THE PM Agreement #40012521
Review Vol.17
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
Number 42
$1.15 including GST
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Serving the communities of Keremeos, Cawston, Okanagan Falls and Kaleden
Postmaster job open in Cawston Review Staff
Tara Bowie
Hedley, like many other communities, is facing an issue with dumping on Crown Land lots. The dumping of abandoned vehicles, broken glass, tires and old building materials have some in the community concerned about safety.
Canada Post is currently looking for a new postmaster for Cawston. Eugene Knapick, a spokesperson for Canada Post said the job has been vacant since October 7. “The postmaster retired July 31. We were able to staff it temporarily until October 7. Right now we don’t have a postmaster so we had to temporarily close the office,” he said. Knapick said the Cawston post office does not have any postal boxes but does act as a general delivery spot for three or four clients. The post office was used for parcel drop-off and pickup for the area. Until a new part-time Cawston postmaster is hired, general delivery or parcel pickup customers have to go to Keremeos. Knapick said the job has been posted on the Canada Post website but the Review could not find it online on Tuesday. The new postmaster would have to provide a facility for the post office somewhere in Cawston.
Shining a light on Crown Land dumping Tara Bowie Review Staff
When you drive through Hedley, or insert the name of a variety of other small communities in rural BC, you might think the community is full of hoarders. Numerous properties scattered throughout the community are filled with junk. The lots contain rusty old vehicles (not plated), boats, discarded building materials, broken glass, old appliances and much more. At first glance one might feel sad for the owners that they’ve let their large properties get out of control. But as the Review learned earlier this month at least in Hedley there’s no reason to feel sad but there’s loads of reasons to feel angry. “They’re dumping on Crown land,” Lydia Sawicki of Hedley
said while holding a map outlining Crown owned land in the small community. “This land could be used for different things. We could actually get enjoyment out of it but some people have decided to use it as their own personal storage spaces.” The small community has a large amount of Crown Land lots compared to other communities its size. A rockslide decades ago changed the landscape of the community in more ways than one. “Because of the dangers of the slide they didn’t want people living near there so they deemed some lots Crown Land so no one could build on them,” she said. “It could be beautiful but instead it’s this,” she said pointing to several junk filled lots. Sawicki said herself and a group
of about 10 other volunteers have offered to help clean up the mess. In the past the group has helped cleanup other areas including 20 Mile Creek. Although they’ve traditionally not been taken up on their offers a resident did recently accept help. “It’s encouraging. We pulled out a lot of glass. That’s a major concern as these properties end up with long grass growing and there’s a big danger for fire there,” she said. Graham Gore, manager of the Hedley Volunteer fire department said the lots are a big concern for the department. “We are getting dryer and dryer summers. These are real fire hazards and the abandoned vehicles have combustible material inside of them. It really is a big concern for us and the safety of the whole com-
munity,” he said. The Hedley Improvement District oversees the fire department and has tried to work with the government to have these lots cleaned up. “The HID has no jurisdiction over it but we see it as an issue of safety,” Lynn Wells, president of the HID said. Over the years the HID has tried to work with several federal and provincial ministries to help cleanup abandoned vehicles on Crown lots and even on streets. At this point there has not been much response. “It is difficult. It’s not a high priority for them. They’re usually understaffed and overworked,” she said. “If there is some way we can get citizen participation to help cleanup the problem it is always
greatly appreciated.” Wells said she personally filed a complaint four years ago with regards to a neighbour dumping vehicles. This spring an environment officer finally attended and ordered the vehicles removed. The HID has been in regular communication with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure over the past six months with regards to abandoned vehicles on the streets. “When people complain, we do try to do something about it but we cannot just call a tow truck and have these vehicles towed away. The RCMP has to be called. The vehicles checked out to make sure they aren’t insured and they are actually abandoned,” she said. To report polluters call 1-877952-7277.
A 2 Thursday, October 15, 2015 The Review COMMUNITY
Community Calendar
Are you a non-profit organization? Do you have a community fundraiser coming up? Can we help get the word out? Call the Review today to have your event listed in the events section or the calendar section FREE OF CHARGE. Call 499-2653 Space is limited to time sensitivity, 1st come, 1st served & no guaranteed placements. OKANAGAN FALLS
2nd MON: Communities for Kids OK Falls Table Mtg., 2:45 pm at StrongStart Early Learning Ctr., 250-498-8433 for more info. TUESDAY: South Okanagan Toastmasters 7 - 9 p.m. at Best Western in Osoyoos. Call 498-4412, 499-2144. TUESDAY: Bingo at the Senior Citizenís Centre on Willow St. 1p.m. (except last Tues.). 3RD TUESDAY: Legion Branch #227 Gen Meeting 7 p.m. Jack Hill Room, OK Falls. WED. & SAT.: Carpet Bowling 1 p.m. Seniorís Centre. WEDNESDAY: Join the Stroke Recovery Club for stroke survivors and caregivers, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the South Okanagan Similkameen Brain Injury Society office, #2-996 Main Street, Penticton..Call Tina at 490-0613. 1st WEDNESDAY: OK Falls Legion - Ladies Auxiliary General Meeting 1:00 p.m., Jack Hill Room, OK Falls. 3rd WEDNESDAY: OK Falls Womens Institute meeting, Falls Community Centre. Call Betty for more info - 497-6665. THURSDAY: Bridge 1 p.m. Seniors Centre. THURSDAY: Crib 7 p.m. Seniors Centre. THURSDAY: Computer classes 9 a.m. Seniorís Centre. FRIDAY: Arts group painting 1- 3 p.m. FRIDAY: Whist 7 p.m. 2ND & 4TH FRIDAY: A Wellness Clinic is held at the Seniors Centre, on Willow Street, 9 to 11 a.m. Have your blood pressure, heart and weight checked by a retired registered nurse. Open to everyone. 1st FRIDAY: OK Falls Legion - Ladies Auxiliary Dinner and Entertainment 6:00 p.m. After the Meat Draw. 3rd FRIDAY: OK Falls Legion Ladies Auxiliary Steak Fry Dinner 6:00 p.m. After the Meat Draw. FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS: The Okanagan Falls Legion Branch #227 has meat draws from 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY: OK Falls Legion Branch #227, Dinner and Dance 6:00 pm. 1st SATURDAY: Ladies Auxiliary Branch #227. Drop in Bingo 1-4 p.m. Jack Hill Room. OK Falls. 3rd SATURDAY: Drop in bingo at OK Falls Senior Centre. 1128 Willow St.
MONDAY: N.A. meets at 8 p.m. at the South Similkameen Health Centre. MONDAY: Keremeos Bellringers, 7:30 pm, Cawston United Church, for info call Herma @ 499-5292, Joan @ 499-2450. 2nd MONDAY: Similkameen COPS, 7 p.m., Upstairs at the Legion (Legion Hall). Ben Gumm for info 499-0216 4th MONDAY: Orchard Haven - Friends and family council monthly meetings. Making a difference to residential care. MON, WED, FRI: Boot Camp 6 - 7 am, Sim. Rec. Centre. For more info call Annette 499-2238 TUESDAY: Tumble Bumble, 10:00 - 11:30 am upstairs at the Legion Hall. AGes 0-6. For info 250-499-2352 ext. 106. TUESDAY: Every 2nd, Caregiver Group, Activity Room, Orchard Haven 1:30 - 3 p.m. For info 499-3020 TUESDAY: AA Meetings, 7:30 p.m., in the Health Center Activity Room, info call Diane 499-1177 TUESDAY: Handguns 5:30 pm Fly Tying/22 Shoot, 7 pm, KCSA Club House. More info call 250-499-7027. Nov. to Mar. WEDNESDAY: Mother Goose 10:00-11:30 am, Strong Start at Cawston Primary. Ages 0-6. For info 499-2352 ext. 106. WEDNESDAY: Qigong exercise 9 a.m. Cawston Church Hall. 499-7852 for information. WEDNESDAY: Kyokushin Karate at Legion Hall from 5 - 7 p.m. Phone Lyle for info 292-8565. WEDNESDAY: Diabetes Clinic, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Similkameen Health Centre. RN & Reg. Dietitian in attendance. Dr. referrals or self referral. Appts. necessary. Phone 1-800-707-8550. WEDNESDAY: Keremeos Search & Rescue meetings, 7 pm, little brown building behind the Village Office. WEDNESDAY: Songster Sing-a-long, 10 - 11:15 am, Keremeos Seniors Centre, Starts October 8th. 1st THURSDAY: South Similkameen Museum Society Meeting, 7 pm, at the Ecumenical Church in Keremeos THURSDAY: Tumble Bumble, 3:00 - 4:30 pm upstairs at the Legion. Ages 0-6. For info 250-499-2352 ext. 106. THURSDAY: Positively Pregnant, 10:00 - 11:30 am at the Family Centre. For info 250-499-2352 ext. 106. THURSDAY: AA meetings at 7:30 pm Health Centre activity room. Info. call Eleanor 499-5982. THURSDAY: KCSA Monthly meetings the last Thursday of each month at clubhouse 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY: Afternoon dances at the Keremeos Seniors Centre from 1:30 - 4 p.m (starts in October). Whist 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm THURSDAY: Weight Watchers, 5 pm, Elks Hall. More info call Sarah at 250-499-2878. THURSDAY: Learning about Stroke by the SOSBI. FREE Starting April 24th. Call 250-490-0613 for more information. FRIDAY: Keremeos TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at 9:00 a.m. at the Health Centre. Call Georgina at 499-0202 FRIDAY: Elks and Royal Purple bingo. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. FRIDAY: Keremeos Seniors Centre Bingo, 1:00 pm. - THURSDAYS until October. SUNDAY: KCSA Trap Shooting, 10:00 am to ?, Weather permitting. SUNDAY: AA Meeting at 10:00 am in the Health Center Activity Room. Info call Eleanor at 499-5982. 3RD SUNDAY: Legion General Meeting. 2:00 p.m. Keremeos Legion Hall. 3rd MONDAY: Kars Under the K Meeting, 7:00 pm, Meeting Room at Health Center, Call Marcel Morin for info 499-7775. 2nd TUESDAY: Can-Do General Meetings. Everyone Welcome. Phone 499-2420 for more information. 1ST WEDNESDAY: Regular meeting of the Keremeos Seniors Centre, at 2 p.m. Keremeos. 1ST & 3RD WEDNESDAY: Search & Rescue meet 7-9 p.m., 8th Ave. & 4th St. Call 499-6067 or 499-5429. 2ND WEDNESDAY: The Similkameen Garden Club meets at 7 p.m. at the Keremeos Seniors Centre, 2ND AND 4TH THURSDAY: The Royal Purple Lodge meets at 1:30 p.m. at the Elks Hall. Info: 499-7073. LAST THURSDAY: KCSA Club meeting. 1ST AND 3RD THURSDAY: The Keremeos Elks meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Elks Hall. 1ST SUNDAY: Jam Session. Keremeos Seniors Centre. 1 p.m. Everyone Welcome. Starts in September. 499-0112.
Keremeos Cawston Food Bank 2334 Newton Road, Cawston OPEN October 15th
10:00 am to 12:00 noon
If you did not re-register in March you must register in April. Everyone must bring ID and proof of residency. 250-501-1010
Keremeos Alzheimer Caregiver Support Group We meet at the Keremeos Health Centre at 1:00 pm on the third Wednesday of the month. Next meeting is: October 21st For more information please call Laurie at 1-888-318-1122
~ No Registration or AGM Notices ~
South Okanagan Toastmasters is Alive in Oliver Toastmasters is for everyone, start now with your communication and leadership development. We meet Tuesdays, 7:00 pm at 5876 Airport St. Call Bill at 250-485-0006 or email
Did you know?
The Similkameen Elders Club
invites you to our lunch & loonie auction 12:00 noon, 1st Wednesday of every month at Keremeos Elk’s Hall Everyone Welcome!
No Lunch in August (too Hot)!
The original name of butterfly was flutterby.
The Okanagan Falls Branch 101 - 850 Railway Lane Ph: (250)497-5886
There is always lots going on at the library. Check it out to see what free activities are coming up!
TUESDAY: Once a month Soup and Sandwich. Hedley Seniors’ Center on Scott Ave. THURSDAY: Library 2 pm - 7 pm Hedley Seniors’ Center, free computer use. 1ST MONDAY: Hedley Heritage Museum meeting, 6:00 p.m. at the Museum, Everyone welcome to attend. 2ND SUNDAY: Pancake Breakfast, Hedley Seniors’ Center, 8:00 am to 10:00 am. 3RD MONDAY: Monthly meeting at Seniors’ Center, 2 pm. 3RD MONDAY: Community Club meeting at 7 pm at the Club. DAILY: Coffee & good conversation at the Seniors’ Center 6:30 am - 8 am. Every Mon./Wed./ Sat. Exercise at 9 am. SUNDAY: Church Service at 9:30 am, Hedley Grace Church. SUNDAY: Hedley Farmers Market 9-1, July - Oct. DAILY: Hedley Heritage Museum open daily 9am - 4pm, Daly Ave. TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Exercise at 9:00 am.
The Review Thursday, October 15, 2015 A 3
Drug overdoses prompt warning Review Staff
Recent suspected drug overdoses in neighbouring communities has prompted Interior Health to issue an advisory. “All substance use carries an inherent risk to a person. The risk is even greater with street drugs because you never know what they may contain. Often street drugs have been mixed with other sub-
stances and that can have serious consequences for the user,” said Jeff Walsh, Harm Reduction Coordinator with Interior Health. It is uncertain at this time what drug caused several suspected overdoses in the communities of Oliver and Osoyoos in the last two weeks. Interior Health is working with the RCMP to investigate further.
This is unusual, and is concerning to Interior Health officials. While not using drugs at all is the best way to avoid overdose and other health impacts, health-care providers recognize some people will continue to use drugs. The following tips can help reduce the risk: ·Don’t mix different drugs (including phar-
maceutical medications, street drugs, and alcohol). ·Don’t take drugs when you are alone. ·Take a small sample of a drug before taking your usual dosage. ·Never experiment with higher doses. ·Keep an eye out for your friends – stay together and look out for each other. ·Recognize the signs of an OD. Headache,
nausea, confusion, vomiting, shakes, fainting are serious. Get medical help ASAP. ·If someone thinks they may be having an overdose or is witnessing an overdose, call 9-1-1 immediately, do not delay.
Naramata, Okanagan Falls, Tulameen and Willowbrook Fire Areas. This rescind will also be in conjunction with the municipalities of Penticton, Summerland, Oliver, Osoyoos, Princeton and the Village of Keremeos. The public is encouraged to continue to restrict their campfires to not larger than halfmetre by half-metre in size and have a hand
tool such as a shovel or at least eight litres of water nearby to extinguish it. Remember, never leave a campfire unattended and make sure the ashes are completely cold to the touch before leaving the area. For more information, please call 250492-0237 or toll-free 1-877-610-3737 or visit our website at www.
Parsons Farm Market
Also Have:
Now Picking:
• Sweet & Hot Peppers • Tomatoes & Canning Tomatoes • 6 varieties of basil • Winter Squash • New Potatoes 110 7th Ave. (Hwy. 3) 250.499.2312 Keremeos B.C. • Apples • Corn • Pears • Unique preserves and jams
Debra & Joness Paish renewed their wedding vows on July 7, 2015. They would like to thank the management and staff from Tree To Me for the exceptional service shown to them during their week long vacation. Special thanks to Stephan and Andrew. The Paish Family of Alberta
Phone: 250-499-2711 Fax: 250-499-5477
Box 160 702 - 4th Street, Keremeos email:
Robin Bickner is the Pharmasave Prize Winner of the Mars Chair and 24 Game! Her prize is being presented by Carol Hunt.
Tree To Me is excited to present:
Open Daily 9-5
Got a news tip? Call 250-499-2653
Farming in Keremeos since 1908
Prepare to feast at Grist Mill Harvest Dinner Grist Mill and Gardens staff is gearing up for the last big event of the year. The Heritage Harvest Dinner will be held Friday, Oct. 16 at the Grist Mill. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and dinner is served at 6 p.m. “It’s a great community feeling. It’s family style serving. It’s a great pulling together of the Grist Mill community,” Christ Mathieson, manager of the Grist Mill said. This year’s mouthwatering meal consists of David’s Grist Mill Sourdough Bread, classic mac ‘n cheese, Jerusalem artichoke and apple salad, braised chicken with fennel and ciopolinni onion, roasted baron of beef with choke cherry merlot glaze, roasted herb potatoes, heirloom squash trio, corn and pepper medley, and homestyle apple and pumpkin pies. The menu is inspired by the hearty and wholesome meals that Barrington Price (the founder of the Mill in 1877) and other early settlers and visitors to the Similkameen would have enjoyed. Tickets are $60 each and are available at the front desk of the Grist Mill Visitor’s Centre or Seating is limited, so be sure to get your tickets soon; also note that there will be no tickets available at the door.
Alley Oops on Monday kicked off the bowling season at the recreation centre. Top bowlers in the men category included Bruce Crossman, 211, and Wayne Ritchie, 201. For the Ladies Madeleine Pruden bowled 211 while Irma Desjardins bowled 206. In Swingers action on October 8 Clyde Morris bowled 231 while Bonnie McConnell bowled 179. More bowlers are needed for several leagues call the recreation centre for more details.
More information about harm reduction and overdose prevention is available at http://
Fire ban finally lifted in area by RDOS It’s time to break open the marshmallows. The Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen rescinded its Temporary Open Fire Ban effective 12 p.m. Oct. 9. The temporary open fire ban included open fires, campfires, and fires in portable wood burning fireplaces within the RDOS Fire Protection Areas, defined as Anarchist Mountain, Kaleden, Keremeos,
Morris top scorer for first bowling week
The works of Allie Arnst and Heather Hibbs. Join us 24th October from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm to meet the artists.
1217 Hwy 3A, Keremeos 250-499-9271
Tree to Me is excited to present the works of Allie Arnst and Heather Hibbs. Join us 24th October from 1:00pm to 4:00pm and meet the artists. Here’s a couple of JPEG that you can play with as well.
The Community Charter provides authority for Council to amend its Financial Plan Bylaw for expenditures and revenues that were not contemplated when the original Plan was adopted. The public is hereby notified that Council will be considering an amendment to the 2015 – 2019 Financial Plan to include: 1. $15,000 for solar powered LED lights for the Village Trail, funded by a grant from Fortis BC to the Similkameen Trail Society; 2. $14,887 for the 5000 hours Centrifuge rebuild which had to be moved forward to 2015 due to a bearing failure; and 3. $55,000 for an emergency repair to a compressor line at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in order to ensure continuing compliance with Ministry of Environment requirements and prevent aroma, sludge handling and disposal problems. The amending Bylaw will be considered for adoption at the regular meeting of Council Monday, October 19, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. An opportunity for public input will be provided. For more information please contact the Village Office at 250.499.2711
Thursday, October 15, 2015 The Review
PuBlisHED THuRsDAys By
in Keremeos & Okanagan Falls 605 7th Avenue, Keremeos BC Box 130, Keremeos BC V0X 1N0 website: email: Phone: 250-499-2653 Fax: 250-499-2645
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Publications Mail Agreement No. 4002521
ANDREA DEMEER Associate Publisher
TAMMy HARTFiElD Production
sANDi NOlAN Sales
How fear and ignorance can get you elected
Seeing the forest and the trees The best thing that could happen right now to the Harper Conservatives is for somebody to rob a convenience store while wearing a niqab. Wouldn’t that just put the M in Majority? Polls indicate most Canadians support Harper and his red herring positioning on manners of Muslim dress, including proposed legislation to ban the niqab at citizenship ceremonies and more recently a suggestion that a new Conservative government would look at extending a prohibition of the niqab and burka to women who work for the federal civil service. Tough talk – and anyone scanning the headlines in the past week could be forgiven for imagining Ottawa is currently under attack from armies of veiled, robed and ultra-orthodox followers of Islam. Harper recently conceded to the CBC that the niqab is “not the biggest issue” in the coming vote. Given that in the past four years 680,000 women have taken the Canadian citizenship oath, and the issue of unveiling has come up exactly twice, it’s reassuring to see the prime minister at least has the crisis in perspective. The Conservatives are playing to two of the lowest common denominators: fear and ignorance. And it is nothing more than a carefully crafted strategy to wrong-foot the opposition in a matter of misguided public opinion. The essential wrong-thinking behind limiting religious freedom and rights of expression hardly needs analysis. Suffice to say that Stephen Harper is on the record as stating he would not want his daughter to be forced to wear a niqab. The same law that ensures that is not going to ever happen in this country is the same law that protects women from being told they can’t wear one. Every Canadian should know that. The government of the day is not empowered to auction off the Charter of Rights and Freedoms just to win an election. But apparently it’s not above promoting and exploiting xenophobia to earn a few votes. That’s what should really frighten people. - AD
VICTORIA – There was a flurry of excitement in the B.C. legislature last week, as Delta South independent MLA Vicki Huntington released documents suggesting that a multinational manufacturing company continued to buy up B.C. farms for carbon offsets after they said last June they would stop. False alarm, as it turns out. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick clarified that three more farms in the Peace and Cariboo region had indeed been bought, but the company was merely following legal advice to close deals on farms that it had already agreed to purchase. The company, Britishbased cleaning product and pharmaceutical maker Reckitt Benckiser (RB) confirmed this. A company official reiterated that its program to buy farms and replant them with trees is suspended. By the time the B.C. government became aware of this global public relations scheme, thanks to the work of NDP MLA Lana Popham and others, about 10,000 hectares of farmland was already planted with seedlings. RB initially said they were buying up abandoned and unproductive farms, but local
government was a report issued officials disputlate this summer ed that. by the B.C. Forest RB soon Practices Board realized that about forest stewundermining ardship plans. already preThe board carious farmreviewed 43 stewing communiardship plans ties was going from all regions TOM FLETCHER to provide the of B.C., prepared opposite of the as required under green publicity provincial law by they sought, at forest tenure holdleast in B.C. The company told ers on Crown land. They are me it is now looking to switch supposed to deal with things its carbon offset program to like where roads go and how replanting forest areas depleted streams are protected. by pine beetle and fire. This is the management sysI’ll believe that when I see tem put in place in 2003, when it, but on the face of it, this the B.C. Liberal government sounds almost as questionable changed its approach to foras converting farmland back to est management. Gone was the forests. Pine forests need fire to NDP’s infamous seven-volume regenerate, so fires have been “Forest Practices Code,” which part of the regeneration of the attempted to micromanage ecosystem since the retreat of every detail of a timber licence, the last Ice Age. right down to inspecting for litBeetle-kill areas are already ter left at a logging site. coming back, and they were In came “results-based” fornever completely denuded in est management, where licence any case, so the notion of man- holders had to produce a plan ual planting these areas seems showing stream protection impractical. Most are now and other values. The Forest criss-crossed with deadfall and Practices Board has found all but impassible. these plans often aren’t good Another situation that for much, although results are received little public attention generally good when they fol-
BC Views
low up with on-the-ground audits of actual timber harvest areas. The investigation found that many of the plans cover “vast and overlapping areas of the province, and were written using legal language that makes them very difficult for public understanding or review.” Little has changed since a similar finding in 2006. During that time, the forests ministry was turned into Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, with greatly increased responsibility over wildlife, mining, gas drilling and so on. Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald, who traveled the province as NDP forests critic in recent years, says the problem now is there just aren’t enough people on the ground to assess what’s going on in our huge expanse of Crown land. Meanwhile the city media covers professional protesters issuing demands about the Walbran Valley. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email: tfletcher@
The Keremeos Review is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to the website at This publication reserves the right to refuse any material—advertising or editorial—submitted for publication and maintains the sole right to exercise discretion in these matters. Submissions by columnists and guest writers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper. All material contained herein is copyright.
The Review Thursday, October 15, 2015 A 5
Baseball and politics have much in common Art Martens
There is a common thread running through both professional baseball and party politics in Canada. When an umpire calls the last “out!” in the 2015 World Series, the players will pick up their fat paycheques, retrieve their golf clubs and head to the links. The disciplined ones will continue their conditioning regime. At the management level, there will be frenzied preparation for the next season of ball. The fans, having cheered until they are hoarse, will go home and focus on other interests until the umpires again call, “play ball.” When the current federal election campaign has run its course, the voters, like the baseball fans, will also resume other pursuits. Having voted, we believe those we have elected will now carry out their duties with an acceptable degree of diligence, having in mind what is best for citizens and the nation. We need to understand though, that the serious politicians, whether
winners or losers, will now begin planning and strategizing to win the next election. Just as for players, managers and owners, baseball is about winning, for career politicians, politics is also about winning. Many of their decisions will likely have little to do with good governance. We should not forget that over the past four years, the political parties have been engaged in an aggressive, perpetual “dog fight,” seeking to score political points. In baseball it’s not a problem that fans are inactive in the off season. In politics though, when the people are not involved between elections, there is a significant down side. As citizens, we are stakeholders in our nation. If we are not attentive, we may one day understand to our chagrin, politics is often more about achieving and maintaining power than governing prudently. In contending this, I certainly do not mean to slam the many fine individuals running for election. Recently I attended a local all-
candidates meeting and concluded each is a reputable person with honourable intentions. If the party hierarchy listened more frequently to our representatives, we would almost certainly have a superior form of government. In our country, as in every country around the globe, there are ambitious individuals aggressively grasping for the levers of government, whatever its form. And those holding the levers cling to them tenaciously, doing whatever is necessary to thwart rivals. Too often this results in decisions designed to gain favour with multi-national corporations, or with particular elements of the electorate, not to provide sound gover-
nance. This dynamic has prevailed throughout history. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire is one of the most thoroughly documented cases of often mutually destructive struggles between ambitious individuals, sapping the vitality of a nation and in time contributing to its down fall. In “How Rome Fell: Death of a Super Power”, Adrian K Goldsworthy says, “there was never a shortage of men wanting to be Emperor. Being killed by a rival remained the most frequent cause of death of Emperors.” At times powerful army commanders challenged the Emperor. If the challenge was successful, the usurper usually had the Emperor killed. Goldsworthy states further, “senior officials regularly arranged for the disgrace and even death of colleagues. Personal survival and success were the foremost goals of most officials.” By the third century of the Empire’s existence, Emperors and their administrations were thinking less of the good of
the Empire than their own survival. It was not a recipe for efficiency. Goldsworthy sees parallels in our time and suggests “perhaps we should expect more from our political leaders. If they do not set an example by placing the wider good above personal or party interests, it is most unlikely anyone else will behave any better. A greater willingness to take genuine responsibility would be a good place to start.” Although Canadian political experience is considerably more civilized than that of the Roman empire, the grasping for power is uncomfortably real. For this reason, it is essential we encourage all politicians to work first for the good of Canada and its citizens, not for party advantage. After this election we need to continue asking questions and demanding substantive answers of those elected to represent us. Unlike the game of baseball, politics does impact us, our children and our grandchildren. We can play a part in the well being of this great country.
Teenagers, husbands – they drive ya crazy One thing nobody stresses enough to women preparing to become mothers is this: It’s important to pay really, really close attention in the prenatal classes. You are going to need to practice that deep, focused breathing not just during childbirth, but everyday for the rest of your life. In, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four, Out, two, three four. This is a strategy that ensures survival through everything from emergency room visits to calls from the principal’s office and double overtime. It is also pretty darned important to remember when your kids begin driving anything larger than a Little Tykes coupe. At last count there were three DeMeer progeny licensed by their respective governments to drive. In, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four, Out, two, three four. The newest driver recently passed his beginner’s exam and now there is a large bright “L” in the rear window of the Ford Taurus. As an aside, in our home province of Ontario, there are no “Ls” or “Ns” on cars to warn the motoring public that a driver might be lacking in experience. There are just those magnets that say
“Baby on Board.” Same differLet me out. I will hitchhike to Keremeos. I will walk ence. to Keremeos. I will crawl on Occupying the passenger seat beside someone you gave birth to broken glass to Keremeos but requires a calm courage for sure. I will not sit in this car any Gravol helps as well, and not longer and listen to the two of just because it’s a lovely pill that you bicker about safe driving makes you sleepy. New drivers practices. are – for lack of a better descripMr. DeMeer has many, ANDREA DEMEER many talents and numerous tion – jerky. They brake hard, qualities to recommend him as accelerate erratically and have a old dog a life partner. Offering driving tendency to bounce between the new tricks instruction is not among them. centre line and the shoulder like Doubtless he is well meanthe car is one large golf ball at the mini-putt course. Even a quick trip to town is ing. However every time he opens his mouth enough to induce nausea, to say nothing of in a vehicle my father-in-law leaps out. He whiplash. wants to correct but it sounds like criticism. But I’ve breathed through worse and can He wants to impart wisdom and knowledge handle driving with a teenage son. and it sounds like condescension. What is unbearable, however, is driving This goes back much farther than having with a teenage son and a husband in the same three children of driving age. vehicle. The DeMeers met more than thirty years A couple of Saturdays ago we travelled to ago when one of us just old enough to drive Keremeos to visit the fruit stands. The two and the other had been driving for some time. DeMeer men sat up front and I was relegated Draw your own conclusions. to the back seat much like a child. When I finally got my “Baby on Board” We weren’t to Bromley Rock before deep pass my husband-to-be offered to teach me regret took root and by the time we got to how to drive his 1972 Dodge Ram pick up Hedley I was unbuckling the seat belt, claw- truck, with manual steering and brakes. That lasted a day. ing at the automatic locks and begging to be In Mr. DeMeer’s defense I did almost set free.
run over an old man, in a small town called Drumbo, Ontario, whose only crime was to be outside at dusk watering his garden. When the truck jumped the curb and careened across his lawn he dropped his hose and ran into the house. (Don’t judge, manual steering is pretty tricky.) The following week I spent what might be the most significant $500 of my whole life, and enrolled in a Young Drivers of Canada program. The rest is not exactly history as the story lives on. We can’t go anywhere, when I’m driving, that every perceived error in judgment isn’t noted and catalogued. You are following too close. Hmmmmm, you must be in a hurry eh? Don’t ride the brakes, just relax. (Relax????) If I fail to signal a turn in a timely fashion he makes an irritating click-click, click-noise with his tongue, as a reminder. It doesn’t help at all when I remind him I’ve been driving for more than thirty years and I’ve got the Young Drivers of Canada diploma to prove my competence. Some old drivers are – for lack of a better description –jerky.
DAN ALBAS Investing in Keremeos and growing opportunities for the Similkameen Valley
Help Re-elect Dan as Member of Parliament for the Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola! TOLL FREE: 1-888-509-9177 • WWW.DANALBAS.CA Authorized by the Official Agent for Dan Albas
Dan was pleased to announce in July a multi million dollar investment with a new Chopaka station at the Nighthawk crossing.
Keremeos Review Thursday, October 15, 2015
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October 15 - October 21
Weather History Average Temperatures Precipitation Frequency 31% for October 13 Max. 15.2°C Min. 3.3°C Greatest Precipitation
Worship Directory
Highest & Lowest Temp. (1941-2011) 23.5°C (1979) 0.6 mm total precipitation -5.0°C (1969)
High 15.3°C Low 10.3°C
SIMILKAMEEN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Across from Bear’s Fruitstand Pastor David L. Kelly
Worship Service - 10:30 a.m.
Phone: 250-499-2653 8:30
9 PM
Sunny High 16 Low 3
Sunny High 15 Low 4
Cloudy High 17 Low 9
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$46.35 + tax $38.10 + tax $56.65 + tax
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605 - 7th Ave., Box 130, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0
Local Regular: Local Senior: Out of Town:
(1941-2011) 4.3 mm (1957)
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The Review Thursday, October 15, 2015 A 7
League needs good people to spare Praise for Tree time to bowl Monday or Thursday Letters to the Editor:
to Me staff
Letter to the Editor: In case anyone doesn’t know we have a wonderful B&B, gift shop, cafe, and market at the Tree to Me. My sister and her family stayed for a week and had a wonderful time. The management and staff went out of their way to accommodate all their needs. The rooms are very nice and there is also a large deck and a large room for gatherings, meals etc. Delores Glada Keremeos
To the Editor: We need support to keep our recreational facilities open in Keremeos. There are few enough opportunities for folks in small communities to enjoy a morning or evening out with friends doing something that is not just fun, but good exercise as well. Our little village is blessed with having a pretty decent rec-
reation centre which includes a small but very functional 4-lane bowling alley. Unfortunately, without the support of our community, this little gem will be lost. We need bowlers to support and maintain our facility so if you have a couple of hours a week that you can spare (no pun intended!) then do come and join a league. It’s a fun way to meet new people!
Right now we are looking for folks to bowl Wednesday morning 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and there are still openings for Monday evening and Thursday morning. We also have a Short League starting Oct. 14th at 7 p.m. which is for a total of twenty weeks. Currently we do not have enough people to keep the league going so please give it
some thought. If we don’t continue to support our facilities in Keremeos, we’ll lose them and we don’t want that to happen. Let’s get out there and bowl! If anyone is interested you can call me at 250-499-2628 and I’ll answer any questions. Hope to hear from you! Lynda Jensen Keremeos
Writer slams NDP, predicts minority Liberal government To the editor to tremendous increases in Canadian economy and the economy only. So if we leave the NDP out of this interesting. David v Smith Well it’s nitty gritty time, as we exports of pork, beef, sea food, wood, All the other irrelevancies such discussion, then that leaves us with Princeton prepare ourselves to take to the poll- canola, cheese and high-tech machin- as the niqab, the environment, abor- the other two parties. Do we go for a ing booths once more. It’s been a long ery to name just a few. tion, foreign policy, taxes, electoral “Justin just not ready haul to the final plebiscite and the This is a deal which in reality is reform, big government, international yet”, or do we go for PHARMASAVE KEREMEOS candidates must be pretty exhausted going to change the face of the econ- reputation, the Mike Duffy affair, all the “Devil that we by now. omy of this country for ever, and remain important in their own right know”. FLU CLINIC I think that we all feel exhausted, believe it or not, the NDP is threaten- but are secondary in the grand scheme Thursday, as we now get around to thinking ing to boycott it in exactly the same of things. There is no about where to place that all impor- way that they threatened to boycott For Canada to survive in an doubt in my mind October 22, 2015 tant cross. If we believe in the polls NAFTA many years ago. increasingly difficult environment, that we are heading 9:00 am to 5:30 pm then the NDP has gone from leader Well of course when Mulcair got such as the environmentalists want- for a minority govFee: $23.00 to tail end in a very short time, and himself into a tight corner with his ing to destroy our oil and gas indus- ernment probably it appears that “their moment has apparent devastating support for the try, with manufacturing jobs fleeing Liberal. Another For appointment passed”. The Liberals are galloping, niqab in Quebec, his foreign policy of overseas, as well as untested ideol- election soon after phone and the Conservatives are sitting back Canada’s avoidance of its role in com- ogy from inexperienced and as yet the upcoming one 250-499-5543 awaiting. bating ISIL, his ridiculous demand for unelected political parties, then the would of course, be What has happened? Well that old the boycotting of Saudi Arabia (result- need for a government which is open on the cards, as we expression is that you can’t fool all of ing in a $15 billion defence contract to new trade agreements, has steered certainly do not have the people all of the time, has finally which Canada will lose), his absolute Canada through difficult economic another Trudeau (if come to roost with Mulcair shooting insistence of a balanced budget over a times, and has some experience with elected) who has the himself in the foot repeatedly. three year period (but still managing dealing with these weighty issues is power or charisma 526 - 7th Ave., His grand plan of insignificant tax to pay for all his social reforms) and patently obvious. of his father to go Keremeos, BC raises, increases in social spending the fact that now he has threatened As of the moment of writing this to bed with the NDP (which is of course standard NDP to cancel the biggest trade deal in the letter the position that Trudeau will to force a majority policy) and a balanced budget has just world should the NDP get into power, take on the TPP was still not clear but (1972). not cut it with any average thinking then no wonder he is coming third in he tentatively, and thankfully, appears All speculation Canadian. the polls. to be supporting it. of course but very These are all of course centrist He has now lost all credibility and policies which do not sit well with the my feeling is that he is going to pass old guard lefties, and finally the NDP into total obscurity post election. This has now, with no choice left, reverted is not a leader of an NDP party that we 250-498-2277 to their old far left style policy with have grown to know over the years, REGULAR SHOWTIMES Enjoy an their decision to oppose (if needed) and certainly nothing like previously evening out Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 p.m. Friday & Saturday 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. taking in a and renounce any signing of Canada’s entrenched NDP policy. Wow does (unless otherwise stated) movie participation of the Trans-Pacific the party need a Jack Layton now! subject to Programme able change without notice Partnership (TPP) and the power to According to 60 per cent of cancel any such agreement should Canadians polled, this election really Canada sign it before the election. revolves around the question of the This is of course if they get elected into power. It all appears to be like a drowning man grasping at HEDLEY CHRISTMAS the straw with his last gasp CRAFT - BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE of air. Saturday November 14th For those readers who 9 am to 2 pm are not yet au fait with the Tables are $10.00 TPP it is briefly as follows.The TPP is the largPhone Beryl Wallace est trade deal that Canada At 250-295-4365 will ever have signed since Breakfast and lunch will be served. the original Canada-US KERNEL Agreement, and would soft, edible part of a seed or nut found in a hard shell mean that the NDP could in fact renege on Canada Similkameen Insurance creating the largest free Agencies Ltd. HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE! trade area in the world, an Main Street, Keremeos area in fact bigger than the entire European Economic Available by the bale in Union or NAFTA. Cawston, or by the This will cover 40 per truckload. Timothy (Feeder cent of the world’s economy (yes more than a third Hay), Alfalfa, and Straw! of the entire worlds GDP), and rescues or eliminates Call Vesper Transport at barriers in a wide range of 499-5714 1-250-499-5773 sectors, which could lead
Oliver Theatre
A 8 Thursday, October 15, 2015 The Review NEWS
19 Annual We’re still locally owned and operated! Keremeos Building Supplies is now Home Building Centre Same Great Location: 620 - 8th Ave., Keremeos
Hours: Mon - Fri, 8 am - 5 pm Saturday 8:30 am - 5pm
Linda Larson, MLA Boundary Similkameen 6037 Main Street Box 998 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Similkameen Insurance Agencies Ltd. Main Street, Keremeos
499-5714 The Village Of Keremeos
702 - 4th Street email:
Sample the Tastes of our Valley!
Hilltop Esso 499-2862
Taste of Our Valley
The Review Thursday, October 15, 2015 A 9
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Thursday, October 15, 2015 The Review
Working for local interests a universal campaign theme Why should we trust you and your party to represent us in Ottawa?
Angelique Wood, NDP
Robert Mellalieu, Green Party
Why should we trust you and your party to represent us in Ottawa?
The NDP knows that we need to work on our economic stability, and we need torefocus the priorities from subsidizing the gas and oil industry back into our country’s citizens who have worked hard their whole lives. The Parliamentary Budget Office has released a report which shows that the NDP has the best track record in Canada, of both provincial and federal parties for balTrust is a very big issue with voters. Voters see the corruption in government (not just bad mistakes). I believe this is one of the main reasons that the voter turnout is so low. The Green Party has always been a beacon of solid science and facts. We make evidence based decisions. Being a long time Conservative before being Green I am very careful to ensure we can be accountable for the dollars and the environment – and to my amazement it works every time. I have run my business for 23 years in the Okanagan. Many of my clients have been with me all those years. I feel that is also very good evidence that I
anced budgets. We can’t even believe the Harper Conservatives when they tell us we’re not in a recession when the impartial reports tell us that we are actually in a recession. If you are elected but your party is not the governing party, how willyou ensure our concerns are heard at the federal level? I have always believed in working across party lines and will strive to represent the citizens of this area no matter what. My NDP am trustworthy. If you are elected but your party is not the governing party, how will you ensure our concerns are heard at the federal level? Elizabeth May is the consummate politician. I have watched her garner agreements where the odds were not in her favour. I too have had to work with clients that are very angry about the problems they are having. With Elizabeth at the helm and my skills in conflict resolution we can make a great difference. Politics and democracy is about
MP Alex Atamanenko was elected for three terms and always worked with the Conservative government, introducing private member’s bills and making sure that services were available to our ridings’ citizens. He brought the passport “mobile office” concept to our riding, helping people to get their passport paperwork filed without them having to travel to Kelowna or Vancouver. I will continue to offer such services throughout our riding. If a vote arises on a controver-
sial issue and there is a conflict between your party’s direction, the dominant view of your constituents and your own conscience, how would you make your decision. I believe in making evidencebased decisions, and in the greatest good for the greatest number. In the case of a controversial issue, I would look to protecting the rights and safety of the citizens of our area as the first priority. I would stand for my constituents before following a party line.
coming to a consensus. It isn’t all about the power – that’s dictatorship – and we have enough of that. If a vote arises on a controversial issue and there is a conflict between your party’s direction, the dominant view of your constituents and your own conscience, how would you make your decision.
that promise since we will not be whipped in Parliament. We do not have to vote the same way as our leader. I will not be minion. I will try to not have this situation come forward – this where leadership and patience will work. Very often people have a knee jerk reaction – I expect that – no one likes change. But with patient understanding, listening and explantions I may get people to see the other side of an issue. I will be a Federal Minister of Parliament and uphold my constitutional responsibility to represent my constituents in parliament.
If I have to pick between my conscience, my party and my constituents – my constituents win every time. A Green Party Minister is the only one that can make
Federal election day is Monday
November 20, 1986 - October 5, 2015
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden passing of our dear son, Brandon. A son, brother and loyal friend. Brandon is survived by his parents Bob & Dawn, brothers Jason, Tyrell and his Grandma Dorothy Barstad. He will be sadly missed by many Aunts, Uncles, cousins and many friends. Brandon was born in Princeton, BC. As a child he lived in Hedley a short time. He attended Cawston Primary and graduated from SESS in 2005. Brandon loved life, laughter, music, family and friends. Always one to make you smile, always made you feel good with his compliments. Brandon loved his Grandma to the moon and back. He also thought his mother was a saint and he loved her dearly. A Celebration of Life will be held on October 18, 2015 at the Cawston Hall @ 2:30 pm. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting .
Are you ready to vote? If you’re a Canadian citizen, 18 or older, you can vote in the federal election. Your voter information card tells you when and where to vote. If you didn’t receive your card, you can still register and vote at your polling place. To find out where to vote, and what ID to bring, visit or call 1-800-463-6868 ( TTY 1-800-361-8935). Elections Canada has all the information you need to be ready to vote.
The Review Thursday, October 15, 2015
October 15 - October 21
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A 12 Thursday, October 15, 2015 The Review NEWS
Comparing work styles and experience
Karley Scott, Liberal
Why should we trust you and your party to represent us in Ottawa? The Liberal Party of Canada contacted me in early 2014 about the possibility of running for Parliament. At that
october 2015
time I had more than enough on my plate with a demanding career and a young family so I did not commit to anything more than to think about the possibility. Over the course of a year, the party contacted me many more times and I had the opportunity to discuss the possibility with members of caucus, the party executive and Justin Trudeau. Central to all of these discussions was the role of critical and independent thinkers in caucus. I have spent the last several years working towards becoming a lawyer and I value being able to speak my mind. As stated above, I strongly believe that caucus should be filled with critical, independent thinkers who have the ability to disagree without being disagreeable and a leader who welcomes contrasting ideas. This riding deserves a representative who has these skills and the freedom to exercise them in Ottawa - I believe I am that person. I have never been a member of any political party before agreeing to run with this team. I spent the last several years working towards becoming a lawyer and I did not put that
regardless of political stripe or objective. I was often tasked with leading new projects that required collaboration between all these stakeholders but were very politically charged. I have a proven track record of negotiating agreement between parties with longstanding disagreements and this will be a significant asset should I be elected but the Liberal Party not form government. I take this responsibility very seriously and I will advocate for this riding to the best of my ability regardless of what party forms government. If a vote arises on a controversial issue and there is a conflict between your party’s direction, the dominant view of your constituents and your own conscience, how would you make your decision. As a lawyer I am trained to ensure that facts and evidence support my arguments and positions. I would look to evidence as the primary lens for any decision, especially where there may be conflicting views.
on hold to pursue a career that would stifle my voice I am also a strong believer in using fact and evidence to inform decision-making. The Liberal Party of Canada has a plan to invest in growth and Canadians because that is what Canadians are telling us and it is what the evidence concludes. I am committed to using my skills to stand up for this riding in Ottawa and the Liberal Party of Canada is committed to making decisions based on evidence – those two factors are fundamental and I hope they instill the degree of confidence you will need to place your trust in me. If you are elected but your party is not the governing party, how will you ensure our concerns are heard at the federal level? This is where my ability to work collaboratively is highlighted. A large part of my role in the 10 years that I worked for the federal government was to develop strong, respectful relationships with all other levels of government and community based organizations,
What’s Happening at the Legion? Saturday
16 4:30 pm Bunny 17 2:30 pm, Meat Draw 18 Races, Member Appreciation
5 pm Snacks, MUSIC every Saturday for Dancing 6 pm
2 pm General Meeting
4 pm Mini Meat Draw 6:30 pm Gucci Cards
Tuesday 2:30 pm Free Bingo
20 15
Okanagan Restoration Services Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of Restoration Professional Dave Brewin as Project Manager for the South Okanagan. Your locally owned restoration company since 1992. 250.487.1289
Wednesday 4 pm Darts
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 192, Keremeos 499-5634
Proceeds to El Faro Service Society for Migrant Workers
Kerry Palframan, RN
Becoming aware of your emotions, in the moment that you feel them, and identifying (naming the emotion) is the first step. Becoming familiar with how you react to any given emotion (your programming) is the second. For you cannot change the hard drive of your computer, without first knowing the programming. You will be conditioned to react to every emotion you feel. Learning to respond is the ultimate goal when leaning to navigate and surf the waters of your emotions. Just like ocean waves, you will experience highs and the lows. The ultimate goal is to experience your emotional flow like the ripples of a calm pond. The homework and practice is simple. You will be triggered into different emotional states throughout your day – just expect it. When you feel an emotion, identify it and recognize what your natural inclination is towards it. For example, when you feel fear, do you immediately pull away from it, stuff it back down, push it away, distract yourself from feeling it or speak insulting words to yourself such as: “I do not like this feeling – go away”. Perhaps you seize up and become frozen when facing fear – stopping all action or movement forward. Learn to become sacred witness to your own inner reality (akin to watching a tennis match of chatter). Observe how your thoughts talk to, and react to, each feeling. If you can observe this inner dialogue you will very quickly get to know yourself and your reactions. This is when true change and true transmutation of the emotions occurs. When fear shows up, ask it “What action needs to be taken”. Let it answer. And, just as water can be turned into steam or ice, so too can you change your fear into an action oriented, motivated, noble, worthy character within you. Welcome and thank your fear for showing up. See fear as an opportunity to take action and to transform your life in beautiful ways. Kerry offers a valuable booklet and mp3 teaching on Releasing Emotional Blockages on her website to aid you on your healing journey. This article is of the copyright of OK in Health and the author; any reproduction, duplication and transmission of the article are to have prior written approval by OK in Health or the authorThese articles are provided by OK In Health eMagazine. To sign up for your free eMagazine go to for more great articles, events, recipes, and more. This column and articles are provided by OK In Health. Come visit HYPERLINK “http://” Your on-line community events and wellness magazineGet Connected! Sign up for your FREE monthly OK In Health’s E-Magazine.OK In Health - Your Wellness Community at Your Finger-Tips!
The pace of medical research is astounding. We’ve heard much about stem cells over the past few years. Much controversy surrounded the subject initially because the stem cell sources was from fetuses. Now, stem cells taken from a 4x3 cm patch of a patients skin can be used to make blood identical to the patient’s own blood. This will open up all sorts of treatment opportunities. Exciting!
BLOOD GLUCOSE TESTING Diabetics are looking forward to the day that blood glucose can be measured without pricking the skin. For years, this idea has been in development but so far hasn’t made it to market. It looks promising during the next few years.
KNEE PAIN AFTER 50 If you are over 50, you can experience pain in your knees. There are many causes of knee pain but being overweight or obese can contribute to the problem. Dieting and doing exercises that can strengthen the quadricep muscles (those on the front of the thigh) will help reduce knee pain. Physiotherapists can help. As we age, there are many problems that can start to nag at us. You can certainly feel comfortable talking to our pharmacist staff about health problems. We can listen and certainly help guide you in the right direction for help.
150 mg Cool Mint or Maximum strength, Liqui-Gels Capsules 12’s or Quick Dissolve Tablets 10’s Tablets 24’s
KOTEX Maxi Pads 14-24’s, Ultra Thin Pads 18-22’s or Lightdays Liners 40-64’s
Limits in effect while quantities last.
The Review Thursday, October 15, 2015 A13
CANADA Candidates discuss trust and governance
20 15 Dan Albas, Conservative Party
If you are elected but your party is not the governing party, how will you ensure our concerns are heard at the federal level? My Private Members Bill that opened the Canadians wine market for our local vintners was passed both in the House of Commons and the Senate with unanimous support. It is rare to achieve unanimous support on anything in Ottawa and this reflects my approach to work with other elected officials and public servants respectfully and collaboratively. Those who read my weekly reports will know I avoid excessive partisanship and do not use profanity or alarmist language when in the House of Commons. During my four years as a Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Coquihalla I have maintained a positive working relation-
ship with all local mayors and council, MLA’s, local First Nations leaders and senior staff at various levels of government. In my view the importance of people working together is how things get done. Finger pointing, heavy rhetoric, extreme language and excessive partisanship might make for great headlines however these things all serve as barriers to productive governance. People deserve to be heard and treated respectfully to create positive working relationships that get results. That has always been my goal and will continue to be my focus regardless of who forms government. If a vote arises on a controversial issue and there is a conflict between your party’s direction, the dominant view of your constituents and your own conscience, how would you make your decision. I experienced something simi-
lar to this during the previous 41st Parliament. In the 2011 election I campaigned on a promise from our Prime Minister that if elected, our government would not re-open a debate on the termination of a pregnancy. As some may recall, a motion from one of my Conservative colleagues came before the House of Commons that in my view if supported, would have broken that commitment that I had campaigned on. Although a number of citizens encouraged that I vote in support of this motion, the majority I heard from were opposed. As a result I voted against this motion, a decision that was disappointing to many citizens, including some supporters. Each week I make a point of writing a weekly report and request feedback from citizens on the issues I raise. This weekly feedback is what I take to Ottawa and is part of what I share in caucus,
along with my speeches in the House and in my voting record. This is the reason why I make every effort to never miss a vote, a commitment that is important to me as citizens deserve to be represented in a manner they can be proud of. Why should we trust you and your party to represent us in Ottawa? Canadians famously will recall the Liberal party once promised, if elected, they would abolish the GST. This is why trust is so important in this election. Our government made a commitment to reduce the GST and we delivered on it. Eliminating the long gun registry, repealing the Canadian wheat board that only applied to western farmers and not farmers located in eastern Canada were also promises made that our government delivered on.
Election 2015:
Would electoral reform get more residents voting? Black Press
Does your vote count? It’s a question often lamented in the lead up to Canadian elections, and an increasingly high number of people claim it doesn’t. The current first-past-thepost electoral system, say critics, doesn’t reflect the interests of voters and discourages further political engagement. There are always rumblings about electoral reform, but this year three of the four federal parties have made it an election issue. Liberal leader Justin Trudeau started the conversation in June when he said he’d change the way parliamentarians are elected, if the Liberals were voted in Oct. 19. First he will convene an all-party committee to study the options, then enact some replacement for the current first-past-the-post system within 18 months of being sworn in. While all options will be examined, Liberals have said they lean toward a system with ranked ballots, where second choices are counted in. The NDP has long championed similar intentions toward electoral reform, focusing instead on mixedmember proportional representation (PR), where every elector gets two votes, one for a local MP, another for a party list. The Conservative Party supports the winner-take-all-system that’s currently in place. It, in the last election, had them win 54 per cent of the seats in the House with just 39 per cent of the popular vote. While an appetite for change at the top tier of Canada’s political scene may be new, talks about electoral reform aren’t. Between 2005 and 2009 there were referendums in Prince Edward Island, Ontario and twice in B.C., yet the status quo in all those places prevailed, said political scientist
Wolf Depner. The public appetite for change hasn’t been there, he said. Depner also has doubts that the political will for change will persist if the parties now advocating for it are elected. “Electoral reform is one of these issues in Canadian politics that pops up every once in awhile, “ Depner said. “A lot of people find our system to be antiquated, outdated and no longer in touch with modern realities…but the thing is, generally parties that talk about electoral reform are the parties not in power. “Once they find themselves in power, they find the value in the system as it is.” The Conservatives before they were in their current form, he pointed out, talked about it before they were elected. If the issue gets lost in the shuffle, said Depner, it will be a bit of a shame, as voter engagement seemingly increases in western democracies that use some form of proportional representation. In Germany, for example, voter engagement was around 70 per cent in the 2011 election. During the 2011 election, Canada’s voter turnout sat at around 61 per cent. Voters, he said, find their voices are better represented in a proportional system . Proportional representation is designed to produce a representative body (like a parliament, legislature, or council) where the voters are represented in that body in proportion to how they voted. Our current voting system elects only one MP in each riding. When more than two candidates run in an election, MPs can be elected with less than half of the votes in the riding. The other half of the voters are unrepresented. In contrast, a PR voting system
elects several MPs to represent a given geographic region so that most voters in that region have a voice in Parliament. With that system, Depner said that coalition building is also more common. “Parties rarely win an outright majority. Coalitions in countries that use a proportional system are the norm, not the exception,” he said. “And proportional systems are part and parcel of a more consensus-oriented form of democracy and governance, while first-pastthe-post systems tend to be common in democracies that emphasize conflict and competition.” That doesn’t mean there aren’t differences, they’re just expressed in a more muted fashion as agreement is the desired outcome. ••• There are three main families of PR voting systems: PR list—multiple candidates are elected through allocations to an electoral list. They can also be used as part of mixed additional member systems. Mixed Systems—usually a mixture of PR List with a majority rules voting system such as our current system. The most common form is known as MMP for mixed member proportional. This version is used in Germany, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales. Both the MMP and Jenkins models are forms of mixed systems. STV (single transferable vote)— ranked transferable ballots within multi-member ridings. This has been used for more than 100 years in Ireland, Tasmania and the Australian Senate. Fair Votes Canada lobbies for electoral reform and they’ve contacted every Canadian candidate about the issue. The group posed this question to all the candidates: If you were to
summarize your current views on proportional representation in one or two sentences, how would you express it? Conservative candidate Dan Albas had not submitted his answer to Fair Votes Canada but provided Black Press an answer. The responses from the Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola candidates are as follows: ••• What Central OkanaganSimilkameen-Nicola candidates say••• Angelique Wood, NDP New Democrats are committed to making 2015 the last unfair election and we have put forward a clear plan to ensure that 2019 is the first election conducted under a mixed-member proportional voting system. Karley Scott, Liberal The assurance that your vote counts is fundamental to democratic health and engagement. Unfortunately, many Canadians feel that their vote is wasted. In the last election less than 40% of the votes translated to a government with all the power. This doesn’t take into account that many Canadians do
not vote at all. I wholeheartedly support electoral reform and a system where no one has a wasted vote. Dan Albas, Conservative In my view no voting system is perfect as they all have various pros and cons however we should not overlook the fact that our first past the post electoral system we use here in Canada has helped to build the greatest country in the world. One can look at Greece to see the types of Government that a proportional electoral system creates and from my perspective that is not how we build a stronger Canada. First past the post creates accountable Government because that Government can be fired by voters without a portion always remaining in power as is the case with proportional representation. Robert Mellalieu, Green Party Canada is one of a handful of countries that still use the First Past The Post system. Canada used to be world leader and admired by other countries. We must arrest our current decline and changing the way we vote will be a step towards our comeback.
A 14 Thursday, October 15, 2015 The Review BUSINESS
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The Review Thursday, October 15, 2015 A15
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Help Wanted
Help Wanted
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Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
ASSISTED LIVING WORKER Term .9 FTE (av. 32.5 hours/week) $17.50 per hour Lower Similkameen Community Services Society (LSCSS) is seeking an Assisted Living Worker to provide services to residents at Kyalami Place Assisted Living in Keremeos for an undertermined duration; providing sick leave coverage for a regular employee. Duties include: resident care, housekeeping, laundry, meal service and life enrichment activities. A job description is available, please contact us for a copy. 4uali¿cations include: Certi¿cation as an Assisted Living Worker or Care Aide; BC Care Aide & Community Health Worker 5egistration; current )irst Aid Certi¿cation; and Food Safe Level 1 and Clearance through the Criminal Records Review Program. Closing date for applications: October 19, 2015. Please send applications marked ³Con¿dential´.Competition 15 01 ALW by mail, facsimile or e-mail to: Lower Similkameen Community Services Society 720 - 3rd Street Keremeos, BC V0X 1N3
Fax: (250)499-2333 E-Mail:
A 16 Thursday, October 15, 2015 The Review NEWS
Quilting for a cause
Area quilters spent about a month putting together a beautiful green quilt for fire victim Harold Bullington. Bullington lost his home and all his possessions in a fire in August. He has since moved into a small apartment in Cawston. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is great. I appreciate it,â&#x20AC;? Bullington said after receiving the quilt during a meeting of the quilters Tuesday. Quilters under the K meets every second and fourth Monday of the month from September until May. Meetings are moved to Tuesday if their is a statutory holiday. Meetings are held at the Anglican Church Hall in Keremeos where members work on both personal project classes and quilts to donate in the community. New members are welcome. For more information phone Sandy Charette at 250499-2244.
Members of Quilters under the K present Harold Bullington with a new quilt. Left to right, Colleen Stranaghan, Bev Fraser, Sue Hanson, Harold Bullington, Georgina McBeth, Annette McDonald, Rusty Johnson, Mary Ann Lucich, Sandy Charette, Marie Watson, Vickie Frasch and Jo Sanford.
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