I N S I D E : Photos wanted for wildlife study. Page 14
Volume 121 No 8 PM # 400121123
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895
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Area schools looked at as K–12 model BARBARA RODEN The Journal
FIRE DESTROYS CACHE CREEK BUSINESS: Just before 2:00pm on Feb. 22, a fire broke out at the mechanic shop
on Collins Road in Cache Creek. The owner, who restores cars and motorcycles, was out at the time, and a passing motorist saw the flames and called 911. The Cache Creek Fire Department responded and managed to get the blaze under control quickly, with no loss of any adjacent buildings. The RCMP, B.C. Ambulance, and Fortis Gas also responded. Eyewitnesses said that the building was engulfed in flames within minutes. No cause has yet been determined.
Photo by Barbara Roden
State-of-the-art dental clinic opens in Lytton
Lytton’s new Tl’kemstin Community Health Centre includes a state-of-the-art dental clinic. Dr. Dang, the dentist, recently moved to Lytton from Quebec. He coordinated the installation of all the new dental equipment, which is valued at more than a quarter of a million dollars. “I recently retired, and when the Lytton opportunity came up I left Quebec and moved to Lytton, where the sun always shines and winters don’t last very long,” he says. A dentist for 40 years, Dr. Dang beamed when he described the new dream facility. “Everything here is the best in the industry. Tooth fillings can be performed painlessly using our drill replacement tool, and with the new Velscope machine we can even perform pre-cancer screening.” Hygienist Deborah Bossence moved to Lytton from Penticton to work in the spotless clinic. “I’ve enjoyed working and living in Lytton, especially because people are so friendly and appreciative of what we’re doing,” she says. “We’ve encouraged school groups to
tour our facility, and we’ve impressed upon the students that having teeth cleaned or repaired won’t be painful. “We tell them that our laughing gas is here to make them laugh, not cry,” she joked. The formal ribbon-cutting took place on Feb. 19, under the guidance of Lytton First Nation (LFN) Band Administrator Dr. Rosalin Miles. She introduced LFN Councillor Debbie Abbot, who cut the ribbon, formally opening the impressive facility. “Lytton First Nation is pleased to open the Tl’kemstin Dental Clinic. It is available to all residents in the surrounding communities and neighbourhoods, status or non-status,” Abbot said. Lytton Mayor Jessoa Lightfoot also attended the opening, and congratulated LFN on a job well done. Delightful door prizes were drawn after a light lunch for the 75 people who attended the opening ceremony. The clinic is open Monday to Friday. Appointments can be secured by calling (250) 256- 8573 or by dropping in to the Community Health Centre. Dr. Dang and his team are looking forward to serving Lytton and area residents.
A group of principals, teachers, administrators, and parents in School District No. 83 (North Okanagan–Shuswap) is looking to schools in Clinton and Ashcroft as they consider the possibility of a Kindergarten to grade 12 school in Sicamous. SD 83 is considering closing Parkview Elementary in Sicamous, and turning Eagle River Secondary into a K–12 facility. A committee was struck to examine whether or not that model was a sound educational option, and visited other K–12 schools to take a look at the mode in action. David Stoddart School in Clinton and Desert Sands Community School in Ashcroft were two of the schools the group toured. Eagle River Secondary Principal Val Edgell said the group came to Clinton and Ashcroft in November last year. “What was neat was that the group could get some questions answered around the process.” Committee members were able to talk with See SCHOOL on p. 6
Cartoonist will look at the lighter side
The Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal is pleased to announce a new addition to our team of contributors: editorial cartoonist Adrian Reside. Born in New Zealand in 1957, Reside was editorial cartoonist for The Victoria Times-Columnist from 1979 until 2015. His editorial cartoons have appeared in more than 400 newspapers and magazines worldwide. His comic strip “The Other Coast” was launched in 2000, and now appears in hundreds of publications. Each week on page 4, Raeside will set his sights on a new target. Whether it be the provincial government, gas prices, climate change, or the Canucks, he’ll find the lighter side of the subject. “I’m very pleased to be in The Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal,” he says. “I hope your readers like what they see!”
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A2 ash-cache journal.com
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
Break and enter
On Feb. 16 at 3:30pm, police received a report of a break and enter at the Wilderness Way site on Kirkland Ranch Rd. The break-in, which probably happened during the previous week, was noticed by the caretaker when he made a visit to the site. A door had been forced open, and souvenirs, clothing, and zip-line harnesses were taken. The matter is still under investigation, and there are no suspects at this time. Anyone with information about the theft is asked to call the Ashcroft RCMP detachment or Crimestoppers.
Vehicle fire
On Feb. 17 at 11:15pm, police were called to a vehicle fire in the parking lot of Hillside Manor on Government St. in Ashcroft. The owner of the vehicle, who lives at the Manor, reported that the 2015 Jeep Wrangler had a history of problems, and had just come out
tain any injuries, but there was minor damage to the rear of the vehicle.
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
of the shop after having electrical issues addressed. The vehicle was destroyed.
Vehicle/pedestrian collision
On Feb. 19 at 1:00pm, police were called to a pedestrian/motor vehicle incident on Railway Avenue in Ashcroft. A 59-year-old Ashcroft male was parallel parking near People’s Drug Mart when he backed into a 76-yearold Ashcroft woman who had stepped into his path and who he had not seen. The driver stopped when he felt a bump. The woman declined to go to the hospital, and was treated at the scene by paramedics. She did not sus-
Sounded like gunshots
On Feb. 19 at 8:30pm, police received a call about several gunshots heard at a residence on the Ashcroft Reserve. Police attended the scene, and while speaking with the complainant an officer saw fireworks being set off in the direction of where the “shots” were heard. The officer spoke with the 44-year-old Ashcroft resident, who is also a member of the Ashcroft Indian Band, who was letting off the fireworks. He had been cleaning a storage area at his home in Ashcroft and had found the fireworks, which he said were left over from last year. Unlike the Village of Ashcroft, there are no bylaws prohibiting the use of fireworks on the Reserve, so the man had taken them to a friend’s house on the Reserve to set them off.
See STOLEN TRUCK on p. 5
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l The Journal Thursday, February 25, 2016
ash-cache journal.com A3
Historic Hat Creek Ranch eyes plans for new gift shop in 2016
l e d BARBARA RODEN - The Journal ” - The Friends of Historic Hat - Creek Ranch Society (FHHCRS) d AGM was held at the ranch on Feb. d 17, with 16 people turning out to r hear Chair Monty Downs recap the e 2015 season. - He confirmed that, following a n fairly substantial increase in fees in 2015, these would remain the same for 2016. Yearly fees are $27 for an adult, $24 for a senior, and $45 for a family, allowing unlimited access to the site and discounts in the gift shop and restaurant. Downs said that 2015 was “challenging and rewarding” for the ranch, and said that one of the highlights was the completion of a new fire protection and water service last year. “We now have a significantly better fire protection system. The roadhouse is now much better protected, with alarms in each space, and the visitor reception centre now has the sprinkler system activated.” The major barns have also been equipped with rooftop sprinklers. He also reported that late in 2015 the ranch received funding for a new gift shop space. Downs acknowledged that the current location of the gift shop—on the second floor of the visitor centre, with no elevator access— was less than ideal. “This will enable us to get the gift shop down to the ground floor level,” although whether as part of the existing
visitor centre or as a separate building remains to be determined. Don Pearse, General Manager of HHCR, said that the “covered wagon” accommodation that was built at the site last year should be two-thirds paid by the end of the 2016 season. The “wagon” sleeps four people, and Pearse calls it “a unique accommodation that’s especially popular with children.” He also noted that bus business is changing, with many of the tour buses on a tight schedule and booking up to two years in advance. “More than 10,000 people stop here each year, but many don’t go past the restaurant and gift shop. We need to encourage people to spend more time here.” He said that the addition of a new U.S. business will bring 26 more coaches to the site in 2016. Street traffic was up about 16% in 2015, and school business went from 5 visits in 2014 (because of the job action by teachers that closed schools early in June) to 24 in 2015. Pearse added that the school program run by Chris Linton is very popular and almost fully booked. Linton, in character as Charlotte Thompson (wife of explorer and mapmaker David Thompson), goes into classrooms and presents a series of classes. She said that she’s become so wellknown as Thompson that many people address her as “Charlotte” even when she’s not in character. Historic Hat Creek Ranch opens for the season on May 1.
The covered wagon accommodation at Historic Hat Creek Ranch, built last year, sleeps four people and is very popular with children.
Resource Society the place to find help BARBARA RODEN The Journal
The Ashcroft and Area Community Resource Society (CRS) began life in 1983 as the “Interagency Fellowship”, as a way of trying to solve different community projects at the grassroots level. However, the group soon realized that there were already a good many services and supports available. “People would come to us and talk about what services they wanted to provide, and we would clarify to make sure no one else was offering it,” says CRS Chair Shirley Dobson. “If no one was, we’d write a letter of support.”
The team at Lytton’s new dental clinic in their “dream facility”. (from l) Dr. Dang, Bobbi Jo Campbell, Kassandra Philips, and Debbie Bossence (see story on p. 1)
Monthly meetings attended by representatives of various community groups help in the sharing of information and the coordination of efforts. Dobson admits that the meetings can be a challenge, however. “We hold them on the second Monday of each month, at noon at the E. Fry Society office on Bancroft,” she says, noting that the noon start time was intended to help more people attend meetings on their lunch hour. “Everyone is so short-staffed now that it’s hard to find representatives.” She adds that anyone who wants to volunteer is welcome to attend the meetings, to find out what’s going on and where they can help. For many years now the CRS has coordinated the annual Christmas Food Hamper project. “There were many groups and individuals providing Christmas hampers on their own,” says Dobson, noting that the rather haphazard approach meant that some people got overlooked. “We felt it would be better if everyone could support one group doing it, so that no one got missed.” The group takes over the Community Hall in Ashcroft for several days each December, coordinating the donations from schools, organizations, businesses, and individuals, and preparing hundreds of hampers. “We’re the central point for anyone doing food drives.” The CRS collects information about what people need, and ensures that every hamper has a turkey, stuffing mix, potatoes, and vegetables: everything needed for a traditional Christmas dinner. They also provide tinned and dry goods to supplement the recipients while the Food Bank is closed over the holidays. The CRS has also held workshops in the past, on such subjects as elder abuse, nutrition, and fraud. They also produced a resource guide, listing contact information for hundreds of groups, organizations, and services available in the area. It’s available online at http://www. ashcroftcrsdirectory.ca/Directory_Search. aspx?RD=1. “The CRS is meant to get and support people from all walks of life,” says Dobson. “Anyone who has a service to offer is welcome to come to our meetings.”
A4 ash-cache journal.com Published by Black Press Ltd. 402 - 4th St., Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0. Founded in 1895 Editor: Barbara Roden
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
Don’t stop the presses It hasn’t been a good few weeks for newspapers in Canada. First there was news that Postmedia was cutting 90 jobs and merging newsrooms in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Ottawa. Then came the closures of The Guelph Mercury (established 1867) and The Nanaimo Daily News (1875). Black Press, which owns The Journal, owned the Daily News, and Rick O’Connor, Black Press CEO, said the decision to close the paper was not taken lightly. He said that The News staff had made “a number of improvements to the content and format of the paper over the past 10 months. While the improvements were well-received by existing readers, they did not translate into an increase in paid circulation or advertising revenue “As a result Black Press was unable to develop a sustainable business model that would offset the high cost base of The News in relation to its low paid circulation base.” This is a huge blow: not just to those who have lost their jobs, but to the community, which no longer has a paper covering events in the area. If a sufficiently large news story occurs there will probably be some coverage in the Victoria media; but what about all the small events that go on week in and week out, which are the lifeblood of communities, and have an impact on people’s daily lives? With no local paper to report on them, people living in Nanaimo will lose a vital link to their community. When the flood occurred in Cache Creek in May 2015, news outlets from around the province descended to cover the disaster, then moved on to the next story. It was left to The Journal to follow up, by interviewing residents, business owners, and representatives from the groups who responded; reporting on the ongoing fundraising efforts; providing updates on the cleanup and rebuilding; and examining how the Village finances will be affected. For the last four months I’ve been doing freelance reporting for The 100 Mile Free Press, covering dozens of stories in that community. One that I reported on was the South Cariboo Health Foundation’s “Starry Nights” fund-raiser, which I covered before it kicked off in November and then wrote updates about in December and January. The SCHF was trying to raise $20,000 for an electric imaging trauma stretcher, and the stories were intended as a reminder that the fund-raiser was ongoing, as well as pointing out what the SCHF does for the area. I did a wrap-up piece when the event ended in late January, and asked how much had been raised. The answer was more than $50,000, double what was raised the year before. Was that, in part, because of ongoing coverage in the Free Press? Who can say? One can say that without that coverage, far fewer people would have been aware of the campaign; which is why local papers are a vital part of their communities. Let’s not lose any more of them.
No coffee or tea for volunteers?
Dear Editor, I have been a volunteer at Long Term Care at the Ashcroft Health Site for over 10 years. I call bingo, help with outings, special occasions, and BBQs, and whatever else I can do. I enjoy every minute I spend with the residents. Recently I was told that family, friends, or volunteers can’t have a cup of coffee or tea. I personally find this very insulting after all the hours I have spent volunteering. Thank goodness I don’t drink coffee or tea. I usually have a glass of ice water. The next thing I know I won’t be allowed ice in my water. Shame on Interior Health.
Kitty Murray Ashcroft
Area has a long history of protest Dear Editor, Protest is not new in Ashcroft. Far from it. As anyone knows who has lived in these villages for 30 years or longer, issues have arisen that have resulted in protest. One might say, without exaggeration, widespread protest. The Hat Creek coal development plan in the early 1980s comes first to mind. BC Hydro wished to mine the soft coal in the hills of Upper Hat Creek. The mine would have been established on and around First Nations land. The energy from the burning of soft coal would have greatly altered
Letters to the Editor We invite all Letters to the Editor on relevant or topical matters, but reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality, and taste. No unsigned letter will be printed. All submissions must bear the Author’s name, address, and telephone number for reference purposes. Letters must be received by 10:00am Friday. E-mail letters to: editorial@accjournal.ca Mail/drop off: Box 190, 130 4th Street, Ashcroft, B.C., V0K 1A0 Fax: 250-453-9625
Advertising: sales@accjournal.ca production@accjournal.ca Editorial: editorial@accjournal.ca
A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
See DEMOCRACY on p. 7
the land, water, and air quality across a wide stretch of territory. The building of a railroad across First Nations and ranch land, the drying up of creeks and lakes, and the threat to agricultural production seemed imminent. Protests were organized by farmers, First Nations, and ranchers. Hydro was drilling the hills for core samples, and many millions of dollars were being spent on land preparation. Hundreds were gathering on or near the sites, as Hydro began buying up prime ranch land. Then the deal fell through. The protest, which resulted in mounting legal costs, might well have been a factor, but even then, environmental issues were beginning to emerge. In the late 1980s, another proposal brought another wave of protest. The search was on for a site for a toxic waste incinerator. People were overwhelmingly against the idea, and began to organize. At least 400 persons came out to stand on Railway Avenue to hear speeches. Information was sought about toxic waste incinerators, and all advice proved negative indeed. Groups were organized to learn civil defence mechanisms. It was an amazing show of resilience and willingness to fight, and the proposal eventually came to a mysterious and surprising end.
Terry Daniels
Barbara Roden
Kiana Haner-Wilk
Christopher Roden
Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, February 25, 2016
ash-cache journal.com A5
TNRD takes centre stage in new video BARBARA RODEN The Journal
The Thompson River near Spences Bridge is one of many locations in the Thompson-Nicola Regional District that’s spotlighted in a new video.
Photo courtesy of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District.
Stolen truck found in Clinton Police Report from p. 2
Failed break-in attempt
Just after 8:00am on Feb. 22, police had a call advising that there had been an attempted break in at the HUB building in Ashcroft. Someone had tried to pry open the outside door into the old library; the exterior light over the door had been smashed the week before. Policed were told that nothing was reported missing, and that there was nothing of value inside the building anyway. The building is alarmed, but the alarm did not sound because the perpetrator was unable to open the door.
Into the ditch
On Feb. 22 at 9:45am, police received a report of a single vehicle accident on Hwy. 1 at Hat Creek Rd., 18km south of Cache Creek. A medical condition caused the 67-year-old driver, a resident of Likely, B.C., to cross the centre line and go into a ditch, where the vehicle rolled over. The driver suffered head injuries but was conscious, and was transported by ambulance to Kamloops for treatment. Police are looking at charges of crossing the centre line and driving while suspended.
Stolen vehicle found
On Feb. 22 at 5:40pm, an employee with B.A.T. Construction reported that he had spotted one of the company’s vehicles, which had been stolen over the weekend, travelling north on Hwy. 97 out of Cache Creek. Th e2009 white Ford F-350 pickup truck was later recovered in Clinton. Two people were taken into custody by Clinton RCMP for possession of stolen property. The matter is still under investigation.
Move along
On Feb. 22 at 9:35pm, police were called to the Chevron gas station in Cache Creek to deal with an apparently intoxicated male who was causing a disturbance. The 31-year-old from Smithers was located, and police determined he was not intoxicated, but appeared to be suffering from a mental condition which made him appear so. The man, who had been panhandling in the Chevron parking lot, said he was hitchhiking down to Vancouver and just passing through. He was advised to move along.
Dozens of movies and TV shows featuring many famous actors have been filmed in the Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD). Now, however, the TNRD has taken a starring role itself, in a promotional video called “The Region of B.C.’s Best”. The TNRD asked the Thompson-Nicola Film Commission (TNFC) to produce the video, meant to showcase the best and most significant attributes of the TNRD. “The TNRD’s Economic Development, Tourism, and Regional Parks committee first discussed making the video, and then the TNRD Board approved it,” says TNFC Commissioner Victoria Weller, noting that they wanted to create a distinct identity for the Thompson-Nicola region. “We’re part of the Thompson-Okanagan Tourism Association, the Thompson-Okanagan Porsche Club. When you watch the weather on TV we’re under Thompson-Okanagan. We wanted to show what makes the Thompson-Nicola area special, different, and remarkable.” Weller adds that other regions of the province—such as the Okanagan, Cariboo, and Kootenay areas—have their own distinct identities. The video is an attempt to put something out there to build awareness of the Thompson-Nicola area. The TNFC was able to obtain some existing video footage from other groups, businesses, and organizations in the region, but had to do much of the filming themselves. Then came the process of editing all the footage together,
which took almost five months. Approving the final version also took some time. “The video was vetted several times: by senior staff, the committee, and the TNRD Board,” says Weller. “We went through several starts, and had to ask questions such as ‘Do we need narration?’” The vastness of the region meant that not every iconic attraction made it into the sixminute video. “For example, we couldn’t show all the guest ranches in the TNRD, but we showed a few different styles,” says Weller. The video was produced by Kamloops-based Joy Factory Films, and showcases the TNRD’s attributes, such as culture, tourism, technology, natural resources, and agriculture, throughout its 11 municipalities and 10 electoral areas. TNRD residents can have fun spotting what was filmed in their area, and see all that the region has to offer. Weller says that the video can be used at trade shows and conventions, on websites and social media, by anyone who wants to, free of charge. “Economic development agencies, tourism agencies, local governments, businesses— we encourage anyone who wants to share the video.” “The Region of B.C.’s Best” can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=4j4qFi8lSbo, or by searching “Thompson-Nicola Regional District”.
Sunday Worship 10:50 am
LILLOOET PROPERTIES REQUEST FOR OFFERS School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) intends to sell the following properties in Lillooet: 1. Former Riverview Elementary, located at 211 Hill Crest Drive in Lillooet, BC. The site, zoned P-3 (school) is approximately 2 acres and will be sold “as is, where is”. There is a building on site. 2. Former Continuing Education Centre (Board office), located at 538 Main Street in Lillooet, BC. The site, zoned C-2 (local commercial) is approximately 0.20 acres and will be sold “as is, where is”. There is a building on site. 3. Former Cosmetology Centre, located at 472 Main Street in Lillooet, BC. The site, zoned C-2 (local commercial) is part of approximately 0.96 acres and will be sold “as is, where is”. There is a building on site. 4. Former Learning Resource Centre, located at #76 – 5th Avenue in Lillooet, BC. The site, zoned C-2 (local commercial) is part of approximately 0.96 acres and will be sold “as is, where is”. There is a building on site. The full information package will be available electronically or by mail by contacting the Finance Manager. Packages are also available for pick up from 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m., Monday to Friday at the School District Office, 400 Hollis Road Ashcroft, BC. Enquiries and Offers: Mr. Steven Aie, Finance Manager Telephone: (250) 453-9151 Ext 221 or 1-855-453-9101 Email: saie@sd74.bc.ca Interested parties are asked to submit offers on or before March 11, 2016 although offers received after that date may be considered.
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Seventh Day Adventist Church 409 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC
Pastor Karel Samek 250-523-9086 Local contact Reg Andersen 250-453-0090 Worship Service 11:00 am
Ashcroft Constituency Office 405 Railway Avenue Ashcroft, BC Phone 250 453-9726 Toll-Free 1 877 378-4802 Email jackie.tegart.mla@leg.bc.ca www.jackietegartmla.bc.ca
A6 ash-cache journal.com
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
and residents coming meetof the TNRD ing of Cache who depend Creek Counon library sercil, to present vices,” says news about the Barbara Roden TNRD Chair new and imJohn Ranta. proved system. “This agreeThe commitment . . . retee discussed flects our common goal to support and whether or not to offer Cache Creek to Deal reached with library staff improve the delivery of quality services receive the first year’s membership for The Thompson-Nicola Regional Disat an affordable and manageable cost to free; a “neighbourly” thing to do in light trict (TNRD) Board of Directors has of the flooding crisis last year. It was also reached a three-year agreement with the taxpayers within the TNRD’s budget.” thought that such an offer might be an inmore than 100 BCGEU members emAnnual Ashcroft tradition continues centive for the Village to rejoin the tranployed by the TNRD Library System. The United Church Women’s 70th an- sit system. The term of the agreement is from Jan. 1, 2016 to Dec. 31, 2018. It provides nual Bean Supper will be taking place on for a modest annual wage increase of Monday, March 14 at the United Church Clinton robbery likely a one-off The recent armed robbery in Clinton Hall. It’s the longest continuously-run1.5% over the three years of the term. “Ratifying another three-year agree- ning event in Ashcroft, and features de- appears to have been a one-off “crime of ment provides stability for TNRD Li- licious home-cooked food, including a opportunity”, similar to recent robberies brary System employees, their employer, huge range of delectable pies. The first in Salmon Arm and Kelowna, and a susseating is from 5:00–6:00pm, and pect has been apprehended. A member from the Clinton RCMP the second seating is from 6:00– detachment has visited businesses in 7:00pm. town to review their video surveillance equipment. Most systems were reported Cache Creek flood relief Cache Creek Council has ap- to be pretty good; businesses without proved the release of the fourth good systems are checking into getting Zion United Church Services: round of flood relief payments better ones. Feb 28: Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt - Holy Communion totalling $21,500 from the Cache Mar 6: Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt Creek Flood bank account. The Joint Council meetings discussed Mar 13: Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt At a Committee of the Whole meettotal funds released to date total Mar 20: Rev. Nick Judson $257,677.28. The flood relief fund ing held by Cache Creek Council on Mar 27: Easter Sunday - Rev. Ivy Thomas (Holy Communion) Feb 18-29: The Lions are collecting Canadian Tire Dollars to still has a balance of approximately Feb. 9, Village Staff were directed to indonate to Ashcroft Minor Hockey. You can donate at the Arena itiate a meeting with the Village of Ash$20,000 to be disbursed. or Ashcroft Building Centre. croft Staff, and at that time bring forward Feb 22: Cache Creek Council meeting at 4:30 in the Village a suggestion for a joint meeting of both Office. Everyone welcome to attend. Local transit Feb 27th: 10:30 am Fountain Academy Orchestra & Singers The Transit Committee met in Councils. The purpose of the meeting “Free Concert” 711 Hill Street at the Ashcroft Hub Ashcroft on Feb. 15, and discussed would be to identify economic opportunMarch 1: Alzheimer Society of BC - Understanding Dementia encouraging Cache Creek to return ities and synergies, as well as discuss an workshop 1:00-4:00 pm at the Ashcroft HUB, 711 Hill St. Call to the transit system. It was decid- array of common issues facing both comTara Hildebrand 1-800-886-6946 to register. March 1: 2:00pm, the United Church Women are meeting in ed to bring a delegation to an up- munities..
Lytton Library hours changing
The Lytton Library will no longer be open on Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm. It will instead be open on Tuesdays from 2:00 to 6:00pm. The current Thursday hours of 3:00 to 7:00pm will be shifted back one hours, to 2:00 to 6:00 pm.
Coming Events
the church hall in Ashcroft, to make final plans for the 70th Bean Supper. Please bring three Easter cards each for the use of the residents at Garden Oasis. Mar 4: Annual General Meeting for the Cache Creek Beautification Society. Noon in the Village Office. March 14: The 70th annual United Church Women’s Bean Supper, the longest ongoing event in Ashcroft. First sitting 5:00–6:00pm; second sitting 6:00–7:00pm. Come and enjoy a home-cooked meal. Mar 17: Seniors’ Centre Business Meeting. Lunch at noon followed by the meeting. All seniors welcome. At the Seniors’ Centre on Bancroft St. in Ashcroft (Village Office building). May 27, 28 & 29: “WRAPS and the Ashcroft Art Club are hosting the 5th Annual Ashcroft Plein Air Paint-out May 27, 28 and 29th. For more information please contact: ashcroftpleinair@gmail.com”.
Add your community events to our online calendar at http://www.ash-cache-journal.com/calendar/
Dinner FRI, FEB. 26th 6:30-7:15 pm Beef on a Bun $12/plate Served with salads and dessert
Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm * Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily *Euchre first, second & third Sundays of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome ASHCROFT LEGION GENERAL MEETING 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm ~ Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm MEMBERS & BONA FIDE GUESTS WELCOME
Rural budget news
The Provincial Government has announced the creation of a Rural Dividend Program, which will be funded with $25 million per year over the next three years to support communities with populations under 25,000. Details will be finalized over the next few months, with the intention of receiving applications from communities starting this summer. The first round of grants is expected to be released in the fall of 2016. The funding is expected to be restricted to projects that focus on economic diversification. The B.C. government has also announced they will be providing an additional $2 million per year over three years to help rural communities maintain historic sites.
SD 74 closer to disposal of Clinton school
The Board of Education of School District No. 74 has approved the recommendation that the former Clinton Elementary School will not be required for future educational purposes. The recommendation was necessary in order for the District to seek ministerial approval to dispose of the former school, which closed in 2010.
TNRD Financial Plan
Residents of the TNRD are invited to a public consultation session on Friday, Feb. 26 in Kamloops. The Director of Finance will be there to discuss the TNRD’s 2016–2020 Five Year Financial Plan. The session begins at 10:00am at the TNRD building in Kamloops. Anyone unable to attend will be able to find all information from the meeting online at www.tnrd.ca.
School visits were a “positive experience” for group
said that the committee was very interested in seeing the actual day-to-day activities of the school unfold. “They had sent questions in advance, so they had a lot of information administration, staff, and students at the schools. Edgell ad- when they came here.” mits that at the start of the process, members of the commitShe says that the interaction of the older students with the tee had varying levels of acceptance of the K–12 model, with younger ones was a concern. “When they saw that the intersome completely opposed to it. actions were positive, that the older students were kind to the “Visiting other schools really changed the minds of younger ones, it allayed a lot of their fears.” members; they were very reassured. The team came away Pickering says that the committee members left on a thinking the schools had such a positive atmosphere, and more positive note than when they arrived. “They were imthey were very reassured by the behaviour of the students.” pressed and happy; it was a positive experience for them. Carole Pickering, Principal of David Stoddart School, “School culture is always a big consideration; you walk in to a school and get a feeling for it. Things are going well at David Stoddart, and we were able to give them the feeling that things are 202 BRINK STREET, ASHCROFT, BC working here.” Colleen MinnaFor the past 85 years my grandfather, barriet, Principal of my father, and myself have proudly Desert Sands School, served the Ashcroft and area residents says that “the reat John Bundus & Son Ltd. sponse of the group I would like to thank our loyal from Sicamous was customers for their support and extremely positive, patronage in making our business a and they felt optimissuccess during these many years. tic for their communOur last day of business will be ity once they saw the Friday, February 26, 2016. school and discussed My best wishes go to both; the the ways we are workpurchasers of the land and the buildings, ing to support learning and the purchasers of the equipment from pre-K to grade and stock; in all their future endeavours. 12 in our community.” Schools from p. 1
Sincerely, John Bundus
The Journal Thursday, February 25, 2016
Free library workshops teach tech skills
The Ashcroft Library hosted an iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch workshop on Feb. 16. m It was part of an ongoing series of computer and technology courses sponsored by the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library System (TNRDLS). t The workshop was run by Larry Maki, a computer trainer for the TNRDLS. The 90-minute session taught the basics of using - any device that runs Apple’s iOS operating syss tem, including finding, installing, deleting, and organizing apps; connecting to Wi-Fi; accessing useful settings; and much more. Ashcroft Branch Head Deanna Porter says that there are more than a dozen workshops that can be booked, and that there’ll all free. “We encourage patrons to come in and suggest a sesl
sion that they’d find useful. We can’t guarantee getting it, but we’ll try.” The workshops are open to anyone who wants to learn more about the subject under discussion. They’re also available to be offered by any TNRDLS library; check your local branch for information. The next workshop will be on March 15 from 10:00 to 11:30am, and will be about Android tablets and smartphones. Anyone who has an Android tablet or smartphone, or who is thinking about purchasing one, can learn how to operate a portable touch-screen device running the Android operating system. This workshop will be followed on April 16 with a session about Windows 10. Porter encourages anyone interested in either of these workshops to come in to the library and sign up. She says everyone on the list for a workshop will receive a reminder phone call about it.
Democracy has not outgrown its time
r r
ash-cache journal.com A7
Esther Darlington MacDonald Ashcroft
Photo by Barbara Roden
Protest from p. 4
The next issue that arose that caused a great deal of protest was the proposal for a garbage landfill in Cache Creek. The garbage would ,come from Greater Vancouver, and would be -trucked up through the Fraser Canyon to the tune of many truckloads a week. The landfill, we were assured, would be e“state of the art”. Liners to protect run-off that would affect ground water would be installed. lEvery precaution would be taken, and they twere. The trouble was, the burning-off of the methane gas for decades added to global warming. I recall that the gymnasium at Cache Creek Elementary School was filled to capacity, with -not even standing room, when proponents of the dlandfill arrived and spoke to the crowd. A hand vote was taken on the spot: those not in favour, put up your hands. Just about every arm in the gym went up. However, then-NDP Opposition -leader Mike Harcourt told me later, the proeject was already a fait accompli. The decisions had been made without protocols or agreements from the people. Democracy seemed to be a system that had outgrown its time. The other protest that comes to mind was the diseased chicken fiasco. Lower Mainland chicks en farmers had a serious problem, with chickens dying of some disease by the thousands. The proposal was to ship them to that conveneient landfill in Cache Creek. Now, everyone knows that bears, eagles, and many other animals feed off the landefill. Protest resulted. People camped at the enetrances to insure no trucks carrying the chickens got through, and stood along the highway with -signs. In the end, the diseased chickens were fdisposed of in the Lower Mainland. These are just a few of the protests that have occurred in Ashcroft, Cache Creek, and at Hat Creek in my 40-odd years in this community. sProtest isn’t new in Ashcroft, or anywhere else. Let’s face it: sometimes decisions are made by the people we vote for to administer our affairs that are not always based on adequate inforemation. Anybody who serves on our municipal dcouncils and other governments soon realizes -that there is much more to the job than attending gmeetings and public speaking.
Larry Maki (centre), a computer trainer with the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library System, leads a technology workshop at the Ashcroft Library. The free workshops are open to anyone.
from School District No. 74 News from the Board of Education As part of the Strategic Plan the Board determined its values and value statements for Gold Trail:
Learning: Keeping learning at the core of all we do
High Standards: Striving for excellence in all that we do and believing that excellence is within everyone’s reach
Traditions: Embracing Indigenous principles of learning, teaching and way of life
Care and Appreciation: Nurturing positive and caring relationships with students, their families and communities
At the February Board meeting, the Board of Education adopted Policy 2.140 Whistleblower Protection. The Board is committed to the highest standards of openness, honesty and accountability and believes that there is a shared responsibility between employees and the Board to prevent harm and injury. To view Board policies visit the district website at sd74.bc.ca
Last month’s update included information on the Strategic Plan and the Board’s goal regarding relationships and engagement. This month, the Board’s goal for Indigenous education is, Indigenous teaching, values and traditions are integrated throughout the district.
News from the Board of Education All Indigenous students are safe, proud of their identity and
feel a sense of belonging As part of the Strategic Plan the Board determined its values and The district has value statements for meaningful Gold Trail: and trusting relationships with families and communities Learning: Keeping learning at the core of all we do The Indigenous Principles of Learning are embedded into Care and and Appreciation: teaching learning; Nurturing positive and caring relationships with students, their families and communities The effectiveness of Indigenous teaching practices are as High Standards: Striving for excellence in all that we do and sessed using culturally appropriate techniques. believing that excellence is within everyone’s reach
Policy No. 2.140 Whistleblower Protection
Traditions: Embracing Indigenous principles of learning, teaching and way of life
News in Business: Finance/Policy Last month’s update included information on the Strategic Plan and year the Board’s goal regarding and Each the Board approves anrelationships annual budget in engagement. June for the This month, the year. Board’s for Indigenous education upcoming school Thegoal Ministry requires that Boardsis,of Indigenous teaching, values and traditions integrated Education submit an amended Budget bylaw are by the end of February. Onthroughout February 2the thedistrict. Board approved the 2015/16 Amended Budget bylaw is a total students budget amount of proud $22 million. which All Indigenous are safe, of their identity and feel a sense of belonging The district receives revenue from and Provincial Grants primarily with from The district has meaningful trusting relationships the Ministry of Education in addition to some rental, investment and families and communities miscellaneous revenue. The district’s annual operating revenue is The Indigenous Principles of Learning are embedded into $19,970,908. teaching and learning;
district The effectiveness Indigenous teaching administration, practices are asThe spends theseofdollars on instruction, maintenance, and transportation. The operating expense allocation sessed using culturally appropriate techniques. for 2015/16 is $17,925,348. Each year the district submits a Five Year Capital Plan to the Ministry with a detailed list of capital projects. The ministry reviews capital plans from the 60 districts and prioritizes and allocates funding accordingly. The Board also transfers surpluses to Local Capital which then be usedan toannual maintain and renovate district Each year the can Board approves budget in June for the upcoming facilities. school year. The Ministry requires that Boards of Education submit an amended Budget bylaw by the end of February.
News in Business: Finance/Policy
News in Education: Stickboy from School District No. 74
Policy No. 2.140 Whistleblower Protection Vancouver Opera in Schools has been bringing their performances to At the across February meeting, the Board of Education schools theBoard province for forty-two years. This weekadopted secondary Policy 2.140 Whistleblower Protection. Board isOpera committed to students had the opportunity to enjoy theThe Vancouver perform the highest standards of openness, andbullying accountability Shane Koyczan’s, Stickboy. This story honesty addresses as a boyand is believesbullied, that there a shared responsibility between shunned, andiscruelly provoked but finds courageemployees through his andimagination the Board to prevent harm and view Board policies vivid and the support andinjury. love ofTohis grandmother. visit the district website at sd74.bc.ca This production helps students and teachers engage in conversations to better understand the concept of belonging and behaviour.
News in Education: Stickboy
The Board supports schools to create environments that are safe, caring and orderly and to create opportunities such as this production to proactively teach learners about social and emotional wellness of themselves and others, their rights and responsibilities and the positive role of the bystander, Policy No. 5.120 Student Bullying.
Vancouver Opera in Schools has been bringing their performances to schools across the province for forty-two years. This week secondary students had the opportunity to enjoy the Vancouver Opera perform Shane Koyczan’s, Stickboy. This story addresses bullying as a boy is shunned, bullied, and cruelly provoked but finds courage through his vivid imagination and the support and love of his grandmother. This production helps students and teachers engage in conversations to better understand the concept of belonging and behaviour. The Board supports schools to create environments that are safe, caring and orderly and to create opportunities such as this production to proactively teach learners about social and emotional wellness of themselves and others, their rights and responsibilities and the positive role of the bystander, Policy No. 5.120 Student Bullying.
A8 ash-cache journal.com
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
Senior girls off to Okanagans BARBARA RODEN The Journal
The Ashcroft Senior Girls’ basketball team won a nail-biter in overtime on Feb. 19, defeating Chase 47–44 at a game played at St. Ann’s Academy in Kamloops. The win has secured the team a berth at the Okanagans, which take place in Lumby from Feb. 25–27. A good showing there will see the team qualify for the provincial tournament. The team did an exceptional job to get the win, as they were down to eight players (two of them juniors), and two of their starting players fouled out in the fourth quarter, leaving the team with just six players to finish the game and go into overtime. The Ashcroft Senior Boys’ team also won in overtime on the 19th, overcoming Clearwater by a score of 70–63. The win brought the boys a step closer to trying to challenge for a spot at the Okanagans. They played Vernon Christian School in a game in Ashcroft on Feb. 22, which they won 85–45. The team was set to play King’s Christian at a game in Salmon Arm on Feb. 23; a win would mean the boys’ team also qualifies for the Okanagans.
My job is to help residents settle into their new home with comfort and ease.
Oriana Dubois (centre) takes a free throw against Chase during the game played on Feb. 19. The team’s win has secured them a place at the Okanagans this weekend.
Photo by David Dubois
Curling club trying to turn things around BARBARA RODEN The Journal
The Ashcroft Curling Club is trying to attract new members and new sources of revenue. Hilda Jones, President of the Club, appeared at a Committee of the Whole meeting of Ashcroft Council on Feb. 22, requesting that the
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Come out to the
“Distinctive Destinations: Exploring Historic Places” ~ sponsored by the Village of Ashcroft! Presenters Kathy Paulos and Barbara Roden will look at Ashcroft as a “distinctive destination” over the decades; and members of the public are welcome to share their own accounts of arriving in Ashcroft!
Sunday, February 28 2:00 to 4:00pm at the Community Hall, Bancroft St. Refreshments will be available.
club be allowed to take $5,000 from the Capital Asset Reserve (CAR) it has with the Village. The CAR was set up to cover capital costs associated with running the building, with an agreement for both the Village and the club to contribute $2,500 each per year. Over the last two years the club has only been able to contribute $1,250 per year to the fund. “We have 45 members and $688 in the bank,” said Jones in making her request. “But we don’t want the Curling Club to close.” She said that the club has raised money by various means, including renting out the facility to a silviculture business last summer to store seedlings. The club is currently in discussion with the same business to provide even more storage space this year. “They only used two of the sheets, and this year we’re hoping they use all four.” Jones said that they’re planning another raffle, and are looking for grants. The club had been slated to play host to a Legion playdown this season, but it was cancelled. Had it gone ahead, she said, the club probably wouldn’t be asking for the $5,000. She said that the club has a coach interested in starting a junior curling league, and she will be liaising with local schools in the fall. The club is also going to try to get the Rocks and Rings program into area schools, so that children have an opportunity to learn about curling before they hit the sheets. “We’re aiming to get some juniors in, and get some young blood,” she said, noting that most of the club members are seniors. “We can’t keep raising the rates; some seniors can’t afford it.” The request for the $5,000 will be on the agenda for the Council meeting on March 14.
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lThe Journal Thursday, February 25, 2016
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Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. $0 down payment and a $0 security deposit is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment or trade. Total obligation is $19,104/$21,648, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $13,036/$19,467. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited-time offer, which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. * Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and accept delivery between February 2 and February 29, 2016 of a new or demonstrator 2016 model year GMC model excluding GMC Canyon 2SA. General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two biweekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay Dealer Fees. Insurance, licence, and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. ^ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between February 2 and February 29, 2016. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on select new or demonstrator 2015 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 2WD 1SA / Crew Cab 2WD 1SA and Sierra HD’s 1SA 2WD with gas engine. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $45,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $535.71 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $45,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight, air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA/movable property registry fees, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers may sell for less. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. † $12,000 is a combined total credit consisting of $1,000 Loyalty Cash (tax inclusive) and a $11,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for a 2015 Sierra HD gas models (excluding 1SA 4x2), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $11,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ¥ Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 Sierra or 2016 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between February 2 and February 29, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles (except Canyon 2SA, Sierra 1500 and HD); $1,000 credit available on all 2015 and 2016 GMC Sierra models. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.
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A10 ash-cache journal.com
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
Every end is a new beginning Seven years ago I started writing On a Brighter Note. The idea behind it was to write slice-of-life stories from a positive perspective, and often from a personal one. Over the years I covered a variety of topics, usually whatever was top of mind
as my deadline rapidly approached. A lot of it was lighthearted everyday stuff anyone could relate to. Other articles were more serious, dealing with issues such as mental illness, societal dangers and death. I will continue writing, but I won’t be
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com doing it through this weekly column anymore. Coming to that conclusion wasn’t easy, but now that I have, it feels good to be letting go. Moving forward I will be focusing on getting a book I have inside of me out. My personality requires a great deal of obsessive dedication in order to make that happen, and for that reason I will be “hunkering down” as my Papa used to say. I love newspapers and I always have, so I will continue to submit to them when-
ever I’m inspired to write about a particular topic. In the meantime, I’ll take this opportunity to thank the editors who have published my articles and the people who have read them. I realize there’s a never ending supply of reading material out there with newspapers, magazines, books and online content, and it’s a privilege for any writer to find an audience. I’ve received many incredible emails and letters over the years and I’ve kept them all. I’ve also hung on to some of
the angry ones, even from people wishing me dead. Those weren’t my favourite of course, but it’s the price you pay for putting yourself out there. It wasn’t what I anticipated when I first started, but I didn’t know what to expect. I simply felt compelled to write something I thought I’d like reading myself, and I was fortunate there were some people who thought it was worth their time. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to work with two fantastic artists. The first was Keith Funk who illustrated my articles the first eight months, and sparked the idea for the column in the first place. And then Jim Hunt, a brilliant cartoonist who lives in New York. He was way out of my league
with major clients like Mad Magazine and Google among others, but he was interested in working with me anyway. What a blessing they both were. I’ll thank my loving family as well since they were incredibly supportive and terrific fodder for my writing many times over. With the exception of the dogs, I always asked for their approval before sending it out, especially when it came to anything that could embarrass my kids. Unlike them, I wouldn’t have liked my mom writing about my brother and me in any newspapers when we were children. But I was excruciatingly shy — Sam and Daisy are not. What lies ahead is unknown. I do have a detailed plan, but I’m
old enough to know that the way we envision things doesn’t always work out exactly the way we want. I also understand that when we have an overwhelming desire to do something and the ability to do it, we owe it to ourselves to go for it before it’s too late. Life is short, and there are no guarantees. Some cherished loved ones I’ve already lost and a couple I’m in the midst of losing remind me of that fact every day. This is the last installment of my weekly column and a new chapter of my life will now begin. This is not a goodbye, though, it’s more of a “see you soon.” And thank you. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at LoriWelbourne.com
February Week 5 AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you’ve adopted the attitude that life is an adventure and you e ready to face any challenge that comes your way with an open mind. This may prove to be a busy week. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Do not be surprised if big changes lie in store for you this week, Pisces. You may end up with a new job or begin thinking about relocation. ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Excitement surrounds any get-together you are involved in this week, Aries. This puts you in a good mood for some time, and the positive energy can bring about change. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, this week you may find yourself in the right mood to organize your home or office. If high-tech equipment will be part of the project, enlist a friend to help out. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, if you e feeling particularly amorous this week, schedule a few date nights or even cuddle time with that special someone. A new person may come into your life as well. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Plenty of projects around the house need your attention this week, Cancer. Take advantage of some slower days to devote time to repairs and other tasks on your to-do list. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, important new information may come your way this week. This could be the catalyst for new professional ventures or even provide new ways to network. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a job you have put a lot of effort and time into is completed successfully this week. You now can enjoy the fruits of your labor and the praise coming your way. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Communication improvements with your romantic partner have you feeling optimistic about the future, Libra. Don make any definitive plans, but start thinking ahead. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, an unexpected raise has you spreading the wealth to others. You tend to be good about sharing your good fortune, and that is why so many people look up to you. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 A sense of adventure may find you booking a vacation, Sagittarius. Otherwise, you may be looking to dive into an exciting new relationship. Be impulsive because you deserve it. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, you may be drawn to flashy colors and high energy this week. Plan a fun and energetic date or take in a movie with a lot of special effects.
Interested in advertising? Contact Terry at 250-453-2261 for more information
The Journal Thursday, February 25, 2016
Carpet bowling, bingo, and more The third Thursday of the month is when we hold our Business Meetings, which keep the membership informed of what is happening and what’s upcoming. If you have not been in the habit of attending, perhaps you could come and give us your “tuppenceworth” about how we are doing. Running a club is a bit like driving a team of horses: each horse wants to go its own way, but the reins in the hands of a skilled driver direct their efforts to the desired result. This is not to say that one person directs our efforts. Just like the saying that it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a team to grow a successful club. Soon we will be holding elections, and it would be wonderful if our members would plan to take part. Seeing new ideas developing and succeeding is a wonderful feeling! There has been the usual pretty good attendance at our activities; so much so that it has been suggested we might open on Thursdays every week, if sufficient members turn out. Now that we have more men becoming members, maybe they would like to come to play pool or dominoes or card games, or even just chat and tell each other stories that day! Membership is open to all who are 55 and over. It seems that many of our members no longer have land line phones, and we are having difficulty keeping in touch. If you use a mobile phone, perhaps you could let us know the number so we can keep you in the loop regarding what is coming up. One of these things is the Seniors’
ash-cache journal.com A11
COMMUNITY ent sides. On April 5 there will be a tournament in Cache Creek, so they will all have their best bowling shoes on! It is always good to renew old friendships. Bingo has been doing well, too, and we all enjoy the sensation of winning even when the prizes are not terribly big!
Stewart, who does much of the calling back of the winning cards for checking. I know some of you took home some of the Mandala sheets and colouring pages. If you have finished them, will you please bring them back for display? We have a few posted already, and I am looking for others to join our “Art Gallery”. We hope to see you at the Centre soon, either at one of our regular meetings or at the next Business Meeting on Thursday, March 17. We start with a potluck lunch at 12 noon, followed by the meeting from 1:00–2:00pm, and then cards until 4:00. The lunch is optional: if you’d rather not eat, just come to the meeting afterwards. Mark the date on your calendar and we will see you then, if not before!
Games. There was a meeting in Kamloops last week, attended by our two representatives: Isabel McGrath and Kevin Scallon. There will be news of the events and other details as the time draws closer. They’ll be held in Coquitlam from Sept. 20–24, and people can get more information from Isabel or Kevin or at the Centre. I know many of you have seen our Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors members selling raffle tickets in SafeJoyce West ty Mart, and have been very generous in buying them. It helps us raise funds for our various expenses, such as the Bursary Much happy chat and catching up goes we fund annually for a grade 12 student. on before the start and at the refreshment It goes to someone who shows promise, break (just tea or coffee; no hard stuff!) works hard, and needs a helping hand while we all enjoy the goodies. A hard to go further. We also donate to the Var- worker I forgot to mention earlier is Gena iety Club Telethon to help sick children and their families. We are very grateful to the management and staff of Safety Mart for the help they EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE Great give us in this area; they’re Opportunity AND EDUCATION always smiling and ready to give us a helping hand. Apply CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Our Carpet Bowlers vis(Offered in partnership with VCC, Make Children First & SD74) Today! ited Little Fort two weeks ago and report that a good time was had by all. There were seven carpets out The Early Childhood Care and Education Certificate Program prepares graduates to work as educators in and each team was made licensed child care settings (preschools and daycares) with children three to five years of age. up of players from differDuration: Full Time, Monday – Friday: September, 2016 – June, 2017 ent places. Carpet Bowling Outcome: Graduates receive a certificate from Vancouver Community College as well as the training required to obtain a BC ECE Certificate to Practice and be listed on the ECE Registry. is enjoyed by many of our Applications: Submitted between October 01, 2015 and April 30, 2016. All supporting documentation members on Tuesdays and must be submitted by May 31st or applications will not be reviewed. Thursdays, and always has Entrance Requirements a good turnout and happy rivalry between the differ Proof of GED or qualification for dual credit
So you’ve made your will and named your executor.
Proof of BC Grade 12 English (minimum C grade or recognized English Language Assessment ) Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident 19 years or older Proof of Negative TB skin test (no older than 2 years). If the skin test is positive, proof of a negative chest x-ray is required. Physician’s Report (no older than 2 years) showing the individual is physically healthy and possessing the stamina and emotional maturity to meet the demands of working with young children. Minimum two written letters of reference indicating suitability for program Minimum of 40 hours volunteer/work experience in licensed daycare or preschool with written proof of hours on organization letterhead Criminal Record Check required in accordance with the Criminal Records Review Act. Students must apply for a CRC using online access code provided. Successful interview with program staff based on criteria Program Information: http://www.vcc.ca/programscourses/continuing-studies/
Program information contact: Katarina Jovanovic, Program Coordinator Telephone: 604.871.7000 ext. 8660 or email: kjovanovic@vcc.ca Application Information Contact: Greg Howard, Transition Advisor (SD74) 1-250-318-7485 or ghoward@sd74.bc.ca
An unprepared estate can devastate your family • BC has the 2nd highest PROBATE fees in the country • Pros and Cons of Joint Ownership • Pitfalls of relying on your Living Will • Simple Strategies for relieving your EXECUTOR’S stress • Benefits to family of pre-planning your cremation/burial • Dangers of not having a POWER OF ATTORNEY “Excellent…great info delivered in easy to understand language… and entertaining as well. The best seminar I’ve seen on the topic” Stan Redding, Norida Inc.
TWO FREE SEMINARS TUESDAY MARCH 22 Clinton Hall 1:00-2:30 PM Ashcroft River Inn 6:30-8:00 PM To register, call Thompson Valley Funeral Home at 250-453-9802 or email shawn@tvfh.ca Sponsored by Thompson Valley Funeral Home Ltd.
Send or submit applications to: SD74 Gold Trail PO Bag 250 400 Hollis Road Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0 Attention: Greg Howard
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A12 ash-cache journal.com
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
Upcoming concerts feature something for every musical taste “United in Music” in Lillooet
Back by popular demand is the fourth installment of a local talent presentation called “United in Music”, which promises to bring together top-notch eclectic local musical talent. The concert is on Saturday, Feb. 27 at St. Andrew’s/St. Mary’s Church in Lillooet. Lillooet is blessed with enormously generous, skilled, and talented artists. This is an opportunity to shine the spotlight on Lillooet and area musicians. Pianists, drummers, singer-songwriters, fiddlers, banjo players, and guitarists guarantee an evening of unique musical expression, style, and delivery. Anyone interested in performing at this event, or who knows of someone who would be interested, should contact Lillooet Music at (250) 256-0614.
ating one heck of a hoedown. They’re a Vancouver band that has been serenading audiences in and around the Lower Mainland for more than 10 years. Combining upright bass, guitar, mandolin, and banjo, these guys are equipped with all the right gear to perform original and traditional material that runs the gamut from tender ballads to barn-burning instrumentals. Doors open at 7:00pm, with the concert starting at 7:30. Tickets at the door, or reserve by phone at (250) 453-9345.
Varcoe-Ryan is Shirley Valentine
Hot on the heels of its enthusiastically-received production of My Fair Lady, the Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society is excited to present the famous one-woman, two-act play Shirley Valentine this March. The play will star award-winning local actress and director Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan. This dynamo from Spences Bridge now gets to come from behind the scenes and plant herself squarely in the centre stage spotlight as she displays her formidable acting chops in this wonderful play. Written by Willy Russell, it premiered in Liverpool in 1986 to rave reviews. It was adapted into a movie in 1989 and starred Pauline Collins, who Nadine starred in the original theatre proDavenport duction. creativecurrent@ The production will also feaBluegrass Quartet in Ashcroft telus.net ture the debut of Barbara Roden as UniTea Tea Room presents a toe-tapdirector. The set design and lightping evening of great bluegrass music ing, stage management and coson Friday, Mar. 4 with The Tishomingo tuming will again be undertaken by the String Band. Concert for a good cause same personnel that did such a fantastic Combining the drive of classic blueGospel-folk singer Steve Palmer will job with My Fair Lady. grass with a notion to explore, the TishThere will be two evening showings omingo String Band keeps things lively be in Ashcroft for a concert on Mar. 5 at St. Alban’s Anglican Church. The conat the HUB (former Ashcroft Elementary and unpredictable, and is known for crecert is a fund-raiser for the Refugees and School) on Friday and Saturday, March Friends Together organization in 11 and 12. There will also be a matiKamloops, which is supporting the nee performance on Sunday afternoon, needs of the Syrian refugees set- March 13. Admission is by donation. tling there. Palmer has been touring for 40 Beatbox poetry and R&B acoustic years, and his concerts have been soul described as a toe-tapping mix of Monday, March 7th • 7 pm UniTea Tea Room presents a folk, Gospel, and country favour- mind-blowing evening of soulful music in the basement of the ites, as well as original songs from and beatbox poetry on Wednesday, Mar. Cache Creek Community Hall Palmer’s four albums. Tickets for 23, with a double-bill from C.R. Avery the concert are $15.00 per person and Lexi Marie. Avery’s genius lies in at the door or two for $20.00 if pur- many genres—blues, hip-hop, spoken chased in advance. The doors open word, and rock & roll—while Marie’s at 6:30pm and the concert starts at music combines the essence of folk and 7:00. For more information or to soul with a hip-hop sensibility. purchase tickets, contact Martina Avery is an exemplary ambassador Duncan at (250) 453-9909 or by of Vancouver’s Commercial Drive melte-mail at mbaier34@gmail.com. The Corporation of the Village of Clinton ing-pot bohemian lifestyle. The beat-
Everyone welcome.
Official Community Plan
Notice of Public Hearing Pursuant to Section 465 of the Local Government Act RSBC 2015, the Council of the Village of Clinton gives notice it will hold a Public Hearing: DATE: March 9, 2016 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers to consider proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 532, 2016. The proposed bylaw will guide and regulate future development throughout the community, and it can be viewed in its entirety at www.village.clinton.bc.ca All persons who believe their interest in property may be affected by the proposed bylaw and wish to register an opinion may do so by: 1. Appearing before Council at the said Public Hearing; and/or 2. Forwarding written submissions for Council’s consideration, prior to 3:30 p.m. March 9, 2016 to the Village of Clinton, PO Box 309, Clinton, BC, V0K 1K0; fax: 250-459-2227; or Email: tdall@village.clinton.bc.ca The bylaw and other written information pertaining to this matter may be viewed at www.village.clinton.bc.ca, or at the Village office located at 1423 Cariboo Hwy. Clinton, BC, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, closed from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. daily for lunch, excluding statutory holidays, from February 9, 2016 to March 9, 2016. Any inquiries should be referred to the Village of Clinton, Telephone: 250-459-2261 Fax: 250-459-2227, Email: tdall@village.clinton.bc.ca or by mail to P.O. Box 309, Clinton, BC, V0K 1K0 Dated this 9th Day of February, 2016 Tom Dall, Chief Administrative Officer
Lexi Marie is a prolific poet and vocalist currently based out of Lillooet, and combines the essence of soul and folk with an R&B kiss. When she sings it’s like a sunrise: something to look forward to, bringing light to even the darkest of days. Influenced by strong female artists like Mavis Staples and Lauryn Hill, Marie draws from her struggles and vulnerabilities, making a point of delivering bold and honest messages of strength and resilience. Doors open at 7:00pm, and the concert starts at 7:30.
Crimson Rich Duo featuring Caroline MacKay
Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society presents the Crimson Rich Duo featuring Celtic harpist and vocalist Caroline MacKay on Saturday, Mar. 26. Celebrate the Easter weekend with the beautiful and transcendent music of extraordinary Celtic harpist and vocalist Caroline MacKay. She creates a space where the mystery of harp and the magic of voice become one. Tender Celtic ballads, soul-stirring spirituals, lively Latin rhythms, original works, and classical arrangements are all part of her diverse repertoire. For 20 years, MacKay has played a multitude of venues, from great concert halls, cathedrals, and festivals to intimate house concerts, galleries, and chapels. Her tours have taken her through Canada, the U.S., England, Switzerland, and New Zealand. Tickets will be available at Nature’s Gifts, The Jade Shop, Ashcroft Bakery, and UniTea Tea Room; for more info call (250) 453-2053.
2016 Desert Daze acts announced
The following acts have been confirmed to perform at the 2016 Desert Daze Festival in Spences Bridge on Aug. 12–13; and what a stellar line-up it is! Jan Schmitz writes “We’re bringing back boxing slam poet turned cabaret/blues/ some favourites from festivals past, plus Music at the River Inn harmonica player has released well over some new names you’re sure to love. And The Riv Pub, at the River Inn in a dozen albums, half-a-dozen hip-hop we’re only getting started! We’re still in Ashcroft, presents Wicked Gun on operas, and a few books of poetry. He the process of finalizing the rest of the Wednesday, Mar. 9. For more in- doesn’t just bend genres; he twists them acts, but we’ll give you a taste of what to formation call (250) 453-9124. into funny balloon animals. expect in Spences Bridge this August. “We’re thrilled to bring back Magic Rooster, who rocked the joint in 2014, and Tanya Lipscomb, who impressed us immensely when she performed at Music in the Park in Ashcroft last summer. Rio Early Childhood Care & Education Certificate Samaya is back by popular demand, as is Program (ECCE) guitarist extraordinaire Sean Ashby. New Vancouver Community College has partnered with SD74 Gold Trail and Make to the festival this year Children First to offer the ECCE program. This program supports people to work is Chicken Like Birds, in preschools, daycares, schools, support programs, as well as future laddering and we welcome this into further schooling. fantastic duo to Spences Bridge.” WHEN: September 2016 - June 2017 The Festival will WHERE: Cache Creek feature music, workREGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 1, 2016 shops, First Nations demonstrations, loFor more information please contact deannahorsting123@msn.com cal crafts and vendors, and a beer garden.
The Journal Thursday, February 25, 2016
ash-cache journal.com A13
Golden Country presents
... Past, Present & Beyond Only one man came back - Pt. 4: Guilty or not guilty? Karl Fredericks, accused of the murders of Max The lawyer claimed that the cleaning up of the of both charges and able to leave a free man. Westphal and Herman Peters at Trembleur Lake in camp by Fredericks after the crime was simply an efTwo years later, however, he was picked up near June 1930, did not take the stand during his trial in fort to destroy all evidence which would lead to the Bridge Lake in the Cariboo by a game warden, who Prince George in May 1931; identification of the bodies. However, he discovered that Fredericks did not have a licence for but his lawyer, Mr. Young, said, it had been established that Max the rifle he was carrying. He was told he could either argued that two small trees Westphal had been killed. The question pay a fine or spend 60 days in jail, and Fredericks, in the vicinity of the camp faced by the jury was simple: who had unfortunately for him, chose the latter option. While showed evidence of having killed Westphal? Was it Peters, in anger, he was being held, his fingerprints and picture were been struck by a bullet, which who then killed himself; or Fredericks, sent to Ottawa, where they were promptly used to he said proved that Peters had as part of a double murder to rid himself identify Fredericks as a man who had been tried for fired at Fredericks, who was of his companions, take their money, and murder two years earlier. As he was a German naa short way from camp on the leave the area? tional, this information was transmitted to German night of the killings. The trees Mr. Justice MacDonald was very officials, who replied that Fredericks had six criminhad been discovered when, careful, in his charge to the jury, regard- al convictions in his native country. a few days before the coming circumstantial evidence. The case The matter was turned over to Immigration, and mencement of the trial, Fredended just after noon, and the jurors re- Fredericks soon found himself heading towards Haliericks had accompanied potired, but were called back by MacDon- fax, where he was placed on a ship back to Germany. GOLDEN COUNTRY lice to the site and pointed ald a few minutes later and told that a Much had changed there since Fredericks had left, BARBARA RODEN them out. While no sign of a verdict of manslaughter would not be al- including the rise to power of Adolph Hitler. The spent bullet was found at the lowed. Sometime after that the jurors re- Nazi Party had started rounding up those who opsite, Mr. Young asked the jurturned and asked for a transcript of the posed it, paying particular attention to anyone who ors to accept that the marks on the trees—which had evidence as it pertained to the deaths of Westphal and was a member of the Communist Party. Fredericks, been cut out and were exhibited in court—corrobor- Peters, so they could confirm whose head had been it turned out, had been involved with the party before ated his client’s statement that he had been fired upon severed (Peters). he left for Canada, and had taken part in some street by Peters. No explanation was offered as to why Over the course of the afternoon the jury twice re- fighting. When his ship arrived in Germany in 1934 Peters’s head had been severed from the body. ported back to the judge that they felt unable to reach he was met by members of the S.S., who promptly The crown attorney, Mr. Johnson, said that while a unanimous verdict. Both times the judge sent them whisked him away to a concentration camp. there was no direct evidence about what happened in back to consider further; but when, at 6:00 pm, the He was never heard of again. the camp, there were a number of contradictions in foreman reported they were still deadFredericks’s statement. For example, he said in it that locked the jurors were discharged, with he had been paid $150 individually by George Cam- the case being traversed to the Fall Assize eron, a farmer the men had worked for near Vander- in Prince George. hoof. When questioned, however, Cameron said he When the case resumed in November had paid the trio a total of $149 between the three of 1931 the same evidence was once more them. Johnson argued that Fredericks had lied about presented, including the written statement the payment in his statement, in order to lead people Fredericks had made in December of the to think he had a good deal of money, and therefore previous year, and which prosecuting lawthere was no need for him to kill his companions. yer Mr. Johnson had initially not wantCameron also testified that the three men had been ed admitted; he had felt that in the event on good terms. of a conviction the statement—which the Johnson also noted that while Fredericks’s 30-30 accused had made without police warnand Westphal’s .22 rifle had been found, there was no ing—might be declared inadmissible by trace of the 45-90 rifle Fredericks alleged that Peters the defence, and used to challenge a verhad carried. He pointed out that Fredericks’s actions dict that was unfavourable to Fredericks. after the death of his companions were not those of This time the jury did not hesitate to bring an innocent man, nor was his statement (to the Indi- in a verdict of guilty; but Fredericks’s deans at Tachie) that his companions had headed north fence appealed the decision, winning him the truth. He asked the jury to find that Westphal and yet another trial, this time in Kamloops in Peters had been killed in their sleep, or while they the spring of 1932. The third time was the were in no position to defend themselves. charm for the German, as he was acquitted The old Kamloops Courthouse, where Karl Fredericks was tried for murder for the third time in spring 1932.
The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abandoned and abused animals each year. Volunteers are urgently needed to care for animals and assist with SPCA events. If you can help, please contact your local shelter today.
A14 ash-cache journal.com
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
Expanded Canada Summer Jobs program good for employers BARBARA RODEN The Journal
The Government of Canada has announced that it is doubling the number of summer jobs for students, by doubling funding for the Canada Summer Jobs Program (CSJ) to $220 million a year over the next three years. The new funding will help expand the number of youth who can be hired from just over 34,000 in 2015 to up to 70,000 this summer. That’s good news for Don Pearse, General Manager of Historic Hat Creek Ranch (HHCR). “We usually apply for two students under the CSJ program every year, and get one student every other year,” he notes. The CSJ pays 50% of the student’s wages (the program pays 100% of the wages for anyone hired by a not-for-prof-
it employer). The program is for youth aged 15–30 who will return to school in the next school year. It also helps employers create summer job opportunities that focus on priorities in their community. In the Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon riding, the emphasis is on jobs in recreation, agriculture, parks, culture, and heritage. “Employers in our riding—from both large and small communities—have a proven track record of receiving funding,” says Jati Sidhu, MP for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon. “I encourage all local not-for-profit organizations, small businesses, and public sector employees to apply for the CSJ program—and please reach out to my office if you need any assistance with the application.” Pearse says he’ll definitely be applying again this year. “It would be very nice to get two students,” he says,
noting that HHCR has always focused on First Nations youth in the area, many of whom are looking for work. “We’re looking for FN interpreters for the site,” says Pearse, adding that getting an employee under the CSJ program is a great benefit. “It allows us to hire an additional person at half the cost, and allows other workers to have flexibility in their hours. “It also gives us an opportunity to recruit future employees. If a student works out well, we tell them we’d like to see them next year.” The deadline for employers to apply for the CSJ program is March 11. For further information, or to apply, go to www.servicecanada.gc.ca/csj. To contact Sidhu’s office, call toll free 1-866-599-4999, or e-mail jati.sidhu@parl.gc.ca.
In partnership with Thompson Rivers University and School District #73, School District #74 (Gold Trail) is offering:
WELDING FOUNDATIONS PROGRAM WHEN: August 2016-January 2017 WHERE: School District No. 74 Mobile Welding Unit: Location TBD ALL APPLICANTS WELCOME Applications can be submitted between December 1, 2015 and March 15, 2016 For an application, or for further information, please contact your school Career and Transitions Coordinator or Karen Miller @ kmiller@sd74.bc.ca (250) 459-2219
Simple Natural Home Remedies With Phil Brewer
From the Silver Hills Lifestyle Centre
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Easy practial solutions for common health problems Sinusitis • Indigestion • Stress insomnia • plus many more
Coming to Ashcroft, Mar. 6, 1-4 PM
Plan Now to Attend • Everyone Welcome Ashcroft Community Hall, 409 Bancroft, Ashcroft Classes are FREE
To preregister call 250.453.0090 or Email: rngander@outlook.com A FREE community service of Adventist Health and Wellness
School District No. 74 (Gold Trail)
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Elementary schools within School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) will accept registrations for kindergarten placements for the 2016-2017 school year during the weeks of February 1 – February 26, 2016 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (NOTE FRIDAYS: Only till noon on Friday’s at Sk’il’ Mountain Community School and Gold Bridge Elementary is closed on Fridays)
To ensure a placement for your child in September 2016, it is very important you register early by visiting your nearest elementary school: Cache Creek Elementary School Cayoosh Elementary School David Stoddart School Desert Sands Community School George M. Murray Elementary School Gold Bridge Community School Lytton Elementary School Sk’il’ Mountain Community School
250-457-6248 250-256-4212 250-459-2219 250-453-9144 250-256-7543 250-238-2255 250-455-2215 250-259-8223
** Children eligible for kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before December 31, 2016. An original birth certificate, immunization records, and CARE card MUST BE PROVIDED for each child at the time of registration.
Bobcats, such as the one pictured above, might be displacing lynx from their traditional habitats.
Photo by Coleman Jackson
Photo evidence wanted for wildlife study BARBARA RODEN The Journal
A graduate student at the University of B.C. Okanagan in Kelowna is looking for photographs of lynx and bobcats in the wild, to assist in mapping the distribution of both species throughout the province. TJ Gooliaff, an MSc candidate and Biologist in Training, is trying to determine if the habitats of both species are shifting due to climate change. “The area around Ashcroft, Cache Creek, and Clinton is of particular interest, because both bobcats and lynx are found there,” explains Gooliaff. “Lynx have traditionally been found throughout the province, except on the coast, while bobcats are found throughout southern B.C.” Historically, he says, the habitats of the two species have been separated by snow levels. “Lynx have extremely long legs and large snowshoe-like paws, making them well-adapted for travelling across deep snow. In contrast, bobcats are heavier, have small feet, and sink into the snow.” Climate change, however, has led to earlier springs and lower snow levels in western North America. Gooliaff also notes that it has affected the quality of the snow on the ground. “It’s warmer during the day, so the top layer of snow melts, then freezes again at night, forming a crust over the deeper snow that bobcats can traverse.”
Gooliaff believes this means that suitable bobcat habitat might now be present in new areas of the province. “I predict that bobcats are expanding northward, and to higher elevations, into areas that have traditionally been occupied only by lynx. We don’t know the effect on lynx populations; they may be being displaced by bobcats, pushed further north and to even higher elevations.” In order to map the current provincial distribution of both species, to determine if their ranges have shifted in response to climate change, Gooliaff is seeking the assistance of anyone who has pictures of lynx or bobcat they’ve taken at any time over the last 30 years. “They don’t have to be great quality; they just have to show a bobcat or lynx (or even part of one). They can be blurry or dark, and taken by trail cameras or conventional ones.” Anyone sending photos has to include the date and location of each picture. “Location should be as specific as possible: most preferred is UTM or LAT/LONG coordinates. If that information isn’t available, please provide the name of the nearest road, landmark, or town (including distance and direction from the place noted).” The photos will be used for data only, and won’t influence management decisions regarding hunting/trapping bag limits or season dates. Anyone who has photos they can send to help with the project can e-mail them to Gooliaff at tj.gooliaff@ubc.ca.
lAshcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, February 25, 2016
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Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca
Plumbing FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
Help Wanted
VILLAGE OF CACHE CREEK The Village of Cache Creek is accepting applications for the following positions:
• Administration Clerk - Part-time • Activities Programmer - Hourly contract • Grant Researcher / Writer - Hourly contract
Misc. for Sale POLE BARNS, Shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403998-7907; jcameron@advancebuildings.com
REFORESTATION NURSERY seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs and berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce and Pine from $.99/tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or www.treetime.ca
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: 1-800-566-6899 ext: 400OT. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT
STEEL BUILDING Sale. Really big sale, extra winter discount on now!! 21x22 $5,190 25x24 $5,988 27x28 $7,498 30x32 $8,646 35x34 $11,844 42x54 $16,386. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422; www.pioneersteel.ca
Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections. Gold Silver Coins Estates 1-778-281-0030 Chad
ASHCROFT: 3 Units available in 4/plex. 1 3bdrm, 1 2brm, 1 1 bdrm. Clean reno’d large unit’s with A/C, W/D,F/S, incl N/S N/P. D/D req. Phone 250 4532037or 780-292-4131
Homes for Rent ASHCROFT 3 bdrm W/D F/S DW 2.5 bath 2 levels avail immed. $900/m Refs req. 604346-7566
Ashcroft Apartment & Motel
Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park 715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Mature Persons Includes heat & hot water MOTEL UNITS All units have full Kitchenettes, air conditioning, Cable TV and Internet access Nightly - Weekly - Monthly
Become a Super hero! Donate!
On-site Manager 250-453-9129
Prime Time Cattle & Cutting Edge Cattle Co. Bull Sale
PRIME MarchBULL 5, TIME 2016SALE @ CATTLE 1:00pm
BC LIVESTOCK - Williams Lake pm BC MARCH 7/15 - 1:00
- 35 Two Year Old Bulls - 19 Yearlings Bulls - Consisting of 49 Black Angus, 2 Maintainer, 3 percentage Simmentals. For more information contact
Prime Time Cattle - Jason Kelly
Cutting Edge Cattle Co. - Wayne Pincott 250.395.6367 Catalog online at www.primetimecattle.com
Say yes and change a child’s life today.
For full details please visit: www.cachecreek.ca/content/employment-opportunities Please send your resume along with a covering letter marked “Attention: Melany de Weerdt, CAO” to: MAIL: FAX: Email:
Village of Cache Creek, PO Box 7, Cache Creek BC V0K 1H0 250-457-9192 mdeweerdt@cachecreek.info
Applications must be received by 4pm, Friday, March 4, 2016 No phone calls please.
Great Investment!
Prices Reduced!
1314 Woodburn Court, 5240 sqft ......$39,000 $29,900 1320 Woodburn Court, 5016 sqft ......$39,000 $29,900 Lot A Stage Road, 12 acres ...........$349,900 $249,900 Paul Toporowski - Cell 250-371-2868 PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION
Email: paul@topper.bc.ca Website: www.topper.bc.ca
RE/MAX Real Estate (Kamloops), 258 Seymour Street, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2E5
A16 ash-cache journal.com
Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Journal
2015 CHRYSLER 200 LX
STK# 151286
$84/WK $
MSRP $25,20000
MSRP $42,28700 • STK#151040, 151234
$99/WK $
MSRP $33,10000
2012 RAM 3500 CREW LONGHORN 94,304KMS STK#161200A
2013 RAM 2500 MEGA SLT DIESEL, 4X4
45,000KMS STK#151210A
Dealing with the Johnston Auto Group has it’s benefits. We are the largest Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Dealer in the B.C. Interior. We beat the competition with the lowest overhead and the strongest buying power.
00 33,100 OR
64,000KMS STK#151172A
Contact dealership for any further information and some restrictions apply. Vehicles may not be exactly as shown.
The easy way to your new vehicle! NOW AT KAMLOOPS DODGE
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Dale sales maNager
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Naomi BusiNess maNager
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Brett sales
DevoN sales
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JohN Fleet lease & CommerCial sales
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