Lake Country Calendar, October 28, 2015

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Calendar Lake Country


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October 28, 2015



Cultural coordinator Ryan Donn has been hired by the district to manage cultural events and assist the arts community. ...........................


Next steps on the CN Rail corridor transition. ...............................


Autumns beauty on display in Lake Country ...............................


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Lake Country to tell Fuhr transportation its top need KEVIN PARNELL Lake Country Mayor James Baker says he was surprised at the results of the federal election but adds that it may be beneficial to Lake Country to work with new MP Stephen Fuhr and the Liberal government when it comes to the district’s ongoing infrastructure shortage. Fuhr was elected as Kelowna-Lake Country MP in last week’s federal election. He met with local politicians in Kelowna last week and is expected to meet with Lake Country’s mayor and council before he departs for Ottawa, beginning a relationship that

will last at least the next four years. Baker said the fact that the Liberals promised a record amount of infrastructure spending bodes well for the district’s attempts to acquire funding. “The Liberal platform was good with regard to infrastructure spending so we have to see that some of that comes our way,” said Baker. “Our biggest issue is our Transportation for Tomorrow plan so (we hope) they can continue the grant program like Build Canada and have that relate to what we are doing with our roads and cycling paths and other infrastructure like water



Fuhr gets ready to jump into new job

The man who knocked off threeterm incumbent Kelowna-Lake Country MP Ron Cannan in the Oct. 19 federal election, knows he has big shoes to fill. Stephen Fuhr, who became the first Liberal elected in this area since 1968, paid tribute to his outgoing Conservative


STEPHEN FUHR (right) at a meet and greet held at UBCO before the Oct. 19 federal election. Fuhr went on to win the Kelowna-Lake Country seat for the Liberal party over incumbent Conservative Ron Cannan. and sewer.” Baker said the district has had good success securing money from senior levels of government at both the provincial and federal level in the past with the key being the grant applications sent in by the dis-

trict. “You need a strong proposal and you need to have plans in place,” said Baker of the keys to accessing infrastructure money. “It is imperative that we can access this money. We are such a fast-growing community

and we have a lot of deficits in our infrastructure.” Fuhr will leave for Ottawa on Nov. 1 to be sworn in and get his office set-up. Since the election he has been busy fielding phone calls from well-wishers and his new constituents and getting

organized, including a quick meeting with the City of Kelowna. He also plans to touch base with Lake Country on its specific needs this week. “Infrastructure was

counterpart last week, admitting Cannan did a good job representing his constituents for nine years. Fuhr said he intends to follow Cannan’s lead on issues and make them his priority as MP. “Ron is a good guy, he was never the target (of my campaign),” said Fuhr. Like Liberal candidates across the country, Fuhr made Conservative

leader Stephen Harper his target, laying unpopular Conservative government policies over the last nine years directly at the feet of the outgoing prime minister, who has been accused by many of being a control freak for the way he centralized power in the Prime Minister’s Office. Fuhr acknowleged Cannan’s success in securing federal funding

for many projects here and said he will also fight for funding for this area. In doing so, he hopes to work with re-elected Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola Conservative MP Dan Albas. “I don’t know Dan all that well, but I expect of all the area MPs, he is likely the one I will be working with the most,” said Fuhr. The constituencies of

both men include parts of the City of Kelowna. The local Liberal MP-designate said he expects the fact he will be part of a Liberal majority in the House of Commons will help his cause when he goes looking for federal money for Kelowna-Lake Country. During the campaign, Fuhr said he talked to



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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


On Wednesday, October 21, 11 of our grade six students, along with teacher sponsor Mrs. Daniels travelled with 600 other Central Okanagan School District students and staff to attend We Day in Vancouver. We Day is an event sponsored by the non-profit organization Free the Children. The event, held in Vancouver each year, motivates close to 20,000 student leaders to be the change by launching both global and local social justice initiatives. A representative from Science World visited OTS recently to engage students from different classrooms in hands-on science experimentation. Grade 2 and 3 students learned about solids, liquids and gases, solutions, and transforming liquids into solids. Phoenix Drinkwater, a grade 3 student who was selected to be Fire Chief for the Day October 13. Phoenix was picked up by the Lake Country Fire Department truck, taken to Tim Horton’s to have breakfast with neighbouring elementary school Fire Chiefs for the Day, and then brought to school with lights flashing. This culminated Fire Prevention Awareness week, which ran from October 5 to October 9. Place-based learning, involving environmental education and natural environments near the school or in the local community is an important part of the overall learning journey at OTS. Primary students went on a field trip October 2 to see spawning salmon at Mission Creek Park.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 28, 2015 A3


Working out CN corridor transition issues Cannan tough act to follow KEVIN PARNELL


As development plans move ahead for the future of a 47-kilometre trail linking Kelowna, Lake Country and Vernon along the old CN Rail corridor, talks continue with a pair of homeowners whose properties the corridor passes through. Municipal councils in Kelowna and Lake Country have endorsed a new inter-jurisdictional development team to develop a continuous trail between the communities along the CN corridor, which the three jurisdictions purchased for $22 million earlier this year. But there remains a few sticking points, as CN removes the final cars and then gets set to take out the rail ties and do some environmental remediation work over

local municipal leaders about their needs in terms of infrastructure funding but it was more of a “big picture” discussion. Now he wants to drill down for specifics, so he can hit the ground running when he gets to Ottawa. The Liberals have said they will run budget deficits for the first three years to finance a $60-billion infrastructure spending program focused on green, social and transportation projects. Fuhr held the first of those meetings last Thursday with Kelowna’s mayor, Colin Basran. Before that meeting, Basran said he intended to tell Fuhr the city’s top priorities remain water, transportation and housing. But he also wants to see the overall issue of infrastructure funding for municipalities addressed. “We need a funding program that’s reliable, predictable and easy to access,” Basran said. But before he can go to bat for municipalities in his riding and the surrounding area, Fuhr will have to set up his own political infrastructure by opening Ottawa and constituency offices and hiring staff. Fuhr is expected to be sworn in at the beginning of November. As for his immediate future, the 47-year-old Fuhr said no offers have been made to him about


PLANS for the 47-kilometre CN corridor between Kelowna and Vernon continue to progress.

the next year or more. That includes completing the talks with the property owners and finding a consensus of how the trail will continue through or near their properties as well as figuring out how the Okanagan Indian Band will fit into the picture. “We’re still working with the (two) prop-

erty owners and things are moving in a positive direction,” said Doug Gilchrist, the director of community planning and real estate at the City of Kelowna, who added the OKIB will also be part of future planning. “Our understanding is the lands within the OKIB reserve will trans-

fer from CN to OKIB.” Gilchrist said the group has invited the OKIB to be a part of the development team, but band chief Byron Louis said he has yet to receive such an invite. Louis added there are many issues still to deal with, including the SEE CORRIDOR A11

Lake Country good to go on infrastructure plans NEW MP FROM A1 a big part of our party platform,” said Fuhr. “We were the only party in my opinion that had the fiscal plan that addressed the problem. Our economy lacks jobs and growth and infrastructure jobs are the solution. Lake Country has its own needs so I need to meet with them and find out what their priorities are. I’m going to make sure Kelowna and Lake Country get the resources they need that are available from

A division of

the federal government.” The Liberals campaigned on deficit budgets to increase funding for infrastructure projects right across the country as municipalities grapple with the fact that much of its infrastructure is outdated and in need of upgrades. In Lake Country, the district is moving forward with its 20-year Transportation for Tomorrow Plan, a document that sets the groundwork for what needs to be improved on a year-by-year basis.

However, there is no set funding plan in place for what is an estimated $30-million plan. At its council meeting on Oct. 20, council directed staff to investigate a hybrid tax/property tax funding program for the strategy as opposed to direct property taxes on Lake Country residents and approved a further study on the financial plan costing $5,000. While the financial plan may not yet be set, Baker said the fact the district is working to-

wards having a plan in place to help deal with their infrastructure shortage can only help access federal money. “We do have the need for infrastructure and we have the plan in place that will enable us to get the work done in the timeframe that the money is available,” said Baker. “We’ve had good success previously with the governments in power and I’m sure our MP will be looking to get things coming this way.”


DURING the federal election campaign Stephen

Fuhr (right) and Ron Cannan never made personal attacks, preferring to address national issues and party leadership.

a cabinet or parliamentary secretary position, but if asked he feels he could contribute most to defence, transportation or veterans’ affairs. A former Canadian Air Force fighter pilot, Fuhr stood with his party leader—and now prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau—on the campaign trail when Trudeau released his party’s election platform policy on veterans. Fuhr has been critical of the Conservatives, not only for how they have treated veterans but also for how they handled the plan to replace the aging F-18 fighter planes with newer, unproven F-35s. The Liberals are expected to scrap the plan to buy F-35s. Looking back on the campaign, Fuhr said he was proud of how it went, delighted to see it resonate with the public, especially young people who not only voted for

him but also volunteered in large numbers on his campaign. The Fuhr camp had said it needed to not only win support from the NDP and Green here, but also would have to win over disaffected Conservatives to be successful. “I haven’t seen (a breakdown) of the numbers yet, but I think we did that,” he said, adding the enormity of what he was able to do here had not quite sunk in yet. In the election, Fuhr had 46.2 per cent of the vote to Cannan’s 39.8 per cent and won by about 4,100 votes. In 2011, Cannan easily outdistanced his Liberal and NDP rivals, taking more than 50 per cent of the vote. Just over 72 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots in the riding. Statistics: For more election stories see page A6.



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


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and it counts 7.3 billion people as its disciples. Wait a minute, you’re saying, money isn’t a religion. Look up definitions of religion. They will all refer to belief in some kind of control-

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Myths of the Highway of Tears T he scandal of the week at the B.C. legislature is what could be termed “delete-gate.” Primarily, it revolves around 36 pages of government emails that the NDP opposition has been trying for a year to get under freedom of information legislation. They relate to a series of meetings between transportation ministry bureaucrats and remote communities along Highway 16, between Prince George and Prince Rupert. If you want all of the accusations about government secrecy and alleged cover-ups, I invite you to read “Access Denied,” the latest report of the Information and Privacy Commissioner at, and transcripts of question period in the legislature this week. What you won’t find there is much discussion of the actual problem, which is a shortage of safe and practical trans-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher portation options in and out of these communities, most of which are federally funded aboriginal reserves far from the region’s only highway. What we have seen for decades is a dramatic media narrative about one or more serial killers preying on vulnerable women hitch-hiking along what is now known world-wide as the Highway of Tears. The Wikipedia entry for Highway of Tears gives a sense of the credibility of this narrative. It begins with the unsolved murder of Gloria Moody, last seen leaving a bar in

Williams Lake in 1969. That’s a long way from Highway 16. Then there was Monica Jack, killed in 1978. DNA technology resulted in a charge finally being laid last year against a known serial rapist. This was even further away, near Merritt, and she was a 12-yearold riding her bike. Other cases involve street prostitution in and around Prince George, an urban hub for a large aboriginal population similar to Regina and Winnipeg. Discussion in Victoria focuses on urban notions of increased transit, in places where existing service may be underused. Nationally, the narrative is that deep-seated social problems within aboriginal communities would somehow be solved by a lawyer-heavy judicial inquiry that looks only at tragedies involving women. If you drive Highway 16 today, you will see fading billboards plead-

ing for information on the disappearance of Madison Scott. She was last seen in the early hours of May 28, 2011, after a grad party in the woods outside Vanderhoof. Her truck and tent were still there. Again, nothing to do with hitch-hiking, but at least it was near Highway 16. Here’s something else you won’t often hear in the Highway of Tears melodrama. There is commercial bus service on Highway 16, although Greyhound reduced frequency in 2013 as it struggles with low ridership and high costs. BC Transit also operates bus service to some remote communities like Kispiox and Gitsegukla, connecting them south to Smithers. But BC Transit requires local governments and riders to cover about half the cost. Indian Act reserves don’t pay. North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice has noted that what people in remote communities ask

for is a way to get back and forth for shopping and medical appointments. Yes, shopping is an important need, as those who live in remote areas can tell you. And Northern Health already runs a bus service for remote residents who need medical care. Rice’s observations at least move us toward practical solutions, although most of her effort seems directed towards political blame. I hope the infamous 36 pages of emails are eventually released, since they were not deleted but rather excluded from release. They may bring the discussion back to the actual public service issue, which is what realistic transportation options exist for these communities. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc

ling power and to a set of commonly agreed upon convictions which affect the worshippers’ conduct and behaviour. Fits money, doesn’t it? In his massive overview of human existence, Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari describes money as “the greatest conqueror in history.” “Money,” Harari goes on, “is the only trust system created by humans that can bridge almost any cultural gap and that does not discriminate on the basis of religion, gender, race, age or sexual orientation.” We don’t know who first introduced money as a vehicle for exchanging goods and services. We do know that there is no nation on Earth today that doesn’t use money. Even those that despise SEE TAYLOR A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 28, 2015 A5


Legal chilling affect on designated drivers lifted You’re a designated driver for a group of friends. You are driving on a highway, at highway speed. One of your drunk, boisterous passengers grabs and cranks on the steering wheel, causing a crash. You are seriously injured. Do you have a right or claim against the boisterous passenger, for fair, financial compensation for your injuries and losses? Absolutely. Our civil justice system provides for a right of compensation against someone who, due to their negligence, causes you injury. When a negligent driver of a British Col-

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

umbia insured vehicle causes you injury, the responsibility to pay that financial compensation passes on to ICBC. What about in the passenger scenario I described? Does the passenger’s legal responsibility to you

pass on to ICBC? The answer to that question abruptly changed from “no” to “yes” on Sept. 23, 2015, with the release of a decision by the B.C. Court of Appeal. The lawsuit was being pursued by Marnetta Felix, a woman who was seriously injured when her drunk boyfriend grabbed the steering wheel and caused a crash that occurred in 2006. The courts had already made an assessment that fair, financial compensation for the injuries and losses suffered by the seriously injured driver was close to $800,000. The issue at the trial was whether or not a

passenger of an ICBC insured vehicle fits within the definition of an “insured” within the statutory framework that, effectively, is the insurance policy. The definition of insured includes someone who“…uses or operates the vehicle…” The analysis by the trial judge, in a decision rendered Feb. 3, 2014, resulted in the conclusion that the drunk boyfriend had not “used” the vehicle within the meaning of the legislation and dismissed the case against ICBC. It was noted by the trial judge that the result of his analysis might have a chilling effect on

Money works because we agree to believe TAYLOR FROM A4

e-mail. Even a cheque is uct, the calculated total of a stimulating convernot money; it’s merely value of their goods, sersation? free-market economan assurance that somevices and assets. When Oh, sure, we know ics happily use capitalist one’s account has enough the GDP rises, we sing how to measure the currency. imaginary money in it to hallelujahs; when it denegative side. The cost of Yet money doesn’t accover its face value. clines, we panic about re- falling out of love, of gotually exist. “Money is You don’t even need cession. ing through a bitter dinot coins and bankreal cheques now. You Only tiny Bhutan, vorce. The price of purinotes,” says Harari. can deposit digital sealed among the peaks fying water, of cleaning “Cowry shells and dolphotos of cheques. of the Himalayas, with up toxic spills. The cost lars have value only in Money works only be- a population roughof lift tickets, or of teachour common imaginacause we agree to treat it ly matching Winnipeg’s, ers’ salaries. tion. Their worth is not as if it were real. rejects the GDP. In 1972, But we have no obinherent in the chemHarari calls money a it declared its own Gross jective way of assigning a ical structure of the shells system of trust. I think National Happiness Invalue to the cleanness of and paper, or their colthe whole system is dex. Which is mostly a lake or river. To a goodour, or their shape. In based on faith. subjective. night kiss. To an unother words, money isn’t Some people disWe don’t really know expected insight. To a a material reality—it is a dain religion because it how to measure value— moment of sheer delight. psychological construct.” deals with convictions except through money. As the ads say, such He’s right. I rarely pay that cannot be empiricHow do you measure things are priceless. cash anymore. For anyally rested and verified. the value of clean water? thing. Most often, I use Exactly the same can be The euphoria of falling in a little plastic card. I pay said of money. love? The exhilaration of Author Jim Taylor lives bills from my computNations worship their sliding down a mountain in Lake Country. newspaper ad Apr15.qxp_Hazardous Waste -newspaper ad-delete 2015-04-29 1:23 PM Page 1 er.Hazardous I transferWaste money by Gross Domestic Prodon skis? Th e satisfaction

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But whatever chilling effect on designated drivers has been lifted. This column is not a substitute for retaining legal advice.

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GOLD SPONSOR • BC Hydro • Fortis BC • Gray Monk Estate Winery SILVER SPONSOR • RBC Royal Bank • Lakestone • IDA • UBR Services • BC Notaries • YLW Kelowna International Airport • Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission BRONZE SPONSOR • District of Lake Country MEDIA SPONSOR • Lake Country Calendar A proud Sponsor

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For sa al dispos und year rtoo the


able to recover her losses against ICBC. What was their analysis? It’s complicated. Email me, and I’d be happy to provide you with a copy of the decision if you want to read


d l o h e Hous rdous Haza e Wast fe

the willingness of designated drivers to continue helping to keep our roads safe. If a designated driver cannot recover, from ICBC, compensation for losses arising from a crash that is caused by his or her drunk passengers, losses that might include a loss of livelihood, perhaps acting as a designated driver is too risky. This is an example of the reality that judges impartially interpret and apply the law, even if they don’t like the results. Fortunately, the panel of three judges of the Court of Appeal agreed on an alternative analysis, with the drunk boyfriend fitting within the definition of an insured, the result being that the seriously injured driver was

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL

Cannan remains graceful in federal election defeat KEVIN PARNELL In late 2005 Ron Cannan was completing a near 10-year run as a Kelowna city councillor when he was approached by the Conservative Party of Canada to run as a candidate in the next federal election. A popular councillor at the time, he had never been a member of a federal party before, but he took the chance to join

Stephen Harper’s Conservatives, moving up to the highest level of politics in this country when he was elected as a member of government in the 2006 federal election. And while he wouldn’t admit it on election night, in the hours following his Oct. 19 defeat at the hands of Liberal candidate Stephen Fuhr, it’s hard not to believe that Cannan was taken down by the wave of an-

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ti-Stephen Harper sentiment that swept across the country. “I think a lot of people in town were torn on Monday,” said Kelowna city councillor Ryan Donn, who was at Cannan’s after-election get together Monday night. “You look at the person of Ron Cannan and I think a lot of people wanted to support the person but had trouble supporting Stephen Harper or the Conservative party. “If you look at Ron,” Donn continued, “he represents what is Canadian but I don’t think people were seeing that at the next level. They were forced to choose between the person they see on a daily basis and the national party, which perhaps wasn’t representing their Canadian perspective.” Cannan took the high road in his concession speech to party supporters and following that when questioned by the media. He wouldn’t take the bait when asked if the anti-Harper sentiment was a factor in his loss, saying only that you win as a team and lose as a team. “Canadians want-


RON CANNAN was gracious in defeat as he thanked his campaign workers and supports while congratulating his Liberal party Kelowna-Lake Country opponent . ed a change and they are going to get a change,” said Cannan. “I want to thank Stephen Fuhr and his campaign for their hard work. It’s a new time for our community and all I can do is help make that transition a smooth one to ensure that we have the best representation locally, provincially and nationally.” For Cannan, election night Oct. 19 marked the end of two straight

decades of political service, first as a councillor and for the past nineand-a-half years as an MP. His foray into the federal political game came when an opportunity was presented to him, rather than him chasing after the position. “I was never partisan or belonged to a political party until I was asked in 2005 and joined the Conservative party,” said Cannan. “I worked with all political parties (dur-

ing his nearly 10 years in Ottawa) and with members across the way (from other parties). I just want to continue to serve my community in the best way I can and have a normal life back with my wife and family and enjoy my three wonderful grandkids.” The fact that Cannan continued to talk about serving his community in the immediate aftermath of what was a crushing and unexpected

defeat is a window into the man who has served the communities of Kelowna and Lake Country for the past 20 years. Donn said you’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t been well-served by Cannan during his time in politics. “I think at the end of the day you see how honourable a person Ron is when he graciously accepts democracy in action,” said Donn. “He was so responsive to anyone who reached out to him and every single person has the same thing to say. I think it leaves quite a legacy for this community and there is an opportunity for Stephen (Fuhr) to jump right in and be very responsive to the community. I was really happy to be there to support a friend. Ron was a friend of the community. At the same time having the Liberal party to commit to investing in infrastructure and to have us represented from someone from the government is a good thing for Kelowna.” newsroom@ @KP_media1

Soft financial landing for ousted Conservative MP KATHY MICHAELS The outgoing Kelowna-Lake Country MP will walk away from politics with more than a pat on the back and thanks for a job well done.

According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, Ron Cannan will get a severance of $83,700 and an annual pension $46,632, up to a maximum of $2,348,810. “Losing an election can be tough, but most

MPs will have a soft financial landing,” said CTF federal director Aaron Wudrick. “The good news is that thanks to the hardfought pension reforms that take effect on Jan. 1, 2016, taxpayers will not have to shoulder as much of the burden in the future.” For MPs who retired or were defeated last week, taxpayers contributed $17 for every $1 the MP put into their own pension. After Jan.1, the ratio will gradually shift

to a ratio of $1.60 in taxpayer contributions for every $1 put in by an MP or Senator. Wudrick noted that eight former MPs will gather $100,000-plus a year in pension income including outgoing Conservative cabinet ministers John Duncan ($132,394), Peter MacKay ($117,746) and Bernard Valcourt ($116,987). In terms of lifetime estimated benefits to age 90, 21 MPs are projected to collect more than

$3 million, including MacKay ($5.9 million), Liberal Gerry Byrne ($5.2 million) and Conservative Rob Anders ($4.7 million). “These pension changes are a welcome step towards broader public sector pension reform,” added Wudrick. “We encourage the new government to take the necessary steps to ensure government employee pensions are more in line with the vast majority of Canadians.”

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 28, 2015 A7



Autumnal colours on display With summer now a memory and the beautiful fall colours in rampant display across the Okanagan, Lake Country resident Abby Jones captured a moment of clarity on Wood Lake last week. From her home along Pelmewash Parkway, Jones captured a calm Wood

Lake with the colours of the trees reflecting on the water and providing an amazing landscape portrait. Jones operates Palomine Orchards on Pelmewash Parkway. “It was too good of a picture not to share,� she said.

WOOD LAKE resplendent in autumn colours, taken by Lake Country resident Abby Jones

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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We are excited to have you meet Torque. He is very much the typical Border Collie whereas he loves and thrives on exercise plus he needs it to be a well balanced dog. The more exercise, the better because the Border Collie breed needs a job to do. If they do not have that stimulation, they will not be the well adjusted family pet you want. Torque himself is just a sweet canine who wants a family who will love him and he will give all his love, devotion and loyalty in return. If you know and understand the Border Collie breed, than you will know and understand Torque. Yes, an active family with an active lifestyle would best suit this handsome boy. Please ask the Kelowna SPCA Staff to meet Torque. He’d love to show off.




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If you’re looking for better ROI from your advertising, perhaps more of your “I� should be in newspapers.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS

Dentistry and Bulimia - What To Do?


My granddaughter is in her late teens, and is suffering from bulimia. I believe it has been going on for many years, but I'm afraid her mom was in denial earlier on. Now, she is in therapy but I'm concerned about her teeth. I've heard that she may have damage in that area. What should we be watching for?


You are quite correct. Although bulimia is a behavioral disease, the individual frequently undergoes a 'binge' and 'purge' cycle with their meals. They frequently attempt to mask the issue by appearing to eat normally, but at the first opportunity become very adept at ridding their body of all nutrients. The causes are complex – and are frequently self-image issues and those of peer acceptance. Continual dieting is common for teenage girls (who make up the majority of the sufferers) and media perceptions of what is 'normal' and what is not only compound the problems. Weight loss does become obsessive, and as their bodies are starving for nutrients this can lead to binge eating. This is immediately followed by feelings of guilt, which lead to the purging. Many family members are unaware of just when the disorder began, because a casual visit to the bathroom to regurgitate after a meal returns them to their state of 'normal'. This is an illness accompanied by depression, sleep deprivation, and anxiety among other problems

Where does this arise in dentistry? Our teeth become eroded by some very common dietary habits. Many people from infants have been fed citrus juices which are regarded as 'good nutrition' but they come with a very high acid content. If you fail to neutralize the acid, your teeth and digestive system suffer – particularly if juice is drunk at bedtime. As dentists, we actually have the best chance of recognizing a problem over our medical colleagues. When teeth are exposed constantly to stomach acids they will deteriorate. Your physician is unlikely to spot that early on. Often the accompanying bad breath with a bulimic patient is masked by gum and breath mints. Most patients are surprised at photographic evidence of the damages of continual purging, but it rarely halts the behavior. The danger is that if the dental problems are repaired where possible, the underlying problems haven't changed and the behavior repeats itself. This is expensive to restore, and won't stand up to more of the same behavior. These are self-image issues, and although we as dentists hope that patients can envision the improvement in their smile (and be encouraged by same), it is a nasty cycle which frequently results in heavy damage to their physical health, dental health, and emotional health.

Winfield Dental Centre 208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.


Jeunesse Pearson


Dr. Paul Rollett

Therapeutic Counsellor & Life Coach


Do I really need therapy? I can usually handle my problems.

Everyone goes through challenging situations in life, and while you may have successfully navigated through other difficulties you’ve faced, there’s nothing wrong with seeking out extra support when you need it. In fact, therapy is for people who have enough self-awareness to realize they need a helping hand, and that is something to be admired. You are taking responsibility by accepting where you’re at in life and making a commitment to change the situation by seeking therapy. Therapy provides long-lasting benefits and support, giving you the tools you need to avoid triggers, re-direct damaging patterns, and overcome whatever challenges you face.


49-9522 Main St. Lake Country • 250-766-4240

Petrina Koltun


Happy Feet Foot Care

LPN Mobile Foot Care


How can I prevent foot trouble? Practice good foot care. Check your feet regularly, or have a member of your family check them. As an advanced foot care nurse, I am qualified to treat most foot problems. Sometimes the special skills of a podiatrist are needed.

It also helps to keep blood circulating to your feet as much as possible. Do this by putting your feet up when you are sitting or lying down, stretching if you’ve had to sit for a long while, walking, having a gentle foot massage, or taking a warm foot bath. Try to avoid pressure from shoes that don’t fit right. Try not to expose your feet to cold temperatures. Don’t sit for long periods of time (especially with your legs crossed). Don’t smoke.

Mobile Foot Care for the Lake Country, Vernon & Okanagan Areas


Is there any way to reduce nearsightedness naturally?

This is a great question and one that doesn’t necessarily present with a straight forward answer. Nearsightedness occurs when light that enters the eye is focused in front of our retina, resulting in blurred distant targets. Once the cycle of nearsightedness begins (typically in late elementary school) it can sometimes be challenging to reverse or stop as an individual gets older. Certain styles of glasses and contact lenses have recently been developed that show promising results for halting nearsighted progression, but none of these products have been found to completely reverse the cycle. Products that tout natural miracle cures for nearsightedness are expectantly not effective – although some individuals claim that they help with one’s ability to tolerate the blur that nearsightedness creates. As we continue to learn more about the environmental forces that can drive increases in glasses prescriptions, it’s important to remember that taking breaks from screens and increasing time spent outdoors are consistently associated with a reduction in nearsighted progression.

250 540 3910 •

Krystal Armbruster




Should I stay and renovate or should I look for a different home?

Here’s one gauge to use when deciding whether to remodel/renovate or upgrade to a different home: expect moving to cost about 10% of your home’s current value. If your remodelling project can be done for less than that, you may want to stay and do it! If you stay in your current home, plan with an eye on the potential resale value. Kitchens, bathrooms, siding, and windows are great investments. In addition to making your home more liveable, remodelling will make your home more valuable. According to the Appraisal Institute of Canada, your remodel investment dollars pay back at different rates when you sell your home, depending on the type of project you choose. For information on expected returns for your remodelling projects or real estate opportunities, simply call me at 250-826-5660 or e-mail me at and I would be more than happy to share that valuable information with you. • 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 28, 2015 A9


Two more non-teaching days for teachers to start learning new curriculum KEVIN PARNELL Parents of school children will be asked to take up the slack for what will be an additional two non-instructional days added to school calendars this year as educators are given time to learn a new provincial curriculum for kindergarten to Grade 12. Over the next three years, B.C.’s new curriculum will be introduced to students. To get ready for the change, teachers in the Central Okanagan School District will have 10 hours of school time given to them to prepare this year and more in the next two years before full implementation. “These are exciting times as we prepare to implement the new curriculum over the next three years,” said outgoing school superintendent Hugh Gloster in a letter home to parents in the Central Okanagan School District. “There is significant work to be done by the educators in B.C. to help prepare for this implementation.” Among the work to be done is learning the new curriculum and how it will be taught in local schools. According to Gloster, the revisions to the curriculum place an emphasis on students acquiring “core competencies” in the areas of communication, critical and creative thinking, personal awareness and social responsibility, designed to help them better prepare for their future. Gloster added principals and vice-principals will be communicating with parents about adjustments to previously published local school calendars. Central Okanagan school board chair Moyra Baxter said it will likely turn out to be two extra non-instructional days for teachers to begin to learn the new curriculum this year. Baxter said she is concerned with the added pressure on parents but said it’s necessary for local educators to get up to speed on the changes. “I do have concerns that this will come unexpectedly but on the other hand this is an opportunity to make sure teachers can work together and learn about the new curriculum and

I think it will benefit the students in the end,” she said. ••• The Central Okanagan School Board has

sent a letter to the provincial government expressing concerns with a new system for recording information about students.

A new program called MyEducation BC was implemented over the summer months to keep student records and reports.

But staff in the Central Okanagan School District have been finding problems with the system and they aren’t alone.

School board chair Moyra Baxter said the ministry of education has acknowledged the new system has not been working well and the

government is meeting with the developers to try and vwork out the kinks.


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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Lake Country hires cultural coordinator as district activities grow The District of Lake Country has announced its new cultural develop-

ment coordinator. Well known Okanagan musician Ryan

Donn will be the new man in charge of all things music and culture

NOVEMBER 11, 2015 Let us remember those who served in the wars of yesterday and today. The Lake Country Calendar will be publishing a special edition November 11th, honouring those who have sacrificed so much for our country and our way of life. Publication Date: Wednesday, November 11th Deadline: Thursday, November 5th Please call for more information:

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Representative

250.766.4688, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 Email:

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

within Lake Country. Donn, a Kelowna city councillor, longtime Okanagan Valley musician and a former George Elliot Secondary School student, has been hired as the person responsible for the coordination of the Creekside community theatre, open air performances, public art supervision, cultural and heritage events. He will work with various community organizations. “We received over 75 applications and heard from a number of very qualified individuals,” said Holly Flinkman, Lake Country’s human resources and safety manager. “After viewing some outstanding presentations from the final three short-listed candidates, we came to the conclusion that Ryan Donn was the best fit for the new staff role in Lake Country.” The new position was created with the conclusion of the contract of Creekside manager Horst Jassmann as the district opted to go in a

DEAD SERIOUS: A Seriously Thrilling Mystery Thurs. & Fri. Oct. 29 & 30

Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Lake Country, BC

Reservations: 250.766.9309 Fred Skeleton Theatre Company Present: VANYA & SONIA & MASHA & SPIKE BY CHRISTOPHER DURANG November 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 Show Times 7:30pm

Creekside Players Presents

Any Number Can Die A Comedy Mystery By Fred Carmichael Fri., Nov. 20 & 27 & Sat., Nov. 21 & 28 Show time 7:30pm

different direction, adding more duties to the role including running of the Lake Country Open Air Performance Society, formerly run by volunteers. Donn said it’s a great time to join the staff at the District of Lake Country as the area’s arts community continues to grow. “The District of Lake Country is about to embark on a journey of discovery where the true potential of its cultural capacity will be allowed to flourish if guided properly,” Donn said.


CREEKSIDE THEATRE info 250.766.5669


RYAN DONN has been hired by the District of Lake Country as its first cultural coordinator.

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951




NEW MEMBERS 1 - FREE 1/4 PAGE Ad with colour

What secrets lie in the house on the lake...and why are they Dead Serious? New Vintage Theatre is pleased to present Canadian Doug Greenall’s popular 1980’s murder mystery Dead Serious at Creekside Theatre this October, just in time to celebrate Hallowe’en. General $25.00 Group of 4 $80.00 Tickets available by Calling Creekside Theatre 250-766-9309

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10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country

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For information contact: Teresa Huscroft-Brown

Advertising Representative

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Find a job close to home.

“I consider it an honour to be a part of this exciting time of transition in such a dynamic community.” Donn says the job is a perfect fit for him and his experience, adding it also addresses a perceived conflict of interest in Kelowna where he was working with Festivals Kelowna. Donn has now stepped down from Festivals Kelowna and is also stepping back from his duties with the Creative Okanagan Society, an organization that he founded to work on the arts in West Kelowna. Donn will start in the position of cultural development coordinator for Lake Country on Nov. 17 and will spend a number of weeks with Jassmann at the Creekside Theatre to enable a smooth transition in the management of the community theatre. Along with the

Creekside Theatre, Donn will also be in charge of other cultural and musical events in Lake Country including the Open Air Performance Society, the series of free concerts in community parks as a municipal function. Donn will also be the single point of contact for arts and culture organizations throughout Lake Country. A release from the district says Donn’s experience was too good to pass up. “Hiring someone with experience connecting with the creative community is vital,” the release stated. “Ryan has a comprehensive understanding of the logistics and structure required to create successful cultural plans, festival initiatives and community buy-in. He has been the creative force behind the establishment of various cultural initiatives such as Parks Alive!, Pianos in Parks and New York New Years in Kelowna as well as Music in the Park and a World Music Festival in West Kelowna. Fostering and enhancing the growth of a culturally vibrant and creative municipality is a goal of council as Lake Country becomes increasingly well-known for its desirable lifestyle in the fastest growing municipality in the province.” newsroom

More no-school days FROM CURRICULUM A9

But Baxter is concerned with extra costs in staff time to work through the problems. “All this extra time we have to put in for clerical staff trying to put in information is a concern anytime you end up with extra costs in things like overtime,” said Baxter. “We are paying for this service and it’s not serving us well at the moment and that’s unacceptable.”

••• The new superintendent of the Central Okanagan School District is officially on the payroll and working as the top administrator in School District 23. Kevin Kaardal was hired in the summer as a replacement for Hugh Gloster, who is retiring at the end of the year. Kaardal has been in the district getting up to speed and his official first day on the job was Monday, this week.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 28, 2015 A11


Lake Country

Likely 2017 before CN accomplishes tasks CORRIDOR FROM A3 transfer of the lands within the OKIB reserve, as well as cultural sites along the trail. “There are a lot of historic sites along the way that were in essence fishing stations, so there are cultural sites that will need to be dealt with,” said Louis. “The rail corridor never left reserve status. The only thing that was put on there was a rightof-way for the rail line, and now that that is no longer the purpose it reverts back to reserve land.” The OKIB lost an injunction hearing in BC Supreme Court earlier this year, asking that the sale be stopped. Louis said he wasn’t surprised by the ruling which dealt with what was known as the Commonage reserve, lands closer to Vernon.

In the meantime, as CN looks to begin the process of removing rail ties, municipal councils in each jurisdiction are being asked to approve the formation of an inter-jurisdictional development team with representatives from each area to plan and develop the initial improvements required to provide a continuous recreation trail between the three jurisdictions. On June 1 of this year, Lake Country, Kelowna and NORD combined to purchase 47 kilometres of the discontinued CN Rail corridor running through their jurisdictions, with the final piece of the puzzle being the successful referendum in Lake Country that allowed the district to borrow its share of the purchase price. A report to Lake Country council from the inter-jurisdiction-

al acquisition team, led by Kelowna, states that at this point there is no plan to develop a multimodal regional transportation infrastructure within the corridor, but instead the plan is to move ahead and try to get a continuous trail in operation. According to Gilchrist it will still likely be 2017 before any development on the corridor takes place as it will take CN Rail at least all of 2016 to remove rail ties and complete environmental remediation work. The objectives of the development team are to: • ensure the corridor provides long term public benefits both locally and regionally • provide for the development of a continuous corridor for non-motorized transportation and recreation • maintain the integ-

rity and capability of the corridor to support the future development and operation of a continuous multi-modal transportation corridor • ensure the scope and timing of trail development reflects the capacity of the owner-jurisdictions to fund the development • encourage a high level of community engagement in the planning and development of the corridor • protect public safety and minimize risk in the development and use of the corridor • consider beneficial opportunities with adjacent lands • pursue grant funding from senior levels of government as well as donations from community groups, foundations, business and the general public. newsroom@


19.Easter edible 21.Alum 22.Exceptional 23.Battery liquid 24.Exploits 26.Go by boat 28.Most of a giraffe 30.Baggage 31.Soften 32.Large amount 36.Natural gift

37.Garden veggie 39.Irritable 41.House additions 42.Hurdle 43.Long narrative 45.Nourish 47.____-been 49.Evergreen shrub 50.Fury 51.Zero 52.Reach


Volunteers Needed!

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. College housing 6. Salt Lake City athlete 9. Animal park 12.Leek’s cousin 13.Just bought 14.“This ____ House” 15.Rhythm 16.____ out (emptied) 18.Water or oil source 20.Chow hall 21.Small metric weight 25.Honking fowl

27.Speeding 29.Varies 33.Develop 34.Model 35.Subtract 37.Satisfy 38.Glide on ice 40.Attracted 41.In a different way 44.Loose or bay follower 46.Dog chains 48.Looking at 53.Fail to keep up 54.Picnic pest 55.Weird 56.Resort for dieters

57.Hog’s haven 58.Resided

DOWN 1. I-topper 2. Half of two 3. Curb 4. Swab 5. Falling flakes 6. Aunt’s mate 7. Bank clerk 8. Ram’s partner 9. Sector 10.Bullring cheers 11.Gambling term 17.Altered

Must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. See Phyllis MacPherson at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. 250-766-0125



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COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•WINFIELD’S 26TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE - Sun., Nov. 8, 10am-3pm. Winfield Memorial Hall. Over 55 tables of crafts, something for everyone. Please bring a donation for the Food Bank. Kathy 250-863-0649 •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH’S ANNUAL ‘JINGLE BELL BAZAAR’ - is being held on Sat., Nov. 7th, from 11am to 1:30pm at the Winfield United Church, 3751 Woodsdale Road, Winfield. PLEASE COME FOR LUNCH! Home Baking, Christmas Boutique, Sewing, Knitting, Preserves, Plants, Produce, and Lots More! Thrift Shop Open with Daily Specials. •COMMUNITY HALL ASSOCIATION OF OKANAGAN CENTRE - AGM Tues., Nov 17 at 7pm. It’s important to become involved to keep this facility a viable one, and it’s also a great way to meet friends and neighbours. •ST EDWARDS ANNUAL FALL FAIR - Sat., Oct. 31 10am to 2pm at St.Edwards Church, 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd East. Featuring tea room, Baking, Crafts, gifts, Silent Auction, and so much more. Everyone welcome. Come for lunch and share some fellowship with us. •THE SCARECROW LADIES - will be trick or treating in Meadowbrook Estates for the Lake Country Food Bank on Oct 31 starting at 4PM. Please give generously of non-perishable ITEMS. IF PICK UP IS REQUIRED CALL 250-766-0970 OR DROP OFF AT 157-720 COMMONWEALTH RD. •HALLOWEEN TACK & GARAGE SALE - Sat., Oct. 31, 10am-2pm. Apple Flats Farm, 2315 Davidson Rd Lake Country. All proceeds to Old Friends Canada. Cost to participate: $10. Multiple vendors. Bring your truck & hang your tail-gate, or set up your table. Come watch our dressage schooling show, no charge- starting noon, ending with costume class for horse & rider. Reserve your spot by contacting 250-869-9661. Info: Deborah •COMMUNITY HALLOWEEN TURKEY BINGO. - Thurs., Oct. 29, at Winfield Seniors’ Activity Centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Doors open at 6pm games start at 7pm. Concession open, 50/50 draw, raffle, lord & lady game. Everyone welcome. Come & join us. (Sponsored by the Old Age Pensioners’ Organization) •HALLOWEEN AT OYAMA COMMUNITY CLUB - Bring your trick-o-treaters down on Halloween night to warm up with some hot chocolate, decorate cookies & play a few games. The hall will be open from 6pm to 8pm for kids of all ages. •OYAMA LIBRARY - CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Pyjama Storytime until Dec. 10. Every 2nd & last Thurs., of the month 7pm. Wear your PJ’s, bring a stuffy & join in the stories, songs, rhymes & fun before going to bed. Drop-in, it’s free! •LEGO BUILDERS CLUB - Tuesdays & Thursdays. Drop in. See branch for info. LEGO available for 6 12 year olds. MEGA Blocks available for the younger crowd. Parents or caregivers must be present. •ADULT PROGRAMS IN OYAMA - Personalized Technical Training for your tablet or smartphone. Bring your laptop, tablet, eReader or smartphone for a training session at the Oyama Library! Oct. 30. 2-2:45pm, 2:50-3:35pm or 3:40 - 4:25pm. Registration required. Contact Rita at the Oyama branch, 250-548-3377. •ADULT BOOK CLUB - Join Rita on the first Tues., of each month at 7pm for a lively discussion of each month’s title. Copies of each title will be available in the library. Nov. 3 - Storied LIfe of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. Dec.1 - Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer. •LAKEPUZZLE COUNTRY SENIOR NO. 789 CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd is open Mon.-Fri. 10am-2pm to answer questions about seniors’ issues. We are in need of volunteers to do odd jobs. Our next event: 25.Froster Prime Time is held on the first & third Mon., of the month - call Joanne at 250-766-0667. Have a plaque installed on the Memorial Wall for $20. This is a great place to share with loved ones. the 250-76626.In vicin 4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. ofat 6:30pm. •BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. - Taoist Tai Chi® at the Oyama Community Hall For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. 27.Attains •THE LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY & OYAMA LIBRARY - Knitting circles beginning in Sept. The Oyama branch at 15718 Oyama Rd will have its knitting circle each Tues., night from 6pm-7 28.Japanese pm, beginning r Sept. 15. The Lake Country branch in the Municipal Hall at #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake wine Road will hold its circle on Wed., evenings from 6:30 pm-8 p.m. Starting Sept. 16. Both knitting circles are 29.Reword free, drop-in, & open to any age and skill level; bring your yarn, needles & whatever project you are co working on. 30.Nocturnal •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Meals $9. Take home meals $7 insect & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd, Chair Yoga will be starting on 32.Use rosary Sept. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Monthly rate of $3 per session. Call 250-766-4220 between 10am & beads 2pm Mon., to Fri., or call 250-766-4568. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @nail 35.Small 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. 250-878-2834 for more info. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun 37.Bother for all. Rob, 766-3034 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing nonmedical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. Winter hours starting Sept. 15: open Tues., Wed., Thurs. 11am-4pm. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, © 2015, Penny Press wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots forCopyright hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: 36.Do again ACROSS •LC FOOD BANK - has an URGENT need for men & women63.Have volunteersfor to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only - Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t havedessert to be all 3 days); must be physically 1. Pop’s mate 38.Frontiersman fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the 4. Cut volunteers. See reminder Phyllis MacPherson Carson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 8. 3130Tavern Berry Rd.orders on any of 39.Cruising the days noted. DOWN •CRIBBAGE - Fri., evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a 12.Poison ____ chance of winning $12, $10, or 41.Sins $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun & play. Serving coffee, 1. Average skirt ANSWER TO PU drinks13.Flag & goodiessite $2.50. 42.Moral 2. Above •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 44.Bread andCall 250-766-3387 10am14.Deli to 2pm forspread shopping & donation drop-off. for info regarding appropriate 3. Mimicking donatioåns. whiskey 15.Relaxation •LC LINE DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30ambird in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners grains welcome. room Joy, 250-766-0850. 4. Small branch •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, at the Seniors’ New players welcome. Eunice, 250-76646.Milk type Centre. 5. 16.Audition aim 7pm Dove’s 3982. 48.Storage spot - (COSCO) •THE 17.Amazed COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS is an advocacy group devoted to sound improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate 52.Fan’s hero 18.Baghdad or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or 6. Passageways dweller for info. 55.Big trucks 7. Film spool •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful 20.Graceful trees 57.Summer opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program8. & onStockpile Committees: Communications, 22.Unpleasant Nominations, Health & Wellness Fairdrink & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses), 9. Judge’s field helping to drive. Call for info 778-215-5247 at 58.Nakedor “get connected” 24.Consuming

10.Glance 28.Trailer truck 59.Leg part 60.“A Few Good 11.Grassy layer 31.Deadly 19.Witty saying ____” serpents ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. 61.Silent okays 21.Ponder 33.Third letter CROSSWORD P other ainquiries, please email 62.Find buyer 23.Scottish 34.Takes on For all girl USE AMERICAN or


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Boys and Girls Club gets teen room THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

The Okanagan its Winfi eld location, and a CHAN safe place toSNP come KNOW tion to cooking nuTSNBoys CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO KOMOand A&E and Girls Club’s to a $20,000 hang out. trition and #Lake $ thanks % & _ ( ) * to leadership ` 1 Country will grant RBC The Price IsKnown RBC Boj teamwork. SportsCentre Sugar The from View the Bookaboo Sugar as the Curling The View CSI: Miami :00operation ” Debt/Part ” Monster Right Debt/Part World Poker PAW Patrol ” 10an:30open house hold next Foundation. Teen Rachael Room,Ray it will be The open”houseCursed: to unTour Monkey See KOMO 4 The :00 SC Top 10 Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Open Denis Show features Stefano ” Curling Bucket-Dino week a Gym new area ” Th e room a Restlessopen Tuesday, Wednesveil the News new roomBell willWitch be 11to:30open Noon News CTV News News Noon News ” PAW Patrol The Chew First 48 :00 Hockey THURSDAY, 2015 of the club specificallyOCTOBER flatVancouver screen29, TVCBC with niceKIRO ”News day and Thursdays afheld Nov. 3 at the The OkaHour Now Hour ” Kate and ” ” 12 :30 Lunch designed for teens. comfortable chairs for ter school as the teens nagan Boys and Girls FIFA U-17 Days of our The Social Heartland The Talk Days of our ” Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 :00 TSN Lives CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ” ” Lives ” Leaf Hospital ” 1e:30 Th clubWorld has Cup: opened theDr.teen crowd to ”hang FABLife can utilize the room to Tumble Club inThe Lake CountryFirst at48 of 16: The$ Talk Phil Murdoch The ( Talk Tim ) and Sid Maya Doctors The 1 :00 Round # % & _ * ` Teams TBA ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” ” a brand new dedicatout in as well as a coff ee learn a variety of skills 3130 Berry Road from 2 :30 SportsCentre Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar Curling Boj The View CSI: Miami :00 SportsCentre Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold The Meredith Curling The Doozers Steve 48 ed10 room at The tables, games sports andWorld recrea3:30 to 5:30 ”p.m. The First ” Debt/Part bar, activity ” Monster Right from Vieira Debt/Part Poker PAW PAW Patrol ” :30for teens ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Show ” Patrol Harvey ” 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 8 :00 :00 4 :30 11 9 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 12 10 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 11 :30 1 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 2 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2015 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 :30 :00 FRIDAY, 12 :30 OCTOBER 30, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 :30 11 :00 5 :30 OCTOBER 30, 2015 12 FRIDAY, :00 6 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 2 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 :00 3 10 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 10 :00 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 1 :30 :30 SC Top 10 Hockey Open Gym Games Hockey MLS Soccer: Lunch Playoff:

Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless Noon News News Hour ”

The Dr. Marilyn The Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver

Best Recipes Bondi Vet Stefano Bondi Vet CBC News Dragons’ Now Den

Young Judy & Judge Restless NFL Kickoff KIRO News NFL Kickoff NFL ”

FIFA U-17 Teams TBA World ”Cup: Round of 16: MLS Soccer: Teams TBA Playoff:

Days of our News Hour Lives News CHBC The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang

Heartland CBC Vancouver” News Murdoch 22 Minutes Mysteries Coronation

The Talk Football: ” at Dolphins FABLife Patriots ””

SportsCentre Teams TBA ”” Hockey SC Top 10 SportsCentre Games Open ”Gym MLS Soccer: Hockey SportsCentre Playoff: Lunch ” Teams TBA SportsCentre FIFA U-17 World ””Cup: MLS Soccer: SportsCentre Round of 16: Playoff: ” TBA Teams Teams TBA SportsCentre ””

The Meredith Sugar Heroes Vieira Show Debt/Part Reborn Young & Ray Rachael The Blacklist Restless ” News Noon News Crazy ExHour ” Girlfriend News of Hour News Final Days our CHBC News Late ShowLives Ent Colbert The Talk ET Canada Canada ET ”


Rachael Young & Ray Tour ” ” Curling Restless ” Noon News Early News ”” Hour Nat. Hockey ” Global Days of our NHL ” News Hour Lives ” ” Hockey:


The Talk Ent ” ET Canada


Monkey See Mister Maker Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate Kratts and Wild

KOMO 4 4 Cursed: KOMO The FirstThe 48 News Bell Witch News ” The Chew The First 48 News The First 48 World ”News ”” Ruf-Tweet General4 The First First 48 48 The Water KOMO The Tumble Leaf News Hospital Park ””

Heroes The Meredith Reborn Vieira Show SportsCentre Young The Blacklist Saving Hockey & The Dr.Hope Oz ” ” Games Restless Show ” SportsCentre Crazy ExGet Away MLS Soccer: News CTV News ” Girlfriend With Murder Playoff: ” Vancouver

Firsthand Bondi Vet Bondi ”Vet The National Dragons’ Den ”

KIRO 7Judy Judge NewsKickoff NFL Raible’s NFL Kickoff Scouting NFL

The Blacklist Young & ” Restless Crazy ExEarly News Girlfriend Global Nat.

Sportsnet ” Central Hockey

SportsCentre Teams TBA ” ” SportsCentre MLS Soccer: ” Playoff:

News Final News Hour Late ShowCHBC News Colbert Ent ET Canada ET Canada

News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show etalk Seth Meyers Big Bang

CBC News CBC VanCoronation couver News Rick Mercer 22 Minutes 22 Minutes Coronation

KIRO News Football: Late ShowDolphins at Colbert Patriots Corden ”

News News Hour Late Show” Colbert Ent ET Canada ET Canada

Sportsnet Waterfront NHL The Water Central Cities Hockey: Park Sportsnet The Mighty Canadiens at Waterfront Central Uke Oilers Cities

Teams TBA ”

Heroes Reborn

Big Bang Goldbergs

The Nature of Things

KIRO Post Heroes Game Show Reborn

SportsCentre The Blacklist Saving Hope Firsthand ” ” ” ”

KIRO 7 News


Sportsnet ” Central ”

” Sportsnet

The Blacklist Sportsnet ” Central



The Mighty Mister Maker Uke Creative ” Dino Dan Dreamers Wild Kratts


A&E 1

Scandal4 The First First 48 48 KOMO The News ” ”” Get Away The First 48 News The First 48 With Murder World News ”” News The First 48 KOMO 4 The First 48 Jimmy ” News ” Kimmel Live The First 48 Wheel The First 48 Nightline ” Jeopardy! ”








Carole The MacNeil Exchange CBC News News CBC Now With ”

Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ” Yukon Men How-Made ” How-Made

Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Mike DailyMen Two

Dateline: Say Yes RealYes Life Say Say Yes 90 Day Say Yes Fiancé

Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Con Air”

Dinosaur Great British Dinosaur Baking Show Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Cat Business

New Day KING 5 Northwest News KING 5 KING 5 News News

Andrew The National Nichols ” Power & CBC News Politics ”

Unearthed Fast N’ Loud: ”Demo Airplane To Be Repo Announced

MemoryLoss Anger The Office Mod Fam PaidBang Prog. Big Family Feud Big Bang

Say Yes 90 Day Say Yes Fiancé Say Yes 90 Day Say Yes Fiancé

Crazy”Talk Crazy”Talk

Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour Sesame St. Craftsman’s Cat inUp the Start

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening

How/Made Mayday Overhaulin’ How/Made ” Daily Planet Highway How-Made ” Thru Hell How-Made How-Made Yukon Fast N’Men How-Made ”Demo Loud: The National National To Fast The BeN’ Andrew Unearthed ” Loud: ” Announced Nichols ”Demo CBC News To Be The Overhaulin’ Power & Airplane ” Announced Exchange ” Politics Repo The National Overhaulin’ ” How/Made ” ”” How/Made The National Daily How-Made The Planet ” How-Made Exchange ”

Paid Prog. Steve Bones Pets.TV Harvey ” Paid Prog. Family Feud Sleepy Raising Family Hollow Feud Mike Crime Watch News Two Fam Men Daily Mod

Mod Fam Divorce King Mod Fam Divorce King Big Bang Judge The Middle Big Bang Judge Family Guy Movie: Millionaire Amer. Dad “Con Air” Millionaire Amer. Dad Family Guy Crazy ”Talk Payne Crazy ”Talk Seinfeld Browns Payne Seinfeld There Yet? Browns King Fam Mod King Fam Mod

Inside Sesame The BletchClaridge’s Street ley Circle Great British Dinosaur DCI Banks Baking Dinosaur ” Show World Peg Plus Cat ”News Business Peg Plus Cat Murder PBS Why! Myster. Super NewsHour Movie: Thomas Craftsman’s “The WildSt. Sesame StartinUp One” Cat the The BletchInside ley Circle Claridge’s

Ellen DeGeToday Heroes neres ”Show Reborn KING 5 New Day The Blacklist News ” Northwest KING 5 KING 5 The Player News ” News Nightly News KING News Days of our News Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” Heroes Ellen DeGeReborn neres Show

90 Day Day 90 Fiancé Fiancé

TheBang Middle Big Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Movie: Dad Amer.Air” Dad “Con

DCI Banks Great British Baking” Show World ”News Murder Business

The Blacklist KING 5 News ” The Player KING 5 News ”

Say Yes 90 Day Say Yes Fiancé Paid Prog. 90 Day Paid Prog. Fiancé

Family Guy ” Payne ” Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Seinfeld

Myster. PBS Movie: NewsHour “The Wild Craftsman’s One” Start Up

KING News Nightly News Tonight News Show News Seth Meyers Evening

CBC News Mayday Steve Dateline: Divorce Today It’s a sure sign of the impending of Monday, Oct. 26Sesame after the last tourNow With ” Harvey Real Life Divorce Street ” winter season. nament of the season. Carole Highway Family Feud Dateline: Judge Dinosaur New Day MacNeil parks’ Thrucrews Hell Family Feud Real Life Northwest Lake Country have CrewsJudge have beenDinosaur blowing out the irChucks News Yukon Men Crime Watch Say Yes Millionaire Plus Cat KING 5 been busy CBC winterizing all”of Lake rigation lines since Peg Oct. 19Cat and the Squirrel Now With Daily Say Yes Millionaire Peg Plus News Almost Andrewduring Unearthed MemoryLoss Say Yes Crazy Talkbe Super Why! DaysSeaof our Country parks the last half of washrooms will closed at Jack YTV Nichols NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS Lives KING Sidekick ” The Office Say Yes Crazy Talk Thomas October. ton Park and Coral Beach Park before Wayside Power & Airplane Paid; Prog. Say < Yes Payne Sesame 6 7 9 A NSt. Dr. Phil P Kid Th vs. Kat Politics Repo been closed Family Feud Say Yes 30. Browns Cat in the ” e soccer fields have Oct. Wayside CBC News Mayday Steve Dateline: Divorce Sesame Today Sidekick ” How/Made Paid Prog. Say Yes Mod Fam Inside Ellen DeGeKid vs. Kat Now With ” Harvey Real Life Divorce Street ” for a while and ball parks were closed as Nerds ” How/Made Pets.TV Say Yes Mod Fam Claridge’s neres Show Wayside Kid vs. Kat

Rated A Rated A

Rated A SpongeBob Rated A Turtles Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob

Almost Pumpkins Sidekick Toy Story The First 48 Wayside The First 48 100 Things Kid vs. Kat ”” Bella Steve The First First 48 Wayside Sidekick The View CSI: Miami Great The 48 Funny Home Harvey Nerds ” ”” Kid vs. Kat Pumpkin Videos KOMO 4 4 The First FirstThe 48 Rated SpongeBob KOMO Cursed: A Scandal The 48 Haunting News ” TurtlesA News Bell Witch Rated ”” Haunting News The First 48 Odd Parents The Away Chew Chucks Get The First 48 Wipeout WorldMurder SpongeBob ”News Squirrel With ”” ” KOMO 4 The First First 48 48 Gags Pumpkins News The General Almost News ” Toy Story Jimmy ” Gags Hospital Sidekick Wheel The First First 48 48 Funny 100 Things Kimmel Live The Home The Doctors Wayside Jeopardy! Bella Nightline ”” Videos ” Kid vs. Kat Great The First 48 Funny Home Steve The First 48 Sidekick Pumpkin Videos Harvey ”” Nerds

KNOW KOMO The Doctors Wheel * ` ” Jeopardy!

Tim and Sid Maya Canadiens at Waterfront Curious Oilers ” Cities Ellen DeGe- Bookaboo Grand BoldPrice The Meredith Curling The Doozers The View Boj Big Bang The Nature The KIRO PostIs Sugar Heroes ” Tony Robinneres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol ” Monster Right World Poker PAW Patrol Goldbergs of Things Game Show Debt/Part Reborn Sportsnet son Explores The Marilyn Dr.Hope Oz BondiRecipes Vet Judge7Judy Young & Ray Tour ” Mister Maker The Best Young & Rachael Monkey See Saving Firsthand KIRO The Blacklist Sportsnet The Mighty Show ”Show Stefano Bondi ”Vet NFL Kickoff Restless ” Creative Denis Restless ” Curling Bucket-Dino News Central Uke CTV News Dragons’ NFL Kickoff Early News ” Dino Dan CTVAway News CBCNational News KIRO News Crazy Noon News ” PAW Patrol Get The Raible’s ExSportsnet ” Vancouver Den ” NFL ” Global Nat. Central Hockey Wild Kratts Vancouver Hour ” Kate and With Murder Now Scouting Girlfriend Dreamers CTVSocial News CBC News VanFootball: Newsof Hour NHL ” The Water News-Lisa CBC KIRO News News Waterfront The Heartland The Talk Days our Sportsnet Ruf-Tweet Vancouver couver” News Late Dolphins ” Hockey: Park News--11:30 Coronation ShowCentral Cities ” ” at Late LivesShow” Tumble Leaf etalk 22 Minutes Patriots Ent Talk Canadiens Waterfront Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Mighty Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife The Tim and Sidat The Maya Big Bang Coronation ET Canada Canada Oilers ” Cities Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Corden ET Central Uke ” Mysteries ”” ” Curious Big Bang The Nature Bold KIRO Post Heroes ” TonyDoozers RobinEllen DeGe- Grand The Meredith Curling The Goldbergs of Things Game Show Vieira Reborn son Explores neres Show Designs ThisMinute Show Sportsnet ” PAW Patrol

District crews getting local parks ready for winter




” CBC News The National Now With ”” The National Carole The Exchange MacNeil ” CBC News News CBC Now With ””

Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Turtles Wipeout CBC News News Odd Parents CBC ” SpongeBob ”” Gags The National Pumpkins The National Gags ” Toy Story ” Funny Home The 100 Things CBC News Videos Exchange Bella ”



Say Yes Dateline: 90 Day Say Yes Real Life Fiancé Say Yes Dateline: 90 Day Say Yes Real Life Fiancé 90 Day Day Say Yes 90 Fiancé Say Yes Fiancé Anger 90 Day Mike Say Yes MemoryLoss Mod Fam Fiancé How I Met Say Yes The Office Big Bang 90 Day Cougar Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Big Bang Fiancé Name Game Prog. Family Feud Paid Say Yes Bones 90 Day Paid Prog. Say Yes ” Fiancé Pets.TV Say Yes Sleepy 90 Day Paid Prog. Say Yes Hollow Fiancé Raising Say Yes

Fast N’ News How-Made Mike Loud: Demo Two Mod Men Fam How-Made To Be Mike Fast N’ Anger Announced How I Met Loud: Demo Mod Fam Overhaulin’ Cougar To Be Big Bang ” Name Game Announced Big Bang


Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld



Tony Robin- Great son Explores Pumpkin

The First 48 ”

Funny Home The National Overhaulin’ Videos ” ”

Bones ”

90 Day Fiancé

King King

The Bletchley Circle

Heroes Reborn

The Mighty Uke

The First 48 ”

Haunting Haunting

The National How-Made ” How-Made

Sleepy Hollow

90 Day Fiancé

The Middle Family Guy

DCI Banks ”

The Blacklist ”

The First 48 ”

Wipeout ”

CBC News ”

Fast N’ News Loud: Demo Mod Fam

90 Day Fiancé

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Say Yes Four Say Yes Weddings Paid Prog. Four Paid Prog. Weddings

Family Guy Divorce Payne Divorce Browns Judge There Yet? Judge

Myster. Sesame Movie: Street “The Wild Dinosaur One” Dinosaur

Millionaire Millionaire

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Scandal ”

KNOW KOMO ” Get Away Dreamers With Murder * `

A&E 1







KCTS ” Murder N


SportsCentre Crazy Ex” Girlfriend

Get Away The National Raible’s With Murder ” Scouting

Crazy ExGirlfriend

Sportsnet Central

SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre All for ”One All for One

News Final Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”

News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show

CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Monster Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano

KIRO News The Is Late Price ShowRight Colbert Young Corden& Restless

News Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”

Sportsnet Curling Central MLB Post-. Sportsnet Gotta See It Central Curling

Waterfront Boj Cities PAW Patrol The Mighty Monkey See Uke Bucket-Dino

News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle

The First 48 Nightwatch ” ” The First 48 Nightwatch ” ”

Gags Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Rated VideosA Rated A

The National CBC News ” Now With The Carole Exchange MacNeil

To Be Mayday Announced ” Overhaulin’ Cold Water ” Cowboys

Mike Steve How I Met Harvey Cougar Family Feud Name Game Family Feud

Figure Skating

Noon News Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Now

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

” ”

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Nightwatch ”

Nerds Squirrel

CBC News Now With

How-Made How-Made

Crime Watch Say Yes Daily Say Yes

” ”

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital

Nightwatch ”

Almost Sidekick

Andrew Nichols

Fast N’ Top Cooker Loud: Demo The Office

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

” ”

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

FABLife ”

The Talk ”

Maya Curious

Cursed: The Wayside Bell Witch Kid vs. Kat

Power & Politics

To Be Announced

Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

Payne Browns

Sesame St. Cat in the

Dr. Phil ”

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right

The Meredith Curling ” Sugar Vieira Show MLB Post-. ” Debt/Part

The Boj Doozers Steve The View PAW Patrol Harvey ”

SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Sugar The View Bookaboo ” Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs Debt/Part Monster



” SNP )

Tim and Sid ”

KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”

A&E 1





Say Yes Say Yes




The Player ”

KING News Today Tonight ” Show New Seth Day Meyers Northwest


My Haunted Sidekick Nightwatch Wayside House” Chucks Kid vs. Kat

” CBC News ” Now With

How/Made Mayday How/Made ”

Paid SteveProg. Zoo Clues Harvey

Say FourYes Say Yes Weddings

Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Divorce

Foyle’s SesameWar Street”

Ellen TodayDeGeneres ”Show

CFL All for One Football: All for One

Young & Ray The Dr. Oz Rachael Marilyn Restless Show ” Denis Show

Bondi Vet Judge Best Recipes Young Judy & Bondi Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless

Young & Ray Canucks Maker Rachael Gotta SeeTV It Mister Monkey See KOMO News 4 Restless MLB Central Creative ” Curling Bucket-Dino News Seattle

My Haunted ThunderNightwatch Rated A House” mans Rated A

The Carole Exchange MacNeil

Daily Planet Cold Water ” Cowboys

Paid Prog. Family Feud Say FourYes Pregame Yes Family Feud Say Weddings

Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge

Father Dinosaur Brown Dinosaur

KING 5 New Day News Northwest

BC Lions at Figure Toronto Skating Argonauts ” ”” SportsCentre ” ”” SC SportsCentre SC SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre CFL All for ”One Football: All Oneat SportsCentre BCfor Lions ” Toronto Figure

News Noon News Hour ” News Hour Days of our CHBC Lives News

Dragons’ CBC News Den Now CBC VanHeartland couver” News

Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat. News Hour Days of our Lives ”

My Haunted Nightwatch House” My Haunted Nightwatch House” My Haunted Cursed: The House Bell Witch Cursed: The My Haunted Bell Witch Nightwatch House ” My Haunted My Haunted House Nightwatch House ” My My Haunted Haunted House House Nightwatch

CBC News ” Now With The National Andrew ” Nichols

2015 CrimeWorld Watch Series: Daily Game 3: Top Cooker Teams TBA The Office

CBC News Power & ” Politics

Edge of How-Made Alaska How-Made Highway Fast N’ Thru Loud:Hell Demo Mayday To Be ” Announced

Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes 90 Day Say Yes Fiancé Say Yes 90 Day Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Four Say Yes Weddings Say Say Yes Yes Say Four Say Yes Yes Weddings Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes 90 Day 90 Day Fiancé Fiancé Say Yes

Movie: Millionaire “Road to Millionaire Perdition” Crazy Talk Crazy”Talk Payne” Seinfeld Browns King Mod Fam King Divorce Mod Fam Divorce The Middle Big Bang Family Guy Judge Big Bang Judge Amer. Movie:Dad Amer. Dad “Road to Millionaire

World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Washington Sesame St. Charlie Rose Cat in the

Say Yes Paid Prog. 90 Day Paid Prog. Say Yes Yes Say

Crazy ”Talk Movie: “Road Trip” Seinfeld Payne

Big Bang Paid Prog. Pregame News Mod Fam 2015 World Series: Mike Two Men Game 3: Teams TBA How I Met Cougar ” ”

Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 90 Day Say Yes

Browns King King Fam Mod Mod Fam The Middle Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Movie: “Road Familyto Guy Payne Perdition” ” Movie: “Road” Trip” Seinfeld

Brown War Foyle’s ” Live From Lincoln Father Brown Center World ”News Business Movie: “Doctor PBS NewsHour Zhivago” ” Washington Charlie Rose

Truth DeGeBe Ellen neres GrimmShow ” KING 5 News Dateline NBC 5 KING News KING News TonightNews Nightly News Show Seth Meyers News Evening

CTV News Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” Ent etalk The Talk Dr. Phil ET Canada Big Bang ” ” Security The Meredith The EllenAmazing DeGeTruth Be Race Sugar The View Vieira Show neres Show Debt/Part ” Hawaii Five- Grimm Young & The Dr. Oz 0 ” Rachael Marilyn Restless Ray The Show Denis Show Bones Blue News ” CTV Bloods News ” ” ” Vancouver Noon News CTV News Skating Hour Vancouver SportsCentre News Final News-Lisa Argonauts News Hour CTV News Late ShowCHBC Vancouver ”” Days ofNews our News--11:30 The Social ” Lives ” SportsCentre Colbert Big Bang SportsCentre Ent etalk ET Seth Meyers ET Canada Canada Big Phil Bang ”” The Talk Dr.

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Dino PAWDan Patrol Wild Kate Kratts and KIRO News Waterfront The Talk Ruf-Tweet CBS News Cities ” Tumble Leaf Rick Mercer The Insider Ent ” Sid Coast Murdoch FABLife The Talk Tim and Maya Coronation Ent ET Canada ”” Australia Mysteries ” ” Curious Marketplace The ”” Murder Grand BoldAmazing Security The Meredith The Doozers Gallery Race Truth Be ” Myster. Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar Curling Boj Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Monster Right Five- Hawaii Debt/Part MLB Post-. George PAW Patrol the fifth Hawaii Five- Sportsnet Bondi Vet Judge Judy Young & Canucks TV Mister Maker estate 0 0 Central Gently Best Young & Rachael See It Monkey BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Restless Ray Gotta MLB Central CreativeSee Stefano ” Curling The National Restless Blue Sportsnet ” Dragons’ KIROBloods News Bones Early News 2015 World Bucket-Dino Dino Dan ” ” ” Central ” Den News GlobalNews Nat. Series: Wild Kratts CBC KIRO News Noon ” PAW Patrol Now ” Hour ” Kate and CBC News KIRO News News Sportsnet Finding the CBC VanKIRO News News Hour Game 3: Waterfront Coronation ShowLate couver News Late CBSTalk News ” our Central Teams Cities Heartland The DaysShowof ” TBA Fallen Ruf-Tweet ” ” Lives ”” Tumble Backstage Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Murder Rick Mercer The Insider Ent Coast Leaf 22 Minutes Corden ET Central Coronation Ent ET Canada Canada ” Sid Myster. Australia Murdoch FABLife The Talk Tim and Maya

” SC SC SportsCentre ” SportsCentre CFL ” Football: SportsCentre ” BC Lions at Toronto SportsCentre ” Argonauts ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ”

” Security TruthMeredith Be The Vieira HawaiiShow Five0 Young & Restless Bones News ” News ”Final Late ShowNews Hour CHBC ColbertNews ET Canada Ent ET Canada

” The Amazing Race DeGeEllen neres GrimmShow ” Oz The Dr. Show Blue Bloods ” CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa News--11:30 CTV News Vancouver Big Bang Seth Meyers etalk Big Bang

Mysteries Marketplace Gallery Grand Designs the fifth estate Vet Bondi Bondi Vet The National ” Dragons’ Den CBC News Coronation CBC Vancouver News Backstage 22 Minutes Rick Mercer Coronation


Security Truth Be

The Amazing Marketplace The Amazing Security Race Gallery Race Truth Be


” The Amazing Race Bold ThisMinute Hawaii Five0 Judge Judy Judge Judy Blue Bloods KIRO ”News KIRO KIRO News News Late ShowKIRO News CBS News Colbert Corden The Insider Ent


” Security Truth Be The Meredith Vieira HawaiiShow Five0 Young & Restless Bones ” Early News Global News Nat. Late ShowNews Hour ” Colbert ET Canada Ent ET Canada

2015 World ” Series: ” Game”3: Teams” TBA


”” ” ” Sportsnet Central TV Canucks MLB Central Sportsnet Central 2015 World Series: Sportsnet Central Game 3: Teams TBA Sportsnet Central ” ” ” ”

News The Chew World ”News KOMO General4 News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Last Man Steve Dr. Ken The View Harvey ” Shark KOMOTank 4 News ” Seattle 20/20 News ”News World The Chew


A&E 1

Game Nerds Toy Story Squirrel SpongeBob Almost SpongeBob Sidekick Thunder Wayside Movie: Kid vs. Kat “Coraline” Sidekick ” Wayside Chucks Kid vs.” Kat ThunderBeetlejuice Rated mans A Rated Game”A ” Toy Story Nerds


” 4 News KOMO Jimmy News General

” Squirrel My ” My Haunted Haunted SpongeBob House Game On House SpongeBob Nightwatch Almost Hospital ” The Movie: Sidekick Kimmel Wheel Live Cursed: My Haunted Thunder Nightline Witch Jeopardy! House Movie: The Doctors Bell Cursed: The “Coraline” Wayside ” Bell Witch vs. Kat Last Man Cursed: The Kid “Coraline”

NEWS DISC 7 9 The National Airplane ” ”” CBC News NowNational With The The ” Carole Exchange MacNeil CBC CBC News News ”” CBC News

How/Made Repo Mayday How/Made ” To BePlanet Daily Announced Cold Water ” Cowboys Fast EdgeN’ of Loud: AlaskaDemo How-Made

KAYU ; Paid Prog.

Now With The The National National ”” Andrew Nichols The CBC News Exchange Power” &

How-Made To Be Highway Announced Thru N’ Hell Fast

Daily Mike Game 3: Two Men Teams TBA Top Cooker

Cursed: The “Coraline” Bell Witch ”

The National Airplane ” Repo

Paid Prog. Mike

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Father Brown

Undateable Truth Be

Tank KNOW Shark KOMO ” * ` ” 20/20

My Haunted ” House Beetlejuice

The National To Be ” Announced

Big Bang Big Bang

Say Yes Say Yes

The Middle Family Guy

Live From Lincoln

Grimm ”

CBC News ” CBC News The CBCNational News ” Now With The Asha Exchange Tomlinson ”

News Mod Fam Paid Prog. Mike Paid Prog. Two Men Kids News How I Met Old House Cougar Pregame College

Say Yes Say Yes Cake Boss 90 Day Cake Boss Fiancé Cake Boss Paid CakeProg. Boss Paid Prog. Cake Boss ”

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Break Family SeinfeldGuy Payne Movie: Movie: “Red Eye” “Road Trip” ” Movie:

Center ” Wild Kratts Movie: Wild Kratts “Doctor This Is Your Zhivago” Do-Over ” ” Aging

Dateline NBC 2015 IRB KING RugbyNews World Tonight Cup Show Gymnastics Seth Meyers ” ”

Toddlers & Tiaras

“War of the Worlds”

Backwards Wheat Belly

2015 Breeders’

Announced Daily Planet ” Fast N’ Loud: of Demo Edge Alaska To Be Announced Highway Thru Gold Hell Rush ” Mayday ”

George Gently

Bones ” Fish’n News Real Fishing Late ShowPowerboat Colbert Driving TV ET Canada Noon News Hour

My Haunted ” ” House Wild Kratts College Cursed: The Finding the News My Wild Kratts Football BellHaunted Witch Fallen Jimmy House Mister Maker cont’d: Criminal Murder Kimmel Live Cursed: Room Teams TBA Minds The Myster. Nightline Bell Witch Dogs/Jobs Football Criminal Dogs/Jobs College Minds

” Harvey ” Pig Goat Game On Turtles Movie: Turtles “Coraline” Movie: “Aliens in

Criminal Minds

the Attic” ”

Criminal Minds


The National Bering Sea Issue Gold

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The National CBC News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Now With of Things Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National ” Marketplace ” Help Us Find The National Sunil Tripathi Issue ” The National Issue Mansbridge The CBCNational News The Nature Mansbridge CBC News of Things Help Us Find Now With the fifth Sunil Tripathi Asha estate ” Tomlinson The National Issue ” Marketplace The National ” Help Us Find Mansbridge ” Sunil Tripathi

Roughriders Carnival Eats Corner Gas at Donut Moneytalk

Football: Florida vs.

Carnival Eats NFL Game. Donut MLB Post-.

Hope for Wildlife

Stampeders Income Figure ” Leave-Bryan Skating

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Georgia ”

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Warships ”

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The National Curling: Hockey Grand Slam NHL of Curling: Hockey: The Masters Pittsburgh Gymnastics Penguins at ” Toronto ” Maple Leafs ” NHL Speed Hockey: Skating Calgary The National Flames at Hockey Edmonton Curling: NHL Oilers Grand Slam Hockey: Post Show of Curling: Pittsburgh CBC News The Masters Penguins at Canada’s Gymnastics Toronto Smartest ” Maple Leafs Dragons’ ” NHL Den ” Hockey:

” Changers ” Paid Prog. ThisMinute Off Road Sports Stars Rac. KIRO News Col. Football KIRO News College CBS News Football: KIRO News Florida vs. Steve Raible Georgia The Insider ” Supergirl ”” ” 48 Hours Changers ThisMinute ” Paid Prog. Sports Stars 48 Off Hours Road KIRO ”News Rac. KIRO News KIROFootball News Col. CBS News Scandal College KIRO News ” Football: Steve Raible Ent Florida vs. The Insider

Movie: Fish’n “Rudy” Real Fishing ” Powerboat ” Driving TV ” Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Carnival ” Eats Donut 16x9 Income ” Leave-Bryan Supergirl Movie:” “Rudy” True Fish’nCrime ” Scene Real Fishing ” Dual Powerboat Suspects Driving” TV Global Nat. News News Final Noon News Hour Saturday Hour ” Night Live Carnival Eats 16x9 ” Donut ”

Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts Secrets of Mister Maker the Room Tony RobinDogs/Jobs son Explores Dogs/Jobs Hope for Hope for Wildlife Wildlife Vampires in Warships Venice ” Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Foyle’s War Wild Kratts Secrets ” of Wild Kratts the Mister”Maker Tony Robin” Room son Explores Waterfront Dogs/Jobs Hope for Cities Dogs/Jobs Wildlife Foyle’s Hope forWar Vampires in ” Wildlife Venice

Movie: Fish’n “Rudy” Real Fishing ” Powerboat ” Driving TV ” Noon News CHBC News Hour Global Nat. Carnival Eats CHBC News Donut 16x9 Income ” Leave-Bryan Supergirl Movie:” “Rudy” True Fish’nCrime ” Scene Real Fishing ” Dual Powerboat ” TV Suspects Driving CHBC News News Final Noon News Global Nat. Saturday Hour CHBC News Night Live Carnival Eats 16x9 ” Donut ”

” The Marilyn ” Denis Show The Marilyn It Is Written Denis Show etalk The Social SportsCentre etalk ” CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Moneytalk Figure Figure Skating Skating ” ” Big Bang ” Beetlejuice The Marilyn The Marilyn Denis ”Show Denis Show ” It Is Written The Social ” etalk etalk News SportsCentre CTV News News--11:30 ” Vancouver ArachnoCorner Gas Figure phobia Moneytalk Skating

” ”






” NHL ” Hockey: ” Islanders at MLB Central Devils 2015 World ” Series: Plays/Month Game 4: NFL Game. Teams TBA MLB Post-. ” Curling ” ” ” ”” ” Sportsnet NHL ” Central Hockey: MLB Central Sportsnet Islanders at 2015 World Central Devils Series: Sportsnet ” Game 4: Central Plays/Month Teams TBA Sportsnet NFL Game. ” Central MLB Post-. ”


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Last Man Dr. Ken

The ” Exchange CBC News ” CBC News ” The National ” The National The ” Exchange CBC News ”

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Murder Myster.

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Millionaire Family Guy Perdition” Payne Crazy ”Talk


BellHaunted Witch My House My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House Cursed: The BellHaunted Witch My House

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Loud: Demo How The Office Gold Rush I ”Met Mayday Cougar ” To Be”” Paid Prog. Politics Family Feud The National Announced Airplane Paid Prog. Repo Mike Prog. ” How/Made Paid ” How/Made Zoo Clues The National To Be Big Bang

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Football: Teams TBA

KNOW KOMO ” ” * `

” College Football Football KOMO 4 cont’d: News Teams TBA College Football Football: College Teams TBA Football: ” Teams TBA ” ”” ” ” ” Pac-12 Football Fan Face Off College KOMO 4 Wheel Football News Jeopardy! cont’d: CollegeTBA Seattle Teams Football: News Football Teams TBA Castle College ” ” Football: Crimes Teams” TBA ”


A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E 1

YTV 6 ”




” ”




Fast N’ Loud: Demo Highway To BeHell Thru Announced To Be Gold Rush Announced ” To Be Announced


Fast N’ Football: Loud: Demo Teams TBA


Cash Cab Highway Cash Cab Thru Hell Alaska: The To Be Last Frontier Announced To Be To Be Announced Announced To Be Fast N’ Announced Loud: Demo Fast N’ BeringDemo Sea Loud: Gold To Be Cash Cab Announced Cash Cab To Be Highway Alaska: The Announced Thru Hell Last Frontier Fast N’ To Be To Be Demo Loud: Announced Announced Fast N’ Loud To Be To Be” Announced Announced To Be Fast N’ Fast N’ Announced Loud: Demo Loud: Demo


KAYU ” ” ;

” Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Extra Kids News Pregame Old House 2015 World Pregame Series: College Game 4: Football: Teams TBA Teams TBA ” ”” ” Seahawks ” Paid Prog. ” Two Paid Men Prog. Extra Big Bang Paid Prog. Pregame News Kids News 2015 World Wanted Old House Series: Grand Pregame Game 4: The Grinder College Teams TBA Person Football:of ” Interest Teams TBA ”




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WTBS ” ” A

The Middle Break The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie: Atlanta Eats “Red Eye” King King ” Movie: Candyman “War of ” the Worlds” ” ”” ” Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Burgers Break Seinfeld Burgers Seinfeld Atlanta Eats Community Movie: King Eye” Community “Red King Movie:” Candyman “Minority Movie: ” Report” “War of the ”” Worlds” ”






Total Health- Cup William Martha Wild Kratts Martha Wild Kratts Martha This Is Your Martha Do-Over Antiques ” Roadshow Aging Weekend Backwards News Wheat Belly Empire Total Health” William Poirot Martha ” Martha ” Wild Kratts Martha Moone Boy Wild Kratts Martha Pilchuck: A This Is Your Antiques Dance With Do-Over Roadshow Austin” City Weekend Limits Aging News The Seven Backwards Empire Year Itch Wheat Belly ”


Clangers 2015 IRB Luna! Rugby World Biz Kid$ Cup News Kids Gymnastics KING 5 News ” ” Nightly News 2015 News KING Breeders’ Traveler Cup Backroads ” Dateline Clangers NBC Luna! ” 2015 IRB Biz Kid$ ” World Rugby Kids News Saturday Cup KING Live 5 Night Gymnastics News KING ”News Nightly Saturday ” News KING News Night 2015 Live Traveler ” Breeders’ Backroads


10 4 :30

Football: Night in

Lorna ”Dueck SportsCentre Football: Grand Slam Pets.TV Football: Exhibitionists

OttawaCalendar Joel Osteen Teams TBA October of Curling: 28, San2015 Diego :00 America ” Wednesday, Cash Cab Movie: KIRO News rLake Country RedBlacks Paid Prog. ” The Masters KIRO Chargers at 11 :30 NFL CHBC News Cash Cab “Brave” News 5 :00 :30 at Hamilton Global Noon News ” Speed” Baltimore :00 Football: Nat. CTV News CBS News :00 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2015 Tiger-Cats Hour News Vancouver ” Skating Ravens 12 :30 Green Bay CHBC ” KIRO News

6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 4 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 11 :30 :00 :00 6 1 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 :30 2 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 10 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 # $ % & _ 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 1 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :00 3 9 :30 4 :00 :30 10 :00 11 5 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :00 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015 7 :30 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 :30 11 5 :00 :30 12 :00 6 :30 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015 2 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 3 :00 8 :30 # $ % & _ :00 4 :00 9 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :00 10 :30 11 :30 :00 6 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :00 :30 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2015 :00 2 :30 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 3 :30 :00 4 :30 10 5 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 CFL Packers at Football: Denver Montreal Broncos Alouettes at SportsCentre

Carnival Eats Security Donut Emergency Income Madam Leave-Bryan Secretary

Waking the First Dead Footprints Waking the Australia Dead with Vampires in Warships Venice ” New Tricks Wild ” Australia

Blood &Docs Oil Wildlife ” Rock-Park Quantico News ” World News News KOMO 4 Castle News ” Funny CrimesHome Videos

My Haunted The First 48 House ” Fear: Buried My Haunted Alive House ” Fear: Buried ” Alive Cursed: The ” Bell Witch ”

New Tricks ”

Once Upon a Time

Cursed: The ” The National To Be Bell Witch Top 20 Toys ” Announced

To Be Announced

Sister Wives ” ” The Closer

Masterpiece Broncos Classic 5th Quarter

A&E 1 Fear: Buried

YTV 6 Haunting

NEWS 7 Nepal

DISC 9The Alaska:

KAYU ; News

TLC WTBS < A Sister Wives ”

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

Alive CSI: Miami ” ” The First 48

Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Haunting Haunting Rated A

QuakeEver. CBC News NowNature With The of Things Carole

Last Frontier Mayday ” How/Made How/Made How/Made

” Paid Prog. Paid NoonProg. News Hour

Dead ” Boj The View PAW Patrol Vampires in News ” Venice Monkey See Castle KOMO 4 Champions New Bucket-Dino News ” Sportsnet Tricks Central ” Crimes World Poker PAW Patrol The Chew Tour Kate and ”

” The Cursed: Bell The Witch First 48 ”

Ratedat A the Night Museum Nerds Squirrel

Days of our Lives

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital

Fear: Buried Almost Alive Sidekick

NFL ” Blood & Oil Football: ” ” Teams” TBA Quantico SportsCentre ” ” Cash Cab ” News Cash Cab ” News--11:30 CTV News NFL Overrun Castle Vancouver NFL ” Saving Hope Football: Teams” TBA Once ”Upon a Time ”

Curling: Our Canada Grand Slam Vancouver Alive of Curling: Backstage The National Exhibitionists The Masters ” Movie: Speed CBC News “Brave” Skating Movie: ” Canada’s “Casino ” Smartest Jack” Heartland Grand ” Designs Canada’s Our Smartest Vancouver

” Football ” Night in SportsCentre America ” NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Green Bay SportsCentre Packers ” at Denver

The Good You Know” Wife ”

Blood ”& Oil ” SportsCentre Quantico Cash Cab ” Cash Cab News CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Castle Saving” Hope ”

Canada Backstage Alive Exhibitionists The National Movie: ” “Brave” CBC News ” Movie: ” “Casino Heartland Jack” ”

Once Upon a Time

Canada’s Smartest

Madam Secretary

Madam Secretary

Blood & Oil ”

Canada Alive

The Good Wife

CHAN ( Simpsons

SNP ) Sportsnet

Simpsons Sugar Debt/Part News Final Block Rachael Ray

Central Plays/Month NHL Count Sportsnet Central Champion of

The Good Wife

SportsCentre Simpsons ” Simpsons SportsCentre Sugar ” Debt/Part SportsCentre News Final ” Block SC Rachael Ray SC SportsCentre ” Hockey Lunch

” Paid Prog. Paid NoonProg. News Hour

The National CSI: Cyber ” ” Bookaboo The Price Is Monster Right News News ” CBC News KIRO News--11:30 KIRO The Marilyn Movie: Our YoungNews & Denis Show “Casino Vancouver Restless Castle Face/Nation ” Jack” Scandal CTV News CBC News KIRO News Vancouver Now ”

Cabbie Reporters

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Quantico ” The View

Heartland ”

The Talk ”


The Good Wife



” ” Sportsnet Central

SNP ) ”

Waterfront Wild Cities Australia The Water New Tricks Park ”

Rescue “Air Force Rock-Park ” Jack Hanna My One” Cont’d News Haunted OceanNews Mys. House” World Born-Explore Cursed: The KOMO 4 Fear: Buried Sea Rescue Alive Bell Witch News World of X Funny Home

Games KNOW Videos KOMO Running: Once Upon * ` New York

KNOW KOMO *the Quantico ` Waking Waking the Dead

Blood & Oil ”

Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * ` Steve


Make It Pop Movie: Assembly “The Last Haunting Mimzy” Haunting ” Haunting Night at the Haunting Museum: Night at the Battle of the Museum Smithsonian

My Haunted Make It Pop House Assembly

” A&E ” 1


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The National Yukon Men ” ”

Shop Big Bang

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Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “Spider-

SciGirls Voices

Formula Night in One

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” ”


90 Day Fiancé


” The Closer



NFL Mexican Football: Grand Bay Prix Green

F1 Extraat Packers Figure Denver Skating Broncos ” 5th Quarter


Gymnastics LazyTown KING 5 Formula One Tree Fu Tom News Formula Football One Dateline Night in Racing: NBC America Mexican KING News NFL Prix Grand Up Late NW Football: F1 Extra Bensinger Green Bay Figure Paid Prog. Packers at Skating Denver ” Broncos LazyTown 5th Quarter Tree Fu Tom KING 5 Football News Night in Dateline America NBC NFL KING News Football: Up Late NW Green Bay Bensinger Packers at Paid Prog. Denver


The Guilty ” Sesame

Dateline NBC Today

Street& Scott Bailey Dinosaur

KING ”News Up Late New DayNW

Livin’ ” SteveDream Hoarding: Harvey Buried Alive Cougar Say Yes Paid Prog. Yes Family Feud Say Hoarding: MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Paid Buried Alive The National Alaska: The Mod Fam Prog. ” Last Frontier Raising Prog. CBC News To Be Crime Watch Paid Say Yes Now With Announced Daily Say Yes

There Yet? Divorce Divorce Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Judge Judge Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Millionaire Millionaire

Dinosaur Skinny Gut Vibrant You Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat

Northwest Bensinger Paid Prog. KING 5 News

Diana Swain Airshow ” ”

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

NEWS 7 ”



Say Yes Say Yes





Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

FABLife ”

The Talk ”

Grand Designs Bookaboo Monster Bondi Vet Bondi Our Vet Vancouver Dragons’

The Meredith Vieira Sugar Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Rachael Ray ” Early News

Football: Hockey Lunch Indianapolis

Noon ”News Hour Hour News ” our Days of Lives Ent

Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News

Bold ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judy Judge Judge Young Judy & Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News

ET TheCanada Talk ” Supergirl The Meredith ” Vieira Show Chicago Fire Sugar Young” & Debt/Part Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray News Angeles ”” News Final Noon News NewsShowHour Late Hour ” Colbert Days of our Ent ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Supergirl ”” The Meredith Chicago Fire Vieira ”Show

Big Bang Dr. Phil ” Gotham Ellen DeGe” neres Show Blindspot The View The Dr. Oz ”” Show Castle The Marilyn CTV News ” Denis Show Vancouver News-Lisa CTV CTV News News News--11:30 Vancouver Vancouver Daily Show The etalkSocial Seth Meyers ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Gotham ”” Ellen DeGeBlindspot neres ”Show

Den CBC News Now VanCBC couver News CBS News Heartland The Talk ” ” Marketplace The Insider Coronation Ent Murdoch FABLife Mysteries ” Murdoch Supergirl

Grand Mysteries Designs This Life Bookaboo Bondi ”Vet Monster Bondi Vet The Our National Dragons’ ” Vancouver Den CBC News CBC CBC News VanCoronation Now couver News Rick Mercer Heartland Marketplace 22 Minutes ” Coronation Murdoch Murdoch Mysteries Mysteries Grand This Life Designs ”

Countdown & SportsCentre Young NCIS: Los ” Restless Angeles

The Dr. Oz Castle Show ”

Bondi Vet Judge Judy The National NCIS: Los Bondi ”Vet Judge Judy Angeles

Young & NCIS: Los Restless Angeles

Blue Jays Mister KOMO Sportsnet FindingMaker the CMA 4 Plays/Month Creative News ” Central Fallen

SportsCentre News Final NFL ” Late ShowFootball: ”

News-Lisa CBC News CTV News Dragons’ News--11:30 Den Coronation Vancouver

KIRO News Late ShowKIRO News

NewsNews Early Late ShowGlobal Nat.

Sportsnet Life From NHL Count Dino Dan Central Ash and Ice Plays/Month Wild Kratts

Cursed: The Odd GagsParents CBC The National News The HauntNews How/Made JimmyNews ing BellOf... Witch Gags World SpongeBob ” How/Made

Mike Men Two Men

SportsCentre News Colbert Indianapolis Hour ” ET Canada Colts at ”

Daily News Show CBC Rick Mercer Colbert CTV VanKIRO News Seth Meyers couver 22 Minutes Corden Vancouver News CBS News

Colbert News Hour ET Canada ”

SportsnetTV Warships The Art of Canucks Central Australia Canucks ”

Kimmel4Live The Cursed: The Henry Funny Home The National Ice How/Made KOMO HauntLake Nightline BellOf... Witch Videos How/Made News ing Top 20 Toys Exchange ” Rebels

How I Met Anger Cougar Mod Fam

Peter Popoff Road” Browns My Strange Paid Prog. There”Yet? Addiction

Wheat Belly Nightly Show News PBS Total Health News Seth Meyers NewsHour

Carolina Panthers

etalk Big Bang

Marketplace The Insider Coronation Ent

Ent ET Canada

NHL Hockey:

Wheel Jeopardy!

Cursed: The Stanley Dyn. CBC News Bell Witch Max ”

My Strange Addiction

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Old House Antiques

News Evening

Gotham ”

Murdoch Mysteries

Supergirl ”

Supergirl ”

Philadelphia Australia Flyers at with


Cursed: The Funny Home The National How/Made Bell Witch Videos ” How/Made

Gotham ”

My Strange Addiction

King King

Antiques Roadshow

The Voice ”

This Life ”

Scorpion ”

Chicago Fire Vancouver ” Canucks

The Art of Australia

The Haunting Of...

Wipeout ”

The National Ice Lake ” Rebels

Minority Report

My Strange Addiction

The Middle Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

NCIS: Sugar Los Angeles Debt/Part News Rachael Ray Late Show”

Sportsnet MLB Post-. Central Plays/Month Sportsnet Darts Central ”

Finding the CMA Boj The View Fallen ”” PAW Patrol Life From News 4 Monkey See KOMO Ash and Ice News Jimmy Bucket-Dino

The CSI: HauntMiami ing Of... ” Cursed: The FirstThe 48 Bell Witch ”

Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags A Rated Gags A Rated

CBC CBC News News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil

My Strange Dateline on Addiction TLC My Strange Dateline on Addiction TLC

Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Divorce

I’ll Have Sesame What StreetPhil’s

Ent ET Canada

” Supergirl SportsCentre ” ” ”

Chicago Fire Blindspot ” ”

SportsCentre NCIS: Castle SportsCentre Sugar Los The View Angeles ”” ”” Debt/Part SportsCentre News Final UEFA Rachael Ray News-Lisa The Marilyn Late ShowNews--11:30 UEFA” ” Denis Show

Bold ” ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge Judy Right ” Judge Judy NCIS: Young Los & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News KIROShowNews Late ” CBS News Colbert The Talk The Insider Corden Ent ” FABLife Supergirl ””

Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ”

The National NCIS: LosIs Bookaboo The Price ” Angeles Monster Right CBC Recipes News KIRO News Best Young & Coronation Late ShowStefano Restless

Pacific War- Paid Prog. Say Yes riors: Lore Family Feud Say Yes

Payne Browns

Sesame St. Cat in the

Dr. Phil ”

Canada’s Worst Driver Mayday ” Daily Planet ” How/Made How/Made How/Made

Mod Fam Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang Big Bang Judge Judge Movie:

Ellen DeGeneres TodayShow ” KING 5 News New Day Northwest KING 5

Two Men Crime Watch Addiction Say Yes Daily SayStrange Yes Anger My Mod Fam Addiction Paid Prog. Say Yes TheBang Office SayStrange Yes Big My

“Arlington Millionaire Millionaire Road”

Masterpiece Classic Sesame Street” ” Dinosaur Dinosaur World News Business Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat PBS

Crazy”Talk Crazy Talk Seinfeld

NewsHour Super Why! Thomas Old House

Big PaidBang Prog. Family Feud Gotham Paid Prog. ” Big World Minority Steve Paid Prog. Report Harvey Raising News Family Feud Mike Fam Mod Family Feud Two Men Mike Crime Watch Anger Two Men Daily Mod Fam How I Met Paid Prog. Big Bang Cougar The Office Big Bang Paid Prog. Gotham Family” Feud

Addiction Say Yes Say Yes My Strange Say Yes Addiction Say Yes My Strange Hoarding: My Strange Addiction Buried Alive Addiction My Strange Hoarding: My Strange Addiction Buried Alive Addiction My Strange Say Yes My Strange Addiction Say Yes Addiction Peter Popoff Say Yes My Strange Paid Prog. Say Yes Addiction Say Yes My Strange Say Yes Addiction

Antiques Sesame St. Cat in the Antiques Masterpiece Roadshow Classic Antiques Sesame ” Roadshow Street ” I’ll Have Dinosaur World News What Phil’s Dinosaur Business Roadtrip Peg Plus Cat PBS Roadtrip Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Wheat Belly Super Why! Old House Total Health Thomas Antiques Sesame AntiquesSt. Cat in the Roadshow

Paid Prog. Minority Big World Report

Say Yes My Strange Say Yes Addiction

Seinfeld Payne Browns King Mod Fam King Mod Fam The Middle Divorce Big Bang Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Judge Dad Movie: Amer. Dad Judge “Arlington Family Guy Millionaire Road” Payne Millionaire ” Browns Crazy Talk Seinfeld There Yet? Crazy Talk Seinfeld Payne King Browns King Mod Fam The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy

Daily Planet Paid Canada’s NewsProg. Worst”Driver Raising Mod Fam

My My Strange Strange Addiction Addiction

Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad

” I’ll Have What ”Phil’s

My Strange Strange My Addiction Addiction

Family Guy Movie: Payne “Arlington

Roadtrip KING 5 News World News KING Roadtrip Tonight Business News

” CBC News Now With The Exchange Carole MacNeil CBC News Global Nat. World News ing ” How/Made Noon News The Chew TheOf... First 48 SpongeBob Nerds CBC News To Be Hour ” ” Squirrel Now With Announced News Hour KOMO 4 The Haunt- Henry The National Ice Lake ” Canucks ” News ing Of... Top 20 Toys ” Rebels Days of our World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Fear: Buried Almost Diana Swain Airshow Lives Tour Tumble Leaf Wheel Hospital Alive SidekickDyn. CBC News ” ” Ent NHL Life on the Cursed: The Stanley Canada’s ET Hockey: Jeopardy! Max Worst TheCanada Talk Tim and Sid Reef Maya The Doctors Bell Witch ” Wayside Power” & PacificDriver War” ” Curious ” ” Kid vs. Kat Politics riors: Lore Supergirl Philadelphia Australia Dancing Cursed: The Funny Home The National How/Made The Meredith The Doozers With Stevethe Cursed: The Videos Sidekick Canada’s ” Flyers”at with Bell Witch ” How/Made Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey Bell Witch Chucks ” Worst Driver Chicago Fire Plays/Month Vancouver The Art of StarsView The HauntWipeout The National Ice Lake Sugar Boj The CSI: Miami Wayside CBC News Mayday Young” & Blue Jays Mister Maker KOMO 4 TheOf... HauntSpongeBob The ” Daily Planet Canucks Australia ing Rebels Debt/Part NHL Count PAW Patrol ”” ” Kid vs.” Kat Now With ” Restless Plays/Month Creative News ing Of... Kung Fu Exchange ” NCIS: Los The CBC News Canada’s Rachael Ray Sportsnet Champion of Finding Monkey the See CMA KOMO 4 The HauntFirst 48 Haunting Rated A Carole How/Made Early News NHL Count Dino Dan News The HauntOdd Parents CBC News How/Made Angeles Central Fallen ” ing Of... Haunting ” Worst Driver ” Champions Bucket-Dino News ” Rated A MacNeil How/Made Global Nat. Plays/Month Wild Kratts World News ing Of... SpongeBob ” How/Made News Sportsnet Life From News Cursed: The Gags The National How/Made Noon News World Poker PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 Nerds CBC News To NewsShowHour Canucks TV Ash Warships KOMO 4 The Witch HauntHenry The National Ice Be Lake Late Central and Ice Jimmy Bell Gags ” How/Made Hour ” Tour Kate and ” Squirrel Announced Canucks ” News ” ing Of... Top 20 Toys Now With ” Rebels Colbert Sportsnet The Art of Kimmel Live Cursed: The Funny Home The How/Made Days of our World Ruf-Tweet General Fear: Buried Almost Diana Swain Airshow EntCanada NHL Poker Australia Life on the Wheel Cursed: The Videos Stanley Dyn. Exchange CBC News Canada’s ET Central Nightline Bell Witch How/Made Lives Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital Alive Sidekick ” ET Canada Hockey: Reef Jeopardy! Bell Witch Max ” Worst”Driver The Talk Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ” Wayside Power & Pacific WarSupergirl Philadelphia Australia Dancing Cursed: The Funny Home The National How/Made ”” Curious ” ” Kid vs. Kat Politics riors: Lore Flyers” at with With the Bell Witch Videos ” How/Made The Meredith ” The Doozers Steve Cursed: The Sidekick ” Canada’s Chicago Fire Vancouver Art of Stars The HauntWipeout The National Ice Lake Vieira ”Show Canucks ” PAW Patrol Harvey Bell Witch Chucks ” Worst Australia ” ing Of... ” RebelsDriver





Harvey The View KOMO” 4 News KOMO 4 News News

Sidekick Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Kung RatedFu A Rated A Odd Parents

Power & Politics

Paid Prog. The Office

Ellen DeGeneres Show The View ” Oz The Dr. Show The Marilyn DenisNews Show CTV

Cursed: The Bell CSI:Witch Miami ” The Haunting Of... The First 48 ” The Haunt-

Wayside Kid vs. Kat

Thefifth National the estate” Nepal The Nature Quake- Ever. of Things The Nature The National of Things ” The National Nepal ” Quake- Ever.


Say Yes Yes Say

Say Yes Paid Fam Prog. Nature FormulaA13 One Sister Wives Mod Father America Say Yes First Family ” Racing:

The Talk ”

Monday SportsCentre Night ” SportsCentre Countdown ”” ” SportsCentre SC NFL ” SC Football: SportsCentre Hockey Indianapolis ” Lunch Colts at SportsCentre Cabbie Carolina ” Reporters Panthers Off Record ” Interruption SportsCentre Monday ” Night ”

” Plays/Month NHL Jays Count Blue Plays/Month Champion of Champions NHL Count Plays/Month World Poker Tour Canucks TV


Football: The OT San World 2015 Francisco Series:

The Meredith Vieira Sugar Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Rachael Ray News ”

Panthers Off Record Interruption ”

Maya Curious

The Doozers PAW Boj Patrol PAW Patrol Mister Maker Creative Monkey See Bucket-Dino Dino Dan Wild PAWKratts Patrol Kate and Warships

CBC News estate NowNature With The Asha of Things Tomlinson The National ””

Monday Night SportsCentre ” Countdown ” SC SC NFL

Vancouver The Social etalk ”

Tim and Sid ”

A&E 1

Game “The Last Thunder Mimzy” Bella ” Henryat the Night Stanley Dyn. Museum:

Off Record Interruption

Colts at Cabbie Reporters Carolina


Life on the Reef

the KNOW With KOMO Stars * ` ”

A&E 1

The Haunting Of...

A&E 1


SpongeBob Haunting Kung Fu Haunting



The CBC News Exchange ”



Canada’s Big Bang Worst Driver Big Bang



Canada’s News Mayday Steve Worst ”Driver Mod Fam Harvey Mike Feud How/Made Family Two Men How/Made Family Feud





Family Guy Judge Payne Judge

Evening Dr. Phil ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Today” KING ”5 ” News Blindspot New Day KING ”5 Northwest News KING News KING 5 News Nightly Tonight News News Show Days of our NewsMeyers Seth Lives Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ”” Masterpiece Ellen DeGeAntiques ” Classic neres Roadshow ”Show



Roadtrip Dinosaur Roadtrip Dinosaur


KING 5 Blindspot News ”

KING ” P ”

Blindspot Today ”” KINGDay News New Tonight Northwest

Colbert Noon News ET Canada Hour

Sportsnet of World Poker The PAWArt Patrol Central Australia Tour Kate and

Soccer: Teams TBA

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital

Storage Storage

Almost Sidekick

Diana Swain Canada’s Paid Prog. ” Worst Driver The Office

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

FABLife ”

The Talk ”

Tim and Sid ”

Storage Storage

Wayside Kid vs. Kat

Power & Politics

How/Made How/Made

Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

Payne Browns

Sesame St. Cat in the

Dr. Phil ”

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right

Sidekick Wayside Nerds Kid vs. Kat

” CBC News ” Now With

How/Made Mayday How/Made ”

Paid SteveProg. Eco Co. Harvey

Cake Boss Dateline on Cake TLC Boss

Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Divorce

Masterpiece Ellen Sesame TodayDeGeClassic neres ”Show Street

The Carole Exchange MacNeil

Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made

Paid Prog. Boss Family Feud Cake Dateline on Pregame Family Feud Cake TLC Boss

Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge

” Dinosaur ” Dinosaur

Arctic Ice Lake Rescue Rebels

2015 Boss CrimeWorld Watch Cake Say Yes Series: Cake Boss Daily Say Yes

Movie: Millionaire “Premium Millionaire

World News Peg Plus Cat KING KING 5 5 Business Peg Plus Cat News News

KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”

Maya Curious

A&E 1


The Meredith MLB Post-. ” The Sugar Boj Doozers Steve The View Vieira Show Plays/Month ” PAW Patrol Harvey Debt/Part ”

Storage CSI: Miami Storage ”


Young & Ray The Dr. Oz Rachael Marilyn Restless Show ” Denis Show

Bondi Vet Judge Best Recipes Young Judy & ” Judge Judy Stefano Restless

Young & Ray MLB Mister Maker Rachael DartsPost-. Monkey See KOMO 4 Restless MLB Central Creative ” ” Bucket-Dino News

Storage The First 48 SpongeBob Rated A Storage Chucks ” Rated A

Interruption Champions CFL 30 League

News Noon News Hour ”

Dragons’ CBC News Den Now

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat.

2015 WorldWorld Poker Dino PAWDan Patrol Series: Wild Tour Kate Kratts and

SportsCentre News Hour News Soccer: Days of our CTV The Social ” TBA CHBC Teams Lives News Vancouver ”

CBC VanKIRO News Heartland The Talk couver” News CBS News ”

News Hour Days of our Lives ”

Game 6: Life From KOMO World Poker Ruf-Tweet General4 Teams TBA Ash andLeaf Ice News Tour Tumble Hospital

Off Record UEFA Interruption Champions

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

Murdoch Gags Mysteries Coronation

FABLife The Insider ” Ent

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

Tim and ” Sid ”

SC League SC Soccer

The Meredith The EllenFlash DeGe- Rick Grand NCIS Mercer Vieira ”Show neres ”Show 22 Designs Minutes

Bold NCIS ThisMinute ”

The Meredith NCIS Vieira ”Show

Hockey SportsCentre UEFA” SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre CFL 30 UEFA” SportsCentre UEFA SportsCentre ”” Champions UEFA League SportsCentre Champions ” Soccer: LeagueTBA Teams Soccer Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SC SportsCentre SC ” Hockey SportsCentre UEFA SportsCentre ” ” Interruption SportsCentre UEFA CFL 30 ” UEFA

Young New & NCIS: Restless Orleans Sugar News Debt/Part Limitless ”” Ray Rachael News ”Final Hour News CHBC News Late NoonShowNews Ent Hour Colbert ET Canada Canada ET Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS:”New Orleans The Meredith Limitless Vieira Show ” Young & News Final Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part News Colbert Rachael ” Ray ET Canada

Denis Show

Bondi Vet Young Drunk ” Wolves Bookaboo Dragons’ Monster The National Den ” Best Recipes CBC News VanStefano CBC couver News Coronation CBC News Gags Now Mercer Rick Coronation 22 Minutes Heartland Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Murdoch Young Drunk Mysteries Wolves Grand The National Designs ” Bondi Vet CBC News ” Bookaboo Coronation Monster Dragons’ Rick Mercer Best Recipes Den 22 Minutes

Judge New Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Orleans The Price Is KIRO News Right Limitless KIRO ”News Young & KIRO News News Restless KIRO CBS News Late KIROShowNews The Insider ” Colbert Ent Corden The Talk NCIS ” ” FABLife NCIS:”New Orleans Bold Limitless ThisMinute ” Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy The Price Is Late ShowRight KIRO News Colbert Young & KIRO News Corden

YoungNew & NCIS: Restless Orleans Sugar Early News Debt/Part Limitless Global” Nat. Rachael Ray News ”Hour News ” Late NoonShowNews Ent Hour Colbert ET Canada Canada ET Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS:”New Orleans The Meredith CHAN Limitless Vieira Show ” ( Young & News Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Early News Colbert Rachael Ray Global Nat. ET Canada





Teams TBA

Days of our ET Canada Lives

The Social Big Bang ”

CTV News Vancouver

Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang

The Dr. of Oz Agents Show S.H.I.E.L.D. The View CTV News ” CSI: Cyber Vancouver ” The Marilyn CTV News Denis Show News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News etalk Vancouver Daily Show Big Bang Seth Meyers The Social The Flash ” ” Dr. Phil Agents ” of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ellen DeGeCSI: Cyber neres Show ” The Dr. Oz News-Lisa Show The View News--11:30 ” CTV News Daily Show The Marilyn Vancouver Seth Meyers

SportsCentre News Hour CTV News Champions Noon News CTV News ” CHBC News Vancouver UEFA Soccer: Champions

League Off Record Soccer Interruption


NCISTalk The ””


ThePhil Flash Dr. ””



CBC VanKIRO News CBC News KIRONews News couver News CBS Gags

Heartland Coronation ”

Rick Mercer Murdoch 22 Minutes Mysteries

The Insider

The Talk Ent ”



SNP ) ” ”

Maya Canada Curious ”


News Storage Parents CBC News The Chew The First 48 Odd Chucks World ”News Storage SpongeBob ” ” Squirrel Now With Storage Storage

The Doctors Storage Wheel ” Storage Jeopardy!

KNOW KOMO * `4of KOMO Agents

A&E 1


How Popoff Browns CrimeI Met Watch Peter Say Yes Millionaire Cougar Paid Prog. There Yet? Daily Say Yes Millionaire

News KING 5 News News Nightly News Days of our Lives News

Colbert KIRO News Corden ”


How/Made Ice Lake How/Made Rebels

Say Yes Say Yes Hoarding: Buried Alive My Strange Addiction Hoarding: Buried Alive My Strange

Daily Show Rick CTV News CBC Mercer News Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Vancouver Now


Kimmel Live Cursed: The Chew The FirstThe 48 Funny ChucksHome The CBC News Nightline Bell Witch Videos Exchange ” ” Squirrel Now With


Paid Prog. Big World Steve Harvey Paid Prog. Raising Family Feud Family Feud Mike

SportsCentre Colbert Champions Noon News ” ET Canada League Hour

SC Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand SportsCentre The Sugar The View Bookaboo SC Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs ” Debt/Part Monster

7 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30

a Time Full City Measure Blood & Oil Rescue Marathon ” Jack Hanna Wildlife Docs Quantico Rock-Park Ocean Mys. ” News Born-Explore News World News Sea Rescue Castle KOMOof4 X World ” News Games Crimes Funny Home Running: Videos New York Once City Upon a Time Marathon

Block Movie: The Good Lorna Dueck “How Do Wife Joel Osteen You Know” Simpsons ” Paid Prog. Simpsons ” Noon News News Final CHBC News Hour Block Global Nat. Carnival Eats Paid Prog. CHBC News Donut Paid Prog. Security Income Emergency Leave-Bryan Madam Movie: Secretary “How Do

” ”

NFL Post. 60 Minutes Postgame ” Courage in Madam Sports Secretary

Wild HopeKratts forthe Waking Little Prince Wildlife Dead Little First Prince Waking the Footprints Annedroids Dead Australia Animals Vampires in with Animals Venice Warships Waterfront New Tricks Cities ”” WildWater The Australia Park New HopeTricks for ” Wildlife

CFL Edmonton ” Football: Eskimos ” Ottawa Football SportsCentre Night in RedBlacks ” America at Hamilton SportsCentre NFL Tiger-Cats ” Football: CFL SportsCentre Green Bay Football: ” Packers at Montreal Denver Alouettes at Broncos Edmonton SportsCentre Eskimos

Broncos Madam SportsCentre Secretary

Canada’s Heartland Smartest ” Grand Canada’s Designs Smartest

Thru Hell riors: Lore To Be The Alaska: Announced Last Frontier To Be Men Yukon Announced ” The First 48 Battle Max of the Nepal ” Fast N’ ” Canada’s ” Assembly ” Loud: ” Smithsonian Quake- Ever. Worst Demo Driver The FirstThe 48 Movie:” ” Bering Cursed: The National To Be Sea ” “Shorts” Marketplace Gold Bell Witch Top 20 Toys ” Announced Movie: News Highway TheHaunted First 48 Game ” Pop CBC Firsthand Cash Cab My Make It The National Yukon Men “Air Force Game” CBC News Thru ” ” CashHell Cab House Assembly ” ” One” Cont’d Now With To Be WarThe First 48 Thunder Movie: the fifth Pacific Fear: Buried Haunting Nepal Alaska: The “The Last estate riors: Lore ” Bella Asha Announced Alive Haunting Quake- Ever. Last Frontier My Haunted Mimzy” The Nature To Alaska: Cursed: The Henry Tomlinson Be The ” Haunting The Nature How/Made House ” Dyn. of Things Last Frontier Bell Witch Stanley ” Announced ” Haunting of Things How/Made Fear: Buried Night at the The National Yukon The FirstThe 48 Max ” Fast N’Men Cursed: Night at the The National Alaska: The Alive ” Museum: ”Demo Assembly ””” Loud: Bell Witch Museum Last Frontier ” Battle of the Nepal ” Canada’s The First 48 Movie: Bering Sea Smithsonian Marketplace Quake- Ever. Gold Worst Driver ”” “Shorts” Cursed: The National Cash To BeCab The FirstThe 48 ”” Firsthand Bell Witch Top 20 Announced ” ” Toys ”” Cash Cab

Carnival Eats Sportsnet Security ” Donut Central Emergency ” Income Curling Madam ” Leave-Bryan Secretary ”” NFL Block English PaidGood Movie: ” The The Good Sportsnet Football: Lorna Dueck Premier Program “How Do ” Wife Wife Central San Diego Joel Osteen League Lucky Dog You Know” ” CSI: Cyber Simpsons Sportsnet Pets.TV at Paid Prog. ” MLB Central Chargers Soccer ” Simpsons Central KIRO News Noon News ” 2015 World Baltimore World Poker KIRO News News Final Sportsnet KIRO News Hour Global Nat. Tour Series: Ravens KIRO News Block Central CBS News News Hour Game 5: NFL Post. Carnival Eats Sportsnet Face/Nation Paid Prog. Sportsnet KIRO News Donut ” Teams TBA Postgame Central Scandal Paid Prog. Central 60 Minutes Security ” Courage in Income Curling Emergency Sports” Leave-Bryan ”” Madam Madam ” Paid Movie: ” Secretary Secretary Program “How Do ”” The Good The Good Sportsnet Lucky Dog You Know” ” Wife Wife Central Pets.TV ” MLB Central CSI: Cyber Simpsons Sportsnet KIRO News ” 2015 World ” Simpsons Central KIRO News Global Nat. Series: KIRO News News Final Sportsnet CBS News News Hour Game 5: KIRO News Block Central KIRO News ” Teams TBA Face/Nation Paid Prog. Sportsnet 60 Minutes Security ” Scandal Paid Prog. Central ” Emergency ”

Simpsons ” Simpsons CHBC News News Final Global Nat. Block CHBC News Paid Prog. Security Paid Prog. Emergency

NFL Overrun Saving Hope NFL ” Football: Once Upon Teams a Time TBA

Lorna ”Dueck MLB Premier Little Prince Central Footprints Joel Osteen League Little Prince ” 2015 World Australia Paid Prog. Soccer Annedroids Global Nat. Series: with Noon News World Poker Animals News Hour Game 5: Warships Hour ” Tour Teams TBA Animals ”


Henry Almost Henry Sidekick

The National Be Game 6: Diana Swain To Canada’s Paid Prog. ” Announced TBA Worst Driver Teams The Office

Wayside Game Kid vs. Kat Henry

Power & CBC News Politics ”



How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell


Say Yes Say Yes



KING 5 New Day News Northwest

Rush” Crazy Talk Crazy”Talk

PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas

Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives

Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld

Sesame St. Pépin Cat in the Rick Steves

Dr. Phil News ” Evening

Masterpiece EllenTime DeGeSecrets of Best Classic neres Show the Dead Ever



The Doozers Steve Rise of the The Muppets Storage PAW Patrol Fresh-Boat Harvey Continents Storage

Sidekick ” How/Made Funny Home The National Cold River Nerds How/Made Videos ” Cash

Paid Prog. Prog. Paid Eco Co. Mike

Cake Boss Boss Cake Cake Boss Boss Cake

Mod Fam King Mod Fam King

MLB Post-. Sportsnet MLB Post-. Central Central MLB 2015 World Plays/Month Sportsnet Series: Central Darts Game” 6: Sportsnet Teams TBA Central World Poker Tour ” Sportsnet ” Central World Poker Tour ” ” Tim and Sid Sportsnet ” Central ” SNP Sportsnet ” Central ) MLB Post-. Sportsnet MLB Count Central NHL Central Premier 2015 World Sportsnet League Series: Central

Mister Maker The Sound Creative of Mumbai Boj Dino Dan PAW Patrol ” Wild Kratts Inocente Monkey See Life From Bucket-Dino Canada Ash and ” Ice PAW Patrol Canada Kate and The Sound ” of Mumbai Ruf-Tweet Rise of the Tumble Leaf Continents Maya The Sound Curious of Mumbai The Doozers KNOW ” PAW Patrol Inocente * Mister Maker Canada Creative Boj ” PAW Patrol Dino Dan The Sound Monkey See Wild Kratts of Mumbai

SpongeBob Wipeout Chucks ” Wayside Oddvs. Parents Kid Kat Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Rated A Henry A Rated Gags Henry Gags Chucks Game Home Squirrel Funny Henry Videos Almost Funny Home Sidekick Videos Wayside Wipeout Kid vs. Kat ” Sidekick YTV Haunting Nerds Haunting 6 SpongeBob Gags Chucks Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Odd Parents Funny Home Rated A SpongeBob Videos

Cake 7 LittleBoss Cake Boss Johnstons Dateline on Cake Boss TLC Cake Boss Cake Boss Boss Cake Dateline on Cake Boss Boss TLC Cake Cake Boss Boss Cake Say Yes 7 Little Say Yes Paid Prog. Johnstons Paid Prog. Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes 7 Little Say Yes Johnstons Cake Boss TLC Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss < Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Fat Fabulous Cake Boss Fat Fabulous Cake Boss Paid Prog. Fat Fabulous Cake Boss Paid Prog.

Big Bang The Middle Big Bang Family Guy Divorce Movie: Divorce Amer. Dad “Premium Amer. Dad Judge Rush” Guy Judge Family ” Payne Millionaire Seinfeld Millionaire Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Crazy Talk King Talk Crazy King Payne The Middle Browns Family Guy Mod Fam WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad A Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Payne Divorce Movie: Browns Judge “Premium There Yet?

Game 6:

Life From

Game 6:

Cake Boss


7 Little




Rated A

The National Exchange ” CBC News CBC With News Now ” Carole” The National National MacNeil The ” ” CBC News CBC With News Now The ” Exchange Diana Swain The National ” ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ” ” 7 The The National Exchange CBC News ” Now With CBC News The Carole” Exchange MacNeil

Daily To BePlanet ” Announced Mayday Arctic ” Highway Rescue Thru Hell How/Made To Be How/Made Cold River Announced Cash Ice Lake Highway Rebels Arctic Thru Hell Rescue Canada’s Cold River Worst Driver Cash How/Made To Be How/Made Announced How/Made DISC Highway How/Made Thru Hell 9 Daily Planet Cold River ” Mayday Cash ” Arctic Arctic Arctic Rescue Rescue Rescue

PaidBang Prog. Big Pregame Big Bang Steve 2015 Harvey News World Series: Mod Fam Family Feud Game 6: Family Feud Mike Teams TBA Two Men Crime Watch ” Daily I Met How ” Cougar Paid Prog. PaidOffice Prog. The Mike Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod; Fam Paid Prog. Mike Pregame Steve Two Men Harvey 2015 World How I Met Family Feud Series: Cougar

Family Feud Fat Fabulous Judge

”” Sesame World News Street Frontline Business ” Dinosaur PBS Dinosaur Chef NewsHour Moveable Peg Plus Cat Pépin Peg Plus Cat End Dieting Rick Steves Forever! Super Why! Secrets of Thomas the Dead Sesame St. Cat in ”the ” Masterpiece KCTS Frontline Classic ” N ” Chef ” Sesame Moveable Street World News End Dieting Dinosaur Business Forever!

Noon ”News Hour

World Patrol TeamsPoker TBA PAW Ash and Ice Tour Kate and

The Chew News ”

The First 48 Storage ”

Nerds Henry Squirrel

CBC News ” Now With


Crime Fabulous Millionaire TeamsWatch TBA Fat Cake Boss ” Daily Fat Fabulous Millionaire

Peg Plus Cat KING NewsHour News 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Days of our ET Canada Lives

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General ” ” Jeopardy! Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital

The First 48 Storage ”

Almost Henry Sidekick

Diana Swain Highway ” Thru Hell ” Thru Hell

Paid Prog. ” The Office

Super Why! Rick Steves Thomas

News Hour Ent

NCISTalk The ””


” Sid Tim and ””

News S.H.I.E.L.D. The View News ” City Wicked World”News KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News Jimmy The Chew Wheel” Live Kimmel Jeopardy! Nightline General The Muppets Hospital Fresh-Boat The Doctors Agents ” of S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve KOMO Wicked City Harvey ” ` KOMO 4 News News The View Jimmy ” News Kimmel Live KOMO 4 World News Nightline

Bucket-Dino News






The National To Be To Be Announced CBC News


Fat Fabulous Crazy Talk Johnstons Seinfeld Fat Fabulous Crazy Talk

Nightly News



Days of our Evening Lives

Paid Cake Boss Paid Prog. Prog. Fat Fabulous Mike Cake Boss Family Feud Fat Fabulous Big Bang 7 Little Paid Prog. Fat Fabulous Big Bang Johnstons Animal Atlas Fat Fabulous

King Payne King Browns

The National To Be ” How/Made Announced ”” How/Made

The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam

” The Voice Masterpiece Ellen DeGe” Classic neres ”Show

Limitless Young & Restless ”

Sportsnet Wicked 4City Plays/Month Mister”Maker KOMO MLB Central Creative News ” Central Inocente

Storage The First 48 ” Storage

Haunting SpongeBob Penguins Haunting

CBC News The Exchange ”

NewsProg. Paid Pregame Mod Fam

Cake Boss Fabulous: Extra Cake Boss

Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad

Frontline Empire ”

Chicago KING 5 Fire News ”

Early News News Global Nat. Late Show-

2015 World Sportsnet Series: Central

The First 48 Storage ” Storage

Odd News Yukon Men GagsParents CBC The National Cold River SpongeBob ”” Gags Cash ”

2015 Mike World Series: Two Men

My Big Fat Cake Boss Fabulous Cake Boss

Surrogates Family Guy Payne”

World Chef News Business Moveable

KING 5 News News Tonight

Raptors at News Hour CTV News CBC Mercer VanKIRO News SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Rick Colbert Thunder CHBC News Seth Vancouver couver News Corden CBS News ” ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes

Game 7: How I Met Teams Cougar TBA

” Ent SportsCentre ET Canada

CSI: Cyber The Dr. Oz Show ”

NBA SportsCentre News Final Basketball: ” ” Late Show-

CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation

” ”

Survivor ”

The National Limitless Bondi Vet Judge Judy Judge”Judy ” KIRO News KIROShowNews Late

Dino Dan Canada Wild Kratts ”

News World JimmyNews

Highway Daily Planet ” Thru Hell

News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada

Game 7: Sportsnet Teams Central TBA

Canada The Sound ” of Mumbai

KOMO First 48 Kimmel4Live The Storage News ” Nightline Storage

Henry Funny Home The The National Unearthed Arctic Henry ” ” Videos Exchange Rescue

etalk Big Bang

Young Drunk The Insider Coronation Ent

Ent ET Canada

” ”

The Water Park

Wheel Jeopardy!

Make It Pop Bella


Dragons’ Den

Survivor ”

Survivor ”

” ”

Genghis Khan

The 49th The First 48 Annual CMA ”

Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell

Criminal Minds

Bones ”

Sportsnet Central

Messiah of Foundling

Awards ”

Chicago PD ”

Sportsnet Central

The Maestro and the

SportsCentre Bones ” ”

Criminal Minds

The Romeo Section

SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”

Code Black ”

The National Code Black ” ”

SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation

KIRO News Late Show-

News Late Show-

Sportsnet Central

SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada

Daily Show Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes

Colbert Corden

Colbert ET Canada

Sportsnet Central

The First 48 ”

CBC News ”

Airplane Repo

Secrets of Sesame St. the Dead Cat in the


Wipeout Sidekick ” Chucks

NCIS: New Sportsnet The Meredith ” Orleans Vieira Show Central ”

Funny Home The National Cold Wayside Power & Cold River River Videos ” Cash Kid vs. Kat Politics Cash



Storage The First 48 Storage ”

Agents of Young Ellen DeGeGrand Drunk NCIS: Bold New S.H.I.E.L.D. Orleans neres Show Wolves Designs ThisMinute

The The Muppets Doctors Storage The First 48 Fresh-Boat Storage ” ”


KING 5 The Voice News ” Today KING 5 Fire ” Chicago News ” New Day Nightly News Northwest KING News News Tonight KING 5 News News Show Evening Seth Days Meyers of our Best Time Lives Ever Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGeKING Chicago Fire neres Show ” P KING 5 KING News News Today Tonight ” KING 5 Show New Day News Seth Meyers

The Doozers Sound Agents of The Steve of Mumbai S.H.I.E.L.D. PAW Patrol Harvey

SportsCentre New SportsCentre NCIS: The Meredith ”” Orleans Vieira Show SportsCentre Limitless Hockey Young & Raptors ” Pre. Restless ”

Rise of the Maya Continents Curious


Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage A&E Storage Storage Storage 1 Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage The First 48 Storage Storage


Paid Prog. Say Yes ” 7 Little Family” Feud Johnstons Say Yes


Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes


Wheat Belly Show 5 Peg Plus Cat KING TotalPlus Health Seth Meyers Peg Cat News

BestPhil Time Dr. Ever ”

Life Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog.

” Browns There ”Yet?

PBS End Dieting NewsHour Forever!

Nightly Show News News Seth Meyers

Coach Coach

Seinfeld Seinfeld

SciTech Field Guide

News Evening

Paid Prog. Mike

Late Joy My Big Fat

King King

Earth’s Natural

The Mysteries of Laura Law & Order: SVU

” ”

The First 48 ”

Wipeout ”

The National Yukon Men ” ”

Big Bang Big Bang

Fabulous Life

The Middle Family Guy


” ”

The First 48 ”

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

” Coach

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Brain-David Eagleman

Chicago PD ”

Master The Water

News Jimmy

The First 48 ”

Gags Gags

The National Airplane ” Repo

Mike Two Men

Coach Family Guy Fat Fabulous Payne

Globe Trekker

KING News Tonight

Genghis Khan

Kimmel Live The First 48 Nightline ”

How I Met Cougar

Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?

Deepak Show Chopra-God Seth Meyers

Funny Home The Videos Exchange

Unearthed ”

Highway Thru Hell

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Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years.

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Landscaping Be responsible don’t litter!

Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6’ tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email

Moving & Storage DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282

ROLL ENDS Are Back in Stock!

PACKING PAPER FOR SALE at The Kelowna Capital News. 2495 Enterprise Way

GREAT for the kids to draw on, plus puppy training, gardens and packing for moving. Cleaner Than News Print! $1.50 + up. Talk to the girls in classified to purchase yours.


Merchandise for Sale

Auctions RESTAURANT Equipment Auction House- Oct 25 Brand-New Liquidation Equipment- Oct 26 Stanley Park Fish House, Arby’s, Starbucks -

(1) 250-899-3163

2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Inspire. Perspire.

Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates Jewelry+ Chad 250-863-3082 Local.

Participate in an event to help the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis.

Sporting Goods


HUNTING Season Savings on selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6



MASSON, Pennelope (Penny) 1949 ~ 2015 Penny passed away peacefully in Vernon Jubilee Hospital on Friday, October 16th, 2015. She is survived by Ron, her loving husband for 45 years; son, Christopher (Jenna) of Vernon; daughter, Jennifer (Ben Petrie) of Burnaby; two grandsons, Sebastien and Brody; one granddaughter, Dylan; brother, Tom Oswald of Surrey; and her sister, Alice Hole of White Rock; numerous nieces and nephews. Penny was predeceased by her sister, Marilyn, and her father, Edgar. Flowers are gratefully declined. Those friends wishing to make memorial contributions in memory of Penny may do so to the Canadian Diabetes Association. Cremation. No service by request. Arrangements have been entrusted to Pleasant Valley Funeral Home, Phone: 250 542 4333. Condolences may be offered at

Professional/ Management

Professional/ Management Lake Country

Health Planning Society

Development Manager Position

The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

Lake Country Health Planning Society Part time contract to start immediately Employment Requirements are: • University Degree • Minimum 2 years Leadership experience Employment Expectations are: • Grant writing • Development of Business Plan • Community Development Please submit resume & cover letter to: Deadline: Monday, November 9, 2015 778-214-9343

Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,October October28, 28,2015 2015 A15 A15


EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!



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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Semi-Annual Water Utility Bills due this FRIDAY

HALLOWEEN in Lake Country

Semi-annual water bills for the period July 1 to December 31, 2015 are due and payable before 4:30 pm on Friday, October 30. Payments received after the close of business October 30, 2015 will be charged a late penalty of 5% on the unpaid balance. Please make cheques payable to District of Lake Country. There is an after-hours drop box to the right of the main door of Municipal Hall. Municipal office hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).

Municipal Hall News October 28, 2015 Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200

CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY USE PERMITS Council has been asked to approve a Temporary Use Permit to allow for an advertising sign for the Lakestone residential development. The sign is proposed on a residential lot at the corner of Glenmore Road and Seaton Road. The double sided sign is proposed at 1.2m (4ft) wide and 1.2m (4ft) high overall. A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Permit may be carried on.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

Council has been asked to approve a Temporary Use Permit to allow for the AgriTourism accommodation on the property to be used to house refugees from the Middle East, for a term of up to 3 years. A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Permit may be carried on.

APPLICANT/OWNER: MacDonald Lakeshore Properties /The Missionary Church PERMIT: TP2015-004 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 9460 Glenmore Road LEGAL: Lot A, Section 3, Township 20, ODYD, Plan KAP61252

APPLICANT/OWNER: District of Lake Country/Adams PERMIT: TP2015-006 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 14850 Middle Bench Road LEGAL: Lot 3, District Lot 7, ODYD, Plan 17323 Except Plan KAP69897

Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed permit, the application and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, October 29, 2015 to Tuesday, November 3, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1


Speak at the Public Hearing

Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

October 28, 2015

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