VOL. 19, NO. 50 | $1 + GST
Power cut: More than 1,000 out after trees fall on Youbou Road PAGE 2
Seniors care: Town starts campaign for seniors care home PAGE 6
Take a hike: Rushing water, great views greet Retreads PAGE 12 The remains of the utility pole outside of Country Grocer lie splintered on the ground last Thursday, Dec. 10. This pole and one other in downtown Lake Cowichan were damaged by a truck hauling a over-height through the community. BC Hydro took many calls about the damaged lines, but the poles were for other utilities, not hydro. [MALCOLM CHALMERS PHOTO]
Year En
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Truck takes out town utility poles $ SARAH SIMPSON GAZETTE
A truck with an over-height load took out at least two utility poles Thursday in Lake Cowichan. One pole was outside Country Grocer and the other by the high school, confirmed public works superintendent Nagi Rizk. BC Hydro spokesperson Karla e e no Lowers said therevwere n
power outages as a result of the were involved. “A member did deal with it,” incident. e Olson v esaid. “Although we did receive calls, n located the truck “I’m sure wet it wasn’t actually our lines that were damaged, it was Telus or and the member investigated and other utilities that were brought dealt with the driver.” Rizk said six to eight utility down with it,” she said. UP aTO “It was truck with an over- trucks were out to fix the damage caused by what’s believed to be a height load.” Lake Cowichan RCMP spokes- logging truck, on Thursday. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS He figures that if it wasn’t BC person Sgt. Wes OlsonIN said police PRICE t
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2 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Power cut to more than 1,000 SARAH SIMPSON GAZETTE
A large Fir tree fell onto wires in the Youbou area during the storm early Thursday morning, causing nearly 1,100 customers to be without power for close to 12 hours. T he tree came down and knocked out 10 spans of line around 3:30 a.m. BC Hydro spokesperson Karla Lowers said it was the first of many callouts Thursday for crews to clear trees and repair lines. The Youbou outage lasted until about 3:15 p.m. “There was a lot of work that needed to happen before crews could restore power,” she said, explaining the lengthy delay.
Two falling trees took down all of the utility lines on Youbou Road around 3 a.m. Thursday morning. Hydro crews worked through the day and had power restored before 3 p.m. that afternoon. [MALCOLM CHALMERS PHOTO]
Lowers said both tree crews and line crews responded to clean up the mess. “They needed to make significant repairs. Several cross arms were damaged in the event,” she said. “Poles needed to be straightened, no poles were broken. As soon as they were able to power was restored to those customers. At it’s peak, about 8,000 Hydro customers in the Cowichan Valley were affected by the storm. Most had their power restored by 4 p.m. but some weren’t back on until around midnight. Lowers also related that Hydro crews are seeing an increase of “helpers” at tree-on-line calls that arrive before official crews and clear the trees away for firewood. “It’s an increasing trend that
when our crews respond to trouble calls, somebody’s gotten there in advance of us and cleared the area,” she said, adding it’s a very bad idea. Lowers said downed power lines don’t always act like they are live, they don’t always spark and they aren’t always on fire. People should treat them like they are live just to be on the safe side. “We are hoping to get out a proactive message of safety rather than a reactive message of condolence,” she said. People should stay back at least 10 metres and call police at 9-1-1 if they witness people clearing trees for firewood. “We are really trying to get that message out before something bad happens.”
December 2015
Santa Schedule
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Santa Back to the North Pole
Santa 11am - 7 pm
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Christmas Day CLOSED
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New Year’s Day CLOSED
“The Centre of Town”
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We cover the Cowichan Valley with over 24,000 circulation
• Nature’s Place • Sport Chek • Staples • Orange Julius • Lotto Ticket Centre • Ardenes • Winners • Northern Reflections • Petsmart • Pack Your Bags • Tim Horton’s • Great Canadian Dollar Store • The Source 7282785 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3
Refugees arrive in Cowichan KEVIN ROTHBAUER GAZETTE
Just days after starting their new lives in Canada, the first refugees from the Syrian Civil War to arrive in the Cowichan Valley admitted they felt frightened about what was ahead of them — until they met their sponsors from the Mill Bay Baptist Fellowship. “She felt safe in those three days,” interpreter Jihan Abou El Arab said, translating the words of 29-year-old refugee Faten Dekhan. “She felt the difference from where she was before.” Dekhan arrived in the Cowichan Valley on Dec. 7 along with her 58-year-old mother, Aisha Jafar, and her nine-yearold son, Mohammed Alnaddaf. The Mill Bay Baptist Fellowship is sponsoring the family for their first year in Canada. They used to call Homs, Syria, home. When the war reached Homs, they left for the capital city, Damascus. When the war reached Damascus, they moved to a small village between Damascus and the border with Lebanon. Finally, they fled across the border into Lebanon, and spent the last two years living with Dekhan’s brother in Beirut. “So basically, they ran from one spot to another spot into Lebanon,” Abou El Arab said. Both women are widows: Jafar’s husband died of a heart attack, and Dekhan’s husband was killed in bombings during the war. They have arrived in Canada with only each other. Virtually all their possessions were left behind.
#2 - 2986 Boys Road, Duncan
ank You! h T Refugees Aisha Jafar, Faten Dekhan and Mohammed Alnaddaf. [KEVIN ROTHBAUER/GAZETTE] “Everything is gone,” Abou El Arab said. “Absolutely gone. They basically came with their clothing and her wedding ring, and everything else is gone.” When they began the process of leaving Lebanon as refugees a year ago, the UN agency they were working with said there were several countries they could have ended up in: Canada, Australia, Sweden, Netherlands. They didn’t choose Canada, but happened to fit all the criteria that Canada was looking for. Canada’s commitment to welcome 25,000 refugees provided more open spots than the other countries had, as well. “All the rules Canada put to adopt refugees, they fit everything,” Abou El Arab related. Mohammed, who would have been starting Grade 1 in Syria before his
family left, was a top student in Lebanon. His favourite subject is science, and he is also looking forward to starting piano lessons and soccer. There are few concerns that he will keep up with other students his age once he gets started in school. “I think Mohammed is a very bright boy and he will catch up very fast with the language,” Abou El Arab said. Dekhan, who has some training in nursing, is hoping to further her education in Canada, while also adjusting to a new home. “She’s hoping the community will accept that and adopt them as one of them,” Abou El Arab said. “She is hoping she will be adopted by the culture here, and she is actually wishing she will be part of this community.”
Day elected CVRD board vice chair SARAH SIMPSON GAZETTE
Lake Cowichan town councillor Bob Day has been elected as vice-chair of the Cowichan Valley Regional District. Day beat out the only other nominee, Kerry Davis, the director for Area A (Malahat/Mil Bay) by a 10 to four vote for the role as second in command to re-elected chair Jon Lefebure, North Cowichan’s mayor. Although he just completed his first year as a CVRD director, Day has no shortage of political experience. “I’ve been seven years an elected official for the Town of Lake Cowichan and six years as the alternate director at the CVRD so I am familiar with the processes here at this table,” he told the board. “I consider myself very fortunate to have sat here for the last year and been a part of the process of change that I’ve witnessed. I feel proud of a lot of the decisions we’ve made... proud of the decisions we’ve made for our region and moving it forward.” Day said he believes the board is working well toward making the types of changes the public has been asking for over the years. “I think we’ve created a pathway for a better life for all of the citizens in every corner of the region,” he said. The vice-chair also said he would proudly support Lefebure and do his best to fill in for him when he’s not available to attend functions, meetings, and events. “Most importantly, I will be a champion of the CVRD and all of the decisions that we make in the community,” he said, noting that when a decision is
New CVRD board vice chair Bob Day. made at the table, he believes it’s up to all directors to support that decision in their respective communities. He went on to note two things he will focus on during his year as vice-chair. “I am passionate, very passionate about good process,” he said. “I’m passionate for the environment and that’s pretty much what my biggest passion in life is.” In the run for chair, it came down to a three-man race for the title of board chair. Joining Lefebure on the ballot were Area I (Youbou/Meade Creek) director Klaus Kuhn, and Area F (Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Falls) director Ian Morrison. “It doesn’t matter how we see ourselves. What is important is how the public sees us and more important, how the public perceives us and I think there’s a
big gap between how we see ourselves and how that public sees us,” he said. “There’s a gap because we haven’t done the proper job to educate the public or to be in contact with the public or to further the public in any decisions that were faced. So what happened is a kind of credibility gap and we are fighting that gap and we are in the defensive and we’ve been in the defensive on the board for much too long as much as I can see.” Morrison’s reasons for running, he said, fell somewhere in between Lefebure and Kuhn. He wanted to see a more cohesive board, improved community engagement, less talk and more action on substantive change, and an enhanced role for what he sees as the under-utilization of the vice chair. “You’ve seen that I’m willing to look at new ideas. You know I always come prepared. You know I understand the organization and the staff and the role,” Morrison said. “So I’m willing to be a full time chair; as chair the door will always be open. As chair my phone will always be on so I respectfully ask you for your support and your vote.” When the dust settled, the first vote had Lefebure on top with six votes and Kuhn and Morrison with four each. But eight votes are required to win so after a tiebreaker pitting Kuhn against Morrison, Morrison came out on top. He then faced off against Lefebure in the final round. Lefebure ultimately won by a 10 to four score. It was all or nothing for Morrison, however as he was later nominated for vice chair but declined the nomination.
Our heartfelt thanks to the Town of Lake Cowichan, B.C. Housing, Country Grocer, Duncan Dabbers, Lions Club Food bank and all others who have contributed to the successful operation of
Evergreen Place.
FAITH DIRECTORY ANGLICAN St. Christopher and St. Aidan
70 Cowichan Ave. W Lake Cowichan 250-749-3466
BAPTIST Cowichan Lake Baptist Church 8259 Beaver Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-3211
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Dale Winters
PENTECOSTAL ROMAN CATHOLIC Lake Cowichan St. Louis Christian Fellowship de Montfort 10 King George St. South Lake Cowichan 250-749-6492
60 Fern Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-4103
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Pastor Terry Hale
Fr. Alfredo Monacelli
4 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
We welcome your original comments on editorials, columns, on topics in the Lake Cowichan Gazette or any subjects important to you. Only letters that include name, address and day and evening phone numbers and that are veried by the Lake Cowichan Gazette can be considered for publication.
Got a news tip? Email us at:
Letters to the editor and articles submitted to the Lake Cowichan Gazette may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms and will be edited for clarity, grammar and length. Publication is not guaranteed. Email your thoughts to or fax it to us at 250-749-4385
If you can, reach out a helping hand this holiday Most of us have already been out and about starting our Christmas shopping. Whether its stocking up on groceries in anticipation of a busy holiday feasting season, or heading to the shops to nd that perfect gift for someone special, many of us take for granted that we will be able to at least have something to make the holidays special. But for a startling number of Cowichan Valley residents, Christmas will only be merry and bright with a little help from those of us who are more fortunate in our nances. We all know, and countless Christmas stories from Dr. Seuss’s How The Grinch Stole Christmas to The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry tell us, that getting stuff for the holidays isn’t what gives the season its magic. By far the best gifts are being with the people we love and counting our blessings. When we consider the plight of people in other parts of the world, such as the Syrian refugees escaping terrible violence, we all have much to be thankful for, even if we don’t have a lot of material things. But there’s no doubt that some of us have an easier time at the holidays than others due to our bank balance. We can make sure that the people we love know we are thinking of them by putting something under the tree. So now, as we hit the stores for our own holiday wants, it’s a good time to make a little extra effort and shell out a few extra dollars to help out someone else in our community. There are plenty of ways to do so. The Salvation Army is out in force with its annual Kettle Campaign. There are numerous fund and food raisers for local food banks to which you can contribute. The RCMP are going to be cramming a cruiser or two with toys for kids who otherwise might not have anything to unwrap on Christmas morning. There are angel trees in various locations where you can pull a brief description of a child for whom to buy a gift. And there’s Cowichan Neighbourhood House’s annual Adopt-A-Family program that’s looking for donors. It’s a worthwhile something to add to your Christmas list. And it will make you feel good, too.
Caycuse • Honeymoon Bay • Lake Cowichan • Mesachie Lake • Youbou
Box 10, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia V0R 2G0 Street Address: 170E-Cowichan Lake Road Phone: 250-749-4383 FAX: 250-749-4385 Classifieds: 1-855-310-3535 (toll free) EDITORIAL: ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BLACK PRESS LTD. Canadian Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement #1090194 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Letters to the editor: YOUR SAY
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Letters to the editor are welcome, but writers are requested to keep their submissions to 350 words or less. Keep it local — letters raised in response to issues raised in our pages get top priority. Letters will be edited for clarity, grammar, length — attack the issue, not the individual. All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. Thank you letters will not normally be considered for publication.
Lack of consultation for Sunfest opponents Re: Sunfest Are Town of Lake Cowichan residents aware that there has been no economic study done on their behalf that substantiates that there would be any more that short term benefit to the community from mass events such as Sunfest? In fact, there are studies from similar events that show that the projected benefits are “inflated” and short-term, and that it is the community that will pick up the costs when thousands of people show up and put stress on town services and infrastructure. Maybe residents were made aware of this through com-
munity consultation, before the mayor began pushing this proposal, a proposal that will see 15,000 people and at least 5,000 vehicles descending on a site at Meade Creek for four days, over the already busy August long weekend. Actually, you didn’t miss the consultation, there wasn’t one. The mayor didn’t think he needed to have one. There was, however, a meeting for Sunfest supporters. And, there was an invitation for letters of support, on the Chamber of Commerce website. Those folks who have concerns or questions, or who do not support this, were not invited. Mayor Forrest bases his very open support of this project on
the findings in the proponent’s report, and from his experience from Lake Cowichan Apollos’ events. The proponent will definitely benefit from this event, in spades! So, why wouldn’t the mayor trust this report? The Apollos’ events were fine, but they certainly did not bring the mass of humanity that Sunfest will. So, where is the relevance? Any of the residents of the town or in the immediate area who may have very serious concerns, you should know that the mayor expects you to, “get your head out of the sand”, and, “put up with a little inconvenience”, so the party can go on. Diana Gunderson Lake Cowichan
DENNIS SKALICKY Publisher The Lake Cowichan Gazette is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact: or 250-748-2666. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.
Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38 Within BC . . . . . . . . . . . $54 National . . . . . . . . . $107 Electronic . . . . . . . . . $38 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 5
Street Beat
With Malcolm Chalmers
The Gazette asked: What is your favourite part of Christmas? Aisha Coglan “Family! We just bought a house here and they will all be coming to visit this year.”
Cam Mackie “Christmas dinner; turkey and all the fixings.”
Letters to the editor A holiday message to men in the community I am sending this message today as a reminder that we are heading into a time of year that often causes old hurts to surface. It is very common for men to choose to isolate and not ask for help. I am asking you to consider reaching out to local organizations such as churches, mental health, etc. for their support. This is also a time of year where holiday cheer is shared. I would invite you to consider the
Price of oil versus price of gas a mystery Now that the price of crude oil has hit a new low of under $40 per barrel and we are still paying over $1.10 per litre, it seems to me that even normally apathetic people would start to realize that the price gouging for gas has hit levels we have never seen. I understand that our governments are quite happy to see the consumer abuse as they collect their tax as a percentage, but what I don’t understand is why the oil companies are so loudly complaining that low crude prices are hurting their profitability. We are still paying roughly the same for gas as when oil was over $100 per barrel, so somebody is making a lot of money. I guess a logical questions would be, if the oil companies are not benefiting from the high price of gas, then
Thanks for dinner To our unknown benefactor: a sincere thank you. On Thursday, Dec. 3, I took my mother out for dinner at the Dog House Restaurant on her 94th
impacts of excessive alcohol and food on your health and well being. I would invite you to connect with family and friends and to enjoy the special moments near a warm fire — sharing stories, etc. Please remember that how you treat yourself is how you treat others. So be gentle and look for the simple joyful moments. Take care of yourself! All the best of the season! Here’s to a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2016! Grant M. Waldman West Coast Men’s Support Society
where is all this money going? I realize the price of crude oil is strictly an arbitrary and artificial number not based on any solid facts, but what really makes me angry is that when crude prices jump the price of gas follows closely, but when they bottom out this relationship disappears. I have tried to get some explanation as to how the connection between crude prices and what we pay at the pump works. I have written letters to various government agencies and MPs but have never received a satisfactory answer. It seems that no one understands this ratio or doesn’t want to talk about it. If anyone has any information or insight on this issues, perhaps you could write a letter to this paper. I’m sure it would be of interest to many people. K. Beaumont Duncan
birthday. Upon asking for the bill, we were informed that the gentleman sitting behind me had paid for it when he left. Wayne Gill Duncan
Jerri Vertefeuille “That is an easy one, everyone coming home to visit.”
Mel Cole “My favourite part of Christmas, seeing people happy, I guess.”
Phil Birosh “My favourite part is getting together with family. I go and visit with them on the mainland and in Victoria.”
Tom Fletcher talks carbon tax, government ads with Christy Clark Premier Christy Clark sat down with Tom Fletcher for a year-end interview at her Victoria office Dec. 9. Here are excerpts. For the full version, see the Opinion tab at
By Tom Fletcher
BC Views
F: At the UN climate conference in Paris, did you speak about natural gas as a transition fuel, and did you find support for that idea? PCC: Yes and yes. The new government in Ottawa is a big supporter of our LNG plan, and part of the reason for that is that they also see it as a way forward for Canada to make a huge contribution to fighting global climate change. There are 150 coal plants on the books in China today. The only way that those plants and the ones that come after will be stopped is if they have a transitional fuel to move to. TF: B.C.’s 2020 greenhouse gas target, reduction of emissions by a third, is another target that isn’t going to be met. Why? PCC: When the government brought in the carbon tax, it was based on the assumption that other jurisdictions around us were going to eventually catch up. None of them have. There comes a point where the carbon tax can only get so high before we start chasing all those jobs out of the province.
TF: Your advisory committee says the carbon tax needs to go higher starting in 2018 if it’s going to have an effect. Do you have any other choice? PCC: Let’s figure out what the national goal is going to be, which we don’t know yet. TF: On a related topic, transit spending. Your new minister Peter Fassbender has talked about a “new day” in Ottawa and he’s downplaying the idea of another referendum for new funding sources. Is that off the table now? PCC: It may be possible that the federal government wants to invest more in transit, and take up some of the slack from the local government level. TF: On LNG, oil and natural gas prices continue to go down, and supply continues to go up around the world. Did you see any positive signs this year? PCC: What I saw this year was developing countries, especially China, making a firm commitment to reduce their emissions. The only way for them to do that is to move to a greater degree to natural gas, and the
Rights of the Child is not old stuff
became law here Jan. 12, 1992. Until it is publicized by governments and incorporated into educational systems it remains in the dark. Once widely known it will be a basis to develop children’s responsibility as to what is expected from them. With rights always comes responsibilities. Those
Further to the Convention of the Rights of the Child. One person told me they started to read the article and then thought it was old stuff. Well it is current and was ratified in Canada on Dec. 13, 1991 and
bulk of their industry is still located on the east coast of their country, a long way from Russia and close to B.C. TF: Are we going to see some policy action on high housing costs in 2016, and will there be some relief from the property transfer tax? PCC: You’ll see in the February budget, but we are looking for ways to provide some relief for home buyers. TF: We’re starting to see government advertising ramp up. We saw a lot of Jobs Plan advertising before the 2013 election, we saw the federal government do it with their Economic Action Plan, which was very expensive, and to most people’s eye self-serving or political in nature at taxpayers’ expense. Is that what we’re going to see in the next year and a half? PCC: It won’t be political. I think some of that was, really, political. You will see more information-based advertising out there, talking to people about for example, the Registered Education Savings Plan. TF: Not Jobs Plan 2.0? PCC: I don’t think that’s in the plan. I wish I could say to you no, never, but I, you know…. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Email: Twitter: @ tomfletcherbc
who are against the 54 articles likely have never read them. On Nov. 20, 1990 it was adopted by UN General Assembly. Access to the government’s actual wording is one long winded link. John A. McDonald Duncan
6 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Town starts campaign Smile FILE for seniors care home COWICHAN LAKE
Cindy Olson
With Malcolm Chalmers
Name: Cindy Olson Occupation: teacher at LCS Hometown: Lake Cowichan I’ve always wanted to: travel to Europe Favourite food: sushi Best thing about living here: the kids I teach and their families Favourite activity: hiking Proudest moment: my adult children How do you define downtime: sitting on the couch with my dog, a beverage and a fire I wish I was better at: my athletic ability If I was stuck on a desert island I would definitely need: my husband My guiltiest pleasure is: wine and chocolate My go-to wardrobe staple: high boots
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Mayor Ross Forrest announced Thursday that the Town of Lake Cowichan is ready to start a push for a residential care home. “Now that the study has been done and our Age-Friendly Plan is complete, it is time to begin the process of obtaining an extended care facility for Lake Cowichan,” he said, in a notice posted Dec. 10. “We know there has been a want in our community for some time and the Age-Friendly Plan contains a great amount of information and facts identifying the need,” he said. “We now have the information to help us persuade the necessary partners required to assist in our efforts.” So, on Monday, Jan. 4, at the municipal hall, the town will be holding a meeting to discuss the next steps towards proceeding. “Forming an active committee will be a necessary requirement. It is crucial that our entire community involve themselves in some capacity to take on this challenge. Strong community support will achieve success,” Forrest said, urging
Mayor Ross Forrest announced that the town is ready to start fighting to get a seniors care facility for Lake Cowichan. [LEXI BAINAS/CITIZEN] attendance at this, the opening session. “Please come out so we can identify the best possible people to assist in accomplishing our
goal of a first class facility. We know there are some excellent people in our community who can add great value to this endeavour,” he said.
LAKE Cowichan briefs Disagreement over new ‘Wye Entrance’
Space a challenge for sidewalks, bike lanes
Ideas are still being kicked around to remake the so-called “Wye Entrance” to Lake Cowichan where Highway 18 meets Youbou Road. The present wooden sign is rapidly deteriorating and must be replaced and the town’s advisory planning council is looking at what might be put up instead. Ross Fitzgerald, APC chair, told a recent town meeting that he’s hoping to get the ideas costed out and ready for presentation to council in January. The idea is to get the project done by summer. Some suggestions put forward show a modern-looking sign, while other people are calling for something more rustic. Still others want to see something that would include reference to Lake Cowichan’s First Nation or something that would offer the chance to welcome visitors to specific events. Finally, there have also been protests that taking the listing of all the area’s communities off the sign would change its focus but councillors have replied that the project is being paid for by the Town of Lake Cowichan and that the town should be top priority in the project.
Work is expected to start before long on sidewalks along at least part of North Shore Road. Town of Lake Cowichan works superintendent Nagy Rizk said it is not likely that sidewalks can be built on both sides of the street because, in some areas, the hill rises too steeply to allow room. Mayor Ross Forrest asked if there was enough room to allow for a bicycle lane adjacent to the sidewalk but Rizk said it would have to be considered carefully. “You could hit dead ends along some parts and the cyclist would have no place to go. To properly isolate it, you’d almost need to add another lane,” he said. Forrest persisted. “Could we, at a later date, have enough space on the other side? I’m thinking of the future.” Rizk said it would only be possible if the road were actually widened. “There’s not enough shoulder now,” he said. Town CAO Joe Fernandez added, “We should look at getting sidewalks in. That is now an important connector. But we do need to look at it long term, to tie it into whatever we are doing here [along South Shore Road by the town office.]
Town CAP Joe Fernandez
Slippery surface likely closing Saywell dock There will probably be no access to the Saywell Park docks during the winter. “We need to seriously look at closing the dock because it’s slippery and you can’t put salt or sand on it,” said Lake Cowichan town works superintendent Nagy Rizk at a recent public works committee meeting. “I’m just worried about people slipping. If you see it’s closed, you’ll know why.” Lexi Bainas, Citizen | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 7
250.749.6660 145 South Shore Rd. Lake Cowichan
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Tracy Forrest
PICTURE PERFECT 2 bed/2 bath rancher is move in ready with nothing to do! The home is immaculately maintained, the partially fenced yard has a mixture of beautiful plants, garden area and greenhouse. Great starter or retirement home. Call to view today!
1.25 ACRE PRIVATE LOT Big lot with privacy – There is a big building site already roughed in to take advantage of. This is a protected area that assures peace & quiet. Located in beautiful Point Ideal – one of Lake Cowichan’s best areas. Call to view today!
477 Point Ideal $85,000
Centrally located to shopping and all amenities. Level entry with main floor livingroom including an attached storage area and private patio in the back, where you can enjoy the wooded area and flowing creek. Upstairs has 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath and the master has a walk in closet. Could be a great starter home for a young family, great investment or perfect for retirement. Call to view today!
#3-215 Madill
EASY LIVING Immaculate double wide mobile in a small adult park with only 10 units. This 2 bed/2 bath home has been meticulously maintained including paint, flooring, appliances, new propane fireplace, bathroom and the list goes on and on. A great home and wonderful location so don’t miss your chance to live here!
#1-8697 North Shore
This home features 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens and plenty of storage. There is a 560 sq ft double garage to store those summer toys. This big home sits on an extra large 0.37 acre lot with fenced garden area and lots of room for building that dream car garage. Quick Possession Available. Call to view today!
197 Grants Lake Road EASY LIVING
The perfect picture in this very cute bungalow. From the moment you open the door you will be amazed at the openness of the design, 3 big skylights accent the vauleted ceilings, 34 bedrooms, master with a full 4 pc bath. What a beautiful area to live in. Good neighbours make the difference. Call to view today!
191 Johnson
2.5 ACRE TREED LOT Located on the outskirts of the Town of Lake Cowichan. Zoning provided for various usage including intensive agriculture or a B & B. Easy access to the property off Indian Road. Lots of privacy and there is the potential to bring in some revenue from logging some of the standing trees. Great opportunity to build a beautiful home in your own private wilderness. Call to view today!
11 Indian Road
225 Johel
Gorgeous Lake & Mountain views from all sides on this Kwassin Lake home. The home features 3 bed / 3 bath with an open plan living design. The master bedroom overlooks the lake and boasts a walk in closet and 4 pc en-suite. The backyard is perfect for entertaining or relaxing while watching the Kingfishers, ducks and more on your doorstep. Call now to view!
At beaver lake resort. 30ft immaculate RV boarding on beachfront with huge covered deck area and large garden shed. The lot is hidden by an evergreen hedge for assured privacy. This is a turnkey setup, great for that weekend getaway or can be used full time.
23-8631 South Shore
#57-6855 Park Ave
Helping you find the Property of your Dreams! Call Keith or Tracy Today! This 3 or 4 bedroom home radiates hospitality & charm from the marble & Boeing bathtub to the vaulted ceilings. The living room has a cozy terra cotta fireplace and downstairs is a cold room for your wine or preserves. The home boasts unique tiles, intercom system, built in vacuum and fully finished detached workshop with over height double carport for your RV or Boat
87 Park
SPECTACULAR VIEWS This 1528 sq ft level entry home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious interior with huge kitchen, attached dining area and family room. The master is large and includes a en-suite and walk in closet. The yard is level with lots of room for RV/Boat parking, there is a courtyard with paving stones and glass covered entryway, nice flower beds and a large deck at the back. Minutes to downtown Duncan. Motivated seller and early possession available!
3105 Laurel Grove WATERFRONT LOT Start your dream here! Beautiful water front lot located in prestigious Creekside Estates on the sunny south facing shores of Lake Cowichan. Incredible views of the pristine lake and mountains and many high end homes are in this impressive subdivision. Minutes from the Town of Lake Cowichan, close to trails and plenty of nature and recreation. This property boasts 14,124 sq ft and is ready to build on. Add your own private dock or walk on the waterfront pebble beach. Great place to enjoy the summer, live year round or retire!
Make this your holiday get-a-away! Shared interest in a waterfront development boasting 12 acres on Lake Cowichan. There are 4 acres of play fields, a private marina, a boat launch, sandy beach and a year round caretaker. You are close to March Meadows Golf course, Gordon Bay Park, and only minutes from the Town of Lake Cowichan. Share in the abundance of nature the area offers that makes this place so uniquie!
This large home features 3 bedrooms upstairs with a huge living room, country kitchen and laundry room. There is a 1 bed suite downstairs which will provide extra revenue if needed or simply use as a big home. There is a big easy access wired shop that would be great for projects or storage. Call to view today!
147 MacDonald
34 Creekside
Sunny Youbou waterfront on .29 acre The main home has 3 bedroom & 2 bathrooms, beautiful birch floors and an open plan kitchen / living roomdesign. There is a 2nd residence with 2 bed/1 bath which is currently being rented. Why not own a piece of paradise?
PRETTY AS A PICTURE This lot is ideally suited to build your dream home in charming Mesachie Lake. The flat lot is close to swimming, golfing, hiking and camping. The lot includes a car port and a newer 200 sq ft shed which is wired, plumbed including a bathroom and insulated. The lot is fully fenced & has mature trees adding to the tranquility and privacy you will feel. Call to view today!
Great Investment property in the heart of Lake Cowichan. This property has been used as a residential rental but lends itself to redevelopment for commercial because of the prime location. Lot size is approx. 90x300
250 South Shore Rd.
6624 Forestry Road
Beautiful waterfront lot on one of the nicest spots on Cowichan Lake. This is an undivided ½ interest a Joint Tenants with a Co-Ownership Agreement in place. Cute cabin on property with two bedrooms, includes a hot tub and dock. Enjoy the beach for swimming & boating and spectacular view of the Mountains & Lake. Call to view today!
9166 Meades Creek
10552 Coon Creek
1200 Sq Ft shop with two bays for all your toys. There is also a 3 bedroom home situated on a roomy .32 acre lot. The back yard is large and private. Located close to all town amenities
$245,000 196 Neva
SPECTACULAR VIEWS You can see for miles & miles on this spectacular south facing 0.28 acre lot. Located high on the hill in the “Cottages at Marble Bay”. There are panoramic views of the mountains, beautiful Cowichan Lake & Honeymoon Bay! There is lake access with wharfs and beach front. They don’t come any better than this so make this your weekend destination get-a-way or for full time living!
17 Kestral Drive
Want to sell your home? The market is MOVING! Let us list it for you!
8 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
You’ll Feel ❄
Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. ❅ December 16-19, 2015
Like Family.
Proud to be serving the Cowichan Valley since 1985
Fresh From China Premium Quality Country Grocer
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Chapman’s Original
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5 lb. Box In our Deli...
6 97 4 97
LIMIT 3 Total
Pumpkin Pies
Deep Dish
100 g
Vegetables Your Choice, 341-398 ml
Stuffing Your Choice, 120 g
LIMIT 4 Total
Clamato Your Choice, 1.89 L
Multigrain, French, Sourdough
Baguettes 300 g
LIMIT 8 Total
LIMIT 4 Total
25 F O R
Offers valid at Lake Cowichan and Cobble Hill Country Grocer locations only
FLYER THIS FRIDAY in the Citizen Newspaper
1400 Cowichan Bay Rd, Cobble Hill • Open Daily 8 am - 9 pm 83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan • Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm All items while stocks last.
Kraft Stove Top
Del Monte
In our Bakery…
Turkey Breast
00 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 9
❄ You’ll Feel
Like Family.
Lake Cowichan Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. ❅ Dec. 16 - 19, 2015
Locally Owned & Operated since 1984
Christmas Look for the Dot Sale! Dots & Save!
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Old Fashioned Ham Reg. g 1.69 100
These Specials available at Country Grocer Lake Cowichan ONLY
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Reg. 19.99
120 g
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5 500 F O R
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Poinsettia 6”
Fill the Christmas Hampers! Country Grocer is accepting food & cash donations for Lake Cowichan Community Services Christmas Hampers.
83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan
Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm
DISCOVERY HONDA would like to say THANK YOU to all of our Customers for DISCOVERY HONDA making us the #1 fastest growing DISCOVERY HONDA
10 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
would to say THANK YOU Honda like Dealer on the Island! to all of our Customers for making us the #1 fastest growing Jason Adelborg Honda Dealer on the Island!
Greg Van Es
General Sales Manager
General Manager
years 29 years • Fastest Growing Honda 22 Dealer on Jason Adelborg Greg Van Es Vancouver Island.General Sales Manager General Manager Mark Parker Ross McCauley 22 years 29 years • LocallyFinancial Family Owned andFinancial Operated. Service Manager Service Manager years All 25 years Cash Discount4on • $3500 Mark Parker Ross McCauley Service Manager Remaining Civics Financial Service 2015 Manager Honda Financial Trevor Joe Graham 4 yearsSheck 25 years • Competitive Pricing, Quality Product. Sales Representative Sales Representative 18 years 32 yearsand Knowledgable • Friendly Staff. Trevor Sheck Joe Graham Sales Representative • WhySales Buy a Car Anywhere Else? Representative Guy Jones Ian Lepper 18 years 32 years • Your central Vancouver Island Honda Sales Representative Sales destination; Representative 16 years 15 years We deliver as far as Port Alberni! Guy Jones Ian Lepper (automotive industry)
Sales Representative Sales Representative ALG Quote 2014: Les Charles industry) Ryan Harrison 16Honda years (automotive 15 years Vehicles hold their value betterSales thanRepresentative Sales Representative any other mainstream brand in Canada! 3 years 3 years
Les Charles Ryan Harrison DL#5963 “Drive a little, save a lot!” Sales Representative Sales Representative (250) 748-5814 or 1-800-673-9276
“DriveOpen: a little, save a lot!” Monday - Saturday 8:30 - 6 pmDL#5963
3 years
(250) 748-5814 or 1-800-673-9276
Open: Monday - Saturday 8:30 - 6 pm email: •
Greg Van Es Jason Adelborg Ross McCauley General Manager
General Sales Manager
Financial Service Manager
Mark Parker
Financial Service Manager
Joe Graham Sales Representative
Trevor Sheck Sales Representative
Guy Jones
Sales Representative
Ian Lepper
Sales Representative
Les Charles
Sales Representative
Ryan Harrison Sales Representative | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11
Warm welcome? Town aims to help newcomers LEXI BAINAS GAZETTE
While Lake Cowichan town council was stymied in its first attempt to get more information about property sales and buyers, the mayor and aldermen still want to look at ways to connect with newcomers to the community. At their economic and sustainable development committee meeting Nov. 17, they tossed around the idea of preparing some material to hand out to anyone buying property in the community. CAO Joe Fernandez said he thought it would be very tough if not impossible to poll realtors for the information and even knowing who was buying wouldn’t help with determining who was moving in and who were absentee landlords. Mayor Ross Forrest said he thought it would be worthwhile to know more about who exactly is relocating to the Lake. “They could have great skills to share. It would be nice to know who they are,” he said, suggesting that if the town could prepare some written
material it might be possible to distribute it through the notary public’s office since the paperwork for most land deals is handled there. Coun. Bob Day and Coun. Carolyne Austin also suggested Welcome Wagon as another way to help welcome newcomers while finding out what they need and even what they could be bringing to the community. Town works superintendent Nagy Rizk said he fielded a lot of calls from newcomers asking about opportunities to volunteer. Fernandez said he had recently been part of a joint tour of town with counterparts from the school district and suggested that cooperation might be another way to find out more about who’s coming to Cowichan Lake. Forrest also pointed out that given Lake Cowichan’s reputation for affordable housing, many folks were also moving to the town to rent, not buy, and there were other challenges in finding out about them, their needs and what they might add to the town.
Lots of people crowded into Centennial Hall for the Lake Cowichan town hall meeting recently. They heard from town officials on a number of subjects, and had plenty to say themselves. [LEXI BAINAS/GAZETTE]
No borrowing for new town hall LEXI BAINAS GAZETTE
Work on new town hall for Lake Cowichan will begin in the spring. Mayor Ross Forrest told the crowd at the Nov. 30 town hall meeting at Centennial Hall that the project will start with the demolition of the old fire hall bays — which are the closest section of the current building to the Cowichan River. “We need to have a better facility. Lucky for us, the council
The Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce would like to thank everyone who participated in the December Madness 7 Days Of Local Shopping CHRISTMAS SHOPPING PASSPORT The winner of the $50.00 shopping Gift Certificate was
Douglas Pigot from Honeymoon Bay
of about 14 years ago started putting away money for this and it’s continued. We will not be borrowing any money for this,” Forrest said. Forrest has said several times recently that a new municipal hall is long overdue. “This town has never had a proper council chambers,” he said, pointing out that councillors had used the Mildred Child Annex (the old library), and then part of the old fire hall for meetings.
“Also, it’s really crucial to have some place for privacy. There’s none now,” he said. “It’s time and we’re moving forward with it. The bays will be coming down first. We’ll remain in our [current] offices, though, but renovate them as we go along.” Asked if the town would keep its fire siren, Forrest said that some location would be found for it. “We’d still have a siren in town,” he said.
W i n e ners A h T d n re .A
Is proud to announce this year’s winners of
The Christmas Light-Up Contest Sponsored by the
Thank you for supporting local business
Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce
We would also like to thank the participating businesses listed below for helping to make this event so special.
Tiptons Gas Bar and Coop Gas,Country Grocer, Remedy, Gord's Fly Box & Goodies, Home Hardware, Chamelon Arts, South Shore Cabinetry, Butler Locksmithing, Island Pharmacy, Galloping Moon, J&Vs Burgers and Pizza, Tim Hortons, George's Hair and Tanning, Irly Bird, Lake Cowichan Eyecare, Scarlett's Second Hand Boutique, Deb's Hair Design, Angies's Esthetics, Fields, Ice Cream Impossible, Footwear Centre, Cassy's Coffee House, Cafe Mochica, Pet Emporium, Jake's at the Lake, A&W, ShakerMill Restaurant, O.K. Tire, Lake Cowichan Furniture, Subway, Lordco Auto Parts, Fit for a Princess, West Coast Trading Post, Copper Lane, Lake Side Sushi, Curry in a Hurry, Heads or Nails, Bell's Flooring, Gerard's Speciality Foods, J.J Chinese take-out, Cow Cafe, Curves.
We Wish Everyone A Merry Christmas In Business For Business
BEST DECORATED WINDOW DISPLAY Ice Cream Impossible 122B South Shore Road
BEST DECORATED HOUSE & LIGHTS Stu and Karen Smith 31 Stevens Crescent
(this was a BIG surprise to them as they were entered by Amanda, Jessica and Adam)
Winners each receive a certificate for bragging rights!
12 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Rushing water, great views greet Retreads on the winter trails
etreads recently did two nearby seasonal hikes, one down the Cowichan River Loop with the river in full flow and some gallant salmon making their way up; and the other up old logging roads and with a scramble down the river side to view the Robertson River falls in full flow. The Robertson hike started with a bit of excitement as we were helped one by one across a creek on a makeshift bridge created by laying out an extension ladder. All made the crossing with help and egging on. We then followed the river on an old logging road that runs beside it. Robertson River was unbelievably crystal clear and we had hoped to see some fish but none were spotted even by those with updated eye lenses. After we left the forest, the broom growing alongside the road was sparkling with frost adding a special effect to an already beautiful day. We then started up a long incline through an old clear-cut allowing wonderful views across the valley. We could hear the falls before we turned off the road to a rough trail that follows a ridge to an overlook at the top. We stayed on this mossy verge above the falls for an early lunch then half of the group took a steep, slippery trail down into the gully that leads to the base
as a baby’s bum.” After a view down into the river from the trestle above, we continued on along trails high above the north side of the river. At one point the trail, above a bend in the river, took us out for a few metres on the Trans Canada Trail, and then back onto the river trail that gradually descends until we reach the group camp which has a shelter with rows of picnic tables. At lunch we were not alone. There was a Duncan party occupying one table and as we sat another group passed along the trail. It was The Retreads cross Robertson Creek using an extension ladder as bridge. [SUBMITTED] good to know that these the river but crossed the logging bridge and park trails were being of this magnificent 30 metre the river was set out along the Cowichan well used. After a pleasfalls. Cliff, our trusty leader had a bit cloudy so River Loop. After some time brought a heavy rope which he ant lunch break sitting at we did not see we climbed a short steep hill tied to a tree near the bottom so tables, which is not our them swimand paused at a viewpoint we could safely clamber down Take a hike norm, we headed out to ming up. high above the river where it to, and over a small stream By David Kidd & complete the last quarter On down moves around a sharp bend draining into the river at the of this loop. Mostly we Willa Suntjens stream over a with a gravel bank. That bank base of the falls. travelled along reasoncreek with a has been prone to erosion, but The falls were fuller and more ably level trails under neat but slippery bridge up over is now somewhat stable. Here spectacular than we have ever huge big leaf maple trees. Somesome hills and then great joy we witnessed much gull and seen them, making our challentimes beside side creeks flowing occasional eagle activity as they as trestle 66 came into view. As ging descent well worthwhile. into the river and sometimes on we trudged along, skipping over chased pieces of salmon. While we were making this low ridges obviously formed by but not tripping on tree roots Further along, opposite the short side trip, the rest of the earlier river changes. I eavesdropped on fascinating group campground we were group soaked up some warm Then the Mayo Road forest discussions from the women right down by the river’s edge sunshine. Together again, we bridge came into view and we behind me. The one topic that but unable to venture out onto walked the 4 km back to our soon completed the ever popular stuck in my mind was the one rocky ridges that were covered cars, enjoying the expansive 8 km river loop. We also made a by the high river flow. We did see where “you could scrub your views along the way. brief stop at Skutz Falls with a a few pretty tired salmon resting skin with a particular kind of A week earlier 17 of us parked swirling torrent of water. A fasbrush and it came out as smooth cinating view in heavy flows. in a shallow pool at the edge of at the end of Mayo Road,
Brad Bergen
Elaine McGinn
Pat Duringer
Sandy Stinson | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 13
Your Trusted Authority ~ Going the extra mile for you!
7777 Sunset Drive
4 Bedroom home, 1 minute from great beach. Functional & fantastic home with new kitchen.
7971 Cowichan Valley Hwy. 297 North Shore Road
PROPOSED NICE NEW HOUSE. Big log home with loft, and shop on 14 acres in town boundary. Big 16’ x 23’ workshop with 14’ ceilings
Penny Lane
521 Point Ideal
Great Riverfront Community, Walk to Town
Renovated mobile in waterfront park. Full time living or your summer escape. 6 months FREE pad rent.
10484 Youbou Rd.
127 Darnell Rd.
Lake view from kitchen, landscaped, .52 acre
Cute cottage, easy walk to town
72 Park Road
Riverfront home on the Cowichan River Commercial/Residential downtown riverfront property walking distance to all Lake Cowichan has to offer.
169 South Shore
67 South Shore Rd.
Bayview Village, with private beach, nice deck
3 bedrooms, two baths, bring your lake toys 10150 Youbou Road Huge south facing and enjoy.
waterfront 1.01 acres. Steel roof and bonus sun room
9866 Stin-Qua Road $364,900
130 Neva Rd.
87 South Shore Road
32 Paddle Duck Lane Best of both worlds. Weekend Gettaway or live full time. This Park Model is right at the edge of the pond.
Great Beach Access!
New roof and renovations to basement!
Lot 5 Miracle Way
5 acres of amazing waterfront, huge log cabin, tennis court, swimming pool, caretakers cabin, shop.
119 Boundary Road Mobile home on extra large lot. Proper roof trusses and asphalt shingles Priced to sell.
262 Kingfisher Pl.
80 Fern Road
Cute 9 year old 4 bedroom home with open concept, fenced yard with RV hook-up.
Cozy home on extra large lot, open concept living, metal roof, just 2 years old!
$194,900 94 Cottonwood St.
Beautifully updated home, new kitchen, fixtures, 164 Elk $68,000 flooring, updated bathroom, 466 Point Ideal 1/4 Acre $105,900 new roof in 2011, .8 acre can 1734 Meagan St. Crofton Ocean View $133,900 be subdivided.
481 Mountain View Rd.
7434 Cowichan Lake Road
Your own island on Cowichan Lake, private and peaceful.
1/2 acre of privacy, gazebo, creek in back, Park like setting backing onto Trans Canada Trail, 1.5 Storey house with new 3 bedrooms, close to beach roof in 2014.
starting at $199,000, includes boat slip and storage locker.
3 bed, 2 bath rancher, propane fireplace, jacuzzi tub in master, double garage.
Perfect for the person who has everything!!
Beautiful upscale development has attracted a lovely mixture of mostly retired professionals.
7780 Parkinson Ave.
Luxury 2-Bedroom Cabins
110 River Road
2 Bedroom home with sweet yard, newer roof; perfect for a garden lover.
Unique waterfront development situated on the Cowichan River 2 bdrm cottage perfect for a weekend retreat or live year round
24 Nelson Road
$2,500,000 $199,000 #2-77 Nelson
Main St. in Lake Cowichan, 7200 sq. ft. lot
10501 Youbou Rd.
9200 sqft commercial space downtown. Some space rented, over 4K in income 154 South Shore Rd. Commercial Building and Land
Lake Cowichan Home Centre, business and mini mall
Large family home with many updates, wood stove downstairs and fenced backyard, across from TC trail.
147 Cowichan Ave
Huge lot, water glimpses, 3 bedrooms
9220 Nighthawk Road
Land & building or start your own business
• Riverfront +/ residential+/ +business too! • Location, location,location • Established since 1960 • 1960 sq’ building • 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom • 62x104 riverfront lot
10351 Youbou 93 & 95 South Shore Rd.
23 Stevens Crescent 3 Bdrm. cedar sided, wood floors, 2 shops, awesome fenced yard.
9041 Meades Creek
Magnificent lakefront home on .70 of an acre. Complete with guest cottage
Duplex $239,000 Cottage $259,000
146 Wavell Road
Timber frame home across from the One acre in town, walk to everything, WATERFRONT lake with 1 bdr. suite new open concept living 1.66 acres, HUGELY MOTIVATED! RIVERFRONT
229 Johel Rd
10196 Youbou
ATTENTION DEVELOPERS & Investors – here is a great opportunity to purchase a multifamily site within city limits with full community servicing. “The Slopes”, a new Lake Cowichan subdivision showcasing a variety of beautiful new homes. Close to town & minutes to the Lake with easy hwy. access.
Large Sunny Lots STARTING AT $100,000 The SLOPES BIG LOTS $99,000
RECREATION – MULTI-FAMILY INVESTMENT – SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Nearly 1.5 acres of gently-sloping waterfront. panoramic Views. Private & sheltered. This charming cottage includes a sweet bungalow & has everything you need for rest, relaxation & entertaining.
14 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Like us on | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 15
In Brief Arena fun for New Year’s Eve If you’re looking for something the whole family can do together on New Year’s Eve, look no further than the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena. On Thursday, Dec. 31 from 5-8 p.m. it’s just $10 per family to head to the arena for family skating, crafts, sports, games, a movie, hot chocolate and more. They have to know if they have enough people coming to make it worthwhile, though, so register for the event at the arena by Dec. 22 by calling 250-749-6742. For more information on programs and events at Cowichan Lake Recreation visit
Honeymoon Bay polar bears
Kate Khan with the little ones Zella and Emirah are excited about Christmas shopping at Stephenie and Carolyn Potter’s booth the Youbou Craft Fair. There were plenty of beautiful sparkling crafts to catch the eye. [MALCOLM CHALMERS PHOTO]
Are you ready to start the year off in daredevil fashion with a really cold dip in an icy lake? Then the annual polar bear swim hosted by Brian and Pat Peters at Honeymoon Bay is the event for you to start 2016 with. There is no registration; all you have to do is show up promptly at 11 a.m. at the public beach access across from 7244 Walton Rd. with your towel.
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3881 Finwood Place, Duncan 250-715-3003
Do you have a business serving the Cowichan Lake area?
An ad in the service directory is an affordable way to advertise your business to everyone at the lake. Call 250.749.4383 for more information
4 Season ❀❂ ❄
GUTTER Company 250-732-4570 Shane Baker
Landscaping | Septic Services Small & Large Dumptruck 1-14 yards
A gutter above the rest. Featuring: Crown Moulding
Fascia Gutters
En-TIRE-ly at your Service 250-749-6614
Call Steve for Free estimates!
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250-715-6038 250-749-4192
We are just a short 20 minutes away from Lake Cowichan.
STONE R IDGE SAND AND GRAVEL For all your gravel supplies
dentist DENTIST
Gentle, CarinG team
• General & Cosmetic Dentistry • Digital X-rays • Laser Gum Surgery • Wisdom Teeth Extraction
New patients always welcome!
Gas • Diesel Boat Gas Confections • Bait • Ice
46 South Shore Rd.
OPEN: Mon.-Sat: 5a.m.-10p.m. Sun: 7a.m. - 8p.m.
14 North Shore Rd. Lake Cowichan
(Beside the Post Office in Lake Cowichan)
Tree Service • •
• •
Commercial & Residential
Dangerous Tree Removal/Storm Prevention •
Topping, Limbing, Falling
Selective or Clear Cut Logging
140 HP chipper for fast, efficient cleanup
Insured & Licensed • Free Estimates & Advice
250-748-3939 PETS & SUPPLIES
AUTO Looking for a New or Used Vehicle? Your Lake Cowichan connection!
Cowichan Pet Emporium (1996)
Geoff Dunn
Sales + Leasing Consultant
• Fish • Pet food/supplies • Otter Co-op Livestock Feed • Wood Pellets • Grooming
Call Geoff: 250.710.4430
Year En
cleara d e v e nnce
Check out our current inventory@
with Dr. Nancy Holling
170A Cowichan Lake Rd.
250-749–4454 GET UP TO
Always new trades! Give me a call!
16 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Experience the amazing Experience the amazin Experience the amazing Experience the amazin Experience the amazing Experience the amazing iPhone 6 at TELUS. Experience the amazing iPhone 6 at TELUS. Experience the amazing ‘tis the season of saving. iPhone 6 at TELUS. iPhone 6 at TELUS. iPhone 6 at TELUS. ‘tis the season of saving. iPhone 6 at TELUS. Experience the amazing
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Available on a 2 year TELUS Your Choice and 2 year Easy Tablet offer.
iPhone 6 isn’t just bigger—it’s better in every way. Larger, yet thinner. iPhone 6 isn’t just better It’s in every Larger, yet thinner. More powerful, yetbigger—it’s power efficient. a newway. generation of iPhone. More powerful, yetbigger—it’s power efficient. It’severy a new generation iPhone. DEALER LOGO AND iPhone 6 isn’t just better in way. Larger, yetofthinner.
. iPhone 6 isn’t just bigger—it’s better in every way. Larger, yet thinner. Get it at Available TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers. * on a 2 year TELUS Your Choice and 2 year Easy Tablet offer. isn’t just better It’s inand every way. Larger, yet thinner. DEALER LOGO AND AvailableiPhone on a powerful, 26 year TELUS Yourefficient. Choice 2 year Easy Tablet offer. More yetbigger—it’s power a new generation of iPhone. DEALER LOGO AND ADRESS HERE To learn moreGO visit: iPhone 6 isn’t just bigger—it’s better in every way. Larger, yet thinner. Check out the latest offers & arrivals at ADRESS GO HERE (dotted line does not print) More powerful, yet power efficient. It’s a new generation of iPhone. . iPhone DEALER LOGO ANDjust Todoeslearn more visit: 6 isn’t just bigger—it’s in every Larger, thinner. 6iPhone isn’t bigger—it’s betterbetter in every way.way. Larger, yetyet thinner. (dotted line not print) DEALER LOGO AND visit: To learn more iPhone 6 isn’t just better It’s in every way. Larger, yet thinner. More powerful, yetbigger—it’s power efficient. a new generation of iPhone. Get it at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers. ADDRESS GO HERE ADDRESS GO HERE More powerful, yet power efficient. It’s a new generation of iPhone. iPhone 6 isn’t just better It’s in every Larger, yetiPhone. thinner. More powerful, yetbigger—it’s power efficient. a newway. generation Canada Ave (dotted line doesDEALER not print) 951A More powerful, yetbigger—it’s power efficient. It’severy a new generation ofthinner. iPhone. Get it at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy of customers. LOGO AND LOGO AND iPhone 6 isn’t and just better in way. Larger, yet (dotted line does not print) Locally owned We SERVICE 250-748-4847 More powerful, yet power efficient. It’s a new generation of iPhone. Available DEALER on a 2DEALER year TELUS Your Choice 2 year Easy Tablet offer. DEALER AND happy LOGO ANDGO Get iPhone 6 Get isn’t it just bigger—it’s better of in every way. Larger, yet thinner. itpowerful, at TELUS. Home of LOGO Canada’s customers. ADDRESS HERE at TELUS. Home Canada’s happy customers. More yet what power efficient. It’s Get a newitgeneration of iPhone. we sell! ADDRESS GOCowichan HERE and operated Commons at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers. ADDRESS GO HERE More powerful, yet power efficient. It’s a new generation of iPhone. ADDRESS GO HERE Getprint) it at TELUS. ofyet Canada’s happy customers. iPhone 6 isn’t just(dotted bigger—it’s in every way.Home Larger, thinner. line250-715-1599 does not DEALER LOGO AND Getprint) it at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers. (dotted line does notbetter print) (dotted line does not (dotted line does not print) *Subject to approved credit. Not available to customers on the credit limit program. Available for clients who activate or renew on a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 monthly spend before Get it at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers. DEALER LOGO AND ADRESS GO HERE iPhone 6 isn’t just better inRoad, every way. Larger, yet thinner. 845 Deloume Mill Bay More powerful, yetbigger—it’s powerB1-efficient. It’s a new generation of GO iPhone. To learn more visit: Get at toTELUS. Home ofrateCanada’s an existing(dotted plan. SIM not included. $5not Tablet Share planit required be added to a TELUS Your Choice plan. Customers willhappy receive the $5 customers. rate for as long as they choose to stay on the Table ADRESS HERE line does print) DEALER LOGO AND DEALER LOGO250-733-2626 AND Only available at participating locations. Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Retail price of the 16GB iPad mini 2 is $470. Customers must pay back the balance of the tablet over More powerful, yet power efficient. It’s a new generation of iPhone. DEALER LOGO AND LER LOGO AND (dotted line does not print) iPhone 6*Subject isn’tto approved just bigger—it’s better every way. Larger, yet thinner. ADRESS GO HERE credit. Not available to customers on thein credit limit program. Available for TELUS, clients who activate or are renew on a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 monthly spend before tax orApple a $50Inc. monthly spend when adding a line to DEALER LOGO AND $20/month. the TELUS logo trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. TM and © 2015 All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their resp ADRESS GO HERE DEALER LOGO AND To learn more visit: *Subject to approved credit. Not available to customers on the credit program. for to clients who or renew a 2 year only Youron Choice plan with a $70 monthly spend before tax or a $5 DEALER LOGO AND ADRESS GO HERE (dotted line does not print) an existing plan. SIM not included. $5not Tablet Share planCanada’s required to be added to a TELUS Your Choice rate plan. Customers will receive the $5 ratelimit for as long as Available they choose stay on theactivate Tablet Share plan.onAvailable Consumer accounts. Get it at TELUS. Home of happy customers. RESS GOOffers HERE ADRESS GO HERE To learn more visit: (dotted line does print) available until January 24, 2016, where access and line of sight permit, to residential customers who have not subscribed to TELUS TV or Internet or Home Phone in the past 90 days. Cannot be combined with other offers. Regular prices DEALER LOGO AND More powerful, yet power efficient. It’s a new generation of iPhone. an existing plan. SIM not included. $5 Tablet Share plan required to be added to a TELUS Your Choice rate plan. Customers will receive the $5 rate for as long as they choose to stay on the Tablet Share plan Only available at participating locations. Limited timepermit, offer, prices subject to change. Retail price ofADDRESS the 16GB iPad mini 2 is $470. Customers pay back balance of theintablet over a90 24days. month Cannot period viabe monthly payments equal to offers. Regular ADRESS GO HERE Offers availableapply until 24, 2016, where access and line ofprint) sight to residential customers who have not subscribed to TELUS TV ormust Internet or the Home Phone the digital past combined with other prices GO HERE (dotted line does not print) DEALER LOGO AND atJanuary the end of the promotional period. TELUS Satellite TV isCanada’s not available toOnly residents of multi-dwelling units. Rates include aoffer, $5/mo. discount forchange. bundled services, a the $3/mo. service fee. TELUS reserves theback rightthe to modify channel Get it at TELUS. Home of happy customers. (dotted line does not ADRESS GO HERE available at participating locations. Limited time prices subject to Retail price of 16GB iPad mini 2 is $470. Customers must pay balance of tablet over a 24 month $20/month. TELUS,TELUS the TELUS logo are TV trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used of under licence. TM andunits. © 2015Rates Apple Inc. All rights All other trademarks are the propertyaof$3/mo. their respective owners. © fee. 2015 TELUS TELUS. reserves the right tothe ine not print) services, digital service modify channel apply does at the end of the promotional period. Satellite is not available to residents multi-dwelling include a $5/mo. for bundled DEALER LOGO AND (dotted line does not print)on ADRESS GO HERE If aTMnew jack or inside wiring is required, additional charges ofare $75theforproperty the first line ups and packaging, and regular pricing without notice. HDTV-input-equipped television TELUS, required watch HD. Free install existing TV outlets/phone 951A $20/month. theto TELUS logo are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used underjacks. licence. andCanada © 2015 Apple Inc. AllAve rights reserved. All other trademarks of their respective own at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers. ADDRESS GO Get HERE Moreitpowerful, yet power efficient. It’s a new generation of iPhone. Get it at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers. (dotted line does not print)
from $0 upfront
*Subject to approved credit. Not available to customers on the credit limit program. Available for clients who activate or renew on a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 monthly spend before tax or a $50 monthly spend when adding a line to an existing plan. SIM not included. $5 Tablet Share plan required to be added to a TELUS Your Choice rate plan. Customers will receive the $5 rate for as long as they choose to stay on the Tablet Share plan. Available only on Consumer accounts. DEALER LOGO AND Only available at participating locations. Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Retail price of the 16GB iPad mini 2 is $470. Customers must pay back the balance of the tablet over a 24 month period via monthly payments equal to GO HERE of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. TM and © 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS. $20/month. TELUS, the ADRESS TELUS logo are trademarks
(dotted line does not print)
Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available for customers who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Consumer accounts only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS.
Check out the latest offers & arrivals at www.cowichan Check out the latest offers & arrivals Check out the at latest offers & arrivals at www.cowichansou
Locally and ow op Locally owned Locally out theCheck latestout offers arrivals at the&latest offers and arrivals at and operated and opera
(dotted line does not print) (dotted line does notbyTVaprint) DEALER LOGO AND line ups and packaging, regular notice. HDTV-input-equipped television to watch HD. Free on existing outlets/phone jacks. PVR If a capabilities new jack orsubject insidetowiring is required, additional charges $75 for the first jack will beand incurred, andpricing $25 perwithout jack thereafter. Minimum system requirements apply.required Final eligibility for the services will determined TELUS representative. and limited by applicable laws. TELUS, theofTELUS (dotted line doesinstall notbeprint) ADDRESS GOofHERE apply. Final eligibility for the services will be determined by a TELUS representative. PVR capabilities subject to and limited by applicable laws. TELUS, the TELUS jack will be incurred, and $25 perTELUS jack thereafter. system requirements used under licence. All rights reserved. © 2015 TELUS. logo, TELUS TV and Satellite TVMinimum are trademarks TELUS Corporation, ADDRESS HERE logo,AND TELUS TV and TELUS Satellite(dotted TV are trademarks TELUS Corporation, used under licence. All rights reserved. GO © 2015 TELUS. GO line ofdoes not print)
We SER 250-748-4847 951A Canada Ave 951A Canada Ave line not print) what w available to customers on the credit limit program. Available for clients who activate or renew on a 2 year(dotted Your Choice plan with adoes $70 monthly spend before tax or a $50 monthly spend when adding a line to OGO AND O HERE We SERVICE Cowichan Commons 250-748-4847 visit: d. $5 Tablet Share plan required to be added to a TELUS Your Choice rate plan. Customers will receive the $5 rate for as long as they choose to stay on the Tablet Share plan. Available only on Consumer accounts. We SERVI 250-748-4847 Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available for customers who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Con GO HERE esLOGO not print) R AND cations. Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Retail price of the 16GB iPad mini 2 is $470. Customers pay backare thetrademarks balance ofofthe tablet over a 24 used monthunder period via monthly equal is friendly must and TELUS Corporation, license. All otherpayments trademarks are to the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS. 250-715-1599 we sell! oes not print)of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. TM and © 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. SS GO HERE All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015what TELUS. are trademarks Cowichan Commons what we s RegoLOGO AND Cowichan before taxes .SIM not Commons included. Consumer accounts only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future does not print) Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available for customers who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available forrespective customersowners. who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Consumer acc is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their © 2015 TELUS. B1- 845 Deloume Road, Mill Bay 250-715-1599 SS GO HERE is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS. 250-715-1599 does not print) 951A Canada Ave 250-733-2626 B1- 845 Deloume Road, Mill Bay B1845 Deloume Road, Mill Bay 250-748-4847 250-733-2626 250-733-2626 Get it at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers.
Cowichan Commons 250-715-1599
Locally owned We SHOP SERVICE what we sell! and operated LOCALLY
nge. Offer available for customers who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Consumer accounts only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future s of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS. 7139665
B1- 845 Deloume Road, Mill Bay