Volume 61 No. 46
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Machine error behind high SO2 reading If an air quality graph on the provincial government's air quality website was to be believed there was an hours long spike in sulphur dioxide (SO2) on November 6 that went several times over the provincial standard. However a more than 200 parts per billion (ppb) reading was a technical error relating to the machine's automatic calibration which isn't supposed to even be published. People posting on the Kitimat for Clean Air Facebook page shared a screenshot of the readings showing an uncharacteristic rise in SO2. Barry Watson, an air quality meteorologist for the BC Ministry of Environment, explained the error. "It's basically a calibration, it's erroneous data," he said, noting the machines self-checks itself which involves inputing false data. "That information goes through a quality control to calibrate itself...so it artificially puts in numbers to check its calibrations." "They're not supposed to be published," he added. He said the wrong data, which has since been corrected on bcairquality.ca, covered from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. that day. A number for SO2 in the hundreds would be alarming as Watson says the provincial objective is 75 ppb over one hour. A five-day graph at the time of writing showed SO2 readings at Riverlodge's station peaking at approximately 8 ppb late on November 4.
The roots of Kitimat’s former mayor.
/page 5 Gitxsan dance group to perform.
/page 8 PM477761
Shane Gottfriedson, centre, and Sammy Robinson, left, hear about the Kitimat LNG project.
Resources not only path for First Nations sual learner, and welcomed Cameron Orr the chance to see one of The BC Regional Kitimat’s proposed projects Chief of the Assembly of first hand. First Nations welcomed a “It’s always nice to tour of Chevron’s Kitimat come and see what’s hapLNG project on a visit copening in the way of ecoordinated with the Haisla nomic development in the Nation Council. northwestern province,” he Shane Gottfriedson said. was on an information “You can tell me things gathering mission to take 10 different times but you advantage of his time in the show me once it will stick Northwest, being a speaker in my mind.” at the Nation2Nation foHe said he got a good rum which took place in Shane Gottfriedson sense of the project from Terrace November 5. Gottfriedson had already been to his tour, and the relationship that’s dethe blockade site by members of the veloped between project proponents Unis’tot’en clan which have been pro- and First Nations. As to the issues relating to the testing the route of some natural gas pipelines, including the Pacific Trail Unis’tot’en groups, which can directly Pipeline which would supply the gas for impact projects here, he said it’s an issue they have to sort out themselves. the Kitimat LNG project. “My conclusion is that it’s an inGottfriedson self-identifies as a vi-
ternal issue they need to figure out.” he said. “Internally they have to decide what they want to be able to do.” On the bigger picture though he said First Nations are getting much more involved in projects in the province which includes mining and energy projects, but he notes that it’s not the only path for economic development. “Lets not kid ourselves that the resource sector is the only show in town,” he said. He looked no further than to the Haisla for an example of that diversification. He was given a look at the land development taking place downtown at Haisla Town Centre. “It’s very exciting to see our people get involved in economic development and [looking] at what we produce to the local and regional economies is probably about $11 billion a year and it’s getting bigger.”
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Slow year a good thing for marine rescue When your group is responsible for rescuing stranded and endangered boaters down the Douglas Channel, a slow year is actually a good thing. The group has been active in recent months recruiting new members and have done some safety upgrades to their boathouse as well. But in terms of actual call outs they are below their average. Kitimat Marine Rescue Society’s Chris Peacock said that since January they’ve had about eight rescue calls. Their average is about 12 or 13, he said. For him that’s a sign people are taking all the right steps when they take their boats out. “It means people are being safer on the water,” he said. That means more time fixing up their own place. He said their dock was once built on two old logs which over time had become trouble. “It’s served its purpose well for three or four years,” he said, but this year they bought proper plastic floats. Ten of their members came out the first day to pitch in for the work and eight came by the next. Peacock says the group has good numbers of volunteers right now, but he said they’re never going to say no to more numbers. With a recent bump of five members they have 16 in total in the society. The group held four nights of recruitment in September and saw several people sign up.
Kitimat Rotary
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and Tsimshian Boulevard intersection. Police say the 47-year-old Kitimat man was taken to Kitimat General Hospital then flown to Vancouver with
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On their Facebook page the Kitimat Marine Rescue Society posted these before and after photos of the dock at their boathouse. Looking ahead, the club’s big priorities are training everyone so everyone gets up to the same level. In total training can take up to five months. Aside from the Facebook page, Peacock says people can e-mail rcmsar63kitimat@gmail.com for information including how to volunteer. Peacock says that while the year’s been slow, traditionally they get a spike of calls early in the spring, usually people’s first outing in their boat after being in storage, and then another spike in the fall. He says that’s because while boating traffic is busy in the summer, people with trouble in the fall can’t flag a nearby boater down for immediate support.
life-threatening injuries. The 25-year-old driver of the truck is fully cooperating with police and there is no indication of intoxication being a factor. Anyone with
information is asked to call 250-632-7111. Police are also reminding people to take caution with the shorter hours of the day and with winter weather soon approaching.
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Pedestrian flown to Vancouver with serious injuries Cameron Orr Police are looking for witnesses after a pedestrian was struck by a pick-up truck on November 12. The incident took place at 7 a.m. near the Haisla
Sat., Nov. 28
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 3
District of Kitimat 270 City Centre Kitimat, B.C.
2014 ANNUAL REPORT TAKE NOTICE THAT the District of Kitimat will consider the 2014 Annual Report at the Public Meeting of Council on Monday, November 23, 2015 at 7:30pm in the Council Chambers. Any person wishing to provide comment on the 2014 Annual Report may do so by attending the Council Meeting on November 23, 2015. This report is open for public inspection at the District of Kitimat office during regular business hours.
RECYCLING DEPOT 316 Railway Ave., Kitimat • Ph. 250 632-6633
Craft fair The Kitimat Christmas Craft Fair was the place to be on November 7. The event, as usual, packed Kitimatians in to look at handmade products and, perhaps most popular, the food court.
MP still eyeing tanker ban Josh Massey Nathan Cullen is making one of his first tasks in the new government to bring the Environment and Climate Change Minister Katherine McKenna up to speed on his position of an oil tanker ban in B.C. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a tanker ban plan a key part of his west
coast promises, saying he would “formalize the moratorium on crude oil tanker traffic on British Columbia’s north coast - including the Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait, and Queen Charlotte Sound - and ensure that ecologically sensitive areas and local economies are protected from the devastating impacts of a spill.” Cullen had put forward his own bills
in the past to ban tankers as a private members bill but never received the support of the Conservative government. There are still details to work out, such as the area it wold apply and the types of oil products that would be banned. It’s proposed the ban would reach from northern Vancouver Island to the Alaska border.
To losers can also go the spoils Cameron Orr Even though Nathan Cullen with the NDP cruised to another victory in the October 19 federal election, the riding associations for the Liberal and
A division of
Conservative parties are eligible to receive a top up to their local war chest thanks to Canadian election laws. Under legislation parties which locally
receive more than 10 per cent of the vote can have Elections Canada reimburse up to 60 per cent of their campaign expenses. Until the financial documents are
received and audited by Elections Canada it’s unclear how much the party will receive but the Liberal party in the Skeena-Bulkley Valley riding received 18.7 per cent of the
vote while the Conservative party took 24.8 per cent. The Green Party and Christian Heritage Party neither received enough votes to break 10 per cent.
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Off message Circulating around the media-sphere last week was a comical graphic from the Wildrose political party in Alberta which they pushed as advertising in support of the Northern Gateway Pipelines project. It was pounced on quickly by political opponents, and our own member of parliament Nathan Culln, due to a number of errors and omissions. For those who have not seen it, here’s the ad: “This is about Alberta, not politics. I support the Northern Gateway pipeline…Premier Rachel Notely should too. Tell Rachel to secure our economic future.” The text in this ad has one crucial error, which is the Alberta premier right now is Rachel Notley, not Notely. But sure, it’s a bit of typing error. Unfortunate it got through (Editors are important! - Cameron) but it happens. The best part of the ad though is the background, which is of a ship approaching a coastline. Except the ship itself is a container ship, and the coastline is Vancouver. Again, just to bring everyone up to speed, Northern Gateway goes to Kitimat, and the ships would be tankers, not container carriers. My first reaction was a bit of mild amusement and a continuing on of my day but to reflect on it more it makes me think of the pitfalls of being isolated. That is to say, Wildrose in this case seems to ignore the nature of a inter-provincial project and are making the project political, despite their suggestion otherwise. Northern Gateway isn’t just “about Alberta” it’s about British Columbia too, and it’s about Canada’s energy policy. The party, in this case, is showing its bias that if it’s what Alberta wants they should get it. That’s not the way it works. It’s a complaint I hear often of Northern Gateway itself, that it came to B.C. with an Alberta mindset that alienated people and groups it should have been working with. If that position wasn’t clear just from reading the ad, the imagery chosen reinforces this. A container ship and the Lower Mainland coastline. It’s like Wildrose doesn’t even care about where this project will go or who it affects. While Wildrose is not the governing party in Alberta, they are the official opposition and there is a high standard that they should be held to where they be truthful and accurate in how they pitch policies and, generally, oppose the government. (They are the opposition after all.) I’m fine for anyone to support or promote Northern Gateway, but it just gets my neck out of joint if they promote it on the backs of us in B.C. At least understand the issues and the project before halfheartedly publishing an ad for it. Cameron Orr
Still being sold on having a cell phone Most of us, I dare say, own and are to a large extent held in what I’d call a state of continuing fascination by cellular telephones. Yes, smartphones have been around for a long time and it is amazing the way they captivate their owners, most of whom are to a large extent unaware of just how addictive our focus is trained on the smart phone. I really hate the name smartphone because it seems to reach a conclusion about the status of an individual and his or her phone. Anyway, it was no surprise sitting in my doctor’s waiting room last week to realize that of 15 waiting patients only two people, myself and one woman sitting across from me, were not thumbing through the screens of a smart phone. As I often do I wondered just what the majority of them were doing. Reading news, checking e-mail, looking for weather reports, texting, playing video games, reviewing their Facebook pages or any one of the
Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
many other things one can do to pass the time with today’s phones? Under normal circumstances I might easily have made it one more perusing the screens but I left my phone on its charger at home while I kept my appointment. As a matter of fact, I’d spent some time on my cell on my Facebook page, earlier in the day, a habit that seems to be increasingly frequent especially since the October 19 election. I do get carried away by both my laptop computer and its constant hand-held companion the cell phone. I’ve had the Android Samsung phone for approximately two years. Prior to that I owned a much simpler cell phone which I basically used
for its principal purpose; making telephone calls while away from the house. I try very hard not to appear addicted to the phone, but I have to admit it has a strong hold over me. So I try to use it selectively because I want to be the master in the relationship with my phone, but I am unsure whether I am succeeding. I know I’m addicted to my laptop computer in combination with the phone and my TV. And I do feel guilty when I am watching a hockey game that I’m usually also on the NHL website or some other sporting website, not only watching the actual game, but minute by minute, checking the scores and the statistical material that is presented in copious detail by the site. This too is an addiction but I suspect if you don’t check the phone for messages first thing in the morning, or leave it on the bedside table, switched on, overnight, maybe there’s hope for you. Continued on page 6
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org. Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 5
COMMUNITY MAKES YOU. YOU MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY. Joanne Monaghan back when she was Joanne Nickel, growing up on the family farm in Minnesota.
Monaghan’s early years - part 1 Growing up as an only child in rural Minnesota had its challenges. Hector, on highway 212 about an hour east of Minneapolis and south-west of Lake Superior, was a community of about 1,000 situated in the heart of North America’s vast Great Plains. The hilly farm community with its brutal winters wasn’t always easy, but for Joanne Nickel it was sink or swim; you just had to be tough. The 160 acre Nickel property supplied everything. As Joanne says, “If you didn’t raise it you didn’t eat it.” Besides commercial crops of soy beans, corn, sugar beets and oats, there was domestic farm stock including chickens, cows, pigs, cattle and, of course, the family vegetable plot. This was the era before specialization, a time of the complete family farm. To Lester and Pearl Nickel, their daughter just had to be a contributing part. The team was like a commune. The tight knit folk were devout Brethren, somewhat akin to the Baptists. Joanne’s father always wanted a boy and invariably would call her “Johnny”. On the acreage her chores included the picking of every pesky mustard plant in sight. Overall she measured up, keeping up with her seven feisty cousins, all boys. In terms of farm work,
It’s Our
Heritage Walter thorne
there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do. To some this rough and tumble farm existence would have been overwhelming, but not for Joanne - she thrived on it. Growing up in those circumstances allowed her to come to understand men, she says. Perhaps that’s why in later life she never felt intimidated by the male-dominated realm of politics. Joanne always felt she could relate better to men than women. Joanne’s parents brought quite a mix to her heritage. Overall her lineage was German-American but her paternal grandfather fell for a full Native American while he was in Fort Wayne, Nebraska. She was Sioux - yes, from the same stock as Chief Sitting Bull and the folk who did in General Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. We’re not sure if Joanne exhibits any warrior traits, but of course she has taken a great interest in native culture whether it be the nations of the Great Plains or the People of the Snow in Kitamaat. Joanne’s mother,
Pearl, was entirely German-American with proud Prussian heritage and links to imperial officers from the 1800s. She was also nurtured on old European customs so everything to her needed to be quite proper. And of course she had a measure of that renowned Teutonic stubbornness that is still evidenced in the younger generations. The Nickels were devout Christians and conservative Republicans but they weren’t well off. Perhaps they were farm rich and money poor. They were always well nourished but amenities like electricity and running water weren’t a part of their lives, at least not until later. Funds were scarce for luxuries like new clothing but the Nickels were resourceful and selfsustaining. Lester’s philosophy was to never buy anything that you’re weren’t paying cash for. Joanne recalls her frugal mother seeking out war supply parachutes at the discount stores which she then fashioned into all kinds of clothing so they were wearing
parachutes from U.S. forces - now that was patriotism. Going to school in Hector had its challenges, especially for a child of mixed ethnicity. People of German ancestry like the Nickels were subject to persecution during the war including at times having to publicly renounce their roots and episodes of having to trample the German flag. Besides those challenges, Joanne also had difficulty with letter reversals and dyslexia. Fortunately one
talented teacher figured it out and helped with strategies which enabled her to succeed. Eventually Joanne loved school and certainly she was a strikingly talented individual who was destined to make a difference in the world. Little did her parents imagine when she graduated from Hector High in 1957 that she was about to embark on eight-and-a-half years of post-secondary studies, practically making her a professional student.
Kitimat Community Foundation 2015 grant of $9,000.00 was awarded to the Kitimat Child Development Centre to assist with the Stepping Stones Daycare, Out of School Care and Healthy Babies Programs and the purchase of therapy equipment.
The foundation of my community starts with you and me . . . Your local community foundation helps guide your financial support to where it will have the greatest impact. Connect with us to discover the best way to contribute to make your community a better place.
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Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across
1. Plural of ascus 5. Repents 11. British School 12. Adhesive to catch birds 15. Male children 16. Oil company 17. Intestinal 19. Money slogan 24. 2nd tone 25. In actual truth 26. Belgian-French River 27. Rural Free Delivery 28. Point midway between S and SE 29. Texas armadillo 30. 2nd largest Hawaiian island 31. Pile up 33. Changes liquid to vapor 34. Yemen capital
Clues Down
1. Race of Norse gods 2. Large pebbles 3. Latin line dances 4. The inner sole of a shoe 5. A French abbot 6. Moves stealthily 7. An alternative 8. 39th state 9. Lotus sports car model 10. River fill 13. Of I 14. Many noises 18. Ghana monetary units 20. Actor Hughley 21. The Cowboy State 22. Jests at 23. America 27. Surprise attack 29. Daddy 30. Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand 31. Express pleasure 32. Cellist Yo-Yo
37. Byways 38. V-shaped cut 39. Painting on dry plaster 42. Daminozide 43. Papa’s partner 44. __ -fi: fiction/movie genre 47. 1st Soviet space station 48. Latvian capital 49. Come into view 52. Blue Hen school 53. Maine water company 55. Picture & word puzzle 57. Atomic #18 58. Xiamen dialect 59. Being overzealous 62. One who did it (slang) 63. Night breathing noises 64. A minute amount (Scott)
33. Bronx cheer 34. A more firm substance 35. Essential oil obtained from flowers 36. Company that rings receipts 37. Largest church in Christianity 38. Capital of Wallonia 39. Heroic tale 40. Send forth 41. The Golden State 43. 1/1000 of an inch 44. Angel of the 1st order 45. Ukrainian peninsula 46. Disregard 48. Colophony 49. Spanish be 50. Military policeman 51. Cleopatra’s country 53. Br. drinking establishments 54. Removes moisture 56. Liberal Arts degree 60. Execute or perform 61. Atomic #77
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Mall rolls out the catwalk The manager at City Centre Mall Laurie Middleton said they’re excited to be trying something a bit different with a fashion show planned for the lower mall on November 20 at 7 p.m. The event is geared to bring all the
mall merchants and even one not directly in the mall under one roof to promote their items. She said it’s a fashion show that includes everyone from WD Fashion to Bradley’s Bait and Tackle.
The event will also include live music and food samples from the mall restaurants. Attendees are also encouraged to bring non-perishable food for donation to the Kitimat Food Bank.
Watch for the Northern Sentinel
Greetings and Songbook coming in December!
For more information or to advertise in the Songbook please call Louisa or Sarah at 250-632-6144 or email publisher@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com Booking deadline is November 23
Cell phone Continued from page 4 I did take an “addicted to your cell phone quiz?” online and was rated at 55 per cent addicted. I’ll read that as 50-50 but I wonder what I would get if I didn’t still have a land line as a backup at home? And I do not find it difficult not to use it while driving. That was a lot easier to get used to than the original seat belt rules. Other plusses, I don’t download ringtones, I don’t “talk” to Google to browse the Internet using my phone. I don’t take it to the bathroom in my pocket. And most often, when I have a sudden emergency and need it to call or text, I find I have left home without it. My phone says I have 300-plus apps on it, but to my knowledge I use about half a dozen; the phone, text, weather, Facebook, and e-mail. Occasionally the calculator and the alarm clock. Works better than my Timex.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 7
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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Rotary goes high-tech with online auction
was privately maintained and the regalia, masks, and rattles, essential to the artistic narrative, were hidden for generations and did not end up in the hands of collectors and museums. As a result, the Dancers of Damelahamid arose during the 1960s out of a sense of urgency to ensure that what was held was not lost. Executive and Artistic Director, Margaret Grenier told the Straight, “For me, dance, song and story have provided a pro-
tective environment to address the limitations placed on our indigenous peoples and to create a healing space.” Damelahamid, according to Gitxsan history, is the original city where the first ancestors were placed on earth from heaven. The Dancers of Damelahamid emerged from that tradition venturing forth into new venues and delighting new, multicultural audiences. Grenier’s parents, Hereditary Chief Ken Harris and his wife Margaret were both
dancers and leading forces in the revival of the song and dance for several decades. By incorporating modern choreography and production values in the performances, Grenier has continued her parents’ work by providing a framework that allows the dancers to communicate the artistic practices to a changed society. The Dancers of Damelahamid will bring you an evening of entertainment, inspiration, healing and delight.
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What better way to burn calories, enjoy the outdoors and make a bit of extra cash. Consider becoming an independent carrier for the Northern Sentinel, our awardwinning community newspaper, every Wednesday and the Northern Connector every Friday.
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Submitted The Kitimat Concert Association is bringing the Dancers of Damelahamid to the Mount Elizabeth Theatre November 28. This amazing professional troop of dancers from the Gitxsan Nation are based on the North Shore of Vancouver and are dedicated to keeping relevant the traditional forms of dance by choreographing and producing contemporary pieces based on traditional forms. The evolution of these works has taken over four decades of work dedicated to revitalizing the practice of song and dance. Traditionally Gitxsan songs and dances were performed in the privacy of the feast hall and played an integral part in defining Gitxsan art and culture. The essence of Gitxsan and most other First Nations’ song and dance was threatened by historical government bans on the potlatch that were intended to extinguish their cultural roots. These bans were in force until 1951. Fortunately for us, the cultural knowledge
Welcome the Holiday Season!
Dancers of Damelahamid coming to MET for evening of delight
Lapointe says it’s changing with the times. The auction used to run on TV too but with the popularity of satellite service the auction could be left out of local broadcasts. The online bidding system was created by a Rotarian in Dawson Creek and was used for Terrace’s recent Rotary auction too. Lapointe says there are just over 200 items which are up for bid at the event. The auction will run from 9 to 3 p.m. on the Friday and noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday. People can find the Rotary Club’s website, which will include a link to the auction site, at kitimatrotary.org.
Kuld o
Dancer of Damelahamid is a troop of dancers from the Gitxsan Nation. Photo submitted
Cameron Orr The Kitimat Rotary Club is returning, after a year’s hiatus, the popular community auction. Even more, the club’s fundraiser is getting a digital bump with a new system: online bidding. Robin Lapointe, who is leading the organizing committee for the Rotary’s auction, says items will be set for display in the Kitimat Valley Institute building, which he says will be a nice chance for people to see KVI who haven’t before. The auction will run through two days, November 27 and 28. The new online system will be like a sort of local eBay. People can make their bids on their computers or mobile devices. People who need a bit of extra guidance are also welcome to use KVI’s own computer lab which will be available and volunteers will walk people through the bidding process on-site.
Chevron and Woodside are committed to protecting people, the environment and to being a good neighbour in communities where we work. We’d like to hear from you. Please join us for information on the proposed Kitimat LNG project and to share your thoughts and ideas with us. For more information please email KitimatLNGfeedback@chevron.com chevron.ca/KitimatLNG
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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, November 18, 2015
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Accountant Carlyle Shepherd & Co. is seeking a self-motivated individual to join our office in Kitimat, BC. This position involves all aspects of accounting activities, including bank reconciliations, receivables and payables through to full general ledger reporting.
2 - 3 evenings per week. Must have Serving it Right. Apply in person to: Cor’s Restaurant
To apply, please drop off your resume at 277 City Centre, Kitimat, BC or email csco.ca@telus.net
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Call for appt: 250-639-9839
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Lands Administrator The First Nations Framework for Land Management allows First Nations to opt out of land related sections of the Indian Act thereby enabling us to manage our reserve lands under an overarching Haisla Land Code. The Haisla Land Code was ratified by the community last year. We are seeking someone who is qualified as a Lands Administrator or is likely to be qualified for the role by April 1, 2016. Full details can be found on: http://www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume along with three references, no later than 4 pm on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Fax (250) 632-2840 Email: humanresources@haisla.ca We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted.
Contract Procurement Manager The Contract Procurement Manager is responsible for the operational activities of Haisla Nation Council (HNC) regarding their contract procurement of the Haisla Nation Joint Ventures and Limited Partnerships, commercial agreements and implementation of business agreements. Full details can be found on: www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, names of three references and your resume to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council, Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, B.C. V0T 2B0 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840, Email: humanresources@haisla.ca Please note that this position will stay open until filled.
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Warehouse Associate WESCO Integrated Supply Kitimat, BC Communications Coordinator Haisla Nation Council is currently recruiting for a Communications Coordinator to join our team of professionals in the Administration Department. Haisla Nation Council offers competitive salaries; excellent benefit packages; pension plan; team building; and, opportunities for professional development.
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Full details can be found on: www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, names of three references and your resume to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council, Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, B.C. V0T 2B0 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840, Email: humanresources@haisla.ca Deadline for applications: November 27, 2015 We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted.
We are a division of Wesco (NYSE) and a leader in providing integrated supply (MRO) services. Based on site in Kitimat at a large metals refinery, we need a key doer to support a fast paced maintenance organization. Responsibilities include warehouse management, replenishment of point of use inventory and customer support. Warehouse experience is required, preferably including MRO product knowledge. The ideal candidate will have strong organizational skills. We offer an attractive salary, full benefits, and a challenging career opportunity. Please email your resume to: Human Resources Kmonteith@wescodist.com or Mail to: #1 Smeltersite Road Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H2
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it@activeauctionmart.com for pricing details and to book your room purchases. APPROXIMATELY 400 Rooms of TAX5 FREE MONEY High End, Star, Hotel Furnishings is available, avail.Each Room ifsoldyou with are eithera2 Queen Headboards King homeowner, today!ORWe1 can Headboard & includes:2 Bedside-2 easily approve you by KITIMAT door, tables c/w glass tops, 2mortBrass phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd BOXES, Table Lamps,1BOXES, Dresser,BOXES 3 drawers money available &gage 1You door c/w them glass is top,we 1 Mirror, need .... have 3 right now. Rates start at framed pictures,2 Upholstered Arm them. Buy one bundle of 10 Prime. Equity counts. Chairs,1 Round Pedestal c/w for $5.00 and we willTable giveWe glass top,1 c/w glass top,or1 don’tyou relyaDesk on credit, age free. Brass Floor bundle Lamp,for Upholstered income. Come down to the Kitimat Bench . Avail to preview in Surrey CallSentinel Anytime ce atbuycall Northern 604-371-1190 OR offi Email 1-800-639-2274 or it@activeauctionmart.com for pric626 Enterprise Avenue online ing604-430-1498. details and to- Apply book your room 9:00am 4:30pm www.capitaldirect.ca purchases. **Most boxes are @ 1 cu.ft.
KITIMAT START A new career in DRIVERS Graphic Arts, Healthcare, WANTED Business, Education or InforFull and Part time for mation Tech. If you have a Care Aide/LPN Coastal Taxi Employment Opportunity GED, call: 855-670-9765. Bayshore Home Health is Send resume hiring for care aide/LPN TRAIN TO be an apartA10 www.northernsentinel.com Competition # 15-406 & driver’s abstract to position in Terrace. Casual ment/condo Manager. Many PO Box 56 position with part/full-time jobs registered with us. Good Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 hours available. Immediate CarlyleandShepherd Co. is seeking self-motivated Carlyle Shepherd & Co. is seeking a self-motivated wages benefits. & GovernNoa phone calls start for the caring, kind and ment certifi ed online course. individual to join our office in Kitimat, BC. individual to join our office in Kitimat, BC. compassionate candidate. 35 years success!No. Visit Gitlaxt'aamiks, BC (withinforclose proximity toCall Terrace) SchoolofDistrict 92on(Nisga’a) is accepting applications Certified Teachers on for Own BACK vehicle driver’s line: www.rmti.ca/enq GET ON and TRACK! Bad This involves all aspects Thisonposition all aspects of accounting activities, theposition school term September 2015oftoaccounting June 2016. activities, Certified Teachers call willinvolves be required to license req. ABI experience credit? Bills? Unemployed? including bank reconciliations, receivables and payables including bank reconciliations, receivables and payables an asset. Excellent opportunity to take on a leadership role with a world-class, First Nations organization. Need Money? We Lend! If TAX FREE MONEY you produce active BCTF membership with Teacher Regulation Branch certification. TTOC will Competitive Wages, through full general ledger reporting. through to full general ledger reporting. own your ownif home - you is available, you are a Enjoy a to highly attractive salary plus competitive benefits be placed on district call out for alla schools. Travel will bepackage. required from time to time. This Benefi ts &today! Flexibility. qualify. Pioneer Acceptance homeowner, We can Relocation assistance available for the right candidate. Part-time (Nursing Students To apply, please drop off your resume at To apply, please drop off your resume at Corp. BBB. you by position will be a member of the Local Nisga’a Teachers Union. easilyMember approve Encouraged Dining 1-877-987-1420 phone. 1st, 2nd To or Apply) 3rd mort277 City Centre, Kitimat, BC Room 277 City Centre, Kitimat, BC About the Organization Care Aide/LPN Send resume www.pioneerwest.com gage money is available Waitress Required. Successful applicants will support our children by: or email csco.ca@telus.net or email csco.ca@telus.net Bayshore Home Health is As part of the BC Public School System, School District No. 92 (Nisga’a) delivers education to four Communities. rightcaringpeoplework@ now. Rates start at 2 3 evenings per week. • Being committed to the education of our children hiring for care aide/LPN or NEED loan? Own property? Prime.Abayshore.ca Equity counts. We Must have Serving it Right. community, Gitwinksihlkw Elementary position Nisga’a Elementary Secondary located in Gitlaxt'aamiks located in in Gitwinksihlkw Terrace. Casual Have bad credit? We can don’tfax: rely1-250-717-7538 on credit, agehelp! or • Being committed to the needs ourApply children in a to: classroom setting in person position with located part/full-time Community, Alvin A. McKay Middle School located in Laxgalts'ap Community and Nathan Barton Elementary in Call toll free 1-866-405-1228 income. Restaurant • Be a strong support to teacher on Cor’s delivery of classroom design hours available. Immediate fi rstandsecondmortgages.ca Call Anytime HUGE DEMAND for Medical Gingolx Community. 404 Enterprise Avenue-Kitimat start for the caring, kind and • Be a strong team player 1-800-639-2274 or Transcriptionists! CanScribe is Call for appt: 250-639-9839 compassionate candidate. 604-430-1498. Canada’s top Apply Medicalonline TranAbout the Location GET www.capitaldirect.ca BACK ON school. TRACK!Learn Bad Own vehicle and driver’s scription training Responsibilities: Gitlaxt'aamiks, also known as New Aiyansh, is the Nisga'a Village in the heart of the Nass River Valley British credit?home Bills?andUnemployed? licenseinreq. ABIColumbia, experience from work from • You will be responsible to meet with you arethe subbing foroftothe receive classroom Need Money? We Lend! If you an asset. Procurement Manager Contract Procurement Manager Canada. As Contract one of four Nisga'a Villages, itteacher is considered "Capital Nisga'a Nation." home. Call today! 1-800-466own your own home - you Competitive Wages, orientation 1535. www.canscribe.com or qualify. Pioneer Acceptance & Flexibility. A10Benefi www.northernsentinel.com One Heart, One Path, One Nation. info@canscribe.com The Contract Procurement Manager for The Contract Procurement Manager is tsresponsible • Will support the education plan thatisisresponsible in place for classroom Corp. BBB. Plumbing (Nursing Students for FULL Member SERVICE Located on BC'sconfidentiality rugged northwest coast, just 97km north of92 Terrace, Nisga'a Lands are blessed with soaring mountains, 1-877-987-1420 Encouraged To Apply) the operational activities of Haisla Nationand Council (HNC) the operational activities of Haisla Nation Council (HNC) from Parker Dean. Fast, re• Will respect of Students and School District (Nisga’a) information www.pioneerwest.com Sendbyresume dramatic lava and thriving rivers andofstreams. The natural beauty of Nisga'a is complemented the Nisga'a liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 regarding theirbeds contract procurement the Haisla regarding their Lands contract procurement of the Haisla off your next job if you present Basic Qualifications: Nation's rich cultural traditions. There is a wealth of activities for you to enjoy, including fishing, hiking,caringpeoplework@ cross-country skiing, NEED A loan? Own property? bayshore.ca or Nation Joint Ventures and Limited Partnerships, Nation Joint Ventures and Limited Partnerships, this ad. Vancouver area. 1• Ability to promote Nisga’a snowmobiling, ATVing,our and muchCulture more! through example Have bad credit? We can help! fax: 1-250-717-7538 800-573-2928 MILLWRIGHT commercial agreements and implementation of business commercial agreements and implementation of business Call toll free Houston, 1-866-405-1228 The Kitimat-Terrace Regionaland Airport is the largestskills in thewould area with • Excellent organizational communication be anseveral asset direct daily flights to Vancouver, as well as flights BC firstandsecondmortgages.ca agreements. agreements. TAX FREE MONEY Lands Administrator HUGE by DEMAND for Jazz, Medical to• Will a host of other Northwestern communities. is served by daily, direct flights from Vancouver Air Canada hold an active membership with BCTFTerrace / Teacher Regulation Branch is available, if you are a Transcriptionists! CanScribe is DH Manufacturing is looking The First Nations Framework for Land Management Hawkair and Westjet. Flying time is about 2 hours. homeowner, today! We can Canada’s top Medical Tranfor a F/T certifi ed Millwright. Please include copies of credentials Resume. Applications will details be accepted until 4:00pm Full details can be found on: Full can be found on: scription training school. Learn allows First Nations to opt out of land with related sections of easily approve you by Finger Joint Exp. an asset. About theAct Opportunity October 30, 2015. enabling us to manage our reserve phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd from home and work from Wage negotiable on mortexp. the Indian thereby www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ Care Aide/LPN gagebenefi money available home. Call today! 1-800-466School District No.92 (Nisga’a) has an exciting opportunity for an IT Manager to join the group in Gitlaxt'aamiks (also known Full ts afteris3 months. lands under an overarching Haisla Land Code. The Haisla Bayshore Home Health is right now.Email Rates 1535. www.canscribe.com or Job Posting #15-406 to: start at as New Aiyansh) in beautiful Columbia, hiring for care aide/LPN Land Code was ratified byshould theBritish community last year. Prime. Equity counts. We info@canscribe.com dhmnfg@gmail.com individuals submit aResource cover Interested individuals should submit Human Department ina cover Terrace.letter, Casual InInterested this leadership role working closely with keyletter, decision makers, you will be responsible forposition the administration and don’t rely off on in credit, age or drop person at:or position with part/full-time We are seeking someone who isTechnology qualified as a Lands income. names of the three references and your resume to:92 (Nisga’a) three references and your resume to: School District No. DH Manufacturing operation of Information (IT) Department. This willnames involveofplanning, coordinating and directing all IT hours available. Immediate CallHols Anytime Administrator or isof likely be qualified The for the role by applicant will have experience in departmental supervision and 1250 Road. Box 240 related activities theto organization. successful for the caring, kind and Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Stephanie McClure, Humanstart Resources Manager 1-800-639-2274 or April 1, 2016. compassionate candidate. New Aiyansh BC, V0J 1A0 evaluation processes. 604-430-1498. Apply online Haisla Nation Council, Haisla NationOwn Council, vehicleMILLWRIGHT and driver’s www.capitaldirect.ca Full details can be found on: Email: humanresources@nisgaa.bc.ca license req. ABI experience PO Box 1101 Haisla PO Box 1101 More specifically,Haisla you will: Houston, BC http://www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ an asset. • Prepare andKitamaat implement departmental Village, B.C. V0T budgets 2B0 Kitamaat Village, DH B.C.Competitive V0T 2B0 Wages, Manufacturing is looking ts & Flexibility. • Phone Be a pivotal member of the Leadership Teamand Quit. for aBenefi F/T(250) certifi ed Millwright. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter (250) 639-9361, ext.District 204 Fax (250) 632-2840, Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax 632-2840, (Nursing Students FULL SERVICE Plumbing Finger Exp.services an asset. • Develop, implement andreferences, assess both no short and long4 range services, networks andJoint related resume along with three later than pm plans for information Encouraged To Apply) fromBefore Parker your Dean. time Fast, reEmail: humanresources@haisla.ca Email: humanresources@haisla.ca Wage negotiable on exp. to align and support the district’s educational direction, focusing on user productivity, effectiveness and efficiency Send resume on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 to: liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 Full benefi ts after 3 months. runs caringpeoplework@ off your next jobout. if you present • Ensure that district standards and government regulations are adhered to with respect to all technology Email to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager bayshore.ca or this ad. Vancouver area. 1dhmnfg@gmail.com Please note that this position will stay open until filled. Please note that this position will stay open until filled. implementations 1-250-717-7538 800-573-2928 Haisla Nation Council or fax: drop off in person at: • Maintain current and accurate listing of all IT inventory DH Manufacturing Haisla PO Box 1101 HUGE 1250 DEMAND for Medical • Perform strategic planning of the department’s on-going professional development and training. Hols Road. Northern Sentinel Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Kitamaat Village, BC Transcriptionists! • Although equivalencies may be considered, ideally you have a post-secondary education focused in Computer CanScribe Science is Canada’s top Medical TranV0T 2B0 Browse more at: and 3 years of recent, related experience in a similar role. scription training school. Learn Fax (250) 632-2840 APPROXIMATELY 400 Rooms of from home and work from High End, 5 Star, Hotel Furnishings Email: Other humanresources@haisla.ca qualifications include: home. Call today! 1-800-466avail.Each Room sold with either 2 1535. www.canscribe.com or Queen Headboards •We Experience Web Design Development and Management thank allin applicants for/their interest, however, only Quit. OR 1 King info@canscribe.com Headboard & includes:2 Bedside-2
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STEEL BUILDING sale. “Really big sale-year SAWMILLS FROMend clear only out!” $4,397 21x22 - Make $5,190 money &25x24 save $5,988 27x28 $7,498 30x32 money with your own bandmill FULL SERVICE Plumbing KITIMAT $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 - Cut lumber any dimension. In from Parker Dean. Fast, reBOXES, BOXES, BOXES $16,386. One wall includstock ready toend ship. Free info liable, 24/7 service. Take You need them .... we have$50 ed. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668& DVD: www.NorwoodSawoffthem. your next job bundle if you present Buy one of 10 5422. www.pioneersteel.ca mills.com/400OT 1-800-566this Vancouver area. forad. $5.00 and we will give 16899 you Ext:400OT. 800-573-2928 a bundle for free. Come down to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel office at 626 Enterprise Avenue 9:00am - 4:30pm **Most boxes are @ 1 cu.ft.
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FOR SALE -KITIMAT STEEL BUILDING sale. HILLCREST PLACE Furnished 3 Bedroom Town“Really big sale-year end clear house w/rec room, end unit, out!” APARTMENTS 21x22 $5,190 25x24 with parking RV or Boat, $5,988 27x28for$7,498 30x32 Totally comps-(224 K & 217 K) $8,646 35x34Renovated $11,844 42x54 $180, 000 Great Investment $16,386. One end wall includ(ask for details) call: 250-639-0049 or email: ed. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668Security Entrance, safetekenterprises@gmail.com 5422. www.pioneersteel.ca
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Financial Services
with parking RV or Boat, within attachedforgarage. Some comps-(224 K & 217 K) Doors and Windows replaced. $180, 000 Great Investment New Roof, W/D and F/S. call: blower 250-639-0049 or email: Snow and lawn mower safetekenterprises@gmail.com included. ASKING $239,000 780-983-0509 Serious Inquiries Only
for a F/T certified Millwright. Headboard & includes:2 Bedside-2 Finger Joint Exp. an asset. door, tables c/w glass tops, 2 Brass Table Lamps,1 Dresser, 3 drawers Wage negotiable on exp. & 1 door c/w glass top, 1 Mirror, 3 Full benefits after 3 months. framed pictures,2 Upholstered Arm Email to: A10 www.northernsentinel.com Chairs,1 Round Pedestal Table c/w dhmnfg@gmail.com glass top,1 Desk c/w glass top, 1 or drop off in person at: Brass Floor Lamp, Upholstered DH Manufacturing Bench . Avail to preview in Surrey call 604-371-1190 OR Email buy1250 Hols Road.
A division of
We need YOU!
For Sale By Owner Merchandise for Sale Rentals ER AP SP W NE PINT OFforBLOOD Apt/Condo Misc. Sale RRIER S! for Rent CA CAN SAVE UP Help Wanted Help Wanted TO 3 LIVES NEWSPAPER
We need YOU!
For Real Sale Estate By for Owner Merchandise Sale ROUTESwww.kitimatapartments.com PERMANENT CARRIER MIDTOWN ER WSP Townhouses NE & AP KITIMAT APTS for1150 Sale forAcreage saleFurniture by owner Sq ft. APARTMENTS S! IER RR CA VALUE Newly renovated bathroom, FreeBEST heat & Free Hot Water Kingfi FOR SALE -KITIMAT APPROXIMATELY 400sher Rooms(65) of DELIVERIES. new floors through out.SDAY New& FRIDAYFurnished & Unfurnished 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW KITIMAT ~INStein, Morgan
FUR hom sona leas 3945 Q ww mar
• 3 • lg. • ele 13 1.
FUR hom sona ON leas • 3945 • marp • Pa • be • s 3 lg.i an ele ww 13 pe 1.
an pe NO
Fr F
•Furnished Starting3atBedroom $725 TownWEDNE High End, 5 Star, Hotel Furnishings ww electric panel, ducting, plumb1w/rec & 2 bedrooms • house Balconies avail.Each Room sold with either 2 room, end unit, ing, insulation, bonus room Queen Headboards OR 1 King Security Entrances • with Security parkingEntrances for RV or Boat, Headboard & includes:2 Bedside-2 within attached garage. Some No Pets. No Smoking • comps-(224 Cameras forKyour safety & 217 K) door, glass tops, 2 Brass Doorstables andc/w Windows replaced. • $180, Now000 Great includes basic Investment Table Lamps,1 Dresser, 3 drawers New Roof, W/D and F/S. cable NOONS AFTER call: 250-639-0049 or email: THURS BC ACREAGES For & 1 door c/w glass top, 1 Mirror, 3 Snow blower and lawn mower Visit our Website framed pictures,2 Upholstered Arm safetekenterprises@gmail.com FOR SALE included.Round ASKING $239,000 Chairs,1 Tablelots, c/w www.kitimatapartments.com WaterfrontDeskPedestal building glass top,1780-983-0509 c/w glass top, 1 Fr Phone: Wed.250.632.APTS recreational, properties Brass Floor Inquiries Lamp, Upholstered Serious Only and (2787) more.. Avail to preview in Surrey and Bench Newer Buildings callPrices 604-371-1190 Email buystartingOR at $27,000 FUR Elevators it@activeauctionmart.com for and pricwww.northernsentinel.com A9 Contact our recreational hom Security Entrances ing details and to book your room Contact the Northern Sentinel at 626 Enterpr rural land specialists today. sona purchases. Covered To advertise inParking print:
~ Bayer, SANDPIPER APTS Bartholomew (40) KITIMAT Rentals
Townhouses ~ Stein, Morgan & Apt/Condo for Rent 250-632-6144. Kingfi sher (65) Contact: sales@niho.com Balconies FOR SALE -KITIMAT HILLCREST PLACE or Call:3604.606.7900 Furnished Bedroom Townwww.kitimatapartments.com Misc. for Sale Website: www.Niho.com APARTMENTS house w/rec room, end unit, 250.632.4254 Call: 250-632-6144 Email: classifieds@northernsentinel.com Self-serve: blackpressused.ca Career ads: localworkbc.ca
with parking for RV or Boat,
leas 3945 marp
Totally Renovated KITIMAT comps-(224 K & 217 K) • Current Experience in BC Public School Systems Technology - MYED BC/BCeSIS door,Before tables c/w your glass tops, 2 Brass those short-listed will be contacted. Announcements Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment November 20 For Sale By Owner time INDEX IN BRIEF BOXES, BOXES, BOXES 3 $180, 000 Great Investment (ask KITIMAT for details) Table Lamps,1 Dresser, 3 drawers Business Education/Trade Career Career Information Help Wanted • Certification as an Apple Support Professional, A+ and N+ certificate or equivalent You need have lg. call: 250-639-0049 or email: Schoolsthem .... we Opportunities Opportunities Trades, Technical & 1 door c/w glass top, 1 Opportunities Mirror, 3 Security Entrance, runs out. 2safetekenterprises@gmail.com BEDROOM • ExperienceWarehouse supporting LAN, Associate PC, and VoIP environments and proven ability toWarehouse manage day-to-day technology operations MIDTOWN them. oneBUNGALOW bundle of 10 ~Buy Bayer, ele framed pictures,2 Upholstered Arm Associate IN KITIMAT Chairs,1 Round Pedestal Table c/w for $5.00 and we will give 13 Dishwasher, • A thorough understanding of networking and security fundamentals in a Windows and Linux environment PINT OF c/wBLOOD Accountant Fr for sale owner for 1150 Sq ft. (40) APARTMENTS glass top,1 Desk glass top, 1 WESCO Integrated Supply WESCO Integrated Supply Wed. you abyBartholomew bundle free. 1. No Pets, No Smoking MILLWRIGHT Brass Floor Lamp, Upholstered • Knowledge of multiple technologies including Windows servers and operating systems, Wireless infrastructure, Mac OS Newly renovated Homes for Rent Free heat & Free Hot Water Rentals Come down tobathroom, the Kitimat and Northern Bench . Avail to preview in Surrey CAN SAVE UP Houston, BC newNorthern floors Sentinel through offi out. New Kitimat, Kitimat, BC Furnished & Unfurnished ce at A10 www.northernsentinel.com 250-632-7814 X, SAN technologies, WAN, LANBC and Wi-Fi call 604-371-1190 OR Email buyFURNISHED and Unfurnished electric ducting, plumb1 & 2 bedrooms 626 panel, Enterprise Avenue it@activeauctionmart.com for pricTravel AGREEMENT •We Knowledge of PHP, Perl, and C (NYSE) development personal computers DH Manufacturing is looking homesSecurity forKITIMAT rent Entrances in Kitimat. ReaTO 3ON ing, insulation, bonus room Apt/Condo for Rent are a division of Wesco and acode, leader in We areand a personal division computer of Wesco software (NYSE) and a leader in 9:00am - 4:30pm ing details and toLIVES book your room Timeshare Contact the Northern Sentinel at 626 Enterpr Communications Coordinator Services Merchandise for Sale Employment GET BACK TRACK! Bad for a F/T certified Millwright. sonable rates No & Smoking month2month within attached garage. Some • Knowledge of SQLsupply database programming and database No Pets. purchases. **Most boxes are @ 1 cu.ft. providing integrated (MRO) services. Based on site administration. providing integrated supply (MRO) services. Basedanonasset. site ON credit? Bills? Unemployed? Finger Joint Exp. leases. Call Stan on 780 974 Doors and Windows replaced. • General knowledge of equipment capabilities, computer systems development and analysis. Career Career HILLCREST Need Money? We Lend! If you Haisla Nation Council currently recruiting for toa Wagewe negotiable on exp. in Kitimat at a large metalsisrefinery, we need a key doer in Kitimat at a large metals refinery, need a key doer to 3945 250.632.7179 or email at New Roof, W/DPLACE and F/S. FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS
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Misc. for Sale Medical/Dental
A division of
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls
Carlyle Shepherd & Co. is seeking a individual to join our office in Kitimat, BC.
This position involves all aspects of accounting activities, including bank reconciliations, receivables and payables through to full general ledger reporting.
Part-time Dining Room Waitress Required.
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Financial Services
Misc. for Sale Contract Procurement Manager
Opportunities Opportunities SAWMILLS FROM only The Contract Procurement Manager is responsible for own your own home - you benefits after 3 months. marps68@hotmail.com SnowAPARTMENTS blower and lawn mower the operational activities of Haisla Nation Council (HNC) Pa support a fast paced Coordinator maintenance organization. Responsibilsupport a fast paced maintenanceFull organization. ResponsibilCommunications to join our team of regarding their contract procurement of the Haisla $4,397 money & save qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Email to: Nation Joint Ventures and Limited Partnerships, included.- Make ASKING $239,000 This is an outstanding opportunity for a team focused leader who has strong customer relationship skills at the senior be commercial agreements and implementation of business SANDPIPER APTS money with your own bandmill ities include warehouse management, replenishment of point ities include warehouse management,dhmnfg@gmail.com replenishment of point STEEL BUILDING sale. professionals in the Administration Department. Corp. Member BBB. agreements. Totally Renovated 780-983-0509 KITIMAT KITIMAT BUNGALOW TAX FREE Q sh - CutSerious lumber any MONEY dimension. In management level.customer Strong support. coaching and technical staff management experience is essential, is aoff demonstrated “Really big sale-year end clear 1-877-987-1420 Full details can be found on: orasdrop in person at: KITIMAT of use inventory of use inventory and customer support. Inquiries Travel BOXES, BOXES, BOXES 3 Bedroom, newly reno’d, www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ Haisla Nation and Council offers competitive salaries; is available, youOnly are info a (ask stock ready for to ifdetails) ship. Free A10 www.northernsentinel.com in out!” 21x22 $5,190 25x24 www.pioneerwest.com DH Manufacturing managerial ability to respond to frequent demands from multiple internal clients on assigned tasks. Excellent analytical, Newer Buildings You need them .... we have lg. kitchen, separate laundry, Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, today! We can Warehouse experience is required, preferably including Warehouse experience is required, 1250 preferably Road. including &homeowner, DVD: www.NorwoodSawnames of three references$7,498 and your resume to: $5,988 27x28 30x32 excellent benefit packages; pension plan; team building; Security Entrance, Elevators them. Buy one bundle of 10 elec. heat. no/smkg, pet neg. •an Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager problem solving and quantitative skills willwill behave keys to your success. A valid driver’s licenseThe is required as youHols willhave be called easily approve 1-800-566you by mills.com/400OT MRO product knowledge. The ideal candidate strong MRO product knowledge. ideal candidate will strong $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 NEED A loan? Own property? Haisla Nation Council, Security Entrances for $5.00 and we will give 1300/mnth Pls call Havan @ •pe and, forthe professional Haisla PO Box 1101 Dishwasher, phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mort6899 Ext:400OT. uponopportunities to travelskills. within district. development. $16,386. One end wall HaveCare bad acredit? We can help! Kitamaat Village, B.C. V0T 2B0 includAide/LPN organizational organizational skills. Covered you bundle for free. 1.778.634.3836 msg. • Phone (250) 639-9361, ext.Parking 204or Fax lve (250) 632-2840, gage money isSmoking available ed. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668No Pets, No Call toll down free 1-866-405-1228 Email: humanresources@haisla.ca Bayshore Home Health is Balconies Come to the Kitimat • FORnow. SALE -KITIMAT right Rates start at 400 Rooms of Applications willbebe accepted until 4:00pm Monday, November 23, 2015. Please forward resume and credentials with Full details can found on: 5422. www.pioneersteel.ca fiAPPROXIMATELY rstandsecondmortgages.ca Please note that this position will stay open until filled. hiring care aide/LPN Northern Sentinel ce at We offer an attractive salary, full benefits, and a We offer an attractive salary, full benefits, and a 250-632-7814 High End, for 5 Star, Hotel offi Furnishings Furnished 3 Bedroom Townwww.kitimatapartments.com Prime. Equity counts. We reference contact information to: position in Terrace. avail.Each Room sold Avenue with Casual either 2 Help Wanted Help Wanted 626 Enterprise www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ house w/rec room, end unit, 250.632.4254 don’t rely on credit, age or DISCRIMINATORY challenging career opportunity. challenging career opportunity. KITIMAT LEGISLATION Queen Headboards OR 1 King position with- 4:30pm part/full-time STEEL BUILDING sale. 9:00am with parking for RV or Boat, Human Resources Department income. ww TAX FREE MONEY GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad QUATSINO APTS Headboard & includes:2 hours available. Immediate “Really big sale-year endK)clear **Most boxes areyou @ 1Bedside-2 cu.ft. comps-(224 K & 217 Call Anytime ONE Warehouse BEDROOM BSMT Please email your resume to: Please email your resume to: credit? Bills? Unemployed? door, is available, if are a School District No. 92 Nisga’a tables c/w glass tops, 2 Brass Associate start for the caring, kind and out!” 21x22 $5,190 25x24 Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, $180, 000 Great Investment KITIMAT 1-800-639-2274 or WESCO Integrated Supply Table Lamps,1 Dresser, 3 drawers homeowner, today! candidate. We can Need Money? We Lend! If you SUITE IN KITIMAT Human Resources Human Resources compassionate $5,988 27x28 $7,498 30x32 Kitimat, BC call: 250-639-0049 or online email: 604-430-1498. Apply 1 door c/w glassFROM top, 1 Mirror, SAWMILLS only • Partially Downtown location easily approve by 3 names of three references and your resume to: Box 240 Kmonteith@wescodist.com own your own home - you &framed Communications Coordinator Own pictures,2 vehicle andyoudriver’s furnished (except STUD $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 Upholstered Arm safetekenterprises@gmail.com Kmonteith@wescodist.com www.capitaldirect.ca New Aiyansh BC, V0J 1A0 $4,397 Make money & save • Balconies Haisla Nation Council is currently recruiting for a phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortqualify. Pioneer Acceptance licensewith req.your ABIown experience ANY Communications Coordinator to join includour team of $16,386. One end wall COPYRIGHT Chairs,1 Round Pedestal Table c/w Stephanie McClure, Human bedroom), recently reno’d, Care Aide/LPN money bandmill professionals in the Administration Department. • Security Entrances gage money is available or Mail to: #1 Smeltersite Road Resources Manager or Mail to: #1 Smeltersite Road • Corp. Member BBB. glass top,1 Desk c/w glass top, 1 an Nation Council offers 1-800-668competitive salaries; ed. Haisla Pioneer Steel Bayshore Home Health is FOR KING excellent benefit packages; pension plan; team building; shared laundry, n/s, n/p, -right Cutasset. lumber any dimension. In LOO • Some furnished suites now. Rates start at humanresources@nisgaa.bc.ca Haisla Nation Council, • 1-877-987-1420 Brass Floor Lamp, Upholstered and, opportunities for professional development. Competitive Wages, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H2 Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H2 5422. www.pioneersteel.ca hiring for care aide/LPN stock ready to ship. Free info Call pking, for an appointment Prime. Equity counts. We • incl. fitness room Full details can be found on: Bench . Avail to&preview in Surrey www.pioneerwest.com Benefi tswww.NorwoodSawFlexibility. www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/ Haisla PO Box 1101 position in Terrace. Casual &don’t DVD: 250.632.4511 call 604-371-1190 OR Email The eyes have rely on credit, age buyor it FULL • FURNISHED and Unfurnished and util. Suitable for single (Nursing Students InterestedSERVICE individuals should submit a cover letter, Plumbing positionA loan? with Own part/full-time it@activeauctionmart.com for pricmills.com/400OT 1-800-566names of three references and your resume to: Kitamaat Village, B.C. V0T 2B0 income. • NO www.kitimatapartments.com NEED property? homes for call rent250-279-2779 in Kitimat. ReaStephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Encouraged To Apply) from Parker Dean. Fast, reperson, ing details and to book your room hours available. Immediate Haisla Nation Council, 6899 Ext:400OT. Call Anytime Have bad credit? We can help! Fetch a Friend sonable & month2month Haisla PO Box 1101 BCrates ACREAGES resume liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840, purchases.Send start for the caring, kind and Kitamaat Village, B.C. V0T 2B0 1-800-639-2274 or today! off your Call toll free 1-866-405-1228 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840, leases. Stan onad780 from the SPCA caringpeoplework@ next job ifWEDNE you present FOR SALE RIES. Place aCall classifi ed word and...974 DELIVE candidate. Email: humanresources@haisla.ca KITIMAT APTS SDAY & FRIDAY Email: humanresources@haisla.ca 604-430-1498. Applyoronline HILLCREST PLACE ficompassionate rstandsecondmortgages.ca 3945 or building email lots,at ww Deadline for applications: November 27, 2015 bayshore.ca this ad. Vancouver area. 1Waterfront Own vehicle and driver’s We thank all applicants for their interest, however, IT WILL GO ON LINE! www.capitaldirect.ca BEST VALUE spca.bc.ca marps68@hotmail.com fax: 1-250-717-7538 only those short-listed will be contacted. 800-573-2928 recreational, properties and APARTMENTS license req. ABI experience Deadline for applications: November 27, 2015 AND • Starting at $725 more. an asset. Totally Renovated • Prices Balconies KITIMATfor Medical KITIMAT BUNGALOW Competitive Wages, starting at $27,000 HUGE DEMAND We thank all applicants for their interest, however, • PERFECT FORreno’d,and BOXES, BOXES, BOXES 3 Security Bedroom, newly Benefits & Flexibility. (ask for details) Contact our Entrances recreational Transcriptionists! CanScribe is NOONS AFTER THURS For • Cameras for your safety only those short-listed will be contacted. You need them .... we have lg. kitchen, separate laundry, (Nursing Students rural land specialists today. Canada’s top Medical TranFULL SERVICE Plumbing RETIREES, OR Security Entrance, STUDENTS, • elec. Now includes pet basic them. Buy one bundle ofLearn 10reheat. sales@niho.com no/smkg, neg. Encouraged To Apply) scription training school. from Parker Dean. Fast, Contact: cable ANYONE LOOKING TO @ and we work will givefrom 1300/mnth Pls call Havan BC ACREAGES Dishwasher, Send resume fromfor $5.00 home and liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 or Call: 604.606.7900 HOSPICE: Do you have a couple of hours a month to November 19 pening 11 a.m. until noon. To register for this activity you a bundle for free. Visit our Website 1.778.634.3836 or lve msg. caringpeoplework@ home. 1-800-466off your Call next today! job if you present FORNo SALE LOOKINGNoFOR Website: www.Niho.com Pets, Smoking PERMANENT CARRIER Come down to the Kitimat www.kitimatapartments.com bayshore.ca or 1535. or phone this ad.www.canscribe.com Vancouver area. 1Waterfront building lots, ROUTES make calls, plant flowers, share memories, play UNIFOR 2301 Retired Workers’ Chapter social at 1 p.m. please contact the library at 250 632 8985. Northern Sentinel office at Phone: 250.632.APTS 250-632-7814 fax: 1-250-717-7538 info@canscribe.com 800-573-2928 recreational, properties and 626 Enterprise Avenue (2787) cards, etc.? Hospice can provide youNOwith excellent trainat the Unifor union hall, 235 Enterprise Avenue. All re- Ongoing more. KITIMAT COLLECTING! DIRECT 9:00am 4:30pm Prices starting at $27,000 HUGE DEMAND for Medical GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad **Most boxes are @ 1 cu.ft. tired workers are welcome to attend. We’ll discuss the PRAYER CANADA. ing. Call us now at 250-632-2278. We meet each week on Tuesdays DEPOSIT. BEDROOM BSMT 2ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW Contact our recreational and Transcriptionists! is credit? Bills? CanScribe Unemployed? RIES. DELIVE WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY IN KITIMAT rural landOF specialists Canada’s top We Medical Need Money? Lend! you SUITE IN AUXILIAKITIMAT formation of “Unifor Northern BC Retired Workers’ 12 noon to 1 p.m. 250 THEtoday. KITIMAT forLADIES For location andIfTranfurther information SAWMILLS FROM BRANCH only sale by owner 1150 Sq ft. scription own yourtraining own school. home -Learn you Contact: sales@niho.com Partially furnished (except TEMPORARY RELIEF ROUTESNewly MILLWRIGHT $4,397 - Make money RY & save renovated bathroom, Fr from and e-mail work from Quit. Council.” Call Raymond Raj at rayraj@gmail.com or please call 250-632-4554. hold regular Thursday of the qualify.home Pioneer Acceptance AND Or lesleykitimat@hotor Call:meetings 604.606.7900every second bedroom), recently reno’d, Houston, BC money with your own bandmill new floors through out. New F home. Call today! Corp. Member BBB. 1-800-466Website: www.Niho.com shared laundry, n/s, n/p, Before your time Cut lumber any dimension. In 250-632-4006 for more information. month. More information by calling Nancy at 250-632electric panel, ducting, plumbmail.com. 1535. www.canscribe.com or 1-877-987-1420 DH Manufacturing looking stock ready to ship.isFree info AFTERNOONS ing,incl. insulation, bonus room THURS pking, fitness room info@canscribe.com For www.pioneerwest.com runs out. November 20 4051, or Lyn at 250-632-2351. Do you or someone you know have bladder a F/Tcancer? certifi ed Millwright. &for DVD: www.NorwoodSawwithin attached garage. Some and util. Suitable for single KITIMAT Finger Joint Exp. 1-800-566an asset. mills.com/400OT Doors and Windows contact replaced. NEED A loan? Own property? FRIENDS OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY To THE KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY is calling all chilYou’re not alone.Have It’sbadthe 5th most common cancer in person, call join, 250-279-2779 Fr Wage negotiable on exp. 6899 Ext:400OT. Wed. New Roof, W/D and F/S. credit? We can help! 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW MIDTOWN benefior ts after 3 months. Snow Northern blower and lawn mower and toll free 1-866-405-1228 Luce Gauthier at lucegauthier10@gmail.com or Virginia dren 4 years old and up to craft a device that will cross IN KITIMAT Canada. Bladder Call Cancer Canada is here to Full help... just PERMANENT CARRIER ROUTES Email to: included. ASKING $239,000 firstandsecondmortgages.ca for sale by owner 1150 Sq ft. APARTMENTS S dhmnfg@gmail.com @ vcharron@kitimatpubliclibrary.org orWater call 780-983-0509 the finish line. You could make a plane, helicopter, bus, to talk. In Kitimat, call GlenMILLWRIGHT Sevigny at 250-632-3486. Or Charron Newly renovated bathroom, Free heat & Free Hot or drop off in person at: Serious Inquiries Only 626 Enterpr Houston, BC Contact the Northern Sentinel at new fl oors through out. New Furnished & Unfurnished 250-632-8985. train, or bike – the sky is the limit! This activity is hapDH Manufacturing emailglensevigny@gmail.com. electric panel, ducting, plumb1 & 2 bedrooms 1250 Hols Road. DH Manufacturing is looking ing, insulation, bonus room Security Entrances PERFECT FOR for a F/T certified Millwright. within attached garage. Some No Pets. No Smoking Finger Joint Exp. an asset. Doors and Windows replaced. STUDENTS, RETIREES, OR TEMPORARY RELIEF ROUTES HUGE OPPORTUNITY! General Manager position, Capital Motors Ford, Dawson Creek, BC. Best in class compensation & benefits. Learn more at GoAuto.ca/careers. Apply at: Latha@goauto.ca or call Latha 780-497-2410.
Merchandise for Sale Services Furniture
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FOUNTAIN OF Youth Spa RV Resort is your winter destination for healing mineral waters, five-star facilities, activities, entertainment, fitness, friends, and youthful fun! $9.95/day for new customers. Reservations: 1-888-800-0772, foyspa.com
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ines year. ded. erest call bsite
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Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
We are seeking someone who is qualified as a Lands Administrator or is likely to be qualified for the role by April 1, 2016.
Full details can be found on: http://www.haisla.ca/council/job-opportunities/
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume along with three references, no later than 4 pm on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 to:
Misc. for Sale Help Wanted
Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Fax (250) 632-2840 Email: humanresources@haisla.ca We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted.
Apt/Condo for Rent Help Wanted Suites, Lower Real Estate Acreage for Sale
We are a division of Wesco (NYSE) and a leader in providing integrated supply (MRO) services. Based on site in Kitimat at a large metals refinery, we need a key doer to support a fast paced maintenance organization. Responsibilities include warehouse management, replenishment of point of use inventory and customer support. Warehouse experience is required, preferably including MRO product knowledge. The ideal candidate will have strong organizational skills.
Homes for Rent Rentals Plumbing ER AP SP W NE Real Estate Apt/Condo for Rent
Help Wanted Misc. for Sale
Acreage for Sale Help Wanted
Help Wanted
EARN EXTRA Lower CASH!!! ForSuites, Sale By Owner
We need YOU!
ER Morgan & NEWSPAP ~ Stein, Trades, Technical CARRIERS! Kingfisher (65)
Trades, Technical
We offer an attractive salary, full benefits, and a challenging career opportunity.
Please email your resume to: Human Resources Kmonteith@wescodist.com or Mail to: #1 Smeltersite Road Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H2
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Townhouses Merchandise for Sale
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Lands Administrator The First Nations Framework for Land Management allows First Nations to opt out of land related sections of the Indian Act thereby enabling us to manage our reserve lands under an overarching Haisla Land Code. The Haisla Land Code was ratified by the community last year.
~ Bayer, For Sale By Owner Bartholomew (40)
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Kitimat Remembers
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 11
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Sports & Leisure
Great finish for Marleau in Australia Kitimat’s Al Marleau has returned from a competition overseas. Al went to Adelaide, Australia where he competed for Team Canada at the 2015 Duathlon World Championships. He finished eight place in his age group. “After winning Nationals in my age group last year I was hoping to finish in the top ten in my age group in Adelaide,” he said. “It was a near perfect day with sunny skies and a 12 degree start. Duathlon standard distance starts with a 10 kilometre run followed by a 40 kilometre bike and finished off with a five kilometre run. The race started with 1,400 athletes from around the world represented by 45 countries. Al says the run was along the banks of the Torrens River. It was fast and flat. “I was really happy with my 10k run finishing in 38:30, still pretty fast for an almost 56-year-old guy actually finishing three seconds ahead of the eventual World Champion from Australia, I was pretty stoked to hear that after the race. The top five runners finished within 11 seconds.” He said they transitioned to the bicycle in an “extremely technical ride: which incorporated 16 180-degree turns, as it was four 10K loops inside the city centre. “The course was very congested and avoiding other athletes was difficult. After being assessed a two minute drafting penalty with about 600 metres to transition, I was very upset, as I really have never rode in groups in all of my training, so I was surprised and disappointed by the call.” He entered transition a little upset and running on fumes as he averaged 37 km/hr
on the bike and his legs were like rubber leaving transition. “I gutted out the final five kilometre run with nothing in the tank. As I crossed the finish line I heard
the announcer call my name, and I had finished eighth in the world in my age group. I was ecstatic, and saw my wife [Zelia] beyond the finish line, and hugged her with great
joy as she has been my greatest supporter over the years. “It was truly satisfying to know that I can run as fast as the best athletes in my age group, and I have made
great improvements in my cycling in the last few years. Finishing eleventh in Spain last year, and eight in Australia this year I know there is still room to improve.”
Al says he is really inspired by Kitimat’s youth in all varieties of sports, and also Kitimat’s world-class race walker Ben Thorne. “I am inspired beyond words. I hope to
inspire people of all ages that it is OK to dream big no matter what our age is.” Al is planning a half ironman and short course duathlon next year in Penticton.
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