HEARTWARMING: Lacombe FCSS launches holiday programs – PG 3
UNIQUE SOUNDS: A cappella group Cadence to appear in Red Deer – PG 11
DETERMINATION: The Blackfalds Wranglers continue to push through this season – PG 13
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MAGICAL - About 2,000 people turned up to watch the CP Holiday Train pull into Blackfalds on Tuesday night. The train was collecting Zachary Cormier/Lacombe Express donations for local food banks. It also made a stop in Lacombe earlier in the evening.
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Lacombe Community Refugee Effort comes together BY SARAH MAETCHE LACOMBE EXPRESS Plans to bring a Syrian refugee family to Lacombe are beginning to take shape. The newly formed Lacombe Community Refugee Effort is a group of concerned citizens who have come together to work on a refugee project - sponsoring one Syrian family. A group of around 30 people gathered at St. Cyprian’s Anglican Church hall last
Sunday night to brainstorm ideas and form committees to cover all aspects of the new family’s future life in Lacombe. Co-organizer Marlene Ironside said that around double the amount of attendees have reached out via email, noting their interest to participate in the effort. “We want to make a difference to a Syrian family to settle in Lacombe,” said Ironside. “In light of the
PUBLIC NOTICE Land Use Bylaw 300.104
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Lacombe has given first reading to Bylaw 300.104, to rezone Lots 12 & N. Pt. 13, Plan RN9 from R4 – Medium Density Residential to P – Public and Institutional Use. This bylaw affects 5140 53 Street & 5313 52 Avenue, as shown on the map.
Where do I get more information? A copy of the Bylaw may be viewed at www.lacombe.ca or at the City of Lacombe City Hall at 5432 – 56th Avenue during office hours. When is the Public Hearing? If you would like to make comments on the proposed repeal the Council of the City of Lacombe will be holding a Public Hearing in Council Chambers located at 5432 – 56th Avenue, on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 5:30pm.
Syrian refugee crisis, a discussion has begun to consider the option of sponsoring a family in Lacombe. We have learned in our meetings that, if it takes a community to raise a child, it takes a small army of willing, compassionate citizens to successfully sponsor a refugee family.” The small army will assist the family in all aspects of life including securing housing, giving rides to the grocery store and Central Alberta Refugee Effort (C.A.R.E.) in Red Deer, translation services, filling
out forms, childcare and securing a bus pass. The group is applying for sponsorship through a blended visa office referral. “The goal is to engage in a three-way partnership with the Government of Canada, the United Nations and through private sponsorship,” said Ironside. In this arrangement, the federal government supplies funding for the resettlement of the family for six months, followed by the sponsors supplying funding and social, emotional support for another six months. After
All written letters or petitions regarding this amendment are to: (a) be filed with the Chief Administrative Officer no later than 4:30 PM on Wednesday, December 9, 2015. (b) contain the names and addresses of all persons making the presentation, and (c) state the name and address of all persons authorized to represent a group of persons or the public at large. DATE of First Publication: December 3, 2015 DATE of Second Publication: December 10, 2015 For Information contact: Amanda Legros Planning Intern Phone: 403-782-1264 ext.246 E-mail: alegros@lacombe.ca
tling a single refugee to be around $12,000. The cost of a family of four is estimated at $25,000. A timeline was not provided for the family’s selection or arrival in Lacombe. Those who could not attend the meeting, but would still like to be involved or make a donation to the Lacombe Community Refugee Effort can contact Ironside at 403-3501753, call Rod Vandaelle at 403-782-1842 or Betty Cruickshank at 403-7825357. news@lacombeexpress.com
Lacombe Community Food Bank sees increase in demand BY SARAH MAETCHE LACOMBE EXPRESS The Lacombe Community Food Bank has seen an increase in demand over the past few months. General Manager Millie Snow said the food bank located along 53rd St. has seen a recent surge of usage. “We have experienced an increased demand,” she said. Snow added at first the staff at the food bank didn’t notice much of an increase, but over the last couple of months, it’s become highly evident. “We’ve had a lot of new clients,” she said. Those new clients accessing the food bank come from all walks of life, mostly families, but also younger
men, which may be a result from the downturn of the economy, she said. “Some of them are coming in for a one-time thing,” noted Snow. “Others are coming for a longer period of time until they are back on their feet.” Some clients access the food bank daily, in order to collect fresh produce or items from the bakery. For the month of December, clients can receive a Christmas style hamper that includes all the fixings for a turkey dinner, complete with cranberry sauce and a gift card. The food bank has already received a donation of turkeys to fill the Christmas hampers. The food bank holds an annual food drive at the end of October, which brings in a lot of donations to last throughout the year. Schools, churches and other
organizations are also very active in bringing in donations throughout the year. The CP Holiday Train also recently rolled through town and the food bank was able to collect many donations. “The people of Lacombe are very generous,” said Snow. “Even with the way things are, and the demand has gone up, people are even more generous. They support us.” For those looking to donate food items to the food bank, Snow said the organization is always in need of staples like tea and coffee, anything you may need around the house and food items for children’s lunches. Another item the food bank could use during the holiday season is oranges. news@lacombeexpress.com
Write for Rights event to be held this Sunday BY SARAH MAETCHE LACOMBE EXPRESS Amnesty International’s event Write for Rights offers an unique opportunity to make a difference in protecting human rights.
How do I get involved? Any person or group wishing to express their views on the proposed bylaw amendment will be given the opportunity to make a presentation.
a year has passed, the sponsored family may still require assistance. Through the application process, once a family has been found that fits the Lacombe group’s specifications, they will be contacted and have two days to respond. “It will all happen very fast,” said Ironside. This is why the group is gathering volunteers, donations and creating databases, in preparation of the arrival of the family of a maximum of eight. The federal government estimates the cost of set-
MARK YOUR CALENDARS January 1, 2016 will see increased fees for City of Lacombe Planning and Development Services The fee increase is to ensure that the City is competitive with surrounding
municipalities. You are encouraged to submit your application prior to January 1, 2016 for consideration under the old fee schedule. Any permit applied for PRIOR to January 1, 2016 will be charged under the old fee system. City Council is exploring an increase to the Safety Codes Fees (building, electrical, plumbing and gas permits). Proposed changes can also be viewed at the website listed below and you are invited to provide comment to the City by emailing Lyla Peter at lpeter@lacombe.ca. For more information on the proposed fee changes, including a full list of the fee changes, please see the ‘What’s New’ page under the Planning and Development Department’s webpage: http://lacombe.ca/doing-business/planning-and-development-services/what-s-new
A local group in Lacombe will be hosting their own version of the event on Sunday. Co-organizer Therese Thompson said the activism event is an afternoon where a few people gather together to hand write letters to individuals who were unjustly imprisoned across the globe. “We find that handwritten letters, personal letters, are most effective,” she said. “Sometimes it’s (a letter) the only thing that’s positive that they receive.” Write for Rights is an annual campaign where thousands of Amnesty International members and supporters around the globe will send letters, emails and social media messages calling for the release of those who are jailed for their political views, peaceful dissent, in support of victims of torture or to shine a light on other human rights issues. The local group held a Write for Rights event last year and they hope to get a few more people in attendance for this year’s edition. Thompson said all the information from Amnesty International regarding who and where to send letters, to political leaders or sometimes directly to the imprisoned individual, will be supplied to attendees. “It just feels good to be doing something,” said Thompson. “It’s a small thing we can do to make a difference.” The group also writes letters to family members of imprisoned individuals, to offer support. Write for Rights will be held on Dec. 13th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Andrew’s United Church (5226-51st Ave.) Attendees are encouraged to bring paper and a pen. Coffee will be provided. Those who are unable to attend the event can participate online at www.writeathon.ca. news@lacombeexpress.com
Lacombe FCSS launches annual Christmas programs Local organization offers some simple ways to bring holiday cheer BY SARAH MAETCHE LACOMBE EXPRESS
he Christmas season can be a magical, but a busy time of year for many. To help further the spirit of Christmas giving, Lacombe and District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) has launched their annual holiday programs. FCSS Volunteer and Community Services Coordinator Jan Pocock said all three of the Christmastime programs, Santa’s Anonymous, Fill a Fridge and New Coats for Kids, are run by volunteer hours and generous donations. “We are so thankful for this community,” she said. “Without it none of these programs could happen.” Santa’s Anonymous is one of those community programs, that in partnership with Lacombe Kinsmen, brings holiday cheer to children’s faces on Christmas morning. “We are helping families buy those extra Christmas presents, or all their Christmas presents for Christmas morning,” said Pocock. “It’s filling that magical feeling of Santa.” How the program works is families apply through FCSS and provide a list of the children in their home, along with their age, size and some wish list items. Elves at Santa’s Workshop then hand select the gifts for the child and wrap them, ready to go under the Christmas tree. The Kinsmen then pick up the gifts and distribute them to the homes sometime before Christmas. Due to the amount of applications, toy donations are needed in particular for children ages eight and up. Some ideas for donation items could be Lego, games, headphones, electronics or gift certificates. “It’s all very basic stuff,” said Pocock. “Whatever your kid or your grandchild wants, that’s exactly what these children want.” Pocock suggests making a family event out of shopping for toy donations. “Go to the store together and let the children in your life pick out something that they really like and donate that.” Donation drop bins can be found at the Lacombe FCSS office, in the Lacombe Centre Mall and at various stores around the city. Those interested in participating in Santa’s Anonymous are encouraged to apply by Dec. 18th. Fill a Fridge, formerly known as the Lacombe Christmas Food Certificate Fund, is a program that aims to meet a basic need during the holiday season “We are filling your fridge with food at Christmastime,” said Pocock. “It’s a really
SANTA’S HELPERS - From left, Jalissa Thacker and Daniel Thacker took some time on Tuesday night to wrap gifts for Santa’s Anonymous Sarah Maetche/Lacombe Express at Santa’s Workshop in Lacombe. tight time of the year for so many families throughout the Christmas season. What we are simply doing is again, families come in and they apply, based on their income and the number of people they have in their home equals how much money they receive. It’s a voucher, as simple as it gets.” The voucher allows the family to go to the three main grocery stores in Lacombe or some of the smaller grocery stores in surrounding villages and hamlets. Once the family is in the store, the voucher is used like cash, allowing the family to choose whatever food they would like - to have a Christmas dinner, stock their fridge and pantry with the basics, or whatever else they may need. “Everyone deserves to have a merry Christmas and part of having a merry Christmas is having some of that financial strain lifted off of you,” said Pocock. “We want to help our neighbours. We want to help our community members and this is a very simple way to do that by filling that basic need of feeding families.” FCSS will begin distributing the food
certificates on Dec. 15th and they must be used by the end of the month. Another program that runs not only during the holiday season, but throughout the winter months is New Coats for Kids. The long running program is offered from late October to early March, depending on the weather, and is available to children ages zero to 16. “It’s a program where families come in and apply and if they are eligible, then we give them a voucher of money to go to the Sears catalogue store (the Culinary Gift Shoppe) and they can purchase new winter wear for their family,” explained Pocock. Although the program’s title leans towards coats, it’s not limited to just jackets, but it covers all types of winter gear - boots, mitts, scarves, toques - whatever will keep little ones warm. “It’s very important that our children are dressed appropriately for Alberta winters,” said Pocock. “We believe that if children are warm, they are more likely to go outside, play on the playground and make friends. If our children are healthy, our community is healthy, so we
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want active, warm children.” Pocock noted the program has seen a large increase in applicants this year. “We’ve already had as many applicants as of December 1st as we did all of last year,” she said. “Last year we had 20 families and 44 children. I say we’ve met that already.” Although it is based in the City of Lacombe, Lacombe and District FCSS covers all of Lacombe County - stretching from Alix and Mirror, Tees and Clive, across to Bentley. “It’s not just Lacombe,” noted Pocock. “Donations that are made get funneled through Lacombe FCSS but they go to individuals who are in need of assistance throughout the county, as well as the city.” Application forms for any of the three programs can be picked up at 201, 521450th Ave. and are also available at Alix, Bentley and Clive FCSS offices. Donations are accepted online at www. lacombefcss.net or in person at the Lacombe and District FCSS office. For more information call 403-782-6637. news@lacombeeexpress.com
City council trims 2016 operating budget
Blackfalds council passes 2016 budget BY SARAH MAETCHE LACOMBE EXPRESS Town of Blackfalds councillors have passed the 2016 operating and capital budget. Councillors approved the balanced budget on Tuesday night that includes a 1% tax rate increase. The total budget consists of an operating budget of $23,810,953 and a capital budget of $2,188,750. An average home accessed around $313,600 will see a $53 increase in property taxes for the year. Mayor Melodie Stol said the budget is good news and holds no major surprises or challenges. “It’s stable and continues the high level of service in the community,” she said. Stol said council’s goal, as in previous years, is to keep the tax rate increase around or just below the cost of living, acknowledging that anything greater than that, could be difficult for families to meet. “This year we came in at 1 per cent which is actually lower than the cost of living, but we’ve been able to do that mainly because we’ve had such tremendous growth in the community,” she said.
She also atributes the low increase to administration’s effort in giving a detailed look at the budget. “I think we found a good balance between the tax rate and the services that we were able to provide to people,” she said. Stol noted this year the capital budget is a bit smaller than past years, but it still packs a large punch with many needed projects on the list. “For the first time in Blackfalds, an off leash dog park will be constructed,” she said. ” We are working with the Optimist Club to construct a new skateboard park and we have money set aside for that project. We will be restoring a historic home called the Wadey House and that is going to become a visitor information centre as well as act as an operational office space for the Chamber of Commerce and the Historical Society.” Also included is the completion of the the amphitheatre stage in 2016, along with the construction of new ball diamond shelters, road upgrades, the purchase of equipment for winter trail maintenance and a new sign initiative in the community. Other highlights include a
boost to the school resource officer program of $20,000, to expand the contract past June, the creation of a new communications officer position and an increase of $1,400,000 in transfers to reserves. One thing that Blackfalds taxpayers will notice that has increased are the sanitary consumption rates. For 2016, the rate has increased by $9.22 per month, from $4.61 per cubic metre to $13.82 per cubic metre. “The utility rates are going up on the sewer end in order to accommodate the new regional sewer line which we are pursuing with the City of Lacombe and Lacombe County,” said Stol. “We need to start getting those monies ready so we can roll with the project as soon as, what we hope, the province steps forward with some capital support so we can make that project a reality.” Deputy Mayor William Taylor said council and administration have worked hard on the budget. “We worked very hard to come up with a budget that is both responsible and addresses all the concerns that we have,” he said. “When you are growing, you have a lot to deal with.” news@lacombeexpress.com
BY SARAH MAETCHE LACOMBE EXPRESS City council has trimmed the 2016 operating budget after a lengthy discussion. Councillors sat down on Monday night at a committee meeting to discuss how they were going to make up for a revenue shortfall resulting from terminating the Automated Traffic Enforcement Program. Two weeks ago at their regular meeting, council voted to axe the photo radar program, which left a hole of $325,000 in the 2016 operating budget from the estimated revenue generated from the program. “Essentially, after that last meeting we went back and we looked at any further possible savings within the 2016 operating budget,” said the City’s Chief Administrative Officer Norma MacQuarrie. “We were able to reduce fuel costs by $25,664 and we also budgeted for an additional revenue of $25,000 from automated traffic enforcement fine revenues that would filter in after the termination of the program.” With these reductions, MacQuarrie estimated the proposed tax rate increase would sit at 5.29%. Prior to the termination of the photo radar program, council directed administration to build a budget that would have between a 3% and 3.5% tax rate increase. MacQuarrie estimated the budget shortfall to be approximately $250,o00 if council wished to keep a 3% to 3.5% tax rate increase. So it was back to the drawing board and one by one council went through a list of possible deletions or reductions compiled by administration, deliberating and determining which programs, new
positions or items would be cut to make up for the revenue shortfall. Mayor Steve Christie said, after looking at the list, that he did not want to ‘blanket cut’ any of the items. “I thought we had a great budget,” he said. “We didn’t do the full wish list, but we did what we had to. We kept service levels where they were.” Councillor Wayne Rempel agreed with Christie that the previously crafted budget was a good effort. “We had a good budget,” he said. “We came in at a fairly good percentage (tax rate increase). The only thing that did change was photo radar.” Councillor Grant Harder said a tax rate increase of 5.29% was, “not palpable,” and requires a budget reduction. “We have a long way to go,” he said. “I would like to see us reduce it $200,000 to $250,000 like we agreed to. I don’t know if we are able to get there without some radical slashes.” Councillor Reuben Konnik said he reviewed the operating budget once more and identified 40 line items that could be trimmed, revealing $73,000 in savings. These items were passed onto administration to be reviewed over the next week, which could result in more reductions. In the end, council ended up making $170,000 in cuts to bring the tax rate increase down to approximately 3.91%. Savings were realized through cutting the spray patching roads program (a reduction of $25,000), reducing summer parks staff positions from two to one, among other cuts. The 2016 budget will return to council for approval on Dec. 14th at their regular meeting. news@lacombeexpress.com
5019A - 51 St Lacombe, AB T4L 2A3
Sarah Maetche 403-782-5306 news@lacombeexpress.com
Zachary Cormier
OPINION New amendments made to Bill 6 Like a moth to a flame, over the past few weeks controversy has emerged over the provincial government’s proposed Bill 6, the Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act. Rallies, meetings and consultations were held all across the province to help interpret the intent of the Bill and bring concerns to the table. On Monday the government introduced amendments to the Bill and confirmed it was always the government’s intent to not include farmers and ranchers within the context of the Bill. They stated the provisions for farm families were intended to be laid out afterwards in regulations. “Across Alberta, we have heard
farming and ranching families’ concerns,” said Minister of Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Lori Sigurdson. “We know that farming in Alberta is more than a business, it is a way of life. It has always been our intention to preserve that way of life.” The new amendments exclude farm and ranch operations and family members from WCB and OHS rules. Another amendment was made to ensure neighbours are still able to help each other out. It is unclear if these amendments would apply to hired hands or seasonal workers. “Families will be able to teach their children the farming and ranching way of life, as they always have, and neighbours will be able to volunteer to help each other out in times of
need, as they always have,” said Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Oneil Carlier. The Wildrose Opposition has called for consultations with farmers and ranchers before the Bill is passed. “The thousands of farmers and ranchers who have shown up to socalled consultation sessions held on Bill 6 have told the government this is the wrong way to govern,” said Rimbey-Rocky Mountain HouseSundre MLA Jason Nixon. “The government needs to listen to the people, and either refer Bill 6 to committee, or kill it outright.” Nixon questioned whether the amendments would apply to season workers. “I am worried with the uncertainty hanging in the air around Bill 6,
our second largest industry will be directly hurt by the government ramming through this legislation,” he said. A lot of the dissent around the Bill boiled down to miss-communication. The government shouldn’t have to explain the intent of a bill. It should be made clear to the everyday person the first time around, not after a press conference and amendments after the fact. If Bill 6 was not intended to include farm and ranch owners, and not interfere with every day life, why did the the premier and NDP MLA’s allow people to believe so for over a week? Either way, Bill 6 will not be ‘killed’ like some have requested, but it will be passed sometime in the next week with the amendments.
Celebrating our community spirit here in Lacombe Customer Service
Hilary Stone
Tracey Scheveers
The Lacombe Express is a proud newspaper of
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It’s that time of year, when we gather with family and friends to celebrate the season, and for those with more spiritual leanings, a time to rejoice. What a great year we have had here in Lacombe – a year of significant accomplishments and of laying the groundwork for future successes. I feel that we have drawn closer together as a community these past few years, and collectively we are taking great strides towards becoming a more vibrant and sustainable city. We certainly are growing, as evidenced by all the building activity in Shepherd Heights, Trinity Crossing, Metcalf Ridge, Mackenzie Ranch and Elizabeth Park. Lacombe is very lucky to be home to a great number of caring, giving people who show true community spirit by devoting themselves to helping others and to making our city more livable. In
CHRISTIE fact, a recent government report stated that donors from Lacombe and area have the highest median donations. The median across the country was $280 per person compared to $780 per person from the Lacombe region. On that note, I want to recognize our volunteers, community groups and organizations, not only for their tireless efforts throughout the year, but especially their community spirit during the holiday season, as they reach out to those in need. Without their compassion and generosity, Lacombe
would not be such a wonderful place to call home. Thank you all for your many, many contributions and for making a positive difference in so many lives. I am also thankful for the hard work and dedication of my fellow councillors and staff at the City of Lacombe, all of whom are committed to working together with residents to make Lacombe a safe, inclusive and prosperous community. I consider myself fortunate to serve with such dedicated and passionate people who truly care about our city. Thanks to them, 2016 promises to be another positive and exciting year for Lacombe and I am confident that together we can overcome any and all challenges and achieve great things. Finally, I’d like to acknowledge you, the citizens of Lacombe for believing in the promise of our city. I
Lacombe & Blackfalds We want your input. We would like to receive ‘Letters to the Editor’ as well as local story ideas from the community. Please submit to the Lacombe Express editor at
news@lacombeexpress.com or call 403-782-5306
invite you to join us in continuing to create a vibrant and sustainable community in 2016. As I mentioned earlier, we have many things to look forward to in the coming year. We anticipate further construction on the Lacombe Sports and Leisure Complex renovation project, residential neighbourhood growth, as well continued work on the Lacombe Market Square development and the addition of new commercial enterprises to our business sector. We also look forward to the opening of the new Lacombe Police Station next year, which will enable our municipal police force to more effectively serve and protect the community. As we gather to celebrate this holiday season, let us use this time to reflect and count our blessings, and let us be mindful that the greatest gifts we can give to
one another is our time, our love, and our service. Please remember to reach out to your neighbours at this time of year, especially the sick, the elderly, and those who live alone. Try to brighten up the lives of those in need in our community, especially the children, so that they don’t go without this time of year. Finally, I would like to extend a warm welcome to those who have chosen to make Lacombe their new home, and to those who have returned to be with their families this holiday season. I hope you have a great time. On behalf of council and staff, and from my family to yours, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and peace and prosperity in the New Year. May the holidays refresh your spirit, and bring you comfort and joy. Steve Christie is the mayor of Lacombe.
fyi EVENTS The FYI, Community Events Calendar is a free-of-charge service for not-for-profit organizations and upcoming community events within the Lacombe and Blackfalds region. To submit your information, please email news@ lacombeexpress.com, call 403782-5306 or fax 403-782-5344. If you would like your event or organization to be included, please submit your information to the editor by noon, the Monday before the publication date. Christmas Craft Fair: The Blackfalds Community Arts Group is hosting another handmade craft fair just in time for Christmas, Dec. 10th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at After the Grind, 4911 Broadway Ave., Blackfalds. Lacombe Legion Community Breakfast: Dec. 20th from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Legion. Adults, $12/each, Children 12 and under - $3. The Lincoln Hall Society presents its annual Dinner and Entertainment Night on Feb. 5th. Dinner and comedy show, catered by Bob Ronnie and starring Lars Callieou (has opened for Jeff Foxworthy). Doors open at 5:30 p.m., Supper at 6 p.m., Show at 8 p.m. All tickets $50/person. Tickets ready for Christmas giving. Advance sales end Feb. 2nd. Calling all musicians! A jazzy new place to blow your horn or strum your strings - A jam session every second and fourth Thursday from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Lacombe Legion. $2 a person. For more information, call Rod at 403-782-1842. Come join us for an old-fashioned Christmas hymn sing, Sunday, Dec. 13th, 7 p.m. at Parkside Alliance Church, 5846 – 50 Ave., Lacombe. Christmas goodies will be served and we welcome donations for the food bank. Amnesty International “Write for Rights” event on Dec. 13th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Andrew’s United Church, 5226-51 Ave. Lacombe. Bring paper and pen. Coffee
Your weekly Community Events Calendar
provided. Contact Therese Thompson at 403 782 3671. The Tees Christmas Concert and Carol Festival will be held on Thursday, Dec. 10th from 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at the Tees Hall. Please join us for an evening of Christmas entertainment. Participants welcome, contact Carla Kenney at 784-3055 to be included in the program. Santa will be attending for the children. Beverages and potluck lunch which will follow the program. Lacombe Rotary New Year’s Eve Fundraiser: Celebrate the New Year in style on Thursday, Dec. 31st 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Lacombe Memorial Centre. Mid-
visiting. Everyone welcome. The Lacombe Legion is hosting a tour for adults of Canadian battlefields in Holland, Belgium and France from March 25th to April 3rd, 2016. Highlights will include tours of Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris as well as Vimy Ridge, The Juno Beach Center, the Normandy beaches, the home of Anne Frank, Ypres, Passchendaele, Flanders Field and much more. A detailed itinerary including cost is available at the Lacombe Branch of the Legion or you can request one to be e-mailed to you at the e-mail that follows. For more information phone Corvin at 403 357-0377 or email cuhrbach@gmail.com.
St. Andrew’s United Church Adult Choir for those 18 and older. Practices on Wednesdays from 7:15 – 8:30 p.m. Contact Roberta at 403-782-0443 for more information. Cost is free. Invitation to join CNIB Peer Support Group: The Peer Support Group is a program dedicated to helping CNIB clients adjust to vision loss. Feelings of fear, anxiety, intimidation and anger are extremely common in adults who are diagnosed with vision loss. The goal of the group is to help transform these feelings into those of confidence and independence through education and group discussions. The program
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night hors d’oeuvres. Ticket $35 a person. Fundraising event for Veronica Willington. For tickets contact Robbin Huseby 403-391-2750 or Sunny 94 at 403-786-0194. The Lacombe Christmas Farmers’ Markets will be held every Friday morning from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. starting Nov. 13th to Dec. 11th at the Lacombe Memorial Centre. Also there is a special Moonlight Madness sale on Thursday Nov. 26th from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. It’s a great chance to do your Christmas shopping with a hug variety of baking, homemade crafts, local honey, perogies, woodwork, jams, fall veggies, meats, clothing, Philippine spring rolls, jewellery and lots more. Call 403-7824772 for more information. Our vendors are proud to make it, bake it and grow it just for you. The Pine Lake Singers Christmas Concert will be held Sunday, Dec. 13th at 2:30 p.m. at the “Hub” Community Centre. Admission $5. Lunch and
The Parkland Classical Singers, a community choir based in Lacombe, is looking for more members. If you like to sing, please join us. Rehearsals are held on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wolf Creek Community Church, beginning Oct. 15th. Two performances: Christmas 2015 and Spring 2016. For more information, call Carolyn 403-782-7365. The Red Deer Legion Pipe Band is actively recruiting experienced and inexperienced people from the Central Alberta area, who are interested in joining the pipe band. Anyone with piping or drumming experience, or if you would like to learn piping or drumming, are asked to please contact us at 403-782-7183. Practices are held at the Red Deer Legion on Tuesdays at 7:00. St. Andrew’s United Church youth choir for ages five to 18. Meets Thursdays 5:30-6:30 p.m. contact Jessica at 403-352-5486 or jessmick16@gmail.com.
is facilitated by a volunteer who has gone through the process of adjusting to a life with vision loss. The group offers seniors a way to connect to others experiencing similar challenges. Participants receive empowering, practical and useful information about vision loss and how CNIB services can help, as well as suggestions from other participants on how to reduce the impact of vision loss on their daily lives. There is no cost to participate in the program which will meet once per month. The group meets at the Spruce Terrace located at 5002 – 51 Ave. Lacombe Walking Group Wednesdays from 12-12:30 at Medcombe Walk-In-Clinic. No Registration required. Kozy Korner — Tuesday Dinners every week at noon. The hot meal includes dessert and coffee at the Senior Centre. Kozy Korner Music Jam on Sundays from 1:30p.m. to 4 p.m. The next jam is on Dec. 13th.
In the New Year, jams will be on Jan. 10th, Feb. 14th, March 13th and April 10th. Entertainers are free. Lunch goodies by donation. For more information call 403-885-4493. Lacombe Dance Lessons – social and choreographed ballroom dancing. Traditional Two-step or Cha Cha/Jive. For details phone Cliff at 403-782-4094. Quilting and crafts held at Blackfalds United Church on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. Help make quilts or bring your own quilt/ craft to work on. Check out our website at blackfaldsunitedchurch.com or call 403-8854780 for more information. The Lacombe Legion has bingo on Mondays at 7 p.m. in the upstairs hall. Coffee time runs Wednesdays from 9:30-11 a.m. ($2 for coffee, tea and cookies). On Fridays, there are four meat draws and tickets are $2/set of three tickets. Draw starts at 6:30 p.m. On Saturdays, there are four meat draws which start at 4:30 p.m. Chase the ace starts after meat draws. Parkinson Alberta Education offers supports groups for persons with Parkinson disease, family members and caregivers at the following Central Alberta locations: Red Deer, Lacombe, Innisfail, Olds, Three Hills and Castor. Visit www.parkinsonalberta.ca for more information. New to Lacombe? Contact Lacombe Welcome Wagon for free maps, information about the City & area, as well as free gifts from local businesses. New baby in the family? Contact Donna Korpess with the Lacombe Welcome Wagon at 403-7820475 for free information, baby product samples as well as free gifts from local businesses. Youth Unlimited Drop-in Activities: Drop-in activities run every Tuesday from 6 – 9 p.m. with ball hockey on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 – 9 p.m. Girls only drop-in is also Wednesdays from 6 – 9 p.m. Thursdays Grade 3-6 drop-in program runs from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. and Grade 4 and up program from 6 – 9 p.m. Cost is 2$ for drop-in and ball hockey with drop-in 10 passes at $10 and ball hockey season pass at $50.
Library prepares for the holiday season ‘Tis the season. One of my four year olds was being extra helpful last week. He usually has to go to the washroom at clean up time but last class he was helping everyone. I thanked him for his noble efforts and he looked at me and said, “Miss Mary, I have to be really good. I have to make up for a lot of bad! Santa’s watching. I wish my mom had told me sooner.” A little girl then piped up, “I think it’s a little scary but worth it if he brings me what I want.” We were singing Jingle Bells, which is one of their favourite songs, when one little girl said, “I think
POOLE we could sing this all year. This is Alberta you know. It can snow anytime!” Our Santa’s Anonymous book drive is off to a fairly slow start but I have faith that it’s just because people are putting off their Christmas shopping. When you’re out please pick up a new book for a child of
any age and bring it to the library before Dec. 10th. All donations will benefit the Lacombe Santa’s Anonymous. Drop in and purchase some raffle tickets on the incredible playhouse donated by Ridge Stone Homes. This playhouse is worth $3,500 and all proceeds will go to the library for collection development. (Not bill collection, but new books.) The playhouse is on display in the foyer of the LMC. Tickets are $5 each or three for $10. The draw will be made Dec. 18th at 5 p.m. The ultimate Christmas gift. The holiday hours for
the library are as follows closed Dec. 24th-28th. Open Dec. 29th and 30th 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. On Dec. 31st, our hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 1st and 2nd we are closed. We are open on Jan. 4th for regular hours. Registration for the Winter/Spring 2016 Children Programs will begin on Jan. 4th at 10 a.m. Call the library at 403-782-3433 or come in to register. Please no voicemails or emails. We have no time to check them. Classes fill up quickly so register early. There is a one time fee of $5 per family. This session runs from Jan. 12th to May 27th.
The MCMPL book club will be meeting on Jan. 5th at 7 p.m. in the Read and Relax area of the library. We will be discussing Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson. Everyone is welcome. It would be a great New Year’s resolution to join this excellent book club. Please plan on joining us for our next fundraiser ‘Books and Bevies’. We have had to change to date so on Jan. 23rd from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. the MCM Public Library Board will be hosting a gala evening of beer sampling from Blindman Brewing, wine sampling from Chateau Wine and
Spirits, appetizers from HT Catering, a silent auction and live music. (I have still had no word about entertaining so I have to assume the live music means real musicians have been booked). Tickets are $25 per person and available at the library. Get over your winter blues, come support the library and have a great time. Our book this week is The Lake House by Kate Morton. A mystery by one of my favourite authors. Can’t wait to read this one. Mary Poole is the children’s library programmer at the Mary C. Moore Public Library in Lacombe.
Lacombe Daycare is closing its doors After 40 years of providing child care in the community, the Lacombe Daycare is closing its doors. Countless children and families have benefited from their care. Over the years, like many non-profit organizations, there have been both times of triumph and challenge. However, the daycare has reached a point where it is no longer able to sustain operations - reduced enrolment, increased competition and the anticipated life-expectancy of the current facility are the contributing factors. On Nov. 30th the members of the Lacombe Daycare Society voted to dissolve the Society. A presentation was given to all interested members of the Society outlining the historical and current status of the daycare. A question and answer period followed, leading to the unanimous decision to dissolve and effectively close the daycare at the end of the year. “It’s been a privilege to support families
and be part of nurturing young children in our community,” said Shelley Redfern, president of the Lacombe Daycare Society. “The early years are the most critical period in a child’s development.” The Lacombe Daycare Society wishes to thank the parents, staff and all the children who have made the daycare an important public service and a fixture in our community for so long. We would like to acknowledge and thank the City of Lacombe, board members past and present and the many generous donors who have supported the Lacombe Daycare over the years. The last day of childcare offered at the Lacombe Daycare will be Dec. 23rd. Any questions regarding the closure of the daycare or the dissolution of the Society can be directed to the executive director of the Lacombe Daycare at 403782-3477. - submitted by the Lacombe Daycare Society Board of Directors
ALL THAT GLITTERS - The Town of Blackfalds celebrated the light up of the Tayles Water Spray Park last week. The park is now adorned with thousands of lights, set to change in time with different Christmas songs. Sarah Maetche/Lacombe Express
Michelle Gibney In the spirit of the Christmas Season I would like to invite you to my Christmas Open House on Thursday, December 17, 2015 from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm at the Lacombe Memorial Centre in the Lacombe County Room 5214 - 50th Avenue, Lacombe, Alberta Blaine Calkins, MP
Red Deer - Lacombe www.blainecalkinsmp.ca
Michelle is a graduate of Marvel College. Health and skincare are strong passions of hers, as well as the drive to learn new techniques to impress and help better serve her guests. Michelle has recently started a gel nail apprenticeship. Check our Facebook page for her exclusive pricing for December & January!
20% OFF your services if you mention this ad
#5402 - Highway 2A – Lacombe, AB T4L 1L9
(403) 782-7229 www.reflectionsdayspa.ca
Hours: 11 am – 7 pm ..........................Monday 10 am – 8 pm ......................... Tuesday 10 am – 8 pm .................. Wednesday 10 am – 8 pm .......................Thursday 9 am – 5 pm.................. Friday & Sat.
Horoscope ARIES
Mar 21/Apr 20
Apr 21/May 21
Aries, a conversation takes you to a place you did not expect. Now that it’s out in the open, you may be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Don’t hesitate to express yourself.
Taurus, though you usually lean toward being practical, you may find yourself on an unexpected journey this week that highlights your spontaneous side.
May 22/Jun 21
Jun 22/Jul 22
You have several different ways to express your
Cancer, although you may want to swoop in and
creativity this week, Gemini;
help a friend in need, give
you simply have to find the
this person the space he or
outlet that works best for
she needs right now. In the
you right now. Experiment
long run, this approach will
with different options.
prove more helpful.
Jul 23/Aug 23
Aug 24/Sept 22
You have a chance to
Fill-in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box.
Virgo, you may not be
CLUES DOWN (cont.)
push limits and boundaries
able to escape all of your
9. Billiards stick
this week, Leo. Take every
daily responsibilities right
10. More deficient
oppor tunity that comes
now, but you can cer tainly
11. Solomon Islands capital
your way to try something
daydream some of them
new. You never know what
away. Take this chance to
you will discover.
clear your mind.
12. Larval crabs 14. Malta capital 18. Clairvoyance 19. Tomato condiment 21. Alleviation
Sept 23/Oct 23
Oct 24/Nov 22
Libra, you have a knack
It can be frightening to
22. French seaport 25. New Testament 26. Shortened (abbr.)
for avoiding complex
reveal your deepest feelings,
issues that pop up this
Scorpio. However, when a
week. But this will only last
friend comes to you bearing
so long, and before long
his or her soul, you may
you will have to face some
have to dig deep and share
hard decisions.
your own experiences.
29. Employee (abbr.) 30. Opposite of leaving 31. Lip locking 32. Foes 35. Many not ands 36. Covered with healing scrapes 37. Regions 41. Abel’s brother (Bible) 42. Greek Queen of the gods 43. Esau’s descendants (Bible)
44. Canarium ovatum
Nov 23/Dec 21
Dec 22/Jan 20
46. Ribonucleic acid
Health goals become more pressing as various
catching glimpses of what
issues weigh on your mind,
is around the corner,
Sagittarius. Work with a
but you’re not ready to
doctor to develop a plan
take the first step in that
for moving forward in a
direction. This will
healthy way.
happen soon enough.
Jan 21/Feb 18
Feb 19/Mar 20
Your moods are fluctuating regularly, Aquarius. Voice your feelings and it will help you address any insecurities or other issues that are on your mind.
47. Gas usage measurement
Capricorn, you may be
It may seem like you’re working on jobs for others, but behind it all,
48. An oppositional argument
19. Sheathe
40. Systems, doctrines,
52. Gambling
1. Red wine
20. Frightened
7. Best nurse-patient aid
23. Brews
10. Footwear closure
24. Relates
12. Chinese dynasty 1122-
27. Atomic #52
221 BC
28. Up the ante
13. Persuade to one’s side
33. The “Kings’s” initials
45. Seven
3. Settled upon
14. Advocate
34. Lepton
46. Morocco’s capital
4. Common frog genus
15. Mandela’s party
36. Cornmeal mush
47. What a doctor practices
5. Electronic counter-
16. A woolen cap of Scottish origin
you’re actually working
17. About aviation
on yourself, Pisces.
18. Shallowest of the Greats
(British) 38. One who analyzes syntactically 39. Algonquian tribe
theories 41. Herb __, San Francisco columnist 42. Informed about the latest trends
49. Beaks
CLUES DOWN 1. Composition for orchestra and soloists 2. Bulgarian monetary unit
50. In a way, extends
6. Golf ball supporter
51. A number or amount not
7. Divided into 3
8. Crazy (Spanish)
Lacombe Express
deadline: Monday @ noon
CLASSIFIEDS To place an ad, call Toll Free: 1.877.223.3311 or email: classifieds@lacombeexpress.com
Dalton Charles 1921 - 2015 Dr. Dalton Deedrick passed away peacefully in Lacombe Hospital on December 1, 2015. Dalton was born in Didsbury, Alberta, December 30 1921, the only son of Mona and Arden Deadrick. (Dalton later changed the oft mis-pronounced spelling to Deedrick). Upon graduation from Didsbury High School, Dalton worked for Jenkins Groceteria chain before joining the RCAF. Following his graduation as a pilot, he was posted as a Pilot Instructor to bases in Eastern Canada until the end of the war. He then entered University of Alberta, graduating in Dentistry in 1950. He married Kathleen Williamson of Edmonton in 1948 and after his graduation in 1950 they went to Peace River to start his dental practice. In 1954 - with children Linda and Bruce, they moved to Brooks where he practiced briefly, then settled in Lacombe in 1955 and had two more children, Brian and Laurel. Dalton practiced dentistry in Lacombe for 30 some years until his retirement in 1987. Dalton was active in many fields, serving over the years as President of The Central Alberta Dental Society, The Alberta Dental Association and The Lacombe Rotary Club. He joined Rotary in 1956 and served for 50 years and honoured with a Paul Harris Award. He was also president of the Lacombe Flying Club, of which he was a Charter Member and the Lacombe Photography Club. He served as Secretary Treasurer and member of the Alberta branch of The Western Warbirds — one of the highlights of his flying career. He also received a Fellowship in the International College of Dentistry and the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal of Honor. Dalton was an excellent “tinkerer” and could mend or repair almost anything with some scrap he had saved, for just such a job and used to say his friends envied his garage workshop. From the time Dalton received “ his wings” and until a Heart Attack in 1987 more or less grounded him --- he flew. His love of flying took him to nearly every corner of North America, south to Costa Rica, and on one occasion to Britain for a Rotary Convention via light aircraft — small airplanes! In his Harvard days he participated in many air shows in Western Canada over a ten-year period. He took advantage of opportunities to do voluntary dentistry, and spent one to three month stints in Dental Clinics in St Lucia, Jamaica, Jerusalem, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Africa. With the family he spent 18 months in Germany doing Dentistry for the dependents of the Canadian Military personnel. What a wonderful chance for travel!! He also enjoyed fishing, and hunting, from Alberta’s Mountains, to Africa’s Serengeti Plain. And — singing along the way, Dalton joined numerous choirs, from the Richard Eaton singers in University days, Dave Rodger’s Lacombe Male chorus, and Light Opera Group, Central Alberta Theatre’s musical productions and Wild Rose Barbershop Chorus. May times he was heard to remark, “Don’t cry because it is over, but smile because it happened.” Predeceased by his loving wife of 66 years, Kay in 2013 and his youngest grandson Curtis Dulmadge in 2011, Dalton is survived by his daughter Linda and son-in-law Ron Dulmadge, and grandson Christopher; Son Bruce and daughter-in-law, Sandra and grandson Isaac Dahms (Terri) and great-grandsons Caiden and Rylan; Son Brian and Daughter Laurel and sonin-law, Julian Mayne, grandchildren Nicholas and Sally, his “favorite (only) granddaughter!” Dalton’s “credo” was to work for a while, then stop and have some fun. These fun intervals allowed for great travels with family and friends. A Celebration of Life will be held from St. Andrew’s United Church, 5226-51 Ave., Lacombe , AB. on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. Expressions of sympathy may be made by visiting www. wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Lacombe Palliative Care Society, Box 5576, Lacombe, AB, T4L 1X2 or donor’s choice.
Wilson’s Funeral Chapel & Crematorium of Lacombe and Rimbey in charge of the arrangements. Phone: 403.782.3366 or 403.843.3388 “A Caring Family, Caring for Families”
Friday, December 18th, 2015 You are warmly invited to Ann O Open Celebrate A pen Housee ttoo C p
Elsie May Aug. 22, 1921 – Nov. 25, 2015 Elsie May Bryan passed away peacefully Wednesday, November n 25/2015 at the Royal Oak in an Lacombe Alberta. Elsie Bryan kl d Alb t on was born at their home in P Parkland Alberta August 22/1921. Elsie spent most of her years growing up on the farm. During her childhood their family moved a few times, Mazeppa, Caley, Drayton Valley. As a young lady she moved to Milo where she met Norman Bryan. They were married in Calgary on February 19/1941. Their son Dean was born in Vulcan Alberta on Oct 10/1942. In the year of 1942 Elsie found herself listening to the gospel story through Jim McKluskey and Harold Stewart. This took place not far from her home in Milo. She soon made her choice to walk with God through life’s journey. She remained true and committed until the time of her passing. A few years later they moved to Haynes, AB where they farmed. Their daughter Doreen was born December 5/1948 in Red Deer AB. Elsie loved the farm life. She had a passion for her horse Flint where she was often found riding. In later years Elsie moved to Edmonton AB. First to live with her brother Ivan to help care for his three children., then she worked at Nait as a pot washer until she retired. Shortly after retirement she moved to Lacombe. Retirement years brought many good times with family and friends. Elsie enjoyed camping, fishing, garage sales, and traveling. Elsie was pre deceased by her daughter Doreen Latham in July 23/2014, her parents Otis and Pearl Berryman, her 5 siblings, Wilburn, Elvin,Dorris, Dorthy,and Lila. She leaves to mourn her son Dean (Jean) Bryan, their children Leslie, Steven, Shane; Lori (Gord ) Schmidt along with their children Allen (Terri) and their son Lyric. Vicky Schmidt (Chris) and her children Brody and Kaiden. Doreen’s daughter Cynthia (Shayne) Luchsinger along with their children, Rebekah, Vinessa, and Joel. Doreen’s son Troy Latham and his daughter Emily. She will also be missed by her sister Audrey, brother Ivan, many nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral Service was held at Wilson’s Funeral Chapel on Tuesday Dec 8, 2015 at 1:00 pm. Condolences may be made by visiting www.wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca Wilson’s Funeral Chapel & Crematorium serving Central Alberta with locations in Lacombe and Rimbey in charge of arrangements. Phone: 403.782.3366 or 403.843.3388 “A Caring Family, Caring for Families”
Coming Events
Over 45 tables crafts, jewelry, food & Christmas decor. 10 - 4 every Saturday until Christmas Parkland Garden Centre 3 minutes East of 30th Avenue on Hwy 11
THE LLOYDMINSTER EXHIBITIONS Pride of the Prairies Bull Show and Sale. March 6 - 7, 2016. Traditional halter and pen format. Entry deadline: January 5, 2016. For more information: www.lloydexh.com. 306-825-5571 or email Sam: sam@ lloydexh.com.
between 1 – 4 p.m. at his home
Coming Events
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Starting at 25 words for $53.55 Call toll free 1-877-223-3311 or Local 403-309-3300
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Eclipse Pork Ltd.
15 minutes SE of Lacombe, AB (SW 26-39-25 W4) requires Swine Technicians (NOC 8252/8253) for its swine operation. Positions are full time. Duties will include feeding, record keeping, health checking, loading/unloading, maintain barn hygiene and other duties as required. Candidates should have completed high school and have 2 years experience working with livestock. Wage range offered is $15 - $18/hr. and 45 hours/wk. In addition to this, we have a comprehensive beneÀt package including health and dental care along with short and long term disability coverage. Our company also has a RRSP pension plan. If interested in making an application, please e-mail paragonp@telus.net or fax resume to Paragon Pork Management Ltd. 403-885-2792 You can sell your guitar for a song... or put it in CLASSIFIEDS and we’ll sell it for you! Buying or Selling your home? Check out Homes for Sale in Classifieds
10 LACOMBE EXPRESS Antique Dealers and Stores
OLD COUNTRY ROSE ANTIQUES NOW OPEN Tues. - Sat. 10-5. Quality antiques, collectibles and vintage items. 5057-50 Ave. Rimbey, AB.
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Manufactured Homes
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HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Spring- Buildings thrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas For Sale METAL ROOFING & SID- for feed. Buying damaged ING. 32+ colours available STEEL BUILDINGS. or offgrade grain. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On at over 55 Distributors. 40 â&#x20AC;&#x153; Really Big Sale - Year Farm Pickupâ&#x20AC;? Westcan year warranty. 48 hour end Clear Out!â&#x20AC;? 21 x 22 Feed & Grain, Express Service available $5190. 25 x 24 $5988. 1-877-250-5252. at select supporting 27 x 28 $7498. 30 x 32 Distributors. Call $8646. 35x34 $11,844. You can sell your guitar 1-888-263-8254. 42 x 54 $16, 386. One for a song... or put it in CLASSIFIEDS end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422; and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll sell it for you! www.pioneersteel.ca.
MEIER GUN AUCTION. Saturday, December 19, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Over 150 guns - handguns, riĂ es, shotguns, hunting and sporting equipment. To consign 780-440-1860.
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Travel Packages
SAVE 30% on our Greenland and Wild Labrador Voyage until December 18, 2015. See Labrador as it was meant to be seen - By Sea Aboard the comfortable Ocean Endeavour. No extra charge for singles! Quote Community Newspapers! Call toll free 1-800-363-7566 or visit: www.adventurecanada .com. (TICO #04001400).
Buying or Selling your home? Check out Homes for Sale in Classifieds
ROUND BALES - Hay, green feed, straw and bulk oats. Delivery available. No Sunday calls please. Phone 403-704-3509 or 403-704-4333.
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Mobile Lot
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Lots For Sale
Â&#x2021; Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2013; Â&#x2018;Â&#x2C6; Â&#x203A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D; Â&#x2018;Â?Â?Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2039;Â&#x2013;Â&#x203A;ÇĽ
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Please forward resumes by December 15,2015 to: Lacombe Ponoka Constituency OfĎ?ice #101 4892 46 Street Lacombe, AB T4L 2B4 Fax 403 782 3307
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A cappella group Cadence to make Red Deer appearance BY KALISHA MENDONSA LACOMBE EXPRESS Described as Canada’s premiere vocal group, Toronto-based Cadence performs in Red Deer Dec. 13th at Victory Church (98 Oberlin Ave). Show time is 7:30 p.m. This a cappella ensemble has been wowing audiences across the country and around the world for nearly 20 years. Whether performing at sold-out jazz clubs and concert halls, at music festivals, for educational outreach, or for corporate functions, the members of Cadence bring an infectious energy and uncanny verve to every song they sing. The band is made up of David Lane (baritone and bass), Ross Lynde (tenor), Lucas Marchand (tenor) and Kurt Sampson (bass and vocal percussion). They each bring many years of training and performance experience to create a rich musical event appropriate for all ages. “I’m pretty excited to be performing in Red Deer. It’ll be the first time a lot of my friends and family will get to see me do my thing,” said Lane, who is originally from Red Deer. He added this show is important to him because it brings him back to his roots of jazz choir at Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School. “We’re doing the show with the Lindsay Thurber Jazz Choir. We’re going to do a clinic/workshop event with them during the day and then they are going to come to the show and sing at least one song with us, maybe two, and probably a couple on their own,” he said. “I sang in that jazz choir when I was in high school. When I was in high school in that choir, we were listening to Cadence, the group I’m in now. We’d listen to them and were really excited about their music. It’s pretty cool that I sing with these guys now and we’re going back to do a show with the Lindsay Thurber choir.” Cadence has produced four critically acclaimed studio albums, Cool Yule (2011), Speak Easy (2010), Twenty for One (2005), and Frost Free (2000). They have won or been nominated for numerous awards, including three nods from the Juno Awards and 10 from CARA, the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards. As the newest addition to Cadence, Lane said he has thoroughly enjoyed getting to take part in the group he once admired as a teen. “When I first joined, I was in this crazy sort of honeymoon stage, where I was
POLISHED - A cappella group Cadence set to perform at Victory Church this month. like, ‘Oh my god I’m singing with this group that I idolized in high school’. I was really nervous to even meet them the first time when I went to audition,” Lane laughed. “Over time, that’s kind of just transitioned into feeling very fortunate that I get to make music with these guys. They’re a very talented group and it’s been really awesome performing with them.” Cadence’s live shows are always a hit. They feature a hypnotic blend of complex harmonies, intricate arrangements, vocal dexterity and just plain fun. Onstage antics and audience participation are par for the course at any Cadence show, but so too is a mesmerizing display of musical genius. The group recently returned from Europe, where they performed in Germany, Slovakia and Italy. The group tours far and wide, but Lane says they are looking to create more of a presence in Alberta. Lane said he enjoys being able to travel and perform, learning about the
industry as he goes. “I think the biggest thing I’ve learned from being in the group so far is all of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes that doesn’t have to do with the music specifically,” he said. “I’ve learned a lot about music business - booking gigs, setting things up, making connections with people - all of that stuff that I didn’t really have an insider’s view of before.” He added it’s a big deal for him to be able to perform with his old high school group in his hometown for friends and family. Cadence’s members hail from all across Canada, but Lane said they always try to incorporate local music into their performances abroad. “We’re from different places but we all have a similar education and musical background. We’re all into jazz music and use that, as well as some folk and pop music. When we were in Taiwan, we did this hilarious clubbing song - a Top 40, dance, Taiwan pop song. We just did a little piece of it - maybe 30 seconds -
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and people went crazy every time,” he laughed. The group performs with chemistry and energy, making their live performances memorable and enjoyable for the audience. The members are each extremely talented and well trained. Their vocal abilities blend and compliment each other to create a unique, powerful sound. Lane said they would love to sell out and that he’d like to see some familiar faces at the event. It is rare for the group to perform in Alberta, making this particular show quite meaningful to him. “We’re hoping to establish more of a standing in Alberta so that we can come out there more often. We go to B.C. usually once a year, but don’t really go to Alberta much,” he said. This world-renowned a capella group will hit Red Deer for one night only for a memorable performance at Victory Church. For tickets, visit cadence-unplugged.com/tour-schedule. kmendonsa@reddeerexpress.com
Minor surgeries that can sometimes end in disaster There is one fundamental rule in surgery, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ Why? Because as one of Harvard’s great neurosurgeon once remarked, “There is no such thing as minor surgery, but there are a lot of minor surgeons.” He could have added that minor surgery can also result in needless tragic deaths. And that one major operation can be avoided. The best adult example is Joan Rivers, the comedian, who allegedly had undergone several cosmetic face lifts and joked about it. But she had one too many and died of cardiac arrest during the operation. The youngest tragedy is the newborn baby who recently suffered a circumcision, apparently unwanted by his parents. He died from hemorrhage. For some families the decision for circumcision is important. They believe it should be performed for religious or for medical reasons. But if that’s not the case remember, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” One lame argument for circumcision is that it pre-
Dr. Gifford
JONES vents cancer of the penis, an extremely rare problem. Another reason is that this procedure decreases the number of urinary infections during the first year of life. But it also decreases the pleasure of sex for the next 75 or more years as the foreskin is loaded with blood vessels and nerves! There’s also a general belief that foreskin covers only a small surface of the penis, but once removed the skin measures three to five inches in length. That’s about half of the total skin of the penis. What about complications? Compared to brain surgery circumcision is a minor procedure normally without bad results. But no surgical procedure, to my knowledge, has been devised, regardless of how minor, that is without some untoward results. The world’s medical
journals are full of reports of a variety of surgical mishaps. The vast majority of severe complications are not acts of God, but due to technical errors made during the procedure. A primary problem is the incorrect use of the circumcision clamp. In some cases an excessive amount of skin is pulled into the clamp resulting in injury, not only to the shaft of the penis, but also to the urinary tube (urethra) that runs through it. In one case, the traumatic complication resulted in amputation of part of the penis. Traumatic injuries to the penis and urethra often result in urinary stricture and difficulty passing urine. Or, the injury may result in a urinary fistula in which urine is discharged through an abnormal opening. These complications are not easy to repair so what starts as a ‘minor’ procedure becomes a major one. There have been bizarre problems that one would think could never happen. For instance, one newborn screamed with such intensity that his stomach ruptured requiring emer-
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gency surgery. Another died from a bleeding disorder. It’s easy to see how this could occur since blood coagulation studies are not routinely done prior to circumcision. My reaction to circumcision is that unless it’s needed for religious or other reasons, it’s a barbaric and somewhat sadistic procedure. Yet doctors continue to do circumcisions without giving much thought to unintended consequences. Some argue that circumcision violates the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. I concur as these helpless newborns have absolutely no say in this matter. It’s also little wonder they scream in pain. I question how many males would agree to circumcision later in life if informed of the consequences and performed without anesthesia! What major surgery can often be avoided? Today, gallbladder stones are often accidentally discovered during ultrasound tests done for other conditions. Small stones often cause trouble by entering the cystic duct that carries
bile to the small intestine. This can result in severe pain and require emergency surgery. However, large stones cannot escape from the gallbladder and can re-
main quiescent for a lifetime. The best treatment for these stones is the crematorium. For comments, email info@docgiff.com.
SWEET TREAT - The Grade 2 French immersion class from Ecole J. S. McCormick sang two songs in French, including one about the tasty winter treat hot chocolate during the 60th Rotary Carol Festival last week.
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Sarah Maetche/Lacombe Express
SPORTS Blackfalds Wranglers look to step up their game BY ZACHARY CORMIER LACOMBE EXPRESS The Blackfalds Wranglers have been struggling to put the puck in the net this season. After a string of injuries that saw them lose several of their top scorers, the Wranglers have been caught in limbo in regards to their scoring. “We’re just not scoring goals, bottom line,” said Head Coach Sean Neumeier after a 4-1 loss to the Mountain View Colts in Blackfalds on Tuesday night. After a fairly strong start to the season that saw them defeat the Airdrie Thunder (17-6-1) 8-1 in their season opener, the Wranglers have had just an 8-9-3 record, not exactly reminiscent of the team that went all the way to the league final last season. “You can’t win if you score one goal, that sums it up. Our power play is 0-100 it feels like. I don’t know the last time we scored a power play goal, it was probably three or four games ago. It makes a big difference,” Neumeier said. In fact, the last time Blackfalds scored on the power play was on Dec. 2nd against Ponoka. Since then, Blackfalds has not scored on the power play, including a not too great 0-11 performance in Strathmore last Saturday night. Blackfalds is currently tied with Three Hills for the lowest goal differential in the league for teams with winning records at just plus-nine. Neumeier said that offense will come with time. “It’ll come. We’re playing with three lines, we’re playing short, we’re playing hurt. Christmas can’t come fast enough. “Once Christmas comes and we get two weeks to rest and recoup, well, we’ll see where we’re at. It’s hard to address where you’re at when we don’t have a clue.” After this week’s losses, the team falls to just a .500 win percentage. But the season isn’t without its bright spots. Veteran forwards Bryce Boguski, Wally Samson and Andrew McLennan are all scoring at a point per game pace, which for a team that is struggling offensively is huge. The team has also been competitive in games. Tuesday night’s game was a good example, as Blackfalds not only kept pace with the HJHL North division leading Colts, they out shot them 32-30.
DETERMINATION - Curtis Rangen, left, of the Blackfalds Wranglers fired a shot on Mountain View Colts’ goaltender Jake Carlson while defenseman Clinton Armitage tried to defend during regular season action at the Blackfalds Multiplex on Tuesday night. Mountain View won the game 4-1 despite being outshot by the Wranglers 32-30. Zachary Cormier/Lacombe Express “We played the top team in the league and we were right with them. Shorthanded. So you can’t tell me that we’re not right there,” Neumeier said. Realistically, Blackfalds is still in a good position to challenge for a playoff spot. They’re sitting in the fifth and final playoff spot in their division and with Stettler (6-16-2) and Ponoka (6-15-1) floundering at the bottom of the league, it’s unlikely the Wranglers will miss the playoffs. “All you have to do in this league is make the playoffs. Everybody’s so close. Anybody can beat anybody this year so you make the playoffs you’ve got a 50-50 chance to win the league,” Neumeier said. The team’s goaltending has also been solid. The tandem of Nicolas Herrebrugh and Klay Munro have posted save percentages of .897 and .902 respectively.
“They’ve been doing their jobs. They’ve got good numbers but it’s the wins and losses that we need,” Neumeier said, adding it’s tough for a goalie to win games without offensive support. “There’s not much you can say when you’re only scoring one goal. It’s not their fault. They can’t score goals too, so until we put up four or five it’s never their fault.” Saturday night’s game against Mountain View was one of those games. The Wranglers out shot the Colts 3230, putting on a strong showing in the second half of the game, but weren’t able to beat Colts’ goaltender Jake Carlson. Many of their shots in the third period in particular were not high quality scoring chances. On the other end of the ice, Blackfalds goalie Munro held his own, but the Colts’ offense is one of those that is just so ex-
plosive that you really have to out-score them rather than hope to contain them. While the answer for the Wranglers may not seem clear, Neumeier said the team is just going to ride it out. “We’re going to get healthy. Eventually we’re going to get healthy. It’s a matter of time. We’ve got five cards so we can add five guys yet too. So we’ve got lots of time to add guys. It’ll help. We need some guys - we’re playing shorthanded all the time so we’re looking and we’re trying to get healthy.” Neumeier added a couple of the team’s offensive threats are close to being ready. “We’re close. We’ve got guys that are getting really close to coming back.” Next up for the Wranglers is a Saturday night showdown against the third place Red Deer Vipers. That game kicks off at 8 p.m. at the Red Deer Arena.
Do you want your team covered? Send contact info, rosters and schedules to news@lacombeexpress.com
Annual Icebreaker tourney this weekend in Lacombe BY ZACHARY CORMIER LACOMBE EXPRESS The Central Alberta Sting’s AA teams are gearing up for their annual Icebreaker Tournament in Lacombe this weekend. Lacombe’s Barnett Arenas will play host to elite level ringette teams all throughout this weekend, including teams from all over Alberta and some from out of province as well. “It’s basically our association tournament that we host every year,” said Greg Lunn, the President of the CA Sting Ringette Club. The tournament will feature AA teams in divisions ranging from U14 to U19. “All the AA teams from Central Alberta are coming. We do have some teams from Manitoba coming out too,” Lunn said. The tournament, which kicks off this Friday morning, will feature eight teams in each age group competing in a round-robin format. Central Alberta will be
represented by the U14AA Sting and the U16AA Sting as well as two teams at the U19 level, as this year there will be an open level team competing in that division. Lunn said the Central Alberta teams all have a good chance of bringing home the gold medal. “It depends on the weekend, where we’re at with all of the teams in the province. We see these teams quite a bit. We start out in November in Edmonton and we play here in December and then we go to Calgary and then provincials in February, so everyone’s just getting their teams ready and trying to get ready for provincials at the end of February,” he said. When asked why the association chooses to host their Ice Breaker Tournament halfway through the season, Lunn said the purpose is actually different than what the name might suggest. “It was just a name that was always associated
OUTDOOR FUN - From left, Dallas Coon tried to skate around Ashley Richard during a pickup game of hockey at the outdoor rink in Blackfalds. It was one of the first times of the year the rink has been frozen over and a number of Blackfalds residents jumped at the opportunity to grab their skates and hit the ice. Zachary Cormier/Lacombe Express with the tournament. I don’t know why it’s called Icebreaker, I think it was just a name that was thrown out there,” he said. “Basically it’s something that Central does because the one in Edmonton is hosted by ERC and then we host one in Central and then the one in Calgary is hosted by Calgary. More than anything it’s a timing thing,” he said. In minor hockey, especially at the lower levels, tournaments are more of a chance to play teams
DEVELOPMENT PERMITS Current to December 10, 2015
Permitted Use Take notice that the following development permits have been approved as PERMITTED USES in that they conform in every respect to the Land Use Bylaw: DATE
December 10
4005 52 Avenue
Addition to Truck Wash
Discretionary Use Take notice that the following DISCRETIONARY USE Permits have been approved: DATE
December 10
6730 University Drive - North Hall
Demolition of Building
December 10
5620 52 Avenue
Demolition of a Detached Dwelling
December 10
5140 53 Street
Demolition of a Church, Office, and Hall
December 10
4718 Highway 2A
Light Auto Repair and Service
Documents pertaining to the development permits may be inspected at City Hall, 5432-56 Avenue, during regular business hours. Anyone claiming to be affected by the approval of the Permitted Uses with Variances or Discretionary Uses may submit an objection within 14 days from the date of notice. The appeal must be in writing, accompanied with a $50.00 fee and be directed to: Lacombe Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Attn: Secretary to the SDAB, 5432 - 56 Avenue Lacombe, AB T4L 1E9
from outside of the league and brush up a little bit in games that won’t affect the league standings. But they tend to mean quite a bit more for AA ringette players. “Most of our AA teams play in a Black Gold or a Calgary league. The U14’s would play in a U16A league just to get to be able to see other teams playing at a little higher calibre. But at the end of the day it’s all exhibition games until provincials. There’s no actual AA league,” Lunn said.
The same holds true for all age groups. So for AA ringette teams, tournaments are the only time the players get to compete against the teams they will see in provincials. “It’s a stepping stone all the way through. It’s a good time that all the Central teams get to go head to head,” he said. This year, the tournament will also feature a Christmas themed silent auction that will include homemade crafts that the
tournament committee has put together. “We have a good group of people that step up and help. We have a committee that’s looked after doing all the volunteer positions and manning the front tables, 50/50 draws, all that kind of stuff,” Lunn said. The tournament kicks off on Friday morning at 9 a.m. and will run all day Friday and Saturday at the Barnett Arenas before wrapping up with the finals on Sunday. zcormier@lacombeexpress.com
Find the Right Fit initiative to launch BY ZACHARY CORMIER LACOMBE EXPRESS Residents in Lacombe no longer have an excuse not to get out and get active. The City of Lacombe’s Find the Right Fit initiative will allow residents the opportunity to try a variety of different kinds of fitness programs at no cost. “What we’re trying to do is we’re trying to give everyone the opportunity to try the different options that are available in Lacombe,” said Sonya Beauclair with City of Lacombe Recreation. Beauclair, who spearheaded the initiative, said opening up all of the different options gives people a chance to find a fitness program that fits their personal needs. “We know that everyone likes or needs different things to get the most out of their exercise so we’re just trying to give them the chance to try it and find out what’s going to work best for them,” she said. The program, which launches on Jan. 1, 2016, will see a number of different fitness facilities in Lacombe open their doors and offer something for free to the public one day per month. “Some of them have different classes,
some of them are open all day and some of them have different times that they would be able to be open to the public,” Beauclair said. Those facilities are not limited to Cityowned ones either. CrossFit Lacombe, Lacombe Yoga, Dancers Edge, and the Burman University gym are all among the facilities that will be participating in the program. “The City only has a swimming pool, so that really kind of limits what people can do,” Beauclair said. “I guess we’re just hoping that they’ll try everything and see what they like because, I mean, fitness sometimes feels like a chore, so if it’s something that you enjoy doing or that you’re going to look forward to then you’re more likely to continue with it.” The goal of the program, she said, was to get Lacombians more interested in getting active. “Our overall goal is to just to have more people, more active, more often.” The initiative will run all year through 2016. For more information and a full list of programs visit www.lacombe.ca/choosewell and click on the Find the Right Fit tab. zcormier@lacombeexpress.com
LUXURIOUS - With its en suite bathroom and large window, this airy master bedroom at an Abbey Master Builder show home in Lacombe would be perfect for any couple. Zachary Cormier/Lacombe Express
Use winter to make way for exciting design changes It is a grey day, a kind of day which invites you to pull out a blanket and huddle beneath while you watch a favorite movie or read an all-consuming book. A day like today it is hard to find motivation and it is easy to try to forget that the world exists and that sunshine and mild days are ahead. It can be difficult to see past today and gain the positive perspective that you need to begin to create projects and to begin to plan for work either on your home or in your life but today might be a good day to start that wish list for things you want to do going forward – when your outlook is a little more sunny! I met a wonderful couple last weekend who were planning ahead for their winter project in their home. They saw the days of being inside more often looming before them and they proactively started a plan to freshen up their home this winter with paint and possibly
WYSE a new tweak in their kitchen. It was inspiring to see their organization going forward into this project and it made perfect sense to paint the house while the garden didn’t need tending and while the urge to be outside was considerably less! Every so often, people get stuck in a mind set when it comes to decorating their homes. This couple had painted several times and were still not satisfied with the colours. On first glance the home is lovely, well cared for and finished with beautiful furnishings – I wondered in the first few
minutes of the consult if I could actually give any good advice on this attractive home! My client started pointing out decorative elements in her home that she had owned for years, even decades and it became clear that the design issue was these few items that were hanging around her home that had outstayed their welcome. We all have those elements in our possession, projects we put our heart and soul into or items we had customized and are nervous to let go. I had a customized bedding set for years that I knew I didn’t like and was tired of painting around when I finally allowed myself to give it away. It wasn’t an easy decision because the duvet and cushions had cost so much to make but I realized that 10 years of painting my bedroom the same colours over and over was done and that I want-
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ed a fresh start. This item wasn’t sentimental or cherished, it was just a bed cover that I once loved but it had served me well and it was time for a new injection of colour. You may have items like this in your home, those pieces that you seem to keep moving around or decorating around even though you don’t really love them anymore. If you are nervous about getting rid of them completely then consider carefully packing them away and then soldier on to your new design plan. It helps clear the clutter, literally and figuratively and allows you to see your room in a new light and gives you the freedom to design in a completely new direction. The plan for tomorrow might be clearing out the old and unwanted today! Kim Wyse is a local freelance designer. Find her on Facebook at ‘Ask a Designer’.
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