Thursday, October 15, 2015 ▼ Volume 51 No. 42 ▼ www.clearwatertimes.com ▼ $1.35 Includes GST
Crowd delighted with magic and mystery. See A11 inside.
First Place Best All Round Newspaper & Best Editorial Page Second Place Best Front Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2014 First Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2014
Mirror image Fall colors along the shore are reflected almost perfectly in the still waters of Dutch Lake late Sunday afternoon, Oct. 4. Photo by Keith McNeill
District holds public meeting for zoning bylaw Keith McNeill Is zoning important? More than 85 Clearwater residents seem to think so. That’s how many turned out for a public information session on District of Clearwater’s proposed new zoning bylaw. The session was held at Dutch Lake Community Centre on Tuesday evening, Oct. 6. Main speakers were Regina Sadilkova, the director of development services with the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, and Alex Krause, a TNRD planner. The regional district handles the planning function under contract with District of Clearwater. Zoning is the most basic land use control used to determine how a community
develops, Sadilkova said. Power to control zoning comes from the Local Government Act. She emphasized that the session was for information purposes only and not a formal hearing. The current Zoning Bylaw 0940 is 30 years old and written for the TNRD, she said. District of Clearwater recently spent three years producing a new official community plan (OCP). It is standard procedure, after a new OCP is developed, to flout up with a new or amended zoning bylaw so the two documents do not conflict. The proposed new Zoning Bylaw 133 would be shorter and more flexible than the old one, she said.
“We don’t want a bylaw big enough to stun a bear,” Sadilkova said. One main highlight of the new bylaw would be that there would only be 17 zones as compared to the 33 in the present bylaw, said Alex Krause. Another major change would be that rules regarding the floodplain would be in a separate bylaw. There would be a new mixed-use zone for the Riverside Centre, which refers to Brookfield Mall (presently in receivership) and the area around it. The new zone would enable a broader mix of commercial, residential and home-based businesses. For a time, land use contracts (LUC) were used as an alternative to zoning. Four of the five LUCs within Clearwater
Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441
will be replaced by zoning. The exception is the property at the northwest corner of Dutch Lake. Some properties will see zoning changes to reflect existing land use, Krause said. Others will see their zoning change to align with the OCP – but this will apply to vacant land only. Realtor Randy Hedlund said that, if a person does a search for the zoning of certain properties, the result shows the proposed new zoning, not the current zoning. The TNRD representatives said that had not been their intent and would investigate to see if there was a computer problem. Continued on page A3
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Located on Highway 5
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Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
This is an exciting moment for Canada… we’re looking at huge gains for Canadian farmers, food processors, and companies in forestry, mining, aerospace, financial services and information technology, among other industries.
British Columbia Chamber of Commerce
“The TPP represent a new type of agreement. From market access for goods, services/investments, financial services, government procurement, temporary entry and labour, the TPP will set the standard of a 21st century comprehensive agreement and will bring huge economic benefits across the B.C. economy.” Jon Garson, Vice President of Policy Development and Government Relations, British Columbia Chamber of Commerce
Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)
“The TPP can only help us further sharpen our edge and be more competitive in these emerging markets for the benefit of jobs and prosperity in Canada.” David Lindsay, the President and CEO of FPAC.
Canadian Vintners Association
“The proposed Agreement will offer immediate and tangible benefits to the Canadian wine industry, reducing costly tariffs on wine, providing greater protection for authentic Icewine, streamlining complex technical and administrative barriers and tackling other barriers to wine exports that unfairly limit access to markets. Without Canada’s inclusion in the TPP, the sole benefit of these negotiations would have gone to some of the world’s most ambitious wine exporting countries- Australia, Chile, New Zealand and the United States – leaving Canadian vintners significantly disadvantaged.” Dan Paszkowski, President and CEO, Canadian Vintners Association
Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA)
CCA President Dave Solverson called the agreement a game-changer for Canada’s beef industry -- and Canadian agriculture as a whole. “This is really fantastic news for Canada’s beef producers,” he said
Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance
“This is an historic moment for the hundreds of thousands of Canadians who are employed by Canada’s export-based agriculture and agri-food sector. Whether you are a farm family who depends on world markets, a processor, exporter, or live in a community supported by agriculture or food processing, improved access to TPP markets bodes well for a stable and prosperous future. We congratulate the Canadian government on concluding this critical agreement. Trade Minister Ed Fast, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Canada’s negotiators have worked tirelessly over the last three years since Canada joined the negotiations. We have seen first-hand the benefits of being at the table to shape this historic agreement.” Brian Innes, President of the Canadian Agri-food Trade Alliance
Mining Association of Canada
“NAFTA, free trade agreements with Chile, Peru, Colombia, and other countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia have all helped to increase Canadian exports and investment, supporting jobs for Canadians here and abroad. TPP, representing such a massive trade block, including critical emerging markets, is a trading partnership Canada must not risk being left out of”. Pierre Gratton, MAC’s President and CEO.
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
“TPP will give better access to a market of more than 800 million consumers to Canada’s small and medium sized companies, will benefit Canada’s manufacturing and exporting companies and the Canadian economy as a whole.” CME president and CEO Jayson Myers.
McLEOD, CATHY Authorized by the official agent of the Cathy McLeod campaign.
Campaign Office 285 Seymour St., Kamloops, BC V2C 2E7 Phone: 250-372-5732 Visit: www.votecathymcleod.ca Email: votecathymcleod@gmail.com
Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
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Many questions asked during zoning bylaw public meeting Continued from page A1 Hedlund also suggested that, as part of the process, property owners should be informed about what impact rezoning could have on their taxes. Sadilkova said they did not have the expertise to do that and suggested that people should ask BC Assessment if they have questions. Roger Dhir, a developer from the Lower Mainland with several properties in Clearwater, complained that land he controls next to Highway 5 between the BuyLow shopping center and Wells Gray Inn would be re-zoned residential under the proposed bylaw. The land should be developed as commercial property and tens of thousands of dollars have already been spent, he said. Sherry Elliot asked about limitations on the number of farm animals they could have on their property in Sunshine Valley. Alex Krause replied that possibly their property would be one
that should not be re-zoned. “Let us re-evaluate. That’s why we’re here tonight,” the TNRD planner said. Carol Radcliff asked about chickens in the Dutch Lake area. She was told that possibly they could be grandfathered (permitted until the property is sold) but that would depend on whether the animals are allowed under the present zoning. Jeff Lamond asked about kennels. There is a lot of case law regarding kennels and dogs, said Regina Sadilkova, and that has been used in drafting the proposed bylaw. She noted that the new bylaw would not define the number of dogs allowed. One member of the audience said he was unhappy with provisions in the proposed bylaw that define what is allowed. In a free country, laws should only tell us what we should not do, he felt.
Walking trail by Wells Gray Infocenter gets go-ahead Keith McNeill It’s one of those small changes that can make a big difference. Visitors at the Wells Gray Infocenter who want to walk around the roundabout to get to the Buy-Low shopping center presently need to cross a ditch to get to the crosswalk. Once they get to the other side of the roundabout, they need to climb an unplanned dirt track up a hill before reaching their objective. During their meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 6, town councilors approved a plan that would see Borrow
Enterprises construct a multi-use trail from near the Dairy Queen along Highway 5 past the Infocenter to the roundabout. The trail would be covered with gravel but constructed in such a way that it could be paved in the future. Borrow has agreed to build the trail at no charge.
Support for the project has been received from the manager of the Wells Gray Infocenter as well as the area manager for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
At the same time, the Jim Pattison Group has agreed to construct stairs so people can easily walk from the roundabout to the new shopping center, town council was told.
Support your local businesses Shop Local
w e N r u o g n i c u d o r t In
A treasure on our doorstep Author Roland Neave signs copies of the sixth edition of his book, Exploring Wells Gray Park, for Abbey Bates and Chuck Emery. The booksigning took place following a presentation to Clearwater Rotary Club on Friday evening, Sept. 25. “Wells Gray Park has something for everyone. It is a treasure that is right on our doorstep,” Neave said. Photo by Keith McNeill
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for Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo
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Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
Published by Black Press Ltd. 74 Young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N2
“ To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself.” - George Orwell, writer guest editorial by dale bass
Exercise voting freedoms
Clearwater Legion plans Monster Bash for Oct. 30 Editor, The Times:
I would like to let the community and surrounding communities know that the Clearwater Legion Branch 259 on Glen Road will be hosting their first Annual Halloween Adult Costume "Monster Bash"on Oct. 30. Doors open at 6 p.m. and will go on till 1:30 a.m. Tickets are $20 per person or two for $35. Tickets can be obtained by calling 250-674-7902 or they can be purchased at Bayley's Bistro and at the Legion. Tickets can also be purchased at the door on day of event, however there are only so many tickets printed and it would be best to purchase as soon as possible. All proceeds will go to the Clearwater Legion fund to fix much needed kitchen upgrades. This fun event will feature DJ music by "Music of the Mountains." Music starts at 8 p.m. There will be cash prizes for first,
BC Press Council
second and third best dressed costumes, lots of door prizes, cash bar and not to mention the spooktacular decorated hall with grave yard in back. There will be a very delicious appetizer table and a baked goods table. The legion is hoping to see many new faces come join our fun night. Everyone is welcome, members and guest you will be signed in. This will be one event you want to be included in. So gather up your costumes, get your group of friends together and get out and have some fun and support you local Clearwater Legion. This event is being put together by many volunteers. Costumes not mandatory to attend. Hope to see old and new faces attend. Ages 19 and up.
The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be
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Times THE
www.clearwatertimes.com Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council
Rhonda England Halloween Dance Organizer Legion 259 member.
Today’s column inspiration comes courtesy of poet and playwright Bertolt Brecht, a man who saw the world from the left side of the political spectrum. His words, however, bear reading: “The worst illiterate is the political illiterate,” Brecht wrote. “He doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. “The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies.” I know people who don’t vote and are so stubborn in their beliefs it’s pointless to try and convince them otherwise. They’ll grumble and complain, express deeply held opinions on the country’s political leaders — an attitude that can be summed up pretty much by “a pox on them all.” They’ll disagree when told they have no right to complain if they do nothing to shape the system. Here’s the thing, though; it’s that kind of attitude that has given rise to the perplexingly large number of bigots who cherry-pick the Bible and now believe they can be the president of the United States. It’s that attitude that gives rise to the truly silly debate I see on my Facebook page between a couple of avowed rightwingers and an equally rabid pair of left-wingers who seem to think logical political discourse is to fling insults at each other. A caller this week said his belief in the obligation we all have to vote comes
from history — and from the thousands of Canadians who died in places like Vimy, Ypres, Passchendaele and, more recently, in Iraq and Afghanistan. As the caller put it, he votes because of the sacrifices the Canadian military have made. Frankly, that’s good enough for me but I belong to the generation that was impacted by the Second World War, who met Americans fleeing their country to avoid the Vietnam War. I’ve listened to the stories of Canadians who survived and came home, many of them disabled physically or mentally. Those reasons aren’t always good enough for the younger set, that lost group of souls so disillusioned with society that they don’t take the time to vote. It’s possible many of them will never be swayed from their stance — but let’s try anyhow. Reasons to vote: • Government creates the infrastructure we live in. • Government sets the rules that guide our economy — you know, that place where jobs come from. • Government even influences where you vacation; when our dollar dips, a lot of places look less inviting. • Government tells you who our enemies are — and, in this election, if that’s not enough reason to go out and vote, I don’t know what is. • Government decides how much privacy — another human right — we actually have and, again, that is a major issue in this federal election. Finally, the best reason to vote? Because we have the freedom so many others in the world do not have. – Dale Bass is associate editor of Kamloops This Week. Contact her by emailing dale@kamloopsthisweek.com or find her on Twitter @mdalebass.
Writer says it's time to rebuild Canada's infrastructure Editor, The Times:
The other day I was listening to a short blurb on CBC featuring Stephen Harper. As he went on about the wonders of his reign he mentioned 'low taxes' about four times — or was it five or six times? Yet a cursory glance at Harper's low tax policies show that
they've been an object failure! The Right is always saying that everything should be earned. There should be no free lunch! However, this does not apply to corporate Canada. The latest figures show that they are sitting on about $600 billion dollars — not reinvesting it as they
should be in Canada's future. But that's what happens when tax breaks are not targeted. Just give them the money and let them do what they want with it. Many, Kevin Paige (former parliamentary budget officer) among them, have suggested that if this mild recession that Canada is
experiencing continues the best reaction would be a massive public works program. Rebuild Canada's 'crumbling' infrastructure, one might say. That's what should be done. One gets the mental image of corporate Canada sitting around clutching their moneybags like some 21st century Scrooges
repeating, “Mine, mine, all mine — Stephen Harper said so.” Repeating low taxes, low taxes low taxes like some mantra or medieval chant simply doesn't cut it in the real world. Despite what Stephen Harper says.
Dennis Peacock Clearwater, B.C.
74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email: newsroom@clearwatertimes.com www.clearwatertimes.com
Subscribe to the Times
Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
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Trees-on-farmland program 'not expanding' By Tom Fletcher, Black Press A British-based manufacturing company is considering switching its B.C. tree-planting program from farmland to areas deforested by fire or pine beetles. Reckitt Benckiser Group plc added another three farms to its B.C. land holdings over the summer, prompting an accusation in the legislature that it was breaking its promise to suspend planting trees on farmland. The company halted the program in June after more than 10,000 ha of farmland in the Peace, Prince George and Cariboo regions were acquired to use as carbon offsets for the company's worldwide operations. Delta South MLA Vicki Huntington released title docu-
RB Trees notice on a 130 ha farm at Reid Lake near Prince George. It has been planted with trees after being cleared with horses by homesteaders in the early 1900s. Submitted
ments for a 320 ha grain and cattle farm purchased near Dawson Creek in July, three weeks after the company, now known by its initials RB, said the program was halted. Asked about the timing
of the purchase, RB issued a statement saying the company had three signed agreements to buy more B.C. farms when it "paused" its tree planting program to review it. Local governments have objected to produc-
tive farmland being reforested, and the effect it would have on farming communities. "No action has been taken on these properties as RB continues to consult British Columbians on the future of this program," the company said, adding discussions have continued with neighbouring landowners, provincial, local governments and MLAs. "Many have highlighted the need for reforestation on lands that have been depleted by the pine beetle or wildfires," the company said. "It is an option we are exploring." Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick said he had a presentation from RB, with suggestions about alternatives to planting more trees on farmland. "I'm not at liberty yet to dis-
close those because they were given to us confidentially but I have reason to be optimistic," Letnick said. RB's website says it has planted more than seven million trees in B.C. Letnick said the company has planted most of the 10,000 ha of farmland it acquired up until this spring, and the three new acquisitions bring the total to 12,000 ha. RB operates around the world, manufacturing and selling food, household and medical products under brands such as Calgon, French's, Clearasil, Dettol, Scholl, Strepsils, Gaviscon and Woolite. It describes its B.C. tree planting program as a way to offset carbon emissions from its operations, but it does not intend to trade or sell carbon offsets.
St. John Ambulance reminds BC to Drop, Cover, Hold on Oct. 15 St. John Ambulance (Vancouver, BC) – The “Big One” – a megathrust earthquake – has been looming over coastal British Columbia, projecting a catastrophe unseen in the region for over 300 years. Experts estimate that a 7.3 magnitude earthquake would kill nearly 10,000, and injure 128,000 people. We know it’s coming. Are you prepared? Every year on the third Thursday of October, ShakeOut BC Day emphasizes the importance of earthquake and emergency preparedness. According to Karen MacPherson, CEO of St. John Ambulance – British Columbia and Yukon, initiatives like ShakeOut B.C. remind residents that there is no room for complacency when it comes to being prepared for natural disasters. At 10:15 AM on October 15th, ShakeOut BC encourages everyone to take 60 seconds out of their day to Drop to the ground, take Cover under something sturdy, and Hold on tight. “When panic sets in, it’s difficult to remember what to do, so our advice is to be prepared. Develop your own family emergency plan so that every family member is well equipped, practice putting this plan into action regularly, and prepare an emergency kit,” Ms. MacPherson says. “As B.C.’s auditor general acknowledged last year, British Columbians are not as prepared as they could be, but rather than focusing on the problem, we should focus on the solution. It’s time we leveraged events like ShakeOut BC to empower residents to take responsibility for their own emergency preparedness no matter where they are – at home, at work, or on the road. Experts also advise that preparing for an earthquake is a strategic way
of preparing for most natural disasters.” As one of Canada’s leading first aid providers and safety training organizations, St. John Ambulance has developed a series of emergency preparedness kits aimed at providing individuals and families with the resources to be ready for emergencies like an earthquake. They say the key is to plan to be self-sufficent for at least 72 hours. The organization will also be participating in Earthquake Day –a day-long free public event centred around the 10:15 am Shakeout BC Drill on October 15, 2015. Taking place at the Vancouver Public Library at 350 West Georgia St., Earthquake Day will feature the portable UBC shaking table, local and international expert speakers, exhibitions, competitions, and more. The event aims to build awareness about earthquake risk and preparedness in our communities, and to promote and share the exciting work happening in the areas of earthquake mitigation, response and recovery. As you finalize your own preparations for ShakeOut BC Day, St. John Ambulance – BC/ Yukon offers these top tips for staying safe in an earthquake: Move or turn away from window Drop, cover, and hold to keep from falling over, or being knocked down – remember to protect your head and neck Look for something solid like a heavy table or desk for protection If outside – move away from overhead power lines and tall trees, and then crouch low If in a vehicle, pull over to a safe spot and stay in your vehicle Be prepared for aftershocks and take protective measures
There’s never been a better time to...Renovate, Decorate, Recreate! Saturday - Oct. 17 (10am - 5pm) • Sunday - Oct. 18 (10am - 4pm) SANDMAN CENTRE • www.bchomeshows.com
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Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
The Red
Approaching season end
Gallery & Gift Shoppe
We specialize in local paintings and crafts, as well as knit and crocheted clothing and handmade rustic furniture. Most artists and crafters take orders, and have business cards for your convenience. Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 86 Young Rd. Clearwater B.C. Contact number: 250 674-1458
See our Facebook page online: The Red Umbrella, for regular updates.
Bill Cairns (l) buys some fresh vegetables at Clearwater Farmers Market from Watersmeet Farm's Jerrard Brown of Barriere. The Saturday morning markets officially ended for the season on Oct. 10 but some vendors plan to continue through the winter, says Brown. Photo by Keith McNeill
Lots happening with Clearwater Rotary Kay Knox Members of Clearwater Rotary Club enjoy participating in community events like the recent FRE-gatta, as well as arranging fun ones of their own. Coming up is a Halloween Costume Dance-cum-Party at Blackpool Hall on Friday, Oct. 30th. Lloyd Bishop is in charge of providing toe-tapping music, and a midnight lunch is included in the ticket price. It’s a real deal: $15 each or $25 for two; prizes will be awarded for best costumes.The Community bus is available for free rides home between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. A presentation to families with a teen (age 15 - 19) interested in becoming an International Exchange Student has already happened and interviews begin on Oct. 15th at CSS. A successful recipient will spend their 2016-17 school year in a foreign country. As possible choices of
the place they would like to live for that time, they can suggest three countries out of a long list of options. As well, we will be hosting a student from another country, providing many opportunities for locals to learn more about a different part of our world. Our Clearwater club, like all other Rotary Clubs, is part of Rotary International. Planning for the Christmas Tree Light-up and Winter Market on Sunday, Dec. 6 has begun. More information will follow, but it’s never too late to start gathering your ideas and supplies to enter the Christmas tree decorating contest. One of Rotary’s projects this past summer was working with Parks to help maintain a couple of the most popular trails in Wells Gray Park. Members enjoyed being out in the fresh air, seeing the sights, and exercising their muscles!
The Red Umbrella Gallery and Gift Shoppe ~ The Red Umbrella Gallery and Gift Shoppe at 86 Young Road, Clearwater began as a dream in the minds and hearts of several of its members. It didn't become a reality though, until Joan Smith invited some of her friends to join her to share our paintings, chocolates, knit, sewn, crocheted and crafted products with the community. In general, our goal is not to make a lot of money, although we are excited when someone likes our work enough to purchase it! We are a band of local individual small business people who are also artists and artisans, with a passion to create quality goods and offer them for sale at reasonable prices, but even more — to get to know the people of our community. So please, drop in at the Gallery/Shoppe on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Feast your eyes on the
paintings, and take your time browsing. There is no pressure or obligation to buy. Our members are: Bobbi Seib - alpaca yarn and products, including felted blankets. Donna Coleman - watercolour and acrylic paintings, and charcoal drawings. Donna Meehan - crocheted slippers and marketing. Irene Gouchie - acrylic paintings and knit and crocheted items. Jacquie Miller - floral arrangements, jewelry, clothing, and home decor items. Joan Smith - watercolour paintings, ornaments and crochet.
Maryse and Johann Raes - local, handmade Belgian chocolates. Rae and Jason Linde - crocheted items and furniture. Robin Walker - oil paintings, photography and cards. Sheila Anderson - handmade individual boudoir dolls, and sewing, stained glass and ceramics. Theresa Conroy - handmade paper and paper products.
Our Facebook page is The Red Umbrella, Clearwater, B.C
Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
Five ladies from Camp Two asked Birch Island School Board for a bus to take the 34 children from the area to Dutch Lake School. Secretary treasurer J. Alan Smith recommended that the 11 Grade 1 and 2 students from Camp Two should be bussed in the future. Scenery and background for "The Trap," a $1.5 million movie, were to be shot in Wells Gray Park. Scouts from the J. Arthur Rank organization made arrangements with Helmcken Falls Lodge to accommodate 10 to 12 actors and photographers for 10 to 14 days. Wilf Gray's film "The Land of the Overlanders" had aroused interest in the area.
The North Thompson Hospital board was undecided about what to recommend to an upcoming public meeting. Dr. Regehr felt the public should be made aware of the choice offered — a non-expandable clinic, or a possible five-year wait for a hospital.
Twenty-four delegates from Valemount to Merritt attended the annual area meeting of the Yellowhead Highway Association in Clearwater. One resolution called for an extension of the highway from Kamloops through the Coquihalla Pass to Hope.
YEARS AGO: Five persons — Mrs. Richter, Mrs. Contance Hamerston, Floyd Nelson, Stan Saari and Ray Gran — were on a committee to look into incorporation for Blackpool. They were selected by a meeting of more than 50 persons at Star Lake School.
YEARS AGO: Vavenby father Ian Moilliet objected to School District 26 trustees about the 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hour bus ride his children faced. They
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would leave the school, do a complete loop back to Vavenby, and then go home. The Ministry of Highways closed the Barriere airstrip because of safety problems and its proximity to residential areas. It had been opened just over 20 years earlier by then Minister of Highways Phil Gaglardi.
Weyerhaeuser was to reduce its Vavenby sawmill from two shifts to one, as of the following January. Approximately 60 employees were to be effected, said manager Grant Gunn. The mill would continue to employ 100 people.
YEARS AGO: Chu Chua's 84-yearold landmark, the St. John Baptiste Church, burned to the ground. No cause had been determined for the Thanksgiving Day fire. Clearwater Mobility Club had purchased a handicap accessible van, and hoped to have it on the road to serve local seniors and the disabled by "... the time the snow flies," said chairman Bill Morse.
BACK IN TIME The 1986 Ford had been purchased from B.C. Transit for just over $8,000.
Ten canoes, one rubber boat and one dory left the putout point next to Brookfield bridge on the Clearwater River to take part in the second annual Thanksgiving River Run. They were joined by an additional canoe near Blackpool and paddled as far as Little Fort. The Clearwater Restructures Committee received an initial report on incorporating as a municipality from TRUE Consulting of Kamloops. Seven people were nominated for Clearwater Citizen of the Year: Paul Robison, Katrina Link, Karen Montgomery, Lloyd Strickland, Joyce St. John, Jeanette Stockton and Edna Gray.
Kamloops Thompson Teachers’ Association president Mark McVittie was in the North Thompson Valley visiting the picket lines at local schools and rallying the troops. Class size and composition, teachers right to bargain and salaries were some of the issues being disputed. One of the valley’s best known and most beautiful landmarks, St. John and St. Paul Church in Birch Island, was to close at the end of October. The structure was built in 1938.
YEARS AGO: Construction of the proposed Harper Creek copper mine, which would be located about 20 km southeast of Clearwater, could begin as early as 2012, executives from Yellowhead Mining said to District of Clearwater and Wells Gray Country officials.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 227 of the Community Charter, that Council will give final consideration to “The
of Clearwater Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw #144 & 145” at a meeting of Council on October 20 , 2015 at 2:00 pm The District District of Clearwater Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw #144 and #145 for 2015 proposes to at 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, BC. exempt from taxation the following buildings, the lands on which the buildings stand and the land The District of Clearwater Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw #144 and #145 proposes to exempt from taxation the following buildings, thecertain lands on which the buildings and the2016 land surrounding surrounding buildings for stand the years - 2018. certain buildings for the years 2016 - 2018. th
Property & Civic Addres s
Evergreen Acres Senior Citizen’s Hom e Society Evergreen Acres Senior Citizen’s Hom e Society Evergreen Acres Senior Citizen’s Hom e Society Vavenby and District Branch 259, Royal Canadian Legion
144 Evergreen Place Lot A, Plan 27173, DL 1719 146 Evergreen Place Lot 1, Plan 30487, DL 1719 Roll/Folio # 06363.160 Lot 2, Plan EPP3641, DL 1719
Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC Clearwater Ski Club Clearwater Ski Club Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Clearwater Lodge #499 Clearwater Curiosity Shoppe Society (Thrift Store) Central North Thom pson Rod & Gun Club
257 Glen Road Lot 1, Plan 25222, DL 1680 612 Park Drive Lot 1, Plan KAP70712, DL 1719 40 Old North Thom pson Highway E Lot 2, Plan 33856, DL 2620 556 Dunn Lake Road Lot A, Plan 26029, DL 2622 556 Dunn Lake Road Lease #342064 72 Taren Drive Lot 42, Plan 13657, DL 5040 742 Clearwater Village Rd Lot B District Lot 2619 Kam loops Division Plan 27170 LD 25 Yale District Plan Lot 1, Block 1721 Sunshine Valley Road
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Clearwater town council issued a development permit for a
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Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 227 of the Community Charter, that Council will give final consideration to “The DistrictDISTRICT of Clearwater Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw #144 & 145” at OF CLEARWATER NOTICE OF PERMISSIVE TAXatEXEMPTION a meeting of Council on October 20th, 2015 at 2:00 pm 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, BC.
There would be 450 people employed during construction and 360 direct employees during operation. The mine was expected to last 18 years. Canadian Trucking Alliance and B.C. Trucking Association each were offering $10,000 rewards for information after a 67-year-old trucker from Vernon was beaten and left for dead next to Highway 5 north of Blue River. The driver had stopped to help people apparently in distress. Community Resource Center was putting on a six-month Healthcare Assistant course in cooperation with TRU.
Buy-Low store then under construction plus a second building which was to contain a Pharmasave, had been issued earlier.
Yellowhead Com m unity Services Society
credit union building to be built as part of the new shopping center being developed by Buy-Low Foods. Permits for the
HISTORICAL Perspective
2016 2017 2018 Estimated Estimated Es timated Tax Tax Tax Exemption Exemption Exemption
Community Charter qualification for above properties: 224(2)(a). Inquiries concerning the proposed bylaw may be directed to:
Community Charter qualification for above properties: 224(2)(a). Inquiries concerning the proposed bylaw Wesley Renaud, Director of Finance mayDistrict be directed to: of Clearwater PO Box 157, 209 Dutch Lake Road Wesley Renaud, Director of Finance Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0 Telephone: 250-674-2257 District of Clearwater PO Box 157, 209 Dutch Lake Road Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0 Telephone: 250-674-2257
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A8 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
Vavenby Fire Department seeks more volunteers On Oct. 8 there was a town meeting at the Vavenby Community Hall for all those within the fire protection area. The meeting was to inform residents that the fire department does not have enough trained volunteers and it was a recruiting drive to get more interest involved. Thompson Nicola
Regional District ( TNRD ) Area A representative Carol Schaffer opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and thanked everyone for coming. She introduced the head table. Two men were from Kamloops and the rest were the fire hall committee. The two men from Kamloops, who worked for the TNRD
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services, were there to let everyone know what was involved in a fire department's standards, the least number of volunteers needed, and their training. Jason Tomlin, TNRD Emergency Services Supervisor, spoke first. He explained that there was a minimum number of trained volunteers required and the training program is through what is called a play book. Tomlin also talked about insurance companies and how they base what a home owner pays on the number of trained volunteers the fire department has. Vavenby has been
Vavenby News By
Robyn Rexin
given a year to meet standards and then it will be reviewed. Ron Storie, TNRD Director of Community Services from Kamloops, spoke next. He put the awareness out of what's happening and how everyone needs to get together. He fleshed out Tomlin's statements and gave suggestions of what to do. In answer to a
question on how to get young people to join it was mentioned that being a volunteer fire fighter is an asset on a resume. At the end of the meeting Storie gave a recap of what to do, based on questions asked. He suggested the following points: 1. Vavenby and Clearwater fire chiefs talk face to face to see about Clearwater
Federal election day is Monday
volunteer firefighters who work at the Canfor Mill working for the Vavenby fire department as well. 2. Send out a letter of information 3. Make the letter coordinate with the next meeting
Dawson retired fire chief for Vavenby, who would be more qualified to answer it. It was a very informative evening and well attended.
Willow McDonald, TNRD representative for Area B was present. She said that Blue River had had the same problem. The town got together and are now up to standard. Good questions were asked throughout the meeting. One of the important ones was how to get the young people to join. There was a lot of discussion about the mill and why can't / don't Clearwater workers add to the volunteers in Vavenby if they are volunteers in Clearwater. That question was answered of what to do in the recap. Questions were answered by Tomlin and Storie. They sometimes referred a question to Sean
Water main break The break in the main line at Don Pickerell's yard on Sept. 28 allowed sand and gravel to travel through the line and plug the water service at Villy Johnson's household line. He had little water and no pressure. TNRD Water Utilities Services Tina Hewlett for Vavenby and Ken Nystoruk from Kamloops, and Quality Contractors from Barriere came to test the problem. They decided to dig and found the problem, cut out the plugged area, and replaced it with a proper water line which was approximately two feet long. Town skunk There is a skunk in town. One family has had their two dogs sprayed three times. Keep an eye out for this smelly animal.
North Thompson Times print subscribers will find complete e-Editions of each issue and weekly supplements on our website. Call our office to get your access number — 250-674-3343
Are you ready to vote? If you’re a Canadian citizen, 18 or older, you can vote in the federal election. Your voter information card tells you when and where to vote.
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If you didn’t receive your card, you can still register and vote at your polling place. To find out where to vote, and what ID to bring, visit elections.ca or call 1-800-463-6868 ( TTY 1-800-361-8935). Elections Canada has all the information you need to be ready to vote.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A9
Band coming to Blackpool Hall The Vancouver-based band The Wheat in the Barley will be playing at a grad fundraising dance at Blackpool Hall on Oct. 24. They describe themselves as Canadian roots music with a major make-over. Crack songwriting, brilliant and warped arrangements and stunning instrumental solos unite under the banner of a savvy eclecticism that's always been the band's guiding light. The Wheat in the Barley pulls together a lot of great influences into one package: Celtic, Slavic, French Canadian, Yiddish, Cajun and more. With an impressive array of instruments at their command, the band puts on a show that's as danceable as it is listenable. Photo submitted
He liked the ranch life so much it got him arrested Tim Pesruk – Kamloops This Week He fed the cats, prepared a meal, shaved, showered and even took meat out of the freezer to thaw. The problem? Christopher Hiscock was not in his house. The 33-year-old Nova Scotia man pleaded guilty in Kamloops provincial court on Sept. 25 to possession of stolen property and being unlawfully in a dwelling house stemming from a bizarre incident in the North Thompson earlier. Court heard the residents of a ranch in Little Fort on the Yellowhead Highway returned home after a night away on Sept. 20 to find a stranger, later identified as Hiscock, sitting on their couch with a cup of coffee. “She found the accused in her home watching TV,” Crown prosecutor Mike Wong said. “He had started a fire in the fireplace and prepared himself a meal. He said he had been driving by and the door was open, so he came in. “The accused appears to have done some laundry. He also fed the cats and put out some hay for the horses,” Wong said. “He used [the residents’] toothbrush and shaver, he had taken some meat out of the freezer to thaw and he
had written in their diary.” The residents flagged down a passing police car and Hiscock was taken into custody. Hiscock’s journey to B.C. started in his home province of Nova Scotia earlier this month. Court heard he drove his car to Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., where he stole a truck and headed west. The stolen Ontario truck, which went missing on Sept. 16, was found on the Little Fort property. Defence lawyer Sheldon Tate said Hiscock had been working seasonally for a swimming pool
company but, sensing he would be laid off, decided to travel west in search of work. “He quickly found that his funds were less than adequate and that led him to using the vehicle from Sault Ste. Marie to get out here,” Tate said. “By the time he got to B.C., you can imagine, he was without any funds at all and he saw an unoccupied home.” Hiscock, who has no prior criminal record, apologized in court. “I made a lot of mistakes,” he said. “There’s really no excuses for it.” He was also still beaming about his
brief stay at the ranch. “Beautiful ranch,” he said. “Gorgeous. I was driving and I just turned in. Beautiful place.” Kamloops provincial court Judge Chris Cleaveley placed Hiscock on a one-year probation term with orders barring him from contacting the residents of the Little Fort ranch and the owner of the Ontario truck. Hiscock will also have to surrender a sample of his DNA to a national criminal database. Cleaveley asked Hiscock what his plans are once he is released from jail.
Designing the flu shot each year can be quite difficult and sometimes the result is less than perfect. Last year’s flu shot was one of those. This year the vaccine will be a better match for the circulating viruses. These vaccines are never 100 per cent effective but even at 50-60 per cent, they give pretty good odds for not getting the flu. As pharmacists, we are often asked if it’s okay to get the flu shot when one has a cold. Colds and other minor illnesses do not affect the vaccine’s effectiveness. Just a reminder: it does take about two weeks for our bodies to develop antibodies against the flu.
“I have really nowhere to go,” Hiscock said. “The woods is a good place, I suppose. There’s a lot of fish out there.”
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Advances in healthcare are slow and steady and we often forget what our ancestors had to deal with. For example, in the early 20th century, one in seven children died before the age of two and deaths during childbirth were quite common. Polio, smallpox and measles were the case of many child deaths. Today, these diseases has virtually disappeared Ibuprofen is a pain-reliever and anti-inflammatory drug that is available without prescription. Health Canada has issued a warning of the increased risk of heart attack and stroke with high doses of ibuprofen. High doses means amounts over 1200 mg per day. Don’t hesitate to ask questions that will help you get the most out of your medications. Use the educational resources of our pharmacist staff.
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A10 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
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CHEVROLET.CA ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the finance of a 2015 Cruze LS 1SA, Trax LS 1SA Manual, Silverado 2500HD/3500HD WT 2WD with gas engines. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered from October 1st and November 2nd, 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Spark LS 1SA, Sonic LS 1SA Sedan, Cruze LS 1SA, Malibu 3LT, Volt, Impala 1LZ, Camaro 1LS & 2LS, Trax LS Manual, Equinox LS AWD, Traverse LS FWD, Colorado 2WD, Silverado 1500 Double Cab 2WD WT / Crew Cab 2WD WT and Silverado HD’s WT 2WD with gas engine. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $476.19 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. †† Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between October 1st and November 2nd, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on Chevrolet Spark, Sonic, Volt, Trax, Malibu (except LS); $750 credit available on others Chevrolet (except Cruze, Colorado 2SA, Camaro Z28, Malibu LS, Silverado Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on Chevrolet Cruze and on all Silverado’s. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. ‡ $2,000/$2,000 is a combined credit consisting of $1,000/$500 Owner Cash (tax inclusive) and $1,000/$1,500 manufacturer to dealer finance cash (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Cruze/Trax which is available for finance offers only and cannot be combined with special lease rates and cash purchase. † $4,000/$3,500/$11,000 is a combined credit consisting of $1,000/$500/$1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive) and a $3,000/$3,000/$10,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Cruze (except LS 1SA)/Trax (except LS Manual)/Silverado Heavy Duty Double Cab with gas engine (except WT 2WD), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000/$3,000/$10,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ~ Visit onstar.ca for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. ¥¥ Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ‡‡ Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov). ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2015 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.
Call Smith Chevrolet Cadillac at 250-372-2551, or visit us at 950 Notre Dame Drive, Kamloops. [License #11184]
Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A11
Credit union celebrates 75th anniversary with magic Times Staff Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up their sleeve? Interior Savings Credit Union paired up recently with Kelowna-based magician Leif David to surprise and delight its communities with magic, mystery â&#x20AC;Ś and money. The magician â&#x20AC;&#x153;appearedâ&#x20AC;? in 14 Interior B.C. communities over the course of five days to help celebrate the ISCU's 75th anniversary. David was in Clearwater on Oct. 1 and performed for a crowd of about two dozen people in front of the new credit union location in Clearwater Shopping Centre. Reflecting on the milestone year, Kathy Conway, Interior Savingsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; CEO recounts, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the late 30s, people were disillusioned with the big banks and were looking for a financial institution that would keep its membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; best interests at heart while also working to build stronger communities. And so started the credit union
movement in our province.â&#x20AC;? The fourth credit union founded in B.C., Interior Savings has grown from 20 members to 71,000. Last year alone, the credit union returned over $3 million in profits to its members and invested over half a million dollars in local community programs. According to Conway, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The success weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had in 75 years tells a story of a community that believes in supporting local organizations who put people before profits. To show our gratitude on this milestone year,
RE-ELECT Magician Leif David mysteriously exchanges a $5 bill for five $20s during a performance in front of the new Interior Savings Credit Union location in Clearwater Shopping Centre on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 1. In the photo are (l-r) Bob Slingsby, Max Roy, Leif David, Ariel Verge and Christine Pirart. Photo by Keith McNeill
Training exercise helps Transmountain prepare Times Staff Kinder Morgan Canada conducted an emergency response exercise on Thursday, Sept. 17, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Black Spruce Park, which is approximaely five km north of Blue River. The exercise covered landbased instruction on spill response equipment setup and deployment, followed by an on-water deployment of emergency response equipment on the North Thompson River. The primary objective of the exercise was to test the suitability of this location as an emergency response staging area, which presents challenges, such as steep terrain, limited space and strong current. Objectives also include training of Kinder Morgan Canada personnel on boom deployment, anchor setting and the setup and test of oil recovery equipment.
we wanted to do something unexpected.â&#x20AC;? Interior Savings Credit Union is the largest credit union based in the Interior of B.C. with assets exceeding $2.0 billion. Through its 21 branches, 15 insurance offices, Member Service Centre, and two Commercial Services Centres, the Credit Union offers personal and commercial banking and a full range of insurance and wealth management services to members in 14 communities.
CATHY McLEOD and the CONSERVATIVE Party Promised and Delivered to you: â&#x20AC;˘ Ending the Wasteful and Ineffective Long-Gun Registry â&#x20AC;˘ Passing the Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act â&#x20AC;˘ The LIBERALS and NDP want to revive the Gun Registry! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve also Promised and Delivered: â&#x20AC;˘ Income Splitting for Families â&#x20AC;˘ Universal Child Care BeneďŹ ts â&#x20AC;˘ Tax Free Savings Account â&#x20AC;˘ Lower Taxes â&#x20AC;˘ And only the Conservatives will keep your taxes low. The Average Family of 4 now has $6,600 More in Their Pocket than they did a few short years ago. The Liberals and the NDP want to TAKE AWAY these BENEFITS that the CONSERVATIVES DELIVERED to you!
Boats deploy a containment boom across the North Thompson River north of Blue River during a Transmountain training exercise held last month. Photo courtesy of Kinder Morgan
Equipment used in the drill included three jet boats, an oil spill containment and recovery trailer owned by Kinder Morgan Canada, approx. 90 m of river boom, skimmers, hoses, anchors and other equipment.
About 30 to 40 people participated in the drill, including staff and outside agencies. The outside agencies included Canim Lake Band, Simpcw First Nation, Blue River Fire Department and the Village of Valemount.
McLEOD, CATHY Authorized by the ofďŹ cial agent of the Cathy McLeod campaign.
Campaign OfďŹ ce 285 Seymour St. Kamloops, BC V2C 2E7 Phone: 250-372-5732 Visit: www.votecathymcleod.ca Email: votecathymcleod@gmail.com
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If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for better ROI from your advertising, perhaps more of your â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;? should be in newspapers.
A12 www.clearwatertimes.com
E R ’ U YO
Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
Make some noise and join Interior Savings for our
BRANCH OPENING CELEBRATIONS Interior Savings is proud to be a member of the Clearwater community. And we’re here to stay. Please join our Credit Union and Insurance staff in celebrating our brand new Clearwater Branch. Enjoy food and refreshments and enter to win great prizes including a $500 term deposit and an Apple iPad*. And don’t forget to bring your kids so they can enjoy the fun activities and meet the Fat Cat. *Apple is not a participant in or sponsor of this promotion. Full contest rules available at the Interior Savings Clearwater Branch.
Interior Savings Clearwater Branch Official Grand Opening Celebration
Saturday, October 24th 9:30am – 1:00pm Grand Opening Ceremony – 11am
Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A13
Sports www.clearwatertimes.com
All about plants Local Girl Guides set out to learn about useful plants from herbalist Sharon Neufeld on Sept. 21. The walk along the Clearwater River Trail was held as part of National Forest Week. Pictured are (l-r) Kris Olson, Katrina Link, Katrina Brcko, Hannah MacDonald, Betty-Ann Roy, Amery Hokai and Sharon Neufeld.
WELLS GRAY SEARCH & RESCUE Annual General Meeting
21 • 7pm Wednesday, Oct. 15 @WGSAR Headquarters next to Trout Hatchery 250-674-2703 8179 for more info
Photo by Keith McNeill
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Snowboarding in summer
Nov. 21 – No-Host Bazaar, North Thompson Fall Fair Hall, 10am-1pm. $10/table. Info: Antoon 250-672-9330 Nov. 28 - Barriere Seniors Annual Craft Fair, Seniors Hall, 10am-2pm. $10/table. Info: Hazel 250-672-5587
Little Fort
Kevin Henderson wears a smile on his face as he motors across the pavement in front of the Sportsplex on his Onewheel scooter recently. The device, made in California, has an electric motor inside its wheel. Leaning forward causes it to go faster, while leaning back causes it to slow down and stop. Turning is done by leaning left or right, similar to on a skateboard. It can reach speeds of up to 25 km/hr, go up and down hills, and travel across grass. Battery life is one or two hours, depending on the terrain and the weight of the rider.
Oct. 25 – 40th Annual Little Fort Craft Fair, Little Fort Community Hall, 10am-3pm. $30/table. Info: Darlene 250-677-4383
Clearwater Nov. 20-21 – Clearwater Elks Christmas Bazaar, Elks Hall, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun. 9am-noon. $10/table. Info: Phyllis 250-674-3535 Nov. 8 – 20th Annual Winter Wonderland & Craft Fair, Clearwater Legion, 10am-2pm. $20/table. Info: Abby 250-674-2127 Nov. 14-15 – Blackpool Craft Fair, Blackpool Hall, 10am-2pm both days. $10/table. Info: Sharon 250587-6202 Dec. 13 – Clearwater Elks Christmas Bazaar, Elks Hall, Sat. 10am-4pm. $10/table. Info: Phyllis 250-674-3535
Heffley Creek Oct. 24 – Harvest Sale-A-Bration, Heffley Creek Hall, 10am-2pm. $___/table. Info: Deb 250-578-7525 Dec. 5 – Christmas Craft Fair, Heffley Creek Hall, 10am2pm. $___/table. Info: Deb 250-578-7525
Chu Chua Oct. 18 – Craft Fair, Chu Chua Community Hall, 10am1pm. $10/table. Info: Eunice 250-672-5356 Dec. 13 – Christmas Craft Fair, Chu Chua Community Hall, 10am-1pm. $10/table. Info: Eunice 250-6725356
Valemount Nov. 14 – Christmas Craft Fair, Valemount Sec. Gym, 10am-3pm. $20/table. Info: Riette 250-566-4193
Blue River Nov. 15 - Craft Fair, Blue River Community Hall, 10:30am3pm. Info: Charmaine 250-674-7456
Photo by Keith McNeill
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For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143
A14 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
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Automotive Repair
District of Clearwater
Phone: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 Box 157, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour
Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
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Business & Service Directory Taxi Service TAXI SERVICE
Auto Repair & Towing
250-674-2214 • 250-674-1542
Automotive Repair • Used Auto Parts • Mobile Repairs Designated Vehicle Inspection • C.V.I. Inspections Commercial Truck & EQ Repair Fully Licensed Technicians
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OFFICE: 250-674-3123 or CELL: 250-674-1427
On Service all Centre 250.674.0145 | info@oncallservices.ca 851 Yellowhead Hwy S. Clearwater, BC V0E 1N1
Offering Heavy Duty mechanical and Inspections Mon. - Fri. • 8am – 5pm info@alltorq.net • 851 Yellowhead Hwy S.
She Is Looking For Home Improvement Help.
Advertise your business for as low as $16/week
Will She Find Your Business? Clearwater Christian Church Non-denominational congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.
Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive Wayne Richardson (Pastor)
Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: www.clchch.com For information 250.674.7073 or 250.674.2912
3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational
St James Catholic Church Sunday Service Mass 11am - 12pm
324 Clearwater Village Road 1-250-372-2581
Find a job you love.
Your places of worship Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor John Masigan Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468
TRINITY SHARED MINISTRY Anglican, Lutheran & United Meeting at St. James Catholic Church
Worship Sunday 9am
Rev. Brian Krushel
Office: 250-672-5653 • ntunitedpc@gmail.com www.norththompsonpc.ca
Call for more information or come in to the Star/Journal 10-4353 Conner Road.
Church Directory Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 4:00pm
Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: livingstreams@hotmail.com Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations
CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
(Kids church during service) Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study
Phone: 250-674-2345
308 W Old N Thompson Hwy
Worship Service 10:30
Pastor Doug Spinney 250.674.3624 www.ccbaptist.ca
A16 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
Check Before you go! www.DriveBC.ca
1655 Lucky Strike Place | Kamloops, BC | V1S 1W5 | Phone: 250-374-6690 | Toll Free: 1-800-661-2025
Thought of the week Today you are YOU, that is TRUER than true. There is NO ONE alive who is YOUER than YOU! -Dr. Seuss
Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS
Oct. 17: Legion Dinner, 257 Glen Rd. Doors open 5 pm, adults $12; children 7-12 yrs, $6; 2-6 yrs, $3. Oct. 18: Join others at Wells Gray Inn at 12:30 for (no-host) lunch. Initiated by Wells Gray Country Seniors Society. Phone Eileen @ 674-2400 for more information. Oct. 18: Join others at Wells Gray Inn at 12:30 for (no-host) lunch. Initiated by Wells Gray Country Seniors Society. Ph Eileen @ 674-2400 for info Oct. 21: Wells Gray Search & Rescue AGM, 7 pm, at WGSAR Headquarters next to Trout Hatchery, info 250-674-8179 Oct. 22-23: BC Cancer Agency Screening Mammography Program will be at DHMH. Call 1-800-663-9203 for appointment. Oct. 24: Grad Fundraiser - Harvest Dance, at Blackpool Hall, Live band. Ticket avail at the Well Gray Inn, Pharmasave, and CCS. Oct. 25: Blue River event – Fall Harvest Dinner, doors open 5 pm, traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. Dessert is potluck.
Community Assoc memberships avail. Info blueriverca@ gmail.com Oct. 25: North Thompson Arts Council AGM, 2 pm at Art Gallery (in DLCC, 209 Dutch Lake Rd) Oct. 25: Little Fort Craft Fair, 10 am – 3 pm, Little Fort Community hall. Oct. 30: Halloween Costume Dance/Party, Blackpool Hall, sponsered by Clearwater Rotary. Info 250.674.1514 Oct. 31: Blue River event – Children’s Halloween party, 4 pm at the Upper Legion Hall. Grown-up party to follow in the Legion lounge. Nov. 1: Veterans’ Dinner, Legion hall, 257 Glen Rd. Nov. 8: 20th Annual Winter Wonderland Craft Fair, Legion Hall, 10 am – 2 pm, Contact 250-674-2127 Nov. 14: Legion Dinner, 257 Glen Rd, doors open 5 pm, adults $12; children 7-12 yrs, $6; 2-6 yrs, $3. Nov. 14-15: Bazaar, Blackpool Hall, 10am – 3 pm
HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM The TRU HCA Certificate program follows the BC HCA Curriculum. The next intake at the Clearwater Campus will begin in Winter/Spring 2016, call 250-674-3530 for further information. 27 week program designed to prepare the graduate to function, under supervision, as a Health Care Assistant. Skills will be applied in the community utilizing care facilities, assisted living facilities & private homes. Focused on training the health care worker to assist the older adult in meeting his/her basic physical, emotional, environmental & social needs. Students learn to provide practical assistance to help maintain the client’s maximum independence within limits of his/her ability. ENFORM CHAINSAW SAFETY • XOCH 0910 This 3-day ENFORM (formerly PITS) certified course is Level 1—Chainsaw Basics. It covers instruction in personal and worksite safety; hazard assessment and control; chainsaw inspection and maintenance; chainsaw handling and operations; and safe limbing and bucking practices. Requirements: Minimum age 16 years, appropriate clothing for work, steel-toed boots and work gloves. Fee: $850 Dates: Oct 13 - 15 • Tuesday–Thursday, 8am–4:30pm YOUTH GYMNASTICS - FALL 2015 There is still spaces available for the Fall 2015 Youth Gymnastics program, please call 250-674-3530 to register. Keiran Jones & Courtney Johnson – instructors WELDER FOUNDATION PROGRAM - February 2016 - ONE seat available Introductory program that prepares learners for entry level positions as apprentice welders in most sectors of the economy including manufacturing, construction, transportation, resource extraction, and resource development. Students engage in a variety of classroom and shop activities. In the classroom, they learn theoretical principals of welding. Shop sessions provide the hands-on opportunity to learn processes and master practical welding skills.
OCT 13 - 15 $850 OCT 22, NOV 23 $105 OCT 23 & 24 $100 NOV 24 $110
NOV 2 NOV 27 & 28
$285 $75
TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 209 Dutch Lake Rd. EMAIL: sarduini@tru.ca • www.tru.ca/regional_centres/clearwater
ONGOING EVENTS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: Every Saturday May – Oct, 9 am – 12 noon, Elks Hall. • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:3010 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Women in Business Luncheon: Last Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-6743703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - 2nd & 4th Wed. Elks Hall 5pm, Info call Phyllis 250-674-3535 • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. • Upstream Community and Heritage Society open house Tuesdays: 9am-9pm @ Avola School House, various activities. Info ph Fay 250-678-5302. • Voices United Community Choir- every Wednesday, 4:30-5:30 at the Catholic Church of St. James. • Thompson Valley Quilters. Meet 2nd Wed. and 3rd Mon. of the mth at NTAC in the DLCC, 9 am - 4 pm. Info Linda 250-674-3437 or Dorothy 250-676-9270 • Vavenby Needle Arts Group. Meet every Tues. 11am - 4pm at Vavenby Community Center. Info Dorothy 250-676-9270 CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:50-11:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-3530 HEALTH & HEALING • Hospice Grief Support: 2nd Thur of every mth, NT Funeral Home 1-3
pm, info 250-674-2400 • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-674-3233. • Connections Healing Rooms - Wed. 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms.com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Winter, dates TBA, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Youth Group: ages 12-18, Sat. 7-10 pm Dutch Lake Community Center, info 250-674-2600 • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ hotmail.com • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Winter, dates TBA, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 • Drop in Soccer: June -Sept, tues and Thurs, 6:30-8:00 PM, CSS field, $2 drop in, grade 8 to adult SENIORS • BUNCO: 3rd Tue of every mth, Dutch Lake Seniors Drop-in Centre, 1:30 – 3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome. • WGCSS Writers Circle: Meets 1st & 3rd Thur. @ Library
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Bayley’s Bistro
Clearwater Times Times Thursday, Thursday, October Clearwater October 15, 15,2015 2015
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Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 12pm 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.
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Information Do you need help with reading, writing or math? FREE confidential adult tutoring available. • Clearwater Literacy 250-674-3530 • Barriere Literacy 250-672-9773
Clearwater Alcoholics Anonymous Sunshine Group meets every Tuesday, 8 pm, Elks Hall 72 Taren Dr. Open to Everyone For info contact Wendy 250-587-0026
Classifieds Get Results!
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Lost & Found
Education/Trade Schools
Financial Services
NEED A loan? Own property? Have bad credit? We can help! Call toll free 1-866-405-1228 firstandsecondmortgages.ca
For sale: Washer & dryer in good working order. $395/pair obo. Call 250-587-6151
AERO AUCTIONS Upcoming Auction. Thurs., Oct. 22, Edmonton. Live & On-Line Bidding. Mining, excavation, transportation equipment, rock trucks, excavators, dozers, graders, truck tractors, trailers, pickup trucks, misc attachments & more! Consignments welcome! Call: 1-888-6009005 or www.aeroauctions.ca.
ONLINE AUCTION - COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT EQUIPMENTOPENS WED OCT 14 - CLOSES WED OCT 21.........BAILIFF SEIZED PIZZA EQUIP, BAKERY & TACO EQUIP PLUS LEASE RETURNS - incl. Garland cooking equip, Berkel Slicers, Hobart 60 Quart Legacy Mixer, Meat Grinder, Sheeters, Walk-ins, Pizza & Convection Ovens, dishwashers, canopies and MORE !!!!! View Weekdays 10am to 4pm @Active Auction Mart - Unit 295 - 19358 96th Ave, Surrey, BC--- view ONLINE & REGISTER to BID @www.activeauctionmart.com --- Tel: 604-371-1190 email: buyit@activeauctionmart.com
Food Products
Food Products
Lost: Gold coloured pendant with maple leaf inside a circle, lost on Oct. 8, somewhere between Barriere and Clearwater. Could have been lost at Jim’s Food Market in Little Fort, Buy Low or A&W in Clearwater, or Knight’s Inn in Barriere. Item has sentimental value. Call 250-319-8023
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities
Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Clearwater 250-674-2135, Barriere 250-672-6444, or North Thompson Valley 1-855-674-2135
Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices
Interior Heavy Equipment Operator School. Real World Tasks. Weekly start dates. GPS Training! Funding Options. Already have experience? Need certification proof? Call 1-866-399-3853 or IHESHOOL.com
Medical/Dental HUGE DEMAND for Medical Transcriptionists! CanScribe is Canada’s top Medical Transcription training school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535. www.canscribe.com or info@canscribe.com
Professional/ Management OFF. Manager with 2+ yrs exp. req’d. E:chilliwackoralsurgery@gmail.com for more info.
Trades, Technical
ARE YOU passionate about community? Love small town living? Be at the centre with your own weekly newspaper. Call Jennifer Gillis ReMax Blue Chip Realty 306-7836666.
GPRC, FAIRVIEW Campus requires a Power Engineer Instructor to commence in December, 2015. Please contact Brian Carreau at 780-8356631 and/or visit our website at www.gprc.ab.ca/careers.
GET FREE vending machines can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-locations provided. Protected Territories. Interest free financing. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website www.tcvend.com.
HIP OR knee replacement? Arthritic Conditions/COPD? Restrictions in walking/dressing? Disability tax credit $2,000 tax credit $20,000 refund. Apply today for assistance: 1-844-453-5372.
Career Opportunities ECONOMIC Development Mgr sought by Kwakiutl Band in Pt Hardy in N. Van. Isl. Send resume, cover LTR & salary expectations to manager@kwakiutl.bc.ca or fax 250-949-6066 by 8 AM, Nov. 2. Pls request job description.
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-7683362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
Barriere A-A Meetings Every Tuesday at 7:30pm Pentecostal Church 818 Amnesty Road 250-672-9643 250-672-9934 CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canadabenefit.ca/free-assessment
WANT A recession proof career? Power Engineering 4th Class. Work practicum placements, along with an on-campus boiler lab. Residences available. Starting January 4, 2016. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-539-4772 or online www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview.
Financial Services AUTO FINANCING-Same Day Approval. Dream Catcher Auto Financing 1-800-910-6402 or www.PreApproval.cc GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca
Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years.
Education/Trade Schools START A new career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765
Be responsible don’t litter! www.spca.bc.ca
Photography / Video PHOTOS
by Keith McNeill
Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or email:keith.mcneill65@gmail.com
Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
Moving & Storage • Indoor Storage Units • Office space with equipment storage available. Hwy access for convenience & exposure 250-674-0145 info@oncallservices.ca 851 Yellowhead Hwy 5
Box 67, 100 Mile House B.C. V0K 2E0
BEFORE YOU SELL: • ASPEN • BIRCH • COTTONWOOD • PINE • SPRUCE • FIR PULP LOGS Please call KATHERINE LEPPALA (250) 395-6218 (direct line) • (250) 395-0584 (cell) (250) 395-6201 (fax)
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Casual / On Call (District of Clearwater)
Outside Worker – Labourer 2
Applicants are invited to apply for the position with the District of Clearwater - Outside Worker – Labourer 2 a Casual / On call position to fill in for vacation and sick leave, as well as additional seasonal workloads. This Casual / On call position reports to the Public Works Superintendent and is required to perform general labour type duties in relation to the maintenance of the District infrastructure. Applicants are encouraged to review the complete job description for this position available through the District’s website located at www.districtofclearwater.com/jobs. The preferred candidate must have: t Experience in equivalent or related work t Elementary knowledge of the operation and maintenance requirements of a Public Works Department t Grade 12 or equivalent of secondary school graduation t Working knowledge of Work Safe BC regulations t Minimum valid Class 5 driver’s license Preference will be given to candidates with: t Hands on experience with landscaping and heavy equipment t Working knowledge of civil design drawings, t WHMIS training/certificate t Transportation Dangerous Goods t Certification in the Environmental Operators Certification Program for Water Distribution t Level II, Wastewater Collection Level I Wage Rate: Labourer 2: $20.22/hour. This casual position will start on after October 26th, 2015 and will work on an as needed basis to cover for vacation, sick leave for regular Outside Workers along with additional seasonal workload. The position is open to both male and female applicants and is subject to the provisions of the Collective Agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 900). Written applications marked “Confidential” will be accepted by the undersigned until NOON, Wednesday, October 21st, 2015. The application must include a resume outlining related experience and qualifications. ONLY those that are shortlisted will be contacted. Confidential C/O Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer Mail: Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Drop off: 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, B.C. V0E1N2 or by, Email: lgroulx@docbc.ca
Find quality employees.
A18 www.clearwatertimes.com A18 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, Thursday,October October15, 15,2015 2015 Clearwater ClearwaterTimes Times
Merchandise for Sale
Estate Sales
Homes for Rent
1200 sq. ft. house. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, .79 acre w/fruit trees, garden area, 600 sq ft shop, & 300 sq ft woodshed. $135,000. obo. Ph 1-250-318-7235
Clearwater: Older 2 bdrm factory home, fridge, range, w/d. Available Oct. 1. $625/mo. #9 Thompson Crossing. Ph 250-587-6151
Auto Accessories/Parts
Farm Equipment
Lakeside Homes: 2bdrms, W/D. $750/mo +util. 1 cabin lrg balcony. $625 util incld. 778773-2465/778-928-4084.
For Sale: 9N Ford Tractor with snow blade, 12 volt system. $2000 obo 250-672-5650
Furniture Green plaid cotton rocker and ottoman, $25.00; Open arm beige leather recliner and ottoman, $25.00. 250-674-3517
Heavy Duty Machinery
It’s Friday Morning – So Let’s Hike Trekking Tales
Four Nokian winter tires, 2 45 x 16 and 5-hole rims. Good for Ranger, Explorer, or Escape and some Chrysler vehicles. Less than 200 kms on tires. Asking $650.00 Ph 250-672-0109
Auto Financing
Louis Creek available for rent new park model at Creekside Senior Park $850/mth, incld pad rent & yard maintenance. 250-672-2490
A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE 1292 Main St., Smithers. 5920 sq. ft. Available Jan. 2016. Please email svalu67@telus.net for more information.
Rooms for Rent Room for rent in Clearwater. Sat TV, internet, all util incl. $500/mo. Call 250-674-1768
Classifieds Get Results!
Misc. for Sale
Suites, Lower
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
Barriere: 1bdrm suite, would suit single/elder person. Near amenities, ample parking, hydro/heat incl. $600 to the right person newly renovated 778220-2148.
1993 Mazda 323 hatchback, winter tires, runs well, good gas mileage. $950.00 Ph 250-674-3508
Houses For Sale
Houses For Sale
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030, Local.
Cars - Domestic
A new beginning to carefree living!
Real Estate Lots
What would it cost to own our Thompson Crossing Deluxe show home, with all improvements, ready to occupy, including heat pump bonus?
Two very desirable building lots — 542, & 518 Oriole Way, Barriere, BC. $49,900. each. Call 250-587-6151
This Crossword Sponsored by
Rentals Homes for Rent
Asking $139,000.00 Depending on eligibility — Down payment $6,950.00 $614.00 per month over 25 years.
Clearwater: 3 bdrm rancher on Petro Rd. Carport, wood & propane heat. Avail Nov. 1. $1000/mo. Call 250-674-0188
PH 250.587.6151 www.Thompson-Crossing.com
AOct. p r i 15 l 2-3 Oct. - 2 21, 9 , 22015 0 1 2 Capricorn, This week isyou all may be inspired to do about give and take, something creative Capricorn. Do for but don’t where others,know and they willto begin. Pisces may be a do for you. A special good inspiraeventsource calls forofsome tion. You cangifts. work on extra-special December 22– a project together.
January 19
January 20– February 18
February 19– March 20
Aquarius, the Some habitsmake are hard necessary changes to break, Aquarius. in your to put Look to alife mentor to primary goals help and you willback on target. These succeed. A fitness may beeasily career or goal is achieved fitness goals or ofeven with a new piece plans to increase equipment. family time. Pisces, The oddsthis mayweek be may start off ayou, little stacked against differently than Pisces, but that doesn’t most, butwon’t by midmean you come week willa find out onyou top with little your groove. ingenuity. A weekend endeavor requires a leap of faith.
March 21– April 19
Aries, youAries, can’tand Speak up, seem to focus the problem willyour be attention on one solved. A little miracle thing week. at homethis makes for an However, wandering interesting weekend. thoughts may put Travel plans come you in touch with together. some better ideas.
June 22– July 22
Cancer, while A business relationship success blossomsbrings with anyou many things, it can addition. A larger-thanfeel lonely at drops the life personality top. Make some by with an offer you time to reconnect can’t refuse. Oh boy, and hang out with oh boy, Cancer. friends this week.
April 20– May 20
Taurus, may Cast asideyou all doubt, like to tackle Taurus. The offer is projects on will your genuine and bring own, but rewards. sometimes you many A letting someone else test of faith begins— pitch in can provide be strong. Money woes aease. fresh perspective and a new way of doing things.
July 23– August 22
May 21– June 21
It’s timeblessed to get Feeling serious about your these days, Gemini? job-seeking Pay it forward.efforts, A Gemini. Start putcompromise at home ting feelers and raisesout everyone’s see what spirits andis funavailable. ensues Also, fine-tune all weekend long! your résumé to get noticed.
Virgo, aftersave an more excitSpend less, ing life may and event, you’ll definitely seem a little munget more, Virgo. More dane forbottom a while. in your line Happiness is what and more peace of you make of it. Try a mind. Flowers provide new hobby or make a great pick-me-up. some new friends. August 23– November 22– September 22 December 21
Leo, more Oops,listen Leo. You fall than behindyou on aspeak project,in the coming raising some days. You can learn eyebrows. Not toso much more worry. You willbyget remaining back on trackquiet soonerand taking all in, and than youitthink, thanks others will apprecito an innovation. ate your attentiveness.
Expand your social Lady Luck smiles on circles andand youthere may you, Libra, meet some influ-your is nothing beyond ential new people, reach. A treasured Libra. This can only heirloom resurfaces, help your reputation bringing back many and up new fondopen memories. September 23– doors to various opOctober 22 portunities.
October 23– November 21
Scorpio, The tiniesttake of control of a situation changes make a that vast comes to light improvement in a this week. one else project.No A rejection is seems capable of a blessing in disguise. taking thefor reins Be grateful whatbut you. are you’reChances given, Scorpio. you will be an excellent leader. Sagittarius, you News from afar gets may be unable the creative juicesto keep everything flowing, and you organized accomplish this more than week. Don’t fret,time, as you have in some you need not be inof Sagittarius. A game complete control at wits at the office every provesmoment. challenging.
I am in Clearwater on Friday, Oct. 2nd, so I don my usual, not-exactlywaterproof gear and light hikers and grab my water bottle. Only when I walk By Kay Knox out our front door do I notice that it has started to sprinkle. No time to dig out rain gear now as I head for Wells Gray Information Centre. Driving into the parking lot I see vehicles parked crosswise over the long white lines marking off spaces for RVs. People standing behind them, wearing colourful jackets and hats, turn into seven recognizable friends. “Where are we going?” “Remember the old Tipi Camp?” “Haven’t been there for years, but sure I do.” Leaving a couple of cars parked legally, we carpool to Upper Clearwater and stop near the road up to Battle Mt., take packs, jackets, and hiking sticks and start up the narrow road. Big black poodle Jake and beautiful blonde Labrador Molly are released to race and chase each other. If anyone has noticed the sprinkles are heavier, they don’t say anything. We progress to the first junction and hang a left onto a wide trail walking in ever-changing small groups. Bushes hang out in places so we take care not to get hit in the face by wet leaves. By now, sprinkles have turned into raindrops. More caps cover heads, and hoods come up, but still – no comment. Underfoot we see hoof prints (and other fresh evidence) of passing horses. ATVs have been through here recently so it’s a bit churned up and becoming muddy. At the next junction we start wandering upwards until a voice calls from the end of the line: “I’m not going up there. I am heading back and taking the trail that goes down!” We all obediently face about and follow suit. And yes, now on a rocky, increasingly muddy (right) trail, we descend. Four stout poles marking off a platform greet our arrival. “There’s the dance floor!” Who knows; maybe that’s what it was. A toilet, despite lacking a door, is more useful. Extensive hay fields that were previously visible from the campsite are hidden by undergrowth. We stand to snack beside a large sturdy table sheltered by a huge tree. We could have all fitted on its long, strong, damp benches, but didn’t sit although we wouldn’t have gotten much wetter. Water drips off our hats and finds its way through layers of clothes beneath which we are sweating anyway. No one says, “I don’t want to trudge back up the hill,” but the thought hangs in the air as the rain pours down. “Where does that little trail go?” “You soon see the fields but there’s a creek too wide to step across. Down the other way, we could bushwhack for a short distance until we see that edge of the first field and then stay in the trees until we reach the road.” Soon we are helping each other across the small creek. Only the person with the longest legs succeeds in stepping into the flowing water rather than across it! Then we are trespassing.... Swampy conditions have sent us out onto the not-recentlymowed hayfield. “My trouser legs are so wet and heavy they are pulling my pants down!” We follow the fence to an opening onto the next field that doesn’t help. “There’s a deep, steep-sided, irrigation ditch hidden in the grass.” Beside a “No Hunting” sign, we finally scramble from one property to the other. Here the grass is shorter; two deer stop grazing to watch us. Waving white “flags” but stopping a few times to look back, they disappear near the sign. We decide to head for the house and its driveway to access the road, passing cars now within sight. “Blinds are down, no vehicle, no dogs; maybe we’ll be lucky and won’t have to explain our sodden presence.” Dripping doggies Jake and Molly are leashed, but no one appears as we cross between barn and house to follow the short driveway to legality. Pools of water by the road along which we return to our vehicles tell us we made a smart move in heading towards the shuttered home. And what, you might ask, did everyone say at the end of the trek? “Well. That was FUN!”
Clearwater Times Thursday, October 15, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A19
No serious decline in timber harvest in region for next 10 years
be felt a decade from now, when volumes IN LOVING MEMORY would have to fall by Timothy Charles Downey a quarter to about 1.8 (Richter) million cubic metres a The amount of timber harvested in the year. That level would Sept. 24, 1959 - Sept. 29, 2015 remain more or less Kamloops region will not significantly decline unchanged for 60 years. The report comes for at least a decade before a determination under a scenario presented to the province’s by the province’s chief forester on the amount chief forester. of timber that can susAn analysis pretainably be harvested in sented by the Ministry this region, called the of Forests, Lands and annual allowable cut. Natural Resource Many parts of Operations shows a the Central Interior “base case” mid-range are looking at drastic harvesting volume at 2.5 million cubic metres declines in the amount of timber that can be a year for the next M&K trucking in Boyle decade. That compares harvested due to the Tim passed away suddenly on September Alberta, he loved his to the average of about mountain pine beetle job and the people he 29, 2015. He was born 2.7 million cubic metres infestation. Cut levworked for. harvested in Kamloops, B.C. on between els were artificially September 24, 1959 Tim — This is your increased and mill 2009 to 2013 in the Tim grew up in last long haul, Load production ramped up Kamloops timber supBarriere, Clearwater Light, Bind tight and to deal with dead pine ply area. area with his brothdrive safely through the The pain, according over the past decade. ers Mike, Allan, Greg, Pearly Whites. Rick Sommer, manto that forecast, would Frank, sister Bonnie. He was predeceased by his father Frank, brothers Mike and Greg. Tim leaves to morn him, his mother Wanda, brothers Allan, Frank, wife Kelly, The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure invites the and children Micheal, public to attend an information session to preview plans and Sarah, LaDonna, and provide comments on the highway widening and intersection Amber, grandchildren and many friends. improvements on Highway 5 through the communities of He was very active Darfield and Vinsulla. in school sports, winThe ministry’s project team will be on hand to provide ning medals in wrestling, rodeo events information and answer questions. winning top cowboy in The drop-in open house is scheduled for the following date: many. He hunted and rode many times with Thursday, October 15, 2015 his father, liking the 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. fact that his father was Barriere Lion’s Club Community Hall a game warden as they 350 Borthwick Road, Barriere, B.C. got to raise many baby animals. For more information, please contact: He loved to go fishing, hunting and horse Darfield Project Manager, Dave Shibata, back riding. by telephone at 250 828-4069 Tim moved to or by e-mail at Dave.Shibata@gov.bc.ca Alberta and became Vinsulla Project Manager, Kathy Strobbe, part of the Cotton famby telephone at 250 371-3986 ily and learned how or by e-mail at Kathy.Strobbe@gov.bc.ca to farm, then met his wife Kelly. They lived in many places raising four children. They were together 26 years and had four grandchildren. They resided in Boyle, Alberta. Tim was a truck driver hauling for
Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week
Public Notice of Open House Highway 5 Improvements in Darfield and Vinsulla
est diversity will suffer a greater decline the annual allowable cut, along with jobs that flow from it. The timber supply area stretches from Logan Lake in the south to Wells Gray Park in the northwest. It is between the
ager of the Kamloops Forest District, said about 30 per cent of timber in the region is lodgepole pine. “We still have fir, spruce, balsam, hemlock, cedar,” he said. “We’ve got a good diversity.” Areas with less for-
Columbia Mountains to the east and the Cariboo Regional District to the west. The report notes in Kamloops the forest sector contributes about nine per cent of after-tax income and as much as 30 per cent in the North Thompson.
Did you know –
Over 100,000 jobs will be created in trades by 2022. It’s estimated that 55,600 of these job openings are expected in the top 10 trades, where carpenters will be number 1. -VanCity Buzz
Call to see one of our Employment Case Managers for Career Planning information and Planning assistance. HIGHLIGHTS OF
MoTI Ad #1122 - Open House Barriere
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Terry Lake MLA Kamloops - North Thompson
Email: info@clearwateremployment.ca www.clearwateremployment.ca Operated by Yellowhead Community Services
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
618-B Tranquille Rd. Kamloops BC, V2B 3H6 Phone 250-554-5413 Fax 250-554-5417 email: terry.lake.mla@leg.bc.ca
A20 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, October 15, 2015 Clearwater Times
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