REMEMBER: to set your clocks back one hour this Saturday night!
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Via Rail building inspection By Xuyun Zeng Houston Today
BUSINESS Excellence
Robin Vander Heide/Houston Today
Last Saturday evening, the Houston business community and friends gathered for Houston’s 2015 Business Excellence Awards. Shown above is Kevin Groot, from Peterbilt/Pacific Truck and Equipment who won the Business Person of the Year Award. More photos and winners on page 9.
A tense impasse regarding the Via Rail building gripped council last week. Council debated on whether they wanted to obtain quotes for the inspection of the building and to determine its condition. Councillors Dawn Potvin, Rick Lundrigan and Tom Stringfellow opposed the recommendation, while Councillors John Siebenga, Tim Anderson and Jonathan Van Barneveld supported it. The three for, three against impasse was only broken after Mayor Shane Brienen voted in favour of it. “I think the major problem is the unknowns if the building is in disrepair and it’ll be very costly to bring that up to standards,”
“I think the major problem is the unknowns if the building is in disrepair...” -Coun. Lundrigan
Coun. Lundrigan said. “For me, it’s a cost that I’m not willing to move forward with.” Coun. Lundrigan voiced his opposition the strongest among those opposed. He revealed to council his reticence on taking on See VIA on Page 14
NDP’s Nathan Cullen sent back to Ottawa last Monday By Chris Gareau Black Press
Canadians were waking up last Tuesday to a new government that few predicted at the outset of the 78day campaign, or even thought could happen just a few weeks ago. The Liberal party won a majority govern-
ment, making Justin Trudeau the country’s second-youngest prime minister ever. The NDP’s Nathan Cullen was sent back to Ottawa to represent Skeena-Bulkley Valley for a fifth consecutive term. While his party took a hit, dropping back to third party status, Cullen finished TODAY TOMORROW TOYOTA
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“The country overwhelmingly decided on progressive platforms.” - Nathan Cullen, MP
well ahead of his opponents. “The country overwhelmingly decided on
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progressive platforms. The Liberals presented a platform that was broadly progressive, as !
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the campaign. “But I take some comfort in the fact that if anything we were criticized for it was being too centrist on our fiscal policy. It’s an interesting criticism to make of the NDP, that we were too careful with the books or we were too careful with not running defi-
ua an
cits,” said Cullen. With over 98 per cent of the votes counted in the Northwest, Cullen had 51.2 per cent of the vote. That is slightly below his 55 per cent take in 2011. Conservative Tyler Nesbitt was in second with 24.7 per cent, below the party’s 34.4 See CULLEN on Page 8
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Today
Houston RCMP target distracted drivers By Xuyun Zeng Houston Today
The RCMP made their quarterly police report to council last week. Cpl. Steve Thackeray told councillors that the police are working towards three public objectives involving traffic safety,
police-community relationships and crime prevention. “I’m happy to report that our impaired driving [incidents], investigations, in the second quarter we did 11. For first two quarters ... totalling 17. And that’s up 35 per cent from last year,” he said. “And that’s inves-
tigations where people were stopped, investigated for impaired driving and their vehicles were impounded.” He added that the local RCMP had 219 traffic incidents, involving violations of speeding, seat belts, school zones, for example. These numbers are derived from
incidents within the detachment’s jurisdiction, which includes Granisle. Cpl. Thackeray added that the local RCMP’s goal is to attend all community activities that they’ve asked to attend. “Through the second quarter, we’ve attended 100 per cent,”
he said. He also pointed to the nascence of a block watch in Houston. “We’ve successfully identified so far one neighbourhood, the Gillespie and Jewel area,” he said. “Looks like we’re going to have a captain and a co-captain and that will be Houston’s first block
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watch area.” In previous reports by Houston Today, five to six areas were targeted for block watches, however, finding captains and co-captains proved challenging. In terms of crime prevention, he talked about one prolific offender. In the first two quarters last year, po-
lice had 16 incidents involving the man. “The one individual that we identified last fiscal year, he was approached that we’re willing to help him, whatever issues he had,” he said. “There is help within Houston for him.” Cpl. Thackeray added that the man did not choose to seek this help. He also added that the number of incidents involving this man has dropped to six, because the man has been in jail. Cpl. Thackeray added that part of the prolific offender program targets the person’s lifestyle, specifically to target substance abuse. “Primarily, a lot of prolific offenders we deal with there’s an addiction issue,” he said. “We would rather not deal with these individuals. We would rather help them on a path to a healthy lifestyle than criminality.” He added that the RCMP works with social workers to help them. “We’re working on identifying another prolific offender,” Cpl. Thackeray added. Coun. Tim Anderson asked if distracted driving is a priority. “Yes, it is,” Cpl. Thackeray replied. Cpl. Thackeray pointed to an example in the first quarter where detachment commander Sgt. Stephen Rose sat on the Buck Flats bridge sitting in plain clothes, while looking for distracted drivers while police officers waited at the mall to stop drivers. Staffing levels at the detachment has fallen since a few temporary members left Oct. 12. Cpl. Thackeray said these temporary members came to assist the detachment in managing the relations between industry and anti-pipeline protesters. The detachment currently has seven members. Cpl. Thackeray said a new member from Nova Scotia will come at an unspecified date, leaving one spot open before the detachment is running at full complement.
Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Willing Workers busy making apple pies pies and baked it in the kitchen. “Most of them are moms of kids that come to this school, we also had a couple of seniors that like to come in and help and local community members,” Farmer said. “It’s a lot of fun in the kitchen, lots of gabbing that happens and [it’s] social and it’s a great cause.” Farmer herself has stepped up to organize this event, for the first time. “The lady who was organizing this before was looking for someone to take over and I wasn’t quite sure what it all entailed Xuyun Zeng/Houston Today
Apple Pie Fundraiser organizer, Stephanie Farmer, stands beside volunteer, Archie Brienen Sr., who peeled apples. The Willing Workers were busy last Tuesday and Wednesday making over 1,500 apple pies to raise money for the Houston Christian School. By Xuyun Zeng Houston Today
Last Tuesday and Wednesday saw the Houston Christian School selling apple pies to raise money for the school. “This is the Apple Pie Fundraiser, it is the largest fundraiser for the Houston Christian School. We’re making apple pies with a caramel top,” organizer Stephanie Farmer said. “The community buys them, everywhere from Smithers to Burns Lake.” This event has been a long standing event in the school, some estimates have it going for almost two
decades. “This has been an annual thing for quite a number of years, so people have come to expect it. They’re usually asking us about pies before we’ve even started planning,” she said. “Last year we made about 1,500 pies, we’re hoping to produce about the same amount,” Farmer said. Each pie sells for $8, and the money raised goes directly to the school through The Willing Workers. “Willing Workers is a parent organization that started years ago to help the school purchase extras,” financial administrative
assistant Kim Van Barneveld said. “Because we’re a private school, we don’t get government funding for things like sports or computers or some of the things that public schools get.” The funds raised here will go towards buying new equipment or funding school operations. “This money goes into a bank account, and as these extras are needed, then it’s discussed among whoever is sort of heading Willing Workers that year.” The event was mostly run by volunteers who peeled apples, layered the
but I stepped up,” Farmer said. “I’ve been planning since August.” “It’s a lot of work to plan and to find the grocery items.” Farmer had to deal with the challenge of ensuring her pies made a profit by keeping the costs of the pie shell, apples, cinnamon, sugar and brown sugar crumble. “I want to thank all the businesses and all the volunteers and the school for putting all of this together. It’s a lot of work and it takes a lot of people to come together, and everybody’s been great,” Farmer said.
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Published by Black Press Ltd. 3232 Hwy 16 W, Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
Local election spending caps advance
he Wild West days of unlimited spending in municipal election campaigns are about to end. The provincial government has tabled legislation that will cap how much would-be mayors and councillors can spend on advertising and other costs in future election years, starting in 2018. The permitted spending amounts vary by the size of each municipality according to a population-based formula. It works out to $10,000 for mayoral candidates in cities of up to 10,000 people, rising to $89,250 for a population of 150,000, and reaching $149,250 for a city of 250,000. An extra 15 cents per capita is added after 250,000 for the biggest cities, meaning future mayors will be able to spend no more than $184,000 in Surrey and $205,000 in Vancouver. Spending by councillors, regional district directors and school trustees would be capped at half the limit of mayors in their areas. “I think they’ve got this right,” said Dermod Travis, executive director for Integrity B.C., adding the sliding scale reflects the different needs of small and large communities. “It’s unfortunate the other half of the equation is not being tackled at the same time, which would be donations. But I think they’ve found a good middle for where those caps should be on expenses.” It will make it harder for well-funded candidates to use advertising firepower to beat their opponents, he predicted. “You’re going to see less money getting spent, which means candidates have to raise less money. Which means that they’re actually going to have to campaign more in terms of meeting voters rather than buying ads.” The recommendations were developed by a special legislative committee and have support of both the BC Liberals and NDP, as well as the Union of B.C. Municipalities. Travis said the new spending caps would have forced many winning candidates to spend less than they did in the 2014 local government elections. According to the committee report, 31 mayoral candidates and 69 council candidates across B.C. spent more last year than the proposed new limit will allow. The expense limits would apply from Jan. 1 of the election year until voting day. Third-party advertisers are to be limited to spending no more than five per cent of the cap of a candidate within a 28-day campaign period, up to a cumulative maximum of $150,000 province-wide. The government is taking public comments in a final round of consultations until Nov 27 before the bill is expected to pass. -Jeff Nagel, Black Press
B.C. welcomes Trudeau’s climate, infrastructure plan By Tom Fletcher Black Press
Premier Christy Clark is emphasizing cooperation with the new Liberal government in Ottawa on climate change and infrastructure spending, while avoiding comment on plans to run deficits and legalize marijuana. Clark said Tuesday she is looking forward to having Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accompany premiers to Paris at the end of November for the next United Nations climate conference. Trudeau said Tuesday he is looking forward to changing Canada’s reputation as
2009 2009 WINNER
DISTRIBUTED EVERY WEDNESDAY HOUSTON TODAY published by Black Press “Member, B.C. Press Council” Reproduction of contents either in part or in whole are not permitted without prior consent Copyright Canada No. 22 Serial No. 132934
“Trudeau said...he is looking forward to changing Canada’s reputation as a ‘less than enthusiastic actor’ on climate policy...”
a “less than enthusiastic actor” on climate policy, but he wants provinces to take the lead. Clark said B.C. will outline its “Climate 2.0” plan before leaving, and it will add to the carbon tax on fossil fuels with measures aimed at the “built environment” and other ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Trudeau’s infra-
structure plan is in “complete alignment” with B.C.’s efforts to grow the economy, with BC Hydro alone spending $2.5 billion a year over the next decade, Clark said. She sidestepped a question on Trudeau’s deficit plans, noting that a prime minister has to govern for all provinces and B.C. is “an outlier” with operating budget surpluses
and projected growth. Clark was even more cautious with Trudeau’s plans to legalize and regulate marijuana, as Vancouver and other cities grapple with unregulated medical pot dispensaries. “If and when they make changes, we’ll work with them to make sure that the changes can be effective in B.C.,” she said. B.C. NDP leader
Annual Subscriptions: Local (Houston only): $38.00 (includes tax) Seniors: $28.00 (includes tax) Out of Town: $50.00 (includes tax) We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
John Horgan shrugged off his federal party’s big setback in the federal election, consoling himself with an increase of two NDP MPs in B.C. The NDP’s Gord Johns won the new riding of Courtney-Alberni, defeating long-time Conservative MP John Duncan for an NDP sweep of Vancouver Island, except for Green Party leader Elizabeth May in Saanich-Gulf Islands. “I’m also delighted that the country voted for change in massive numbers,” Horgan said. “And that’s good news for me as well, because in 2017 there’s going to be a desire for change.”
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Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
On the
Street... What was your reaction to the outcome of the federal election?
Randy Wilson
Mike Brown
Ric Wheeler
Donna Haddock
“I think it’s good. Change is good. It was due. Hopefully it will put more people to work. And put the gaslines and pipeline in.”
“Scared. Not good. Unhappy. Rich people are going to get taxed to death. So who’s going to invest? And I’m not a rich person. Everything is not for free, but unfortunately that’s the mentality now.”
“I wish him good luck. I knew him briefly when he was a young boy at a summer camp in Ontario. He comes from an extremely good family. If the majority of Canadians chose him then I will throw support behind him”
“I think it’s good. Can’t be any worse. I think we needed a change, so hopefully it’s for the better.”
By Robin Vander Heide
Let’s get real about Canada’s trade deals By Tom Fletcher Black Press
As the dust settles from Monday’s federal election, to paraphrase former prime minister Kim Campbell, it’s time to talk about serious issues again. The Conservatives were hoping to make 2015 a free trade election, by signing onto the world’s largest trade deal at the end of July. But things didn’t go as planned at the talks in Maui, and Canada was among the players that walked away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership table at that time.
Then came five days of round-the-clock negotiations in Atlanta, with the U.S. pushing for a deal with Japan, Korea, Australia and other Pacific Rim powerhouses to normalize trade in 40 per cent of the world’s economy. And the TPP came together at the end of September. Canada and B.C. essentially got what our governments were demanding, which was broad access to Pacific Rim markets and continued protection for nearly all of domestic dairy, poultry and egg markets. Also preserved was B.C.’s regu-
lated market for logs and U.S. lumber sales. The 200-kg gorilla of the TPP burst out in the heat of the election campaign, and the Kim Campbell rule was demonstrated again. Much of the discussion revolved around alleged secrecy, as the legal text of the deal won’t be out for some time to come. Protected farmers downed their pitchforks, counting their blessings, and their guaranteed compensation. The NDP was forced to come out against the TPP, as it was against trade deals with the U.S., Mexico, Europe
and others. But it’s getting lonely for them as the rest of the world moves on. Within days of the TPP deal, the World Bank issued one of its periodic reports on “extreme poverty,” which it defines as an income of less than $1.90 U.S. a day. And 2015 is the first year when fewer than 10 per cent of the world’s people remain below this global poverty line, down from 12.8 per cent in 2012. It’s easy for comfortable First World folks to protest conditions in running shoe and cell phone factories in India or China, but the
graph of extreme poverty in those countries shows steep decline since 1990. Trade and technology are lifting up the poorest of the world. For B.C., withdrawing from Pacific Rim trade is unthinkable. We worry a lot about lumber and copper and natural gas, but the TPP also opens up huge markets for services, where much of our economic future awaits. The question for us is simple. Can we compete in health sciences, engineering, architecture, digital media, and information technol-
ogy? Do we want to? The TPP doesn’t change B.C.’s dependency on the United States. As with NAFTA, our vital lumber trade remains under a separate agreement, which expired on Oct. 1. I’m told by federal and provincial officials that at this stage, the U.S. isn’t even taking our calls on the softwood lumber agreement, which Canada and B.C. want extended. Americans are preoccupied with the TPP and domestic politics. After decades of bitter legal actions from the American industry,
the latest softwood deal has provided a rough peace. It set a floor price for B.C.’s allegedly subsidized lumber exports, with an export tax collected by Canada when the price went below the floor of $355 per thousand board feet. That money went back into our government general revenue. Higher prices meant no export tax was collected through 2014 and early 2015, and only five per cent as of September. Now that the agreement is expired, by default we have actual free trade in lumber for up to the next year.
Washington grapples with stoned drivers By Tom Fletcher Black Press
Washington state police are dealing with more drivers impaired by marijuana since its recreational use was legalized last year, and B.C. is preparing for similar problems as a new federal government prepares to follow suit. Chief John Batiste of the Washington State Patrol visited Victoria this week to take part in an annual cross-border
crime forum. He acknowledged that it’s a problem since the state legalized marijuana sales to adults in 2014. “We are seeing an uptick in incidents on our roadways related to folks driving under the influence of marijuana and drugs in general,” Batiste told reporters after a meeting with B.C. Justice Minister Suzanne Anton. He explained the state’s new law setting a limit for marijuana’s active ingredient in
“We are seeing an uptick in incidents on our roadways related to folks driving under the influence of marijuana and drugs in general.”
blood, similar to the blood-alcohol limit. But without a roadside testing device, police are relying on training from the State Patrol’s
-Chief John Batiste, Washington State Patrol drug recognition expert to make arrests. What they need now is a roadside testing device that provides evidence of impairment
that will hold up in court, Batiste said. Prime Ministerdesignate Justin Trudeau made a highprofile promise to
legalize marijuana before winning a majority government Oct. 19. In B.C., police can charge drivers if they show signs of impairment, whether from drugs or fatigue. In alcohol use cases, drivers are typically charged with impaired driving and driving with a blood alcohol content of more than .08 per cent. Vancouver-based Cannabix Technologies is developing such a device. The company
issued a statement Wednesday, noting that Trudeau has promised to begin work on legalizing marijuana “right away” and a reliable method of enforcement is needed across North America. The company says it is developing a handheld device that can detect marijuana use within the past two hours. Saliva and urine tests can come up positive for marijuana “long after intoxication has worn off,” the company stated.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Today
“A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN OUR REGION” 37, 3RD Avenue, PO Box 820, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 • PH: 250-692-3195 • TF: 800-320-3339 • FX: 250-692-3305 • •
REGIONAL DISTRICT OF BULKLEY-NECHAKO BYLAW NO. 1743 - A BYLAW TO ESTABLISH THE TOPLEY RURAL FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE WHEREAS: A. Under Section 796 of the Local Government Act a Regional District may operate any service the Board considers necessary or desirable for all or part of the Regional District; B. The Board of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako wishes to establish a service for the purpose of fire protection and suppression in the service area; C. The approval of the Inspector of Municipalities has been obtained under section 801 of the Local Government Act; D. Participating area approval has been obtained under Section 801.2 of the Local Government Act; NOW THEREFORE the Board of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako in open meeting assembled enacts as follows: 1) Service The Topley Rural Fire Protection Service (the “Service”) is established by this Bylaw for the purpose of fire protection and suppression. 2) Boundaries The boundaries of the Service Area are a portion of Electoral Area “B” (Burns Lake Rural) and “G” (Houston Rural) in the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako as shown outlined on the map attached as Schedule “A” to this bylaw and known as “Topley Rural Fire Protection Service Area (the “Service Area.”) 3) Participating Areas The “Participating Areas” are Electoral Areas “B” and “G”. 4) Cost Recovery As provided in Section 803 of the Local Government Act, the annual cost of providing the Service shall be recovered by one or more of the following: (a) property value taxes imposed in accordance with Division 4.3 of Part 24 of the Local Government Act; (b) revenues received by way of agreement, enterprise, gift, grant or otherwise. 5) Maximum Requisition The maximum amount that may be requisitioned annually for this service shall be SEVENTY-TWO THOUSAND ($72,000) DOLLARS.
6) Apportionment of Costs The costs of the service shall be apportioned among the Participating Areas on the basis of the converted value of land and improvements in the Service Area. 7) Citation This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the “Topley Rural Fire Protection Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1743, 2015.” READ A FIRST TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 READ A SECOND TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 READ A THIRD TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Bylaw No. 1743 at third reading. ________________________ Gail Chapman Corporate Administrator APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR OF MUNICIPALITIES this 18 day of September, 2015. ASSENT OF ELECTORS OBTAINED this day of , 2015. ADOPTED THIS ______ day of ____________, 2015. _________________________ Chair
_____________________ Corporate Administrator
APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR OF MUNICIPALITIES this 18th day of September, 2015 RECEIVED the approval of the electors on the day of , 2015 ADOPTED this day of , 2015 ______________________________ Chairperson
__________________________ Corporate Administrator
Certified a true copy of Bylaw No. 1744 as adopted. __________________________ Corporate Administrator
TAKE NOTICE that the above are true copies of the proposed bylaws on which the vote of the electors within a portion of Electoral Area “B” (Burns Lake Rural) and a portion of Electoral Area “G” (Houston Rural) of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako will be taken. The question that is to be voted on is: “Are you in favour of both of the following: a) Topley Rural Fire Protection Local Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1743, 2015, which would provide fire protection and suppression services for a maximum taxation on land and improvements of $72,000 (equal to a residential rate of $1.90 per $1,000 of total net taxable assessments); and b) Topley Rural Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1744, 2015 giving authorization to borrow up to $383,639 over 25 years to be used to purchase a fire truck and purchase and upgrade a new fire hall.” The tax rate referred to above does not include the 5.25% fee charged by the Province to collect taxes for regional districts.
REGIONAL DISTRICT OF BULKLEY-NECHAKO BYLAW NO. 1744 Being a bylaw authorizing borrowing of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($383,639) for the construction of a fire hall and purchase of a fire truck for the Topley Rural Fire Protection Service Area WHEREAS the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako has established by Bylaw No. 1743 a service for the purpose of providing fire protection and suppression for a portion of Electoral Area “B” (Burns Lake Rural) and “G” (Houston Rural) known as the “Topley Rural Fire Protection Service Area”; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable and expedient to construct a fire hall and purchase a fire truck for the Topley Rural Fire Protection Service Area; AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of constructing a fire hall and purchasing a fire truck including expenses incidental thereto is a sum not to exceed THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($383,639) of which the sum of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($383,639) is the amount of debt intended to be borrowed by this bylaw; AND WHEREAS the maximum term for which a debenture debt may be issued to secure the debt created by this bylaw is for a term not to exceed twenty-five years; AND WHEREAS authority to borrow under this bylaw expires five years from the date on which this bylaw is adopted; AND WHEREAS the Regional Board of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako has obtained the approval of the electors in accordance with Section 801.2 of the Local Government Act; NOW THEREFORE the Board of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: LOAN AUTHORIZATION 1. The Board of Directors of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako is hereby empowered and authorized to undertake and carry out or cause to be carried out the construction of a fire hall and the purchase of a fire truck for the Topley Rural Fire Protection Service Area generally in accordance with plans on file in the regional district office and to do all things necessary in connection therewith and without limiting the generality of the foregoing: a) To borrow upon the credit of the Regional District a sum not exceeding THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($383,639); b) To acquire all such real property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for or in connection with the construction of a fire hall and purchase of a fire truck serving the Topley Rural Fire Protection Service Area. 2. The maximum term for which debentures may be issued to secure the debt created by this bylaw is 25 years. 3. This bylaw may be cited as “Topley Rural Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1744, 2015.”
General Voting Day will be open to QUALIFIED ELECTORS between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at the Topley Community Hall, 11591 Chester Street, Topley, B.C ELECTOR REGISTRATION There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors for this referendum will take place at the time of voting. You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the following requirements: • you are a Canadian citizen; and • you are, or will be on General Voting Day, age 18 or older; and • you have been a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day; and • you have been a resident of OR registered owner of real property in the jurisdiction for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day; and • you are not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting, or not otherwise disqualified by law. Resident Electors will be required to produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity. Non-Resident Property Electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if applicable, written consent from the other property owners. If there is more than one registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector. Proof of ownership of the property must be provided including the legal description and physical address (tax notice, utility bill, or recent copy of the Land Title Search). It is recommended that Non-Resident Property Electors contact the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako in advance of General Voting Day to be certain that all requirements have been met. RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS ARE ALLOWED ONLY 1 VOTE REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF PROPERTIES OWNED. Companies/Corporations Properties registered in company/corporation names do not qualify under the Local Government Act to vote. Accepted I.D. Classes of documents that may be accepted as evidence of identification are: a British Columbia Driver’s License, a BCID card, an ICBC Owners Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle license, A British Columbia CareCard or GoldCareCard, a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance from SDES8, a Social Insurance Card, a Citizenship Card, a real property tax notice, a credit card or debit card, or a utility bill.
NOTICE OF ADVANCE VOTING - Advance voting will be available to qualified electors as follows: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Topley Community Hall, 11591 Chester Street, Topley, B.C. Any qualified elector may vote at an advance voting opportunity.
READ A FIRST TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 READ A SECOND TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 READ A THIRD TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Bylaw No. 1744 at third reading. _______________________ Gail Chapman Corporate Administrator
If you have any questions in this regard, please contact Cheryl Anderson, Chief Election Officer or Geraldine Craven, Deputy Chief Election Officer at (250) 692-3195 or 1-800-320-3339. Given under my hand this 15th day of October, 2015. ______________________________ Cheryl Anderson, Chief Election Officer
Police Report
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Created by the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako.
July 27, 2015 _________________________ Date
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I hereby certify that this is Schedule "A" of Bylaw No. 1745, 2015
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________________________ Gail Chapman Corporate Administrator APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR OF MUNICIPALITIES this 18 day of September, 2015. ASSENT OF ELECTORS OBTAINED this day of , 2015. ADOPTED THIS ______ day of ____________, 2015. _________________________ _____________________ Chair Corporate Administrator
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WHEREAS: A. Under Section 796 of the Local Government Act a Regional District may operate any service the Board considers necessary or desirable for all or part of the Regional District; B. The Board of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako wishes to establish a service for the purpose of road rescue and medical first response services in the service area; C. The approval of the Inspector of Municipalities has been obtained under Section 801 of the Local Government Act; D. Participating area approval has been obtained under Section 801.2 of the Local Government Act; NOW THEREFORE the Board of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako in open meeting assembled enacts as follows: 1) Service The Topley Rural Road Rescue and Medical First Responders Service (the “Service”) is established by this Bylaw for the purpose of road rescue and medical first responders service. 2) Boundaries The boundaries of the Service Area are a portion of Electoral Area “B” (Burns Lake Rural) and “G” (Houston Rural) in the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako as shown outlined on the map attached as Schedule “A” to this bylaw and known as “Topley Rural Road Rescue and Medical First Responders Service Area” (the “Service Area.”) 3) Participating Areas The “Participating Areas” are Electoral Areas “B” and “G”. 4) Cost Recovery As provided in Section 803 of the Local Government Act, the annual cost of providing the Service shall be recovered by one or more of the following: (a) property value taxes imposed in accordance with Division 4.3 of Part 24 of the Local Government Act; (b) revenues received by way of agreement, enterprise, gift, grant or otherwise. 5) Maximum Requisition The maximum amount that may be requisitioned annually for this service shall be SEVEN THOUSAND ($7,000) DOLLARS. 6) Apportionment of Costs The costs of the service shall be apportioned among the Participating Areas on the basis of the converted value of land and improvements in the Service Area. 7) Citation This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the “Topley Rural Road Rescue and Medical First Responders Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1745, 2015.” READ A FIRST TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 READ A SECOND TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 READ A THIRD TIME this 23 day of July, 2015 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Bylaw No. 1745 at third reading.
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In the past 14 days, the Houston RCMP had 76 calls for service. 15 were traffic related, two were abandoned 911 calls. There were no bylaw complaints or false alarms. *** Police updated Houston Today regarding an incident at a local elementary school where sprinklers were damaged on Oct. 3 in the afternoon. A youth has accepted responsibility and is receiving punishment from the school, rather than through the justice system. *** Police stopped a vehicle on Oct. 10 at 10 p.m. on Morice River Road as it was driving without a licence plate light. Police said they interacted with the driver and did a Breathalyzer test demand, which the driver failed. Police said the person underwent more testing at the detachment and he was tested to be at twice the legal limit. The person will appear in court on Nov. 14 to face charges. *** Police responded to a disturbance on Hagman Crescent on Oct. 11 at 12:15 p.m. Police said they arrested a woman for assaulting another woman. Police said the woman was held in custody and transferred to hospital, and charged with assault, resisting arrest and breach of court order conditions. Police said she appeared in court on Oct. 19. *** Police responded to a collision on Highway 16 and Anderson Road on Oct. 14 at 8:20 a.m. Police said a car struck a deer, which killed the deer. Police added the vehicle suffered minor damage, but the driver escaped unscathed. ***
Houston Today
Police responded to a break-and-enter on Oct. 15 at 8:50 a.m. at Granisle General Store on Hagan Street. Police said the break-and-enter occurred overnight, where cigarettes and tobacco were stolen. Police said the matter remains under investigation pending the results of a forensic test. Anyone with information should contact the RCMP or Crimestoppers. *** Police responded to a disturbance at a Cataline Court home on Oct. 15 at 11 p.m. Police said they arrested a man who had outstanding warrants from Smithers and he appeared in court Oct. 19. *** Police received a report of a stolen vehicle on Oct. 16 at 1 a.m. at a residence on Hagman Crescent. Police said they found the vehicle in Granisle and charged a man for taking the vehicle without the owner’s consent. Police added that the man appeared in court Oct. 19 and received 20 days jail after pleading guilty, he was also charged with three counts of breach of court order conditions, receiving 10 days of jail for those offences. *** Police responded to an accident on Highway 16 and Morice River Road at 3:35 p.m. Police said two vehicles collided with each other when one vehicle failed to give way when turning left. The offending vehicle received a ticket. *** Police received a report of a crime at the Granisle Curling Club at Oct. 19 at 10:15 p.m. Police said someone had forced entry and stolen liquor. Police said they are still investigating and forensic test are underway. Anyone with information should contact the RCMP or Crimestoppers.
By Xuyun Zeng
37, 3RD Avenue, PO Box 820, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 • PH: 250-692-3195 • TF: 800-320-3339 • FX: 250-692-3305 •
Eli Rd
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Today
Endako River
Creation Date: Feb 17, 2015
SCALE 1:300,000 Burns
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed bylaw on which the vote of the electors within a portion of Electoral Area “B” (Burns Lake Rural) and a portion of Electoral Area “G” (Houston Rural) of the Regional District of BulkleyNechako will be taken. The question that is to be voted on is: “Are you in favour of Topley Road Rescue and Medical First Responders Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1745, 2015, which would provide road rescue and medical first response services for a maximum taxation on land and improvements of $7,000 (equal to $0.17 per $1,000 of total net taxable assessments)?” The tax rate referred to above does not include the 5.25% fee charged by the Province to collect taxes for Regional Districts. GENERAL VOTING DAY General Voting Day will be open to QUALIFIED ELECTORS between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at the Topley Community Hall, 11591 Chester Street, Topley, B.C ELECTOR REGISTRATION There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors for this referendum will take place at the time of voting. You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the following requirements: • you are a Canadian citizen; and • you are, or will be on General Voting Day, age 18 or older; and • you have been a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day; and • you have been a resident of OR registered owner of real property in the jurisdiction for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day; and • you are not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting, or not otherwise disqualified by law. Resident Electors will be required to produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity. Non-Resident Property Electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if applicable, written consent from the other property owners. If there is more than one registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector.
Proof of ownership of the property must be provided including the legal description and physical address (tax notice, utility bill, or recent copy of the Land Title Search). It is recommended that Non-Resident Property Electors contact the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako in advance of General Voting Day to be certain that all requirements have been met. RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS ARE ALLOWED ONLY 1 VOTE REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF PROPERTIES OWNED. Companies/Corporations Properties registered in company/corporation names do not qualify under the Local Government Act to vote. Accepted I.D. Classes of documents that may be accepted as evidence of identification are: a British Columbia Driver’s License, a BCID card, an ICBC Owners Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle license, A British Columbia CareCard or GoldCareCard, a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance from SDES8, a Social Insurance Card, a Citizenship Card, a real property tax notice, a credit card or debit card, or a utility bill. NOTICE OF ADVANCE VOTING - Advance voting will be available to qualified electors as follows:
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Topley Community Hall, 11591 Chester Street, Topley, B.C. Any qualified elector may vote at an advance voting opportunity. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact Cheryl Anderson, Chief Election Officer or Geraldine Craven, Deputy Chief Election Officer at (250) 692-3195 or 1-800-320-3339. Given under my hand this 15th day of October, 2015. __________________________________ Cheryl Anderson, Chief Election Officer
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Today
Voter turnout was up in the country and in the Northwest CULLEN from Page 1 per cent finish in 2011. Liberal Brad Layton was in third with 18.7 per cent support, well ahead of his party’s 3.6 per cent share of the vote from 2011. Speaking from his campaign office while watching the results come in, Nesbitt said his results had “absolutely nothing to do with my performance
and my team and anything we did. It’s that we got caught up in that anti-Conservative, anti-Harper wave. And that’s just what it was. I make no regrets about how we campaigned.” Nesbitt even suggested Cullen, who ran third the last time the NDP had a national leadership race, would make a viable candidate once again.
“If he does in the end, Nathan and I will never agree on many issues but at the very least I don’t think it would be such a bad thing for the representative of the SkeenaBulkley Valley to lead a major federal party,” said Nesbitt. Cullen would not commit to anything when it came to his future within the NDP
party on election night. “Furthest thought from my mind tonight. The biggest preoccupation I had tonight first was here in Skeena and how we would do, and that feels very good. The second, of course, was what was happening to the country, and while very disappointed we weren’t able to form government as we’d hoped to just a number
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“Realistically we went into this with an opposition candidate that was entrenched in here for 11 years, well-liked.” -Liberal Brad Layton
of weeks ago, I’m encouraged Mr. Harper’s platform was rejected and a much more progressive one was picked up,” said Cullen. “In terms of leadership, no there’s so much dust to settle; I’m just
going to go see my kids again and have a normal meal maybe and just get off the road – we put almost 20,000 kilometres on the car, 20 debates. This was a long, long campaign and I’m just focused on
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calling my colleagues, both former and new ones and seeing how everybody’s doing.” Layton said he hopes to run for the Liberal party again in four years. He was pleased with his result, with his main goal aside from winning being to make a marked improvement from the dismal 2011 numbers for his party. “Realistically we went into this with an opposition candidate that was entrenched in here for 11 years, wellliked,” said Layton. He added that the increase in Liberal support in the Northwest would put Cullen on notice. “This will show Nathan that he’s going to have to work hard to make sure he keeps his seat.” Voter turnout was up in the country and in the Northwest. Turnout in 2011 was 57.7 per cent. This election it was up above 68.3 per cent.
Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Business Excellence Awards By Robin Vander Heide Houston Today
Last Saturday evening, business people and friends gathered for Houston’s 2015 Business Excellence Awards at the Houston Community Hall. Ten awards were handed out for outstanding business, customer service, and community involvement. Kevin Groot, from Peterbilt/Pacific Truck & Equipment, won Business Person of the Year. Congratulations to all nominees and winners.
List of Awards and Winners Retailer of the Year - Sullivan Motor Products Employee of the Year - Patti Moe (Pharmasave) Colton Savage won the Young Citizen of the Year Award.
Home Based Business of the Year M. Brown Contracting
M. Brown Contracting won the Home Based Business of the Year Award.
Customer Service Award Business Reitsma Home Hardware Customer Service Award Employee Mary Ann Legge (Canada Post) Community Spirit Award Bulkley Valley Credit Union Business Person of the Year Kevin Groot (Peterbilt of Houston, BC/Pacific Truck & Equipment) Young Citizen of the Year - Colton Savage Citizen of the Year - Debbie Smith Educator of the Year Ted Beck (Houston Secondary School) Debbie Smith won the Citizen of the Year Award for all of her work for the B.C. Cancer Society.
Mary Ann Legge (Canada Post) won the Employee Customer Service Award.
Sullivan Motor Products won the Retailer of the Year Award.
Robin Vander Heide photos/Houston Today
Patti Moe won Employee of the Year for her excellent customer service and hard work at Houston Pharmasave.
The Bulkley Valley Credit Union won the Community Spirit Award for all of the great work they do in our community.
Reitsma Home Hardware won the award for Customer Service - Business.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Today
District of Houston
Newsletter ~ October 28th, 2015 edition
Where the welcome is warm and the wilderness beckons! Upcoming Council Meetings:
Happy Halloween! We encourage everyone to follow the following safety tips on Halloween night:
• wear bright and visible costumes and clothing; • carry a flash light; • wear costumes that are comfortable and easy to move in; • make sure costumes do not restrict visibility;
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Tuesday, November 17, 2015 The above meetings are held at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, 3367 – 12th Street. The Agendas can be viewed on the District’s website:
Website: Please visit the website for info on: • Council Meeting Agendas • Pool Schedule • Arena Schedule • Important Public Notices • Tenders & Job Opportunities • Lost Dogs
Municipal Office Hours The Municipal Office located at 3367 – 12th Street is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (closed on statutory holidays) Email: Phone: 250-845-2238 Fax: 250-845-3429
For Public Works Emergencies (example: water main break) Call the Municipal Office @ 250-845-2238 for a recorded message with the contact number of the person on call.
Pool & Gym Phone: 250-845-7420 Email:
Arena Phone: 250-845-7432
Burning Permits Required All open burning within the District of Houston requires a Burning Permit all year round. To obtain a permit contact the Fire Department at 250-845-2250
• all youngsters should be with a responsible adult; • an adult should check all candy for hazards before eating; and, • most importantly be safe and enjoy.
Fireworks Bylaw No. 1050, 2014
1. FOLLOW THE LAWS. Follow your local and provincial laws regarding the purchase, possession and use of consumer fireworks. Minors cannot possess or ignite fireworks. Costs to respond to fire emergencies may be assessed. At least 2 operators must be on duty and 2 fire extinguishers available. 2. ONLY PURCHASE AUTHORIZED FIREWORKS FROM RELIABLE DEALERS. All vendors within Houston are required to have a permit for the sale of fireworks and will be licensed. 3. CHOOSE A CLEAR, OPEN AREA. Always use fireworks in an open area away from buildings, vehicles, overhead obstruction such as power lines and dry brush/grass. A minimum clear area of 30m x 30m is required for the safe use of aerial fireworks, such as Roman candles, and 20m x 20m for fountains or other ground-based items. Fireworks must be 60m from buildings, highways, trails, etc. and 15m from overhead power lines, trees or other overhead facilities. 4. CHECK FOR WIND AND TEMP. Check wind direction and wind speed. Fireworks should be lit with the prevailing wind blowing away from spectators; and the wind speed must not exceed 10 km/h, and temperatures must not be 30°C and/or relative humidity 30% or less. 5. KEEP SPECTATORS SAFE. Keep all spectators at least 45m away. Please contact the Fire Chief if you have any questions at 250-845-2250.
Leisure Facility Programs Boot Camp
is starting November 16 to December 16 (10 classes) from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m. at the Houston Community Hall. Cost: $80.
Evening Power Fit (Aquafit)
runs from October 14 to November 25 (no class Remembrance Day) Mondays/Wednesdays from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Cost is $57.75 or drop in is $7.
Circuit Training
at the Houston Leisure Facility is $10 drop in on Tuesday and Thursday mornings either 6:00 to 6:45 a.m. or 9:00 to 945 a.m. Next registered session starts November 3 to December 17 (same times). Cost: $90
National Lifeguard Pool
starts December 4. Cost: $380.
Claude Parish Memorial Arena Schedule - 2015/16
Garbage Pick Up Holiday Schedule: Wednesday, November 11th – picked up on Thursday, November 12th Thursday, November 12th – picked up on Friday, November 13th
Additional Toter Carts
For those consumers with additional service requirements, the District of Houston now offers a “Tag-a-Cart” service. “Tag-a-Cart” is a waste collection service permitting the service user to set out additional Toter Carts beyond the one-cart limit prescribed by the District provided that the service user attaches a tag for which a fee has been paid to the District for each additional Toter Cart used. The cost for this service is $2.50 per Toter Cart (plus applicable taxes).
Houston Public Library Phone: 250-845-2256 email: Website:
What’s Happening...
Community Market:
Thursday, October 5 & 19 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Mark Zagwyn Photography: Friday, October 13 from noon to 4:30 p.m.
Book Club: Thursday, October 26 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
2015 GMC SIERRA 2500/3500HD 1SA DOUBLE CAB 4X2
0 84 $ 11,000 %
+ $750 IN OWNER CASH ¥
ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the finance of a 2015 Sierra 2500/3500HD 1SA Double Cab 4X2, Sierra 1500 Double Cab 2WD 1SA, Terrain SLE-1 AWD, Acadia SLE-1 AWD. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between October 1 and November 2, 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on select new or demonstrator 2015 GMC vehicles excluding Yukon, Yukon XL, Sierra 2500 HD Diesel, Savana, Canyon 2SA and Canyon 4x4. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $45,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $535.71 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $45,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight, air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA/movable property registry fees, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers may sell for less. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. †† $11,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $10,000 Cash Credit (tax exclusive) available on 2015 GMC Sierra HD Gas models (excluding HD Gas Double Cab 1SA 4x2), $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $10,000 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. † $10,380 is a combined total credit consisting of a $3,000 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) $5,195 Cash Credit (tax exclusive) available on 2015 GMC Sierra Double Cab 1SA 4WD models, $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Elevation Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Sierra 1SA Elevation Edition with 5.3L Engine and a $435 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on any 2015 GMC Sierra Elevation double cab all-wheel drive with a 5.3L engine, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $5,630 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ¥ Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between October 1, 2015 through November 2, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles (except Canyon 2SA, Sierra Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on all GMC Sierras. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. ‡‡ $5,000/$1,750 is a combined credit consisting of a $1,000/$750 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), $3,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Sierra Light Duty Double Cab and a $1,000/$1,000 manufacturer to dealer finance cash (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Sierra 1500/Terrain, which is available for finance offers only and cannot be combined with special lease rates and cash purchase. ‡ $4,950/$4,750 is a combined total credit consisting of $750/$750 Owner Cash (tax inclusive) and a $4,200/$4,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Terrain SLE-1 FWD/Acadia SLE-1 FWD, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $4,200/$4,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model and cash credit excludes Terrain SLE-1 AWD/Acadia SLE-1 AWD. ** Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (
Call Sullivan Motor Products at 250-845-2244, or visit us at 2760 Yellowhead Highway, Houston. [License #5631]
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Houston Today
Community Builder Featuring the stories and spirit of the local people
New RCMP officer loves the dynamics of small towns By Xuyun Zeng Houston Today
In over four years of living in the Interior, Houston’s new Constable Tyson Bruns hates snow just a bit less. “Snow is terrible in the Lower Mainland, because no one is prepared for it. So, you’re driving with your summer tires in winter conditions,” Cst. Bruns said. The Langley born-and-raised policeman has just finished four years of service in Clearwater and moved to Houston nearly two months ago. “Do I hate the snow? I don’t particularly like driving it all the time. That’s not a very fun thing to do,” Bruns said. “But I like to do the odd sledding out there, playing with my kids on the snow and that sort of thing.”
“I looked at Houston, and I liked what I saw... looks like a good community to raise a family,”
July 2007
- Constable Tyson Bruns
87 Blue “I kind of like that part.” A while ago, the RCMP asked him if he 56 Green would like to move up to Houston. 39 Harvest “I looked at Houston, and I liked what I
Xuyun Zeng photo
Tyson Bruns will be the RCMP liaison with Search and Rescue organization.
to a larger store other than a gas station or saw. It’s kind of a very similar community something like that, I’ll have to drive anto Clearwater as well. Did a bit of research hour-and-a-half.” Cst. Bruns said in Langley, he had a core and looks like a good community to raise a group of friends and some acquaintances, family,” he said. The father of three has also developed a but after living in small towns, he likes that he can get to know a much wider range of liking for the small town. “Honestly, it was a change. Because the community. “I like the closeness and connection that you’re going from 100,000 people to [Clearwater’s] 2,500 people. And there was you get,” Cst. Bruns said. “You almost lose a bit of a phase of just trying to accustom it in the bigger centres.” Even within his policing duties, he has yourself.” Colour Logo File “If I wanted to go to a Walmart or go developed a fondness for the dynamics
of small-town policing. While Houston has about 1,000 more residents than Clearwater, Cst. Bruns said he sees the parallels when discharging his duties. “I see a lot of similarities, which is very welcoming for me,” Cst. Bruns said. “Every day you’re not just dealing with random people. These are people that have families. They have lives that you’re able to connect with and have conversations with.” Cst. Bruns will take on the role as the RCMP’s liaison for Search and Rescue, taking advantage of his previous experience
This section brought to you by:
working with Clearwater’s SAR. “In terms of a liaison, I go to their meetings, I try to always be that connection between the police and Search and Rescue and try to bridge any gaps,” Cst. Bruns said. For Cst. Bruns, working in the RCMP represents a dream since he left high school. “This is something that I’ve always been very happy with in terms of making the decision — go to Depot, and go do this career.” “It’s been great.”
Bulkley Valley Credit Union has been building a solid financial institution that members from Burns Lake to the Hazeltons’ have grown to rely on. People-helping-people is how we began and we strive to remain people-oriented, both in our financial services and through direct involvement with our communities. We are dedicated to local decision making and local control, key factors in providing the kinds of services that meet the financial needs of individuals and business members alike. Maintaining a healthy and strong financial institution is only one part of our mission. Our strong financial results have allowed us to build a very strong capital base. We continue to make improvements in our products and services. We value the relationships we have established with our members and will continue to build more innovative remote banking access to allow those who may move away or simply require access to all products and services anytime, anywhere.
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION
Come see us today to experience the Credit Union difference.
Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Use daylight savings time as a reminder
This weekend, why not take some extra steps to keep your family safe. It’s true that with the arrival of daylight savings time many of us relish getting that extra hour of sleep – and that rest is bound to give us the energy to do a bit more. Consider these simple steps when you turn your clocks back this year: 1. Remember to change the batteries in all your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. All too often, this important task doesn’t make it onto our ‘to-
Daylight Savings Time Ends... Don’t forget on Saturday night you have to set your clocks back one hour!
do’ lists. 2. Don’t forget to test your alarms. Having a smoke detector that works properly is essential to keeping you and your family safe, so be sure to check expiry dates for both smoke
alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. If they are older than 10 years or you can’t find a manufactured date, replace them immediately. CO alarms need to be replaced every 7-10 years depending on
the manufacturer. These replacement dates are true whether alarms are battery powered, plug-in or hardwired. So the next time you’re in your local hardware store, pick up another “decade of defense”
Morice Mountain Recreation Area
Date: Tuesday, November 3 Time: 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM Location: Houston Library
The Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club is hosting an Open House to get your feedback and input. We looking at improving our trail system to improve or develop:
• • • • •
Cross country skiing Back country skiing Snow shoeing Hiking Trail running
• • •
Cross country mountain biking Horseback riding Biathlon range
If you would like further information please contact Greg Yeomans at 250-845-9498
to give your for your family peace of mind. 3. Finally, remember to recycle the used batteries. News Canada
Salvation Army Food Bank Youth from the Houston CRC will collect non-perishable food for the Food Bank
Saturday, October 31st Thanks for your support.
Accounting Clerk Smithers, BC
Full-time – Monday to Friday Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd. is a general freight and house hold moving company. Head office is in Smithers with branches located in BC and Alberta. We are looking for an individual who will be responsible for working with our customers and Interliner partners on collections, payments and resolving any discrepancies. RequiRed quALiFiCATiONS: • command of the English language • proficient with computers • effective communicator, well organized, work independently and with a team • accounting background ATTRibuTeS: • excellent written, oral and customer service skills • detail orientated with ability to learn quickly and take direction effectively • organized and have the ability to work with multiple priorities • good mathematical, accounting, reconciling and problem solving skills Previous freight experience would be an asset. A competitive wage and benefits package is offered.
Please forward your resume by October 30, 2015 to: E-mail: or Fax: (250) 847 5042
Hate Long Lineups? Get your winter tires BEFORE the snow flies. Book now by phone or online.
TODAY TOMORROW TOYOTA Smithers, BC 250.847.9302
HOPE forToday
Love and Hate He was born to Christian parents. They loved
him very much and raised him with Christian values. From an early age it was evident he wanted his own way. As he grew older his selfishness and rebellion grew more and more evident. He argued with his parents. He got in trouble with the law. His parents loved him but hated what he was doing. He caused them grief and was harmful to those around him and especially, unbeknown to him, to himself. His father cried when he appeared before the judge in court. His mother told him that she was praying for him, that he would be a good person who would encourage others to follow God. His answer to her was “You can pray all you want, but it will never happen.â€? His mother cried, but kept on praying. Even though she hated what he was doing, she loved him. Some years later, tired of the way of life he was living and seeing the futility in the life of his friends who he hung around with, he realized the dangerous path he was on. He knew in his heart, even though God hated his sin, God loved him. He got on his knees and confessed his rebellion to God and asked Him for forgiveness. He also asked God to show him the path that He had for him, so he could walk in it. God heard his prayer and at that moment he was given new life from God. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Now, though there are still many struggles in life, especially with himself, he has a purpose for living each day, and a hunger for God’s word. He has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit living in him to strengthen in difficult times (2 Corinthians 6:6-10). His mother’s prayers have been answered! Now, as he contemplates the past, he is embarrassed at his former way of life and hates the sinful nature that he still struggles with daily. He is able, through the power of God, to love God, his fellow man and even the new self that God has made him to be! If there is hope for me, there is hope for you! “This is real love – not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins‌.. We love each other because he first loved us.â€? 1 John 4:10;19 NLT
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
District staff to look into quotes for building inspection
VIA from Page 1 more liability. “We have our own buildings that we already need to fix up that we don’t have money to,� he said to council, pointing to the Community Hall as an example. Taxpayers could
shoulder the liability if council eventually decides to take control of the building. The chief administrative officer’s report also outlined additional costs taxpayers would have to shoulder including maintenance, develop-
ing the area, marketing it to organizations and “undetermined risk�. However, council is many steps away from this point. Currently, District staff will look for quotes for an inspection into the state of the building and present
Get immunized! InFLUenza vaccine is free for: • Adults 65 years and over • Healthy children aged 6-59 months • Household contacts and caregivers of children 0-59 months of age • Adults and children with a chronic illness • Children and adults who are very obese • People working with live poultry • Household contacts of people at high risk for influenza • Pregnant women (all stages of pregnancy during the influenza season) • People providing service in potential outbreak settings housing high risk persons • Health care workers • First responders • Corrections officers • Aboriginal peoples • Visitors to health care facilities
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Submitted by Ken Penner the northern way of caring
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Influenza shots will be available throughout the flu season. Contact your health unit, 8-1-1 or for more clinic times. Some physicians and pharmacists also provide free influenza vaccine for those eligible.
A division of
Houston Today
“I think by doing a building inspection, we might be taking a very good proactive step...� them at the next council meeting. “So if I get this right, right now we’re not the hook for anything, we just want to get a quote. So I’m in favour, let’s see what a quote costs and we’ll revisit it after Mr. [Michael D.] Glavin gets a quote,� Coun. Anderson said. Coun. Van Barneveld expressed his hesitation but saw the inspection as a means forward to develop new plans. “I think by doing a building inspection, we might be taking a very good proactive step in learning the exact state of the building and may-
-Coun. VanBarneveld be we can use some efforts with our [economic development officer] or working with a grant writer, working with realtors, who knows in terms [of] getting other businesses to be interested in that,� Coun. Van Barneveld said. Coun. Siebenga expressed his support in developing the area because it is an “eyesore�. “That place has got to go. Maybe we have to have a little chat with Jim the fire chief — throw in a match or something — because it is just disastrous,� Siebenga joked to the hilarity of council.
In a recent survey of 2,461 Canadians, when LW FRPHV WR GULYLQJ WUDIÂżF WR DXWRPRWLYH ZHEVLWHV or visits to a dealership, print and online newspapers rank highest. They outperform TV,
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If you’re looking for better ROI from your advertising, perhaps more of your “I� should be in newspapers.
Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
BUSINESSES & SERVICES around Houston & the Bulkley Valley...
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with refinishing jobs of 500 square th than Aug 30 . booked now and scheduled no later
Give us a call for any of your attachment needs.
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Now a dealer for BIO-CLEAN A septic enzyme and tank cleaner
Les Willson
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CALDERWOOD REALTY If you are buying or selling call me today: 250-845-8234 I also offer Free Home Market Evaluations and information on the current real estate market.
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offering... • Permanent hair removal • Tattoo removal • Acne treatments
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mitment *Based on a 1-year com GST not included
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(with 1 year commitment) GST not included
Call Laura at 250-692-7526 or 250-845-2890 or email:
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Houston Today
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Houston United Church 2106 Butler Ave
SERVICES: Sundays at 11a.m. (Kids Sunday School during the service) To contact the church or for pastoral care: Morgan Ryder (250-698-7612 -H) or 250-692-9576 -C) or Marianne Dekker 250-845-2282
Houston Fellowship Baptist Church 3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne
Sunday School: 9:45am Church Service: 11:00am Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810
Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM Pastor Carl VanDam Office Phone: 250-845-3441 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston, BC
Houston Christian Reformed Church 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578
Pastor Martin Vellekoop ~ Everyone Welcome! ~
Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 250-845-2678 Pastor: Mike McIntyre Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am Sunday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm Sunday School: During the Service
Everyone Welcome
Anglican Church of St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston, BC
AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact number: (250) 8457774.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266 CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or
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In Memoriam In loving memory of our beloved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather
1 Luciano Attilio Dotto
(April 10,1938October. 27, 2011)
A limb has fallen from our family tree,
Yet, I keep hearing a voice that says ‘Grieve not for me’.
The good life I lived while I was still strong,
Rev. Jacob Worley Phone: 250-845-4940
Continue my heritage, I’m counting on all of you.
Services at: 2:00pm Sundays
My mind is at ease, my soul is now at rest,
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 2001 Riverbank Drive Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z2 Phone: 250-845-2841
Sunday Service: 11:30 AM Parish Priest: Fr. Pier Pandolfo
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Need Money? Money? We We Lend! Lend! IfIf you you Need individual to HUGE DEMAND for Service Medical HUGE DEMAND for Medical own your your own home home you own own -- you MIDTOWN RVjoin Ltdour has a posiFULL SERVICE Plumbing Department. free financing. Full details call Transcriptionists! CanScribe is Transcriptionists! is qualify.Parker Pioneer Acceptance qualify. Pioneer tion for licensed CanScribe Heavy Duty from Dean.Acceptance Fast, reA competitive salarynow is 1-866-668-6629 offered based Website Job Responsibilities: Canada’s top Medical Medical TranCanada’s top Corp. Member Member BBB. Corp. BBB. RV Mechanic. Full-time,Tranno liable, 24/7 service. $50 SAWMILLS FROMTake only Pharmasave Smithers isskills. now hiring! scription training school. Learn • GreetBenefi customers and t scription training school. 1-877-987-1420 layoffs. t pkg and Learn profi off your next job if you 1-877-987-1420 on experience and $4,397 - make money present & save from home and with work any from We are are seeking seeking aa Front Front Store Store Manager Manager for for the the 4th 4th from and work from We assisthome them sharing. Email resume to this ad. Vancouver area. 1money with your own bandmill home. Call today! today! 1-800-4661-800-466home. Call 800-573-2928. inquiries HIP OR knee Avenue location. location. To email start Immediately. Immediately. Please resumes to replacement? Avenue To start - Cut lumber any dimension. In 1535. or 1535. or LARGE FUND FUND LARGE • Document services Arthritic Conditions/COPD? stock ready to ship. Free info Borrowers Wanted Borrowers Wanted • Keep customer informed Restrictions in Walking/Dress&Start DVD: www.NorwoodSawIf you see a wildďŹ re, HEAVY Duty Mechanic required in HEAVY Duty Mechanic required in Start saving hundreds of of saving hundreds ing? Disability Tax Credit on completion times, service 1-800-566the Hinton, AB area. Must have exthe Hinton, AB area. Must have exSTART A new new career in START career dollars today! today! We We can can easily easily report it to dollars $2,000 Tax Credit $20,000 expenses,A and Healthcare, possiblein tensive knowledge in Caterpillar tensive knowledge in Caterpillar 6899 Ext:400OT. Graphic Arts, Graphic Arts, Healthcare, approve you you by by phone. phone. 1st, 1st, approve Refund. Applyfront today store for assisequipment. Responsibilities Responsibilities will will ininequipment. changes Education Opportunity for an experienced Business, Education or or InforInforBusiness, FOR SALE VEHICLES 2nd or or 3rd 3rd mortgage money money 2nd mortgage clude rebuilding rebuilding and repairs to toSURPLUS Cat clude and repairs Cat tance: 1-844-453-5372. • Remain involved withaa mation Tech. If you have mation Tech. If you have is available right now. Rates is available right now. Rates motors, power shift transmissions motors, power shift transmissions manager to be part of our Community focused delivery of vehicle GED, call: 855-670-9765. 855-670-9765. GED, call: and hydraulics. hydraulics. Fax resume with with start at Prime. Prime. Equity Equity counts. and Fax resume start at counts. Sealed bids will be to at the School be iQclXded Iorcredit, each iQdividXal bid ,I a bid is customer upon completion toreceived references and and drivers drivers abstract abstract to to Pharmasave Drugstore. The Successful references We don’t don’t rely rely on on credit, age We age on most cellular 780-865-9710. 780-865-9710. assure all customer or income. 'istrict %oard 2IĂ€ce at 0oQtreal Street teQdered Ior Pore thaQ oQe iteP seSarate or income. candidate must have previous experience in networks. are for addressed Call Anytime Anytime Tahtsa Timber Ltd.concerns is looking Call SPithers %& XQtil 30 Sa\PeQts PXst be 1-800-639-2274 or Pade Ior each iQdividXal 1-800-639-2274 or motivating and managing staff. Other abilities • 3 2 Build %o[ strong relationships FULL-TIME SERVICE ConsulFULL-TIME SERVICE Consul604-430-1498. Apply online 604-430-1498. Apply online with the customers 1ovePber Ior the SXrchase oI three bid $ll oIIers will be coQsidered thoXJh the tant. Full-time Full-time parts parts consultant consultant tant. such as Nisga’a scheduling, frontto: GVG store Location: Village of managing Gingolx Reports Chief and Council required immediately by busy busy required immediately by A
competitive compensation GET BACK bXses ON TRACK! Bad School 'istrict is Qot Qecessaril\ obliJated to Xsed aXtoPatic traQsPissioQ activities, buying and merchandising are Deadline: November 30, 2015 Salary: To commensurate with qualifications Import dealership in in sunny sunny Import credit? Bills? Unemployed? packagedealership NEED A A loan? loan? Own Own property? property? NEED Quit. (Burns Lake Area)is available. Okanagan. Benefits, ts, aggresaggresOkanagan. Benefi oIIer *S7 Need Money? We Lend! If you acceSt required. Overall be experienced in managing Have bad badaQ\ credit? We can can help!is Qot aSSlicable Have credit? We help! Duties: Applicants should direct their sive salary salary package. package. Resumes Resumes sive HUGE DEMAND fortime Medical own your own home you Call toll free 1-866-405-1228 Before your Call toll free 1-866-405-1228 $ll vehicles are Ior sale œas is ² where is¡ resumes to the attention of the Retail of Chief a large business. to Service Manager t Reports to andOperations works directly with and Council to Service Manager Responsible for operatingis service truck and maintaining Transcriptionists! CanScribe qualify. Pioneer Acceptance David inPa\ personbe or teQdered via e-mail Canada’s top out. MedicalExperience Tran%ids Ior oQe or Pore $Q\ deviatioQ IroP these iQstrXctioQs will Corp. Member BBB. itePs Ois versee delivery of Programs and Services Strong communication and leadership skills loggingruns equipment. with Waratah Processors, mitherst now hiring! to scription training school. Learn 1-877-987-1420 t Ensureneeded. compliance to all Nisga’a Nation and Nisga’a Village as per Nisga’a Treaty are with Legislation(s) -opportunities.htm $ll vehicles are iQ coQditioQ bXt disTXaliI\ the bid $ll itePs Pa\ be viewed -opportunities.htm and home Madill Equipment The successful candidate from and work required. from nt Store Manager for the 4thPrevious experience t Budgeting and monitoring of Annual Budgets and Work plans home. Call today! 1-800-466Pharmasave is an asset. the 'istrict PaNes Qo claiP whatsoever with b\ aSSoiQtPeQt at the 'istrict¡s PaiQtetart Immediately. will work well with others and be a problem solver. MIDTOWN RV Ltd has a posiFULL SERVICE Plumbing t Acts as a liaison on behalf of Gingolx Village Government to other 1535. entities or LARGE FUND tion for licensed licensed Heavy Duty road worthiQess from Parker Parker Dean. Fast, rere- $veQXe SPithers tion for Heavy Duty from Dean. Fast, resSect to the vehicles or QaQce \ard at - rd Borrowers Wanted ASupervision competitive t of Staff salary is offered based Contact Tahtsa Timber Office Full-time, RV Mechanic. Mechanic. Full-time, no liable, 24/7 24/7 service. service. Take Take $50 $50 RV liable, HEAVY Duty Mechanic required no in Start saving hundreds of PechaQical coQditioQ dXriQJ QorPal bXsiQess t Other duties required as per job description layoffs. Benefi pkg and profi off your your next next job job ifif you you present present hoXrs to layoffs. Benefi tt pkg and profi off on asexperience and skills. the Hinton, AB area. Must have ex-tt START A new career in dollars today! We can easily email: sharing. knowledge Email in resume to this ad. Vancouver area. 1tensive Caterpillar Graphic Arts, Healthcare, 0oQda\ throXJh )rida\ iQclXsive approve you by phone. 1st, Qualifications: 800-573-2928. 800-573-2928. equipment. Responsibilities will inPlease email resumes to n experienced front store Business, Education or Infor2nd or 3rd mortgage money Phone: 250-692-7640 Fax: 250-692-7140 clude rebuilding and repairs to Cat $ll bids PXst be accoPSaQied b\ a clear t Minimum of 5 years’ experience in executive level management preferably administrative 7eleShoQe iQTXiries Pa\ be Pade to 0s & mation Tech. If you have a is available right now. Rates motors, power shift transmissions t of our Community management focused GED, call: 855-670-9765. statePeQt oI resume iteP aQd Srice $ draIt and hydraulics. Fax with teQdered start at Prime. Equity counts. :haleQ 7raQsSortatioQ SXServisor at references and drivers abstract to ugstore. t PThe Successful don’t rely on credit, age revious experience as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Administrative Officer or equivalent PoQe\ order or certiÀed We cheTXe iQ the IXll 780-865-9710. - $ll sales are ÀQal 9ehicles shall or income. t Knowledge of the Nisga’a ave previous experience in Treaty is required Call Anytime aPoXQt Sa\able to School 'istrict PXst FOR SALE SURPLUS VEHICLES be rePoved withiQ hoXrs oI SXrchase t A Bachelor is Business or Public Administration is preferred however, an equivalent 1-800-639-2274 or anaging staff. Otherdegree abilities FULL-TIME SERVICE Consul604-430-1498. Apply online combination education and experience will be considered tant. Full-time parts consultant ng, managing front store Sealed bids will be received at the School be iQclXded Ior each iQdividXal bid ,I a bid is Vehicle Description t Gingolx Village Government is an equal opportunities employer, however, give preference requiredmay immediately by busy and merchandising are 'istrict %oard 2IÀce at 0oQtreal Street teQdered Ior Pore thaQ oQe iteP seSarate Import dealership in sunny to Nisga’a Citizens NEED A loan? Own property? Quit. Year%o[ Unit Make Model (km)* Asking Price* Okanagan. Benefits, aggrese experienced managing Have bad credit? We can help! t Businessinand equipment and all Microsoft ware knowledge is a must 3 2 SPithers %& XQtil 30 Sa\PeQts PXstMileage be Pade Ior each iQdividXal sive salary package. Resumes Before your time Call toll free 1-866-405-1228 knowledge of Nisga’a Language and Culture will be an assetto Service Manager ions of t aSome large business. ,QterQatioQal &( SasseQJer 1ovePber Ior fithe SXrchase oI three bid $ll oIIers will be coQsidered thoXJh the Location: Nisga’alicense Village of of Gingolx Gingolx Reports Reports to: to: GVG GVG Chief Chief and and Council Council Location: Nisga’a Village t Valid BC Driver’s runs To out. %lXe%ird %od\ ation and leadership skills
Xsed aXtoPatic traQsPissioQ bXses School 'istrict is Qot Qecessaril\ obliJated to Deadline: November 30, 2015 Salary: commensurate with qualifications Deadline: November 30, 2015 Salary: To commensurate with qualifications Qualified candidates and reference letters to evious experience withshould send application, resume, cover letter-opportunities.htm %lXe%ird 9isioQ &at & acceSt SasseQJer aQ\ oIIer *S7 is Qot aSSlicable
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Chief Administrative Officer
Duties: Duties: Gingolx Village Government, attention: Chief and Council. asset. t Reports to and works with Chief and Council MIDTOWN RV Ltd has a posiNo emails will bedirectly accepted. Fax: 250-326-4208 Attention: C. Franklin Alexcee tion for licensed Heavy Duty t O Oversee versee delivery delivery of Programs Programs and and Services Services t of salary is offered based RV Mechanic. Full-time, no t EEnsure nsure compliance compliance to to all all Nisga’a Nisga’a Nation Nation and and Nisga’a Nisga’a Village Village Legislation(s) Legislation(s) as per tNisga’a Nisga’a Treaty t per Treaty layoffs. as Benefi pkg and profit ience and skills.
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Fight Home Improvements Back. Volunteer your time, Trucks energy and& Vans skills today.
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We’re at Home Improvements $ll vehicles are of Ior sale FULL œas is ²SERVICE where is¡ (QJiQe the heart Plumbing fromoQe Parker Dean. itePs Fast, re%ids Pa\ be teQdered Ior or Pore ,QterQatioQal &($50 things™ liable, 24/7 service. Take $ll vehicles are iQ oSeratiQJ bXtpresent off yourcoQditioQ next job if you ,QterQatioQal %od\
deviatioQ IroP these iQstrXctioQs will $Q\ SasseQJer disTXaliI\ the bid $ll itePs Pa\ be viewed t BBudgeting udgeting and and monitoring monitoring of of Annual Annual Budgets Budgets and and Work Work plans plans t sharing. Email resume to this ad. Vancouver area. 1the 'istrict PaNes Qo claiP withoffers b\will aSSoiQtPeQt at the 'istrict¡s PaiQte800-573-2928. *whatsoever All reasonable be considered t AActs cts as as aa liaison liaison on behalf behalf of of Gingolx Gingolx Village Village Government Government to to other other entities t entities mail resumes to on Career resSect to the vehicles road worthiQess or QaQce \ard at - rd $veQXe SPithers t S upervision of Staff Trucks & Vans Trucks & coQditioQ Vans Trucks & Vans Trucks & Vans Opportunities t O Other ther duties duties as as required required as as per per job job description description PechaQical dXriQJ QorPal bXsiQess hoXrs to t 0oQda\ throXJh )rida\ iQclXsive Qualifications: Qualifications: $ll bids be accoPSaQied a clear t M Minimum inimum of of 55 years’ years’ experience experience in in executive executive level level management management preferably preferably administrative administrative t 7eleShoQe iQTXiries Pa\ be Pade to 0s & FORPXst SALE SURPLUS b\ VEHICLES management management statePeQt oI iteP aQd teQdered Srice $ draIt :haleQ 7raQsSortatioQ SXServisor at Sealed bids will be received at the School iQclXded Ior each bid ,I a bid is t PPrevious revious experience experience as as Chief Chief Executive Executive Officer, Officer, Chief Chief Administrative Administrative Officer Officer or equivalent equivalent t or PoQe\ order or certiÀedbe cheTXe iQ the IXll iQdividXal - $ll sales are ÀQal 9ehicles shall t KKnowledge nowledge of of the the Nisga’a Nisga’a Treaty Treaty isis required required t 'istrict %oard 2IÀce at 0oQtreal Street teQdered seSarate aPoXQt Sa\able to School 'istrictIor Pore PXstthaQ oQe be iteP rePoved withiQ hoXrs oI SXrchase t AA Bachelor Bachelor degree degree isis Business Business or or Public Public Administration Administration isis preferred preferred however, however, an an equivalent equivalent t 3 2 %o[ SPithers %& XQtil 30 Sa\PeQts PXst be Pade Ior each iQdividXal combination education education and and experience experience will will be be considered considered combination 1ovePber Ior the SXrchase oI three bid $ll oIIers will be coQsidered thoXJh the Vehicle Description t G Gingolx ingolx Village Government anCouncil equal opportunities opportunities employer, employer, however, however, may give give preference preference t Village isis an equal may ge of Gingolx Reports to:Government GVG Chief and to Nisga’a Nisga’a Citizens to Xsed aXtoPatic traQsPissioQ bXses School 'istrict is Qot Qecessaril\ obliJated to 0, 2015 Salary:Citizens To commensurate with qualifications Year Unit Make Model Mileage (km)* Asking Price* t BBusiness usiness and and equipment equipment and and all all Microsoft Microsoft ware ware knowledge knowledge isis aa must must t acceSt aQ\ oIIer *S7 is Qot aSSlicable t SSome ome knowledge knowledge of of Nisga’a Nisga’a Language Language and and Culture Culture will will be be an an asset asset t ,QterQatioQal &( SasseQJer $ll vehicles are Ior sale œas is ² where is¡ irectly witht Councillicense t Chief alidand BC Driver’s Driver’s license VValid BC %lXe%ird %od\ %ids Pa\ be teQdered Ior oQe or Pore itePs $Q\ deviatioQ IroP these iQstrXctioQs will grams and Services Qualified candidates candidates should should send send application, application, resume, resume, cover cover letter letter and and reference reference letters letters to to Qualified %lXe%ird 9isioQ &at$ll & itePs Pa\ SasseQJer ll Nisga’a Nation and Nisga’a Village Legislation(s) as per Nisga’a Treaty $llCouncil. vehicles are iQ oSeratiQJ coQditioQ bXt disTXaliI\ the bid be viewed Gingolx Village Village Government, Government, attention: attention: Chief Chief and and Council. Gingolx (QJiQe ing of Annual Budgets and Work plans No emails emails will will be be accepted. accepted. Fax: Fax: 250-326-4208 250-326-4208 Attention: Attention:the C. Franklin Franklin Alexcee 'istrictAlexcee PaNes Qo claiP whatsoever with b\ aSSoiQtPeQt at the 'istrict¡s PaiQteNo C. half of Gingolx Village Government to other entities ,QterQatioQal &( SasseQJer resSect to the vehicles road worthiQess or QaQce \ard at - rd $veQXe SPithers ,QterQatioQal %od\ PechaQical coQditioQ dXriQJ QorPal bXsiQess hoXrs to d as per job description * All reasonable offers will be considered 0oQda\ throXJh )rida\ iQclXsive $ll bids PXst be accoPSaQied b\ a clear xperience in executive level management preferably administrative 7eleShoQe iQTXiries Pa\ be Pade to 0s & statePeQt oI iteP aQd teQdered Srice $ draIt :haleQ 7raQsSortatioQ SXServisor at Chief Executive Officer, Chief Administrative Officer or equivalent PoQe\ order or certiÀed cheTXe iQ the IXll - $ll sales are ÀQal 9ehicles shall a’a Treaty is required aPoXQt Sa\able to School 'istrict PXst be rePoved withiQ hoXrs oI SXrchase usiness or Public Administration is preferred however, an equivalent
, 1 , 1- , 9
Find local employees. Administrative Officer , 1 , 1- , 9
Find local employees.
and experience will be considered ment is an equal opportunities employer, however, may give preference
nt and all Microsoft ware knowledge is a must sga’a Language and Culture will be an asset e
should send application, resume, cover letter and reference letters to Village Government, attention: Chief and Council. accepted. Fax: 250-326-4208 Attention: C. Franklin Alexcee
Vehicle Description
,QterQatioQal &( %lXe%ird %od\
Mileage (km)*
Asking Price*
%lXe%ird 9isioQ &at & (QJiQe
,QterQatioQal &( ,QterQatioQal %od\
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Houston Today
Former Elks Hall on a .40 acre lot. 2011 square foot building with a 625 square foot second floor. Building needs work. Sold as is, where is. Adjacent .34 acre lot also for sale.
All Dressed Up & Waiting! Well-kept 4 bedroom family home on a large corner lot. Completely updated kitchen with new cabinets and counter tops, vaulted ceilings and new stainless appliances. Spacious living room, main bath just completely updated. Cozy family room in the basement, large bedroom, office, 3 piece bath and huge laundry/storage room. High efficiency furnace. Carport, paved drive, RV parking. All appliances & window coverings included. Call Lia to view 250-845-1147.
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Call 250-845-7325 Whether you are buying or selling, Lia offers prompt, friendly and professional service with over 20 years of real estate experience and a lifetime in the Houston area.
2436 Poulton Ave., Houston, BC • e-mail: •
Real Estate
Real Estate
Acreage for Sale
Open Houses
133-264 acres, good fishing & hay producing, middle of the best farming & ranching area of BC.Visit our website for more properties starting from $27,000. Contact: or Call: 604.606.7900 Website:
Inspire. Perspire. Participate in an event to help the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis.
Halloween party at the Houston Legion on Saturday, October 31st with the doors open at 8 p.m. There are prizes for best costumes and admission is $10. at the door. GEMS Girls Clubs meets other Thurs. till Dec. 3rd and again in Jan. at the Houston Christian Reformed Church from 6:30-8:30 p.m. GEMS is for girls from Grade 2-7. Come join us for Singing, Bible Study, games, badges and crafts. Registration Fee is $45/ year and for more info Contact Fran at 250-845-7495.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
Commercial/ Industrial Property 4 Bay Shop in West Quesnel showroom, offices, compressor, paved lot across from shopping mall. Suitable for auto sales & service, detail shop or second hand store. 248,800k. Will take partial trade on vehicle, trailer, motor home or WHY. Call (250)9928334 or (250)981-3583
UNDER NEW management. Parklane Townhouses for Rent. Full remodeled 3-bedroom townhouses in an adult family oriented complex. Excellent references required. First and last months rent due at signing of agreement. $750. a month. Viewings by appointment. Call: (250-845-0707)
Office/Retail COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE 1292 Main St., Smithers. 5920 sq. ft. Available Jan. 2016. Please email for more information.
3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas Rent: $1350 per mnth Sale: $299,000 Contact: 250-845-3315
TOPS 1901 meets every Tues.: 8-9:30 a.m. at the Houston United Church. Come join other women who are Taking Off Pounds Sensibly and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Houston Public Library October Events: Book Club – Thurs., Oct. 29: 7 to 9 p.m. Stop by or phone us at 250-845-2256 for more info on any of the above events. Community Market - the Houston Public Library is hosting Community Winter Markets again this fall. Nov 5 & 19 and Dec 3 from 2 to 6 p.m. in the Canfor Room. Tables are free for all vendors! Please call the library at 250-845-2256 to book a table. Shop local and support our community’s crafters, artisans and home-based retailers. Community Calendar proudly sponsored by
Volleyball Coaches - With volleyball season around the corner, Houston Secondary School is looking for coaches at both the junior and senior levels. Please contact the office for more details @ 845-7217. Seniors Happy Gang Entertainment Fund is accepting donations for Silent Auction Fundraiser. Call: 250-845-7537 or 250-845-9615. Coffee Break - an Interactive Women’s Bible Study meet every Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:00 at the Houston Christian Reformed Church, 1959 Goold Road. Childcare is provided. For more info call Margaret: 845-2348, Darlene 845-7438, Evelyn 6963229. The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Monday of the month is Executive, 4th Monday is General Meeting. Activities for Seniors in Houston at the Seniors Centre: Carpet Bowling Tues. & Fri. 1:00 PM • Floor Curling Mon. 1:00 PM • Pool any afternoon to schedule call; Adrian-250-845-2338 • Breakfasts- first Sat. of the month, community invited. • Soup and Sandwich luncheon- third Thurs. of the month. Community invited. At Pleasant Valley Village, 3603 11th St.: Senior Exercise, Mon. & Fri 10:00 AM • Cards Mon. & Thurs. 7:00 PM. At the Bowling Alley: Seniors bowling Wed. 1:30 PM. At the Houston Swimming Pool: Aquafit, Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9-10 AM. At the Legion: Seniors darts and light lunch Thursdays 11a.m. - 2 p.m. Buck Flats Community Development Society, meets every 3rd Sat. evening at 6pm at Andy Pollack’s house (17642) on Buck Flats Rd. All Buck Flats
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION
HOUSTON COMMUNITY CALENDAR Family Night free supper is Thursday, Oct. 29th at the Houston Seniors Center next to the Health Clinic. The supper is sponsored by the Houston Link to Learning and please call ahead to register your family to 250-845-2727. Help celebrate Family Literacy!
Lakefront Acreages
Trucks & Vans 2004 International 4300 with 26 foot freight box and 3000 lb capacity power tailgate. Factory Remanufactured engine with 2300 Km’on engine. 176000 kms on truck. Automatic transmission and power disc brakes. MVI just ran out but will get done for a serious buyer. Truck is good to go for the winter, comes with tire chains. email, Text 250-6159238, or call 250-635-5669
Lia Long 250-845-1147
Since May 1941, Bulkley Valley Credit Union has been building a solid financial institution that members from Burns Lake to the Hazeltons have grown to rely on. People helping people is how we began and we strive to remain people-oriented, both in our financial services and through direct involvement with our communities. We are dedicated to local decision-making and local control, key factors in providing the kinds of services that meet the financial needs of individuals and business members alike.
Find a job close to home.
residents are welcome to attend, we discuss issues concerning the Buck flats area. Please call Chris Newell at 250-845-3564 for more info. Houston’s “Love by the Bowl” Soup Kitchen serving healthy homemade soups in two different seatings, 11-12 and 12 -1 on Wednesdays.
TOPLEY Topley Fire Protection Society meetings every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No experience necessary please contact Byron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a Fire Practice Thurs @ 19:00 hrs (7pm).
GRANISLE The Granisle and District Senior Citizens meet every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at the Seniors Centre. Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & fire practices every Tues., 7:00pm at the Fire Hall. Granisle Church of the Way services are Sundays at 11:00am. Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at
HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston Phone: 250-845-7117
Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
y t i B n u u i l m d e m rs o C
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
Courageous Battles
Serving the communities of... Houston
Human Interest
Featuring the spirit of the local people
My goal is to do well and to place By Xuyun Zeng
MacDonald won bronze in kickboxing and placed fourth in speed fighting at the Not satisfied with stopping at World Karate and Kickboxing the nationals, a high-achieving Commission (WKC) national qualifier. Placing Houston teenager will fight at the Canadian within the top four earned him a international level. “I’m not going for fun,” Salish spot to represent Canada in the MacDonald, 12, said. “I’m going World Karate Championships in to have fun anyway, I’m going to Orlando, Fla., this November. “You’re going to be fighting gain experience anyway. My goal people from like Scotland, Japan, is to do well and to place.” “Always you want to go into a you’re going to be fighting people from all around the world,” fight being like, ‘I can win.’” MacDonald said. “It’s a huge event, and other countries, they might have different styles, but all in all, it’s all about the conditioning.” “If you get too nervous, you’re going to blow the fight.” Competing at the Ottawa nationals was a new experience for MacDonald. “I’ve never been to a competition of that standard, of that size,” MacDonald said. “I haven’t really been exposed to that and going there my first reaction was definitely, like, ‘Woah! There’s a lot of people.’” “And I think Salish proudly wearing the bronze medal he won in kickboxing at the World Karate and Kickboxing there, my nerves kind of got to me, Commission (WKC) national Canadian qualifier. Houston Today
Salish on the left competing at the World Karate and Kickboxing Commission (WKC) national Canadian qualifier. more than they needed to.” At the international level, MacDonald thinks there will be more people, but having fought at the nationals, he said he is better prepared. Still, MacDonald has not taken a break from improving himself. “I have been training really, really hard. I’ve been training to get my conditioning up, because although it’s only two minutes, you’re fully exerting yourself,” MacDonald said. “There’s a huge, huge technical part of it in both of them. It’s all about timing
too.” His dad, Darren MacDonald, summarized what this meant: “Hit and not get hit.” MacDonald trains in Smithers four times a week. His mother, Kate Langham, suggested that MacDonald has sacrificed his social life for training. “He has really given his heart and soul over to his training here, and it really shows. There’s been a dramatic improvement even from when he qualified at the nationals,” Langham said. Langham estimates that the total cost of competing in Orlando
Submitted photos
will cost “$10,000, easily.” She has set up a crowdfunding campaign, at, to defray some costs. “It’s to help basically to cover hotels, travel and registration fees,” Langham said. Kickboxing requires fighters to show technique and finesse. Winning depends on how well they controlled the fight within two to three minutes. Speed fighting is a point-based competition. Competitors have to win by two points, and they gain points by contacting the opponent’s body.
John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes
Box 421 183 First Street, Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822
Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 Email: Website:
Houston Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2015
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3 for
Western Family Potato Chips
Assorted Varieties & Sizes
Western Family Granola Bars Family Packs, 510-630 g
5 for
Tree Top Fruit Snacks
Pillsbury Pizzapops or Mini Pizzas, 28-30 count
Old Dutch Potato Chips Variety Pack, 30x32 g
80 count
Anita’s Organic Products
Bob’s Red Mill Products
Olympic Organic Yogurt
Assorted Varieties & Sizes
Bounty Paper Towel
Ziploc Sandwich Bags
Assorted Varieties & Sizes
6 roll
Assorted Varieties 1.75 kg
Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, 192-216 count
Kellogg’s Jumbo Cereal Event 697
Western Family Cabbage Rolls 2x908 g
Western Family English Muffins or Bagels, 6’s
2 for
Tru Roots Organic Quinoa 1.81 kg
1999 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers Sizes 2 thru 6 64-104 count
2299 All Jumbo Cereals
Mon. to Thurs. 8 am - 7 pm • Fri. 8 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - 7 pm • Sun. 9 am - 6 pm 3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 •