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REBEL REBEL Following the death of music icon David Bowie, we ask who was the greatest artist of all-time
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WHAT’S INSIDE Today’s issue
Canadian dies in Jakarta attacks All gunmen were killed and twenty people wounded. The prime minister said Ottawa was working with Indonesian authorities to confirm the reports. » Nation&World, 12
Comics ................. 25-26 Markets ......................... 26 Sudoku ......................... 26 Classified ..................... 27 Obituaries ................... 27 Movies .......................... 29
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LOTTERIES FOR Jan. 8 Lotto Max: 13-15-21-24-25-36-48 B: 10 Extra: 10-40-62-74 *All Numbers unofficial
01-15 Fri 01-15 Fri 01-15 Fri 01-15 Fri 01-16 Sat 01-16 Sat 01-16 Sat 01-16 Sat 01-17 Sun 01-17 Sun 01-17 Sun 01-18 Mon 01-18 Mon 01-18 Mon 01-18 Mon 01-19 Tue 01-19 Tue 01-19 Tue 01-19 Tue 01-20 Wed 01-20 Wed 01-20 Wed 01-20 Wed 01-21 Thu 01-21 Thu 01-21 Thu 01-21 Thu
2:49 AM 9:50 AM 4:25 PM 9:54 PM 3:37 AM 10:29 AM 5:26 PM 11:25 PM 4:32 AM 11:11 AM 6:28 PM 1:09 AM 5:39 AM 11:57 AM 7:28 PM 2:50 AM 6:59 AM 12:46 PM 8:23 PM 4:02 AM 8:23 AM 1:39 PM 9:14 PM 4:55 AM 9:37 AM 2:32 PM 10:00 PM
Rene Angelil, husband of Celine Dion, dies at age 73
Tim Sangha, owner of Industrial Plastics & Paint in Nanaimo, was told by the city’s bylaw department to remove lighting from his back-lit sign. » News, 7
FOR Jan. 13 649: 06-08-25-39-46-47 B: 28 BC49: 01-04-14-17-22-32 B: 21 Extra: 03-59-64-71
‘Archaic’ sign bylaw criticized
Local news ............... 3-9 Editorials/letters ........ 6 B.C. news ..................... 10 Nation & World ........ 12 Sports ............................ 19 Scoreboard ................ 24 Crossword .................. 25
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ene Angelil, the entertainment maestro who guided Celine Dion to superstardom and then married her, has died, according to Francine Chaloult, a spokeswoman for Dion. He was 73. Chaloult said Angelil died Thursday morning at his home in Las Vegas. Coroner John Fudenberg said in a statement that Angelil died of throat cancer and no further investigation into his death was expected. Angelil had been battling a recurrence of throat cancer since initially undergoing surgery for the condition in April 1999. He had to undergo another operation in December 2013. While Dion and Angelil’s entourage insisted he was doing well, Angelil stepped back from the day-to-day management of his megastar wife’s career in June 2014. He turned it over to longtime friend Aldo Giampaolo, a noted impresario himself in Quebec, but remained involved in key decisions. A month after that announcement, Dion said Angelil was focusing on his sons and “working really hard on his health.” “He’s being a dad at the house, which I’m really happy about,” she told a news conference in Montreal. By August, Dion also decided to put her career on hold, citing a “very difficult and stressful
Celine Dion and husband Rene Angelil after being decorated with the Order of Canada in Quebec City in July 2013. Angelil died on Thursday. [THE CANADIAN PRESS]
time for the couple” and inflammation in her throat muscles. “I want to devote every ounce of my strength and energy to my husband’s healing, and to do so, it’s important for me to dedicate this time to him and to our children,” she said. In March 2015, Dion announced she would return to the stage with a residency at the Colosseum in Las Vegas. She said at the time that Angelil had a feeding tube and that she was helping him to eat three times a day. Despite his illness, it was Angelil who encouraged her to return to the stage. “He wants me back, he wants me strong, he wants to see me again because I’m his favourite
singer,” Dion said at the Billboard Music Awards in May 2015. “So he wants me out there, and I have to say that I’m ready. It’s hard, but we’re ready.” Angelil and Dion have always been one of entertainment’s power couples, owning lavish homes in the United States and Canada, but the shrewd entertainment czar sprang from more humble roots. Angelil was born in Montreal on Jan. 16, 1942, to a Syrian father and a Quebecois mother. He grew up in the city’s northend Villeray district. He showed signs of his future career as he put on little shows for his neighbours. One of his friends in
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school was Pierre Labelle, who would later go on to join Angelil as one of the popular singing Les Baronets. Success for Dion came quickly and Angelil won Quebec’s Felix Award as manager of the year in 1987 and 1988. He gave Dion an image makeover when she turned 18 and launched her first English-language album — Unison — in 1990, which established her as an international pop star. Dion and Angelil had three children — Rene-Charles, who was born in 2001, and twins Nelson and Eddy, who arrived in 2010. Angelil also had three children from his previous two marriages.
The greatest of all-time? Recent death of music icon David Bowie sparks an always-interesting debate
egendary performer David Bowie left an indelible impact on the music industry. In the wake of his death on Sunday, the Daily News talked to locals who have an vested interest in the music industry and asked them to tell us who they believed to be the greatest musical artist of all-time.
Roly Sandoval, Long & McQuade Well, that’s a good one. I’m going to tell you that Bowie is up there for sure but best of all-time? Aaron You guessed it, Hinks The Beatles. Reporting Their impact, the fact that they are still current and have songs that probably created the way for most of the good songs out today. When they were out there, they had themselves and (producer) George Martin. Now a days you can take a guy with very little talent and production can almost guarantee the amount of success they will have. I guess that’s what I’m basing it on, the quality at that particular time was outstanding. Arbie Fru, CHLY 101.7 FM I’m more of a jazz fan. I would have to say probably Duke Ellington. Ellington was a really good writer and his contributions in that sense to Big Band and to jazz writing in general was quite extensive. He extended the jazz medium. Pierre Simard, artistic director at Vancouver Island Symphony Of all time? In my mind it’s a straight answer. The greatest music act of all time is Mozart. He was one of a kind genius. He defined what a child prodigy is. He set the highest standard ever for what a child prodigy should and could be and then he didn’t stop
city of their music, it was the words. The words were all about love, being together. It was just about a simple time our life. The era of the ’60s we had our issues as teenagers. But certainly when it came to a Saturday night with our group, it was all about safety and having good clean fun. THE BEATLES
The Band. They played with Bob Dylan, they played with everybody. Back in the ’60s and early ’70s they changed contemporary music. They didn’t create it like The Beatles but they were inspirational for so much of what became rock, rockabilly and even expanded folk. Brilliant, they were brilliant songwriters. It wasn’t just the music, it was the lyrics that were important. To me lyrics are just as important as the music, they have to work together. That part inspired me in the ’60s and ’70s.
there. In many cases when you have a child prodigy the child years are great musically speaking because it’s something we really don’t understand. That child grows up and somehow loses the musical powers. In Mozart’s case it got better it got better and better and better. We still don’t understand how in the short lifespan that he lived and considering all the musical activities he was involved in. We still don’t understand how he was able to write all the music that he did. There’s something magical here. If you gave someone the same amount of years that he lived and asked that person to write all the music Mozart wrote, that person would not be able to achieve it. So there’s a bit of a mystery. No composer ever came close to being able to write music that fast, not Johann Sebastian Bach, not Beethoven. Bowie is great, but Mozart still beats him.
Mike Harrison, Long & McQuade My personal opinion would be The Beatles. They were so groundbreaking. They set the standard for poprock so early on and pushed the limits for recording and writing. They invented certain chords. They were instrumental in the idea of multi tracking and layering, especially with the Sgt. Pepper album. In my opinion that set the pace for artists like David Bowie, Led Zeppelin and the great acts that followed. Port Theatre general manager, Bruce Halliday My first reaction is that the arts are not a competitive sport. I have many artists that I think were inspirational. David Bowie is certainly one of them. The Band is probably my pick. They’re mostly Canadian, they made it big in the States. They came out of Toronto. Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks they became a group called
Richard Leighton, Arbutus Music The one that influenced me the most in my writing would be The Who. I was a big Who fan. The Who started almost a punk movement. They came out and they were raw. They had an edge to them. They weren’t chasing commercial fame but they managed to get it. Their songs weren’t pop songs really, they had the odd pop song of course. They wrote about real issues and when I was listening to them as a teen, they were issues that affected me. Bob Simpson, CHLY 101.7 FM I was analyzing this last night as I was working on my post-show. From my era there are so many artists and groups that all had purpose and meaning in my life. You know what I went to, a group called Dion and the Belmonts. I have just about every song they have. They have to be up there in my top 10. It was simpli-
Dan Montgomery at Arbutus Music That’s a heavy question. I’ll say Beethoven. He was a pretty pivotal figure in the turn of the 1800s. He brought a lot of new stuff going into the 1800s. But within the last 100 years, even that’s tough. It depends if we’re talking pure music or culture. I would say Jimi Hendrix in terms of guitar but in terms of culture stuff I would say The Beatles. But as far as music goes probably some delta blues guy like Robert Johnson. I’ll say him, Robert Johnson. You probably easily could have said Michael Jackson, too, he was such an important person but it was a cultural thing with him. Musically do I think those people are particularly important? Well honestly no. They didn’t really break musical boundaries but are they super important people in music? Well, kind of yes. Lindsay Ward, Long & McQuade That’s a tough one you know. I think you’ll have to talk a little bit about Miles Davis. He kind of changed everything and he’s done a bit of everything starting in jazz playing with Charlie Parker and moving all the way to crossover stuff and jazz fusion. He inspired so many people. He did so many different things it’s hard to summarize his career. From what I know of him maybe not the greatest person but a great musician. Aaron.Hinks @nanaimodailynews.com 250-729-4242
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Mount Benson park now protected forever SPENCER ANDERSON DAILY NEWS
milestone has been reached in the 10-years after public acquisition of what is now Mount Benson Regional Park. The park, former logging land that was purchased through a partnership between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the non-profit Nanaimo Area Land Trust, is set to be formally protected forever by a conservation covenant approved by both organizations. On Tuesday, the RDN’s committee of the whole voted to send a covenant with NALT to a former board meeting later this month for final approval, the final step in a public process that has stretched on for a decade. The park land was purchased jointly by the RDN and NALT in 2006, with each side contributing half of the $950,000 cost. It took three years after that for a management plan to be developed, and several more years to reach an agreement for a covenant, a lengthy legal agreement spelling out exactly what can or can’t be done to the park. The covenant will ultimately have to receive approval from the province, but the RDN does not expect any changes will be needed, said Joan Michel, parks and trails co-ordinator for the RDN.
“It took a little longer than it should have. It’s important, it’s worth doing right.” Joan Michel, parks and trails co-ordinator
Michel said the agreement is more a “housekeeping” measure that was set out in contribution agreement when the park was purchased in 2006. But she also said the covenant protecting the area is “the last big step” towards protecting the park as a popular hiking and recreational site and as important conservation area. “It took a little longer than it should have,” she said. “It’s important, it’s worth doing right.” Michel said that other work has been done in the meantime, including completing GPS mapping of the park, cleaning up logging debris and building trails. Spencer.Anderson @nanaimodailynews.com 250-729-4255 » We want to hear from you. Send comments on this story to yourletters@nanaimodailynews.com. Letters must include daytime phone number and hometown.
A view from atop Nanaimo’s Mount Benson. [AARON HINKS/DAILY NEWS]
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Event aimed at making homeless count easier DARRELL BELLAART DAILY NEWS
Social workers think they’ve found a better way to count Nanaimo’s homeless. Rather than spend a night wandering back alleys, parks and under bridges an event will be staged to draw the homeless to a central location. It will be the evening of Feb. 8 at the Neutral Zone, operated by Tillicum Lelum Society in the old Quesnel gym, off Franklyn Street. City of Nanaimo social planner John Horn looks forward to finding out if that approach works better than drawing a grid over the city, then breaking into groups to find the homeless people in their environment. “Over the years we had a number of things; Thanksgiving dinners, homeless barbecues, and what we noticed when we provided food, haircuts that sort of thing, we had a good turnout.” That experience was the seed for the idea to create a “magnet event” with free food and haircuts, followed by a survey of Nanaimo’s homeless population. The last homeless count was in 2008, and data
on Canada’s street population becoming increasingly outdated, the previous federal government started to organize a “point-intime” homeless count for mid-winter. But some questioned the value of a count
“when there’s three feet of snow,” and some cities will do their counts until April. Whether the national count will be as accurate is unclear, but “we should be able to update our demographic picture of the
homeless” in Nanaimo, Horn said. “It will be interesting to see how it shifts.” Darrell.Bellaart@nanaimodailynews.com 250-729-4235
DEVELOPMENT OF A PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN Pest Management Plan: BC Hydro Power Line Corridors 2016-2021
The use of pesticides is intended within the area to which the Pest Management Plan (PMP) applies. The purpose of the proposed PMP is to control vegetation under, above and near BC Hydro’s power lines in order to maintain the safe and reliable delivery of electricity to our customers. This plan applies to all areas of British Columbia where BC Hydro manages its transmission and distribution system and associated power line corridors, access roads and helipads. The proposed duration of the PMP is from April 2016 to April 2021. Vegetation incompatible with the operation of the power system will be controlled using: physical (manual brushing, mowing, girdling, grooming, pruning, tree removal), cultural (compatible land use), biological (release of parasitic insects to control invasive plants), and chemical (herbicide application) techniques, or any combination of these methods. The active ingredients and trade names of the herbicides proposed for use under this plan include: ○ aminocyclopyrachlor and metsulfuron-methyl – Navius or equivalent ○ aminopyralid – Milestone or equivalent
Nanaimo RCMP want to help find the owners of a framed ultrasound photo of an unborn child.
Police hope to get pic back to grandma
○ aminopyralid and metsulfuron-methyl – ClearView or equivalent ○ aminopyralid, metsulfuron-methyl, and fluroxypyr – Sightline or equivalent ○ aminopyralid, metsulfuron-methyl and triclopyr – Clearview Brush or equivalent ○ Chondrostereum purpureum – Chontrol or equivalent ○ clopyralid – Lontrel or equivalent ○ diflufenzopyr and dicamba – Distinct, Overdrive, or equivalent ○ glyphosate – Vantage, Vision or equivalent ○ imazapyr – Arsenal Powerline or equivalent
Nanaimo RCMP want help to find the owners of a framed ultrasound picture of an unborn child believed to be a gift for the child’s grandmother. The picture, with the words “June 2016” stencilled along one edge was contained along with other goods inside a basket reported found in central Nanaimo just before Christmas Included was a receipt from the Body Shop in Grande Prairie, Alta.
The Alberta business was unable to shed any light on the identity of the owners of the lost items. The gifts were purchased by someone named Ben and Casa, “who are obviously very excited to share the news with grandma over upcoming birth of their child,” said Const. Gary O’Brien of the Nanaimo RCMP. If you have any information on these gifts, please contact the Nanaimo RCMP at 250-754-2345.
○ metsulfuron-methyl – Escort or equivalent ○ picloram and 2,4-D – Aspect or equivalent ○ triclopyr – Garlon products or equivalent ○ 2,4-D – LV700 or equivalent Adjuvant products may also be combined on occasion with an herbicide to improve its effectiveness, such as: nonylphenoxy polyethoxy ethanol – Agral 90, paraffinic oils – Gateway, octadec-9-enoic acid as methyl and ethyl esters – Hasten NT, or siloxylated polyether – Xiameter or equivalents. The proposed methods for applying herbicides include: cut surface, basal bark, backpack foliar (low pressure spray), mechanical foliar (boom, nozzle, powerhose, or wick), or injection (hack and squirt, lance or syringe) techniques. A draft copy of the proposed PMP is available at bchydro.com/pestplanforcorridors. Alternatively, it’s available in person at 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby; 1401 Kalamalka Lake Road, Vernon; 18475 128 Street, Surrey; 400 Madsen Road, Nanaimo; 3333 22 Avenue, Prince George. BC Hydro, the applicant for the proposed PMP, is located at 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby, B.C., V3N 4X8. Please contact Tom Wells, Vegetation Program Manager, at 604 516 8943 or thomas.wells@bchydro.com
Public art pieces will adorn park Nanaimo city council is set to approve $24,000 in new temporary public art pieces to adorn Maffeo Sutton Park and other public places. The city has put out a call to artists each year
since 2010 for proposals for art, and this year has selected nine piece to placed around the city. This year’s collection includes a series of unique metal sculptures, a carved cedar panel with First Nations designs and a vinyl decal painting.
for more information. A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send copies of the information to the applicant at the above address within 30 days of the publication notice.
Feds must proceed carefully on legalizing marijuana
he federal government is wise to request a six-month extension to draft new legislation on doctor-assisted
dying. Canadians have been waiting for legislation on this issue for far too long already, but for the Liberal government to rush it through by the February deadline after inheriting it from the foot-dragging Conservative government, does not make sense. Last February, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the ban on medically-assisted suicide. The ruling gave the federal government 12 months to rewrite the Criminal Code, or ignore the ruling, essentially leaving the matter in legal limbo.
The plan to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana is a complicated one, which not only involves working with the provinces . . . but involves complying with three international conventions. After the ruling, the Harper Conservatives — who were ideologically opposed to assisted death — offered little meaningful input on the issue, and it fell to the Justin Trudeau Lib-
erals, elected in October, to grapple with. Although a six-month extension is obviously too long for people enduring unbearable suffering, there is too much at stake for law on physician-assisted death to be hastily implemented. The Liberals created special Commons-Senate committee last month to further explore the issue, and it is due to report back with recommendations by Feb. 26. Fortunately, there is already a template to follow in Quebec, which in December, became the first province in Canada to offer legalized assisted suicide. If the court grants the extension, the government should — and must, for the sake of those in anguish — have a law in place by the time Parliament breaks in June.
The Liberals would also be wise to proceed as carefully on another of their key campaign pledges, legalization of marijuana. The plan to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana is a complicated one, which not only involves working with the provinces and territories, but involves complying with three international conventions, all of which criminalize the possession and production of marijuana. A briefing note prepared for Trudeau says Canada will have to find a way to sell the world on its plans to conform to its global treaty obligations. And then there are the complicated logistics of working with the provinces and public health agencies on where marijuana will be sold, how it is taxed, how to prevent abuse
Information about us
Nanaimo Daily News is published by Black Press Ltd., B1, 2575 McCullough Rd., Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 5W5. The Daily News and its predecessor the Daily Free Press have been serving Nanaimo and area since 1874.
PM must move to clean cheaters from Senate
Publisher/Subscriptions: Andrea Rosato-Taylor 250-729-4248 Managing Editor: Philip Wolf 250-729-4240
General enquiries: 250-729-4200 The Daily News is a member of the National NewsMedia Council.
Editorial comment The editorials that appear as ‘Our View’ represent the stance of the Nanaimo Daily News. They are unsigned because they do not necessarily represent the personal views of the writers. If you have comment regarding our position, we invite you to submit a letter to the editor. To discuss the editorial policies of the newspaper, please contact Managing Editor Philip Wolf.
Complaint resolution The Nanaimo Daily News is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact: Philip.Wolf@nanaimodailynews. com or 250-729-4240. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil.ca, or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.
and harm, how to prevent an rise in impaired driving, how to test for pot-impaired driving, just to start. The government could start with the more simple policy of decriminalizing marijuana, which would mean users would not get a criminal record for simple possession, but provinces could issue tickets. Given the stakes, it makes sense to proceed slowly and carefully with the more complex plan to legalize marijuana, and start first with the simpler matter of decriminalization. — THE CANADIAN PRESS (HAMILTON SPECTATOR)
» We want to hear from you. Send comments on this editorial to yourletters@nanaimodailynews.com.
To the Prime Minister: Every time we give the Senate the benefit of the doubt,they find a way to grossly insult our patience. Now it is secretly paying outrageous ‘severance’ to their undeserving buddies; and using our hard earned money to do it. Their actions constitute fraud. When are these criminal leeches going to be prosecuted? You have an obligation to protect Canadian taxpayers and stop the cheaters in the Senate. Gary Korpan Nanaimo
Observations inspire jest about column on taxes Re: ‘Mill rate should not rise with yearly assessments’ (Your Letters, Daily News, Jan. 14) For once I was not completely offended by this author’s offering. However since all his offerings are on tax regimes and we are coming up on that time of year, it is only appropriate that the editors give him his own tax column. It seems he is all but there. Grant Maxwell Nanaimo
Need for end-of-life care will only rise in Canada The Canadian Cancer Society has released its report entitled Right to Care: Palliative Care for all Canadians. The report highlights a number of barriers affecting the improvement of palliative care in Canada. Nanaimo Community Hospice Society wishes to recognize the role that local hospice societies play in supporting palliative care in our communities.
Nanaimo Hospice provides many psychosocial and emotional support services including one-on-one volunteer support to terminally ill and their caregivers in the community, professional counselling focusing on grief and bereavement for all ages plus self-care programs such as reiki, aromatherapy and facilitated support groups. One-hundred-and-fifty trained hospice volunteers provide psychosocial and emotional support to patients and their families and friends at the Palliative Care Unit 365 days a year. Nanaimo Hospice works with community partners providing support, information and education to local medical and home support groups and the public. We do this through community newsletters, speaking engagements
and facilitated workshops on hospice palliative care issues and Advanced Care Planning. Hospice House also has an extensive lending library. With an aging population, the demand for financial support aimed at end-of-life care will increase. When facing end of life with the care where and how people want whether at home or in a residential hospice setting is the preferred option for all involved, community based services from non-profits such as Nanaimo Community Hospice Society can have a significant and beneficial impact. It is a fact that hospice palliative care leads to better outcomes and results in better use of healthcare dollars. It is an important component of
the continuum of care that does not receive sufficient attention, funding and resources. Next week the provincial health-care ministers sit down with their federal counterparts to discuss a new deal on health. Now is the time for a call to action. Karyn French Nanaimo Community Hospice Society Letters must include your hometown and a daytime phone number for verification purposes only. Letters must include your first name (or two initials) and last name. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, taste, legality and for length. Unsigned letters and letters of more than 300 words will not be accepted. Email to: yourletters@nanaimodailynews.com
Teachers pleased court will allow legal challenge DARRELL BELLAART DAILY NEWS
Tim Sangha, owner of Industrial Plastic and Parts, in front of his Boxwood Road store on Thursday. [AARON HINKS/DAILY NEWS]
Business owner blasts city’s ‘archaic’ sign bylaws SPENCER ANDERSON DAILY NEWS
A Nanaimo city councillor is calling for a review of the city’s sign regulations, following a complaint from a business owner who was told to take lights out of his sign. Coun. Jerry Hong will put forward a motion at Monday’s council meeting to have city staff produce a report on the current restrictions, with an aim to remove what he fears are unnecessary restrictions on businesses. “It’s something I want a report to look at,” he said. Hong said he decided to bring the motion forward after council received a letter from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business on behalf of local business owner Tim Sangha, owner of Industrial Plastics & Paint in Nanaimo. Sangha said he was told by the
city’s bylaw department to remove lighting from his back-lit sign in front of his business on Boxwood Road. Sangha complied and has since sought to restore the lighting on his sign, but said he was told that was not possible due to its proximity to the parkway. The city’s bylaw manager, Rod Davidson, could not be reached for comment. Nanaimo’s sign bylaw does not allow for a back-it sign within 30 metres of certain areas along the Nanaimo Parkway. They bylaw also does not allow illuminated signs in residential areas or signs with animation of changing copy. The CFIB letter says Sangha has noticed “a significant, unseasonable decrease in business, as the winter months have brought much shorter daylight hours, and poten-
tial customers cannot be reached due to unreadable signage in the darkness.” Sangha said his sign is barely visible from the highway, adding: “You can barely see it through the bushes on the highway.” He called the city’s sign bylaw “archaic.” Hong acknowledged signage regulations has been a contentious topic in the past, but said “compromise” is possible to address business concerns with the regulations. He said an overview of the current rules is needed. In October 2014, council rejected a variance request from BC Ferries to install three LED, passenger information signs at its Departure Bay terminal, following opposition from neighbourhood residents. Spencer.Anderson @nanaimodailynews.com 250-729-4255
Mounties seek Parksville man on three outstanding warrants DAILY NEWS
The Oceanside RCMP want the public’s assistance in locating 37-year-old Oceanside man, Dar Jason Couldrey. Police say Couldrey currently has three outstanding arrest warrants for robbery, extortion and theft of a motor vehicle. Couldrey is described as white, with blond hair (or shaved head),
blue eyes, six foot two, with a large or athletic build. If you have any information on the whereabouts of Couldrey, please call the Oceanside RCMP at 250-248-6111. Police remind people to no action to apprehend this person. Report any information to the nearest police detachment in your area or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Nanaimo teachers are pleased the Supreme Court of Canada will allow a legal challenge of a lower court decision in a 14-year fight with the province over the right to negotiate class size and composition. The top court announced Thursday it will hear the teachers union appeal of last year’s decision by the B.C. Court of Appeal, that the province didn’t violate bargaining rights with its 2002 legislation setting class size and special needs support. “I’m elated,” said Shannon Iverson, first vice-president of Nanaimo District Teachers Association. “The decision has yet to come but it’s a tremendous chance for teachers. It’s a tremendous win for students.” It may be the final chapter in a protracted dispute over classroom size and resources for special needs students that goes back more than a decade. The province introduced legislation taking away teachers’ right to negotiate class size and composition in 2002. That legislation was ruled unconstitutional in the B.C. Supreme Court in 2011. Rather than appeal that decision, in 2012 the provincial government passed new legislation giving the employer authority to set limits on class size and composition. The B.C. Teachers’ Federation won a successful challenge to the new legislation in the B.C. Supreme Court in 2014. That same year, a long, bitter strike ended with government sending out $40-a-day child care payments to 230,000 families for 13 school days lost due to fall strike action.
“The decision has yet to come but it’s a tremendous chance for teachers.” Shannon Iverson, NDTA
Last year, the government won an appeal to the earlier court decision. Students could benefit if the teachers win, Iverson said. “The more students have access to specialist teachers (and) the more teachers have access to specialist teachers, and lower class size, it helps in their learning,” she said. “It’s interesting, when you look at private schools, they advertise profusely about their lower class size, because it’s not a joke, it’s an ideal. The more time teachers have with their students one-on-one, the better off (students) are.” Education Minister Mike Bernier told Black Press the long-running dispute won’t disrupt efforts toward continued cooperation with teachers. BCTF president Jim Iker said the latest appeal offers a chance to restore the 2002 class size limits and specialty teacher ratios, but the union won’t wait for another court proceeding to press its demands. Darrell.Bellaart @nanaimodailynews.com 250-729-4235 » We want to hear from you. Send comments on this story to yourletters@nanaimodailynews.com. Letters must include daytime phone number and hometown.
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Eighty-year-old woman killed in hit-and-run CANDACE WU PARKSVILLE QUALICUM BEACH NEWS
Police say an 80-year-old French Creek woman died Wednesday evening after she was struck by a passing vehicle. According to a news release issued by the Oceanside RCMP Thursday morning, at approximately 3 p.m. Wednesday a woman was found lying on the side of the road on Roberton
Boulevard, near Lakes Boulevard in the French Creek-Morningstar area. Police said the woman was discovered a short distance from her home by a passerby. Paramedics were called and she was transported to Nanaimo Regional General Hospital by B.C. Ambulance. Despite the best efforts from paramedics and hospital staff in both Nanaimo and Victoria, the woman died at approximately 11 p.m. as a
result of the serious head trauma she suffered. “Investigators are confident that the female’s injuries were consistent with being struck by a passing vehicle,” states the news release. Investigators do not have a vehicle or driver identified at this time. Neighbours who knew the deceased say they’re “devastated.” “She was a very nice lady and a good friend,” Doug Calder said
Thursday morning, noting the woman used canes to walk around due to mobility issues. The narrow stretch of road along Roberton Boulevard where the woman was struck has caused issues for years given its many sharp corners, he said. “People drive through here like idiots,” said Calder. “Minor accidents are common.” Asked what the area may benefit
from to enhance safety — a lower speed limit, sidewalks or road bumps — Calder said “common sense (from drivers) would help.” RCMP from Oceanside and Central Vancouver Island Traffic Services are actively investigating this occurrence and would like to speak with anyone who may have information. Call the Oceanside RCMP at 250-248-6111 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477.
Suspicious chemicals at landfill Grant cap leaves an act of vandalism firm says film industry edgy LEXI BAINAS COWICHAN VALLEY CITIZEN KENDRA WONG VICTORIA NEWS
Finding a suspicious chemical on a controversial Shawnigan Lake landfill site stopped work Monday morning, and has site operators decrying the act of vandalism. “We discovered it at 9:30 a.m. It completely changed the day for us; fifty per cent of my staff were onto it,” said Todd Mizuik, of South Island Resource Management, the company operating the contaminated soil dumpsite. “On our walk-through, around 9 o’clock, one of our engineers discovered a large quantity of yellow staining, literally right next to the fence line on our western property line. It’s an area that’s not very active so there’d be no real way of knowing anything was there until you walked up to it,” he said. “It was a very strong concentration and a very strong yellow-green colour.” “There were three or four fairly strong concentrated areas. If it was powder, I would suggest it was in the range of 500 ml to a litre. It was a stain of about nine to 10 feet. The material was benign in that there was no vapour or odour. But there are a lot of chemicals in the world that do not have those characteristics until they start to react with something else such as water.” Immediately upon its discovery, workers cordoned off the area and took a sample. The incident is disturbing, Mizuik said. “It’s the fear that this puts into my staff, who have to deal with unknown
Outfitted in protective gear, workers clean up after a dump of an unknown substance Monday morning at SIRM’s Shawnigan Lake site. [SUBMITTED]
foreign substances being brought onto the property, above and beyond the disregard for our environment. “It’s malicious, yes, and it’s wrong, yes, and you’re interfering with a legitimate business but, more importantly, I don’t like the fear in the community and among my staff. I think this is absolutely reprehensible. That’s the story. This kind of stuff has to stop,” he said. Dealing with a possible biomedical hazard meant that workers had to wear Kevlar suits. Staff were also outfitted with rubber boots, hazmasks, eye protection and rubber gloves to get an undisturbed sample. “The only thing we can do after is
to excavate the area with the snow and the rocks and the dirt and then put it into a controlled encapsulated container. That took about four to five hours to excavate and then of course repair the excavation because it just happened to be in the area of one of our drainage ditches,” he said. The material is being tested at a Vancouver lab. SIRM gave notice of the chemical spill the same day the Shawnigan Residents Association returned to B.C. Supreme Court in its ongoing effort to overturn the soil dumping permit. A large group of protesters was on hand to reinforce concern for the landfill being allowed in their watershed.
The Vancouver Island South Film and Media Commission is worried it won’t be able to expand its operations to meet increasing demand after Victoria councillors endorsed a proposal to cap city grants. Councillors voted in favour of a proposal to cap grants at $25,000. Mayor Lisa Helps said an updated grant policy would add fairness, equity and transparency. “Many organizations have received money year over year from the City of Victoria without having to apply, without having to provide any report letting us know what their other sources of funding are,” Helps said. “In a sense, they’ve received taxpayer money every year because they’ve always received money every year,” she continued, adding the policy would be on a year-by-year basis rather than a grandfathering of funds. “We can’t just give out money without any accountability.” Councillors Jeremy Loveday, Geoff Young and Chris Coleman voted against the motion, arguing the city should not limit the size and number of grants. Last year, a handful received more than $25,000 in grants — the Greater Victoria Economic Development Agency, Tourism Victoria, Beacon Community Services for adult school crossings, AIDS Vancouver Island, the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness and the film commission.
“It’s devastating for us if it actually goes through.” Kathleen Gilbert, film commissioner
The coalition was grandfathered a $100,000 grant. The others are left pondering what to do. The cap could have a profound affect on the film commission, that could potentially lose $20,000 of its $170,000-budget. “It’s devastating for us if it actually goes through,” said film commissioner Kathleen Gilbert. “We’re hoping the city will change their mind and decide to fund us as they have for the last dozen years.” The film commission, which is the oldest in B.C., is responsible for marketing the Capital Regional District to producers around the world and encouraging them to bring productions to town. It currently operates with two full-time staff and receives funding from other municipalities in the regional district, the province and fundraising. Last year was a record year, with 24 productions coming to Victoria, bringing in an estimated $18 million to the local economy. “That’s a significant loss to us — $20,000 with a budget of $170,000 is a huge hit. Significant decisions will have to be made if that can’t be corrected,” said Gilbert.
Provincial health minister confirms pay parking is on the way for new B.C. hospitals KRISTEN DOUGLAS CAMPBELL RIVER MIRROR
The province has confirmed it supports pay parking at the new Campbell River Hospital and that’s not sitting well with the Strathcona Regional District. Health Minister Terry Lake wrote in a letter the province supports parking fees at new hospitals in Campbell
River and the Comox Valley. Area C Director Jim Abram said he was disappointed. “I find this letter to be totally unacceptable from the (health) ministry,” Abram said upon receiving the letter at Wednesday’s regional district board meeting. He said what’s particularly concerning is the fact that the new hos-
pitals serve patients living in an area that may require some people to pay to travel several hundred kilometres, or take multiple ferries, for health care. “The people that can least afford this — and it’s going to cause the greatest inconvenience to — are being asked to just suck it up and do it,” Abram said.
Lake, in his letter, said that “from time to time, difficult decisions must be made.” He added that pay parking allows hospitals to focus their financial resources on patient care and any surpluses from parking revenues are used to improve health care resources. “Because Campbell River Hospital
has been a non-paying site to date, maintenance and other costs associated with the parking facilities have been born out of general health authority funding which can now be better directed toward patient care,” Lake wrote. Island Health served notice last fall that it intends to implement parking fees at both new hospitals.
Fast-charge option for green drivers added ARNOLD LIM GOLDSTREAM NEWS GAZETTE
The city of Colwood is taking charge. The West Shore’s first electric car fast-charger is in operation at the Colwood Park & Ride and can recharge a depleted vehicle battery to 80 per cent capacity in approximately half an hour. Colwood is only the second municipality in the Capital Region, after Saanich, to have a fast-charger available to the public. Former Colwood councillor Judith Cullington, who drives a Nissan Leaf electric car, appreciates the new charger and said the unit not only benefits the environment, it can help the economy in Colwood. “The fast charger is attracting even more (drivers who) can come in and do a fast charge,� she said. “It’s going to take them 20 to 30 minutes. That’s a perfect amount of time to go grab some lunch; go grab a cup of coffee. “We see this location as being really important . . . It’s next to coffee shops, restaurants and local business. You want to put your fast charger somewhere where you have business, because you are driving business to them.� The fast-charging station was provided free to the municipality through the provincial program and is unique from Saanich’s Uptown offering, boasting two duel-charging heads to accommodate two cars of all makes. The new chargers are more effective than past Level 2 models, which
A diver lowers himself in to the water where a derelict boat has sunk as a crew works to raise the boat to the surface next to the Selkirk Trestle. [DON DENTON]
Derelict boats frustrate Victoria PAMELA ROTH VICTORIA NEWS
Colwood resident Judith Cullington holds up a fast charger cable at the Juan de Fuca Park & Ride. The new electric car fast-charging station, which resembles a large refrigerator, is operational. [GOLDSTREAM GAZETTE]
generally take approximately four hours, eight times longer, to achieve a similar level of charge. “It feels great to have the first fast-charger of its kind on Vancouver Island. It means that people with all different makes of electric vehicles can visit Colwood and get a real charge doing so,� Logan said. The city pays for the use of the electricity and the fast charger is currently free to the public. A small fee is expected to be implemented at some point in the future to cover the operation costs of the station.
Three days into the new year, Shellie Gudgeon hopped on a boat on a sunny afternoon with a handful of people to tour the Gorge Waterway, cataloguing illegally moored boats. The small group counted 24 in total. At least three were sunken and four had people living on them. The majority of the boats were in decent condition, noted Gudgeon, but some were a downright eyesore, leaking oil and fuel into the water. One boat had 10 to 15 feet of debris piled onto every inch possible. “Boating is a privilege, it’s not a right and I think that’s important to recognize,� said Gudgeon, a former councillor with the City of Victoria. “If we don’t follow the regulations of our community and the civil society, this could become a very dangerous situation.�
A number of derelict boats and floating vessels have been permanently anchored off the Selkirk Trestle near Banfield Park for a number of years, sparking complaints about leaking sewage, oil, fuel, noise and garbage from frustrated area residents like Gudgeon. In an effort to address the issue, city council passed a bylaw in October 2014 that prohibits overnight anchoring, but the portion of water that was experiencing all the problems is owned by the province. In order to implement the bylaw, the city applied for a license of occupation from the province so it could occupy the land — a license that took a year to receive. Even though it now has that license in hand, Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps said the city has to check if anything has happened during the last year that could change the bylaw and their abil-
ity to enforce it. “We are doing our due diligence to make sure that we have a bylaw that doesn’t violate any new laws or court decisions that would have commenced now in the year between passing our bylaw and being able to enforce it,� said Helps, who’s also feeling frustrated by how long the process has taken. “There is no timeline, but I can assure you and the public this is a very active file. We hope to be able to move ahead soon but we also don’t want to break the law.� Frustrated citizens have accused the city of dragging its heels when it comes to removing the boats. Helps said she understands that’s what it may look like from the public’s point of view, but the city was not anticipating it would take a year to receive the license from the province.
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Mayor calls porn site ransom ‘extortion’ THE CANADIAN PRESS
The mayor of a British Columbia town says she’s appalled that a pornography website has acquired the Internet domain name for the local chamber of commerce and will only give it up for a price. Mayor Virginia Smith said the chamber of commerce in Barriere believed the domain name was automatically renewed, but it had expired. “Their website domain was expected to roll over and it didn’t and by the time they discovered it, it had been captured.”
Nine sent to hospital after passenger bus flips Nine people aboard a Greyhound bus were transported to hospital Thursday after the vehicle flipped on its side beside an icy highway south of Prince George. RCMP said the bus lost control, went off the road and landed on its side in a ditch next to Highway 97 just before 8 a.m. B.C. Emergency Health Services spokeswoman Preet Grewal said five ambulances rushed to the scene. She said everyone on the bus was taken to hospital and that three people are seriously hurt while the others have minor injuries. The bus was northbound on its way to Prince George from Kamloops. Greyhound Canada spokeswoman Lanesha Gipson said the company was trying to gather information about the crash. A RCMP traffic service analyst, an accident reconstruction expert and a commercial-vehicle safety inspector are investigating the cause of the crash. Highway 97 was closed or partially closed to vehicles most of Thursday morning while investigators went over the scene.
Copper mine suspends work, 100 staff laid off Imperial Metals Corporation announced pit operations at the Huckleberry Mine were suspended, affecting approximately 100 of its 260 employees. The open pit copper mine, located 88 km from Houston, will retain the balance of its work force to continue milling stockpiled ore. “While Huckleberry Mine has made significant efforts to reduce operating costs at the Huckleberry mine, the realized savings have not been sufficient to offset declining copper prices,” says a company’s press release. The mine had already laid off 20 workers in late November.
“It’s just one of those horrible tragedies.” Virginia Smith, Barriere mayor
The new owners of the domain name are demanding the chamber pay $9,700 before the porn site is taken down, Smith said, calling that extortion. “It’s just one of those horrible tragedies.” Smith said she was stunned to learn about the new site after her staff logged in as usual, only to find the “horrible” content.
“I can see both sides to the story, that yes, perhaps the chamber should have been far more diligent. That unfortunately didn’t happen and now we have a situation that has to be dealt with. “I think it’s a horrible situation and I don’t think it speaks too well of the chamber or general mankind as such, with that kind of a site.” The Barriere Chamber of Commerce has a new website. No one from the chamber was immediately available for comment. Smith said the chamber has hired a lawyer, but Hasan Cavusoglu, an associate professor of management
information systems at the University of British Columbia, said that may not help. Cavusoglu, of UBC’s Sauder School of Business, said anyone can use a name the moment it expires, meaning there is often no legal recourse. “It can be used by porn websites and it could be used by malicious websites that are tricking people,” he said, adding software is available to track sites and determine when their domain name will expire. “One can actually create a replica of the original website.” He said the chamber could have protected itself by paying for an extended
amount of time to own the domain name because registrars provide such options. “Since they did not show interest, someone else took the name.” Domain name registrars may email a renewal reminder to whoever registered the name but that’s not helpful if an employee has left a company, Cavusoglu said. “There should be an email that was attached to a department, and not an individual,” he said. “They should have been more careful.” » Send comments on this story to letters@nanaimodailynews.com.
More than 100 in-care youth in hotels JEFF NAGEL BLACK PRESS
A new report shows 117 children and youth in care in B.C. were placed in hotels in a recent 12-month period despite government claims the practice was rare and repeated orders that it happen only in extreme situations. The joint review of hotel placements by Representative for Children and Youth Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond and the Ministry of Children and Family Development came in response to a high-profile death last September. Alex Gervais, an 18-year-old in care, fell or jumped to his death from the fourth floor of an Abbotsford Super 8 hotel, where he had been housed by the ministry after his group home was shut down due to poor conditions. At that time, Children and Family Minister Stephanie Cadieux suggested just one or two youths were thought to be in hotel placements. Turpel-Lafond suspected the number was closer to 50 and said the count of 117 children from November 2014 to October 2014, more than double her estimate, shows how pervasive the problem remains. Some of those children were placed in hotels multiple times during the year, as a total of 131 placements were recorded. Most hotel stays are short, just a day or two, and Cadieux said it’s usually because of the need to urgently relocate youth until a conventional placement can be found, often on evenings or weekends. But Gervais was an extreme case. He spent 49 consecutive days in the
Alex Gervais fell or jumped to his death from the fourth floor of an Abbotsford Super 8 motel in September. [FILE]
Abbotsford hotel prior to his Sept. 18 death, the most recent of multiple hotel stays. “The best guess we have is that Mr. Gervais spent close to 100 days in hotels over the period of his time in care,” Turpel-Lafond said. A further review of his case is underway and the ministry is required to report by March 31 or consent to an investigation by Turpel-Lafond’s office. “His death is a tragedy,” Cadieux said. “It’s a young life lost well too soon.” The South Fraser and North Fraser
regions of the Lower Mainland recorded the highest use of hotels, 32 and 27 placements respectively, followed by 14 in Vancouver/Richmond and 12 by the Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society. The hotel placements make up two per cent of B.C. children in care, but that rose to six per cent in the North Fraser area. Turpel-Lafond characterized the recurring use of hotels in those areas as “a stop-gap in lieu of having adequate placements.” But Cadieux said she believes better coordination of the placement options
that exist could go far to reducing hotel use. Cadieux said hotel stays remain an option of last resort and while she doesn’t believe it’s good practice she would set no target date for ending it. Manitoba has banned all use of hotels but Cadieux said that comparison isn’t appropriate because that province was using them systemically. Turpel-Lafond said she would like to see a complete ban because of the harm hotel stays do but agreed it is not realistic. “The pressures on the staff are such that they are not able to find alternative placements to hotels at this time.” Ministry staff must now report to the representative’s office when any child is kept in a hotel longer than three days. Social workers must get approval for hotel placements, which has been granted in all recent requests. Reports on hotel placements are to be made public every six months. Cadieux said she also intends to bring a budget request to cabinet to provide more residential resources for emergency placements, particularly in the Fraser areas. She indicated she may also propose increased remuneration or incentives to recruit or retain foster families. “We want to eliminate hotel placements entirely,” Cadieux said. “But government can’t achieve that alone. We need more people to step up, get trained and work with us to provide kids in care with the stable homes that they need and that they deserve.”
Crown wants six-year prison term for man who abused stepdaughter DALE BOYD PENTICTON WESTERN NEWS
The Crown is suggesting up to six years of incarceration for a man who sexually abused his stepdaughter for a decade. The 38-year-old man, who cannot be
named due to a routine publication ban protecting the identity of the victim, pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault in October, after confessing in November 2009 and getting arrested on Sept. 3, 2015.
Crown counsel John Swanson submitted a range of sentencing between four and six years in federal prison as well as putting the man’s name on the national sex offender registry for a 20-year period during the two-day sen-
tencing hearing that began in Penticton Provincial Court on Jan. 4. “As far back as the victim can remember (her stepfather) would sexually stimulate her. This happened on an almost weekly basis,” Swanson said.
Fingers point to CSIS in terror court hearing GEORDON OMAND THE CANADIAN PRESS
Jennifer Brooks, third from left, visits the memorial to her second-oldest child, Hudson, with surviving children Shayla, Riley and Beau. Below, family and friends march on the three-month anniversary of Hudson’s death. [PEACE ARCH NEWS]
Silence surrounding young man’s death ‘killing’ mom MELISSA SMALLEY PEACE ARCH NEWS
Jennifer Brooks remembers the last time she saw her son alive. It was 4:45 on a sunny Friday afternoon, and she was driving north on 152 Street in Surrey towards her home after making a quick stop at the bank. Hudson was walking in the opposite direction with a friend, just outside of Sandcastle Fitness. He saw his mom, flashed his trademark smile and waved. “He just walked away from me and never came back,” Brooks told Peace Arch News Wednesday. Less than 12 hours later, only 150 metres away from where he waved to his mom for the last time, 20-year-old Hudson was shot to death by police in front of the South Surrey RCMP
detachment. Six months later, details of what happened in the early morning hours of July 18, remain scarce. According to police, officers were responding to reports of a man screaming outside the detachment when a struggle ensued. Hudson was shot, and an officer suffered a non-life-threatening gunshot wound. Two days later, investigators confirmed that only police-issued firearms were found at the scene. As the family prepares to mark the six-month anniversary of Hudson’s death, Brooks and her surviving children — Beau, 20, Riley, 19, and Shayla, 16 — say time has done little to heal the pain. “It feels like just yesterday it happened, but forever since we’ve seen him,” Brooks said.
Brooks described Hudson, who was the second oldest of the family, as an “incredible” kid, with a protective nature, who worked out religiously and cooked dinner for his family every night. The case is under investigation by the Independent Investigations Office of BC, which investigates incidents involving police that result in serious injury or death. A spokesperson with the IIO told PAN this week the office is waiting on “third-party reports,” in order to proceed. For Brooks, not knowing what happened the night her son died has made the “horrific” experience that much more painful. “The silence is killing me,” said Brooks.
A person with alleged ties to Canada’s spy agency may have helped radicalize a man who was eventually arrested for plotting to blow up the British Columbia legislature, a court has heard. The information comes after B.C. Supreme Court Justice Catherine Bruce ordered the release of a heavily edited transcript from a closed-door hearing that took place last week in connection with the trial of John Nuttall and Amanda Korody. The pair was found guilty last June on terrorism charges but the convictions haven’t been entered while defence lawyers argue police entrapped the couple through an elaborate undercover police sting. Their lawyers are applying for correspondence between the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and an alleged human source in order to better understand the role the spy agency played in the investigation. “If there (redacted) was a human source then that raises serious issues about the potential role of CSIS in inciting the applicants to commit terrorist acts,” said Nuttall’s lawyer Marilyn Sandford in the transcript. If the possible source is acting as an agent for either the RCMP or CSIS while at the same time encouraging Nuttall and Korody to commit terrorist acts “then we say that’s potentially an abuse of process or potentially entrapment,” she added. Sandford told the court that her client claimed the alleged CSIS operative “strongly encouraged him on many occasions to engage in violent terrorist acts and played a significant role in (his) radicalization.” Lawyers for the Crown and CSIS opposed the release, arguing that the only evidence in favour of the disclosure came from Nuttall himself. “He’s anything but a reliable historian,” Peter Eccles said. Everything presented during the couple’s trial indicates Nuttall didn’t
““If there (redacted) was a human source then that raises serious issues about the potential role of CSIS in inciting the applicants to commit terrorist acts.” Marilyn Sandford, defence lawyer
think he had been radicalized by anyone other than himself, Eccles said. The lawyer said the defence’s theory that the alleged operative radicalized Nuttall doesn’t follow what the court heard at trial, when Nuttall instructed undercover officers to “go do jihad.” The judge ultimately ruled against CSIS and ordered the correspondence be handed over to defence, concluding there was enough evidence of a possible connection between the spy agency and its alleged source to warrant the disclosure. The transcript of the closed-door proceeding was released after several media outlets went to court opposing the order that the hearing be held in camera. CSIS and the Crown lawyers wanted the hearing to remain secret because of the risk that sensitive information could identify a possible CSIS source. They argued that an in-camera hearing was essential because anyone present for long enough in the courtroom’s public gallery could readily identify the individual in question. But the judge disagreed, saying that editing out potentially identifying material was enough to deal with CSIS’s concerns. Amid lengthy sections of blackedout text in the released transcript, Sandford denied that the information defence applied for from CSIS was a “fishing expedition.”
Suspect dressed in drag wanted in bank robbery
Liberals mum on pipeline review revamp plan
The man in a dress and wig walked into a financial institution in North Surrey last month, and then robbed it. At about 6 p.m. on Dec. 29, the Asian man dressed as a woman walked into a bank in the 15100-block of 101 Avenue and was caught on video camera, allegedly demanding money. No staff were hurt in the incident, police say. To date, police have been unable to identify the suspect and are appealing for public assistance. The suspect is described as an Asian male dressed as a woman wearing a patterned dress, white woollen sweater, blonde long curly wig and a pink toque.
The federal Liberals are revealing little of how they intend to revamp the system to review new oil pipelines, a promise made during last year’s election. Natural Resources Canada indicated it won’t short-circuit the National Energy Board review of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline twinning, which enters oral hearings next week and will be allowed to proceed to deliver a recommendation by a May 20 deadline. “The National Energy Board is conducting a thorough, science-based review of the proposed project,” department spokesperson Micheline Joanisse told Black Press by email. “The Government of Canada will await
A man in a dress and wig caught on video robbery last month. [RCMP]
Anyone with more information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or www.solvecrime.ca.
the recommendation from the Board before making a decision, or making any further comments on the project.” The federal response came after the B.C. government told the NEB that Kinder Morgan has not met the five conditions set out by the province. Opponents of the $6.8-billion pipeline project had hoped the province’s stance would trigger more decisive federal action. Prior to forming government, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had vowed to modernize the NEB to restore public trust to the process and Joanisse reiterated that pledge to introduce “credible and robust” regulatory reviews. “Our plan will include a transition period for projects currently under review to provide some certainty through the modernization process,” she said.
Drugs, guns found after man resists arrest A 29-year-old Midway man is in custody after he ran away from a big bag of drugs and weapons and tried to attack a Mountie. Police say on Jan. 6, shortly after 2 p.m. a Kelowna RCMP officer stopped a black Mercedes SUV. When confronted by the officer and advised he was under arrest, (the driver) forced open his door, grabbed a duffel bag from the passenger seat and fled on foot. More than 360 grams of illicit drugs, were found in the duffel bag, along with a loaded .22 calibre hand gun with extra magazines, a hunting knife, a silicone mask, a silencer, break-in tools and more than $2,200 in cash.
Canadian among victims in Jakarta Islamic State attack All five gunmen killed and twenty people were wounded in shootings, bombings DIANA MEHTA THE CANADIAN PRESS
A Canadian man was killed in Indonesia’s capital Thursday when gunmen launched a series of co-ordinated attacks which police said were linked to the Islamic State group. Jakarta police chief Maj.-Gen. Tito Karnavian told a news conference that the first attack — a suicide bombing — happened at a Starbucks, causing customers to run outside, where two gunmen opened fire, killing the Canadian and wounding an Indonesian bystander. At about the same time two other suicide bombers attacked a nearby traffic police booth, killing themselves and an Indonesian man. Moments later, Karnavian said, a group of policemen was attacked by two remaining gunmen, using homemade bombs. This led to a 15-minute gunfight, he said. All five gunmen were killed and twenty people were wounded in the attacks, police said. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Ottawa was working with Indonesian authorities to confirm the reports of a Canadian killed in the attacks. “The hearts of Canada and Canadians go out to the people of Indonesia and all the families and victims of these terrible attacks,” Trudeau said at an appearance in Kitchener, Ont. “We’re of course going to be supporting the government in anything it needs from Canada through this difficult time.”
A police officer gives a hand signal to squad mates as they search a building near the site of an explosion in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Thursday. [AP PHOTO]
The federal government updated its travel advisory for Jakarta in the aftermath of the attacks, advising Canadians to remain vigilant, follow the advice of local authorities and avoid the city’s downtown area. Islamic State group backers have circulated a claim of responsibility on Twitter for attack and Indonesian police said the attackers were affiliated with the Islamic State group. A Canadian man working with the United Nations was in Jakarta for a meeting on Thursday and witnessed the panic.
Jeremy Douglas, of Port Perry, Ont., was in a car when he first got a call from a UN security officer advising him there had been a blast very close to the office he was heading to. In minutes, he had arrived at the building and was getting out of his vehicle when a second explosion occurred. “I hadn’t even closed the car door and you heard the explosion. It was right across the street, kitty-corner to the office, about 100 metres,” the 44-year-old told The Canadian Press.
“It was a big sizable explosion, definitely could hear it, you could feel it.” At first, it was unclear what had occurred and confusion abounded, Douglas said, but subsequent small blasts sent people scurrying for cover. Douglas and his colleagues rushed into the UN office building to a secure floor where they could see police and other security forces responding to the attack. While inside, he said he heard the sound of gunfire as assailants and police faced off. “They started a shootout in the street,” he said. “We were witnessing the tactical team sweeping ... some armoured personnel carrier moved up the street. It was pretty crazy.” The entire episode lasted about half an hour, Douglas said, and took place in a busy part of Jakarta’s downtown that is populated with many offices, hotels and embassies. “There were a lot of people in the Starbucks,” he said, noting that UN staff had been injured at the cafe. “This is right in the centre of it, it’s pretty amazing that it was so few killed” The attack came after several warnings in recent weeks from police that Islamic militants were planning something big. Authorities also said they found a large, undetonated bomb and five smaller devices in a building near the Starbucks cafe after the attack. — WITH FILES FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.
O’Leary: No Trump as Tory leader bid in the air STEPHANIE LEVITZ THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — Both of them are business titans, authors, and TV personalities — one actively running to lead the U.S. political right, and the other thinking about doing the same in Canada. But if Kevin O’Leary does indeed decide to go into federal politics, it won’t be because he’s trying to be Donald Trump, the brash Canadian businessman said Thursday. “I understand what he is doing with the media, and you can certainly claim I am trying to do the same, but I am not Donald Trump,” O’Leary told The Canadian Press. “I’m a Lebanese-Irish, I don’t build walls (and) I am very proud of the society we’re building in Canada, I think it is the envy of the planet.”
O’Leary, a Canadian entrepreneur who became known outside business circles thanks to his stint on CBC’s “Dragons’ Den” and its American equivalent “Shark Tank,” said he’s got nothing in common with Trump on social, foreign or domestic policy.
He said he thinks Trump’s surprise success in vaulting to the front of the Republican leadership race is a reflection of a populist movement underway in the U.S. It could happen in Canada, he added, but it’s not what he’s trying to do. “It’s an interesting observation; I can see why people would say it, but that’s not what motivates me.” Rather, O’Leary is contemplating politics for two reasons: Canadian graduate students are telling him they think they need to leave Canada to make their fortunes, and he has strong objections to the job done so far by Alberta Premier Rachel Notley. Earlier this week, he offered to invest $1 million in Canadian energy companies if Notley would step aside as premier. Notley fired back, saying a Toronto businessman had no busi-
ness telling Albertans how to vote. “She said, ‘Bring it on,”’ O’Leary said. “I’m bringing it on.” Asked whether he thought Canada should continue bombing Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria, however, O’Leary suggested a different route. “We are the best peacekeepers in the world,” he said. “I would like Canada to be very involved in peace initiatives, not war.” O’Leary, who calls himself politically agnostic, said he’s eyeing a run for the Tories because of timing — it’s the only party actively seeking a new leader. “I am looking at this saying, like everybody else, ‘This is interesting, 18 months from now the country is going to have make a decision about who should be the opposition, I think I could be very effective there.”
NEWS IN BRIEF The Canadian Press ◆ REGINA
Watchdog says excessive force was used by cops Saskatchewan’s police watchdog says two Regina police officers used excessive force against an aboriginal man during an arrest. Simon Ash-Moccasin lodged a complaint in December 2014 after police incorrectly approached him as a suspect in relation to the theft and sale of a television. He said officers handcuffed him before shoving him in the back of a police cruiser and arrested him because the suspect police were looking for was aboriginal. The Public Complaints Commission said in a ruling Thursday that Ash-Moccasin’s complaint of excessive force and the way in which he was treated was substantiated. However, the commission says police did not racially profile Ash-Moccasin and had a legitimate reason to approach him.
Regulator fines firm for 48-day oil pipeline leak A Calgary-based company has been fined over a pipeline breach that spilled 537,000 litres of oil emulsion in northern Alberta over 48 days. The Alberta Energy Regulator says Pengrowth Energy Corporation failed to properly detect, report and deal with the spill near Red Earth Creek. The regulator says the mixture of oil and oilwell salt water leaked between Dec. 1, 2013, and Jan. 18, 2014, before the company became aware of the spill. Pengrowth has been fined $250,000 for breaching Alberta environment and public lands laws. Rob Borth, the regulator’s director of enforcement, says in a report that Pengrowth lacked knowledge, training and management oversite of the pipeline. The regulator says the company has since cleaned up the area affected by the spill.
Ex-premier to head task force on rail relocation The Manitoba government has tabbed former Quebec premier Jean Charest to examine how to move rail lines out of Winnipeg. Premier Greg Selinger says Charest will head up a task force with a $400,000 budget. The NDP government recently promised — just a few months before the provincial election in April — to look at relocating rail lines outside the city. Selinger says the province wants to ease traffic congestion and improve safety. He says Charest is well-suited to the challenge given his political experience. Charest says he’s excited to be part of a project with what he calls a “bold new vision” for the Manitoba capital.
Bishop condemns ’totalitarian’ plan for LGBTQ rules in schools A Catholic clergyman is both condemning and calling for the outright rejection of Alberta’s plan to draw up rules to assist LGBTQ students, particularly transgender ones, in schools. “Totalitarianism is alive and well in Alberta,” Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary wrote in a public letter issued Thursday to his faithful. “This approach and directive smack of the madness of relativism and the forceful impos-
ition of a particular, narrow-minded, anti-Catholic ideology . . . and must be rejected.” Henry’s remarks come as the province moves forward with creating individually tailored policies in 61 school districts, including Catholic ones, to ensure that LGBTQ students are respected and can thrive. Education Minister David Eggen delivered guidelines to the boards on Wednesday and they must deliver draft versions of their policies to the province by March 31 for review. The 12 guidelines specify that transgender students be allowed to use their washroom of choice depending on their sex or on whether they perceive themselves to be a girl or a boy.
Minister says renegotiation of Pacific trade deal not possible A renegotiation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal is not possible even though serious concerns may be raised during public consultations, Canada’s trade minister said Thursday. “The negotiations are finished and for Canadians it’s important to understand that it’s a decision of yes or no,” Chrystia Freeland told reporters Thursday after receiving varied feedback at a meeting at the University of Montreal.
Freeland said the treaty negotiated by the Harper government during the election campaign is very complicated, involving 12 countries along the Pacific Rim that make up 40 per cent of the global economy. All countries have two years to ratify it, but the treaty comes into force if the United States, Japan and four other countries approve it. Still, Freeland said the government is committed to hearing from Canadians before a ratification vote is held in Parliament. No date has been set for hearings or a final vote. The Liberal government also hasn’t announced whether it will attend the formal signing Feb. 4 in Auckland, N.Z.
DND aided vehicle sales bids in Kuwait and UAE MURRAY BREWSTER THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — The Canadian military was asked on three occasions in recent years to produce a light armoured vehicle and crew to showcase for two of Saudi Arabia’s Persian Gulf neighbours. The demonstrations in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, by General Dynamics Land Systems Canada, were sanctioned at the highest levels of the former Conservative government, part of a determined effort to capitalize on a controversial $14.8-billion arms sale to the oil-rich kingdom. A series of reports and documents obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act show the tests took place in 2012, 2013 and 2014, with the cost to taxpayers repaid by the manufacturer, based in London, Ont. The depth of co-operation between the company and National Defence worries some human rights groups, who say there should be more transparency in how Canadian arms deals are brokered. The tests involving Kuwait took place before the company was added to the
foreign affairs registry of countries eligible for Canadian arms exports. The UAE has yet to be added to the list, but the idea is being studied by Global Affairs, despite concerns some groups have about alleged human rights violations in the emirates. The Liberal government has been criticized for allowing the Saudi deal — brokered under the Conservative government — to proceed in light of kingdom’s recent execution of 47 people, including a prominent Shiite cleric. National Defence says its total cost to support all three demonstrations was about $3.39 million. Asking to rent one of the 26-tonne armoured fighting vehicles is not as unusual as it may sound, said General Dynamics spokesman Doug Wilson-Hodge. “From time to time, General Dynamics Land Systems Canada seeks the support of the government of Canada through provision-of-services agreements, through which the government of Canada fully recovers all its incurred costs from General Dynamics,” Wilson-Hodge said.
In this December photo, 10-year-old Elison hold his two-month-old brother Jose Wesley, who was born with microcephaly, at their house in Pernambuco State, Brazil. [AP PHOTO]
Birth-defect linked virus could hit North America Infection may be cause of epidemic among infants in Brazil SHERYL UBELACKER THE CANADIAN PRESS
TORONTO — A mosquito-borne virus possibly linked to serious birth defects in Brazil has the potential to spread within the Americas, including to holiday destinations like Florida and throughout the Caribbean, researchers who track infectious diseases suggest. Already at epidemic levels in the South American country, locally acquired cases of the Zika virus have been reported in Mexico as well as the Caribbean islands of Puerto Rico and Martinique. Zika is native to parts of Africa and Asia and is transmitted to people by the daytime-biting Aedes mosquito. In 2007, the disease took root in the Pacific Islands, and last year it sparked a massive outbreak in Brazil, with an estimated 440,000 to 1.3 million cases. While Zika generally causes mild symptoms like fever, feeling unwell, a rash, red eyes and joint pain — or in the majority of people, no symptoms at all — the virus is being investigated as a possible cause of small heads and undeveloped brains in some newborns whose mothers may have been infected while pregnant. There has been a 20-fold increase in the number of babies born with this condition, known as microcephaly, since Zika first appeared in Brazil last May, said Dr. Kamran Khan, an infectious disease specialist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, whose team is studying the pathogen’s potential transmission patterns. “There is an association — and I emphasize the word association. It’s not yet proven to be a causal
“I think pregnant women should be taking significant precautions if they choose to be travelling into areas where Zika is spreading locally.” Dr. Kamran Khan, infectious disease specialist
relationship,” Khan said Thursday. However, he suggested that Canadian women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant be wary if travelling to southern climes. “I think pregnant women should be taking significant precautions if they choose to be travelling into areas where Zika is spreading locally,” he said, including wearing skin-covering clothing and avoiding mosquito bites by using repellent. On Wednesday, researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control said they have found strong evidence of a link between the virus and the spike in birth defects in Brazil: Zika’s biological footprint was found in the placentas from two women who miscarried and the brains of two newborns who died. The infants had small heads indicative of microcephaly. Brazilian health authorities said earlier this week that 3,530 babies have been born with microcephaly in the country since October. The number was less than 150 in 2014. There is no preventive vaccine or antiviral medication to treat Zika, which is not transmitted directly person-to-person, but can be passed from an infected individual to an
uninfected person through bites from the same mosquito. The virus has spread across more than a dozen countries in South and Central America and north into Mexico, said Khan, adding that it has the potential to be picked up by Aedes mosquitoes in Florida and the southern Gulf states and to spread among local populations. The CDC said some travellers returning to the United States from Zika-affected areas have been infected with the virus, including a Houston-area woman who had returned from a trip to El Salvador. “Right now we are not seeing any local transmission in the United States, but the ingredients for that to occur are present in some parts of the country,” said Khan. The Public Health Agency of Canada also said a B.C. resident who recently travelled to El Salvador had contracted the dengue-like virus, but there have been no reported cases of Zika cases acquired in Canada and the agency says the risk to Canadians is low. On Thursday, Khan’s team published an analysis in the Lancet medical journal predicting where in the Americas the virus could spread, after mapping the destinations of international air travellers from Brazil between September 2014 and August 2015. The Canadian researchers estimated that more than 60 per cent of the populations of the U.S., Argentina and Italy live in areas conducive to seasonal transmission of the Zika virus, while Mexico, Colombia and the U.S. have an estimated 30.5 million, 23.2 million and 22.7 million people respectively living in areas conducive to yearround transmission.
NEWS IN BRIEF The Associated Press
Goldman Sachs said Thursday it had reached a roughly $5 billion settlement as part of a federal and state probe into its role in the sale of mortgages in the years leading up into the housing bubble and subsequent financial crisis. It is by far the largest settlement the investment bank has reached related to its role in the crisis, but the payment dwarfs the payments made by some of its Wall Street counterparts. As a result of the settlement, Goldman said its fourth quarter earnings will be reduced by $1.5 billion.
Supernova is brightest seen Astronomers have discovered the brightest star explosion ever, a super supernova that easily outshines our entire Milky Way. An international team revealed “the most powerful supernova observed in human history” Thursday in the latest Science journal. Super luminous supernovas — extra bright stellar explosions — are believed to be rare. The newly discovered supernova is especially rare: It is more than twice as luminous as any supernova observed to date, including the previous record-holders.
Woman attacked by leaping croc A 68-year-old woman is in a stable condition in an Australian hospital after a crocodile lept from a creek and bit off part of her arm. Government official Peter Carstairs said on Thursday the woman was attacked Wednesday afternoon on a creek bank on the edge of the town of Wyndham in Western Australia state. Carstairs says the crocodile “launched two metres out of the water and grabbed her from behind.” Health official Malcolm Johnston-Leek said the woman had surgery on Thursday at the Royal Darwin Hospital for the loss of the lower half of her right forearm.
Ellen Meiksins Wood, author, third wife of Ed Broadbent, dead at 73
Golman Sachs fined $5 billion
OTTAWA — Ellen Meiksins Wood, the third wife of former NDP leader Ed Broadbent, has died of cancer at the couple’s Ottawa home at the age of 73. The Broadbent Institute announced her death today. Meiksins Wood was a noted political theorist and
socialist historian, author of a number of books and a professor at York University for three decades. She was born in New York in 1942 and educated at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, Los Angeles, where she earned a PhD in political science. She moved to Canada with her first husband, fellow political theorist Neal Wood, in 1967.
With her teaching and writings, she earned a reputation as one of the left’s foremost theorists on democracy and history. She was inducted into the Royal Society of Canada in 1996. Meiksins Wood is survived by Broadbent and her brothers, Peter Meiksins of Cleveland and Robert Meiksins of Milwaukee.
OTTAWA — The odds that the Bank of Canada will lower its key interest rate next week are rising as some of the country’s big banks join the growing chorus predicting a cut. The Bank of Montreal updated its
forecast Thursday to predict the central bank will cut its key interest rate next Wednesday when it releases its updated forecast for the economy. The bank cited low oil prices and weakness in the Bank of Canada’s recent business outlook survey among reasons for its new forecast.
0 %
Bank of Montreal chief economist Doug Porter said the “relentless” decline in commodity prices has hurt the economy. “We are far below where we were when the bank cut rates in July and associated with that decline in oil and other commodity prices we’ve
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had some disappointment in the growth numbers in Canada,” he said. The central bank’s key overnight rate sits at 0.5 per cent, and expectations that the Bank of Canada will cut its rate target have been gaining momentum with the low price of oil. A cut of a quarter of a percentage
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Lease a model with a value of $30,000 at 0% APR for up to 36/48 months with an optional buyout of $13,200/ $10,800 and $0 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $466.67/ $400.00, total lease obligation is $16,800.12/$19,200.00, interest cost of leasing is $0 or 0% APR. Additional payments required for PPSA (RDPRM for Quebec), registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions apply. Excess kilometrage charges are 12¢per km for Fiesta, Focus, C-MAX, Fusion and Escape; 16¢per km for E-Series, Mustang, Taurus, Taurus-X, Edge, Flex, Explorer, F-Series, MKS, MKX, MKZ, MKT and Transit Connect; 20¢per km for Expedition and Navigator, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price.≠Based on IHS Automotive: Polk Canadian Total New Registration data year-end data 2009 – 2015.†Remember that even advanced technology cannot overcome the laws of physics. It’s always possible to lose control of a vehicle due to inappropriate driver input for the conditions. ‡ F-Series is the best-selling line of pickup trucks in Canada for 50 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report up to 2015 year end.©2015 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence.©2015 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
BMO joins chorus predicting Bank of Canada will lower interest rate again point would reduce the overnight rate target to a level not seen since 2010, when the economy was emerging from the financial crisis. It would also stand in contrast to a move by the U.S. Fed to raise interest rates late last year and put further pressure on the Canadian dollar.
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$1.6B Powerball prize goes to three winners in three states Tickets bought in L.A. suburb and small towns in Tennessee and Florida ADRIAN SAINZ AND ANDREW DALTON THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
MUNFORD, Tenn. — An unprecedented $1.6 billion Powerball jackpot that became a national fascination will be split three ways, by mystery winners in Florida, Tennessee and California. The winners did not immediately identify themselves Thursday, but they bought their tickets in Munford, a town of about 6,000 in Tennessee; the modest Los Angeles suburb of Chino Hills; and at a supermarket in Melbourne Beach, Florida, where residents of a nearby housing development were heard partying loudly after Wednesday night’s drawing. Spain’s massively popular Christmas lottery, known as “El Gordo,” is ranked as the world’s richest, though it doles out millions of prizes rather than one large jackpot like the Powerball. The winners of the world-record Powerball jackpot overcame odds of 1 in 292.2 million to land on all the numbers: 4-8-19-27-34 and Powerball 10. They can let the jackpot be invested and thereby collect 30 annual payments totalling an estimated $533 million, or split $983.5 million in cash all at once. The huge draw also produced eight $2 million Power Play winners and 73 $1 million winners nationwide who matched all five white balls but missed the red Powerball, said Sally Lunsford of the Kansas Lottery. The California ticket was sold at a 7-Eleven; the Florida ticket at a Publix grocery store. Tennessee officials did not immediately say which of the three Munford stores offering Powerball tickets produced the winner. That store will get a $25,000 check; Florida’s store collects $100,000, and California lottery spokesman Alex Traverso told The
After 11,300 deaths, Ebola epidemic over THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
GENEVA — The World Health Organization declared an end to the deadliest Ebola outbreak ever on Thursday after no new cases emerged in Liberia, though health officials warn that it will be several more months before the world is considered free of the disease that claimed more than 11,300 lives over two years. Thursday’s success comes after a harrowing toll: Nearly 23,000 children lost at least one parent or caregiver to the disease. Some 17,000 survivors are trying to resume their lives though many battle mysterious, lingering side effects. Studies continue to uncover new information about how long Ebola can last in bodily fluids. Liberia, which along with Sierra Leone and Guinea was an epicentre of the latest outbreak, was first declared free of the disease last May, but new cases emerged two times — forcing officials there to restart the clock.
A clerk processes tickets for the Powerball lottery at a convenience store in Tallapoosa, Ga., on Wednesday. [AP PHOTO]
Associated Press that a $1 million bonus will be shared between the Chino Hills store owner and the 7-Eleven company. The amounts that follow each state’s rules. TV trucks from Memphis quickly arrived in Munford, where people marvelled over the winning ticket and joked about what they would have done with the money. Auto body shop worker Jerry Caudle said he was “freaking out” when he heard a winning ticket was sold in his town, but then saw that he matched only two numbers, for a prize of $14. He wore a wistful smile as he left the
Munford Short Stop gas station and convenience store, which offers Tipton County’s “best chicken on a stick” for $3.69. “It’s been tough,” Caudle said. “The hardest winter for me here in 17 years.” The California store and its surrounding strip mall suddenly became a popular gathering spot in the rural suburb of 78,000, where cows still graze on hillsides. Hundreds of people crowded the store and spilled into its parking lot, cheering and mugging for the television cameras and chanting “Chino Hills! Chino Hills!”
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Members of the Seattle Seahawks defence gang tackle Carolina Panthers running back Jonathan Stewart during NFL action Oct. 18 in Seattle. The Panthers won 27-24 and the two teams meet again Sunday in NFC playoff action. [KEVIN CLARK/HERALDNET.COM]
Will Seahawks have Lynch Sunday? NICK PATTERSON HERALDNET.COM
arshawn Lynch is back to being day-to-day. The Seattle Seahawks running back, who has missed the past eight games because of an abdominal injury, fully participated in practice Wednesday at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center. However, it’s still not known whether Lynch will play in this Sunday’s divisional playoff game against the Carolina Panthers. “We’re going to go day-to-day, dayto-day is how we’ll do this,” Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said before practice. “We’ll evaluate the next day and see how it goes. I can feel he’s encouraged to go forward again and we’ll see if we can get it done.” Lynch seemed set to return to the field for last Sunday’s wild-card game against the Minnesota Vikings after practising in full throughout the week. But following practicing Friday afternoon Lynch did not board the team flight to Minneapolis that evening, missing out on Seattle’s 10-9 victory in historically cold conditions. Carroll said Monday that Lynch did not suffer a setback during prac-
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tice last week, and Lynch was back taking a regular workload at practice Wednesday. “He looks good,” Seahawks offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell said following Wednesday’s practice, adding that Lynch looked a little better than he did in practice last week. “I can’t judge each and every day, but probably one of the best days he’s had out here today. He’s in there, he’s moving around, he’s making more cuts, probably a little more tempo to it as well. We’ll just continue to go day-to-day with it.” Was Bevell surprised Lynch didn’t make the trip to Minnesota after prac-
ticing in full last week? “Surprised? Probably,” Bevell answered. “He practiced the whole week. But only Marshawn knows how he’s feeling. It’s something we can’t determine. I can’t determine it by even watching him. It’s a feel a thing. He had surgery, they cut on him, so he has to have a feel and he has to feel very confident that he’s going to be able to go out and do it. We don’t just want him to go in and have a couple plays and be done. We want him to be able to finish the game and continue to play, and I think that’s what he’s trying to get a feel for.” Ryan reflects Seahawks punter Jon Ryan was sporting the scars from Sunday’s game against the Vikings. A cut across the bridge of his nose and a pair of bruises under his eyes were evidence of the broken nose he suffered in the first quarter, after a botched snap had him trying to hurdle a defender, only to fall flat on his face. But Ryan finished out the game, and Wednesday he looked back with good nature upon the incident. “It was a low snap, and I believe if I would have kicked it, it would have been blocked, so that was the right
decision,” Ryan recounted. “Then it opened up and obviously you have to trust your instincts as a professional athlete, you never second-guess your instincts. My instinct was to run it up the middle, then when it closed off I did my best hurdling attempt. [People have said] maybe run left, run right would have worked better. But as I tell all the Monday morning quarterbacks, this isn’t Madden. I couldn’t just press L2 and jump outside. I’m a middle-aged white guy, it doesn’t quite work that way.” Ryan said the broken nose is not causing any pain, and it didn’t prevent him from attending Tuesday night’s Everett Silvertips game at Xfinity Arena, seeing his hometown Regina Pats beat the Tips 4-3 in overtime. “I was cheering for Everett, though, I was backing them,” Ryan, who was an avid hockey player himself as a youth, was quick to point out. “I’ve been a pacific northwest guy for eight years now. I said, ‘Y’know only one of these teams ever cut me, the Regina Pats back in 1998.’ I’m not saying I’m holding a grudge, but I wasn’t cheering for them.” Extra points Seattle tight end Luke Willson,
who missed last Sunday’s game because of a concussion, returned to practice Wednesday and is expected to be able to play this Sunday against the Panthers. However, fullback Will Tukuafu, who suffered a hamstring injury against the Vikings, did not practice Wednesday, leaving his status in doubt. . . . Carroll called the NFL offices following last Sunday’s game to receive clarification on the pass-interference penalty on Seahawks safety Kam Chancellor during the game’s final series, a play in which it appeared Minnesota tight end Kyle Rudolph ran into a stationary Chancellor. The response from the league: “A defender has the right to his space that the offensive player has to try to avoid. In that instance Kyle was trying to get out of the way and they were going to run into each other, and unfortunately Kam’s hand came up outside. What the official saw was his hand outside the frame of his body. Had his hand been inside, likely it would have been a no-call.” » Check out Nick Patterson’s Seattle Sidelines blog at http://www.heraldnet. com/seattlesidelines, and follow him on Twitter at @NickHPatterson.
Clippers ready for Wild start to weekend Wenatchee’s offence is pedestrian, but they have given up only 93 goals on the season - behind only the powerhouse Penticton Vees. The Wild feature a pair of solid goalies in Chase Perry (17-11-2, 2.45 goals-against average) and Garrett Nieto (6-2-1, 1.90 GAA, .923 save percentage). Up front, they are led by Brendan Harris (8-29-37) and Mike Coyne (10-23-33). “I think it’s just about getting off to a quick start,” said Clippers head coach Mike Vandekamp. “There will be a good crowd in the building. “For us we want to take that crowd out of the game early.”
The Nanaimo Clippers are ready to hit the road. Enjoying an eight-point cushion atop the B.C. Hockey League’s Island Division, the Clippers embark on their final off-Island road swing of the season on Friday. Nanaimo visits the Wenatchee Wild on Friday, before games Saturday (Langley Rivermen) and Sunday (Coquitlam Express). The next home game for the Clippers (27-14-1-0) is Jan. 22 when the Surrey Eagles visit Frank Crane Arena. The toughest test of the road swing could come Friday against the Wild (23-11-2-3).
League scoring leader Sheldon Rempal (47-38-85) continues to shine for the Clippers. Heading into weekend action, he has a four-point lead over Penticton’s Scott Conway in the points race. Devin Brosseau (17-42-59) and Matthew Hoover (28-30-58) of the Clippers are also among the league’s top five scorers. “These guys are young guys, we made sure we took care of ourself this week,” Vandekamp said. “We’re just going to go out there and empty the tanks on the weekend.” Aaron.Hinks@nanaimodailynews.com 250-729-4242
Nanaimo Clipper Charley Borek takes down Powell River King Jack Long in the Frank Crane Arena Saturday. [AARON HINKS/DAILY NEWS]
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Athlete of the Week Quinn Mirau Sport: Basketball Achievements: The starting point guard for the Dover Bay Dolphins is in his third season of high school boys basketball. Last year, the Dolphins were a game away from making the Quad A provincials. With Mirau taking on a bigger scoring role this year, the team hopes it will reach the B.C.’s
Lineman Olafioye signs new deal with B.C. Lions THE CANADIAN PRESS
SURREY — The B.C. Lions have signed offensive lineman Jovan Olafioye to a contract extension through the 2018 season, the club announced Thursday. The 28-year-old Detroit native is a three-time CFL West Division nominee for most outstanding lineman and was set to become a free agent next month. “This is obviously an absolutely critical signing,” Lions head coach said general manager Wally Buono said in a release. “Jovan has been one of our league’s best offensive lineman since coming to the CFL in 2010. He’s durable, dependable and dominant and he plays a significant role in the success of our offence.”
Jones returns to old role as co-ordinator THE CANADIAN PRESS
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A CFL all-star the last five seasons, Olafioye appeared in all 18 games for the Lions in 2015. “This is a great day for me and my family,” said Olafioye, the CFL’s outstanding lineman in 2012. “I know our team is capable of great things and being a part of the B.C. Lions is exactly where I want to be in years to come.” The six-foot-six, 325-pound Olafioye joins defensive lineman David Menard, offensive lineman Kirby Fabien, defensive back Eric Fraser and receiver Emmanuel Arceneaux as players who have inked new deals with B.C. this off-season. The Lions’ two high-profile impending free agents — running back Andrew Harris and quarterback Travis Lulay — remain unsigned.
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SURREY — Khari Jones admits his ego took a hit. Named the B.C. Lions’ offensive co-ordinator ahead of the 2014 season, the former CFL quarterback was heavily criticized as the club’s attack scored 17 points or less in eight of 18 games before a blowout loss in the playoffs. That disaster cost head coach Mike Benevides his job, and when Jeff Tedford took over, he chose George Cortez as his offensive co-ordinator and demoted Jones to receivers coach. “It’s always hard when you have to take a step back for any reason, but I didn’t let it affect me,” said Jones. “I felt very comfortable in the role that I was in.” He will be back in his old role in 2016 after the Lions announced this week that Jones will resume offensive co-ordinator duties under head coach and
general manager Wally Buono, who returns to the sidelines for the first time since 2011 following Tedford’s resignation. Sporting a familiar wide smile, Jones said he’s grown since his first stint leading the Lions’ offence. “The main thing is experience and taking advantage of the experiences,” said Jones, who will also coach the quarterbacks. “It’s all about taking that in and doing what comes natural and trusting your instincts. I feel like I have a better trust of not only what the players can do, but what I can do.” Added Buono: “Experience is always a valuable tool. He’s more comfortable with the personnel.” That personnel includes second-year quarterback Jonathon Jennings, who grabbed the starting job last season when Travis Lulay went down with an injury.
Canucks get brain cramps in loss to Capitals BEN KUZMA THE PROVINCE
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The margin for error against the NHL’s top team was minuscule. The brain cramps were enormous. On a night where Alex Ovechkin was once again shooting from everywhere — the majority of his shots were either blocked or missed the net — the Vancouver Canucks kept the Washington Capitals’ scoring wizard from adding to his league-leading 26 goals and 501 career markers. That was the good news. The bad was two strange sequences in which the Capitals scored, before shutting the door en route to a 4-1 victory Thursday. The Capitals don’t need any favours. They iced seven players with double-digit goals and came at the Canucks in waves off the rush. In fact, if it wasn’t for a variety of Miller saves through the first 25 minutes, the issue would have been over early. It was a settled when the Canucks became unsettled. And that’s unsettling. A bizarre sequence in which Alex Edler turned a simple puck battle in the defensive zone into a comedy of errors. The opening goal was the end of a sequence in which Edler couldn’t move a Capital off the end boards in his own zone. It allowed the play to carry on and a frustrated Edler reached out and tripped T.J. Oshie. The Canucks did a great job killing the penalty and Edler exited the box with the puck at his feet and could have sped away. But he stumbled and couldn’t handle the puck and Evgeny Kuznetsov scored off a 2-on1 break with a deke of Miller. That was deflating. So was the Karl Alzner goal. That came on a similar head-scratcher when Miller appeared to hesitate on a non-penalty call and was on his knees when a Alzner slapper beat him stick side. Two Canucks brain cramps was all the Capitals really needed.
Vancouver Canucks defenseman Alex Biega tries to keep the puck away from Washington Capitals right wing T.J. Oshie Thursday night in Washington, D.C. [AP PHOTO]
Tom Wilson scored a third for the Caps early in the third and Evgeny Kuznetsov scored an empty netter for the other Caps goals. Radim Vrbata did score on a 5-on-3 power play in the third, but it wasn’t going to mean much because the Capitals piled up 40 shots. WHAT THIS MEANS Without the injured Jannik Hansen, you could argue Willie Desjardins threw Derek Dorsett a bone by aligning the grinding winger with Daniel and Henrik Sedin. And if physically and vocally standing up for the twins Monday in the post-game melee with the Panthers had something to do with it, it still wasn’t quite the right motivational move for this six-game road trip. Factor in formation of an actual second line and the early promise of a third with developing chemistry between for-
mer junior linemates Emerson Etem and Linden Vey and Dorsett, there was some reason to believe. Dorsett did enough to help the Sedins and didn’t do anything to hurt them. He hit them with passes as they sped through the neutral zone, he caused an offensive zone turnover to set up Daniel and went to the net and nearly got his stick on a cross-ice feed. And he started a scoring sequence in which Chris Tanev just missed picking the corner on a wide shot. IN A WORD: IMPROVING Emerson Etem had three first-period shots and his re-direct in the slot with his back to the net was as impressive as his speed and willingness to compete. SEETHING Ryan Miller slammed his stick in disgust after Karl Alzner’s long-range goal. It came after an odd sequence in which there was no
penalty call on Matt Niskanen, who’d driven Baertschi into the ice. SITTING Alex Edler lost a board battle, then took a tripping minor, got the puck out of the box, handled it like a grenade, tripped and Caps scored off a 2-on-1. WHAT WE LEARNED Luca Sbisa had his first practice Wednesday since a Dec. 1 hand injury and could play at some point on this trip. Taylor Fedun was recalled Thursday for depth purposes with Andrey Pedan re-assigned to Utica. “Practice felt good but we’ve got to discuss what the plan is for the next few days,” said Sbisa. “I missed six weeks and my hand still needs a little bit of work, but I can say I’m close. We’ll see how it reacts and we’ll go from there. Gripping the stick and because it’s my top hand, it has to do more of the work.”
STATS 15.38 Even-strength Corsi percentage for Radim Vrbata after two periods. He had but one shot and overall was on-ice for just four shot attempts by his team, while the Caps managed 22 against Ryan Miller when he was on the ice. A minus-18 total. 9 Number of shots blocked by Alex Biega (5) and Ben Hutton (4) as they tried to negate the league’s secondranked power play. 51 Distance in feet for Karl Alzner’s point shot that beat Ryan Miller in that confusing sequence that started with Niskanen dumping Baertschi. 7 Number of double-digit scorers for the Capitals in Ovechkin, Williams, Backstrom, Chimera, Oshie, Johansson and Kuznetsov. The Canucks iced two in D. Sedin and Vrbata.
‘Hawks top Habs 2-1 on Garbutt Canada’s Chan ups the goal for ninth straight victory ante on long program THE CANADIAN PRESS BILL BEACON THE CANADIAN PRESS
MONTREAL — Jonathan Toews and Ryan Garbutt scored in the first period as the Chicago Blackhawks stretched their winning run to nine games with a 2-1 win over the Montreal Canadiens, moving Joel Quenneville into sole possession of second place all-time in coaching victories. It was Quenneville’s 783rd win, one more than Al Arbour, although still well behind leader Scotty Bowman’s 1,244. The Blackhawks (29-13-4), who have not lost since Dec. 27 against Carolina, will try to make it 10 straight Friday night in Toronto.
Paul Byron scored for Montreal (23-18-3), now 5-14 since Dec. 1 despite a spirited effort against the defending Stanley Cup champions. Shots were 40-33 in favour of the Canadiens, with strong goaltending from both Chicago’s Corey Crawford and Montreal’s Mike Condon. Crawford, from nearby Chateauguay, Que., has not lost in regulation time in six career meetings with the Canadiens (4-0-2). His biggest test came in the second period when he made four saves in rapid succession in one hectic sequence. The Blackhawks were first on nearly every puck to open the game
and scored at 8:26 when Andrew Shaw got past P.K. Subban and fed the puck across the front of the net for Toews to bang in his 17th of the season. Byron tied it at 10:36 when he went to the net to tip a David Desharnais feed past Crawford. Chicago’s fourth line had Montreal hemmed in its zone for a long stretch before Garbutt beat Condon from the left circle at 12:56. Montreal had defenceman Jeff Petry back after missing a game with a lower body injury. Chicago centre Artem Anisimov flew in on time to be in the lineup after missing a game with an illness.
Patrick Chan is upping the ante. On the heels of a humbling fourthplace finish at last month’s Grand Prix Final, the 25-year-old from Toronto is adding a second triple Axel to his long program, cranking up the technical difficulty for the first time in several years. “I’m constantly trying to challenge myself to keep myself on my toes, and know that I can still do those difficult elements, because if I can’t, that’s maybe a sign that I shouldn’t be competing,” Chan said on a conference call Thursday. “The level of difficulty of technical elements now is so much higher, so I have to stay on top of it.”
Chan is making a competitive comeback after a 20-month hiatus, having walked away from the sport after a silver-medal performance at the Sochi Olympics. Chan said he’ll do some number-crunching after the world championships in Boston in March, to help determine what he needs to stay in the competitive mix with Hanyu. “From what the numbers show, adding the second triple Axel, it closes that gap quite a bit,” Chan said. Chan will be pushed at the Canadian championships by former world junior champion Nam Nguyen. The 17-year-old from Toronto won the Canadian title last year in Chan’s absence.
Japan honours Aaron with Order of the Rising Sun THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
ATLANTA — Japan honoured former home run king Hank Aaron with one of its highest awards on Thursday, saying he is a symbol of its close relationship with the United States and their shared love of baseball. The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette was presented during a ceremony and reception at the home of Japan’s consul general in Atlanta, Takashi Shinozuka.
“It is an honour for Japan to have such a wonderful friend,” Shinozuka said. The 81-year-old Aaron was singled out for his long relationship with Japan’s home run leader, Sadaharu Oh, and their efforts to bring young people together through the World Children Baseball’s Fair, which recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Oh was unable to travel to Atlanta, but sent videotaped remarks.
Aaron sat through most of the ceremony, next to his wife, Billye. He now must use a cane to get around after undergoing hip-replacement surgery. “The communication between the two countries is great,” Aaron said. “Baseball has always played a pivotal role in whatever happens in everyday life.” Aaron first met Oh shortly after breaking Babe Ruth’s record for most career homers in 1974. Aaron went
on to hit 755 homers in his career, a major league mark that has since been eclipsed by Barry Bonds. Oh, who played his entire career in Japan, has more homers than any professional player in baseball history, finishing with 868. Aaron and Oh are co-founders and honorary directors of the World Children’s Baseball Fair, a week-long event held each summer that brings together children from Japan, the U.S. and countries around the world
for clinics and cultural exchanges. “For 25 years, we’ve been going back and forth trying to help young kids,” Aaron said. Derek Schiller, an executive vice-president for the Braves, toasted Aaron with a glass of sake. A longtime executive in the Braves front office, Aaron has played a largely ceremonial role with the team in recent years, though he has used his stature to push for more African-Americans in the game.
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Legendary sportswriter was one of a kind GORDON MCINTYRE THE PROVINCE
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kid,â&#x20AC;? he said, even though I was 34, â&#x20AC;&#x153;donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fall in love with the flashy rookie at camp.â&#x20AC;? It was 1994, I was covering my first Canucks training camp and Jim Coleman was giving me some of the boundless good advice he dished out over the 10 years I was lucky enough to work in the same building he did. (I ignored his advice and gushed over Lonny Bohonos.) Born in 1911, Coleman died 15 years ago Thursday, ending an era in sports writing weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never see again. He was Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first syndicated sports columnist. Until the end, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d arrive at The Province to compile his nostalgia columns, dapper in a hat and tie, opening doors for ladies, a hidden stash of stogies in his desk drawer, a gentleman to the end. Coleman died on Jan. 14, 2001, of heart failure after it seemed heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d recovered from a broken hip, suffered as he climbed into a taxi outside his Granville Island home to head downtown to The Province for work. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The most famous, best-loved sports columnist this country has ever produced,â&#x20AC;? one-time Province columnist Jim Taylor wrote in the foreword of a collection of Coleman columns (The Best of Jim Coleman, Fifty Years of Canadian Sport from the Man Who Saw It All). Coleman interviewed Jackie Robinson of the Montreal Royals, a year before Brooklyn Dodgers president Branch Rickey signed the infielder and broke Major League Baseballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s colour barrier. Coleman witnessed the first forward pass in the CFL in 1929, was there when curling was a demonstration sport in Lake Placid, N.Y., at the 1932 Winter Olympics, and watched the Victoria Cougars win the Stanley Cup in 1925. He saw Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in Florida at spring training, covered Paul Hendersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Jim Coleman, photographed in 1996 with his ever-present cigar. [GERRY KAHRMANN/THE PROVINCE]
series-winning goal in Moscow in the 1972 Summit Series. In Colemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day, most athletes didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make much more than established sports writers; it was easier for the two to relate to each other. Coleman wrote in a day when jocks were known by names such as Needle Nose, Piffles, the Blow-Back Kid, Good Kid. The sons of a Canadian Pacific Railway senior executive, Coleman and his brother joined their dad in a private rail car and visited all sorts of stadiums, arenas and racetracks throughout Canada and the U.S. U.S. Prohibition was still in effect at first, then the Great Depression gripped North America. When Chicagoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Comiskey Park, home to the White Sox from 1910 to 1990, was about to be
demolished, Victoria freelance writer Tom Hawthorn, then a Province staffer, asked Coleman if he had ever been there. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were talking about Comiskey coming down and I just asked Jim offhand about his first visit to the ballpark,â&#x20AC;? Hawthorn said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember it well,â&#x20AC;? Coleman told him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My father took me and we sat with Mr. Comiskey himself.â&#x20AC;? It was Coleman who invented the Curse of Muldoon in 1943. (Chicago Blackhawks coach Pete Muldoon, after being fired in 1927, cursed the team to â&#x20AC;&#x153;hoodoo it until the end of time,â&#x20AC;? promising that the Hawks would never finish first. Coleman made it up on deadline, he later admitted, but the Hawks still didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t finish first in the regular season until 1967.) One of Colemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s early columns for the
Vancouver Daily Province, in 1939, began: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fearless Foster Hewitt, that titan of the tonsil twisters, was at it again last night.â&#x20AC;? On Cyclone Taylor: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tough as pemmican.â&#x20AC;? In a 1940s Toronto Telegram column called Knifeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Christmas: â&#x20AC;&#x153;During this season, most citizens are slugging themselves lustily across the nut with a rubber hammer as they attempt to devise schemes for digging up a small bundle of scratch in order that they may tuck a couple of gewgaws into the toe of the Old Dollâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nylons on Christmas morning.â&#x20AC;? Sober since the late â&#x20AC;&#x2122;50s following wild younger years â&#x20AC;&#x201D; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I drank insanely,â&#x20AC;? he wrote â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Coleman penned an autobiography called A Hoofprint On My Heart, a classic about racing and its associated characters. It starts out, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am an evil old man, lying here, remembering . . . I am thinking: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;They could bury me in the infield at Woodbine, close to the rail where Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d hear the thud of the hooves. They could scatter my ashes on the homestretch at Fort Erie. Better still, bury me somewhere in the backstretch, where I could hear the lies . . . .â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Hastings Park honours his memory with a Jim Coleman Province stakes race. He was inducted into the media division of the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1984, along with players Phil Esposito, Jacques Lemaire and Bernie Parent, and builders Punch Imlach and Jake Milford. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also in the Canadian sports, football and horse racing halls of fame. Today, you can see the ancient manual Underwood typewriter Coleman tapped on to the very end, on display at the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. Coleman once concluded a 1961 Globe and Mail column headlined Farewell, Beloved Agony, this way: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sic transit gloria mundi.â&#x20AC;? Loosely translated, that means life is fleeting. Jim Coleman packed a lot into his.
Alvarez hopes win over Pettis will launch him into shot at UFC crown THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
PHILADELPHIA â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Eddie Alvarez got a kick out of seeing the landmarks in his Kensington neighbourhood on the big screen in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Creed.â&#x20AC;? When the fictional fighter Adonis Creed spars at Front Street Boxing, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the same gym where Alvarez got his start at 8 years old. Alvarezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s padman, Ricardo McGill, had a cameo. The beat-up bars and hardscrabble streets all stirred emotions for one of the UFCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top lightweight contenders. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just seeing where I grew up, the streets, that was the coolest part of â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Creedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for me,â&#x20AC;? he said. Alvarez (26-4) wants to give Philly fight fans a real reason to cheer when he takes on Anthony Pettis (18-3) at UFC Fight Night 81 on Sunday in Boston. Both fighters have plenty to prove in the co-main event of a stout card. Pettis, who made a splash after coming over from WEC, fights for the first time since he lost his lightweight title to Rafael dos Anjos at UFC 185. Alvarez lost his UFC debut to Donald Cerrone in the wake of a bitter split with Bellator and is fighting for just the third time in three years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I feel like itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taken me a little while just to
get comfortable and enjoy a UFC fight,â&#x20AC;? Alvarez said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been so much built-up anxiety and I hate fighting like that. I think Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m settled down there and usually thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where I do my best. Third round is always my best, so Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll call my third fight my best.â&#x20AC;? Alvarez has his aim on a championship bout â&#x20AC;&#x201D; with or without Conor McGregor in the way â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and beating Pettis can only solidify his spot as a pay-per-view title contender. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The only way I lose is if I make small, fundamental mistakes,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see it.â&#x20AC;? Alvarez hoped a return to his roots could help him return to form. The 31-year-old Alvarez ditched his training camp in Florida and moved back to Philadelphia in January 2015 to train year-round in the area. He boxes in Kensington, between the lower northeast section of Philadelphia and north Philadelphia, and has strength and conditioning training in New Jersey. Alvarez commutes more than he did when trained in Florida, but with a wife and four young children, he wanted to stay close to home. With his family in the stands, Alvarez said he would love to fight for a championship and headline a card in Philadelphia. Philadelphia hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been the site a card since UFC 133 in
August 2011, and the promotionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only other show was UFC 101 in August 2009. UFC is looking at a return trip and could run the Wells Fargo Center for a major show or even a Fight Night at Templeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Liacouras Center. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Philadelphia is on the short list of cities weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to visit in 2016,â&#x20AC;? UFC spokesman Dave Sholler said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a date secured yet, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on the radar and we are hopeful to make our return soon.â&#x20AC;? Alvarez could even share the card again with Philadelphia native Paul Felder. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Irish Dragonâ&#x20AC;? fights Sunday on the Fight Pass prelim card against Daron Cruickshank. Felder, coming off two straight losses, spent the last few weeks training in Philadelphia. Like Alvarez, Felder (10-2) credited his Philly upbringing for sparking a love of MMA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The karate school I trained at when I was a kid saved me from sitting out on those steps and drinking 40s,â&#x20AC;? he said. He mixed training with acting and earned roles in plays staged at three major Philadelphia theatres. Felder has become friends with Rob McElhenney, one of the stars and creators of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.â&#x20AC;? McElhenney, a noted MMA fan, lived for a week in a fight ranch with Felder and Cerrone in Albuquerque, New Mexico to write a screenplay in isolation.
January 4 - March 10, 2016 Schedules are subject to change without notice.
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6:30 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm
3:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm
6:30 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm
Fri, Sat, Sun & Feb 8 only. NANAIMO (DUKE POINT) - TSAWWASSEN Leave Duke Point
Leave Tsawwassen 3:15 pm 5:45 pm 8:15 pm 10:45 pm
Â&#x201E;5:15 am Â&#x2122;7:45 am 10:15 am 12:45 pm Except Sat.
Â&#x201E;5:15 am Â&#x2122;7:45 am 10:15 am 12:45 pm
Â&#x2122; Except Sun.
3:15 pm 5:45 pm 8:15 pm 10:45 pm
Â&#x201E; Except Sat & Sun.
SWARTZ BAY - TSAWWASSEN Leave Swartz Bay 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 712:00 pm 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
Leave Tsawwassen z4:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm
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3:00 pm 5:00 pm z6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm
z Fri, Sun & Feb 8 only, except Jan 8, 10 & Feb 7. 7 Fri, Sun & Feb 8 only, except Jan 8, 10, 15 & Feb 7. a Jan 17, 22, 24, 29 & 31 only. For schedule and fare information or reservations: 1 888 223 3779 â&#x20AC;˘ bcferries.com
+855,&$1(6 %/8(6
)LUVW 3HULRG Âł No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hainsey Car (hooking) )DEEUL 6W/ KROGLQJ +DQLĂ&#x20AC;Q Car (interference), Upshall StL (embellishment) 16:33. 6HFRQG 3HULRG 1. Carolina, Skinner 17 (Nestrasil) 1:49. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; McGinn Car (interference) 5:23; E. Staal Car (hooking) 15:18; Backes StL (tripping) 18:04. Third Period 2. Carolina, Pesce 4 (Slavin, Rask) 3:22 (pp). 3. Carolina, McGinn 3 (Skinner) 7:13. 4. St. Louis, Lehtera 5 (Edmundson, Fabbri) 7:33. 5. Carolina, Nash 2 (Hainsey) 16:21. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Stastny StL (slashing) 1:37; Lindholm Car (tripping) 11:18. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Carolina 5 15 8â&#x20AC;&#x201D;28 St. Louis 6 5 12â&#x20AC;&#x201D;23 *RDO (shots-saves) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Carolina: Lack (W, 6-7-3); St. Louis: Elliott (L, 7-5-4)(24-21), Binnington (7:13 third, 4-3). 3RZHU SOD\V (goal-chances) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Carol: 1-3; StL: 0-4. $WWHQGDQFH â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 19,282 at St. Louis.
Florida Detroit Montreal
GP 44 44 44
W L OL SL GF GA Pts Home Away Last 10 26 13 4 1 118 98 57 13-6-2-0 13-7-2-1 8-1-1-0 23 14 5 2 110 114 53 11-8-3-1 12-6-2-1 6-4-0-0 23 18 2 1 123 109 49 12-8-2-0 11-10-0-1 3-7-0-0
Strk L-2 W-1 L-2
METROPOLITAN DIVISION Washington NY Islanders NY Rangers
GP 43 44 43
W L OL SL GF GA Pts Home 33 7 2 1 143 91 69 17-3-1-0 24 15 3 2 122 110 53 15-7-2-0 23 15 3 2 124 113 51 16-5-2-0
Away Last 10 16-4-1-1 8-1-0-1 9-8-1-2 6-4-0-0 7-10-1-2 4-5-1-0
Strk W-5 W-2 L-1
WILD CARD Tampa Bay Boston Carolina New Jersey Pittsburgh Ottawa Philadelphia Toronto Buffalo Columbus
GP W L OL SL GF GA Pts Home 43 22 17 1 3 111 102 48 10-8-0-2 42 21 16 4 1 126 113 47 9-11-2-0 45 45 42 44 41 41 43 45
20 21 20 20 19 16 17 16
18 19 16 18 15 18 22 25
6 1 3 2 4 3 1 3
1 4 3 4 3 4 3 1
109 99 99 120 94 105 100 114
121 110 103 135 110 115 117 145
47 47 46 46 45 39 38 36
Away Last 10 12-9-1-1 6-3-0-1 12-5-2-1 2-7-1-0
10-8-3-1 10-10-3-0 9-10-1-2 12-9-0-2 10-7-1-3 10-9-2-0 11-6-1-3 9-12-1-1 11-5-2-2 8-10-2-1 7-7-3-2 9-11-0-2 8-13-1-1 9-9-0-2 7-9-3-1 9-16-0-0
6-2-2-0 4-6-0-0 5-2-2-1 3-6-0-1 6-3-0-1 5-5-0-0 3-6-0-1 3-6-1-0
Strk W-3 L-3 W-4 L-2 L-1 L-2 W-4 L-3 W-2 W-1
CENTRAL DIVISION Dallas Chicago St. Louis
GP 44 46 47
W L OL SL GF GA Pts Home 29 11 2 2 149 116 62 17-5-0-0 29 13 4 0 131 107 62 19-5-1-0 25 15 5 2 117 118 57 14-8-3-0
Away Last 10 12-6-2-2 4-4-1-1 10-8-3-0 9-1-0-0 11-7-2-2 3-4-2-1
Strk L-1 W-9 L-1
W L OL SL GF GA Pts Home Away Last 10 27 12 1 2 112 92 57 14-6-0-1 13-6-1-1 7-2-0-1 22 16 4 1 122 131 49 12-6-3-0 10-10-1-1 6-1-2-1 21 18 2 0 118 113 44 6-12-0-0 15-6-2-0 5-4-1-0
Strk W-1 L-1 W-3
GP W L OL SL GF GA Pts Home Away Last 10 43 22 13 7 1 113 102 52 14-7-2-0 8-6-5-1 4-4-1-1 45 22 20 3 0 128 127 47 10-10-3-0 12-10-0-0 5-3-2-0
Strk L-2 W-1
PACIFIC DIVISION Los Angeles Arizona San Jose
GP 42 43 41
WILD CARD Minnesota Colorado Nashville Vancouver Anaheim Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton
44 44 42 44 42 44
19 17 18 20 20 17
17 17 17 21 20 23
7 8 5 1 1 4
1 2 2 2 1 0
113 106 82 117 115 108
123 124 100 129 129 131
46 44 43 43 42 38
12-6-2-1 9-8-4-0 12-7-3-1 12-7-1-0 14-9-0-0 12-9-1-0
7-11-5-0 8-9-4-2 6-10-2-1 8-14-0-2 6-11-1-1 5-14-3-0
2-6-2-0 5-3-1-1 6-2-1-1 5-4-0-1 5-5-0-0 3-5-2-0
L-5 L-1 W-1 W-1 W-1 L-3
Note: winning team is credited with 2 points and a victory in the W column; a team losing in overtime or shootout receives 1 point in the respective OTL or SOL column. 7KXUVGD\¡V UHVXOWV Chicago 2 Montreal 1 Winnipeg 5 Nashville 4 (OT) Colorado 3 New Jersey 0 Carolina 4 St. Louis 1 NY Islanders 3 NY Rangers 1 Washington 4 Vancouver 1 Detroit 3 Arizona 2 (OT) Edmonton at San Jose :HGQHVGD\¡V UHVXOWV Columbus 3 Toronto 1 Philadelphia 3 Boston 2 Calgary 6 Florida 0 Anaheim 4 Ottawa 1 )ULGD\¡V JDPHV Chicago at Toronto, 7 p.m.
Vancouver at Carolina, 7 p.m. Boston at Buffalo, 7 p.m. Pittsburgh at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. Winnipeg at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Dallas at Anaheim, 10 p.m. 6DWXUGD\¡V JDPHV NY Rangers at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. New Jersey at Arizona, 2 p.m. Ottawa at Los Angeles, 4 p.m. Colorado at Columbus, 7 p.m. Montreal at St. Louis, 7 p.m. Washington at Buffalo, 7 p.m. Toronto at Boston, 7 p.m. Minnesota at Nashville, 8 p.m. Calgary at Edmonton, 10 p.m. Dallas at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.
First Period 1. Chicago, Toews 17 (Shaw, Keith) 8:26. 2. Montreal, Byron 8 (Desharnais, Subban) 10:36. 3. Chicago, Garbutt 2 (Rozsival, Panik) 12:56. 3HQDOW\â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Desharnais Mtl (hooking) 4:20. 6HFRQG 3HULRG Âł No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; None. 7KLUG 3HULRG Âł No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hjalmarsson Chi (interference) 5:04. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Chicago 12 11 10â&#x20AC;&#x201D;33 Montreal 11 12 16â&#x20AC;&#x201D;39 *RDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Chicago: Crawford (W, 25-10-2); Mtl: Condon (L, 12-11-3). 3RZHU SOD\V (goal-chances) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Chi: 0-1; Montreal: 0-1. $WWHQGDQFH â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 21,288 at Montreal.
First Period 1. Nashville, Fiala 1 (Johansen, Rinne) :59. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ellis Nash (boarding) 1:14, Jackman Nash (interference) 4:18. 6HFRQG 3HULRG 2. Winnipeg, Byfuglien 10 (Ladd, Trouba) 6:32. 3. Winnipeg, Little 15 (Wheeler, Perreault) 9:02 (pp). 4. Winnipeg, Byfuglien 11, 14:07. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Stuart Wpg, Gaustad Nash Ă&#x20AC;JKWLQJ 1HDO 1DVK LQWHUIHUHQFH 8:00; Josi Nash (cross-checking) 14:37; Thorburn Wpg (holding) 17:08; Gaustad Nash (boarding) 20:00. Third Period 5. Winnipeg, Ehlers 8 (Ladd, Chiarot) 5:58. 6. Nashville, Johansen 8 (Neal, Weber) 9:01 (pp). 7. Nashville, Nystrom 6 (Ellis) 11:53. 8. Nashville, Neal 16 (Johansen, Gaustad) 19:46. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Trouba Wpg (slashing) 8:14; Neal Nash (hooking), Armia Wpg (embellishment) 13:18; Neal Nash (embellishment), Trouba Wpg (interference) 16:01; Wheeler Wpg (hooking), Johansen Nash (unsportsmanlike conduct) 16:22. Overtime 9. Wpg, Wheeler 12 (Little, Ladd) :51. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; None. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Nashville 9 12 14 0 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;35 Winnipeg 9 8 6 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;24 *RDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Nashville: Rinne (LO, 16-14-7); Winnipeg: Hellebuyck (W, 10-6-1). 3RZHU SOD\V (goal-chances) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Nashville: 1-2; Winnipeg: 1-5. $WWHQGDQFH â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 15,294 at Winnipeg.
AVALANCHE 3, DEVILS 0 First Period 1. Colorado, Duchene 22 (Holden, Landeskog) :51. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Landeskog Col (holding) 10:01; Kennedy NJ (hooking) 15:49; Bigras Col (hooking) 19:00. 6HFRQG 3HULRG 2. Colorado, Barrie 8 (MacKinnon, Tanguay) 7:55 (sh). 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Holden Col (holding) 5:56. Third Period 3. Colorado, Soderberg 8, 19:32 (en). 3HQDOW\ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Gragnani NJ (tripping) 14:37. 6KRWV RQ JRDO New Jersey 5 8 14 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;27 Colorado 8 11 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;26 *RDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; New Jersey: Schneider (L, 1814-5); Colorado: Pickard (W, 2-0-0). 3RZHU SOD\V (goal-chances) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; New Jersey: 0-3; Colorado: 0-2. $WWHQGDQFH â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 15,636 at Colorado.
)LUVW 3HULRG Âł No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; McIlrath NYR, Martin NYI (roughing), Clutterbuck NYI (interference) 4:59; Moore NYR (holding) 19:28. 6HFRQG 3HULRG 1. NYR, Staal 2 (Hayes, Kreider) 19:14. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; NYI Bench (too many men) 2:41; McIlrath NYR, Martin NYI (unsportsmanlike conduct) 19:58. Third Period 2. NY Islanders, Nelson 18 (Pelech) 1:53. 3. NY Islanders, Leddy 2 (Tavares, Okposo) 4:17 (pp). 4. NY Islanders, Okposo 11, 19:58 (en). 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; McIlrath NYR (roughing) 3:23; Okposo NYI (hooking) 4:46. 6KRWV RQ JRDO NY Rangers 14 13 7â&#x20AC;&#x201D;34 NY Islanders 10 12 10â&#x20AC;&#x201D;32 *RDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; NYR: Lundqvist (L, 19-12-4); NYI: Halak (W, 11-8-3). 3RZHU SOD\V (goal-chances) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; NYR: 0-3; NYI: 1-2. $WWHQGDQFH â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 15,795 at NY Islanders.
CAPITALS 4, CANUCKS 1 )LUVW 3HULRG Âł No Scoring. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; None. 6HFRQG 3HULRG 1. Wash, Kuznetsov 14 (Orlov) 6:12. 2. Washington, Alzner 3 (Burakovsky, Williams) 12:03. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Edler Vcr (trip) 3:59; Vey Vcr (high-stick) 8:20; Backstrom Wash (interference), Edler Vcr (embellishment) 8:31; Backstrom Wash (hooking) 16:15. Third Period 3. Washington, Wilson 4 (Kuznetsov, Burakovsky) 1:37. 4. Vancouver, Vrbata 11 (Horvat, H. Sedin) 11:09 (pp). 5. Washington, Kuznetsov 15 (unassisted) 19:58 (en). 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Johansson Wash (holding) 9:10; Laich Wash (high-sticking) 9:55. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Vancouver 8 14 8â&#x20AC;&#x201D;30 Washington 13 15 12â&#x20AC;&#x201D;40 *RDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Vancouver: Miller (L, 10-12-6); Wash: Holtby (W, 28-4-2). 3RZHU SOD\V (goal-chances) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Van: 1-3; Wash: 0-2. $WWHQGDQFH â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 18,605 at Washington.
:,1*6 &2<27(6 27
)LUVW 3HULRG Âł No Scoring. 3HQDOW\ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Jurco Det (high-stick) 18:36. 6HFRQG 3HULRG 1. Arizona, Ekman-Larsson 13 (Martinook, Richardson) 4:51. 2. Arizona, Doan 16 (Rieder, Boedker) 18:50 (pp). 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Vermette Ariz (roughing) 8:46; Larkin Det (interference), Rieder Ariz (embellishment) 10:25; Abdelkader Det (trip) 14:09; Datsyuk Det (hooking) 17:49. Third Period 3. Det, Datsyuk 6 (Green, Nyquist) 11:50 (pp). 4. Detroit, Nyquist 13 (Datsyuk, Green) 14:20 (pp). 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Vermette Ariz (hooking) 10:51; Duclair Ariz (hooking) 13:05. Overtime 5. Det, DeKeyser 4 (Larkin, Datsyuk) 2:08. 3HQDOWLHV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; None. 6KRWV RQ JRDO Detroit 5 11 8 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;25 Arizona 12 8 7 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;29 *RDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Det: Mrazek (W, 16-8-3); Ariz: Domingue (LO, 7-2-3). 3RZHU SOD\V (goal-chances) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Det: 2-3; Arizona: 1-3. $WWHQGDQFH â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 12,014 at Arizona.
(seedings in parentheses) 6DWXUGD\ V JDPHV
Cleveland Toronto Chicago Atlanta Indiana Miami Detroit Orlando Boston New York Washington Charlotte Milwaukee Brooklyn Philadelphia
27 25 23 23 22 22 21 20 20 20 18 18 16 11 4
10 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 21 19 20 25 28 37
.730 .625 .605 .590 .564 .564 .538 .513 .513 .488 .486 .474 .390 .282 .098
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 31/2 41/2 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 91/2 13 17 25
Brandon Prince Albert Moose Jaw Regina Saskatoon Swift Current
GP W 42 26 43 25 43 22 44 19 43 16 43 12
L OL SOL GF GA Pt 12 2 2 162 126 56 14 3 1 145 136 54 15 5 1 149 136 50 19 3 3 140 158 44 24 3 0 131 181 35 26 4 1 101 144 29
AFC Kansas City (5) at New England (2), 4:35 p.m.
NFC Green Bay (5) at Arizona (2), 8:15 p.m. 6XQGD\ V JDPHV
Seattle (6) at Carolina (1), 1:05 p.m.
GP W Lethbridge 43 31 Red Deer 44 29 Calgary 44 26 Edmonton 43 17 Medicine Hat 42 16 Kootenay 44 8
L OL SOL GF GA Pt 12 0 0 187 128 62 13 1 1 167 128 60 16 1 1 146 137 54 21 5 0 119 140 39 22 3 1 138 166 36 33 3 0 89 187 19
WESTERN CONFERENCE GP W 42 29 44 25 44 26 42 21 43 17
L OL 10 3 15 1 16 1 14 4 21 3
SL 0 3 1 3 2
GF GA 154 121 146 111 147 128 147 129 130 149
Pt 61 54 54 49 39
L OL 12 2 15 3 17 3 19 2 23 2
SL 2 0 2 0 0
GF GA 111 89 130 120 141 144 142 135 133 162
Pt 52 49 45 44 36
U.S. DIVISION Everett Seattle Spokane Portland Tri-City
GP W 40 24 41 23 42 20 42 21 42 17
Note: Division leaders ranked in top 2 positions per conference regardless of points; a team winning in overtime or shootout gets 2 points & a victory in W column; team losing in overtime or shootout gets 1 pt. in OTL or SOL columns :HGQHVGD\¡V UHVXOWV Lethbridge 5 Swift Current 2 Red Deer 1 Moose Jaw 0 (OT) Medicine Hat 6 Kamloops 5 (SO) Prince Albert 3 Edmonton 1 Portland 4 Regina 1 Seattle 4 Prince George 0 Spokane 9 Saskatoon 2 )ULGD\¡V JDPHV $OO WLPHV /RFDO Calgary at Swift Current, 6 p.m. Red Deer at Brandon, 6:30 p.m. Kamloops at Lethbridge, 7 p.m. Prince Albert at Kootenay, 7 p.m. Edmonton at Medicine Hat, 7:30 p.m. Saskatoon at Tri-City, 8:05 p.m. Kelowna at Victoria, 8:05 p.m. Portland at Spokane, 8:05 p.m. Everett at Vancouver, 8:30 p.m. Regina at Seattle, 8:35 p.m.
BCHL INTERIOR DIVISION Penticton Salmon Arm West Kelowna Trail Vernon Merritt
GP W 41 35 38 24 41 24 42 18 43 17 42 14
L 5 10 15 23 23 25
T OL GF GA Pt 1 0 174 83 71 2 2 156 107 52 0 2 159 140 50 0 1 123 164 37 0 3 170 149 37 0 3 144 182 31
L 14 15 17 20 22
T OL GF GA Pt 0 1 169 135 55 2 3 142 171 47 0 2 143 118 46 0 4 119 116 38 2 3 110 156 33
ISLAND DIVISION GP W Nanaimo 42 27 Cowichan Vally 41 21 Powell River 41 22 Victoria 41 17 Alberni Valley 41 14
MAINLAND DIVISION Chilliwack Wenatchee Langley Coquitlam Prince George Surrey
GP W 40 27 40 23 40 22 41 18 43 11 39 6
L 8 12 17 18 29 31
CONFERENCE FINALS 6XQGD\ -DQ AFC â&#x20AC;&#x201D; At Highest Seed, 3:05 p.m. NFC â&#x20AC;&#x201D; At Highest Seed, 6:40 p.m.
352 %2:/ 6XQGD\ -DQ $W +RQROXOX Team Rice vs. Team Irvin, 7 p.m.
B.C. DIVISION Kelowna Victoria Prince George Kamloops Vancouver
Pittsburgh (6) at Denver (1), 4:30 p.m.
T OL GF GA Pt 1 4 162 95 59 3 2 131 99 51 1 0 149 128 45 1 4 137 158 41 1 2 99 187 25 2 0 99 198 14
7KXUVGD\¡V UHVXOW Prince George 2 Trail 0 :HGQHVGD\¡V UHVXOW Penticton 6 Wenatchee 1 )ULGD\¡V JDPHV $OO WLPHV /RFDO Langley at Coquitlam, 7 p.m. Alberni Valley at Cowichan Valley, 7 p.m. Victoria at Prince George, 7 p.m. Vernon at Salmon Arm, 7 p.m. Powell River at Surrey, 7 p.m. Trail at West Kelowna, 7 p.m. Nanaimo at Wenatchee, 7:05 p.m. Penticton at Merritt, 7:30 p.m. 6DWXUGD\¡V JDPHV Nanaimo at Langley, 6 p.m. Powell River at Penticton, 6 p.m. Cowichan Valley at Alberni Valley, 7 p.m. Victoria at Chilliwack, 7 p.m. West Kelowna at Salmon Arm, 7 p.m. Merritt at Wenatchee, 7:05 p.m.
683(5 %2:/ 6XQGD\ )HE $W 6DQWD &ODUD &DOLI AFC vs. NFC Champions, 6:30 p.m.
($67 :(67 6+5,1( &/$66,& $W 6W 3HWHUVEXUJ )OD East vs. West, 4 p.m.
1)/3$ &2//(*,$7( %2:/ $W &DUVRQ &DOLI National vs. American, 6 p.m. 6DWXUGD\ -DQ
6(1,25 %2:/ $W 0RELOH $OD North vs. South, 2:30 p.m.
TENNIS ATP-WTA APIA INTERNATIONAL $W 6\GQH\ $XVWUDOLD 0HQ V 6LQJOHV Âł 4XDUWHU Ă&#x20AC;QDOV Viktor Troicki (3), Serbia, vs. Nicholas Mahut, France, 2-2, susp., rain. Grigor Dimitrov (4), Bulgaria, leads Alexandr Dolgopolov (8), Ukraine, 4-6, 6-3, 4-2, susp. Gilles Muller, Luxem., leads Jeremy Chardy (6), France, 7-6 (5), susp., rain. 6LQJOHV Âł 6HPLĂ&#x20AC;QDOV Simona Halep (1), Rom., leads Svetlana Kuznetsova, Russia, 5-4, susp., rain. Monica Puig, Puerto Rico, leads Belinda Bencic (8), Switz., 4-0, susp., rain.
AUSTRALIAN OPEN 48$/,)<,1* $W 0HOERXUQH $XVWUDOLD :RPHQ V 6LQJOHV Âł )LUVW 5RXQG Kristina Kucova, Slovakia, def. $OHNVDQGUD :R]QLDN %ODLQYLOOH 4XH , 6-3, 6-3. Elise Mertens, Belgium, def. +HLGL (O 7DEDNK 7RURQWR, 7-5, 6-2.
LEAGUE OFFICE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Josh Alkin vice-president, government relations.
AMERICAN LEAGUE BOSTON RED SOX â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Greg Norton minor league hitting co-ordinator; %LOO\ 0F0LOORQ PLQRU OHDJXH RXWĂ&#x20AC;HOG DQG baserunning co-ordinator; Edgar Barreto strength and conditioning co-ordinator; Kirby Retzer strength and conditioning coach for Pawtucket (IL); Carlos Febles manager and Jon Nunnally hitting coach, Eric Velazquez trainer and Chris Messina strength and conditioning coach for Portland (EL); Joe Oliver manager, Nelson Paulino hitting coach and Nick Kuchwara trainer for Salem (Carolina); Lee May Jr. hitting coach for Greenville (SAL); Iggy Suarez manager, Wilton Veras hitting coach and Scott Gallon trainer for Lowell (NYP); Ben Chadwick strength and conditioning coach for the GCL Red Sox; Carlos Adolfo hitting coach, Aquilino Lopez pitching coach and Carlos Sequera and Leonel Vasquez coaching assistants for DSL Red Sox 1; and Ozzie Chavez hitting coach for the DSL Red Sox 2. Promoted Brandon Henry to minor league athletic training co-ordinator, David Herrera to Latin America medical co-ordinator. TEXAS RANGERS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Agreed to terms with INF Jurickson Profar on a 1-year contract.
NATIONAL LEAGUE ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Designated RHP Matt Stites for assignment. LOS ANGELES DODGERS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Bill Haselman manager, Matt Herges pitching coach and Shawn Wooten hitting coach for Oklahoma City (PCL), Ryan Garko manager for Tulsa (Texas), Drew Saylor manager for Rancho Cucamonga (Cal), Gil Velazquez for Great Lakes (MWL), Shaun Larkin manager for Ogden (Pioneer) and John Shoemaker manager for the Arizona League Dodgers. MILWAUKEE BREWERS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Assigned C Josmil Pinto outright to Colorado Springs (PCL). SAN DIEGO PADRES â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Agreed to terms with RHP Carlos Villanueva on a 1-year contract. Selected the contract of LHP Ryan Buchter to the 40-man roster. Granted RHP Marcos Mateo his release so he can play in Japan next season. Named Rod Barajas manager of El Paso (PCL), Phil Wellman manager, Johnny Washington hitting coach and Dan Byrne strength coach of San Antonio (TL), Francisco Morales manager and Mike McCoy coach of Lake Elsinore (Cal), Anthony Contreras manager, Raul Padron coach, Mitch Mattoon trainer and Drew Heithoff strength coach of Fort Wayne (MWL), Brandon Wood manager, Oscar Bernard hitting coach and Vinny Lopez coach of Tri-City (NWL), Michael Collins manager, Doug Banks hitting coach and Pete Zamora pitching coach of the AZL Padres and Nelson Cruz pitching coach and Dan Hayes strength coach of the DSL Padres.
ATP $6% &/$66,& $W $XFNODQG 1HZ =HDODQG 6LQJOHV Âł 4XDUWHU Ă&#x20AC;QDOV David Ferrer (1), Spain, def. Lukas Rosol, Czech Rep., 6-3, 6-4. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (2), France, def. Fabio Fognini (6), Italy, 7-5, 7-6 (4). Roberto Bautista Agut (8), Spain, def. John Isner (3), U.S., 7-5, 2-6, 6-3. Jack Sock, U.S., def. Kevin Anderson (4), South Africa, 1-6, 6-4, 6-4.
WTA +2%$57 ,17(51$7,21$/ $W +REDUW $XVWUDOLD 6LQJOHV Âł 6HFRQG 5RXQG Heather Watson, Britain, def. Monica Niculescu (4), Rom., 6-7 (3), 6-2, 7-6 (3). 6LQJOHV Âł 4XDUWHU Ă&#x20AC;QDOV (XJHQLH %RXFKDUG :HVWPRXQW 4XH , def. Camila Giorgi (2), Ita., 6-3, 6-2. Dominika Cibulkova (3), Slovakia, def. Kiki Bertens, Netherlands, 7-5, 6-3. Alize Cornet (7), France, def. Mona Barthel (9), Germany, walkover. Johanna Larsson, Sweden, def. Heather Watson, Britain, 3-6, 6-4, 6-4.
Golden State San Antonio Oklahoma City L.A. Clippers Dallas Memphis Houston Utah Portland Sacramento Denver Phoenix New Orleans Minnesota L.A. Lakers
36 35 28 26 22 22 21 17 17 16 15 13 12 12 9
3 6 12 13 18 19 19 22 24 23 24 27 26 28 31
.923 .854 .700 .667 .550 .537 .525 .436 .415 .410 .385 .325 .316 .300 .225
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 2 81/2 10 141/2 15 151/2 19 20 20 21 231/2 231/2 241/2 271/2
7KXUVGD\¡V UHVXOWV Toronto 106 Orlando 103 (OT) Memphis 103 Detroit 101 Chicago 115 Philadelphia 111 (OT) San Antonio 99 Cleveland 95 Sacramento 103 Utah 101 L.A. Lakers at Golden State :HGQHVGD\¡V UHVXOWV Washington 106 Milwaukee 101 Charlotte 107 Atlanta 84 Brooklyn 110 New York 104 Houston 107 Minnesota 104 Oklahoma City 108 Dallas 89 Boston 103 Indiana 94 Denver 112 Golden State 110 New Orleans 109 Sacramento 97 Portland 99 Utah 85 L.A. Clippers 104 Miami 90 )ULGD\¡V JDPHV Minnesota at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m. Washington at Indiana, 7 p.m. Portland at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m. Phoenix at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Dallas at Chicago, 8 p.m. Charlotte at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Atlanta at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. Miami at Denver, 9 p.m. Cleveland at Houston, 9:30 p.m. 6DWXUGD\¡V JDPHV Milwaukee at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Portland at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Golden State at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Boston at Washington, 7:30 p.m. Brooklyn at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. New York at Memphis, 8 p.m. L.A. Lakers at Utah, 9 p.m. Sacramento at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. 6XQGD\ V JDPHV Phoenix at Minnesota, 3:30 p.m. Miami at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m. Dallas at San Antonio, 7 p.m. Indiana at Denver, 8 p.m. Houston at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m.
EDMONTON ESKIMOS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Mike Benevides assistant head coach/defensive co-ordinator.
INDIANAPOLIS COLTS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Jim Herrmann linebackers coach and Darren Krein strength and conditioning coach. Announced offensive line coach Hal Hunter will not be retained. MINNESOTA VIKINGS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Tony Sparano offensive line coach. NEW YORK GIANTS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Ben McAdoo coach. SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Named Chip Kelly coach.
HOCKEY NHL LEAGUE OFFICE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fined New Jersey F Jordin Tootoo $2,000 for diving/embellishment. NASHVILLE PREDATORS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Assigned F Cody Hodgson to Milwaukee (AHL). Acquired D Patrick Mullen from Ottawa for D Conor Allen. NEW JERSEY DEVILS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Activated F Tuomo Ruutu off injured reserve.
EAST DIVISION *3 New England 1 Buffalo 1 Georgia 2 Rochester 2 Toronto 2
: 1 1 1 1 0
/ 3FW 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .500 1 .500 2 .000
*) 17 10 27 26 14
*$ *% 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 23 1/2 23 1/2 24 11/2
: 2 1 0 0
/ 0 0 1 2
*) 32 10 7 17
*$ *% 29 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 8 1/2 17 11/2 20 2
WEST DIVISION *3 Colorado 2 Saskatchewan 1 Vancouver 1 Calgary 2
3FW 1.000 1.000 .000 .000
7KXUVGD\ V UHVXOW Rochester 12 Toronto 7 )ULGD\ V JDPHV Calgary at New England, 7 p.m. Vancouver at Saskatchewan, 8:30 p.m. 6DWXUGD\ V JDPHV Toronto at Rochester, 7:30 p.m. Buffalo at Colorado, 9 p.m. 6XQGD\ V JDPH New England at Georgia, 2:05 p.m.
Lowry scores 24 as Raptors hold on to beat Magic in OT THE CANADIAN PRESS
LONDON, England â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Toronto Raptors are getting used the extra effort on their trans-Atlantic trips. Kyle Lowry scored 24 points, Cory Joseph had 19 and the Raptors won their fourth straight game Thursday, holding off the Orlando Magic 106-103 before a sold-out crowd at Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s O2 Arena.
The last time the Raptors (25-15) visited London, in March, 2011, they lost in triple overtime to the Nets, a see-saw game that saw DeMar DeRozan and former Raptors centre Andrea Bargnani both missed last-second shots. DeRozan had 13 points and 11 rebounds as the Raptors avenged a Nov. 6 loss in Orlando that spoiled Torontoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s franchise-best 5-0 start.
Seven Raptors reached double figures, with Jonas Valanciunas scoring 13, and Bismack Biyombo, Patrick Patterson and Luis Scola each getting 11. Victor Oladipo scored 27 points and Evan Fournier had 21 as Orlando (20-19) lost for the sixth time in seven games. Nikola Vucevic had 17 points and 11 rebounds for the Magic, while
Tobias Harris had 16 points and 11 boards. Canadian Andrew Nicholson came off the bench for the Magic, scoring six points in three minutes. Two free throws by Lowry put Toronto up 105-100 with 43 seconds left in overtime, but Oladipo answered with a three-pointer. After a missed shot by Lowry, he
redeemed himself by stealing the ball from Oladipo and drawing a foul from Harris. Lowry made one of two, making it a three-point game. The game attracted a large number of celebrities, including retired heavyweight boxer Lennox Lewis, Montreal Impact striker Didier Drogba, actor Michael B. Jordan and chef Gordon Ramsey.
CROSSWORD WE’VE GOT THIS ACROSS 1 Key near F1 4 Directed skyward 10 Whitewash, perhaps 14 Presidential nickname 15 Two-dimensional 16 Prefix like pan17 Santa __ winds 18 Auckland’s locale 20 Claim check 22 Atlanta’s Main Street 23 Tries 26 Milne character 27 Was vanquished, à la Bonaparte 34 Vise gripper 35 Rival of Bjorn and Arthur 36 Camera setting 37 First, in a dict. 39 Sales talk 42 Vanished 43 Bandleader’s call 45 Silver-tongued 47 Tijuana twosome 48 Christian pilgrimage center 52 Half of 47 Across 53 Russian known for his dogs 55 Bad-weather protection 61 Nine-Oscar musical 62 Mind reader 65 Playbill bit 66 111, essentially 67 Thirsted 68 YMCA night class 69 Confidential call 70 Unleashes 71 Remain, in product names
DOWN 1 Cyberbucks 2 15th-century flagship 3 Prussian author of On War 4 First Enterprise airer 5 Oslo Accords signer 6 Goldfish or koi 7 Pay (up)
8 Arabic word for “desert” 9 Knit fabric 10 Sam of six-guns 11 Persian poet 12 Elizabeth I’s mother 13 Weather page topic 19 Pumps, for instance 21 Cricket implement 24 Telephone trio 25 “Essential” liquids 28 Flavor check 29 Consider carefully 30 D&D, e.g.
/ / 31 French opera composer 32 Port authority 33 Neruda works 34 Doe that’s unknown 38 Diamond Grading System org. 40 Bulldog booster 41 Trait of baby talk 44 Surpass 46 Grille cover 49 Last word 50 Overdone 51 Nothing special: Abbr. 54 Orchestra member 55 Break off 56 Bills due for a redesign 57 Castilian kudos 58 Place for a chin on a 54 Down 59 Wailer’s words 60 Makes unfair 63 Get the picture 64 Buccaneers’ successes
7 p.m. Acoustic Tribute to Radiohead. Dinghy Dock Pub. Tickets $20 in advance from the artists, The Dinghy Dock Pub, or ticketzone.com.
7 p.m. Harbour City Newcomers Club.. Oliver Woods Community Centre, 6000 Oliver Road. A social network, friendship, and new opportunities for all individuals (male, female, singles, couples) who are new to Nanaimo or who have had a recent change in circumstances in a casual and supportive environment. More information: Rick Salcak , rsalcak@gmail.com.
7 p.m. Tora Leigh at the Longwood Brew Pub.
7-9 p.m. Country Idol at the Queen’s Hotel. Final show Feb.10. Singers 15 and up complete for $500 and a vocal appearance with George Canyon on Feb. 10.
7 p.m. Sunshine and Whiskey, Mark Bunt, Live At Longwood A free live concert series every Thursday at Longwood Brew Pub, 5775 Turner Rd., Nanaimo.
7 p.m. Open Mic Acoustic night with Dave Marco at Smoke‘n’Water Restaurant, Pacific Shores Resort, 1-1600 Stroulger Rd., Parksville
8 p.m. Bon Red (Bon Scott’s AC/DC tribute) and Sister Sabbath(female Black Sabbath tribute band), at the Queen’s, 34 Victoria cres., Nanaimo, Tickets are $18 advance, $25 at the door and on sale now at ticketzone.com.
SATURDAY, JAN. 16 7 p.m. JP Maurice, Towers and trees West Coast: album release tour At the Queen’s, 34 Victoria cres., Nanaimo. Tickets $12.
FRIDAY, JAN. 22 7:30-10 p.m. Black-Lister-McRae Trio,jazz-improv at the Nanaimo Conservatory, 375 Selby St., . Tickets $20 general, $10 students. Advance tickets at Fascinating Rhythm, 51 Commercial St. 250-716-9997.
TUESDAY, JAN. 19 SUNDAY, JAN. 17 1-4 p.m. Raffi at the Port Theatre. Meet and Greet Tickets $65, regular tickets $37.50, upper Balcony $27.50. Concert is best suited for children old enough to talk, sing or clap along.
SATURDAY, JAN. 23 7-9 p.m. Country Idol at the Queen’s Hotel. Singers 15 and up complete for $500 and a vocal appearance with George Canyon.
7:30 p.m. Vancouver Island Symphony presents music and visual arts. Tickets $18$59, eyego $5 at www.Porttheatre.Com. 250-754-8550.
7 p.m. On The Dock with Cory Frisenhan, Brandon Stone, Christina Lemmon at Dinghy Dock Pub. Tickets $20 in advance or from the artists, Dinghy Dock Pub, or online at ticketzone.com.
HOROSCOPE by Jacqueline Bigar ARIES (March 21-April 19) You have an element of conservative practicality running through your plans and actions. Others could be taken aback by your new stance. You are full of energy, and are willing to take a leap of faith. Your impulsiveness seems to be in check. Tonight: Dance the night away! TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You might want to be in charge, but the smart decision would be to let someone else have the final say. You could be far too worried about the ramifications. A conversation with a partner will help you zero in on what you want. Tonight: Keep it relaxed and quiet at home. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Zero in on what you want. Don’t be too tough on a special person in your life. You’ll be heard, as long as you don’t become too crazy. Listen to someone who is very controlling and difficult. You can’t bypass this person, as much as you might want to. Tonight: Where the action is. CANCER (June 21-July 22) You could be off-kilter and trying to get past a problem. You might not feel up to snuff, but you have to deal with some issues. A sense of having too much ground to cover is very likely to weigh you down. Understand what is motivating you right now. Tonight: A must appearance. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Reach out to someone at a distance. You might feel as if there is a problem with a creative process. You will wonder which direction it is best
to head in. Someone could be pushing you down a certain path. There is a lot of tension around you. Tonight: Initiate the weekend properly. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You could be on top of a personal matter and might want some time with a family member. Still, a conversation is necessary, and this person might be holding you back. Understand what is happening around a key relationship. You need the other party’s support. Tonight: Make nice. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Defer to others, and stay in touch with what you want. Be willing to discuss an issue with someone, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Once you get past a problem, you’ll feel more in sync with this person. Make exciting plans for the weekend. Tonight: Hang out with your pals. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Pace yourself, and take your time with a financial matter. Listen to what is suggested, and know it is coming down the pike. Listen to news more openly, and be willing to pitch in. You could be overtired and not make the most appropriate judgments. Tonight: Put up your feet. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You could be overly serious and determined. Tap into your creativity, and you will fly past a problem quickly and with efficiency. Be careful with your spending, and don’t allow a pressured situation to get the best of you. Tonight: Get into weekend mode quickly! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You can push and prod as much as you want, but you won’t get as
far as you would like to. A difficult situation is likely to emerge if you keep pressuring yourself. Instead, make the most of the moment. You might need some time away from others. Tonight: Head home for a nap. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You could be in a position where you can’t seem to satisfy a friend or get an issue resolved. You are likely to try different approaches to the same issue. Be more forthright in your dealings with others. Don’t take anything too seriously. Tonight: Hightail it out the door. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Be aware of the importance of handling your finances a certain way. Think in terms of making a change that might feel somewhat difficult or unpleasant, at best. Consider your options with an eye to lightening the mood. A parent or boss could be touchy. Tonight: Indulge a little. YOUR BIRTHDAY (Jan. 15) This year you will want to steer a steadier course than you have in the past. Often, you don’t have the right words to describe various issues and solutions. Take your time, because what you have to share is valuable. If you are single, romance knocks on your door and could become a dominant factor this year. The romantic relationship that evolves will be memorable and significant to your life’s history. If you are attached, the two of you enjoy each other much more than you do any other person. You also might be eyeing a major change in your domestic life. ARIES can be unusually pushy with you.
Difficulty Level
$31.20 +$0.72
Dow Jones
Barrel of oil
16,379.05 +227.64
Canadian Dollar The Canadian dollar traded Thursday afternoon at 69.63 cents US, down 0.08 of a cent from Wednestday’s close. The Pound Sterling was worth $2.0698, down 0.08 of a cent, while the Euro was worth $1.5604, down 0.07 of a cent.
4,615.00 +88.94
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Harbourview Volkswagen
12,336.03 +165.62
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112 French St
250-245-5553 Brent Beadle
Mabel Marriott
May 26, 1912 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; January 9, 2016 Mabel passed away quietly in the early morning at home with her daughter and son-in-law at her side. She was predeceased by her son, Richard; her brothers, Charley and Stan; and her parents, Harry and Edith. She leaves behind her daughter, Pat; husband, Duane Partee; daughter-in-law, Betty Marriott; seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren, as well as many nieces and nephews. Mabel was born in New Westminster, BC. Over her lifetime, she lived in BC, Washington, Missouri, and California. She had a gift for crafting, which included applying fabric to WWII aircraft and helping develop early life preservers for pilots, designing signs for a department store, working as director of crafts for a retirement home and the former Narco Centre in Nanaimo, and creating many gifts for family and friends. Her friendly greetings, warm smile, and cheerful laughter made her a friend to all who met her. She had a talent for wit and humour, making wise cracks that made everyone laugh. She was gentle, generous, and kind â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a wonderful mother, grandparent, and friend. Family Celebration of Life will be held in the early spring. Sands - Nanaimo
HEALTHCARE DOCUMENTATION Specialists in huge demand. Employers prefer CanScribe graduates. A great work-from-home career! Contact us now to start your training day. www.canscribe.com. 1-800-466-1535 or email to: info@canscribe.com. START A new career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765
HELP WANTED FULL TIME legal assistant required. Reply in conďŹ dence to Johnston Franklin Bishop. email: ch@jfblaw.ca Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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Legal Assistant
Heath Law LLP requires a full time Legal Assistant with a minimum of three yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience in the area of Litigation.
Please forward your resume to Chuck Blanaru via email: cblanaru@ nanaimolaw.com
Martin, Norman
February 8th, 1923 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; January 9th, 2016
St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican Church
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com
Nanaimo, BC is currently seeking a part-time organist /pianist and choir director to lead Sunday Morning worship and Evening Prayer. Applications will be received for a combined position or two separate positions (Choir Director and Organist/Pianist). The parish has a Casavant Pipe Organ and a Kawai Grand Piano. Details from Ven. Brian Evans email: bevans@bc.anglican.ca
INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 1250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: r.gallen@shaw.ca C- 250-938-1944 THE CRA now has A DUTY OF CARE and is ACCOUNTABLE to CANADIAN TAX PAYERS.
The City of Nanaimo has the following position available: WATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR (Competition 16-04) For detailed information on this posting, please visit our website at www.nanaimo.ca. VENDING MACHINE ATTENDANT Part-time, perfect for a retired/semi-retired person in good health to handle vending machine at Woodgrove Centre. Some computer experience is needed. This is a 1 hr per week job. Call weekdays at: 1.800.663.6661 Fax 514.342.0750 george@autophoto.ca or jeff@autophoto.ca
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Licensed Practical Nurse We are currently seeking a casual LPN. Experience in dementia care an asset. For more information on this job posting visit: www.nanaimo travellerslodge.com
To Apply E-mail: gladys.vandenbrink@ nantralodge.bc.ca
Passed away peacefully in his sleep at home. Predeceased by his wife, Lola and sister, Pauline. Survived by his children Richard (Eleanore), and Laurie; grandchildren, Cameron (Judy), Karen, Brianna and Amber; nieces and nephews. Thank You to Dr. Lisinski and Home Support. An Open House will be held Sunday January 24th at 527 Louise Road, Ladysmith between 1:00 & 4:00 p.m.
PLUMBING FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
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Protesters in jumpsuits depicting Guantanamo Bay detainees participate in a rally outside the White House in Washington on Monday. [AP PHOTO]
The Cowichan Valley Regional District is accepting applications from interested persons wishing to serve as a member of the Community Safety Advisory Commission for a term ending December 2018. There are currently two (2) openings on the Commission, at least one of which will be a youth, 25 years old or younger, including secondary students. The Commission advises the Board on community safety issues of regional, sub-regional and interagency importance. The Commission has a leading role in providing advice and support to safer communitiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; initiatives across the region. Persons interested in volunteering their time to sit as a member of the Commission should submit a letter of application to Joe Barry, Corporate Secretary, Cowichan Valley Regional District, 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC V9L 1N8 by mail or by email to jbarry@cvrd.bc.ca. Additional information may be obtained by calling the Corporate Secretary at (250) 746-2506 or toll free at 1-800-665-3955. The following information is requested in the letter of application: name, address, postal code, home and/or business telephone number, email address, history of community involvement, other relevant history, technical or special expertise, and reasons for seeking appointment. Applications are to be submitted by 8:30 am on Monday, February 1, 2016.
Teacher of students in French Alps avalanche questioned by police PARIS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; A French prosecutor says the teacher who accompanied high school students swept away by a deadly avalanche in the French Alps is suspected of involuntary manslaughter. Prosecutor Jean-Yves Coquillat in the eastern city of Grenoble, near the Alps, said the teacher is being questioned by police at a local hospital where he is treated for injuries from the avalanche. According to initial reports by witnesses, the students were skiing on a ski slope that had been closed since the beginning of the season due to lack
On Site Owners Who Care!
Community Safety Advisory Commission Applications for Membership
of snow. The ski slope was closed by a 50-meter long (164 feet) and one-meter high (3.2 feet) net with advisory in different languages, and the group deliberately stepped over it to access the slope, Coquillat said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is not inattention,â&#x20AC;? the prosecutor said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is in full knowledge that the group moved into this place and this closed slope.â&#x20AC;? Three people were killed at the DeuxAlpes ski resort Wednesday. Two were among the group of 10 French high school students who were skiing with their sports teacher and the third was believed to be a Ukrainian skier.
Fewer than 100 remain in Guantanamo prison Transfer of 10 prisoners to Oman a step in closing the facility BEN FOX THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
MIAMI â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ten prisoners from Yemen who were held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been released and sent to the Middle Eastern nation of Oman for resettlement, officials said Thursday, portraying it as a significant milestone in the long-stalled effort to shutter the detention centre. The release, among the largest on a single day under President Barack Obama, puts the prison population below 100 for the first time since shortly after it opened in January 2002 to hold men suspected of links to al-Qaida and the Taliban. There are now 93 still held. Lee Wolosky, the State Departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s special envoy for Guantanamo Closure, said the U.S. expects to transfer the remaining prisoners who are cleared to leave, about a third of the total, by summer. Guantanamo held nearly 680 prisoners at its peak in 2003 and about 245 when Obama took office, pledging to close it as a symbol of overreach in the war against terrorism and a needless propaganda symbol for enemies of the United States. Defence Secretary Ash Carter announced the release of the Yemenis at a change-of-command ceremony in Miami at U.S. Southern Command, which oversees Guantanamo. He said the administration would submit a plan to Congress, where many want to keep the prison open, to move those who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be freed to a facility within the United States. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not everyone in Gitmo can be safely transferred to another country, so we need an alternative,â&#x20AC;? Carter said, using a common
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not everyone in Gitmo can be safely transferred to another country, so we need an alternative.â&#x20AC;? Ash Carter, U.S. Defence Secretary
abbreviated name for the base on the southeastern edge of Cuba. A White House official confirmed that Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national security team recently received a new version of the plan and was making final revisions. Marine Gen. John F. Kelly, who turned over leadership of Southern Command to Navy Vice Adm. Kurt W. Tidd at Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ceremony, said before the event that the military would still need a place to hold captured detainees indefinitely, but he conceded that as the population dwindles, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Guantanamo will probably close sooner rather than later.â&#x20AC;? The 10 men who left Guantanamo late Tuesday were among several dozen from Yemen who could not be sent back to their homeland, which is embroiled in a civil war. All were deemed low-level enemy combatants and cleared for transfer since at least 2010. The prisoners included one who was 17 when captured and another who the government conceded had only briefly served as a Taliban medic. None were ever charged. David Remes, a lawyer for three of the men, said two, Mukhtar al Warafi and Saeed Hatim, got down on their knees and prayed in December when they learned they would be released. The third, Fahmi Ahmed, at first wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sure
whether to believe it and wanted proof when he got word this week. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The men learned to lower their expectations and indeed to have no expectations so that everything good is a surprise,â&#x20AC;? Remes said in a phone interview from the base. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But this was a joyful surprise.â&#x20AC;? Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a prominent advocate for keeping the detention centre open, criticized the decision to transfer the men to Oman, which borders their homeland along the Arabian Sea. Congress has prohibited the transfer of any Guantanamo detainees to Yemen, as well as to the United States, a law the White House is seeking to change. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Any Obama administration decision to transfer a large number of Yemeni detainees from Guantanamo to Oman would represent a thinly veiled attempt to undercut the will of Congress and would further endanger the American people,â&#x20AC;? Ayotte said. Advocates for closing the prison were cautiously optimistic this latest transfer reflected momentum to shutter the facility. Attorney Brian Foster, whose firm represents 14 Yemenis, including two released this week, said he was at least relieved for those who finally made it out. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s long past time,â&#x20AC;? Foster said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It would have been better for everybody if they had done this a whole lot sooner, but better late than never I guess.â&#x20AC;? The next step, a White House plan to hold detainees in the United States, would be submitted to Congress soon, said National Security Council spokesman Myles Caggins. The Pentagon recently revised an earlier version that was rejected over concerns that cost estimates werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t accurate.
OSCAR TIME â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Revenantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; leads with 12 nominations Page 30
Leonardo DiCaprio in a scene from â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Revenant.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The film was nominated for an Oscar for best picture on Thursday. The 88th annual Academy Awards take place on Feb. 28.
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Nominations set stage for Inarritu, Part Two JAKE COYLE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Coming soon: Oscars: The Sequel. A year after Alejandro Inarritu’s Birdman swept top honours at last year’s Academy Awards, Inarritu will again play a leading role at the Academy Awards with his 1820s revenge thriller The Revenant, which landed a leading 12 nominations Thursday. Other familiar faces are returning, as well, like last year’s best actor winner, Eddie Redmayne (The Danish Girl), Jennifer Lawrence (a record fourth nomination for the 25 yearold for Joy) and mainstay composer John Williams, who notched, staggeringly, his 50th nomination. But absences were also stuck on repeat. A year after coming under withering criticism over a lack of diversity, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences again fielded an all-white group of 20 acting nominees, restoring the trending hashtag “OscarsSoWhite” to prominence. That story line should have
“What is important is that this entire conversation of diversity is here and that we are talking about it.” Cheryl Boone Isaacs, diversity advocate
a new twist this time, though, when Chris Rock — who famously labeled Hollywood “a white industry” — hosts the Feb. 28 ceremony. Other showdowns await, too. In a tumultuous and unpredictable awards season, The Revenant — which also landed nominations for best-actor favourite Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy and Inarritu’s long-take maverick cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki — has emerged as a heavyweight, taking top honours at the Golden Globes and scoring a $38 million debut. “Champagne and mezcal will run
Ex-‘Power Rangers’ actor arrested in stabbing death A former Power Rangers actor has been arrested for allegedly stabbing his roommate to death with a sword at their Southern California home. Thirty-six-year-old Ricardo Medina was arrested Thursday on a charge of
tonight!” said Inarritu in a statement from London. But George Miller’s post-apocalyptic sequel Mad Max: Fury Road followed with 10 nominations, including best picture and best director for Miller. And Ridley Scott’s hit sci-fi epic The Martian landed seven nominations, including best picture and best actor for Matt Damon, but, surprisingly, no best director nod for Scott. Eight out of a possible 10 films were nominated for best picture. Left on the outside were Todd Haynes’ lesbian romance Carol and the N.W.A biopic Straight Outta Compton (which still landed a nod for original screenplay). The miss for Carol meant one usual Oscar heavyweight — Harvey Weinstein — won’t have a horse in the best picture race for the first time since 2008. In front of and behind the camera, diversity remains a widely acknowledged problem for the movie industry, and few films starring and directed by minorities were seen
murder. He’s jailed on $1 million bail. Medina allegedly stabbed Joshua Sutter several times in the abdomen on Jan. 31 of last year at their house in Green Valley, a mountain town north of Los Angeles. City News Service says Medina and Sutter were arguing over Medina’s girlfriend. — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
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as contenders. But many expected Straight Outta Compton to be nominated for best picture, and numerous handicappers had Idris Elba for Beasts of No Nation and Benicio Del Toro for Sicario as likely for best supporting actor. Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, who had led efforts to diversify the academy’s memberships, acknowledged she was “disappointed.” “What is important is that this entire conversation of diversity is here and that we are talking about it,” said Isaacs. “Talking gets to the doing, and we are going to do.” Ryan Coogler’s acclaimed Rocky sequel Creed, starring Michael B. Jordan, was also often cited as one of the year’s best, but it drew only a nomination for Sylvester Stallone reprising his role as Rocky Balboa. “I am incredibly humbled by this honour,” Stallone, first nominated for the role in 1977 for Rocky, wrote in an email. “I was not expecting it . . . especially at this time in my life.”
The best actress field is led by favourite Brie Larson for Room, along with Lawrence, Blanchett (her seventh nod), Saoirse Ronan (Brooklyn) and Charlotte Rampling (45 Years). Nominees for best director shunned not just one filmmaking legend in Scott, but also Spielberg. Instead, Lenny Abrahamson for “Room” was the unexpected addition along with Adam McKay, known best for his broader Will Ferrell comedies, for The Big Short. “It was thrilling,” said McKay, who made a pre-dawn party to watch the nominations. “We were screaming like idiots in the pitch black with the smell of waffles in the room.” For the first time in years, as many as five films — The Martian, Spotlight, The Revenant, Mad Max and The Big Short — will have a legitimate shot at best picture. The odds of an Inarritu repeat, though, are against him. No filmmaker has ever directed back-to-back best picture winners.
COMPLETE LIST OF 88TH ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATONS The Associated Press Best Picture: The Big Short, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant, Room, Spotlight. Actor: Bryan Cranston, Trumbo; Matt Damon, The Martian; Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant; Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs; Eddie Redmayne, The Danish Girl. Actress: Cate Blanchett, Carol; Brie Larson, Room; Jennifer Lawrence, Joy; Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years; Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn. Supporting Actor: Christian Bale, The Big Short; Tom Hardy, The Revenant; Mark Ruffalo, Spotlight; Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies; Sylvester Stallone, Creed. Supporting Actress: Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Hateful Eight; Rooney Mara, Carol; Rachel McAdams, Spotlight; Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl; Kate Winslet, Steve Jobs. Directing: The Big Short, Adam McKay; Mad Max: Fury Road, George Miller; The Revenant, Alejandro G. Inarritu; Room, Lenny Abrahamson; Spotlight, Tom McCarthy. Foreign Language Film: Embrace of the Serpent, Mustang, Son of Saul, Theeb, A War. Adapted Screenplay: The Big Short, Brooklyn, Carol, The Martian, Room. Original Screenplay: Bridge of Spies, Ex Machina, Inside Out, Spotlight, Straight Outta Compton. Animated Feature Film: Anomalisa, Boy and the World, Inside Out, Shaun the Sheep Movie, When Marnie Was There. Production Design: Bridge of Spies, The Danish Girl, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant. Cinematography: Carol, The Hateful Eight, Mad
Jan. 15-21 NORM OF THE NORTH (G) FRI 4:45, 7:00, 10:00; SAT-SUN 12:10, 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 10:00; MON,WED-THURS 6:50, 9:50; TUE 4:35, 6:50, 9:50 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG) FRI 3:15, 6:30; SAT-SUN 12:05, 3:15, 6:30; MON,WED-THURS 6:20; TUE 3:05, 6:20 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG) FRI 4:05, 7:20, 9:40, 10:30; SAT-SUN 12:50, 4:05, 7:20, 9:40, 10:30; MON,WED-THURS 7:10, 9:30, 10:15; TUE 3:55, 7:10, 9:30, 10:15 THE FOREST (14A) FRI 4:50, 7:30, 10:20; SAT-SUN 12:00, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:20; MON,WED-THURS 7:20, 10:10; TUE 4:40, 7:20, 10:10 THE REVENANT (14A) NO PASSES FRI 3:20, 6:50, 9:55; SAT-SUN 11:50, 3:20, 6:50, 9:55; MON,WED-THURS 6:40, 9:45; TUE 3:10, 6:40, 9:45 BROOKLYN (PG) FRI 3:40, 6:40, 9:20; SAT-SUN 1:10, 3:40, 6:40, 9:20; MON,WED-THURS 6:30, 9:10; TUE 3:30, 6:30, 9:10 THE BIG SHORT (14A) FRI 3:55, 7:10, 10:10; SAT-SUN 12:30, 3:55, 7:10, 10:10; MON,WED-THURS 7:00, 10:00; TUE 3:45, 7:00, 10:00 THE HATEFUL EIGHT (18A) FRI 3:00, 6:20, 9:30; SAT-SUN 3:10, 6:20, 9:30; MON 6:10, 9:20; TUE 3:00, 6:10, 9:20; WED-THURS 9:20 THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LES PêCHEURS DE PERLES SAT 9:55 SABRINA SUN 12:55; WED 7:00 AAIC: FLORENCE AND THE UFFIZI GALLERY 3D THURS 7:30 MONKEY UP SAT 11:00
Max: Fury Road, The Revenant, Sicario. Sound Mixing: Bridge of Spies, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Sound Editing: Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant, Sicario, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Original Score: Bridge of Spies, Carol, The Hateful Eight, Sicario, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Original Song: Earned It from Fifty Shades of Grey; Manta Ray from Racing Extinction; Simple Song #3 from Youth; Til It Happens To You from The Hunting Ground; Writing’s on the Wall from Spectre. Costume Design: Carol, Cinderella, The Danish Girl, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant. Documentary Feature: Amy, Cartel Land, The Look of Silence, What Happened, Miss Simone?, Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom. Documentary (short subject): Body Team 12, Chau, Beyond the Lines, Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah, A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness, Last Day of Freedom. Film Editing: The Big Short, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant, Spotlight, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Makeup and Hairstyling: Mad Max: Fury Road, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared, The Revenant. Animated Short Film: Bear Story, Prologue, Sanjay’s Super Team, We Can’t Live Without Cosmos, World of Tomorrow. Live Action Short Film: Ave Maria, Day One, Everything Will Be Okay (Alles Wird Gut), Shok, Stutterer. Visual Effects: Ex Machina, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
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THE DANISH GIRL (PG): 1230 330 630 920 YOUTH (PG): 1250 355 645 935 JOY (PG): 700 955 *THURS NO 700* ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS (G): 120 340 THE GOOD DINOSAUR 2D (G): 1255 350 POINT BREAK 2D (PG): 1000 *THURS NO SHOW POINT BREAK 3D (PG): 720 *THURS NO SHOW SISTERS (14A): 110 400 710 955 DADDY’S HOME (PG): 1240 305 640 910 MOCKINGJAY PART 2 (PG): 1220 320 650 950 *THURS NO 650 950 RIDE ALONG 2 (PG): 130 410 730 1005 ADVANCE SCREENING: THURS JAN 21: 13 HOURS (14A): 720 THE 5TH WAVE (PG): 700 945 BEFORE NOON MOVIES - SATURDAY ALL SEATS $6.00 & 3D $9.00: THE DANISH GIRL: 1025 THE GOOD DINOSAUR: 1015 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS ROAD CHIP: 1000 DADDYS HOME: 1035 RIDE ALONG 2: 1045
Sexual orientation has British actor Alan Rickman dies no impact on fidelity OBITUARY
Kathy Mitchell & Marcy Sugar Annie’s Mailbox Dear Annie: I met my husband in college. He was outgoing, handsome and a star athlete. We now have two beautiful babies and, I thought, a perfect marriage. A month ago, we had dinner with a couple we’ve known for years. One of them said something about “bisexuals,” to which I replied, “There is no such thing. You are either gay or straight.” Everyone looked uncomfortable. The next day, my husband told me said that he is bisexual. He said he’d had a relationship with another man in college before he met me. But he reassured me that I had nothing to worry about because he loves me and has no desire to be with anyone else of either sex. Annie, I wish he’d never told me. I’ve been upset ever since. I believe my husband when he says he is not interested in anyone else, but I have to ask, is there really such a thing as “bisexual”? My sister says that is just what people claim before they come out as gay. And second, how can I trust my husband when he kept this secret from me for so long? Please don’t suggest counselling. My husband says there is nothing to “change” about him, although he says he will go if I insist. But what if we go and then, just like my sister says, this bisexual stuff is all bogus and he decides he is gay? I don’t want to end our marriage. I just want to turn back the clock so I can think of my husband the way I did before. — Confused Wife Dear Confused: Your sister is giving you damaging and incorrect informa-
tion. Decades ago, people may have believed that one was either gay or straight, and that bisexuals were simply hiding their true selves, but this is no longer considered accurate. We have come to understand that sexuality is more complicated and that some people are attracted to both sexes. And one’s sexual orientation has nothing to do with remaining faithful to one’s partner. Your husband is the same man you fell in love with. If you trust him, your marriage is solid. Please look into PFLAG (pflag.org) which can offer information that will help you understand what’s going on. But if you find that your marriage is floundering over this, consider counselling from someone who specializes in LGBT marriages and can address your specific concerns. Dear Annie: Your response to “A.,” about kids learning to balance a chequebook was wrong. The kids finishing school today are dumber than a box of rocks. What exactly are they being taught as “required” subjects if not exactly that? I shudder to think what schools are releasing into society. Kids can barely articulate what they want, much less formulate a complete sentence. Obviously, common sense has been put aside. Basic math is important. We have a generation of know-nothings. — Embarrassed About the Next Generation Dear Embarrassed: We suggest you check out the classroom of the average 6th grader and see how well you do. And don’t forget the 20 pounds of textbooks and homework in your backpack. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to anniesmailbox@creators.com, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. You can also find Annie on Facebook at Facebook.com/AskAnnies.
USA Network seeks advantage from wins of its ‘Mr. Robot’ show DAVID BAUDER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
PASADENA, Calif. — The creator of Mr. Robot promises more twists for the show’s second season, as USA moves to take advantage of two Golden Globe Awards for the freshman drama that is a key part of its strategy to appeal to a younger and hipper audience. Since the show won the Golden Globe on Sunday for best drama and Christian Slater earned a supporting actor award, USA has had more people seeking information about the series through its website and social media than when the show premiered this past summer, USA Network president Chris McCumber said Thursday. The timing is good, since USA has something new to offer: episodes of the show with new scenes just became available through video on demand. The network is also premiering what it
hopes will be its next buzzworthy series on Thursday, Colony, a fable about an occupied Los Angeles from Lost producer Carlton Cuse. USA has always been one of the most popular cable networks, and also one most like traditional broadcasters, with comfortable, non-offensive programming. That doesn’t cut it anymore at a time more people seek out specific programs to see on their own time. “The way people watch television, in order to break through the clutter and in order to be relevant in a nonlinear world, you need shows that tap into the zeitgeist,” he said. Besides the upcoming Colony, USA announced it was moving forward with another high-concept series, Falling Water, about three unrelated people with dreams that might hold the fate of the world in balance.
LONDON — British actor Alan Rickman, a classically trained stage star and sensual screen villain in the “Harry Potter” saga and other films, has died. He was 69. Rickman’s family said that the actor died early Thursday in London after a battle with cancer. Daniel Radcliffe, who played opposite Rickman in eight Harry Potter films, said Rickman was “undoubtedly one of the greatest actors I will ever work with.” Born to a working-class London family in 1946 and trained at the
prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Rickman was often cast as the bad guy; with his rich, languid voice he could invest evil with wicked, irresistible relish. His breakout role was as scheming French aristocrat the Vicomte de Valmont in an acclaimed 1985 Royal Shakespeare Company production of Christopher Hampton’s Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Film roles included Hans Gruber, the psychopathic villain who tormented Bruce Willis in “Die Hard” in 1988; a deceased lover who consoles his bereaved partner in 1990’s Truly Madly Deeply; the wicked
Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in 1991; and a wayward husband in 2003 romantic comedy Love Actually. Millions know him from the Potter films, in which he played Hogwarts teacher Severus Snape, who was either a nemesis or an ally — possibly both — to the titular teenage wizard. Rickman’s screen roles were remarkably varied, and included the upright Col. Brandon in Ang Lee’s 1995 film version of Sense and Sensibility and Irish politician Eamon de Valera in 1996 historical drama Michael Collins.
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Your number one guide to Vancouver Island television
January 15 - 21, 2016
Leading lady Story on page 18
Hayley Atwell and James D’Arcy star in “Agent Carter”
Don’t dismiss “Agent Carter” as just another pretty face in Marvel’s growing catalogue of TV and film endeavours. Following some less-than-stellar season 1 numbers, ABC has shown this series some faith on the backs of wide critical acclaim and an outpouring of fan support. The eponymous leading lady helps usher in season 2 of Marvel’s “Agent Carter” when it premieres Tuesday, Jan. 19, on ABC and CTV.
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this week
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Agent Carterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; proves reviews can trump ratings as it returns to ABC By Cassie Dresch TV Media
f you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seen â&#x20AC;&#x153;Agent Carter,â&#x20AC;? it would be easy to dismiss it as just another drop in the sea of Marvelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever-growing television and film endeavours. As fans of the show â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and critics, for that matter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; will tell you, though, this is one Marvel series you shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t dismiss. In a TV and movie landscape thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s saturated with superheroes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Agent Carterâ&#x20AC;? is a winner, largely because it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play by the rules. The 10-episode second season premieres Tuesday, Jan. 19, on ABC and CTV. While season 1 didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pull in stellar ratings, the show was lavished with critical acclaim, largely because it focuses on the eponymous Agent Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Pillars of the Earthâ&#x20AC;?), a hero in her own right, but no super-skilled caped crusader. An insider of the superhero world right from the start, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the love of Captain Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life, and a close friend of Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,â&#x20AC;? 2012), whom she helps found S.H.I.E.L.D., the agency that ultimately unites the Avengers. Carter is in on the ground floor, a megacompetent, brave, intelligent woman who must make her way in a 1940s world thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s less than female-friendly â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a compelling heroine by any standard. Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes notes that season 1 received a 95 per cent approval rating, and Internet Movie Database has it rated 8.2 out of 10 stars, yet â&#x20AC;&#x153;Agent Carterâ&#x20AC;? wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a slam dunk to get renewed. After a strong start â&#x20AC;&#x201D; nearly seven million people tuned in for the series premiere â&#x20AC;&#x201D; it pulled in only slightly more than four million eyeballs for the finale, a somewhat unnerving decline considering the first season was only eight episodes. Still, as Atwell said at Fan Expo 2015 in September, fan support and all of the positive reviews played a major part in the series nabbing a renewal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t anticipate there would be a second season,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I knew it was well received. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think the ratings shot through the roof to the point where it was definitely going to
be a done deal, that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d immediately have a second season. It was really due to the online support of the fans and also the fact that the reviews have been so positive.â&#x20AC;? And so here we are, gearing up for a second season. These 10 episodes are in many ways a departure from season 1, as Agent Carter jets off to Hollywood with her trusty ally, Jarvis (James Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Broadchurchâ&#x20AC;?), the inspiration for Tony Starkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s J.A.R.V.I.S. artificial intelligence system. Promotional videos show Peggy thoroughly enjoying herself and getting her hands dirty (and bloody); as Atwell said at Fan Expo, the excitement about the new setting translated into real life as well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was excited to explore this in a second season because sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in a different place,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Physically, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gone to Los Angeles. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in the Hollywood, glamorous world where they have this gangster, dark underbelly in the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;40s, which was kind of like â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;L.A. Confidential,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; film noir. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taken on that kind of tone. Also, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no longer grieving Steve [Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America], so sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ready to open up her heart. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in a much lighter, happier place within herself. Then, of course, we have got Jarvis being crazy Jarvis.â&#x20AC;? The setting wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be the only thing different for season 2. As Atwell mentioned, Agent Carter has finally moved on from her love of Captain America, meaning sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open to other potential love interests. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There will be lots of different angles,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There will certainly be more love interests and love triangles. The great thing is we know because of [â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Captain America: The Winter Soldier,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2014], Peggy lives into her mid-90s. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so much scope. She founded S.H.I.E.L.D. and therefore she has this incredibly full life. We know at one point she gets married with children.â&#x20AC;? Those other scopes may well be for other seasons, though. With 10 episodes to work with, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only so much story the show can cover, and if â&#x20AC;&#x153;Agent Carterâ&#x20AC;? can rebound from less-than-stellar numbers of season 1, or regenerate its more-than-stellar reviews, the skyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the limit on how far this show could go.
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
ACROSS 1 “Veep” network 4 Cardboard containers, for short 8 Joanie Cunningham’s mom, for fun: wd. + letter 12 Suffix with ‘Jacob’ 13 “Cat on _ __ Tin Roof” (1958) 14 Dam of South Dakota 15 _ _ _-1701 (What is says on the U.S.S. Enterprise on “Star Trek”) 16 Late night talk show pioneer, Jack __ (b.1918 3
d.2004) 17 Mr. Gosling 18 New series on Freeform, formerly ABC Family, about human-angel hybrids who track demons down 21 Gives off 22 __-la-la 23 Coeur d’__, Idaho 24 1966 Michael Caine title film role 28 __’easter 29 1982 Ronnie Milsap hit: “__ Day Now” 30 TV show genre 33 As such: 2 wds. 35 Rainbow shape 37 TV censor’s
sound effect 38 Competitive fashion series on Lifetime: 2 wds. 43 Golden arches for McDonald’s, for example 44 Type of soil 45 Tokyo, formerly 46 One Direction hit: “Best Song __” 47 Famed designer of Art Deco 48 Currency in Romania 49 Spelling contests 50 Belongs 51 ‘60s hallucinogen 1 2
4 5 6 7 8
DOWN Farm birds 2016... “The __” (ABC reality series currently in its 20th season) Like television news reporters when working, as opposed to news reporters for print media: 2 wds. In Cold Blood author Truman Melts Mr. Wyle Supermodel’s style of walk at a fashion show Fantasy novel series by Cassandra Clare on which 18 Across is based,
Mid-Island TV Scene
The __ Instruments 9 Showbiz performer Martha 10 __-Pei (Type of dog) 11 Spans of 100 years, for short 19 Clamor 20 Firearms org. 23 Common conjunction 25 2016... “American Idol: The __ Season” on FOX 26 To a great degree/emphatically: 2 wds. 27 “__ in the Sky” by The Alan Parsons Project 31 Lee of “The Six Million Dollar Man” 32 “We __ the Champions” by Queen 33 Feathers 34 Night, in verse 36 _ __ (Music symbol) 37 Actor, Benjamin __ 38 Commoner, for short 39 Wander 40 Arch type 41 Ms. Amos of song 42 “I Wish __ Stay” by Brad Paisley Solution on page 2
Friday, January 15, 2016
Sports this week Basketball Saturday, Jan 16 10:00 a.m. CBS (49) (49) NCAA Basketball Villanova at Georgetown Washington, D.C. Live (2h30)
Sunday, Jan 17 10:30 a.m. CBS (49) (49) NCAA Basketball Michigan State at Wisconsin Madison, Wis. Live (2h30)
Monday, Jan 18 11:30 a.m. RSP (45) (45) NBA Basketball New Orleans Pelicans at Memphis Grizzlies Memphis, Tenn. Live (2h30)
Tuesday, Jan 19 5:00 p.m. TSN (8) (8) NBA Basketball Minnesota Timberwolves at New Orleans Pelicans New Orleans, La. Live (2h30)
Wednesday, Jan 20 4:30 p.m. TSN (8) (8) NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Toronto Raptors Toronto, Ont. Live (2h30) 7:30 p.m. TSN (8) (8) NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Portland Trail Blazers Portland, Ore. Live (2h30)
Curling Friday, Jan 15 6:30 p.m. TSN (8) (8) Curling Continental Cup Team Competition Las Vegas, Nev. Live (2h30)
Saturday, Jan 16 9:00 a.m. TSN (8) (8) Curling Continental Cup Mixed Doubles Las Vegas, Nev. Live (2h) 1:00 p.m. TSN (8) (8) Curling Continental Cup Team Competition Las Vegas, Nev. Live (2h30) 6:30 p.m. TSN (8) (8) Curling Continental Cup Men’s Team Competition Las Vegas, Nev. Live (2h30)
Sunday, Jan 17 1:00 p.m. TSN (8) (8) Curling Continental Cup Skins Las Vegas, Nev. Live (2h30) 6:30 p.m. TSN (8) (8) Curling Continental Cup Skins Las Vegas, Nev. Live (2h30)
Football Saturday, Jan 16 12:30 p.m. CTV (9) (9) CBS (49) (49) The NFL Today Live (1h) 1:30 p.m. CTV (9) (9) CBS (49) (49) NFL Football AFC Divisional To Be Announced at New England Patriots Playoff Foxborough, Mass. Live (3h30) 4:30 p.m. NBC (46) (46) Football Night in America Live (30m) 5:00 p.m. CTV (9) (9) NFL Football AFC Championship Teams TBA (time tentative) Live (3h) NBC (46) (46) NFL Football NFC Divisional To Be Announced at Arizona Cardinals Glendale, Ariz. Live (3h30) CBS (49) (49) KIRO 7 Post Game Show Live (30m)
Sunday, Jan 17 9:00 a.m. CTV (9) (9) KCPQ (15) (15) NFC Divisional Pre-game Live (1h) 10:00 a.m. CTV (9) (9) KCPQ (15) (15) NFL Football NFC Divisional To Be Announced at Carolina Panthers Charlotte, N.C. Live (3h) 1:00 p.m. CTV (9) (9) KCPQ (15) (15) NFC Divisional Post-game Live (30m) CBS (49) (49) The NFL Today Live (30m) 1:30 p.m. CTV (9) (9) CBS (49) (49) NFL Football AFC Divisional To Be Announced at Denver Broncos Playoff Denver, Colo. Live (3h30) 5:00 p.m. CBS (49) (49) KIRO 7 Post Game Show Live (30m)
Golf Friday, Jan 15 4:00 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) PGA Golf Sony Open Round 2 Honolulu, Hawaii Live (3h30) 8:30 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) EPGA Golf Eurasia Cup Day 2 Honolulu, Hawaii Live (2h30) 2:30 a.m. GOLF (144) (144) EPGA Golf Joburg Open Round 3 Johannesburg, South Africa Live (4h)
7:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at Anaheim Ducks Anaheim, Calif. Live (2h30)
Saturday, Jan 16 10:00 a.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey New York Rangers at Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia, Pa. Live (2h30) 2:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockeycentral Live (1h) 3:30 p.m. CBC (3) (3) Hockey Central Saturday Live (30m) CITY (13) (13) Hockey Central Live (30m) RSP (45) (45) Hockeycentral Live (30m) 4:00 p.m. CBC (3) (3) CITY (13) (13) NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Boston Bruins Boston, Mass. Live (3h) M (10) (10) NHL Hockey Teams TBA Live (3h) RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Montréal Canadiens at St. Louis Blues St. Louis, Mo. Live (3h) 7:00 p.m. CBC (3) (3) RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Edmonton Oilers Edmonton, Alta. Live (3h) M (10) (10) NHL Hockey Teams TBA Live (3h) 10:00 p.m. CBC (3) (3) Hockey Central Post-game Show Live (30m)
Saturday, Jan 16
Sunday, Jan 17
11:30 a.m. GOLF (144) (144) Golf Diamond Resorts Invitational Final Day Live (2h) 3:30 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) Golf Central Pre-game Live (30m) 4:00 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) PGA Golf Sony Open Round 3 Honolulu, Hawaii Live (3h30) 8:30 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) EPGA Golf Eurasia Cup Final Day Honolulu, Hawaii Live (2h30) 2:00 a.m. GOLF (144) (144) EPGA Golf Joburg Open Final Round Johannesburg, South Africa Live (4h30)
12:30 p.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockey Central Live (30m) 1:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Vancouver Canucks at New York Islanders Brooklyn, N.Y. (subject to blackout) Live (2h30) 3:30 p.m. RSP (45) (45) Rogers Hometown Hockey Pre-game Live (30m) 4:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Montréal Canadiens at Chicago Blackhawks Chicago, Ill. Live (3h)
Sunday, Jan 17 2:30 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) Golf Central Pre-game Live (30m) 3:00 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) PGA Golf Sony Open Final Round Honolulu, Hawaii Live (4h)
Wednesday, Jan 20 8:00 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) EPGA Golf Abu Dhabi Championship Round 1 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Live (4h30)
Thursday, Jan 21 11:00 a.m. GOLF (144) (144) Golf Central Pre-game Live (1h) 12:00 p.m. GOLF (144) (144) PGA Golf CareerBuilder Challenge Round 1 La Quinta, Calif. Live (4h)
Hockey Friday, Jan 15 4:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Vancouver Canucks at Carolina Hurricanes Raleigh, N.C. (subject to blackout) Live (2h30)
Monday, Jan 18 9:00 a.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockey Central Live (1h) 5:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Pittsburgh Penguins at St. Louis Blues St. Louis, Mo. Live (2h30)
Tuesday, Jan 19 9:00 a.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockey Central Live (1h) 3:30 p.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockey Central Live (30m) 4:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Vancouver Canucks at New York Rangers New York City, N.Y. (subject to blackout) Live (2h30) 7:30 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at Los Angeles Kings Los Angeles, Calif. Live (2h30)
Wednesday, Jan 20 9:00 a.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockey Central Live (1h) 4:30 p.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockeycentral Live (30m) 5:00 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Detroit Red Wings Detroit, Mich. Live (2h30)
Mid-Island TV Scene
7:30 p.m. RSP (45) (45) NHL Hockey Minnesota Wild at Anaheim Ducks Anaheim, Calif. Live (2h30)
Thursday, Jan 21 9:00 a.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockey Central Live (1h) 3:30 p.m. RSP (45) (45) Hockey Central Live (30m)
Racing Saturday, Jan 16 7:00 p.m. FSRacing (41) (41) AMA Supercross San Diego, Calif. Live (3h)
Soccer Friday, Jan 15 4:45 a.m. TSN (8) (8) EPL Soccer Sunderland at Tottenham Hotspur London, England Live (2h15)
Saturday, Jan 16 6:30 a.m. RSP (45) (45) EPL Soccer Everton at Chelsea London, England Live (2h30) 7:00 a.m. TSN (8) (8) EPL Soccer Crystal Palace at Manchester City Manchester, England Live (2h) 7:55 a.m. TV5 (113) (113) FFF Soccer Équipes à communiquer En direct (2h5) 9:30 a.m. NBC (46) (46) EPL Soccer Leicester City at Aston Villa Birmingham, England Live (2h) 5:00 a.m. TSN (8) (8) Barclays Premier League Live Live (1h)
Sunday, Jan 17 6:00 a.m. TSN (8) (8) EPL Soccer Manchester United at Liverpool Liverpool, England Live (2h) 8:00 a.m. RSP (45) (45) EPL Soccer Arsenal at Stoke City Staffordshire, Eng. Live (2h)
Tennis Monday, Jan 18 4:00 p.m. TSN (8) (8) ITF Tennis Australian Open First Round Melbourne, Australia Live (2h) 6:00 p.m. TSN (8) (8) ITF Tennis Australian Open First Round Melbourne, Australia Live (6h) 12:00 a.m. TSN (8) (8) ITF Tennis Australian Open First Round Melbourne, Australia Live (4h)
Winter Sports Saturday, Jan 16 1:00 p.m. CBC (3) (3) Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Cup Park City, Ks. Live (1h) 2:00 p.m. CBC (3) (3) Alpine Skiing Wengen, Switzerland Live (1h)
Wrestling Monday, Jan 18 5:00 p.m. SN360 (109) (109) WWE Monday Night Raw Live (3h) Nanaimo Daily News, BC: Sports Jan 15, 2016 to Jan 21, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Best Bet tonight
Hellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kitchen KCPQ (15) (15)
9:00 p.m.
Chef Gordon Ramsay puts 18 aspiring chefs to the test with intense culinary challenges in the season premiere of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kitchen,â&#x20AC;? airing Friday, Jan. 15, on Fox. Throughout the season, the contestants compete for a life-changing head chef position at on of Gordon Ramsayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premiere restaurants.
Gordon Ramsay from â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kitchenâ&#x20AC;?
Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
w w w. h c d c l i n i c . c a Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
)1DEB41I 1>E1BI &( # * #
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Best Bet tonight
The Nature of Things CBC (3) (3)
12:00 p.m.
Preeminent Canadian scientist and environmental activist David Suzuki brings viewers fascinating science and nature documentaries in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Nature of Things,â&#x20AC;? airing Saturday, Jan. 16, on CBC. Suzuki has won three Gemini Awards for hosting the critically acclaimed series focusing on all things natural.
David Suzuki hosts â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Nature of Thingsâ&#x20AC;?
Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Best Bet tonight
MythBusters DISC (27) (27)
4:00 p.m.
Co-hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman share two explosive tall tales in an action-packed new episode of â&#x20AC;&#x153;MythBusters,â&#x20AC;? airing Sunday, Jan. 17, on Discovery. This marks the final season of the long-running popular series, which puts urban legends and other tall tales to the test with scientific experiments.
Adam Savage hosts â&#x20AC;&#x153;MythBustersâ&#x20AC;?
Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Best Bet tonight
Scorpion CITY (13) (13) CBS (49) (49)
9:00 p.m.
Sylvester (Ari Stidham) is forced to work alongside his estranged father (Jeff Fahey) in a new episode of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Scorpion,â&#x20AC;? airing Monday, Jan. 18, on CBS and City. A retired general, Sylvesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father believes an African dictator has uncovered a weapon of mass destruction and intends to use it for nefarious purposes.
Elyes Gabel and Katharine McPhee star in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Scorpionâ&#x20AC;?
Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
+E5C41I !1>E1BI ') $ + $
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Best Bet tonight
The Flash CTV (9) (9) CW (52) (52)
8:00 p.m.
Barry (Grant Gustin) considers revealing his secret to Patty (Shantel VanSanten) in a new episode of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Flash,â&#x20AC;? airing Tuesday, Jan. 19, on CTV and CW. Meanwhile, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Iris (Candice Patton) try to get closer to Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale), and the team hunts down a rogue meta-human.
Grant Gustin stars in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Flashâ&#x20AC;?
Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
,43=4B30H 0=D0AH %' " ) "
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Best Bet tonight
Face Off SPACE (39) (39)
6:00 p.m.
McKenzie Westmore hosts as the talented makeup artists tackle another intense challenge in a new episode of the hit competition series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Face Off,â&#x20AC;? airing Wednesday, Jan. 20, on Space. Now in its milestone 10th season, the award-winning show explores the exciting and creative world of special-effects makeup.
McKenzie Westmore hosts â&#x20AC;&#x153;Face Offâ&#x20AC;?
Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
-:GDE63K #3@G3DK )+"& -"&
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%3 /A;J &7@EA@97E #GEF7 BAGD D;D7 'AGH7>>7E 7@;E %SH7ECG7 ,;9@S & -/ 'AG -D;5:7GD + " S5A@A?;7 + + D3@6E D7B + %7 -S>S<AGD@3> + -S>S *5 #AGD@3> %7 -S>S<AGD@3> A>8 7@F ) A>8 3D77D G;>67D :3>>7@97 +AG@6 + A>8 ! &), A>8
Best Bet tonight
My Diet Is Better Than Yours CTV2 (12) (12) KOMO (47) (47)
9:00 p.m.
Fitness expert Shaun T hosts as the contestants tackle the daunting 5K challenge in this new episode of â&#x20AC;&#x153;My Diet Is Better Than Yours,â&#x20AC;? airing Thursday, Jan. 21, on ABC. The trainers design wildly different diet and exercise regimes in the hopes of helping their clients get healthy and lose weight.
Anna Kaiser and Shaun T from â&#x20AC;&#x153;My Diet Is Better Than Yoursâ&#x20AC;?
Mid-Island TV Scene
Friday, January 15, 2016
on screen Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’ heads to the screen By Andrew Warren TV Media Master’peace’: One of the most celebrated works of literature is headed to the screen. Although it was first published way back in 1869, Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” is still often considered the greatest novel ever written. Of course, this won’t be the first time that it’s been given the small screen treatment — far from it — but this special television event should be one to watch out for. Premiering Monday, Jan. 18, the limited event series is set to be simulcast across A&E, Lifetime and History during its four-week run. Of course, when a story is considered to be one of the greatest ever told, the casting couldn’t be more important. Luckily, with such a huge cast of characters, there’s a lot of space for a lot of talent, including Golden Globe, Oscar and BAFTA winner Jim Broadbent (“Gangs of New York,” 2002) and Golden Globe winner Gillian Anderson (“The XFiles”). Paul Dano (“Little Miss Sunshine,” 2006), Lily James (“Cinderella,” 2015), James Norton (“Rush,” 2013) and Tuppence Middleton (“The Imitation Game,” 2014) are just a few of the faces that round out the huge and diverse cast on the screen. Set during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, “War and Peace” is the story of five aristocratic families rising and falling during the twilight years of imperial Russia. This worldwide television event began airing in the U.K. earlier this month, and is lined up to broadcast in Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Israel and Greece, among others. It may be a Russian story, but “War and Peace” is a tale that’s loved around the world. This four-night event premieres Monday, Jan. 18, on A&E, Lifetime and History. Portland’s own: It started out as the little sketch comedy show that could, but “Portlandia” sure has grown, and now it’s back for a sixth season. Premiering Thursday, Jan. 21, on IFC, the new season of “Portlandia” has a huge list of guest stars lined up to join in on the satirical look at life in Portland, Ore.
Of course, the two stars of the threetime Emmy-winning show won’t be missing in action. Both Carrie Brownstein (“Carol,” 2015) and Fred Armisen (“Saturday Night Live”) are back. In “Portlandia,” Brownstein and Armisen take on the roles of a diverse array of recurring characters in short sketches (think “Saturday Night Live”) alongside a revolving door of guest stars. The show has been a darling with critics, who have praised both Brownstein and Armisen’s ability to seemingly effortlessly switch between characters. As for the guest stars, “Portlandia” has never had trouble attracting talent, and this season is no exception. Confirmed so far are comedian Louis C.K. (“Louie”), Golden Globe winner Steve Buscemi (“Boardwalk Empire”), Emmywinning producer Mitchell Hurwitz (“Arrested Development”), Natasha Lyonne (“Orange Is the New Black”), Alia Shawkat (“Arrested Development”), actor-comedian Kumail Nanjiani (“Franklin & Bash”) and Golden Globe winner Kyle MacLachlan (“Desperate Housewives”). It started out as a small show on a cable channel, but “Portlandia” has grown into an acclaimed sketch comedy series that has even featured the city’s real-life mayor on occasion. The sixth season’s laughs get underway Thursday, Jan. 21, on IFC. I spy: It’s the classic tale of romance: two people from opposite walks of life have a chance encounter and fall head over heels in love. What happens, though, when one of them turns up dead and is revealed to be someone other than who he claimed to be? “London Spy,” premiering Thursday, Jan. 21, on BBC America, delves into the shadowy and sinister world of espionage. Ben Whishaw (“Skyfall,” 2012) stars as Danny, a hard-partying and hedonistic young man who has a chance meeting with Alex (Edward Holcroft, “Kingsman: The Secret Service,” 2014), a man as introverted and asocial as Danny is outgoing. The two become lovers, but when Alex turns up dead, Danny discovers that the Alex he thought he knew was a lie — and that he may have, in fact, been a spy.
Mid-Island TV Scene
Solution on page 2
Friday, January 15, 2016
Best Movies this week
FRIDAY, JAN 15 1:00 p.m.
TVA (114) (114) ++ "Street Fighter: La Légende de Chun-Li" (2009,Action) '13+' (2h)
1:15 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) +++ "A Letter for Evie" (1945,Romance) 'PG' (1h45)
1:25 p.m.
EA (29) (29) ++ "Loser" (2000,Romance) 'PG' (1h40)
2:00 p.m.
AMC (40) (40) +++ "Tombstone" (1993,Western) '14+' (3h)
3:00 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) ++ "Love Letters" (1945,Drama) '14+' (2h)
3:05 p.m.
EA (29) (29) ++ "My Girl 2" (1994,Drama) 'PG' (1h40)
4:45 p.m.
EA (29) (29) +++ "In the Land of Women" (2007,Romance) 'PG' (1h40)
5:00 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) +++ "Born To Kill" (1947,Crime Story) 'PG' (2h) AMC (40) (40) ++ "Enemy of the State" (1998,Action) '18+' (3h)
6:00 p.m.
SPACE (39) (39) +++ "The Invasion" (2007,Horror) 'PG' (2h) APTN (107) (107) +++ "11:14" (2003,Thriller) '18+' (2h)
7:00 p.m.
CMT (21) (21) +++ "Walk the Line" (2005,Biography) '14+' (3h) TCM (35) (35) +++ "Murder, My Sweet" (1944,Mystery) 'PG' (2h) OWN (159) (159) ++ "The Best Man" (1999,Romance) '18+' (2h30) MM (111) (111) +++ "Cool Runnings" (1993,Comedy) 'PG' (2h)
7:30 p.m.
YTV (22) (22) +++ "Rango" (2011,Animated) 'PG' (2h15)
8:00 p.m.
E! (6) (6) ++ "Reasons of the Heart" (1996,Drama) '14+' (2h) SLICE (25) (25) ++ "Meet the Parents" (2000,Comedy) 'PG' (2h30) EA (29) (29) +++ "Midnight Run" (1988,Comedy) '18+' (2h10) AMC (40) (40) +++ "Bad Boys" (1995,Action) '18+' (2h30)
9:00 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) +++ "Johnny Angel" (1946,Mystery) 'PG' (1h30) HIST (38) (38) ++ "The Lone Ranger" (2013,Action) 'PG' (3h)
9:30 p.m.
OWN (159) (159) ++ "The Best Man" (1999,Romance) '18+' (2h30)
10:00 p.m.
TBS (33) (33) +++ "Role Models" (2008,Comedy) '14+' (2h) TOON (31) (31) +++ "Ultimate Avengers" (2006,Animated) 'PG' (1h45) FAM (32) (32) ++ "Happy Gilmore" (1996,Comedy) '14+' (1h35)
SPACE (39) (39) +++ "The Invasion" (2007,Horror) 'PG' (2h) APTN (107) (107) +++ "11:14" (2003,Thriller) '18+' (2h)
10:30 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "Predator" (1987,Sci-Fi) '18+' (2h30)
W (20) (20) +++ "Easy A" (2010,Comedy) '14+' (2h) TCM (35) (35) +++ "Billy Budd" (1962,Action) 'PG' (2h15) MM (111) (111) ++ "The Waterboy" (1998,Comedy) '14+' (2h)
7:30 p.m. AMC (40) (40) ++ "Red Dawn" (1984,Action) '14+' (2h30)
8:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. TBS (33) (33) +++ "I Love You, Man" (2009,Comedy) '14+' (2h) M3 (16) (16) ++ "A Cinderella Story" (2004,Comedy) 'PG' (2h) TCM (35) (35) +++ "Sleeper" (1973,Comedy) 'PG' (1h45) MM (111) (111) ++ "The Waterboy" (1998,Comedy) '14+' (2h)
2:00 p.m. KCPQ (15) (15) +++ "Corpse Bride" (2005,Animated) 'PG' (1h30) AMC (40) (40) ++ "Enemy of the State" (1998,Action) '18+' (3h)
2:40 p.m. EA (29) (29) +++ "Flipper" (1963,Family) 'G' (1h35)
2:45 p.m. COM (34) (34) ++ "Monster-in-Law" (2005,Comedy) 'PG' (2h15) TCM (35) (35) ++ "Knights of the Round Table" (1953,Romance) 'G' (2h15)
SHOW (24) (24) +++ "Iron Man 3" (2013,Action) 'PG' (2h30) KOMO (47) (47) +++ "The Social Network" (2010,Biography) '14+' (2h30)
8:15 p.m. SPACE (39) (39) ++ "Prometheus" (2012,Adventure) '14+' (2h45)
8:30 p.m. SLICE (25) (25) ++++ "Crazy, Stupid, Love." (2011,Comedy/Drama) '14+' (2h30)
9:00 p.m. E! (6) (6) +++ "Bend It Like Beckham" (2002,Comedy/Drama) '14+' (2h) M3 (16) (16) ++ "Cheaper by the Dozen" (2003,Comedy) 'PG' (2h) BRAVO (28) (28) +++ "Shattered Glass" (2003,Drama) '14+' (2h)
9:30 p.m. TVA (114) (114) ++ "Goon: Dur à cuire" (2011,Comédie) '14+' (1h45)
9:50 p.m.
3:00 p.m. HIST (38) (38) ++ "The Lone Ranger" (2013,Action) 'PG' (3h) TVA (114) (114) +++ "Le dernier samouraï" (2003,Drame) 'PG' (3h)
4:15 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "De-Lovely" (2004,Biography) '14+' (2h10)
4:30 p.m. W (20) (20) ++ "All About Steve" (2009,Comedy) '14+' (2h30)
5:00 p.m. SHOW (24) (24) +++ "Man of Steel" (2013,Action) '14+' (3h) TCM (35) (35) ++++ "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" (1947,Comedy) 'PG' (2h) AMC (40) (40) +++ "Top Gun" (1986,Action) 'PG' (2h30)
EA (29) (29) +++ "Jailhouse Rock" (1957,Musical) 'PG' (1h40)
10:00 p.m. TOON (31) (31) +++ "Ultimate Avengers 2" (2006,Animated) ‘14+’ (1h45) FAM (32) (32) ++ "Billy Madison" (1995,Comedy) '14+' (1h30) AMC (40) (40) +++ "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" (1982,Comedy) '18+' (2h) KVOS (69) (69) +++ "King Kong Escapes" (1968,Sci-Fi) 'G' (2h)
10:30 p.m. SHOW (24) (24) ++ "The Wolverine" (2013,Action) 'PG' (3h)
6:00 p.m. SLICE (25) (25) ++ "Meet the Fockers" (2004,Comedy) 'PG' (2h30) TOON (31) (31) ++++ "How to Train Your Dragon" (2010,Adventure) 'PG' (2h15) SPACE (39) (39) ++ "Predators" (2010,Sci-Fi) '18+' (2h15)
6:25 p.m. EA (29) (29) +++ "Sixteen Candles" (1984,Comedy) '14+' (1h35)
6:30 p.m. TVA (114) (114) ++++ "Avatar (v.f)" (2009,Science fiction) 'PG' (3h)
1:00 p.m. A&E (18) (18) +++ "Gladiator" (2000,Epic) '18+' (3h) W (20) (20) +++ "Easy A" (2010,Comedy) '14+' (2h) COM (34) (34) +++ "Police Academy" (1984,Comedy) '18+' (2h)
1:15 p.m. TCM (35) (35) +++ "The Odd Couple" (1968,Comedy) 'G' (2h)
1:20 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "Agent Cody Banks" (2003,Family) 'PG' (1h45) SPACE (39) (39) ++ "Predators" (2010,Sci-Fi) '18+' (2h10)
7:00 p.m. M3 (16) (16) ++ "A Cinderella Story" (2004,Comedy) 'PG' (2h)
1:30 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "Live Free or Die Hard" (2007,Action) '14+' (3h)
Mid-Island TV Scene
2:00 p.m.
TVA (114) (114) ++ "Deux frères" (2004,Aventure) 'PG' (2h)
2:30 p.m.
TBS (33) (33) ++ "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" (2006,Comedy) '14+' (2h) SPIKE (30) (30) +++ "I Am Legend" (2007,Sci-Fi) '14+' (2h30)
3:00 p.m.
RC (7) (7) ++ "Si on dansait?" (2004,Musicale) 'G' (2h) KCPQ (15) (15) +++ "Nine" (2009,Drama) '14+' (2h) W (20) (20) ++ "Legally Blonde" (2001,Comedy) 'PG' (2h) CMT (21) (21) +++ "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (1991,Adventure) '14+' (3h) COM (34) (34) ++ "Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment" (1985,Comedy) 'PG' (2h)
3:05 p.m.
EA (29) (29) +++ "Vice Versa" (1988,Comedy) 'PG' (1h40)
3:15 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) +++ "The Long, Long Trailer" (1954,Comedy) 'G' (1h45)
3:30 p.m.
SPACE (39) (39) ++ "Prometheus" (2012,Adventure) '14+' (2h30)
4:00 p.m.
YTV (22) (22) ++ "Over the Hedge" (2006,Animated) 'PG' (2h) TVA (114) (114) ++ "Eragon (v.f.)" (2006,Comédie fantaisiste) 'PG' (2h)
4:30 p.m.
TBS (33) (33) ++ "The Hangover Part III" (2013,Comedy) '18+' (2h) AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Italian Job" (2003,Action) '14+' (2h30)
4:45 p.m.
EA (29) (29) ++ "Fierce Creatures" (1997,Comedy) '14+' (1h35)
5:00 p.m.
CBC (3) (3) +++ "Bedtime Stories" (2008,Fantasy) 'PG' (2h) W (20) (20) ++ "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde" (2003,Comedy) 'PG' (2h) SHOW (24) (24) ++ "The Wolverine" (2013,Action) 'PG' (3h) TCM (35) (35) +++ "Design For Living" (1933,Comedy) 'G' (1h45) TV5 (113) (113) ++ "Comme les 5 doigts de la main" (2009,Drame criminel) ‘G’ (2h)
6:00 p.m.
YTV (22) (22) ++ "Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil" (2011,Animated) 'PG' (2h) BRAVO (28) (28) +++ "The Fighter" (2010,Biography) '14+' (2h30) SPACE (39) (39) +++ "Independence Day" (1996,Sci-Fi) '14+' (2h50)
6:20 p.m.
EA (29) (29) +++ "Nanny McPhee" (2005,Fantasy) 'G' (1h40)
6:30 p.m.
TBS (33) (33) +++ "The Hangover" (2009,Comedy) '18+' (2h30)
Friday, January 15, 2016
Best Movies this week 6:45 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++++ "Jules and Jim" (1961,Romance) ‘PG’ (2h15)
7:00 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "Live Free or Die Hard" (2007,Action) '14+' (3h)
8:00 p.m. E! (6) (6) ++ "Be Cool" (2005,Comedy) '14+' (2h30) CTV (9) (9) ++ "National Treasure" (2004,Adventure) 'PG' (3h) EA (29) (29) +++ "Sense and Sensibility" (1995,Romance) 'PG' (2h20)
8:50 p.m. SPACE (39) (39) +++ "Aliens" (1986,Sci-Fi) '18+' (2h50)
9:00 p.m. W (20) (20) +++ "Big Miracle" (2012,Drama) 'PG' (2h30) CMT (21) (21) +++ "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (1991,Adventure) '14+' (3h) FAM (32) (32) ++ "Happy Gilmore" (1996,Comedy) '14+' (1h35)
9:30 p.m. SPIKE (30) (30) +++ "I Am Legend" (2007,Sci-Fi) '14+' (2h30)
10:00 p.m. AMC (40) (40) ++ "Cujo" (1983,Horror) '14+' (2h)
10:20 p.m. EA (29) (29) +++ "Running With Scissors" (2006,Comedy/Drama) '14+' (2h5)
MONDAY, JAN 18 1:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++++ "Blackboard Jungle" (1955,Drama) 'PG' (2h)
1:05 p.m. EA (29) (29) +++ "The Perfect Storm" (2000,Action) '14+' (2h10)
2:00 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "King Kong" (1976,Fantasy) 'PG' (3h)
3:00 p.m. A&E (18) (18) +++ "Gladiator" (2000,Epic) '18+' (3h) TCM (35) (35) ++ "Cabin in the Sky" (1943,Musical) 'G' (2h)
3:15 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "The Scorpion King" (2002,Action) '14+' (1h35)
4:50 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++++ "The Dark Crystal" (1982,Fantasy) 'PG' (1h35)
5:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) +++ "The Learning Tree" (1969,Drama) 'PG' (2h) AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Bourne Identity" (2002,Action) '14+' (2h30)
6:00 p.m. SPACE (39) (39) ++ "A Trick of the Mind" (2006,Suspense) '14+' (2h)
7:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++++ "Sounder" (1972,Drama) 'PG' (2h)
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
AMC (40) (40) +++ "U.S. Marshals" (1998,Action) '14+' (3h)
EA (29) (29) +++ "The Devil’s Own" (1997,Suspense) '18+' (2h) SPIKE (30) (30) ++ "Cowboys and Aliens" (2011,Action) '14+' (3h)
8:00 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "The Fast and the Furious" (2001,Action) '14+' (1h50)
9:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++ "Cooley High" (1975,Drama) 'PG' (2h) VIS (108) (108) +++ "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" (2011,Thriller) '18+' (2h30)
9:50 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "2 Fast 2 Furious" (2003,Action) '14+' (1h50)
10:00 p.m. TOON (31) (31) +++ "Grandma’s Boy" (2006,Comedy) '14+' (2h) SPACE (39) (39) ++ "A Trick of the Mind" (2006,Suspense) '14+' (2h) A&E (18) (18) +++ "Gladiator" (2000,Epic) '18+' (3h1)
10:30 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Green Mile" (1999,Drama) '14+' (4h)
TUESDAY, JAN 19 1:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++++ "The Sea Hawk" (1940,War) 'G' (2h15)
2:30 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Bourne Identity" (2002,Action) '14+' (2h30)
2:35 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "Stealth" (2005,Action) '14+' (1h55)
3:15 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++ "Blackbeard the Pirate" (1952,Adventure) 'PG' (1h45)
4:30 p.m. EA (29) (29) +++ "Ghostbusters" (1984,Comedy) 'PG' (1h50) SPIKE (30) (30) ++ "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" (2009,Action) '14+' (3h30)
8:40 p.m. TV5 (113) (113) ++ "Le fils à Jo" (2011,Comédie dramatique) ‘G’ (1h35)
9:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++ "Sombrero" (1953,Musical) ‘PG’ (2h)
10:00 p.m. EA (29) (29) +++ "Midnight Express" (1978,Biography) '18+' (2h5) TOON (31) (31) ++ "Starsky and Hutch" (2004,Comedy) '14+' (2h15) AMC (40) (40) ++ "The Karate Kid" (1984,Drama) 'PG' (3h)
WEDNESDAY, JAN 20 1:00 p.m. TVA (114) (114) ++ "Défi bleu" (2002,Drame) 'G' (2h)
1:15 p.m. TCM (35) (35) +++ "The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer" (1947,Comedy) 'G' (1h45)
1:30 p.m. SPIKE (30) (30) +++ "The Transporter" (2002,Action) '14+' (2h)
2:30 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Bourne Supremacy" (2004,Suspense) '14+' (2h30)
2:40 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "Stranger Than Fiction" (2006,Comedy) '14+' (1h55)
3:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) +++ "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" (1948,Comedy) 'G' (2h)
4:35 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "The Babysitter’s Club" (1995,Comedy) 'PG' (1h35)
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++ "Springtime in the Rockies" (1942,Western) '14+' (1h45) AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Bourne Supremacy" (2004,Suspense) '14+' (2h30)
6:00 p.m. VIS (108) (108) ++ "Emile" (2003,Drama) '14+' (2h)
6:20 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "Little Men" (1997,Drama) 'PG' (1h40)
6:45 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++ "Penny Serenade" (1941,Drama) 'PG' (2h15)
7:00 p.m. CMT (21) (21) ++ "Love Notes" (2007,Drama) 'PG' (2h)
7:30 p.m. AMC (40) (40) +++ "Bad Boys" (1995,Action) '18+' (2h30)
TCM (35) (35) ++++ "The Caine Mutiny" (1954,Drama) 'PG' (2h15) AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Patriot" (2000,Drama) '18+' (3h30)
6:10 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++ "Seducing Dr. Lewis" (2003,Comedy/Drama) 'PG' (1h50)
7:15 p.m. TCM (35) (35) ++++ "The Apartment" (1960,Romance) '14+' (2h15)
8:00 p.m. EA (29) (29) ++++ "The Neverending Story" (1984,Fantasy) 'PG' (1h35)
8:30 p.m. SPIKE (30) (30) +++ "Death Race" (2008,Action) '18+' (2h30) AMC (40) (40) ++++ "Once Upon a Time in the West" (1968,Western) '14+' (4h)
Mid-Island TV Scene
8:40 p.m.
TV5 (113) (113) ++ "Comme les 5 doigts de la main" (2009,Drame criminel) ‘G’ (1h55)
9:00 p.m.
VIS (108) (108) +++ "The Deal" (2003,Drama) 'PG' (2h)
9:35 p.m.
EA (29) (29) ++ "The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter" (1991,Fantasy) 'PG' (1h30)
10:00 p.m.
TOON (31) (31) ++ "Planet of the Apes" (2001,Sci-Fi) '14+' (2h30)
THURSDAY, JAN 21 1:00 p.m.
TVA (114) (114) ++ "Starsky et Hutch" (2004,Comédie) 'PG' (2h)
1:30 p.m.
AMC (40) (40) +++ "The Patriot" (2000,Drama) '18+' (3h30)
2:15 p.m.
EA (29) (29) ++ "Friday Night Lights" (2004,Sport) '14+' (2h)
3:15 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) ++ "We Who Are About To Die" (1937,Drama) ‘G’ (1h45)
4:15 p.m.
EA (29) (29) +++ "Rocky" (1976,Drama) 'PG' (2h)
5:00 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) +++ "King’s Row" (1942,Drama) 'PG' (2h15) AMC (40) (40) ++ "Gone in 60 Seconds" (2000,Action) '14+' (2h30)
6:00 p.m.
APTN (107) (107) +++ "The Last Waltz" (1978,Documentary) 'PG' (2h30)
7:15 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) ++++ "The Pride of the Yankees" (1942,Biography) 'G' (2h15)
7:30 p.m.
AMC (40) (40) +++ "Top Gun" (1986,Action) 'PG' (2h30)
8:00 p.m.
SHOW (24) (24) ++ "The Lone Ranger" (2013,Action) 'PG' (3h) EA (29) (29) ++ "The Karate Kid" (1984,Drama) 'PG' (2h10)
9:30 p.m.
TCM (35) (35) ++++ "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1943,War) 'PG' (2h45)
10:00 p.m.
TOON (31) (31) ++ "Beverly Hills Ninja" (1997,Comedy) '14+' (2h) AMC (40) (40) ++ "The Core" (2003,Sci-Fi) '14+' (3h) APTN (107) (107) +++ "The Last Waltz" (1978,Documentary) 'PG' (2h30)
10:10 p.m.
EA (29) (29) ++ "The Karate Kid Part II" (1986,Action) 'PG' (1h55) Nanaimo Daily News, BC: Movies Jan 15, 2016 to Jan 21, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
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Friday, January 15, 2016