Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, December 24, 2015

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Merry Christmas, everyone!


Volume 120 No 52 PM # 400121123


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

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Local health care tops 2015 for MLA by Wendy Coomber It’s been a busy year for Fraser-Nicola MLA, Jackie Tegart, but of the many issues and projects she’s worked on, if one thing stands out for her in 2015, it’s local health care. “The concern and the issues around health care,” says Tegart, “and the opportunity to bring the [Health Minister Terry Lake] into the riding to visit the Ashcroft Health Site, the Logan Lake Clinic and the Merritt ER. From that visit, we were able to show the Minister the urgent need for health care in rural BC. “We’re fortunate that he’s close by and that he understands the issues that we’re dealing with, but for him to actually come to the sites and be there physically gave him a really good sense of how the community is feeling.” The Wellness Health Action Coalition (WHAC) in Ashcroft started up after Tegart brought health action representatives from Princeton in 2014 to talk about how they addressed their doctor shortage. She says she is impressed with what the coalition has done so far in regards to doctor recruitment. Tegart hosted a public meeting in Ashcroft recently to introduce the two new doctors that are expected to come here in February. “We will be holding a similar meeting in Logan Lake to hopefully introduce a new doctor there,” she says. Logan Lake has a Nurse Practitioner currently, but no doctors. “They have one in the [Practice Ready Assessment] program and we’re hoping for a second.” She says that being able to come up with innovative ways to deliver health care is a result of many conversations in communities all over her riding, but the Ashcroft-Lillooet connection is still unique. “To have a doctor actually sitting at the table,” she says, “Dr. Nancy Humber [who is] responsible for rural health care, is something new to us. She’s very much able to think outside the box and to say, ‘How do we deliver health care to people where they live?’” Tegart says she hopes that collaborative innovation will continue: “I hope it will lead to lots of conversation about what health care could and should look like, the key being delivering quality care. I think it might look different in every community.” She credits WHAC for demonstrating that

A Christmas visit

The CP Holiday Train was in Ashcroft last week, giving as good a show as the enthusiastic welcome they received from the crowd, and helping the food bank with holiday donations.

See TEGART on p. 8


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Proudly serving Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Loon Lake, Pavilion Lake, Spences Bridge, Savona and areas since 1993

Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal


A 2

the truck but both the driver and her passenger, a 22 year old Clinton man, were wearing seatbelts and neither were injured.

Kamloops Psychic Studio

Come today for a better tomorrow! PSYCHIC READER, HEALER & ADVISOR

Slid down embankment

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Season’s Greetings Holiday Hours: The Journal will be closed Dec. 24th until Dec. 29th, and closed Dec. 30th until Jan. 5th, 2016, when regular hours will resume. Advertising deadline for the Dec. 31st issue is noon on Dec. 22nd. Advertising deadline for the Jan. 7th issue is noon on December 30th.

402 4th St. • 250-453-2261

Dec. 16 at 11 am police attended a single vehicle accident on Hwy 97C about 3 km east of Ashcroft, near the gravel pit. A 78 year old Merritt woman lost control of her Kia Magentis on a downhill corner. The car spun across the oncoming lane and A 78 year old Merritt woman lost control on a slippery corner on Hwy 97C off the highway, backing down a steep but short incline. Ashcroft Semi loses control Fire Rescue, BC Ambulance and Dec. 14 at 3:30 pm police atshcroft etAchMent RCMP assisted the driver from tended a single vehicle accident afher vehicle to a waiting stretchter a northbound semi truck pulling er and carried her back up to the an empty flatbed lost control on Hwy Wendy Coomber highway where an ambulance was 97 just north of the Bonaparte Rewaiting for her. She was transportserve, crossed the highway and hit ed to the hopsital and her condition was not known. the oncoming ditch as well as a fence. There were no apparent serious injuries to the driver, but the 25 year old AbbotsFamily visits ford man was taken to the hospital in Kamloops. The acciDec. 16 at 5:30 pm police attended a disturbance comdent was blamed on slippery roads. plaint at a residence on Hwy 99 where an intoxicated 27 year old uninvited relative was yelling and screaming. Police arInto the ditch rested her and transported her back to Ashcroft where she Dec. 15 at 6 pm police attended an accident involving was lodged in cells for an hour until being released to her two vehicles on Hwy 97 in 16 Mile. The drivers of both vemother. She was given a ticket for being intoxicated in a pubhicles avoided contact by hitting the ditch. A 49 year old Verlic place. non woman driving a Ford F150 lost control on the slippery highDomestic argument way and nearly hit a GMC pickup Dec. 17 at 6 pm police were called to a residence on Nugdriven by a 60 year old man from get Rd. in Cache Creek where a couple was arguing loudly. Blind Bay. There were no serious Neither were there when police arrived, but the woman was injuries but both vehicles had to be located at a neighbour’s house. The man, who had allegedtowed for repairs. ly smashed a cup, was not located. There was no significant at the damage and no charges laid.

Come join us Legion to ring in 2016

Eat, Drink, and Dance to “The Wong Notes” Tickets $25 per person includes Dinner, Dancing and Party Favours Doors open at 6:00 Music starts at 8:00


rcMP D


Slippery rollover

Dec. 16 at 8 am police attended a single vehicle rollover on Hwy 1 at Thompson River Estates after a 72 year old Kamloops man lost control of his Ford F150 on slippery roads. He crossed over into the oncoming lane and rolled as he hit the ditch. He was transported to hospital in Kamloops as a precautionary measure.

Off road in Cache Creek

Dec. 16 at 10:30 am police attended a single vehicle accident just east of Cache Creek after an 18 year old Knutsford woman lost control of her westbound Dodge Ram and went off road to the left, heading down a steep embankment. The truck came to rest on its roof. There was major damage to

Disturbing everyone

Dec. 19 at 11:25 am police responded to a number of complaints about a single intoxicated woman causing a disturbance at several businesses in Ashcroft and Cache Creek by being belligerant with staff. The businesses included the Ashcroft Liquor Store and the Oasis Beer and Wine Store. At 1 pm her landlord in Cache Creek phoned to complain that she was still in her premises even though he had evicted her and she was supposed to be gone. The 56 year old woman, formerly of Cache Creek, was located on her way out of town. She said she was moving to Kamloops

Wasn’t looking

Dec. 20 at 12:45 pm police attended a two vehicle collision on Hwy 97C at the frontage road that leads to ASC Automotive after a 77 year old Pavilion man turned onto Hwy 97C in his pickup and struck a Ford SUV that was turning left from the frontage road. The SUV was being driven by a 44 year old Ashcroft man. Neither man was injured, but the SUV had to be towed for repairs.


Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happiness throughout the New Year!

Ashcroft Constituency Office 405 Railway Avenue Ashcroft, BC Phone 250 453-9726 Toll-Free 1 877 378-4802 Email

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


Fall Fair looks at changes

Dozens of volunteers bag fresh carrots in the Ashcroft Community Hall for the Christmas Food Hampers.The Hampers also had other fresh vegetables as well as canned goods.

Nearly 150 Christmas Hampers go out Volunteers worked harder than Santa’s elves this year to fill 149 Christmas Hampers so they could be delivered before Christmas. There were more hamper applications than last year, and many of them were from individuals. The area covered by the Hampers stretches from Spences Bridge to Clinton. “Each hamper gets a turkey, stove top stuffing, and cranberry sauce,” says Esther Lang. “Fresh produce this year included cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, and apples, purchased with monetary donations from individuals and businesses. All other contributions of canned goods or dried foods, donated from community members, are distributed to each of the boxes. “No two boxes are the same, due to the need to divide the donations as equitably as possible.” Each box also lists any dietary needs, including food allergies, of the recipient.

“Donated monies are also used to purchase case lots of specific canned goods to ensure there is some nutritional balance to each box,” said Lang. “Many thanks to the many individuals, schools, businesses, and local industries who have so generously contributed time, labour, money, and food,” she said. “They are too numerous to mention and too important to overlook. It is wonderful to see such active community support to ensure each family in the area has a rewarding Christmas.” The Hampers were loaded into vehicles and individually delivered to their recipients by more volunteers on Dec. 19. People are reminded that the Food Bank is different from the Christmas Hampers and always welcomes donations of food or cash.

by Wendy Coomber It was a disappointing year for the Ashcroft & District Fall Fair, but sometimes disappointment leads to good changes. “We less than 500 visitors this year,” said Fall Fair Association president Jessica Clement. “That’s less than half of what we had five years ago. But we had more people than normal complain about the $5 admission fee.” She said the complaints baffled her until she remembered that no other major event in Ashcroft charged an admission fee. They were either free or “by donation”, she said. It’s something that the association might want to consider, Clement said. “I was disappointed in the lack of response from the community,” she said. Entries were down in every category. People told her that they forgot or they didn’t have time. The Fruits and Vegetables entries used to take up eight tables. This year it only used two. Clement said the other BC Fairs had a great year, according to comments she heard at the annual BC Fairs convention. Armstrong raised their admission to $18 per person and no one seemed to complain. “It’s hard for us on the committee,” she said. “We have so many ideas but we need people to help carry them out. We couldn’t do the aMOOzing race this year. It was all set to go but we needed 10 people and we only had three.” Most of the volunteer jobs are for short duration projects, such as the two-hour race. “Everything was noticeably

down this year,” Clement said. “We don’t know how to reverse that.” It’s going to be a hard pitch to the vendors, she said, to tell them that this was just a bad year and to ask them to come back again next year. She thinks more prizes might be an answer. Instead of selling advertising for their booklet next year, they’re going to ask their advertisers to sponsor entries nstead. She feels that having more category aggregates might help participants collect points for a prize. “We need to change pretty much everything,” she said, although what that is going to look like has yet to be decided. She said the group has just had its debriefing meeting - a discussion of September’s Fair - so they haven’t discussed new plans yet. But they do have a couple of new members who she’s hoping will have some fresh ideas. She said she’d like to have more activities in the Ag-tivity Zone, including some like crafts that will include adults. “We just have to look at everhthing differently,” she said. “Enough so that it’s different but not too much. We will still promote and showcase agriculture and home crafts.” And it will still be a one-day event on the second Sunday of September. She said the theme for next year’s Fair is vegetables. “Turn up for the Fair and veg out!” she said. The committee’s next meeting is Jan. 19 at Blue Sage at 6:30 pm. Anyone wishing to join or share some ideas is invited to come to the meeting or contact Jessica.

Fossil talk sheds light on McAbee site’s importance by Wendy Coomber Dr. Bruce Archibald was in Ashcroft last week at the invitation of the Village. He spoke about the importance of the McAbee Fossil Beds east of Cache Creek which were given an official heritage designation in 2012. They were also closed to the public at that time. Archibald has been visiting the site for years, studying in particular the ancient bugs. “My colleagues travel around the world,” he said. “I work here.” If you want to find out how our world became modern and how it operates today, the McAbee fossils will help. The McAbee fossils are 52.88 million years old. He said there are many fossil sites in the interior because the area was once all high plateau, dotted by lakes and covered by forest, and

the sites are ancient. “I tell people that these sites are like the NHL of fossils and McAbees is Wayne Gretzky.” The difference is the quality of the fossils at McAbee. McAbee, he said, is the clearest window of any of these sites into this age (Cenozoic). It nurtured a palm-spruce community with an average temperature of 10 degrees. The temperature hasn’t changed, he said, but the seasonality has. There was little difference in the seasons 52.8 million years ago, unlike now where the temperatures differ drastically between summer and winter. He said scientists figured out how to determine paleo climate a century ago by collecting toothed margin leaves and entire margined leaves from a site. The proportion See MCABEE on p. 6

Entomologist Dr. Bruce Archibald spoke to an audience of about 60 in Ashcroft about the importance of the McAbee Fossil site east of Cache Creek

A 4 Published by Black Press Ltd. 402 - 4th St., Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber

The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal




All that I want this Christmas Dear Santa I’ve only ever written one letter to you up until now. You’ll remember more of its details than I can, but I do recall that I asked you for a sled - and you brought me one. I hope that I thanked you for that. If not, well then, thank you. I loved that sled and had it for years. It went with me on all of our family tobagganing trips. That little wooden sled was better loved and used than many of the other forgotten Christmas presents that I received before and after it. In the years following, whenever my parents asked what I wanted for Christmas, I would hand them a long list of items that I was simply dying to have, items that I’d found in the Sears Christmas catalogue or advertised on television. I can’t even remember what they were now. When I read the letters written to you by children the same age that I was then, and see the lists of things they want, I remember the old adage: There’s no harm in asking. One day I hope they will realize that the only gifts worth giving and receiving are those that come from the heart. I am writing to you today to take care of a regret that I’ve had over the years in not writing to you again, because I’ve had a Christmas wish in my heart for many years now although I don’t speak of it because it seems so huge that it is laughable that being would be up to the task of granting it. I would replace all of my requests - all of my yearnings - for useless presents while I was young with just one wish. Dear Santa, if you have any influence at all, I would like just one day of peace. One day where every person in the world puts aside their weapons, physical or mental, and shakes hands with their enemy. One day where political prisoners are released and reunited with family and friends. One day when those who perpetuate wars and hatred and paranoia embrace love instead of anger and greed. Because I think that if we had just one day of peace, we would never go back to the hatred and the destruction that takes place now and rules our existence. Thank you, Santa. That’s all I want.

A FROSTY MORNING ON THE THOMPSON with fog-shrouded hills NDP leader John Horgan sat down with Tom Fletcher for a year-end interview in his Victoria office Dec. 10. Here are excerpts. For the full version, see the Opinion tab at .

take on the prospects for LNG after the year we’ve had? JH: Not good. I’ve always said price will determine whether investors drop down multi-billions of dollars in a far-away place to provide a product that is not developed Tom Fletcher here. Brownfield opportunities have moved very quickly in the U.S. Changing LNG import facilities to export facilities is a whole lot easier and cheaper than starting from scratch. Getting to the coast is a chaltral approach. Do you support increaslenge for fossil fuels, and the last LNG ing the rate? price point I saw delivered in Asia was JH: I’ve looked carefully at the re$5.70 a unit. You’re not going to make port tabled by the premier’s [advisory] group, a vast array of British Col- money at that price, even with rockbottom prices here in B.C. umbians, and there was a lot of water TF: We’ve just had a couple of anput into the wine to get to the position they got to. What I’m comfortable nouncements as part of the governwith is that the date that they’ve select- ment’s Jobs Plan, $100 million in financing for tech startups, which your ed for a ramping up of the carbon tax critic was pleased about, and an agriis 2018, which will be a year after the next provincial election. So if I’m suc- culture and food strategy. Are we going to see more Jobs Plan advertising cessful and form a government, I’ll have time to look at tax policy broadly in the new year? JH: It’s the Christmas season, the to see if we can make improvements in federal election is over, there are two the carbon tax. sets of ads running now. I think these For me, and I think for most British Columbians, the model that Alberta ads are self-promotion. These are not informing the public on information has adopted of taking revenues and that they really need. driving them into industries, or activIf it’s just smiling people with harities like transit, that will reduce emisdhats on, I think we’re going to have sions over time. something to say about that. TF: Natural gas price and volume continue to go down, along with comTom Fletcher is legislature reporter modities generally, and supply of oil and columnist for Black Press. and gas keeps going up. What’s your


TF: In the recent federal election, national NDP leader Thomas Mulcair rejected the Trans Pacific Partnership sight unseen, endorsing letters from Unifor and CUPE saying this is a bad deal. Is your party seen as against Pacific Rim trade? JH: No, I don’t think so, and what I said at the time was that I support trade. We’re a trade-centred province. We’re looking across the ocean at the largest market the world has known, and I support getting our products to higher-priced markets. But having said that, the B.C. Liberals embraced TPP without even having seen it. TF: The NDP and unions have historically been protectionist. Do you see any need to modernize the B.C. party? JH: When it comes to trade, I think we have modernized. And who was the first premier to go on a trade mission from British Columbia? It was Dave Barrett. And now there has been a succession of premiers make regular visits to other markets to try to stimulate economic activity here at home. TF: Your party supports the carbon tax now, but not the revenue neu-

Horgan looks back on 2015





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A division of Black Press Est. 1895

402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625


Terry Daniels


Wendy Coomber


Anne Blake


Christopher Roden

Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


Santa’s been busy Left: The South Cariboo E. Fry office is a busy place these days with food and toy distribution for Christmas! Sherry Anderson and Shauna Bolton were getting the toys collected from the Toys for Joys campaign ready for parents and caregivers to come in and select for their children.

Ashcroft Firemans Association would like to thank the following for donating to our Spousal Appreciation Dinner

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR the middle of the road. Seatbelts on the community bus downArnie missed the first big mare and then two more were coming at us. We made it by them and then the van started to would benefit everyone slide and went for the ditch and slammed us into the hillside. Dear Editor The bus that is taking people to Lillooet to see the doctors does not have seat belts. I was informed last night that the driver has been urging the installation of the belts without success. Surely, the safety of the bus passengers should be the first priority of the groups currently patting themselves on the back. A group of us seniors quite enjoyed the bus trip last night to see the Christmas lights, but without seat belts, gripping the seats in front of us while the bus navigated the hills, gave a few of us pause.

Esther Darlington Ashcroft

Couple grateful for the selfless acts of strangers in emergencies Dear Editor On the 28th of November between 6 and 7 pm, we were saved by a young man who had no thought for himself. Arnie and I were in a horrific accident with our Windstar van. We were nearly home from Merritt. Coming around the corner on 97C, the wild horses were running toward us right

Interior Savings Credit Union Revelations Natures Gifts Remax IG Machine & Fibres Ashcroft Terminal Ashcroft Travel Centre Ashcroft Bakery Nailed It Ashcroft Barbershop Ashcroft Pet Supplies & More Rolgear Unitea Peoples Drug Mart Ashcroft Bottle Depot Safety Mart Avon (Linda Semke) Brittley Cadwell The Ashcroft Journal

John Bundus Ashcroft Workwear Zippity Do Da / Wilderness Way Ashcroft Lunch Box Devin Taylor Kelli’s Rest Massage Gullevin International Kamloops Communication Ashcroft Irly Building Centre Kamloops Blazers Wastech Epicure (Meryha) Quality Glass & Tire Community Futures Homemade Cards by Louise Fields Harper’s Trail Winery Eagle Point Golf Course The River Inn Restaurant

We were nearly upside down. I was stuck in the seat belt and Arnie in the bottom of the van. The van was smoking and we were scared it would burst into flames. I managed to get my window open and door unlocked, and I unlocked Arnie’s seat belt. I yelled at him to get out and go for help. He didn’t want to leave me but I kept yelling at him to get out. He finally got out and sat on top of the van when a young man on his way to work at the mine stopped to help. With no thought for himself, he jumped in and lifted me up with his back and unhooked by seatbelt and pushed me out the window. A second man had stopped. Sale in Effect Dec. 26th - 31st, 2015 Tim Robertson caught me as I was pushed out the window. We were taken to our house and Bob phoned the RCMP and ambulance. We were taken to the hospital and checked out by the caring doctors and nurses. Ready made napkins, table runners, holiday cushion covers Big thank you to everyone and - Select stock a stranger with a big heart and no care for himself but to help people Reg $6.98ea to $10.98ea who really needed help!


Arnie and Jannette Renz Logan Lake


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Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal


A 6

Ways to work on personal happiness Climate change research January dreams its heart in snow, twirling, swirling, off the flakes go, powdering the earth in white on this sparkling winter’s night. -Emma Payne

ROCKIN’ & TALKIN’ Clinton Seniors Association Zee Chevalier

A new year, a clean slate, as it were, new beginnings. What will you do? What will you achieve this year? In 2015 I gave you a year of ideas for selfimprovement in many areas of your life. Perhaps you adopted some of those ideas and they produced results so you’ll carry on with more of the same. Whatever you do, be kind to yourself. Stay safe and healthy. A faithful reader submitted these observations as a follow up to the December column and my thoughts about happiness. Thanks to Rob. Happiness is a tough goal to achieve. Many people pursue happiness only to find that they never quite reach it. There is always something more to want, something bigger or better or newer. We are in a very materialistic world. Really, the only way to get happiness is to give it away. Provide friends, families, strangers, coworkers with some of your time and good energy. If you see a need somewhere, fill it. Give away a smile, a handshake or a hug.

Coming Events

Dec. 24 - St. Alban’s Christmas Eve Service is at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Dec. 24 - Zion United Church Christmas Eve service at 4 pm. A service of carols and lessons with Rev. Ivy Thomas. 401 Bancroft St. Ashcroft. All are welcome. The Cache Creek Indoor Market is held the first Saturday of the month over the winter, except for January. Community Vegetarian Potluck Desert Sands School every 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:00pm. Bring your favourite Vegetarian Dish and join the fellowship. Add your community events to our online calendar at The Legion will be closed on December 25th.

Wishing you All a Very Merry Christmas The Legion will be closed on January 1st.

Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year!

Have people over for dinner, help shovel a walkway, split some firewood, paint a fence, you know

what I am talking about. And do it gladly. Do not feel like you are burdening yourself. You are not obligated but you should be wanting to do good things. It’s a pleasure to be a good person. So quit pursuing happiness. Give it away and let it pursue you. Clinton seniors and guests had an enjoyable Christmas party on Dec. 8. In lieu of a gift exchange, members make a donation of money. Some guests contribute as well. Names are in for a draw. The person whose name is drawn chooses a charity to be the recipient of the total amount contributed. This year Sandi Burrage was happy to send $270 to Children’s Hospital in the name of the Clinton Seniors Association. Well done! Thank you all! Colleen Thom, RN, will be at the Clinton Seniors Centre, 217 Smith Avenue, January 14 and 15 for the Foot Care Clinic. To discuss your foot care needs or to book an appointment call 1-250-819-1632. Seniors will meet for lunch Jan. 7 at the Cordial. Next regular General meeting is Jan. 21 at the Clinton Seniors Centre, 217 Smith Avenue. Come and join us! Annual membership fee is $15. Happy New Year to all and Happy Birthday greetings to Zee Chevalier Jan. 29. None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau


Sunday Worship 10:50 am

401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 •

United Church of Canada Christmas Eve - Rev. Ivy Thomas (4pm service) Dec. 27 - Lay Leader Reta Robertson


St. Alban’s

501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909

A Very Merry Christmas to all our Members and Patrons

Anglican Church of Canada


Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly

Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm Soup & Bun $4.00 every Tuesday

Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm

* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre first, second & third Sundays of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm ~ Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm



Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463

Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome

Seventh Day Adventist Church 409 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC

Pastor Karel Samek 250-523-9086 Local contact Reg Andersen 250-453-0090 Worship Service 11:00 am

between the two will give you the mean annual temperature for that area, he said. The amount of plant diversity at McaAbee, he said, would normally be found in a tropical setting, but this is in a temperate one. Scientists now have a handle on climate change, he said. The fossils at McAbees are so well preserved that you can count the number of stomatas on the leaves. Stomatas regulate carbon dioxide-oxygen exchange. When you compare modern leaf density to these ancient fossils, you can figure out the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air. “That’s cool!” he said. Archibald said he’s been studying McAbees for about 20 years. “Once I started looking at it, it became clear to me pretty quickly” how important the site was. “A big chunk of the site is McAbee from p. 3

gone,” he said. “What we’ve got left is precious.” After a half hour talk, the 60 audience members asked questions for the next hour. Many wanted to know how large the site was. Others wanted to know if the public will ever be allowed back on it. “This is such a world class resource, it deserves to be treated seriously,” he said. “It should be reburn - in a much better way. People see what they’ve lost and not yet what they will gain. It will be better.” He noted that many interpretive centres on archaelogical sites have programs for the local population, especially children. “I hope that there’s still good discoveries there long after I’m gone,” he said. “Stuff coming out of the ground and research being done on properly curated artifacts. There’s still a lot more to come out of the ground.”

Clinton’s winners chosen Elliot Park Road and Helen and Willie Prevost on Foster Avenue. Each will receive a $50 Home Hardware Susan Swan Gift Card. 459-2224 or 2325 Honourable mencountrysquire@ tions include the plays of Wayne and Sheryl Walch on Hwy 97, the Stanke’s on Christmas Light Up On Tuesday, Dec. 15 three Carson Street, Schapansky’s on members of the Clinton Com- Cariboo Avenue, and the Joel Mcmunities in Bloom Committee Coll property and Amanda and were chauffeured through out all Trevor Nelson property, both on of Clinton to view the Christmas Lagoon Court. It is always nice to lights and decorations. There were see the Buis’ big tree lit up. It can a lot of them, even more than pre- be seen from all over town. As well this year, the lights at Skookum vious years. Although the original plan had Horse high on the hill added to the been to pick the best residential festive look. Congratulations to all who took and the best commercial displays, the judges felt that since there were the time to decorate and make the no outstanding commercial ones community so festive and inviting. they would instead award two resi- If you haven’t had a chance to get out and view the lights yet, take the dential awards. After much deliberation they time. It is well worth it. Merry Christmas and all the decided that the winners this year are Rebekah and Dallas Bowen on best to all in 2016!


In partnership with Thompson Rivers University and School District #73, School District #74 (Gold Trail) is offering:

WELDING FOUNDATIONS PROGRAM WHEN: August 2016 - January 2017 WHERE: School District No. 74 Mobile Welding Unit: Location TBD ALL APPLICANTS WELCOME Applications can be submitted between November 15, 2015 and March 15, 2016 For an application, or for further information, please contact your school Career and Transitions Coordinator or Karen Miller @ / (250) 459-2219

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


Seniors take a short Christmas break Our last Bingo for 2015 was on Dec. 5, and we had a very good turnout. Everyone was so happy and cheerful - I think we must all have enjoyed lunch at the Church Bazaar first! Orest Maksymiw was our caller and we have to say a very warm “thanks” to him and all the others who turn out to call for us and give up their Saturday afternoons. I’m sure there must be times when they miss out on their favourite sports reports! Our Christmas lunch at the Legion was also very well attended. The Legion Ladies did a fantastic job, preparing a really delicious meal of roast turkey and all the trimmings. Before the meal was served, there was much chatter and laughter, but once the plates were filled everyone got gown to the serious business of eating and there was near silence! All the plates were emptied and the meal enjoyed - a sure sign of good food! Carylon provided the dessert, and her coconut cake was much enjoyed. Our full stomachs thank all those who worked before, during and clearing up after us! There was an extra nice touch, too, when president Muriel Scallon handed out Christmas cards. Thanks, Muriel, for your expressions of gratitude. Christmas is rapidly approaching, and we are all busy with shopping and all the other preparations. Growing up so many years ago in a time of lack of money and the rationing that wartime imposed, my thoughts turn to a time before the extreme commercialism we see today, when we were thrilled by an orange and some gold wrapped coins in our stockings and the children had the job of making paper chains for decorations!

FROM THE CENTRE Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Joyce West Nowadays we hear so much about what everyone wants that the original idea of Christmas often gets lost in the shuffle. Nowadays, too, we hear so much about “rights” but so often the other side of the coin, “responsibilities” is forgotten. I often think that one of the best gifts a parent can give a child is to instill a sense of good behaviour and manners and the knowledge of the results of their actions, be they good or unhappy ones! There is an ad on TV that just makes me cringe - I’m sure we have all seen it. I can’t imagine my mother ever standing smiling placidly had I blown bubbles through a straw (if I had ever had a straw!) and spilling my drink on the table! I would have been handed some paper towel (if we had had such a thing) and I would have learned the lesson of cleaning up after myself! Teaching a child to have responsibility for his or her actions is a way to encourage thinking before acting, and to consider the outcome of actions. We don’t always get or give enjoyment from what we do or from having everything we think we must have, even though many of our TV shows persistently try to make us think otherwise. Ah, well, I guess I’m just an old grouch! We had our last business meeting for 2015 on Thursday, Dec. 17. It was attended by the usual members who turn out faithfully to hear the report and make suggestions. We heard that all the areas of the group activities are going

strong and that our newer members are giving us hope that some more members will join in the group activities and fun. Our membership year starts in January, so that would be a good time to join. The opening day after the break will be on Jan. 4, when Bridge will start up again, followed on Tuesday and Friday by Carpet BowlBailey and Santa were having a good long talk at the ing and then Cards, recent Spences Bridge community Christmas party. then on Saturday Bingo will re-start. The day, time and location for the Zumba classes is to be decided once we start up again. Following what I wrote in my last report, in Scotland the New Year was welcomed in by going First Footing when friends would call at everyone’s home to welcome in the New Year. The custom was to take gifts of something to eat (shortbread) something to drink (a dram of whisky) and something to keep us warm (a small lump of coal) so the toast “ Long may your Lum reek chimney smoke - with ither folk’s coal” was a way of saying may you have many good friends and never want for food. Now that TV has taken over much of the old way, many customs have fallen by the wayside, but that toast can still be heard quite often. I hope everyone has an enjoyable time over the whole of the festive season and that you all start off 2016 in good health and spirits. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

THE KINSMEN CLUB OF SOUTH CARIBOO wishes to thank the hundreds of area residents who made our 2015 “Turkey Bingo” such a success. We also want to thank our very generous sponsors and volunteers listed below for donations (items for door prizes, cash donations, or discounts on purchases) and volunteering. We could not have done this without all of you. #6

Make a grocery list together—kids check off the items.

Make family time learning time. Find more activities you can do as a family at How do you learn as a family? Tell us #FamilyLiteracyDay

Scan for 15 Minutes of Fun

Aie (Steve & Heather) Family Amsterdam Restaurant (Kam.) Anie’s Pizza & Bakery (C.C.) Anonymous Donor Arrow Transport (Ash.) ASC Automotive (Boston Flats) Ashcroft Bakery & Coffee Shop Ashcroft Dental Clinic (Dr. Habeeb) Ashcroft Esso On-the Run Travel Centre (Ash. Manor) Ashcroft IRLY Bird/The Source Ashcroft Journal Ashcroft Lunch Box Ashcroft Pet Supplies & More Ashcroft River Inn (Meat Draw) Ashcroft Work Wear/Sears Associated Electrical Services (Ash.) Beans Roasted Rite Coffee Company (Ash.) Bear’s Claw Lodge (C.C.) Bonaparte Motel (C.C.) Brittley Cadwell Aesthetics (Ash.) Cache Creek Machine Shop Ltd. Cache Creek Recreation Committee Cache Creek Veterinary Hospital (Dr. Quinn Gavaga, DVM) Canada Post (Ash.) Canada’s Best Value Inn – Desert Inn (C.C.) Canadian Tire (Aberdeen, Kam.) Cariboo Jade & Gifts (C.C.) Chum’s Restaurant (C.C.) Coast Range Concrete (CRC) (C.C.) Copper Canyon Chevron/A&W (C.C.) Costco Canada (Kam.) Dairy Queen (C.C.) Desert Hills Ranch (Ash.) Dr. James Kendall, Chiropractor (Ash.) Fields (Ash.) Fresh is Best Salsa & Company (Kam.) Friendship Auto Service Ltd. (Ash.)

Full Circle Massage & Reiki (Susan McLean) (Ash.) Gold Country Communities Society Geotourism Program (C.C.) Grand Central Station Restaurant (Ash.) Grubstake Foodmart (C.C.) HDI Constantia (C.C.) Heartland Restaurant (C.C.) Highland Valley Copper (Logan Lake) Home Hardware Building Centre (Kam.) Horsting’s Farm Market (C.C.) Hungry Herbie’s Restaurant (C.C.) Husky House Restaurant (C.C.) IG Machine & Fibers (Ash.) Interior Savings Insurance Services (Ash.) Jo Petty, Artist (Ash.) John Bundus & Son (Ash.) Junction Shell (C.C.) Kamloops Blazers Hockey Club Kelli’s Restorative Massage (Ash/C.C.) Launie’s Nails & Esthetics (Ash.) London Drugs (Kam.) Lordco Auto Parts (C.C.) Manie’s Grill & Pizza (C.C.) Marg Appleby McDonald’s Restaurant (Aberdeen) Nature’s Gift (Ash.) New Body Integration (Devin Taylor, Certified Rolfer) (Ash/C.C.) Nick Lebedoff NL Broadcasting Ltd. – Radio NL 610/ The River 97.5 /Country 103 (Kam.) North End Petro-Canada (C.C.) OK Stop (Ash.) Pattison Broadcasting CIFM 98.3 & B-100 Radio (Kam.) Peoples Drug Mart (Ash.) Quality Glass/Tirecraft (Ash.) RBC Royal Bank (C.C.)

ReMax Golden Country Real Estate Services Ltd. (Ash.) Return-It Bottle Depot (Ash.) Revelations Hair & Nails (Ash.) Riverside Pub & Restaurant (Ash.) Rivertown Auto Detailing Robbie’s Motel (C.C.) Rolgear Manufacturing (Ash.) Rona (Kam.) Royal Canadian Legion Branch #113 Ladies’ Auxiliary (Ash.) Royal-LePage Ashcroft Realty (Hedda Hall) (Ash.) Safety Mart Foods (Ash.) Safeway (Kam.) Sam’s Diner (Ash.) Sandra & Ira Harry Save-On Foods (Kam.) Semlin Valley Golf Club (C.C.) Shoppers Drug Mart (Kam.) Subway (C.C.) Sundance Guest Ranch (Ash.) Sundowner Motel (C.C.) Sunset Motel (C.C.) Super Suds Laundry (C.C.) T.W. Dynamic Enterprises (C.C.) The Barber Shop (Ash.) Thompson Valley Funeral Home (Ash.) Tumbleweed Motel (C.C.) UniTea Tea Room (Ash.) United Steel Workers - Local #7619 (Dist. 3 – Highland Valley Copper) Village of Cache Creek Wal-Mart Canada (Kam.) Wastech (C.C.) Western Canada Theatre (Kam.) WRAPS (Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society) YourLink Inc. (Copper Valley Cable/ Internet/ Phone)) Zimmer-Wheaton Buick/GMC (Kam.)


A 8

Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal

Determining how local issues fit into provincial picture key to success “If we start with our community, then look at the region, we can come up with solutions.” Members of WHAC credit the MLA with helping them get what they need through contacts, persuasion and cutting through red tape. Although it didn’t directly affect the local area, biosolids was talked about and has been discussed by the Thompson Nicola Regional District. “A year ago we were in a different place,” she said, “but now we’re on a path. We have a principals table that is meeting government to governmet with five chiefs of the bands in the Nicola Valley. We’re feeling quite hopeful that we will move forward with bringing recommendations from an advisory committee and a technical working group to the principals table.” In September the TNRD adopted a bylaw requiring any biosolids facility to be on P3-zoned land. Since there is no P3 land available in the regional district, biosolids companies will have to request a rezoning and that will require public hearings. Tegart from p. 1

“Not only are we looking specifically at the biosolids in the Nicola Valley,” says Tegart, “but we’re looking at what’s the latest and greatest in the use of biosolids around the world. We want to ensure what we’re doing is safe and if it isn’t and needs changes, we’ll make recommendations around that. We want to see what people everywhere are doing with their biosolids because biosolids is not going away.” The issue of jobs and job creation is an unending one, especially in rural areas where dependence on resources is strong. “I think in the next year we’ll see challenges around the resource sector and how do we keep the jobs? And how do we create jobs in rural British Columbia? BC’s doing very well in Canada but have to keep on top of it,” she says. “There are so many things we don’t have control over.” In forestry, the Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) across the province is decreasing now that the pine beetle appears to be under control. The AACs were increased a

few years ago to harvest the pine. “We’re hearing from the mills that it’s going to impact jobs,” she says, “and we’re trying to minimize that.” Tegart says a few months ago Jim Rivett, Mayor of Clinton, proposed an interesting plan whereby nearby mill, West Fraser, would contract with private landowners to remove trees that were deemed to be a fire hazard. Rivett was hoping that they could become a pilot project for a program that would help mills find more sources of wood. Tegart says they are still in negotiations. In the mining sector, the low price for copper is also having an impact on local jobs. But it’s been a pretty good year in the riding for government funding. Ashcroft and Cache Creek saw some major paving projects. The MLA was also able to announce funding for local infrastructure project - big projects like Ashcroft’s water treatment plant and little projects like Clinton’s dog park. Logan Lake also received funding for a new water treatment plant. “Infrastructure was very much on the top of the list for municipalities,” she says. After the flash flood devastated Cache Creek last May, Tegart and the Premier came to view the damage and to announce that the town qualified for disaster assistance. Since May, she has met with Cache Creek Council to help with some of the recovery projects that needed fundfrom School District No. 74 ing. “We had some major announcements in the Merrit area around NVIT and the trades trainNews in Education: Reading Recovery ing centre,” she says. “We also have a new program to help single parents on assistance return In keeping with the Board of Education’s mission to support a to school. We have 1,300 single parents regislearning community that inspires each student to achieve their potential, the Board is pleased to support opportunities for tered for classes. That’s one of the projects that young learners. Gold Trail has entered into a partnership with I’m extremely proud of.” School District No. 27 (Cariboo/Chilcotin) that supports the She says she will continue to lobby for AshBoard’s goal in this area. The Cariboo Chilcotin district is croft Terminal, “and I think the Climate Action providing Reading Recovery Teacher training to support teachers in Gold Trail to learn and implement these effective stratePlan may fit into that with the number of trucks gies. we can take off the road. Garbage is part of the provincial picture and how can we influence it Reading Recovery is a highly effective short-term early intervento provide jobs where we live?” tion for grade one students who, after kindergarten, are having Much of it requires “relationship-building difficulty with literacy activities. One-on-one lessons are taught daily by a specially trained teacher. The intervention is most and lobbying that we always hope will bring effective when it is available to all students who need it and is jobs to our area.” used as a supplement to good classroom teaching. Outside of the riding, Tegart is the provincial liaison for a poverty project through the MinThe goal of Reading Recovery is to dramatically reduce the istry of Children and Families. She says there number of grade one students who have difficulty learning to are a number of municipalities, like Cranbrook read and write. As soon as students can meet grade-level expectations and demonstrate they can continue to work indeand New Wesminster, “who are trying to pull pendently in the classroom, their lessons are discontinued, and together their work on poverty and put together new students begin individual instruction. plans to address it.” At the start of 2015 she was chosen as CauStatistics show that students who read at grade level dramaticus chair. That provided a new role for her cally increase their life-long learning opportunities. The Board continually seeks new and innovative programs and a network which included the management of the legisof relationships which demonstrates its commitment to support lature, “and also the opportuity to meet much students in Gold Trail throughout their educational journey. more regularly with the Premier.” She says the position “is about ensuring that News in Business: Facilities Update people are being heard. If people run into glitches with an issue and are feeling frustrated my In the spring of 2015, the Board of Education met with Lillooet and area community leaders and members of the public to discuss propjob is to try and mediate and mitigate that.” erty disposal in Lillooet. Following the meetings, the district submitted Tegart says her job as MLA gives her imdocuments to the Ministry of Education seeking approval to dispose mense satisfaction. of the properties. Recently, the Board received ministerial approval “It’s about service to the community,” she and will proceed in the new year with the disposal process approved in May. In the interim, a number of short term lease agreements have says, “and how we can assist communities to be been signed to defray costs and provide community members the the best they can be. opportunity to utilize the facilities. “There’s incredible opportunity to help people. There’s never a day that goes by that I On June 30th Ashcroft Elementary School closed and the Board don’t learn something new. There’s lots of satisprovided funding to reconfigure the high school to an impressive K-12 facility, Desert Sands Community School. The Ashcroft Hub Society, faction when things come to fruition and you formed by community members, is leasing the former elementary get a thank you note from someone. There are school and providing space to local interest groups. a lot of challenges because the issues tend not to be simple, but that doesn’t mean we give up. Community members in Clinton have formed the Clinton and District We just continue working one step at a time. It’s Assisted Living Society and are working with the district, the Ministry finding out how we can fit into that provincial of Education and the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to purchase the former Clinton Elementary School. picture.” She says she assumes 2016 will be just as The district is working together with representatives from Lytton and busy as the last three. local Bands, the Village of Lytton, Nzen’man’, PAC, the Board and “And I’m still loving it,” she says. “That’s local principals to discuss options for a K-12 facility in Lytton. the bottom line. I enjoy most every day.”

NEWS—Update News from the Board of Education

Seasons Greetings As the holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year. The many learning and growth opportunities experienced by students, staff, caregivers, community members and trustees validates the ongoing progress and innovativeness we see in classrooms and schools. The Board values the relationships made over the years and looks forward to continuing its work with you to ensure a bright future for students in Gold Trail. We wish you a happy Christmas/Winter break and a New Year filled with peace, hope and joy!

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Credit Awards up to $10,000 include applicable taxes and must be applied to the purchase or lease of a new 2015 or 2016 MY Chevrolet vehicle delivered on or before January 4, 2016. 30 Vehicle Awards available to be won, each consisting of winner’s choice of a vehicle with an MSRP of $35,000 CAD or less. The customer is responsible for any other taxes, license, insurance, registration, or other fees. Vehicle Awards are not transferable and no cash substitutes are permitted. Not all awards have the same odds of winning. For full rules and program details visit your GM dealer or Correct answer to mathematical skill-testing question required. See your GM dealer or for full contest rules and program details. ^ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between December 4th, 2015 and January 4th, 2016. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Spark, Sonic, Cruze LS 1SA, Malibu (except LS), Volt, Impala, Camaro, Trax, Equinox LS AWD, Traverse, Colorado 2WD, Silverado 1500 Double Cab 2WD WT / Crew Cab 2WD WT and Silverado HD’s WT 2WD with gas engine. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $476.19 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ‡ $3,000/$3,500 is a combined credit consisting of $1,000 Connect & Win Bonus (tax inclusive), $1,000 Holiday bonus (tax inclusive), and $1,000/$1,500 manufacturer to dealer finance cash (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Cruze/Trax which is available for finance offers only and cannot be combined with special lease rates and cash purchase. † $5,000/$5,000/$12,000 is a combined credit consisting of $1,000 Connect & Win Bonus (tax inclusive), $1,000/$1,000/$0 Holiday bonus (tax inclusive), and a $3,000/$3,000/$11,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Cruze/Trax/Silverado Heavy Duty Double Cab with gas engine (except WT 2WD), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000/$3,000/$11,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. †† Offer available to retail customers in Canada only on new 2015 & 2016 Chevrolet Cruze, Equinox and Trax delivered between December 18, 2015 and January 4, 2016. $1,000 bonus cash includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. Limited time offers, which may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2015 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


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Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal


A 10

Every good Wish for your Happiness this Holiday Season

Hungry? Herbies 250-457-6644

Closed Christmas Day 1301 Hwy, 97 North, Cache Creek

From the stage of the Holiday Train last week, South Cariboo E. Fry manager Yoriko Susanj (centre, with microphone), thanks the employees of Canadian Pacific and local residents for their generous donations to the local food bank. L-R: Ashcroft Mayor Jack Jeyes, Sandie Maximiuk, Yoriko Susanj, Akiro Susanj, MLA Jackie Tegart and Randy Marsh.

Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a most Prosperous and Healthy New Year

Can I have a pink and purple skateboard please?

Closed from 4pm Dec 24th to Dec 26th, and Jan 1st

LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Ms. Ellis’s Grade 2 Class, Ashcroft Dear Santa How are your elves doing? How many do you have? Can you make a note to yourself? I want 44+44+44 Hot Wheels and the same amount of cars and tow trucks. From Liam C

210 Railway Ave, Ashcroft 250-453-2553

Season’s Greetings, with best wishes for a Happy New Year! Open through the Season


Cache Creek • 250-457-6612

Dear Santa Can you please bring me Little Big Planet Karting and Disney Infinity 3.0 with Inside Out people? I also want one of those Tweety Birds from Toys R Us. Love Melody PS. I also want a Bubble Wubble ball. They are really fun.

Holiday Greetings!

Celebrate each day Closed Dec. 24th 6 pm to Dec. 27th 10 am Dec. 31st 6 pm to Jan. 2nd 10 am

Dear Santa Can I have my very own tablet? Please can I have a Furby? I have been very good. My dad wants a new licence and a vehicle. Love Anna Dear Santa Can you please bring me an Air cannon and Ender Dragon Operation? Do you have a cat? Please bring a blue Wubble. I am 7. From Roman Was I good a lot? Dear Santa I would like to have a dry Bowser for Christmas. Do you like to play Mario Kart? I have been a good boy this year. From Lane

Dear Santa Can I please have a toy doll for Christmas? I love Christmas. Can I have a pink and purple skateboard please? Love Ann Dear Santa Can I please have a Furby because I don’t have one? How are you? Also can I have a Baby Alive doll? Please. I have been good a lot. Love Brea Dear Santa Please give me a Nerf gun for Christmas. Please give my cat a ball. I don’t know what my sister wants. What’s one of your elf’s names? From Liam W Dear Santa I would like the video game Halo 5. Please. And Halo 4 and 3. Please. My family has a cat. My sister wants a Barbie house. Love Wesley

At Christmas, all roads lead home. Have a Safe, Happy Holiday Season!

Dear Santa I want Hungry Hungry Hippos and a Nerf gun and Lego. I am good sometimes. Love Karsin Dear Santa I would like Holiday Barbie just for decoration please. Also can I have a stuffed reindeer? Am I on the good or bad list? From Carys Dear Santa Please can I have a Super Mario Maker and a Zoomer kitty? Please. Ask Mrs. Claus how the baby is going. I have been a good girl. Love Nevaeh Santa, can I please have Lego and a Wii U? Please. And a big ball with a little ball inside and Super Mario 2. Please. How are your elves doing? From Logan

Wishing you a season filled with beautiful moments and cherished memories

from Heinz, Cam and Deb

250-457- 6 4 6 4

C a ch e Creek

Friendship 417 Hollis Rd., Ashcroft 1-800-661-2331

Auto Service Ltd. 250-453-9308

603 Railway Ave., Ashcroft

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015

COMMUNITY the best Santa. What do you do on the weekends? Please can I have a toy for my cat and my mom and dad? From Mary-Grace Dear Santa How is Twinkle doing? I would like a Mia and Me toy and a crystal series Furby. But can I still tell you at the mall in Kamloops? Merry Christmas Santa! We all love you! From Peyton

Ashcroft elementary students take collected food items to the E. Fry food bank

PS - We need a bigger house Dear Santa May I please have a chocolate bar and a mirror and a doll and a candy cane. Why do we not have an elf? I also want a fish and a stop sign. I have too many brothers and sisters to ask for stuff for them. Love Miyah Ps. We need a bigger house

Please visit soon. Love Kylie PS Don’t forget to eat my cookies. I believe in Santa and magic. I really like you Santa Hi Santa Can I have a Sew Cool sewing set for Christmas? I know it’s on my list but I really want it. Oh and I’ve been good. And please can I have a hair and body salon? Does Jeck come back to the north pole? Jack is my elf. Can you please bring my dad a new furnace? From Madison

Dear Santa I would like a tablet and a computer and Disney Infinity 3.0 and Halo 5. I also want Air Hawks Shadow Launcher and some cat treats and a family game. Thank you. From Trenton Dear Santa I have been really good this year. I only got in trouble a couple of times. For Christmas, I would really like toys for my bird and a Furbling. I would enjoy oven mitts to give to my grandma because she lost hers. For my hands, I would like glowing nail polish. I’d really like to know if my elf Snowflake is ok.

Dear Santa May I please have an iPad and I was wondering if my elf was good? You are

Merry Christmas to all my Friends and Customers Muriel’s Sewing

Who was born Christmas day? 1642 Sir Isaac Newton 1899 Humphrey Bogart 1918 Anwar el-Sadat 1924 Rod Serling 1932 Little Richard 1946 Jimmy Buffett 1949 Sissy (Mary) Spacek

Peace on Earth!

Sun-Thurs 8-3 • Fri-Sat 8-7 • Live music Saturdays Closed Dec. 25, 26, 27, & Jan. 1 Reservations for any day or time Christmas parties for numbers of six or more

Spences Bridge B.C. Just off Hwy. 1 250- 458-2256

Dear Santa Can I please have an Air cannon and a classic Etch-a-sketch, a blue Wubble and boxing robots set, Zoomer Chompling and Ultimate night vision glasses, Megablocks, Halo 5. I am Adrian and I am 7. I am very good and can I have an elf named Thunder? Love Adrian

More Santa Letters on p. 13 A 11

All of us at The Journal join in saying Thank You and wishing you a Happy Holiday and a Prosperous New Year

402 4th Street, Ashcroft


Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year ARROW MINING SERVICES INC.


Highland Valley Road Ashcroft

Season’s Greetings from everyone at

Highland Valley Copper It is the season for rekindling the fire of hospitality in your home and igniting the flame of charity in your heart.

Merry Christmas

May the Holiday Season Bring Happiness and Joy to You and Your Loved Ones Closed Christmas Day

MILLER’S CROSSING 250-373-2541 • Savona, BC

I would like to wish all my customers a very Merry Christmas and to thank all my customers for their support throughout the year ... Geri Dec 24th 9-2 Closed Dec 25-29 and Closed Jan 1 Ashcroft





417 Railway Ave. Ashcroft • 250-453-2292

Wishing you a festive season and a prosperous and healthy new year

Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal


A 12

Silent Night, Holy Night Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright. Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child. Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight. Glories stream from heaven afar Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia, Christ the Savior is born! Christ the Savior is born. Silent night, holy night! Son of God love’s pure light. Radiant beams from Thy holy face With dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus Lord, at Thy birth. Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.

O Come All Ye Faithful O Come All Ye Faithful Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold Him, Born the King of Angels; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.

Coventry Carol Lullay, Thou little tiny Child, By, by, lully, lullay. Lullay, Thou little tiny Child. By, by, lully, lullay. O sisters, too, how may we do, For to preserve this day; This poor Youngling for whom we sing, By, by, lully, lullay. Herod the king, in his raging, Charged he hath this day; His men of might, in his own sight, All children young, to slay. Then woe is me, poor Child, for Thee, And ever mourn and say; For Thy parting, nor say nor sing, By, by, lully, lullay.

Steven Rice, Director Area I

Cache Creek elementary students sorting cans to take to the E. Fry food bank

O Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing all ye citizens of heaven above Glory to God in the Highest; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Oh yea! Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning, O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored. Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.

Safety Mart FOODS

Railway Avenue Ashcroft 250-453-9343

Joy to the world, the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing, And heaven and nature sing, And heaven, and heaven and nature sing. Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns; Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, Rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessing flow Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as the curse is found. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders of His love.

May the Holiday Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your loved ones.

Seasons Greetings Open Dec. 24 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Open Dec. 27 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Dec. 31 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Joy To The World

Closed December 25 - January 11 See you in the New Year!

Ashcroft Bakery and Coffee Shop

250-453-9212•3rd St., Ashcroft

The Village Office will be closed between 12:00pm, December 24 and 8:30am January 4. Call 778-254-0400 in the event of an emergency.

Village of Lytton 250-455-2355

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


Why do you only come at night to deliver presents? LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Monique Carmichael’s Grade 2-4 Class, Clinton Dear Santa My name is Tate. How do you make magic for the reindeer to fly? How did you like our play? I would like a remote controlled plane that can go on water or ground, no batteries included. Love, Tate Dear Santa My name is Trinitie. How many elfs do you have? Are there any polar bears at the North Pole? How old are you? Do you have an elf named Trinitie? Can you bring me a tablet or notebook? I would like some Jewellry or some more markers or a new water bottle. Your friend Trinitie. Merry Christmas Dear Santa My name is Cotton. So you have a Snowman? I would like nerf guns, please. Sincerly, your friend Cotton Dear Santa How are you doing? today at the North Pole. My name is Paige. I have 3 dogs 1 cat. and I live in Clinton, BC. I have a few questions Santa. How old are you? Why do you only come at Nght to deliver presents? and do your elfs have names? Please I have bin waiting fo a year fo a brid. that has a rainbow on him. and name him buddy. Love, Paige Dear Santa My name is Ethan. How big are your elfs? I live across from the park. My colours for my house are white and blue with wooden stairs. For Christmas I want a t.v that can go on the wall. how many elfs do you have to make toys for children all around the world. How do you get in chimneys to deliver presents.

How fast does your sleigh go to get to different places. I want a Samsung note 5 with a pen with tickits to see Star Wars the force awakens in 3D. And Lego dimensions for wiiu and nerf rivals. Also the Thunder II Pedal Power go-kart with metal around it. And mote lego Ninjago sets. With more nerf guns to play wit and power ranger dino change things. Sincerely, Ethan Dear Santa My name is Emma. I am 9 years old and I live in Clinton. B.C. Canada. I was wondering how many reindeer do you have? What do they eat? How long does it take to deliver all those presents? When do you sleep? How do your Reindeer fly? How do you get all the presents ready in time? This year I’m not asking or any thing. Have a good day. Sincerely, Emma Dear Santa I live in Clinton, BC. My name is Isla. What Does Rudolph eat? What Do the rest of the reindeer eat? Do the elves make The toys? Can I have a zoomer kitty if thats ok? Your friend Isla Dear Santa Claus I am 9 years old. My name is Robert. I live in Clinton BC. How many elves do you have? How many are boys? All I want for Christmas is a football please. from Robert Dear Santa My name is Rachel. I live in a small town called Clinton BC. As you may know I have a little sister and mom and dad. I would like to know do you

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year Closed: December 25th and January 1st, 2016 Limited Availability: 9-12pm December 24th and December 31st. Open for Emergency Services upon request over the holidays

Cache Creek Veterinary Hospital 250-457-6203

1348 Old Cariboo Road, Cache Creek

really have little people (elfs) working for you? What about the reindeer do you really fly around the world in a sled? and Rudolph dose his nose really glow? How did you become Santa in the first place? Do you have a dad and brother? Does your belly really look like a boll full of jelly? How long have you and Mrs. Claus been married? What is your favorit cookie? Lots of kids in my class think your favorit couler is red is it? OK I want Lego, skidy felt pen, a new Ipad case, art sleplice, minions noovie and this may be alot to ask but I want a new computer for my mom. Well it’s nice to finlly end a letter to you. Sincerly, Rachel Dear Santa can you get me a barbie? Santa what are your elve’s names? how many elve’s do you have? My name is Natalie. Love your friend Dear Santa My name is Bailey, I am 7 years old. I live in Clinton, BC. How did you get the little elfs? Did Rudolph actually save the night? How do you deliver all the presents in one night? Santa I wont a guitar. Thank you! Sincerely Bailey Dear Santa How are you? My name is Emma. I am 9, almost 10. Does Rudolph have a red nose? Do you come to Clinton? I live in Clinton BC. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother. Can I please have a phone for Christmas and my sister would like a doll. I believe in you. Love your work. Yours truly Emma

More Santa Letters on p. 15

Wi s h i n g y o u Peace, Love, and Joy this Holiday Season Gas Bar - 24 Hours as usual Husky House Restaurant Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve - 6am to 6pm Christmas Day - Closed Boxing Day and New Year’s - Day 10am - 6pm

Cache Creek Husky 250-457-9312

959 Trans-Canada Hwy. S. Cache Creek BC

Wishing you a Joyful Holiday and a New Year filled with Peace, Happiness and Prosperity

Village of Cache Creek

May the Joy and Peace of Christmas be with you now and throughout the New Year

Ashcroft Dental Clinic 250-453-9147

411 Brink St., Ashcroft

Wishing you peace, love, and joy this Holiday Season building centre

Building Supplies 1217 Cariboo Hwy, Clinton


Ashcroft Cache Creek Seniors

would like to wish one and all a very Merry Christmas and glad tidings for the New Year Hoping to see you all in 2016

Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal


A 14

Frosty the Snowman Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to my Furry Friends and their People from Sagebrush Pet Parlour Debbie

Zion United Church

Celebrate the birth of Jesus With Reverend Ivy Thomas December 24 at 4:00 pm Everyone Welcome

401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft 250-453-9511

250-453-9802 250-453-9802

Thompson Valley Funeral Home Ltd. Ordinary people. Extraordinary care. 250-453-9802 ~ 1-800-295-5138

To a Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year

1002 Trans Canada Hwy, Cache Creek


Warm wishes for a Joyful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from all of us at

Revelations Tanning & Salon Closed Dec 25 - Dec 30 Open on Dec 31


Railway Ave, Ashcroft

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Don we now our gay apparel, Fa la la, la la la, la la la. Troll the ancient Yule tide carol, Fa la la la la, la la la la.


O Frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day, So he said, “Let’s run and We’ll have some fun Now before I melt away.” Down to the village, With a broomstick in his hand, Running here and there all around the square saying, Catch me if you can. He led them down the streets of town Right to the traffic cop. And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler “Stop!” Mmm Frosty the snowman Had to hurry on his way, But he waved goodbye saying, “Don’t you cry, I’ll be back again some day.”

See the blazing Yule before us, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Strike the harp and join the chorFa la la la la, la la la la. Follow me in merry measure, Fa la la la la, la la la la. While I tell of Yule tide treasure, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Fast away the old year passes, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Thumpetty thump thump, Thumpety thump thump, Look at Frosty go. Thumpetty thump thump, Thumpety thump thump, Over the hills of snow.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday, and a very happy New Year.

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose And two eyes made out of coal. Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say, He was made of snow but the children know how he came to life one day. There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found. For when they placed it on his head He began to dance around. O, Frosty the snowman Was alive as he could be, And the children say he could laugh and play just the same as you and me.

Deck The Halls


Thumpetty thump thump, Thumpety thump thump, Look at Frosty go. Thumpetty thump thump, Thumpety thump thump

s Greetings and B n o as the New est Se shes for Yea i r W

Sing we joyous, all together, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Heedless of the wind and weathFa la la la la, la la la la.

Blue Christmas I’ll have a blue Christmas without you I’ll be so blue just thinking about you Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree Won’t be the same dear, if you’re not here with me And when those blue snowflakes start falling That’s when those blue memories start calling You’ll be doin’ all right, with your Christmas of white But I’ll have a blue, blue blue blue Christmas

Here We Come a-Wassailing Here we come a-wassailing Among the leaves so green, Here we come a-wand’ring So fair to be seen. Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail, too, And God bless you, and send you A Happy New Year, And God send you a Happy New Year. We are not daily beggers That beg from door to door, But we are neighbors’ children Whom you have seen before Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail, too, And God bless you, and send you A Happy New Year, And God send you a Happy New Year. Good master and good mistress, As you sit beside the fire, Pray think of us poor children Who wander in the mire. Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail, too, And God bless you, and send you A Happy New Year, And God send you a Happy New Year We have a little purse Made of ratching leather skin; We want some of your small change To line it well within. Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail, too, And God bless you, and send you A Happy New Year, And God send you a Happy New Year. Bring us out a table And spread it with a cloth; Bring us out a cheese, And of your Christmas loaf. Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail, too, And God bless you, and send you A Happy New Year, And God send you a Happy New Year. God bless the master of this house, Likewise the mistress too; And all the little children That round the table go. Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail, too, And God bless you, and send you A Happy New Year, And God send you a Happy New Highway 97, Year. Cache Creek

Share in the Spirit of the Season

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


The Sage Sound Singers in concert last Friday night in Cache Creek. Over 100 people came to listen to the choir, the hand bells and the piano performance of Dimiter Terziev.

All I want for Christmas is love and happiness LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Lauren Helton’s Grade 4/5 Class, Lytton Dear Santa How are you this winter? There is not much snow in Lytton. Is it cold up the north pole. all I want for Christmas is Love and happiness. From Sam Dear Santa, How are you? How does your reindeer fly? And how many presents do you deliver in a year? And how many elves do you have? And do you only eat cookies? And how many reindeers do you have And what are their names? I would only like 4 presents I would like a ps4 please and can I please get fallout 4 and destiny and 1 controller please and that’s every thing. Yazi, 10

Dear Santa How are you this year? How are your reindeers? It’s really cold in Lytton! How is Mrs. Claus? I get to go to help my auntie bake cookies! How are your elves? For Christmas I like spending time with my familiy and friends! And this Christmas I would like Shawn Mendes please! From Laura-lee

Dear Santa How are you? My birthday is close to Christmas, but I am not excited for my birthday, bt I am excited for Christmas. Because it is my favourite holiday. Is it super nippy in the North Pole? In Lytton it is pretty frosty. How is Mrs. Claus is she excited for Christmas? I canDear Santa not wait to eat my Grandma’s does How are you? How are your elves? Do you eat all the cookies on the bakin when I get home. She is the plate at each house? Is your real from the island. I but the elves are name Santa? For Christmas I want a busy right now. How sleigh fly? I 6 pack of coke and a new iphone 5c but Mrs. Claus is baking right now. At school right now were learnand a new sweater. ing about animation so it’s so cool. From Aaron A 15

Wishing you and your loved ones peace, health, happiness and prosperity in the coming New Year.

How old are you? And I think this is all ha I can wright now so bye. From Layla Dear Santa How old are you, Santa? How are your reindeer doing? I want a big fat tree and Hello Kitty. See you Santa, Emmery Dear Santa How are you? is it super cold at the north pole now? In Lytton it is pretty cold. How is Mrs. Claus? Is she excited for christmas? I am. And I would like a camra. I would like a my life doll. I would like a stuffed animal penguin with a stuffed animal reindeer. I would like a Geronimo Stilton book and a Thea Stilton book too. I would like a Archie book. I would like a ipod and a I pad. Thank you from levana Dear Santa How are you? How old is the elves? I am aways the first one awake, then Scarlette. I want clothes for Christmas. My mom helps me put the ordaments on the Christmas tree. From Tanisha

May the closeness of friends and the comfort of home renew your spirits this holiday season

Grubstake Foodmart

Open 11-4 Christmas Day and 11-4 Jan 1


1190 Trans-Canada Highway, Cache Creek

Thank you to all our customers for your support throughout the year. Have a safe and happy holiday season.

Hwy. 97 Cache Creek


We wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year

What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Can you smell carrot?

Big Sky Station Open 7am to 9pm every day Closed Christmas Day 1000 Trans Canada Highway, Savona, BC



CHIROPR ACTIC Dr. James Kendall, DC


411 Brink St., 1st Floor, Ashcroft

Joy and Happiness for the Holidays and the New Year

Anie’s Pizza & Bakery Closed Dec. 25th & 26th and January 1st & 2nd

Trans Canada Hwy., Cache Creek


A 16

Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal


May the peace and joy of this holiday season be yours throughout the New Year Closed Dec. 25 & Jan. 1

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion 250-453-2423 ~ Branch 113 ~ 300 Brink St.

A wish for Peace and Happiness at Christmas and throughout the New Year

Carmen Ranta (right) and the Desert Bells Hand Bell Choir at a Christmas performance in the Cache Creek Community Hall.

Do You See What I See? Said the night wind to the little lamb, Do you see what I see Way up in the sky, little lamb, Do you see what I see A star, a star, dancing in the night With a tail as big as a kite With a tail as big as a kite Golden Country Real Estate Services

Wishing you special happiness for the holidays INSURANCE SERVICES LTD.

We will be closing at 3:00pm on Dec 24 and Dec 31 Closed from Dec 25 - 28 and Closed on Jan 1


201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft

Merry Christmas & Happy 2016

May the warmth of the season touch you and your loved ones, making it the best holiday season ever

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy Do you hear what I hear Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy, Do you hear what I hear A song, a song, high above the trees With a voice as big as the sea With a voice as big as the sea Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, Do you know what I know In your palace wall, mighty king, Do you know what I know A Child, a Child shivers in the cold Let us bring Him silver and gold Let us bring Him silver and gold Said the king to the people everywhere,

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year.

From the Mayor, Council and Staff at the Closing at 12pm December 24, 2015 and Re-opening January 4, 2016

Cache Creek Dairy Queen

Listen to what I say Pray for peace, people everywhere! Listen to what I say The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night He will bring us goodness and light He will bring us goodness and light

What Child is This? What Child is this, who laid to rest, On Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet While shepherds watch are keeping? This, this is Christ the King Whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary. Why lies He in such mean estate Where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian, fear: for sinners here, The silent Word is pleading. This, this is Christ the King

Whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary. Nails, spear, shall pierce Him through, The Cross be borne, for me, for you: Hail, hail, the Word made flesh, The Babe, the Son of Mary! This, this is Christ the King Whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary. So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh All tongues and peoples own Him The King of kings salvation brings Let loving hearts enthrone Him This, this is Christ the King Whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary.

Have a safe and happy Holiday Season! from all of us at the Gold Trail Teachers Association

What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree? A pineapple!

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


If you are a local, non-profit group, post your events on The Journal’s online COMMUNITY CALENDAR submit/ and fill in the blanks.

Frederick (Ted) Woods July 29, 1940 – Dec 15, 2015

Ted Woods passed away Dec 15, 2015 in the presence of his loving family. He was previously predeceased by his loving wife Joan (Ashcroft) in 1995, and his mother, Jean Woods (Lac La Hache) in 2012. He is survived by his children Glenn (Naomi – Noah, Nolan), Earl (Ranj – Tessla, Brandan, Kianna), Tammy Matsuda (Stewart – Nathan, Wesley) all of Kamloops. Ted began his career with Greyhound and then started his own trucking company with a Mack truck which was named “Hush Puppy”. His passion for driving was shared with both his boys. The family grew up in Ashcroft and spent many leisure hours camping and boating out at Green Lake, BC. He also enjoyed hunting and fishing. The family is very grateful to the staff and residents of Westsyde Care Home for the past 18 years of Ted’s life. The love, care and friendship he received from all the people who cared for him with music, his outings and assistance with dayto-day tasks was very appreciated. The family would like to express their sincerest thanks to Dr. Paul Farrell, staff at RIH and Westsyde Care for making Ted’s last days comfortable. Finally, thank you to Marjorie Willoughby Snowden hospice and Schoenings Funeral Home for all their help at the end. No service by request. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Westsyde Care, RIH, or Kamloops Hospice House. Condolences may be made to www.schoeningfuneralservice. com

Helping others

Above: School children in Ashcroft were kept busy with food-raising efforts for the local food bank - possibly too busy to fret about what Santa was or wasn’t going to bring them for Christmas. Collecting food for the food bank is an annual event for children in Ashcroft and Cache Creek. Their efforts are important for helping to keep the shelves of the food bank stocked with good food for people who need it.

White Christmas I’m dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten And children listen To hear sleigh bells in the snow. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white.

Merry Christmas from the staff at The Journal!

December • Week 5 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you are familiar with the expression, “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”This week you have bitten off a project that is just too much to chew. Enlist some help. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you are on a roll, and now it is only a matter of maintaining momentum for a few more days. Don’t let anyone slow you down this week. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may not know where your path is taking you, but you are fully aware that an adventure is in store. Take some time to prepare for the unknown that lies ahead. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Learning from your mistakes can help you to grow, Cancer. Accept a challenge presented to you this week, even if it scares you. You may find it’s not so challenging after all. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, many opportunities are within reach, but you are just not sure which way to go. Seek advice from Pisces when you get a spare moment. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, no one will know what you’re like deep inside unless you share a few secrets. You don’t have to give everything away, but let some information slip out. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Some can see straight past your protective facade, Libra. So why not take it off and simply let others see the real you? You won’t be disappointed, and neither will they. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Now is not a time to drag your feet, Scorpio. You have a full slate of tasks to tackle, and it seems like the hours will slip away quickly. Recharge and refocus. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you never shy away from a challenge, but you also know when to pick your battles. If something arises this week that seems a waste of time, pass it by. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, when a past conflict pops up this week, push it aside. It is better to focus on the positive things that are in store for you rather than problems from the past. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t accomplish something, Aquarius. As you have proven time and again, you simply need to set a goal in your sights to get things done. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, when you love someone, it can be difficult to step aside and let that person make his or her own mistakes. Be patient.

James “Jim” Jorde 1935 ~ 2015

With Strength and contentedness from the Lord, Jim passed away at Orchard Haven, Keremeos, B.C. on Monday, December 14, 2015 with his loving wife Glenda and close companion of 18 years at his side. Jim is survived by children, Vicki (Ernie) Tauber of Kelowna BC, Greg (Junko) Jorde of Bjorkdale, Saskatchewan, Darren (Nini) Jorde of Taiwan R.O.C. and Charlie Jorde of Victoria, B.C.; grandchildren, Dallas and Allyssa of Kelowna, Riley of Victoria, Kanna and Maya of Bjorkdale, Saskatchewan and Summer of Taiwan, R.O.C. Sadly missed by Glenda’s children and grandchildren, Ashlynn (Scott) Telford, Duncan, B.C. and their children, Faith, Selah & Gabe and Loni (Conor) Searl of Duncan B.C. and their children Rosa and Joby. Survived by his sister Hazel (Ed) Sader of Campbell River; brothers, Lyle Jorde of Kelowna and Ray (Tina) of Williams Lake; many nieces and nephews. Jim worked for Inland Livestock trucking cattle and Tri Mac hauling fuel and other trucking related jobs, always immaculately clean in his long sleeved white dress shirt. There are many wonderful memories of trips taken, mainly to the US seeing wonders such as Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Mountain, Old Faithful, Bryce Canyon, the Oregon Coast, Redwood Forest and much more. Jim loved working with small churches helping others in need, tearfully remembering many in prayer and was very happy quietly cleaning the church as an act of love for his Lord. He loved Jesus and had fond memories of teaching his Sunday School class in the Clinton Church; of helping the church on the Cocopah Reserve in Arizona and most of all of Charles Clarkson, a young native man from the Coldwater Band who Jim brought into their home as a son. Jim loved feeding the birds and deer, much to the neighbourhood’s dismay. Truly a man with a loving heart and the most loving husband one could have had. He loved making people laugh. If his story started with “would you believe,” you knew he was pulling your leg with a grin on this face. A Celebration of a Life well lived will be held on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at 11 o’clock from Park Drive Church, 6570 Park Drive, Oliver, B.C. with Pastor Peter Neave officiating. Interment to follow at Osoyoos Lakeview Cemetery with Pastor Dwayne Trelenberg officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Keremeos Community Church Building Fund, 195 Ashnola Road, Keremeos BC V0X 1N1 or The Gideons International In Canada, PO Box 3619 Stn Main, Guelph, Ontario N1H 9Z9 would be appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to the care of Blaine Krist at: Graham Funeral Home 5920 Kootenay Street, Oliver, B.C. (250) 498-3833 Your message of condolence or to share a memory of Jim may to sent to


Thursday, December 24, 2015 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal

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AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 7:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Val 250.453.9206 CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. PH 250.457.0786


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Horsting’s Farm in Cache Creek, BC requires Farm Labourers 5 to 6 days/week, 40 to 50 hours/week at $10.49 per hour. Farm work includes: planting, weeding, irrigating, harvesting and preparing crops for market. Employment starts on April 15, 2016. Submit application to: fax 604-792-7766, by mail to: 2540 Hwy 97, PO Box 716, Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0 or email: littlemountain


130 Full-time, Seasonal Farm Workers needed to start July 15th 2016. Skills Needed: • High School education • Enjoy working outside in all weather conditions • Must be in good physical shape and capable of heavy lifting • Past experience an asset • English speaking an asset • Be prepared each day with lunch and beverages • Reliability is very important Housing BeneďŹ ts: • Accommodations available if required, responsible for your own food and cooking Duties: • Working as a team or individually harvesting and picking fruits and vegetables • Various other farm duties such as weeding, planting, and irrigation • Washing, grading, and packaging vegetables • General farm chores Contact: David Porter Email: deserthillsranch Fax: 1-250-453-9870 Harper Mill Road #3 P.0. Box 1228 Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0


5 Full-time, Seasonal Farm Workers needed to start March 1st 2016. Skills Needed: • High School education • Enjoy working outside in all weather conditions • Must be in good physical shape and capable of heavy lifting • Past experience an asset • English speaking an asset • Be prepared each day with lunch and beverages • Reliability is very important Housing BeneďŹ ts: • Accommodations available if required, responsible for your own food and cooking Duties: • Working as a team or individually harvesting and picking fruits and vegetables • Various other farm duties such as weeding, planting, and irrigation • Washing, grading, and packaging vegetables • General farm chores Contact: David Porter Email: deserthillsranch Fax: 1-250-453-9870 Harper Mill Road #3 P.0. Box 1228 Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0

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Plumbing FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.

Merchandise for Sale Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB Wanted:Will pay cash for construction equipment, backhoes, excavators, dozers, (farm tractors w/loaders)1985 or newer. Skid steers, wheel loaders, screeners, low beds, any condition running or not. 250-260-0217.

Trades, Technical

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Estates Jewelry+ Chad: 1-778-281-0030 Local.

Rentals Homes for Rent ASHCROFT RENTAL: 2 Bed House, recent reno. Air con, wash/dryer/fridge/stove. No smokers, no pets. Avail 30 Jan. 250 453-2037. Cache Creek: 4 bdrm, N/P N/S $950/mo D/D & Ref Req. call 250.457.0000 for more info


Become a Super hero! Donate!

Ashcroft Apartment & Motel

Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park 715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Mature Persons Includes heat & hot water MOTEL UNITS All units have full Kitchenettes, air conditioning, Cable TV and Internet access Nightly - Weekly - Monthly

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Trades, Technical



Operations Foreman (Ashcroft)

The Gold Trail School District invites applications for the above noted position. The successful applicant will possess:

Say yes and change a child’s life today.

r %urrent inter provincial trades certiƂcate in the *8#% Ƃeld. Please refer to the District website, for details. Application deadline is 08 January 2016. SubOit applications with an up to date resume and references to: Diana Hillocks, Human Resources Assistant PO Box 250, Ashcroft, B.C. V0K 1A0 Email:

The Journal Thursday, December 24, 2015


Your Local Business Directory JOHN BUNDUS & SON LTD.




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110 B Railway Ave. Ashcroft, B.C.

880 TOLL FREE 1-888-900-9 do! Helping YOU is what


NOW ACCEPTING ELECTRONICS Don’t want to wait? Donate to: the Food Bank, Clubs, etc. $.08 per can for domestic beer • Please remember: Cap s off - Labels on! TUESDAY TO SATURDAY 10 - 4 250-4




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Thursday, December 24, 2015 The Journal









MSRP $41,93700 • STK#15483, 15648




26,719 Finance Pull Ahead December $0 CASH DOWN, 96 MONTHS AT 5.99%, $








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Contact dealership for any further information and some restrictions apply. Vehicles may not be exactly as shown.


The easy way to your new vehicle! NOW AT KAMLOOPS DODGE




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