Lake Country Calendar, January 13, 2016

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing for 65 years! since 1951

January 13, 2016


Ultra-low fare airline expects to start flights within Canada on Feb. 12. ...............................


Art Gallery starts year colourfully. ...........................



2 Bennett service.........5 DCCs amended.........8 Building permits........9 Refugee welcome.....

Flyers ■ Coopers ■ Hometown ■ JYSK Linen and Furniture ■ Safeway ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Smartsource ■ Staples

Food bank building nears completions


THE LAKE COUNTRY FOOD BANK building next to the Winfield Seniors Centre is almost ready to start receiving donations of food and serving clients.

Lake Country Rotary Club president Monika Jatel (inset, left) hands over the keys to the new food bank building to Lake Country Food Assistance Society board member Beverly Marsh. The District of Lake Country has committed to finish the paving and landscaping while the siding will be completed soon.

Key exchange from builders to servers KEVIN PARNELL

The Lake Country Food Assistance Society has been given the keys to a new building, in a celebration to welcome a new home for the Lake Country Food Bank, a

process that took five years to realize. More than a hundred people crammed into the brand new, 2,600-square-foot food bank building last Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the culmination of

a community project that raised the new building from the ground up with donations of money, supplies, grants and good old hard work. It was a project put together by the Rotary Club, which five years

ago began to investigate the possibility of finding a new home and last March broke ground on the building, valued at $1 million. “It’s just so amazing we were able to get it done in the timeframe,”

said Bob Rymarchuk, of the Lake Country Rotary Club. “We put the shovels in the ground without knowing we had enough money to do the job. It was a leap of faith.” The shovels went into the ground just months

Eating Psychology - A New Holistic Approach to Food & Body Come to a FREE Talk to Learn About Mind Body Nutrition & Dynamic Eating Psychology! As we enter 2016 are you ready to create a happy, healthy relationship with food and body, one that is nourishing and sustainable? Are you tired of struggling with food concerns and body issues? Are you confused by all the negative and misleading messages about food, weight and diets out there? Well there is now a new holistic and effective approach to eating healthy and loving your body. A NO-DIET diet! This unique approach looks at how to work with the most common and important eating challenges in our culture today including weight, body image, overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, endless dieting, poor digestion, fatigue, challenged immunity, mood concerns and so much more. Please come to this FREE talk to learn more about this exciting new approach to food and body.

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after Rotary had won a $100,000 grant from Aviva Insurance and the grant was enough to push the Rotary ahead with the end goal in sight.


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Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


Church members ready to help welcome Syrian family KEVIN PARNELL It’s becoming known as the little church that could.

And what the St. Francis Anglican Church in Lake Country is doing now is preparing to help welcome a Syr-

ian family of nine to the Central Okanagan. The St. Francis Anglican Church—with a congregation that has

grown from 13 to about 40 parish members in the past year—has joined with Lutheran and Anglican churches in

Kelowna, West Kelowna and Peachland to form the Lutheran Anglican Refugee Committee (LARC), in preparing to

bring a Syrian family to the area. And now LARC knows what family is coming to the Central

A great deal just bubbled up.


We’ve got a settlement team…We have an employment team…We’ve got a finance team… Leora Splett

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Okanagan. Last week, the group received notice that their family has been identified and will soon arrive to their new home. And that’s welcome news to Lake Country’s Leora Splett, who together with Paul Martinson and vicar Trevor Fischer have been the driving force behind the movement in Lake Country.


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“Our family has been identified and it’s going to be a family of nine,” said Splett. “It’s a mother and father and five children. The oldest is a 19-year-old boy and the youngest is 14 months old.” The push to help settle Syrian refugees began at the St. Francis Anglican Church last October, when Fisher urged his congregation to reach out and help. It was all Splett needed to hear and she jumped in with both feet, organizing several fundraisers as the congregation began to raise the necessary funds to bring a family to Canada. By November, the group was off and running with a fundraising arm and soon other Lutheran and Anglican Churches had joined together to form LARC. “We’re really working together as an organized group,” said Splett. “We meet once a week to review what’s happening. “We’re offering a welcoming hand for people who need a place to come to and who are desperately impoverished. We need to reach out and embrace them in our community.” Splett says they don’t know when the family of nine will be arriving except to say it should be soon. And when they do arrive, the LARC has established teams of volunteers to help the family get settled in the area when they do arrive.


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 13, 2016 A3



Food bank building almost ready to greet clients FOOD BANK FROM A1

Unknown exactly when Syrian refugee family will arrive in Okanagan REFUGEES FROM A2 There’s a welcome team that will meet the family at the airport and from there, teams will help in every way you could imagine, from education, transportation, housing and much more. “We’ve got a settlement team to help them understand their rights and responsibilities and get oriented to Canadian law and culture,” said Splett. “We have an employment team to assist in building a resume and to ascertain their skills and arrange job interviews. We’ve got a finance team to set up a monthly budget and explain PST and GST and WorkSafe BC.” To bring the family into Canada, the LARC had to show sufficient funds to help with the transition and the group’s fundraising efforts have been successful as it now has raised $28,000, money that will be matched by the Canadian government. Splett says $18,000 is needed to bring one family and added they do have enough money to show for a second family. With all of the talk about Syrian refugees— both positive and negative—over the last several months, Splett says she has no qualms about helping out, adding it has been an amazing time as the churches have joined forces to help people who truly need it. “These people have been in desperate straits for a long time,” she said. “It hasn’t just happened. They are totally displaced. We can’t go into

their country and make things better for them. They need our help. If we are going to be a truly loving community that embraces people, then we need to show that. We need to reach out and help these desperate people who need to start anew. We were all immigrants from somewhere so why would be close our arms to people who need our help so much?” See what Interior Health is doing to assist refugees, page A11.

Main Street Esthetics

Still, there was plenty of fundraising to go, even as 10 students from Okanagan College began what would be 6,600 hours of work on the project. “We had faith you know,” said Rymarchuk. “Phyllis (MacPherson) and the key people that were involved were pretty convinced the community would back us up. It’s still a pretty big commitment to build a million-dollar facility — which is what it’s really worth—and to have a third of it in place and hope like hell you could get the rest of it.” And get the rest of it they did as the project is now virtually complete. Over the next month, the Lake Country Food Assistance Society will begin moving over its operations to its first permanent home. The event on Wednesday took place with heavy hearts after the passing of MacPherson on Dec. 19, just days before she was going to be presented with the new building. The original founder and the heart and soul behind the


MEMBERS of the Lake Country Food Assistance Society, who normally work behind the scenes, joined in the celebration at the unveiling of the food bank building last Wednesday.

food bank’s operations for more than 30 years, MacPherson left a large legacy in the community, a legacy that will live on through the work of the food assistance society, a large group of volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes. “I can’t believe it’s really happening and we just want to say thankyou, thank-you, thankyou,” said Beverly Marsh, who first began work at the food bank in 1989. “We so much wish Phyllis could be here but thank-you so much to everybody.” Fellow food assistance

society board member Joy Haxton echoed those sentiments. “Thanks to Rotary for sparking this,” she said. “This community was obviously always behind us and there are too many to thank. I wish this was being turned over to Phyllis but she was well aware the community was behind us and that we serve the community. Thank-you.” As the ceremony went on, Rymarchuk stood in the back of the new building. The man who had spent so much of his time over the past five years working on

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the project avoided the spotlight. However, his thoughts were on the community and on Phyllis MacPherson, who he had worked very closely with over the years. “To not have Phyllis around is huge, she was a huge part of this com-

munity and we’re going to miss her,” he said. “I spent a lot of time with Phyllis over the last five years. She was ecstatic (about the building). “Once we got the structure up and you could see what it was going to look like, she thought it was phenomenal. This is a great community. Honestly to live in a community like this with this kind of support, we’re in the best place in the world. How could you not love this community.” In total, more than 100 local businesses supplied goods and/ or services to the project while over 250 individuals made financial donations. Other major donors included the District of Lake Country, which donated the land and will finish the landscaping and paving.

Garbage Volunteers Wanted! Wanted: Interested, enthusiastic individuals to represent business, community and neighborhood organizations on the Public/Technical Advisory Committee for the upcoming Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) Review. The SWMP provides direction on how local governments, residents, and businesses will work to manage and reduce waste. The PTAC will work with the Regional District and its consultants to review policies that will set the direction for waste management for the next 15 years. The PTAC will meet at the Regional District offices approximately five times over the course of the year. Members will represent varying interests including neighborhood associations, businesses, construction and other industries, and institutions. If this sounds interesting to you or your organization, please complete an Applicant Profile form by January 25th 2016. Forms are available on line at garbagefuture or at reception at the City of Kelowna, City of West Kelowna, District of Peachland, District of Lake Country and Regional District Office on KLO Road. For more info contact the Regional District’s Waste Reduction Office at 250.469.6250.



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL

Spontaneous M collaboration at work

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


n another column, I wrote about five years of effort by the Rotary Club of Lake Country to provide the Lake Country Food Bank with a permanent new home.

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Life and Faith

Tessa Ringness

Jim Taylor

Production Manager

Teresa Huscroft-Brown

The ceremony for turning over the keys to the new building took place just one week ago. Like so many things, the planning started so simply. The ceremony was originally scheduled for Dec. 23, as a Christ-

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Avatar sequel bombs in Walbran A vatar, the future-fantasy blockbuster that beat Titanic as all-time Hollywood box office champ, has finally been unseated by the latest Star Wars space opera. I watched Avatar on TV over the holidays for the first time since its 2009 release, and was able to see past the bombastic special effects to examine it for what it is, an anti-capitalist propaganda film. Psychopathic military commander teams with evil mining executive to blast and slaughter their way to a chunk of rare mineral, ridiculously named “unobtainium.” Giant tree, home of highly evolved Na’vi people and their delicate jungle ecosystem, is toppled for sadistic fun and profit, before nature’s collective strikes back. Canadian director James Cameron helped the global anti-development network use the movie in its celebrity attack on the Alberta oil industry. Now the story

BC Views

Tom Fletcher line is being employed again in B.C., in an effort to revive the 1990s “war in the woods” that led to the creation of Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park on Vancouver Island. Protest tactics are being refined. Targeting just outside the boundary of the vast park established 20 years ago, giant trees are named and an Avatar-style narrative of unbridled greed is spoon-fed to urban media. There’s a “Tolkien Giant” now, although I’m reliably informed it is not one of those trees that gets up and walks around

in the Lord of the Rings movies. This tree is also protected from logging, as are most of the poster trees used for propaganda and fundraising. The network uses multiple front groups. Vancouver-based Wilderness Committee stages urban protests and issues news releases, while Ecojustice lawyers fight forest company injunctions against direct actions that disrupt legal logging. An employee of the B.C. branch plant of Sierra Club lurks, apparently coordinating media and protesters. A 1990s remnant called Friends of Carmanah-Walbran issued a statement Nov. 9 announcing “autonomous action” by three protesters to disrupt logging. Not their guys, you understand, just masked individuals willing to lock themselves to equipment or wander into a road-building blast zone, forcing work to stop for safety reasons. These are among the actions that forced the

logging company to go to court for an injunction. Cast in the role of evil corporation is TealJones Group, a B.C. forest company trying to operate in what is now the most environmentally restricted forest in the world. It keeps about 2,000 people employed in logging and its sawmills in Surrey, where investments have been made to handle secondgrowth coastal timber as well as what little oldgrowth they are allowed to harvest. Protesters have dubbed their latest target, the tiny 3.2 hectare cutblock 4424, “Black Diamond Grove” for media and fundraising purposes. Teal-Jones forester Chris Harvey provided me some information to counter protester claims. Block 4424 isn’t being logged, although it was permitted last fall. Protesters are targeting other operations, none of which are in the contentious Walbran “bite” area

next to the park. Teal-Jones has not only received permits and worked with environmental organizations, its operations are independently certified by the Canadian Standards Association. A B.C. Supreme Court judge granted an extension of the injunction protecting Teal-Jones’ operations on Jan. 4. The judge wasn’t swayed by protesters packing the Victoria courtroom, and upheld a 50-metre safety zone around working equipment in the Walbran Valley until the end of March. A Wilderness Committee spokesman with no evident forestry qualifications was appalled. He will no doubt continue to issue news releases and write his own version for left-wing fringe publications that seek to perpetuate an urban culture of revulsion for logging. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press.

mas present for Food Bank founder, Phyllis MacPherson. That plan got abruptly postponed when Phyllis died four nights before. “How about January 6?” someone suggested. “Over lunch? In the afternoon?” someone else asked. Just like that, the decision was made; the die, cast. From that moment on, life felt like paddling a canoe at the top of a waterfall, trying not to get swept over the brink. Over 200 donors to invite by phone. Caterers to call. Sandwiches to make. Dignitaries T to contact. Media to coordinate. As the river ran faster, previously uniden- t tified needs emerged. A PA system. A guest a book. A slide show of d construction. p k SEE TAYLOR A5i W


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community

e c s M b r r S

Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes m letters to the editor c intended for publi- c cation but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 13, 2016 A5


Don’t try to sell me a car that’s been in a crash


y wife’s first new car was a bright red Honda Civic hatchback. I noticed fading paint on one of the quarter-panels when we first met. She filled me in that the faded paint was where the vehicle had been damaged and repaired. My own first new car was a 2004 Honda CRV. During its first year, the back end was damaged. It was repaired “good as new.” Over the last few years, the paint at the back end has begun to deteriorate. Today, there is an area where it has peeled off. The impacts in these collisions had not been terribly significant. I am no car guy, but I assume

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

that the greater the severity of the impact, the more likely there will be residual problems, even if a highly reputed autobody shop has done its best to “put Humpty Dumpty together again.” So no, don’t bother trying to sell me damaged goods, unless you sell it to me at a deep

discount to compensate me for those annoying issues. The discount will have to be mighty deep, though. You can reassure me to the end of the Earth and back again that the car was repaired “even better than new,” because old parts were replaced with new ones, the paint job was of the highest quality, etc. You might even be right. I’m not going to believe you, though, because of my personal experience. Most others won’t either. You will have to accept a discount or not sell your car. The loss of value of a vehicle resulting from a crash, which arises from a loss of consumer confidence in the repaired Humpty Dump-

ty, is called “accelerated depreciation.” My brand new CRV suffered immediate depreciation as soon as I drove it off the lot and accelerated depreciation when it had been in a crash. Whether or not I choose to sell it, the vehicle “asset” that I am driving is, in fact, less valuable than it would have been had the crash not occurred. That is a loss. Not surprisingly, the law says that if someone inflicts that loss on you, there is a right of fair compensation. At what point, though, is the loss assessed? The law says when the loss was inflicted. This is an important point because the difference in market value to

my 12 year old CRV is far less than it was when the crash occurred. I include this accelerated depreciation loss along with the claim for fair compensation for injuries, income losses and expenses that I pursue on behalf of my injured clients. What if, though, there is no injury claim? What if your vehicle is damaged in a crash and you were not injured? Insurance covers the expense of putting Humpty Dumpty together again. What about the accelerated depreciation loss to your vehicle? A reader posed this question to me recently. I gave him the name of a vehicle appraiser along with online information about how

human eye and an octopus eye cannot be coincidental. Such similarities could not have evolved separately; there must be a common mind behind them. If it’s difficult to anticipate every detail in something as simple as handing over a set of keys, can you imagine working out every detail in anything as complicated as a single moment in the life of the world? Let alone the universe? And then to know how that moment will transform into the next moment. And then the next. All the way into infinity?

If you can imagine it, good for you—your imagination can handle more than mine. To me, the real world’s continually changing kaleidoscope can only happen symbiotically. No one is in charge, directing every detail. Rather, every element plays its own part; every component influences every other component. Even mistakes help to shape the total outcome. I believe that God— whatever you may think God is—doesn’t plan each moment. To mix my metaphors a little, God is not the author of a play. Nor is God the director, moving trained

actors around in their roles. God is the play itself, the performance that enchants and captivates. And somehow it all comes together, in the end. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

Real world changes happen symbiotically

A division of

Calendar Lake Countr y


nc e 19


Even then, crucial details got overlooked. Mayor James Baker and Rotary club president Monika Jatel prepared to hand over the keys to the new build5ing. Keys? What keys? Where? With great presence of mind, provincial MLA Norm Letnick slipped his car keys into Monika’s hand. Without blinking, the food bank representatives accepted responsibility for Norm’s Smart Car! The whole experience makes me realize how complicated any event can be.

Unless you’re doing the same thing over and over again, of course. The “roadies” for a rock tour soon settle into routines. So do bureaucracies— they have a template; they have defined duties; they resist unexpected changes. But for a one-time event, everything is new. And in the real world, every moment is a onetime event, never repeated. Which makes me skeptical of the theory of “intelligent design.” That’s a conviction that the world is too complicated to have evolved by chance. The similarities between a

Yea rs



Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing for 65 years! since 1951

The photograph featured for the month of November in the 2016 Lake Country Calendar's 13-month calendar was incorrectly attributed. The contributing photographer was Louis Mongrain. The Lake Country Calendar apologizes for the error.

to pursue a small claims lawsuit against the offending driver. If the offending driver’s ICBC coverage won’t compensate this loss

willingly, small claims provides an excellent tool to extract fairness. Paul Hergott is a personal injury lawyer.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL



Military explosives on OKIB land highlighted in national press The Okanagan Indian Band’s efforts to have unexploded ordinances removed from its reserve lands has been thrust into the national spotlight with a feature article published in Maclean’s magazine. The article, published Jan. 4, 2016, profiles the OKIB and its efforts to remove unexploded ordnances from

reserve lands in an issue that also includes many other sites used as test sites by the Department of National Defense. The article, Why Unexploded Bombs Are An Expensive–And Dangerous–Problem, explores several dialogues: • The history of the Okanagan

Indian Band’s contributions to the First and Second World Wars • Canada’s appropriation of reserve lands for military training centres and the subsequent contamination of reserve lands with military munitions • The costs to restore contaminated First Nation’s and private-

ly-owned lands to a safe and usable state. OKIB Chief Byron Louis issued the a statement in response to the Maclean’s magazine article. In it he said: “The cleanup of our lands is an investment in our future. As Syilx people we feel a responsibility to care for our lands and ensure

the safety of future generations. We are committed to working in partnership to remove unexploded ordnances from contaminated areas and we are hopeful that Canada shares our commitment.”


Airline promises ultra-low direct flight fares in Canada KEVIN PARNELL Low-cost direct flights to four new Canadian markets will soon be available for commuters flying out of the Kelowna International Airport. NewLeaf Travel, billed as “Canada’s newest, ultra-low-cost travel company” officially announced direct flights between Kelowna and Hamilton, Regina, Saskatoon and Winnipeg last Wednesday. The airline, using planes and crews sup-

plied by Kelowna’s Flair Airlines, will also fly to two other Canadian destinations—Halifax and Abbotsford—but not from Kelowna. All the airlines flights will be direct with introductory airfares ranginge from $89 to $149. However, all services such as carry-on bags, printed and priority boarding passes and snacks will cost extra. “It’s a new year and we are happy to say 2016 is the year we officially bring affordable travel back to Canada,” said

Jim Young, president and CEO of the NewLeaf Travel Company at an announcement at Kelowna International Airport.

He said the $25 charge for a carry-on bag will be the same as that for a checked bag. Part of the reason for the charge is to make

WE VALUE YOUR PROPERTY AS MUCH AS YOU DO. If you’re among BC’s approximately 2 million property owners, you should receive your 2016 property assessment in the mail

sure the turn around time for planes at each airport is kept to a minimum and to keep ticket prices low. NewLeaf is following the successful approach of ultra low-cost carriers in Europe. Young said secondary airports in smaller communities across the country are key to his airline’s strategy, as many of the routes it will fly are currently unserved.

The company will start its service Feb. 12 and bookings can only be made via its website——or by calling, for a fee, 204888-BOOK between 8 a.m and 4 p.m. Central Time. According to Young, NewLeaf, plans to revolutionize the Canadian travel market with what he described as ultra-low fares. They include Kelowna to Saskatoon and Regina for $89 each way including all taxes and fees, Kelowna to Winnipeg for $99 each way and Kelowna to Hamilton for $149 each way. Kelowna Tourism CEO Nancy Cameron said the markets NewLeaf will fly to have been eyed by tourism officials here for some time. “It’s been proven that

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where non-stop access exists, it stimulates the tourism market,” said Cameron. “This bodes very well for us.” Jim Rogers, owner of Flair Airlines, which will provide the 156-seat Boeing 737 planes and crews for the new service, said the partnership with NewLeaf is a perfect fit for his company as it is already licenced to fly passengers. In the past, it has flown oil sands workers to and from Alberta. Kelowna airport director Sam Samaddar praised the arrival of a new airline into the Canadian market, saying the new service will not only help the city and airport but also the overall economy of the region

To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

A celebration of former B.C. premier and Okanagan MLA William R. (Bill) Bennett’s life will be held Jan. 31 in Kelowna, starting at 2 p.m. in the Delta Grand Hotel’s ballroom. Bennett, the son of another long-time former B.C. premier, W.A.C.Bennett, served as Social Credit premier from 1975 to 1986. Bill Bennett died Dec. 3, after living for several years with Alzheimer’s disease. During his years as premier, Bennett is credited with helping put B.C. on the map with Expo 86 world exposition, and construction of the Coquihalla Highway and the Okanagan Connector.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 13, 2016

news A7

No-frills airline will use planes, crews from YLW’s Flair NEWLEAF FROM A6

chasing priority boarding, on-board drinks, as it brings more people snacks, carry-on and here from previously un- checked baggage. tapped markets. “Most of our main Samaddar said the low routes feature non-stop fares NewLeaf charges flights that aren’t curwill help consumers as rently offered,” said the country’s other two Young. “The ultra-lownational airlines will like- cost business model we ly respond. are using has proven sucA day after New cessful around the world Leaf revealed its plans, and we’re excited to WestJet offered similarbring it to Canada.” ly-priced flights to nearThe arrival of Newby destinations. Kelowna Leaf in Kelowna has to Vancouver, Winnipeg been some time coming. and Toronto were listed Last January, five B.C. last Thursday for $183 to ski resorts, including Big $266 CAD roundtrip in- White, Silver Star and cluding taxes. Sun Peaks, partnered These prices are below with NewLeaf to proWestJet’s typical bottom vide a one-time charlevels by approximately ter flight at spring break 40 per cent. from Hamilton to KeAir Canada is exlowna. pected to respond as well. The seats easily sold Young said his comout and at the time Mipany’s low fares will chael Ballingall, Big be achieved through White vice-president, cost-saving measures in- said it was imperative cluding a focus on small- for tourism in the Okaer airports, and a simpler nagan to be able to propoint-to-point network. vide cheaper flights from Customers can customother parts of Canada. ize their travel by pur“This bodes well for

skiing and we think it will bode well for other tourism industries like golf and wine,” Ballingall said at the time. “Once this clears the way and we show the airplane is easy to book, it opens up a whole new market for us. There a lot of people that can easily access Hamilton that would think twice about driving all the way to Toronto. It’s an untapped market.”


president and CEO Jim Young announces the arrival of Canada’s first ‘ultra low-cost’ airline last week at Kelowna International Airport. The service starts Feb. 12 and serves seven cities across Canada.




Book your FREE Hearing Screening!


We believe everyone over the age of 60 should get a FREE baseline hearing screening. You can join us by simply booking YOUR screening today and encouraging your friends to join you. It takes less than 60 minutes, you don’t need a doctor’s referral, and there’s no cost or obligation whatsoever!

Take your first step to the international stage! Applications now being accepted for Miss Teen BC, Miss BC & Mrs BC! To apply visit your community newspaper website and click on contests.

Last year more than 200 hearing clinics donated $2.00 for every screening in order to provide hearing aids for those can’t afford them. We raised over $100,000 which provided 38 hearing aids to 20 recipients across the country! This year we’re donating $4.00 for every test with the goal of raising over $250,000 for hearing aids. So book your test, bring your friends, and together, we can make a difference!





KELOWNA Orchard Plaza 1876 Cooper Road Leighanne Hebein Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist



Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL




Development cost charges up for change Property assessments The DCCs pay for transportation, sewer, water, drainage and parks infrastructure required to service future growth. The charges were last updated in 2004, and costs have increased since then. The district has also conducted studies that identify new upgrades required to service growth.

As a result, the DCCs are increasing to keep up with new costs and projects. These proposed changes are important to maintain the financial sustainability of the District of Lake Country, the district said in a press release. Lake Country is holding an open house on the issue Jan. 19 from

at municipal hall where residents can hear about the issue including: • proposed revisions to the Development Cost Charges • who pays and when they pay • how the proposed charges compare to neighbouring communities, and • learn when the proposed changes may take

effect. Members of the land development and construction community are welcome to drop by any time between 3 and 5 p.m. on Jan. 19 when district staff will be available to answer detailed questions The general public is welcome to drop by any time between 5 and 7 p.m.

COLOUR & WIN 4 TICKETS!! Purple Pirate Inspires Children Sun., Jan. 17 • 2pm Award-Winning Performer Sails into Town with magic, comedy and a positive message of Compassion. Dustin Anderson is an award-winning Children’s Performer and he sails into Lake Country for this entertaining show with a treasure box full of magic & comedy for the whole family. The Purple Pirate has been featured in over 20 local, national, and international newspapers, magazines, and television for his show FUN-damentals of Fitness and his work promoting active living.

General: $10 / Group of 10 or more: $8 First name ____________________________ Phone #______________________________ Drop entry off at the District of Lake Country office at 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Road WINNER ANNOUNCED THURSDAY, JAN. 14

Move Over

Pete Seeger

The Ultimate Janis Joplin Experience Sat., Jan. 16 • 7:30pm

Performed by Felix Possak Sat., March 12 • 7:30pm

info 250.766.5669 • Reservations: 250.766.9309

Cat Wells thrills crowds with her uncanny impersonation of the 60’s blues/rock artist, Janis Joplin. Along with her ability to mimic Joplin’s voice, she paid close attention to every detail from costumes to moves and mannerisms, giving outstandingly memorable performances. Backed by some of the hottest musicians on the West Coast.

$35 includes all service charges 10% discount for 10 more

Peter “Pete” Seeger was an American folk singer and activist. A fixture on nationwide radio in the 1940s, he also had a string of hit records during the early 1950s as a member of the Weavers. A look at the long career of the legendary singer. Pete Seeger in the late 1950s or early 1960s, with his banjo. A champion of folk music, he always urged audiences to sing along.

Tickets: $25.00 General Group of Four: $88.00 Under 12: $15.00

10241 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country •

Lake Country home owners are worth over nine per cent more this year—on paper, anyway. Property assessments that reflect the market value for the more than 222,000 homes and businesses throughout the Okanagan as of July 1, 2015, have been delivered to local mailboxes for the past few weeks. “The majority of residential home owners within the region can expect a modest increase in value, compared to last year’s assessment,” said deputy assessor Tracy Wall in a press release. B.C. Assessment said the average single-family home in Lake Country saw growth of 9.16 per cent, with an average home value of $557,400, up from $510,600; in Kelowna values went up 9.63 per cent to $567,600, from $517,700. The average value for a West Kelowna home is $538,100 for 2016, up 7.25 per cent, while an average home in Peachland is valued at $480,500, up 5.79 per cent from last year. B.C. Assessment breaks out strata title properties in the larger communities and valuations in Kelowna also increased in 2016, up 7.54 per cent putting the value of the average strata property at $232,200. Upward pressure on prices has largely to do with sales, as the Okanagan had a strong year. A total of almost $1.7 billion of the region’s up-

dated assessments is from new construction, subdivisions and rezoning of properties. Overall, the Okanagan’s total assessments increased to $94 billion this year from $88 billion in 2015. While some may revel in higher home values, it does have an impact on taxation. For those who may struggle with it, the province is extending its homeowner grant program. British Columbians who own homes valued up to $1.2 million may be eligible to receive a full homeowner grant this year, while a partial grant may be available if the home is valued above this threshold. The homeowner grant provides modest property tax relief to those who need it most. Last year, this program returned nearly $800 million to B.C. residents. For 2016, more than 91 per cent of homes are below the threshold. BC Assessment estimates the values of all homes based on their market value on July 1 each year. For homes valued below the threshold, the basic grant can reduce residential property taxes on an owner’s principal residence by up to $570. An additional grant up to $275 is available for homeowners who are aged 65 or over, who qualify under the persons with disabilities category, or who are eligible to receive certain war-veteran allowances.

Calendar Lake Countr y


nc e 19



go up throughout Central Okanagan

Yea rs

The District of Lake Country is updating its development cost charges (DCCs). Development cost charges are generally paid at the subdivision stage of building for single detached lots or at the building permit stage for new apartments, commercial, industrial, or institutional developments.


Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing for 65 years! since 1951

When you want people to know your business, get it in the Lake Country Calendar. 250-979-7329

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 13, 2016 A9


Construction permits 2013-’15 Most construction in Lake Country history Building Statistics year-by-year comparison by category 2015 2014 Category Permit #/Value Permit #/Value Single family dwelling 113/$47,774,634 83/$31,030,370 Commercial 22/$3,604,50 12/$7,116,000 Agriculture 12/$985,250 7/$1,187,400 Industrial 1/$17,000 2/$1,350,000 Institutional 2/$1,850,000 5/$5,000 Multi-family dwelling* 18/$7,210,890 Other 171/$7,471,426 Total Permits/Values 339/$68,913,700

2013 Permit #/Value 55$19,037,370 9/$1,995,000 5/$374,120 5/$1,683,500 2/$1,550,000







*Multi-family dwelling permits represent the number of permits issued rather than the number of units constructed. One multi-family dwelling permit may consist of two or more units.

With last year having passed in the rear view mirror, 2015 was the busiest construction year for Lake Country in its 20-year history. Construction investment of more than $68 million in the community was 36 per cent higher than in 2014. While residential construction at neighbourhoods like LakeStone and The Lakes pushed a lot of the activity, new commercial investment in the community also increased. With the long-awaited Lake Country Town Centre developing, and other projects coming to fruition, Lake Country is adding more commercial options and is emerging as the hotbed for investment in the region. As the fastest growing community in British Columbia, Lake Country is no stranger to rapid

growth. “It’s great to see the local economy thriving and the level of investment that is happening in our community,” Mayor James Baker was quoted in a press release from the district. “To keep up with the rapid pace we’re working hard at our infrastructure renewal program and recently invested in adding to our building inspections team.” Director of community services Mark Koch added: “With a

large proportion of our land base being protected farmland and lakes, council is strategically using the additional tax base brought by growth to fund amenities that make the community more livable.” Koch pointed to such investments as the recently purchased Okanagan Rail Corridor and the current Parks and Recreation Master Plan process which are all geared towards providing amenities for Lake

Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.



Calendar Lake Countr y

Look who’s NEW at the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce and in your community!

Country residents to enjoy. With a high volume of development applications already in stream for 2016 the increased level of building permit values appears to be sustainable; and with increased business confidence and the proactive approach that council and staff are taking to encourage new starts in the community, this year will likely continue to see similar growth.

Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Dairy Queen Grill & Chill Local owner operators, Craig Misfeldt and Kelly Leach and their families are thrilled to bring the DQ brand to Lake Country. A Dairy Queen Grill and Chill includes hot eats and cool treats as well as, Orange Julius smoothies. Classic hot menu items include; chicken strips, onion rings, char broiled burgers, and fries. Cool treat must haves are; Blizzards, ice cream cakes, dilly bars, and peanut buster bars. As our staff training sessions were completed, we hosted a Friends and Family night that raised $2300 for the Lake Country Food Bank. We are local guys that want to be involved in our community, and this cash contribution is something we are proud of.

Our Grand Opening will be on January 16th, 2016. There will be tremendous coupon deals that we hope our local residents can utilize. Restaurant hours will be 10:30am-10:00pm daily.

GRAND OPENING January 16 , 2016 th

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The first to purchase any 8" or larger DQ® Cake will receive one

FREE small

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Kelly Leach and Craig Misfeldt with their families.

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appointment with your family doctor?

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Available to first time members of the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce

Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


See your family doctor when you need to – even the little things matter!

choices and nutrition Medication refills See your fam Ongoing health concerns doctor when Check Ups need to – eve Referrals to specialists little things ma


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


Keeping it Real at LCAG Lake Country Art Gallery’s first exhibition of 2016 is titled Keep- ing it Real with Lower Mainland artists Bree Apperley and Patrick Lundeen. The exhibition will feature artwork using photography, painting, mixed media and sculpture. Apperely and Lundeen are attracted to objects and images not for their perceived value or because of where they rank in the hierarchy of valuable objects or images. Objects to them hold none of the hierarchies that humans place on them—a piece of tinfoil is just as interesting as a 24 carat earring would be. These two artists are guided by the visual ecstasy and emotional presence they encounter in their surroundings, and their unique versions of what constitutes “real.” They respond to ready-made material and imagery in a manner that runs amok across any kind of ideas of tasteful aesthetics or outright kitsch—any and all perceived rules of ‘this should be like that’ to ‘that should be like this’

are fair game and rich fodder for new compositions and combinations that purposely ask us to reconsider our own value we place on certain kinds of images or objects. While Apperley’s photos, sculptures and wall works have a central sense of controlled complexity and subtlety, Lundeen’s paintings, sculptures and installations are chaotic, visceral and loud.


Keeping it Real artist talk: Saturday January 16 at 1 p.m. Keeping it Real opening: Saturday January 16 2-4 p.m. Call for Submissions: Triumph 2016 members’ exhibition, Drop off dates March 4 to 6; Exhibition dates March 9 to April 9. Visit the website for more information. Upcoming: Keep an eye on the website for more information about workshops and special announcements.


WORKS OF ART by Lower Mainland artists Bree Apperley and Patrick Lundeen are being exhibited at the

Lake Country Art Gallery


Walking more this year a fun, easy resolution to keep CATHERINE CAMERON

Over the last few weeks, you’ve prob-

ably eaten a plate or two of shortbread cookies,

Valentine's Day Love Story R C O N T


Submit your romantic or funny love story for a chance to WIN A FREE VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER & A SHOW!

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Send your story & to or mail them to 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 no later than February 4th. In the Febraury 10th issue of the Lake Country Calendar, we will announce the winner of a FREE DINNER at L’Isola Bella Bistro and A SHOW at the Creekside Theatre!

enjoyed a few too many glasses of wine, had far too many late nights, and even with all the running around that comes with the season, done more sitting than you’d care to admit. It’s no wonder millions of Canadians are busying themselves once again, making resolutions that next year they’ll take steps to be happier, healthier, and to do things a little differently. If you’re among those “taking steps,” you may in fact have stumbled onto the very resolution that can serve you best of all. In fact, if every Canadian resolved to take more steps every day, we’d be a happier, healthier nation, and we’d save a bundle on health care costs. Perhaps the best part is that walking


IF EVERY Canadian resolved to take more steps every day, we’d be a happier, healthier nation, and we’d save a bundle on health care costs. more requires no special equipment, no expensive gym membership, and can be done almost anywhere—even the pool. Walkers control their own workouts: distance,

speed and terrain are up to each individual. Because I’m always interested in getting the most from my workouts, including daily walks with my dog, it made

sense for me to add Nordic walking poles to my walking routine. Nordic walking burns 20 to

Oil Change and Tire Centre




9716 Hwy 97N, Winfield








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HOURS: Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat 8-5, Closed Sun


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 13, 2016



25.Hot spring 26.Golf score 27.Trespassed 28.Official paper 30.Sticky mess 31.Hold title to 34.Go upward

answer 45.Plunged 47.Hunch 48.Kiss-and-____ 49.Fit of temper 52.Corral

Health care paramount concern for refugees

Interior health says it is ready to short time period,” said Dr. Trevor arrival in Canada, at the local level meet the health needs of the hunCorneil, chief medical health offiwe have to be prepared to deliver dreds of refugees expected to arrive cer and vice-president of populahealth care services once they arin the Central Okanagan over the tion health with IH. rive in our region. © 2015, Penny Press next few months. “ItCopyright has provided us with an “Immediate health-care needs ThACROSS e new year marks a new beopportunity to focus on ensurwill range from immunizations to 32.Baking vessel 58.Hiker’s ginning for Syrian refugees arriving high quality, evidence-based access to medications and menshelter Skin ing in1.this partaffliction of Canada.33.Relish Refuhealth care for refugees and for all tal health supports,” said Leslie mine 35.____ never 59.____ gees 5. willFrosting face manyuser challenges as ornewcomers to our region.” Bryant MacLean, program manthey 9. adjust new homes,36.Carney new ager with the population health Cuttothe lawn andThe health authority’s populalives and a new health care system. tion health department has been department. DOWN Garfunkel 12.At Health what time? ANSWER TO“We PUZZLE Interior said it, and its working with primary care cenhaveNO. been797 working to en1. Shoemakers’ 13.Do apartners, fall chore community have38.Choice been tres, physicians and other healthsure providers have access to the tools working hard over the past40.Massage several care providers, community ageninformation they need to provide 14.Hatchet 2. Stylish weeks to help ease that transition cies and local municipalities to de- care in a culturally sensitive man42.Hurry 15.Fibbed and be prepared to meet the health velop a response plan to meet the ner, while also addressing challen3. ____-do43.Foamedhealth-care needs of refugees. 16.Unzip care needs of the new residents, ges such as language barriers.” well who 17.Average began arriving in the 46.Is regionentitled Th The Interior region receives apto e team has been working grade 4. staff Makefrom the Bridge earlier this month. closely with proximately 11,000 newcomers to 50.Ancient 18.Movie-theater beloved preventOver the next three months, the Clinic in Vancouver—a the area each year—this includes feature Interior region is expecting51.Thick up to cord ive and primary care clinic for refugees, immigrants and tempor5. Inflexible 400 Syrian refugees, IH said in a refugees in the Greater Vancouary workers. 20.Need 53.Perfect spot 6. Jar top press release. ver area. The new care protocols and 22.Bends 54.Hive dweller 7. they ____have out developed Together, pathways are expected to improve R The Interior typically sees an 24.Battle 55.Fifty-fifty average of 1,000 refugees arrive in protocols, tools and training for care for all newcomers to the re(barely the area each year. health-care providers in the region. gion. made) 25.Coiled 56.Cold-cut seller “This is certainly a higher num“Although basic health screenRestore 29.Fast-food 57.Down ining thetakes8. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS ber than we are used to in a very place prior to refugees’

order: 2 wds.

9. Pasta



21.Corn spike 22.Halfway Lake Country Creating Community Connections! 24.Pokes fun 27.Over 29.Well-kept ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982 31.Worship Volunteers make our community a better place! 32.Morning condensati Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street 33.Building • 778 – 215 - 5247 shape A11

Health Planning Society

COMMUNITY EVENTS Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

Copy deadline30.Razors Friday, 1 pm before issue date 58.Sweet potato ACROSS

1.COUNTRY Swimsuit •LAKE SCI-FI BOOK CLUB - 3rd Wednesday of each month. Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March 16 & April 35.Geologic ages 20. Bring component a list of five books you’d like to read. Lake Country Branch-Okanagan Regional Library, #2-10150 37.Lunchtime DOWN Bottom Lakeout Rd. Be prepared to talk about your favourite book of all time. 4. Wood Leave stop

1. ____

•LC SENIORS SCHEDULE - Tuesday January 19, 26 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre. Saturday 8. Go BUS without constrictor 38.Boring tool January 16 - Robbie Burns Night - Oyama Legion. Thursday January 21 - local shopping. To reserve seat ANSWER TO PU food (snake) 41.King on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian Kong, 250-861-4131

12.Furnace fuel 2. am Fittoout •BABYTIME - (newborn to 18 months)e.g. Friday mornings at 10:30 11am, January 15 to May 13. Join us for13.Radial, songs, rhymese.g. & giggly fun! Free & drop-in. 42.Nocturnal 3. Legendary 14.Wheel rod birds Babaat 10:30 am to 11am, January 16 •STORYTIME - (recommended for ages 5 & under) Saturday mornings to May 14. Caregivers & little ones join us for stories, songs,4. puppets & more. 15.Instigator 43.Bureau Head the Free & drop-in

•LEGO BUILDERS CLUB - (ages45.Off 6-12) Wednesday cast pm, January 27, Feb 24, March 17.Insufficiency at a afternoons 3:30-4:30 23, April 27. See what creations you can build with our Lego! Free. Registration required & begins 2 weeks distance 18.Little 5. High-flying before the program date. 250-766-3141



48.Gather a

•LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY ADULT PROGRAMS - Book Chat Sat. Feb 13, Mar 12 & Apr 9 at 2:30pm. harvest 19.Stared at afternoons Jan 6. Presser Knitting Circle Thursday 14 to March 31. Programs are free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom 20.Large Wood Lake Road intruck the Municipal49.Safeguard Hall. 250-766-3141. 7. ____ your

53.Lighten 23.Goof •LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS - Babytimerequest Friday mornings 10:30 am to 11am Jan 15 to25.Place May 13. Freefor & drop-in. Storytime Saturdaysmell mornings 8. 10:30am to 11am Jan 16 to May 14. Free & 54.Terrible Sharp tooth drop-in Lego Builders Club (ages 6-12) Weds afternoons 3:30-4:30pm Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 23, Apr 27. clouds 55.Feel unwell 9. Skating Free. Registration is required. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. 26.Distress



meat •ANGEL AWARD TALENT SHOW - June 25, 2016. Looking for talent between ages 10 & 25. In support for 27.Opera dish 10.Finely Juvenile Idiopathic solo Arthritis. Competition now open. Late registration fees are applicable-don’t delay! One P CROSSWORD live audition day March 2016 – register now at Creekside Theatre.contoured, website: www. 28.Eager USE AMERICAN 57.Probability •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Ballroom Dancing class on Wednesdays 6-8pm. Call 250-766-4220 for more info •ADULT BOOK CLUB - Join Rita on the first Tues. of each month at 7pm for a lively discussion of each month’s title. Copies of each title will be available in the library.


11.Classify 19.Smaller amount 20.Gun in neutral 21.Iranian ruler, once 22.Fuss: hyph. 23.Gorillas, e.g. 25.Man’s jewelry 27.Settle a debt 28.Anxious 29.Cash drawer 30.Relieve 33.Grill gas

36.No ____, ands, or buts 38.Playful acts 40.Highlanders’ attire 41.Impresses greatly 42.Foal 43.Slippery 45.Wreck 47.Crude dwelling 49.Also 50.Sprite 51.Pasture sound

•LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at:

•CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance 33.Daft ACROSS of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out DOWN with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & 1. Imitate 1. forDeadly snake 35.Letter after goodies only $2.50.


Mediterranean, 2. Road.), 4. Hold back •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFTcee SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm forwater shopping & donation 36.Rude drop-off. Call look 250-766-3387 for info e.g.regarding appropriate donations. ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 799

•LC LINE DANCERSor- Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always Mas’ mates 7. Arctic 40.____ club the welcome.Indian Joy, 250-766-0850. 4. Song for two ANSWER TO PU 41.Faint •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, 12.Garden veggie7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New5.players Saywelcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982.


•THE13.Exercise COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to 43.Lie in the sun 6. Shooting improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate star 14.Firewishing to become46.Immerse or individuals members contact to Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or 7. On’s component for info. clean

opposite 15.Least difficult •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY48.World - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful carrier Fracas Communications, opportunities are available, Better at Home program & 8. on Committees: 17.Raises cropsin the50.Spanish Nominations, Health &horse Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community & Response 9.Action James ____to Elder Abuses).Call 18.Spirited festivals for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at Jones 20.____ machine 54.Adolescence

•DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! for Help a neighbour 21.Citrus 55.Make a LC Health10.Bullets, maintain their independence by giving them a ride. Planning Society is matching volunteer short beverages drivers with seniors through the Betterblunder at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided.

11.Hatchling’s 24.Unpolished 65 56.Animosity home 26.Boyfriend 57.Binge 27.Cypress, e.g. 58.Society miss 16.Distribute ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. 19.Appropriate 28.Lamb’s bleat 59.____ out a CROSSWORD P 21.Still For all other email USE AMERICAN 31.Imps livinginquiries, please asleep or

Calendar Lake Countr y

Yea rs

DOWN 1. Stereo component 2. Steeped drink 3. Offs’ opposites 4. Biceps, e.g. 5. Engine 6. Opera solo 7. Drinking vessel 8. Rocker Stone 9. Chauffeured car 10.Egg shape

23.Icicle hang go 28.String •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM neckwear sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. 29.Again •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 30.Sailors’ 766-3034 affirmative •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. 32.Pig •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical 34.Monsters support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 77837.Clump 215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. 38.Lounged •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9. Take home meals $7 & 25.Stylist’s freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals.

nc e 19


31.Fruity drink 32.Shovel 34.By means of 35.Stockings 37.Buckets 39.To’s mate 40.Ignite 41.Champs 44.Publish 46.Grief 47.Pull along 48.News piece 52.Plumbing joint 53.Piece 54.Pop flavor 55.Enclosure for swine 56.7 + 3, 1 + 9, etc.

22.Remove fr

•BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. - Taoist Tai Chi® at the Oyama Community Hall at 6:30pm. print For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254.

•LC FOOD BANK - has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food BankCopyright located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130. © 2015, Penny Press

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Molecule part 5. Pads 9. House location 12.Waiter’s offering 13.Spoken 14.____ League school 15.Football bomb 16.Wee 17.Atlas chart 18.Cape 20.Dramatic part 21.Not as fresh 24.Devoured 26.Expects 27.Personal

•LAKE COUNTRY SENIOR CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is open Mon.-Fri. 10am-2pm to answer questions about seniors’ issues. We are in need of volunteers to do odd jobs. Fall session on all groups have started; stop by for an events schedule. Our next event: Prime Time is held on the first & third Monday of the month - call Joanne at 250-766-0667. Have a plaque installed on the Memorial Wall for PUZZLE NO. 800 $20. This is a great place to share with loved ones. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568.


Proudly Serving


Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing for 65 years! since 1951


Every step you take offers 10 11 health 12 1benefits 2

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


in one’s health, happiyou take offers health ness and overall well-be- benefits. Start slowly and ramp up gradually, 45 per cent more calories ing. It’s no wonder exthere’s no shame in this than regular walking; en- perts suggests it’s the single best thing most approach. Once you’re gages arm, core and back THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016 Canadians can do to im- out the door and on your muscles while building prove CHAN their health,SNP and KNOW way, consider challencoreCIVT strength; and en- KIRO TSN CHBC CBC KOMO A&E that many ging 90 per cent& of the _ # $ gages % (physicians )are * yourself `with power 1 handing out prescripintervals, hill The View Is Sugar World Poker Boj walkingThe View Criminal muscles in theBookaboo body as The Price :00 Continental Sugar Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Right Debt/Part Tour: Alpha8 PAW Patrol ” Minds :30 Cup tions Rachael for oneRay of Plays/Month the most Monkey walking, longer distances, opposed to 40 per cent Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & See KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 Motoring ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” Toronto Bucket-Dino News ” potent drugs available— poles, or a faster over:30 Lumberjacks with regular walking. Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News NBA PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 :00 Hockey THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016 exercise. all pace. But fret not, whether Hour Vancouver Network ” Hour Basketball: Kate and ” ” :30 Lunch takeRaptors 10,000 Research provesNightwatch aA&E Social The Talk Strive Days to of our at Ruf-Tweet General youThe walk withHeartland or without :00 2016 WFG Days of our TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO Continental Lives ” ” ” Lives Magic Tumble Leaf Hospital ” :30 or more steps per day, but Maya commitment to regular poles, taking more Mixed The$ Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch The( Talk ” The` Doctors Nightwatch % &stepsFABLife _ ) * 1 :00 Cup:# ” ” up toMysteries ” remember ” that every Tim andstep Sid Curious ”help: ” walkingThe canView :30 Doubles canThe add big gains The Price Continental Sugar View Bookaboo Is Sugar World Poker Boj Criminal WALK FROM A10

:00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016 12 :30 5 :00 :30 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 :30 11 9 :00 :00 5 :30 12 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :30 11 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 8 :30 JANUARY 15, 2016 FRIDAY, 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 11 :30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2016 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 4 :00 :30 :00 12 5 :30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2016 :00 6 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 :30 2 :00 # $ % & :00 :00 8 :30 3 10 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 4 11 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 5 12 :00 :30 11 :30 6 :00 1 :00 :30 12 7 :30 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :30 SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 6 :00 :30 :00 12 1 :30 7 :30 :30 SportsCentre Cup ” Motoring Hockey Lumberjacks 2016 WFG Hockey Continental Lunch Cup: Mixed 2016 WFG Doubles Continental 2016 WFG Cup: Mixed Continental Doubles Cup: Men’s SportsCentre Continental Team Cup ” Competition Hockey Motoring SportsCentre 2016 WFG Lumberjacks ”

The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young & ” Restless Noon News News Hour ” Days of our News Hour Lives CHBC News The Talk Ent. Tonight ” ET Canada The Meredith Sugar Heroes Vieira Show Debt/Part Reborn Young & Ray Rachael The Blacklist Restless ””

Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeThe View Big Bang neres ”Show Goldbergs The Dr. Marilyn Law & Oz Show Denis Show Order: SVU

Grand Daniel Tiger Designs Best Recipes Bondi Vet Stefano ” CBC News Dragons’ Network Den Heartland CBC Van” couver News Murdoch 22 Minutes Mysteries Coronation Grand Bookaboo The Nature Designs Daniel Tiger of Things

Bold Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News FABLife The Insider ” Ent. Tonight Bold The Price Is Big Bang ThisMinute Right Life in

Bondi Vet Best Recipes Firsthand Stefano ”” CTV News Dragons’ CBCNational News Saving Hope The Vancouver Den Network ” ” Doubles News Hour CTV News CBC Van2016 WFG Days of our The Social Heartland SportsCentre News Final News-Lisa CBC News 2016 WFG CHBC News Vancouver couver Continental Lives ” ” News ” James News--11:30 Coronation Continental Ent. Tonight Daily etalk 22 Minutes Cup: Mixed Corden The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch SportsCentre Show Rick Mercer Cup: Men’s ET Canada Canada Big Bang Coronation Doubles ” ” Mysteries ” ET Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Team Bang Nature SportsCentre Heroes The Meredith Big Ellen DeGe- The Grand Competition Reborn Things ” Vieira Show Goldbergs neres Show of Designs SportsCentre The Blacklist Law & Oz Firsthand Hockey Young & The Dr. Bondi Vet ” ” Order: ”” 2016 WFG Restless Show SVU SportsCentre Shades of Saving Hope The National Continental News CTV News Dragons’ ” Blue ” ” Cup: Mixed Vancouver Den ”

Judge Young Judy & Mom Judge Judy Restless Angel-Hell KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News ”

SportsCentre News Doubles News Final Hour ” James 2016 WFG CHBC News SportsCentre Continental Corden Ent. Tonight ” ET Cup: Men’s ET Canada Canada

News-Lisa CBC CTV News CBC News VanNews--11:30 Coronation Vancouver couver News Daily Mercer etalk Show Rick 22 Minutes Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Big Bang Coronation

KIRO KIRO News News Late CBS ShowNews

Team Competition

Big Bang Goldbergs

The Nature of Things

Big Bang Life in

Heroes Reborn

Firsthand ”

Mom Angel-Hell

The Blacklist World Poker Enron: The ” Tour: Alpha8 Smartest

Continental News Hockey Noon News SportsCentre Shades of Cup: LunchMixed Hour ” ” Blue

Heroes Reborn

SportsCentre The Blacklist Law & ” ” Order: SVU

” Tour: Alpha8 Canucks Plays/Month NHL Toronto Hockey: NBA Canucks at Basketball: Capitals Raptors at ” Magic Sportsnet ” Sportsnet Tim and Sid Central ”Poker World NHL’s Best Canucks Tour: Alpha8 Plays/Month

The Doozers PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Monkey See Mister Maker Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate and Wild Kratts Ruf-Tweet The Polar Tumble Leaf Sea Maya Waterfront Curious Cities The Boj Doozers Lost PAW PAW Patrol Patrol Kingdoms of

Steve ” Harvey

Early Noon News News Shades of Global Hour Nat. Blue

NHL Plays/Month World Poker Hockey: Toronto Tour: Alpha8 Canucks at NBA Sportsnet Capitals Basketball: Central

Mister Maker Monkey See Enron: The Creative Bucket-Dino Smartest Dino Dan PAW in Patrol Guys the Wild Kate Kratts and Room

KOMO KOMO 4Is My Diet4 News News Than Better News The First 48 The Chew The First First 48 48 Yours The World ””News ”””

News Hour Days of our News Lives ” James Ent. The Tonight Talk Corden ET Canada Canada ” ET Heroes The Meredith Reborn Vieira Show The Blacklist Young & ” Restless

” at Raptors Sportsnet Sportsnet Magic Central Sportsnet ” Sportsnet Central Tim and Sid Central NHL’s ”Best Plays/Month Canucks World NHL Poker Tour: Alpha8 Hockey:

The Polar Ruf-Tweet Waterfront Sea Tumble Leaf Cities Waterfront Maya Enron: Cities Curious Smart Lost The Doozers Kingdoms of PAW Patrol

Shades of Early News Blue Global Nat.

Sportsnet Canucks at Central Capitals

Enron: The Mister Maker Smartest Creative Guys in the Dino Dan Room Wild Kratts

News News Hour James”

Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet

Waterfront The Polar Cities Sea

Fish Oil My 600-Lb. Doc Martin Family Dateline: Dinosaur ” Feud My 600-Lb. Doc Martin Raising Life Family Real Life Dinosaur ” Feud Life ”” Mike My 600-Lb. Movie: World Crime Watch Extreme Dateline: Millionaire SuperNews Why! News The Middle Masterpiece Anger Life “Maximum Business DailyFam Real Life Millionaire Thomas Mod Weight Loss Payne Mystery! KOMO 4 The First 48 Assembly The National Vegas Rat Two Men Extreme Risk” PBS General Nightwatch Almost With Diana Moonshiners: 21 Day Fix Dateline: Crime Watch Sesame News Nightwatch Gags The National Street Mike ” Browns ” St. News Nicky, Ricky Swain”” Rods Mod Fam NewsHour Hospital Sidekick Outlaw Cuts Two Family Feud Weight Real Life Daily ” Cat in the Jimmy ””” Gags Outlaws Men ” Loss Payne Doc Martin Wheel Nightwatch 100 Things CBC News Street Big Bang ” Seinfeld Craftsman’s The Doctors Nightwatch Wayside Power & Moonshiners How PiYo! Dateline: King Curious Kimmel Live The First 48 Funny Home The Megaspeed I Met Paid Prog. Browns -Seven Jeopardy! ” Make It Pop ” Outlaws Big Bang ” Seinfeld Start Up ” ” Kid vs. Kat Politics ” The Office Real Life King Curious Nightline ” Videos Exchange ” Cougar Paid Prog. There Yet? Grumpy Beyond Home The National Megaspeed American Skin Tight Family Guy A Place to Steve the The The First First 48 48 Funny Sidekick ” How/Made Fish Oil My 600-Lb. Mod Fam Doc Martin’s Tank ”” Videos ”” ” Idol Amer. Dad Call Home Harvey Nerds How/Made Pets.TV Life ” Mod Fam Portwenn My Diet 4Is The ” My Guy Doc KOMO The First First 48 48 Gags SpongeBob The The National Men, Daily Planet Fish Oil My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. Family Big Bang Doc Martin Martin Better ”” Gags ” Women ” Life Amer. Dad ”” News Than SpongeBob Exchange ” Raising Life Big Bang Yours The First 48 Haunting CBC News Vegas Rat News Extreme The Middle Masterpiece News The First 48 SpongeBob CBC News Men, Mike My 600-Lb. Movie: World News ”” Haunting ”” Rods Mod Fam Weight Loss Payne Mystery! World”News SpongeBob Women Anger Life “Maximum Business News Nightwatch The Mike ” Browns KOMO 4 The First 48 Gags Assembly The National National Street Vegas Rat Two Men Extreme Risk” PBS ” Jimmy ”” Gags ”” Outlaws Two ” Loss Payne” Doc Martin News Nicky, Ricky Rods Mod Men Fam Weight NewsHour

Colbert The Insider Corden Ent. Tonight Sportsnet Sportsnet Corden Ent. Tonight ET ET Canada Canada Central Central

Enron: Waterfront Smart Cities

Kimmel First 48 Wheel Live The Nightwatch Nightline ”” Jeopardy!


KIRO News The Talk KIRO News CBS ShowNews ” Late The Insider FABLife Colbert Ent. Tonight ” Corden Big BoldBang Life in ThisMinute Mom Judge Judy Angel-Hell Judge Judy Elementary KIRO News KIRO ”News


The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young & ” Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days of our News Hour Lives ” The Talk Ent. Tonight ” ET Canada The Meredith Sugar Heroes Vieira Show Debt/Part Reborn Young & Ray Rachael The Blacklist Restless ””




KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News The Chew News ” World News General KOMO 4 Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! Steve The View Beyond the Harvey” Tank


The National Men, ” Women

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Doc Martin ”

The Blacklist ”

CBC News ”

Vegas Rat Rods

News Mod Fam

Extreme The Middle Weight Loss Payne

Masterpiece Shades of Mystery! Blue

News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle

Nightwatch Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First ” 48 ”

Gags Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Rated VideosA Rated A

The National CBC News ” Network The With Carole Exchange MacNeil

Street Mighty Outlaws Planes Megaspeed Megaspeed ” ”

Mike Steve Two Men Harvey How I Met Family CougarFeud Family Feud

” Dateline: ” Real Life Paid Prog. Dateline: Paid Prog. Real Life

Browns Judge Payne Judge Browns Divorce There Yet? Divorce

” Sesame St. Doc Martin Peg Plus Cat -- Seven Dinosaur Grumpy Dinosaur

KING News Today Tonight ” Show New SethDay Meyers Northwest

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

Nerds Squirrel

CBC News Network

Men, Women

Crime Watch Dateline: Daily Real Life

Millionaire Millionaire

Super Why! Thomas

KING 5 News

Criminal Minds

Almost Sidekick

With Diana Swain

Vegas Rat Rods

21 Day Fix Dateline: Family Feud Real Life

Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the

Noon News Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Network

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

World Poker PAW Patrol Tour: Alpha8 Kate and

2016 WFG Continental

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”

Continental Operation The View Bookaboo The Price Is SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold Cup ” Smile Daniel Tiger ThisMinute Right Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs

Operation The Meredith Darts ” Smile Show Vieira ”

Boj Doozers Steve The View The ” PAW Patrol Harvey

Cabbie Hockey Cabbie 2016 WFG

Best Young & BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless ” Judge Judy

Rachael of Monkey See News Young & Ray Champion NHL Mister Maker KOMO 4 ” Champions Bucket-Dino Seattle Restless Hockey: Creative News

CBC News Dragons’ Network Den

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global

World Poker Patrol Canucks at PAW Dino Dan Tour: Alpha8 Wild Kate Kratts and Hurricanes

Heartland The Talk CBC VanKIRO News couver” News CBS News ”

Days of our News Hour Lives ”

World ”Poker Waterfront Ruf-Tweet General4 KOMO Sportsnet Tour: Alpha8 Cities Tumble Leaf News Hospital

Team SportsCentre Competition Continental ” Cup SportsCentre Hockey ” 2016 WFG Cabbie Cabbie SportsCentre Continental

Marketplace Grand Hello Bookaboo Designs Daniel Tiger the fifth Bondi Vet estate ” Best Recipes Stefano The National Dragons’

Undercover Bold Boss The Price Is ThisMinute Right FiveHawaii Judge Judy 0 Judge Young Judy & Restless Blue Bloods KIRO News

ANZAC Girls The Doozers ” Boj Patrol PAW PAW Patrol Vera Mister Maker ” See Creative Monkey Bucket-Dino ” Dino Dan

” Cup: Singles Hockey Lunch” SportsCentre ” 2016 WFG Continental SportsCentre Continental ” Cup: Men’s Singles Team ” Competition SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Hockey 2016 WFG SportsCentre ” Continental Cup: Singles SportsCentre ””

Angel-Hell The Meredith Superstore Operation Vieira Show Smile FiveHawaii Young & 0 Restless Rachael Ray Rookie News ” Blue

Noon ”News Hour Final News Hour Late CHBC DaysShowofNews our Lives Colbert Ent. Tonight ET TheCanada Talk

MasterChef Ellen DeGe”Show The View neres ”Tank Shark The Dr. Oz ” Show The Marilyn DenisNews Show Blue Bloods CTV

” Vancouver CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver The Social ” Big etalkBang Seth Meyers Big Bang Dr. Phil

” Den CBC News Network CBC News VanCoronation couver News Heartland ” Backstage Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Coronation Murdoch

KIRO ”News

Global Nat. Noon ”News Hour Hour News Late Show” Days of our LivesTonight Colbert Ent. ET TheCanada Talk

Dallas” Stars at Anaheim Darts ” ” Ducks NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Champion of Champions Sportsnet Canucks at

Central Hurricanes World Poker Tour: ”Alpha8 Sportsnet Central Sportsnet World Poker Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey: Tim and Sid

Grand Tours Wild PAWKratts Patrol Kate and 1917: The Waterfront Missing Cities Ruf-Tweet Tumble Girls Leaf ANZAC Coast Australia Maya ”

Angel-Hell Superstore

MasterChef ”

Marketplace Undercover Hello Boss

Angel-Hell Superstore

the fifth estate

Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Ducks 0 0 Sportsnet


SportsCentre ” Continental SportsCentre Cup ” Motoring SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre

Rookie Blue ” Fish’n NewsFishing Final Real Late ShowPowerboat Colbert TV Driving ET Canada Noon News Hour

Blue Bloods ” The Marilyn News-Lisa Denis Show News--11:30 It Is Written Big Bang etalk Seth Meyers Moneytalk NFL

The National ” Absolutely CBC News Canadian Coronation Doc Zone Backstage ” 22 Minutes The Nature of Things

” College KIRO News Basketball: Late ShowVillanova at Colbert Georgetown Corden ” The NFL

2016 WFG Continental

Food Truck Face Off

Pregame NFL


Holmes Makes

Football: Teams TBA

” The Marilyn Denis ”Show ” It Is Written ” etalk NFL Moneytalk Football: NFL Teams TBA Pregame ” NFL ” Football: ” Teams TBA Big Bang ” Anger ” Mike The Marilyn ” Cleveland Denis Show ” Saving Hope It Is Written NFL etalk ” Football: News Moneytalk Teams TBA News--11:30 NFL ” Castle Pregame ” NFL ””

SportsCentre Continental Tackle Fish’n Aladdin and Cup ” Real Fishing Cabbie the Death Motoring Powerboat 2016 WFG Lamp SportsCentre Driving TV Continental ” ” Noon News Cup: Mixed CHBC News SportsCentre Hour Doubles Global Nat. 2016 WFG Food Truck 2016 WFG CHBC News Continental Face Off Continental 16x9 Cup Holmes Cup: Men’s ” ” Makes Team Movie SportsCentre Tackle Competition ” ” Aladdin and SportsCentre Continental Fish’n” Cabbie the Death ” Cup ” Real Fishing 2016 WFG Lamp SportsCentre True Crime Motoring Powerboat Continental ” ” Scene SportsCentre Driving TV Cup: Mixed CHBC News SportsCentre News Final ” Noon News Doubles Global Nat. ” Saturday SportsCentre Hour News 2016 WFG CHBC SportsCentre Night Live 2016 WFG Food Truck Continental 16x9 ” ” Continental Cup: Men’s Face Off ”

KIRO CHAN (Blue Blue_ Bloods Rookie

SNP ) Sportsnet

YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat


NEWS Power & 7 Politics


DISC To Be 9 Announced

Days of our Lives


Dr. Phil ”

The First 48 Criminal Minds”

Rated A SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob

With The Carole MacNeil Exchange

Megaspeed Daily Planet ”

Family Feud Dateline: Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Life RaisingFeud Real Say Yes

Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang

Dinosaur Masterpiece New KINGDay 5 Dinosaur Northwest Classic News

The Chew The First 48 News Criminal World ”News Minds”

Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel SpongeBob

CBC News Network ”

Men, Crime Watch Say Dateline: Alaskan Mike Yes Women Daily Real Life Bush People Anger Say Yes

Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Lord of

Super News Why! KING 5 World Thomas News Business

Criminal Minds

Almost SpongeBob SpongeBob Sidekick

WithNational Diana Vegas Rat The Railroad Alaska Swain” Rods

21 Day Fix Dateline: Two Men Say Yes Mod Fam Family Feud Say RealYes Life

UnforgettaCriminal ble Minds

Thunder Wayside Movie: Kid vs. Kat

CBC News Power & ” Politics

Mayday To Be ” Announced

Big Bang Lust CIZE Dance Love; Dateline: Big First TheBang Office Real Swipe Life

The National ” CBC News ” Network The National ” Exchange With Carole MacNeil CBC News

Mayday How/Made ” Mighty How/Made Planes Railroad Daily Planet Alaska ” Megaspeed ” Alaskan

MasterChef Joint Relief ” Steve Zoo Clues Harvey Hell’s Paid Prog. Kitchen Raising Family Feud Family Feud News Mike

Say Yes Dateline: Say Yes Real Life Love; Lust Say Yes First Swipe Say Yes Dateline: RealYes Life Say

Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Judge Mod Fam Judge Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Divorce The Middle Movie:

Politics The National ”” ” The National ” The Exchange CBC News ” CBC News ” The National ” The National

Announced Mayday ” How/Made How/Made Railroad Alaska Daily Planet ” Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Mayday ” Railroad

The Office MasterChef ” Joint Relief Zoo Hell’sClues Kitchen Paid Prog. Raising News Mod MikeFam Anger Mike Two Two Men Men

RealYes Life Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Love; Lust First Swipe Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes

King Guy Family Amer. Dad Mod Fam Mod Fam Family Guy Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang The Middle Payne Movie: “Lord of Browns Payne War”

Alaska Mayday ” Mayday

Mod IFam How Met Cougar Big Bang

Say Yes Paid Prog. Paid Love;Prog. Lust

Movie:” “Road ”Trip”

News KING”5 NewsNews KING Nightly News Tonight News Days of our Lives Show News Seth Meyers Evening Dr. Phil Curious ” Father Undateable Brown Superstore Father Ellen DeGeBrown neres Show The Dateline Otherside Masterpiece NBC KING 5 Classic News” Willie Nelson: The KING”5 World News Business NewsNews Library KING Victor Tonight PBS Nightly News NewsHour News Borge’s Show Timeless Washington Seth NewsMeyers

Big Bang

First Swipe


Charlie Rose Evening

MasterChef ”

Say Yes Say Yes

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Father Brown

Undateable Superstore

Hell’s Kitchen

Love; Lust First Swipe

Family Guy Amer. Dad

The Otherside

Dateline NBC

Mod Fam Paid Prog. Mike ID Protection Two Men Kids News HowHouse I Met Old Cougar BestPan! Paid Prog.

Say Yes Extreme Say Yes Weight Loss Say Yes Extreme Paid Prog. Weight Loss Paid Prog. ” ”

Payne Gimme Browns Seinfeld Payne Movie: Movie:the “She’s “Road Trip” Man” ”

Nelson: The Odd Squad Library Arthur Victor KCTS 9 Borge’s Cooks: Timeless Kitchen Classics

” English PreKING News mier League Tonight Soccer Show Football Seth Meyers ” FIS Alpine

20/20 on TLC

Movie: “The

20/20 on TLC

Kingdom” ”

Last Man Steve Dr. TheKen View Harvey ” Shark KOMOTank 4 News News ” Seattle 20/20 News

”News World The Chew

Shark Tank KNOW KOMO ” ” * ` ” 20/20

” Born-Explore News Sea Rescue Jimmy Wildlife Docs Kimmel Live Rock-Park Nightline Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

A&E 1


“Rango” Criminal Sidekick ” Criminal Wayside Minds Chucks Minds Kid vs. Criminal ” Kat SpongeBob Minds SpongeBob The First 48 Game Rated On A ” RatedItAPop Criminal Make SpongeBob Minds SpongeBob The First 48 Make NerdsIt Pop ” Squirrel UnforgettaGags Criminal SpongeBob ble Gags Minds SpongeBob Criminal Almost Minds Sidekick Criminal Movie: UnforgettaThunder Minds “Rango” ble Movie: Criminal Wayside Minds Kid vs. Kat Criminal “Rango” Minds ” Criminal Sidekick Minds Chucks Criminal ” Minds Game On Criminal SpongeBob Minds SpongeBob Criminal Make It Pop Minds Make It Pop Criminal SpongeBob Minds SpongeBob UnforgettaGags ble Gags Criminal SpongeBob

Minds Criminal Minds Unforgetta-


” CBC News Network The National ” With Diana Swain The CBC News Exchange Power” &


SpongeBob The ” Movie: “Rango” Exchange Thunder CBC News Movie: ”

Criminal Minds

“Rango” ”

Criminal Minds

” Game On

Minds Born This UnforgettaWay ble Born This Criminal Way Minds Born This Way

Make It Pop Harvey Gags Pig Goat Gags Turtles Movie: SpongeBob “Rango” Movie: “Dear Dumb

A&E 1 Criminal


Bush Men, People Women Mayday Railroad Alaska Vegas” Rat Rods Mayday To Be”

The National Mayday ” ”

National Railroad YTV The NEWS DISC ” Alaska 6 7 9 Make It Pop CBC News Alaskan

Food Truck Face Off

NHL Count NHL’s Best

Our Part World of X Cosmic Vista Games

The First 48 ”

Diary” Game On

Football: AFC

Holmes Makes

Hockey Central

Canada ”

The First 48 ”

Max Max

The National Railroad Issue Alaska

The National Absolutely Hockey Canadian NHL Doc Zone Hockey: ” Toronto The Nature Maple Leafs of Things at Boston Bobsledding Bruins and Skeleton NHL FIS Alpine Hockey: Skiing Calgary The National Flames at Hockey Edmonton Absolutely NHL Oilers Canadian Hockey: Post Show Doc Zone Toronto CBC News ” Maple Leafs The Tudors Nature at Boston ” of Things Bruins Dragons’ Bobsledding NHL Den and Skeleton Hockey:

Divisional College Playoff Basketball: ” Villanova at ” Georgetown NCIS: Los ” Angeles The NFL Limitless Today ” NFL 48 Hours Football: ” AFC KIRO 7 Post Divisional The Insider Playoff Ent. Tonight College ” ” Basketball: ” Scandal Villanova at NCIS: Los ” Georgetown Angeles KIRO News ” Limitless The The Insider NFL ” Yours, Mine Today 48Ours Hours & NFL ”

Tackle Fish’n Aladdin and Real Fishing the Death Powerboat Lamp Driving TV ” Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Food Truck ” Face Off 16x9 Holmes ” Makes Movie Tackle ” Aladdin and Fish’n” the Death ” Real Fishing Lamp True Crime Powerboat ” Scene Driving TV Global Nat. News Final Noon News News Hour Saturday Hour ” Night Live Food Truck 16x9 ” Face Off ”

Sportsnet NHL Hockey Hockey: NHL Rangers at Hockey: Flyers Montreal ” Canadiens at Misplays St. Louis NHL Count Blues NHL’s Best NHL Hockey Hockey: Central Calgary Sportsnet Flames at Hockey Edmonton NHL NHL Oilers Hockey: Hockey: Sportsnet Rangers at Montreal Central Flyers Canadiens at Sportsnet ” St. Louis Central Misplays Blues Sportsnet NHL Count NHL Central NHL’s Best Hockey:

Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts CannibalDoki Stone Creative Lost Animals Kingdoms of Animals Hope for Our Part Wildlife Cosmic Vista Mystery Canada Mummies ” Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Foyle’s War Wild Kratts Cannibal” Wild Kratts Stone Doki ” Lost Park Creative Kingdoms of Waterfront Animals Hope for Cities Animals Wildlife Foyle’s Our PartWar Mystery ” Vista Cosmic Mummies

The First Born This48 Way ” The First 48 Born This ” Way The First 48 Born This ” Way The First 48: The First 48 Survivors ” The First 48: The First 48 Survivors ” The First 48: The First 48 Murder ” The BornFirst This48 The First 48 Way ” ” The BornFirst This48: The First 48 Survivors Way ” The BornFirst This48: The First 48: Survivors Way Survivors The First 48: The First 48 The First 48: Murder ” Survivors

Max Harvey MaxGoat Pig Stanley Dyn. Turtles Stanley Dyn. SpongeBob Stanley Dyn. Movie: Stanley Dyn. “Dear Dumb Assembly Diary” Stanley Dyn. Game On Game Max 100 Things Max Movie: Max “Splitting Max Adam” Harvey Stanley Dyn. ” Pig Goat Stanley Dyn. Game TurtlesOn Stanley Dyn. Assembly SpongeBob Stanley Dyn. Gags Movie: Assembly Gags “Dear Dumb Stanley Dyn. Splitting Diary” Game Adam Game On 100 Things

The National CBC News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Network of Things With Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National ” Marketplace ” Nepal Quake The National ” Issue Firsthand The National ” Mansbridge The CBCNational News The Nature Mansbridge CBC News of Things Nepal Quake Network the fifth ” With Asha estate The National Tomlinson The National Issue ” Marketplace The National ”Quake Nepal Mansbridge ””


KCTS Curious N Curious

Sesame Father St. Today Ellen DeGePeg Plus Cat neres ”Show Brown

FIS Alpine Skiing


WTBS King KingA


Judge Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam

Bobsledding Today and Skeleton NFL


TLC Dateline: Real< Life


Dateline: Say Yes RealYes Life Say

Grand Tours Wild Kratts 1917:Kratts The Wild Missing Doki ANZAC Girls Creative ” Animals Animals


KAYU CIZE Dance The; Office


SteveRelief Joint Harvey Zoo Clues

Central NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Central Rangers at Sportsnet Flyers Central ” Misplays



Mighty How/Made Planes How/Made

” Fish’n NewsFishing Real Late ShowPowerboat Colbert TV Driving ET Canada Noon News Hour


” ”


CBC News ” Network ”

Dallas Stars ANZAC Girls Last Man at Anaheim ” Dr. Ken

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Shark Tank ” 0 ”

A&E Criminal 1 Minds


Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Chucks

News KOMO” 4 Jimmy News General HospitalLive Kimmel Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors ” ” Mysteries ” ” Curious Girls Last Man ” Angel-Hell MasterChef Marketplace Undercover Angel-Hell Dallas”Stars ANZAC Superstore ” Hello Boss Superstore ” Dr. Ken The Meredith Ellen DeGeGrand Bold The Meredith at Anaheim ” The Doozers Steve Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey Hawaii Five- Shark Tank the fifth Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Ducks Vera Shark Tank 0 ” Oz estate 0 Sportsnet ” 4 Young & The Dr. Bondi Vet Judge Judy 0 Young & NHL Mister” Maker KOMO Restless ShowBloods The National ” Judge Judy Rookie Restless Hockey: Creative News Rookie Blue Blue Blue Bloods Blue Sportsnet ” 20/20 ” ” ” Central Tours News ” News ” CTV News Dragons’ KIRO ”News Early News Canucks at Grand Dino Dan Vancouver Den News Global Nat. Sportsnet Hurricanes Wild Kratts World News News ”Final News-Lisa CBC KIRO News News 1917: The News Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral Missing Jimmy News Hour CTV News CBC VanKIRO News News Hour ” Waterfront KOMO 4 2016 WFG CHBC News Vancouver couver News CBS News ” Sportsnet Cities News Live SportsCentre Colbert Big Bang Backstage Colbert Colbert Sportsnet ANZAC Girls Kimmel ” ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Central ” Nightline Continental Ent. Tonight etalk Rick Mercer The Insider Ent. Tonight NHL Coast Wheel Cup: Men’s ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Hockey: Australia Jeopardy!

Team Competition

” KIRO News Late ShowCBS News The Talk ” Colbert The Insider Corden Ent. Tonight FABLife

Angel-Hell The Meredith Superstore Operation Vieira Show Smile Hawaii FiveYoung & 0 Restless Rachael Ray ” Blue Rookie Early News

A&E 1

Criminal Minds

KNOW Wheel KOMO The Doctors Jeopardy! ” * `

Coast Maya Australia Curious

KING News Nightly News Tonight News

Haunting Haunting

Hockey Lunch


Nightly Days News ofNews our KING News Lives Tonight News Dr. Phil Show Evening ” Seth Meyers Heroes Ellen DeGeReborn neres Show The Blacklist KING 5 News” Shades KING 5 of Blue News

Gags Gags

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The First 48 ”

My Diet Is Better Than

News Operation James Smile Corden Rachael Ray ET Canada ”

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Heroes Reborn

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Rick Mercer Murdoch Coronation Mysteries

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A Place to Call Home

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Family Guy Amer. Dad

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American Idol

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Guys in the Room

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CBC News CBC News News CBC Network ””

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Shades of Blue

Cup: Singles The Talk ” ”


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Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ”

Saving Hope The National Elementary ” ” ”

CHAN The Talk ( ”

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How I Met Big Bang Cougar Big Bang

SportsCentre Shades of ” Blue

KIRO FABLife _ ”

A&E 1

Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds

Megaspeed Street ” Outlaws

NHL’s Best Lost Beyond the Plays/Month Kingdoms of Tank


The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” Nightwatch The First 48 ” ” Nightwatch Nightwatch ” ” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 Minds”” The First 48 The First First 48 48 The ”””

• prevent heart disease •reduce vehicle conachievement. • reduce the risk of gestion and emissions Why not keep it simstroke • give us more energy ple in 2016? Simply snap • lower blood pressure • reconnect us with on a step counter or ped• manage stress nature ometer, lace up some • lead to better posture • make us happier. shoes or pull on your • maintain healthy DISC New Year’s resolutions winterKCTS boots, andKING go YTV NEWS KAYU TLC WTBS cholesterol levels 6 7 9 are most ; often broken < Awhere your N feet take Pyou. • reduceCBC theNews risk ofMighty within days to a Judge Wayside Steve a fewDateline: Sesame St. Today Kid vs. Kat Network Planes Harvey Real Life Judge Peg Plus Cat ” many cancers few weeks. Why? BeCate Cameron writes Rated A With Carole How/Made Family Feud Dateline: Divorce Dinosaur New Day Rated A MacNeil How/Made cause Family Feud Real Life or Divorce about Dinosaur Northwest • boost bone density the resolution a healthy lifestyle. Chucks CBC News Killing Fields Crime Watch Dateline: Millionaire Super Why! KING 5 • improve our mengoal established, was unwww.cameron Squirrel Network ” Daily Real Life Millionaire Thomas News talYTV health With realistic to begin with Almost Diana Moonshiners: 21 Day Fix Dateline: Crime Watch Sesame St. Days of our NEWS Outlaw DISC KAYU TLC WTBS Cat KCTS KING Sidekick Swain Cuts Family Feud Real Life Daily in the Lives @cate_cameron • save usPower time andMoonshiners and most likely had noKingA Curious Wayside & PiYo! Dateline: Dr. Phil 6 7 9 ; < N P Kid vs. Kat Politics ” Thein Office Life King Curious ” money plan placeReal to enable its Wayside CBC News Mighty Steve Dateline: Judge Sesame St. Today

KNOW 30 KOMO for 30 ” * ` ” Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue Paid Prog. Wildlife Docs Cougar Rock-Park News Paid Prog. World News Paid Prog. KOMO 4 World of X News Games Wheel 30 for 30 Jeopardy! ” Movie: ” “The Social ” Network” Born-Explore Paid Prog. ” Sea Rescue Cougar ” Docs Wildlife News Fresh-Boat Rock-Park World News News Paid Prog. KOMO 4 Castle Paid Prog. News ”of X World Wheel Crimes Games Jeopardy!


A&E 1

A&E 1



” CBC News The National CBC News ” Network The Asha With Exchange Tomlinson ” ” ”



Bush People Mayday Mayday ” ” Mayday Mayday ” ” Railroad Alaska


Mod Fam Yes Anger Crime Watch Say Dateline: DailyMen RealYes Life Mike Say Two Two Men Say Yes Mod Fam 21 Day Fix Dateline: Family Feud Paid Real Prog. Life How I Met Big Bang Love; Lust Cougar Prog. Big Bang First Swipe CIZE Dance Paid Dateline:

KAYU ; News

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KAYU ” ” ;

TLC Say< Yes


AngerProg. 20/20 on Paid Extreme Two Men TLC ID Protection Weight Loss Bones 20/20 on Kids News Extreme ” TLC Old House Weight Loss Mike Untold StoBestPan! ” Mike ries of ER Paid Prog. ” Two Men Untold StoMovie 20/20 on Big Bang ries of ER ” TLC Two Men Sex Sent Me ” 20/20 on Big Bang to the E.R. ” TLC Hell’s Untold StoAnger 20/20 on Kitchen ries of ER Two Men TLC Second Sex Sent Me Paid Prog. Extreme Bones 20/20 on Chance the E.R. ID Protection to Weight Loss ” TLC News Untold StoKids News Extreme Mike Untold StoWanted ries of ER Old House Weight Loss Mike ries of ER Animation 20/20 on BestPan! ” Two Men Untold StoDomination TLC Paid Prog. ” Big Bang ries of ER Person of Peter Popoff Movie 20/20 on Two Men Sex Sent Interest Paid Prog.Me ” TLC Big Bang to the E.R.



Crime Watch PBS Sesame St. War” NewsHour Daily ” Cat in the

WTBS ” King Seinfeld King A


Days ofNews our Nightly News Lives


Washington News Curious Dr. Phil Charlie CuriousRose Evening ”

Undateable Father Ellen DeGeSuperstore Sesame St. neres TodayShow Brown Peg Plus Cat ” The Masterpiece Dateline KING 5 Otherside NBC Classic News Dinosaur New Day Dinosaur Northwest Willie ”5 World News KING

Payne Nelson: The “Lord of Business Millionaire Super Why! Millionaire Thomas Browns Library War” PBS Payne Victor ” NewsHour Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily ” Cat in the Movie: Borge’s Washington “Road Seinfeld Charlie King Trip” Timeless CuriousRose

WTBS TheA Middle

KCTS N Willie

” ”


KCTS ” ” N

The Middle Gimme The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie: Atlanta Eats “She’s the King Man” King ” Movie: Movie: “Resident “The Evil: Kingdom” Retribution” ” Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Burgers Gimme Seinfeld Burgers Seinfeld Atlanta Eats Community Movie: King Community “She’s the King Movie: Man” Movie: “Spanglish” ” “Resident ” Movie: Evil: ” “The Retribution”

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Skiing To Be


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12 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 11 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 5 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :30 12 :00 7 2 :30 :00 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 6 :30 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 8 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :30 TSN # $ % & _ :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 :00 6 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 10 :30 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 1 :30 :30 7 :00 2 8 :30 3 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :00 11 5 :30 :00 12 6 :30 :30 TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2016 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2016 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 :30 4 :00 :00 12 5 :30 1 :00 :30 6 TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2016 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 7 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 3 :00 :30 8 :30 # $ % & _ :00 4 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 8 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2016 :00 :00 2 :30 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 # $ % & _ :00 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 8 2 :30 :00 3 :30 9 4 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 2016 WFG 2016 WFG Continental Continental Cup: Skins Cup: Skins ” ” ” Cabbie ” SportsCentre Cabbie SportsCentre ” Cabbie ” SportsCentre Triathlon SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” ” 2016 WFG SportsCentre 2016 WFG Continental ” Continental Cup: Skins Cup: Skins ” ”” ” SportsCentre

CHBC News Food Truck First Dates Face Off Security Holmes Madam Makes Secretary Block Tackle The Good Lorna Dueck Movie: Wife Joel Osteen “Collision Simpsons Paid Prog. Earth” Simpsons Noon ”News News Hour Final CHBC News Block Global Nat. Food Truck Paid CHBC News Face Prog. Off Paid Prog. First Dates Holmes Security Makes Madam Tackle Secretary Movie: SportsCentre The Good ” “Collision ” Wife SportsCentre Earth” SportsCentre Simpsons ” ” ” Simpsons SportsCentre CHBC News

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” ”

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KIRO News NFL 60 Minutes NFL ” Football: Madam AFC Secretary Pets.TV Divisional The Good College Playoff Wife Basketball: ” CSI: Cyber Michigan ” ” StateGame at Post KIRO Wisconsin KIRO News News KIRO News CBS NFL News The KIRO News NFL Insider Scandal 60 Minutes Football: ” AFC Madam Divisional Secretary Playoff The Good ” Wife ”

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That’s Hcky That’s Hcky

The Social ”

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With Carole Exchange MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Network The National With Diana ” Swain CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The CBCNational News The ” Network Exchange CBC With News Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The National CBC News The National ” Network ” The With News Diana CBC Exchange Swain” Power & The National Politics ”

Alaska: ” The Last Frontier How/Made Alaska: The How/Made Last Frontier Alaskan Men, Bush Women Alaskan MythBusters Bush People ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Alaskan Mighty Daily Planet Bush Planes ” Alaskan Alaska: The How/Made Bush People Last Frontier How/Made How/Made Alaska: The Alaskan How/Made Last Frontier Bush How/Made Men, Alaskan How/Made Women Bush People MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made

Movie:” “Gladiator” ”

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A&E ” ” 1

Movie: Criminal “Gladiator” Minds



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Announced Announced


King King

KCTS N Great British Curious Curious



Dateline NBC Today KING”News Up Late NW New Day Bensinger Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News Days of our Lives

KING P Ellen DeGeDr. Phil ”

Baking Show neres Show Sesame St. Today Peg Plus Cat KING ”5 Great British Family Divorce Dinosaur New Day RaisingFeud Dateline: Hard Evid. Big Bang Baking Show News Family Feud Real Life Divorce Dinosaur Northwest Mike 48 Hours: Movie: World News KING 5 Crime Watch Hard Dateline: Millionaire Super Why! News KING 5 Anger Evid. “Switching Business Daily Real Life Millionaire Thomas News Two Men 48 Hours: Channels” PBS Nightly News Paid Fam Prog. Dateline: Crime”Watch NewsHour Sesame St. News Days of our Mod Hard Evid. Family Feud Real Life Daily Cat in the Lives Big Bang 48 Hours: Seinfeld Old House News Paid Prog. Dateline: King Curious Dr. Phil Big Bang Hard Evid. Seinfeld Antiques Evening The Office Real Life King Curious ” MasterChef 48 Hours: Family Guy Antiques Superstore Paid Prog. Dateline: Mod Fam Great British Ellen DeGeCelebrity Hard Evid. Amer. Dad Roadshow Telenovela Big World Real Life Mod Fam Baking Show neres Show Showdown 48 Hours: Family Biggest Steve Dateline: Judge Guy Antiques Sesame St. The Today Paid Prog. 48 Hours: Big Bang Great British KING 5 ” Hard Amer. Roadshow Harvey Real Evid. Life Judge Dad Peg Plus Cat Loser ” Raising Hard Evid. Big Bang Baking Show News News 48 Hours: The Middle Ball of Con” Family Feud Dateline: Divorce Dinosaur New Day Mike Fam 48 Hours: Movie: World News KING ”5 Mod Payne fusion: 68 Family Feud Hard Real Evid. Life Divorce Dinosaur Northwest Anger Hard Evid. “Switching Business News Mike Hours: Browns Victor KING Crime Watch 48 Dateline: Millionaire Super Why! Nightly KING News 5News Two Men 48 Hours: Channels” PBS Two Hard Payne Borge’s Tonight DailyMen Real Evid. Life Millionaire Thomas News Mod Fam Hard Evid. ” NewsHour News How I Met Peter Popoff Browns Timeless Show Paid Prog. Dateline: Crime Watch Old Sesame St. News Days of our Big Bang 48 Hours: Seinfeld House Cougar There Aging Seth Family Feud Paid Real Prog. Life Daily Yet? Cat inBack the LivesMeyers Big Bang Hard Evid. Seinfeld Antiques Evening Paid Prog. Dateline: King Guy Antiques Curious Dr. Phil MasterChef 48 Hours: Family Superstore The Office Real Evid. Life King Dad Curious ” Celebrity Hard Amer. Roadshow Telenovela






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Real Life Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours:

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”” ””

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TLC < Dateline:

Sportsnet Misplays Central NHL’s Best

CHAN The Talk ( ”


Masterpiece Dateline Classic NBC

” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Mod Fam There Yet? Mod Fam

KAYU ; Paid Prog.

News Early News Late ShowGlobal Nat.

Sportsnet Premier Central League

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic Investigators

” The Closer


DISC 9 How/Made

NCIS: YoungLos & Angeles Restless

Central NHL Count

John Mister Maker Bachelor KOMO 4 McCrae Live Creative News

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds

KIRO News Late KIROShowNews

Supergirl ”

” The Closer

” The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 News ” Crimes The Chew ”


Supergirl ”

Say Yes Medium Say Yes Medium Paid Prog. Married by Paid Prog. ”

Mercy FatherStreet Dateline ” NBC ” Brown” Paid Prog. Scott & KING News Alice in Weekend Democratic Paid Prog. Bailey Up Late NW Wonderland A Chef’s Life Debate Fish Oil Dr. Wayne Bensinger ” Our Zoo ” Paid Prog. Dyer Paid Prog. ” ” ”

Medium Medium Dateline: Say Yes Real Life Say Yes Dateline: Paid Life Prog. Real Paid Prog. Dateline: Real Life

Criminal ” Minds ” Criminal ” Minds War & Criminal Peace Minds ” Criminal ” Minds War & Movie: Peace “Gladiator” ” Criminal ” Minds” ” Movie: Criminal ” “Gladiator” Minds” ” Criminal War &” Minds Peace ” Criminal ” Minds”” Criminal War & Minds Peace

First Round ”

Medium Medium Medium Medium


KOMO News 4 News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The Steve Bachelor Harvey ” The View KOMO ”” 4 News Bachelor KOMO 4 News Live News News World News The Chew KOMO 4 Jimmy News ” Kimmel GeneralLive Wheel Nightline Hospital Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelor

Marketplace The Insider Ent. Tonight ” Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Sportsnet

Movie: ” “Dreamer: ” Inspired by a ” True Story” The Closer Sinbad: Big BangLegendBang of” Seas Big The Closer Paid Prog. Big Bang ” First Family Big Bang There Yet? Paid Fam Prog. Mod Paid Prog. Box Office Mod Fam Paid Prog. Alice in Movie: Fish Oil Wonderland “Dreamer: Paid Prog. ” by a Inspired ” True Story” ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang


A Mission In Space CBC News The Nature Network of Things With Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Network


Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob

Ent. Tonight etalk ET Canada Big Bang

Say Yes Married by Say Yes ” Say Yes Medium Say Yes Medium FourYes Say Married by Weddings Say Yes ” FourYes Say Medium Weddings Say Yes Medium Say Yes Medium Say Yes Say Yes Medium Say Yes Medium Say Yes Paid Prog. Medium Say Yes Paid Prog. Married Say Yesby ” Say Yes Medium Say Yes Medium Say Yes Married Say Yesby ” Say Yes

Brown ” SciTech ” Weekend Democratic Well Read ” A Chef’s Life Debate All-Star Sign Off Our Zoo ” Orchestra PGA Tour ” ” All-Star U.S. Figure Masterpiece KING 5 Orchestra Skating Classic Investigators Odd Squad Luna! To Be All-Star Masterpiece Cyberchase Dateline Announced Orchestra LazyTown Classic NBC Nature All-Star To Be ” Mercy Street Dateline ” ” Orchestra Announced ” NBC SciTech Father ”” Scott & KING News Well Read Brown ”” Bailey Up Late NW Weekend Democratic All-Star Sign Off Dr. Wayne A Chef’s Life Bensinger Debate Orchestra PGA Tour Dyer Paid Prog. Our Zoo ” All-Star U.S. Figure ” ” Orchestra Skating Masterpiece KING All-Star Luna!5 Classic Investigators Orchestra LazyTown Masterpiece Dateline All-Star To Be Classic NBC Orchestra Announced

Haunting Haunting Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags Rated A Hoodwinked Rated A Too Nerds Squirrel

“Gladiator” Criminal Minds”

Open Tennis:

Mod Fam Paid Prog. Alice in Box Office Wonderland

Awards ” Criminal Nightwatch Minds ” Criminal Nightwatch Minds ” Criminal Minds

Harvey The View KOMO” 4

News-Lisa CBC News CTV News Dragons’ News--11:30 Coronation Vancouver Den

Medium Say Yes Medium Say Yes Medium

Medium Medium

With Diana Swain

Law & Oz The Dr. Order: Show SVU

Cyberchase Orchestra

Married by ”

Power & Politics

News Final Late Show”

end Bang of Seas Big

The National MythBusters Simpsons ” ” Barrett

A&E 1

Assembly Make It Pop

YTV 6 Sidekick



Haunting Hedge” Haunting ”

Almost Sidekick



Weddings Say Yes

Four Paid Fam Prog. Nature Medium Mod Father ”” A13 Weddings First Family ” ”

The National Alaska: The Family Guy ” Last Frontier Bordertown

Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * ` The Doozers Steve

Vieira Sugar Show Debt/Part Young &

Football: Raising NFC I Met How Divisional Paid Prog. Moonshiners Playoff Alaska: The Monopoly ” ” Last Frontier Simpsons Vegas Rat The OT Men, Simpsons Rods To Be Women Burgers Bering Sea Announced MythBusters Simpsons Gold ” ” Barrett Highway NFLCooker How/Made Top Alaska: The Family Guy Thru Hell Football: How/Made Mike Last Frontier Bordertown Gold Rush NFC MythBusters Big Bang Alaska: The News Divisional ”” Raising Last Frontier Livin’ Dream Moonshiners Playoff Alaska: The How I Met Men, Cougar ” ” Last Frontier Paid Prog. Women Snoring? Alaska: The Monopoly Vegas Rat The OT Alaska: The How I Met Last Simpsons RodsFrontier To Be Last Frontier Raising Men, Bering Sea Simpsons Announced Women Burgers Gold ” MythBusters Simpsons How/Made Top Cooker ” Barrett How/Made Mike Alaska: The Family Guy MythBusters Big Bang Last Frontier Bordertown ” Raising

Make It Pop Assembly

Maya Curious

NCIS: Young Los & Angeles Restless

SportsCentre The Talk Interruption ”


Wayside Kid vs. Kat

SNP ) ”

Open ”Tennis ” Australian 2016 Open Tennis Australian

Days of our Lives

Make Movie:It Pop Assembly “Over the

Tomlinson The National ”” ” A Mission In ” Space ” The National Marketplace ” CBC News Firsthand The CBCNational News ” ” Network the fifth A Mission With AshaIn estate Space Tomlinson The Nature The Nature ” of Things of Things The National ” The National ”” ” A Mission In ” Space Marketplace The National Firsthand ”” The National the fifth ” estate

Thru Hell ” Gold Rush Alaska: The ” Last Frontier

Critics’ Choice

Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital

The 21st Annual


CBC News estate Network The Nature With Asha of Things

A&E 1 Movie:

CHAN ( The Meredith

2016 ” ” Australian

” ”

The National NCIS: Bondi Vet Judge Los Judy ” Angeles Judge Judy

Galavant ”

“Pirates ” of the 21st The Caribbean: Annual

Quantico ”


Wallander ” Boj ” PAW Patrol ” Monkey See Last Bus to Bucket-Dino Woodstock PAW Patrol Kate and

World ”Poker PAW Boj Patrol Tour: Alpha8 PAW Misplays MisterPatrol Maker Young & Rachael Judge Judy Restless Ray Misplays NHL’s Best Monkey Creative See Restless ” NBA Bucket-Dino KIRO News Early News NHL Dino Dan Noon News Basketball: PAWKratts Patrol KIRO News Global Nat. Hockey: Wild ” Hour Pelicans at Kate and KIRO News News Hour Penguins at Marine The Talk Days of Grizzlies Ruf-Tweet CBS News ” our Blues Machines ” Lives ” Tumble Leaf The Insider Ent. Tonight ” Hope for FABLife Talk Tim and Sid Maya Ent. Tonight The ET Canada Sportsnet Wildlife ” ” ” Curious Supergirl Supergirl Central Turn Back Bold ” The Meredith ” The ” NHL Count TimeDoozers ThisMinute Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Scorpion World The Price Is Chicago Sugar World Poker Poker Fake Boj or Judge”Judy Med Young & Misplays Mister Maker Tour: Alpha8 Right Debt/Part Tour: Alpha8 Fortune? PAW Patrol Judge Judy Restless NHL’s Best Creative NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Sportsnet John Young & Rachael Ray Misplays Monkey See KIRO News Angeles Early News Central NHL Dino Dan Angeles McCrae Restless ” NBA Bucket-Dino KIRO News Global Nat. Hockey: Wild Kratts KIRO News News Ski TV Hope for KIRO News Noon News Basketball: PAW Patrol KIROShowNews Late NewsShowHour Penguins at Wildlife Marine Late Plays/Month ” Hour ” Pelicans at Machines Kate and CBS News Blues Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Fake or The Insider Talk DaysTonight of our Grizzlies Ruf-Tweet The Ent. ” Hope for Corden ET Canada Central Fortune? ” Lives ” Tumble Leaf Ent. Tonight ET Canada Sportsnet Wildlife FABLife The Talk Tim and Sid Turn MayaBack Supergirl Supergirl Central ” Curious ”” ”” NHL Count Time

Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ”


Home KNOW Funny KOMO Untold Videos To Be * ` Galavant Announced

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife


Rescue Cougar Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. World News Paid Prog. KOMO 4 Paid Prog. News

48 48 Hours: Hours: Hard Hard Evid. Evid.

The Middle Big Bang Payne Big Bang

Ball of British Con- KING”5 Great fusion: Baking68 Show News”

Mike Mike Two Men Anger

48 48 Hours: Hours: Hard Hard Evid. Evid.

Browns Movie: Payne “Switching

Victor World News KING KING News 5 Borge’s Tonight Business News

How Met Two IMen Cougar Mod Fam

Peter Popoff Browns 48 Hours: Channels” Paid There ”Yet? HardProg. Evid.

Timeless PBS Aging Back NewsHour

Show Nightly News Seth NewsMeyers

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Old House Antiques

News Evening

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Antiques Roadshow

Superstore Telenovela

Alaskan Big Bang Bush People Big Bang

NEWS DISC The National Alaskan ” Bush 7 9

MasterChef Celebrity

KAYU Showdown ” ;

” 48 The First ”” ” 48 The First ””

Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags A Rated Gags Rated A Gags Chucks Gags Squirrel

CBC News News CBC ” Network

Alaskan News Mighty Steve Bush People Harvey Mod Fam Planes The National How/Made Mike Feud With Carole How/Made Family ” How/Made Two Men MacNeil How/Made Family Feud The How/Made How I Watch Met CBC News Alaskan Crime Exchange How/Made Cougar Network Bush Daily

The First 48 ”

Almost Sidekick

With Diana Swain

TLC 48 Hours: Hard Evid. <

WTBS Family Guy Amer. Dad A

48 Hours: Dateline: HardLife Evid. Real

The Middle Judge Payne Judge

48 Hours: Dateline: HardLife Evid. Real Peter Popoff Dateline: Paid Life Prog. Real

Browns Divorce Payne Divorce Browns Millionaire There Yet? Millionaire

Alaskan Paid Prog. Dateline: Bush People Family Feud Real Life

KCTS Antiques Roadshow N Ball of ConSesame St. fusion: 68Cat Peg Plus Victor Dinosaur Borge’s Dinosaur Timeless Super Why! Aging Back Thomas

Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the

A&E The First 48 1 ”

YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

DISC How/Made 9 How/Made

KAYU Paid Prog. The; Office

TLC Dateline: Real< Life

WTBS King KingA

KCTS Curious N Curious


The Biggest Loser Today ” ””

KINGDay News New Tonight Northwest Show KING 5 Seth Meyers News Days of our Lives


Dr. Phil ”

The View Bookaboo The Price Is SportsCentre Sugar The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold Debt/Part Daniel Tiger ThisMinute Right ” Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs

Sugar The Meredith Premier ” Debt/Part League Vieira Show Canucks

Boj Doozers Steve The View The ” PAW Patrol Harvey

Criminalat Married Minds First Sight

Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds

CBC News ” Network ”

Mighty How/Made Planes How/Made

SteveProg. Paid Harvey Eco Co.

Dateline: Kate Plus 8 Real Life ”

Judge Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam

Sesame St. Today Great British Ellen DeGePeg Plus Cat neres ”Show Baking Show

SportsCentre Hockey Open ”Gym Hockey NBA Lunch Basketball That’s”Hcky That’s”Hcky

Rachael Young & Ray Darts NHL ” Misplays Restless Hockey:

Dinosaur Great British Dinosaur Baking Show Super News Why! World Thomas Business Sesame St. PBS Cat in the NewsHour

New Day KING 5 Northwest News

Curious Pépin Curious Rick Steves Great British Finding Your Baking Roots Show

Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeHollywood neres Game Show Night

Rachael Young & Ray The Marilyn Dr. Oz ” Denis Restless Show Show

Best Young & BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless ” Judge Judy

Noon News News Hour ”

CTV News Vancouver Vancouver Days of our CTV The Social News Hour News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC SportsCentre The Talk Dr. Phil ” Ent. Tonight etalk Interruption ” ” SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe” NCIS The Flash ” 10 Vieira ”Show neres ”Show SC Top Hockey Young New & The Dr. Oz SportsCentre NCIS: Marvel’s Open ”Gym Restless Show Carter Agent SportsCentre Orleans Sugar The View NBA News CTV News ” Debt/Part SportsCentre Limitless ”” Basketball ” Vancouver ” ” ” SportsCentre Rachael Ray The Marilyn ”” News ”Hour CTV DenisNews Show SportsCentre News Final News-Lisa ” CHBC News Vancouver ” Late Hockey NoonShowNews News--11:30 CTV News ” Ent. Tonight etalk Lunch Hour Vancouver SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Canada Meyers That’s”Hcky ET Days of our Seth The Social ” NCIS The Flash That’s Hcky Lives ” SC Top 10 ” ” SportsCentre The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre NCIS: New Marvel’s Interruption ” ” ” Orleans Agent Carter SportsCentre Limitless The Meredith Ellen DeGeSportsCentre ” Vieira ”Show neres ”Show ””

CBC News Dragons’ Network Den Heartland CBC Vancouver” News Murdoch Hello Mysteries Coronation Grand Rick Mercer Designs 22 Minutes

Bondi Vet Creek Mr. D” Bookaboo Dragons’ Daniel Tiger The National Den ” Best Recipes CBC VanStefano CBC News couver News Coronation CBC News Hello Network Rick Mercer Coronation 22 Minutes Heartland Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Murdoch Creek Mysteries Mr. D Grand The National Designs ”

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ” FABLife The Talk The Insider Ent. Tonight ” ” Ent. Tonight ET Canada Bold The Meredith NCIS NCIS ThisMinute Vieira ”Show ” Judge New Judy NCIS: Young New & NCIS: Judge Judy Restless Orleans The Price Is Orleans Sugar KIRO News Early News Right Debt/Part Limitless Limitless KIRO ”News Global” Nat. Young & Rachael Ray KIRO News News ”Hour Restless KIRO News News CBS News ” Late KIROShowNews Late NoonShowNews The Insider Ent. ” HourTonight Colbert Colbert Ent. Tonight ET Canada Corden ET Canada The Talk Days of our NCIS NCIS ” Lives ” ” FABLife The Talk NCIS: New NCIS: New ” ” Orleans Orleans Bold The Meredith CHAN Limitless Limitless ThisMinute Vieira ”Show ”

Monkey See KOMO 4 Mister Maker Bucket-Dino News Creative

The Firstat48 Married ” First Sight

Rated A SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob

With The Carole MacNeil Exchange

How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ”

Family Feud Dateline: Paid Prog. Kate Plus 8 Family RaisingFeud Real Life ”

Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang

World Poker Canucks at Tour: Alpha8 Rangers World ”Poker Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet

PAW Dan Patrol Dino Kate Kratts and Wild Ruf-Tweet Hope for Tumble Leaf Wildlife

The Chew News World ”News General4 KOMO Hospital News

The Firstat48 Married ” First Sight The Firstat48 Married ” First Sight

The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! Steve Captain Harvey America

ThetoFirst Fit Fat 48 to ” Fit Married at Fit to Fat to First Sight Fit

Alaskan Gold Rush: BushDirt Pay Alaskan Gold Rush Bush People ” How/Made Railroad How/Made Alaska How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made

Dateline: The Little Real Life Couple Dateline: The Little Real Life Couple

Maya Canada Curious ” The Doozers Earth-History PAW Patrol ”

CBC News Network ” WithNational Diana The Swain” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The National ””

Crime Watch Mike Daily Anger Paid Men Prog. Two Family Feud Mod Fam

Tim and Sid Central NHL ” ” Hockey: Canucks Stars at

Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Assembly Sidekick Nicky, Ricky Wayside Game Kid vs. Make ItKat Pop Sidekick Funny Home Nerds Videos

PaidBang Prog. Big TheBang Office Big Paid Prog. New Girl Eco Co. Grand

Dateline: Kate Plus 8 Real Life ” Kate Plus The Little 8 ” Couple

Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Hanging Crime Watch Up” Daily ” King Seinfeld King Seinfeld Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad

NHL Kings Hockey: ” Premier Canucks League at Sportsnet Rangers Central Darts ” Misplays Sportsnet Sportsnet Central World Poker Central Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet NHL Central World Poker Hockey: Tour: Alpha8 Stars at Tim and Sid Kings ” ” ” SNP Sportsnet Canucks Central

Mister Maker Movie: Creative “Marathon Boj Dino PAWDan Patrol Boy” Wild Kratts ” See Monkey Hope for Bucket-Dino Canada Wildlife ” PAW Patrol Canada Kate and Marathon ” Boy Ruf-Tweet Earth-History Tumble Leaf ” Maya Movie: Curious “Marathon The Doozers KNOW Boy” PAW Patrol ”

News Carter Agent The View News ”” World ”News KOMO 4 KOMO News 4 News News Jimmy The Chew Wheel” Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Nightline General Captain Hospital America The Doctors Marvel’s ” Agent Carter Steve KOMO ” Harvey ”

Married at at Married First Sight Sight First Criminal Married at Minds at Married First Sight Sight First The First 48 Married ” atto Fit to Fat First Sight Fit The First 48 Fit to Fat to ” to Fit to Fat Fit Fit The First 48 Fit to Fat to ” Fit The First 48 Married at ” First Sight Married at A&E Married at First Sight Sight First

SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Gags Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Rated A Assembly Rated A Gags Nicky, Ricky Gags Chucks Game Squirrel Funny Home Make It Pop Videos Almost Funny Home Sidekick Videos Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags Sidekick YTV Haunting Nerds Haunting

The National The Exchange ” CBC News CBC News Network CBC News ”” With Carole The National MacNeil The National ” ” CBC News CBC News Network The ” Exchange With Diana The National Swain ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ””

Daily Rush Planet Gold ”” Mighty Gold Rush: Planes Railroad Pay Dirt Alaska How/Made Gold Rush How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Alaskan Railroad BushRush: Gold Alaska Pay Dirt Alaskan How/Made Bush People How/Made How/Made Gold Rush How/Made ” How/Made DISC Railroad How/Made Alaska

Paid Prog. Kate Plus Plus 8 8 Brooklyn Kate Raising The Grinder Dateline: ”” Steve Mike The Little Harvey RealLittle Life News The Anger Couple Mod Fam Family Feud Couple Dateline: Two Men The Family Feud Kate RealLittle Life 8 Mike Plus Mod Fam Couple Two Men ” Crime Watch Dateline: Big Bang Kate Plus Daily Real Prog. Life 8 How I Met Paid Big Bang ” Cougar Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Dateline: New Girl The Little Family Feud Real Life Grand Couple Paid Prog. Dateline: Brooklyn Kate Plus 8 The Office Real Life The Grinder ” Paid Prog. Kate Plus 8 KAYU TLC News The Little Eco Co. Mod Fam Couple”

Big Bang British KING 5 Family Guy Great American Chicago Big Bang Baking Show News Amer. Experience Judge Dad Sesame St. Med Today Movie: World News KING 5 Judge Peg Plus Cat Chicago ” Fire The Middle Frontline “Hanging Business News ” Payne ” Divorce Dinosaur New Day Up” PBS Nightly News Divorce Dinosaur Northwest Browns Chef KING News ” NewsHour News Payne Moveable Millionaire Super Why! Tonight KING 5 Seinfeld Pépin News Millionaire Thomas News Browns Wheat Belly Show Seinfeld Rick Steves Evening There Health Crime Yet? Watch Total Sesame St. Seth DaysMeyers of our Family Guy Finding Your Hollywood Daily Cat in the Lives Amer. Dad Roots Game Night King Curious Dr. Phil Family Guy American Chicago King Curious ” Amer. Dad Experience Med Mod Fam Great British Ellen DeGeWTBS KCTS KING The Middle Frontline Chicago Fire Mod Fam Baking Payne ” Show neres”Show

Hockey SportsCentre SportsCentre Open ”Gym ” NBA SportsCentre SC Top 10 Basketball ” SC Top 10 ” Hockey ” Lunch That’s”Hcky SportsCentre That’s Hcky

The Dr. Oz News-Lisa The View Show News--11:30 ” CTV News Daily Show The Marilyn Vancouver Seth Meyers Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver etalk The Social Big Bang ”

BondiNews Vet CBC Bookaboo ” Coronation Daniel Tiger Dragons’ Rick Mercer Best Recipes Den 22 Minutes Stefano CBC VanCBC News couver News Network Hello Heartland Coronation ”

JudgeNews Judy KIRO The Price Is Judge Judy Late ShowRight KIRO News Colbert Young & KIRO News Corden Restless KIRO News KIRO News CBS News ” The The Insider Talk Ent. Tonight ”

Young & News Sugar Restless Late ShowDebt/Part Early News Colbert Rachael Ray Global Nat. ET Canada ” News Hour Noon News ” Hour Ent. DaysTonight of our ET Canada Lives

NHL Sportsnet Darts Hockey: Central ” Canucks at Sportsnet Darts Rangers Central ” ” World Poker Sportsnet Tour: Alpha8 Central Shark Cage NHL ”

Mister Maker Canada Boj Creative ” PAW Patrol Dino Dan Marathon Monkey See Wild Kratts Boy Bucket-Dino Hope for PAW Patrol Wildlife Kate and Canada Ruf-Tweet ” Leaf Tumble

KOMO 4 News The View News Jimmy ” News Live Kimmel KOMO 4 World News Nightline News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” Wheel General Jeopardy! Hospital

Married Fit to Fatat to Criminal First Sight Fit Minds Married at Fit to Fat to The First First Sight48 Fit ” Married at The First 48 First Sight ” Fit to Fat Duck D. to Fit Duck D.

SpongeBob Gags Wayside SpongeBob Gags Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Funny Home Rated A SpongeBob Videos Rated A Assembly Nerds Nicky, Ricky Squirrel Game Almost Make It Pop Sidekick

The National The CBC News Exchange ” Network CBC News The With Carole ” Exchange MacNeil The National CBC News ” Network CBC News With Diana Swain”

Daily Planet How/Made Mighty” How/Made Planes Gold Rush: Rush: Gold Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Dirt Pay Pay Dirt Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Railroad Railroad Alaska Alaska

Paid Prog. Kate Plus Plus 88 Mike Kate Steve Dateline: Raising Two Men ”” Harvey Real Life Mike The Little How I Met Paid Prog. Family Feud Dateline: Anger Couple Cougar Paid Prog. Family Feud Real Life Two Men The Little Crime Watch Dateline: Mod Fam Couple Daily Real Life Big Kate Pluson 8 PaidBang Prog. Dateline Big Bang Family Feud TLC ”

Big Bang Great British KING KING News 5 Browns Chef Judge Sesame St. Tonight Today Big Bang Baking Show News Payne Moveable Judge Peg Plus Cat ” Movie: World News KING Browns Wheat Belly Show 5 Divorce Dinosaur New Day “Hanging Business NewsMeyers There Yet? Total Health Seth Divorce Dinosaur Northwest Up” PBS Nightly News Millionaire Super Why! KING 5 ” NewsHour News Millionaire Thomas News Seinfeld Crime Watch Pépin Sesame St. News Days of our Seinfeld Rick Steves Evening Daily Cat in the Lives

ThePhil Flash Dr. ””

Rick Mercer Murdoch 22 Minutes Mysteries


NCISTalk The ””

Hockey: Tim and Sid Stars at ”

Earth-History Captain Maya The Doctors Fit Jepto Fat to ” America Fit Curious ” Jep

Funny Home The National How/Made Wayside Power & How/Made Videos ” How/Made Kid vs. Kat Politics How/Made

New Paid Girl Prog. Grand The Office

The Littleon Dateline Couple TLC

Family Guy King Amer. King Dad

Finding Curious Your Hollywood Dr. Phil Roots Game”Night Curious

NCIS: New Bold ThisMinute Orleans

NCIS: New Kings ” The Meredith Vieira Show ” Orleans

Movie: Marvel’s Married The Doozers Steve Duck D. at PAW Patrol Harvey D. “Marathon Agent Carter Duck First Sight

Gags Sidekick Chucks Gags

The National Gold Rush ” How/Made ” How/Made ”

Brooklyn Kate Plus 8 Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Animal Atlas Life ” The Grinder

Family Guy Mod Fam Mod Fam Amer. Dad

American A Place to Call Home Experience

Chicago Ellen DeGeneres Med Show

Young & Limitless Restless ”

NHL’s Best Sportsnet Hockey Central

Mister Maker KOMO Boy” ” 4 Creative News ” ”

Duck Married at Dynasty First Sight

SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob Haunting

The News CBC Exchange ”

Paid Prog. News Raising Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. The Little Life Couple

Big Bang The Middle Big Bang Payne

Our Zoo Frontline ””

KING 5 Fire Chicago News ”

KIRO News News KIRO KIROShowNews Late

Early News News Global Nat. Late Show-

NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Central

Dino Dan Canada Wild Kratts ”

Duck D. to Fit to Fat Duck D. Fit

SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Gags

My 600-Lb. Kate Plus 8 Life ”

Premonition Browns Payne”

World News Chef Business Moveable

KING News 5 KING News Tonight

SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert ” CHBC News Vancouver couver News CBS News ” ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Corden

CTV News

CBC Van-


News Hour

The Insider Ent. Tonight

Nicky, Ricky CBC News Make It Pop ”

Skin Tight ”

Browns ” There Yet?

Nightly News

Gags Coronation

Paid Prog.

PBS Wheat Belly NewsHour

etalk Big Bang

Sportsnet Wings Central

My 600-Lb. Paid Prog. Life

SportsCentre Ent. Tonight NBA ET Canada

Colbert ” ET Canada

CBCNational News Killing Fields Mike Mike The How/Made ” Anger ”” How/Made Two Men Assembly The National Moonshiners: Two Men Funny Home The Gold Rush: How I Met Nicky, Ricky ” Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam

SciTech Field Guide

News Evening

Basketball: Hawks at


Dragons’ Den

Broke Girl Mike

Elementary ”

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Nature ”

The Mysteries of Laura

Trail Blazers Chicago Fire Criminal ” ” Minds

Midwinter of the Spirit

Criminal Minds

SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”

Code Black ”

The National Code Black ” ”

SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation

SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada

Daily Show Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes

YoungFinal & News Sugar Restless Late ShowDebt/Part News Colbert Rachael ” Ray ET Canada ” News Hour Noon News CHBC News Hour Ent. DaysTonight of our ET Canada Lives

” NCISTalk SportsCentre The SC Top 10 Interruption ””

SportsCentre NCIS: New Marvel’s Creek The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Vieira Show neres ” Orleans Agent Show Carter Designs Mr. D Hockey Young & SportsCentre Limitless NBA ” Restless ”

The Dr. ” Oz Show ”

Basketball: News Final SportsCentre News Celtics” at ” Late Show-

CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation


News Hour

Elementary ”

KIRO News KIRO ”News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Bondi Vet Judge Judy The National Limitless Judge”Judy ””



Ent. Tonight ET Canada



KNOW KOMO * ` KOMO 4 Marvel’s


Blues at Red Canada Marathon ” ”



News News World News Jimmy

A&E 1



Duck D.

Wheel Jeopardy!

Jep Duck D.

Kimmel Live Fit to Fat to News Duck D. Nightline Fit


The Polar Sea

Hockey: Wild at

Tricks on the The Middle Dead Goldbergs

Duck Dynasty









Daily Planet Railroad Alaska”

Pay Dirt




Moonshiners Big Bang ” Big Bang

Just Kidding The National How/Made Just Kidding ” How/Made

American Idol





Seinfeld Seinfeld



KING 5 News News Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News



Show News Total Health Seth Meyers

Chicago Fire Ducks ” ”

Monarchy ”

Mod Fam blackish

Duck D. Duck D.

Gags Gags

The National Killing Fields Second ” ” Chance

Skin Tight ”

Family Guy Amer. Dad


Law & Order: SVU

Chicago PD ”

Sportsnet Central

The World of American Stonehenge Crime

Duck D. Duck D.

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

Moonshiners: News Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. Life

The Middle Payne

Filthy Cities ”

Chicago PD ”

KIRO News Late Show-

News Late Show-

Ski TV Misplays

The Polar Sea

Jep Duck D.

Gags Gags

The National Moonshiners Mike ” ” Two Men

My 600-Lb. Life

Browns Payne

Globe Trekker

KING News Tonight

Colbert Corden

Colbert ET Canada

Sportsnet Central

Tricks on the Kimmel Live Duck Dead Nightline Dynasty

Gags Gags

The Exchange

Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?

Younger Heart

Show Seth Meyers

News Jimmy

How/Made How/Made

How I Met Cougar

Wednesday,January January13, 13,2016 2016 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,

A14 A14

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Lake Country Health Planning Society proudly offers the Better At Home program for seniors aged 65+. If you are a senior who could benefit from non-medical supports to help maintain your independence at home, please call our office at 778-215-5247. All calls are confidential. Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm. Looking to volunteer in your community? Wanting to make a difference in someone’s life? Then call Lake Country Health Planning Society at 778-215-5247. We have many different opportunities available. Office hours are Mon-Thurs, 10am-2pm.

Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

9 vacancies starting June 6th for Orchard Labour. A variety of tasks including, planting, irrigating, thinning, pruning and hand harvesting apples and grapes. English is preferred but not a necessity.Wage is $10.59/hour or as per the current SAWP agreement. Located in Winfield., BC. B&T Orchards Ltd. Apply via phone or fax to (250)-766-2375. Farm workers required for pruning, thinning & picking from Feb 20 - Oct 30 2016, 40-50 hr/wk $10.59/hr Oyama Call Arshdeep Dhaliwal at 250-548-3017

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Misc. Wanted

WINFIELD CHINESE RESTAURANT needs an experienced local cook. Send resume to


Moving & Storage DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282

Merchandise for Sale

US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

1 vacancy starting May 2, 2016 for Orchard Labour. A variety of tasks including, planting, irrigating, thinning, pruning and hand harvesting apples and grapes. English is preferred but not a necessity.Wage is $10.59/hour or as per the current SAWP agreement. Located in Winfield., BC. B&T Orchards Ltd. Apply via phone or fax to (250)-7662375.

TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Loose, Sets, etc Chad: 1-250-863-3082 Local

Rentals Homes for Rent

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

3 BDRM House on main floor. $1390/mo. Close to UBCO. Quiet area.Call 250-575-3510.

Find Your Dream Home in the classifieds!


DEWAR, JEAN HELEN (nee SCOTT) Jean was born on May 12, 1921, in Regina, SK, to W.J. Scott and Mary Eliza Sharpe. She passed away January 1, 2016, in Kamloops, BC. The family moved to Edgewater, BC, during the depression, and later to Creston, BC. On February 15, 1945, Jean married Roy Dewar. After WWII, they settled on an orchard in Erickson, where they raised their family; two daughters and a son. The family moved to Richmond, BC, when Ray was transferred to Vancouver, and then retired in Winfield. Jean was predeceased by her parents and two brothers, Tom & Wes, and husband, Roy. She is survived by her children, Patricia Louise Coates (Garfield), Peggy Bennison (Norman), and Scott Dewar; five grandsons, Ben, John, Matt Bennison, Andrew Coates, and Bradley Dewar, as well as seven great grandchildren, Carmen, Morgon, William, Colby, Brooke, Autumn & Meadow. She will be sadly missed! Condolences may be expressed to the family from

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,January January13, 13,2016 2016 A15 A15


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Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


Municipal Hall News January 13, 2016 Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200 Tuesday, January 19, 2016 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd


Council has been asked to consider a Land Use Contract Discharge bylaw. Land Use Contract Discharge (Daignault) Bylaw 935, 2015 (LUC2015-002) would discharge Land Use Contract 231 from the property which would potentially allow for a secondary suite on site in the future. Zoning Bylaw 561 will apply to the land which is zoned RR3 (Rural Residential 3).

SUBJECT PROPERTY: CIVIC: 13683 Lake Pine Road LEGAL: Lot 9, Section 33, Township 20, ODYD, Plan 29791 Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic address or legal.

2016 Council Meeting Schedule Regular Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, as per the schedule below, in the Municipal Hall Council Chambers, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road commencing at 7:00 P.M. unless otherwise posted. Everyone is welcome to attend.

GET MORE INFORMATION Copies of the proposed permit, the application and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, January 6, 2016 to Tuesday, January 19, 2016 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email Speak at the Council Meeting Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing Agenda Package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

January 6, 2016

January 5, 2016 January 19, 2016

July 5, 2016 July 19, 2016

February 2, 2016 February 16, 2016

No meeting August 2 August 16, 2016

March 1, 2016 March 15, 2016

September 6, 2016 September 20, 2016

April 5, 2016 April 19, 2016

October 4, 2016 October 18, 2016

May 3, 2016 May 17, 2016

November 1, 2016 November 15, 2016

June 7, 2016 June 21, 2016

December 6, 2016 December 20, 2016

Citizens are invited to follow the Budget process:

A series of Council meetings beginning in December were scheduled for deliberation on the 2016 Budget. The next meeting will be held at 4:30pm on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, with an additional meeting on Thursday, January 14 if required.

Get tickets NOW for this weekend’s shows at the


Saturday, Jan. 16 7:30pm Move Over The Ultimate Janis Joplin Experience Sunday, Jan. 17 (2pm) The Purple Pirate Magic and comedy for the whole family


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