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VOLUME 125 ISSUE 2 $1.35
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Cheers Golden!
Local photographer has exhibit opening at AGOG .........................................2
We recap the RCMP’s more memorable events ................................12
International players helping GSS Eagles ..................................13
The Parent Advisory Council’s bottle drive was a huge success. Pictured are a few of the dozens of volunteers who flocked to Golden Transfer to sort the massive haul. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Bottle drive exceeds expectations of PACs GSS students show off their artistic talents ..................................19
Jessica Schwitek A bottle drive aimed to raise money for the three elementary school PACs in Golden went above and beyond everyone’s expectations this past Saturday. Although the dollar amount raised was not yet tallied (as of publication time), upwards of 60 volunteers can be assured that their efforts
were worth while. “We actually collected so much that the bottle depot couldn’t take it all,” said Lady Grey Elementary PAC President Lori Baxendale. “It was amazing, we had so many volunteers working tirelessly, some went for seven hours without a break.” Volunteers included PAC members, and parents, most of whom brought their children with them for the volunteer day.
Avalanche Awareness Days Saturday & Sunday January 16-17
Everyone is welcome to join! Come celebrate Canada's avalanche safety expertise. An invitation to enjoy the winter backcountry with education and training. Weekly Specials • Buy a helmet & get 15% off a pair of goggles at the Retail Store • Last minute sign-up for adults & kids multi-week programs at WSS
“It was so great how many students came out. Nearly half of our volunteers were kids, and they got right in there...going with the drivers door to door, sorting, whatever needed to be done,” said Baxendale. “It was refreshing to see these parents lead by example. And now all these students are involved in raising money that in the end, will go right back to them through these PAC programs.”
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 The Golden Star A9
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The Golden Star Wednesday, January 13, 2016 A10
Final chapter of a 1912 trip through the Columbia Valley A Trip through the Columbia Valley in 1912 – The Final Chapter Chris Hynes and C.A. Wellsted have fine farms, the latter having taken many prizes at the fair held in Golden last year. Between the latter ranch and that of Richard Soles is the Wapta Post office (My note: The Wapta - Turning Back the Pages - post office opened Dec 1, 1904 with Thomas Bingham as postBy Colleen Palumbo master, closed briefly in 1907 and then reopened with J. Pippy as Postmaster. It was permanently closed March 31, 1910), then the third townsite on the northern end of the Kootenay Central is reached. A substantial depot is to be erected here to be known as Parson. Prominent railway officials have expressed the hope that this town will be as progressive as the man after whom it is named. H.H. Parson of Golden. Near here a number of ready made farms are being cleared by the Natural Resources Department of the CPR. Ranches owned by Andrew Soles, Mr. Mallet, Joseph Young and Jack Dodd are located along the road between here and the Beard Creek post-office (my note: of interest to me while I was researching this is that my great-grandmother, Ethel Rohrer was postmistress at Beard Creek/Castledale from 1925-1939. The post office was closed in 1944.) On the latter ranch is located a fine apple orchard. The Collins ranch and that of Dave Morgan, upon which oats and potatoes are the chief crops, follow next in order, and Jack Quinn has a well-developed and profitable farm. The Lakeview ranch owned by Robert McKeeman, is next in order along the road, while Mike DeGrazia and Martin Soles each have well-developed farms. Alex Neil
The J.J. Soles place at Castledale is pictured in 1918. has a well kept orchard, adjoining which a second crop of alfalfa was high on August 3. The Andrews and Richie ranches are passed before, Alton, another townsite on the Kootenay Railway is reached. Here is located one of George Cooper’s camps. Mr. Cooper has charge of the clearing of the ready made
Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum.
farms which the Natural Resources Department of the CPR is installing. W. Hynes has a nicely arranged farm and immediately beyond it is located the fine orchard of John Soles, one of the prettiest in the entire valley. Continued on page 14
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The Golden Star Wednesday, January 13, 2016 A11
Enjoy Motus O’s quirkier, whimsical version of Alice in Wonderland Golden Star Staff The whimsical group Motus O dance theatre company, the same one that has been to Golden multiple times with workshops and performances, is coming back with their new production Alice. The performance is an adaptations of both Lewis Carroll’s stories Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass. In her search for home, Alice must maneuver herself through this topsy-turvy world. The show has been described as, “part dance, part theatre, part triathlon.” This year Motus O is celebrating their 25th anniversary, and are bringing this show, which combines athletic choreography, innovative staging and costuming, exciting music, and a decidedly wacky sensibility, across Canada to celebrate. This Alice will take you down the rabbit hole into an enchanted world peopled with such immortal Lewis Carroll characters as the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts. Fast-paced and beautifully choreographed, Alice also incorporates many locals of all ages into the performance, offering a rare opportunity for some lucky Goldenites to experience theatrical magic from the other side of the curtain. It will be at the Civic Centre on Saturday Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the Art Gallery of Golden.
Motus O, whom Golden has seen several times before, is returning with their performance Alice, an adaptation of the classic Alice in Wonderland. Photo Submitted
The Net Result: Doc series offers sharp look at justice system
Steve Allen was wrongly convicted of rape in 1985 but that was only the start of his legal troubles. Synthesis FIlms Joel Tansey Another year and another hit new Netflix original, this one a documentary series that has received oodles of
buzz since debuting late last year. Making a Murderer tells the riveting true story of Steve Avery, a rather simple Wisconsin man who gets into some minor legal trouble before his life really hits the rails when he is tried and con-
victed of rape. The circumstances surrounding the rape are suspicious from the beginning. Avery has a clear, and seemingly solid alibi: he was shopping out of town at the time of the rape with members of his family. The case is also void of any physical evidence to tie Avery to the crime. The only thing working against the twenty-something mechanic was the fact that he was positively identified by the victim. Avery also appears to be disliked by local police authorities, and their investigation seems to skirt ethical boundaries. Something is fishy, but Avery’s attorneys can’t prove it, and Avery is convicted and sentenced to 30 years behind bars. Throughout that time, Avery and his lawyers work to exonerate him, all the whilehe is told that a confession would get him released. Avery is unrelenting in his pleas of innocence, and he is eventually rewarded for his extreme patience. A full 18 years after he is sent to prison, DNA evidence pins the crime on a convict in a different prison, Greg-
ory Allen. Avery is, at last, a free man. But what happens on Avery’s property just two years after his exoneration becomes the focal point of the rest of the 10-part series. Avery’s ordeal with Manitowoc County police has just begun. Making a Murderer is explosive, gripping and infinitely addicting. The story is so absurd it is almost hard to believe that it actually happened. Told through a series of interviews, shots in the cinema verite (truthful cinema) mold and courtroom footage, the filmmakers here have created a comprehensive, exceptionally detailed account of one man’s fight for freedom. Avery and his entire family are sympathetic and intriguing characters all at once. The series also offers a poignant look into a broken criminal justice system that has given too much power to the authorities when prosecuting legal matters. It’s truly an eyebrow-raising, jaw-dropping series and an easy selection for 10 mouse clicks out of 10.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 The Golden Star
RCMP Report: Best of the second half of 2015 Golden Star Staff
Take your first step to the international stage! Applications now being accepted for Miss Teen BC, Miss BC & Mrs BC! To apply visit your community newspaper website and click on contests.
Edmonton female charged with assault A 22 year-old female from Edmonton is facing charges of obstructing a police officer and assaulting a police officer after police responded to an impaired driving complaint on July 28. Police allege that the female refused to exit her vehicle after failing a roadside alcohol screening test and once out of the vehicle proceeded to kick one of the officers. Young female given ride home A 13 year-old female called 911 on July 29 stating that she was intoxicated downtown and needed a ride home. Police were able to locate the female who, given her age, was provided transportation by police and released to her mother. “Although in this instance a ride was provided, this is not something that would normally be accepted,” said Cst. Lainchbury. “911 is a phone number for
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emergencies, not taxi service.” Males fight over woman at the bar During the early morning hours of August 3, police were called to a local bar for a report of a disturbance. Staff reported that two males were arguing over a female, and that the argument was escalating. Police arrived and were able to separate the two males, with one explaining he was simply trying to get the female out of an uncomfortable situation when other bar patrons stepped in believing he was starting a fight. Public urination Police received a report of a male urinating in public at the Ten Mile Brake Check on Highway 1 on August 4. The caller reported that a male was seen urinating on the door of the outhouse. Patrols were made for the vehicle; however it was not located by police. Intoxicated man found in damaged vehicle A 64 year-old male from Alberta spent the night in police custody on August 7 after police received a 911 call from a passerby on the Golden Upper Donald - Highway 1 overpass. Police attended and located a vehicle with extensive damage parked in the middle of the overpass and a heavily intoxicated male, believed to be the driver, sitting with one of the complainants. Police were unable to identify the male as the driver and given his level of intoxication, were not able to leave the male unattended. The vehicle was towed and attempts were made to match the damage to the vehicle with reported collisions in the province however nothing was found by police. Woman fails roadside test Police were called to a disturbance on August 12 where it was reported that a 19 yearold female may be trying to jump off the pedestrian bridge in Spirit Square. Police officers were already in the area dealing with another complaint and immediately located the female and a group of friends drinking vodka at the end of the bridge. The female denied that she had been attempting to
jump off the bridge and confirmed that she was not suicidal. The group was asked to dump the alcohol they had been drinking and departed. Minute’s later the same police officer saw a vehicle related to the 19 yearold female drive by them on 10th Avenue North. A traffic stop was conducted and the female failed two roadside alcohol screening devices tests resulting in her losing her licence for 90 days and having her vehicle impounded for 30 days under the Motor Vehicle Acts Immediate Roadside Prohibition program. Police called to idling vehicle Police were called during the late evening of August 19 after receiving a report that a vehicle was parked unattended in a driveway, running with the keys in the ignition on 12th Street South. Police officers responded and spoke with the owner of the vehicle who stated she had went inside and forgot to turn off her vehicle. Fight at convenience store Police were called to a fight at a local convenience store for a fight during the early morning of August 21. A male originally from the Golden area was alleged to have fled on foot once police arrived. Police later located the male inside a local drinking establishment where an attempt was made to arrest him. The male once again tried to flee from police but was unable to get away and spent the evening in police cells. Charges for the assault are not expected. Male seen sleeping outside of Golden Secondary A 25 year-old transient male from Salmon Arm was asked to find alternate accommodations on September 4 after it was reported to police that he was sleeping outside one of the entrances to the Golden Secondary School. Staff from the school contacted police to have the male moved as they were expecting students to arrive shortly for a tour. Fight at flats party Two local youths are set to appear in court to answer to assault charges stemming from a fight at a ‘flats’ party on September 8. Police
were called just before 2 a.m. and advised that a female youth had been assaulted while attending the party. The victim was brought to the Golden Hospital and received treatment for serious but non-life threatening injuries. Two collisions with bears Police responded to two collisions involving bears this week. The first incident occurred on September 14 on Highway 1 approximately 15 kms west of Golden. The bear, which police believe would have been injured, was never located. The second incident occurred on September 16 on Highway 95 near Habart Road. BC Conservation was advised and the deceased bear was removed from the highway. No human injuries were reported in either of the incidents. Safety a concern for lone wolf Police were called during the evening of September 29 after a male came off the Greyhound advising others that he was planning on heading into the mountains to sleep for the winter. “Others were concerned for the safety of the male and believed he may be suffering from mental health issues,” said Cst. Lainchbury, Police were able to locate the male who was brought to the Golden General Hospital to been seen by a doctor. Drunk gets confused Police were called to a local hotel on October 5 after a heavily intoxicated male is believed to have confused which room he was staying in, crawling in to the wrong bed with one of his coworkers. The co-worker contacted police and the male was lodged in cells until sober. Police were then called back the following day to assist the male with removing his belongings after he was evicted from the hotel for his actions the previous night. Police also dealt with the male two days later when it was reported that he was harassing staff and customers at a local gas station. The male was given a warning to stay off the property and advised police at that time he was leaving town. Girlfriend “missing” On October 8, police
were contacted by a male visiting from Alberta who stated that his girlfriend was missing. Police attended and spoke with the male who stated the two had been drinking together the previous night and when he woke up he did not know where his girlfriend had went. Police were able to locate the girlfriend a short time later, who reported that she had stayed at a different residence overnight and that she would find alternate transportation back to Alberta. A few hours later the male was seen driving in town. A traffic stop was conducted with the vehicle and the male was still exhibiting signs of intoxication. The male provided samples of his breath into a roadside alcohol screening device, which registered ‘fail’. The male’s driver’s licence was then suspended for 90 days along with a 30 day vehicle impoundment. Male arrested for bear spray attack A 23 year-old male from Golden was arrested for assault with a weapon, after a number of people allege that they were bear- sprayed by the male while walking down the street on November 14. “This was not a random attack and appears to be targeted.” said Cst. Lainchbury. The male is expected to appear in court in Golden on January 17. Semi driver on heroin A semi driver passing through town caught the attention of police after calling to say that someone had been following him since Abbotsford on Dec. 5. “Police responded and spoke with the male who appeared to be either suffering from mental health issues or under the influence of drugs,” said Cst. Lainchbury. The male was brought to the hospital to be assessed at which point he admitted to police that he had been using heroin. The male was issued a driving suspension for driving while impaired by drugs, and then refused to provide police with any information regarding him being followed. The driver’s company was notified that the driver was no longer able to drive and sent another driver to pick up the tractor trailer unit.
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 13, 2016
www.thegoldenstarnet A13
Golden Eagles basketball team aided by talent from overseas
Meva Dhami carries the rock and searches for options during the Eagles’ weekend tournament in Kamloops. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey Golden Secondary School’s senior boys basketball team continued to impress against their provincial counterparts over the weekend, and it’s the team’s foreign exchange students that are allowing them to compete against some of the best clubs in the province. This past weekend at a tournament in Kamloops, the Eagles suffered narrow defeats to NorKam Secondary School (two points) and Fulton (one point) before taking their tournament finale over Kelowna Secondary’s B team by a 78-59 score. In both losses, Golden had a chance to grab the win with a final shot but had their attempts fail to drop. “When it comes down to taking the last shot and running a play, we’re still a little rough, but we haven’t even put in our basic plays that we want to run…right at the end of
the game,” said head coach Kindy Gosal. As the team enters the second third of their season, Gosal says they will begin to focus on systems and set plays, whereas the first portion of the season they spent most of their time working on fundamentals with their less experienced players. “We’ve broken up the season into different sections and the first one was about skills development. We have a lot of kids that hardly played any basketball before…now we’re going into systems,” Gosal said. While the Eagles continue to be led by Meva Dhami, Kiran Gosal and John Oszust, a trio of returning players, the team wouldn’t be able to field a competitive roster without contributions from overseas. “The extra bodies are important to us, in practice, on the bench in case we need them. We’re really lucky this year that (they) showed up. This is the struggles of a small town trying to have a competitive basketball team,” Gosal said. Pau Masco and Paul Pothoff are exchange students from Spain and Germany respectively, and each have played significant roles for a squad that is challenged in numbers. Pothoff, from a city outside of Cologne, had limited experience with basketball before joining the Eagles in the fall. “Some friends invited me to play basketball here and come to the training,” Pothoff said. The Grade 10 student will be returning to Germany later this month and says he has learned a lot under Gosal’s tutelage this season. “(Basketball) is pretty new (for me) and I’ve got a lot of support from our coaches and the other players,” he said. Masco, from Barcelona, chose to do a foreign exchange in Golden in part because of its basketball program. While he was considering his options for studies overseas, Masco received a message from Dhami detailing the strengths of Golden Secondary’s basketball program. He was quickly convinced. “I said, okay I’ll go to Golden,” he said. While he had experience playing basketball in Spain, he says he has learned a lot so far this season and hopes to continue to improve the rest of the way. “I’m enjoying it a lot and I’m learning a lot…Kindy’s one of the best coaches I’ve ever had. He always tries to teach me new things,” Masco said. The Eagles will head to Salmon Arm for a tournament this weekend before taking a break over the exam period.
Rockets trade Wit and Nelson, officially eliminated from playoff contention Joel Tansey On Thursday night, Tanner Wit was the captain of the struggling Golden Rockets. By the next morning, he was a member of the first-place Kimberley Dynamiters who were set for a divisional matchup with…the Golden Rockets. It was an odd situation for the Calgary native, having spent the past two seasons and the entirety of his KIJHL career with Golden. Wit earned an assist and his new club took a close decision against the last place Rockets, prevailing 6-4 in front of 166 fans at the Golden Arena. “The fact I get to play here now is just a blessing…this might be my last year of hockey so I kind of want to go out with a bang and unfortunately Golden just wasn’t the place to pursue that. But this town’s been nothing but good to me,” Wit said. While he practiced all week with the Rockets, he said it wasn’t difficult for him to face his former teammates less than 24 hours after being traded, such is the nature of hockey at any level.
“Hockey’s kind of a game where you can be best friends with someone and as soon as you touch the ice you turn into sworn enemies. But they’re a good group of guys and I respect each and every one of them.” Kimberley never trailed throughout the contest, jumping out to a two-goal lead midway through the first. One theme for the night was the Rockets’ ability to keep the Dynamiters within arm’s reach, often responding with goals only to have the Dynamiters pull away again. The Rockets never led but also never trailed by more than two. The Rockets got close for a final time with 2:45 to play when Andrew Dunn notched a power play goal to make it a 5-4 game, but Kimberley responded once again shortly after, closing the books on the win. The loss officially eliminated the Rockets from post-season contention, a mere formality with Golden a distant fifth in the Eddie Mountain Division. A night later, the Rockets were bested by a narrow 3-2 score against the Fernie Ghostriders.
“I think the effort’s there and they’re not laying down. This group wants to win no matter what it looks like. Give them a lot of credit...if they can continue to push themselves and improve, that’s us taking steps forward and that’s what we want to do,” said head coach Jason Stephens following Saturday’s game. After a scoreless opening 18 and a half minutes, the Ghostriders got on the board courtesy of their leading scorer Cole Keebler, who has set the KIJHL on fire in his final year of junior hockey with 54 points in just 28 games. The goal came with the Rockets a man up, but the club pushed back with their special teams leading the way in the second. Mathew Thiessen scored his 11th goal of the season just over three minutes into the second period when his shot from the high slot found a way into the Ghostriders’ net. A heavy screen in front of the Fernie goal didn’t allow netminder Jeff Orser to see the puck until it was behind him. Three minutes later the Rockets had another goal with the man advantage when Dunn tallied his fifth of the year.
Golden Rockets VS.
Fernie Ghostriders
Rockets goaltender Keyon Bittner can only watch as the puck slips past him during the second period of the team’s close 6-4 loss to Kimberley. Joel Tansey/Star Photo The Riders responded to the deficit quickly and decisively, notching a pair of tallies later in the second period to close the scoring for the night as the Rockets failed to find a tying goal. In addition to the Wit trade, goaltender Brody Nelson was moved to Fort St. John of the North West Junior Hockey league, giving Owen Sikkes and Keyon Bittner a chance to run with the starting job. Taking over for Wit as captain
is Goldenite Travis Kelley, the third local to wear the ‘C’ in the past two seasons following Daniel Dahlin and Ian Desrosier. “It feels pretty good,” Kelley said about becoming captain. “(Growing up) a lot of the kids wanted to go the NHL, I wanted to be a Golden Rocket.” The Rockets will be on the road against the Creston Valley Thunder Cats on Friday night before hosting the Ghostriders once again on Saturday.
SaturDaY JanuarY 16 7:00pm
Friday January 15 the rockets play creston valley thundercats in creston! Go rockets Go!!!
Brighter solutions to meet your goals Our customized products and services include: RRSPs • RESPs* • TFSAs • Mutual funds* Let’s talk about Money for Life. Shannon Hood* CFP® CLU® CHS™ B.Sc. Shannon Hood Financial Services Inc. Tel: 250-344-4543 Life’s brighter under the sun *Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2015.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 The Golden Star
Bridge over Columbia River cost only $13,000 Continued from page 10 Just before reaching the limit of the Dominion Government railway belt is the Orange Lodge hall, Galena, where
InvItatIon to Quote
town of Golden Janitorial Duties The owner invites proposals for janitorial duties to be carried out at the following municipal buildings for a period of three (3) years: • Town Hall • Public Works • Airport Terminal • Fire Department The work generally includes the following items: • Daily cleaning at Town Hall • Weekly cleaning at the remaining facilities ITQ packages are available free of charge during normal business hours at: town Hall 810 9th avenue South Golden, B.C. tender Closing: Date: January 27th, 2016 time: 2:00 pm local time Location: Town Hall All general and technical inquiries can be directed to: Chris Cochran, Manager of operations telephone: 250-344-2271; email:
the settlers hold meetings frequently. The Mills and Glover ranch and a construction camp are passed before Spillimacheen is reached. This is an important boat landing and is to be one of the chief stations on the Kootenay Central Railway. The Spillimacheen Hotel, of which J. Barry is proprietor, is situated here and a new bridge, costing in the neighborhood of $13,000, was constructed across the Colum-
bia River at this point last year. After leaving Spillimacheen the ranch of Dunc McIntosh(my note: together with Bob Milligan, Neil McKrae and George McMillian, Dunc McIntosh built the schoolhouse at Spillimacheen) is reached. Mr. McIntosh conducts one of the most popular stopping places in the valley. Between here and the Galena postoffice is located the extensive and modern farm
of E.H.H. Carlile (my note: It was Mr. Carlile who built the big stone house that still stands today. Today the place is called the Dunne place), who has one of the best farms in the entire valley, upon which costly buildings have been erected. E.G. Thatcher, rector of the Anglican Church in Golden, recently purchased an improved farm at this point and is having a new residence constructed upon it. Engineer’s camp
– at the 45 mile post is located a camp of engineers working on the location of the Kootenay Central railway, and just beyond that is the Frazer ranch. Between here and the Brisco schoolhouse are located the Allsup, Cobb, Mitchell, Atchison and Watlkins ranches, all highly cultivated and productive properties. Stanley B. Harrsion and merton Dolan also well improved farms in this locality.
Smart ways to keep your resolutions Anne Levy-Ward Just because exercise is good for you doesn’t mean you’ll keep your New Year’s resolution to exercise more. Here’s how to raise your odds of success.
Janitorial Business a Great Opportunity Faith Lainchbury Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce Kicking Horse Janitorial is a local business that offers commercial janitorial services to businesses around Golden and area. Owner and operator Gaylena Hansen says that the company “offers daily cleaning and spring and fall deep cleaning”. “Most businesses do not want to clean after they have already worked an 8-10 hour day; we relieve them of that stress” Hansen says. Hansen has owned and operated Kicking Horse Janitorial for almost six years and purchased the business for the same reason many successful business owners in the community have: passion for the product and the opportunities it can provide for a family. “Owning and operating my own business appealed to me,” Gaylena said. “The business has provided me with a stable income and flexibility to be home with our daughter and have very low day care costs.” That, and Hansen’s love for cleaning, made her a perfect fit for the business. Hansen also says that owning and operating the business is interesting because of “the skills [she has] had to learn to make is successful”. Although owning and operating Kicking Horse Janitorial has provided Hansen with learning opportunities and pride, she says that it is time for her to pass on the torch. “I am choosing to sell because… I would like to try a new challenge and have new goals”. Hansen says that, if anyone is thinking of purchasing Kicking Horse Janitorial, they must be self-motivated. She also explains that it is important to “make sure you can handle the workload”. “You need to have attention to detail and listen to your client’s needs. This business has been great for me, and I am confident it will be advantageous for the next owner as well.”
If your list of New Year’s resolutions starts with something health-related, like “lose weight,” “quit smoking” or “start exercising,” you’re not alone. And if you find yourself slipping after a month (or a week) or two, and you find yourself making the same resolution every New Year, you’re not alone there, either. Maybe you went a little overboard when you started your last exercise program and burned out. Maybe you put off starting for so long that you decided to give up and try another year. Maybe your resolution was too vague — it’s hard to take action on something you can’t quantify or feel accountable for. Or maybe exercise just wasn’t a high enough priority for you. But just because you’ve tried and failed doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try again. This is a great time of year to start an exercise program — the excesses of the holiday season are past, and there’s lots of time to feel and see results before swimsuit weather. The key to success is to make a fitness resolution that you can keep all year long, and that you can simply continue to follow come next January. With that in mind,
here are five smart ways to make a resolution you can keep, from Canadian fitness experts: 1. Do something you enjoy and will want to keep doing “You won't continue with something you don't like,” writes workplace wellness specialist Jordan Cieciwa in the Huffington Post. “You need to move and be active; that does not mean boot camps and gyms. It may not even be yoga or Pilates. Your thing is going to be your thing.” 2. Aim for the right goal “Your health or ideal body image shouldn't be based on a number,” says Cieciwa. “The number on the scale is the afterthought. Get healthy, then look at the number. Once you are healthy, stay at that weight. Don't shoot for a number on the scale.” 3. Take baby steps “Break down your larger goal into manageable weekly milestones and write down how you are going to correct your course if you are not achieving your milestones,” says Erin Billowits of Vintage Fitness in Toronto. That way you won’t feel like you have to give up if you go a bit off track. 4. Visualize success Focus on the benefits that sticking to your resolution will bring,
says Billowits. For example, “think about an emotional, important goal that losing 10 pounds will help you do.” That could be taking part in a 5km charity walk with your colleagues at work, lowering your body mass index or getting your blood sugar level out of the pre-diabetic range and down to a healthy number. Personal trainer Carina Wingerak of Northwest Wellness Centre in Grande Prairie, Alberta agrees. “Find your ‘why,’” she says. “Your ‘why’ is your motivation and your momentum to keep you going when life throws curveballs your way. It is not always going to be smooth sailing, but knowing your ‘why’ will help you sail through the rough seas and avoid sinking your ship. 5. Enlist a buddy If nobody knows what your resolution is, nobody will call you on it if you break it. “There’s nothing like being held accountable for your actions,” says Wingerak. “Hold yourself accountable to someone you trust and who will support you during this lifestyle change. This person can be a family member, friend or coworker.” *This financial column was sponsored by Shannon Hood, Sun Life Financial.
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 13, 2016 A15
Golden Business Directory ContraCting Ltd. Box 599, golden, BC. V0a 1H0
ContraCting Ltd. ContraCting Get ready for spring! Ltd. Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Box599, 599,golden, golden,BC. BC. V0a V0a1H0 1H0 Box for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway Get ready for spring! spring! atSkid 250-344-2215 Get ready for sweptCall withShaun our JCB Street Sweeper CallShaun Shaunatat250-344-2215 250-344-2215 Call Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log foraaquote quote tohave have your parking lot anddriveway driveway for to your parking and Units Loader and Skid Steerlot Rentals sweptwith withour ourJCB JCBSkid SkidStreet StreetSweeper Sweeper swept Sand,Loader, Gravel Skid and Landscape Haul, Steer, Snow GravelTrucks, Trucks, Endavailable Dumps,Log LogHaul Haul Gravel End Dumps, Materials Removal, Sand, Gravel Units Loaderand and Skid Steerand Rentals Units Loader Skid Steer Rentals Sand,Gravel Gravel andLandscape Landscape Sand, and Landscape Materials available. Materialsavailable available Materials
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016 The Golden Star
Golden Church Services Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Tuesday - 7pm •Wednesday - 9am Thursday - 9am • Friday - 9am Saturday - 7pm • Sunday - 10am Father Cecil 808 - 11th Street • 250-344-6328 Golden Baptist Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Richard Campeau 1343 Pine Drive • 250-344-7676 Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Jim Dorst 717-10th Street S • 250-344-2459 Rocky Mountain Alliance Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tom Fehr 712 - 10th Street • 250-344-2456 Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tim Schneider 909 - 9th Street • 250-344-2935 Golden Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Frank Johnson 917 - 11th Street St. Andrew's United Church Reverend Michele Rowe Sunday - 10:30am 901 - 11th Street • 250-344-6117 St. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 - 9th Street S • 250-344-6113 Columbia Valley Bible fellowship Sunday - 11:00am Ralph Kirchhofer Parson Community Hall • 250-348-2059 Golden Sikh Cultural Society Sunday - 11am Upstairs at the Sikh Temple cover heads • no shoes Lunch After Prayer by Donation A16
Faith Column: Beautiful, broken, blessed and beloved Michele Rowe St. Andrew’s United Church As I write this column, I am enjoying the sunny beaches of Puerto Vallarta and feeling immense gratitude for this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge. It’s the first time I have had a holiday like this and I now know why people ‘fly South’ when they can. There is something about a new beginning that appeals to us. The New Year brings with it many resolutions: to do better, and to be better. We want to be better in all areas of our lives. January sees a huge rise in gym memberships and fitness activities. Buyers’ remorse after Christmas can lead to a flurry of decluttering and stated desires of living a simpler life. Yet, by March these intentions have paved the road to, well, you know. There are two spiritual teachings that are especially relevant at this time of year. They seem at first glance, to be contradictory or at least in tension with each other. One is that faith without works is dead and the other is that we are all relying on grace to make it through life. THE I can believe in the concept of loving my neighbour as myself, but if that love says keep warm and well fed as I walk by the man on the street huddled under a blanket, I make the world not one whit better with my will be publishing a ideological beliefs. The hungry cannot eat belief. The poor cannot spend special supplement belief. If I believe that all of creation is sacred and important to the Crefeaturing babies of ator, my actions will show it. Here’s where grace comes in...despite our 2015! good intentions, we all fall short of being the ‘better person’ we want to be. And yet we are still loved: by our family, our friends and the God of our understanding. Email or bring in a photo of your baby As a minister, I am committed to journeying with people who do not along with the date and time of birth, weight, and names of parents and think they are better than anyone else, but who are trying to love better any siblings. the world around them. As a faith community, we encourage and challenge one another to grow one day at a time. But just as important is our Only $25!! willingness to extend grace to others when they mess up, to accept the Email: grace of others when we mess up, and believe that God is still at work in Ph. 250-344-5251 this messed up world. I’d be the last person to tell anyone not to try to be better in the ways that Deadline: are important to them. But I am also the first to encourage all of us to rest, Noon on Friday January 22th even uneasily, in the grace that is all around us and between us. Friends, Publication Date: in this new year, let’s try to be better AND know that we are still good Wednesday January 27th enough. Beautiful, broken, blessed and beloved, one and all.
JAN. 13 to JAN. 19
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, practicality is a big part of your personality, but sometimes thinking through the reasons to do something over and over can be tedious. Let loose a little bit this week.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, this is a good week to catch up on paperwork, filing or tedious tasks you have let fall by the wayside. Make use of the slow week to recharge.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, expect to feel pulled in two directions this week. It’s a pivotal time at work, but in the same measure, you have much going on at home. Think things over carefully.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you will be missed as much as you miss another person this week. Wait out this separation a little while longer, keeping in mind that your reunion is on its way.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may find your energy levels unusually low this week, and your productivity may suffer as a result. Maybe someone else can energize you a bit and lend a helping hand.
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Do whatever you need to do to rejuvenate your spirit, Sagittarius. Spend some more time with friends and avoid prolonged solo activities. Soon your motivation will return.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you will get to your destination soon enough, but the trip may be a bit of a headache. Patience is essential this week; otherwise, you may give up prematurely.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, this may turn out to be a strange week, as you can’t seem to fully focus on anything. You may get frustrated at your inability to concentrate, but that focus will return soon.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Misinformation is spreading, so research everything to make informed decisions this week, Leo. It may help you avoid an expensive mistake down the line.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, if you become too wrapped up in business or personal obligations, take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. Some things need to be rearranged.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may have a wonderful time with family or friends this week, even if you are crunched for time. Savour the small moments as they come your way.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, you are on a quest this week to find the perfect gift for a friend. This person will appreciate your efforts, and your bond will only grow stronger.
www.the CLUES ACROSS 1. Women (French) 5. Hyrax 8. Distress signal 11. Trade 13. Large northern deer 14. The 3 Wise Men 15. Marten of N Asian forests 16. Hoover’s agency 17. Received an A 18. 2nd Islamic month 20. Light brown 21. Clarified butter used in Indian cookery 22. Frankness 25. Argentina’s capital 30. Citizen of Kenya or Zimbabwe 31. Noah’s boat 32. Family of languages in So. Africa
33. Inappropriate 38. Scientific workplace 41. Hungriness 43. Say to talk about an annoying topic 45. Sing and play for somebody 47. Strike buster 49. A citizen of Thailand 50. Civil Rights group 55. Honest Company’s Jessica 56. ‘__ death do us part 57. Malarias 59. Claim against another’s property 60. Mined metal-bearing mineral 61. Dashery 62. Capacity unit 63. Primary color 64. Indian dress
CLUES DOWN 1. Manuscripts (abbr.) 2. Netherlands river 3. Italian island 4. One’s own being 5. More adroit 6. Balkan country 7. Psychologist B.F. 8. Investment group Goldman ____ 9. Double curve 10. The plane of a figure 12. Ocean 14. Public presses 19. Civil Rights activist Parks 23. Cooking container 24. Arctic native 25. Founder of Babism 26. Bashkortostan capital 27. Bulky grayish-brown eagle 28. Louse egg
29. About sight 34. ___/Tuck: TV drama 35. Black tropical Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 American cuckoo 36. Chest muscle (slang) 37. Expression of disappointment 39. One who assists LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS 40. Antilles island 41. Served food 42. Egyptian Sun god 44. Performed successfully 45. Cavalry-sword 46. Abba __, Israeli politician 47. Jonas __, cured polio 48. The Muse of history 51. Express pleasure 52. Turkish leader titles 53. Castro country 54. Nobleman 58. ___ Lanka
250 344-5251
Golden StarJanuary Wednesday, January 13, 2016Star Wednesday, 13, 2016 The Golden A17 A17
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The Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) is seeking a qualified individual to enter into a long term Contract for administrative services. The successful person will work with the AKBLG executive to provide a variety of administrative and secretarial services including financial planning and reporting. The successful person must reside within the AKBLG geographic area. • Minimum 1 year Office Administration Certificate • Minimum 1 year Accounting Certificate Detailed information regarding this position can be found at To apply for this contract please use e-mail: Mayor Deb Kozak, President AKBLG at or Mail to Mayor Deb Kozak, City of Nelson, Suite 101, 310 Ward Street, Nelson BC V1L 5S4 Deadline: January 26, 2016
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A: 205-421 9th Ave., Golden
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w w w . e k e m p l o ym e n t . o r g It is with great sadness we mark the passing of Marven Reeves Arkinstall on January 1, 2016 in Golden B.C. He is survived by his beloved wife of 33 years, Bertha and his 4 children, Mike (Betty) Arkinstall, Marie (Budd) Toppin, Bonnie (Wayne) Ronald, Tim (Betty) Arkinstall. Two step-children Ted (Irene) Peasgood, April (John) Nagy. 17 grandchildren, many great-grandchildren. Marven was born at McMurdo B.C. , March 25, 1933, he lived in various places in B..C. and Alberta but always called the Columbia Valley home. He loved to hike, hunt, fish, sing, read and tell stories, especially poems written by Robert Service. Marven spent his life working at many different occupations: farmer, miner, logger, and mechanic. Marven will be cremated, as he wished, and a memorial will be held in the spring or early summer. Online condolences may be sent through Marven’s obituary at
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
Adopt a Shelter Cat! The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 The Golden Star Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Help Wanted
Farm Services
Apt/Condo for Rent
Organically Finished Local Beef Quarters For Sale
Apt For Rent w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry N/S, and no parties. Resident Mngr on site 250-290-0056.
WHISKEY JACK LOGGING LTD. has a position available for an experienced Chokerman. Competitive wages and beneÂżts. Email resume to:, Fax resume to: 250-344-7282 Mailed resume to: Box 10, Golden, BC V0A 1H0
Home Care/Support In Home Caregiver For an 8 year old girl with special needs. Full time hours, 2 flexible days off in a week. Possibly needed during the night (occasionally) can work extra hours in the evening. $10.75 hr/40hr wk, Provincial Medical Benefits, Life Insurance (optional) Anticipated to start as soon as possible First Aid Certificate, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certificate required Bathe and dress and personal hygiene. Prepare and serve nutritious meals, wash, iron and press clothing and household linens. Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties. Will assist to, from and during medical appointments. All other related duties as needed. Located in Golden BC, please email:
Eagles Rest Ranch has organically grain finished beef quarters for sale. These are locally raised animals, and will be available for pick up in Golden on January 9th at 3pm Cost is $5.25 per pound hanging weight, plus $0.79 per pound (approximately) cut and wrapped. You can expect to pay $750 to $900 for a quarter Individual cuts also available and we will be at the Rec Plex on February 13th for the Farmers Market. To pre order: Email or call Krys Sikora at 250-344-4746
More than 1.5 million Canadian families are in need of affordable housing. Your contributions provides Habitat with the resources it needs to help families.
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Financial Services TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Business/OfďŹ ce Service HAVE YOU been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help you appeal. Call 1-877-793-3222 or visit
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FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.
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VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! Immigrant newcomers need your help. Volunteer as a mentor, English language tutor with EAL experience or translator. The average contribution is 2 hours a week. Contact Kathleen at 250-344-8392 or for more information.
Twin Rivers Apts - 1&2 Bdr apts. Looking for mature responsible tenants.No parties, N/S. No pets. References required. 250-344-8113.
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
Merchandise for Sale
Garage Sales HOUSE CONTENT SALE Saturday Jan 16th 10am-2pm #94 -1040 9th Ave N. Kicking Horse Village Mobile Home Park
Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
AFFORDABLE RENTAL OPPORTUNITY - GOLDEN CMHA Kootenays has Modified Wheel Chair Units, 1, 2 and 3 bdr units avail. for rent. Sites well-maintained, large green space, patio, carport, fridge/stove, washer/dryer, new flooring, new paint. No cats/dogs & No Smoking. More info call 250-426-5269. 1 bdr $626, 2 bdr $739, 3bdr 862 per month. *BC Housing application form and proof of income required
Homes for Rent 1 Bdr house in town furnished. No pets. Avail Now. Call 3441599. 2 Bdr house in Nicholson, furnished, $1,000/mth, plus util. Propane + elect. Avail. Immd. NS, NP. DD and references required. Large fenced yard and garden, 2 bathrooms w/ showers. 250344-2335 or 250-344-0130. 3 Bdr., 1 1/2 bath single storey home. F/S. Avail now. Family preferred. No parties. Call 250-344-6194. $750+utls. 3 Bdr single storey. 523 8 St. F/S, No parties. Couples or family preferred. Call 250-3446194. $550/month. Newly renovated house for rent. 1bdrm, 2 baths, all inc. fully furnished, util, amenities, W/D, wifi, netflix, in town, longterm, no pets , no parties. $1200, 250-344-1509. Small Renovated Older House Downtown Golden For Rent Furnished and may be suitable for up to 4 people. No parties, mature, reliable tenants preferred. Must have good references.$1,050.00/month+utilities. Telephone:250-344-6710
Misc. for Sale REFORESTATION NURSERY seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/tree. Free Shipping. Replacement guarantee. Call 1-866-873-3846 or visit
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Schwinn excersize bike, Vision treadmill, $100 each, 250-344-6427.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 The Golden Star A19
Art show showcases pieces from Golden Secondary students Joel Tansey Grade 10-12 students at Golden Secondary School are putting the finishing touches on their art work as they get ready to host an art show at the school on Thursday, Jan. 21. The students were tasked with creating multiple pieces of art across a variety of mediums, with Grade 12s expected to complete more pieces than their younger classmates. The theme of the show was chosen by the class and it will be titled Masters of the Everyday: Inside Our Minds. This was the first art class Ross Putney has been enrolled in, and he has been pleased to see his skills improve throughout. Among the pieces he’ll have on display is a cardboard guitar that he says plays like a bass, and a clay totem pole. Ashton Waldo will also have a clay totem polelike piece on display at the show. He was originally going to create a more traditional piece but decided to get creative during the process, eventually adding teeth, a prominent tongue and a wrap-around snake to his work. Rose Gaudreault created both an elephant
A division of
Grade 10-12 students at GSS will showcase a variety of pieces that they created across several mediums. From left: Ashton Waldo, Ross Putney, Rose Gaudreault, Wyatt Shapperd and Jurnee Chamberlain. Joel Tansey/Star Photo made out of wire and an aluminium foil porcupine, saying she wanted to recreate animals that had distinguishing features and with interesting textures.
Jurnee Chamberlain also followed the animal theme and created an octopus sculpture that required a host of intricate work. She also modelled it
in the steampunk genre with its metallic bronze and gold colouring. Intricate would be a good word to describe Wyatt Shapperd’s art, as he created a series
of sketches and drawings invoking a variety of shapes. Shapperd says that one of his goals was to create an aura of confusion when designing his piece.
The art show will take place in the Learning Commons at Golden Secondary on Jan. 21 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to attend.