Boundary Creek Times, October 22, 2015

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Thursday, OCTOBER 22, 2015

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Let’s hope Prime Minister Trudeau helps make this nation once again respected.

Wing Night

Wednesday 5 - 8 pm

Texas Holdem Poker

Thursday, Registration 6:30 pm


Saturday, Oct. 31 at 8:30 pm

Lion’s Club Meat Draw

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Boundary Pharmacy is in danger of being forced to eliminate one day of service.

Senior housing society holds annual general meeting at Parkview Manor. P



NDP party claims win in local riding CRAIG LINDSAY


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Boundary Creek Times Contributor

Bob Bugeaud



VOL. 33 Number 43


The people have spoken and Justin Trudeau is the new prime minister of Canada. Trudeau and the Liberal Party won a majority government by taking 184 ridings, which is 54.4 per cent of the ridings in the country. The Liberals received 39.5 per cent of all votes (6,930,146). The Conservative Party was second with 99 ridings (29.3 per cent) and had 31.9 per cent of all votes (5,600,496 votes). The NDP was third with 44 ridings (13.0 per cent) and had 19.7 per cent of all votes (3,461,262). Locally, Richard Cannings of the NDP will be the very first South Okanagan-West Kootenay Member of Parliament (MP) after picking up 37.2 per cent (24,823) of the votes for the region. Marshall Neufeld of the Conservatives (29.9 per cent) and Connie Denesiuk of the Liberals (28.1 per cent) were not far behind in second and third respectively. Green Party candidate Samantha Troy ended up with 4.3 per cent, while independent Brian Gray had 0.6 per cent. Voter turnout for the South Okanagan-West Kootenay was 73.57 per cent (66,727 of 90,694 registered electors). Cannings celebrated the win with a large group of supporters at a hotel in Penticton. He told the Gazette that it had been a long campaign but he was elated to have won. “It was close but we just steadily pulled away,” he said. “We were doing fine in the Okanagan but it was very close. As we got polls in from Grand Forks and the Kootenays we started to pull away. I got happier and happier as the evening went on.” Cannings said it was important that they had good support from throughout the riding. “We were cautiously optimistic going into the night and certainly happy with how it turned out,” he said. About 50 people packed the NDP office on Second Avenue in Grand Forks to watch the election results pour in. The supporters were elated when Cannings was confirmed the winner. Office manager and NDP riding association member Darwin Benson said everyone in the office was ecstatic. • See ELECTION page A3


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Bored Room, Yellow Door pick up top awards Community Futures Boundary hosted the 2015 Business Excellence and Community Awards in Grand Forks on Thursday, Oct. 15. (Photo above) Lyle Burt (left),chair of Community Futures, presented R.J. and Tom Lesher of the Bored Room Bistro with the award for Business of the Year East Boundary); (Photo right) Della Mallette (left) of Black Press presented The Yellow Door Boutique’s Heather Smith with the award for Retail Excellence. See story on page A3.

Craig Lindsay photos

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2 Calendar of Events


Boundary Creek Times Thursday, October 22, 2015


263 South Copper Avenue, PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:

Be sure to send in your event information. This section is free of charge.

Saturday, Oct. 24: The Kettle Wildlife Association is hosting a youth .22 shoot at 9 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 25: Peewee hockey gets underway at the Midway Arena at 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 26: The Rock Creek/Westbridge Fire Needs Committee is initiating an education session. Led by Vlodko Barchuk (public health and RCMP Victims’ Services will also be on hand), the session will be held at the Westbridge Hall at 7 p.m. For information call Cathy Riddle at 250-4491200. Friday, Oct. 30: Halloween Bash and Costume Dance, at 7:30 p.m. at the Midway Community Hall. $10 (tickets available at The Spot). Cash bar, prizes for best costumes. No minors. Saturday, Oct. 31. Halloween Warm-Up Station, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., Midway Community Hall. Bonfire, free hot chocolate and hot dogs. Monday, Nov. 2: Greenwood Seniors’ Centre Executive election at 2 p.m.

REGULAR EVENTS: Mondays: Drop-in crib at Greenwood Legion at 7 p.m. $3 buy-in. Mondays: Girl Guides of Canada meets after school from 3:30 to 5 at WBES. Contact Jeanine Fraser at WBES or Linda Sheppard at 250-443-1529. First & Third Monday: Midway Village Council meeting; 6:30 p.m. with a delegation or 7 p.m. if none. First & Third Monday: The Bridge Drop-in Centre in Midway is open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed on holiday Mondays, but will be open the next day on Tuesday. First Monday: Greenwood Seniors Centre meeting at 2 p.m. Info: 250-445-2290.

Second & Fourth Monday: Greenwood City Council meeting at 7 p.m. Third Monday: Bridesville Women’s Institute meets at 11 am. Info: 446-2210 or 446-2121. Third Monday: Frolicking Fancies – the Greenwood Red Hat Ladies Group meet monthly in Greenwood. Information Francine 250-445-6734; or Shirley 250-445-9908. Third Monday: Discover Rock Creek Society meeting at 6:30 – for location info phone 250-528-0227. Last Monday: Kettle River Recreation Commission meets at the Little Red School House at 7 p.m. Info Bill Watson 250-446-2325 or Sherry Dalziel 250446-2997. Mondays and Wednesdays: Boot Camp at McArthur Centre in Greenwood from 6-7. $10 drop-in or $60 per month. Info 250-442-3664. Postponed until further notice. Monday & Wednesday beginning Sept. 15: Country Kids Playschool 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Rock Creek Health Centre. For info or to register call Sara Eek 250-446-2202. Tuesdays: AA Meetings at McArthur Centre in Greenwood at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: Greenwood Seniors’ Drop-in Centre, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 11 - 3 pm Greenwood Seniors’ Centre Thrift Store, 100 Deadwood. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Taekwondo at BCSS gym from 4 to 5 p.m. Open to ages 6 (with supervision) to 106. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Boundary Women’s Resource Centre on Market Avenue in Grand Forks open from 9 a.m. to - 3 p.m. Info 250-442- 5212. First Tuesday: Elks #493 monthly meeting at the

The Fun Spot

Slavonic Hall in Grand Forks at 7 p.m. Info: 250442-2856 or 250-442-4276. Third Tuesday: Kettle Valley Wildlife Association meets at the range in Rock Creek at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Writer’s group meeting at 11 a.m. at Bored Room Bistro in Midway. Wednesdays: Girl Guides of Canada meet at King of Kings Church in Midway, Sparks ages 5-6 and Brownies ages 7-8 meet at 4:30-5:45; Guides ages 9-11 and Pathfinders ages 12-14 meet from 6 to 7:30. Info 250-449-2309 or 250-445-9955. Wednesdays: Midway Crib Tournament – Bored Room Bistro, 607 Eighth Avenue, Midway at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Senior’s Bingo at 1 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior’s Drop-in Centre. $1 admission. Wednesdays: Women’s Counseling in Rock Creek and West Boundary: Free and confidential. For information call the STV counselor at 1-855-4413131 or 442-3131. Childcare and transportation subsidies are available. First Wednesday: West Boundary Senior Housing Society meeting at 1 p.m. in Parkview Manor Midway. Second Wednesday: Boundary Citizen’s Patrol meets at Midway Senior’s Centre from 7 - 8 p.m. Info: Wayne 250-449-2191, Paul 250-445-2111, or Wolfgang 250-446-2455. Second Wednesday: Greenwood Board of Trade meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek Women’s Institute meet for a potluck lunch at 11:45. Info: 250-4462454 or 250-446 -2608. Third Wednesday: Main River Women’s Institute meets in Westbridge at 1 p.m. Info: 250-446-2616. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek & Boundary Fair Assoc. meets at 7 p.m. at the pavilion from March through November. Info: 250-446- 2465. Thursdays: Free Yoga Classes in Greenwood at the McArthur Centre from 10:00-11:30 a.m. For more information call: Diane at 250-445-6364. Thursdays: Kinesiology at the old Kettle Valley School House from 9:30 to 12. Thursdays: Anglican Thrift Store from 11-3. Info


phone Les Williams 250-445-2216. Thursdays: Quilters and other crafters meet at the Midway Senior’s Centre at 9:30 a.m. Come for coffee and bring your needle project to work on. Membership fee $10 per year. Thursdays: Midway Museum Fundraiser - Texas Holdem Poker Registration 6:30 p.m. $20 to play, held at The Hotel, Midway. First Thursday: Rock Creek Medical Society meets at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the clinic. First & Third Thursday: Food bank at the Evangel Chapel at 11 a.m. Donations welcome. Info 250445-2125. Second & Fourth Thursday: Kettle River Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. in the Medical Clinic boardroom at Rock Creek. Third Thursday: Founder’s Day 2016 planning meeting at 6 p.m. in Greenwood City Hall. Contact Janet at 250-445-6133 for information. Fridays: Bingo at Greenwood Community Hall. Doors open 5 p.m., early bird 7 p.m. Progressive jackpot. Fridays: Coffee at Midway Seniors Centre from 9:30 - 11. Fridays: Overeaters Anonymous 11 a.m. - 12 noon at St. Jude’s Church in Greenwood. First & Third Friday: Karaoke at the Royal Canadian Legion in Greenwood. 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. Third Friday: Movie nights at Midway Community Hall; 7 p.m. Bring your own travel cup. $3 includes movie, drink and popcorn. Saturdays: Lion’s Club Meat Draw, at Hot-L Pub, Midway. Starts at 3 p.m. Saturdays: Greenwood Royal Canadian Legion Canteen open 2-6 p.m. Meat draw 3:30 p.m. Last Saturday: Karaoke at Hotel Midway – Hot-L Pub at 8:30. Last Saturday: The Bridge is open from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwood Public Library: Open Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. Opens at noon.




Quote of the Week: The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. – Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) Joke of the Week: If I won the Lottery, I wouldn’t be one of those people who immediately quit their jobs. I’d make my boss’s life a living hell for a week or two first.

Businesses honoured CRAIG LINDSAY

Boundary Creek Times Contributor

Top businesses in the Boundary were honoured on Thursday night at the Grand Forks Curling Rink for the Community Futures Boundary Business Excellence and Community Awards for 2015. The event was MC’d by Jay Alblas of Community Futures and featured short speeches by both Wendy McCulloch, president, and Lyle Burt, chair of the board. There were around 130 people in attendance. Food was supplied by Twisted Forks Catering and served by grads from GFSS. Also held during the event was the City of Grand Forks volunteer appreciation awards. Organizer Susan Green, Community Futures business analyst, said the event has been going on since 2000. “It began as a small event to recognize Community Future’s clients and has progressively grown to what it is today fostering partnerships between organizations, businesses, volunteers and employees,” she said. “The event was opened up to all businesses in the Boundary area and co-sponsored by the Boundary Coun-


try Regional Chamber of Commerce five years ago. Two years ago the City of Grand Forks asked that we add their volunteer awards to the night.” Green said the awards night is meant to encourage and recognize the small business community and volunteers without whom our small communities couldn’t exist. “It’s also a great networking opportunity for businesses as there is no other event like it. Once a year businesses, volunteers and small organizations get together to celebrate local achievements.” Voting on the awards were Boundary area residents.

! O O B

Thursday, October 22, 2015 Boundary Creek Times

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Continued from page A1

“We still have a lot of work to do but I can tell you the crew that’s here tonight is all happy that Cannings won,” said Benson. “We’re all happy that he won and we wish him the best.” Edward Robinson, Election Day manager for the office, was also happy the NDP candidate won and just as pleased that Harper was voted out. “I’m elated,” he said. “I’m ecstatic that Harper lost. I wish people had listened to Tom Mulcair and we had done better, but at least in our area we have a presence in Ottawa.” “It was very scary because the area is regionalized,” said Robinson. “In some parts we feel very confident and others not so confident and in other areas we’re just in a quandary. We couldn’t really calculate how it would go until we went up 2,000 and started holding there.” Benson and Robinson had very long days working to manage scrutineers and coordinate the election night gathering. Benson said they had worked in the office for 77 days organizing efforts for the campaign. “We tried to get a good group of people to work here and we did,” he said.

“We did just as well this year as Alex (previous MP Atamanenko) in his last election. The polls show that Grand Forks is an NDP stronghold and we have to hold on to that because in two years we have a provincial election.” Robinson said it was important for the NDP to have an office in Grand Forks. “A presence is always noted,” he said. “We were the only party that had an actual office in the Boundary. I think that helps so the people believe we are taking care of it. Rural ridings are very difficult to organize. The more you can break it down the better it is. You get way more done face to face. People appreciate talking to you in person.” “I think he’ll serve the people very well,” said Robinson.

“I believe one of the reasons he did win was because Alex did serve the people well. Not only that but you look at Canning’s persona. He’s very caring. You have the feeling he’s going to do something very special.” In the Kootenay-Columbia region, which now includes Nelson and Salmo, Wayne Stetski of the NDP won a narrow battle with incumbent David Wilks of the Conservatives 37.2 per cent to 36.8 per cent. Liberals won the most B.C. seats with 17 (40.5 per cent of total), while the NDP had 14 (33.3 per cent) and Conservatives had 10 (23.8 per cent). Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party, once again won her riding in Saanich-Gulf Islands for the lone Green Party victory.




Boundary Creek Times Thursday, October 22, 2015




A DIVISION OF BLACK PRESS LTD. Mailing address: Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Street address: 263 South Copper Street, Greenwood, B.C.

Can Trudeau manage workload? Prime Minister elect Justin Trudeau will be hitting the ground running as soon as he officially takes office within the next few weeks, particularly when it comes to foreign policies, giving him little room for error in these very early days of a Liberal majority. Internationally, the political agenda is filled with summits and meetings the next six weeks, which places a significant burden on the Prime Minister to quickly get up to speed on foreign affairs. First-up is the G20 leaders’ summit in Turkey in mid-November, followed by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in the Philippines. Then comes the Commonwealth leaders’ meeting in Malta and, to complete Trudeau’s first two months in office, the international summit on climate change in Paris from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11. Trudeau said the day after the election that, at this point, he is only committing to the climate summit because he has to form government, but that he was “very hopeful” about attending the G20 and APEC summits. For the Paris meeting, Trudeau will also need to prepare by convening with provincial premiers to put together a climate change policy that reflects a united Canada. This may well result in Canada increasing the targets the outgoing government has already set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The White House said Tuesday it wants Canada to do more on that front. Trudeau said he wants Canada to show the world that it is committed to being a vocal and positive player in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This is all heady stuff for a relatively young man to engage in, especially one who has little political experience. That said, one John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the United States 35th president-elect, was exactly the same age (43) when he swore the oath of office in 1961 as is Mr. Trudeau today. Both were heralded by their respective electorates as the potential answers to stale and unsustainable domestic and foreign policies, which were out of sync with the nation they were designed to reflect. They share good looks, charisma and energy; JFK inspired a generation of young Americans, and it appears that Justin Trudeau has the opportunity to do the same in this country. The next four or five years are likely to be a very interesting period in Canadian politics, and let’s hope Prime Minister Trudeau helps make this small, yet influential nation once again respected around the globe.

Letters Policy – Letters must be received by 5 p.m. Monday for the following week’s paper. – One letter per person per month. – Letters should be typed or neatly written and present the issues as clearly as possible in 500 words or less. – All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number. – The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste or style. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or belief of this newspaper. Send all letters to

Publisher: Chuck Bennett

Associate Office Publisher: Administration: Dyan Darlainea Stoochnoff Redlack

Reporter: Andrew Tripp

Canadians show their passion Well wasn’t that a surprise! I was thinking “Liberal mi- quired to pay their fair share and there will be affordable nority” at the very best, perhaps even a whole lot of frigid daycare for all. Truth be told, there wasn’t that much diffeet at the polling stations, ultimately resulting in another ference between the Liberal and NDP platforms going into four years of power for the Tories. the election, but, in my opinion at least, the Liberal victory But no, it’s a Grit majority and the return of a Trudeau was due almost entirely to the party’s handsome, youthful to the land’s highest political office. Simply amazing! and energetic leader. Sorry Mr. Mulcair, you simply didn’t Justin Trudeau appears to have accomstand a chance. IN FOCUS plished what he set out to do, to mobilize CaI realized that Trudeau was onto something nadians, particularly the nation’s youth, and when I dropped by my local variety store the encourage them to collectively show their disday before the election. The young lady behind illusionment with Stephen Harper’s negative the counter could hardly contain her exuberinfluence, not only on the face of Canada, but ance over the prospect of “choosing the next also on its national pride. leader.” Less than twenty four hours later it Many voters, myself included, likely had became obvious that millions of her peers had Andrew TRIPP limited comprehension of the intricacies of poshared her excitement. litical policies and economic platforms when Congratulations Justin Trudeau, but don’t they went to the polls, but this was an election driven by forget, the youth of the nation is watching you! passion, and Trudeau seemed like the only candidate will~~~ ing and able to match that emotion. Whether or not his I was at a meeting one recent evening, listening to leadership will bring about a change that Canadians can some committee members discuss an upcoming conferembrace is yet to be determined, but one thing is certain, ence, when their president suddenly began an impresand that is the fact that voter turnout for this election was sive description of the event, using predominantly acrothe highest in over twenty years, when, you guessed it, the nyms. “The LSUPCCD AGM will be held next month in Liberals rolled over the ruling Conservatives on their way Vancouver at the UBCSFUBANX. In attendance will be to a majority government. CIBCTTFU president John Gray,” said the speaker, with a So what will Mr. Trudeau do for the nation? The Lib- wry smile on his face. “I hope to see you all there!” eral’s massive election platform espoused openness across Most of us at the boardroom table looked at one anthe board; open government; open Parliament; open ac- other somewhat sheepishly, until, seemingly minutes later, cess to personal information and so on. one of us garnered enough courage to raise their hand and Trudeau will, if we are to believe his strategists, thrust admit that they had no idea what his president had just aside the curtain behind which Harper’s government has said. been hiding for the last several years, during which time, Is it just me or have acronyms and abbreviations stolen say many, he has caused countless Canadians pain and our joy of the English language? Are we in so much of a anxiety through program cuts, job losses and his insidious hurry that we cannot take the time to actually pronounce and underhanded erosion of Canadian democracy. words? Have teenagers found a way to truly rule the world According to his platform, the nation, under Trudeau’s by creating a language all their own? Hmm…. guidance, will once again be a middle class stronghold, OMG,TGIF and don’t forget to BYOB! (LOL!). purged of tax breaks for the wealthy, corporations reThanks for reading.

Editor: Della Mallette

A division of Black Press We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:

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Thursday, October 22, 2015 Boundary Creek Times WEEKDAY AFTERNOON

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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

2 PM

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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

9 AM

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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276


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24 OCTOBER 2015

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CFL Pre CFL Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving Noon News Hour Carn Donut Written World Marilyn Denis Written etalk Gas Gas SportsCentre Our Vancouver Absolutely Doc Zone Nature/ Things Figure Skating Hidden Chan Cooker Blender Home. Hazelton Football College Football Teams TBA. News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving Noon News Hour Carn Donut Magic Kate and Wild Wild Maker Creative Dogs Dogs Hope for Wildlife Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Football Teams TBA. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Sweat Inc. Cops Cops Cops Cops Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Hunters Hunt Intl House Hunters Tiny Tiny Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Vital CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Sponge. Parents Harvey Pig Goat Turtles Turtles ›› “Hotel Transylvania” Bourne ›› “Safe House” Denzel Washington. ›› “Jack Reacher” Tom Cruise. The Last Alaskans Airplane Repo Mayday Railroad Alaska Edge of Alaska Suburg. Suburg. “Here Comes the Boom” ›› “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” Dr. Ho NASCAR NASCAR Racing 21 Day Kds Old Say Yes Say Yes Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life ››› “The Client” Susan Sarandon. ›› “Rounders” Matt Damon. Drk ››› “Peter Pan” Jason Isaacs. (11:25) ››› “Hook” Dustin Hoffman. Dog I Didn’t Jessie “Mostly Ghostly” “Monster High” Good HZipzer Jeff’sons PiYo Break Seinfeld “Mamma Mia!” ›› “Race to Witch Mountain” Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Sullivan Sullivan Theory Theory “Scary Movie V” “Ride Lonesome” (10:15) ››› “3:10 to Yuma” ››› “The Big Sky” Kirk Douglas. Pioneer Pioneer Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Halloween Baking Halloween Wars Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Paid Paid Ice Road Truckers Pawn Pawn American Pickers American Pickers Panic Button Geeks Geeks Paranormal Wi. Face Off Killjoys “Pet Sematary” ›› “Tremors” Kevin Bacon. ›› “Child’s Play” Border Border Border Border Security Security Border Border Border Border Toopy Caillou Peg Octo Dino Zack Mike Umi Truck Wings Home Old House Kitchen Chefs Cooking Cook Victory Antique Roadshow Wake English Premier League Soccer 2015 IRB Rugby World Cup Rck Kds Sportfish Huntley Food Living Miracle Popcorn In Con Huntley Popcorn The Soup Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Blitz King Mike Mike College Football Boston College at Louisville. (N) (Live) Dr. Pol Dr. Pol Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Save Hatched Dream Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Blue Bloods Zoo Coolest PiYo! Paid Laughs Laughs ›› “Extract” Jason Bateman. Punjab Mehak Punjabi Lamia Fursat Quran Punjab Pyar Hi Pyar Hi Gurbani Antique Roadshow Nature Project Martha Kitchen Cook Steves Music “My Boss’s” Hollyw’d Hollyw’d Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Wicked Tuna Drugs, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Rocky Mountain Security Security


3 PM

Varied Programs Sports Varied Hockey Varied Programs The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News News Dr. Phil Ellen DeGeneres The Dr. Oz Show CTV News CTV News Murdoch Mysteries Grand Designs Vet Vet Dragons’ Den CBC News Let’s Make a Deal The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil Varied News CBS KREM 2 News at 6 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News (5:59) News Hour Maya Curious Doozers PAW Maker Creative Dino Wild Varied Programs The Doctors Rachael Ray FABLife News ABC News News Cops Varied Cops Varied Cops Cops Cops Varied Programs Holmes Inspection Bryan Bryan Varied Programs Hunt Intl Hunters Varied Programs Varied Programs Situation Room Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Varied Programs Chucks Kid Sidekick Chucks Sponge. Varied Parents Sponge. Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs How/ How/ Daily Planet Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Movie Varied Programs Paid Fam Varied Programs Paid Raising Mike Two Varied Mod Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Varied Programs Criminal Minds Flashpoint Motive Blue Bloods Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Movie Jessie Phineas Phineas Good Dog I Didn’t Jessie Jessie Varied Programs Payne Browns Mod Mod Theory Theory Movie Just for Laughs Gags Gags Frasier Frasier Theory Theory Match Gas Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Hallow Varied Halloween Wars Varied Programs Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Varied Programs Varied Programs Pawn Pawn Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Star Trek: Voyager Inner Psychic Stargate SG-1 Castle Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Ghost Adventures Eat St. Eat St. Restaurant Security Security Varied Programs Blaze Bubble Dora Charm Back Octo Dino Cat in Big Max, Thomas Sesame Curious Cat in WordGirl Wild News Busi PBS NewsHour TMZ Inside Ellen DeGeneres Judge Judge News News News Million. Fam Fam Ties Ray Judge Judge Ray Design Huntley Huntley Varied Programs TMZ etalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live Varied Programs Two Two Broke Broke Theory Theory Varied Programs Steve Wilkos KTLA 5 News at 3 Bill Cunningham Crime Watch Daily News News Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Varied Programs PIX11 News at 5 News Celebrity Two Two Varied Programs Ironside Road to Avonlea Murder, She Wrote Columbo Varied Programs Wild Varied PBS NewsHour Busi Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Charmed Varied Charmed Varied Drugs, Inc. Security Security Varied Programs



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24 OCTOBER 2015

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SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) NCIS: Los Angeles True Crime Scene Dual Suspects News SNL 16x9 (N) Theory Anger Criminal Minds Saving Hope News CTV W5 (N) Post CBC Canada’s Smartest NHL Hockey Detroit Red Wings at Vancouver Canucks. (N) NCIS: Los Angeles Criminal Minds News Up Late Elementary 48 Hours (N) NCIS: Los Angeles True Crime Scene Dual Suspects News SNL 16x9 (N) Science of Dogs Heartbeat Waterfront Cities Foyle’s War “War Games” (PA) Insider Entertainment Ton. Rizzoli & Isles College Football Teams TBA. Scandal “The Key” Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Custom Custom Flipping Flipping Bryan Bryan Custom Custom Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. “Monster House” ››› “Ghostbusters” Bill Murray. (10:15) ›› “Ghostbusters II” “Jack Reacher” “The Bourne Ultimatum” ›› “Safe House” Denzel Washington. Fast N’ Loud Cuban Chrome Rebel Gold Fast N’ Loud Rebel Gold Grease (6:00) ››› “Dreamgirls” ››› “Grease” John Travolta. College Football Sea Paid Theory Two News Wanted Animation Dom Women/Prison Women/Prison Women/Prison Women/Prison To Be Announced Cold Justice: Cold Justice: City An ›› “The Bodyguard” Kevin Costner. “Little Vampire” ››› “Interview With the Vampire” (10:05) ›› “Underworld” The X Factor UK “Return to Halloweentown” “Phantom of the Megaplex” Connor (6:00) “Extract” Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers Commun Commun “Match Point” Theory Theory Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Dirty Sexy Funny Comedy Comedy I Decline ››› “Comrade X” (9:15) ›› “The Madwoman of Chaillot” Guy’s Games Chef in Your Ear Chopped Guy’s Games Cutthroat Kitchen Liquida Liquida Mantracker Myth Hunters Conspiracy Myth Hunters Ice Road Truckers Ancient Aliens Klondike Trappers Atlantis Found (N) Univer ›› “Surrogates” Bruce Willis. ››› “Looper” Bruce Willis. “Leprechaun 2” › “Leprechaun 3” Warwick Davis. › “Leprechaun 4 in Space” The Dead Files Expedition Un. Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Expedition Un. Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, My Yearbook Film ››› “Doctor Zhivago” Omar Sharif, Julie Christie. The Good Wife Sat. Night Live News SNL Dateline NBC (ESP HDTV) J’pardy! Wheel The Conflicted Samaritan Muzika At the Cross In Touch “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” Ways To Kill Botched Kardashian Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Mike Mike Entertainers WBZ News (N) Two Two Friends Monop Two Two KTLA News at 10 News Person Blue Bloods Mother Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Manhattan News Sports Honey. Honey. Honey. Honeym Rules Rules Elementary Aikam Taur Lashkara Waqt 4 Vehra Success Joyce Man Carole King-James Taylor Austin City Limits Artists Den Front and Center Love Love CSI: Miami CSI: Miami › “My Boss’s Daughter” Security Security Drugs, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Security Security Underworld, Inc.


% ∂

# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

7 PM


% ∂

# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

2 PM

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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276


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24 OCTOBER 2015 5:30

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CFL Football CFL Football: Eskimos at Roughriders Income Bryan Tackle News (5:59) News Hour ››› “Zombieland” Worst Driver Cash Money Marilyn Denis The So Our CTV News Figure Skating National Hockey NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Montreal Canadiens. Access Hollywood News News News Paid (12:30) College Football Teams TBA. Income Bryan Tackle News (5:59) News Hour ››› “Zombieland” Warships Waterfront Cities Grizzly Cauldron Tony Robinson Hope for Wildlife Football McCarv KXLY 4 College Football Teams TBA. College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Vegas Cops Cops (N) Cops Tiny Tiny Income Income Break Break Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Bryan Bryan Gangland Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CNN Newsroom Smerconish Special Report This Is Life Anthony Bourd. Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon “Monster House” “Jack Reacher” “Accidental Obsession” Josie Davis. ›› “Jack Reacher” Tom Cruise. Highway Thru Hell How/ How/ Last Frontier Rebel Gold Rebel Gold Here First First “Dreamgirls” ›› “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” Mike Two Livin’ Cooker Pregame College Football Utah at USC. (N) (Live) Dateline on TLC Dateline on TLC Dateline on TLC Women/Prison Women/Prison Snapped Twice in a Lifetime Missing Law & Order: SVU Criminal Minds (N) “Dudley Do-Right” “Kermit’s Swamp Years” (4:40) “The Dark Crystal” “Little Vampire” Jessie Dog I Didn’t Gaming Derek Nowhere Nowhere Life Awe Awe “Mamma Mia!” Middle Middle Seinfeld Atl. Eats King King ›› “Extract” “Scary Movie V” “Without a Paddle: Nature’s Calling” Theory Theory Just for Laughs Big Sky ››› “The Cowboys” John Wayne. ›››› “I Remember Mama” Diners Diners Gotta Gotta Chef in Your Ear Food Food Chopped (N) Illusions Illusions Liquida Liquida The Liq Storage Mantracker The Liq Storage American Pickers Pawn Pawn Power & Ice Mountain Men Klondike Trappers Falling Skies Z Nation Doctor Who (N) ›› “Killer Mountain” Aaron Douglas. “Leprechaun 2” ›› “Thinner” Robert John Burke. ›› “Leprechaun” Warwick Davis. Border Border Security Security Security Security Border Border Ghost Adventures Blaze Bubble Shimmer Charm Back Octo Dino Cat in Big Max, Deepak Chopra-God Broadway-Ed Sullivan Victor Borge’s Timeless Year Figure Skating Best 21 Day Paid Judge News News News J’pardy! Re House Green House Building Paid Eye to Connie Pas Eye to Pop Pop Brave Celebrity Botched Prancing Soup TMZ (N) Two Two Broke Broke Theory Theory › “Mr. Deeds” Adam Sandler. Animal Zoo Coolest On Spot Paid Program Celebrity Celebrity News News Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods PIX11 News at 5 Celebrity Monop Celebrity Celebrity Two Two Two Two Tehlka Sardari Punjab Punjabi Sanjha Punjab Mulaqat Made in Des-Pardes Lawrence Welk Week One Time/By Time/By Antique Roadshow Mannheim St Celebrity Legacies Style by Style by CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc.


23 OCTOBER 2015

8 PM

SportsCentre CFL Football Hamilton Tiger-Cats at BC Lions. (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Security Truth Be Hawaii Five-0 (N) News Colbert Bones (N) Theory The Amazing Race News CTV etalk (N) Shark Tank (N) Blue Bloods (N) Mercer Cor Market Gallery the fifth estate CBC Cor The National (N) Broke Broke The Amazing Race News Colbert Hawaii Five-0 (N) Blue Bloods (N) Ent ET Security Truth Be Hawaii Five-0 (N) News Colbert Bones (N) Murder Myster. Finding the Fallen Coast Australia (N) George Gently “Gently Going Under” Ent Insider Last Dr. Ken Sports Kimmel Shark Tank (N) (10:01) 20/20 (N) Bellator MMA Live Cops Cops Cops Vegas Jail Jail Jail Jail Extreme Homes Hunt Intl Hunters Break Break Extreme Homes Beach Beach The Haunting My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House The Haunting Anthony Bourd. This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life Thunder Toy ›› “Hotel Transylvania” ›› “Hotel Transylvania” NCIS Mr. Robot Law & Order: SVU Mr. Robot (N) NCIS “Red Cell” Mayday Airplane Repo Highway Thru Hell Edge of Alaska Mayday “Here Cm Boom” Suburg. Law & Order: SVU ›› “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two Gotham Rosewood 90 Day Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 90 Day Fiancé The Listener Criminal Minds Snapped Snapped Snapped (N) (6:40) “Modra” For ››› “The Witches of Eastwick” ››› “The Lost Boys” Next (9:25) The X Factor UK The X F. Descend “Descendants” Dove Cameron. Lord Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Laughs-Access DrJekyll “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” “Fall of House of Usher” “Picture-Gray” Diners Diners Carn Carn Gotta Gotta Diners Diners Diners Diners Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Ghost Hunters Storage Storage Myth Hunters Pawn Pawn Battle Battle American Pickers Pawn Pawn Battle Battle Inner Inner Person of Interest Falling Skies Z Nation Z Nation (N) The Walking Dead Talking Dead “Tai Chi Zero” ››› “Day of the Dead” Security Security Border Border Border Border Security Security Border Border Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Wash Charlie A Mother’s Son Great Performances The musical “Billy Elliot.” J’pardy! Wheel Undate Truth Be Dateline NBC (N) (ESP HDTV) News J. Fallon J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place You etalk Pop House of DVF The Soup The Soup (N) TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Top Model KTLA 5 News News Friends Reign (N) Person of Interest Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks Rules Rules News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court TimeGod’s Conversations EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Smiley On Wa Great Performances The musical “Billy Elliot.” Charlie Rose (N) Rules Rules Rules Sex-City Sex-City ››› “Singles” Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon. Do or Do or Security Security Do or Do or Do or Do or Do or Do or



9 AM


25 OCTOBER 2015

10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30

1 PM


SportsCentre NFL Football NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) News Block Context Osteen Paid Noon News Hour Carn Donut World Vision NFL Football NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Cor Cor Cor Market Our Vancouver Land One/One Canada’s Smartest NFL NFL The NFL Today (N) NFL Football New York Jets at New England Patriots. (N) News Block Context Osteen Paid Noon News Hour Carn Donut Upside Dino Wild Little Little Anne. Animals Animals Waterfront Cities Rescue Wildlife RockExplore Paid Paid Paid Hiring World of X Games (8:00) ››› “Star Trek” Chris Pine. ››› “Star Trek” Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto. House Hunters Flipping Flipping Hunters Hunt Intl Vacation House Beach Island The Haunting The Haunting The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 State/Union Fareed Zakaria CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Game “Dear Dracula” “Liar, Liar, Vampire” ››› “Monster House” NCIS NCIS “SWAK” NCIS “Twilight” (8:00) ›› “Jack Reacher” Cold Water Highway Thru Hell Rebel Gold Rebel Gold Fast N’ Loud Debt ››› “Dreamgirls” Jamie Foxx. ››› “Grease” FOX NFL Sunday Football NFL Football New Orleans Saints at Indianapolis Colts. (N) (Live) Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Law & Order: SVU ››› “City of Angels” Nicolas Cage. ›› “The Bodyguard” (8:00) “Junior” (9:50) “The Nutty Professor” ››› “Superman” Christopher Reeve. Dog I Didn’t Jessie “Monster High” Good HZipzer (12:05) “Bunks” “Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story” Paid 1st Fam Paid Box Offi › “Old Dogs” LOL :-) LOL :-) Just for Laughs Dirty Sexy Funny Theory Theory “She Devil” ItsWorld “Secrt Life-Mitty” (11:15) “Shadow of the Thin Man” ›› “Tea for Two” AnnaOl AnnaOl Candy Craze Guy’s Games Cook Cook Outrageous Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Illusions Paid Paid Pawn Pawn American Pickers Power & Ice Klondike Trappers ›› “The Mist” Thomas Jane. ››› “Looper” Bruce Willis. Jeepers Leprchn › “Friday the 13th” › “Leprechaun 2” Warwick Davis. Ghost Adven.: Ireland’s Celtic Demons Greatest Mysteries Greatest Mysteries Deli Deli Toopy Caillou Peg Octo Dino Zack Mike Umi Truck Wings SciGirls Impact Inside Olympia Focus Asia Health Matt. History Detectives English Premier League Soccer Goal Form. 1 Formula One Racing Operation Smile Proph Discov. Sportfish Tribal The Conflicted Samaritan Impact Funny Girls Dash Dolls Below Deck Soup Botched “Boner Free Zone” Cooker Paid ›› “Candyman” Virginia Madsen. ›› “The Grudge”, Jason Behr KTLA News at 9 In Touch Real Estate Paid Wealth Paid Estate Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night “A Matter of Justice” Michael Madsen. On Spot Animal Sleep Paid ››› “The Green Mile” Tom Hanks, David Morse. Power Context Living Truth Faith Food Study ICEJ Peter David Group Charlie Start Up Detroit Performs Masterpiece Classic CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami (8:00) ››› “In Her Shoes” Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain


Boundary Creek Times Thursday, October 22, 2015


Boundary Country



Toll free: 1-800-567-3199

GREENWOOD LOTS Lot 5 Long Lake Ave. $34,900. .124 acres. MLS® 2407877 Lot 4 Long Lake Ave. $39,900. .0124 acres. MLS® 2405967

WOW! Great home, great price! Perfect little place to retire or bring in a little extra cash. $79,900. MLS® 2404168

GOOD SOLID HOME! 3 BR, 1 bath, 1020 sq. ft. on main + basement, certified wood stove, large carport & covered deck, fenced yard, rear lane access. $223,500. MLS® 2395744

296 ACRES. Hay land ,some timber value ,creek runs through it. Priced REDUCED to $619,000 MLS® 2400140

5 BED, 2 BATH family home in Greenwood. Open floor plan. Lots of upgrades. Fully landscaped with nice lawns and a great deck for BBQ’s and entertaining. Close to school, recreation and shopping. Lane access and room for your RV’s. $215,000. MLS® 2406732

RANCHER! 1450 sq. ft. 2009 chaparral built home. Open concept, huge 16 x 33 deck! 2 BR + den, 2 bath. $249,900. MLS® 2404463

JEWEL LAKE! 0.99 acre, 152’ waterfront & 1 BR seasonal, cottage. Gravity feed water & drilled well. Septic approval for 5 BR home. A totally prized holding for your vacation or year around delight!! Asking $295,000. MLS® 2407389

GRACIOUS COUNTRY LIVING at Boundary Falls! 4.1 acres, 3 BR home c/w in law suite, attached garage, shop, mobile home produces revenue & 1.37 acres with 400’ frontage on Boundary Creek. Asking $549,000. MLS® 2406789

RECREATIONAL PARADISE FOUND! 9.65 acres on Marshall Lake, lake frontage, 320 sq. ft. cabin. Enjoy summer at the beach. Sled, snow shoe & X ski in the winter! Only $99,900. MLS® 2406385

356 Silver Ave. $32,900. .151 acres. MLS® 2399430

Letters to the editor

A lot of silliness at meeting Editor, The Times: Last night I attended a Greenwood Council meeting as a delegate to introduce the viability of a free piano on the street in Greenwood for all to play. There still seems to be a lot of silliness at the meeting. I understand that there is another lawsuit against the council for a possible conflict of interest. What I do not understand is why the same people still represent the recreation commission. To me that is a more blatant conflict. I asked permission of council to pose a question to the floor and was granted such. As I said in this paper, with respect to the Barry Noll versus Greenwood (and councillors),

TOTA promotes trade shows Midway council met for its reguMIDWAY LIBRARY lar meeting last Monday.


TOTA promotes trade shows Linda Laktin 250-442-9403

Aaron Anthony


Harry Davy 250-442-0466

Gary Smith


Barry Poppenheim 250-449-8276

Ron Woods


Cindy Anthony 250-442-7379

Tammy Schembri


Pete Vanjoff 250-442-7415

Logan Melville


Ken Dodds 250-442-2632

Natalie Sweeney


Gayle Holmes 250-442-7516

Lynn McCoy


I do not care who wins or loses as long as the city is reimbursed by the loser. I posed the same question to the group suing the city for what they believe is a conflict of interest. “Is the party that is suing council prepared to post a performance bond to repay council if they lose?“ I heard “yes” but do not know who that yes came from. Well, step up to the plate and prove it. Make sure your family knows you are hedging $50,000 dollars (approximate) of your assets to be right or wrong. Also, the same people should resign from any committees until this is done. While I am at it, the mayor is addressed formally, as “Your Worship” not “Your Honor.” Byron Goch, Greenwood

Delegate Meaghan Racine of the Thompson and Okanagan Tourism Association made a presentation to council regarding upcoming tourism trade shows in Seattle, Vancouver and Calgary. Racine outlined the potential benefits to the Village of Midway and neighouring communities that could result from a Boundary presence at all three events. Labelled “Caravan, a Curation of Thompson Okanagan Essentials,” the promotional campaign is designed to highlight all that the region has to offer in four season activities, accommodations and culinary experiences. The cost of a booth at the five day Vancouver event, which is being held in late March in conjunction with the Vancouver International Auto Show, is $2,500, and would have to be manned by a contingent from either Midway or one made up of delegates from several Boundary communities. The Seattle Travel Trips and Adventures Expo, which will take place earlier in March, is a two-day event that will charge exhibitors $1,250. Council was interested in the possibilities that such exhibits could present for regional tourism, though was keen to partner with the other Boundary communities in order to minimize the financial outlay. Racine agreed to arrange a meeting with other councils.

Council was given a deadline of four weeks hence to either opt out of the TOTA campaign or commit to a trade show presence. Village to rescind insurance policy

Policy 367, Non-Profit Community Events Insurance Coverage, requires rescinding as the policy is no longer applicable. User groups accessing village facilities that are approved by council to be covered through the service provider agreements are automatically covered under the village’s liability insurance. Groups that do not meet the criteria are required to obtain liability insurance elsewhere. The village cannot provide nor waive insurance coverage to other groups. Unfinished business

Council moved to table the community hall structural audit item until its next meeting. Council moved to reallocate $40,000 in the 2015 capital budget, originally earmarked for Riverfront Park washroom and shower improvements, to replacing the retaining wall at the park and to construct a sani-dump station. Additionally, completion of a retaining wall in the park was approved at a cost of $29,000. Pownall Construction will be overseeing the project. CAO Report

Shaw Go WiFi, a division of Shaw Communications, has agreed to extend Wi-Fi coverage further west into the campground, and to assess the strength of the BORDER COUNTRY signal at the east end. CAO Penny Feist REALTY will take part in Allworx 250-442-2124 VoIP Communications Bob Bugeaud webinar to see what the 250-449-1982 company has to offer in the way of communications systems. ING EXTRA LARGE LOT Feist described the IST L NEW village office’s phone Charming 2 bdrm home on very private system as quite old; an lot in Midway. $145,000. upgrade should be conMLS® 2408831. sidered. Feist, Cathy Riddle and Tami Peters will be attending an Emergency Social Services/ Canadian Red Cross “After Action Review” HERITAGE STYLE HOME LARGE SUN ROOM ALL THE EXTRAS DONE pertaining to the Rock 3388 sq. ft. 4 bdrm home on two lots. 832 sq. ft. 2 bdrm mobile in Building lot in Midway power, elecCreek fire. $235,900. Midway Mobile Home Park. trical ,sewer are in Large shop in



MLS® 2408617.

$25,000. MLS® 2408532.

place. $74,900. MLS® 2408255.

Thursday, October 22, 2015 Boundary Creek Times


Greenwood Legacy Group

Annual General Meeting Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:00 pm Greenwood Fire Hall - in the GLG room

Everyone Welcome Greenwood Community Association

Friday Night Bingo

Doors open 5 pm Bingo starts 7 pm McArthur Centre, 1355 Veterans Lane Three early bird games, 11 regular games, two express, two progressive, two odd/even, two bonanza, luckyball and 50/50. Our 1st progressive pot will be $650+ in 53 numbers. The 2nd Progressive pot will be $900+ in 56 numbers. Please come out and support upgrades to your community hall and bring a friend. The more in attendance the bigger the pots. Full concession (hamburgers/hotdogs). Players must be 19 years of age and older.

HALL RENTALS CALL 250-445-6558

West Boundary Senior Housing Society directors and members gathered in the facilities basement last Thursday for the group’s AGM. Former secretary Cathy Sanders was elected as the society’s new president. PHOTO: ANDREW TRIPP

Feist takes break from society The West Boundary Senior Housing Society held its annual general meeting last Thursday at Parkview Manor to elect board members for 2016. Outgoing president Vicki Feist, who, along with husband Gerald, were prominent in establishing the society in 1998 and the ensuing construction of the Seniors’ residence was finally able to step down from her position and “finally

take a break.” The society is very keen to attract new members to keep the society energized and able to continue its important work of running a facility that is constantly filled to its capacity of 20 residents. Parkview Manor’s kitchen continues to please residents, as manager Linda Boyl ensures meals are top quality and prepared with cost-effectiveness.

Elected to the board of directors for 2016 were: president, Cathy Sanders; vice-president, Jackie Reeves; treasurer, Jim Reeves; secretary, Cheryl Thompson (temporary). Three-year directors are Viki Foster, Muriel Woolhether and Bill Watson. Director at Large is Gerald Feist. Chef extraordinaire is Linda Boyl.

Pharmacy may have to cut service Midway’s Boundary Pharmacy is in danger of being forced to eliminate one day of service if it is no longer able to offer the telepharmacy service, which currently allows pharmacist Cris Bennett to fill prescriptions via video conferencing. The BC College of Pharmacists has informed those pharmacies choosing to implement a telepharmacy service that, beginning on Jan. 1, 2016, they must have a licensed pharmacy technician on-site during video prescribing. The stipulation, according to Bennett, has actually been in place for several years, though the college has allowed those pharmacies unable to provide an on-site technician (which includes numerous rural or remote operations) to continue offering the service.

Recently, however, the governing body decided that its patience was wearing thin and that all telepharmacy operations would now have to adhere to the regulations. Bennett understands the rationale behind the regulations, including the college’s need to ensure that all people working with narcotics and other potent drugs are registered with the BC College of Pharmacists, but feels the college could be more flexible by assessing businesses on an individual basis, instead of taking a blanket approach and insisting that all pharmacies follow the same rules. “Whenever I’ve hired assistants in the past, I have simply trained them myself,” Bennet said, “but now they have to be fully-qualified technicians, and such

people are extremely difficult to find in rural areas, especially when all they are offered is part-time employment.” Bennett believes there are other options to closing his practice one day a week, and has been in contact with the Ministry of Health in the hope that it will consider wading into the matter and mediate an alternative resolution. If not, come Jan. 1, Midway’s pharmacy service will be cut by 25 per cent and possibly threaten the rural community’s access to medicine to an even greater degree. Bennett is requesting that concerned residents contact the pharmacy to join him in lobbying the college to adjust its policy. Contact him at 250-449-2866.

22 RIFLE SHOOT FOR ALL YOUTH Saturday, October 24 Hot dogs, juice & chips will be served If you can hold a gun you can participate. Guns and ammo supplied. You do not have to be a member of the KWA. Everyone welcome. For info call Les at 250-446-2401 Start at 9 a.m. at the KWA range on Dump Road in Rock Creek

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Boundary Creek Times Thursday, October 22, 2015


% ∂

# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

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5 PM

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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

6 PM


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10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

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26 OCTOBER 2015

NFL Football SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Ent First CHBC News Final Minority Report (N) Supergirl “Pilot” Chicago Fire (N) Theory (10:01) Castle News CTV etalk (N) Gotham (N) Blindspot (N) Market Cor Murdoch Mysteries CBC Cor This Life (N) The National (N) Broke Broke Theory News Colbert Supergirl “Pilot” Scorpion (N) Ent First News Colbert Minority Report (N) Supergirl “Pilot” Chicago Fire (N) Hope for Wildlife Australia with Art-Australia Finding the Fallen Hope for Wildlife Ent Insider (10:01) Castle KXLY 4 Kimmel Dancing With the Stars (N) Cops Cops Cops Cops Vegas Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Bryan Bryan Hunt Intl Hunters House Hunters Bryan Bryan Beach Beach Cursed: Witch Cursed: Witch (9:01) Fear: Buried Alive Cursed: Witch CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Long Road to Hell Newsroom Newsroom Stanley Max Funny Videos Haunting Haunting Wipeout “Rats!” Gags Gags Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Crazy Ex-Girlfriend NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS “Kill Ari” NCIS “Kill Ari” Worst Driver How/ How/ Ice Lake Rebels Worst Driver How/ How/ Million Dollar Million Dollar Million Dollar LA Million Dollar Law & Order: SVU Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two Gotham (N) Minority Report (N) World’s Heaviest Body Bizarre World’s Heaviest Man 600 Pound Mom Partners in Crime (8:15) Motive Criminal Minds (10:15) Dancing With the Stars “I Know What You Did Last” “I Still Know What You Did” Identity “Act of God” Nowhere Nowhere “Mostly Ghostly” Gaming “Mostly Ghostly” Connor Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Daily Nightly Best“The Impossible Years” (8:45) ››› “55 Days at Peking” Charlton Heston. Chef in Your Ear Food Food Beat Beat Chef in Your Ear Diners Diners Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage Storage Forbidden Pawn Pawn Mountain Men Power & Ice Cnt. Cnt. Ice Road Truckers “The Conspiracy” Inner Psychic Person of Interest Atlantis Atlantis The Walking Dead (6:30) ›› “Predator 2” Danny Glover. ››› “Cujo” Dee Wallace. Border Border Mysteries- Cas. Security Security Border Border Ghost Adventures Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Field Steves Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow I’ll Have-Phil Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon The Voice “The Knockouts Premiere” Blindspot (N) J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Miles Prancing Celebrity etalk Pop Funny Girls Prancing Celebrity TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Crazy Ex-Girlfriend KTLA 5 News News Friends Jane the Virgin (N) Mother Mother Rules Rules ›› “Man on Fire” Denzel Washington. News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court Phantom Feast Mes Conspir. “The Hound of the Baskervilles” Conspir. Popoff I’ll Have-Phil Brazil With Palin Smiley Antique Roadshow Antiques Charlie Rose (N) Charmed Celebrity Damage Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Cupcake Cupcake Southern Justice Security Security Rocky Mountain Southern Justice Underworld, Inc.



Football Night (1:00) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) NFL Football: Eagles at Panthers Income Bryan News News News ›› “Country Strong” Gwyneth Paltrow. Sports Our Cash CTV News (1:30) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Figure Skating Back Exhibi ›› “The Haunted Mansion” Golf’s Best Cooker Shark Whacke Whacke News News KREM 2 News at 6 Income Bryan News (5:59) News Hour ›› “Country Strong” Gwyneth Paltrow. The Wa Park Hope for Wildlife First Footprints Britain, Above Warships Timbersports XTERRA McCarv Lucy Lucy News ABC News Estate Contrac Cops Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Hunters Hunters Custom Custom House House Break Break House House The First 48 Nightwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. “Megamind” ›› “Aliens in the Attic” ›› “Monsters vs. Aliens” Mr. Robot “Crystal Skulls” Richard Burgi. Haven (N) Lost Girl “Rise” Bering Sea Gold Cash Cash Pacific Warriors Last Frontier Yukon Men (N) (12:30) “Grease” Manzo’d Tardy “Kiss at Pine Lake” Barry Watson. Mob Wives (N) The OT Paid Monop Theory Mike NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants. Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 90 Day Fiancé Sister Wives Sister Wives “The Bodyguard” Twice in a Lifetime “Practical Magic” Missing “M.I.A.” Castle “The Nose” Super (2:05) ››› “Superman II” (4:15) ›› “Superman III” Christopher Reeve. Jessie Dog I Didn’t Good HZipzer HZipzer Make Make Next Next (1:00) “Old Dogs” Theory Theory Theory Theory Mod Mod “John Carter” (1:00) “She Devil” Theory Theory Just for Laughs ›› “Addicted to Love” Meg Ryan. “Secrt Life-Mitty” ›› “Jailhouse Rock” (DVS) ››› “Broken Arrow”, Jeff Chandler Diners Diners Chopped Carn Carn Candy Craze Halloween Wars Illusions Illusions Liquida Liquida The Liq Storage Mantracker The Liq Storage Mountain Men Hunting Hitler Pawn Pawn Cnt. Cnt. American Pickers Doctor Who The Librarians The Librarians ›› “Surrogates” Bruce Willis. The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead (1:30) ›› “Leprechaun” Treasures Security Security Museum Secrets Uncommon Deli Deli Blaze Bubble Shimmer Charm Back Octo Dino Cat in Big Max, Election Aging Backwards 60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music) British Baking Formula One Extra Paid Best NFL Football Football Night in America (N) In Touch Minis In Con In Con Popcorn Doc Side Living Truth (N) E! News Weekend “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” Below Deck (N) Dash Dolls (N) Rizzoli & Isles Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Castle Castle Traveler Middle Middle Fam Guy ›› “Extract” Jason Bateman. News News Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods PIX11 News at 5 Person of Interest Person of Interest Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Jane the Virgin (N) Arise Tom’row Beyond Hope Discov. V’Impe Jere Facts Youseff J. Meyer Masterpiece Week Career British Baking Masterpiece Masterpiece Celebrity Legacies Whistler CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Surgery Live


25 OCTOBER 2015


7 PM


28 OCTOBER 2015

SC SC SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET News Colbert Survivor (N) Chicago PD (N) Theory News CTV etalk (N) Arrow (N) Criminal Minds (N) Code Black (N) Young Cor Dragons’ Den Romeo Section CBC Cor The National (N) Broke Broke News Colbert Survivor (N) Criminal Minds (N) Code Black (N) Ent ET News Colbert Survivor (N) Chicago PD (N) The Wa Park Ghost Army Bach: A Passionate Life Park The Wa Ent Insider Middle Gold Mod blackish KXLY 4 Kimmel Nashville (N) Repo ›› “Four Brothers” Mark Wahlberg. ›› “Four Brothers” Mark Wahlberg. Vacation House Hunt Intl Hunters Beach Island Vacation House Beach Beach Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper This Is Life Newsroom Newsroom Make, Bella Funny Videos Haunting Haunting Wipeout Gags Gags NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS “Neverland” NCIS “Switch” Highway Thru Hell Yukon Men Unearthed Airplane Repo Airplane Repo (N) My Fab 40th Matchmaker Housewives/NJ My Fab 40th Law & Order: SVU 2015 World Series Paid Mike Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two Little People Fabu Fabu Little People Fabulous: Extra Fabu Fabu (6:00) “Flightplan” Motive Criminal Minds ›› “Flightplan” Jodie Foster. Celebrity Legacies Unborn › “Stigmata” (9:45) ››› “Drag Me to Hell” Jessie HZipzer Wingin’ Derek Warth Wizards Connor The X Factor UK (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Daily Nightly Plausible Imp. (8:15) “Escape to Witch Mountain” Frankenweenie Mr. Boogedy Halloween Baking Halloween Wars Food Race Halloween Baking Diners Diners Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Survivorman Storage Storage Forbidden Pawn Pawn Hunting Hitler Ice Road Truckers Klondike Trappers Curse/Gold Paranormal Wi. Inner Psychic Person of Interest Supernatural Paranormal Wi. “Halloween II” “Halloween III: Season of the Witch” “Halloween 4: Michael Myers” Ghost Adventures Greatest Mysteries The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Brain-Eagleman Extreme Railways Nature (N) NOVA (N) Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Myst-Laura News J. Fallon Chicago PD (N) J’pardy! Wheel The X Factor UK Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Desola Dash Dolls etalk Pop Ways To Kill Dash Dolls TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends Arrow (N) Supernatural (N) Person of Interest Mother Mother Parks Parks Rules Rules Manhattan News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court Downton Abbey Mes Conspir. The Life After Death Project Super Popoff Brain-Eagleman SciTech Start Up Smiley Nature NOVA Charlie Rose (N) Charmed Celebrity Damage Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer My My Wicked Tuna Security Security Port Protection Wicked Tuna Security Security


% ∂

# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

7 PM

% ∂

# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276

% ∂

# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276


9 PM


10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

7 PM


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

27 OCTOBER 2015

Cabbie SEC Storied SportsCentre SC (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET NCIS: New Orleans News Colbert NCIS “Viral” (N) Limitless (N) Theory S.H.I.E.L.D. News CTV etalk (N) The Flash (N) CSI: Cyber (N) Gags Cor Mercer 22 Min Young Wolves CBC Cor The National (N) Broke Broke NCIS: New Orleans News Colbert NCIS “Viral” (N) Limitless (N) Ent ET NCIS: New Orleans News Colbert NCIS “Viral” (N) Limitless (N) Canada “Spring & Arnaud” Canada First Footprints (N) (9:05) Contact (N) Ent Insider Muppets FreshS.H.I.E.L.D. Wicked City KXLY 4 Kimmel Ink Master Sweat Inc. Sweat Inc. Ink Master Sweat Inc. (N) House House Hunt Intl Hunters Flipping Flipping House House Beach Beach Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Special Report Newsroom Newsroom Game Henry Funny Videos Haunting Haunting Wipeout Gags Gags Hawaii Five-0 NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS “Silver War” Highway Thru Hell Cold River Cash Edge of Alaska Highway Thru Hell Cold River Cash First First Ladies of London Housewives/OC First First Law & Order: SVU 2015 World Series Paid Mike Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two Our Little Family Cake Cake Our Little Family Our Little Family Cake Cake Saving Hope Criminal Minds Cold Justice: Saving Hope Motive “Fallen” “Theo Fleury” “Jeepers Creepers” (9:35) ›› “Candyman” ›› “Dr. Giggles” Make Next Next Jessie HZipzer The X Factor UK The X F. Connor Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Daily Nightly “Cleo 5 to 7” (8:15) ››› “Kim” Errol Flynn. (10:15) ››› “Love and Anarchy” Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Diners Diners Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Polar The Liq Storage Storage Forbidden Pawn Pawn Cnt. Cnt. Pawn Pawn Battle Battle Hunting Hitler (N) Geeks Geeks Inner Psychic Person of Interest Face Off Geeks Geeks “Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter” “Friday 13-New” › “Friday the 13th - Part III” Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries- Chu. Mysteries-Museum Ghost Adventures Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Dora and Friends Back Max, War of the Worlds Secrets of Dead Hawking Frontline (N) Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Best Time Ever News J. Fallon The Voice (N) Chicago Fire (N) J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place The Colt Botched TMZ etalk Pop TMZ TMZ Live Botched “Breast Greedy” Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends The Flash (N) iZombie (N) (7:03) Manhattan (8:06) Salem Parks Parks Rules Rules Manhattan News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court “Hound-Baskrvll” Mes Conspir. “The Artist & the Shaman” Guides Conspir. Popoff Frontline Smiley War of the Worlds Secrets Frontline (N) Charlie Rose (N) Charmed Celebrity Damage Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Rags Rags Live Free or Die Security Security Security Security Live Free or Die Rocky Mountain


8 PM

NFL Football SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Security Emer Madam Secretary Simpson Simpson News Block The Good Wife (N) Saving Hope Once Upon a Time (10:01) Quantico News CTV Blood & Oil (N) Canada’s Smartest Canada Alive CBC Skating Heartland (N) The National (N) Madam Secretary News Fam Guy 60 Minutes (N) The Good Wife (N) CSI: Cyber (N) Security Emer Madam Secretary Simpson Simpson News Block The Good Wife (N) Secrets of the Waking the Dead Waking the Dead Science of Dogs New Tricks (N) Funny Videos Once Upon a Time (10:01) Quantico KXLY 4 V’Impe Blood & Oil (N) Sweat Inc. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Tiny Tiny Vacation House House House Tiny Tiny Hunters Hunters (7:01) Nightwatch (8:02) Nightwatch (9:01) Nightwatch (10:01) Nightwatch (11:02) Nightwatch Somebody’s Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Somebody’s Newsroom (6:00) “Megamind” Game Make, Make, Assem Haunting Haunting Haunting Haunting Haven Rizzoli & Isles NCIS Rizzoli & Isles (N) Lost Girl “Rise” Naked and Afraid MythBusters Yukon Men Last Frontier Naked and Afraid First First Million Dollar LA Manzo’d Tardy First First “Secretariat” Two Simpson Simpson Brooklyn Fam Guy Last News Livin’ Cougar Paid (8:02) Sister Wives 90 Day Fiancé Sister Wives 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé (N) “Practical Magic” “Rocky Horror” (8:15) ››› “Moulin Rouge” Nicole Kidman. “Superman IV” (9:45) “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” Ultravio › “Resident Evil” The X Factor UK Life Nowhere Nowhere Awe “Next Step Live: The Movie” Connor (6:00) “John Carter” There Paid Paid The Closer The Closer LOL :-) LOL :-) Theory Theory Just for Laughs Laughs-Access Comedy Comedy “Baby Peggy” “Family Secret” “Andrei Rublev” ›› “The Battle at Apache Pass” Cutthroat Kitchen Candy Craze Halloween Wars Cutthroat Kitchen Guy’s Games Liquida Liquida Mantracker Haunted Collector MeatEa MeatEa Myth Hunters Pawn Pawn Forged in Fire Hunting Hitler Mountain Men (N) Power & Ice (N) The Librarians ››› “The Cabin in the Woods” ›› “Cabin Fever” Jordan Ladd. The Walking Dead Comic Comic The Walking Dead Talking Dead Talking Dead (N) Mysteries- Chu. Mysteries-Museum Deli Deli Mysteries- Chu. Mysteries-Museum Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Masterpiece Masterpiece House of Cards A Mother’s Son The Guilty (N) NFL Football KHQ Blue Bloods News Wheel TMZ (N) Funny Videos In Touch Discov. Muzika Popcorn Popcorn In Con In Touch Dash Dolls House of DVF Below Deck House of DVF (N) Reign Theory Theory Broke Broke Two Two Friends Friends WBZ News (N) Person of Interest 5 News Sunday News at 10 News Bensin Elementary Blue Bloods “Austin Powers in Goldmember” “Austin Powers in Goldmember” News Sports Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Laughs Laughs Osteen Prince Miracle Popoff Jewish In Touch V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Raising of America Masterpiece Masterpiece The Guilty The Guilty (N) Cougar Cougar Shannon Tessa››› “In Her Shoes” Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette. Brain Surgery Live StarTalk Brain Surgery Live with Mental Floss StarTalk


25 OCTOBER 2015


7 PM

29 OCTOBER 2015

MLS Soccer Playoff: Teams TBA. (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Heroes Reborn (N) The Blacklist (N) Theory Theory Gold Away-Murder etalk (N) Saving Hope (N) 22 Min Cor Nature/ Things Firsthand (N) The National (N) NFL Football News Whacke Broke Paid Dr. Phil Ent ET Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Heroes Reborn (N) The Blacklist (N) Waterfront Cities Tony Robinson The Mighty Uke Drea Ent Insider Great Pumpkin Away-Murder Scandal (N) Cops Cops Cops Veng. Cops Jail Jail Jail Salvage Salvage Hunt Intl Hunters Attic Garage Salvage Salvage The First 48 (8:02) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 The First 48 CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. Newsroom 100 Bella Funny Videos Haunting Haunting Wipeout “Tomorrow Never Dies” ››› “GoldenEye” Pierce Brosnan. (DVS) To Be Announced Overhaulin’ How How Fast N’ Loud Untouchable Handsome Devils Matchmaker Matchmaker Theory Theory News Mod Bones (N) Sleepy Hollow (N) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé Motive Criminal Minds Missing Missing “Cop Out” (6:15) “Fakers” ›› “The Grudge” (9:35) › “The Grudge 2” The X Factor UK Awe Jessie HZipzer Wingin’ Derek Warth Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory ›› “Escape Me Never” (8:45) ›› “Thank Your Lucky Stars” Cutthroat Kitchen Gotta Gotta My. Din My. Din Cutthroat Kitchen Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive The Liq Storage Storage Storage Pawn Pawn Ice Road Truckers Pawn Pawn American Pickers Doctor Who Inner Psychic Person of Interest Paranormal Wi. “Halloween 5: Revenge...” ›››› “Halloween” Uncommon Greatest Mysteries Expedition Un. Uncommon Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm NW Finding House of Cards Masterpiece The Guilty (N) J’pardy! Wheel Heroes Reborn (N) The Blacklist (N) The Player (N) J’pardy! Wheel The X Factor UK Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn House of DVF etalk Pop Reign TMZ Live Seinfeld Patriots Mother King King WBZ News (N) Two Two Vampire Diaries KTLA 5 News The Originals (N) Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Elementary News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray McMillan Keep Up Mes Conspir. EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Death in Paradise Doctor Blake Smiley Michigan Charlie Rose (N) Sex-City Sex-City Celebrity Damage Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer Underworld, Inc. Security Security Drugs, Inc. Underworld, Inc.

SportsCentre News Colbert News CTV CBC Cor News Colbert News Colbert Waterfront Cities KXLY 4 Kimmel Police Videos Beach Beach The First 48 Newsroom Gags Gags Engels To Be Announced Law & Order: SVU Mike Mother Say Yes Say Yes Missing “Cop Out” Amity Wizards Connor Fam Guy Payne Daily Nightly “Virgin Suicides” Diners Diners Forbidden Canadian Pickers Doctor Who “Halloween 5” Ghost Adventures Back Max, Charlie Rose (N) News J. Fallon Place Flower House of DVF Comics Rules News Friends Rules Rules Rules Court Super Popoff Michigan Martin Sex-City Sex-City Port Protection

Thursday, October 22, 2015 Boundary Creek Times




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Misc. for Sale

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Misc. Wanted

Heavy Duty Machinery cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.

Wanted: Live in or out caregiver/support worker for a 31 years old physically disabled male in Midway, BC. To assist in all aspects of daily living & personal care. 30-40 hours per week, $16 per hour. Must be physically fit. Please email

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.

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A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

This FREE ad space is provided by the Boundary Creek Times and the RDKB to advertise FREE items.

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Misc. for Sale Freestanding Enviro Woodstove C/W pipes, fankit, thru the wall kit, chimney and flashing, $1500. The Surge Milker milking machine, $450. DeLaval Cream Separator, $200. Manual for all items. Call 250442-3049. Posturepedic twin bed, frame-mattress-box spring. good condition. $300. 250-442-2534.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

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ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY • 4 x 8 Pool Table. 250-449-2208. • Electric Organ. Call 250-449-2648. • Standing mantle fireplace. 250-445-6335. • Fleece from 2 llamas. Call 250-445-6496. • 60” X 96” window, good for a greenhouse. Call 250-448-4722. WANTED ITEMS • Propane fridge. Call 250-808-6449. • Small apartment size freezer. 250-446-2997. • Riverboats, canoes & skiffs, unwater worthy or damaged. 250-446-2779.

Applicants must hold an Interprovincial Cement Mason certification and will be expected to repair, resurface and replace worn or damaged sections of concrete in an industrial setting. Preference will be given to those with related industrial maintenance experience and knowledge of computerized maintenance management systems. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and the ability to be flexible and work cohesively as a member of a small work team is essential. Teck Metals Ltd. is committed to employment equity and all qualified individuals are encouraged to apply directly online at: - Trail Operations, by November 13, 2015. Applicants must include a copy of their interprovincial certification as well as Grade 12 or GED certification along with their resume. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Teck Metals Ltd. supports a non-smoking environment.

Thursday, October 22,22, 2015 Thursday, October 2015Boundary BoundaryCreek CreekTimes Times A11 A11

Homes for Rent


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2 bdrm mobile $600, private setting 3 bdrm home close to downtown $800 3bdrm 1 bath $850 near schools


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Legal Notices

Legal Notices



Take notice that pursuant to the Court Order Enforcement Act, R.S.B.C. 1996 c.78 and by Order of this Court made $priO 7 1 in the .eOoZna ReJistry under ÂżOe 1o. 96567, it has been ordered that the interest of Edouard St. Laurent, (the Judgment Debtor) in the lands and premises located at 726 Copper Street, Greenwood, British Columbia legally known as: PID 017-790-671, Lot 11 District Lot 711 Similkameen Division Yale District, Plan KAP 47253 BE SOLD with sale proceeds to be distributed in accordance with the terms of the Order and subject to the Creditor Assistance Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c.83 to settle the assessed costs and expenses incurred by the Judgment Creditor. Brent R. Coyne Pushor Mitchell Barristers and Solicitors 3rd Floor, 1665 Ellis Street Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3 Telephone: (250) 762-2108 Fax: (250) 762-9115

Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 893, 2015

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 227 of the Community Charter that Council for the City of Greenwood proposes to exempt by Bylaw the following properties from municipal property taxation for the period shown in the chart below.

Address 334 S. Copper Ave. 101 S. Government Ave. 145 S. Kimberly Ave. 326 Church Ave. 401 N. Kimberly Ave. 375 S. Copper Ave. 214 S. Copper Ave. 354 S. Copper Ave.

2016 $3,438 $1,469 $151 $178 $424 $1,570 $5,920 $4,258

Years in Effect 2017 $,3507 $1,498 $154 $181 $432 $1,601 $6,038 $4,343

around the corner

Midway resident Wayne Wickens was helped out by grandson Jamie Macfarlane in preparing the Wickens house for a ghoulish Hallow’s Eve.

Garth Bates


Approximate Value

Meet 2nd & 4th THU at RC clinic


The Corporation of the City of Greenwood

Name Royal Canadian Legion United Church Anglican Church Catholic Church Evangel Church Greenwood Temple Society Greenwood Heritage Society McArthur Parking Lot

,W WDNHV PXVFOHV WR IROG Church Directory XS WKLV Halloween is QHZVSDSHU Membership: 250.528.0055 – Tom Donations: 250.446.2096 – Les Suggestions: 250.449.2291 – Margaret Information: 250.446.2455 – Wolfgang

2018 $3,577 $1,528 $,157 $185 $441 $1,633 $6,159 $4,430

Bates, Garth passed away with his family by his side on October 15, 2015 at the age of 73 years. Remembered and sadly missed by his wife Penny; children Charlotte (Darin) of Kaleden, B.C., Rhodena (David) of Senoia, Georgia, Mark (Katherine) of Kelowna, B.C.; 12 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren; brother Sydney (Frances) of Penticton. Sadly predeceased by his Father and Mother and brother Sherman. A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 2:00 pm at Providence Funeral Home, 1258 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. Condolences may be sent to the family through 250-493-1774

Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

MIDWAY Boundary Community Church Pastor Ryan van Kuik 250-449-1439 at the Midway Community Hall Service - Sunday at 10 am King of Kings New Testament & Academy Pastor Rick Steingard 250-449-2252 735 9th Ave Service - Sunday at 10 am Jehovah’s Witnesses 943 13th Street 250-449-2665 Tuesday - 7 pm Sunday - 10 am

'RQҋW WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU Kim Helen Byman, age 57, passed away suddenly at Kelowna General Hospital in Kelowna, British CoROCK CREEK lumbia on Friday, September 18, 2015. The cause was &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU an unexpected aneurysm while undergoing cancer New Kettle River Chapel treatment. Resuming regular services at 10 am on Born November 15, 1957 in Victoria, British ColumG\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ Sunday, September 13 bia, she lived in Victoria, Chilliwack and Surrey, before settling in Rock Creek, B.C. to run Byman’s Bend St. Mary’s Anglican Church Campsite with her Husband Rune Byman. Before Kettle Valley VHULRXVO\ meeting Rune, Kim was a single mom of 4 children, a Kim Helen Byman

The eyes have it

GREENWOOD Sacred Heart Catholic Church Fr. John M. Kellogg – 326 Church Avenue Mass - Saturday 5 pm St. Jude’s Anglican Church of Canada Rev. Simon Shenstone 250-442-5808 145 S. Kimberley Services at 4 pm (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday) Evangel Chapel Interim Pastor Martin Fromme 250-449-1978 Food Bank (Errol/Gerry) 250-584-4164 401 N. Kimberley Service - Sunday at 10 am St. Columba United Church of Canada Rev. Kim Horwood 250-442-3311 101 S. Government Service & Sunday School - Sunday 9 am

long distance runner, an employee of the Mennonite Central Committee, where she learned sign language, which she would often demonstrate in church for the beneďŹ t of hearing impaired people. People would return year after year to Byman’s Bend Campsite because Kim’s sense of caring. She would take blankets out to a camping family if it were cold. Her customers were her friends. Rune describes her as a “friend, wife and devoted follower of Jesusâ€?. Survivors include her Husband of 14 years, Rune Byman of Rock Creek, B.C., daughter Kara Lindsay of Barrie, Ontario, daughter Karmen Remple of Vancouver, B.C., daughter Christen Rumbles of Port Coquitlam, B.C., and son Jeremy Remple, of Surrey, B.C. as well as her deceased former husband Dave Remple. Services will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday, October 25 at the Kettle River Chapel, 1735 Hwy 33, Rock Creek, British Columbia. Burial and or cremation to be held in private. Relatives and friends and neighbours are welcome at the service and the reception to follow.

Service - 2nd & 4th Sunday at 10:30 am


Pastor Ed Brouwer 250-495-4877 Service at 6 pm on 2nd and 4th Sunday Bridesville Hall WESTBRIDGE Humuh Monastry Buddhist Meditation & Empowerment Centre Master Maticintin (1-800-336-6015) Meditation & Spiritual Teachings Sunday at 11 am Seventh-day Adventist Church Harald Zinner 250-446-2517 Westbridge Community Hall Service - Saturday at 10 am

A12 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, October 22, 2015 This Rock Creek property was barely impacted by the recent wildfire, in large part due to owner Alex Ganescu’s effective, yet simple approach to fire-preparedness. Local fire expert Darren Hutchinson is working with Vicki Gee of the RDKB to initiate training sessions to help residents become FireSmart.



Sunday July 24, 6:00 - 7:0025 pm Sunday, October Bridesville6:00 Community Hall - 7:00 pm

Bridesville Community Hall




October 26 to October 30 2015

Train to get FireSmart ANDREW TRIPP

Boundary Creek Times Reporter

The Rock Creek/Westbridge fire was a devastating event for those that lost their homes, and, as the rebuilding begins, some fire protection experts believe there are questions that must be asked. The Public Works Staff will be flushing the water mains between the hours of One of them is “Could the damage have been 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. significantly decreased through better fire preFlushing may cause pressure fluctuations, discoloration and sediment in the water. paredness?” These conditions are normal during flushing activities and are only temporary. According to Darren Hutchinson, a Bridesvillebased firefighting trainer, the answer is a resoundPlease run your drinking, cooking and laundry water before using. If you do experience dirty water, turn on your cold-water tap in your bathtub or outside tap ing “yes,” as illustrated by the survival of many and let it run until the water is clear. If you have a pressure reducer with a screen, homes along the largely devastated Highway 33 it may need to be cleaned afterwards. corridor. We thank you for yourthe cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience Some mething like above —— so I can change the date andof those dwellings were protected from you experience. the fire in part because of the unpredictability of For more information contact the Village Office at 250-449-2222 title each time…. the blaze, which seemed to arbitrarily leapfrog some properties while razing others, Hutchinson explained. Many that survived, however, in some instances in pristine condition, did so because of the 2nd and 4th Sundays (twice a month for the year) the owners’ diligence in making their properties “safe,” by following some very simple yet effective measures. For motorists and cyclists travelling the oncepristine thoroughfare that takes visitors along the highway from Rock Creek to Westbridge, it is, especially for those viewing the aftermath of the fire for the first time, a truly heart wrenching experience. Much of the forest is now made up of charred columns, many of which will survive as trees, though thousands more destined to be felled as part of a cleanup that will likely take years. Not far along Highway 33 from Rock Creek, an unexpected sight greets travellers. The home and property belonging to Alex Ganescu stands like an oasis in the middle of a war zone, almost completely untouched by the flames that ravaged Go to for pass properties around his on Aug. 13. applications or pick one up at Ganescu bought the large lot 10 years ago and Deadwood Junction in Greenwood, has been working to make it fire-resistant ever Chain Reaction in Grand Forks or since. He transformed a dusty weed patch into Wildways in Christina Lake. a lush green lawn, which is kept watered and mowed throughout the summer months and acts Season Pass Early Bird Pre-Season Regular as a natural suppresser of a wild grass fire. As up to Oct. 23 Oct. 24 > Dec. 11 after Dec. 11 well, he limbed trees up to a height of more than Adult 19 & over $380 $408 $445 two metres to prevent flames from igniting their canopies transforming a grass fire into something Youth 13 - 18 $290 $312 $335 much more destructive. Senior 65 & over $290 $312 $335 Only steps away from Ganescu’s lot lay the $200 Child 6 - 12 charred remains of a neighbour’s house, surround$215 $225 ed by burned-out trees, one of which exploded as the fire reached extreme temperatures on that hot and windy afternoon. The flames, however, were In Order to maintain the Village of Midway’s water quality, the Public Works Department will be conducting a water main flushing program from October 26 to October 30, 2015.

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halted as soon as they reached Ganescu’s wellmaintained lawn, and failed to ignite the majority of the manicured trees that line the property. “When people around here saw what I was doing with the lawn and the trees they laughed at me,” Ganescu said, “but I knew that my work would pay off eventually.” Ganescu’s was not the only property to escape the wrath of the fire; several other homes in the area were also designed to be fire safe through the trimming or removal of foliage and keeping the dwelling clear of combustibles such as firewood and even innocuous items like grass welcome mats. Hutchinson was instrumental in the implementation of fire-preparedness initiatives for the community of Anarchist Mountain, which resulted in its attainment of FireSmart Canada accreditation, and would like to see all communities in rural Boundary follow suit. “It takes little more than an afternoon’s work to vastly improve a home’s ability to survive a wildfire,” Hutchinson said, “and the financial cost is minimal. Neighbours can get together and pool their efforts and eventually make an entire community much less vulnerable to the potentially catastrophic results of a wildfire.” Hutchinson, an experienced firefighting educator, feels it is crucial for this fire-preparedness initiative to go forward, and hopes to be working alongside the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) in organizing educational sessions to allow residents the ability to better protect their homes from wildfires. RDKB Area E director Vicki Gee, herself a Bridesville resident, is in full support of Hutchinson’s goal of “helping something positive emerge from the negative impact of the fire,” and has made it known that there is funding available for such a project through the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative, a program funded by several provincial organizations. Gee will be applying for the FireSmart grant as soon as it is determined how large a zone within the district might be eligible for the grant. The application deadline is Nov. 30. While Hutchinson stresses that making a community FireSmart can be fiscally-neutral and easily accomplished if residents are willing to join forces and do the work necessary to help prevent another disaster like the Rock Creek/Westbridge fire, he looks forward to working with the district to help bring the initiative to life The first training session is tentatively slated for November, and details will be released in the Times when available.

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