Golden Star, February 10, 2016

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VOLUME 125 ISSUE 6 $1.35


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Next Mountain Festival honours wetlands .................................5


Eagles get ready for Kicking Horse Classic ..................................13


Look back 10 years to first Snow King Parade ..................................19

■ SPECIAL SECTION: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

250-344-5251 A9



Elite offering exclusive new line! Elite Nutrition has been Golden’s source for natural health products for almost 25 years, and they are continuing to wade their way through the industry to bring you the best quality products on the market. His newest line of sports nutrition products, called FIT Supplements, is created by industry icon Randy Couture. “I know the man who formulated these products, I’ve known him for about 20 years. I trust his work. He’s been involved in some prominent Canadian sports nutrition companies, and now he’s branched off to do his own line,” said Elite owner Mike Pecora. “It’s a super clean line, and I’m actually getting wholesale pricing.” That means that through Elite Nutrition customers can get FIT protein powers, supplements, pre and post workout products, for

equal to or less than the prices you see online. Also, if you have a membership with Golden’s Gym or Kicking Horse Wellness Centre, you will get a discount on any FIT product. Elite Nutrition has been carrying the line for a few months now, and has received tremendous feedback from its users. Through Couture’s product broker business, Pecora also has access to the top brands in sports nutrition. “This allows me to brings in the best products and lines that are out there.” Everyone’s health needs and goals are different, which is why there is no substitute for the expertise you can find in Elite Nutrition. “If you can tell me what you need, and what you’re trying to get out of it, I can find you the right product,” said Pecora.

Get Results at Golden’s Gym 24/7 Sometimes the difference between success and failure is the right training. That is why at Golden's Gym training is just part of the deal. Owner Keefer Dondaneau wants to make sure his clients are getting the most out of their workouts. "Most people fail because they just have no idea how to work out. It's like any sport…there's a way to do it," he says. That is why members are given access to both workout and nutritional programs, so that they can get the results they are looking for. Of course, all the training in the world won't help if you don't get to the gym regularly. With balancing schedules that can be difficult for some people. But Golden's Gym has you covered there as well. Members are given key fobs so that they can work out at their convenience, 24 hours a day. But the first step is getting off the couch and walking into the gym. Like Donaneau says, "The longer you wait, the further you're getting from your goal. Those calories aren't burning themselves. Make the commitment to be healthy. We'll be your partner every step (or plank or squat thrust) of the way."

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Susan and Jerry Leigan, sitting in one of their many family businesses, Kicking Horse Embroidery, have been together more than 30 years after meeting at Golden Secondary School. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

GSS couple still together more than 30 years later

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Jessica Schwitek When Susan was young her older brothers were very protective of her, and kept her very close. That plan backfired when she started dating a friend of theirs, Jerry Leigan.

“My brothers thought I would be safer with them,” laughed Susan. “He was in the same crowd, so that’s how we met.” “For some reason they thought I was OK,” said Jerry. “I passed the test.” In fact, Susan’s family approved so completely that during the brief stints when the couple

Valentines Dinner at Eagle’s Eye Restaurant Sunday, February 14

What is more Romantic than dining at 7’700 feet surrounded by majestic mountain peaks? In addition to A La Carte, enjoy our feature Valentine’s Menu created by Chef Simoneau.

Reservations required.

broke up (as young couples often do), her curfew mysteriously got earlier. Jerry was graduated, with Susan still in high school, when they started dating. By 1987, one year after she left school, the couple purchased their first house just outside of town at 8 mile. Continued on page 12

Helly Hansen Scavenger Hunt Saturday & Sunday, February 13-14

Helly Hansen has hidden all sorts of virtual gear throughout the resort…jackets, baselayers, gloves, hats…all you have to do is find their location and it will be sent to you!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

Wet Secrets among “new” headliners at Golden Sound Fest Golden Star Staff There will be plenty of returning acts for this month’s Golden Sound Festival, the final block party before the festival becomes an outdoor-

focused summer event as it was originally intended to be, but the Wet Secrets will be taking the stage at the festival for the first time. A six-piece rock ‘n’ roll dance band, this bass and horn heavy group burst onto the scene with 2006’s A Whale of Cow, which was written within the first week of the band’s formation. Free Candy, their 2014 LP, received a host of accolades from media, fans and award shows and won album of the year at the Edmonton Music Awards and first place in Peak Performance Alberta, which came with a six-figure prize. The Secrets will cap off the two-day festival with a 1 a.m. show at the Civic Centre on the night of Feb. 20. Visit for full details.

The Wet Secrets, a quirky six-piece group out of Edmonton, will headline this year’s Golden Sound Festival with the event’s final performance on Feb. 20 at the Civic Centre. Photo Submitted

The Net Result: Life Itself a fitting tribute $$ 0000 FROM EVERY PIZZA SOLD ON FEBRUARY 14 GOES TO










Roger Ebert’s remarkable life comes into focus in the documentary Life Itself. CNN Films Joel Tansey Boston Pizza, the Boston Pizza roundel and the Boston Pizza Foundation are registered trademarks of Boston Pizza Royalties Limited Partnership, used under license. Future Prospects Role Models For Life and design are trademarks of Boston Pizza Foundation. © Boston Pizza International Inc. 2015.




Friday & Saturday Feb. 12 +13

Boston Pizza, the Boston Pizza roundel and the Boston Pizza Foundation are registered trademarks of Boston Pizza Royalties Limited Partnership, used under license. Future Prospects Role Models For Life and design are trademarks of Boston Pizza Foundation. © Boston Pizza International Inc. 2015.




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days, unable to speak or eat on his own, his jaw having been removed from complications in

his battle with thyroid cancer, Roger Ebert continued doing what he loved to do: watch

and review movies. And he did so with his usual flair, offering poignant commentary on the best and the worst that American and international cinema had to offer. His final movie review, To the Wonder featuring Ben Affleck and Rachel McAdams, was filed just days before his 2013 death. In his review, he claimed that director Terrence Malick attempted to create a film that would evoke, rather than supply, as he tried to “reach beneath the surface and find the soul in need.” Like Malick, Ebert operated in much the same manner as the most popular, engaging and accessible movie critic in the history of film. His story, from his beginnings at his college’s newspaper to the Chicago Sun-Times all the way to the spotlight of television, is told expertly by director Steve James through a series of interviews and archived footage in Life Itself, a documentary based on the book of the same name, which Ebert penned in 2011. Of particular intrigue was Ebert’s often tumultuous relationship with his television counterpart, Gene Siskel. Siskel and Ebert were rivals, Siskel being the movie critic for the Chicago Tribune, before they were placed across the

aisle from each other in their widely popular film critic series. The pair traded jabs and insults both on and off camera, but their respect for one another grew throughout their run on TV and their trademarked “Two Thumbs Up” approval became a must for any film looking to earn money at the box office. When Siskel took ill in the late ‘90s, he hardly told a soul, and Ebert was left in the dark about his co-star’s health issues until shortly before his death. Ebert vowed that if he were to battle an illness, he would do so in the public eye, and that’s how it played out. He didn’t shy away from the camera even after the removal of his jaw and ultimate disfigurement. Courageous might not be a strong enough adjective. Life Itself dives deeply into the persona of a man who earned the respect of Hollywood by frequently, often callously, tearing it down. Like Malick’s film, and like Ebert’s in-depth reviews, this story has many layers. If its star were around to see it, it would have earned an emphatic Two Thumbs Up. Life Itself is worth 10 mouse clicks out of 10.

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 10, 2016 A3

Summit fund donation for local alpine team

Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team

jumper was able to top 10 metres. Head coach Ryan Ford was pleased with how the weekend went, and has noticed a lot of improvement in all of the team’s skiers so far this year. “A lot of the kids started out a little bit more timid and uncertain on the skis but this weekend gave them an opportunity to see what racing is like and get more into the competitive spirit of skiing,” Ford said. GKHAT will have its home meet on Feb. 21 at Kicking Horse.

Emile Lavoie (centre, left) of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort presents GKHAT coach Ryan Ford (centre) with a $1,000 cheque from the resort’s Summit Fund. Also pictured are GKHAT racers (from left) Madison Sherrif, Giles Even and AJ Laurell. Photo Submitted Joe l Tansey The Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team (GKHAT) received a funding boost from Kicking Horse Mountain Resort through its Summit Fund.

GKHAT received $1,000 from the fund, which has been operating for three years and has supported over 100 projects in Golden, totalling $50,000. The funds were donated in order

to support the race team in their training and development throughout the year. Kimberley race brings success GKHAT attended its first away meet of the season over the weekend in Kimber-

ley, with 19 skiers competing in a variety of races and events, including a longest jump competition and a top speed competition. Some of GKHAT’s skiers reached speeds of 65 km/h and one

Council debates Town’s budget consultation process at meeting Joel Tansey A less than tepid response to the Town of Golden’s annual budget consultation open house prompted some discussion from council on how the process might look in the future. Coun. Bruce Fairley brought the topic to the forefront during the Feb. 2 council meeting. “I think we need to re-think the budget consultation process and the enormous amount of energy and expenditure we put into a public consultation that people aren’t interested in,” Coun. Fairley said, adding that his most in-depth conversations at the Jan. 19

open house occurred with residents from Area A. “I’m not sure that there were a dozen people there from the Town of Golden,” he said. Under legislation, municipalities are given a broad requirement to undertake a public process when it comes to its annual financial plan. “It doesn’t state the scope, the nature of that public process so it’s up to us to determine that,” said Town CAO Jon Wilsgard. Large municipalities might spend tens of thousands of dollars a year, while Golden has stuck to the basics including newspaper advertising, social media

engagements, invitations for public comment and an open house at the Civic Centre. “That’s sort of the standard template out there,” Wilsgard said. Annually, with limited feedback, it is difficult for Town staff to gage whether the public is simply apathetic or pleased with the existing financial plan and the direction of council. “It’s always an interesting one for us, we always do the big head-scratch at the end. What did we do right? What did we do wrong? Did we do enough?” Wilsgard said. Not including administrative time, the Town spent

approximately $1000 on its open house this year, which includes the money spent on food and the rental of the Civic Centre. “Certainly, I think we’ll give some thought as to how we can switch things up,” Wilsgard said.


Saturday, February 20th, 2016 at 6:00pm Golden and District Arena Lounge

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 7pm Columbia Valley Credit Union Board Room Interested in becoming a board member? Please contact Lynne Romano 250-272-0291 or Glen Ewan 250-344-5258

Behind the Wheel

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How to Use a Crosswalk

One of the major television stations from Vancouver broadcast a news story this past week about pedestrians as a follow up piece for a report on a family that was struck down in a newly marked crosswalk. The footage showed a pedestrian standing on a sidewalk facing the street as traffic drove by without slowing or stopping. In fact, it appeared to my eye that the speed of the video had been increased slightly so that the cars appeared to zoom by. The commentary by the news reader lamented that the drivers just weren’t stopping as they were supposed to. The trouble was, at least according to the law, he was not correct. Drivers and cyclists are not required to yield to a pedestrian using a crosswalk until the pedestrian physically occupies the crosswalk. That means stepping off of the sidewalk and onto the road. It’s a lesson from one of my first visits the courtroom that I will not forget. I had written a traffic ticket to a driver for failing to yield to a pedestrian who was waiting patiently on the sidewalk for her turn to cross. It didn’t take the judge long to dismiss the ticket for want of evidence that the driver had been required to yield. Using a crosswalk is simple. First, look both ways for approaching traffic. If it is safe to step into the crosswalk, do so, if not wait until it is. As we teach children to do, point your way across by holding your arm up and pointing to the far side. This reinforces in the driver’s mind that we intend to cross and are not just passing the time of day. Make eye contact with the driver and insure that they come to a complete stop. Step out to the edge of that vehicle and repeat the sequence at each successive lane making sure not to enter it until after traffic is stopped. Eventually, you will have safely crossed the street. Never simply assume that you have the right of way as a pedestrian. Right of way is something that is given, not taken. As they used to say in the road safety commercials when I was growing up “You could be dead right!” The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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DEVELOPMENT OF A PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN Pest Management Plan: BC Hydro Facilities 2016-2021

The use of pesticides is intended within the area to which the Pest Management Plan (PMP) applies. The purpose of the proposed PMP is to control vegetation at BC Hydro facilities to maintain safe and reliable operations which support the delivery of electricity to our customers. This plan applies to all areas of British Columbia where BC Hydro has operational or planned facilities such as electrical substations, generation switchyards, generating sites, communication sites, storage sites, administrative buildings, or land owned or leased for future facilities. The proposed duration of the PMP is from April 2016 to April 2021. Vegetation incompatible with the operation of the power system will be controlled using: physical (manual brushing, girdling, hand-pulling, hedge trimming, mowing, pruning, weed trimming or tree removal), cultural (gravel/hard surfacing, planting ground cover), biological (release of parasitic insects to control noxious and invasive plants) or chemical (herbicide application) techniques, or any combination of these methods. The active ingredients and trade names of the herbicides proposed for use under this plan include: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

acetic acid – Ecoclear, Munger’s Hort Vinegar or equivalent, aminocyclopyrachlor and chlorsulfuron – Truvist or equivalent aminocyclopyrachlor and metsulfuron-methyl – Navius or equivalent aminopyralid – Milestone or equivalent aminopyralid and metsulfuron-methyl – ClearView or equivalent aminopyralid, metsulfuron-methyl, and fluroxypyr – Sightline or equivalent aminopyralid, metsulfuron-methyl and triclopyr – Clearview Brush or equivalent Chlorsulfuron – Telar or equivalent Chondrostereum purpureum – Chontrol or equivalent clopyralid – Lontrel, Transline or equivalent or equivalent dicamba – Vanquish, Banvel or equivalent dichlorprop-P and 2,4-D – Estaprop XT or equivalent diflufenzopyr and dicamba – Distinct, Overdrive or equivalent diuron – Karmex, Diurex 80 WDG or equivalent flumioxazin – Payload or equivalent glyphosate – Vantage, Vision or equivalent imazapyr – Arsenal Powerline or equivalent indaziflam – Esplanade or equivalent metsulfuron-methyl – Escort or equivalent picloram – Tordon 22k, Tordon 101 or equivalent picloram and 2,4-D – Aspect or equivalent triclopyr – Garlon products or equivalent Trifluralin – BioBarriere, Treflan or equivalent 2,4-D – LV700 or equivalent

Adjuvant products may also be combined on occasion with a herbicide to improve its effectiveness, such as: nonylphenoxy polyethoxy ethanol – Agral 90, paraffinic oils – Gateway, octadec-9-enoic acid as methyl and ethyl esters – Hasten NT, or siloxylated polyether – Xiameter or equivalents. The proposed methods for applying herbicides include: soil applied techniques (backpack sprayer, powerhose or fixed boom sprayer), cut surface, basal bark, backpack foliar, mechanized foliar (fixed nozzle, boom directed nozzle, wick sprayer), and injection (hack and squirt, lance or syringe) techniques. A draft copy of the proposed PMP is available at Alternatively, it is available in person at 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby; 1401 Kalamalka Lake Road, Vernon; 18475 128 Street, Surrey; 400 Madsen Road, Nanaimo; 3333 22 Avenue, Prince George. BC Hydro, the applicant for the proposed PMP, is located at 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby, B.C., V3N 4X8. Please contact Tom Wells, Vegetation Program Manager, at 604 516 8943 or for more information. A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send copies of the information to the applicant at the above address within 30 days of the publication notice.


4876 Facilities Ad 2

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

Drugs, weapons seized by police here in Golden Golden Star Staff On February 2, 2016 the Golden-Field RCMP conducted a traffic stop on 10th Avenue North, locating several items, including firearms, that are believed to be stolen. As a result of the vehicle stop and items located, a search warrant was executed on a residence in the Kicking Horse Trailer Park, located just off of Golden’s 10th Avenue North, said Cst. Spencer Lainchbury, spokesperson for the Golden-Field RCMP. Police seized several items including a crossbow, firearms, and what they believe is methamphetamine, crack cocaine, and ecstasy as well as drug paraphernalia. One male and one female, both from Golden, were arrested and are facing charges in relation to the items seized. Both have since been released from police custody.

Area A Director discusses new community survey Karen Cathcart Area A Director My first year in office was about engaging Area A residents. We took the data from those seven months of community consultation and created a survey capturing the key issues and opportunities. The survey was released this week and will be available to residents until Feb. 19. I heard from residents that didn’t attend the community consultation meetings that they wanted another way to engage with their regional government and to be able to participate. The survey is another communication tool to hear from the residents. The data will be reviewed and added to the community consultation data received. At a later date, I will schedule a Community Open House to report back to the residents. The final piece of the Capacity Building Needs Assessment project will be a community visioning session. This will happen in the spring. The on-line survey address is available at The on-line survey can also be accessed by visiting the CSRD website: and clicking on the Area A page. Please contact me or the CSRD if you would prefer to receive a paper copy and we’ll be happy to send you one. Watch for the article next week on how your regional government is working for you! If you have comments, feedback or suggestions, please contact me at 250-344-8357, 250238-2226 or via e-mail at

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 10, 2016 A5

Rivers and wetlands take centre stage at next Mountain Festival this year. Some highlights include keynote speaker and worldrenowned explorer, Bruce Kirkby, a local film festival, and a river battle on the Kicking Horse,” said Joanne Sweeting, executive director, Tourism Golden. “The Kicking Horse 456789 and Columbia Rivers have shaped the history of the town of Golden for centuries and have also influenced the lives of our community today. At this year’s festival, we want to raise awareness of their importance.” The festival, which kicks off on May 20, will include a local film festival. Guests will be invited to the Golden Civic CenEvent organizer Magi Scallion and Tourism Golden’s Andy Brown went out to Columbia tre to view up to 12 films that celebrate Wetlands Adventures to announce the theme of the upcoming Golden Mountain Festival, which is Exploring our Rivers and Wetlands. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo the “Exploring our Rivers and Wetlands” Jessica Schwitek organizers decided to Day, organizers went ance of the world’s theme. Anyone interested announce the theme out to Columbia Wet- wetlands and rivers… in submitting a fiveon a very opportune lands Adventures to two things that Goldminute film will have Golden is hosting its day, at a very appropri- announce that this en and the Columbia until March 30 to do third annual Moun- ate location. year’s Golden Moun- Valley are known for. tain Festival this May On Feb. 2, known tain Festival will pay “We’ve got an excit- so. The weekend will Long Weekend, and as World Wetlands tribute to the import- ing schedule lined up

Golden hospital lacking Sonography services Joel Tansey The fight for medical services in Golden is a constant struggle for hospital staff, and sometimes it has little to do with funding and a lot to do with staffing issues. That’s the case for the current void at the Golden and District Hospital, where the facility is without a resident sonographer (an ultra sound technologist)at the moment. Sonography goes beyond pregnancy appointments and can be used to view a variety of internal organs, such as the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and other organs. “It’s got a lot of broad uses. It can identify serious surgical conditions like appendicitis, torted ovaries, and lifethreatening conditions like aneurysms,” said Dr. Kirk McCarroll, the chief of staff at the hospital. Ultrasound can also be used to identify

muscle and tendon tears, a common occurrence in a town like Golden. For many years, the sonographer role was filled by Beth Webb. She retired a few years ago, forcing the hospital to contract a sonographer from out of town while it looked for a replacement. Having a temporary sonographer proved to be problematic. “That left us without one for any of the emergency situations, for which we quite heavily rely on it,” McCarroll said. Webb, out of what McCarroll says was possibly the goodness of her heart, came out of retirement and worked for another 18 months as Golden’s lone sonographer in what was supposed to be a short-term solution. Her contact expired in December, and she retired for the second time. That leaves the town where it was a few years ago, with a contracted sonograph-

er providing occasional services and with many Goldenites forced to make ultrasound appointments in Cranbrook. “It’s a real burden on a lot of people,” McCarroll said. “It’s too much to ask of people, it’s going to be a real disincentive for people to come to our community.” There is plenty of funding for Golden to find a replacement for Webb, but few, if any, leads have been fruitful in the hospital’s search thus far. “The challenge has been recruitment. As you might imagine, the salaries in Alberta are substantially higher than they are here and therefore that’s one of our huge stumbling blocks, because we are competing against a province that is capable of offering more financially,” McCarroll said. McCarroll says that the hospital briefly considered the possibility of having one of their physicians

go through sonography training, but it was never a realistic option. The program takes over two years, and taking a valuable physician away from the hospital would hurt in other ways. Instead, they’d like to hire a full-time sonographer who is pleased to live and work in the Golden area for the foreseeable future. “Ideally our objective is to recruit a technologist to become a regular part of the medical team. I think that’s critical for our town to continue to provide the medical services that we currently have, we just rely on it so heavily for emergency services specifically…we really need to have an on-site technologist who lives here and is a regular member of the team,” McCarroll said. The search for a new sonographer is being supported by Keep Medical Services in Golden, a Facebook group made up of

community members who have been sharing Interior Health’s job posting around social media. For full position details, visit

also be full of canoeing, kayaking, standup paddle boarding, guides in the wetlands, birdwatching, fishing, a river battle, and much more. However the highlight will certainly be the presentation by wilderness writer and adventure photographer Bruce Kirby. His accomplishments include the first

modern crossing of Arabia’s Empty Quarter by camel, a raft descent of Ethiopia’s Blue Nile Gorge, a seakayak traverse of Borneo’s northern coast, and a coast-to-coast Icelandic trek. To learn more about the festival, go to

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Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355 Photo: Tanya Johnson-Waller

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

Brain buckets: Just wear one

Quiet Process Does silence equal satisfaction? By default, I have to say yes. After observing Golden for the past four years, I have to admit. I am still constantly surprised. The news media is often in the middle of community unrest, so after some time on the - I SURMISE job you can’t help but try By Jessica Schwitek to predict which events and issues will get the town riled up. I’m wrong more often than not. Golden is a very involved and passionate community. That is one of the things that makes it great. Over the years I’ve seen groups of people fight against things they saw as wrong, and work hard to make good things happen. It is a town that is rarely quiet. So when the local government proposes to increase their budget (by a margin of five per cent each year for the next five years), I expect to hear some opinions. Yet...nothing. Staff and elected officials at the Town of Golden are also a little perplexed by the lack of feedback from the residents. They’ve even discussed whether or not the public consultation process needs to be changed up in the future. Mayor Ron Oszust said earlier in the process that he is choosing to look at the lack of discourse as a positive sign. He is taking the silence as a sign of satisfaction, or at least contentment, and that the Town is doing a good job. Usually people are pretty quick to speak up when they are not happy. So no comments must mean a happy populace...right? Happy may be a stretch, but I do believe it is a sign of contentment. Lack of awareness is undoubtedly a factor as well. But in my experience, if you are not content with the state of the community, you’re paying attention to what’s going on. And nothing catches the people’s attention more than a potential tax hike. A five per cent budget increase does not necessarily translate into a five per cent tax increase. But if the budget goes up, taxes will likely see a bump as well. There has been no shortage of information available. It’s been in the newspaper, social media, public meetings, open houses. So once again I have to say, by default I have to say that this silence surrounding the way tax dollars are being spent means that the people are at ease with what is going on. And if they’re not, then they have had plenty of chances to say so and chose not to.

Saturday at Kicking Horse offered a nearly endless array of powder turns, with plenty of snow overnight and some more falling during the day. On my third or fourth run, I managed to find one of the few hard landings, falling miserably after taking an extremely modest amount of air off a medium sized jump, smacking my head on a portion of hardpacked snow below. My bell was rung, but I was Joel Tansey wearing a helmet and able to Star Reporter shake of this minor setback and continue on with what proved to be a great day on the mountain. A little over 24 hours later I arrived at a friend’s house to watch the Super Bowl and ate copious amount of food as I witnessed the Denver Broncos defeat the Carolina Panthers. The NFL, NHL and basically any sport where hits to the head are a common occurrence, have all come under fire in recent years for the way they’ve handled concussions. In the macho world of professional sports, nothing, even a vicious-looking head injury, was an excuse for missing work. Countless players sustained head injuries, only to return and “tough it out”. As someone who bleeds bleu, blanc et rouge - and there’s been a lot of bleeding of late if you’re a fan of the Montreal Canadiens - one of the club’s legends defined this concept. During a heated playoff game against the Boston Bruins in the 1950s, Montreal superstar Maurice Richard

was knocked out cold midway through the game, before returning in overtime to score the winning goal. He later claimed that he had no recollection of the goal. A great story, but one that should hopefully never happen these days, in any sport. That’s because the dangers of concussions are becoming all too apparent as we continue to learn more and more about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). From NFL linebacker Junior Seau to NHL pugilist Derek Boogard, numerous former athletes have died prematurely in recent years, with CTE said to have been a contributing factor in some of those cases. A study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Monday, found that adults who suffer a concussion are three times more likely to die by suicide than the rest of the population. It’s a startling number, and one that comes glaringly into focus when looking at professional athletes and the football players and hockey players who suffer repeated hits to the head. It got me wondering about my own minor injury as well. While helmets are becoming the norm on most ski slopes, it is still all too common for me to ride up the gondola with an individual or two who isn’t wearing one. According to most studies, helmets can help prevent skull fractures and other head injuries, but unfortunately they can’t do much to prevent a concussion. But still, why send yourself down a mountain at speeds in excess of 60 km/h without protecting that vital organ you have inside of your skull? Having seen friends crack their helmets after particularly nasty falls, I’ll never comprehend why someone would go without one and put their own skull at risk rather than wear a piece of hard plastic that really isn’t all that uncomfortable. Head injury is a real possibility in just about any physical sport, why not do everything you can to mitigate the risk?

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Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 500 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

• $47.00 per year for postal

boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone

• $43.00 per year if you pick

up your paper at The Golden Star Office


• $67.00 per year outside Gold-

Michele LaPointe



Jessica Schwitek EDITOR


Joel Tansey



Erica Fife



We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage

en’s School zone.

• LOCAL Senior’s Discount

10% ($43.00).

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 10, 2016 A7

Golden point of view Do you pay attention to municipal politics?

Stars to the Cedar House owners and staff for a fabulous evening with fabulous food.

Pavla Patakiova

Ray Gllies

Darian Greggain

“Not really. I’m not into it and I don’t think I would change much.”

“No, I don’t really pay attention, it doesn’t matter who is in office.”

“Not as much as I should. I do pay attention to some issues though.”

A whole Golden and Area of stingers to businesses using lbs and kgs at the same time for the last 43 years. Some Community Supporters... Stars to Brent and Lisa for hosting a great

Go to to have your say.

Super Bowl party!

running smoothly.

Stars to the Junior freeski competitors who shredded at Kicking Horse Mountain on the weekend.

A giant stinger to the truck driver who cut me off on Highway 95 last week.

Stars to the ski patrol team at Kicking Horse for the great work that they do. Stars to the awesome volunteers at the food bank who keep things

Stars to the volunteers who help to make the Masque Parade such an annual success. Looking forward to the weekend! Stingers to unreliable people.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Good news for tourism industry in BC as numbers continue to rise Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Responsible for Labour Submitted The latest international visitor numbers show tourists were falling for B.C. in November 2015 with an 11.1% increase in visits over the same month in 2014. One of the stand out statistics shows that visitors from France increased by 27.1% (over November 2014). That spike is credited in part to a new direct flight between Vancouver and Paris that runs from March to November each year. Also a solid 12.5% increase in U.S. visitors is having a positive impact on B.C.'s tourism industry. Other increases in key markets were also seen in: * India up 20.8% * Japan up 18.2% * Mexico up 12.8% * South Korea up 9.2% * Europe up 4.1%

* China up 1.8% * Asia/Pacific up 7.3% The year-to-date (January-November 2015) visitors are up 7.7% over the same timeframe the year before. This means an additional 329,673 visitors came to British Columbia so far in 2015. The strong growth in the tourism sector can be linked to a number of factors, including more direct flights to B.C. and Destination B.C.'s new international marketing strategy. As a key sector in the BC Jobs Plan, tourism is a key economic driver in the province. B.C.'s tourism sector is strong and growing amidst fierce global competition for tourists. In 2013, the tourism industry generated $13.9 billion in revenue with a direct contribution to B.C.'s gross domestic product of $7.3 billion. “These numbers confirm what we have been hearing from industry - it has been a great season for tourism in British Columbia. Looking ahead in 2016, we’re encouraging British Columbians to travel throughout the province and explore B.C.’s powerful nature,” said Maya Lange, Destination British Columbia, vice president.

Learn how you can save money by reducing your food waste Rose Soneff Interior Health Dietitian Ever opened the fridge and found a container that looks more like a science experiment than something edible? Have some cans in your pantry been there so long that the dust on top could be measured in millimeters? With food prices steadily rising, now is a good time to look at how we can reduce food waste. Plan your meals before you shop. Check out the Healthy Families BC website for terrific ideas on how to get organized and plan ahead. For example, go through your fridge and cupboards to see what you already have on hand. Post the handy HealthyFamilies BC Meal Planner sheet to tell your family what meals are planned. Use recipes to ensure you buy just the right amount of an ingredient on your grocery list. Use the bulk section to get the correct amount of an ingredient. If the item is packaged in an amount which is more than needed,

make more of that recipe and freeze what is left or use the ingredient in another recipe. Store food properly. Use the Store It! guide. A little extra effort to store vegetables and fruit properly goes a long way to reduce spoilage and save money. Today some fruit and vegetables cost the same per pound as some fresh meat or fish. I recently saw red peppers for $4.98/lb while beef inside round was $4.84/lb. Different foods have different storage requirements. That dusty can of food does have a shelf life of 2-5 years, depending on whether it contains a high or low acid food. Storage information is available on HealthLink BC’s website Food Safety: Storing. Large amounts of bread or meat can be frozen in smaller quantities. Use special freezer containers or bags that reduce the air in the container to help prevent freezer burn. If you have a large freezer, deplete the contents of the freezer at least once a year. That way, you can start freezing fresh items again. Organize your cupboards. Canned goods or packages

can get pushed back into deep cupboards and forgotten about. Place these items on a tray or bin so that they can be pulled out more easily and you can see what is on hand to use. Make use of leftovers. Portion leftovers in individual containers for lunches. If you have a lot of leftovers, freeze them in a clear container labelled with the date and name of the leftover. As a reminder, jot down the leftover name on your menu plan for the next week. Leftovers can be incorporated into casseroles, stir fry, frittata, soups and smoothies. Get creative. A friend once told me how her father used to make “Leftover Night” more interesting. He would list the leftovers on a board and take orders. They would set the table with nice placemats, napkins, and serve the food on fancier plates. Instead of dreading leftovers, the family looked forward to this special meal. With a little planning you can help reduce waste, save money and maybe even start a new family tradition.

Find quality employees.


Golden 250-344-5251 THE

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star


Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: Zoolander 2 opening February 12, shows at 7pm.

This Week Apply Now!

arts, culture & heritage funding Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Program brochures and application forms are available online at

Deadline for applications is March 4, 2016, or March 18, 2016, depending on the program. Administered and managed by: Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7. 1.877.505.7355

Photo: Tanya Johnson-Waller

Funded by:

Bargain Basement Thrift Store St.Andrews United Church & Centre for Peace open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 11am to 3pm. Injury Reduction Program every Tuesday (6:458pm) and Thursday 7:158:30pm) at LGES. Free program for athletes 9 and up. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am and Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-344-8392. While You Were Sleeping art exhibit at AGOG from Jan. 29 to Mar. 5.

Wed, Feb. 10

Take your first step to the international stage! Applications now being accepted for Miss Teen BC, Miss BC & Mrs BC! To apply visit your community newspaper website and click on contests.

Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 3442000 for info. Public Skate every Wednesday from 7-8pm at the Golden Arena. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex 12:30 - 1:30pm Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Bring your own racket. Telling our Life Stories Writing Workshop. 1-3pm No writing experience necessary. FREE call 250439-9665. Let’s Do Lunch networking on Feb. 10 at the island Restaurant from noon to 1pm.

Thurs, Feb. 11


Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:30-9:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448.

This week's achievement award goes to...

Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Puck and Stick Practice 1-2pm every Thursday. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday 3:45-5:30pm. Cribbage at the Golden Seniors Centre every Thursday from 1-3pm. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7pm at College of the Rockies. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 344-8392 to register.

Fri, Feb. 12

A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:307:30pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex 12 - 1pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program 10 - 11am at the Early Years Centre. Songs & rymes for families with children birth to five years. Friday Reading Program. Improve basic reading skills, learn strategies to improve memory and comprehension. 1-3pm FREE, call 250-439-9665. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-9190757 for info. Meat Draw at the Golden Legion every Friday at 5:30pm. Valentine’s Chocolate Potluck and Movie on Feb. 12 at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre, from 12- 4pm. Women and children are invited come enjoy a movie with sweet treats and great company! Spaghetti Dinner with entertainment on. Feb. 12

• For more information... go to

at the GSS Forum at 6pm. Minimum $10 donation for adults, $5 for children. The Golden & Region Seniors Society AGM. Friday, Feb. 12 @ 2pm at the Seniors Centre

Sat, Feb. 13

A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Saturday Lego Club at the Library from 11am-12pm for all school aged children. Meat Draw at the Golden Legion every Saturday at 5:30pm. Story Time at the Golden Library Saturdays from 10:30-11:30am. For preschool aged children and up. The Snow King Masque Parade 10th Anniversary on Feb. 13 in Spirit Square at 7:30pm.

Sun, Feb. 14

Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Public Skate at the Golden Arena every Sunday from 4:30 to 5:45pm. Finding Hope support group for those with depression. Sunday evenings at 7:30pm downstairs at Rocky Mountain Alliance Church.

Mon, Feb. 15 Art Guild Painting at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 10:30am3pm. Everyone welcome to attend. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex 12 - 1pm. N.A. Meetings Mon. in the Library basement. 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Crafts at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 1--3pm. Art classes at the Golden Seniors Centre every Monday from 10am-3pm. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 344-

6492 for more info. Badminton Mondays 7-8:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bring your own racket. Grief and Loss Support Group beginning Monday, Jan. 18, 2016 from 7:309:00pm at the Pentecostal Church, 717 10th St. S. For more info contact Jim 250-344-2459,goldenpt@ or Michele 250344-6117, st.andrews_

Tues, Feb. 16

A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S. Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Grab a Granny and Go, Tuesdays at 3:30pm at Durand Manor. T.O.P.S (take off pounds sensibly) Family Centre, Tue., 6-7pm. 344-7228, 344-6492 for more details. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 344-8392 to register.

Upcoming Events

Golden & District Foundation AGM Wednesday, Feb. 17 @ 7pm in the CVCU Board Room. Open House Coffee at Seniors Centre on Feb. 17 from 10am-noon. Golden Sound Festival Feb. 19 and 20 at the Rockwater and Golden Civic Centre. More info and full lineup at www. GKHAT AGM Saturday, Feb. 20 @ 6pm in the Golden & District Arena Lounge. Golden Nordic Ski Club Full Moon Ski Monday Feb. 22 @ 8pm Blaeberry River or Vender Blender Shopping at Senior Centre, Feb. 17 from 11am-4pm. Over 20 venders with jewelry, crafts, homebased business and more. Soup Day at the Seniors Centre on Feb. 26 from 11:30am-1pm. $6 per person.

Brenna Enright for being courteous to all class members and for being a diligent student that gives 100% every day.

Stop in by February 17, 2016 to receive your small blizzard • 250-344-2220 •

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star




Elite offering exclusive new line! Elite Nutrition has been Golden’s source for natural health products for almost 25 years, and they are continuing to wade their way through the industry to bring you the best quality products on the market. Their newest line of sports nutrition products, called FIT Supplements, is created by industry icon Randy Couture. “I know the man who formulated these products, I’ve known him for about 20 years. I trust his work. He’s been involved in some prominent Canadian sports nutrition companies, and now he’s branched off to do his own line,” said Elite owner Mike Pecora. “It’s a super clean line, and I’m actually getting wholesale pricing.” That means that through Elite Nutrition customers can get FIT protein powers, supplements, pre and post workout products, for

equal to or less than the prices you see online. Also, if you have a membership with Golden’s Gym or Kicking Horse Wellness Centre, you will get a discount on any FIT product. Elite Nutrition has been carrying the line for a few months now, and has received tremendous feedback from its users. Through Couture’s product broker business, Pecora also has access to the top brands in sports nutrition. “This allows me to brings in the best products and lines that are out there.” Everyone’s health needs and goals are different, which is why there is no substitute for the expertise you can find in Elite Nutrition. “If you can tell me what you need, and what you’re trying to get out of it, I can find you the right product,” said Pecora.

Get Results at Golden’s Gym 24/7 Sometimes the difference between success and failure is the right training. That is why at Golden's Gym training is just part of the deal. Owner Keefer Dondaneau wants to make sure his clients are getting the most out of their workouts. "Most people fail because they just have no idea how to work out. It's like any sport…there's a way to do it," he says. That is why members are given access to both workout and nutritional programs, so that they can get the results they are looking for. Of course, all the training in the world won't help if you don't get to the gym regularly. With balancing schedules that can be difficult for some people. But Golden's Gym has you covered there as well. Members are given key fobs so that they can work out at their convenience, 24 hours a day. But the first step is getting off the couch and walking into the gym. Like Dondaneau says, "The longer you wait, the further you're getting from your goal. Those calories aren't burning themselves. Make the commitment to be healthy. We'll be your partner every step (or plank or squat thrust) of the way."

Elite Nutrition

Your Natural Health Source A FIT SUPPLEMENT DEPOT

Don’t miss out on your chance to SAVE! FIT 4.4lb. Whey Concentrate


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FIT - Pre-Workout


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The Golden Star Wednesday, February 10, 2016

StarHealth & Wellness

KInbASKet MASSAGE We bALAnCe eneRgy AnD StRuCtuRe In the bODy thROugh tOuCh Applying techniques such as: • Myofascial Release • Myofascial Cupping • Craniosacral Therapy • Visceral Manipulation • Traditional Swedish • Massage

Releasing fascial restrictions deep in the body to relieve pain and stress strengthens your resistance to disease and enhances your health and well-being.

LOIS RICARD 202 – 421 9th Avenue N. Patlar Building, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 250 344 1001

Book your appointment 250

344 6654

A multifaceted approach to your healthcare


Massage Therapy

Yoga Yoga Classes Classes || Nutrition Nutrition Consults Consults Custom Custom Orthodics Orthotics

Box 1017, 802 Park Drive, Golden, BC • A10

Myofascial Release What is Cupping?

Cupping is a therapy in which glass jars or cups are suctioned onto the skin’s surface through negative pressure. The suction and negative pressure drain excess fluids and toxins, which stimulates the peripheral nervous system, brings blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin, loosens adhesions, connective tissue and stubborn knots in tissue. Ancient Chinese medicine believes cupping opens up meridian pathways to allow Qi to flow thru. When Qi flows freely throughout the body one enjoys good physical, mental and emotional well-being. Cupping can be beneficial for anyone with joint or muscle pain and tension, headaches, frequent colds and flus. By clearing the meridians and focusing on stimulating specific acupuncture points it can also treat a variety of organ disorders. It is a great alternative to acupuncture for those who have an aversion to needles, and is ideal for those who are not getting the relief they need from regular massage therapy treatments. At Kinbasket Massage we utilize cupping along with other modalities (myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, Swedish massage and prenatal massage) to release restrictions in the fascia. Trauma, thwarted inflammation process and surgery dehydrate the ground substance, the fluid component of the fascial system. These modalities are utilized in a wide range of settings and diagnoses; pain, movement restriction, spasm, neurological dysfunction, headaches, temporomandibular pain and dysfunction, geriatrics, sports injuries, pediatrics, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, traumatic and surgical scarring, acute and chronic pain. We also have an increased awareness of women’s health problems and have more of an appreciation for how massage and myofascial release can relieve common issues such as pelvic pain and dysfunction, problematic breast implants or reduction scars and endometriosis. If you are experiencing chronic movement limitations, stubborn pain patterns or areas of extreme tenderness, myofascial cupping or myofascial massage may be just the answer.

Focus on Patient Care Drives Element’s Success When you focus on patient care, all the other pieces just fall into place. At least that was how it worked with Element Therapeutics, now in their second year of operation in Golden. “We built this place for the patients,” said Stan Metcalfe, owner and physiotherapist at the wellness centre. “We wanted a beautiful and comfortable place for our patients, and once that happened, it started to attract the highest quality of professionals.” With three registered massage therapists and four physiotherapists, as well as a yoga studio operating on the top floor, Element Therapeutics has what Golden needs to stay healthy and vibrant all in one place. “Golden really values a healthy and active lifestyle, and since this business started in Stephen (Dykes’) house, it has grown exponentially,” said Metcalfe. In fact, since 1999 they’ve tripled their capacity. “This move into Element Therapeutics has gone way beyond our expectations.” Of course that is no surprise to anyone who has stepped inside the bright, open and inviting space, and experienced the professional service the practitioners offer. The community has been so impressed by the centre, they received (by community nomination and vote) the Professional Services Award and Business Beautification Award at Golden’s Community Excellence Awards. Physio Director Kristie Norquay was also recognized as Employee of the Year. “The staff and practitioners we have here are just incredible,” said Metcalfe. “Everyone is supportive of each other, and the patients always come first.”

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 10, 2016

StarHealth & Wellness

Facts about wearing contact lenses Contact lenses have come a long way. They can correct almost every prescription including astigmatism. Multifocal lenses can help you see in the distance and read without having to haul your reading glasses around. Contact lenses are great for everyday use and for activities like mountain biking and skiing. There’s nothing worse than your glasses fogging up in your goggles. Contact lenses should always be fit by a professional as everyone’s eyes are different. Health Canada states, “Contact lenses are medical devices which, like drugs, provide benefits while posing certain risks. If you wear contact lenses, you should take steps to minimize these risk and protect your vision.” ( hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/lenses-lentilles-eng.php) Damage from contact lenses can happen without you having any symptoms. By the time your eyes are feeling uncomfortable it’s often too late and we’ve already had some damage that can result in discontinuing contact lens wear and having to be put on a prescription eye drop. If you’re already a contact lens wearer here are some tips to keep your eyes healthy and your contact lenses comfortable. 1) Do not expose your lenses to water. Swimming in your lenses or rinsing your contact lenses in tap water when you don’t have your solution on you is a bad idea. Microorganisms living in water can be transferred to your eyes. Tap water is not sterile even if it’s safe to drink. If microorganisms are exposed to your cornea they can cause pain and discomfort that may result in discontinuing contact lens wear. Microorganisms can cause corneal ulcers which can result in serious vision loss and blindness. If you like to swim in your con-

tacts, daily disposables are your best option as you can throw them out after your swim. 2) Not Sleeping in your lenses. There are contact lenses that are approved for overnight wear, but most are not. Sleeping in your contact lenses means depriving your corneas of oxygen. Your corneas need oxygen to stay healthy and clear so you can see. Sleeping in your lenses also increased the risk of infection by 6.5 times. 3) Replacing your lenses on schedule. after you’ve worn your contact lenses for the designated time the material starts to degrade. This brings us back to the problems of getting oxygen to your cornea. not replacing your contact lenses on time also increases your risk of infection. Old lenses become coated in microorganisms, proteins and residue. 4) Replacing your case. The same thing goes for replacing your case. You want to replace it every couple months. A new case usually comes with a new bottle of solution. Again, the issues here are microorganisms and we’ve already established that we don’t want them in our eyes!* Contact lenses can be life changing. They can give you freedom from your glasses and some people feel they enhance their appearance. When worn properly contact lenses can be comfortable and clear and you can wear them successfully for many years. Following these simple tips will keep you and your eyes happy for as long as you want to wear contact lenses. Come in to see if contact lenses are right for you! *( how-could-contact-lens-wearers/articulo/ S1888429609700251/)

Foot clinic now open at Peoples There's a wide range of reasons an individual might require a visit to a foot care specialist, and Kathy Frasca out of Peoples Drug Mart has Goldenites covered. In a new arrangement, Frasca, a foot care nurse, has been accepting patients through Peoples and offering a variety of care for her patients. "Kathy approached us and was looking to team up," says Sean Bennett, one of the owners and pharmacists at Peoples. Frasca is now accepting patients by appointment, although she may have regular hours at Peoples in the future depending on demand. "Basically anybody that is on any medication, has any kind of health issues or is worried about hygiene or infection should be using a foot care nurse," Frasca explains. Frasca conducts foot assessments and monofilament testing, which checks an individual's sensitivity at the bottom of their feet. "Diabetics can get what they call peripheral neuropathy, a decreased sensation in their extremities," Bennett says. "A lot of people don't even know that they have it until you test them, and they go 'really, I can't feel the bottom of my foot right there?'," Frasca says, adding that individuals can often sustain cuts or bruises to their feet Kathy Frasca stands with Peoples cowithout realizing it, leading to further com- owner Sean Bennett. Frasca is now operplications. ating a foot clinic out of the drug mart. Peoples has access to products that can help with various foot ailments, with many of them being covered under medical plans, including compression socks and toe separators. Toe separators are important for keeping proper toe spacing in arthritic patients and compression socks can be a vital tool to decrease edema, or excess fluid accumulation in a patient's feet. "The blood starts to pool in the lower portions of the body and then you get swelling in the leg and that can be harder on the cardiovascular system," Bennett says. These specialized socks prevent the blood from collecting in the lower extremities through a series of graduated compressions. Appointments can be made with Frasca by calling her at 250-439-9467 or through Peoples directly at 250-344-6821. A11

GOLDEN OPTOMETRY Even though it’s winter, don’t forget to wear sunglasses! • •

Enjoying a beautiful bluebird snow day? Cover up those eyes! UV exposure can nearly double when rays are reflected off the snow. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays is linked to eye damage including cataracts and macular degeneration.

Certain medications can increase sensitivity to UV radiation.

Be sure that kids are protected too when having fun with all the outdoor activities! Their lenses are clearer than adults, therefor making it easier for the UV rays to penetrate.

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Eye health is important! Be sure to get regular check ups.

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StarHealth & Wellness


Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

Five Years and Loving it!

~ Be Fit For Life ~ Group Excercise • Bootcamp • Step • Zumba • Mama Fit


Like us on Facebook for more info: SHAPE UP FITNESS

SHAPE UP FITNESS would like to welcome Jennifer Burns on board our Team of Instructors. Jennifer just completed her Fitness Instructor Specialist Certification. Congratulations and Welcome Jennifer!


MAR 11 Gift Certificates Available

Choose from the following Punch card options: 4 class punch card = $32 8 class punch card = $56 4 WEEK TERM 12 class punch card = $72 (Must be used in 16 class punch card = $80 this time frame)

I have been working in the Fitness Industry for the past 10 years and I love it! Five years ago I started Shape Up Fitness in Golden-a small business specializing in group exercise classes for the community. I realize that "group exercise" is not for everyone and that's OK! I pride myself in encouraging people to incorporate any type of exercise that they enjoy into their lifestyle, especially outdoors! I love teaching exercise classes and my main motive is to lead

people to have fun and enjoy fitness! I want to say a very special Thank You to the individuals from the Shape Up Team for helping make the program possible: Tammy Higginson, Carol Miller, Kathy Gunn and our newest team member Jennifer Burns. I invite you to join me for a Special Valentine’s Zumba Class- Thursday February 11, 6pm at the LGES Gym. Here are a few tips from the Shape Up Fitness Team for Designing a Safe and Effective Exercise Program.

A complete fitness program must include aerobic exercise, muscular strength and endurance conditioning, and flexibility exercise. Aerobic exercise does good things for your cardiovascular system and is an important part of weight management. Muscular conditioning can improve strength and posture, reduce the risk of lower back injury, and is also an important component of a weight management program. Flexibility exercise is needed to

Nicki McIntosh Shape Up Fitness

maintain joint range of motion and reduce the risk of injury and muscle soreness.

Ayurvedic treatments in Golden Goldenites are known to be enthusiastic participants in a variety of sports, and with that comes a host of potential injuries. Golden Lotus Ayurveda has a range of Ayurvedic treatment options to keep you on the slopes, bike trails or wherever your hobbies might take you. Ayurvedic massages, of which Golden Lotus offers several types, are done in a rhythmic fashion, which makes them distinct from western-style massages. Abhyanga is a traditional therapy that specializes in soothing sore muscles and calming the nervous system. It can be done by one or two practitioners, with the latter, “four-handed” massage, offering certain benefits. “Because it is so rhythmic and there are so many different hand positions that you use, it’s very hard for the client to follow with their mind what the practitioners are doing. So what happens is the nervous system just lets go of all the tension and just relaxes,” said Scott Ryan of Golden Lotus Ayurveda. Shirodhara focuses on the head, neck, hands and feet and entails the pouring of warm oil over the forehead, often referred to as the “third eye.” This treatment is traditionally done to balance both the mind and body, relieving headaches and helping with insomnia. Another treatment offered by Golden Lotus Ayuverada is Marma-Point therapy, also known as Ayurvedic Acupressure. “It can remove blockages and can tell what’s going on in different parts of the body and treat those different parts of the body. It’s mostly to bring a person’s awareness to that area,” Ryan said. All of this is in addition to Golden Lotus Ayurveda’s regular yoga classes, which are now offered out of the Element Therapeutics studio on Park Drive. Yoga classes include programs designed for both pre and postnatal mothers, and Golden Lotus is now offering meditation classes as well. For a full list of programs and Ayurvedic treatments, visit

Ayurveda is the 5,000 year old traditional healing system of India. Offering traditionalAyurvedic massage, Shirodhara and Lifestyle & Diet Consultations. Phone: 250-939-8685

Anniversaries have become a family affair for the Leigans Continued from page 1 A Golden couple

through and through, the soon-tobe Leigans planned


Valentine’s Day Market

their wedding at the local Anglican Church, and then had the reception upstairs at the Golden Arena. After the births of their two children, Eddie and Rayanne,

they made a move closer to family and bought a place in Nicholson right next to the house where Susan’s parents live. “We wanted to be close to family,” said Susan.

Saturday, February 13th, 2016 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Mount 7 Rec Plex Live Music by the Kootenay Legends

Now, more than 30 years into their relationship, that commitment to family has been evident in their lives the whole way through.

whole family. “For our anniversary we usually just go out for a family dinner,” said Susan. “And for the last weekend of July

“Dates like Valentine’s Day and anniversaries aren’t what’s really important to us. What’s important is family.” — Susan Leigan —

thanks to funding from the CSRD

Admission by Donation

Ellen Ellen Hatlevik Hatlevik 250-344-4799 Independent Sales Director 250-344-4799

Not only do they own and operate multiple family businesses together, but they also mark special occasions, often shared just between couples, with the

(which is around their anniversary) every year the whole family goes to Camrose for the music festival. We’ve been doing that forever,” added Jerry.

They even carried on their honeymoon tradition with the kids. The Leigans went to Disneyland for the first time together on their honeymoon, joined by Jerry’s best man and his wife, and since then have gone 10 times with the whole family. “Dates like Valentine’s Day and anniversaries aren’t what’s really important to us. What’s important is family,” said Susan. “Doing things, not just with our little family, but with our large extended family as well. That’s what is important to us.”

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 10, 2016

www.thegoldenstarnet A13

Eagles go 1-2 in final tune-up before Kicking Horse Classic

Several members of the GSS senior boys’ basketball team pose for a photo after a “fun” game against a Calgary school on the weekend. The group was assembled after one of the schools at the tournament had to withdraw. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey In one of their final tune-ups before the Kootenay Zone

Championships, the Golden Eagles senior boys’ basketball team left a tournament in Calgary with a 1-2 record, sandwiching a dominant win in between a pair of losses. To start off the weekend, the Eagles fell to Heritage

Christian by a 91-62 score before gutting out a win against James Fowler despite having two of their eight players - Meva Dhami and Ben Wiegert - leave the game due to injury. “We only have eight to start with so we were down to six by the end of the game,” said head coach Kindy Gosal. “The other kids banded together and did a great job.” With Dhami and Wiegert back in the lineup, the Eagles played a tough final game, falling to Robert Thirsk in a close 77-68 matchup. Following their final official game of the tourney, several members of the Eagles were given the opportunity to play in a fun game after Heritage Christian withdrew from the event. Eagles players teamed up with players from a few other schools with Gosal serving as the team’s coach. “It was really nice to see, it was nice to see the kids kind of come together…pulling all those guys from three different teams together, watching them interact and create their own plays,” Gosal said. The Eagles will have one more tournament to get ready for the Kootenay Zones, where the team will attempt to qualify for the provincials for the third year running. That final tune-up will take place right here in Golden as GSS hosts the annual Kicking Horse Classic on Feb. 12 and 13. “It should be a very competitive tournament,” Gosal said. “These are our only home games all year…we’d love to see some folks come out.” The Eagles will take on Selkirk out of Kimberley at 2:00 p.m. on the 12th and Barrier at 8:30 p.m. later that night. Their performance in the tournament’s first two games will determine when they play on the 13th, but the Eagles will certainly have aspirations of playing in the championship game at 4:00 p.m.

Rockets still searching for fifth win as season nears a close Joel Tansey With the Golden Rockets’ season winding down, the club is still looking for its elusive fifth win of the year. It’s been a long search, the Rockets having not emerged on the winning side since a 1-0 win over the Grand Forks Border Bruins at home on Dec. 11. Golden has just five more opportunities to get another win in ‘15/16 after a pair of weekend losses. Their penultimate home game did not go according to plan, as the Creston Valley Thunder Cats stormed through the Rockets on their way to a 6-1 victory. Golden actually opened the scoring courtesy of captain Travis Kelley, who notched his 7th goal of the season less than three minutes into the contest. It was all downhill from there,

as the Thunder Cats piled on their Eddie Mountain Division rivals with a goal late in the first, two in the second and three in the third. Keyon Bittner made 29 saves in the Rockets’ net on a total of 35 shots. Owen Sikkes got the call the following night in Castlegar, and the Rockets jumped out to an even better start against the Rebels. Layne Hunter scored in the first, while Brennan Grocock and Tony Festa added markers in the second to give the Rockets a 3-1 lead at the game’s midway point. The Rebels responded and got to within one with just over seven minutes to play in the second frame and the scoring continued in the third with a pair of goals in the early portion of the period. Terix Fischer-Kobes tied things up shortly after, but the Rebels’ Nick Headrick put

Brennan Grocock takes the puck behind the net before clearing it during Friday night’s game against the Creston Valley Thunder Cats. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Castlegar ahead for good with 7:33 left in regulation. Castlegar added two empty net goals to complete the scoring. Sikkes was peppered with

shots and earned the star for the Rockets while making 48 saves on a whopping 53 Castlegar shots. In stark contrast, Logan Sawka faced just 21 shots in the Rebel net.

The Rockets hosted Columbia Valley in their final home game of the season on Tuesday night. A full game story will be posted online at on Wednesday morning.

will be away for the rest of the season! Good luck in Creston, invermere, fernie and Kimberley! GO ROCKETS GO!!!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

It’s not too late for you to benefit from last year’s TFSA limit Brenda Spiering Submitted

you haven't done so already and were eligible each year, you can still contribute up to a total of $46,500: $5,000 per year for 2009-2012, $5,500 per year for 2013 and 2014, $10,000 for 2015, and $5,500 for 2016. Whether you're looking for a tax-sheltered way to save for a down payment on your first

Yes, the government has rolled the annual tax-free savings account (TFSA) contribution limit back down to $5,500 for 2016. But the $10,000 limit still remains for 2015. So, because contribution room can be carried forward, if

home or you're getting close to retirement and looking for a way to supplement your retirement savings, putting your money in a TFSA can be a great way to save. While contributions aren't tax deductible, there's no tax payable on investment growth inside the plan and withdrawals aren't subject to income tax.

An open house makes our day brighter Please join us for our

OPEN HOUSE Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. 512-A 9th Ave Golden, British Columbia We look forward to meeting you. Let’s talk about Money for Life.

Shannon Hood* CFP® CLU® CHS™ B.Sc. Shannon Hood Financial Services Inc. Tel: 250-344-4543

Life’s brighter under the sun

"Overall, I think the TFSA is a great vehicle and it does encourage more saving," says Cindy Crean, Managing Director of Private Client Services at Sun Life Global Investments. "It also gives people more choice in terms of which option is better for them, a TFSA or RRSP.” Here are four good reasons to save in a TFSA: 1. Starting to save If you're just starting out in your career and still in a low income bracket, opting to save in a TFSA rather than an RRSP can make sense. While you won't get a tax deduction for contributing to a TFSA, there is no tax payable on investment growth and you also won't get hit paying tax when you draw the money out. And should you end up in a higher tax bracket in retirement, the tax deduction you

get from contributing to an RRSP today could end up being less than the tax you will have to pay when you withdraw it. 2. Saving for a home A TFSA is a more flexible option for saving for a home than an RRSP. While the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) does allow firsttime home buyers to use the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) to withdraw up to $25,000 from their RRSPs, you have to repay it over a maximum of 15 years. And there are penalties: If you miss a payment, that amount is added to your taxable income for that year. TFSA withdrawals have no such requirements. 3. Saving for retirement TFSAs were designed to supplement RRSPs. If you've maxed out your RRSP, they provide you with another

great way to shelter a portion of your investment earnings from income tax. And given that life expectancy has increased in recent years, the need to save for retirement has become more important than ever. Contributing additional funds to a TFSA can help ensure you won't outlive your savings. 4. Funding retirement If you're nearing retirement and have substantial RRSP savings, you may wish to start contributing to a TFSA instead, to avoid a potential future impact on your Old Age Security (OAS) payments. This is because the CRA charges a special tax (or "clawback") on your OAS payments if your net income exceeds a certain threshold (for 2014, the threshold is $71,592). As withdrawals from a

TFSA are tax-free, they don't add to your taxable income and have the potential for triggering this clawback in the same way as taxable RRSP withdrawals. Still, when considering the best investment option for you, it's important to remember that contributions to an RRSP provide the added benefit of reducing your annual income tax. Assuming you'll be in a lower tax bracket when you draw the money out than you were when you put the money in, an RRSP can help you save on the overall amount of tax you pay. A financial advisor can work with you to help you determine the best options for your personal situation. This financial column was sponsored by Shannon Hood, Sun Life Financial.

Part Two of the R.H. Mann story

*Mutual funds distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2016.

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By Colleen Palumbo

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This is the second part of the two part story written by R.H. Mann about his remebrances of Golden 1912-1914. R.H. Mann was married to Elizabeth Beattie, daughter of Alex and Annie Beattie. During the early part of the war he went over to Glacier and in 1945 he was a Park Warden for Revelstoke/Glacier. “The two chief hotels in Golden were, as I remember, Queen’s Hotel on the southeast corner of the main road near Warren’s Store and the Columbia which along with the Russell House did a thriving business especially on weekends when the lumber-jacks from the camps came to town. All the hotels at this time had bars of course. Then there were the red-light houses, popular with the large proportion of single and lonely men. As I recall them,

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The attached photo is of two men with pans looking for gold on Canyon Creek. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum those were the main features of what was then almost a frontier town, and they catered to the few hundred employees of the big Columbia River Lumber Company, whose mill and planer had a capacity of some three thousand board feet per day. The manager was Mr. High Cornell, a capable business man and pillar of the local church. The lumber company also owned two stern wheeler boats which handled all the freight, and passengers from Golden to Lake Windermere, before

the advent of the Kootenay Central Railway, which was completed in 1914. Those boats bore the romantic names of the Nowitka and the Klawhowya, first nations greetings. They were captained by Mr. Russell, Mr. Blakely, Mr. McLennan & Mr. Armstrong, though I am not sure which was which except that, at one time I worked for Capt. Russell on the Nowitka in 1912. There were three churches, the Methodist or Baptist, the Presbyterian and the Angli-

can each with about the same number of members. The only minister whom I remember was Rev. McRae of the Presbyterian, a veteran missionary from India who was instrumental in starting or keeping alive the Golden Literacy & Debating Society. He persuaded me to take over the old historic church in Field during the absence of a regular minister. This was Ralph Conner’s, the celebrated western writer’s church at one time. Continued on page 16

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 10, 2016 A15

Golden Business Directory ContraCting Ltd. Box 599, golden, BC. V0a 1H0

ContraCting Ltd. ContraCting Get ready for spring! Ltd. Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Box599, 599,golden, golden,BC. BC. V0a V0a1H0 1H0 Box for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway Get ready for spring! spring! atSkid 250-344-2215 Get ready for sweptCall withShaun our JCB Street Sweeper CallShaun Shaunatat250-344-2215 250-344-2215 Call Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log foraaquote quote tohave have your parking lot anddriveway driveway for to your parking and Units Loader and Skid Steerlot Rentals sweptwith withour ourJCB JCBSkid SkidStreet StreetSweeper Sweeper swept Sand,Loader, Gravel Skid and Landscape Haul, Steer, Snow GravelTrucks, Trucks, Endavailable Dumps,Log LogHaul Haul Gravel End Dumps, Materials Removal, Sand, Gravel Units Loaderand and Skid Steerand Rentals Units Loader Skid Steer Rentals Sand,Gravel Gravel andLandscape Landscape Sand, and Landscape Materials available. Materialsavailable available Materials

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

Golden Church Services Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Tuesday - 7pm •Wednesday - 9am Thursday - 9am • Friday - 9am Saturday - 7pm • Sunday - 10am Father Cecil 808 - 11th Street • 250-344-6328 Golden Baptist Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Richard Campeau 1343 Pine Drive • 250-344-7676 Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Jim Dorst 717-10th Street S • 250-344-2459 Rocky Mountain Alliance Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tom Fehr 712 - 10th Street • 250-344-2456 Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tim Schneider 909 - 9th Street • 250-344-2935 Golden Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Frank Johnson 917 - 11th Street St. Andrew's United Church Reverend Michele Rowe Sunday - 10:30am 901 - 11th Street • 250-344-6117 St. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 - 9th Street S • 250-344-6113 Columbia Valley Bible fellowship Sunday - 11:00am Ralph Kirchhofer Parson Community Hall • 250-348-2059 Golden Sikh Cultural Society Sunday - 11am Upstairs at the Sikh Temple cover heads • no shoes Lunch After Prayer by Donation A16

Fun facts about utilities in the town of Golden Town of Golden Submitted It’s the time of year when you may notice your utility bill has arrived and you might be thinking, “Just exactly what am I paying for?” We hope to shed a little light on this with some facts about water, sewer and waste collection services in Golden. Water services - Did you know? Golden’s water is so good that we don’t have to treat it the way some other centres do! Our water comes from a groundwater aquifer. Aquifers can be natural filters that trap sediment and pathogens to provide natural purification of the ground water flowing through them. In Golden’s case, our water quality is excellent and doesn’t require filtration or chemical treatments to remove contaminants. • There are five groundwater wells with a combined total pumping capacity of 125 Litres per second. • There are five reservoirs with a total storage capacity of about 6.96 Mega Litres.

• Water is distributed to the community through about 39 kilometres of water lines. Sewer services - Did you know? • Golden has about 36 kilometres of sewer lines. • Our collection system has the capacity to process 4251 cubic metres per day. • Within the collection system, we have six lift stations and a sewage treatment plant. Curbside garbage collection and recycling services: Curbside garbage collection and recycling services Did you know: • Garbage (green bin) pickup occurs weekly and a Curb-side Collection Calendar is included with your annual utility bill. • The cost of curb-side collection services is roughly $175 per year, which you pay through your annual utility bill. For this, you get weekly garbage and bi-weekly recycling pickup and standardized town-owned bins. Your annual fee also includes an annual contribution to a reserve fund for eventual bin replacements.

Golden had colourful history in early 1900s

Continued from page 14

My churchly activities were rather unorthodox, incorporating a boxing club, a dancing and dramatic society, etc but nevertheless proved popular, increasing the number of members and adherents to a respectable quota from practically nil, but disapproved of by a few strict Sabbath Presbyterians. But many unorthodox proceedings went on in Golden and the Columbia Valley in pre World War I days. If one could do the research necessary, a colourful, not to say violent, history could be compiled, to equal those of the many pioneer towns in the interior of British Columbia particularly during the early gold rush times. But that is another story and when the hectic search for gold along the Fraser River and in the Caribou Country died down, men turned to our natural resources of mining and lum-

bering; to exploit the visible and enduring wealth of the land. After the first World War drained Canada of so many of her vigorous young men, the scene changed drastically. First came the railway from Golden to Windermere and points south; the substitution of the gas engine for horsepower and a general mechanization of industry. Some of what we call romance vanished with the old ways and efficiency took the place of adventure. This applied to Golden and its surroundings as well as to all the pioneer regions of BC. But at present we are not set to write the romantic parts of Golden’s history or bring to life the many colourful and varied characters of early days. That probably would be more readable and entertaining than this bald account but it must wait for another occasion and probably another author.”


Feb. 10 to Feb. 16

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, if you assumed you were right on track, you soon will see why it isn’t safe to assume. Do not take anything for granted and consider all potential outcomes.

LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, frustration at work may not be directed at any one person, and you can’t let it consume your life. Make the frustration work to your advantage instead.

TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Interpersonal dynamics are constantly changing, and you may have a challenging time wrangling in your relationship to where it feels comfortable, Taurus.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Romantic thoughts this week will have you on a mission to spend quality time with a loved one, Scorpio. You may do everything in your power to be near your significant other.

GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, even if you are uncertain about someone’s intentions, it is best to give that person the benefit of the doubt. However, an ounce of skepticism never hurt anyone.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Don’t try to erect barriers, Sagittarius. This week you have to let someone in and unburden some of the problems or thoughts that have been weighing you down.

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, it is better to make your choices sooner rather than later this week. Putting decisions off only complicates matters. It may be an anxious time, but you will pull through.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Accomplish something important based on what you learn this week, Capricorn. Keep your eyes and ears open to all of the possibilities around you.

LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Stop worrying about how others see you, Leo. This week own up to your beliefs, even if they seem to go against the norm. You may be surprised at the support you receive.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Try not to take the easy way out, Aquarius. When faced with some tough questions, stay strong and true to yourself. You will be happier in the long run if you do so.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a hectic week leads to lots of demands on your time. Take things one task at a time and do not be afraid to say “no” if you feel you are overwhelmed.

PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, take some time off if your job seems like a headache this week. If you have the time, enjoy a long weekend or a short jaunt during the week.


www.the CLUES ACROSS 1. Basics 4. Paper container 7. Diving ducks of N America having a bluish-gray bill 9. Spruce 11. Sacred choral composition 14. Ear lobe decoration 16. S Am. wood sorrel cultivated for its edible tubers 17. Wolf drama series 19. Straight, bowling or bobby 21. Cotton growing region in W. Central India 22. Tax saving retirement account 23. Expresses pleasure 25. Synoptical

26. Peseta 60. 1/100 yen 27. Oceans 61. Summate 29. Weekday CLUES DOWN 31. Octagonal motif in rugs 1. Gum arabic 33. Beam out 2. Crazy, loco, wacky 34. Escargots 3. Unconnected 37. Mother of Apollo in 4. Whirring sound ancient mythology 5. Tartness 40. Fed 6. A group of individuals 41. A sleeveless garment 7. Bard like cloak but shorter 8. Buddy 43. Yugoslavian River 9. Not an amateur 45. Patti Hearst’s captors 10. North-central Indian 46. Representational likeness city 48. Plundered 12. Chit 50. Clothier 13. Reverences 54. ___ de Janeiro 14. Inspire with love 55. Peaceful relations 15. Endocrine gland 56. Replaced union workers 18. Biblical name for Syria 58. African people of 20. The woman Senegambia 24. Heroic tale 59. Every 24 hours 26. Daddy

28. Killing yourself 30. In a way, discolors 32. Artiodactyls Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 34. Resistant to change 35. Northeast 36. Watering places 38. A way to pave 39. Value excessively 40. Poplar trees (Spanish) LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS 42. Elk Grove High School 44. Abroad 45. Author George Bernard 47. Old world, new 49. Tiny insectivorous W. Indian bird 51. British School 52. Moroccan coastal region 53. Radioactivity unit 57. Sheep sound

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Golden StarFebruary Wednesday, February 10, 2016Star Wednesday, 10, 2016 The Golden A17

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April 21, 1935 – February 1, 2016

Long-time resident Beverly Florence Lockhart passed away suddenly on February 1, 2016 at 80 years of age. Bev has been an active member of the Golden and Parson communities for many years. Bev leaves behind her husband of 61 years Harry, and two sons Stewart (Alida) and Russel (Barb) as well as grandchildren, and great grandchildren. A Celebration of Life will be held for Bev by the family on Wednesday February 10, 2016 at 2:00 pm at the Golden Seniors Centre.

In Memoriam

In Loving Memory of

Arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden, BC. Online condolences may be sent through Bev’s obituary at

August 5, 1919 - February 14, 2014


In Memoriam

Raymond Olson

Margaret Sophie Jesse May 8, 1923 - December 17, 2015

In our hearts you always stay, Loved and remembered every day. We love and miss you.

Beverly Florence


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HEALTHCARE DOCUMENTATION Specialists are in huge demand. Employers want CanScribe graduates. A great work-from-home career! Train with Canada’s best-rated program. Enroll today. 1-800-466-1535.

Margaret & family



David Benjamin Gooden 1929 - 2016 Dave Gooden passed away peacefully on January 19 at his home in Parksville, lovingly supported by family. He was 86 years old. He is survived by his wife Jill Gooden of 31 years, children Les (Tatiana), Bryan (Juliet), Kevin (Deanna), and Elizabeth Taylor, and step-children Robert Graham, Maree Roome and Heather McPhee. He is survived also by numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as his first wife Dorothy Gooden and sisters Dora Gooden and Florence Hutchison. A Celebration of Life was held on Saturday, January 23, 2016 at Knox United Church in Parksville, BC

By shopping local you support local people.

Longtime resident Margaret Jesse passed away peacefully with family by her side at Durand Manor on December 17, 2015. She was 92 years of age. Margaret was born in Fort Chipewan, AB to Isadore and Mary Bourque. She grew up on the family farm near Boyle, AB with two sisters and three brothers. This was where she met Eckhardt Jesse, they were married August 24, 1946 and moved to Golden in 1952. Margaret worked at various cleaning jobs and became the longtime janitor of the Evans Products offices until her retirement. She loved her daily long walks and was quick to smile and say hello to everyone she met, both friends and strangers alike. She loved her family and will be remembered most for her genuine selflessness. Mom would always put the needs of others ahead of her own. Margaret is survived by her children, Mary Whitney (John), Edith Belbeck (Jim), Lois Balint (Bryan), Robert and Norman (Lee), stepdaughters Barb Ashwell (Hugh), Joyce Cochrane and one brother, Lawrence Bourke (Mary) as well as many grandchildren and great grandchildren, nephews and nieces. She was predeceased by husband Eckhardt, daughter Doris Wilburn, stepsons Don Jesse (Jan), Sonny Jesse siblings Norbert, Norman, Magdeline and Irma. Special thanks to Tanis, Janice, Lisa and all staff and volunteers at Durand, Laurie Formenti, Deb Gudjonson, Kevin and Nina from Hindman Bowers and all those that offered condolences, sent cards or just took the time to offer our mom a smile or kind word, especially in her last years. A Celebration of Life will be held for Margaret by the family in the spring. Arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden, BC. Online condolences may be sent through Margaret’s obituary at A18 A18

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Wednesday, February 10, February 2016 Golden Wednesday, February 10,Star 2016 Wednesday, 3, 2016 The Golden GoldenStar Star

Services Services

Merchandise forMerchandise Sale Merchandise Sale Services for Sale forMerchandise for Sale

, Restaurant, Volunteers Volunteers Financial Services Financial Services Plumbing Hotel, Restaurant, Financial Services Financial Services PlumbingHeavy Duty d Services Machinery VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad FULL SERVICE Plumbing Food Services VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad FULL SERVICE Plumbing

Misc. for Sale Misc. for Sale Heavy Duty SAWMILLS FROM only Machinery SAWMILLS FROM

only TAX FREE MONEY TAX FREE MONEY Immigrant newcomers need your credit?needBills? from Parker Dean.from Fast,Parker re$4,397. Make money & save Immigrant newcomers your Unemployed? credit? Bills? isUnemployed? Dean. re$4,397. Make money & save or anyone know A-SteelFast, Shipping StorageShipping available, if you are a DOyou YOU or anyone know ashelp. A-Steel Storage is available, if you are a help. you Volunteer a mentor, Need Money? We Lend! If you liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 money with your own bandmill. Volunteer as a mentor, Need Money? We Lend! If you liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 money with your own bandmill. in Eastspecialize Indian CuiContainers. Used 20’40’45’53’ today! homeowner, We can in East Indian Cui- tutor Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ today! English language with language EAL own own home you own homeowner, off yourWe nextcan job if you present Cut lumber any dimension. In any dimension. In English tutor your with EAL own -your home -approve you off your next job if you present Cut lumber pular restaurant in insulated containers.insulated All sizes easily you byapprove sine? Popular restaurant orin translator. All sizes experience easily you Vancouver by Acceptance this ad. stock ready to ship. stock Free ready Info to ship. Free Info experienceThe or qualify. translator.Pioneer The qualify. Pioneerphone. Acceptance thisarea. ad. 1-Vancouver area. 1- starting undercontainers. needs Kamloops you immediin stock. Prices 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortneedsaverage you immediin stock. Prices starting under contribution average is 2 hours a phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortCorp. Member BBB. 800-573-2928. & DVD: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Golden Star contribution is 2 hours a Corp. Member BBB. 800-573-2928. $2,000. Modifications possible & DVD: Time, starting $20. gage money is gage available ately. Full Time,week. starting $20. $2,000. cations possible money is available 1-877-987-1420 week. 1-877-987-1420 -374-0340. doors, windows, walls etc., windows, as right now. Rates right start now. at Contact Kathleen at Contact 250-344-8392 per hr. Employment 250-374-0340. doors, walls etc., asExt:400OT Rates start at 1-800-566-6899 Services Services Services Merchandise for Sale Merchandise for Sale Kathleen at 250-344-8392 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT offi ce or living workshop etc., Prime. Equity counts. or for office or living workshop etc., Prime.WeEquity counts. We or INfor Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866don’t rely on credit, age or FIND IT LOCALLY STEEL BUILDING Sale. Realmore information. THE CLASSIFIEDSIN Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866don’t rely on credit, age or P FIND ITServices LOCALLY Financial STEEL BUILDING Sale. Realmore information. THE CLASSIFIEDS SHOVolunteers 528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 income. big sale: extra winter 528-7108 or ly1-778-298-3192 income. nt, Heavy Duty Services Financial Plumbing forBC Sale ly big dissale: extra winter dis8am-5pm.Misc. Delivery and AB Delivery Call Anytime count on now!! 21x22 $5,190 8am-5pm. BC and AB Call Anytime count on now!! 21x22 $5,190 1-800-639-2274 or Machinery mployment Employment Employment Employment FULL SERVICE1-800-639-2274 Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Star27x28 $7,498 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! 25x24 $5,988 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad Plumbing SAWMILLS FROM only Golden or Employment Employment $5,988 27x28 $7,498 TAX FREE MONEY 604-430-1498. Apply604-430-1498. online Immigrant newcomers need your credit? Bills? Unemployed? from Parker Dean. Fast, re$4,397. Make money & save 30x32 $8,646 35x3425x24 $11,844 ies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes Apply online know A-Steel Shipping Storage is available, if you are a $8,646 35x34 $11,844 Agencies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes help. Volunteer as a mentor, NeedAgencies/Resumes Money? We Lend! If you liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 money with your own bandmill. 42x54 $16,386. One30x32 end wall CuiContainers. Used 20’40’45’53’ homeowner, today! We can 42x54 $16,386. One end wall English language tutor with EAL own your own home - you off your next job if you present Cut lumber any dimension. In included. Pioneer Steel 1-800nt in insulated containers. All sizes easily approve you by included. Pioneer Steel 1-800experience or translator. The qualify. Pioneer Acceptance this ad. Vancouver area. 1stock ready to ship. Free Info 668-5422 mediin stock. Prices starting underFor &Sale! phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortOat/Barley average contribution is 2 hours a 668-5422 Corp. Member BBB. 800-573-2928. DVD: Wrapped For Sale! Oat/Barley $20.A18 $2,000. Modifications possiblehaylage gage money is available & 2nd Alfalfa hay- Wrapped Wednesday, February 10,cut 2016 Golden Star week. 1-877-987-1420 haylage & 2nd cut Alfalfa haydoors, windows, walls etc., as right now. Rates start at lage. Call 1 (250)249-5466 Contact Kathleen at 250-344-8392 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT Contractors Ltd.Power lage. Call 1 Sale (250)249-5466 offi ce or livingMerchandise workshop etc.,for Sale Prime. Equity counts.Aerial We Aerial Contractors Ltd.Power VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! Services Services Merchandise for or for Employment Employment GET BACK ON TRACK!Services Bad FULL SERVICE Plumbing SAWMILLS FROM only IN line systems built to BC Hydro Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866don’t rely onTAX credit, ageMONEY or FREE IT THE CLASSIFIEDS LY more STEEL BUILDING Sale.steel Realinformation. line to BC Hydro Immigrant newcomers need your FIND credit? Bills? Unemployed? fromsystems Parker built Dean. Fast, re- or 1-778-298-3192POLE $4,397. Make money & save BARNS, Shops, 1-800528-7108 available, standards. know A-Steel Shipping if you areEC# a 19806. BARNS, Shops, steel ly bigStorage sale: extra winter dis- your standards. 19806. 1-800help. Restaurant, Volunteer as a mentor,Volunteers Need Money? We Lend! If you Services liable, 24/7EC# service. Take $50Delivery money with own bandmill. buildings metal cladPOLE or fabric Wanted: working 8am-5pm. BC and Duty AB Heavy Financial Services Plumbing Misc. for Sale Call AnytimeFinancial 661-7622. Cui- Hotel, Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ homeowner, today! We can count on now!! 21x22 $5,190 buildings clad or Used/Not fabric Wanted: Used/Not working 661-7622. EnglishEmployment language tutor with EAL own your own home - you 1-800-639-2274 or off your next job if you present Cutand lumber any dimension. In PC’s. clad.25x24 Complete supply in-metal Laptop or and Desktop Will Employment t in insulated containers. All sizes $5,988 27x28 $7,498 easily approve you by clad. Complete supply inFood Services Machinery Laptop or Desktop PC’s. Will VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! experience or translator. The BACK ON TRACK! BadApply online SERVICE area. Plumbing1SAWMILLS FROM onlyship. Free Info qualify. Pioneer GET Acceptance this FULL ad. Vancouver stock ready to stallation. Call John at 403604-430-1498. TAX FREE MONEY Pick up 250-344-2415 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 mes Agencies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes mediin stock. Prices starting under phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortstallation. Immigrant need yourBBB. credit? Bills? Unemployed? from Parker Dean. Fast, re$4,397. Make money Call & saveJohn at 403average contribution is 2 hours a newcomers Corp. Member & DVD: Pick up 250-344-2415 YOU or anyone you know A-Steel Shipping Storage is available, if you are a800-573-2928. 42x54possible $16,386. One end $20. DO $2,000. Modifi998-7907; cations help. Volunteer as a mentor, Misc. for Sale gage is available Need Money? We Lend! If you money liable, 24/7 2service. $50auction money with your ownwall bandmill. 998-7907; DAY Take Online Feb. 16 East Indian specialize Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ today! We can included. Pioneer Steel 1-800English language tutor 1-877-987-1420 with EAL own your own homeright - younow. homeowner, off your next job if you present Cut lumber any dimension. In 2 DAY Online auction Feb. 16 doors, windows, walls etc., as Rates start at and Feb area. 17. 1000 plus lots containers. incl sine?Contact PopularKathleen restaurant in insulated All 668-5422 sizes easily approve you by at 250-344-8392 experience or translator. The qualify. Pioneer Acceptance this ad. Vancouver 1stock to ship. Free InfoExt:400OT Oat/Barley Feb 1000workshop plus incl ready1-800-566-6899 offi ce or17. living Prime. Equity Kamloops needs you immedistock. Prices starting underlots &etc., phone. counts. 1st, 2nd orWe 3rd mort$350K For ins. Sale! claim Wrapped ofinand food equip or for contribution is 2 hours average a Corp. Member BBB. Electrical 800-573-2928. DVD: NURSERY REFORESTATION haylage & 2nd cut Toll Alfalfa hayIN Full Time, starting $20. $2,000. Modifi cations possible $350K ins. claim ofhours food 1-866equip gagecredit, moneyage is available Ph free 24 or REFORESTATION NURSERY week. (some in orig. pkg), 7 bailiff 1-877-987-1420don’t rely on FIND IT CLASSIFIEDS LY ately. STEEL BUILDING Sale. Realmore information. THE seedlings of hardy trees, lage. Call 1 (250)249-5466 per hr. 250-374-0340. doors, windows, walls etc., as7 bailiff right now. Rates start at (some in orig. pkg), 528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 income. Aerial Contractors Ltd.Power Contact Kathleen at 250-344-8392 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT seedlings hardy seizures of restaurants/groly shelterbig sale:of extra wintertrees, disoffi ce or living of workshop etc., Prime. Equity counts. We shrubs, and berries for Misc. Wanted or EMPLOYMENT for seizures restaurants/groline systems built to BC Hydro 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB Call Anytime WE ARE YOUR LOCAL SPECIALISTS IN cery stores, high end sausage shrubs, and berries for shelterPh Toll free 24steel hours Wednesday, 10, 2016 Golden Star count on now!! $5,190 don’t rely on credit, age or beltsend orsausage landscaping. Spruce POLE BARNS, Shops, OP LOCALLY FIND IT THEstandards. CLASSIFIEDS STEEL BUILDING Sale. Real- 21x22February information. SHA18 EC#1-800-639-2274 19806. 1-800- or Merchandise for Sale WE AREmore YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS cery stores, high 528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 Employment Employment income. makingbuildings equip, metal 3x350 gallon 2181 Campbell Road. 4 bdr, 2 belts or landscaping. Spruce 25x24 $5,988 27x28 $7,498 lyUsed/Not big sale:working extraFree winter disclad orequip, fabricand3x350 Pine from $.99/tree. Wanted: 661-7622.604-430-1498. Apply making 2181 Road. 4 bdr, 2 KOOTENAY 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB gallon Call Anytime online steam kettles w-agitators, ice bath, 2100sqft home on Campbell 4.5 and Pine from $.99/tree. Free count on now!! 21x22 $5,190 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 clad. Complete supply and ines Agencies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes shipping. guarLaptop orReplacement Desktop PC’s. Will 1-800-639-2274 or AuctionsKOOTENAY kettles ice $5,988 DUCT CLEANERS 2100sqft home on 4.5 Employment Employment Employment 25x24 27x28 $7,498 cream stallation. equip and complete acres. $379,000. 250-348shipping. Replacement guarCallsteam John at 403-w-agitators, 42x54 $16,386. One end wall bath, antee. 1-866-873-3846 or 604-430-1498. Apply online DUCT CLEANERS Pick up 250-344-2415 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 Locally owned & operated. cream Visit equip and complete acres. $379,000. 250-348AAgencies/Resumes : 2 0 5 - 4 2 1 9 t h A veAgencies/Resumes ., Golden P : 3 4Agencies/Resumes 4-5413 cappuccino bar equip. 2500. or 998-7907; antee. 1-866-873-3846 included. Pioneer & operated. 42x54 $16,386. One end wall Steel 1-800A : 2 0 5 - 4 2 1 9 t h A ve . , G o l d e n P : 3 4 4 - 5 4 1 3 Misc.toforbar Sale Affordable, professional, cappuccino equip. Visit 2500. 2 DAY OnlineLocally auctionowned 16 668-5422 included. Pioneer Steel 1-800For Sale! Wrapped Oat/Barley Affordable, professional, and Feb 17. 1000 plus lots incl & insured Duct Cleaning to Real Estate w w w . e k e m p l o ym e n t . o r g view, register and For bid. Onsite 668-5422 Sale! Wrapped Oat/Barley haylage & 2ndand cutBUY Alfalfa hay- SELL & insured Cleaning AND $350K&ins. claim of food Duct equip Electrical Services System w w w . e k e m p l o ym e n t . o r g view, register bid. Onsite REFORESTATION NURSERY viewing opens Feb 9. &Call Call haylage 2nd Alfalfa hayBUY AND SELL lage. 1cut (250)249-5466 Services & System VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! (some 7 bailiff GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad in orig. pkg), FULL SERVICE Plumbing SAWMILLS FROM only Sterilizations. viewing opens Feb 9. Call seedlings of hardy trees, Aerial Contractors Ltd.Power lage. Call 1 (250)249-5466 604-371-1190 or email: TAX FREE MONEY WITH A Owner All services and supports are FREEneed your Aerial Unemployed? Contractors Ltd.Power seizures of restaurants/groHousehold Services Sterilizations. For Sale By Immigrant newcomers credit? Bills? from for Parker Dean. Fast, re- Misc. $4,397. Make money & save TollBC free 1.844.428.0522 shrubs, and berries shelter604-371-1190 or email: line systems built to Hydro WITH Wanted All services and supports are FREE DO YOU or anyone you know A-Steel ShippingA Storage is available, if you are a line systems built to BC Hydro YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS cery stores, high end sausage Toll free 1.844.428.0522 help. Volunteer as a mentor, Need Money? We Lend! If you liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 money with your own bandmill. Merchandise for Sale POLE BARNS, Shops, steel belts or landscaping. Spruce CLASSIFIED AD FREE Estimates POLE BARNS, Shops, steel standards. EC# 19806. standards. EC# 1-80019806. 1-800for moreWe info.can specialize in East Indian CuiContainers. homeowner, today! 3x350 Campbell Road. 4 bdr, 2 Used 20’40’45’53’ CLASSIFIED AD FREEgallon Estimates English language tutor with EAL and Pine from $.99/tree. Free buildings clad fabric own your 661-7622. own home -making you equip, off yourmetal next job orclad if2181 youorpresent Cut lumber any dimension. In buildings metal fabric Wanted: Used/Not working Wanted: Used/Not working for more info. KOOTENAY 661-7622. sine? Popular restaurant in insulated containers. steam kettles w-agitators, ice you bath, 2100sqft onPC’s. 4.5 easily approve by Replacement For All Rentsizes w/ storage closeready to clad. Complete supplysupply and inshipping. guarexperience- Printing or translator. The DUCT Laptop Desktop Will Apt PC’s. qualify. Pioneer Acceptance this ad. Vancouver area. 1- orhome stock to ship. Free Info clad. Complete and inCLEANERS Laptop or Desktop Will rview Preparation - Career Assessments and Computers cream equip and complete acres. $379,000. 250-348Auctions Kamloops needs you immediin stock. Prices starting underhot water For phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortstallation. Call John at 403all amnts. Hydro, andRent w/ storage close to antee. 1-866-873-3846 or Pick up 250-344-2415 average contribution is 2 hours a Corp. Member BBB. 800-573-2928. &Apt DVD: stallation. Call John at 403Locally owned and& operated. Computerscappuccino gage - 4 2 1 9ately. t h Interview AFull ve .Time, , G oPreparation lstarting d e n $20. P : 3-4Career 4 - 5 4 1 3Assessments - Printing bar equip. Visitis available 2500. 998-7907; Pick up Modifi 250-344-2415 $2,000. cations possible all amnts. money heat incld. Security entrance and Hydro, hot water and week. 1-877-987-1420 Affordable, professional, 998-7907; 2 DAY Online to auction Feb. 16 per hr. 250-374-0340. Training - Work doors, windows, laundry walls etc., heatand incld. Security entrance and Rates start at16 factls,as sorry N/S, 2right DAY Online auction Feb. andnow. Feb 17. 1000 plus lots incl elf-Employment Placements & insured Duct Cleaning Kathleen at 250-344-8392 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT Real Estate w w w . e k e m p- lSkills o ym e n t . o r g Contact Experience view, register and bid. Onsite office or livingnoworkshop etc., Mngrlaundry Prime. Equity We $350K17. claimcounts. of food equip parties. Resident on site factls, sorry N/S, and BUY SELL NURSERY Rentals Self-Employment - Skills Training - Work Experience ServicesPlacements & System and Feb plus lots incl AND REFORESTATION or for viewing opens Feb ins. 9. 1000 Call pkg), IN (some in orig. 7 bailiff Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866no parties. Resident site A18 don’t rely on credit, ageequip or seedlings of hardy trees, 250-290-0056. Sterilizations. P LOCALLY ins. claim of food O FIND IT STEEL BUILDING Mngr Sale.onRealmore information. THE CLASSIFIEDS or seizures email: SHTechnology Aand berries for shelterREFORESTATION NURSERY All services and supports areSearch FREE of restaurants/gro- WITH Household604-371-1190 Services$350K For Sale By Owner Assistive - Job / Start Financial Supports 528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 250-290-0056. income. Toll free 1.844.428.0522 (some instores, orig. high pkg), 7 bailiff shrubs, ly big sale: extra winter WE ARE YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS cery end sausage seedlings of hardy trees, Apt/Condo for Rent Assistive Technology - Job Search / Start Financial Supports belts or landscaping. Spruce 8am-5pm. AD FREE Estimates Call Anytime for more info. seizures of restaurants/grocount on now!! 21x22 $5,190 making equip, 3x350 CLASSIFIED gallon 2181 Campbell Road. 4Delivery bdr, 2 BC and AB and Pine from shrubs, and$.99/tree. berries Free for shelterKOOTENAY 1-800-639-2274 or steam kettles w-agitators, ice bath, 2100sqft home on 4.5 Employment Employment Employment YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS cery stores, high end sausage 25x24 $5,988 27x28 $7,498 shipping. guar-For Apt Rent w/ storage close to belts orReplacement landscaping. Spruce * Eligibility criteria may apply. DUCT CLEANERS cream equip Apply and online complete acres. $379,000. ration - Career Assessments - Printing and Computers 604-430-1498. equip, 3x350 gallon 2181 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 all amnts. Hydro, hot waterCampbell and250-348-Road. 4 bdr, 2 Agencies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes Locally owned & operated. Eligibility and1-866-873-3846 Pine from or $.99/tree. Free A : 2 0 5 - 4 2 1 9 t h A ve . ,*Agencies/Resumes G o l d e n criteria P : 3may 4 4 -apply. 5413 Help Wanted Helpmaking Wanted Helpantee. Wanted cappuccino bar equip. Visit 2500. KOOTENAY heat incld. Security entrance and kettles w-agitators, ice bath, 2100sqft home on 4.5 42x54 $16,386. One end wall Affordable, professional, steam to shipping. Replacement guarDUCT CLEANERS laundry factls, sorry N/S, and & insured Duct Cleaning cream complete acres. $379,000. 250-348ment - Skills Training - Work Placements w wExperience w.ekemplo ym e n t .Program o r g of British Columbia view,equip register and and bid. Onsite The Employment antee. or ResidentRentals Golden included. Pioneer Steel 1-800BUY1-866-873-3846 AND SELL Services & System Locally owned & operated. no parties. Mngr on site - 4 2 1 9 t h A ve . , G o l d e n P : 3 4is funded 4 - 5by4the1Government 3 viewing opens Feb 9. Call of Canada and the Program cappuccino bar equip. Visit 2500. The Employment of British Columbia GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad Organically Finished Local 3668-5422 Bdrm 2 Bath Upper Duplex Apt For Rent w/ storage close to BUILDING For Sale! Wrapped Oat/Barley Golden COMMERCIAL Sterilizations. 250-290-0056. Affordable, 604-371-1190 or email: Province of British Columbia. WITH A All /services and supports are FREEis funded by the Government of Canada and the professional, to credit? Bills? Quarters For Sale Newly Renovated, BUILDING inclds washToll Unemployed? free 1.844.428.0522 Beef haylage & Hydro, 2nd cut Alfalfa hayall amnts. hot water and echnology Job Search Start Financial Supports COMMERCIAL 3100 sq. ft. Province of British Columbia. & insured Duct Cleaning Apt/Condo for Rent w w w . e k e m p l o ym e n t . o r g view,forregister andhasbid. Onsite A-Steel Shipping Storage CLASSIFIED AD Estimates Need Money? WeFREE Lend! If you Eagles Rest Ranch organicaler & dryer. 1500 plus. lage. Call 1 (250)249-5466 more info. 3100 sqft sq. ft. of Retail heat incld. Security entrance and Space BUY AND SELL Services System- you Aerial Contractors Ltd.Power Commercial/ viewing opensbeef Feb 9. Call Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ own your own & home $1300/mnth + utilities. Centrally ly grain fi nished quarters for of Retail Space Apt For Rent w/ storage close to Located DOWNTOWN laundry factls, sorry N/S, and Sterilizations. line systems built to BC Hydro Interview Preparation Career Assessments Printing and Computers * Eligibility criteria may apply. 604-371-1190 or email: insulated containers. All sizes WITH A Industrial qualify. PioneerHelp Acceptance ll services and supports are FREE all amnts.POLE Hydro, hotBARNS, water and Excellent LongDOWNTOWN term rental preTheseHelp are raised aniLocated c Area Shops, steel Wanted sale. Wanted Help Prices Wanted no parties. Resident Mngr onHigh site Traffilocated. free 1.844.428.0522 standards. EC#locally 19806. in stock. starting under heat incld. Security entrance and Corp.Toll Member BBB. ferred. Available Feb 1st mals, and will Resources be available for pick of Parking ExcellentUsed/Not High Traffi c Area buildings metal clad Plenty or fabric Wanted: working CLASSIFIED AD laundry factls, FREE Estimates 661-7622. Golden Community 250-290-0056. sorry N/S, and for in more info. on January 9thSociety Self-EmploymentThe-Employment Skills Program Training - Work Experience Placements $2,000. Modifications possible 1-877-987-1420 Text orPlenty 250-344-0988 of Parking up Golden at Resources Complete and inof British Columbia parties.clad. Resident Mngr on sitesupply 250-344-6710 Laptop orcall Desktop PC’s. Will to Golden Golden Community Society doors, windows, walls etc.,noas is funded by the Government of Canada and the view Child Care Programs Apt For Rent w/ storage close to 250-344-6710 stallation. Call John at 4033pm 250-290-0056. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Twin Rivers Apts - 1&2 Bdr Pick up 250-344-2415 Province of British Columbia. ation - Career Assessments Printing Computers office or living workshop etc., Assistive Technology -- Job Searchand / Start Financial Supports Child Care Programs 998-7907; Cost is $5.25 per pound hanging 3100 sq.apts. ft.all amnts. Hydro, hot water and Ph Toll free 24auction hours 1-8662 DAY Online Feb. 16 Commercial/ heat entrance and is seeking a creative, energetic, team (apmember to facilitate the StrongStart BC incld.forSecurity INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? of Retail Space weight, plus $0.79 per pound Looking mature respon528-7108 1-778-298-3192 and Feb 17.ormember 1000 plus Located lots inclDOWNTOWN laundry factls, sorry N/S, criteria may apply. Have you been audited, reasis seeking a creative, energetic, team to facilitate the StrongStart BCand ent - Skills Training - Work* Eligibility proximately) cut and wrapped. Park You sible tenants.No parties, N/S. early learning program at Alexander Elementary School. AFFORDABLE 8am-5pm. and AB Help Wanted Experience HelpPlacements Wanted $350K ins.Delivery claim ofBC food equip Excellent HighIndustrial Traffi Area Resident nocparties. Mngr on site RENTAL sessed or disallowed certain REFORESTATION NURSERY canearly expectlearning to pay $750program to $900 for at Alexander No pets. References required. Park Elementary School. OPPORTUNITY - GOLDEN AFFORDABLE RENTAL (some in orig. pkg), 7 Plenty bailiff of Parking 250-290-0056. claims Community by Canada Revenue Golden Resources Society seedlings of hardy trees, a quarter The Employment Program of British Columbia 250-344-8113. Job Title: StrongStart BC Facilitator Golden CMHA Kootenays has Modi250-344-6710 OPPORTUNITY - GOLDEN echnology - Job Search / Start Financial isSupports seizures of restaurants/grofunded by the Government of Canada and the Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 1shrubs, and berries for shelterIndividual cuts also available and COMMERCIAL BUILDING Job Title: StrongStart BC Facilitator Care Programs Province of British Columbia. fied Wheel Chair Units, 1, 2 Kootenays has ModiCMHA WE ARE YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENTChild SPECIALISTS cery stores, high end sausage 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income 3100 sq. ft. landscaping. Spruce belts or weOversees will be at the Plex on Job Summary: theRec day-to-day operations the StrongStart BC 3 bdr units avail. for fi2181 edrent. Wheel Chair Road. Units, 1, making equip,for 3x350 gallonfor Campbell 4 2bdr, 2 of and Retail Space fromand Tax experience, 8.5yrs. withteam Pine $.99/tree. Free Misc Rent February 13th for theOversees Farmers is seeking a creative,program energetic, member to facilitate the StrongStart BC * Eligibility criteria may apply. KOOTENAY Sites well-maintained, large Job Summary: the day-to-day operations for the StrongStart BC and 3 bdr units avail. for rent. DOWNTOWN steam kettles iceLocated 2100sqft home on 4.5 and Market. ensures that goals and objectives of thew-agitators, program are met. The Replacement guar- bath,AFFORDABLE Revenue Canada. Email: r.galshipping. RENTAL Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted DUCT CLEANERS green space, patio, carport, Excellent High Traffi c Area early learning program at Alexander Park Elementary School. Sites well-maintained, large cream equip and complete acres. $379,000. 250-348AFFORDABLE RENTAL 250-938-1944 BC Facilitator C- StrongStart program and ensures that creating goals and objectives of athe program are met.orThe antee. 1-866-873-3846 isSociety responsible and facilitating program OPPORTUNITY -carport, GOLDEN of Parking To pre order:owned fridge/stove, washer/dryer, Locally & operated. forcappuccino Community Resources A : 2 0 5 - 4 2 1 9 t h A ve . , G o l d e n P : THE 3 4 4CRA - 5 4now 1 3Golden green space, patio, OPPORTUNITY GOLDEN bar equip. Visit Plenty 2500. has A DUTY OF 250-344-6710 The Employment Program of British Columbia CMHA has ModiStrongStart BC responsible for creating a program Email or call new flooring, new paint. No Kootenays Affordable, professional, JobCARE Title:and StrongStart BC Facilitator Golden fridge/stove, washer/dryer, environment where parents andFacilitator caregivers participate alongside their children CMHA Kootenays hasfacilitating Modito and Care Programs is Child ACCOUNTABLE to Golden is funded by the Government of Canada and the fied Wheel Chair cats/dogs & No Smoking. Krys at 250-344-4746 &Sikora insured Duct Cleaning Wheel Chair Units, 1, 2 COMMERCIAL BUILDING new flooring, newUnits, paint.1, No2 w wColumbia. w . e k e m p l o ym e n t . oJob r gCANADIAN view, register bid. Onsite environment where parents and caregivers participate alongside their children Province of British Participate in an event to and help thefi4ed million TAX PAYERS. COMMERCIAL BUILDING in an interactive, play based setting. and 3 bdr units for rent. BUY AND SELL for Rent Summary: Oversees day-to-day operations fortothe StrongStart BC More info call 250-426-5269. and 39. bdr Call unitsMisc avail. for rent. Services System is seeking athe creative, energetic, team &member facilitate theCanadians StrongStart 3100 sq.ft. ft. cats/dogs & No avail. Smoking. living with arthritis.BC viewing opens Feb 3100 sq. in an interactive, play based setting. Sites well-maintained, large Sites well-maintained, large of Retail 1 bdr $626, 2 bdr $739, 3bdr Sterilizations. Space More info call 250-426-5269. ensures that goals andatobjectives of the program are met. The or email: early learning program Alexander Park Elementary School. 604-371-1190 AFFORDABLE RENTAL A All services and supports areprogram FREE and ofWITH Retail Space LARGE FUND Reports to: Connie Barlow, Executive Director green space, patio, carport, space,2 patio, carport, 862 per month. Toll free 1.844.428.0522 Located DOWNTOWN 1green bdr $626, bdr $739, 3bdr OPPORTUNITY - GOLDEN StrongStart BC Facilitator is responsible forFREE creating and facilitating a programDirector Located DOWNTOWN Borrowers fridge/stove, washer/dryer, fridge/stove, washer/dryer, to: Connie Barlow, Executive JobWanted Title: StrongStart BCReports Facilitator *BC Housing application form and CLASSIFIED AD Estimates CMHA Kootenays has ModiExcellent High Traffi c Area 862 per month. for more info. Excellent High Traffi c Area Start saving hundreds of new fl ooring, new paint. No Qualifications: environment where parents and caregivers participate alongside their children newHousing flooring, new paint. No fied Wheel Chair Units, 1, 2 proof of income required *BC Plenty of Parking application form and Golden Community Resources Society & No Smoking. Oversees the day-to-day operations for the StrongStart cats/dogs BC today!Job WeSummary: can easily Apt For Rent w/Smoking. storage close to and 3 bdr units avail.Plenty for rent.of Parking cats/dogs & No Qualifications: in andollars interactive, play based setting. 250-344-6710 proof of income required Interview Preparation - Career Assessments - Printing and Computers KOOTENAY More info Sites call 250-426-5269. well-maintained,250-344-6710 large approve you by phone. 1st, all amnts. Hydro, hot water and t $VSSFOU #$ &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE &EVDBUPS -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF program and ensures that goals and objectives of the program are met. The More info call 250-426-5269. Child Care Programs green space, patio, carport, 1 bdr $626, 2 bdr $739, 3bdr DUCT CLEANERS 2nd to: or 3rd mortgage money incld. Security entrance 1heat bdr $626, 2 bdr $739, 3bdrand StrongStart BC Facilitator responsible for creating and facilitating a program Reports Connie Barlow, Executive Director t is$VSSFOU #$ &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE &EVDBUPS -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF fridge/stove, washer/dryer, t now. $IJME 4BGF 'JSTU "JE DFSUJĂśDBUF 862 per month. Locally owned & operated. is available right Rates laundry factls, sorry N/S, and per month. Self-Employment - Skills Training - Work Experience Placements flooring, new paint. No 2 or 3 Bdr house in 862 environment where parents and caregivers participate alongside children is seeking creative, energetic, team member to facilitate the their StrongStart BC new *BC Housing application form and Nicholson, professional, t Affordable, $IJME 4BGF 'JSTU "JE DFSUJĂśDBUF More than t $SJNJOBM 3FDPSE DIFDL start at Prime. a Equity counts. no Housing parties.application Residentform Mngr on site cats/dogs Qualifications: *BC and proof of income required& No Smoking. an credit, interactive, based setting. $900/mth, plus util. Propane +250-290-0056. & $SJNJOBM 3FDPSE DIFDL insured Duct Cleaning More info call 250-426-5269. program at Alexander Park Elementary School. 2proof or of3income Bdr house Weearly don’tlearning relyinon age play 1.5 million AFFORDABLE RENTAL requiredin Nicholson, t elect.Avail. Immd. NS, NP. DD 1 bdr $626, 2 bdr $739, 3bdr Services & System Assistive Technology - Job Search / Start Financial Supports $900/mth, plus util. Propane + Competencies: or income. t $VSSFOU #$ &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE &EVDBUPS -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF OPPORTUNITY Reports to: Connie Barlow, Executive Director Canadian 862 perfor month. and - GOLDEN references elect.Avail. required. Immd. NS, NP. DD Homes Rent Non-profit Advisor to provide Sterilizations. Call Anytime Job Title: StrongStart BC Facilitator 1.800.321.1433 CMHA Kootenays hasfenced ModiCompetencies: *BC Housing application form and Large t $IJME 4BGF 'JSTU "JE DFSUJĂśDBUF t "CJMJUZ UP XPSL FòFDUJWFMZ XJUI B WBSJFUZ PG QBSFOUT DBSFHJWFST DIJMESFO QSPGFTTJPOBMT BOE yard and garden, families are in Toll free 1.844.428.0522 and references required. Qualifications: 1-800-639-2274 or Non-profit Advisor to provide proof of income required fied Wheel Chair Units, 1, 2 w/ showers. advisement and assessment 2 or 3 Bdr house in Nicholson, * Eligibility criteria may apply. t $SJNJOBM 3FDPSE DIFDL 2 bathrooms t "CJMJUZ UP XPSL FòFDUJWFMZ XJUI B WBSJFUZ PG QBSFOUT DBSFHJWFST DIJMESFO QSPGFTTJPOBMT BOE FREE Estimates DPNNVOJUZ NFNCFST need Large 250fenced yard and garden, 604-430-1498. Apply online Job Summary: Oversees the day-to-day operations for the StrongStart BCplus util.and 3 bdr of units avail. for or rent. $900/mth, Propane + affordable 344-2335 250-344-0130. advisement and assessment t $VSSFOU #$ &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE &EVDBUPS -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF services in the East Kootenays 2 bathrooms w/ showers. DPNNVOJUZ NFNCFST Homes Rent Sites well-maintained, large housing. Your elect.Avail. Immd. NS, for NP. DD t ensures ,OPXMFEHF PG DIJME EFWFMPQNFOU GBNJMZ EZOBNJDT DPNNVOJUZ SFTPVSDFT BOE FBSMZ MFBSOJOH programt and that goals and objectives of the program are met. The $IJME 4BGF 'JSTU "JE DFSUJĂśDBUF 344-2335 or 250-344-0130. and references green required. services inEmployment thet Competencies: East Kootenays space, patio, carport, Non-profit Advisor provide for the to Trust’s Non-profit Small Renovated Older House The Program of British Columbia contributions t ,OPXMFEHF PG DIJME EFWFMPQNFOU GBNJMZ EZOBNJDT DPNNVOJUZ SFTPVSDFT BOE FBSMZ MFBSOJOH t $BOEJEBUFT XJMM IBWF FYQFSJFODF JO B WBSJFUZ PG TFUUJOHT XPSLJOH XJUI EJWFSTF FUIOJD QPQVMBUJPOT 2 or 3yard Bdr and housegarden, in Nicholson, Golden "CJMJUZ UP XPSL FòFDUJWFMZ XJUI B WBSJFUZ PG QBSFOUT DBSFHJWFST DIJMESFO QSPGFTTJPOBMT BOE Visit our website for StrongStart BC Facilitator is responsible for creating and facilitating a program t $SJNJOBM 3FDPSE DIFDL Large fenced REFORESTATION NURfridge/stove, washer/dryer, is funded by the Government of Canada and the Downtown Golden ForSmall Rent $900/mth, plusprovides util. 250Propane + Habitat advisement and assessment for the Trust’s COMMERCIAL BUILDING Renovated Older House Advisor program. bathrooms w/ showers. $BOEJEBUFT XJMM IBWF FYQFSJFODF JO B WBSJFUZ PG TFUUJOHT XPSLJOH XJUI EJWFSTF FUIOJD QPQVMBUJPOT Province of British Columbia. t where &YQFSJFODF JO DSFBUJOH QMBOOJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH BOE CVEHFUJOH GPS B QBSFOU QBSUJDJQBUJPO FBSMZ Seedlings of hardy Non-profit DPNNVOJUZ NFNCFST flooring, elect.Avail. new Immd. NS, DD paint. No environment parents t and caregivers participate SERY alongside their 2344-2335 children complete rental Furnished and may be suitable 3100 Competencies: sq.For ft.listings Downtown Golden Rent or 250-344-0130. with the resources services in the East Kootenays trees, shrubs, and berriesand for references required. cats/dogs & Nofor Smoking. Non-profit Advisorprogram. to provide Advisor up to 4 people. No parties, t ,OPXMFEHF PG DIJME EFWFMPQNFOU GBNJMZ EZOBNJDT DPNNVOJUZ SFTPVSDFT BOE FBSMZ MFBSOJOH t &YQFSJFODF JO DSFBUJOH QMBOOJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH BOE CVEHFUJOH GPS B QBSFOU QBSUJDJQBUJPO FBSMZ MFBSOJOH QSPHSBN Retail Space t CONTRACTORS "CJMJUZ UP XPSL FòFDUJWFMZ XJUI B WBSJFUZ PG QBSFOUT DBSFHJWFST DIJMESFO QSPGFTTJPOBMT BOE in an interactive, play based setting. Furnishedof and may be suitable Large fenced yard andcall garden, AERIAL More 250-426-5269. shelterbelts or Small landscaping. itinfo needs to help mature, reliable tenants prefor the Trust’s Non-profit advisement and assessment Renovated Older House Basin Youth Network Regional t $BOEJEBUFT XJMM IBWF FYQFSJFODF JO B WBSJFUZ PG TFUUJOHT XPSLJOH XJUI EJWFSTF FUIOJD QPQVMBUJPOT dline for DOWNTOWN 2 bathrooms w/ showers. for upLocated to 4 people. No parties, MFBSOJOH QSPHSBN t 4USPOH WFSCBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT DPNNVOJUZ NFNCFST LTD. Power line systems built 1 250-344-0130. bdr $626, 2 250bdr $739, 3bdrhave good Spruce and pine Downtown from $0.99/ ferred. Must refer-reliable GoldenorFor Rent 344-2335 families. Excellent High Traffi c Areapreservices in the East Kootenays mature, tenants Advisorfor program. Reports to: Connie Barlow, Executive Director t &YQFSJFODF JO DSFBUJOH QMBOOJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH BOE CVEHFUJOH GPS B QBSFOU QBSUJDJQBUJPO FBSMZ to BC Hydro EC# t standards. ,OPXMFEHF PG DIJME EFWFMPQNFOU GBNJMZ EZOBNJDT DPNNVOJUZ SFTPVSDFT BOE FBSMZ MFBSOJOH Youth Network Regional Deadline month.ences.$1,050.00/month+utilities. Coordinator Basin to provide support missions: t (PPE PSHBOJ[BUJPO BOE QMBOOJOH TLJMMT tree. Free shipping. Replacet 4USPOH WFSCBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT Furnished and may862 be per suitable Plenty have of Parking ferred. Must good refer19806. 1-800-661-7622. for the Trust’s Non-profit MFBSOJOH QSPHSBN Renovated Olderapplication House Golden Community Resources Society *BC form and for1-866-873up to Small 4 people. NoHousing parties, t $BOEJEBUFT XJMM IBWF FYQFSJFODF JO B WBSJFUZ PG TFUUJOHT XPSLJOH XJUI EJWFSTF FUIOJD QPQVMBUJPOT ment guarantee. Telephone:250-344-6710 Property Management Coordinator to provide support t ,OPXMFEHF PG UIF TPDJP FDPOPNJD DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT PG UIJT DPNNVOJUZ submissions: t (PPE PSHBOJ[BUJPO BOE QMBOOJOH TLJMMT 250-344-6710 the Trust’s new Basin Youth ences.$1,050.00/month+utilities. uary 25, 2016, Golden For Rent Qualifications: mature, Downtown reliable tenants preproof of income required Advisor program. Basin Youthto Network Regional t &YQFSJFODF JO DSFBUJOH QMBOOJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH BOE CVEHFUJOH GPS B QBSFOU QBSUJDJQBUJPO FBSMZ t 4USPOH WFSCBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT Care Programs 3846 or Furnished may referbe suitable Telephone:250-344-6710 ferred. Must have and good Division t Child ,OPXMFEHF PG UIF TPDJP FDPOPNJD DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT PG UIJT DPNNVOJUZ Basin Youth February 25, 2016, Network. to the Trust’s new




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2016, m. MT.

Spallumcheen Golfers Ph: (250) 344-2311 P.O. BC, V0A 1H0 $POOJF #BSMPX &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS (PMEFO $PNNVOJUZ 3FTPVSDFT 4PDJFUZ for up to 4 people. No parties, 746 MFBSOJOH QSPHSBN your Box next 746 job ifGolden, you present P.O. Box Golden, BC,746 V0A 1H0 off Reports to: Connie Barlow, Executive Director Carol & Husband please call mature, Email: P.O. Box Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 reliable tenants preWWW ALZHEIMERBC ORG Ph: (250) 344-2311 this ad. Vancouver area. t 4USPOH WFSCBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT Ph: (250) 344-2311 ferred. Must have good referMary & Paul @ 250-306-9000 Ph: (250) 344-2311 800-573-2928. Email: Qualifications: (PPE PSHBOJ[BUJPO BOE QMBOOJOH TLJMMT Email: t ences.$1,050.00/month+utilities. Email: Telephone:250-344-6710 t ,OPXMFEHF PG UIF TPDJP FDPOPNJD DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT PG UIJT DPNNVOJUZ t $VSSFOU #$ &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE &EVDBUPS -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF t $IJME 4BGF 'JSTU "JE DFSUJĂśDBUF Hours Weekly: 20 hrs per week Storage t $SJNJOBM 3FDPSE DIFDL Salary: $20.00/hr

Find aajob you love. Find job you love. nd a job you love. Find a job you love.

e, visit rtunities


Storage spaces of different Competencies: Please email Connie Barlow to request a copy of the full job description. Phone sizes starting at $30/month Non-profit Advisor to provide t "CJMJUZ UP XPSL FòFDUJWFMZ XJUI B WBSJFUZ PG QBSFOUT DBSFHJWFST DIJMESFO QSPGFTTJPOBMT BOE PS ESPQ JO UP ($34 o VQTUBJST JO UIF 1BUMBS #VJMEJOH o JG ZPV IBWF BOZ RVFTUJPOT including heated units. Connect with us and assessment advisement 250-344-3104. DPNNVOJUZ NFNCFST submit a resume and t covering letter outlining why you would be a services in the EastPlease Kootenays ,OPXMFEHF PG DIJME EFWFMPQNFOU GBNJMZ EZOBNJDT DPNNVOJUZ SFTPVSDFT BOE FBSMZ MFBSOJOH good candidate for this position by February 19th at 4:00pm to: for the Trust’s Non-profit t $BOEJEBUFT XJMM IBWF FYQFSJFODF JO B WBSJFUZ PG TFUUJOHT XPSLJOH XJUI EJWFSTF FUIOJD QPQVMBUJPOT Advisor program. $POOJF #BSMPX &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS (PMEFO $PNNVOJUZ 3FTPVSDFT 4PDJFUZ t &YQFSJFODF JO DSFBUJOH QMBOOJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH BOE CVEHFUJOH GPS B QBSFOU QBSUJDJQBUJPO FBSMZ MFBSOJOH QSPHSBN P.O. Box 746 Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Basin Youth Network Regional t 4USPOH WFSCBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT Ph: (250) 344-2311 Coordinator to provide support t (PPE PSHBOJ[BUJPO BOE QMBOOJOH TLJMMT Email: t ,OPXMFEHF PG UIF TPDJP FDPOPNJD DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT PG UIJT DPNNVOJUZ to the Trust’s new Basin Youth

A CLASSIFIED Deadline for submissions: February 25, 2016, noon PT/1 p.m. MT.


1 Bd No p 1599

2 B furni util. Avail refer fence bath 344-

New rent. fully W/D, term $120

Sma Dow Furn for u matu ferre ence Telep




We’re at n PT/1 p.m.Coordinator MT. for up to 4 people. No parties, MFBSOJOH QSPHSBN Hours Weekly: 20 hrs per week to provide support Storage Misc for Rent t (PPE PSHBOJ[BUJPO BOE QMBOOJOH TLJMMT ences.$1,050.00/month+utilities. t $VSSFOU #$ &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE &EVDBUPS -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF reliableHomes preSAWMILLS FROM only Basin Youth Network Regional Deadline for for Rent t 4USPOH WFSCBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT is seeking a creative, energetic, team member tomature, facilitate thetenants StrongStart BC Network. Alice Dahlberg, CPM noon PT/1 p.m. MT. Telephone:250-344-6710 the heart of ferred. Must have good referSalary: $20.00/hrHours Weekly: t ,OPXMFEHF PG UIF TPDJP FDPOPNJD DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT PG UIJT DPNNVOJUZ 4HERE S MORE to the Trust’s newCoordinator Basin Youth 20 hrs per week 2016, submissions: t $IJME 4BGF 'JSTU "JE DFSUJĂśDBUF $4,397. Make money and save S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O MStorage to provide support t (PPE PSHBOJ[BUJPO BOE QMBOOJOH TLJMMT ences.$1,050.00/month+utilities. early learning program at Alexander Parkown Elementary School. Donate AFFORDABLE RENTAL 250-344-2418 or 2 or 3 Bdr house in Nicholson, Salary: $20.00/hr money with your bandmill. m. MT.FebruaryNetwork. Storage spaces of different Telephone:250-344-6710 $SJNJOBM 3FDPSE DIFDL ,OPXMFEHF PG UIF TPDJP FDPOPNJD DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT PG UIJT DPNNVOJUZ Hours t Weekly: 20t hrs per week TO LOSE to the Trust’s new Basin Youth Storage 25, 2016, Please email Conniethings™ Barlow to request a copy of the full job description. Phone S H YO U R S T- UGOLDEN F F. C O M OPPORTUNITY $900/mth, plussizes util.starting Propane + S TA at $30/month Today! Cut lumber any dimension. In 250-344-8581 (cell) Storage spaces of different Job Title: StrongStart BC Facilitator Salary: $20.00/hrHours Network. noon PT/1 p.m. MT. elect.Avail. NS, NP. DDunits.CMHA Kootenays has ModiPS ESPQ JO UP ($34 o VQTUBJST JO UIF 1BUMBS #VJMEJOH o JG ZPV IBWF BOZ RVFTUJPOT including heated Weekly: 20 hrs perPlease week email Connie Barlow to request copy ofH YO the job Phone Storage S TA S RST U F F.description. C O M Immd. stock ready toaship. Free infoUfull Competencies: THAN JUST starting at $30/month Connect with us fied Wheel Chair Units, 1, 2 references required. sizes 250-344-3104. Advisor to provide spaces and of different Salary: $20.00/hr and DVD: PS ESPQ JO UP ($34 o VQTUBJST JO UIF 1BUMBS #VJMEJOH o JG ZPV IBWF BOZ RVFTUJPOT Pleaset email Connie Barlow to request a copy of thecovering fullOversees job description. Phone why Storage including heated units.for rent. earn more, Non-profit visit Job Summary: the day-to-day operations for BC S TAat Sbe H$30/month YO U Rthe S Tfenced U FStrongStart F. C Oyard M and garden, "CJMJUZ UP XPSL FòFDUJWFMZ XJUI B WBSJFUZ PG QBSFOUT DBSFHJWFST DIJMESFO QSPGFTTJPOBMT BOE and 3 bdr units Large Each ofďƒžce is avail. independently sizes starting Please submit a resume and letter outlining you would a Connect with us Storage spaces of different 250-344-3104. advisement and assessment Sites well-maintained, large PS ESPQ JO UP ($34 o VQTUBJST JO UIF 1BUMBS #VJMEJOH o JG ZPV IBWF BOZ RVFTUJPOT Please email Connie Barlow to request a copy of the that full jobgoals description. Phone including sizes units. 2program bathrooms w/ showers. 250program and ensures objectives of starting the are met. To learn more, visit MEMORIES DPNNVOJUZ NFNCFST .org/opportunities at $30/month operated. good candidate Please for this position by February 19th and at 4:00pm to: heated with us 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. submit a resume and covering letter outlining why you would be a The greenowned space, & patio, carport, 250-344-3104. Plumbing 344-2335 PS ESPQ JO UP ($34 o VQTUBJST JO UIF 1BUMBS #VJMEJOH o JG ZPV IBWF BOZ RVFTUJPOT including heated units. or 250-344-0130. services in the Connect East Kootenays e, visit StrongStart BC Facilitator is responsible for creating and facilitating a program ,OPXMFEHF PG DIJME EFWFMPQNFOU GBNJMZ EZOBNJDT DPNNVOJUZ SFTPVSDFT BOE FBSMZ MFBSOJOH Connect with ust submit Please a resume and covering good letter outlining why you would be a fridge/stove, washer/dryer, 250-344-3104. candidate for this position by February 19th at 4:00pm to: To learn more, visit $POOJF #BSMPX &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS (PMEFO $PNNVOJUZ 3FTPVSDFT 4PDJFUZ Please a resume and covering outlining would be a new fl ooring, new paint. No Small Renovated Older House ortunities for the Trust’s Non-profit SERVICE Plumbing environment parents and caregivers participate alongside their children t $BOEJEBUFT XJMM IBWF FYQFSJFODF JO B WBSJFUZ PG TFUUJOHT XPSLJOH XJUI EJWFSTF FUIOJD QPQVMBUJPOT good candidate for thissubmit position byFULL February 19thletter at where 4:00pm to: why you Misc. Wanted cats/dogs & No Smoking. Downtown Golden For Rent goodP.O. candidate for Golden, this position byV0A February 19threat 4:00pm to: Box 746 BC, 1H0Fast, from Parker Dean. $POOJF #BSMPX &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS (PMEFO $PNNVOJUZ 3FTPVSDFT 4PDJFUZ Advisor program. in an interactive, play based setting. t &YQFSJFODF JO DSFBUJOH QMBOOJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH BOE CVEHFUJOH GPS B QBSFOU QBSUJDJQBUJPO FBSMZ More info call 250-426-5269. Furnished and may be suitable $POOJF #BSMPX &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS (PMEFO $PNNVOJUZ 3FTPVSDFT 4PDJFUZ liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 Basin Youth Network Regional Coordinator to provide support to the Trust’s new Basin Youth Network.


Hours Weekly: 20 hrs per week Salary: $20.00/hr Please email Connie Barlow to request a copy of the full job description. Phone

1 bdr $626, 2 bdr $739, 3bdr 862 per month.

*BC Housing application form and proof of income required

Homes for Rent 2 or 3 Bdr house in Nicholson, $900/mth, plus util. Propane + elect.Avail. Immd. NS, NP. DD and references required. Large fenced yard and garden, 2 bathrooms w/ showers. 250344-2335 or 250-344-0130. Small Renovated Older House Downtown Golden For Rent Furnished and may be suitable for up to 4 people. No parties, mature, reliable tenants preferred. Must have good references.$1,050.00/month+utilities. Telephone:250-344-6710

Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $30/month


S TA Stora sizes inclu 250-

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star A19

Golden’s Snow King celebrations marks its 10th anniversary Jessica Schwitek When the Snow King was first constructed 10 years ago, its creators had no idea how much the festival would grow over the years. Dawnita Johnson and Erica Thadeour were among the first people to bring what is now the Snow King Masque Parade to life. The massive head to the Snow King started off as a drawing on a piece of paper in blue pencil, and morphed into the larger-than-life puppet that dazzles

the crowd in Spirit Square every year. "The original Snow King reflects back to the Sno King's Kastle, which was the Snowmobile Club's clubhouse. It was an old log building, and apparently all sorts of funny things happened there," said Joyce deBoer, one of the lead organizers of the event for the past 10 years. The first year the event paid tribute to that tradition, and there has been a different theme every year since. Of course the Snow King, which has seen a few touch-

ups over the years, comes back for every event. Johnson and Thadeour spent weeks constructing the head, letting it dry between each layer. It came right down to the wire, with the ladies working on it until at least midnight the night before the inaugural parade. "That first year I think there was something like 100 or 150 people," said Thadeour. "In the beginning we saw it as a way to bring the community together in the mid-

dle of winter. and to have a celebration that would include families and children," said Johnson. And they definitely accomplished that. Families and children have been coming into the Snow Kings Playhouse to make lanterns, costumes, and more to be a part of the celebration. It has definitely changed over the decade, with the crowds getting larger it became less feasible to continue with the parade aspect of the event. "We were losing too

many young families with children when we started moving, so last year we kept it all in Spirit Square with the dance right after the pageant, and everyone really liked the way that went," said deBoer. This year’s Snow King Masque Parade is Saturday (Feb. 13) in Spirit Square at 6:45 p.m. The pageant will include music, dancing, stilt walking, giant

puppets, snow and ice carving, shadow plays, fire spinning, and other circus arts. Not to mention upwards of 1,000 people watching from the crowd. It has taken a lot of dedicated volunteers to not only keep this magical experience going for 10 years, but to make it grow year after year. “There are so many dedicated people who deserve a lot

of credit for keeping this going for so long,” said Johnson. “Joyce deBoer is definitely one of them,” said Thadeour. “Every year when I send out emails to the volunteers and people working on it, I am sending it out to about 50 people,” said deBoer. “So there’s just too many people to mention. It’s just a wonderful group of people.”

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Creators of the original Snow King puppet Erica Thadeour (left) and Dawnita Johnson (right) pose with the head they made 10 years ago. Joyce deBoer (centre) was also around for the very first Snow King Masque Parade, and has been one of the head organizers ever since. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

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Catch the excitement as 86 Athletes and 31 Coaches from the Kootenays (Zone 1) compete against the best in the province.

February 25 - 28


Wednesday, February 10, 2016 The Golden Star

RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Garry GarryOddy Oddy (250) (250)344-7234 344-7234

$429,000 520 - 12th Street

5 bedrooms 4 baths 2,618sqft

$289,000 #11, 415 - 5th Avenue

2 bedrooms

2 baths

1415 Deere Ridge Road 4 baths


#204, 521 - 8th Avenue

2 bedrooms

1 bath

$254,900 #10, 411 - 5th Avenue

3 bedrooms

3 baths


#12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road 2 baths


609 - 11th Street

5 bedrooms

2 baths

4bdrms 3 baths 2,568sqft

1.15 acre

3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,732sqft


2010 McMurdo Road

4 bdrms 2 baths 2,400sqft 1.86 acres

1500 Quartz Crescent

3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 3,447sqft

2 bdrms 1 bath


.52 acres

405 Riverglen Drive

5 bedrooms

3 baths


730 Nicholson Road

6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres

4bdrms 1 bath 2,458sqft .42 acres

2 bedrooms

2 baths


2 baths


#203, 521 - 8th Avenue

1 bedroom

1 bath


3 bedrooms

801 - 13th Street 1 bath


1297 Campbell Road 6,202sqft

46 acres

4 bedrooms

3 baths

4bdrms 2 baths 1,368sqft

.87 acre


$465,000 905 - 5th Avenue

3 bedrooms

3 baths


$229,300 857 MacAllister Road

2bdrms 1 bath 744sqft

$216,300 586B Lower Habart Road



$975,000 9bdrms 7 baths

2 baths

1508 Poplar Street

$226,300 3 bedrooms


1619 Gareb Road

1.64 acres

$269,900 1398 Harley Road

1 bedroom

1&2 1/2 baths



755 Nicholson Loop Road



DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435


$224,000 3411 Highway #95, South




1 bath


SOLD #203 - 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

2 bedrooms


$199,600 586 Lower Habart Road

519 - 12th Street



$315,000 1256 Horse Creek Road




1052 King Crescent


$188,900 2 bedrooms




$549,000 5 bedrooms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

2,320sqft .86 acre

#16, 1595 Whitetooth Trail

3 bedrooms

3 baths



$225,000 522 - 10th Street

3 bedrooms

1 bath



1590 Columbia Valley View

6 bedrooms

7 baths


SOLD $229,900

$225,000 2166A Blaeberry Road 38.6 acres

820 - 11th Avenue 1 acre

$799,900 625 - 10th Avenue

Land, Building & Business

$1,599,000 320 Fisher Road 20 acres

$79,000 1553 Quartz Crescent 66’ x 207’

RURAL ACREAGES Lot 1, Holmes Deakin Road.................. 2.4 acres.........................................$99,000

Lot 4, Hedges Road............................. 2 .47 acres..............................................$133,000

Cromac Ridge........................... 4 acreages available.......from $210,000 to $260,000

Reflection Lake Road............... 3 acreages available ..... from $130,000 to $280,000

646 Lower Habart Rd......................... 4.8 acres............................................... $399,000

1359 Black Bear Drive...................... 2.4 acres..................................................$135,000

Highway #95 South............................ 40 acres ...............................................$209,000 Lot B, Carlson Road.......................... 2.47 acres....................................... $84,900

1382 Black Bear Drive...................... 2.03 acres........................................ $119,900 LS7 Thomas Road............................... 40 acres......................................... ......$229,000

1866 Blaeberry Road....................... 9.29 acres .............................................$305,000

1286 Horse Creek Road.................... 1.03 acres...........................................$75,000

Lot 3, Kettleston Road...................... 11.17 acres .............................................$199,900

Lot 1 Blaeberry Road........................ 4.94 acres....................................... $159,900

Reflection Lake Road................. 2 acreages available......from $122,500 to $129,900

532 Anderson Road.......................... 155 acres....................................... $449,900

2393 Kettleston Road...................... 9.75 acres .............................................$185,000

866 Highway 95 South.................... 101 acres........................................ $569,900

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