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New RCMP Commander plans to stay P. 3
Serving Ladysmith, Chemainus and area
Heritage Hunt on :
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
P. 5
Nanaimo Foundation wants REMEMBER... to raise it’s Ladysmith profile the eleventh hour Nov. 30 ‘community engagement’ meeting open to all of the eleventh day of the eleventh month by Craig Spence
the chronicle
The Nanaimo Foundation, which has been raising funds for community organizations in the geographic area encompassed by School District 68, wants to raise its profile in Ladysmith. So you are invited to a ‘community engagement’ meeting Nov. 30 at the Eagles Hall, 921 First Ave from 7 to 8 p.m. Laurie Bienert, development officer for the Nanaimo Foundation, said the ‘top objectives for our presentation and discussion on building vibrancy, health and resiliency in Ladysmith’ will be: • Providing clarity on what a community foundation is and how we operate.
• Providing greater sup- head raises concern for port to Ladysmith chari- Ladysmith residents. ties. “We are not increas- “I would agree with that ing our presence in the statement,â€? she said in an Ladysmith community to interview with The Chrontake away from any fund- icle. “It would be top-ofraising efforts by local or- mind for me, if I was a ganizations,â€? Bienert said. resident of Ladysmith.â€? “Our goal is to add to their But she disagrees with initiatives.â€? the sentiment. The idea • Listening to Ladysmith is to enlarge the basket, residents and gaining a not raid it. “We don’t stronger understanding of want to see funds leavwhere the needs are great- ing Ladysmith,â€? Bienert est in the community. said. “We want to in• Bringing everyone to crease the funds raised in the table to stimulate new Ladysmith.â€? ideas, and share our ideas The Nanaimo Foundaon how to build participa- tion has expertise and retion and strengthen com- sources that can help the munity philanthropy in community of Ladysmith Ladysmith. do that, and Bienert Bienert knows percep- pointed out that it’s not tions about an organiza- just money that needs to tion begin with its name, be raised, it’s awareness though, and she admits the about community needs, prominence of ‘Nanaimo’ and how they can be met. in the foundation’s letterSee Foundation, Page 3
Arson suspected in house fire RCMP and Ladysmith Fire & Rescue investigators are treating a fire that seriously damaged a house at Fourth Ave. and Greenhorn Place as arson. “We’re into an arson investigation right now,� said Cpl. Rick Fraser with the RCMP. Ladysmith Mayor Aaron Stone was presented with the First Poppy of the annual Poppy “We consider it a set fire.� Campaign, which honours ‘those who serve,’ and raises funds in support of veterans and On Tuesday, Oct. 27 fire their families. Ladysmith Legion Branch 171 President Gary Phillips presented the poppy at and an RCMP forensic the Cenotaph. More on Page 4 of today’s Chronicle. Craig Spence team was still collecting
evidence at the home, a motorcycle lying on its side on Greenhorn Place, just off the property. Fraser said charges were being contemplated but that the suspect, who was in hospital, was not available to be interviewed. No-one was injured in the fire, and police have identified only the one A motorcycle, abandoned at the suspect. scene of an Oct. 25 house fire
2 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 3
News Briefs
N. Cowichan offering rebates for new washing machines North Cowichan residents are eligible for rebates of $100 to $200 on the price of a high efficiency washing machine during what is being billed as ‘Offtober, a month of saving power and money.’ BC Hydro is offering the rebates on select Energy Star® high efficiency washing machines. The cash-back offer is only available until Nov. 30, and only North Cowichan residents are eligible for the higher rebates. “This rebate program is intended to highlight energy and water savings in our households,” said North Cowichan Mayor Jon Lefebure, “and we are pleased to be partnering with BC Hydro on this initiative that helps our community to reach our energy conservation goals.”
Tommy Douglas legend relived When Tommy Douglas was the member of parliament for Lake Cowichan, he probably never imagined that someday his name and the story of his life would help the community to preserve its own history. The Kaatza Historical Society presents Tommy Douglas: the Arrows of Desire Nov. 6 to 8 at the Lake Cowichan School Theatre. The society is raising funds to build an annex at the museum. The play is written and performed by John Nolan who makes his home in Lake Cowichan. Tickets are $20, $15 for seniors and students at the Kaatza Station Museum, Lake Cowichan Curves, Ten Old Books and Dunan Garage.
A quick fix for VW emissions Craig Spence the chronicle
For Volkswagen diesel owners who want to fix their cars’ environmental emissions performance without fixing the numbers, there’s a solution just down the road at Duncan’s biodiesel co-op. The co-op, which has been recycling cooking oil from restaurants and commercial kitchens into biodiesel fuel that can go almost straight into the tank of most diesel engines, responded to news that Volkwagen has been cooking its emission numbers with a simple message: Change your fuel. “The Cowichan Biodiesel Co-op (CBDC) has been supplying 100 per cent renewable biodiesel, made from recycled cooking oils, as a petro-diesel alternative since 2005,” said CBDC Project Manager Hassaan Rahim in an October media release. So even if your VW engine isn’t running up to snuff – environmentally speaking – you can still drive the car with a clear conscience if you simply start filling up with biodiesel. That some diesel auto manufacturers were cheating was, perhaps, news; that all cars, no matter how finely tuned, pollute shouldn’t have been, Rahim pointed out. In fact, even for diesels that are genuinely high performance when it comes to emissions, using biodiesel whenever possible makes sense. “Even the ones that pass emissions testing are still releasing greenhouse gases and toxins into the atmosphere,” Rahim said. “With this recent news, now we just know that some cars pollute more than
we previously thought.” Electric vehicles are a good alternative – if you can afford the switch, and if you can be sure the source of your electricity is non-polluting. But for the many diesel owners who are still making payments on their vehicles, biodiesel is a viable green alternative. “Biodiesel offers well-documented environmental, mechanical and human health benefits,” Rahim said. “It reduces CO2 and other harmful emissions to the atmosphere and our lungs, including an 80 to 90 per cent reduction in PAHs and other carcinogens.” PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) are ‘reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen’ according to the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. Making the switch from harmful petro-diesel to biodiesel is easy, Rahim said, “For Volkswagen owners asking themselves what to do next, biodiesel is a ‘drop-in’ fuel that can be used now in existing diesel vehicles with little or no modifications needed.” Asked how complicated it is to switch from petrol to biodiesel, Rahim said the transition is easy, and biodiesel users can switch back and forth. “We recommend easing your car to using biodiesel, so starting with a 50 per cent blend for a few times and then going up to 100 per cent biodiesel,” he explained. Biodiesel is available at the Cowichan Biodiesel Co-op, 55 Station St, Duncan (phone 250-748-2694 for information or visit Rahim noted that a ‘growing BC Biofuel Network’ also makes biodiesel available in Victoria and Vancouver.
Biodiesel is a good environmental option proponents say
Beyond Your Expectations
Sgt. Ken Brissard, appointed ‘interim’ Commander of the Ladysmith RCMP detachment.
‘Interim’ RCMP commander plans to stay in Ladysmith Craig Spence the chronicle
Sgt. Ken Brissard, who spoke to the Chronicle five days after arriving in town to take over command of the Ladysmith RCMP detachment on an ‘interim’ basis, comes from a long line of RCMP members – and the 25 year veteran was first in that line. His oldest daughter is a member serving on the West Shore. Her husband joined the force and is posted to the Island District headquarters. His second daughter is a dispatcher on Vancouver Island. His third daughter’s husband is ‘in depot,’ about to complete his training and report to a detachment in Alberta. Brissard didn’t lay claim to title of the RCMP’s most effective recruitment officer, but it doesn’t take long to come to the conclusion he’s a man who loves his job and has a clear grasp of what the
RCMP motto – Maintain the “Our role is to gather the eviRight – means. dence and give it to the proseAdopted in 1873, the motto cution services in B.C.,” he said. is “embedded in the crest There’s another aspect to enof the RCMP,” he said. Law forcing the law that’s important enforcement is a complex to Brissard: communication. job, that has to deal with just “That’s our message when we about every shade of grey, talk to people and we talk to but the touchstone is “a very community groups,” he said. simple statement” about the “Phone us. Just phone us. Don’t need for RCMP officers to discount your spider sense.” make communities safe and Brissard also thinks it’s imsecure – places where people portant to communicate with have a “right to live by our people – especially youth – democratic values.” who are getting themselves In Brissard’s perspective, into trouble. That can include that mandate harkens right anything from a conversation back to the Canadian Char- on the street, to restorative ter of Rights and Freedoms. justice for someone who has “There is no way I could put already committed a crime. on this uniform and sit in this For some offenders, “It’s chair if I didn’t believe in the very powerful when I sit Charter of Rights,” he said. across from you and hear When it comes down to in- about how your life was afvestigating crime, the RCMP fected,” he said of restorative is one arm of a larger process, justice sessions. which sometimes appears Brissard said he should grindingly slow to the pub- know in two or three months lic, but which has to be me- if his ‘interim’ designation ticulous to ensure everyone’s will be changed to permanent. rights are protected.
Foundation hopes to raise profile
From Page 1 “We recognize that raising funds to tackle an issue is only part of any solution,” she said. “We also engage citizens, organizations, and governments, and invite them to work together and contribute their time, ideas, expertise, and energy to address community needs. “We believe this is the most meaningful and effective way to make lasting improvements. A gift
of time is as valuable as a monetary gift.” When it comes to funding, though, she said organizations in Ladysmith may not know that they can apply to the Nanaimo Foundation, and contribute to it knowing their contributions will make a difference here. “I suspect most Ladysmith non-profits do not apply to us for funding or hold endowment funds with us as they don’t know we ex-
ist,” Bienert said. “We want to change that. And when generous donors provide gifts of perpetuity to us— their community foundation – we want them to have a guarantee that Ladysmith funds will stay in Ladysmith.” Grants provided in Ladysmith, include: The Ladysmith Resources Centre Association, The Ladysmith Boys & Girls Club and The Ladysmith Kinsmen.
Call for a Free Home Evaluation 640 Trans Canada Hwy., Ladysmith, BC P. 250-245-3700 C. 250-667-7653 E.
4 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Cowichan Valley Regional Transit
Free Transit November 4 – 10, 2015 For veterans and Canadian Forces members • On all regular transit and handyDART services • I.D. required
Remembrance Day, November 11 For all customers • On regular transit service • Operates on a Sunday schedule
Ladysmith Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 171 members Thelma Neale and Bill Hopkins gratefully accepted a donation to the Poppy Fund from Tavel Drinkwater, who was in uniform as a ‘generic pirate’ for Halloween, and son Ezekiel, who was trying out his pumpkin costume. The annual Poppy Campaign honours those who serve and raises funds in support of veterans and their families. From the last Friday in October to Remembrance Day, all Canadians are encouraged to wear a Poppy in recognition of those who gave their lives for our freedom. Craig Spence
Does not apply on commuter services.
For King & Country honours vets The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 171 Ladysmith, will hold its annual For King and Country feast in honour of Veterans on Nov. 7. Forty Ladysmith residents were killed in the First World War; ten in the Second World War. But with the passing of years fewer of those
Transit Info 250·746·9899 • 5198_COW_serv_remembrance_Ad_4.31x6 Ladysmith Chronicle 4.31” x 6” Insertion Date: November 2, 2015
Natural gas rates: you have a choice Starting November 1, 2015, you’ll have a choice when it comes to buying natural gas. A program called Customer Choice lets you buy gas from an independent gas marketer at fixed rates and terms, or from FortisBC at a variable rate. Independent gas marketers may knock on your door to discuss these options. Either way, FortisBC would still deliver your gas. To learn more about your options, visit
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Already a FortisBC customer? If you want to keep your variable FortisBC natural gas rate, there’s nothing else you need to do. *Chart shows gas marketers’ rates for a range of fixed terms, valid as of November 1, 2015. Marketers typically offer a variety of rates and options. Check gas marketers’ websites or call to confirm current rates. **Residential variable rate valid as of October 1, 2015. FortisBC’s rates are reviewed quarterly by the British Columbia Utilities Commission. A gigajoule (GJ) is a measurement of energy used for establishing rates, sales and billing. One gigajoule is equal to one billion joules (J) or 948,213 British thermal units (Btu). The Customer Choice name and logo is used under license from FortisBC Energy Inc. This advertisement is produced on behalf of the British Columbia Utilities Commission.
who survived battles on land, sea and air are with us. “As the years pass, we tend to forget the human sacrifices that have been made by many to enable us to have the privileges of freedom we so enjoy,” states a release. “Each year we lose more of our World War II Veteran’s,” it adds. “These are replaced by those men and women who have served and are still serving in many conflicts around the world.” The Legion welcomes everyone in the community to attend its feast in honour not only of veterans who are no longer in the armed forces, but also those still in service. “Our annual For King and Country Veteran’s Dinner is free for vets,” states the release, “for others it’s just $25.” Cocktails at 4 p.m. in the downstairs lounge; dinner at 5 p.m. in the upstairs meeting room, preceded by a Colour Party and Guard of Honour. Contact Ladysmith Legion Branch 171 at 2452273 to reserve tickets.
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 5
Search launched by Heritage BC by Craig Spence
Try one of our NEW Pizza’s, the
Firecracker Chicken, Frank’s Hot Sauce, Chili Peppers, Jalap˜eno Peppers, Banana Peppers
and letting you know that there are prizes the chronicle to be won for those 48.993499755859396° N historical aficionados / -123.815002441406° W willing to examine the official plaque comThose are the exact memorating the coal coordinates given for mining past of our ‘ina BC Stop of Interest stant’ town, and report sign about Ladysmith, on its condition (and in ‘across from City Hall this instance, its locaon Highway 1’ accord- tion) to Heritage BC. Over a hundred Stop ing to the description on the official Heritage of Interest Signs were put up between 1958 BC web site. But the sign ain’t and through the 90s, where it used to be. It’s the release says, add- The description of Ladysmith on the Heritage BC web site and (below) the Stop actually at the intersec- ing, “Since that time of Interest sign, pictured at its original location. tion of First Avenue some signs have gone and Roberts Street. missing and some have “This is the first step in friends and colleagues” neighbourhood for a creating a contempo- to learn more about chance to win prizes” And the locomotive it is been moved.” In partnership with rary inventory to start British Columbia’s his- Malloy said. pictured behind on the Forms can be submitHeritage BC site is no the provincial Heritage planning for the future tory and discover some of B.C.’s interesting ted online until Dec. 18. of the Stop of Interest longer by Highway 1; it Branch, Heritage BC sits waiting for restora- is “seeking public input signs in British Colum- Stops of Interest says The information subHeritage BC Executive mitted will be used to tion (again) just north to gauge the present bia.” “I’ve seen many of Director Kathryn Mol- formulate a report for of the Expo building at location, condition and the Heritage Branch for content of the Stop of these signs during my loy. 610 Oyster Bay Drive. The public can par- the end of 2015. travels in B.C. and adSo we’re handing the Interest signs.” You can follow HeriAdds the release, mit that some are in de- ticipate by taking picchallenge over to you, cline,” said Minister of tures of the signs and tage BC on Facebook Forests, Lands and Nat- the stop of interest they and @HeritageBCanada ural Resource Opera- refer to, noting the lo- on Instagram and Twittions, Steve Thomson. cation, then completing ter. Upload your Stop “I’m glad we are able to Heritage BC’s online of Interest photos using partner with Heritage form: www.heritagebc. the hashtag #bcstopsoBC to inventory and ca/stops-of-interest- finterest. Online form plan for next steps for signs-condition-as- submissions as well as sessment-survey. social media submisinformative signs.” “Send us your photos sions will be entered The initiative is being billed as a fun and edu- and notes about the into a prize draw. cational way for “family, Stop of Interest in your
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6 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Pedestrians and drivers get heads-up The days are getting shorter, the nights longer. There’s often rain pelting down, or snow piling up, and people are hunkered down, sometimes not paying as much attention as they should to the world around them. All of the above, and more, are factors in the annual ‘spike’ in traffic accidents involving pedestrians between the months of November and January. ICBC has launched its annual safety campaign, along with the B.C. Coroners Service, the B.C. government and police urging pedestrians and drivers to do their parts to stay safe. A stark statistic should convince most of us that more due care and attention is needed at this time of year. Almost two times more pedestrians are injured in crashes from November to January compared to June to August as the weather changes and daylight hours decrease. The top contributing factors attributed to drivers in crashes with pedestrians are: distraction, failure to yield the right of way and weather. Drivers should take extra time to look for pedestrians before turning, avoid distractions and be ready to yield. Pedestrians can help stay safe by making eye contact, wearing bright and reflective clothing, and staying focused on the road. “As drivers, we need to quit making excuses for not seeing pedestrians by staying focused on our driving. As pedestrians, it’s critical that we do what we can to be seen by drivers,” said B.C.’s Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Todd Stone. For those who get into trouble simply because they think they have the right-of-way and don’t need to pay attention, Dr. Kelly Barnard, director of the medical unit at the B.C. Coroners Service has a word of advice. “Regardless of who is legally in the right in cases where a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, it’s always the pedestrian who suffers the most catastrophic consequences,” he said. That’s obvious; or should be. The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For information phone 1-888-6872213 or go to
Your Words
“There is no way I could put on this uniform... if I didn’t believe in the Charter of Rights” Sgt. Ken Brissard, Page 3 / On being an RCMP officer
B.C.’s drunk driving penalties upheld Jeff Nagel Black Press
Canada’s top court has upheld B.C.’s tough system of roadside penalties for impaired drivers, including vehicle impoundments, stiff fines and immediate 90-day licence suspensions. The Supreme Court of Canada handed down twin judgments Friday that back key elements of the provincial government’s policy after it was challenged by motorists. Justices said there was “no doubt” automatic roadside prohibitions are within the province’s jurisdiction and a valid regulatory measure. They rejected the argument of opponents that the penalties effectively create an offence that requires a right to a fair trial, not an instant decision by police after a failed blood-alcohol reading on a portable device. The court found the province’s “pressing and substantial” goal of enacting the scheme “was not to oust the criminal law, but rather to prevent death and serious injury on public roads by removing drunk drivers and de-
terring impaired driving.” Roadside penalties have largely supplanted criminal investigations and prosecutions for impaired driving in B.C. The amount of time and money expended on drunk driving cases in the courts and by police is down because of the nearly 70 per cent drop in impaired charges. Police still pursue criminal charges in cases of injury or death due to drunk driving. Defence lawyers have criticized the immediate roadside prohibitions as a de facto decriminalization of most cases of impaired driving. Although drivers who are caught and punished at roadside face stiff sanctions, they do not usually risk an impaired driving conviction and criminal record. Also before the courts was the constitutionality of the compulsory demand to provide a breath sample or face roadside penalties. A majority of Supreme Court justices said the original 2010 provision did violate the Charter of Rights protection against
Chronicle The
Publications Mail Agreement 40010318 Subscriptions: Regular $32, Seniors $27
940 Oyster Bay Drive PO Box 400, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Letters and Your View policy All letters to the editor must be signed and include your full name, home town and contact phone number. Letters are encouraged to be 300 words, and priority is given to local writers and local issues. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity and legal reasons. Photos for your view must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Send them in: Mail: 940 Oyster Bay Dr., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3 Fax:250-245-2230 E-mail: editor@
Publisher/Advertising ������������������� Teresa McKinley
Since 1908
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unlawful search and seizure. The province amended its law in 2012 to allow drivers who fail a roadside breath test to take a second test – the lowest of the two readings is used – and created a process for them to appeal driving prohibitions. “Our belief is that the amendments our government made in June 2012 already address the constitutional issues noted in the court’s decision,” B.C. Justice Minister Suzanne Anton said. It’s not yet clear if drivers penalized in the first two years of the program could be compensated. Anton welcomed the ruling, adding immediate roadside prohibitions have been “very effective” and have saved an estimated 260 lives over the past five years. “People are learning from them, they’re not drinking and driving as much,” Anton said. “As soon as you blow that warn or that fail you will be penalized. And that is what deters people from drinking and driving. That’s what keeps our roads safe.”
Editor ���������������������������������������������������Craig Spence Office / Accounts / Circulation ����������� Kara Olson
Vol. 107, #14, 2015
Production Manager ������������������������� Douglas Kent
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 7
Off-road registration required Unregistered riders face fine of up to $5,000, impoundment of vehicles As of Nov. 1 owners of offroad vehicles have to get them registered, or face big fines. A new registration system for off-road vehicles became mandatory at the beginning of this month, so if you own a dirt bike, quad, snow mobile or a side-by-side, you are legally required to plate and insure the vehicle if you are riding it any other place than on private land. Failure to do so will put you at risk of a $5,000 fine and impoundment of your vehicle. “We’ve already seen a lot of clients in the branches but expect more before the deadline at the end of the month,” said Jodi Meldrum, a manager of insurance services with Island Savings in late October. The new registration system, introduced by Ministry of Forests, Lands & Resources last November, is designed to catch rogue operators and joyriders who put others in danger. It will also cut down on theft and the re-sale value of stolen units. “Any operator crossing the highway, riding on crown land, decommissioned and active logging roads or loading and unloading their units in a
Smell ‘n’ tell 1
Before you take your quad, dirt bike, snow mobile, or any other offroad vehicle off the trailer, get it registered and insured. parking lot will fall under the ownership, which needs to be notarized by Service BC. new rules,” Meldrum said. The combined cost of regis- “The members we see in the tration, plates and insurance branches are ultimately redecal is $96 plus taxes. Own- lieved there will be stricter ers who purchased their ve- regulations to improve safety hicles prior to 2010 don’t have of both riders and property,” said Meldrum. “It may be a to pay the taxes. Owners need to provide little red tape on the front end, their insurance broker a new but it doesn’t take long to get vehicle information statement it done with the proper docuor a certificate of origin, a bill mentation.” For more information on of sale and a transfer/tax form signed by the seller. In addi- unit registration, visit www. tion, pre-owned units will also or speak require a statutory declaration with a qualified insurance proto determine the continuity of fessional.
Rowing Canada looks at Quamichan Lake
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Quamichan Lake has been short listed as the location for a new National Rowing Centre of Excellence, the Municipality of North Cowichan has announced. “We are very excited at the prospect of having such a high-profile, national organization like Rowing Canada considering locating here in our community,” Mayor Jon Lefebure said in a release. “The positive example set by these talented athletes would be an incredible benefit for our youth.” Rowing Canada is interested in both private and public sites on the Lake, and will be undertaking a comprehensive site analysis and consultation process. If North Cowichan is chosen, Lefebure said, “The increase in our profile not only nationally, BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: NANAIMO CONCERT BAND PRESENTS
“CONCERT OF REMEMBRANCE” The award winning Nanaimo Concert Band will present its annual Fall Concert on Sunday November 8th at 2:30 in the Port Theatre. This concert has something for everyone in the audience including orchestral transcriptions, movie and Broadway music, concert marches and swing. The band loves playing the music written by the well known composer Alfred Reed Piper Gordon Webb who will accompany the musicians in the moving arrangement of Amazing grace and a medley of Scottish tunes.
Tickets are only $13.50 (plus booking fee)
but around the world, will be a huge win.” It is expected that Rowing Canada will be making some preliminary decisions within the next few months and more information will be available at that time, he said.
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Mon. to Fri. 9 to 8, Sat. 9 to 6, Sun. & Holidays 12 to 5 Locally Owned & Operated
8 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
CHURCH DIRECTORY Attend regularly the church Welcome to of your choice. St. Mary’s 1149 Fourth Ave, Ladysmith, 250-245-8221 Lead Pastor Jim & Marlene Raddatz Assistant Pastor David & Lisa Nadon All services 10:30 am (Nursery & Children’s classes available) Mid - week groups for Children, Preteens, Teens and Adult Life Studies
Catholic Church 1135 - 4th Avenue Ladysmith, BC
Mass Times: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am 250-245-3414
Father Mel Bayron
Hall Rentals Available 250-245-3414 Leave message
Inclusive - Diverse - Vibrant
Sunday’s @ 9 & 11am Pastor Darin Phillips 381 Davis Road 250 250--245 245--5113
Ladysmith First United Church Sunday Service including Sunday school at 10:30 am
Healing Pathway
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-8 pm
Rev Maxine Pirie 232 High Street 250-245-2183
Search and Rescue buoyed by Co-op John Davis, President, of the Ladysmith & District Marine Rescue Society, along with Ian Kelly, Harry Virtanen and Brian Cromp are presented a cheque by Barb Peters Mid Island Co-op’s Funds Allocation Committee funding Chair. Mid Island Co-op has donated $2,250 toward the District Marine Rescue Society for its training facility and fuel needs, it was announced Oct. 30.
Ladysmith & District Marine Rescue Society is a not for profit
Cash for Containers
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society operating the with the Co-op’s phiRoyal Canadian Ma- losophy of investing rine Search & Rescue in community. Station 29, which reThe release about sponds to calls off the the LDMRS donation shores of Ladysmith notes that 100 per and area. cent of Mid Island The LDMRS is one Co-op’s profits are of the busiest Units in returned to the comthe region, with more munity through rethan 3,000 calls, since investment in the Coinception. It is a com- op, equity allocations munity based organi- to members/owners, zation run entirely by and through contribuvolunteers. tions to community It’s role fits in well organizations.
Flu vaccine ready
Flu vaccinations will be available for all those eligible at the Ladysmith Health & Community Services Fair, Nov. 9, at Frank Jameson Community Centre from 1 to 4 p.m. More information about flu vaccinations at
The Royal Canadian Legion - Ladysmith Branch #171
BECOME A MEMBER OF THE LEGION! For Information Contact Diane 250-245-2273 Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays 2nd & 4th Thursdays
Crib Texas Holdem Dart Night Pool Soup & Sandwich 11:30 am 3rd Saturday Pub Dinner & Music Trivia
Join us Wednesday, November 11 for
10:30 am
Parade to Ladysmith Cenotaph from Legion Hall (rides available for Veterans)
10:50 am
Memorial Service at Cenotaph
11:00 am
2 Minutes of Silence followed by Remembrance Program
OTHER REMEMBRANCE DAY EVENTS November 6th- 2 pm - Color Party & Band visits the Lodge on 4th November 6th- 10:30 am - Color Party & Band visits LaRosa November 8th- 9 am St. Mary’s Catholic Church November 10th- 10:45 am - Color Party & Band visits Ladysmith Secondary School
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 9
Rebound The LSS Senior girls volleyball team attended the Duncan Christian/ Cowichan Secondary Senior Girls Volleyball Invitational Oct. 30 and 31. They won one game and lost two tough ones in overtime on Friday to put them on the consolation side for the remainder of the tournament, where they won all their games on Saturday, including the final against Cowichan Secondary School.
United Way movie night raised $14,000 United Way Central we were expecting atand Northern Vancou- tendance to drop,” said ver Island (UWCNVI) Gillian Tidey, Resource had record-breaking at- Development Associate tendance with over 700 with United Way. teens at their annual all “It took a little longer night movie fundraiser than expected to get all at Galaxy Cinemas on the teens through the Friday, Oct. 9. door, but overall a very This was the tenth successful event!” year United Way hosted “I have participated in their annual Starlight the Starlight Film FesFilm Festival, a major tival for several years fundraising event in now and I’m impressed Nanaimo. with how this event has “Last year we had 600 grown and how both teens attend, and be- the teens and voluncause this year Starlight teers look forward to it,” was on the Friday of said Sue Lauman, volThanksgiving weekend, unteer. “It’s rewarding
to see volunteers who have attended as teens return as volunteers.” Tickets were $20, and teens spent a fun and safe night at the movies. The event featured six movies (all rated up to 14A), XBOX, soda, popcorn and pizza for high-school teens. The event raised over $14,000. Proceeds will help fund local programs in the Central Island, Comox Valley and Campbell River region. United Way funds a variety of programs for teens, including a
youth suicide preven- witness abuse support tion program, in-school program and a teen mentorship programs, centre for skills buildan anti-bullying pro- ing and recreational gram, children who activities.
You are invited To help the Waterfront Gallery celebrate the completion of the elevator project. November 6th, 2 pm—5pm for tea & refreshments
Celebratory remarks: 2:15 pm Waterfront Gallery 610 Oyster Bay Drive, Ladysmith 250-245-1252 www. l a d y s m i t h w a t e r f r o n t g a l l e r y . c o m
LADYSMITH Health & Community Services Fair Monday, November 9, 2015 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Frank Jameson Community Centre 810 - 6th Avenue, Ladysmith
• FREE Flu vaccine (for those eligible) • On-site Screening for: Heart health, diabetes, hearing loss • Over 20 displays about Health & Wellness for ALL AGES • Door Prize
• Topics include: • Child Development Services • Heart Health & Stroke Prevention • Mental Health & Addictions Services • Healthy Eating & Diabetes Info & Resources • Active Living Resources & Fitness Demonstrations • Emergency Preparedness and MORE!
QUESTIONS? Please call 250-739-5777
Presented by Island Health and community partners, Town of Ladysmith, Ladysmith Family and Friends
10 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Ken Hamm to perform Nov. 4 If you’re looking for a hit of some “really hot acoustic guitar and slide guitar,” you’ll want to take in Ken Hamm’s performance Wednesday, Nov. 4, 7 p.m. at St. Michael’s Hall in Chemainus. “Hamm doesn’t require a lot of introduction,” says a release from the Chemainus Valley Cultural Arts Society, announcing its Chemainus City Limits series of winter concerts. He’s a blues and roots musical artist with an international reputation, who has been playing
professionally since the late 1960’s. “He has a reputation as a dynamic, moving performer, mixing hot slide finger style acoustic blues with original songs based on his travels and encounters,” says the release. Admission to the concert is $10; tickets available at Chemainus Foods or at the door. The CVCAS will be announcing more concerts in the series soon, but has two dates already lined up, for people who want to mark their calendars. On March 18, they
will feature “the ever-popular Diana Braithwaite and Chris Whiteley,” who will stop in Chemainus with their band on their western tour. Then, on April 7, “the wonderful Lizzie Hoyt,” will be here with her
trio. Among Hoyt’s high notes is recognition with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal for music. More information available at the Chemainus Valley Cultural Arts Society web site: cvcas. com
Coupon Event
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Ken Hamm a “blues roots musical artist, will be playing at St. Michael’s Hall in Chemainus Nov. 4
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Oak Bay Marina Ltd. of Victoria, BC, has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO), West Coast Region for a Commercial Marina – Amendment to Existing Commercial Lease Management Plan to Replace Existing Retaining Wall situated on Provincial Crown land located at Ladysmith Harbour. The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 0114642. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations at 142 – 2080 Labieux Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6J9, or emailed to:
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Comments will be received by FLNRO up to December 18, 2015. FLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website: jsp for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ office in Nanaimo.
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 11
Light-Up crews doused but undaunted
It wasn’t exactly looking a lot like Christmas Sunday, Nov. 1, when 120 volunteers began stringing lights and hanging decorations for the 28th Annual Festival of Lights which switches on with Light-Up Nov. 26 in Ladysmith. Volunteers from Ladysmith Fire & Rescue helped out, along with volunteers from B.C. Hydro, which offered the use of three bucket trucks, and VI Tree Services - to mention just a few.
Bring Joy and Cheer to children who need HOPE. Collection week is Nov 16 - 22. Your shoebox pickup & drop off centre.
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Cedar students have to choose Craig Spence the chronicle
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More than half the Cedar catchment area students attending Ladysmith Secondary School, who will be continuing their education in 2016, either intend to stay at LSS or are undecided. Superintendent of Schools John Blain delivered that information to Trustees in a report, based on interviews and surveys of students, presented to the Board of Education at its Oct. 28 meeting. “On September 18, 2015, the Department of Learning Services sent a letter home to Cedar and Cinnabar Valley area students, who will be in Grades 8-12 in September 2016,” says Blain’s report. “The letter surveyed students on which secondary school they wish to attend once Cedar Secondary School re-opens in September 2016.” At LSS the school contacted families ‘via numerous avenues’ and also surveyed Cedar catchment students ‘from class to class.’ Of the 122 Cedar catchment students attending LSS, 77 plan on returning to Cedar when the school reopens in Sept. 2016; 34 intend to continue their education at LSS; and 11 are undecided. At John Barsby Secondary School the split is even more pronounced. The ratio is reversed. Of the 163 Cedar catchment students attending there: 44 plan on returning to Cedar; 109 on continuing at John Barsby; 10 were undecided. Factoring in Grade 7 students presently attending North Cedar Intermediate School and Cinnabar Valley Elementary School a total of 202 students, out of 391 who live in the Cedar Secondary catchment, have said they will be attending Cedar Secondary.
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Ladysmith: 370 Trans-Canada Highway Always Lowest Guaranteed and sale offers require the use of More Rewards card. * If a major competitor within our geographical trade area offers a lower advertised price on any identical grocery item (brand, size, etc.) we will match the competitor’s price only during the effective date of the competitor’s advertisement. ‘Major competitors’ and ‘geographical trade areas’ are determined solely by us and are based on a number of factors which can change from time to time. Excludes ‘multi-buys’ (eg: 2 for $4), ‘spend x get x’, ‘Free’, percentage discounts and discounts obtained through loyalty programs. You must bring in the competitor’s advertisement to our customer service desk prior to the expiry of the advertisement in order for us to provide you with the price match. We reserve the right to limit quantities. **Offer entitles customer to one (1) item per product family free of charge. Additional items will be at competitor’s advertised price. Offer not available to team members of the Overwaitea Food Group or their immediate family members or persons living in same household. A list of the 850+ items covered by the guarantee is available at or at customer service in participating stores. † Limit one Spend/Receive offer per single grocery purchase. Excluding Lotto, tobacco, gift cards, prescriptions, clinics, diabetes care, tickets, charities, bus passes, postage stamps, deposit & recycle fees, rewards and taxes, where applicable.
12 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Nanaimo Airport open house
A ‘Winter Wonderland’ will neighbours and partners in the Commission’s work, and greet visitors to Nanaimo the communities we serve.” capture feedback. Airport’s annual open house The open AFD house’s WinVisitors can also take part on Wednesday, Nov. 4 from 3 ter Wonderland theme cel- in an airport equipment tour, . @ 5.83”w X 6”h to 6 p.m. ebrates the airport’s new enjoy refreshments and win “We look forward to our WestJet service to Edmonton door prizes. open house every year be- that starts Dec. 15. Hundreds of thousands of peocause it allows people to “Visitors to the open house ple pass through the Nanaimo share information about our can also learn more about Airport every year while travoperations and receive feed- the global travel connections elling to and from destinations back,” says Mike Hooper, that are now available to cen- around the world. President and CEO of the tral Islanders thanks to our Passenger traffic increased Commission. air carriers,” Hooper said. 16.6 per cent in the first nine “It gives us a chance to Airport staff and the Com- months of 2015, compared show our appreciation for all mission’s Board of Directors with the same period last the support we get from our will be on hand to discuss year.
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A division of
Performers at the Celebration of Light fund-raiser will be supporting the Ladysmith Soup Kitchen and Food Bank Photo Provided
Celebration of Light a star-studded fund-raiser A great time for a great cause! to Ladysmith’s Soup Kitchen and That’s what the Celebration of Food Bank. Light promises to be in Ladysmith, “Last year we raised $5,389 for Friday, Dec. 18. the cause and approximately 500 Included in the lineup will be Skel- pounds of food for the food bank,” lig, Ryan McMahon, Kendrell Patrick said Lisa Burness, of Skellig. and the Headless Bettys, Chris An- “In total over the 7 years we have dres, David Bitonti, Elf Song and car- done this we have raised more ols by The Celebration Brass Band. than $25,000 for both the FoodThe event is pulled together by bank and now the Soup Kitchen, Skellig, in partnership with The which is amazing and a testament Rock Christian Fellowship, The to the generosity of this town.” Ladysmith Eagles, Local and VanIn the first year of operation, the couver Island musicians, 49th Paral- Ladysmith Soup Kitchen provided lel Grocers, Beantime, other church- over 5,000 meals to needy families, es, The Chronicle and Starbucks. Burness noted. Anyone who wants They have all helped get the to stop in on Tuesdays and Thursdays word out, sell tickets, volunteer, from 2 to 4 p.m. is welcome to sit play at, provide food for, provide down for a bowl of soup and a sandcoffee and hot chocolate for this wich, downstairs in the Eagles Hall. event! Everything is donated so Tickets for the Celebration are that 100 per cent of every penny on sale now at 49th Parallel Grogoes straight to the cause. It really cery for $7.50. is a wonderful night of entertainSkellig has also written and ment, food, drinks and fun. It is a produced a Christmas song for family friendly event so all genera- Ladysmith, which will be sung on tions can enjoy it Light Up night Nov. 26 and at the It all gets underway at the Eagles Celebration of Light Dec. 18. Hall at 7 p.m. and the place will be Child of Light is available for downjumping until 10 p.m. load by donation at skellig.bandMoney raised this year will go
cludes line cess
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 13
Horth honoured by UBC Heat Mairi Horth, from Ladysmith, (left in photo) along with teammate Michelle Smith, were honoured recently after playing their last game with the UBC Okanagan Heat soccer team. Both are graduating students. Horth has started in every match over the last two years. “It was really good, I really enjoyed it, she said. Commenting on this year, she added, ” I thought it was a hard year for us, we were a pretty young team so I think for us it was just learning and getting to know everyone really well.”
East Coast Week
Prostate Centre target $400,000 In the month of “Movember” men across the country support prostate cancer awareness, and on Vancouver Island, that awareness begins with Island Prostate Centre (IPC). A local, independent nonprofit that has supported island men and their families for the last fifteen years, the centre is using this year’s anniversary milestone as an opportunity to launch its largest annual campaign to date. “We are well on our way to further building our capacity. We are adding more quality programs each year and have been inviting more donors to join us as we continue to support our men and their families on Vancouver Island,” said LeSubscribe to Director. anne Kopp, Executive IPC is an important healthcare link, providing free pro250-245-2277 grams and support Includes to men $ families online facing a and their access prostate cancer diagnosis. Ser-
vices include individual and group counselling, information, research support and local outreach, all made possible through fundraising efforts. In celebration of 15 years serving its communities, IPC has set their annual campaign goal at an ambitious $400,000 – its largest yet. “Currently, one in eight Vancouver Island men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer,” said IPC Board Chair, Murray Tough. As a son whose father passed away from prostate cancer, Tough is aware of the importance of a local and accessible support system for men and their families. “Island Prostate Centre works as a trusted connection between family doctors, urologists and their patients, providing the expert information patients need to make informed decisions about their prostate health,” said Tough.
Since 2000, the Centre has helped over 82,000 local men and families in their journey through prostate cancer treatment. “When we speak with our current and past patients, they continually express that the most important message they want to share is the importance of early detection,” said Kopp. “We often find men are reluctant to talk about their health and in particular about their sexual health,” she added. “Our goal is to make sure men and their families can have the frank discussions they need to have while they are younger and get tested when the opportunity presents itself.” To find out more about the programs and services offered by Island Prostate Centre or make a donation, visit:
Barra MacNeils
East Coast Christmas
Friday, Nov. 13, 2015 7:30 PM
Tickets: $45
20% off ad ult tickets wit h purchase of Barra MacNeils
ludes ine cess
Sunday Nov. 15, 2015 6:30 PM Tickets $28 / Student $25 / eyeGo $5 Subscribe to 250-245-2277
Includes online access Ticket Centre: 250.748.7529 2687 James St. Duncan, BC One Man Star Wars Trilogy performed with permission of Lucasfilm Ltd. All ‘Star WarsTM’ elements property of Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015 7:30 PM
Tickets: Adult $28 Student / Senior $25 Cowichan Folk Guild $25 eyeGo $5 Ticket Centre: 250.748.7529 2687 James St. Duncan, BC
14 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Seniors Seniors Safety Week focuses on the 747,000 Canadians living with dementia
Living safely with dementia October has been a busy month at the Seniors Office at the Ladysmith Resources Centre. We would especially like to thank Dave and Caroline Milne, owners of the Tim Hortons here in Ladysmith, for sponsoring our Bus trip to Tofino Oct. 23. We all had a wonderful time, and were very lucky the weather was sunny and mild. Just a reminder to the seniors of the community, that we have two trips a year sponsored by Tim Hortons, and if you would like to be on our phone list please call Barb at 250-245-3079. The 55 Alive Mature Driving Course was changed to Nov. 9 and 10, 12:30 to 4 p.m. at the Ladysmith Resources Centre. Overcoming the effects of aging on driving skills, applying the basic rules of the road, and preventing collisions are among the topics stressed in the course. The emphasis is on keeping you a safe driver. To register call 250-245-3079. This course is offered though the Seniors Office by Roadmasters Safety Group Inc. at a cost of $95 per person. Everyone who takes the course will receive a certificate. On Tuesday, Nov. 17 there will be an information session from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church Hall on Living Well and Leaving Well. The information from this session will help you to learn about what you, your spouse, children and executor need to know about wills. Kevin Holt is a dynamic speaker with a great sense of humour. I personally recommend this to everyone in the community. Please call Barb at 250-245-3079 to register. Coffee and refreshments will be offered at coffee break. Just a reminder to seniors that the Community Health Fair will be taking place Nov. 9 at the Frank Jamieson Community Centre Auditorium from 1 to 4 p.m. This is where the annual Flu Vaccine Clinic will take place. The Seniors Office is looking for volunteers to help with the 49th Phoners Program. This program has been assisting seniors with grocery shopping for at least 15 years. The volunteers take grocery orders over the phone from 9 a.m. to noon at the 49th Parallel Grocery Store, then shop for the groceries, which are delivered free of charge on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Volunteers can work both or just one of the days. You can drop in at the centre to fill in a volunteer application, or call Barb for further information about the program at 250-245-3079. Sharen Newton - Seniors Office
Watch for Senior’s Day Every Month
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Seniors Receive
There are 747,000 Canadians living • Store dangerous equipment like with Alzheimer’s or other ‘dementias,’ grills, lawn mowers, power tools, says the Canadian Safety Council in knives and firearms in a secure place, a release about Senior Safety Week, and lock any hazardous areas. Nov. 6 to 12 - that’s 14.9 per cent of the • Remove locks in bathrooms or bedpopulation 65 and older. rooms to prevent the person with deSo knowing how to make homes mentia from being locked inside. safe for loved ones with dementia is • If you’re concerned about someone a priority in many settings. using the stove, install a hidden gas “Home is an important place for ev- valve or circuit breaker that prevents eryone and even more so for people it from being turned on. Consider rewith Alzheimer’s disease and other moving the knobs from the burners. dementias,” says the CSC. “A famil- • Check the temperature of water iar environment can help a person and food as the person may have difconnect with the past and maintain a ficulty telling the difference. This apsense of who they are.” plies to bath water and hot food. The CSC and the Alzheimer Society • Install safety equipment in the bathof Canada have some tips to offer room. Grab bars for example help family members and care-givers who prevent falls. want to make homes safer for people • Consider registering the person coping with dementia. with dementia with MedicAlert® “People with dementia can become Safely Home®. This is a bracelet lost even in familiar places so it’s im- identification program that helps portant to strike a balance between emergency responders identify the safety and independence,” states the person who is lost and return them CSC release. safely home. Here’s some tips they offer: Another way to help keep people • Have fire extinguishers, smoke with dementia safe in the community detectors and carbon monoxide de- is to become a Dementia Friend. Visit tectors tested regularly to make sure, watch a short they’re working. video on what it’s like to have demen• Use appliances that have an automat- tia, register and commit to an action. ic shut-off feature and keep them away A joint initiative of the Alzheimer Sofrom sinks and other sources of water. ciety and Government of Canada, De• Use child-proof locks and door- mentia Friends Canada is designed to knob covers on drawers and cup- increase awareness about dementia boards that contain dangerous mate- and turn that knowledge into practirials such as knives, cleaning liquids cal actions to improve day-to-day life and appliances. for people with dementia.
Government licensed adult care facility has openings for seniors in need of complex/ palliative care. Quality care provided by professional nursing staff. 17 Baden Powell St. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2700 250-668-4433
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 15
Ladysmith 250-245-2252
Cyndi Beaulieu
Nadine Read, Ladysmith Historical Society
New Listing - 240 1st Ave Asking $299,900
Special to the chronicle
The action of Mr. W.S. Brown against the city for damages resulting from a fall in one of the alleys up on the hill was settled in court, Mr. Brown accepting $75 as payment in full for injury and court costs. FOOTBALL TOMORROW The first game in the Nanaimo and District Football League will be played in Ladysmith to-morrow afternoon between Nanaimo United ad the locals. The kick-off will take place at 2:30 o’clock, the following team representing this city: Goal – Taylor Backs – Strang and R. Battie Halves – Gourlay, J. Ryan, Davidson Forwards – Lyndsay, J. Robertson, Ollerton, T. Battie, J Wilkinson Reserves – L. Ryan, T. McLeod and Hfrickleton Nov. 1955 Today close to 300 school children will troop from the old Market Square School to the new Ladysmith Elementary School. They will carry their own books and supplies with them so they will be able to start classes in the new school without undue delays on Monday. The youngsters will move by classes to avoid congestion and, on arrival, will be assigned to desks in the new classrooms. This week the Market Square teachers have been spending their offshift hours putting classroom supplies in place and generally getting the new rooms ready for their pupils. The opening of the new school will see the end of a swing which has been in effect since last spring when the old Annex School building was torn down to make room for the new building. This will mean that Monday morning all children will expect to be on the grounds and ready to start at nine o’clock.
Location and Waterview 3 bedroom character home, updated throughout, walking distance to everything!
444 Battie Drive Asking $369,900 South End Ocean Views. Fully renovated ocean view home. 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths. Plumbing in place for suite.
# 5 721 Malone $159,900 Renovated townhouse, convenient location, new kitchen, bath, flooring and more. Large fenced yard
Don’t delay! Call Cyndi today 250-245-2252
Fun bun run Nov. 29 The annual Cinnamon Bun Fun Run takes place Sunday, Nov. 29 starting at 9:30 a.m. from Frank Jameson Community Centre. Put on by the Ladysmith Striders, the entry fee is five tins of non-perishable goods, which will be donated to the Ladysmith Food Bank. It’s a predicted-time event, meaning the win doesn’t go to the fastest, it goes to the person who comes in closest to their predicted time. No watches or other timing devices allowed. More at
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Contact Lens Options For Patients Over 40
Many people who have worn glasses and contact lenses for much of their lives begin to struggle to see fine print up close after their 40th birthdays. Often they think they will have to give up contact lenses and settle for glasses full time. Others may have enjoyed perfect vision without correction until around age 40 and then begin to struggle to see Dr. Carla Clarke up close. They may not want to wear glasses full time. The condition of slowly losing near focusing ability with age is called presbyopia. This usually begins in the early-to-mid 40s and increases gradually into the 60s. In the past, visual correction was limited to corrective spectacles such as reading glasses, bifocals or progressives. Now there are many soft, comfortable, breathable and convenient contact lens options available for those not wanting to rely solely on glasses. Advances in contact lens technology over recent years have brought about specially designed soft contact lenses that provide vision at distance and near. These are called multifocal contact lenses. Unlike progressive or bifocal spectacle lenses with distance at the top of the lens and reading at the bottom, most multifocal contact lenses are designed with concentric rings of distance and near vision throughout the contact lens. There may be some adaptation period but often patients enjoy good quality vision from the beginning. Due to the nature of multifocal contact lenses, patients may not have quite the same crisp vision that is provided by a good quality pair of progressive spectacle lenses but in most cases quite adequate vision can be obtained. Many patients see 20/20 at distance and near with multifocal contacts. Multifocal contact lenses can be very good for patients who simply dislike wearing glasses. Some patients enjoy wearing their multifocal contacts just for sports or special occasions. There are several excellent multifocal contacts lenses available as daily disposables. This is the healthiest, safest and most convenient way to wear contact lenses. A fresh lens is inserted each day and thrown out at the end of that day. There is no need to clean the contacts and there is less risk of infection. For those with astigmatism, a condition where the curves of the eye cause light to focus at different points, multifocal contacts may or may not work. Patients with low astigmatism can often be fit successfully with multifocal contacts. Those with more significant amounts of astigmatism still have several options. They can wear astigmatism-correcting contacts (toric lenses) with one eye corrected for distance and the other eye corrected for near. This is called monovision. The brain learns to adapt to which eye should be used for a given viewing task. Some patients really enjoy monovision and adapt right away. Others take longer to adjust. Some people cannot manage to adapt and may find the difference between the eyes makes them feel unbalanced. Monovision is also preferred by some people without astigmatism. Another contact lens option for those with higher astigmatism is to wear toric contact lenses for distance and use reading glasses over for close work. There is even one type of soft contact lens that corrects for both presbyopia and astigmatism. There are no multifocal coloured contact lenses available at this time but if you don’t have too much astigmatism and can adapt to monovision, you could wear coloured contacts. Another option if you just want the cosmetic effect is to wear non-prescription coloured contacts and still wear your prescription glasses. There are many options and your Optometrist can help you determine if you are a candidate for contact lenses and explore the best choice for your lifestyle.
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Dr. Anita Voisin* • Dr. Carla Clarke* • Dr. Nicole Hewitt Optometrists *Denotes optometric corporation 106 - 9844 Croft St. Chemainus 250-246-3405
CLUES ACROSS 1. Owed 7. Shawl 13. Slow tempo 14. Bodily structure 16. Sun-god 17. Franklin or Eleanor 19. Degree 20. Norwegian poet 22. Local school organization 23. Consumer 25. Brews 26. Hero 28. To clear or tidy 29. 9th month 30. Hit lightly 31. Pinna 33. DoD computer language 34. One Direction won at 2014 awards 36. No. Am. peat bog 38. Clear wrap 40. Napped leather 41. In a way, takes 43. Transported 44. Back muscle 45. Unhappy 47. Wrong 48. Chit 51. Epic poem 53. Capuchin genus 55. ____traz: The Rock 56. Weight unit 58. Foot (Latin) 59. Egg-shaped nut palm 60. A radioactive element 61. Roosevelt V.P. 64. Railroad track 65. More dense, less liquid 67. Block, Fire & Reunion 69. A set that is part of another set 70. Hair product
Nov. 1915
CLUES DOWN 1. Ineffective 2. 39th state 3. Skins 4. In a moment 5. Japanese Prime Minister Hirobumi 6. Tyrant 7. A cruelly rapacious person 8. Point midway between NE and E 9. Abnormal breathing 10. Essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers 11. Italian river 12. Fixed firmly into 13. Opera songs 15. Cloth measurement 18. 7th Greek letter 21. Extractor 24. For boiling water to make tea 26. Possesses 27. Edible tuberous root 30. Glass window sheets 32. Tactics 35. More (Spanish) 37. Our star 38. Makes a choice 39. Great Plains indians 42. Baglike structure in a plant or animal 43. Female sibling 46. Diverge 47. Adherent of Islam 49. Defer 50. Semitic gods 52. Indian term of respect 54. 10 decibels 55. Surface regions 57. Small amounts 59. Liberal rights organization 62. Teeny 63. Volcanic mountain in Japan 66. Atomic #71 68. Canadian province
16 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Linda Jane Neville 1945-2015 Linda Jane Neville, aged 69, passed away peacefully at home on October 20, 2015 in Nanaimo, B.C. Her family was at her side providing loving end of life care with tremendous support from her Iyengar Yoga community and the Vancouver Island Health Authority Homecare Nursing Services. Linda’s passing will be mourned by family, friends and artists all over the world. Her art will live on. Linda grew up in Ladysmith as the daughter of Dr. Jack Wilkes Neville and Gladys Mary Neville (Lindemere). She was a true Island girl, riding horses and painting from a young age. Having two professional painters for grandparents on her maternal side, Gladys and Richard Lindemere, meant the idea of becoming a professional artist was natural. Following high school, Linda left the small seaside town for the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, and then went on to the University of Washington in Seattle to complete a BA in Fine Arts. Returning to Canada to do teacher training at UBC, she met Vaughan Fraser Corbett (1946-2014) at a party. They married the next year, 1970. Upon finishing their studies, the newlyweds moved to London, England, coining it “the centre of the universe.” While in London, Linda completed her M.A. in Fine Arts at Middlesex Polytechnic. The couple quickly found a tribe of smart, fun, witty, welcoming friends and had their first child, Cleo, in 1978. Vaughan’s work as a transportation economist took them all over the globe and gave Linda the freedom and further inspiration to paint. They returned to Vancouver, B.C. in the early 80’s and immersed themselves in a circle of well-known social activists, musicians and artists. In 1988, their second daughter, Emma, was born. In 1991, the family relocated their home base to Nanaimo, B.C. Vaughan’s work allowed the family to continually travel, including long stints in Ethiopia, Algeria and Uganda, where Linda taught art at Makerere University in Kampala, often having to scrounge makeshift teaching supplies. Linda also taught for over 20 years with the Nanaimo Art Gallery Artists in the Schools program. One of many commissioned pieces, her portrait of Nanaimo Mayor Frank Ney hangs in the foyer at Nanaimo City Hall. Later in life, Linda found a passion for yoga. She trained in the Iyengar tradition of yoga, practicing daily, sharing her knowledge and inspiring others by teaching students, friends and family. Linda also had a profound fondness for the local Colliery Dam Park where she visited often. It featured prominently in many of her later paintings. Linda’s talent, intelligence, wit, good looks and vivacious courage to speak her truth dazzled those around her. The life Linda and Vaughan led was far from traditional and numerous people described them as a most glamorous and daring couple. She was a loving mother who made sure her daughters had access to a wide variety of opportunities, travel and the arts. Those wanting to know more about Linda, her art and her life, a documentary on Youtube under her name will be available in two weeks. Linda is survived by daughters Cleo and Emma Corbett, son-inlaw Jaret Nield, grandson Malcolm and another grandchild due in January 2016. She is also survived by sisters Rosamond and Paula Neville, numerous Lindemere, Day, Pease and Archer cousins across B.C., and the Corbett clan in-laws of Kingston and Presqu’île Point, Ontario, including her beloved mother-in-law Beatrice Corbett. In keeping with Linda’s style, a celebration of life will be held in Nanaimo on Sunday, November 8, 2015, including yoga sessions, an open house and a candlelight ceremony. For more information, please call 250-754-2704. In lieu of flowers, the family is accepting donations for a memorial picnic table to be placed in Colliery Dam Park.
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Iain S. Smith Manager Nanaimo
SANDS FUNERAL CHAPELS Nanaimo 250-753-2032 Proudly Canadian
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS CHEMAINUS Fire Department’s Annual Christmas Craft Fair Sat Nov 28th from 10am3pm 9901 Chemainus Rd.
PUBLICE MEETING of NORTH OYSTER DIAMOND RATE PAYERS November 4, 7-9pm at the North Oyster Community Centre- 13467 Cedar Road. ✱OPEN AGENDA
is seeking a P/T bookkeeper and general office worker for 15 - 20 hours per week in the LMS office. Specific times are flexible. Applicant must be exp. in Simply Accounting including Payroll, A/Rec. A/Pay Bank Reconciliations, Month End Statements etc.
TRAVEL Kevin Owens
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AUTOMOTIVE LOST WALLET between Stzumus Health Centre, Pharm-a-Save and Transfer Beach Oct 27 around 3:30pm. If found please call (250)6180072. A more affordable funeral home
Arrangements can be made in the comfort of your own home.
Please email resume by November 9th to
SAM – Ida Anastacia SAM – Ida Anastacia age 49 years, died in the Cowichan District Hospital on October 31st, 2015 surrounded by her loving family. Born December 21st, 1965 in Victoria, BC. Prayer service was held in the Stz’uminus Community Centre, 3994 Shell Beach Road, Ladysmith, BC on Monday, November 2nd, 2015. Funeral service on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Condolences may be sent to the family at
Serving Ladysmith, Chemainus and area Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553
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WATKIN MOTORS Ford, Vernon, B.C. requires a Service Manager to lead 3 Advisors, 12 technicians. Visit online, About us, Employment, to review required qualifications.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 5 BED adult care nursing home for sale in Ladysmith. Will sell equipment or full business. Leased building, but can be bought. (250)668-4433.
For lease 900 sq. ft. of office/retail space
Available immediately, $750 per month. Private washroom and kitchen area, main level parking in front.
Call Doug Irving 250-246-0321
22 High St, Ladysmith, basement suite FUNERAL HOMES
Burial and Cremation Centre Your local Memorial Society of BC Funeral Home, caring service at reasonable cost.
Your Community, Your Classifieds. CLASSIFIEDS
NANAIMO 595 Townsite Rd.
250-591-6644 LADYSMITH 112 French St.
Greg Lonsdale
18 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A18
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Tue, Nov 3, 2015, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
GET FREE vending machines can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-locations provided. Protected Territories. Interest free financing. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928
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HOME STAY FAMILIES MATURE couple wanted for fulltime, live-in, caretaking position on a private island near Whaletown, B.C. Must be familiar with boats, have valid driver’s license, basic first aid. Familiarity with basic maintenance, groundskeeping. Able to live in a remote location. Send resume to Subtle Island Enterprises, P.O. Box 286, Whaletown, B.C. V0P 1Z0 or to
Last Word for November 3, 2015
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May Ling Kwok will perform ‘The Genius of Schumann’ Nov. 15 in Chemainus
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GARAGE SALES Ladysmith: Fall Sale Nov 1410am-2pm Diamond Hall-4968 Christie Rd. Household items, baking, white Elephant table. Free admission, hotdogs, coffee or tea by TOPS #2510
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Available November 1-Includes Ladysmith large 1-BDRM online access level entry,Pets considered. $650. (250)210-0756.
Application #: SVI-PMP-2015
Applicant: Southern Railway of Vancouver Island Ltd. (SVI), PO Box 581, 7 Port Way, Nanaimo BC V9R 5L3 (250) 754-9222. Al Kutaj, Roadmaster. (250) 754-9222 ext 28 or (250) 754-5318 The purpose of the proposed Pest Management Plan (PMP) is to control vegetation, including noxious weeds and invasive plants, on track ballast, station grounds, railway yards, and around buildings, shops, material storage areas, signals and switches using the principles of integrated pest management. The PMP applies to areas located within the Capital, Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo and Comox Valley Regional Districts. The PMP applies to all property managed by SVI located within the vicinity of the communities of Victoria, Langford, Malahat, Shawnigan Lake, Cobble Hill, Koksilah, Duncan, North Cowichan, Chemainus, Ladysmith, Cassidy, South Wellington, Nanaimo, Lantzville, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Dunsmuir, Deep Bay, Buckley Bay, Union Bay, Royston and Courtenay.
• Chemainus Classical Concerts presents pianist May Ling Kwok with a performance of ‘The Genius of Schumann’, Sunday Nov. 15, 2 St. Michael’s Church in Chemainus. Tickets: At the door: $20. In Advance: Subscribe to Available at: Owl’s Nest Bistro, Chemainus; Valley $17. Under 18: $5. Vines to Wines, Mill Bay; Ten Old Books, Duncan; Salamander Books, Ladysmith; and Chemainus Festival Inn. Or by phoning 250-748-8383. In250-245-2277 formation at Includes
access • The 27th Annual Cedar Yellow Point Tour runs Nov. 19 to 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Twenty-one artisans will open their studios to the public, offering everything from hand made wood and metal items, alpaca garments, cranberries or all sorts, quilts, honey, pottery, glass – fused and hand blown, original paintings, jewellery, and hand painted reclaimed furniture. Call 250-245-1252 for more information.
ďŹ l here please
• Better Off North Cowichan will host three Home Energy Conservation Workshops this fall, in partnership with City Green Solutions and North Cowichan’s Environmental Advisory Committee. These workshops will be fun, interactive and give participants lots of useful information to lower home energy costs, water use, and greenhouse gas emissions. A workshop will be held Nov. 28, Chemainus Elementary School Gym, 1-4 p.m.
Herbicide application methods include: foliar and soil applications using backpack and handheld sprayer, handgun, boom sprayer (mounted on a hi-rail vehicle), wick/wipe-on and squirt bottle.
“A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send copies of the information to the applicant within 30 days of the publication of this notice�
• If you are thinking of getting a float into the Twenty-eighth Annual Light-Up Parade, Nov. 26, now’s the time to get your entry form in. They are available from the Festival of Lights office at 250-245-5888 or you can download a form from and return it by mail to PO Box 324, Ladysmith, V9G 1A3. You can also get in touch with Kinsmen Mike Sumptor at 250-245-2104 or Duck Paterson at 250-245-2263 for more information. Entry forms must be returned by Nov. 12.
• Award-winning Cowichan Valley vocalist Glaucia Desrochers will take on the role of famed jazz vocalist Billy Holiday in the one-woman musical Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill. The opening performances will be at Chemainus Gardens, Nov. 27 & 28, 7 p.m. There will also be performances at the Crofton Pub, and St. Michael’s Church Hall in Chemnainus. For information on times and dates go to
The pest management methods proposed for use for vegetation control include hand pulling, manual trimming, brush cutting, mechanical mowing, ballast and surfacing and tamping, stripping and revegetation, and the use of pesticides. The use of pesticides (herbicides) is intended within the proposed PMP area. The common name and examples of the trade names of the herbicides proposed for use under this plan include: aminopyralid (Milestone), chlorsulfuron (Telar), dicamba (Vanquish), diflufenzopyr (Overdrive), diuron (Karmex DF), flumioxazin (Payload), glyphosate (Vantage Plus Max), imazapyr (Arsenal), indaziflam (Esplanade SC), metsulfuron methyl (Escort), triclopyr (Garlon XRT), and the adjuvants Hasten and Siloxylated polyether.
A draft copy of the proposed PMP and maps of the proposed treatment areas may be examined in detail at SVI., 7 Port Way, Nanaimo BC V9R 5L3, online at pest-management-program/ or by contacting the Applicant listed above.
• St. Mary’s will be holding a Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 7 at 1135 Fourth Ave., Ladysmith. Enjoy a delicious lunch for $7. Browse the sewing, baking and gift items that will be available, and take a crack at the raffle. Many more prizes. Sponsored by the St. Mary’s CWL.
• The Chemainus Valley Cultural Arts Society continues its popular ‘open-stage’ evening this year Nov. 21 at St. Michael’s Hall on Mill Street, 7 p.m., and the third Saturday of every month moving forward. Performers are welcome to take their turns: each will be allowed three songs or 10 minutes, whichever comes first. The public is welcome to attend. Admission is by donation; beverages and light snacks available.
The proposed duration of the PMP is from March 31, 2016 to March 31, 2021.
• Grace and Glorie at Chemainus Theatre. Cantankerous 90-yearold Grace and her big-city caregiver Glorie don’t often see eye-to-eye. Through their laughter and tears we are reminded that life is full of surprises and friendships can be found in the most unexpected places. Runs to Nov. 7. More info under Shows at
Subscribe to 250-245-2277
Includes online access
• Ladysmith Rotary will host its second Polio Plus Gala called ‘The Faces of Polio,’ Dec 5., 5:30 p.m. at Cottonwood Golf Club. “We are so very close to ending Polio in the next decade,â€? says a Rotary release. “This has been a 25-plus year battle.â€? Coordinator of World’s Greatest Meal to End Polio, and polio survivor, Susanne Rea of Australia will speak at the event. Tickets for the Gala cost $15 available: at Little Otters Store on First Ave; by phone at 250-701-3978; or from Rotary members.
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, November 3, 2015 19
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20 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
At the 49th, one of our core values is that “we value our employees and work as a team.” We also recognize our employees for their “efforts” and it is in this regard we ask your help in selecting our “employee of the month”!
Karyn Pender
CHEMAINUS 49TH PARALLEL Karyn has been part of the 49th for just over a year now and in that time has moved from part time front end cashier to Full time front end supervisor. Reliable, responsible and with a friendly smile, Karyn has rapidly become a customer and staff favourite. Previous to working at the 49th Karyn spent close to a decade in Whitehorse, Yukon as a business owner and more recently spent several years at Byron’s FoodMarket. Blend in Karyn’s work experience and her ability to make a genuine connection with people and what you have is another example of the excellent staff ready to serve you at 49th Parallel Grocery. LIVE MUSIC AT Thank you for all you do.
Day Sale day
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Day Sale
Delmonte Assorted
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Look for this form instore!
Also, please remember we have a customer suggestion box instore as well. Please ask us anything we will respond within one week!
At the 49th, we striveBirtwistle to provide unparalleled customer service every Friday, March 18 day. Please let us know how we served 7:00pm you today: Serving locally roasted coffee,
soup & sandwiches, fresh-baked treats, free WiFi, and music!
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BIG 1.75 litres Day Sale
When?: Where?:
LADYSMITH CHEMAINUS Your Island Community Grocers since 1977
This month: CUSTOMER’S PICK for EMPLOYEE of theLena MONTH
While Stock lasts
1020 1st Avenue
3055 Oak Street
1824 Cedar Road
550 Cairnsmore Street
Open Daily from 7:30 am - 9:00 pm 100% Locally Owned & Operated • We deliver! (See store for details) We reserve the right to limit quantities • Pictures for illustrative purposes only
Visit us on the web