The Invermere
ALLEY CHO g th e
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27 Januar y 2016
Rockies on a roll
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hills enjoying 3 Ski stellar season
Maxwell Realty Invermere
Warm and wet conditions sent the annual Bonspiel on Lake indoors for the second year in a row, but did nothing to dampen the spirits of participants who played their hearts out at the Invermere Curling Centre, and of local residents who had a great time playing on the lake under the lanterns . PHOTO BY DAVID WEBSTER
New CBT grants no help for multi-use centre BREANNE MASSEY
time period. Several such projects — most prominently the planned new multi-use cenThe Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) will tre in Invermere — would at first blush be offering $3 million in new funding seemed well-poised to take advantage annually for next three years — total- of this new program. But Invermere ling $9 million — through it new Recre- mayor Gerry Taft, said previous fundation Infrastructure Grants, which are ing applications (worth $500,000) to meant to construct new infrastructure the CBT for the multi-use centre make or to make upgrades to existing infra- it unlikely for the project to get any money through the new grants. structure. “The District of Invermere (DOI) has The grants are aimed at helping communities make improvements to struc- applied for significant funding from tures and spaces, such as backcoun- CBT,” said Mr. Taft. “The final decision try trail networks, swimming pools, and announcement on this funding should come ice rinks, curling arenas, It is unlikely we very soon. The sports fields and parks with the goal of encouraging Bawould be able to money the DOI has applied for sin residents to lead active ‘double dip’. lifestyles; while supporting GERRY TAFT is distinct and MAYOR, DISTRICT OF INVERMERE separate from recreational tourism in the the new RecEast Kootenay region. reational Infra“Residents have told us that recreation and physical activity structure Grants announced recently.” Mr. Taft believes the DOI will have an are important to them both in terms opportunity to apply to the new recof lifestyle and health,” said Neil Muth, CBT president and chief executive offi- reational grant stream for other projcer. “We’re pleased we can quickly ad- ects, besides the multi-use centre, but dress their needs and wishes by acting anticipates trying to use the new grant on this priority. Substantial support program for the centre would result in like this will help create significant rejection. “It is unlikely that we would be able benefits in the communities.” The new grant program, he added to ‘double dip’ and use any of the new in a recent press release, is aimed to recreational funding on this first phase support large scale projects in a short of the multi-use centre,” he explained.
While the multi-use centre won’t be able to take advantage of the new CBT recreational infrastructure grants, the Westside Legacy Trail (promotion poster above) likley will. File photo. But the valley’s other major planned recreational infrastructure project — the Westside Legacy Trail — should have no such problem, and the Greenways Trail Alliance will be applying to the CBT for some of the new recreation infrastructure grant funding for the trail. “We have contacted CBT and are awaiting specific funding require-
ments, amounts and other program details,” said Mark Hawla, Greenways Trail Alliance executive director. “Yes, our request will be for the Westside Legacy Trail.” Other projects wishing to apply to the new CBT program, should contact manager Rick Allen at 1-800-505-8998 or e-mail to discuss project ideas.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
Panorama-based photgrapherAndrew Brown captured this serene image of a star-flecked sky stretching above a silent Summit chair earlier this winter. PHOTO BY ANDREW BROWN
Cranbrook confirms it conducted a deer cull BREANNE MASSEY
The City of Cranbrook confirmed it conducted an urban deer management program in the form of a cull this winter. The cull ran from December 1st, 2015 to January 13th, 2016 and resulted in a total of 20 captured and euthanized deer. “I am pleased with the results of this program to
manage and control our urban deer situation,” said Lee Pratt, City of Cranbrook mayor in a recent press release. “I know some people do not agree with our program, but in the interest of the protection of citizens’ property, and the safety of our residents, it had to be done.” The Ministry of Forests, Land and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO) issued the City of Cranbrook a Wildlife Permit on October 19th, 2015. It was valid between December 1st, 2015 and January 31st, 2016. As a result of the Wildlife Permit, the City of Cranbrook targeted specific areas with traps that its staff had flagged due to a series of ongoing complaints from the community. In addition, the results of the latest urban deer population count, which was completed on November 7th, 2015, revealed there were 137 deer — the highest population recorded since the program began in 2010. The provincial toll-free Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) line and Conservation Office also made suggestions about where to set traps in areas that were deemed high priority to the city. The program was completed at
$10,374 ($494 per animal), which came in under the $15,000 proposed budget allocated to the placement and tear down of each clover trap as well as purchase of bait and supplies; liability insurance; provincially mandated equipment training; mileage; vehicle cleaning; and processing and packaging; and distribution of 855 pounds of deer meat to organizations that ensure it’s used for human consumption. The City of Cranbrook said it remains committed to the urban deer translocation trial set to begin in February, as the council has put $10,000 aside for the trial program. It expects to continue conversations with the provincial government for tools to cope with urban deer. “The recent population management program was approved and organized before we knew exactly when the translocation trial was going to begin,” said Mr. Pratt. “We have direction from our residents to try to deal with our urban deer population. The current method used to manage deer populations is the only we were authorized to do, which is dictated by the Wildlife Act and enforced by the FLNRO,” he said. “It is important for the public to recognize that this upcoming translocation trial is only a test and was never intended to move a large number of animals from each municipality involved, and large numbers of urban deer will still remain in Cranbrook.”
Geoff Hill MaxWell Realty Invermere
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo A3
Ski hills seeing more visitors and better revenue james rose Special to the Valley Echo
most weather stations and Meteorologists were saying that we’re in for a super El Nino and it was looking like another warm and dry winter again.” Harding noted that the ski hill’s revenue and visits already are above their exThe skiing right now in the Columbia Valley is fabulous and it has been since the pectations so far for this season. “We expect this growth to continue, if not inseason first started way back in December. As a result, both Panorama Mountain crease, as the conditions are significantly better than last year as we head into Resort and the Fairmont Hot Springs Ski Area are experiencing a boost in skier our busier months.” With early November snowfalls, many ski areas opened weeks ahead of schedvisits, and revenue. The same can largely be said about ski resorts across all of western Canada. ule. Mt. Norquay was the first Canadian ski resort to welcome skiers and boardThe Canada West Ski Areas Association (CWSAA), a not-for-profit trade associa- ers this season, opening in the first week of November. The first resort to open tion that represents the ski areas of western Canada, released a statement noting in B.C. was Big White Ski Resort, near Kelowna, with its earliest start since 1997 “[skier visits and revenues] are up dramatically” at most ski resorts across west- on November 13th. Panorama also opened earlier than expected. “There was so ern Canada, adding this is particularly great news for ski areas that suffered dur- much snow that we opened a weekend earlier than planned for our guests who ing last season’s warm weather. All are reporting plenty of snow and record visits. were very eager to make some tracks in all the powder,” commented Panorama’s Going into the year, few knew what to predict. “We really didn’t know what to marketing and media specialist Jamie Hurschler. See A9 except from the weather,” says Fairmont’s Ski Area Manager Peter Harding. “As
RDEK allots funding for Ambassadors
breanne massey The Lake Windermere Ambassadors will receive an annual grant of $10,000 from the Columbia Valley economic development service for their operational costs. “It’s been approved for operational costs each year, so there isn’t going to be a requirement for them to come back each year to propose specific projects,” said Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) chief financial officer Shawn Tomlin. “The board felt it would be a valuable contribution (to fund) the Ambassadors, considering the work that they do for the health of the lake in general.” “The Lake Windermere Ambassadors are grateful for the decision made by the Columbia Valley Services Committee and RDEK to support their recent request for funding,”said Mr. Tomlin. “Ongoing funding through the tax service will help the Ambassadors leverage annual project-specific funding from donors, by supporting the operational costs of water monitoring, stewardship and outreach programs.” RDEK staff are working with the Ambassadors to negotiate a contribution agreement over the next two months.
ties to share information with area residents due to Backyard agriculture in the valley The RDEK has begun the consultation process with the potential significance of the proposed regulatory residents from Electoral Areas F and G regarding pos- changes. sible zoning bylaw amendments to permit backyard Grants to aid agricultural opportunities on parcels that have been The Invermere District Curling Centre will receive zoned for single family residential development. “The RDEK wants to undertake more consultation $2,500 from the Electoral Area F Discretionary Grants with Columbia Valley residents with respect to peo- in Aid (DIGA) account to replace ice maintenance ple’s appetite for allowing more opportunities for equipment. See A4 backyard agriculture on small residential parcels,” explained Andrew McLeod, RDEK planning and development services manager. “Specifically, we are thinking about things like small scale beekeeping and the ability to keep a few egg laying hens. We would like to hear from residents on this issue, whether they like the idea, if they think the RDEK should be permitting even SCHOOL WORKS PLACEMENTS more, or alternatively not allowing STILL AVAILABLE The School Works anything at all.” program provides an While the RDEK has been respon• Funding still available for small $8/hr student wage subsidy. businesses, non-profit, First Nation sible for hosting two community conor public organizations. versations in 2015 as well as conduct-
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ing an online survey, the board has opted to provide further opportuni-
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The Invermere
is a member of the Canadian Media Circulation Audit
NEW: Recreation Infrastructure Grants
Grants available for projects that focus on the construction of new and/or upgrades to existing recreational infrastructure in the Basin.
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Eligible projects may include backcountry trail networks, swimming pools, ice rinks, curling arenas, sports fields and parks.
Deadline for first of two intakes is Monday, March 14.
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The Invermere
Classified Deadlines Please take note that our advertising deadlines will change due to Family Day Long Weekend. Deadline for February 10 paper Friday February 5th at 12 p.m.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
Local officials give chamber annual update Steve Hubrecht
Upper Columbia Valley elected officials were at a Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Local Government Update last week, updating chamber members on local political developments during the past year and on developments set to come this year. “People in Area G are optimistic in general,” Area G director Gerry Wilkie told roughly 60 chamber members gathered on Thursday, January 14th, going on to list the various projects completed in Area G in the past year, including the Edgewater water system upgrade; the Spur Valley water system upgrade; the Wilmer Community Hall; the renewed tenure for the Wilmer Regional Park — which may possibly end up being named the Selkirk Regional Park instead, according to Wilkie; and the Toby Benches Official Community Plan (OCP) process. Looking ahead at the year to come, probably the largest project in the works for Area G is the planned magnesite mine near Spillimacheen (see a future issue of Echo for more), he said. Radium Hot Springs mayor Clara Reinhardt gave a run down of highlights in the village in the past year, including the Rotary Community Garden, and said that for the year ahead, council plans to continue to cooperate with other Upper Columbia Valley municipalities and rural areas on valley-wide initiatives to promote tourism (“which is our biggest economic driver,” she said); plans to replace its current community hall with a new one (“nothing grand, just something functional”); and will continue to deal with some unsightly premise issue in the north ridge area of the village. Invermere mayor Gerry Taft listed the completion of the Wednesday, February 3rd – 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. cenotaph park and the update of Copper Point Club House Invermere OCP among the major All public welcome. For more information call David at projects finished in the district 250-688-2504 or email in 2015. He also mentioned the work the district has begun to pinpoint the source of the ongoing water taste and odour issue, and the progress made on the planned new multi-use centre, saying that both those projects would continue to be high priorities in 2016. ‘With the water quality, it’s Independent tricky, we’re still trying to figure
Annual General Meeting
it out,” said Taft. “For the multi-use centre we have completed the detailed design. We have shortlisted some contractors and the tendering process for the work will occur in late February or early March, with actual construction hopefully starting in April. We’re hoping the building will be finished by the fall of 2017. We know it’s an aggressive timeline, but that’s what we’re aiming for.” He added that in the meantime the district will continue to help the various user groups to try to secure more than $1.5 million worth of funding for soft costs. “We have quite a lot of community development initiatives going on right now,” Shuswap Indian Band chief Barb Cote told the chamber members, giving a long list of new personnel hired by the band in 2015 and listing projects started, completed or planned, including having new band offices set up; expansion of the band’s water system to the north; and a planned new housing development. “We’re on a real roll right now,” said Cote, also adding details about some of the regional and federal negotiations the band has been involved in (such as the Columbia Basin Treaty) and mentioning her efforts to help bring the Shuswap band into closer cooperation with the Akisqnuk First Nation. “The two First Nations in valley have not always worked well together and we’re hoping we can change that,” she said, adding that she is a Shuswap band member, but also has Ktunaxa heritage. Canal Flats mayor Ute Juras detailed the difficulties in her village brought by the permanent closure of the Canfor sawmill, and talked about efforts to help the situation. She also pointed to a few bright spots in the year for the village, including the the success of its fall fair and mentioned potential plans for a winter farmers’ market in Canal Flats. Area F director Wendy Booth highlighted to chamber members the completion of phase one of the Fairmont Creek debris flow mitigation work; money secured for broadband in the Toby Benches area; the establishment of the a valley-wide economic development services area; and securing operational funding for the Whiteway. She said that major projects coming up in 2016 for Area F include starting the OCP update process for Fairmont Hot Springs (“it will take 18 months to two years to complete”); continuing to work on the Windermere water system; the ongoing Columbia Valley branding and marketing initiative; and phase two of the Fairmont Creek debris flow mitigation work. Following the presentation chamber member Rod Turnbull asked Booth about the Windermere Creek issue. “It is still a priority. It is still on the radar,” responded Booth. “But we haven’t had the same support (from affected residents) to create a service area and raise taxation to fix it as we did in Fairmont to fix the issues there.” At the end of the meeting Invermere councillor and chamber member Al Miller offered praise to Cote for her efforts in changing the Shuswap Indian Band band, saying “the whole atmosphere up there for those of us running businesses on Shuswap lands has changed,” he said. ‘It is quite welcoming and business-like.” This political update for the chamber was the sixth annual edition of the event.
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RDEK from A3 Columbia Valley Conservation Fund Seven projects have been approved for $75,000 in funding from the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund for 2016 including $11,000 for the Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program; $29,000 for the Northern Leopard Frog Reintroduction; $10,000 for the Kootenay Community Bat Project; $5,000 for the Strategic Invasive Plant Control’s Leafy Splurge project; $8,500 for Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring at Lake Windermere; $8,700 for Groundswell’s Cli-
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)
mate and Water Conservation Action Initiative; and $2,800 for the Columbia Lake Water Monitoring.
• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00
Child Care Needs Assessment and SIBAC The general administration at the RDEK has approved two grants. The East Kootenay Child Care Needs Assessment Advisory Committee will be receiving $1,500 in 2016 upon adoption of the five-year financial plan and the Southern Interior Beetle Coalition will receive $5,000 annually for three years starting in 2016.
Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)
• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
The Invermere
HUMOUR Something on your mind?
#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299
The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@
Published by Black Press Ltd. at Cranbrook Daily Townsman 822 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC
Dean Midyette
Nicole Trigg
Putting the Columbia Valley on the map
Breanne Massey
Steve Hubrecht
Amanda Nason
Theresa Kains
dean midyette
Renice Oaks
NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
CMCA AUDITED We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
2009 2009 WINNER
If you follow the news you can’t help but come across stories about the water issues in Flint, Michigan. Due to decisions by state government officials the drinking water has become awash with lead, with some blood samples showing two to three times the concentration of lead toxic to humans. It was 15 years ago the tragedy in Walkerton struck, as drinking water was infected with E. Coli, with seven people dying and thousands falling ill. In 2003, in response to changes to water quality standards at the federal level due to Walkerton, the B.C. government intro-
duced the Drinking Water Protection Act. The soft deadline for water system upgrade completion was 2015 which is why we have seen so much activity in valley communities during the last two years. Non-compliance could result in fines of as much as $100,000 per day among other penalties. As of the end of last year most communities had completed or were in the final stages of their upgrades. Lead by the health authorities — the organization tasked with enforcing the new standards — communities have been strongly encouraged to move away from surface water sources which are far more easily contaminated than ground water sources, and to upgrade water purification
systems. Living where we do, it’s easy to take the purity of our drinking water for granted. It’s also easy to be critical of the cost of these upgrades, where residents in some communities have had parcel taxes applied resulting in hundreds of dollars per year in additional taxes allocated to paying down the capital debt. We should be heartened to see the elimination of the wave of drinking water and boil water advisories that arrived with the freshet each spring. Some valley communities have been waiting more than a decade to drink water from their taps. So what is the alternative? We need only to look at Flint and Walkerton to see them.
A look back and a look ahead for Area F
The past year has been Recently, the Columbia ValRegional busy in Electoral Area F ley Chamber of Commerce UNDOWN U (which covers Fairmont, hosted the sixth annual loWindermere, Panorama and cal government update lunthe rural areas in between). cheon. This annual event Some of the projects include: gives the elected local gov• Completion of the first ernment officials the opporphase of the Fairmont Creek tunity to share what we have flood and debris flow mitigaaccomplished in the last ENDY tion Project year and what is in store for • Securing broadband fundthe coming year. This year the elected chiefs from Shus- ing for the rural areas of Toby Benches wap and Akisqnuk were also invited to and Lytle Lake • Long term maintenance and liability attend the panel, which was great to see. When you hear about all the projects for the Westside Legacy Trail • Windermere water reservoir project, that were mentioned (either completed in the past year, in progress or the plan- which is nearing completion • Fairmont, Dutch Creek and Ogilvy ning stage for 2016) you can see that your local government works hard on behalf Wills water systems receiving commuof the residents, property owners and nity works funding to bring all three priguests that all enjoy the Columbia Valley. vate water systems into compliance with
Interior Health drinking water standards under one system • Creation of an economic development service area for the Upper Columbia Valley. The service is now in place and we have committed to fund the Lake Windermere Ambassadors. In addition, we could potentially fund Imagine Kootenay, Columbia Valley Arts and valley-wide visitor services pending budget discussions • Secured funding for Whiteway under the Columbia Valley recreation service area • The Toby Benches Official Community Plan, which is now in final draft stage • Fairmont Official Community Plan, which is just starting • Continuing to work with the Windermere community on options to bring potable water to Windermere. See A6
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
What was your reaction to the Bonspeil on the Lake being moved indoors again?
“It’s too bad. Sounds like it would’ve been fun.” Chris Whitty
“It’s expected. I knew it would be warm now back when we had the cold snap in October. They should start planning based on when we get the cold snaps.”
“It’s unfortunate that Mother Nature is a fickle beast.” Chris Grealey
James Rankin
This is your province on weed
A LOOK from A5
up red cross signs to sell pot products with exotic With unlicensed marijuana dispensaries popping B.C. IEWS names. up in urban areas and thousands of unregulated medB.C. Health Minister Terry Lake was more forthcomical licences for home growing still in legal limbo, the ing a few days earlier, responding to a Vancouver reTrudeau government is starting work on its promise to porter who judged marijuana more interesting than legalize recreational use. his just-announced plan to hire 1,600 more nurses by Marijuana was a media darling in the recent electhe end of March. Lake noted that Ontario Premier tion, but meeting in Vancouver with provincial minKathleen Wynne is keen to sell marijuana through isters last week, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott the province’s monopoly liquor stores. B.C.’s governfound herself preoccupied with issues deemed more OM ment liquor store union has also endorsed this idea, urgent. forming an unlikely alliance with non-union private These include shifting our post-war acute hospital stores to get in on the action. model to community primary care, tackling aborigi“There are public health officials that I’ve talked to who say that the nal health care needs, pooling pharmaceutical purchases to slow rising costs, and meeting an urgent Supreme Court of Canada directive co-location of marijuana and liquor sales is not advisable from a public health perspective,” Lake said.“I think whatever we do it has to be to legalize assisted dying. At the closing news conference in Vancouver, Philpott was asked highly regulated, quality control has to be excellent and above all we how recreational marijuana should be sold. Licensed medical grow- must protect young people.” Yes, liquor stores check ID. But the notion that marijuana might be ers want exclusive rights to sell it by mail as permitted by the Harper government, another measure forced by our high court. That would sold next to beer and vodka in government stores deserves a sober shut out the rash of supposedly medical storefronts, which city halls in second thought, and serious scientific work of the kind that has shown Vancouver and elsewhere imagine they can regulate. Philpott said the damage to developing brains from teenage marijuana use. Of course all of this urban hand-wringing over pot stores ignores the question is “premature” and federal-provincial justice ministers were de facto legalization that has existed across B.C. for decades. dealing with it at their meeting. Ottawa will have a “task force” too. In Nelson, a local woman found that on Google Earth, zooming in on Vancouver descended into a pot store free-for-all due to benign neglect from council and police, and Victoria isn’t far behind.Vancouver area mountains, she finds not only landmark Loki Peak, but also Weed Coun. Kerry Jang, a rare voice of reason in the Big Smoke, has pro- Peak, Grow Op Peak, Cannabis Peak and Hydroponic Peak. Whatever tested dispensaries using street hawkers to attract young buyers, and the source of this cyber-prank, it could also be applied to other regions of B.C. pot stores setting up near schools. For the record, I’ll restate my long-standing position that legalization Other communities, more aware of their limitations, have resisted issuing business licences. One recent proposal in the Victoria suburb is the only logical answer. I’ll say the same about other drugs that drive of View Royal came from a fellow who insisted marijuana extract had most B.C. crime, but that’s a subject for another day. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Find cured his cancer. This is typical of claims that proliferate on the Internet, and is one of many warning signs about dispensaries that put him on Twitter @tomfletcherbc. Email
• Columbia Valley Retention and Attraction Project, which is just gearing up • The Upper Columbia Valley Branding and Marketing Initiative, which we have been working on for several months. We are now at the stage for the tourism stakeholders to take the lead on this project Many of these initiatives are valley-wide in scope and one of the keys to their success is how well the elected officials in the Columbia Valley work together. We recognize that we can achieve more when we work collaboratively. I’m excited to see next year’s list! Wendy Booth is the Regional District of East Kootenay Director for Area F and the RDEK board’s vice chair. She can be reached at or 250345-6155.
Do you find that the Columbia Valley’s profile is rising as a result of increased publicity over the last year?
Do you think the Whiteway needs a set of rules for users?
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo A7
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
KIJHL Standings EddIE MountaIn dIvISIon TEAM GP W x-Kimberley Dynamiters 42 33 x-Creston Valley T. Cats 41 25 x-Fernie Ghostriders 42 24 x-Columbia Valley Rockies 42 24 Golden Rockets 43 4
L 5 13 14 18 36
T OT 0 4 1 2 0 4 0 0 1 2
PTS 70 53 52 48 11
GF/A +84 +47 +32 +8 -136
S W2 W1 L1 W1 L12
nEIL MurdocH dIvISIon TEAM GP W x-Beaver Valley Nitehawks 43 30 x-Castlegar Rebels 41 27 x-G. Forks Border Bruins 43 19 x-Nelson Leafs 42 17 Spokane Braves 43 5
L 9 12 20 23 34
T OTL PTS 2 2 64 2 0 56 0 4 42 0 2 36 0 4 14
GF/A +68 +44 -28 -27 -118
S L1 W3 W3 L3 L9
doug BIrKS dIvISIon TEAM GP x-Kamloops Storm 43 x-100 Mile H. Wranglers 43 x-Chase Heat 42 Revelstoke Grizzlies 42 Sicamous Eagles 42
W 27 26 24 19 8
L 11 11 13 19 27
T OTL PTS 1 4 59 2 4 58 3 2 53 2 2 42 2 5 23
GF/A +33 +34 +29 +7 -87
S W3 T1 W1 T1 L5
oKanagan dIvISIon TEAM GP x-Osoyoos Coyotes 42 x-Summerland Steam 42 Kelowna Chiefs 42 N. Okanagan Knights 43 Princeton Posse 41
W 31 26 20 12 9
L 9 14 19 24 29
T OTL PTS 1 1 64 0 2 54 2 1 43 3 4 31 2 1 21
GF/A +89 +30 -3 -32 -74
S W2 L2 W1 L2 L1
PTS 67 59 58 58 58 57 55 55 51 51
PIM 42 30 14 101 30 85 20 26 89 33
Scoring Leaders Player 1. Rainer Glimpel 2. Alec Wilkinson 3. Cole Keebler 4. Micheal Cardinal 5. Jordan Busch 6. Eric Buckley 7. Tayden Woods 8. Jared Marchi 9. Braden Fuller 10. Justin Peers
GP 42 40 30 40 42 42 41 42 38 35
G 24 12 27 26 8 19 24 23 22 19
A 43 47 31 32 50 38 31 32 29 32
Goaltending Leaders (min. five games played) Player Team GAA SP W 1. Tavin Grant KAM 1.90 .931 8 2. Brett Soles OSO 1.91 .937 19 3. Tyson Brouwer KIM 1.99 .927 26 4. Tallon Kramer BVN 2.07 .937 8 5. Nic Bruyere CHA 2.25 .929 18 6. Aidan Doak REV 2.26 .922 12 7. Adam Derochie 1MH 2.26 .940 9 8. Mitch Traichevich KIM 2.27 .915 7 9. Adam Jones PRI 2.30 .921 9 10. Spencer Eschyschyn KAM 2.32 .907 12
L 3 6 5 2 10 7 3 4 4 9
T 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 1
SO 1 4 6 1 2 0 0 2 2 3
x = clinched playoff spot
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IJHL K WHL Standings
Rockies lose, then win on weekend
cEntraL dIvISIon TEAM GP Wbreanne L OTL SL PTSmassey GF/A S Lethbridge Hurricanes 45 33 12 0 0 66 +64 W7 Red Deer Rebels 46 29 15 1 1 60 +34 L2 Calgary Hitmen 46 27 17 1 1 56 +7 W1 Edmonton Oil Kings 47 18 22 6 1 43 -22 W1 Medicine Tigers 44 18 22 3 1 40won -25 4-2 against W3 TheHatKimberley Dynamiters the Kootenay Ice 46 8 35 3 0 19 -102 L4
ColumThe Rockies won 5-2 against the Beaver Valley Nitebia Valley Rockies at the Kimberley Civic Centre on FriEaSt dIvISIon hawks at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena on Saturday, January 22nd. TEAM GP W L OTL SL PTS GF/A S Brandon Wheat Kings 44 27 13 2 2 58 +37 L1 day, January 23rd. “We played an extremely strong first two periods,” said Prince Albert Raiders 45 26 14 4 1 57 +10 OTL1 Moose Jaw Warriors 45 23 16 5 1 52 +14 L1 “We had a really strong effort from everyone,” said Wade Dubielewicz, head coach. “In the third, we lost a Regina Pats 46 19 20 3 4 45 -21 OTL1 Saskatoon 47 17and 26 4it bit 0 us 38 in-54 L1 Wade Dubielewicz, head coach. “We played a big bit ofBlades composure the behind.” Swift Current Broncos 45 14 26 4 1 33 -39 W2 strong team from There was no B.c. dIvISIon the Beaver Valley scoring done durTEAM GP W L OTL SL PTS GF/A S Kelowna Rockets 45 31 11 3 0 65 +36 W2 and we were able ing the first46 peVictoria Royals 26 15 2 3 57 +35 OTL1 Prince George Cougars 46 27 17 1 1 56 +18 L1 to control most of riod, but Brodie Kamloops Blazers 44 22 15 4 3 51 +15 W1 the game.” Buhler of the47 DyVancouver Giants 17 25 3 2 39 -27 L4 Tyler Ghirardosi namiters took a u.S. dIvISIon TEAM GP W L OTL SL PTS GF/A S gave the Nite1-0 Silvertips lead when Everett 43 he 27 12 2 2 58 +28 W3 Seattle Thunderbirds 44 25 16 3 0 53 +12 W1 hawks a 1-0 lead scored the JuPortland Winterhawks 45 23 20 2 0 48 +7 W1 Spokane 20 18 3 2 45 -4 L1 when he scored niorChiefs B team’s43first Tri-City Americans 45 20 23 2 0 42 -23 W3 with an assist goal of their home Scoring Leaders from Jace Weegar game withTeamlessGP G Player A PTS PIM 1. Adam Brooks REG 46 27 44 71 16 and Braden Fuller than three minutes 2. Tyson Baillie KEL 43 26 41 67 44 3. Brayden Burke the LETsec- 45 14 52 66 18 in the first. left during 4. Dryden Hunt MJW 45 28 37 65 24 5. Reid Gardiner PAR 45 29 35 64 36 During a powerond. 6. Ivan Nikolishin RDR 46 26 36 62 12 play, Doan Smith During third, 45 26 34 7. Parker Bowles the TCA 60 36 8. Alex Forsberg VIC 45 19 38 57 47 made the Junior the Yamamoto Dynamiters 9. Kailer SPO 43 17 40 57 22 10.continued Giorgio EstephantoLET 55 10 B team’s home dom- 45 24 31 Goaltending Leaders (min. 900 min played) game a 1-1 tie for inate the Rockies Player Team GAA SP W L OT SO 1. Carter Hart EVT 1.92 .927 26 11 3 6 the Rockies. The first when Keenan 2. Coleman Vollrath VIC 2.52 .912 18 12 2 1 assist was made Haase, a Dynamit3. Jackson Whistle KEL 2.54 .920 19 6 2 2 4. Ty Edmonds PGC 2.56 .917 15 10 1 3 by Rockies teamers athlete, scored 5. Rylan Toth RDR 2.66 .912 23 12 1 5 6. Jayden Sittleran LET 2.70 .909 16 6 0 1 mates Micheal with assist 7. Zach Sawchenko MJW 2.74 .922 17 8 4 1 8. Connor Ingram KAM 2.76 .916 19 9 7 2 Cardinal and from Eric Buckley 9. Jordan Papirny BWK 2.76 .903 17 12 4 3 10.and LandonSawyer Bow SEA .917Columbia 14 15 4Valley 4 Rockies Junior B team was confident in its effort to con- Quinn Sobus. Hunt.2.80The *does not include games from Wed., Jan. 20 Donoven Quintin Then, Jared Mar- quer the Beaver Valley Nitehawks. Rockies goalie, Connor McKay, stopped 41 Photo by Amanda Nason put the Rockies chi scored for the shots on the net on Saturday, January 23rd. into the lead when Dynamiters with he scored the final goal of the first period. an assist from Brodie Buhler. During the second, Mr. Smith scored another goal with asColton Sandboe and Davin Burton pushed the puck down to the opposite end of the ice, bringing the Rock- sists from Ryan St. Jean and Mr. Cardinal. Harrison Davies scored for the Rockies during the third ies team their first goal of the game. But Trevor Van Steinburg scored for the Dynamiters, with assists from Will Reynish and Mr. Quintin. The Nitehawks struggled to make a comeback at this point bringing the score up to 4-1. Luke Bellerose scored the Rockies’ final goal moments of the game, but Michael Pruss managed to score during a before the game came to a close. Mr. Bellerose was pre- powerplay. Then, Mr. Sobus and Kobe Eagletail scored the winning goal, pushing the Rockies ahead to a 5-2 victory. sented with the Rockies’ Away Star for his efforts.
Home Games
Program brochures and application forms are available online at
Deadline for applications is March 4, 2016, or March 18, 2016, depending on the program. Administered and managed by: Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7. 1.877.505.7355
Funded by:
Photo: Tanya Johnson-Waller
Rockies reclaim victory
VS. SPOKANE BRAVES Saturday, January 30 th
VS. GOLDEN ROCKETS Tuesday, February 2
7:30 pm
Find quality employees.
7:30 pm
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo A9
Ski resorts across the province, including Fairmont Hot Springs ski hill (above) and Panorama Mountain Resort, have been so far having an excellent season in terms of conditions, visitors and revenue. Submitted photo SKI AREAS from A3 “Last winter, we fared much better than many other western resorts due to our incredible snowmaking system,” adds Hurschler. “[But] this winter, our snowmaking system helped build a deep base and all the natural snow that we have received has truly made conditions phenomenal.” The soft Canadian dollar is also having a positive impact on visits to western Canada’s ski resorts. “U.S. overnight tourist visits to Canada increased eight per cent during the first ten months of 2015 (compared with 2014),” read the CWSAA
release. Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, which owns Fernie, Kicking Horse, and Kimberley Ski Resorts, report that U.S. business to their resorts is up 200 per cent compared with last year. “The strength of the US dollar has helped,” said Hurschler. “As we are seeing some increased traffic coming up from south of the border, but even more so, we feel Canadians are travelling more to Canadian destinations as vacations and visits to the States have quite quickly become a whole lot more expensive.”
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives
2009 — A pair of youngsters enjoy playing in the snow during the annual Bonspiel on the Lake ECHO FILE PHOTO
over the last 50 years
Invermere on at 3:02 a.m. January 19th. The little boy, who weighed in at 4,000 grams (8 lbs., 13 oz.) will be named William James.
years ago (1966): Another successful evening of bingo was enjoyed in the Windermere Community Hall January 14th when 160 people gathered for an evening of fun. Main prizes were won by Mary Larabee, Laura Beninger and Theodore Hink of Athalmere.
years ago (1976): The long awaited arrival of the New Year baby came to an end at the Windermere District Hospital in
whether to pass first and second readings of zoning bylaws to create a new residential zone, allowing development.
years ago (1986): Jim Chabot has announced that he will be retiring from the political arena if and when an election is called. Mr. Chabot had been the MLA for the Columbia River Riding for 23 conscutive years. years ago (1996): Village of Radium Hot Springs council wanted to understand their communities insights on a proposed 60 unit (30 duplex) development. Council deliberated Jan. 24th
years ago (2001): A $3.5 million affordable housing project for the District of Invermere was unveiled last week. Plans for a 30-unit rental housing project, which would include three levels of subsidization, will soon appear before council.
years ago (2006): Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm MacDonald confronted Minister of Small Business and Revenue Rob Thorpe regarding privacy rights.
Answers to last week
Friday January 29
CLUES ACROSS 1. Cathode-ray tube 4. A leglike part 8. Old world, new 11. Sec. of Def. Panetta 13. Greek god of E or SE wind 15. Supervises flying 16. In a way, bothers 19. Federal savings bank 20. Stout lever with a sharp spike 21. F.S. Fitzgerald’s wife Zelda 22. Snakelike fish 23. Scads 24. Prophet 26. Former “Daily Show” star 31. Organized crime head 34. Oil obtained from flowers 35. 2X WWE Divas Champ 38. Brine cured Canadian cheese 39. Slow oozing 41. Volt-ampere 42. Phenyl salicylate
2C o
Saturday January 30 A few flurries
1C o
Sunday January 31
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
W eekend WEATHER
A mix of sun and clouds
44. European defense organization 45. Anglo-Saxon theologian 46. Doctrine 49. Soviet peninsula 51. Large long-armed ape 55. Protects from weather 56. Mops 60. Bridge expert 61. Fabric woven from goat and camel hair 62. Capital of Honduras 64. Tell on 65. Wooden clog 66. Beloved 67. Fed 68. Decays 69. Single Lens Reflex CLUES DOWN 1. Applauds 2. Actress Zellweger 3. Obtained by addition 4. Chief executive officer
5. Flees 6. Murres genus 7. __ Wong, spy 8. Works well as a remedy 9. Tripod 10. A nautical unit of depth 12. Most populous Native Am. people 14. Genus Capricornis 17. Universally mounted spinning wheel 18. Spanish shawl 25. Macaws 27. No (Scottish) 28. Takes dictation 29. Spanish appetizers 30. The Muse of lyric and love poetry 31. Romaine lettuce 32. Alias 33. A way to beat 36. Son of Jacob and Zilpah 37. Amount of time 39. Most guileful
-1 C o
40. Younger US political party 43. Electrical resistance unit 45. Side way 47. Milton’s Cormus composer Henry 48. Sheep up to age one 49. Green algae 50. Capital of Morocco 52. S.E. French city on the Rhone 53. Asian nation 54. Great No. Am. RV Rally 57. Culture medium and a foodgelling agent 58. Inflamed lymph node swelling 59. Native of Edinburgh 63. Belonging to a thing
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo A11
WEEKLY Beat Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com
SATURDAY, JANUARY 30TH • 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.: 16th Annual Kinsmen Club Fishing Derby at Kinsmen Beach. Tickets $35. Call 250-342-5557. Registration will take place at 8 a.m. at The Station Neighbourhood Pub.
• 1:30 - 3 p.m.: Midget Home Tournament January 29th - 31st at WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27TH Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena in • 11:30 a.m.: Lake Windermere Invermere. Contact Darryl.turner@ Ambassadors’ monthly Directors or Dwight Lee at dwight. meeting at 625 4th Street (South or call 250-4094296 for more information. Annex). Open to the public. • 5 - 7 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre • 7 p.m.: SYC Pool Tournament.
(SYC) YCC Challenges program.
• 7 p.m.: Support Timmy fundraising • 6 p.m.: SYC games and trivia night. event to raise funds for the cost associated with Tim Goldie’s • 6 p.m.: Columbia Valley Pride medical treatments in Calgary. At Association is seeking fun loving the Panorama Great Hall, entry by outgoing individuals to join our new donation, auction and entertainment. group. Anyone interested is welcome to join us for a meet and greet at • 9 - 10:30 p.m.: Midget Home Tournament January 29th - 31st at Safta’s. Canal Flats Arena. Contact Darryl. THURSDAY JANUARY 28TH or Dwight Lee at or call 250• 4 - 6 p.m.: SYC Graphics Course. 409-4296 for more information. • 4 - 8 p.m.: SYC open gym. Come play sports with us. Everyone welcome. MONDAY FEBRUARY 1ST
• 4 - 8 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre TUESDAY FEBRUARY 9TH open gym. Come play sports with us. • 4 -6 p.m.: Join SYC for Cooking night. Everyone welcome. Join us for Free Food and nutritional FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5TH education.
• February 5th - 7th: Junior cash spiel. For more information, contact the Invermere Curling Centre by calling 250-342-3315, emailing visiting or going to “Invermere & District Curling Centre” on Facebook.
• Join Summit Youth Centre for Employment Readiness Training • Rockies Pond Hockey Tourney or Skills for life! Program. Must pre Friday January 29th - Sunday January register. 31st, at Kinsmen Beach in Invermere. For more information and registration • 5 - 7 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre YCC visit Challenges program. • 5 - 7 p.m.: SYC YCC Challenges cvrockiespondhockey program.
• 12 p.m.: Soup lunch at the Edgewater Legion. $6. Last Friday of each month. • 4 -6 p.m.: Join Summit Youth Centre for Cooking night. Join us for Free • 5 - 7 p.m.: SYC YCC Challenges Food and nutritional education. program. • 5:45 p.m.: Alliance Church, Invermere. Chili dinner and silent auction with entertainment to raise funds for materials to be used to construct a home in Ensenada, Mexico in March. Call 250-342-4454 for more information.
• 5:30 - 7 p.m.: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at Christ Church Trinity (110 7th Ave, Invermere). $10/person. • 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre Youth-Focus Leadership, drop in and have your voice heard. Everyone welcome.
• 6:30 p.m.: Chinese Food Dinner at Branch 71 District Legion in Invermere. INVERMERE LIBRARY $15/person. Reservations Required. • Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m Call 250-342-9517 by January 30th. • Wednesday: 10 a.m - 8 p.m. • Thurs – Saturday: 10 a.m - 5p.m. Meat Draw and 50/50.
• Story Times: Thurs. 10:30 a.m.
• 5 - 7 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre YCC SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6TH Sat. 11 a.m. Challenges program. • 7:30 p.m.: SYC Movie night and free RADIUM LIBRARY • 6 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre games popcorn. • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. and trivia night.
MONDAY FEBRUARY 8TH • 6 - 10 p.m.: Columbia Valley Search • 6:30 p.m.: Steelhead Dinner at Branch and Rescue AGM at Copperpoint Golf • Summit Youth Centre Closed for Family Day 71 District Legion in Invermere. $15/ Club House. All public welcome. person. Reservations Recommended. • 6 - 8 p.m.: Invermere Public Library, • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Annual Family Call 250-342-9517. Meat Draw and Part 1 of a two part wooden doll Fishing Derby at Horseshoe Lake for project. Join us as we host guest kids with cancer. This event keeps 50/50. Pre- the whole family entertained with • 6:30 - 8 p.m.: Midget Home speaker Donna McArthur. registration is required—contact the ice fishing, tobogganing, hockey, and Tournament January 29th - 31st at library 250-342-6416. plenty of kids’ activities including Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena in tug-o-war, fishing for a prize, ice jug • 6:30 p.m.: The Columbia Valley Invermere. Contact Darryl.turner@ or Dwight Lee at dwight. Greenways Trail Alliance is hosting bowling and crafts. Hot food and or call 250-409- a Westside Legacy Trail Invermere beverage will be available by donation Information Night and Open House at to keep everyone fueled for the day for 4296 for more information. fun. For more information about the • 7:30 p.m.: SYC Movie night and free the Lion’s Hall. Open to everyone. Family Fishing Derby, contact Event popcorn. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4TH Chair Chris Bosman at 250-919-3511 or • 4 - 6 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre Graphics Course.
• Wed - Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 1p.m.
WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM • Tuesday: 12 - 4 p.m.
• Thurs - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
• Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Fri - Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m.
• Tuesday: 5 - 9 p.m. • Wednesday: 4 - 9 p.m. • Thursday: 5 - 9 p.m. • Fri - Saturday: 6 - 11 p.m.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
The Valley Echo's 2015/2016
NHL Hockey Pool Standings
This Week’s winner is:
Grand Prize
Grampa 4 Head to Echo/Pioneer office to redeem your lunch prize!
2 rounds with cart at The Ridge and 2 rounds with cart at The Point 250-341-3392
All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 11 13 14 14 14 17 18 19 19 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 27 29 30 31 32 32 34 35 36 36 38 38 40 40 42 43 44 45 45 45 48 49 49 49 49 53 54 54 56 56 58 59 60 60 62 62 64 65 65 65 68 69 69 69 69 69 74 75 75 77 77 77 80
Team Dexter “O” slayer +2 Love the B’s Harley +3 LB 22 + Rockies 19 +2 Lone Wolf +2 DR 27 + Hootenani + Curling Iron +2 HSB Dad +3 Kootenay Rangers +3 Flathot 84 +3 D Turner +2 RSj 16 +3 CLB 77 +2 Harley 10 + Slev 77 +2 Cowboyz and Indian + Kmart Specail +4 WTC +2 Jye +2 A’s +4 Yuki’s Monsters + Drinkin n Thinkin +4 Go Habs Go +5 Edge Golf +3 T Webb +2 Buster’s Rez Raiders II +5 Old-Rock +3 Dominator 44 + The Ultra Beauty +2 NM 23 +2 FC 09 + Long-Rock +5 Grocery Stick +3 Grampa 4 +2 Beagle +2 Nelly.33 + Roadhammer +3 Berg’s Pens +4 Ski +3 DB 24 +2 Philip on tacos + Brake Sticks 20 +2 E-town 98 +3 CS 14 +2 KM 10+ Gama’s Guys 2 AllMega 01 + Still Guessing + Ron Hunts Picks + Davy 19 +5 Buster’s Rez Raiders I + MC 21 +2 Davis Tenta +3 Faze Zeimzeys +4 Little Red +5 Layne Hunter Tristan Dubois + 50/50 Rock +3 “BOAT” + Moose Drool +2 Young Guns +2 Jet’s Babby +4 Payci +3 Mouse +2 Hockey Season Widow +2 ABA Chow +3 Kelley Neale + ATT and KZEE + Lynal +2 Epie 76 +5 RACO7 +4 13 Family Pantry +3 NH 08 + Goalieguy +5 Tala’s Mom 2 +2 DQ 18 +3 Matt Santucci +6 Sumokordic +
Total 795 793 792 790 789 788 786 785 783 783 779 779 773 770 770 770 768 767 764 764 763 762 759 758 757 757 756 756 754 753 751 749 749 746 745 744 744 742 742 741 741 740 739 738 736 736 736 735 731 731 731 731 730 729 729 728 728 727 726 725 725 724 724 723 621 721 721 720 719 719 719 719 719 718 717 717 716 716 716 715
LW 46 40 47 41 33 55 45 44 51 50 42 36 50 46 44 40 34 45 50 33 43 48 38 53 45 35 44 41 35 45 42 44 41 37 46 58 47 45 40 47 39 47 49 49 44 44 36 51 51 43 39 31 43 41 40 39 39 38 56 41 40 46 46 49 51 42 39 31 57 51 47 37 37 42 45 35 46 41 40 40
81 56 111 87 100 104 79 87 107 96 115 96 109 113 121 79 115 95 169 77 119 134 65 76 131 92 96 118 85 130 102 136 85 148 122 96 114 95 146 112 131 157 91 114 138 136 110 38 78 78 135 149 122 136 151 115 129 70 109 123 94 107 165 172 133 85 95 126 175 153 98 179 126 125 103 165 68 118 206 80
0.73 0.72 0.75 0.73 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.73 0.73 0.74 0.73 0.71 0.73 0.72 0.77 0.71 0.74 0.74 0.70 0.70 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.73 0.71 0.73 0.71 0.74 0.70 0.73 0.72 0.70 0.72 0.70 0.72 0.71 0.72 0.74 0.70 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.66 0.68 0.69 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.70 0.71 0.67 0.70 0.71 0.68 0.69 0.73 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.74 0.72 0.68 0.72 0.70 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.66 0.68 0.76 0.68
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Rank 81 81 83 83 83 86 87 87 89 90 91 92 92 92 95 96 96 98 98 100 100 102 102 102 105 105 107 107 109 109 111 111 113 114 114 116 117 118 119 119 119 119 123 123 125 126 126 126 129 130 131 132 133 134 134 136 137 138 139 140 140 142 143 143 145 146 147 148 149 150 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
Team MRN31 +3 Taters +3 CM 1 +6 Beer League All Star +2 R’s Rockets +3 Bru’s Babies + R.O.P. +3 HD 4 +5 Malcolm +3 CR 13 +3 Christopher 3 +4 PBR +5 Sabu 64 +4 Last Call + Willbillies +4 Sportsmom3 +3 Hockey Life 5 +3 Texas Mick 810 +2 Hair Haven +4 The Cuptenders +3 Duane G +2 RC 31 +3 Gone Postal+4 Make B Leaf +4 Gama’s Guys +7 Brennan +5 Gwen’s Gimmies + Merrymen +4 Choda Boy +4 Akisqnuk’s Rez Raiders +3 Freddy Kruger +4 Little fast guy +2 MF 11 +2 ZR 20 +2 N4CER +3 Don43 +2 Spencer +4 JD Radium +3 Hockey Insider +7 TD 03 +6 Guessing Game Again +5 Nolan “What” Watt + Life after Lucic +4 Skeeter 31 +2 Woodsy +3 Buster’s Team +3 I’m Gonna Lose + Night Hawks +7 BBD +2 Nelly +2 Rylie’s Mom +4 2010 Bruins +3 WEG +6 NWT 1 +3 Team Canada +4 Sept 27/2015 + Lucky +3 Wolpack 13 +4 Westside Dan +4 T-O-N-N-Y +5 Shogun +8 HSB +4 White +2 Finnipeg + Hair 3 +3 Trich Monas +3 Casss +3 RGM 10 +5 Nick was Here +2 Canucks Suck +3 20.20 luke +4 Y-lime +6 WR 15 +5 Anaphylaxis +3 RT 04 +2 Sumpkin +5 Crew Slut +5 M + L +3 Zacksmum +3
Total 713 713 711 711 711 710 709 709 708 706 705 704 704 704 703 702 702 701 701 700 700 699 699 699 698 698 697 697 696 696 694 694 693 692 692 691 689 688 687 687 687 687 686 686 685 684 684 684 682 681 680 678 675 674 674 673 672 671 668 666 666 665 664 664 661 655 654 653 650 646 646 640 639 637 633 628 615 614 584
LW 33 26 44 41 34 33 47 29 37 35 40 44 36 33 37 42 40 44 41 47 36 37 31 30 35 30 43 37 36 34 36 36 31 37 36 37 39 37 45 42 39 34 44 30 40 41 31 30 41 42 33 42 39 41 35 45 32 41 34 32 32 30 39 32 26 27 36 31 30 43 25 33 29 42 34 28 33 31 31
GM 118 158 117 132 118 92 145 140 104 139 141 147 119 72 156 126 141 129 122 153 93 131 124 94 201 158 119 135 101 161 133 120 128 129 126 111 181 155 162 170 173 120 119 151 151 156 133 187 115 131 136 144 162 147 139 134 127 165 126 152 166 196 119 109 114 145 196 162 162 135 219 190 169 164 124 144 198 176 189
P/G 0.68 0.71 0.68 0.69 0.69 0.66 0.70 0.71 0.67 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.67 0.65 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.68 0.70 0.66 0.68 0.68 0.66 0.72 0.69 0.67 0.68 0.66 0.70 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.71 0.68 0.69 0.70 0.69 0.66 0.66 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.67 0.70 0.65 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.66 0.67 0.66 0.65 0.68 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.69 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.64 0.69 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.69 0.67 0.64 0.64 0.61 0.63 0.65 0.63 0.61
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 27,Valley 2016 Echo A13 A13
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SEE POLAR Bears, Walrus and Whales on our Arctic Explorer Voyage next summer. Save 15% with our winter sale for a limited time. Call toll-free: 1-800-363-7566 or (TICO#04001400)
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Place of Worship
Place of Worship
2 High Lead Chokermen required by busy logging and hauling company. Competitive wages based on experience. Health insurance benefits included. Please forward resume to the email address or mailing address above.
CAREER OPPORTUNITY MANAGER, COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS Permanent, full-time in our Cranbrook office. Apply before January 27, 2016, noon PT.
Apply at 1.800.505.8998
Place of Worship
CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE 100 - 7th Ave., Invermere 250-426-7564 Pastor Rev. David Morton Worship Services Sundays 1:30 p.m. Christ Church Trinity, Invermere
RADIUM CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF JESUS FELLOWSHIP CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS #4 - 7553 Main Street W, ANGLICAN-UNITED Radium 5014 Fairway, 250-342-6633 Fairmont Hot Springs 100-7th Ave., Invermere Confession: 1/2 hr. before Mass 250-347-6334 250-341-5792 250-342-6644 Canadian Martyrs Church Reverend Laura Hermakin President: Adam Pasowisty 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Worship Service Columbia Valley Branch Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. Worship, Every Sunday:10:30 a.m. Sundays, 9 a.m. Worship Services Bible Studies Children and Youth Sunday School Sundays St. Joseph’s Church Wednesdays, 7 p.m. at 10:30 a.m at Christ Church 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hwy. 93-95, Radium Hot Trinity, Invermere Kids’ Church Springs 1st and 3rd Sunday, March - Dec. 9 Edgewater Hall Sundays, 11 a.m. a.m. at All Saint’s, Edgewater Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission 2nd Sunday, 7 p.m.: June - Oct. at Loving God, Corner of Luck and Dunn, St.Peter’s Windermere Loving People Canal Flats Saturdays, 4:30 p.m. WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 250-342-6167 Pastor: Father Gabriel
LAKE WINDERMERE VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY ALLIANCE CHURCH 4814 Hwy. Drive, 1 km north 326 - 10th Ave., Invermere of Windermere 250-342-9535 250-342-9511 Lead Pastor: Trevor Hagan Pastor: Murray Wittke Asso. Pastor: Matt Moore Sunday is Worship January 31st 10:30 a.m. Services Celebration Sunday 10 a.m. Worship & Word “Follow Me - Practicing Kid’s Church Provided Disciple” Sharing Truth Pastor Matt Moore Showing Love ministering Following the Spirit The Lord’s Supper will be served
K.I.D.S Church for children age 3 to Grade 1; and grades 2-7, during the morning service.
A14 A14 Services
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Household Services KOOTENAY DUCT CLEANERS Locally owned & operated. Affordable, professional, & insured Duct Cleaning Services & System Sterilizations. Toll free 1.844.428.0522 FREE Estimates
Plumbing FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
Calling all women! Our most popular advertising feature is back! The Pioneer’s annual directory and celebration of Women in Business will appear in the February 5th edition of The Columbia Valley Pioneer. This advertisement will contain your photo, a brief description of your services, and contact information.
1/6 Page
Pets & Livestock
Livestock HOLSTEIN milk cow for sale; good producer. $2650 250428-6264 Registered Luing Bulls 250-346-3100
$125 plus tax 1/3 Page
6 col. (10.25�) x 3.7�
$250 plus tax 1/2 Page 6 col. (10.25�) x5.75�
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A-Steel Shipping Storage Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ insulated containers. All sizes in stock. Prices starting under $2,000. Modifications possible doors, windows, walls etc., as office or living workshop etc., Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale REFORESTATION NURSERY Seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs, and berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce and Pine from $0.99/ tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-8733846 or
Booking deadline Wednesday, January 28th
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD:
1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.
STEEL BUILDING Sale. “Really big sale: extra winter discount on now!!� 21x22 $5,190; 25x24 $5,988; 27x28 $7,498; 30x32 $8,646; 35x34 $11,844; 42x54 $16,386. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422,
If you are a Woman in Business, call Amanda Nason at 250-341-6299 or e-mail to participate.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo A15
COTR offers new transfer program for students BREANNE MASSEY
Criminal and Social Justice students at the College of the Rockies (COTR) now have the opportunity to transfer to the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) to compete their credentials. Graduates of the Criminal and Social Justice Certificate at COTR are eligible to apply to UFV’s Criminology Diploma or its Bachelor of Arts with a major in Criminology if applicants can meet the admission requirements. “This agreement creates new opportunities for our Criminal and Social Justice students to move on to earn a diploma or degree,” said Darrell Bethune, COTR Dean of Business and University Studies. “It is a terrific opportunity for students to begin their
education at College of the Rockies, with small class sizes and more personal instruction, before moving on to university, ” said Mr. Bethune. The British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) reported that 85 per cent of COTR students who transferred to university completed their degree, the highest graduation rate among transfer institutions in the province, in 2015. COTR students also tend to achieve high grades after they transfer. At the University of B.C.’s Vancouver campus, College of the Rockies ranked first in terms of the graduating grade-point-average of its transfer students; it was also in the top five at Simon Fraser University and the University of Victoria. Students are encouraged to transfer to the UFV work through an educational advisor at the COTR to ensure all entrance criteria have been met.
Sand & Gravel
A Member of Better Cranbrook Pest Control Business Bureau
Septic Tank Pumping Portable Toilet Rentals
The Invermere
#8, 1008 - 8th Avenue PO Box 868, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Amanda Nason
Advertising Sales
Ph: 250.341.6299 • Cell: 250.341.1111
To advertise, call: 250-341-6299
Business of the Week
250-342-6452 • 250-342-3773 Cell: 250-342-5833
Your Weekly Source for News and Events
Due to the Family Day long weekend our office willl be closed Monday February 8, 2016 (Family Day)
Complete line of aggregate products for construction and landscaping
• Flies • Spiders • Rodents - we offer a pro-active approach to stop them COLD!
Office Closed
Sholinder & MacKay
...want in for the winter
For more information on College of the Rockies’ Criminal and Social Justice program, go to
• Complete sewer/drain repairs • Reasonable rates - Seniors’ discount • Speedy service - 7 days a week • A well-maintained septic system should be pumped every 2-3 years • Avoid costly repairs
Bruce Dehart 250-347-9803 or 250-342-5357
Proudly serving the Valley for over 50 years. For competitive prices and prompt service call:
250-342-3268 (plant) 250-342-6767 (office)
Selkirk Cellulars & Office Supplies Since it’s grand opening a year and a half ago, Selkirk Cellulars & Office Supplies continues to support local businesses and residents with their office supply needs while providing services as a Telus authorized dealer. As an office supply store it is our goal to meet the needs of the community and offer a local choice to our customers. We have new and dynamic products ranging from iPads, cell phones and cellular accessories to printer inks, art materials and ever changing office supplies. We work with you to consistently meet your office supply needs and delivery of your orders directly to your door is available at no cost to you! A bright store front located at Parkside Place across from “Pot-Hole Park” welcomes all. We are open 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday from 9 to 6 pm and can be contacted at 250-342-0025. Sponsored by:
250-342-2844 651 Highway 93/ 95, P.O. Box 1019, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0
Cinefest Film Series @ Pynelogs What does ART The Second Mother mean to you? Tuesday January 26th at 7 pm Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.
Happy BirtHday to pynelogs!
1914 - 2014
Celebrating 100 years
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 The Valley Echo
NO. 6
This Newspaper. ALLEY IFE
This past weekend Kirsten Patton, Kim Whyte, Meghann Connor and Amber Parillo (above) were the A Group winners at this year’s curling Bonspiel on the Lake; attendees of the Snowflake Festival enjoyed some spectacular fireworks at Kinsmen Beach, on Friday, January 22nd. Photos by David Webster
This toque. It helped Bethany find a better life. Buy yours at or donate $5 by texting TOQUE to 45678. Help the homeless in your community.
X6183H_This Newspaper.indd 1
2016-01-07 3:24 PM
X6183H_This Newspaper.indd
Job Description:
Mechanical Specifications:
Client: RTR Docket #: 112-LPBCRFX6183 Project: Newspaper Ad #: X6183H
Bleed: None Trim: 4.31” x 6” Live: 3.435” x 5.125” File built at 100% 1” = 1”
Acct. Mgr: Kayla O
Producer: David E
Crea. Dir: Anthony C
Studio: Kevin W, Kim C
Art Dir: Sally F
Proofreader: Peter C & Claude G
Publication: Black Press
Colours: 4C Start Date: 12-21-2015 3:09 PM Revision Date: 1-6-2016 10:00 AM Print Scale: None
Writer: Jason S
Comments: This Newspaper
Leo Burnett 175 Bloor Street E. North Tower, 13th Floor Toronto, ON M4W 3R9 (416) 925-5997
Visit the NEW Enter To Win a Waikiki Beach Getaway for Two* Roundtrip Airfare aboard Alaska Airlines, Five Nights at the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel and Dinner at Tiki’s Grill & Bar
Find the Fan THIS WEEK’S FAN APPRECATION CONTEST WINNER Pick up your prize at anytime at the Invermere Valley Echo office.
Sponsored by
It’s a good read. When crumpled and stuffed in your jacket, it’s a good insulator. That’s what Bethany had to do when she lived on the streets.
Experience Hawaii like you live here…on-line. Choose an Island that’s right for you, find the resort of your dreams then explore all the activities, shopping and dining that await you in paradise! And right now, you could win airfare from any Alaska Airlines gateway across North America, enjoy the fun Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel and dine in true island-style at Tiki’s!
For more information and to register, visit *Must be 18 years of age or older to enter. No purchase necessary. Winner chosen by random draw. Odds determined by number of entries. Travel valid from any Alaska Airlines gateway in North America. Winner travel dates, times and package components subject to change & availability. Restrictions apply. Contest ends on January 31, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. HST. See website for complete details.
Your complete source for island travel.