Christmas is around the corner. DEADLINE FOR BOOKING & COPY DECEMBER 16, 2015.
Call Dyan
to book your Christmas Greetings
Thursday, DECEMBER 3, 2015
Includes tax
Westbridge Thrift Store is a gem of a boutique, staffed by the friendliest ladies imaginable. P
Wing Night
Wednesday 5 - 8 pm
Texas Holdem Poker
Thursday, Registration 6:30 pm
Thursday, Dec. 31 at 8:30 pm
Lion’s Club Meat Draw
Every Saturday 3 - 5 pm Family Friendly • Rooms Available
Christmas Hamper Drive is under way, collecting donations for those in need. P
VOL. 33 Number 49
Paul and Gloria Lautard celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. P
Fire protection focus of meeting
Light-up events herald start of holiday season
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
Bob Bugeaud 250-449-1982
KELOWNA (Wstbrg)
Located in Westbridge and proud to service the area
Christmas light-ups are in full swing throughout West Boundary.
A 2016 referendum on fire protection in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area E/West Boundary will, if the “Yes” side is successful, be the first such result in five attempts. This was one of the points of discussion at a meeting organized by Director Vicki Gee, which attracted over 100 residents to the Rock Creek fairground pavilion on Monday evening to hear Gee and others discuss emergency preparedness and fire protection. Coming on the heels of the Rock Creek fire, the meeting was actually one that Gee had envisioned prior to the wildfire, but was given particular relevance because of the blaze and residents’ desire to do everything possible to avert another such disaster. The meeting was somewhat unusual in its structure, whereby Gee spoke for about 30 minutes and then asked the attendees to become directly involved in the process by visiting one of four tables that had been allocated specific subjects of discussion, with the possibility of forming committees to further study the matter of their choice. While some residents did depart the meeting at the start of the interactive segment, those that remained were very active in
(Top and middle photos, by Andrew Tripp): The Discover Rock Creek Society welcomed members of both the Midway and Oliver fire departments to the farmers market grounds on Sunday. Volunteers served soup and hot chocolate, while firefighters tended to the roaring fire.
24543 16681
• See FIRE MEETING page 3
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For full details visit your branch. or visit us online at WEST BOUNDARY BRANCH Castlegar
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Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351
(Left, photo by Ron Sather) On Friday, the Greenwood Board of Trade lit up that city and welcomed residents to the McArthur Centre parking lot for a bonfire and a selection of hot treats. BOT chair Jim Nathorst hugs Mrs. Claus, otherwise known as Marg Henschel.
2 Calendar of Events
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, December 3, 2015
263 South Copper Avenue, PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:
Be sure to send in your event information. This section is free of charge.
Saturday, Dec. 5: The Rock Creek 33rd Annual Christmas Craft Fair will be held from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Rock Creek Fairgrounds. For more info and table reservations, contact Maria at 250-446-2563. Saturday, Dec. 12: The Children’s Christmas Party will be held from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Midway Community Hall, presented by the Midway Community Association. Santa visit, crafts, carols, pizza and drinks.
REGULAR EVENTS: Mondays: Drop-in crib at Greenwood Legion at 7 p.m. $3 buy-in. Mondays: Girl Guides of Canada meets after school from 3:30 to 5 at WBES. Contact Jeanine Fraser at WBES or Linda Sheppard at 250-443-1529. Mondays: Floor curling at the Westbridge Hall (2935 Hwy 33), starting at 1 p.m. $1 per session. Contact Linda at 250-446-2031 for more information. First & Third Monday: Midway Village Council meeting; 6:30 p.m. with a delegation or 7 p.m. if none. First & Third Monday: The Bridge Drop-in Centre in Midway is open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed on holiday Mondays, but will be open the next day on Tuesday. First Monday: Greenwood Seniors Centre meeting at 2 p.m. Info: 250-445-2290. Second & Fourth Monday: Greenwood City Council meeting at 7 p.m. Third Monday: Bridesville Women’s Institute meets at 11 am. Info: 446-2210 or 446-2121. Third Monday: Frolicking Fancies – the Greenwood Red Hat Ladies Group meet monthly in Greenwood. Information Francine 250-445-6734; or Shirley 250-4459908. Third Monday: Discover Rock Creek Society meeting at 6:30 – for location info phone 250-528-0227. Last Monday: Kettle River Recreation Commission meets at the Little Red School House at 7 p.m. Info Bill Watson 250-446-2325 or Sherry Dalziel 250-446-2997.
Mondays and Wednesdays: Boot Camp at McArthur Centre in Greenwood from 6-7. $10 drop-in or $60 per month. Info 250-442-3664. Postponed until further notice. Monday & Wednesday beginning Sept. 15: Country Kids Playschool 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Rock Creek Health Centre. For info or to register call Sara Eek 250446-2202. Tuesdays: AA Meetings at McArthur Centre in Greenwood at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: Greenwood Seniors’ Drop-in Centre, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 11 - 3 pm Greenwood Seniors’ Centre Thrift Store, 100 Deadwood. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Taekwondo at BCSS gym from 4 to 5 p.m. Open to ages 6 (with supervision) to 106. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Boundary Women’s Resource Centre on Market Avenue in Grand Forks open from 9 a.m. to - 3 p.m. Info 250-442- 5212. First Tuesday: Elks #493 monthly meeting at the Slavonic Hall in Grand Forks at 7 p.m. Info: 250-442-2856 or 250-442-4276. Third Tuesday: Kettle Valley Wildlife Association meets at the range in Rock Creek at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Writer’s group meeting at 11 a.m. at Bored Room Bistro in Midway. Wednesdays: Girl Guides of Canada meet at King of Kings Church in Midway, Sparks ages 5-6 and Brownies ages 7-8 meet at 4:30-5:45; Guides ages 9-11 and Pathfinders ages 12-14 meet from 6 to 7:30. Info 250-4492309 or 250-445-9955. Wednesdays: Midway Crib Tournament – Bored Room Bistro, 607 Eighth Avenue, Midway at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Senior’s Bingo at 1 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior’s Drop-in Centre. $1 admission. Wednesdays: Women’s Counseling in Rock Creek and West Boundary: Free and confidential. For information call the STV counselor at 1-855-441-3131 or 442-3131.
The Fun Spot
Childcare and transportation subsidies are available. meeting at 6 p.m. in Greenwood City Hall. Contact Janet First Wednesday: West Boundary Senior Housing Sociat 250-445-6133 for information. ety meeting at 1 p.m. in Parkview Manor Midway. Fridays: Bingo at Greenwood Community Hall. Doors Second Wednesday: Boundary Citizen’s Patrol meets open 5 p.m., early bird 7 p.m. Progressive jackpot. at Midway Senior’s Centre from 7 - 8 p.m. Info: Wayne Fridays: Coffee at Midway Seniors Centre, 9:30 - 11. 250-449-2191, Paul 250-445-2111, or Wolfgang 250Fridays: Overeaters Anonymous 11 a.m. - 12 noon at St. 446-2455. Jude’s Church in Greenwood. Second Wednesday: Greenwood Board of Trade meets Second and Fourth Friday: Karaoke at the Royal Canaat 7 p.m. at City Hall. dian Legion in Greenwood. 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek Women’s Institute meet Third Friday: Movie nights at Midway Community Hall; for a potluck lunch at 11:45. Info: 250-446-2454 or 7 p.m. Bring your own travel cup. $3 includes movie, 250-446 -2608. drink and popcorn. Third Wednesday: Main River Women’s Institute meets First, Third and Fifth Fridays: Darts at the Greenwood in Westbridge at 1 p.m. Info: 250-446-2616. Royal Canadian Legion with doors opening at 6 p.m. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek & Boundary Fair Assoc. Saturdays: Lion’s Club Meat Draw, at Hot-L Pub, Midmeets at 7 p.m. at the pavilion from March through way. Starts at 3 p.m. November. Info: 250-446- 2465. Saturdays: Greenwood Royal Canadian Legion Canteen Thursdays: Free Yoga Classes in Greenwood at the open 2 p.m. Meat draw 3:30 p.m. McArthur Centre from 10:00-11:30 a.m. For more Last Saturday: Karaoke at Hotel Midway – Hot-L Pub at information call: Diane at 250-445-6364. 8:30. Thursdays: Kinesiology at the old Kettle Valley School Last Saturday: The Bridge is open from 10 a.m. - 12 House from 9:30 to 12. p.m. Thursdays: Anglican Thrift Store from 11-3. Info phone Second Sunday – Nov. 15 and through to April 3: Les Williams 250-445-2216. Cribbage at the Westbridge Hall (2935 Hwy 33), staring Thursdays: Quilters and other crafters meet at the at 1:30 p.m. Fee is $5 per session (eight games per sesMidway Senior’s Centre at 9:30 a.m. Come for coffee sion). Prizes are doubled if more than 24 players. Call and bring your needle project to work on. Membership Del at 250-446-2330 for more information. fee $10 per year. Greenwood Public Library: Open Mon, Wed, Fri. and Thursdays: Midway Museum Fundraiser - Texas HolSat. Opens at noon. dem Poker Registration 6:30 p.m. $20 to play, held at The Hotel, Midway. Greenwood Community Association Thursdays: Boundary Guiding Unit for girls in Midway and Greenwood meets from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. at King of Kings Church in Midway. Sparks Doors open 5 pm Bingo starts 7 pm and Brownies ages 5 - 8, 4:30 - 5:45 p.m.; McArthur Centre, 1355 Veterans Lane Guides and Pathfinders ages 9 - 15, 6 - 7:30 p.m. Join any time for new experience. Three early bird games, 11 regular games, two express, First Thursday: Rock Creek Medical Society two progressive, two odd/even, two bonanza, luckyball and 50/50. meets at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the clinic. Our 1st progressive pot will be $750+ in 55 numbers. First & Third Thursday: Food bank at the EvanThe 2nd Progressive pot will be $500+ in 50 numbers. gel Chapel at 11 a.m. Donations welcome. Info
Friday Night Bingo
250-445-2125. Second & Fourth Thursday: Kettle River Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. in the Medical Clinic boardroom at Rock Creek. Third Thursday: Founder’s Day 2016 planning
Please come out and support upgrades to your community hall and bring a friend. The more in attendance the bigger the pots. Full concession (hamburgers/hotdogs). Players must be 19 years of age and older.
HALL RENTALS CALL 250-445-6558
Quote of the Week: A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors. – William Ralph Inge (1860 - 1954) Joke of the Week: A shopkeeper was dismayed when a store opened next door with a huge sign that said, BEST DEALS!” To make things worse, another store opened on the other side with a huge sign reading “LOWEST PRICES!” He nearly panicked until he had the idea to put up his own sign, bigger that the other two, that read, “MAIN ENTRANCE.”
Thursday, December 3, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
Bob Bugeaud 250-449-1982
KETTLE RIVER FRONT 158 acres on the Kettle River in Midway, well in place 3 phase power. $359,000. MLS® 2404929.
Award presented to city, heritage society
The 2015 James-Younger Gang’s conference was held in Kearney, Missouri, the birthplace of Frank and Jesse James. One of the two Milton F. Perry awards which were presented this year was to the City of Greenwood and the Greenwood Heritage Society (Museum) for their contribution in keeping the memory of John M. Jarrett alive. John was one of the founding members of the original outlaw gang. Left to right, GHS treasurer Clare Folvik, visitor counsellor Thao Atkinson, Greenwood City CAO Wendy Higashi, Mayor Ed Smith, GHS director Al Wright and Sharon Younger, wife of Frank Younger. PHOTO: FRANK YOUNGER
Fire meeting
conversation and helped make the event an overall success. Gee began by outlining the current fire protection status for the Rock Creek area, including the expansion of the Midway fire department’s jurisdiction to Kettle Valley, though this is a “fee for service” fire protection, which leaves many without protection at all. “That system does not sit well with anyone, including the fire department,” said Gee. “Knowing that there’s protection for some but not for everyone simply isn’t right.” She also highlighted that one of the major benefits of Rock Creek’s combining with Midway’s fire protection service is that the Village of Midway would be a strong partner with the ability to provide administrative support, and looking at a joint service would negate the necessity of the regional plan to start from the ground up. “That puts a whole new twist
Continued from page 1
on the situation,” said Gee, “and it also allows for the possibility of having a home-base fire hall with a satellite, and that makes it a completely different picture as far as funding is concerned.” Gee said that over $200,000 in gaming money had been brought to the area since the last referendum in 2011, which had been used for resources, materials and training. “There are now fire trucks in the Kettle Valley area, and the two communities combined have 31 volunteer firefighters, which puts the area in a pretty good position to be able run a home base and a satellite fire hall. “This alliance means that the satellite hall does not have to be a full-fledged hall. It doesn’t have to have have meeting rooms; it can be just a place for storage and washrooms and a place for volunteers to wash up.” Also in attendance as roundtable moderators were Sandy
Mark, who was there to provide expertise in the area of grants, which will be needed to help fund the construction of the satellite hall, proposed for the current Forward Attack Base in Kettle Valley, and local firefighting trainer Darren Hutchinson, a strong advocate for the program known as FireSmart, designed to help make communities more resilient in the event of wildfires. Hutchinson’s table attracted a lot of interest and resulted in the tentative establishment of FireSmart groups in Bridesville, Sidley, Westbridge, Hulme Creek, Christian Valley and sections of Rock Creek. The upcoming plebiscite, ultimately, will determine the face of fire protection in the Rock Creek area for the forseeable future, and Gee is hopeful that the vote is in favour of a more equitable fire service for rural residents. RDKB Area E Director invited residents to the Rock Creek fairground pavilion on Monday evening to listen to her outline plans for a regional fire protection service. A referendum next year will determine whether or not those plans will be implemented. PHOTO: ANDREW TRIPP
MOUNTAIN VIEW ACREAGE 75 acres 25 minutes from Osoyoos well kept 5 bdrm home large shop. $859,000. MLS® 2407578.
RANCH ON HWY 3 149 acres with house large shop and barn, creek running through the property. $639,000. MLS® 2409449.
KETTLE VALLEY ACREAGE 10.4 acres in the Kettle Valley drilled well 3 phase power. $189,000. MLS® 2402204.
Unwrap smiles
this Christmas with terrific toys from
Melissa & Doug Great gift ideas in store for the little ones in your lives! I used to think being a kid at Christmas was the best thing ever, but it turns out, having kids at Christmas is!
East of Rock Creek, corner of Kettle Valley East Rd. & Hwy 3
toll free 1-877-646-2899
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, December 3, 2015
A DIVISION OF BLACK PRESS LTD. Mailing address: Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Street address: 263 South Copper Street, Greenwood, B.C.
It’s worth it While the Rock Creek fire was a devastating event that left families and individuals homeless, livestock destroyed and business owners robbed of tourist dollars they relied on, there were positive elements that emerged from the ashes. One of those was the almost tangible galvanization of a rural community which, by its very nature, has historically been driven largely by a fiercely independent approach to life, occasionally resulting in an air of non-cooperation amongst some residents. Many recent transplants made their way to the Boundary in search of that independence and perceived freedom, some to “live off the grid” and enjoy a life devoid of the trappings of more populated areas. When the fire hit, that independent spirit led many of those threatened by the blaze to remain at their homes and fight the flames themselves, inevitably joining their neighbours in an attempt to save not only their own properties, but also to help preserve crown land. People who may not have seen eye to eye previously, joined in body and spirit to stand firm and deny the fire’s progress, with some being heralded as heroes and even compensated financially by the province. An undeniable and powerful air of benevolence permeated the community; a burning desire to help resonated throughout the region and continues today. The Boundary has always been known as a great community, but since Aug. 13, it has been even stronger. The prevailing mood is somehow different since the fire, and last Monday’s meeting at the Rock Creek fairground perhaps illustrated that, as residents filled the pavilion to see what they could do to help make their own properties and those of neighbours, as well as their community, better prepared in the face of a wildfire. As in the wake of many human disasters, the Rock Creek fire has brought a community closer together, and, perhaps, made it stronger and more compassionate. We should all try to make sure that that spirit of cooperation and kindness lives on. After all, the Boundary is worth it, isn’t it?
Letters Policy The Times welcomes letters to the editor that are of interest to our community. – Letters must be received by 5 p.m. Monday for the following week’s paper. – One letter per person per month. – Letters should be typed or neatly written and present the issues as clearly as possible in 500 words or less. – All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. – Anonymous letters will not be published and pen names may not be used, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the editor. – The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste or style. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or belief of this newspaper. Send all letters to
Publisher: Chuck Bennett
Associate Office Publisher: Administration: Dyan Darlainea Stoochnoff Redlack
Reporter: Andrew Tripp
Thrift store no bore
Last week I reported that I had purchased a $600 pair of to as the “men’s section,” which apparently features tools, curling shoes, hopeful that they would transform this sad vinyl records and other “manly” items. Of course, my wife sack of a stone-thrower into a curler to be reckoned with. forgot to mention that… Truth be told, as fellow curler N.E. was quick to suggest, ~~~~~~~~~ there might have been a decimal point missing from my I dropped by Paul and Gloria Lautard’s anniversary celquotation. Yes, I confess the shoes were in fact $6.00, and ebration on Saturday for a quick photo; 50 years and still on Saturday I returned to the point of purchase going strong. As most of you know, Paul is in IN FOCUS to (hopefully) add to my curling wardrobe. his nineties, but seems to be in relatively good You see, it was “bag day” at the Westbridge health and still able to crack a joke. I was really Thrift Store, when all guys and gals can fill up drawn to their wedding photo album, on disan impressively-sized paper bag with whatever play for all to enjoy. Shot in 1965, the portraits booty that is orange tagged, and walk out of were captured in beautiful black and white by the store only five bucks poorer. When I got a photographer who had a flair for photojourthere, the joint was jumping; it was the same nalism and are, in my eyes at least, simply gorAndrew TRIPP day as the Westbridge Christmas Craft Fair, so geous photographs. there was a lot of traffic through the commuI snapped a couple of photos of the prints nity hall, and it seemed likely that many craft and one of them is featured in this issue alongshoppers had decided that a half hour at the thrift store side a portrait from the party. Now you tell me; which may just prove a fruitful conclusion to their early Christ- looks the best? mas shopping. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Lautard! May you have I was pretty much the only male in the store that af- many happy days ahead of you. ternoon, but, nevertheless, was keen to get a “thumbs up” ~~~~~~~~~ from my wife for the $3 athletic pants I was trying on. The on again off again saga that is Mt. Baldy Ski Resort Stepping out of the changing room into a sea of female is apparently now back on. I read a press release last week shoppers was an experience I don’t recommend to any from Receiver G-Force Group stating that an acceptable man. I’m certain I heard at least two snickers as I walked offer of purchase had been made to buy the resort. No across the room to model the pants for my wife. Getting word on who the purchaser is, however, and no timeline her approval allowed me to scurry self-consciously back for opening the hill. This is from that press release: to the safety of the changing room, satisfied with my pur“Although it is late in the season to reopen the ski rechase and looking forward to the following Friday’s curl- sort, one of the benefits this prospective party sees is the ing match, when I and my burnt orange Lululemon curl- significant support demonstrated to the Receiver and the ing pants take to the ice. media from the local communities who support Mount I was really impressed by the thrift store. Not only was Baldy including skiers, nearby home owners, businesses, it incredibly inexpensive on Bag Day, but it’s generally a former employees and the OIB.” little gem of a boutique: tiny, yet perfectly organized, and Let’s hope that’s not just posturing on the receiver’s part staffed by the friendliest ladies imaginable. I will be re- and that at least part of the ski season can be salvaged. turning there soon, if only to check out the “shed,” referred
Editor: Della Mallette
A division of Black Press We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:
Annual subscription rates Local (West Boundary): – $40.00 (plus $2 GST) Elsewhere in Canada – $50.00 plus $2.50 GST Outside Canada – $90 (plus $4.50 GST) Canadian
Thursday, December 3, 2015 Boundary Creek Times WEEKDAY AFTERNOON
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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Curling UEFA UEFA Europa Motoring Curling News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving Noon News Hour Carn Donut Sick Kids Marilyn Denis Written etalk Santa Parade SportsCentre Our Vancouver Absolutely Bobsledding FIS Alpine Skiing Gymnastics Hidden Football Football College Football College Basketball Temple at Wisconsin. (N) News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving Noon News Hour Carn Donut Magic Kate and Wild Wild Maker Creative Dogs Dogs Hope for Wildlife College Football World of X Games College Football AAC Championship -- Houston vs. Temple. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Jail Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Hunters Hunt Intl House Hunters Flip or Flip or The First 48 The First 48 Nightwatch Nightwatch What Would CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Sponge. Parents Harvey Pig Goat Turtles Turtles Alpha & Omeg Nicky, Ricky NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS “Jack Knife” NCIS “Jurisdiction” The Last Alaskans Mayday Mayday Buying Buying Worst Driver Suburg. ›› “Rock of Ages” Julianne Hough. ››› “Grease” John Travolta. Paid Tip-Off College Basketball Paid CIZE! UFC Embedded Light Fight Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Dateline: Real Life (8:00) “Music of the Heart” Agent X (10:45) ››› “Finding Neverland” (8:00) “Last Action Hero” (10:20) “American Graffiti” (12:15) ›› “Mystery Men” Dog I Didn’t Jessie “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” (12:35) “Home Alone 3” Jeff’sons Paid Atlanta Eats Break Seinfeld ››› “A Few Good Men” Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Impastor Gaffigan Theory Theory Sullivan Elf “Jack and the Beanstalk” “Robin Hood” ››› “That’s Entertainment!” Fred Astaire. Pioneer-Christmas Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Top Chef Top Chef Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Paid Paid Ice Road Truckers Pawn Pawn American Pickers American Pickers Panic Button Panic Button Killjoys “Transmorphers” Amy Weber. I, Robot ›› “The Reluctant Astronaut” Don Knotts. ›› “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken” Border Border Border Border Security Security Border Border Border Border Toopy Caillou Peg Octo Dino Zack Mike Umi Truck Wings Home Old House Kitchen Jacques Pepin’s 80th Victory Antique Roadshow Wake English Premier League Soccer PGA Tour Golf Rck Kds Sportfish Huntley Food Living Miracle Popcorn In Con Huntley Popcorn Soup Soup Kourtney-Kim Kourtney-Kim Kourtney-Kim Kardashian Paid Blower The Christmas Mike Mike ›› “National Security”, Steve Zahn Dr. Pol Dr. Pol Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Save Hatched Dream Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Blue Bloods Zoo Coolest Facelift? Paid CIZE! Wen “Santa Clause 3: Escape Clause” Punjab Mehak Punjabi Lamia Fursat Quran Punjab Pyar Hi Pyar Hi Gurbani Wheat Belly Super Genes With Dr. Rudy Tanzi Steves R. Steves’ Europe Steves Hollyw’d Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City (8:00) “Lucky Numbers” Rocky Mountain American Mob Drugs, Inc. Brain Science Security Security
Record Pardon Sports Varied Hockey Varied Programs The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News News Dr. Phil Ellen DeGeneres The Dr. Oz Show CTV News CTV News Murdoch Mysteries Grand Designs Bondi Vet Dragons’ Den CBC News Let’s Make a Deal The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil News CBS KREM 2 News at 6 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News (5:59) News Hour Maya Curious Doozers PAW Maker Creative Dino Wild Varied Programs The Doctors Rachael Ray FABLife News ABC News News Varied Programs Holmes Makes Bryan Bryan Varied Programs Hunt Intl Hunters Varied Programs The First 48 Varied Programs Situation Room Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Varied Programs Chucks Kid Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Varied Sponge. Sponge. Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs How/ How/ Daily Planet Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Movie Varied Programs Paid Fam Paid Varied Fish Oil Raising Mike Anger Two Mod Varied Programs Criminal Minds Movie Blue Bloods Varied Programs Movie Movie Varied Programs (4:25) Movie Varied Movie Jessie Phineas Phineas Good Dog Jessie Varied Jessie Varied Programs Payne Browns Mod Mod Theory Theory Movie Just for Laughs Gags Gags Frasier Frasier Theory Theory Match Gas (1:30) Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Gotta Food Chopped Varied Programs Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Varied Programs Varied Programs Pawn Pawn Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Star Trek: Voyager Inner Psychic Stargate SG-1 Castle Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Ghost Adventures Eat St. Eat St. Restaurant Security Security Varied Programs Blaze Bubble Dora Charm Back Octo Dino Cat in Big Max, Thomas Curious Arthur Arthur WordGirl Wild News Busi PBS NewsHour TMZ Inside Ellen DeGeneres Judge Judge News News News Million. Fam Fam Ties Ray Judge Judge Ray Design Huntley Huntley Varied Programs TMZ etalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live Ways To Kill Two Two Broke Broke Theory Theory Varied Programs Steve Wilkos KTLA 5 News at 3 Bill Cunningham Crime Watch Daily News News Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Varied Programs PIX11 News at 5 News Celebrity Two Two Varied Programs Ironside Road to Avonlea Murder, She Wrote Columbo Varied Programs Wild Varied PBS NewsHour Busi Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Charmed Varied Charmed Varied Alaska-Trooper Security Security Varied Programs
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Curling SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Food Race News SNL 16x9 (N) ››› “His and Her Christmas” WE Day 2015 News CTV ›››› “It’s a Wonderful Life” James Stewart. (DVS) Post CBC The Tudors NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Vancouver Canucks. (N) NCIS: New Orleans News Up Late Elementary NCIS 48 Hours (N) Food Race News SNL 16x9 (N) ››› “His and Her Christmas” Great Migrations Heartbeat Park Waterfront Cities Foyle’s War “Invasion” (PA) College Football Insider Entertainment Ton. Rizzoli & Isles Scandal ››› “Back to the Future” Michael J. Fox. ››› “Back to the Future Part II” Fixer Upper Flip or Flip or Bryan Bryan Fixer Upper Hunt Intl Hunt Intl What Would What Would What Would What Would What Would This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life “Home Alone” Weird Haunting Haunting (8:15) ›› “Fred Claus” Vince Vaughn. “Hangover III” ›› “The Hangover Part II” ›› “The Hangover Part III” Overhaulin’ Rusted Develop Moonshiners Overhaulin’ Gold Rush “Pitch Perfect” (6:00) ››› “Pitch Perfect” ››› “Grease” John Travolta. College Football Sea Paid Two News Wanted Two Theory Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Kingdom ›› “The Ref” Denis Leary. ››› “Bad Santa”, Tony Cox “The Karate Kid” (8:10) ›› “The Karate Kid Part II” (10:05) ›› “Mortal Kombat” The X Factor UK “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” ›› “Teen Beach 2” Ross Lynch. “Win a Date” Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers Commun Commun “Alice-Wonder.” Theory Theory Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Jeff Dunham Christmas Special ›› “Susan Slept Here” Dick Powell. ››› “In a Lonely Place” › “Shock” Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Chopped Canada Guy’s Games Cutthroat Kitchen Liquida Liquida Mantracker Myth Hunters Conspiracy Myth Hunters Ice Road Truckers The Curse of Bigfoot Captured Klondike Trappers Crank (7:15) ›› “Escape Plan” Sylvester Stallone. (9:45) ›› “Crank” Jason Statham. Predator ›› “Demolition Man” Sylvester Stallone. ››› “Dawn of the Dead” Expedition Un. Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Expedition Un. The Dead Files (N) Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Carpen To Be Announced Darla Z Cmas Austin City Limits The Good Wife News SNL ›››› “It’s a Wonderful Life” James Stewart. (DVS) J’pardy! Wheel At the Cross In Touch ››› “The Christmas Gift” Ways To Kill Ways To Kill Kourtney-Kim ›› “Before You Say I Do” Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Mike Mike Entertainers WBZ News (N) Two Two Friends Monop Two Two KTLA News at 10 News Person Blue Bloods Parks Parks Parks Parks Rules Rules Manhattan News Sports Honeym Honeym Honey. Honey. Rules Rules ››› “Shrek 2” Aikam Taur Lashkara Waqt 4 Success Vehra Joyce The Carpenters Gregg Allman Carpenters: Close to You 50 Years With Love CSI: Miami CSI: Miami › “Lucky Numbers” John Travolta. Security Security Drugs, Inc. Brain Science Security Security Live Free or Die
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
7 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
2 PM
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
9 PM
10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
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5 PM
SportsCentre News Colbert News CTV CBC Cor News Colbert News Colbert Finding the Fallen KXLY 4 Kimmel Jail Jail Hawaii Hawaii What Would Anthony Bourd. Game “Hangover II” Mayday Law & Order: SVU Mike Two Dateline: Real Life Legends SexLies “Home Alone 3” Fam Guy Payne Laughs-Access All Mine Diners Diners Myth Hunters Natural-Outlaw Z Nation “Dragons Forever” Border Border Back Max, Charlie Rose (N) News J. Fallon Place See Soup Soup Comics Rules News Friends Rules Rules Rules Court Super Popoff Classical Rewind 2 Sex-City Sex-City The 80’s
5 DECEMBER 2015 5:30
6 PM
Curling Sports SC Top SC Top SC Top Curling Income Bryan Tackle News News News ››› “Trading Christmas” Parade Gas Disrup Money Marilyn Denis The So etalk CTV News FIS Alpine Skiing National Hockey NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at St. Louis Blues. (N) Back News News News Great College Football: SEC Championship Income Bryan Tackle News (5:59) News Hour ››› “Trading Christmas” Marine Machines Waterfront Cities Stonehenge SuffragettesHope for Wildlife McCarv Cosmet Paid Paid Hiring KXLY 4 College Football: ACC Championship Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops (N) Cops Flip or Flip or Income Income Break Break Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Bryan Bryan What Would What Would What Would What Would What Would CNN Newsroom Smerconish CNN Newsroom This Is Life This Is Life Turtles Turtles Turtles Turtles Turtles Turtles Turtles Turtles “Home Alone” “Hangover III” “A Gift Wrapped Christmas” “Christmas at Cartwright’s” Alicia Witt. Highway Thru Hell How/ How/ Last Frontier Gold Rush Moonshiners (N) Grease Debt Debt “Pitch Perfect” ››› “Pitch Perfect” Anna Kendrick. Kds Old Mike Two Col. Pregame College Football Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Legends “Murder, She Baked: Plum Pudding” Law & Order: SVU Criminal Minds (N) Mystery “National Lamp.” “The Karate Kid” (3:45) ›› “Last Action Hero” Home 3 Dog I Didn’t Gaming Derek Nowhere Nowhere Life Awe Awe “Few Good Men” Middle Middle Seinfeld Atl. Eats King King “Win a Date” “Nightmare-Christmas” Theory Theory Just for Laughs (1:30) ››› “Elf” “Robin Hood” ›› “Courage of Lassie” ›››› “Sunset Boulevard” Pioneer-Christmas Jamie’s Feast ET Gotta Food Food Chopped Canada Myth Hunters Liquida Liquida The Liq Storage Mantracker The Liq Storage American Pickers Pawn Pawn American Pickers Mountain Men Klondike Trappers Falling Skies Z Nation Doctor Who › “NYC: Tornado Terror” Into the Badlands (1:30) ›› “I, Robot” Will Smith. ››› “Predator”, Carl Weathers Border Border Security Security Security Security Border Border Ghost Adventures Blaze Bubble Shimmer Charm Back Octo Dino Cat in Big Max, To Be Announced The Carpenters Golf Paid Turbo Paid Judge News News News J’pardy! Re House Green House Building Paid Eye, Eye Connie God Roc Eye, Eye Pop Pop Celebrity Celebrity Ways To Kill Ways To Kill TMZ (N) Two Two Broke Broke Theory Theory ›› “The Family Stone” Animal Zoo Coolest On Spot Paid Program Celebrity Celebrity News News Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods PIX11 News at 5 Celebrity Monop Celebrity Celebrity Two Two Two Two Tehlka Sardari Punjab Punjabi Sanjha Punjab Mulaqat Made in Des-Pardes Classical Rewind 2 A Salute to Downton Abbey Carpenters: Close to You Carpen Celebrity Legacies Style by Style by CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Live Free or Die Live Free or Die Live Free or Die Live Free or Die Live Free or Die
8 PM
Curling SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Security Truth Be Hawaii Five-0 Dual Suspects Theory The Amazing Race Blue Bloods etalk (N) Grimm “Rat King” Mercer Cor Market Interrupt the fifth estate (N) The National (N) Broke Broke The Amazing Race Hawaii Five-0 Blue Bloods Ent ET Security Truth Be Hawaii Five-0 Dual Suspects Murder Myster. Grand Coast Australia (N) Vera Murder case. Ent Insider Last Dr. Ken (10:01) 20/20 Shark Tank (N) Bellator MMA Live Fedor Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Extreme Homes Hunt Intl Hunters Break Break Extreme Homes What Would What Would Unforgettable What Would Heroes Heroes Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Heroes Heroes Thunder ›› “Turbo”, Paul Giamatti ››› “The Adventures of Tintin” ›› “The Hangover Part II” ››› “The Hangover” Mayday Mayday Highway Thru Hell Worst Driver (6:00) ›› “Rock of Ages” ›› “Rock of Ages” Julianne Hough. Theory Theory World’s Funniest News Mod MasterChef (N) Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline on TLC Legends The Listener Criminal Minds Agent X “Crazy Moon” ›› “Cruel Intentions” (9:40) ››› “Closer” Julia Roberts. Next The X Factor UK Family’s › “Home Alone 3” Alex D. Linz. I Can Do Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory (7:15) ››› “Meet John Doe” Gary Cooper. ›› “Period of Adjustment” Diners Diners Carn Carn Gotta Gotta Diners Diners Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Ghost Hunters Storage Storage Christmas Natural-Outlaw American Pickers Vegas Christmas Inner Inner Person of Interest Falling Skies Z Nation (N) (6:00) “Scrooged” The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Talking Dead Security Security Border Border Border Border Security Security Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Wash Charlie To Be Announced Craft in America J’pardy! Wheel Undate Truth Be Grimm “Rat King” Dateline NBC (N) J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Soup Soup etalk Pop The Royals TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King WBZ News (N) Two Two Top Model KTLA 5 News Reign (N) Person of Interest Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray TimeQuartet/Four God’s EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Steves Steves Rolling Stones 60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music) Rules Rules Rules ››› “About a Boy” Hugh Grant, Toni Collette. The 80’s Security Security The 80’s The 80’s
9 AM
10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30
1 PM
SportsCentre MLS Soccer Curling 2015 Canada Cup, Women’s Final. (N) (Live) News Block Context Osteen Paid Noon News Hour “Cartwrights” Operation Smile Football NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Cor Cor Cor Market Our Vancouver Land One/One Bondi Vet Chan Whacke Paid Blower Off Road Rac. NFL Football The NFL Today (N) News Block Context Osteen Paid Noon News Hour “Cartwrights” Upside Dino Wild Little Little Anne. Animals Animals Waterfront Cities Rescue Wildlife RockExplore Skating Tribute ›› “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” (8:30) ››› “Back to the Future” ››› “Back to the Future Part II” Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Hunters Hunt Intl Vacation House Beach Island Criminal Minds What Would What Would What Would What Would State of the Union Fareed Zakaria CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom A Flintstone Xmas Game Game Thunder Bella Henry Nicky, Ricky Matilda “Gift Wrapped” “Merry Ex-Mas” Dean Cain. ›› “Christmas With the Kranks” Cold Water Highway Thru Hell Gold Rush Moonshiners Overhaulin’ Princess Princess ››› “Grease” John Travolta. ›› “Footloose” FOX NFL Sunday Football NFL Football Seattle Seahawks at Minnesota Vikings. (N) (Live) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé “Once Upon” ›› “Twice Upon a Christmas” ››› “Mistletoe Over Manhattan” (10:50) “Benny & Joon” “Fried Green Tomatoes” (8:35) ››› “Yentl” Barbra Streisand. Dog I Didn’t Jessie Equestria Girls HZipzer (11:45) ›› “Teen Beach 2” “Hannah Montana: The Movie” Paid 1st Fam Paid Box Offi “BH Chihuahua” LOL :-) LOL :-) Jeff Dunham Christmas Special Theory Theory ›› “The Ref” “An American in Paris” ››› “Holiday Affair” (10:45) ››› “Sun Valley Serenade” Jamie’s Feast Food Race Guy’s Games Cake Wars Holiday Baking Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Myth Hunters Paid Paid Pawn Pawn American Pickers Cnt. Cnt. Klondike Trappers Inner “Escape Plan” ››› “Rewind” (11:15) ›› “Bullet to the Head” (7:30) “I, Robot” Comic ›› “Demolition Man” Sylvester Stallone. ›› “The Core” Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Toopy Caillou Peg Octo Dino Zack Mike Umi Truck Wings SciGirls Impact Inside Olympia Focus Asia Heirloom Meals History Detectives Swimming Action Sports (N) PGA Tour Golf Hero World Challenge, Final Round. (N) Operation Smile Proph Discov. Sportfish Tribal Impact Doc Side “Sex Messages” Christina Milian Kardashian Below Deck Ways To Kill Ways To Kill Paid Sexy “Christmas Angel in the House” Blue Bloods Castle KTLA News at 9 In Touch Facelift? Paid Paid Larry Feel Paid “Princess Diar. 2” Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night On Spot Animal “12 Dog Days Till Christmas” ››› “Shrek 2”, Eddie Murphy Power Context Living Truth Faith Food Study ICEJ Peter David Dr. Wayne Dyer Fast Metabolism Revolution The Brain Fog Fix With Dr. Mike Dow Hollyw’d CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami (8:00) “StreetDance 3D” Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, December 3, 2015
Dollar Days to
Start the Holiday Season! Canadian Outside $ 00 5 Round Roast Alpine Bread $ 00 2 Freshly Baked /lb
Extra Large
Pomegranates US Grown
Clove Leaf Pink Salmon
213 g
Fresh Pork Tenderlion
2 for $600 3 for $500 $ 00 4
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Merry Christmas
s a m t s i r h C t o H g n In honour of all the firefighters i k o Sm that valiantly worked to protect our lives
a Artizan The Layered Ruffed It Cape
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Thursday, December 3, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
Christmas Light Up
A great snack to CHEEZY BREAD watch a parade! 8 pieces of fresh baked
dough topped with garlic spread and real mozza + cheddar cheese. Includes a free dip.
$5.00 for one order of Cheezy Bread – or FREE with two Large Pizzas! (one cheese bread per order)
Friday, December 4 Gyro Park
7320 4th Street Grand Forks
7:40 pm
& Interpretive Centre
following the parade
6145 Reservoir Rd • 250-442-3737 • • Tueday to Friday 10 am - 4 pm
• Parade begins at 7 pm at Selkirk College parking lot • Admire Market Avenue storefronts – they’ll be decorated for Christmas! • LIGHT UP immediately following the parade • Carol singing with Grand Forks Choral Society • Hot Chocolate by Rotary • Fire Barrels to keep us warm • And the exciting LIGHT UP!
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Check out our other in store specials!
441 Central Ave., Grand Forks
Christmas Shopping Gift Ideas Come & see us for Friends & Family! Boundary Historical Society Reports #1 thru #16 $12.75 - $22.50 Boundary Museum Membership $12/person • $20/family
before Dec. 19 & we’ll help fill your stockings!
Pride of the Valley Non-GMO Flour $13 – $20 Doukhobor Cookbooks $15 – $30 Closed December 19 – January 11, 2016. New exhibits underway for 2016.
Photos Santa with
Friday, December 4 3:00 - 6:30 pm
Grand Forks Credit Union $5.00 per sitting Photography by Ball Photography All proceeds from photos go to the Success By 6 Initiative helping local children and families.
Bake Sale
Friday, December 11
Saturday, December 12 9 - 11 am Royal Canadian Legion Branch 59
7353 6th Street, Grand Forks Cost: Adults $5 • Kids eat FREE!
Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs & Sausages Santa will be on site during these hours. Join us and have a fabulous time.
Fundraising for the Community Christmas Hamper
Angel Tree Program
Grand Forks Credit Union Tues to Fri 9:30am-5pm & Sat 9:30am-1pm 250-442-5511
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, December 3, 2015
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
2 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
6 PM
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NFL Football SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Countdown NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert Supergirl (N) Theory Michael Bublé News CTV etalk (N) The Voice (N) Market Cor Rudolph, Reindeer CBC Cor This Life (N) The National (N) Broke Broke NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert Supergirl (N) Scorpion (N) Ent ET Countdown NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert Supergirl (N) Hope for Wildlife Hidden Killers West Wind Finding the Fallen Hope for Wildlife Ent Insider The Great Christmas Light Fight Great Holiday KXLY 4 Kimmel Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Police Videos Bryan Bryan Hunt Intl Hunters Break Break Bryan Bryan Beach Beach (7:01) The First 48 (8:02) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Newsroom Newsroom Aman News Stanley Assem Funny Videos Wipeout “Knockout” Steve Austin. Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles “Christmas Incorporated” Worst Driver How/ How/ Ice Lake Rebels Worst Driver How/ How/ Million Dollar Million Dollar Million Dollar LA Million Dollar Law & Order: SVU Theory Theory TV’s Funniest Animated Stars: A Paley News Mod Mike Two Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried “Love Christmas” Motive Criminal Minds ››› “Love for Christmas” “White Noise” “Lock, Stock and Two” Cave (9:50) ›› “Eraser” Nowhere HZipzer Prince Malcolm Derek Wingin’ Wizards Connor Prince Malcolm Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Daily Nightly “Where Angels Go” (10:45) “Three on a Match” (8:45) ››› “Heavenly Creatures” Guy’s Games Food Food Beat Beat Guy’s Games Diners Diners Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Pawn Pawn Mountain Men The Curse of Cnt. Cnt. Ice Road Truckers (6:00) “Cell 213” Inner Psychic Person of Interest Atlantis Atlantis ›› “Jingle All the Way”, Sinbad ››› “The Karate Kid” Ralph Macchio. Border Border Mysteries-Museum Security Security Border Border Ghost Adventures Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, European Christmas Antique Roadshow Independent Lens Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Telenov Telenov News J. Fallon The Voice (N) J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Love Kardas Celebrity etalk Pop Ways To Kill Kardas Celebrity TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends The Flash Arrow “Santa Clause 3” Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Manhattan News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court Hanukkah: Festival Christmas TimePopoff ››› “The National Tree” Roosevelts-Hist JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Dr. Fuhrman’s End Dieting Forever! Deepak Charmed Celebrity Damage Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Cupcake Cupcake Science Science Brain Brain Science Science Breakthrough StarTalk (N)
Sports Football Night MLS Soccer: MLS Cup NFL Football: Colts at Steelers “Cartwrights” Cake Wars Holiday Baking Tackle News News News Sports Cash Cash CTV News (1:30) NFL Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Grand Designs FIS Alpine Skiing Back Exhibi › “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” Access Hollywood News News KREM 2 News at 6 NFL Football: Broncos at Chargers “Cartwrights” Cake Wars Holiday Baking Tackle News (5:59) News Hour The Wa Park Sounds-C’mas Mus Long Shadow Marine Machines Skating Tribute News ABC News Estate “A Country Christmas”, Kevin Pollak Bar Rescue Bar Rescue ››› “Back to the Future Part III” Michael J. Fox. Hunters Hunters Custom Custom House House Break Break Flip or Flip or The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Special Report CNN Special CNN Special “Home Alone 2” (1:30) ››› “Matilda” (3:45) ››› “Home Alone” Macaulay Culkin. “Gift Wrapped” “Angels in the Snow” Kristy Swanson. Haven (N) Satisfaction (N) Bering Sea Gold Racing Extinction Last Frontier Bering Sea Gold Guide-Divorce Work Out N.Y. “Footloose” “Jodi Picoult’s Salem Falls” The OT Paid Monop Theory Theory NFL Football: Eagles at Patriots 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé (N) 90 Day Fiancé (N) Partners in Crime “Northpole” Tiffani Thiessen. “Northpole: Open for Christmas” FriedGrn (2:45) ››› “My Girl” “Adam Sandler’s” › “Billy Madison” Jessie Dog I Didn’t Good HZipzer HZipzer Make Make Next Next “BH Chihuahua” Theory Theory Theory Theory Mod Mod “John Carter” (1:00) “The Ref” Theory Theory Just for Laughs ››› “Bad Santa”, Tony Cox Ameri ›››› “The Quiet Man” John Wayne. ››› “The Twelve Chairs” Festive Cooking Chopped Canada Carn Carn Food Race Holiday Baking Myth Hunters Liquida Liquida The Liq Storage Mantracker The Liq Storage Mountain Men Hunting Hitler Pawn Pawn The Curse of American Pickers (3:45) Doctor Who “Bullet to Head” (1:15) “Escape Plan” The Librarians (N) Into the Badlands Into the Badlands Into the Badlands (1:00) ›› “The Core” Aaron Eckhart. Treasures Security Security Museum Secrets Uncommon The Dead Files Blaze Bubble Shimmer Charm Back Octo Dino Cat in Big Max, To Be Announced Salute-Downton Skiing Great Paid NFL Football Football Night in America (N) In Touch Minis In Con Off the Earth Journey Living Truth (N) E! News Weekend Kardashian Below Deck (N) ›› “Before You Say I Do” Rizzoli & Isles King Patriots Athlete Blue Bloods Castle Traveler Middle Middle Fashion News News ››› “Shrek 2”, Eddie Murphy Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods PIX11 News at 5 Person of Interest Person of Interest Elementary Elementary Arise Tom’row Beyond Hope Discov. V’Impe Jere Facts Youseff J. Meyer Ice Bridge: Mackinac Keith & Kristyn Getty: Joy Masterpiece Doc Martin Celebrity Legacies Shannon TessaCSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Security Security Security Security National Parks National Parks Breakthrough (N)
7 PM
Poker UEFA SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Chicago PD News Colbert Survivor (N) Chicago Fire (N) Theory News CTV etalk (N) Arrow (N) Criminal Minds (N) Code Black (N) Young Cor Romeo Section CBC Cor Dragons’ Den (N) The National (N) Broke Broke News Colbert Survivor (N) Criminal Minds (N) Code Black (N) Ent ET Chicago PD News Colbert Survivor (N) Chicago Fire (N) The Wa Park The Emperor’s Se Sacred Songs Christmas Mus. Park The Wa Ent Insider Middle Gold Mod blackish KXLY 4 Kimmel Nashville (N) ››› “Jurassic Park” Sam Neill, Laura Dern. ›› “Jurassic Park III” Sam Neill. Vacation House Hunt Intl Hunters Beach Island Vacation House Beach Beach What Would What Would Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty What Would CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper This Is Life Newsroom Aman News Make, Make, Make, Funny Videos Wipeout “Nicky Deuce” Noah Munck. NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles “A Gift Wrapped Christmas” How/ How/ Bering Sea Gold Moonshiners: Out Moonshiners Moonshiners (N) Married-Sight Untying the Knot Arranged Married-Sight Law & Order: SVU Theory Theory White Hot Holidays News Mod Mike Two Empire My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life Motive Criminal Minds Legends Kingdom Kingdom (N) (6:30) “Sabah” ››› “Ocean’s Thirteen” (10:05) ››› “Donnie Brasco” The X Factor UK Prince Malcolm Derek Wingin’ Wizards Connor Prince Malcolm Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Daily Nightly (10:45) “The Detective” “From Here to Eternity” ››› “The Devil at 4 O’Clock” Holiday Baking Christmas Cookie Cake Wars Diners Diners Cake Wars (N) Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Survivorman Storage Storage Storage Wars Pawn Pawn Hunting Hitler To Be Announced Ice Road Truckers Paranormal Wi. Inner Psychic Person of Interest Supernatural Paranormal Wi. ›› “A Christmas Carol” George C. Scott. ›› “Sahara” Matthew McConaughey. Ghost Adventures Mysteries-Museum The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, 30 Days to a Younger Heart Victor Nature NOVA Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon Mat Franco’s Got Magic The Illusionists (N) J’pardy! Wheel The X Factor UK Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Un Kardashian etalk Pop Ways To Kill Kardashian TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends Arrow (N) Supernatural (N) Person of Interest Mother Mother Parks Parks Rules Rules Manhattan News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court Poldark KA HMXmas Super Popoff “Flight of the Reindeer” Dr. Wayne Dyer Dr. Wayne Dyer: I Can See Clearly Now Psychiatrist Charmed Celebrity Damage Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer My My Southern Justice Holmes Makes Rocky Mountain Southern Justice Security Security
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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Sports UEFA That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) NCIS: New Orleans Fashion Show News Colbert Chicago Med (N) NCIS Theory S.H.I.E.L.D. News CTV etalk (N) The Flash (N) CSI: Cyber Gags Cor Young Young CBC Cor 22 Minutes (N) The National (N) Broke Broke NCIS: New Orleans Fashion Show News Colbert NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Fashion Show News Colbert Chicago Med (N) NCIS Canada How to Grow Echoes Fallen City How to Grow Ent Insider Muppets FreshS.H.I.E.L.D. KXLY 4 Kimmel Shark Tank Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo ›› “I Am Number Four” Alex Pettyfer. House House Hunt Intl Hunters Hunters Hunters House House Beach Beach Born This Way (8:02) Married at First Sight Married-Sight Born This Way CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Special Report Newsroom Aman News Game Henry Funny Videos Wipeout Game ›› “Air Bud: World Pup” NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles “Angels in the Snow” Kristy Swanson. Buying Buying How/ How/ Gold Rush Buying Buying How/ How/ Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Vanderpump Rules Law & Order: SVU Après Ski (N) Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two Scream Queens (Season Finale) (N) 7 Little 7 Little (8:04) Kate Plus 8 7 Little 7 Little (10:04) Kate Plus 8 (11:04) Kate Plus 8 Saving Hope Motive Criminal Minds Agent X Saving Hope “Seducing Lewis” “The Invention of Lying” (9:40) “Observe and Report” “Half Baked” Make Next Prince Malcolm Derek Wingin’ Wizards Connor Prince Malcolm Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Gaffigan Daily Nightly WhoAf “Sweet Smell of Success” Some (9:15) ›››› “North by Northwest” (DVS) Chopped Chopped Chopped Diners Diners Chopped (N) Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Polar The Liq Storage Storage Storage Wars Pawn Pawn Cnt. Cnt. Top Gear Hunting Hitler Battle Battle Castle Inner Psychic Person of Interest Castle Castle “Always” Dennis ››› “Scrooged” Bill Murray. ››› “Miracle on 34th Street” Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum My.- Monument Mysteries-Museum Ghost Adventures Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Celtic Woman: Destiny Frontline “Xmas Without” Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon The Voice (N) Chicago Med (N) Chicago Fire (N) J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Annie Christina Milian etalk Pop Ways To Kill Christina Milian TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends The Flash (N) iZombie (N) (7:06) Manhattan (8:12) Salem (10:06) Manhattan Rules Rules Manhattan News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court “National Tree” KA Craft Xmas Christ Popoff ›› “Secret Santa” Jennie Garth. The Carpenters Josh Groban: Stages Live Carpenters: Close to You Dr. Wayne Dyer Charmed Celebrity Damage Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Rags Rags Live Free or Die Yukon Gold Security Security Live Free or Die Brain Brain
8 PM
NFL Football SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Security Emer Simpson Simpson ››› “Elf” Will Ferrell. (DVS) News Block Saving Hope Once Upon a Time News CTV Blood & Oil (N) Quantico (N) CBC fifth est. Heartland (N) The National (N) ››› “Elf” Will Ferrell. Sinatra 100 -- Grammy Concert News Fam Guy 60 Minutes (N) Security Emer Simpson Simpson ››› “Elf” Will Ferrell. (DVS) News Block Shark Eden Wallander “Before the Frost” (N) ›› “The Dead of Jericho” Funny Videos Once Upon a Time KXLY 4 V’Impe Blood & Oil (N) Quantico (N) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Tiny Tiny Vacation House Flip or Flip or Tiny Tiny Hunters Hunters (7:01) The First 48 (8:02) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 CNN Special CNN Special CNN Special CNN Special Newsroom “Home Alone 2” Weird Haunting Haunting (8:45) ›› “Dennis the Menace” Haven Satisfaction Rizzoli & Isles “Christmas-Krank” Rizzoli & Isles (N) Men, Women, Wild Worst Driver Bering Sea Gold Last Frontier To Be Announced Guide-Divorce Housewives/Atl. Work Out N.Y. Guide-Divorce “Footloose” Mike Simpson Simpson Brooklyn Fam Guy Last News Livin’ Cougar Paid (7:03) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé (9:35) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé “Northpole: Open” “The Case for Christmas” Dean Cain. “Northpole” Tiffani Thiessen. Adam (9:35) “Benny & Joon” “Knocked Up” (7:20) ››› “Yentl” Barbra Streisand. The X Factor UK Life Nowhere Nowhere Awe “Ultimate Cmas Present” Connor (6:00) “John Carter” There Paid Paid The Closer The Closer LOL :-) LOL :-) Theory Theory Just for Laughs Laughs-Access Comedy Now! “Bardelys the Magnificent” “Morning-Osone” ››› “It’s in the Bag” Fred Allen. Cutthroat Kitchen Food Race Holiday Baking Cutthroat Kitchen Guy’s Games Liquida Liquida Mantracker Haunted Collector MeatEa MeatEa Myth Hunters Pawn Pawn Forged in Fire The Curse of Hunting Hitler Mountain Men (N) “Bullet to Head” “Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning” The Librarians (11:15) “Silent Hill” Into the Badlands Into the Badlands Into the Badlands ›› “I, Robot” Will Smith. My.- Monument Mysteries-Museum The Dead Files My.- Monument Mysteries-Museum Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Salute Danube Masterpiece “Royal Paintbox” Chatsworth Sacred Journey NFL Football Mark Blue Bloods News Wheel TMZ (N) Funny Videos In Touch Discov. Muzika Popcorn Popcorn In Con In Touch Kardashian The Royals Below Deck The Royals (N) Reign Theory Theory Broke Broke Two Two Friends Friends WBZ News (N) Person of Interest 5 News Sunday News at 10 News Bensin Elementary Blue Bloods Funny Videos Mother Mother Parks Parks Parks Parks News Sports Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Laughs Laughs Osteen Prince Miracle Popoff Jewish In Touch V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Doc The Three Tenors Christmas Doc Martin -- Seven Grumpy JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Love Cougar Cougar Tori Hollyw’d ›› “StreetDance 3D” Nichola Burley. Security Security Security Security Breakthrough National Parks National Parks
7 PM
10 DECEMBER 2015
Basket SportsCentre NBA Basketball: Knicks at Kings SportsCentre (N) Ent ET News Colbert Bones (N) (HDTV PA) Elementary (N) Theory Theory Gold Law & Order: SVU News CTV etalk (N) Saving Hope (N) 22 Min Cor Michael Bublé’s Darcy Oake CBC Cor The National (N) Broke Broke Theory Life in Broke News Colbert Mom (N) Elementary (N) Ent ET News Colbert Bones (N) (HDTV PA) Elementary (N) Waterfront Cities Athens: Truth Sand Wars “Life Off Grid” Waterfront Cities Ent Insider Toy Story 20th KXLY 4 Kimmel ›››› “Toy Story”, Tim Allen Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Rescue Hunt Intl Hunters Flip or Flip or Fixer Upper Beach Beach Fixer Upper (N) (7:01) Nightwatch (8:02) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 The First 48 (11:02) Nightwatch CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. Newsroom Aman News 100 Ho Ho Holiday Funny Videos Gags › “Air Bud: Golden Receiver” NCIS: Los Angeles “Last Chance for Christmas” “The Flight Before Christmas” Street Outlaws: FantomWorks FantomWorks Street Outlaws: Street Outlaws (N) Untouchable See No Evil Matchmaker Matchmaker Law & Order: SVU Theory Theory News Mod Mike Mother Bones (N) (HDTV PA) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé “Murder, Baked” Motive Criminal Minds “Murder, She Baked: Plum Pudding” “Divine Secrets” “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” ››› “The Sweet Hereafter” The X Factor UK Prince Malcolm Derek Wingin’ Wizards Connor Prince Malcolm Seinfeld Seinfeld King King Middle Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Fam Guy Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Impastor Daily Nightly “La Ceremonie” ››› “Le Beau Serge”, Gérard Blain ››› “Story of Women” Gotta Gotta Celebrity Food Top Chef Diners Diners Top Chef (N) Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Liquida Storage Storage Storage Myth Hunters To Be Announced Christmas Pawn Pawn American Pickers Canadian Pickers Doctor Who Inner Psychic Person of Interest The Librarians Doctor Who “Miracle on 34th Street” “Last Holiday” ›››› “White Christmas” Bing Crosby. Uncommon Mysteries-Museum Expedition Un. Uncommon Ghost Adventures Charm Dino Caillou Max, Toopy Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Aging Backwards House of Cards The Great Fire Antique Roadshow Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Michael Bublé’s “Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors” News J. Fallon J’pardy! Wheel The X Factor UK Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Family Ways To Kill etalk Pop Reign Ways To Kill TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Vampire Diaries KTLA 5 News News Friends The Originals (N) Funny Videos Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks Rules Rules News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Rules Court “Crazy-Chris.” Quartet/Four EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Gr’t Performances Healing ADD With-Amen Deepak Chopra: The Future of God Sex-City Sex-City Celebrity Damage Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer Sex-City Sex-City American Mob Gangland Drugs, Inc. American Mob Rocky Mountain
Thursday, December 3, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
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Thursday, December 3, 2015 Boundary Creek Times A11
Hamper drive under way ANDREW TRIPP
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
The annual Kettle River Lion’s Club Christmas Hamper Drive officially kicks off today, and with it comes the need for donations from the public to help feed those who struggle financially, particularly during the Christmas season. Drive coordinator Phil Gunhouse is proud of the work done by the Lions to help fill a void that numerous Boundary families and individuals experience at this time of year; last year, the club delivered 119 hampers stocked with both non-perishable items such as canned goods and perishables like festive hams, though the club expects that number to drop slightly this year, due to displacement by the Rock Creek fire and several people passing in the community. Donations can be made at the traditional locations, including the Heritage Credit Union in Greenwood, Rock Creek’s Christian Valley Service (CVS) and Kettle River Woodcraft, along with McMynn’s Family Foods in Midway. This year, CVS proprietor
Carol Thom has erected a Christmas tree inside the store, on which hamper contributors are encouraged to hang an ornament upon making their donations. Children’s toys and warm clothing are also welcome donations, and those wishing to donate cash can do so at CVS. Last year the Lions spent approximately $10,000 on goods to go along with those donated, and also got a healthy helping hand from the Kelowna Food Bank, which it will be the beneficiary of again this month. The Lions are hoping that people will be even more generous this year and make the hampers particularly special. Hamper deliveries are made by Lion’s members themselves, along with Greenwood’s Board of Trade, which takes care of drop-offs in that community. All communities in the West Boundary are serviced “The hamper delivery is an event which Lion’s Club members very much enjoy together,” said Gunhouse, “and we are so happy when we are
Carol passed peacefully in Hardy View Lodge in Grand Forks on November 21 at the age of 84. She will be lovingly remembered by her husband Pete, children Linda, Fred and June, as well as by her many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Sincere thanks to the caring staff at Hardy View Lodge, Boundary Hospital and Phoenix Manor, as well as to all of the friends and family for their support. There will be no services held at this time.
Church Directory Lion’s Club member Phil Gunhouse delivers a Christmas tree to Rock Creek’s Christian Valley Service. The tree will sit inside the store, inviting visitors to hang a festive ornament while making a donation to the Lion’s Christmas Hamper Drive.
able to get out in the community like this and help families on an individual basis. It’s what Christmas is all about.”
GREENWOOD Sacred Heart Catholic Church Fr. John M. Kellogg – 326 Church Avenue Mass - Saturday 5 pm St. Jude’s Anglican Church of Canada Rev. Simon Shenstone 250-442-5808 145 S. Kimberley Services at 4 pm (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday) Evangel Chapel Interim Pastor Martin Fromme 250-449-1978 Food Bank (Errol/Gerry) 250-584-4164 401 N. Kimberley Service - Sunday at 10 am St. Columba United Church of Canada Rev. Kim Horwood 250-442-3311 101 S. Government Service & Sunday School - Sunday 9 am MIDWAY Boundary Community Church Pastor Ryan van Kuik 250-449-1439 at the Midway Community Hall Service - Sunday at 10 am King of Kings New Testament & Academy Pastor Rick Steingard 250-449-2252 735 9th Ave Service - Sunday at 10 am Jehovah’s Witnesses 943 13th Street 250-449-2665 Tuesday - 7 pm Sunday - 10 am
Westbridge hosts craft sale
The annual Westbridge Christmas craft sale was held on Saturday, providing shoppers an excellent opportunity to pick up that special, unique Christmas gift. Midway’s Lynn Wickens (right) had an impressive array of her fine needlework for sale, and can be also be found at this weekend’s Rock Creek craft fair.
Carol Den Hartog
Kettle River Lions Club Membership: 250.528.0055 – Tom Donations: 250.446.2096 – Les Suggestions: 250.449.2291 – Margaret Information: 250.446.2455 – Wolfgang SERVING THE WEST BOUNDARY FOR OVER 25 YEARS
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ROCK CREEK New Kettle River Chapel Resuming regular services at 10 am on Sunday, September 13 St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kettle Valley Service - 2nd & 4th Sunday at 10:30 am BRIDESVILLE Sidley Mountain Cowboy Church Pastor Ed Brouwer 250-495-4877 Service at 6 pm on 2nd and 4th Sunday Bridesville Hall WESTBRIDGE Humuh Monastry Buddhist Meditation & Empowerment Centre Master Maticintin (1-800-336-6015) Meditation & Spiritual Teachings Sunday at 11 am Seventh-day Adventist Church Harald Zinner 250-446-2517 Westbridge Community Hall Service - Saturday at 10 am
A12 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, December 3, 2015
Lautards celebrate 50th wedding anniversary
Get the tuition-free training you need to step into a new career! If you are unemployed or under-employed, you may be able to take advantage of this great opportunity for tuition-free training. SAFETY IN RESOURCE INDUSTRY (SIRI) - FORESTRY TRAINING Get trained for entry level forestry work.
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LOGGER TRAINING INITIATIVE PROGRAM 11-weeks of certification with on-site training. Start date postponed to Nov 30. Limited seats – call now!
Paul and Gloria Lautard celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Nov. 27 with a drop-in coffee and cake gathering in the Parkview Manor dining room. Many well-wishers stopped by for a chat with the couple, who were married in Vancouver at the Killarney Baptist Church in 1965. On display at the reception table was the Lautard’s original wedding photo album, featuring a series of beautiful black and white photographs, one of which is featured below.
PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINING CLASS 1 13-week program trains you for a career as commercial transport driver. For more information, email
Christmas Light Up Contest
The City of Greenwood and The Greenwood Board of Trade are pleased to announce two light up contests for 2015. 1st Price: $45.00 Prizes for each category - business 2nd Prize: $35.00 and residential. 3rd Prize: $25.00 We encourage all residents and businesses to partake and create a Christmas wonderland. Judging will take place on Friday, December 18, 2015. Winners will be notified prior to Christmas.
Greenwood Board of Trade
Boundary Country
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GREENWOOD LOTS Lot 5 Long Lake Ave. $34,900. .124 acres. MLS® 2407877 Lot 4 Long Lake Ave. $39,900. .0124 acres. MLS® 2405967 356 Silver Ave. $32,900. .151 acres. MLS® 2399430
FABULOUS retirement or starter home. 4 BR’s, large MBR with ensuite bath. New insulation, gyproc and painting throughout. Carport, private back yard & 2 storage sheds. View & buy! $145,000. MLS® 2408394
RETIRE HERE! This recently upgraded mobile home is move in ready and at this price, it won’t last long! $18,500. MLS® 2407483
WALK TO TOWN! Cheaper than renting. 725 sq. ft. 2 BR townhouse c/w storage room. New kitchen, dining & entrance flooring; new paint, new fixtures & new bath! Bring your offer. Asking $99,000. MLS® 2400120
RIGHT PLACE. RIGHT PRICE Why pay rent when you can own? 3 BR mobile home with a large family addition. Located on quiet street on a 0.294 acres lot. Single car garage. Right price - $89,900. MLS® 2407966
296 ACRES. Hay land, some timber value, creek runs through it. Priced to sell. $619,000. MLS® 2400140
GOOD SOLID HOME! 3 BR, 1 bath, 1020 sq. ft. on main + basement, certified wood stove, large carport & covered deck, fenced yard, rear lane access. $223,500. MLS® 2395744
HOME AND FISHING RESORT! Vendor is offering financing for this amazing local campground and fishing resort. Turn key opportunity with solid revenue base and opportunity for more development. Price is very negotiable! $1,275,000. MLS® 2405966
D L O S ATTENTION INVESTORS! first time home buyers, retired or snow birds! 2 BR, 1 bath, no stairs strata townhouse in Greenwood priced to sell! Call today to view! $89,900. MLS® 2408844
Santa Claus has asked the Boundary Creek Times to help him collect his letters from the West Boundary again this year. In addition to the traditional “Dear Santa” letters, he would love to have letters on “What the holiday season means to you,” or “Your favourite winter memory.” Write your letter and mail it to: Santa Claus c/o The Boundary Creek Times Box 99, Greenwood, B.C.V0H 1J0; drop it off at the Times, 263 South Copper Ave.; or email it to before 12 noon on Thursday, December 17. Remember to put your name and age at the bottom of your letter; if submitting from a school, preschool or daycare, please state which one.
The letters will be published in a special supplement to The Boundary Creek Times on Dec. 24
Definitely nice.
Rock Creek 33rd Annual
Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, December 5 10 am - 3 pm Rock Creek Fair Pavilion Admission: adults $2
Linda Laktin 250-442-9403
Aaron Anthony
Harry Davy 250-442-0466
Gary Smith
Barry Poppenheim 250-449-8276
Ron Woods
Cindy Anthony 250-442-7379
Tammy Schembri
Pete Vanjoff 250-442-7415
Logan Melville
Ken Dodds 250-442-2632
Natalie Sweeney
Gayle Holmes 250-442-7516
Lynn McCoy
(includes one free raffle ticket)
Children: free Sponsored by Bridesville Community Club Lunch by Marianne Arpagaus For more info, please contact Maria Robichaud 250-446-2563