Invermere Valley Echo, October 28, 2015

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The Invermere








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Scratch profiles 7 From J2 Ranch in Canal Flats




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Rockies defenceman Nigel Swab (#12) stealthily manoeuvres the puck on Sunday, October 25th during the home game against the Fernie Ghostriders, which the valley’s KIJHL team handily won 6-4 — the Rockies third win in as many games over the weekend. See below for full coverage of the games. PHOTO BY BREANNE MASSEY

Rockies defeat Fernie rivals in winning streak BREANNE MASSEY The Columbia Valley Rockies won 6-4 against the Fernie Ghostriders at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena on Sunday, October 25th. “We came out of the cage firing and played a really good two periods, had a pretty solid third,” said Wade Dubielewicz, Columbia Valley Rockies coach, “but they’re (Fernie) a good team so they’re going to push back and they’re going to have opportunities.” During the first period, Rockies player Harrison Davies scored a goal with an assist from Luke Bellerose with 10:45 left. The Fernie Ghostriders tied the game 1-1 with a goal at 8:21. Rockies players Michael Cardinal and Nigel Swab pushed the team back into the lead with less than four minutes remaining in the first period. Rock-

ies players Kellen Marchand scored Rockies freeze out Rockets with an assist from Quinn Sobus and The Columbia Valley Rockies won 5-1 Mr. Swab. against the Golden Rockets at the GoldDuring the second, Rockies players en Arena on Saturday, October 24th. Luke Bellerose scored with an assist “We played a pretty solid 60 minutes,” from Davin Burton. Then, Rockies said Dubielewicz. players Donoven Quintin, with an asThe Rockies did most of their scoring sist from Micheal Cardinal and Kellen in the second period, including a goal Marchand, scored from Kellen MarchI’m ecstatic. We again before the and with assists end of the second. worked so hard (at from Ty Duncan and During the third, first) without any results, Nolan Menard. Mr. Rockies player CarMarchand scored dinal scored a goal and now we’re starting to his second goal with see results. without an assist. assists from Ryan WADE DUBIELEWICZ “I’m ecstatic,” St. Jean and Kobe COLUMBIA VALLEY ROCKIES COACH said Mr. DubieleEagletail. During the wicz. “We worked so hard without any third period, Damon Raven scored with results (at first), and now we’re start- assists from Quinn Sobus and Kolten ing to see results, which is nice to see.” Nelson. “We won all three games on the weekCats crumble to Rockies end and picked up six points, which The Columbia Valley Rockies won 3-0 is pretty huge for a young group,” he against the Creston Valley Thunder concluded. Cats at the Eddie Mountain Memorial

on Friday, October 23rd. “We were more disciplined (at this game and in getting the penalties down), for sure,” said Dubielewicz after the game. “We made a few adjustments from our last game, protected the middle of the ice a little better than Tuesday when we were in Creston, and it made a big difference.” The Columbia Valley Rockies scored two goals in the second period, both by Kellen Marchand. “I thought Kellen Marchand was incredible,” said Mr. Dubielewicz. “He played like a man.” During the third period, Rockies player Damon Raven scored the third and final goal to win the game with assists from Quinn Sobus and Kolten Nelson. “We’re extremely excited about it,” said Mr. Dubielewicz. “These kids have been working so hard and for them to finally be rewarded, it means a lot. It means a lot for their confidence.”

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo


Albert Frydman had an amazing day earlier this month hiking the Hoodoo trail and taking in the dramatic views from the top of the steep erosional features south of Fairmont Hot Springs. PHOTO BY ALBERT FRYDMAN


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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo A3



New limits on municipal election spending will have little local effect Steve Hubrecht The provincial government has brought forward legislation that would, if passed, curb spending during municipal elections, with the limits decided by each municipality’s population. The new move will likely mean little here in the valley come the next municipal election in 2018, since every candidate in the 2014 local election spent far less than what the limits would be. For municipalities with fewer than 10,000 people — which would include Invermere, Radium Hot Springs, and Canal Flats, as well as Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Areas F and G — the limits would be $10,000 per mayor candidate and $5,000 for candidates seeking any other elected office. Looking at Elections B.C. data, the money spent on campaigning by local candidates last fall was uniformly well below that threshold. In Invermere, mayor Gerry Taft faced no opposing candidates, was acclaimed, and consequently filed election expenditures of nothing. There were five Invermere councillor candidates fighting for four spots. With all five of them actively campaigning, the council candidates had greater expenses than Taft, although not by huge amounts. Indeed, the combined total of all five councillor candidates’ total expenditures

was less than the limit proposed for a single councillor candidate under the pending legislation. Councillor Justin Atterbury spent a total of $144; councillor Greg Anderson spent $1,000; councillor Paul Denchuk spent $1,030; councillor Al Miller spent $493; and unsuccessful council candidate Kayja Becker spent $250. In Radium Hot Springs, the mayor and all four councillors got in through acclamation, and correspondingly none had any expenses. Such was also the case for RDEK Area G director Gerry Wilkie. RDEK Area F, however, did have a race, with director Wendy Booth having the highest expenditures of any Upper Columbia Valley candidates in the municipal elections at $3,820 and her unsuccessful challenger Andrea Dunlop having expenditures of $948. The combined total made Area F the most expensive locale in the valley in which to run. Canal Flats was the only incorporated municipality in the valley to have races for both mayor and councillor positions. In the mayoral race, mayor Ute Juras spent $1,120, while unsuccessful mayor candidate Dean Midyette had expenditures of $355. The Canal Flats councillor race had five candidates competing for four spots, but most opted not to print any signs or make other promotional materials, and consequently the only one of them to have any expenditures was councillor Paul Marcil. Marcil had a least one brochure printed and filed total election expenditures of $309.

Canal Flats man dies in crash on Highway 93/95 Breanne Massey Local RCMP have confirmed the 79-year-old Canal Flats man who recently perished in a collision involving a 41-year-old Abbotsford man hauling lumber was Fritz Kobza. The crash, between the victim’s 2008 GMC Sierra and a 2014 Volvo commercial vehicle, happened around 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21st after the Canal Flats driver, who was heading south, entered the northbound lane near Canal Flats and collided with the semi on Highway 93/95.

The Columbia Valley RCMP joined firefighters and the BC Ambulance Service to attend to the accident. The Canal Flats driver passed away while being moved to the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook as a result of his injuries related to the accident. The Abbotsford driver was treated from minor injuries at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook after the accident. The cause of the crash remains under investigation by the Columbia Valley RCMP with help from an RCMP traffic analyst from Cranbrook and the B.C. Coroner’s Office, but Mounties are urging drivers to take safety precautions of the roads.

for the Windermere Valley Youth Centre Society To conduct the business ending June 30th, 2015, appointment of auditor, bylaw review for membership and nominations and elections for the board of directors. The full agenda can be obtained at: summit.centre@ or 250-342-3033. Following the meeting come and meet Jaye Milley, our board member and a member of Canada’s Paralympic Cycling Team competing in the London Olympics as he speaks to overcoming obstacles. November 9th, 2015. Upstairs in the Community Centre at the Summit Youth Centre, 7 p.m. Refreshments provided.

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Home Games VS. KIMBERLEY DYNAMITERS Saturday, October 31 st

7:30 pm

VS. FERNIE GHOSTRIDERS Saturday, November 7 th


7:30 pm



Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo


Remember Join Give Wear a poppy in Remembrance and please support the 2015 Poppy Campaign Windermere District Branch 71 Edgewater Branch 199


Notice of Application to the Comptroller of Water Rights Under the Water Utility Act and The Utilities Commission Act Notice is hereby given by Parr Utilities Ltd. that an application has been made to the Comptroller of Water Rights for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the proposed construction and operation of a waterworks distribution system to serve residents in the area of Lot 2, District Lot 705, Kootenay District Plan NEP63906 Any person wishing further information in connection with this application should apply directly to: Parr Utilities Ltd. 1164 Windermere Loop Road, Invermer, BC V0A 1K3 Any objections to this application are to be forwarded to Rick Couroux, Secretary to the Deputy Comptroller of Water Rights, Water Utility Act, PO Box 9340 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9M1, or by email: or by fax (250) 953-5124 to be received in this office on or before:

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No more tuition-free courses at COTR for adult upgrading BREANNE MASSEY The cost of an education is on the rise for Adult Basic Education (ABE) and domestic English as a Second Language (ESL). On October 8th, the Board of Governors at the College of the Rockies (COTR) approved new tuition fees for the ABE in spite of the fact that adult upgrading courses have been tuitionfree in B.C. since 2008. Now, students will pay $300 for a semester-long ABE course, $450 for a directed study ABE course, and $800 for an ESL course. “While I understand the Board’s fiduciary responsibility of managing the College’s finances, I am also deeply troubled by yet another shift of financial burden to students,” said Leslie Molnar, president of the COTR’s Faculty Association. “Students already have many financial hurdles when they make the decision to return to school.” COTR has been offering ABE throughout the East Kootenay region since the college opened in 1975. The program can be completed either online or in person. However, there was a $22 million cut provincially from English Language Training for domestic students and an additional $6.9 million cut that kept the ABE programs tuition-free this year, according to the College of the Rockies Faculty Association. There was also a $9 million cut to Adult Education funding for the Kindergarten to Grade 12 sector, which came around the same time, Ms. Molnar added, as the government posted a $900 million surplus for the fiscal year ending on March 31st, 2015. “We don’t agree with the priorities of the government,” explained Ms. Molnar. “We think that the government should be funding post-secondary education more fully.” There will be an eight-page long grant application form made available for students who earn less than $24,647. However, those students could lose future funding if it takes more than the allotted time to complete a course. The College of the Rockies Faculty Association reported in a recent press release that Vancouver Community College starting charging tuition for the ABE in January 2015 and student numbers had reduced to the point that 43 faculty members were laid off. “As educators, our greatest concern is our students — how we can help them to grow and thrive, and to work towards their goals,” said Molnar. “We believe strongly in the value of public education, and as such, are deeply concerned by what appears to be a growing trend of declining accessibility and affordability of our public institutions.”


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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo A5



Chris Mazurkewich has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer for Interior Health, effective October 26th. Mazurkewich rejoins IH after spending four years at Alberta Health Services, most recently as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for the provincial agency. In this role, he worked in close partnership with the Chief Medical Officer overseeing the clinical operations of the Alberta health service delivery system, including more than 100 hospitals, community and residential care programs, and support services, with a budget of almost $10 billion. Prior to his move to Alberta Health Services, Mr. Mazurkewich was the Chief Operating Officer, Strategic & Corporate Services, for Interior Health from its inception in 2002 until 2009. Interior Health provides healthcare services to more than 731,000 people living across B.C.’s interior. For more information, visit Photo SUBMITTED


Money from foreshore purchases not flowing back to area Steve Hubrecht At a meeting between Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Area F director Wendy Booth and the B.C. Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations at this fall’s Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) convention, Booth had asked that money from the sale of foreshore land along Lake Windermere come back to the area in some appropriate form, but was told there currently is no mechanism to divert funds from provincial government general revenue. “Having said that, there may be the possibility of other means of finding some funds, either through the Ministry of Forest Land and Natural Resources Operations or perhaps the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. This is something that I am following up on,” said Booth. The meeting sprang from recent referrals to the RDEK for the purchase of foreshore for four properties (as well as a fifth referral, which came in during the last month since The Echo last reported on the issue), all along the Lower Lakeview Road on the eastern shore of Lake Windermere. In each of the five cases, homeowners had homes that were essentially lakefront properties, but the foreshore (the actual sliver of land right along the lake) was technically still owned by the provincial government. The homeowners — perhaps not aware

their properties didn’t extend right up to the lake to include the shore — have, in the years since they bought the properties, built structures such as boat houses, docks or retaining walls on land that technically belongs to the provincial government. In some cases, these structures have been in places for many years. “I’m not sure how old they are. However, I would guess that they are all more than 20 years old, some of them older,” said Booth. “My guess is that when they were built, there was no process to ask for permission to purchase the foreshore. There were leases in place and recently the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations sent letters to property owners who hadn’t purchased the foreshore.” These were then referred on to the RDEK. Once the purchases are complete, they will simply formally legalize existing use, making official a situation that has been in practice for decades. Booth said it’s possible some property owners in the area many already own the foreshore, but she wasn’t sure how many. The money from the purchases will go into the provincial government’s general revenues. At the meeting, Booth had hoped to convince the ministry that, since the money is coming from the Lake Windermere area, it should then flow back into the area. She and other local officials had hoped to use the funds to upgrade public access sites around the lake.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00

Invitation to Tender

Snow Removal Snow removal contracts are required for:

Area #1 Kimberley Administration Zone Office, Maintenance Compound, Lindsay Park Elementary School and the Blarchmont Learning Center in Kimberley, B.C. All enquiries should be directed to Evan Stavrev at 250-427-2268 or 250-427-8727. Area #2 Selkirk Secondary School, McKim School, Marysville Elementary School, Kimberley Alternate School and the International Education Building in Kimberley, B.C. All enquiries should be directed to Evan Stavrev at 250-427-2268 or 250-427-8727. Area #3 (Snow removal and sanding) Edgewater Elementary School parking lot in Edgewater, B.C. All enquiries should be directed to Brian Nickurak at 250-342-6814 or 250-342-1728. Area #4 Golden Secondary School parking lots and bus turnaround in Golden, B.C. All enquiries should be directed to Alan Ure at 250-344-8643 or 250-344-0217. Snow removal will take place if over 3” of snow on the ground and must be completed prior to 7 a.m. Contracts will be based on the type of equipment and hourly rates. Please list your equipment and the hourly rates. Contractors are welcome to bid on all areas; however, separate bids for each area must be submitted by 2 p.m., Friday, November 6th, 2015. More than one contract may be issued. The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. Sealed tenders must be marked “Snow Removal Contract with the Area #” and submitted to: Steve Jackson, AScT, Director of Operations Rocky Mountain School District No. 6


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Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80



The Invermere


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo

HUMOUR Something on your mind?

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@

Published by Black Press Ltd. at Cranbrook Daily Townsman 822 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC



Dean Midyette

Nicole Trigg





Breanne Massey

Steve Hubrecht


Amanda Nason




Theresa Kains

Renice Oaks





And the winner is . . .


NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

CMCA AUDITED We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

2009 2009 WINNER

Democracy. That was the real winner is last week’s federal election. Canadian voters turned out at the polls in droves with an average of almost three in four eligible citizens choosing to cast a vote. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, these numbers swelled to almost 80 per cent. Yet, since the year 2000, more and more of us have become disenfranchised, with barely 60 per cent showing up at the polls. On October 19th, more than 17 million Canadian filled out a ballot, resulting in the highest voter turnout rate since 1993. Advanced polls were busy with approximately 3.6 million of us casting votes early. The largest uptick in participation came from Aboriginal Canadians who



increased their numbers by a whopping results as well. Of the 21 candidates who 270 per cent. openly identified as members of the LGEven more surprising was that this hap- BTQ community, six are now sitting MPs. pened in spite of changes to the Fair Elec- Women will also be better represented tions Act that made it more difficult for with a total of 88 being elected, up from the anyone to cast a vote without approved 76 who were elected in the 2011 election. identification. While the crop of 2015 MPs will only be The outcome was 26 per cent women, ... this happened in spite that a record numPrime Minister-elect ber of 10 aboriginal Justin Trudeau has of changes to the Fair MPs were elected. Elections Act that made it promised that half of Was it the threat the cabinet seats will more difficult for anyone of making activism be occupied by the to cast a vote without criminal in Bill C-51 more intelligent of that drove First Nathe two genders. approved identification. tions people to the Whether we choose polls or the fact that over the last five to celebrate or vilify the election results, years an average of $200 million ear- the next great victory for democracy will marked for Aboriginal education and be the day that the government of Justin social services was left unspent and re- Trudeau adopts proportional representaturned to general revenues? tion for the next federal election. Then Social justice supporters will hail the every vote will truly count.

Hopeful about Canal Flats’ future

uring a meeting with Premier Christy Clark Some really interesting ideas came out and I am Regional UNDOWN U and Minister Shirley Bond at the Union of looking forward to continuing to work together to British Columbia Municipalities convention, it flush out more ideas from others. was agreed to have a working group explore opI am pleased that Canfor committed to staying tions of other products or value-added products engaged in the process as we move forward. for our mill. On a lighter note, there was a small group of laBased on that commitment made by the Predies who worked extremely hard planning our First mier, the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Annual Fall Fair & Artisan Market, which was held Resources and the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and on Saturday, October 24th from noon to 4 p.m. TE Skills Training co-facilitated the meeting, and I felt It was a fun-filled afternoon with lots of activities, it was very productive. games (for the young and the young at heart), conIn addition, we had MLA Norm Macdonald, tests, vendors from all over the Kootenays, and a number of industry partners and First Nations, as well as some amazing prizes. Council members, in attendance. I hope you took advantage of this opportunity to escape realWe spent most of the meeting brainstorming and scoping out ity for a few hours and just enjoy being together having fun! opportunities and ideas to help Canal Flats move forward, but Ute Juras is the mayor of Canal Flats and can be reached at it was just the start of a process. 250-489-9070 or by e-mail at



Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo




What do you think about the Rockies’ three-game winning streak last weekend?

“It’s awesome. The last game I watched they scored four goals in eight minutes.”

Time and appreciation

Time for them is an expresverything over the last Grow Your REATNESS sion of appreciation for what month has been a rewas and what is. minder about this thing we What I hear most from call time. them is that they wish they What is time really? Some had appreciated all the time say it is a measurement, a and years more while it was label that reflects the daily happening. Since returning and seasonal nature of earth, home, these words of wiswhile others indicate it’s the LIZABETH dom have stuck with me. duration of an event. For me, time does feel to go What is your definition of more quickly as I age. time? Really, write it down Have you noticed this too? What would and you might be surprised with what you come up with. Think for a moment shift if we focused less on the clock and about your childhood years, teen years, more on the people, places, spaces and your experience as a young adult, right events in our lives with a renewed sense through to the present day. How have of appreciation? We never know how much time we your thoughts on time changed over the have, so today is the perfect day to find years? I visited my 90-year-old parents last something or someone to appreciate month. I know that, for them, their per- even more. ception of time is different from mine. This week, really be in the practice of Their days often feel slow and long with appreciating all aspects of your life. Find many opportunities to experience joy more of the good in yourself, others and and happiness, and many other opportu- the world around you. Growing your nities to be sad, overwhelmed, frustrated sense of appreciation will not only make and tired. They spend much of their time today that much better, but it can also enrich your memories when you look reflecting on time gone by. Over cups of tea, they often rekindle back over time. Elizabeth Shopland is a personal growth memories of past events and people. They don’t think of time on a clock or and development coach, a certified horcalendar anymore. They reminisce about ticulturist, and the co-owner of Shopland special occasions, travel, raising a family, Grow & Bloom. She can be reached at esold neighborhoods and their own parents. and 250-342-112



“I think that’s great.” Amanda Davison

Bill Swan

Colton Mooney



“I think it’s fantastic. I am a hockey fan.”

J2 Ranch: quality local beef in a spectacular setting D

riving into J2 Ranch off Highway 93/95 From CRATCH RATCH is pretty nondescript until you come around the bend and the valley opens up to you — it is an awe-filled moment! There are many areas in this valley that take my breath away, but this is one of my favourites, surrounded by mountains with the river to one side of a huge green pasture that is home to the bison. Gorgeous trees hug the ARA roads throughout the property, and the mooC ing of the frolicking cows can be heard in the distance — it’s so beautiful and peaceful. This ranch is now home to the Scott family, owned by siblings Susan, David and Jeff who fell in love with this parcel of land back in 2000. Growing up on a dairy farm as children, they longed to get back to their roots of ranch-living. They knew there was potential to expand this parcel of land into a business as there is something fascinating about this ranch. To top it off, Susan, who is a vegetarian, desired to work closely with the ranchers to ensure the animals are well-looked after. With dynamic personalities and business knowledge, they sought this ranch to fulfill personal dreams of owning land that will provide for the people. They enlisted Richard Larson as their Head Rancher. Richard has helped grow this ranch to include a herd of bison, a Wagyu bull, Angus cows, chickens, pigs, horses and even a few entertaining donkeys. With a degree from Burdekin Agricultural College in Townsville, Richard has over 24 years of experience behind him. He and the Scotts are grateful for their relationship, having met each other through word of mouth. With many skill sets between them, they are working towards turning J2 Ranch into a thriving business. See A20





Are you pleased with a Liberal majority government?


NEXT WEEK’S QUESTION: Have you or will you attend a Columbia Valley Rockies game this season?





Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo


WEEKLY Beat Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com


• 10 - 11 a.m.: Groundswells Preschoolers and Parents, Plant and Play drop in program every Wednesday from September 30 - October 28th. Preregistration is appreciated. Cost is by donation. Visit groundswellnetwork. ca/event/preschoolers-and-parentsplant-and-play-2/2015-09-30/ for more information. • 5 p.m.: SYC Trivia night. Prizes for first and second place.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29TH • 10:30 a.m.: Preschool story time at the Invermere Public Library. • 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.: Lego Club Drop in at the Invermere Public Library. • 4 - 6 p.m.: SYC Graphics Course (presign up). • 4 - 8 p.m.: SYC open gym. • 5 -7 p.m.: SYC Cooking night. • 7:30 pm.: David Thompson Theatre class presents Dracula (adapted by John Mattera) Oct 29th and Oct 30th. Tickets available at the Blue Dog Café and DTSS: $10 for adults, $5 for students.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30TH • Purple Cow Gift Shop 10th Anniversary in Fairmont. Discounts and deals all day long. Call 250-3456133 or visit

the Invermere Legion. A variety of TH spooky dishes. Live Music by Ted THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5 Alexander. $15/person. Reservations • 2 - 4 p.m.: Shuswap Band Open recommended. Call 250-342-9517. House at the New Shuswap Band Meat Draw and 50/50. Office beside Kootenay Flooring.


• 7 p.m.: Cinefest film series featuring the film Learning to Drive. Tickets $12 at the door or at Tiffany’s Thredz or Pynelogs.

• 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.: Puttin on the Glitz TH Ladies Night Shopping Extravaganza, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 12 • Halloween Food Fest food drive. downtown Invermere merchants, in- • 12 p.m.: Senior’s Lunch at the This fundraiser is both to engage store specials and draws. Invermere Legion. $5 at the door. community involvement featured on RSVP by calling 250-342-9281 ext 1227 the youth and supporting our locals FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6TH or emailing in a time of need. Instead of trick or • East Kootenay Wine Festival treating for candy we will be asking THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13TH November 6th - 8th. our beloved valley members from • Junior Spiel: November 13-14-15 areas of Invermere and Windermere • Ladies Spiel: November 6-8, for more information visit www. • 6:30 p.m: Pork Rib Dinner at the to have non-perishable food items on, or email Invermere Legion. Reservations hand as we knock on your door on or call recommended. Call 250-342-9517 Meat October 31st. (Hopefully all dressed 250-342-3315. Draw and 50/50. as a food theme). • 6:30 p.m: Salmon Dinner at the • 7 p.m.: Invermere Under the Stars • 7:30a.m. - 10 p.m.: Rocky Mountain Legion. $15/person. presents a panel discussion with an Rally. Visit www.rockymountainrally. Invermere Reservations recommended. Call 250- audience Q&A to follow, at David com for more details. 342-9517 Meat Draw and 50/50. Thompson Secondary School theatre. • 12:30 p.m.: Party in Pink Zumba • 7 p.m.: The Chuck Bisset Singers fundraiser for Breast Cancer TH Awareness at the Invermere perform with special guest appearance SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 Community Hall. Dress in pink. $10 by Savannah Bisset at Alliance Church. • 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Artym Gallery drop-in with all the proceeds going to Tickets $20 for adults, $15 for seniors shows The Big Show of Little Paintings and $12 for students. by Gallery Artists exhibition until Canadian Cancer Society. • 7 10 p.m.: Fresh Fridays Open Mic December 24. • 2 p.m.: Annual Halloween Tea and at Pynelogs. Showcasing young talent Bake Sale of the Edgewater Radium Health Care Auxiliary, at Edgewater from the valley. All ages, licensed bar. First Friday of every month. Legion Hall.






• 3 - 5 p.m.: Dragonfly Discovery Centre is hosting a children’s Halloween Party. Music, dancing, games, crafts, and feely stations. By donation. Next to Radium Public Library on Main St. West.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH • Headbanger Festival in Radium November 7th and 8th. Visit www. for details.


• 9 - 11 a.m.: Invermere Ski Swap Drop INVERMERE LIBRARY • 4 - 8 p.m.: Halloween “Book”-tacular. gear off at Invermere Community Hall. • Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m Not-so Scary Story Times at 4:30 Sale at 12 p.m. Any questions please • Wednesday: 10 a.m - 8 p.m. • Thurs – Saturday: 10 a.m - 5p.m. p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Scarier stories contact Jenny 250-342-3819. throughout the night. • 6:30 p.m.: Corkscrews & Canapes RADIUM LIBRARY • 6 - 11 p.m.: SYC Scary Movie at the 14th Annual East Kootenay Wine Festival at Fairmont Hot Springs • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. marathon. Resort Lodge. $59. Enjoy live music, • Wed - Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. • 7:30 p.m.: Rockies Game- Costumes, local artisans, prizes, after parties • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 1p.m. prizes, goody bags and Autograph and most importantly – wine! night. INDERMERE ALLEY USEUM

• 10 a.m.: Baby Goose, an early literacy program designed for babies up to 18 months & their caregivers at the • Halloween Spiel and party: Invermere Public Library. For more information visit www. • 12 p.m.: Edgewater Seniors soup day, or email at the Edgewater Legion, $6 includes or call soup, bun and dessert. 250-342-3315. • 4 - 10 p.m.: SYC Halloween Extravaganza dance and costume MONDAY NOVEMBER 2ND party. Family dance at 4 - 6:30 p.m. All • 7 p.m.: Lake Windermere District ages welcome. SYC Halloween dance 7 Lions Club meetings every 1st and - 10 p.m.. Please bring donation for the 3rd Monday of each month at CVCC/ Food Bank for admission in support of Lions Hall Highway 93/95, Invermere. the “Trick or Eat” campaign. Contact 250-345-0171. • 6 p.m.: 15th annual FunnyFest, Halloween Howler at Copper Point TUESDAY NOVEMBER 3RD Resort. Dinner and show Package $40, • 6 - 8 p.m.: Lego Club every Tuesday just the show $10 per person. For more at Radium Public Library. information call 250-341-4004 or email



• 6:30 p.m: ‘Spooktacular’ Dinner at

at Radium Public Library.





• Tuesday: 12 - 4 p.m.


• Champagne Brunch at the 14th Annual East Kootenay Wine Festival. INVERMERE THRIFT STORE 3 seating times at 9:00am, 11:00am, • Thurs - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 1:00pm at Mountain Flowers ADIUM THRIFT STORE restaurant at Fairmont Hot Springs R Resort, $24.95 for adults, $21.20 for • Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Fri - Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m. seniors.


SUMMIT YOUTH CENTRE • Tuesday: 5 - 9 p.m.

• 7 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre AGM, • Wednesday: 4 - 9 p.m. upstairs in the Invermere Community • Thursday: 5 - 9 p.m. Centre (Summit Youth Centre). Full • Fri - Saturday: 6 - 11 p.m. agenda may be obtained at summit. or 250-688-0553. FREE tutoring available and volunteer tutors needed. Contact the TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10TH Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy • 6 - 8 p.m.: Lego Club every Tuesday


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo A9

2015/2016 Rockies’ autographs

Position:FORWARD Hometown: Edmonton AB Height: 6’1 Weight: 170 lbs Favourite player: Alex Galchenyuk



Position: FORWARD Hometown: Calgary AB Height: 5’6 Weight: 180 lbs Favourite player: Brad Marchand



Position:FORWARD Hometown: Sherwood Park AB Height: 5’8 Weight: 160 lbs Favourite player: Claude Giroux





Position:FORWARD Hometown: Slave Lake AB Height: 5’9 Weight: 170 lbs Favourite player: Pavel Datsyuk



Position: FORWARD Hometown: Doncaster, United Kingdom Height: 6’2 Weight: 190 lbs Favourite player: Patrick Kane



Position:FORWARD Hometown: Medicine Hat AB Height: 5’9 Weight: 175 lbs Favourite player: Patrick Kane



Position:FORWARD Hometown: Champion AB Height: 5’8 Weight: 150 lbs Favourite player: Tyler Seguin



Position: DEFENCE Hometown: Siksika, AB Height: 6’2 Weight: 190 Favourite player: Bobby Orr



Position: DEFENCE Hometown: Calgary AB Height: 6’6 Weight: 190 lbs Favourite player: Pavel Datsyuk








Position:FORWARD Hometown: Invermere BC Height: 6’0 Weight: 205 lbs








Position:FORWARD Hometown: St. Albert AB Height: 5’8 Weight: 180 lbs Favourite player: Pavel Datsyuk




Position: DEFENCE Hometown: Spirit River AB Height: 5’11 Weight: 180 lbs Favourite player: Shea Weber

Position: FORWARD Hometown: Calgary AB Height: 6’0 Weight: 168 lbs Favourite player: Pavel Datsyuk




Position:FORWARD Hometown: Invermere BC Height:6’0 Weight:175 lbs Favourite player: Alex Ovechkin




Position:FORWARD Hometown: High Praire AB Height: 5’9 Weight: 180 lbs Favourite player: Jamie Benn


Position: FORWARD Hometown: Sicamous BC Height: 5’11 Weight: 165 lbs Favourite player: Ardent Washington Capitals






Position: FORWARD Hometown: Calgary AB Height: 6’1 Weight: 185 lbs Favourite player: Johnny Goudreau

Position:DEFENCE Hometown: Calgary AB Height: 6’2 Weight:190 lbs Favourite player: Drew Doughty



Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo




Position: GOALIE Hometown: St. Albert AB Height:5’11 Weight:155 lbs Favourite player: Mikka Kiprusoff






*This panel includes the current roster plus affiliated players who are practicing full-time with the team.




Meet the Rockies



Position:DEFENCE Hometown: LaGlace AB Height: 6’1 Weight: 200 lbs Favourite player: Duncan Keith


14 Position:GOALIE Hometown: Kelowna BC Height: 6’1 Weight: 220 lbs Favourite player: Carey Price


30 Position:DEFENCE Hometown: Dawson Creek BC Height: 5’10 Weight: 170 lbs Favourite player: Jerome Iginla



Position: FORWARD Hometown: Canal Flats BC Height: 5’11 Weight: 165 lbs Favourite player: Ovechkin



Position: DEFENCE Hometown: Okotoks AB Height: 6’ Weight: 190 lbs Favourite player: Hampus Lindholm



Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo A11


Close-up look at 2015-2016 Rockies coaching staff Breanne Massey

GM commends Rockies After three years of serving the Columbia Valley Rockies, general manager Ross Bidinger is impressed about the Junior B team’s success so far this season. “What we were looking for was to get a more gritty, skilled team this year,” said Mr. Bidinger. “That effort goes to Scott and Ross Bidinger Wade Dubielewicz for off-season pursuing.” Mr. Bidinger believes the roster this year has many admirable characteristics that will help ensure successful strides by Rockies athletes. “The team seems well-rounded on and off the ice this season,” he added. “The ultimate goal is to compete for our (KIJHL) division in the finals and to see some of these greater players move on to higher levels of hockey.” In fact, Mr. Bidinger has ranked the team high on a personal note. “I think we have set our team as one of the better teams in the KIJHL. That’s our goal,” he said. “Improving our skill level is always our mission.”

Impressed with roster The 36-year-old retired professional ice hockey goaltenderturned-coach of the Columbia Valley Rockies hopes to hand down some of his experience to his team. Columbia Valley Rockies coach Wade Dubielewicz cut his teeth in the competitive sport playing for three National Wade Dubielewicz Hockey League (NHL) teams including the New York Islanders, Minnesota Wild and the Columbus Blue Jackets. He finished his career as a goaltender for the Cologne Sharks in Germany before retiring. “I grew up playing hockey in this valley and moved on,” explained Mr. Dubielewicz. “I was able to make a career out of it and when that came to an end, I thought it was time to give back so I gave coaching a shot.” Mr. Dubielewicz remains optimistic that the Junior B athletes on his Columbia Valley Rockies roster will be able to advance in hockey. “That’s what our whole organization is about: We want to bring kids on and help them learn a bit about the game, improve as people, and move along in hockey to bigger and better leagues,” he added. “We

are an extremely competitive group who seem to be taking strides every single day… I believe that we’re going to be a very, very strong team moving forward.” Having coached the Columbia Valley Rockies in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League for three years now, Mr. Dubielewicz is excited to see the team advance. He believes this year’s roster has a resilient characteristic that will help every Rockies game improve. “It’s my favourite group to coach in the last three years,” he said. “If we end up putting this all together, it’s going to be an extremely successful season for a lot of kids, and especially for our organization and community.”

Helping boost team spirit Kris Ekelund joined the Columbia Valley Rockies as an assistant coach this season. After volunteering on the Rockies board for roughly two years, he began lending a helping hand to head coach Wade Dubielewicz and has been known for creating a positive atmosphere through feedback for Kris Ekelund the Junior B team and its coaches. Mr. Ekelund is enthusiastic about helping promote a sense of belonging and community for the Rockies players during their time in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL). “I’m helping with dry land training and as many practices as I can make,” said Mr. Ekelund about the volunteer position. “I like to help the kids with whatever comes up — everyday stuff.” He would like to see the team master the challenges of dry land training, so that the Rockies can succeed this season. “I just want to see the whole organization get back into a winning atmosphere,” said Mr. Ekelund. “I try to give as much positive feedback as I can and if there’s a negative situation, I try to turn it into a positive one for the kids… we want to have a positive atmosphere for the team to succeed.”

Bourbeau joins the ranks Jean Bourbeau has joined the ranks of the Columbia Valley Rockies. The 31-year-old unrestricted free agent was recently signed as assistant coaching staff for the Columbia Valley Rockies. Mr. Bourbeau began his career playing for the Grande Prairie Storm in the Alberta Junior Hockey League between 2001 and 2004. He helped the Storm win the 2004 league championship. Afterwards, Mr. Bourbeau went on to play for the St. Thomas Tommies in the Atlantic University Sport Division while attending St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick between 2004 and 2008. Not drafted for the National Hockey League, Mr. Bourbeau instead played his first three professional

seasons between 2008 and 2011 for the Odessa Jackalopes of the Central Hockey League and for the Bridgeport Sound Tigers of the American Hockey League (AHL). From there, he went on to serve as an assistant captain with the Elmira Jackals of the East Coast Hockey League Jean Bourbeau (ECHL) and played one game with the Adirondack Phantoms of the AHL during the 2011 and 2012 season. During the 2012 and 2013 season, Mr. Bourbeau earned a six-game professional tryout (PTO) with the Binghampton Senators of the AHL. He did not advance from the PTO and returned loyally to the Jackals, where he played the next two seasons and served as the team captain, before accepting a yearlong contract with the Kalamazoo Wings of the ECHL on August 7th, 2014. Now he’s looking to bring those experiences forward to the young up-and-comers on the Columbia Valley Rockies team.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo

ve o u r o l E W

914 8th Avenue, Invermere 250-342-9281

141 Industrial Road #2, Invermere 250-342-9424

150 Industrial Raod #2, Invermere 250-342-4400 4930 Highway 93, Radium Hot Springs 778-527-2121

417 10th Avenue, Invermere 250-342-8877

9581 Eagle Ranch Trail 250-342-0562

905 7th Avenue, Invermere 250-342-0402

2-1331 Industrial Rd. 3, Invermere • 250-342-2445

755 13th Avenue, Invermere 250-342-6978 250-688-8885

Suite #3 - 108 Industrial Rd. 2, Invermere 250-342-8331

496 HIghway 93/95, Invermere 250-341-3777 9980 Arrow Raod, Invermere 250-342-6908






1214 7th Avenue, Invermere 250-341-6044

1881 Windermere Loop Road, Windermere 250-342-3004

#8 1008 - 8th Ave, Invermere 250-341-6299

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo A13

The Valley Echo's 2015/2016

NHL Hockey Pool Standings

This Week’s winner is:


Grand Prize

Head to Echo/Pioneer office to redeem your lunch prize!

2 rounds with cart at The Ridge and 2 rounds with cart at The Point 250-341-3392

All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 9 9 11 11 13 13 13 13 17 17 19 19 19 19 19 24 24 26 27 27 27 30 30 30 33 33 35 35 35 38 38 38 38 38 38 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 51 52 52 52 52 56 56 56 56 56 61 61 61 61 61 61 67 67 67 67 71 71 71 71 75 75 75 75 75 80

Team M+L+ Taters + Rockies 19 + Davy 19 +2 Akisqnuk’s Rez Raiders +3 MF 11 + Roadhammer +4 Ski Young Guns +2 Matt Santucci +2 MC 21 +2 Gama’s Guys +2 Slev 77 +3 LB 22 +2 WTC +3 CLB 77 + T webb + HD 4 + DR 27 AllMega 01 + Hair 3 A’s + Buster’s Rez Raiders I +2 Kmart Special +2 The Ultra Beauty +3 ATT and KZEE +3 Flathot 84 Willbillies + Ron Hunt Picks Go Habs Go E-town 98 +2 Casss +2 DB 24 + Cowboyz and Indian +2 Love the B’s +2 Still Guessing BBD + Buster’s Rez Raiders II + Christopher 3 + Don43 Faze Zeimzeys +2 Layne Hunter +2 Goalieguy +4 Epie 76 +2 CR 13 + Harley 10 +2 HSB +4 Skeeter 31 +4 Little fast guy NM 23 + Payci + Bru’s Babies + ZR 20 +2 Little Red + Hootenani + Jye +2 Sportsmom3 HSB Dad + KM 10 +2 Buster’s Team +2 Kootennay Rangers + Tristan Dubois Brennan + Beagle +2 Crew Slut +4 Davis Tenta +2 13 Family Pantry + Long-Rock +3 Sabu 64 Freddy Kruger +2 Dexter “O” Slayer +2 Old-Rock +3 D Turner +2 Jets’s Baby Choda Boy RSJ 16 +2 RC 31 +2 Dominator 44 +3 Merrymen Gone Postal +4

Sponsored by:

Total 156 155 154 151 151 149 149 149 148 148 147 147 146 146 146 146 144 144 143 143 143 143 143 142 142 141 140 140 140 139 139 139 138 138 137 137 137 136 136 136 136 136 136 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 134 133 133 133 133 132 132 132 132 132 131 131 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 129 129 129 129 128 128 128 128 128 127

LW 69 46 65 55 60 62 57 59 59 49 53 58 47 60 65 53 59 65 65 52 52 54 60 48 62 46 56 55 53 51 53 48 52 52 53 57 44 55 54 50 62 52 52 51 46 55 50 45 40 49 54 47 44 40 52 57 61 53 59 50 43 51 53 47 47 48 53 52 51 44 48 55 42 45 43 45 41 39 55 56



6 5 10 7 18 7 16 5 13 13 5 14 8 10 10 7 9 10 5 6 4 5 24 18 10 17 6 9 9 4 13 10 12 14 8 1 13 13 13 5 5 9 13 12 20 14 15 15 4 15 4 7 17 14 9 8 3 5 9 20 21 5 11 7 9 17 8 16 7 7 8 14 6 21 7 16 12 13 7 25

0.80 0.82 0.85 0.80 0.83 0.79 0.82 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.77 0.81 0.78 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.75 0.75 0.83 0.80 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.76 0.71 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.71 0.74 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.71 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.78 0.76 0.75 0.77 0.71 0.74 0.70 0.72 0.75 0.75 0.71 0.73 0.67 0.72 0.71 0.74 0.75 0.68 0.71 0.69 0.71 0.74 0.69 0.72 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.71 0.69 0.74 0.68 0.71 0.69 0.73 0.69 0.75

Rank 80 80 83 83 83 83 83 83 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 98 98 98 101 101 101 104 104 104 107 107 107 107 107 112 112 112 112 116 117 118 118 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 127 127 127 127 127 132 132 132 132 132 132 138 138 140 140 142 142 142 145 146 147 147 147 147 151 152 152 154 155 155 155 158 159

Team 50/50 Rock +4 White + JD Radium +2 R.O.P. +2 “BOAT” +2 TD 03 +2 Berg’s Pens + Beer League All Star +3 Brake Sticks 20 +3 WR 15 +2 CS 14 +2 RACO7 +2 The Cuptenders +3 Hockey Life 5 +4 20.20 luke +3 ABA Chow +2 Night Hawks +2 Nick was Here +4 Guessing Game Again +3 Harley + Texas Mick 810 + Shogun + Sumpkin +2 Malcolm Curling Iron +3 Lynal +2 Hockey Season Widow + T-O-N-N-Y + Gama’s Guys 2 + Grocery Stick +3 Hockey In +sider I’m Gonna Lose +5 Kelley Neale +3 Edge Golf +3 Spencer +3 NWT 1 +2 PBR + Nolan “What” Watt +3 Make B Leaf + Sumokordic Wolpack 13 +2 Finnipeg +4 Trich Monas +3 Rylie’s Mom +3 MRN31 +4 Nelly.33 +2 Woodsy +2 FC 09 +2 Lone Wolf +4 DQ 18 + Hair Haven +2 Zacksmum + Yuki’s Monsters +3 Y-lime +3 R’s Rockets + Canucks Suck Lucky +2 Mouse + Nelly +2 Gwen’s Gimmies +2 N4CER +3 Life After Licic + Duane G + Anaphylaxis +3 Last Call + NH 08 CM 1 +3 Moose Drool +2 Team Canada Grampa 4 + WEG +3 RGM 10 + RT 04 +3 Philip on tacos +3 Drinkin n Thinkin + Westside Dan +3 2010 Bruins +2 Sept 27/2015 +2 Tala’s Mom 2 +2

Total 127 127 126 126 126 126 126 126 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 124 124 124 123 123 123 122 122 122 121 121 121 121 121 120 120 120 120 119 118 117 117 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 115 115 115 115 115 114 114 114 114 114 114 113 113 112 112 111 111 111 110 109 107 107 107 107 104 103 103 102 101 101 101 98 97

LW 50 50 45 53 43 65 50 31 52 45 50 54 38 43 49 40 40 53 45 44 53 45 44 43 46 41 45 50 48 49 49 41 50 46 46 44 54 36 47 49 45 33 38 44 45 43 45 41 43 35 51 45 49 38 41 58 44 50 47 46 45 39 45 41 46 47 45 45 42 37 35 32 27 44 39 35 41 39 44



25 6 7 10 13 16 13 12 22 13 18 9 11 16 19 7 18 27 17 16 8 8 6 5 18 18 9 13 12 9 9 11 17 15 16 6 8 13 8 9 14 19 8 11 26 14 20 16 19 6 14 8 17 18 9 7 18 12 11 9 16 14 7 19 12 9 17 13 10 9 18 15 16 25 5 14 16 24 19

0.76 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.72 0.71 0.69 0.69 0.73 0.69 0.72 0.69 0.66 0.71 0.71 0.67 0.71 0.76 0.69 0.70 0.65 0.64 0.65 0.64 0.69 0.69 0.66 0.65 0.68 0.64 0.64 0.67 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.65 0.66 0.62 0.63 0.68 0.64 0.67 0.66 0.67 0.61 0.65 0.61 0.68 0.65 0.63 0.60 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.60 0.62 0.62 0.60 0.64 0.61 0.59 0.61 0.60 0.58 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.58 0.60 0.53 0.57 0.56 0.58 0.55


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo


B.C. welcomes Trudeau’s climate, infrastructure plan TOM FLETCHER Black Press

Premier Christy Clark is emphasizing co-operation with the new Liberal government in Ottawa on climate change and infrastructure spending, while avoiding comment on plans to run deficits and legalize marijuana. Clark said Tuesday, October 20th she is looking forward to having Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accompany premiers to Paris at the end of November for the next United Nations climate conference. Trudeau said Tuesday he is looking forward to changing Canada’s reputation as a “less than enthusiastic actor” on climate policy, but he wants provinces to take the lead.

Clark said B.C. will outline its “Climate 2.0” plan before leaving, and it will add to the carbon tax on fossil fuels with measures aimed at the “built environment” and other ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Trudeau’s infrastructure plan is in “complete alignment” with B.C.’s efforts to grow the economy, with BC Hydro alone spending $2.5 billion a year over the next decade, Clark said. She sidestepped a question on Trudeau’s deficit plans, noting that a prime minister has to govern for all provinces and B.C. is “an outlier” with operating budget surpluses and projected growth. Touching on Trudeau’s plans to legalize and regulate marijuana, as Vancouver and other cities grapple with unregulated medical pot dispensaries, Clark

said: “If and when they make changes, we’ll work with them to make sure that the changes can be effective in B.C.” B.C. NDP leader John Horgan shrugged off his federal party’s big setback in the federal election, consoling himself with an increase of two NDP MPs in B.C. The NDP’s Gord Johns won the new riding of Courtney-Alberni, defeating long-time Conservative MP John Duncan for an NDP sweep of Vancouver Island, except for Green Party leader Elizabeth May in Saanich-Gulf Islands. “I’m also delighted that the country voted for change in massive numbers,” Horgan said. “And that’s good news for me as well, because in 2017 there’s going to be a desire for change.”

EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 55 years

2007 — Four year-old fairy princess Genesis Millerta took in the sounds and spooks at the Invermere Community Hall Halloween Party on October 31st hosted by the Invermere Business Committee. ECHO FILE PHOTO


years ago (1960): Calgary men David and Doug Sinclair put the David Thompson Memorial fort up for sale. The fort had originally be built in 1922 by the Hudson’s Bay Company and Canadian Pacific Railway to honour the legacy of exporer and former Hudson’s Bay Company employee David Thompson. The fort was also meant to be a visitor attraction.


years ago (1965): Local candidates in the federal election engaged in a debate here in the valley. NDP candidate James Patterson, Progressive Conservative candidate Mike MacFarlane and Liberal candidate James Bryne discussed medicare and foreign policy among other topics.


years ago (1970): A public meeting on turning land near Windermere into a gravel pit attracted about 60 valley residents, most of them voicing opposition to the plan. Depsite the concern, the land was

taken out of the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and eventually became a gravel pit.


years ago (1975): The Windermere District Chamber of Commerce and Invermere Business Association held a joint meeting with B.C. Hydro, in which B.C. Hyrdo officials were questioned on their plans to divert a portion of the Kootenay River into the Columbia River. B.C. Hydro engineer Gordon Tallman said the project had pros and several cons, one of which included a higher water table north of the planned diversion. “Athalmer would be a damp place in which to live,” he said. The diversion was scheduled to happen in 1984.


years ago (1985): A new Official Community Plan was unveiled for Athalmer. The plan envisioned increased tourist development in Athalmer and even envisioned boat cruises on Lake Windermere, based out of



years ago (1995): Then-NDP Kootenay MLA and Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Anne Edwards announced she was stepping down. The announcement came in the wake of a funding scandal involving NDP Premier Mike Harcourt.


years ago (2000): A fire filled David Thompson Secondary School with smoke and noxious fumes after two local teenagers used a toilet paper dispenser in one of the school’s washrooms to start the blaze. The students were arrested and charged with mischief.


years ago (2005): The district of Invermere heard from local residents about the planned Quiniscoe Canyon View development during a public hearing. At least one resident expressed the opinion that its low density equated to slums.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo




Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


S A15


CLUES ACROSS 1. Angling worm 5. Tissue that conducts food in plants 11. 1937 Steinbeck novella 14. Feed storehouse 15. Raised pattern cotton cloth 18. Prophetic signs 19. Cowboy competitions 21. Ophthalmic products company, ______ Worldwide 23. Prefix meaning inside 24. Arousing or provoking laughter 28. Plant spike 29. Atomic #94 30. Himalayan goat 32. Patti Hearst’s captors 33. Rock TV channel 35. Pen point 36. Tiny bite 39. Organized work group 41. Atomic #58 42. Food fish of the genus Alosa 44. Fleshy slice of meat 46. Shallowest Great Lake 47. Tapered tucks 51. Winter muskmelon 54. Isaac’s mother 56. Picasso’s birthplace 58. Lowest hereditary title 60. Streisand/Reford film 62. Verb states 63. Soluble ribonucleic acid

36. Nanosecond (abbr.) 37. Worn to Mecca 38. 1/100 rupee 40. Of I 43. Distributed cards 45. Public promotion of a product 48. Hard to find 49. Thinks or supposes 50. More lucid 52. Thai monetary unit 53. Phil __, CIA Diary author 55. Dialect variant of “heron” 57. One of the tender bristles in some grasses 58. Pass 59. Hot or iced brewed beverage 61. Equally

W eekend WEATHER FridayOctober 30 Mainly sunny Temp: 12oC o

Feels like 12 C

Low: 3oC

Saturday October 31 Answers to last week

CLUES DOWN 1. Sink in 2. Hairdo 3. Muslim leaders 4. Ringworm 5. Oppresses or maltreats 6. Cut fodder 7. Natural logarithm 8. Not divisible by two 9. Independent Islamic ruler 10. Written proposal or reminder 12. Tilt or slant 13. Nests of pheasants 16. Portable shelters 17. Swiss singing 20. Body of an organism 22. Opposite of “yes” 25. 41st state 26. 007’s Fleming 27. They speak Muskhogean 29. Payment (abbr.) 31. “Spud Papers” author’s initials 34. Large vessel for holding liquids

Cloudy with showers Temp: 11oC o

Feels like 10 C

Low: 4oC

Sunday November 1 Cloudy with showers Temp: 8oC o

Feels like 7 C

Low: 1oC

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may prefer to be in control of your fate, but you may have to relinquish some control to someone else for the time being. It can be an eye-opening situation.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, a particular situation will take up much of your time this week, even into the weekend. You may have to postpone some of your plans for a later date.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, enjoy the company of others this week. Spend time with your friends and family and don’t be afraid to try new things. Fun times are ahead.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you have high hopes of solidifying a relationship this week and things will go according to plan so long as you stay focused. Enjoy the fruits of your labors.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Focus your attention on maintaining a healthy perspective on information that comes your way, Virgo. A new perspective might be just what you need to sort this situation out.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, the more you can focus on the tasks at hand, the faster you will accomplish each of your goals. Procrastination has no place in your week right now.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, some interesting things unfold at the office this week. Your hard work and ability to keep a cool head will prevail, and others will notice.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, good things are ahead in the weeks to come. Both your personal and professional lives are about to take a turn for the better, and you deserve these positive developments.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 You thrive on mental puzzles and complex concepts, Aquarius. So you’re ready to tackle whatever gets thrown your way this week. Challenges are your strong suit.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 You’re ready for fun and games even before the weekend arrives, Cancer. You may start daydreaming about all the plans to make. Just don’t let it distract you.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, insecurities can hinder your plans this week. Think positively and you can accomplish whatever comes your way. Lean on a friend or two if need be.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Carve out some time for going over your finances, Pisces. You may have some opportunites coming your way, and you want your finances in order.

A16 A16

Wednesday, October 28, 28, 2015 The Valley Wednesday, October 2015 The ValleyEcho Echo

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Berkeley, William Kenneth CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or

Inspire. Perspire. Participate in an event to help the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis.


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Ken is survived by his spouse Mary-Lou Flegel, daughter Tia Huhn and brother Glen Berkeley. He is predeceased by his mother, father and sister. Please join us for a Memorial Service honouring Ken’s life on Sunday, November 8th, 2015 at 2 p.m., Royal Canadian Legion Branch #71, Invermere, BC cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of William Kenneth Berkeley (Ken). Ken was born November 14th, 1945 in Merritt, B.C. and passed away October 13th, 2015 in Invermere, B.C.


In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Lung Cancer Society.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

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Place of Worship

The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today! Place of Worship

Place of Worship

more info at

Place of Worship

Place of Worship

Place of Worship

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S WINDERMERE ROMAN CATHOLIC RADIUM CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF JESUS FELLOWSHIP CHRIST OF LATTER LUTHERAN MISSION VALLEY SHARED CHURCH DAY SAINTS OF INVERMERE MINISTRY #4 - 7553 Main Street W, 250-342-6167 ANGLICAN-UNITED Radium 5014 Fairway, 100 - 7th Ave., Invermere Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6633 Fairmont Hot Springs 250-426-7564 100-7th Ave., Invermere Confession: 1/2 hr. before Mass 250-347-6334 250-341-5792 250-342-6644 Pastor: Rev. Fraser Coltman Canadian Martyrs Church Pastor Rev. David Morton Reverend Laura Hermakin President: Adam Pasowisty 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Worship Service Columbia Valley Branch Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. Worship Services Worship, Every Sunday:10:30 a.m. Sundays, 9 a.m. Sundays Worship Services Bible Studies Children and Youth Sunday School 1:30 p.m. Sundays St. Joseph’s Church Wednesdays, 7 p.m. at 10:30 a.m at Christ Church Christ Church Trinity, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hwy. 93-95, Radium Hot Trinity, Invermere Kids’ Church Invermere Springs 1st and 3rd Sunday, March - Dec. 9 Edgewater Hall Sundays, 11 a.m. a.m. at All Saint’s, Edgewater Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission 2nd Sunday, 7 p.m.: June - Oct. at Loving God, Corner of Luck and Dunn, St.Peter’s Windermere Loving People Canal Flats Saturdays, 4:30 p.m.

LAKE WINDERMERE VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY ALLIANCE CHURCH Hwy. 93/95, 1 km north 326 - 10th Ave., Invermere of Windermere 250-342-9535 250-342-9511 Lead Pastor: Trevor Hagan Pastor: Murray Wittke Asso. Pastor: Matt Moore November 1st 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service Worship and Life Instruction 10 a.m. Worship & Word “A Better Way – Kid’s Church Provided A Motivated Giver” Pastor Trevor Hagan Ministering.

KIDS Church, for children age 3 - Grade 1; and Grade 2-7, during the morning service.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 28,Valley 2015 Echo A17 A17



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Career opportunities

0911611 BC LTD o/a Tim Hortons 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K2

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MANAGER, ASSESSMENT & DEVELOPMENT Permanent, full-time Any of the 4 offices Apply by November 6, 2015. 1.800.505.8998

Connect with us


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo


Keep all emails, Clark tells cabinet TOM FLETCHER Black Press

Premier Christy Clark has ordered all cabinet ministers and their political staff to keep every email they send until new procedures are in place to decide what is necessary for the public record and freedom of information requests. Clark issued the instruction Friday after B.C.’s Information and Privacy Commissioner condemned the widespread practice of “triple deleting” emails so they can’t be stored in daily computer backups. Commissioner Elizabeth Denham said her investigation showed records were intentionally destroyed to avoid public release. One example was a request for records related to meetings with leaders of remote communities on risks of travelling along Highway 16 in northern B.C. Clark said Friday she accepts Denham’s recommendations, but there are different legal opinions on what is a “transitory document” that is required to be destroyed and a record that is required to be kept. “We thought, I thought, that everything was being done properly, and that’s be-

SERVING THE Sholinder & MacKay

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cause there has been really almost no change in the way things have been done for a decade,” Clark said. NDP leader John Horgan said the investigation shows the conduct of B.C. Liberal government staffers, including Premier Christy Clark’s deputy chief of staff Michele Cadario, reveals “a culture of deception, a culture of deceit, a culture of delete, delete, delete.” Clark said she is taking no action against Cadario, who told Denham she deletes almost all of her sent emails every day. Clark now wants everything kept until former privacy commissioner and deputy attorney general David Loukidelis reviews the situation and decides what must stay and what must go. Clark said she seldom uses email for official business, preferring face-to-face meetings, official records kept for cabinet and its committees, and phone calls. Transportation Minister Todd Stone said Friday he has made a practice of triple deleting emails that he considers transitory. A complaint from Tim Duncan, Stone’s former ministerial assistant, triggered Denham’s investigation of a freedom of information request regarding Highway 16 between Prince George and Prince Rupert.


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The Invermere


• Flies • Spiders • Rodents - we offer a pro-active approach to stop them COLD!

Bavin Glassworks was established in 1988 in Windermere, BC by Pat Bavin. The business was established as a glass blowing studio where customers could watch the artisans at work as well as purchase their wares under one roof. Pat’s son Ryan started working in the shop as an apprentice during this time. In 2001, the Bavin’s outgrew their space in Windermere and moved to their current location on the way into Invermere near the present day Canadian Tire. Here, the original vision for the business has continued; they still create and sell hand blown glass under one roof. They also now include several local artists in the gallery, many of whom either work at Bavin Glassworks, or are previous employees. The Bavin’s work together collaboratively on new designs in glass, their work is found in collections both corporate and private worldwide. Sponsored by:

#8, 1008 - 8 Avenue PO Box 868, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Amanda Nason

Advertising Sales


Proudly serving the Valley for over 50 years. For competitive prices and prompt service call:

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to give your business maximum exposure for your advertising dollar?

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo A19

DASHING AS DICE... The Gillies’ family showed up as a group of dice for the District of Invermere’s annual Monster Mash Dash, which happened on Saturday, October 24th. Just like last year, the weather co-operated and everyone who came out to run either the five- or 10-kilometre course was treated to a barbecue lunch, a race souvenir, plus a great pre-Halloween celebration that kicked off the spooky festive spirit. Proceeds from the race will benefit the Valley Fitness Centre in Invermere. Photo SUBMITTED

FRIDAY OCT 30th Join us at the Invermere Community Hall for a

Halloween ...Extravaganza

Geoff Hill MaxWell Realty Invermere


A division of

Family Dance 4:00pm-6:30pm~ All ages Pumpkin Carving ~ All ages YC Halloween Dance 7pm-10pm~ ages 12-18 Please bring a donation to the Food Bank for admission in support of the “Trick or Eat” campaign



Wednesday, October 28, 2015 The Valley Echo

15th annual

Halloween Howler Top: Bison graze on the beautiful green pasture, surrounded by mountains, at J2 Ranch in Canal Flats (Lara McCormack photo). Middle: Dufus the bull, a J2 Ranch stud (Susan Scott photo). Bottom: Trees line the roads throughout the ranch (Lara McCormack photo). J2 RANCH from A7 I spent quite a bit of time searching for history about this land and have found very little. What I did find is that Frank and Joe Johnson (grandfather and grandson team) bought the land in 1956 and developed it into the ranch layout. It was then sold in the ‘60s. The J2 brand was registered in 1930 by Joseph Levi Johnson (Joe) who owned the ranch into the ‘60s. However, this may have been used by Francis Marie, who was the daughter of Joseph Levi in earlier years. I ask anyone with any knowledge on the ranch’s previous owners and who may have any photographs to contact the Windermere Valley Museum, as there are some holes in the land ownership history. The Scotts are very interested to learn of any history of the property. J2 Ranch is proud producer of Wagyu/Angus beef that is for sale as halves, quarters or eighths, or smaller boxes of assorted cuts. This meat is inspected, and hormone- and antibiotic-free. The Scotts’ dream is to sell their meat locally to both businesses and families. They hope to expand their chickens and provide a “turkey on demand” service over the holiday seasons. This business is starting to grow, with a Facebook page and website in the works. The ranch can be contacted directly at 250349-5824 to place your orders. I can tell you personally that this meat is amazing and some of the best quality we have encountered during our years of cooking. If you would like a sample, come and see us at From Scratch as we believe in promoting our local farmers who, in turn, make our valley sustainable by giving us amazing ingredients, jobs and a beautiful place to live. It has been a pleasure to meet this family and to continue a relationship with Richard. They are so passionate about what they do and love this valley for all it has to offer. Lara McCormack is one of the owners of From Scratch — A Mountain Kitchen in FairThe Columbia Valley Community mont Hot Springs, where one can savour great seasonal food, sip from a selection of bevFoundation is accepting 2015 erages, including B.C. wines, and enjoy the fall grant applications views of our gorgeous valley landscape.

CVCF granted funds are available for registered charities which support projects that enhance the quality of life for Columbia Valley residents from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen.

Deadline for applications: October 31st, 2015 Granting guidelines and application forms available at For information on the granting process, contact Laurie Klassen, 250-342-2845 or email

“Building legacies in our valley communities”

Friday, Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. • Show at 8 p.m. • DJ @ 10 p.m. • Costume Prizes!

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Special Guests:


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is one of the best stand up comics of his generation. The multiaward winning Tommy performs an exhilarating brand of unorthodox comedy that envelops his audience and teleports them into a domain of hilarity and pure craftsmanship. Tommy has won the prestigious 2007 Boston Comedy Festival, 2008 Seattle Comedy Competition and was honoured as a 4-time

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per person

Dinner comedy package tickets available only until October 23rd.


Advance Comedy Show Only Tickets



per person


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