Lake Country Calendar, December 16, 2015

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Calendar Lake Country


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December 16, 2015

Thanks Horst!


Iconic jacket remodelled Lake Country’s Tracy Austin kept grabbing her husband’s Lumberjack jacket but wanted one that actually fit her. So she redesigned it and put it on the market. ...............................


School zone safety SD 23 is asking the province to change the 30 km/h limit through school zones to start at 7:30 a.m. ...............................


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Surprise celebration for Creekside Theatre’s manager, retiring after 16 years. KEVIN PARNELL He may have thought he was going to exit quietly. But after 16 years of delighting Okanagan audiences with an eclectic array of performers at the Creekside Theatre, theatre manager Horst Jassmann received the send-off that he was due earlier this month in a surprise evening honouring the first and only manager to this point at Creekside. Jassmann was honoured at Creekside with a night featuring many of his favourite performers and an appreciative crowd of theatre-goers ready to give him is due for his incredible efforts. It was a fitting tribute to a career at Creekside Theatre that began when Jassmann was hired out of the Lower Mainland to come and open Creekside Theatre, the quaint, 230-seat theatre that, over the past 16 years, has hosted a wide-ranging number of events brought to the area by Jassmann. “When I look back at my time as mayor, I look back and think we made a lot of mistakes, but one mistake we didn’t make was hiring Horst Jassmann,” said former Lake Country mayor Bob


LONGTIME Creekside Theatre manager Horst Jassmann (second from left) was greeted by many musicians and community members

at the Horstorama Variety show, including Manfred Harter (left) and Shari Tyle House (right) at a surprise evening celebrating his 16 years of service at Creekside.

McCoubrey, who told the tale of how Jassmann came to be the first manager at Creekside. “We were a brand new municipality and had just gone through the rebuilding of George Elliot as a joint use facility. By the time we finished it we had run out of money. We asked around to find out what we needed to make this (theatre) successful and people told us you need somebody that understands music, somebody that understands drama, that understands how a theatre works, understands lighting and sound. They said we would need two or three people but we only had enough money

12 - 11852 Hwy 97 Lake Country, BC


for one. Horst was the only guy that had all of that experience.” As the story goes, when Jassmann arrived in Lake Country, fresh from organizing theatre events in the Vancouver area, he inquired as to the budget to start bringing in acts. “We said there was no budget,” recalled McCoubrey. “A lot of guys would have packed up and gone back to the city but Horst being the kind of guy he is, he just put his head down and got to work.” And got to work he did, creating the kind of theatre that is a rarity nowadays: A true community theatre home to

13222 Oyama Road

a wide variety of events from music to plays to all-candidates forums to talent shows. Jassman mentored students from George Elliot, introducing them to the arts and how to run a theatre. The partnership between Jassmann and Lake Country was a perfect fit over the years. After being honoured, Jassmann spoke and true to form, he credited the community of Lake Country for all of its support. “Sometimes when you are doing these things you feel like you are all by yourself,” he told the crowd. “But over the years so many people in this community have

come forward and offered their help and been part of what’s gone on here on the stage. It just makes you feel like your part of a family and I’m sure glad I landed in Lake Country. This is some family….some family that takes care of all the artists.” One man taking it all in that night was Ryan Donn, who has the daunting task of replacing a beloved theatre manager in a roll that will also include other duties in the district. Donn says he has no plans to change what Jassmann has built but instead wants to continue the legacy he laid down.

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“He truly took this theatre from no budget, nothing really other than an empty shell and created something quite unique in the community,” said Donn, a performer himself who has been working alongside Jassmann for the past month as the shift to a new era takes place. “It was quite amazing to see and hear just how much of the community he touched over his term. The weight on my shoulders just kept growing.” It’s clear in talking to Donn that the new era might not be all that different from what folks in Lake Country are SEE JASSMANN A3

6930 Old Kamloops Road 13 acres, lake view, indoor arena, and 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home. MLS® 10103634 $1,400,000

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Iconic jacket’s look, now for the ladies KEVIN PARNELL

They are known by many names. Perhaps the

best-known is lumberjack jacket. But you

can call it a mac jacket, or even a Lake Coun-

Look who’s NEW at the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce and in your community! McKenzie-Brown Law is a new joined a general practice firm firm in Lake Country offering legal before opening her own business. services in the In addition to setting areas of wills and up her firm here, estates, business Leah is a local and law and real estate thoroughly enjoys transactions. being part of the Lake The firm tailors Country community. services to meet individual needs Leah and Michele emphasizing clear, Kienas, legal accessible advice administrative assistant and flexibility to fit with over ten years’ client schedules. experience, always have the client’s best Leah McKenzieinterests in mind. Leah Brown began offers a free one half her practice in hour consultation Leah McKenzie-Brown Northern British in some areas of Columbia where law and can often she worked at a mid-size firm as a point people in the right direction general solicitor. She then made should the issue not fall within the the move to Kelowna where she firm’s areas of practice.


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try dinner jacket (wink, wink) if you prefer. Lumberjack jackets: Those big, cozy, plaid, wear-around-the-campfire-jackets are best known as comfort wear to keep you cozy. But try to find one that is made for a woman and you might have a lengthy search. Until now. Lake Country resident Tracy Austin has

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BIG, cozy and plaid,Tracy Austin redesigned the

iconic look to makeover the lumberjack jacket for women’s physique.

created and founded Mac & Jill Apparel, a company and product born out of her personal desire to have a feminine version of the traditional lumberjack jacket. “This is not your boyfriend’s jacket,” said Austin “I used to wear my husband’s around. It was warm and cozy but they are so big and inflating.” After continually reaching for her husbands mac jacket, Austin began to search for the female equivalent. She never found what she was looking for. So she enlisted the help of friend and local designer Ingrid Uhrich and the two came up with a design that was feminine,

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a fashionable, warm and functional. “They are warm and cozy, fully lined and still light-weight and they are made to fit a woman,” said Austin. “They’re structured and streamlined for a slim fit. They are great for layering and they are Canadian made which is the biggest thing.” During her research into the possibilities, Austin found that producing a Canadian-made garment wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. She found that most garments were made overseas and the quality suf-



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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 16, 2015 A3


Jassmann made Creekside an entertainment destination JASSMANN FROM A1

used to when it comes to Creekside. And a familiar face may still be around backstage, rolling up his sleeves and getting to work. “From day one of getting this job my thought has been, let’s honour his legacy,” said Donn. “I want to maintain what he has provided and then as we evolve put my own spin on it. The community wants his legacy to continue and I’m looking forward to putting on shows that Horst booked eight months ago. He made it the place it is today. And I’ve already booked him to help me.” As for Jassmann, he Durged Lake Country to continue to support the arts as it has done over his time at the theatre. “I want you to come and see live theatre and

Horst Jassman truly surprised at his retirement celebration (clockwise from left), Kenny ‘Blues Boss’ Wayne; celebrations and stories from the stage and one of many other performers.


live music because that’s the backbone of keeping entertainment alive,” he said. “When you’re in a room with a bunch of people having the same belly laugh or listening to the same tunes and tapping your feet, it just makes you feel like your part of a community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.”


Wanting a jacket that fit her, Austin designed it herself JACKET FROM A2

fered in order to keep costs down. “I learned that by buying into fast fashion we had almost obliterated an important trade and ecraft in our own country,” she explained. “We

as a whole are no longer considering what happens to our environment when we buy more pieces that are inexpensively made and ultimately are thrown into our landfill, or forget to think about where they are made and by whom.

With this knowledge and further research, it became very important for me to have my product designed and manufactured in Canada.” Mac & Jill has now partnered with production houses in the lower mainland and is current-

ly sourcing new fabrics with an eye to the future and with a focus on quality and Canadian-made. “I can see there is interest out there win a Canadian-made garment,” said Austin. “People are coming around to understanding

that to buy a close-tohome product is going to cost a little more but you know you have bought Canadian and supported the industry in our country.” Austin held an official launch in Kelowna on Friday and says the

female mac jacket will soon be available in girls sizes as well. She is starting her venture with an online store and hopes eventually it will spread to be available in local retail shops. “I’m very excited,” she

said. “The response has been great. It’s a quality product. It fits fashion and it never goes out of style.” You can check it out at newsroom@

Students need protection getting to and from school


Every morning, Central Okanagan parent Deannie Zahara goes through the school routine: Getting her three kids up and ready for school, packing lunches and heading out the door as they walk to the nearby school. But as her daughters have aged—they are in Grades 4, 2 and 1—they have increasingly been asking to walk to school alone, exhibiting increasing independence. And while one of them does walk on her own now, leaving early and arriving at school by 8 a.m.—walking before legislated school zone speed limits come into play at 8 a.m.—Zahara is concerned with her kids’ safety. Like many schools in the Central Okanagan, the area around where Zahara’s kids walk has grown and de-


“WE NEED to be better motorists to protect vulnerable road users:” Deannie

Zahara, Raymer Elementary School parent. veloped. Cars and trucks busily move about during the morning commute while parents drive kids to school, all of them sharing the road with pedestrians “My daughter loves to walk to school on her own and I’ve just started giving her that extra

sense of freedom,” said Zahara. “It makes her really proud. I’ve taught my kids pedestrian safety and how to be responsible: Stop, look and listen; make eye contact; just because you see them doesn’t mean they see you. But it doesn’t always stick. It feels like motorists view pedes-

trians as obstacles not as shared users and I think people have a right to feel safe and walk without fear.” The issues around Zahara’s school (Raymer Elementary in Kelowna) echo many around the Central Okanagan. In Lake Country, the district’s schools face many

of the same issues, with kids and vehicles sharing the streets. To start working towards a solution Zahara and the Parent Advisory Council conducted a two-day traffic study in May of this year where volunteers watched the activities of cars and pedestrians at both drop-off and pick-up times. For 30 minutes between 8:10 and 8:40 a.m. 85 cars were witnessed speeding though school zones while that number rose to 130 between 2:10 and 2:40 p.m. Not helping safety, dozens of jay-walkers were also noted. Central Okanagan School Board chair Moyra Baxter is certainly familiar with issues around speeding in school zones and she says its happening with alarming regularity. “I think it’s an issue at every school,” said Bax-

ter. “It seems there is always someone who forgets or doesn’t realize they are in a school zone. We have a safe walk to school program which is trying to get students walking on sidewalks. I think the big thing is if people are abiding by the school zone speed limit it slows them down to such a speed that they are aware of what’s going on when kids are on the road.” At this week’s Central Okanagan School Board meeting trustees took a step to better protect students in school zones. The board passed a motion to alter the start of the school zone speed limit to 7:30 a.m. from the current 8 a.m. and will request the change of municipalities and/or the provincial government. “We have a lot of our elementary schools starting at 8:30 and some of

these kids are getting to school early. It just seems like there are children on the road before the speed zone comes into effect.” The school board will send a letter to local municipalities or the Ministry of Transportation, depending on the governing body for each of its schools with the request. For parent Zahara, it’s progress on an issue that means a lot to her and the other parents around the district. But she still says motorists need to be the ones to slow down. “Even with all these great initiatives that we have been fortunate to implement there is still a shocking amount of motorists that speed through the school zones,” she said. “We need to be better motorists to protect vulnerable road users.” newsroom@

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.


Expecting the birth of our new selves

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


t’s hard to avoid the presence of Christmas these days. With just over a week to go, Christmas music wafts over store aisles crammed with poten-

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

tial Christmas gifts. On sidewalks, charities solicit Christmas donations. Christmas decorations hang on lampposts; Christmas cards arrive in the mail; Christmas decorations adorn our homes.

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Clark on carbon tax, gov’t ads


remier Christy Clark sat down with Tom Fletcher for a year-end interview at her Victoria office Dec. 9. Here are excerpts. For the full version, see the Opinion tab at Tom Fletcher: At the UN climate conference in Paris, did you speak about natural gas as a transition fuel, and did you find support for that idea? Premier Christy Clark: Yes and yes. The new government in Ottawa is a big supporter of our LNG plan, and part of the reason for that is that they also see it as a way forward for Canada to make a huge contribution to fighting global climate change. There are 150 coal plants on the books in China today. The only way that those plants and the ones that come after

BC Views

Tom Fletcher will be stopped is if they have a transitional fuel to move to. TF: B.C.’s 2020 greenhouse gas target, reduction of emissions by a third, is another target that isn’t going to be met. Why? PCC: When the government brought in the carbon tax, it was based on the assumption that other jurisdictions around us were going to eventually catch up. And none of them have. There comes a point where the carbon tax can

only get so high before we start chasing all those jobs out of the province. TF: Your advisory committee says the carbon tax needs to go higher starting in 2018 if it’s going to have an effect. Do you have any other choice? PCC: Let’s figure out what the national goal is going to be, which we don’t know yet. TF: On a related topic, transit spending. Your new minister Peter Fassbender has talked about a “new day” in Ottawa and he’s downplaying the idea of another referendum for new funding sources. Is that off the table now? PCC: It may be possible that the federal government wants to invest more in transit, and take up some of the slack from the local government level. TF: On LNG, oil and natural gas prices continue to go down, and

supply continues to go up around the world. Did you see any positive signs this year? PCC: What I saw this year was developing countries, especially China, making a firm commitment to reduce their emissions. The only way for them to do that is to move to a greater degree to natural gas, and the bulk of their industry is still located on the east coast of their country, a long way from Russia and close to B.C. TF: Are we going to see some policy action on high housing costs in 2016, and will there be some relief from the property transfer tax? PCC: You’ll see in the February budget, but we are looking for ways to provide some relief for home buyers. TF: We’re starting to see government advertising ramp up. We saw a lot of Jobs Plan advertising before the 2013 elec-

tion, we saw the federal government do it with their Economic Action Plan, which was very expensive, and to most people’s eye self-serving or political in nature at taxpayers’ expense. Is that what we’re going to see in the next year and a half? PCC: It won’t be political. I think some of that was, really, political. You will see more information-based advertising out there, talking to people about for example, the Registered Education Savings Plan. TF: Not Jobs Plan 2.0? PCC: I don’t think that’s in the plan. I wish I could say to you no, never, but I, you know….

Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc

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u e

Our society seems, hopefully, to have aban- c doned the notion that l we can celebrate Christ- o mas without mentioning Christmas. Granted, i some organizations still s play it safe with “Happy f Holidays,” but most o places seem to acknow- d ledge that the Christmas r season is, in fact, about a Christmas—a celebration of the birth of a p child 20 centuries ago. d But while the secular c world embraces Christ- b mas, Christian churches take a more restrained stand. So the four weeks before Christmas are labelled the Season of Advent. Advent invites us to prepare ourselves for the birth, and rebirth, of the infant who has influenced the world more than any other


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 16, 2015 A5


Keeping sidewalks safe in winter up to each of us The front end of another Canadian winter is upon us—with it comes accumulations of ice and snow. It’s as normal and natural a Canadian experience as the setting sun. Through maintenance contractors, our tax dollars go to work to keep our roadways safe. Snow is plowed and icy surfaces are sanded or salted. When budgeting for road maintenance, our government leaders do their best to strike the right balance between affordability and safety. Drivers need to do our part as well, adjusting our driving to snowy and icy conditions that cannot be 100 per cent avoided.

What tired keenabout resiers who are dential sideout there, walks? I’ve it seems, seen sideto remove walk clearevery flake ing plows of snow as it here and falls. there, but They not never in only keep residential the sidewalk areas. Achieving Justice perfectThe only but Paul Hergott lyalsoclear, plows on a swath my street of the street are the road along the plows that sometimes sidewalk. end up dumping chunks Then there are those of ice and snow up on who seem not to own a those sidewalks. shovel. The thinnest skiff The level of care of snow quickly turns to homeowners put into a layer of ice. home front sidewalks A narrow path devaries widely. velops through deepThere are the reer snow, which also be-

comes icy and treacherous. Neglected sections of residential sidewalks quickly become unsafe even for those wearing good quality winter boots. In order to avoid the icy surfaces, pedestrians climb over plow-piles to walk on the street, or walk through fresher snow alongside the sidewalk. The only chance of staying upright on the icy sections of sidewalk, is to purchase a form of “ice cleat” that manufactures have developed for strapping onto the bottoms of footwear. Financial realities can get in the way of many

people having the best of footwear, or purchasing “ice cleat” type products. Those with mobility issues are effectively kept prisoners in their own homes, unable to go out and get the walking exercise they need in order to stay as healthy and mobile as they can. We could fix this problem by increasing our taxes and hiring maintenance contractors to add residential sidewalks to the roadways they keep safe for us. Perhaps, on the whole, it would be a sensible solution. Each of us pitching in to get the job done right would arguably be less expensive, when tak-

ing into account the cost of shovels and whatnot, along with time spent we spend hand-removing snow. Until we vote in higher taxes, please take note of your municipal bylaws. In most places the bylaws are very similar, requiring homeowners to remove accumulated snow or ice from the sidewalks in front of their properties within 24 hours. How do we get homeowners to follow the law and keep sidewalks safe? Maybe it’s time for our municipalities to start imposing fines for non-compliance. Perhaps a public shaming website such as www. might be effective. How about we start by handing a copy of this column to your friends and neighbours as a friendly reminder of our responsibilities in the hopeful expectation of voluntary compliance. If someone around you has mobility issues that make it difficult to fulfill his or her responsibility, how about picking up a shovel to help them out. Paul Hergott is a personal injury lawyer at Hergott Law.


Can spirit of Christmas hope become a way of life? TAYLOR FROM A4

person. Advent asks us, in a sense, to be surro5 gate parents, anticipating the arrival of a first child. All parents know that feeling—the sense that everything is on hold, suspended, waiting for the moment that will change our lives forever. We may have additional children, but there

will never again be a first child. In my religious tradition, the four Sundays of Advent focus on Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. During the first week of Advent, a contemplative service asked us to consider two questions: First, “What hopes do I have that are tied to specific outcomes?” Am I hoping for a promotion, perhaps? A

new car? A special gift? Whatever it is, that’s an outcome. Once it has happened, hoping is unnecessary. And so the second question: “When do I experience hope that isn’t tied to an outcome?” That’s harder. It asks if hope can become a way of life. Instead of hoping for anything specific, you live in hope. And with hope. You live hopefully.

love to specific outcomes. A ceasefire may be an outcome; peace has to be ongoing. You can’t schedule joy and love, so they’re not outcomes either. You can only welcome those experiences when, and if, they happen. The birth that concludes the season of Advent is not an outcome, but a beginning. We celebrate not just the

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can get on with life. Which has no specific outcome. None of us know what will happen to us next year. None of us knew how our lives would unfold, after birth. The kind of family we’d belong to. The kind of work we’d do. How long we’ll live. Whether we’ll live with peace, or war. Given those uncertainties, it’s hard to attach hope, peace, joy and

Christmas Holiday Schedule

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Even when things go wrong, when your comfortable world comes crashing down around you, you still radiate hope. I wonder if, for most of us, Christmas is an outcome. We may look forward to it; we may dread it. Our hopes may come true. Or they may not. But it will happen, regardless. And then we

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Call your ad rep Teresa at 250-979-7329

Garbage and Recycling Collection Waste collection for December 25 and January 1 will move one day later - i.e. Friday collection will move to Saturday.

1595 Glenmore Road. (7:30am-4:45pm. Closed December 25, 26 and January 1) Westside Residential Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre, Asquith Road. Open Friday-Monday (7:30am-3:50pm. Closed December 25 and January 1.) boxes and cartons into your recycling cart for curbside pick-up or take to your nearest recycling depot. For more Recycling Depot locations, and more info on what to recycle, go to

birth of Jesus, but our own new birth. We begin life anew— living hopefully, peacefully, joyfully, compassionately. If Advent makes us surrogate parents, we are surrogate parents to our own future. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Highway 97 speed needs to increase Oyama to Vernon To the editor: I’m writing to express my dismay at what I see as a failing of the provincial government to fulfill a commitment it made to the Okanagan community. Over a year ago, there was an announcement from the provin-

cial government describing speed limit increases for a number of highway stretches. Most were to take place quickly, with the exception of one listed for Highway 97 between Oyama and Vernon. First, a highway median was to be installed, and then the lim-

John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Licenced REALTOR®


250-860-7500 mand dolli@

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Here since 1951

Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 Sex: Male Spayed/Neutered:Yes Age: 9Mths 1Wk Animal ID: 387040 House Trained OK with Cats


Hi there, I’m Roger. I’m an inquisitive little guy with a love for adventure. I spend my days here at the shelter exploring every inch of my room, nothing gets past me. I get along great with the other kitties and don’t cause much fuss. I do enjoy my down time as well, I’m often seen sunning by the window sill. I’d love a family that could keep me entertained and on my toes, playing games is so much fun! If you think you’re up for some adventure, come on down to the shelter to say Hi!

it increase to 100 km/h would be completed. The median went in quickly enough, and is a great safety improvement for that stretch of roadway. The speed limit increase, however, did not follow. I have written letters to Norm Let-

nick (MLA) and Murray Tekano, Okanagan Shuswap district manager of transportation over the past year, and have received repeated runaround on this issue. Mr. Tekano has stated that they would get to this item eventually— usually stating a date a

I recently read an article about a U.S. national survey conducted during the summer with some interesting results concerning people’s perceptions of mental health care in that country. Just over 2,000 people aged 18 and older completed this survey for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention and 90 per cent of them said they viewed physical and mental health as equally important. This is an encouraging finding and shows some progress has been made in battling stigma surrounding mental illness and its treatment. It has not been many years since a large segment of society viewed mental illness and mental health care with suspicion. A third of those sur-

Healing Minds

Paul Latimer veyed said they had been diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point but almost half (47per cent) said they thought they may have had a mental health condition. More than 10 per cent said they had missed work due to anxiety or depression. But in spite of the prevalence of mental health issues and the

Got a news tip? Email it to newsroom@

Andy Ambrosi

perception of its importance, more than 40 per cent said they thought mental health care is not affordable for most people and 31 per cent viewed it as not accessible. On the topic of suicide, more than half of respondents said they were affected by suicide in some way. A majority said they believed measures to improve affordability and access to care; training for health care providers; research; and education could help to reduce the number of suicides. Now although this is an American survey and it’s easy to brush off issues of affordability and access when comparing our countries, I believe these perceptions are quite prevalent in Can-

ada as well. I often speak with people who say they delayed treatment for their mental illness because they thought they would not be able to afford it. Many are still surprised when I explain that psychiatric care is covered in our basic provincial health care. This indicates we still have some distance to go in raising awareness about mental health care here in Canada. This is not to say we have no issues with affordability or access here. Although visits with a psychiatrist are covered by our MSP, prescription medication is often only covered for those with extended health care plans. Many of the new-

Adam Tizel, Kelowna

ROSE SONEFF The holiday season often centers around food for traditional and cultural reasons and for the sheer enjoyment of trying new food. Many of these wonderful foods are often rich and decadent incorporating high fat, salty or sugary ingredients. Eating healthy during the season can be a challenge. Here are a

few ideas to help both guests and hosts meet the challenge. For the guest: It may sound odd but eat before you go out—soup or a salad is a good option. Meals at holiday parties are often later than we are used to and by the time the meal starts we can be very hungry. We may eat as many calories from appetizers as from the dinner as we nibble

December 24 5 pm & 10 pm

December 13th, 1925

er medications take years to be included in Pharmacare benefits in BC. When psychiatric medication is needed, it can be quite expensive. We do have some prescription coverage for low income Canadians, but costs for even regular working Canadians can be prohibitive in some cases. Psychological testing may not be covered or easily accessible and counseling services are often not covered. We have room for improvement when it comes to mental health care affordability and access. Paul Latimer is a psychiatrist and president of Okanagan Clinical Trials.


Healthy holiday eating habits

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sure be applied to finally get this done. For people who frequent this road—sharpen your pencils and write your local MLA.

Mental health care considered important, but most people assume it’s not affordable



worthy than this area. Most people drive what the natural speed limit of this road is anyway—and are subject to frequent speed trap blitzes. I see this as a failure on a commitment made to the people of the Okanagan, and feel that public and media pres-


Happy 90th

David P. Yerema

season down the road. In the meantime, nothing has happened. This couldn’t be a simpler item to implement—updating a number of signs. There are several stretches of road in B.C. that have received a speed limit increase that were less

December 25 9 am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East

250-766-3146 |

at appetizers before the meal to be served. Eating a soup or salad in advance helps make sure, you will not be ravenous when you arrive at the party. To counter drinking high calorie beverages, bring your own tomato juice, low calorie soda, flavoured water, coffee or flavoured tea. Drinking water between higher calorie alcoholic drinks will keep you hydrated and reduce the calories you drink. Carry a full side plate around with you and a full drink. It is hard to eat if your hands are full. The host will be less likely to ply you with additional food if they see you with a full glass or plate. Stay far away from the appe-


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 16, 2015 A7


Transportation funding spread over next 20 years Lake Country council has given funding approval to its 20-year, $30-million Transportation for Tomorrow infrastructure plan and has opted for a combination of an ongoing parcel tax, which will begin in 2016, as well as annual tax increases beginning in 2017 in order to raise the necessary funds for the plan. After two months of reviewing and discussing funding options, council voted to implement the funding model beginning 2016.Lake Country residents will be hit with a $125 parcel tax for the next 20 years beginning in 2016. Beginning in 2017, a maximum 1.83 per cent property tax will be added to the parcel tax for 20 years. There will also be $350,000 per year allocated out of the federal government’s gas tax grant, allowing the district to raise about $1.5 million each year to go towards ro ad improvements. “Providing safe and

enjoyable ways of getting around Lake Country is the Transportation for Tomorrow vision,” said Mayor James Baker. “After learning about the status of the 200 plus kilometres of roads in Lake Country we saw a presentation from the specialist transportation consultant in October, and then had some lively debate over a few evenings on the various funding options that were put forward. We worked hard to balance the need to catch up on the $30-million backlog and secure our future while carefully considering the costs for our citizens.” The Transportation for Tomorrow plan is the district’s solution for the implementation and sustainability of some 200 kilometres of roads in the district, most of which are in need of some sort of repair. The document focuses on roadway infrastructure and its importance for not only vehicles but pedestrians, cyclists,

accessibility and transit users alike. Crafting the plan began in 2012 and included a public engagement process in 2013. The plan addresses three categories that are key to keeping roads serviceable: 1. Maintenance required to ensure they are safe and passable 2. Renewal 3. Improvements to provide safe alternatives to cars. Lake Country said the funding process will be transparent so taxpayers can see the amount dedicated to roads and transportation infrastructure year over year as a line item in the tax notice and see meaningful improvements on road condition and transportation updates in the community. Lake Country director of infrastructure services Greg Bucholz added that service standards are tailored specifically to meet the needs of Lake Country and the unique community character and values of the district

James Baker

Greg Bucholz

are taken into account in the plan. Roads, he added, are critical since they connect people to family and friends, schools, places of work, amenities and services. “In this year’s community survey, and in recent public input on developing a Parks and Recreation Master Plan, we’ve heard people say they want safe places to walk and ride,” said Bucholz. “Road condition and maintenance was recognized by those that did the survey as the single most important transportation issue in Lake Country. Real long term solutions can only

come from a committed and cooperative effort by informed citizens


for appetizers. Try putting out smaller plates of appetizers so guests can pace themselves. You can have other appetizer plates ready in the kitchen and bring them out as plates are finished. Instead of traditional higher fat crackers and dips, use vegetables such as cucumbers, apples, or jicama, as the “chip” or seek out chips made with beans that are lower in fat and have higher fibre and protein. Offer more nutritious dips like chick pea dip (humus), eggplant dip (baba ganoush), low fat yogurt, cucumber (tzatzkiki), low fat sour cream or cream

cheese with strong herb flavourings. Use the same trick that restaurants and caterers use. If you are having a buffet, start with lower calorie items first (salads, cooked or roasted vegetables) and put higher calorie items like meat and desserts at the other end. As guests’ plates fill up, there is less room for the higher calorie foods. If you want to serve a traditional rich dessert, then balance the meal with a roast or seafood as the main entree. For example, I cooked mussels in a tomato broth with hearty whole grain bread

and roasted vegetables on the side and served a rich traditional Filipino Cashew Nut Dessert. Or, have the guests make their dinner, like a Chinese Mongolian Hot Pot similar to a fondue using a broth. Guests can cook meat or seafood and then dip cooked food into an assortment of sauces. At the end of the meal, noodles and vegetables are added to the rich broth and consumed. The meal is eaten over a longer period of time allowing for more time to converse and digest the meal. Rose Soneff is a public health dietitian with interior health.

Eat something before facing party food tizer table to resist temptation. Most importantly, eat slowly, savour and enjoy the food. For the host: An interesting study using bowls of jelly beans showed how the way a food is served can influence how much people eat. The study found that people ate more and in some cases all the jelly beans when they were put in a large bowl together. When the jelly beans were in small bowls sorted by colour people ate less. You can use this same principle

Reasons Top Reasons

morrow funding plan. Lake Country council met Tuesday and has scheduled a few other meetings on the 2016 budget for Jan. 12 and Jan. 14 at 4:30 p.m. if necessary. The meetings are held in the council chambers at municipal hall (10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.) and are open to the public. Agendas will be posted by the end of the week before each meeting.

have a relationship with your family totohave a relationship withdoctor: your family doctor

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Have all your medical history • Monitor your health Advocate and help you navigate conditions the healthcare system • Have all your medical Be proactive in your health history • Advocate and help you See your family navigate the healthcare doctor when you system need to – even the • Be proactive in your little things matter! health


Oil Change and Tire Centre





and the district. Timely decisions needed to be made and priorities set.” Find out more, read the reports, and see the videos and ads on the Transportation for Tomorrow section of the district website. ••• Meanwhile, budget deliberations continue as the district is looking at a proposed 2.85 per cent tax hike in its 2016 budget, on top of the Transportation for To-


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Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL




info 250.766.5669 • Lake Country, BC

Reservations: 250.766.9309 Move Over The Ultimate Janis Joplin Experience

Purple Pirate Inspires Children

Tickets now available at the customer service counter for perfomances coming to Creekside Theatre in 2016!

Pete Seeger Performed by Felix Possak

Sat., Jan. 16 • 7:30pm

Sun., Jan. 17 • 2pm

Sat., March 12 • 7:30pm

Cat Wells thrills crowds with her uncanny impersonation of the 60’s blues/rock artist, Janis Joplin. Along with her ability to mimic Joplin’s voice, she paid close attention to every detail from costumes to moves and mannerisms, giving outstandingly memorable performances. Backed by some of the hottest musicians on the West Coast. $35 includes all service charges 10% discount for 10 more

Award-Winning Performer Sails into Town with magic, comedy and a positive message of Compassion. Dustin Anderson is an award-winning Children’s Performer and he sails into Lake Country for this entertaining show with a treasure box full of magic & comedy for the whole family. The Purple Pirate has been featured in over 20 local, national, and international newspapers, magazines, and television for his show FUN-damentals of Fitness and his work promoting active living. General $10 Group of 10 or more $8

Peter “Pete” Seeger was an American folk singer and activist. A fixture on nationwide radio in the 1940s, he also had a string of hit records during the early 1950s as a member of the Weavers. A look at the long career of the legendary singer. Pete Seeger in the late 1950s or early 1960s, with his banjo. A champion of folk music, he always urged audiences to sing along. Tickets $25.00 General Group of Four $88.00 Under 12 $15.00

10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Call your ad rep Teresa at 250-979-7329

C e t h a ristmas r b e l e C the New Yea r ! &


Baxter to continue heading up SD23 board of trustees


KEVIN PARNELL The Central Okanagan School Board may be ushering in a wave of change over the coming years, however the makeup of the board when it comes to trustee jobs will remain the same. Trustee Moyra Baxter was elected as the school board chair for the fourth year in a row while trustees will stick with the same positions on the school board’s main committees of finance and legal (Lee Mossman), education and student services (Lee-Ann Tiede), human resources (Deb Butler) and planning and facilities ( Julia Fraser). Butler was also elected vice-chair. The election of board chair and committees took place this week at the regular meeting of the Central Okanagan School Board and as the board gets set to welcome a new superintendent on Jan. 1 and usher in a new curriculum

One of the main things we will be dealing with …is the re-design of the curriculum. Moyra Baxter

Moyra Baxter for B.C schools over the next three years. “With a new superintendent (Kevin Kaardal) coming in, it helps to have a bit of continuity at the committee and chairperson positions,” said Baxter, who also served for six years as board chair from 2002 to ‘08. “One of the main things we will be dealing with in the coming years is the re-design of

the curriculum. It’s a different way of delivering (education) with teachers working collaboratively and trying to meet the needs of each child.” Baxter has been on the school board for the past 19 years and has seen a lot of changes. With resources constantly dwindling despite the local school district being one of the only growing districts in the prov-

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Christmas is just around the corner... The annual “Season’s Greetings” edition will be published December 23 and is the perfect way for businesses to wish their clients a happy holiday and thank them for a successful year. It’s also a great way for readers to wish their friends, neighbours and family all the best for the season. Please contact Teresa for more information.

Season’s Greetings!

Send your very bes t wishes for a happy holiday and prosperous new yea to all your customersr , clients and friends.

AD DEADLINE: December 17


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Teresa Huscroft-Brown



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Proudly Serving

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ince, it’s a constant struggle to balance the books as well as govern the entire district. And there are more changes on the horizon. School planning councils have been phased out in a decision that came from the provincial government. The planning councils were the direct link between parents and schools but now that will be handed back over to parent advisory councils. “School planning councils were removed from the school act in July,” said Baxter. “We have to make sure parents are still involved and have a voice in coming together with schools and working collaboratively with teachers and administration.” Other issues that are coming down the road for the school board are the changing of the catchment areas in Lake Country, a divisive issue that appears to be on the way to being solved. The district’s planning and facilities committee will meet Jan. 6 to hear the options before a final decision could be made at the first school board meeting of the new year Jan. 13. Another ongoing issue the school board will continue to deal with is changes coming in the French Immersion program. Currently KLO is the only middle school for French Immersion and is over-capacity. The French Immersion program is expected to be over-hauled over the next two years with September of 2017 targeted for a new way of delivering the program. In the meantime the district is still trying to decide how to deal with the over-crowding issues at KLO. “We’re considering all options for that program at this time,” said Baxter.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 16, 2015 A9


ALC head says commission must be more effective RICHARD ROLKE The Agricultural Land Commission is going through a transition. Frank Leonard, who was appointed chairperson in May, told the Regional District of North Okanagan board last week that management is evolving within

the Crown agency. “We need to be more responsive and effective in dealing with applications,” he said. “There’s a lot of stories of applications taking 12 to 24 months. Part of the management change is to move to best practises of about three months. The (ALC) panel will

have to meet more often because it can’t just fall on staff.” Leonard, who grew up in Coldstream in the 1960s, also hopes to bolster the number of ALC staff. “Twenty employees for the entire province has been a stretch. The organization has been

struggling to meet its mandate.” Compliance and employment officers have gone from two to four, and that could climb to six in the new year. “We have to be credible if we have regulations,” said Leonard of the need for more enforcement officers.

One contentious issue is whether weddings and other gatherings can occur at facilities within the Agricultural Land Reserve. Leonard says the matter currently rests with the Ministry of Agriculture. “What they decide to do with agri-tourism will

become regulation and we will work within that. Right now, the regulations are vague, especially with weddings,” he said. “The goal isn’t to shut them down but to have compliance.” newsroom@

Frank Leonard


Lottery money will go a long way as food bank prepares hampers for Christmas The Lake Country Food Assistance Society has received a Community Gaming Grant worth $70,000 from the B.C. Government. The announcement was made last week as the Rotary Club of Lake Country got set to host a work party to try and finish the new building the Lake Country Food Bank will move into early in the new year. “The Lake Country Food Bank does a tremendous job, helping to put food on the table for individuals and families in need,” says Norm Letnick, MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country. “This $70,000 grant for their food assistance program will make a big difference, but I encourage everyone in our community to consider making a donation this holiday season. We also look forward to the food bank’s upcoming move to a new location, and

thank the community for its generous help in that regard as well.” This grant was awarded under the Human and Social Services category of the Community Gaming Grant Program, which allows non-profit organizations to apply for provincial gaming revenues from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. Gaming Grants are also awarded in the categories of Sport, Arts and Culture, Public Safety, and Environment. Organizations interested in applying for Community Gaming Grants can find full application information at https://www.gaming. Finishing work is continuing on the new food bank building while Christmas hampers will be delivered out of the old food bank this Christmas season.

Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.



THE LAKECountry food bank as it looked in


September, 2015. Back then November was the hoped for opening date, but now food bank operations won’t move in until the new year.

“Open hearts... open minds... open doors”

ReThink Church SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:50 a.m. includes children’s church


Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:

Shop Lake Country This Christmas!


1st Tuesday of the month

THRIFT SHOP: OPEN 10 – 2 Tuesday to Saturday phone 250-766-3387 3751 woodsdale road phone: 250-766-4458

Winfield Community Church

Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. pastor sean harder 9460 GlenMore roAd 250-766-2753 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688


Mayor James Baker (center) draws the winning ticket for the $500 grand prize, with Camae Thompson of the Lake Country Chamber (left), and Teresa Huscroft-Brown of the Lake Country Calendar.

And the Winner is... Janette Sedmak of Lake Country

Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Find quality employees.

Thanks to all who entered, and all the participating businesses who encourage Lake Country residents to shop local and support our community!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Organ recipient wants everyone to register as donor SAWYER KLASSEN A decade after a change in the way organ donations work, many people are still unaware that being registered through a driver’s license no longer works. Marilyn Byfield, a volunteer with BC Transplant, is part of a team that sets up an organ donation registration table at London Drugs in Kelowna every month. The booth has two purposes—to register donors, and also to inform people their driver’s license no longer allows their organs to be donated. “Our big thrust is to get people to understand it’s not on their driver’s license,” Byfield said. “I would say 60 to 70 per cent of the people we sign up here still think it’s on their driver’s license.” Now, registering is done through health care cards, which makes registering online simple. As a recipient of a liv-

A division of


MARILYN BYFIELD (right) and London Drugs general merchandise department manager Shannon Hubick

have been working together to organize a monthly organ donor registration booth.

er donation in 2013, Byfield knows firsthand of the need for donors. “Ninety-five per cent of the population of B.C. agrees with organ donation, but only 20 per cent are signed up,” she explained. “There are 4.6 million people in the province, and as of November 2, 959,000 people have registered. It’s an awareness, and people will come in saying they’ve had it on their desk for two years and just haven’t done it.” As of Nov. 2, there had been 363 transplants in B.C. this year, with 544 others still waiting for a matching organ. Byfield was able to receive her transplant within three months of needing a new liver, but she noted some people have to wait up to six years for a transplant. “Thirty per cent of the people that are on the waiting list will die before they get a transplant,” she said. “There are so many


issues that have to match. Blood type, tissue match, and a number of different things. Sometimes they get an organ and it doesn’t fit. Timing has a lot to do with it when it’s available. “They only operate in Vancouver, so patients have to fly in, they have to fly the organs in, and maybe sometimes someone has donated but it isn’t considered a viable organ.” The actual odds of donating an organ are relatively low. In all of Canada last year, there were only 962 donors. There were many more recipients than donors, but that is because one body can provide up to eight organs for transplant. More than 40,000 British Columbian’s have registered themselves as organ donors this year, and Byfield is hopeful that number can continue to steadily climb. Registering for organ donation can be done online at https://register.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 16, 2015


28.Exist 29.Ruby 31.View 33.Oath 34.Bitter resentment 35.Directed

46.Easter edibles 48.Riot crowd 49.Thirst quencher 51.Take to court 52.Golf accessory 53.Uncanny

Latest wave of refugee families start their new lives in Okanagan Valley

© 2015, Penny Press ian family wasCopyright expected the previous government our heads above water. to make their way to the seemed nearly insur“Also Habitat for Hu59.High-spirited 28.Classify ACROSS Okanagan Friday. mountable at times. manity donated a townRefugee families are 1. Placido horse 30.Master already finding their “There’s a lot of good Short notice to find house for the Syrian e.g. 32.Boll ____ place in Domingo, communities stuff happening in Kehousing for the Syrian family for a year.” 6. Copy around the Okanagan 36.Screamed lowna,” said Keith DOWN Gerfamily arriving Friday Looking forward, 1.the Excessively 9. Do arithmetic 38.Mine’s Valley. maine, a output member of was also a challenge. Germaine hopes to partANSWER TOitPUZZLE Roman Catholic Diohowever, nerNO. with793 Habitat for Even before 2. Santa’s All in all, 12.Oyl of the first 39.Confront Syrian refugees left Beicese of Nelson, which was an eff ort they’re glad further opportunities staffer “Popeye” 42.Corn portion rut last week on a Tohas been helping settle have made. to house low-income 3. Youngtolouse 13.Nothing ronto-bound Canadian 43.Overwhelmed refugees in the region. “It was news that ISIS people. 4. Bread 14.To’s opposite total Forces Airbus, the Oka- 44.The Area residents havebakerswas executing people “We need to increase 15.On a regular amount nagan had already welbeen incredibly generous, that got us going,” he housing for both locals 5. curGambling basis comed its first Syrhe noted, and there’s said. “There were a few and refugees,” he said. 45.Employed town of us at the church who ian family. A weeke.g. ago 47.Life rentlystory, no need for donaHe says the benefit 16.Emerald, 6. Celestial Monday they started to tions of any kind. said we have to do someof helping locals in need 17.Adapted for short build a new life in Oliver. When all is said andbeingsthing.” is obvious, but there are 18.Zero a My- 48.Crazed 7. Baked fruit done, 25 refugee families That effort includes so many reasons to help Additionally, 20.“____ anmarian familyGot start- 50.Zest are expected to call thedessert finding funds to house the refugee families, too. ed to putSixpence” down roots in 54.Junior Okanagan home by thetree arriving families for a And they go beyond 8.early Kind of Kelowna after arriving 55.Work in the new year. 9. Fastenyear, at least. simply being a humani21.Sicknesses by Keats a week ago Tuesday, an 56.Pasted It’s been a tremendous “It’s been difficult, but tarian. 24.Building wing 10.Long golf Iraqi family was expected undertaking for the Nel- people have stepped up “Why would you 26.Cut down 57.Snaky letter to arrive last Wednesday son Diocese, said Ger-shot and helpedCROSSWORD us out,” he PUZZLE thinkANSWERS Germany is spendnoise 58.Berth a lot USE AMERICAN SPELLING and,27.Dove’s with just a couple maine, noting that11.Loved the said. days notice, another Syr- red tape they faced from “So far we have kept SEE REFUGEES A12



8. Oompah horn 9. Native 10.Overwhelm 11.Fox’s home 20.Coarse file 22.Likely 23.Optimistic 25.Game of chance 26.Disobeyed highway signs 27.Selects 28.Burn soother 29.Place within again 31.BLT spread 34.Voice range

36.Bud’s comic partner 39.Pearl source 43.Cheek reddener 45.Loony 46.Locale 48.Muck’s partner 49.Glazed 50.Crossed letters 51.High tennis shot 52.Affirmative vote 54.Mouth bone

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Hidden supply 6. Pretend 9. Male parent 12.Flinch 13.Common ailment 14.Be indebted to 15.Church platform 16.Retriever, for short 17.Chess pieces 18.Tavern request 19.In the know 21.Henhouse site 24.Inquires 27.Paddle’s cousin

30.Verse work 32.Dance move 33.Folds 35.Mountainous 37.Strain 38.Child’s toy: hyph. 40.Massachusetts cape 41.Posted 42.“On ____ Toes” 44.Colas, e.g. 47.Leave out 51.Oven-cleaner chemical 53.Renoir’s forte 54.Fruit drink 55.Above, to bards

56.Doctor’s charge 57.Come to terms 58.Casey’s club 59.Paving liquid 60.Garden invaders

DOWN 1. Large mop 2. Ceramic square 3. Poker starter 4. Winter accessory 5. That woman’s 6. Blazing 7. Crab’s appendage



23.Once A11 arou Lake Country

the track

Creating Community Connections! 24.Brewery

specialty Health Planning Society 25.Tedious

... supporting Community Wellness since 198226.Kindergart 28.Sister Volunteers make our community a better place! 29.Undercove Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Mainman Street • 778 – 215 - 5247

COMMUNITY EVENTS Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

Copy deadline27.Leaders Friday, 1 pm before issue date 50.December ACROSS

•ANGEL TALENT SHOW 30.Touched - June 25, 2016. Looking for talent ages 10 & 25. In support for 24between and 31 1. AWARD Hive dwellers Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Competition now open. Late registration fees are 51.Ogler applicable-don’t delay! One 5. Point a gun ground live audition day March 2016 – register now at Creekside Theatre., website: www. 52.Quick 8. ____ eagle 31.Chef’s need 12.Poison-ivy 32.Broth, •LC SENIORS BUS SCHEDULE - Thurs., Dec. 17e.g. - Local Shopping.farewell To reserve seat on bus phone Marg ANSWER TO P result 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 33.As ____ your 53.Shelters 13.Not •LAKE COUNTRYan LIBRARY - Book Chat for Adults Sat., Jan. 9, Feb. 13, Mar. 12 & Apr. 9, 2:30 p.m. request Readers are welcome to share their favourite book with other DOWN book lovers. Drop-in for some afternoon fun! amateur 34.Destroy the •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Ballroom Dancing class on 1.Road Prejudice 14.Certain interior of Wednesdays 6-8pm. Call 250-766-4220 for more info woodwind 2. Carve 35.Cheerful •ROYAL LEPAGE - Kelowna/Lake Country’s Annual Christmas3. WishResound Tree! Starts Nov.9 to Dec. 21. Bring a 15.Throb 36.Shoot forth wish come true! We also have a collection box wrapped/unwrapped gift & help make a child’s Christmas painfully 4. Fruitin support of the Lake Country Food Bank. Located Place Mall. For info please call Barb or 38.Fake hair in Lake Countryflavored after ice Olivia16.Day @ 250-766-3300. 39.Beasts of today 5. More prone •LEGO BUILDERS CLUB - Tuesdays & Thursdays. Drop in. See branch for information. LEGO available for burden 6 - 1218.Abbreviate year olds. MEGA Blocks available for the younger crowd. or caregivers must be present. 6.Parents Curling 41.Umbrella’s kinmonth atdevice 20.Fleshy •ADULT BOOK CLUB - Join Rita on the first Tues. of each 7pm for a lively discussion of each toppers month’s title. Copiesfeature of each title 45.Desk will be available in the library.7. Dad’s 21.Tavern •LAKE COUNTRY SENIOR CENTRE 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is open Mon.-Fri. 10am-2pm to 47.Thumbs-up companion 22.Takes a answer questions about seniors’ issues. We are in need of volunteers to do odd jobs. Fall session on all review spouse 8. Weary groups have started; stop by for an events schedule. Our next event: Prime Time is held on the first & third 48.Fancy goldHave a plaque 23.Type of paint 9. Scrape Monday of the month - call Joanne at 250-766-0667. installed on the Memorial Wall for $20. 26.Bo This is a great place to share withfabric loved ones. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. 10.Burglar’s Derek’s CROSSWORD USE AMERICA 49.Lay number •BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. -odds Taoist Tai Chi® at thegoods Oyama Community Hall at 6:30pm. For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. •THE LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY & OYAMA LIBRARY - Knitting circles Oyama branch, 15718 Oyama Road will have its knitting circle each Tuesday night from 6 pm-7 pm. The Lake Country branch in the Municipal Hall at #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road will hold its circle on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm8pm Both knitting circles are free, drop-in, & open to any age and skill level; bring your yarn, needles & whatever project you are working on. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9. Take home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM PUZZLE NO. 796 sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. 9. Mane •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 10.As well 766-3034 11.Singer •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. Campbell •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly bird 17.Game visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 77819.Headset p 215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. Winter hours: Open Tues., Wed., Thurs.22.Piles 11am-4pm. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating 23.Irritate and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. 24.Patch of g •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear 25.Diver’s weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: necessity •LC FOOD BANK - has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements 26.Go byasplan follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the28.Fellows volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & 29.Barn Girls Club, 3130 bird Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. 30.Very smal •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. Copyright © 2015, Penny Press •LC LINE DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 27.Historic age 54.Unoccupied ACROSS •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. 1. Tacks on 55.Tense 28.In what •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to manner? 56.Affirmative 5. Duo number improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate word fax 604-576-9733 or or individuals members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 8. Rugwishing typeto become 31.Petroleum for info. 57.Average 32.Summits 12.Gator’s •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TOgrades MAKE A DIFFERENCE!ANSWER MeaningfulTO P relative ma & on Committees: Communications, opportunities are available, in the34.Sheep’s Better at Home program Nominations, & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call 35.Like a desert 13.NotHealth me & Wellness Fair for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at DOWN 36.Jump 14.Summon •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 1. Book of the Help a neighbour 37.Bride’s 15.London maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer Bible drivers with seniors through the Betterwalkway at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. farewell: 2. Doggone it! Call for info 778-215-5247.

2 wds. 39.Permission 3. ____ on 16.Dolphin’s 41.“Perry ____” (love cousin 44.Commences excessively) 18.Sound system 48.Chair parts 4. Scanty 20.Erie’s 51.Hawaiian 5. Errors in neighbor print cookout 21.Ticket seller 52.King of beasts 6. Pursue ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. 7. “____ Town” CROSSWORD 24.Less 53.Do garden please email Search over USE AMERICA workinquiries, 8. hazardousFor all other or

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Refugees today, builders of Canadian economy in future THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015

TSNA11 CHBC “How CIVT CBC A&E REFUGEES FROM can you have a KIRO ence. CHAN SNP KNOW ing pot. KOMO We’re not try# $ growing %economy &when _ “We need ( to find ) *to get everyone ` out ing to1 Sugar The View Bookaboo Price Is Sugar NHL Winter Boj View :00 SportsCentre ing billions on these your population isn’t The what Debt/Part other cultures are PAWlook theThe same andCriminal be the ” Debt/Part ” Monster Right Classic Patrol ” Minds 10 :30 refugees? It’s because growing? We need these like,” he said. “Kelowna same. We want Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Rachael Ray NHL’s Best Monkey See KOMO 4 everyone The First 48 :00 SC ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” Trailer Park Bucket-Dino News ” 11know :30 SC they that’s what’s people.” needs to have cross culto be different.” The First Noon News CTV News 17, CBC News KIRO News Noon News World Poker PAW Patrol The Chew 48 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2015 :00 Hockey going their econLunch Hour Vancouver Network ” tural Hour Alpha8 Kate and ” Th e region’s culturexperienceTour: to deal And, he said, it’s not” 12to :30save Storied Days of our The Social Talk Days of our World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Nightwatch :00 SEC omy down the road,” he al mosaic willHeartland also be The with issues of divergency. justLeaf Syrian refugees who TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ” Lives ” ” ” Lives Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Hospital ” 1 :30 said. :00 That’s pres- FABLife meltare to help the Hcky The$ Talk brighter Dr. Phil Murdoch The ( Talk is not Tima) and Sid Maya The Doctors Nightwatch # %for their & _ “Canada *going ` 1

2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 6 :00 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 8 :00 :00 4 :30 11 9 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 10 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 12 :00 :00 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 8 :00 :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2015 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :30 11 :00 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 :30 4 :00 :00 12 5 :30 DECEMBER 18, 2015 FRIDAY, :00 1 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 7 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 8 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 11 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 5 12 :00 :30 11 :30 6 :00 1 :00 :30 12 7 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :30 :00 12 7 :00 :30 :00 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2015 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2015 :00 6 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 7 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 5 :00 :30 :00 11 12 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 1 :30 7 :30 That’s Hcky SportsCentre Hockey ” Lunch SC Hockey SC Off Record Hockey Interruption Lunch Highlights SEC Storied SportsCentre ” ” That’s Hcky World That’s Poker Hcky Tour Hockey SportsCentre That’s Hcky Lunch” ” Hockey SC SportsCentre Off SC Record ” Interruption Hockey SportsCentre Highlights Lunch” SportsCentre SEC Storied SportsCentre ” ”” World That’s Poker Hcky SportsCentre Tour That’s”Hcky That’s Hcky Hockey Lunch”

” Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young” & Restless Noon News News Hour ” Days of our News Lives Hour CHBC News The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Sugar Canada’s Vieira Show Debt/Part Walk of Young & Ray Rachael Fame 2015 Restless ”” News Noon News Elementary Hour ”” News Hour Days of our News Final CHBC News LivesShowLate Ent The Talk Colbert ET Canada ” ET Canada Canada’s The Meredith Walk Vieiraof Show SportsCentre Fame Hockey Young2015 & ” ” Off Record Restless SportsCentre Elementary Interruption News ” ”” Highlights

Mysteries Bookaboo Grand Monster Designs Best Recipes Bondi Vet Stefano ” CBC News Dragons’ Network Den Heartland CBC Van” couver News Murdoch Frosty Mysteries Coronation Grand Bookaboo Movie: Designs Monster “Get Santa” Bondi Vet Best Recipes ” ” Stefano ” Dragons’ CBCNational News The Den Network ” CBC VanHeartland CBC News couver” News Coronation Frosty Murdoch Rick Mercer Coronation Mysteries 22 Minutes Movie: Grand “Get Santa” Designs

” The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News CBS News FABLife The Insider ” Ent Bold The Price Is Big Bang ThisMinute Right Life in Judge Young Judy & Mom Judge Judy Restless Broke Girl KIRO News KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News CBS News ” Late ShowThe Insider FABLife Colbert Ent ” Corden Big BoldBang Life in ThisMinute

Bondi ”Vet ”” mare Before The National CTV News Dragons’ Christmas Vancouver Den ” SportsCentre CBC SportsCentre News News Final Hour News-Lisa CTV News CBC News Van”” Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation CHBC News Vancouver couver News SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer World Poker Ent etalk Frosty ” ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Tour ET Canada Big Bang Coronation That’s Hcky ”

Canada’s Walk of

” The View Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeThe View Big Bang neres ”Show Prep & The Dr. Oz Marilyn Shrek/Halls Show Denis Show The NightCTV News CTV News mare Before Vancouver Vancouver Christmas CTV News The Social News-Lisa Vancouver ” News--11:30 etalk Dr. Phil Daily Show Big Bang ” Seth Meyers Big Bang Ellen DeGePrep neres&Show Shrek/Halls The Dr. Oz The NightShow

Big Bang Prep &

Misplays NHL’s Best Central NFL Football Trailer Park Trailer Park Pregame World Poker Sportsnet NFL Tour: Alpha8 Central Football: World Poker Sportsnet Tampa Bay Tour: Alpha8 Central Buccaneers Tim and Sid Sportsnet at St. Louis ” Central Rams ” Sportsnet ” Central Misplays Trailer Park NFL Football

Curious Boj The PAWDoozers Patrol PAW Patrol Monkey See Mister Maker Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate and Wild Kratts Ruf-Tweet The Water Tumble Leaf Park Maya Waterfront Curious Cities The Boj Doozers Athens: PAW Patrol Truth Mister Maker Monkey See Chasing Ice Creative Bucket-Dino ” Dino Dan PAW Patrol ” Wild Kate Kratts and Take Me The Water Ruf-Tweet Waterfront Park Tumble Leaf Cities Waterfront Maya Chasing Ice Cities Curious ” Athens: The Doozers Truth PAW Patrol Chasing Ice Mister Maker ” Creative

” The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 KOMO News 4 News The Chew News ” World News General KOMO Hospital4 News The Doctors Wheel” Jeopardy! Steve The View Landing Harvey ” Prep & KOMO 4 Mod Fam News Barbara News The Chew Walters World ”News ” KOMO General4 News News Hospital Jimmy Wheel The Doctors Kimmel Live Jeopardy! ” Nightline Landing Steve Prep & Harvey

Elementary KIRO News KIRO ”News

Elementary Early News Global” Nat.

Sportsnet Pregame Central NFL

” Dino Dan Take Me Wild Kratts

KIRO KIRO News News Late CBS ShowNews Colbert The Insider Corden Ent

News News Hour Late Show” Colbert Ent ET Canada ET Canada

Sportsnet Football: Central Tampa Bay Sportsnet Buccaneers Central at St. Louis

Waterfront The Water Cities Park Chasing Ice Waterfront ” Cities

Walters The News The First First 48 48 ”” World ”News News Nightwatch KOMO 4 The First 48 Jimmy ”” News Kimmel Live The First 48 Wheel Nightwatch Nightline ” Jeopardy! ”




Mod Fam KOMO 4 Barbara News

” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” Nightwatch The First ” 48 ” Nightwatch Nightwatch ” ” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 ” Minds” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First First 48 48 The ” ”” The First 48 Nightwatch Nightwatch ” ”” Nightwatch Nightwatch The First 48 ” ”” The The First First 48 48 ”” The The First First 48 48 ””

A&E 1

Kid vs. Kat Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Rated A Odd Parents Rated A Odd Parents Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel Toy Story Almost Dog Sidekick Christmas Wayside Make Pop Kid vs.It Kat Nicky, Ricky SpongeBob Wayside Funny Home SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Videos Odd Parents Rated A Percy Odd Parents Rated A Jackson: Odd Parents Chucks Sea of Toy Story Squirrel Monsters Dog AlmostOn Game Christmas Sidekick Gags Make It Pop Wayside Funny Home Nicky, Kid vs.Ricky Kat Videos Funny Home SpongeBob Videos SpongeBob Percy Odd Parents Jackson: Odd Parents

” Mayday How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” Bering Sea FantomGold Works Moonshiners: FantomOutlaw Cuts Works Moonshiners Street ”Outlaws: Full How/Made Mayday Street How/Made ” Outlaws Daily Planet How/Made Fantom” How/Made Works FantomBering Sea FantomWorks Gold Works FantomMoonshiners: Street OutWorks Outlaw Cuts laws: Full Street OutMoonshiners Street laws: Full ” Outlaws Street How/Made Outlaws How/Made FantomDaily Planet Works”

Family Feud Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Pets.TV Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Mike Daily Anger Paid Prog. Two Men The Office Mod Fam Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Paid SteveProg. American Pets.TV Harvey Country Paid Prog. Family Feud World’s Raising Family Feud Funniest Mike Crime Watch News Anger DailyFam Mod Two Paid Men Prog. Mike Mod Fam The Office How I Met Big Bang Paid Prog. Cougar Big Bang Family Feud Name Game American Paid Prog. Country Pets.TV World’s Paid Prog. Funniest Raising

TLC Dateline: 90 Day Real Life Fiancé Dateline: ” Real Life ” Dateline: 90 Day Real Life Fiancé Dateline: 90 Day Real Life Fiancé Dateline on 90 Day TLC Fiancé 90 Day Dateline: 90 Day Fiancé Real Life Fiancé ” Dateline: 90 Day ” Real Life Fiancé 90 Day Dateline: 90 Day Fiancé Real Life Fiancé 90 Day Dateline: 90 Day Fiancé Real Life Fiancé 90 Day on Dateline Paid Prog. Fiancé TLC Prog. Paid 90 Day 90 Day Fiancé Fiancé 90 Day ” Fiancé”

Browns Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Ultraviolet” Crazy Talk Crazy”Talk ” Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld Mod Fam Divorce King Mod Fam Divorce King Big Bang Judge The Middle Big Bang Judge Family Guy Movie: Millionaire Amer. Dad “Ultraviolet” Millionaire Amer. Dad Crazy”Talk Family Guy Crazy”Talk Payne Seinfeld Payne Browns Seinfeld Browns There Yet? King Mod Fam King Mod Fam The Middle Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang

Curious ” Sesame St. Today Fake or Cat Ellen DeGePeg Plus ” Fortune? neres Show Dinosaur New Day Sacred Won- KING 5 Dinosaur Northwest ders of Brit News Super Why! KING 5 World News KING Thomas News 5 Business News Sesame St. Days of our PBS Nightly Cat in the Lives News NewsHour News Curious Dr. Phil Aging News Curious ” Backwards Evening Fake or St. Ellen Sesame TodayDeGeDoc Martin’s Murray-Xmas Fortune? neres Peg Plus Cat ”Show Portwenn ” Sacred Won- KING 5 Dinosaur New Day Miss Fisher Blake Shelders of Brit News Dinosaur Northwest Uncovered ton-Xmas World News KING Super Why! Running KING 5 5 Wild Murder Business News Thomas News” Myster. PBS Nightly News Sesame St. Days of our National KING News NewsHour News Cat in the Lives Tree Tonight Aging News Curious Dr. Phil Man & Show Backwards Evening Curious ” Beast Seth Meyers Doc Martin’s Murray-Xmas Fake or Ellen DeGePortwenn Fortune? neres ”Show Miss Fisher ShelSacred Won- Blake KING 5 Uncovered ton-Xmas ders of Brit News

Sea Odd of Parents CBC CBC News News Monsters ”” Toy Story Game On The National Dog The National Gags ”” Christmas

FantomFantomWorks Works

News Mike Mod Fam Anger

90 90 Day Day Fiancé Fiancé

Amer. Movie:Dad Amer. Dad “Ultraviolet”

Street OutFantomlaws: WorksFull

Funny Home The Make It Pop CBC News Videos Exchange Nicky, Ricky ”

Street Street OutOutlaws laws: Full

Mike Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar Big Bang Name Game Big Bang

90 90 Day Day Fiancé Fiancé Paid Prog. 90 Day Paid Prog. Fiancé

Family” Guy Payne” Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Seinfeld

Murder World News Running KING 5 Wild Myster. Business News ” National KING PBS NightlyNews News Tree Tonight NewsHour News


Politics CBC News ” Network ” With Carole The MacNeil Exchange CBC News CBC News Network ” With Andrew The National Nichols ” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” CBC News The National ” Network ” The WithNational Carole The Exchange MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News News CBC ” Network ” The National WithNational Andrew The ” Nichols ” CBC News Power & The ” Politics Exchange The National ” ”” The The National ” Exchange







Man & Aging Beast Backwards


Show News Seth Meyers Evening

Big Bang Life in

Canada’s Walk of

Rams Sportsnet

Athens: Truth

Landing Prep &

The First 48 ”

Funny Home The National Street Videos ” Outlaws

American Country

90 Day Fiancé

King King

Doc Martin’s Murray-Xmas Portwenn ”

Mom Broke Girl

Fame 2015 ”

Central Trailer Park

Chasing Ice ”

Mod Fam Barbara

The First 48 ”

Percy Jackson:

The National Fantom” Works

World’s Funniest

90 Day Fiancé

The Middle Family Guy

Miss Fisher Uncovered

Blake Shelton-Xmas

mare Before The National Elementary Christmas ” ”

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Central

” Take Me

The First 48 ”

Sea of Monsters

CBC News ”


News Mod Fam

90 Day Fiancé

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Murder Myster.

Running Wild ”

News Final Operation Late ShowSmile Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”

News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Daily Show The SethMarilyn Meyers Denis Show

CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Monster Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano

KIRO News The Is LatePrice ShowRight Colbert Young Corden& Restless

News Operation Late ShowSmile Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”

Sportsnet Trailer CentralPark NHL’s Best Sportsnet NHL Winter Central Classic

Waterfront Boj Cities PAW Patrol Chasing Ice Monkey ” See Bucket-Dino

News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle

Nightwatch Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First ” 48 ”

Game On Game Gags Henry Funny Home Thunder Videos Nicky, Ricky

The National CBC News ” Network The With Carole Exchange MacNeil

Street OutMayday laws: Full ” Street How-Made Outlaws How-Made

Mike Steve How I Met Harvey Cougar Family Feud Name Game Family Feud

90 Day Dateline Fiancé on TLC Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ”

Family Guy Divorce Payne Divorce Browns Judge There Yet? Judge

National Sesame St. Tree Peg Plus Cat Man & Dinosaur Beast Dinosaur

KING News Today Tonight ” Show New Seth Day Meyers Northwest

Vancouver Lunch

Noon News Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Network

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

World Poker PAW Patrol Tour: Alpha8 Kate and

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

Stanley Dyn. CBC News Odd Parents Network


Crime Watch Dateline on Daily TLC

Millionaire Millionaire

Super Why! Thomas

KING 5 News

SC SC Top 10

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital

Coffee Bar The Office

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Sesame St. Cat in the

Days of our Lives

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

FABLife ”

SportsCentre Fame 2015 ” ”

Shrek/Halls The Night-

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre SC Top ” 10 SC Top 10

Movie: “Get Santa”

” NHL Winter ” Classic ” NHL’s Best Misplays Trailer Park NFL Football World Poker Pregame Tour: Alpha8 NFL World Poker Football: Tour: Alpha8 Tampa Bay Tim and Sid Buccaneers ” at St. Louis ” NHL Winter Rams ” Classic Sportsnet

Mom Judge Judy Broke Judge Girl Judy

” Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young” & Restless Noon News Early Hour News Global Nat. Days of our News Lives Hour ” The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Sugar Canada’s Vieira Show Debt/Part Walk of Young & Ray Rachael Fame 2015 Restless ”” Early News Noon News Elementary Global Hour ” Nat. News Hour Days of our News ” LivesShowLate Ent The Talk Colbert ET Canada ” ET Canada Canada’s The Meredith Walk Vieiraof Show Fame Young2015 & ” Restless

YTV NEWS DISC world KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING community. until I became but those who are well 6 9 aware; N P “There are7 lots of refuwhat the < govern- Aheeled…hopefully this Wayside CBC News Mayday Steve Dateline: Divorce Sesame St. Today gees all over the world ment was and was not interest in immigration Kid vs. Kat Network ” Harvey Real Life Divorce Peg Plus Cat ” who Aare desperate,” people to ask Rated With Carole he How/Made doing. Family Feud Dateline: Judge gets Dinosaur Newmore Day Rated A MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Real Life Judge Dinosaur Northwest said. “It was surprising and questions about what Chucks CBC News Bering Sea Crime Watch Dateline: Millionaire Super Why! KING 5 Squirrel Daily Real LifehowMillionaire Thomas News “I wasn’tNetwork even per-Gold humiliating to see is happening and what Almost With Andrew Moonshiners: Paid Prog. Talk Sesame St. Days of our sonally there were Canada had Dateline: closed im-Crazy we should be doing as a YTV aware NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Sidekick Nichols Outlaw Cuts The Office Real Life Crazy Talk Cat in the Lives so 6 many refugees everyone Wayside Power & in the Moonshiners Paid; Prog. toDateline Curious Dr. Phil 7 9 migration <on Payne Acountry.” N P

” ”

Operation The View Bookaboo SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand ” Smile Show neres ”Show Designs Monster Vieira


CHAN The Talk ( ”


SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”

The Price Is The Operation Bold Meredith Trailer” Park Right Smile Show NHL’s” Best ThisMinute Vieira

SC Top 10 Hockey SC Top 10 NBA

Rachael Marilyn Young & Ray The Dr. Oz ” Denis Show Restless Show

Best Recipes Young Judy & Bondi Vet Judge Stefano Restless ” Judge Judy

Rachael NHL Winter Young & Ray Hockey ” Classic Restless NHL

Vancouver Basketball: Lunch Toronto

Noon News News Hour ”

CBC News Dragons’ Network Den

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global

SC Raptors at SC Top 10 Miami Heat

Days of our CTV The Social News Hour News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC

CTV News Vancouver

KIRO News KIRO ”News

KNOW Walters KOMO ” * `

A&E 1



What Would Odd Parents With Andrew FantomYou Do? Odd Parents Nichols Works

A&E What Would 1 You Do?

YTV NEWS SpongeBob Power & 6 7 SpongeBob Politics

Boj Doozers Steve The View The PAW Patrol Harvey ”

Criminal Game What Would SpongeBob Minds Henry You Do? SpongeBob

Monkey See KOMO News 4 Mister Maker Bucket-Dino News Seattle Creative

The First 48 Tis/ Thunder With Carole UnforgettaSmurfy The ” Nicky, Ricky Exchange MacNeil ble Penguins

World Poker Dino PAWDan Patrol Hockey: Tour: Alpha8 Kate Kratts and Canucks at Wild


CBC News ” Network ”

The Chew The First 48 Madagascar Stanley Dyn. CBC News News News Unforgetta” OddAge Parents Network World ”News ble Ice ”

DISC Fantom9 Works


KAYU Paid Prog. ; Family Feud


Dateline: Real Life

TLC Dateline: < Real Life

Mayday How/Made ” How/Made

Steve Arthritis? Harvey Zoo Clues

Dateline on Dateline: TLC Life Real

How-Made Daily Planet How-Made ”

Family Feud Dateline: ” Paid Prog. Family Feud Real Life ” Raising

FantomCrime Watch Dateline: Dateline on Canada’s Mike WorksDriver Anger Daily TLC Life Worst Real

WTBS Payne A Browns


KCTS Curious N Curious



Dr. Phil ”

Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam

Sesame St. Ellen TodayDeGeMasterpiece Peg Plus Cat neres Show ” Classic

Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang

Dinosaur New Day Masterpiece KING 5 Dinosaur Northwest Classic News

Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Of Mice

Super News Why! KING KING 5 5 World Thomas News Business News

Heartland The Talk CBC VanKIRO News ” couver” News CBS News

Days of our News Hour Lives ”

World Poker Waterfront Ruf-Tweet General4 Red Wings KOMO Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf News Hospital ” Cities

Odd Parents WithNational Andrew River FantomWhat Would Olive, Other The Odd Parents Nichols Works You Do? Reindeer ” Monsters

Coffee Bar Two Men The Office Mod Fam

Crazy Talk and Men” Crazy”Talk

Sesame St. PBS Cat in the NewsHour

Off Record The Talk SportsCentre Ent Interruption ET Canada ” NBA

Dr. Phil etalk-Movie ” Big Bang

Murdoch Frosty Mysteries Coronation

FABLife The Insider ” Ent

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

Tim and Sid Coast Maya WHL ” Curious Hockey: Australia

SpongeBob Power & What Would Rudolph and CBC News SpongeBob Politics You Do? Frosty’s ”

FantomMayday Works”

PaidBang Prog. Dateline:on Big Dateline Family Feud TLC Real Life Big Bang

Payne” Browns Seinfeld

Curious Dr. Phil Washington News CuriousRose Evening ” Charlie

SportsCentre Basketball: SportsCentre ”at Bucks ” Warriors Hockey ” 10 NBA SC Top SC Top 10 SportsCentre Basketball:

Ellen DeGeStarsThe View neres Show Scandals ” SocialThe Dr. Oz Gossip Show The Marilyn DenisBloods Show Blue CTV News

Grand Movie: Bookaboo Designs “Miracle on Monster 34th BondiStreet” Vet ” Best Recipes Stefano The National Dragons’

Bold Frosty The Price Is ThisMinute Frosty Right A Home for Judge Judy the Holidays Judge Judy Young & Restless Blue Bloods KIRO News

The Meredith Security Operation Vieira Show Emergency Smile Running Young &Wild ” Ray Restless Rachael ” Dual Early News

” Kootenay Trailer Park Ice at ”Red NHL’s Best Deer Rebels Hockey Sportsnet NHL Winter Classic Sportsnet Hockey:

What Would Criminal You Do? Minds Unforgettable The First 48 ” What Would Unforgetta-

How/Made Mayday Mayday How/Made ” ” River Daily Planet Monsters ” How-Made How-Made Canada’s Canada’s

Arthritis? MasterChef Steve Zoo Clues ” Harvey World’s Paid Prog. Funniest Raising Family Feud Family Feud News Mike

Dateline: Dateline: Dateline Real Life on Real Life TLC Dateline: Dateline: Real Real Life Life ” ” Dateline: Dateline:

Mod Fam King Divorce Mod Fam King Divorce The Middle Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Judge Judge Dad Amer. Movie:

Masterpiece Caught Ellen DeGeFather on Sesame St. Camera TodayShow Classic neres Brown Peg Plus Cat ” Mr. Stink Dateline Masterpiece KING 5 ” NBC Classic News Dinosaur New Day Dinosaur Northwest Live From ”5 World News KING

KIRO ”News Late ShowCBS News The Talk ” Colbert The Insider Corden Ent FABLife Frosty”

Late ” our DaysShowof Lives Colbert Ent ET TheCanada Talk ” Security

TLC Real Life Dateline: Real Prog. Lifeon Paid Dateline Paid Prog. TLC Dateline: Real Life Dateline:

Payne Crazy”Talk Crazy”Talk Sinbad: Legend of Seas Seinfeld Payne Browns King

Lincoln Business Super Why! News KING ”5 Thomas News News Center KING PBS Nightly News Honor NewsHour News Sesame St. Tonight Days of our Cat in Withthe Lives Xmas Show Washington News out China Meyers Charlie Rose Seth Evening Curious Dr. Phil Curious ” on Father Caught

Brown Masterpiece Classic Mr. Stink ” Masterpiece Classic Live From Lincoln World News Business Center Honor PBS

” Toronto Vancouver Lunch at SportsCentre Raptors ”Heat Miami SC SC Top 10 SportsCentre ” NBA Off Record Interruption Basketball:

The Meredith Security Operation Vieira Show Emergency Smile Running Young & Wild ” Ray Restless Rachael Dual News ”

SportsCentre ” Hockey SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” SC SC Top 10 Hockey ”

”” CBC News Network The National National ”” With Andrew Nichols The CBC News Exchange Power” & Politics The National


Worst Driver Fam Worst Driver Mod Anger FantomCrime Watch Works DailyMen Mayday Mike River Two ” Two Men Monsters Mod Fam FantomCoffee Bar Works TheBang Office Mayday How I Met Mayday Big ”” Cougar Big FantomPaidBang Prog. Works Family Feud Mayday MasterChef

Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Lifeon Dateline TLC Dateline:

King Mod Fam ModMiddle Fam The Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Movie:Dad “Of Mice Family Guy Payne and Men”

The ” Exchange CBC News

Monsters Mayday ” Mayday

Mod Fam How I Met Cougar Big Bang

Real Prog. Life Paid Paid Prog. Dateline on


Camera Ellen DeGeneres Show Dateline NBC KING 5 News ” KING ”5 News News KING Tonight Nightly News News Show Seth NewsMeyers

Big Bang


MasterChef ”

Dateline: Real Life

King King

Father Brown

Caught on Camera

Shark Tank

World’s Funniest

Dateline: Real Life

The Middle Family Guy

Mr. Stink ”

Dateline NBC

News Mod Fam College Mike Basketball Two Men Paid Prog. How IDance Met CIZE Cougar Old House Kids News

Dateline: Real Life My 600-Lb. Dateline on Life TLC My 600-Lb. Paid Prog. Life Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Life

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Gimme Family Guy Seinfeld Payne Movie: Sinbad: Leg“Premium end of Seas Rush” Movie:

Live From Lincoln Odd Squad Center Arthur Honor Aging Xmas WithBackwards out China KCTS 9 Cooks: All-

” English PreKINGLeague News mier Tonight Soccer ShowZone Goal Seth Meyers Red Bull Signature Series

Dateline: Real Life

“The Women”

Time Favorites!

Swimming: Duel in the

A Home for Running Wild Deer Rebels Vera the Holidays ” Sportsnet ”

Blue Bloods ” College KIRO News Basketball: Late ShowCBS Sports Colbert Classic Corden ” College

Dual Suspects Fish’n NewsFishing Real Late ShowPowerboat Colbert TV Driving ET Canada Noon News Hour

Sportsnet Central NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Central Blackhawks Sportsnet at Sabres Central ” NHL Winter

What Would Grand Tours ” You Do? Wild Kratts College The First 48 Finding the Football: News What ”Would Christmas Fallen Jimmy You Do? Mister Maker Celebration Nightwatch Murder Kimmel Live What ”Would Creative Bowl Myster. Nightline You Do? Dogs/Jobs ” Nightwatch Dogs/Jobs College ”

CBC News ” ” Harvey CBC News Game On The National Pig Goat CBC News Haunting ” Turtles Network RudolphThe Asha Furious Five With Frosty Exchange Olive, Other Tomlinson Reindeer ”

Canada’s Worst Driver Mayday Mayday ” ” Mayday Mayday ” ” Buying Al. Buying Al.

Food Truck Face Off

Corner Gas Corner Gas

” ”

Basketball: CBS Sports

Food Truck Face Off

Classic NHL’s Best

Hope for Wildlife

The Happy Elf

Canada’s Movie Worst Driver ”

Holmes Makes

Canada’s Luge Worst Driver ”

Classic Paid Prog.

Holmes Makes

Hockey Central

Marine Machines

Tackle Fish’n Movie: Real Fishing “His and Powerboat Her Driving TV Christmas” Noon News CHBC News Hour Global Nat. Food Truck CHBC News Face Off 16x9 Holmes ” Makes Food Race Tackle ” Movie: Fish’n Movie: “His and Real Fishing “Chasing Her Christmas” Powerboat Christmas” ” TV Driving CHBC News News Final Noon News Global Nat. Saturday Hour CHBC News Night Live Food Truck 16x9 ” Face Off ”

Cash Cab The Marilyn Moneytalk Denis Show The Marilyn It Is Written Denis Show etalk-Movie The Social SportsCentre etalk-Movie ” CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas Dream Canada’s Funded Worst Driver Movie: Cash Cab “The Moneytalk The Marilyn Christmas The Marilyn Denis Show Shepherd” Denis Show Saving Hope It Is Written The Social ” etalk-Movie etalk-Movie News SportsCentre CTV News News--11:30 ” Vancouver Movie: Corner Gas Dream “The Ref” Corner Gas Funded

Paid Prog. College Paid Prog. Basketball:

Tackle Fish’n Movie: Real Fishing “His and Powerboat Her Driving TV Christmas” Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Food Truck ” Face Off 16x9 Holmes ” Makes Food Race Tackle ” Movie: Fish’n Movie: “His and Real Fishing “Chasing Her Christmas” Powerboat Christmas” ” TV Driving Global Nat. News Final Noon News News Hour Saturday Hour ” Night Food Live Truck 16x9 ” Face Off ”

Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey: Trailer Park Blackhawks NFL Football at Sabres Pregame ” NFL NHL Winter Football: Classic New York NHL’s Best Jets at Hockey Dallas Central Cowboys Sportsnet Sportsnet Central NHL Central Trailer Park Hockey: Misplays NFL Football Sportsnet Blackhawks Pregame Central at Sabres NFL Sportsnet ” Football: Central NHL Winter New York Sportsnet Classic Jets at Central NHL’s Best Dallas

Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Christmas Doomsday Mister Maker Volcano Creative Athens: Dogs/Jobs Truth Dogs/Jobs Hope for Hope for Wildlife Wildlife Great Marine Migrations Machines Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Wild Kratts Foyle’s War Doomsday Christmas ” Volcano Mister” Maker Athens: Park Creative Truth Waterfront Dogs/Jobs Hope for Cities Dogs/Jobs Wildlife Foyle’s War Hope for Great ” Wildlife Migrations


Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Last Man What Would Christmas in The National Mayday Yes, Virginia You Do? July ” ”

The National ” Absolutely CBC News Canadian Coronation FIS Alpine Backstage Skiing 22 Minutes ” Equestrian



” Leg- Xmas NewsHour Sinbad: Withend of”Seas out China Washington Seinfeld Charlie Rose Evening

34th Street” ”

Changers CBS Sports Sports Stars Classic KIRO News ” KIRO News College CBS News Basketball: KIRO News CBS Sports Steve Raible Classic The Insider Paid Prog. NCIS Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. College Criminal Changers Basketball: Minds Sports Stars 48 Hours CBS Sports KIRO News ” Classic KIRO News KIRO ”News CBS News Scandal College KIRO News ” Basketball: Steve Raible Ent CBS Sports The Insider

Amer. Dad “Of Mice Millionaire Millionaire Family Guy and Men”

” Arthritis? Zoo Clues World’s Funniest Paid Prog. Raising News Mod Mike Fam Anger Mike Two Two Men Men

Blue Bloods ” The Marilyn News-Lisa Denis Show News--11:30 It Is Written Big Bang etalk-Movie Seth Meyers SportsCentre ”


Real Life Real Life on Dateline TLC Dateline on Dateline:


” How/Made How/Made River Monsters Daily Planet ” Canada’s Worst Driver Canada’s Worst Driver Mayday ” River

Dual Suspects Fish’n NewsFishing Final Real Late ShowPowerboat Colbert TV Driving ET Canada Noon News Hour



” ” The National The ” Exchange CBC News ” CBC News ” The National ” The National

Running Wild Social” Gossip


Murder Myster.

” The National CBC News ” Network The The National ” Exchange With Carole MacNeil CBC News CBC News


Frosty Frosty


Kootenay Ice at Red

News KOMO” 4 Jimmy News General HospitalLive Kimmel Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors ” Last Man


Movie: “Miracle on

The National Absolutely Hockey Canadian NHL FIS Alpine Hockey: Skiing Los Angeles ” Kings at Equestrian Toronto ” Maple Leafs ” NHL Luge Hockey: ” Edmonton The National Oilers at Hockey Absolutely Colorado NHL Canadian Avalanche Hockey: Post Show FIS Alpine Los Angeles CBC SkiingNews Kings at The Tudors ” Toronto ” Equestrian Maple Leafs Dragons’ ” NHL Den ” Hockey:

Security Emergency

Central Tours Canucks at Grand Wild World Poker PAWKratts Patrol Tour:Wings Alpha8 Finding Kate and Sportsnet the Red Waterfront Central Cities World ”Poker Fallen Ruf-Tweet Tour: Alpha8 Murder Tumble Leaf Sportsnet WHL Coast Central Hockey: Australia Tim and Sid Myster. Maya ” Curious Kootenay Murder

SpongeBob Christmas in Game SpongeBob July Henry Movie: Tis/ Smurfy “Jack Frost” Penguins Thunder Nicky,” Ricky Madagascar

Warriors ”

” Hockey SportsCentre ” SC ” SC ” NBA SC Basketball: SC Top 10 Clippers at Hockey Rockets ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” ” SportsCentre Hockey SportsCentre SC ” SC SportsCentre ” NBA ” Basketball: SportsCentre SC Clippers at ” 10 SC Top Rockets SportsCentre Hockey ”” SportsCentre

Suspects Global Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News

Steve Last Man The View Harvey Yes, Virginia ”4 Shark KOMOTank News ” Seattle 20/20 News


Security Emergency

” ”

KIRO ”News

The Doozers Murder Boj Patrol PAW Myster. PAW Patrol Vera Mister Maker ” See Creative Monkey Bucket-Dino ” Dino Dan

A&E 1

Basketball: Bucks at


” Den CBC News Network CBC News VanCoronation couver News Heartland Backstage Frosty” 22 Minutes Coronation Murdoch Mysteries Movie:

KNOW Wheel KOMO The Doctors ” Jeopardy! * `


Miami Heat SportsCentre ” SportsCentre

Late CHBC DaysShowofNews our Lives Colbert Ent ET TheCanada Talk ” Security

” Vancouver CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver The Social ” Big Bang etalk-Movie Seth Meyers Big Bang Dr. Phil Stars-”


”News You ” Dyn. World ble Age The Chew The Do? First 48 Ice Stanley ” Odd Parents What Would Game On Olive, Other You Reindeer WhatDo? Would Haunting Odd Parents You Do? Odd Parents What Would RudolphRudolph and You Frosty’s WhatDo? Would Frosty SpongeBob You Do? SpongeBob What Would Christmas in Emergency Emergency Myster. The Meredith Scandals Ellen DeGe- “Miracle Grand on Frosty Bold The Meredith Ice at ”Red The Doozers Yes, SteveVirginia You WhatDo? Would July SpongeBob Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey You Do? SpongeBob Running Wild Social34th Street” A Home for Running Wild Deer Rebels Vera Shark Tank Unforgetta- Movie: Gossip the Holidays Sportsnet ” 4 ble Frost” Young” & The Dr. Oz Bondi ”Vet Judge Judy Young” & Hockey Mister” Maker KOMO Unforgetta- “Jack Tis/ Smurfy Restless ShowBloods The National ” Judge Judy Dual Restless NHL Creative News ble Dual Blue Blue Bloods Sportsnet ” 20/20 What Would Penguins ” Suspects ” ” Grand Tours News ” You Do? ” News CTV News Dragons’ KIRO ”News Suspects Early News Central Hockey: Dino Dan UnforgettaMadagascar Vancouver Den News KIRO News News News Global Nat. Sportsnet Canucks at Finding Wild Kratts World News What ble Ice Age News ”Final News-Lisa CBC KIRO the News Would Game On Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral Fallen Jimmy You Do? Haunting News Hour CTV News CBC VanKIRO News News Hour Red Wings Waterfront KOMO 4 What Would Olive, Other CHBC News Vancouver couver News CBS News ” ” Cities News You Do? Reindeer Colbert Big Bang Backstage Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Murder Kimmel Live What Would RudolphET Meyers 22 Minutes Corden Myster. Nightline You Ent Canada Seth etalk-Movie Frosty The Insider ET Ent Canada Central WHL Coast Wheel WhatDo? Would Frosty Rudolph and ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Ent ET Canada Hockey: Australia Jeopardy! You Do? Frosty’s

Bucks at SportsCentre ” Warriors ” Hockey NBA SportsCentre ” Basketball: Toronto SportsCentre ” at Raptors

Suspects Noon ”News Hour Final News Hour


Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Life Real


KNOW KOMO ” ” 20/20 * `


A&E 1

Football: Beyond Royal Purple Scared

KNOW Las KOMO Vegas Bowl` -- BYU *

A&E 1

Beyond Scared

vs. Utah College ” Football:

The The First First 48 48 ”” KOMO 4 The First 48 Celebration Nightwatch News ” Bowl ” Democratic The First 48 ” Nightwatch Debate ” College ” ” The First 48 Football: Beyond ” ” Royal Purple Scared ” The First 48 Las Vegas Beyond ” ” Bowl -- BYU Scared To Be The First 48 vs. Utah The First 48 Announced ” ” ” College The First First 48 48 ” The KOMO 4 The First 48 Football: ” ”” News ” ” The First 48 Celebration Nightwatch Democratic The First 48 ”” Bowl ” Debate ” News ” The First 48 Nightwatch ” The First Castle ”” 48 College ” ” ” The First 48 Football: Beyond ” The First 48 Crimes ” Royal Purple Scared ” ”


A&E 1

Movie: “Jack Frost”

YTV ” 6


The National River ” Monsters


” ”




The Flight Before

The National River Issue Monsters

Christmas Harvey Game On Pig Goat

The CBCNational News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Network of Things With Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National ” Marketplace ” Prince Philip: The National The Plot Issue Firsthand The National ” Mansbridge CBCNational News The The Nature CBC News Mansbridge of Things Prince Philip: Network the fifth The WithPlot Asha estate The National Tomlinson The National Issue ” Marketplace The National ” Prince Philip: Mansbridge ” The Plot

A Fairly Odd Turtles Christmas Furious Five ” Olive, Other Odd Parents Reindeer Movie: The Happy “Christmas Elf With the The Flight Kranks” Before Movie: Christmas “Call Me Game On Harvey Claus” A Fairly Odd Pig Goat ” Christmas Game TurtlesOn ” Assembly Furious Five Odd Parents Haunting Olive, Other Movie: Haunting Reindeer “Christmas ChristmasThe Happy With the Krank Elf Kranks”



BBQ Pit Mayday Wars ” BBQ’s Mayday Ultimate ” BBQ Pit Buying Al. Wars Buying Al. BBQ Pit Canada’s Wars Worst Driver BBQ Pit River Wars Monsters BBQ Pit BBQ Pit Wars Wars Mayday Holy BBQ’s ” Smokers Ultimate BBQ Pit Mayday BBQ Pit Wars ” Wars BBQ’s Buying Al. BBQ Pit Ultimate Buying Al. Wars Highway Canada’s BBQ Pit Thru WorstHell Driver Wars



KAYU ” ” ;

Bones College ” Basketball



Dateline: Real Life

WTBS ” ” A


KCTS ” ” N

30 Days to a Odd Squad Younger Arthur Mike Dateline: Heart-Masley Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Seinfeld Movie: Aging Paid Prog. Real Life Atlanta Eats A Salute to CIZE Dance Life “Premium Backwards UFC Fight Dateline: King Downton Old House My 600-Lb. Rush” KCTS 9 Night Real Life King Abbey Kids News Life Movie: Cooks: All” Dateline: Movie: Weekend Movie Dateline: “The Time ” Real Life “National News ” Real Life Women” Favorites! Seahawks Dateline: Security” Man & ” Dateline: ” ” Paid Prog. Real Life ” Beast ” Real Life ” ” Two Men Dateline: Family Guy Man & Bones Dateline: The Middle 30 Days to a Mike Real Life Family Guy Beast ” Real Life The Middle Younger College My 600-Lb. Burgers Gimme Odd Squad Mike Dateline: Vera Mike Dateline: Seinfeld Heart-Masley Basketball Life Life Seinfeld Arthur” Big Bang Real Burgers Paid Prog. Real Life Atlanta Eats A Salute to News Dateline: Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Community Movie: Aging” UFC Fight Dateline: King Downton Wanted Real Life Community Moone Boy CIZE Dance Life “Premium Backwards Night Real Life King Abbey Animation Dateline: Austin Old House My 600-Lb. Movie: Rush” KCTS City 9 ” Dateline: Movie: Weekend Domination Real “War of the Limits Kids News Life Life Movie: Cooks: All” Real Life “National News Person Peter Popoff Worlds” Only Movie of Dateline: “The TimeAngels Seahawks Dateline: Security” Man &Wings Interest Paid ” Have ” Real Prog. Life Women” Favorites! Paid Prog. Real Life ” Beast


Dateline: My 600-Lb. Real Life Life



The Middle Gimme The Middle Seinfeld






Clangers English PreLuna! mier League Biz Kid$ Soccer Kids News Goal Zone KING 5 Red Bull SigNews nature Series Nightly News Swimming: KING News Duel in the Traveler Pool Backroads ” The Wiz Clangers Live! Luna! English ” PreBiz Kid$ mier League ” Kids News ” Soccer KING 5 ” Goal Zone News KING News Red Bull SigNightly News Saturday nature Series KING News Night Live Swimming: Traveler ” the Duel in Backroads


10 :00 :30 11 :30 5 :30 :00 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015 :00 12 :30 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 8 :30 :00 10 3 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 11 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 11 :00 :00 6 :30 1 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2015 8 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :30 TSN # $ % & _ :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2015 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 1 :30 :30 7 2 :00 8 :30 3 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :00 11 5 :30 :00 12 6 :30 7 :00 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 :30 :00 :00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2015 :30 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 :30 4 :00 :00 12 5 :30 1 :00 :30 6 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2015 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 7 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 3 :00 :30 8 :30 # $ % & _ :00 4 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 8 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2015 :00 :00 2 :30 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :00 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 2 :30 :30 :00 9 3 :30 4 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30

4Country :30 Teams Calendar TBA Joel Osteen Teams TBA December Our Houston Wednesday, 16, 2015Joel Osteen rLake :00 America Tackle Cash Cab Movie: KIRO News Tackle :00 Football: Night in

” Football: ” Bengals at NFL 49ers Football: ” Teams TBA ”” SportsCentre NFL ” ”” Football: ” Teams TBA Football SportsCentre ” Night in ” America ” SportsCentre NFL ” ” Football: NFL SportsCentre Bengals Football: at ” 49ers Teams TBA ”” ”” SportsCentre ”

Paid Prog. CHBC News Noon News Global Nat. Hour CHBC News Movie: Security “Too Cool Emergency for Movie: Christmas” “How the Block Wars Cake Grinch Stole Lorna ”Dueck Christmas” Joel Osteen Holiday A Pitchin’ Paid Prog.In Baking Christmas Tackle Noon News News CHBC News Hour Final Block Global Movie: Nat. Paid CHBC News “Too Prog. Cool Paid Prog. Security for Emergency Christmas” Movie: Cake Wars “How the ”

” Cash Cab ” CTV News ” Vancouver TBA Saving Hope NFL ” Football: Adele: Live Teams TBA in London NFL ” Movie: Football: ” “Corner Teams” TBA Gas: The ” SportsCentre Movie” Cash Cab ” News Cash Cab ” News--11:30 CTV News TBA Castle Vancouver NFL ” Saving Hope Football: ” TBA Teams Adele:” Live in London ”

Vancouver “Home Land & Sea Alone 2: Mansbridge Lost in New Bondi Vet York” ” Grinch Stole Figure National Skating Lampoon’s Coronation ” Christmas Marketplace ” Vacation Our Backstage The National Vancouver Exhibitionists ” Movie: Land & Sea CBC News “Home Mansbridge the fifth Alone Bondi 2: Vet estate Lost in” New Canadian York” Figure Grinch SkatingStole National ” Lampoon’s ”

Texans at KIRO News Indianapolis CBS News Colts KIRO News ” 60 Dr. Minutes Chris-Vet ” Dr. Chris-Vet Undercover Dr. Chris-Vet Boss NFL Inspectors Madam Football: Changers Secretary Houston Lucky Dog CSI: Cyber Texans at Pets.TV ” KIRO News Indianapolis KIRO KIRO News Colts News KIRO News CBS News ” Face/Nation KIRO News Dr. Chris-Vet Scandal 60 Dr. Minutes Chris-Vet ” Dr. Chris-Vet Undercover Inspectors Boss Changers

Lorna Dueck English Baking Hockey: Premier Calgary Paid Prog. League Global Nat. Flames at Noon News Soccer News Hour Detroit Red Hour Canucks ” Wings Movie: NHL Security Sportsnet “Too Cool Hockey: Emergency Central for Canucks at Movie: NHL Winter Christmas” Panthers “How the Classic Block Wars Soccer Cake ” Grinch Stole Trailer Lorna ”Dueck EnglishPark Pregame Christmas” NHL’s Best Joel Osteen NHL Premier Holiday A Pitchin’ Paid Prog.In Sportsnet League Baking Hockey: Christmas Central Tackle Noon News Calgary Soccer News Global Nat. Sportsnet Flames Hour Final Canucksat Block Central News Hour Detroit Red Movie: NHL Paid Sportsnet ” Wings “Too Prog. Cool Hockey: Paid Prog. Central Security Sportsnet for Canucks at Emergency Central Christmas” Panthers Movie: NHL Winter Cake Wars ” “How the Classic ” Pregame

” Football ” Night in SportsCentre America ” NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Bengals at SportsCentre 49ers ” ”

Grinch HolidayStole Christmas” Baking A Pitchin’ In Tackle Christmas CHBC News News Final Global Nat. Block CHBC News Paid Prog. Security Paid Prog. Emergency

Movie:” “Corner SportsCentre Gas: The Cash Cab Movie” Cash Cab News CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Castle Saving ” Hope ”

Christmas Backstage Vacation Exhibitionists The National Movie: ” “Home CBC News Alone 2: the fifth Lost in New estate York” Canadian Grinch Stole

Madam Lucky Dog Secretary Pets.TV CSI: Cyber KIRO News ” KIRO News KIRO News CBS News KIRO News KIRO News Face/Nation 60 Minutes Scandal ”

Grinch HolidayStole Christmas” Baking A Pitchin’ In Tackle Christmas Global Nat. News Final News Hour Block ” Paid Prog. Security Paid Prog. Emergency

Trailer NHL Park NHL’s Best Hockey: Sportsnet Calgary Central Flames at Sportsnet Detroit Red Central Wings Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central

Service of Xmas, RosAll the Dead slyn Chapel Wallander Hidden ” Killers ” Marine ” Machines Inspectr Invasion of Morse Killer Toads

” Magnificent ” Mile Light ” News ” World News News KOMO 4 Castle News ” Movie: Crimes “The Sound

ChristmasWhat Would Decades You Do? ChristmasChristmasDecades Decades ChristmasChristmasDecades Decades ChristmasChristmasDecades Decades

“Home” Assembly Alone 3” Haunting ” Haunting ” Haunting Movie: Haunting “Home Home Alone Alone 4” 4 ”

Adele: Live in London

NHL Winter Classic

Inspector Morse:

of Music Sing-Along”


Christmas Is The National Canada’s Universe Here Again ” Worst Driver Pageant

Jill & Jessa: ” Counting On The Closer

Great Houses

” ”


” Assembly

The National Railroad ” Alaska

Married by ”

” The Closer

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

ChristmasDecades Criminal ChristmasMinds Decades The First 48 Christmas” Decades The First 48 ”

Haunting Haunting Home 3 Haunting Movie: Haunting “Home Home 4” Alone Alone 4 Abominable Christmas

Hip HopEration CBC News The Nature Network of Things With Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Network

Dateline NBC Today KING ”News Up Late NW New Day Bensinger Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News


Lorna Dueck Football: Marketplace Football: Baking SportsCentre Exhibitionists Pets.TV

” Movie: SportsCentre “How the



Little Prince slyn Chapel Little Prince Hidden Little Prince Killers Animals Marine Animals Machines Waterfront Invasion of Cities Killer Toads The Water Inspector Park Morse: Wild Kratts Christmas Service of Little Bach Prince With All the Dead Little Prince Xmas, RosWallander LittleChapel Prince slyn ” Hidden Animals ” Killers Animals ” Marine Waterfront Inspectr Machines Cities Morse Invasion of The Water Killer Park Toads Inspector Christmas Morse: With Bach

Rescue Mile Light Jack Hanna News Ocean Mys. World News Born-Explore KOMO 4 Sea Rescue News Wildlife Docs Movie: Rock-Park “The Sound T. McCarver of Music Barbara Sing-Along” Full Measure Walters ”” Rescue ” Jack Hanna Magnificent ” Ocean Mys. Mile Light ” News Born-Explore News World News Sea Rescue Castle KOMO Wildlife 4Docs ” News Rock-Park Crimes Movie: T. McCarver “The Sound Barbara of Music Walters Sing-Along” ”

Twelve You Do? What Would ChristmasYou Do? Decades What Would ChristmasYou Do? Decades What Would ChristmasYou Do? Decades What Would ChristmasYou Do? Decades Ocean’s What Would ChristmasTwelve You Do? Decades What Would ChristmasYou Do? Decades ChristmasWhat Would ChristmasDecades You Do? Decades ChristmasWhat Would ChristmasDecades You Do? Decades ChristmasWhat Would Decades You Do? ChristmasWhat Would Decades You Do?

Movie: Alone 3” “Home ” Alone” ” ” Movie: ” “Home Movie: Alone “Home4” ” Alone 2: Christmas Is Lost in New Here Again Santa York” Movie:” Assembly “Home Haunting Alone”3” Alone Haunting ” Haunting ” Haunting Movie: Home “HomeAlone 4 Alone Alone 4” 2: Lost in” New Christmas Is York” Here Again Movie:

CBC News estate Network The Nature With Asha of Things Tomlinson The National ” ” ” Hip Hop” Eration ” The National Marketplace ” CBC News Firsthand The CBCNational News ” ” Network the fifth Hip HopWith Asha estate Eration The Nature Tomlinson The Nature of Things ” of Things The National ” The National ” ” Hip Hop” Eration Marketplace The National Firsthand ””

Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Canada’s Last Frontier Worst Driver Alaska: The The Alaska: Railroad Last Frontier Alaska Alaska: The Railroad Last Frontier Alaska Alaska: The Railroad Last Frontier Alaska Alaska: The Railroad Last Frontier Alaska Alaska: Alaska: The The Last Last Frontier Frontier Canada’s Alaska: The Worst Driver Last Frontier

Paid Prog. Two Men Paid Prog. How I Met Paid Prog. Monopoly Herd for the Big Bang Holidays Simpsons NFL The 64th Football: Annual Miss Cleveland Universe Browns at Pageant Paid Prog. Seattle ” Paid Prog. Seahawks ” Paid Prog. News Paid Men Prog. Two Livin’ Dream How Met Herd Ifor the Cougar Monopoly Holidays Paid Prog. Big Bang NFL Mod Fam Simpsons Football: Raising The 64th Cleveland Annual BrownsMiss at Universe Seattle Pageant Seahawks

The National the fifth estate” Hip HopThe Nature Eration of Things The Nature The National of Things ” The National Hip Hop” Eration

Railroad Alaska: The Alaska Last Frontier Railroad Alaska: The Alaska Last Frontier Railroad Alaska: The Alaska Last Frontier Railroad Alaska: The Alaska Last Frontier

” Paid Prog. ” Two Men News How I Met Livin’ Dream Monopoly Cougar Big Bang Paid Prog. Simpsons Mod Fam The 64th Raising Annual Miss


A&E 1




Say Yes Buried Alive

Shop Big Bang

Cyberchase Adventure Orchestra Night in

Say Yes Counting On Hoarding: Jill & Jessa: Buried Alive Counting On Hoarding: Married by Buried Alive ” Hoarding: Jill & Jessa: Buried Alive Counting On Say Yes Hoarding: Married by Say Yes Buried Alive ” Say Yes Hoarding: Jill & Jessa: Say Yes Buried Alive Counting On Jill & Jessa: Hoarding: Hoarding: Counting On Buried Alive Buried Alive Jill & Jessa: Hoarding: Paid Prog. Counting On Buried Alive Paid Prog. Married by Hoarding: ” Buried Alive Jill & Jessa: Hoarding: Counting On Buried Alive

First Family Special Paid Prog. Mod Fam Box Office Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “Meet the “Red Eye” Browns” ”” The Closer ConfessBig Bang ” Shop Big Bang The Closer PaidBang Prog. Big ” FirstBang Family Big There Yet? Atlanta Eats Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Special Box Office Paid Prog. Mod Fam Movie: Paid Prog. Mod Fam “Meet the Paid Prog. Movie: Browns” “Red Eye” ” ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang

” Brown Railway Weekend Journeys A Chef’s Life Glorious Sacred WomenWonders of Brit Never Age Great Jacques Houses Odd Squad Pepin’s 80th Masterpiece Cyberchase Birthday Classic Nature All-Star Masterpiece ” Orchestra Classic Father Railway ” Brown Journeys Scott & Weekend Glorious Bailey A Chef’s Life Women DeGeneres Sacred WonNever Age ders of Brit Jacques Great Pepin’s 80th Houses Birthday

Action NFL Sports Football: ” Arizona Figure Cardinals Skating: at Philadelphia ISU Grand Eagles Prix Final 5th Quarter Gardening LazyTown KING 5 Tom Adventure Tree Fu News Sports Football Dateline Actionin Night NBC America Sports KING NFL News ” Up Late NW Football: Figure Bensinger Arizona Skating: Paid Prog. Cardinals ISU Grandat Philadelphia Prix Final Eagles LazyTown 5th Quarter Tree Fu Tom

Married by Hoarding: Buried” Alive Jill & Jessa: Jill & Jessa: Counting On Counting On Hoarding: Jill & Jessa: Buried Alive Counting On Paid Prog. Married by Paid Prog. ”

” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Atlanta Eats There Yet? Special Paid Prog. Mod Fam Paid Prog. Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. “Red Eye”

Masterpiece All-Star Classic Orchestra Masterpiece Father Classic Brown ” Weekend Scott & A Chef’s Life Bailey Sacred WonDeGeneres ders of Brit

KING 5 Football News Night in Dateline America NBC NFL KING News Football: Up Late NW Arizona Bensinger Cardinals Paid Philadelphia

Eagles 5th Quarter

Say Yes Paid Prog. Nature Sports A13 Jill & Jessa: Atlanta Eats Father America






National Lampoon’s

Undercover Boss

Movie: “How the

Grinch Stole Movie: Christmas” “Corner

Christmas Vacation

Madam Secretary

Grinch Stole Trailer Park Christmas” NHL’s Best

Service of All the Dead

SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Barclays ” English Premier

A Pitchin’ In Christmas Sugar News Final Debt/Part Block Rachael Ray Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

Gas: The Movie” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn CastleShow Denis ” CTV News Vancouver

The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Monster the fifth Our estate Vancouver Canadian CBC News Network

CSI: Cyber ” The Price Is KIRO News Right KIRO News Young & Face/Nation Restless Scandal KIRO News ”

A Pitchin’ In Christmas Sugar News Final Debt/Part Block Rachael Ray Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

Sportsnet Central Spartan Sportsnet Race Central Darts Sportsnet ” Central World Poker Tour: Alpha8

Wallander ” Boj ” PAW Patrol ” Monkey See Inspectr Bucket-Dino Morse PAW Patrol Kate and

League Soccer

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital

The First 48 ”

Odd Parents With Diana Kung Fu Swain

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

FABLife ”

The Talk ”

Tim and Sid ”

Maya Curious

The First 48 ”

Henry Chucks

Power & Politics

Redwood Kings

Paid Prog. Dateline: Family Feud Real Life

Monday SportsCentre Night ” Countdown SportsCentre ” Barclays NFL English Football: Premier Detroit Lions League at New Soccer Orleans Off Record Saints Interruption ” Monday SportsCentre Night ” SportsCentre Countdown ”” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre NFL ” Barclays Football: SportsCentre EnglishLions Detroit ” Premier at New SportsCentre League Orleans ” Soccer Saints Off Record ” Interruption SportsCentre

The Meredith Sugar Show Vieira Debt/Part Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” News Noon ”News Hour News Hour Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Movie: The Meredith “A Gift Vieira Show Wrapped Sugar Young & Christmas” Debt/Part Restless Global Rachael Ray News Comedians ”” News Final Noon News News Hour Late ShowHour News CHBC Colbert Days of our Ent ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Movie: “A Gift”

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk-Adele Dr. Phil Spun Out ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeBig Bang neres Show Mike The View The Dr. Oz Mike ” Show Castle The Marilyn CTV News ”Show Denis Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News CTV News--11:30 Vancouver Vancouver Daily Show The Social etalk-Adele Seth Meyers ” Spun Out Dr. Phil Big Bang ” Big Bang

Grand Bookaboo Designs Monster Bondi Vet Our ” Vancouver Dragons’ CBC News Den Network CBC VanHeartland couver News ” Frosty Murdoch Coronation Mysteries A Merry Grand Murdoch Designs Christmas Bookaboo Bondi ”Vet Monster ” The Our National Dragons’ ” Vancouver Den CBC CBC News News CBC VanCoronation Network couver News Rick Mercer Heartland Frosty 22 Minutes ” Coronation Murdoch A Merry Mysteries Murdoch

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young Judy & Judge Restless KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” The Insider FABLife Ent ” Big Bang BoldBang Big ThisMinute Supergirl The Price Is Judge” Judy Right Judge Judy Scorpion Young & KIRO ”News Restless KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News KIRO News Late Show” CBS News Colbert The Insider Talk The Corden ” Ent FABLife Big Bang ” Big Bang

The Meredith Sugar Show Vieira Debt/Part Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Movie: The Meredith “A Gift Vieira Show Wrapped Sugar Young & Christmas” Debt/Part Restless Global Rachael Ray Early News Comedians Global” Nat. News Noon News News Hour Late HourShow” Colbert Days of our Ent ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Movie: “A Gift”

” Spartan ” Race Misplays DartsCount NHL ” NHL World Poker Hockey: Tour: Alpha8 Dallas Stars World Poker at Minnesota Tour: Alpha8 Wild Tim and Sid Sportsnet ” Gotta See It NHL’s”Best ” Misplays Spartan Misplays NHL RaceCount NHL Count Sportsnet Darts NHL Central ” Hockey: Ski TVPoker World Dallas Stars Trailer Park Tour: Alpha8 at Minnesota Sportsnet World Poker Wild Central Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet Tim and Sid Gotta See It NHL’s”Best

George Boj Patrol PAW PAW Patrol Mister Maker Monkey See Creative Bucket-Dino Wild KrattsPAW Patrol Creature Kate and Marine Ruf-Tweet Machines Tumble Leaf Hope for Maya Wildlife Curious Hidden George Killers PAW Patrol Fake Boj or Mister Maker Fortune? PAW Patrol Creative Finding Monkeythe See Wild KrattsFallen Bucket-Dino Creature Hope for PAW Patrol Marine Wildlife Kate and Machines Fake or Ruf-Tweet Hope for Fortune? Tumble Leaf Wildlife Maya Hidden Curious Killers

Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The Great Steve Christmas Harvey Light Fight The View KOMO ”” 4 News Great KOMO 4 News Holiday News News World News The Chew KOMO 4 Jimmy News ” Kimmel GeneralLive Wheel Nightline Hospital Jeopardy! The Great Doctors The ” Christmas

The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 Minds” ” The The First First 48 48 The First 48 ”” ” The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 ”” ” The First 48 The First First 48 48 The ”” ” The First 48 The First 48 ””

Ho Ho HoliHome 3 day Special Movie: The Naughty “Home List Alone 4” Abominable Abominable Christmas Christmas Rudolph, the Odd Parents Reindeer Kung Fu Rudolph’s Henry Year Shiny Chucks Rudolph and Ho Ho HoliFrosty’s day Special Christmas Home 3 in The Naughty July Movie: List Movie: “Home Abominable “All I Want Alone 4” Christmas for Abominable Rudolph, the Christmas” Christmas Reindeer RudolphOdd Parents Rudolph’s Frosty Kung Fu Shiny Year Henry Rudolph and Chucks Frosty’s

” CBC News ” Network The With Carole Exchange MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Network The National With Diana ” Swain CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The CBCNational News The ” Network Exchange CBC With News Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The National CBC News The National ” Network ” The With Diana CBC News Exchange Swain” Power & The National Politics ”

Redwood Buying the Kings Buying the Redwood Buying the Kings Buying the Redwood Redwood Kings Kings Redwood Kings ” ” Redwood Redwood Kings Kings Redwood Redwood Kings Kings Blade Buying the Redwood Brothers Buying the Kings Blade Buying the Redwood Brothers Buying the Kings Naked and Redwood Redwood Afraid Kings Kings Naked” and Redwood Afraid ” Kings Redwood Redwood Kings Kings

Paid Prog. Steve Big World Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising Family Feud Mike Crime Watch Anger Daily Two Men Paid Fam Prog. Mod The Office Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big Family Feud Gotham Paid Prog. ” Big World Bones Steve Paid Prog. ” Harvey Raising News Family Feud Mike Mod Fam Family Feud Anger Mike Crime Watch Two Men Two Men DailyFam Mod How IProg. Met PaidBang Big Cougar TheBang Office Big Paid Prog. Gotham Family” Feud

Dateline on Dateline: TLC Real Life Women Dateline: Behind Real Life Women in Dateline: Prison: Extra Real Life Women in Dateline: Prison: Extra Real Life Women in Dateline: Prison: Extra Real Life Women in Dateline on Prison: Extra TLC Women Dateline:in WomenExtra Prison: Real Life Behind Women Dateline:in WomenExtra in Prison: Real Life Prison: Extra Women Dateline: Women in Behind Real Life Prison: Extra Peter Popoff Dateline: Women in Paid Prog. Real Life Prison: Extra Dateline: Women in Real Life Prison: Extra

Monday ” Night ”

The Meredith Mike Ellen DeGe- Christmas Grand Wrapped Vieira Show Mike neres Show Designs Christmas” ”

Bold Supergirl ThisMinute ”

The Meredith Misplays ” Wrapped Vieira Show NHL Count ” Christmas”

George Fake or PAW Patrol Fortune?

SteveFight Light Harvey ”

The First 48 ”

Ho Ho Holi” Redwood Christmas in The National Blade day Special ” Kings July Brothers

Paid Prog. Bones Big World ”

Datelinein on The ModMiddle Fam Women TLC Mod Fam Prison: Extra Family Guy

The First 48 ”

The Naughty CBC The News Movie: “All ” List I Want Exchange

Paid Prog. News Mod Fam Raising

Big Bang Women in Amer. Dad Prison: Dad Behind Extra Amer. Big Bang

Estate” ” Scotland

Mike Two Men Anger

Women in Family Movie: Guy Behind Prison: Extra Payne “The

The World News KING News 5 Otherside Tonight Business News

” ”

Countdown Global Young & SportsCentre ” Comedians Restless

The Dr. Oz Castle Show ”

SportsCentre News Final NFL ” Late ShowFootball: ”

News-Lisa CBC News CTV News Dragons’ News--11:30 Coronation Vancouver Den






KNOW KOMO * ` ” ” The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 News ” Crimes The Chew ”

KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `


Young & Global Comedians Restless

Misplays Sportsnet Central NHL Count

Mister Maker KOMO 4 Finding the Great Fallen Holiday Creative News

KIRO News Late KIROShowNews

News Early News Late ShowGlobal Nat.

Ski NHLTV Trailer Park Hockey:

Hope for Wild KrattsWildlife Creature

SportsCentre Daily Show Rick Colbert Detroit Lions Colbert News Hour CTV News CBC Mercer VanKIRO News ” ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes at New CHBC News Seth Vancouver couver News Corden CBS News

Orleans Saints

Ent ET Canada

” Movie: SportsCentre “A Gift ” ”

Wrapped Christmas”

SportsCentre Sugar Global SportsCentre Comedians ”” Debt/Part SportsCentre Rachael News Final Motoring Ray ” Lumberjacks Late Show”

Bondi Vet Judge Judy The National Scorpion ” Judge”Judy



Redwood Blade Brothers Kings

The Naked and CBCNational News Redwood ” Afraid Kings




There Yet? Divorce Paid Prog. Divorce Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Millionaire Millionaire

Masterpiece Classic Sesame St. ” Cat Peg Plus Scott & Dinosaur Bailey Dinosaur DeGeneres Super Why! Thomas

Paid Prog. The Office

Dateline: Real Life

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

Sesame St. Cat in the

Days of our Lives

Payne Browns

Curious Curious

Dr. Phil ”

Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Movie: Millionaire “The Millionaire Shepherd” Crazy”Talk Crazy Talk Seinfeld Payne Seinfeld Browns King Mod King Fam Mod Fam The Middle Divorce Big Bang Family DivorceGuy Big Bang Amer. Judge Dad Movie:Dad Amer. Judge “The Family Guy Millionaire Shepherd” Payne Millionaire ” Browns Crazy Talk Seinfeld There Crazy Yet? Talk Seinfeld Payne King Browns King

Great Ellen DeGeSesame St. neres TodayShow Houses Peg Plus Cat ” Estate KING 5 Dinosaur New Day Scotland News Dinosaur Northwest World News KING 5 Super Why! News KING 5 Business Thomas News PBS Nightly News Sesame St. Days of our NewsHour News Cat in the Lives Old House News Curious Dr. Phil Antiques Evening Curious ” Antiques Superstore Great Ellen DeGeRoadshow Telenovela Houses neres Show Independent Sesame St. Saturday Today Estate KING 5 Lens Peg Plus Cat Night Live ” Scotland News ” ” Dinosaur New Day World”News KING ”5 Dinosaur Northwest Business News The Super Why! KING KING News 5News PBS Nightly Otherside Tonight Thomas News NewsHour News Place Show Sesame St. News Days of our Old House School Seth Cat in the LivesMeyers Antiques Evening Curious Dr. Phil Antiques Superstore Curious ” Roadshow Telenovela











Great Ellen DeGeIndependent Saturday Houses neres Live Show Lens Night KING ”5 News ”

Sportsnet or Dallas Stars Fake Marine Central at Minnesota Fortune? Machines

Kimmel KOMO 4Live The First 48 Nightline ”” News

Rudolphand Rudolph, the The National Naked Redwood Frosty Exchange Afraid Reindeer ” Kings

How I Met Two Men Cougar Mod Fam

Peter Popoff Browns Women in Shepherd” Paid Prog. Prison: Extra There ”Yet?

Place PBS School NewsHour

Show Nightly News Seth NewsMeyers

Ent ET Canada

Wild Sportsnet

Hope for Wildlife

Wheel Jeopardy!

The First 48 ”

Rudolph’s Shiny Year

Big Bang Big Bang

Women in Seinfeld Prison: Extra Seinfeld

Old House Antiques

News Evening

Big Bang Big Bang

A Merry Murdoch

Big Bang Big Bang

Movie: “A Gift

Gotta See It NHL’s Best

Hidden Killers

The Great Christmas

The First 48 ”

Rudolph and The National Redwood Frosty’s ” Kings

Gotham ”

Women in King Prison: Extra King

Antiques Roadshow

Superstore Telenovela

Mike Mike

Christmas ”

Supergirl ”

Wrapped Christmas”

Misplays NHL Count

Fake or Fortune?

The First 48 ”

Christmas in The National Blade July ” Brothers

Bones ”

Women in The Middle Prison: Extra Family Guy

Independent Saturday Lens Night Live

Castle The View ””



The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

FABLife ”

CHAN The Talk ( ”

Sugar The View Bookaboo SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Debt/Part Monster ” Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs

The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute

Sugar The Meredith NHL Count ” Debt/Part Vieira Show Trailer” Park

Boj and Kate PAW Patrol

Motoring Rachael Raptors Young & Ray Lumberjacks Restless ” NBA Hockey Noon News Basketball: News Lunch Mavericks at Hour ” SC Days of our Raptors News Hour Lives News ”” CHBC Off Record The Talk SportsCentre Ent SC ” ” ET Canada SportsCentre The Meredith Open Gym Movie: ” Vieira Show Reporters “Trading

Best Recipes Bondi Vet Stefano ” CBC News Dragons’ Network Den Heartland CBC Vancouver” News Dr. Phil Murdoch etalk Frosty ” Mysteries Spun Out Coronation Ellen DeGe- Movie: Grand Movie: neres Show “A Designs “A

Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO ”News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Monkey See KOMO 4 Mister Maker Bucket-Dino News Creative PAWDan Patrol News The Chew Dino Kate Kratts and Wild World ”News Ruf-Tweet General4 Hope for KOMO Tumble Leaf News Hospital Wildlife

FABLife The Insider ” Ent Bold NCIS ThisMinute ”

Rachael Champion of Young & Ray Canucks ” Champions Restless NHL Noon News News Hockey: World Poker Early Hour Tour: Alpha8 Global Nat. Canucks at Days of our World Poker News Hour Lightning Lives ” Tour: Alpha8 ” The Talk Tim and Sid Ent Sportsnet ” ET Canada NHL ” The Meredith ” Movie: Hockey: Vieira Show Sharks ” at “Trading

Maya Canada Curious ” Kate and Titanic-Band PAW Patrol ”

Raptors SportsCentre NBA ” SportsCentre Basketball: ” SportsCentre Mavericks at ” Motoring Raptors Lumberjacks SportsCentre ” ” Hockey SportsCentre Lunch SportsCentre ” ” SC Open ”Gym Reporters Off Record SportsCentre SC ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Raptors SportsCentre 2016 IIHF NBA ”

Young & Christmas” Restless Sugar” News Debt/Part Rookie Blue ”” Ray Rachael News ”Final Hour News CHBC News Late NoonShowNews Ent Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Days of our Movie: Lives “Trading The Talk Christmas” ” ” The Meredith Rookie Blue Vieira Show ” YoungFinal & News Sugar Restless Late Show-

The Dr. Oz Christmas Show Detour” The View CTV Cyber News ” CSI: Vancouver ” The Marilyn CTV DenisNews Show News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News etalk Vancouver Daily Show Spun Out Seth Meyers The Social Movie:” “A Dr. Phil Christmas ” Detour” Ellen DeGeCSI: Cyber neres Show ” The Dr. Oz News-Lisa The View Show News--11:30

Bondi Vet Christmas ” Story” Bookaboo Dragons’ Monster The National Den ” Best Recipes CBC VanStefano CBC News couver News Coronation CBC News Frosty Network Rick Mercer Coronation 22 Minutes Heartland Movie:” “A Murdoch Christmas Mysteries Story” Grand The National Designs ” BondiNews Vet CBC Bookaboo ” Coronation

Judge New Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Orleans The Price Is KIRO News Right Limitless KIRO ”News Young & KIRO News Restless KIRO News CBS News Late KIROShowNews The Insider ” Colbert Ent Corden The Talk NCIS ” ” FABLife NCIS: New ” Orleans Bold Limitless ThisMinute ” JudgeNews Judy KIRO The Price Is Judge Judy Late Show-

Young & Christmas” Restless Sugar” Early News Debt/Part Rookie Blue Global” Nat. Rachael Ray News ”Hour News ” Late NoonShowNews Ent Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Days of our Movie: Lives “Trading The Talk Christmas” ” ” The Meredith CHAN Rookie Blue Vieira Show ” ( Young & News Sugar Restless Late Show-

Canucks Kings NHL ” NHL Count Hockey: Trailer Park Sportsnet Canucks at Central Champion of Lightning Champions Sportsnet ” Central World Poker Sportsnet Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet NHL Central World Poker Hockey: Tour: Alpha8 Sharks at Tim and Sid Kings ” ” ” SNP Sportsnet ” Central ) Canucks Sportsnet Misplays NHL Central

Mister Maker Movie: Creative “Becoming Boj Dino PAW Dan Patrol Santa” Wild Kratts Jingle Bell Monkey See Hope for Bucket-Dino Rocks Wildlife ” PAW Patrol Canada Kate and Becoming ” Santa Ruf-Tweet Titanic-Band Tumble Leaf ” Maya Movie: Curious “Becoming Kate and KNOW Santa” PAW Patrol Jingle Bell * Mister Rocks Maker Boj Creative ”

Open Gym Off Record Reporters Interruption

Movie: The Talk “Trading ”

Movie: Dr. Phil “A ”

Movie: Murdoch “A Mysteries


Movie: The Talk “Trading ”

Hockey: Tim and Sid Sharks ” at

NCIS: New Bold Orleans ThisMinute

Christmas” The Meredith Kings ” Vieira ”Show ”

Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show

CTV News Vancouver Vancouver The Social CTV News ” Vancouver

” CTV News Daily Show The Marilyn Vancouver Seth Meyers Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver etalk The Social Spun Out ”

Monster Dragons’ Rick Mercer Best Recipes Den 22 Minutes Stefano CBC VanCBC News couver News Network Frosty Heartland Coronation ”

SportsCentre Christmas Christmas SportsCentre Christmas” The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand ” Detour” Story” Vieira ”Show neres Show Designs NBA Young & The Dr. Oz SportsCentre Rookie Blue CSI: Cyber Basketball: Restless Show ” ” ”

Right KIRO News Colbert Young & KIRO News Corden Restless KIRO News KIRO News CBS News ” The Insider The Talk Ent ”

Bondi Vet Judge Judy The National Limitless Judge”Judy ”

Global Sugar Comedians Debt/Part

KNOW Light KOMO Fight ” * `

Heartland ”


Debt/Part Early News Colbert Rachael Ray Global Nat. ET Canada ” News Hour Noon ”News Hour Ent Days of our ET Canada Lives

Finding the Boj FallenPatrol PAW Hope forSee Monkey Wildlife Bucket-Dino

Great The View Holiday ” News 4 KOMO Jimmy News

Premier Hockey: Sportsnet League Canucks at Central Darts Lightning World ”Poker Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet World Poker NHL Alpha8 Tour:


The View Steve ” Harvey

The First 48 Rudolph Movie: Criminal “All I Want Minds ” Santa The First First 48 48 Hunters for The ” Christmas” ” SpongeBob


Redwood Kings


BladeRush Gold Brothers ” The National With Carole Naked” and ” Afraid MacNeil ” Kimmel Live The The First First 48 48 Merry RudolphThe News Naked and The Chew Christ- CBC Gold Rush Nightline Frosty Exchange Afraid” ” ”” mas, Drake Network

SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”


A&E 1

CBC News ”

Born This Way

A&E Married at First1 Sight Criminal ” Minds”

& Josh With Diana Odd Parents Swain

YTV SpongeBob 6 Penguins

A&E 1

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

Rudolph Odd Parents CBC News ” Santa Odd Parents Network ”

The Firstat48 Santa Hunters Married Claus ” SpongeBob First Sight Brothers The Firstat48 Miser Merry ChristMarried ” mas, Drake First Sight Brothers Born This & Josh Married at The Legend Way Sight Odd Parents First of Frosty the The Doctors Born Married at SpongeBob Wheel This Snowman ” First Sight Penguins Jeopardy! Way Ice Age Steve ” Odd Parents The Muppets What Would Movie: Harvey ” Odd Parents Fresh-Boat You Do? “Yogi’s First KOMO 4 Married at at Santa Claus The Year: Married Christmas” News First Sight Brothers 2015 First Sight ” The View Criminal Rudolph News ”” Married at Miser Minds at Santa Married Movie: World”News First First Sight Sight Brothers “Snow Day” KOMO 4 The First 48 Hunters KOMO Married The Legend News 4 ” at SpongeBob News Born This ” News First Sight of Frosty the Jimmy Way The Chew The First 48 Merry”ChristWheel” Born This Snowman ” mas, Drake Kimmel Live What Would Yogi’s First Jeopardy! Way Ice Age Nightline You Christmas General BornDo? This & Josh The Muppets What Hospital Way Would Movie: Odd Parents Fresh-Boat You Do? “Yogi’s First The Doctors Married at SpongeBob The Year: Married at Christmas” ” First Sight Penguins 2015 First Sight ” Steve ” Odd Parents KOMO A&E YTV ” Married at Movie: Harvey ” Odd Parents ” First Sight “Snow Day” ` 1 6 KOMO 4 Married at Santa”Claus News Born This The View Criminal Miser News First Sight Brothers Jimmy Way ”


CBC News News CBC ” Network


Gold Rush ”

DISC Gold Rush 9 ”


Place Why! Super School Thomas

Show 5 KING Seth Meyers News

Paid Prog. The Office

Sesame St. Cat in the

Days of our Lives

KAYU Paid Prog. ; Family Feud

Dateline: Real Life

TLC Dateline: Real< Life

” Gold Rush ”” Gold Rush Rush Gold ”” Gold Rush Gold Rush ””

Family Feud Kate Dateline: Paid Prog. Plus 8 Family Feud Real Life Raising ” Crime Watch Jill Dateline: Mike & Jessa: Daily Real Life Anger Counting On Paid Men Prog. Dateline: Two Kate Plus 8 The Office Real Life Mod Fam ” PaidBang Prog. Dateline: Big 7 Little Family Feud Real Life Big Bang Johnstons Paid Prog. Kate Plus 8 Simpsons Jill & Jessa: EcoAge Co. ” Ice Counting On Paid Prog. White Hot Raising Holidays Steve Mike Harvey News Anger Mod Fam Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Mike Mod Fam Two Men Crime Watch Big Bang DailyI Met How Big Bang Cougar Paid Prog. Simpsons The Office Ice Age Paid Prog. White Hot Family Feud Holidays Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod; Fam Paid Mike Prog. Steve Raising Two Men


DISC 9 Rush Hog

Gold Boss Boss Gold Gold Boss Boss Gold Boss

” Hog Rush Rush ” Hog ” Hog ” Rush ” Hog ” Boss Gold Hog Rush Gold Rush Pacific” ” Warriors Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush Boss Hog ” Boss Hog Gold Rush Boss Hog ” Boss Hog Gold Rush Boss Hog Treehouse ” Boss Hog PAW Patrol ” Minds Brothers Network Masters Dino Dan News Married at Miser CBC News Gold Rush Becoming Kimmel Live What Would Yogi’s First The Pacific Monkey See KOMO 4 The First 48 Odd Parents With Carole Treehouse Wild Kratts World News You First Do? Sight Brothers ” ” Santa Nightline Christmas Exchange Warriors Bucket-Dino News ” Odd Parents MacNeil Masters Hope for KOMO 4 Married at The Legend The National Gold Rush PAW Patrol The Chew The Happy Treehouse Wildlife News First First Sight48 The of Frosty the CBC News ” ” Kate and ” ” Elf Network Masters Canada Wheel Born This Snowman CBC News Gold Rush Ruf-Tweet General Duck D. SpongeBob With Diana Treehouse ” Leaf Hospital Jeopardy! Way D. Ice Age ” Tumble Duck Henry Swain” Masters Titanic-Band The Would Movie: The National Gold Rush Maya The Muppets Doctors What Duck D. Kung Fu Power & Treehouse ” Fresh-Boat You Do? “Yogi’s First ” ” Curious ” Duck D. Tis/ Smurfy Politics Masters Movie: The Year: Married Christmas” The National Boss Hog George Steve Duck D. at Abominable ” Treehouse “Becoming 2015 First Sight ” Boss Hog PAW Patrol Harvey Duck D. Christmas ” Masters


2015 Mister Sportsnet Santa” Maker KOMO” 4 Toronto News ” Central Blue Creative Jingle Bell

Duck D. at Married Duck D. First Sight

Ice Age Movie: Penguins “Snow Day”

The CBC News Exchange ”

Early News News Global Nat. Late Show-

Jays Sportsnet ” Central

Dino Dan Rocks Christmas ”

News News World JimmyNews

Duck Born This Dynasty Way

The Happy ” Elf ”

CBC News Treehouse The National Boss Hog ”” Masters Boss Hog

Treehouse Boss Hog Masters Boss Hog

” News Hour CTV VanKIRO News SportsCentre Colbert Daily News Show CBC Rick Mercer Colbert SportsCentre CHBC News Vancouver News CBS News ” ET Canada Seth Meyers couver 22 Minutes Corden


” St. Today ” Sesame ” Cat Peg Plus ”” The KINGDay News Dinosaur New Otherside Tonight Dinosaur Northwest

News CBC News Network ” With Diana The National Swain” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The National ”” The National The Exchange ” CBC News CBC News Network CBC News ”” With Carole The National MacNeil The National ” ” CBC News CBC News Network The ” Exchange With Diana The National Swain ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ” ” 7 The The National CBC News Exchange ”


Women in Amer. Dad Dateline: Divorce Prison: Extra Divorce Amer. Dad Real Life Mike Feud Dateline: Women Family Guy Family Judge Two Men Behind Payne Family Feud Real Life Judge How I Met Peter Popoff Browns Crime Watch Dateline: Millionaire Cougar Paid Life Prog. There Yet? Daily Real Millionaire

With Carole The MacNeil Exchange

Gold Rush Rush Gold ”” Gold Rush Gold Rush ””


News Steve Mod Fam Harvey

SteveProg. Paid Harvey Eco Co.

Young Rookie & Blue Restless ”

CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation


Gold Rush Rush Gold ””

KIRO News News KIRO KIROShowNews Late

Knicks at News Final SportsCentre News Cavaliers ” ” Late Show-


Jill & Jessa: Counting On Dateline: Hoarding: Real Life Buried Alive Dateline: Paid Life Prog. Real Paid Prog. Dateline: Real Life

Colbert News Hour ET Canada ”

The Social ”

Debt/Part News Colbert Rachael ” Ray ET Canada ” News Hour Noon CHBCNews News Hour Ent Days of our ET Canada Lives


” ”



News Livin’ Dream Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud Mod Fam Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Daily

The Insider Ent

Days of our Lives

World Junior Basketball: SportsCentre ” Mavericks at ” Open Gym Raptors Open ”Gym Open Gym SportsCentre Open Gym Open ”Gym



Railroad Alaska Buying the Railroad Buying the Alaska Buying the Railroad Buying the Alaska Redwood Kings

Frosty Coronation

Sportsnet Fake Patrol or World Poker PAW Central Fortune? Tour: Alpha8 Kate and

Off Record SC



etalk-Adele Spun Out

Colbert Noon News ET Canada Hour

A&E 1


for Abominable Christmas” Christmas

Sportsnet NHL Count CentralPark Trailer News Ski TV Rachael Ray Champion of Late ShowTrailer Park ” Champions


A&E 1


News The First 48 Jimmy ” World News

The National The Scorpion Bookaboo Price Is ” Monster Right ” News-Lisa CBC Recipes News KIRO News The Marilyn Best Young & News--11:30 Coronation Late ShowDenis Show Stefano Restless Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert CTV News CBC News KIRO News Seth Meyers Network 22 Minutes Corden Vancouver ”

SportsCentre Noon Colbert Hockey News ET Canada Lunch” Hour

A&E 1

” ”


Harvey Mike I Met How Family Anger Feud Cougar Family Feud Two Men Crime Watch Mod Fam Daily Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang The Office

Dateline: Kate Plus 8 Real Life ”


Kate Plus Plus 8 8 Kate ”” Dateline: Jill & Jessa: Real Life 7 Little Counting On Johnstons Dateline: Kate Plus 8 Real Plus Life 8 Kate ” ” Dateline: 7 Little Real Prog. Life Paid Johnstons Paid Prog. Dateline: Jill & Life Jessa: Real Counting On Dateline: Kate Plus 8 Real Life ” Kate Plus 8 TLC 7 Little ” Johnstons < Kate Plus Plus 8 8 Kate Dateline: ””

Real Life Jill & Prog. Jessa: Paid Dateline: Counting Paid Prog.On Real Life Kate Plus 8 Dateline: ” Real Life 7 Little Dateline: Johnstons Real Life

Crazy Talk Crazy Talk

WTBS Payne A Browns

KCTS Curious N Curious


Dr. Phil ”

Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Mod Fam

Sesame St. Ellen Today Masterpiece DeGePeg Plus Cat neres Show ” Classic

Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “The Crazy Talk Kingdom” Crazy”Talk

Dinosaur New Day Masterpiece KING 5 Dinosaur Northwest Classic News Super News Why! KING KING 5 5 World Thomas News Business News Sesame St. Days of our PBS Nightly News Cat in the Lives NewsHour News

Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld Mod King Fam Mod Fam King

Curious Pépin Curious Rick Steves Masterpiece Choir Classic ”

Big Bang The Middle Big Bang Family DivorceGuy Movie: Divorce Amer. Dad “The Dad Amer. Judge Kingdom” Judge Guy Family ” Payne Millionaire Seinfeld Millionaire Browns Seinfeld There Crazy Yet? Talk King Crazy Talk King Payne The Middle Browns Family Guy Mod Fam WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad A Big Bang Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Payne

Masterpiece KING 5 The AmeriChicago Classic News can St. Nick Sesame St. Med Today World News KING ”5 Fire Peg Plus Cat Frontline Chicago Business News ” ” Dinosaur New Day PBS Nightly News Dinosaur Northwest Chef KING News NewsHour News Moveable Super Why! Tonight KING 5 Pépin News Thomas News Underground Show Rick Steves Evening Underground Sesame St. Seth DaysMeyers of our Choir Chicago PD Cat in the Lives ” ” Curious Dr. Phil The AmeriChicago Curious ” can St. Nick Med Masterpiece Ellen DeGeKCTS Chicago KING Frontline Fire Classic neres Show ” ” N P Masterpiece KING KING News 5 Chef Sesame Today Classic St. Tonight News Moveable


Divorce Movie: Browns Judge “The Yet? There Judge Kingdom” Millionaire ” Millionaire Seinfeld Crazy Talk Seinfeld Crazy Talk


Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeChicago PD neres ”Show


Peg Plus Cat World News Underground Dinosaur Business Underground Dinosaur PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Pépin Sesame St. RickinSteves Cat the

” KING 5 Show New NewsDay Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News KING 5 News News News Days of our Evening Lives

Simpsons Jill & Jessa: King Paid Prog. Dateline: Payne Ice AgeFeud Counting Family Real Life On King Browns

Choir Curious ” Curious

Chicago Dr. Phil PD ””

WhiteProg. Hot Kate Plus 8 Paid My 600-Lb. Holidays Animal Atlas Life ”

The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam

The Great AmeriThe can St. Nick Fire

Chicago Ellen DeGeMed Show neres

Paid NewsProg. Raising Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. 7 Little Life Johnstons

Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad

Queen & Frontline Country ”

KING 5 Fire Chicago News ”

Mike Mike Anger Two Men

My 600-Lb. Kate Plus 8 Life ”

Movie: Family Guy “Arlington Payne

World Chef News Business Moveable

KING KING 5 News News Tonight

News Hour Colbert ”

NHL Winter Sportsnet Classic

Canada Becoming ”

KOMO The Kimmel4Live Duck What Would Santa Yogi’s Claus First The National Treehouse Pacific News Dynasty Is Coming ” Masters

Two How Men I Met Mod Fam

My Paid600-Lb. Prog. Life

Road” Browns ”

etalk Spun Out

Skate Coronation

The Insider Ent

Ent ET Canada

Sportsnet Central

The Water Working

Wheel Jeopardy!

What Would Movie: You Do? “Arthur

CBC News ”

Big Bang Big Bang

My 600-Lb. Life

Seinfeld Seinfeld

There Yet?

PBS Nightly Underground Show News NewsHour News Underground Seth Meyers SciTech Wildlife Det.

News Evening

Basketball: Movie: Utah Jazz at “Christmas

MasterChef Canada: A

Movie: “Scrooge”

I Love Lucy Christmas

Movie: “Christmas

Trailer Park NHL’s Best


The Middle Goldbergs

What Would Christmas” You Do? ”

The National Treehouse ” Masters

Empire ”

My 600-Lb. Life

King King

Nature ”

The Grinch Murray-Xmas

Golden State Lodge” Warriors ”

Holiday Special

Mod Fam blackish

SportsCentre Rookie Blue ” ”

Russell Peters

SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation

SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada

Daily Show Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes

Open Gym NBA

Ent ET Canada

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ET Canada

Hawaii Five- Lodge” 0 ”




You Do?




Treehouse Masters


Paid Prog.

NHL Winter Classic

The King’s Singers

Duck Dynasty

Movie: “Rise of the

The National Vegas Rat ” Rods

Rosewood ”

My 600-Lb. Life

The Middle Family Guy


Adele-NYC ”

Rookie Blue ”

Sportsnet Central

Titanic-Band Fresh-Boat ” blackish

Duck Dynasty

Guardians” ”

CBC News ”

Vegas Rat Rods

News Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. Life

Atlanta Eats Special

David Suchet

Michael Bublé’s

KIRO News Late Show-

News Late Show-

Ski TV Misplays

Working The Water

News Jimmy

What Would Funny Home The National Vegas Rat You Do? Videos ” Rods

Mike Two Men

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Globe Trekker

KING News Tonight

Colbert Corden

Colbert ET Canada

Sportsnet Central


Kimmel Live What Would Arthur Nightline You Do? Christmas

How I Met Cougar

Peter Popoff Amer. Dad Paid Prog. There Yet?

The National Criminal ” Minds

The Exchange

Vegas Rat Rods

Sacred Jour- Show neys-Bruce Seth Meyers

Wednesday,December December16, 16,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,

A14 A14

To advertise in print:

Browse more at:

Call: 250-766-4688 Email: Self-serve: Career ads:

A division of






It is agreed by any display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Farm Workers GENERAL FARM LABOUR req in Winfield & Oyama. No exp nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl, but are not restricted to pruning, handling compost & soil, planting thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & req working in all weather conditions. Employment from March 1 - Oct 31, 2016. $10.59/hr. 10hrs/day, 6 days/wk. Reply to to Sedona Holdings Ltd 1790 High Rd, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7C1 GENERAL VINEYARD LABOURERS Gray Monk Cellars Ltd., located at 1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre, BC, is seeking 3 temporary vineyard labourers, in Lake Country and Okanagan Valley, to start work March 7, 2016, for approximately 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include tying, pruning, picking, processing, grounds and vineyard maintenance. Starting wage $10.49/hour, approx. 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-3390 or email We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.



Farm Workers

Painting & Decorating

VINEYARD LABOURERS Intrigue Wines Ltd., located at 2291 Goldie Road, Lake Country, BC, is seeking 2 seasonal vineyard labourers, in Lake Country and Okanagan Valley, to start work March 7, 2016 for approx. 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include grounds and vineyard maintenance, operation of farm and vineyard equipment. Starting wage $10.49/hour, approx. 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-2834 or email Phone number 1-877-474-3754. We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.




(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra)

Price incls. Cloverdale High Performance Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

More than 1.5 million Canadian families are in need of affordable housing. Your contributions provides Habitat with the resources it needs to help families.


The link to your community



Donate Today!

DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282

ROLL ENDS Are Back in Stock!

PACKING PAPER FOR SALE at The Kelowna Capital News. 2495 Enterprise Way

GREAT for the kids to draw on, plus puppy training, gardens and packing for moving. Cleaner Than News Print! $1.50 + up. Talk to the girls in classified to purchase yours.


! y u B Buy! Buy! SELL! S e ! ll! l l e S

Furniture USED 5 STAR HOTEL FURNITURE - BY THE PIECE..One of Vancouvers 5 Star Hotels is renovating their rooms making available a great selection of high end furnishings. By 1 piece or buy multiples: Queen Headboard & Frame $50 / King Headboard & Frame $60 / Upholstered Arm Chair(multiple colors) $49 / Desk $99 / Dresser $79 / Bedside Table $69 / Pedestal Table $69/ Ottoman $29 / Benches $29 / Brass Lamp $19 / Vanity Mirror $39 / Framed Picture $9 . Call 604-371-1190, email or

Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405 ROMANCE Your Christmas Local BC Adult Retailer Shop Online Now & Receive 25% OFF!

Become a Super hero!

Misc. Wanted COLLECTOR BUYING coin collections, Royal Canadian Mint coins, US Mint coins, silver coins, antique coins, old money, antique silver & gold Todd - 250-864-3521


Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates Jewelry+ Chad: 1-250-863-3082 Local.

Sporting Goods

EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6’ tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email

Moving & Storage

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale Firearms Christmas Season Savings selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6

Free Items

Christmas Season Savings selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6

Rentals Homes for Rent OVERLOOKING Wood Lake. 3bd, 2bth 2.5 fls, carport, storage shed,pet negot.$1295 + utilities. Call 250-766-4322.

Inspire. Perspire. Participate in an event to help the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis.

FREE male dog, approximately 13 months old. Not fixed. Beige/brown colour. Heinz 57. Needs a loving home ASAP. Call for details. (778)480-1447


Legal Notices

Legal Notices


Regarding Land in the Agricultural Land Reserve I, KON KAST PRODUCTS LTD., INC. NO. 90396 of 3440 COLLEGE WAY, KELOWNA, BC V1V 1V9 intend on making an application pursuant to Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude from the Agricultural Land Reserve the following property which is legally described as, LOT 2 SECTIONS 3 AND 4 TOWNSHIP 20 OSOYOOS DIVISION YALE DISTRICT PLAN 25775 and located at 8555 OKANAGAN CENTRE ROAD WEST, LAKE COUNTRY, BC Any person wishing to express an interest in the application may do so by forwarding their comments in writing to, DISTRICT OF LAKE COUNTRY, 10150 BOTTOM WOOD LAKE ROAD, LAKE COUNTRY, BC V4V 2L4 by DECEMBER 31, 2015.

Say yes and change a child’s life today.

rLake Lake Country Country Calendar Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,December December16, 16,2015 2015 A15 A15


EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!


Only $15 and the creative department will design it for free!




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Visit our office/showroom at 682 Fitzpatrick, Kelowna e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199

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Roosters Barber Shop Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!


Tuesday to Friday 9:30-6 (Sr’s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9:30-4 Closed Mondays

Teresa Huscroft-Brown 250-979-7329 or

Frank Geber • 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Horton’s



Don’t Burn… Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788


Only $15

and the creative department will design it for free! CONTACT Teresa Huscroft-Brown 250-979-7329 or ELECTRICAL

• Commercial • Residential • Controls • Design

• Hot Tub Repairs • Trenching • Fire Alarms

Office/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707



Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL

Give the gift of experience

Creekside Theatre event tickets or Community Recreation program registration make great gifts – no wrapping required.

Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 3:30pm today Wednesday, December 16. We look forward to serving you again tomorrow at 8:30am.

Lake Country Citizen of the Year Nominations Now Open The “Sax Koyama” Award The Oceola Fish & Game Club annually recognizes a dedicated citizen within the community, in memory of Sax Koyama. You are invited to nominate an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the community taking into consideration the following:  The recipient must be a resident of Lake Country and surrounding area north of Duck Lake (e.g. Holiday Park);  Submissions must be based on outstanding contribution having a direct beneficial effect on the community and its residents. The function of the award is to:  To recognize the outstanding efforts of a citizen working for the benefit of the community.  To foster community spirit.  To create awareness of the varying contributions made toward the wellbeing of our community by its citizens. Nominations for the award are accepted until December 31. Pick up a nomination form at Municipal Hall or the Oceola Fish & Game Club at 11888 McGowan Rd.

Community Information Christmas Tree Recycling This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will again be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot at 1960 Camp Rd. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31. Business Licence Renewal Notices for 2016 Online bank payments have been expanded to included business licences and are available through some financial institutions. Use your account number as the payment reference number. Confirm with your bank whether business licence payments have been added to their internet banking services. Make Memories, not Garbage This holiday season, give a gift of time together. Memories that last a lifetime – no wrapping required. For ideas, go to

Follow what’s happening in Lake Country Follow us on Facebook And check out the “What’s Happening” calendar and News at

Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 2:00pm Thursday, December 24 and re-open 8:30am Monday, January 4. Essential services such as police, fire, water, wastewater treatment and snow removal will remain in operation. Roads Snow Removal: 250.766.5664 All Other Roads Emergencies: 250.317.9780 Water or Sewer Emergencies: pager 250.317.3250 Municipal facility holiday closures are planned around a time when there is low demand for services. In the long run, these closures save operation costs for the District and give staff some time to be with their families. Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2016, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence.

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