Volume 62 No. 04
Refinery need pipes Two pipelines, both of which would have to traverse the Skeena River west of Terrace in some fashion, surface in a multi-billion petroleum refinery proposal released last week. The pipelines, one for gasoline and the other for diesel, would extend 120 kilometres from the proposed Pacific Future Energy Corporation refinery location on the Dubose Flats between Terrace and Kitimat north to an undefined marine export terminal location on the Portland Inlet on the coast north of Prince Rupert. “Early third-party studies suggest a marine terminal could be situated along the Portland Inlet, in the event such a development were to secure the support of a...First Nation,” indicates a project description submitted to federal and provincial regulators. “If such a marine terminal were to be developed, we anticipate that two (one for gasoline and one for diesel) short (120 km) pipelines, developed in partnership with First Nations along the route, could be built to support the marine terminal’s operations,” the project description reads. Pacific Future official Don MacLachlan, speaking last week, was confident a river crossing could be accomplished. “New techniques for putting a pipeline under rivers and lakes are proven,” said MacLachlan in emailed comments. Should Pacific Future be successful in its $15 billion refinery plan and should those pipelines be constructed, the company anticipates Panamaxsize ships being used to transport gasoline and diesel to overseas markets. Continued on page 9
Celebrating 2016’s first baby in Kitimat.
/page 8 How Portugal built Kitimat.
/page 9 PM477761
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Pow A collision on the ice sent these players from the Terrace River Kings and the Kitimat Ice Demons in to the air. This was the Ice Demons’ final regular season game, played at Tamitik Arena. For more results see page 12. Cameron Orr
Horizon North gets rezoning Cameron Orr The planned worker camp at the Horizon North property near the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce can be a bit higher after a rezoning proposal went through, but the notion of increasing density on the land worried at least one property owner of rental units in Kitimat. Horizon North structures can now be as high as 12 metres, a boost to accommodate more storeys and a peaked roof design to deal with snow load. The proposal did draw a letter of concern from John Rigoni, who owns apartment units in town and was one of the proponents of a high-density housing proposal in the Strawberry Meadows subdivision which drew opposition from concerned neighbours. Rigoni wrote to council saying that allowing higher density developments,
especially at a time when vacancy is much higher than it was a year ago, may devalue existing properties. “It is this scarcity that gives it [land] value to owners who have invested into purchasing, speculating, developing and managing these properties,” he writes. “Whenever land is rezoned it affects the scarcity and value of land that falls into each side of the change of the affected zoning.” He said increasing density is not necessarily bad for a community, but “it should not come at the expense of existing investors during a period of surplus supply.” Rigoni also weighed in on the topic of renovictions, saying that while he never did it in his apartments he would have if he were the owner of some of the older, derlict buildings in town. Renovictions were an issue at
the peak of Kitimat’s housing crunch where people were evicted in order for an owner to do renovations to a suite. When housing was scarce it often meant residents would have no choice but to pay significantly higher rents to live somewhere else. “The renovictions that took place were long overdue,” Rigoni writes. “It is unfortunate that it did adversely affect the individuals who were displaced. For them it was not a welcome change. A small consolation is that hopefully they can look back on the extremely low rents that they had paid as one of the benefits that they got to experience.” Rigoni goes on to say that his proposal to council is that they lift the pressure on industries to not give their employees Living Out Allowances. (LOA). Continued on page 7
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Police Beat
Alcohol largest source of complaints The Kitimat RCMP noted a fairly quiet week between January 10 and 16. In all, the police investigated 56 complaints. From those, three were of mischief, four was a noise bylaw complaint, there was one break and enter file, five traffic complaints and 11 complaints involving
drugs, alcohol or intoxicated persons. Anyone with information relating to a crime in Kitimat should either call the RCMP detachment at 250-632-7111, or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. They have a website as well at www. crimestoppers.ca. Crime Stoppers is anonymous and
does not subscribe to call display and calls are not traced or recorded. You do not have to give your name, address or telephone number and you do not need to testify in court. If your information leads to an arrest or charge you may be eligible for a cash award of up to $2,000.
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Neighbours in Rupert eye propane export “We anticipate this facility will be the first Kevin Campbell “We anticipate to export propane from British Columbia’s west The West Coast of Canada’s first-ever propane export facility could be located at Ridley this facility will coast, opening up new international markets for natural gas producers in Western Canada. We Terminals outside Prince Rupert. be the first to look forward to working closely with First NaOn Wednesday, Jan. 20, AltaGas Ltd. announced that it has signed into an agreement, inexport propane tions, governments, the community and other stakeholders to bring this project into operation,” cluding a sublease with Ridley Terminals, to defrom British he continued. velop, build, own and operate a terminal, called Ridley Terminals Chief Operating Officer the Ridley Island Export Terminal, as an initial Columbia’s west and President David Kirsop added that the diverstep in the regulatory approval and civic engagecoast.” ment processes to come in the future. sification away from coal, Ridley’s main export, A final investment decision by AltaGas is exis a good sign for the economic well-being of the pected to come later in 2016, with propane export operations company. “Ridley Terminals is encouraged by this concrete step to commencing in 2018. The proposal includes exporting 1.2 million tonnes of diversify products shipped from our facilities while sustainpropane per year, which is expected to come from B.C. and ing and creating new jobs in the community,” he said. Alberta natural gas producers. Construction costs for the facility are expected to be The CN rail network is expected to be the mode of trans- within the range of $400 million to $500 million and AltaGas portation to deliver the propane to the facility on Ridley Is- presently “owns or has an interest in” six natural gas proland. cessing facilities in B.C. and Alberta that produce propane “We are very excited about the opportunities presented and AltaGas also operates a similar propane export facility in by the Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal,” said David Ferndale, Washington. Cornhill, Chairman and CEO of AltaGas in a press release AltaGas is also the company proposing to build a floating sent out Wednesday. LNG facility in Kitimat called Douglas Channel LNG.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3
BC Hydro’s wireless grid system was officially complete at the end of 2015, with a total cost the Crown utility now projects to be $777 million. That’s $153 million below the original budget, said Greg Reimer, executive vice president, transmission, distribution and customer service for BC Hydro. It includes all the elements required by the B.C. government when it ordered the installation of the smart meter system as part of its Clean Energy Act in 2010. Reimer said in an interview the system has also exceeded the $70 million in savings projected for the first three years of operation. “We’ve realized about $100 million in benefits during that time, particularly from operational savings,” Reimer said. “Customers are getting more accurate bills. We’ve reduced our manual meter reading reads and our bill estimates. Meter reading and billing is automated through the system.” Reimer said the ability to test an entire power line after one break is repaired means the crew doesn’t have to drive the rest of the line, and can move to the next confirmed problem when repairing storm damage. Reimer said the business case projected a 75 per cent reduction in power theft, and the reduction for this fiscal year is projected at 80 per cent, as the smart grid detects actual power consumption. There are still 13,320 customers who have refused to accept smart meters.
Discussion sparked on fireworks Cameron Orr The community regulation on fireworks is perhaps in need of an overhaul. That’s the feeling after a presentation by community members to town council who feel that some adults in the community are using fireworks irresponsibly, and that the current rules on their use mean too wide a window to set them off. As it is fireworks can be set off three times a year, for about a week each time. For New Years, fireworks can be set off from Christmas Eve until
January 2. On Canada Day they can be set off from June 22 to July 2. For Halloween they can be set off October 24 to November 1. Those are also the same windows where fireworks can be sold in the community. Phyllis Greg, along with her friend Elizabeth Stumpf, asked council for action following incidents where people were using fireworks near houses, and placing them on cars and front yards. “It’s becoming a big, big problem especially when they’re throw-
ing them under cars,” said Gregg. She also has particular issue for her pets who are, naturally, scared quite a bit at the sound of fireworks being set off. “I’ve always felt this community was a safe place. With this going on it’s not very safe at all.” Councillors have asked for the District of Kitimat staff to come to them with a report on their options as far as regulating fireworks in the community. Chief Administrative Officer Warren Waycheshen said they’ll bring the issue to a future committee
of the whole meeting. The B.C. Municipal Code allows towns to place whatever restrictions they want on fireworks, even prohibiting them entirely, although that is not so far a suggestion from anyone. Mario Feldhoff offered up his own ideas as well. “I think the biggest issue can be addressed by reducing the permissible time which discharge of fireworks is allowed,” he said. “It would not be restrictive to reduce it to just the one night.” That, he said, would give better certainty to pet owners.
GasLink adds more Aboriginal agreements Cameron Orr Coastal GasLink is celebrating the addition of two more Northern B.C. First Nations to their project agreement. Coastal GasLink is the TransCanada-owned natural gas pipeline which when built would service the LNG Canada facility in Kitimat. Long-term agreements have been made with the Nadleh Whut’en First Nation and the West Moberly First Nation. That brings the total project agreements up to 11 for the project. The agreements, the company says, outline the benefits and committments provided to the communities for as long as the pipeline is in service. “Our early and consistent engagement with First Nations has helped establish trust and lay the groundwork for these project agreements,” said GasLink President Rick Gateman. “The deep familiarity and knowledge that First Nations have with their land is a tremendous benefit that TransCanada draws upon throughout its project planning process. These agreements represent only the beginning of the continued discussion
and feedback that we will continue to incorporate throughout the construction and operation of this project.” To date, Coastal GasLink has had approximately 15,000 interactions and engagements with Aboriginal communities along the proposed pipeline route, and a quarter of the over 333,000 hours of fieldwork on the project has been conducted by Aboriginal people, the company says. An estimated 32 per cent of the $4.8 billion plus project will be spent locally in B.C., the company adds, with over 2,000 jobs during construction and in excess of $20 million in annual property tax payments. The project has already spent over $41 million in Northern B.C. plus over $1.9 million in community investments along the route. Coastal GasLink has had difficulties in some portions of their project. Roadblocks on a portion of the proposed route by some members of the Unis’tot’en have led the company to rethink its route and diverted it slightly north in the Houston area before curving back to Kitimat. The company president told the Sentinel in August 2015 that the company’s new route takes
Refinery approach irks some Josh Massey Kitsumkalum chief councillor Don Roberts says he's unhappy with the way the Pacific Energy Future Corporation has gone about introducing a plan to ship oil by railcar to a planned oil refinery between Terrace and Kitimat and then pump gas and diesel in two pipelines north across the Skeena River to an export terminal at Portland Inlet on the north coast. He says the company went public with the plan before he had a chance to respond to the project. “We are annoyed at having our name as a consultation band,” said Roberts. “Kitsumkalum is not in support of raw bitumen moving by pipeline or train, or something of that nature.” He added that he received the project description not long ago and feels it was “a short period” in which to respond. Pacific Future Energy officially released its project de-
them down river of the Morice about 40 kilometres, avoiding springs that feed the Morice. The Coastal GasLink project would be 670 kilometres from Dawson Creek to Kitimat.
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K.U.T.E. “Kitsumkalum is not in support of DEPOT raw bitumen moving by pipeline or RECYCLING 316 Railway Ave., Kitimat • Ph. 250 632-6633 www.kitimatrecycle.org/home train...” KITIMAT UNDERSTANDING THE ENVIRONMENT Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9am to 4pm • Sat. 10am to 4pm
scription last week at the same as it was submitted to provincial and federal authorities. “I don't want to go there,” said Roberts about the prospect of pipelines crossing the Skeena River in some fashion west of Terrace which is within Kitsumkalum traditional territory. He said he feels the Kitsumkalum are “stuck in the middle”, finding the typical way project proponents deal with First Nations – speaking to them individually and offering money to one but perhaps not another – in what he calls a “divide and conquer” strategy. “My views here is it involves everyone in the Tsimshian Nation,” said Roberts. Kitselas First Nation chief
councillor Joe Bevan said last week Pacific Future Energy also contacted the Kitselas about its project, adding it would take at least another year for the First Nation to evaluate the proposal. Pacific Future Energy's proposed refinery, which would cost an estimated $11 billion, is within Kitselas traditional territory. SkeenaWild Conservation Trust executive director Greg Knox said the idea of one or more pipelines crossing the Skeena River, as well as the atmospheric disturbances in the Kitimat Valley caused by a large oil refinery, are a worry, but he doubts coastal refinery projects makes sense economically. Continued on page 6
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2015
Because us journalist types are vain and selfcentred we can never resist making something about ourselves, so I’m going to talk about myself for a few minutes. As of last Friday, I’m no longer the editor of this paper. No, I wasn’t fired. I’m heading off to new opportunities. I am, however, not leaving Kitimat. Which I say as happy news, even though I’ve never been shy to say the chapter of my life in Kitimat was never intended to be permanent. When I moved up here with my then future-wife I planned to gain whatever work experience I could then quickly bolt it to Vancouver for what I could only presume would be fame and fortune. Ah, to be that young again. To think of all that I’ve done and learned since my first day here is simply overwhelming. I knew so little back in 2007. Now in 2016 I still know so little but at least I hide it better. Working in a single-person newsroom is tough work but I’m eternally grateful to everyone who made my life easier. I must mention the Sentinel’s Publisher Louisa Genzale whose years of experience in ‘the biz’ means she’s an invaluable source of knowledge and a stalwart leader for the paper. The Sentinel’s prior editor, Malcolm Baxter, has been crucial to my success too. He certainly used up a lot of red ink editing my earlier pieces which gave me the guidance and direction I really needed coming from a campus newspaper. He was also a lifeline in my earliest days being a new editor. Of course my ‘ace reporters’ out in the field, that is the readers who submit content to the newspaper from photos, to articles, to sports reports have my undying gratitude. The greatest tragedy of this job is I can’t be everywhere all the time, so submissions of club goings on are always greatly appreciated here. In fact, please continue to let the paper know about events, send in photos, and write Letters to the Editor. I know writing letters to the paper may seem old fashioned these days but they add crucial dialogue to the community and they are definitely read by local policy makers too. They get noticed, is what I’m saying. Ultimately, working for a newspaper is unique. Every typo I’ve ever made will live forever. I’ve received praise for my work but also criticism for not doing this or for writing that. The paper has won major awards during my time here as well. I’m just one person in the Sentinel’s more than 60 year history. I’ll continue to use it for my source of news because I’ve seen the hard work everyone (see below right) puts into making it worth your $1.30 every single week. It’s been a great ride. - Cameron Orr, for the last time
Toronto rule change good for Canada Under Miscellaneous
For me, the most interesting piece of news I read in the past week wasn’t about the Canadian dollar, the celebrity status of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or the price of a litre of gas. It was the announced decision by the faraway Greater Toronto Hockey League, which manages the largest minor hockey program in the world, to pass new rules to restrict the number of foreign players taking advantage of Canadian taxpayers and manipulating playing spots for their own kids in the rep categories of Toronto minor leagues. The “dramatic rule change,” expected to be passed in February, will make it far more difficult for young players from Russia, the United States and other countries to play the GTHL. I was pleased to see the event given appropriate coverage and publicized by TSN on its website. OK, wait, you say, you’ve been on about this before, it’s not a problem here in northern B.C. In fact, we could use some extra players to raise the level of competition. And that too is true. However I
by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
lived in Toronto in the 1960s and 1970s and it was frequently a hotly debated issue even then. And I can assure you it has a huge impact on a large number of B.C. kids who may want to play junior hockey at a higher level, but find many opportunities blocked due to well-scouted foreign players. It always amazed me that there was so much tacit acceptance in the centre of the world for Toronto kids getting bumped off rep teams and down to lower development levels because foreign players were given precedence. Toronto and most larger Canadian cities with lots of rinks and minor teams have been plagued by this issue. You rarely hear much about it until a year like this year when Canada’s junior team in the world championships
under performed and thudded out of the competition. This was especially galling after winning gold in 2015. After the disappointed fans have had a critical go at the coaching and Hockey Canada, they eventually come back to the real reason. We are not developing the number of top-of-the line Canadian players that we used to. We ought to be. A little bit of Dr. Google tells me Canada has almost 550,000 registered hockey players of all ages, with a majority in minor hockey. That’s 1.64 per cent of the population, the highest in the world. By comparison the much larger United States only has 435,000 registered players - only 0.15 per cent of population. Finland is the next to Canada with 120 of each 10,000 people registered in hockey. Surprisingly of six leading hockey countries Russia has a minimal percentage registered, only five of every 10,000 are hockey players. Continued on page 6
Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.
Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org. Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5
The tree of pride or the tree of blessing Genesis 3:1: “Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord had made.� We humans understand the need for law, but our pride causes us to resent it just the same. The problem is that our pride rebels against authority, all authority. We don’t like someone telling us what to do even if it is for our own good. The account of the fall of Man in the Garden of Eden is an account of such a rebellion and
From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church
the midst of millions. It shouldn’t have been that hard to avoid. The key question now becomes, “Will these humans be content with what God has provided, or will they put Him to the test?� The truth is boundaries establish freedom; they define the parameters and create order. God is a God of order and as creator, He is the only one who has the sovereign authority to set those boundaries. Just look where the blurring of the boundaries have gotten us in our society today.
From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pastor Clint Magnus its consequences. Now, there weren’t many rules in the garden; God gave Adam and Eve only one command. They were supposed to love God by trusting in His goodness and living within the boundaries He set for them. They could have anything
they wanted except one thing; the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You may wonder why God put that tree there in the first place but consider this: there had to be something that demonstrated faith and trust. It wasn’t much, just one tree in
Pastor Clint Magnus
And so I'm sure you know what happened in the garden. They ate the fruit that they weren't supposed to and as a result suffering and death entered the world. Not fair you say? Well, you and I have participated in the same rebellion against God and so has every generation that has ever lived. But rather than wash His hands of us, God showed rather that He is a God of love and mercy. Because sin entered the world through a man and a tree, sal-
Readers Write Letters to the Editor
Read it. Live it. Love it!
Family grateful for support
$ $
to start many fires. We would urge you to fortunate events in our lives in the past learn from our tragedy and take nothing five years that will affect us forever but for granted with these plug in heaters. through it all the one thing that remains Far too many homes and sadly even lives constant is that we are so lucky to have have been lost to them so we urge you to such good friends and we are so proud to not take these heaters for granted and be be a part of our community that looks out very careful how you use them. for those in need. Personal disasters can While we do have insurance in place happen anytime and luckily we are so far to help us with our material possessions in a good place. We ask that if you would and the home itself, it does not cover the like to help by making a contribution that things that matter most to us, a lifetime you can direct food and financial supof memories, photographs and personal port to the Kitimat Food Bank Society belongings of a sentimental value that at 250-632-6611 or the Kitimat Humane can never be replaced. No one plans on Society at 778-631-2371 who have been having a fire but as we have personally there for so many of us and our pets in learned, it can happen to you. our small community. Finally, words can’t express our gratThank you again, Janet & Brian itude at the outpouring of sympathy and support we have received since then. One of the great things about our town Kitimat is that it Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across is truly a community that cares. 39. Black gold 1. Domicile 40. “Gimme ___!� (start of an Iowa Our employers, Rio Tinto and 6. Eye affliction State cheer) 10. Bickering LNGCanada, local businesses, 41. Caravansaries 14. Collections of sayings credited 42. Fungal spore sacs friends, neighbours, and people to Jesus 43. Traditional game found as a 15. One who takes orders we don’t even know have come sidestall at funfairs. 16. Biblical birthright seller 46. “___ go!� forward to support us in our 17. Meteorological phenomenon 47. Cracker spread 20. Breastbones 48. Common Market inits. time of need. Many of you went 21. ___ manual 50. Bolshoi rival looking for Marlee when we 22. “Don’t ___!� 53. Small volcanic island in 23. Bang-up Indonesia between Java and hoped that she had somehow 25. Brickbat Sumatra escaped from the house, and for 28. Habitually disposed to 58. Excessive emphasis on disobedience 61. 1920’s chief justice that we are very thankful. We 34. Arm bone 62. Bent have had a large string of un35. Femme fatale 63. “Eraserhead� star Jack
The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: newsroom@northernsentinel.com or Fax: (250) 639-9373
Weekly Crossword
36. “___ to Billie Joe� 37. “Welcome� site 38. Charger
Clues Down
1. “Ah, me!� 2. Attack 3. Shrek 4. Life-size display 5. Brings home 6. Ponzi scheme, e.g. 7. As a result 8. “Amen!� 9. Lizard, old-style 10. Prickly plant 11. “Cast Away� setting 12. C-worthy? 13. Bother 18. Black-and-white diving birds 19. Altercation 23. All over again 24. Didn’t have enough 25. Poison plant 26. Grassy plain 27. Bit of high jinks 29. Heir’s concern
64. “I’m ___ you!� 65. Bad marks 66. Excessive desire
471Srs 65
T . GS
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STUDENT ARTICLES WELCOME All Kitimat students are welcomed and encouraged to submit articles/photos about events or issues at your school for the monthly student ‘Buzz’ page to the Northern Sentinel at newsroom@ northernsentinel.com.
30. Encumbrances 31. Baggy 32. Decree 33. Shops selling ready-to-eat foods 38. Closed 41. Jack 42. Spanish fortresses built by the Moors 44. Portugal city known for port wine 45. Nay opposers 49. Squeezing (out) 50. Japanese stringed instrument 51. “Terrible� czar 52. Take as spoils 53. Top Tatar 54. Level, in London 55. Food sticker 56. “___ bitten, twice shy� 57. Ancient 59. Wharton degree 60. Photo
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Dear friends, Last Tuesday was one of the darkest days of our lives. Both Brian and I were at work when we received phone calls that no one wants to receive – the house that we have lived in and raised our family in for the past 30 years was on fire. We are thankful no one was home at the time except for our two beloved dogs and sadly we lost one of them, our precious little Marlee, in the fire. In the past five years we have had other dark days, including the death of our youngest son, and we are hoping that our journey will include some bright days ahead after we are able to sort through our past in amidst the burnt rubble in the coming weeks. A special thank you to the Kitimat Fire Department for their response and support during and after the fire. Allowing us to get into the house afterwards to retrieve Marlee along with an opportunity to recover what remains of our lifetime of memories will go a long way to help us to rebuild our lives. We would also like to share with you cautionary lessons we have painfully learned. The fire started in our boat next to the house when an electric heater we placed in the boat for the winter somehow caught fire. Many people use these heaters, even in their homes and blindly put their faith in a product that is known
So, let me ask you a question; which tree are you focused on today? The one that feeds your pride and obscures your vision of God’s blessings, or the one that gives His blessing? One tree leads to eternal destruction the other to eternal life. It is only when you look to the cross of Christ and see what was done there for you that you begin to clearly see the forest of God’s blessings to you in Christ both now and forever. Amen.
vation would now also come through a man and a tree. On the cross Jesus paid the penalty of death that was put on mankind in the garden, and in the end, He rendered His own verdict as, ‘paid in full.� The relationship that was severed out of rebellion is now restored through repentant faith in Jesus Christ. “This is why I forgive you,� God tells us. “This is why you never need to run and hide from me like your 1st parents did.�
Upper City Centre Mall KITIMAT
OPEN Mon-Thur & Sat 9:30am-6pm Fri 9:30am-9pm • Sun noon-5pm
6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Refinery Toronto from page 4 approach Continued It’s understandable that hockey in Canada can Con’t from page 3 Knox said that while it's true that refined products such as gas and diesel evaporate rather than sink like raw bitumen in the case of a leak, spilled gas would mix in the turbulence of the water column and be lethal to young salmon. “Because the turbulence in the water is mixed, some of the materials will evaporate relatively quickly but have an immediate impact,” said Knox. Still, Knox said concentrating on Pacific Energy Future is a priority for SkeenaWild given the world-wide glut of petroleum products. “All of the economic analysts are predicting the low oil price is here to stay for a long time, and we just saw sanctions being lifted with Iran, and therefore it makes it easier for Iran to add to world production now,” said Knox. “There are so many energy, natural gas and oil proposals out there that we try to figure out which ones are most likely to proceed and which ones bring the biggest threats and put our energy there,” he added. Knox said one focus right now is organizing the Salmon Nation conference in Prince Rupert this weekend which is to draw attention to the threat that the Pacific Northwest LNG project could pose to Skeena salmon stocks.
be very desirable for overseas players, especially those with an eye to pro hockey like many Canadian youngsters. TSN reports the GTH league will have its new rule in place by this fall that will require the parents of all GTHL players who attend private sports high schools to prove they live in Toronto.
A number of families from Russia with sons playing in the GTHL are reported to be paying $30,000 or more to enroll their children in private schools such as Hill and Everest Academies in the Toronto area, to secure spots on one of the GTHL rep teams. It was good to read too that Hockey Canada president Tom Renney supports the Toronto move to curb the number of international players.
Renney believes, as I do, we really should support Canadian kids’ opportunities to play hockey. I am glad to hear it. I want Canadian kids to get the most benefit from taxpayer-built hockey arenas. I’m sorry there are not enough arenas in the USA, Russia or Europe. But Canadian children must get precedence. There are plenty of opportunities for all pro-quality players later.
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1/20/16 10:19 AM
Answers soon on LNG plan The next step toward a small liquefied natural gas (LNG) project being planned near Kitimat should be known within days. That's because Pacific Northern Gas (PNG), which would supply the natural gas to the Douglas Channel LNG project, has to tell the B.C. Utilities Commission whether it wants to build a 10inch line just for the project or a larger 30-inch line sufficient for that project and for other potential ones in the same area. The company will file to the utilities commission by Jan. 29, building off of approval given last November for PNG to build either line. The approval for either line, both of which would be approximately 9km
in length from the current end of PNG's natural gas line in Kitimat, is part of a series of complex moves involving PNG's parent company, AltaGas of Calgary. AltaGas is a partner with Japanese energy giant Idemitsu Kosan and with international energy trader EDF Trading and Belgium-based energy shipper and provider EXMAR in Douglas Channel LNG. In turn, AltaGas and Idemitsu Canada are partners in a second potential LNG project known as Triton and going ahead of this one would require the larger 30-inch line. That line would also be sufficient to supply a third potential LNG project, Cedar, which is backed by the Haisla Nation.
All three LNG projects would have gas-cooling plants housed on floating barges and the Haisla would benefit from both Douglas Channel and Triton in addition to Cedar. If PNG tells the utilities commission it wants to build the larger 30-inch line it would need to build what would be a companion natural gas line to its existing 10-inch line stretching west of Prince George which now serves customers in the northwest to supply the LNG projects. It's commonly known as the “looping project” and PNG has already filed a project description with provincial environmental regulators in preparation for eventual construction approval. Continued on page 11
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016 7
Take your first step to the international stage! Applications now being accepted for Miss Teen BC, Miss BC & Mrs BC! To apply visit your community newspaper website and click on contests.
Horizon North Continued from page 1 Living Out Allowances contributed to Kitimat’s super-low vacancy, as companies would provide funding to employees who’d rather live in town than in a camp. “These recommendations were drafted during the peak of the shortage of [vacancies] available,” Rigoni wrote.
“This is an opportunity for the mayor and council to undo the harm that has been done to all the Kitimat residents and property owners who wanted to rent out accommodations.” Rigoni suggests council push to allow a certain number of LOAs based on surveys of available accommodations
“This is an opportunity for the mayor and council to undo the harm.” in town. The only other public comment on this bylaw was from another apartment owner in Kitimat Scott Nelson who says he had no objections to the increase in height
for Horizon North. CAO Warren Waycheshen noted the bylaw under discussion is only to do with height so the topic of LOAs don’t weigh in on the discussion at hand.
Since the topic was brought up however Director of Planning and Community Development Gwen Sewell noted that earlier versions of a housing report by Kitimat’s housing committee did outright discourage LOAs but was later revised to only allow them when vacancy rates are on the rise.
Overwaitea Foods in Kitimat will be converting to
BEGINNING JANUARY 29, 2016. To complete this change over, January 28 the store will be open until 6pm. Jas Pannu, manager of Save On Foods, and the staff will continue to bring you all the excellent value, quality and friendly customer service you are accustomed to.
Thank you for shopping at
8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016
INTRODUCING Alejandro Marcus Mackay Kitimat’s First Baby of 2016!
Born on January 13, 2016 at Kitimat General Hospital, weighing in at 9 pounds to proud parents Faviola and Marcus Mackay.
e om c l 2016! f e o y b a Wat’s First B Kitim
Alejandro Mackay
and welcome to Kitimat’s first baby of 2016. We are pleased to present the new baby with a basket of baby needs.
Mayor Phil Germuth would like to present Alejandro and his parents with this gift certificate for
to be used once Alejandro is of ice-cream eating age .
Phil Germuth District of Kitimat - Mayor
Please bring this certificate to the District of Kitimat office 270 City Centre to redeem.
535 Mountainview Square, Kitimat Telephone 250.632.2255
Congratulations to
Welcome to Kitimat’s first baby of 2016!
Kitimat’s First Baby of 2016...
to Faviola and Marcus Mackay on your new little bundle of joy! We take great pleasure in presenting mom, Faviola, with a $25 gift certificate.
Something to SMILE about!
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Wishes to Welcome the First Baby of 2016! We are pleased to present a ONE MONTH FAMILY PASS for the whole family! For more information on recreation services contact 250-632-8955 or 250-632-8970 www.kitimat.ca
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CONGRATULATIONS to Kitimat's First Baby of 2016!
It is our pleasure to present you with some cute little outfits and a one year subscription to the K
626 Enterprise Ave. Ph. 250-632-6144
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9
Kitimat - the town Portugal built Kitimat has from the beginning been a multi-ethnic town with sizeable First Nations, British, Portuguese, Italian, German and, in more recent times, East Indian communities. But the dominant culture has been the Portuguese. Canadian government advertisements promising a better life were appealing to many Europeans, especially those in the Portuguese Azores who eked out an agricultural living on the rocky isles of that mystical Atlantic archipelago of nine islands well west of the mainland. In 1957 a contingent of Canadian immigration personnel helped to process more than 1,000 Azoreans with their health and immigration papers from their centre in San Miguel in the Azores. Of those 1,000 plus, more than 700 ended up in Kitimat. (Ultimately the Portuguese community would hit 4,000 or some 30 per cent of Kitimat's total population.) Most of the Portuguese men arrived on their own, but once they had established themselves in good jobs they went back to Portugal and returned with their young wives. For the women Kitimat was a shock and many adjustments had to be made. But as they said, the advantages of their new home outweighed the
It’s Our
Heritage Walter thorne
disadvantages. Things like good running water, washing machines, electric stoves and furnaces were amazing and so appreciated. Another was the quality of medical services they could count on in Kitimat. Alcina Couto recalls that child birth wasn’t nearly the ordeal it had been in the Azores. Kitimat’s early years sometimes generated medical emergencies which turned into real adventures. One example was when Sebastian Ribeiro suffered a complicated arm fracture at Alcan. Doctors decided to ship him out to Vancouver which meant a flight by sea plane from the Alcan Beach ramp. It was winter and the poor visibility meant the pilot had to fly low down the channels all the way to Bella Bella where they stayed the night. The next day fog delayed their departure and even then they only got as far as Ocean Falls before they had to again overnight. Finally, on day three, he made it to Vancouver. Such was life in Kitimat in those days. As a group the Portuguese were good workers, following the
rules and raising fine families which were moulded into Canadian life. But they also kept up their traditions of wine making, baking up a storm, growing large, beautiful gardens and even getting in a little fishing. Being islanders, Azoreans had always been connected to the sea - Sebastian and Margarida Ribeiro on the island of Terceira were just 200 metres from the Atlantic. The reasons for immigrating were varied so it wasn’t just the prospect of greater prosperity that lured them here. Sebastian says that while the Canadian promotions helped, another incentive was that at the time the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.06 above the American. They also were leaving behind the problems of the adjacent US Airforce base at Lajes Field which was leaching out sewage and chemicals onto their island. And in the case of his younger brother it was the certainty of escaping the Portuguese army draft. In Kitimat the Portuguese kept a relatively low profile. They
Above, the Luso executive from a Kitimat Museum & Archives photo. Below Walter Thorne’s photo of the Luso hall as it is today. did their jobs, raised their families and had a good time together with great extended family celebrations at Christmas and on special anniversaries. Many Portuguese were frugal, saving much of their pay cheques and in many cases even taking on boarders in their homes. This wasn’t always popular with the whole family as Herondina Franco revealed in a taped interview with the Kitimat Museum and Archives. She felt she had less space and freedom when others shared the house - money wasn’t everything. A number of Portuguese also revealed a strong entrepreneurial spirit. One ambitious immigrant was Francisco Trigo. He landed in Halifax and travelled by train to Winnipeg where his first job was working in a restaurant. From there he went to Bissett, Manitoba to work at the gold mine but didn't like life un-
derground so when he heard Alcan was building an aluminum smelter in Kitimat, he moved here where he got a job at the District of Kitimat in the public works department. As soon as he could afford it he bought a house on Mallard Street where he turned the ground floor into a shoe store which made and repaired shoes and work boots. After seven years constructing water lines, sidewalks and roads in the summer and clearing snow in the winter he decided to build a new and bigger shoe store in the Nechako Centre, on the lot where the den-
Ed Goncalves who for tists building is now. The District told fifteen years ran the him that if he needed a friendly and thriving bigger store, he could Ed’s Bake Shop; Vitalrent space in the new ino Couto (Couto ElecCity Centre Mall. tric); and Joe Pereira He followed its ad- who for 44 years ran vice but with a twist: Pereira’s Home Cenhe decided to estab- tre. Still other Portulish his store by renting space in Terrace to guese Canadian busiwhich he and his fam- nesses included Toman Construction, Jose ily relocated. He did eventually Santos Trucking and establish a store in Kit- Pedro's Grill. Arriving at the imat when in the 1980s he bought the former time they did, the PorHudson Bay building tuguese were certainly and turn it into Trigos, pioneers of the new a remodelled shopping Aluminum City. plaza. But those stories Other PortugueseT:2.81” will have to wait for entrepreneurs included next time.
NO. 6
Pipelines the Dubose Flats would include the Kitselas First Nation (the Dubose area itself is within its traditional territory) and the Kitsumkalum First Nation. Portland Inlet is just under 60 kilometres north of Prince Rupert and it drains the Portland Canal (Stewart is at its head) and the Nass River area which is within Nisga’a treaty lands and lands over which the Nisga’a have an influence. Pacific Future’s suggestion of Portland Inlet as a marine export terminal location would not be the first for that area. In 2014 the Nisga’a Lisims Government began promoting four locations in that area as ones suitable for either fixed or floating liquefied natural gas facilities along with tanker loading components. Those would be fed by branching off of a proposed natural gas pipeline coming in to the Nass Valley from the east and ultimately destined for a proposed liquefied natural gas project near Prince Rupert.
This Newspaper. It’s a good read. When crumpled and stuffed in your jacket, it’s a good insulator. That’s what Bethany had to do when she lived on the streets.
This toque. It helped Bethany find a better life. Buy yours at RaisingtheRoof.org or donate $5 by texting TOQUE to 45678. Help the homeless in your community.
Continued from page 1 This term refers to the size limit for cargo ships passing through the Panama Canal with a maximum length of 950 feet, a width of 106 feet and 189 feet in height, according to online specs. The potential Portland Inlet export terminal location stands in contrast to other planned petroleum product ones which instead feature Kitimat as the location for loading tankers. In particular, Enbridge’s Northern Gateway plan to export crude oil from a Kitimat terminal has been criticized by those who are not convinced tanker traffic would be viable coming up and then leaving that area via the Douglas Channel. “I do know we have absolutely no thought or intention of shipping down Douglas Channel,” said MacLachlan. No other potential marine export terminals are mentioned in the Pacific Future proposal. First Nations with traditional territory leading north from
10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016 A10 www.northernsentinel.com
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Northern Sentinel
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The award winning Black Press newspaper, the Kitimat Northern Sentinel has a new opening for a full time
Kitimat BC - a small community of approximately 9,000 is nestled at the head of the scenic Douglas Channel. The community has a strong industrial base with an operating aluminum smelter and is buzzing with excitement over the prospect of a booming liquefied natural gas industry. The community is extremely well serviced with leisure facilities, with access to nature providing no shortage of outdoor exploration. This position is ideal for a hard working, self-starting individual who wants a hand in the entire process of news production. Working in a tight-knit office, the successful candidate will use their strong writing, sharp photography, and capable page design skills to produce the weekly Northern Sentinel. They will also have a hand in producing the weekend Northern Connector advertiser, provide content for the monthly N2K Industrial News Magazine, and other off-sets published by the Northern Sentinel. Key qualifications include: - A strong work ethic, self motivated, keen reporter and investigating skills - Experience with Adobe Indesign and Photoshop on Mac platform - Ability to work independently to produce high quality content - A valid driver’s licence with a reliable vehicle - Journalism background preferred This is a full time, 40 hr/week, position. Due to the nature of the position, some flexibility is required. Black Press offers a comprehensive benefits package. To be considered for this position, please send cover letter, resume and work samples, complete with at least three work related references, to: Louisa Genzale, Publisher Kitimat Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 or by e-mail: publisher@northernsentinel.com We thank you in advance for your interest. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, January 27, 2016
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016A11 11 www.northernsentinel.com
LNG Continued from page 9 Neither PNG nor parent AltaGas have signalled their intentions leading up to the Jan. 29 filing deadline date and the utilities commission has said it has yet to hear from PNG. “There's still really nothing to say,” said AltaGas official Sandra Semple last week. At a planned export volume of up to 550,000 tonnes of LNG annually, Douglas Channel LNG would be the smallest of the nearly 20 LNG projects under consideration along B.C.'s coast. Its beginnings go back to the last decade when companies no longer involved began promoting the idea of a small LNG plant. The project slid into financial troubles, resulting in AltaGas and its partners stepping in two years ago during bankruptcy proceedings. That, combined with the AltaGas purchase of PNG in 2011, gave the Calgary company the means and opportunity to move the project forward. At the time AltaGas officials said they had what no other prospective LNG developer has in the northwest – an alreadyconstructed natural gas pipeline. Aside from the economic impact of the project to the region, northwestern residential and other natural gas users stand to gain another benefit from Douglas Channel LNG. For more than a decade PNG's northwestern natural gas
customers have been paying among the highest rates in the province for the commodity. That's because as large-scale users of natural gas such as pulp mills began to close, remaining customers began to shoulder more of the cost burden of maintaining PNG's existing 10inch line. With Douglas Channel LNG taking up the majority of the capacity of the line, its payments to PNG would then result in a reduction of transport costs to its existing customers. The development of the renewed Douglas Channel LNG partnership, however, has not been without difficulties. Last year federal customs officials said they'd impose a customs duty on the project's floating LNG barge which would be built in Asia and towed to the Douglas Channel area. That duty charge amounting to $100 million stems from federal regulations designed to encourage domestic shipbuilding instead of importing vessels. AltaGas officials have argued that the floating facility is not a ship and have appealed the duty decision which would add to the planned $600 million cost of the project. AltaGas is still waiting to hear the result of its appeal which was originally expected to be released late last year. “We've heard nothing yet,” said Semple. Another federal body, the National Energy Board, did have good news for the project last week by granting it a 25year export licence.
Coming Events February 5 The Kitimat Public Library invites children ages 4 and older to an archeology day. Let’s go back in time to dig for fossils, make pyramids, experiment with hieroglyphics and mummify body parts. The fun happens from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Space is limited so please register by coming in or calling. 250-632-8985 February 8 Celebrate Family Day at the Kitimat Public Library. The library will be open from 10:00–2:00 p.m. and will host two children’s programs. Mother Goose StoryTime will take place from 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. targeted at preschooler aged children. Leggo’ My Lego is for all ages and runs from 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. Bring your own Lego or borrow ours. Lego participants and their parents/caregivers/ friends are invited to a pizza party afterwards. To register for these programs come in or call 250-632-8985. February 29 Christ the King Parish Bereavement Ministry Committee is sponsoring “Connecting Each Other with Hope,” a six-week grief support group for adults grieving the death of a loved one. The sessions begin February 29, from 7 to 9 p.m., in the Catholic Church hall. Sessions open to everyone, no matter religious affiliation. To register or learn more call Lidia at 250-632-6292, or Susana at the parish office at 250-632-2215. Ongoing ROYAL CANADIAN Legion Branch 250 in Kitimat holds membership meet-
ings the third Tuesday of each month.. Meat draws every Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. Members and bona fide guests are welcome. KITIMAT SENIOR CITIZEN Association, Branch 129, membership meetings are the third Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. at their facility at 658 Columbia Avenue. (Next to Riverlodge.) No meetings in July and August. PRAYER CANADA. We meet each week on Tuesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m. For location and further information please call 250-632-4554. Or e-mail lesleykitimat@hotmail.com. Do you or someone you know have bladder cancer? You’re not alone. It’s the 5th most common cancer in Canada. Bladder Cancer Canada is here to help... or just to talk. In Kitimat, call Glen Sevigny at 250-632-3486. Or emailglensevigny@ gmail.com. BRANCH 250 OF THE KITIMAT LADIES AUXILIARY hold regular meetings every second Thursday of the month. More information by calling Nancy at 250-632-4051, or Lyn at 250-632-2351. Consider joining the Friends of the Public Library. To do so contact Luce Gauthier at lucegauthier10@gmail.com or Virginia Charron @ vcharron@kitimatpubliclibrary.org or call 250-632-8985. KITIMAT QUILTERS GUILD: If you are interested in joining the Kitimat Quilters Guild please contact Aileen Ponter at 250-632-6225 or Janet Malnis at 250632-7387 for further information. EVERY THURSDAY, the Kitimat Pot-
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tery Guild meets in the Riverlodge arts wing, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Interested in playing with clay? All experience levels welcome. For more information call Anne at 250-632-3318. THE KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY offers the highly engaging Mother Goose StoryTime for pre-schoolers Monday mornings from 10:30 -11:15 .am. Please register for this free program. HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome families throughout pregnancy and up to one year (older siblings welcome). Come meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more information call 250-632-3144. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FunSpot drop-in for children aged birth to 5 years with caregivers. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 am- 12 pm. Fridays are now a combined drop-in/multicultural playgroup. All are welcome to attend. Contact 250-632-3144 for more information. KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other fibre? For more information phone Maureen 250-632-5444. KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone and the Kitimat M.S. group would like to be here for you. Total confidentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250-639-6016.
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 2016
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Season finish for Demons The Kitimat Ice Demons ended their season on home ice but with a loss to Terrace River King rivals who took the game 5-1. Kitimat goalie Brandon Heighton played a really strong game, but the River Kings won significantly outshooting their opponents. The final standings in the west were first Smithers Steelheads, second Terrace River Kings, third Prince Rupert Rampage, and finally the Kitimat Ice Demons. In the east, Williams Lake Stampeders finished first, Quesnel Kangaroos second and Lac La Hache Tomahawks third. Cameron Orr
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A real winter means Rail Jam back in action Cameron Orr It may be strange to say this in Kitimat, but thankfully we actually have snow this year. At least the organizers behind the Kitimat Rail Jam are certainly pleased the white stuff is on the ground. Last year the Rail Jam had to be cancelled due to lack of snow but organizers are pushing ahead to run the event this year, on January 29. There will be music, a food vendor and if enough snow is available a toboggan hill as well. There just may not be enough snow for another feature, such as a snow maze that was built in year’s past. “Still not been enough snow to do that,” said organizer Marcy Rice.
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A file photo of the Kitimat Rail Jam from 2013. Angie Healey photo Set up for the rail jam starts tomorrow. Kitimat Search and Rescue will have an informational stand as well at the event. Registration takes place between 4 and 6
p.m. for the event and it’s always a big draw for the region. “People come from anywhere from Prince Rupert, Smithers. Some from Houston before,” she said,
saying on average about 60 people usually attend. “It’d be nice if people just came out and rooted on our Kitimat people,” she added.
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