D A Y L I G H T S A V I N G S E N D S N O V. I - S E T Y O U R C L O C K S B A C K
Volume 120 No 44 PM # 400121123
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895
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Borrowing for new fire truck passes
Last splash of colour for the year Patsy Gessey discusses all of the wonderful ways to cook aubergines - aka eggplants - with Georgia Lesley at the last Farmers Market of the year in Lytton. Patsy raises fresh, organic produce, herbs and beautiful cut flowers in her garden plot along the Fraser River near Lytton. Photo: Bernie Fandrich
Medical bussing to Lillooet begins today by Wendy Coomber Ashcroft Mayor Jack Jeyes was pleased to announce to Council that Interior Health had agreed to fund the community bus for a one a week trip to Lillooet so that local patients without a doctor could see one. “The beauty of this,” he said, “is that patients will be seeing one of two doctors who will presumably be coming here in February, so they will be establishing a relationship with their new doctor.” He said he also liked the fact that
it was putting their community bus to good use. The bus only operates three days weekly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Trips to Lillooet are scheduled every Thursday from now until Jan. 21, except for Dec. 24 and 31. “It’s a partial solution,” said Coun. Barbara Roden. “It’s not perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction.” She said their quick meeting with Ministry of Health officials at the Union of BC Municipalities convention turned out beneficial, and having
MLA Jackie Tegart there with them was very helpful.
Cache Creek Council agreed to set up a bus stop of sorts for Cache Creek and area residents to catch the bus at the Community Hall before it heads to Ashcroft. “There may be a need at some point in the future for a room to be open in the hall for people who are waiting,” said Mayor John Ranta. See story on p. 3 for more information about appointments.
by Wendy Coomber The Village of Ashcroft is going ahead with borrowing nearly half a million dollars to buy a new fire truck after the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) failed to gather enough signatures by Oct. 13. Only 47 response forms were filled out: 148 were required to defeat the proposal. “I’m very happy we got that result,” said Coun. Barb Roden. “I think there’s a number of people happy,” added Mayor Jack Jeyes. “That would be a big hit to the whole Village if we do not keep up our fire trucks,” said Counc. Alf Trill. “It would double the insurance rates.” “I agree completely,” said Coun. Al Mertens. “Some people feel it’s a waste of taxpayer’s money. I tell them it’s the cost of doing business. Every municipality knows there’s a 20 year life on fire trucks. Keeping them up to date is the cheapest form of insurance anyone could have.” Mayor Jeyes alluded to the fact that municipalities are governed by rules to provide adequate services to taxpayers when he said, “It’s a decision that was out of our hands.” He added, “But with better equipment, we can be assured that our firefighters are going to come home.” The job ws awarded to HUB Fire Engines and Equipment Ltd. of Abbotsford. “The cost of the Fire Truck, including additional fire hoses, comes to $393,979,” said Village treasurer Yogi Bhalla. “HUB has agreed to waive a downpayment and our payment will occur in two installments.” The first installment will be when the chassis and pump are delivered in approximately five months, and the balance will be paid upon delivery of the completed truck in about 11 months. He said the method of payment “significantly reduces our interest expenses in the first year.” With taxes, the cost of the truck is $421,558. HUB was one of three companies who quoted on the truck. “I’m glad we’re able to go with HUB,” said Roden. Even though the chassis is being built in the US, HUB is based in Abbotsford, “So we’re providing jobs in BC,” she said, “even if they are in the Lower Mainland.”
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Thursday, October 29, 2015 The Journal
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seized two and a 30 day impound for his truck, which was shcroft etAchMent grams of matowed back to Ashcroft. rijuana and two grams of Marijuana seized Wendy Coomber Oct. 22 at 3 pm Traffic Services stopped a hash. There Dodge pickup while conducting a road check was no sign of the driver, a 72 year old Ashcroft man, being under on Hwy 97C between Ashcroft and Logan Lake. Five the influence. The driver and his two passengers were al- grams of marijuana was seized from the driver, a 43 year old Savona man. There was no indication that the driver lowed to carry on. had consumed any of it and he was allowed to continue Impaired driver stopped on his way. Oct. 22 at 11:20 am Traffic Services officers stopped a Ford F-350 on Hwy 11 near Historic Hat Creek Hit and run Oct. 24 a 68 year old Cache Creek man reported a Ranch. Alcohol was noted on the driver’s breath and he was given two roadside sobriety tests, both of which hit and run in the Chevron parking lot. The accident oche Failed. The 19 year old Kamloops man was given a curred around 5 am. There was very little damage to the 90 day immediate driving suspension black Honda CRV, but the damage was noticeable.
Multi-car accident narrowly avoided
Oct. 20 at 4:20 pm police attended a single vehicle accident on Hwy 1 east of Cache Creek. Witnesses report watching the 2014 Honda sedan drift into the oncoming lane, nearly colliding with three oncoming vehicles, before it went into the ditch. The driver, a 72 year old Clinton woman, did not appear to be injured but seemed to be confused and disoriented. She was treated by ambulance attendants before being transported to Kamloops hospital for further examination. The cause of the accident is unknown.
Drugs seized from car
Oct. 22 at 11 am Traffic Services officers stopped a vehicle on Hwy 99 by Historic Hat Creek Ranch and noticed a strong odour of marijuana inside the car. Police
Semlin Valley Golf Club Annual General Meeting Cache Creek Community Hall
Basement Meeting Room
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Winners of the blackpowder shoot
Nov. 2 7 pm
If you are interested in the survival of our golf course please attend this meeting or we won’t have a golf course next year. Organizers Jim Moon and Ken Brown with Top Mountain Woman Judy Marshall.
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Organizers Jim Moon and Ken Brown with Top Mountain Man Taylor Sapergia.
The annual Thanksgiving Black Powder Shoot was held at the Ashcroft-Cache gun range on Oct. 10-11 and was once again a great success. The South Cariboo Sportsman Association’s Shoot drew shooters from every corner of the province with 35 people participating in the shoot this year. A lot of hard work and preparation goes into the process of getting it ready, with most of the work done by a very few. Thanks to Ken and Betty Brown, Letty Hansen, Lorne Rourke and Jim Moon for making it happen. The Outstanding Frontier People this year were Judy Marshall (Top Mountain Woman) from Chilliwack and Taylor Sapergia (Top Mountain Man) from Prince George. Congratulations to both. Events over the two days included Rifle (trail), Smooth Bore (trail), Pistol, Shotgun, Archery, Tomahawk (hawk), Knife, Cartridge and a Quigley shoot. Contestants were awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for each event. The Top Mountain Man and Woman were awarded etched glass take-home trophies and their names will be added to the permanent trophy at the clubhouse. The winners in each event are as follows: Trail Rifle, Ladies
Candace Gregovich of Prince George (Gold), Irene Roggensack of Kelowna (Silver) and Judy Marshall of Chilliwack (Bronze). Trail Rifle, Men Steve Chatt of Maple Ridge (Gold), Justin of Fort St. John (Silver) and Kerry Nielsen of Surrey (Bronze). Trail Smoothbore, Men Ian Marshall of Chilliwack (Gold), Justin of Fort St. John (Silver) and Vance of Kelowna (Bronze). Pistol, Ladies Judy Marshall of Chilliwack (Gold), YVonne Clarke of Chilliwack (Silver) and Wendy of Chilliwack (Bronze). Pistol, Men Neil Hunter of Prince George (Gold), Taylor Sapergia of Surrey (Silver) and Stete Chatt of Prince George (Bronze). Shotgun, Ladies Judy Marshall of Chilliwack, Gold and YVonne Clarke of Chilliwack (Silver). Shotgun, Men Neil Hunter of Prince George (Gold), Tex Mahler of Surrey (Silver) and Taylor Sapergia of Prince George (Bronze). Archery, Jr. Daniel Gregovich, 8, of Prince George (Gold) and Kade, 8, of Prince George (Silver). Archery, Ladies Iris Robinson of Clinton (Gold), Y-Vonne Clarke of Chilliwack (Silver) and Candice Gregovich of Prince George (Bronze). Archery, Men Taylor Sapergia of Prince George (Gold), David Jensen of Chilliwack (Silver) and Chico of 58 Mile. Hawk, Jr. Daniel Gregovich of Prince George (Gold) and Kade of Prince George. Hawk, Ladies Irene Roggensack of Kelowna (Gold), Iris Robinson of Clinton (Silver) and Nicky Bundus of Cache Creek (Bronze). Hawk, Men Taylor Sapergia of Prince George (Gold), Dave Ford of Prince George (Silver) and Ziggy of Chilliwack (Bronze). Knife, Ladies Irene Roggensack of Kelowna (Gold), Judy Marshall of Chilliwack (Silver) and Y-Vonne Clarke of Chilliwack (Bronze). Knife, Men Dave Ford of Kelowna (Gold), Mike Bennie of Nanaimo (Silver) and Paroggie (Bronze). Cartridge, Men Vance of Kelowna (Gold). There was no winner of the Quigley Shoot. A special thank you to all those who participatedk in the Black Powder Shoot this year and a big thank you to all who took part in our Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday night.
The Journal Thursday, October 29, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 3
Discount remains in bylaws by Wendy Coomber Ashcroft Council gave second and third readings to the water, sewer and solid waste bylaws that contain the reduced Senior’s Discount. Advancement of the bylaws stalled briefly after several residents complained about the elimination of the Seniors Discount and Council decided to reduce it rather than eliminate it completely. The Senior’s Discount will remain at 25 per cent for this year and 2016, be reduced to 20 per cent in 2017 with a five per cent reduction in each of the following years until 2019 when it will have been reduce to 10 per cent and will stay that way for the foreseeable future. The bylaws all require one more trip before Council for final adoption. “I feel it’s worth pointing out that the Discount is being phased out slowly starting next year,” said Coun. Barb Roden as Council discussed sewer bylaw 796. “That should give people time to adjust to it.” “In 2018 if I run again for council, maybe we can change it back,” said Coun. Alf Trill who voted against the Discount reduction. “If we never change the 25 per cent Discount,” said Coun. Al Mertens, “We have half the population paying 50 per cent of the rates while the other half pays 67 per cent more. It’s a fee for use and it shouldn’t be affected by age.”
“I think this is a fair way of paying from everyone’s point of view,” said Mayor Jack Jeyes. “Clinton is going to face this same question with their new water treatment plant,” noted Roden as they moved on to the water utility bylaw 797. “Water treatment means higher taxes.” “Just getting our plant set up isn’t going to end our problems it’s going to mean new ones like higher rates,” said Trill. “It’s not a question of making money off this,” said Roden. “It’s receiving the money necessary to keep it operating.” “Since water and sewer fees had not been increased since 2006, this increase is larger than it would have been with a sustainable increase from then until now,” noted Mertens. “I don’t know how much people expect of the Village for waste disposal,” he continued as the solid waste disposal, bylaw 798 came up for discussion, “but some people noticeably have more garbage than others. I don’t know if it’s a lack of recycling or if they just buy more and have more packing to throw out. They should be made aware there’s a cost to disposal.” “The new garbage truck and bins have been working very well,” said Trill. The bins didn’t need to be put out if they weren’t full, said Jeyes, and that would mean less stops for the garbage truck.
Working towards five blooms
Cache Creek Communities in Bloom chair Carmen Ranta (centre) presents the 2015 judges evaluation to Cache Creek Council: (l-r) Councillors Wyatt McMurray and Lisa Dafoe, Mayor John Ranta and councillors Herb Hofer and David Dubois.
Lillooet and bus provide doctor care by Wendy Coomber Beginning today, local residents who don’t have a doctor in Ashcroft can see a doctor in Lillooet, and get to their appointment on the Community Bus. “This is not an ideal situation,” says WHAC member David Durksen, “however it does give us an opportunity to get some of the 800 without a doctor access to one util February.” The clinic currently holds 800 files of local people who used to have doctors in Ashcroft but don’t now. Patients need to call the Ashcroft hospital to make an appointment with a physician in Lillooet. They can call the hospital at 453-2211, ext. 2. Leave a message if there is no answer.
Pitching in with much needed help Interior Savings and Credit Union staff in Ashcroft visited the old elementary school armed with brooms and dust mops for their Day of Difference on Oct. 15. They helped HUB Society members clean up the building so local user groups can move into the space. L-R: Stef and Andrea Walker, Mimi Kopanyas, Ted Schisler, Branda Cahoon, Karma Kubbernus, Susan McLean, Karen Savage, Juanita Little, Sandra Drinkwater, John Savage, Nicole Arnott, Kellie Niessen, Jaqueline Berkey, Jessica Porter, Tracy Andersen, Bruce Walker and Vicky Trill. Front: Carys Walker, Moira and Monique Kopanyas, Mya Walker and Mary Grace Trill.
The service is made possible by the placement of two internationally education doctors in Lillooet under the BC Ministry of Healths new Practice Ready Assessment program. If the two doctors pass the assessment, they are expected to be in Ashcroft by February. WHAC member Ron Hood says there might be a few bugs to work through in the first few weeks of the program that is offering the temporary bussing and the Lillooet Clinic. Patients will be picked up in Ashcroft and in Cache Creek and will be returned to both communities after everyone has been seen by a doctor. Their goal in Lillooet, said Durkesn, “is to help us achieve the same stability here that they have with five doctors.” He said locations like Ashcroft and Lillooet can shorten elective surgery waiting lists at larger hospitals. “Once we get five doctors here our numbers can justify a lot more than currently exists,” he said, “but that also depends on what the doctors want.” Specialists from Kamloops are already going out to Lillooet to see patients, he added. We can just as easily have them coming here. “We’ll know we’ve won when people from Kamloops have to make an appointment in Ashcroft,” said Hood. Durksen said the work won’t be stopping after Ashcroft has its two new doctors. The goal is five, he said. The Wellness Health Action Committee (WHAC) has successfully lobbied for a Project Manager. The manager will help design a regional system to effectively deliver health care to an area that includes Lillooet, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Logan Lake and Lytton. “We’re not sure how it will be funded,” he said, “but it will be in a way that gives us control over it and it will include primary care.” The bus will be in Cache Creek around 10 am and in Ashcroft around 10:45, but check with the hospital. Have your Care Card ready when making your appointment and bring $10 cash for the bus fare. The bus will be taking patients to Lillooet every Thursday from now until Jan. 21 (except for Dec. 24 and 31). Eighteen patients can be scheduled per trip, and have up to 20 minutes with their doctor. If the bus is full, said Durksen, they may look at more trips. He emphasized that this is not a walk in clinic - appointments are needed.
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published by Black Press Ltd. 402 - 4th St., Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, October 29, 2015 The Journal
Ashcroft has no room for the rodeo Ashcroft Council announced its decision this week that there is no land available on the Mesa for the rodeo. The committee approached the Council earlier this year after they were told to move off of the property they’d leased for decades of Ashcroft Rodeos, asking to be granted some of the land that sits overlooking Ashcroft. Council and Village staff looked at the confusing property lines there, trying to distinguish between Crown Land, Village property and the land they’d promised to the school board for some time before announcing their official decision almost six months later. Unfortunately, the answer is “No”. “It’s important that we have land for future development and we are planning to move forward with it,” said Councillor Alf Trill. “The request led to a lot of consideration and review on our part,” said Mayor Jack Jeyes. “In order to position ourselves for the future, I think it’s necessary.” The reasoning is justifiable, although one wonders how stable that land is and why it hasn’t been developed before now if it’s such prime real estate. However, given that the rodeo has such a positive impact on the town and its businesses, I would have hoped that the Council would have been a little more proactive in helping the committee find a new home elsewhere. They have connections that the committee doesn’t have. We’ve already missed one rodeo this year - and we did miss it! It takes a lot of planning to pull off an event that big and time’s a-wasting. If it isn’t already too late for 2016, then it looks like the ball is in Cache Creek’s court. The committee has asked the Village to help them convince Wastech to let them set up on some of their property along the highway. It’s certainly not as nice as the old rodeo grounds were, but anything will do in a pinch. And Cache Creek Council has already said it is unwilling to let the Rodeo leave this area if it can help keep it, for the sake of the local business community. Let’s hope progress is made soon.
MOSS AND LICHEN cover an old knotty board on the side of a cabin on Vidette Lake
More funding for mental health needed Dear Editor Recently I read a document I found online from B.C. Care Providers Association (www.bccare.ca) . There was a graph on page 16 that concerned me. Interior Health Expenditures for Mental Health for 2014-2015 were only six per cent of their total expenditures. Figures for other health authorities around the province ranged from 6-9 per cent. Many mental health conditions can manifest themselves in serious physical illnesses and often those people end up in acute care beds which cost approximately $1,200 a day. It seems to me that if more moneys were allocated for mental health services, less moneys would have to be spent in emergency rooms and for acute care beds, just to name two areas of health expenses. Police costs would probably become less as many times they are called to deal with someone who has serious mental health problems. How many times have people visited emergency rooms with rather vague symptoms, mainly due to having overwhelming feelings of depression, anxiety or other mental health issues and really needing to find a source of support? When people reach breaking points, if they are able to get help, they will reach out for what
is available. Sometimes people resort to drugs/alcohol to deal with underlying mental health issues and treatment for those two conditions make our medical costs soar. Caregivers burn out and become physically ill as they are not able to get the support they need. We are fortunate in having two mental health/addictions support workers in our hospital but they are only 1.5. I am sure if their numbers were doubled, they would find people who would benefit from their guidance and support. Too often, we are also hampered by the idea that having a mental illness is something shameful. I felt that way for years when I suffered from several serious bouts of depression. I was so fortunate in having my doctor send me to an outpatient depression clinic where education, nutritional guidance, group counselling, creative outlets and physical exercise helped us realize we were suffering from a chemical imbalance. If we got help and if we worked towards becoming well, with or without medication, we became healthy again. Please encourage Interior Health to increase the amount of spending they spend on mental health, and please learn to view mental health isssues in a different manner. Marilyn Bueckert Ashcroft
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A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
No response to school name petition Dear Editor Where is the Government when you need them? A letter was sent to the Honorable Minister Fasbender, Minister of Education for British Columbia, copy to our MLA, Ms. Tegart back in late June or early July regarding the renaming of the school in Ashcroft. The same letter was sent to the Honorable Minister Bernier who replaced Mr. Fasbender with a copy to our MLA, Ms. Tegart. This letter was from the petitioners asking the Board of Trustees SD74 to revisit their decision regarding the name given to the Ministry for the newly renovated K-12 school in Ashcroft. To date there has been no response from either the Minister of Education or our MLA. I understand that both are probably very busy and this is a relatively minor matter in their overall portfolio, but an acknowledgement of the receipt of our letter would have seemed in order due to the fact that 648 constituents had appealed to them and asked them to reply to our appeal. A copy was hand delivered to Ms. See LETTER on p. 5 Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, October 29, 2015
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Lots of Hallowe’en events around the area Free Halloween Skating Party
Koppers Ashcroft Inc. and the Village of Ashcroft present the 2015 Halloween Skating Party, Oct. 31 from 2-4pm at the Ashcroft Arena. Everyone is welcome to this free event! Costume judging with Prizes, Free Hot Dogs and Drinks.
Double Halloween header
The Village of Cache Creek presents a Halloween Party and Dance on Oct. 30 with games and actitivies. Concession by Cache Creek PAC. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission by Donation for the Cache Creek Youth Group. The annual children’s Halloween party on Oct. 31 sponsored by the Cache Creek Rec Society and the Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. in the Community Hall. Costume Judging by the Rec Society. Free hotdogs. Weather permitting, the Volunteer Fire Dept. lights up the night with fireworks after the party.
Spooky Stories at the Library
Writer and community member Barbara Roden will be reading/ performing some spooky stories for Hallowe’en at the Ashcroft Library on Oct. 31 from 10:30-11am for ages 3-6, and from 11:15-11:45am for those aged 7 and over.
Skary-Okee Club Crawl
Every Halloween, The Log Cabin in Spences Bridge holds a Skary-okee Party. Co-owner John carves the jack-o-lanterns and the pub is decorated with a fabuNadine lous Hilltop Gardens display of Davenport giant pumpkins, fancy gourds and creativecurrent@ broom corn. telus.net Costumes encouraged and get your best ghostly vocal chords in order for lots of monster SkarySpences Bridge Halloween Fun Okee songs on Oct. 31 from 9pm. The The old Spences Bridge school Log Cabin is located at 4857 Chucker will be the site of a whole lot of ghoulCrescent in Spences Bridge. For more ish fun on Hallowe’en! Join in on the info call (250) 458-2215. fun, games, crafts, wiener roast, and hot The Riv in Ashcroft will also be chocolate from 4-6pm. All ages welholding a Skary-Okee on Oct. 31 with come. Adults - dress up too!!Come Tracie Model spinning and singing. back to the school after trick or treating She’ll help you howl out some ghoulish for the fireworks at 7! Thanks to Cook’s songs into the witching hour. Costumes Ferry, SBFD, SBID, Log Cabin Pub, encouraged - the fun starts at 8pm. Bait’s Motel, for all the donations.
Halloween Mad Hatters Tea Party
UniTea Tea Room will be hosting a fabulous, wonderful, marvellous, delicious, crazy, creepy Halloween Mad Hatter Tea Party on Saturday, Oct. 31. Limited seating so get your tickets! Fingers food (fingers not included - promise). Great hallows eve dance music in a licensed premise. Prizes and Mad Ghoolish Fun for All!! Dress up, be Bold!! And don’t forget your HAT!!
Tegart’s office in Ashcroft and a letter was sent to the Minister of Education’s office in Victoria. The same letters were sent via e-mail to both. I was brought up in environment where common courtesy was to reply to correspondence from others. I realize that times have changed and perhaps that axiom no longer applies, although I see it all the time as people text one another and receive e-mails or facebook postings. I may be old fashioned but I really enjoy letters and cards from friends and family and often receive postings from various groups asking for funding, these sometimes include various political parties which comprise our government. Why do they fail to respond when we appeal to them? The silence is deafening at this time. Letter from p. 4
Call Terry at 250-453-2261 for the best advertising in town or email her at sales@accjournal.ca
Thursday Event Nights are back
Come to Games Night on Thursday, Nov. 5 from 7:30-9:30pm at UniTea Tea Room! They have Board Games, Cards, and and Simple Games for kids of all ages! Bring the whole family, challenge your neighbours to some fun! Music Jam Night at UniTea Tea Room returns on Thursday, Nov. 12 from 7:30-9:30pm. Jam Night is an all inclusive night of song sharing. Bring your guitars, drums, percussion and song books. Call 453-9345 for info.
The issue is not dead until we give up and we must join together to right a wrong. Many people have commended me for my efforts and the letters I have written in The Journal over the past few months regarding this issue. I have travelled to Lillooet and Seton Portage (Shalath) to represent you and now I am asking as many as possible of those 648 petitioners any others interested to join me on the evening of Nov. 3 at the newly renovated school in Ashcroft at 6:30pm. My appeal is to students, parents and all others in the general public who may have concerns regarding the name of the school in Ashcroft. Thank you for joining me in this endeavor. Together I believe that we can make a difference. Mike Baldwin Ashcroft
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Thursday, October 29, 2015 The Journal
Making due with a woodworking obsession WATER MAIN & HYDRANT FLUSHING Please be advised that the Village of Ashcroft will be flushing water mains and hydrants for the month of November and possibly into December (weather permitting). During this period, the water in your area may appear cloudy. If this occurs, running the cold water in your bath tub for a few minutes until it runs clear should clean the lines. Faucet screens may require cleaning if residents notice a decrease in water flow. Residents are reminded that they should clean their faucet screens on an annual basis. Thank you for your patience.
Coming Events
Nov. 1: Daylight Savings Time Ends. Set your clock back one hour. Nov. 3: Zion UCW meets in the Church Hall, 401 Bancroft Street; 2pm. The Inter-Church Bazaar being held Dec. 5th at St. Alban’s Anglican Parish Hall will be the main item of business. Everyone welcome. Come for tea and sweets! Nov. 7: Cache Creek Indoor Market, 9am to 1pm in the Community Hall. Farmers and Fleas welcome. Call 4539587 for information. Nov. 20, 21, 27 & 28: WRAPS will be performing My Fair Lady at the former Ashcroft Elementary School building at 7.00pm, and at 2.00pm on Nov. 22. Admission is by donation; refreshments will be provided. Nov. 28: Seniors Tea at 1 pm in the Ashcroft Seniors Centre on Bancroft St. Dec. 13: Christmas Turkey Bingo, Cache Creek Community Hall. Doors open at 10am Bingo at 11am. The Cache Creek Indoor Market is being held the first Saturday of the month over the winter, except for January.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 30th 6:30 - 7:15 pm SPOOKTOBERFEST $10/plate Perogies, Cabbage Rolls, Sauerkraut, Garlic Sausage German Potato Salad and Rye Bread PRIZES FOR BEST HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!
MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
Soup & Bun for $5.00 served every Wednesday from Noon Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre first, second & third Sundays of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm ~ Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
Williams starts working on a new bowl on his lathe.
by Wendy Coomber Colin Williams says his carving isn’t a hobby - it’s an obsession! Why else would he spend nine hours straight in hiw workshop without noticing that the day has come and gone? Williams took up wood carving in 1993 just after moving to Kamloops. His closest friend, who he grew up with in northern Ontario, was already a world class competitive carver. “He got me into this,” says Williams. “He said, ‘You got to try this’.” His first attempt was a large, finely carved loon. His second attempt won him a first place ribbon in an international show. “There was other stuff in there just as good,” says Williams, “but the judges took out their magnifying glasses and could see that it wasn’t done with power tools. I did that one with a knife and sandpaper. It took over 400 hours to complete.” He says he did three of those timeconsuming ducks and he doesn’t think he’ll be doing any more. It takes too long to finish, he says. “He’s a results person,” laughs his wife, Sandy. “And that’s why I wished I’d been on the lathe sooner,” he says. “Now I can do that in a lot less time.” He’s making bowls out of wood now. He points to a small bowl make of cherry wood on the table. “I started that two mornings ago and finished it in an hour and a half,” he says. He prefers big pieces of juniper but, he says, number one it’s a protected species in BC and hard to get a decentsized piece of wood, and two, “it’s like working with glass.” Try to carve it too thin and it ends up in pieces all over the
made it from a big hemlock burl that was salvaged from Stanley Park over half a century ago after a storm blew down a number of trees. It was given to him by Marina Papais, whose uncle salvaged the wood and gave it to her years later. By the time he started carving it, it was like petrified wood, says Williams. Williams says he used to take his carvings to show his friend in Kamloops every week when he first started. He asked him “What if I mess up?” and his friend replied, “That’s why we start out with a big full bodied loon. The worst you can end up with is a hummingbird!” Another friend back in Ontario has been carving wooden bowls for much longer. Williams would send him pictures of his work and his friend would critique it. Finally the day came when he sent pictures of his latest project, and his friend emailed him back to say “You got it, Bud! You got delicate and you got style. Now perfect it and bump your prices up!” He says he plans to keep making bowls for now. When he makes too many, he gives them away. “The carving - well, I still do the boots regularly,” he says. “but I don’t like to shut the door. When the novelty of this wears off, I’ll get back into carving ducks.” He has to do something to use up his wood supply. “He’s got so much wood outside,” offers Sandy. “Unless somebody’s got big juniper or burl pieces, I don’t want any more wood,” he says. “I’ve got enough wood to last me until I’m 130!” If you’re ever fortunate enough to see his bowls, ask him about Kokum!
floor. He says the nicest piece he has is from Loon Lake. Most of the wood stacked in his backyard is local and some of it is recycled. He salvaged a number of 2x4s a while back that someone had thrown away and carves them into little boots that he sells out at Historic Hat Creek Ranch. But the two best woods for carving, he says, have to be special ordered through specialty shop in Kamloops. One is tupelo and the other is basswood. “Well,” he says, “Bruce Walker was cutting a tree down two years ago in his yard and he says, ‘You got any use for linden tree?’ I said, ‘What’s a linden tree?’ and he says, ‘It’s basswood.’ ‘Really?’ I said ‘I’ll take every piece you got!’ Now I’ve got a backyard full of it.” Every time we go to Ontario we come back with wood,” says Sandy. “This time friends of ours had five big burls.” “White spruce burls,” corrects Williams with a grin. He points to another bowl - a large heavy bowl with a bit of bark still attached. He His international prize-winning duck.
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The Journal Thursday, October 29, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 7
Great turnout cheer on Atoms team
Above: The team listen to Coach Lewis Kinvig’s instructions; Below: Goalie Joshua Adamson during a break in play. Photos Diana Hoggard
CiB asks for urban forestry committee by Wendy Coomber Having trees around may seem natural to most people, but Ashcroft Communities in Bloom feel the Village would benefit by having an urban forestry plan in place. “Urban forestry is well planned and well thought out because it’s important,” CiB chair Andrea Walker told Council at a meeting on Oct. 26. Trees provide shade and greenery, absorb harmful pollutants and “make our village a more comfortable place to live and visit.” There are also “nuisance” trees like the Chinese elm and the cottonwoods that reproduce like weeds and are messy. Walker said a plan could address a tree replacement program where trees such as these would be replaced with more appropriate trees. She said the CiB judges ask about an urban forestry plan every year. In 2012, the local committee made a tree inventory in the downtown area, but the work doesn’t stop there. She suggested forming a committee with representatives from CiB, Public Works, Village staff and Council. “If we do it well, we could save water,” said Coun. Alf Trill. “We could educate the public on waterconserving trees,” agreed Walker. Junipers are good, she said, but many people plant watersucking cedars.
The Ashcroft Knights (Atoms) played Lillooet at our first home game. The players all played really hard and had a great time. Good to see all the smiling faces on the ice. Congratulations to #19 Noah Paulos who scored his first goal of the season at Saturday’s game. We had a great turnout with lots of parents, grandparents and fans who came out to cheer us on. We have another home game next Saturday at noon against Merritt. Congratulations to Erika Ignace who was last week’s “Warrior of the week” and Congratulations to Noah Paulos who is this week’s “Warrior of the week”. Diana Hoggard
The Journal’s Remembrance Day section runs on November 5, 2015 If you have a photo you would like included, please bring it in or e-mail to sales@accjournal.ca by Thursday, October 29th, at 12 noon.
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Musical Director Michelle Reid (left) watches Jim McLean, Nancy Duchaine, John Kidder, and Meladee Sytnick rehearse a scene from My Fair Lady. Opening night is Nov. 20 in the old Ashcroft Elementary School.
Journal Hours Tuesday to Friday, 10 am - 3 pm Closed for lunch, 1-2 pm
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Thursday, October 29, 2015 The Journal
Massive musical undertaking coming together
In partnership with In partnership with
by Barbara Roden “Let’s do a musical!â€? That was the conclusion that the Theatre Committee of Introducing the New Save.ca Mobile Cash-Back Feature. Introducing the New Mobile Feature. With exclusive offers for theSave.ca brands you loveCash-Back & $5 cash-out minimums the Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society (WRAPS) With exclusive offersnever for thegobrands youwithout love & $5 cash-out minimums through PayPal, you’ll shopping your smart phone again! Introducing the New Save.ca Mobile Cash-Back Feature. came to in the spring of 2014, after the group’s last theatricthrough PayPal, you’ll never go shopping without your smart phone again! Get Cash Back in 3 Easy Steps With exclusive offers for the brands you love & $5 cash-out minimums through PayPal, you’ll never go shopping without your smart phone again! al production. In its current incarnation the group has never Cash Back inReceipt 3 Easy Steps 1. Browse &Get Shop 2. Upload 3. Get Cash Back! Get Cash Back in 3 Easy Steps tackled a musical, and the time seemed right to try someBrowse the mobile app Take a photo of your Once you reach just $5, 1. Browse & Shop 2. Upload Receipt Get Cashyou Back! for your favourite brand’s andin submit it 3.the money save will Get Cash receipt Back 3 Easy Steps thing new. The question was: what musical? mobile app 2.Take a photo ofapp your Once youCash reach just $5,your 1.Browse Browse & Shop Upload Receipt 3. Get Back! offers, andthe purchase through the be transferred into for your favourite receipt and submit it the money you save them at any storebrand’s PayPal wallet Browse the mobile app Take a photo of your Once you reach justwill $5, Adopting the unofficial motto “Go big or go home,â€? the offers, and through the app be into your 1. Browse &purchase Shop Upload Receipt 3.transferred Get Cash for your favourite brand’s 2. receipt and submit it the money you saveBack! will them at any store PayPal wallet offers, purchase through the of app beOnce transferred into your Browse theand mobile app Take a photo your you reach just $5, committee decided on a classic: My Fair Lady. But could the at anybrand’s store for yourthem favourite receipt and submit it the PayPal moneywallet you save will offers, and purchase through the app be transferred into your group pull off something so ambitious, so complicated, so . them at any store PayPal wallet . . big? Visit save.ca/cashback to Learn More The pieces began to fall together. Mavourneen VarcoeVisit save.ca/cashback to Learn More Visit save.ca/cashback to Learn More Ryan said she was game to dirVisit save.ca/cashback to Learn More ect it, and Michelle Reid came on board as Musical Director. Sloan Hammond said she’d do the choreography, and Jessica Clement once more signed on as producer. Jim Duncan began working on set to all who supported design for a project that was far grander than anything the group my campaign, had attempted. Members of the and to all those Sage Sound Singers Choir came on board as part of the chorus, and who voted for following auditions in May 2015 Michelle began working with the chorus and with principals Nancy Duchaine (Eliza Doolittle) and John Kidder (Henry Higgins) to get them up to speed vocally. The first read-through in SepOur future is bright! tember enabled everyone to get to “It will be an honour to convey know each other, and then rehearsyour views to Ottawa, and I will als started. Several sessions were serve this riding ding tirelessly. tirelessly.â€? devoted to “blockingâ€? each scene, as Mavourneen determined where characters would enter and exit, and where they’d move to around the stage. It’s a time-consuming LIBERAL MP FOR MISSION-MATSQUI-FRASER CANYON process: one 20-minute scene took 90 minutes to block. (778) 242-4542 • jatisidhu.liberal.ca @jatisidhuLPC Rehearsals have concentrat-
Introducing the New Save.ca Mobile Cash-Back Feature. With exclusive offers for the brands you love & $5 cash-out minimums through PayPal, you’ll never go shopping without your smart phone again!
A heartfelt thank you
Real Change for Canadians.
Jati Sidhu
ed on one or two scenes each night, so actors not involved in those scenes didn’t have to attend. Yours Truly is playing Mrs. Pearce, Henry Higgins’s housekeeper, and all her scenes take place in one setting (Higgins’s study) and feature a handful of actors: Kidder, Duchaine, Jim McLean (Col. Pickering), and Jan Schmitz (Alfred P. Doolittle). It’s easy to lose sight of what else is going on; when I turn up at a rehearsal where the Ascot race scene is being performed. Great Scott! There are close to two-dozen people here I’ve never worked with, going through the scene with practised ease. Things are coming together, and sounding wonderful. The HUB Society has been successful in taking over the former Ashcroft Elementary School, and WRAPS is performing the musical there, taking over the gym and a classroom, the latter used for storage costumes. Janika has started sorting through the costumes, while Margaret is busy fitting everyone and modifying existing costumes so that everyone will look as if they belong in 1912 London, whether it be at the Ascot races or the Embassy Ball. Jim Duncan and his crew of builders have been hard at work: one afternoon Bruce Walker arrives, his pick-up truck loaded with a newly-built tea trolley, flower barrow, steps, and bases for pillars. They’re all unloaded and taken to our storage room, which is now overflowing with props, costumes, and set-pieces. In the school gym the actors are hard at work; we’ve all gone “off book�, meaning scripts are forbidden on stage. The call of “Line, please� is heard more than once. A private sponsor has stepped forward to cover the cost of hiring the Community Bus to bring residents of Jackson House and Thompson View Manor to the matinee performance on Nov. 22, and the Halloween shops in Kamloops are being scoured for gloves, hats, and anything else we can use in costuming. The November rehearsal schedule has come out, and we now understand what was meant when we were told that come November, we belong to the production: there are 13 rehearsals requiring all cast members in the 19 days leading up to opening night. It’s exciting and frightening in equal measures; but we know we’re up to the challenge, and are looking forward to a fantastic show. My Fair Lady opens on Friday, Nov. 20 at 7pm at the former AES, with more performances on Nov. 21, 27, and 28, and a matinee at 2pm on Nov. 22. Admission is by donation.
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The Journal Thursday, October 29, 2015
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Trick or Treating Safety Tips Safe costumes can prevent Halloween mishaps Millions of people celebrate Halloween every year. Borrowed or adapted from a few different festivals that once took place in Europe, Halloween has origins in the Roman Feralia festival, the Celtic summer’s end festival Samhain, and the Catholic All Saints Day. Trick-or-treating is a significant part of the Halloween festivities, but for many people, the real delight is choosing a costume. The right costume is not only one that suits the spirit of Halloween, but also one that’s safe. The Prevention First Organization says that collisions with cars, eye injuries from sharp objects and burns from flammable costumes account for the
Using face paints instead of masks so kids’ visibility is not compromised when trick-or-treating.
most youth emergency room visits on Halloween. Just how does one create a safe costume? Consider these pointers when preparing for the arrival of October 31. • Rely on flashlights and reflective tape to make trick-ortreaters more visible during evening walks. The reflective tape can be incorporated right into the costume design. • Choose hats and face paints in lieu of masks. Masks can block a child’s vision and impede a youngster’s ability to check for traffic. • Ensure that costumes do not drag on the floor, as costumes that are too long can pose a tripping hazard. • Have children wear comfortable, flat shoes to reduce the
risk of tripping or falls. • Make sure children walk on sidewalks and well-lit paths. They also should avoid darting out into the street to run to another home. • Choose soft, flexible costume props whenever possible. Make sure the props, such as swords, are not sharp or too long. • Make sure costumes and accessories are made with flame-resistant materials. • Use glow sticks or batterypowered LED lights instead of lit candles for costumes and decorations. • Trick-or-treat in groups with other parent chaperones so the adults can be extra diligent in their efforts to keep children safe.
Trick-or-treat safely As thousands of children prepare to embark on their trick-or-treating jaunts in neighborhoods near and far, it is best to once again revisit safety tips that can help ensure this Halloween is enjoyable and injury-free. • Visibility: Visibility is key when donning a Halloween costume. Children should be dressed in highly visible costumes so drivers can easily see them. Parents and chaperones also should be dressed in bright colors. Reflective tape and flashlights also make pedestrians more visible to oncoming cars. • Routes: Children and adults should plan their trick-or-treating routes ahead of time. This way they kids can be found quickly if they are separated
from their groups, and parents can choose safe neighborhoods. Choose neighborhoods and paths that have the least amount of automobile traffic. • Walk, don’t run. Trick-or-treaters should stick to sidewalks and only cross the street at intersection crosswalks. Make sure kids know to avoid darting out between cars or cutting across lawns and driveways. When darkness sets in, fast-moving children can be difficult to see. • Visit only lit houses. Residents who don’t want to answer the door will typically leave their homes’ exterior lights off. Only visit homes that are decorated, bright and welcoming to
trick-or-treaters. • Go in groups. Children should go out in groups and always be accompanied by an adult chaperone. • Costume safety: Everyone should wear well-fitted costumes that do not drag on the floor or impede mobility. Choose face paint over masks so that vision is not obscured. • Beware of fire hazards. Keep clear of jack-o-lanterns that are lit by real flames. Homeowners can opt for LED lights or other, safer methods of illumination rather than candles and open flames. Halloween is an exciting day for youngsters, and following a few safety can make the day both fun and safe.
Wastech, co-operator of the Cache Creek Landfill with the Village of Cache Creek, is a proud member of the community. Enjoy a safe and fun Halloween! wa s t e ch . c a
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Thursday, October 29, 2015 The Journal
The ghosts of Walhachin - Fanney and Al Faucault by Esther Darlington MacDonald The Old Cariboo Road that still straddles the alluvial fans from Cache Creek to 20 Mile hill is rife with ghosts from the past. Why, you can’t turn a corner of that road so full of corners that you dared not drive through any of them without your eyes wide open and your senses alert. Anything and anyone could be around that corner from a robber to a sleigh drawn over the snow, for they didn’t plow the snow off the roads in those days like they do today. It may be hard to imagine the goings that went on and on at the road houses along that historic route. Hat Creek House and Ashcroft Manor were bustling bosoms of commerce l a century ago. You may look at the two story frame wood structures today with their long verandas and their simple rectangular lines and see them as simply, benign monuments of the past. But rest assured, that was never the case when your great grandparents were alive. As Chief Historian and Interpretor at Hat Creek Ranch years ago, I had an experience which I could never forget. I would tell you about it to your face over a mug of coffee, but it is better this way, on the printed page. Circumstances, like the time I saw a living legend in the flesh who had been dead a good half century before, and not only saw her, but spoke to her are not incidents that just happen in this changeful life. They materialize forever after.
A division of
The day began with warmth and a clear blue sky. But by noon, clouds gathered in the east and in the north, moving to the west and to the south. In a word, we were engulfed. The world that had been all light and color became a veritable black hole. The wind eddied dust devils across the road. Day had become night. Time had stopped. We stood at the windows looking out on the storm. Debris flew crazily in every direction. Leaves, sticks, hay, weed pods. There was no question of leaving in a storm like this. The skinnier of us would have been blown away. Car doors would not have closed without a struggle, if at all. So we all stood at the windows, wondering how long it would last. Hoping it would be over soon. Suddenly, a stage coach loomed in front of us. “It’s Merv, he’s been out on a ride with tourists and got caught in this,” reasoned one of the staff. We didn’t know that Merv had driven the stage into the livery stable an hour before the storm hit. The stage driver jumped down off the seat of the stage, and two men, utter strangers, appeared from nowhere. “Those hostlers, who are they? We don’t have hostlers here,” someone asked. The stage door opened, and a lady stepped down, helped by the driver. The hostlers released the horses and lead them away to the barn. We opened the door. What else could we do? The wind whipped the lady’s broad brimmed hat with a scarf around
the crown. She held it with one hand, as the driver helped her in. Inside, the lady smiled. The driver removed his hat. We stood for several seconds looking at them, but they moved away from us, into the dining room, quite familiar with the House and its layout. Not a word was spoken. The only sound was the wind whistling through the telephone lines, the house timbers groaning, the windows rattling. We were in darkness, not quite pitch, but dark just the same. “Would you like some coffee?” I asked them both as they sat down at one of the dining tables. The lady doffed her hat, placing it beside her on the table. She shook her magnificant head of dark hair, and turned to us and smiled again. ‘My God,’ I thought, ‘it is Fanny Faucault. The driver, her husband Al.’ “I’d prefer a nip from the bar,” Al replied, rising up from the chair and walking toward the bar room, cowboy boots resounding on the floor boards. One of us hurried behind him to accomodate him, though we knew there wasn’t a drop of alcohol there. Still, we had to keep an eye
on him. “Where is the piano?” Fanny asked, looking around her, apparently mystified. “The piano?” I asked. “We don’t have a piano.” “You don’t?” she asked. “That’s strange, I’ve always played the piano when we stopped on our way to Lillooet.” Meanwhile, Al had disappeared into the bar room. The guide that followed him, suddenly appeared again. He was baffled. “He’s gone,” he said. “Maybe he went out to relieve himself,” one of the guides suggested. “No. He’s gone. Evaporated. Pfft! He’s gone, I tell you!” We all turned to the dining table. Fanny had left too. The wind continued to howl. We stood frozen in our tracks, then the front door flew open. Merv stumbled in. “My God! That’s one hell of a wind out there,” he said, shaking the dust off his hat. “Did you see the hostlers?” I asked. Merv just looked at me, frowning. “The hostlers who took the horses away?” I repeated. Merv just shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, “but I am dying for a mug of coffee.” Note: Fanny Faucault was a Cariboo musician performed throughout the Cariboo for over 50 years. She lived at Walhachin with her husband, Al Faucault, a stage driver and teamster who was a legend in his time. They are both buried in the Ashcroft cemetery.
The Journal Thursday, October 29, 2015
CiB looking for more members
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Gospel Meetings Sundays at 3:30 pm
October 4, 11, 18, 25 November 1, 8, 15 Cache Creek Community Hall Only the Bible and all of the Bible Everyone Welcome No Collection
STRIKING A BALANCE Susan Swan 459-2224 or 2325
countrysquire@ bcwireless.com
Craft Show Well Attended
were asked to guess the correct number. Willie Gallant’s hand painted glassware is always popular at the Clinton The prize was Fall Craft Sale. (Willie is at right) the jar of kissSwan at 250-459-2224 or by een Party for the kids in the es. Lorraine Hystad was the dropping by Country Squire Clinton Memorial Hall belucky winner of the jelly tree Gift Shop in Clinton. ginning at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. contest at Dodi Robinson’s 31. Bring the kids by for costable. Art Show Success tume judging, games, treats, This event was a fundSandi Reed of the Clin- etc. courtesy of the Clinraiser for the Clinton CiB ton Country Artists and ton Recreation Commission Committee. While the mem- Friends Art Show said they (and more specifically Sandi bers were very pleased with were extremely happy with Burrage) and volunteers. the total funds raised, they their art show. Please contact Sandi if you had hoped to sign up new Held in the Legion base- would like to help out. members as well. ment over Friday evening, The reduced number Saturday and Sunday, the CiB Meeting of current members may event was well attended. The Clinton Communmean the group cannot run She said having their ities in Bloom Committee the same events, contests, event on the same week- will be meeting at noon on etc. next year that they have end as the Craft Show bene- Nov. 4 in Council Chamdone in the past. Decisions fited both events as people bers. Anyone who wishes to will need to be made as to went back and forth between learn more about this group whether Clinton even sits the two venues. They were or who thinks they may like out a year in the CiB Com- so pleased that they already to join is invited to attend. petition if more members do plan to do the art show the If more people do not not come on board. Anyone same weekend as the craft join this group hard deciinterested in what the CiB show again next year. sions will need to be made Committee is all about can about the future of Comcontact Christine Johnstone Halloween Kids Party munities in Bloom in Clinat 250-459-2789 or Susan There will be a Hallow- ton. WFP/Dina El Kassaby
The organizers of the Clinton Fall Craft Sale were very pleased with the outcome of the event. A total of 20 vendors plus two displays (Clinton CiB Committee and Clinton Museum) ensured there was something for every taste. And speaking of taste, attendees and vendors alike enjoyed the variety of homemade soups and chili. Most vendors were very pleased with the sale, some even booking tables for next year’s sale. Several shoppers took advantage of the opportunity to pick up some unique gift items or home baking to get a start on their Christmas season. The CiB table door prize gift basket was won by Shar Painter while Wayne Marchant won the ‘Guess the Number of Kisses’ contest. This was a jar of chocolate kisses that attendees
Read Fatmeh’s story here
Sunday Worship 10:50 am
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zuc@coppervalley.bc.ca • http://ashcroftunited.ca
United Church of Canada
Free Flu Clinics Bring your Care Card with you! Get your free flu shot at: Spences Bridge Spences Bridge Improvement District Building 4800 School Street Wednesday, November 4 9 am - 10 am No appointment necessary
Lytton St. Bartholomew’s Health Centre 533 Main Street Wednesday, November 4 11:30 am - 1:30 pm No appointment necessary
Ashcroft Ashcroft Community Hall 409 Bancroft Street Thursday, November 5 9:00 am - 3 pm No appointment necessary
Cache Creek Cache Creek Community Hall 1270 Stage Road Tuesday, November 10 9:00 am - 1:30 pm No appointment necessary
Rev. Dr. Wayne Atkinson - Holy Communion
Flu Information Line: 250-453-1942
• People 65 years and older and their caregivers/household contacts • People of any age in residential care facilities • Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts • Children and adolescents (6 months to 18 years) with conditions treated for long periods of time with Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) and their household contacts • Children and adults who are morbidly obese (adult BMI ≥ 40, child BMI assessed as ≥ 95th percentile) • Aboriginal people (on and off reserve) • All children 6 to 59 months of age • Household contacts and caregivers of infants and children 0 to 59 months of age • Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy during the influenza season and their household contacts • Inmates of provincial correctional institutions • People who work with live poultry • Health-care and other care providers in facilities and community settings who are capable of transmitting influenza disease to those at high risk of influenza complications • Individuals who provide care or service in potential outbreak settings housing high risk persons (e.g., crew on ships) • People who provide essential community services (first responders, corrections workers) • Visitors to health-care facilities and other patient care locations
Free Flu Clinics for Those at Risk
St. Alban’s
501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909
Anglican Church of Canada Fatmeh and her family are among millions of Syrians displaced inside Syria and neighbouring countries. Their outlook is bleak. The World Food Programme is helping them by providing food, vouchers or e-cards to buy food. WE NEED YOUR HELP wfp.org/Syria or text “RELIEF” to 45678 to donate $10.
Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly
Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463 crossroadspentecostalassembly.org
Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome
Seventh Day Adventist Church 409 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC
Pastor Karel Samek 250-523-9086 Join us on Facebook
follow us @WFP
Local contact Reg Andersen 250-453-0090 Worship Service 11:00 am
The flu (influenza) is highly contagious. Getting your flu shot protects you and those around you – at home, school and work. For more information contact your local public health office or visit www.interiorhealth.ca
A12 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, October 29, 2015 The Journal
Protection for people, pets and pit bulls
Do you remember Jarts? If you’re as old as me you might. They were weighted metal lawn darts and a popular game back in the ‘80s when my brother and I would play with them in the back yard. We loved them, but they’re not for sale anymore. They were taken off the market decades ago when a bereaved father went on a crusade to make them illegal after his daughter died from a Jart accidentally penetrating her skull. Although the company that manufactured it had already been court ordered to remove them from toy stores, and they’d repackaged them as an adult game with a warning label, he was still successful in having them banned entirely in the US in 1988 and in Canada the following year. It turned out this game had killed three children in total. Kids have been killed by pit bulls 54 times that amount since then, so why haven’t they been banned? 163 children have died and for most of these youngsters, the deaths have been torturous and gruesome, often with
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com body parts being torn off during savage maulings that are sometimes described by first responders and medical staff as “feeding frenzies.” Far more common than the tragic fatalities are the multitude of vicious attacks that result in disfigurements and life altering injuries that can leave victims and their families with ever-lasting emotional trauma and financial ruin. Despite all this death and destruction on children, these dogs aren’t just still on the market, they are being pushed onto the public and deceitfully promoted as safe family pets by many shelters, rescues, dog experts and pit bull fanatics. I can’t tell you how many online images I’ve seen of babies
and kids hugging, riding and kissing pit bulls with the utterly false message that “it’s all how you raise them.” In addition to the 163 fatal attacks on children since 1988, there have been at least 148 on adults, many of them elderly. There are also tens of thousands of animals killed by them every year. Pit bulls only make up for 6% of the dog population yet they’re responsible for more of this ghastly devastation than all other dogs combined. No other breed comes close. Does this mean pit bulls are bad? Of course not. Aside from the fact that most of them don’t attack, blaming the pit bulls that do is like blaming a pet lion cub for growing up and killing a person or animal.
They’re just doing what they’re born to do. It’s genetics. Blame should be placed entirely on human beings. Dogmen have been breeding pit bulls for hundreds of years for blood sport. Killing is their heritage, it’s their purpose, and that’s why the modern day illegal dog fighters prefer them over any other breed. It’s also why a well-raised, much-loved pit bull with responsible owners can suddenly attack and kill, completely unprovoked. When dog fighting was outlawed the breeding of pit bulls should have been too. Unfortunately common sense did not prevail and in 2007 after NFL player Michael Vick was convicted on dog fighting charges and the story made national headlines, animal shelters, rescues and humane societies intensified their pit bull advocacy. Since that year there has been a 773% rise in fatal and disfiguring pit bull attacks. The first National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day is on October 24th – a day to honor
November • Week 1 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Creativity will help you achieve much this week, but it’s also important to maintain a practical outlook. These two factors combine for a greater measure of success. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Romance is on your mind this week and you have to find a way to fit it prominently in your agenda, Taurus. If you have been busy lately, slow down to spend time with a loved one. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Home may feel like a personal retreat after the last few weeks you have been experiencing, Gemini. If you need rest, take it. It’s not a sign of slacking off. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 This week you are bogged down by menial tasks and hope that something more exciting will come your way, Gemini. If you play your cards right, the weekend could be a blast. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, a financial boost may compel you to go on a spending spree. Just be sure you keep track of those purchases so you do not go overboard. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, your confidence peaks this week and you take a leap of faith in a new arena. It may be a new job or a thrilling hobby. Travel is another option that may require bravery. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, mingling can bring out the best in you, so get out there this week as much as you can. Show off your people skills and converse with people from various walks of life. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, this may be the best your social life has been in a long time. If you have opportunities, try moving in different social circles by joining clubs or becoming part of a volunteer group. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, your desire for adventure could soon see you booking a cruise or taking a trip around the world. For now, there’s plenty to keep you occupied at home and work. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, explore new avenues in your life, even if it makes you feel a little nervous to branch out. You might be surprised with what you find if you give things a try. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, research all of your options before making a big decision. Figure out the details before you make any changes that could have long-term effects. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Try to exercise more vigorously and regularly this week, Pisces. Not only is it good for your body, it’s good for relieving stress.
all those who have suffered and died because the breeding of pit bulls continued when it should have stopped. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has joined forces with a coalition of over 50 non-profit organizations, websites and social media groups in the United States and Canada calling for public safety and animal welfare in their promotion of BSL (breed specific legislation) for pit bull type dogs. The reason pit bulls are being singled out is they are disproportionately responsible for the majority of fatal and serious attacks, and they are the number one breed admitted to most animal shelters. BSL incorporates mandatory spay and neutering as well as stronger regulations for pit bull owners to protect the public. These can include muzzles,
short leashes, warning signs, fencing requirements, special training, extra liability insurance, no access to dog parks and sometimes an outright ban on owning them with existing pets being grandfathered. Like all the victim and public safety advocates, PETA is getting clobbered online for this alliance and accused of being pit bull haters. Nothing could be further from the truth. Pit bulls are also victims as they are the most abused, neglected and abandoned dogs, subjected to horrendous living conditions and often forced into dog fighting and breeding with the use of barbaric rape stands. They are filling up shelters across the US and Canada with over a million of them getting euthanized every year. BSL would protect them from such an appalling fate. It would also
rescue so many of the safer more adoptable breeds that get euthanized because the shelters are over capacity. PETA couldn’t possibly be considered animal lovers if they knowingly turned a blind eye to this pit bull crisis. No birth equals no kill and BSL works everywhere it’s enforced. It’s time to turn things around, put an end to the madness and start protecting the victims and promoting the adoption of pets that won’t kill us. To see some of the victims and read some of their stories please: National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day on Facebook For more information please visit: NationalPitBullVictimAwarenessDay.org Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at LoriWelbourne.com
The Journal Thursday, October 29, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 13
Poppies bloom in November with a little help Marigolds clothed in hue of gold and orange, the scent of the orchard, the aroma of burning wood...these are the pleasures that spice up autumn. - Diamond Carter Days to note: Nov. 1 - Daylight Saving Time ends; and Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day. The poppy has stood as the official symbol of Canada’s Remembrance day since 1921, a visual reminder of all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for war. Poppies and fallen soldiers have a long history together. The origins of the flower can be traced back to the Napoleonic wars in France. Many observers and writers describe how poppies grew so thickly and valiantly over these graves in soil that once could not produce much vegetation. When John McCrae served in World War I as a Lt. Colonel, he was stationed near Ypres, Belgium, the area traditionally called Flanders. He observed how poppies grew so well among the makeshift graves of the soldiers which were marked by wooden crosses. When McCrae lost a fellow soldier and close friend, he penned a poem called “In Flanders Fields” and portrayed the picture of war and the poppy flower. To this day McCrae’s poem remains among the most memorable war poems ever written. It also paved the way for the poppy flower to be one of the most recognized symbols of wartime remembrance. Thousands of poppies are placed on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and Remembrance Day participants wear poppies on their lapels. On Nov. 11 plan to attend Clinton’s Remembrance Day Service to honor the veterans and those lost in wars in
ROCKIN’ & TALKIN’ Clinton Seniors Association Zee Chevalier the Clinton Memorial Hall at 11am and you’ll no doubt hear the poem In Flanders Fields Clinton Seniors Association Marketplace is on Nov. 7 at the Clinton Memorial Hall from 10am to 2pm. It is much more than a Flea Market. Many vendors are there for your shopping pleasure offering home baking, new and used items, Christmas decorations and gifts, a food concession, raffles, and more. To book a table call 459-2339. Colleen Thom, RN, FCN will hold the Foot Clinic on Nov. 13 and 14. To discuss your foot care needs or to book an appointment call her at 250-8191632. If you’re reading this, Laurie H., you are missed and we hope that you are enjoying your new surroundings. This month we’ll talk about SelfCare. What exactly does self care mean? Self care is care provided “for you, by you”. It’s about identifying your own needs and taking steps to meet them. It is taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you. Self care is about taking proper care of yourself and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others. It is the act of taking care of yourself and leads to a satisfying, healthy life. When we care for ourselves consciously and purposefully, we naturally start to care for others in a more effective way. Only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others.
Caring for yourself is one of the most important things you can do for yourself but it is also one of the easiest things to forget. Nurturing ourselves requires patience and commitment. Self care is important for women who spend most of their lives nurturing others. When we find ourselves focusing more on others than on ourselves, we become worn out, stressed out and run down. If you spend time helping and caring for others, it is very easy to neglect your own needs. So much of our time and effort goes to caring for our partners, children, pets, friends, family members, employees, etc. Add to that the many volunteer activities, errands, housework, meetings, family events, etc. and there isn’t much time left over caring for ourselves. Women need to balance the stress and activity of daily life with activities that that bring a sense of peace and well-being to their minds and bodies. Women who fail to see to their own needs often become unhappy, have low self esteem and feel resentment. Practicing self care doesn’t have to cost much. In fact there are many things that you can do that are free or very affordable. To start you off - sit outside and listen to the birds. Make sure you are eating a well balanced diet, getting enough sleep and some regular exercise. Listen to music you enjoy. Try journaling, try yoga, read, plant a garden...get the idea? Self care is about self love. Be present in the moment rather than thinking about what is next. Know your limits. Listen to your body. Take responsibility for your choices. Take on tasks because you want to. Don’t give up - change takes practice!
Area Christmas Hampers looking for support
If you are a local, non-profit group, post your events on The Journal’s online COMMUNITY CALENDAR www.ash-cache-journal.com/calendar/ submit/ and fill in the blanks.
Public Notification Drilling and Rock Blasting Drilling and rock blasting will be taking place at the Cache Creek Landfill Extension from September 21 to November 2, 2015. There may be some limited traffic restrictions along the Cornwall Forest Service Road during this time. Please contact community@belkorp.com if you have any questions.
Pollard, Verna It is with heavy hearts, we announce the sudden passing of Verna Mae Pollard, mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother, on October 5, 2015 at the age of 80. Surrounded by her family, Verna left this world peacefully. Verna is survived by her children; Beverly French (Les), Michael Pollard (Joyce), Gary Pollard, and Bill Pollard (Jennifer). Also left to grieve are her 9 grandchildren; Alison, Doug, Michael, Bobbi-Jo, Tom, Nick, Brittany, Kristy and Luke plus l2 great-grandchildren and 2 more on the way. Numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, sisters in-law, brothers in-law and many, many friends mourn her loss as well. Verna was predeceased by her husband, Bruce, the love of her life, in February of 2014. Verna was born in Alexis Creek and raised there by her parents, Doris and Gus Jakel. Married in 1956, Verna and Bruce ranched in the Clinton area for many years while raising 4 children and making friends while volunteering in many capacities. The Clinton 4-H Club was one of Verna’s favorite groups. During her busy life, Verna also became a marriage commissioner which gave her many beautiful and unique experiences. Family always came first to Verna and she was affectionately called “Nan” by all 3 generations. In her spare time, Verna enjoyed knitting, crocheting and quilting. She was also famous for her home-cooked meals where no one left hungry. Verna’s natural instinct was to care for others, not just family. This is something she selflessly did and gave her such pleasure right up until her last days. At this sad time, we would like to thank everyone for the cards, letters, love and support. There will be a Reception Tea at the Clinton Hall on May 14, 2016 and everyone is more than welcome.
to apply. Most of the applications will be taken Donations may be made to Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Verna’s memory. during the week of Nov. 16-20, with a few additional dates available in Ashcroft only. When someone you love becomes a memory, The memory becomes a treasure. In mid November, a collection cart will be placed at Safety Mart in Ashcroft to gathCompassionate Care Funerals entrusted with all arrangements. 250-392-3336 er food donations from the public for the Hampers. There will be other donation boxes in various areas of the communities. Many local businesses generously support the Hampers with financial donations, and individuals are also encouraged to send cheques, payable to Ashcroft and Area Enter To Win a Luxurious Hawaiian Holiday for Two* Community ResourFirst Class Roundtrip Airfare aboard Hawaiian Airlines ces Society, to Box Five Nights at the world-famous Royal Hawaiian Hotel • Luxury Rental courtesy of Enterprise Rent-A-Car 1137, Ashcroft, B.C. V0K 1A0. The group Christmas Hamper volunteers last year gathered in the Ashcroft Community Hall to assemble the Hampers for delivery to local families. is a registered Charitable Organization and For many years, a group of volunteers has been providing Experience Hawaii like you live here…on-line. will issue an Income Tax Receipt. Christmas Food Hampers for those in need within the AshChoose an Island that’s right for you, find the resort of your dreams then explore all the activities, croft, Cache Creek, Walhachin, Clinton, or Spences Bridge Every dollar you send will help to shopping and dining that await you in paradise! area. They operate under the umbrella of Ashcroft and Area provide support for someone who For more information and to register, visit hawaii.com/luxurycontest Community Resource Society and are separate from the needs it, and will put a feeling of joy in your heart. food bank at the E. Fry office. *Must be 18 years of age to enter. No purchase necessary. Winner chosen by random draw. Odds determined by number of entries. Up to one For further information, call entry per person per day. Travel valid from any Hawaiian Airlines gateway in North America. Driver must be 21 years, present a valid license, major Planning is currently underway to provide Christmas credit card and is subject to all standard conditions & requirements at time of rental. Cannot be combined with other offers. Winner travel dates, Esther at 250-453-9085. times and package components subject to change & availability. Restrictions apply. Contest ends at Midnight October 31, 2015. Visit Hawaii.Com Food Hampers again this year. Posters and advertisements for complete rules and regulations. Your complete source for island travel. will be going out over the next week with of times and places
Visit the NEW Hawaii.com
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Thursday, October Thursday, 29, 2015 Ashcroft Cache October 29, 2015Creek The Journal
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The Journal Thursday, October 29, 2015
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The celebrated squash Following the Pumpkin Trail at Desert Hills Ranch earlier this month. Pumpkins have disappeared from the Ranch, but they’re just appearing everywhere else!
(NEE GINN) Kathleen has gone home to be with her son David Wilson and her mother and father, Ivor and Annie Ginn. She is survived by her husband Cecil, son John Wilson and wife Norma, and grandchildren Trevor, Carter and Celina, daughter in law Gail Dufault, grandchildren Kimberly and Stephanie and great grandchildren Livia, David and Luke. Kathleen’s sisters and brothers, Betty Barz, Mollie Parker, George Ginn, Gwen Pipe, Trevor Ginn, Pat Ginn, Rose Short, Marjorie Robertson, Larry Ginn, and Linda Turi as well as a vast family of nieces and nephews and their children. She was predeceased by her son David and sister Christine Halvorsen. Kathleen loved to paint, she enjoyed the outdoors and especially her flower gardens. She was a great cook, mom and grandmother. She will always be remembered in many special ways, always putting others before herself. She was loved and respected for her strength and graciousness, even when faced with the most challenging circumstances. She taught us the importance of family, impeccable manners, the arts, education and personal strength of character. The family wishes to extend a special thank you to all the nurses and caregivers for their excellent care and support while she resided at Jackson House in Ashcroft. A celebration of her life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family know that Kathleen’s wishes would be for you to consider doing something special for someone in your life. Kathleen will rest in peace beside her loving parents Ivor and Annie Ginn at St Marks Anglican Cemetery on Salt Spring Island.
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Thursday, October 29, 2015 The Journal
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ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDealers.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the finance of a 2015 Sierra 2500/3500HD 1SA Double Cab 4X2, Sierra 1500 Double Cab 2WD 1SA, Terrain SLE-1 AWD, Acadia SLE-1 AWD. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between October 1 and November 2, 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on select new or demonstrator 2015 GMC vehicles excluding Yukon, Yukon XL, Sierra 2500 HD Diesel, Savana, Canyon 2SA and Canyon 4x4. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $45,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $535.71 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $45,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight, air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA/movable property registry fees, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers may sell for less. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. †† $11,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $10,000 Cash Credit (tax exclusive) available on 2015 GMC Sierra HD Gas models (excluding HD Gas Double Cab 1SA 4x2), $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $10,000 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. † $10,380 is a combined total credit consisting of a $3,000 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) $5,195 Cash Credit (tax exclusive) available on 2015 GMC Sierra Double Cab 1SA 4WD models, $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Elevation Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Sierra 1SA Elevation Edition with 5.3L Engine and a $435 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on any 2015 GMC Sierra Elevation double cab all-wheel drive with a 5.3L engine, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $5,630 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ¥ Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between October 1, 2015 through November 2, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles (except Canyon 2SA, Sierra Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on all GMC Sierras. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. ‡‡ $5,000/$1,750 is a combined credit consisting of a $1,000/$750 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), $3,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Sierra Light Duty Double Cab and a $1,000/$1,000 manufacturer to dealer finance cash (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Sierra 1500/Terrain, which is available for finance offers only and cannot be combined with special lease rates and cash purchase. ‡ $4,950/$4,750 is a combined total credit consisting of $750/$750 Owner Cash (tax inclusive) and a $4,200/$4,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Terrain SLE-1 FWD/Acadia SLE-1 FWD, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $4,200/$4,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model and cash credit excludes Terrain SLE-1 AWD/Acadia SLE-1 AWD. ** Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov).
Call Zimmer Wheaton Buick GMC at 250-374-1135, or visit us at 685 West Notre Dame Drive, Kamloops. [License #11184]