Eagle Valley News, December 23, 2015

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Communities give through firefighters Page 2

Drones adapted to marine search and rescue Page 11

Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015 PM40008236

Vol. 60 No. 50 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (GST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com

On track to Christmas: The CP Rail Holiday Train rolled into Sicamous Wednesday night, Dec. 16, bringing with it entertainers Jim and Devin Cuddy and Kelly Prescott (above), along with a$5,500 donation to the Eagle Valley Community Support Society (left). Also providing entertainment in the houseboat kiosk were Eagle River Secondary jazz band students. Photos by Victoria Rowbottom

District pursues new engineering firm for waste facility By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

The District of Sicamous will be shopping around for another engineering firm to determine how best to proceed in upgrading the community’s wastewater treatment plant. District council has agreed to put out a request for an expression of interest from engineering firms willing and available to “provide expertise in assessing the system that currently exists and facilitating necessary upgrades to the district’s wastewater treatment plant.”

According council in January. to a staff memo During that preto council by sentation, TRUE’s It may delay the process… Terry Underwood public works but I think in the end we’ll end r e c o m m e n d e d supervisor Darup with a far superior product several upgrades rell Symbaand hopefully it comes in close worth about $1.56 luk, a “signifito what we have in the budget. cant degree of million. These, he work” has alexplained, would Jeff Mallmes ready occurred bring the plant Councillor on the project into compliance under the guidwith the district’s ance of TRUE Consulting Ltd. who got the waste management permit, as the amount ball rolling with an assessment of the plant of waste being discharged into the system, and a subsequent report/presentation to particularly organics, has, at peak times,

been exceeding allowable capacity. Underwood said the upgrades would allow the plant to meet the needs of the community until 2025. That $1.56 million estimate later jumped to $1.85 million when collection system generators were added to the plans for the district’s grant funding application to the Small Communities Fund. In July, it was announced that application had been successful, and the federal and provincial governments would be kicking in two-thirds of the needed funding ($128 million), with See Committee on page 3

A2 www.eaglevalleynews.com

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Eagle Valley News

Need Help?




Repairs and Sales Upgrades and accessories Wireless & home networking

John Schlosar, A+ Certified computer@cablelan.net

Sicamous Vision Care Centre

Optometrist ❙ Dr. Shelley Geier

Eye Examinations Eye Glasses/Safety Eyewear/Sunglasses Contact Lenses Refractive Surgery Assessment 217 Finlayson St. PO Box 542 Sicamous, BC

Ph: 250-836-3070 Fx: 250-836-2359

SUNSHINE Toy runs: Sicamous and Electoral Area E residents gave generously this year as the Sicamous (above) and Malakwa (below) and Swansea Point fire departments conducted their annual food and toy drives for local food banks. Photos contributed

Two men rescued after night on Owl Head By Barb Brouwer Eagle Valley News

Two Salmon Arm men are glad to be in from the cold. The pair left Salmon Arm at 9 a.m. Monday, heading to Owl Head Recreation Area with their snow bikes (modified dirt bikes) and telling family members they would be home by 7 p.m. Dec. 14. When the men did not arrive home at the

A division of

appointed time, members of the family travelled to the area and, upon discovering the vehicles onsite, initiated a search with the help of friends but were unsuccessful. Sicamous RCMP were advised of the missing men just before midnight and they in turn called Shuswap Search and Rescue. Five SAR members began searching about 2 a.m. but had not lo-

cated the missing men by daylight. An RCMP Air Service helicopter was dispatched to the scene in the morning and the men were soon spotted as they were walking down a forestry road in the area. “They had abandoned their snowmobiles and were a significant distance from any of the searchers or assistance,” reads an RCMP media release.

Shuswap Search and Rescue Search Manager John Schut said the men had gone down into a ravine that drains into the Two Mile area south of Sicamous. “They’d gone down into a ravine below the snow line and couldn’t get back up,” he said, noting the men were found about 1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15. “The pilot landed the chopper and the men were flown out,” he

said. “They were fairly well-prepared, had lighted a fire at night and seemed to have their wits about them.” Schut says one of the men was treated by paramedics and released and the other was taken to hospital in Salmon Arm for hypothermia. Getting the snow bikes out of the ravine will require a helicopter with a long line, said Schut.

AWARD Garden beds and baskets of sunshine to all the gardeners and municipal crews who keep our community looking so beautiful! ~ Margo Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed! Email to advertising@saobserver. net fax to 250.832.5140 or phone in to 250.832.2131.

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 23, 2015

www.eaglevalleynews.com A3

Study identifies local labour challenges Sicamous and surrounding communities are ready to turn employment data into action to encourage local economic development after participating in a government-funded labour market study with Community Futures Shuswap. The nine-month, $69,000 study assesses the region’s labour market and identifies key challenges and opportunities for increased economic development in Sicamous and the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) Area E. As part of the project, Community Futures conducted a survey and review of labour market statistics and case studies on rural economic development, as well as community consultations with business and community leaders.

“The study reveals the area is currently short on labour and highlights the importance of regional training and skills development opportunities, especially for youth,” said Community Futures Shuswap executive director Rob Marshall. “This will ensure local employers can access a skilled workforce and provide yearlong employment opportunities.” “The Sicamous area is a hidden gem,” commented Shuswap MLA Greg Kyllo. “This labour market study will help identify employment and career options, as well as training opportunities. I’m excited to see what the community’s input and participation will result in.” A Labour Market Action Team will be

created to implement key priorities, including developing an economic development plan for Sicamous and CSRD Area E by 2017. The action team will also work to address the im-

This labour market study will help identify employment and career options, as well as training opportunities. MLA Greg Kyllo

pact of affordable housing, family services and transportation on the area’s labour market. The area’s current top employers are in the manufacturing, accommodations and food

services, and construction sectors. The labour market assessment also indicates a growing demand for workers in the health services sector. Labour Market Partnerships are a component of the Employment Program of B.C.’s (EPBC’s) Community and Employer Partnerships fund for projects that share labour market information and increase employability throughout the province. They were introduced with the EPBC in April 2012. Labour Market Partnerships help local employers, employee and employer associations, and communities develop ways to deal with worker shortages or changes in the job market so they can prepare for the future. The Community and Employer Partnerships

Committee finds better technology available Continued from front

the district paying the rest largely through reserves and from development cost charges. In October, a district wastewater treatment plant upgrade committee was formed consisting of Couns. Jeff Mallmes and Todd Kyllo and three members of staff. That body reviewed TRUE’s recommendations and, as Mallmes explained, found the district wasn’t getting good value for what they offered. “There were some of us that saw some better technology…,” said Mallmes. “We need to hire the right engineering firm to actually head up what it is we’re go-

ing to be putting in, and help us make us a decision about what is a better technology, possibly with a longer service life than what we were offered by our previous engineering consultant. “It may delay the process a little bit but I think in the end we’ll end up with a far superior product and hopefully it comes in close to what we have in the budget.” Symbaluk notes in his memo that in proceeding under the guidance of a new engineering firm, it is likely the “project would most assuredly meet increased capacity requirements with the newest technology but (is) likely to be delayed with budget

Letters Eagle Valley News welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality.

Letters must be signed and include writer’s address or phone number for verification purposes only. No thank yous to specific businesses please.

Letters can be emailed to lachlan@saobserver.net or faxed to 250.832.5140

overruns.” Mayor Terry Rysz is optimistic this turn of events – initiated by the committee – will, in fact, result in cost savings to the district. “So now we’ve got a better procedure in place, I think we’re going to save this community literally thousands

of dollars… And we’ll get the best bang for our buck,” said Rysz. The deadline for expressions of interest is Jan. 6, 2016. Those companies who submit expressions of interest will be shortlisted by staff, and then be invited to provide requests for proposals.

Columbia Shuswap Regional District The CSRD Office in Salmon Arm will be closed from FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 until 9 AM on MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2016. 2016 CSRD BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE

The 2016 Meeting Schedule for regular meetings of the CSRD Regional Board has been set. Meetings are typically held the third Thursday of each month commencing at 9:30 a.m. at the CSRD offices: January 21, 2016 February 18, 2016 March 17, 2016 April 14, 2016 May 19, 2016 June 16, 2016

July 21, 2016 August 18, 2016 September 15, 2016 October 20, 2016 November 17, 2016 December 2, 2016

Please note these dates and times are subject to change. Please refer to www.csrd.bc.ca for up to date information.

Visit our website at www.csrd.bc.ca

555 Harbourfront Dr. NE, Salmon Arm, BC | PO Box 978 V1E 4P1 250.832.8194 | Toll Free 1.888.248.2773

program is featured as a component of the B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint. The Blueprint helps align training and education with in-demand jobs and provides more support to people who are struggling to gain a foothold in the job market or who face unique challenges. The study can be viewed at http://www. futureshuswap.com/ community-building/ sicamous-and-csrd-area-e-labour-market-assessment-and-planningproject/.

Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mel Arnold

Member of Parliament N. Okanagan - Shuswap Constituency Office 250-260-5020


PARKLAND DENTAL CENTRE Not to petition hugs or be sentimental But seasons greetings from Parkland Dental We’re wishing you blessings this time of year And from Dr. Prokopetz and staff may you find cheer Sicamous is such a nice town to be employed May we say thank you for what we’ve enjoyed But who has really brought us together? And helped us through trial and stormy weather? This time of year we need to reflect and applaud And give thanks for Jesus the son of God To do good to others is of sound reason May this be so this and every Christmas season!


Sicamous BC

Christmas Tree



At all CSRD landfills and transfer stations December 27 to January 15. Live Christmas Trees, free of tinsel and ornaments may be brought to CSRD sites at no charge during regular hours of operation. Live Christmas Trees will not be accepted as garbage.

Further details at 250.833.5950

Columbia Shuswap Regional District Visit our website at www.csrd.bc.ca

555 Harbourfront Dr. NE, Salmon Arm, BC | PO Box 978 V1E 4P1 | 250.832.8194 | Toll Free 1.888.248.2773

A4 www.eaglevalleynews.com

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Eagle Valley News


Published by Black Press Ltd. 171 Shuswap Street NW, Salmon Arm, B.C.

Things looking up for community


ith the taps about to be turned on at the new water treatment plant, things appear to be looking up for

Sicamous. The benefits of at long last having access to clean, potable water (as certified by Interior Health) directly from the tap cannot be underestimated. First and foremost is the fact people, particularly those with health concerns, no longer have to boil their water prior to consuming it. This seemingly simple convenience that so many others might take for granted is a big deal for Sicamous. Obviously, having clean water makes the community more attractive. It’s good for business, for tourism, for real estate. It’s good for the district, which can do away with water-quality related tax exemptions. It’s just good. But wait, there’s more. The district is working on upgrading the sewage treatment plant. That will take a while still but, when it’s complete, that will be another major bit of infrastructure off the district’s to-do list. The nine-month labour market survey has been completed, and provides valuable data for the community, showing what it needs to do and pursue in order to foster needed economic development. This will likely be useful to the economic development society the district is in the process of establishing. There’s an official community plan review process underway. Those involved in this process have already come up with ideas and concepts for the town centre that are both exciting and inspiring. And that’s just one piece of the overall “vision” that’s starting to take shape. Meanwhile, relationships continue to be built upon and fostered with other local governments such as the Splatsin, and organizations like the Shuswap Trail Alliance. These partnerships will undoubtedly prove mutually beneficial for everyone involved. Yes, there are costs involved with these projects – there always are – but, ideally, the community will start to see and feel them paying off in 2016 and long into the future.



History shows hate isn’t digital creation By Paul Walton Nanaimo Daily News

London in the early 16th century does not sound like a pleasant place. Mortality was high and life expectancy low. On a day-to-day basis, just keeping warm and dry would have been a struggle. Disease and death were frequent and sudden. Every so often plague turned up. There were courts, but no police. People sued each other regularly, but there was little in the way of rights or defence for accused criminals, who were routinely tortured for confessions. At times parts of the city, records reveal, smelled awful as sewage piled up. The interment of human remains also led to problems. It was only a wealthy minority who were buried six feet under in bucolic churchyards. Short on cemeteries, the majority of corpses in London were packed away in un-

derground vaults that filled quickly and created an overpowering and unbearable stench. Associated fluids leeched into drinking water. But then, when Henry VIII was put on the throne in 1509, probably no city in Europe had infrastructure even equal to that of ancient Rome, which had sewers and piped-in fresh water. Still, the affairs of the living went on as they must. After the Hanseatic League weakened at the end of the 15th century, English merchants eagerly filled the void and began making substantial profits in continental trade. London by 1517, bad as it may have been, was hosting more and more foreign businessmen; enough that in mid-April resentment over foreigners doing business in London took a nasty turn. A Dr. Bell was persuaded by a businessman, John Lincoln, to make a public call for action. Bell did not ask that foreigners or specific groups be registered,

171 Shuswap Street, P.O. Box 550 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N7 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 832-2131 Fax: (250) 832-5140 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com


or for certain nationalities or religions to be banned in England. No, Bell called for foreigners to be physically attacked. A rumour then circulated that on May 1 of that year — an annual holiday — foreigners found in London were to be targeted for death. The city must have been tense for those last two weeks of April 1517. After a few attacks on foreigners but no deaths, April 30 arrived (also Witch’s Night in Germany). Officials, likely fearing the murder of foreigners in London might lead to retribution against English on the continent, end profitable business ventures or even lead to war, imposed a curfew. But the curfew was broken and efforts to arrest offenders went awry. Thus began the anti-alien riots of 1517, also known as Evil May Day. Reaction was swift. The king was alerted and within days the military had areas of the city in “lockdown” — to use 21st-century jar-

PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Terry Sinton PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison

BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

gon — and dozens of rioters were arrested. Henry VIII sat on May 5 to mete out “justice” to those arrested. The only fatalities were the dozen or so rioters he arbitrarily sentenced to death. The rest he let go. The preferred method of execution in those times was to hang, draw and quarter — not something you’d want to see, even on The Tudors. In many ways we have come a long way in the last 498 years. And in some ways we haven’t. Take a peek at social media to see 21st-century anti-alien sentiment, and where we also metaphorically hang, draw and quarter those we arbitrarily judge guilty of various indiscretions. Imagine Donald Trump in the White House and Marine LePen in the Elysee Palace in 2016. Mix that up with social media, and it may be that 499 years of progress was for naught.

Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 23, 2015

www.eaglevalleynews.com A5

CALENDAR OF EVENTS This is a FREE listing of community events for not-for-profit organizations and paid advertisers. Ph: 832-2131 Fax: 832-5140 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays

Monday to Friday Community Access Site at the Senior’s Activity Centre 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Internet & related services. Call Diana. 836-2446

Every Monday

Every Tuesday

Sicamous Baby Talk 9 - 11 am Free drop-in program for parents &

Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in the Common Room at the Haven. Delivery available if required, phone Dorothy at 250836-2437. Sicamous Strongstart 12:30-3:30 Parkview Elementary 836-2871

Every Wednesday

Malakwa Parent & Tot ~ 10:00 – 12:00 pm ~ Malakwa Preschool Building. For more information call Gwyneth 250-8363440 Dody’s Art For Everyone Meets Every Wednesday At The Red Barn, 10 a.m. To 3 p.m. Everyone Is Welcome . For More Info Call, Dody At 250 836 3112 Or Jean At 250 836 3511. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks 2:15 pm at Parkview. Brownies - 3:30 pm at Legion. New



Wishing all of our fans A Merry Christmas!

Away Game

(CLOSED December, January 27) 6:007:30pm at Sicamous Health Unit

United Church Thrift Store Open 10:00 am to 3 p.m.

Every Thursday

Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Bev 836-3435 or Ed 8364133 T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250836-4041 for info. 1st & 3rd Wed. Parkinsons Support Group Contact Don at 250-838-0794. 1st & 3rd Wed. Eagle Valley Photographic Arts Club meets at the Red Barn at 7 pm. Everyone Welcome. Last Wednesday of the month Autism Support Group

Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome. Sicamous Strongstart 12:30-3:30 Parkview elementary 836-2871 Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in the Common Room at the Haven. Delivery available if required, phone Dorothy at 250836-2437. Every 2nd T h u r s d ay Sicamous Lions Club meeting at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Doors open at 6:15 and meeting starts at 6:30. Anyone interested in being a volunteer for the community, please feel free to call Mary at 250-517-8107, Joan at 250-836-4876 or Pam at 250-836-4788. 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-8362695.

Every 4th T h u r s d ay monthly meeting of the Malakwa C o m m u n i t y Association at 7:00 in the Learning Centre Library.

Every Friday

Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at the Sicamous Resource Center. Free Drop-in program for parents & children to age 6. Active play, crafts and socialization. 8363440. Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Carol 250-836-3135 or Amy 250-836-4756. w w w. e a g l e v a l l e y brushandpalette.com Pool Tournament at the Legion at 6:00 pm 1st Friday of the month Sicamous Seniors Ctre general meeting 11 am followed by a great pot luck lunch. We encourage everyone to join us. 2nd 3rd and 4th Friday Wii Tournament at 10 am at the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Everyone Welcome.

Sicamous and District

Recreation Centre WEDNESDAY DEc. 23 Public Skating: 9 am - 10:45 Lunch Bunch: 12:15 - 2:00 pm Public Skating: 2:00 pm - 3:45 THURSDAY DEc. 24 Closed for the Holidays FRiDAY DEc. 25 Closed for the Holidays SATURDAY DEc. 26 Closed for the Holidays SUNDAY DEc. 27 Closed for the Holidays

MONDAY DEc. 28 Private Ice: 9 am -1:30 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 3:45 pm TUESDAY DEc. 29 Private Ice: 9 am -1:30 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 3:45 pm We will be closed for the Holidays December 31 and January 1

Saturday, January 2nd

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Sicamous & District Recreation Centre

Rec Centre Gym open 8:00 am to close. Full Membership: $20 a month (250) 836-2283 • arena@cablelan.net • Box 665 Sicamous

Sicamous vs Chase

Lunch at noon. Everyone Welcome. At the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue.

Every Saturday United Church Thrift Store open 10:00 am to 3 p.m. 2nd Saturday of the month Scrabble Tournament Sicamous library 1 pm


KARMA YOGA (Gentle Hatha) Sundays 5:30 pm @ I Am Yoga.

60 minutes (Studio) KARMA MEDITATION CIRCLE ~Sundays 9:30 am ~ 30 minutes * Suggested $5 min. donation or pay what you can! Every 4th Sunday Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 1 p.m. Birthday Tea (formerly the OAPO) for members and friends at Seniors Activity Ctre 1:30 pm. Everyone is Welcome.


Sicamous Threechord Ukulele Band At the United Church - Sicamous - starting at 1 pm Newcomers please come at 12:15pm to help you get set up.No need to read music, we will teach you how to play. Just bring a ukulele.For more information call Carla 250-836-4705

Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700.

members welcome! Leaders needed. 250836-3366 or online: girlguides.ca


Mon., Wed. & Fri Sicamous Strongstart 8:15-11:15 Parkview Elementary 836-2871

babies to 12 months of age. Sicamous health unit

Answers for today’s Coffee Break Page

Jan. 15 Learn to skate teaches the fundamentals of skating to children. Contact Jamie Sherlock, recreation programmer, District of Sicamous for information 250-8362477 or recreation@ sicamous.ca



h uk c s e m e S n Arly

Position: Defense

Shoots: Right

Home Town: Kelowna Height: 6’ Age: 20

Weight: 150

A6 www.eaglevalleynews.com

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Eagle Valley News


Second look needed for roundabout Re: Sicamous’ proposed roundabout. When I saw the write-up in the Nov. 25 edition of the Eagle Valley News that indicated others were feeling the same way, I had to respond. Three-hundred thousand dollars for what I am going to call a centerpiece for our future roundabout is ridiculous. In today’s economy, where families are

struggling to make ends meet, people are getting laid off work and we are not too sure how the markets are going to react, do we really need to be spending that much? There are so many community projects that need funding that, in this reader’s opinion, should have way more priority. I agree with the Charleston’s concerns about this being a graf-

fiti magnet and a distraction to drivers, and maybe a more appropriate theme to our community could be presented. In Calgary they held a contest, a design ideas competition, to encourage a bridge design for St. Patrick’s Island, to be presented to the City of Calgary. The contest encouraged participation by local, national and international de-

signers, and provided opportunities for innovative and creative ideas to be generated. It also provided an opportunity for public input to reaffirm community values and vision. Could we not consider this for the roundabout design? Get individuals, organizations and the schools involved in a design competition? Maybe the greatest idea will sur-

face from somewhere least expected. I personally would like to see electric trees, maybe cherry blossoms that light up at night and can be changed to different colors depending on the occasion. I strongly feel the district should take a step back and look at creative alternatives to this particular project!

& Happy Holidays

Greg Kyllo MLA Closed Dec. 21. Reopening Jan. 4, 2016 250.833.7414 • 1.877.771.7557 www.greg.kyllo.MLA@leg.bc.ca 202A Alexander St. Salmon Arm

Enjoy making happy memories with friends and family!

Karen Warrington


School District #83

Start paying Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau for her work I think the prime minister should pay for all costs associated with doing his job. He could take Sundays off, regardless of an international crisis or visiting world leaders, in order to personally clean the house top to bottom. Sunday nights he could mow the lawn. For that matter, he should heat

the place too- nobody pays MY utilities. He should also pay for his own security detail; no more freeloading off the RCMP. He could even get his plumbing and welding tickets at night school and complete the renovations on 24 Sussex. Isn’t it interesting that we expect

The prime minister’s spouse to make frequent public appearances, entertain world leaders, and take on multiple philanthropic roles for free, yet bristle at the thought she might occasionally receive skilled, security-cleared and vetted hourly childcare support as needed so she

can do her unpaid work on behalf of Canada. I don’t hear any fuss about the gardeners, even though none of us has gardening support from our employer. Where’s the gardenergate outrage? Or it’s simply that we as a society don’t value the work that women have traditionally done, of-

ten behind the scenes, often without pay or recognition. If you want the wife of the prime minister to pay her own workrelated childcare expenses, you’ll have to start by actually paying her for her work. Duncan Morris

Board of Education & Staff

Welcome back to school on Monday, January 4, 2016 NEXT Regular School Board Meeting at The District Education Centre, Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Eaglevalleynews.com More of what Eagle Valley News 250-832-2131 you want

Celebrate Safely, Don’t Drink & Drive Be safe on the roads this holiday season - If you’re drinking, plan ahead and find another way home




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Choose a designated driver When making holiday plans, pick a designated driver from your group of friends and/or family members. Many bars or clubs will waive cover charges for designated drivers, and such establishments may even provide them with complementary soft drinks and coffee throughout the night. The designated driver should agree to avoid alcohol entirely.

Have a Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 23, 2015 designated driver.

IDEA www.eaglevalleynews.com A7

Craft time:

Think first... DON’T DRINK & DRIVE

Jayma La Roy assists Graysen Hicks in constructing a Christmas craft during Parkview Elementary’s craft day Tuesday, Dec. 15.

ThinkPhoto about others... contributed DON’T DRINK & DRIVE

School town halls scheduled By Tracy Hughes

Eagle Valley News

The school district is planning three town hall-style meetings in January in an effort to explain the budget process, the financial challenges facing the school district and hear input on various budget options. Much like previous years, it is widely expected that the school

district will again need to make significant cuts to balance its budget. The Salmon Arm town hall meeting will be Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jackson campus of Salmon Arm Secondary. The Enderby meeting is set for Jan. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at A.L. Fortune and the Armstrong meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Pleasant Valley Secondary. A town hall meet-

ing is not being scheduled for Sicamous, as a committee is currently exploring the concept of combining Eagle River Secondary and Parkview Elementary into one school. This report is set to come before the school board in February and it is expected a community consultation meeting will be held in Sicamous as part of that process.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Eagle Valley News

A whole host of funny facts about the flea circus

Pastor Laurie Hudson

Office: 250.836.5430 Service every Sunday @ 10:30 am Communion 1st Sunday of month. Lunch after services. Visitors Welcome

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to start a flea circus revival using new species of strong-legged leapers, which makes me want to scratch my head all over again and would no doubt make some modern-day animal rights groups hopping mad.

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cus that still performs at the annual Oktoberfest in Munich. Most, however, use electrical or mechanical effects instead of real hoppers. Still, there are some out there – one being an entomologist from England – who hopes

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free the fleas protesters. It was simply a case of running out of the common house flea due to better hygiene – and our smaller, wimpier fleas from our pets just weren’t up for the job. Today there is only one genuine flea cir-

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I was absentmindedly scratching my head, attempting to come up with something light or funny for the holiday column, when I caught sight of my kitty-cat scratching her head too. This immediately elicited a sense of dread in me that she might be harbouring a flea or three. That thought then led to a flashback of my old travelling days in Europe, visiting a museum in Munich, where I saw a magnificent-but-miniscule solid-gold display of antique, jewelencrusted coaches and carts that were hooked up to deceased old fleas. I had stood there, mouth agape, gawking through that magnified glass at this truly astonishing site, while my

bikes, high diving, propelling Ferris wheels and windmills as well as tug-o-wars, balancing acts with umbrellas, ball juggling – and yes, even being shot out of a cannon. The acts were announced with attention grabbing titles such as Alibabba and the 40 Fleas, The Great Fazoli Fleas Juggling Act and The Amazing Fleadini. The shows were great for fairgoers, but it wasn’t always fun for the fleas, because most of them were permanently glued to props such as posts, plus the wire collars wrapped around their necks were usually worn their entire life (which luckily was only five months). Some were stuck to mini musical instruments on a heated floor, and their frantic attempts to escape gave the appearance of playing them, and the ‘jugglers’ spent their life on their backs with their legs up in the air. Over time, most of the circuses died off, save for a few in England and the U.S. up to the 1970s. That wasn’t due to a lack of fans or



models of carriages, carts, locks with ball and chains, etc., but they needed a little critter to attach them to in order to demonstrate their diminutive size or motor them around and fleas fit the bill. So in 1830, an enterprising Italian named Signor Bertolottos hatched a great moneymaking scheme by switching the attention to the mighty-mites themselves. Hence the big business of ‘the smallest show on earth,’ the flea circus, which became an overnight, worldwide carnival sensation. Under its’ own special tent, the curious would crowd around a small table set up just like a real circus – complete with trapezes, rings and high wires – and the owners/ringmasters then gave them a show with at least as much fanfare as a bigger circus. The puny performers were put to work entertaining audiences with amazing ‘acts’ and ‘stunts’ such as chariot racing, dueling with tiny spinning swords, riding



mind tried to grasp the craftsmanship, time and patience it would’ve taken to produce such intricate objects and on such a petite scale. So that gave me this crazy topic to talk about! Now there’s nothing funny about fleas, particularly when they were the primary culprits for causing the plague, but they do have an amazing ability to strut some pretty fantastic stuff. Though teensy in stature, their long and strong hind legs allow them to perform great feats, such as leaping vertically up to seven inches and horizontally up to 13 inches. To put this into perspective, a person six-feet tall would have to be able to launch himself 295-ft long and 160-ft high, or would have to have the strength of 10 Grinches, plus 2. Watchmakers and jewelers were the first to exploit the insect around 300 to 400 years ago, when they were busy impressing the public and important people with their incredible metalworking skills by creating tiny

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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 23, 2015

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Your Horoscope

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Think about ideas for the future if what you are doing right now does not seem very exciting to you, Aries. A new plan of attack can reinvigorate your motivation. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, focus your energy on home-related projects. Procrastination is your enemy in these circumstances and can staunch any productivity you may have achieved. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, there is a way out of every situation, even if it seems like all exits are blocked. Swallow your pride if need be and accept the help of others when it’s offered. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you will be getting a lot of help with a special project, so expect it to go quite smoothly. Just be sure to pay back the favor when you can. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, a new perspective could help you see that things you thought were a big deal are really mole hills instead of mountains, and that’s an important lesson to learn.

CLUES ACROSS 1. Teletype (Computers) 4. Loose-fitting sleeveless garment 7. They __ 8. Extinct Turkish caucasian language 10. Tall N Zealand timber tree 12. Piedmont city on the River Gesso 13. Burl __, storyteller 14. Made up of 50 states 16. Not or 17. Given a monetary penalty 19. Unnilpentium 20. ISU town 21. Equality for everyone 25. A lyric poem with complex stanza forms 26. Actress Farrow 27. Scottish caps 29. Gobblers 30. __ Lilly, drug company 31. Process an animal hide 32. Describe in perfect detail 39. 1000 calories 41. American National Bank (abbr.) 42. MN 55121 43. Everyone 44. Substitute 45. Rubber, marching or head 46. Dance Latin rhythm 48. Inside of 49. A way to let know 50. Morning moisture

51. Point midway between S and SE 52. Sales messages CLUES DOWN 1. Duty 2. Whatchamacallit 3. A citizen of Yemen 4. __ Dhabi, Arabian capital 5. Nickname 6. One seeded fruit (alt. sp.) 8. Fiddler crabs 9. Troughs of bricks 11. Exploiter 14. Atomic #104 15. Italian ice-cream 18. Algerian dinar 19. Consume 20. Macaws 22. Insignificantly small 23. Tooth caregiver 24. Direct toward 27. Bluish green 28. Caliph 29. Faucet 31. The bill in a restaurant 32. Capital of Tocantins, Brazil 33. Explosive 34. The most abundant of the rare-earth group 35. Japanese sock 36. Kampala is the capital 37. Raged 38. Provides with property 39. Miniature racing vehicle 40. Signs 44. Express pleasure 47. Bridge-building degree See Todays Answers inside

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, learn how to deal with conflict in a productive way. Otherwise you may be stressed out and full of angst for no reason at all. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Somehow you always manage to pull through even with a ton of things on your plate, Libra. Even though you are successful, remember to schedule some downtime once in awhile.

Your Suduko Complete the grid so every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. (For solution see Today’s Answers in this paper).

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Don’t get caught daydreaming too much this week, Scorpio. People at work may think you’re not serious about your efforts when nothing could be further from the truth. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, expect to spend some money this week. Just how much you will spend depends on your ability to find the best bargains and discounts. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 It can be frustrating when others do not seem to understand your motives, Capricorn. Don’t feel pressured to change your way of doing things, especially if it’s working. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, something you have been looking forward to for some time is about to happen. It has been a long time coming but entirely worth it. Enjoy the ride. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, stick up for yourself when you need to. You are your biggest advocate, and you will present a strong front when feeling secure. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS DECEMBER 24 Michael Raymond-James, Actor (38) DECEMBER 25 Helena Christensen, Model (47) DECEMBER 26 Jared Leto, Actor (44)

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Eagle Valley News

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Is Good

In the Classifieds

4956 Ward Road, Malakwa, B.C.

The captioned company and the Sheedy Family would like to take this opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to the following residents and businesses in the Sicamous-Malakwa Communities for their respective services while completing renovations to our home. The value of services contributed both as neighbours and through good pricing by local contractors has allowed the project to proceed as desired on time and on budget! Thanks again one and all.

Action Rentals~ Terry, Sharon and Kevin Flemming, Sicamous Canwest Propane~ Armstrong, Sicamous Colin Martin, Jennifer & Family~ Malakwa Joe Racell~Malakwa Malakwa Supermarket~Julian Jankowski, Malakwa Sicamous Electric~Bruce Krahn é Jeremy LaFrenier-Sicamous Matt Parkinson~Malakwa Cal & Sherri Purrington~ Malakwa Les Johnson~Malakwa Sebastian Burton~ Malakwa Cindy Horsey~ Malakwa Anne Dolman~ Malakwa Shuswap Electric~ Steve McMillan, Malakwa Calvin Patterson (Attorney)~ Kamloops Valley First Insurance Services~Kamloops Sicamous Plumbing ~ Les and Wes Masters, Sicamous B.C. Broas Excavating & Bob Cat Services~Coquitlam, B.C.

As an expression of our appreciation, we will be donating $500 by way of Askews Gift Certificates (Sicamous) to the Sicamous Food Bank on behalf of all the aforementioned businesses, friends and associates.

Merry Christmas to all! Best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2016! Yours very truly, ALFAB Enterprises Limited, Keith Sheedy

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Please contact Val at the Circulation Depart.




Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 23, 2015

www.eaglevalleynews.com A11

Shuswap Lifeboat Society seeks stable funding

By Barb Brouwer

Eagle Valley News

Members of the Shuswap Lifeboat Society are hoping regional district directors will remember them – to the tune of $25,000 a year. Bruce Weicker, president of the society that operates Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 106 and operations manager Rob Sutherland provided an overview of the group’s activities along with future goals to Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors on Dec. 4. The Shuswap Lifeboat Society provides 24/7 day and night search and rescue service on Shuswap and Mara lakes. Since it opened in 2012, Station 106 has become one of the busiest marine search and rescue units in the province, particularly between May and Sep-

tember when more than 200,000 tourists visit the Shuswap. Located in the channel in Sicamous, the society responded to 44 SAR incidents in 2012, 51 in 2013, 38 in 2014 and 26 in 2015. The majority of the incidents on Shuswap Lake occur between Sicamous and Cinnemousun Narrows, along Anstey Arm and up Seymour Arm, where there is no road access. The society provides medivac and first aid services, searches and rescues, limited environmental containment, towing of boats in imminent danger and limited fire suppression, and works with other emergency responders within the incident command system. The society averages 25 to 30 volunteer members, who are trained at the station and in courses provided by the Royal Ca-


Bruce Weicker and Rob Sutherland provide Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors with an update as well as future goals of the Shuswap Lifeboat Society. Photo by Barb Brouwer

nadian Marine Search and Rescue in Victoria and Sooke. Weicker and Sutherland have a few items on their wish list, including a new and larger rescue boat. “They have one in Victoria that they can’t

use on the ocean, so they want to buy a new boat,” said Sutherland, noting the boat built in 2007 will be surplus. “We will get it free.” There is a bit of a hitch, however, as it will take three years worth of B.C. gaming

Search drone attracting attention By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Paul Keam may not have earned his wings, but he’s logged his share of air time working with Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Shuswap Station #106. For about a yearand-a-half, Keam has been piloting drones for local, non-profit, volunteer rescue organization. The group’s aerial arsenal includes a DJI Phantom II Vision Plus quadcopter, and the more substantial DJI Inspire. Keam wasn’t involved in the purchase – he was just the one tagged to be RCMSAR’s drone pilot. “I didn’t get involved until they already purchased it, and then my neighbour Pat Gau came over one day and said, ‘here, learn how to fly this thing; we’re going to use it as a search and rescue tool,’” said Keam. “It was a good decision.

It’s a good learning tool and a good search tool as well.” Over time it was learned the drones would be ideal for shore and shallow water searches, and Keam says the purchases – made possible largely through grants and donations – has proven their worth. Off the top of his head, Keam noted two incidents where the drones played an important role in a search/rescue effort. One involved a swimmer who had gone missing off the back of a houseboat. “I did a shore shallow water search and the boat did the deep water search in a grid pattern, and we both basically worked in towards each other and then had a good idea where this person was,” said Keam. “Then the RCMP dive team came in and, in about two minutes, they found him.” The other incident involved a young wom-

en who went missing from a houseboat. She was located on land by drone. “She had just wandered off into the bush about 20 feet and fallen behind a log…,” said Keam. “The people on the houseboat didn’t bother to go into the woods to look for her. I didn’t know if they were scared or whatever. So it’s been two good searches. You might say it’s paid for itself already.” Shuswap Station’s drones have also attracted the attention of other groups and businesses keen to utilize Keam’s expertise for other emergencies. These include the local snowmobile club, for when a sledder goes missing, or geo-technicians wishing to do some surveying. “They approached us at the safety fair saying, “gee, that big slide we had at Two Mile, we could have sent you folks up instead of waiting the two-and-a-

half days for us to get there and look at it. We could have streamed live feed to them,” said Keam. “CP Rail, they approached us, and we couldn’t figure out why at first, but they said for derailments between Chase and Revelstoke. Instead of loading up all their equipment and heading out to this derailment, if we can get out there, we can put the drone up, video the derailment and livefeed it right back to CP Rail… that would end up saving them, he said, thousands of dollars.” Keam adds it’s illegal to fly drones along railway tracks but, in the case of such an emergency, he’s sure CP would make an exception. Shuswap Station #106 volunteers oversee marine search and rescue on Shuswap and Mara lakes. For more information, visit http://rcmsar.com/rescue-stations/southernregion/shushwap/.

grants for the Victoria station to have enough to buy the new boat. “It is 40 feet long, fast, can take three casualties, has a top speed of 40 knots and will cut our response time in half,” Sutherland says. One of the society’s

goals is to have a substation in Blind Bay, which will become home to the current boat. The society has purchased two drones, which have already proven their worth. Because of the smaller drone’s limited capabilities in heavy weather, the society purchased a larger secondhand one that has a range of eight kilometres and flies at an altitude of about 400 feet. It can handle a 30-kilometre wind and is set up with GPS. “In August 2015, an individual was lost overboard in Mara Lake and it was a potential crime scene,” said Sutherland, pointing out the drone was used to cover areas onshore as well as over the water. “We found the person within minutes and when the RCMP arrived, we were able to tell them where the person was.” With several goals

in mind, the society is hoping to get additional funding from gaming grants, the City of Salmon Arm and District of Sicamous, CSRD, community foundations, service clubs and individuals. “All the volunteers don’t get paid, we just do it because we want to,” he said. “We’re dedicated to saving lives on the lake.” The request has been forwarded to the CSRD’s budget process for review.

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Christmas in Sicamous 2015

November-December 25 Christmas Hamper and Gift Program Food and monetary donations and gifts gratefully accepted at the Eagle Valley Community Resource Centre/Food Bank. Monetary donations should be made directly to the Eagle Valley Community Support Society. Hamper Applications now available at the Resource Centre/Food Bank at 1214 Shuswap Ave. Sicamous & the Malakwa office, Malakwa Learning Centre (school). Call 250836-3440.

SASCU December ATM Fundraiser Support local food banks every time you use a SASCU ATM. For the entire month of December, ten cents from every transaction on all SASCU ATMs is collected and donated. The proceeds help support food banks throughout the Shuswap. Don’t be surprised if your SASCU ATM withdrawal includes a $50 instead of a $20! Random $50s will be loaded in each ATM to thank the community for supporting the campaign and local food banks. December 24 Candlelight Services Sicamous Bible Church 6 pm, United Church 7 pm, Malakwa Pentecostal 6 pm. December 25 Community Christmas Dinner 1pm Free @ Sicamous Seniors Center December 25 Our Lady Fatima Service @ 11 am

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Eagle Valley News

Reporting our Thanks & Best Wishes at the Holidays The whole team at the Eagle Valley News would like to express our sincere appreciation for your loyal readership. May you and your loved ones enjoy a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year!

Lachlan, Tracy, Rick Terry, Sierre & Mike


NEWS 171 Shuswap Street, Salmon Arm, BC 250.832.2131 • www.eaglevalleynews.net

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