Times Clearwater celebrates with Winter Festival Thursday, February 11, 2016 ▼ Volume 52 No. 6 ▼ www.clearwatertimes.com ▼ $1.35 Includes GST
Disney gang brings fun. See A11 inside.
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Above: Clearwater Midget Ice Hawk Emmet Collens comes around from behind the Kelowna net with the goalie looking the wrong way. The game on Friday at the Sportsplex was tied 5-5 and had gone into sudden-death overtime.
Robyn Kreke goes down on one knee as she performs a sit spin – one of her specialties. She was taking part in a figure-skating demonstration put on by Raft Mountain Skating Club on Friday as part of Clearwater Winter Festival. For more about the event, go to page A13 inside or www.clearwatertimes.com.
Middle: Collens puts the puck into the Kelowna net, winning the first game of the playoffs. On the left is #9 Patrick Walker, waiting for a rebound.
Three youngsters go head over heels during a tobogganing and tubing event at Clearwater ski hIll on Sunday. Also see page A6. All photos by Keith McNeill
Bottom: Collens gets congratulatory hugs from Walker and teammate #12 Colby Rhodes. The Ice Hawks will face off again against Kelowna in Kelowna tomorrow (Friday). For more hockey, see page A12.
Barriere resident Barb Smith skis during the Wells Gray Birchleg on Saturday. For more about the event, go to page A5 or www.clearwatertimes.com.
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Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
Should O' Canada drop “in all thy sons’ command”? Kamloops This Week
Should Canada’s national anthem become more gender-neutral?
Kamloops’ MP hasn’t made up her mind.
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For the third time in recent years, MPs will vote on whether to change words in O Canada from “in all thy sons command” to “in all of us command,” via to a private members’ bill from Ottawa-Vanier Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger. Belanger introduced the same bill during the last parliamentary session, where last year it was narrowly defeated by the majority Conservative government. While all opposition Liberal and New Democrat MPs and seven Conservative MPs supported the proposed wording change, KamloopsThompson-Cariboo Conservative MP Cathy McLeod voted against it.
This time, however, McLeod said she is still deciding whether to support the new wording. “I can actually see both sides of the issue,” she told KTW. “Some people like the tradition, but other people feel in this day and age that gender-neutral language would be more appropriate.” A new poll on her website, cathymcleod. ca, asks constituents whether they feel the anthem should or should not be changed McLeod said she is also interested in hearing from people with opinions on the matter by phone or in person at her office at 6-275 Seymour St.
She’s hoping for a sizeable number of responses to her question. “If I have a strong response, I’ll certainly let that guide my vote,” McLeod said. The Conservatives did support a more gender-neutral version of O Canada in 2010, when it was included in the Stephen Harper government’s throne speech. At the time, it recommended replacing “in all thy sons command” with “thou dost in us command,” the wording when the lyrics were first penned in 1908. Author Robert Stanley Weir revised the work a few years later, giving us the line in use today.
While the start of the First World War and the accompanying swell of patriotism is often given as a reason for the change, the Canadian Encyclopedia notes the campaign for women’s suffrage was “at its most militant and controversial” at the time Weir reworked the line. “There was significant disagreement with it, so we walked away from it at the time,” McLeod said of the 2010 Conservative effort. In 2002, Liberal senator Vivienne Poy introduced her own unsuccessful private member’s bill on the matter, using the same phrasing later preferred by the Conservative party.
For the Record
The article titled “Legion announces poster and literary winners” in the Feb. 4 issue neglected to mention the winners of the junior poem competition. They were: 1, Tommy Panko; 2, Robert (Jacob) Archibald; 3, Haley Irvine. In the photo “Why we love winter,” Kaylie Romeril's name was misspelled Kaylie Romero. Also, the name order should have been (l-r) Megan Sim, Kristen Regier, Gabrielle Mann, Kaylie Romeril, Andrew Ludbrook and Stacie Panko. We apologize for the errors.
PAC gives to food bank Representatives from Raft River Elementary School's parents advisory committee (PAC) present Clearwater and District Food Bank with a $355 cheque plus two boxes of food – collected during the latest movie night at the school. Admission was by donation to the food bank of either cash or food items. Pictured are (l-r) former Raft River students Josee Cooperman, and Emma Collins, PAC member Sabine Cooperman, and food bank representatives Sherry Joubert and Harry James. The next movie night at Raft River Elementary School will be “Hotel Transylvania 2” on Feb. 26. Admission will again be by donation to the food bank. A concession will be available. Photo submitted
Catch the excitement as 229 Athletes and 48 Coaches from the Thompson - Okanagan (Zone 2) compete against the best in the province.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, February 11, 2016
www.clearwatertimes.com A3
Municipality hires new contractor for its parks Keith McNeill District of Clearwater now has a new parks maintenance contractor. During their meeting held Feb. 2, town council members decided to award the community parks and open space contract for 2016-2018 to Mac River Enterprises. Cost of the contract will be $60,500 for 2016, with an annual maximum increase of 7.5 per cent in each of 2017 and 2018, to be negotiated at the end of each season. Chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx left the room during the discussion as she is related to Mac River's owner, Clyde MacLennan. She played no role in the selection process, said director of finance Wesley Renaud. Renaud was assisted in the process by Sherri Madden, services coordinator for the Thompson-Nicola Regional District. The need for a new contractor arose because of Doug Hindle, the retirement of the District’s longtime contractor at the end of the 2015 season, Renaud explained. Three applications were received to the request for proposals. One was deemed incomplete, leaving two to be evaluated: Mac River Enterprises and Rooted by the River. Both applicants submitted strong packages
that not only met the requirements of the RFP but exceeded them, the director of finance said. He gave as examples Mac River's including danger tree assessments and hiring local youth in its proposal. Rooted by the River's proposal suggested options for mulching that would reduce water use, building natural playgrounds and using sheep or goats to maintain some sections of local parks. Mac River scored slightly higher than Rooted by the River in an evaluation of the two packages. Mac River's quoted price of $60,500 was lower than Rooted by the River's of $76,620. Renaud noted that CUPE was given the opportunity to provide a business case to take on community parks but, after consideration, the union declined. There was some discussion by council about Mac River's proposed annual increase of up to 7.5 per cent, compared to Rooted by the River's two per cent. However, Renaud said the amount of the increase would be negotiated each year and would be based on deliverables. Even if Mac River got the full 7.5 per cent increase for 2017 and 2018, the total contract price still would be less than if Rooted by the River had got the contract.
Community-to-community forum discusses Global Geopark proposal Keith McNeill Getting Global Geopark status for Wells Gray Park and area seems to have support from most North Thompson communities. However, where the Geopark's boundaries should be and what kind of organization should handle the application are still unclear. Even its name is not yet settled. That appeared to be the essence of a presentation by tourism consultant Jennifer Houiellebecq to a community-to-community forum held in Clearwater on Jan. 29. A feasibility study has been completed, she reported, and
the proposal is now identified as an aspiring geopark on the Canadian Global Geoparks Network website. It is important to avoid getting into a resource industry versus conservation perspective, she felt. “We have to see this as a project that works for everyone,” Houiellebecq said. Possible partners would include First Nations, provincial ministries, local governments, ThompsonOkanagan Tourism Association, resource industries and educational institutions – especially Thompson Rivers University. Simpcw First Nation has been at the
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table from the start, she noted. The original proposal was for the volcanoes of Wells Gray Park and area. That was expanded to include most of the North Thompson Valley. Now Houiellebecq wondered if it shouldn't include Kamloops. More geo-sites need to be identified, she said, whether natural or cultural. Cost of developing an application would be about $90,000, plus another $200,000 per year to operate the
Global Geopark. This would not need to be new money, she said. Instead, it could be found by repurposing money in existing budgets. Getting Geopark status would result in at least a two to four per cent annual increase in tourism, she said, adding that was a conservative estimate. On a suggestion from Sun Peaks Mayor Al Raine, the forum decided to seek a meeting with MLA Terry Lake to discuss the project further.
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Firefighters receive awards Members of Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department show off their awards during an awards dinner held Jan. 23. Pictured are (l-r) Jan Westendorp, 30 years fire service; Thomas Meland, 25 years fire service; Mike Chambers, officer of the year; Chance Breckenridge, association member of the year; fire chief Mike Smith; Jill Watson, rookie of the year; Marshall McRae, firefighter of the year; Evan Capostinsky, 20 years fire service; and Guy Holland, 30 years fire service. “We are very proud of this group and all our volunteer firefighters!” said a District of Clearwater spokesperson. Photo submitted
What’s Happening DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER www.districtofclearwater.com
The offices of the District of Clearwater “Municipal Hall” and ICBC/Motor Vehicle are located at: Dutch Lake Community Centre, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N2 Mailing Address: Box 157, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N0 Tel: 250-674-2257 Fax: 250-674-2173 Open Burning Prohibited within the District of Clearwater
Five-Year Financial Plan Open House The open fire prohibition applies to: Burning of anyon yard waste,and slash or other to materials larger than one-half meters We Want Your Ideas Budget Planning Improve Program Delivery and Services – The District of Burning of stubble or grass Clearwater a Budget Presentation Open House Dutch Lake Community Centre Thewill usebe of hosting fireworks, sky lanterns or burningand barrels of any size at or the description The [prohibition does NOT ban campfires on Thursday, February 11, 2016 at the following times: Unless otherwise posted this prohibition remains in effect until October 1, 2015. Notice of 2015 Water Regulations Session: WateringAfternoon regulations will be in effect from May 15th to September 30th, 2015.
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Budget Presentation commence at 2:30with pm) Watering Hours – Between 6:00am to 10:00am and from 6:00pm toto 10:00pm (Properties even numbered houses may water on even numbered days; and properties with odd numbered houses may Evening Session: water on odd numbered days). 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Budget Presentation to commence at 6:30 pm)
Watering is not allowed between the hours of 10:00am and 6:00pm. Watering between the hours of Please Note: Both Sessionssystems will be covering same 12:00 midnight and 6:00am is restricted to automatic controlledthe by a timertopics. and must be registered (annually) at the District office. Residents with new lawns must register with the District Office for permission to water daily until the new lawn grows long enough to be cut. After the first cut the resident must revert to regular sprinkling regulations. Public Works
The Public WorksUses Department requests that businesses residents snow from driveways Other Water – All hoses used outdoors should beand equipped with removing a working spring-loaded shut-off and device.doHand watering plants and hand washing walkways not bury anyoffire hydrants in the area. of vehicles used with a spring loaded shut off nozzle or a hand held container is permitted at any time. Events Calendar Books Needed to Raise Money for the School’s Literacy Program The District of Clearwater advertises local events both on their website www.districtofclearwater.com and in our have bi-monthly If you would like include youror event, please Do you booksnewsletter. that are now looking for atonew home, maybe youemail woulddetails like totofiadmin@docbc.ca. nd a book you haven’t yet read? The District of Clearwater has set up a table of pre-loved books for you to purchase by Community Events June 12th, 2015 Opening of the Hospital Rim Trail – 4:45pm at the old Hospital parking lot donation. We are currently looking for book donations – all proceeds go to the Clearwater Secondary June 17th, 2015 Information sessions on draft Trails Network Master Plan; Dutch Lake Community Centre 2-4pmLiteracy and 6-8pm Come and check it out! School and Raft River Elementary Programs. Upcoming Meetings of Council: Public Welcome.
JuneAwards 16th, 2015 Infrastructure Committee of the Whole Meeting 1:00pm Council 2016-2018 Community Parks and Open Space–Maintenance Contract June 16th, 2015 Regular Council Meeting – 2:00pm The District of Clearwater Council has awarded a contract to Mac River Enterprises for the maintenance of Keep updated with what’s happening in the District on our website www.districtofclearwater.com and “Like” our Community Parks and Open Space for 2016 to 2018. Council would like to once again express their us on Facebook. sincere appreciation to Doug and Carol Hindle for their dedicated service in Parks Maintenance.
Presentation by BC Assessment Authority Graham Held, Acting Assessor at the Kamloops Office of BC Assessment Authority has been invited to answer questions from Council, at their Finance and Audit Committee of the Whole meeting at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, February 16th, 2016, on the property assessment changes for 2016. This meeting is open to the public to attend and listen to this presentation by Mr. Held. Upcoming Meetings of Council: Public Welcome February 16th, 2016 Finance and Audit Committee of the Whole meeting – 1:00 pm February 16th, 2016 Regular Council meeting – 2:00 pm
Keep updated with what’s happening in the District on our website www.districtofclearwater.com and “Like” us on Facebook. Dutch Lake Community Ctr, 209 Dutch Lake Rd • Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address: admin@districtofclearwater.com
A4 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
Published by Black Press Ltd. 74 Young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N2
“Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear.” - Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and philosopher editorial by James Wilson
What Canadian First Nations can learn from New Zealand's Maori
Things can always get worse Editor, The Times:
As my late waggish friend once put it, “Just because the news is bad doesn't mean it can't get worse.” I was thinking about that with the news that Saudi Arabia had executed some 40 souls, among them a respected cleric whose only crime appears to have been opposing the Saudi royal family — a no-no to be sure. Then came the Trudeau government's decision to complete the Harper deal to sell armoured cars to this medieval gang of head-choppers (where do you think ISIS gets its ideas from?), arm amputaters and suppressors of all dissent. Could things get any worse? Well, as Rowan Atkinson stated in
Blackadder, “Of course they can.” Recently, the news came over the air. That bizzare gang of hermits, the People's Republic of North Korea, announced that they had blown up a miniature hydrogen bomb. If the North Koreans have perfected a miniature hydrogen bomb, then it is a remarkable feat indeed. Or else it's just plain nonsense. I'm not trying to defend North Korea. It is such a weird blot on the face of the globe (something like Saudi Arabia) that it is beyond the pale! However, I have no doubt if these chamber of commerce – board of trade types would, if they thought they could get away with it. We don't sell armoured cars to North Korea.
Also, with the totally isolated mentality that governs all aspects of North Korean life, no doubt the threat of invasion to go after weapons of mass destruction from the U.S. or some other power seems very real. The fact that Barack Obama is far more cautious ('chicken' according to the Right, even here in Canada) than George Bush Jr. ever was, simply doesn't register in the craniums of these total isolationist minds. So where do we go from here? Frankly, I don't have a clue! Unfortunately those in charge don't seem to have any better idea as to what to do. And that is the worrying part of all of this.
Dennis Peacock Clearwater, B.C.
BC Press Council
The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
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www.clearwatertimes.com Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council
WINNIPEG, Man./ Troy Media/ Moving Manitoba's Indigenous peoples from the liability to asset column was a topic that consumed some of Manitoba's most innovative First Nations and mainstream business minds during a two-day 'design-thinking boot camp' recently. It was facilitated by Karl Wixon and Trevor Moeke, two Maori business leaders from New Zealand who, as part of a broad Indigenous-led partnership, have helped create and stoke a movement in their homeland that has transformed the role their people play in the island's economy. As directors of a treaty settlement trust, they have been part of a wealth creation plan that saw their initial settlement of $176 million in 1996 grow to an asset value of $1.3 billion today. More broadly speaking, the Maori are now responsible for 40 per cent of the fishing industry; 36 per cent of forestry; 30 per cent of lamb production; 12 per cent of sheep and beef, and 10 per cent in each of the dairy and kiwi fruit sectors. By any measure, it's an astounding story of growth and success from an Indigenous group that represents just 10 per cent of the New Zealand population. Fundamental to the shift towards wealth creation to support culture, language and environment was a shift from grievance to growth thinking. From dispute and protest that pitted Maori vs. government to a mindset that allowed Maori to work with government. In this move from grievance to growth, tradition and a strong connection to the land were not lost, they were enhanced. In fact, Maori leaders are now creating 75 and 100 year business plans for sustainable fishing and forestry sectors. Managing valuable commodities like rock lobster (called crayfish in New Zealand) which are harvested by open water deep divers then shipped straight to Shanghai that night for consumption, requires a deft hand to protect the resource for future generations. As Wixon says, "We still have our dust-ups with government, but that's no longer what we are solely about." "Initially, we sent our youth out to become lawyers. A generation of hundreds of lawyers and they got in dustups. Some still do that," he said. "Now we send our youth out to get commerce degrees, and environmental management degrees. We have moved beyond
the dust-ups by having our communities invest in their own futures." Some of this shift was predated by settlements attached to Waitangi Tribunal. “Once assets change hands, the 'biff biff' approach changes to become about how we transmit wealth intergenerationally,” said Moeke. In the midst of this transition, the Maori have discovered that they have a value added effect on New Zealand business. They could help the country create a differentiating factor that would allow them to increase the value of products. Honey is a perfect example. The Miere honey coalition takes 'a genuine path to market that is supported by provenance and storytelling, that is traceable and safe, and is able to command a premium.' Premium meaning $40 per kg (and expected to grow upwards to $100 per kg) vs. regular honey selling for $4 per kg. Again, the power of allowing indigenous-led development increased value. We have a lot to learn from the Maori in how to sell our Indigeniety as something that can attract investment (both monetary and social) from the rest of the world. Luckily, we can add to this learning as we already have a model that helped shape Manitoba's business future internationally, many, many decades ago. It was the Hudson's Bay Company that first made formal business partnerships with First Nations in Manitoba. They used 'chiefs' to act as their agents, taking advantage of millennial old Indigenous trade routes to bring goods to York Factory. First Nations were not pawns of the fur trade, but active agents who largely controlled its markets for a 200 year period. The trade protocols they used (both HBC and First Nations) were based on Treaty protocols, which, in many senses, were our earliest economic agreements. Whether we look to our past or our present, one thing seems certain. While conflict may still be necessary, now may be the perfect time for Manitobans to stop investing in dust-ups and, instead, invest in relationships that bear the fruit originally intended in our earliest Treaties together.
– James Wilson is an advisor with EvidenceNetwork.ca and commissioner of the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba. @jamesbwilson_
74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email: newsroom@clearwatertimes.com www.clearwatertimes.com
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Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, February 11, 2016
www.clearwatertimes.com A5
The TPP is simply a corporate Bill of Rights Most of the governments involved have no real idea how they will be affected by the Trans Pacific Partnership how positive these deals supOTTAWA/ Troy Media/ - Twelve governments, includ- posedly are. Tufts University in the U.S. ing Canada's newly elected did an unbiased study of the Liberal government, gathlikely effects of the TPP. The ered in New Zealand on Feb. result was sobering - eco4 to sign the Trans Pacific nomic losses for the bigger Partnership, the TPP. economies and insignificant Meanwhile people around growth for the smaller econothe world are mobilizing to mies, along with a net loss of stop the agreement from ever 650,000 jobs throughout the being ratified - because not much of the TPP is really about trade at all. It's actually a corporate Bill of Rights that gives transnational corporations the power to undermine the authority of national governments to pass legislation in the public interest. The TPP and "trade" deals like it weaken democracy, increase income inequality, endanger our public services, give corporations more rights than the citizenry, further endanger our already stressed environment, and kill jobs. Most of the governments that want to sign on to the TPP appear to have no real idea how their country's economy and social systems TPP countries. Labour's share will be affected by it. Like of the national income will Canada, they have not done decline throughout the TPP, impact studies on past deals and income inequality will nor have they done forecasttherefore rise even further. ing studies on the potential impacts of the TPP. For this, we are asked to Even so, the evidence is not give up democratic control hard to find. over our economies, the right NAFTA is one of the bigto make decisions about our gest of these 'trade deals'. environment, the right to Since Canada, the U.S. and regulate corporate behaviour. Mexico signed it, Canada has That is a huge price to pay for, lost over 550,000 manufactur- at absolute best, a negligible ing jobs. The U.S. has lost return. over a million. Mexico saw The TPP will give corporaa drastic decline in working tions the right to challenge conditions. Wages in all three laws and regulations of our countries have stagnated or governments. Corporations declined. Income inequality would have more right to chalhas increased. Environmental lenge our governments than measures by governments we do as citizens. And if the have been successfully chalchallenges are successful, our lenged by corporations. We governments will have to pay haven't seen a significant new social program here in Canada since we signed on to this deal. There were winners however. The biggest corporations in Canada, the ones which had pushed hard for the deal, all saw their profits increase. At the same If you have 10 Garbage time the number of Bags or more people they employed went down. These facts are seldom discussed by our governments. They don't fit the narrative about
“ One government
official said that the TPP had to be negotiated in secret because if people knew what was in it, they wouldn't stand for it.
out billions of dollars to these companies. The TPP also has a provision that in future could prevent the development of new publicly run social programs. In addition it has a provision that governments can decide to privatize their public services, but once they make that decision they can never reconsider even if the decision to privatize was a dreadful mistake. The TPP would increase corporate patent rights, so our drugs will be more expensive. Some government leaders have boasted about the wonderful labour rights in the TPP. More empty promises. The labour rights sections are made up of nice statements about what government should aspire to do but very little about what they must do. Environmental protection? The words 'climate change' are not even mentioned. The TPP would severely limit the right of governments to use public spending on roads or hospitals or schools, as a way to build the local economy. But the most damning description of the TPP is that none of its almost 6,000 pages gives governments or workers or the public at large any new rights. Every single page is about limiting the right of governments to control corporate behaviour or about giving corporations more rights than they have now. One government official said that the TPP had to be negotiated in secret because if people knew what was in it, they wouldn't stand for it. Well, now we know. – Author Larry Brown is national co-chair of Canada's Trade Justice Network.
Bag Lady Enterprises
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Wells Gray Birchleg attracts Viking raiders Four Vikings take a break from pillaging to pose for a photograph during the annual Birchleg cross-country ski event at Candle Creek trails on Saturday. Pictured are (l-r) Noelle Muddiman, Charlotte Smith, Jocelyn Ripley and Reid Muddiman. Photo by Keith McNeill
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A6 www.clearwatertimes.com
Neil De Bock was seriously injured by smoke when he thought he heard something inside a house on fire and rushed in. John Harper went to his assistance, then John Marshall and Laurie Castle of Little Fort. The owner of the home, Theresa Scher, was in Kamloops at the time with her son-in-law, John Gill. Standing in the snow before the flagpole at Dutch Lake Park, Magistrate Reg Small reminisced briefly on the history of the area at a flag-raising ceremony to mark the start of the B.C. Centenary year. A crowd of more than 40 took part.
B.C. to help Clearwater Timber Products manager Frank Capostinsky celebrate his 65th birthday. Close to 150 attended an open house at his home on Station Road. Dr. Strauss, a Kamloops physician, was donating his Thursdays and Sundays to aid the sick of the Clearwater area until a doctor located here on a permanent basis. Several days of heavy rain caused the ice bridge across the North Thompson at Little Fort to become unsafe. Ferryman Bill Belcham was again using the cable basket for crossing. It was the first time that old-timers could remember rain in January.
YEARS AGO: The 10 representatives on the Birch Island School District No. 26 board approved a budget of nearly $1 million. Friends and relatives came from Alberta and
YEARS AGO: Blue River residents were petitioning the government over the closure of the Cap River Timber sawmill. They wanted the mill given a grant or whatever it took to revive jobs and revenue for the commu-
Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
HISTORICAL Perspective
BACK IN TIME nity. MLA Rafe Mair said the problem would be the first thing on his agenda in Victoria. Trans Mountain's pumping station at Pumptown in Blackpool was to be phased out, due to a decrease in crude oil exports to the United States under the National Energy Board's policy. McMurphy Station, north of Clearwater, would be used instead. The Legion purchased the Capostinsky building on Station Road and expected to open it shortly.
YEARS AGO: Representatives for 90 per cent to the property owners in Sunshine Valley voted unanimously to reject
municipal incorporation at a meeting the CID hall.
YEARS AGO: Critical industries commissioner Art Phillips announced that Clearwater Timber Products would continue operation in Clearwater and Valemount, preserving more than 400 jobs. A bank loan was to be converted into shares, and the company was to establish a profit sharing plan for its employees. A sign at the corner of Highway 5 and the road to Wells Gray Park announced the construction of a new information center. Sixteen riders raised $2,500 for crippled children in Clearwater Lions' ninth Snowarama. Carla Simpson raised the most pledges.
Lots of fun at ski hill Leif Haring gets a hand with roasting a hot dog from his mother, Stephanie Molina. They were taking part in a Clearwater Winter Festival event at the ski hill on Sunday. Photo by Keith McNeill
YEARS AGO: Clearwater was to have no drug store after efforts to sell the General Drugs chain failed. Dr. Helmcken Hospital and Clearwater Medical Center would stock up on drugs for emergencies, said Dr. Cary Lam. Residents attending a public meeting in Upper Clearwater Hall gave their conditional approval to establishment of a research and education center on Crown Land in their locality. Friends of Wells Gray Park president Trevor Goward warned that the project was "hanging by a
thread" at the start of the meeting. All schools in School District 26, except for Blue River, were closed for a week as school officials battled an infestation of head lice.
YEARS AGO: Premier Mike Harcourt was present in a Kamloops meeting hall when MLA Fred Jackson won the nomination to again be the NDP candidate for the KamloopsNorth Thompson riding. A letter of support for Jackson from Investment Minister Glen Clark was read at the nomination meeting. Harcourt suggested that all those present "... who isn't from another party — are going to go out and make sure that Kevin Krueger goes out and does well in private life."
YEARS AGO: CN was able to detour traffic around the site of a derailment using the siding formerly used by Weyerhaeuser-Vavenby for chip shipments. Nine cars left the tracks on the CN mainline just south of Vavenby. Four of the cars contained peas while the remainder carried wood pulp. TNRD director Bert Walker surprised Mayor Mel Rothenburger at a board meeting when he voted in favour of freezing the pay rate for TNRD directors. “Excuse me,” said the mayor, “I fell asleep and dreamed director
Find quality employees.
Walker said let's leave them as they are.” In 2001, things were tough for everyone, Walker commented. The previous year Walker had made numerous motions for a significant increase in a culmination of a three-year process to bring local directors in line with those in comparable districts.
YEARS AGO: Concerns were rising over high absenteeism due to a strain of norovirus hitting valley high schools as final exams were due. A wave of illness swept throughout the Interior Health region with officials reminding all to wash hands, disinfect bathrooms and remain home from work or school for 48 hours after symptoms receded. Clearwater Improvement District (CID) held a public meeting to have consultant Terry Underwood address future plans for upcoming government regulations to treat surface water. The majority of Clearwater's water came from surface sources.
YEARS AGO: Unionized workers from Canfor-Vavenby were to discuss arrangements that possibly might lead to reopening the mill. One major item was the elimination of the bush crew. Wells Gray Country (Area A) unveiled a cutting-edge website that made use of the latest technology and social media as well as pretty pictures. "It's in line with our new brand. It's easier to navigate and it looks great," said tourism and marketing manager Heather Steere. Max Lentz, the TNRD director for Thompson Headwaters
(Area B) called for more RCMP presence in Blue River and Avola. He noted that Clearwater RCMP's Traffic Services had been short one member for two years. A proposed leadzinc mine at Ruddock Creek near Tum Tum Lake could be a major economic driver for the North Thompson valley, according to Jim Miller-Tait, exploration manager with Imperial Metals Corporation. Proving up the reserves could take another year or so, he told District of Clearwater council. Getting the necessary environmental and other approvals could take another two years after that.
YEAR AGO: Clearwater and area should have a museum, longtime local resident Chuck Emery told town council. Councillor Dennis Greffard cautioned that a museum would need to meet a wide variety of parameters, including proper temperatures and humidity. “It's not impossible but it's a huge undertaking,” Greffard said. Representatives from all North Thompson communities, including Simpcw First Nation and TNRD, met in a community-to-community forum at Dutch Lake Community Centre. Simpcw chief Rita Matthew noted that the First Nation band and the other residents of the valley have a history of working together. Yellowhead Mining announced that the BC Environmental Assessment Office had initiated an 180-day review of its application for its Harper Creek project – an open pit copper mine that would be located southwest of Vavenby.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 11, 2016
www.clearwatertimes.com A7
Barriere Search and Rescue moves into new digs Barriere Star/ Journal After two years of fundraising and hard work, Barriere Search and Rescue is finally home in a brand new building on Barriere Town Road. For many years the group leased a meeting hall on Fouquet Road. When the rescue truck was purchased it was stored in a number of places; a few years ago the group no longer had access to a secure garage, and the result was vandalization and theft from the vehicle, which is valued at approximately $120,000 for the truck and equipment that it carries. Barriere Fire Department then made room to store the vehicle temporarily in its hall until a secure garage could be found or constructed. Search and Rescue (SAR) director Tim Hoffman says, “It was pretty much a two year process for us to get funding in place for a building. Then we had to come up with a design, a contractor, and we finally got started on construction in October of 2015.” He says that nothing would have got started if the District of Barriere
SAR building is up and running it will provide radiant heating to the floors and will provide a large savings on heat. Currently Barriere Search and Rescue has 25 members with approximately 10-15 who are really active. Hoffman says they would like to see the membership rise to at least 40 for the size of the area they serve, and the group is currently holding a membership drive. Members must be at least 16 years of age, and must be 19 years of age to participate in highway rescue calls. Barriere SAR averages 55 highway callouts a year and approximately 10 search callouts. Due to a lack of available trained searchers they sometimes have to pass a call over to Clearwater or Kamloops.
Barriere Search and Rescue's new hall on Barriere Town Road is now open for business. Pictured are SAR members (l-r) Tim Hoffman, Susan Black, Todd English, Donna Richardson and Ken Harris with the SAR truck. The group handles both highway rescue and ground searches in the Barriere area. Two separate groups handle those functions in the Clearwater area: Clearwater and District Highway Rescue and Wells Gray Search and Rescue.
Star/Journal photo by Jill Hayward
hadn’t provided the lot, which was the boost they needed to proceed. Total cost of the building came in at around $120,000, with $55,000 provided from the Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society, $15,000 of generous inkind donations and the balance from fundraising efforts by the SAR members. He notes that the group
OTTAWA – Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for KamloopsThompson-Cariboo, recently delivered her constituents’ views to the House of Commons’ Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying. On Feb. 6, 2015 the Supreme Court of Canada said that our current law that makes it illegal for anyone to help a person end their own life should be amended to allow doctors to help in specific circumstances. The Supreme Court gave the federal government 12 months plus a four-month extension to craft the new legislation in response to this ruling. “In the spring of
2015, I reached out to the constituents of Kamloops-ThompsonCariboo, asking for their position on this important and difficult topic,” MP McLeod said. “Since last June, I have received a significant majority of responses that agreed with the Supreme
Court decision. I want to express my appreciation for those who took the time to share their personal experiences with me. There were so many well thought-out, quality suggestions that I have forwarded them to the Committee for their consideration,”
The Canadian Royal Purple Lodge #302 presents
Valentines Day
Ladies High Tea Sunday Feb 14, 1-3 pm Blackpool Hall Doors open at noon for those wanting to browse the displays Featured guest: North Thompson Communities Foundation
CONTACT US TO DISCUSS • Your goals and dreams • Your issues and obstacles • Your success and quality of life
BRUCE MARTIN & ASSOCIATES were especially touched by the folks over at Barriere House who won an Interior Savings prize of $100 for Christmas decorations, which they then donated to the S&R building fund. The new two-bay building is 1500 sq. ft. with a washroom and shower area that is handicap friendly, a small office and an electrical maintenance room. The hall is currently
heated with electricity, but Hoffman notes that once the Wastewater Treatment Plant that sits behind the
MP McLeod delivers constituents’ views on physician-assisted dying Submitted
It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep
stated McLeod. The Special Committee was convened on Jan. 22, and is currently holding a series of public consultations to hear from experts and stakeholders with the goal of reporting back to Parliament with legislative suggestions by Feb. 26.
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Kamloops (250) 374-5908
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A8 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
Dogs, drones help detect invasive species Jeff Nagel – Black Press Dogs, drones and DNA testing are emerging as new tools to detect invasive species and keep them from becoming entrenched in B.C. The new tactics were described by experts recently during a conference of the Invasive Species Council of B.C. in Richmond. Trained sniffer dogs have proven much more effective than human teams, particularly at night, in detecting tiny invasive zebra mussels that can cling to boats and then infest new lakes, according to Cindy Sawchuk, who heads Alberta's Conservation K9 program that helps inspect water craft arriving in that province from the east and south.
Most of the 11 mussel-infested boats intercepted last summer entering Alberta from other jurisdictions were ultimately destined for B.C. lakes. Sawchuk's superiors had dismissed her proposal for dogs as useful only for public relations, so she designed a trial in 2014 to test them. "The dogs were 100 per cent accurate in detecting the mussel-fouled boats and our humans came in at 75 per cent," Sawchuk told delegates. "The dogs were also much quicker at detecting it. They averaged 2.3 minutes. And that included their play time for their reward." Speedier inspections also mean less resistance from boat owners, some of whom had told Sawchuk they'd taken
to entering the province in the dead of night to avoid inconvenience. The three highly trained dogs – Hilo, Seuss and Diesel – cost $25,000 each but Sawchuk says they're cheap compared to an estimated $75 million a year Alberta estimates it would spend clearing clogged pipes, canals and water intakes if the mussels arrive. Delegates also heard from Fisheries and Oceans Canada scientist Davon Callander who is using DNA testing of water samples in the B.C. Interior to quickly determine if a given lake has a particular invasive fish species. Drones are being used near Creston to aerially map infestations of yellow flag iris, an invasive plant, in hard-to-reach wet-
A specially trained labrador retriever uses its nose to detect zebra mussels on a boat. Black Press photo
Left: TRU researcher Catherine Tarasoff examines rhizomes of yellow flag iris (below) next to Dutch Lake.
Times file photo
Social Media Awareness/Management Monday, February 15, 2016 6:30- 8:30pm Clearwater Secondary School PIT
Presenter Samuel Jingfors
Social Media Awareness, Digital Citizenship, and Cyberbullying
This parent presentation will focus on all things digital. Your child in Elementary and/or High School has now entered into the peak of their digital media lives, where cell phone ownership doubles, video game use explodes and they dive into the world of social media and hypertexting. Your child is rapidly developing their personal identity with cell phone in hand and you need to be prepared. Family rules, parental controls and developing a family tech plan will be outlined as well as recommendations for monitoring your tween/teen’s digital life. As a parent, you must lead the charge as a digital role model and help your child develop a strong digital citizenship foundation while reminding them that their digital tattoo is a reflection of their real and online selves. At this age, they will encounter situations that will challenge their independence, including cyberbullying, cyberexclusion, the dangers of anonymity, privacy, sharing intimate images, and inappropriate websites. Parents have an important role to play in providing support and guidance during critical periods. A snapshot of current trends and concerning apps will be provided to equip you in your digital parenting strategy.
Brought to you by the Clearwater Local Action Team, as part of the Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Collaborative - a partnership of Doctors of BC and BC Government
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) does save lives. For CPR to be effective, press one hand on top of the other in the centre of the patient’s chest and push down about two inches which forces the blood through the body before releasing then compressing again. For best effect, there should be 100 to 120 compressions per minute. Do you know how to do CPR? You could save a life. Drug researches are using tissue chip technology to weed out ineffective and toxic drugs before human trials begin. These tissue chips are designed to emulate body organs in structure and function. These chips can be connected to each other so the effects of a new drug can be seen on the whole “body” before subjecting humans to the testing. It promises to speed up research and save time and money. In the U.S., a poisoning by prescription and non-prescription drugs send a child to the hospital every ten minutes. The most serious poisonings are caused by the opioids (morphine, codeine, oxycontin, etc) and drugs for diabetes. Grandparents are to be particularly careful since they don’t have children around their homes continuously. Store your medications out of the reach of children. Want to make your own laxative? Mix together 2 cups of All-Bran cereal, 2 cups of apple sauce and 1 cup of 100 per cent prune juice. A couple of tablespoons once or twice a day will aid regularity. Knowledgeable, approachable, dependable ... our pharmacists are all this and more. We’d be happy to fill your next prescription.
PHARMASAVE Monday - Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM Sunday 10 AM - 5 PM
201-365 Murtle Cres, Clearwater, B.C.
land locations. Catherine Tarasoff, a researcher with Thompson Rivers University, hopes the rapidly evolving technology will soon allow scientists to program drones to fly autonomously at high speed, scanning large areas and stopping only to alert their operators when a suspect patch of vegetation matches target images. Feral pigs are running amok in some parts of southwestern B.C., but are a more significant problem in the Interior. Gail Wallin, executive director of the Invasive Species Council of B.C., says the best prevention rests in better choices by people, whose decisions in the past ushered in many of the species now disrupting ecosystems in B.C. B.C.'s costs of dealing with invasive plants alone is estimated to hit $139 million a year by 2020, twice as much as in 2008.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 11, 2016
www.clearwatertimes.com A9
Family Valentine’s Day Dance at Little Fort Hall Submitted Little Fort Recreation Society will host a “Family Valentines’ Day Dance” Feb. 13 at the Little Fort Community Hall. The “James Gang Band” from Lac De Roche will provide the music. Little Fort Recreation Society is a non-profit group that is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Little Fort Hall. There is a very active board of directors as well as Little Fort community members who are responsible for looking after the operations of the hall such as renting, cleaning, identifying needed repairs, a safe playground for children, a ball diamond, and a whole array of small detailed things required to keep the hall in good repair and running smoothly. Several years ago the society took on major renovations of the kitchens and bathrooms with funds they had either saved or requested partnership grants for. The kitchens were brought up to Interior Health standards and equipped with modern energy efficient appliances. The downstairs kitchen has been well used for weddings, family reunions, Christmas dinners and other community cooking functions. Large stainless work tables, a large two-door cooler, two stoves and a dish washer make it so easy when cooking with a large group. However, it is not all work and no play. There is a social committee whose job it is to find activities to offer to the community that are either free or have a small cost attached. Examples of the activities we have held in the past year include:
Christmas wreath making, Christmas baking, and sushi making, slide show, Halloween party for the young and old, and a seniors Christmas dinner just to name a few. There are currently four active fitness groups. The well-known carpet bowlers,” Young at Hearts” call Little Fort Hall home. They are a very active group of retired men and women who bowl three times per week. The bowlers enjoy traveling to play with other clubs as well as hosting fun tournaments or competitive tournaments here in Little Fort. They compete at the provincial level in the Provincial Carpet Bowlers Assoc. as well as the seniors’ games. Many times they have come back with trophies and medals. There is also a badminton group which play twice a week, an exercise to music group twice a week as well as a yoga group with an instructor coming from Clearwater once a week. As you can see the community hall in Little Fort is very well used throughout the winter months. From time to time the social committee organizes a dance and this year it is going to be the Valentines’ Day Family Dance on February 13. As noted above there will be a live band. This dance is open to all ages and we hope the whole family will come out and enjoy the evening. There will be a concession with beverages and snacks. The prices are adults $10, students $5 and children 12 and under free. Tickets are available at the High 5 Diner, the Jim’s Store, or contact Kim at 250-677-4405, or Georgina at 250-6774243. They may also be purchased at the door if not sold out. We hope to see you there.
Lowest salmon return since 1939 for the Adams River Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week The number of sockeye that returned to the South Thompson and Adams River in the fall is the lowest on record for the cycle dating back to 1939. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has released its laterun sockeye report detailing record-low numbers of returning salmon in the South Thompson; lower Fraser; HarrisonLillooet; and SetonAnderson (Lillooet) regions For all those runs, the number of returning salmon numbered just 14 per cent of the brood year 2011. The numbers in the South Thompson were worse, with only six per cent of the 2011 brood year returning — a total of 9,700 sockeye — and just three per cent of the
average returning fish recorded for nearly eight decades. The peak in the four-year, subdominant cycle was 1991, when more than 1.2-million sockeye returned to the South Thompson. “It’s worrying, for sure,” said Kim Fulton, a retired teacher from Armstrong who has been involved with salmon education and the Adams River run for decades. “There’s so many factors. They had the Cohen Commission and I followed that and read as much as I could. I don’t think anyone knows.” The commission studied the collapse of the 2009 sockeye run. Ironically, the next year produced the largest run in the province’s history, something that caught scientists and ecologists off-guard. Fulton has been
involved extensively with education and habitat improvement in the Interior, something he said is important to sockeye conservation. But, he believes the larger problem is outside the rivers and tributaries. “My sense is problems are in the ocean,” he said, citing temperatures and climate change as factors. Last summer, much of B.C. suffered from drought conditions, but the report said water temperatures on all the spawning grounds were favourable in the fall of 2015. Water levels also gradually increased in the South Thompson during the spawning period. Another concern noted in the report was sockeye that died before getting to spawning grounds, as well as low spawning success.
Ready for Feb. 14 Members of Mrs. Pickering's Grade 2/3 class at Raft River Elementary School show off some of the Valentine’s Day decorations they made as a class project. Photo by Grace Gormley
Thanks to the Volunteer Fire Fighters who help protect our community 201-365 Murtle Cres. Clearwater, BC 250-674-3122
Shelley's Esthetics to open in Clearwater “I call this my hometown.” That's how Shelley LaBree, the owner of the new Shelley's Esthetics clinic in the Natural Hair salon describes her relationship to Clearwater. She might be a new face to some but, in fact, Shelley has strong roots in this community. Born in Kamloops, she spent a good part of her childhood in Clearwater and she has several relatives who live here still. She spent most of her adult life in Powell River, where she raised her three children. With her children grown and after spending a couple of years travelling around the province, buying and selling wild forest products such as mushrooms and fiddleheads, she got the urge to find a new place to settle down. “My two sons live in Calgary, and my daughter is in Surrey and Clearwater is sort of halfway,” Shelley said. “I have cousins, aunts and uncles who live here so I decided, why not?” In 2011 Shelley went back to school and graduated from the esthetics program at Vancouver Island University. With that training, plus the experience she gained working in high end spas and retirement homes, she decided to start her own esthetics business here. “I believe in quality service and total customer satisfaction,” she said. Other pledges include using professional grade products and employing the highest sanitary standards. Services include manicures, pedicures, tinting of brows and lashes, hair removal, facials, and relaxation massage.
“For those who want to be pampered in their own homes, I do mobile,” she added, noting that her in-home service was a big hit in Nanaimo. Because it is a new business, her hours of work are still unsettled. To start with, she will be at Natural Hair (on Young Road across from the Times office) Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. with Fridays left open for mobile. Opening day will be Tuesday, Feb. 16. For further information, call Shelley at 250674-1226. A PAID ADVERTISING FEATURE
A10 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
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Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. $0 down payment and a $0 security deposit is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment or trade. Total obligation is $19,104/$21,648, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $13,036/$19,467. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited-time offer, which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. * Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and accept delivery between February 2 and February 29, 2016 of a new or demonstrator 2016 model year GMC model excluding GMC Canyon 2SA. General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two biweekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay Dealer Fees. Insurance, licence, and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. ^ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between February 2 and February 29, 2016. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on select new or demonstrator 2015 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 2WD 1SA / Crew Cab 2WD 1SA and Sierra HD’s 1SA 2WD with gas engine. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $45,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $535.71 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $45,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight, air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA/movable property registry fees, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers may sell for less. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. † $12,000 is a combined total credit consisting of $1,000 Loyalty Cash (tax inclusive) and a $11,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Sierra HD gas models (excluding 1SA 4x2), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $11,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ¥ Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 Sierra or 2016 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between February 2 and February 29, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles (except Canyon 2SA, Sierra 1500 and HD); $1,000 credit available on all 2015 and 2016 GMC Sierra models. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.
Call Zimmer Wheaton Buick GMC at 250-374-1135, or visit us at 685 West Notre Dame Drive, Kamloops. [License #11184]
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 11, 2016
www.clearwatertimes.com A11
Reduce food waste and save
Families BC website for ideas. • Store food properly. Use the Store It! guide. • Organize your cupboards. • Make use of leftovers. A friend's father used to have interesting "Leftover Nights."
With food prices steadily rising, now is a good time to look at how we can reduce food waste. • Plan your meals before you shop. Check out the Healthy
Disney on Ice at the Sportsplex
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Five Disney characters take part in the annual Skate With Disney event at the North Thompson Sportsplex on Friday afternoon, Feb. 5. A good-sized crowd of happy youngsters filled the arena for the event, which was held as part of Clearwater Winter Festival. Pictured are (l-r) Tigger, Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, Minnie Mouse and Snow White. Photo by Keith McNeill
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A12 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
Kamloops to host world women's hockey tournament Marty Hastings – Kamloops This Week
Cassie CampbellPascall is feeling good about the growth of
women’s hockey in Canada and across the world.
Sunday February 14
Registration at Elk’s Hall 8 am - 10 am
Pledge forms are available at several locations around town.
Proceeds to the B.C. Lions Society will provide housing and holiday camps for handicapped children. This fundraiser is jointly sponsored by the Clearwater Sno-Drifters and the Clearwater-Vavenby Lions.
For more info contact Ralph Sunderman
250-674-3773 Ad sponsor ed by:
“I might be biased, but I love to see the growth of the women’s game in these communities,” said CampbellPascall, now a broadcaster for Sportsnet. The World Women’s Hockey Championship will be held in Kamloops from March 28 to April 4 and Canada will be looking to exact revenge on the U.S. The Americans downed the Canadians 7-5 to claim gold at the world championship last year in Sweden. Finland, Sweden, Russia, Japan, Switzerland and the Czech Republic will be underdogs looking to upset the two powerhouse nations. Many of the Canadian team’s women play in the CWHL, which has gained traction in recent years and is occasionally on Sportsnet.
Hockey Lives Here! Wells Gray Curling Club call 250.674.3768
Adult Hockey
Mens Drop In Hockey Fridays @ 7:45pm Oldtimers Hockey will be Sundays @ 7pm & Wednesdays @ 8:35pm
Ladies Hockey Drop in: Sunday @ 5:45pm
Family Skating Friday @ 4:45PM & Sunday @ 4:15PM February 12 & 14 Sponsored by Royal Purple #302
Minor Hockey Schedule SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 2:00pm
Novice Pre Novice Peewee vs. 100 Mile Peewee vs. 100 Mile
Atoms vs. Chase Game 3
Coming Events Feb. 19,20,21 Provincial Forestry Tourney Feb. 26,27,28 Oldtimers Hockey Tourney Ladies Bonspiel Mar. 4
Figure Skating Carnival “GLEE”
Mar. 4 – 6
Peewee and Bantam Okanagan Championships
Mar. 12 – 13
Peewee Tournament
Mar. 18 – 20
Mens Tournament
For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143
Atoms beat Chase Clearwater Atom Thunder Hawk Kylie Fischer goes in for a shot on goal during a playoff game against Chase at the Sportsplex on Saturday. The local squad won the game by a narrow margin, and then won a second game on Sunday by another narrow margin. " The whole team played as hard as they could. A true team effort!" said coach Barb Coates. The Thunder Hawks will play Logan Lake in the finals in one week. Photo by Keith McNeill
Be avalanche prepared Submitted
REVELSTOKE: In the wake of the deaths of five persons in an avalanche near McBride on Jan. 29, the BC Coroners Service and Avalanche Canada are joining to stress the need for preparedness for those heading into the backcountry this winter. A total of 17 snowmobilers were in the Mount Renshaw Alpine Recreation Site when the avalanche hit. First responders, the Coroners Service and Avalanche Canada all note that the majority of groups had proper rescue equipment with them, and that the impressive effort made by those on scene to rescue themselves and others undoubtedly prevented the loss of more lives. However, notes Gilles Valade, executive director of Avalanche Canada, even better than knowing to respond to an avalanche incident is knowing how to prevent one from occurring in the first place. “Avalanche safety education is essential for all winter backcountry recreationists,” said Valade. “Basic
skills, such as recognizing avalanche terrain and not exposing multiple people to overhead hazard, make a big difference in reducing the consequences of an event.” Equipment alone is not enough, noted chief coroner Lisa Lapointe. Three of the five fatalities from the Renshaw avalanche had deployed avalanche airbags designed to “float” someone along the surface of a moving avalanche. But the airbags were ineffective in this case because the victims were in a gully at the bottom of a slope – an area where the debris flow of the avalanche is too constricted. The vast majority of fatal avalanches are triggered by the victim or someone in the victim’s party. Avalanche skills training courses teach proper trip planning, terrain selection and safe travel techniques, which can be effective in preventing accidents. Information about current safety conditions, as well as training courses and equipment needs can be found at Avalanche Canada’s website, www.avalanche.ca.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 11, 2016
www.clearwatertimes.com A13
Fun for the whole family
Lyndsay Borsa gives Josh Prudhomme some tips on how to use a sewing machine at the Family Day event.
Keela Voyer, age three, and her mom, Rachelle Voyer, play with Lego blocks at Clearwater Secondary School's Family Day event.
Sophie Mackenzie, age 2 1/2, spray paints her own design during a Family Day event at Clearwater Secondary School on Monday afternoon.
Photos by Keith McNeill
Lawyer says Khadr a living example of the West’s disregard for its principles Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week The lawyer who represented Omar Khadr told a law conference in Kamloops on Jan. 29 that his client endured systematic physical and mental torture for a decade — a boy he said who would become a living example of the Western world’s disregard for its principles. Dennis Edney was speaking at Thompson Rivers University as the keynote speaker at a student law conference on civil liberties. “Over the years, many Western democracies have exploited the climate of insecurity and used a climate of fear to limit civil liberties,” Edney told several hundred students. One example, he said, is Canada’s Bill C-51, brought in by the previous Conservative government. “The legislation allows for unprecedented and excessive power to CSIS to collect and share information,” he said. Edney’s speech focused on what he said is an imbal-
ance in the tension between security and human rights. Politicians have exploited that fear to provide overriding powers to government, he said, and systematic human rights abuses have resulted. Edney said Guantanamo Bay in Cuba is ground zero. The international no-man’s land operated by the U.S. government is where Khadr, now 29, was imprisoned for 10 years until his recent release on conditions of bail in Canada. Edney represented the Canadian citizen in his legal battles. Khadr was convicted by a U.S. military commission of murder for throwing a hand grenade that killed an American solider during a firefight in Khost, Afghanistan, in February 2002. Khadr, then 15, was brought to Afghanistan by his father, Ahmed Khadr, an extremist who abandoned his son with the Taliban before being killed a year later in a village on the Afghanistan/ Pakistan border. The teenaged Khadr was badly wounded in the fight and was eventu-
ally transferred to Guantanamo Bay, where Edney listed a catalogue of abuses that included water boarding and a type of crucifixion in which Khadr he was tied, hooded and naked, for hours to a metal cage. “They don’t call it torture,” Edney said of his guards and interrogators. “They call it interviews.” Edney said in his interactions with Khadr at Guantanamo Bay, he had never seen him not chained to the floor.
Khadr now lives with Edney at his home in Edmonton. Khadr is on conditions of bail awaiting appeal of his conviction, a conviction his lawyer said was obtained by torture. That torture, Edney said, was overseen and viewed by guards, doctors and nurses. “Their voices were silent,” he said. “How easy it is for people to lose their moral compass when they allow hate and fear to overcome them.”
Clearwater Christian Church Non-denominational congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.
Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive Wayne Richardson (Pastor)
Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: www.clchch.com For information 250.674.7073 or 250.674.2912
3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational
St James Catholic Church Sunday Service Mass 11am - 12pm
324 Clearwater Village Road 1-250-372-2581
Arabesque Sophie Braaten shows style and concentration as she takes part in a figure-skating demonstration put on by Raft Mountain Skating Club on Friday evening. The event at the Sportsplex was part of Clearwater Winter Festival.
Photo by Keith McNeill
Your places of worship Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor John Masigan Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468
TRINITY SHARED MINISTRY Anglican, Lutheran & United Meeting at St. James Catholic Church
Worship Sunday 9am
Rev. Brian Krushel
Office: 250-672-5653 • ntunitedpc@gmail.com www.norththompsonpc.ca
Church Directory Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 4:00pm
Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: livingstreams@hotmail.com Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations
CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
(Kids church during service) Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study
Phone: 250-674-2345
308 W Old N Thompson Hwy
Worship Service 10:30
Pastor Doug Spinney 250.674.3624 www.ccbaptist.ca
A14 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
Business & Service Directory Accountant ACCOUNTANT
Chartered Professional Accountants Jason O’Driscoll, CPA, CA - Bob Lawrie, CPA, CGA
Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy. Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 250-554-2533 • Fax: 250-554-2536 Providing Assurance and Accounting, Tax and Advisory Services
Bag Lady Enterprises
Recycle Today to Save Tomorrow! 4365 Borthwick Ave. Barriere - BC WINTER HOURS 10am - 4pm Mon. - Sat. Closed Sunday
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Motor Licence Office
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Business & Service Directory Taxi Service TAXI SERVICE
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Offering Heavy Duty mechanical and Inspections Mon. - Fri. • 8am – 5pm info@alltorq.net • 851 Yellowhead Hwy S.
She Is Looking for Home Improvement Help.
Advertise your business for as low as $16/week
Will She Find Your Business?
Getting the beat Angela Roy and Steve Gosselin from Barefoot Caravan drum as part of a Family Day event held at Clearwater Secondary School on Monday. The music group also put on drumming and singing workshops for youngsters at the Dutch Lake Community Centre on Tuesday morning as part of the Strong Start program.
Photo by Keith McNeill
Kamloops resident arrested for a domestic assault
During the past week, Clearwater RCMP located and arrested a Kamloops male for a domestic assault that recently took place in Clearwater. All involved had been consuming alcohol. A safety plan was created for the female and their children. The male was later released from police custody with a quick court date for a judge to hear the matter.
Illegal cutting of firewood
Three local residents were investigated for illegally cutting down firewood in the District of Clearwater. If any further problems with these individuals arise, charges will be forwarded.
Attempted theft in Blue River
A male and a female attended a business in Blue River late in the night in an attempt to steal snowmobiles. The suspects were chased off by the owner but not before photographs were obtained and some evidence left behind. The suspects (not locals to our area) are known to police and are believed to have been involved in multiple break and enters in Clearwater,
Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road
1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report Avola and Blue River recently. The suspects are currently believed to be hiding out in Alberta. The investigation continues.
Impaired driver crashes borrowed vehicle
The RCMP investigated a collision on Highway 5 near the Clearwater Bridge. The intoxicated male driver, known well to police, had crashed a vehicle that he had borrowed from a friend. The driver failed to advise his friend that he did not have a valid driver's license. The driver was driving too fast for road conditions, lost control of the vehicle, drove over a concrete median and two road signs and came to a stop when he crashed into a snow bank. The driver was charged under the Motor Vehicle Act for numerous violations.
A16 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
Thought of the week Whatever you are, be a good one.
– Abraham Lincoln
February 29 – Sept 9, 2016 This 27 week program is designed to prepare the graduate to function, under supervision, as a Health Care Assistant. Learned skills will be applied in the community utilizing care facilities, assisted living facilities and private homes. The focus will be on training the health care worker to assist the older adult in meeting his/ her basic physical, emotional, environmental and social needs.
March 29 – May 13, 2016 • 7-week hands-on program • Opportunity to obtain OFA First Aid Level 1, WHMIS, WorldHost fundamentals, H2S Alive and Foodsafe Level 1 certificates • Training will be experiential using guide sheets and menus to prepare orders. Students will learn to use successful time management. There will be constant supervision to ensure safety and quality of food products. • All students will participate in setup, menu planning, inventory, budgeting, etc. • All cook apprentices/students will receive a nutritional education including use of deep fryers, cooking with a balance of protein, starch, and vegetables, make soups from scratch and cook recipes from other countries. • The cook apprentices/students will work under the guidance of a Red Seal Chef.
February 22, 2016 This program is appropriate for food handlers, kitchen staff and dining room attendants. Course content includes: the purchase and storage of potentially hazardous foods; personal hygiene; the causes of food borne diseases; maintaining a sanitary food service operation.
Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS
Feb. 11: DOC Budget Presentation & Open House, 2-4 pm & 6-8 pm, DLCC Feb. 13: Meat Draw, Clearwater Legion Branch 259, 257 Glen Rd, Bar open 1pm. Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day Breakfast, Vavenby Community Hall, $8, adults; $4 children 6 & under, tickets Linda 250-676-9578, Wendy 250-676-9565 Feb. 14: Valentines Day “Ladies High Tea’ at the Blackpool Hall. Doors open at noon with the program beginning at 1pm. Sponsored by Canadian Royal Purple – Clearwater Lodge #302 Feb. 14: Snowarama. Proceeds to the BC Lions Society. Registration at Elk’s Hall 8 am – 10 am. Info 250-674-3773 Feb. 15: Bridge, 1-3 pm, Dutch Lake Community Centre, Info 250-674-1878 Feb. 20: Legion Dinner & Live Music. Legion, 257 Glen Rd, doors open 5pm, dinner 6pm. Adults $15; children 7-12 yrs, $6; 2-6 yrs, $3. Feb. 23: Babies of 2015 Celebration, 11 am – 1 pm, DLCC. Please RSVP by Feb 19 to 250-674-3530
Feb. 26-28: Ladies Bonspiel, WG Curling Club, Reg. call Gwen 250-6743768 or email wgcurl@gmail.com Feb. 26-28: Oldtimers Hockey Tourney, NT Sportsplex March 4: Figure Skating Carnival @ North Thompson Sportsplex March 5: Volunteer Fair at the Elks Hall, 11am – 2pm. Open to all Nonprofits. For details contact Cheryl Thomas at cheryl.thomas24@gmail. com or leave a msg at 250-674-3260 March 5: Legion Dinner, Legion Branch 259 – 257 Glen Rd, doors open 5 pm, dinner 6 pm. Adults $15; children 7-12 yrs, $6; 2-6 yrs, $3. April 2: North Thompson Women In Business Expo, at Clearwater Lodge foyer. Info Fay 250-674-2700 or email ntwomeninbusiness@gmail.com
FEB 16, MAR 15 FEB 17 FEB 22 MARCH 15 & 16 MARCH 5 MARCH 13 & 14 MARCH 21
TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 209 Dutch Lake Rd. EMAIL: sarduini@tru.ca • www.tru.ca/regional_centres/clearwater
Mt. View High School, Victoria, BC 1966 - 50th Reunion - grads send contact info to mtview1966@gmail.com or call Dave Hutchings 250-477-4505
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: Every Saturday May – Oct, 9 am – 12 noon, Elks Hall. • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Women in Business Luncheon: Last Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - 2nd & 4th Wed. Elks Hall 5pm, Info call Phyllis 250-674-3535 • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. • Upstream Community and Heritage Society open house Tuesdays: 9am-9pm @ Avola School House, various activities. Info ph Fay 250-678-5302. • Thompson Valley Quilters. Meet 2nd Wed. and 3rd Mon. of the mth at NTAC in the DLCC, 9 am - 4 pm. Info Linda 250-674-3437 or Dorothy 250-676-9270 • Vavenby Needle Arts Group. Meet every Tues. 11am - 4pm at Vavenby Community Center. Info Dorothy 250-676-9270 CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:50-11:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-3530 HEALTH & HEALING • Hospice Grief Support: 3rd Thur of every mth, NT Funeral Home 1-3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-674-3233.
• Connections Healing Rooms - Wed. 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms.com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Winter, dates TBA, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Youth Group: ages 12-18, Fri. 7-10 pm Dutch Lake Community Center, arts & crafts, gymnastics, games & special events, info 250674-2600 • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ hotmail.com • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Winter, dates TBA, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 • Drop in Soccer: June -Sept, tues and Thurs, 6:30-8:00 PM, CSS field, $2 drop in, grade 8 to adult SENIORS • BUNCO: 3rd Tue of every mth, Dutch Lake Seniors Drop-in Centre, 1:30 – 3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome. • WGCSS Writers Circle: Meets 1st & 3rd Thur. @ Library
$105 $110 $100 $95 $85 $295 $295
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Bayley’s Bistro
in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken
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CANADA BENEFIT Group. Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canada benefit.ca/free-assessment Clearwater Alcoholics Anonymous Sunshine Group meets every Tuesday, 8 pm, Elks Hall 72 Taren Dr. Open to Everyone For info contact Wendy 250-587-0026 Do you need help with reading, writing or math? FREE confidential adult tutoring available. • Clearwater Literacy 250-674-3530 • Barriere Literacy 250-672-9773 HAVE YOU been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help you appeal. Call 1-877-793-3222; www.dcac.ca info@dcac.ca HIP OR knee replacement? Arthritic Conditions/COPD? Restrictions in walking/dressing? Disability Tax Credit $2,000 Tax Credit $20,000 Refund. Apply Today For Assistance: 1-844-453-5372. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GIFT CORNER Located just inside the hospital main doors Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Beautiful gift items 25% discount on all Xmas inventory Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Clearwater 250-674-2135, Barriere 250-672-6444, or North Thompson Valley 1-855-674-2135
Inclusions Powell River is hiring Residential Support Workers f/t, p/t and casual positions - Adult & Children’s residences. For more information visit: www.inclusionpr.ca e-mail: apply@pracl.ca
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STEEL BUILDING Sale. Really big sale: extra winter discount on now!! 21x22 $5,190 25x24 $5,988 27x28 $7,498 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 $16,386. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422 www.pioneersteel.ca
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
School Bus Drivers School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) is currently accepting applications for Relief School Bus Drivers in Clearwater BC.
Great deals - low prices
The successful applicant must possess a valid Class 2 Drivers licence with an Air endorsement and have three years proven previous driving experience. Applicants must be able to successfully complete the School District’s road test.
Those individuals who have submitted an application in the last six (6) months will be considered and need not re-apply.
SEE POLAR Bears, Walrus and Whales on our Arctic Explorer Voyage next summer. Save 15% with our winter sale for a limited time. Call toll-free: 1-800-363-7566 or visit: www.adventurecanada.com (TICO#04001400)
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START A New career in graphic arts, healthcare, business, education or information tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services DO YOU or anyone you know specialize in East Indian Cuisine? Popular restaurant in Kamloops needs you immediately. Full Time, starting $20. per hr. 250-374-0340.
Applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: • Work history • Indication of a valid Class 2 driver’s license • An Air Brake Endorsement • A recent driver’s abstract If you have the above qualifications, please submit written applications by 4:00 pm. on Friday February 26, 2016 to: Irene Cederholm, icederholm@sd73.bc.ca School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) 750 Woreby Rd Clearwater, BC 250-674-3224
Local Coin Collector Buying Collections. Gold Silver Coins Estates 1-778-281-0030 Chad
Real Estate
Vavenby: 3 bdrm MH on own property, 1.5 bath, w/d, f/s, covered deck. Fenced yard - 1 dog allowed. $800/mo. Now avail. Call Julie 250-674-0188
For Sale By Owner
Rooms for Rent
Barriere: 1232 sq ft double wide, 3bdr, 2bth, lvg rm, dining rm, eat in kitch., 0.6 acre, corner lot $149,900. 250-6725518
Clearwater: Room for rent in Weyerhaeuser sub. Wi-Fi, Sat TV. Nice clean place. NS, NP. $500/mo, incl laundry and util. Call 250-674-1768
For Sale or Rent: 225 Murtle Cres, 3 bdrm, 3.5 bath, dbl heated garage w/toilet & shower, rent $1,150/mo + util. For Sale: 208 Dutch Lk. Rd, 3 bdrm, 1/2 duplex, 2 full bath, $125,000.00. Offers. Pls lvg msg at 250-674-3668
Barriere: 2 bdrm basement suite, all util, all appl. NS/NP, no parties. Separate entrance /parking. $750/mo. 250-6725643
Rentals Duplex / 4 Plex Clearwater: 3 bdrm duplex in Miller sub. F/S. Avail Jan. 1 Call Julie 250-674-0188
Mobile Homes & Pads Vavenby: 2 bdrm covered mobile w/addition on priv lot. W/d, f/s. Ref req. $675/mo + dd. Pets neg. Call 250-676-9210
Misc. Wanted
Suites, Lower
Suites, Upper Clearwater: Bright spacious 2 bdrm suite in Interior Whitewater bldg. Close to amenities with w/d, f/s. Avail immed. $800/mo. Ph. 250-674-3727
If you see a wildfire, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
Misc. Wanted
Box 67, 100 Mile House B.C. V0K 2E0
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Thursday, Thursday, February February 11, 11, 2016 2016 Clearwater Clearwater Times Times
Breastfeeding and work – making it work members of a local breastfeeding café feed your baby. Your employer benefits for their tips on pumping at work. Your by gaining a happier, more loyal and employer can help by providing a private more productive employee. As a bonus, The thought of returning to work February 11 17, 2016 your baby will likely be sick less often while continuing to breastfeed can feel A p r i l 2 3 - 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 office with a sink, an electrical outlet to pump milk and a place to store pumped which can mean fewer days missed at overwhelming. In the past, many moms Aries, if you Cancer, it relationship is betLibra, frustration This week is allsomeSpeak up, Aries,asand A business Lady Luck smiles on milk. work. felt it was easier to Accomplish stop breastfeeding thing important sumed you will were ter to make atyou, work may about give and take, the problem be blossoms withyour an Libra, andnot there Once your baby is closer one year Choose a child care provider that once back at work but that’s starting to based on what right track, you choices rather be directed atto any Capricorn. Do foryou solved.on A little miracle addition. sooner A larger-thanis nothing beyond your this soon will seeof why than later thisdrops week. one person, andisyou of age and your milk supply well is supportive Ask others, and week, they will to comat home makes for breastfeeding. an lifeif personality reach. A treasured change. Women arelearn finding ways Capricorn. itinteresting isn’t safe to asPutting can’t let resurfaces, itneed consume do forworking you. AKeep specialwith the weekend. by with andecisions offer you heirloom established, you may not to pump they have a breastfeeding policy. Let bine breastfeeding and your andsome ears sume. Do not take off only complicates your life.back Make the event eyes calls for Travel plans come can’t refuse. Oh boy, bringing many maywork be content knowfor how important breastfeedsupport of their employer child care themanything open to alland of the granted matters. It mayatbework. Your toddler frustration extra-special gifts. together. oh boy, Cancer. fond memories. 22– and discuss September 23– tobreast andtoconsider all poan anxious time, your advantage to drink expressed milk, whole you and yourJune baby provider.December 22– possibilities around March 21–ing is April 19 July 22 October 22 January 19 you. tential outcomes. but you will pull instead. cow milk, or water in a cup while you’re your baby’s feeding routines. Make sure When I first went back to work after through. at work and continue to breastfeed at they can safely prepare and store your my babies were born, I was fortunate Try not to take Interpersonal Stop about Romantic Some habits are hard Cast asidebreast all doubt,milk. Having these Oops,worrying Leo. You fall The tiniest ofthoughts expressed to have a lunch break that gave the easy Aquarius. way out,me dynamics how others see home. you, this week will have to break, Taurus. Theare offer is behind on a project, changes make a vast Health Canadayou and Health conversations you start back to Aquarius. constantly Leo. This on Interior a mission enough time to breastfeed atWhen their Look to a mentor to nearby genuine and changwillbefore bring raising someweek own improvement in a to faced with some andmake you may to yourNotbeliefs, spend helpthis and you will you many rewards. A transition go up eyebrows. to recommend breastfeeding project.quality A rejection is fortime two years working, will the more daycare. I appreciated chance to retough have challenging even they with a loved one, succeed.questions, A fitness test ofafaith begins— worry.ifYou willseem get a blessing in disguise. and beyond. Stopping breastfeeding smoothly for you and your baby. connect with my baby in the middle of stay strong and true time wrangling in to go against the Scorpio. You may goal is easily achieved be strong. Money woes back on track sooner Be grateful for what You your to arrangements norm. may be do everything in baby are because of work before youScorpio. and Nearby child care a new piece ease. relationship thancan youYou think, thanks you’re given, the day and it madetowith ityourself. easier toofreturn be happier in where it feels comsurprised at the supyour power to be January 20– will April 20– July 23– October 23– equipment. to an innovation. ready can add extra stress to an already make breastfeeding during work hours to work February full time. arerun a few the long if yousuggesfortable, Taurus. port you receive. 18 Here May 20 August 22 November 21 near your significant challenging time. Breastfeeding is reaseasier. Using an onsite day care or child do so. breastfeeding other. tions to help you continue care near the workplace is ideal for suring to your toddler and you’ll benefit after returning to work. Pisces, Gemini, even if you Virgo, a hectic week Don’t try to The oddstake maysome be Feeling blessed Spend less, save more News from afarerect gets moms to maintain breastfeeding. Some from the relaxing hormones released Don’t be afraid to discuss your needs time off if your are uncertain about leads to lots of debarriers, Sagittarius. stacked against you, these days, Gemini? and you’ll definitely the creative juices seems likedoesn’t a someone’s intenmands onVirgo. yourMore time. you nurse. This week Pisces, butworkplace that Payhave it forward. A able to arrange for get more, flowing, andyou you have moms been their when with your employer.job Your headache this week. tions, it is best to Take things toaccomplish let someone mean you won’t come compromise at home in your bottomone line task more in than child care provider to bring their baby to For more information about returnis required to support your breastfeedIfoutyou have thea little time, give person the atanda more timepeace and do and on top with raisesthat everyone’s of not you unburden have in somesome time, enjoy a long weekof fun theensues doubt. be afraid to say “no”to work and breastfeeding: ofSagittarius. the problems thembenefit at work so they can breastfeed. ing ing under the Human Rights Code. An ingenuity. A weekend spirits and mind. Flowers provide A gameorofhttp://bit. end or a requires short jaunt ounce during work hours ifa you you are thoughts endeavor a allbreastfeeding weekendan long! great feel pick-me-up. wits at the that officehave IfHowever, ly/1G3o9sd. employerFebruary can give you a more flexible the week. of skepticism never overwhelmed. you 19– during May 21– August 23– November 22– been leap of faith. provesweighing challenging. isn’t easy to arrange, you can express – Author Linda Boyd is a public health scheduleMarch or extend breaks to allow time hurt anyone. 20 June 21 September 22 December 21 down. some breast milk. Ask your friends or dietitian with Interior Health. to nurse, pump milk, or visit and breast-
Linda Boyd
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AFebruary p r i l 2 3
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Accomplish This week is allsomething important about give and take, based on what Capricorn. Do foryou learn others,this and week, they will Capricorn. do for you. AKeep special your andsome ears event eyes calls for open to all of the extra-special gifts. December 22– possibilities around January 19 you.
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If you have diabetes, you are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke, and other complications such as eye and kidney disease, nerve damage and foot problems. Keeping your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol in a healthy range can reduce your risk of complications. For more information about staying healthy with diabetes, visit: www.diabetes.ca/Section_About/healthy.asp CANADIAN
January 20– February 18
Try not to take Some habits are hard the easy Aquarius. way out, to break, Aquarius. When Look to a mentor to faced with help and yousome will tough succeed.questions, A fitness stay true goal strong is easily and achieved to yourself. Youof with a new piece will be happier in equipment. the long run if you do so.
Pisces, The oddstake maysome be time offagainst if your stacked you, job seems likedoesn’t a Pisces, but that headache this week. mean you won’t come Ifoutyou have thea little time, on top with enjoy a long weekingenuity. A weekend end or a requires short jaunt endeavor a the week. February 19– during leap of faith. March 20
11 - -2 17, 9 , 22016 0 1 2
March 21– April 19
Aries, if you as-and Speak up, Aries, sumed you will were the problem be right track, you solved.on A little miracle soon will see why at home makes for an itinteresting isn’t safeweekend. to assume. Do not take Travel plans come anything together. for granted and consider all potential outcomes.
April 20– May 20
Interpersonal Cast aside all doubt, dynamics Taurus. Theare offer is constantly genuine and changwill bring ing, and you mayA you many rewards. have challenging test ofafaith begins— time wrangling in be strong. Money woes your ease. relationship to where it feels comfortable, Taurus.
May 21– June 21
Gemini, even if you Feeling blessed are uncertain about these days, Gemini? someone’s intenPay it forward. A tions, it is best to compromise at home give person the raisesthat everyone’s benefit of fun theensues doubt. spirits and However, ounce all weekendan long! of skepticism never hurt anyone.
June 22– July 22
July 23– August 22
August 23– September 22
Find a job you love.
Cancer, it relationship is betA business ter to make blossoms withyour an choices rather addition. sooner A larger-thanthan later thisdrops week. life personality Putting by with andecisions offer you off only complicates can’t refuse. Oh boy, matters. It may be oh boy, Cancer. September 23– an anxious time, October 22 but you will pull through.
Libra, frustration Lady Luck smiles on atyou, work may Libra, andnot there be directed at any is nothing beyond your one person, and you reach. A treasured can’t let resurfaces, it consume heirloom your life.back Make the bringing many frustration work fond memories. to your advantage instead.
Stop about Oops,worrying Leo. You fall how others see you, behind on a project, Leo. This raising someweek own up to yourNotbeliefs, eyebrows. to even they worry.ifYou willseem get to goonagainst the back track sooner norm. may be than youYou think, thanks surprised at the sup- October 23– to an innovation. port you receive. November 21
Romantic The tiniest ofthoughts this week will have changes make a vast you on a mission improvement in a to spend time project.quality A rejection is with a loved one, a blessing in disguise. Scorpio. may Be gratefulYou for what do everything in you’re given, Scorpio. your power to be near your significant other.
Virgo, a hectic week Spend less, save more leads to lots of deand you’ll definitely mands onVirgo. yourMore time. get more, Take things in your bottomone line task atanda more timepeace and do of not be afraid to say “no” mind. Flowers provide ifa you you are great feel pick-me-up. overwhelmed.
Don’t try to News from afarerect gets barriers, Sagittarius. the creative juices This week flowing, andyou you have toaccomplish let someone more in than and you unburden have in somesome time, ofSagittarius. the problems A gameorof thoughts that have wits at the office you November 22– been provesweighing challenging. down. December 21
Clearwater TimesStar/Journal Thursday, February 11, 2016 North Thompson Thursday, February 11, 2016
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Earliest geological survey done in B.C. leaves photo legacy of 1871 expedition through North Thompson By Carson Stone The earliest Geological Survey done in B.C., was that of Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, director of the survey, who led an expedition from the West Coast to the Rocky Mountains in 1871. This expedition traveled through the North Thompson twice in the same year. The true destination of this route, which started out in Montreal in June of 1871, was through the wilderness of the North Thompson, following the river into the Rocky Mountains. Accompanying Mr. Selwyn, was a photographer by the name of Benjamin F. Baltzly. His amazing pictures of the North Thompson River and region was known far and wide in Canadiana history. Selwyn needed horses, a reliable guide, a “boss” packer and a reliable packer assistant. He was also in need of a camp cook, an “axe-man” and a translator. He already had a photographer and an emerging artist, and Selwyn soon found all he needed while in Kamloops in 1871. John Peterson was the owner of the pack train, said to be 15 horses in total. He sold them to Selwyn who was financed by the federal government at that time. Mr. Peterson had used his pack train many times before, and his resume also included being an experienced packer, so was hired on in that capacity as well. The name of John Peterson would be very recognizable to the City of Kamloops, the land he resided on back in 1868 is now part of the present day city.
It is not clear how Abraham LaRue was hired on as a guide, translator and assistant packer for the survey party. It is clear though that Selwyn made a very good choice in hiring from the First Nations People. Abraham proved his worth on many occasions in those fateful trips through Louis Creek and up the North Thompson. It also appears that Abraham might have been the son of Joseph LaRocque, formerly of the NWC fur trading company (eventually Hudson’s Bay Company) in the early 1800’s. Joseph LaRocque may (can’t positively confirm) have come down the North Thompson through Louis Creek in 1812 to end up building a fort at Kamloops in that year. It would be interesting to know if father and son had basically followed the same route in two different history events, years and years apart through this region. Philip Jago was also of the First Nations. He had been hired on as an assistant to the survey. Donald McPhail was the “axeman” for this group. His job would have
been extremely strenuous to be swinging an axe all day to clear a path of obstacles. James Dean was the camp cook. As with McPhail, these men had to have been in the Kamloops area at the time in order to be hired by Selwyn. The expedition became horrendous once reaching this area. The ruggedness of the untamed North Thompson proved to be too much for the survey party, and after several months of still not reaching their destination in the Jasper area, they made the decision to retrace their steps. They arrived back in Kamloops on November 17, 1871. All was not lost however. Though the geological aspect was never carried out to any high degree, the pictures of their expedition were superb. If anyone would like to see the photographs taken by Mr. Baltzly, do a search through Google by typing “Benjamin F. Baltzly photographs”. Article information courtesy of Louis Creek Heritage Trail Society and Carson Stone.
Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, director of the earliest geological survey done in B.C. in the year 1871.
Benjamin Baltzly took this photograph during the Geological Survey of Canada expedition of British Columbia, led by Alfred R. C. Selwyn. The caption reads, “Making Portage of canoes over the Bluff at the Upper Gate of Murchison’s Rapids, in the North Thompson River, B.C. Date created approximate: 6-7 November, 1871.
1871 survey expedition photographer, Benjamin F. Baltzly. The survey party at Canoe River, North Thompson River, 1871. Pictured are: Geologist Alfred Selwyn (centre), Benjamin Baltzly (right of centre) and his assistant John Hammond (left of centre). To the right are Philip and Larue, First Nations people who worked as porters. The other two people are not identified. The party crossed B.C. to scout out the best possible route for the building of the proposed Canadian Pacific railway. Benjamin F. Baltzly photo:
This Benjamin Baltzly photograph of glacier and mountain scenery at the confluence of the Muddy and North Thompson Rivers was also taken during the expedition of 1871.
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Thursday, February 11, 2016 Clearwater Times
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