CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, December 10, 2015
Breaking news at
Vol.12 • Issue 50
Barry Brown
om H
Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.
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1451 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC
Annual Light Up the hospital campaign begins See page 15
See page 10
ge ta an
Rauni Naud
Advisor, Member of the Million Dollar Round Table
dv eA
Help reunite family for Christmas
Holiday Train is coming to town See page 23
Mr. and Mrs. Claus stop by Winterfest Story on page 2
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.
Nancy Trotman Mortgage Broker
250-365-9513 888-998-9513 Encouraged by the warmer weather and promises of a great parade people in boots and toques expectantly lined Columbia Ave. Friday night. Following the Winterfest Photo by Betsy Kline parade, children lined up to meet Santa and Mrs. Clause.
Board of Education elects new officers for 2016 CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News
Carmen Harris
Your HometownRealtor
Elections The board of education of School District No. 20 elected its officers for the period of Dec. 1, 2015 to Nov. 30, 2016. Teri Ferworn was elected chairperson and BC Public School Employers Association representative,
and Rosann Brunton was elected vice-chairperson, as well as alternate BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA) Provincial Council representative and alternate BC Public School Employers Association representative. Toni Driutti was elected BCSTA Provincial Council representative. Bus replacement The school board received a response from the
province regarding it’s request for four new school buses, but only received funding for one. The province will supply $134,935 for a new bus, but it “could not fund all [the district’s] requests for school buses this fiscal year.” “The bus that is going to be replaced is a bus that we are having some mechanical issues with and is showing some rust,” said Natalie Verigin, secretarytreasurer. “The three that the ministry has not chosen CONTINUED ON A3
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Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Twentieth Winterfest stirs up holiday spirit
FRIDAY, DEC 11, 2015 6:00 - 9:00 PM SATURDAY, DEC 12, 2015 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM KOOTENAY STUDIO ARTS, 606 VICTORIA ST
Your search for the perfect one-of-a-kind treasure for under the tree is over. Join Kootenay Studio Arts alumni and current students at the Annual Winter Show & Sale to discover unique creations in ceramics, blacksmithing, jewelry and textiles. While you browse, take time to check out the displays of student work from four of the KSA programs.
BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY NOW AND FOREVER The Community Foundation of Castlegar and District exists to improve the quality of life in Castlegar & District by developing permanent endowments, making responsible grants & inspiring leadership. Visit our website for info on how to become a member and help build a better community.
The foundation of my community starts with you and me . . . Your local community foundation helps guide your financial support to where it will have the greatest impact. Connect with us to discover the best way to contribute to make your community a better place.
Castlegar celebrated its twentieth Winterfest with a visit from Santa and Mrs. Clause, music, choir performances, lights, a parade, and community spirit Friday night. Photos by Betsy Kline
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Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A3
Changes coming to waste collection BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
Castlegar city council has awarded a garbage and recycling collection contract to Waste Management for a term of seven years. The company has held the city’s garbage contract for a number of years. The contract marks the beginning of changes to the city’s waste collection system. The new system is scheduled to roll out in April and will see a switch to bi-weekly garbage collection. The city will be purchasing bear resistant carts that will be issued to residents. The funding for the carts will come from the Gas Tax Reserve Fund. The standard size for the wheeled carts will be 64 gallons, but residents can request a smaller one if they find it too large for their needs. Arrangements can also be made to purchase an extra cart if
residents find the 64 gallon one is not large enough for them. Recycling collection will remain bi-weekly. The change will be that it will now be a dual stream system meaning that the recycling is separated by the home owner into two separate blue boxes that will also be supplied by the city. Glass will no longer be collected, but a centralized collection bin will be set up. There will be no change to yard waste collection, curbside collection will occur twice annually and the drop off location behind the Castlegar Complex will remain in operation. In addition council will be considering subsidizing compost containers during the 2016 budget process. A substantial communication and education program will be undertaken to help residents understand how to handle waste within a bi-weekly collection program and how the recycling changes will affect them.
2953 Waldie Ave 10:00 Sharing / Study 11:00 Main Service Robson, BC
Dec 11th - Stickybuds - w Marty FunkHauser Dec 12th - Inspectah Deck (Wu-Tang)
Police briefs Bus decision
Break and enter Castlegar RCMP are continuing to investigate a business break and enter that occurred overnight on Nov. 28. Suspects broke into the business by entering through an adjacent business’ wall. The business’ alarm activated and the suspects fled with no merchandise. Pedestrian MVA On Nov. 30 at approximately 11 a.m., Castlegar RCMP responded to a pedestrian MVA on Columbia Ave. and Fourth St. A 66-year-old female was struck by a car in the intersection. She suffered minor injuries and was not taken to hospital. The 78-year-old driver of the vehicle was given a ticket under the Motor Vehicle Act for failing to yield to a pedestrian. “We would like to remind drivers to be mindful of crosswalks and persons near them, regardless if there are lights and if they are lit up or not. Pedestrians should also be aware of oncoming vehicles and be assured that the vehicle is coming to a stop at the crosswalk before stepping out,” said Sgt. Laurel Mathew of the Castlegar RCMP. Animal cruelty charge A 56-year-old Castlegar woman has been charged
after a witness saw her allegedly being cruel to an animal and called the RCMP. Investigation revealed that the cat had been suffering from medical issues. It appears the animal had been suffering from the medical issues for an extended amount of time before ultimately being abandoned in the bushes. According to Sgt. Mathew, the charges she faces are wilfully permitting unnecessary pain, suffering, or injury to an animal, and wilfully neglecting or failing to provide suitable, adequate food, water, shelter and care. Mathew reminds the public that pet owners are responsible for the health and well being of their pet, and required to provide proper medical attention if their animal needs it. There are sections in the Criminal Code that will hold negligent pet owners accountable for the care (or lack thereof) of their animal. “It is a criminal offence to cause an animal distress by abandoning it,” said Sgt. Mathew. “There are also similar provisions in the Protection of Cruelty to Animals Act which stipulate that persons responsible for animals must protect them from being in circumstances that are likely to cause the animal to be in distress.”
CONTINUED FROM A1 to replace this year have met the kilometers or the age requirement, but we have not noted there was anything physically wrong with them.” In the past the ministry would consider replacing buses that had been driven over a certain number of kilometers or that were of a certain age. Verigin said they hadn’t heard from the ministry why there is less funding this year, but suspects it’s because they’ve increased the routine capital. “If you recall, the routine capital expenditures were originally set to be about $20 million in the province, and they ended up issuing $35 million in projects, so my thoughts are that they’ve just held back some money from the buses,” she said. On hearing this, Mark Wilson, board trustee representing Trail, raised safety concerns and proposed sending a letter to the province voicing this concern. “If the government had sort of set criteria as to when they were going to replace buses … it must have met some criteria when they talked to mechanics and other people,” he said. “Now for them to just say it’s a money saving issue, is it putting us in any harm? And if so, we have to have it noted that we’re not happy with it.” Greg Luterbach, superintendent of schools, cautioned the board against citing safety as a concern.
“I’m not sure I would recommend to the board mentioning safety. The buses that are on the roads today, they are safe, so you know, I don’t want to cause panic out there that the buses aren’t safe,” he said. “But probably the fact that they’re being used longer does put pressure … on our mechanics.” Darrel Ganzert, board trustee for Fruitvale, Montrose and Electoral Area A, requested that the board make no mention of motive in the letter, as they had no way of knowing for sure why the money wasn’t available. The board decided to “write the ministry expressing concerns about non-replacement of buses as per the traditional replacement schedule.” Verigin noted that the three buses that will not be replaced are working fine, and can be put on the list to be replaced next year when the province anticipates “a larger program that will address a greater number of requests.” Enrollment report The school district is up 14.375 full-time equivalent students from Oct. 2, which Luterbach said is unprecedented. “I can honestly say I’m not sure we’ve ever been up, in ten years that I’ve been to SD20 board meetings, at the end of November,” he said. “We typically kind of peak in October and then slowly decline throughout there, so I think it is a sign of changing times.”
- w guests- On Sale Soon!
Dec 18th - Selkirk Music College Celebration Dec 19th - BCDC’s Christmas Crank-Off
- w La Chinga - On Sale Soon!
Dec 26th - SubSoul Boxing Day w Erica Dee + Friends Dec 31st - The Dirty Gramophones New Years Bash Jan 2nd - Easy Glistening w Shiny Things & Friends Jan 29th - Humans w guests Jan 30th - Rob Garza (Thievery Corporation) DJ set w Footprints
Help tell the story of Selkirk’s 50 years A commemorative book tracing the history of the Selkirk College is being produced as a component of the year-long 50th celebration. This is just one of many events and projects that will chronicle the college’s 50 years in the region starting in 2016. To help tell the story, the college is collecting photographs, mementos and personal recollections that will help illustrate this vibrant history of learning. If you have a story to tell or an item to share that helps tell the story of Selkirk College please contact Takaia Larsen at 250.365.1358 or
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Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
601 Columbia Ave, Castlegar • (250) 365-3839 •
Yoga Classes Yoga for MS Monday and Friday 1:00-2:30 Studio Wednesday 10:00-11:00 Trail Stay Strong Yoga for Older Adults Tuesday and Thursday 8:45-10:15 Studio Yoga All Levels Tuesday and Thursday 10:30-12:00 Studio
DALE CLEANS UP City Furniture & Appliances recently gave away a Samsung vacuum cleaner during their annual one hour sale on Oct. 10. Pictured: SUBMITTED Jass Natt (left) from City Furniture & Appliances shakes hands with the lucky winner, Dale Asselin from Trail, BC.
City switching to quarterly billing
Beginners Yoga Tuesday 6:00-7:30 Library The Children’s Class Wednesday 3:15-4:30 Studio NEW The Men’s Class All Levels Thursday 5:00-6:30 Library Intermediate and Advanced Thursday 6:30-8:00 Library Private Lessons By Arrangement Both Studios are fully equipped.
Janice Ferraro. 250 365-5428 815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC
BE TSY KLINE Castlegar News
Castlegar residents will be seeing changes to how they are billed for water, sewer and garbage in 2016. The city is switching over to a quarterly billing system. This is partly to accommodate switching to a volumetric billing system for water usage. Invoices will be sent out at the end of March, June, September and December of each year. For both water and sewer, there will be a base (flat) fee charged each quarter plus a rate based on water consumption. The base rate will provide the financial sup-
Nov 4
Capturing Colour Part 2
Cdn Firearms Safety
Nov 7
Photoshop Elements
Nov 10
Castlegar News
Occupational First Aid Level 1
Nov 14
Red Cross Std First Aid w/CPR C Recert
Nov 15
Red Cross Emergency First Aid
Nov 18
Occupational First Aid Level 3
Nov 23
Xmas Gifts: Mini Paintings
Nov 28
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree I need a permit to cut thee. The Province of BC has been reminding residents that they are required to get a permit before they go over the river and through the woods to get their trees. Free use permits are provided for personal use only, selling a tree cut under a Christmas tree permit or cutting in an unauthorized area is illegal. Permits can be obtained online at xmastrees or at the Castlegar office of the Selkirk Natural Resource District located at 845 Columbia Ave. One of the purposes behind the permits is to ensure that people know the principles and best practices for cutting trees before heading out to the forest. “It is mostly just an informational and guidance document,” said Jim Guido, resource manager for the Selkirk Natural Resource District. After you print or obtain the permit, you simply read
Dec 5
Occupational First Aid: Transportation Endorsement
Dec 6
Avalanche Skills Training Level 1
Dec 10
Paramedics in Industry
Dec 13
Occupational First Aid Level 1
Dec 18
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This incentive will no longer be appropriate with the quarterly billing, so it will be stopped. The city is working on a new incentive program for those who opt in to electronic billing, but the details have not been worked out. Rates for 2016 have been set at: water $419.25 (up $8.22 from 2015), sewer $340.75 (up $6.49 from 2015), garbage $110 (down $12 from 2015) for a total bill of $870 and an increase of $2.71. However, those that are used to receiving the early payment incentive will also lose that $57.29 discount. Each quarterly payment will be $217.50, the equivalent of $72.50 per month.
Permits required for Christmas tree cutting
Digital Camera Part 2
Occupational First Aid Level 1
port to operate and maintain infrastructure, while the consumption rate will vary based on the volume of water used. Over the last several years, the city of Castlegar has been installing water meters at residences. The intent is to use the meters primarily as a water conservation measure and not to generate additional revenues. Next year (2016) will be a transition year. The city will charge its usual flat rates, but will also show consumption information on invoices. Billing for consumption will not take place until 2017. Currently the city has an early payment incentive of about 6.5 per cent.
it, and then agree to abide by the terms by signing it. The permit must be carried with you as you are required to produce the permit at the request of conservation or natural resource officers. “We make it as easy, straight forward and logical as possible, so compliance should be easy,” added Giudo. Christmas trees may only be cut from areas of Crown Land such as power line right-of-ways, road right-of-ways, or on open unfenced range land. Trees may not be cut from private land or other areas alienated or reserved for a special use, woodlot licence or community forest agreement areas, provincial or national parks, forest plantations in previously harvested areas, research areas and areas within 50 meters from any stream. The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources also recommends that you leave home prepared. Bring ropes, gloves, tools, tire chains, a first aid kit, a mobile phone and warm clothing. Drive carefully and be prepared for logging trucks. Make sure you have found the tree you
The province of BC is reminding people to get a permit before heading out to cut a Photo by Betsy Kline Christmas tree. will use before cutting to avoid wasting forest resources. Choose a tree that can be cut near the base and is easy to transport. Wasted tree remains left in the forest form a summer fire hazard, so clean up and remove all debris associated with your activity.
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A5
Columbia Power receives national safety awards SUBMIT TED Columbia Power’s commitment to safety was recognized by the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) at their annual CEA safety awards ceremony, held in St. John’s, Newfoundland, earlier this fall. Columbia Power was honoured to bring home two Gold level CEA awards including the President’s Awards of Excellence for Employee Safety and the Vice President’s Award for Safety Excellence in the Generation category. The Employee Safety Award recognizes Columbia Power for its top ranking in both all injury/illness frequency and lost-time severity rates company-wide for over four consecutive years. The Safety Excellence in the Generation category recognizes Columbia Power’s safety record within its generation business for three consecutive years. This year, Columbia Power enhanced its commitment to employee safety by installing an automated external defibrillator (AED) in their office in Castlegar, BC — one of the first businesses in Castlegar to do so. The AED is accessible to Columbia Power, Columbia Basin Trust and the general public during regular office hours. “Our commitment to public, employee and contractor safety led to CEA recognition for five consecutive years,” said Andre Noel, senior health and safety manager. “This year we are especially proud of the installation of an AED in our office as we continue to invest in safety excellence.” The CEA is the national forum and voice of the evolving electricity business in Canada. The Association contributes to the regional, national and international success of its members through the delivery of quality value-added services. This year’s awards ceremony recognized excellence in employee safety in the Canadian electricity sector
Thank you For
making our 20th the BEST Ever!
Santa & Mrs Claus Mayor & Council Public Works Royal Canadian Air Cadets 581 Squadron Miss Castlegar Tenysha Ross-Van Mierlo Castlegar Princess Tyanna Esovoloff Emily Postnikoff Claire Soukochoff Sime Kang Zoey Chaves BC Ambassador - Rachael teBulte Tessa Austad
Parade of Lights
City of Castlegar Castlegar Fire Department Castlegar Community Complex Golder and Associates Sutco Pink Truck Wild Safe BC/Bear Aware Tarry’s Fire Department The Goat FM Ootichenia Fire Department/ Knights of Columbus Valley Lift Truck Services Castlegar Rotary 2000
Columbia Power receives their Canadian Electricity Association Vice President’s Award for Safety Excellence. Pictured from left to right: Frank Wszelaki, president and CEO of Columbia Power; Francis Bradley, chief operating officer and VP of policy development with the Canadian Electricity Association and Andre Noel, health and safety senior manager for Columbia Power. and honoured CEA member performance. Columbia Power is a Crown corporation wholly owned and controlled by the Province of British Columbia. Columbia Power’s mandate is to manage assets and undertake power project investments as the agent of the Province. For more info about Columbia Power, please visit
Local musician releases music video CHELSEA NOVAK
Chelsea Bennett Castlegar Fire Department Castlegar Rebels Derm English Rec Rockers Twin Rivers Community Choir Castlegar Lions club Castlegar Hospice Society Crews Control traffic control Blueberry Creek Community School Cute as a Button Kootenay Snowshoeing & Gericks Shaw Cable A&W Castlegar Pass Creek Fire Department Andrew Sheret Splashes Stanley Humphries Senior Secondary COINS/Circle of Indigenous Nations Society EZ Rock Century 21 Mountview Realty Castlegar REBELS Columbia Truck and Tire/Castlegar Girls Softball Team Robson Cubs and Scouts
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Poor digestion contributes to, and can besupport a symptomtoof,perform a wide range of extraordinary nutritional at their best. To health problems including bloating, diarrhea, food intolerances, fatigue, and prevent leaky gut, these cells need a nutrient-rich e and mental fogginess. It can also be a sign of leaky gut syndrome. RevitalX® whatsupplement RevitalXformula, provides. is a gentle that’s rejuvenating in powder form, that contains the most important nutrients to support and heal the gut.
A “leaky gut” can occur when the spaces between the cells, called “tight junctions”, open, allowing food particles and microbes to escape. The cells pantothenic acid (vitamin B5),before and they quercetin that line your intestines live only three days die and to areprevent al replaced by newzinc cells. to These tiny cells amazinglydigestive hard and require and help healwork damaged tissue, contr extraordinary nutritional support to perform at their best. To ease digestion support immunity. and prevent leaky gut, these cells need a nutrient-rich environment and that’s what RevitalX provides.
Castlegar News
Castlegar musician Reiss Zibin released her very first music video on Monday, Nov. 30. The video is for the song “I Should’ve Known” off of her first album, Reality, released in 2014. “After we produced this first album of mine I kind of knew my next step was to get a music video now, so we chose my song “I Should’ve Known” from my album and my dad and I just kind of came up with a story line,” said Zibin. Then Zibin and her dad, who acts as her manager, met with Geoff Fontes and Dan Caverly who produced and directed the video. “They did an amazing job on this video,” said Zibin. “They put so much time and effort into it so I’m really proud of what they did and they definitely deserve a lot of credit.” It was shot over two non-consecutive days, with scenes filmed at the Element Bar and Grill and a school in Castlegar, and at the Mountain Nugget Chocolate Company, court house and a house in Rossland. Zibin said her favourite part was being able to make the video
Thank you! We had a GREAT Turn out - such amazing community spirit
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The RevitalX formula also provides antioxidant support (vi
Immune7 a blend six therapeutic RevitalX is beta-carotene, madeiswith highly of digestible Protein™. It also contains grapeGolden seedPea and milk thistle extracts) to pro mushrooms to strengthen, rebuild & L-glutamine to support healing, N-acetyl glucosamine to control mucus, liver. In addition to function. being to a prevent good source of water-solubl pantothenic acid (vitaminimmune B5), and quercetin allergic reactions, maintain optimal contains lecithin and omega-3 fatty acids and zinc to help heal damaged digestive tissue, control diarrheafrom and fish oil a support immunity. • Broad spectrum support tract. Minerals and trace elements such a heal the digestive
Zibin’s band took part in the shoot at the Element. Left to right: Cameron Low (guitar), Reiss Zibin, Colton Low (drums), Yanive Feiner (guitar) and Steven Wasilenkoff (bass). Photo courtesy of Reiss Zibin in her hometown. “It’s not very often you get to do a music video where you grew up, and also the other cool part of it is everyone that’s in the music video is from the Kootenay region too, so I think that’s really cool,” she said. Payton Mckeller who played the boyfriend/ex-boyfriend role is one of Zibin’s friends. Those who appeared in the crowd in the Element scene were recruited through ads and Facebook. Zibin’s band — Yanive Feiner, Colton Low, Cameron Low and
Steven Wasilenkoff — also appeared in the Element scenes. Zibin has posted the video on YouTube and there is a link on the Reiss Zibin Music Facebook page. She and her dad have also contacted Much Music about picking up the video. “We’re just waiting to hear back and we’re just hoping for the best for that too,” she said. Zibin is currently in studio recording her second album, which she hopes to release in February 2016, and is planning a tour for next summer.
The RevitalX formula also provides antioxidant supportare (vitamins and E, • Effective for significant conditions nesium, selenium, and chromium alsoCimportant for a beta-carotene, grape seed and milk thistle extracts) to protect the gut and • Helps along prevent cold & flu with enzymes and probiotics, can improve nutri liver. In addition to being a good source of water-soluble fibre, RevitalX • BuildsRevitalX optimal immune function contains of from these contains lecithin and omega-3 fattyallacids fish gutoil and flax to help • Anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial heal the digestive tract. Minerals and trace elements as calcium, magnourishing components in one such easynesium, selenium, and chromium are also important for a healthy gut and, • Recharges adrenal glands and hormones to-use supplement. along with enzymes and probiotics, can improve nutrient absorption. • Powerful antioxidants RevitalX contains all of these Mixed with watergutor fresh vegetable • Prebiotic action forinintestinal nourishing components one easy-health juice,with RevitalX makes an energizing • Compatible all treatments to-use supplement.
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Downtown Castlegar • 250.365.7750 • mothernatures
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Editor: Jennifer Cowan Publisher: Chuck Bennett Published Thursdays by Black Press Ltd. at Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
These past few weeks the papers have piled up in my office, some emails have gone unanswered and I haven’t been out fundraising as much as I should. That’s because I have had people in my office and on the phone and we have talked for hours at a time. No they’re not here to wish me Merry Christmas or talk of parties, they are suffering a pain far worse than any physical pain could feel. They are feeling the pain of loss. It may have happened recently or it may have been in the past or they could be suffering the pain of knowing that a death is imminent. It could have been a family member, friend, or beloved pet but the need for support is still the same. Please take a few minutes to think of who you know that may need some help or support especially in this holiday season. This may be the first year
they had to shovel snow or make a meal or do laundry or go shopping. Don’t say “just call if you need something” — do something — take a bit of time to help or to listen to some fond memories that bring tears now but in time will bring joy. Please let them know about the support services Castlegar Hospice can give them. And if you know one of our hospice volunteer workers, please acknowledge them for the special work they do. They give so much more than their time and they do so without thought of recognition or fanfare or pictures in the paper. They are true angels and are part of our team. We are Hospice and we provide help and hope. Please share your holiday time with others. Suzanne Lehbauer Executive Director Castlegar Hospice Society
A Retrospective Walter Volovsek Ersilia Tedesco is standing at Farron station prior to boarding the train for her return journey to her parents’ home at Fife, after a visit with her married sister Amalia Peterson. Better remembered by her married name, Celia (Elsie) Swanson became an historian for her community. Next week’s article is derived in part from her recollections. My next two Time Windows essays are spin-offs from my research for the sign panel to be erected at Farron next summer. Photo courtesy of John Peterson
Holiday lights in our lives
Spots in Time If we look around this city of ours, we can see that it’s well-lit at Christmas time. Not every house is lit up with strings of lights, but most are. In the midst of winter
snows and sub-zero temperatures, these lights cast a glow of hope and celebration. It was exactly the same for our ancestors of many centuries ago. At the coldest and darkest time of the year (December 21 and on), they looked to greenery and red berries to remind them of summer. Candles were the lights that glowed on the trees and throughout the houses. The exteriors of their homes were not lit up like ours. They did, however, have wreaths on their doors and boughs of evergreens strung along porches. They had the same spirit we have about the need to be joyous and happy at Christmas time, and they had their own way of showing that. In our time, the period of Christmas festivities has increased. Christmas activities and hype seem to begin about the first week of
Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone 250-365-6397
Is a subsidiary of
Pam Malekow Office Manager
Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate
November. Much of this has to do the push by corporations and merchants to get their products out to the widest possible audience and to sell as many of the new gadgets as possible. But some of the blame for the early rise of Christmas has to do with us consumers who seem to like the long lead-up to December 25. A number of our friends and neighbours begin stringing their Christmas lights in early November. Partly it’s a chance to get the lights in place along eave-troughs, windows, and doorways without freezing your fingers. But partly it’s to say the lights brighten up their lives, so why not enjoy them for longer? Being a bit of a Grinch about Christmas, I refused for many years to put up our Christmas lights until after December 15. The lights usually remain in place until early January, so I figured that a three-
Selina Birk Creative Support
Chelsea Novak Reporter
Sandy Leonard Creative Director
week period was long enough. My friend J always joked that I waited for the coldest day of the year to install my lights, so I could complain further about how Christmas was overdone. Well, I’ve mellowed. I now set out the lights on or about December 1. It’s a standing joke with my friend L that if lights are glowing on my house before December 1, then he thinks he might have come to the wrong house. I do agree in terms of weather it’s certainly more comfortable putting up lights in late November. When I finally flip the switches for my exterior lights on December 1, I realize I am in sync with my neighbours. At this stage of my life that’s somehow become more important. The city itself always beats me to it. In November, the city lights the telephone pole wreaths and ban-
ners along the major streets and strings spectacular twinkling lights on groves of trees such as those at the intersection by the Fireside. In fact, by December 1st Castlegar is a veritable light factory — lights beginning to appear everywhere, and store owners and homeowners rushing to get their light displays in place. Store windows get covered, artificial and natural trees get lit up in windows and other open spaces. With the advent of plastic Santa, elves, and snowmen figures that can be interspersed in displays along with lights, impressive scenes are everywhere. It will certainly be worth a drive an evening or two before Christmas to view the millions of lights we decorate our city with. Perhaps the glow of lights will be a reminder of the bright star that began it all 2015 years ago.
It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of the Castlegar News, in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser and that there shall be no liability greater than the amount paid for such advertising.
BC Press Council
The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Katelyn Hurley Creative
Jaime Tarasoff Creative
Betsy Kline Reporter
Jennifer Cowan Editor
Chuck Bennett Publisher
PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 100% B.C. owned and operated by Black Press. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder.
Your Community News Team
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A7
Council comments
As many of you know, I spend a lot of my time volunteering with the Community Harvest Food Bank. As a founding member, close to 20 years, it means a great deal to me. Many of you also know, that we also do the Christmas Hampers, a time honoured tradition that was handed down to us by the hard working folks of the Royal Canadian Legion. We continue to receive help from all the fabulous fire departments and their auxiliaries with Christmas fundraising and toy drives. We strive to help as many folks as possible and the region we cover is the greater Castlegar area, including Pass Creek and out to Tarrys and over to Glade and as far south as Genelle. We of course depend on you, the residents, businesses and corporations of the greater Castlegar area. You do a fantastic job and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This year has been a particularly hard year at the food bank. There were changes in volunteers and changes in the format of how we operate, and in our line of work we also face new challenges as far as helping folks. We have made the transition and are moving ahead. We have faced challenges in the donation department as well, like most charities it is feast or famine, we prefer the feast. We continue to give it our best to meet the needs that are set before us. We have you to thank for that. This season, we ask you again, to give generously. To
MCINTOSH Councilor
We strive to help as many folks as possible. make a donation or to drop off food and/or monetary donations, the food bank is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can also drop off
at the Fireside Hotel in the main lobby, Kootenay Gallery, Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Center and of course you can call, 250-365-8076, 250-6082227, 250-608-1047 or e-transfer to debbiemcintosh@shaw. ca. We also have food bins at the grocery stores and in other businesses. Also, the CPR Holiday Train will be coming to town on Dec. 14 at 3:30 p.m. at the Station Museum please bring cash and food donations that afternoon. Val Field, Rob Lindskog, Chris D’Arcy, Elizabith Heauther and myself, make up the board for the food bank and at this time I give my most humble thanks to them, they have made a vision come alive and have been a steady guiding hand when waters were a little rough, my utmost admiration and appreciation to them. I would be terribly remiss if I did not thank the good folks of St Davids Anglican Church, who have for years housed us and kept us from the cold. We so appreciate you and thank you for your outreach into the community. Now, after reading this you may ask yourself, what has this to do with council, as this is the Council Corner. It is my belief, that your community is your family and you do what has to be done. My work on council and my work as as volunteer in the community, go hand in hand. I am proud and humbled by this city and area. Merry Christmas to all and to those that don’t observe the holidays, I hope your days are fantastic.
GREAT SELECTION OF TOYS Toys,models, puzzles and games as well as LEGO.
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Manitoba Telecom ........... 29.20 Mercer International ........... 9.62 National Bank of Canada . 42.17 Onex Corporation ............ 80.36 Royal Bank of Canada...... 74.30 Sherritt International ............ 0.68 TD Bank .......................... 53.15 TELUS Corp...................... 40.77 Teck Resources ................... 4.77 TransCanada Corp ........... 41.02 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 19.23
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Upcoming DECEMBER CASTLEGAR SENIORS ACTIVITIES AT THE COMPLEX Sun 1-4 pm Dec 6 Craft Sale Mon 10 am Darts 1 pm Whist Tues 9:30 Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling 1 pm Crafts 1:30-2:30 Line Dancing 7 pm Pool Wed 9:30 Floor Curling 10 am Learning Centre 2nd, 9th, 16th 10 am Raspberry Hi Coffee December 16th 1 pm Rummoli Thurs 9:30 Floor Curling 1 pm Bingo but not on 3rd 2 p.m. Dec 3 General Meeting, election Fri 10 am Qi Gong 1 pm Crib 5 pm Xmas Dinner Dance Dec 18 DECEMBER 1-15: Do you have a “like new” or new book to donate to a Christmas food hamper? Please drop off books between December 1 - 15 to Blueberry Creek Community School Hub, Castlegar & District Public Library, Kootenay Family Place, Robson Community School, Kootenay Career Development Society or Selkirk College Library. Alana Murdoch at 250-687-4983 DECEMBER 5: 11-2 p.m. at Castlegar United Church. A mix and match pick your own bake sale. Best way to do your Christmas baking! DECEMBER 12: Christmas Concert - Twin Rivers Community Choir; 7-9 p.m. at the Castle Theatre, 185 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. Please join the Twin Rivers Community Choir for an evening of song. Come check out the choir & soloists/ensembles as they perform a selection of fun and seasonal tunes. Concessions & wine available. DECEMBER 12: The Ladies Auxiliary Legion is hosting the Tea, Craft and Bake the Castlegar Legion from 12:30 2:30pm Everyone Welcome
Keep up to date
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free (or nearly so) that run at the editor’s discretion. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit A - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or call us at 250-365-6397.
DECEMBER 13: Christmas Concert - Twin Rivers Community Choir; 2-4 p.m. at the Castle Theatre, 185 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. Please join the Twin Rivers Community Choir for an evening of song. Come check out the choir & soloists/ensembles as they perform a selection of fun and seasonal tunes. Concessions & wine available. DECEMBER 13: Christmas in the Creek from 3-7 p.m. at 1987 Pass Creek Rd. Cost is $1 or non perishable food item. There will be pictures with Santa from 3:304:30 p.m. and a pot luck from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Turkey and ham will be provided. Everyone is welcome. Admission is $1 or a non perishable food item. DECEMBER 20: Vallican Whole Community Choir’s Seasonal Sing-Along and Concert. Come join the Vallican Whole Community Choir to celebrate it’s annual Seasonal Sing-Along and Concert. Join in for familiar favorites and enjoy some new tunes. This year we welcome guest Doukhobor Choirs as well. Bring your family and a baked treat if you wish. Mulled apple cider will be provided. Admission is by donation with proceeds shared between the Slocan Valley Food Bank and VWCChoir Dec 20 3-5pm at the Vallican Whole. For more info call 250 226 7191 MORE www.VallicanWhole. com DECEMBER 20: Annual Community Carol Sing. From 2-4 at the New Life Assembly behind Castlegar Primary School. Come and sing Christmas songs and carols and enjoy our local choirs.. Admission by monetary or nonperishable item for the the Food Bank. DECEMBER 20: Christmas Service at Robson Community Church at 7 pm DECEMBER 20: Christmas Eve Service at Castlegar United Church
Ongoing GRACE COMMUNION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH: Meets Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at the Resker Hall in Robson (next door to the Robson Community Church) on Waldie Ave. Phone 250-365-6405 for more information.
THE NEW LIFE CHURCH: The Thursday dinners provided for the community by the New life Church will not be available for Thursday December 24 and Thursday December 31. The meals will be served again starting on Thursday January 7 and every Thursday in the new year, We wish one and all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New year See you in the new year when we will be happy to serve you once more. ROBSON FLEA MARKET is open every Sunday 9am to 2pm . Breakfast served until food runs out. Crafts, collectables, Borscht, and much more. Call Kathy to book a table: 250-365-3796 BLUEBERRY BOTTLE DRIVE: Please drop off refundable bottles and cans at the Blueberry School. All donations go towards funding programs and events at the school. FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING: for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250-608-2254. MYRA DUFF WILL BE HOSTING SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS: For information about the Heart Support Group please call Myra at 250-365-6369.
THE CASTLEGAR AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GIFT SHOP in the Health Clinic is having a sale of 20% off all brand new summer stock. The new winter clothing for infants and children have arrived for your shopping pleasure. Mondays thru Thursdays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. For inquiries 250-304-1274. ABOUT BREASTFEEDING: Informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tuesday 10:30 to noon. More info: 250365-3662, or see COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK & DROP-IN CENTRE: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. to 1:30 Wednesday Dropin centre 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30 Friday Drop-in centre 10 to 1:30 (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St. David’s Church. Call 250-608-2227.
1507 Columbia Ave Castlegar 250-365-2955 1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
SELKIRK WEAVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD: meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, 10 to 11 a.m. followed by show and tell. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAMS: Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, one-onone tutoring. Free. Call Corinne at 250-687-4714. COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK: The food bank needs donations. Cash, cheques and food items can be dropped off during food bank hours or at the Station Museum. THE SHARING POT DINNER: The Sharing Pot Dinner begins serving its hot dinners on Tuesday Sept 29 at 12 p.m. downtown at the Cadet Hall. The hot meals will be offered every Tuesday throughout the year. No charge. “ST DAVID’S & UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP located at 605 Columbia Ave. Stock includes clothing,shoes,b edding,linens,books,household items and sewing,knitting & craft supplies. Buy a ticket for our raffle of dolls and ovenware and support the Food Bank. Many Christmas items now in stock for the holiday season. We will be closed Dec 20th and opening again Jan 5. Merry Christmas to all of our customers and a big thank you for your support. CASTLEGAR-ROBSON LEGION MEAT DRAW: Every Sat in the Lounge. 4-6 p.m. Guests must be signed in. TOPS GROUP MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Call 250-365-7956. CASTLEGAR A.A. MEETINGS AT THE PIONEER ARENA : Sunday at 10 a.m.; Tuesday at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wednesday at noon (Dan 250359-7817) Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216 or Alex 250-359-7031) and Saturday at 8 p.m (Len at 250-365-7805). AL-ANON MEETS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Sydney 250-608-1867.
COLUMBIA BASIN ALLIANCE FOR LITERACY (CBAL) FALL PROGRAMS:S Community Learning Place Castlegar Library Tuesdays from noon - 3 pm Mother Goose (0-12 months old) Castlegar Library Wednesdays 10-11 am (Starting Oct.14 ) Mother Goose (toddlers & preschoolers) Castlegar Primary Campus Thursdays 9-10 am Starting Oct.15 Tech Learning Place (iPad support) Castlegar Seniors Centre 9-11 am Sept. 23, Oct. 14, 28 Nov. 4, 25, Dec. 2 , 9) English Language Classes Castlegar Library Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-11:30 am (Childminding on Thursdays) Settlement Services for Newcomers Contact Corinne at 250-687-4714 ESL Family Time Kootenay Family Place Fridays 10-12noon Scrabble Club Castlegar Library 6:15-7:45 pm 2nd Tuesday of the month Love 2 Learn Castlegar Primary Campus Fridays 8:45-10:00 am (Starting Oct.9) For more info Contact Alana at 250--687-4983 or email: Seniors Computer Class- Intermediate level: Robson Community School; Tuesdays, Nov.3 - Dec 15. 9-10:30 a.m.
Quote of the Week: “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” - Wallace Wattles
American Author
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A9
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Castlegar Recreation Department Public Swimmers always welcome during regular operating hours at the Castlegar Aquatic Centre Monday & Wednesday
6:30am - 9:00pm
Public Swim
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00am - 9:00pm
Public Swim
6:30am - 8:30pm
Public Swim
9:00am - 6:00pm
Public Swim
1:00pm - 6:00pm
Public Swim
12 Days Toonie Days of Christmas $2.00 swims at the pool December 19 – January 3 (4:00-5:00pm) Come enjoy the weight room & pool for just a toonie!
2016 Winter Recreation Leisure Guides
Come one, come all New Life Church presents a Christmas musical for the whole family, Felix Finds Christmas. There will be two performances, Saturday, Dec. 12 and Sunday, Dec 13 both at 6:30pm. Photo by Betsy Kline
Registration Now Happening Aqua Yoga Money & Emotion Fitness 101 Go Girls Power skating Adult Learn to Skate Red Cross Swim Lessons Lots more: Go to HYPERLINK "" to register on line or phone 250-365-3386 ext 0
Community Events Public Skating Friday December 11 4:00-6:00pm Saturday December 12 1:30-3:30pm Sunday December 13 2:00-4:00pm
Stick & Puck Tuesday – Friday 9:30-11:00am Adult Hockey Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:00pm
Rebel Action Rebels vs Osoyoos Coyotes Friday December 11, Game at 7:00pm Rebels vs Beaver Valley Saturday December 12, Game at 7:00pm Chris Mansbridge, registered acunpuncturist, Anna McCullagh, registered massage therapist, and Dr. David Bzdel, doctor of chiropractic, will be taking appointments after hours on Dec. 15 and 17 to raise donations for the food bank. Chelsea Novak
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.
If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
Chiropractic care for the food bank CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News
Castlegar Chiropractic and Health is offering complimentary treatments on Tuesday, Dec. 15 and Thursday, Dec. 17 from 5 to 7 p.m. in exchange for donations to the Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank. Dr. David Bzdel, doctor of chiropractic, Chris Mansbridge, registered acupuncturist, and Anna McCullagh, registered massage therapist, will be taking appointments after hours on both days. “Dave will be offering his usual service to his regular clients of chiropractic adjustments, Anna will be offering a [fifteen]-minute shoulder and neck massage, and I’m going to offer a group acupuncture. So it’s twenty-minute acupuncture treatments, clothes on, sitting in chairs, just points in the ear or other parts of the body that are easily exposed,” explains Mansbridge. Bzdel, Mansbridge and McCullagh wanted to find a way to help give back to the community. “It’s been something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while, having been
associated with a few clinics in the past that have done similar sorts of things,” says Bzdel. “It’s always in the cards just to help this time of year because it can be a challenging time of year for a lot of families. What we do in here, we’re pretty fortunate to be able to do it every day, and it’s nice to be able to give back a little.” The fundraiser not only helps support the food bank, but gives those who might not otherwise be able to afford massage therapy or acupuncture services a chance to access them. “I serve on the board of directors of an NGO called the Latitude Project and our goal there was to make fundraisers that are actually super fun to go to,” said Mansbridge. “So I think this is something that can be a service that people want or need anyways, and it can be a super enjoyable way to contribute.” Because the services Dr. Bzdel offers are diagnostic he can only see established patients, but Mansbridge and McCullagh are able to serve people who have never visited the clinic before. Donations will be accepted in the form of cash, non-perishable food items, or toys, but cash is best.
Boat launch closure Anderson Point
The Anderson Point Boat Launch will be closed from Monday, November 30 to Friday, December 18, 2015 as BC Hydro makes planned improvements. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of workers and the public while work is underway. Please use the Syringa Park boat ramp during this closure. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks for your patience and support while this work is completed. For more information, please contact Mary Anne Coules at 250 365 4565.
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Solar Stakes to Welcome Christmas!
Family needs Christmas micracle CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News
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A Castlegar family needs help making a miracle come true this Christmas. Mathieu Beaudet, age 31, was raised in Casltegar, where he graduated from Stanley Humphries Secondary School. He now lives in Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. with his wife and three children, and is fighting a rare, aggressive form of cancer called synovial sarcoma. The cancer originated in Beaudet’s right foot, which had to be amputated last year. In October, it was discovered that the cancer had metastasized to both of his lungs. Beaudet’s prognosis is a median of one year with aggressive chemotherapy treatment. Beaudet’s parents are long-time residents of Castlegar and Polly Campbell, a friend of the family, wants to help them get to Alberta to spend Christmas with their son and his family. “The parents have been through heavy personal and financial hardships since his diagnosis over a year ago,” explains Campbell. “So now they need to go up there and they want to be up there for Christmas and also possibly stay as long as needed to help the rest
of the family while he’s going through chemotherapy.” Beaudet also recently became an uncle, and Campbell would also like to help his sister and her family get to him for the holidays. Cans for donating can be found at Shoppper’s Drug Mart, Boulevard Hair, Mother Natures, Total Pet, Selkirk Eye Care, Pharmasave, and Common Grounds. Beaudet and his family are also raising money to help pay for alternative treatments, vitamins and herbs, food, bills and someone to help keep their home extra clean. To donate to Beaudet and his family, send an email transfer to, or a cheque to Mathieu Beaudet, PO Box 3055, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, T8L 2T1, or visit his GoFundMe campaign page at The GoFundMe campaign has already allowed 72 people to raise $6,855 in just one day, and the family’s goal is to raise $30,000. The money raised isn’t just to help Beaudet. On his GoFundMe page, Beaudet says, “Every dollar I can give will be donated to research for my cancer!”
Mathieu Beaudet, age 31, was raised in Casltegar. He now lives in Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. with his wife and three children, and is fighting a rare, aggressive form of cancer called synovial sarcoma.
SHSS pits canine against mankind CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News
On Friday, Dec. 18 it will be a battle between mankind, womankind and canine to see who can chow down the fastest. Redford, a Grade 11 student, Wren, a Grade 12 student, and Charlie, a chocolate lab, will compete in an eating contest at the Stanley Humphries Secondar y School (SHSS) assembly. Redford and Wren will chow down on foot long subs, while Charlie will be
eating a bowl of dog food. SHSS students will vote for who they think will win prior to the competition by donating money to the contestant of their choice. They’ll then get a sticker showing their support for their chosen competitor. If Redford wins, the money collected from the votes will be donated to the food bank; if Wren wins, the money will go to the women’s shelter; and if Charlie wins, the money will go to the SPCA. The public is also invited to choose a champion, and
Redford and Wren will go head to head with each other and Charlie, a chocolate lab, in an eating contest at Stanley Humphries Secondary School on Friday, Dec. 18. The winner’s charity of choice Photos courtesy of Shelly McKay will win money raised through the event. can make their donations by contacting Shelly McKay
at or by phone at 365-7735.
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Photo courtesy of Polly Campbell
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Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A11
Martial artists endure taekwondo black belt testing NELSON STAR STAFF Taekwondo martial artists from Nelson, Castlegar, Swift Current, Sask. and Turner Valley, Alta. gathered at the Nelson Covenant Church this month to endure various levels of black belt testing. Eighteen athletes, ranging in age from 11 to mid-50s, endured a four-hour testing regime before a regional testing board, which consisted of Grand Masters Michael Twyman of Florida, Nelson’s Dean Siminoff, and locals Dave Laramee, Kathy McBride, and Pat Wong. When the board gave the entire group five thumbs up, a collective sigh mixed with other sounds of relief and accomplishment rose from the exhausted group, and Twyman shared sage words. “This is just the beginning of your practise,” he said. The testing saw the first graduates from Kootenay Christian Martial Arts’ Castlegar school. Shana Kavaloff, Caleb Kavaloff, Laurie Snowdon and Liam Smith each received their first degree black belt and Gordon Kavaloff received his third degree black belt. In taekwondo there are nine levels of black belt called Dans. Students and instructors were being tested from first to third Dan. “It’s a big day, even for people going for their second or third degree — they’re just as nervous as the beginners,” said Siminoff. “The coloured belts have been training for four years.” Siminoff, who holds a fifth degree black belt, brought Twyman, who is a six Dan, from Florida for the testing for two reasons: “So I’m not testing my own students, and it’s always more exciting for them,” he said. The testing includes self-defense with free sparring and two-on-one sparring, knife attacks
Martial artists pictured with their testing panel. and Poomse — a series of moves or patterns. And at the end of four hours, the athletes’ finale is a fitness test when they are at their weakest and at risk of dehydration, which can lead to muscle cramping. Tywman coached them through the timed situps, push-ups and mixed calisthenics. “Don’t forget to breathe,” he said. As the athletes sparred in front of the panel, Siminoff pointed to Evan Howard, winner of the Yes I Can award for the BC interior (for schoolaged children with intensive supports), who was testing to become a third-degree black belt instructor and another athlete who has Multiple Sclerosis. “Everyone has some sort of challenge when they get here,” said Siminoff. Twyman was clear
with the group that when athletes come before a panel, there are no guarantees they will pass the test, especially if they come unprepared. But that was not the case with this group. “Everyone was well prepared and this reflects on your instructors,” said Twyman to the group. “Ultimately it all comes down to you. It’s your choice. I feel you gave 110 per cent, which makes it easier for the regional testing board.” Shana Kavaloff said the testing was very intense and exhausting, but also invigorating. “I was really amazed that I was able to withstand the testing and actully achieve what I did,” said Kavaloff. “It was really exhilirating knowing we accomplished that.” Kootenay Christian Martial Arts also has dojangs in Nelson,
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Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A13
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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the finance of a 2015 Cruze LS 1SA, Trax, Silverado 2500HD/3500HD WT 2WD with gas engines. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. * No purchase necessary. Open to Canadian residents with a valid driver’s license who have reached the age of majority in their province of residence. Contest closes January 4, 2016. Credit Awards up to $10,000 include applicable taxes and must be applied to the purchase or lease of a new 2015 or 2016 MY Chevrolet vehicle delivered on or before January 4, 2016. 30 Vehicle Awards available to be won, each consisting of winner’s choice of a vehicle with an MSRP of $35,000 CAD or less. The customer is responsible for any other taxes, license, insurance, registration, or other fees. Vehicle Awards are not transferable and no cash substitutes are permitted. Not all awards have the same odds of winning. For full rules and program details visit your GM dealer or Correct answer to mathematical skill-testing question required. See your GM dealer or for full contest rules and program details. Vehicle shown 2015 Colorado Crew Cab 2WD Z71 model [$33,195 MSRP] CDN, including freight and a/c tax. ^ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between December 4th, 2015 and January 4th, 2016. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Spark, Sonic, Cruze LS 1SA, Malibu (except LS), Volt, Impala, Camaro, Trax, Equinox LS AWD, Traverse, Colorado 2WD, Silverado 1500 Double Cab 2WD WT / Crew Cab 2WD WT and Silverado HD’s WT 2WD with gas engine. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $476.19 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ‡ $2,000/$2,500 is a combined credit consisting of $1,000 Connect & Win Bonus (tax inclusive) and $1,000/$1,500 manufacturer to dealer finance cash (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Cruze/Trax which is available for finance offers only and cannot be combined with special lease rates and cash purchase. † $4,000/$4,000/$11,000 is a combined credit consisting of $1,000 Connect & Win Bonus (tax inclusive) and a $3,000/$3,000/$10,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Cruze/Trax/Silverado Heavy Duty Double Cab with gas engine (except WT 2WD), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000/$3,000/$10,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2015 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Volunteers for the Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary Society attended an appreciation lunch last Wednesday afternoon. During the lunch Nettie Stupikoff, president of the society, presented a cheque for $2500 to Deb McIntosh for the Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank. So far this year, the Auxiliary Society has raised $3500 in total for the food bank. “They’re always very generous,” said McIntosh. “The auxiliary is the true vision of what volunteers do to make the community Photo by Chelsea Novak a better place.”
VALUED UP TO $35,000
1,000 $10,000
2015 TRAX
Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917] ^
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A15
Now under new ownership Open from 11 - 11 from Monday - Saturday 1-9 on Sunday Delivery available up until 1 hour before closing. Product Made Fresh Daily. Now offering Donairs, Ribs, Pasta, Pizza and 1/2 chickens. Colleen Gourlie (left) presented a cheque from the Castlegar Hospital Auxiliary for the Castlegar and Photo by Betsy Kline District Hospital Foundation to Stefanie Zaytsoff (right).
250-365-3244 | 1004 Columbia Ave, Castlegar
Light up the Hospital campaign in full swing BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
The Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation kicked off its annual Light Up the Hospital campaign Friday. This year the foundation is working towards supporting renovations to the medication room in the emergency department at the Castlegar Health Centre. A goal of $30,000 has been set and as of Monday they were over half way there with $18,886. The Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary Society started the day with a donation of $15,000. “We are very
happy to hear that it is going to be a great help and keeping them safe,” said Nettie Stupnikoff, treasure of the foundation. “It is great for the patients.” Interior Health Kootenay Boundary manager of the Castlegar emergency department Suzanne McCombs added, “It’s great for the staff. It is good for their safety as well so we are excited about that.” Donations to the hospital foundation can be made by calling 250304-1209, directly on the foundation website or in person at the Castlegar Health Center.
Jessica Hall (nee Cormack)
It’s with great sadness that we announce the passing of Jessica Hall (Cormack), a bright light who left us too soon on December 7, 2015. Jessica was born on a wintery morning January 31, 1987, a beautiful eight-pound, three ounce baby girl. She was married to the man of her dreams, Rance Hall. He proposed to her in the Valhallas and they married at the base of those mountains in a beautiful ceremony a year and a half ago. They lived in a cottage in the woods for two years near 108 Mile Ranch where they had everything they ever needed, each other – until Jessica convinced Rance they also needed a dog, Cooper. Jessica was a nurse, the perfect career for someone so kind and caring. She was a nurturing spirit who loved working closely with people in need. She died in a car accident while working as a travel nurse at the TI’azt’en Lake First Nations near Fort St. James. Jessica was a traveller from the beginning. She spent her first birthday on route to New Zealand, and over the following 28 years Jessica’s adventures took her from the mountains of Nepal to the jungles of Guatemala with the people who meant the most to her. Jessica’s parents moved her and her siblings around British Columbia when they were young to Kamloops, Qualicum Beach and Gold River before settling in Castlegar. The Kootenays, the mountains and the people who live there meant the world to her. Jessica and her best friends, Jenny Benner, Adria Geissler, Deanna Jasper, Stesha White and Dallas Houghton all dreamed about moving back home to be reunited. Jessica is survived by her loving husband, Ransom Hall, parents Kevin Cormack (Alison Alder) and Pam Cormack, siblings Jocelyn and Kirk, Grandpas Bob Bagg and Joseph Cormack. She is predeceased by her adoring grandmothers, Dorothy Bagg and Olive Cormack. A service will be held at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, December 13, 2015 at the Brilliant Cultural Centre in Castlegar B.C.. Donations gratefully accepted for a bursary in Jessica Hall’s name to Selkirk College at 250-365-1360 or
In Loving Memory
Albert John Krest Samuel Sam Kalesnikoff Sadly the family of Sam Kalesnikoff of Castlegar wishes to announce his passing at the Castleview Care Centre, on Monday, November 30, 2015, blessed with 90 years of life. Sam was January 7, Kalesnikoff. his brothers Company.
born at Champion Creek, BC on 1925 to parents Tina and Sam In his younger years, he worked with and cousins for Kalesnikoff Lumber
Later in life, he acquired his Log Scaling Licence. Sam took great pride in his job with the Ministry of Forests scaling logs and even won the Scaling Expertise Award. He also loved managing the Bluetop Burger. In his spare time Sam was an avid gardener and fisherman. Sam was predeceased by his beloved wife Pauline and his brother Bill Kalesnikoff. Left to mourn his loss are his children Violet Kalesnikoff, Lillian Whitley, Naida Stoochnoff and Gary Kalesnikoff; 10 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren and many friends. A Celebration of Life was officiated by Pastor Dwight Soleski at the Pentecostal New Life Assembly on Friday, December 4, 2015, followed by interment in Park Memorial Cemetery. Donations in Sam’s memory may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. The family wishes to extend their gratitude to everyone at Castleview Care Centre for making Sam’s life with them so pleasant. He loved them and they loved him. He made them laugh every day. The family also wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Vasil and to Dr. Merritt for making his days enjoyable.
April 6, 1925 Dec 10, 2013 Remembering you Always You are in our hearts forever. Miss you and your stories everyday. Violet, Doris and Elmo, Dorothy and Doug, Darcy, Erika and Rebeka
In Loving Memory
Lorne William Kalesnikoff February 11, 1985December 12, 2014 We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. All we have are memories, and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, with which we will never part. God has you in His keeping, we have you in our hearts. A million times we’ve wanted you, a million times we’ve cried. If love could only have saved you, You never would have died. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn’t go alone. For a part of us went with you... The day God took you Home. Forever in our hearts and lovingly missed by Dad and Mom (Karen), Ryan and Krissy, Baba and Deda Kalesnikoff, Deda Lebedoff, Ashleigh, and many more family and friends.
To honor your loved one in the Castlegar News, please contact us at 250-365-6397 or by email:
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Dont miss the action! with Castlegar News Left: Rebels stand at attention during the singing of the National Anthem prior to 9-0 win over the Leafs. Right: Rebels No.19 Mike Bhatoa scores his first goal of four.
KIJHL Standings
WHL Standings Leafs no match for Rebels sweep of 9-0 Photos by Jonathan Schwarcz
EddIE MountaIn dIvISIon TEAM GP W Kimberley Dynamiters 28 22 Creston Valley T. Cats 27 18 Fernie Ghostriders 28 16 Col. Valley Rockies 31 16 Golden Rockets 30 3
L 3 7 9 15 24
T OT 0 3 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 2
PTS 47 38 35 32 9
GF/A +57 +42 +19 -3 -91
S W4 W3 L1 W1 L1
nEIL MurdocH dIvISIon TEAM GP W Castlegar Rebels 29 20 B. Valley Nitehawks 26 18 G. Forks Border Bruins 29 13 Nelson Leafs 29 13 Spokane Braves 30 4
L 8 5 14 15 22
T OTL PTS 1 0 41 1 2 39 0 2 28 0 1 27 0 4 12
GF/A +44 +35 -27 -15 -71
S W6 W1 W1 L4 L5
doug BIrKS dIvISIon TEAM GP Kamloops Storm 31 100 Mile H. Wranglers 31 Chase Heat 28 Revelstoke Grizzlies 26 Sicamous Eagles 30
L 8 8 8 12 20
T OTL PTS 0 3 43 0 4 42 3 1 36 1 2 25 1 4 15
GF/A +21 +31 +22 -1 -64
S L1 W3 W1 L1 L3
oKanagan dIvISIon TEAM GP W L T OTL PTS Osoyoos Coyotes 27 21 5 0 1 43 Summerland Steam 28 19 9 0 0 38 Kelowna Chiefs 29 15 12 2 0 32 N. Okanagan Knights 31 6 20 1 4 17 Princeton Posse 28 7 20 0 1 15
GF/A +56 +37 +5 -40 -57
S W7 W3 L3 L1 L2
Scoring Leaders Player Team 1. Cole Keebler FER 2. Rainer Glimpel OSO 3. Alec Wilkinson CVT 4. Jason Richter KIM 5. Zach Befus FER 6. Jack Mills SUM 7. Jared Marchi KIM 8. Eric Buckley KIM 9. Micheal Cardinal CVR 10. Carson Cartwright CVT
PTS 48 46 42 41 37 37 37 37 36 35
PIM 10 26 22 2 29 52 16 58 69 18
W 20 19 16 11 5
GP 24 27 26 26 26 28 28 28 29 26
G 24 16 9 21 17 17 15 11 17 19
A 24 30 33 20 20 20 22 26 19 16
Goaltending Leaders (min. four games played) Player Team GAA SP W 1. Jacob Mullen SUM 1.74 .934 9 2. Matthew Huber SUM 1.81 .928 9 3. Brett Soles OSO 1.81 .939 14 4. Tavin Grant KAM 1.90 .931 8 5. Tyson Brouwer KIM 1.99 .927 17 6. Brock Lefebvre CVT 2.05 .940 15 7. Joseph Mcleod CGR 2.07 .938 12 8. Aidan Doak REV 2.09 .930 7 9. Adam Derochie 1MH 2.09 .945 6 10. Logan Sawka CGR 2.19 .931 7
L 3 3 3 3 4 7 5 5 2 3
T 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0
SO 0 5 3 1 4 2 5 0 0 1
The Nelson Leafs should have brought three goalies but it may have not mattered anyway as cEntraL dIvISIon nothing could stop the Castlegar Rebels as they TEAMoutplayed the Leafs GPto win W 9-0. L OTL SL PTS GF/A Red DeerLike Rebels 27 19 8 0 goalie, 38 +32 a game of road hockey 0with no the Lethbridge 9 the 0 first 0five34shots+27 RebelsHurricanes scored four26 goals17with on Calgary Hitmen 28 16 10 1 1 34 -1 net in action Dec. 2 at the Castlegar Complex. Edmonton Oil Kings 28 11 14 3 0 25 -16 goal came minutes the game MedicineThe Hatfirst Tigers 24 two 7 14 2 into 1 17 -20 by Tayden Woods28assisted Kootenay Ice 6 20by 2Chris0 Breese 14 and -49 Dallas Goodwin on a power play. After five minof play Mike Bhatoa sank the first of the evenEaStutes dIvISIon TEAMtual four goals thatGP W L pull OTLoutSLofPTS GF/A he would his hat for Princethe Albert Raiders 26 score 16 two 7 2goals in 1 the 35 second +7 Rebels. He would Brandon Wheat 25 in15the 8third. 0 2 32 +20 period andKings one more Moose Jaw Warriors 13 9in the 4 first1period 31 with +5 With Breese also27scoring Regina Pats 25 12 11 2 0 26 -13 5:26 Blades on the clock25and10 Darren Saskatoon 12 3Medeiros 0 23scoring -22 less thanBroncos a minute 26 later the Leafs3 were0being Swift Current 8 15 19 domi-17 nated and were down 4-0 at the end of the first period. Another three goals in the second period B.c. dIvISIon while SL anyPTS Leafs GF/A fans TEAMkept the Rebels fans GPboisterous W L OTL Kelowna 0 39 +27 wereRockets kept quiet. 26 19 6 1 Victoria Royals 28 18 8 1 goal 1 leaving 38 +33 After Woods scored his second the PrinceRebels Georgeahead Cougars 25 after 14 30 9 minutes 1 1 of30play, the +4 by five Kamloops Blazers 24 to 12 swap 9 3goalies. 0 He 27 substi+8 Nelson coach decided Vancouver Giants 26 6 16 2 2 16 -33 tuted Patrick Ostermann for Zachery Babin. But it was to no avail as the Rebels scored four more u.S. dIvISIon TEAMtimes. GP W L OTL SL PTS GF/A Seattle Thunderbirds 25 16 7 2 0 34 +22 Spokane Chiefs 27 14 10 2 1 31 -3 Everett Silvertips 23 14 7 0 2 30 +18 +8 Portland Winterhawks 24 12 12 0 0 24 Tri-City Americans 27 10 16 1 0 21 -27 Scoring Leaders Player 1. Tyson Baillie 2. Brayden Point 3. Dryden Hunt 4. Ivan Nikolishin 5. Mathew Barzal 6. Jon Martin 7. Reid Gardiner 8. Brayden Burke 9. Kailer Yamamoto 10. Radel Fazleev
Castlegar Complex
SAT, DEC. 12 @7:00 PM
Castlegar VS Beaver Valley
GP 26 19 27 27 22 24 26 26 27 28
G 17 18 19 17 7 23 17 6 9 13
A 28 25 21 23 33 16 22 33 28 22
PTS 45 43 40 40 40 39 39 39 37 35
PIM 36 8 14 2 26 37 17 14 12 16
Goaltending Leaders (min. 480 min played) Player Team GAA SP W L OT SO 1. Carter Hart EVT 1.61 .939 14 6 2 6 2. Logan Thompson BWK 2.05 .923 8 1 0 0 3. Coleman Vollrath VIC 2.20 .920 15 7 1 1 4. Ty Edmonds PGC 2.26 .932 7 4 1 1 The Castlegar Junior 2.38 Saints .921 Atom house 5. Jayden Sittler LET 8 team 5 recently 0 1participated in the Nelson Minor Hockey tournament.SEA They went undefeated Greater Trail 2, Cranbrook, Greater Trail 1, 6. Logan Flodell 2.52 .902 facing 10 4off against 2 0 7. Jackson Whistle KEL scoring 2.56 in .920 14 3to make 1 1 the finals. They defeated Trail 3 in the and finally, Creston the shootout it to 8. Ian Scott final on Sunday PARto take 2.58 7 2 0 1 home.918 the gold! Photo submitted by Corinne Svardfeldt 9. Rylan Toth RDR 2.61 .911 14 6 0 2 10. Jordan Papirny BWK 2.81 .890 7 7 2 1 *does The not include gamesRebels from Wednesday, Dec. 2 an Angel Tree which benefits Project GWEN. Castlegar are sponsoring
FRI, DEC. 11 @7:00 PM
Castlegar VS Osoyoos
The third period scoring started 80 seconds in, as Bhatoa scored his fourth goal assisted by Goodwin and Medeiros. Tayden Woods who started the game’s scoring would score the Rebels ninth goal with eight minutes left in the game. Rebels Defenceman Nick Headrick took credit for Sfive assists and Chris Breese assisted in four W3Castlegar Rebels Coach Jesse Dorrans mixed goals. W4usual offensive lines. Players played with difup his OTL1 ferent W3teammates than usual with positive results. Bhatoa had a personal scoring best. L4 “ItL4was one of those nights. You work hard and hope for the best. As a line we are getting better and better every game, and we are going to keep S better and better. Good things are going to getting W1 ” he said. happen, W1 Rebels goalie Joseph Mcleod was able to add W1 shutout to his record as he easily defended another the L1 Rebels net from 31 shots. Backup goalie Logan L1 Sawka L1 would occupy the Rebels’ net as the team won in overtime against the Fernie Ghostriders on Saturday Dec. 5 in Fernie. The S Castlegar Rebels are now in first place in theL1Neil Murdoch Division of the KIJHL slipW2 ping ahead of the Beaver Valley Nitehawks by two W2 after 29 games of play for the Rebels. The points W1 have back to back home games Friday and Rebels W1 Saturday Dec. 11 and 12 with the Osoyoos Coyotes on Dec. 11 and with the Beaver Valley Nitehawks on Dec. S 12. Puck drop is at 7 p.m. for both games. OTL1 L1 W3 L2 L1
GWEN: Giving What Elders Need is a project of Castlegar CRN Community Response Network. Starting on our home game Wed Dec 2 we will have an Angel Tree at Dec home games, Dec 2, 11, 12. Each Angel on our tree will have an item that will be donated to our seniors. If you bring this Angel and gift back you will be admitted into our home games free of charge. Gifts need to be unwrapped so we can assure safety and even distribution of goodies. Thank you in advance for supporting GWEN. A list of items is as follows: Chocolates, cookies (sorry, can’t be homemade), Christmas ornaments, Crossword or word search books, Writing paper, envelopes, pens, Manicure sets, Handheld reachers, Flashlights/nightlights. Gift cards: drug stores, grocery store, Buy and donate an hour
($20) of Minor Home Repair or Snow Removal (through the Castlegar Better At Home program) Cash donations also welcomed and will be utilized to purchase gift items, including last minute items such as Christmas oranges. (No donations will be utilized for wages.)
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A17
Gift Cards Available!
1128 3rd St, Castlegar | Visit
Tim Hortons Castlegar
1465 Columbia Ave, Castlegar | (250) 365-2992
2000 Columbia Av., Castlegar
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Gift Cards Available at the
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r a d C T t r f i ee G Affordable and easy gifts for those you want to thank this season!
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
Columbia Power and the Castlegar Lions Club hosted their 9th Community Christmas event this past Sunday which included many activities, food and entertainment. Over 300 people attended the annual event.
liday cheer is coming to town.
Submitted photo
Holiday cheer is coming to town. Holiday cheer is coming to town. Join us to celebrate the holidays with musical guests. us holidays to celebrate holidays with musical guests. Join us to celebrate the withthe musical guests. Bring cash or healthy food Join donations to support families in need.
Bringfood cash donations or healthyto food donations to in support Bring cash or healthy support families need. families in need. FEATURING MUSICAL GUESTS FEATURING MUSICAL GUESTS
Great turnout at the 9th Community Christmas event SUBMIT TED
Columbia Power and the Castlegar-Selkirk Lions Club hosted their 9th Annual Community Christmas Celebration on Sunday, Nov. 29 at the Castlegar Complex. Over 300 people took part in the free family event which included a dozen craft activities, face painting, games and @CPHolidayTrain @CPHolidayTrain @CPHolidayTrain a free public swim. Performances by Castlegar @CPHolidayTrain #CPHOLIDAYTRAIN #CPHOLIDAYTRAIN#CPHOLIDAYTRAIN Highland Dancers, Dawn Graham and her vocal #CPHOLIDAYTRAIN students, Scottie’s School of Dance and Flydini the Magician kept the crowd entertained while Mrs. Claus handed out cookies. Organized by
FEATURING MUSICAL GUESTS Jim Cuddy, Devin Cuddy, Kelly Prescott & The Holiday Train Band
Jim Cuddy, Devin Cuddy,&Kelly PrescottTrain & The Holiday Train Band Jim Cuddy, Devin Cuddy, Kelly Prescott The Holiday Band
Monday December 14th at 3:30 p.m. at the Castlegar Station Museum Benefiting the Community Harvest Food Bank!
Joanne Baker of the Castlegar-Selkirk Lions Club and Sonja Klick of Columbia Power, the event had over 30 volunteers including Lions members, Columbia Power staff, Castlegar Queens Committee participants and other volunteers from the community. “This year’s Community Christmas had our highest attendance to date,” said Audrey Repin, Director of Stakeholder and External Relations for Columbia Power. “We want to thank Joanne Baker, the Castlegar-Selkirk Lions and the other community volunteers for their many years of commitment to this wonderful community event.”
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HAIR CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! With every purchase, enter to win a His/Hers Christmas Basket. Draw date Dec. 23rd. Book an appointment with Lanette, Colleen, Christine, or Cara
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401A 13th Ave. Castlegar BC • 250.365.2886 Play Times: Monday-Friday • 8am-6pm •
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A19
Earn Extra Cash!
NEED SPENDING MONEY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? CASTLEGAR NEWS HAS OPEN ROUTES OPEN PAPER ROUTES: South Castlegar area / Grandview Height Downtown area - 4 routes available Emerald Crescent area Southridge Area 20 cents per paper for filling in
THRIFTY FASHION FINDS On Friday, Dec. 4 the St. David’s Thrift Shop met for their annual Christmas luncheon. The event is a big thank you to the volunteers and supporters who contribute so much of their time to the operation of the store, a completely volunteer organization. Before the turkey and ham meal was served, the group was entertained by willing volunteers who donned items found on the racks of the store, illustrating how, for only a few dollars, it is possible to look like a Hollywood fashion model both inside and outside the home. From let to right: Gordon Swedburg, Lynne Miskell, Jean Rainbow, Janette Dascent, Eileen Akselson, Noella Desaulniers, Lesley Killough, Elaine Audet, Donna Dunn and Bonnie Thompson, who donned a single-breasted Photo by Chelsea Novak Armani wannabe.
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Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
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Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9X1
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IONIC DETOX FOOTBATH THERAPY Your home or my ofc. Introductory price $30 incl. GST. Regularly $40 + GST. Pkg. 4 treatments $120, get 5th free. Christmas gift cards. Healthy Wealthy and Wise Inc. Catherine 250-551-3030
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Career Opportunities
Medical Health
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
B. Eng and P. Eng April 17, 1976 - December 12, 2008
So sorrowfully missed by his family and friends Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the shining stars to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the God of peace to you. Deep peace. Deep peace. Deep peace.
Help Wanted
Castlegar, BC Zellstoff Celgar LP is North America’s newest and largest single line sustainable softwood kraft pulp mill located in the West Kootenay region of B.C. Celgar is part of Mercer International, which also owns and operates two world class softwood mills in Germany. All three mills continue to invest in their core assets and investigate new revenue streams in the emerging bio-economy to further improve their long term viability.
A copy of the trade certification is required with the application.
Our mill is located in the beautiful West Kootenay. The area offers a college, quality leisure facilities and excellent year-round recreational opportunity. To apply for this opportunity submit your resume by December 18, 2015 to: Zellstoff Celgar Limited Partnership Recruitment & Benefits Specialist PO Box 1000, Castlegar, BC V1N 3H9 Or email to:
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Employment Opportunity JOURNEYMAN MILLWRIGHT
Zellstoff Celgar Limited Partnership is looking for an individual with technical expertise and skill to provide effective maintenance within our modernized pulp manufacturing and pulp log processing complex. Applicant must have an interprovincial trade qualification in the Millwright trade and be able to contribute to a flexible work environment. Previous pulp mill or sawmill experience is preferred but not essential.
Rest in peace, my son, my brother
The eyes have it
Please bring resume in person to Kenny at Warren’s Wok between 2:30-4:30 from Wednesday to Saturday.
In Loving Memory Of
Kieran Michael Galbraith
ClassiďŹ eds Get Results!
Class 1, 2 or 4 drivers license required. Must like working with the public. A great way to meet people and keep in touch with the community. Please indicate the area you wish to drive. Please send resume to
Chopsticks/Warren’s Wok
We thank all applicants; only those whose candidacy best suits our needs will be contacted. Working together to be the best for our communities, our environment‌ our future!
Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A21
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Garage Sales
Houses For Sale
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
CHRISTMAS TIE SALE 830 7th St, Nelson Sat Dec 12th, 10 am-1:30 pm. 150 one of a kind, hardly / never worn, silk designer ties from Italy, France, etc. Price $10-$40. Retail $100-$300. Questions? 250 551-3030
Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 ROMANCE Your Christmas Local BC Adult Retailer Shop Online Now & Receive 25% OFF! SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING sale. “Really big sale-year end clear out!” 21x22 $5,190 25x24 $5,988 27x28 $7,498 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 $16,386. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates Jewelry+ Chad: 1-250-499-0251 Local.
Musical Instruments Guitars, Amps, Drums, Keyboards, Mics, P.A., Ukuleles, Books, & Acc. Bay Avenue Music, Trail 250-368-8878
Help Wanted
Grand Forks: older 2 bdrm mobile home on 4.5 acres, drive by to view 4255 Canning Rd, $169,900. 250-442-0122
Working together to be the best for our communities, our environment…our future!
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2-Bedroom suite for rent, available immed. $650 per month plus utilities. Ph or text 250-304-7490 in Castlegar. Newly renovated,Close to bus stop, downtown.
Mobile Homes & Pads ROBSON 3 Bdrm Mobile Home for rent $700/mth + Utilities, Written references required Call 250-304-4862
Homes for Rent 2 / 3 Bedroom house for rent Blueberry Creek Area. F/S DW, W/D, N/S, Pets negotiable , Prefer long term tenant. $1200/mnth, includes utilities. Call 250.365.2551 evenings Newly remodeled, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 decks, one off the kitchen, one off the living room, laundry hookups, hardwood floors, includes fridge, stove, dishwasher. 250-365-3144. Available Jan 1st, 2016
Suites, Lower For Rent - 1 Bdrm Suite Utilities included. $600 Mth. N/S, N/P. Centrally located. Available Immd. 250.365.9306
Cars - Domestic 2000 Acura EL, 1.6 5 sp std, PS, power sun roof, cruise, PW, 203Km, $2,600. 2000 Nissan Altima, 4cy auto, fully loaded, $1,900. 250-442-0122
Zellstoff Celgar operates a World Class1,500 tonne/day modern bleach kraft pulp mill located in Southeastern BC. This market kraft operation is committed to being its customers preferred supplier of customized pulp while maintaining its responsible position within the community. Presently we are seeking applicants for the position of Field Operations Supervisor. Reporting to the Project Manager, you will be a direct contributor to successful forestry operations. You are naturally motivated, organized, and believe in a conservation ethic where our timber resources are utilized to their greatest potential. Your work will focus on supervising successful forestry harvesting programs that emphasize a commitment to safety and intensive utilization of accessible forest fibres. Your experience includes 5+ years working as a Forestry/Crew Supervisor and you possess the following: • Supervision/Direction of forest operations including harvesting, log loading, and log hauling activities • A demonstrated understanding of the SAFE companies program, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulations, and the National Safety Code (NSC) • A working knowledge of BC Environmental Regulations • Demonstrate a high standard of self-performance and quality control • Known for your trouble-shooting and decision making skills • Recognized team player with a positive attitude and a willingness to innovate and adapt practices to highly variable working conditions • A commitment to maintaining documentation and compliance programs in the realm of environment, health, and safety • Excellent communication skills • Mechanical aptitude and knowledge of heavy equipment Zellstoff Celgar is just minutes from Castlegar, BC in the West Kootenay region. To apply for this position, please Email your CV to: jo-anne. (Apologies in advance; only those considered for an interview will be contacted)
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
ĞůůƐƚŽī ĞůŐĂƌ >ŝŵŝƚĞĚ WĂƌƚŶĞƌƐŚŝƉ dĞŵƉŽƌĂƌLJ ŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚ KƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƟĞƐ :KhZE zD E dZ ^W KW> Castlegar, BC ellstŽī Celgar ŝs EŽrtŚ ŵerŝĐa͛s Ŷeǁest aŶĚ largest sŝŶgle lŝŶe sƵstaŝŶaďle sŽŌǁŽŽĚ ŬraŌ ƉƵlƉ ŵŝll lŽĐateĚ ŝŶ tŚe test <ŽŽteŶaLJ regŝŽŶ ŽĨ B͘C͘ Celgar ŝs Ɖart ŽĨ DerĐer /ŶterŶaƟŽŶal, ǁŚŝĐŚ alsŽ ŽǁŶs aŶĚ ŽƉerates tǁŽ ǁŽrlĚ Đlass sŽŌǁŽŽĚ ŵŝlls ŝŶ 'erŵaŶLJ͘ ll tŚree ŵŝlls ĐŽŶƟŶƵe tŽ ŝŶǀest ŝŶ tŚeŝr ĐŽre assets aŶĚ ŝŶǀesƟgate Ŷeǁ reǀeŶƵe streaŵs ŝŶ tŚe eŵergŝŶg ďŝŽͲeĐŽŶŽŵLJ tŽ ĨƵrtŚer ŝŵƉrŽǀe tŚeŝr lŽŶg terŵ ǀŝaďŝlŝtLJ͘ ellstŽī Celgar >ŝŵŝteĚ WartŶersŚŝƉ Śas a ŶeeĚ ĨŽr teŵƉŽrarLJ traĚesƉeŽƉle ĨŽr tŚe Ɵŵe ƉerŝŽĚ ƵƉ tŽ aŶĚ ŝŶĐlƵĚŝŶg ŽƵr ŵaũŽr sŚƵtĚŽǁŶ ĨrŽŵ Ɖrŝl ϰ tŽ Ɖrŝl ϭϰ, ϮϬϭϲ͘ ƵrŝŶg tŚŝs ƉerŝŽĚ, tŚe ĨŽllŽǁŝŶg ĐerƟĮeĚ traĚesƉeŽƉle ǁŽƵlĚ ďe reƋƵŝreĚ͗ • • • • • •
^ĐaīŽlĚers DŝllǁrŝgŚts WŝƉeĮƩers WressƵre telĚers ;ƉressƵre ĐerƟĮĐaƟŽŶ reƋƵŝreĚͿ leĐtrŝĐŝaŶs /ŶstrƵŵeŶt DeĐŚaŶŝĐs
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tŽƌŬŝŶŐ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ƚŽ ďĞ ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ ĨŽƌ ŽƵƌ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƟĞƐ͕ ŽƵƌ ĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ͙ ŽƵƌ ĨƵƚƵƌĞ͊
CLUES ACROSS 1. Red wine 7. Best nurse-patient aid 10. Footwear closure 12. Chinese dynasty 1122-221 BC 13. Persuade to one’s side 14. Advocate 15. Mandela’s party 16. A woolen cap of Scottish origin 17. About aviation 18. Shallowest of the Greats 19. Sheathe 20. Frightened 23. Brews 24. Relates 27. Atomic #52 28. Up the ante 33. The “Kings’s” initials 34. Lepton 36. Cornmeal mush (British) 38. One who analyzes syntactically 39. Algonquian tribe 40. Systems, doctrines, theories 41. Herb __, San Francisco columnist 42. Informed about the latest trends 45. Seven 46. Morocco’s capital 47. What a doctor practices 49. Beaks 50. In a way, extends 51. A number or amount not specified 52. Gambling
CLUES DOWN 1. Composition for orchestra and soloists 2. Bulgarian monetary unit 3. Settled upon 4. Common frog genus 5. Electronic counter-countermeasures 6. Golf ball supporter 7. Divided into 3 8. Crazy (Spanish) 9. Billiards stick 10. More deficient 11. Solomon Islands capital 12. Larval crabs 14. Malta capital 18. Clairvoyance 19. Tomato condiment 21. Alleviation 22. French seaport 25. New Testament 26. Shortened (abbr.) 29. Employee (abbr.) 30. Opposite of leaving 31. Lip locking 32. Foes 35. Many not ands 36. Covered with healing scrapes 37. Regions 41. Abel’s brother (Bible) 42. Greek Queen of the gods 43. Esau’s descendants (Bible) 44. Canarium ovatum 46. Ribonucleic acid 47. Gas usage measurement 48. An oppositional argument
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
astlegar, BC. V1N 1Y4 ), 1007 2nd Street, Castlegar, BC. V1N 1Y4 (250) 365-2104 (t),
improveMISSION: the quality of people’s lives by providing assistance, counselling and support, and We improve the quality of people’s lives by providing assistance, counselling and support, and by working for social our communities. bychange workinginfor social change in our communities.
New programs in 2015/2016 include:
DID YOU KNOW New programs in 2015/2016 include: THAT OUR PROGRAMS ARE ALL FREE OF CHARGE TO THE No-interest loans for Women who have experienced GRAMS ARE ALL FREE OF CHARGE TO THE No-interest loans for Women who have experienced COMMUNITY. violence and trauma COMMUNITY. violence and trauma TransiXons for Men THAT CDCSS HAD APPROXIMATELY 7500 PEOPLE COME THROUGH OUR DOORS, PLUS THE MANY CALLS, D APPROXIMATELY 7500 PEOPLE COME TransiXons for Men CDCSS Affordable Housing project MEETINGS, AND EVENTS ATTENDED. CDCSS is proud to open the CDCSS Affordable housing project. DOORS, PLUS THE MANY CALLS, CDCSS Affordable Housing project THE VOLUNTEERS OF CDCSS CONTRIBUTED OVER 3000 This project is providing six- two bedroom units to families in EVENTS ATTENDED. CDCSS is proud to open the CDCSS Affordable housing project. HOURS OF SERVICE, AND A MEMBERSHIP OF need. S OF CDCSS CONTRIBUTED OVER 3000 This project is providing six- two bedroom units to families in APPROXIMATELY 70 ICE, AND A MEMBERSHIP OF need. Some of the programs and costs include : Dear Supporter, Y 70 Children Who Witness Abuse Please be a part of our Circle of Giving We ask for your support as we launch our annual fundraising Average per child cost -$1665.00 Dear Supporter, grams and costs include : campaign. With your dona\on, we will be able to expand and Sexual Abuse IntervenXon Program for Children itness Abuse Please be a part of our Circle of Giving improve our programs and services to assist with those who are Average per child cost– $1153.75 We ask for your support as we launch our annual fundraising d cost -$1665.00 in need of counselling and care. Family Support/Counselling ervenXon Program for Children campaign. With your dona\on, we will be able to expand and Your dona5on can help again. Average per family cost–1457.56 d cost– $1153.75 improve our programs and services to assist with those who are Other ways to support our Circle of Giving: Stopping the Violence Counselling Counselling Average per client cost – $2042.00 in need of counselling and care. Gi@ cards (grocery, pharmacy, clothing, Canadian This program currently deals with a wai5ng list ily cost–1457.56 Your dona5on can help again. Tire, gas cards, shoe stores, Walmart, etc.) Gi@ cards help families and individuals access basic needs. Safe Home (average 45 day stay) Other ways to support our Circle of Giving: lence Counselling Average per family in shelter cost - $4320.00 Gi@ cards (grocery, pharmacy, clothing, Canadian Small gi@s for Christmas, for children and moms and nt cost – $2042.00 Family Support Services / Supervised and SupporXve dads, and seniors. Many families and seniors have a rrently deals with a wai5ng list Tire, gas cards, shoe stores, Walmart, etc.) Gi@ cards great deal of stress through the Christmas season. VisitaXon age 45 day stay) help families and individuals access basic needs. Average per family cost – $2063.00 New winter hats, miHs and scarves ily in shelter cost - $4320.00 Small gi@s for Christmas, for children and moms and Mom’s Support Group New socks for children and adults Services / Supervised and SupporXve dads, and seniors. Many families and seniors have a Average per group cost – $240.00 Together is be]er VicXm Services (Police Based) great deal of stress through the Christmas season. Thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff. Average cost per client -$430.00 ily cost – $2063.00 New winter hats, miHs and scarves West Kootenay Volunteer Driver Group New socks for children and adults Kristein Johnson Average mileage re-imbursement per ride - $24.00 up cost – $240.00 Execu\ve Director Program up to September 2015 has provided 607 rides Police Based) Together is be]er Bridges for Women Group client -$430.00 Thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff. Average costs per group - $18,000.00 Beber at Home Each year, we help thousands of people, by providing a high Volunteer Driver quality of services. Without dona\ons, and partners we struggle Average cost per client - $1667.00 Kristein Johnson re-imbursement per ride - $24.00 Seniors Outreach and Support eptember 2015 has provided 607 rides Execu\ve Director to maintain these services. Please visit our office for more informa\on, and to meet the Average cost per senior – 516.00 men Group Women’s Outreach staff. er group - $18,000.00 Average cost per client - $522.00 Each year, we help thousands of people, by providing a high UP AND COMING……. Youth Program CDCSS is proud to announce the opening of the Millennium pond Average cost per youth - $855.00 quality of services. Without dona\ons, and partners we struggle client - $1667.00 concession in the summer of 2016. We will be providing services Other services and involvements: to maintain these services. h and Support throughout the summer on a daily basis. senior – 516.00 Advocacy Centre Please visit our office for more informa\on, and to meet the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program ach staff. Community Referral and InformaXon client - $522.00 Community Response Network UP AND COMING……. Programs and Events Against Violence youth - $855.00 Student PracXcum CDCSS is proud to announce the opening of the Millennium pond nd involvements: concession in the summer of 2016. We will be providing services acy Centre throughout the summer on a daily basis. NAME: __________________________________________________________________________PHONE NUMBER: _____________________ unity Volunteer Income Tax Program unity Referral and InformaXon
Castlegar News Thursday, December 10, 2015 A23
Please join Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West and staff for our annual Christmas Open House. Dec. 17th, 2015 from 1-5 pm in the Constituency Office located at:
2-1006 3rd Street, Castlegar, BC.
Light refreshments and snacks will be provided!
Open to the public. Please bring a non-perishable item for the food bank if you are able.
microwave in room • wireless internet 31 modern units • air-conditioned • satellite TV direct dial phone • sauna and whirlpool • jacuzzi suites in-room coffee & fridge • coin laundry • senior rates
The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train.
Photo courtesy of CNW Group/Canadian Pacific Holiday Train
The Holiday Train is coming to town CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News
The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will arrive in Castlegar on Monday, Dec. 14 at 3:30 p.m. to support the Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank. The Holiday Train will stop outside the Heritage Society CP Station Museum and at 3:45 p.m. the performance will commence. “This magnificent train comes in that’s all lit,” explains Deb McIntosh from the food bank. “They pull into the yard at the back at the museum there and drop down
the stage and the music starts, and it’s short, but it’s action packed.” This year the performers will be Jim Cuddy, who was given the Order of Canada in November, and his son Devin, as well as Kelly Prescott, Holiday Train veteran and award-winning country singer. Santa will also be on the scene, walking through the crowd and handing out candy for the little ones. Most important, there will be two tents: one to collect monetary donations for the food bank and the other to collect dona-
tions of food, clothing and toys. There will also be kindness meters set out. “Donations are starting to come in now and it’s looking not so bad, but the money that we bring right now has to run us from January through to June/July,” says McIntosh. “So we need like $60,000 just to know that we’re solvent for a little bit, and that’s just to buy groceries and pay rent at the shelter.” In addition to nonperishable food the food bank also needs things like toothpaste, dish soap and toilet paper. People can
also donate things like socks, mitts and toques. “We do ask that socks and anything like that are new,” said McIntosh. “We will take gently used gloves and hats, but this is Christmas, it is going in their hamper so we do only accept new toys and we’ll only put new items into their hampers.” Toys are given to children from age zero to 18. “Get a gift certificate for Walmart, for Canadian Tire, for JJ’s, something like that if you want to buy for a teenager,” said McIntosh.
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Based on single occupancy. Must present coupon. Offer expires April 15, 2016
The Bass Players Daughter Hair Studio The holidays are approaching fast, book your appointment now. Gift Certificates available for that someone special We will be closed December 25, 26 and 27. Seasons Greetings from our families to yours.
Call 250-365-3082 or email 1010 - 3rd Street • Castlegar, BC
T he Twin Rivers Community Choir Christmas Concert
Rotary Christmas Trees On Sale Starting November 28
The museum will also be raising funds that afternoon by selling hot dogs and hot chocolate.
For reservations call Toll Free 1.800.563.7401
Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Concession and Wine Bar Available
Sunday Matinee, December 13, 2015 at 2:00 pm
Concession Available
The Castle Theatre 185 Columbia Ave, Castlegar Families $25 / Adults $10 Seniors, Students & Children $5
be into your 3.transferred Get Cash the money you saveBack! will PayPal wallet beOnce transferred into your you reach just $5, the PayPal moneywallet you save will be transferred into your PayPal wallet
Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More
Visit to Learn More
Directed by Christina Nolan | Accompanied By Alicia Liszt
? h t r o W s d r o What are W hey mean t ings - what Popular say they came to be. and how
Thursday, December 10, 2015 Castlegar News
The reason for the season
“Caught red-handed” Meaning: To be caught doing something wrong. Origin: This saying originated because of a law. If someone butchered an animal that didn’t belong to him, he had to be caught with the animal’s blood on his hands to be convicted. Being caught with freshly cut meat did not make the person guilty.
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After many years together, we’re still going strong. We’re well because we take care of each other’s health.” –Dr. Evan Adams, Chief Medical Officer, First Nations Health Authority
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Faith Foundations Christmas has been hailed as “that most wonderful time of the year.” City streets sparkle with the glow of holiday lights. People have an extra bounce in their step and a greater measure of good-will towards all as they hurry along, humming familiar carols and hunting down those perfect gifts. Joyful reunions with family and friends, feasting, gift-giving, carolling, concerts and beautiful candle-
Bill’s Beef Roast in a Slow Cooker Ingredients
• 3 1⁄2 lbs outside round roast • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 4 large garlic cloves, peeled and quartered • 2 slices bacon, cut into 1 inch pieces • 1⁄2 cup water • 1 (10 ounce) can mushrooms, bits and pieces include liquid • 1 (10 ounce) can cream of mushroom soup • 1 (2 ounce) envelope onion soup mix • 1 teaspoon seasoning salt • 1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper • 18 white pearl onions (silver skin onions) • 12 baby carrots • 6 medium yukon gold potatoes, scrubbed • 6 medium fresh mushrooms, cut in half • 1 cup dry red wine • 2 large celery ribs, cut into chunks
• Heat olive oil on medium-high heat in a heavy bottom frying pan. • Sear and brown roast on all sides. • Let roast cook for a few minutes. • Using a narrow sharp paring knife, punch holes in the roast at various intervals to about 1 1/2 inches in depth. • Stuff each hole with one piece of bacon and one piece of garlic, push down into the cut. • Place roast in a slow cooker set on low heat. • Add water, bits and pieces mushrooms including liquid, and mushroom soup. • Sprinkle onion soup mix over the roast. • Now add salt, pepper. • Remove the outer skin from the onions and add to the crock pot. • Add baby carrots, whole potatoes, fresh mushrooms and red wine. • Cover and cook on low heat for 5 hours, turning the roast at least 4 times during cooking. • At the end of 5 hours, add celery, cover and continue to cook until the time reaches 6 hours. • Cut or slice the beef and serve with veggies and the tasty gravy that is cooked. • A nice piece of Italian bread or sour dough bread goes very nicely to dip into the gravy.
Christmas has been hailed as “that most wonderful time of the year. light services do indeed make Christmas a wonderful time that many cherish and look forward to every year. But for some of us, Christmas is stressful, painful and overwhelming. We put on our “game face” and numbly go through the motions while straining under the pressures of heart-breaking realities. Being bullied at school, or even worse, at home. Getting handed a pink-slip. Filing for bankruptcy. Fighting cancer. Dealing with depression. Grasping at the threads of an unraveling marriage. Grieving separation from a beloved child. Mourning the death of a loved one. In times like these we need more than tinsel and lights as an anchor for our souls. Real lives
require real hope. The Bible tells us that when the time was just right, God sent us Hope. He didn’t just look at the mess we were in and tell us to take two aspirins and call Him in the morning. The Great Physician actually made a “house call” when He laid aside His majesty and came to earth wrapped in the frailty of human flesh. His object? To free us from the power of sin and death and reconcile us to Himself. His motive? John 3:16 tells us that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Luke 2:10-12 says that the message of the angel to the lowly shepherds that holy night was, “Do not be
afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” Matthew 1:23 says, “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” That is still God’s message to every longing heart today. He loves us and He is with us! If we look beyond the crass commercialization and even the cherished traditions of Christmas, we will find that a babe in a manger is the real reason for the season.
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