Salmon Arm Observer, December 23, 2015

Page 1

Wednesday Dec. 23, 2015 $1.25 GST INCLUDED

y r r e M tmas s i r h C This week The CP Rail Holiday Train delights the enthusiastic crowd and helps the local food bank. See A8. Who’s the best dressed? Who is the most superstitious? Find out more about the ’Backs on A15.

Index Opinion ....................... A6 View Point .................. A7 Life & Times ............... A8 Sports................A17-A19 Arts & Events ... A21-A23 Time Out................... A24 Vol. 108, No. 51, 44 pages


Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Groups face rec rate hike By Martha Wickett OBSERVER STAFF

Swim clubs will be one of the groups which will see an increase in their rental fees come 2016. Dale Berger and Darby Boyd from the Shuswap Recreation Society came to city council Monday, Dec. 14 to let them know that a seven per cent increase is planned for meeting rooms, the auditorium and the swimming pool at the SASCU Recreation Centre. Field and park rentals will also increase by about seven per cent. Examples of increases are: the hourly pool rental for swim club training would go from $48.75 to $52.20 and the hourly rate for meets would go from $77 to $82.40. Hourly rates for playing fields such as Blackburn or Little Mountain would go from $5.75 to $6.15 for youth and $18.50 to $19.80 for adults. These rates are for the fields, not per person.

Dale Berger SHUSWAP RECREATION Dale Berger, general manager of the society, told council that a full spectrum of increases, which could include individual user fees, won’t be considered until 2017. For next year, however, he said it is necessary to compensate for additional resources required to operate the amenities. “One of the issues with raising rates is finding the balance point amongst the users and also keeping in mind where we fit in as far as comparable communities come into play.” The rates haven’t changed since 2013.

Regarding pool rental rates, aquatic safety regulations have changed, requiring additional lifeguards on duty. Previously, regulations were based on the number of people in the pool. The Lifesaving Society has changed regulations to depend on the size and layout of the pool. That means during slower times, the number of lifeguards cannot be reduced. Coun. Kevin Flynn said he thinks a seven per cent increase over three years is “pretty reasonable.” Coun. Alan Harrison explained that the recreation society is an arm’s length operator of the facility, and that’s why he was supporting the increase without seeing the spreadsheet. “I know they need to try and increase revenues versus expenses. What I hear them saying, these are not open public times for people, and these are the ones council is trying to protect.”


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Some choices matter That’s why he chooses to bank at SASCU Credit Union. After all, a credit union is part of the community, and its members are its owners!


Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A3

Mixed reaction to dog rules Foreshore trail: Topic will return to council in a year. By Martha Wickett OBSERVER STAFF

City council’s decision on the foreshore trail has been met with sadness from SABNES and satisfaction from citizens in favour of dog walking there. Although few people could be reached for comment before deadline, a sampling of reaction showed a mixture of disappointment and approval. Ed Parent, who launched a petition in his Critter’s store gathering names of those in favour of leashed dogs on the trail, is pleased with council’s Dec. 14 decision. “I think it’s great news for the community. There should be no reason why people can’t walk dogs down there on a leash and be responsible.” Although the bylaw that was already in place allowed dogs on leash, the Salmon Arm Bay Nature Enhancement Society, which has been the guardian of the area for 25 years, had erected signs stating dogs were prohibited, fearing harm to birds and other wildlife inhabiting the refuge. The new bylaw, which will be based on a one-year trial, adds stipulations to leashed dogs on the trail. They must be on leashes a maximum of two metres long and are not permitted on the trail from April 15 to June 15 when birds are nesting. Dogs are also not allowed on Christmas Island nor on the two boardwalks leading onto the nature reserve. Current signage prohibiting dogs will be replaced with city signage at the entrances to

and along the foreshore trail, indicating leashed dogs are permitted. The motion also states that staff work with SABNES to design and install signage that prohibits dogs from the island and boardwalks. Regarding the stipulations, Parent remarked: “I think it’s a little overkill but unfortunately with some people that don’t follow rules, I think the overkill has to be in place in order for people to abide by the rules.” SABNES member Tom Brighouse said he doesn’t wish to speak for SABNES, but offered his own view. SABNES president Janet Aitken was not able to provide a comment on behalf of the society before deadline. Brighouse said he sees the closure of the trail to dogs for two months as the best of a disappointing decision, although he suggested the closure should go a little further into the summer during nesting season. He did, however, offer an accolade. “I commend council for having a jolly good debate.” Brighouse also said he feels SABNES was ignored leading up to the decision. “Whatever the outcome, the SABNES board has a right to feel that courtesies were not in keeping with their verbal appreciation for what SABNES has done for 25 years.” Peter Robertson, the driving force behind the move to get dogs on the trail, is happy. “I’m very pleased with the fact that the process gathered the input of numerous interest groups in the communi-


Hearing: Tom Brighouse addresses council during the public hearing on the issue. ty and I’m very pleased with the amount of consideration, time and energy council gave coming to a decision,” he said. “Obviously the decision was in line with what we were looking for, and the key part is, I hope it forms a foundation from which we can work with all the groups, including SABNES, to make the trail work for everybody.” He added: “The other aspect to that – I think the decision gives us a good starting point to move constructively forward and I am confident now that all of the parties will work together.” SABNES member Geoff Benson expressed his displeasure. “We’re extremely disappointed and saddened by this. A lot of us have put in a lot of work to try to achieve a wildlife sanctuary. This is a very negative backward step.” Council also passed another motion. It invites the Shuswap Trail Alliance, which has agreed, to facilitate a short- and longer-term consensus between stakeholders. It will report back to council with an appropriate data-monitoring plan for the trial, and then report the results as well as

providing longer-term management proposals.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

From Kathleen, Brad and the staff at:

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Current B.C. Average

Historical Comparison Jan. 21, 2015 Price/Litre Current National Average in Salmon Arm

112.826 97.846 95.5 Current Crude Price Historical Crude Price 34.90 US/Bar 45.49 US/Bar

Prices reproduced courtesy of Prices quoted as of press deadline Dec. 18, 2015


Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

School district policy on seclusion rooms goes out for input By Tracy Hughes OBSERVER STAFF

The public will have a chance to comment on the school district’s policy on physical restraint and seclusion in schools, but it will have

to be sent in. The school board passed second reading of the revised policy, which was issued in response to new B.C. Ministry of Education guidelines for restrain-

ing students or using socalled calming or quiet rooms for students who are at risk of harming themselves or others. The issue was brought to prominence in School District #83

in October, when the parents of seven-yearold Deacon Graham discovered he was being placed alone in a locked quiet room at South Broadview school without their knowledge.

The school district indicated all students placed in quiet rooms are never left unsupervised, which could include being monitored through a window. Shortly after the story

broke, the B.C. Ministry of Education released the new guidelines and all school districts need to ensure their policies are in compliance. Before the policy is adopted, various school

groups have been asked for feedback. Public feedback is welcome. Comments will be forwarded to the policy committee before the issue returns to the board for third reading.

City News and Public Notices 2016 AnnuAl utilitY bills

Annual utility bills for water and sewer have been mailed. To qualify for the 10% discount, payment must be received at City Hall on or before 4:00 p.m. February 15, 2016. Postmarks are not accepted as proof of payment. Please Note Other Important Dates: Dog Licences – Discount Period Ends Annual Utility – Discount Period Ends Annual Utility – To Avoid Penalty Metered Utility – To Avoid Penalty Property Tax Notices Mailed Property Taxes – To Avoid Penalty

February 15, 2016 February 15, 2016 July 2, 2016 15th of the Month Following Billing Third Week of May July 2, 2016

You can pay your property taxes and utility bills by internet and telephone banking. You no longer need to stand in a line-up or carry cash. We readily accept post-dated cheques, and have a drop box to the left of the front doors of City Hall.

2016 ProPertY AssessMent notices The 2016 Property Assessment Notices will be mailed by the B.C. Assessment Authority in early January 2016. Please contact the B.C. Assessment Authority’s Kelowna office at 1-866-825-8322 (1-866-valueBC) if you have not received your 2016 Property Assessment Notice by January 15, 2016. HAVE YOU MOVED? Remember to advise City Hall of your new mailing address. Each year, many undeliverable utility and property tax notices are returned to the City, often resulting in late payment charges.

GArbAGe & recYclinG collection – holidAY schedule

Progressive Waste will not be collecting garbage or recycling on Friday, December 25, 2015, or Friday, January 1, 2016. Instead, collections will occur on Saturday, December 26, 2015, and Saturday, January 2, 2016. Residents are reminded to place their bags at the curb by 7:00 am on these days to ensure collection.

A MessAGe froM Your fire dePArtMent Enjoy the holiday season but be cautious with your Christmas tree and remember these tips: • Buy a freshly cut tree and keep the stand full of water at all times; • Keep it away from all heat sources and make sure it doesn’t block a doorway; • Check all decorative lights before placing them on the tree and discard any frayed or damaged lights and cords; • Do not overload electrical circuits, always turn off Christmas lights before going to sleep; • Never place lighted candles on or near the Christmas tree; and • When large amounts of needles begin to fall off, it’s time for the tree to go.

From all of us at the Salmon Arm Fire Department to all of you,

have a happy and fire safe holiday season!

Guidelines for the MotorinG Public business licence reneWAls 2016 Business Licence Renewal Notices have been mailed. Any business that did not receive a renewal notice should contact the Business Licence Department at 250-803-4003.

2015 ProPertY tAX And utilitY notices Pursuant to Section 245(1) of the Community Charter, outstanding balances in property taxes and annual or metered utilities as at December 31, 2015, will be transferred to arrears taxes effective January 1, 2016. Arrears taxes are subject to interest at a rate prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council in accordance with Section 11(3) of the Tax Act.

GrAnts-in-Aid – non-Profit orGAnizAtions The City of Salmon Arm supports voluntary non-profit organizations each year by allocating, through the Annual Budget process, a contribution to the Shuswap Community Foundation for distribution as cash grants within the community. Grant applications are evaluated and awarded by the Shuswap Community Foundation Committee. The deadline for applications for a grant in 2016 is December 31, 2015. Application forms are available at For more information contact Shuswap Community Foundation at 250-832-5428.

During winter months, public safety is one of the goals at the City of Salmon Arm. To meet these goals the Engineering and Public Works Department follows policies and procedures established and reviewed over several years to provide snow and ice control. The motoring public can help meet these goals by following a few winter driving guidelines: • Always stay back of snow clearing equipment 15 meters even when they are stopped at intersections. • Do not pass snow clearing vehicles, often sand and salt will be thrown and may damage your vehicle. • Remember that snow and ice control is not a substitute for defensive driving in winter. • The placing of snow on the traveled portion of the roadway from your driveway or parking area is not permitted. This regulation helps to ensure that potentially dangerous situations are avoided. • It is recommended that the parking of unattended vehicles on the roadway or boulevards during winter months be avoided if possible. This enables efficient and economical snow clearing/removal for City crews, provides safe driving room on winter streets and prevents potential damage from snow removal operations occurring to your vehicle. • In the event of a major snowfall, the timeline until crews can completely clear your street may be extended. Crews may plow your street initially to make it passable and return at a later time to finish. We ask that you park your vehicle off the roadway until it is plowed completely to enable efficient and economical snow plowing. The Engineering and Public Works Department thanks you for your patience and understanding during the winter months.

For more information call 250-803-4000 • Follow us on twitter @SalmonArmBC

Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Legal Description: PID: 024762-393 Lot 2, Plan KAP66620, Section 13, Township 20, Range 10, W6M, KDYD Location: 551 - 21 Street NE Size: 0.271 hectare (0.66 acre) Zoning: R-4 - Medium Density Residential Purchaser: Woodfield Development Corporation Purchase Price: $201,000.00 Completion Date: December 30, 2015 For further information, please contact: Erin Jackson, Corporate Officer City of Salmon Arm 500 – 2 Avenue NE, Box 40, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N2 Phone (250) 803-4029 e-mail:

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the City of Salmon Arm to enter into a Right of Access Agreement for a five (5) year term with Randy K. Gerow for the right to trespass for vehicle access over the north-westerly fifty [50] feet [panhandle] of City-owned W 1/2, N 1/2, S 1/2, SE 1/4, Section 17, Township 20, Range 9; to provide access to property legally described as Lot A, Section 17, Township 20, Range 9, Plan 12859 (540 – 60 Street SE). Term: August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2020 Civic Address: 540 – 60 Street SE; The general terms and conditions of the lease agreement are as follows: • Agreement is for non-exclusive access only; and • The annual fee is $150.00. For additional information and/or inquiries please contact the office of the undersigned: Erin Jackson Corporate Officer

PUBLIC NOTICE Lease of Blackburn Park Field House Concession Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the City of Salmon Arm to enter into a Lease Agreement for four (4) years with Rosa’s Taco Stand for the Blackburn Park Field House Concession. Legal Description: Part of Lot 1, Section 14, Township 20, Range 10, Plan 1506 Location: Blackburn Park Field House Concession (681 – 10 Avenue SW) Term: January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018 Rental Fee: $350 per month plus GST (April to September) $50 per month plus GST (October to March) The general terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement are as follows: • Lessee to pay all telecommunications, hydro, solid waste, sewer, water, natural gas; • Not to erect any structures or buildings on the Lands without prior written consent from the City; • To comply with all federal, provincial and municipal legislation, regulations, bylaws and orders related to the use and occupation of the Lands; • Not to assign or sublet without the prior consent of City; and • Provide general liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00. For additional information and/or inquiries, please contact the office of the undersigned. Erin Jackson Corporate Officer A5

NOTICE TO ELECTORS OF AN ALTERNATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS This notice is the second of two notices to advise electors in the City of Salmon Arm of the intention to adopt City of Salmon Arm Parkland Disposal and Exchange Bylaw No. 4120. The purpose of the bylaw is to exchange Part of Park Plan KAP84599, Section 6, Township 21, Range 9, W6M, KDYD for Part of SE ¼ of Section 6, Township 21, Range 9, W6M, KDYD, which will be dedicated as park. Civic Addresses: 4521 and 4551 70 Avenue N.E. A copy of Bylaw No. 4120 and a summary of the proposal are available at the City of Salmon Arm offices during each business day of the week between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Council proposes to proceed with the land exchange unless, by 4:00 p.m. on February 5, 2016, at least 10 percent of the electors sign an elector response form opposing the Exchange of Park Land unless the municipal council holds a vote. The number of elector responses required to prevent the city from proceeding unless a vote is held is estimated to be 1,336. A report respecting the basis on which this determination was made is available upon request from the city. Elector responses are required to be submitted to the City on forms that can be obtained during regular business hours from the City of Salmon Arm offices. The form can also be downloaded from the City’s website at: The only elector response forms that will be accepted are the ones provided by the City of Salmon Arm or an accurate copy of the form. Only electors of the City of Salmon Arm are eligible to sign the elector response forms. There are two types of electors – resident electors and non-resident property electors. Resident elector: A person who is a Canadian citizen, is 18 years of age or older, has resided in British Columbia for at least six months and has resided in the jurisdiction for at least 30 days, and is not disqualified by the Local Government Act, any other Act, or the Courts from voting in a general local election (prior to signing an elector response form during an AAP). Non-resident property elector: A person who is a Canadian citizen, is 18 years of age or older, has resided in British Columbia for at least six months and has owned property in the jurisdiction for at least 30 days, and is not disqualified by the Local Government Act, any other Act, or the Courts from voting in a general local election (prior to signing an elector response form during an AAP). Note: Only one-non-resident property elector may sign an elector response form per property, regardless of how many people own the property; and, that owner must have the written consent of a majority of the other property owner(s) to sign the response form on their behalf. Property owned in whole or in part with a corporation does not qualify under the non-resident property elector provisions. Resident electors signing the elector response form must provide their name and address. Non-resident property electors must provide their name and the address of the property in relation to which they are entitled to register as a non-resident property elector. The city will not share the information on the form with anyone other than the Corporate Officer, or other person designated by the Corporate Officer. For more information on elector qualifications, please contact the City of Salmon Arm or see the Voter’s Guide to Local Government Elections in B.C., available from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development or online at: http:// For further information please contact Erin Jackson, Corporate Officer, City of Salmon Arm, 500 – 2nd Avenue NE, Box 40, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N2

CHRISTMAS HOURS The Municipal Office and Fire Hall will be closed from December 25, 2015, to January 3, 2016, inclusive for the Christmas Season. Payments received by 8:00 a.m. Monday, January 4, 2016, will be processed with a payment date of December 31, 2015. Postmarks ARE NOT accepted as date of payment. For your convenience, a drop box is located to the left of the entrance doors to the City of Salmon Arm office.

Season’s Greetings

From Mayor Nancy Cooper, City Council and City of Salmon Arm Staff

For more information call 250-803-4000 • Follow us on twitter @SalmonArmBC



Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Published by Black Press Ltd. 171 Shuswap Street NW, Salmon Arm, B.C.


Tracy Hughes

A few ideas for Santa

Dear Santa, I’ve been a regular writer for some years now, so I’m sure you won’t be surprised to be receiving this missive. I’m back once again to make a few requests for the citizens of Salmon Arm. You should already be aware of how much the local kids enjoy the playground equipment at Blackburn Park. The community, and notably the Rotary clubs, are still working to generate funds for the development of a spray park at the site, as well as adding a walking track and stationary fitness equipment. It seems the spray park is moving forward and this will be a real bonus for kids playing on hot days, especially since there is little shade at the moment. It would be a real gift to local soccer players, who number in the hundreds, to have the new championship field completed. And Santa, another thing that would be really great for all those who love to kick the ball around would be a little help to develop another option for indoor soccer. The current field in the old arena is functional, but shall we say, somewhat lacking, especially in the heat department. It can often be colder inside the building than it is outside and players are seen running around in toques and mitts to try and keep warm. Santa, another way you could help out, would be to offer a little extra to all the volunteers in the community working to support some soon-to-be new residents of our city. These people are working hard to bring three to five Syrian refugee families to live in our city and these people will have a host of needs, both for the accoutrements of daily living and in supports to integrate into our community. Sprinkling some tolerance and compassion around the city wouldn’t hurt anyone either. Now, Santa, you may have heard that there are some improvements planned to the Trans-Canada Highway west of town, including upgrades to the Salmon River Bridge, which has long appeared on this list. So if you had a little pull with that, thanks. But there’s another issue with the highway, smaller, but somewhat troublesome for many. The ruts in the highway at downtown intersections are really getting out of control. Crossing the highway at Shuswap Street is getting to feel like running over a cattle guard. Think you could persuade the ministry to do a little repair work so those riding in medical scooters or wheelchairs can cross safely? Now Santa, this town has really gone all out to decorate and celebrate this season, but also has shown tremendous generosity in sharing their blessings with others who might be in need. Volunteers give hundreds of hours coaching children in sport, helping the needy, assisting seniors and raising money for medical equipment, literacy programs and all the hundreds of other good causes. We also open our hearts and our wallets when we hear of a family going through a tough time. So be sure to offer a little extra in the stockings of those who make good things happen in our community all year long. Merry Christmas.



Smart, future thinking appreciated It’s a win win win. When chef Darren Simpson became concerned about the amount of food being thrown away at the Aquatico Bay Restaurant and Sandbar Pub, he decided to put his thoughts into action. His mind went to all the leftovers from the many Christmas parties the restaurant does, and soup came to mind. The statistics showing about 40 per cent of food in North America ends up in the landfill were bothering him. Getting the nod from owner Wendy Davies, he started making hearty soups and freezing them in one-litre containers to be given away to anyone in need on Monday mornings.

In the coming weeks, he’ll be posting types of soup available on the Aquatico Bay/Sand Bar Pub Facebook Page. People in need are welcome to go to Aquatico Bay Monday mornings between 9 and 11. What a fantastic idea. Not only is it good for the people who don’t have enough money for food, it is good for humanity, it’s good for the Earth. Food doesn’t end up going to waste, nor does it end up in the landfill. This plan ties in nicely with the city’s plan to begin recycling food waste, beginning with restaurants. Some have already started with the help of Spa Hills composting. This kind of action bodes well for our future.

Copyright subsists in all display advertising and editorial material appearing in the Salmon Arm Observer. Permission to reproduce in any form must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Annual subscription $44.50; Seniors $39 including GST. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

2010 2010 WINNER

Rick Proznick

Tracy Hughes





The Salmon Arm Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, P.O. Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to 2007 • • • 250-832-2131 • Fax 250-832-5140 • 171 Shuswap St. NW, Box 550, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N7

View Point

Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A7

The Observer asked: What are you hoping to find under the tree this Christmas?

Janayah Anderson “I would like lots of art supplies like markers, sharpies and paint.”

Jasmine Ripel “I want a video game called Yoshi’s Island because it’s really fun.”

Horgan on trade, LNG BC VIEWS

Tom Fletcher NDP leader John Horgan sat down with Tom Fletcher for a year-end interview in his Victoria office Dec. 10. Here are excerpts. For the full version, see the Opinion tab at www. TF: In the recent federal election, national NDP leader Thomas Mulcair rejected the Trans Pacific Partnership sight unseen, endorsing letters from Unifor and CUPE saying this is a bad deal. Is your party seen as against Pacific Rim trade? JH: No, I don’t think so, and what I said at the time was that I support trade. We’re a trade-centred province. We’re looking across the ocean at the largest market the world has known, and I support getting our products to higher-priced markets. But having said that, the B.C. Liberals embraced TPP without even having seen it. TF: The NDP and unions have historically been protectionist. Do you see any need to modernize the B.C. party? JH: When it comes to trade, I think we have modernized. And who was the first premier to go on a trade mission from British Columbia? It was Dave Barrett. And now there has been a succession of premiers make regular visits to other markets to try to stimulate economic activity here at home. TF: Your party supports the carbon tax now, but not the revenue neutral approach. Do you support increasing the rate? JH: I’ve looked carefully at the report tabled by the premier’s [advisory] group, a vast array of British Columbians, and there was a lot of water put into the wine to get to the position they got to. What I’m comfortable with is that the date that they’ve selected for a ramping up of the carbon tax is 2018, which will be

a year after the next provincial election. So if I’m successful and form a government, I’ll have time to look at tax policy broadly to see if we can make improvements in the carbon tax. For me, and I think for most British Columbians, the model that Alberta has adopted of taking revenues and driving them into industries, or activities like transit, that will reduce emissions over time. TF: Natural gas price and volume continue to go down, along with commodities generally, and supply of oil and gas keeps going up. What’s your take on the prospects for LNG after the year we’ve had? JH: Not good. I’ve always said price will determine whether investors drop down multi-billions of dollars in a far-away place to provide a product that is not developed here. Brownfield opportunities have moved very quickly in the U.S. Changing LNG import facilities to export facilities is a whole lot easier and cheaper than starting from scratch. Getting to the coast is a challenge for fossil fuels, and the last LNG price point I saw delivered in Asia was $5.70 a unit. You’re not going to make money at that price, even with rock-bottom prices here in B.C. TF: We’ve just had a couple of announcements as part of the government’s Jobs Plan, $100 million in financing for tech startups, which your critic was pleased about, and an agriculture and food strategy. Are we going to see more Jobs Plan advertising in the new year? JH: It’s the Christmas season, the federal election is over, there are two sets of ads running now. I think these ads are self-promotion. These are not informing the public on information that they really need. If it’s just smiling people with hardhats on, I think we’re going to have something to say about that. -Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Email:

Trent Thiessen “I would like an Xbox One.”

Emily Landy “I want three books called Smile, Sister and Drama.”

Sofia Daunais “I would like an emoji pillow because they are really soft.”

Steps towards addressing injustice Remembering, when all I ties, as well as implementing needed for Christmas was my the 94 recommendations of two front teeth. the Truth and Reconciliation Now all I need is a reminder commission report, by Justice of where I left them, and what Murray Sinclair. needs doing in our commuI am very pleased to have nity. been reminded of my obligaSuch a reminder came by tions to all Canadians. email the other day, in the Especially at this time of form of a poster in a seniors’ year, when the spirit of comresidence. “Our residents do passion, understanding and not live in our workplace, we sharing are flowing so freely. work in their home.” Elder To be reminded to take anabuse comes in many forms. other look at the very first The most insidious being psy- treaty made between the Britchological. ish nation, and the indigenous Our prime minister remind- people (nation), who were aled us, we too live in someone ready living here. else’s home. He called for a It is called the Treaty of total renewal of Canada’s re- Niagara 1764, and Wamlationship with aboriginals, pum belts, which expressed, promising to honour all trea- spelled out their interpretation

of the treaty, which was then signed by both parties. Their hope was for each nation to be able to live together in peace and harmony, each respecting the other’s way of doing things their way, while maintaining an attitude that we are all family, brothers and sisters, traveling down the river of life together. My hope for the future is that each of us will take this great opportunity to apologize for past injustices, make amends where possible, and dedicate ourselves to work tirelessly for real true peace with justice toward our indigenous brothers and sisters.

Dan MacQuarrie

Supporting of stance on climate change What a breath of fresh air to read Tom Fletcher’s article, ‘The Inconvenient Truths of Climate Change’ under B.C. Views in your Dec. 4 issue. All too often we, the public, are fed lopsided information on news items through our TVs, and the climate issue is one of those situations. To read Tom’s comment is a welcome break from the usual doom and gloom of climate change, which has been forcefed to us through the media, for years, by climate alarmists. The science on global warming, anthropogenic global warming (AGW), climate change or whatever they are

calling it today, issue is not a done deal. It is not written in stone; it is not as incontrovertible as some would have us believe. It is foolish for us to be making economic decisions based on this kind of theory. In order for us to be fully informed on such a vital issue we need to be aware of opposing views, but this has not been the case with AGW and we have the electronic media to thank for it. There is a mountain of evidence contradicting the socalled science on the Global Warming Theory. There are climate realists

and one of those influential realists is Freeman Dyson, a theoretical physicist and mathematician at Princeton University, who has spent 37 years studying the subject of climate and the benefits we derive from increased CO2 in the atmosphere. Winston Churchill once said, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” A lie doesn’t become truth just because it is accepted by the majority of people who are making the loudest noise.

Vic Lethbridge


The Observer welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, taste and legality. Letters must be under 300 words. We do not print anonymous letters. Letters can be emailed to or dropped off to the office at 171 Shuswap St. NW

od. n

Life & Times





Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Chris h u S swap e h t n i s e tmas Train Arriv

We have been requested to announce that Mr. Togo Yanamoto has made arrangements with the management of the Rex theatre to give a free show on Christmas Eve, as a Christmas gift to all his friends and to the people of Salmon Arm and District. There will be two shows , the first staring at 7:30. We feel we will be expressing the sentiments of all our citizens when we say that we appreciate very much the generosity of Togo and assure him that all who can will certainly make a point of availing themselves of his very generous offer.


The Christmas festivities for the children were launched on Monday evening when a beautiful Christmas cantata entitledThe Night Before Christmas was presented at Wesley church to a capacity audience and was a pronounced success in every direction. The various solos and choruses, as well as the platform demeanor of the children who performed, revealed a skill and care in training which left little to be desired. Santa Claus paid his accustomed visit and made a little contribution to the program in the forma of song and dialogue with the children.


Monday and Tuesday saw some 70 hampers packed with the most enticing packages and delivered to homes that could enjoy them. They were prepared by the Elks. The Girl Guides donated the money made at their sale on Saturday and the United Church Sunday School gave their White Gifts, while Y.P.A. of the same church contributed a supply of toys and other gifts.


Christmas this year set a new record for the quantity of mail handled by the Salmon Arm post office, according to Postmaster J.L. Jackson. For the greater part of the week preceding the holiday, the office was literally deluged. However, despite the flood of parcels, letters and greeting cards, at no time was there any excessive delay in handling the incoming or outgoing mail. With all trains running late for several days before Christmas because of heavy traffic, the task of sorting was somewhat complicated, but by dint of hard work and overtime by the staff, each days mail was sorted by the usual time and all outgoing mail was despatched on the day it was received.

Holiday spirit


(Clockwise from top) The CP Holiday Train leaves Salmon Arm after the performance on Wednesday, Dec. 16; Mrs. Claus and Nancy Cooper take a selfie together just as the train arrives; Blue Rodeo frontman Jim Cuddy performs for an appreciative crowd; Kelly Prescott performs on the CP Holiday Train.

We are more than just print‌ Visit our website and get up to date information on local events and find out what’s going on in your community.

Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A9

Merry Christmas

Letters to Santa

from the

Hudson Thrift Shoppe

Every year the Observer publishes the letters to Santa just as the children have written them, before forwarding them to the North Pole. dear santa i have been very good this Year how are the reindeer? How tiny are they? for christmas i would like a World Wildlife Foundation stuffy and some new books. thank you, Best Regards, Devyn (Rein)deer Santa, We will leave carrots for the reindeer and cookies for you. Do your elves make the toys nowadays or are they just buy them? Please will you get me a DS and a lego ninjajo fire temple. How do your reindeer fly? Seasons Greetings, Thomas Brendan Dear Santa I would like… 1 fluffy things 2 hat and gloves 3 clothing 4 fluffy UNICORN stuffey 5 iPod cases 6 Art kit 7 Lego friends 8 Whater bottle 9 2016 Calender 10 Vest Dear Santa, I hope all the raindeer are doing good how manny elfs do you have. I am looking forward to your visit Thank you :) from: Maia Dear Santa I would like… 1 Fluffy things 2 Hat 3 Fluffy UNICORN stuffey 4 Clothing 5 Tablet cases 6 Art kit 7 ipod 8 Lego friends kit 9 2016 Calender 10 Vest How menny elfs do you have? Thank you from: Max Leslie Dear Santa How many elves do you have? Are they busy right now? I want a fluffy unicorn. I want a owl stuffy and bodywash giftcard. from Paige Dear Santa How are you? I want school work book’s’ and an American Doll Please! Love!! Abigail Dear Santa, My name is Arizona, I am 2 years old and can’t wait until I can go to school like my brothers. I work very hard to be good but with 2 older brothers its

really hard! For Christmas I would really love the Elsa Castle Playset, a Frozen Power Wheels Jeep, lots of Princess Dresses and accessories to play dress up, and a Hello Kitty Snowrider so I can go sliding with my brothers, I would also like a pretty Baby with a crib, stroller, highchair set so I can play mommy. Please have a safe trip this Christmas and Merry Christmas Santa. I can’t wait to see you in the mall this year. Love Arizona P.S. I will make sure my brothers & dad don’t eat your cookies on Christmas eve and I will leave an apple special for Comit! Dear Santa, My name is Hunter Cameron. I am 4 years old and go to Preschool and really enjoy it. I have been trying really hard to be good all year even though its hard sometimes. For Christmas I would really like The Captain America Tower Defense set, the minion adenture Castle Megabloks set, a minion snowrider, the Bumper car remote control set, an Avengers play tent and an Avengers E Bed air bed system, also I would like to ask for a Star Wars Rebels snowrider for my Brother Jesse James so we can play outside and have fun together. I hope everyone has a great Christmas. Love Hunter PS My mom said you will love our cookies and the reindeer will love the apples we put out for you.

Dear Santa, My name is Jesse James, I’m almost 7 years old. I have tried to be good this year. I am in Grade 1 and really love it. This year for Christmas I would really like a rockin’ Roll Guitar in Red, a Bike so I can learn to ride a bike because my mom and dad don’t have the money to buy me a new bike and I really, really want the Titan Hero Tech Interactive Hulk Buster figurine, I have been trying to save all my money from the tooth fairy for this toy but my teeth don’t want to come out fast enough. I also really want my mom and dad to get married this Christmas because I know how much my mom wants to marry my dad. I hope you enjoy my Pictures. Love Jesse James. P.S. I hope you have a safe trip and you enjoy our cookies & milk. P.P.S. I will make sure to leave the reindeer some apples to snack on. Dear Santa cood I Please Have the inDominus Rex and a Scril thank you!! Love Brody. to Santa. Dear Santa For Christmas I would like a phone. Fom Zachary Watkins age 7 To Santa, I love you, Santa. I miss you from the north pole. I can’t wait for the presents you bring me. I love your toys. For Christmas I want an Elsa doll that is all blue. I love you. Alaina

“Christmas is a time to touch hands and hearts. May love, warmth and peace surround you and your family and friends.” Ria van Zeeland 250 833-0445

Dear Santa My hope is if your can bring a Achmed the dead terroist puppet that I found on the amazon. ca. For my back up if you can’t get it you can bring me the big blue puppy of techno. I hope you, your helper’s, and your family have a merry chistmas from your friend Nelson. PS have a fun christmas time (and a happy new year). Dear Santa I am looking for camoflauge stuff. I would also like Peanut Puppet. Merry Christmas From Leon P.S. We have reindeer food. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would please like a playhouse and a watch like Daddy’s My baby sister wants a red trampoline like at gymnastics. I don’t want to sit on your lap. Thank you Santa. Love, Kelten (age 3) Dear Santa, Minions Big Stunet with awtgerow gikpogostik, Barbey derem haws, Sopkinasiufeygthasthas, Pikponut, Sopkins 30 Sperispaiz, allav inside owt figer, the Lego MOVIE figer. from Emiley Dear Santa, Tenley has been a very good girl. She is 5 years old and started kindergarten this year. Tenley has a little sister named Kendra. Tenley would love a horse

stable (play/pretend) for Christmas if you have room ;o) Thank you. Tenley’s Mom Dear Santa My name is Jack. I am ten years old. All I want for Christmas is a house for people that are homeless. Because I want people that are homeless to have a good Christmas too. Dear Santa, I am 9 years old. My name is Ava. All I’m asking for christmas is to stop homelessness. People should have every right to have a home like we do in Canada. Even in Canada we have homelessness. So Santa, please can you help people in countries around the world. Sincerely, Ava Dear Santa My name is Scarlett. I’m in grade 4/5 split what I wish for christmas is fir a “lifestraw” for everyone in countries that don’t have access to clean water. Also please end the homelessness in the world. please and Thank you! Sincerely, Scarlett Dear Santa Hi my name is Molly and I am only 9 and a half. I am trying to stop oil spills in Oceans and lakes so animals can live there. I care for the animals. Do you care for them? Please help. From Molly

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Columbia Shuswap Regional District The CSRD Office in Salmon Arm will be closed from FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 until 9 AM on MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2016. 2016 CSRD BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE

The 2016 Meeting Schedule for regular meetings of the CSRD Regional Board has been set. Meetings are typically held the third Thursday of each month commencing at 9:30 a.m. at the CSRD offices: January 21, 2016 February 18, 2016 March 17, 2016 April 14, 2016 May 19, 2016 June 16, 2016

July 21, 2016 August 18, 2016 September 15, 2016 October 20, 2016 November 17, 2016 December 2, 2016

Please note these dates and times are subject to change. Please refer to for up to date information.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Letters to Santa Dear Santa My name is Kendrix. I am 10. I am writing to you because I whan you to help me with homeless people. Because kids my age and yuounger don’t have a toothbrush or toys and that don’t even have a home. o for Christmas can you gave kids in the world that are homeless a toy or even a warm blanket. Please help these children. Dear Santa My name is Xander. I am 9. can you stop child slavery? Please end homelisness in The World. and give money to families that need it. Please can you help. Sincerely: Xander Dear Santa Hi my name is Preia. I am 10 years old. I am in grade 5. My school is “South Brodview Elementary School. This year I want people to stop abandoning animals. And hurting them. It’s just not right. Those poor animals didn’t do anything to you. My favorite animals are bears. So I just really want people to stop hurting animals. I hope someone could stop this. Please stop this. Sincerely: Preia Dear Santa I a’m Raider. I am 10 years old. I’m in Grade 5 and I need your help. Stop Child Labour. I want you to send down to where they work fresh water filters for them to drink. Please help the peaple who have to work all day long. Please Help. from: Raider to Santa Dear Santa I would like you to let everyone be equal. Please make everyone even so there are no wars. My name is Aiden and I am 10 years old. Sincerely, Aiden

Dear Santa My name is Oliver. I am in grade 5 and I am currently 10 years old. For Christmas I would like for you to ehlp me stop homelessness and world hunger. It is just not fair that I can jsut come home and grab a snack. While Other’s don’t have a home or food. Some people live on the streets and that is just not fair! So please will you help me end homelessness and world hunger? Sincerely Oliver Dear Santa My name is Jasmine I am nine years old. I want to give people that don’t have food some food so they don’t starve and die. Also give them some water. People need water just as much as food. Other people don’t deserve to suffer because we don’t why should they? So give things to people who need it most, Santa. Jasmine Dear Santa My name is Jordan. I am 10 and grade 5. I have a few things to say for Christmas. I need your help to deliver toys and goods to people around the world who dont have money to buy presents and countries without proper necessities to even live. Please help kids and families around the world this christmas. It’s not fair those families wish to celebrate christmas but they can’t. I want to make them happy by at least giving them one gift this christmas! Dear Santa My name is Darius. Can you stop child slavery? It is not fair kids my age have to work instead of

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

going to school. Pleasestop child slavery. It would be really really really nice if you stop it!! You are the best gui in the world. From Darius Dear Santa, I would like scooter and a new Elsa and Ana dress. I also want a Elsa and Ana doll. We already made cookies for us and santa. Do you remember when I was a baby and sat on your lap I was so cute. I am so excited to see you. Love Hudson Dear Santa, I would like a motorcycle and a princess dress. I am going to leave you cookies and milk. My stocking is on the fireplace. See you soon. Love Brooklynn Dear Santa I would like a new bike with a basket on it. Can it be purple please. I would also like a new Elsa dress and more sparkly shoes. I will leave you some cookies. Love Ruby Dear Santa, I would like a Fire Truck with Marshall the fire dog. I would like a digger with rubble. I will leave your cookies at school for you. You can give Harriet a peek-a-boo monkey. I can’t wait to see santa. Love Dylan Dear Santa, I would like Elsa stuff. I love Frozen. I also need a new Elsa dress. I will make Elsa and Ana cookies for Haylen and Adley. I would like some Batman cookies for my brother. I love you Santa. Love Blakelyn Dear Santa I like you. I really, really

Columbia Shuswap Regional District IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR DOG OWNERS ELECTORAL AREA C AND RANCHERO (ELECTORAL AREA D) Every dog that resides in Electoral Area C and the Ranchero area of Electoral Area D is required to have a dog licence. A licence must be purchased before January 31st.

like that you bring toys for me. I would like a batman toy. I like all the toys. I wil make Santa a card. Love William Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me a toy rocketship. I would also like a robot. I would also like lots of paper and markers. I will make you some cookies and milk. I think santa has aliens! Love Ryker P.S. I love my mommy Dear Santa, I would like something from Star Wars. It’s something flying with a remote control. I bought Victoria a new dolly. Can you put some chocolate in my stocking please. I leave you some cookies and apples for your reindeer. Love Robbie

Electoral Area C includes the communities of Blind Bay, Carlin, Eagle Bay, Notch Hill, Sorrento, Sunnybrae and White Lake. ANNUAL DOG LICENCE FEES Spayed Females/Neutered males Unaltered male/female

Dog Licences may be purchased at any of the following locations: Blind Bay Country Market Sorrento Petro Canada Critters Salmon Arm Eagle Bay Store CSRD Main Office

Blind Bay Village Grocer Tappen Co-op Animal House Salmon Arm K9 Dog Control Old Dog New Tricks

For further information please contact: Columbia Shuswap Regional District T: 250.833.5950 TF: 1.888.248.2773 For information on the Dog Control Program and applicable bylaws, please visit the CSRD website at:

Visit our website at

555 Harbourfront Dr. NE, Salmon Arm, BC | PO Box 978 V1E 4P1 | 250.832.8194 | Toll Free 1.888.248.2773

ONLINE SAFETY BEGINS AT HOME. Talk to your kids about staying safe on the internet.

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Optimus Prime. Can you bring Kellan a toy too! Santa I will leave you some carrots and milk. Merry Christmas Santa I cant wait till you come! Love Ashton Dear Santa: A big buck hit our mirror! We won’t hit your reindeer! Do your big buck reindeer run away? I would like a beetle from the bush. Love Parker

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Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A11

Letters to Santa Dear Santa, I would like the transformer that turns into a bulldozer! How are your reindeer? I will leave a picture for you on Christmas eve. Love, Owen Dear Santa, I would like a crown and a dress and a necklace and wands and princess shoes! A Princess colouring book too! Can I also have a chapstick. I like Santa, I like your reindeer. Love Taryn PS. I would like some books Dear Santa, I would like a minion. I would also like a crown and a barbie. Maybe another reindeer baby and the same puppy that Taryn has. Some books owuld be nice! We decorated the Christmas tree for you! Love, Alix Dear Santa, My dad would like some legos. I want some lego too. I will leave some milk and cookies out. Love, Jason Dear Santa, I would like a guitar, and a Thomas train. I will leave some candy out for you. I will leave a candy cane for your reindeer. Be careful around the river because it is very slippery. Love, Jesse Dear Santa, I already told my elf at home, but I want 50 cars and a huge monster truck. I would like a ping pong table also to play with my mom and dad. I will leave cookies and milk for you and carrots for your reindeer. I love you Santa. Kyle George Hills Dear Santa, I would like lots of paper and crayons. I love you Santa. I can’t wait till Christmas and to see you. My mom will leave some cookies and milk. Love Carson Dear Santa Can you bring me some presents. I would like a remote control monster truck. I will make cookies with mommy for you. See you later Santa. I love you. Love Kayden Dear Santa, I want a car with adult seats so my dad can come in. I also what a

car with a roof that cost a lot of mommy. I will leave Santa a note about how many toys I can have. I have candies for the reindeers and santa. Love, Andreas Dear Santa, I would like some new princess dresses and crowns. Could you bring Ricky a new teddy. Can you bring mommy a new princess crown. I will leave santa some cookies and milk and lots of carrots for all your reindeer. I love you Santa! Love Nevaeh Dear Santa, I would like a princess barbie that has her hair in a bun! You should bring a reindeer for my sister! I would also like a dress, a crown, a wand and a necklace! Love Jeradin Dear Santa Im going to gie you lots of cookies. I got milk too! I have a big Christmas tree. I want a helicopter that I can fly. I love you Santa. Love Carter Dear Santa, I would like an Elsa dolly. My baby sister can have an Ana doll. I am going to be a big sister soon her name is going to be Elisa. I will make you pizza. Love Morgen to santa this year I an wondering if you like chocolate chip cookies and egg nog. this year I want a 2DS please and thank you. from Sky Watson From Blaeytten to Santa Guess What Santa am road off for my Play its caled Preastoric Cristmas. Santa are you real Paes tell me. i Want a six Feet Hippo Stufe Please i Want it Bad. And i want a little Livepet. And goomy StuFe. DiD’NT traws Blaeytten Watson Dear Santa, I like all your reindeer. I like you Santa Can you bring me lots of toys like Barbies and Frozen toys I have some at my house already. From Mya – Age 4 Dear Santa, How do you get to my house? You’re my favorite. Could you bring me a Lightning McQueen car, a big one. From Max – Age 4

Dear San ta I would li ke a Min ion for C I also nee hristmas d . big sister a tiger. I am going her name to be a is Carson leave San . I can ta orange. W some pepperoni and a e are hav in far away so will yo g Christmas way u find me Love Tea ? gan

Dear Santa, I would like a baby princess doll. I would like to go to the North Pole to see where the Elves make presents for the children. From Kendra – Age 3 Dear Santa I would like a bow and arrow please. I have a reindeer named clarice that is from the north pole. From Kayleigh – Age 4 Dear Santa, How is Comet? He is my favorite Is rudolf real? Can you bring me an Anna doll? From Avelyn – Age 4 Dear Santa, I’ve got one of yourelves at my house, her name is Rudolf, she is a girl. Could you bring me a pink bug. From Taylor – Age 3 Dear Santa, I would like a mailbox for Christmas because I like it. Could you bring me new paper and a phone and a super big plane. From Landen 3 yrs old Dear Santa I want cars and ponies please. I like Santa’s workshop. From Michael 3 1/1 years old Dear Santa, Hi how are you Santa? I would like a race track that you can set up with a remote. Becauswe I am being good for you. I like your reindeers claws. Please and Thank you!! From Nate – Age 4 Dear Santa Hows all the presents? Please get me an Elsa stuffy. I like your reindeer Rudolf but I don’t have a Rudolf stuffy. I want a Rudolf stuffy. Thank Santa ok.

From Elise – Age 3 Dear Santa, I like Rudolf’s shiny nose. Could I please have a dolly or a princess. From Mary – Age 4 Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Hippopotamus and a princess. I want Ariel and Rupunzel please. I’m going to leave you milk and cookies. From Izabelle – Age 4 Dear Santa For Christmas this year could you please send me a teddy bear. I would like red one please. I would like a digger too. I have been good. Thank you Santa! From Cohen – Age 4 Dear Santa I wanty my Christmas tree really beautiful. Please could you get me lots of toys. Thank you for lots of toys. From Logan – Age 4 Dear Santa, I would like to see you and sit on your lap and ask you for a big Santa doll. I really like your reindeer my favourite is Blitzen. From Greer – Age 3 Dear Santa, I would like to get my hair coloured with pink, purple and red for Christmas. Rudolph is my favourite reindeer and I would like to go to the North Pole to visit. From Sarah – Age 4 Dear Santa How are you doing? How is Rudolph? For Christmas I would like some shopkins, the little things that have eyes and mouths. I will be at Dad’s on Christmas Eve then at my Mom’s. I’ve been very good this year. Love rooke Age 4 yrs.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Marla Beblow

Letters to Santa Dear Santa I would like a baby Dora and a baby Diego. I really like Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I have a Elf at home named Winky. From Julie – Age 3 Dear Santa I would like a pink Jeep for Christmas please. I would like to go to the North Pole to meet the Elves that make the presents for all children. From Madison – Age 3 Dear Santa My name is Malakai! This year I was a good boy! I would really like so many Dinosaurs this Christmas the white one with glowing eyes! Tjamnl Upi! Dear Santa, My name is Kaela B. I was a good little girl this year! This year I would like a big – REAL – doggy! Dear Santa, My name is Tenley C. I was a good girl this year. Please can you bring me a baby doll this year. You are the best Santa! Dear Santa, My name is Isaiah. I was a good boy all year. This year I would really like a puppy and a kitty¡ My little sister would like a purple dog! Dear Santa, My name is Mason M. I was a good boy this year – but a little bit bad! I would like a remote control Monster Truck! My puppies would like new squeeky toys. Dear Santa, My name is Alyssa. I was a good girl all year long. Can you and the elves make me a new sippy cup please! Alyssa Dear Santa, My name is Jayde and I was good this year. I love stuff and I would like presents! Dear Santa, My name is Preston. I was a good boy this year. Please can I get a Scuba gear lego set this year – please, please! hi Santa I would Please like an X-Box and a Pidhe I have Been a good Boy. Merry Christmas. how are you? thank you Linden Armour 6 years old Dear Santa

really ta, Dear San Porter N. I was a lly is rea My name is year!! I would , big, th ig y b o a big, good b make me e! Also my to u o y like atcav big, big B ould like a big, big, w a li e r Am little siste Fly safe Santa! . y baygirl to


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Whet I want for Chrismas is a Perplexs Radue. a Aqua Bot a Lago City or superheroes a Avengers a Lago Muvier a Meson Target zoon be a bow warrow a race trail a race seat truck a star wars Fx light a saber a star wars magic electric vailee charnger and lago dimension and scooterboard and Halo 5 and pie face game, and lago Jerassix world Disney 3.0 and Skylanders Racing and Max mo turbo!!! and a snowboard Love. Logan.H.


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Dear Santa, Hi name name is Sam. I’m nine years old. There is only two things I want for Christmas, the first one is to stop Isis and green house gasses. If you don’t know who or what Isis is, they are a terrorist group that will kill you if you don’t believe their religion. there have been many attacks and a bunch of people killed and many wounded badly. So please don’t even think about joining them they are horrific from hear to toe. Green house gasses are bad also. Green house gasses come from cow farts and different stuff like meat. So if you eat meat lots please try to cut down on it. It can help the whole world be a better place to live in. Thank you and please try to make a difference. Sincerely Sam

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Dear Santa My name is Darius. Can you stop child slavery? It is not fair kids my age have to work instead of going to school. Please stop child slavery. It would be really really really nice if you stop it!! You are the best gui in the world From Darius.

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Dear Santa, Hi, My name is Micah and I am 10 years old. Please help stop dises like cancer and diabetis abnd child labor because it’s just not fair that we live a better life than other people. I also ask that you make world peace and stop global warming and other environmental problems thanks for helping! Dear Santa my name is Lucas. I’m in grade 4 and I need help from you to help me on sotping the child labar. can you allso help sttop peaple from herting animals. Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Tayven I go to South brodview School I am in grade 5 and I am 10 years Old. This christmas I would love for every anamal in the world to have a home because some anamals are spolied. I would also like for every anamal to be safe cuse some anamals sit in bed all lazy when some ar outside running for their life hunting for food. I would be grate if ther was no child labor and

if they got paid good it would not be so bad. It is not fair i get paid 20 for elonce and some kids onle get paid a couple cents a day I think It is unfair. I really think it should be stoped I really wish you could help out with this. Sincerly Tayven

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171 Shuswap Street NW. • 250 832-2131

Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A13

Letters to Santa Dear Santa My name is Kendrix. I am 10. I am writing to you because I whan you to help me with homeless people. Because kids my age and younger don’t have a tooth brush or toys nd thay don’t even have a home. So for Christmas can you gave kids in the world that are homeless a toy or even a warm blanket. Please help these children. Dear Santa Hi my name is Molly and I am only 9 and a half. I am trying to stop oil spills in Oceans and lakes so animals can live there. I care for the animals. Do you care for them? Please help. From Molly Dear Santa Mu name is Xander. I am 9. Can you stop child slavery.? Please end homelissness in The World. and give money To families That need it. Please can you help Sincerely: Xander Dear Sabta Can you stop Wortld hunger? And can you give the world life straw. And can you donate to countries. And to cuchres that some cuchres that can not. Please give people in covnhres to sleep and a home. Stop child slavery. By Seamus I am 9 I am in grade 4 :o) Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Adelia, I am 10 years old and I’m in grade 5. For christmas this year I want child labor to stop because it’s not fair to the children that have to work instead of going to school. I also want that every child that don’t have enough money to afford a present should get at least one present. People that are homeless please find them a home because it’s not fair that we have a family and they don’t. Also give the homeless people some food and water to survive. Thanks for helping. Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Parker. I am in grade four and I’m 9 years old. This Christmas I want you to help me give food and water to the people that need it. It’s not fair that I can go home turn on the tap and I have water. A lot of people can’t do that. I can open the cupboard and eat whatever I want. Other people hav nothing to eat they have to starve. So please help me stop world hunger. I don’t want people to starve it’s unfair. Those people don’t deserve not to have any food. Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Michael all i want for Christmas is to stop homelessness because it is not fair for them to be Living on the streets 24 hrs a day in the cold ness When all they have is no food, no money, no hmes and no water So please stop homeless ness. Santa you rock.

Dear Santa, Hi my name is Caelan I am ten years Old Please support the Spca because i like dogs and i don’t want to see them get hurt because they can be your best Friend sometimes if you take good care of them. Please support Freedom and let Peaple eat and drink clean water. Stop please green gasess and Pollution to pravent cancer and death to inacent paple hoow are treing to live a normel and Free of war live no drugs no Anything that is bad and not good because it is bad Peaples lives will not survie. Dear Santa, Hi my name is Summer and I am 10 almost 11. The school I go to is South Brodview elementry school. I am in grade 5. For this christmas I would like to to help find a cure for cancer because I had two of my family members die and one more of my family members have cancer. Also because I feel bad for the people who suffer from cancer. It dosn’t seem fair that kids get cancer and can’t play. Same with adults to because some of them barly can do stuff with their family or friends. Anyone with cncer dosn’t deserve to have cancer. Thats why I need your help santa because it makes me said when people get sick or die from cancer. So will you please help santa. Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Elyssa. I go to South Broadview Elementry School, and I am 10. I am in grade 5. This year I don’t want a toy, I want everyone to have a present on Christmas, and nobody should be alone on Christmas, or any day actually! You have probably read a bunch of letters like this, but, I don’t think child labor or any labor for that matter, kid younger than me should be be working all day for such little money! There is so meny people that die from child labor! I think this is not how people are suppoed to be made. I want to make the world a better place. If you can make this happen I would be so happy! Thanks for your help sincerely, Elyssa. Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Liam. I am in grade 4. I am 9 years old. This year I want you to stop child labor because its not right that childrin have to work and get 10¢ out of it. Santa could you suport S.p.c.a because I don’t like to see Dogs get hurt. So please suport thank you sincerle Liam. Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Noah. I’m in grade 4/5 I would like to stop homelessness. Thik about all the people that live on the street and don’t get food. We need to stop this. Lots of people can die. I am wishing for christmas people that are homeless can get food to eat to live longer. Think if you lived on the street would you like it? When homeless people come into

It’s Go Time!

a resrant they should get food instead of them just starving to death. If you were to see a homeless person would you give them food or would you just let them starv to death. think if you were that homeless person and if someone just drove away from you would you feel bad? I will keep trying to stop homeless people being sad and not getting food. I will one day stop this! It is not good at all. I am Noah Starkell and homelessness needs to stop. Dear Santa If you can, please fix the ozone hold and get rid CFCs and nalons ever made! Can you get me a leaf Blower than can suck up and Shoot it out just like it can with leavs. Dear Santa, Hi my name is Noelin and I want to have World Peace, no child labor, get rid of bad drugs, and support hobos/homeless people. Why do we get stuff and thay don’t. I am 9 and I go to South Brodview elementry and its un fair they don’t get anything but we do. Why does that happen? Help them please! It would be nice for them to have a home, food, water, and money and help people in other countryes also, come on we can make a difference. if you hlep us please please please can you help us! its unfair that we have a house not everyone does so come on help us. And can you stop child labor please. You can also help with that? Can you please help since you are the big guy you can help. You are Santa. You can do anhything right so help out and make a difference with us and also help wiht bad drugs. there bad because they kill people like my grandMa died not from drugs but Old Age. Since seerly Noelin. AKA Paulie Dear Santa, Hi. my name is Eva I’m in grade 4/5. I would like for you to stop child slavery I think its just not fair that kids have to work and I get to go to school and have fun with my friends. I would also like you to try and make a cure for cancer I know its alot to ask but could you at least try please. Cause people have lost so much because cancer and its a tough thing to go through. losing a family member to cancer. I lost my baby cousin to a cancer called C.D.H. and its sad and no one in there right mind wants to go through that. It’s just not fair so please try to fix these 2 problems and mabey even more. Thank you – your a good buy. Dear Santa Hi my name is Danika. I go to South Broadview School. I have fun at school and today we are skating at the rink today. I Love Chirstmas. This Christmas I would like no animals to be killed. It’s not fair to kill animals. I really love animals. I would really like to see no more child labor. It’s not fair for the kids to

Dear San ta Hi my na me is Ma son and years old I am nine and I go to South view sch Broadool. For C hris like more people to tmas I would su S.P.C.A. T he anima pport the ls need o because ur help the food. I w y can not get the ould like ir own to because it kills fis see no littering h in the o wish you cean a from. Ma Marry Christmas. . I son

clean and work. I hope you have good cirstmas Santa and the elves too. MERRY CHRISTMAS Love Danika Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Sofia and I am 10. I’m in grade 5 and I go to south Broadview. All I want for christmas is to raise money for children’s hospital and find a cure for cancer because I don’t want kids to suffer like I did. I want to raise money for children’s hospital because they need to make room for more kids in time. For kids at the age of two, it is hard for them beause they don’t know what’s going on. That is what I would like for christmas. Thank you for helping Sincerely the amazing Sofia. Der Santa Hi my name is Travis. I am 10 years old I want to end World hunger because every one deserves to have food and water. I would like to have world peace. Peace is good and thee should be no war. Thak you for caring. Dear Santa How Are You? I Am Good. For Christmas I Want A Controller And A Computer And headpfones! Please!. Love Daria Dear Santa, Please bring a lego death star duel set Thank you Leith Hi Santa how are the raindeer and the elves For my Christmas wish list I wold like the tenage mutat Nenja turtles and a pitSburg penguins watch. and some Family games for Chritmas. To Santa Thank you Santa From Lucas

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Basically Brooks

Garth Brooks tribute featuring Steve Hillis

A high-energy tribute to country music’s most dynamic and top selling superstar!

December 31st, 2015 Into the story


3 shows

Ashley Wilson entertains a group of dancers dressed as elves prior to their performance in the Shuswap Dance Centre Christmas recital.

3:00 pm, 6:00 pm & 9:00 pm

School district hosts public forums

Special New Year’s Eve Menu


The school district is planning three town hall-style meetings in January in an effort to explain the budget process, the financial challenges facing the school district and hear input on various budget options. Much like previous years, it is widely expected that the school district will again need

A division of

to make significant cuts to balance its budget. The Salmon Arm town hall meeting will be Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jackson campus of Salmon Arm Secondary. The Enderby meeting is set for Jan. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at A.L. Fortune and the Armstrong meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Pleasant Valley Secondary. A town hall meet-

ing is not being scheduled for Sicamous, as a committee is currently exploring the concept of combining Eagle River Secondary and Parkview Elementary into one school. This report is set to come before the school board in February and it is expected a community consultation meeting will be held in Sicamous as part of that process.

No reservations

starting at 3:00 pm

at If you gamble, use your



Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A15

Santa knows Pharmasave has those great last minute gifts


Book learning: Hillcrest tutor, Michelle Bourdage, shares a love of reading with a student.

Volunteers needed to read If you love to read and are interested in working with children, consider becoming a volunteer with the One to One Children’s Literacy Program. Parent and community volunteers are needed to support students with their reading. The commitment is 1.5 hours per week for 10 weeks starting Feb. 1. During that time, volunteers will read with three children for

30 minutes each. The children are in grades two to five and are selected by their teachers to receive this special reading help. All tutoring is done at the school during regular school hours. The One to One program is organized by the Literacy Alliance of the Shuswap Society (LASS) in partnership with School District #83. A three-hour training session for all volun-

teers in basic reading strategies is mandatory as well as a criminal record check. A training session will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 12 from 9 a.m. to noon at Salmon Arm West Elementary. To sign on as a tutor or for further information, please contact Darcy Calkins, Literacy Outreach Coordinator, at 250-463-4555 or admin@shuswapliteracy. ca.

Merry Christmas from the staff at Pharmasave!

270 Hudson Avenue • 250-832-2111 •

The Board of Directors of Salmon Arm Museum & Heritage Association invites you to help complete Front Street at R.J. Haney Heritage Village.

We are planning an excit ing new building named the Montebello Block. Exhib it space will include a bank , general store, butcher sh op and much, much more. Be a part of the dream an d help us realize a long ter m development plan to prese rve our heritage and help cre ate a legacy – donate today. All contributions will be issued charity receipts.

“It takes a commun ity

to build a village.”

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Thirty Vehicle Awards available to be won, each consisting of winner’s choice of a vehicle with an MSRP of $35,000 CAD or less. The customer is responsible for any other taxes, license, insurance, registration, or other fees. Vehicle Awards are not transferable and no cash substitutes are permitted. Not all awards have the same odds of winning. For full rules and program details, visit your GM dealer or Correct answer to mathematical skill-testing question required. See your GM dealer or for full contest rules and program details. ^ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between December 4th, 2015 and January 4th, 2016. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on select new or demonstrator 2015 GMC vehicles excluding Yukon, Yukon XL, Sierra 2500 HD Diesel, Savana, Canyon 2SA and Canyon 4x4. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $45,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $535.71 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $45,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight, air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA/movable property registry fees, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers may sell for less. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. † $12,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $11,000 Cash Credit (tax exclusive) available on 2015 GMC Sierra HD Gas models (excluding HD Gas Double Cab 1SA 4x2), $1,000 Connect & Win Bonus (tax inclusive), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $11,000 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. †† $10,380 is a combined total credit consisting of a $3,000 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) $5,195 Cash Credit (tax exclusive) available on 2015 GMC Sierra Double Cab 1SA 4WD models, $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Elevation Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Sierra 1SA Elevation Edition with 5.3L Engine and a $435 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on any 2015 GMC Sierra Elevation double cab all-wheel drive with a 5.3L engine, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $5,630 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ‡‡ 5,000/2,000 is a combined credit consisting of a $1,000 Connect & Win Bonus (tax inclusive), a $3,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Sierra Light Duty Double Cab and a $1,000/$1,000 manufacturer to dealer finance cash (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Sierra 1500/Terrain, which is available for finance offers only and cannot be combined with special lease rates and cash purchase. ‡ $5,700 is a combined total credit consisting of $1,000 Connect & Win Bonus (tax inclusive), $500 Holiday bonus (tax inclusive), and a $4,200 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Terrain SLE-1 FWD, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $4,200 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model and cash credit excludes Terrain SLE-1 AWD. ** Offer available to retail customers in Canada only on new 2015 & 2016 GMC Terrain delivered between December 11, 2015 and January 4, 2016. $500 Holiday Bonus includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. Limited time offers, which may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details.






Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

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Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A17

Q&A reveals Silverbacks’ lighter side

Behind closed doors: Find out which ’Backs have the best moves, style and largest appetite. By Evan Buhler oBSERvER STAFF

This time last year the Silverbacks were struggling to remain above .500 and were battling with West Kelowna for the fourth place spot in the Interior Division. This year, the ’Backs have been among one of the top teams in the BCHL and sit in second place in the division. The Silverbacks took a break after a rigorous and exhausting practice to have some fun with the Observer and answer a few oddball questions before taking time off for the Christmas break. We found out that Ross Heidt can dance, Josh Laframboise always chews bubble gum before a game, Elijiah Barriga can’t put down his phone, and Brandon Kegler has a large appetite. Several of the questions had unanimous answers, one of them being, “Who is the best-dressed Silverback?” “Definitely Damian Chrcek,” says Carson Bolduc, one of many to agree on Chrcek’s sharp sense of style. “He’s got a great sense of style and he has nice hair too.” “Damian’s got style, he likes to spend money so he always looks good,” added Heidt. Brandon Kegler and Ryley Booth shared the dubious distinction of being voted the worst-dressed Silverbacks, thanks in part to their affinity for sweatpants, hoodies and a certain ’70s-style jacket. “Booth has got this ’70s jacket that he likes to wear and it’s just terrible,” laughs Colton Thibault. “It’s a lifestyle choice, it’s all about being comfy,” says Booth, defending his attire. “I still get a lot of hand-me-downs.” Most of those interviewed agreed Heidt is the funniest Silverback, with a special

mention to Chase Zieky and Mitch Newsome. “Heidter is a real character. He loves to be the centre of attention and he makes everything funny,” says Chrcek. Heidt got the nod in another category, with teammates saying the Red Deer, Alta. native is the team’s best dancer. “Ross goes all out when the music gets going, the guy can move,” says Booth. “Heidter has great rhythm, he can really get the place going,” says Josh Laframboise. The team’s resident comedian and dancer was not shy about his behind-closed-doors antics. “When there’s a good song on I just can’t help it, it takes over control and I go for it, but Zieks can move too. I try to keep it light in the dressing room, I like to get the boys fired up,” says Heidt. Laframboise is said to be the Silverback with the strangest pre-game ritual. “He gets to the rink like four hours early, kisses his stick and chews about 100 pieces of bubble gum before every game,” says Barriga of the Regina, Sask. product. In addition to his gum chewing, Laframboise also revealed that he gets dressed from left to right, a superstition that he says goes back many years. When asked who their last pick would be in a shootout, the decision was split between a pair of defencemen, Phil Middleton and Michael Winnitoy. “I wouldn’t be too worried about Winny scoring in a shootout. When he stick handles, it’s like watching someone chopping onions out there,” jokes goaltender Kegler. “I’m not that bad of a stick handler,” chimed in Winnitoy. “My stick handling is fine, I just don’t know what to do with the puck when I get close to the net.”

Evan BuhlEr/oBSERvER

all smiles: Silverbacks forward Josh Laframboise laughs at a joke Ross

Heidt cracked during a break in practice last week. The Silverbacks will return to action on New Year’s Day at the Shaw Centre against Surrey at 7 p.m. When it comes to who has the largest appetite, Chrcek admits he is a front runner in the category. “Checker can really eat. He was pretty fat last year, but he’s slimmed down since then,” laughs Booth. Also receiving nominations for the largest appetite were Kegler and Bolduc. “He loves his food for sure, especially candy,” says Winnitoy of the SAS graduate. Zieky was widely agreed upon as the most popular Silverback on social media, getting up to 400 likes on a picture, says Laframboise. While Zieky is busy counting his likes and favourites online, Winnitoy figures Zieky’s success may be due to Barriga nev-

er putting his phone down. “Barriga always has his nose buried in his phone, he’s either ‘liking’ everything Zieks posts or else he’s talking to all of his girlfriends,” jokes Winnitoy. The team’s snazziest dresser, Chrcek said he would deem himself the most prominent ladies’ man, if he did not already have a girlfriend. “I always see Taro and Ross with girls, I would say they are the best with the ladies,” says Booth. The Silverbacks will look to continue their impressive run of form in the new year when they return to action on New Year’s Day against the Surrey Eagles at the Shaw Centre at 7 p.m. Quality & Service Since 1929

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer


Reaching for possession


Penticton’s Chloe Brydon, left, and Salmon Arm’s Cass Prevost battle over possession of a rebound during a regular season game at the Sullivan Campus on Tuesday, Dec. 15. The Golds lost a close game 5845 to the Lakers.

Intrepid athletes win big Three of the five Intrepid Mixed Martial Arts athletes who travelled to Dallas, Texas for the North American Grappling Association Championships returned home with hardware in tow. Jessi Brennan won a bronze medal in her weight and then bested herself when she moved up to a more difficult division and won a silver medal. Isaac Biron and Luke Simmonds each won silver medals in their respective divisions. Shaun Steiner took a large jump up to the expert division and lost his opening match via a heel hook. Unfortunately Ryan Huniford was unable to compete due to an injury he picked up in training.

Footballers make BC teams Four minor football players from the Shuswap have secured roster spots on provincial B.C. football teams. Three Jr. Bantams, Chase Henning, Dylan Eugster, and Luke Matheson made the Grade 8 Team BC roster. Also reaching a provincial squad is former Shuswap minor football player and SAS Gold, Sage King. In addition to making the Team BC roster, the first player from Salmon Arm to do so, King just signed with the Simon Fraser University Clansmen to play division 2 football, under scholarship. All four football player will head south of the border with their respective teams to take part in the High Roller International Football Showdown from Jan. 20 to 24.

Register for the loppet There are just six weeks until the Reino KeskiSalmi Loppet. This friendly, full-day family event for both recreational and competitive skiers will take place on Saturday, Jan. 16. Online registration closes on Thursday, Jan. 14. Entry forms and additional information is available online at www. or locally at Skookum Cycle and Ski or John’s Ski Shack. Have a sports event? Write to us at:

Enjoy making happy memories with friends and family! from

School District #83

Board of Education & Staff

Welcome back to school on Monday, January 4, 2016 NEXT Regular School Board Meeting at The District Education Centre, Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.


Olson, Kujat shine in road win By Evan Buhler OBSERvER STAFF

Dillon Olson and Josh Kujat combined for 51 points in the Salmon Arm Secondary senior Golds basketball team’s 86-72 victory over Rutland last Thursday in Kelowna. Head coach Rhys Waters called this game a must-win in order to remain competitive in the standings, and not fall to an 0-2 start to the season. Grade 12 senior, Olsonplayed a monster of a game.

The point guard scored a game high 27 points, had 11 rebounds and picked up five steals. Kujat, also a Grade 12 senior, scored 24 points, made six boards, and collected eight steals on defence. Waters described the game as a “tough road game,” where they managed to score just enough to leave with a win. “We played pretty well, but still had far too many turnovers,” said Waters. The Golds’ rebounding throughout the game was im-

pressive, as they collectively nabbed 52 total rebounds, something Waters has said will be vital to his side’s success this season. “We concentrated on preventing offensive rebounds against us, and the guys did a really nice job of that tonight, which was nice to see.” Leading the team with 13 rebounds was Aaron Hicks, who also contributed 10 points. “Our next focus will have to be limiting turnovers to maximize offensive opportu-

nities,” said Waters. The Golds had a couple off days before their annual homecoming tournament Dec. 22 to 23. Players interested in playing can email Waters at Cost is $30 and covers referees, a T-shirt, and homecoming dance ticket. After Christmas the team will head to the Lower Mainland to participate in a tournament Port Moody. The Golds return to regularseason action on Jan. 5 in Kamloops against NorKam.

Province to recognize aboriginal excellence in sport The Province of British Columbia is pleased to announce the opening of nominations for a new awards program celebrating the athletic achievements of aboriginal youth. The Premier’s Award for Aboriginal Youth Excellence in Sport has been developed with the Aboriginal Sport,

Recreation, and Physical Activity Partners Council – a partnership made up of the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, the First Nations Health Authority, and Métis Nation BC. Nominees will be scored on athletic achievement, leadership skills, commitment to higher education and for rec-

ognition as community role models both on and off the field of play. These awards build on Premier Christy Clark’s announcement earlier this year of a commitment to establish a program to honour and celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal youth in sport. Athletes will be honoured

at the 2016 Gathering Our voices Conference in victoria. There will be 12 awards handed out – six male and six female – and recipients will also be invited to attend a special high-performance workshop to further their athletic skills and leadership.


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Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A19


Breaching the blue line


Salmon Arm’s Caile Bauml splits a pair of Kelowna defenders before taking a shot on net during a female Bantam/Midget rep game at Hucul Pond on Sunday, Dec. 13. The Silvertips scored the opening goal early in the game and never looked back, winning convincingly, 3-0. Evan BuhlEr/OBSERvER

Marvellous coaching career honoured By Evan Buhler OBSERvER STAFF

He is a master of coaching, and has coached masters. Former Salmon Arm Waves Masters Swimming Club coach John Hogg was recently recognized for his illustrious coaching career. The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) presented Hogg with the 2015 Geoff Gowan Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was handed out at the Petro-Canada Sport Leadership Awards Gala Nov. 13. “This award means quite a lot to me,” he says. “I had the honour to have met Geoff Gowan, coached alongside him and remained his friend until he passed away in 2013.” The Geoff Gowan Award was created by the CAC in 1996 and recognizes lifetime contributions to coaching development. It is awarded to coaches who have presented a positive public image of coaching and who have enhanced the role of the coach with the Canadian public. Hogg says Gowan was instrumental in persuading him, a young “hot-headed” national swim coach in Great Britain to come to Canada in 1974 as part of the ’76 Olympic Games preparations. Hogg has coached both professionally and as an applied sport psychologist. He coached the Scottish and British National Swim Teams before being recruited

to Canada in 1974. In 1976, he was selected to coach Canada’s Olympic Swim Team, in favour of an Aussie and American coach, recalls Hogg. After the Games in Montreal, Hogg relocated to Edmonton to coach for the University of Alberta, and was privileged to work with many successful teams from 1975 to 1988. In 1990, Hogg was appointed a full professor at the University of Alberta, teaching sports psychology and performance enhancement both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. “Receiving my doctorate in sport psychology would not have been possible had I stayed in the U.K., and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to do so in Canada.” Hogg says in his early days he was fascinated with the mental side

of sport, which is why he dedicated so many years to the craft. “I recognized early on in my coaching career that a player’s skills and physical ability could only get them so far.” He saw the importance of the mental. “I recognized that anyone can have the talent to reach the pinnacle of their sport, but as a coach it was my responsibility to open the mental door to their ability and talent,” he said. His expertise, particularly in the area of mental preparation and performance psychology, led to many invitations to major conferences and seminars around the world. He has also published extensively, both in research and popular journals, and served as mentor to many young, aspiring coaches. “In my day of coach-

John Hogg coach ing, having a former player become a coach would’ve been unheard of. Back then if a coach was willing to learn the art and science behind coaching they could dedicate themselves to becoming a great coach.” Since retiring from the University of Alberta in 2003 and relocating to British Columbia, he continues to offer his expertise to performers, individual athletes, teams, coaches, parents, and officials in a variety of sports at the develop-


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mental and elite levels throughout the province. He still occasionally presents at coaches conferences both in Alberta and B.C. He says he feels obligated to give back what was given to him more than 40 years ago. “I have been privileged to work here and with so many great people over the years.”

Job Solutions that


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SHUSWAP YOUTH SOCCER presents the 4th Annual

New Year’s Day Free Family Footy Fun Soccer Day What better way to ring in the new year than with your family. SYSA invites all local families out on New Year’s Day for fun Parents vs Children mini-games. We invite the 6-8 year olds & parents to participate from noon 1 pm, 9-12 year olds from 1 - 2 pm, and from 2-3 pm children 13 years and up with parents. This is sure to be a fun family event. So, think you can get a goal past ol’ Dad? Mom, are you ready to show your child that you’ve still got moves on the pitch? Dress warmly & come on down to welcome in 2016 by kicking the ball about with some of your favourite people, your family & friends!

Free yummy Timbits & Hot Chocolate Sponsors:

The SASCU Indoor Sports Complex is located at 351-3rd Street SW, behind Safeway. For more information, email or call 250-833-5607 • www.


For this free event, a donation of a non-perishable food item in support of the local Food Bank will be greatly appreciated


Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer







New Years Eve

Gallant earns care award A Shuswap realtor has been recognized for her efforts to care for animals in need and give back to her community. Tara Gallant with Royal LePage Access Real Estate was named the recipient of the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board’s 9th annual Realtors Care Award. In addition to her career as a realtor, Gallant’s love of animals has found her fostering dogs and cats for an animal rescue group. Gallant is also involved with the Canadian Disaster Animal Recovery Team and the Emergency Support Services program through the CSRD.

featuring the Rock ‘n Roll party sounds of Paisley Groove

Hit the gym anytime Anytime Fitness, the world’s largest and fastest growing 24-hour co-ed fitness franchise, is pleased to announce it will be open for fitness in Salmon Arm very soon. A grand opening celebration will take place in the new year but owners Brett and Holly Barker expect to be open for business on or before Dec. 21. The gyms are staffed roughly eight hours a day, but members can access the club whenever they like – even during unstaffed hours – using a computerized key-fob system. Club tours are available and until they open our pre-sale discounted rates are available for purchase. Membership information is available at the club, by calling 1-778-489-5323 or by emailing

December 31, 2015 8:00pm, Elks Hall Salmon Arm


Tree take-away

Andrew den Biesen hauls his family’s Christmas tree to the car after choosing the right selection from Jespersen’s Tree Farm on Saturday, Dec. 12. Jespersen also supported Downtown Salmon Arm by supplying a number of trees to decorate the streets of downtown.

Sponsored by: Shuswap String Orchestra Society

Tickets $30 at Acorn Music 250 832 8669 From concept to doorstep...


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Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A21

Music from the Mountains


Cap the Christmas season with a night of old-time music at Sunnybrae Community Hall. On Saturday, Jan. 2, a familiar face at Sunnybrae coffeehouses, Denis Severino of Revelstoke, has arranged for special guest Sam Gleaves to bring the music of Appalachia to the Shuswap. Severino describes Gleaves as “a really great musician and a really great guy.” Gleaves, who was born in the Appalachian region of West Virginia, plays the banjo, guitar, fiddle, autoharp and dulcimer. He has a degree in folklore from Kentucky’s Berea College, which was founded in 1855 as the first interracial and co-educational college in the U.S. South. The college charges no tuition and admits only academically promising students, primarily from Appalachia, who have limited economic resources. All students work at least 10 hours per week on campus and service jobs in more than 130 departments. The college has an inclusive Christian character, expressed in its motto “God has made of one blood all peoples of the Earth.” It is this credo of acceptance that continues to attract Gleaves. “It’s a great scene for traditional arts,” adds the 2014 grad, who continues to work in the college’s Appalachian Centre, using traditional music in the classroom and supporting students from Appalachia. “There is such a diverse group of people and ethnicities.” Long an ardent fan of traditional Appalachian music, Gleaves has been attending fiddlers’ conventions, being mentored by older

musicians and learning by playing with them since he was a young boy. Appalachian music is from the mountains and is a blend of European and African music originally introduced by people brought to North America and held in slavery, he says. “The fiddle is the European instrument and the banjo basically came from Africa,” says Gleaves. “And the dance has native ele- Folklore: Sam Gleaves will give coffee ments.” house patrons a taste of Appalachia’s While much of the old-time music that rich cultural history on Jan. 2 at Sunnyholds Appalachia’s cultural heritage has been passed down from generation to generation, brae Community Hall. Gleaves is adding to the heritage. “I try to tell stories about contemporary “For quite some time I played guitar and life, about real working people, social and en- was a singer/song-writer, but I have now gone vironmental issues,” he says. “These are good to melody instruments like banjo, and I sing as topics to speak about through song, and people well,” he says. “What I like about it (old-time are more willing to consider an idea if they music) is it’s not just music, it’s culture.” hear it through the music first and intellectuAnother appeal for Severino is it precedes ally after.” the era of making an album and recording a Gleaves says he has received amazing sup- video and getting an agent, as so much muport for himself as an openly gay man and his sic is made, often without a real connection music and would like to find a way to docu- to an audience. ment the old-time music, to write about it and “You finish a day’s work and what do archive it, not just play it. you do? You make music and it’s the “Music is my primary focus and I want to performance aspect I enjoy and the hurepresent our region well,” he says, noting he manizing aspect of old-time music,” has toured in Europe and the Far East and is he says. “And I like coffee houses... excited to be coming to Canada for the first There’s a sign-up list, a pretty large time. “The songs are stories of resilience and element of democracy and no such love.” thing as a star.” That Gleaves is coming to the Shuswap is a Tickets for the coffee house that result of Severino going to Appalachia, meet- begins at 7:30 p.m. at Sunnybrae ing Gleaves’ good friend and fiddler Myra Community Hall on Saturday, Morrison and luring her to Canada. Jan. 2 are $15 and are available Severino, who admits to loving old-time at the Shuswap Pie Company music, plays banjo, guitar, and is three years between Dec. 28 and Dec. 31 into learning the fiddle right now. or call 250-835-8657.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Music medley Diane Jewel and Sharon Dyck perform Christmas carols for patrons at Jespersen’s Tree Farm on Saturday, Dec. 12.

Askew’s Pharmacy offers:


End 2015 on a high note Shuswap music lovers will have a wonderful opportunity to dance in the new year to one of the best rock and roll bands in the region, Paisley Groove. The event is sponsored by the Shuswap String Orchestra Society and will be at the Elks Hall in Salmon Arm, with the doors open at 8 p.m. The festivities will begin with a special movie-themed concert performed by members of the string orchestra, with Gord Waters conducting. In addition to the live music, there will be a silent auction to help raise funds for the orchestra and mid-

night snacks. The Shuswap String Orchestra has been active for 12 years, performing locally for special events. The orchestra began as part of the School District #83 music program and has since developed into an independent string ensemble under the direction of Brenden Majarich. They play a variety of classical pieces and recently formed a non-profit society to help create new musical opportunities. Paisley Groove is from Kamloops and features David Langevin on guitar and vocals, Myron Rosvick on bass guitar,

Doug Goodman on keyboard and vocals, Lyle Shepard on drums and Pat Ebert on percussion. They perform a variety of tunes ranging from songs by the Beatles and the Doors


to Santana. Tickets for the New Years Eve party are available at Acorn Music or by phoning 832-8669.

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Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Finding a collective voice By Barb Brouwer OBSERVER STAFF

Shuswap Youth Choir is SYC, says director Andrea Roberts, laughingly pronouncing the word sick, which actually means cool to today’s youth. And cool well describes the little choir that took their newfound talents downtown to sing Christmas carols last Thursday. Encouraged by members of the music community and friends, Roberts started the choir in October for children in grades one through five. “I would love to have an intermediate choir, which would be Grade 6 and up – and that’s in the works,” says the talented vocalist. Roberts introduces children to different genres, from pop, Broadway, classical and everything in between. “No experience is necessary at all,” she says. “We start them off by rote and as we go, we’re learning note names and rhythms so we learn to read musical scores,” she says. “It’s basically an allencompassing process, learning proper vocal technique and developing a sense of being part of a team and understanding it’s important not to let the team down and to blend voices as a group.”

A division of


Harmony: Andrea Roberts directs a primary choir at Hillcrest School Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:30. New members are welcome. Roberts says the benefits of singing are many: endorphins are released – oxytocin, the warm feeling you get from a hug. It boosts immune system, lowers blood pressure and improves posture. “With the primary ages it’s a great way for young ones to improve reading skills as well,” she says.

“First and foremost it’s meant to be fun. We start with games in the format of song, lots of movement and rhythmic games so the kids can interact with each other and me and I encourage each child truly to find their voice.” The choir will begin again in January. The annual fee is $90 and students starting in Jan-

uary will pay $60 for the session. To register a child, send an email to andrearoberts250@gmail. com. For information, call Hillcrest school after the holidays at 250832-7195. “There is something about children singing that is so special – it’s the innocence,” she says. A23

Dear Proair Customers; You have been very good this year! We want you to know that if you need any heating service this Christmas season, we are open regular hours until December 23rd, then we’ll be taking a small break so everyone can spend time with family (or shovel snow). We will be open again on January 4th. But we are always here to help you in an emergency! Just call us: 250.832.6911 and press 1, and you’ll be connected to our oncall technician. Thank you for choosing Proair for your furnace, heat pump, air conditioning, and gas fireplace sales and service! Have a saf e and warm Christ and Happy New Year! mas *Overtime charges apply

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer




CLUES DOWN 1. Duty 2. Whatchamacallit 3. A citizen of Yemen 4. __ Dhabi, Arabian capital 5. Nickname 6. One seeded fruit (alt. sp.) 8. Fiddler crabs 9. Troughs of bricks 11. Exploiter 14. Atomic #104 15. Italian ice-cream 18. Algerian dinar 19. Consume 20. Macaws 22. Insignificantly small 23. Tooth caregiver 24. Direct toward 27. Bluish green 28. Caliph 29. Faucet 31. The bill in a restaurant 32. Capital of Tocantins, Brazil 33. Explosive 34. The most abundant of the rare-earth group 35. Japanese sock 36. Kampala is the capital 37. Raged 38. Provides with property 39. Miniature racing vehicle 40. Signs 44. Express pleasure 47. Bridge-building degree

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The feisty Full Moon fires up your domestic zone so additional tact is required early in the week, otherwise you could find yourself smack bang in the middle of a festive family feud on Christmas Day. Emotions are running high [and impatience is running low] so choose your words extra carefully. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A strategic approach is the key to successful Christmas preparations. If you plan carefully and prioritise, then you’ll get everything done without too much unnecessary stress. And Xmas Eve looks fabulous, as you party with festive friends and enjoy convivial conversation. But choose your words wisely over Xmas dinner, as the Full Moon fires up your communication zone. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Unpredictable Uranus squares Mercury on Monday, when you’ll be more accident-prone than usual so slow down! Have you still got a heap of Christmas shopping to do? It’s time for gung-ho Geminis to look for gorgeous last-minute gifts that are clever and creative. You love the social side of Yuletide celebrations. Just make sure you’re pulling your weight – with festive preparations and cleaning up CANCER (June 21-July 22): Clannish Cancer - Be proactive about gathering loved ones together over the coming week. But there’s no getting away from intense interactions with recalcitrant relatives, as the Full Moon revs up your relationship zone smack bang on Christmas Day! And don’t be bossy and labour under the delusion that you can handle everything on your own. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Party-loving Lions are in the mood for some fabulous festive fun, and are likely to overdo the Christmas cheer [again!] especially eating and drinking. If you pace yourself, then you – and your digestive system – will enjoy the celebrations even more. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Uranus squares Mercury [your ruling planet] on Monday, so be very careful what you say. And avoid getting too serious and stressed Virgo – strive to work your way through your large Christmas to-do list one logical step at a time. But if you expect family members to be practical and punctual on Xmas Day, then you’ll be sadly disappointed.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Librans love the festive season because it combines your two passions – shopping and socialising. So it’s the perfect time to finalise last minute purchases and party to the max! But, when buying presents [and attending post-Xmas sales] make sure you stay within your budget. You’re in the spotlight on Christmas Day, as the Full Moon revs up your reputation zone. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): With Saturn in your money zone, if you spend more than you can comfortably afford this Christmas, you’ll just end up with a heap of New Year debt. You don’t have to go overboard in order to have a good time. But you will need to be extra diplomatic with relatives if you want to avoid a fraction too much friction on Christmas Day. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The festive Full Moon boosts your holiday spirits.Strive to be responsible with cash and credit – and don’t let a persistent child, teenager or friend talk you into buying something you really can’t afford. And you may have trouble getting started on Boxing Day, as your body reacts to all the food and drink you consumed so enthusiastically on Christmas Day. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Keep things in perspective this Christmas. If you prioritise tasks and pace yourself, then you’ll get things done without having a Capricorn brain snap! When it comes to loved ones, expect the unexpected. Whatever you think they will do, they are likely to turn around and do [or say] the complete opposite. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You’re in a fabulously festive mood, as you let your hair down and enjoy the Yuletide celebrations. For restless Aquarians, variety is the spice of life so the stars encourage you to balance being social with some quiet solo time where you can reflect on your goals and dreams for 2016. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The full moonbeams power up your peer group zone, so it’s the perfect week to enjoy Yuletide celebrations with close friends. The Full Moon heightens intuition and compassion on Xmas Day - but it also encourages mega-emotional meltdowns so proceed with plenty of caution Pisces.

Complete the grid so every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.



(For solution see Today’s Answers in this paper).

“You had a Caesar salad for lunch, didn’t you?”


See Today’s Answers inside




CLUES ACROSS 1. Teletype (Computers) 4. Loose-fitting sleeveless garment 7. They __ 8. Extinct Turkish caucasian language 10. Tall N Zealand timber tree 12. Piedmont city on the River Gesso 13. Burl __, storyteller 14. Made up of 50 states 16. Not or 17. Given a monetary penalty 19. Unnilpentium 20. ISU town 21. Equality for everyone 25. A lyric poem with complex stanza forms 26. Actress Farrow 27. Scottish caps 29. Gobblers 30. __ Lilly, drug company 31. Process an animal hide 32. Describe in perfect detail 39. 1000 calories 41. American National Bank (abbr.) 42. MN 55121 43. Everyone 44. Substitute 45. Rubber, marching or head 46. Dance Latin rhythm 48. Inside of 49. A way to let know 50. Morning moisture 51. Point midway between S and SE 52. Sales messages



250 832-2131


Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015 A25

Hey, Baby!

Offering extra help to law enforcement By Martha Wickett OBSERVER STAFF

Time is running out to get your baby into the Salmon Arm Observer’s


Speed watch: Citizens on Patrol help

Beautiful Babies of 2015

make drivers aware of their speed.

The special page that welcomes all the newborns of this past year. Published in the February 3rd edition of the Salmon Arm Observer Fill out this entry form and return it with picture for only


2 0 1 5 B eau tiful Baby 171 Shuswap St., P.O. Box 550 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N7

1 7 1 Sh u s wap St reet ., P .O. B o x 550 Sal mo n Ar m, B C ❚ V1 E 4 N 7

Cont act : 250 . 832 .2131



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F a mi l y N a me : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ B a b y ’s 1 st N a me : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ B a b y ’s B i r t h D a t e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________ A g e o f B a b y i n p h o t o : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________ Mo m’s 1 st N a me : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________ D a d ’s 1 st N a me : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________ A d d re ss: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ Te l : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________


Kershaw said property crime has begun edging up recently, so volunteers are spending more time at the malls. Coun. Kevin Flynn agreed, explaining about someone recently breaking into his garage, which was unlocked at the time, and stealing items such as bikes and frozen meat. “Even in your own house at 5:30 in the morning, I was broken into, and it’s a horrible feeling,” he said, warning residents to lock up garages at all times. If you would like to apply to join, you can pick up an application at the RCMP detachment or go online to the City of Salmon Arm website or the Citizens on Patrol site at: http://


Last year, with a decrease in property crime, priorities were revamped to focus on “community safety and security – such as drugs. We like our yellow jackets and Stetson hats to remind drug dealers we’re around, keep moving, move on.” Citizens on Patrol also helps with community events such as the Downtown Treat Trail and the Fall Fair Parade, as well as emergency response. They have also been checking insurance decals in parking lots, finding them either missing or expired. A note is left on the vehicle reminding drivers to remedy the problem – and potentially saving hundreds of dollars.


A citizen notices a break-in at a downtown liquor store. A woman is seen handing booze out through the window to her accomplices. The thieves soon notice the arrival of Citizens on Patrol volunteers and take off. Police arrest the suspects after following footprints in the snow. One of the many services Salmon Arm Citizens on Patrol provides is being the extra eyes and ears of the police, explained Sue Kershaw, president of the group, to the city’s planning meeting Dec. 7. She gave the liquor store example, and a few other scenarios, to explain some of what the volunteers do. Another example was when they observed a truck idling at Walmart. When they came back 20 minutes later it was still running – and they noticed two young children inside. Authorities were notified. Regarding recent discussions about dogs at the foreshore, Kershaw said Citizens on Patrol might be able to help. “I think that’s another use for us; I’ve been thinking of approaching the society (SABNES) – how about joining us?… Join us, wear our jackets,” she said, urging the community to use the volunteers where they can. Kershaw said enhancing the community’s sense of security and well-being is the most important job Citizens on Patrol does. “Our role is to observe and report,” she says, noting volunteers stay at a safe distance from those carrying out suspicious activities. Citizens on Patrol also participates in the Stolen Auto Recovery, Lock Out Auto Crime and Speed Watch programs. “People can call and say, there’s too much speeding in our area. So we can set up a speed watch.”





Paderno vegetable spiral slicer - makes spiral cuts for many of your favourite vegetables and fruit. Comes with three interchangeable stainless steel blades, no-slip suction bottom, and makes perfect cuts in just seconds. List: $41.99.




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Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Non-profits can access grants throughout the Shuswap to take advantage of what we have to offer,” says SCF Grant Committee Chairperson Deborah Chapman. “By having both a spring and a summer grant cycle we can help them gain access to funding at a time that best suits their spending cycle requirements.”

Many smaller charities do not have a Canada Revenue Agency charitable status registration number necessary to qualify for funding by SCF. However, several organizations in the Shuswap do, and these organizations can host grant applications from those smaller charities. To learn more about

~ Your Local Business Professionals ~


Beneficiary: Shuswap Outdoor Learning Foundation received a grant to inspire a deeper connection to the natural world. Here, some of Geoff Styles’ students from Bastion Elementary learn in the North Fork Wild Conservation Park near Malakwa.




MINUTE MUFFLER & MAINTENANCE Robert Babakaiff of Arro Wood Heat Services has been in business for 8 years. A 45+ year resident of Salmon Arm, he believes in buying his products locally. After being laid off from Coe/Newnes, he saw there was a need for a reliable wood heat technician. He became certified in the WETT program – which is a Canadian recognized association, allowing him to be able to inspect, install and maintain wood burning stoves and fireplaces. His services include chimney sweeping, estimates and advice on purchasing and installation of wood burning stoves, such as size needed for the square footage, and the best stove to meet your needs. Robert’s motto “Burning Clean = More Green” not only refers to the money saved when keeping your stove or fireplace maintained, it also refers to the environment, as the new stoves burn cleaner and more efficiently. Repeat customers are spreading the word of his fair pricing and thorough job. For all your wood heat needs, call Robert today for an estimate.


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Helping the Environment! all used oil & filters are sent out for recycling

1291 TCH SW Salmon Arm • 250-832-1040

• Utility locating - Hydro/gas/water/fibre optics • Catch basins/sumps/drains • Line flushing (storm/sani/culverts) • Hot Water Boiler • Slot trenching • Street flushing/Lot washing

Sh op Lo cal Hi re Lo cal

Your German Painter -M More than 35 as Ye ar s te Experience in al of Painting & W l kinds allpaper hanging

Phone: Cell:


At Your Service

Profile of the week

how to make a grant application to SCF, go to and click on ‘Receive’ to find the grant guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact the SCF office at 250832-5428. Grant applications for the spring cycle will be accepted until January 31, 2016.

1st Ave. SW

Did you know Shuswap Community Foundation now has two granting cycles, one in the spring and one in the summer? And that more than $118,000 was awarded in non-agency grants to eligible charities in the Shuswap this year? “We want to encourage charitable groups and organizations

250 675-0025 778-220-2776

Norbert Lazarus • Email:

Advertise in our Business Directory and receive both

& 250 832-2131


Salmon Wednesday,December December23, 23,2015 2015 Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, A27 A27

To advertise in print:

Browse more at:

Call: 250-832-2131 Email: Self-serve: Career ads:

A division of







In Memoriam

Cards of Thanks

Christmas Corner

Shuswap Hospice Society sends heaps of thanks to Domino’s Pizza for offering to donate pizza for our monthly volunteer meeting recently. The pizza was excellent & the volunteers felt appreciated & recognized for their continuing community involvement.

1-800-663-5555 or *5555

3RD Annual Blind Bay Crafty Christmas Sale! Fridays and Saturdays Nov 28-29, Dec 4-5, Dec 11-12, Dec 18-19. Located indoors in the Blind Bay Marketplace, new vendors every week - you\\’ll find something new! All hand-made items - jewelry, rustic furniture, blown glass, home décor, pet treats and more! Unique gifts or treat yourself to something special. Free admission, donations to the Food Bank gratefully accepted. Enter to Win a great Door-prize. Sponsored by Shuswap Lake Estates, cosponsored by Uncle Al\\’Rustic Furniture. Presented by Blind Bay Farmers Market. Vending enquiries Deb Gibson 250 804 9441



Happy 60th Anniversary Vic & Noreen Massey December 27



It is agreed by any display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Your family is so pleased to share in the celebration of this milestone. Love and Best Wishes from your children, grand children & great grand child



A year has passed since we lost our lovely daughter Dawn so suddenly and unexpectedly. A shock and disbelief that such could happen. We mourn her loss and miss her everyday. She lives on in our memories and our hearts, and our grief and love will be forever and ever. Love Mom, Dad, Stephen, Rob, Keith and Kurtis


IAN W. DUNCAN Feb. 9, 1929-Nov. 13, 2015 There will be a Celebration of Ian’s Life on Monday, Dec. 28th, 6:008:00pm at the Shuswap Pie Company 331A Alexander Street in Salmon Arm.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

NEIL ALLEN BLACKBEARD 13 February 1968 ~ 16 February 2015 Beloved husband to Karina TheronBlackbeard, father to Eduard and Logan Blackbeard and friend to many. Your passing left us with inexpressible sorrow and brokenheartedness, and we will always cherish our memories of you in the sacred spaces of our hearts! DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING? Death, you have no sting no more For Jesus had died, and rose and won the war My Love, now at last is free In heaven, with his Saviour and his King Blessed Blessed am am II to to have have known known you you at at this this end end My husband, my lover and my friend Your sons you had loved so much But sadly, life for you had lost it’s touch You were a man so brave and strong and wild at heart You once had such a passion for life with kindest heart My love for you will never end Goodbye my Love, until we meet at the other end My heart is broken and crying out for you My one and only, my only you But when at last I’m still, with tears no more My comfort is to know you’re not hurting anymore Death, you have no sting no more For Jesus died and rose and won the war My Love, now at last is free and filled with peace In heaven, with his Saviour and his King By Karina Blackbeard YOU WILL FOREVER LIVE IN OUR HEARTS!!


If you see a wildfire, report it to

on most cellular networks.

FORTIN, Lorraine 1930 - 2015

Frank Fortin and his family would like to thank Dr. Fiona McLelland and the staffs of Piccadilly Care Centre and Shuswap Lake General Hospital for their kind and compassionate care of Lorraine and support of our family. We also thank all the family and friends for sharing our sorrow and offering heartfelt support. Your kindnesses were appreciated and will always be remembered. ERICK OLAF SUNDMARK 1927 - 2015 We sadly announce the passing of Erick Olaf Sundmark in Shuswap Lake General Hospital, Salmon Arm, Thursday December 3, 2015 at the age of 88 years. Erick was born in Carlin, B.C. May 23, 1927. He lived in the Salmon Arm area his entire life and went to school in Canoe. Erick, with his father and brother Carl started the business ‘Sundmark and Sons’ logging on Larch Hill. Then he went to Red Deer for one year to build homes for returning servicemen. When he returned he started as sawyer at the Federated Co-Op Mill in Canoe. He worked there for 41years until his retirement. Erick married Kathleen Raven in 1948. They had three children, David [deceased] [Audrey], Larry, Cathy [Richard]. He had seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Erick was a hard worker and had a passion for running [9km a day], hunting, fishing and camping. He was very social and liked by everyone. He belonged to the Fish and Game Club and Wilderness Watch for many years. He was also a member of the I.W.A. for over 40 years. He was predeceased by his wife Kathleen Sundmark, parents Olaf and Senia Sundmark, brother Everet, and sisters Elsie and Evelyn. He leaves his loving partner Vivian, brother Carl [Ann] and sister Selma [Dick] and numerous nieces and nephews. By request an informal remembrance will be held at a later date. Erick will be interred at Mt. Ida Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the S.P.C.A. or the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Email condolences and share memories of Erick through his obituary at www. (250) 833-1129.




Alexander McLaren Matchett, ‘the Wee Scottie’, beloved dad, brother and friend, died on December 11th, 2015 at the age of 80 in the company of his children. A true Scotsman to the end, he never left the house without his characteristic Scottish tam, and was most offended if anyone dared to ask, “What part of England are you from?” He was a simple man, with simple tastes – a hot cup of tea (and with typical Scottish thrift, the teabag was sure to be used several times), a digestive biscuit and hockey on the TV and he was content. A perennial prankster with a twinkle in his green eyes, the family album is full of pictures of him happily acting the fool. He was instantly liked by all who met him, and his sweet, kind, gentle nature was apparent to everyone he crossed paths with. He wasn’t accomplished in the traditional sense, with years of education or degrees behind him — but if ‘accomplished’ means a life well-lived, with dignity, and compassion, and empathy, hard-work, and a generous, loving heart towards all, then he succeeded with flying colours. Born in Glasgow, Scotland on April 22nd, 1935 he spent his childhood and early adulthood in the highlands near Inverness — walking the hills with his beloved dog Sambo was time well spent. In 1962, he met Christine at the Royal Ballrooms in Bournemouth, England, and by November of that same year, they were happily married. A son, Alan, was born in 1964. Struck by an irresistible sense of wanderlust, the family moved from England to Australia in 1967. After several years, homesickness for the misty isles brought them back to England in 1971 — a few months later, having suffered through a bout of the ‘worst flu in history’ coupled with a miserable, damp English winter, they came to their senses and promptly boarded a ship back to sunny, warm Australia where their daughter Julie was born in early 1972. It wasn’t long before wanderlust struck yet again, this time leading the growing family to the South Island of New Zealand, where David was born in 1973 and finally, to Canada, where they settled in Calgary in 1976…and the rest, as they say, is history. Knowing Dad, he would give a heartfelt “Ach…forget about it!” if he knew I had blabbed on and on in his obituary about things best forgotten, so I won’t. “Keep Smiling” was his motto and he lived it – smiled through it all, with that irrepressible twinkle in his green eyes and a grin on his face, even if he didn’t always feel like smiling on the inside. And so we come to the end...The end of a life, but not the end of his spirit, which will live on in his children and grandchildren, friends and loves. He will be forever missed and lovingly remembered by his daughter Julie (Daniel), Cranbrook, BC, sons Alan (Anne-Marie), Calgary, AB and David (Iris), Kelowna, BC; grandchildren Laura, Patrick and Nigel; ex-wife (but friends to the end) Christine Simpson (Dale), his loving sister in Scotland, Maisie McKenzie, and his feisty-like-him orange cat, Felix. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to McPherson’s Funeral Services, Cranbrook, BC. Donations can be made in Alexander’s name to the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division. A special thank-you and big hugs to the nurses and staff at Joseph Creek Care Village who took such gentle and loving care of dad. A family gathering will take place at a later date. Daddy…we love you so very much, with all our hearts – Keep Smiling.

A28 A28

Wednesday, Wednesday,December December23, 23,2015 2015 Salmon SalmonArm ArmObserver Observer














Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

SPERLING, HELEN The family of Helen Sperling sadly regrets to announce her passing on November 27, 2015. Keeping with Mom’s wishes, there will be no service. The family wishes to express their gratitude to the ambulance crew and to the staff at SLGH and RIH; their care of our mom was exemplary. A very special thank you to Mark Pugh for being instrumental in bringing Mom home quickly. Our gratitude in immeasurable. Donna (Chris) Kelley, Greg (Desiree) Pasek, Marina Pasek, Danny (Brenda) Sperling and Tory Maylam. Saying goodbye isn’t so hard as learning to live with the void. Email condolences and share memories of Helen through her obituary at www.fischersfuneralservices. com. EKREN, MILDRED MARY APRIL 13, 1937 – DECEMBER 7, 2015 It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our beloved wife and mother. Born in Sangudo, AB to Fred and Mary Greenwood. She is predeceased by her brothers Larry and Harvey. She married her loving husband Ole Ekren in 1955. Mildred will always be remembered as a lovable and doting mother to her children Roger and Carol. She is survived by her husband Ole, daughter in law Tammy, grandchildren and great grandchildren. A celebration of her life will be held in the spring 2016. The family would like to thank all the special people who assisted in our time of need. Arrangements entrusted to Fischer’s Funeral Services & Crematorium Ltd., (250) 833-1129. Email condolences and share your memories of Mildred through her obituary at www.

Honesty Makes a Difference

Ok – let’s get on those ads for the New Year. I need copy now!! Or else!

LOOKING for female companion to share costs on a trip to Paris in April. (250)832-7754

Happy Birthday Tammy


~ Dec. 29th

Here Today – Here Tomorrow There is no better way to create an everlasting tribute than by making a memorial donation to the Shuswap Community Foundation. Every tax receipted gift ensures that the name of your loved one will be remembered in perpetuity.

From the Observer Gang



Office: 250-832-5428

Sleigh Rides ,. Complimentary Hot Chocolate and Popcorn!!

Sports & Recreation HUNTING Firearms Safety courses. C.O.R.E. & P.A.L. required for Hunting/Firearms Licences. Call Trevor Holmes at (250)832-4105

Business Opportunities Book Now for your Fun!

250-832-5700 • Salmon Ar m

Churches Thrift Shop will be open on Dec. 23 from 10-5. No Donations Please. We will remain closed until Sat, Jan. 2. We are located at 461 Beatty Ave. NW Across tracks from A & W. Have a Blessed Christmas & may God grant you health & Happiness in 2016.

REALTORS WANTED! Find out what it’s all about by calling (250)550-4221 or email

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Help Wanted

is seeking a

HR/PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR To deliver accurate and timely payroll and benefit processing services to our non-profit clients. This is a permanent part-time position. Primary Job Functions: • Prepares and processes payroll entries and reports. • Responsible for the administration of benefit programs. • Responsible for the preparation and reconciliation of all payroll accounting, journal entries, • Responsible for the maintenance of vacation, sick, and time banks; • Completes all payroll related Year-End activities; • Prepares, signs and distributes Record of Employment (ROE) forms; • Drafts and distributes correspondence as it relates to payroll; • Responds to internal and external inquiries related to payroll data and processes; • Distributes pay cheques, direct deposit advices and T4s for all pay groups; • Ensure compliance with all governmental laws and regulations with respect to payroll and benefits; • Such other duties as assigned by the company from time to time; Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: • Two to three years of directly related payroll and benefits experience; • Post-Secondary education in Payroll, Accounting and/or Finance is desirable. • Demonstrated experience with Microsoft Office Suite and Simply Accounting Software desirable. • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills with an emphasis on customer service; • Able to work independently and as part of a team; • Strong analytical and organizational skills; • Thorough understanding of legislative requirements as they impact Payroll is critical; • Knowledge and understanding of basic accounting, and human resources principles and concepts is required; The Shuswap Community Resources Cooperative supports many non-profit organizations in the Shuswap area. This is a permanent part-time position 14 to 21 hours per week where you will enjoy a flexible work schedule and a great team environment. Job Description can be found on our website Interested applicants are invited to submit their resume with covering letter and supporting documentation to the attention of the General Manager at Deadline to apply is December 31, 2015.

We accept all Memorial Society and Pre-Need Funeral Policies Making final arrangements for a loved one isn’t easy. That’s why compassion goes into everything we do. We are prepared to arrange any special request you may have.

Kim Ingenthron Licensed Funeral Director

FUNERAL SERVICES & CREMATORIUM LTD. 4060-1st Ave. S.W. Salmon Arm, 833-1129 Serving Kamloops to Golden Toll Free 1-888-816-1117





We wish to thank everyone who applies but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

The passing of a loved one, combined with the burden of making the right decisions often leaves a family feeling overwhelmed. We are committed to quality funeral arrangements, peace of mind, dignity and understanding to those we serve through our staff and facilities.



The link to your community


• Traditional Services • Cremation Services • Prearrangement Planning • All inquiries welcome 24 hrs.



CLASS 1 Qualified Local Drivers required Immediately. We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for the Western Provinces. All picks and drops paid.Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time. Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume and abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Caring and serving families of our community since 1947

André Carelse, Apprentice Funeral Director

eace of Mind



PHONE: (250) 832-2223

To find out more information, or read local obituaries, please visit our website:

Salmon Wednesday,December December23, 23,2015 2015 Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, A29 A29




Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Misc Services

Misc. Wanted



Home & Yard

Commercial/ Industrial


DUE to retirement, the Shuswap Veterinary Clinic in Salmon Arm, B.C. is seeking a full time Practice Manager. The clinic is a 12 vet mixed practice, with 20 full and part time support staff. The Practice Manager, under the direction of the Managing Partner, is responsible for hiring, training and supervision of all support staff, manages all of the business activities of the clinic, including insurance and accounts receivable, ensures the practitioner schedule is developed and maintained, acts as secretary to the Partnership Board, coordinates charitable giving, and manages the website and social media. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated ability in managing personnel, excellent organizational skills, and good computer skills. Veterinary experience is an asset. We offer a competitive salary, paid benefits, pet discount and a C.E. allowance. Send resume and cover letter to

To distribute the Shuswap Market & Lakeshore News AREAS AVAILABLE SALMON ARM -Auto Rd & 20th St. SE -Auto Rd/15th/12th SE -30th/8th/6th Ave NE -SICAMOUS -Shuswap Ave. -Downtown Sicamous Call Valerie 250-832-2131




The link to your community

Help Wanted

The Supported Child Development Program

is looking for p/t program assistants for our substitute list. We work in a variety of childcare settings with children who require extra support. Training and experience working with children who have extra support needs is preferred. Starting wage $15.60/hr Please send resume to: • Fax: 250-833-0167 Only those selected for an interview will be contacted

•Renovation •Repair •Maintenance

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates Jewelry+ Chad: 1-778-281-0030 Local.

•Fencing •Decks •Patios

Musical Instruments


MARTIN Soprano Ukulele with hard shell case, American made from 1950’s $350. (250)517-8087

Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale

Free Items FREE: Card Board Moving Boxes & Packing Paper (250)832-2359

Real Estate For Sale By Owner

U-CUT CHRISTMAS TREES, Tappen area - Call Shirley (250)803-5269 after 6pm week nights, 8am-5pm weekends.

Excavating & Drainage

Excavating & Drainage

DAN DEGLAN EXCAVATING Professionally Beautifying Properties for Over 27 Years. • Rock Walls • Utility Services • Site Prep • Terracing • Drainage • Pools 981 - 16th Street N.E., Salmon Arm V1E 2V2


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Millwright and Industrial Electrician Opportunities Canoe Forest Products Ltd. (part of the Gorman Group of Companies); located near Salmon Arm BC has a fulltime opening within the Maintenance Department for a Journeymen Millwright and a Journeymen Industrial Electrician. Reporting directly to the Maintenance Supervisor, the successful candidates will be part of the maintenance team providing troubleshooting, predictive and preventative maintenance in our plywood plant manufacturing facility. As part of this team you will be responsible for all machinery and duties including: • Troubleshoot, analyze, diagnose and perform maintenance work on machinery, • Complete preventative and predictive maintenance, • Reading blueprints, diagrams and schematic drawings, • Utilize knowledge and skills to recognize opportunities for improvements and savings. Our ideal journeyman candidate possesses: • Journeymen certification • Commitment to safe work guidelines, policies, and procedures • Strong troubleshooting experience with PLCs, hydraulics, and mechanical machinery • Ability to work individually with little or no supervision • Willingness to adapt to changing priorities in a dynamic environment • Previous experience with log processing/ handling equipment and veneer production equipment would also be an asset If you possess the skills and qualifications for this position, please submit your resume with cover letter, by Friday, January 8, 2016 to: Human Resources Department Canoe Forest Products Ltd. Box 70 Canoe BC V0E 1K0 E: F: 866-514-8773 Canoe Forest Products thanks all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Serving the Columbia-Shuswap since 1976. Rates Consistently better than banks


Toll free 1-800-658-2345

If you see a wildfire, report it to

1-800-663-5555 or *5555

HOME on 3/4 acre #89 Salmon River Rd. $307,000. For more info & pics go on Castanet or call (250)832-2587 for details or to view.

Farm Services


Best rate 5yr-2.69%OAC

Farm Services


on most cellular networks.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent

COMMERCIAL space in established busy hair salon in Sorrento. Ideal for spa or esthetics $350 + triple net. Contact Ken (250)517-0003 FOR Lease: Fully equipped tire shop, 2 or 3 bays with balancers ALSO shops for lease different sizes (250)832-3829 (250)515-6051

Homes for Rent 4 BED/3 BATH. Newly reno’ed, 2 car garage. Located In SA. Upper floor. N/S, N/P $1600. + DD (250)549-9471 COTTAGE in Eagle Bay. 2 bed/1.5 bath. 5 appli., lake view, deck, NS, NP, avail. Jan. 1 $700. (250)675-3691 Malakwa-2bdrm home $700 +utils. 1 (250)309-0975

LAKEVIEW MANOR 2 bdrm, fully furnished $885 + hydro Available Now Viewing McGuire Park & Mt Ida. Close to all amenities in quiet adult NS, NP building. Short Term available Ref’s req’d (250)833-9148


PET GROOMING With Michelle

Monday to Friday

All Breeds including Cats & Large Dogs

271A Trans-Can. Hwy. N.E. (across from KFC) • 250-832-0604

Misc. for Sale

250-838-0111 or 1-855-737-0110

Garden & Lawn



• Shavings, Sawdust, Bark Mulch, Wood Chips (bulk/mini bags) • Well Rotted Manure • Soils • Extra Clean Wheat Straw

Stanley Bland 832-6615 or 833-2449

Financial Services

Financial Services

Suites, Lower LARGE 1 bedroom + den walkout basement suite Upper Okanagan area with lakeview covered patio. $1,250 per month incl utilities,cable,wifi. NS/ NP 250-309-1845 NEW 1bdrm. incl. util/sat/int. suits one mature female adult on acreage, NS, NP, 8min to town $700/mo. (250)835-0007

Want to Rent LOCAL non-profit agency looking for donated one room office/meeting space in Salmon Arm area. Please contact Jo-Anne Crawford (250)8323885 Ext. 1301

Transportation 1992 Blazer 4x4, everything works, good winter tires, stereo $750. 1 (250)833-4726

Trucks & Vans 2008 Ford F350 4x4 Diesel Quad cab, short box. 281K. $14,000. (250)833-0551

• Bark Mulch • Shavings • Sawdust

Garden & Lawn

SORRENTO. Shared accom. Prefer mature, working roommate (250)675-3312

Sport Utility Vehicle

Appointments necessary.


We Deliver

Rooms for Rent

VERY nice bright spacious 1bdrm level entry, priv. laundry, storage, parking, walk to town & senior ctr. incl. util $850/mo (250)833-2301


Misc. for Sale

Commercial Space For Lease Office or retail 2500 sq. ft., Storefront. Ground level. Wheelchair access. Quality building. High traffic location. $12/sq. ft. + OC 360 Ross St NE Call Keith (250)832-6060

Legal Notices

Legal Notices


NOTICE OF PROPOSED QUARRY AMENDMENT Take notice that “Laverne Turner,” of “Laverne Turner Contracting Ltd.,” has filed with the Chief Inspector of Mines pursuant to Section 10(1) of the Mines Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 293, a 5 year mine plan update, together with a program for the protection and reclamation of the land and watercourses related to the “Notch Hill Rock Quarry” Located on the “N/W 1/4, Section 32, Township 21, Range 10, West of the Sixth Meridian, Kamloops Division of Yale District, except Plans 31, A14143, 32071 and KAP72936,” located at 2181 Tappen-Notch Hill Road. Any person affected by or interested in this program has 30 days to make written representation to the Chief Inspector of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines, South Central Region, 2nd Floor 441 Columbia Street, Kamloops BC V2C 2T3. A copy of the proposal is available for viewing at the Salmon Arm Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library, located at 285 - 1151 10th Avenue Southwest, Salmon Arm, B.C.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Be safe this holiday season and have a designated driver SAVING YOU MORE

Have a safe & happy holiday season,

Don’t Drink & Drive! Bart’s



Holiday Season

Brakes • Trailer Hitches • Air Conditioning 91 Hudson Ave. N.W. (across from Salmar Grand) 250-832-8064

Have a Designated Driver

1701 10 Ave SW, Salmon Arm • (250) 832-5333

Be Safe!


Central ServiCe & towing 24 Hour Towing & Storage • Complete Automotive Repair • Licensed Mechanics

Plan ahead if you need a ride home.

Have a designated driver! 391 7th St. SW Salmon Arm, BC Box 2568 V1E 4R5

Have a safe, happy Christmas holiday!!

PH. 250 832-8656


Tammy & Vince Fischer Serving bereaved families for over 30 years.

Cherish Life. Plan ahead, don’t drink & drive!


’s Pumps & Plumbing

Drive Safely this Holiday Season!

Funeral Services & Crematorium Ltd. 4060 - 1st Ave. SW Salmon Arm, BC V1E 2Y9 (250)

Complete Mechanical Repairs

Sicamous, Revelstoke & Golden 1-888-816-1117 Kamloops (250) 314-1081 Vernon (250) 260-7053

4050 - 50th St. N.W. Salmon Arm


Plan a safe ride home!

Warm holiday wishes, and plan your ride home before you go!

Caring & Serving the Families of Our Community 440-10th Street, S.W. ~ 832-2223

‘Stay Alive’ Don’t Drink & Drive!

Enjoy a safe and sound New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve is one of the most popular party days of the year. As the clock ticks down toward a new year, revelers across the globe raise glasses of champagne in celebration of what’s to come.

& Auto Wrecking Ltd.


Such celebrations are a staple of the holiday season, but so, too, are accidents that result from excessive partying. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, January 1, when many New Year’s Eve celebrants are heading home in the wee hours of the morning, is when the highest percentage of deaths related to alcohol occur. In addition, analysis from the National Safety Council found that roughly 42 percent of traffic fatalities during the New Year’s holiday between 2007 and 2011 were related to drinking and driving. Be safe!

1151 - 10th Ave. S.W. • 250-832-2278 • Open 7 Days • 8 a.m.-10 p.m.

Be safe this holiday season and have a designated driver

Salmon Arm Observer Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Out on the Town A31

MUSIC • VISUAL ARTS • BAR SCENE • ENTERTAINMENT • PERFORMANCE ARTS Call us at 250-832-2131, drop in to our office, or use our new, easy to use calendar online. See below. THURSDAY, DEC. 24

cancer. Time yet to be announced.

WORSHIP – Five Corners Church hosts a Christmas Eve

candlelight service at 7 p.m. Bring the whole family to 3160 10th Ave. SE. For more information, call 250-8323121.

THURSDAY, DEC. 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE – The Shuswap String Orchestra Society

gives music lovers an opportunity to dance in the new year to a great rock-and-roll band, Paisley Groove, at 8 p.m. at the Elks Hall. Festivities will begin with a special movie theme concert by members of the String Orchestra conducted by Gordon Waters. In addition to live music, there will be midnight snacks and a silent auction to help raise funds for the orchestra. Tickets for the New Year’s Eve party are available at Acorn Music or by phoning 250-832-8669.

FAMILY FUN – Five Corners Church holds its Annual New

Year’s Eve Snow Party, beginning at 5 p.m. with sledding and a bonfire to 8 p.m., inside family games from 8 to 10, and music and worship from 10 p.m. to midnight. The event includes a special coffee house from 5 to 10 p.m. at 3160 10th Ave. SE. For more information, call 250832-3121.

SUNDAY, JAN. 10 BALLET – The Bolshoi Ballet performs The Lady of the

Camellias at 1 p.m. at the Salmar Classic Theatre. A young bourgeois, Armand Duval, falls madly in love with Marguerite Gautier, a gorgeous courtesan celebrated by the Parisian high society. Despite her infidelity, Armand will do all he can to win the beautiful woman’s heart and convince her to leave her indulgent life.

DINE AND DANCE – The Seniors’ Fifth Avenue Activity

Centre hosts a pancake breakfast from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and a Jammers dance begins at 7 p.m. If you play an instrument, go and play, or enjoy dancing to the music.

THURSDAY, JAN. 14 ULTIMATE JANIS JOPLIN – Toronto born Cat Wells thrills

crowds with her uncanny impersonation of the ’60s blues/rock artist Janis Joplin from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at the SASCU Recreation Centre. Tickets


performs his Basically Brooks Tribute to Garth Brooks at 3, 6 and 9 p.m. at B’s Eatery and Public House at Chances, featuring a special New Year’s Eve menu.


Salmar Classic Theatre. Bizet’s gorgeous opera of lust and longing set in the Far East returns to the Met stage for the first time in 100 years.

THURSDAY, JAN. 21 SNOWBLAZERS – Snowmobile Club monthly meetings are held every third Thursday at the curling rink to discuss chalet, trails, fundraising and preservation of Fly Hills Recreation. For more information, visit www.

SATURDAY, JAN. 23 FILM FARE – Shuswap Film Society presents Theeb at 7:30

p.m. at the Salmar Classic Theatre. The film is about the Ottoman province of Hijaz during World War I, when a young Bedouin boy experiences a greatly hastened coming of age as he embarks on a perilous desert journey to guide a British officer to his secret destination,

SUNDAY, JAN. 24 BALLET – From the live stage performance in Russia to the

Salmar Classic’s big screen comes The Taming of the Shrew at 1 p.m. Run time is two hours 40 minutes. Many suitors dream of marrying the lovely and docile Bianca, including Luciento. However, her father will not let anyone marry her before her elder sister, the ill-tempered shrew Katharina, is herself married. This new production was staged exclusively for the Bolshoi and cannot be seen anywhere else. Tickets are available at Wearabouts or at the door.

Still thousands of last minute gift ideas in stock!

CLOSED – The Seniors Fifth Avenue

Activity Centre will be closed for the day.

SATURDAY, JAN. 2 OLD-TIME MUSIC – Enjoy an evening

of old-time music at a coffee house at 7:30 p.m. at Sunnybrae Hall, 3847 Sunnybrae-Canoe Point Rd. featuring Sam Gleaves, with special guest Denis Severino and Myra Morrison. Tickets are available at the Shuswap Pie Company between Dec. 28 and Dec. 31, or call 2500-835-8657.

Over 2000 in-store specials to help keep money in YOUR pocket!

Canadian Tire 1151 10th Ave. SW • The Mall at Piccadilly, Salmon Arm Store hours: Monday to Friday 8am-9pm • Sat. 8am-6pm to Sun. 9am-5pm

250-832-9600 • Locally Owned & Operated


Babies Possible program takes place Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the basement of Crossroads Church at 121 Shuswap St. SW. Door prizes and lunch are provided. Jan. 5 – safe sleep; Jan. 12 – infant development; Jan. 19 – movie at Salmar Grand; Jan. 26 – clothing day.

FRIDAY, JAN. 8 BIRTHDAY LUNCH – The Seniors’ Fifth Avenue Activity

Centre’s Birthday Lunch is held at noon for all those celebrating birthdays in January. Take your friends and family. Purchase tickets by Wednesday, Jan. 6.

SATURDAY, JAN. 9 FILM FARE – Shuswap Film Society presents James White

at the Salmar Classic, a film about a young New Yorker (Christopher Abbott) who struggles to control his reckless behaviour as his mother (Cynthia Nixon) battles


are available at Wearabouts, 350 Alexander Ave. NE or online at Reserve a table of 10 or more and receive a 10 per cent discount. For more information, call 250-864-3155.

FRIDAY, JAN. 15 FILM FARE – The Shuswap Film Society presents a week-

long showing of The Spotlight to Jan. 22 at the Salmar Classic Theatre at 7:30 p.m. In 2001, editor Marty Baron of The Boston Globe assigns a team of journalists to investigate allegations against John Geoghan, an unfrocked priest accused of molesting more than 80 boys. Showtime yet to be announced.

SATURDAY, JAN. 16 OPERA – Live via satellite from New York’s Metropolitan Opera, enjoy Les Pêcheurs de Perles at 9:55 a.m. at the

FILM FARE – Shuswap Film Society presents Carol at 5 and 7:30 p.m. at the Salmar Classic. Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara) spots the beautiful, elegant Carol (Cate Blanchett) perusing the doll displays in a 1950s Manhattan department store. The two women develop a fast bond that becomes a love with complicated consequences. OPERA – The Salmar Association

presents Turandot, from the live stage at New York’s Metropolitan Opera House to the big screen at the Salmar Classic Theatre at 9:55 a.m. Run time is three hours and 35 minutes. Nina Stemme, one of opera’s greatest dramatic sopranos, takes on the title role of the proud princess of legendary China. Tenor Marco Berti is Calàf, the brave prince who sings Nessun dorma and wins her hand. Franco Zeffirelli’s golden production is conducted by Paolo Carignani.

FRIDAY, FEB. 5 HAPPY TRAILS – The annual Shuswap Trail Alliance party

and silent auction takes place at the SASCU Rec Centre, featuring DJ Patrick Ryley and live music by the Whiskey Danglers, with food provided by Blue Canoe. All businesses throughout the Shuswap are invited to support the Shuswap Trail Alliance’s programs by contacting Winston Pain at 250-804-6451 or by dropping items off at Lakeside Insurance. Tickets are available at Skookum Cycle.

You can now upload your own events on our website…AND IT’S EASY!! Simply go to, go to CALENDAR, and click on Add Your Event.

Season’s Greetings


Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Salmon Arm Observer

Rick Proznick

Val McMillen

Sue Kreipe

Tracy Hughes

Martha Wickett

Barb Brouwer REPORTER


Penny Brown

Sherry Kaufman

Laura Lavigne

Tammy Howkins




Jennifer Bertram


Terry Sinton EVN SALES




Tani Rademaker PRODUCTION



Sierre Allison AD ASSISTANT

Carin Viala

Lori Thomas

Evan Buhler

Lachlan Labere





From the staff at the Salmon Arm Observer, Shuswap Market News and the Eagle Valley News REPORTER

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