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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 44 $1.35
Bakery & Deli Closed Sundays & Stat Holidays
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Sale pending on Catholic Church in Field ...................................2
Local face painter got kids ready for Halloween ........................................3
House concert brings Montreal jazz artist .................................9
Bill Ewing pins the first poppy on Mayor Ron Oszust on behalf of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122 to mark the beginning of the 2015 poppy blitz. See the complete schedule for the Remembrance Day ceremonies on Nov. 11 on page 5. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
New CBT priorities include childhood development Rockets still struggling to find their first win ..................................11
Jessica Schwitek Last year the Columbia Basin Trust embarked on their largest community engagement project to date. Through that process, the organization has determined where it wants to go over the next five years.
Moving forward, the Trust will focus on 13 strategic priorities, most of which were already on the Trust’s radar in one way or another. However there are a few new areas of focus includeing agriculture, renewable and alternative energy, and early childhood and childhood development. They will continue to put resources toward
broadband, arts and culture, affordable housing, and non-profit support, among many others. The local CBT office hosted an open house last week to unveil and discuss the new five-year plan, and to let residents know what will, and what won’t be changing right here in Golden.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Star
Sale pending for St. Joseph’s Church, a historic landmark in Field
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Field is as photogenic as ever despite its age. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey Nestled far below the towering, snowcapped heights of Mount Stephen lies a small, aging church that’s been mostly dormant for years. Aside from the occasional church service and wedding, St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Field is seldom used. When it did host services, they were organized by Sacred Heart in Golden, exclusively in the summer months. Attendance was poor and parishioners could often be counted on one hand. That, more than anything, is why the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nelson decided to sell the building.
“There’s so few people there‌we see no reason to maintain the church there any more,â€? said Bishop John Corriveau. While services at St. Joseph’s have been sparsely attended in recent years, that’s not to say that the facility’s recent existence has been a lonely one. Far from it. A fixture in Field since 1908, St. Joseph’s is the most photographed building in the village. You’d be hard pressed to find any statistics to back that up, but you’d be equally hard pressed to make a legitimate argument for a contender to that title. It’s easy to see why, as St. Joseph’s location under the 3,199 metre Mount Stephen makes for an attractive shot for photographers, from amateurs to professionals.
The building itself could probably use some work. The rickety steps leading to its weathered wooden doorway could do with a fresh coat of paint, at the very least, and the double doors on the way into the sanctuary tend to stick. Inside, its two rows of pews - which might be able to seat 50 individuals depending on what each had for breakfast - remain intact. Other than the sanctuary, there’s just a small room at the back that was once a confessional. And it’s not that the church smells bad, but there is a distinct odour inside St. Joseph’s walls, the kind of smell that you might expect from a building that’s stood tall for over a century. Indeed, St. Joseph’s has character and more than a touch of small-town charm. The church’s first home was actually in Donald, built in 1888 by railroad construction crews. It was later moved to Field, where it has remained for 108 years. It used to be a hub for worship, with Field’s many Italian residents making up a large part of the church’s congregation. Now, St. Joseph’s is more of an icon, a landmark for a town of just a few hundred people. Lately, there is concern amongst those few hundred about what the building’s fate may be. At one time there were four churches in Field, but only St. Joseph’s remains. “A lot of visitors have dropped by there for mass and in times of need. The church has always been left open for people to come in and out freely as they please over the 35 or 40 years that I’ve lived here,â€? said resident Joanie Keefer. “It’s such a landmark in the town here. It gives off a sense of holiness. It’s an amazing place.â€? The building was officially put on the market this summer. A potential buyer has been found and the sale is pending. In anticipation of the sale, the Catholic Church removed all religious artifacts from within the building over the summer. When the Field Community Council heard about the Church’s intention to sell, they made a proposal: they asked the Church to donate the building to the community. Their case for a donation was made stronger when taking into account the work that residents of Field have put into St. Joseph’s in its more recent history. “Over the past 35 years, at least two different work parties were put into place to take care of painting, roof and bell tower maintenance, stair work, chimney repair‌This work was raised with funds donated by the community through fundraisers and donations by individuals, businesses and past parishioners. Over
$10,000 was raised, and work completed through paid and volunteer time,â€? Keefer said. “The community really did step in to take care of it through cutting the grass, shovelling the snow‌there’s definitely been a commitment from the community and we felt that, given it’s such a significant building, that (a donation) would be the right thing to do,â€? said Craig Chapman, who has lived in Field for 20 years and chairs the Community Council. Chapman said that the village of Field’s intention was to maintain the building as it is and run a wedding chapel. While Bishop Corriveau says he is very appreciative of the work that the community has done over the years, he denied their request. “We’re not in the habit of giving our churches away‌first of all, it’s not my church to give away. I’m the administrator of other people’s properties and with that church, I have to be respectful of two points: Number one, the intention of all those people who built that church originally,â€? Bishop Corriveau said. “Secondly, over the years religious services were maintained because of the generosity of the (Catholic) community in Golden‌I have no basis for donating that to the municipality of Field.â€? Bishop Corriveau later added that the Catholic Church simply couldn’t afford to make a donation of this sort, and that if the church were to be given away, he’d have looked at moving the building out of Field to a location that was in need of a better worship facility. The village of Field was given the first opportunity to purchase the building, but Chapman says that was never a realistic possibility for the community with the church’s price tag set at $35,000. Because the church is not a designated heritage building by Parks Canada, its ultimate fate could be left up to the wishes of the buyer, a concern for many residents of Field who would like to see the church remain as is. “It still seems like a spiritual place now‌ the doors are still open and the pews are in there. That would be my greatest fear, is that the whole structure would be torn down,â€? Keefer said. “It’s the fear of a lot of people, not only that live in this town but past (residents).â€? “People always just assume that something will be what it is. So it’s a shock to the community when they see a change. People, rightfully so, want to see it preserved‌there’s a lot of history in town and we’ve lost a lot of history. So people just don’t want to see those sort of mistakes being made again,â€? Chapman said.
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 4, 2015 A3
Halloween preparations Golden building permits surpass $6 million in 2015 Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden broke a record this year when the total dollar value of building permits in the municipality surpassed the $6 million mark. “That is the highest value the Town of Golden has ever seen,” said Jon Wilsgard, chief administrative officer for the Town of Golden. The 2015 figures (which are year-to-date, and could increase by the end of the year), were presented at the last council meeting. A few large projects (such as the new brewery and the child care centre) contribute to the year’s spike. Last year the total value of construction permits was just over $4.5 million. With the exception of two industrial permits issued (compared to zero last year), the quantity of permits has not increased, but the dollar value has. The
Golden Shoe Store
503 – 9 Avenue North th
Jennifay Daigneault got a long line up of kids ready for a night of trick or treating on Halloween at the Bean Bag cafe. Pictured is Carma Tulp getting her face painted. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Across from the Post Office
Engagement didn’t reveal any surprises Behind
Continued from page 1
CBT’s granting system, for example, is highly utilized by various organizations in Golden. The funds dedicated to that will remain constant. But there are also new programs available to local groups, including a Non-profit Advisors Program. The program pairs non-profits with an expert to help them in areas such as human resources, financial management, governance, and more. All in all, however, the Trusts priorities have remained relatively constant, if not a little more focused. “It would be disappointing for the organization if there were huge surprises (from the
engagement),” said Neal Muth, CBT president. “We pride ourselves in having continuous and ongoing engagement with the people of the Basin, and this helps us understand what is important to them and what the issues are that they are dealing with.” The Trust invests in power projects, which they will continue to do, and it is the income earned on those investments that gets delivered back into Basin communities through various projects and initiatives. Moving forward, however, the Trust will look into investing in ways that may not earn a high return, but will yield other benefits, such as job creation. The complete five-year plan is available at
Tourism company raising funds for GADSAR Golden Star Staff As Golden gets ready for winter with the annual Ski Swap and Snow Show this weekend, and the premiere of Paradise Waits, an initiative is being taken on to support the organization that helps keep everyone safe in the winter season. Chatter Creek is raffling off two seats to go cat skiing this Christmas, which has a value of $3,270. All the proceeds raised go to Golden and District Search and Rescue (GADSAR). The winner will be drawn this Saturday evening at the movie premiere at the Golden Civic Centre. The bar sales from the Golden Alpine Rippers (GNAR) event will also be going towards GADSAR. Raffle tickets are available at Off the Wall, DJ’s Paper Place, Higher Ground and Eat Pure Mountain Market.
the Wheel
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Johnston Meier
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Convicted of Impaired Driving in Alberta - Can I Drive in BC? The basis of this story comes from an inquiry posed by a young man who moved from BC to Alberta for work and was convicted for drinking and driving. He lost his job and was forced to move back home. The Justice of the Peace at the courthouse in Alberta advised that his driving prohibition was for the province of Alberta and that this should not stop him from obtaining a BC driver’s licence when he returned home. The Justice of the Peace was not correct. Anyone who is prohibited from operating a motor vehicle by the law of a province and drives commits an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Put more simply, if you are prohibited from driving by the law of any province, you are prohibited from driving anywhere in Canada. If you choose to drive and are convicted, you will have a criminal record for doing so. When this young man visits an ICBC Driver Service Center to regain his BC driver’s licence he will be asked if he is currently prohibited from driving in another jurisdiction. If he answers honestly a check will be made with the Alberta authorities. The confirmed impaired driving conviction will be entered on his driving record and he will be automatically prohibited from driving in BC for one year from the date of the Alberta conviction. If he lies and is caught, other criminal sanctions will result if he is convicted. Continuing to drive without a licence, prohibited or not, will only serve to make the problem worse. There are significant fines, possible jail sentences, vehicle impounds and further prohibitions that could be applied. While the consequences of this young man’s poor decision look significant for him, it is nothing in comparison to the potential harm his choice presented to both himself and others. Driving while impaired by alcohol, legal or illegal drugs is still far too common on our highways. Never drive while your abilities are impaired. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Star
RCMP Report: Stolen snowmobile found out in Nicholson Golden Star Staff reporter@thegoldenstar. net Telemarketer Fraud Police are reminding residents to be cautious when dealing with telemarketers as many may be looking to obtain your information for fraudulent purposes. “This week we had two separate incidents of people fraudulently obtaining money from local residents,” said Cst. Spencer Lainchbury, spokesperson for the Golden-Field RCMP. Both incidents saw victims lose large amounts of money to fraudsters, including one who was posing as the Canada RevenueAgency. If you believe you have been a victim of a fraud, immediately contact the GoldenField RCMP at 250-3442221. Should you feel that you received a fraudulent call, but were not a victim of fraud you can report the call to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-4958501.
Laptop Stolen On October 27 police received a report that a laptop had been stolen out of a vehicle that was parked at the Emerald Lake Lodge overnight. Police are continuing to investigate and are asking anyone with information regarding this incident contact them at 250-3442221 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-2228477. Break and Enter Police are investigating after receiving a report that a rural residence near Parson was broken into sometime on October 27. Missing from the residence are a number of video games, lighters, and a Samsung Tab4 tablet. Anyone with information regarding this break & enter is asked to contact police or Crimestoppers. Stolen Sled Recovered The Golden-Field RCMP were called to
recover a snowmobile that had been found in a rural area near Nicholson on October 28. The caller believed that the sled may be stolen, and upon attendance police confirmed that the sled had been stolen out of Golden earlier in the month. The sled was brought back to the Golden RCMP Detachment where it was later returned to the owner. Police are still looking for information on who is responsible for the theft. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Golden-Field RCMP or Crimestoppers. Passenger Yelling on Bus On October 29 the Golden-Field RCMP were called by a bus driver for Greyhound requesting they assist him in removing a passenger who had become intoxicated since getting on the bus in Revelstoke. Police attended and
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) GOLDeN zONe School District No.6 (Rocky Mountain), is now accepting applications for a temporary part-time (.4000 fte) Aboriginal Education Support Worker position at Golden Secondary School, effective November 16, 2015 to June 30, 2016. The successful candidate will: • Provide academic guidance, assistance and direction to Aboriginal students as needed; • Liaise between the home, school and parents/guardians, Band Education Coordinators, and other agencies; • Provide a positive role model for students; • Work closely with teaching staff to support the achievement of Aboriginal learners; • Monitor student academic and social development as well as attendance; • Work effectively with current technology; Desirable Training and experience: • Completion of the 12th school grade, or equivalent; • Aboriginal Education Support Worker Diploma program or other relevant diploma or degree program or equivalent, or successful relevant coursework and experience for working with Aboriginal students in the K-12 system; • A strong knowledge of Aboriginal culture is considered an asset. If you are qualified and interested in the above competition, please submit your electronic application by Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 4:00 pm via Make a Future (Make a Future #1088525)
spoke with the driver who stated that other passengers became uncomfortable when the male began yelling and swearing on the bus. Police then spoke with the male who was quite obviously intoxicated. The male was arrested for Causing a Disturbance and lodged in cells until sober. Suspected Drug Use Police were called on October 30 after a local hotel owner believed that there were people smoking marijuana inside a vehicle parked outside of the hotel. Upon attendance police were not able to find any evidence that the two were smoking marijuana, and the two stated they had simply stopped to take a break from driving. No other complaints were received regarding the vehicle and the two continued on their way. Shoplifting A 34 year-old from the Malakwa area is scheduled to appear in court on December 1 after she allegedly stole just under $100 worth of merchandise from a local grocery store on October 30. “The female caught the attention of staff after she filled a bag full of items and then walked out of the store without making any attempt at payment,” said Cst. Lainchbury. The female was held until police could arrive where she was then arrested. The female was later released with documents requiring her to attend court to answer to the allegation. More Gas Theft The Golden-Field RCMP received a report of gas being syphoned out of a vehicle on Golden View Road sometime during the weekend
of October 24-25. A U-Haul vehicle was parked on the property and had at least a half of a tank of gas. When the owner of the property returned the tank was empty and a hose was found a short distance away. Anyone with information regarding this theft is asked to contact police or Crimestoppers. Halloween Shenanigans Two local youths found themselves riding home in the back of a police car after police were called to two separate incidents on Halloween night. The first incident involved police being called to a large party on October 31. “Several police officers responded to the call where it was determined that a number of youths were drinking,” said Cst. Lainchbury. “Most party goers dispersed once police arrived, however one stood out to police as being fairly intoxicated and was given a ride home to his parents.” The second call came in just before 4 a.m. when police were called to a local gas station as a youth was intoxicated at the store. The youth was also picked up and driven home to her parents. Drunk Wanders into Wrong House in Field The Golden-Field RCMP are reminding residents to lock the doors to their houses after, for a second week in a row, someone walked into someone else’s house unannounced. Police were called to a residence in Field on November 1 just after 2 a.m., when it was reported that an intoxicated male entered the complainant’s residence. The female resident was woken up by the door to her house opening and found a male leaning
up against her couch. Police attended but were not able to locate the male who took off on foot. The male is described as white, approximately 6 feet tall, wearing a red ball cap, a blue and orange vest, and jeans. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Golden-Field RCMP or Crimestoppers. Trailer Stolen Police are investigating after receiving a report of theft on November 1. Both a trailer and a 4500 litre fuel tank were taken from a pit near Quartz Creek, west of Golden. Other items stolen included two plasma televisions, a 3000 watt Honda generator, a range finder, clothing, and other items with a total approximate value of $20,000. Anyone with information regarding this theft is asked to contact police or Crimestoppers. A reward may be offered for information that leads to an arrest. Traffic Services On October 30 at approximately 6 a.m., the Golden-Field RCMP, along with the Golden Fire-Rescue, and BC Ambulance Service, responded to a report of a single vehicle roll-over into a residential property on Hwy 95 south of Golden near Parson. The driver and sole occupant, a 36-yearold male from Vernon, was deceased on scene. Highway 95 was reduced to single lane alternating traffic for a few hours, reopening once emergency crews departed the scene. The BC Coroner’s office is still investigating the incident. Drunk Driving A 28 year-old male from Maple Ridge
had his driver’s license suspended for 90 days and his vehicle impounded for 30 under the Immediate Roadside Prohibition program after police allege that he failed two roadside alcohol screening device tests on the evening of October 30. “A traffic stop was initially conducted with the vehicle as it had no insurance,” said Cst. Lainchbury “In speaking with the driver, the police officer believed that the driver had alcohol in his body and the two tests were conducted resulting in ‘fail’ readings.” Driver Ran Red Light Police with Traffic Services issued another Immediate Roadside Prohibition this week after they allege that a 38 year-old male from Golden failed to provide samples of his breath. “A traffic stop was conducted on November 1 after the officer alleged that the driver failed to come to a stop at a red light,” said Cst. Lainchbury. Police formed the opinion that the driver had alcohol in his system, and police state that the driver was given several opportunities to provide a sample of his breath but failed to provide the samples. As a result the driver had his vehicle impounded for 30 days and his driver’s licence was also suspended for 90 days. New Social Media The Golden-Field RCMP is now on Facebook. Be sure to follow them at facebook. com/Golden-FieldRCMP for weekly safety and crime prevention tips, crime alerts, and anything else RCMP related. You can also follow them on Twitter: @goldenrcmp.
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 4, 2015 A5
Cenotaph Service Itinerary For Remembrance Day • Wednesday November 11, 2015 Remembrance Day Parade
Official Party
Parade Marshall Sgt. At Arms Colour Party Cenotaph Flag Staff Flag Bearers Piper
Comrade Eric Goodall Officer Cadet Jay Williams 3066 Lord Strathcona’s Horse RCACC Jim Clampitt 3066 Lord Strathcona’s Horse RCACC Derek Smith
Placing wreath as Representatives of the Motherhood of Canada Bereaved by war. Bernice Bechtold
Parade Fall In Parade Move Off Led by 3066 Lord Strathcona’s RCACC Drum Corp.
The Vimy Foundation
Programme 10:35 hrs 10:40 hrs
Marchers form at Cenotaph Parade Marshall and Sgt. At Arms Position Colour Party MC
Cst. Spencer Lainchbury
“O Canada”
Roll Call
Cst. Trevor Skappak
WW1- 1914-1918 WW11- 1939-1945 Last Post
11:00hrs Lament Piper Reveille
Two Minutes of Silence Derek Smith Music by Mike Pecora
Town Mayor
Ron Oszust
Cst. Mark Tataryn
Music by Mike Pecora
Rev. Michele Rowe
Message from the Prime Minister of Canada Laying of the Wreaths “Abide with Me” GSS BAND
A division of
Government of British Columbia
MLA Norm MacDonald
Korea Conflict Veterans
Captain Shawna Mattson Wesley Routley & Jo-Mary Crowchild-Fletcher
Town of Golden
Mayor Ron Oszust
RCMP Golden Detachment
Cst . Robyn Diddams
3066 Lord Strathcona’s Horse RCACC Officer 3066 Lord Strathcona’s Horse RCACC Cadets
Message and Prayer English Randy Hamilton French Annette Lefevre
Captain Shawna Mattson TBA
Br 122, The Royal Canadian Legion
Vice President Randy Hamilton
Br122, The Royal Canadian Legion , LA
President, Annette Lefebvre
MC “Announces” Singing of the Royal Anthem God save The Queen GSS BAND MC - That completes the Official Ceremony, the Parade still STAND EASY. Parade Marshall
Br. 122 Vice President Randy Hamilton They shall grow not old as we are left to grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM Response WE WILL REMEMBER THEM Padre:
Placing of wreath for the Government of Canada
Recall Colour Party Parade “Stand Easy” GSS BAND
MC At this time I would like to extend thanks on behalf of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 122 to everyone who supported our Poppy Campaign, especially those who donated towards our wreath campaign. A listing of those businesses and individuals who donated toward our Wreath Campaign will be published in The Golden Star. Thank you all for attending our Cenotaph service. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM Parade Marshall:
Call Parade to attention March off led by drum corps Pass saluting base (president and padre)
Itinerary subject to last minute changes.
Stay right, slow pokes The snow line is getting lower and lower every day, it won’t be long now until the highways and roads are blanketed in white. That means winter tires, and keeping speeds reasonable on the highways. But don’t forget that the same rules apply on the road - I SURMISE regardless of the seaBy Jessica Schwitek son. I’m talking about leftlane hogs. A poll has left-lane hogs leading in public opinion as the most “blood boiling” habit on the road. It beat out texting and driving, slow drivers, tailgating, excessive speeders, and yes, even drunk driving. Yet even though this irritating driving habit is commonly acknowledged, it’s still rampant on B.C.’s roads and highways. It’s so common that the Province decided to enact a “keep right except to pass” law, which, if you ask me, has yet to curb the behaviour. Yet after several months of the regulation being in place, and with the signs up, I haven’t heard of a single violation ticket being issued (that of course doesn’t mean there hasn’t been). Although it is an admittedly tough regulation to enforce. However, I see the biggest barrier to seeing fewer slow pokes in the left lane is our perception of the problem. Most people look at it as an irritation, simply inconsiderate behaviour. When really, it is actually quite dangerous. The road, inside the safety of our vehicles, is where most of us seem to be the most aggressive and agitated. It doesn’t take much for most drivers to lose their cool. And even though it is the sole responsibility of the driver to make safe decisions, it’s just foolish to discount the motivations behind unsafe decisions as a factor. Slow inconsiderate drivers, blocking the safe passing route in the left lane, is one of those motivations. These drivers aren’t forcing anyone to pass in an unsafe manner, but they sure are taunting them. All unsafe behaviour (that is banned by law) on the road is penalized; speeding, using electronic devices, driving while intoxicated. Even rules that only affect personal safety, such as not wearing a seat belt, are enforced. This shouldn’t be any different.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Star
MLA Report: Liberal destruction deliberate As your MLA, I often receive requests from constituents for access to information, information that you have every right as a citizen to receive. My staff work with people to access information through Freedom of Information, and most would be shocked to discover just how difficult, slow, and costly accessing even the most basic information can be. Your government has a responsibility to retain relevant documents and to provide access under the Freedom of Information Act. This is not just a moral requirement, it is actually a legal requirement. There are well-established protocols on what has to be retained. And when it is discovered, as it has been recently, that the BC Liberal government has not retained the required documents and correspondences, you must understand that it is not a simple mistake. - MLA Report It is a deliberate act. By Norm Macdonald A report has recently come out on three clear cases where the BC Liberals broke the law, and, as a result, a government political staff member is now under investigation by the RCMP. What has become clear is that the Premier’s office, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Ministry responsible for ensuring that Freedom of Information laws are actually followed, all have political staff that routinely purge records that they are legally obliged to keep. Whether it is the fact that proper documents are either very deliberately not created, or that electronic documents are ‘triple-deleted’ to permanently destroy them, the actions of this government are in blatant disregard of the law. The documents that we now know were destroyed related to serious abuses of government power such as the firing of health researchers, a travesty that resulted in a suicide of one of the falsely accused researchers. These health researchers were falsely accused for political reasons, likely on the direct orders from the Premier’s office. Continued on page 7
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think cases of vandalism and other petty crimes are on the rise in Golden? log onto to make your vote count
Last week’s poll question: Are you worried about the possible affects of El
Nino on the upcoming winter?
Yes 25%
No 75%
DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 500 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
Michele LaPointe
Jessica Schwitek EDITOR
Joel Tansey
Erica Fife
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
• LOCAL Senior’s Discount
10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Star editorial and opinion A7
Golden point of view
Do you think cases of vandalism and other petty crimes are on the rise in Golden? A river full of stars to the Golden Fire Rescue for rescuing the racing ducks, the Leo Club for escorting them down the river, other helpers, and everyone who supported the fundraiser. Gary Balas
Carmen Oszust
Steve Conway
“Yes, I think they are. Just from what I’m hearing it’s getting worse and worse.”
“No, I haven’t really noticed any increase.”
“Yes, I think it’s clear that it is on the rise. It’s terrible.”
Stars to having an
Go to to have your say. Continued page 6
This government also destroyed documents related to the government’s lack of response to the Highway of Tears. We know that it is not just the Premier’s office, or these two ministries, that are engaging in these unlawful acts. It is far wider than that. This is the culture of this government, and it absolutely cannot be tolerated. Governments have tremendous power. But governments are not above the law. We must demand that this government follow the law. I would encourage you to make your thoughts known directly to the Premier at premier@gov.
Janne Arlt Principal of LGES, FES Winter is coming but no one is hibernating at Lady Grey! We have all kinds of learning and leading going on! On October 17th and 18th, close to 70 participants attended the community workshop about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Many parents from the schools in Golden and other community members took the opportunity to think about how to use the habits in their own lives, work and personal. There was some discussion about developing ways to share with others that couldn’t make it and offer this training again with community resources. A huge thanks goes to Lori Baxendale for her tireless fundraising efforts and her commitment
BA BoRnnOectAinD g the C nline Basin o
WATER UNDEDRERS INVA our s ecting Prot waterway local
ING IN INVEST ASINsiness THE B all bu One sme at a tim
PS the food was great as well.
Many SUPER STARS to all the folks of Golden that are donating towards a defibrillator for Sydney at TRU Hardware.
Stingers to people who tackle their friends in the middle of the street.
A World Cup full of stars to The Island Restaurant for having the rugby match on. Stars to Petra for turning on the sound.
Stars to Alexander Overdrive for the excellent Halloween performance. Stingers to the girl who was taunting her sister for throwing up on Halloween night.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Principal’s Report: Nearly 70 attend 7 Habits workshop
Stingers to all the kids who threw their candy wrappers on the ground on Halloween.
extra hour of sleep after Halloween.
ur g on yo Focusiniorities pr
to the success of our community. Some Grade 7 students organized a logo contest to come up with a picture to match our new motto: I learn, I lead, We Succeed. Every class had the opportunity to enter 2 logos. Then students and staff were each given 2 votes to choose the overall winning logo. The winning logo was designed by Danielle Weigl, grade 7. The logo is being put on t-shirts and other merchandise that will be available for sale soon. BEYOND RECYCLING: By Lauren Russell and Alexia Côté Mme Bernier’s class and Ms. Kelly-McArthur’s class are participating in a year-long program called Beyond Recycling. Beyond Recycling is a Wildsight program that is
being presented in this school by Alysia Daciw. It is about keeping our environment safe and how good choices can affect our impact on the planet earth. Last week Alysia came to Mme Bernier’s class and talked about waste and how much waste we produce now compared to the past. This is how much we waste every day!!! Caveman Time: 0 kg Prehistoric Farmers: 0.2 kg Ancient Greece: 0.5 kg Industrial revolution: 1 kg
Post-World War 2: 1.2 kg Present Day: 2.6 kg [6 pounds] Alysia will be going to Mme Bernier’s and Ms. Kelly McArthur’s classes each week to learn more, not just about waste but anything related to recycling and having a healthy earth. Thank-you, Alysia! We would like to express our gratitude for a number of things: -Our Book Fair raised over $1400 worth of books for our library. Thanks to students and parents for their support
of this annual event! -Thanks to the Columbia Valley Credit Union for donating $1000 to the Breakfast Clubs at the 3 elementary schools again this year! Alexander Park, Lady Grey and Nicholson students appreciate their support of this popular and important program! - Also, Lady Grey Elementary has been "adopted" by Columbia Valley Credit Union through BC Book Prizes "Adopta-Library" program! What this means is that Columbia Valley CU has provided a
$500 donation for us to select $500 worth of BC Book Prizes finalist books that will most enrich the school’s library. Our students will benefit greatly from this generous donation! -A big thank you to parents and guardians for making the time to come in for student-parentteacher interviews last week. We appreciate the opportunity for students and teachers to communicate the learning that has happened so far this year with parents and set some goals together.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, November 4, 2015
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Film Kicks brings German drama from TIFF
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Kicking Horse Culture continues to bring a little bit of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) to Golden with the latest movie in the Film Kicks series, Phoenix.
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Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Job Skills Training Opportunity Who is this for?
Participants must meet the following eligibility criteria: • • • • • •
Unemployed Aged 55 – 64 (in some circumstances, unemployed workers aged 50 – 54 or 65 and up may also participate) Be legally entitled to work in Canada Require new or enhanced skills for successful integration into new employment Live in an eligible community/region Be ready and committed to returning to work
The German drama takes you on a journey with Nelly (Nina Hoss), a German-Jewish nightclub singer, who has survived a concentration camp, but with her face disfigured by a bullet wound. After undergoing extensive reconstructive surgery, Nelly emerges with a new face. She then seeks out her estranged husband, to whom she is now unrecognizable, and tries to figure out if the man she loves may have been the one who betrayed her to the Nazis. The movie received
Nelly (Nina Hoss) tries to determine if her husband was the one who betrayed her in Phoenix. Photo Submitted rave reviews at TIFF, and is being brought to Golden audiences for one night only.
Joel Tansey
Participants may be eligible to receive: • • •
Class-based skill development – including job searching and career planning Funding to access training at local educational institutions/trainers Income support for the duration of in-class training Targeted wage subsidy for on-the-job training
When is it? •
November 24, 2015 - March 11, 2016
Funded by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia through the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
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There is precious little to get excited about in The Gambler, starring Mark Wahlberg. Paramount Pictures
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What happens when one man believes that there are no grey areas in life, that one either has it all or nothing? I suppose that’s part of the message in The Gambler, a remake of a 1970s flick about, you guessed it, a guy with a gambling addiction. Jim Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) has a problem, a problem that becomes even more severe when he loses $240,000 while playing blackjack at an underground casino. Jim, a literature professor with the all-or-nothing world view demonstrates his all-in personality during a lecture, where he tells nearly his entire class that they’ll never make it as writers. The lone exception is Amy (Brie Larson), whom Jim identifies as a prodigy. Jim has just a week to pay back his massive debt. He tries to buy himself some extra time by going to Frank (John Goodman), a big money loan shark, but he backs down when Frank stipulates that he has to admit he isn’t a man. He ends up borrowing the cash from his mother, but instead of paying off his debt he brings it to the casino. His spiral continues. The Gambler tries really hard to be sharp and intellectual. It mostly fails. In a film that’s really about an addict, there are long winded discussions about life philosophies and world views that feel exceptionally contrived and rather forced. There is little character development here outside of the main character and it’s extremely difficult to care about him as he continually throws his money away at the tables. Wahlberg is guilty of over-acting at times, and I felt that his performance was entirely unexceptional. Not bad, but certainly not good either. I haven’t seen the original, but this feels like a movie that didn’t really need a remake. The down in the dumps gambler is not exactly an original plot device. Why rehash it now? This is a mostly uninspiring film and one that can be skipped. The Gambler is worth 4 mouse clicks out of 10.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Star A9
Quirky, “trip-hop” artist Andrea Superstein excited to play house show in Golden
Jazz artist Andrea Superstein will be performing a house concert on Nov. 15 in Golden. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey Music always played a big role in Andrea Superstein’s life, but it wasn’t until she moved to Vancouver that she jumped fully into a career in the arts. Having grown up in Montreal, Superstein says that she was always exposed to arts and culture. “I kind of discovered my voice when I was young…being in Montreal which is so culturally rich. All the different kinds of music and the quality of music certainly influenced me,” Superstein said. Superstein will release her second album later this month on Nov. 13. What Goes On is a collaboration with Juno Award-winning producer Les Cooper and involves some interesting takes on jazz standards as well as Superstein’s own originals. Superstein plays what she calls a quirky brand of jazz which includes elements of “trip hop,” an experimental electronic genre that emerged out of London in the 1990s. “I listened to it a lot around that time. I never really considered myself as an
urban artist but those ideas just sort of came out in the sessions when we were working on this record… it wasn’t intentional it
just sort of happened organically,” she said. As for her music’s quirkiness, Superstein believes it isn’t necessarily obvious,
but that it’s a subtle theme that runs through a lot of her tunes. “I think it’s also very similar to my personality. I think that’s what I like about the record a lot. I think it’s really reflective of who I am without trying too hard.” Before launching her music career, Superstein worked in international development, giving her an opportunity to travel extensively. Lately, her vast experience overseas has started to show itself in her music as she already begins to write new material for her next album. “I think that maybe has something to do with recently becoming a parent and my perspective on life has changed a little bit,” she said. “A lot of the experiences I’ve had abroad are sort of now resurfacing.”
Superstein will be entertaining an audience at Dave and Ruth Ratzlaff’s residence on Nov. 15. While she doesn’t perform a lot of house concerts, Superstein says she relishes the opportunity to play at smaller, more intimate venues. “For me, a huge part of performing is being able to have a really deep rapport with the audience… it’s really important to connect with people,” Superstein said. “It’s like a cool reciprocal relationship. I feed off the audience’s energy as well.” Superstein will be joined by Mary Ancheta on piano, Niko Friesen on drums and Rene Worst on bass. Tickets are by donation ($25 suggestion) and reservations can be made by calling Jeff Moss or Polly Wilson at 250-348-2229.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar This year, our Remebrance Day section will be published in the November 11th edition of the Star. will be closed on Remembrance Day.
Golden Cinema presents: Everest 3D Showing Monday Nov. 2 to Thursday Nov. 5 at 7pm. Spectre 007 Showing Friday Nov. 6 to Thursday Nov. 19.
This Week
Bargain Basement Thrift Store St.Andrews United Church & Centre for Peace open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 11am to 3pm. Injur y Reduction Program every Tuesday (6:45-8pm) and Thursday 7:15-8:30pm) at LGES. Free program for athletes 9 and up. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am and Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-344-8392.
Wed, Nov. 4
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Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More
Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:158:15pm (adults). Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Public Skate every Wednesday from 7-8pm at the Golden Arena. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Bring your own racket. Free Flu Clinic on Nov. 4 from 10am to 5pm at Mount 7 Rec Plex. Free Job Skills Workshop on Nov. 4 and 5. Includes lunch. Call 250-344-5413 to register.
Thurs, Nov. 5 Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:30-9:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre
Visit to Learn More
1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday 3:45-5:30pm. Cribbage at the Golden Seniors Centre every Thursday from 1-3pm. Golden Toastmasters Fridays, 7pm at College of the Rockies. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 3448392 to register. Free Job Skills Workshop on Nov. 4 and 5. Includes lunch. Call 250-344-5413 to register. Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements workshop at the Seniors Centre on Nov. 5 at 7pm. Call 250344-5901 to pre-register.
Fri, Nov. 6
A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:307:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250919-0757 for info. Grab a Granny and Go every Friday from 10-11am at Durand Manor. Meat Draw at the Golden Legion every Friday at 5:30pm. Christine Tassan . at the
• For more information... go to
Golden Civic Centre on Nov. 6 at 7:30pm. Golden Rockets vs the Creston Valley Thundercats on Nov. 6 at 7:30pm at the Golden Arena.
Sat, Nov. 7
A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Saturday Lego Club at the Library from 11am12pm for all school aged children. Meat Draw at the Golden Legion every Saturday at 5:30pm. Free Food Skills program every Saturday at 10am until Nov. 14. Call 250344-1032 to register. Golden Ski Swap and Snowshow on Nov. 7 from noon to 4pm at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. Paradise Waits movie premiere at the Civic Centre at 8pm on Nov. 7. Fundraiser for GNAR. Fall Tea and Bake Sale at the Seniors Centre on Nov. 7 from 1:30-3:30pm.
Sun, Nov. 8
Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment.
Mon, Nov. 9
Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. N.A. Meetings Mon. in the Library basement. 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Crafts at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 1--3pm. Art classes at the Golden Seniors Centre every Monday from 10am-3pm. Hapkido Martial Arts
Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:158:15pm (adults). Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 3446492 for more info. Badminton Mondays 7-8:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bring your own racket.
Tues, Nov. 10 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S. Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Grab a Granny and Go, Tuesdays at 3:30pm at Durand Manor. T.O.P.S (take off pounds sensibly) Family Centre, Tue., 6-7pm. 344-7228, 344-6492 for more details. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 3448392 to register.
Upcoming Events Remembrance Day Services will be held on Nov. 11 at the Golden Cenotaph by Town Hall at 11am. World Diabetes Day at the Rec Plex on Nov. 13 from 11:30am-1:30pm. Come see presentation on healthy eating. Downchild Blues Band on Nov. 19 at the Civic Centre at 7:30pm. Get the word out! Tickets at AGOG. Support Group for Moms whose Partners Work Away Nov. 13 at the Early Years Centre from 12:302pm. Christmas Craft Fair Nov. 20 and 21 at the Rec Plex. Do you have a community event coming up? Let us know and we’ll put it in our Community Events Calendar. 250-344-5251.
Visit to Learn More
This week's achievement award goes to...
Geoffrey Archibald for being proactive and asking for help when needed and for always being kind to others and giving a helping hand.
Stop in by November 11, 2015 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 4, 2015 A11
Rockets finish first two months of season without a victory
The Rockets’ losing streak to open the season hit 18 games after losses to Grand Forks and Spokane over the weekend. Black Press Photo Joel Tansey With Halloween having come and gone, it’s appropriate to reflect that the
first two months of the season have been downright scary for the Golden Rockets. There’s no other way to put it for a team that’s played 18 games without a win.
As the calendar turned to November, the Rockets finished October the way they played throughout much of the month: strong at times, with periodic lapses that cost them dearly. On Friday night the club was in Grand Forks to take on the Border Bruins, a team that had won just five games all season. The Bruins had the better start, snatching a 2-0 lead with a pair of quick goals in the first period. Terix Fischer-Kobes narrowed the gap for Golden a few minutes later with a power play goal and the Saskatchewan product tallied his ninth of the season early in the second to square things at two goals apiece. The teams played an even period - with the Rockets holding a 13-9 shot advantage - until the last few minutes when the Bruins opened the floodgates. Three goals in a minute and 27 seconds changed the game’s outlook for Golden, sending them reeling into the dressing room with a stunning three-goal deficit. An early Tanner Wit goal might have provided a spark for the Rockets, but Bruins forward Chad Grambo put an end to those thoughts with a goal just over five minutes into the period. He put
a capper on the game with another late in regulation and the Border Bruins had themselves a tidy 7-3 victory. The Rockets hoped to have better luck a night later south of the border against the Spokane Braves, but that game also ended in disappointment because of a costly lull in the Rockets’ efforts. Trailing 2-0, Travis Kelley scored midway through the second to give Golden some life. Brennan Grocock then notched a game-tying power play goal just over six minutes into the third. The tie was short lived, as Garrett Graham tallied a pair of goals for Spokane and his teammate Connor McIntosh put the game out of reach with a goal of his own, all within a nine-minute span. Kyran Karol scored late in the period but it was far too little and far too late for the visitors. Spokane added an empty netter for a 6-3 final. The Rockets had their chances - both teams tallied 48 shots - but that’s of little consolation for a club that is distancing itself from the rest of the pack on a weekly basis. Golden will have a home and home set against the Creston Valley Thunder Cats this weekend, with Saturday’s game slated to take place in Golden.
Original police force in Golden consisted of only eight men The following article, written by Kerry McLean for 2000 Golden Memories, will appear in two parts. Heartfelt thanks to Kerry for a job well done. Part 1 The first duty - Turning Back the Pages that the Force By Colleen Palumbo performed in British Columbia was that of protecting Canadian Pacific Railway property and interests during the construction of the railway in 1884, 1885, and 1886. Under the command of Inspector Sam Steele, a small party of police kept in check the lawless elements of that time. Until June 1885, Steele’s Headquarters, consisting of a force of eight men, was at Golden. In 1884 a man named Baird was murdered near Golden and was robbed of over $4,000. Baird was murdered 29 miles from the line of the railway, thus being outside the limit of police jurisdiction which was 28 miles on each side of the track. In the summer of 1885, as construction of the railway proceeded westwards, the NWMP Headquarters in B.C. was moved to Beaver Creek and Golden was left with a detachment of three men and one horse. On New Year’s Eve, 1885, Cst. William Ross died while on duty. He and Cst. Ernest
L. Percival set out to walk from Golden City to Third Siding – a CPR installation west of town. Constable Percival arrived at the Third Siding at 2:30 a.m. and reported that Cst. Ross had not been able to walk any longer and was approximately five miles from the Third Siding. Cst. Percival built a fire for Cst Ross prior to leaving him. A search party found Constable Ross badly frozen and barely alive. He died a short time later. Cst. Ross was originally buried in the pioneer cemetery in Golden; however, his remains were moved to another location in Golden in 1954 when they were located by Cst. White. Cst. Ross’ grave marker was moved to the Calgary Heritage Park in 1964. Cst Ross was engaged with the NWMP on April 12, 1882 in Toronto, Ontario. In late 1886, the NWMP were withdrawn from B.C. In June, 1887, Superintendent Steele and “D” Division at Fort MacLeod were again sent to the Kootenay District of B.C. to restore peace between the natives and settlers of that region. At the time, there were two divisions located at Fort MacLeod – “D” and “H” Divisions. Prior to leaving for the Golden area, men were hired, discharged and transferred between the two divisions, so names of all the men who came to this area are not known. The Division arrived at Golden on June 28 and pitched camp on the left bank of the Kicking Horse River, the camp being connected to the town by a wooden bridge. Shortly after the arrival of the Division
The funeral procession of Constable Ross was in 1885. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum at Golden, the steamer “Duchess,” navigating the Columbia Lakes, was hired by the police to ship supplies to the Kootenay; however, the boat capsized and very little was recovered. Steele engaged another small steamer belonging to J.C. Hayes, a merchant in Golden, at the usual rates of freight, viz., one dollar per hundred. During the remainder of the Division’s stay in Golden, Steele employed the men and teams in hauling stores to the landing, getting the new saddles put togeth-
Golden RockeTS VS.
creston Valley Thundercats SATURDAY NOvEMbER 7, 2015 7:00PM GOLDEN ARENA
great hockey great entertainment!!!
er and oiled, branding and numbering the remounts, and various other duties in preparation for the trip to the Kootenay. On the morning of July 17, the Division headed for the Kootenay. Staff Sergeants Pane and Mercer and eight constables, most of whom were sick, were left behind in Golden. During the Division’s 12-month stay in the Kootenay, Golden continued to be the shipping point for supplies to the police post in the Kootenay. Continued next week.
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Golden Church Services Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Tuesday - 7pm •Wednesday - 9am Thursday - 9am • Friday - 9am Saturday - 7pm • Sunday - 10am Father Cecil 808 - 11th Street • 250-344-6328 Golden Baptist Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Richard Campeau 1343 Pine Drive • 250-344-7676 Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Jim Dorst 717-10th Street S • 250-344-2459 Rocky Mountain Alliance Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tom Fehr 712 - 10th Street • 250-344-2456 Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tim Schneider 909 - 9th Street • 250-344-2935 Golden Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Frank Johnson 917 - 11th Street St. Andrew's United Church Reverend Michele Rowe Sunday - 10:30am 901 - 11th Street • 250-344-6117 St. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 - 9th Street S • 250-344-6113 Columbia Valley Bible fellowship Sunday - 11:00am Ralph Kirchhofer Parson Community Hall • 250-348-2059 Golden Sikh Cultural Society Sunday - 11am Upstairs at the Sikh Temple cover heads • no shoes Lunch After Prayer by Donation
A division of
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Star
Golden Faith Column: The same but different A unique feature of Golden is there are seven Christian churches within five blocks of each other. This has occasionally prompted the questions, “Why so many?” or “Why not join together?” I think the answer is not because there is a lack of unity in the faith, but rather because there is a variety in the expression of faith. Some variations can be found in the style of church service preferred, from formal readings to informal conversation. The style of music and type of songs may also determine one’s choice of church attendance. Family connections or history can also be a factor. If one was to look at what any Christian church believes, they would find that the main tenants of faith are very similar, and most being the same. There may be some variations in emphasis or expression, but the statements of beliefs would be more similar than they are different. The challenge for any Christian community (and even in post-election Canada) then is how to navigate the tension between unity in the Spirit and diversity in the Spirit, between agreement and disagreement. Remembering that at the end of the day, each Christ follower is a member of the church universal, no matter what their affiliation. “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27) So we navigate the differences with love and acceptance, also considering the interest of others. (Philippians 2:4b) The existence of the seven churches in close proximity,
together with the other churches in the area, is evidence of the diversity within the Christian community. There is unity in this diversity. The unity in the faith comes from faith in Christ. The ability for this unity to function within the diversity requires us to believe in the whole church, the body of Christ, even those who may see things from a different approach. We do this because it is Jesus Christ who is at the centre of it all. He is the - Rev. Jim Dorst originator and perfecter of our faith. Golden Pentecostal Church As members of the church universal, the body of Christ, we will “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:2-6) So on any given weekend when the churches of Golden meet for their respective services, they do so in unity of faith and with a diversity of expression. “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all God’s people” (Revelations 22:21)
There’s lots you can do with your RRSPs Jim Yih For most people, an RRSP is a way to save for retirement and pay less income tax. Check out some of the other ways you can use your RRSP to achieve your financial goals: 1. Buy your first home One of the great features of RRSPs is the ability they give first-time home buyers to co-ordinate their RRSP strategy with their home purchase. Under the Home Buyers’ Plan, you and your spouse can essentially each borrow up to $25,000 from your RRSP to buy your first home. When you borrow money from your RRSP under the Home Buyers’ Plan, you must pay the money back over a 15-year period. If you miss a payment, you must pay tax on that amount. You would also miss out on 15 years of tax-sheltered growth on that $25,000. 2. Go back to school An RRSP can also be used to fund you or your spouse’s education under the Lifelong Learning Plan. Similar to the
Home Buyer’s Plan, any withdrawals for the purpose of training or education are tax free, provided you use the government form RC96. You must repay your RRSP over a period of no more than 10 years. If you miss an annual payment, that amount will be added to your income for that year and thus be taxed at your tax rate. And again, you would miss out on the tax-sheltered growth that the money would have earned if left in the plan. 3. Split your income with your spouse Splitting income between yourself and your spouse is a great way to reduce taxes. There are two ways to accomplish this using an RRSP. You can contribute to a spousal RRSP. Jack has an annual RRSP limit of $10,000. He can contribute that either to his personal RRSP or to that of his wife, Jenna (who has a significantly lower income). If he contributes to Jenna’s RRSP, he will get the tax deduction at a higher rate than Jenna would by contributing to her own. Then they take the money out in retirement, they can each withdraw from their own RRSPs, resulting in less
tax owing overall than if Jack was to claim the full amount at his higher rate. 4. Reduce tax deductions at source Many people who contribute to RRSPs either throughout the year or right before the deadline wait until they file their tax returns to claim their RRSP tax deductions and get their refunds. Although getting that refund feels pretty good, what you’re actually doing is giving the government an interestfree loan with your hard-earned money. That’s pretty generous of you. To avoid that, you can contribute via payroll deduction to a workplace plan (if your employer offers one), and the necessary adjustments to the tax deducted will be made at source. The tax refund is effectively spread out over the whole year and the tax savings is available sooner. Whether you use any of these tactics to leverage your RRSP, or simply stick to saving for your retirement, the key to success is to get started now, and make saving a habit. *This financial column was sponsored by Shannon Hood, Sunlife Financial
Golden Star Star Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Wednesday, November 4, 2015 www.thegoldenstarnet A13
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Happy 23rd birthday Michael Oddy. Not a day goes by without you in my thoughts. Love Zia, Daniel, Monaco & Isaiah.
BABYSITTER REQUIRED For 5 month old baby. $11.50/hr. F/T, Pmt. 1+ yrs. exp. or certification in the field required. Duties: Bathe, dress and feed infant. Change diapers. Prepare formulas. Provide care and supervise baby. Maintain a safe & healthy environment. Tend to the emotional wellbeing of the child. May take child to appointments. Perform light housekeeping duties. Language: Basic English. Tagalog an asset. Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live in basis, this is not a condition of employment. Work location: 21 MacDonald Drive, Fort McMurray, Alberta. Please contact Alvin:
Employment Automotive WATKIN MOTORS Ford, Vernon, B.C. requires a Service Manager to lead 3 Advisors, 12 technicians. Visit online, About us, Employment, to review required qualifications.
New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248
Be responsible don’t litter!
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
My Star In Heaven Kelsee Ann Potvin
Nov 10, 2005 I am sending a dove to heaven with a parcel on its wings be careful when you open it Its full of beautiful things Inside are a million kisses wrapped up in a million hugs To say how much I miss you and to send you all my love. I hold you close within my heart and there you will remain To walk with me throughtout my life Until we meet again.
Love Mom, Dad & Family
Ormond Jack Br aisher August 16, 1920 - October 25, 2015 Ormond Jack Braisher, a well-respected and loved pioneer of the Columbia Valley, passed away peacefully on October 25, 2015 with family by his side. Orm was born on August 16, 1920 on Kingsclere Ranch to Alfred and Edith Braisher. Orm was predeceased by his wife Kay, his brother Sid Sylvester and his 3 sisters Jessie Thorseth, Ethel Braisher and Phyllis Ricard. He is survived by his sons Dugan (Kathy), John (Joyce), Bob (Carol), his daughter Alice (Brian) Dahlberg, 10 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, 3 nieces, 8 nephews and many friends, all of whom he cherished.
Ettie Pedley October 28, 2015
Ettie Lavina Pedley passed away peacefully surrounded by loving family on October 28th, 2015, in Durand Manor at the age of 94. Ettie was born in the Columbia Valley and was a lifelong resident of this area. The family is planning a Memorial Service in March 2016, and will write a full obituary at that time. Online condolences may be sent to the family through Ettie’s obituary at
Phyllis Greta Short (Corfe) February 28, 1930 – October 22, 2015
Phyllis passed away peacefully in Calgary, Alberta at the age of 85. She is predeceased by Roy, her loving husband of 64 years. Phyllis was born in Oshawa, Ontario. She moved west with her family, settling in Langley, B.C. where she graduated high school. She was an astute business woman, holding various office positions. After marriage to Roy, she joined him in several business and farming operations. They relocated to the Shuswap Lake region where they raised their family. Phyllis was a remarkable seamstress and was able to outfit her six children in the latest fashions. She was very competent at everything she undertook, never daunted by any challenge. Some would say she was stubborn! She and her husband owned and operated MacLeods hardware stores in Chase and Golden, B.C. as well as the Golden Mohawk service station. Her career then veered to the Golden School District where she was a school secretary and then later administrative assistant to the Superintendent of Schools until her retirement. Phyllis was an avid gardener. She enjoyed her beautiful yards everywhere she lived. Family was important and she loved nothing more than having all her children home for the holidays or special occasions. She always encouraged her children and grandchildren to strive for success in life and was very proud of their achievements. She is missed dearly and lovingly remembered by her children: Steve (Gail) Short, Cheryl Clark, Cindy (Gord) Boettger, Kari (Les) Orme, Brian (Sonja) Short and Bob (Kiri) Short; and lives on in the hearts and lives of her 17 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Respectfully, a private celebration of Phyllis’s life will be held at a later date.
Orm was raised on the farm where hard work was a fact of life. When he became a young adult he worked fighting forest fires, working in the mill and logging for Tom Alton at Parson as well as harvesting in Alberta in the fall. From the 1940’s to 1972 he operated the family ranch which consisted of dairy cattle until 1970 and then beef cattle to the present day. Orm was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in his 40’s, but this did not hold him back and he continued to persevere on the farm. After his son, Joe (John), took over the operation in 1972, Orm helped on the ranch with haying, feeding cattle and other odd jobs until 2008 when, at the age 88, he moved to Mountain View Assisted Living in Golden. The move was necessary for Orm, but he adjusted well as he was a very social man and enjoyed visiting with the other residents, staff and any visitors he or the residents had. He was known for his gentleness, kind heart, quick wit and sense of humour. Orm was always very grateful to the staff of Mountain View Assisted Living, The Golden Hospital and Durand Manor for their kindness, compassion and excellent care that he enjoyed. He said many times “ it just couldn’t be better�. The Braisher family is so thankful that we have facilities and staff like we have in Golden. We agree, “ it just couldn’t be better�. A service was held at the Senior’s Centre on Saturday, October 31st at 1:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Durand Manor or the Golden Hospital. Online condolences may be sent through Ormond’s obituary at Employment Agencies/Resumes
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BLACK JACK HOLDINGS LTD DBA DAIRY QUEEN GOLDEN 1409 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A1H1 Hiring 2 Food Service Supervisor for Dairy Queen Permanent, Full Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Evening $14.00 Hourly, for 40.00 Hours per week Completion of high school 1yr to less than 2yrs related experience Specific Skills: Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food. Establish work schedule. Estimate and order ingredients and supplies. Ensure food service and quality control. Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage. Prepare and submit reports. Supervise and check assembly of trays. Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys. Establish methods to meet work schedules. Train staff in job duties, sanitation and safety procedures. Fax resume: 250-344-2220 or Mr. Neal VanBeers
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The BetterBook requires a responsible and reliable person(s) to deliver phone books to residences and businesses in Golden and area Reliable vehicle (van or covered pickup) is required & the ability to lift heavy bundles of phone books. This is a great way to make extra $$$ or a great group fundraiser! Call Linda in our distribution dept at 1-800-663-8555
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Merchandise for Sale
Auctions RESTAURANT Equipment Auction House- Oct 25 Brand-New Liquidation Equipment- Oct 26 Stanley Park Fish House, Arby’s, Starbucks -
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Golden Star Star
Merchandise for Sale
Misc for Rent
FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Heavy Duty Machinery 2014 Caterpillar 522B Feller Buncher, 762 hours, full warranty, like new, asking $485,000. 2007 BWS Tri Hayrack, 80% rubber, 49’6” overall length, tri drive friendly, c/w all rigging, barely used, ex. cond., asking $30,000. Call 1(250)349-5415 A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale 1980 Dodge Camper for Sale. Runs great!New starter, tires, and brakes. Fridge, furnace, stove, sink, double bed, and lots of cupboard space. Call 250-344-2114 SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. TARGET STEEL SALES. New and Used sea containers. 604-792-3434 or
Real Estate For Sale By Owner Home For Sale 3 Bdrm,2 bath home on.48 acres. 896 Ryter Rd West $209,000 OBO 250-344-3673
Real Estate
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land
Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. Access to these records requires the submissions of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Visit to learn more about FOI submissions.
Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.
AFFORDABLE RENTAL OPPORTUNITY - GOLDEN CMHA Kootenays has Modified Wheel Chair Units, 1, 2 and 3 bdr units avail. for rent. Sites well-maintained, large green space, patio, carport, fridge/stove, washer/dryer, new flooring, new paint. No cats/dogs & No Smoking. More info call 250-426-5269. 1 bdr $626, 2 bdr $739, 3bdr 862 per month. *BC Housing application form and proof of income required
Homes for Rent 2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail Dec.1. References required. No pets. No parties. NS. Please call 250-344-6200. 2 bedroom house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95 South. $950/month + utilities. No parties, mature reliable tenants preferred. References and damage deposit required. Call 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No parties, mature reliable tenants preferred. $950/month + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot. Tel: 250-344-6710.
Take notice that the Alpine Club of Canada from Canmore, AB, has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for a Temporary Permit to conduct guided climbing camps over an 8 week period, July – August 2016. Base camp is situated on Provincial Crown land located near Bachelor Pass (west of Donald) no larger than 7 hectares and our advanced base camp near Sorcerer Mountain will be no larger than 4 hectares. The Lands File for this application is 4405639. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 7G1 or e-mail to: Comments will be received by MFLNRO up to December 12, 2015. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit > Search > Search by File Number: 4405639 for more information.
GREAT RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE IN PERFECT LOCATION!!! Retail space for rent between Kicking Horse Embroidery and the Golden Star Avail.Immed. 1800 sq ft. Call Darren 250-344-1065 or 250344-2928.
Storage Secure Storage unit available in town.8’ x 20’, $100/mth. 250-272-0415.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1 Bdrm Apartment for rent in Nicholson $550/month includes utilities and cable. Available Immd. Call Nigel 780-707-9383 2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry N/S, and no parties. Resident Mngr on site 250-439-1967.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 250-344-7001.
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Suites, Lower Country Living 2 bdrm bsmt suite 10mins. from Golden, wood heat, Shared Utils. $750 Avail. Immd. 250-421-6415.
Suites, Upper Studio Suite for Rent
$600/m for 1 or $650/m for 2 persons 420 sqft on upper floor, references required, hydro, heating, wifi, parking and waste disposal incld. No smoking, no pets. Avail Nov 15, 2015 Inquire @ 250-344-2443 or 250-348-2591
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The Golden Star Wednesday, November 4, 2015 A15
Golden Business Directory
Supply & Service Commercial & Residential Home Heating Qualified Gas Fitters on Staff with 20 years experience Fence Rentals
Wood Products 1 (250) 439-9378 Golden, BC
Phone: 250 344-6102 Fax: 250-344-5823 1021 11th Avenue North, Golden BC V0A 1H2
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Kicking Horse Embroidery ~ LASER ENGRAVING ~
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ContraCting Ltd.
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ContraCting Ltd. ContraCting Get ready for spring! Ltd. Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Box599, 599,golden, golden,BC. BC. V0a V0a1H0 1H0 Box for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway Get ready for spring! spring! atSkid 250-344-2215 Get ready for sweptCall withShaun our JCB Street Sweeper Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Gravel Trucks, EndEnd Dumps, LogLog Haul Gravel Trucks, Dumps, foraaquote quote tohave have your parking lot anddriveway driveway for to your parking and Units Loader and Skid Steerlot Rentals sweptwith withour ourJCB JCBSkid SkidStreet StreetSweeper Sweeper swept Sand,Loader, Gravel Skid and Landscape Haul, Steer, Snow GravelTrucks, Trucks, Endavailable Dumps,Log LogHaul Haul Gravel End Dumps, Materials Removal, Sand, Gravel Units Loaderand and Skid Steerand Rentals Units Loader Skid Steer Rentals Sand,Gravel Gravel andLandscape Landscape Sand, and Landscape Materials available. Materialsavailable available Materials
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 The Golden Star
Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234
RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
$174,900 1 bath
2 baths
4bdrms 3 baths 3,376sqft
1213 - 10th Avenue 1+ baths
2bdrms 1 bath 744sqft
1.64 acres
3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 3,447sqft
$129,900 #203, 521 - 8th Avenue
1 bedroom
2bdrms 1.5 baths 2,205sqft 4.49 acres
4 bdrms 2 baths 3,438sqft 14.22 acres
1 bedroom
Land & Building
1&2 1/2 baths
$315,000 1256 Horse Creek Road
4bdrms 3 baths 2,568sqft
1.15 acre
$1,195,000 1593 Columbia Valley View
4 bedrooms
3.5 baths
$900,000 1205 Trans Canada Hwy
2 bedrooms 2 baths
#111, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
2 bedrooms 1 bath
5bdrms 2 baths 3,956sqft
2 baths
4 bedrooms 2.5 baths 1,833sqft
2 bedrooms
2 Bedrooms
5bdrms 2.5 baths 2,180sqft .54 acre
Land & Building
4 bdrms 2 baths 2,400sqft 1.86 acres
$795,000 11 bedrooms
4.5 baths
3 bedrooms
3 baths
1415 Deere Ridge Road
5 bedrooms
4 baths
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$345,900 800 Nicholson Frontage Road
2 baths
$975,000 1297 Campbell Road
9bdrms 7 baths
46 acres
$408,000 2483 Seward Road
3 bdrms 3 baths 2,160sqft
$968,000 1636 Purcell Woods Close
$1,125,000 1640 Purcell Woods Circle
1001 - 10th Avenue
$492,300 2010 McMurdo Road
$410,000 1208 Station Avenue
2 baths
$295,000 802 Nicholson Frontage Road
1 bath
3377 Highway #95, South 2bdrms 1 bath 952sqft 2.41 acres
#40 Kicking Horse Village MHP
3 bedrooms
$469,000 2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres
$364,900 606 - 10th Street
#207, 521 - 8th Avenue
2016 McMurdo Road
3.7 acres
1501 Quartz Crescent
609 - 11th Street
5 bedrooms
Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435
$442,300 867 Barber Road
$189,900 #3, 1215 - 9th Avenue
$599,900 1741 Seward Frontage Road
1 bath
1398 Harley Road
$415,000 1852 Blaeberry Road
$495,600 1401 Granite Drive
$229,300 857 MacAllister Road
20 acres
1500 Quartz Crescent
$289,000 3 bedrooms
1569 Harley Road
$334,300 1337 Selkirk Drive
3 bedrooms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
#204, 521 - 8th Avenue
2 bedrooms A16
8.5 acres
$950,000 528 - 9th Avenue
Land, Building & Business
RURAL ACREAGES Pcl A, 3067 Wiseman Road........................... 70 acres ...................................................................$210,000 1359 Black Bear Drive.................................. 2.4 acres.................................................................. $135,000 LS2, Nicholson Creek Road...........................30 acres...........................................................$210,000 866 Highway #95, South.............................. 101 acres........................................................ $569,900 1286 Horse Creek Road.................................1.03 acres......................................................... $75,000 Lot A, Campbell Road................................... 2 acres.................................................................... $120,000 LS2, Thomas Road........................................ 24.91 acres.......................................................$190,000 3140 Imler Road .......................................18.03 acres.................................................. $99,600 2393 Kettleston Road.............................. 9.75 acres ................................................................$185,000 646 Lower Habart Road............................... 4.8 acres .................................................................$399,000
$669,000 509 Main Street
Land & Building Fully Rented
$120,000 Proposed 528A - 9th Avenue Land
SOLD $474,300 901 - 7th Street
Land and Building
$324,300 2014 Alexander Drive
3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,750sqft