Feels like FALL Celebrating the season's fashion, food and festivities
Vol. 9 • Issue 3 • Fall 2015
2 Fall 2015 • INDULGE
The Best of the Season at Fieldstone Artisan Breads Pumpkin tartlets are here!
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contents VOLUME 9 • ISSUE 3 • FALL 2015
13 ON THE COVER: Fall in love with these autumn styles that will have you longing for cool weather. (Cover photo: Alfonso Arnold)
6 Chef Ashley Chisham of Bacchus
18 As travellers embrace ever-changing
10 Vancouver native Leah Goldstein
22 What's old is new again with a little
Bistro embraces the changing seasons and bountiful harvest in the heart of the Fraser Valley. shares her reflections of a lifetime of challenges, championships, tragedies and triumphs.
smartphone technology, Indulge explores the impact our love of online tools can have when globetrotting. imagination, as we explore the trend to restyle, repurpose and reinvent decor.
From the editor Melissa Smalley
ow that summer is officially a thing of the past – an overheated, slightly sunburnt thing, perhaps – it's time to look forward to the cooler, cozier weather that fall is expected to bring. And whether you're delighted or depressed about the end of summer, there is no shortage of reasons to embrace autumn's arrival. Many parents around the Lower Mainland have been breathing a sigh of relief the past three weeks, as their little ones readjust to their backto-school routines after a summer of fun. Fashionistas are digging into their closets for leggings, sweaters, scarves and mittens – not to mention dusting off their boot collections – in anticipation of the chillier temperatures to come. Food lovers are flocking to coffee shops, bakeries – even breweries – to indulge in pumpkin-spice-flavoured anything and everything – the true indicator that summer has come to an end. In our household, the start of fall means it's time for an official countdown to our three-yearold's favourite holiday: Halloween. I'd be lying if I said we hadn't been discussing costume ideas with our daughter since shortly after Easter – so far the potential costumes have included a coyote, a bat, a mermaid, a princess and a castle. But now that the big day of ghouls, goblins, tricks and treats is just weeks away, we'll be shifting into Halloween high-gear, hunting for pumpkins to carve, plastering our house in
4 Fall 2015 • INDULGE
dreadful decorations and maybe even treating our little monsters to some candy. Whatever aspect of fall you enjoy most, this season's edition of Indulge is sure to get you excited about some of the food, fashion and festivities on tap in the coming months. Chef Ashley Chisham of Bacchus Bistro shares his love for the changing seasons, and some autumn-inspired recipes sure to satisfy your harvest hunger. We visit God's Little Acre Farm in South Surrey, which serves as the backdrop to showcase some fabulous fall fashions. As technology evolves and our access to information blossoms, we explore how smartphone apps and online tools have changed the way travellers discover the world. Before you clear the 'junk' out of your attic this fall, you'll want to read our feature on restyling and repurposing furniture, for some inspiration on breathing new life into old items. And prepare to be inspired by the story of Leah Goldstein; world-champion kickboxer, undercover Israeli police officer, ultra-endurance cyclist and all-around badass. As the days grow shorter – and our sleeves grow longer – we hope you enjoy this fall edition of Indulge, as well as everything the coming season has to offer.
Publisher Dwayne Weidendorf publisher@indulgemagazine.ca Managing Editor Lance Peverley managingeditor@indulgemagazine.ca Editor Melissa Smalley editor@indulgemagazine.ca Creative Services Manager Jim Chmelyk creativeservices@indulgemagazine.ca Contributors Alfonso Arnold • Sarah D'Arcey • Jason McRobbie • Rob Newell • Karley Stroscher Indulge is published four times annually by Black Press Suite 200 2411 160 St. Surrey, BC V3Z 0C8 Tel: 604-542-7429 Fax: 604-531-7977 www.indulgemagazine.ca Distributed free to select households in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Paid subscriptions available. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.
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INDULGE • Fall 2015 5
Chef Ashley Chisham embraces the wealth of full-flavoured dishes as the seasons change at Bacchus Bistro by Jason McRobbie • photos by Rob Newell
s the god of the grape harvest, Bacchus has held a timeless appeal reaching back more than 3,000 years, and has been captured in paint by Leonardo da Vinci, in marble by Michelango, and even in an early self-portrait by Caravaggio. Closer to home in the Fraser Valley though, perhaps no more honest homage to the vine and tine can be found than in the most appropriately named Bacchus Bistro, overlooking the 55-acre vineyard of Chaberton Estate Winery. It is here that executive chef Ashley Chisham – as immaculately groomed as Bacchus is wild and woolly – has held court over a 60-seat experience that takes “al fresco” to heart regardless of season. “We’re in a very unique setting right in the country and the vineyard. As a chef it means I get to work closely with some great people on the supply side who know what good food is really all about,” says Chisham, sharing a few favourites. “We have some incredible beets right now from Natty King of Hazelmere Farms and she is the grand dame of ethical organics for a lot of us. George Walters supplies us with awesome chicken. The chèvre 6 Fall 2015 • INDULGE
from Mt. Lehman is incredible and they have some of the best cheeses around, all sorts of goat cheeses.” “Then there are all the fresh cranberries. We have 100 acres right next door,” he says with a youthful smile that belies two decades of quality kitchen time, the past 11 years at Bacchus Bistro. “It really is a lovely pocket of the world and a great place to raise kids. It’s also a great place to come explore and not all that far from Vancouver, but a world away.” Vancouver-born and trained, Chisham grew up in a house filled with the aromas of his mother’s perogies and cabbage rolls, and found the allure of the kitchen early on. “I pulled off my first homemade soup when I was five and never really looked back,” he admits. “Over the years, I have come to understand that it’s not something you do for a living alone. It has to be who you are.” That philosophy has been learned and earned over the course of a culinary career that has ranged from Hazelmere Golf Course to Cielo’s to Wolfie’s, where he apprenticed for six years on the White Rock waterfront under Chef John Kavanagh for whom he has the highest esteem.
It's not something you do for a living alone. It has to be who you are... “The older I get, the more I see the father/ son relationship there and how much I benefited from his sharing his experiences and perspective. Having learned from some of the real industry veterans has helped balance it all.” At 38 years of age, happily married with four children, that balance is as key as what drives him at work each day. “I have to admit, between work and home I don’t get out much, but I don’t lack for inspiration in either kitchen and cooking with the kids is just fun,” he adds. “Everything here is supposed to be quite natural, so that provides a constant guide. If it feels forced or unnatural, we’re doing something wrong.” It is that sense of rootedness that carries throughout Chisham’s open kitchen at Bacchus Bistro, never more so than with the onset of autumn. While braising is a year-round passion for Chisham, fall calls for more pork, bean, duck, veal kidneys, calf livers and offal, denser dishes along the lines of cassoulet – and plenty of good gourds. “For me, all those deeper fall flavours, together with hardy greens, sweet beets, and squashes is something I look forward to, but we don’t want it to be a forced change. I start to
gather squashes around this time of year and pile them on the kitchen counter for upcoming inspiration,” he says, adding with trademark openness. “It just makes me feel good – our guests, too.”
Those guests have been coming in greater numbers over the past decade, as have the accolades accrued by Bacchus Bistro and the celebrated wines of Chaberton Estate Winery – overseen in the blending and finishing by co-owner Anthony Cheng. For Chisham, the extensive portfolio, highlighted by their 'AC' series wines, offers such a wealth of pairing opportunities, he considers himself fortunate. “There is a real depth in the list, so I can really focus on food, and then find any number of great pairings,” says Chisham, whose winepairing dinners have found an avid following. “Above all else, we’re inclusive and accessible to newcomers and wine experts alike.” Good food is the magic element which brings it all together, but it is elementary to Chisham. “If you find really good ingredients, you don’t have to do much. Instead, you have to watch for overdoing it," he said. "When you first start in this industry, you think you need to change the world with each dish. What I have learned is that I just want to make good food that people truly enjoy. That’s enough, but that’s a lot."
See recipes page 8
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oven for approximately 20 minutes—gently tossing once—until vegetables are soft and beginning to take on a bit of colour. Remove from oven, sprinkle evenly with za’atar to taste, and lightly drizzle with pomegranate molasses. Top with chopped parsley before tossing to evenly mix. Taste and adjust seasoning with additional za’atar as desired.
Roasted Cornish Game Hens 2 game hens, around 2½ pounds each 2 Tbsp butter, softened 6 sprigs fresh thyme 1 onion, sliced salt/pepper Preheat oven to 400°F. Rub game hens with butter, place sprigs of fresh thyme inside each hen, and tie the legs together with butcher's twine. Generously season with salt and pepper. Place the game hens on a bed of sliced onions in a small roasting pan, then place in the oven on the middle rack. After 10 minutes, lower oven temperature to 325°F. Continue to roast for another 35 minutes. Check hens with a meat thermometer inserted into the thigh – should read 175°F. If it not ready yet, continue roasting and check every 10 minutes. To serve, split each hen into two halves and place on top of the roasted squash.
1 butternut squash, peeled, chopped ¼-inch 6 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
2 cups cranberries ½ cup sugar 1 /3 cup orange juice, plus zest from one orange
2 Tbsp balsamic glaze 3 dried figs, coarsely chopped extra-virgin olive oil ¼ cup parsley, chopped to taste pomegranate molasses to taste pepper to taste za’atar
Roasted Butternut Squash with za’atar 1 red onion, ¼-inch-long slices
Caramelized Cranberry Sauce
Preheat oven to 375°F. Mix squash, red onion, garlic and figs together with enough olive oil to coat. Season with pepper and a little salt (remember that Za’atar contains salt), place on baking sheet and put into the
Add sugar to a small saucepan with just enough water to cover. Place pot over high heat and bring sugar to a boil. Cook without stirring until sugar forms a “blonde” or pale golden coloured caramel. Quickly add cranberries all at once and stir to coat; the sugar will harden quickly, so don’t panic if it sticks together and is not evenly coated at this point. Now add the orange juice and zest and simmer for eight minutes – until all sugar is dissolved and the cranberries are beginning to soften.
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Pumpkin Spice Mix Three-finger pinch of ground cinnamon and ground ginger Two-finger pinch of ground cloves and salt Mix all ingredients together for 'royale' including pumpkin spice mix with a whisk, being careful not to incorporate too much air. Add the diced bread and gently mix with hands or rubber spatula being careful not to break the bread into mush. Preheat oven to 325°F. Rub the insides of eight 8 oz. ramekins with butter and evenly coat with about ½ tsp of sugar. Evenly divide the bread-pudding mixture between the eight ramekins and place in a baking dish (a lasagna dish would work perfect). Add warm water to the dish, filling until the water comes halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Loosely cover with aluminium foil and place in preheated oven for 40 minutes or until a pairing knife comes out clean when inserted in to the middle of a pudding. Carefully remove the ramekins and set aside to cool slightly and serve warm with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce. This recipe can be done a day in advance if the bread puddings are cooled quickly then tightly covered. Just reheat before you serve…or eat them cold for breakfast!
Add the balsamic glaze and cook for three minutes more – an excellent sauce for your game hens is now ready!
Pumpkin Bread Pudding Bread 1 large challah, diced one-inch pieces
Royale ½ cup homo milk ½ cup heavy cream ¼ cup +1 Tbsp white sugar ¼ cup +1 Tbsp brown sugar (packed) 3 eggs ¼ tsp (shy) vanilla extract 2 Tbsp brandy (optional) ¾ c pumpkin puree
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A life without
From fighting for gold on the world stage, to fighting terrorists in the Middle East, Leah Goldstein is never one to back down from a challenge
Linda Guerrette photo
ycling though a deserted stretch of highway in Kansas, Leah Goldstein squints her eyes. A strong crosswind blows sand into her face, peppering her cheeks like a hundred fiery needles. Her vision begins to blur until all she can see is a white line ahead of her bike, as she tries to ignore the nauseating pain shooting through her neck. Her head heavy, her eyelids drooping, hallucinations begin to take over any rational thoughts that may have been circling inside her pounding head. She's unsure how she will make it through the next couple of hours, let alone the next thousand miles. Goldstein's experience in 2011 competing in Race Across America – a more than 3,000-mile ultra-endurance cycling race from California to Maine – is but one instance of the Vancouver native pushing herself to the brink of survival.
10 Fall 2015 • INDULGE
by Melissa Smalley A life of championships won, challenges overcome and barriers broken down is captured in a recently published autobiography, No Limits. It tells the inspirational story of a 15-year-old championship kickboxer, an eager young soldier in the Israeli army, a lone female police officer in the Israeli special forces and an international championship cyclist fighting back from the brink of death. More than anything else, it tells the story of one woman's unstoppable will. It's a trait the now 46-year-old has exhibited since her childhood, growing up on the west side of the city with her older sister and parents, who had immigrated from Israel before she was born. In Vancouver, she rode her bike everywhere she went, started doing sit-ups at the age of six, and was obsessed with movie star/martial artist Bruce Lee, begging her parents to enrol her in taekwondo classes. Fulfilling a long-held promise by her parents,
Goldstein began learning the martial art when she turned nine years old. It was her first taste of fierce competition that would eventually lead her to the top of podiums around the world. Within five years of her first taekwondo class, she earned her black belt and a national junior champion title. Bored with taekwondo, she discovered kickboxing – a much less refined sport, then often fought in dingy hotels in front of undesirable crowds. "It wasn't the kind of place you'd want your little girl hanging out in," Goldstein recalls of her father's response to her new sport. Under an intense training regime, Goldstein was unstoppable, winning every fight on her way to being named national women's bantamweight champion at the age of 15, and world champion two years later. Upon graduating from high school, Goldstein embarked on fulfilling a dream she'd held as long as she could remember; she moved to
Israel and enrolled in the military. She felt a deep connection to the country where her parents met – she had an Israeli flag embroidered on her kickboxing shorts, next to the Canadian flag – and was intrigued by the dangerous and secretive work of an uncle who was in the Israeli secret services. "I think it was always part of my personality," Goldstein reflects upon her urge to join the military. "Even when I was a little kid, I never really did a lot of little kid things." After a year in the military, Goldstein was recruited by the Israeli police force, and after only a few months as a regular uniformed officer, she was picked up by the police force's undercover unit. As the only woman in the unit – and despite an abundance of nerves and a rocky first day in which she dropped her gun while pursuing a drug dealer – she quickly proved her worth and was embraced by her fellow officers. Goldstein spent eight years with the Israeli police force, working in narcotics, domestic violence and counter-terrorism, and eventually moved to the country's main police headquarters, where she became the department's fitness instructor. The work, however, took a toll; Goldstein bore witness to the endless circle of crime and violence, helplessly witnessing atrocities – including the assassination of two close colleagues – that she said "hardened" her. "You see these gruesome things that don't even affect you anymore," she says. "Two years later, you're just walking over a dead body like it's a banana peel." It was during a visit home to Canada that Goldstein's mom pointed out how much
her work in Israel had changed her. Shortly after, she left the police force and returned to Vancouver. While in Israel, Goldstein had waded into the world of competitive cycling, so it wasn't long after returning to Canada that she earned a spot on the national cycling team. She dominated races around North America and Europe, finding herself atop the podium in nearly every race she competed in. She was offered a spot on the Israeli national team to compete in the 2004 Athens Olympics, but broke her right hand in a crash just a month prior to the Olympics, shattering her hopes of competing. The injury didn't keep her off the competition circuit for long, however; Goldstein came back stronger than ever in the first half of 2005, winning almost every race she entered. Tragedy struck again, however, at the Cascade Classic in Oregon in the June 2005. Goldstein was clipped by another rider on a 70 km/h descent and landed face-first on the asphalt, with several other cyclists landing on top of her. The fact that she survived the crash was described by doctors as a "miracle." Her injuries were extensive: a broken pelvis, several broken ribs, a broken cheek, broken ankle, broken right arm, dislocated and broken shoulder, and severe road rash that almost ripped off her top lip. Goldstein underwent multiple surgeries and spent several weeks in the hospital. The brush with death, however, did little to slow her down. As soon as she could, she started doing laps at a local track in her wheelchair and, later, on crutches. She was eventually able to do fiveminute stints on a stationary bike. By October,
Jeff Bassett photo
Leah Goldstein, top right, a national kickboxing champion at 15; inset, during Israeli military training.
a mere three months after she was almost killed, Goldstein was back on her road bike. Though she never lost faith in herself, she found the cycling community did. Upon her return to competition, she couldn't secure a spot with a professional team. Competing independently, in 2006, Goldstein had her best year yet, with 12 major wins around the world, including two recordbreaking hill climbs. Goldstein continued on the racing circuit for the next couple of years – winning the Tour de White Rock's road race in the women's division in 2007 – while testing the waters of ultraendurance racing with the Furnace Creek 508, a 500-mile race in California's Death Valley. Then, in 2010, while warming up for a race, Goldstein was hit by a car; the accident snapped her right arm and crushed her left, ultimately sealing the fate of her pro-racing career. Though retired from the pro circuit, she returned from that injury to compete in more ultra-endurance races, the pinnacle of which was her participation in the 2011 Race Across America. "Only a very small percentage of people are stupid enough to do it," Goldstein laughs, while describing the fringe cross-country race. Goldstein's autobiography is told from the perspective of the 11 days she spent competing in the race, battling crippling fatigue, extreme weather, and a condition known as Shermer's Neck, in which her neck muscles completely gave out, making it impossible to support her head without assistance. Sleeping, eating and resting for only a few hours a day, Goldstein spent the rest of the time on her bike, battling her way across 10 states from the west to east coast. The book, which flashes back between Race Across America and her earlier life, reflects the sometimes hallucinatory experience, she said. "You're on your bike for 20-plus hours in one shot, you start thinking about everything," Goldstein says. "You start getting mad about something that happened 15 years ago."
INDULGE • Fall 2015 11
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It's fun to race with no expectation or pressure. I only have to please myself, no one else cares... been working to launch the autobiography, as Lori Moger, Goldstein's crew chief for RAAM, well as their motivational-speaking business who also co-wrote No Limits, said she and the called No Finish Line Living. Sharing her life team of eight others worked tirelessly to keep story with women's groups, Goldstein safe, taping her high-risk youth and others, head upright when the neck Goldstein travels around B.C. pain became too much, encouraging health, wellness navigating her through twists and fitness. and turns on the highway, She insists it's never too and pushing her when she late to start pushing yourself needed the boost. beyond the boundaries of "It was really hard, because comfort. we all know Leah, and we "We're always looking for all like her," Moger recalls. the easy way out," she says. "It was hard to make her "When people reach a certain do things that made her Leah Goldstein (left) and Lori Moger age, they tend to stop, and uncomfortable." then you're waiting to die. In a race where more than You're not dead yet. You're half the solo riders never finish, dead when you're six feet under." Goldstein won Best Overall Female, Best in Age Goldstein is focusing much of her energy now Group, Queen of the Mountains, Queen of the on promoting her book, which she hopes will Prairies and Rookie of the Year. eventually make it to the silver screen. Four years later, Goldstein still races, but just Looking back on her life of exhilaration – for her own enjoyment and to stay fit. "It's fun to be able to race with no expectation winning kickboxing matches, fighting bad guys and conquering the world's toughest races – or pressure," she says. "I only have to please Goldstein says she doesn't miss any of it. myself, no one else cares." "When it's time to quit, I don't look back." For the past year, Goldstein and Moger have
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15-09-13 6:15 PM
Beautiful Bounty The harvest season has never looked so good with these sassy autumn styles
Photography: Model: stylist: hair & Makeup:
Alfonso Arnold ElAnA WU sArAh d'ArcEy KArlEy stroschEr sAMAnthA BUrKE
gABriEllE gAUrilciKAitE god's little Acre farm 16582 40 Avenue, south surrey www.godslittleacre.com
Photo Assistant:
INDULGE • Fall 2015 13
14 Fall 2015 • INDULGE
I N T E R N AT I O N A L COLLECTION has arrived!
Grandview Corners #30 - 16031 24th Ave. 604.531.7762 The Boulevard at Southpoint 15057-32nd Ave. 604.535.5119 INDULGE • Fall 2015 15
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The look: On the cover, and page 15: Elana is ready to face the cooler weather in this Anatomie ensemble, including top, pant and windbreaker, all available at Anna Kristina Boutique (604-536-8873), paired with France Mode Zemon boots from Turner Shoes (604-535-5119) and rings and earrings from Just Jewelry (604-541-6362). Page 13: Celebrating the season of harvest, Elana is wearing Kut boyfriend jeans, a Michael Kors cardigan and belt and Dissona handbag, all from Zig Zag Fashion Boutique (604-535-1536) with accessories from Just Jewelry.
Live Healthier, Happier Lives!
Page 14, far left: Elana is wearing Kut Mia skinny toothpick jeans, with Tribal brown cape sweater and Tribal jacket all from Zig Zag and accessories from Just Jewelry.
Dr. Andrews
Page 14, top right and opposite page: Shopping in style, Elana is wearing embellished Jane and John jeans, a button up Daila Dalla Valle blouse and fur jacket by Elisa Cavaletti, all from Anna Kristina Boutique. Rings and necklaces are from Just Jewelry and Hispanitas shoes are from Turner Shoes. Page 14, bottom right and page 4: Red Simon Chang fringed sweater, black Tribal leggings and Steve Madden shoes, all from Zig Zag, paired with a necklace from Just Jewelry.
The location: God's Little Acre Farm, located in South Surrey, was founded in 2011 by Jas Singh, who had a vision of dedicating his crops to the needy. Since then, with the help of countless volunteers from around the Lower Mainland, the farm has donated more than 300,000 pounds of produce to charities and food banks. Last year, the farm opened its first market, selling produce harvested on site in an effort to support the many expenses for supplies and machinery. Volunteers are always welcome to come and lend a helping hand – visit www.godslittleacrefarm.com to find out more.
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When TRAVEL meets
Street maps and visitor guides are being replaced by smartphones and online forums, changing the way travellers explore the world by Melissa Smalley
one are the days of tattered street maps, visitor guides and postcards. When it comes to travel in today's technology-driven world, websites, smart phones and social-media apps have paved the way for a whole new experience. From booking flights and accommodations, to 'itinerizing' tourist stops along the way, a world of options can now be found at the click of a mouse or swipe of a finger. And it's changing the way people approach travel, according to expert Claire Newell, who told Indulge that globetrotters can have everything from weather forecasts to restaurant reviews at their fingertips. "I'm a big fan of the convenience of using online tools and social-media applications when researching a trip," Newell said. "These tools allow people to plan and research their trips virtually anytime, anywhere, and have made researching far more convenient." Apps such as TripAdvisor offer reviews on hotels, Flight Aware tracks flights with detailed maps, and real-time departure and arrival info – there is even an app called Packing Pro that lets you view sample packing lists and templates for different types of getaways. Social-media tools such as WhatsApp, Viber and Skype allow people to keep in touch with friends and family from anywhere they have access to Internet service, via text message, phone call or video chatting. Another travel platform that has made a
18 Fall 2015 • INDULGE
Despite the surprise, Kent said she had a nice huge impact on the industry is called Air BnB. evening with the couple, who made her crepes Founded in California in 2008, it's described for dinner and shared insight into places she as a "trusted community marketplace" should see and how to navigate the city. for people to discover and book unique The next day, however, things took a turn accommodations around the world. when the woman went into labour. Air BnB features a database of 1.5 million As the couple headed to the hospital, Kent listings in 34,000 cities – ranging from full pondered what she should do. The boyfriend houses to apartments, bedrooms or simply returned the next morning to fetch some a couch to crash on – that hosts rent out to belongings and, unable to communicate with guests at a pre-determined nightly charge. him about the situation, Kent decided to leave. The identity of both hosts and guests are "I was never refunded for the night that I verified, payment and communication takes didn't stay," she said. "I didn't ask to be, but place securely through the website and I thought as a courtesy I should have been, insurance protection is also available, along just because I ended up spending money on a with a plethora of safety tips online for both hotel." parties. Though it However, despite makes for a the safeguards, there great travel story, is still an element Kent's experience of uncertainty when highlights the staying in a stranger's importance of doing home, as Coquitlam thorough research resident Lisa Kent and finding out as discovered while much information travelling in Europe about your Air BnB last fall. host as possible Kent, 33, spent a ahead of time. month exploring "The thing that several countries, shocked me even mostly on her own, more than her staying in a variety being pregnant of accommodations was the fact that along the way, she was living with including hotels, her boyfriend, and B&Bs and a few didn't say anything," hostels. Kent said. "What if I After previously was uncomfortable staying in a home staying there? I she booked would have had to through Air BnB go find some place in London, which else to stay. And she described as a that could be a huge "lovely experience," problem in a place Kent decided to use like Paris." the app again to stay Despite her visit in a woman's small Lisa Kent visits the Arc de Triomphe in Paris not working out apartment in Paris. quite as planned, Having Kent said she would use Air BnB again, corresponded with the woman via email, Kent depending on which city she was visiting, as it had arranged to sleep on her couch for the offers a more unusual and 'homey' experience four nights she'd be in the city. than a hotel or a hostel. When she arrived, however, two things Newell on the other hand – a longtime travel caught her by surprise: the woman was nine consultant who has ventured to the far reaches months pregnant, and she had a live-in of the globe – recommends always booking boyfriend who spoke no English. with experienced agents, especially if you are Neither of these details were mentioned taking an extended trip with a complicated in her Air BnB profile nor in their itinerary. correspondence. "The right travel consultant will have insight "I wouldn't have stayed with her had I into which companies are the best to book known that she was nine months pregnant with," Newell said. "They can get you the best and that her boyfriend was living with her," deal, and they'll ensure that every detail of Kent said. "That's something that should have your reservation is made properly." been stated ahead of time."
Popular Travel Apps Google Translate This app has voice-translating capabilities, essentially allowing you to use your phone as an interpreter. You can also use your phone's camera function to use the app to read signs, menus and other foreign typography.
Transit App This is a must-have app when travelling without a car, allowing you to see every public transportation option available to you in a specific area and pick the fastest route. Compatible with transit systems in 87 metropolitan areas around the world. Provides real-time information such as bus locates, schedules and route itineraries.
RelayRides Bringing the peer-to-peer concept into the rental car world, RelayRides allows car owners to list their vehicles online for travellers to rent. Listers and renters are both fully insured, and vehicle rental comes with 24/7 roadside assistance and support. Owners are able to personally approve renters on a case-by-case basis.
Google Maps Providing comprehensive, accurate maps in 220 countries, this app is essential for travelling. Includes live traffic conditions, incident reports and automatic rerouting, plus detailed info for more than 100 million places and street view options. You can also save maps for offline use, should you be without Wifi or beyond data range.
Day One This journaling app is extremely userfriendly, making it the perfect tool for a sleep deprived traveller to document their journey. It's passcode protected, and each entry is automatically date and location stamped. Entries can be organized with tags and photos are easy to add.
WhatsApp The ultimate app for keeping in touch with friends and family far and wide. Send istant text and photo messages across international borders, with no additional service charges. Create chat groups across different phone platforms (iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows and Nokia).
TravelSafe A database of emergency service numbers for almost every country around the world. Also includes embassy details should you run into passport problems. INDULGE • Fall 2015 19
Giving old treasures
New life by Melissa Smalley
or years we've been told to be mindful of what we throw in the garbage, for the sake of Mother Nature and our overburdened landfills. A growing trend in the home-decor world, that aims to breathe new life into items that have outlived their use, gives us all the more reason to think twice before discarding things we no longer need. Whether helping a family member clear out the contents of their attic, or scouring garage sales and thrift shops for hidden treasures, practically any old piece of furniture can be transformed into something new and unique. A little bit of talent and skill, some patience and a whole lot of creativity can result in a one-of-a-kind addition to your home decor. It's a notion that is starting to gain traction around the Fraser Valley, according to Deen Hannem, owner of ReVamp Furniture Garage in Langley. A welder by trade, with a background in interior decorating, Hannem is fascinated by the process of restyling a piece that has outlived its original purpose – such as an old door, a pallet, even recycled concrete
20 Fall 2015 • INDULGE
With a little talent and a lot of imagination, items destined for the dump can be transformed into beautiful home furnishings
– into something completely new and unexpected. "We make the old look new and the new look old," Hannem explained. Potential treasures can be found almost anywhere; Hannem said she often scours old movie sets for props, sometimes altering them into large pieces of artwork.
"It's amazing what's out there that you can really reuse on a grand scale," she said, noting the art of repurposing goes far beyond simply repainting an old piece of furniture. Ed Barnett, a 35-year hobbyist woodworker with a shop in Langley, started a custom repurposed furniture business about a year ago, after the company he was working for shut down. His interest in the craft comes from the notion that items shouldn't be discarded just because they've outlived their initial purpose. "I don't want to see anything go into a landfill if it can be repurposed and built into something else," Barnett said. Among the dozens of creations Barnet has made over the past several months are wine racks made of black iron pipe, kitchen lighting made from vegetable graters, masonjar chandeliers, and a deck chair made from driftwood and up-cycled fire hose. "Right now I'm working on an eight-seater dining table made of old yellow cedar fence boards," Barnett said. "It's just incredible." Barnett finds inspiration on local beach shores, where he combs for driftwood and other pieces of lumber that can be used to create something unique. "If I see an old barn or an old fence falling down, I'll approach the person and ask if I can get some of the wood," he said. "It comes from anywhere and everywhere." In terms of parameters of creating something, Barnett said the "sky's the limit." The repurposed furniture movement is growing, he said, as people search for more "outside the box" looks for their homes and workplaces, including 'steampunk' styles, described as a mix between Victorian elegance and strong industrial elements. Hannem agrees that restyling of old items is fast becoming a growing trend, noting the reasonable cost and easy installation of many of the items she has worked on in her store. "People are finally finding that unique is the way to go," she said. Proof of its popularity is the upcoming Vintage and Revamped Market, the fifth of its kind in recent years, to be held at the Cloverdale Agriplex on Oct. 3 and 4. The last market, held in the spring, saw close to 5,000 people attend, Hammen, the market's founder, said. The market features an assortment of artisans, furniture pickers, antique dealers and home-based entrepreneurs, sharing their reinvented and revamped furniture and artwork pieces with the masses. "It's a European-inspired fair, featuring local artisans with local products," Hannem explained. "It's a way to introduce all these amazing local artisans with each other and the public, and bring them all together."
Step T~all
Top: a few of the restyled pieces found at Langley's ReVamp Furniture Garage. Middle: a deck chair, made by Ed Barnett out of a root stump found on the beach, and recycled fire hose. Bottom: another of Barnett's creations, a boardroom table made of salvaged yellow cedar dock boards.
Willowbrook Shopping Centre #313 19705 Fraser Highway 604-533-9200 INDULGE • Fall 2015 21
New for
in the photos • Clockwise from top left, Langley's Bob Vernon proudly displays his '66 Stingray at the Crescent Beach Concours d'Elegance, a classic car show held at Blackie Spit Sept. 5
• Michael Cutting winds up for a swing at the Semiahmoo House Society's annual charity golf tournament at Morgan Creek Golf Course Sept. 3.
• Four-year-old Sydney Erickson has a brush with royalty meeting Queen Elsa, from Disney's Frozen at the sixth annual White Rock Princess Party Aug. 22.
invites • Peace Arch Hospital and Community Health Foundation's
Great Pumpkin Run/Walk takes place
Oct. 18. Registration takes place at 8 a.m. at White Rock's Bayview Park, with the race – which includes one- and five-km routes – kicking off at 9 a.m.
• The Peninsula Community Foundation's premier fundraising event Vintage Affair returns Oct. 22 at Hazelmere Golf and Country Club. Visit www.peninsulafoundation.ca for ticket info.
• Power of the Purse fundraiser at Langley's Thunderbird Showpark, Nov. 1, featuring a silent auction and sale of new and gently used purses. Funds raised will go to the B.C. Cancer Agency. To find out more, email powerofthepurse2015@gmail.com
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Meet Meetatatthe thebeach beachand and walk walkor orrun runfor foryour yourER ER
Meet Meetatatthe thebeach beachand and
Sunday, October 26, 2014 walk walkor or run run for foryour yourER ER
NEW MIDWIFERY PRACTICE Serving White Rock SSuunnddaay,y,O Octcotobbeer r1188, ,22001155 and Surrey
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Peninsula Runners
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INDULGE • Fall 2015 23
24 Fall 2015 • INDULGE