Bored Room Bistro 250-449-2465 Takeout, Sit In, Delivery Midway, Greenwood, Rock Creek
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Thursday, FEBRUARY 25, 2016
Includes tax
Concerned about cell phone service along Highway 33? Take a survey to provide your input. P
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VOL. 34 Number 8
The Kettle Valley Golf Club faced a challening—yet successful— year in 2015, membership told. P
BCSS students participated in an Aboriginal Winter Wellness Event that included lunch and storytelling.
Rock Creek woman missing Boundary Creek Times Staff
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Midway RCMP are asking for the public’s help in location a missing Rock Creek resident. Colleen Sylvia Smith was last seen on Feb. 9 at 9:30 a.m. She is a 50-year-old caucasian with blonde hair and blue eyes and wears glasses. Smith owns a blue 2005 four-door Chevrolet Cobalt with B.C. licence plate 914WFB. She was reported missing after she failed to show up for her shift as a cashier at the Rock Creek General Store, and, according to police, has not been in contact with her friends or family since. “We’re concerned about her well being,” said Cst. James Charles of the Midway RCMP. “We’re looking for her to contact any RCMP detachment so we know she’s okay.” Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Colleen Smith is urged to contact their local police (Midway RCMP 250449-2244) or Crimestoppers at 1-800-2228477 (TIPS). COLLEEN SYLVIA SMITH
Big win for Predators The Boundary Predators bantam hockey team took on Spokane on Sunday, coming away with a convincing 6-0 victory. Scoring for the Preds were Rylon Elliot (3), Colin Grob, Ben Macfarlane and Joe Kirshner. Photo: Andrew Tripp
FireSmart session well attended ANDREW TRIPP
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
More than 50 West Boundary Area E residents congregated at the Rock Creek Fairgounds on Saturday to take part in a FireSmart orientation session aimed at introducing property owners to the fire-prevention program. A non-profit, communitydriven initiative, FireSmart Canada helps train people living in forested areas to become wildfire-aware by encouraging them to take a series of sim-
ple steps to help protect their dwellings and property from fire damage. Moderated by Bridesvillebased Quintech Fire Services principal Darren Hutchinson and Anarchist Mountain FireSmart Committee president Denis Thomson, the meeting was also attended by Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Deputy Fire Chief Dan Derby, Wildfire Management Fire Protection Officers Alvin Boyer and James Katasonoff, as well as regional director Vicki Gee, who helped organize the event.
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#100S.- Copper, 630 - 17thBox Street, 256 76 Castlegar, B.C.BC V1NV0H 4G7 1J0 Greenwood, phone: 250-365-7232 Tel: 250-445-9900 Fax: 250-445-9902 Fax: 250-365-2913
Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351
During the six-hour session, residents were provided with expert opinion on the nature of wild fires, supported by a series of videos depicting the risk to structures during a wildfire and highlighting which materials are more resistant to such an event, as well as a point-bypoint breakdown of the steps required to make a home fire smart. Attendees were provided with a comprehensive FireSmart package and given ample opportunity for questions and input during the ses-
• See FIRESMART page 3
2 Calendar of Events
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016
263 South Copper Avenue, PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:
Be sure to send in your event information. This section is free of charge.
Feb. 26-28: Pee wee hockey playoffs at the Midway Arena. Thursday, March 3: Electoral Area E/West Boundary Town Hall Meeting at the Rock Creek Fairgrounds at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 5: Grads vs Dads hockey will be held at the Midway Arena. Sunday, March 6: Kettle Wildlife Association Fun Shoot - 22 shoot at 9 a.m. Archery and trap to follow. Dump Road, Rock Creek.
REGULAR EVENTS: Mondays: Drop-in crib at Greenwood Legion at 7 p.m. $3 buy-in. Mondays: Girl Guides of Canada meets after school from 3:30 to 5 at WBES. Contact Jeanine Fraser at WBES or Linda Sheppard at 250-443-1529. Mondays: Floor curling at the Westbridge Hall (2935 Hwy 33), starting at 1 p.m. $1 per session. Contact Linda at 250-446-2031 for more information. First & Third Monday: Midway Village Council meeting; 6:30 p.m. with a delegation or 7 p.m. if none. First & Third Monday: The Bridge Drop-in Centre in Midway is open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed on holiday Mondays, but will be open the next day on Tuesday. First Monday: Greenwood Seniors Centre meeting at 2 p.m. Info: 250-445-2290. Second & Fourth Monday: Greenwood City Council meeting at 7 p.m. Third Monday: Bridesville Women’s Institute meets at 11 am. Info: 446-2210 or 446-2121. Third Monday: Frolicking Fancies – the Greenwood Red Hat Ladies Group meet monthly in Greenwood. Information Francine 250-445-6734; or Shirley 250445-9908. Third Monday: Discover Rock Creek Society meeting at 6:30 – for location info phone 250-528-0227.
Last Monday: Kettle River Recreation Commission meets at the Little Red School House at 7 p.m. Info Bill Watson 250-446-2325 or Sherry Dalziel 250-446-2997. Mondays and Wednesdays: Boot Camp at McArthur Centre in Greenwood from 6-7. $10 drop-in or $60 per month. Info 250-442-3664. Postponed until further notice. Monday & Wednesday beginning Sept. 15: Country Kids Playschool 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Rock Creek Health Centre. For info or to register call Sara Eek 250446-2202. Tuesdays: AA Meetings at McArthur Centre in Greenwood at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: Greenwood Seniors’ Drop-in Centre, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 11 - 3 pm Greenwood Seniors’ Centre Thrift Store, 100 Deadwood. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Welcoming all artisans to join us from 10 am - 3 pm at the Kettle River Art Club located at 1375 Veterans Lane in Greenwood. (above the Library) Everyone welcome. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Taekwondo at BCSS gym from 4 to 5 p.m. Open to ages 6 (with supervision) to 106. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Boundary Women’s Resource Centre on Market Avenue in Grand Forks open from 9 a.m. to - 3 p.m. Info 250-442- 5212. First Tuesday: Elks #493 monthly meeting at the Slavonic Hall in Grand Forks at 7 p.m. Info: 250-442-2856 or 250-442-4276. Third Tuesday: Kettle Valley Wildlife Association meets at the range in Rock Creek at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Writer’s group meeting at 11 a.m. at Bored Room Bistro in Midway. Wednesdays: Girl Guides of Canada meet at King of Kings Church in Midway, Sparks ages 5-6 and Brownies ages 7-8 meet at 4:30-5:45; Guides ages 9-11 and
The Fun Spot
Pathfinders ages 12-14 meet from 6 to 7:30. Info 250449-2309 or 250-445-9955. Wednesdays: Midway Crib Tournament – Bored Room Bistro, 607 Eighth Avenue, Midway at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Senior’s Bingo at 1 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior’s Drop-in Centre. $1 admission. Wednesdays: Women’s Counseling in Rock Creek and West Boundary: Free and confidential. For information call the STV counselor at 1-855-441-3131 or 442-3131. Childcare and transportation subsidies are available. Wednesdays: Kettle Wildlife Association - archery from 3:30 - 6 p.m., Dump Road, Rock Creek. First Wednesday: West Boundary Senior Housing Society meeting at 1 p.m. in Parkview Manor Midway. Second Wednesday: Boundary Citizen’s Patrol meets at Midway Senior’s Centre from 7 - 8 p.m. Info: Wayne 250-449-2191, Paul 250-445-2111, or Wolfgang 250446-2455. Second Wednesday: Greenwood Board of Trade meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek Women’s Institute meet for a potluck lunch at 11:45. Info: 250-446-2454 or 250-446 -2608. Third Wednesday: Main River Women’s Institute meets in Westbridge at 1 p.m. Info: 250-446-2616. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek & Boundary Fair Assoc. meets at 7 p.m. at the pavilion from March through November. Info: 250-446- 2465. Thursdays: Free Yoga Classes in Greenwood at the McArthur Centre from 10:00-11:30 a.m. For more information call: Diane at 250-445-6364. Thursdays: Kinesiology at the old Kettle Valley School House from 9:30 to 12. Thursdays: Anglican Thrift Store from 11-3. Info phone Les Williams 250-445-2216. Thursdays: Quilters and other crafters meet at the Midway Senior’s Centre at 9:30 a.m. Come for coffee and bring your needle project to work on. Membership fee $10 per year. Thursdays: Midway Museum Fundraiser - Texas Holdem Poker Registration 6:30 p.m. $20 to play, held at The Hotel, Midway. Thursdays: Boundary Guiding Unit for girls in Midway and Greenwood meets from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. at King of Kings Church in Midway. Sparks and Brownies ages 5 -
8, 4:30 - 5:45 p.m.; Guides and Pathfinders ages 9 - 15, 6 - 7:30 p.m. Join any time for new experience. Thursdays: The Singing Kettle Choir practices from 1 - 3 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church in Kettle Valley. New members (men and women) welcome. For more info contact Myrna at 250-445-6168. First Thursday: Rock Creek Medical Society meets at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the clinic. First & Third Thursday: Food bank at the Evangel Chapel at 11 a.m. Donations welcome. Info 250-445-2125. Second & Fourth Thursday: Kettle River Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. in the Medical Clinic boardroom at Rock Creek. Third Thursday: Founder’s Day 2016 planning meeting at 6 p.m. in Greenwood City Hall. Contact Janet at 250445-6133 for information. Fridays: Bingo at Greenwood Community Hall. Doors open 5 p.m., early bird 7 p.m. Progressive jackpot. Fridays: Coffee at Midway Seniors Centre from 9:30 - 11. Fridays: Overeaters Anonymous 11 a.m. - 12 noon at St. Jude’s Church in Greenwood. Second and Fourth Friday: Karaoke at the Royal Canadian Legion in Greenwood. 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. Third Friday: Movie nights at Midway Community Hall; 7 p.m. Bring your own travel cup. $3 includes movie, drink and popcorn. First, Third and Fifth Fridays: Darts at the Greenwood Royal Canadian Legion with doors opening at 6 p.m. Saturdays: Lion’s Club Meat Draw, at Hot-L Pub, Midway. Starts at 3 p.m. Saturdays: Greenwood Royal Canadian Legion Canteen open 2 p.m. Meat draw 3:30 p.m. Last Saturday: Karaoke at Hotel Midway – Hot-L Pub at 8:30. Last Saturday: The Bridge is open from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Second Sunday – Nov. 15 and through to April 3: Cribbage at the Westbridge Hall (2935 Hwy 33), staring at 1:30 p.m. Fee is $5 per session (eight games per session). Prizes are doubled if more than 24 players. Call Del at 250-446-2330 for more information. Greenwood Public Library: Open Mon, Wed, Fri. and Sat. Opens at noon.
Quote of the Week: Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear question. – Albert Camus (1913 - 1960) Joke of the Week: What happened to the cannibal lion? He had to swallow his pride!
Take cellphone survey ANDREW TRIPP
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
Provincial government statistics indicate that approximately 3,000 people reside in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) Area E. The Ministry of Transportation, however, has stated that on a peak travel day in August 2014, more than 2,500 vehicles travelled Highway 33, which makes the availability of cellular telephone service vital for the area. According to concerned resident Jeff Sarsons, while signs on the highway suggest that emergency 911 service is available along the route, that service, provided by Telus, is
not sufficient to fully and consistently utilize 911 services. “Most residents now have cellular telephones,” said Sarsons, “but we cannot use them in the majority of rural areas within the RDKB. This became particularly evident during the firestorm of last August.” To bring awareness to residents’ frustrations with cell phone service, Sarsons has set up an online survey designed to gauge the degree of the disatisfaction and present the results to both Telus and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area E/West Boundary Director Vicki Gee. While Telus has made ongoing announcements regarding expansion of cellu-
lar service along both primary and secondary routes, it has yet to improve coverage in several parts of the fire-struck area. “I am aware that Telus have cellular sites on their planning horizon for this area,” said Sarsons, “but in my opinion, the lack of communications during the firestorm of 2015 proves that we need action now, not two, four or six years down the road. “The traffic on Highway 33 alone demands better coverage, not just Rock Creek, Beaverdell, Big White and Joe Rich.” The survey can be found at: r/5WY7WTH.
Thursday, February 25, 2016 Boundary Creek Times
NEW AT FREEMAN’S Orijen & Acana Dog Food This award-winning pet food is biologically appropriate and made in Alberta from fresh, regional ingredients. We offer varieties like Lamb & Okanagan Apple, Chicken & Burbank Potato, Wild Prairie and Six Fish. There is a customer loyalty card for this brand as well as the others that we carry, allowing us to help you save money. Stop in or check them out online to learn more!
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Continued from page 1
sion. from the building. Making sure in providing a house with optiResidents came from all cor- that trees are thinned out and mum fire resistance. The West Boundary ners of the West Boundary, in- pruned from the ground up to cluding Beaverdell, Westbridge, a height of two metres can sig- FireSmart initiative will get Bridesville and Rock Creek, to nificantly decrease the risk of a underway on May 7, which hear Thomson outline the rela- fire spreading. During the Rock marks the second annual Native ease with which his com- Creek fire, which, tragically il- tional Wildfire Community munity attained its FireSmart lustrated how most residents Preparedness Day, on which were unprepared for such an communities across Canada are accreditation. Anarchist Mountain was event, the fire raced unabated encouraged to participate in lostruck by a devastating wildfire up tree trunks into the foli- cal mitigation projects to help in 2003, prompting residents age canopy, which rendered reduce the risk of wildfire damto take steps to help protect it largely uncontrollable as it age to their homes and neightheir homes from such an oc- moved quickly along Highway bourhoods. West Boundary residents currence. In 2013, a FireSmart 33, leaving dozens of flattened will tentatively be gathering at committee was formed, helping homes in its wake. In addition to foliage man- Freeman’s Country Supply in people learn how to make their which includes Rock Creek to receive some homes safer. An emergency agement, communication system was ground cover control, keeping hands-on training with pruna lawn green or replacing grass ing equipment before setting also developed. Throughout the presenta- with gravel or stone can signifi- off for the day to begin making tion, both Hutchinson and cantly temper the effects of an their neighbourhoods much Thomson stressed the fact that approaching fire, in some cases safer in the event of a wildfire. if neighbours combine their halting it entirely as it is denied Those wishing to participate or efforts with a common goal fuel. The use of wood siding require information regarding in mind, making homes and and roofing alternatives such as the project are asked to contact neighbourhoods much more metal or fibre cement, to name Vicki Gee of the Regional Disresistant to fire damage can take but two, can also go a long way trict of Kootenay Boundary. as little as an afternoon and cost very little. SIDLEY MOUNTAIN Among the most logical, yet often overlooked precautionary measure to protect a structure from a wildSunday JulySunday, 24, 6:00Feb. - 7:00 28 pm fire is the simple trimBridesville Community Hall 6:00 - 7:00 pm ming or removal of foliage within a disBridesville Community Hall tance of 10 metres
Boundary Country
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Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016
A DIVISION OF BLACK PRESS LTD. Mailing address: Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Street address: 263 South Copper Street, Greenwood, B.C.
Residents not reckless With the announcement by the province of a proposed law that would provide police with the authority to arrest people who refuse to evacuate their properties during a wildfire comes the sobering realization that homeowners may be usurped of the basic human right of protecting their investments during a natural disaster. If a homeowner were the victim of a home invasion, it would be well within his or her rights to take whatever steps were deemed necessary to prevent that crime from being committed. That includes the use of registered firearms, meaning that one could, in this country at least, fatally injure an intruder and not face charges. But try to remain on one’s property in defence of one’s sole possessions and, in many cases homes that represent a life’s work, and, at least if the government gets its way, B.C. residents may face being dragged, likely kicking and screaming, from a fire they may have already begun to suppress. Compare that to the proposed new reality which may well see firefighters, experienced or otherwise, being shuttled into unfamiliar territory to save threatened homes while the owners are arrested and forcibly removed, and it is easy to understand why those individuals who chose to stay and fight last August’s Rock Creek fire are anything but supportive of the proposed legislation. The events of Aug. 13, 2015 proved not only how fast a wind-aided wildfire can destroy a forest but also how resilient and resourceful many residents of West Boundary are. Fires were nothing new to many, and the necessary equipment to tackle the flames were close at hand. Leaving was simply not an option. In fact, a group of residents’ actions were so effective in stemming the spread of the fire onto Crown land, that the province took the unprecedented step of financially compensating civilians during a fire-fighting campaign. These were not reckless men and women; they were seasoned, knowledgeable property owners who were used to living without official fire protection, simply not willing to “give up without a fight.” While fire officials are quick to condemn such vigilantism, it is difficult to imagine what firefighters would have done without the numerous residents who sprung into action as soon as the fire hit.
Letters Policy The Times welcomes letters to the editor. – Letters must be received by 5 p.m. Monday for the following week’s paper. – One letter per person per month. – Letters should be typed or neatly written and present the issues as clearly as possible in 500 words or less. – All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. – The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste or style. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or belief of this newspaper. Send all letters to
Publisher: Chuck Bennett
Associate Office Publisher: Administration: Dyan Darlainea Stoochnoff Redlack
Reporter: Andrew Tripp
You have to pay for a job done well ~~~ The term “flogging a dead horse,” if my research is correct, was first used by English politician and orator John I was surprised to hear of Rock Creek resident Colleen Bright in the late 1800’s to describe the futility of attempt- Smith’s disappearance earlier in the month; I just heard ing to rouse Parliament from its apathy regarding the Re- about it on Monday, though was soon thereafter contacted form Act of 1867. It is a term which continues by one very concerned friend who hoped I IN FOCUS to have, albeit through a somewhat egregious could help in the matter somehow. Of course, I depiction of violence, some usefulness when couldn’t do much, though the friend did bring describing an individual or group’s refusal to up some interesting points about Facebook’s let a matter be and, in somewhat gentler terms, potential role in unravelling this “mystery.” “move on”. Firstly, she pointed out that Colleen had I observe this type of reluctance on a regu“unfriended” a number of her online friends, lar basis as a reporter, be it at council meetings, which, in my mind at least, illustrates some Andrew TRIPP through emails and letters I receive and varidegree of intent on her part. That and the fact ous other portals. People often become fixated that she had packed up many of her belongings with matters that may or may not directly impact them or prior to her “isappearance and it’s difficult to conclude that stand to make their lives better (or, for that matter, worse) this case is anything but sinister. and seemingly get so wound up about them that they inHowever, the friend also suggested that Smith’s whereevitably make themselves look just a little foolish. abouts could surely be discovered through the decipherRecently, one fellow voiced his frustration at a local ing of IP addresses, which could, perhaps, pinpoint the professional being regularly featured in the newspapers, physical location of the computer or smartphone from asking those around him if the expert in question was which messages were sent. I’m no expert in this IT area, some sort of “god” (or words to that effect), and ridiculing but I tend to agree with her friend and, perhaps, that’s exthe size of the payment that was made to him for, in my actly what the RCMP are working on at this very moment. estimation at least, some pretty tricky business concernI hope the mystery is solved soon and Colleen is found ing nature and water, two extremely contentious issues not safe, because otherwise, as a reporter, I will likely be asked only in the Boundary but certainly province-wide. to continue “flogging a dead horse” and, as is often the I just don’t get it. If you want a difficult (or any) job case, will simply begin to look foolish. done well, you have to pay for it, and that’s what happened Though really, does it matter what people think? Is not in this case. Let it be, move on, don’t keep flogging the reality more relevant than perception? I think so. dead horse. Next week: some of my favourite English recipes.
Editor: Della Mallette
A division of Black Press We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:
Annual subscription rates Local (West Boundary): – $40.00 (plus $2 GST) Elsewhere in Canada – $50.00 plus $2.50 GST Outside Canada – $90 (plus $4.50 GST) Canadian
Province considers evacuation law ANDREW TRIPP
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
Some residents in the Boundary region say they’re against proposed changes that would give the RCMP authority to arrest people who refuse to leave during an evacuation order. Critics say if the idea is legislated, people will lose their homes during wildfires. “If we had been forced to evacuate, we would have definitely—no doubt in my mind— lost all of our places,” said Michael Fenwick-Wilson, who fought to save his home during the Rock Creek wildfire in 2015. Last summer 30 homes were lost to the fire during one of B.C.’s worst wildfire seasons to date. As part of proposed revisions to the Emergency Program Act, the province is considering giving the RCMP the authority to arrest people like FenwickWilson who refuse to leave under similar circumstances. The province argues that people who stay despite evacuation orders put emergency workers at risk when situations become increasingly dangerous and require a rescue. Manitoba was the first province to enact similar laws, in
2013, according to the document outlining the proposed changes. “It’s unenforceable for the most part. I mean, the [jail] cells aren’t big enough in the area,” Fe nw i c k - Wi l s on said. Fred Marshall, a professional forester who trains people how to protect their properties from fire, also says he’s against the proposed change. “Many of us people here in the Boundary, we’ve been here for years. We’re pretty wellexperienced, and know what to do,” he said. “You would have to arrest us all.” The province was accepting feedback on the changes until last Friday. Minister of State for Emergency PreMICHAEL FENWICK-WILSON paredness, Naomi Yamamoto, will 31, 2016. present the feedback to the With files from Brady Strachan Cabinet Committee on Secure of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Tomorrow on or before March
Thursday, February 25, 2016 Boundary Creek Times
Bridging Program for Women For Boundary women 18 years or older, unemployed or under-employed, and ready to embrace change in their lives!
6 WEEK LIFE SKILLS PROGRAM April 19 – May 26, 2016
On Feb. 2, Midway RCMP responded to a report of a theft from a work vehicle while it was parked overnight at the Mile Zero Motel. Two Husqvarna commercial size chainsaws were stolen. Midway RCMP are asking any witnesses to this event to call the Midway RCMP. The investigation is ongoing. Accident sends three to hospital On Feb. 4, police responded to a single vehicle motor ve-
hicle collision on Highway 33 approximately 10 kilometres north of Rock Creek. The vehicle had failed to negotiate the corner and drove off the roadway, coming to rest approximately 100 metres down the embankment. Emergency services transported two males to Boundary Hospital and another male to Kelowna hospital with
serious injuries. Lost traveller located On Feb. 13, Midway RCMP responded to a call of a lost traveller up the Christian Valley road at approximately kilometre 68 and then another eight kilometres up the East Copper Road. The male was driving a two-wheel car and got stuck on a forest service road. He was equipped with food and water and the vehicle was fullyfuelled. He was located at approximately 1:43 a.m. and was found in good shape.
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Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
2 PM
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
9 AM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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27 FEBRUARY 2016
10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30
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UEFA Motoring Hockey Gold Medal game from May 17, 2015. Tournament of Hearts News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving News PGA Tour Golf Written The So Marilyn Denis Written etalk SportsCentre Gas Gas Our Vancouver Speed Skating Bobsled & Skele Figure Skating College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball Oklahoma at Texas. News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving News PGA Tour Golf Magic Kate and Wild Wild Doki Creative Animals Animals Our Part Cosmic Rescue Wildlife RockExplore Hiring McCarv Paid Paid World of X Games Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail (8:30) ››› “I Am Legend” Bath Bath Bath Bath Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper What Would Monster in My Monster in My Monster in My Monster in My Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Sponge. Parents Harvey Pig Goat Turtles Sponge. “Ever After: A Cinderella Story” “G.I. Joe: Ret.” ›› “Jack the Giant Slayer” Nicholas Hoult. ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” Railroad Alaska Alaskan Bush 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show “Opening Night” ›› “Rock of Ages” Julianne Hough. ››› “Pitch Perfect” Anna Kendrick. Old Kds All in Tip-Off College Basketball Hoops Basket Four Weddings Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Bones Bones Bones Bones Suits “Tick Tock” (8:35) ›››› “Rocky” (10:35) ››› “JFK” Kevin Costner, Sissy Spacek. (DVS) Awe Next Lost “Monster High: Haunted” ›› “Kindergarten Cop” Jeff’sons 21 DAY Break Seinfeld Scary 3 ›› “Now You See Me” Jesse Eisenberg. Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Clipped Gaffigan Theory Theory “Dirty Work” Mrs ›››› “Goodbye, Mr. Chips” ›››› “Gandhi” Ben Kingsley. Pioneer Pioneer Worst Cooks Top Chef Restaurant: Im. Chopped Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Paid Paid Yukon Gold Vikings Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Panic Button Face Off Bitten › “Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark” Tremors (8:00) ›› “The Core” Aaron Eckhart. ››› “Predator” Arnold Schwarzenegger. Border Border Border Border Security Security Border Border Border Border Toopy Hey Peg Octo Dino Dino Mike Umi Truck Wings Home Old House Kitchen Pépin Martha Cook Victory Antique Roadshow Wake English Premier League Soccer Goal PGA Tour Golf Rck Kds Sportfish Huntley Food Living Miracle Let’s In Con Huntley Popcorn CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene PiYo Paid Friends Kings College Basketball Mike Mike Dr. Pol Dr. Pol Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Save Dream Hatched (9:10) Outsiders (10:10) Outsiders (11:11) Outsiders (12:11) Outsiders (1:13) “The Siege” Zoo Coolest Cize It Cosmet Laughs Laughs ››› “Finding Neverland” Punjab Hindu Punjabi Lamia Fursat Quran Punjab Pyar Hi Pyar Hi Udeek Suze Orman’s The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Hollyw’d Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City (8:00) “The Bling Ring” How to How to How to How to How to How to How to How to Security Security
3 PM
Varied Pardon Sports Varied Hockey Varied Programs The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News News Dr. Phil Ellen DeGeneres The Dr. Oz Show CTV News CTV News Murdoch Mysteries Grand Designs Bondi Vet Dragons’ Den CBC News Let’s Make a Deal The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil News CBS KREM 2 News at 6 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News (5:59) News Hour Maya Curious Doozers PAW Maker Creative Dino Wild Varied Programs The Doctors Rachael Ray FABLife News ABC News News Varied Programs Texas Flip Bryan Bryan Varied Programs Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Varied Programs The First 48 The First 48 Varied Programs Situation Room Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Varied Programs Chucks Kid Sidekick Chucks Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Assem Nicky NCIS Rookie Blue Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs How/ How/ Daily Planet Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Property Property Intervention Property Property Varied Programs Varied Office Fish Oil Varied Programs Raising Mike Anger Two Mod Varied Programs Criminal Minds Flashpoint Motive Blue Bloods Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Prince Awe HZipzer Next Movie Varied Programs King King Mod Mod Theory Theory Movie Just for Laughs Gags Gags Frasier Frasier Varied Theory Match Gas Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Varied Programs Gotta Food My. Din My. Din Varied Programs Dog and Beth Storage Storage Storage Storage Fail Fail Varied Programs Varied Programs Pawn Pawn American Pickers M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Castle Inner Psychic Stargate SG-1 Castle Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Ghost Adventures Moves Moves Restaurant Security Security Varied Programs Blaze Bubble Dora Charm Octo Clangers Dino Cat in Big Charm Thomas Curious Arthur Nature Ready Wild News Busi PBS NewsHour TMZ Inside Ellen DeGeneres Judge Judge News News News Million. Fam Fam Ties Ray Judge Judge Ray Design Huntley Huntley Varied Programs TMZ etalk CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene Varied Programs Two Two Broke Broke Theory Theory Varied Programs Steve Wilkos KTLA 5 News at 3 Bill Cunningham Crime Watch Daily News News Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Varied Programs PIX11 News at 5 News News Friends Seinfeld Varied Programs Ironside Murdoch Mysteries Murder, She Wrote Columbo Varied Programs Wild Varied PBS NewsHour Busi Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Celebrity Celebrity Varied Programs Riches Varied Programs
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27 FEBRUARY 2016
10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
Tournament of Hearts SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) 16x9 True Crime Scene News SNL “A Job to Kill For” Sean Young. etalk-Oscar Guide Theory Anger Mike Cleve Saving Hope News CTV Post CBC The Tudors NHL Hockey Ottawa Senators at Calgary Flames. (N) NCIS: New Orleans News Up Late Elementary NCIS “16 Years” 48 Hours 16x9 True Crime Scene News SNL “A Job to Kill For” Sean Young. Battle-Elephant Heartbeat Waterfront Cities Foyle’s War “Sunflower” (PA) NBA Basketball Made Insider Ent. Tonight What Would Rizzoli & Isles Cops Cops Cops Cops ››› “Scarface” Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. House House Break Break Bryan Bryan House House Fixer Upper The First 48 The First 48 (9:03) The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Choice 2016 This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life This Is Life Max Assem Assem Assem Gags Gags ››› “Fantastic Mr. Fox” G.I. Joe ›› “Jack the Giant Slayer” Nicholas Hoult. › “Cop Out” Bruce Willis. Vegas Rat Rods Fast N’ Loud Moonshiners Vegas Rat Rods Gold Rush ››› “Pitch Perfect” Anna Kendrick. ››› “Dreamgirls” Jamie Foxx. Two Theory (9:01) Lucifer News Wanted Animation Dom Rosewood Sex Sent Me Sex Sent Me Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Colony Project Runway Project Runway Project Runway Suits “Tick Tock” (5:45) “Rain Man” ››› “The Hurt Locker” (10:15) ››› “North Country” Lost Lost The X Factor UK Degrassi (9:40) ››› “About a Boy” “The Proposal” Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers Commun Commun “S.W.A.T.” Theory Theory Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Hilarity for Charity Comedy Philadel. ››› “Diner” Steve Guttenberg. ››› “Apollo 13” Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton. Guy’s Games Chef in Your Ear Chopped Canada Guy’s Games Restaurant: Im. Liquida Liquida Mantracker Myth Hunters Conspiracy Buck Buck Battle Battle Yukon Gold 21st Century Prophecies Revealed Yukon Gold Carriers (6:00) ›› “Tron: Legacy” (8:45) ›› “Speed Racer” Emile Hirsch. Jeepers (6:30) ›› “King Kong” Jeff Bridges. ›› “Tremors” Kevin Bacon. Expedition Un. Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Expedition Un. The Dead Files (N) Max, Toopy Dino Dino Caillou Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Keep Up Time/By TBA Moone Austin City Limits ››› “The Manchurian Candidate” NHL Hockey KHQ J’pardy! You, Me and Blue Bloods News SNL J’pardy! Wheel The Conflicted Samaritan Muzika At the Cross In Touch Just Jillian CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene “To the Mat” Ricky Schroder. Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Mike Mike Entertainers WBZ News (N) Two Two Friends Monop Two Two KTLA News at 10 News Person ››› “The Last Samurai” Tom Cruise. ››› “Big” Tom Hanks. News Sports Broad Honeym Honey. Honey. Rules Rules “Finding Never.” Aikam Taur Lashkara Waqt 4 Success Vehra Crisis Motown 25 Rolling Stones Motown 25: Yesterday, Today Country Pop Style by CSI: Miami CSI: Miami “The Bling Ring” Jennifer Grey. Security Security How to How to How to How to Security Security How to How to
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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27 FEBRUARY 2016 5:30
6 PM
Tournament of Hearts Sports SC Top Open Open Tournament of Hearts PGA Tour Golf Ice Pilots NWT Ancients Moves News News News Worst Driver Disrup Money Marilyn Denis The So etalk CTV News Diving National Hockey NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Montreal Canadiens. College Basketball Access Hollywood Hidden Chan News News News Paid PGA Tour Golf Ice Pilots NWT Ancients Moves News (5:59) News Hour Canada Waterfront Cities Nat’l Geographic Joanna Lumley’s Hope for Wildlife ABC KXLY 4 NBA NBA Basketball Shall We Dance on Ice Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Fixer Upper Income Property House House Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Bryan Bryan The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Choice 2016 Ever Assem Assem Assem Max Max Max Max Assem Stanley “G.I. Joe: Ret.” “Ungodly Acts” Brant Daugherty. ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” Telescope How/ How/ Last Frontier Gold Rush Moonshiners The Rap Game Après Ski The Rap Game ›› “Restless Virgins” College Basketball Paid Mike Mike Two Theory Bones (ESP HDTV) Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Colony Twice in a Lifetime Missing Law & Order: SVU Criminal Minds (N) (2:05) “Born Free” (3:45) ›››› “Rocky” (5:45) ›››› “Rain Man” Gaming HZipzer Make Awe Awe Life Nowhere Nowhere Next Next “Scary Movie 3” Middle Middle Seinfeld Atl. Eats King King “The Proposal” Dirty Theory Theory Just for Laughs (2:45) ›› “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” Gandhi (2:45) ››› “Chariots of Fire” Ben Cross. ›››› “Breaking Away” Diners Diners Gotta Gotta Chef in Your Ear Food Food Chopped Canada Dog and Beth Liquida Liquida Storage The Liq Mantracker Storage The Liq Pawn Pawn Vikings ››› “Skyfall” Daniel Craig, Judi Dench. DC’s Legends Face Off “Tron: Legacy” ›› “The Thaw” Val Kilmer. King (1:30) ›› “Tremors” ››› “Jurassic Park” Sam Neill, Laura Dern. Border Border Security Security Security Security Border Border Ghost Adventures Blaze Bubble Shimmer Charm Octo Hey Dino Cat in Big Charm British Baking Globe Trekker Steves Grown Wine Vicious Lawrence Welk PGA Tour Golf Tai Chi! Fish Oil Relief Judge NHL Hockey: Red Wings at Avalanche In Con House Green House Building House Eye, Eye Let’s Against Against Pop Pop Celebrity Celebrity Total Divas Hollywood Medium TMZ (N) Two Two Broke Broke Theory Theory ›› “Herbie: Fully Loaded” Animal Zoo Coolest On Spot Middle Middle Celebrity Celebrity News News (1:13) ›› “The Siege” ››› “The Perfect Storm” George Clooney. PIX11 News at 5 Celebrity Monop Celebrity Celebrity Two Two Two Two Tehlka Sardari Punjab Punjabi Sanjha Punjab Mulaqat Made in Des-Pardes (10:00) The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Motown 25 Celebrity Legacies Celebrity Damage CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami How to How to How to How to How to How to How to How to How to How to
Tournament of Hearts SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) ET ET Telenov Super Rookie Blue News Colbert Hawaii Five-0 (N) Theory The Amazing Race News CTV etalk (N) Shark Tank (N) Blue Bloods (N) Mercer Cor marketplace CBC Cor the fifth estate (N) The National (N) Broke Broke The Amazing Race News Colbert Hawaii Five-0 (N) Blue Bloods (N) ET ET Telenov Super Rookie Blue News Colbert Hawaii Five-0 (N) Island Escape Last Tango Landscape Rev. (9:05) Vera “Prodigal Son” (N) ET Insider Last Dr. Ken KXLY 4 Kimmel Shark Tank (N) (10:01) 20/20 (N) Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail (6:00) Bellator MMA Live (N) Timber Kings House Income Break Break Timber Kings Hawaii Hawaii O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes The Secret Tapes of the O.J. Case O.J.: Hidden Tapes CNN Special CNN Republican Presidential Debate Anthony Bourd. Anthony Thunder Assem Max Gags Gags ››› “Ever After: A Cinderella Story” The Magicians Engels “Ungodly Acts” Brant Daugherty. Outlander “The Devil’s Mark” Mayday: Air Mayday Highway Thru Hell Alaskan Bush Mayday: Air “Restless Virgins” Princess Law & Order: SVU ›› “Rock of Ages” Julianne Hough. Theory Theory Second Chance News Mod Mike Two Sleepy Hollow (N) Love; Swipe Say Yes: ATL Love; Swipe Say Yes to the Say Yes Say Yes Bones Bones Criminal Minds Bones Bones “Ice Twisters” ›› “Girl, Interrupted” (10:10) ››› “A Beautiful Mind” Cheer Next Third ›› “Kindergarten Cop” ››› “About a Boy” Bad II Seinfeld Fam Guy Amer. Fam Guy Amer. Middle Payne Browns Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Full JFL “Bitter Sweet” ››› “The Candidate” ›››› “Ninotchka” Greta Garbo. Diners Diners Carn Carn Gotta Gotta Diners Diners Guy’s Games Storage Storage Fail Fail Ghost Hunters Storage Storage Buck Buck Pawn Pawn Canadian Pickers ››› “Skyfall” Daniel Craig, Judi Dench. Inner Inner Person of Interest The X-Files Bitten Bitten (N) The Walking Dead Talking Dead “Shanghai Kngts” (6:00) ›› “The Core” Aaron Eckhart. Security Security Border Border Border Border Security Security Border Border Max, Toopy Dino Dino Caillou Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Wash Charlie Doc Martin In Performance... American Masters Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Caught on Camera News J. Fallon Dateline NBC J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Falling TMZ Celebrity etalk Pop The Kardashians TMZ Live (N) E! News (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Vampire Diaries KTLA 5 News News Friends The Originals (N) Person of Interest Mother Rules Rules ›› “The Siege” Denzel Washington. News PIX11 Seinfeld Two Two Friends Ray Ray Crime Watch Daily Songs TimetheZoomer EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Fast Metabolism In Performance... American Masters My Music: Country Pop Legends Style by Come DateMe Sex-City Sex-City ›› “Cruel Intentions” Sarah Michelle Gellar. Big Fix Alaska Security Security Big Fix Alaska Big Fix Alaska Big Fix Alaska
26 FEBRUARY 2016
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28 FEBRUARY 2016
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Sports Prerace NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Folds of Honor Quiktrip 500. (N) (Live) News Block Context Osteen Paid News PGA Tour Golf Operation Smile etalk-Oscar Guide Celebrity ››› “Pretty Woman” Richard Gere. (DVS) Cor Cor Cor marketplace Stefano Land One/One Our Vancouver Cosmet Bull Riding Bask College Basketball College Basketball Duke at Pittsburgh. News Block Context Osteen Paid News PGA Tour Golf Maker Dino Wild Little Little Anne. Dogs Dogs Hope for Wildlife Building a Basilica Matter How the Paid Skincare Paid Spaces Estate Made Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Hawaii Island Carib Beach Island Island Movie Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared State of the Union Fareed Zakaria CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom 100 Game Thunder Assem Bella Henry Max Stanley Game Assem Snow “Snow White & Huntsman” ›› “The Great Gatsby” Leonardo DiCaprio. Moonshiners Vegas Rat Rods 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show “Closing Night” The Rap Game ››› “Pitch Perfect” Anna Kendrick. ››› “Grease” Paid Prerace NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Folds of Honor Quiktrip 500. (N) (Live) Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Fat Chance My 600-Lb. Life (N) Project Runway ›› “From Paris With Love” ››› “16 Blocks” Bruce Willis. (9:15) “The Sweetest Thing” “Seducing Doctor Lewis” (10:40) ››› “Mermaids” Cher. Awe Next Lost “Monster High: Haunted” Lost (11:55) “Contest” Paid 1st Fam Paid Box Offi “Pink Panther 2” ›› “The Pacifier” Vin Diesel. LOL :-) Just for Laughs Hilarity for Charity Theory Theory “Moving Day” “Sunrise at Campobello” (12:45) “Double Indemnity” ›››› “The Apartment” Comfort Food Guy’s Games Chopped Canada Cutthroat Kitchen Kids Baking Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Paid Paid Pawn Pawn American Pickers Join-Die Cnt. Pawn Pawn (8:00) “The Thaw” ›› “Riddick” Vin Diesel, Karl Urban. ›› “Speed Racer” “Jurassic Park” (7:30) “Predator” ›› “King Kong” Jeff Bridges, Jessica Lange. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Toopy Hey Peg Octo Dino Dino Mike Umi Truck Wings SciGirls Impact Inside Olympia Focus Asia Health Matt. Pioneers NHL Live NHL Hockey: Capitals at Blackhawks PGA Tour Golf Popcorn Popcorn Proph Discov. Sportfish Tribal The Conflicted Samaritan Impact Fashion Police Younger Countdown to the Red Carpet E!’s red carpet coverage. (N) Paid Paid We Have a Dream ›› “50 First Dates” Adam Sandler. KTLA News at 9 In Touch Look Paid Paid Paid Fish Oil Paid (8:00) “Fried Green Tomatoes” ››› “The Last Samurai” Tom Cruise. On Spot Animal Cosmet Beauty WWD WWD Person of Interest Person of Interest Power Context Living Truth Faith Food Study ICEJ Peter David Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Masterpiece Masterpiece Classic Hollyw’d CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami (8:00) “Shallow Hal” Big Fish, Texas Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna
Thursday, February 25, 2016 Boundary Creek Times
Founder’s Day will be July 9 Thank You Greenwood council sat for its regular meeting MIDWAY LIBRARY on Monday. Councillors’ reports
the successful removal of a beaver dam and subsequent reinforcement of the banks of Boundary Creek, a project overseen by Fred Marshall and public works foreman Randy Smith. The bill for Marshall’s work came in at $600.
nity Futures regarding the sprucing up of three kiosks located in Lion’s Park. The city is looking for funds to help upgrade the sewer system and generator, though was unable to secure a grant for that infrastructure project, which the city considers important, especially considering the impact of last year’s fire.
Mayor’s report
CAO Report
Mayor Smith reported that Jim Madder is the city’s temporary financial officer, with acting CAO Wendy Higashi working alongside him during the budget process. Smith suggested that business is moving along in a positive direction, including negotiations with city employees, whose contracts expire at the end of February. The mayor is working with staff on a budget draft to distribute to the public and the city is also in talks with Commu-
CAO Higashi raised the issue of the Slag Royalty Reserve Fund bylaw, which was never passed in 2003 despite having three readings by council. The bylaw must be created to satisfy the city’s audit requirements. Monies from the sale of the slag total over $50,000, an account which, like all other separate accounts, must have a bylaw attached to it. Council agreed that research into the bylaw was needed, which Councillor Lang agreed to help with.
Councillor Ashton attended the Greenwood Board of Trade (BOT) meeting, where Founder’s Day was announced for Saturday, July 9. Canada Day celebrations will also go ahead this year, though funding for the event has yet to be secured. The BOT’s annual general meeting was scheduled for April 16 though that was later changed to March 9 pursuant to the group’s bylaws. The board also offered its thanks to council for the use of a much-needed storage area in the fire hall. Ashton will be attending the upcoming regional hospital meeting in Trail. Councillor Cudworth presented the Public Works report, which included
Fire department gets new vehicle ANDREW TRIPP
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
The Midway Volunteer Fire Department (MVFD) has a new command vehicle in service, a much-needed addition to the department’s response team. The vehicle, a 2010 Dodge 3/4 ton 4x4 crew cab, will finally provide Fire Chief Walt Osallame with a response unit dedicated to the department. For more than 25 years, Osallame has used his own personal vehicles to respond to incidents, for which he neither asked for nor was provided compensation. With the sharp increase last summer in emergency calls, Osallame’s vehicles were pushed to the limit, making the purchase of a new command vehicle a necessity. The truck came from the County of
Minburn-Vergeville Fire Department in Vegreville, Alberta, a small town located 100 kilometres east of Edmonton, which had listed it for sale at $20,000. After conversation between the two departments, Minburn generously offered to sell the vehicle to the MVFD as an assist (from one fire departement to another) for a slashed price of $13,000. When asked for comment, Midway Chief Administrative Officer Penny Feist said, “There was significant wear and tear on Fire Chief Osallame’s vehicle for sure, but, perhaps more importantly, there was risk to injury placed on the chief and to others while responding to an incident without lights and sirens. Risk of liability for both the fire chief and the village was also present.” “It is well known,” continued Feist,
“that in order for an effective and safe response, the Incident Commander (IC) needs to be first on scene to perform an on-site assessment and now, with the new command vehicle, people will be well aware of an ongoing emergency response. With red flashing lights and sirens, the IC will be able to ensure a safe and timely response to emergency situations.” The vehicle will be used by the fire chief within the fire response area while on duty, and the deputy incident commander on duty will be placed in charge of the command vehicle while the chief is off duty or away from the fire response area. The vehicle was delivered to Midway on Feb. 5, received a successful inspection, and has been in operation since Feb.12.
SD51 class sizes below the average CRAIG LINDSAY
Boundary Creek Times Contributor
Class sizes in Boundary schools are well below provincial averages. This according to an overview just released by the Ministry of Education, on class size and composition for B.C. public schools for 2015 as of Oct. 31. The provincial average class size for Kindergarten is 19.7; for Grade 1-3 the average class size is 21.8; for Grade 4-7 it’s 26.0; and for Grade 8-12 it’s 23.4. The number of reported classes with assigned education assistants is 19,800. The number of reported schools in B.C. is 1,380. The number of reported classes in B.C. is 67,107, while the number of reported classes in B.C. with more than 30 students is 1,343. In Grades K-3, there are 2,888 classes with 0 students entitled to an Individual Education Plan (IEP); 2,291 with one student with an IEP; 1,376 with two; 562 with three; 164 with four; 50 with five; 19 with six; and n ine with seven
or more. six; and 2,794 with seven or the provincial average); 21.9 For Grades 4-12, there are greater. for Grade 4-7 (4.1 below the The average class size of provincial average); and 19.7 13,619 classes with 0 students with an IEP; 11,632 with one; School District 51 (Boundary) for Grade 8-12 (3.7 below the 10,177 with two; 8,046 with is 18.0 for Kindergarten (1.7 provincial average). In comparison, the Koothree; 5,950 with four; 3,795 below the provincial average); with five; 2,375 with six; and 19.8 for Grade 1-3 (2.0 below • See CLASS SIZES page 10 4,154 with seven or more. In Grade K-3 the number of BORDER COUNTRY classes in B.C. REALTY with 0 English Language Learn250-442-2124 ers (ELL) are Bob Bugeaud 2,507; there are 250-449-1982 833 with one ELL student; 623 with two; 445 with three; 365 with four; 291 with 1.55 acres on the banks of the five; 249 with six; Kettle River in Midway. and 2,046 with $230,000. seven or greater. MLS® 2409669. For Grades 4-12, there are 35,718 classes with 0 ELL students; 9,131 with one; 4.856 with two; 3,056 with HOME IN ANACONDA LARGE SHOP BELOW ASSESSED VALUE three; 1,948 with 4 bdrm, 2 bath home on a large 3 bdrm, 1 bath home on large Creek side RV lot in Fort Greenwood. corner lot, many updates. corner lot. Hiway frontage. $49,000. MLS® 2410172. four; 1,305 with 179,000. MLS® 2409818. $149,900. MLS® 2409885. five; 940 with
Thank you to all the people that came to support the Greenwood Seniors’ Chili Sale. Special thanks to Jean Klinosky for making the buns and to Nancy Yamamura for the lovely cake.
Our next big meal will be soup, homemade buns, tea or coffee and dessert all for $6.00. Held at the Seniors’ Centre on March 17, 2016 from 11 am to 2 pm. Hope to see you all there!
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Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016
2015 FOCUS 4DR SE • • • • •
AC Power windows & locks 6 way power seats Reverse sensing Cargo management system
59 MPG 4.8L/100KM
18,484 $ 0 129
2015 F150 CC 4x4 24 $32,949 $227BIWEEKLY
• AC & heated seats • Power locks /windows • Remote start • 6 speed auto
84 months
4 STARTING AT $26,997 $ 0 168 BIWEEKLY
2016 F150 CC 4x4 32 IN STOCK
Financing for 72 months
0 Down stk#FKF10450 2015 Focus FL290703, 2015 F150 FKD73608 & 2015 Escape STK#FUC30429 payment is biweekly for 96 months, 5.24% APR. Payments include taxes and $689 admin fee. Prices are plus taxes and $689 admin fee (includes safetivity 4 in 1 protection “Save & Restore Your Life”) 0 down OAC. 2795 Highway Dr, Trail DLN #7336 LIKE US ON
AMFORDplus Waneta Plaza, Trail DLN #307770 FOLLOW US ON
Thursday, February 25, 2016 Boundary Creek Times
2006 F150 CC 4X4 XLT 139km
2013 Escape SEL 4x4
$27,777 $194
$18,888 $178
2011 Focus SE 4Dr
stk#56022 NOW
2013 Caravan SE
2013 F150 CC 4x4 XTR
2012 F150 CC FX4 4x4 83km
$12,995 $109
$13,888 $118
2012 Fusion SE 75km
stk#79077 NOW
2008 Fusion 4dr SE
2008 Escape 4x4 XLT
$8,995 2013 Mazda 3
2007 Focus SE Wagon
2007 Aveo 5dr Wagon LS
2012 Hyundai Accent
2012 F150 Supercrew XTR 4X4
2010 Fusion SEL AWD
2013 Focus 4Dr SE
2012 Chev Suburban 4dr 4x4
2011 Fiesta 4dr
stk#99238 BW
2007 Mazda Cab Plus 4x4
$18,777 $142
2011 Focus 4dr SE
stk#80867 NOW
2012 Focus SE 4dr
2011 F150 CC 4x4 XLT
stk#38280 NOW
2007 Focus Hatchback
2006 Impala 4dr
stk#7867 BW
2011 Escape 4WD LTD
2015 Escape SE AWD
2010 Mustang Convertible
stk#67638 NOW
stk#55790 BW
2010 F150 CC 4x4 XLT 95km
$24,888 $173
stk#68211 BW
2012 Transit Connect Van XLT
2008 Kia Sportage LX
2013 Escape SE 4x4
2011 F150 CC 4x4 XLT 60km
stk#65211 BW
2013 Explorer 4x4 Limited 71km
$14,995 $99
stk#84289 BW
2011 Hyundai Sonata GLS 4Dr
stk#69613 BW
2004 Nissan XTerra 4x4
2005 Harley Davidson Softtail
stk#05932 NOW
stk#999 NOW
2010 Nissan Versa 5dr Hatch
2008 Saturn Sky Convertible 26km
2013 Focus SE 4Dr
2010 Pontiac G5
stk#11331 BW
stk#00708 NOW
2004 Optra 4dr
stk#46555 BW
stk#9019 BW
2009 Escape XLT
stk#07880 NOW
stk#8355 BW
2010 Charger 4dr
2013 Flex SEL AWD 58km
stk#9262 BW
2014 E250 CARGO VAN #06709 26km.................................................................................................................NOW $29,995 2013 F150 CC 4X4 XLT #985472 58km ..................................................................................................................NOW $34,995 2013 F150 SC 4X4 4X4 XLT #510692 19km .................................................................................................NOW $36,995 2013 F150 CC 4X4 LARIAT #016432 31km ....................................................................................................NOW $41,995 2014 ESCAPE 4X4 TITANIUM #400122 19km ................................................................................................NOW $31,995 2014 F150 CC 4X4 XLT #964892 39km .................................................................................................................NOW $36,995 2010 F350 CC 4X4 XLT #166502 40km.................................................................................................................NOW $29,995
2013: 84 months amortization. 2012: 72 months amortization. 2009-2011: 60 months amortization. 5.89% APR. All payments are bi-weekly with $3000 cash down or trade equity. Taxes & $689 admin fee (includes Safetivity 4 in 1 protection) not included OAC. 2795 Highway Dr, Trail DLN #7336 LIKE US ON
AMFORDplus Waneta Plaza, Trail DLN #307770 FOLLOW US ON
A10 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016 Greenwood Community Association
Friday Night Bingo
Doors open 5 pm Bingo starts 7 pm McArthur Centre, 1355 Veterans Lane Three early bird games, 11 regular games, two express, two progressive, two odd/even, two bonanza, luckyball and 50/50. Our 1st progressive pot will be $850+ in 57 numbers. The 2nd Progressive pot will be $1,075+ in 60 numbers. Please come out and support upgrades to your community hall and bring a friend. The more in attendance the bigger the pots. Full concession (hamburgers/hotdogs). Players must be 19 years of age and older.
HALL RENTALS CALL 250-445-6558
Boundary Figure Skating Club
Annual General Meeting Friday, March 4, 2016 at 12 noon at the Midway Arena Contact Melissa at 250-449-5075
Kettle River Lions Club Membership: 250.446.2210 – Ed Donations: 250.446.2096 – Les Suggestions: 250.449.2291 – Margaret Information: 250.446.2455 – Wolfgang SERVING THE WEST BOUNDARY FOR OVER 25 YEARS
Internationally in 206 countries/areas with over 1.35 million members! Meet 2nd & 4th THU at RC clinic
What you call JUNK could be someone’s TREASURE.
Got stuff to give away? Recycle it! Call or email us with your items and we will put it in the Free 4 All. It doesn’t cost you a penny!
Chamber members. . we need you!
Thursday, March 10 , 2016 th
gallery 2, 524 Central Ave. 6:00 pm • Refreshments
If you would like to become a board member, contact the nominations committee at: Nominations will be accepted from the floor NEW MEMBERS WELCOME!
Kettle Valley Golf Club members filled the Boundary District Curling Club lounge on Sunday to re-elect the board of directors and get a preview of the club’s plans for the 2016 season. Despite the three week interruption of last year’s season, courtesy of the Rock Creek fire, the club still enjoyed one of its most successful years on record.
A successful season for club ANDREW TRIPP
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
Members of the Kettle Valley Golf Club (KVGC) gathered on Sunday to listen to the club’s executive outline its plans for the coming season, as well as providing members with an update of the KVGC’s financial status. President Dave Marsh chaired the meeting, which, among other things, resulted in the re-election by acclamation of the majority of the 2015 executive. Attending members were unanimous in returning the officers for another year, or, in some cases, an additional two-year term. Treasurer Earl Lindsey reported that the club made a profit of more than $13,000 last year and, generally, enjoyed one of the most successful seasons on record. Club manager Aaron Rexin summarized 2015 as a very challenging year for
Class sizes
the KVGC. Notwithstanding the effect of the Rock Creek fire on the club’s business for three weeks during one of the traditional peak periods for the course, the club also had to deal with extremely dry conditions throughout the spring and summer, making it more challenging than ever to keep the course in its usually pristine state. Adding to the fire and weather conditions was the rash of thefts that plagued the club throughout the year, which has, in recent years, been an ongoing problem for the KVGC. There was some dicussion regarding the hiring of a resident security officer to help discourage would-be thieves, and the club will be making that decision in the next several weeks. The club continues to apply for grants, and Rexin was hopeful that this year would see more support from the government in that regard. Marsh announced, much to the dismay of club members, that restaurant manager Sam Hall would not be returning for an-
Continued from page 7
tenay Lake (SD8 - Nelson) district has average class sizes of 19.9 for Kindergarten (1.9 more than Boundary); 21.6 for Grade 1-3 (1.8 more than Boundary); 26.1 for Grade 4-7 (4.2 more than Boundary); and 20.4 for Grade 8-12 (0.7 more than Boundary). Kootenay-Columbia (SD20 - Castlegar/Trail) has average class sizes of 19.9 for Kindergarten; 20.7 for Grade 1-3; 26.2 for Grade 4-7; and 23.6 for Grade 8-12.
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other season. The club is actively looking for a replacement for Hall, who, Marsh suggested, made the KVGC restaurant a popular place to dine for golfers and non-golfers alike. The junior program is one of the club’s priorities this season; director Wayne Wickens noted that he had spoken with local elementary school principal Brian Foy and that he was in full support of the program. Marsh noted that it was extremely important to get the youth of the region involved with the club and golf in general to ensure a future growth of membership. Scheduled infrastructure improvements include an overhaul of the irrigation pumphouse, and several trees are slated for removal due to insect infestation or death. Trees will also be added to the course. Annual membership fees will be increased by $50 for the 2016 season, keeping KVGC dues considerably lower than other golf venues in the region. The KVGC will open, weather-permitting, in early spring.
Scammers don’t quit Recently a citizen of Grand Forks was contacted by a scammer who posed as an agent for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), reported Sgt. Jim Fenske, Detachment Commander of the Boundary Regional RCMP. The scammer demanded money for back taxes, fines and a fee. The scammer told the citizen that the RCMP would be contacting the citizen if he did not pay. Later the citizen got a phone call using the Grand Forks RCMP
Greenwood Board of
phone number on his call display. “These scammers are using the RCMP phone number as a form of intimidation. This is a scam,” Fenske said. The scammers tell taxpayers that they either owe money to the CRA or have a tax refund. Taxpayers are threatened with arrest or jail time if they do not take immediate action and provide money or personal or financial information. To confirm the authenticity of a call, contact the CRA using its official Trade by telephone number for individual tax enquiries: 1-800-959-8281. If you believe you may be the victim of fraud or have given personal or financial information in error, contact police and your financial institution.
Annual General Meeting Wednesday, March 9 6:00 pm City Hall Members & Non Members Welcome!
Thursday, February 25, 2016 Boundary Creek Times A11 SUNDAY AFTERNOON
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
2 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
6 PM
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29 FEBRUARY 2016
Hearts SC Hockey SC Top SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) ET ET Chicago Med NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert Supergirl (N) Theory News CTV etalk (N) Gotham (N) (9:01) Lucifer (N) Blindspot (N) market Cor Murdoch Mysteries Jekyll and Hyde CBC Cor The National (N) Broke Broke NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert Supergirl (N) Scorpion (N) ET ET Chicago Med NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert Supergirl (N) Hope for Wildlife Turn Back Time Fake or Fortune? Salish Knitters Hope for Wildlife ET Insider KXLY 4 Kimmel The Bachelor (N) (10:01) Castle (N) Cops Cops Cops Cops Vegas Vegas Jail Jail Jail Jail Bryan Bryan House Income Ellen’s Design Bryan Bryan Hawaii Hawaii To Be Announced To Be Announced (9:01) Movie To Be Announced CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Assem Stanley Gags Gags Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Gags Gags 12 Monkeys NCIS The Magicians Hawaii Five-0 NCIS “Alleged” Alaskan Bush How/ How/ Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush How/ How/ Million Dollar Million Dollar Million Dollar LA Million Dollar Law & Order: SVU Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two Gotham (N) (9:01) Lucifer (N) Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Motive Criminal Minds Project Runway Project Runway Project Runway (N) Slings and Arrows (10:10) “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” ››› “Knocked Up” Seth Rogen. Third BETCH Degrassi Guid Malcolm Prince The X Factor UK (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Amer. Fam Guy Amer. Middle Payne Browns Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Full Daily Nightly “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” “Young Bess” (7:15) ››› “The Strawberry Blonde” Chef in Your Ear Food Food Beat Beat Chef in Your Ear Guy’s Games Storage Storage Fail Fail Storage Storage Storage Storage Buck Buck Vikings Billion Dollar Restoration Cnt. Cnt. Vikings “Silent Hill: Rev” Inner Psychic Person of Interest › “Silent Hill: Revelation” Better Call Saul Call Saul Better Call Saul (N) ››› “Twister” Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. Border Border My.- Monument Security Security Border Border Ghost Adventures Max, Toopy Dino Dino Caillou Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Grown Steves Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow Independent Lens Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon The Voice The blind auditions begin. Blindspot (N) J’pardy! Wheel Ray Let’s Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Gracie TMZ Celebrity etalk Pop Younger Celebrity E! News (N) TMZ Live (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Crazy Ex-Girlfriend KTLA 5 News News Friends Jane the Virgin (N) “Batman Returns” Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks Rules Rules News PIX11 Seinfeld Two Two Friends Ray Ray Crime Watch Daily theZoomer Conspir. Super “Madea’s Big Happy Family” Un Popoff 21 Days to a Slimmer Younger You 30 Days to a Younger Heart This Is Your Do-Over Style by Style by Rules Rules Rules Rules Hollyw’d Hollyw’d CSI: Miami “Stiff” Science Science Ice Road Truckers Brain Brain Science Science Wicked Tuna
Sports SC Top Preview SC SC Tournament of Hearts SportsCentre (N) PGA Tour Golf Engels Trashopolis Bomb Girls News News News MasterChef etalk-Oscars Red Red Red The Oscars (N) Speed Skating Diving Back Exhibi ››› “Peter Pan” Jason Isaacs. College Basketball Paid Cize It Whacke Whacke News News KREM 2 News at 6 PGA Tour Golf Engels Trashopolis Bomb Girls News (5:59) News Hour Architect/Change Turn Back Time (6:05) Warships Gala From Berlin 2014 (N) Road to Gold ABC KXLY 4 Red Red Red The Oscars (N) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Ellen’s Design Bryan Bryan House House Ellen’s Design Tiny Tiny Beyond Scared Intervention Intervention “Jeff” Intervention “Erin” Hoarders (N) CNN Newsroom Hollywood’s Biggest Night Spotlight Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. “Chicken Run” ››› “Flushed Away” ››› “Stuart Little” Geena Davis. “Snow White” “Crook” Adam Beach, Guy Buller. “Snow White and the Huntsman” Bering Sea Gold How/ How/ Last Frontier Last Frontier MythBusters (N) (12:30) “Grease” Guide-Divorce Recipe “Reviving Ophelia” Jane Kaczmarek. Paid Best Cooker Mike Theory Raising Mother Theory Monop Simpson My 600-Lb. Life (N) My 600-Lb. Life (N) My 600-Lb. Life (N) My 600-Lb. Life (N) My 600-Lb. Life (N) Project Runway Twice in a Lifetime Missing Castle ›› “2 Guns” Seduc (6:05) “Mermaids” (4:20) “Moonstruck” Cher. (2:25) ››› “Billy Elliot” Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost “Mrs. Doubtfire” “Pink Panther 2” Theory Theory Theory Theory Mod Mod “Sleepless In” “Without a Paddle: Nature’s Calling” Theory Theory Just for Laughs “Moving Day” Dble Ind (2:45) ›››› “Going My Way” Bing Crosby. ››› “Blue Skies” Bing Crosby. Diners Diners Chopped Canada Recipe Kids Baking Worst Cooks Dog and Beth Liquida Liquida The Liq Storage Mantracker The Liq Storage 21st Century Prophecies Revealed American Pickers Join-Die Cnt. Forged in Fire “Speed Racer” (3:15) ›› “Tron: Legacy” Jeff Bridges. ›› “Riddick” The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead (1:00) ››› “Jurassic Park” Museum Secrets Miracles Decoded Treasures Live Live The Dead Files Blaze Bubble Shimmer Charm Octo Hey Dino Cat in Big Charm Finding Your Roots Freedom Summer: American Experience Masterpiece PGA Tour Golf Tai Chi! BestPan! DOC Look News News News Mark In Touch Minis In Con In Con Popcorn Young Young Living Truth (N) Count Hollywood Medium Holly E! Live From the Red Carpet “The 2016 Academy Awards” Rizzoli & Isles Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Castle Castle Countdown Countdown 5 News News News Live From the Oscars (N) Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods PIX11 News at 5 Two Live From the Oscars (N) Elementary Elementary Arise Tom’row Beyond Hope Discov. V’Impe Jere Facts Youseff Meyer Classic Masterpiece Masterpiece More Manners Masterpiece Classic Celebrity Legacies Celebrity Damage CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami “G.O.” Big Fish, Texas Big Fish, Texas Big Fish, Texas Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna
28 FEBRUARY 2016
7 PM
2 MARCH 2016
Sports SportsCentre NBA Basketball: Thunder at Clippers SportsCentre (N) ET ET Big Brother News Colbert Survivor (N) Chicago P.D. (N) Theory News CTV etalk (N) The Family “Pilot” Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Cyber (N) Gags Cor CBC Cor Dragons’ Den (N) X Company (N) The National (N) Broke Broke News Colbert Survivor (N) Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Cyber (N) ET ET Big Brother News Colbert Survivor (N) Chicago P.D. (N) The Polar Sea Wild China The Monarchy Stone Age Temple The Polar Sea ET Insider Gold O’Neals Mod O’Neals American Crime KXLY 4 Kimmel (5:00) ›› “Bad Boys II” ›› “Armageddon” Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton. Carib Beach House Income Hawaii Island Carib Beach Hawaii Hawaii Jep Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty Jep Duck D. CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper CNN Tonight Nicky Stanley Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Gags Gags NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 How/ How/ Jade Jade Moonshiners: Out Moonshiners Moonshiners (N) Newlyweds First First Housewives Newlyweds Law & Order: SVU Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two Rosewood (N) Hell’s Kitchen (N) (7:01) Fat Chance My 600-Lb. Life (9:02) Fat Chance My 600-Lb. My 600-Lb. Life Motive Criminal Minds Saving Hope Suits Suits (N) “Vanishing on 7th Street” (10:35) “Hysteria” ››› “The Sweet Hereafter” Life Life Prince Malcolm Rebecca LA Story The X Factor UK Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Amer. Fam Guy Amer. Middle Payne Browns Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory Daily Nightly “Funny-Forum” (5:00) ›››› “Spartacus” ›››› “Lust for Life” Kirk Douglas. Restaurant: Im. Kids Baking Worst Cooks Restaurant: Im. Guy’s Games Storage Storage Fail Fail Dog and Beth Storage Storage Buck Buck American Pickers Forged in Fire Ice Road Truckers Swamp People (N) Yukon Gold (N) Supernatural Inner Psychic Person of Interest Face Off Supernatural Rocky III ›› “Rocky IV” Sylvester Stallone. ››› “Rocky III” Sylvester Stallone, Mr. T. Ghost Adventures Mysteries- Cas. The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Max, Toopy Dino Dino Caillou Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, A Year in Space Amer. Experience John Glenn NOVA Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Myst-Laura Law & Order: SVU News J. Fallon Chicago P.D. (N) J’pardy! Wheel Young Young Huntley J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Fixing TMZ Celebrity etalk Pop Just Jillian TMZ Live (N) E! News (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Greatest Anml. MADtv 20th KTLA 5 News News Friends Person of Interest Outsiders Mother Mother Parks Parks Rules Rules News PIX11 Seinfeld Two Two Friends Ray Ray Crime Watch Daily Downton Abbey Conspir. I Pro Super Popoff ››› “Chariots of Fire” Gr’t Performances Remembr Whn Great Performances Your Do-Over CSI: Miami Style by Style by Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer Celebrity Celebrity War Junk Big Fish, Texas Big Fix Alaska Security Security Big Fix Alaska (N)
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
7 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
7 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 S Yes TV 651 355 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
9 PM
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10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
1 MARCH 2016
SC Hockey SC Top SportsCentre SC (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) ET ET NCIS: New Orleans Telenov Telenov News Colbert NCIS (N) Theory Theory Theory Agent Carter News CTV etalk (N) CSI: Cyber Hello Cor Mercer 22 Min Creek CBC Cor Mr. D (N) The National (N) Broke Broke NCIS: New Orleans News Colbert NCIS (N) Limitless ET ET NCIS: New Orleans Telenov Telenov News Colbert NCIS (N) Canada Canada Life “Fish” “Everything Will Be” ET Insider The Muppets Agent Carter Election Spcl. KXLY 4 Kimmel Ink Master Ink Mas Ink Mas Ink Master Ink Master Ink Mas Ink Mas Tiny Tiny House Income Hunt Intl Hunters Tiny Tiny Hawaii Hawaii Married-Sight Married-Sight Fit to Fat to Fit Married-Sight Fit to Fat to Fit (N) Super Tuesday 1 Super Tuesday 1 Super Tuesday 1 Super Tuesday 1 Early Start Game Stanley Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Gags Gags NCIS NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS “Shooter” Jade Jade How/ How/ Gold Rush Jade Jade How/ How/ Vanderpump Rules Housewives Real Housewives Vanderpump Rules Housewives Theory Theory New Girl Grand Brooklyn Grinder News Mod Mike Two The Little Couple (9:02) Rattled The Little Couple The Little Couple (7:01) Rattled (N) (6:00) Movie Motive Criminal Minds Movie (7:10) ››› “My Life Without Me” ›› “Scoop” (10:40) ››› “Being Julia” The X Factor UK Awe Malcolm Degrassi Guid Arts Cheer Malcolm Prince Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Amer. Fam Guy Amer. Middle Payne Browns Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Angie Daily Nightly Sense ››› “The Remains of the Day” ››› “A Room With a View” Chopped Junior Chopped Chopped Guy’s Games Chopped (N) Storage Storage Fail Fail Wild Things Storage Storage Buck Buck Restoration Cnt. Cnt. American Pickers Curse/Gold Forged in Fire (N) Killjoys Inner Psychic Person of Interest Bitten Killjoys Bourne “The Untouchables” ››› “The Fugitive” Harrison Ford. Mysteries of Cuba My.- Monument Mysteries- Cas. Mysteries of Cuba Ghost Adventures Max, Toopy Dino Dino Caillou Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Finding Your Roots Amer. Experience Growing NW Super Tuesday Frontline J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon The Voice The blind auditions continue. Super Tuesday (N) J’pardy! Wheel Ray House Life To J. Hagee Huntley Popcorn Place Life TMZ Celebrity etalk Pop Total Divas TMZ Live (N) E! News (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends The World Dog Awards Outsiders Outsiders Outsiders Parks Parks Rules Rules News PIX11 Seinfeld Two Two Friends Ray Ray Crime Watch Daily “Flower & Garnet” Conspir. Debate Popoff ›››› “The Shawshank Redemption” The Carpenters Josh Groban: Stages Live Carpenters: Close to You Fast Metabolism Will Will Style by Style by Cougar Cougar Cougar Cougar Celebrity Celebrity Yukon Gold Security Security The Boonies Brain Brain The Boonies (N)
8 PM
Tournament of Hearts SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) First Security Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson News Block Mike Mike Cleve Motive News CTV (5:30) The Oscars (N) Peter Gags Hello Mr. D Winnipeg Comedy CBC fifth est. The National (N) News Fam Guy 60 Minutes (N) 60 Minutes (N) ›› “Last Vegas”, Robert De Niro First Security Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson News Block Quest-Maya Inspector Morse Wallander “The Secret” (N) On the Red Carpet Jimmy Kimmel KXLY 4 V’Impe (5:30) The Oscars (N) Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Ellen’s Design Tiny Tiny Timber Kings Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Timber Kings (N) Intervention (8:03) The First 48 (9:03) Intervention (10:03) Hoarders Intervention Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Newsroom And the Winner Is... (N) “Chicken Run” Assem Assem Max Max Haunting Haunting Gags Gags Snow Engels Lost Girl ›› “The Great Gatsby” Leonardo DiCaprio. MythBusters Alaska Last Frontier Dual Survival Dual Survival (N) Guide-Divorce Housewives/Atl. Recipe Guide-Divorce ››› “Grease” Simpson Burgers Simpson Barrett Fam Guy Bor News Livin’ Cougar Paid My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life (N) “From Paris With Love” (6:00) ›› “2 Guns” ››› “16 Blocks” Bruce Willis. (6:05) “Mermaids” ››› “Sleepless in Seattle” (9:50) ›› “You’ve Got Mail” “Mrs. Doubtfire” The X Factor UK LA Story BETCH Third Degrassi Guid (6:00) “Sleepless in Seattle” There Paid Paid The Closer The Closer LOL :-) LOL :-) Theory Theory Just for Laughs Laughs-Access Comedy Comedy “Public Enemy” ››› “Swing Time” Fred Astaire. ›› “Gold Diggers of 1937” Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Canada Worst Cooks Cutthroat Kitchen Kids Baking Liquida Liquida Mantracker Haunted Collector Ghost Hunters Buck Buck Restoration Pawn Pawn Billion Dollar Ice Road Truckers Ax Men (N) “Don’t Be Afraid” (6:00) ›› “Riddick” › “The Darkest Hour” (8:01) Fear the Walking Dead Comic The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Talking Dead (N) Mysteries- Cas. Mysteries-Museum The Dead Files Mysteries- Cas. Mysteries-Museum Max, Toopy Dino Dino Caillou Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, Classic NW More Manners Mercy Street In Performance... Evening-Sheila News Paid Dateline NBC ››› “Ted” Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis. Funny Videos In Touch Discov. Muzika Popcorn Popcorn In Con In Touch Holly Hollywood Medium Hollywood Medium Hollywood Medium E! After Party (N) Theory Theory Broke Broke Two Two Paid Friends WBZ News (N) Person of Interest 5 News Sunday News at 10 News Oscars Elementary Outsiders Rules Rules Raising Raising (8:01) ››› “Big” Tom Hanks. News Sports Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Ray Laughs Laughs Osteen Prince Miracle Popoff Jewish In Touch V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Fast Metabolism Revolution On the Psychiatrist’s Couch-Amen End Dieting Style by Excused Excused Medicine ›› “Shallow Hal” Gwyneth Paltrow. Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Big Fish, Texas Big Fish, Texas Big Fish, Texas
28 FEBRUARY 2016
7 PM
3 MARCH 2016
Basket SportsCentre NBA Basketball: Thunder at Warriors SportsCentre (N) Big Brother The Blacklist News Colbert Elementary (N) Shades of Blue (N) Grey’s Anatomy Theory DC’s Legends Gold Away-Murder News CTV 22 Min Cor Nature/ Things CBC Cor Firsthand (N) The National (N) Broke Broke Theory Life in Broke News Colbert Mom (N) Elementary (N) Big Brother The Blacklist News Colbert Elementary (N) Shades of Blue (N) Waterfront Cities Joanna Lumley’s Waterfront Cities New York “Cosmopolis (1920-1945)” ET Insider Grey’s Anatomy Away-Murder KXLY 4 Kimmel The Family “Pilot” Lip Sync › “Gone in Sixty Seconds” Nicolas Cage. To Be Announced Contrac Contrac House Income Flip or Flip or Fixer Upper Hawaii Hawaii Fixer Upper (N) Kids Behind Bars: Lost TBA Juvenile Lifers Behind Bars Lost for Life CNN Tonight Newsroom Newsroom AC360 Post Debate Special (N) 100 Stanley Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting The Gags Gags ›› “Deep Impact” Robert Duvall. ››› “Flight” Denzel Washington. Gold Rush How/ How/ Fast N’ Loud Vegas Rat Rods Gold Rush “Killer Among” Surviving Evil Law & Order: SVU “A Killer Among Us” Tess Atkins. Theory Theory News Mod Mike Two American Idol “Top 8 Perform” (N) Weight Loss Fat Chance My 600-Lb. Life Extreme Weight Loss “Ashley” Motive Criminal Minds Legends Colony Colony (N) “Wedding Wish” (7:15) “The American Trap” ››› “Fried Green Tomatoes” Nowhere Nowhere Prince Malcolm Arts Cheer The X Factor UK Awe Prince Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Amer. Fam Guy Amer. Middle Payne Browns Payne JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Clipped Daily Nightly (6:30) “Black Narcissus” ›› “Design for Living” (10:15) ›› “The Outlaw” Gotta Gotta My. Din My. Din Top Chef Guy’s Games Top Chef (N) Storage Storage Fail Fail Storage The Liq Storage Storage Buck Buck Yukon Gold Swamp People Pawn Pawn Join-Die Pawn Vikings “Mercy” Castle Inner Psychic Person of Interest Castle Castle (6:00) ››› “The Green Mile” Tom Hanks. ›› “King Kong” Jeff Bridges. Live Live Mysteries- Cas. Expedition Un. Live Live Ghost Adventures Max, Toopy Dino Dino Caillou Bubble Umi Charm Back Max, At Home-Russia Murder Myster. Luther A Year in Space Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel You, Me and News J. Fallon Blindspot Shades of Blue (N) J’pardy! Wheel Huntley J. Hagee Place Class American Idol “Top 8 Perform” (N) TMZ Celebrity etalk Pop TMZ Live (N) Reign “Wedlock” E! News (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother King King Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two DC’s Legends KTLA 5 News News Friends The 100 “Thirteen” Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks Rules Rules News PIX11 Seinfeld Two Two Friends Ray Ray Crime Watch Daily McCloud Keep Up Apoca I Pro EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Carole King Il Volo: Live From Pompeii Carole King-James Taylor Motown 25 Sex-City Sex-City Style by Style by Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer Celebrity Celebrity Rocky Mountain Timber Kings Wicked Tuna Rocky Mountain Big Fish, Texas
A12 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016
Join us for
Friday, March 4 10:00 a.m.
Kettle River Chapel 1735 Hwy 33 Rock Creek
Families Welcome Childcare Available
Church Directory GREENWOOD Sacred Heart Catholic Church Fr. John M. Kellogg – 326 Church Avenue Mass - Saturday 5 pm St. Jude’s Anglican Church of Canada Interim Minister Rev. John Ruder 250-442-5808 • 145 S. Kimberley Services at 4 pm (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday) Evangel Chapel Interim Pastor Martin Fromme 250-449-1978 Food Bank (Errol/Gerry) 250-584-4164 401 N. Kimberley Service - Sunday at 10 am St. Columba United Church of Canada Rev. Kim Horwood 250-442-3311 101 S. Government Service & Sunday School - Sunday 9 am MIDWAY Boundary Community Church Pastor Ryan van Kuik 250-449-1439 at the Midway Community Hall Service - Sunday at 10 am King of Kings New Testament & Academy Pastor Rick Steingard 250-449-2252 735 9th Ave Service - Sunday at 10 am Jehovah’s Witnesses 943 13th Street 250-449-2665 Tuesday - 7 pm Sunday - 10 am ROCK CREEK Kettle River Chapel Sunday 10:30 a.m. September through June Info: 446-2341 • 1735 Hwy 33 St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kettle Valley Service - 2nd & 4th Sunday at 10:30 am BRIDESVILLE Sidley Mountain Cowboy Church Pastor Ed Brouwer 250-495-4877 Service at 6 pm on 2nd and 4th Sunday Bridesville Hall WESTBRIDGE Humuh Monastry Buddhist Meditation & Empowerment Centre Master Maticintin (1-800-336-6015) Meditation & Spiritual Teachings Sunday at 11 am Seventh-day Adventist Church Harald Zinner 250-446-2517 Westbridge Community Hall Service - Saturday at 10 am
The Rock Creek Women’s Institute, currently celebrating its centenary, provided refreshments, snacks and lunch for a large crowd of West Boundary residents who attended a FireSmart orientation. All unused food was donated to Vivien Browne and the Food Share program. (From left) Judy Watson, Vivien Browne, Mary Cannon and Brenda Schmalz. Photo: Norma Tilgner
WI awards calendar proceeds MARY CANNON Submitted
The Rock Creek Women’s Institute (RCWI) assembled at the home of Judy Watson for its monthly meeting on Feb. 17, with 12 members present. During the meeting, proceeds from the RCWI 2016 Centennial Calendar were allocated to a resident who had lost their home and possessions in the Rock Creek fire. The institute would like to pass on heartfelt thanks to those who purchased the calendar and enabled the much-needed donation. There was also a presentation by Kena Manson, proprietor of K&K Meats, which recently opened shop at the meat cutting facility on Kettle Valley Road. Manson provided samples of her specialty sausages, infused with spices and fruit, which were well-received by
members. On Feb. 20, the RCWI ladies provided coffee, baked goods and lunch for the FireSmart program session at the Rock Creek Fairgrounds. All unused food was donated to Vivian Browne for the Food Share program. The RCWI would like to offer special thanks to Vicki Gee and the RDKB grants in-aid program for hosting a Food Safe Level 1 course last fall. Two RCWI member attained their certification at the one-day course. The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada (FWIC) in partnership with the International Peace Garden invites applications for the FWIC Peace Garden
George Milton Scales October 4, 1930 – January 7, 2016
It is with heavy hearts we announce the sudden passing of our beloved husband / father / grandfather / uncle / brother / friend. He leaves behind his loving wife of 63 years Joyce, his 5 children, Jim (Sheree), Pat (Gerry), Lissa (Dave), Charlene (Tom) & Penny (Bill), 15 grandchildren, 38 great grandchildren, and 1 great-great grandchild, along with his brother Jim Scales and sister Alice Kolisnyk, and numerous loving nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents Wesley and Elizabeth Scales, two sisters Dorothy Lyon & Willa Deans and his brother Syd Scales. Born and raised in Morden Manitoba, Milt moved out west as a young man and enjoyed a 37 year career with the CPR. He was a dedicated family man and an active volunteer in the communities where he lived. He lived his life with pride in all that he did... with love, respect and dedication for his wife and family, his friends and community, as well as his career. His happy welcoming smile was his own unique trademark in life and will be missed by all. Milt will live in our hearts forever, never to be forgotten. The family is planning a celebration of his life on May 7, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. in the Midway Community Centre.
Scholarship Program. This initiative will provide a leadership opportunity for a young woman (18 -22 years old) from each province across Canada to participate in a one-week educational program (Aug. 21-27) at the International Peace Garden located on the Manitoba and North Dakota borders. This program is for young women interested in leadership, marketing, social media, horticulture, public relations, arts, inspiring others, and positive social change. Community and volunteer experience are assets. The deadline is April 15. More information may be found at
Snowmobile ride in Brousseau’s memory The Boundary Snowmobile Club will be hosting its inaugural running of the Dave Brousseau Memorial Poker Ride on Sunday, Feb. 28. Boundary Snowmobile Club (BSC) members and guests will be gathering at the bottom of Pass Creek Road up the North Fork valley for a day bound for fun and adventure as parties ride up to the Pass Creek cabin, scoring the best poker hands to determine the day’s winner. This is a fundraising event for the BSC with all proceeds going towards the maintenance and building of new/existing trails and cabins within the local riding areas, said club president Derrick Pankoff.
The BSC is a non-profit organization and currently operates three wilderness cabins and numerous trails throughout the riding areas. The club strives to promote safe and sensitive operation of snowmobiles in the backcountry and on the trails This year’s event includes a tribute to long-time Grand Forks resident and local pioneer of mountain sledding Dave Brousseau, who perished in an avalanche in 2008. Sign up starts at 9 a.m. till 10:30 a.m. at the bottom of Pass Creek Road (20 kilometres up North Fork Road to Brown Creek Road). There will be food and prizes available at the cabin. Everyone is welcome.
The Snowmobile Club’s poker rides are popular. This year’s will be the inaugural running of the Dave Brousseau Memorial Poker Ridge. Submitted photo
Thursday, February 25, 2016 Boundary Creek Times A13
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Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016
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Advertising Sales Consultant The Peace Arch News has an opening for an advertising consultant. By joining White Rock / South Surrey's number one community print and online newspaper, you can develop a rewarding career in advertising and marketing while contributing to one of the Lower Mainland's most vibrant communities. The team environment at the Peace Arch News will inspire you to the highest level of customer partnership and reward your motivated approach to excellence. You should be a strong communicator, well organized, self motivated and enjoy working in a fast-pace environment. Previous media sales experience is preferred. A car and a valid driver's license are required. The Peace Arch News is part of Black Press, Canada's largest private independent newspaper company with more than 170 community, daily and urban newspapers in BC, Alberta, Washington, Ohio, California and Hawaii. Please send your resume with cover letter by Friday, March 11, 2016 to: Steve Scott - Ad Manager Peace Arch News #200 - 2411 - 160th St., Surrey, BC V3S 0C8 or email to X
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FARM LABOURERS NEEDED A well-established local nursery (ornamental tree farm) located in Grand Forks and Midway are seeking motivated field workers. Must have own transportation between growing fields. No experience necessary. Training is available. These positions will be required to work out of doors. Work will begin approximately mid-March and run to mid-November. Duties will include weeding, hoeing, digging, pruning and preparing loads for shipment. Applicants must be physically agile. Hours of work are a minimum of 40 hours per week and may extend beyond during our busy season. Wages are $10.59 per hour. Please fax your resume to 250-764-4421 or email Debra at
Grand Forks / Greenwood Black Press Operations The Boundary Creek Times and Grand Forks Gazette, weekly community newspapers in B.C.’s Southern Interior, have an opening for a full-time, multi-media journalist. Candidates will have diverse writing abilities; photography prowess and social media best practices are an asset. Candidates must be willing to be flexible with working hours, and willing to work weekends. Qualifications: The successful applicant for this position will be a key contributor to the print and online product. You should have a diploma / degree in journalism, and / or related experience.
Say yes and change a child’s life today.
Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop is a must; experience with InDesign is an asset. Valid driver’s licence and reliable vehicle are required. Deadline: February 29, 2016 Send resume to: Della Mallette |
The Boundary Creek Times and Grand Forks Gazette are part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent newspaper company, with more than 150 community, daily and urban newspapers in B.C., Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii.
Thursday, February 2016Boundary BoundaryCreek CreekTimes Times A15 A15 Thursday, February 25,25, 2016
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Hospital fee $1 for miners AL DONNELLY
Chronicles of Boundary Country from the pages of The Boundary Creek Times Volume VII, No. 11 – November 25, 1899 ➤ The Smelter Bonus – Editorial - “The British Columbia Cooper Company’s request for a production bonus from the City of Greenwood is an extremely modest one. When the site for a smelter was yet undetermined, the company could have asked the city for a substantial bonus and the electors would probably have granted the same in order to secure the smelter near the city. The company, however, refrained from doing this. “The proposition to grant a bonus of 10 cents for every ton smelted until $3,600 is paid will not entail any hardship upon the ratepayers and is a public recognition of the fact that a large important industry has been established in the city.”
Jakes and Op➤ Boer BLASTS penheimer in War Update FROM THE Greenwood, – “Winston PAST and will Churchill open an ofand the fiftyfice in Phoesix men taken nix. There, prisoners by an emergency the Boers at room will be Estcourt have established so been sent to that prompt Pretoria to be treatment may held with the Dublin Fusiliers. General be accorded those working Methuen with a large force in the mines.” ➤ The Slater Shoe – Renof men is moving on Kimberley where Cecil Rhodes dell & Co. is advertising the sale of the Slater shoe with is beleaguered. “The detailed account of some very interesting obserthe battle at Ladysmith on vations and promises. “When a good man the 9th says: Boers loss, 800; swears on a wet day, it’s the British loss was slight.” ➤ A Doctor for Phoenix more than likely the profan– “The Greenwood hospi- ity comes from his feet. The tal has decided to give at- shoe that pinches spoils the tendance and admission to temper, irritates the nerves, the hospital if required for impairs digestion, and obthose working in the mines scures ‘the merry sunshine at the rate of $1 per month. of life’. Success or failure in Dr. Slack, until recently con- life oft hinges upon a man’s nected with the smelter at mood at critical moments, Great Falls, Montana, has and the way his feet feel associated himself with Drs. sometimes sways destiny.
“A pair of Slater shoes may unconsciously save a fortune. It’s cheaper to throw away a shoe that hurts than to keep it, and mark this – new Slater shoes need no breaking in. “A tag on each pair tells just what leather it is made of, how it will affect the feet, and the wear it will or will not give, according to use. The maker’s name and price stamped on the sole protects against imitations.” ➤ More on the Folding Bathtubs – Further to a previous advertisement for the Quaker thermal folding bath cabinet, Mr. R.H. Moffat, agent for the device, now claims in another advertisement that “the cabinet is the most powerful and efficacious agent yet devised by modern science for cleansing the skin, purifying the blood, promoting healthful and natural functions, and relieving the excretory organs.”
Partnership funds total $226,600
This FREE ad space is provided by the Boundary Creek Times and the RDKB to advertise FREE items.
Call 250.445.2233
ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY • Electric Organ. Call 250-449-2648. • Standing mantle fireplace. 250-445-6335. • 60” X 96” window, good for a greenhouse. Call 250-448-4722. WANTED ITEMS • Free, safe and in good condition, children’s toys for the Kettle River Retreat B&B. Call 250 449 5150 • Propane fridge. Call 250-808-6449. • Small apartment size freezer. 250-446-2997. • Riverboats, canoes & skiffs, unwater worthy or damaged. 250-446-2779.
Greenwood, Midway We’ve been discussMILLION$ and the Phoenix Foundaing the ways the Phoenix + CHANGE tion (general fund) estabFoundation “spends” its lished funds in the fall of revenues. Here’s the next 1997 with the Vancouver one. Foundation, making use Community partnership of a generous opportunity funds—revenues of which one could say also contrib- PHOENIX FOUNDATION provided by the Vancouver Foundation, which matched ute to “community grants”, OF THE since the three towns BOUNDARY COMMUNITIES donations that communities raised. (Christina Lake, GreenThis year (2016) these funds will wood and Midway) have processes in place to use the revenues from their provide approximately $4,000 each to funds to support groups in their com- Greenwood, Midway and Grand Forks communities for general granting purmunities. The total value of the three partner- poses. Christina Lake established its fund ship funds is $226,600.02 (again, totals much later, in October 2011, with approximate). Grand Forks, while it does not have funding provided by the Regional Diswhat we call a “partnership” fund, fea- trict of Kootenay Boundary, through tures in this more general area of com- the advocacy of Area C director Grace munity funds, so I hope I don’t confuse MacGregor. That fund did not have the benefit of you by first talking about the funds established with the Vancouver Founda- being “matched” and its current value is approximately $6,200. As you can aption.
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preciate, in this case, the income revenue generated will not yet allow for significant granting. Larger community foundations than ours, do not expect individual funds to produce revenues until such time as the fund value reaches a minimum of $10,000. Hopefully the Christina Lake community seizes the opportunity to positively impact the small organizations in their town, by growing this fund. Now, you may be asking what about Grand Forks? Doesn’t Grand Forks have a community fund as well? The City of Grand Forks is one of Phoenix Foundations most treasured donors, and did donate $100,000 as part of celebrating its Centennial Year, and contributing to the vision of a vibrant community. That donation played a very important role in establishing the Phoenix Foundation as an idea whose time had come. Because of the faith demonstrated by the City of Grand Forks (and many others) we have become the little foundation that could. The money donated by the City of Grand Forks is part of our Phoenix Foundation general funds, which provides a significant share of the monies available for community grants. Next column: The last three ways! By the way, you can learn lots more about the Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities by checking out our website: We have a quick and easy-touse “donate” button that can produce an immediate receipt for income tax purposes for you. There is a grant archive that lists every community grant Phoenix Foundation has ever distributed. Our board members are listed. And our most recent annual report is available— plus more!
A16 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 25, 2016
Event all about winter wellness ANDREW TRIPP
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
Last Thursday, Boundary Central Secondary students participated in an Aboriginal Winter Wellness Event that included a visit from elders, a lunch comprising of tacos made with bannock, a traditional native bread, prizes for a nutrition quiz, and storytelling by artist David Seven Deers at Stektahl, the Learning Circle. The event was sponsored through a grant from the First Nations Healthy Authority (FNHA). The FNHA envisions healthy, self-determining and vibrant B.C. First Nations children, along with families and communities, playing an active role in decision-making regarding their personal and collective wellness. The FNHA awarded a grant to the Boundary All Nations Aboriginal Council, in partnership with School District 51, to host winter wellness events at Boundary Central Secondary School and Grand Forks Secondary School. The events strive to encourage and sustain wellness in individuals, families, and communities through themes such as healthy eating and connection to school and native elders.
Area ‘E’ Director Vicki Gee
ELECTORAL AREA ‘E’/WEST BOUNDARY Beaverdell, Westbridge, Idabel Lake, Anaconda, Jewel Lake, Mt. Baldy, Rock Creek & Bridesville
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Staff and Electoral Area ‘E’/West Boundary Director Vicki Gee invite all Electoral Area ‘E’/West Boundary residents, taxpayers, interested parties and community groups to a Town Hall Meeting to learn about regional districts in general, the services the RDKB provides and the proposed 2016 Budget and 2016-2020 Five-Year Financial Plan. RDKB Staff will provide information regarding how Regional Districts operate, the governing legislation, the Regional services and the specific Electoral Area ‘E’/ West Boundary services that are provided and how much taxpayers pay. Come out and share your comments and your views on the 2016 Budget and what kind of local government services you believe would make the West Boundary a better place. WHEN: 6:30 PM — THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 WHERE: ROCK CREEK FAIRGROUNDS 3880 KETTLE VALLEY ROAD, SOUTH, ROCK CREEK, BC
Maureen Forster, Executive Assistant 250-368-0235 1-800-355-7352
First Nations artist David Seven Deers engaged Boundary Central Secondary students in story telling at his Learning Circle (Stektahl) installation in Midway last Thursday. His appearance was part of a winter wellness event made possible by a grant from the First Nations Health Authority.
Students vied for prizes during a nutrition test at the BCSS Winter Wellness luncheon last Thursday.
GFI baseball returns for 35th event GERRY FOSTER
Must-Have Pavé Charms that go with everything TPG
337 Market Ave. Downtown Grand Forks 250.442.1214
The organizing committee is excited to announce that the 35th Grand Forks International (GFI) baseball tournament will be held June 28 - July 3 at beautiful James Donaldson Park. It will be a 12-team tournament. The lineup of teams is almost complete and will be announced soon. Recently a baseball fan and author from Minneapolis, Minnesota has been in touch with the GFI and shared some interesting thoughts about our tournament and ballpark. Philip Lowry wrote the book Green
Cathedrals which includes references to about 400 ballparks, mostly all over the United States. He is aware of the GFI and wants to know more of its remarkable history. Even though he has not been to Grand Forks, he said the following: “You are indeed correct that your tournament is the premier summer baseball tournament in North America.” To realize that this tourney has that kind of reputation way beyond our area is both exhilarating and humbling. He has seen only photos of our outstanding facility and yet commented, “I absolutely love the asymmetry of
(James) Donaldson Park. That is the way ballparks are supposed to be. They need a character and soul that no astro-turfed domed symmetrical park can ever give.” The Grand Forks International and James Donaldson Park are well known far beyond our community. Thousands of baseball fans and players from all over the globe have travelled here since 1975 because of this classic event. Coordinator of the 35th Grand Forks International, Gerry Foster, said, “Let’s not take it for granted. It’s a gem and is vital to our area.” Watch for ongoing announcements and news about the upcoming GFI.