VOL. 19, NO. 51 | $1 + GST
Legendary: Bill Greenwell recalls coaching Steve Nash PAGE 3
Dig in: Feed your soil to get nutrients out of your vegetables PAGE 6
Hydro fight: Retiree frustrated with two years of big bills PAGE 12
Merry Christmas Lake Cowichan
Year En
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FOR UP TO 96 MONTHS c in their seasonal concert eSchool v students Palsson Elementary on December in Lake Cowichan. For more seasonal photos see page 10. [MALCOLM CHALMERS PHOTO] IN TOTAL PRICE10 ADJUSTMENTS e performe
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2 Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Upgrade boating access, council told The Town of Lake Cowichan town hall meeting held Nov. 30 offered residents the opportunity to talk to their town councillors on a wide variety of subjects. Ken Karpick said, “If we
want to have people come boating at the lake, we need to upgrade our boat access. There are navigational hazards located right near the [public] launch area. When the lake levels are low, it’s hard to load your boat, even now.” Mayor Ross Forrest replied that Catalyst has a water
licence application in to allow it to pump water over the weir in emergencies in the next few years. “The town has concerns, too. If it ever came to Catalyst having to pump, it would mean that the river would have gone down to a level we have never experienced before,” he said.
December 2015
Santa Schedule
: OS BY PHOT rson e tt e P ily Lisa Per Fam $19.99 5 People COST: e d lu Inc Family otographer’s h or at P retion Disc
Santa 1pm - 4 pm
1 7
Santa 11am - 5 pm
Santa 11am - 5 pm
Santa 11am - 5 pm
Santa 11am - 7 pm
9:30am-4:30pm Fun Family Night Santa 5 - 7
Santa Arrives 9:30am - 1pm Face Painting by Ashly
Santa Noon - 4 pm
Face Painting by Ashly
Santa Noon - 4 pm
Santa 1pm - 5 pm
Please: No Cell Phones Or Cameras
Santa 11am - 5 pm
Santa Noon - 6 pm
Santa 11am - 5 pm
Santa 11am - 5 pm 5:30 - 9 pm
Santa 11am - 5 pm
Santa 10am - 3 pm
Santa 11am - 7 pm
Santa Back to the North Pole
Santa 11am - 7 pm
Santa Noon - 4 pm
Christmas Day CLOSED
1 New Year’s Day CLOSED
“The Centre of Town”
Pat Brown and Darlene Pohn help set up the Gift Shop at Centennial Hall. Recipients of the Christmas food hampers will have the opportunity to pick up donated items for their use or as Christmas gifts. More than 40 volunteers made up hampers at Centennial Hall Dec. 16. [MALCOLM CHALMERS PHOTO]
• Nature’s Place • Sport Chek • Staples • Orange Julius • Lotto Ticket Centre • Ardenes • Winners • Northern Reflections • Petsmart • Pack Your Bags • Tim Horton’s • Great Canadian Dollar Store • The Source
RE/MAX of LAKE COWICHAN • 250.749.6000
It is not necessary to believe in God to be a good person. In a way, the traditional notion of God is outdated. One can be spiritual but not religious. It is not necessary to go to church and give money for many, nature can be a church. Some of the best people in history did not believe in God, while some of the worst deeds were done in His name.
Pope Francis
Elaine | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 3
Youbou’s Greenwell courtside as Steve Nash is immortalized KEVIN ROTHBAUER GAZETTE
Steve Nash never forgot the man who built the high school program that produced him. When the retired NBA superstar was inducted into the Phoenix Suns’ Ring of Honor in October, he made sure that Bill Greenwell was there, along with several other of his former coaches. Greenwell, who grew up in the Cowichan Lake area and now lives in Youbou, helped turn St. Michael’s University School into a provincial contender in the 1980s and ’90s. He was an assistant coach to Ian Hyde-Lay when Nash came through the program in grades 11 and 12 on his way to becoming a two-time NBA MVP, the 2005 winner of the Lou Marsh Award as Canadian male athlete of the year, and the greatest basketball player in Canadian history. Greenwell was on hand as one of Nash’s many guests during the big ceremony on Oct. 30. As part of the celebrations, Greenwell got to attend the Suns’ game in a skybox with all of Nash’s guests and attend some other events in Nash’s honour. “It was very, very special for me,” the retired coach said. “That’s not the kind of thing I normally do.” Greenwell was first on hand as Nash was recognized by Educare Arizona, a major beneficiary of the Steve Nash Foundation, which provides educational and other opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. “They get medical care, they get dental care, everything else,” Greenwell said. “It’s really neat.”
s Greetin
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for the ceremonies, with the exception of late coach Cotton Fitzsimmons, whose widow was in attendance, as Nash became the 14th member of the prestigious circle. One of those members, Jerry Colangelo, the former Suns general manager, who drafted Nash out of college, made a promise that shouldn’t be too hard to keep. “I just want you to know that Steve is going to get into the Hall of Fame,” Colangelo said, according to Greenwell. “Because I’m the chairman of the board.” The characteristics that made Nash a very likely Hallof-Famer are the same ones that Greenwell remembers
See NO NETS, Page 11
There was also a party in Nash’s honour at the Talking Stick Resort — namesake of the Suns’ arena — where Greenwell got to hobnob with the likes of Nash’s former Dallas Mavericks teammate, Dirk Nowitzki, Nash’s brother-in-law and former Vancouver Canucks centre Manny Malhotra, and Mike D’Antoni, the Suns’ former head coach, who devised the system under which Nash won his MVP awards. “There were all kinds of NBA guys and guys he played on the national team with,” Greenwell said. “It was kind of a neat crowd.” All of Phoenix’s Ring of Honor members were there
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Bill Greenwell enjoys the big day with his former basketball student Steve Nash in October. [SUBMITTED]
setting Nash apart as a high schooler. “The thing that always characterized Steve to me was his incredible work ethic,” Greenwell remembered. “He was the hardest worker I ever had. He was always prepared to work on things until he mastered them. And he mastered them, obviously.” Nash also brought phenomenal leadership abilities to his teams at all levels. “His teammates always kind of rallied around him,” Greenwell said. “He was a great leader; an awesome leader. Much more than his ability to score, I knew that would carry him on to be successful, especially as a point guard.” Greenwell laughed when he is asked if he ever considered that Nash the high school player might make the NBA some day. “We were just hoping maybe he would get the chance to play [NCAA] Div. II,” he said. SMUS was a big deal in B.C. high school basketball at that time, though. Despite being of single-A size, the teams were able to compete at the AAA level. “We had such an outstanding group of kids,” Greenwell recalled. “We actually had two teams. The Grade 11 team Steve’s brother Martin played on beat most senior teams.” Heading into the B.C. AAA championships in Nash’s senior year, they hadn’t even had a call back from a university interested in the star point guard. Dick Davey from the University of Santa Clara, however, had received one of the SMUS coaching staff’s tapes.
The School Board Office, Operations Department and Transportation Department will be closed to the public from December 21st, 2015 to January 1st, 2016 inclusive. Central Receiving will be closed from December 24th, 2015 to January 1st, 2016 inclusive.
SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE REGULAR HOURS OF OPERATION Please be advised that the School Board Office hours will change to 8:00 am to 4:00 pm effective January 4, 2016.
St. Louis De Montfort Catholic Church Fern Road, Lake Cowichan
We cordially extend an invitation to all in our community to join us in our Christmas Celebration and Carol Singing Carol singing commences at 8:30pm with Mass at 9:00pm Christmas Eve Dec. 24th
Notice Regular Meeting Dates - 2016 Please note that the Regular Meeting dates for Council of the Town of Lake Cowichan for 2016 are as follows:
• January 26th • February 23rd • March 22th • April 26th • May 10th * • May 24th • June 28th
• July 26th • August 23rd • September 20th • October 25th • November 22nd • December 20th
The start time for the regular meetings is 6:00 pm and the meetings are held at 39 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan (Municipal Hall). * This special meeting of Council will be held on May 10th, 2016 starting at 5:00 p.m. Dated this 22nd day of December, 2015. Joseph A. Fernandez, Chief Administrative Officer
A Big “Thank You” to All
The Lake Cowichan
The Lake Cowichan Fire Department would like to thank Country Grocer for hosting the Breakfast on the Fireman and the annual Food and Toy drive. We were able to raise $1848 in cash during the Food and Toy drive this year along with 2 trucks of non perishable food and toys for the Community Services Christmas Hamper fund, and one truck of groceries to the food bank This makes a total of $17,051 in eight years that we have been able to donate. We also donated $908 from the breakfast to the local food bank, which makes a total cash donation of $1322 in the past 2 years. We would not be able to make these donations without all the help from our local communities and we thank everyone for their support.
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!
4 Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
We welcome your original comments on editorials, columns, on topics in the Lake Cowichan Gazette or any subjects important to you. Only letters that include name, address and day and evening phone numbers and that are veried by the Lake Cowichan Gazette can be considered for publication.
Got a news tip? Email us at:
Letters to the editor and articles submitted to the Lake Cowichan Gazette may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms and will be edited for clarity, grammar and length. Publication is not guaranteed. Email your thoughts to or fax it to us at 250-749-4385
‘Slow down, you move too fast’: enjoy Christmas
We look at the calendar this time of year and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. At the paper, we are notied of dozens of events and must-dos for the holiday season. Each one individually sounds like a lot of fun, but add them all up and you can start to feel tired before you’ve even gone to your rst craft fair or Christmas light-up. And these are the things we try to t in around our Christmas shopping, baking, work commitments and more. It can become easy to see why some just pitch the whole thing and say, in grand old tradition, “Bah, humbug!” Then, when the pre-Christmas rush is winding down — the choir and school concerts done, the light displays viewed, the tree bought and trimmed — the family obligations descend for many, fraught with trying to get the gifts all packed into the car while not forgetting any of the kids, or conversely, the turkey in the oven before the doorbell rings. So this Christmas we recommend a little sanity for the holidays, by giving yourself permission to not do everything. You can’t anyway, so just give up the expectation before you start. Hit a few highlights and save the rest for another year. You wouldn’t enjoy them at warp speed and dead tired anyway. You cannot be everywhere and everything for everyone. Accepting it is easier said than done, but it’s worth the doing. So consider, what do you want to remember from this Christmas season? To help you gure it out, think back to what you enjoyed most from Christmases past. For many it’s the simple things, like sitting down with the family for a leisurely holiday meal, singing Christmas carols, or watching a favourite seasonal movie. Maybe it’s going for a walk to enjoy the Christmas lights, or watching the kids play with their gifts after the unwrapping frenzy. Don’t miss those precious moments because you were so busy thinking about the next thing. There can be magic in Christmas — in a hot apple cider or hot chocolate with marshmallows as you stroll the streets of town and exchange smiles with passersby, or sit treeside and toasty warm. You just have to slow down enough to enjoy it.
Caycuse • Honeymoon Bay • Lake Cowichan • Mesachie Lake • Youbou
Box 10, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia V0R 2G0 Street Address: 170E-Cowichan Lake Road Phone: 250-749-4383 FAX: 250-749-4385 Classifieds: 1-855-310-3535 (toll free) EDITORIAL: ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BLACK PRESS LTD. Canadian Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement #1090194 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Letters to the editor: YOUR SAY
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Letters to the editor are welcome, but writers are requested to keep their submissions to 350 words or less. Keep it local — letters raised in response to issues raised in our pages get top priority. Letters will be edited for clarity, grammar, length — attack the issue, not the individual. All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. Thank you letters will not normally be considered for publication.
Kaatza Players looking forward to next year After the success of Wizard of Oz last year, the Kaatza Lakeside Players thought long and hard about what we could do next to bring some joy and excitement back to Centennial Hall. So it is with great pleasure, we are thrilled to announce that our next play will be opening in the Spring of 2016. It’s official, this April mark off your calendars and get ready to see everyone’s favourite orphan: Annie! Ten-year-old Isabella Atchison will play the spunky and optimistic Annie. For the cast of 35 adults and children ages six and up, rehearsals start Jan. 5. If you
have always wanted to take part in the magic behind the scenes, volunteers for backstage, set design and tech are still needed. Please contact Director Dena McPhee (250-749-3025) for more information. Also a big thank you to Denise Allan; this month the Bottle Depot is taking all donations on behalf of the Kaatza Lakeside Players Society. Happy Holidays! Brandon DePol President KLPS
Excellent care from Cowichan hospital staff Thank you to an exceptional staff at the Cowichan District
Hospital. I have heard people complain about the staff and care they received at our hospital and it caused me some concern when I had to go in for surgery. I want to tell everyone that has to go there for care, you are in good hands. During my recent stay for hip replacement surgery the doctors and nurses were very professional, caring and helpful and made my stay there much more comfortable than I’d expected or hoped. Special thanks to Dr. Anderson and nurses Trish, Shannon, Anita, Linda and Sandy. John Barger Lake Cowichan
DENNIS SKALICKY Publisher The Lake Cowichan Gazette is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact: or 250-748-2666. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38 Within BC . . . . . . . . . . . $54 National . . . . . . . . . $107 Electronic . . . . . . . . . $38 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5
Street Beat
With Malcolm Chalmers
The Gazette asked: What was the strangest/worst Christmas gift you gave or received? William Meanley
Ryan Smith
Sakara Rico
Robert Randell
“I got a box of rocks one year. I was into buying jewelry for everyone and it was kind of expensive so my aunt had given me a rock polisher and I got a box of rocks for it.”
“It was from a Bad Santa thing at work, I got an old bottle of cologne once, left overs from the ’80s.”
“One year I got bunch of jars of pickles that ended up breaking immediately. It was a nice gift, but a little strange.”
“It was a violin without strings. I do play the violin but one year my friends in Newfoundland sent me a violin without strings on it.”
Deedee Matthias “I got a router one year from my husband, that was a little odd. I still use it.”
Horgan on trade, carbon tax and LNG
DP leader John Horgan sat down with Tom Fletcher for a year-end interview in his Victoria office Dec. 10. Here are excerpts. For the full version, see the Opinion tab at www.lake TF: In the recent federal election, national NDP leader Thomas Mulcair rejected the Trans Pacific Partnership sight unseen, endorsing letters from Unifor and CUPE saying this is a bad deal. Is your party seen as against Pacific Rim trade? JH: No, I don’t think so, and what I said at the time was that I support trade. We’re a trade-centred province. We’re looking across the ocean at the largest market the world has known, and I support getting our products to higher-priced markets. But having said that, the B.C. Liberals embraced TPP without even having seen it. TF: The NDP and unions have historically been protectionist. Do you see any need to modernize the B.C. party? JH: When it comes to trade, I think we have modernized. And who was the first premier to go on a trade mission from British Columbia? It was Dave Barrett. And now there has been a succession of premiers make regular visits to other markets to try to stimulate economic activity here at home. TF: Your party supports the carbon tax now, but not the revenue neutral approach. Do you support increasing the rate? JH: I’ve looked carefully at the report tabled by the premier’s [advisory] group, a vast array of British Columbians, and there was a lot of water put into the wine to get to the position they got to. What I’m comfortable with is that the date that they’ve selected for a ramping up of the carbon tax is 2018, which will be a year after the next provincial election. So if I’m successful and form a government, I’ll have time to look at tax policy broadly to see if we can make
By Tom Fletcher
The C .L. Golden Agers’ Society and the C.L. Dist. Seniors’ Association wish to thank the following businesses for their generous donations for our recent Christmas Banquet:
BC Views
improvements in the carbon tax. For me, and I think for most British Columbians, the model that Alberta has adopted of taking revenues and driving them into industries, or activities like transit, that will reduce emissions over time. TF: Natural gas price and volume continue to go down, along with commodities generally, and supply of oil and gas keeps going up. What’s your take on the prospects for LNG after the year we’ve had? JH: Not good. I’ve always said price will determine whether investors drop down multi-billions of dollars in a far-away place to provide a product that is not developed here. Brownfield opportunities have moved very quickly in the U.S. Changing LNG import facilities to export facilities is a whole lot easier and cheaper than starting from scratch. Getting to the coast is a challenge for fossil fuels, and the last LNG price point I saw delivered in Asia was $5.70 a unit. You’re not going to make money at that price, even with rock-bottom prices here in B.C. TF: We’ve just had a couple of announcements as part of the government’s Jobs Plan, $100 million in financing for tech startups, which your critic was pleased about, and an agriculture and food strategy. Are we going to see more Jobs Plan advertising in the new year? JH: It’s the Christmas season, the federal election is over, there are two sets of ads running now. I think these ads are self-promotion. These are not informing the public on information that they really need. If it’s just smiling people with hardhats on, I think we’re going to have something to say about that.
Jake’s At The Lake, L. C. Chiropractic, Cowichan Pet Emporium, L. C. Curves, L.C. Country Grocer, Home Hardware, Irly Bird Home Centre, O.K. Tire and Auto Service, L. C. Drug Store and the Footwear Centre John Horgan, leader of the provincial NDP. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Email: Twitter: @ tomfletcherbc
Warm wishes for all celebrants The Baha’is of the Cowichan Valley extend our warmest wishes to our Christian, and belatedly to our Jewish, neighbours during your special celebrations this season. May you all have peace and joy in your homes! With warmest wishes, The Cowichan Valley Baha’i Faith communities
We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Brenda Bernhardt of Cowichan Veterinary Services for the exceptional service she provided, and subsequent follow ups for Jill. ~Mike and Carol
In all, 12 gift certificates were donated by these wonderful local businesses.
Way to Go, Lake Cowichan!. What great places to Shop!
The Youbou Community Church Society repairs and maintains the church for the future and public use.The Youbou Community Church was built in 1938 and is a historical site. A group of dedicated individuals have volunteered over 1400 hours this year to remodel the kitchen, replace outside siding, replace the outside cement stairs and signage. This year it is imperative that the chimney be replaced (at an estimated cost of $7,500.00) and that is what this fundraiser is for. The Youbou Community Church Society is a charitable organization and operates on a limited budget to upgrade and comply with regulations (fire, safety and food safe) and meet day to day expenses (oil, electrical, insurances and taxes.)
6 Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
With Malcolm Chalmers
Smile FILE Michael Anderson
Name: Michael Anderson Occupation: public service Hometown: Lake Cowichan I’ve always wanted to: go sturgeon fishing on the Fraser River Favourite food: steak Favourite activity: fishing how do you define down time: being with friends If stuck on a desert island I would definitely need: a knife My go-to wardrobe staple: jeans and T-shirts In my car I listen to: ’80s music If I had a $1,000,000: share it
Season’s Greetings! To all our clients, friends & colleagues In lieu of sending Christmas cards, we have made a donation to the Salvation Army this year.
60 STATION ST. • 250-748–8128 • 1–800–434–0566
Sherri Brubaker B.C. REG 1506
To get the nutrition out of your food, you need to put nutrition into your soil. [MARY LOWTHER PHOTO]
You must feed your soil to get the nutrients out of your produce
oday’s balanced, organically produced diet does not approach the nutritional quality of the conventional diet your grandmother ate 50 years ago. A recent U.S. Department of AgriculBy Mary Lowther ture study reports a 50 per cent decline in the nutritional elements in all fruits and vegetables. Do the math. If the organic food industry claims that its products contain 25 per cent more nutrients than conventionally grown crops, this is still 25 per cent less than 50 years ago, and even then crops provided less nutrition than in pioneer days. Not enough nutrients have been put back into the soil to replace those taken up by the plants we’ve consumed, and not even commercial organic farmers are adding enough to keep up. So, if we are growing our own food to be as healthy as possible, we can use organic methods to avoid added pollutants but we should also enrich our soil with a complete array of necessary nutrients I would like to say that author Steve Solomon has forgotten more about food production than
Dig In
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mayor, Council and Staff
Best Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Very Happy New Year
SEASONS GREETINGS to Our Friends at The Lake
May you and yours have a warm happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year! From all at the 50+ Activity Centre, C.L. Golden Agers Society & C.L. D.S.A.
Tree Tree Service Service Keith
145 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan
Tree Service
• Topping, Limbing, Falling • Selective or Clear Cut Logging • Commercial• Topping, & Residential Limbing, Falling • Dangerous Tree Removal • Selective or Clear Cut Logging Storm Prevention • Commercial & Residential • 140 HP chipper for fast, • Dangerous Tree Removal/Storm Prevention efficient cleanup • 140 HP chipper for fast, efficient cleanup • Insured & Licensed • Insured & Licensed • Free Estimates & Advice • Free Estimates & Advice
Cowichan Lake Golden Agers Society
most of us will ever know, but he appears to have a perfect memory as well as a lifetime of experience. His book The Intelligent Gardener: Growing Nutrient-Dense Food, explains how to analyze your soil to concoct your own fertilizer. Until that is done he offers this recipe: Steve Solomon’s Complete Organic Fertilizer 4 quarts seed meal (I use alfalfa) ½ quart agricultural lime 2 tsp. laundry borax 1 ½ tsp. zinc sulphate 1 tsp. copper sulphate ½ quart kelp meal ½ quart agricultural gypsum (don’t use dolomite lime) 1 quart soft rock phosphate or bone meal This, combined with well-made compost, should produce quality vegetables and fruit. In the spring I’ll give you Solomon’s recommended applications for this fertilizer. Of course, you can get this yourself if you buy the seventh edition of his book Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades. Solomon is so concerned about the decrease in our soils that he’s offered the introduction to this book for free; if you want me to forward it, email
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year It has been a pleasure to serve you and we thank you for your support. | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 7
Peter & Corinne
From Our Family to Yours,
Merry Christmas!
Rebekah & Katie
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8 Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
You’ll Feel Like Family.
Locally Owned & Operated since 1984
Country Grocer Lake Cowichan
Celebrates Christmas!
Congratulations, Team Members!
Thank You to our Team Leaders!
5 Years’ Service Wayne Callagher Janice Shand Brittney Doney Dwayne Relke Brian Kitchen
20 Years’ Service Shelley Johnston, Deli Supervisor
25 Years’ Service Denise Basso, Front End Manager
Congratulations, Team Members of the Year! Elaine Bigrigg Rita Viviers
2015 Christmas Staff Party Game
Country Grocer wishes Everyone a Safe & Happy Holiday Season! Holiday Hours
Christmas Eve: 7am-5pm Christmas Day: CLOSED Boxing Day: 10am-6pm New Year’s Eve: 7am-6pm New Year’s Day: 10am-6pm
83 Cowichan Lake Rd., Lake Cowichan
Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm
❆ | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 9
❄ You’ll Feel
Like Family.
Locally Owned & Operated since 1984
Christmas Look for the Dot Sale! Dots & Save!
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83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan
Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm
10 Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Christmas fun around the Lake
Waverly Smith seems a little shy meeting the jolly old soul. Santa Claus made a special stop to visit with the kids at the Play and Learn class at the Cowichan Recreation Centre Friday, Dec. 11. [PHOTOS BY MALCOLM CHALMERS]
Happy Holidays and all the Best in the New Year!
Santa passes out presents to the kids at the Honeymoon Bay Hall during their Pot Luck Dinner. It was one of the largest turnouts for the dinner topping 200 people.
Santa bumps fists with one of the kids at the Honeymoon Bay Hall during their Pot Luck Dinner Sunday evening, Dec. 13.
Children performed a variety of holiday songs at the concert at Palsson Elementary at Cowichan Lake before the holidays.
Resa Clark-Attrell and Amanda Sawatzky are two of the 40-plus volunteers boxing up donated food and items to make Christmas hampers for people in need this year.
Have a safe and happy Holiday Season. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Christmas Joy! to all God’s Creatures
Lake Cowichan
Branch #210
A division of
Tipton’s Gas Bar
Mertrmyas Chris
n’s Greetings! Seaso
Happy Holidays
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250-749-4454 Otter Coop Feed
e and We valu your te apprecia local of t r suppo ar! es this ye business “In s B u s in e s for s” B u s in e s
Cowichan Lake District Chamber
Open New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day!
Have a great y Christmas HapYpear! Holiday New & New Year! Lubin’s Campsite Darcy & Campers
ishing W you all a very Merry Holiday Season!
Closed December 25, 2015 to Jan. 1, 2016
Open Regular Week Days 10 am to 3 pm
Kaatza Historical Society 125 S. Shore Rd.
250-749-6142 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 11
No nets at SMUS when coach hired YOUBOU’S, From Page 3 Despite the video’s questionable quality, decided Nash was worth seeing in person. “He said, ‘Hmm. If this guy can dribble and make guys fall down while dribbling, maybe I’ll take a look at him for a lark,’” Greenwell said. Greenwell remembers that Davey looked into the stands when he arrived at the provincial tournament and was surprised that there were no other American coaches in attendance. Davey knew that he had found something special, though, and offered Nash a scholarship. “He got the chance to go, and then he was looking to get the opportunity to get some playing time,” Greenwell said. “He had to earn his stripes all over again.” Greenwell was there when Nash got his chance. The Santa Clara Broncos were hosting the Cable Car Classic tournament, and the starting point guard, a junior, got sick. Nash was called on to start and had an outstanding tournament, earning an allstar berth. “He got the opportunity, and when he got the opportunity, he made the most of it.” When the original starter came back, they couldn’t just bench Nash, and moved him to
“He was better suited to being a point guard. He was a good shooter, but he’d rather pass than shoot.” BILL GREENWELL, high school coach
shooting guard until the point guard graduated. “He was better suited to being a point guard. He was a good shooter, but he’d rather pass than shoot.” With Nash in the lineup, the Broncos went to the NCAA tournament in 1993, 1995 and 1996, the only times since 1987 that Santa Clara has gone to the dance. “That’s when people started to notice him,” Greenwell said. The rest is history. And there’s no denying Bill Greenwell played a role in the process. After a playing career at Lake Cowichan Secondary, Greenwell started coaching at Duncan High School in 1962 when he was in Grade 13. “I was only a year older than most of the kids, so I got my baptism pretty good,” he laughed. Officially, his coaching career started in Port Alberni, where he led teams and taught math for 13 years before moving on to SMUS in 1980. The move to
SMUS almost didn’t happen. “I told them if I can’t coach basketball, I’m not coming,” he said. “They said I could coach basketball as long as I win a Canadian championship in mathematics.” When he arrived at SMUS, it was a long way from producing an NBA player. The barebones gym had backboards and rims for basketball, but no nets. “They were known more for rugby and cricket than basketball,” Greenwell recalled. Greenwell retired in 2000 after 33 years of teaching and coaching, and returned to the Cowichan Lake area five years later when he settled down in Youbou. He still follows basketball closely. “Fortunately, my wife and I are both fanatics,” said Greenwell, who has two sons, who live in Victoria and Alberta. Over those three-decades-plus as a basketball mentor, Greenwell coached several great players, and he has remained friends with many of them. Nash made sure to acknowledge Greenwell, just as he made sure to acknowledge Hyde-Lay, and even his junior high coaches from Arbutus Middle School, when he was named to the Ring of Honor. “He doesn’t forget his roots,” Greenwell said. “Without a doubt.”
David, Rose, Blaine, Richard & Gord
at O.K. Tire & Auto Service,
Lake Cowichan
would like to wish everyone a
Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
Holiday Hours So that our staff can spend time with their Families over Christmas, we will be closed from December 24 - January 3. Reopen January 4 at 8:00 am
AUTO SERVICE We would like to thank all of our customers here in Cowichan Lake for your patronage. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in 2016.
David, Rose, Blaine, Richard & Gord
H O L I D A Y HO U R S Open December 24 'til noon ,28, 29, 30, 31 Closed December 25, 26 & 27 January 1, 2 & 3 2016
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season Lake Cowichan Home Centre
130 Neva Rd., Lake Cowichan • 250-749-6618
12 Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
s ’ d o R
#2 - 2986 Boys Road, Duncan
Lake Cowichan
Animal Rescue Society wishes a
Merry Christmas
to all of our members, fosters, and supporters for a successful year.
We could not do it without YOU!
FAITH DIRECTORY ANGLICAN St. Christopher and St. Aidan
70 Cowichan Ave. W Lake Cowichan 250-749-3466
BAPTIST Cowichan Lake Baptist Church 8259 Beaver Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-3211
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Dale Winters
PENTECOSTAL ROMAN CATHOLIC Lake Cowichan St. Louis Christian Fellowship de Montfort 10 King George St. South Lake Cowichan 250-749-6492
60 Fern Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-4103
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Pastor Terry Hale
Fr. John Vines
Retiree frustrated with twoyear fight against BC Hydro SARAH SIMPSON GAZETTE
Denis Caldecott retired to Honeymoon Bay from Chilliwack in 2011 after 44 years in the trucking industry. “I bought this house and took possession on the 30th of September in 2011,” he said, matter-of-factly last Friday morning. “I’ve been here for four years and two months and I’ve been fighting with BC Hydro for that length of time.” Caldecott has been trying to figure out why his rates are “right off the deep end” and have been since he purchased the home. “I live downstairs in the bottom floor of my house and I’ve got electric heat in here but there’s no way these electric heat bills should have been high as what they’ve been. I’m pretty frugal with the power.” So frugal, in fact that he shuts the breakers off — cuts the power to the entire house — when he goes out for the day. On Thursday, Dec. 17 he finally found out what the problem has been with his billing. “I found out after probably 36 to 40 phones to BC Hydro over the last four years, that they’ve had me on a commercial rate in my residential house,” he said. What’s more, he said, the power company has been charging him for using electricity during periods in which he’s actually shut the main breaker in the house off. He can’t seem to get a straight answer as to why. “These people would not address my problem. They’ve just left me out in left field here. I told them I’m fed up with this. I’m ready to tell Hydro to go to hell and they said, ‘That’s your choice.’ They don’t care. they just don’t care.” By his own admission, Caldecott is a stubborn man. “I’m dressed up like I’m living in an igloo here. The temperature in my house is six degrees Celsius. “I refuse to pay these kind of hydro bills.” He’s been keeping charts of what he’s experiencing and is eyeing a lawsuit sometime in the New Year.
Season’s wishes for health, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year!
Sales & Rentals 8079 Neiser Road
Denis Caldecott of Honeymoon Bay is disgusted at the way BC Hydro has been dealing with what he considers a reasonable complaint about overcharging. [LEXI BAINAS/GAZETTE] He’s after a refund for the incorrect rate structure but that’s not all. “I’m going after them for pain and suffering,” he said. “I’m going after them for what I’ve had to go through down here. Nobody in their right mind would live the way I’m living right now but I’m a stubborn guy. There’s just no way I’m going to put up with this kind of [expletive].” Caldecott said the corporation needs to be exposed for what they’re doing to people. He said he’s not the only one battling the company. “Because they’re a monopoly, they don’t give a rat’s ass. They don’t care. They won’t come out and see what’s going on. It’s your problem. How dare
May your Christmas season be filled with Love, Joy, Family & Friends, now and thoughout the New Year.
Our best wishes are with you as we celebrate the miracle of Christmas
them. They need to be exposed. Denis wants to spread awareness and let people know that it’s okay to speak up. “People are like sheep going to slaughter. Nobody wants to raise any hell. There’s only a few of us out there that do it. I know there’s a lot of people in B.C. here who are going through hell with different issues with Hydro. They all hide. People are intimidated. I’m not.” BC Hydro spokesman Ted Olynyk said he wasn’t familiar with Caldecott’s particular plight but did say he was willing to look into it. Given it’s the holiday season and many staffers are out of the office, he admitted a reply shouldn’t be expected until the New Year.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and a great New Year!
Season’s Greetings OPEN 4 DAYS A WEEK Tuesday thru Friday* *Evenings by Appointment COLORS, PERMS & CUTS
Dr. Ken Welch, Dentist and all my staff
Beaver Lake Resort 250-749-7792
40th Main Street Salonoulter
Morreen C 225 250.749.6 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 13
250.749.6660 145 South Shore Rd. Lake Cowichan
Keith Nelson
TOLL FREE PAGE 1-800-729-3246
Tracy Forrest
PICTURE PERFECT The perfect picture in this very cute bungalow. From the moment you open the door you will be amazed at the openness of the design, 3 big skylights accent the vauleted ceilings, 34 bedrooms, master with a full 4 pc bath. What a beautiful area to live in. Good neighbours make the difference. Call to view today!
WHEN YOU WANT IT LISTED - WHEN YOU NEED IT SOLD 1.25 ACRE PRIVATE LOT Big lot with privacy – There is a big building site already roughed in to take advantage of. This is a protected area that assures peace & quiet. Located in beautiful Point Ideal – one of Lake Cowichan’s best areas. Call to view today!
Centrally located to shopping and all amenities. Level entry with main floor livingroom including an attached storage area and private patio in the back, where you can enjoy the wooded area and flowing creek. Upstairs has 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath and the master has a walk in closet. Could be a great starter home for a young family, great investment or perfect for retirement. Call to view today!
#3-215 Madill
Located on the outskirts of the Town of Lake Cowichan. Zoning provided for various usage including intensive agriculture or a B & B. Easy access to the property off Indian Road. Lots of privacy and there is the potential to bring in some revenue from logging some of the standing trees. Great opportunity to build a beautiful home in your own private wilderness. Call to view today!
ROOMY READY & REASONABLE This home features 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens and plenty of storage. There is a 560 sq ft double garage to store those summer toys. This big home sits on an extra large 0.37 acre lot with fenced garden area and lots of room for building that dream car garage. Quick Possession Available. Call to view today!
Immaculate double wide mobile in a small adult park with only 10 units. This 2 bed/2 bath home has been meticulously maintained including paint, flooring, appliances, new propane fireplace, bathroom and the list goes on and on. A great home and wonderful location so don’t miss your chance to live here!
#1-8697 North Shore
This large home features 3 bedrooms
upstairs with a huge living room, country kitchen and laundry room. There is a 1 bed suite downstairs which will provide extra revenue if needed or simply use as a big home. There is a big easy access wired shop that would be great for projects or storage. Call to view today!
147 MacDonald
QUIET CUL-DE-SAC This 1528 sq ft level entry home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious interior with huge kitchen, attached dining area and family room. The master is large and includes a en-suite and walk in closet. The yard is level with lots of room for RV/Boat parking, there is a courtyard with paving stones and glass covered entryway, nice flower beds and a large deck at the back. Minutes to downtown Duncan. Motivated seller and early possession available!
At beaver lake resort. 30ft immaculate RV boarding on beachfront with huge covered deck area and large garden shed. The lot is hidden by an evergreen hedge for assured privacy. This is a turnkey setup, great for that weekend getaway or can be used full time.
23-8631 South Shore
3105 Laurel Grove WATERFRONT LOT Start your dream here! Beautiful water front lot located in prestigious Creekside Estates on the sunny south facing shores of Lake Cowichan. Incredible views of the pristine lake and mountains and many high end homes are in this impressive subdivision. Minutes from the Town of Lake Cowichan, close to trails and plenty of nature and recreation. This property boasts 14,124 sq ft and is ready to build on. Add your own private dock or walk on the waterfront pebble beach. Great place to enjoy the summer, live year round or retire!
34 Creekside
Sunny Youbou waterfront on .29 acre The main home has 3 bedroom & 2 bathrooms, beautiful birch floors and an open plan kitchen / living roomdesign. There is a 2nd residence with 2 bed/1 bath which is currently being rented. Why not own a piece of paradise?
250 South Shore Rd.
PRETTY AS A PICTURE This lot is ideally suited to build your dream home in charming Mesachie Lake. The flat lot is close to swimming, golfing, hiking and camping. The lot includes a car port and a newer 200 sq ft shed which is wired, plumbed including a bathroom and insulated. The lot is fully fenced & has mature trees adding to the tranquility and privacy you will feel. Call to view today!
6624 Forestry Road
Beautiful waterfront lot on one of the nicest spots on Cowichan Lake. This is an undivided ½ interest a Joint Tenants with a Co-Ownership Agreement in place. Cute cabin on property with two bedrooms, includes a hot tub and dock. Enjoy the beach for swimming & boating and spectacular view of the Mountains & Lake. Call to view today!
9166 Meades Creek
10552 Coon Creek
Great Investment property in the heart of Lake Cowichan. This property has been used as a residential rental but lends itself to redevelopment for commercial because of the prime location. Lot size is approx. 90x300
2 bed/2 bath rancher is move in ready with nothing to do! The home is immaculately maintained, the partially fenced yard has a mixture of beautiful plants, garden area and greenhouse. Great starter or retirement home. Call to view today!
30 Coronation
87 Park
225 Johel
197 Grants Lake Road
This 3 or 4 bedroom home radiates hospitality & charm from the marble & Boeing bathtub to the vaulted ceilings. The living room has a cozy terra cotta fireplace and downstairs is a cold room for your wine or preserves. The home boasts unique tiles, intercom system, built in vacuum and fully finished detached workshop with over height double carport for your RV or Boat
Gorgeous Lake & Mountain views from all sides on this Kwassin Lake home. The home features 3 bed / 3 bath with an open plan living design. The master bedroom overlooks the lake and boasts a walk in closet and 4 pc en-suite. The backyard is perfect for entertaining or relaxing while watching the Kingfishers, ducks and more on your doorstep. Call now to view!
Your Property Is Our Priority! We Have Tenants Waiting!
477 Point Ideal $85,000
191 Johnson
1200 Sq Ft shop with two bays for all your toys. There is also a 3 bedroom home situated on a roomy .32 acre lot. The back yard is large and private. Located close to all town amenities
$245,000 196 Neva
You can see for miles & miles on this spectacular south facing 0.28 acre lot. Located high on the hill in the “Cottages at Marble Bay”. There are panoramic views of the mountains, beautiful Cowichan Lake & Honeymoon Bay! There is lake access with wharfs and beach front. They don’t come any better than this so make this your weekend destination get-a-way or for full time living!
17 Kestral Drive
#57-6855 Park Ave
Make this your holiday get-a-away! Shared interest in a waterfront development boasting 12 acres on Lake Cowichan. There are 4 acres of play fields, a private marina, a boat launch, sandy beach and a year round caretaker. You are close to March Meadows Golf course, Gordon Bay Park, and only minutes from the Town of Lake Cowichan. Share in the abundance of nature the area offers that makes this place so uniquie!
14 Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 15
Christmas at the museum: big changes as new curator begins
here is a big change happening at the Kaatza Station Museum and Archives over this holiday season. Barb Simkins the museum’s curator of 30-plus years is saying goodbye as curator and leaving Meghan Dalskog here to care for her life’s work. This is Meghan’s first holiday season at the museum, and she was thrilled to see our wonderful volunteers come in and spend the afternoon at the museum decorating the pioneer life display with some holiday cheer, a museum tradition that she looks forward to carrying on. The museum will be open weekdays throughout the holiday season, right up until Christmas Eve. We will be closed Christmas Day and New Years day, so there will be plenty of opportunities for you and your holiday guests to come in and reminisce about holidays past, and spent with loved ones. We also have some fun colouring and activity sheets for the kids and adults who stop in, so be sure to ask for one. She is always happy to see how creative people are in all the
different ways they fill these things in; she would love it if people would post them to the museum’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages #kaatzachristmas. She really enjoys hearing from the community and listening to their stories. I, Meghan, am very excited to work with and care for the history of my community. I can only hope to do as good a job as Barb has, and I am glad to know that she is only a phone call away, if I need to ask her anything. In the new year I am going to be very busy working on all sorts of new projects with our community partners. There will be some new displays, and some new events. Keep an eye up for upcoming digital content, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. From all of us at the museum, we would like to send out our most sincere appreciation and thanks to everyone who has contributed to our IWA Annex Project. We are so grateful for all your support and contributions. We are hoping that more people will dig deep by making a contribution to the Annex and help
us honour and care for the history of all those brave men and women who fought for the workers rights, many of whom gave their lives to build the forestry industry in British Columbia. This will help us to care for this large and historic collection to the best of our ability. If you can, and wish to support us in this, you can buy a Kaatza Historical Society 2016 Calendar containing historic Wilmer Gold Photographs, for only $12; or consider becoming a member for only $15 and stay up to date on everything that is happening at the museum, and be a part of museum community. Are you a skilled tradesman? Or do you have extra building materials? We will also accept in-kind donations of services or materials. Those who make a substantial monetary or in-kind donation will be recognized as patrons of the museum with a special sign, which can be made out recognizing the donor or in memory of someone special. Submitted by Pat Foster, president and Meghan Dalskog, curator in training.
Lake Cowichan’s Christmas tree all lit up at the Info Centre at Saywell Park. Be sure to stop in at the adjacent Kaatza Station Museum and Archives. [MALCOLM CHALMERS PHOTO]
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Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available for customers who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Consumer accounts only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS.
Locally and ow op Locally owned Locally out theCheck latestout offers arrivals at the&latest offers and arrivals at and operated and opera
(dotted doesdata notmust print) (dotted line does print) existing subscriber (if that subscriber cancelsline service, be added, from $20/month). SIM not included. Consumer only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used DEALER ANDnot (dotted line LOGO does not accounts print) ADDRESS GO under license. All other trademarks are the property of theirHERE respective © 2015 TELUS. *Offer ends December 31, 2015. Offer available for customers who activateowners. or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes or $50 minimum monthly spend before taxes when adding a line that uses data from an ADDRESS GO HERE GO AND existing subscriber (if that subscriber cancels service, data must be added, from $20/month). SIM not included. Consumer accounts only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used (dotted line does not print) (dotted line not print) license. are Available the property of theirwho respective TELUS. available tounder customers on All theother credittrademarks limit program. for clients activateowners. or renew©on2015 a 2 year Your Choice plan with adoes $70 monthly spend before tax or a $50 monthly spend when adding a line to OGO AND O HERE d. $5 Tablet Share plan required to be added to a TELUS Your Choice rate plan. Customers will receive the $5 rate for as long as they choose to stay on the Tablet for Share plan. Available only on Consumer accounts. Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available customers who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Con GO HERE esLOGO not print) R AND cations. Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Retail price of the 16GB iPad mini 2 is $470. Customers pay backare thetrademarks balance ofofthe tablet over a 24 used monthunder period via monthly equal is friendly must and TELUS Corporation, license. All otherpayments trademarks are to the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS. oes not print) SS GO HERE go are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. TM and © 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS.
We SER 250-748-4847 951A Canada Ave w We SERVICE Cowichan Commons visit: We what SERVI 250-748-4847 250-715-1599 what we sell! Commons what we s Re LOGO ANDLimited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available for customers whoCowichan Cowichan activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not Commons included. Consumer accounts only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future does not print) Limited time offer, prices subject to change. Offer available forrespective customersowners. who activate or renew a 845 2 year YourDeloume Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Consumer acc is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their © 2015 TELUS. B1Road, Mill Bay 250-715-1599 SS GO HERE is friendly and are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS. 250-715-1599 does not print) 951A Canada Ave 250-733-2626 B1- 845 Deloume Road, Mill Bay B1845 Deloume Road, Mill Bay 250-748-4847 250-733-2626 250-733-2626 Get it at TELUS. Home of Canada’s happy customers.
951A Canada Ave 250-748-4847
Cowichan Commons 250-715-1599
Locally owned We SHOP SERVICE what we sell! and operated LOCALLY
nge. Offer available for customers who activate or renew a 2 year Your Choice plan with a $70 minimum spend before taxes .SIM not included. Consumer accounts only. TELUS, the TELUS logo, the future s of TELUS Corporation, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 TELUS. 7139665
B1- 845 Deloume Road, Mill Bay