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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 2015
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Should marijuana remain illegal? Page 3
Trudeau promises help with new pension plan
Alberta will still build new schools The governing NDP will forge ahead with building schools and hospitals, but falling oil prices have it planning to borrow money just to keep the lights on. » Nation & World, 18
Canucks end Habs win streak Vancouver Canucks rookie Jared McCann scored twice as his team ended the Montreal Canadiens’ ninegame winning streak in a 5-1 defeat at Rogers Arena. » Sports, 20
Crossword .................. 25 Comics ................. 25-26 Markets ......................... 26 Sudoku ......................... 26 Classified ..................... 27 Obituaries ................... 27
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LOTTERIES FOR Oct. 24 649: 01-13-28-34-37-45 B: 32 BC49: 13-21-24-40-42-46 B: 30 Extra: 28-33-77-92
WHAT’S INSIDE Today’s issue
Local news ............... 3-8 Editorials/letters ........ 6 B.C. news ........................ 9 Nation & World ........ 12 Sports ............................ 20 Scoreboard ................ 24
FOR Oct. 23 Lotto Max: 02-07-12-12-28-29-38-48 B: 27
TORONTO — Justin Trudeau was greeted like a rock star as he arrived at the Ontario legislature Tuesday for a meeting with Premier Kathleen Wynne, and rewarded her campaign efforts on his behalf with a promise of federal help for a provincial pension plan. Wynne, one of Trudeau’s most ardent supporters during the federal campaign, gave the prime minister-designate a big hug as he stepped out of his car while virtually the entire Liberal cabinet and hundreds of Liberal staffers applauded and cheered. Trudeau and Wynne met for only a half hour in her office before both left to attend the funeral for Ken Taylor, the former ambassador to Iran. After the meeting, they issued a joint statement saying they would be “active partners” in a national discussion on pension enhancement, including the Canada Pension Plan and the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan. “Once it takes office, the incoming federal government will direct the Canada Revenue Agency and the Departments of Finance and National Revenue to work with Ontario officials on the registration and administration of the ORPP,” they said. “The ORPP is being designed to integrate with any future CPP enhancement.” That’s a major reversal of the position taken by outgoing Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who said he “delighted” in refusing all federal co-operation with the ORPP, something he described as a job-killing payroll tax. It also means Ontario will get the same federal assistance on its pension as Ottawa gives Quebec and Saskatchewan. Wynne has said Ontario will plan to start payroll deductions for the ORPP on Jan. 1, 2017 unless and until there is agreement to enhance the CPP. She added that the only reason the provincial pension was conceived in the first place was due to Harper’s flat refusal to look at increasing deductions and benefits under the CPP.
Canadian prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau is greeted by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne at the Queens Park Legislature in Toronto on Tuesday. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
Neither Wynne nor Trudeau held a media availability after their meeting, ducking most questions from the media during their photo op — but not all. “Cabinet will be sworn in next week and there will be lots to say in the following days,” Trudeau said. “I’m here for a funeral, and I’m glad to have accepted the premier’s invitation to come and sit with her.” The two Liberal leaders said they also talked about the importance of investing in infrastructure, which is good news for Ontario’s 10-year, $130 billion plan for roads, bridges and public transit projects. They also discussed climate change and the upcoming COP21 meeting in Paris, and their commitments to hold a national inquiry on missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. There was no mention if they discussed other federal-provincial issues such as assist-
ed suicide or the legalization of marijuana. As he dashed away after the meeting, Trudeau said he and Wynne had “just a great conversation on a range of issues” and added he looked forward to their working relationship. Trudeau’s visit to Queen’s Park shows how dramatically the federal government’s relationship with Ontario has changed since the Liberals won a majority last week. Wynne launched a public campaign to get a meeting with Harper after he had dismissed all requests for a get-together with the premier for more than a year, an example of the animosity between the two governments that is now gone. “We look forward to a new and positive relationship between the new government of Canada and the government of Ontario, one based on mutual respect, common goals and shared values,” they said.
Duelling petitions over airport THE CANADIAN PRESS
Por olio Manager
Serenity Salon would like to welcome our newest stylist, Heidi, to our team. Heidi comes from Rutherford Hairstylists, where she specialized in cutting and colour for two years. A background in fashion design and makeup artistry has given Heidi a good eye for all over hair design and the ability to see what will best suit each of her clients. Heidi is excited to welcome previous and new clients to come see her at Serenity Salon.
CALGARY — There are three petitions generating a heated debate on whether the Calgary International Airport should be renamed for outgoing prime minister Stephen J. Harper. R. Curtis Mullen, a transplanted Canadian now living in the United States, set off the debate by creating the original petition on Sunday. “As Prime Minister Harper was the longest serving prime minister from Western Canada, let us honour his accomplishments by renaming the Calgary airport in his honour,” wrote Mullen. As of Tuesday afternoon, Mullen’s petition had 3,148 signatures out of his goal of 15,000.
“Best prime minister Canada or the world has ever seen. If Montreal and Toronto can name their airport after a Liberal, then Calgary should be able to choose Harper,” writes Matthew Rattray from Ontario. Not everyone was taking the petition seriously. “I fully support renaming the Calgary landfill and/or sewage treatment plant after the greatest leader since Monica Lewinsky was president,” added someone identifying as Pierre Poutine from Saskatchewan. The Harper airport naming was also adopted by conservative political pundit Ezra Levant, who launched a second petition calling for the Calgary airport to be renamed for Stephen Harper.
Time to legalize marijuana?
Rain High 13 Low 9
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 2015
Change of government brings issue back to the forefront
ormer Prime Minister Stephen Harper sparked considerable debate following an election campaign stop in Montreal where he described cannabis as “infinitely worse” than tobacco. Many media organizations were quick to find experts willing to discredit the claim. Critics said it was out of step in a climate where a growing number of U.S. states are now legalizing the drug, while cashing in on the resulting tax windfall, and slashing police and prisDarrell on costs. Some Bellaart countries in Reporting Latin America are going the same way. And the new Liberal government successfully campaigned on a promise to legalize marijuana. Which begs the question: Who in this day and age truly believes marijuana should remain illegal? Not John Anderson, retired criminologist at Vancouver Island University. “I couldn’t believe the prime minister would make such a statement — it disturbs me that that level of ignorance exists at such a high level,” Anderson said. “He’s just not paying attention to what the science says.” And as science discredits negative claims about the drug, the scales of public opinion are tipping further away from demonization. Even some police departments have declared the war on pot over. Vancouver police want to dismiss a complaint from a group calling itself Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada, accusing the VPD of “failing in their duty” by allowing pot shops to remain open. Deputy Chief Doug LePard submitted a report saying the department must prioritize more serious drug offences and dispensaries that pose a public safety risk. Legal, social and political factors complicate enforcement, including city bylaws written to regulate pot dispensaries, rather than shut them down, he said. Anderson said he’s “very encouraged” with the VPD approach. Those who insist on keeping it illegal do so for “material benefit,” Anderson said. “The vast majority of Canadians — 80 per cent — would like to see cannabis legalized for medicinal purposes. “A majority of Canadians feel cannabis should at least be decriminalized, or, at best, legalized.” Legalization has gained momentum as a viable option in recent years Law Enforcement Against Pro-
With a new federal government in Canada, the potential legalization of marijuana remains a contentious issue. [CP PHOTO]
hibition, an international organization aimed at ending the war on pot, has an advisory board which includes former B.C. chief coroner and retired RCMP chief superintendent Vince Cain, Senator and former Vancouver mayor Larry Campbell, and former MP Libby Davies, in B.C. alone. Harper cited “growing scientific and medical evidence about the bad, long-term effects of marijuana.” “Tobacco is a product that does a lot of damage. Marijuana is infinitely worse and it’s something that we do not want to encourage.” A report from the Centre for Mental Health and Addiction in Toronto, which cited multiple research studies, said that daily or near-daily use of marijuana can slow down how quickly one thinks and acts. The report also ties regular, long-term cannabis smoking to respiratory problems with links to bronchitis and cancer. Frequent marijuana use could also exacerbate pre-existing mental health issues. There are also concerns about addiction. About one in every 10 cannabis users risks becoming dependent, compared to 68 per cent for tobacco. Research has shown that about four per cent of marijuana users report some sort of health, legal or financial trouble, said David Hammond, the CIHR Applied Chair in Public Health at the University of Waterloo. Heavy, long-term use of marijuana by teens has been linked to an increased risk of schizophrenia-related mental health disorders in early adulthood, said Steven Laviolette from Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, who researches the effects on the brain of nicotine and THC, the psychoactive chemical in marijuana. But Laviolette said those are teenagers who use high-THC marijuana. Research has also shown these
teens may have a genetic predisposition to developing mental health disorders, he said, blurring links between smoking marijuana and mental health issues. But CBD another active chemical in marijuana, has been shown to be an anti-psychotic that counteracts THC, Laviolette said. And research suggests cannabis can be useful to treat addiction, discrediting the long-held “gateway drug” label for marijuana, according to a research paper by Philippe Lucas, research scholar, with the Centre for Addictions Research of B.C. “At a time when prescription opiates are responsible for rising levels of addiction, morbidity and mortality in Canada, anything that helps reduce pharmaceutical use of opi-
ates will have a beneficial impact,” Lucas said. The study analyzed the responses from 670 people to a survey with 414 questions on cannabis use, including the conscious use of cannabis as a substitute for other, more addictive drugs. The study found 80 per cent use cannabis in place of prescription drugs, 52 per cent use pot in place of alcohol and 33 per cent substitute cannabis for illegal drugs. “We know alcohol to be the most criminogenic (likely to cause criminal behaviour) substance,” Lucas said. “A reduction of alcohol use from a public health point of view, can be a very positive result of the study.” Citing its potential to reduce such negative health effects as HIV and other diseases from needle sharing by cocaine and heroin users, Lucas said “science has long shown cannabis is not a gateway drug.” Monday’s Conservative defeat appears to have marked a turning point in the Canadian public’s relationship with pot. The party’s policy — to increase funding for enforcement, and “prioritize research on the link between substance abuse and mental health” — marked it as the only major party not advocating a loosening in marijuana laws. The NDP party platform is to decriminalize it, fund research into the effectiveness of medical marijuana and establish an independent commission to consult on the non-medical use of marijuana and guide Parliament on a regulatory regime.
Should marijuana remain illegal? Page 3
The Green Party plan is to legalize marijuana and allow small, independent growers, tax it like tobacco, establish licensed distribution outlets for medicinal or personal use and educate the public about the health threats of marijuana, tobacco, and other drug use and launch a public consultation on the decriminalization of illicit drugs. But the party platform that matters is that of the newly elected Liberals, who have promised to legalize and regulate marijuana for adults. While striking marijuana use and incidental possession from the Criminal Code, the party would create stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors, dive under the influence or sell it illegally. Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau has stated he hopes to have the legislation in place fairly quickly. “I can’t say whether it will happen in three months, but we have some bigger issues” said defeated Nanaimo-Ladysmith Liberal candidate Tim Tessier. “Our first priority and our first bill we’ll put forward is to reduce taxes to the middle class.” Darrell.Bellaart 250-729-4235 —WITH FILES FROM BLACK PRESS AND CP
Trio of local former MPs Mayor to join premier on trade trip to China will collect $260,000 SPENCER ANDERSON DAILY NEWS DARRELL BELLAART DAILY NEWS
The federal MP pension plan will pay out $260,000 annually in pensions to three outgoing mid-Island MPs. Most of that is from taxpayers. Jean Crowder and James Lunney are retiring, and John Duncan failed to win a seat. Each is now eligible for subsidized pensions. Crowder was first elected as the NDP member in the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding in 2004. After serving for just over 11 years, she qualifies for an annual pension of $56,693. That will add up to an estimated $2,014,974, by age 90, factoring in a two-per cent indexing for inflation. While an MP, she contributed $138,099 to the plan. James Lunney, an independent who was a Conservative until his views on evolution created conflicts with the party in April, represented the Nanaimo-Alberni riding for almost 15 years. He will get $71,318 annually, or $2,414,213 by age 90. His pension contributions total $166,126. John Duncan, Conservative,
was first elected in Vancouver Island North in 1992. The former cabinet minister gets $132,394 a year, for a possible payout of $4,047,380 by age 90. His pension contributions total $222,891. A total of 180 MPs who did not run for re-election or were defeated on election night will collect a projected $209 million in pensions over their lifetimes, and $11 million in severance payments. Pension reforms that take effect on Jan. 1 will see MPs and Senators paying more toward their own pensions. “Losing an election can be
tough, but most MPs will have a soft financial landing,” said Aaron Wudrick, Canadian Taxpayer Federation national director. For today’s retiring or defeated MPs, taxpayers contributed $17 for every $1 an MP contributes toward their pension plan. That ration will start to shrink Jan.1, until it reaches a target of $1.60 in taxpayer contributions for every $1 put in by an MP or Senator. Darrell.Bellaart@ 250-729-4235
Nanaimo Mayor Bill McKay and Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation chairman Andre Sullivan are heading to China next week on a trade mission, along with representatives from a handful of other B.C. municipalities. McKay confirmed the news Monday, revealing council had approved the trip aimed at promoting foreign investment in the city. The trip — set to run from Tuesday, Nov. 3 to Wednesday of the following week — coincides with the tail-end of a B.C. China Trade Mission led by Premier Christy Clark, who will join senior municipal officials from Nanaimo, Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Comox and Prince George for part of her journey. The itinerary will see municipal delegates travel to Shanghai and Shenzhen, two cities the city has sent delegates to in the past. McKay could not be reached by press time, but Sullivan said the trip was about cementing relationships with potential foreign investors and officials in the two cities. “I think we’ve got half a dozen invitations for meetings,” Sullivan said,
adding further arrangements were still being made. In addition to meeting with local city officials in China, “We’re also going to be meeting with some potential investment firms,” he said. Sullivan said Clark’s presence during the trip, as well as McKay’s, raises the profile of the journey and will make meetings with firms “easier,” though he hastened to downplay expectations, adding there won’t be “wet ink” on a new business deal upon his and McKay’s return home. “What we’re doing is we’re letting them know we’re interested in their investment dollars, we’d like to see them here,” said Sullivan. He stressed the importance of relationship-building in foreign business cultures. “There’s a potential for sending a much larger delegation, but we’re not ready for that,” he said. The NEDC and the city are paying for McKay and Sullivan to make the trip. Cost estimates were not available at press time.
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Where Italian Style meets
Nanaimo’s garbage collection team will be getting two new fully automated trucks, but plans to convert the entire fleet have been put on hold. [DAILY NEWS/FILE]
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City votes down move to fully automate garbage collection SPENCER ANDERSON DAILY NEWS
Nanaimo will partially automate its garbage truck fleet to address safety concerns for its staff, following a lengthy council debate on the subject Monday night. Council had been debating a staff recommendation to purchase a set of garbage trucks to replace its current fleet. The new trucks would have been capable of using lifts to pick up and empty curbside garbage, recycling and food waste bins and would have dramatically reduced the number of on-the-job injuries sustained by garbage truck crews, staff said. Making the move would have cost the city approximately $6.9 million, including the cost of the specially designed bins, but would have reduced injuries
and passed on cost savings to residents by 2023, city staff said. However, council voted in opposition to the full conversion Monday, instead opting to purchase two automated-lifting trucks to replace two older, standard models. Some councillors — including Jim Kipp, Bill Bestwick, Bill Yoachim, Jerry Hong and Gord Fuller — expressed concerns with committing the city to full fleet automation within three years, arguing more information was needed. They defeated a staff recommendation to proceed with the full fleet replacement program. Councillors Ian Thorpe, Diane Brennan, Wendy Pratt and Mayor Bill McKay supported the original recommendation, arguing it had been fully costed and detailed.
BUSINESS NOTES News from the mid-Island business community
Bayshore Restaurant under new ownership Robert Barron Reporting
he Bayshore Restaurant, located at 1240 Stewart Ave., has new owners. Trista Kuang and Jaclyn Deng just recently took over the restaurant, which has a magnificent view of the whole length of the Newcastle Island channel from its rooftop patio. Henry Li is the new manager of the restaurant. Li just graduated from the MBA program at Vancouver Island University and is excited to use his business training with Kuang’s extensive restaurant experience to make the restaurant a success. He said the Bayshore’s menu will continue to offer seafood, pasta and other specialities as in the past, but with some additions, including Asian fusion foods, in the near future. “We are also planning some renovations for our patio, including adding outdoor heaters for our customers in the colder months,” Li said.
Help for youngsters The SquareOne incubator centre for new technology companies is offering a hand to young entrepreneurs from Vancouver Island University. SquareOne, an initiative of the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation and Innovation Island, and VIU announced a new partnership in May offering a number of no-cost co-op desks to VIU students. Since then four students have taken advantage of the opportun-
Business partners Trista Kuang and Henry Li pictured in the Bayshore Restaurant and Patio. [AARON HINKS/DAILY NEWS]
ity, while a dozen more have made applications, says Kelsey Wolff, SquareOne manager. “We’re hoping to build more partnerships with students at VIU to use the space, getting the creators, innovators and educators in town together to support budding entrepreneurs and develop more opportunities,” she said.
Up for an award The Nanaimo-based VMAC is a finalist in The BC Manufacturing Hall of Fame Awards, hosted by the
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters organization. VMAC, which designs, manufactures and sells vehicle-mounted air compressors across the globe, was nominated for the award by the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce. Over the years, VMAC has received many other awards for excellence in manufacturing “We are truly humbled to be one of three finalists of all the excellent manufacturers in British Columbia,” said Jim Hogan, VMAC’s president. “Being nominated by our own
chamber of commerce is the icing on the cake. Our people work so hard to develop amazing air and multi-power systems, and serve our customers the best we possibly can. This recognition means a lot.” The winner of the award is expected to be announced this week.
Lowe’s applies for permit Home-improvement chain Lowe’s has applied to city council for a development permit to retrofit the empty Target Canada store in Nanaimo North Town Centre.
The North Carolina-based company announced it was taking over the former 125,000-sq. ft. Target store earlier this year after Target closed all its 132 stores across the country in February. The Nanaimo location had approximately 140 workers when it closed. Lowe’s has yet to announce an official opening date for its new Nanaimo store, but it’s expected sometime this spring. 250-729-4234
Eyebrows raised from snowbirds regarding government plan SPENCER ANDERSON DAILY NEWS
A proposed plan for by the federal government to clamp down on improper benefits paid out to ‘snowbirds’ and other Canadians abroad is raising a few eyebrows. Newly obtained memos obtained under freedom of information say the Canada Revenue Agency and Employment and Social Development Canada expect to save between about $194 million and $319 million over five years through a new border exit tracking system between Canada and the U.S. The system will be used to track exit and entry information of citizens from both countries crossing the border. As well, the Canadian government plans on requiring airlines to file passenger data for outbound flights. It will enable the federal government find savings by “preventing abuse and eligibility fraud” with respect to the employment insurance, old age security and child tax benefit
programs, the memos say. Specifically, there would be savings of $48 million by Employment and Social Development Canada for the old age security program; $21 million by Employment and Social Development Canada for the employment insurance program; and $125 million to $250 million by the Canada Revenue Agency for the child tax benefit program. For seniors who leave Canada for warmer holiday homes in the winter, the prospect of losing benefits is a serious one, said John Ruttan, former owner of Nanaimo Travel and Cruise as well as a former mayor of the city. He said seniors deserve a clear explanation of the residency requirements for old age pensions as well as other benefits like health care. Another consideration is a new federal administration led by Justin Trudeau, who “may have an entirely different view on how this should unfold,” Ruttan said. According to Service Canada, Can-
adians collecting old age security pensions living outside of the country must be over 65 and had been a Canadian citizen or a legal resident of Canada on the day before they left Canada. They must also have lived in Canada for at least 20 years previously. Frank Allen of Frank Allen Financial Group in Nanaimo admits news of the policy change is a “head scratcher.” “My understanding, and again, I’ve been in the business for 42 years, is there wasn’t a residency requirement for Old Age Security,” he said. He said it may be “another story” for child tax benefits, but said none of his clients, the majority of whom are in the 60-95 age bracket, would be affected. “I can’t think of a client of mine who spends more than 183 days in the U.S.,” he said, adding he was curious to know more about the federal tracking system. — WITH A FILE FROM CANADIAN PRESS
Canadian border guards are silhouetted as they replace each other at an inspection booth at the Douglas border crossing on the Canada-USA border. Snowbirds beware: The federal government will use its planned border exit-tracking system to avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in social benefits now going to people who shouldn’t receive them due to absences from Canada. [CP PHOTO]
New manager or not, council must learn to get along S aturday in this space, we pointed out that the resignation of Nanaimo city manager Ted Swabey could be a useful chance at a fresh start. Again, this is not a shot at Swabey, who left to become the top civil servant in Maple Ridge, but more a commentary on the unhealthy culture and seemingly toxic mix between council members, staff and each other. A fresh perspective, from someone not mired in the childish, melodramatic antics, would be useful. Now, we’re left to wonder if it will ever stop, new manager or not. Allow us to repeat ourselves here: every organization is composed of people who disagree with each other. Many are made up of people whose disagreements cross the line into dislike. But successful organizations are
Information about us Nanaimo Daily News is published by Black Press Ltd., B1, 2575 McCullough Rd., Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 5W5. The Daily News and its predecessor the Daily Free Press have been serving Nanaimo and area since 1874. Publisher: Andrea Rosato-Taylor 250-729-4248 Managing Editor: Philip Wolf 250-729-4240 Manager of reader sales & service: Wendy King 250-729-4260 The Daily News is a member of the B.C. Press Council.
Editorial comment The editorials that appear as ‘Our View’ represent the stance of the Nanaimo Daily News. They are unsigned because they do not necessarily represent the personal views of the writers. If you have comment regarding our position, we invite you to submit a letter to the editor. To discuss the editorial policies of the newspaper, please contact Managing Editor Philip Wolf.
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able to put those disagreements aside in order to take care of business. Nanaimo council continues to give us pause to consider whether they are able to collectively take care of the city’s business. Even the departure of Swabey and fellow senior official Ian Howat (headed to Colwood) highlighted the split between council members. Swabey cryptically hinted at the toxicity when he said “ I think my values are more aligned with what I would see in that community than I would here.” Councillors lined up in their familiar groupings. Some pleased with a chance to shake things up, others not so much. “I think it’s a tragedy for our city that we’ve lost such good people,” said Coun. Wendy Pratt.
A tragedy is what happened in Tofino over the weekend, where people lost their lives in a boating accident. Professionals choosing to take other jobs because a group of leaders can’t get along with each other is merely an annoyance. It’s time for these leaders to learn to play nice. All of them. In the aftermath of the resignations, mayor Bill McKay’s Facebook account offered this: “Mr. Swabey has been begging council for months to stop attacking staff and treat them with a level of respect and professionalism. That hasn’t happened, nor do I believe it will with this or any other city manager.” Not exactly comforting to the taxpayers, is it? He continued: “Some members
of council simply aren’t wired that way.” In another post, he said: “don’t you see that it’s not the staff that is polarizing, it’s council. Some of the antics of some of our council are absolutely UNBELIEVABLE!” What’s unbelievable is that this type of behaviour (in fairness, more than one council members engages in the trading of comments online) continues unabated, on all sides. We certainly don’t want councillors treating staff members with disrespect. We also don’t want them exchanging barbs in public. We were so optimistic a year ago when voters elected a number of new faces to council. We remain optimistic the mix can work for the benefit of the city and said voters, but it gets harder
to maintain that outlook with each passing day. We want differing views on council. That’s a significant part of what makes our democracy works. But the ongoing pettiness simply does a disservice to everyone. No individual is to blame here, this is a collective boondoggle and a collective lack of leadership. Once again, we want a team that hammers out policy through constructive (and civil) debate, and then puts its differences aside to implement policy together, even if it doesn’t necessarily provide them with personal satisfaction. Get your house in order. » We want to hear from you. Send comments on this editorial to
» YOUR LETTERS // EMAIL: YOURLETTERS@NANAIMODAILYNEWS.COM Praise for Swabey in role as city manager I was recently asked by your newspaper to comment on the departure of our city manager. I said many good things about Mr. Swabey but the only part that got into the article was that I thought it was a tragedy for our city, and that “we wouldn’t be making the same mistake again” by hiring a manager from within. That statement, as it stood in the article, gave the impression that I felt that hiring from within, or hiring Mr. Swabey as city manager, was a mistake and nothing could be further from the truth. It is not my place to comment on why Mr. Swabey left the organization, but I certainly can say that I feel it is a huge loss for our community. Mr. Swabey has always, in my experience, been extremely professional and strong in his position as city manager. He is passionate about this community and he went above and beyond in his quest to assist council in moving us forward in a positive way. This was, at times, very challenging. There are also a great many meanspirited comments circulating both by email and on certain websites that Mr. Swabey was not well-liked by his staff and I can, from experience, state that nothing could be further from the truth. Mr. Swabey supported his staff and worked well with them and I have nothing but admiration for the team he put together to assist him in the day to day operations. Lucky Maple Ridge! They have hired a stellar employee who will no doubt inspire them and lead them in a very positive way as they move forward. Sadly, Nanaimo is on the losing end of this deal. Wendy Pratt Nanaimo
No need to name an airport after Harper Why would we name an airport after Harper? Every stop sign in Canada already bears his name. Grant Maxwell Nanaimo
Nice to see so many cheerful folks again It’s nice to see so many cheerful people again after 10 years of oppression. Many tell me that they feel as if they had just been released from bondage. There is a new exuberance showing up in people everywhere. Let’s enjoy it while we can. Since money has become the supreme power that controls the destiny of mankind, the people with
that power will soon find enough crooked politicians to put them back in full control again. In our world, it is becoming extremely difficult for an honest man to make a living. Corporate systems appear to have no use for them at all, and seem to gravitate towards those who have little or no moral or ethical standards. It’s no secret that corporate systems back the politicians who promise to do so many good things, but have no intention of keeping those promises. Obviously keeping those promises would be far less profitable for the powers that be. Not only politicians, but the business world in general. We are bombarded with signs proclaiming to have a special sale on every day of the year, with up to 80% off the “suggested retail price”. And what about the increasing number of scammers phoning us
from all over the world trying to con us out of our money every which way possible? I trust Justin Trudeau to be honest until he proves otherwise. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Christy Clark is still busy as always, trying to convince us that she is indeed cut from the same cloth as Stephen Harper and company. The way to go Christy; keep up the good work, perhaps you’re next. John A. Martin Nanaimo Letters must include your hometown and a daytime phone number for verification purposes only. Letters must include your first name (or two initials) and last name. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, taste, legality and for length. Unsigned letters and letters of more than 300 words will not be accepted. Email to:
Community mailbox conversion on hold DARRELL BELLAART DAILY NEWS
Some people with mobility issues will want to thank the new government, if it lives up to a promise to reverse a plan to scrap home mail delivery in favour of community mailboxes, says an advocacy group spokesman. Some homeowners oppose the switch to community mailboxes because they fear mail theft. Others, including seniors, have
accessibility concerns. Canada Post has put plans on hold to replace front-door mail delivery with community mailboxes for hundreds of thousands of households. The Crown corporation announced Monday it is “temporarily suspending” the deployment, pending discussions with the incoming Liberal government on how to determine “the best path forward given the ongoing challenges faced by the Canadian postal system.”
Any delay holds promise for seniors with mobility issues, says a member of the Nanaimo Citizen Advocacy Association. “I just came from a home visit with a group of disabled people who spent a bunch of money on scooters to access their mail, so it’s a big issue for those guys,” said the NCAA’s Bob Coulter. Anne Gougeon, a Nanaimo senior, said she has long been against the move to community mailboxes
because she worries about identity theft. “I get things like my bank statements and things about my mortgage and all kinds of other stuff (delivered), so to lose items from my mail would not be good,” Gougeon said. In the election, the Liberals ran on a promise to study and potentially reverse the shift away from home delivery. Canada Post said 460,000 addresses across the country are in the process
of being converted to community mail boxes and all conversions scheduled for November, December or 2016 will be put on hold. Community mailboxes have been the target of criminals and conversion has been fought by the union representing postal employees. Darrell.Bellaart@ 250-729-4235 — WITH A FILE FROM BLACK PRESS
Syrian refugee family’s search Children at higher risk for safety brings them to Island than elsewhere in B.C. SCOTT STANFIELD COMOX VALLEY RECORD
The crisis in Syria had reached a point where Yasser Darwish no longer felt safe at home or at work, prompting him to flee his home country last November with his wife and two young daughters. The family stopped in Algeria for the better part of a year before arriving in the Comox Valley this month. “Missiles were falling in our neighbourhoods,” Darwish said of his home city of Homs. Just a week after fleeing Syria, missiles fell just 40 metres from his house, breaking all the windows. “Car bombs exploded also in our neighbourhood. It was crazy. Many civilians were killed in those accidents.” Conditions were no better at the Petro-Canada natural gas refinery where he worked with Valley resident Darren Mulgrew. The oil fields had become a target of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). “They start to attack our fields by tanks,” Darwish said. “There were a lot of bad accidents. One of them at the site where I was had a big attack…All our staff who was working there were killed. Most of them were my close friends, and also Darren knew a lot of them. This was terrible. This accident occurred July, 2014.” By this time, Petro-Canada had pulled the plug on its operation. Though back in Canada, Mulgrew had kept in touch with Darwish, who would approach his friend for help. “Things slowly started to deteriorate there,” said Mulgrew, who now works for a different company in northern Iraq. “We left in December, 2011.” Civil war and conflict between the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Syrian opposition forces and ISIS has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. More than half of Syria’s residents have fled their homes, but only about a third have escaped the country. About eight million people are displaced in Syria. Mulgrew and his wife Caron head the Comox Valley Syrian Refugee Support Committee, which had supported Darwish and his family for 10
Community organizations and the Vancouver Island Health Authority are concerned about several indicators that point to children in Ladysmith and the Cowichan Valley being at higher risk then kids elsewhere on the Island and in BC. “I’ve spoken at several events with regards to some of these issues,” said Dr. Paul Hasselback, medical health officer with VIHA. “Clearly there’s a concern with overall health of children in Ladysmith.” He was responding to requests for information from the Chronicle about four measures, which have come into the newsroom in the last five months, that indicate children here may be facing greater health and social challenges than elsewhere: • An Early Development Index, which measures five indicators of children’s readiness to enter elementary school, places Ladysmith children in the 40 per cent range, when it comes to the likelihood of them encountering problems as they move through the school system; • Child Poverty Rates, provided by the FirstCall BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition, point to the former Nanaimo-Cowichan federal riding as having the highest percentage of children living in poverty in B.C. at 28.2 per cent. (Hasselback questioned that figure – see farther into the story); • VIHA’s own monitoring indicates children in Ladysmith are 62 per cent more likely to be admitted to hospital due to respiratory ailments than children elsewhere in B.C.; for the Cowichan Valley that figure jumps to 70 per cent (Hasselback said the Ladysmith figures were skewed, and should be adjusted to a 50 per cent higher rate over the last 10 years); • Immunization rates against various diseases are significantly lower for children in the Central Island, including Ladysmith, compared to other areas of Vancouver Island and most of BC. For example, 68 per cent of children in the Central Island are immunized against the Polio virus – the provincial rate is 75 per cent; the South and North Island 77 per cent. Perhaps the most worrisome and
Yasser Darwish holds daughter Jawa, while his wife, Waad Omran, is holding their other daughter, Lamar.
months in Algeria before they were cleared to come to Canada. Formed through Christ the King Parish, the committee operates through the Roman Catholic Diocese of Vancouver. Darwish — who lives in Comox with his wife, Waad Omran, and daughters Jawa and Lamar — could not claim refugee status while still in Syria. His options were limited, Mulgrew said. Turkey was out, and the Lebanese border was closed. In Jordan, the family would have lived in a camp in rough conditions. So the Mulgrews decided to fly them to Algeria, where they could land without a Visa. “It was cheap to live,” Darren said. “Everything worked out that we could continue his refugee claim from there.” The group is committed to supporting the family in Comox for a year, as per sponsorship regulations. Through used jewelry sales, a lobster boil, donations and other initiatives, the committee has exceeded its $40,000 target. “This is a private sponsorship. There’s only 92 sponsorship agreement holders across Canada that have been pre-approved,” said committee member Val Macdonald, noting Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau has committed to bringing in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year. Former prime minister
Stephen Harper had planned to bring in 10,000 people. “It remains to be seen whether the Liberal government will put more money into it and sponsor more government refugees.” Macdonald has provided a temporary home before the family moves into a condo in November. Their new digs will contain donated furniture and household goods. “It’s been fantastic. The Comox Valley is very generous,” said Caron Mulgrew, who acknowledges eye doctor Elaine Kerr for offering services and donating a new pair of glasses to Yasser. Trail Bicycles in Courtenay has also donated four bikes to the family. Four-year-old Jawa and one-yearold Lamar are already attending the StrongStart program at Brooklyn Elementary. Yasser is amazed the service is free of charge. “We are very, very thankful,” he said. “Without very great support, we would not be in this safe country. I am very thankful for the support committee — for all people in the community here, because some people who don’t know me, and when they know that I am a newcomer, especially as Syrian, I see love in the eyes of everybody here.” The committee hopes to bring over another Syrian family from Homs within the year. The head of that family was a co-worker of Yasser’s.
“It would be good to see those numbers come down.” Dr. Paul Hasselback, medical health officer
puzzling of the indicators is the Early Development Index. While the FirstCall analysis concludes the Cowichan Valley is part of a former federal riding that had the highest measured child poverty rate in BC, that is not corroborated by VIHA’s figures, which put Ladysmith only slightly higher than the national and provincial rates. The question then becomes: Why is Ladysmith’s EDI, which is usually associated with high poverty rates, more single parent families and other equity issues, the second highest on Vancouver Island? “That is a puzzle we’d like to have an answer to,” Hasselback said. So would Ladysmith’s Early Years Table, a local group of service providers and agencies, which has been considering the issue. “It would be good to see those numbers come down,” Hasselback said. As for poverty, even if Ladysmith is closer to the national and provincial averages, is that good enough? “No matter how you cut and paste this, one in five children under the age of six is living in poverty,” Hasselback said. “That’s not acceptable.” As for the immunization rates, he said that is a long-standing problem in the Central Island health area. “We certainly know that our immunization rates are lower here on the Central Island, and it’s been like that for some time.” The anomaly is attributed to a portion of the Central Island’s population that “hasn’t fully embraced the idea of immunization,” Hasselback said, pointing out that as carriers children who have not been immunized present a risk to other children and adults in the community. Although the indicators cannot be connected in terms of their causes or impacts on children, Hasselback said they do suggest Ladysmith needs to place an emphasis on children when it comes to social well-being and health care.
Dogpatch residents want meeting before eviction CRAIG SPENCE LADYSMITH CHRONICLE
Live-aboard residents of Ladysmith’s controversial Dogpatch community are asking the town to sit down and talk before following through with a threatened mass eviction. On Oct. 8 Ladysmith’s bylaw enforcement officer distributed notifications to boat owners moored in water lot 651, between Slack Point and the Ladysmith Community Marina that they are in contravention of Bylaw 1860, which limits stays to seven days. “In order to avoid further enforcement action you are requested to
remove your boat and any unauthorized float, dock or mooring buoy from this area by Nov. 15,� the notice states. If not, the town “may take further enforcement action, including removal of any unauthorized boat after Nov. 15.� The “Ladysmith Harbour Community� has responded with a request for a meeting. “The group is promoting our current and future use of the anchorage in a safe responsible, respectful, environmentally friendly and equitable manner,� says LHC Chairperson Daniel Inkersell in a letter delivered to Ladysmith municipal hall Oct. 15.
“Members of the group have had the benefits of safe moorage within this Lot 651 for the past 25 years. The group wishes to express a common ground and understanding of the issues at hand and the interest in addressing and correcting these problems.� It isn’t clear what the municipality’s next move will be if boat owners in Dogpatch do not obey the notification. Ladysmith Mayor Aaron Stone said shortly after the notices were delivered that the liveaboards would have to move on. “After that we will look at whatever options are open to us,� he said.
Noting that several boats have sunk in DL 651, including two that burned and sank in what the RCMP consider suspicious circumstances, Stone said, “We had some dangerous incidents down there, and we cannot do nothing.� Of major concern is the Viki Lyne II, a derelict fishing trawler that has 13,000 litres of heavy oil on board and has been cited a serious environmental risk and in immanent danger of sinking by the Canadian Coast Guard. The LHC says Dogpatch residents have a greater interest than anyone else in maintaining the harbour, and ensuring safety.
Pointing out that Ladysmith Harbour affords shelter from prevailing south-east winds, which can whip up the Strait of Georgia at 200 km/h in winter gales, he said safe haven is a matter of life-and-death. “Without this protection the majority of vessels will surely be presented with extreme hardship, and a high chance of sinking to the bottom of the ocean,â€? Inkersell said. Âť We want to hear from you. Send comments on this story to Letters must include daytime phone number and hometown.
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Crowded deck, wave tipped boat Preliminary investigation finds most passengers, crew were on vessel’s top deck, raising its centre of gravity DIRK MEISSNER THE CANADIAN PRESS
TOFINO — Sightseeing passengers crowded the top deck of a whale-watching vessel when it was hit by a wave and then rolled, sending 27 people into the water off Vancouver Island’s west coast, an investigator said. On Tuesday, Marc-Andre Poisson, the director of marine investigations with the Transportation Safety Board, released preliminary results of Sunday’s accident that claimed five lives. One passenger is still missing. “We know that most passengers and crew were on the top deck on the port side . . . this would have raised the centre of gravity, affecting the vessel’s stability,” he said during a news conference. “We also know that the sea conditions were such that the wave approached the vessel from the starboard quarter,” he said. “We know the vessel broached and then capsized.” All five people who died were British nationals. The missing man is from Australia.
The bow of the Leviathan II is seen near Vargas Island Tuesday, as it waits to be towed into Tofino for inspection. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
Rupert Potter, the British consul general based in Vancouver, said earlier in the day the deaths are a tragedy that is resonating around the world. “It has clearly deeply affected those involved,” he said. “It’s affected the community here in Tofino and it’s affected people back in the U.K.” Potter shook hands with B.C. Pre-
mier Christy Clark and expressed his thanks for the support he and the victims’ families have been receiving. Potter said while he has been in Tofino he has met with the relatives of those who died. “Our focus is of course the families who have been affected and to provide whatever support we can to help them through this process,” he said.
Whale watching firm devastated by Sunday’s Leviathan II tragedy ANDREW BAILEY TOFINO-UCLUELET WESTERLY NEWS
Jamie’s Whaling Station held a press conference Monday afternoon to speak to Sunday’s tragic whale watching disaster that killed at least five of the 27 people on board the Leviathan II with one passenger still unaccounted for. “As I’m sure you can appreciate we’re still just beginning to get the details from what has occurred yesterday and our first priority is doing everything we can to assist our passengers, crew and the families of those of who have been impacted by this tragic incident,” said the company’s general manager, Corene Inouye. “The safety and security of our passengers is our main concern and we are absolutely devastated by what took place on the water yesterday . . . This is a tragic accident and our thoughts and prayers go out to our passengers, crew and everyone impacted.” She said the cause for the disaster is not yet known but the Transportation Safety Board of Canada is investigating and Jamie’s staff will assist in any way it can. She said the Leviathan II was operating normally prior to its departure
“Traumatized would be an appropriate word. I think the whole community has experienced the same.” Jamie Bray, Whale watching firm owner
on Sunday and was nearing the end of a regularly scheduled stop at Plover Reef when disaster struck. “To the best of our knowledge there was no distress call. From what we know at this stage it appears the incident happened so quickly the crew didn’t have an opportunity to send out a mayday,” she said. Flares deployed by the crew were seen by boaters who raced to help. “Local First Nations fishermen were the first to see (the flares) and rushed to the scene to come to the assistance of our passengers and crew,” she said. Inouye said the vessel’s skipper has more than 20 years of local whale watching experience and the two other crewmembers have five and three years experience. “All are licensed by Transport Canada and go through rigorous training as well as biweekly safety drills and exercises,” she said.
She said the company is devastated by what occurred. “I want to conclude by giving our most heartfelt thanks to the entire community for their efforts, those on water, those on land, and the people who opened their hearts and homes to feed and clothe those in needs,” she said. Company owner Jamie Bray was asked how he was feeling. “Traumatized would be an appropriate word,” he responded. “I think the whole community has experienced the same emotions . . . We’re all traumatized.” He noted the Leviathan II has completed the same route twice a day for 20 years without incident. “This is an area that the boat goes to everyday,” he said. “The crew is very well trained . . . We just don’t understand.” He said the vessel carries about 50 adult-sized life jackets and 20 children’s life jackets but that these are not always worn during the Leviathan II’s excursions. “Transport Canada advises not to wear a lifejacket on a vessel with enclosed compartments. In the event of a sinking it would be very difficult to exit a vessel when you’re being held up onto the ceiling or the deck with a lifejacket on,” he said.
“The bravery and courage they have shown through what is a difficult time, I find deeply moving.” Clark said she was horrified and heartbroken when she heard about the capsized boat but she’s proud of the way British Columbians came together to help. “The Ahousaht First Nation, the people of Tofino, the people who know this coast so well, when there was a crisis, when there were lives at risk, people stepped up and stepped in and saved lives,” Clark said, as she thanked the community. The BC Coroners Service has identified all five of the victims, including David Thomas, 50, and his 18 yearold son Stephen, who were visiting from the U.K. The family’s church released a statement Tuesday. “It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of two active members of the Gateway community,” said Gateway Church Swindon in Wiltshire, U.K. The church said Thomas’s wife, Julie, was rescued and is in hospital with minor injuries. Thomas was a managing architect
with Microsoft United Kingdom. Michael Van der Bel, head of Microsoft U.K., said in a statement that the company is shocked and saddened by the deaths. “Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with their family, friends and David’s colleagues and we will be doing everything we can to support them.” Britain’s Telegraph newspaper said Stephen Thomas, who had Down syndrome, died two weeks shy of his 19th birthday. The teen was a talented photographer who won a national competition last year for a photo he took in Alberta’s Banff National Park, said Carol Boys, CEO of the Down’s Syndrome Association in Britain. Another victim was Jack Slater, 76, a British national living in Toronto. His daughter, Michele Slater Brown of Milton, Ont., posted a message on Facebook saying she was notified about her father’s death “in the wee hours this morning,” and called him “larger than life, a charmer, handsome, entrepreneur, engineer in the navy . . . and a lovely dad.”
Negligent driver blamed for role in fatal boat crash A speedboat operator’s erratic driving caused a crash that killed a houseboat driver, a British Columbia judge has ruled. Leon Reinbrecht was found guilty Tuesday of one count each of criminal negligence causing death and criminal negligence causing bodily harm. He was charged following a crash on Shuswap Lake on July 3, 2010, when his speedboat collided with a houseboat, killing Ken Brown. Reinbrecht was riding with two young passengers — his teenage son and his son’s girlfriend — following a fireworks display on Magna Bay. Multiple witnesses testified about seeing a speedboat being driven erratically on the busy lake in the moments leading up to the crash, which followed a post-Canada Day fireworks display. Defence lawyers repeatedly focused their questioning on whether the houseboat was properly lit. “Mr. Reinbrecht’s conduct in taking two young passengers for a joyride in the location, condition and circumstances of that night was inherently very dangerous,” B.C. Supreme Court Justice Sheri Donegan said in her decision. “In my opinion, it can properly be characterized as highly reckless conduct which clearly carries with
it a reasonably foreseeable risk of immediate and substantial harm.”
Another new baby whale added to pod Scientists say a new calf has joined an endangered killer whale population off British Columbia’s coast. The Washington state-based Center for Whale Research says the baby dubbed J53 was spotted early Saturday in Haro Strait. Researchers from the centre later photographed the newborn in the Strait of Juan de Fuca as it frolicked with a 38-year-old female called J17, the presumed mother. The centre says the same whale was seen on Oct. 15 without a calf, so the baby was about 10 days old when it was first seen on the weekend. Senior scientist Kenneth Balcomb says the orca has had three other offspring. Two were females — J28, born in 1993, and J35, who came along in 1998 — and J44, a son, which was born in 2009. Balcomb, of the San Juan Islandsbased centre, said there are 82 southern killer whales and scientists want to see the number rise to 120. » We want to hear from you. Send comments on this story to Letters must include daytime phone number and hometown.
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Recently I had family visiting and they have just informed me that they are being treated for scabies. Should I be worried? What should I do? Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by a tiny mite that burrows into the top layer of the skin and lays eggs. Scabies is contagious and can spread quickly through close physical contact in a family, child care group, school class or nursing home. Having skin-to- skin contact, or the sharing of towels, bedding, or sleeping bags with a person who has scabies can lead to infection. Scabies can cause an itchy rash that is most often on the wrists, in the creases of the elbows and/or David Duncan knees, between the fingers, breasts, genitals and buttocks. The rash B.SC. (Pharm) R.P.E.B.C. might be tiny red bumps, small blisters, white lines or look like scratch Pharmacist/ marks. The itching often gets worse when the body is warm (e.g. after a Manager warm bath or at night when you’re covered with blankets). It can take weeks before you have symptoms and thus scabies can spread from person to person before the rash or itching starts. Scabies is readily treated and your pharmacist can recommend a suitable product. Medications applied to your skin kill the mites that cause scabies and their eggs, although you may still experience some itching for several weeks after treatment. Because scabies spreads so easily it is usually recommended that all household members and other close contacts, even if they show no signs of scabies infestation be treated. You should also wash all clothes, towels, and bedding used during treatment and any unwashed items 2 to 3 days before treatment. Wash all items in hot water and put them in a dryer for at least 20 minutes on the hottest setting. If any items can’t be washed, have them dry-cleaned or loosely pack them in a sealed plastic bag for 2 weeks. You should also vacuum rugs and furniture. If the condition worsens, if itching continues beyond a few weeks, or if you develop a skin infection see your doctor.
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Court challenge seeks to block pipeline plan THE CANADIAN PRESS
VANCOUVER — A First Nation in North Vancouver has mounted a legal challenge that it says could send the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion “back to the drawing board” if successful. Lawyers for the Tsleil-Waututh Nation are asking the Federal Court of Appeal to stop the National Energy Board’s review of the $5.4-billion project, which they say began without their client being consulted by the federal government. “What we’ve asked the court to do is to recognize the flaws in the
starting of the process, the process itself, the legal errors that the NEB has made and, really, to stop the process and send it back to the drawing board,” said Eugene Kung, staff counsel with West Coast Environmental Law. The Trans Mountain pipeline currently ships 300,000 barrels a day of petroleum products from Alberta to the West Coast. Its owner, Kinder Morgan, aims to nearly triple its capacity, enabling oilsands crude to be shipped by tanker to Asia. The Tsleil-Waututh are among various groups opposed to the project, citing environmental and public
health risks and little benefit to the economy. Rueben George, project manager with the Tsleil-Waututh’s Sacred Trust Initiative, said the outgoing Conservative government created a “catastrophic mess” with changes it made to environmental oversight and he’s optimistic things will change under the new Liberal majority government. Many critics have slammed the regulatory review process for being skewed in favour of industry and for not taking into account the pipeline’s role in enabling more oilsands development — and the increased
carbon emissions that would result. The NEB postponed hearings in August after striking economic evidence prepared by a consultant who was to begin working for the regulator starting this month. Steven Kelly won’t be involved in the Trans Mountain assessment, but the NEB nonetheless said it wanted to ensure no questions were raised about the review’s integrity. Kinder Morgan has said the project underwent “unprecedented” scrutiny inside and outside the formal review process and would add $18 billion to Canada’s gross domestic product over 20 years.
“Trans Mountain deeply respects aboriginal rights and title in Canada and we acknowledge the Crown’s responsibility to consult with representatives of the First Nations. For more than three years we have been engaging in meaningful consultation and to date Trans Mountain has consulted with approximately 133 Aboriginal and First Nations Groups,” the company said in a statement. “Like the Tsleil-Waututh, Trans Mountain appreciates the need for a healthy Salish Sea, and we are committed to safe and environmentally responsible operations.”
Greater Vancouver Zoo confirms Province about lock up municipal treasure chest Vancouver man as new owner LANGLEY ADVANCE
The Greater Vancouver Zoo has a new owner, an entrepreneur who started out teaching English. The zoo made the announcement late Monday, noting that the news has been making its way through the grapevine. “We are extremely pleased to announce that we have a new owner and he is very keen to execute some big changes that we have all wanted and needed for many years,” said manager Jody Henderson. The new owner is originally from China but has lived in Vancouver for a decade. “Many years ago he began his career as an English teacher but for several years now, he has been a successful entrepreneur with a passion for creating interesting and exciting places for people to have fun,” she said. No name has been released but the first task was hiring an expert in zoos and animals. The firm Bernard Harrison & Friends was on site last summer and will return as the consulting company develops a 20-year master plan for the whole facility. The zoo also announced recent animal births, including three squirrel monkeys and two maras (a burrowing, hare-like animal native to South America). The zoo started as the Vancouver Game Farm in 1970.
The Wild West days of unlimited spending in municipal election campaigns are about to end. The province is proposing election spending limits on civic government, a move which is hoped to level the playing field in local politics. The proposed spending limits are tallied on a per-capita basis and will be in effect for the 2018 civic election. The permitted spending amounts vary by the size of each municipality according to a population-based formula. It works out to $10,000 for mayoral candidates in cities of up to 10,000 people, rising to $89,250 for a population of 150,000, and reaching $149,250 for a city of 250,000. An extra 15 cents per capita is added after 250,000 for the biggest cities. Spending by councillors, regional district directors and school trustees would be capped at half the limit of mayors in their areas. Based on Surrey’s population, the limit would be $96,366 for a city councillor and $188,750 for mayor. If in place for last year’s civic election, the rules would have imposed a cap on spending for all eight Surrey First councillors and mayor to $957,678. It would have sliced about $250,000 from the spending by Surrey First in 2014, a coalition which spent $1.2 million winning all seats on council.
A baby squirrel monkey is among the new arrivals at the Greater Vancouver Zoo. [LANGLEY ADVANCE]
Mayor Linda Hepner told The Leader Friday she’s comfortable with the proposed spending limits. She described last year’s election as a “bit of an anomaly” as it was so hotly contested. “In my 30 years experience… it cost a little more than an ordinary general election,” Hepner said. “This last election was an expensive go-round.” The Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, Peter Fassbender, said in a release Thursday the spending cap would increase with the cost of inflation. “I think they’ve got this right,” said Dermod Travis, executive director for Integrity B.C., adding the sliding scale of the formula reflects the different needs of small and large communities. “It’s unfortunate the other half of the equation is not being tackled at the same time, which would be donations. But I think they’ve found a good middle for where those caps should be on expenses.” If the cap had been in place for last year’s election, mayoral candidate Barinder Rasode would have overspent by $123,917. She said in an interview that due to sign damage and other incidentals, her group, One Surrey, spent more than it intended. Nonetheless, Rasode said she welcomes the provincial move to cap election expenses. “I think it’s really important.”
AVALON CINEMA Woodgrove Centre, Nanaimo
Band to appeal ski resort decision NELSON STAR
The Ktunaxa Nation will try to challenge Jumbo Glacier Resort in the Supreme Court of Canada. It is seeking leave to appeal an Aug. 6 BC Court of Appeal decision that found B.C.’s approval of a master development agreement for the resort did not violate its Charter right to freedom of religion.
“Our appeal addresses whether our freedom of religion right is the same as other Canadians or whether we are still second class citizens,” said Kathryn Teneese, Ktunaxa Nation Council chair. “Previous courts have told us that our spiritual practices and beliefs, vital to who we are as Ktunaxa, matter less than a ski hill, and we cannot allow these decisions to stand.”
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THE INTERN (PG): 1:10 4:20 7:20 10:00 NO 1:10 4:20 7:20 SUN 25TH; NO 7:20 MON 26TH HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 2D (G): 1:00 3:15 7:00 9:15 THE MARTIAN 2D (PG): 12:20 4:05 6:30 THE MARTIAN 3D (PG): 12:40 3:45 6:50 9:30 HYENA ROAD (14A): 9:35 ROCK THE KASBAH (PG): 12:30 3:00 7:15 9:50 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY GHOST DIMESNION 3D (14A):1:30 7:30 10:00 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY GHOST DIMENSION 2D (14A): 3:25 STEVE JOBS (PG): 12:50 3:35 7:05 9:55 JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS (G): 1:15 4:00 6:40 9:55
PAN (PG)FRI-SAT 4:15; SUN,TUE 4:05 PAN 3D (PG) FRI 7:00; SAT 1:30, 7:00; SUN 1:15, 6:50, 9:45; MON-THURS 6:50 EVEREST 3D (PG)FRI 4:20, 7:10, 9:55; SAT 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 9:55; SUN 1:45, 4:10, 7:00, 9:30; MON,WED-THURS 7:00, 9:30; TUE 4:10, 7:00, 9:30 CRIMSON PEAK (14A) FRI 4:30, 7:20, 10:10; SAT 1:50, 4:30, 7:20, 10:10; SUN 12:45, 4:20, 7:10, 10:00; MON,WED-THURS 7:10, 10:00; TUE 4:20, 7:10, 10:00 GOOSEBUMPS (PG) FRI-SAT 4:55; SUN,TUE 4:35 GOOSEBUMPS 3D (PG) FRI 7:30, 10:00; SAT 11:50, 2:20, 7:30, 10:00; SUN 1:30, 7:20, 9:50; MON-THURS 7:20, 9:50 BRIDGE OF SPIES (PG) FRI 3:35, 6:50, 9:30; SAT 12:30, 3:35, 6:50, 9:30; SUN 1:10, 3:30, 6:40, 9:10; MON,THURS 6:40, 9:20; TUE 3:30, 6:40, 9:20; WED 6:40, 9:35 BLACK MASS (14A) FRI-SAT 9:45; SUN-THURS 9:55 MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH TRIALS (PG) FRI 4:10, 7:20, 9:55; SAT 1:10, 4:10, 7:20, 9:55; SUN 1:00, 4:00, 7:05, 9:30; MON,WED-THURS 7:05, 9:45; TUE 4:00, 7:05, 9:45 THE LAST WITCH HUNTER FRI 5:05, 7:40, 10:15; SAT 12:00, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, 10:15; SUN 2:00, 4:35, 7:15; MON,WED-THURS 7:15, 9:50; TUE 4:35, 7:15, 9:50 SICARIO (14A) FRI 3:50, 6:40, 10:15; SAT 6:40, 10:15; SUN,WED 10:00; MON,THURS 6:30, 10:00; TUE 3:40, 6:30, 10:00 NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE: THE BEAUX’ STRATAGEM -- ENCORE SAT 12:55 HOP (G) SAT 9:45 PITCH PERFECT (PG)SAT 9:30 BACK TO THE FUTURE SUN 12:30 DUMB AND DUMBER TO (PG) SAT 10:00 BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II SUN 2:40 FAST & FURIOUS 6 (14A) SAT 9:00 BACK TO THE FUTURE PART III SUN 4:45 DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX (G) SAT 10:15 DESPICABLE ME 2 (G)SAT 9:15 MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON WED 7:00
NEWS IN BRIEF The Canadian Press ◆ OTTAWA
Canada 150 celebrations focus on aboriginals Newly disclosed documents show federal officials wanted to mark key contributions by aboriginal people and women to Canadian history as a way to expand Canada 150 celebrations that had largely focused on military history. A list of potential milestones that could be marked on the road to 2017 was delivered to the top official at Canadian Heritage in mid-March and included 17 pages of lists and details for potential commemorations leading up to, and beyond, Canada’s 150th birthday. The list includes the births of key aboriginal people, the centennial of when women received the right to vote in federal elections, and legislation almost 200 years old that ended slavery in Canada. University of Guelph history professor Matthew Hayday says the list glosses over much of Quebec’s contributions to Canada and Confederation, while celebrating aboriginals who challenged government programs of assimilation. Canadian Heritage declined an interview request about how the milestones were chosen.
◆ EDMONTON Canadian airlines over the summer exposed what one airport executive believed were shortcomings in how the industry and federal government share information about threats, newly released documents show. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
American airports feeling the sting of low Canadian dollar Canadians heading south of the border at rates 26 per cent lower than last year ROSS MAROWITS THE CANADIAN PRESS
MONTREAL — The weak Canadian dollar isn’t just hurting cross-border shopping. U.S. airports that enjoyed a surge in the number of Canadian passenger levels when the loonie was valued higher than the American dollar are now seeing the flip side of currency swings. Low ticket prices drew about 5 million Canadians annually in recent years to fly out of U.S. airports. But the Burlington International Airport in Vermont estimates the number of Montreal passengers is down about 10 per cent so far this year. Gene Richards, the airport’s aviation director, said he’s surprised the drop-off hasn’t been greater, adding convenience and the lure of lower taxes may be limiting the currency impact. “I think we’re all challenged a little bit . . . (but) we certainly look forward to the day when things turn back and it’s a better deal for Canadians.”
The number of Canadians travelling south fell by five per cent again in August, marking the 11th monthly decrease in a year. Stateside travelling is 26 per cent lower than a year ago, according to Statistics Canada. Same-day car trips are off 34 per cent while total car trips are down 24 per cent. Bellingham International Airport in Washington State said it experienced a 25 per cent decrease in Canadian airline passengers in September as fewer people cross the border from British Columbia. “We believe the decline in the Canadian dollar has a direct impact on the number of people travelling through the airport,” said aviation director Mark Leutwiler. However, he expects demand will pick up when Alaska Airlines begins direct flights Nov. 1 to Hawaii and Las Vegas from Bellingham. Buffalo International Airport, the closest major U.S. airport to Toronto, didn’t return calls seeking comment. However, Plattsburgh Airport — which describes itself as Montreal’s
U.S. airport — said its business is down only slightly. “There’s a bit of softness but nothing out of the order that you’ll hear elsewhere,” said Garry Douglas, president of the North Country chamber of commerce, which is in charge of the airport’s marketing. He attributed that to the historic bonds between the Montreal area and the New York State municipality that has long been a destination for cross-border shoppers. “There’s just a substantial built-in difference that more than overwhelms any shifts in currency,” he said. About 85 per cent of Plattsburgh’s 150,000 passengers a year come from Quebec. The airport is undergoing a $55-million expansion that will quadruple its capacity by early 2017. The airport, currently serviced by Spirit, Allegiant, PenAir and Caesar’s Entertainment charter service to Atlantic City, expects to snag additional carriers, including Canadian tour operators that could fly to sun destinations popular with Canadians
like the Dominican Republic, Cancun and eventually Cuba. Douglas wouldn’t identify potential airlines, but Sunwing’s service to Cancun and Punta Cana which started last year from Buffalo could be a model. Canada’s airline sector has long called upon Ottawa to lower airport rents, fees and taxes to stem the flow of passengers crossing the border to catch flights. The National Airlines Council of Canada says there is a “competitive gap” stemming from government policy that treats the industry as a source of revenue. Canada has the fifth highest ticket and airport charges out of 140 countries, according to the World Economic Forum. Ahead of their electoral victory last week, the federal Liberals said they would “look at ways” to help the Canadian airline industry be more competitive. But American airport operators said any changes likely wouldn’t be large enough to have a real impact on traveller behaviour.
Taxi driver dead after plowing into airport A taxi driver has died after his cab drove into a building at Edmonton International Airport. Mounties at the airport, which is actually in Leduc, about 30 kilometres south of Edmonton, say it happened today around 2 a.m. Officers had to smash out a window in the cab to get to the male driver. Police say there were no passengers in the cab. They did CPR on the 56-year-old man and then he was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. RCMP say initial information collected from the cab’s dashboard camera indicates the driver had some medical problem at the time of the crash.
Lawyer wants reduced time for child abductor A lawyer wants less time behind bars for a man who abducted a threeyear-old boy from his bedroom during a late-night break-in at a home in southeastern British Columbia. Ken Beatch has argued in the B.C. Court of Appeal that his client, Randall Hopley, should be granted more than three years’ credit for time already served. A Crown lawyer opposes the application, arguing that to do so would undermine the fundamental purpose of the sentence — protecting the public. Hopley kidnapped Kienan Hebert from his home in Sparwood, in September 2011 before returning the boy to his parents four days later.
Weapon missing as son tried for dad’s murder KEVIN BISSETT THE CANADIAN PRESS
SAINT JOHN, N.B. — The lead investigator into the murder of Richard Oland says there was never any evidence that Dennis Oland owned or was in possession of a drywall hammer, which was the suspected type of weapon used to kill the Saint John, N.B., businessman on July 6, 2011. Last week, Const. Stephen Davidson said a drywall hammer or similar instrument was suggested as the possible murder weapon, although no weapon has ever been found. On Tuesday, under questioning from defence lawyer Gary Miller, Davidson said investigators discussed the possible weapon following the autopsy and the report of forensic identification officer, Sgt. Mark Smith. Davidson said he used the online search engine Google to look up pictures of the tool, which commonly features a hammer head and a sharp blade-like surface. Davidson also said he made inquiries at hardware stores about drywall hammers but never purchased any. “There are many kinds,” Davidson said. The body of Richard Oland was found face down in a pool of blood in his Canterbury Street office on July 7, 2011. He had suffered about 40 blunt and blade-like injuries to his head and neck. Miller asked Davidson if he had any evidence that Dennis Oland ever owned or was in possession of a drywall hammer. Davidson said “No.”
Dennis Oland and his mother Constance Oland head from the Law Courts as his murder trial continues in Saint John on Oct. 21. Oland is charged with second degree murder in the death of his father, Richard Oland, who was found dead in his Saint John office on July 7, 2011. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
He also confirmed that it was never suggested to the pathologist or other experts that a drywall hammer was the possible weapon. Much of the day consisted of more
grainy video being used by the defence to raise questions about the timeline of events on the day Richard Oland was killed. Miller played a series of video seg-
ments from different cameras to illustrate where Dennis Oland parked his car when he visited Richard Oland on July 6, 2011. Dennis Oland is the last known
person to see his father alive, and has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. Some of the video is quite blurry. On Monday, a forensic video expert said despite what is suggested by TV shows and movies, it is not possible to improve the resolution of blurry video. Miller showed video clips of a man and a woman shopping at Kennebecasis Drugs and Cochran’s Market in Rothesay at 7:38 p.m. on July 6, 2011. Davidson agreed that Dennis Oland said during his interview with police that’s where he and his wife were that evening. An earlier witness had identified Oland and his wife in the Cochran’s video. Miller then asked Davidson, “If John Ainsworth and Anthony Shaw (who were working at Printing Plus, below Richard Oland’s office) heard noises between 7:30 and 8 p.m., and the noises were the killing of Richard Oland, then Dennis Oland couldn’t have done it?” Crown Prosecutor P.J. Veniot immediately objected. Justice John Walsh sustained the objection. “That’s not a proper question,” he said. “That’s up to the jury to decide.” Justice Walsh took time to give what he called his mid-trial instruction to the jury on how it needs to consider video and image evidence. He said it is up to the jury members to decide what the images show or don’t show and how much weight to give them during their deliberations.
University student’s murder trial set over THE CANADIAN PRESS
The case of a 23-year-old Nova Scotia man charged with the murder of a fellow Dalhousie University student will be back in court next month. William Sandeson appeared briefly in provincial court in Halifax on Tuesday when the matter was set over to Nov. 10 to set dates for a possible preliminary hearing. Eugene Tan, Sandeson’s lawyer, said outside court that he is still determining whether to proceed straight to trial or hold a preliminary inquiry. Tan said he has received substantial disclosure and that he expected a preliminary inquiry would take about two weeks. He said he would expect to call about 15 to 20 witnesses. He said there were about 4,000 to 5,000 pages of disclosure so far, but that that would likely grow. “In this type of case, I don’t think that’s out of the ordinary,” he said outside court. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that
doubled within the next couple of months.” Sandeson is charged with first-degree murder in the death of 22-year-old Taylor Samson, a Dalhousie physics student from Amherst, N.S. He was charged on Aug. 20, four days after Samson was reported missing in Halifax. His body has never been found. Sandeson was denied bail last week, but Tan said he may still request a bail review in three months or go directly to trial. A publication ban has been placed on evidence presented during the bail hearing. A search warrant document describing some of the circumstances in the case was obtained by three media outlets before it was sealed by a judge. They reported that the document alleges Samson was involved in a drug deal involving marijuana before his death. Investigators subsequently searched two properties in Sandeson’s hometown of Truro, N.S., saying they discovered several items of interest.
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Fishing crew rescued after fire in open ocean A crew of 36 people from Papua New Guinea spent more than 10 hours on life rafts and small skiffs after their 70-metre fishing vessel caught fire in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean on Saturday. The U.S. Coast Guard says the fishing crew abandoned ship and was rescued by good Samaritans with the assistance of a Hawaii-based Coast Guard aircraft. Video from the Coast Guard shows the U.S. aircrew circling the burning vessel and dropping drinking water to the fishermen below. The rescue team asked for assistance from another nearby ship and then dropped smoke signals to help
guide them to the stranded mariners. The boat was about 3,200 kilometres southwest of Hawaii when it caught fire. The entire crew was rescued and no one was injured.
Female guards can’t transport terror suspects Senior defence officials say it is “outrageous” that female guards at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are barred from transporting five detainees suspected of involvement in the Sept. 11,2001 terror attacks. A military judge issued an order in January prohibiting female guards from transporting the defendants. That came after the defendants
refused to meet with their lawyers, complaining that any physical contact with unrelated women violated their Muslim beliefs. The ruling was meant to deal with something that posed a threat to legal proceedings. At a congressional hearing on Tuesday, both Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Defence Secretary Ash Carter said it was an outrage. Carter said the order runs counter to the U.S. treatment of service members.
Pope turns attention to bureaucracy at Vatican Just days after closing a contentious meeting of bishops from
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Severed heads found with gang messages Prosecutors in north-central Mexico say they have found the severed heads of four men packed into Styrofoam coolers along with gang messages directed at rivals. An official of the Zacatecas state prosecutor’s office said Tuesday the heads were found packed in ice Monday on a roadside, along with hand-written signs. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to be quoted by name. The victims have not yet been identified and their bodies have not yet been found. But the official said the content of the messages suggested the victims were members of a drug gang.
Tim Hortons ready to roll up to U.S. market
Dai @Nanaimo
around the world, Pope Francis is turning his attention to more domestic but equally contentious affairs. Francis issued a stern warning Tuesday to Vatican bureaucrats to obey Vatican rules and laws as he goes about overhauling the Vatican bureaucracy — a sign that those charged with enacting the reforms perhaps need some reform themselves. Francis penned an unusual letter to the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, asking him to remind Curia leaders that they must observe Vatican law about the structure and powers of the existing administration and follow existing rules on new hires, transfers and salary caps. The target of Francis’ letter appeared to be the new Secretariat for the Economy.
TORONTO — Tim Hortons executives are laying the groundwork for a ramped up global expansion of the coffee chain with the help of a number of new franchise partners. Over the coming quarters, Restaurant Brands International Inc. — owner of both Tim Hortons and Burger King — plans to identify companies that will help build the Canadian coffee brand into a bigger international presence. Chief executive Daniel Schwartz said an announcement earlier this month of Tim Hortons’ partnership with U.S. developer Seven Invest was just a preview of what’s to come. Together, the two companies plan to open more than 150 Tim Hortons coffee shops in the Cincinnati area over the next decade. “We think it will be the first of many such agreements that will allow us to really start stepping up the pace of growth,” Schwartz said in an interview Tuesday after Restaurant Brands reported its third-quarter financial results. “It gives you an indication of the scale we want to get to in the U.S. and also the direction we’re going, moving into . . . markets where we already have a footprint, and doing so in an aggressive manner.” Tim Hortons’ new owners, who acquired the chain and merged its operations with Burger King last year, promised more details on its international expansion once they got a better grasp on the potential. But the U.S. market has historically delivered mixed results for Tim Hortons. In 2010, the company pulled out of the northeastern U.S. — the first time in its history that it did so — closing stores in Providence, R.I., and Hartford, Conn., where average sales volumes were about half of those in other U.S. markets, the company said at the time. Schwartz said he’s convinced his team
“It gives you an indication of the scale we want to get to in the U.S. and also the direction we’re going.” Daniel Schwartz, Tim Horton’s executive
can make their push into the U.S. more successful. “We think that if we have the right partners with the right aggressive development schedule ... this brand will flourish in the United States.” On Tuesday, Restaurant Brands reported its profit grew to US$49.6 million or 24 cents per share in the third quarter, helped by new menu items. The company said comparable results last year, if Tim Hortons and Burger King had already been merged, would have been $46.1 million net income or 23 cents per share. Restaurant Brands (TSX:QSR) had adjusted net income of US$162.7 million, or 34 cents per share, above analyst expectations of 28 cents per share, according to a survey from Thomson Reuters. Revenue was US$1.02 billion, a decline from last year as currency fluctuation had a negative effect on Tim Hortons results. Tim Hortons contributed US$737.7 million to overall revenue, down from US$834.1 million a year earlier —an 11.6 per cent decline — mainly because of the impact of a weaker Canadian dollar. On a constant-currency basis, Tim Hortons revenue would have been up 6.3 per cent from a year earlier. At Burger King, quarterly revenue grew 11.2 per cent to US$282 million from $278.9 million. Executives say Tim Hortons doesn’t have any plans on funnelling the higher expenses down to customers with higher coffee prices in the near term. “We are always looking at the input costs at restaurants to ensure our owners are earning a good return on their investment,” Schwartz said.
Police scapegoated too often, says Obama President says society needs to make changes in order to make it easier for police officers to do their jobs DARLENE SUPERVILLE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
CHICAGO — President Barack Obama on Tuesday defended police officers who have come under intense scrutiny amid a breakdown in relations between law enforcement and minority communities, and said police can’t be expected to contain problems that society refuses to solve. In remarks to the International Association of Chiefs of Police, meeting in the president’s Chicago hometown, Obama said society wrongly expects police to control societal ills stemming from unemployment, poor education, inadequate drug treatment programs and lenient gun laws. “Too often, law enforcement gets scapegoated for the broader failures of our society and criminal justice system,” Obama told police chiefs from around the U.S. and the world. “I know that you do your jobs with distinction no matter the challenges you face. That’s part of wearing the badge.” Obama’s tribute to police comes amid a national debate that followed the deaths of unarmed black men in Florida, Missouri and elsewhere, giving rise to the Black Lives Matter movement. Last week, Obama defended Black Lives Matter and said
President Barack Obama waves after speaking at the 122nd International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference, Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2015, in Chicago. Obama thanked the law enforcement leaders for the sacrifices they make and the work they do each day to keep their communities safe. [AP PHOTO/CHARLES REX ARBOGAST]
its activists are illuminating a legitimate issue that black communities face. But he sought Tuesday to avoid making it about police versus their communities.
“I reject any narrative that seeks to divide police and communities they serve — that frames any discussion of public safety around ’us’ and ’them,”’ Obama said. “A narrative
that too often gets served up to us by cable news seeking ratings, tweets seeking retweets, or political candidates seeking some attention.” Yet the president’s show of sup-
port for police came as the White House sought to distance Obama from comments by his FBI director, James Comey, who in recent days has said that that police anxiety over cellphone cameras and viral videos partly explains why violent crime has climbed recently in several large U.S. cities. White House spokesman Eric Schultz said crime has spiked in some places and declined in others. Obama also argued for fairer sentencing laws, part of a broader push by the president for a more effective criminal justice system. Obama said he has no sympathy for violent offenders and has seen the havoc wreaked by drugs. But he said American prisons are packed with non-violent offenders and that it’s possible to fight the drug trade “without relying solely on incarceration.” Following this month’s deadly shooting at an Oregon community college, the president also used to appearance to push for new steps to reduce gun violence, such as requiring background checks for every firearms purchase. The police chiefs’ association supports such checks. “Fewer gun safety laws don’t mean more freedom, they mean more fallen officers,” Obama said. “They mean more grieving families, and more Americans terrified that they or their loved ones could be next.”
Student tossed over desk after Trump perplexed refusing to surrender cellphone at Carson’s popularity MEG KINNARD THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Justice Department opened a civil rights probe Tuesday into the arrest of a student who refused to leave her high school math class, where a deputy was recorded flipping the girl backward in her desk and tossing her across the classroom floor. Federal help was sought by Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, who called what happened at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, “very disturbing” and placed Senior Deputy Ben Fields on leave. The sheriff’s department said no one was hurt, but the confrontation prompted outrage after several students recorded part of it and shared the video. One student said it started when the girl pulled out her cellphone and refused her math teacher’s request to hand it over during class. During the moments posted online, Fields can be seen standing over the girl, telling her to stand up or be forcibly removed. When she refuses, the officer wraps a forearm around her neck, flips her and the desk backward onto the floor, and then tosses her toward the front of the classroom,
“That was wrong, and there’s no justifiable reason for him as to why he did that to that girl.” Tony Robinson, student
where he handcuffs her. A second student verbally objected to the girl’s treatment and also was arrested. Both girls were charged with disturbing schools and released to their parents. Their names were not released, but the second student, Niya Kenny, told WLTX-TV that she was shocked by the use of force and felt she had to say something. Doris Kenny said she’s proud her daughter was “brave enough to speak out against what was going on.” Lt. Curtis Wilson confirmed that Fields is white and the students involved are black, but told The Associated Press in an email to “keep in mind this is not a race issue.” The district’s Black Parents Association denied this, saying the video “revealed what many African-American parents have experienced in this district for a very long time.”
Tony Robinson Jr., who recorded the final moments, said it all began when the teacher tried to confiscate a phone the girl took out during class. She refused, so he called an administrator, who summoned the officer. “The administrator tried to get her to move and pleaded with her to get out of her seat,” Robinson told WLTX. “She said she really hadn’t done anything wrong. She said she took her phone out, but it was only for a quick second, you know, please, she was begging, apologetic on what happened and everything.” “Next, the administrator called Deputy Fields in . . . he asked, ‘will you move,’ and she said ’no, I haven’t done anything wrong,’ Robinson said. “When I saw what was going to happen, my immediate first thing to think was, let me get this on camera. This was going to be something . . . that everyone else needs to see, something that we can’t just let this pass by. That was wrong, and there’s no justifiable reason for him as to why he did that to that girl,” he said. Districts across the county began placing officers in schools after two teenagers massacred their fellow students at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999.
WASHINGTON — It’s now Donald Trump’s turn to be perplexed by presidential-election polls. “Well, I don’t get it,” he said in a TV interview Tuesday morning. “Some of these polls coming out, I don’t quite get it.” His befuddlement marks a dramatic twist on a summer pastime that swept over politics in America and beyond: the guessing-game of how a billionaire who bragged constantly about himself and insulted seemingly everyone else had seized such a stranglehold on the Republican primary polls. Now it’s Trump who is puzzled. The source of his disbelief is Ben Carson. Multiple polls have the retired neurosurgeon at No. 1 in Iowa and, according to one new survey, he has even surged past Trump on the national level, albeit within the margin of error. Part of Carson’s success is no mystery: He’s a deeply religious and a hit with evangelicals. He may be more consistently conservative than Trump. Yet his speaking style skews toward the somnolent — a stylistic contrast to Trump’s attention-grabbing antics likelier to raise eyebrows
than let audiences slump into neverland. Trump just doesn’t get it. “I was No. 1 pretty much in Iowa from the beginning and I would say we’re doing very well there. So I’m a little bit surprised,” Trump said of the latest polls, in his MSNBC interview Tuesday. “We’ll have to see.” He also delivered this warning to Carson, speaking from personal experience: “One thing I know about a front-runner — you get analyzed 15 different ways from China. A lot of things will come out.” And thus marked a new spectacle in a campaign full of them; Trump, playing catch up. For the first time in this campaign, a candidate so many have deemed offensive must now go on the offensive. He’s hitting Carson on four fronts: improper partnerships; abortion flipflops; dullness and religion. There’s hypocrisy in at least two of those attacks, as Carson pointed out. First of all, Trump himself has performed somersaults on the abortion issue — declaring himself pro-choice in old interviews, before having what he’s described as a change of heart. And on religion, he attacked Carson a while ago for questioning his own faith.
On October 20, 2015 Nanaimo was honoured to present Chris Hadfield at the Port Theatre. In his passionate and inspiring talk, he shared his experiences and imparted the useful and practical lessons he’s learned throughout his remarkable career – in the fields of leadership, teamwork, collaboration, science, and technology – in Space and on Earth.
The Nanaimo Daily News would like to thank our presenting sponsor Coastal Community Credit Union, and all our other community sponsors. Thanks to these community leaders and businesses, we were able to bring a speaker of this caliber to our great city. “Without these companies’ vision and commitment to Nanaimo, we would not have been able to bring such a dynamic speaker to the city.” – Andrea Rosato-Taylor, Publisher, Nanaimo Daily News
On October 20, 2015 Nanaimo was honoured to present Chris Hadfield at the Port Theatre. In his passionate and inspiring talk, he shared his experiences and imparted the useful and practical lessons he’s learned throughout his remarkable career – in the fields of leadership, teamwork, collaboration, science, and technology – in Space and on Earth.
The Nanaimo Daily News would like to thank our presenting sponsor Coastal Community Credit Union, and all our other community sponsors. Thanks to these community leaders and businesses, we were able to bring a speaker of this caliber to our great city. “Without these companies’ vision and commitment to Nanaimo, we would not have been able to bring such a dynamic speaker to the city.” – Andrea Rosato-Taylor, Publisher, Nanaimo Daily News
Record debt to finance education, health NDP government will proceed with building new schools and hospitals despite weakness in oil markets DEAN BENNETT THE CANADIAN PRESS
EDMONTON — Alberta’s NDP government will forge ahead building schools and hospitals and hiring more teachers and nurses, but the devastating impact of low oil prices has it planning to borrow money just to keep the lights on. There’s money earmarked in Tuesday’s provincial budget to reduce school fees, start a school nutrition program and deliver a new child benefit for low-income families. There’s also cash to provide employers with grants of up to $5,000 for each new job created over the next two years and an extra $1.5 billion to improve access to capital for small- and medium-sized businesses. There are small tax increases for cigarettes and booze. Much of the spending is being underwritten by record debt, which is pegged to reach $36.6 billion by 2018 — nearly 15 years after former premier Ralph Klein announced the province had fully paid off what it owed. Longer term forecasts have debt reaching more than $47 billion by 2020. And starting next year, the province plans to borrow money to pay not just for capital projects as it has in
Alberta Finance Minister Joe Ceci displays his late father’s work boots as part of a pre-budget photo opportunity in Edmonton on Monday. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
the past, but for day-to-day programs as well. “This budget lays out a responsible economic plan that will serve as a shock absorber to our short-term challenges and grow the economy over the long term,” Finance Minister Joe Ceci told reporters.
Asked how he thinks Albertans will feel about going from debt free to almost $50 billion in the hole, Ceci said: “I think Albertans will continue to be proud that we are building a province that will take us far beyond this recession and lift us back to the good times we’ve all enjoyed.”
Wildrose Leader Brian Jean said the budget is a roadmap to crushing deficits and debt with a promise, but no realistic plan, to pay them down. “The NDP’s first budget is a complete fantasy,” said Jean. “Every Albertan will be poorer because of this budget. And we know
more taxes are just on the horizon, yet this premier has taken no meaningful action to restrain the growth of government.” With low resource prices sucking $6 billion out of Alberta’s bottom line this year, Ceci delivered a budget with a $6.1-billion deficit. The province plans to take $3.2 billion out of its contingency account this year, then drain it completely the next. Alberta has not borrowed to cover day-to-day expenses in two decades. But starting next fiscal year, it plans to borrow $712 million for operational expenses and then $3 billion in 2017. To prevent debt from taking over, the government introduced new legislation to cap borrowing. It would limit government debt to 15 per cent of nominal gross domestic product, which is GDP not adjusted for inflation. Ceci said steep cuts and public-sector layoffs would have brought even more devastation to an economy that has already seen thousands of job losses in the private sector due to the fall in oil prices. Funding is to continue to rise for core services in health, education and advanced education, but the plan is to keep overall program spending growth to two per cent a year.
Defence questioning focuses Rise in violent crime on tension prior to teen’s death causing U.S. concern DIANA MEHTA THE CANADIAN PRESS
TORONTO — The driver of a Toronto streetcar where a teen was gunned down by police said Tuesday that he was frightened in the moments before officers arrived to deal with reports of a young man with a knife. Chad Seymour was the last person to speak with Sammy Yatim before the 18-year-old died in a confrontation with Const. James Forcillo in July 2013. Forcillo has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder and attempted murder in Yatim’s death. Crown prosecutors have said they plan to prove that Forcillo’s actions weren’t necessary or reasonable. Forcillo’s lawyer has said his client’s actions were justified and carried out in self-defence. Seymour, a key witness, has given the court a detailed recounting of his interaction with Yatim, saying he had a calm conversation with him after the teen pulled out a knife and uttered threats on the streetcar, causing panicked passengers to rush off the vehicle. But under questioning from Forcillo’s lawyer on Tuesday — which largely drew one-word answers — Seymour agreed that he considered
“Your state of mind was this is an extremely frightening and dangerous situation.” Peter Brauti, defence lawyer
the situation on the streetcar unpredictable and dangerous. “You were obviously concerned about Mr. Yatim’s behaviour, because he has a knife out, he’s saying things like I’m going to (expletive) kill you, he’s saying everyone’s trying to kill him,”’ Forcillo’s lawyer Peter Brauti said to Seymour. “ Your state of mind was this is an extremely frightening and dangerous situation.” “Correct,” Seymour replied. Brauti went on to repeatedly question Seymour about the concerns about Yatim, giving the court a further glimpse of Forcillo’s defence strategy. The lawyer asked if Seymour had considered whether Yatim was high on drugs and the streetcar driver agreed that Yatim “seemed like he was in a daze.” The jury has already heard that Yatim consumed the drug ecstasy before he boarded the streetcar.
“You were concerned he would attack at any minute,” Brauti said. “Yes,” Seymour replied. The court has heard that Seymour asked Yatim what happened and recalled that the teen said he thought people were trying to kill him. Seymour said Yatim then asked him if he had a phone and said he wanted to call his father Forcillo’s lawyer pointed out, however, that Seymour had a phone in his pocket but pretended to look for one in order to buy himself time before police arrived. “Telling him you had no phone was a tactic to be safe,” Brauti said, drawing an affirmative response from Seymour. Brauti also suggested Seymour remained on the streetcar talking to Yatim in order to contain the threat the teen posed. “You did something incredibly brave. You thought, ‘I’m not going to get off the streetcar because if I do, he might get off the streetcar and start stabbing people left right and centre,”’ Brauti said. “Correct,” Seymour replied. Court has heard that Yatim sat in the streetcar until the arrival of police prompted him to jump up and swear, at which point Seymour fled.
WASHINGTON — This year has brought an unusually grim and steady drumbeat of violence throughout the U.S. A five-month-old girl killed this month in Cleveland in a drive-by shooting. Seven people slain in Chicago, including a seven-year-old boy, over the July 4 weekend. A young female journalist in Washington, D.C., fatally struck by a bullet in May while waiting to change buses. Violent crime has often been a local government concern and a problem that had been on the decline. But rising homicide totals in most of America’s large cities have raising alarms within the Obama administration, with federal officials drawing urgent attention to the problem before Congress, at conferences and in speeches. The Justice Department this month organized a brainstorming summit with mayors and police chiefs. FBI Director James Comey, testifying last week, said the “very disturbing” homicide spike has law enforcement scrambling to figure out why it’s happening now, and why in so many cities that seemingly have little in
common otherwise. “It’s happening all over the country, and it’s happening all in the last 10 months,” Comey told the House Judiciary Committee. “And so a lot of us in law enforcement are talking and trying to understand what is happening in this country. What explains the map? What explains the calendar? ” President Barack Obama appeared in Chicago on Tuesday before the International Association of the Chiefs of Police, where he defended police officers and said they had been scapegoated for the failures of society and the criminal justice system. Attorney General Loretta Lynch had also been expected to speak as well, but her appearance was cancelled because she was not feeling well. Though the numbers are rising, they’re nowhere close to levels of the early 1990s, when the crack cocaine epidemic contributed to hundreds of homicides a year in large cities. Even so, federal officials are concerned that the current trend comes as a series of high-profile police shootings of young black men have driven a wedge between police and their communities and placed policing tactics under extraordinary scrutiny.
Decimated Newfoundland cod making a significant comeback
Drug firm’s forays into eyecare under U.S. scrutiny
“Without a doubt, maintaining low removals of this stock over the past decades has been essential to recovery.”
HALIFAX — There is growing hope that the once decimated northern cod stock is making a slow, but steady comeback, according to a new study that found the iconic species is growing in size and number off Newfoundland. George Rose, the report’s co-author, said acoustic surveys last spring indicated that the fish were getting bigger and more plentiful after 23 years of a government-imposed moratorium and halting growth. Rose, who has studied the stock for 30 years, says the findings could provide a valuable lesson for fisheries managers who once wrote off the cod’s recovery after it was almost completely wiped out in the early 1990s. “When it collapsed, it became an icon worldwide for overfishing, mismanagement and stock destruction,” he said in an interview from Pender Island, B.C. “So the fact that this one is coming back and has shown that ability given suitable management, I think is of worldwide significance. It shows there is a resilience to nature if we give it a chance.” It’s not clear what the size of the population is, but Rose said it is now likely over 200,000 tonnes, a sizable jump from the estimates of tens of thousands a decade ago. He is now working on trying to quantify the population. The researchers also found larger concentrations of fish in more northerly areas that had not been seen since the moratorium was put in place in 1992. He said they found large, 120-centimetre-long fish weighing 22 kilograms, something that was rarely seen in the 1990s due to high mortality that is still not understood. The discovery is important because
George Rose, fisheries researcher
A fisherman keeps his eye on the cable as he unloads his catch of cod in Newfoundland, in 1997. A new study suggests that Newfoundland’s once decimated northern cod stock could be making a strong comeback after more than a decade of sharp decline. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
the big fish spawn and contribute to reproduction, he said. “We’ve got these massive fish out there and this is really key to the whole productivity situation in the stock, which makes me optimistic for the future,” said Rose, director of the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems
Research at Memorial University’s Marine Institute in St. John’s, N.L. The research, published Tuesday in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, suggests the cod is rebounding because of a similar rise in the availability of its key food source, capelin.
Like the northern cod, populations of the small capelin plummeted due to cooler waters in the 1990s and possibly a depletion of plankton. Rose said warming water temperatures may help the capelin stock, along with an increased supply of plankton on which they feed. More importantly, Rose says the ongoing moratorium on the cod fishery has helped the once-mighty stock rebuild, adding that protection from excessive fishing is critical to its continued recovery. “Without a doubt, maintaining low removals of this stock over the past decades has been essential to recovery,” he said. “It’s on its way and we have to let it come back.” Despite signals that the cod stock is rebounding from years of overfishing, mismanagement and ecological changes, Rose says it will likely be another decade before any kind of commercial fishery could resume. Federal Fisheries researchers say a minimum spawning biomass of about 650,000 tonnes is what is needed to sustain any extensive commercial fishery. The northern cod moratorium threw thousands of people out of work after it was announced July 2, 1992. It was initially to last just two years, though Rose predicted at the time it would take much longer for stocks to recover.
University pledges to be a carbon blueprint JULIE WATSON THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
SAN DIEGO — Reducing the human carbon footprint is a “moral imperative,” University of California President Janet Napolitano said Tuesday. Napolitano vowed to turn the system’s 10 campuses into a living laboratory for solutions that can be scaled up to state, national and global levels. Napolitano made the comments at a two-day climate change summit at UC San Diego, where researchers are discussing their blueprint for actions that they say the state and the world should undertake to tackle the problem — including reducing the carbon footprint of the wealthiest 1 billion people. The plan will be presented at next
month’s landmark climate change conference in Paris. UC officials say global warming could be slowed dramatically by reducing greenhouse gases such as methane emissions by 50 per cent and black carbon by 90 per cent over the next 15 years. The wealthiest need to cut back dramatically, while green energy needs to be made more available to the poorest three billion people, the plan says. UC experts are asking the nation’s religious leaders to help foster change. “Addressing these challenges and reducing our carbon footprint is a moral imperative,” Napolitano said, adding that the university system is on track to meet its goal of becoming
carbon neutral by 2025. “I anticipate that by 2025, when the University of California is carbon neutral, that the rest of the world in seeking climate solutions will say, ’Well, let’s go back to 2015 when they had that summit at UC San Diego and let’s see if we can do what the University of California did,’ ” said Napolitano, the former Homeland Security secretary and governor of Arizona. The university has reached an agreement to buy 80 megawatts of solar power, the largest such purchase by any U.S. university, Napolitano said. UC also has vowed to target $1 billion of its investment portfolio toward renewable energy and other climate-change solutions over the
next five years. If the world reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, that could slow the disastrous impacts of climate change by 25 years, UC researchers say. Gov. Jerry Brown, who also spoke at the summit on Tuesday, said the problem requires bringing together the state’s best minds to cross partisan lines and move the nation away from relying on fossil fuels. “We are up against a very powerful opposition,” Brown said, referring to Republicans who have blocked drastic carbon-reducing measures that they say will harm job growth. Brown said denying climate change will hurt the economy in the end by causing the planet irreversible damage.
MONTREAL — Valeant Pharmaceuticals, which has been under the gun over its relationship with specialty pharmacies and price hikes on its heart medications, is facing new legal challenges as U.S. investigators look into the embattled company’s growing eye care business. Valeant disclosed Monday that it is subject to separate investigations launched by the Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department. The FTC has requested information and documentation related to its “non-public investigation” of Valeant’s acquisition of Paragon Vision Sciences in May, the Laval, Que.-based company said in a regulatory filing about its third-quarter results. Valeant also said the Justice Department has issued it a subpoena as part of a criminal investigation into Bausch & Lomb’s payment to medical professionals related to its surgical products Crystalens IOL and Victus femtosecond laser platform. Valeant said it is co-operating with the investigation into possible violations of federal health-care laws. The Department of Justice’s civil division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania are also probing possible false claims on Medicaid pricing made by Biovail, Valeant’s previous company, the company added in its SEC filing. Valeant couldn’t be immediately reached for comment. But Jan Svochak, the president of the Contact Lens Manufacturers Association in the U.S., said he was interviewed by investigators with the FTC as part of their probe. Svochak said in an interview Tuesday that Valeant is jacking up manufacturing costs, threatening the survival of small makers of rigid gas permeable contact lenses. “My raw material prices have effectively doubled,” said Svochak, who is also president of Texas-based Tru-Form Optics, a contact lens manufacturer. “It’s not good for me, my employees, my customers, my bottom line (and) puts companies like us at risk.” Valeant controls 85 to 90 per cent of the supply chain for gas permeable lenses in the U.S., he said, adding that gas permeable lenses are 10 per cent of the overall contact lens market and offer the “last resort” for many patients who can’t wear soft lenses. Svochak said price increases will eventually be passed on to consumers. The Canadian Association of Optometrists said it is not yet hearing about price hikes.
Canucks end Canadiens winning streak Vancouver also snaps its winless streak at home as Jared McCann scores twice in 5-1 victory at Rogers Arena SPORTS INSIDE Today’s issue
he Montreal Canadiens were gobbling down points with such voracity, they could have snubbed their noses at the World Health Organization. Cancer-causing smoked meat? Forget about it. Poutine clogging the arteries? Bring it on. You can toss caution to the wind when you start the season 9-0-0. However, like a chunk of meat stuck in their throats, not even the Heimlich maneuver could have helped the Canadiens on Tuesday at Rogers Arena. A rolling puck, deflected puck and too much Jared McCann made Carey Price look human and the Vancouver Canucks look somewhat scary. They not only posted their first home-ice win in six tries with a 5-1 triumph, they kept the Habs from matching the 2006-07 Buffalo Sabres and 1993-94 Toronto Maple Leafs for the fastest start in league history. How did it all comes to this? Perhaps coughing up 52 shots to the Leafs on Saturday in a 5-3 win should have been a hint that the Canadiens were perfect in the stand-
Local sports NBA Scoreboard, NHL World sports
From left, Vancouver Canucks Brandon Prust, Jared McCann, Chris Tanev and Alexander Edler celebrate McCann’s first goal against the Montreal Canadiens in Vancouver on Tuesday. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
ings but not totally perfect in their play. And when Willie Desjardins decided to align both McCann and Jake Virtanen with veterans and roll four lines, the Canucks finally had the symmetry, speed, skill and battle level balanced out. It wasn’t just the three first-period goals, including a
pair from McCann to give him the team lead with four. It was Virtanen hitting everything with a resounding thud — he had seven hits after two periods and hit double-digits in minutes — and there was enough cohesion on the back end to cover up for Dan Hamhuis, who was a late
22 23 24 28
scratch with a lower-body injury. The only blemish was Brandon Prust rolling his left ankle in the second period in a collision with Brian Flynn and not returning. WHAT THIS MEANS: McCann played his seventh game and his ninth will be Friday in Glendale, Ariz. His 10th should be in the NHL, not the OHL. Burning the first year of the rookie’s contract when he faces Philadelphia on Nov. 2 now seems more moot than a major management decision. He doesn’t have the size of Vir-
tanen, but his smarts of always putting the puck in the right places combined with speed, shiftiness, willingness to play in traffic and a quick release has kept him on the roster radar because the rookie does things offensively that you can’t teach. That always piqued the coach’s interest and his wheels have given the fourth line a better speed dimension rather than being a typical oldschool alignment not expected to generate much. What McCann is also doing is getting better away from the puck and getting better in the circle. He won four of his first six draws. Like Virtanen, he looks like a keeper and that’s going to put more heat on Sven Baertschi to produce, especially when Chris Higgins returns from a foot fracture. WHAT WE LEARNED: Henrik Sedin is logging more ice time and is ripping it up in the faceoff circle because he’s healthy. Desjardins divulged his centre had a sore shoulder last season. That explains winning just 45 per cent of his draws — down from 52.3 in 2013-14.
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Royals win Game 1 thriller Sacrifice fly in bottom of the 14th inning sends winning run across the plate in 5-4 win BEN WALKER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Alcides Escobar started the World Series with a jolt. Five hours later, he ended the longest opener ever with a jump — into the arms of his joyous Kansas City Royals teammates. Saved by Alex Gordon’s tying home run in the ninth inning off Mets closer Jeurys Familia, the Royals won in the 14th when Eric Hosmer’s sacrifice fly scored Escobar for a 5-4 win over New York late Tuesday night. This tied for the longest Series game in history, and it had a little bit of everything. A lot of everything, actually. Escobar hit an inside-the-park homer on the very first pitch from Matt Harvey. Later, a power failure caused the national TV audience and the team’s replay rooms to go dark. The nearer it got to midnight — and beyond — the more oddly the ball bounced. In the 11th, Salvador Perez grounded a single that hit the thirdbase bag and caromed high in the air. In the 12th, Daniel Murphy struck out on a pitch that got past Perez — it ricocheted off the backstop to the Royals catcher, who threw out Murphy at first. About the only thing missing? A home run by Murphy, who had connected in a record six straight post-season games. The MVP of the NL Championship Series did contribute a pair of singles. Then in the 14th, Escobar reached on an error by third baseman David Wright. Ben Zobrist’s single put runners at the corners and an intentional walk to Lorenzo Cain loaded the bases. Hosmer atoned for a key error by
Jays slugger has surgery, should return for spring Toronto Blue Jays slugger Edwin Encarnacion has undergone surgery to repair a sports hernia. The team said in a release that the designated hitter/first baseman is expected to recover in time for spring training. Encarnacion helped form one of the most feared batting orders during the regular season, belting 39 homers and driving in 111 runs. He had a .333 average with a homer and three RBIs in Toronto’s five-game win over Texas in their American League Division Series, but his production tailed off in the AL Championship Series. He hit .227 with two RBIs as Kansas City dispatched Toronto in six games.
‘Heart of the Twins’ set to retire at 40 years old
Kansas City Royals short stop Alcides Escobar scores during the 14th inning of Game 1 of the Major League Baseball World Series against the New York Mets Wednesday in Kansas City, Mo. [AP PHOTO]
lifting a flyball to medium-deep right field, and Escobar barely beat Curtis Granderson’s throw home. Escobar streaked home standing up, and the Royals rushed from the dugout to meet him. It was 12:18 a.m. at Kauffman Stadium, and Game 2 is Wednesday night. Jacob deGrom starts for the Mets against Johnny Cueto. It’s a hairy matchup: DeGrom’s flowing tresses vs. Cueto’s mop of dreadlocks. Anyone who’s ever seen the Royals
play — especially in October — knows they’re called resilient for a reason. Once again, they reinforced their reputation. Gordon shook the ballpark when he tagged Jeurys Familia, hitting a solo drive with one out over the centre field wall. The star closer hadn’t blown a save since July 30 and had been nearly perfect this post-season. Known more for his glove than his bat, Gordon got a huge hug in the dugout from Eric Hosmer. A two-
time Gold Glove first baseman, Hosmer’s error gave the Mets a 4-3 lead in the eighth. Escobar provided the early excitement. He loves to swing at first pitches, and this time the MVP of AL Championship Series produced his best result yet. A mix-up by Mets outfielders Yoenis Cespedes and rookie Michael Conforto helped Escobar wind up with just the second inside-the-parker to lead off a Series game.
Torii Hunter’s Minnesota reunion went about as well as could’ve been expected — for both sides. That’s the way Hunter decided to cap his career, too, as the last of 19 major league seasons. The Twins confirmed Monday night that Hunter will retire. He told the Star Tribune he began the year believing this would be his last in baseball and wanted to focus on his family, with two of his sons playing college football. “I didn’t want a going-away tour. I didn’t want to be a distraction,” Hunter told the newspaper. Hunter was often in the spotlight this season, though. He finished with a .240 batting average, 22 home runs and 81 RBIs in 139 games.
No black coaches remain in baseball after recent firing ROB MAADDI THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Here’s a stat Major League Baseball would like to change: There are no African-American managers in the game. Lloyd McClendon was the only one until the Seattle Mariners fired him this month after just two seasons. Next season could be the first year since 1987 there isn’t at least one black manager, according to Richard Lapchick, director of the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at the University of Central Florida. There are openings in Miami, San Diego, Washington and Los Angeles. Former Astros manager Bo Porter has interviewed with the Marlins, and there are several other qualified black candidates, including longtime Braves coach Terry Pendleton. But Pendleton is skeptical he’ll ever lead a club. “I would love the opportunity somewhere, but I’m not sure that’s going to ever come,” the 1991 NL
“You’re going to have peaks and valleys in terms of representation within what’s a very small sample size.“ Rob Manfred, MLB commissioner
MVP told The Associated Press. “I don’t have to say anything. You guys see it,” he said. “You see all the managerial jobs out here and all the recycling of different guys getting another opportunity here or there.” Pendleton has interviewed for several managing jobs since joining Atlanta’s staff in 2002. In 1999, then-Commissioner Bud Selig mandated that teams must interview a minority candidate for a managerial vacancy. Six teams hired new managers last off-season, but none of the jobs
went to an African-American. Four managers were fired during the 2015 season, but each was replaced by a white man. “Obviously, field managers are high turnover jobs. And you’re going to have peaks and valleys in terms of representation within what’s a very small sample; there’s only 30 of them out there,” Commissioner Rob Manfred said Monday, a day ahead of the start of the World Series. “Having said that, we are focused on the need to promote diversity, not just African-American, but Latino, as well, in the managerial ranks.” Hall of Famer Frank Robinson, who became the first black MLB manager in 1975 with the Cleveland Indians, said he’s concerned but owners can’t be forced to hire managers based on race. “You have to have enough qualified people to present to them,” he said. “There are qualified people out there. But they have to get the opportunity.”
Robinson managed four clubs for 16 seasons over a period of 31 years. He had a losing career record and never went to the post-season, but was rehired three times. Others are still waiting for a second chance. “It makes me wonder how are these decisions being made and why is it that someone who has a Ph.D. in baseball and has been in the game 30 or 40 years, why is there not an opportunity being provided there,” players’ union head Tony Clark said about the lack of black managers in baseball. “I don’t have that answer, but I would be curious.” Willie Randolph averaged 89 wins in his first three seasons managing the New York Mets and won a division title, but he was fired midway through his fourth season. He hasn’t managed again. Cecil Cooper won 86 games in his only full season managing the Houston Astros, but was fired the
following year and didn’t get another managing job. Ron Washington led the Rangers to four consecutive 90-win seasons and two AL pennants in eight years before he resigned last year. He’s also waiting for another opportunity. “I think we could have more managing right now, but it’s a process,” said Washington, who returned as a coach with Oakland this season. “One thing you have to make certain when you go into an interview is to convince a GM and owner that you can guide them in the right direction. “For African-Americans, it’s always been about paying your dues and when they pay their dues, the opportunity will be there.” Dusty Baker and Jerry Manuel are successful former managers who could be interested in openings. Hall of Famer Barry Larkin and Red Sox hitting coach Chili Davis are also considered by insiders to be potential managers.
Pair of Grade 11 runningbacks being leaned on in Barsby offence Matt Cooley, Justis MacKay-Topley provide an elite one-two punch for the Bulldogs SCOTT MCKENZIE DAILY NEWS
f the future is bright for the John Barsby Bulldogs this season, the outlook for 2016 is near blinding. That’s what happens when your two top runningbacks are producing the way Matt Cooley and Justis MacKay-Topley are right now, still with another year left before graduation. “I’m pretty happy with those guys,” said Barsby head coach Rob Stevenson. And so he should be. In their first seasons of Varsity AA high school football, playing for the two-time defending provincial champions, they are combining to be one of the best one-two punches in the province with quarterback Nathanael Durkan handing them the ball in Barsby’s patented double-wing offence. But with the workload spread out to also include seniors Johnson Nguyen and Cory Fletcher, their numbers aren’t eye-popping — the Grade 11 backs simply produce when they get the ball. MacKay-Topley had four touchdowns in their win over No. 5 Carson Graham last week rushing for 109 total yards, while Cooley rushed for 59. The previous week, it was Cooley taking the bulk of the carries, busting up the field for 155 yards against the Windsor Dukes. “Everything’s coming together,” MacKay-Topley said after their last win, also giving credit to their offensive line led by Carson Vos. “We just keep getting better and keep getting better. And we’re going to be unstoppable.” The Bulldogs, ranked No. 3 in B.C. Varsity AA football at 5-2 overall, haven’t played any cupcakes this season, either, so it’s not like they’re doing it against nobodies. Four of their six opponents this season (not including a forfeit win over the Nanaimo Islanders) have been ranked in the top five provin-
Nanaimo’s Chase Lang traded to Vancouver Nineteen-year-old Nanaimo native Chase Lang is coming back to B.C. after a trade shook up the Western Hockey League Tuesday. Lang, a sixth-round NHL draft pick of the Minnesota Wild in 2014, was traded to from the Calgary Hitmen to the Vancouver Giants along with defenceman Ben Thomas in exchange for forwards Jackson Houck and Jakob Stukel, and goaltender Cody Porter. Lang had two goals and five assists with the Hitmen this season after finishing 2014-15 with 25 goals and 31 assists playing on a team with current Vancouver Canucks rookie Jake Virtanen. “Trades are always difficult to make when you move players who have been in your organization for a number of years,” Hitmen GM Mike Moore said in a release. “However, we feel this transaction is important for our team both this season and moving forward. “This deal sees the Calgary Hitmen and Vancouver Giants add quality players to their respective teams.”
Grade 11 John Barsby Bulldogs runningbacks Matt Cooley, left, and Justis MacKay-Topley are leading the way for their team’s offence in Varsity AA high school football. [SCOTT MCKENZIE PHOTOS/DAILY NEWS]
Clippers play host to lastplace Grizzlies tonight
“We didn’t see any reason why we couldn’t be moving the ball like we are.“
After defeating the surprisingly good Cowichan Valley Capitals 7-2 on Friday at Frank Crane Arena, the Nanaimo Clippers now play host the the surprisingly slumping Victoria Grizzlies tonight at 7 p.m. The Clippers (9-6-0-0) are in third place in the B.C. Hockey League’s Island Division while the Grizzlies (3-11-0-2) are in last after a long run of finishing at or near the top of the division in recent years. The Grizzlies are coming off a 4-2 loss at the hands of the West Kelowna Warriors Sunday, a loss that capped a three-game road trip to the Interior that saw them lose twice and win once, a 2-0 victory over the Vernon Vipers Friday. They’re led in scoring by former Capital Brayden Gelsinger, who has two goals and 11 assists in 13 games this season. The Clippers, however, have had few problems scoring as of late but scoring leader Sheldon Rempal will have a little more motivation tonight as he has a chance to re-take the top spot in the league’s scoring race. The 20-year-old Clarkson commit from Calgary is averaging two points per game this season, but after playing only one game last weekend fell to third place behind Penticton Vees stars Scott Conway and Tyson Jost, the latter an expected first-round NHL draft pick. Rempal has 30 points in 15 games, and is two points back of Conway, who has played 16 games. Rempal’s linemate, centre Matt Hoover, put himself back in the thick of the scoring race in the Clippers’ win over the Capitals Friday when he scored twice and added two assists. He’s now fourth in league scoring with 25 points while Nanaimo captain Devin Brosseau is in seventh with 23 points.
Justis MacKay-Topley, runningback
cially. One of those teams, the Mt. Douglas Rams, is ranked No. 1 in Varsity AAA football. They also beat AAA Argyle 7-6 before opening their conference schedule 3-0. Stevenson doesn’t mind leaning heavily on his Grade 11 runningbacks, despite who they’ve faced this season. “They’re great athletes,” he said. “There’s a big difference between, for instance, a ninth-grader playing junior varsity football, and an 11th-grader playing varsity football. “An 11th-grader and a 12th-grader, sometimes there isn’t a ton of difference between the two. They’ve all gone through the change and it’s just
really a matter of their work habits in the weightroom and on the practice field.” In their two conference games since bringing in the double-wing offence, Cooley is averaging 11.78 yards per carry, and is doing some of his best work after contact and breaking tackles. MacKay-Topley is averaging 5.4. Coming into varsity football this year, MacKay-Topley said he and Cooley expected the big workload, what with the graduations of 1,000yard rusher Cole Virtanen, and Trentyn Anderson, who had 849 yards on the ground last season. “We were hoping so,” MacKay-Topley said. “We had confidence in our offensive line and everything. “We didn’t see any reason why we couldn’t be moving the ball like we are.”
from their conference schedule for an exhibition game against the Holy Cross Crusaders Friday in the Lower Mainland. Stevenson said they won’t be trying anything new, simply going out to and doing what’s made them successful as of late. “A season is like fluid, like a liquid,” he said. “It builds inertia and has momentum. “You don’t want to take a week off, because taking a week off can become a habit. And habits are like iron rods — you put them together and pretty soon they’re hard to break. Our philosophy is ‘go get ‘em,’ and that’s what we’re doing.” The Bulldogs are back playing on the Island Nov. 7 for their annual border war against the Ballenas Whalers, this year held in Parksville, for their season finale.
NEXT UP: HOLY CROSS After two straight home games, the Bulldogs now hit the road on a break
Scott.Mckenzie 250-729-4243
Nanaimo club competitive at Victoria event The Nanaimo Rowing Club took part in the University of Victoria’s Annual Head of the Gorge and Tail of The Gorge Regatta this past weekend on the Gorge Waterway in Victoria. This Regatta included clubs and school teams from across western Canada and the northwestern United States. The Saturday Head of the Gorge portion of the regatta was a 4.5-kilo-
SPORTS BRIEFS Compiled by Daily News
metre race in which the Nanaimo Rowing Club had some strong results. The Junior Women’s Quadruple Scull of Riley Knight, Ayla Malainey, Meg Montgomery and Makala Mullaly placed second behind a very strong Victoria Crew. Junior sculler Madison Wagenaar placed third in the Open Women’s Single while up against University level rowers. The Sunday Tail of the Gorge por-
tion of the Regatta which entailed a 3.5-kilometre race continued the success of the Junior Women’s program. The Junior Women’s Eight of Riley Knight, Morgan Burke, Marina Mandziuk, Meg Montgomery, Ayla Malainey, Madison Wagenaar, Makala Mullaly, Erin Berry-Dillen and coxswain Claire Thomas placed second behind Brentwood College School in one of the closest races of the day. This event marked the end of the
fall racing season for the Nanaimo club with athletes transitioning to their winter training in order to prepare for what should be an even more successful spring racing season. For information on the Nanaimo Rowing Club contact or call (250) 756-0570. 250-729-4243
LeBron James eyes his sixth straight trip to the NBA Finals TOM WITHERS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
eBron James understands what it takes to reach the NBA Finals. The route, strewn with obstacles and doubts, has become a personal path. He knows the way as well as anyone. James has been to the league’s showcase event five straight years and six times in the past nine. On his most recent visit, the four-time MVP, two-time Olympic gold medallist and global icon, reminded everyone he remains the game’s biggest, brightest star. And now, as he embarks on his 13th pro season, James, just two months shy of turning 31, understands getting back to the Finals will not come easy for the Cleveland Cavaliers. “We’ve got a long way to go,” he said. When he and the Cavs tip off Tuesday night in Chicago, the ending that Cleveland fans can only dream of — celebrating the city’s first pro sports title since 1964 — is nearly eight months away. Right now, however, it’s still just a dream. James nearly carried the Cavs to the top in his first season back in Ohio. But they came up two wins shy of the championship. Last season’s journey, loaded with injuries, trades and whispers, seems to have made him more confident a title will happen. If not this season, then soon. “I know what we’re capable of,” James said following a recent practice. “I didn’t know what we’re capable of going into the first game of the season last year. I knew it was going to be a long process. I still think it’s going to be a process. It doesn’t matter what we did last year, that’s over and done with. We were happy how we progressed last year and how we played all the way to the end, but this is a new year.” Like last season, when they
n this Dec. 25, 2014 file photo, Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James hangs onto the basket after a dunk during an NBA game. [AP PHOTO]
“It doesn’t matter what we did last year, it’s over and done with.“ LeBron James
struggled trying to integrate Kevin Love into their offence and didn’t mesh for months under first-year NBA coach David Blatt, the Cavs may need some time to jell. James recently received an anti-inflammatory injection in his back — his second in 10 months — and his minutes will be closely monitored all season. Though he does a better job now of pampering his body, but the odometer is showing heavy mileage and the Cavs intend to rest him whenever possible. He missed a career-high 13 games last season and averaged 36.1 minutes, his fewest in 12 seasons. There’s a good chance he’ll lighten his workload more this season, especially on back-
to-back games or when the Cavs are playing three times in four nights. The goal is not just self-preservation, but for James to be healthy when the games matter most. The Cavs’ sights are on wins in June, not January. The last time James was on the floor during the playoffs, he played at a post-season level never seen before. During the Finals, James averaged 35.8 points, 13.3 rebounds and 8.8 assists — the greatest stat line in history — and nearly carried the Cavs to a crown before they were overpowered by the Warriors. Of course, James had to step up his game since he was playing without Love and All-Star guard Kyrie Irving, who was injured in Game 1 and who will start this season on the sideline following surgery. But the sublime performance was a reminder of James’ past — and his potential. “He’s playing his best complete basketball now,” said Cavs guard
James Jones, who has played with James in each of the last five Finals. “This team poses a challenge for him because we have so many good players and now he’s playing with a stacked deck. He’s the type of guy that relishes that opportunity. “What he does this year will be unlike anything he’s ever done in the past because this team is definitely one of the more loaded teams he’s ever played with.” In the end, the Finals will define him and shape his legacy. He can’t get there alone and James said his five most recent visits were with teams who gave of themselves. “Everyone has to sacrifice,” he said. “Sacrifice your own agenda. Things are not always going to go well for yourself, but if everyone has the same common goal and that’s working hard every single day, having those type of habits every single day. ... You have to have talent as well. But having guys going out there and just sacrificing for one another for the better of the team.”
Raptors, Pacers tipoff today in Toronto DAN RALPH THE CANADIAN PRESS
TORONTO — Kyle Lowry is happy to be playing basketball for real. Lowry leads the Toronto Raptors into their season opener Wednesday night against the Indiana Pacers at the Air Canada Centre. And the veteran guard couldn’t be happier. “(Training) camp has been over for me,” Lowry said with a chuckle following Tuesday’s practice. “We’re all just happy the season is here and everything really counts now.” Toronto has won two straight home openers to stand 12-8 overall. The Raptors are 11-9 in season openers, having won their last two and three of their last four. Toronto is coming off a bittersweet 2014-15 campaign. The Raptors captured their second straight Atlantic Division title with a team-record 49 wins and finished fourth overall in Eastern Conference. But the promising regular season ended abruptly as Toronto was swept 4-0 by the Washington Wizards in the first round of the playoffs. In the off-season, Toronto GM Masai Ujiri added the likes of DeMarre Carroll, Cory Joseph and Bismack Biyombo hoping to improve the team’s defence. But Lowry said defensive play has always been an emphasis under head coach Dwane Casey, who’s entering his fifth season with the franchise. “All the camps with Dwane Casey are always (about) defence,” Lowry said. “I think this was the same as before but we just put in a different type of scheme.” Toronto hits the ground running with a busy week. After hosting Indiana, it visits the Boston Celtics — and former Raptor Amir Johnson — on Friday night before hosting the Milwaukee Bucks on Sunday. Casey said his biggest concern heading into the regular season is Toronto maintaining the intensity it had during the exhibition season, where it won five of its seven games. “Just hoping our defence carries over from the pre-season, to make sure we maintain that edge,” he said.
October 13 - December 17, 2015 Schedules are subject to change without notice.
Leave Horseshoe Bay
3:00 pm 5:00 pm D7:00 pm 9:00 pm
6:30 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm
D Fri, Sat & Sun only.
Gregg Popovich will succeed ‘Coach K’
Leave Tsawwassen 3:15 pm 75:45 pm 7 8:15 pm 7 10:45 pm
5:15 am 7:45 am 10:15 am 12:45 pm
3:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm D9:00 pm
6:30 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm
7 Except Sat. Except Sun.
5:15 am 7:45 am 10:15 am 12:45 pm
3:15 pm
75:45 pm 7 8:15 pm 7 10:45 pm
Except Sat & Sun.
When it came time for a pro coach again, the U.S. basketball team turned to the one considered the NBA’s best. Gregg Popovich, winner of five NBA championships, will have a chance to lead a team to Olympic gold. The San Antonio Spurs coach
was hired Friday to replace Mike Krzyzewski as the U.S. basketball coach following the 2016 Olympics, a job he never knew he would get despite his undeniable place in coaching history. “I can’t imagine having this opportunity,” Popovich said at a press conference in San Antonio. “It’s still sinking in . . . but I love it.” Popovich will take over start-
ing with 2017 training camp and lead the Americans into the 2019 Basketball World Cup and 2020 Olympics if they qualify. Krzyzewski has led the Americans since 2005. When USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo decided to tab a pro coach, there was no question where to look. “I had a short list,” Colangelo said.
“It started and ended with Pop.” LeBron James, who has played in three Olympics, called Popovich the best coach in the world. “Team USA is in good hands with him,” James said. “It was in good hands with Coach K. It’s almost like The Godfather. We hand it off to Michael Corleone now.”
Leave Swartz Bay
Leave Tsawwassen 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm
7:00 am z8:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm z Oct 13 only. Fri & Sun only.
7:00 am 9:00 am z10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm
3:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm
Fri, Sun, & Oct 15 & 22 only.
For schedule and fare information or reservations: 1 888 223 3779 •
First Period — No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV — Gerbe Car, Tatar Det (roughing) 3:59. Second Period 1. Carolina, Rask 3 (unassisted) 12:26. 2. Detroit, Kindl 1 (Jurco) 17:44. 3HQDOW\—Abdelkader Det (boarding) 19:46. Third Period 3. Carolina, Hainsey 1 (unassisted) 4:35. 4. Carolina, E. Staal 3 (Nash) 19:30 (en). 3HQDOWLHV — E. Staal Car (tripping) 0:51; Sheahan Det (high-sticking) 8:58; Kindl Det (interference) 16:36. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Carolina 8 9 4 —21 Detroit 9 10 6 —25 *RDO — Carolina: Ward (W, 3-4-0); Detroit: Mrazek (L, 2-3-0). 3RZHU SOD\V JRDO FKDQFHV — Carolina: 0-3; Detroit: 0-3. Attendance — 20,027 at Detroit.
Montreal Tampa Bay Florida
GP 10 10 9
W 9 5 5
L OL SL 1 0 0 3 1 1 3 1 0
GF 36 27 30
GA 17 26 18
Pts Home 18 4-0-0-0 12 2-1-0-0 11 3-1-0-0
Away 5-1-0-0 3-2-1-1 2-2-1-0
Last 10 Strk 9-1-0-0 L-1 5-3-1-1 L-2 5-3-1-0 W-2
METROPOLITAN DIVISION NY Rangers NY Islanders Washington
GP 10 9 7
W 6 6 6
L OL SL 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 0
GF 28 31 29
GA 20 22 18
Pts Home 14 4-1-1-0 13 4-1-1-0 12 3-1-0-0
Away 2-1-0-1 2-1-0-0 3-0-0-0
Last 10 Strk 6-2-1-1 W-1 6-2-1-0 W-2 6-1-0-0 W-5
GP 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 8 10
W 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 2
L OL SL 2 2 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 3 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 2 8 0 0
GF 19 33 22 21 13 24 17 20 19 22
GA Pts Home 22 10 3-1-1-0 29 9 1-3-1-0 24 9 2-2-0-0 26 9 1-3-0-1 16 8 3-2-0-0 26 8 0-2-0-2 26 6 0-2-0-0 29 6 2-4-0-0 28 4 0-2-0-1 41 4 0-4-0-0
Away 1-1-1-0 3-0-0-0 2-2-1-0 3-1-0-0 1-2-0-0 3-1-0-0 3-4-0-0 1-2-0-0 1-3-0-1 2-4-0-0
Last 10 Strk 4-2-2-0 L-1 4-3-1-0 W-2 4-4-1-0 L-1 4-4-0-1 L-1 4-4-0-0 W-1 3-3-0-2 L-4 3-6-0-0 W-1 3-6-0-0 W-1 1-5-0-2 L-4 2-8-0-0 W-2
WILD CARD Philadelphia Boston Detroit New Jersey Pittsburgh Ottawa Carolina Buffalo Toronto Columbus
GP 9 8 9
W 7 6 6
L OL SL 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0
GF 31 25 28
GA 24 16 25
Pts Home 14 3-1-0-0 13 4-0-1-0 13 4-0-0-0
Away 4-1-0-0 2-1-0-0 2-2-1-0
Last 10 Strk 7-2-0-0 W-1 6-1-1-0 L-1 6-2-1-0 W-1
GP 9 9 10
W 6 4 5
L OL SL 3 0 0 2 3 0 4 1 0
GF 20 25 27
GA 18 18 28
Pts Home 12 3-3-0-0 11 1-2-3-0 11 1-2-0-0
Away 3-0-0-0 3-0-0-0 4-2-1-0
Last 10 Strk 6-3-0-0 W-6 4-2-3-0 W-1 5-4-1-0 L-1
GP 9 9 9 8 10 8 9 9
W 6 6 5 5 3 2 2 1
L OL SL 2 1 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 5 1 0 7 0 0 6 1 1
GF 25 19 29 23 24 20 16 9
GA 20 16 25 18 31 25 35 25
Pts 13 12 11 10 6 5 4 4
Away 4-2-0-0 1-2-0-0 3-1-0-0 3-2-0-0 2-4-0-0 1-2-0-0 1-3-0-0 0-4-1-0
Last 10 Strk 6-2-1-0 W-1 6-3-0-0 W-4 5-3-1-0 L-1 5-3-0-0 W-1 3-7-0-0 L-3 2-5-1-0 L-4 2-7-0-0 L-2 1-6-1-1 L-4
PACIFIC DIVISION Los Angeles Vancouver Arizona
WILD CARD St. Louis Chicago Winnipeg San Jose Edmonton Colorado Calgary Anaheim
Home 2-0-1-0 5-1-0-0 2-2-1-0 2-1-0-0 1-3-0-0 1-3-1-0 1-4-0-0 1-2-0-1
Note: a team winning in overtime or shootout gets 2 points and a victory in the W column; the team losing in overtime or shootout gets 1 point in the OTL or SOL columns. 7XHVGD\¡V UHVXOWV Vancouver 5 Montreal 1 Los Angeles 4 Winnipeg 1 Minnesota 4 Edmonton 3 Carolina 3 Detroit 1 Columbus 3 New Jersey 1 Florida 4 Colorado 1 St. Louis 2 Tampa Bay 0 Buffalo 4 Philadelphia 3 (OT) Boston 6 Arizona 0 Dallas 4 Anaheim 3 0RQGD\¡V UHVXOWV Arizona 4 Toronto 3 NY Islanders 4 Calgary 0 Chicago 1 Anaheim 0 (OT) :HGQHVGD\¡V JDPHV Calgary at Ottawa, 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh at Washington, 8 p.m. Nashville at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.
7KXUVGD\¡V JDPHV Buffalo at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. Carolina at NY Islanders, 7 p.m. New Jersey at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Colorado at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. Anaheim at St. Louis, 8 p.m. Chicago at Winnipeg, 8 p.m. Vancouver at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Montreal at Edmonton, 9 p.m. )ULGD\¡V JDPHV Colorado at Carolina, 7 p.m. Toronto at NY Rangers, 7 p.m. Philadelphia at Buffalo, 7 p.m. Columbus at Washington, 7 p.m. Ottawa at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Boston at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Chicago at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Montreal at Calgary, 9 p.m. Vancouver at Arizona, 10 p.m.
First Period — No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV — Ehrhoff LA (hooking) 19:00. Second Period 1. Winnipeg, Ehlers 4 (unassisted) 8:45. 2. LA, Muzzin 1 (Brown, Doughty) 15:50. 3HQDOW\ — Trouba Wpg (hooking) 16:17. Third Period 3. LA, Lucic 2 (Toffoli, Carter) 15:19. 4. LA, Toffoli 7 (Gaborik) 19:06 (en). 5. LA, Lewis 1 (Carter) 19:33 (en). 3HQDOWLHV — None. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Los Angeles 8 10 14 —32 Winnipeg 9 11 5 —25 *RDO — Los Angeles: Quick (W, 5-3-0); Wpg: Pavelec (L, 2-3-1). 3RZHU SOD\V JRDO FKDQFHV — LA: 0-1; Wpg: 0-1. Attendance — 15,294 at Winnipeg.
First Period 1. Van, McCann 3 (Prust, Dorsett) 2:30. 2. Vancouver, Sbisa 1 (Baertschi) 9:12. 3. Vancouver, McCann 4 (Prust) 15:52. 3HQDOWLHV — Fleischmann Mtl (interference) 13:21; Baertschi Vcr (tripping) 19:28. Second Period — No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV — None. Third Period 4. Mtl, Mitchell 4 (Emelin, Smith-Pelly) 2:54. 5. Van, Vrbata 2 (D. Sedin) 7:50 (pp). 6. Van, Dorsett 2 (Virtanen, Sutter) 10:56. 3HQDOWLHV — Virtanen Vcr (hooking) 5:06; Mtl Bench (too many men) 6:05. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Montreal 12 11 3 —26 Vancouver 11 9 9 —29 *RDO — Montreal: Price (L, 7-1-0); Vancouver: Miller (W, 4-2-3). 3RZHU SOD\V JRDO FKDQFHV — Mtl: 0-2; Van: 1-2. Attendance — 18,570 at Vancouver.
BLUES 2, LIGHTNING 0 First Period 1. StL, Gomez 1 (Parayko, Brouwer) 15:59. 3HQDOWLHV — None. Second Period — No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV — Condra TB (tripping) 7:05. Third Period 2. StL, Brouwer 3 (Pietrangelo) 19:19 (en). 3HQDOWLHV — TB Bench (too many men) 7:48; Lehtera StL (interference) 8:16; Nesterov TB (holding) 14:39. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Tampa Bay 12 8 6 —26 St. Louis 8 7 9 —24 *RDO — Tampa Bay: Bishop (L, 5-3-1); StL: Allen (W, 2-2-0). 3RZHU SOD\V JRDO FKDQFHV — TB: 0-1; StL: 0-3. Attendance — 19,184 at St. Louis.
SCORING LEADERS Benn, Dal Krejci, Bos Kane, Chi Seguin, Dal Pacioretty, Mon Tavares, NYI Wheeler, Win Kuznetsov, Wash Cammalleri, NJ Zetterberg, Det Jagr, Fla Plekanec, Mon Domi, Ari Carlson, Wash Gaudreau, Cal
G 8 5 5 4 7 5 4 3 3 2 6 5 4 2 1
Tuesday's games not included
A 4 7 7 8 4 6 7 8 8 9 4 5 6 8 9
Pt 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10
(Best-of-7 series; x — if necessary)
EASTERN CONFERENCE EAST DIVISION GP W Prince Albert 13 10 Brandon 13 8 Moose Jaw 12 7 Saskatoon 12 6 Regina 12 6 Swift Current 13 5
L 2 3 3 3 5 6
OL 0 0 1 3 1 2
SL 1 2 1 0 0 0
GF GA 53 41 57 36 47 35 45 48 34 41 36 41
Pt 21 18 16 15 13 12
OL 0 0 0 1 3 1
SL 0 0 1 0 0 0
GF GA 55 39 50 30 35 48 37 45 35 48 34 63
Pt 20 18 15 9 9 7
CENTRAL DIVISION Red Deer Lethbridge Calgary Medicine Hat Edmonton Kootenay
GP W L 14 10 4 11 9 2 14 7 6 11 4 6 13 3 7 15 3 11
WILD 4, OILERS 3 First Period 1. Minnesota, Suter 1 (Zucker) 7:25. 2. Minnesota, Scandella 1 (Vanek) 9:30 (pp). 3. Edm, Hall 4 (Yakupov, McDavid) 11:09. 3HQDOWLHV — Gryba Edm (roughing) 7:47; Davidson Edm (hooking) 16:05; Minn Bench (too many men) 19:04. Second Period 4. Edmonton, Pakarinen 1 (Hall) 4:41. 3HQDOWLHV — None. Third Period 5. Edmonton, Nurse 1 (Klefbom, Pouliot) 3:38. 6. Minnesota, Suter 2 (Koivu, Niederreiter) 8:43. 7. Minnesota, Coyle 3 (Vanek, Fontaine) 9:26. 3HQDOWLHV — None. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Edmonton 5 9 11 —25 Minnesota 8 11 9 —28 *RDO — Edmonton: Talbot (L, 2-5-0); Minnesota: Dubnyk (W, 6-2-0). 3RZHU SOD\V JRDO FKDQFHV — Edmonton: 0-1; Minnesota: 1-2. Attendance — 18,936 at Minnesota.
PANTHERS 4, AVALANCHE 1 First Period 1. Florida, Trocheck 3 (Campbell, Luongo) 19:40 (pp). 3HQDOWLHV — Bolland Fla (hooking) 10:53; Petrovic Fla (cross-checking) 13:33; Tanguay Col (holding) 18:37. Second Period — No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV — Bolland Fla (slashing) 1:00; Petrovic Fla (delay of game) 2:08. Third Period 2. Florida, Trocheck 4 (Kulikov, Campbell) 2:58 (pp). 3. Florida, Smith 4 (Jokinen, Trocheck) 9:49 (pp). 4. Florida, Campbell 1 (Smith, Mackenzie) 14:02 (sh). 5. Colorado, Landeskog 5 (Zadorov) 19:03. 3HQDOWLHV — Beauchemin Col (tripping) 2:44; Beauchemin Col (cross-checking) 7:51; Ekblad Fla (interference) 12:35. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Colorado 12 11 8 —31 Florida 10 9 9 —28 *RDO — Colorado: Berra (L, 1-2-0); Florida: Luongo (W, 3-3-1). 3RZHU SOD\V JRDO FKDQFHV — Colorado: 0-5; Florida: 3-3. Attendance — 11,694 at Florida.
6$%5(6 )/<(56 27
First Period %XIIDOR (QQLV 2¡5HLOO\ 2. Buffalo, McGinn 1 (Larsson, Gionta) 10:39 (pp). 3. Philadelphia, VandeVelde 1 (White, L.Schenn) 14:20. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Giroux Pha (roughing) 9:12; Franson Buf (holding) 16:20. Second Period â&#x20AC;&#x201D; No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Schultz Pha (hooking) 0:19; Moulson Buf (interference) 12:06. Third Period 4. Philadelphia, B. Schenn 3 (Laughton, L.Schenn) 8:14. 5. Buffalo, McCabe 2 (Franson, Larsson) 9:38. 6. Philadelphia, B.Schenn 4 (Giroux, Streit) 19:06. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; None. Overtime 7. Buffalo, Girgensons 1 (Colaiacovo) 2:29. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; None. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Buffalo 11 14 13 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;40 Philadelphia 7 13 10 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;33 *RDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Buffalo: Johnson (W, 3-5-0); Philadelphia: Mason (LO, 2-2-2). 3RZHU SOD\V JRDO FKDQFHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Buffalo: 1-2; Philadelphia: 0-2. Attendance â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 19,432 at Philadelphia.
B.C. DIVISION Kelowna Victoria Prince George Vancouver Kamloops
GP 13 14 11 12 11
W 9 8 6 4 3
L 4 5 5 6 8
OL 0 0 0 1 0
SL 0 1 0 1 0
GF GA 53 43 42 30 32 27 39 52 28 42
Pt 18 17 12 10 6
W 8 5 5 4 4
L 2 3 6 6 7
OL 1 0 0 1 1
SL 0 0 0 1 0
GF GA 41 25 19 19 33 29 30 47 40 46
Pt 17 10 10 10 9
U.S. DIVISION Seattle Everett Portland Spokane Tri-City
GP 11 8 11 12 12
Note: Division leaders ranked in top 2 positions per conference regardless of points; a team winning in overtime or shootout gets 2 pts. & a victory in W column; team losing in overtime or shootout gets 1 point in OTL or SOL columns 7XHVGD\¡V UHVXOWV Lethbridge 4 Victoria 3 (SO) Seattle 7 Brandon 2 0RQGD\¡V UHVXOW Kootenay 5 Edmonton 4 (OT) :HGQHVGD\¡V JDPHV $OO WLPHV /RFDO Spokane at Medicine Hat, 7 p.m. Edmonton at Prince Albert, 7 p.m. Lethbridge at Vancouver, 8 p.m. Prince George at Kamloops, 8 p.m. Tri-City at Portland, 8 p.m. Brandon at Everett, 8:05 p.m. 7KXUVGD\¡V JDPHV Spokane at Calgary, 7 p.m. Edmonton at Saskatoon, 7:05 p.m. )ULGD\¡V JDPHV Victoria at Prince Albert, 7 p.m. Spokane at Red Deer, 7 p.m. Brandon at Kootenay, 7 p.m. Moose Jaw at Regina, 7 p.m. Saskatoon at Swift Current, 7 p.m. Lethbridge at Kamloops, 8 p.m. Vancouver at Tri-City, 8:05 p.m. Prince George at Kelowna, 8:05 p.m. Portland at Everett, 8:35 p.m.
BCHL INTERIOR DIVISION Penticton Salmon Arm West Kelowna Vernon Merritt Trail
GP W L 16 15 1 15 10 3 16 9 5 17 8 8 18 6 11 15 6 9
T OL GF GA Pt 0 0 67 31 30 2 0 66 41 22 0 2 55 50 20 0 1 95 47 17 0 1 61 80 13 0 0 48 63 12
ISLAND DIVISION GP W L Powell River 16 10 6 Cowichan Vally 15 8 4 Nanaimo 15 9 6 Alberni Valley 15 5 8 Victoria 16 3 11
T OL GF GA Pt 0 0 49 35 20 1 2 55 85 19 0 0 61 46 18 1 1 36 54 12 0 2 34 53 8
MAINLAND DIVISION Wenatchee Chilliwack Langley Coquitlam Prince George Surrey
GP W L 17 10 4 17 9 5 15 9 6 17 7 7 16 4 11 16 4 12
T OL GF GA Pt 2 1 64 42 23 1 2 60 47 21 0 0 52 40 18 1 2 44 64 17 0 1 35 68 9 0 0 38 74 8
:HGQHVGD\¡V JDPHV $OO WLPHV /RFDO Powell River at Cowichan Valley, 7 p.m. Victoria at Nanaimo, 7 p.m. Salmon Arm at Vernon, 7 p.m. 7KXUVGD\¡V JDPHV Wenatchee at Prince George, 7 p.m. Powell River at Victoria, 7 p.m. )ULGD\¡V JDPHV Surrey at Chilliwack, 7 p.m. Alberni Valley at Nanaimo, 7 p.m. Merritt at Penticton, 7 p.m. Wenatchee at Prince George, 7 p.m. West Kelowna at Salmon Arm, 7 p.m. Trail at Vernon, 7 p.m. Cowichan Valley at Victoria, 7 p.m. Coquitlam at Langley, 7:15 p.m.
NEW YORK (NL) VS. KANSAS CITY (AL) (Series tied 0-0) 7XHVGD\ V UHVXOW N.Y. Mets at Kansas City :HGQHVGD\ V JDPH N.Y. Mets (deGrom 14-8) at Kansas City, 8:07 p.m. )ULGD\ V JDPH Kansas City at N.Y. Mets (Syndergaard 9-7), 8:07 p.m. 6DWXUGD\ V JDPH Kansas City at N.Y. Mets (Matz 4-0), 8:07 p.m. 6XQGD\ V JDPH x-Kansas City at N.Y. Mets (Harvey 13-8), 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3 x-N.Y. Mets (deGrom 14-8) at Kansas City, 8:07 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4 x-N.Y. Mets (Syndergaard 9-7) at Kansas City, 1 p.m.
CFL EAST x-Hamilton x-Ottawa x-Toronto Montreal
GP W L T PF PA 16 10 6 0 496 335 16 10 6 0 408 420 16 9 7 0 392 461 16 6 10 0 342 332
WEST x-Edmonton x-Calgary B.C. Winnipeg Saskatchewan
GP W L T PF PA Pt 17 13 4 0 426 319 26 16 12 4 0 408 320 24 16 6 10 0 403 433 12 17 5 12 0 342 481 10 16 2 14 0 381 497 4
x â&#x20AC;&#x201D; clinched playoff berth.
WEEK 19 Bye: Winnipeg )ULGD\ V JDPH B.C. at Toronto, 7 p.m. 6DWXUGD\ V JDPH Saskatchewan at Calgary, 3 p.m. 6XQGD\ V JDPHV Ottawa at Hamilton, 1 p.m. Montreal at Edmonton, 4 p.m.
FOOTBALL NFL ATLANTA FALCONS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Signed S Charles Godfrey. Signed RB Gus Johnson and WR Devon Wylie to the practice squad. Released RB Allen Bradford, LB Derek Akunne and RB Juhwan Edwards from the practice squad. BALTIMORE RAVENS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Waived RB Terrence Magee. Signed WR Jeremy Butler from the practice squad. HOUSTON TEXANS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Released QB Ryan Mallett. Placed RB Arian Foster on injured reserve. MINNESOTA VIKINGS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Signed LB Brando Watts from the practice squad. Placed CB Jabari Price on injured reserve. Signed FB Blake Renaud and LB Terrance Plummer on the practice squad. Released WR Donte Foster from the practice squad. NEW ORLEANS SAINTS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Waived DB Sammy Seamster. SAN DIEGO CHARGERS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Waived CB Chris Davis. ST. LOUIS RAMS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Placed LB Alec Ogletree on injured reserve-return. Signed DE Gerald Rivers and LB-DE Zack Hodges to the practice squad. TENNESSEE TITANS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Re-signed WR Rico Richardson to the practice squad.
HOCKEY NHL CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Called up F Tanner Kero from Rockford (AHL). Reassigned F Vince Hinostroza to Rockford. NEW JERSEY DEVILS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Placed F Tuomo Ruutu on injured reserve, retroactive to Oct. 16.
AHL LEAGUE OFFICE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Suspended Binghamton RW Zack Stortini 2 games after receiving a match penalty for boarding during an Oct. 25 game at Albany. Suspended Wilkes-Barre/Scranton LW Scott Wilson one game for a checkingfrom-behind incident during an Oct. 24 JDPH DJDLQVW 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG BRIDGEPORT SOUND TIGERS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Michael Picker president.
AMERICAN CONFERENCE New England N.Y. Jets Miami Buffalo
W 6 4 3 3
L 0 2 3 4
T 0 0 0 0
Pct 1.000 .667 .500 .429
PF 213 152 147 176
PA 126 105 137 173
W 3 2 2 1
L 4 5 5 5
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .429 .286 .286 .167
PF 147 154 147 119
PA 174 199 207 139
W 6 4 2 1
L 0 3 5 5
T 0 0 0 0
Pct 1.000 .571 .286 .167
PF 182 158 147 143
PA 122 131 182 162
W 6 3 2 2
L 0 3 5 5
T 0 0 0 0
Pct 1.000 .500 .286 .286
PF 139 144 150 165
PA 102 153 172 198
SOUTH Indianapolis Houston Jacksonville Tennessee
NORTH Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland Baltimore
WEST Denver Oakland Kansas City San Diego
L 3 4 4 4
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .571 .429 .429 .333
PF 166 148 160 121
PA 156 168 137 158
W 6 6 3 2
L 0 1 4 4
T 0 0 0 0
Pct 1.000 .857 .429 .333
PF 162 193 161 140
PA 110 150 185 179
W 6 4 2 1
L 0 2 4 6
T 0 0 0 0
Pct 1.000 .667 .333 .143
PF 164 124 120 139
PA 101 102 179 200
W 4 3 3 2
L 2 3 4 5
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .667 .500 .429 .286
PF 203 108 154 103
PA 115 119 128 180
SOUTH Carolina Atlanta New Orleans Tampa Bay
NORTH Green Bay Minnesota Chicago Detroit
WEST Arizona St. Louis Seattle San Francisco
0RQGD\¡V UHVXOW Arizona 26 Baltimore 18
WEEK 8 7KXUVGD\ V JDPH Miami at New England, 8:25 p.m. 6XQGD\ V JDPHV Detroit vs. Kansas City at London, England, 9:30 a.m. San Francisco at St. Louis, 1 p.m. N.Y. Giants at New Orleans, 1 p.m. Minnesota at Chicago, 1 p.m. Tennessee at Houston, 1 p.m. Tampa Bay at Atlanta, 1 p.m. Arizona at Cleveland, 1 p.m. San Diego at Baltimore, 1 p.m. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Oakland, 4:05 p.m. Seattle at Dallas, 4:25 p.m. Green Bay at Denver, 8:30 p.m. Open: Buffalo, Jacksonville, Philadelphia, Washington Monday, Nov. 2 Indianapolis at Carolina, 8:30 p.m.
ROUND ROBIN 6LQJOHV Âł 5HG *URXS Maria Sharapova (3), Russia, def. Simona Halep (1), Romania, 6-4, 6-4. Flavia Pennetta (7), Italy, def. Agnieszka Radwanska (5), Pol., 7-6 (5), 6-4.
STANDINGS Red Group: Maria Sharapova 2-0 (4-1), Simona Halep 1-1 (2-2), Flavia Pennetta 1-1 (2-2), Agnieszka Radwanska 0-2 (1-4). White Group: Angelique Kerber 1-0 (sets 2-0), Garbine Muguruza 1-0 (2-0), Petra Kvitova 0-1 (0-2), Lucie Safarova 0-1 (0-2).
EAST N.Y. Giants Washington Philadelphia Dallas
$W %DVHO 6ZLW]HUODQG 6LQJOHV Âł )LUVW 5RXQG Roger Federer (1), Switzerland, def. Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, 6-1, 6-2. Richard Gasquet (5), France, def. Jiri Vesely, Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-7 (2), 6-4. John Isner (6), U.S., def. Ernests Gulbis, Latvia, 6-3, 6-4. 'DYLG *RIĂ&#x20AC;Q %HOJLXP GHI $Qdreas Seppi, Italy, 3-6, 6-4, 6-4. Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria, def. Sergiy Stakhovsky, Ukraine, 6-3, 6-4. Philipp Kohlschreiber, Germany, def. Jerzy Janowicz, Poland, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Dusan Lajovic, Serbia, def. Alexandr Dolgopolov, Ukraine, 6-4, 2-0, retired.
$W 9DOHQFLD 6SDLQ 6LQJOHV Âł )LUVW 5RXQG Benoit Paire (5), France, def. Norbert Gombos, Slovakia, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. Guillermo Garcia-Lopez (6), Spn., def. Fernando Verdasco, Spn., 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Aljaz Bedene, Britain, def. Jeremy Chardy (8), France, 3-6, 6-2, 6-1. Joao Sousa, Portugal, def. Gilles Muller, Luxembourg, 7-6 (9), 6-3. Mischa Zverev, Germany, def. Thomaz Bellucci, Brazil, 7-6 (4), 6-7 (2), 7-6 (5). Taro Daniel, Japan, def. Michal Przysiezny, Poland, 4-6, 7-6 (2), 6-3. Daniel Brands, Germany, def. Nick Kyrgios, Australia, 6-4, 2-6, 7-6 (3).
Friday, Nov. 6 Winnipeg at Toronto, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 7 Hamilton at Ottawa, 4:00 p.m. Calgary at B.C., 7:00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 8 Saskatchewan at Montreal, 1:00 p.m.
KANSAS CITY ROYALS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Selected the contract of INF Raul Mondesi Jr. from Northwest Arkansas (TL). Designated RHP Joba Chamberlain for assignment.
PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Agreed to terms with bench coach Larry Bowa and 3rd base coach Juan Samuel. PITTSBURGH PIRATES â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Claimed RHP Jorge Rondon off waivers from Baltimore. Announced a 4-year player development contract extension with Indianapolis (IL).
Pt 20 20 18 12
(Single-game elimination) :HGQHVGD\ V JDPHV New England at D.C., 7:30 p.m. Los Angeles at Seattle, 10 p.m. 7KXUVGD\ V JDPHV Toronto at Montreal, 7 p.m. Kansas City at Portland, 10 p.m.
ENGLAND LEAGUE CUP Round of 16 Everton 1 Norwich 1 (Everton advanced 4-3 on penalty kicks) Hull 1 Leicester 1 (Hull advanced 5-4 on penalty kicks) Stoke 1 Chelsea 1 (Stoke advanced 5-4 on penalty kicks) 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG :HGQHVGD\ $UVHQDO
NBA PRE-SEASON 7XHVGD\ V UHVXOWV Chicago 97 Cleveland 95 Detroit 106 Atlanta 94 New Orleans at Golden State :HGQHVGD\ V JDPHV Washington at Orlando, 7 p.m. Utah at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Chicago at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m. Indiana at Toronto, 7:30 p.m. Philadelphia at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Charlotte at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Cleveland at Memphis, 8 p.m. New York at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. San Antonio at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Denver at Houston, 8 p.m. New Orleans at Portland, 10 p.m. Dallas at Phoenix, 10 p.m. L.A. Clippers at Sacramento, 10 p.m. Minnesota at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. 7KXUVGD\ V JDPHV Memphis at Indiana, 7 p.m. Atlanta at New York, 8 p.m. Dallas at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m.
Roussel scores late winner as Stars keep Ducks down THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
DALLAS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Antoine Roussel scored with 1:28 to play, rallying the Dallas Stars to a 4-3 victory over the Anaheim Ducks on Tuesday night. Patrick Sharp, Cody Eakin and John Klingberg scored in the second period for Dallas, which trailed 3-0 after one. Antti Niemi had 17 saves to help the Stars improve to 7-2. Anaheim, which has lost eight of its first nine games (1-6-2), entered with
just six goals this season. Mike Santorelli, Shawn Horcoff and Carl Hagelin scored for the Ducks in the final 5:16 of the first period. Frederick Andersen finished with 30 saves, including 15 in the third period. BLUES 2, LIGHTNING 0 Jake Allen stopped 26 shots for his sixth career shutout, leading St. Louis to the win. Scott Gomez and Troy Brouwer
scored as the Blues beat the Lightning for the fourth straight time, and sixth in the last seven meetings. Ben Bishop, who was teammates with Allen on Peoria of the AHL for two seasons, had 22 saves for the Lightning. Gomez gave the Blues the lead when he tipped in a long shot by rookie defenceman Colton Parayko at 15:59 of the first. It was Gomezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first goal with the Blues and No. 181 for his career.
Brouwer added an empty-net goal with 41 seconds remaining. KINGS 4, JETS 1 Milan Lucic snapped a tie with his second goal of the season at 15:19 of the third, and the Kings earned their sixth straight victory. Tyler Toffoli looked as if he was going to shoot before sending the puck across the front of the net and Lucic was credited with redirecting it past Ondrej Pavelec. Toffoli added an
empty-net goal at 19:06, and Trevor Lewis scored with 27 seconds left. Jonathan Quick, who has won his last five games, made 24 saves for the Kings. Winnipeg forward Nikolaj Ehlers and Los Angeles defenceman Jake Muzzin scored in the second. BLUE JACKETS 3, DEVILS 1 Boone Jenner and Cam Atkinson scored 35 seconds apart in the third period, and Columbus stopped New Jerseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four-game win streak.
CROSSWORD HEAD TO THE REAR ACROSS 1 Public outcry 6 Elbow room 11 Stick out 14 Stage whisper 15 Courtroom event 16 GI entertainment grp. 17 Japanese soup 19 Beer stein 20 On pins and needles 21 It Happened One Night director 23 Eccentric 26 Comics page array 27 Access to the attic 28 Ill temper 30 Reindeer herders 31 Turned ashen 32 “Scram, varmint!” 35 Part of the eye 36 Collapsed, with “in” 37 River of Spain 38 Crossed paths 39 Had aspirations 40 Hospital prep area 41 La Scala productions 43 Heathens 44 Out, as a library book 46 Parts of dovetail joints 47 Passover feast 48 Cash, so to speak 50 In olden days 51 American Pharoah’s 2015 feat 57 Precious stone 58 Conventioneer’s quarters 59 New worker 60 Woman in Eden 61 Sunflower snacks 62 Faded away
DOWN 1 A long way off 2 Forever stamp letters 3 Cup’s edge 4 Keats work 5 Tenants 6 Showing no emotion
7 Virtuosos 8 Right-hand person 9 Lo-__ (lite) 10 Voted in 11 “Mexican” seedpod 12 Take forcibly 13 Old Roman garments 18 Part of CNN 22 “We __ not amused” 23 Long look 24 DC landmark 25 What patches repair 26 Snow vehicle
27 Lanky 28 Puts aside 29 Asked earnestly 31 Bear with a hard bed 33 Fairway clubs 34 Spinning toys 36 Cereal grain 37 Thus 39 Floors of fireplaces 40 Pizazz 42 “Annabel Lee” writer 43 Brazilian soccer great 44 Missouri Indian 45 Desert of Israel 46 Turnpike payments 48 Tiny bit 49 Page for pundit pieces 52 Caviar source 53 __-eye steak 54 Sphere, in poems 55 Tiny 56 Neighbor of Marge and Homer
» EVENTS // EMAIL: EVENTS@NANAIMODAILYNEWS.COM TUESDAY, OCT. 27 10 a.m.- Noon Nanaimo Science and Sustainability Society’s Science Studio. Kids are encouraged to explore the many interactive displays and activities at their leisure. Departure Bay Eco School 3004 Departure Bay Rd. 250-619-2413.
a treat ., with live music by Howie James & the Howlettes in the Food Court. Also from 2-3 p.m
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28 6:30- 7:15 p.m. Brother XII tour. Downtown walking tour. Pre-registration is required 250-753-1821, cost is $10.
FRIDAY, OCT. 30 6:30-8: p.m. Nanaimo Museum Lantern Tours $15, pre-registration required. Email or call 250-753-1821 for details.
THURSDAY, OCT. 29 10-11 a.m. Golden Year seniors savings day at Country Club Centre. Free coffee, tea and
8 p.m. Emerald Specks, Honeywell live at the Longwood. The Longwood Brew Pub presents a free, weekly live concert series every Thursday. 5775 Turner Rd.,
SATURDAY, OCT. 31 4-5 p.m. Halloween Trick or Treating for chil-
dren 12 and under, draws for $25 gift cards, proceeds to Crime Stoppers Details at Nanaimo North Town Centre, 4750 Rutherford Rd
MONDAY, NOV. 2 6:40 p.m. Bingo, doors open 4:45 p.m. Every Monday at Chemainus seniors drop-in Centre, 9824, Willow St., Chemainus.
SUNDAY, NOV. 1 2-5 p.m. The Comox Valley’s Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass tribute band, featuring Jake Masri on trumpet, will perform such classics as The Lonely Bull at the Crofton Hotel Pub, 1534 Joan Ave. in Crofton. Admission: $10. Information: 250-324-2245 or
TUESDAY, NOV. 3 6:30-7:30 p.m. Dads Night Out free skate in Parksville. Dads, bring the kids to Oceanside Place Arena, 826 West Island Hwy. (Wembley Mall), or a free skate together on the pond. Phone Regional District of Nanaimo Recreation and Parks 250-248-3252 or view skate and swim schedules online at recreation.
2:30 p.m. Port Theatre Society presents, comedian, storyteller, musician, playwright and novelist, Lorne Elliott. Adults $35, members/ youth $25 students $15
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 10-11 a.m. CC Tiny Tots Play Group at Country
Club Centre, a free weekly drop-in group for little ones and caregivers. Enjoy play, crafts, stories and songs with ECE certified educators from PacifiCare. Activities appropriate for children five and younger. 7:15 p.m. On The Dock Acoustic Series with: Kendall Patrick & The Headless Bettys, Ali Prince, Nick & Katelyn, at The Dinghy Dock Pub, 8 Pirates Lane., Protection Island. Tickets $20 from the artists, Dinghy Dock Pub or at THURSDAY, NOV. 5 2-7 p.m. Mid Island Abilities & Independent Living Society open house . Support and communication for people with disabilities at 3999 Victoria Ave. 8 p.m.
HOROSCOPE by Jacqueline Bigar ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your effectiveness seems to depend on your ability to multitask. Today you will demonstrate this trait, and it is likely to affect your finances. Curb a tendency to flare up quickly. Your desire to indulge a loved one emerges to this person’s delight. Tonight: Midweek break. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Others look to you for feedback or support. Your creativity keeps emerging in waves. You won’t want to plug up this well of imaginative thoughts. A new friend might be unusually difficult. Could this person be jealous of your popularity? Tonight: You choose. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Your chatty ways and charming nature could backfire on you. You won’t want to assume a low profile, but you might need to. This is not the time to impress others. Gather information, and you will gain strength and knowledge as a result. Tonight: Get as much R and R as possible. CANCER (June 21-July 22) You know where you are going and why. Some friends might surprise you with their willingness to pitch in. Be careful, as your high energy is likely to overwhelm them. If you don’t have an outlet, your interactions could be challenging. Tonight: Only where the action is. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Take charge and know what you want. Understand your goals, and be willing to take the lead to manifest them.
Use caution with your spending, as you easily could go overboard. The damage could be substantial if you allow your impulses to get the best of you. Tonight: Out. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Read all you can about a developing situation or interest. Knowledge is power. You might be unusually driven, which is likely to distract several people around you. Don’t worry -- you have the energy needed to complete the task at hand and more. Tonight: Relax to great music. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) One-onone relating could be triggering you more than you choose to let on. Anger appears to be bubbling up from out of nowhere. To root out the cause and handle it directly would empower you. Share your ideas on this issue. Tonight: Opt for togetherness. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Of all the signs, you resent any challenges to your ideas the most. Attempt to view others’ feedback as ways of strengthening your plans. Be gracious about their willingness to pitch in, even if you dislike others interfering. Tonight: Go along with a loved one’s ideas. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Let others express their sense of direction before you decide to assume more responsibility. In a sense, you are a star in your community or at work. You blend luck, energy and caring together when you take the lead. Others might wonder why they can’t manifest similar traits; remind them of their uniqueness. Tonight: Where the
gang is. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your down-to-earth attitude might help a friend more than you realize. You will help this person see the bigger picture. You also might stimulate his or her mental and emotional growth. That is why this person will seek you out today and in the future. Tonight: Respond to emails. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Deal with a problem that might not be of your making. A close associate seems to need you to listen to his or her news and concerns. Work on your listening skills. Spend some time and/or thought on your domestic life. Tonight: Make your home your castle. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Keep communication flowing between you and a loved one. This person recently might have expressed a lot of anger or frustration. One-on-one conversations will be essential to relating with him or her and resolving any issues. Tonight: Defer to this person more often. YOUR BIRTHDAY (Oct. 28) This year you often face opposition to your ideas and actions. Tap into different perspectives in order to enhance projects and ideas. You might experience an internal conflict about whether to listen to your intellect or your emotions. Try both. See what works best for you. If you are single, you will learn to accept others and their views more completely. You could meet someone exciting who challenges you. If you are attached, try to respect
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$43.20 -$0.78
F b Ki
17,581.43 -41.62
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9 7 4 1 5 8 2 3 6
5 6 3 4 9 2 1 7 8
8 1 2 7 6 3 4 5 9
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3 9 5 8 2 6 7 1 4
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Wayne Smith has All Blacks ready to stymie Wallabies in final
U.S. star Wambach announces retirement
New Zealand defensive guru is recognized as one of the world’s greatest rugby minds FOSTER NIUMATA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
LONDON — The idea of a secret weapon at the Rugby World Cup is whimsical, yet New Zealand probably has the closest thing to one. Step forward Wayne Smith. Recognized the world over as one of the brightest minds in rugby, he has been in the background at this tournament, though his work as the All Blacks’ boffin for defence has been clear for all the world to see as they have powered into the upcoming final. New Zealand has easily the most tries in the tournament, but thanks to Smith it has also conceded the least: Just four in six matches. Four years ago in their home World Cup, they conceded five alone in the pool stage. Coaches and players like to talk about fine margins, how small changes can make the biggest differences. In that regard, Smith painted his greatest portrait yet in this tournament in the 20-18 semifinal win over South Africa last Saturday. On a rainy afternoon that ought to have suited the bulkier Springboks more, the All Blacks didn’t concede a try to them for the first time in four years. They didn’t even let the Springboks look like scoring a try, and finished the match pressing the Boks back inside their own 22. The Wallabies, whom the All Blacks face in the final on Saturday, have conceded only four tries, too, three of them to Scotland in the quarterfinals, and none to Argentina in their semifinal. But this was about Smith, who
New Zealand’s Keven Mealamu attends a press conference at Pennyhill Park, in Bagshot, England, Tuesday. [AP PHOTO]
England tried to lure after the 2011 Rugby World Cup, but loved the All Blacks more. These All Blacks love him right back. “He always gives us good insight as to how the other teams will be looking at us, and what they’ll be seeing,” fullback Ben Smith, no relation, said on Tuesday. “He’s been doing a great job over the last few weeks to get our preparation right, and had a big impact. “He’s good individually, too. You can go to him and talk about pos-
ition-specific things to help yourself out. He’s been brilliant.” Hooker Keven Mealamu, dealing with Wayne Smith in eight of his 13 years as an All Black, also couldn’t praise him enough. “Wayne’s got a really good rapport with the players, he’s a very smart man,” Mealamu said. “He sees a lot of things that a player doesn’t usually pick up on. He’s good at getting his teaching across. His attention to details is right up there.” Wayne Smith was part of New Zealand’s triumphant coaching corps
that ended a 24-year wait for the Webb Ellis Cup in 2011, and moved on without expecting to rejoin the national setup. A very good All Black flyhalf in the early 1980s, he transitioned into coaching and led the Crusaders to two Super Rugby titles, which earned him the All Blacks coaching job for two years until he resigned in 2001. His love of the All Blacks drove him to doubt how far he could take them. Despite the setback, the respect for his technical and tactical work and empathy saw him taken back aboard the All Blacks under coach Graham Henry in 2004 until the World Cup was won in 2011. After that, he was the assistant at the Chiefs, whom he helped to win consecutive Super Rugby championships in 2012-13. Last December, he was chuffed to be asked back into the All Blacks by coach Steve Hansen. Hansen wanted the astute and innovative Smith not only for his considerable knowledge, but also for his fresh thinking after looking at the All Blacks from the outside in over the previous three years. Now he’s in, and on the cusp of helping them become the first team to win consecutive Rugby World Cups. Secluded as they are in Bagshot, at England’s swanky rugby base 30 kilometres (19 miles) south-west of Twickenham, Mealamu said it felt like a normal test week. With Wayne Smith in the control room, these All Blacks believe the week will end as it normally does, with a win.
Abby Wambach, the leading career scorer — male or female — in international soccer, announced her retirement from soccer on Tuesday shortly after the U.S. national team celebrated its Women’s World Cup victory at the White House. Wambach, 35, said before the World Cup this past summer in Canada that she wanted to cap her 15-year career with the game’s most prestigious championship. She got her wish. Wambach, who grew up in Rochester, New York, has appeared in 252 international matches with 184 goals. She will play the final four matches of the national team’s 10-game victory tour before stepping away from the team. Her final match will be Dec. 16 against China in New Orleans. “After much deliberation and talking with my friends, family, teammates and our coaching staff, I’ve decided to finally bring my soccer career to an end,” Wambach said in a statement. “While we still have more work to do for women’s soccer, after bringing the World Cup back to the United States this summer, I’m feeling extremely optimistic about the future of our sport. It’s been an amazing, wonderful ride and I can’t wait to see what the next chapter of my life brings.” Before she announced her retirement, Wambach and her teammates were feted by President Barack Obama at the White House.
McDowell to wrap up season in Asia, start again in U.S. DOUG FERGUSON THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
raeme McDowell is going on nine months without a top 10 on any tour, so he is eager to get this year behind him and start all over again. He gets to do both in a span of three weeks. Last week in Hong Kong, this week in Turkey, and that will be the end of his European Tour season. McDowell is No. 64 in the Race to Dubai, and barring a big finish at the Turkish Airlines Open, he will finish out of the top 50 in Europe for the first time since 2006. Then it’s off to the beach — Mayakoba in Mexico, Sea Island along the coast of Georgia. The calendar says those are the final two events of the year on the PGA Tour, but McDowell knows better. They are part of the fall start to the new PGA Tour season, and they
present a chance for him to get a head start. He didn’t play the PGA Tour last season until the Florida swing, and by then he felt miles behind. “A big part of me wants to get the year finished,” McDowell said Tuesday. “But Sea Island and Mexico are going to feel like the start of 2016 to me.”
McDowell finished last year at No. 15 in the world, and he had been a fixture in the top 50 since his magical season in 2010. That was the year he won the U.S. Open at Pebble Beach, delivered the winning point for Europe in the Ryder Cup and nearly won the Race to Dubai until he was edged out by Martin Kaymer. This year, however, the 36-year-old struggled with the balance of being a global player and a new father. He started at the Dubai Desert Classic and tied for ninth. That turned out to be his only top 10 this year. “When you take your eye off the ball for just a second, you’re going to get beat up,” he said. “I got off to a slow start and didn’t play a lot of golf. . . . It’s amazing how quickly the confidence goes. This game is about momentum and confidence.” McDowell slipped out of the top 50
two weeks after the U.S. Open, and he never got it back. That knocked him out of the HSBC Champions next week in Shanghai, which in effect threw him into reverse during the Race to Dubai. Only the top 60 reach the season finale in Dubai. Only the top 10 after Dubai qualify for the bonus pool. McDowell didn’t see the point of chasing points in the Race to Dubai, which is a long shot. Instead, he wants to get an early start on a new season in America. “I know it’s not what the European Tour wants to hear,” McDowell said. “But if I can get some points on the board early (on the PGA Tour), maybe that will free me up to play in the desert (Middle East swing). It hasn’t been a phenomenal year for me. I took some time off after the PGA Championship and I’m fresh. I’m keen to tee it up.” He is among a growing list of international players who at least want a
few PGA Tour starts before the end of the year. Adam Scott and Henrik Stenson are at the CIMB Classic in Malaysia this week. Rickie Fowler played in Las Vegas last week. Only once in the last 10 years has McDowell played an official PGA Tour event in the fall. That was in 2011 when he went to the McGladrey Classic at Sea Island. The competition is getting stronger. The fields are deeper. And it’s becoming tougher to essentially spot other players a threemonth head start by waiting to play the Florida swing. His first PGA Tour event this year was the Honda Classic. McDowell didn’t break par until the first round of the Masters. When he arrived at the U.S. Open, he talked about wrestling with motivation after getting married, having a daughter and finding time and desire to do what brought him to such a consistently high level in the first place.
Eileen Bennewith Nutrition Notes
Iron-rich diet is important for everyone
T Merridale has honoured traditional European cider making methods and are passionate about brewing a pure product with no preservatives or chemicals.
Essence of apple captured in cider Sheila Hockin The Lucky Gourmet
apturing the real essence of an apple is what Merridale Cidery has been crafting and bottling for years. Winning the heart of many islanders, Merridale has honoured the traditional cider making methods from England, Germany and France for crafting their cider. Their passion for brewing a pure product with no preservatives or chemicals results in an outstanding crisp and dry cider. No concentrates of any kind are used; only pure pressed juices from the many varieties of apples grown right on their
property. Perfect soil conditions and the even temperate climate of Vancouver Island were determining factors when Janet Doherty and her husband Rick Pipes purchased the property. They knew that being in the rain-shadow creates the perfect conditions for growing juicy cider apples. The ciders are hand crafted using heritage varieties of English and French cider apples. Tremlett’s Bitter, Yarlington Mill and Chisel Jersey are among the many cider apples found on Merridale’s sprawling acreage. These cider specific apples were selected and planted after years of research, all the while reflecting on the apples used at renowned cideries in the UK. Not only for sale in liquor stores, the English style ciders created at Merridale are also finding their way
into local restaurants in bottles and on tap. You can now enjoy their House Cider and Traditional cider in many pubs and restaurants. Merridale House cider is refreshing and dry, making it a perfect alternative to wine for food pairings. The degree of apple flavour in the selection of ciders allows for many excellent food pairing opportunities. I like to pair the Traditional, with its’ hint of sweetness with roast pork, where as the Merri Berri goes well with lemon drenched seafood. Not only cider is found at Merridale but, they have also distilled their fruit wine into Cowichan Gin. Their gin is made from 100% BC fruit and aged over three years in stainless steel tanks to soften the finish. Containing more than twenty wild and native botanicals from Vancouver Island, this gin is a really good representation of the diversity
in products our island offers. Another product made from 100% BC fruit is their Frizz Vodka. A secret blend of spirits made from cherries, apples, plums and little bit of pear make this spirit a fascinating vodka. Using their hand crafted still, the vodka is distilled four times and aged for more than two years which results in a smooth vodka with a hint of fruit and a bit of fizz. To get the vodka carbonated was quite the feat. After numerous trials and errors, the trick was to chill the vodka to below zero and carbonate it in micro tanks. Imagine all the different cocktails you can create with vodka like this. » Sheila Hockin is the marketing and event co-ordinator for Lucky’s Liquor store in Nanaimo. For information on all events, including a Nov. 5 Merridale Cidery event, call 250-585-2275 or visit
New York to allow dogs on restaurant patios DAVID KLEPPER AND JENNIFER PELTZ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
ALBANY, N.Y. — New York’s pooches may now venture onto restaurant patios under a new state law allowing restaurants to open outdoor dining areas to canines. The measure was signed into law late Monday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. States including California, Florida and Maryland already have similar laws. Dog lovers and many restaurant owners in New York support the idea, noting that the animals would have to be leashed and that restaurants could choose not to allow canines in outdoor eating areas. While health officials expressed worries, Cuomo
said the legislation’s “firm health and sanitary guidelines” strike the right balance. “This action will give restaurants an additional option to boost revenue and grow their businesses by appealing to this new audience of dog-owning New Yorkers and their four-legged friends,” Cuomo said. Dog owners are delighted. “I think this speaks volumes to where we are as a society and how most people with dogs view them as members of the family,” said Kim Wolf, a New York City dog owner who works for an organization that helps people in poor neighbourhoods care for their animals. Restaurateur Michael O’Neal hopes
the legislation will settle any uncertainty about bringing dogs to his Boat Basin Cafe, in Manhattan’s Riverside Park. Dog owners often stroll through, and sometimes stop in, with their pets. “In a park or in a sidewalk cafe, people should be allowed to have their dogs,” O’Neal said Tuesday. But health officials disagree. The state Association of County Health Officials opposed the legislation this spring, saying it was “deeply concerned” about biting, sanitation and bringing “additional public health risks into food service establishments where none need exist.” The organization didn’t immediately return a call Tuesday about its approach now that
the measure is law. As a Manhattan dog owner, Evelien Kong is enthusiastic about doggie dining, but she understands those who aren’t. “Maybe there’s a happy medium,” such as having dog-friendly and dogfree sections of restaurant patios, Kong said Monday night while walking her 8-year-old shih tzu, Gracie. Dog owners must ensure their pets aren’t pests, and “there has to be a healthy, mutual respect for both sides,” Kong said. Legislation intended to help New York’s felines didn’t fare so well. Cuomo vetoed a proposal to fund groups that trap and neuter feral cats and then release them back into the wild.
hree vampires go into a bar. The first orders a pint of blood. The second orders a pint of blood. The third orders a pint of plasma. The server says that’s two “Bloods” and a “Blood Light.” With Halloween approaching, do you have enough iron in your blood to satisfy a vampire? Many people are living life with low hemoglobin or iron poor blood. There are many causes for low hemoglobin. Besides blood loss from surgery, injury or illness, a diet that is too low in iron rich foods may be the cause. Women of childbearing age have regular monthly blood losses increasing their need for iron rich foods. Many women this age may also be dieting by limiting meat and other iron rich foods. Women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant should be eating an iron rich diet. In pregnancy, they will produce about four pounds (1.8kg) of extra blood needed to nourish your baby. At birth, the baby will take a six-month supply of iron to last until they are old enough to eat iron rich solid foods. In order to get enough iron in your diet, begin by eating a variety of foods. Choose meat, fish and poultry as your main protein sources. These foods are very high in iron. The “heme” iron in meat is absorbed much better than the “non-heme” iron found in vegetable sources. If you eat meat together with beans or other high iron vegetables, the presence of the meat will improve the absorption of the non-heme iron in vegetables. Vegetarians need to take special care to eat enough iron containing foods such as beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, seeds, whole grains and dark green vegetables. Since the vegetarian diet contains only foods with non-heme iron, it is important to include iron-containing foods at every meal. Eating foods high in vitamin C will also help you to absorb the iron in your foods better. Vitamin C rich foods include strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, citrus fruits and most greens like spinach, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts. High iron dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes, dates and raisins can be added to cereals and baked goods to increase the amount of iron in them. If your hemoglobin is low, take a look at your diet to see what high iron foods you could be adding and stay away from vampires on Halloween.
» Eileen Bennewith is a registered dietitian in the public health program for Island Health. She can be reached at
Pie takes time and skill to turn out well Pick a mix of good, seasonal fruit and use the following tips and tricks to bake the perfect apple pie SARA MOULTON THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Any number of tasks may strike you as easy as pie, but anyone who’s ever actually made a pie can tell you that it actually requires some care if you want it to turn out well. Consider apple pie. Its ingredients are few and elemental: apples, of course, along with sugar, flavouring and pie crust. But choosing the right apples is a serious business. Likewise, you’ll want to do what you can to prevent the apples from shrinking in the pie shell as they cook, which simultaneously makes the bottom crust soggy and creates an unsightly gap between the filling and top crust. Let’s start with the apples. Some are tart and some are sweet. Happily, autumn is apple season, which means farmers markets (and, to a lesser extent, supermarkets) should be bursting with choices. Buy an assortment, taste each kind and take notes about their flavour, paying particular attention to their sugar level. An apple’s flavour intensifies as it is cooked. Unless you’re nuts about one particular variety, I’d advise you to pick a mix for your pie. The complexity of the flavours will make the pie that much more interesting. Some apples turn into mush when they’re cooked, while others hold their shape for days. If you’re not sure which way a given variety will go, here’s a test: Cut a wedge into cubes, combine it with a pinch of sugar and a tablespoon of water, then cook it, covered, over low heat for about five minutes, or until just tender. Most varieties will hold their shape, but McIntosh, Macoun, Cortland and Empire will fall apart and turn into applesauce. I recommend adding a few of the fall-apart varieties to your pie. Their sauciness will moisten and bind the rest of the apples in the filling. Now, how to prevent that gap? Simple. Gently pre-cook the apples, which drains them of liquid and shrinks their bulk. They’ll shrink no more once they’re added to the pie, which means that there’ll be no gap between the filling and the top crust. But don’t toss out that liquid! If you boil it down as detailed below and
Apple pie ingredients are few and elemental: apples, of course, along with sugar, flavoring and pie crust. But choosing the right apples is a serious business. [AP PHOTO]
add it back to the apples, you’ll amp up the apple essence. ——— DEEP-DISH APPLE PIE Start to finish: 3 hours Servings: 8 4 pounds firm apples, (a mix of sweet and tart) peeled, cored and cut into 1/4-inch-thick wedges 1 pound applesauce apples, peeled, cored and cut into 1/4-inch-thick wedges 1/2 cup plus 1 teaspoon granulated sugar, divided 1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon table salt 1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon zest Double batch of pie dough, refrigerated 1 tablespoon heavy cream In a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat, toss together all of the apples, 1/2 cup of the granulated sugar, the brown sugar, salt, 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice and lemon zest. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook until the firm apples are just tender when poked with a knife, about 15
minutes. Transfer the apples to a large colander set over a bowl and let them drain for 15 minutes, shaking the colander every so often. After the apples have drained, add the juices from the bowl to the Dutch oven and simmer until reduced to about 1/2 cup. In the bowl, combine the reduced juices with the apples. Taste for seasoning and add additional lemon juice if necessary. Cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, remove 1 disk of dough from the refrigerator and roll it out between two large sheets of plastic wrap into a 12-inch circle, about 1/8 inch thick. If the dough becomes soft and/or sticky, return it to the refrigerator and chill until firm. Remove the plastic wrap from one side of the dough and flip it onto a 9-inch pie plate. Remove the second layer of wrap. Ease the dough down into the plate and press it into the bottom and sides gently without stretching it. Leave the dough that overhangs the plate in place; chill until the dough is firm, about 30 minutes. Roll the second disk of dough
between two large sheets of plastic wrap into a 12-inch circle, about 1/8 inch thick. Chill, leaving the dough between the plastic sheets, until firm, about 30 minutes. While the dough chills, adjust the oven rack to the lowest position, place an empty rimmed baking sheet on the rack, and heat the oven to 425 F. Remove the pie plate lined with the dough from the refrigerator and spoon the apple mixture into it. Remove the plastic from one side of the remaining dough and flip the dough onto the apples. Remove the second piece of plastic. Trim the excess dough hanging off the edge of the pie plate so it is flush with the edge. Pinch the top and bottom dough rounds firmly together and press them with the tines of a fork. Cut four two-inch slits in the top of the dough. Chill the filled pie for 10 minutes. Brush the surface with the heavy cream, then sprinkle evenly with remaining 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Bake the pie on the heated baking sheet until the crust is dark golden brown, 40 to 45 minutes. Transfer the pie to a wire rack
and let cool until ready to serve. Nutrition information per serving: 550 calories; 240 calories from fat (44 per cent of total calories); 27 g fat (17 g saturated; 1 g trans fats); 70 mg cholesterol; 210 mg sodium; 76 g carbohydrate; 4 g fiber; 38 g sugar; 5 g protein. ——— PIE DOUGH Start to finish: 20 minutes, plus chilling Makes two crusts 2 2/3 cups (11 1/2 ounces) all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon table salt 18 tablespoons (2 sticks plus 2 tablespoons) unsalted butter, cold, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 4 to 6 tablespoons ice water In a large bowl, stir together the flour and the salt, then add the butter. Working quickly with your fingertips or a pastry blender, mix the dough until most of mixture resembles a coarse meal, with the rest in small (roughly pea-sized) lumps. Drizzle 4 tablespoons of ice water evenly over the mixture and gently stir with a fork until incorporated. Gently squeeze a small handful: it should hold together without crumbling apart. If it doesn’t, add more ice water, 1/2 tablespoon at a time, stirring 2 or 3 times after each addition until it comes together. (If you overwork the mixture or add too much water, the pastry will be tough.) Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and divide into several portions. With the heel of your hand, smear each portion once in a forward motion on the work surface to help distribute the fat. Gather the smeared dough together and form it, rotating it on the work surface, into two disks. Chill, wrapped in plastic wrap, until firm, at least one hour. Sara Moulton was executive chef at Gourmet magazine for nearly 25 years, and spent a decade hosting several Food Network shows. She currently stars in public television’s “Sara’s Weeknight Meals” and has written three cookbooks, including “Sara Moulton’s Everyday Family Dinners.”
Hot dog makers, meat retailers shake off WHO report JOSEPH PISANI THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
NEW YORK — Hot dog makers and meat sellers say a report from the World Health Organization labeling wieners, bacon and other processed meats as cancer-causers is baloney. WHO said Monday that processed meats raised the risk of colon, stomach and other cancers. It also said red meat probably contributes to the disease, too. Meat eaters at a New York food court mostly shrugged off the report Monday.
And Wall Street investors seemed to do the same, with shares of meat producers little changed. The North American Meat Institute, a group that represents meat producers, said the report was “alarmist.” “Classifying red and processed meat as cancer ’hazards’ defies both common sense and numerous studies showing no correlation between meat and cancer,” the association said in a statement. Hormel Foods, which sells Spam, sliced bacon and canned chili, said
the report “did not look at the benefits of meat consumption,” which it cited as including “important nutrients” and “high quality proteins.” But Hormel may also be preparing for a shift in consumers eating less processed foods. Earlier this year it paid $775 million to buy Applegate Farms, which sells organic deli meats, hot dogs and bacon, and doesn’t use antibiotics, hormones, artificial ingredients or chemical preservatives. Shares of Hormel Foods Corp. fell 1 per cent Monday, as did shares of
Kraft Heinz Co., which makes Oscar Mayer hot dogs. Shares of Tyson Foods Inc., the maker of Ball Park hot dogs, Jimmy Dean sausage and Hillshire Farm ham, fell nearly five per cent. However that fall was attributed more to a research report from a JPMorgan Chase analyst that said Tyson is losing market share to competitors. Whether Americans will stay away from hot dogs, bacon and other meaty treats remains to be seen. Visitors at a food court in New
York’s Penn Station, which houses a Nathan’s Famous hot dog restaurant, mostly said the WHO report won’t change what they eat. “People nowadays, they say ’I’m going to change my eating habits,’ but when you’re hungry and you have to grab something close by, you’re going to eat there,” said Randy Duran of New York. Clevie Henry from St. Lucia said the convenience and taste of processed meat outweighs the pitfalls. “Anything tastes better with bacon,” Henry said.
Confessing will ease the stress of dishonesty I could get fired and probably should be. I am sick about it. I knew it was a mistake as soon as I mailed it in. Please tell me what to do. Should I tell my boss upfront and resign? Or do I live with the stress and pray I don’t get caught? I will never do it again, but I doubt anyone will care about that. – This Is Not Me
Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Annie’s Mailbox
Dear Annie: I am a good person. I always try to do the right thing. But I did something stupid, and it could cost me my job and the respect I have earned. For 10 years, I have been the director of a preschool. Every member of the staff has to take 18 hours of learning in-service. One of my staff members was absent during one of the in-service exams, so I took the test for her and signed her name.
Dear Not You: We don’t think you will be able to live with the stress. It’s already eating you up inside, and you will forever anticipate the truth coming out. Did the absentee woman ask you to take the test for her? If so, she could lose her job, as well. You made a terrible mistake and will have to face the consequences, but there is a
possibility that if you are forthcoming and sincerely sorry, you will be given another chance. You might also wish to talk this over with your clergyperson or counselor and ask for guidance. Dear Annie: Can you settle a dispute between my husband and me? “Lenny” is retired and does the majority of the housework and taking care of our cats. On weekends, I like to get up early while Lenny sleeps in. One cat prefers to be fed at the crack of dawn, but the other two sleep late and aren’t hungry. I usually feed the one cat but not the others. I also pick up the caked-on dirty cat dishes and put them in the kitchen sink to soak. I always intend to wash them, but often get busy doing other
things. When Lenny gets up and goes into the kitchen, he sees the dirty bowls in the sink and has a cow. I think he should be glad I’m getting a head start on the cleaning, but he thinks I don’t appreciate him because I leave the bowls in the sink for him to wash. That is not the case. I was taught to soak dirty dishes because it helps in the washing. Who is right? — Dirty Debbie
resolved if you soaked the cat bowls before going to bed and washed them when you got up in the morning. Or, when your husband sees them, he simply tells you that the dishes have soaked long enough and then YOU jump right in and take care of it. This is a minor dispute, and we’re certain you can find a way to make it less annoying. Too bad you can’t teach the cats to clean their own dishes. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.
Dear Debbie: Soaking dishes is always a good way to remove crusted-on food, but your husband interprets it to mean you want HIM to wash them. And since he inevitably ends up doing so, we can’t argue with his logic. This could easily be
Lawyer says Cosby’s alleged victim met with police Andrea Constand, who settled a sexabuse lawsuit against Cosby, met two months ago with detectives from suburban Philadelphia, her lawyer said. Lawyer Dolores Troiani confirmed the police interview late Monday, the day Constand filed a defamation lawsuit against the prosecutor who
Police reviewing a 2005 sexual-abuse complaint against Bill Cosby have re-interviewed his accuser, but an election next week could determine if he’s charged. Former Temple University employee
declined to arrest Cosby when she first came forward. The lawsuit accuses former Montgomery County prosecutor Bruce L. Castor Jr. of defaming Constand with remarks made this year as he seeks to return to the job. Castor has said Constand gave to
police in January 2005 a different story than the felony assault she described in her lawsuit that year. “If the allegations in the civil complaint were contained with that detail in her statement to the police, we might have been able to make a case out of it,” he said last month,
defending his decision not to prosecute Cosby. Troiani said Monday it was “outrageous that a victim of a crime could be treated this same way — twice — by the same man.” Constand has said Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her at his home in 2004.
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Balanc Morland went s Week in Canada adventurou ing breastlife, includ much more g that when for Chancellor work w and family ingly necessary safety Kam increas y and palette, findin ks strong t Lions wide y in fe feeding, is wear, a strong, health SeattlesSeahaw from Detroi to under ball loose r. in an NFL game Monda women’s rights,rce-and a healthier w it come about n knocks thefor colou vvibrant workfo design everything le go r Calvin Johnso peop receive ance of the . “I could import PHOTO] the s society [AP hts they sold the shape Seattle. rently year highlig just not Thisthe “Appa ’s and men’s shoe,women the boxer nd. work of uctive oof integratingsaid Morla more reprod way produc tive and p shoe,” produc colourful shoe tely can benefit Lurk security, shorts in the Scout Xjob w which ultima For the they did with income and blackand , grey and tivity, familyrs childre ti n’s health ” version than chose rm ’s and he ork version, colou women w ers’ long-te . just the linew employ green ing, oise w turqu well-be ’s socio-econom and a nation y! This year’s he said. p profits stabilit combo, r re therefo ic health and Makeaitgreat Work”colou can l, it works. “Let’s “It’s just Together,r we th theme ne. colou whee everyoyour ic it’s a bit in gos grab involve graph think in I d and “But learnezation m it work. make stuff IOrgani boxer justHealth thatrs colou World mend TheIt’s work recom different with having this both to how for n, Canada black Health H desig with aeed their babies shorts, I think you know, rs breastf ellor came her well. Also. Breast mothe m toget way – line, Chanc ball free. will sell years and beyond s and Mancha on your foot pattern shoebenefit ffor the goal up u to two a black vourss of La flavour knocked the ball so I shoe, many health mother.r strange play the colou aacross and tangy nutty feeding has fe other a bright, gaudy how many te side of a for both a lot of brown than any to tive factors – Brie. With is wants a on the opposild City. Detroit (0-4) “I (saw) a and made more perfectly. pprotec n that sland is home as Comox Island punched it t out of on your foot t ge perso baby. ellor said. brie known tastes, Comox Brie in the Emeraorst start since it also Salt Spring heese,, an organic aattacked it, avera With Detroi aand her to suppor going to Your worst Cheese ion. the end,” Chanc it fly out are wise grab own dairy g shoe.” a black on third down.Seahawks (2-2) ran people are unique earthyit has won numerous , is off to its n 2010. Moonstruck ese-ma bbig play at kingg operat Employerswillmothe from their zero just rs by allowin ed it I (saw) the in was their cheese-makin shoe means products comes timeouts, seconds of their second comfort-departed so good that l cheese competitions started 0-4 you do? You’re not farmstead t organic milk from ““When I punch forever. The ball bbreastfeeding , and having INSIDE of course, buy that?” Morland sure,” took ationa pump of his at the 2008 SPORTSissue farm which, nt here! off the final “What can Jersey cows the print, The fragran re-roam aand roll. It long time.” it that’s for feeding breaks fe Forwhere r mothers canicolou prod- intern ing the gold medal ps. e-roaming ’s ve play PRESS t win. cryy about a nt the to said. TED pastur for Today ll ary. on of carbon footpriof Little Qualicum straigh differe techn includ places ionshi going d an offensi was ASSOCIA herd rrolling a able THE it Champ judge milk if necess and ch Jim Caldwe the usual not allowe the ed into nine ful, comTIM BOOTH they make frombreast The lineup “The back he didn’t feel Lynette maternity went World Cheese Brie with a local Detroit coach performance by Seattle has the two games since is transformed , a store capes longer impressive; wine-marjudgment sess with beautian ash-rip- and shifts,lands also cheese t. It has own in one big punch was an ugly with offensive misslight acidwill the ucts is truly and in his act so he didn’t throw g lity inndia Try the Comox It ith jack, Burns ing ons be holdou artisan touchd t Lurkla rey wine’s to F Flexibi his it s situati includ ellor . The Monte . s— ended m, filled time“I wanted r. lookin in this feta, brie, fresh curds, tangy blue was an overt or part Kam Chanc ,” Pinot Grigio home team, that stretch -quarter fumble plex flavour bert. Chancellor C mothe no said. “In bat so The Lucky grey. eeding leaveswith le out the best , ite, importtwo fourth returned 27 mbert. a punts during we protected of what I paint bled cheese my personal favour the flag,” Blandi Gourmet showed his site ity really brings takes and ened camem Moonstruck Cheese fforced 18 looked like less likely ssupport a breastf and it oppo second ly are Seattle inch ute and the , y, Salt s, the replays an e radius absol be basical fed babies cheese at the by Caraun ance to cheese. by Wilson ers who Thankfully, d online if a trip to “Give us Breast just feels so like 100-kilometr Cheese the ement would touchdown s said. “It ered e sick, so employ NEWS] of your Goat eeding fromage frais.and containing flavour , the enforc back to the spot of be ordere Within our Seahawks. Wright yards for a Detroit to 13-10. it,” i Thoma we just need games he said. t tto becom The Happy with breastf deal the can the go is a little out CHADWICK/DAILY e ned rs at acteria ull K.J. have pull and le an interes keep [JULIE would think Island to o. defenc Unripe I mothe also ’s with t we er.” fungi/b touch, to Availab we Reid Spring ggood. consuppor s in Nanaim nybody Detroit would sick time end, Seattle n-friendly) 20 doesn’t in Duncan. Duncan farmto come togeth With one little r Monday night Umbrella ees surable, tart good ful (huma fumble and y have less Electric But in the Company way. tthis for us forced to be an escape a is a spread in eating locally expert adviceyour own actuall h. 21 downtown ting your employ artizone where and are doing Morland of rough. 6:23 far on Vanprovided anothe know the Clippers, Raiders fromage frais you can eat as a football.” same endcommunity year-round this exotic array of came throug With so much Wilson was ’s offensive line conmake nine with with. wRuss By supporthey continue to breastkn know are ycool have to look as so many he did not place. in the one 22 tookridt, skateboard us, why not ngg on their converted a big trovers the drive guiding the Mary”their Canucks Wright said as Seattle with protection. for theus cheese and d with garlic and herbs Startin ers’ marke “Fail artist rounding a to t work while thingsinfamo th s, pants, skatecouver Islands and food s is worth purposely Your best employ jam 23 we we’re things for ng, the Lions 22-yard catcheir T-shirt thedoing goodyou to struggle ? their and snack blende rule and was end line. look at it, et Mezzal Lions makes sense. to come back after san goat cheese especially with remaining, ng toast with tible. yards adorn cheese tinued t feed fe and an local farmerbounty from ories. Carrol 287 Gourm Tate’s that t morni for 24 on the 46 alone, lin, “Now own willing nd access like this threw but ’s Blue Jays coach PetesucSeattle he formed that the or on your ball over definitely the though to Duncan choices like Mando De third down Lucky’s Liquorto welcome Paula Wilson W boards and ally, find irresis ny is e will be er he said. ees r 40 yards, most y, use nature same time, they know reached the Ameer ate,” isSeattle 25 e good, it’s almost finding artistic and of and ers,” for anothe producers sea to make yumm NHL Preview “That was ball out of with unique ity leave if which, I persones Cheese Compa Around the hard-to-find Tallentire and Tomm and-run and “I thinkk it’s we need it Wilson’s nine is pleased for another season arushed r Tfortunh he clothing, the bread Thoug why breastes left on m matern to get the 29 w ball free collaboration ear comsix times. is back h knocked thecareer said. said. hree minut ic relationship, our land and vittles. Scoreboard Cup Island Pastur ey and their cheese er understands process just not try to catch it and of Instagram, througellor La Mancha, an artistic with three . For inform symbiotic Maddison was w sacked play was spinning free ard run. Matthe e employ cessChanc ce of thing,” he ny ed underw his signaCourtn invention d’s artistic r Calvin o Counos could ah’s nine-y to No. 3 butmaking classes . ed us kind Morlan ready-to-eat for example; we rable Rugby World Mor- it is important.Nutritionists, need located in the lovely bounds and hit my foot and the ing compa Vallee. Vancouver-bas Abdulllah’s finding Kearse wide receive cheese-makin memo m tbusine fe butter ofDetroi bu feeding ss. Both le at all Nanaim a is a firm, 5-2275 zipped a pass the head honchg stuff age, provid seam fabric they guys who own this is one of sacks and unity NEWS r, ers within line when from Take cheese ver his to all 250-58 CommICK is also availab a couple of fumble it andr it,” Wright said. The La Manch a sweet goat-milk 1-yard pany MyPak Stafforrdd then Wright down the grace the DAILY “They tion, call oof two near in the second quarte a Etnies VIHACHADW ntly postin the art sti his tattoo still shoe and cheese produc o. stores. rd, with artwork to boxer briefs. Nursing, Vancouothers recove Johnson attyleLions n on end Tim another 20 with ill skateboard. -owned compan- land’s have four were going yards ing leader see I was constasee all the new work try Grocer their desired standa be found tery cheese with dried fruit and/or ture Lurk both still at the 20. PJULIE Health al Libraries, and Public lan Lurk-s tres of Nanaim series of Doug Baldwi called Lions non-call provided moment in tight 6 yards to the Seattle in-between ffor 34 ed therk boxers can held on for is the manag ries it local . But appear-artwo 100 kilome producers, Island PasSeattle’s ballt should have been ly skateboarder To achieve use also comes from The to it and they could g out, and I think Region d is theyear finish. Try of Longwood Brewe of one of their two years ago when for 26 and Seattle Boardthe only » Sheilaa Hockin store. a then hitting and Is Island cu custom next play. actual boards Morlan of Monday night herd ing, placing ussring and the again this at Island Riders take the olead, Two main Company and Little But Wrigh , it was that d TD on the at the same time ky’s Liquor t, other than most of the shoe the milk they well as their own that was comin memorable three years ago when at the helm and they’ve “It was about eeding t a cold bottle Dunkle. The rich and 2:30 remain an, Earl Thomas for Lucky’s 2 24-yar ies left, ouse bat for hitting a partne are in Nanaim of win. Dr. as it just clicked were like, of came out, was for breastf go, the n powerh win but vibran. In sell their Metral tently a 13-10 event Umbre lla,toa attend tures Cheese for an illegal end zone, NFL VP hardd Sherm they from there local farms water buffaloes. With Seattle. It officials credited Gold6404 Steampunk e beer compliments the first one Richar “A win is a t on the verge the as far as shoes sold out to bigger .” them,” Baldwi out consis c friends where pprovide an sh shop, g to the Cheeseworks, y stores. into NFL it Detroi es of own Electri um . 11 and timing comin ment told give good’ have with With Pastur nestled ellor. no be Qualic nies touchd ball out ncellor and their place on perfect of cows replace o grocer or Adidas malty Dunkl just been Chanc compaanies we tried to w d the Seattle families shop fa 91-yard drive and gallery g milk, Island Dean Blandi will take a disputed be doing that.” artwork could said. tess like Nike Wesley . with capping a ck own with less than local as cheese at Nanaim tattoo o, the event merate Officiating company would have he Lions reache , Stafford passed said. “We can’t lomera r on ‘this guy’s project that they were water buffalo creamy award winnin en Tate with the final play in nearly The since.” he conglo s rove Centre it taste as Quarte Nanaim N Julie.Chadwi Ju coming out Chancellor nd-one The penalt Detroit at the ad touchd City ed to work with was on Woodg rich, rk. more n shoe Green a ilynew Old ion third-a the got go-ahe play this stretch ing, beat at And to make le, all the milk used the Netwo on decisio the imodaes remain makes he ay recept age “I’ve andd Hiss s near l propon- for ” said Morland. S Saturd @nanaminut @n as Seattle .” ball back to and MyPak Johnson. As punched the m happen d. es two five differhumanly possibum Cheeseworks’ Street. given the doing, the same spot ike Etnies them for springskateboarder, one to an open and aRgenera ies like The progra Us. Famili the side and as he was 25 250-729-4238 project has ber all of art, in ous, said Morlanyou on the t to Toys for Detroit, came from Both an artist in Little Qualic genre of Seattle 1. “The shoe after out Bay. that relyy consci n’s arm As a veteran finds inspiring about t entirel thrown and aarea adjacen Tate, playing “low-b ed arrive just s. d lim, I can’t remem companies torow” of the aged branchfind ball from Johnso No flags were sion, Russell Wilson Now it was ent artists pretty cool, it’s all the thing Morlan industry is its suppor You choose “You by Earl Thoma aentencour are years he has r and it’s oard an artist lastsofew being tackled into the end zone where for 50 yards you can registe n ny ensuing posses rming them but runs. They’re all over w artists to the skateb Kearse libraria ne transfo 10 1thea.m. by ed , lowbro our line and compa a.m. fashion It bound shoe 10:30with found Jermai ited-edition think I’m the only one tion that skatefor of outsider the olderart over the back S seat. Atrship ainto time I the sugges providewill it was guidedfor a touchback and BEVERAGE ct to Latch” States but e the States.” er said that idea that exercise provide story later will wsponso t a contra“The the run. r of K.J. Wrigh physical At 11 a.m. n shoe n.into from outsid numbe it promotes ant than diet “vastly childre cEtnies with need for more ide, and the a limited-editio stuff, and recordfocus to the is more import the issue. occur ofor worldw had seen my d and ed of “They disclosed that pants are counte Foundation versimplifies”d statement, Karen were inform er, the activity. oversim partici p to Coca-Cola ssence summ year. The groups Last week, million since 2010 In an emaile ive director of the on the Quinteout and support our n earlier this said eed TED PRESS zations the decisio Tuesday. it spent $118.6 Remley, execut y of Pediatrics, THE ASSOCIA Website. Comefamilies as they parW array of organi and ny said Academ CANDICE CHOI fund a wide related to health and to renew its American bbreastfeeding Nanaimo the site will compamaker of Sprite, Dasani s ure has no plans ola says it The e to make working to and expert the most the group with Coca-Cola. The disclos — Coca-C of a profesticipat ti s. been with has to from YORK matter Island ver NEW rship rs and Powerade pressure ny’s pledge nutrition relationship g on o Vancou moms. its sponso as it faces the compa board of directo not renew for dietitians, bringin slash costs improve its financial eeding was part of after it faced “The AAP lly to our breastf b ch transparent York Times CEO, listening carefuassesses our sional group of the many outrea investors to red dietcts be morem following a New ial sups bigith is a registe regularly to a halt one the world’ performance.n not to renew contra s to make financ criticis members, Eileen Bennew health program for health by with funder detailed its the Global in the » efforts on The decisio s groups also comes d at story that in the public . relationships align,” she said for its ititian Health. She can be reache group called rk. ny said its gest soda maker under fire with the variou port for a sure our values group said it made -based compa“budget Island Is rhas come e Netwo The Atlanta its as Coca-Cola programs and partne contract network’s on statement. The Energy Balanc driven by eeileen.bennew of one of the to renew the focuses criticism over decision was its funding In a video, decision not of Coke. matters. also rather than said the media realities,” rships. It said it will ny uses such ships on health leaders had food, blaming sugary independent the compa lay the with say partne fast k cts such Critics “blaming so on.” The networ and downp current contra g , and y of Family y of outreach to try not renew drinks in fuellin g the drinks an Academ the Americ the American Academ e role of sugary cases by shiftin some an Colleg Physicians, obesity, in and the Americend this Pediatrics when they of Cardiology
30, 2015
Eileen Bennewith
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enay ourten Cou Courtenay 50 Saanich Road 3501 ctoriaa 35 Vict Victoria 250-756-4114 33200 North Island Hwy mo 320 anaimo Nanaimo Nan
or 141 years, the Daily News has been the most-trusted news brand in the Mid-Island region. For generations, readers have been informed, educated and entertained by PER this publication. MONTH * We are now expanding that coverage Receive a $25 Gift Card from of the news that is important to you and are sampling your neighbourhood to give you a look at what’s inside. times Changing end for folk leg
stride ta s it all in lan take hlan uch auc writing Murray McL chlan started Murray McLau ing in his late
and perform s songs elphia teens. t the Philad sa, alongSoon he played l and Maripo Folk Festiva of Jim Croce and Johno, F Toront side s the likes venues in and major elphia and Prine, P City, Philad New N York o. Rush had Chicag C folk star Tompopular American ’s Song” “Child his recorded his m made chlan even bbefore McLau ian . unity. Canad ate album such opport ffirst wrotee hedly passion “Down The man who Always unabasthat love collided with r’s Song,” a, as “Farmer’s“Whispering he made a standards aabout Canad Moore,” ht aviation when entire counthe Spotlig by the Henry his love of h of the “Sweepingg more familiar navigation Pacific to Arctic, Rain” and ow c circum ly now c to followed Away” is probab ttry, from Atlanti an in his home rs than 185 float plane, to U.S. listene iin a Cessna crew. y. special countr bby a film all in stride. a we don’t n ng television He takes it The resulti Canada, with Gordo is, in Canad g over “The thing lar radio format the Floatin F Marie, Levonby Buffy Ste. cana,’ they have a particu L Lightfoot, Butler, and bit parts U.S. — ‘Ameri Edith have in the chlan Canadians said. H Helm, lan ecting “which call it,” McLau a host of unsusp ay of Canada Dayit havee the CBC some e a mainst Canadians break b becam l years until eak new acts,” s, asts for severaway onto PBS in is great, theyand alt rock station b broadc found its album rock of it, most of the music eeventually siloed rest outlet “the really an U.S. is and tthe al radio ercial 80’s he found ed that comm hee said. In the mid CBC Radio’s top-rat of to me it music now,” countr aas the host a Star with more than ountryy’’ — on five “And ‘new ck of the 70s.” Swinging S listeners for rock sounds like new generations grow 7750,000 weekly Yet even as of McLauchlan’s music, years. y 21 up less awaren has grown with other listion CHLAN, Page his reputa and artists and with See McLAU S songwriters the globe. nd teners around
ian folk dian e is a Canad but these , music icon, hard be days you’ll hear a Murpressed to chlan song uchlan ray McLau s. ions. radio station erformon Canadian g live perform comin So his tree is a rare Port Theatr ance at the
2015 OCTOBER 8, y THURSDAY, naimoDail
is looms health cris g in k o sm China
Alan Al
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will hit by 2010, and
2M by 2030;
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ed in the esearch publishl The Lanall medical journa in three of cet says one men in China the young die from to e likely fall are for an offshor r can gutsthat the numbe of the a lot ofbut the battle t takes g. intosmokin tobacco, Three to getquit akermen ThebyBig a.cted researchautom if the North Americ forever condu in , s since ChipickupThe studies segment sity, the e soon. ated this es Oxford Univer grip anytim the have domin ersbefrom Medicagel Scienc losing their with y ofchallen e Diseas won’t Academ for and nesetook on the e Center in 2003. pickup Chines irds of g Titantwo-th But Nissan and them duty that umbin mediul, show to mind-n aChina start half-ton,Contro offer of tics domes men ining — variety and 20, final While thethe young ageand confus ntly before boxes ally be , mostlyains, — and freque eventuthings smoke will drivetr s,half of those d to keep they stop sizes, engine that Nissan decide g on o unless by tobacc le by focusinhauling drive ratios, killed tandab n, studies unders . and tractio nently simple perma s: power, ng two matter hunresearch, involvi what reallyThe including N, Page 38 capability. and the SeeofTITAN and towing people, says 15 years apart nds me of all the young dreds of thousa o deaths, mostly tobacc by one in three number of reached 1 million Lancet’ says if l journal ‘The among men, hit 2 million by 2030 r ed in the medica g. [AP PHOTO] that the numbe 2010 and will continue. quit smokin Research publish cet shows g in China has Saturday. r can fall if the men current trendshers say the trends Beijing on t for people men smokin tage of all m building in s, but that the numbe e good suppor But researc ed if the smokers e of an office not provid quit. I have tried elec-is and the percencan be attrib illnesse stemm be to to smoke outsid tobacco-related that could y who want of Men in China that die from Beijing’s efforts past tes, but I think rising, while huge wave quit. are likely to government, o use have in the tronic cigaret ” Wei said. avoid this smoking is of Chinese w a g cigatobacc as l worse, “The key to on, and if you are s s growin tions g contro perhap genera recent decade available. are showin it omised. likely to smo said co-audeaths is cessati the rise in been compr people in China find Some people ess of the health e easily become less born in th don’t start,” have becom people start to many a culawaren young man, Peto, from the Univer those in of rettes to Also, habit e signs w pared d kick the hers also thor Richar . As more Chinesages, researchers become so to smoke, difficult to risks. Yet, researc trend am er ago, I used smoking has ard sity of Oxford have dropped sigof male deaths puff at young ture where “Three years it is bad for health this downw be revers proportion to increase. a realize Smoking rates men in developed expect the g ingrained. lt, because there is but now I environment, so I quit,” women mightshown mo among in States, about attributed to smokin tobacco kills up nificantly “It is difficu at work, so I smoke and also the Ma Huiwei, 35, said studies have up smo world, In the United smoke re the ies. d than pressu countr more Aroun taking lot of office worker of adult men do, and tension,” Beijing users, and Beijing. Lan- women 20 per cent to half of its deaths annually result to to alleviate the Bin, 32, said in an downtown h published in The cent of women about one Wei ing and 15 per five million tobacco use, accord office worker g causes U.S. The researc y does the ization. cigarette smokin from direct interview. deaths, said time our countr Health Organo an importof every five Disease Control and the World “At the same e with tobacc Centers for However, revenue for the Chines of tage of smokPrevention. ant source the percen has been on In China, Chinese men ers among this die It appears h to fertilizer to getting throug i to produce Canad crops of energy and other r Since 1975 to soy beans such anothe row corn, half the amoun n preservatives There’s also can end t of po meats contai nitrosamines and to feed them. the amoun the F fertilizer and low daily. ogenic in as nitrites problem. Excessrivers leading to In the U.S. are carcin less red meat and Advis if people ate consumption of red of we know these up in lakes zones. Guidelines the high risk ns ls. people pollute In effect, a higher oxygen dead has urged 2 anima e can also red meat contai related to meat meat was ar disease, stroke, Type In addition, ted fat. Tons of manurFinally, antibiotics processed Wilays. satura vascul do? of Dr. W. for to cardio waterw good . levels es lean. cancer evia meat lover get protein our in animals are not ma nt Gifford-Jon diabetes and that the strongest is So what is try to used This must lead to resista Game says you shoulds such as poultry, Willett says meat causes cancer sors reac of us as they The Doctor lett any proces red main source dence that ancy. And that the s us that from other low fat dairy bacteria. So what will like also remind beans and nt It iest dairy colon malignprocessed red meats fish, nuts, But Willett a number of differe over before p And the health in so many d its effect on culprits are e, hot dogs and lunch products. risk comes ce, he empha and mashe o hy is it that for you because of For instan such as bad bacon, sausag food is yogurtthe intestine. packages. them listed things are We know other habits during in on the meats. microbes in sizes that exercise, trans admit that these days? ’s remarks eating meats risk of sugar, salt inadequate and vegetables po interMoreover, I found Willett smoking, more fish, that too much nation increases the of particular lack of fruit cancer and combi adolescence in premenopausal environment out that cattle emit fats and a of vegetables. s are a bad and se the risk b and calorie breast cancerfar Willett doesn’t know est. He pointsts of methane gas, can increa ar disease. He also It all gets ity. Nutrial to for longev vascul he points women. So ng th consume publication, ses large amoun the U.S. Environment But cardio s. who realizi health people to increa the atomic Now, the ne’s impact why this happen according stresses thatbread, rice, potatoes, only an occ , says red meatdiseases. ki ting fact. When Agency, metha tion Action an interes dropped on Nagasa Protection 20 times greater than have the same more white going to sh several major as roast drinks of is were e were eat cola risk cattle n, the breasts bombs on climat sweets and attack as those who news for me ’s! In additio ima young r Horrendous d potatoes are my to greenhouse and Hirosh to develop cancer from carbon dioxide risk of heart that obesity is anothe See websit times more five over likely And e hens. beef and mashe So how risky is it more and meat. produc red ns, pigs on while womenly no risk e factor. favourite meal. the radiati gas than chicke that cattle requir ts huge risk age had virtual eat meat? Willett at Harvard’s 40 years of . We also knowit takes huge amoun ous? is a top Dr. Walter of this diseasered meat so danger nutrition and Public Health that sed School of But why is is that proces guru. He says nutritional of deaths in the HarWillett’s answer been saved nine per cent could have vard study
wn on Cutting do
i ay be health red meat m
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Liberals to deal with constitutional challenges THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — A constitutional challenge of new sick leave rules for federal public servants that was to begin Thursday in an Ottawa court has been postponed until March. It’s just one of many legal challenges that may end up shelved now that Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have lost power. In fact, sorting out which battles to fight and which litigation to delay, reroute or drop will have federal
Justice department officials working like busy air traffic controllers this fall. “Certainly the courts are of the view that we shouldn’t be wasting their resources if we don’t have to,” constitutional lawyer Paul Cavalluzzo said Tuesday. Cavalluzzo is lead counsel for a charter challenge against the Conservatives’ sweeping anti-terrorism law, Bill C-51. It received royal assent in June, but the newly elected Liberals campaigned on amending the deeply
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controversial law. “It would seem to me that in light of the fact there is a significant chance that this government will repeal all or most of Bill C-51, I’m hoping to sit down with government lawyers and perhaps consider putting this litigation on hold, pending decisions made by the government,” Cavalluzzo said. He might have to get in line. Prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau won election last week promising to fix or flush a number of con-
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tentious Conservative laws. His pledges range from repeal of a bill that permits stripping convicted terrorists of their citizenship to looking at the government distribution of medical marijuana and re-examining some mandatory minimum sentences. The Tories came to office with an approach to criminal justice, security and citizenship that “has been fairly uncompromising,” says Carissima Mathen, who teaches constitutional law at the University of Ottawa.
“And that’s really where it’s run into trouble, because in a constitutional democracy, the government has to balance interests.” She predicts justice will be a challenging portfolio in the new cabinet. “I will confidently say that, while the general issue is one that every incoming government faces, the scale of pending challenges and new legislation that has been targeted as constitutionally suspect, the sheer scale is unprecedented,” said Mathen.
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Pat Taylor, Ken Taylor’s widow, is comforted by family members at the funeral of the former diplomat in Toronto on Tuesday. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
Ex-diplomat Taylor was ‘simply a legend’ THE CANADIAN PRESS
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TORONTO — Family, friends and dignitaries that included prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau and one of his predecessors, Joe Clark, paid tribute Tuesday to Ken Taylor, Canada’s former ambassador to Iran who garnered international fame for helping six Americans escape the country during the 1979 hostage crisis. The ceremony, kept light in accordance with Taylor’s wishes, heard him described as a fun-loving, generous man with a taste for fine brandy and fierce loyalty to his friends. “My grandfather was simply a legend,” granddaughter Kassia told those gathered in the large mid-town Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. Taylor, 81, died on Oct. 15 in New York after being diagnosed in August with colon cancer, his wife Pat by his side. Clark, who authorized the November 1979 mission that saved the Americans from an Iranian mob that had stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran, said Taylor’s courage earned the admiration of people around the world. “Yet, it was a very Canadian thing to do,” Clark said, adding Taylor had an “instinct to be gracious.” Taylor hid the Americans at his residence and at the home of his deputy in Tehran for three months. He persuaded
Ottawa to issue them Canadian passports and arranged their plane tickets. What became known as the “Canadian Caper” was the subject of a book and more recently the Hollywood blockbuster “Argo” that he criticized for failing to give proper due to Canada’s role in the crisis. “Sure, it could have gone wrong,” Clark said before the service. “Nonetheless they took the risks that had to be taken.” While his Iran exploits are well known, it was his more personal side that family, friends and colleagues recalled with such fondness during Tuesday’s celebration of his life for which several hundred people turned out. They praised him as someone with a brilliant mind, near photographic memory, who was “magically charming” and yet had a complete absence of self-importance. Pat Taylor, his scientist wife of 55 years, called him her best friend, confidante and adviser. “He took everyone at face value and made many friends,” Taylor said. In a clear, strong voice, she described him as compassionate and caring, someone who felt badly for his oncologists because they had been unable to do more for him. Also attending the service was Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, former premiers Ernie Eves, Mike Harris and David Peterson, and Toronto Mayor John Tory.