Clearwater Times, November 19, 2015

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Thursday, November 19, 2015 ▼ Volume 51 No. 47 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST





Metis pass on their cultural traditions. See A2 & A5 inside.


First Place Best All Round Newspaper & Best Editorial Page Second Place Best Front Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2014 First Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2014

Rev. Lloyd Strickland, the longtime chaplain for Clearwater-Vavenby Legion Branch #499, contemplates the cenotaph next to the Clearwater River at the close of Remembrance Day ceremonies on Wednesday morning, Nov. 11. All photos by Keith McNeill

Remembering the Fallen Andrea Lamond gives Beaver Scout Owen Lamond a hand as he carries a flag to the ceremonies.

Curtis Qualtier places a wreath during Remembrance Day ceremonies in Clearwater for the Canadian soldiers who served in Afghanistan.

Members of Clearwater RCMP detachment march with their eyes right as they lead the parade from the cenotaph at the end of the Remembrance Day ceremonies. In the front rank are (l-r) Cst. Jay Meyer, Cst. Geoff Schnyder and Sgt. Kevin Podbisky. Despite light rain at the start, about 350 people attended the event.

Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441

Legion members David Rodriguez (l) and Cam Dixon march in the rain to the ceremonies.

Highway 5 Clearwater, BC 250-674-3148

Located on Highway 5


Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times

SD73: District touts $1.3M savings in energy costs over last 13 years

For the Record Times Staff

Kamloops This Week

In the photo “Pumpkin weighs over 200 pounds” in our Nov. 12 issue, Selena Parent, the recreation coordinator at Forest View Place and certified recreation therapist, is incorrectly identified as Selena Husband.

Teaching Metis culture Learn More. Achieve More. To improve reading, writing or math skills, look under LEARN in the Yellow Pages™ or visit

Kash Hjelmeland, age 20 months, wears a big smile and a Metis sash as he dances a jig with Dave Sager (l) and Joe Short. The three were taking part in an event held to celebrate Louis Riel Day at Clearwater Elks Hall on Sunday. See also the letter to the editor on page A5 Photo by Keith McNeill

A division of

If the Kamloops-Thompson school district had done nothing over the last 13 years to cut its energy costs, that budget line for 2014-2015 would be $1.3 million higher than it is. However, Art McDonald, SD73 director of facilities and transportation, told the board of education on Monday, Nov. 9, that changes made in that period have led to: • A 37 per cent reduction in electricity consumption; • A 34 per cent reduction in natural-gas consumption; • A 37 per cent reduction in propane consumption; • A 20 per cent reduction in water consumption; • A 14 per cent reduction in diesel fuel consumption but a 13 per cent increase in gasoline consumption; and • A 29 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Nine projects in line for grant money Nine projects have been approved for the district’s Creativity, Innovation and


Curriculum grants: • Sa-Hali family of schools is receiving $20,000 for its kindergarten to Grade 12 teaching and learning project; • Beattie School of the Arts will get $19,250 for a digital media-arts lab; • Brocklehurst Middle School will get $12,000 for a Google classroom; • Clearwater secondary gets $9,500 for a project on critical thinking; • Pacific Way elementary will get $5,000 for a project with Lego robotics and iPads; • Bert Edwards Science and Technology School will also get $5,000 for a “loose-play” objects and storage shed project; • Teacher-librarians will receive $18,000 for digital-literacy programs for grades 4 and 8; • Secondary math teachers will receive $17,500 for a project that aims to transform math instruction; and • Dufferin elementary, in partnership with Thompson Rivers University, will receive $9,720 for a literacy project on developing a vocabulary application.

Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A3

More funding sought for Harper Creek mine Times Staff Yellowhead Mining Inc. is currently investigating additional sources of financing, according to the company's third quarter report. The money would be used to move forward with the environmental assessment review for its proposed Harper Creek mine project in order to obtain an environmental assessment certificate for the project in 2016. The company had announced on Oct. 1 that it would be deferring all expenditures on the project due to weakness in the commodity and capital markets. Also on Oct. 1, Yellowhead announced the completion of its rights offering. The company issued a total of 24,751,431 shares under the rights offering at a price of $0.045 per share for gross proceeds of $1,113,814. A total of 14,035,706 common shares were issued under the basic subscription privilege and a total of 10,715,725 common shares were issued under the additional subscription privilege Yellowhead had begun the year with the acceptance of its environmental assessment application for the Harper Creek project for review. The 180-day application review period commenced on Jan. 28. Two days later, on Jan. 30, the Mount Polley tailings

facility storage breach report was released. As a result of the report, the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (BC EAO) requested the company provide additional information and undertake additional work on the environmental assessment application to address the results of and recommendations contained in the report In order to allow time to provide the additional information and undertake the additional work required as a consequence of the report, on June 30 the company requested and received a timeline suspension from the BC EAO to the environmental assessment review. On Aug. 4, Yellowhead announced that its board of directors, subject to regulatory and legal approvals, had approved a secured bridge loan of $500,000 and the undertaking of a rights offering to provide working capital for the company On Aug. 21, the company announced it would be offering rights to holders of its common shares of record at the close of business, Sept. 1. As reported above, that rights offering raised about $1.1 million. Yellowhead's quarterly report notes that, notwithstanding the efforts to source additional financing, work on the environmental assessment application is currently on hold, and all environmental baseline monitoring activities have

also been suspended until further notice. Continuation of environmental monitoring was a condition to continuing with the environmental assessment review imposed by the BC EAO, and cessation of all such activities will increase the risk that the BC EAO will require the collection of fresh environmental baseline data to be analyzed and incorporated into an updated environmental assessment application prior to continuing with the environmental assessment review. If a prolonged hiatus occurs during the environmental assessment review, then there is also an increased risk that the information in the environmental assessment application will become stale-dated, and as a result, the environmental assessment application will have to be re-done and the environmental assessment application process restarted. Harper Creek is a proposed 70,000 tonnes-per-day open pit copper mine with a 28-year mine life, located about 10 km southwest of Vavenby. Harper Creek would have a four-year development period, with the initial two years focused on environmental and construction permitting, and the second two years dedicated to construction. According to the company, when developed, Harper Creek would provide up to 600 jobs during construction and up to 450 permanent jobs during operations.

Wiegele wins prestigious award Times Staff Blue River's Mike Wiegele has been inducted into the Canadian Rockies Ski Racing Hall of Fame for his life-long contribution to alpine ski racing in Canada. Wiegele emigrated from Austria in 1965 and built core ski club programs at the Lake Louise Ski Club and Banff Alpine Racers that produced multiple Alberta and Canadian Team athletes, three of which (Thomas Grandi, Cary Mullen and Ken Read) went on to win World Cup races. He also founded Mike Wiegele Heli-Skiing, which has brought the spectacular beauty of the Caribou and Monashee mountain ranges to thousands of powder enthusiasts. The family-owned operation is now led by his daughter, Michelle. Other inductees honored this year were Alberta athlete Mike Irwin, honoured lifetime official Phyllis Kennedy, and honoured lifetime volunteer Jack Sandercock. Irwin graduated from the

Mike Wiegele

Lake Louise Ski Club to become a top 15 athlete on the World Cup and following his athletic career continued to support the Alberta Ski Team through numerous leadership positions and sponsorship. Kennedy has been the lynchpin of the race office for decades working events from U14 to the World Cup, ensuring the nerve centre of any ski event operates efficiently and at a world-class level. Sandercock invested enormous amounts of time as vol-

AnnuAl generAl Meeting Evergreen Acres Senior Citizen Home Society Monday, Nov. 23 • 5:00PM

at Evergreen Acres Hall • Election of directors - 3 two year positions • Year End reports • Memberships will be sold until Nov. 21 but no memberships at the AGM • Special resolution to amend the constitution and bylaw

MeMbers and guests welcoMe coffee and tea to follow Meeting

For more info contact Karren Brown 250-674-0099

unteer, official and parent to lift race quality and ensure the race environment would positively influence thousands of young athletes throughout western Canada. “Recognizing our dedicated officials, volunteers and builders is a way we can link our storied past to our future champions” said Alberta Alpine president Nigel Loring. “These remarkable individuals have made a difference – profoundly lifting our sport. We want the current generation to appreciate their hard work, which has given them great opportunities to succeed. We are thrilled that this event can ensure the impact of our honoured inductees on our sport can be acknowledged and celebrated!” The 2015 class were inducted at the 47th annual Return of the Champions Celebration, hosted by Alberta Alpine at the Calgary Petroleum Club on Nov. 10. World champion ski racer Cary Mullen accepted the award on Wiegele's behalf as the Blue River resident was unable to attend the event.

8th Annual

“CHRISTMAS AT THE COTTAGE” Photograph and Craft Sale November 26 - December 1 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM DAILY AT THE HOME OF HILDA REIMER

3684 BIRCH IS. LOST CREEK RD. VAVENBY, BC - 250-676-9511

(4 km past Vavenby bridge - signs will be posted) Come enjoy a relaxing cup of tea and browse through a selection of Photo and Christmas greeting cards, calendars, fine art prints, homemade crafts and more.



The offices of the District of Clearwater “Municipal Hall” and ICBC/Motor Vehicle are located at: Dutch Lake Community Centre, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N2 Mailing Address: Box 157, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N0 Tel: 250-674-2257 Fax: 250-674-2173 Open Burning Prohibited within the District of Clearwater

The open fire prohibition applies to: Clearwater Eco-Depot Increasing Their Hours:

Burning of any1st, yardthe waste, slash orEco-Depot other materials than one-half Eff ective October Clearwater will larger be increasing theirmeters hours to Tuesday-Sunday,  Burning of stubble or grass 8:00am – 4:00pm year round. The only day they will be closed is Monday. If you have any questions,  The use of fireworks, sky lanterns or burning barrels of any size or description please contact Denise Roberts, Programs Assistant, Thompson-Nicola Regional District at 1-877-377The [prohibition does NOT ban campfires 8673. Unless otherwise posted this prohibition remains in effect until October 1, 2015.

Notice of 2015 Water Regulations Burning Permits: Watering regulations will be in effect from May 15


to September 30th, 2015.

Open burning of dry garden and yard refuse is allowed during Spring and Fall each year. It is only Watering Hours – Between 6:00am and from 6:00pm to 10:00pm (Properties with even permitted on private property andtois 10:00am to be carried out by the property owner/tenant or an acting numbered housesofmay on even numbered days; and owner properties odd all numbered houses may agent on behalf thewater property owner, as the property willwith accept responsibilities of any water on odd numbered days). liability as a result of the fire. The piles of materials to be burned must not be larger than 1 meter X 1 meter andisshall not be more than meters high. Burning barrels must be covered Watering not allowed between the1.5 hours of 10:00am and 6:00pm. Watering between thewith hours½”ofscreen 12:00 secured midnight over and 6:00am is restricted automatic systems controlled by a timer and must be registered mesh the opening of thetoburning barrel. (annually) at the District office. Residents with new lawns must register with the District Office for permission to water daily until the new lawn grows long enough to be cut. After the first cut the resident

Larger piles – bigger than 1 meter X 1 meter X 1.5 meters high - require a Burning Permit. Please call must revert to regular sprinkling regulations. 250-674-2257 with details of the type of burn and your civic address, and the information will be passed on to Uses the Fire Chief who may then issue a Burning Permit inspecting the site.shut-off Other Water – All hoses used outdoors should be equipped withafter a working spring-loaded device. Hand watering of plants and hand washing of vehicles used with a spring loaded shut off nozzle or a hand held container is permitted at any time.

Community Events:

December 1 – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for BioEnergy Plant at Dutch Lake Community Centre at Events Calendar 11:00am The District of Clearwater advertises local events both on their website and in our bi-monthly youSeminar would likefortoSmall include your event,atplease to December 14newsletter. – Work SafeIf BC Businesses Dutchemail Lakedetails Community Centre 3-4pm Guest Speaker – Tim Ambrus, Employers’ Advisory with the Province of British Columbia

Community Events June 12th, 2015 Opening of the Hospital Rim Trail – 4:45pm at the old Hospital parking lot th and enjoy some great Hockey at the North Thompson Sportsplex or enjoy free family skatCome out June 17 , 2015 Information sessions on draft Trails Network Master Plan; Dutch Lake Community ing on Friday and Sunday checkand out6-8pm the website at Centre 2-4pm Come and check it out!

Upcoming Meetings of Council: Public Welcome. Upcoming Meetings ofCommittee Council: June 16 , 2015 Infrastructure of thePublic WholeWelcome Meeting – 1:00pm th

December 1, 2015Regular Infrastructure Committee of the Whole Meeting – 1:00pm June 16th, 2015 Council Meeting – 2:00pm December 1, 2015 Regular Council Meeting – 2:00pm

Keep updated with what’s happening in the District on our website and “Like” us on Facebook.

Keep updated with what’s happening in the District on our website and “Like” us on Facebook.

Dutch Lake Community Centre, 209 Dutch Lake Road • Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:



Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times

Published by Black Press Ltd. 74 Young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N2

“ Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist but you have ceased to live.” - Mark Twain, writer editorial by Jordan Bateman

Pot is not the cash crop its supporters claim

Justin Trudeau has the background for the job Editor, The Times:

Since the overwhelming victory — almost a coronation one might say — of Justin Trudeau's Liberals, I've been hearing about how immature Justin, the son of Pierre, is. He's simply not ready to be leader of the land of the great North, etc. Justin Trudeau — not enough experience, not ready to be prime minister? Compared to who? If one wanted experience, a man who knew government inside and out, it would have been Tom Mulcair. However, the will of the people nixed that one. Or maybe it was just anyone but Harper? However, back to the inexperienced Trudeau. In what way, besides the obvious that he has not held a major government post, is he not experienced enough? Let's look at Stephen Harper. He studied as an economist but never practiced, worked as a mail clerk,

then hired out with the ultra-right National Citizens Coalition – onto the Reform Party – fell out with Preston Manning, back to National Citizens Coalition (and his time with NCC really came out during Harper's majority years) then back to politics to become prime minister. Is this what qualified him? Justin Trudeau, who will be 44 next Christmas, has a B.A. from McGill and a B.Ed. from UBC. He taught French and math at West Point Point Gray Academy in Vancouver. In other words Trudeau had to get up in the morning and go to work at a real job for a number of years. In 2002 – 2004 he studied engineering at University of Montreal. Other accomplishments include a role in the CBC mini-series, The Great War. He also led an expedition into the Nahanni Valley to stop a potential mining rape and pillage of that area.

Oh horrors! He's not business friendly! So, all of this disqualifies Trudeau from being prime minister? On a personal level, Justin is said to be as intelligent as Pierre but lacks his father's Achilles heel in that he is far less arrogant and more compassionate (he gets this from his mother). This disqualifies him from being leader of this Fair Land (at least it was until Harper got a hold of things). It's for the future to decide whether the Trudeau Liberals' majority will be a stunning success, an utter disaster, or somewhere in between. In the meantime, there's a lot of growing up for the rest of us Canadians. Especially that 30 per cent of Harper supporters who would vote for him, no matter what.

Dennis Peacock Clearwater, B.C.

BC Press Council

The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to: BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Times THE

NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

Fourteen years ago, B.C. Marijuana Party candidate Joshua McKenzie ran in the staunchly conservative provincial riding of Fort Langley-Aldergrove. He spent a memorable all-candidates meeting answering every question with one sentence: “If government legalized and taxed marijuana, there would be plenty of money for health care, education and other priorities.” By the end of the meeting, people were chanting his answer along with him. McKenzie only drew 674 votes, but the belief that legalizing and taxing marijuana could pay for everything has only grown since 2001. The examples south of the border, however, seem to suggest that the truth is very different. With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s campaign promise to “design a new system of strict marijuana sales and distribution, with appropriate federal and provincial excise taxes applied,” Canada is closer than ever before to seeing what kind of tax money can be wrung out of the pot industry. And while the Canadian Taxpayers Federation does not oppose legalizing marijuana, it certainly isn’t a government cash crop. A 2012 study estimated national marijuana sales at $4.6 billion per year. That’s total revenue, not potential taxes. Indeed, the taxes generated from marijuana are likely to be far less than suggested in recent years. If you’re hoping that pot will fund a new school in every community or a subway to your door, it won’t. In Colorado, the first U.S. state to legalize pot, tax revenue from marijuana is on pace to hit $126 million this year on $923 million worth of sales. If Canada used a similar tax rate, it would generate $628 million in taxes per year. That might sound like a lot of money, but considering the federal government is projecting to collect $290 billion in revenue this year, the additional cash from marijuana would amount to an increase of 0.22 per cent. “The big lesson we tell other states is you probably shouldn’t legalize marijuana if you want to make money — that’s not why you do it,” a Colorado official told the Huffington Post. In Washington state, the revenue generated from taxes is even less, $65 million over the first 10 months of this year. “When you’re looking for

billions of dollars, tens of millions doesn’t solve the problem but it certainly doesn’t hurt,” explained a staffer in Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s office. Marijuana legalization advocates often argue that enforcement costs will dip, too. However, that isn’t the case thus far in Colorado, as police there have asked for more resources to try to stamp out the organized crime networks that controlled marijuana production and sales for decades. Further, the black market is still in operation as people seek cheaper, tax-free marijuana. And that’s the real Catch-22. How do you regulate and tax marijuana when the black market can provide it so much cheaper? If you push marijuana taxes to tobacco levels, will you keep people buying contraband? Would a critical mass of people pay a premium for pot when they can get it the old fashioned way at much lower prices? There’s still an illegal market for cigarettes in Canada — 15 to 33 per cent of smokes are contraband, and many fall into underage hands. “Kids have less money and they are amazing communicators on social media,” an industry expert explained to the Victoria Times Colonist. “As soon as one finds out where you can get tobacco for half price or less, everybody knows.” Marijuana is — and would remain — the same, unless the price of the legal product was lower than the black market price, which would only happen if the government decided to forgo some of its potential tax revenue. Given the difference in usage patterns, and the precedents of Washington and Colorado, it seems highly unlikely that marijuana taxes will generate nearly as much revenue as tobacco taxes. Marijuana legalization is coming, thanks to Prime Minister Trudeau. It will be a fascinating experiment in public safety and taxation policy, one that will be studied for decades to come. But no politician should start writing cheques until they see how many zeros marijuana taxes actually produce. – Author Jordan Bateman is the B.C. director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A5

Métis appreciate support for Louis Riel Day event Editor, The Times:

At the Blackpool Craft Fair Blackpool resident Marnie Burnell (l) and Wendy Pollard of Vavenby share a laugh as they work on crocheting and quilt-making respectively while selling items at a craft fair in the Blackpool Hall last weekend. The next event on the craft fair calendar will be at the Elks Hall this weekend. Photo by Keith McNeill

Louis Riel Day celebrations are held all over the country. Nov. 16 is a day of remembrance and celebration for Metis people. We appreciate all who came to join us Sunday Nov. 15 at the Elks Hall in Clearwater. More appreciation to all of our supporters, and volunteers, as well as BC Metis Federation, Aboriginal Engagement Success By 6, and North Thompson Aboriginal Cultural Centre for making this day happen in our valley. Louis Riel Day is perhaps one of the most significant days in our history as Métis people. This day is a day of celebration of who we are as a unique people, with our culture and traditions independent of other Aboriginal peoples. Louis Riel Day commemorates the anniversary of the execution of Riel on Nov. 16, 1885 at Regina, Saskatchewan. Riel made the ultimate sacrifice for his people, defending Métis rights, and so on this day we honour and celebrate Louis Riel in recognition of our great Leader

of the Métis Peoples, Father of Manitoba and Métis Hero. Louis Riel Day is the day we proudly proclaim our Metis ancestry. “Kishchee tey mo’yawn aen li Michif wi’yawn” "We are proud to be Métis" Thousands of very proud Métis people all around B.C. celebrated with various cultural activities, potluck dinners, workshops and other events of celebration, teachings and presentations to honour his memory and promote our Métis pride. In Clearwater, we had a wonderful lunch and yummy bannock (courtesy of Tipi Treats), jigging, games and displays. Watch our website for updates and pictures of our day. or

Cindy Wilgosh, executive director NT Aboriginal Cultural Centre

Green shift returns, goes global at Paris conference By Tom Fletcher VICTORIA – We will soon learn what Premier Christy Clark and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have in mind for Canada’s renewed effort to influence climate change. As they prepare to join the 40,000 people jetting to Paris for the next big United Nations summit to deal with human impact on the world’s weather, here is some context for what is to come in December and beyond. Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion served as environment minister under former Liberal prime minister Paul Martin. Then, as Liberal leader, Dion’s proposed “green shift” carbon tax was pivotal only in ending his leadership. With a majority government this time, he promises the entire federal cabinet will be involved. Dion gave a revealing interview to The Globe and Mail last week about his experience in government.

“The old system was to give the file of the environment to the minister of the environment and say, ‘deal with it, be the hero of the environment groups, but don’t bother us because we have jobs to create and an economy to grow’,” Dion said. “That will not work.” It certainly didn’t work, which is not surprising since Dion is admitting the Liberals considered the environment ministry a mere public relations tool. This was the period when Canada signed on to the Kyoto Protocol, then pretended to care about it as the United States rejected it in a unanimous vote of Congress. We now understand more about those environmental groups, most funded by U.S. billionaires to target the Canadian oil and gas industry while the U.S. booms. Their tactics were on display in the defeat of the Keystone XL oil pipeline to the U.S., with arguments that

even President Barack Obama acknowledged were exaggerated. Dion’s ill-fated “green shift” wasn’t just about greenhouse gases. He intended to impose a national carbon tax and use the proceeds to eliminate child poverty. This concept is back, on a global scale. If you’ve been to the movies lately, you may have seen a slick animated commercial sponsored by the UN, featuring animals running the world from the seats of the General Assembly. “We have a plan,” trumpets the elegant llama at the podium, not only to fix climate change but to eliminate poverty as well. One problem with Kyoto was that it left emerging economies like China and India untouched. And while

Canada endures false allegations of subsidizing fossil fuels, actual subsidies are huge in petro-states like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Algeria and Indonesia, where gasoline sells on average at a third of Canadian prices. China and India’s carbon emissions have about tripled since the Kyoto public relations gesture in 1997. That growth is one reason why Canada’s share of global emissions has now fallen to below two per cent. Here in B.C., Clark intends to unveil her “Climate 2.0” plan before heading to Paris. We’ll see if it includes another increase in B.C.’s vaunted carbon tax, which now translates to about seven cents on a litre of gasoline. Even without

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carbon taxes, about a third of the pump price Canadians pay is federal, provincial and local tax. In Metro Vancouver, it’s closer to 40 per cent. In Venezuela, a big winner in the Keystone XL decision, gas sells for

around two cents a litre. The B.C. government admits its postcarbon tax reduction in greenhouse gas emissions was largely due to the global recession of 2008-09. Now with crude oil at historic low prices,

B.C.’s carbon tax is a weak signal lost in the noise of a world-wide glut of oil and gas. – Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Email: tfletcher@blackpress. ca Twitter: @tomfletcherbc

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Clearwater Search and Rescue conducted its first search. Two crews plus an airplane were used to look for John Malloy of Little Fort, who had gone missing near Mann Lake. Searchmaster Reg Small said he appreciated the use of Forestry radios. The Chamber of Commerce nominated delegates to attend a meeting in Kamloops to discuss a proposed new regional district for the area. Delegates were A. Graffunder,

Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times

HISTORICAL Perspective

Vavenby; G. Moss, Birch Island; H. Mjolsness, Clearwater; and Mrs. K Rutsatz and J. Pearce for Star Lake-Roundtop area.




The 35 people at a School District 26 attendance area meeting voted unanimously against amalgamation with the Kamloops school district. Trustee Ernie Graffunder said there would be no savings on purchases if amalgamation took place. Questions about Radon? 1-888-566-LUNG (5864)

The mayor of Blackpool, England, sent a plaque to the people of Blackpool, B.C., in exchange for a totem pole taken there following a press tour of the North Thompson.



Twenty-one grain and freight cars overturned when a train derailed about


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eight miles north of Vavenby. No injuries occurred. A circular distributed by the Ministry of Education announced “that the Avola school be registered as a historic school site and building with the Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings.” The Times apologized for the omission of asterisks in Jack Phillips’ column of the previous week. In order to make amends, the newspaper made the following correction: *** *** *** ***



Ross Smith and Jane Smith were elected as trustees of School District 26 for Area A (ClearwaterVavenby). Area B (Blue River-Avola) was a clear victory for incumbent Jean Nelson. Area A had a new TNRD director as Paul Caissie defeated three-term director Hans Krauseneck. The Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing announced that an information center was to be built at the junction of Highway 5 and Wells Gray Park Road. The building would house displays of the park, as well as a gift shop to be operated by Clearwater Chamber of Commerce.

About 40 persons were on hand to discuss a draft of a proposed master plan for Wells Gray Park. The buildings at Ray Farm needed to be restored and treated as a historical site, complete with displays, said Ida Dekelver.



Nearly 40 people, most of them residents of Upper Clearwater, gathered in the Upper Clearwater hall to express concerns about a research and education center being proposed by Friends of Wells Gray Park. Objections revolved around the effect the facility might have on the way of life of the people in the valley. Steve Quinn unseated incumbent TNRD Area B director Ronaye Havisto in a record turnout. Blue River voted pretty well solidly for Quinn, while the reverse was true for Avola.



Education Minister Art Charbonneau proposed that School District 26 (North Thompson) be amalgamated with School District 24 (Kamloops). SD26 chair Ed Shook could see no advantage to amalgamation. A VIA Rail locomotive was derailed in the Blue River CN

yard after a backhoe bucket became stuck in the track. Backhoe operator Craig Yakimchuk was transported to hospital in Clearwater, where he was treated for facial cuts.



Ending the softwood lumber agreement with the United States should be the most important issue of the federal election then underway, said M.P Nelson Riis at an all-candidates’ forum. Alliance Party candidate Betty Hinton called for reforms to health care, taxation and justice. Vavenby residents living on the south side of the North Thompson River needed to decide what they wanted to do, said TNRD director Bert Walker. Connecting to the Vavenby water system would cost an estimated $348,000,while upgrading to continue as an independent system would cost $362,000.



TNRD board of directors approved a motion by Bert Walker, TNRD director for Wells Gray Country to forward a letter of support to Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Kevin Krueger. The letter was in regard to lobbying the federal government to support the initiative for a natural gas pipeline to the North Thompson Valley and further. A vehicle accident in Louis Creek claimed the life of a Darfield resident and closed both lanes

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The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

The N.T. Aboriginal Cultural Centre would like to thank our sponsors BC Metis Federation and the Aboriginal Engagement Success By 6. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, Dave & Stacey (Tipi Treats), Joe Short, Jean Bonner, Roxanne L’Esperance, Brenda Griffiths, Cheryl Tomas. Thank you! You guys rock! Thanks to the community for your support.

of the Yellowhead Highway for just under seven hours. Controversy surfaced over grizzly bear research continuing in Wells Gray Park even though a proposal to transplant several bears from the park had not been approved.



Times were tough but up to 60 people found some work helping to reduce the wildfire risk. Three crews were working on forest fuel reduction projects, according to forest consultant Wes Bieber. TRU Student Union executive director Nathan Lane asked Clearwater council for support to reduce post-secondary education costs. Tuition fees had gone up 227 per cent over the past eight years, he said. Clearwater and Wells Gray Country should hold a bear festival every May, said Tay Briggs of Wells Gray Chalets and Wilderness Adventures. Hers was one of several suggestions made during Tourism Wells Gray's annual general meeting. Local author Pat Ferguson was promoting Gone Huntin' Again, his third book. A new columbarium was installed at Riverview Cemetery in Clearwater to the hold the ashes of deceased loved ones.



Bayley's Bistro donated $372 to Forestview Place in Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital. The money was raised during a guess-the-pumpkin's weight contest and would be used for the craft program at Forestview. Kamloops Thompson school district reported average class sizes in 43 schools. The report stated kindergarten classes had an average of 19.1 students; classes in grades 1 to 3 had an average of 21.4 students; classes in grades 4 to 7 had an average of 25.7 students; and classes in grades 8 to 12 had an average of 23 students.

Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A7


1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report Domestic disturbance

Clearwater RCMP was advised of a 911 call reporting a fight between a male and female – both known to police from numerous police interactions. Police and BC Ambulance attended. The male was treated at the local hospital; the female refused medical attention. The male was arrested for assault and for breaching a condition that he not possess or consume alcohol from a previous Clearwater police file. Police are still investigating the incident to see if charges are warranted against the female and another male who was also involved in the altercation.

Single vehicle collision

Clearwater RCMP was advised of a single vehicle collision on Highway 24 / 93 Mile brake check near Little Fort. It was reported that a Toyota was down in the ditch, there were no injuries and a tow was en route from Bridge Lake Towing. Snowy and slippery conditions caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

Tractor-trailer collision

Clearwater RCMP received a report of a semi-truck blocking Highway 5 near Blue River. Police responded and located the single vehicle collision on Highway 5 approximately 24 km north of the Avola. The driver reported that they had been southbound on their way to Vancouver when he lost control in the slush on the highway, causing the unit to jack-knife and go off road left into the ditch and against a rock face. There were two occupants in the semi. Both were uninjured in the crash.

Royal Inland Hospital administrator Carol Laberge speaks at a recent Kamloops Chamber of Commerce luncheon. She updated the city's business community on a number of projects at the hospital. KTW photo

RIH head vows tower will rise Dale Bass – Kamloops This Week There is no doubt in Carol Laberge’s mind a new surgical tower will be built at Royal Inland Hospital. “It’s not if, it’s when,” the RIH administrator told a recent Kamloops Chamber of Commerce lunch meeting. “We are getting this tower.” Laberge, who took over administering RIH about seven months ago, acknowledged Health Minister Terry Lake’s work in getting approval for the $80-million clinical-services building and parkade now under construction on the north side of the hospital, telling the gathering work is on schedule for an opening next summer. She said there have been three meetings

with representatives of groups that would use a surgical tower, with two more planned, as the Interior Health Authority creates the business plan needed to make its case to the provincial government. Conceptual drawings have already been done and plans are to build it on the east side of the hospital. Earlier this year, Lake said he anticipates receiving the plan by the end of next year, with construction by 2020. Laberge reviewed other aspects of health care at RIH, including a program designed to reduce the length of hospital stays after major surgeries, improved processes that speed up recovery after colorectal surgeries and new training for staff who want to take on specific new initiatives


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that enhance the provision of health care. While much of the presentation was on programs and statistics, Laberge also talked about the chimes heard often throughout RIH. Every time a baby is born in the hospital, the chimes are rung. “And it’s almost like the hospital takes a pause when you hear the chimes,” Laberge said.

Changing behaviours and perspectives Tara Hildebrand, the support and education coordinator for the central Interior with the Alzheimer Society of B.C., talks about changing behaviours and perspectives during a workshop held at Clearwater Elks Hall on Monday, Nov. 9. Alzheimer's is just one kind of dementia, she said, and it is important to know which kind a person has.

Photo by Keith McNeill

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SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY Barriere Nov. 21-22 – No-Host Bazaar, North Thompson Fall Fair Hall, 10am-1pm. $10/table. Info: Antoon 250-6729330 Nov. 26: Craft fair at Barriere Secondary school 4:30 -830pm to book a table call Sandra at 672 9515 Nov. 28 - Barriere Seniors Annual Craft Fair, Seniors Hall, 10am-2pm. $10/table. Info: Lil 250-672-9318

Chu Chua Dec. 13 – Christmas Craft Fair, Chu Chua Community Hall, 10am-1pm. $10/table. Info: Eunice 250-6725356

Clearwater Nov. 8 - 20th Annual Winter Wonderland & Craft Fair, Clearwater Legion, 10am-2pm. $20/table. Info: Abby 250-674-2127 Nov. 21-22 – Clearwater Elks Christmas Bazaar, Elks Hall, 9am-3pm. $10/table. Info: Phyllis 250-674-3535

Dec. 13 – Clearwater Elks Christmas Bazaar, Elks Hall, 9am-3pm. $10/table. Info: Phyllis 250-674-3535 Dec 11-13 and Dec 18-20 - Winter Market at the Wells Gray Info Centre. Fri. 2-8pm Sat. 10-4pm Sun. 103pm Info: 250-676-9511

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Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times


Connor Dee makes a serve during the West Zones.

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Clearwater Secondary School senior Raider Karter Romeo bumps the ball during a game against Kamloops Christian School.

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(L-r) Clearwater senior Raider #13 Connor Dee sets up the ball for Josh Traub and Leevon Levasseur as they compete in the West Zone finals against Kamloops Christian School on Monday, Nov. 9. All photos by Keith McNeill

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Clearwater volleyball teams show good results Times Staff

Raft Mountain Skating Club

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Wells Gray Curling Club

League curling under way to register call 250.674.3768

Adult Hockey

Mens Drop In Hockey every Friday @ 7:45pm Oldtimers Hockey will be every Sunday @7:00pm and Wednesdays @ 8:35pm

Ladies Drop In Hockey Sunday @ 5:45pm

Family Skating Friday @ 4:45PM & Sunday @ 4:14PM


Bantam Tournament Schedule FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20 6:15 – 7:45 8:00 – 9:30

Clearwater vs. Chase Hurricanes vs. Williams Lake

SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21 10:00 – 11:30 11:45 - 1:15 1:30 – 3:00 4:00 – 5:30 5:45 – 7:15 7:30 – 9:00

Surrey vs. Rednecks Cloverdale vs. Abbotsford Clearwater vs. Surrey Puck toss Hurricanes vs. Cloverdale Chase vs. Rednecks Williams Lake vs. Abbotsford

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 6:00 – 7:30 7:45 – 9:15 9:30 – 11:00 11:15 – 12:45 1:00 – 2:30 2:45 – 4:15

Chase vs. Surrey Hurricanes vs. Abbotsford Cloverdale vs. Williams Lake Clearwater vs. Rednecks “B” Final “A” Final

Clearwater Minor Hockey

Become part of a winning team. Join Minor Hockey and learn to play Canada’s Game. Open to Boys & Girls. Register @ 250 674 2594 or

For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143

Boys battle for West Zone Title

The volleyball season is winding down at Clearwater Secondary School but, as of press-time earlier this week, two of the teams were still hanging in there. Last weekend the senior Raider girls hosted and won the West Zones, defeating Barriere 2-1 in the championship game. “It was a great team

effort with everyone contributing to the win,” said coach Marie Giesbrecht. The girls now advance to the Okanagans, to be hosted in Princeton on Nov. 20/21. On Monday, Nov. 9, the senior Raider boys hosted Kamloops Christian School in the West Zones and beat them in four sets. This past weekend the senior

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boys competed in the Okanagans at Kelowna Christian School and placed fourth. The boys were coached by Mike Lau. Junior girls played at South Kamloops Secondary School on the weekend and finished in fifth place. The girls improved a lot over the season. Coaches were Robin Fraser and Deanna Pendergast. Grade 8 girls were to play in the first round of playoffs on Tuesday at SKSS. Look for results in a future issue of the Times or online. CSS had no junior boys or Grade 8 boys volleyball teams this season. Instead, several of the younger players competed with the senior boys team.

Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A9

Sports Grade 8 girls beat Brock

Senior Girls win zone title

Clearwater Secondary School Grade 8 girls volleyball player Emma Collins bends over backwards to put the ball over the net during a play-day at CSS on Thursday, Nov. 5. Watching her is teammate #7 Lindsay Andersen. Referee in the photo is Karter Romeo. The local squad defeated Brocklehurst but lost to Westsyde and Valleyview. All photos by Keith McNeill

Hana Bromley lines up for a serve.

A division of

Jo-Leigh Traub bumps the ball.

Left: Clearwater Secondary School senior Raider Annie Butcher passes the ball in a match during the West Zone finals at CSS last weekend. The girls now advance to the Okanagans, to be held in Princeton on Nov. 21/22. All photos by Keith McNeill

Annie Whelan jumps as she spikes the ball during a game at the West Zone finals.

Emilie Giesbrecht digs as she returns the ball.




Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times













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Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A11

Showing the young guys how it’s done Clearwater Black Hawk Rob Sunderman takes the puck up the ice, followed by teammate Wade Elliot and with Gordie Elliot in net during a game against Williams Lake Old Buckers on Saturday. They were taking part in a four-team Oldtimers Tourney at the Sportsplex. Team Wicked from Kamloops won the event. Photo by Keith McNeill

Eating well on the road



Interior Health Long hours of sitting, tight schedules and fast food temptation everywhere – driving for a living can make it challenging to stay healthy. Here are some ideas just for you. • Pack food and drinks from home. Pack leftovers, sandwiches or pre-made meals the day before. • Get the gear you need: Use coolers and freezer packs (or frozen water and juice as ice packs) to keep food cool. • Pack handy snacks: Dry fruits such as prunes, cherries, apricots and apples are full of vitamins, fibre and are great energy boosters. Make your own trail mix. Veggies make great portable snacks. Yogurt with granola is easy and delicious. Get some protein from jerky, boiled eggs, cooked meats, tuna, sardines or an apple and peanut butter snack. • Plan your mealtimes: Plan your day to include time for stopping to eat. Aim for three meals a day to keep your energy up. • Make healthy choices when eating out. Wash down your meal with water. With a little planning, eating well on the road can be done and you will feel a whole lot better.


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Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times

Kamloops arts centre referendum defeated A drawing shows a possible configuration of a performing arts centre proposed for the former Kamloops Daily News site in Kamloops. Residents of the city voted down the proposal in a referendum held Nov. 7. Kamloops This Week graphic

Andrea Klassen – Kamloops This Week With all 18 polls reporting, Kamloops has voted against a $90-million parkade and performing arts centre. According to numbers from Kamloops City Hall, 53.7 per

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cent of residents voted against the project, while 46.3 per cent voted for. The city had asked voters for permission to borrow up to $49 million for the complex, with a 1,200-seat main stage theatre, 350-seat black box and 350-stall underground parkade, to be built at

the former Kamloops Daily News site on Seymour Street. Voter turnout in the referendum was 32 per cent. Coun. Pat Wallace called the results “extremely disappointing. “I think people bought the idea this was all about taxes,” she said. “I think they forgot about their children, their grandchildren.” Wallace said there is no plan for what to do next with the Kamloops Daily News property at this time. Brendan Shaw, chair of the Yes Committee, said he thinks residents didn’t get enough facts about the project. “I think there was a lot of misinformation out in the community,” he said. Shaw believes there was a clear appetite for some sort of arts facility, pointing to the Not Yet campaign, which advocated building a centre after more consultation. But, he’s not sure the conversation will pick up again any time soon. Mayor Peter Milobar said the city will honour the results of the referendum. He, too, expressed disappointment with the vote, but said he wasn’t entirely surprised due to hesitancy in the city around the cost of the project. “It was a great opportunity to invest in ourselves and the community and it has been missed,” he said. Milobar said it’s anyone’s guess what comes next for the Daily News site, which the city already owns, and said residents shouldn’t expect to see a large chunk of additional money in the city’s budget now that the project is off the table. “I think people think this no-vote today was to spend money on other things, that’s not the case,” he said. “We’re not going to raise taxes the additional two per cent just for the heck of it.”

Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015

Royal Purple helps three groups A13

UBC academic says major projects could be revised by federal Liberals Kamloops This Week

Royal Purple #302 representative Marie Janzen (l) presents a cheque to Clearwater and District Food Bank representative Hailey Jones recently. Photo submitted

Criteria for assessing pipelines and other major projects will be revised by the federal Liberal government to include climate change, predicts a UBC academic. Kevin Hanna, director of UBC Okanagan’s centre for environmental assessment research, spoke Thursday at Thompson Rivers University on environmental changes that will come with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government. One of the changes he predicts is to the makeup and regulations surrounding the National Energy Board, which he said is dominated by panelists who are close to the oil and gas industry. It also has a narrow mandate that doesn’t include the new government’s focus on climate change and greenhouse gases. “The NEB has never considered climate change,” Hanna said. “The new

government is really concerned about climate change. This is something that will come up in the new environmental process.” On Thursday of last week, 100 groups issued a call for the new Liberal government to halt regulatory processes involving pipelines until regulations and laws are revised to fit the new Liberal vision. That could include analysis whether projects help or hinder targets on greenhouse gas reduction. “I don’t know how easy it is to do that,” Hanna said, adding he is skeptical the NEB process can be altered at this late date to include climate change for review of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline. The former Conservative government radically overhauled environmental legislation in 2012. Hanna said over half the omnibus budget bill that ran 800 pages consisted of revised environmental regulations. The most

significant was removing a set of triggers — output of a mine or length of a pipeline, for example — so that far fewer projects received oversight from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. Changes also allowed provincial governments to conduct reviews and make final decisions alone in some instances. (The environmental review for the proposed Ajax mine is being conducted under a harmonized federal-provincial comprehensive environmental assessment, which predates changes that weakened reviews). Despite the Conservative government’s push to get pipeline projects through, Hanna said, ironically none were approved during its 10 years in power. He argues pipelines and other major projects will face less opposition if the environmental reviews are trusted by the public — something that requires more stringent standards.

Industry rep says cattle fears overblown after summer drought in B.C. Interior Clearwater-Vavenby Legion Branch #499 representative Bob Freeston (l) accepts a cheque from Marie Janzen of Royal Purple #302 recently. Janzen has been a member of Royal Purple for 50 years. Photo submitted

Barb Hall (l) of Clearwater's Red Cross health equipment loan program (HELP) accepts a $250 cheque from Royal Purple #302 representative Marie Janzen. Photo submitted

Beta Sigma Phi

Craft Auction Thurs. November 26

Wells Gray Inn

Conference Room • Doors Open at 6pm

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Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week Fears that the summer drought would shrink B.C.’s cattle herd appear to be overblown, according to an industry representative. Kevin Boon, general manager of the B.C. Cattlemen’s Association, acknowledged last week some Interior ranchers brought cattle to market early this summer in the wake of high feed prices and dwindling range grass due to drought. The federal government also offered a program encouraging ranchers to bring cattle to market early in order to deal with dry conditions throughout

Western Canada. “The late rains really helped out,” Boon said, adding “some guys went to market earlier than usual to cut down on feed usage.” Wayne Jordan, an auctioneer at B.C. Livestock Producers Co-op in Kamloops, said the cost of feed and a price spike for cattle in September brought an increased number of animals early to market. Cattle sold at the auction here are primary shipped to Alberta feedlots before slaughter. “All in all, the larger ranches have to wait to get off the range and we’re on schedule,” he said. After years of declining prices in the

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wake of discovery of BSE disease more than a decade ago, B.C.’s herd experienced a corresponding drift downwards. But the rapid increase in those prices, setting records annually, has not seen a corresponding growth in the overall herd. Boon said there were concerns the summer drought would further shrink the provincial herd.

“I don’t think it will affect our numbers that much,” he said. But uncertainty about range in the face of drought is keeping a lid on growth of the herd. Today the number of breeding cows is between 185,000 to 190,000 provincewide. That compares to 320,000 a decade ago. “Things are ripe for us to grow,” Boon said, adding many ranchers,





however, are investing in new machinery or other infrastructure rather than taking a risk by expanding. While hay prices have come down from this summer, Jordan said they remain elevated enough to discourage some ranchers from keeping cattle over winter. “You have to do a little soul searching as to how many animals you can keep over.”


Injuries from high heels has increased substantially in the past decade. Many of the injuries were to the foot and ankle while some also involved the knee, head and neck. Broken bones were involved in about 20 per cent of the injuries. High-heeled shoes are looked upon as stylish but risky from a health point of view. Are you a “lark” (early riser) or an “owl” (later to bed)? Neither has an advantage over the other. The key here is the number of hours of sleep you get. If you have a 9-5 job, it’s good to be a lark, but it’s not as good for owls. Seven hours of sleep daily is a great aid to better health. Long term studies on aging found that signs of body deterioration can be seen as early as age 26. But how quickly we age is dependent only 10 per cent on our genes which means we can control how fast we age by taking care of ourselves better. Keeping active, getting enough sleep, watching what we eat and getting regular medical checkups ... all contribute to a slower aging process. Pharmacists are often asked what “works” to prevent or shorten the duration of colds. Zinc lozenges taken every two hours may help shorten a cold but not prevent it. They shouldn’t be taken for more than one week. Hand-washing many times a day will reduce your exposure to cold viruses and is always recommended. If you are going on a winter holiday, remember to bring enough of your prescribed medication with you. Getting replacements in a foreign country isn’t always easy.

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Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times

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Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A15


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Offering Heavy Duty mechanical and Inspections Mon. - Fri. • 8am – 5pm • 851 Yellowhead Hwy S.

WeatherShe windfall for U.S. power exports Is Looking for Home Improvement Help. By Tom Fletcher, Black Press

A warm winter and a dry spring and summer combined to produce a big jump in BC Hydro power exports this year. Electricity exports to the U.S. jumped by 73 per cent in the first eight months of 2015 compared to the same period last year, according to export data from Statistics Canada. BC Hydro says the warmer winter decreased residential customer demand for electricity in B.C., leaving enough water in the Columbia and Peace River reservoirs that their combined volume reached record highs by the end of March 2015. That allowed for more generation from Mica dam on the Columbia River, which recently had a fifth and sixth turbine added to bring it up to maximum design capacity. "These exports also supported the management of the obligations under the Columbia River

Treaty, which provide for increased releases of water from the Canadian Columbia basin when the U.S. basin finds itself in severe drought conditions, as it did in the spring and summer of 2015," said BC Hydro spokesperson Simi Heer. "Ultimately, the increased release meant additional generation at Mica, which resulted in more energy available for export." The Columbia River Treaty was signed by Canada and the U.S. in 1964, and its flood control mandate is set to expire in 2024. Energy Minister Bill Bennett has argued that the treaty should be renewed with an increased annual payment from the U.S., to reflect the value of controlling the river on the Canadian side for flood control and irrigation for agriculture in Washington state. The increase in electricity sales was a bright spot for B.C. exports, the value of which fell 22.2 per cent from January to

Advertise your business for as low as $16/week

August, due mainly to falling natural gas prices. Electricity prices also fell during that period, so the 73 per cent increase in exports resulted in only a 32.2 per cent increase in value. Decreases in gas and electricity prices are related to greatly increased shale gas production in the U.S., which is used for power production as well as heating fuel.

Will She Find Your Business?

Open: 9am to 12 noon, Mondays and Fridays How to Donate:

Cash or cheques can be dropped off at the Food Bank or by mail to 741 Clearwater Village Road, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N1. Food Donations: dropped off at the Food Bank, Clearwater Credit Union or at Buy-Low Foods

250-674-3402 •


A new water turbine is installed at Mica dam north of Revelstoke. The addition of the fifth and sixth turbines, completed this year, increases the dam's capacity by 1,000 megawatts, enough to power 80,000 more homes.

Clearwater Christian Church Non-denominational congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive Wayne Richardson (Pastor)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: For information 250.674.7073 or 250.674.2912

Clearwater & District FooD Bank

Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church Sunday Service Mass 11am - 12pm

324 Clearwater Village Road 1-250-372-2581

Your places of worship Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor John Masigan Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

TRINITY SHARED MINISTRY Anglican, Lutheran & United Meeting at St. James Catholic Church

Worship Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

Office: 250-672-5653 •

Church Directory Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 4:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service) Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy


Worship Service 10:30

Pastor Doug Spinney 250.674.3624


Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times

Thought of the week Ambition never comes to an end.

Kenneth Kaunda

Business Fundamentals Certificate January 4 – May 6, 2016


Are you looking for training in the Clearwater area? The Business Fundamentals Certificate prepares students for employment in a variety of office positions such as receptionist, bookkeeper, website administrator or personal assistant. Provides the basic office skills needed to secure some entry-level office administration positions and is ideal for those students who can only spend a short time in school

Admission Requirements

• BC Grade 11 (Grade 12 preferred) or mature student • Minimum keyboarding speed of 25 net words/minute • Satisfactory achievement on the Accuplacer Test or completion of ENGL 0600 with a B or better or English 12 with a minimum of 67% (within the last 5 yrs)

Please call Sylvia Arduini @ 250-674-3530 ext. 107 or email to for further information Funding assistance may be available through the Employment Program of BC. Please contact Clearwater WorkBC @ 250.674-2928 for more information.

Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS

Nov. 21: Legion Meat Draw, 3-5:30 pm, bar opens 1 pm, 257 Glen Road. Nov. 21 – 22: Craft Fair, Elks Hall, 9 am – 3 pm Nov. 23: Evergreen Acres SeniorCitizen Home Society AGM, 5 pm, at Evergreen Acres hall. Members and guests welcome. Nov. 26: Beta Sigma Phi Craft Auction, Wells Gray Inn Conference Room, doors open 6 pm, all proceeds to local charity. Nov. 28: Legion Dinner, 257 Glen Rd, doors open 5 pm, adults $12; children 7-12 yrs, $6; 2-6 yrs, $3. Nov. 26-Dec. 1: Christmas at the Cottage photograph and craft sale. 11 am – 8 pm daily, 3684 Birch Island, Lost Creek Rd, Vavenby.

Nov. 27: Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy concert, 7 pm DLCC. Tickets: under 18, $28; 18+ $39.50. Info 250-6743530 Nov. 29: 3rd Annual Lights to Remember, Memorial Tribute 3pm at the Clearwater Lodge. Call Eileen for info 250-6742400 Dec. 6: Rotary Christmas Tree Lightup, 4:30-7:00pm Wells Gray Info Centre. Contact Abbey at 674-2127 Dec. 13: Craft Sale, 9 am – 3 pm, Elks Hall Dec. 11: Welcome to Winter Dance, Blue River Upper Legion Hall

ONGOING EVENTS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: Every Saturday May – Oct, 9 am – 12 noon, Elks Hall. • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Women in Business Luncheon: Last Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - 2nd & 4th Wed. Elks Hall 5pm, Info call Phyllis 250-674-3535 • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. • Upstream Community and Heritage Society open house Tuesdays: 9am-9pm @ Avola School House, various activities. Info ph Fay 250-678-5302. • Voices United Community Choir- every Wednesday, 4:30-5:30 at the Catholic Church of St. James. • Thompson Valley Quilters. Meet 2nd Wed. and 3rd Mon. of the mth at NTAC in the DLCC, 9 am - 4 pm. Info Linda 250-674-3437 or Dorothy 250-676-9270 • Vavenby Needle Arts Group. Meet every Tues. 11am - 4pm at Vavenby Community Center. Info Dorothy 250-676-9270 CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:50-11:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-3530 HEALTH & HEALING • Hospice Grief Support: 2nd Thur of every mth, NT Funeral Home 1-3 pm, info 250-674-2400

• Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-674-3233. • Connections Healing Rooms - Wed. 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Winter, dates TBA, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Youth Group: ages 12-18, Sat. 7-10 pm Dutch Lake Community Center, info 250-674-2600 • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Winter, dates TBA, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 • Drop in Soccer: June -Sept, tues and Thurs, 6:30-8:00 PM, CSS field, $2 drop in, grade 8 to adult SENIORS • BUNCO: 3rd Tue of every mth, Dutch Lake Seniors Drop-in Centre, 1:30 – 3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome. • WGCSS Writers Circle: Meets 1st & 3rd Thur. @ Library


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Bayley’s Bistro

in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A17

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Merchandise for Sale



Coming Events

Lost & Found

Misc. for Sale

Craft Fair Nov. 26 from 4:30pm-8:30pm Stop by Barriere Secondary and have a FREE coffee/tea while you shop! Enjoy Christmas shopping with many of the students’ projects for sale, fresh baking, along with many talented community members. Rent a table $5 each with a food bank donation or $10 without one. Please contact Sandra 250-672-9515 Admission is $1 or food bank donation

Found: Combination trigger lock. Found at NT Rod & Gun Club range. Ph. 250-674-3768 to identify.

Education/Trade Schools

Moving & Storage


• Indoor Storage Units • Office space with equipment storage available. Hwy access for convenience & exposure 250-674-0145 851 Yellowhead Hwy 5

STEEL BUILDING sale. “Really big sale-year end clear out!” 21x22 $5,190 25x24 $5,988 27x28 $7,498 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 $16,386. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422.

Mobile Homes & Pads



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Lions Hall Book Sale Saturday Nov. 28, 9am - 2pm Fiction, Non Fiction, all types of books Royal Purple 50th Anniversary Tea Sat. Nov. 21, 2-4 pm at Wells Gray Inn - Monroe Room Spaghetti Dinner $10 Lions Hall Fund Raiser Monday Nov. 23 5pm-7pm Dessert Auction as well


Sports & Recreation Cross Country Ski Equipment will be displayed at the NoHost Bazaar in Barriere on Nov. 21 by the North Thompson Recreation Society and arrangements can be made to rent for the season. Call Mary 250-672-5802


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

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Financial Services

Estate Sales 1200 sq. ft. house. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, .79 acre w/fruit trees, garden area, 600 sq ft shop, & 300 sq ft woodshed. Located on Peavine Rd. $120,000. obo. Ph 1-250-318-7235


Employment Business Opportunities

CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or

HIP OR knee replacement? Arthritic Conditions/COPD? Restrictions in walking/dressing? Disability tax credit $2,000 tax credit $20,000 refund. Apply today for assistance: 1-844-453-5372.

Clearwater Alcoholics Anonymous Sunshine Group meets every Tuesday, 8 pm, Elks Hall 72 Taren Dr. Open to Everyone For info contact Wendy 250-587-0026

Career Opportunities

Do you need help with reading, writing or math? FREE confidential adult tutoring available. • Clearwater Literacy 250-674-3530 • Barriere Literacy 250-672-9773 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GIFT CORNER Located just inside the hospital main doors Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Beautiful gift items for all occasions Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Clearwater 250-674-2135, Barriere 250-672-6444, or North Thompson Valley 1-855-674-2135


Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices

HUGE OPPORTUNITY! General Manager position, Capital Motors Ford, Dawson Creek, BC. Best in class compensation & benefits. Learn more at Apply at: or call Latha 780-497-2410. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or 1-855-7683362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking Experienced Class 1 drivers, FT/PT needed for Calif/Az runs of Produce. Must have good abstract & resume. Rate .45/.49¢ a mile + benefits. Start Immed. Call Bill at: 1-604-539-1700 between 8-5.

Merchandise for Sale For sale: Washer & dryer in good working order. $325/pair obo. Call 250-587-6151

FOUNTAIN OF Youth Spa RV Resort is your winter destination for healing mineral waters, five-star facilities, activities, entertainment, fitness, friends, and youthful fun! $9.95/day for new customers. Reservations: 1-888-800-0772,

Barriere A-A Meetings Every Tuesday at 7:30pm Pentecostal Church 818 Amnesty Road 250-672-9643 250-672-9934

FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928



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Photography / Video PHOTOS

by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

APPROXIMATELY 400 Rooms of High End, 5 Star, Hotel Furnishings avail. Each Room sold with either 2 Queen Headboards OR 1 King Headboard and includes: 2 Bedside-2 door, tables c/w glass tops, 2 Brass Table Lamps, 1 Dresser, 3 drawers and 1 door c/w glass top, 1 Mirror, 3 framed pictures, 2 Upholstered Arm Chairs, 1 Round Pedestal Table c/w glass top, 1 Desk c/w glass top, 1 Brass Floor Lamp, Upholstered Bench. Avail to preview in Surrey call 604-371-1190 or Email for pricing details and to book your room purchases.

Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale Round glass top table + 4 chairs, $200.00; brown microfibre motion furniture - sofa, loveseat + chair, $300.00; eliptical, $150.00; small computer desk w/pullout, swivel chair incl, $150.00. All in good cond. Ph 250-894-9090 or text 250674-8142

Experience Dutch Touch Cleaning. Taking Christmas orders. Call Mary @ 250-676-9678

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Food Products

Food Products

Cleaning Services

Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT SCHOOL. Hands-On Tasks. Start Weekly. GPS Training! Funding & Housing Avail! Job Aid! Already a HEO? Get certification proof. Call 1-866-399-3853 or go to: START A new career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765.

Box 67, 100 Mile House B.C. V0K 2E0

BEFORE YOU SELL: • ASPEN • BIRCH • COTTONWOOD • PINE • SPRUCE • FIR PULP LOGS Please call KATHERINE LEPPALA (250) 395-6218 (direct line) • (250) 395-0584 (cell) (250) 395-6201 (fax)

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates Jewelry+ Chad: 1-778-281-0030 Local.

Tools For Sale: Rockwell Jointer, 6”, on metal stand, $600.00; New swivel 8” vise, $200.00. Ph. 250-674-3695

If you see a wildfire, report it to

1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.

Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale

Vavenby: 2 bdrm covered mobile w/addition on priv lot. W/D, F/S. Ref req. $675/mo + DD. Pets neg. Avail Dec. 1 Call 250-676-9210

Homes for Rent Barriere: Newly renovated 3bdrm, 1 1/2 bath duplex in quiet neighbourhood. Lrg fenced backyard w/inground sprinklers. 1 car heated garage. $995/mo + heat/hydro. 250-672-0041 Clearwater: 225 Myrtle Cres. 3bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, 10yr old home. $995/mth + dep. Utilities extra. After 6pm 250676-9618 leave message w/Troy or Donna CLWTR-2BED House, DD and Ref Reqd. No Smoking. $1120/m inc Utilities.Avail Dec 1. 778 220 5884 or 250 851 3858.

Rooms for Rent Clearwater: Room for rent in Weyerhaeuser sub. Y-5, Sat TV. Nice clean place. NS, NP. $500/mo,incl laundry and util. Call 250-674-1768

Suites, Lower

Clearwater: 1 bdrm Income Apartment w/long term tenant. Ground floor. Asking $57,000. Call 250-292-8418

Houses For Sale Clearwater: Rancher, walkout bsmnt, 3bdrm, 3 baths, fenced yrd, 284 Mileen Rd. Call Maureen or Debra 250-672-5300

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Clearwater: 1 bdrm apt in Triplex, own entrance, close to shopping, $500/mo. Avail now. Call Julie 250-674-0188

BARRIERE: 1 bdrm bsmt apt for rent on Dunn Lk Rd close to high school, suitable for one person, N/S N/P, $750/mo heat/hydro included. DD. Ref. Avail Immediately 250-672-9958 or 250-319-5220


Cars - Domestic

Clearwater: 2 bdrm MH, wonderful view of river, quiet location. Wood heat. $700/mo. Ph. 250-674-4034

Barriere: 1989 Dodge Spirit, 2.5L, 5 speed, 145867km, runs good, rusted, not safetied, 195R70/14 studded winter tires in good condition, asking $300. Also, Hankook tires M&S 195R70/14 mounted on rims $100. Michelin M&S P225R55/17 on rims $500. 778-220-7863



Mobile Homes & Pads

Evergreen Acres Senior Citizens Home Society INVITATION FOR TENDER SNOW REMOVAL 2015-2016 The Evergreen Acres Seniors Home Society is calling for an Invitation to tender for snow removal of driveway and parking lots for the 2015-2016 season at 144 Evergreen Place, Clearwater, B.C. Bids must be sealed in a brown envelope and delivered no later than 2 pm, Wednesday, November 25th 2015 Mail to: Evergreen Acres Seniors Home Society #9 144 Evergreen Place, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N1 or emailed to It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that the Tender is received at the above location and by the time stipulated. Please direct questions relating to specifications to: 250-674-0099 or email to

A18 A18

Thursday, November November 19, 19, 2015 2015 Clearwater Clearwater Times Times Thursday,

Spectra Energy's gas processing plant at Fort Nelson is the site of a pilot project for carbon dioxide capture and storage. Photo credit: Spectra Energy

B.C. debates carbon capture legislation Tom Fletcher – Black Press



This Crossword Sponsored by



November A p r i l 2 3 19 - 2- 925, , 2 2015 0 1 2 This is a super This week is all week for new about givefriendships, and take, Capricorn. Join Capricorn. Do for a new group or simply others, and they will strike up aAconversado for you. special tion a coworker eventwith calls for some with whomgifts. you extra-special March 21– December 22– share an interest. April 19 January 19

January 20– February 18

February 19– March 20

Aries, youAries, mayand need Speak up, totheexercise a lotbeof problem will patience this miracle week. solved. A little Practice somefor deep at home makes an breaths, find interestingand weekend. some music Travelrelaxing plans come totogether. keep you calm. Your patience will pay off.

June 22– July 22

Cancer, norelationship matter A business which big decision blossoms with an you needAto make addition. larger-thanthis week, rundrops some life personality ideas by withbyantrusted offer you friends andOh family can’t refuse. boy, first. They may ofoh boy, Cancer. fer some words of wisdom.

Libra, too smiles manyon Lady Luck changes happening you, Libra, and there really fastbeyond couldyour is nothing make you feel a reach. A treasured bit off-kilter. Find heirloom resurfaces, something bringing backthat many makes you feel fond memories. September 23– comfortable and October 22 embrace that task or place for now.

Leo, arefall Oops,others Leo. You getting sense behind onthe a project, that you are restless. raising some When youNotslow eyebrows. to down think worry. and You will get about yousooner will back onit, track probably see they’re than you think, thanks correct. Find a new, to an innovation. challenging project.

Intense feelings The tiniest of could changesbubble make a to vast the surface this improvement in a week, project.Scorpio. A rejectionTry is to maintain a level a blessing in disguise. head and make the Be grateful for what most thisScorpio. sudden you’reof given, surge of energy.

Take now Somesome habits time are hard to home life a to make break, Aquarius. priority, Look to a Aquarius. mentor to You been help have and you will going hard at work lately, succeed. A fitness but is aachieved great goalnow is easily time make with ato new piecefamily of aequipment. bigger priority. April 20– May 20

Taurus, efforts Cast asideyour all doubt, will be The fueled Taurus. offerby is passion thiswill week. genuine and bring You are likely to Aput you many rewards. your heart test ofwhole faith begins— behind and be strong.projects Money woes your ease. relationships. Others will respect you for it.

July 23– August 22

You mustmay back The odds be up an argument stacked against with you, research Pisces, butand thatproof, doesn’t Pisces. Get your mean you won’t come facts out onstraight top with abefore little you forgeAahead. ingenuity. weekend

Gemini, in order to Feeling blessed make real Gemini? progress these days, this youA must Pay itweek, forward. evaluate your goals compromise at home and priorities. raisesyour everyone’s Health should be at spirits and fun ensues the top of this all weekend long!list, so make an effort to be healthier.

Avoid any save deepmore Spend less, entanglements for and you’ll definitely the time Virgo. being,More get more, Virgo. need in your You bottom line to keep things light and more peace of until are provide able to mind. you Flowers devote more time a great pick-me-up. to your various August 23– September 22 relationships.

endeavor requires a leap of faith.

May 21– June 21


October 23– November 21

Sagittarius, a gets News from afar personality clash can the creative juices be a tricky flowing, andsituation, you especially work. accomplish at more than Take the higher you have in some time, ground andA you Sagittarius. game of will through wits come at the office and betNovember 22– unscathed proves challenging. December 21 ter for it.

As it prepares to take part in the latest United Nations conference on climate change in December, the B.C. government is changing legislation to permit development of carbon dioxide capture and storage from its northeast B.C. natural gas deposits. Natural Gas Development Minister Rich Coleman said the changes will give the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission authority to regulate projects that strip carbon dioxide from raw gas and inject it back into salt water formations deep underground. "Although we've had a look at it over the years and have actually had projects that looked like they might go ahead at some point in time, we find that we don't have the overall regulatory framework to actually allow and be successful with CCS," Coleman told the legislature as he introduced the amendments. One of the changes protects Oil and Gas Commission employees from being named in lawsuits related to their decisions. In 2008, the B.C. government put in $3.4 million towards a $12 million feasibility study at Spectra Energy's gas processing facilities at Fort Nelson, one of the largest gas plants in North America. The federal government and the U.S. Department of Energy also helped fund the study. Initial results showed saline aquifers more than two kilometres deep could act as permanent storage for CO2, but the project has not yet proceeded to construction, and extracted CO2 is still being vented to the atmosphere. Delta South MLA Vicki Huntington said CCS is a promising technology, but the gas industry in B.C. is responsible for 15 per cent of the province's greenhouse gas emissions, and venting of CO2 from plants and wells accounts for a quarter of that. Huntington said the proposed development of liquefied natural gas exports means more CO2 emissions from gas extraction as well as LNG processing. Premier Christy Clark and Environment Minister Mary Polak are scheduled to join Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other premiers at the latest climate change summit in Paris in early December. In his election campaign, Trudeau said he wanted Canada to take a leading role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but that the provinces should take the lead in determining how to regulate before a new national plan is developed.

Clearwater Times Thursday, November 19, 2015 A19


Ann Louise Piper July 21, 1946 - Nov. 15, 2015 Ann Piper did her best to see her life through to its conclusion with as much dignity and as little fuss as possible, trying to leave family, friends and community with warm memories, assured that love, respect, patience and simple common sense will overcome most of life’s challenges. Born Ann Louise Haralson, the only daughter of Robert Miller Haralson and Doris Lorena Neeley at Lebanon, Oregon, she moved home with her family in 1954 to Quesnel, B.C. Ann graduated from Auburn Academy in 1964 and obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Communications at Washington State University in 1968. Her first newspaper job was as a “stringer” for the Prince George Citizen; after four years at WSU’s Daily Evergreen and time spent with Appalachian Volunteers and Volunteers In Service To America (time spent in the coal fields of Kentucky, black Atlanta and the tobacco farms of Upper East Tennessee) she was back in the newsroom by Spring 1970. While coworkers partied

in celebration of the shooting of students at Kent State, Ann typed her resignation from that East Tennessee daily, packed up her dog and what else would fit in her beloved MG and headed home. She spent a winter in Prince Rupert and by midsummer went to work at the Williams Lake Tribune. Eight months later, she married Don Piper. Over the next 11 years they made the transition to blended family of six (five “his” and one “theirs”), built their first


Faye Leopal Hansen Sept. 16, 1927 - Oct. 10, 2015 Faye Hansen passed away suddenly on October 10, 2015 at her home in Clearwater, British Columbia at the age of 88. She was born in Oyen, Alberta on September 16, 1927 to parents Joseph and Jessie Satre. Faye is survived by her husband Alan; sons, Gary, Christopher, and Kevin. She was predeceased by her son Trevor. Alan would like to thank the doctors and nurses at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital, Linda at home-care and the home support people for all their help with the awesome support in the loss of his Faye. There will be no service at this time. Faye is being laid to rest in Vernon. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital in Clearwater, British Columbia. Service arrangements entrusted to: North Thompson Funeral Services, Clearwater, BC, 250-674-3030

l a u n n 4th A

log home without a mortgage, launched the five “big kids” and moved to Tatla Lake in the West Chilcotin. While there Ann worked with the Grade 7-9 students at Tatla Lake School to produce the first four slim annual volumes of “Hoofprints in History,” elders’ stories of earlier times in the region. Other volunteers would assist students in producing another four volumes in the 1990s. In 1990 Don, Ann and youngest son, Don, moved to Little Fort, B.C. Don Jr. graduated from high school at Barriere and Ann went to work for the Yellowhead Star, later to become the North Thompson Star/ Journal. She retired as editor there in 2004. Predeceased by her father in 1994, husband Don and mother Doris in 2012 and step-daughter Patsy Anne Grimeshire in 2015, Ann is survived by one brother, Ron (Ivy, son Bruce) in Haida Gwaii, son David (Lydia, sons Julian, Joseph and Sean, daughters Maria, Marion and Mary May, and

granddaughter Avalyn Rose and grandson Luke); son Bud at Kelowna, daughter Shelly (Vince) at Quesnel, their sons Cody (Becca and Zachary at Terrace) and Sheldon (Shay and sons Kaden and Jace at Kitimat) and daughter Brandi Marie (Sean and kids Damian, Madison and Calvin in Northern Alberta, and by Wes (Kelly) at Terrace and Don Jr., who has patiently and gener-

ously divided recent months between his own Little Fort home and his mom’s Barriere residence. In the last few months of her life, Ann considered herself blessed by a constant stream of company, making sure Ginger the dog got walked and brightening each day. A Service for Ann will be held at the Barriere Legion on Saturday, Nov. 21, at 1:30 p.m.

IO N T K N IDS! E T T A It’s time for youngsters from LIttle Fort to Blue River to write a Christmas story for the Times’ annual Christmas Story Contest.

This year our young writers can tell us in 400 words or less about one of the two following themes: STORY #1: The littlest angel STORY #2: We found a reindeer on our back porch STORY #3: Christmas traditions at my house We would request any stories that have been typed to be emailed to us so we do not have to retype. Otherwise just scan them and send to:, or you can drop them off at the Times office. Winners in each age group will be announced in our Dec. 17th issue. PRIZES FOR EACH DIVISION: First $25, Second $15, Third $10. Contest open to students: Division 1 - Kindergarten to Grade 3 Division 2 - Grade 4 to Grade 7. Email your entries to: or drop off at our office Brookfield Mall, Clearwater by noon Friday, Nov. 27, 2015

New Years Eve Bullarama

An annual fundraiser for the North Thompson Agriplex & The Farm Kids Scholarship Fund December 31, 2015 at the North Thompson Agriplex, Barriere, B.C. Bullarama & New Year’s Party (19+): $50 • Bullarama only: $30 • 12 & under (Bullarama only): Free Doors open at 6pm • Bullarama 7pm •New Year’s Eve Dance to follow Tickets available at: The Star/Journal, Barriere Country Feeds, or the Horse Barn (Kamloops) online tickets will be available soon at:


Thursday, November 19, 2015 Clearwater Times




Chicken Breasts





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Mott’s Clamato Cocktails Selected Varieties 1.89 L



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in Tempura Batter or or Fries & Fish Sticks Frozen 500 g



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Buy-Low’s Signature Slow Cooked Back Ribs Honey Garlic or Smokehouse 672 g




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