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February 24, 2016
Science World On the Go brought a touring show of science demonstrations to the Okanagan last week with several presentations to schools in the Central Okanagan School District. In the photo, program coordinator Stephan Adamus gets the science of air pressure demonstrated on him. The program takes Science World out of Vancouver and visits schools in the Interior. For more information and to request an appearance at a local school, go to the group’s website scienceworld.ca/ontheroad.
New perinatal unit at KGH Expectant parents Fiona and Pete Patterson were among those given a sneak peak at the new maternity ward. ...............................
Budget shuffle Mayor James Baker says the District of Lake Country has added $1.4 million in capital projects for 2016, but not among them will be the planned renovation for Winfield Arena ...............................
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OKIB joins the trail development coalition
The mayor of Lake Country says it’s something he was hoping for right from the start of the acquisition of the former CN Rail corridor. James Baker says it was a good news announcement from the Okanagan Indian Band that they are joining the inter-jurisdictional development team that will oversee the planning and con-
struction of the 47.5 km rail corridor from Coldstream to Kelowna. That team consists of representatives from Kelowna, Lake Country, the North Okanagan Regional District and now the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB). “I think it’s great,” said Baker of last week’s announcement from the OKIB. “That’s what I was hoping they would do from the get-go because it can be
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a good benefit and an advantage for them, as well they are part of the partnership and the planning of what goes along the corridor. “They own the corridor where it goes through IR-7 (a 2.5 km stretch near Duck Lake) and they can look at development possibilities there and in some places where there was traditional winter dwelling.” The announcement from the OKIB
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last week means they become a partner with Lake Country, Kelowna and the North Okanagan Regional District as the group is now in the planning stages of moving forward with the CN Rail Corridor, now being called the Okanagan Corridor. “We want to be a good partner,” said Allan Louis, OKIB councillor.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
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Mutual interests
COALITION FROM A1 Last year, the band applied for an injunction to stop Canadian National’s
sale of the rail corridor to local communities. The Commonage Indian reserve, which includes 22 kilometres of
the rail corridor, was created in 1877, but the band says federal and provincial officials eliminated the reserve a dec-
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ade later. The band insisted that when a portion of the corridor ceased to be used for railway pur-
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poses, it should have reverted to band control instead of CN selling the property to the Regional District of North Okanagan, Lake Country and Kelowna. The injunction was denied and, as a result, the band council decided to join the trail development process. “We have chosen to move forward in a new direction to ensure our involvement and demonstrate our desire to engage in positive discussions with our neighbours. As the cultural gateway to the Okanagan, council seeks to partner on investments that will have significant benefits to the region,” stated a release from the OKIB. The band insists, though, that participation in the IDT does not affect its title or the Commonage claim. “We want to be part of the trail and the land claim is separate,” said Louis. Some ideas are already being put forward for development of the corridor, including possibly cultural stations. “Some of our historic sites are along the corridor. First Nations have always been here and want to share that,” said Darcy Aubin, OKIB’s director of lands and economic development. Having OKIB join the development team means that the 2.5 kilometres of the corridor within the Duck Lake reserve will look the same as the rest of the trail. “We’ve been instructed that it won’t cost us any money for construction and there will be fundraising. Perhaps there may be maintenance costs down the road,” said Aubin. The existing members of the inter-jurisdictional development team are pleased to see the OKIB involved. “We’ve always encouraged them to be part of this trail develop-
ment group,” said David Sewell, Regional District of North Okanagan chief administrative officer. “Their goals and our goals are not mutually exclusive.” While CN has until early to mid 2017 to finish remedial work on what’s now being called the Okanagan corridor— removing rail ties and tracks and doing environmental remediation—local councils will soon get a look preliminary plans for the corridor. Project manager Andrew Gibbs at the City of Kelowna says the inter-jurisdictional team (IDT) is in the planning, design and costing phases of the corridor and by April they will be ready to present a trail development plan to the ownership groups including the councils in Kelowna and Lake Country as well as NORD and the OKIB. “Over the winter we have been planning and consulting and designing and we want to have a trail development plan prepared with cost estimates so we can go to the councils involved and show them what it will take to get a basic gravel trail on the corridor,” he said. “We have a partnership with Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative and once we have the development plan in front of councils, they will get the go ahead to start fundraising. The local governments have allocated funding (to buy the corridor) and the intention is to fund the development of the trail through fundraising.” Gibbs said the group is also continuing to work with individual property owners where the trail crosses through their property or over driveways to make sure the trail runs continuously from Kelowna to Coldstream when it opens. —with files from Vernon Morningstar
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 24, 2016
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Expectant parents impressed with new KGH ward KEVIN PARNELL With their first child expected to arrive just a week after the opening of a new $21 million perinatal unit at Kelowna General Hospital, expectant parents Fiona and Pete Patterson were glowing at the opportunity of being one of the first set of parents to welcome a newborn in the state-of-the-art facility. The Pattersons were among dignitaries, media and staff that toured the new perinatal (maternity) ward at KGH last week, a facility that brings the hospital’s child birth facilities up to modern times. It features expanded patient and clinical care space that focusses on keeping mother and new baby close to each other at all times and allows for more interaction for new dads and families as well. “As first time expectant parents, we were thrilled upon touring the new unit,” said Fiona. “They really listened to what women need. There’s more privacy, natural light, it really promotes a sense of relaxation. “Not only is it aesthetically pleasing but it’s functional. It caters to women and families. “There are resources right in the room for
moms and babies that promotes attachment right away.” The new unit will open on March 6 and the Patterson’s are expected to deliver their new baby on March 12. The couple took some pre-natal classes in KGH’s old maternity ward and had been contemplating a home birth. But if new baby cooperates and shows up on time, the couple will be in the fourth floor of the recently opened Heart and Surgical Centre at KGH to welcome their new family member. “This really takes home birth out of the question for us,” said Pete. “It just seems very organized with everything flowing really nicely. It’s made for patients. “We’re very happy. They can keep the baby in the room and really take an attachment approach.” Interior Health says there are many benefits to the new unit including: • expanded patient and clinical space • a modern neonatal intensive care unit • a new surgical suite for schedule Caesarean section and multiple birth deliveries • private and semi pri-
Soon to be parents Fiona and Pete Patterson are excited about the new $21 million perinatal unit at Kelowna General Hospital set to open March 6. vate post-partum rooms • a patient and family-centred care environment The new unit was designed with input from health care workers. KGH nurse Bonnie Wilke, who will work in the neonatal intensive care unit, says it really brings the hospital’s child birthing facilities up to modern times. “This is amazing,” said Wilke. “I can’t wait to see patients in here. The old unit has done it’s job but
it was built in the 1960s. “That was a different time for parents. The new unit supports a model of care where parents are involved. It’s nice being family friendly.” The new unit has three labour assessment bays, five private labour and delivery rooms, one labour and delivery isolation room as well as one dedicated operating room. Post-partum there are nine private rooms and four semi-private rooms.
And for families there are washrooms with showers, a large waiting room and two nourishment centres where families can refrigerate and prepare food. “Having a baby is one of life’s most joyous, and most stressful, moments,” said Premier Christy Clark, MLA for Westside-Kelowna. “This new unit will provide moms and loved ones with a state-of-theart facility and soothing atmosphere in which to
enjoy the start of a new life together.” “After seeing the new perinatal unit firsthand, I know this is a place where the 1,600 babies born at Kelowna General Hospital every year will get the best start to life,” added Norm Letnick, MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country. “A modern neonatal intensive care unit with central monitoring, and areas for stabilization, transition and high needs babies will support parents whose newborns need a little extra help.” Erwin Malzer, the Interior Health board chair, called the new perintal unit a nurturing environment for moms and babies, and a modern, healthy workplace for hospital employees. The perinatal unit is included within the $381-million budget for the new Interior Heart & Surgical Centre. The Central Okanagan Regional Hospital District provided the $18-million capital cost of the unit and the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation has committed $3-million for new state-of-the-art equipment and support funding. “We know that the new unit is much needed and will be well used by growing families,”
says Gail Given, chair of Central Okanagan Regional Hospital District. “It just made sense to go ahead and fully fund the construction of the fourth floor while the Interior Heart and Surgical Centre was being built, rather than waiting and adding the new unit sometime in the future.” “Our community is extremely proud of KGH and their help is critical to make it what it is today. The KGH Foundation is extremely grateful for the support our community is providing to our most vulnerable patients through our Giving Giggles Campaign,” noted Doug Rankmore, chief executive officer, Kelowna General Hospital Foundation. For expectant mom Fiona Patterson, the open spaces and the feel of the new unit provides everything a new mother could hope for. “The energy of this new birth space is one that promotes relaxation and is really attuned to the needs of the whole family.” she said. “It’s so soothing. We were impressed with the upgraded equipment. It’s comforting to know that maternity care in Kelowna is a priority.” @KP_media1
Winfield Arena renovation won’t proceed in 2016 KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country has added more than $1.4 million in capital projects to its list of plans for 2016 as budget discussions in Lake Country continued last week. Among the projects that will receive funding this year is work on the Winfield Seniors Centre, a new water main for the Oceola Road up to Okanagan Centre Road East and the potential for the creation of new child care spaces to be run by Okanagan Boys and Girls Club. However, a $1 million project at the Winfield Arena has had to be shelved. The district also allocated about $150,000 for work on the Okanagan corridor as plans move forward to the design phase of the corridor. The money, a combination of taxation and money carried forward from the 2015 budget is being used as the district maps properties along the corridor. “There are a lot of individual
properties that border on the corridor and some of them that hook across the corridor,” said Baker. “We have to get those lots into the system as part of the design and development plans. We have to know where the property lines are and what is the surplus part of the the original purchase. “If there are surplus lands that’s where we may want to put some amenities or they could be surplus lands that could be revenue generating for us.” The district still owes $2.6 million to Kelowna for its portion of the corridor purchase but that money is not addressed in the current Lake Country budget. The money was given to Lake Country interest free for three years and Baker said while there is no timeline on repaying it to Kelowna, they would like to pay it back before the interest kicks in. Elsewhere in the budget, the district will put forward a joint application to the B.C. Ministry of Chil-
dren and Family Development in partnership with the Okanagan Boys and Girls Club that could create more child care spaces in Lake Country. The $625,000 project would be funded from a $500,000 grant from the province with the district putting in $125,000. If the grant application is unsuccessful, the project would not go ahead. If successful, the child care spaces will likely not be at the current boys and girls club but instead be located in other Lake Country-owned facilities. The water main project for Oceola Road and Okanagan Centre Road East is needed for the new Turtle Bay Crossing development and the developer has agreed to contribute $600,000 toward the completion of the $2.15 million project, slated to be completed over the next two years. Another project that should see completion this year is an automatic door at the Winfield Seniors Centre, a project with a $10,000 price
tag. It’s a new project being funded by money carried forward from last year’s budget. Lake Country council will still get another look at the budget document and five year capital plan as they will be asked to create the budget bylaw at an upcoming meeting, the date of which has not been set. Baker said the district has been able to move forward with several projects thanks to the start of the funding for the Transportation for Tomorrow plan, which will ask residents for a $125 parcel tax this year, while property taxes are still sitting at a zero per cent increase. “A lot of these projects are coming out of Transportation of Tomorrow plans,” said Baker. “We know how we are financing that and we can get a start on those projects and go after grants that become available. “Anybody that knows our history knows we have this huge infrastructure deficit. We have the re-
sources to pay for it but we can’t pay for it all at once.” Transportation for Tomorrow is a 20-year funding plan that council approved late last year to deal with its aging roads. Other projects that will take place in 2016 include $1.8 million on Safe Routes to Schools projects on Woodsdale Road, Greenhow Pathway, Sherman Pathway and Bottom Wood Lake Road. Work is also slated to take place on Robinson Road from Pretty to Okanagan Centre as well as on Carr’s Landing Road. A $1 million project to upgrade the Winfield Arena has had to be removed from the capital plan as the district was not awarded a $500,000 grant that would have paid half the bill. The district’s 2016 capital and operational budget is $7.272 million document newsroom@lakecountrynews.net
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
A4 www.lakecountrycalendar.com
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Talking to a toad about talking
OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2
I talk to the dog. I talk to the cat. Sometimes, when I’m out for a walk, I talk to a crow or a magpie.
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CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
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Life and Faith
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Tessa Ringness Production Manager
I’ve never talked to a toad. But apparently Mary Oliver does. She wrote a short reflection, a kind of prose poem, about her conversation with a toad: “He was just sitting there. It was full morning, so the heat was
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Housing czar defends drug ghettos Housing Minister Rich Coleman was flabbergasted at the angry response to his solution to the Victoria courthouse “tent city,” the latest tarp-covered camp to spring up in southern B.C. Coleman announced two temporary shelters with three meals a day and medical supports. One is a former nursing home close to the courthouse squat, conveniently located near panhandling and drug dealing spots as well as taxpayer-funded services. The other offers indoor or outdoor tent space at a former youth custody centre, with a dedicated downtown shuttle bus so these “victims” of “homelessness” don’t have to endure B.C.’s most generous transit bus system. We weren’t consulted, said the indignant spokespeople for those bringing new-looking tents to take advantage
BC Views
Tom Fletcher of food and other handouts, offered in B.C.’s warmest climate by the province’s most naïve local government. But this was just a show for the media by our resident professional protesters, some of whom aren’t really “homeless.” After the reaction, which Coleman described as “bizarre,” the combined 88 housing opportunities are being snapped up. Those on welfare will have to fork over their $375 month-
ly housing allowance, as the province continues to convert more housing and offer more rent subsidies. It’s no wonder that southern B.C. is the destination of choice. Coleman said it’s always been a seasonal thing, but this winter has been the highest in a decade, largely due to an exodus of economic migrants from the downturn in Alberta, naturally heading for B.C.’s most desirable real estate. I asked him about two other homeless hotspots. In Abbotsford, campers have ignored a city deadline to take down structures in a three-yearold camp, after temporary shelter and costly provincial supports were brought on. A courtroom and street confrontation looms with selfstyled “drug war survivors” and their Vancouver legal help. In Maple Ridge, a tent
camp sprang up next to the local Salvation Army shelter, with people cycling through the shelter’s 15-day limit, camping and being fed until they could go back in. Mayor Nicole Read, who has worked in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, said Maple Ridge took on its own outreach, shelter and housing effort because the province’s $1 million-a-year Salvation Army operation isn’t working. Coleman is not amused. He said he’s had no complaints about Abbotsford’s Salvation Army shelter, and Read is the only one griping. And no mayor is going to tell him how to spend provincial dollars. Maple Ridge now has two shelters with accompanying street drugs, prostitution and crime. I asked Coleman about the 10-year-study led by Simon Fras-
er University researcher Julian Somers on the housing, outreach and services in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. This is the heart of B.C.’s “housing first” strategy, where the province has bought and renovated 30 “single room occupancy” buildings, built another dozen and poured in every possible support, including the buyout of high-living executives at the Portland Hotel Society. “I haven’t had a chance to go over that report yet, but I disagree with the assumption I’ve heard already, because I walk the Downtown Eastside,” Coleman said. “I don’t know if they do every few weeks to a month, but I’ve been doing it for about nine or 10 years and I can tell you it’s a whole lot better down there.” Tom Fletcher is the B.C. Legislature reporter for Black Press.
Since 1956 — the Lake Country Calendar
heavy on his sand-coloured head and his webbed feet. I squatted beside him… He didn’t move. I began to talk…” How we humans love to talk! Every silence, like a vacuum, must be filled. We talk about politics – mostly American politics, tragically. About sports, food, the stock market. And all Canadians talk about the weather. If we have nothing else to talk about, we talk about having nothing to talk about. Mary Oliver talked with the toad about time. About the terrors of the night. About summer, and “how good the heat of the sun between the shoulder blades.” As if a toad would do much thinking about these things. Do
We want to T hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 24, 2016
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Agrifood revenues topped $12.3 billion Day in and day out, more than 55,000 farmers, ranchers, fishers, and food processors work around our many unique regions in our province to grow, catch, process, and deliver some of the best tasting, highest quality food to British Columbians. I know for I’ve had the privilege of meeting hundreds of them over the past three years during my travels throughout the province and to speak with them about their passion for the land, their products, and their contribution to our way of life. Together, with the support of more than 300 men and women who work in the agriculture ministry, they achieved a milestone in agrifood receipts last year topping a record $12.3 billion. That was almost six per cent more than the year before which was also a record year.
MLA’s Report
Norm Letnick Many farmers are making more money, with net cash income for this last year rising over 33 per cent above the year before. We’ve seen records shattered in total honey production yield to nearly four million pounds, sweet cherries 22 per cent higher than 2014 at nearly 14,000 tonnes, record years in hectares harvested of asparagus, beets, cauliflower, field tomatoes, greenhouse peppers and cucumbers, and more including records in cattle, milk, and
chicken. In 2014, B.C. producers led the nation in sales of blueberries, cranberries, sweet cherries, raspberries, apricots, with seventeen of B.C.’s crops ranked second in national sales including floriculture products, nursery products, grapes, and more. And with our long shoreline we’ve also led the nation in sales of salmon, halibut, rockfish, skate, dogfish, hake, tuna, wild crabs, farmed clams, oysters and scallops. All this in an environmental and sustainable manner that not only meet and exceed standards but also attract buyers from around the world who are hungry for clean, safe, nutritious, high quality food and drink to consume and feed their children. This growing demand has propelled our exports to record levels of nearly $3 billion with the U.S. consuming two-thirds of
that and China coming in at number two at $264 million. Through the recent throne speech and budget unveiling, our government has communicated its intent to continue to support and expand this important industry for the benefit of those men and women working in agrifoods, for all British Columbians who enjoy the more than 300 commodities harvested and hundreds more food and drink products manufactured here, and many in over 150 countries who import our products. Whether it’s more money for our highly successful Buy Local program, more resources to help Connect with the Province of B.C. (www. gov.bc.ca/connect), the Agriculture Land Commission continuing to enhance its oversight of the more than four million hectares in the Agricultural Land Reserv-
eLR (32,000 more than 2001), a new non-refundable farmers food tax credit to those in the farming sector who donate produce and products to people in need or school meal programs, funding for the B.C. Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation to ensure the continuance of the school fruits, vegetable and dairy program, which now serves fresh B.C. agricultural products to 549,000 students in more than 1,400 First Nations and public schools, or the many other program area investments you can rest assured that our government is fully committed to see B.C.’s agriculture success continue now and for years to come.
Norm Letnick is the Kelowna-Lake Country MLA and the provincial minister of agriculture.
Grieving people really need to talk about their feelings
toads even have shoulder blades? I suppose they must, since we share some four-limbed proto-ancestor, back before history began. History originated, in fact, with talk. Life was short, often brutish. So we told stories—“A wandering Aramean was my father…” —to give our children a way of remembering what happened before they existed. All animals learn from experience. Quail learn to bring their buddies to
a bird feeder; deer learn to avoid an electrified fence. To some extent, too, animals can pass along their experience. Moose teach their calves which plants to eat; cats teach their kittens to use a litter box. But when the teacher dies, her accumulated wisdom dies with her. We aren’t the only animals with language. Whales, dolphins, elephants and the great apes all seem to have sophisticated communication skills, even if we can’t decode it. But as far as we can tell, they lack
any way of passing that knowledge along to succeeding generations. Except, possibly, by telling stories. Disparagingly, we call that oral history. Undependable. Subject to distortion. We forget that most of the Bible, to take one instance, was oral history, before anyone wrote it down. Writing changed everything. Whether as cuneiform scratches, Hebrew consonants, or digital coding, the act of writing distinguished the person’s knowledge from the person’s life.
Wisdom no longer perished with the wise one. And so we can still learn from Plato and Aristotle, from Pascal and Newton, from Mahatma Gandhi and Teilhard de Chardin. We talk about almost anything except feelings. Perhaps we’re ashamed of having feelings. Just try opening a conversation in the grocery line about your lover leaving, your bladder leaking, or the voices in your head. Watch people move away. But sometimes feel-
ings are what we really need to talk about. We can talk out the story of our loss, our pain, until the story itself becomes a memory rather than an open wound. Humans can do that. Toads can’t. Mary Oliver ended her musings by noting the toad’s reaction: “He … did not move, blink or frown, not a tear fell from those gold-rimmed eyes as the refined anguish of language passed over him.” Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country. rewrite@shaw.ca
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
250-861-7722 Sex: Male Hi there! My name is Milo! I came to Spayed/Neutered:Yes the Shelter initially as a stray, and was Age: 2Yrs 2Mths 3Wks adopted. I came back to the Shelter when it was evident that I needed a Animal ID: 386544 more active lifestyle than my caregiver House Trained could provide. I am a very active, Employee Pick playful and energetic cat who would thrive in a stimulating home. I dislike the presence of other cats however, I prefer my humans all to myself. If you are seeking an interact, happy boy who would love to keep you entertained, please come introduce yourself! I am eagerly awaiting our play session at the Kelowna SPCA!
got hurt?get help.
Marketing bootcamp for business owners Small business and non-profit organizations around British Columbia are struggling to get noticed in an extremely competitive market. But the battle can soon be over thanks to a one-day Marketing Bootcamp offered in Kelowna on Feb. 29 and Kamloops on March 1. “Marketing is often an afterthought for small businesses, but it shouldn’t be,” said George Affleck, the president and CEO of Curve Communications, a Vancouver-based marketing agency. “Without the proper strategy, companies can’t stand out from the competition.” Affleck and a George Affleck team of experts are behind these oneday intensive marketing classes, which will teach participants how to jumpstart their marketing campaigns and build their brands. Affleck is a former journalist and Curve’s founder and CEO. He’s also the author of Buzz: How to Grow Your Small Business Using Grassroots Marketing. With more than 15 years in the industry, Affleck has developed a fail-safe grassroots marketing model that can help launch or create awareness about any business. Amanda Bates, Curve’s vice-president, brings more than 20 years of experience in journalism, producing and television to the workshops. She is an expert crafter of pitches and knows what it takes to get jour-
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news ▼ BC BUDGET
Premier touts province’s fiscal shape to Kelowna Chamber KATHY MICHAELS A bit of chest thumping about B.C.’s relative economic might at a Thursday afternoon luncheon had Kelowna Chamber of Commerce members cheering for Premier Christy Clark. “Remember when (former Alberta Premier) Ralph Klein used to say, ‘If you want to get welfare, here’s a bus pass, go to B.C.?’” Clark told the crowd gathered for her budget rundown, which emphasized a $264-million surplus on $48-billion in revenue for the 2016-17 fiscal year. “Now we are in the enviable position of being able to say to Albertans: ‘Come to B.C. get on a bus, get in your car bring your truck… don’t come and get wel-
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fare. Come to B.C. and get a job.” Despite recent figures showing that Kelowna may be in a job slump, B.C. in general is expected to see more economic growth than any other province this year. The government itself has forecasted 2.4 per cent growth in real gross domestic product for 2016 while the B.C. Economic Forecast Council is projecting 2.7 per cent growth. Part of that, explained Clark, will come from new residents driving things forward. This year alone, more than 48,200 newcomers are expected to move to B.C., with 13,000 from other provinces and 35,200 from other countries. Growth in manufacturing, retail, tech, trade, film and tourism sectors is also set to offset low prices for commodities such as coal, copper, lumber, pulp and natural gas. Natural gas isn’t something that Clark is letting go of as a fu-
ture economic powerhouse, however, despite the issues that sector has experienced. “LNG is still going ahead,” she said. “Success is not for quitters. (There is a) vision for the future and changing your future does not mean running the white flag up the flag pole the first time you see a problem. “We will get there on LNG. World demand will continue to grow as demand for clean energy and sources for energy in general continues to grow, but we’re not there yet.” Further acknowledging trouble in commodities, Clark went on to tell the crowd that “it’s never going to be harder than this next year ahead.” “We certainly see what’s happening in Alberta, our closest friend and neighbour, just getting hammered with what’s going on with oil prices. “We see in China, one of our biggest trading partner, stock markets
closing without notice,” she said, adding the U.S. is still suffering from its recession, while Ontario is flagging under overwhelming debt. “Those are warning signs that every Canadian needs to heed. So when I say we need to keep our eyes on the ball I really mean it.
“We have worked hard and we have been very focused, but there has been no time to stay focused more than now.” Focus, she said, should be on getting the “fundamentals right.” Expenditure highlights from Budget 2016 include a $3.1 billion investment in transporta-
tion infrastructure including highway upgrades and transit infrastructure, $2.9 billion for major health care projects that include a new centre for mental health and addictions, $2.5 billion for post-secondary schools, and $1.7 billion to “maintain, replace, renovate, expand
and seismically upgrade” schools for students in kindergarten through Grade 12. This year’s budget also includes the Prosperity Fund, which will see the province put away another $100 million for what it describes as a “rainy day.”
Premier Christy Clark is joined by Overwaitea Food Group chief executive officer Darrell Jones (left) and Kelowna-Mission MLA Steve Thomson for the opening of the first grocery store VQA wine shop for the Okanagan at the Save-On-Foods in Kelowna’s Orchard Plaza shopping centre.
Save-On-Foods uncorks first VQA wine shop SAWYER KLASSEN
be able to find BC wines,” she explained. “The first was making it possible for BC wine producers to sell wine at farmers markets. “That wasn’t legal until about one year ago. We also agreed that grocery stores should be allowed to sell wine, as long as it’s 100 per cent B.C. product.” With the opening of the new B.C. wine section, the Save-OnFoods store is now selling more than 900 wine labels from 150 B.C. wineries. “We’re excited to be able to pair high quality BC wines with the groceries you buy in the store every day,” said Darrell Jones, Overweitea Food Group chief executive of-
Orchard Plaza Save-On-Foods is now the first Okanagan grocery store to sell B.C. VQA wine. An opening ceremony was held at the store last Thursday afternoon, with appearances by local MLAs Norm Letnick, Steve Thomson and Premier Christy Clark and other dignitaries. The ability for the grocery store to purchase a liquor license came through changes to B.C.’s liquor laws in 2014, which the premier described as common sense changes. “We’ve made common sense policy changes that are making it easier for British Columbians to
ficer.“We want to be able to provide a level of convenience for our customers right here in Kelowna, and across the province. SaveOn-Foods is proud to be bringing these choices to Kelowna.” As of Thursday, businesses can now bid on up to 18 more wine and grocery licenses, with the first successful bids able to open in April. The licenses are being auction ed by the province, and Clark noted the goals of providing more licenses are to provide shoppers with more convenience, create jobs and showcase B.C. wine while maintaining balance in the industry..
30 Day Job Board Let us bear the workload for you! Just one of the many reasons to call LocalWorkBC.ca for all your recruitment needs.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 24, 2016
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Seminar can help business owners improve bottom line MARKETING FROM A5 nalists to cover stories. Stephen Johnson is a master of Google search algorithms, pay-per-click campaigns and search engine optimization (SEO). He works behind the scenes to make marketing efforts stand out from the competition. Buzz, Affleck’s book, was released at the end of 2015 and covers tools and tips business owners need to launch and grow their companies. In it, Affleck describes his Buzz Formula—a marketing method he has honed over the years. It’s a formula he will share with participants in the Kelowna and Kamloops workshops. “Unlike other courses, these marketing bootcamps won’t take a generic, catchall approach,” Affleck said. “Before participants even set foot in the training room, we will evaluate their existing online presences—from websites to social media.” For companies and organizations without websites, the Curve team will explain why having an online presence is a necessary component to an effective marketing campaign. Business owners will learn how to manage their SEO, Google AdWords and Facebook advertising. “I’ll take participants on a tour of search engines and reveal how companies can profit from them,” Johnson said. Participants will discover how to create ads for print, radio, television and online formats, write compelling content and harness the power of email marketing while adhering to Canadian anti-spam laws. Curve has years of experience in media buying and will show workshop participants how to negotiate ad placement, create promotional campaigns, foster community relations, place corporate donations and develop strategic pitches for journalists. “I received countless pitches as a producer, but many of them lacked research and newsworthiness,” Bates said. “Journalists are busy and don’t have time to figure out what you’re trying to say. We know how to get their attention.”
Not only will bootcampers get all the advice they need to help their companies and organizations stand out
from the competition, they will receive a free copy of Buzz and an hour-long complimentary one-on-one session
with Affleck, Bates or Johnson. Lake Country Calendar is also partnering with Curve Communications
and will offer ad bundle discounts to all those who register for the marketing bootcamp. “We’re happy to sup-
port a training program that helps businesses in Kelowna and Kamloops flourish,” said Karen Hill, Lake Country Calendar
publisher. To register, contact Kerry Slater via email at kerry@bccommunitynews.com.
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Kelowna-Lake Country MP now heads national defence commitee
Kelowna-Lake Country MP Stephen Fuhr has been handed additional responsibilities in Ottawa. On Thursday the rookie Liberal MP was elected chairman of the powerful House of Common’s Standing Committee on National Defence. “It is an honour to be elected chair of the committee,” said Fuhr. “I look forward to working with my colleagues on issues of importance and providing meaningful input to the government on matters of defence.” The committee, made up of six Liberals, three Conservatives and an New Democrat MP, is a permanent parliamentary committee that reviews all matters pertaining to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces. In addition to examining and reporting on all matters referred to it by the House of Commons, the committee can also initiate its own studies per-
taining to Canada’s national defence. His election to head the standing committee comes as the Liberal government is set to change its role in the fight against ISIS, puling its fighter planes out of Iraq in favour of more Canadian military trainers on the ground to assist the Iraqis forces. Fuhr, a retired major in the Royal Canadian Air Force where he flew CF18 fighter planes, pulled off an upset win in October’s general election beating long-time incumbent Conserative Ron Cannan in riding thought by many to be a safe Tory seat. Prior to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau naming his first cabinet in November, Fuhr’s name was floated as a possible defence or veterans affairs minister, two of the posts he said he would be interested in taking on. In addition to electing Fuhr to head the standing committee on defence, two MP vice-chairs were also appointed—Conservative Cheryl Gallant and the NDP’s Randall Garrison.
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In the midst of a move to a new permanent location, the Lake Country Food Bank was vandalized and robbed sometime between last Saturday and Monday morning. When volunteers arrived for work after the weekend, they noticed one of the group’s storage sheds—used to store non-perishable food items—had its lock cut off and one of the freezers inside had been left open. A large volume of canned goods had been removed from the location. It was the first time the food bank had suffered a break in at the location, in the old Winfield Elementary School. “We know this was a very isolated incident,”
Saturday, March 12 7:30pm
10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country
said Lake Country Food Assistance Society board member Joy Haxton. “We have incredible community support but you get angry when you see this kind of thing. We’ve got a lot on our plate. “We’ve only got four days to complete our move and be ready for the next set of hampers. It was really lousy timing and very disappointing.” Haxton reported the incident to Lake Country RCMP who are investigating but she said they don’t have a lot to go on. There was trash left behind and it appeared a fire had been set outside one of the storage bins and she wasn’t sure if there was just one, or possibly two separate incidents. The area where the storage lockers are locat-
ed is hidden from public view on the nearby roads. The break-in occurred with the Lake Country Food Assistance Society set to hand out the last of its hampers from the old location. The group provides hampers on a monthly basis and will hand out this month’s hampers to people from its old location and in March will be fully moved in to the new building, near the Winfield Seniors Centre. “We’re doing great as far as the move is concerned,” said Haxton. “We have a large portion of our items, a lot of our canned goods already moved. But we have a lot in the sheds and that is where some of the items were stolen from.” Haxton said the actual food bank building wasn’t vandalized as they would have had to en-
ter through the school which has an alarm set up. She said the new location will be much better as the group won’t have to utilize outside storage sheds. “We have alarmed security and cameras at the new location and lights on all the time,” she said. “It’s exciting that we will be in the new building in two weeks. We still have food and orders coming in. It’s difficult to man two locations. It’s challenging but it’s pretty exciting.” If you want to help the Lake Country Food Assistance Society call 250766-0125. If you have information about the breakin at the food bank, you are asked to contact the RCMP at 250-7662288.
Parole hearing waived by Johnson-Bentley murderer
Food bank targeted by vandals
Family and friends of a West Kelowna family who were brutally murdered during a camping trip 34 years ago have been given a slight reprieve. David Ennis—who was previously known as David Shearing— waived his right to a parole hearing this year, and isn’t scheduled for another review until 2021. If Ennis applies for it, there could be another before that time. Ennis pleaded guilty to the August 1982 murders of six members of the Johnson-Bentley family in 1984 and was
sentenced to life in prison without chance of parole for 25 years. In 2012 he went through with a parole hearing, prompting members of the family to dredge up painful memories in order to keep Ennis behind bars. He waived his right to a hearing in 2014. Representatives of the family have said they will keep going to those hearings for as long as is necessary, despite the emotional and financial toll taken. It’s a vow that was reiterated this week. “We will continue this group as long as it takes to ensure he never
gets out of prison and perhaps the realization that he will never, ever get out is finally setting in,” wrote Tammy Arishenkoff, on the Facebook page dedicated to informing surviving friends and family of the details of the case. “I would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last eight years since the first hearing and who continue to support this endeavour each and every time. As they say, ‘it takes a village’ and this village made up of so many family, friends, community leaders, businesses, strangers and justice
seekers is strong and only growing stronger.” In August 1982 members of three generations of the Johnson and Bentley families were camping in Wells Gray Provincial Park. George and Edith Bentley, of Port Coquitlam, their daughter Jackie Johnson and her husband Bob, of Westbank, and their two daughters, 13-year-old Janet and 11-year-old Karen, were stalked by Ennis for at least two days before he went to the campsite and shot the four adults so that he could kidnap, torture and kill the two young girls.
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 24, 2016
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STUDENT SHOWCASE February 2016 On February 17 (Harmony Day in the district), students from the grade 5/6 class went on a field trip to the Global School House. Here they learned about the many challenges facing people in developing countries including the plight of refugees as well as the effects of disease. The Global School House is one way students at OTS learn global citizenship and cultural literacy. Other means include studying realistic fiction in small group “literature circles”, as well as the ongoing leadership initiatives of the students who attended “We
Day” in Vancouver earlier in the school year.
Oyama Traditional math 5 students learn to classify and measure angles by creating them on table tops. The challenge was to create as many angles using only 5 straight lines. The record was 34 angles including acute, right and obtuse angles.
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Volunteers needed for local events B A long established Okanagan volunteer group is looking for new members to help with events and initiatives in the Carr’s Landing ward of Lake Country. The Carr’s Landing Community & Recreation Association is the voice of Carr’s Landing with the purpose to preserve and enhance the amenities in the Carr’s Landing area. If you are a resident of Carr’s Landing, the Carr’s Landing Community & Recreation Association would love to hear from you. The group says they are faced with dwindling numbers, as busy lives, work pressure, and time poverty affect peoples’ spare time. The association has forthcoming events in the area this summer and they would like to hear from anyone willing and interested in helping out, as a volunteer or as an
organizer. Some projects could involve a small amount of time over a short period, others may take more time, over a longer period, but you can select the activity that most interests you, that fits with your personal available time, and with a commitment with which you feel comfortable. You may also see this as an opportunity to enlist your friends or neighbours to participate with you. The group has a strong and dedicated core group of members with more than 100 years of combined experience in the volunteer and community sector, but they need new membership and community involvement in order to continue to improve the quality of residents’ lives. “Community involvement plays
a huge part in improving the quality of life, helps knit communities n together, forges friendships, keeps e residents aware of local issues, re- n duces crime, and provides a sense D of personal satisfaction for volm unteers,” stated a release from the Carr’s Landing association. w The following opportunities t arise for anyone interested in help- a ing out or taking a lead in these O areas: t • Family themed events t • Recreation, amenities, cleanup,t hiking/dog walking groups t • Community/social t • Crime/neighbourhood watch c • Sponsorship and fundraising L • General volunteers a To express interest please sub- ( mit your contact details to carrs- n landingvolunteers@hotmail.com. a No past volunteer experience is necessary. p D t s t Kelowna International the new Airport Masto 3 p.m. Local residents the draft plan and proAirport (YLW) will ter Plan 2045 on Saturwill have the opportunity vide valuable feedback L host an open house for day, Feb. 27, from 11 a.m. to review key aspects of that will be considered in the development of the final master plan. “We know that decision-making processes are significantly improved on a local, regional and provincial scale when the public is included in solutions,” said We’re looking for photographs for our annual Sam Samaddar, airport Lake Country Calendar ‘2017 Calendar’! director. “We’re looking We’d like to fill the pages with local for citizens to participate in discussions, identify photography, taken by Lake Country residents, issues and provide criticor visitors, that have memorable shots they al input on the plan.” wish to share. Pictures should showcase the As the largest municipally owned and opercommunity, lifestyle, or ated airport in Canada, 13 M the wonderful scenery of C YLW serves 1.6 milLake Country. lion passengers annually, a 6.5 per cent increase We need at least 14 since 2013. photographs to fill the With such a high growth rate comes the pages of the calendar. need to plan for future Photos need to be growth requirements. r nda Cale at least 8” wide, full The new Master Plan will guide the decolour and have a velopment of YLW resolution of at least out to 2045, an instru300dpi. mental part of the drive for YLW become the Jpeg submissions may be sent to: sales@lakecountrynews.net best mid-sized airport in Teresa Huscroft-Brown, Advertising Representative 1.250.979.7329 North America.
Airport master plan seeks public input How to Prepare
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Photo Contributed by: Darlene Thiessen
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
A one-day marketing course to train you how to develop strategies that will build brand, build demand, and build business. Black Press Community News Media has invited the experts at Curve Communications to bring their bootcamp to Kelowna. Get valuable insight aimed at small- and mediumsized businesses, and learn public relations strategies as well as how to maximize marketing channels to help you create a high return on investment.
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* Each business participating will receive a $299 credit towards one of our popular business builder campaign packages!
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
19.Tokyo 39.Passed with currency flying colors 21.Greenish blue 40.Waiter’s need 22.Contented 41.Harness▼ CENTRAL OKANAGAN HERITAGE SOCIETY sound racing gait 23.Luxury suite 43.Chapter 24.Steal in history, perhaps 26.Young louse 45.Hoopla 28.Unseat Bob Hayes has been ers, and enthusiastically Kelowna and District 46.Tend the lawn named this years recipivolunteers29.Target for all manner Genealogical Society ent of the Central Okaof tasks. 31.Ump’s relativepublications about early 47.Chicago trains
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Bob Hayes receives heritage honour
nagan Heritage Society’s Hayes has also conburials in the Central Copyright © 2016, Penny Press significant maDistinguished Comtributed Okanagan. munity Service Award. terials to the archives of His campaign to write 27.Wash the 48.____ India ACROSS Hayes is credited the Lake Country Muthe biographies of all of Company floor Stallion’sexmate with 1. contributing seum. He is a descendant our WW1 and WW2 49.Spoil tensively to the culturof pioneer families and war casualties is strongly 5. Gremlin’s kin 30.Jars al life8.of Lighter the Central supported by the Okan ____ 31.Curved chest 50.Hero has collected journals, Okanagan, particularly photographs, maps and agan Military Museum, 51.Tinting air bone ANSWER TO PUZZLE 803Canadian through his commitment stories of those families, theNO. Royal agents baker Bob Hayes to the12.Bread Okanagan His- 32.Journey much which will become Legion and the Lake torical Society of (OHS), part of the museum colCountry Museum. 13.Body water 33.Still life, e.g. 52.Lunched brought huge value and 53.Plants seed the Kelowna and Dislection. When the Ellison 14.Eroded 34.Gathered credibility to the Lake trict Genealogical SoHayes continuing community wanted to Country Museum prociety15.Zilch (KDGS), and the 35.Started celebrate its centenDOWN comprehensive work on ject, the say dayoffcials through 16.Sieve Lake Country Heritcemeteries in the Central nial in a meaningful way, 1. Sun. follower his individual age and Cultural Society 36.Cow’s foot efforts and Okanagan is also critical Hayes took responsibil18.Quick 2. is Ms. Gardner his public profile. He (LCHCS), but also to 38.Enough to recording our heritage, ity for interviewing oldfarewells an active director, who 3. Lipsticksay museum officials. numerous ad hoc herittime residents and edit20.Request 39.Potent has played a significant color He and his team con- ing the publication, The age committees. urgentlyis suprole on the constitution particles The LCHCS First 100 Years of Elli4. Makestinue to discover and reand lecture committees. ported financially cord dozens of graves in son School and District, 21.Fall fruitsby the 41.Like a possible He volunteers frequentDistrict of Lake Counlocal graveyards and also incorporating the interskyscraper 24.Depend 5. Road turns try in its efforts to build a ly to staff the museum, isolated burials. views. 25.Elizabeth 6. Allows Hayes is writing short writes forcars the Museum signifi cant cultural insti- 42.Squad His work with the Victoria blog, edits articles 7. writ____ and tution inor Lake Country. 44.Weak, biographies about these PUZZLE ANSWERS CROSSWORD ten USE AMERICAN As26.Drift directoroff of the which SPELLING wide pioneer residents, as by an others, excuseintroduces and thanks guest speakSEE HAYES A12 LCHCS, Hayes has will be included in the
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COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•LAKE COUNTRY FOOD ASSISTANCE SOCIETY - Annual General Meeting., Sat., March 5, 10am, Boys and Girls Club, Lake Country. •OLD AGE PENSIONER’S ORGANIZATION COMMUNITY - Bingo Thurs., Feb. 25 at Winfield Senior Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Doors open 6pm, games start 7pm. Open concession, raffle, 50/50, draw lord & lady game, everyone welcome. •LAKE COUNTRY’S GOT TALENT? - Fashion and Talent show on Sat. Mar.5th-7pm at Winfield United Church. Sponsored by the Thrift Shop. Tickets $10.00- available at the church office or Thrift Shop. Refreshments and door prizes. •LC SENIORS BUS SCHEDULE - Sat. Feb 27 Vernon Halina breakfast, shopping. To reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250-877-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LAKE COUNTRY OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, and sturdy boots for hiking. For information about our club, please contact: lakecountryoutdoorsclub@gmail.com •LOOKING TO VOLUNTEER IN YOUR COMMUNITY? Wanting to make a difference in someone’s life? Then call Lake Country Health Planning Society at 778-215-5247! We have many different opportunities available. Office hours Mon-Thurs, 10am-2pm. •LAKE COUNTRY HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY Proudly offers the Better At Home program for seniors aged 65+. If you are a senior who could benefit from non-medical supports to help maintain your independence at home, call our office 778-215-5247. All calls confidential. Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTER - Osteofit-Seniors fall prevention program. Tuesday’s 3:30-4:30. Osteofit is a safe and appropriate fitness program for ALL seniors whose goal is to build bone and muscle mass, increase balance and prevent falls. Try a free class and see if it is a fit for you! 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. •LAKE COUNTRY SCI-FI BOOK CLUB - 3rd Wednesday of each month. March 16 & April 20. Bring a list of five books you’d like to read. Lake Country Branch-Okanagan Regional Library, #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Be prepared to talk about your favourite book of all time. •BABYTIME - (newborn to 18 months) Fri. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 13. Join us for songs, rhymes & giggly fun! Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •STORYTIME - (recommended for ages 5 & under) Sat. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 14. Caregivers & little ones join us for stories, songs, puppets & more. Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •LEGO BUILDERS CLUB - (ages 6-12) Wed. afternoons 3:30-4:30 pm, Feb 24, March 23, April 27. See what creations you can build with our Lego! Free. Registration required & begins 2 weeks before the program date. 250-766-3141 •LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY ADULT PROGRAMS - Book Chat Sat. Mar 12 & Apr 9 at 2:30pm. Knitting Circle Thurs. afternoons until March 31. Programs are free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141.
27.Canvas cover 28.Tango total 31.Paid notices 32.Goodygoodies 33.Body joint 34.Sopping 35.Fishing cord 36.“____ Misbehavin’ ” 37.Leading ladies 39.Run at full speed 43.Liable 44.Warmth 45.Meadow munchers 48.Splash gently
51.Edge of a roof 52.Exclusive 53.Make a blunder ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 805 54.Derive 55.Narrated 56.Earth’s upper atmosphere
DOWN 1. Zoo attraction 2. Sunbeam 3. Most transparent 4. Walks in water 5. Ill-humor
•ANGEL AWARD TALENT SHOW - June 25. Looking for talent between ages 10 & 25. In support for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Competition now open. Late registration fees are applicable-don’t delay! One live audition day March 2016 – register now at Creekside Theatre. info@angelaward.ca, website: www.angelaward.ca •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Ballroom Dancing class on Wednesdays 6-8pm. Call 250-766-4220 for more info •ADULT BOOK CLUB - Join Rita on the first Tues. of each month at 7pm for a lively discussion of each month’s title. Copies of each title will be available in the library. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIOR CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is open Mon.-Fri. 10am-2pm to answer questions about seniors’ issues. We are in need of volunteers to do odd jobs. Our next event: Prime Time is held on the first & third Monday of the month - call Joanne at 250-766-0667. Have a plaque installed on the Memorial Wall for $20. This is a great place to share with loved ones. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. •BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. - Taoist Tai Chi® at the Oyama Community Hall at 6:30pm. For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9. Take home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. Winter hours: Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am-4pm. •LC FOOD BANK - has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Visit the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130. •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •LC LINE DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer2@gmail.com for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at www.lakecountryhealth.ca •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247.
Calendar Lake Countr y
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Hayes long list of heritage contributions recognized with award THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2016
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Hearts”” SportsCentre SC Top 10 SportsCentre Hockey SC Top ” 10 SC Top Motoring TV ” 10 SC Top 10 Lumberjacks SportsCentre 2016 ” Scotties SportsCentre ” Tournament of Hearts: Hearts: SportsCentre of Draw 15 16 ” Draw
”” SportsCentre SportsCentre
The View Ellen DeGeneres ”Show The Dr. Marilyn The Oz Denis Show Show
Bookaboo The Price Is Grand Bold Daniel Tiger ThisMinute Right Designs Best Young & BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Stefano Restless ” Judge Judy
CTV CTV News News Vancouver Vancouver
CBC News Dragons’ Network Den
KIRO KIRO News News KIRO ”News The Social Heartland The Talk CTV News CBC VanKIRO News ” ” Vancouver couver” News CBS News Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife Grey’s 22 Minutes The Insider ” Mysteries ” Anatomy Coronation Ent. Tonight The Meredith Ellen DeGeGrand Bold Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Elementary Big Bang The Nature Big Bang Vieira ”Show neres Designs ThisMinute Debt/Part Tiger Right DC’s ”Show Daniel of Things Life in Young & Ray The Dr. Oz BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Rachael Marilyn Best Young & The Blacklist Legends Firsthand Mom Restless Show ” Judge Judy ” Denis Show Stefano Restless Goldbergs ” Broke Girl News CTV News Dragons’ KIRO News Noon News CBC News Shades of Get Away The National Elementary Den ” KIRO ”News Hour Vancouver Blue ” With Murder Network Hour CTVSocial News VanDays our The Heartland The Talk News of Final News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News CHBC News News--11:30 Vancouver couver” News Late CBS ShowNews Late ShowCoronation Lives ” ” Ent. Talk Tonight Dr. Grey’s 22 Minutes The Insider Colbert Daily Show Murdoch Rick Mercer FABLife Colbert The Phil Anatomy Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Corden 22 Minutes Corden ” ” Mysteries ” Elementary Big Bang The Nature Big The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand BoldBang DC’s Show Designs of Things Life in Vieira ”Show neres ThisMinute
” Hockey ” 10 SC Top SportsCentre SC Top 10 2016 ”
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Legends The Dr. Oz Goldbergs Show Get Away CTV News With Murder Vancouver
” Elementary SportsCentre ”
Big Bang DC’s
” ”
NHL’s”Best Premier ”
The Nature of Things
Big Bang Life in
Firsthand ”
Mom Broke Girl
Boj Doozers Steve The View The PAW Patrol Patrol Harvey ” PAW Monkey See KOMO Mister Maker KOMO 4 4 Bucket-Dino News Creative News
League NHL Darts Hockey: World Patrol Wild atPoker PAW Dino Dan Tour Kate and Flyers Wild Kratts Days of our World ”Poker The Ruf-Tweet News Hour Polar Lives ” Tour Tumble Leaf Canucks Sea The Talk Tim and Sid Waterfront Maya Ent. Tonight NHL ” ” Curious ET Canada Hockey: Cities The Meredith NHL’s ”Best The Doozers Sugar Elementary Senators at Boj Joanna Vieira ”Show Premier ” Debt/Part PAW Patrol Canucks Lumley’s Noon News Early News Hour Nat. Global
Ent. Talk Tonight Colbert The ET Canada ” Elementary The Meredith Vieira ”Show The Blacklist Young & ” Restless Shades of Early News Blue Nat. Global GlobalHour News News Late Show”
NHLand Sid Sportsnet Tim Hockey: Central ” Senators at ” Canucks ” NHL ” Sportsnet Hockey: Sportsnet Wild at Central Flyers
Elementary ”
Senators at Canucks
The Blacklist ” ” Sportsnet
Waterfront New York Maya Cities ” Curious
Global News Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
Sportsnet Darts Central ” Sportsnet Darts Central ”
SC 2016
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Network
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
World Poker PAW Patrol Tour Kate and
Scotties Days of our Tournament Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
of Hearts: The Talk Tiebreaker 1 ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
FABLife ”
The Talk ”
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Ellen DeGeThe View neres ”Show The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver CTVSocial News The Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ” The Amazing Ellen DeGeRace The View neres Show ”Tank Shark The Dr. Oz ” The Marilyn Show Denis Show Blue Bloods CTV News ” CTV News Vancouver Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 The Social Vancouver
Grand Bookaboo Designs Daniel Tiger BondiRecipes Vet Best ” Stefano
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless
Dragons’ CBC News Den Network CBC VanHeartland couver” News
KIRO KIRO News News KIRO ”News
The Meredith Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Ray Rachael Restless ” Early News Noon News Global Hour Nat.
” ”
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Vancouver Big Bang ET Canada Corden Ent. Tonight etalk ET Canada Big Bang
” Telenovela SportsCentre Superstore
SportsCentre ” Hockey SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” 2016
News Hour Days of our Lives ” Ent. Tonight The Talk ET Canada ” Telenovela The Meredith Superstore Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Hawaii FiveYoung & 0 Rachael Ray Restless ” Blue Rookie Early News ” Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour Global News News Hour Late ShowDays of ” our ” ” Lives Backstage Rick Mercer Colbert The Insider Colbert Ent. Tonight 22 Minutes Corden ET Murdoch FABLife Talk Coronation Ent. Tonight The ET Canada Canada Mysteries ” ” marketplace The Amazing Telenovela Grand” Bold The Meredith Race Superstore Designs ThisMinute Vieira the fifth Hawaii Five- HawaiiShow Fiveestate Vet 0 0 Bondi Judge Judy Young & ” Judge Judy Restless The National Blue Bloods Rookie Blue ” ” Dragons’ KIRO ”News Early News Den KIRO CBC News KIRO News News Global Global Nat. News
Late ShowNews Hour ” Colbert
The First 48 ”
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The First 48 ”
Gags Gags
A&E 1
The National Fast N’ Loud ” ”
Nightly Days our Newsof News News Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” You, and Ellen Me DeGe” neres Show
Doc Martin Martin Doc ”” Mercy Street World News ” Business
HowBang I Met Big Cougar Big Bang
Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang The Middle Movie: Payne “Sky High” ” Browns Extreme ” Weight” Loss Payne” Paid Prog. Browns ” Seinfeld Paid Prog. There Yet? ” Seinfeld
American Idol
Fat Chance ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
A Place to Call Home
You, Me and ”
My 600-Lb. Life
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Doc Martin ”
The Blacklist ”
MikeMen Two Two Fam Men Mod
” ”
The Blacklist KING 5 ” 4 News at Shades KING 5 of Blue at 5 News Rick Steves Nightly News News PBS Europe Tonight NewsHour News Marathon Show Old House News ” Seth Meyers Old House Evening
The National CBC News ” Network The With Carole Exchange MacNeil
Gold Rush Mighty” Cruise Ships How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Mike Steve Two Men Harvey How I Met Family Feud Cougar Family Feud
” Say Yes ” Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes
Browns Judge Payne Judge Browns Divorce There Yet? Divorce
Rick Steves Sesame St. Europe Peg Plus Cat Marathon Dinosaur ” Dinosaur
News Today Tonight ” Show New Meyers Day Seth Northwest
The Chew ”
The First 48 ”
Nerds Squirrel
CBC News Network
Fast N’ Loud Crime Watch Say Yes ” Daily Say Yes
Millionaire Millionaire
Super Why! Thomas
KING 5 News
World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
With Andrew Vegas Rat Nichols Rods
21 Day Fix Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the
Days of our Lives
Tim and Sid ”
Maya Curious
The First 48 ”
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
Gold Rush ”
Cooker The Office
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Curious Curious
Dr. Phil ”
Darts ” ”” Hockey: Darts NHL Alumni: ” DetroitPoker vs. World Colorado Tour World ”Poker Sportsnet Tour Central Tim and Sid NHL ” Hockey: ” Sabres Darts ” at ” Sharks Hockey: ” Darts NHL Alumni: ” Sportsnet Detroit vs. Central World Poker Colorado Tour Sportsnet ” Central World Poker Sportsnet Tour Sportsnet Central Central Tim NHLand Sid
The Boj Doozers PAW PAW Patrol Patrol Mister Maker Monkey See Creative Bucket-Dino
Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 News News Seattle
The First 48 Criminal Minds” Duck D. Criminal Duck D. Minds
” CBC News ” Network The With Carole Exchange MacNeil
How/Made Mighty How/Made Cruise Ships Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made
Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Divorce
Masterpiece Sesame St. Classic Peg Plus Cat ” Dinosaur Antiques Dinosaur
Ellen DeGeToday neres ”Show KINGDay 5 New News at 4 Northwest
News DuckFirst D. 48 The Chew The World ”News Duck D. ” KOMO 4 DuckFirst D. 48 General The News Duck D. Hospital ” Wheel The Doctors Jep The First 48 Jeopardy! Jep ” ” Last Man DuckFirst D. 48 Steve The Dr. Ken Duck D. The View Criminal Harvey ” ”Tank Minds Shark Duck KOMO 4 Duck D. D. Duck D. D. News ” Criminal Duck Seattle Minds 20/20 Duck News Duck D. D. ”News The Duck D. The Chew World DuckFirst D. 48 ” ” News Jep KOMO 4 Duck D. Jimmy Jep General The News DuckFirst D. 48
Fish SteveOil Zoo Clues Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud RaisingFeud Family Mike Crime Watch Anger Daily Two Men 21 Day Fix Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Cooker Big TheBang Office Sleepy Fish Oil Hollow Steve Zoo Clues Harvey Second Paid Prog. ChanceFeud Family Raising Family Feud News Mike Mod Fam Crime Watch Anger Daily Mike Two Men Two Men 21 Day Fix Mod Fam
Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say
Dino PAW Dan Patrol Wild Kate Kratts and Waterfront Ruf-Tweet Cities Tumble Leaf Island Maya Escape Curious Last Doozers Tango The in Halifax Boj PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Vera Mister Maker ” See Monkey Creative Bucket-Dino ” Dino Dan ” PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Kate and Landscape Waterfront Revealed Ruf-Tweet Cities
Sidekick Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel SpongeBob Almost SpongeBob Sidekick Thunder Wayside Movie: Kid vs. Kat “Ever After: Sidekick A Cinderella Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat Story” SpongeBob ”A Rated SpongeBob Rated A Assembly SpongeBob Max Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel Gags SpongeBob Gags Almost SpongeBob
Movie: Millionaire “Bad Boys Millionaire
KING KING 5 5 News News at 5 Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” Caught on Ellen DeGeCamera Today neres Show ” Dateline KING 5 NBC New NewsDay at 4 Northwest KING ”5 ” KING News 5at 5 News News News Nightly Tonight Days of our News Cat the Lives 70 --inLive Show Washington News Wheat Seth Meyers Curious Phil CharlieBelly Rose Dr. Evening Curious ” Father Caught on Masterpiece Ellen DeGeBrown Camera Classic neres Show Luther Dateline NBC 5 ”” KING Antiques In Perform- News at ” 4
” Hockey: ” at Sabres ” Sharks
KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
A&E 1
Tumble Leaf Hospital Last Tango Kimmel Island Wheel Live in Halifax Nightline Maya The Doctors Escape Jeopardy! Curious ” Last Tango Last Man The Doozers Steve in Halifax Dr. Ken PAW Patrol Harvey Vera Shark Tank
” Duck Jep D. Duck D. 48 The Jep First ” Duck D. The DuckFirst D. 48 ” Duck D.
” Hockey: Mister”Maker NHL Alumni: Creative Sportsnet ” Centralvs. ” Detroit Dino Dan Colorado Wild Kratts Sportsnet Landscape Central ”
Hockey: Sabres at
KOMO” 4 News 20/20
Duck D. Duck Duck D. D.
Duck D. Jep Jep
Cinderella Thunder Movie:
Last Tango in Halifax
Last Man Dr. Ken
Duck D. Duck D.
“Ever After: The National Mayday A Cinderella ” ”
Shark Tank KNOW KOMO ” ” * ` ” 20/20
” Born-Explore News Sea Rescue Jimmy Wildlife Docs Kimmel Live Rock-Park Nightline Cougar Crimes
Say Say Yes Yes to the Say Yes Say Say Yes: Yes ATL Say Yes Love; Lust Say Yes First Swipe Say Yes
TLC < Say Yes:
Say Yes ATL Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Love; Lust Say Yes FirstYes Swipe Say Say Yes Say Yes to Say Say Yes Yes to the Say the Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes: Say Yes Say ATL Yes Say Yes Paid Love;Prog. Lust Paid Prog. Say FirstYes Swipe
World Super News Why! Business Thomas II” Crime Watch PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Daily ” Cat in the ” Washington King Curious Seinfeld Charlie King CuriousRose Family Guy Masterpiece Father Mod Fam Amer. Dad Brown Judge Sesame Mod Fam Classic St. Judge Plus Cat Family Guy Peg Luther Big Bang ” Amer. Dad ” Divorce Dinosaur Big Bang Antiques Divorce The Middle Dinosaur In PerformMovie: World News Payne ance... Millionaire Super Why! “Bad Boys Business Millionaire Thomas Browns Eric Clapton: II” PBS Payne”Watch Sesame Slowhand Crime St.at NewsHour
Daily Movie:” “Sex Drive” King Seinfeld
Say Yes Say Yes: Say ATL Yes Say Yes Love; Lust
King Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam Family Guy
FirstYes Swipe Say Say Say Yes Yes to
Amer. Dad Big Bang Big TheBang Middle
the Yes to Say the Say Yes
Payne Movie: “Bad Boys Browns
Two Men Men Two Mod How Fam I Met
Say Yes: Yes Say ATL Paid Prog.
Payne II” Movie:”
ance...News KING 5 ” World Business Eric Clapton: News News at 5 Slowhand at Nightly TonightNews PBS NewsHour News 70 -- Live Show
Cougar Big Bang Big Bang
Paid Prog. Love; Lust First Swipe
“Sex Drive” ” Seinfeld
Wheat Belly News Seth Meyers Washington Charlie Rose Evening
Sleepy Hollow
Say Yes: ATL
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Father Brown
Caught on Camera
Story” ”
The National Highway ” Thru Hell
Second Chance
Love; Lust First Swipe
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Luther ”
Dateline NBC
Assembly Max Harvey Gags Pig Goat Gags Turtles EverSpongeBob Cinderella Movie: “Ever After:
CBC News ” CBC News The CBCNational News ” Network The With Asha Exchange Tomlinson ”
News Mod Fam Paid Prog. Mike Tip-Off Two Men College How I Met Basketball: Cougar Villanova at Marquette
Say Yes to the Untold StoSay Yes ries of ER Say Yes Untold StoPaid Prog. ries of ER Paid Prog. Untold Stories of ER
The Middle Payne Break Browns Seinfeld Payne Movie: Movie: “Now You “Sex Drive” See Me” ”
In Performance... Odd Squad Eric Clapton: Arthur Slowhand at On the 70 -- Live Psychiatrist’s Wheat Belly Couch-Amen Skinny Gut
” English PreNews mier League Tonight Soccer Show Goal Zone Seth Meyers PGA Tour Golf: Honda
A Cinderella Story”
A&E 1
Our Part World of X Cosmic Vista Games
The First 48 ”
Third Round Pittsburgh ” Penguins
Canada ”
The First 48 ”
” Hockey SportsCentre ” SC Top 10 Open ”Gym ” Open Gym 2016 ” 2016 Scotties Scotties Tournament Tournament of Hearts: of Hearts Semifinal ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Hockey ” SC Top ” 10 Open Gym ” SportsCentre Open ”Gym 2016 SportsCentre ” Scotties ” 2016 Tournament SportsCentre Scotties of Hearts: ” Tournament Semifinal
Ice Pilots Fish’n NWT Real Fishing Decoding Powerboat the Ancients Driving TV Moves News News CHBC PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: Honda CHBC News Classic, 16x9 Third Round ” ” Movie: IceJob Pilots “A to NWT Fish’n Kill For” Decoding Real Fishing ” the Ancients Powerboat True Crime Moves TV Scene Driving CHBC News News Final Global Nat. Saturday PGA Tour CHBC News Night Honda Live Golf: 16x9 ” Classic, ”
Inspectors College Dr. Chris-Vet Basketball Changers College Sports Stars Basketball: KIRO News Oklahoma KIRO Newsat Texas CBS News College KIRO News Basketball: Ent. Tonight Kentucky at ” Vanderbilt NCIS: New Inspectors Orleans Dr. Chris-Vet College NCIS Changers Basketball ” Sports Stars College 48 Hours KIRO ”News Basketball: KIRO News KIRO News Oklahoma at CBS News Scandal Texas KIRO News ” College Ent. Tonight Star Trek II Basketball: ”
Ice Pilots Fish’n NWT Real Fishing Decoding Powerboat the Ancients Driving TV Moves News Global Nat. PGA Tour News Hour Golf: Honda ” Classic, 16x9 Third Round ” ” Movie: IceJob Pilots “A to NWT Fish’n Kill For” Decoding Real Fishing ” the Ancients Powerboat True Crime Moves TV Scene Driving Global Nat. News Final NewsTour Hour Saturday PGA ” NightHonda Live Golf: 16x9 ” Classic, ”
Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts Nat’l Doki Geographic Creative Joanna Animals Lumley’s Animals Hope for Our Part Wildlife Cosmic Vista BattleCanada Elephant ” Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Wild Kratts Foyle’s War Nat’l Kratts Wild ” Geographic Doki ” Joanna ” Creative Lumley’s Waterfront Animals Hope for Cities Animals Wildlife Foyle’s Our PartWar Battle-” Vista Cosmic Elephant
” Disaster The National Jade Fever Jade Fever The ” Mayday Exchange ” Air CBC News Mayday: ” Disaster
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Duck D. Duck D.
Golf: Honda Classic,
Ice Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue KOMO 4 Wildlife News Docs Rock-Park NBA Cougar NBA Crimes Basketball: World of X Warriors at Games Thunder Shall We ” Dance on News Ice Seattle ” Born-Explore Wheel KOMO 4 Sea Rescue Jeopardy! News Wildlife Castle Docs NBA ” Rock-Park NBA News Cougar Basketball: Paid Prog. Crimes Warriors at Paid Prog. World of X Thunder Crimes Games ”
Gags SpongeBob SpongeBob Ever-
Duck D. Duck D. Monster in Jep My Family Jep Monster in Duck D. My Family Duck D. Monster in My Family
Kentucky at Vanderbilt
KNOW Shall KOMO We Dance on * `
Alaskan Fast N’ Loud Bush People ” The Jade Fever WithNational Andrew Vegas Rat ” Jade Nichols Rods Fever CBC News Mayday: Air Power & Gold Rush ” Disaster Politics ” The National Mayday ” How/Made ” CBC News Mighty ”” How/Made Network Cruise Ships The National Highway The Daily Planet ” Thru Hell With Carole How/Made Exchange ” MacNeil How/Made CBC Alaskan CBC News News Alaskan ”” Bush People CBC News Fast Loud BushN’ People Network ” Air The National Mayday: The National Jade Fever ”” Disaster With Andrew Vegas Rat Jade Fever Sidekick Nichols Rods Family Feud EverThe Mayday I Met Thunder CBC News Mayday: Air How Big Bang Cinderella Exchange ” Cougar Wayside Power Gold Rush Cooker Movie: ”& Disaster Big Bang Kid vs. Kat Politics ” The Office “Ever After: The National Mayday Sleepy Sidekick ” How/Made Fish Oil A Cinderella ” Hollow Chucks ” How/Made Zoo Clues Story” The National Highway Second ” Thru Hell Chance SpongeBob The ” Daily Planet Paid Prog. SpongeBob Exchange ” Raising Assembly CBC News Alaskan News Max ” Bush People Mike Mod Fam SpongeBob CBC News Alaskan SpongeBob ” Bush People Gags The National Mayday: Air Anger Mike
CBC CBC News News ” Network
Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
College Basketball:
in Halifax Island Escape
Third Round Canada’s Diving ” Worst Driver ”
Sportsnet English PreCentral mier League Misplays Soccer Plays/Month Matchday NHL NHL Hockey: Hockey: Detroit Red Winnipeg Wings at Jets at Colorado Pittsburgh Avalanche Penguins Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central English MisplaysPreMisplays mier League NHL’s Best Plays/Month Soccer Sportsnet NHL Central Matchday Hockey: Sportsnet NHL Detroit Red Central Hockey: Wings at Sportsnet Winnipeg Colorado Central Jets at Avalanche
Revealed Waterfront Cities Last Tango
of Hearts ”
News ” Duck D. World News News Duck Jep D. Jimmy 4 Jep D. KOMO Duck News Kimmel Live Duck Duck D. D.
Winnipeg Jets at
A&E 1
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The National Speed Hockey Skating NHL Bobsledding Hockey: and Skeleton Toronto Figure Maple Leafs Skating at Montreal ” Canadiens ” NHL Diving Hockey: ” Ottawa The National Senators at Hockey Speed Calgary NHL Skating Flames Hockey: Bobsledding Post Show Toronto CBC News and Skeleton Maple Leafs The Tudors Figure at Montreal ” Skating Canadiens Dragons’ ” NHL ” Den Hockey:
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Doc Martin Martin Dinosaur Doc ”” Dinosaur World News Super Mercy Why! Street Business Thomas ” ”Watch Sesame PBS Steves Crime St. Browns Rick NewsHour Payne” Europe Daily Cat in the Seinfeld Old House Browns Marathon King Curious Seinfeld Old House There Yet? Curious ” King Family Guy A Place to Mod Fam Aging Amer. Dad Call Home Mod Fam Backwards
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News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle
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Blue Bloods ” College KIRO News Basketball Late ShowCollege Colbert Basketball: Corden Oklahoma at Texas
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Extreme The Middle Weight Loss Payne
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News Mod Fam
The National ” Speed CBC News Skating Coronation Bobsledding Backstage and Skeleton 22 Minutes Figure Skating
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CBC News ”
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Blue Bloods ” The Marilyn News-Lisa Denis Show News--11:30 It Is Written Big Bang etalk Corden SportsCentre ”
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The First 48: Haunting Detective Haunting
Sportsnet Sportsnet ET Canada Ent. Tonight Central ET Canada NHL
The Amazing marketplace The Amazing Telenovela Race ” Race Superstore
Scandal ”
KIRO News The Price Is Late ShowRight Colbert Young & Corden Restless
A&E 1
Wheel Kimmel Live The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” Grey’s Steve Anatomy Harvey
KNOW KOMO ” Get Away ” With Murder * `
CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Daniel Tiger Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano
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With The Carole MacNeil Exchange CBC CBC News News Network ” WithNational Andrew The Nichols ” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” CBC News The National ”” Network The National With Carole The Exchange MacNeil ” CBC News News CBC Network ”
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News Final Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
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The The First First 48 48 ””
Joanna Lumley’s
SportsCentre Hearts” SC Top 10 SportsCentre SC Top ” 10 SC
KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” The Insider FABLife Ent. Tonight ” The BoldAmazing Race The Price ThisMinuteIs Right Hawaii FiveJudge Judy 0 Young & Judge Judy Restless Blue KIROBloods News KIRO ”News ”News KIRO KIRO News Late ShowThe CBSTalk News
SteveIt Up! Cize Harvey Pets.TV
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Rick Mercer Murdoch Coronation Mysteries marketplace Grand ” Bookaboo Designs Daniel Tiger the fifth Bondi Vet estate Best Recipes ” Stefano The National Dragons’ ” CBC Den News Network CBC CBC News VanCoronation Heartland couver News
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New York Waterfront Cities ”
Shades of Blue
News Hour Days of our CHBC Lives News Ent. Tonight The Talk ET Canada ” Telenovela The Meredith Superstore Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Hawaii FiveYoung & 0 Rachael Ray Restless ” Rookie News Blue ” Noon News ” Hour News News Final Hour Late ShowDays ofNews our CHBC Tournament Lives ” SportsCentre Colbert of Hearts Ent. Tonight Big etalkBang ET Corden of Hearts: The Talk Dr. ”” ET Canada Canada Big Phil Bang Tiebreaker 1 ” ” ” Telenovela The Amazing ” The Meredith Ellen SportsCentre Superstore Race DeGeSportsCentre Vieira Show neres ” Hawaii Five- Shark Show Tank ” 0 ” Oz Hockey Young & The Dr. SC Top 10 Restless SportsCentre Rookie Blue Show Blue Bloods
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Get Away The National Elementary With Murder ” ”
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Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds
The First First 48 48: Wayside 100 Things CBC News Just Kidding Power The The & Detective Stanley Dyn. Politics ” Just Kidding Exchange ” Kid vs. Kat The First 48 Just Kidding The National The First 48 Sidekick ” Just Kidding ”” Nerds ”” Scandal4 The First First 48 48 SpongeBob Gags The National KOMO The The ” ” Gags ” News ” SpongeBob Exchange Get Away The First First 48 48: SpongeBob Haunting CBC News News News The CBC With Murder Haunting World News Detective ” SpongeBob ”” News 4 The First First 48: 48: Assembly Gags The National National KOMO The The Jimmy Detective Gags Ricky News Detective Nicky, ””
Joanna The Doozers Lumley’s PAW Patrol New York Mister Maker ” Creative ” Dino Dan ” Wild Kratts
SportsCentre Shades of ” Blue
The Meredith Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Ray Rachael Restless ” News Noon News Hour ”
The Chew News World ”News General KOMO 4 Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy!
Criminal The First 48 Minds” Criminal The First 48 Minds”
Almost Assembly Sidekick Nicky, Ricky Wayside 100 Things Kid vs. Kat Stanley Dyn. Steve The First 48 Sidekick The View Criminal Wayside Grey’s The First 48 Just Kidding Harvey Nerds ” Minds ”” Kid Kat Anatomy Justvs. Kidding Young & Ray League NHL ” Mister Maker The First First 48 48 Rated SpongeBob Rachael Monkey See KOMO Criminal A The Blacklist New York Scandal4 The Gags Restless Hockey: Creative ” SpongeBob ” Darts Bucket-Dino News Minds Rated A Sportsnet ” ” ” Gags Early News Wild atPoker PAW Dino Dan News The First First 48: 48 Chucks SpongeBob Noon World Patrol The Chew Shades of Sportsnet ” Get Away The Haunting Global Nat. Tour Flyers Wild Kratts WorldMurder SpongeBob Hour Kate and ”News Detective ” Squirrel Blue Central ” With Haunting Newsof Hour ”Poker Ruf-Tweet The Polar KOMO 4 Assembly Days our World General The First 48 With Andrew Global News Sportsnet Waterfront News 48: Almost Gags The National ” Canucks Sea News Nicky, Ricky Nichols Late ShowCentral Cities Jimmy Detective Gags ” Lives Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital ” Sidekick
Mom Judy Judge Broke Girl Judge Judy Elementary KIRO News KIRO ”News News-Lisa CBC VanNews KIRO News News Sportsnet CTV News CBC KIRO ” News--11:30 couver Coronation Late ShowCentral Vancouver News CBS News Canucks Daily Show 22 Rick Mercer The Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Grey’s Minutes Insider Ent. Tonight NHL Corden 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Canada Hockey: Central Anatomy Coronation Ent. Tonight ET
The Blacklist Legends ” Goldbergs
Firsthand Bondi Vet ”” The National Dragons’ Den ”
Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless
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A&E 1
YTV ” Assembly 6
Assembly Harvey Assembly Pig Goat Max Turtles Max SpongeBob Max Movie: Max “Ever After: Assembly A Cinderella Stanley Dyn. Story” Max ” Assembly Assembly Movie: Assembly “Fantastic Assembly Harvey Mr. Fox” MaxGoat Pig ” Max Turtles Assembly Max Assembly SpongeBob Max Gags Movie: Assembly Gags “Ever After: Stanley Dyn. Fantastic Mr. A Cinderella Max Fox Story” Assembly
” ”
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The National Telescope Issue ”
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Untold Stories of ER
“Scary Movie 3”
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The National CBC News Mansbridge CBC News marketplace Network ” With Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National Black ” ” Movie: The National “The Look Issue of Silence” The National Issue Mansbridge CBC News The National marketplace CBC News Mansbridge ” Network Movie: the fifth “The Look With Asha estate of Silence” Tomlinson The National Issue ” Black The National ” Movie:” Mansbridge “The Look
Stanford Paid Paid Prog. Prog. Tip-Off Bones College ” Basketball: Mike Villanova at Mike Marquette Two Men Hoops Big Bang College Two Men Basketball: Big Bang UCLA at Rosewood Stanford ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Lucifer Bones Tip-Off” ” College News Mike Wanted Basketball: Mike Animationat Villanova Two Men Domination Marquette Big Bang Person of Hoops Two Men Interest College Big Bang
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Alaskan Hoops Bush People College
How/Made 140th How/Made Westminster Alaska: The Kennel Club Last Frontier Dog Show Gold Rush Railroad ” Alaska Moonshiners Alaskan ” Bush People Vegas Rat Telescope Rods ” Fast N’ Loud How/Made ” How/Made 140th Moonshiners Alaska: Westminster ” The Last Frontier Kennel Club Vegas Rat GoldShow Rush Rods Dog ” Gold Rush Railroad Moonshiners ” Alaska ” Buying Al. Alaskan Vegas Rat Buying Al. Bush People Rods
KING ” ” P
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cont’d” ” Hoarders Series: Prog. Beyond 2016 Folds Paid CHBC News “Pretty The Oscars Stefano “Peter Pan” Basketball: KIRO News ” of Honor News Land & at News OHL Dogs T. McCarver Scared Scotties Global Nat. Woman” ” ” Sea Duke CBS News News Hour Vancouver Warships ” Hoarders Quiktrip 500 PGA Tour ”” Mansbridge Pittsburgh Hockey: Dogs/Jobs Seattle Straight Tournament CHBC News ” KIRO News PGA Tour ” Canucks ” ” ” ” Golf: Honda ” Our College Golf: Honda Erie Otters Hope for Road to Beyond of Hearts: First Dates ” ” 60 Minutes First Dates Sportsnet Quest-Maya ” Intervention ” Classic, Final Celebrity Vancouver Basketball: Classic, Final at Niagara Wildlife Gold: A Year Scared Final Security ” Gags ” Security NHL Hockey ” ” ” SportsCentre Round MasterChef Speed Iowa at Ohio Round IceDogs Architects of On the Red Beyond ” Madam ” Hello Madam Madam ” Inspector ” The First 48 SC Top 10 ” Canada Skating State ” Sportsnet Change Carpet at Scared SportsCentre Secretary TBA Mr. D Secretary Secretary ” Morse On the Red ” NASCAR Block etalk-Oscar Coronation Paid Bull Riding Block NHL Wild Kratts FullOscars Measure Hoarders Movie SportsCentre Engels etalk at The Diving Prog. Engels Central Gala From the ” The Good To Be Winnipeg The The Good Sportsnet ” Carpet After Hoarders Racing: Lorna Dueck Oscars Guide marketplace BaskGood Lorna Dueck Pregame Hockey: Little Prince Rescue cont’d” ” Trashopolis ” Paid Prog. Trashopolis Berlin 2014 ” ” Wife Announced Comedy Wife Wife NHL’s Best ” the Oscars ” Sprint Cup Joel Osteen Movie: ” College Joel Osteen Capitals at Little Prince Paid Carpet Prog. ” TradeCentre ” Red Carpet Backstage Lucky Dog ” NHL ” Red Hoarders SportsCentre Simpsons To Be The National Pets.TV CSI: Cyber Simpsons Sportsnet Jimmy Hoarders Series: Folds Bomb Paid Prog. “Pretty Stefano Basketball: Paid Prog. Blackhawks Wallander Annedroids Paid Carpet Prog. Beyond SC Girls Red Carpet Exhibitionists Bomb Girls Hockey: ” Red ” ” Simpsons Announced ” ” Simpsons Central ” Kimmel Live ” of Honor News ” Woman” Land & Sea KIRO Duke at OHLJose DogsBack T. McCarver Scared SC Red Carpet Movie: News News ” San Turn Red Carpet Hoarders SportsCentre News Final ”” CBC News KIRO News Global News Final Sportsnet ” News 2016 News The Oscars “Peter Pan” KIRO News Nat. Sharks Time The Oscars Intervention ” Quiktrip 500 CHBC PGA Tour Mansbridge Pittsburgh PGA Tour Hockey:at Dogs/Jobs Seattle Straight ” Block News--11:30 the fifth KIRO News Block Central ” Full Measure ” Scotties Global Nat. ”” CBS News News Hour Vancouver Warships Hoarders ” Golf: Honda Our ” College Golf: Honda Erie Otters Hope for Road ”to Beyond SportsCentre Paid Prog. Castle estate The Insider Paid Prog. Sportsnet Inspector Castle The First 48 Tournament CHBC ” ” KIRO News Classic, ” Final Canucks ” ” ” Classic,News Final Celebrity Vancouver Basketball: at Niagara Wildlife Gold: ”A Year Scared ” Paid Prog. ” Canadian Scandal Paid Prog. Central Morse ” ” of Hearts: First Dates ” 60 Minutes Dates Sportsnet Quest-Maya SportsCentre Round MasterChef Speed” Iowa at Ohio First Round IceDogs Architects of On the” Red Intervention Beyond Final Security ” Gags Security NHL Hockey Change ” ” SC Top 10 ” Canada Skating State ” ” Sportsnet Carpet” at Scared ” Madam ” The Hello Madam Madam ” Inspector ” The First 48 SportsCentre Engels etalk at Diving Paid Prog. Engels Central Gala From the Oscars Hoarders SportsCentre Secretary Mr. D ” Secretary Secretary ” Morse ”” ” Trashopolis TBA Oscars Paid Prog. Trashopolis Pregame Berlin 2014 On the” Red ” The Good To Be The Good The Good Sportsnet ”” Carpet After Hoarders TradeCentre ” Red Carpet Winnipeg Backstage Lucky Dog ” NHL Red Carpet Hoarders ” Wife Announced Comedy Wife Wife NHL’s Best ” the Oscars ”” SC Bomb Girls Red Carpet Exhibitionists Pets.TV Bomb Girls Hockey: ” Red Carpet SportsCentre Simpsons To Be National CSI: Sportsnet Wallander Jimmy SC ” Red Carpet The Movie: KIROCyber News Simpsons ” San Jose Turn Back Red Carpet Hoarders Hoarders Simpsons Kimmel Live ” 2016 ” CHBC News Announced The Oscars “Peter” Pan” KIRO ”News Simpsons Global Nat. Central Sharks at Time ” The Oscars ” SportsCentre News Final ” CBC News KIRO News News Final Sportsnet ” News Intervention Scotties Global Nat. ” ” CBS News News Hour Vancouver Warships ” Hoarders ” Block News--11:30 the fifth KIRO News Block Central ” Full Measure ” Tournament CHBC News ” ” KIRO News ” Canucks ” ” ” SportsCentre Paid Prog. Castle estate The Insider Paid Prog. Sportsnet Inspector Castle The First 48 of Hearts: First Dates ” ” 60 Minutes Paid First Prog. Dates Sportsnet Quest-Maya ” Intervention ” Paid Prog. ” Canadian Scandal Central Morse ” ” Final Security ” Gags ” Security NHL Hockey ” ” ”
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Hockey: Hockey: Capitals San Joseat Blackhawks Sharks at
Hello Mr. D
Madam Secretary
Madam Secretary
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To Be Announced
Winnipeg Comedy
The Good Wife
To Be Announced The View ” News--11:30 The Marilyn CastleShow Denis ” CTV News Vancouver
The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Daniel Tiger the fifth Our estate Vancouver Canadian CBC News Network
CHAN ( Simpsons
Sportsnet NHL’s Best
Simpsons Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part Block Rachael Ray Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour
KIRO CSI:_ Cyber
The Good Wife
” ”
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Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part Block Rachael Ray Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour
Central Hockey Sportsnet Central Central Trade Sportsnet Deadline Central cont’d ”
Days of our Lives
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
KIRO _ Bold
CHAN ( The Meredith
ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy
Vieira Show Sugar Debt/Part Young &
Judge Judy Young & Restless KIRO News
The Social ”
Heartland ”
TradeCentre The Talk Recap ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
SportsCentre The Meredith Vieira Show 2016 ” Sugar TradeCentre Debt/Part Hockey Young & 2016 Restless Ray cont’d Rachael ” Scotties News ”
Ellen DeGe- Grand neres Show Bookaboo Designs The View ” Oz Daniel Tiger The Dr. Bondi Vet Show The Marilyn Our ” Denis Show Vancouver CTV News Dragons’
Tournament ” ” Noon News ” Hour of Hearts: News Hour Final ” CHBCofNews Days our ” Lives ” Ent. Tonight TradeCentre The Talk SC ET Canada Recap ” That’s Hcky Supergirl SportsCentre The Meredith SC Top 10 ” ” Vieira Show SportsCentre Chicago 2016 Sugar Hockey Young & ” Med TradeCentre Debt/Part 2016 Restless SportsCentre NCIS: Los cont’d Rachael Ray Scotties News ”” Angeles ” Tournament ” SportsCentre News Final ” Noon News of Hearts: News Hour ”” Late Hour ShowFinal CHBC News SportsCentre Colbert DaysTonight of our ””” Ent. ET Canada ” Lives SC ET Canada TradeCentre The Talk That’s Hcky Supergirl Recap SC Top 10 ””
Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News
Den News CBC Network CBC Van-
KIRO News KIRO ”News
Restless Ray Trade NHL Count Rachael ” Deadline Early News NHL’s Best GlobalNews Nat. cont’d NHL Noon Hour ” News Hour Hockey:
Vancouver The Social ” etalk Dr. Big Phil Bang ” Gotham Ellen DeGe” neres Show Lucifer The View The Dr. ”” Oz Show Blindspot The Marilyn CTV News Denis ”Show Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Vancouver Daily Show The Social etalk Corden ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Gotham ””
couver News Heartland ” marketplace Murdoch Coronation Mysteries Murdoch Grand Mysteries Designs Jekyll and Bookaboo Bondi Hyde DanielVet Tiger ” The National Our Dragons’ ” Vancouver Den CBC CBC News News CBC VanCoronation Network couver News Rick Mercer Heartland marketplace 22 Minutes ” Coronation Murdoch Murdoch Mysteries Mysteries
CBSTalk News The ” The Insider FABLife Ent. Tonight ” Supergirl Bold ” ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge Right ”Judy Judge Judy NCIS: YoungLos & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News KIRO News Late Show” CBS News Colbert The Insider Talk The Corden ” Ent. Tonight FABLife Supergirl ””
” our Days of Lives Ent. Tonight The Talk ET Canada ” Supergirl The Meredith ” Vieira Show Chicago Sugar Young & Med Debt/Part Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Early News Angeles ” Global Nat. Global News Noon News News Hour Late HourShow” Colbert DaysTonight of our Ent. ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Supergirl ””
SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” Hockey SportsCentre 2016 ”
Ellen DeGeLucifer neres ”Show The Dr. Oz Blindspot Show ”
Grandand Jekyll Designs Hyde Bondi Vet The National ””
Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ” Judge Los Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Angeles
The Meredith Chicago Vieira Show Med YoungLos & NCIS: Restless Angeles
KIRO News News KIRO KIROShowNews Late
The Meredith Chicago Vieira Show Med YoungLos & NCIS: Restless Angeles
Scotties News Final SportsCentre News Tournament ” ” Late Show-
CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation
SportsCentre Colbert Show of Hearts: News Hour Daily CTV News ET Canada Final ” CHBC News Corden Vancouver
Ent. Tonight etalk ET Canada Big Bang
That’s Hcky SC Top 10
Supergirl ”
FABLife ”
Rick Colbert CBCMercer VanKIRO News 22 Minutes couver News Corden CBS News
The Talk ”
” ” ” SNP ” ) ” ” Hockey Central Misplays
Little Prince ” Little Prince Turn Back Annedroids Time
Inspector Morse
Westminster ” Kennel Club Alaska: The Dog Show Last Frontier Max Tomlinson Moonshiners Movie: The National Alaska: The Stanley Dyn. ” “Chicken ”” Last Frontier Game On ” Vegas Rat Run” Movie: Dual Survival Assembly ” Rods ” “20 Feet ” Movie: CBC News Bering Sea Assembly From MythBusters “Flushed Black Gold Assembly Stardom” ” Thunder CBC News 140th Away” Firsthand How/Made Max The Alaska: The Assembly CBCNational News Westminster ” ” How/Made Max ” Last Frontier Bella Network Kennel Club Movie: the fifth MythBusters Haunting Movie: Alaska: The Henry With Asha Dog Show “Stuart estate ” Haunting “20 Feet Last Frontier Max Tomlinson Moonshiners Little” The Nature Alaska: The Gags From Dual Survival ” of Things Last Frontier Stanley Dyn. ” ” Gags Stardom” ” Movie: The National Alaska: The Game On ” Vegas Rat Chicken Run The National Alaska: The “Chicken ” Last Assembly RodsFrontier ” ” Last Frontier Run” Movie: Dual Survival Movie: CBC News Bering Sea ” “20 Feet “Flushed Black Gold ” Assembly From MythBusters Away” Firsthand How/Made Assembly Stardom” ” ” ” How/Made Max The National Alaska: The Movie: the fifth MythBusters Max ” Last Frontier “Stuart estate ”
of Honor Monopoly Quiktrip 500 Simpsons ” Simpsons ” Burgers Paid Prog. Simpsons Best Cook! Barrett NASCAR Paid Prog. Family Racing:Guy Mike Bordertown Sprint Cup Big Bang News Series: Folds Raising Livin’ Dream of Honor How I Met Cougar Big Bang500 Quiktrip Paid Prog. Monopoly ” How I Met Simpsons ” Raising Simpsons Paid Prog. Burgers Best Cook! Simpsons Paid Prog. Barrett Mike Family Guy Big Bang Bordertown Raising
Haunting Little” Haunting ” Gags Movie: Gags “Chicken Chicken Run Run” ” ”
Movie: The Nature “20 Feet of Things From The National Stardom” ” The National Movie:” “20 Feet
Alaska: Alaska: The The Last Frontier Last Frontier Dual Survival Alaska: The ” Last Frontier Alaska: The Dual Survival Last Frontier ”
News How I Met Livin’ Dream Big Bang Cougar Monopoly Paid Prog. Simpsons How I Met Simpsons Raising Burgers
Life Say600-Lb. Yes My My Say600-Lb. Yes Life Life Say Yes My 600-Lb. My 600-Lb. Say Yes Life Life Fat 600-Lb. Chance My My Life600-Lb. ” Life My 600-Lb. Paid Life Prog. Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Life Life My My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. Life Life My My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. Life Life
Classic Classic Masterpiece The Closer ” TheBang Pacifier Classic Odd Squad Big ”” More Cyberchase Big Bang Masterpiece The Closer Manners PaidBang Prog. Nature Big Classic ” MannersFirstBang Family ” Big Masterpiece There Yet? Downton Paid Fam Prog. Masterpiece Mod Classic Paid Prog. Great PerMod Fam Masterpiece Box Office Classic Paid Prog. formances Movie: Classic ” Best Pan ” “Sleepless “Race to in Masterpiece Ever! ” Seattle” Classic Witch ” Masterpiece Mountain” Masterpiece ” Classic Big Bang Classic The Closer ” Big Bang Masterpiece ” More Big Bang Classic The Closer Manners Big Bang Masterpiece
My My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. Life Life My 600-Lb. My 600-Lb. Life Life Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Paid Prog. Life
” Mod Fam There Yet? Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. “Sleepless in Best Pan Seattle” Ever! ”
MannersClassic Downton Masterpiece Great PerClassic formances Masterpiece ” Classic ” Masterpiece
KING ”5 News ” KING News Nightly News Up Late NW KING News Bensinger Dateline Paid Prog. NBC
KNOW KOMO * ` Wallander Jimmy
A&E 1 Hoarders
YTV 6 Haunting
NEWS 7 Movie:
DISC KAYU 9The News ; Alaska:
TLC < My 600-Lb.
KCTS N Manners-
” Boj ” PAW Patrol ” Monkey See Inspector Bucket-Dino Morse PAW Patrol Kate and
Kimmel Live The View News ” Full Measure KOMO 4 Castle News ” The Chew ”
” Criminal Intervention Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 ”
Haunting Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags Rated A Chicken Rated A Run ” Nerds Squirrel
“20 Feet CBC News From Network Stardom” With Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Network
Last Frontier Canada’s Dual Survival Worst Driver ” Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier
Life Dateline: My 600-Lb. Real Life Life Dateline: Paid Life Prog. Real Paid Prog. Dateline: Real Life
There Yet? Judge Paid Prog. Judge Paid Prog. Divorce Best Pan Divorce Ever! Millionaire Millionaire
Downton Cookie Thief Great ”Performances Dinosaur ” Dinosaur ” Super Why! Thomas
” Today KING ”News Up Late NW New Day Bensinger Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
With Diana Swain
Dual Survival Paid Prog. Dateline: ” Family Feud Real Life
Crime Watch Cookie Thief Days of our Daily ” Lives
DISC 9 How/Made
TLC < Dateline:
WTBS A Mod Fam
KCTS N Masterpiece
Real Life Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours:
Mod Fam Judge Judge Big Bang
Hard Evid. Dateline:
Big Bang Divorce Divorce Movie:
Classic Cookie Thief neres TodayShow ” ”” KING 5 Antiques News at 4 Dinosaur New Day Dinosaur Northwest World News KING 5
“When in Millionaire Millionaire Rome”
Business Super Why! Thomas PBS
Crime” Watch Daily Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam Family Judge Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang The Middle Divorce Movie: Payne Divorce “When in Browns Millionaire Rome” Payne Millionaire ” Browns Crime Watch Seinfeld There Yet? Daily Seinfeld King Family Guy King Dad Amer.
NewsHour Cookie Thief ” Old House Curious Antiques Curious Antiques Masterpiece Roadshow Classic American Cookie Thief ”” Masters Antiques Independent Dinosaur World News Lens Dinosaur Business Bluegrass Super Why! PBS Underground Thomas NewsHour Steel Cookie Thief Old House Magnolias ” Antiques Curious Antiques Curious Roadshow
Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang The Middle Big Bang Payne
Masterpiece American Classic Masters ” Independent Antiques Lens
Movie: Browns “When in Payne
World News News KING 5 Bluegrass Business News at 5 Underground Tonight
Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * ` The Doozers Steve
A&E 1 ”
Maya Curious
Movie: “Gladiator”
PAW Patrol The Harvey Boj View PAW MisterPatrol Maker KOMO” 4 Creative See KOMO News 4 Monkey Bucket-Dino News Dino Dan News
YTV 6 Sidekick
NEWS 7 ”
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
” Criminal Minds”
Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob
” CBC News Network The Exchange With Carole MacNeil CBC News
” Sportsnet ” Central
MayaBack Turn Curious Time
” Plays/Month ” NHL Count Misplays Sportsnet NHL Count Central
The Doozers Fake or PAW Patrol Fortune? Mister Salish Maker Coast Creative Knitters
Steve ” Harvey ” KOMO 4 Castle News ”
Movie ” ”” ”” ”
Early News NHL’s Global News Ski TV Best Global Nat. Misplays NHL Late Show-
Dino Dan Hope for Wild Kratts Wildlife
Colbert News Hour ET Canada ”
Fake or Warships Fortune? ”
A&E 1
SpongeBob Nerds Squirrel Assembly
Supergirl ”
Sportsnet Central
Chicago Med
Plays/Month Fake or NHL Count Fortune?
Turn Back Time
SportsCentre Sugar NCIS: Los SportsCentre Angeles ”” Debt/Part SportsCentre Rachael News Final Barclays Ray ” Late ShowEnglish ” SportsCentre Colbert Premier Noon News ” ET Canada League Hour
Blindspot The View ””
The National Bookaboo Daniel” Tiger News-Lisa CBC Recipes News The Marilyn Best News--11:30 Coronation Denis Show Stefano Daily Show Rick Mercer CTV News CBC News Corden 22 Minutes Vancouver Network
NCIS: LosIs The Price Angeles Right
NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part
KIRO News Young & Late ShowRestless
Soccer ”
The Social ”
Heartland ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
Mike Anger Two Men
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
How I Met Two Men Cougar Mod Fam
Peter Popoff Browns 48 Hours: Rome” Paid There ”Yet? Hard Prog. Evid.
Steel PBS Magnolias NewsHour
Show Nightly News Seth NewsMeyers
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
Old House Antiques
News Evening The Voice ”
Colbert KIRO News Corden ” The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Leaf Hospital SNP Tumble KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”
To Be Announced
Alaskan Big Bang Bush People Big Bang
Gags Gags
The National How/Made ” How/Made
Gotham ”
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Antiques Roadshow
Gags Gags
The National Alaskan ” Bush
Lucifer ”
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
Family Guy Amer. Dad
American Masters
” Criminal Minds ”
CBC News News CBC ” Network
Alaskan News Highway Steve BushHell People Harvey Mod Fam Thru The National How/Made Mike Feud With Carole How/Made Family ” How/Made Two Men MacNeil How/Made Family Feud The How/Made How I Met CBC News Alaskan Crime Watch Exchange How/Made Cougar Network Bush Daily
48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Life Evid. Real
The Middle Judge Payne Judge
To Be The First 48 Announced ”
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags A Rated Gags A Rated Gags Chucks Gags Squirrel
Independent Blindspot Sesame St. Today LensPlus Cat Peg ”” Bluegrass NewsDay Dinosaur New Underground Northwest Tonight Dinosaur Steel Why! KING Show 5 Super Magnolias Seth Meyers Thomas News
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
With Diana Swain
A&E 1
To Be Criminal Announced Minds
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
KAYU Paid Prog. The ; Office
The Meredith World ”Poker Boj The Doozers The Steve Sugar View Vieira Show Tour: Alpha8 ” Debt/Part PAW Patrol Harvey ”
The First 48 Criminal Minds”
” CBC News ” Network
Paid SteveProg. Eco Co. Harvey
The With Carole Exchange MacNeil
How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made
CBC News ” Network
Gold Rush Alaskan The BushDirt
Browns Divorce Payne Divorce Peter Popoff Browns Dateline: Millionaire Paid Life Prog. There Yet? Real Millionaire
TLC Dateline on TLC<
Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Divorce
Masterpiece Sesame St. Classic Peg Plus Cat Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Dinosaur
Mike Little Crime Watch The Dateline: Anger Couple Daily Real Life
Movie: Millionaire “The Millionaire
World Super News Why! KING KING 5 5 Business News Thomas News at 5
BondiRecipes Vet Judge Judy Best Young & ” Judge Judy Stefano Restless
Young & Ray Plays/Month Monkey Mister Maker Rachael See KOMO 4 Restless NHL Count Creative ” English Bucket-Dino News
Married Criminalat First Sight Minds
News News Noon Hour ”
Dragons’ CBC News Den Network
KIRO News KIRO ”News
Early News Noon Global Nat. Hour
Darts Premier ” League
Married The Firstat48 First Sight ”
SpongeBob Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel
SportsCentre Days Newsof Hour CTVSocial News Soccer our The CHBC News Vancouver ”” Lives ”
CBC VanKIRO News Heartland The Talk couver ” News CBS News ”
Newsof Hour Days our Lives ”
NHL’s Best Soccer Canucks ”
Married The Firstat48 First Sight ”
Assembly The Gold Rush Two The Little Almost WithNational Diana Alaskan Paid Men Prog. Dateline: Nicky, Ricky Swain” ” Mod Fam Sidekick Bush People Family Feud Couple Real Life
SportsCentre The Phil SC Ent. Talk Tonight Dr. etalk Interruption ” ” SC ET Canada Big Bang
Murdoch Hello Mysteries Coronation
Wayside Power & Game CBC News Kid vs. Kat Stanley Dyn. Politics ”
KNOW KOMO * ` KOMO Marvel’s4
A&E 1
Switch” Crime Watch PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Daily ” Cat in the
Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives
King Seinfeld King Seinfeld
Curious The Future Curious of Seattle
Dr. Phil News ” Evening
Masterpiece EllenVoice DeGeFinding Your The Classic neres ”Show Roots
Bold NCIS ThisMinute ”
The Meredith Islanders ” NCIS at Vieira ”Show Canucks ”
The The Firstat48 Life Doozers Steve Fresh-Boat Married PAW Patrol Harvey ” ” The Muppets First Sight
Sidekick ” Just Kidding The National How/Made Nerds Just Kidding ” How/Made
Paid Girl Prog. New Eco Co. Grand
Little The Little Couple
Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad
Young & NCIS: New Restless Orleans Sugar Debt/Part News Telenovela ” Ray Telenovela Rachael
Judge Judy NCIS: New Judge Judy Orleans The Price Is Right KIRO News Limitless KIRO Young”News &
Young & NCIS: New Restless Orleans Sugar Debt/Part Early News Telenovela Global Nat. Telenovela Rachael Ray
Plays/Month ” NHL Count Sportsnet World Poker Tour: Alpha8 Darts Sportsnet ” Central Plays/Month
The National Exchange ” CBC News Network CBC News ” With Carole
Rated A Assembly Gags Nicky, Ricky Gags Chucks Game Squirrel Just Kidding Stanley Dyn. Just Kidding Almost Just Kidding Sidekick Just Kidding Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags Sidekick YTV Haunting Nerds Haunting 6 SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Just Kidding Rated A SpongeBob Just Kidding Rated A Assembly Nerds Ricky Nicky,
MacNeil The National The National ”” CBC News CBC News Network The ” Exchange With Diana The National Swain ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ” ” 7 The The National Exchange CBC News ” Network CBC News The With Carole ” Exchange MacNeil The National CBC News ”
Paid Prog. Brooklyn Raising The Grinder Steve Harvey Mike News Anger Mod Fam Family Feud Family Feud Two Men Mike Mod Fam Two Men Crime Watch Big Bang DailyI Met How Big Bang Cougar Paid Prog. New Girl Family Feud Grand Paid Prog. Brooklyn The Office The Grinder Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod; Fam Paid Prog. Mike Raising Steve Two Men Harvey Mike How I Met Family Anger Feud Cougar Family Feud Two Men Crime Watch Mod Fam
Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Judge Movie: The Middle “The Payne Divorce
EnglishBest NHL’s Sportsnet Canucks Central Premier NHL League Sportsnet Hockey: Central Soccer Islanders at ” Canucks Tim and Sid ”” Sportsnet ” Sportsnet ” Central Plays/Month Sportsnet NHL Count Darts Central Darts ” Sportsnet World ”Poker Central Tour: Alpha8 NHL’s Best Shark Cage Canucks Poker NHL World Cup Hockey: of Hockey Islanders at Special Canucks ”
Daily Rush Planet Gold ” Highway Thru Hell Gold Rush Jade Fever The Dirt Jade Fever How/Made How/Made Gold Rush How/Made ” How/Made Alaskan Jade FeverBush Rush Gold JadeDirt Fever The Alaskan How/Made Bush People How/Made How/Made Gold Rush How/Made ” How/Made DISC Jade Fever How/Made Jade Fever 9 Daily Planet How/Made ” Edge of How/Made Alaska Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush The Dirt The The Dirt Dirt Gold Rush Gold Rush ”
The Little Rattled Couple ” Dateline: RealLittle Life Little The Couple Dateline:
News Global”Hour News ” Late NoonShowNews Ent. Tonight Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS: ”New Orleans The Meredith Telenovela Vieira Show Telenovela Young & Global News Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Early News Colbert Rachael Ray Global Nat. ET Canada ” News Hour Noon ”News Hour Ent. Tonight Days of our ET Canada Lives NCIS The Talk ””
Married at News Sight Agent Carter First The View Criminal ” Minds News Married Election Fit to Fatatto World First Sight Spcl. Fit KOMONews 4 Criminal News 4 Minds at KOMO Married at News Married News First Sight Jimmy First Sight48 The Chew The First Wheel Fit to Fat ” Live Married ” atto Kimmel Jeopardy! Fit Sight Nightline First General The First 48 Fresh-Boat Married Hospital ” at The Muppets First Sight The Doctors The First 48 Marvel’s Married ” ” at Agent Carter First Sight Steve The First 48 KOMO A&E Election Fit to Fat Harvey ” to Spcl. Fit 1 ` KOMO 4 Married at News Married at News First Sight The View Criminal Jimmy First Sight Minds News ” Married at Kimmel Live Married at KOMO 4 Criminal World News First Sight Nightline First Sight News Minds KOMO 4 Married at The Chew After Sight the News First
SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Gags Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Rated A
Restless KIRO News KIRO News CBS News Late KIROShowNews The Insider ” Colbert Ent. Tonight Corden The Talk NCIS ” ” FABLife NCIS: ”New Orleans Bold Limitless ThisMinute ” Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy The Price Is Late ShowRight KIRO News Colbert Young & KIRO News Corden Restless KIRO News KIRONews News CBS ” The Insider The Talk Ent. Tonight ” NCIS FABLife ””
Mister Movie: Maker Creative “Everything Boj PAW Patrol Dino Dan Will Be” Wild Kratts ” See Monkey Bucket-Dino Hope for Canada Wildlife ” PAW Patrol Canada Kate and Everything ” Will Be Ruf-Tweet Life Tumble Leaf ” Maya Movie: Curious “Everything The Doozers Will Be” PAW Patrol ” Mister Maker Canada Creative Boj ” PAW Patrol Dino Dan Everything Monkey See Wild Kratts Will Be Bucket-Dino Hope for PAW Patrol Wildlife Kate and Canada Ruf-Tweet ” Tumble Leaf Life Maya ” Curious
Wheel General Jeopardy!
Game CBC News Almost Dyn. With Diana Stanley ”
Jade Fever Jade Fever Fever Jade
Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big
NCIS: New Bold Orleans ThisMinute
NCIS: New The Meredith ”” Orleans Vieira Show Sportsnet ” Telenovela Young & Telenovela Restless
SportsCentre New SportsCentre NCIS: The Meredith ”” Orleans Vieira Show SportsCentre Telenovela Hockey Young & Telenovela NBA ” Restless
Marvel’s Creek Ellen DeGe- Grand Agent Show Carter Designs Mr. D neres
Basketball: SportsCentre News Final Utah Jazz at Late Show” ”
CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation
CSI: Cyber The Dr. Oz Show ”
The National Limitless Bondi Vet Judge Judy ” Judge”Judy KIRO News KIROShowNews Late
Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey:
First 48
Fit to Fat to The First 48 Fit ”
KING 5 New Day News at 4 Northwest
Dateline on Rattled TLC ”
The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand NCIS Big Bang Rick Mercer Vieira ”Show neres Show Designs Big Bang 22 Minutes
Ellen DeGeToday neres ”Show
PaidBang Prog. Big TheBang Office Big
College SportsCentre Basketball: ” SportsCentre ” Kentucky at SportsCentre Florida ” Barclays English SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” Premier SC League SportsCentre SC ” Soccer That’s ”Hcky SC Top 10 SportsCentre SportsCentre Interruption ” SC SportsCentre SC ” College SportsCentre Basketball: SportsCentre ” ” Kentucky at SportsCentre Premier Florida ” League SportsCentre English ” Premier SC League SC Soccer That’s Hcky Off Record SC Top 10 Interruption
Dr. Phil ”
How/Made Jade Fever How/Made Jade Fever
SC That’s Hcky SC SC Top 10
News News ”Hour Final CHBC News Late NoonShowNews Ent. Tonight Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Days of our NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS: ”New Orleans The Meredith Telenovela Vieira Show Telenovela Young & News Final Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part News Colbert Rachael ” Ray ET Canada ” News Hour Noon News CHBC News Hour Ent. Tonight Days of our ET Canada Lives NCIS The Talk ””
Days of our Lives
The Little Dateline: Couple Real Life Paid Prog. Little Family Feud The Dateline: Raising Family Feud Couple Real Life
Young &Ray The The Marilyn Dr. Oz Rachael Restless Show Show ” Denis
Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the
KING ” ” P
KCTS Curious N Curious
Kentucky at Premier Florida League
WTBS King KingA
College Barclays Basketball: English
The Doctors Fit ThetoFirst 48 Wheel Fat to ” ” Jeopardy! Fit
48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Life Evid. Real
Alaskan Paid Prog. Dateline: Bush People Family Feud Real Life
YTV Wayside 6 Kid vs. Kat
Hope for KOMO 4 Ruf-Tweet General Wildlife Leaf Hospital News Tumble
KING 5 Blindspot News ”at 4
To Be Announced
A&E The First 48 1 ”
News The Chew World ”News
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Ellen DeGe” neres ”Show
Movie ”
Sidekick Wayside Nerds Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob Rated A
Bondi Creek Vet Mr. D” Bookaboo Daniel Tiger Dragons’ The National Den ” Best Recipes Stefano CBC VanCBC News couver News Coronation CBC News Hello Network Rick Mercer Coronation 22 Minutes Heartland Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Murdoch Creek Mysteries Mr. D Grand The National Designs ” Bondi Vet CBC News ” Bookaboo Coronation Daniel Tiger Dragons’ Rick Mercer Best Den Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano CBC VanCBC News couver News Network Hello Heartland Coronation ” Rick Mercer Murdoch 22 Minutes Mysteries
CBCNational News The How/Made ” How/Made
Coast Salish The Castle Boj View Knitters PAW Patrol ”” Hope forSee KOMO News 4 Monkey Wildlife Jimmy Bucket-Dino News Fake or Kimmel Live PAW Patrol The Chew Fortune? Nightline Kate and ”
Maya Canada Curious ”
News KING at 5 5 News News Nightly News Days of our Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Today” KING ””5 News at 4 Blindspot New Day KING ”5 Northwest News at 5 News KING 5 Nightly News Tonight News News Show Days of our News Seth Meyers Lives Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ””
SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Gags
Sportsnet World Poker Central Tour: Alpha8 Global News Ski TV Rachael Ray Plays/Month Late ShowMisplays ” English Colbert Sportsnet Noon News Premier ET Canada League Central Hour
FABLife The Insider The Ent. Talk Tonight Tim NHLand Sid ” ” ” Ent. Tonight ET Canada Hockey:
KING P Ellen DeGeDr. Phil ”
Movie News To Be World News Announced ” Jimmy
KNOW KOMO ” ” * `
Dino Dan PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Kate and
Curious Curious
Sidekick Gags Chucks Gags SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob Haunting
The Bachelor
Supergirl ”
Real Life 48 Hours: Anger Evid. Crime Watch Hard Dateline: DailyMen Real Life Two 48 Hours: Mod Hard Evid. Paid Fam Prog. Dateline: Family Feud Real Life Big Bang 48 Hours: PaidBang Prog. Dateline: Big Hard Evid. The Office Real Life Gotham 48 Hours: Paid Prog. Dateline: ” Hard Evid. Big World Real Life Lucifer 48 Hours: Steve Dateline: Paid Prog. 48 Hours: ” Hard Evid. Harvey Real Life Raising Hard Evid. News Hours: Family Feud 48 Dateline: Mike Fam 48 Hours: Mod Evid. Family Feud Hard Real Life Anger Hard Evid. Mike Hours: Crime Watch 48 Dateline: Two Men Men 48 Hours: Two Hard Evid. Daily Real Life Mod Fam Hard Evid. How IProg. Met Peter Popoff PaidBang Dateline: Big 48 Hours: Cougar Family Feud Paid Real Prog. Life Big Bang Hard Evid.
King King
KING ” P ”
Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life Hard Evid. Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hours: 48 Hard Evid.
Assembly CBC News Stanley Dyn. ”
Scorpion ”
Dateline: Real Life
Paid Prog. Gotham The Office ” ” How/Made Paid Prog. The National Alaskan Lucifer ”” How/Made Big World Bush ” The News Daily Planet News Paid Prog. CBC Alaskan Exchange ” Raising ” Bush People Mod Fam
Gags The National How/Made Assembly Alaskan Gags How/Made Nicky, Ricky Exchange ” Bush
Murdoch Mysteries
KAYU ; Paid Prog.
How/Made Big World Canada’s Steve WorstPlanet Driver Paid Harvey Daily Prog. ” The Raising Alaska: Family Feud Last Frontier Family How/Made Mike Feud
” How/Made CBC News Alaska: The Network Last Frontier The National Alaskan ” Bush With Diana Dual Survival Swain ” CBC News Alaskan Power” & MythBusters Bush People Politics ” The National How/Made ” How/Made ” How/Made The Alaskan CBCNational News Canada’s The Daily ” Bush Network WorstPlanet Driver Exchange ” CBC News Alaskan With Carole Alaska: The CBC News How/Made ” Bush People MacNeil Last Frontier ” How/Made The How/Made CBCNational News Alaska: The The National Alaskan ” How/Made Network Last Frontier ” Bush The How/Made With Diana Dual Survival CBC News Alaskan Exchange How/Made Swain” ” Bush People Power & MythBusters The National How/Made Politics ” ” How/Made
Livin’ Dream Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Daily
MythBusters Paid Prog. ” The Office
Wheel Jeopardy!
Jekyll and Hyde
The Dr. Oz Marvel’s Show Agent Carter The View ” CTV CSI: News Cyber Vancouver ” The Marilyn DenisNews Show CTV News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News etalk Vancouver Daily Show Big Bang Corden The Social Big Bang ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Marvel’s ” Agent Carter Ellen DeGeCSI: neresCyber Show ” The Dr. Oz News-Lisa Show The View News--11:30 ” CTV News Daily Show The Marilyn Vancouver Corden Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver etalk TheBang Social Big ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Big Bang ”
” Movie:
Gotham ”
CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver
More Manners
Nicky, AlmostRicky Sidekick Assembly WaysideDyn. Stanley Kid vs. Kat Gags Sidekick Gags Chucks Gags Wayside SpongeBob Gags Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Haunting Rated A SpongeBob Haunting Rated A SpongeBob Gags Nerds Assembly Gags Squirrel Nicky, Ricky Gags Almost Assembly Gags SidekickDyn. Stanley Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags
BoldPrice Is The ThisMinute Right
” Classic Masterpiece Masterpiece
WTBS Witch A ” Mountain”
Classic ”
Kimmel KOMO 4Live To Be ” Nightline Announced News ”
SC The Meredith The EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Grand SportsCentre Sugar SC Vieira Show neres ”Show Daniel Designs ” Debt/Part Tiger
Movie: Seattle” “Race to ”
TLC My 600-Lb. < My 600-Lb. Life
” The Closer
” The First 48 ” To Be Movie: Announced “Gladiator” To Be ” Announced ” Movie Criminal ” Minds ” ” Criminal Movie” Minds ” To TheBe First 48 ” Announced ” ” To TheBe First 48 To Be Announced ” Announced Movie: To Be “Gladiator” Announced
Soccer ”
” The Closer
News General Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The Steve Bachelor Harvey ” The View KOMO ”” 4 News Castle KOMO 4 News ” News World News News The Chew KOMO Jimmy” 4 News Kimmel GeneralLive Wheel Nightline Hospital Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelor
CHAN The Talk ( ”
My 600-Lb. My 600-Lb. Life Life
Blackhawks News PGA Tour Nightly News Golf: Honda KING News Classic, Final Dateline Round NBC ” ” ” Movie: NHL Clangers “Ted” Hockey: LazyTown ” Capitals at Traveler ” Blackhawks Raw Travel ” PGA Tour KING 5 KING News News Golf: Honda Up Late NW Nightly Classic,News Final Bensinger KING RoundNews Paid Prog. Dateline ” NBC ” ” Clangers Movie: LazyTown “Ted” Traveler ” Raw Travel
My 600-Lb. Life
” Ruf-Tweet Tumble Leaf Hope for Maya Wildlife Curious Turn Back The TimeDoozers PAW Patrol Fake Boj or Mister Maker Fortune? PAW Patrol Creative Coast Salish Monkey See Dino Dan Knitters Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts Hope for PAW Patrol Warships Wildlife Kate and ” Fake or Ruf-Tweet Hope for Fortune? Tumble Wildlife Leaf
KIRO FABLife _ ”
” Masterpiece Masterpiece Classic Classic Masterpiece
My 600-Lb. Life
Detroit” Red ” Wings at Dallas” Stars ” Sportsnet ” Central ” Plays/Month Hockey Misplays NHL Count Central NHL Count Sportsnet Trade NHL’s Best Central Deadline NHL Ski TV cont’d Hockey: Misplays ” Detroit Red Sportsnet ”at Wings Central Dallas”Stars
First Fam Family Mod Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “Sleepless in
MythBusters Simpsons ” Barrett
SpongeBob Rated A Rated A SpongeBob
Say Yes Life Fat 600-Lb. Chance My Life ”
The National Alaska: The Family Guy ” Last Frontier Bordertown
marketplace The Insider Ent. Tonight Wings at Hope for Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Dallas Stars Wildlife
Cyberchase Raw Hockey: Masterpiece Travel
From Stardom”
” Criminal Minds Movie ” The First 48 ””
Sportsnet Hockey: Central Detroit Red
” Big Bang
Max Max
World News The Chew KOMO” 4
Say Yes Life
www.lakecountrycalendar.com Say600-Lb. Yes Paid Fam Prog. Nature Capitals at My Mod Classic KING 5 A13
Assembly Assembly
Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Kate and Warships
Racing: Raising SprintI Met Cup How Series: Folds Big Bang
The First 48 ”
Lucifer ”
SportsCentre The Talk Interruption ”
” On the Red
A&E 1
CBC News estate Network The Nature With Asha of Things
Carpet After Hoarders the Oscars ”
” ”
SportsCentre Chicago ” Med
Days of our Lives
Rescue Red Carpet Paid Prog. Red Carpet Paid Prog. The Oscars
Real Life
Dateline: ” Family Feud Real Life
Cat in the
Seinfeld The Future Crime Watch of Sesame Seinfeld SeattleSt.
KING ”5 News Today”at 4 KING ”5 Super News at 5 Tuesday New Day
Northwest Nightly News News News Tonight KING 5 News Show Evening Seth DaysMeyers of our The LivesVoice ” Dr. Phil ”” ” Ellen DeGeKING Super neres Show Tuesday P KING 5 News News at 4 Today Tonight KING ”5 Show New NewsDay at 5 Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News KING 5 News News
News Days of our Evening
Just Kidding The National How/Made Wayside Power & How/Made Just Kidding ” How/Made Kid vs. Kat Politics How/Made
New Girl Paid Prog. Grand The Office
The Little Dateline on Couple TLC
Family Guy King Amer. King Dad
Finding Your The Voice Curious Dr. Phil Roots ”” Curious
Movie: Marvel’s Married The Doozers Steve The Firstat48 “Everything Agent Carter First Sight PAW Patrol Harvey ”
Gags Sidekick Gags Chucks
The National Gold Rush ” How/Made ” ”” How/Made
Brooklyn Rattled Paid Prog. Fat Chance The Grinder Animal Atlas ””
Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam
American ” Masterpiece Ellen DeGeExperience neres ”Show Classic
Will Be” Mister Maker Election KOMO 4 ” Spcl. Creative News
News Paid Prog. Mod Fam Raising
The Little My 600-Lb. Couple Life
The Middle Big Bang Payne Big Bang
Frontline Masterpiece Super KING 5 ” Tuesday Classic News at 4
Mike Anger Two Men
600-Lb. Life: Browns Desperado The Little Transformed Payne” Couple
World News News KING 5 Super Business News at 5 Tuesday Tonight
Fresh-Boat Married at The Doctors The First 48 The Muppets First Sight ” ”
Fit to Fat Duck D. to Fit Duck D.
Jade Fever
RealLittle Life The Little The Couple Couple Dateline: Rattled Real Prog. Life Paid ” Paid Prog. Dateline: The RealLittle Life Couple Dateline on Rattled TLC ” The Little TLC The Little Couple Couple < The Little The Little Couple Dateline: Couple Real Life The Little Paid Prog. Dateline: Couple Paid Real Prog. Life The Little Dateline: Couple
Masterpiece American Classic Experience Sesame St. Peg Plus Cat World News Frontline Business ” Dinosaur Divorce Dinosaur Switch” PBS Browns Super ” NewsHour Payne Tuesday Millionaire Super Why! Seinfeld The Future Millionaire Thomas Browns More Seinfeld of Seattle There Yet? Manners Crime Watch Sesame St. Family Your Daily Guy Finding Cat in the Amer. Dad Roots King Curious Family Guy American King Curious Amer. Dad Experience Mod Fam Masterpiece WTBS KCTS The Frontline Mod Middle Fam Classic Payne ” A N Big Bang Masterpiece Browns Super Big Bang Classic Thief Judge Cookie Payne Tuesday Judge Peg Plus Cat Movie: World News Browns More Divorce Dinosaur “The Business There Yet? Manners Divorce Dinosaur Switch” PBS Millionaire Super Why! ” NewsHour
Haunting SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob
CBC The News ” Exchange
Early News Maple Leafs Canada Dino Dan Global News Sportsnet Global Nat. at Capitals Wild Kratts Late ShowCentral ”
Duck D. at News Married World News First DuckSight D. Jimmy
SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Gags
CBCNational News Jade Fever The How/Made Jade Fever ” How/Made
Jade Daily Fever Planet Jade Fever ”
Toronto News Hour CTV News SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Raptors CHBC News Corden Vancouver ” ET Canada
CBC Mercer VanKIRO News Rick Colbert couver News Corden CBS News 22 Minutes
News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada
” Sportsnet Sportsnet Central
Canada Everything ” Will Be
KOMO 4Live Married Duck Kimmel at News Dynasty Nightline First Sight
Assembly The National Moonshiners: Just Kidding The Gold Rush - Two How Men I Met Nicky, Ricky Exchange ” Outlaw Fam Just Kidding The DirtCuts Mod Cougar
My Paid600-Lb. Prog. Life Paid Prog.
” Browns There ”Yet?
PBS More NewsHour Manners
SportsCentre Ent. Tonight NBA ET Canada
etalk Big Bang
Gags Coronation
The Insider Ent. Tonight
Ent. Tonight ET Canada
Sportsnet Central
The Polar Sea
Wheel Jeopardy!
Nicky, Ricky CBC News Stanley Dyn. ”
Fat Chance ”
Seinfeld Seinfeld
SciTech Field Guide
News Evening
Basketball: Thunder at
Survivor ”
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Plays/Month Wild China NHL’s Best ”
Goldbergs Duck D. Real O’Neals Duck D.
Just Kidding The National How/Made Just Kidding ” How/Made
Rosewood ”
My 600-Lb. Life
Family Guy Amer. Dad
A Year in Space
The Mysteries of Laura
Clippers ”
Big Brother Canada
Criminal Minds
X Company ”
Criminal Minds
Big Brother Canada
Shark Cage Poker
The Monarchy
Mod Fam Duck D. Real O’Neals Duck D.
Gags Gags
The National Jade Fever ” Jade Fever
Hell’s Kitchen
Fat Chance ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Law & Order: SVU
SportsCentre Chicago ” P.D.
CSI: Cyber ”
The National CSI: Cyber ” ”
Chicago P.D.
Sportsnet Central
Stone Age Temple
American Crime
Duck Dynasty
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-
News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation
KIRO News Late Show-
Global News Ski TV The Polar Late Show- Plays/Month Sea
News Jimmy
TBA Duck D.
Gags Gags
SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada
Daily Show Corden
Colbert Corden
Colbert ET Canada
Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.
Gags Gags
Rick Mercer 22 Minutes
Sportsnet Central
Wild China ”
TBA Duck D.
Moonshiners Big Bang ” Big Bang
Moonshiners: News Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam
Nightly Show News News Seth Meyers
600-Lb. Life: The Middle Transformed Payne
Cosmonauts Chicago ” P.D.
The National Moonshiners Mike ” ” Two Men
My 600-Lb. Life
” American
News Tonight
The Exchange
Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?
Experience Phoenix
Show Seth Meyers
How/Made How/Made
How I Met Cougar
Browns Payne
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
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LANDSCAPE maintenance/labourer/carpenters helper. Carr’s Landing area Seasonal position- now until late Oct.mid Nov. Must be reasonably fit, non smoker, own vehicle This is a detail oriented position, maintaining high end properties. Good wage for the right candidate. Reply to vistaww@shaw.ca
EDGING Emerald Cedars Direct from Okanagan grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 5 ft. tall 10 for $200, delivery and planting available. call: George at Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email: georgedemelo@mail.com
CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
Buying Collector Coins, Accumulations, coin collections & Old money. US Canada & world coins. Plus anything made of gold or silver. Todd’s Coins. 250-864-3521 I can make House calls!
NEW EXCITING mini VLT’S. Produce buckets of cash monthly. Attracts Customers like money magnets. Locations provided. Ground floor opportunity. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website www.tcvend.com.
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CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canada benefit.ca/free-assessment HAVE YOU been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help you appeal. Call 1-877-793-3222, www.dcac.ca info@dcac.ca HIP OR knee replacement? Arthritic conditions or COPD? Restrictions in walking/dressing? Disability Tax Credit $2,000 Tax Credit $20,000 Refund. Apply Today For Assistance: 1-844-453-5372.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to parris@ricknickelltrucking.com NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
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HEALTHCARE DOCUMENTATION Specialists are in huge demand. Employers want CanScribe graduates. A great work-from-home career! Train with Canada’s best-rated program. Enroll today. 1-800466-1535, www.canscribe.com info@canscribe.com MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit today: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career. START A New career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765.
SAVE 30% on our Heart of the Arctic adventure. Visit Inuit communities in Greenland and Nunavut aboard the comfortable 198-passenger Ocean Endeavour. Call for details! 1800-363-7566 or visit www.adventurecanada.com (tico#04001400)
FARM WORKERS for thinning picking, pruning $10.59/hr to 50 hrs/wk. April to Oct. Contact Shivdev Brar Orchard. 15544 Old Mission Rd, Oyama, BC. 1-(250)766-3745
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CAMPBELL, PHYLLIS JANE Phyllis passed away at Hospice House on Sunday, February 21, 2016 at the age of 84. Survived by her children Michael (Ruth) of Kelowna, Laurie Salisbury (Kevin) of Kelowna, Doug (Cerise) of Winfield; grandchildren Ben Campbell, Stew Campbell, Jennifer (Jordan) Danchuck, Noah (Stephanie) Salisbury, Miranda (Scott) Geary, Ciera Elliott,Miles Campbell and Lani Campbell; 11 great grandchildren; sisters: Audrey (Peter) Unger of Seattle and Judy Stuart of LaBoulle, France; brother Bob Lewis (Annette) of Westbank and numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her husband Jim in 2013 and her son Dave in 2009. Our mom was an avid gardener, bridge player and community volunteer - Census, Cancer and Unicef. She was the school secretary at Oyama Elementary for 15 years (’76-’91). She will be dearly missed. A private family service will be held. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Central Okanagan Hospice Association - Hospice House, 2035 Ethel Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2Z6. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com, 250-860-7077.
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FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
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Price incls. Cloverdale High Performance Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
POLE BARNS, Shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403998-7907; jcameron@advancebuildings.com
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SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: 1-800-566-6899 ext: 400OT. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT
STEEL BUILDING Sale. Really big sale, extra winter discount on now!! 21x22 $5,190 25x24 $5,988 27x28 $7,498 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 $16,386. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422; www.pioneersteel.ca
Local Coin Collector Buying Collections Gold Silver Coins Estates 1-250-863-3082 Chad
Rentals Suites, Lower IMMACULATE 1 BDRM 1 BATH SUITE $900.00
Brand new suite. Single person only. 15 minutes from UBC and OK College. Located in Rutland Separate laundry Custom built bathroom with stand up shower and soaker tub. Built with sound proof insulation so it’s very quite for a basement suite. Looking for a student or professional adult. $900 including utilities Available Mar.15th Call or text Derek for a showing 250-718-4969
Junior Advertising Sales Consultant The Kelowna Capital News has an immediate full time opportunity for a proactive, highly-motivated, results driven and customer oriented Junior Advertising Sales Consultant to join our advertising team. We are looking for someone seeking a rewarding career in the newspaper business. If you would like an excellent opportunity in print and digital advertising, this may be the career for you. The ideal candidate would like to advance with our team. Core Responsibilities: • Understand key client values and develop customized advertising solutions. • Advance a selected territory of our advertisers through prospecting new clients. • Develop and deliver presentations to clients, help guide the design, implementation and management of advertising campaigns. • Work collaboratively with the Advertising Sales team, contributing to its success and growth. • Meet and exceed performance management objectives. Key Qualifications: • Experience in sales or marketing an asset. • Ability to build strong relationships with clients and provide exceptional customer service. • Solid interpersonal and communication skills (both written and oral) with the ability to maintain a professional approach at all times. • Strong teamwork skills with the ability to work independently to achieve revenue goals. • Must possess valid driver’s license and daily access to a reliable vehicle. The Kelowna Capital News is a member of Black Press, Canada’s largest private independent newspaper company with more than 150 titles in British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio. Interested candidates may apply in confidence by emailing (No phone calls please) their qualifications and experience in a resume and covering letter to: Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 Email – careers@kelownacapnews.com Closing date for submissions: March 7, 2016
CAPITAL news blackpress.ca X bclocalnews.com
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 24, 2016
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MAKE THIS SPACE WORK FOR YOU! Only $15 and the creative department will design it for free!
Teresa Huscroft-Brown 250-979-7329 or sales@lakecountrynews.net
Landscaping â&#x20AC;˘ Bobcat â&#x20AC;˘ Excavation Trenching â&#x20AC;˘ Landscape Supplies Post Hole Auger â&#x20AC;˘ Dump Truck â&#x20AC;˘ Screened Topsoil
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WE DO HEDGE TRIMMING BUILDING CONTRACTOR Specializing in: â&#x20AC;˘ Additions â&#x20AC;˘ Custom Homes â&#x20AC;˘ Home Renovations
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â&#x20AC;˘ Quiet,Gentle Environment â&#x20AC;˘ Twenty Years Experience â&#x20AC;˘ Non-aesthetic Dental Cleaning
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Quality BC Jobs
Worth W or talking about, just one of many the reasons to follow us on Twitter, like us on facebook or visit us at: @localworkbc
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP The Carr's Landing Community & Recreation Association is looking for more Carr’s Landing residents to volunteer to participate in: Organizing or helping out at local events Recreation amenities clean up Social/Hiking/dog walking groups Crime/neighbourhood watch Sponsorship and fundraising Please email carrslandingvolunteers@hotmail.com for more information or to express your interest in getting involved.
It’s Income Tax Time… Trained community volunteers can
help prepare your income tax return. If you are a low income senior (below $30,000 single income or $40,000 couple) please come see Dave or Leona in the Winfield Room at Municipal Hall (10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.)
Mondays 10:00am-noon from March 7 to April 11 (excluding the stat holiday March 28). Bring your tax papers/forms.
SPRING ACTIVITY REGISTRATION STARTS MARCH 4 Watch your mailbox for the new Spring/Summer Activity Guide and get ready to get involved in some fun and inspirational activities for everyone in the family. Read the online Activity Guide and Register online at www.lakecountry.bc.ca or call (250)766-5650.
A YOUTH COUNCILLOR’S PERSPECTIVE: DIMITRIY RADCHENKO As a youth councillor for 2015/2016 with the District of Lake Country (DLC) Mayor and Council, I have learned many things in the short time I’ve been involved. Things like: how and why bylaws are made and the plans Council has for our little, growing town. I have been living in Lake Country for 8 years and never really understood how the municipality makes decisions. I had never heard about the family events that we have in the community throughout the year; and now I have a better understanding about events and how the city makes decisions when problems arise. Being involved with DLC Council has helped me gain a lot more knowledge of what goes on in the minds of the leaders of the community. Did you know that UBCO is planning on expanding their campus by 103 hectares (the campus right now is 105 hectares)? That’s almost double the size of what it is now. Did you know that the art gallery has 8 exhibitions in one year, all in that little building? I didn’t know that until I joined the Council, where I got all this information by attending meetings and seeing what was going to be discussed on the agenda. Everyone at the Council meeting or people that are watching it on Shaw TV, get a visual report on the records of the Fire and the RCMP records annually. They have a great plan for our community’s roads to get fixed, and the faster they get the roads fixed, the less it will cost over time. Oh, and I also get my name tag in metal, so everyone can see it.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - VIC The District is Requesting Expressions of Interest (RFEI) from potential operators with a suitable skillset and facility for a Visitor’s Information Centre operating at least 660 hours over the May long weekend to September long weekend season, plus an additional 140 hours of Mobile Visitors Services within the Okanagan Valley. See the full details at: http://www.okanaganway.ca/tenders/ Deadline for RFEI proposal submission 2:00pm February 29, 2016.