatinKING West5 KeSquirrel Now With Daily Say Yes Millionaire Peg Plus Cat News older, more degenerated Better yet, insist always lowna. Almost Andrew Fool’s Gold Paid Prog. Say Yes Crazy Talk Super Why! Days of our YTVsuchNichols NEWS DISC TLC WTBS KCTS KING Sidekick Fool’s Gold The Office Say Yes Crazy Talk Thomas Lives spine, that the collionKAYU attentive driving from Wayside Power & Airplane PiYo! Say< Yes Payne Sesame St. Dr. P Phil 6 7 9 ; A N sion a lifetime of yourself as well Kid vs. triggers Kat Politics Repo Family Feud Say as Yesthose Browns Cat in the ”

Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds Rated A for SpongeBob Rated TurtlesA for

CBC News ” Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang

Chucks Odd Parents CBC CBC News News Squirrel SpongeBob Now With ” Almost Andrew 100 Things The National Sidekick to Do Before Nichols ” Wayside & 100 Things Power CBC News Kid vs. Kat Politics Nicky, Ricky ” Wayside CBC News Sidekick ” Funny Home The National Kid vs. Kat Now With Nerds ”” Videos Rated A for Carole SpongeBob Amanda Toy Testers The National Rated A for MacNeil Turtles Make It Pop Lang ” Chucks CBC News News Odd Parents CBC Haunting CBC News Squirrel Now With SpongeBob ”” Haunting



Mayday How/Made ” How/Made Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ”

Crime Yes on Mike Watch Say 48 Hours Daily Say Anger ID Yes Fool’s Gold Paid Prog. Say Yes on Fast N’ Loud Two Men 48 Hours Fool’s ”Gold The Say ModOffice Fam ID Yes Airplane PiYo! Say Yes on Cuban Big Bang 48 Hours Repo Family Feud Say Chrome Big Bang ID Yes Mayday Steve Hoarding: How/Made Energy Say Yes on How-Made Get Bones 48 Hours ” Harvey Buried Alive How/Made Say How-Made Pets.TV ” ID Yes Highway Family Feud Hoarding: Daily Planet Paid Prog. 48 Hours How-Made Sleepy 48 Hours on on Thru Hell Family Feud Buried Alive ” Raising ID How-Made Hollow ID Yukon Crime Watch 48 Say Yes on How-Made Hours Fast N’Men Loud Mike News 48 Hours on DailyFam Say Yes How-Made Anger ID ”” Mod ID


Almost Andrew Fool’s 100 Things The National N’Gold Loud Gags The National Fast Cuban Sidekick Fool’s” Gold to Do Before Nichols ”” Gags Chrome Maya The Doctors The First First 48 48 100 Wayside Power & Airplane Waterfront Wheel Things News Cuban Movie: Kimmel Live The The First 48 Funny Home CBC Amanda How-Made Curious ” Kid vs.Ricky Kat Politics Repo Cities Jeopardy! ””” Nicky, ” Chrome “Grass” Nightline Videos Lang How-Made The Doozers Steve The First First 48 48 Funny Sidekick ” How/Made Tony Robin- Grey’s The Home The National How-Made PAW Patrol Anatomy Harvey Nerds How/Made son Explores ”” Videos ”” How-Made

College ” ” Football:

Young & ” The Blacklist Sportsnet ” Central Restless ”

Mister Maker Scandal KOMO 4 Movie: “Grass” Creative News”

SportsCentre Crazy Auburn at News Ex” Girlfriend Kentucky ”

Judge Judy Raible’s Scouting NFL Kickoff

Get The National News CTVAway News Dragons’ NFL Kickoff With Murder Den ” Vancouver NFL ”

Crazy ExEarly News Girlfriend Global Nat.

Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central

” Dino Dan Neon Wild Kratts

Get Away The News The First First 48 48 Haunting Odd Parents CBC CBC News News With Murder ”” Haunting ”” World News SpongeBob

News News Hour Late Show”

Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball

Waterfront The Water Cities Park

News KOMO 4 Jimmy News

SportsCentre Colbert College Ent ” ET Football: ET Canada Canada

Daily Mercer etalk Show Rick 22 Minutes Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Big Bang Coronation

Colbert Saints Corden ”

Colbert Ent ET ET Canada Canada

Sportsnet ” Central ”

Movie: Waterfront “Grass” Cities

Kimmel Home Amanda Wheel Live The The First First 48 48 Funny 100 Things CBC News Nightline ”” Videos Jeopardy! Nicky, Ricky Lang ”

UCLA at Stanford

Grey’s Anatomy

KIRO Post Heroes Game Show Reborn

” ”

Heroes Reborn

The Nature of Things

The Blacklist Saving Hope Firsthand ” ” ”

Raible’s Scouting


SportsCentre Crazy Ex” Girlfriend

Get Away The National News With Murder ” ”

SportsCentre News Final ” Late ShowNASCAR Sugar Racing Debt/Part SportsCentre Colbert ” Rachael Ray ET Canada NASCAR ”

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation The View Bookaboo ” Monster Daily Show Rick Mercer The Marilyn Recipes Seth Meyers Best 22 Minutes Denis Show Stefano

Racing ”

Late ShowThe Price Is Right Colbert

” ”

The Blacklist Sportsnet ” Central

CHAN ( News

Tony Robin- Grey’s son Explores Anatomy Movie: “Grass”

Scandal ”

Crazy ExGirlfriend

Sportsnet Central

SNP ) Sportsnet

” Get Away KNOW KOMO Neon With Murder * ` Waterfront News

Late ShowSugar Debt/Part Colbert

Central Darts ” Sportsnet

Cities Boj PAW Patrol Movie:

48 Dad Player 48 Hours Hours on on Amer. Confessions World” News The KING 5 ID Amer. Murder ID of a Dad Business News” 48 Guy 48 Hours Hours on on Family Shopaholic ID Payne” ID

Cougar Paid Prog.on Browns Big Bang 48 Hours Seinfeld Name Game Paid There Yet? Big Bang ID Prog. Seinfeld

Uncovered Craftsman’s Show News Foyle’s Meyers Start UpWar Seth Evening

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Bones ”

48 Hours on King ID King

The Bletchley Circle

Toy Testers Make It Pop

Sleepy Hollow

48 Hours on The Middle ID Family Guy

DCI Banks ”

YTV 6 Gags Haunting Haunting

The National How-Made ” How-Made

N’ Loud News NEWS Fast DISC KAYU ” Mod Fam 7 9 ; The National Cuban Mike CBC News ”

Heroes Reborn The Blacklist ”

TLC WTBS < A 48 Hours on Family Guy

” KCTS Murder N Myster.

ID Four Weddings Paid Prog.

Payne Divorce Divorce Browns

Miss Fisher Sesame Street Uncovered

Tonight Today cont’d Show New Seth Day Meyers Northwest

48 Hours on Amer. Dad ID Amer. Dad

KING P KING News The Player ”

How-Made How-Made

Crime Watch Say Yes Daily Say Yes

Millionaire Millionaire

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Andrew Nichols

Fast N’ Loud Top Cooker ” The Office

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Super Why! Thomas &

Off Record Interruption

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

KIRO FABLife _ ”

CHAN The Talk ( ”

The Chew ”

SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”

BoldPrice Is The ThisMinute Right

The Enfield Haunting

My Haunted Almost House Sidekick

A&E My Haunted 1 House

YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat

DISC Cuban 9 Chrome

KAYU Paid Prog. ;Feud Family

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Paid Prog. Family Feud Pregame Family Feud MLB Crime Watch Baseball Daily

Say Yes Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say

Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Movie: Millionaire “The Millionaire

My Haunted Wayside Sidekick Movie: House Chucks “The Kid vs. Kat Mister Maker KOMO 4 My Haunted Rated Stanley Monkey See News Village” A Dyn. for Creative News House Henry Bucket-Dino Seattle Cont’d Rated A for Dino Dan News My Haunted Game PAW Patrol The Chew The Enfield Nerds Wild and Kratts World” News Haunting House 100 Things Kate Squirrel

” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC News News CBC ” Now With

How/Made Mayday How/Made ” DailyWater Planet Cold ” Cowboys Edge of How-Made Alaska How-Made

Waterfront Ruf-Tweet Cities Leaf Tumble Coast Maya Australia Curious

The National Andrew ” Nichols CBC News Power & Politics”

Highway Fast N’ Loud Thru Hell ” Mayday Cuban ” Chrome

Gags The Amazing Grand Bold Bookaboo The Price Is Gallery Race Designs ThisMinute Monster Right The Romeo HawaiiJudy FiveBondi Vet Judge Best Recipes Young & Section 0 Bondi Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless The National Blue Bloods Dragons’ KIRO News CBC News KIRO News ” ”News Den KIRO Now News ”News CBC VanKIRO News CBC KIRO Coronation Late ShowHeartland The Talk couver News CBS News ” ” Backstage Colbert Rick Mercer The Insider 22 Minutes Ent Corden Murdoch FABLife Coronation Mysteries ” Gags The Amazing Grand Bold Gallery Race Designs ThisMinute The Romeo Hawaii FiveBondi Vet Judge Judy Section 0 Bondi Vet Judge Judy The National Blue Bloods Dragons’ KIRO ”News ” Den KIRO News CBC News KIRO News CBC VanKIROShowNews Coronation Late couver News CBS News Backstage Colbert Rick Mercer Corden The Insider 22 Minutes Coronation Ent

”” Darts ” Sportsnet ” Central Misplays Champion of Misplays MLB Central Champions Sportsnet MLB World Poker Central Baseball Tour Sportsnet ” Central World” Poker Tour Sportsnet ” Central Tim and ” Sid ” ” ” Sportsnet ” Central Misplays Misplays MLB Central Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball Sportsnet ” Central ” Sportsnet ” Central ”

Murder Last Man The Doozers Steve Boj Patrol Harvey TheKen View Myster. Dr. PAW PAW Patrol ” George Shark Tank Mister Maker KOMO 4 Monkey News ” Gently See News Creative Bucket-Dino Seattle ” 20/20 Dino Dan News PAWSecret Patrol World The Chew The ”News Wild Kratts Kate and ” Finding the KOMO News 4 Waterfront Fallen Jimmy Ruf-Tweet General Cities News Tumble Leaf Kimmel Hospital Murder Coast Wheel Live Myster. Nightline Maya The Doctors Australia Jeopardy! Curious ” Murder Last Man The Doozers Dr. Steve Myster. Ken PAW Patrol Harvey George Shark Tank Mister Maker KOMO Gently ” 4 Creative News ” 20/20 DinoSecret Dan News” The Wild Kratts World News Finding the News Waterfront KOMO 4 Fallen Jimmy Cities News Murder Kimmel Live Coast Wheel Myster. Nightline Australia Jeopardy!

My Haunted Haunted My Movie: House House “The My Haunted Haunted My Village” House House Cont’d My Haunted My Haunted The Enfield House House Haunting TheHaunted Enfield My Haunting My Haunted House House My Haunted The Enfield House My Haunted Haunting House My Haunted My Haunted House House My Haunted My Haunted House House My Haunted My Haunted House House The Enfield My Haunted Haunting House My Haunted The Enfield House Haunting

” Sportsnet

Murder Myster.

Last Man Dr. Ken

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Seahawks Paid Prog.

First Swipe First Swipe

Shark Tank

My Haunted Game On House Assembly

The National Highway ” Thru Hell

Big Bang Big Bang

CBC News ” CBC News The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda Asha Lang Tomlinson ”

Edge of Alaska Airplane Mayday Repo ” Mayday Airplane ” Repo Railroad Alaska

News Mod Fam College Mike Football Two Men cont’d: How IVirginia Met West Cougar at Baylor Paid Prog.

” ”

Edge of Alaska



Security The Meredith SugarBe Truth Vieira Show Debt/Part Hawaii& FiveYoung Rachael 0 Restless Ray ” See No Evil Early News Noon ”News Global Nat. Hour News Hour News Late DaysShow”of our Lives Colbert Ent ET Canada TheCanada Talk ET ” Security The Meredith Truth Be Vieira Show Hawaii FiveYoung & 0 Restless See No Evil Early ”News Global Nat. News News Hour Late Show” Colbert EntCanada ET ET Canada

The Amazing Security Race Truth Be


The Doozers The Steve Boj View PAW Patrol Patrol Harvey PAW ”

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

Say Yes to the Dress

The Meredith Darts ” Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part ”” Judge Judy Young &Ray Champion Misplays of Young & Rachael Judge Judy Restless MLB Central Restless ” Champions KIRO News News Noon Early News News World MLB Poker KIRO KIRO ”News Hour Global Nat. Tour Baseball CBC VanKIRO News Days Newsof Hour Heartland The Talk our World ”Poker couver News CBS News ” ” ” Lives Tour ” Rick Mercer FABLife The Insider The Ent Talk ” Sid Murdoch Tim and Coronation Ent ” ET Canada Mysteries ” ””

KOMO 4 General News Hospital

KNOW The KOMO Wheel Doctors Jeopardy! ” * `

My Haunted Haunted My House House TheHaunted Enfield My Haunting House

A&E 1

SpongeBob Almost SpongeBob Sidekick Thunder Wayside Timvs. Burton’s Kid Kat Corpse Bride Sidekick Wayside ” Chucks Kid vs. Kat Game On Stanley Dyn. Rated Assembly Henry A for Rated A for Make It Game Pop Nerds Make It Pop 100 Things Squirrel Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Almost SpongeBob Sidekick Tim Burton’s Thunder Corpse Bride Wayside Tim Burton’s Kid vs. Kat Corpse Bride Sidekick ” Chucks Game On Stanley Dyn. Assembly Henry Make It Pop GameIt Pop Make 100 Things Haunting SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob Tim Burton’s Thunder Corpse Bride Tim Burton’s


SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Shark Tank ” 0 ”

The Romeo Section

Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Central 0 0 Misplays

George Gently

SportsCentre ” UEFA EuSportsCentre ropa League ” MLS Soccer: SportsCentre Columbus ” Crew SC at Toronto FC

See No Evil ” Fish’n News Final Real Fishing Late ShowPowerboat Colbert Driving TV ET Canada Noon News Hour

The National ” Absolutely CBC News Canadian Coronation Doc Zone Backstage ” 22 Minutes The Nature of Things

Blue Bloods ” Changers KIRO News Paid Prog. Late ShowDrag Boat Colbert ” Corden Col. Football College

See No Evil ” Fish’n News Real Fishing Late ShowPowerboat Colbert Driving TV ET Canada Noon News Hour

My Haunted The Secret ” House Wild Kratts College Enfield Finding the News The Enfield Wild Kratts Football The Enfield Fallen Jimmy Haunting Mister Maker cont’d: Haunting Murder Kimmel Live My Haunted Room Teams TBA Movie: Myster. Nightline House Dogs/Jobs Football “Ocean’s Dogs/Jobs College Thirteen”

Make It Pop Make It Pop Harvey Haunting Pig Goat Haunting Turtles Tim Burton’s Turtles Corpse Bride Alvin and the Chip-

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munks Meet SpongeBob




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Movie: “Envy”

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Say Yes Say Yes

Turtles Turtles

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Kids News Movie:

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at Toronto UEFA EuArgonauts ropa League CFL MLS Soccer: Football: Columbus BC Lions at Crew SC at Edmonton Toronto FC Eskimos CFL ” Football: SportsCentre Calgary ” Stampeders SC at Toronto SC Argonauts UEFA EuSportsCentre CFL ropa League ” Football: MLS Soccer: SportsCentre BC Lions Columbus ” at Edmonton Crew SC at SportsCentre Eskimos Toronto ” FC ” CFL SportsCentre SportsCentre Football: ” ”

Cash Cab The Marilyn Moneytalk Denis Show The Marilyn It Is Written Denis Show etalk The Social SportsCentre etalk ” CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas W5 Canada’s ” Worst Driver Big Bang Cash AngerCab Moneytalk The Marilyn Mike The Marilyn Denis Show Cleveland Denis Show It Is Written Saving Hope The etalkSocial ” etalk SportsCentre News CTV News ” News--11:30 Vancouver Corner Castle Gas W5 Corner” Gas ”

” Changers ” Paid Prog. ThisMinute Drag Boat Sports Stars ” KIRO News Col. Football KIRO News College CBS News Football: KIRO News Alabama at Steve Raible Texas A&M The Insider ” NCIS ”” ” Changers Code Black ThisMinute Paid Prog. ” Sports Stars Drag Boat 48 Hours KIRO News ”” KIRO News Col. Football KIRO News CBS News College Scandal KIRO News Football: ” Steve Alabama at Ent Raible The Insider

“Moneyball” Fish’n ” Real Fishing ” Powerboat ” Driving TV ” Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Carnival ” Eats Donut The West Income Block Movie: NCIS “Moneyball” ” ” Fish’nCrime True ” Real Fishing Scene ” Powerboat Dual ” TV Driving Suspects Global Nat. Noon News News Final News Hour Hour Saturday ” Carnival Eats Night Live The West Donut ” Block

Waterfront ” Wild Kratts College Cities Football Wild Kratts Football Nat’l KOMO 4 Mister Maker cont’d: Geographic News Room Teams TBA Tony Robin- College Dogs/Jobs Football son Explores Football: Dogs/Jobs College Hope for Teams TBA Hope for Football: Wildlife ” Wildlife Teams TBA Mega ” Warships ” Piranha ” ” ” Heartbeat ” Waterfront ” ” Pac-12 Cities Football Wild Kratts College Foyle’s War Fan Face Off Nat’l KOMO Wild Kratts Football4 ” Wheel Geographic News Mister”Maker Jeopardy! cont’d: Tony College RoomRobinTeams TBA ” Seattle son Explores Football: Dogs/Jobs Football Waterfront News Hope Teams Dogs/Jobs College Citiesfor Castle TBA Wildlife ” Hope forWar Football: Foyle’s ” Mega ” TBA Wildlife Teams ” Crimes Piranha ”

Redemption Enfield” The Enfield ” Haunting ” Movie: Movie: “Ocean’s “Ocean’s Thirteen” Eleven” ”” ” ” The To Be Shawshank Announced Redemption ” ” Enfield Movie: ” The Enfield “Ocean’s ” Haunting Eleven” Movie: Movie:” “Ocean’s “Ocean’s ” Eleven” Thirteen” To Be ” ” Announced ”” To Be

Turtles Harvey Turtles Pig Goat Turtles Turtles Turtles Turtles Turtles Alvin and Turtles the ChipMovie: munks Meet “Liar, Liar, SpongeBob Vampire” Turtles Thunder Turtles Movie: Turtles “Men in Turtles Harvey Black” Turtles Pig Goat ” Turtles Turtles Movie: Turtles Turtles “Men in Turtles Alvin Blackand II” Movie: the Chip” “Liar, Liar, munks Men in Meet Black Vampire” SpongeBob ” Thunder

The National CBC News MansbridgeCBC News The Now With Interviews Asha The Nature Tomlinson of Things ” The National ” Marketplace ” DreamThe National catcher Issue ” The National ” MansbridgeCBCNational News The The CBC News Mansbridge Interviews Now With DreamThe Nature Asha catcher of Things Tomlinson ” The National ” Marketplace ” The National Dream” Mansbridge catcher

“Around the College World in 80 Football Days” cont’d: Seahawks West Virginia Paid Prog. at Baylor Mike Paid Prog. Mike Best Two Cook! Men Old House Big Bang Kids News Two Men Movie: Gotham “Around ” the World in 80 College Rosewood Days” Football ” Seahawks cont’d: News Paid Prog. West Virginia Wanted Mike at Baylor Animation Mike Paid Prog. Domination Two Men Best Cook! Person of Big Bang Old House Interest Two Men

Say Yes First Swipe Say Yes First Swipe To Be First Swipe Announced First Swipe ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes First Swipe ” To BeSwipe First ” Announced First Swipe ” ”” First Swipe ” Say Yes ” ”” Say Yes ” Say PeterYes Popoff ” Say PaidYes Prog. ”



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10 :00 :30 11 :30 5 :30 :00 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2015 :00 12 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 :30 7 :00 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 11 :00 :00 1 :30 6 :30 12 :00 7 :30 2 8 :00 :30 3 :00 9 :30 4 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 3 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 10 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 11 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 6 :00 :30 :00 12 1 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 4 :30 10 :00 :30 5 :00 :30 11 6 :00 :30 12 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 11 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :30 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 4 :00 :30 :00 12 5 :30 1 :00 :30 6 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 :00 2 :30 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :00 :30 8 :30 # $ % & _ :00 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :00 :30 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 :00 2 :30 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 4 :30 :00 5 :30 11 6 :00 :30 12 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30

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Diana Swain Rebel Gold ” ”

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NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part News Rachael Ray Late Show” Colbert Noon News ET Canada Hour

Sportsnet Misplays Central World Poker Sportsnet Tour Central MLB Sportsnet Classics Central MLB Central

Finding the Boj Fallen PAW Patrol Hope for Monkey See Wildlife Bucket-Dino Picasso: The PAW Patrol Legacy Kate and

Soccer ”

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

MLB Baseball

Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

FABLife ”

CHAN The Talk ( ”

Bold The Price Is Right ThisMinute

The Meredith Misplays ” The Sugar Boj Doozers Steve The View Debt/Part ” Vieira Show World ”Poker PAW Patrol Harvey

Storage CSI: Miami ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage

Best Young & BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless Bondi Vet Judge Judy

Rachael Monkey See KOMO 4 Young & Ray Tour ” Mister Maker ” MLB Central Bucket-Dino News Restless Creative

CBC News Dragons’ Now Den

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global

Classics PAW Dan Patrol MLB Dino MLB Central Wild Kate Kratts and Baseball

Soccer SportsCentre ” Off Record SC Top 10 Interruption SC Top 10 SC Top 10 That’s Hcky SC Cabbie

Days of our CTV The Social News Hour News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC The Talk Dr. Phil Ent etalk ” ” ET Canada Big Bang

Heartland CBC Vancouver” News Murdoch Gags Mysteries Coronation

The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Days of our News Hour Lives ”

FABLife The Insider Ent ”

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

MLB ” Baseball ” ”” ””

Bold NCIS ThisMinute ” Judge New Judy NCIS: Judge Judy The Price Is Orleans Right KIRO News Limitless KIRO ”News Young &

CTV News Vancouver

How/Made Mayday ” How/Made

Rated A for SpongeBob Rated ChucksA for

Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang

No ArmsLegs

King King

Antiques Roadshow

The Voice ”

The World’s Fattest Man

The Middle Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

News Steve Mod Fam Harvey Mike Family Feud Two Men Family Feud How I Met Crime Watch Cougar Daily

” Dateline on ” TLC Marlie’s New Dateline on Face TLC Peter Popoff Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes

Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Divorce Family Guy Judge Payne Judge Browns Millionaire There Yet? Millionaire

I’ll Have Sesame What Phil’s Street Roadtrip Dinosaur SciTech Dinosaur Live/Lincoln Peg Plus Cat Center Peg Plus Cat

Blindspot Today ” cont’d KING News New Day Tonight Northwest Show KING 5 Seth Meyers News

Paid Prog. The Office

Say Yes Say Yes

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives


KAYU Paid Prog. ; Family Feud Paid SteveProg. Harvey Eco Co.


TLC Cake Boss < Cake Boss Cake Boss Dateline on TLC Boss Cake


WTBS Payne A Browns


KCTS Sesame St. Cat N in the

KING ” ” P


Dr. Phil ”

Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Mod Fam

Masterpiece Ellen Sesame TodayDeGeStreet cont’d Show Classic neres Dinosaur ” Dinosaur ”

How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ”

Family Feud Dateline on Paid Prog. Cake Boss Family RaisingFeud TLC Cake Boss

Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang

Ice Lake TBA Rebels TBA

Crime Watch Cake Say Yes Mike Boss Daily Say Yes Anger Cake Boss

Millionaire Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Anchorman: World News Millionaire Plus Cat News The Legend Peg Business

New KINGDay 5 Northwest News

Paid Men Prog. Two The Office Mod Fam

Crazy of RonTalk Crazy Talk Burgundy

Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld

Sesame St. Pépin Cat in the Rick Steves

Dr. Phil News ” Evening

Mod King Fam Mod King Fam Big Bang The Middle Big Bang Divorce Family Guy Divorce Anchorman: Amer. Dad The Legend Judge Amer. Dad

Masterpiece Oil & Water Classic ” ” Frontline Sesame ”” Street News World ” Business Dinosaur ”

Ellen DeGeBest Time neres Ever Show KING 5 The Voice News ” Today cont’d 5 KING Chicago Fire News New Day ”

Judge of Ron Guy Family Burgundy Payne Millionaire

MacNeil The National National How/Made Edge The To Beof Alaska ”” Announced CBC News Ice Lake CBC News Highway Now With Rebels Amanda TBA ” Thru Hell Lang Diana Swain TBA Rebel Gold The National To Be” ” ” Announced Power & Rebel Gold The National Edge of Politics ” ” Alaska ” How/Made NEWS DISC CBC News Highway ” How/Made ” Thru9 Hell 7 Amanda Daily Planet The To Be” LangNational CBC News Mayday ” Announced Now With CBC News TBA ” Amanda TBA TBA Carole” Lang TBA MacNeil TBA The National Edge of CBC News Edge of ” Alaska

Family Feud TLC Two Men Cake Boss Boss Mike Cake Mod Fam Cake Boss Two Men Boss Crime Watch Cake Say Yes Big Bang Our Little Daily Say Yes How I Met Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Cougar Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Grand CakeYes Boss The Office Say The Grinder Cake Boss Paid Prog. Cake Boss Scream Our Little Family Feud Cake Boss Queens Family Paid Prog. Cake Boss KAYU TLC News Cake Boss Eco Co. Cake Boss Mod; Fam Cake Boss < Paid Prog. Cake Boss Mike Cake Raising Cake Boss Boss Steve Pregnant Two Men Cake Boss Harvey Pregnant Mike Cake Boss How I Met Paid Prog. Anger Boss Family Feud Cake Pregnant Cougar Paid Prog. Family Feud Pregnant Two Men Cake Boss Crime Watch Cake Say Yes Mod Fam Boss

Seinfeld Millionaire Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Crazy Talk King Talk Crazy King Payne The Middle Browns Family Guy Mod Fam WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big A Bang Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Payne Divorce Anchorman: Browns The Legend Judge There Yet? Judge of Ron Millionaire Burgundy

Dinosaur PBS Chef NewsHour Moveable Peg Plus Cat Pépin Peg Plus Cat Underground Rick Steves Underground Super Why! Oil & Water Thomas ” Sesame St. Frontline Cat in the ” Masterpiece KCTS ” Classic ” N ” Chef ” Sesame Moveable Street World News Underground Business Dinosaur Underground Dinosaur PBS Peg Plus Cat NewsHour

Northwest Nightly News KING News News Tonight KING 5

Game Home Squirrel Funny Henry Videos Almost Funny Home Sidekick Videos Wayside Wipeout Kid vs. Kat ” Sidekick YTV Haunting Nerds Haunting 6 SpongeBob Gags Chucks Wayside Gags Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Funny Home SpongeBob Rated A for Videos Rated A for Hathaways Nerds& Cat Sam

Canada Ruf-Tweet ”


Storage The First 48 Storage

Game Almost Henry

CBC News Highway Diana ”Swain Thru Highway Hell

Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big

Our Little Say Yes Family

Seinfeld Crazy Talk Seinfeld

Pépin Super Why! Rick Steves

News Days of our Evening

First Maya Footprints

Pumpkin Storage The Doctors The First 48 Toy Story Storage

Grand Paid Prog. The Grinder

Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss

King Payne King

Oil & Water Sesame St. ”

Best Time Dr. Phil Ever


The Flash Dr. Phil ”

Rick Mercer Murdoch 22 Minutes





The Talk ” ”


MLB ” Sportsnet ” Central Classics ” MLB Central Sportsnet ” Central MLB ” Baseball Sportsnet ” Central ” The Kevin ” SNP Sportsnet ” Central ) ” Sportsnet MLB Count Central NHL Central Gotta MLB See It Sportsnet Baseball World Poker Central Tour ” Misplays ”


MLB Central Kate and

MLB ” Baseball

” ” Sportsnet

General Jeopardy! Tumble Leaf Hospital

” Mysteries Agents of Young Ellen DeGeGrand Drunk NCIS: Bold New S.H.I.E.L.D. Orleans neres Show Wolves Designs ThisMinute

” NCIS: New Central The Meredith ” Orleans Vieira Show The Kevin ”

CSI: Cyber The Dr. Oz Show ”

Limitless Young & ” Restless

Sportsnet Mugshot ” Mister Maker Beyond KOMO 4the Central ” Tank MLB Central Creative News

News Early News Global Nat. Late Show-

Sportsnet MLB Baseball Central

News Hour CTV News CBC Mercer VanKIRO News SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Rick Colbert CHBC News Seth Vancouver couver News Corden CBS News ”” ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes

News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada

” Sportsnet ” Central

SC Top 10 SC Top 10

Ent ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

Young Drunk The Insider Coronation Ent

Ent ET Canada

That’s Hcky SC Top 10

Survivor ”


Dragons’ Den

Survivor ”

Survivor ”

SportsCentre Chicago Fire Criminal ” ” Minds

The Romeo Section

Criminal Minds

Chicago Fire Central ” MLB Post-.

SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”

Code Black ”

The National Code Black ” ”

SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation

SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada

Daily Show Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes

” CBC News Now With ”

News Evening

Rated A for Hathaways Gags Sam & Cat Gags Chucks

That’s Hcky Off Record Cabbie

KIRO News KIROShowNews Late

Sidekick Wayside Kid vs. Kat Nerds

Nightly Show News News Seth Meyers

Old House Antiques

” Storage Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage The Tall Man Storage A&E Storage Storage Storage 1 Storage Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Storage The Tall FirstMan 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage

Ent Days of our ET Canada

The National Limitless Bondi Vet Judge Judy ”” Judge”Judy

DISC Rebel Gold 9 ”

PBS Live/Lincoln NewsHour Center

Seinfeld Seinfeld

” ”

Bucket-Dino News Hope for KOMO 4 Canada News Wildlife News ” Jimmy PAW Patrol The Chew Canada Wheel” Live Kate and Hitler’s Kimmel ” Jeopardy! Children Nightline Ruf-Tweet General First Pumpkin Tumble Leaf Hospital Footprints Toy Story Maya The Doctors Hitler’s Agents Curious ” of Children S.H.I.E.L.D. The Doozers Steve KNOW KOMO Mugshot Beyond the PAW Patrol Harvey ” Tank * `4 Mister Maker KOMO Canada News Creative News Boj The View ” Jimmy PAW Patrol Dino Dan News ” Hitler’s Kimmel Live Wild Kratts World News Monkey See KOMO 4 Children Nightline Bucket-Dino News Hope for KOMO 4 PAW Patrol News The Chew Wildlife

The Insider The Talk Ent

News-Lisa CBC News CTV News Dragons’ Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation


How/Made To Be How/Made Announced Daily Planet Edge of ” Mayday Alaska ” TBA Highway TBA How/Made Thru Hell

Gags Heartland Coronation

SportsCentre Argentina vs News Final Germany ” ” Late Show-


” The National ”” Amanda The National Lang CBC News ” Now With CBC CBC News News Carole””

etalk TheBang Social Big

SportsCentre NCIS: New SC The Meredith Orleans ”” Vieira Show SportsCentre Limitless FIFA U-17 Young & ” World ”Cup: Restless

News New Day Northwest KING 5 News 5 KING News Nightly News Days of our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Today” KING ”5 cont’d News Blindspot New Day KING ”5 Northwest News News KING 5 Nightly Tonight News News News Show Days of our News Seth LivesMeyers Evening Dr. ThePhil Voice ””

Sidekick Funny Home Nerds Videos SpongeBob Wipeout Chucks Wayside ” Kid vs. Kat Odd Parents Haunting SpongeBob Rated A for Haunting

Ent Days of our ET Canada

FABLife ” ”


” Dinosaur Dinosaur World News Business Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Old House Sesame St. Antiques Cat in the Antiques Masterpiece Roadshow Classic Antiques Sesame ” Roadshow Street ” I’ll Have Dinosaur WorldPhil’s News What Dinosaur Business Roadtrip Peg Plus Cat PBS SciTech Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Live/Lincoln Super Why! Old House Center Thomas Antiques Sesame Antiques St. Cat in the Roadshow

Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage CSI: Miami The Tall Man ” Storage Storage The Tall The FirstMan 48 Storage

SC Top 10 Soccer SC Top 10

The Talk ” ”

“Fools Rush Millionaire Millionaire In” Crazy ”Talk Crazy Talk Seinfeld Payne Seinfeld Browns King Mod Fam King Mod Fam The Middle Divorce Big Bang Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Judge Dad Movie:Dad Amer. Judge “Fools Rush Family Guy Millionaire In” Payne Millionaire ” Browns Crazy Talk Seinfeld There Yet? Crazy Talk Seinfeld Payne King Browns King

The First Doozers Steve Pumpkin PAW Patrol Harvey Footprints Toy Story Mister Maker Agents KOMO 4 Hitler’s of Creative News Boj The View Children S.H.I.E.L.D. PAW Patrol News ” Dino Dan Mugshot Beyond the Wild Kratts World News Monkey 4 ” See KOMO Tank


News ”Hour News ”News Late NoonShowEnt Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS:”New Orleans The Meredith CHAN Limitless Vieira Show ” ( Young & News Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Early News Colbert Global Nat. Rachael Ray ET Canada ” News Hour Noon ”News

Big Bang Judge Judge Movie:

The Meredith ”” NCIS Vieira ”Show Sportsnet ” Young New & ” NCIS: Central Restless MLB Central Sugar Misplays Orleans The Kevin Debt/Part World Poker Early News MLB Limitless Sportsnet Global” Nat. Baseball Rachael Ray Tour Central

Stefano Restless CBC News VanKIRO News News CBC KIRO couver News Late CBS News Coronation CBC News KIROShowNews Gags The Insider Now ” Rick Mercer Colbert Coronation Ent 22 Minutes Corden Heartland The Talk Rick Mercer NCIS ” ” 22 Minutes ” Murdoch FABLife Young Drunk NCIS: Mysteries ”New Wolves Orleans Grand Bold The National ThisMinute Limitless Designs ” ” Bondi Vet Judge Judy CBC News KIRO News Bondi Vet Judge Judy Bookaboo The Price Is Coronation Late ShowMonster Right Dragons’ KIRO News Rick Mercer Colbert Den Recipes Young KIRO News Best & 22 Minutes Corden Stefano Restless CBC VanKIRO News CBC News KIRONews News couver News CBS ”

neres TodayShow cont’d KING 5

Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss PaidBang Prog. Cake Boss Big Our Little Family Feud Family Cake Boss Big Bang Paid Prog. Cake Grand Cake Boss Boss Eco The Co. Grinder Cake Cake Boss Boss Paid Prog. Cake Boss Scream Our Little Raising Cake Boss Steve Dateline on Queens Family Harvey TLC Boss Mike Cake News Cake Boss Anger Family Feud Cake Dateline on Mod Fam Cake Boss Boss

DenisNews Show CTV News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News etalk Vancouver Daily Show Big Bang Seth Meyers The Social The Flash ” ” Dr. Phil Agents ” of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ellen DeGeCSI: Cyber neres Show ” The Dr. Oz News-Lisa Show The View News--11:30 ” CTV News Daily Show Vancouver The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver

Classic Sesame Street”

Diana Swain Edge Rebelof Gold The National ” Alaska” Power & Rebel Gold CBC News Highway Politics ” ” Thru Hell

News ”Final Hour News CHBC News Late NoonShowNews Ent Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS:”New Orleans The Meredith Limitless Vieira Show ” Young & News Final Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part News Colbert ” Ray Rachael ET Canada ” News Hour Noon News CHBC News


Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang

Almost Hathaways Sidekick Sam & Cat Wayside Game Kid vs. Kat Henry

UEFA SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” Champions SC Top 10 League SportsCentre SC Top 10 ” Soccer That’s”Hcky Cabbie Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SC Top 10 SportsCentre SC ” FIFA U-17 SportsCentre World Cup: SportsCentre ” ” Chile vs SportsCentre Nigeria UEFA ” UEFA SportsCentre Champions ”


NEWS Power & 7 Politics

The Chew The First 48 Odd Chucks News Storage Parents CBC News ” Man SpongeBob Squirrel Now With World ”News The Tall ”

KING P Ellen DeGeDr. Phil ”

Storage Storage Storage Storage

Ellen DeGe- Grand The Flash Rick Mercer neres ”Show Designs 22 Minutes The Dr. of Oz Bondi Vet Agents Young Drunk Show Bondi Vet The View Bookaboo S.H.I.E.L.D. Wolves ” Monster CTV News Dragons’ CSI: Cyber The National Vancouver Den Recipes The Marilyn Best ” ”


YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat

KCTS N Masterpiece Sesame St. Cat in the

Storage Storage

The Meredith NCIS Vieira ”Show Young New & NCIS: Restless Sugar Orleans Debt/Part News Limitless Rachael ”” Ray


A&E Storage 1 Storage


WTBS A Mod Fam Payne Browns

Ruf-Tweet General4 Hope for KOMO Tumble Leaf News Hospital Wildlife Maya The Doctors Canada Wheel Curious ” ” Jeopardy!

FIFA U-17 SportsCentre World ”Cup: SportsCentre ” Chile vs SportsCentre Nigeria UEFA ”


TLC < First Swipe


The World’s In” Peter Popoff Browns Fattest Man There ”Yet? Paid Prog.

Central Misplays

” Bookaboo ” Monster Canada Best Recipes Votes 2015: Stefano After the CBC News Vote Now


Big Bang Big Bang

” Sportsnet

Noon News News Hour ”

Super Why! Thomas

Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar

Minority Report

Rachael Marilyn Young & Ray The Dr. Oz ” Denis Show Restless Show

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Rebel Gold ”

Scorpion ”

Champions Chile vs League Nigeria

Say Yes Say Yes

KAYU ; Paid Prog.

Ice Lake How/Made Rebels How/Made

Big Bang Life in


Paid Prog. The Office

” ”

” ”

SC Top 10 The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand SportsCentre Sugar The View Bookaboo ” Debt/Part Monster SC Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs

There Yet? Divorce Paid Prog. Divorce Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Millionaire Millionaire

Livin’ Dream Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Mod Fam Crime Watch Daily


How/Made Rebel Gold How/Made ”

” ”

KNOW KOMO Maya The Doctors * ` Curious ”

Days of our Lives

Fiancé Sister Wives Sister ”Wives ” Sister Wives Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes

The Widower ” Sesame Scott Street& Bailey Dinosaur Global Dinosaur Health Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat

Masterpiece Ellen DeGeAntiques ” Classic neres ”Show Roadshow ” KING 5 I’ll Have Blindspot ” News ” What Phil’s World News KING KING News 5 Roadtrip Business News SciTech Tonight

” ”

SNP ” ) ”

Dateline NBC Today KING cont’d News Up Late NW New Day Bensinger Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News


Mod Fam The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Marlie’s New Big Bang ” Amer. Dad Face ” Big Bang Amer. Dad ” New Family Movie: Guy Marlie’s “Fools Rush Face ” Payne

” ”

Castle The View ” ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

TLC < 90 Day

Paid Prog. News Raising Mod Fam Mike Mike Anger Two Men

” ”


My Haunted Stanley Dyn. House Max

” Mod Fam There Yet? Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. “Miracle”

Masterpiece Great Classic ” Masterpiece Shelter Me: Classic Partners

KAYU ; News

Canada CBC News Now VotesWith 2015:


” Big Bang TheBang Closer Big

Sister Wives ” ” The Closer

MythBusters Paid Prog. Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes

The Insider Ent


Burgers Last Man

” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang


Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ”

Worst Driver Big World First Mayday Steve SisterSwipe Wives ” Harvey ” New Daily Planet Paid Prog. Marlie’s The Results Cold Water ” Raising Carole Family Feud Face Sister Wives MacNeil Cowboys Family Feud ” How/Made Mike ”” House ” How/Made Anger ” The First 48 SpongeBob Nerds CBC News Jade Fever Crime Watch Say Yes ” Squirrel Now With Jade Fever Daily Say Yes My Haunted Hathaways ” Ice Lake Two Men The World’s The First 48 Sam Almost Diana ”Swain Rebels Airshow Paid Fam Prog. Say Yes House & Cat Mod Fattest Man ” Sidekick ” ” The Office Say Yes My Haunted Stanley Dyn. ” Rebel Gold Big Bang ” The First 48 Max Wayside Power” & MythBusters PaidBang Prog. Say Yes House ” Big ” ” Kid vs. Kat Politics ” Family Feud Say Yes My Haunted Funny Home ” Rebel Gold Gotham No ArmsMy Haunted Videos Sidekick Canada’s Paid Prog. First Swipe House ” ” ” Legs House Chucks Canada Worst Driver Big World First Swipe My Haunted Wipeout ” Ice Lake Minority The World’s CSI: Miami Wayside CBC News Mayday Steve Sister Wives My Haunted SpongeBob Votes 2015: Daily Planet Paid Prog. Marlie’s New House ” ” Rebels Report Fattest ” Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Harvey ” Man House Kung Fu The Results ” Raising Face My Haunted Haunting ” Rebel Gold News ” The First 48 Rated A for Carole Cold Water Family Feud Sister Wives My Haunted Odd Parents How/Made Mike Fam House Haunting ”” ” Mod ”” ” Rated A for MacNeil Cowboys Family Feud House SpongeBob ” How/Made Anger ” My Canada Rebel Gold Mike TheHaunted First 48 Gags Nerds CBC News Jade Fever Crime Watch Marlie’s Say YesNew My Haunted Gags Hathaways ”2015: Ice Lake Two Men Men The World’s House Votes ” Two Face ” Squirrel Now With Jade Fever Daily Say Yes House Sam & Cat ” Rebels Mod Fam Fattest Man My How Met Peter Popoff TheHaunted First 48 Funny AlmostHome After Dianathe Swain How/Made Airshow Paid IProg. Say Yes My Haunted Videos Stanley Dyn. Vote ” Rebel Gold Big Bang ” House How/Made Cougar Paid Prog. ” Sidekick ” ” The Office Say Yes House Max ” ” Big Bang ” TheHaunted First 48 Funny Wayside MythBusters Paid Prog. SayArmsYes My Home Power” & Rebel Gold Gotham No Kid vs. Kat Politics Family” Feud Legs Say Yes House” Videos ” ”” My ”” Canada’s Paid Prog. First Swipe My Haunted Haunted Sidekick Wipeout Ice Lake Minority The World’s House Chucks Canada Worst World First Swipe House ” ” RebelsDriver Big Report Fattest Man

A&E 1

The Closer Just Like Big Bang ” Heaven Big Bang The Closer Paid Prog. Big Bang ” FirstBang Family Big There Yet? Paid Prog. Mod Fam Paid Prog. Box Office Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. “She’s the “Miracle” Paid Prog. Man” ” ”


Paid Prog. 90 Day Paid Prog. Fiancé

Power & Politics

NEWS 7 ”

First Swipe Say Yes Marry Sister Wives Say Yes Marry ” Say Yes Marry 90 SayDay Yes Marry Fiancé 90 DayWives Sister Sister ”Wives Fiancé ” Marry Sister Wives Paid Prog. Marry ” Paid Prog. Marry 90 Day Fiancé Marry

WTBS A ” ”


How I Met Burgers Mod Fam Simpsons

Diana Swain Airshow ” ”

YTV 6 Sidekick

Movie:” “She’s” the

TLC Marry First< Swipe Marry

Racing: NFL Sprint Cup Football: Series: Patriots at Movie: Hollywood Great British Colts “Going Show Casino Baking ” 400 Blind” ” Masterpiece ” Kids Rock ” Classic 5th Quarter Sid Science Kids News Great LazyTown Masterpiece KING 5 SciGirls Countdown ” Tree Fu Tom Classic News Nature Me: Football NASCAR Shelter The Widower Dateline ” Racing: Partners Night in ” NBC Railway Sprint Cup Father America Scott & KING Journeys Series: Brown NFL News Bailey Up Late NW Movie: Hollywood Weekend Football: Global Bensinger “Going A Chef’s Life Casino Patriots400 at Health Paid Prog. Blind” British Colts ” Great Baking Show ” Kids Rock

Alaska: The Naked and Last Frontier Afraid

The National Yukon Men ” ”

” CBC News ” Now With ” Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Now With

Marry 90 Day Marry Fiancé

Countdown Night in

Cougar Big Bang Paid Prog. Simpsons

Wayside Kid vs. Kat

Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Haunting Rated A for FrankenRated A for weenie Nerds Squirrel

Brown” Railway Weekend Journeys A Chef’s Life

Naked and Yukon Men Afraid ”

Almost Sidekick

A&E 1 My Haunted The First 48 ”

” The View ” ” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Seth Meyers Vancouver


” ”

SciGirls Partners

First Family Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “Miracle”

” LazyTown 5th TreeQuarter Fu Tom KING 5 Football News in Night The Widower Dateline Father America NBC Brown” NFL Scott & KING News Weekend Football: Bailey Late at NW A Chef’s Life Up Patriots Global Bensinger Great British Colts Health Baking Show Paid Prog. ”

The First 48 ”

NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part News Final Rachael Ray Late Show” Colbert Noon News ET Canada Hour

” The National ”” The National Democrats ” ”

Heaven Big Bang

Say Yes ” 90 DayWives Sister Fiancé”

First MarrySwipe First MarrySwipe Sister Wives Marry Marry ” 90 DayWives Sister Fiancé” Sister Sister Wives Wives ””

NEWS 7 Democrats

” CSI: Miami Nightwatch ” ” The First 48 Nightwatch ” ” The First 48 ”

Brooklyn 21 Day Fix Seattle Burgers Top Cooker Seahawks Last Man Paid Prog. Paid Prog. News Motorcycle Raising Livin’ Dream Racing How I Met Cougar ” Monopoly Paid Prog. NFL Big Bang How I Met Football: Simpsons Mod Fam Carolina Burgers Simpsonsat Panthers

” MythBusters Simpsons Firsthand Cash Cab Seattle ” ” Brooklyn Cash Cab Seahawks The National Yukon Men Paid Burgers Fifth Estate MythBusters Prog. Last Man ”” ”” Raising Democrats Alaska: Power & Alaska: The The News How I Met ” Last Dream Politics Last Frontier Frontier Livin’ Monopoly

YTV 6 Haunting

SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre UEFA ” UEFA SportsCentre Champions ” League


” Highway Cash Cab Yukon Men Thru CashHell Cab ” Rebel Gold MythBusters Alaska: The ”” Last Frontier Rebel Gold Alaska: The Naked and ” Last Frontier Afraid Fast N’Men Loud Yukon Alaska: ” The Last Frontier Bering Naked Sea and Afraid Gold

” ”

” ”

Wheel Jeopardy!

” CBC News Firsthand The CBCNational News ” ” Now Estate With Fifth Democrats Asha ” ” Tomlinson Power & ”” Politics ” ” The National The National ” ” ” Democrats ” Marketplace

Say Yes Marry A13 Say Yes Paid Fam Prog. Nature NASCAR Sister Wives Mod Father America

DISC KAYU Bering Sea Carolina 9 ; MythBusters Simpsons Gold Panthers at

A&E 1 Nightwatch

WarshipsThe Kimmel KOMO 4Live My Haunted Picasso: ” News Legacy Nightline House Hope for Wildlife

NEWS ” 7 ” Marketplace

” ”


” ”


Thru Hell Top Cooker ” Raising Rebel Gold Paid IProg. Alaska: The How Met ” Motorcycle Last Frontier Monopoly Tomlinson Rebel Gold Racing The National Yukon Men Big Bang ”” ”” ” Simpsons ” Fast N’and Loud NFL Democrats Naked Burgers ”” Football: Afraid ” Simpsons

” ”

Minority Report

” ”

KNOW KOMO *the Quantico ` Waking

CBC News ” Now With Power & Asha Politics

” ” ” Sportsnet

Curious ” Hitler’s Agents of The Doozers Steve Children S.H.I.E.L.D. PAW Patrol Harvey

Canada Dino Dan Wild Kratts ”

A&E 1

” ” ”





Now With ”



Thru Hell

Funny Home The National To Be Wayside Power & To Be Videos ” Announced

Storage Wipeout Duck D. Sidekick The ” DuckTall D. Man Chucks

The National Edge of ” How/Made ”” Alaska How/Made



Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.

CBC News Amanda Lang ”

Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ”

News Storage Duck World News Storage Dynasty Jimmy

Kid vs. Kat

Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Penguins

Gags To Be Men Odd Parents The CBCNational News Yukon SpongeBob ” Gags ” Announced



The Office


Say Yes Say Yes

Family Feud Say Yes



Crazy Talk Browns

Scream Our Fabulous Little The Middle Paid Prog. Fat Mod Fam Queens Family Family Guy Animal Atlas Fat Fabulous Mod Fam News Cake Boss Amer. Dad Paid Prog. Fat Fabulous Big Bang Mod Fam Cake Boss Amer. Dad Raising Fat Fabulous Big Bang



News Show Evening Seth Days Meyers of our Best Time Lives Ever Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGeKING Chicago Fire neres Show ” P KING 5 KING News News Today Tonight cont’d 5 KING Show News New Day Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News KING News 5

Peg Plus Cat News Thomas


Cat in the ” Frontline The Voice Masterpiece Ellen DeGe” Classic neres ”Show

” Empire ””

Chicago KING 5 Fire News ”

Mike Anger Two Men

Cake Boss Family Guy Fat Fabulous Movie: ” “Mr. 3000” Cake Boss Payne

Chef News World Business Moveable

News KING 5 News Tonight

PBS Nightly Underground Show News NewsHour News Underground Seth Meyers

Canada Hitler’s ” Children

KOMO 4Live Storage Duck D. Kimmel News Duck D. Nightline Storage

Hathaways The National TBA To Be Funny Home Amanda Sam & Cat Announced Videos Lang ” TBA

Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar

Fat ” PaidFabulous Prog. Browns Fat PaidFabulous Prog. There ”Yet?

The Water Park

Wheel Jeopardy!

Duck D. Duck D.

Make It Pop Bella

Big Bang Big Bang

Suddenly Royal

Lost KingThe Middle dom of Tibet Goldbergs

Duck D. Duck D.

Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell

Rosewood ”

Fat Fabulous King Fat Fabulous King

Gala From Berlin 2011

Mod Fam blackish

Duck Dynasty

Wipeout ”

The National Yukon Men ” ”

Empire ”

Suddenly Royal


Law & Order: SVU

Duck D. Duck D.

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

Fat Fabulous Amer. Dad ” Amer. Dad

Brain-David Eagleman

Chicago PD ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Gags Gags

The National Airplane ” Repo

Mike Two Men

Fat Fabulous Family Guy Fat Fabulous Payne

Globe Trekker

KING News Tonight

How I Met Cougar

Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?

Globe Trekker

Show Seth Meyers

Chicago PD ”

Sportsnet Central

” Park

Nashville ”

KIRO News Late Show-

News Late Show-

Sportsnet Central

Park The Water

News Jimmy

Colbert Corden

Colbert ET Canada

Sportsnet Central

Lost KingKimmel Live Duck D. dom of Tibet Nightline Duck D.

CBC News ”

Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang

Airplane Repo

To Be Announced

Highway Thru Hell

Seinfeld Seinfeld

The Middle Family Guy

SciTech Field Guide

News Evening

Nature ”

The Mysteries of Laura

Wednesday,October October14, 14,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,

A14 A14

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email classiďŹ



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Employment Career Opportunities ECONOMIC Development Mgr sought by Kwakiutl Band in Pt Hardy in N. Van. Isl. Send resume, cover LTR & salary expectations to or fax 250-949-6066 by 8 AM, Nov. 2. Pls request job description.

Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Auctions ONLINE AUCTION - COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT EQUIPMENTOPENS WED OCT 14 - CLOSES WED OCT 21.........BAILIFF SEIZED PIZZA EQUIP, BAKERY & TACO EQUIP PLUS LEASE RETURNS - incl. Garland cooking equip, Berkel Slicers, Hobart 60 Quart Legacy Mixer, Meat Grinder, Sheeters, Walk-ins, Pizza & Convection Ovens, dishwashers, canopies and MORE !!!!! View Weekdays 10am to 4pm @Active Auction Mart - Unit 295 - 19358 96th Ave, Surrey, BC--- view ONLINE & REGISTER to BID --- Tel: 604-371-1190 email:

LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online


US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Professional/ Management OFF. Manager with 2+ yrs exp. req’d. for more info.

CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates + Chad: 250-863-3082 Local.


Moving & Storage

Suites, Lower

DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282


at The Kelowna Capital News. 2495 Enterprise Way

GREAT for the kids to draw on, plus puppy training, gardens and packing for moving. Cleaner Than News Print! $1.50 + up. Talk to the girls in classiďŹ ed to purchase yours.


Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!


OfďŹ ce/Retail COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE 1292 Main St., Smithers. 5920 sq. ft. Available Jan. 2016. Please email for more information.


Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Misc. for Sale

EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6’ tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email

ROLL ENDS Are Back in Stock!



Financial Services

AIRTIKA Heating Ltd. * Heat Pumps * Furnaces * Hot Water Tanks * Repairs & Installations 778-821-2665 reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.

Merchandise for Sale

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

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Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Immaculate 1 BDRM 1 BATH Brand new suite Single person only 15 minutes from UBC and OK College Located in Rutland Separate laundry Custom built bathroom with stand up shower and soaker tub. Built with sound proof insulation so it’s very quite for a basement suite. Looking for a student or professional adult. $850+ 40% utilities. Available OCT.15th Call or text Derek for a showing 250-718-4969

Suites, Upper IMMACULATE 2 BDRM 1 Bath With Shop / Kelowna $1,500.00 Immaculate 2 bdrm, 1 bathroom with 28’x30’ Detached shop. Completely renovated. Big covered deck with fruit tree, oversized yard. Lots of parking. Looking for responsible working adults or small family. No pets, parties or smoking. $1500/month + partial utilities. Available OCT.15th Call or text Derek to book a showing 250-718-4969


Find quality employees.

rLake Lake Country Country Calendar Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,October October14, 14,2015 2015 A15 A15


EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!



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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Tuesday, October 20, 2015|7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change amendment bylaw. Zoning Amendment (Thomson) Bylaw 899, 2014 (Z2014-004) is a zoning designation amendment that would change a portion of the property FROM RR1 (Rural Residential 1) TO RU1 (Single Family Dwelling) and a portion TO RM2 (Low Density Row Housing). The rezoning would facilitate future development. (See Map Below)

SUBJECT PROPERTY: Civic: 10660 Highway 97 LEGAL: Lot 9 District Lot 169 Osoyoos Division Yale District Plan 216 Except Plans 3028, 7818, and 40583 Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

Municipal Hall News October 14, 2015 Semi-Annual Water Utility Bills Semi-annual water bills for the period July 1 to December 31, 2015 are due and payable before 4:30 pm on Friday, October 30. Payments received after the close of business October 30, 2015 will be charged a late penalty of 5% on the unpaid balance. Payments can be made by mail; in person at Municipal Hall located at 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd; at all major financial institutions; or via internet and telephone banking. Please make cheques payable to District of Lake Country. There is an after-hours drop box to the right of the main door of Municipal Hall. Municipal office hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).

Family Fun for Halloween

GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, October 7, 2015 to October 20, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email Speak at the Public Hearing Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

October 7, 2015

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