Golden Star, January 06, 2016

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VOLUME 125 ISSUE 1 $1.35




Bakery & Deli Closed Sundays & Stat Holidays


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Back at School in -17

We recap the RCMP’s more memorable events ...................................5


US expert shares knowledge on sharing ....................................8


BC musician playing saloon folk set .........................................9


Seth Braisher, left, and Matt Dawes, right, weren’t deterred by the cold weather on their first day back at school. They braved the -17 temperature to play in the snow at Lady Grey Elementary during their lunch break on Monday. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Malfunction leaves skiers stuck on lifts Local family wins outdoor adventure raffle ..................................13

Joel Tansey The final run of the day turned into a lengthy one for some skiers and snowboarders at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort on Sunday afternoon, as approximately 75 guests were left stranded on the resort’s gondola. All eventually had to be evacuated, with the final guests being

roped to safety by 9:00 p.m. A large-scale electrical malfunction caused the Golden Eagle Express gondola and the Catamount chairlift to stop around 3:00 p.m. Resort personnel were able to get the Catamount chair restarted an hour later, but they weren’t able to do the same with the gondola because it is a much more complex lift, and it has a series of additional safety systems that need to be oper-

Community Day January 10th, 2016

All Golden and “Area A” residents are invited to join us for a unique opportunity to re-discover the best we have to offer and tame the Horse with a FREE day of skiing/riding. Proof of residency is required (valid BC driver’s license or BC photo ID with a Golden or “Area A” address).

ational in order to have it run safely. “The electrical issue destroyed the functionality of the safety system for operations. We physically would never run a lift without safety systems,” said Matt Mosteller, senior vice president of marketing and resort experience at Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, Kicking Horse’s parent company. Continued on page 3


Wednesday, January 6, 2016 The Golden Star

Local non-pass-holders get a free ride on Community Day Joel Tansey Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is hoping to attract even more locals this time around for its annual Community Appreciation Day, happening on January 10. In previous years, the resort has held the day in December, closer to opening day, but they decided to move it back this year in an effort to attract more skiers, snowboarders and sightseers. “We tested this at our other resorts and part of it was just the ability to have so much more terrain open in January versus early December and the other part of it is…to have the whole opportunity to get beginner

and intermediate terrain open, which obviously gives those people that are first timers a chance to really enjoy the day to the fullest,” said Matt Mosteller, the senior vice president of marketing and resort experience at Resorts of the Canadian Rockies. Free lift tickets will be offered to Golden and ‘Area A’ residents with proof of residency from a government-issued photo ID. Both new and experienced skiers and snowboarders are encouraged to join in on the fun, and there will be special programs through the resort’s snow school. “We definitely try to have a special for those who have never skied or snowboarded, so they would just need to call…the Telus Winter Sports School,” Mos-




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teller said. “It can be more of a challenging time to get active and outdoors during winter, and this hopefully might provide a new opportunity for that.” Registration with the resort’s snow school comes with free rental gear as well. Those without an interest in snowboarding or skiing can still take advantage of community day with a free trip up the gondola to experience the views from 8,000 feet and enjoy a lunch at the Eagle’s Eye Restaurant. “For people that are new to the community it gives them the opportunity to experience the mountain town,” Mosteller said.

Bottle drive will help PAC initiatives Joel Tansey With the holiday season having come and gone, it is likely that many Goldenites are now wondering what to do with all of the empties they’ve accumulated over the last month. The Parent Advisory Councils for Lady Grey Elementary, Alexander Park Elementary and Nicholson Elementary schools has an easy solution: donate them to their collective bottle drive on January 9. The idea for the bottle drive developed following a Leader in Me training session in October. All three PAC presidents (Deb Brennan at APES, Lori Baxendale at LGES and Chelsea Fallows-Ludtke at NES) participated in that training session and took note in particular of one of the seven habits of highly effective people: Synergize. “We started talking about how we, as the PAC presidents…embody the seven habits,” Baxendale said. The three PAC presidents discussed fundraising and decided that they could maximize their efforts by teaming up. “We talked about…fundraising and what it would be like if we weren’t in competition with each other, if we were collaborating and partnering and working together,” Baxendale

said. The goal for the Jan. 9 drive is to raise $4,000, an ambitious total that would make a big difference at local elementary schools when it comes to extra-curricular activities. “Obviously money comes from the provincial government for delivery of the actual curriculum at schools, but schools get very little for the extra things, and that’s where Parent Advisory (Councils) come in,” Baxendale explained. Among the initiatives spearheaded by PAC are breakfast clubs, field trips, hot lunches, special activities and performances. While there are many joint initiatives that the three committees all participate in, each council also has their own efforts as well. All of the money that is raised will be divided equally amongst the three schools. Locals can certainly help by donating their empties, either by bringing them into the bottle depot and depositing them under the account for the elementary schools, leaving their bottles at the end of their drive way on Jan. 9, or having them ready when the crew of volunteers comes knocking on doors this Saturday. Volunteer drivers and sorters are also needed, and anyone interested in helping out is encouraged to contact the elementary schools directly.

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 6, 2016 A3

Friends of Yoho support recreation The Friends of Yoho had a fundraising dinner and auction Dec. 5. At the Community Christmas Potluck on Dec. 20, the “Friends” presented a cheque to the Field Community Council and Recreation Association. The money will be used to upgrade the kitchen appliances in the Community Centre so they can have more and better dinners and potlucks. Photo Submitted

Jumbo Resort company fighting back against environment ministry Bill Metcalfe Black Press Glacier Resorts Ltd. believes environment minister Mary Polak decided against its Jumbo Glacier project last June because she is friends with Kathryn Teneese, a prominent opponent of the project. Teneese works for the Ktunaxa Nation Council. Glacier Resorts filed a petition in BC Supreme Court this week asking for a judicial review of Polak’s

decision, citing the possible friendship bias and other reasons. In June, Polak declared that the construction of the resort had not been substantially started on October 12, 2014. That date represented a deadline dictated by provincial legislation: if a proposed project is not substantially started by five years after a renewed environmental certificate is issued, it must be cancelled. That's what Polak decided about

Jumbo. The court filing also states that the delay in getting started on construction was the government’s fault, not the company’s, for a number of reasons including: • The government was slow in granting the Master Development Agreement, not producing this crucial document until March, 2012, eight years after the granting of the environmental certificate; • The government

did not create the mountain resort municipality until November 2012, after which the new municipality had to create land use processes, a community plan, and zoning bylaws, leaving little time for construction before the October 12, 2014 deadline; • The result of those delays was that there were only two construction seasons (the summers 2013 and 2014) available to the company before

Evacuated guest doesn’t blame resort

Continued from page 1

“Even if we had further opportunities for backup power, we still couldn’t run it without that safety system in place.” The evacuation began around 4:00 p.m., when it became apparent that repairs to the gondola could not be completed on Sunday night. “At that point we decided that we would go for a manual evacuation,” Mosteller said, adding that the operation included help from Golden and District Search and Rescue, Canadian Ski Patrol and Alpine Helicopters in addition to the resort’s safety team. “We’re very fortunate to have a super highly trained and professional team engaged in this,” Mosteller said. Guests in gondola cabins that were low enough to the ground were evacuated by a fixed rope line descending from the cabin itself, but cabins that were too high off of the ground were evacuated by helicopter. Eight teams of rescue personnel evacuated the guests over the next five hours, and all were off the mountain by 9:00 p.m. Local skier Rob Wilson was one of those stranded on the gondola, sharing a cabin with five others. Initially Wilson didn’t think much of the stoppage, which occurred directly over the Grizzly Bear Refuge, but got curious the longer the interruption went on. “It went on, and on, and on,” Wilson said, adding that someone from his cabin eventually noticed that a couple of patrollers were evacuating the gondola ahead of them. “Then we (saw) a helicopter way at the top of the mountain doing an evacuation.” Wilson and the rest of his cabin were evacuated around 6:00 p.m. by a fixed rope and dropped into the refuge. They later skied to the base under starlight while being escorted by patrollers. “Everyone was starting to get cool, I’m glad we didn’t have to wait any longer,” Wilson said. Wilson says he doesn’t blame the resort, saying that these things happen and are unavoidable. Rescued guests were looked after and given hot meals and hot drinks and no injuries were reported as a result of the incident. “Thanks very much for the huge patience of our guests (with) them being put into this very unfortunate inconvenience,” Mosteller said. The malfunction also affected Eagle’s Eye Restaurant, but the rest of the resort remained operational. The gondola was still down as of Monday morning, though Mosteller said that the resort was hopeful it would be running again by the afternoon.

the October 12, 2014 deadline. The court filing states that the elevation, location, and terrain at the project site mean that construction season amounts to only about 8 weeks per year; • Throughout the past few years, there has been clear understanding and expecta-

Behind the Wheel

tions between the government and the company about construction timelines and requirements, and Polak’s decision flies in the face of those. The petition to the court asks for an order that Polak's decision to be set aside, a declaration that the project was actually sub-

stantially started on October 12, 2014, and a declaration that the government must issue a new environmental certificate to the company. Neither the Ministry of the Environment nor Kathryn Teneese were available for comment on this story.

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Why Are You on the Wrong Side of the Road?

If you watch one of Canada Post’s community mailboxes for a day you will probably see someone drive up and cross over to the wrong side of road to get out and retrieve their mail. If the driver’s arm is long enough they don’t even have to get out to open the mailbox! Who cares about this sort of behaviour? After all, the mailboxes are often on quiet residential streets and doing this doesn’t hurt anyone. I ran into this rationalization often in traffic policing. Drivers would explain away their failure to follow the rules as being unimportant because they had done it many times before and nothing bad ever happened. My dilemma was, after many years of investigation collisions, I knew that this wasn’t always the case. I had seen the consequences, but for these drivers, repeated decisions to drive improperly had become the new normal for them. In their view, the action had no concerns until I arrived and issued them a ticket. I’m sure that Carel Scott would concur with my decision to ticket these drivers. She was on her way home to Nelson following an evening at Ainsworth Hot Springs. Paul Erikson had stopped in this manner to retrieve his mail and left his vehicle’s headlights on high beam. Ms. Scott could not see the road due to the glare and assumed that she had to pass by to the right of the stationary SUV. Her vehicle left the road, rolled down an embankment and she was injured. Mr. Erickson was found fully at fault for the collision. The moral of this story is that what you might consider to be a meaningless breach of the rules for your convenience could have significant consequences for other road users. The next time you are tempted to park on the wrong side, exceed the speed limit or slide through a stop sign, think again. You are not the only one using our highways and you have a duty of care to others. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016 The Golden Star

Kootenay organization talks about the myths and facts of drugs Dean Nicholson East Kootenay Addiction Services Marijuana Myths As the federal government begins the process of moving towards legalizing marijuana, East Kootenay Addiction Services Society wants to generate discussion about marijuana and what changes to marijuana laws could mean. This article looks at some of the common beliefs about marijuana and separates the myths from the facts. Marijuana is the most popular illicit drug used worldwide. Because of its popularity, and in part because of the push to change the legal status of marijuana in Western countries, there are many statements made about marijuana in the media and on the internet that sound factual but may not be accurate. Myth 1: Marijuana is a plant, it’s natural and therefor it’s safe. Truth: People often use this argument when comparing marijuana to man-made chemical drugs like Ecstasy, Crystal Meth or Fentanyl. Just because marijuana grows out of the ground doesn’t make it automatically safe. There are lots of plants that can kill or cause serious illness. Marijuana naturally has a large number of active compounds which can affect everything from brain function, development of the fetus, and lung functioning. Marijuana today is often grown in controlled settings with fertilizers and other chemicals to increase the productivity. These chemicals aren’t at all natural. Remember that all substance use has potential risks and no drug is perfectly safe.

Myth 2: Marijuana is a gateway drug. If you start smoking marijuana you’ll move on to harder drugs. Truth: This one is mostly a myth. Most people who try or use marijuana don’t go on to use other drugs. There is nothing in marijuana that automatically makes people want to try other drugs. It is true that most people, who report using drugs like cocaine, or opioids or amphetamines, also report that they used marijuana before they started these drugs. That doesn’t mean marijuana caused them to use those drugs. After alcohol, marijuana is typically the first drug that young people experiment with if they are going to experiment. There can be many reasons why a small group of people will progress from using marijuana to using other drugs. They can include genetic vulnerabilities, personality factors, history of trauma, and environmental factors. It is true that if young people smoke marijuana they have a greater chance of being exposed to people using other drugs, but it does not mean they will automatically use them. Myth 3: No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose, therefore it’s safer to use. Truth: It probably is true that no one has actually overdosed by using marijuana. It doesn’t seem to affect the body that way. That doesn’t mean people haven’t died while under the influence of marijuana through motor vehicle crashes and other accidents caused because people’s judgment, coordination and motor control were impaired by marijuana. Marijuana also acts to increase the effects of other drugs. People who use marijuana while using alcohol, cocaine or other drugs could be at greater risk from overdosing from those drugs. Just like alcohol, there

Public notice

schedule of 2016 council Meetings In accordance with Section 127 of the Community Charter, a schedule of all anticipated meetings of the Town Council of Golden in 2016 is now available to the public. The schedule is posted at Town Hall and is available on our Facebook page or through the Town of Golden website at Click on “View” on top left of page and select 2016 Council Calendar.

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are safer times, places and ways to use marijuana, and there are ways which are riskier. Myth 4: Marijuana is not addictive. Truth: Marijuana is addictive, both physically and psychologically. Some of the confusion around this belief arises because of confusion with the word ‘addiction’. A better word might be dependency. One of the reasons people often don’t recognize marijuana dependency is that it is often not as obvious as alcohol or cocaine dependency, where the negative problems tend to be more obvious and show up earlier. Regular use of marijuana can cause dependency in which people experience a strong need to use marijuana in order to feel okay. This can be accompanied by increased use, more thought and time spent focussed on using, using at times and places that would not be socially appropriate, and using despite having negative consequences. Withdrawal symptoms can occur when someone has been using heavily for a period of time. These can include irritability, anxiety, difficulty falling asleep, lack of appetite, restlessness, depression and occasionally abdominal pain. A recent report suggested that marijuana users have a 16% risk of developing dependency. This was slightly lower than alcohol (23%) or cocaine (21%) but still means that one out of six people who use marijuana could be at risk for developing a more serious problem. There are many other mistaken ideas about the risks and benefits of marijuana use. For more information about marijuana please contact your local East Kootenay Addiction Services office.

2016 brings an increase in premiums Golden Star Staff Golden residents’ Medical Services Plan premiums, electricity bills and vehicle insurance rates are going up in 2016, reviving criticism of the B.C. government’s constant boast about keeping taxes low. MSP premiums rise from $144 to $150 as of Jan. 1, for a family of three earning more than $30,000 a year. For a single person in the same income group, the rate goes from $72 to $75, with lower rates for lower incomes down to $22,000 a year, where the premiums drop to zero. B.C. is now the only province in Canada with a health care fee, and it has risen about 40 per cent since 2010. Premier Christy Clark has defended the fee as a signal to citizens about the enormous cost of providing health care. BC Hydro rates have been politically dictated since Clark and Energy Minister Bill Bennett intervened to cap rate increases in 2013. Hydro rates jumped nine per cent in 2014, followed by annual increases of six, four, 3.5 and three per cent in the 10-year rate plan. Starting with the proposed four per cent increase in 2016, the independent B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) is reviewing if rate increases can be lower than what is capped in the rate plan. Insurance Corporation of B.C. basic vehicle insurance went up by 5.5 per cent on Nov. 1, an increase still subject to review by the BCUC. That works out to an increase of $3.70 per month added for the average driver. ICBC had proposed the maximum 6.7 per cent increase to cover increasing costs of per-

sonal injury claims and fraud, but the province gave it permission for a one-time transfer of $450 million from its optional insurance business to subsidize the basic rate. In a year-end interview, NDP leader John Horgan stopped short of promising to eliminate MSP premiums, but he called it a “regressive tax” that would be part of a broad review of B.C. taxation fairness if he wins the 2017 election. The Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation says people who benefit from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s promised middle-class tax cut will see most of those savings eaten up by provincial and municipal tax increases. Trudeau vowed to reduce the federal income tax bracket between $45,282 and $90,563 from 22 per cent to 20.5 per cent, and increase the rate for income over $200,000 from 29 to 33 per cent. The change would provide up to $2,000 in tax relief for middle-income earners, with dual-income households benefiting most, CTF federal director Aaron Wudrick says. Municipal taxes are expected to increase across the province in 2016, with local councils preparing to set budgets for the new fiscal year that starts April 1. Port Alberni has proposed a seven per cent increase, and the CTF says it hasn’t found any B.C. municipalities yet that propose to freeze or lower property tax rates. In Golden, the current proposed increase to the budget is five per cent, which will not necessarily result in a five per cent increase to your tax bill. You can learn more about Golden’s financial plan at an open house consultation at the Civic Centre on Tuesday Jan. 19. *With files from Black Press

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 6, 2016 A5

RCMP Report: A collection of some of 2015’s most memorable Golden Star Staff Police annoyed with property dispute RCMP were called to assist neighbours in an ongoing property line dispute on March 31. Police were able to locate the property line with the two neighbours, who then clearly marked the line with string. “We would not normally go to such lengths to assist in a dispute over property lines,” stated Cst. Lainchbury, “however these two have previous history with each other and one of the males is currently before the courts for uttering threats against the other.” False alarm with suspicious vehicle Police were quick to respond to a report of a suspicious vehicle parked on 8th Avenue South during the early morning hours of April 5. The dark vehicle was reportedly parked in front of a residence causing some suspicion with the homeowner. Upon being dispatched to the file, police were able to determine that the suspicious vehicle was actually an unmarked police cruiser. Calgary pair kicked out from rental unit Two people from Calgary were asked to leave their accommodations after causing what the owner estimates to be $600 damage to a rental unit on April 11. “Police were called after the manager of the lodge observed that the glass door to another unit had been smashed out overnight,” advised Cst. Lainchbury. It was then determined that the person responsible for the damage was staying in a neighbouring unit. When police spoke with the male, he admitted that he had been drinking heavily the night before, got confused about which unit he was staying in and decided to try and smash his way into the wrong unit. The male agreed to pay for the damages, and was advised by hotel management that they were no longer welcome to stay. Employee has drugs shipped to workplace April: Police assisted a local hotel with evict-

ing an employee from staff accommodations this week after the company received a drug shipment through Canada Post for a staff member. “The employer had received information that the employee had been sending drugs to the business,” said Cst. Lainchbury. “They received a package which was suspicious to them, and the item, which contained 60 prescription Xanax tablets, a small amount of marijuana, and large amount of psilocybin (mushrooms).” The items were all seized and police attended the property to keep the peace while the male packed his belongings. Charges are not expected in relation to the drugs. Two separate fires near Fischer Road The Golden-Field RCMP are asking for the public’s assistance after local police and fire crews from the Golden Fire-Rescue were called to two separate fires near Fisher Road. “The first incident was reported on April 20, and the second one was reported on April 21,” stated Cst. Lainchbury. “In both cases, the fires appear to be deliberately set.” Police advised that they are in the process of setting up interviews with some suspects, but are hoping that tips from the public will help them further identify the youth. “We are hoping to speak with anyone who may have seen anything suspicious in the area, whether it was people loitering, or vehicles out of place.” Dispute between coworkers On April 21, police received a call requesting assistance after a dispute between coworkers ended up in one allegedly threatening the other. “The two co-workers had made an arrangement in relation to some property,” stated Cst. Lainchbury. “When the arrangement went bad, one of the parties allegedly told the other one she was going to shoot the other’s husband.” After speaking with police, the complainant decided that she did not wish to pursue the matter, therefore charges will not be forwarded.

Public urination Police were called to a local business on April 23 after a customer reported seeing a male urinating in the parking lot where he was visible to other customers. Police responded and located the male who stated that he was unaware that the others could see him, and apologized for his actions. Male arrested for causing a disturbance A local male spent the night in police custody after police received a report that a group of males was believed to be breaking signs at a local car dealership. Police attended and located the group of males who were intoxicated. The group was encouraged by police to go home for the evening however one male refused to take the suggestion, proceeding to yell at police. The 20 year-old male was arrested for causing a disturbance and lodged in cells until sober. Male loses pants A local male spent an evening in police custody after being found intoxicated during the early morning hours of May 30. Police found the male without pants or shoes near 5th Avenue South after someone reported seeing the male sleeping in the grass. The male was not able to tell police where he lived and was lodged in cells until sober. Calgary male killed Local police and ambulance personnel responded to a collision involving a pedestrian on Highway 1 near Forde Station Road on July 5 just after 1 a.m. A 25 yearold male from Calgary was killed after being struck by an eastbound tractor trailer. “Police have reviewed the video obtained from the dash cam of the vehicle, and we do not expect that charges will be pursued against the driver of the tractor trailer,” said Lainchbury. The file has since been passed on to the BC Coroner Service for investigation. Ice cream store robbed On July 11 at approximately 3:30 p.m., the RCMP were advised of an armed robbery at a

local ice cream stand near the Trans Canada Frontage Road. Police responded and spoke with witnesses and staff who advised police that a female approximately 30-35 years old approached the stand showing a black hand gun and demanding the employee hand over the cash tray. Abbotsford male arrested for mischief A 20 year-old male from Abbotsford was arrested for mischief on July 21 after police received a frantic call from a female alleging that the male had smashed her car while she was inside. According to the caller the two had been drinking together at a local establishment when she left without the male. The male then followed her home and after a short altercation she locked herself inside her car. “It’s alleged that the male then proceeded to kick and punch the car damaging the mirror,” stated Cst. Lainchbury. Police were able to locate the male who was arrested and lodged in cells until sober. The male was later released from police custody with a notice to appear.

arrived. Upset Motion Notion parent Police were called to assist security after an upset father showed up at the gates to Motion Notion and was allegedly causing a disturbance. “The family was camping in the area and realized that their 18 year-old daughter had left to go to the festival,” stated Cst. Lainchbury. Security staff was able to locate the daughter, and the family departed from the area. Vehicle hits office building Police responded to a collision downtown on July 27 after it was reported that a vehicle had collided with an office building on 9th Avenue North. “The building sustained damage to both the interior and exterior walls as a result of the collision,” said Cst. Lainchbury. “It appears that the driver accidentally hit the gas pedal instead of the brakes while parked outside of the building.” No injuries were reported as a result of the crash and police

Male assaulted by brother On July 22 police were called to a dispute in which a male alleged that he was assaulted by his brother. Upon attendance police determined that the two had got in to an argument over bacon, resulting in one brother hitting the other with one of the pieces of bacon. Police were able to mediate the dispute, and no further issues were reported. Motion Notion disturbance A member of Motion Notion's security team was treated for minor injuries after a female, who was found without a ticket to the event, was escorted off the property. “As the security guard went to drive away, the female allegedly threw a rock at the vehicle, smashing the passenger side window,” ssid Cst. Lainchbury. The male was treated on site for small cuts as a result of the glass breaking. The female was last seen on foot walking down the road, but was gone when police

do not expect to lay charges in the matter. Fight at gas station Police were called to a fight outside a local gas station during the evening of July 27 after the owner of the store confronted a customer who was not able to pay for his gas after refueling. Police quickly responded and the two were found separated waiting for police. The 31 year-old male from Alberta explained that he had ran into some hard times with work, and had come to Golden for the Motion Notion music festival, when he simply ran out of

money. The male failed to get a sympathetic response from police after two empty dime bags with drug residue fell out of his wallet as he reached for ID. Police explained to him that if he was able to have money for drugs, he would be paying for his gas or meeting with the judge. The male was able to reach his mother who agreed to pay for the transaction and provided store owners with a credit card number. *More of the RCMP report’s most notable events from 2015 will be published in next week’s issue.

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Apply now COMMUNITY INITIATIVES AND AFFECTED AREAS PROGRAMS Wish to apply for project funding? The Community Initiatives & Affected Areas Program is now accepting applications for the Town of Golden and CSRD Area A. ADMINISTERED & MANAGED BY

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Apply by Noon local time, Friday February February 5, 5, 2015. 2016. Late applications are not eligible. All applicants MUST present their proposal at one of two Public Meetings on Tuesday, March 1 and Wednesday, March 2, 2014 2016. from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Golden Civic Centre.

Learn more at




The Joys of Winter


Wednesday, January 6, 2016 The Golden Star

Wolf Culls

The temperature drops this low at least once a year, but every time it catches me off guard. This year in particular, as it is the first year that I am a homeowner. I had the pleasant experience of dealing with frozen pipes for the first time. Waking - I SURMISE up on a Sunday morBy Jessica Schwitek ning to no running water isn’t what you hope for - especially when you have tenants who expect that fundamental service. There are plenty of Goldenites who know exactly what that is like, and deal with it yearly. Not being the handiest person myself, I spent the morning calling around, asking what to do in such situations. The community support you find in Golden made me feel very fortunate, and I was able to fix the problem. A friend even drove over on a Sunday morning to help me out. It made me appreciate Golden that much more. The town, which CBC confirmed on Monday morning was the “cold spot” in the province for the day, was full of cold-related problems in the past few days. Icy conditions in the area have resulted in several accidents, even road closures over the last couple of days. The ski hill had the worst of it. Although the weather is not to blame for their technical difficulties , the frigidly cold temperatures certainly didn’t help the situation for the skiers and snowboarders who were temporarily stranded. Nearly an hour on a chairlift, and several hours on the gondola, people had to tough out the cold weather while the resort team hustled to get everyone down safely. Since The Golden Star is celebrating 125 years serving the community this year, and our last issue was full of articles spanning that entire time period, I thought I’d look into Golden’s historical weather. Golden averages -7 in January, so we are definitely experiencing some colder than normal temperatures. But we are nowhere near the record low. That title, of coldest January day in Golden, belongs to January 30, 1996, which recorded a low of -34.5 degrees Celsius. The coldest ever, however, was on December 30, 1968, with a recorded low of -38.9. My pipes definitely would have frozen then. By the time this paper comes out we should all be a little warmer. But until then, I’ll be complaining to whoever will listen.

The following letter was submitted to the local MLA’s office: My name is Sadie Parr, I live in Golden BC which is in region 4- Kootenay. Please note that I am 100% opposed to killing more wolves in this region or any part of BC. I am opposed to killing any wolves that are not repeatedly killing domestic animals when proper husbandry practices are in use. There is no justifiable reason to kill a smart and family-oriented animal for “fun” or “sport”, and research and evidence all suggest that killing wolves creates more conflicts with humans. While I support the suggestion to be begin documentation and recordkeeping of the wolves that are killed, I question why this practice is not already required in all Management Units across the province. The explanation provided on this registry page suggests that killing more wolves in this region may contribute to decreasing conflicts with livestock and increase caribou survival. I am in disagreement with these allegations, and have provided some references below to explain why. To begin, most caribou conservationists will tell you that it is not wolves that need to be managed to help caribou – it is people. We must stop destroying and altering the critical habitat that caribou depend upon for the sake of our own recreation, resource extraction, development, or any reason at all if caribou are to remain. Furthermore, all evidence to date show that indiscriminately killing wolves can lead to increased conflicts with humans and livestock. Almost one year ago a study was released by Dr.s’ Wielgus and Peebles that reviewed over 25 years of records. Their report indicated that killing wolves increases livestock depredation rates the following year: Effects of Wolf Mortality on Livestock Depredations: (Wielgus RB, Peebles KA (2014) Effects of Wolf Mortality on Livestock Depredations.

The BC wolf management plan released in April of 2014 clearly states that the government is fully aware that increased hunting/trapping of wolves can potentially lead to an increased population with unstable social dynamics.. pg 8 of the BC Wolf Plan (2014). Social disruption through the loss of alpha members can lead to unstable pack dynamics as dominance relationships within and among packs and individuals are re-established. The result can be higher rates of intraspecific strife and “Plural breeding” (ie. mating by nonalpha members of the pack; Packard) The decision to kill more wolves is scientifically unsound. Killing wolves to increase ungulate populations is an outdated management practice that has failed to increase ungulate populations long-term where-ever it has been tried in the past. As well as inducing pleural breeding, dispersing wolves fill in the vacant space created where resident wolves have been killed. Kin-based, or family packs, which are the most naturally-occurring in wild wolf populations, need to be considered and preserved when managing wolves. With an understanding of the value of social stability and its influence upon the ability of wolves to fulfil their ecological role as a keystone species (see research by Dr. Linda Rutledge), we must urge conservation and management policies to look at more than just numbers. See review about article from Biological Conservation: back-in-the-family/ Finally, I urge you to PLEASE read this article by leading experts titled “wolf hunting and the ethics of predator control” view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199927142.001.0001/ oxfordhb-9780199927142-e-007?rskey=n3SI4t Sadie Parr Golden Wolf Awareness Inc.

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Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 500 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

• $47.00 per year for postal

boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone

• $43.00 per year if you pick

up your paper at The Golden Star Office


• $67.00 per year outside Gold-

Michele LaPointe



Jessica Schwitek EDITOR


Joel Tansey



Erica Fife



We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage

en’s School zone.

• LOCAL Senior’s Discount

10% ($43.00).

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 6, 2016 A7

Golden point of view

Do you feel like the prices for groceries have gone up recently? Stars to the hockey players who shovelled the snow on 6th street. Much appreciated! A Town full of Stars to Linda N for saving me from an unnecessary, although hilarious paper trail.

Michael Hall

Sarah Renner

Jamie Calder

“I’ve only been here a month but I think groceries are definitely expensive.”

“Yeah. Some things are really cheap but others are really expensive.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty broke with regards to groceries.”

Stars To the GOLDEN IGA. HAPPY 2016. It is awesome to come shopping. Yes, you see me almost everyday. Anna-Marie. Stingers to the four people who enjoy hurting others. I hope you are

Go to to have your say.

Jumbo Wild Editor, Currently there is a controversy being passionately engaged in by various writers of the English language on both sides of the Atlantic over the influence of dictionaries’ contents - specifically on youth - or - is it that youth is influencing the contents of new dictionaries? Simply put, in order for new dictionaries to not become too wordy, teams of editors decide what old words need to be eliminated so new words can be added - essentially wild nature vs. technology. The new Oxford Junior Dictionary has eliminated these words (partial list): acorn, ash, beech, bluebell, buttercup,

dandelion, fern, heron, ivy, kingfisher, minnow, otter, pasture, raven, willow. Familiar designations of digital life have replaced them. “People defend what they love, and to defend what we love we need a particularizing language, for we love what we particularly know.” - Wendell Berry. “A vocabulary rich with subtle and variegated distinctions found in flora, fauna and even sensual properties of the natural world is essential for our perception. When that is lost, landscapes tend to be lost, too, flora and fauna are diminished and endangered. What was once beautiful is rendered ugly. No one is inspired to wonder by an environmental impact report.”- Jack Turner. I/We love, and am inspired to wonder, the entirety of the whole wild Jum-

proud of yourself. A stinger to the people at the Dec. 11 meeting who hurt other people. You owe us all an apology. Stars to Kicking Horse Interiors and Dese for helping me out of the snow last week. Bucket full of Stars for all the people who helped Hayden after his ski accident on December 30th – Scott and his team at KHMR, the paramedics, ambulance team and doctors in Golden and

Cranbrook. He is going to be fine thanks to your great work. MANY BLESSINGS and stars to the HONEST PERSON who found my wallet in a grocery cart and gave it to the Overwaitea staff for safekeeping, before Christmas. THANK YOU. Stars to Search and Rescue and the ski patrollers for rescuing us from the gondola on Sunday night. The starlit ski run out of the bear refuge was just an added bonus.

Email your Stars and Stingers to bo environs from: the various gleaming, groaning glacial heights; down through alpine bouquets; descending further through the mixed forests habitats that embrace all manner of mammals large and small; bottoming out in the lush wetlands habitat at the north end of Jumbo Valley. Now moving south many tributaries enliven the way contributing to the crystal clear Jumbo Creek sweet water habitat. We/I know many of these flora and fauna by sight, sound, smell and name, who are the beings that make up this thriving viable ecosystem. And I/ we thank them for showing us how life works for them in this beautifully balanced vital place they call HOME. All this, of course, before the vandal hands of men, whose jackets read HIGH

COUNTRY PROPERTIES, deposited the rude intrusions of the 2012 frantic attempts at “development”. At this point the nomenclature of Jumbo’s wild nature still applies to all but that extremely localized area. Yet if Mr. Oberto Oberti, and his developer types get their way, the vocabulary for what we now know as common identity names for Jumbo’s wild entities will morph surprisingly fast. Even name words as common as snow algae and dandelion may be missing after glaciers are salted for skiers and herbicides are earnestly used, as I witnessed at Whistler some years ago. Rowena Eloise, Argenta, for the West Kootenay Coalition for Jumbo Wild

Principal’s Report: Considering Habit #2 as we enter a new year Janne Arlt Pricipal of LGES, FES A new year begins and brings a fresh opportunity to consider Habit #2 of beginning with the end in mind. At Lady Grey we are working towards a goal of success for all of our students and a vision of a community of individuals that celebrate, and benefit from, all of our diverse strengths, talents and perspectives. The upcoming bottle drive, this Saturday, January 9th, is an example by the Parent Advisory Groups of all three elementary schools in Golden working together to support students in our community. If you have bottles, please consider donating them, and if you have

time to help, it would be very much appreciated. As Leader in Me schools, learning and practicing the 7 habits of effective people, our three elementary schools also collaborate about our progress. Each school has a lighthouse committee of staff members that set goals for their respective schools and works to support staff in meeting those goals. Last year and this year, those three lighthouse committees have occasional dinner meetings to collaborate about what’s working, what challenges are being faced and share ideas with each other. These combined meetings are great ways to keep in touch with our community vision while celebrating the individual contexts of each school.

We invite any parents and community members to share their skills and talents with our students. We welcome opportunities to have interest clubs, or classroom presentations on a variety of topics or skills. Our students benefit from being exposed to all types of knowledge, abilities and talents. The format of how you share could be with individuals or small groups, working with one class or many classes. We know we have a wealth of talented people in our community and are always looking for creative ways to take advantage of that. As we move forward into 2016, we are excited about the possibilities and opportunities that come from working together. Happy New Year.

Did you know that Stars & Stingers and Letters to the Editor are free?! If there’s something on your mind feel free to call, email, mail, or pop by the office with your thoughts.

Golden THE 250-344-5251 413A 9th Ave North PO Box 149 Golden BC V0A 1H0

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 6, 2016 A8

Sharing economy expert gives presentation at Civic Centre Jim Pickell (right), president of homeexchange. com, stands with Joy Orr (left), a member of Golden Share, a group that is trying to grow the “sharing economy” in Golden. Pickell was in town on a home exchange, and gave a presentation at the Civic Centre on Dec. 28. Photo Submitted

Golden Share Submitted



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Golden, like any small community, has always been built on sharing – between neighbours, friends, co-workers. Sharing is how we get along. Sharing is how we make things happen. And sharing is part of the DNA of people who live in rural, remote areas. People working together and giving of themselves. This is what built the original Golden Civic Centre. It’s how we have a covered pedestrian bridge. It was the foundation of the ski hill, the golf course and the food bank. But Golden is entering a new era of sharing, the sharing that is fuelled by collaboration and connectivity. This is the era of the ‘sharing economy’. What exactly is the sharing economy? It can be defined in many ways, but perhaps it’s best to think in terms of what the sharing economy looks like when it is in operation in your community. The sharing economy includes traditional sharing, lending, gifting, swapping, trading, and bartering, often fuelled by the power of the internet. Growing the sharing economy in Golden will have favourable effects on our social, environmental and economic well-being. We can build connections through sharing, reduce pressures on our environment by fully utilizing our assets, and make life more affordable by promoting access over ownership. Using the immediacy of the internet, it’s easier than ever to connect those who have something they aren’t using with those who can use it right now. And it’s easier than ever to reach beyond our small circle of acquaintances, matching excess and wants across neighbourhoods, and across borders. In a nutshell, the sharing economy is based on the willingness to provide others access to the things we own, and to be open to using things that are owned by others. Golden Share is a group of passionate people who see the benefits of sharing and are creatively seeking ways to improve our community through collaborative consumption. On Dec. 28, Golden Share hosted Jim Pickell, President of, a longstanding sharing platform, at an event called Growing the Sharing Economy in Golden. Pickell, a true believer in the benefits of sharing, was in Golden on a home exchange, and as part of his personal mission to support sharing activities around the world gave his time to speak about his experiences. Pickell has also spoken at major sharing economy events such as OuiShare Fest in Paris in 2015. Attendees were inspired by Pickell’s stories of travelling the world using home exchanges, a concept where users live in each others homes while on vacation, but they were also reinvigorated in their quest to make sharing a major part of community life in Golden. In preparation for Global Sharing Week in June, Golden Share is preparing to launch a number of sharing programs that could include a Tool Share, and Skill Share and a Food Share. But the first project chosen by the group was to establish a Sharing Voucher Hotspot. Sharing Vouchers are coupons where people can list an item they will share or an activity they will undertake for another. The Hotspot is a public place in the community where people can go to fill out Sharing Vouchers or pick up Sharing Vouchers. To learn more about this concept, go to sharingvoucher. com. Your ideas for a permanent location for a Sharing Voucher Hotspot would be appreciated. You can join Golden Share by searching for the Golden Share Facebook page and by emailing

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 The Golden Star A9

BC musician known for his saloon-folk brand of music Golden Star Staff It’s less ironic and more fitting that Jack Mercer from Westham Island, BC has spent so much time on tugboats staring into British Columbia’s waters. The seas are unpredictable, unfathomable, always changing and advancing, traits that can also describe Mercer and his songs. Armed with tugboat ballads, wanderer’s blues and hopeless romantic rockers Mercer has been winning over audiences, which is precisely the personal path he has chosen to take. You can see him performing in Golden at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Friday, Jan. 22 for a no-cover show. Working on fishing and tugboats since his teens and penning songs during down time with callused hands, Mercer is leading the charge for the new old-time musician. If he’s not becoming known for his already vast catalogue of songs, tales are definitely turning about his command of the stage. Whether multi-tasking as a one-man-band or fronting his three-piece folk outfit the Whiskey Bandits, Mercer is creating a reputation as one of the best performers west of the Rockies and has a few people whispering, though soon many will be talking about this sound that he has branded ‘saloon-folk.’

Jack Mercer, pictured tied up with his band the Whiskey Bandits, will be playing in Golden on Jan. 22. Photo Submitted

The Net Result: Jesus Camp troubling

Jesus Camp offers a critical look at evengalical Christian camps for kids. A&E Indie Films Joel Tansey There are some horror movies out there that are be downright terrifying, whether it’s the music or the fear of the unknown that makes it scary, or another element altogether. For me, I’ve always found the real world to be just as scary as that of fiction. Charles Manson is scarier than any character that Stephen King might create, for example. Jesus Camp might not sound like a film that’ll give you chills, but this in-depth look into evangelical Christian camps in the U.S. scared me in a non-traditional way. It’s a startling eye-opener and an important one at that. The camp in question is the “Kids On Fire

School of Ministry.” a summer camp in North Dakota run by Becky Fischer. Three campers, Levi, Rachael and Tory, are the primary focus of the film and much of the camp is seen through their eyes. Levi is a young, but deeply devout Christian, who is home schooled by his mother. He learns such “scientific” concepts as the myth of global warming and how scientific principles can explain the Bible’s creation story. As the camp’s leader, Fischer is adamant that young children need to be trained to join the army of God in much the same way as radical Muslims have been training their young. She openly compares what she is doing to the training of terrorists. Terrifying. “I want to see them radically laying down their lives for the gospel, as they are over in Pakistan and Israel and Palestine,” she says. Not surprisingly, given the impressionable nature of her young pupils, many do exactly that. There are some scenes in the film where the young children are loudly speaking in tongues or chanting about issues such as abortion. The filmmakers take a critical look at evangelical camps such as the one run by Fischer, but it isn’t anti-Christian by any stretch of the imagination. One of the commentators from the film is radio talk show host Mike Papantonio, a Christian who is critical of the far right evangelical movement, particularly camps like the one featured in this film. His Christian viewpoint adds a sense of credibility to the film’s argument, making this a clear attack on these types of camps rather than an attack on Christianity as a whole. Jesus Camp is scary, but intriguing. It’s definitely worth a look. I’ll give it 9 mouse clicks out of 10.

Golden Community Resources Society Child Care Programs is in the process of applying for a child care licence with Community Care Interior Health Licensing. Mountain Child Early Learning + Care Centre will be staffed by qualified Early Childhood Educators, and provide spaces for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school aged children. At Mountain Child we take great pride in being part of your child’s day. We are proud to provide children in our community the space to meet, connect, and belong. We encourage children to lead adventurous life styles rooted in simple pleasures, and to appreciate all that surrounds us. Every day at Mountain Child is a fresh start. Every day, we have the opportunity to try something new. We offer space for the kids’ own interpretation, uncluttered and open. At Mountain Child there are no mistakes, just open doors and opportunities for unblemished growth. Coming to Mountain Child is an exciting part of your child’s day! It offers plenty of opportunities to explore, investigate, discover and share. The play-based and child-directed approach at Mountain Child is the perfect way to get that process of lifelong learning happening. It’s also instilling a foundation of serious curiosity that could last it’s lucky participants a lifetime. For program details, registration, info, or to join our waitlist, please contact Shelly Wadden, ELCC Project Manager Cell: 250-344-0546 or Email:


Wednesday, January 6, 2016 The Golden Star

Thank you to the many friends and family for all the love and support provided during the recent passing of my husband Ken Lautrup. Your generosity was greatly appreciated more than you can know.

Lis Lautrup and Family

Thank you

The Golden Hospice Society would like to thank the following sponsors and supporters for their help with the recent, very successful, Hospice Memorial Tree Campaign: ACE Hardware Amy Angheluta BNW Contracting Ltd. Julia Cundliffe Columbia Valley Credit Union DJ's Paper Place Jim Doyle Faith Dusevic Diana Gibbon Golden Bakery The Golden Star Golden This Week Kicking Horse Embroidery Overwaitea Foods Rev. Michele Rowe Karl Trinkwon and all our wonderful volunteers The door prize winners were: Christmas Angel : Toby Boucher Framed cross stitch : Helen Tress Thank you also to everyone who made a donation in the memory of a loved one.

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Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: Star Wars the Force Awakens (3D) Playing every night at 7pm.

This Week

Bargain Basement Thrift Store St.Andrews United Church & Centre for Peace open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 11am to 3pm. Injur y Reduction Program every Tuesday (6:45-8pm) and Thursday 7:15-8:30pm) at LGES. Free program for athletes 9 and up. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am and Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-344-8392.

Wed, Jan. 6

Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:158:15pm (adults). Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Public Skate every Wednesday from 7-8pm at the Golden Arena. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex 12:30 - 1:30pm Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Bring your own racket. Golden Women’s Resource Centre “Words in Motion and Silence” Sign Language with Brenda Managh. 5:30-7pm. Contact Elina for more info and to register mtnwomyn@ or 250344-5317. Golden Senior s Caregivers Suppor t Group Meeting on Jan. 6 in the Hospital Board Room at 6:30pm.

Visit to Learn More

Thurs, Jan. 7

Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:30-9:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Puck and Stick Practice 1-2pm every Thursday. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday 3:45-5:30pm. Cribbage at the Golden Seniors Centre every Thursday from 1-3pm. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7pm at College of the Rockies. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 344-8392 to register.

Fri, Jan. 8

A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:307:30pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex 12 - 1pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-9190757 for info. Grab a Granny and Go every Friday from 10-11am at Durand Manor. Meat Draw at the Golden Legion every Friday at 5:30pm.

Sat, Jan. 9

A.A Meetings . Sat. at

• For more information... go to

the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Saturday Lego Club at the Library from 11am12pm for all school aged children. Meat Draw at the Golden Legion every Saturday at 5:30pm. Bottle Drive on Jan. 9 to support all 3 elementary school PACs.

Sun, Jan. 10

Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Public Skate at the Golden Arena every Sunday from 4:30 to 5:45pm. Sunday Funday every Sunday at 10pm at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. No cover. Golden Light Horse club is having a meeting at the Museum on Sunday Jan 10th @ 7:00am contact Shelley black info@ nor thernlightswildlife. com or 250-344-6798. Free Community Ski Day at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort on Jan. 10. Free lift ticket for all residents of Golden and Area A, with proof of residency.

Mon, Jan. 11

Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. Art Guild Painting at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 10:30am3pm. Everyone welcome to attend. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex 12 - 1pm. N.A. Meetings Mon. in the Library basement. 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Crafts at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 1--3pm. Art classes at the Golden Seniors Centre every Monday from 10am-3pm. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-

8:15pm (adults). Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 3446492 for more info. Badminton Mondays 7-8:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bring your own racket.

Tues, Jan. 12

A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S. Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Grab a Granny and Go, Tuesdays at 3:30pm at Durand Manor. T.O.P.S (take off pounds sensibly) Family Centre, Tue., 6-7pm. 344-7228, 344-6492 for more details. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 3448392 to register. Snow King’s 10th Anniversary Masque Parade Come find out how you and your friends can contribute some “low tech magic” to the Pageant! Meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 12 @ 7:15pm at the Civic Centre.

Upcoming Events

Grief and Loss Support Group beginning Monday, Jan. 18, 2016 from 7:30-9:00pm at the Pentecostal Church, 717 10th St. S. For more info contact Jim 250-344-2459, or Michele 250-344-6117, st.andrews_uc@persona. net. Motus O 25th Anniversary featuring Alice at the Civic Centre on Jan. 23 at 7:30pm. Golden Nordic Ski Club full moon ski January 23 - 8:00 pm at Dawn Mtn. Chalet) - “Skate Ski Party” featuring music, disco balls, potluck, and free mini-lessons. or nordic

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This week's achievement award goes to...

Seth Braisher for playing outdoors even though it was freezing out. Stop in by January 13, 2016 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 6, 2016 A11

Rockets handed losses in first three games back

Family walks away with new ATV

Rockets defenceman Sean Ripley battles for the loose puck on Wednesday night during Golden’s 4-1 loss to the Grizzlies. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey A year of frustration had a fitting home finale for the Rockets with another disallowed goal and another defeat, this time by a 4-1 score to the Revelstoke Grizzlies. The Rockets didn’t fare any better in their next two games, both on the road, falling by a 4-1 count to the Grizzlies a night later and dropping a 5-2 decision to Columbia Valley in the team’s first game of 2016 on Jan. 2. During the second period of the team’s Dec. 30 home loss, and with the game still scoreless, the Rockets appeared to draw first blood. Their celebration was short lived, however, as it was ruled by the officiating crew that a Rockets forward had

knocked the puck in with a high stick. Rockets head coach Jason Stephens didn’t see it that way and he said he has felt his team has been on the receiving end of several questionable calls from referee Monty Taylor in the past. “I don’t know what it is, but this referee here, that’s the fifth goal that he’s called off in this barn that I’ve disagreed with. From our angle it looked like it was below the crossbar where the contact was made,” Stephens said. “I get waved off goals from time to time, it’s just frustrating when you can openly disagree at times and there’s not even a conversation about it…You try and hold the referees accountable, but nobody ever does.” To make mat-

ters worse, the Grizzlies responded immediately after play resumed, getting a goal from Brady Mende. They added another against rookie goaltender Owen Sikkes late in the period to give themselves a two-goal cushion heading into the third. Earlier in the frame, the Rockets had a glorious opportunity to get on the board when the Grizzlies took a four minute high sticking penalty as well as a two minute cross checking penalty to put themselves down by two men for a full two minutes. Unfortunately for the home crowd of 180, the power play disappointed, as it often has this season. The Rockets finally broke through halfway through the third period when Darion Nordick stole

The Slater family got an extra Christmas gift this year. Penny Slater, left, won Mountain Motorsports’ raffle for a Youth DVX 90 ATV valued at $4,300. Mike Degagne also walked away with a Snow Pulse Airbag valued at $850. Mountain Motorsports held the raffle to raise funds for the Golden Snowmobile Society to help with trail maintenance. Photo Submitted the puck and sent Ryder Prue in alone on Revelstoke goaltender Aidan Doak. Prue smoothly deked to his backhand and went shelf for a highlight reel goal. Kyle Berry and Ryan Hozjan eliminated any comeback thoughts the Rockets might have had with a pair of late third period goals, completing the scoring in the 4-1 Revelstoke win. Playing ahead of regular starter Brody Nelson, Sikkes stopped 30 of

Golden Rockets FRIDAY JANUARY 8


Kimberley Dynamiters

34 shots in a losing cause. Sikkes, along with fellow 17 year-old goaltender Keyon Bittner, could expect to see plenty of action down the stretch as the Rockets groom their young goaltenders for the future. “It’s good to see the young guys get some time as well…not that we’ve given up by any means but you have to give these other goalies some minutes,” Stephens said. With the Jan. 10 trade deadline loom-

ing, Stephens also admitted that there might be a few veteran Rockets on the move. Golden is well out of playoff contention and it will likely opt to get something for its veteran players that won’t be returning next season. “We’re looking at a couple of things we might do here down the stretch…I think there’s an opportunity for a couple veteran players, we’ve had a phone call from a couple teams,” Ste-

phens said. Golden failed to find any redemption in a rematch with Revelstoke the following night, losing 4-1 with Kyle Rosolowski getting Golden’s only goal. The Rockets lost 5-2 to open 2016, with Ryder Prue scoring both Golden goals. Nelson made 55 saves in a losing cause. The Rockets will host the Kimberley Dynamiters on Friday before welcoming the Fernie Ghostriders on Saturday.



Fernie Ghostriders



Wednesday, january 6, 2016 The Golden Star

In the valley Jack Wilson’s farm yields heavy crops in late 1800s A trip through the Columbia Valley in 1912 Part Two Proceeding along the road the Hudson ranch and that of Mrs. Nicholson was passed. The latter adjoins the Canyon Creek - Turning Back the Pages School and is a By Colleen Palumbo well-improved farm. Before reaching the first town site along the Kootenay Central railway, which is to be situated five miles from Golden, the ranch of Mrs. A Larson is passed. Going over the government bridge at Horse Creek, the next ranch is owned by Antonio Pelligrino. On this ranch an abundance of fruit is seen on a large number of wellmatured apple trees, while good crops of hay are being garnered and poultry farming is included. Canyon Creek is then reached along the banks of which extensive logging operations are going on, while the angler finds trout fishing in its waters particularly good. The next ranch along the road is that of William Wright, who has a splendid orchard, well kept, a handsome residence and nicely laid out farm. Otto Larson has a tract of orchard land under cultivation and is clearing an additional acre of land. Passing Fifteen Mile creek and on a bench is situated the well-kept farm of Mike Penrose who is clearing additional land, which he will put into use for the growing of strawberries. At Nine mile a steam shovel is at work on the Kootenay Central Railway. If anyone is looking for a good place to hunt ducks this is provided by the 12-mile slough which is passed before the Hawkes’ ranch located on the

second bench, where the land is exceptionally good and water abundant. (My note: this ranch was called Edenbridge Ayrshire Farms and was the place that I was raised on. Tom Hawkes was a decorated hero, having been wounded 58 times, he received a Distinguished Conduct Medal.) Near here engine 1429, the first locomotive on the Golden south branch of the CPR, with the exception of that used in the laying of steel is working. Beyond the site of an old water mill, (my note: this mill, ran by water coming from Twin Creeks was operated by riverboat Captain Frank Armstrong) which was operated 20 years ago, a new bridge is being put in by the provincial government. The old Carbonate hotel, formerly operated by Charles Cartwright, and the home of many an old-time prospector, is passed before the new Carbonate bridge, which is located at a point 17 miles from Golden. The bridge, recently installed, has proven a great convenience to the settlers, running as it does to the back channel of the slough. A ferry is also to be introduced at this point, for which provision was made in the estimates passed at the last session of the provincial legislature. If the contentment and happiness of the children is a criterion the Madden family, who recently took up residence on a ranch just beyond Carbonate, are well satisfied with their new home. Swinging on the gate and waving at the passing automobiles and democrats is a source of delight to the children during the school vacation. (My note: the Madden family purchased the land from E. Bevan). Passing Washout Creek the ranches of Thomas Hadden and Baumber Brothers are seen and the townsite of Mallet is all cleared and ready for building operations. Near here a road has been built this summer to allow settlers taking up the splendid land which is situated on

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The attached photo is of the Nicholson Family Homestead in Nicholson. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum the bench. Already a good number of settlers have located on this land to become neighbors of James Campbell, who has now an improved farm there, having gone in ahead of the road. The first post office, that of McMurdo, is then reached near which J. Croft had a well-developed ranch (my note: The McMurdo post office, opened on September 1, 1904 with Walter Rowland Mitchell acting as postmaster. He was followed by Thomas Hadden, James Croft, C.W.A. Smith, James Croft again and finally Robert Weston who served from November 24, 1920 until the post office closed Oct 15, 1953.) Jack Wilson, known throughout the valley as one of the best taxidermists in this section of the province, has a productive

orchard and a large area of hay land. William Johnson’s farm yields heavy crops of hay and other fodder crops and William Smith specializes in sheep raising. An old established farm is that of Thomas Bingham, whose property is near Wapta School house. Then the Jeffrey ranch is reached, the owner of which makes a specialty of strawberry culture. A short distance beyond this is located one of the best managed farms in the valley, that of Mr. Mallet, a comparatively recent arrival from North Dakota, who has several farm properties in the Columbia Valley,, thus expressing the faith of a practical farmer in the capabilities of its soil. To be continued next week….

Answers to your health and wellness questions Q – I usually eat healthy and don’t have much trouble with heartburn, but I know my diet is going to be off the rails for the next few weeks and I know I’ll be eating things that will give me heartburn. Is there anything natural I can take to prevent these symptoms? A – It is always good to know what foods are heartburn triggers for you and to avoid them as much as possible, but I understand that Christmas (and the several weeks after) is a special time with special indulgences. There are quite a few things that may help until you can get back on track in the New Year. One of my favourite supplements to prevent heartburn is DGL. This is a licorice extract that helps to coat the esophagus and prevents acid from irritating it. Unlike other whole licorice supplements, DGL has the glycyrrhizin removed, which means it won’t cause increased blood - Dr. Erika Buckley-Strobel pressure and other side effects common to licorice use. This supplement must be chewed well Ask Dr. Erika before swallowing to be effective. Some herbal teas that may settle your stomach after a large meal include chamomile, fennel and ginger. Although some people say peppermint helps their tummy to feel better, studies have shown that peppermint relaxes the valve between the stomach and esophagus, which may make your heartburn feel worse. Depending on the cause of your heartburn, some people find drinking something acidic, such as lemon water, before meals can help with their symptoms. The sour taste can encourage the production and release of natural enzymes and digestive juices that aid the breakdown of foods. Alternately, some people will take a digestive enzyme before a large meal to support the digestive process. Look for a broad spectrum enzyme that contains protease (to help digest proteins) and lipase (to help digest fats). As always, try not to overindulge, but do enjoy time celebrating with family and friends. Food is an important part of the traditions and customs of this time of year, and sharing a meal is a good for the soul! Wishing everyone had a safe, happy and healthy holiday season! Do you have any health questions for Dr. Erika? Email them to the editor ( and watch for an answer in an upcoming column. Disclaimer: The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

The Golden Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Golden Star Star Wednesday, January 6, 2016

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In Memoriam

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In Loving Memory

Farm Services Organically Finished Local Beef Quarters For Sale

Eagles Rest Ranch has organically grain finished beef quarters for sale. These are locally raised animals, and will be available for pick up in Golden on January 9th at 3pm Cost is $5.25 per pound hanging weight, plus $0.79 per pound (approximately) cut and wrapped. You can expect to pay $750 to $900 for a quarter Individual cuts also available and we will be at the Rec Plex on February 13th for the Farmers Market. To pre order: Email or call Krys Sikora at 250-344-4746

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Golden Church Services Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Tuesday - 7pm •Wednesday - 9am Thursday - 9am • Friday - 9am Saturday - 7pm • Sunday - 10am Father Cecil 808 - 11th Street • 250-344-6328 Golden Baptist Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Richard Campeau 1343 Pine Drive • 250-344-7676 Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Jim Dorst 717-10th Street S • 250-344-2459 Rocky Mountain Alliance Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tom Fehr 712 - 10th Street • 250-344-2456 Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tim Schneider 909 - 9th Street • 250-344-2935 Golden Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Frank Johnson 917 - 11th Street St. Andrew's United Church Reverend Michele Rowe Sunday - 10:30am 901 - 11th Street • 250-344-6117 St. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 - 9th Street S • 250-344-6113 Columbia Valley Bible fellowship Sunday - 11:00am Ralph Kirchhofer Parson Community Hall • 250-348-2059 Golden Sikh Cultural Society Sunday - 11am Upstairs at the Sikh Temple cover heads • no shoes Lunch After Prayer by Donation

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 The Golden Star

Faith Column: The Twelfth Day of Christmas Ron Tabbert Pastor Emeritus Most have heard the song so it won’t come as a surprise that Christians call January 6 the Twelfth Day of Christmas. For most, Boxing Day begins the end of the holyday. For Christians it’s just the beginning. And, because of different calendars in the West and East, January 6 is celebrated as Christmas by the Eastern Church, (Russia, Greece, etc.). All Christians remember on this day the visit of the Wise Men – sometimes called Magi – to the infant Jesus. We call it “Epiphany.” That means “a revelation.” As if there is some secret, something most don’t see, and yet is revealed here. The Magi weren’t magicians, though that’s where we get the word. They were simply great scholars, obviously humble, which in itself makes them wise. Much study and debate led to their decision to seek this Child. Their two year journey – the Greek word in Matthew indicates Jesus was no longer a baby when they arrived. (How long would you have stayed with it?) Their bold encounter with King Herod, in contrast to the cordial, blessed visit with King Jesus. We have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him. Some translations say pay Him homage. Homage comes from the word for man, as in homo sapiens, and is related to the word for earth, humus. From that we get the word humble. A spirit that abounds in this encounter. Mary, probably overwhelmed by such auspicious visitors. Joseph, astounded by their substantial gifts, most welcome given the task of raising this Child. And, the Magi. Kneeling before a simple child of peasant stock, not yet acclaimed as anyone of import. A painting in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy shows a wise man kneeling before Mary and the Baby Jesus is thrumming his fingers on the elder’s bald pate. A blessing, perhaps, for a wise, and humble, old man. John Ruskin wrote (in Flora Clavigera, 1B): These men are neither curious nor talkative, but submissive. Their worship recalls the first question in the Westminster Catechism: What is the duty of man? To glorify God and fully to enjoy Him forever. These wise men went for it in a noble journey. Theologian Karl Rahner suggests we make much of the three gifts of the wise men, but they are not so much a reflection of Christ’s virtues but our own. Not gold for a king, incense to adore him, and myrrh for His suffering. But gold for the wealth of love, power, things and money we have to use for his glory. Incense for worship and obedience, the least we can offer. And myrrh for any suffering we can give, from forgiveness to self-denial, even sacrifice. Trying to live that journey itself is homage. To confess faith in Christ and live accordingly as to one’s liege lord, as a peasant would call his prince. We will always face natural barriers, personal obstacles, Herod-systems that persuade us this pilgrimage is against common sense. But God leaves no one without a sign, be it a star or a simple routine “epiphany.” Some choose to seek, others stay home. As the Drummer Boy song celebrates, no one is without a gift. So the carols challenge: Let every heart prepare Him room. O, Come, all ye faithful. Come, Let us adore Him. Even without our gifts and homage, Christ will possess His throne. He IS King. Not by power or right, but rather by love and service, (which is often against common sense). Jesus does not need our gifts, yet he invites and welcomes them. Even simple worship is homage worthy of a king. He gives beauty and dignity and majesty to us and our gifts by recognizing and using them to bless His people. And to bring love to a world with an aching heart. The “epiphany” is not that we find Christ in our worship., but that we find our selves. Come, let us adore Him.


JAN. 6 to JAN. 12

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, practicality is a big part of your personality, but sometimes thinking through the reasons to do something over and over can be tedious. Let loose a little bit this week.

LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, this is a good week to catch up on paperwork, filing or tedious tasks you have let fall by the wayside. Make use of the slow week to recharge.

TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, expect to feel pulled in two directions this week. It’s a pivotal time at work, but in the same measure, you have much going on at home. Think things over carefully.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you will be missed as much as you miss another person this week. Wait out this separation a little while longer, keeping in mind that your reunion is on its way.

GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may find your energy levels unusually low this week, and your productivity may suffer as a result. Maybe someone else can energize you a bit and lend a helping hand.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Do whatever you need to do to rejuvenate your spirit, Sagittarius. Spend some more time with friends and avoid prolonged solo activities. Soon your motivation will return.

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you will get to your destination soon enough, but the trip may be a bit of a headache. Patience is essential this week; otherwise, you may give up prematurely.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, this may turn out to be a strange week, as you can’t seem to fully focus on anything. You may get frustrated at your inability to concentrate, but that focus will return soon.

LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Misinformation is spreading, so research everything to make informed decisions this week, Leo. It may help you avoid an expensive mistake down the line.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, if you become too wrapped up in business or personal obligations, take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. Some things need to be rearranged.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may have a wonderful time with family or friends this week, even if you are crunched for time. Savor the small moments as they come your way.

PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, you are on a quest this week to find the perfect gift for a friend. This person will appreciate your efforts, and your bond will only grow stronger.



1. Color properties 5. Arabian greeting 10. Frozen spike 12. Levels 14. Tear down social stiffness 16. Rapper Hammer’s initials 18. Midway between E and SE 19. Shooting marble 20. Edward __, British composer 22. Largest English dictionary (abbr.) 23. Cygnus’ brightest star 25. Goidelic language of Ireland 26. Midway between N and NE 27. Auditory organ 28. Last month (abbr.) 30. Indicated horsepower (abbr.) 31. Mediation council 33. Aussie crocodile hunter

35. Sylvan deity 37. Clears or tidies 38. In a way, emerges 40. Whimper 41. G. Gershwin’s brother 42. Begetter 44. Seated 45. Old world, new 48. Girls 50. “Song of triumph” 52. A covering for the head 53. Attack 55. Norwegian krone 56. Coach Parseghian 57. No good 58. Task that is simple 63. A way to move on 65. In a way, advanced 66. Loses weight 67. Shift sails


1. Go quickly 2. Fiddler crabs 3. Cervid

4. Gundog 36. Set into a specific format 5. Gushed forth 39. Exhaust 6. Caliph 40. Individual 7. Shoe cord 43. Moves rhythmically to Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 8. Give extreme unction to music 9. Of I 44. D. Lamour “Road” 10. “A Doll’s House” author picture costume 11. Documents certifying 46. Having earlike authority appendages LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS 13. Drunk 47. Certified public 15. Principal ethnic group accountant of China 49. Outermost part of a 17. Crinkled fabrics flower 18. Longest division of 51. Supplement with geological time difficulty 21. Pancake 54. Plains Indian tent (alt. sp.) 23. Small pat 59. Electronic warfare24. A garden plot support measures 27. Strayed 60. Displaying a fairylike 29. Surgical instrument aspect 32. No. French river 61. Taxi 34. Modern 62. They __ 35. Now called Ho Chi 64. Syrian pound Minh City

250 344-5251

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 6, 2016 A15

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016 The Golden Star A16

New beauty business keeping lashes long, and skin golden brown Jessica Schwitek Mountain towns like Golden have got the outdoor adventure game all taken care of, but you mustn't forget about beauty. At least that's what the owner of the new business Mountain Beauty by Leigh believes. Leigh Roberts opened up her studio, located in the same building as Eleven22, in late 2015. Her services include eyelash extensions, eyelash lift and tint, eyebrow shape tint and wax, and spray tans. "A couple years ago I started to think about getting into this and opening my own business," said Roberts. "And I love getting my eyelashes done." She started pursuing courses and certifications in Kelowna and Edmonton, and decided to set up shop in October, opting for a professional location instead of a home-based business, which you can often see with beauty services. "It's been going really great so far," said Roberts. "The lift and tint is the most popular, and it's a really great way to enhance your own eyelashes. It's my favourite." Although she enjoys making the most out of people's lashes, Roberts is also passionate about another of her services, one that offers a safer and healthier alternative. "I've recently started getting sunspots, and that made me really aware of the potential damage that the sun, and tanning beds, can do to you skin," she said. "The spray tan gives you such a nice even tan, without harming your skin. It's a great option." At the moment Roberts is a one-woman show, so she's offering services by appointment only. However she is very flexible, and willing to work around her clients' schedules whenever possible.

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Leigh Roberts recently opened up Mountain Beauty by Leigh, offering eyelash, eyebrow, and tanning services. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo


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