Kootenay News Advertiser, March 02, 2016

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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What’s Inside

Help get Ken’s legs shaved If $1,500 is raised for cancer research, Ken Bridge will have his legs shaved. page 6





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page 11




After semi-final wins, chefs Graham and Cox to face off in Stone Soup Challenge.




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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

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Kootenay News Advertiser Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Federal court backs medical marijuana home growers

Photo black press files

Marijuana growing at MediJean in Richmond, one of the producers set up to provide doctor-prescribed marijuana to licensed patients. By Tom Fletcher The Federal Court of Canada has struck down regulations requiring licensed medi-


cal marijuana users to buy from Ottawa-approved growers, giving people the green light to continue growing at home.

The ruling is suspended for six months, but the four B.C. residents see Marijuana page 5


Barnyard Bulletin “Treat” your pet horses as it can cause problems with the digestive tract 2. Horses love snacks like apple slices, carrots and sometimes even bananas (apples and carrots are best cut in pieces due to possible choking) 3. Don’t feed horses onions, potatoes, cabbage or brussels sprouts and any other food that tends to produce intestinal gas 4. Horses are programmed to eat small amounts of food on a continuous basis, so one or two pieces of treat will be enough 5. Commercially made horse treats can be great as they store and travel better than fresh fruit

To our pets food is love, security, affirmation and reinforcement. But how do you know the treats you give are healthy? As with every food you buy it’s all about the ingredients. 1. Ingredients are listed on the label by weight. The first few ingredients on the list are the most significant. 2. Some treats are formulated with supplements like glucosamine which can help maintain joint health and even provide some relieve of arthritis 3. Treats should not make up more than 10% of your pet’s diet 4. Usually you get what you pay for, quality ingredients cost more 5. Avoid artificial preservatives and artificial colours Look, if possible, for locally sourced ingredients

Pets love treats. And people love giving their pets treats. It’s a way to bond with your pet, and that’s a good thing. Treats should bring joy to you and your pet, but treats should be healthy and in moderation.

You’ll find horses have different tastes too. Some may love peppermints or some prefer carrots or hay cubes. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when giving treats to your horse. 1. Don’t feed lawn clippings, fresh bread, donuts etc. to

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Kootenay News Advertiser Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Marijuana from page 4

who launched the court challenge had their growing licences protected under an earlier interim order. Thousands of people in B.C. and across Canada received licences to either grow pot themselves or designate someone else to do it, before the Conservative government attempted to restrict production to large commercial growers who sent it by mail. With the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau intent on legalizing recreational marijuana use, Kirk Tousaw, a lawyer for the four, says the latest ruling should “once and for all end the stigmatization and criminalization” for medical users and their providers.

“And in addition, all pending criminal cases against medical cannabis producers, patients, growers and dispensaries should be immediately terminated,” Tousaw told CTV Wednesday. “There is absolutely no reason in this day and age to continue to prosecute people for helping people improve their quality of life with medical cannabis.” Federal Court Judge Michael Phelan ruled that preventing people from growing marijuana for medical purposes violates section seven of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees “the right to life, liberty and security of the person.” The court challenge was brought by: • Neil Allard, 61, of

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 5 Nanaimo, a former counsellor for Veterans Affairs Canada until he was granted medical retirement in 1999 due to “chronic fatigue syndrome.” He started growing his own marijuana after finding he was “sensitive to pharmaceutical medication,” according to court documents. • Tanya Beemish and David Hebert, a couple from Surrey aged 29 and 34. Beemish suffers from type one diabetes and gastroparesis, and smokes or vaporizes two to 10 grams of marijuana a day to relieve nausea, pain, lack of appetite and insomnia. Hebert received a Health Canada license to be her designated grower. • Shawn Davey of Abbotsford, 39, suf-

BMO gives gift to Starlite

fered a brain injury in a motor vehicle accident and receives a federal disability pension. He held licences to grow for himself and as a

designated grower for others, authorizing him to produce 122 plants indoors and store 5,490 grams at the site of production.

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WEDNESDAY MARCH 30 at 7:00 PM WASA COMMUNITY HALL Purpose of Annual General Meeting • Opportunity for board to present audited financial statements and report on the activities of the past year • Opportunity for land owners to discuss activities and ask questions • Election of trustees to available positions Voter Eligibility Requirements • Canadian citizen over the age of 18 • Property-owner within the Improvement District boundary (your name must be on the property title) • BC resident for past 6 months • You will be asked to present your driver’s license or health care card for identification. NOMINATIONS FOR TRUSTEE Please note that nominations for trustee must be submitted in writing to admin@wasalake. ca or Box 133 Wasa BC by March 15th 2016. There are 2 positions available. For more information, please contact admin@wasalake.ca or consult www.wasalake.ca

Photo submitted

(From left) Wes Rogers, Theresa Larson and Donna Grainger take time to celebrate the BMO gift BMO encourages and supports its employees as they devote their time, energy and passion to giving back. The financial institution provides opportunities for employees to do charitable work, during business hours. Beyond the benefits to communities, BMO’s support for employee’s efforts has a positive impact on the organization itself. Through volunteer work, employees gain opportunities for personal growth, develop-

ing strength in leadership, team-building and creative thinking. Recently BMO recognized the volunteer efforts of Theresa Larson, Senior Commercial Account Manager for her work as a Director on the Board with the EKFH with a $1,100 donation to the foundation’s annual Starlite Campaign. The funds are being allocated toward the purchase of three oximeters for the Cranbrook Community Wellness Program. A

pulse oximeter is a medical device that indirectly monitors the oxygen saturation of a patient’s blood (as opposed to measuring oxygen saturation directly through a blood sample) and changes in blood volume in the skin. Interested in learning more about becoming a member of the EKFH board? Call our office at 1-877-489-6481 for more information.

Special Meeting – Proposed 2016-2020 Five Year Financial Plan City Council will be considering public input on the proposed 2016-2020 Five Year Financial Plan prior to it being adopted. Only written submissions will be considered by Council at a special meeting on Thursday March 10, 2016 at 4:30pm MT in Council Chambers at City Hall. Written submissions must be received at City Hall by 4:00pm on Monday March 7, 2016. The public is welcome to attend.

Brought to you by Bill Bennett, MLA. (Kootenay East) Province of British Columbia

3 Facts You Need To Know About

Helping People with Disabilities

1. The 2016 provincial budget provides an increase of $170 million over three years for the 100,000 British Columbians who live with disabilities. All British Columbians on PWD will receive the equivalent of $77/month more. 2. Those who were previously receiving a free transit pass, now can choose whether to buy that pass for $52 with their $77, depending on their location and monthly needs. All those people receiving a bus pass before the change paid a $45 annual administration fee and that annual fee will continue to be collected. 3. These changes were made (1) to increase benefits to people on PWD and (2) because 45,000 British Columbians were not receiving any subsidy for transportation. All British Columbians on PWD will receive more than before, regardless of transportation passes. MLA Bill Bennett Telephone: 250 417-6022 Facsimile: 250 417-6026 Toll Free: 1 866 417-6022 email: bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca website: www.billbennett.bc.ca Constituency Office: 100c Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Views You can help the family of child with cancer Nothing can break the hearts of a young family like a serious medical diagnosis for their youngest child. Jaxson Campbell, who is coming up to this first birthday, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, ATRT (Atypical Teratoid/ Rhabdoid Tumor). After a CT scan at the Cranbrook Regional Hospital, Jaxson was

flown to the Vancouver Children’s Hospital where doctors found a tumour in his head, kidneys and back. The family has been spending their time with Jaxson in Vancouver and have been accepting donations to help with Jaxson’s care and other expenses incurred during this trying time. “They’re just a young

family trying to do what they can,” said Nell Dorchak, Jaxson’s grandmother. “And you know, Cranbrook has done quite a bit already.” Dorchak is referring to a GoFundMe page entitled ‘Campbell Family Medical Fund’, which has raised more than $10,000 to date. Other fundraising activities include sticker and tshirt sales and a bottle drive that has raised more than $1,000. That bottle drive is ongoing

and people can drop off bottles at Ace Courier. In total, local fundraising activities have raised around $13,000. Perhaps the biggest fundraising opportunity is coming up on March 12 at the Heritage Inn during a trade fair. Friends, family and local well-known community leader Ken Bridge will be having their heads shaved to raise funds to support the family. “I think what people are doing is wonder-

ful,” said Dorchak. “I just want to see him (Jaxson) come home.” You can donate to the family by visiting their Facebook page called,‘Jaxson Campbell Support, Prayers and fundraising group’, where you can find information on making an e-transfer. The GoFundMe page is also active as is the bottle drive. You can also make donations at the upcoming trade show on March 12 at the Heritage Inn.

Photo submitted

The Campbell Family. Darelyn, Justin, Amber and baby Jaxson in happier times.

If $1,500 is donated, Ken Bridge to get legs shaved. Never let it be said that Ken Bridge, of Bridge Interiors, won’t strip down for a good cause. Shaving his legs however, is definitely going above and beyond. But it is all for a good cause. If people donate $1,500 or more, Bridge will have his legs shaved and waxed to raise funds for the Abreast in the Rockies Dragon Boat Team - a group that tirelessly raises funds for cancer research and treatment. The event happens at 2 p.m. at the Women’s Expo at the Prestige Inn on March 12. You can drop off your donation at the Kootenay Advertiser office at 1510 2 St N, Cranbrook. Donate now, help fund cancer research and help remove the unsightly hair off Bridge’s legs.

Photo submitted

(Above) Ken Bridge is ready for a shave. (Inset) Just one of the legs waiting to be shorn.

Published by Black Press Ltd. www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com localworkbc.ca Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Photo submitted

College of the Rockies Recruitment Officer, Jennifer Inglis, presents a $300 tuition voucher to Tessa Craig. Tessa, a University Studies student at the College, entered a draw for the voucher at the College’s annual Open House on February 2.

Zena Williams

Brian Coombs

Kimberly Clayton

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The Kootenay News Advertiser is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Kootenay News Advertiser Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Local makes donation to Go Go Grannies The Kimberley Chapter of the Go Go Grannies were the recipient of $534.91 from a Silpada Jewellery Party held at the home of Judy Peterson. Liela Cooper of Silpada Designs is presenting 100% of her commission to the Co-Chair Kathleen Turcon. The money will go directly to the Stephen Lewis Founda-

Dispatch moves to Kelowna The City of Cranbrook is looking forward to their partnership with the Regional District of the East Kootenay (RDEK) and the Kelowna Fire Department as they shift their dispatch services to the City of Kelowna beginning May 30th. On Wednesday, the RDEK and City of Kelowna announced the signing of the new fire dispatch contract, approved for $1,084,877 over five years which will provide dispatch and records management for the 16 fire departments located in the RDEK – including the City of Cranbrook. “Discussions between the City of Cranbrook and the RDEK have been ongoing for close to a year now, in anticipation of the expiry of our current dispatch contract,” says Scott Driver, Deputy Director of Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services. City staff identified that the community would be more effectively served by the fire department if it were to focus efforts on local emergency response and prevention activities. “This led us into a partnership with the RDEK to find a dispatch provider for the region, beginning this spring,” Driver notes. “The process resulted in a contract being awarded to Kelowna Fire Department that meets the needs of our entire region and at a rate that we could not compete with locally.” Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services is extremely happy with the level of service provided by the Kelowna Fire Department, and their customer focused operation and looks forward to working together in keeping residents safe.

tion. This foundation was established by Dr Lewis’ family on his 70th birthday and it’s in his 10th year. The

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 7 Stephen Lewis Foundation directly funds Grandmothers in Africa as they raise orphaned children caused by the the loss of their parents to HIV and AIDS. Liela’s was thrilled to donate $924 to the Cranbrook Chapter in December.

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Liela Cooper (left) gave a donation to Kathleen Turcon of the Go Go Grannies.


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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Regional District of East Kootenay AREA A SEPTAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Notice of Alternative Approval Process

The Board of Directors of the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is considering adoption of Area A Septage Disposal Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2665 which will set up a septage disposal service in Electoral Area A. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act and Community Charter, the RDEK Board may adopt the Bylaw and proceed with the service as noted above if, after the deadline, less than 10% of the electors in Electoral Area A have signed and submitted Elector Response Forms. If after the deadline of 9:00 a.m. on April 4, 2016, at least 138 electors (10% of 1,379) in Electoral Area A have signed and submitted Elector Response Forms, the RDEK Board cannot adopt the Bylaw and cannot proceed with the service unless it receives assent of the electors by voting.

PROPOSED SERVICE The RDEK operates septage ponds near Hosmer to receive waste from septic and sewage holding tanks from residential, commercial and industrial sources in the Elk Valley. The septage ponds are operated and maintained by the RDEK under the Elk Valley Subregion Waste Management Service, even though Electoral Area A is responsible for all costs and receives all revenues related to the ponds. The RDEK is proposing to create a new Area A Septage Disposal Service to separate the septage ponds from the Elk Valley Subregion Waste Management Service to provide greater clarity that Area A is responsible for the cost of operating and maintaining the facility and receives the benefit of the revenue. Since the proposed service is for a facility that already exists under another existing service, there is no additional tax impact to properties. While a maximum tax rate of 1¢/$1,000 of assessed value is proposed for the new Area A Septage Disposal Service, we don’t anticipate needing to tax for the Service because the revenue generated by the septage ponds exceeds the cost to operate it.

SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED BYLAW BYLAW NO. 2665 – “Regional District of East Kootenay – Area A Septage Disposal Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2665, 2015”– This Bylaw will establish a septage disposal service within Electoral Area A for the operation and maintenance of the Hosmer Septage Ponds. The Bylaw includes a maximum tax rate of 1¢ per $1,000 of taxable assessed value of land and improvements. The above is a synopsis of the proposed Bylaw. This synopsis is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as, an interpretation of the Bylaw. The full Bylaw may be inspected at the RDEK office in Cranbrook during regular office hours from Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, and on the RDEK website.

ELECTOR RESPONSE FORMS Elector responses must be given in the form established by the RDEK. The Elector Response Forms are available at the following locations: RDEK Office, 19 – 24 Avenue South, Cranbrook RDEK Website – www.rdek.bc.ca To receive a Response Form by mail, please call the RDEK office at 250-489-2791 or toll-free at 1-888-478-7335 or email jmacdonald@rdek.bc.ca. Accurate copies of the form will also be accepted. Forms may be submitted in person or by mail and must be received at the RDEK office in Cranbrook NO LATER THAN 9:00 A.M. ON MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2016. Postmarks WILL NOT be accepted as date of submission. Forms cannot be submitted by fax or email.

ELECTOR QUALIFICATIONS An elector is a person who meets the following qualifications as set out in the Local Government Act: RESIDENT ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately preceding signing the Elector Response Form; and • a resident of Electoral Area A for at least 30 days immediately preceding signing the Elector Response Form; and • not disqualified by any enactment from being a registered elector or otherwise disqualified by law. NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately preceding signing the Elector Response Form; and • a registered owner of real property (land) in Electoral Area A for at least 30 days immediately preceding signing the Elector Response Form; and • not entitled to register as a resident elector; and • not disqualified by any enactment from being a registered elector or otherwise disqualified by law; and • if there is more than one registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, submit an Elector Response Form, and the Non-Resident Property Elector Consent Form, found on the back of the Elector Response Form, must be completed.

NOTE: The deadline was revised on February 16, 2016

The Jaffray Fire Fighters would like to acknowledge and thank the sponsors of their 10th Annual Curling Bonspiel Without the support of our many sponsors the success experienced at this year’s bonspiel wouldn’t have been possible. Your generous support of all funds raised will be used to purchase rescue equipment for the Department. Bumble Tree Laird Supply Lyle and Judy Killins Mrs Palmers Pantry Kootenay Inspect/CR Framing Shannon Sollows Jaffray Logging Studio Q Esthetics Jaffray Sports McDonalds Fernie Brandt Tractor Hi Country Sports Acklands-Grainger Great West Equipment Erik’s Industrial Services Bridge Interiors Finning Cranbrook Foxxy’s Hair and Tanning NAPA Cranbrook Shaw’s Enterprises Cranbrook Shaw’s Enterprises Sparwood

Will-O-Bend Golf Summit Radio 107 Denham Ford Pharmasave Northstar Chev Inland Kenworth Freightliner of Cranbrook Fernie Brewing Company Trends and Treasures Al Williams and Son Baynes Lake General Store Fernie Chrysler Canfor Galloway Lumber Ltd. Ghostrider Motorsports Debbie LaSalle Motion Canada Home Hardware Fernie Motion Canada Trapper’s Saloon Big Sky Lanes and Casino

Lee McAleese Kathy McAleese Canadian Tire – Fernie Isosceles Communications The Brick Thread Bear Stella-Jones First Perk Coffee House Jaffray Pub and Grill Neil Johnson Electric NJ Contracting KMB Autobody Cindy Lightburn Jaffray Pump & Pantry Studio Q Brent and Sandra Peterson Windsor Plywood Guillevin Safety Guillevin Electrical Teck Line Creek Teck Coal Mountain


Only eligible electors in Electoral Area A are entitled to sign an Elector Response Form.

FOR MORE INFORMATION on the proposal and process, visit the RDEK website at www.rdek.bc.ca or contact Shannon Moskal, Corporate Officer, at the RDEK office in Cranbrook.

Thank You!

The Hosmer Fire Department needs more firefighters to continue operating and we are now accepting new recruits. Please join us at the upcoming open houses and interactive training nights at the Hosmer Fire Hall to learn more about the Department and becoming a firefighter:

March 8, 2016

7:00pm - Interactive Training

April 5, 2016 7:00pm - Fire Extinguisher Training

WE NEED YOU TO FILL THESE BOOTS! Recruitment drive ends April 15. For recruitment forms and more information, visit www.rdek.bc.ca

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Kootenay News Advertiser Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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2016 Honda Civic Overall: Honda classes up its compact-car act with sharplooking 10th-generation sedan and coupe models, available with a plethora of high-tech gear. Coupe arrives mid-season; hatchback and Si versions arrive later, followed by potent Type R. Drivetrains: A non-turbo 2.0-litre four-cylinder is standard on lower trim levels; new turbo four-cylinder on up-level models makes more horsepower and torque and will also be the fuel-economy champ; six-speed manual, or optional continuously variable transmissions.

Honda introduced the 2016 Civic coupe and sedan during a live-streaming press conference in September, only to leave out pretty much every significant detail, from power and options, to price. That info will come out in due course, but for now it’s known that a 2.0-litre four-cylinder will be the standard engine on Civic LX and EX models, while a turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder (the first turbo engine in a Honda product to be sold in North America) will find its way inside the premium EX-T, Ex-L and Touring trim levels. A


six-speed manual transmission and optional continuously variable unit (CVT) can be matched to the 2.0, while the 1.5 turbo gets its own unique CVT. The Civic sedan grows by 3.0 centimetres in wheelbase, is 5.1 centimetres wider and sits 2.5 centimetres closer to the ground. These changes will make the Civic the roomiest in the compact-sedan class, says Honda. The coupe’s dimensions should similarly increase, but Honda isn’t launching it until mid-way into the 2016 model year. At that time it’s expected that an all-new Civic

hatchback will arrive and hot Si coupe and sedan will also return. Meanwhile, the sedan’s new platform is now 25 per cent stiffer while dropping a bit of weight. Among the list of available new features is a full range of crashavoiding software that falls under the Honda Sensing label. These include forward-collision and road-departure warnings and adaptive cruise control that slows down or stops the vehicle in stopand-go driving situations. Base price (est., incl. destination): $18,000 (est.) Type: Four-door sedan; two-

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

College of the Rockies continues to expand work in Tanzania Bug Deflector Blowout!

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College of the Rockies’ work in Tanzania continues to grow. The College is now actively participating in two skills development programs after being select-

ed to support a project led by College of New Caledonia (CNC). Since April 2015, College of the Rockies has been working with Camosun College








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by Trent Brereton, ND

Anxiety case study

Last week a 62-year-old woman who suffered for over 30 years with chronic and debilitating anxiety sat in my office and told me she was feeling better than she had in many years. I believe her exact words were “cool as a cucumber.” Starting around age 30 she started having severe bouts of anxiety that interfered with her ability to sleep, work and enjoy her life. At that time she was started on Paxil, a drug called a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is used to treat anxiety and depression. Paxil, and all drugs in the SSRI class, work by concentrating serotonin (one type of neurotransmitter) in the gap between nerve cells called the synapse. By concentrating serotonin in the synapse, SSRI’s increase the effect of serotonin on the brain, which in turn helps people feel less anxious and depressed. She reacted to paxil and was switched to another SSRI called Celexa, which she remained on for many years. Over those years she was able to cope enough to live her life but still suffered mightily with anxiety that affected her sleep and her ability to enjoy her life. Several months ago a colleague introduced me to the work of Dr. Hinz, MD. As it turns out, Dr. Hinz holds a number of patents on Celexa, the very drug my patient had been using for many years. According to Dr. Hinz and a substantial body of research evidence, Celexa and all SSRI’s have the dangerous side effect of depleting serotonin in the body. This depletion often results the patient having to increase the dose of the drug or to have to change to a different drug altogether. It

also makes it very difficult to come off the drug as the drug leaves the body depleted of the very substance it was designed to influence. As a result of this discovery, Dr. Hinz stopped prescribing the drug he helped create and turned his sights on how to correct the underlying cause of neurotransmitter deficiency. He found that people who suffer anxiety, depression, ADD, fibromyalgia, migraines, IBS, restless leg syndrome and a host of other neurotransmitter deficiency conditions also have a nutritional deficiency of the nutrients that provide the building blocks for neurotransmitters. Instead of using his drug to effect serotonin, he developed protocols to use amino acids to correct the underlying relative nutritional deficiency and treat the very cause of the problem. At the end of January I started my “cool as a cucumber” patient on his protocol and she steadily improved until that day last week when she told me she was feeling better than she had in years, back to 100% in her words. An interesting side note is that this woman also suffered for years with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and her digestive symptoms had improved as much as her mental/emotional symptoms. It turns out that there is actually more serotonin in the gut than there is in the brain and a serotonin deficiency can be the underlying cause of IBS (IBS is like anxiety in the gut). Treating neurotransmitter deficiency with nutrition is safe and effective and you can learn more by reading about the work of Dr. Hinz, MD who has lectures and information posted online.

Feel Better with Amino Acids Kootenay Health Center

Trent Brereton N.D. Naturopathic Doctor

#21-13th Ave. S., Cranbrook • Ph. 250.426.5228 www.kootenayhealthcentre.ca Email: trentbrereton@me.com

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(From left) John Kengese, Craig Hull, Kerry Brinkert, Romana Pasca, Afridon Mkhomoi and Michael Hay – representing College of the Rockies, College of New Caledonia, Mwanza Regional Vocational Training and Service Centre and Shinyanga Vocational Training Centre in Tanzania are working together to improve Heavy Duty Mechanics training for Tanzanian students and industries. and Mwanza Regional Vocational Training and Service Centre (MRVTSC) to deliver effective Heavy Duty Mechanic programs. In November 2015, the College was selected to provide support to a project led by CNC. This project will see the colleges working with

Shinyanga Vocational Training Centre (SVTC) and will also focus on improving Heavy Duty Mechanics curriculum so students are better equipped to enter the mining sector with the skills that employers are seeking. Both collaborations are Improving Skills

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Training for Employment Program (ISTEP) projects funded by Global Affairs Canada and administered by Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan). Earlier this month, College of the Rockies’ Heavy Mechanical instructor Spencer Mellor, Manager of International Projects and Partnerships Kerry Brinkert, and International Projects and Marketing Specialist Michael Hay travelled to Tanzania. During their visit, Mellor and Hay participated in revising MRVTSC’s Level 3 Heavy Duty curriculum and forming a Program Advisory Committee with local industry representatives while Brinkert collaborated with College of New Caledonia representatives to develop a work plan for the new project in Shinyanga. “These two project teams have set the right foundation for future collaboration by comparing work plans and seeking to combine efforts,” says Hay. “Moving forward, representatives from all three Canadian colleges and the two Tanzanian institutions will be working together to achieve our project goals.” “The Shinyanga project is a wonderful opportunity to add to CNC’s internationalization efforts and to expand on meaningful partnerships among Canadian colleges,” adds College of New Caledonia International Project Planner, Romana Pasca. “Having faculty and staff from both colleges work in collaboration, share their wealth of expertise and also learn from each other is exciting.” Learn more about College of the Rockies’ international projects at: cotr.ca/interDev.

Kootenay News Advertiser Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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Chefs Barnes and Cox move to final in Stone Soup Challenge

Photo submitted

Photo submitted

Chef Rusty Cox squeaked by Chef Carmen Alaric by three points.

Chef Graham Barnes defeated Chef Lindsay Waugh in a 24 - 19 contest. Semi-finals round one - Chef Lindsay Waugh vs. Chef Graham Barnes: Lindsay Waugh of Hot Shots Café and Graham Barnes of Max’s Place met recently for an epic soup cook-off. The two chefs both come from beloved Cranbrook cafés that feature great coffee, and a diverse selection of home-made baked goods, soups, sandwiches, wraps and salads. Their clientele are loyal; their community roots are deep.

However, the chefs themselves are in very different stages of their careers. Waugh is a firstyear student in the College of the Rockies Professional Cook Training Program, just beginning to develop her skills and explore her passions for culinary flavours, styles and techniques. But she is no amateur when it comes to soup -- she has been creating soups in the Hot Shots Café kitchen for close to three years. Barnes has been in the

industry for 22 years, the last four of which he has been the co-owner and chef of Max’s Place, downtown Cranbrook. His confidence and skill is commanding, and those who take a moment to watch him cook in the kitchen are captivated by the meticulous flurry of slicing, dicing and spicing. Both chef’s created a unique turkey vegetable soup today, Barnes choosing to add rice to his creation, while Waugh opted for pasta.

In the end, by a vote of 24 to 19, it was Chef Barnes that earned himself a spot in the final event. Friday, Chef Carmen Alaric of the Salvation Army will challenge Chef Rusty Cox of The Heid Out Restaurant and Brewhouse. Semi-finals round two - Chef Rusty Cox vs. Chef Carmen Alaric: The final Kootenay Granite Stone Soup Challenge chef match-

up is now set in stone: Chef Graham Barnes of Max’s Place will face Chef Rusty Cox of the Heid Out Restaurant and Brewhouse on Wednesday, March 2, at the grand finale event. Recently, in what was the last soup-off challenge at the Salvation Army Soup kitchen, Chef Cox beat-out Chef Carmen Alaric of the Salvation Army by a score of 28-25. “The soups have been excellent,” says Brendan, a Salvation Army

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guest who has cast his vote in almost every challenge over the last two weeks. “They were very nutritious and made with a lot of heart. I’ve enjoyed them greatly, and am appreciative of everybody who came here to cook for us.” On a budget of $125, Chef Barnes and Chef Cox can prepare any soup their heart desires for the grand finale event. The soups will be judged by the previously eliminated Stone

Soup chefs, as well as a couple guest chefs from local restaurants and celebrity guest judges. However, everyone in attendance will get to sample each of the chef’s soup creations. So after two weeks, eight top chefs and 12 different soups, only one question remains: Who will be crowned Kootenay Granite Stone Soup Chef 2016? Find out at the Kootenay Granite Stone Soup Challenge grand finale fundraiser on Wednesday, March 2, noon to 1:30 p.m. The final event, sponsored by Investors Group, takes place at the Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort. Come early to browse the Silent Auction. Tickets to the soupoff are available in two prices: $25 for lunch; or, $45 for lunch and a $20 charitable receipt. They can be purchased with cash at Max’s Place, through the CDCF office by calling 250.426.1119 or online through Snapd East Kootenay

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Kimberley refugee group makes progress At the 2016 Winter Market, the Kimberley Refugee Resettlement Group (KRRG) passed an exhilarating milestone. It raised more than a thousand dollars

on Valentine’s Day afternoon. The group is especially grateful for the community outpouring of generosity, since this was KRRG’s first fundraiser.

In addition to generating critical dollars at the Market, KRRG’s Communications Team leader Colin MacKenzie is also encouraged to have expanded the public’s understanding of KRRG’s background and aims and to sign up new volunteers. Building on this promising accomplishment

and to accommodate newcomers, KRRG’s next meeting is in the evening, Tuesday, February 23rd. From 6:30 to 8pm, the City of Kimberley is again providing the Aquatic Centre meeting room. KRRG’s variety of Teams will give updates and welcome newcomers to a wide range of

opportunities for individuals and groups to be part of making Kimberley “a good place to be welcoming.” Essential as the funds are to get the process started, Fundraising Team Leader Lee Scott is also encouraged that such significant financial involvement represents the eagerness of

Women’sEXPO Good food real fast demo presented by Epicure

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Ken Bridge is going to get his legs waxed & shaved at 2pm at the show if we have raised at least $1500! Donations can be dropped off at the Advertiser office or Bridge Interiors. All donations go to Abreast In The Rockies Dragon Boat Team! ...and so much more!

Excited to announce our emcee Derek Kortschaga will be keeping us entertained throughout the day!

Women’s Expo2016 Hosted by


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individuals across the community and beyond to be included. He’s convinced it will also encourage businesses, corporations, foundations and service clubs to step forward now, and in the future. The scene of KRRG’s successful debut in fundraising was the 2016 Winter Market (pictured here). Louise Hockley, KRRG Treasurer, attributed the accomplishment to direct cash contributions at the Market and to the sale of tickets both to KRRG’s raffle and for one of two upcoming fundraising Mediterranean dinners, March 9th and 11th. The Green Door is providing space and assistance for these dinners, tickets are now on sale at Snowdrift Cafe or by calling Jill at 250-432-5447. Becky Pelkonen, KRRG’s Co-Chair, thanked local vendors for the generous raffle prizes that, along with a “Rick’s Rants” video and colorful brochures, drew people to KRRG’s booth. The raffle’s first prize was two free nights at The Lodges at Kimberley Ridge, courtesy of Kimberley Lodging Company. Winner: Jim Wernham. Rochelle Roe won second prize, a framed, an original painting by artist Ruth Goodwin. And the at-

tractive Basket of Goodies, courtesy of Flowers Galore Gifts & More, now belongs to ticketholder Peng Smith. Finally, KRRG “donation houses” also made their debut at the Market. They’ll soon appear in local businesses all over town accepting cash and check donations to KRRG. Accompanying them are colorful information brochures printed by Cranbrook’s Amigos Printing. Its proprietor, Rene Cristales, was himself once a refugee. Fleeing Guatemala 30 years ago, Canada welcomed him, he remembers, a young man with no English and two small children. The third KRRG fundraiser will be a Wasa Spaghetti Supper cohosted with the Wasa Lions. It’s March 19, from 5-7:30 p.m. at the Wasa Community Hall. Tickets are $15, $10 for seniors. Youngsters 5 and under, no charge. For Further Information, please contact: Fundraising Team Leader - Lee Scott (778481-5282) or Co-Chair Peggy Frederikse (705787-8252) or Co-Chair - Becky Pelkonen (250425-1288). Visit www. kimberleyrefugees.ca.

Public input wanted on city’s financial plan The City of Cranbrook has released the Proposed 2016 – 2020 Five Year Financial Plan Information Package. Council is inviting the public to review the Information Package and submit their written comments, by Monday, March 7, 2016 at 4 p.m. The written comments received by the deadline, will be considered by Council at a Special Meeting on Thursday, March 10, 2016. Budget Highlights: TAX LEVY – the amount of property tax revenue the City must raise to provide services to the level prescribed by Council. This amount is calculated after taking into account all other sources of revenue – including sale of services, user fees, and grants. 2016 Tax Levy Increase – 2.59% - Road Dedicated Tax 1.00% - General municipal levy 1.59% PROPERTY ASSESSMENT – property value assessments are prepared by BC Assessment and are mailed to homeowners in January. In 2016, the average assessed value for

a residential property in Cranbrook is $269,000. The projected municipal taxes for an average home will be approximately $2,057, or $5.64 per day for all municipal services before the Provincial Home Owner Grant. Capital Projects: 2016 $ 15,616,260 2017 $ 18,733,405 2018 $ 17,816,038 2019 $ 9,932,505 2020 $ 41,473,831 Road Program: The 2016 budget includes $4,072,280 for the capital roads program. 2017 through 2020 will see another $28,675,779 in capital roads projects (pending approval to borrow $10,000,000 in 2017). Details of the 2016 capital roads program will be published at a later date. Visit www.cranbrook. ca and follow the link 2016 – 2020 Five Year Financial Plan – Public Consultation Open through to the Annual Reports Page link to view the Information Package. You can also pick up a hard copy at the front desk at City Hall.

Scene & Heard

Kootenay News Advertiser Wednesday, March 2, 2016


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Photos submitted from Artistic Media Productions

Family Fun Derby for Kids with Cancer – February 8, 2016 at Ft. Steele Heritage Town

Event Chair Chris Bosman presents Wade Oakley of Cranbrook and his son, the Grand Prize - a two manpontoon boat sponsored by Just Liquid Sports. Wade beat out many other competitors to win the Casting Contest.

Dean and Tina Uphill and Family along with Event Chair Chris Bosman hold a Disneyland Trip Prize. The Prize was donated by Dacota Freight and was awarded to a child from Fernie that has been diagnosed with Cancer.

Just some of the many volunteers that helped to make this event a success –thanks to everyone that helped out!

The food tent was a busy spot for the event as it served up delicious hot food and drinks throughout the day.

Thank you to all our sponsors, volunteer and participants - together we raised $7,895.49 to assist local families that have children facing cancer! SMALL FISH Action Rentals Amigos Printing Andre’s Audiotronic Anipet Supplies Anywear Garment Company BA Blacktop Backcountry Hunters and Anglers – BC Bavarian Home Hardware Brenda Christenson – Pampered Chef Bridge Interiors Bumble Tree Canadian Tire – Fernie Cap-It City Glass Columbia Basin Trust Colombo Lodge Core Fitness Crystal Glass Culligan Water Dairy Queen – Cranbrook DJ’s Hair & Tanning

East Kootenay Supplies EKCCU - Fernie EB Horsman & Son Fernie Chrysler Fitness Inc. Fort Steele Resort & RV Park Freightliner of Cranbrook Fun Hogz Gerick Sports Giver Shirt Works Great Canadian Oil Change Hillbilly Hardware High Country Sports Hot Dogs Cool Cats

Hub International Barton Insurance Import Auto Group Inland Kenworth/Parker Pacific Integra Tire Interior Trophies and Sports Jaffray Pump & Pantry Jones Boys Boats Juniper Lanes Just Liquid Just Music Just 4 Pets Kootenay Advertiser

Kootenay Columbia Home Medical Equipment Kootenay Communications Kootenay Fuel Injection Ltd. Kootenay Granite Kootenay Ice Kootenay Marine & Motor Kootenay Truck & Saw Local View Printing & Design McDonald’s – Cranbrook Minute Muffler Mister Tire Mitech Communications Mountain Man Outdoors

Mr. Mikes Mrs. Palmers Pantry Mulisha Small Engine Repair New Energy Wellness and Spa Odyssey Clothing OK Tire Overwaitea Kimberley Players Bench Pro Vision Optical Real Canadian Superstore Real Deals on Home Décor RDEK Employee Casual Day Funds

Rocky Mountain Diesel Rocky Mountain Fly Fishers Rocky Mountain Print Solutions Rona Safeway Save on Foods Scentsy Shaws Enterprises Signal Collision Sink N Ink Tattoos St. Mary Angler Starbucks Steamdonkey Coffee

Subway – Kimberley Sullivan Pub Sweet Gestures Chocolate The Brick The Dollar Store (Baker St) The Fireplace Cranbrook The Paw Shop True Flite Archery Urban Roots Salon & Spa Wasa Lions Club White Storm Wildstone Golf Course And to any Business We May Have Missed!

BIG FISH Artistic Media Productions Blue Sky Realty Cold Country Traffic Control and Towing Cranbrook Search and Rescue Denham Ford Ann’s Your Independent Grocer Fabrite Services Jays Jewellers Kootenay Kwik Print Sandor Rentals Sidekick Stickers The Bedroom Furniture Galleries Westland Insurance


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The Parents of Candace Atwood and Matthew Campbell are excited to announce their upcoming wedding on July 30, 2016 Wedding to take place at Noke Creek


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Ryan Tapp

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Summit Community Services Society “promoting community well-being�

Summit Community Services is seeking a

Certified Early Childhood Educator for their First Steps Daycare in Kimberley Please send resume to: Carla Schafer, Executive Director Summit Community Services Society PO Box 325, Cranbrook, BC V1C 4H8 Fax 250-489-3151 ed@summitfamily.ca

Kenneth H. Smith October 25, 1946-March 3, 2011 Your life was a blessing, Your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words, And missed beyond measure. Gates of memories, Will never close... How much we miss you, No one knows... Days have passed away, Into years... And we’ll think about those memories, With silent tears. Love and miss you always and forever, Pearl; Brent, Dean, Shelley and their families

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I’m a 69 year old retired, Christian widower with a positive attitude, and incredible sense of humor. A non-smoker, non-drinker and non-drug user. A nature lover who’s fit and very active in outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing and snowshoeing. I’m adventurous and love to travel and explore. An animal lover, and one who takes pride in gardening, yardwork and keeping a nice home. I’m caring, affectionate, loyal, and am searching for that special someone with similar attributes, interests, and goals to share life with. I hope to develop a loving, caring and permanent relationship with a kind, down to earth, gentle spirited lady who will become my best friend and spouse. Please reply to Box 423 c/o The Kootenay Advertiser, 1510 2nd St N, Cbk B.C. V1C 3L2

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Help Wanted

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4 matching 225.60.R16�, exc tread, $35/each.(250)4176603


4 matching LT 265/70/R17� 10-ply, ex. tread, $50/each. (250)417-6603 Assorted tires: 13� to 18�,sets of 4, Pairs & spares. I buy some tires. Also pairs and spares in winter tires. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to barn on left to travel trailer Cowichan style sweater, just cleaned, $35, Sewing table, 23�x44�, opens to double size, lots of storage, $80. (250)4894532 Large Deifenbachia plant, $55, office chair, $40, computer desk, $35, older computer monitor $25, shelving unit, $5 , manual wheelchair $75, 2 older tv’s, $25/each, Singer tredle sewing machine, $75 firm. (250)489-2697

$300 & Under Loveseat, beige, micro suede, pillow back, Gluckstein/HBC. Excellent condition, was $2000, asking $250. (250)426-2417

Misc Services


Merchandise for Sale

4-195-70-R14� on Chev 5 hole aluminum rims, exc tread, $35/ each 4- Dodge 1/2 ton 16� 5 hole, 5� centre to centre chrome rims, $35/each. (250)417-6603

Large ofďŹ ce desk, 60â€?x30â€?, 5 drawer, ex condition, $60. Food saver, as new, $40. Chest of drawers, $40. 1 (250)417-3343

“We care about your hair loss�

Capilia Hair & Scalp Centre

Pets & Livestock


WE PAY CA$H FOSR USED FIREARM ividuals) tate, Collections & Ind


Mountain Man Outdoors

250-426-2717 1-800-796-4666

Help Wanted

Carriers Wanted in Kimberley

Route 23200, 60 papers, available immediately, 4th Ave., 5th & 6th Ave., Creston, Trail St., McDougall Cres. Route 23190, 52 papers, available immediately, 7th Ave., Trail St. & Nelson St. Route 23151, 38 papers, available immediately, Banks St., Marsden St., Oughtred St., Stiles St., Warren Ave.

Call Kim (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382

Antlers Wanted,

Sheds & Sets, Elk,Moose & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444 Local Coin Collector Buying Collections Gold Silver Coins Estates 1-250-499-0251 Chad

Heavy Duty Machinery A-Steel Shipping Storage Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ insulated containers. All sizes in stock. Prices starting under $2,000. Modifications possible doors, windows, walls etc., as office or living workshop etc., Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Misc. for Sale ChesterďŹ eld Chair , good condition, blue floral, $50 firm. (250)489-1392 POLE BARNS, Shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403998-7907; Email to: jcameron @advancebuildings.com Shoprider Cabin Cruiser scooter, used twice, $7000 new, asking $3500. Call (250)426-0020 Trapline for sale, $20,000. (250)428-8749


"We make your house a home."

Musical Instruments

Phillips Wake up alarm. Brand new, never been open. Both Husband and I bought one for each other at Christmas. Awesome way to wake up. Asking $70. (250) 421-7713

DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Sporting Goods

REFORESTATION Nursery seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/tree. Free Shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or www.treetime.ca

www.funhogz.com 417-2828

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Misc. for Sale

Consignment Sporting Goods 917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook


...want in for the winter

• Flies • Spiders • Rodents - we offer a pro-active approach to stop them COLD!

813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t

A Member of www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com Better Cranbrook Pest Control Business Bureau



Clearance Items DINING ROOM

• Ranimar Collection - Rectangular Dining Table Only 40�W x 84�D x 30.75�H – Reg $1,729 Sale $599 = Save $1,130 • Fanzere Collection– Dining Table + 4 Chairs – Reg $2,829 Sale $1,999 = Save $829 • Kenwood Loft - Server/Hutch – Reg $2,199 Sale $899 = Save $1,300


• Electric Cooktop - Frigidaire 30� Professional Series – Reg $1,149 Sale $879 = Save $270 (FPEC3085KS) • Electric Cooktop - Frigidaire 30�– Reg $749 Sale $599 = Save $150 (FFEC3024LW) • French Door Refrigerator – Frigidaire Gallery Series - 26 Cubic Ft Bottom Freezer with Ice Maker - Reg $2,549 Sale $1,999 = Save $550 (FGUN2642LF) • Coil Top Range - White Westinghouse – Reg $599 Sale $399 = Save $200 (CMEF3008PW)


• Allenpark -Tuxedo - Leather Sofa – Reg $3,179 Sale$1,999 = Save $1,180 • Dinelli-Charcoal Sofa/Love combo – Reg $2,659 Sale $1,899 = Save $760 • Daystar Seafoam Sofa/Love combo – Reg $2,229 Sale$1,499 = Save $800 • Toscana Sofa Table – Reg $529 Sale $265 = Save $264 • Kreeli - Slate Chair – Reg $479 Sale $279 = Save $200 • Circa - Taupe Chair – Reg $669 Sale $299 = Save $370 • Victory Chocolate 2- Pce Sectional – Reg $2,179 Sale $1,799 = Save $380


• Marinday Collection - 6 Drawer Dresser – Reg $1,079 Sale $539 = Save $540 • Demarlos Collection – 5 Drawer Tall Chest - Reg $1,699 Sale $849 = Save $850 • Juaruro Collection – 5 Drawer Tall Chest - Reg $499 Sale $249 = Save $250 • Burkesville Nightstands x 2 Reg - $599 each Sale $299 each = Save $300

1708 Cranbrook St. N. (on the Strip) 250-426-2311

Stop Bullies in their Tracks!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay Wednesday, March 2, 2016 KootenayNews NewsAdvertiser Advertiser

Real Estate

Real Estate



Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Homes & Parks

Apt/Condo for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent

Why rent? Cranbrook newest affordable housing development is now reserving lots!

theviewcranbrook.ca $999/mo.

FOR RENT • 1& 2 Bedroom units



Home & Land packages


APARTMENTS • Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital


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Apt/Condo for Rent CRANBROOK, 2-bdrm apartment, $750/m, includes utilities. Available immediately (250)417-5806

Open Houses

106 1850 2nd St. N., Cranbrook Phone (250) 489-5160 (250) 417-1260

Open Houses


✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰


1& 2 Bedroom unit available Beautifully renovated, Clean, quiet, secure, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented(+55). Ref. req. Starting at $750/month

(250)417-1011 Quiet downtown location, 1bdrm apt in Cranbrook, $650/mo, inc. all utilities, adults only, n/s, n/p, references required, available March 1. (250)919-3744 WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 2-bdrm units, $725-$800. 1-bdrm, $650. Call 250-417-7379

Small Ads Get




4:30-5:30pm 1313-19th St. S.

Over 2600 sq.ft. beautifully finished 4 bdrm, 3 bath home in great location! Lori White

www.ekrealty.com Real Estate, Property & Strata Management & Mortgages

25 - 10th Ave. S. Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211

Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Homes & Parks

Duplex / 4 Plex

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

1999 Ford Taurus, V6, auto, 4-dr, pw, ps, runs excellent, $850. (250)417-6603 2002 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dr, runs great, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, good tires, 270,000 km, $2500 obo. (250)489-1521 (250)464-9997 2004 Chrysler Sebring 4 dr Sedan, low milage, clean interior, body in good condition, new battery, runs well, winter and summer tires. Asking $2800. (778)517-5223

2011 Dodge Charger SXT, 53,000 kms. To many options to list here. Replacement cost $37,000, asking $17,500. Call for details or see pictures and list of options on Kijiji. (250)420-7150

Homes for Rent SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448 primeprop@mymts.net

Want to Rent Looking to rent water front property for July and August, with cabin or place to put a camper, and boat moorage. Please call (778)517-3884

Transportation Auto Accessories/Parts

520/mo. oac




2005 4-dr Buick Allure

3.8L V6, auto, 175,820 km, mounted winter & summer tires, cloth tan interior, car seat anchors

$7195 (250)429-3552

Cars - Domestic

1966 Chrysler Windsor, $5500 obo. (250)429-3937

Mobile Homes & Parks

1216 sq ft, 3 bedroom - 2 bath

Over $10,000 in options included!!

Pricing includes delivery and set up!!

(250)489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230 On the Strip, Cranbrook

2013 Ford Fusion SE, fwd, 1.6 L, 4 cyl engine, excellent gas milage, 34,415 km’s, heated seats, heated mirrors, top condition with Nokian V95 Xl all season, winter rated tires. $15,300. Call (250)417-0338 to view.

Cars - Sports & Imports 2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $6750. (250)426-7354

Motorcycles 1982 Honda Interstate Goldwing, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $5500. Henry, (250)428-3545

5th Wheel hitch, no rail design, $925. Cut away tailgate, $275. Both fit Ford Super Duty. Also Truck tool box, black, 63’’ wide, 18.5’’ high, $275. 1 (250)489-2452

Showhome special! 1 only!



Large 2-bdrm duplex, F/S, carport, walking distance to downtown, large rumpus room + 1/2 bath & extra bedroom in basement. N/P, Preferred older couple / people. 113 6th Ave S, avail Mar 15th. To view call Chris (250) 421-2834 or Brian (250) 421-7974

1979 Chev Malibu Classic, 2-dr, new: engine, paint, headers, top end cam & lifters, ex. cond., asking $5500. Call after 5pm, (250)426-5498 1985 Chev Corvette, 40,000KM, speaker system, red leather seats, summer driven only. $12,000 OBO (250)421-4374 1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary Edition, black, V6, auto, loaded, 30,000km on new motor, $4700 obo. (250)428-7454


Mobile Homes & Parks



Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $650/mth; 2-bdrm, $775/mth, Call (250)417-7379

Cranbrook, Tuesday, March 1


2005 Chrysler pacifica, all season and winter tires, recent maintance done ( have receipts) leather interior. $3800 obo. (250)417-7544 2005 Nissan Altma, 4 door Sedan, 78,000 kms, well maintanied, body in good shape, 2 sets of tires. $8000. (250)4893686 2007 Honda Civic Sedan, in excellent condition with only 87,000km! Silver, manual, sunroof, summer and winter tires on rims. $8800. (250)4201659 2008 Pontiac Grande Prix, V6, 1 owner, no rust, no dents, 111,000 km, $9500. Call (250)427-7094 (250)427-8758 2012 Chevrolet Malibu, extra set of tires, low km’s. $9,500. Must see. (250)417-1101

1998 Honda Goldwing SE GL1500 Touring bike, 77,000km, reverse, air compressor, adjustable windshield, CB radio, tape deck, intercom, air wings, riding pegs, driver’s backrest, passenger arm rests, 60lbs of storage, Candy Apple Red, always garaged and covered, $9500 (250)489-2248 1999 Vulcan Nomad, 1500cc liquid cooled, shaft drive, hard bags, windshield, hiway pegs, new battery, 36,000kms. $5500. (250)421-3556 2003 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic, great cond., new tires, 16” apes, braided steel cables, custom grips, Cobra slashcut exhaust, forward controls, saddlebags, $3999. Call (250)489-8731 2004 Vulcan 2000, 2053 cu.cm of power & torque, if you are searching for the most powerful cruiser in mint cond., this is it! $7900. (250)2316720 Kimberley 2009 Honda Goldwing, nav, audio, CB, other extras, call in evenings, (250)428-4301

Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Wednesday, 2, 2016 Kootenay News Wednesday, MarchMarch 2, 2016



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Trucks & Vans

Trucks & Vans





Trucks & Vans

Boat Accessories


2008 750 Honda Shadow, 16,823 km, c/w windshield, saddle bags, sissy bar, engine guard & bike cover, ex. cond., $6000. (250)529-7724

Quick Sale, 2000 Sportsman model 300,30’ Travel Trailer, fully loaded with slide & Arizona room, new fridge (2012), 3 burner stove, a/c, full bathroom, tv hook up, radio, queen bed, 2 bunks, pull out sofa, sleeps 6-8. Asking $8000 OBO. (250) 229-4265

1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094

Tow rope, 4-adult life jackets, motor flusher, Merc oil drain pump, anchor 15lb, all for $150. (250)426-8508

Variable speed prop. 14 to 19 variable pitch, $250. Call (250)426-5577

1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350 cu.in., 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $1900 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston



HD Sportster factory custom, 5400 km, (250)426-7710

1200 mint.

Off Road Vehicles 1997 4x4,runs good, $1200 OBO. Ford truck box firewood trailer, $350 OBO.(778)5170915 2010 Dinli Centhor, red, 700cc ATV, trunk, winch, 500km, $5500. (250)428-7305


Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038 Tour Edition Presidential Series, 35’ Golden Falcon, used 2 summers, like new, solar panels, holding tanks enclosed, insulated and heated, $30,000. (250)417-1783

Snowmobiles 1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $24,999 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 26’ Wilderness, front kitchen, twin beds, newer fridge, hot water tank, awning, sofa folds down to bed, ex. cond., $6000 obo. Call (250)489-1948 1996 29’ Corsair 5th Wheel, very good cond., polar package, 3-way fridge 4-burner stove w/oven, dinette, asking $8000 obo. (250)344-7636 or (250)344-0111 1998 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27.5’, like new, original owners, never smoked in, used 2 weekends, slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, paid $51,900, reduced to $10,500 obo. (250)427-4435 1999 25’ Salem 5th Wheel, slide, loaded, $5600. Call (250)422-3217 1999 26-1/2’ Frontier 5th Wheel, awning, slide, completely self contained, great cond., $10,000 obo. Call (250)426-4704 2000 28-1/2’ Seahawk 5th wheel by golf stream. Back kitchen sleeps 6, oak cupboards, double dinette/couch slide. $9500.OBO (250)423-3465 in Fernie 2003 Triple E Topaz 5th Wheel, 25’, rear kitchen, double table/couch, slide, 3-burner stove/oven, fridge, microwave, awning, air, furnace, two 30lb propane tanks, outdoor shower, BBQ, vent covers, no smoking, no pets, towed from Calgary new & never moved since, ex. cond., will sell fully equipped, asking $15,000. (250)426-4015 2006 Mallard 21’ travel trailer, sleeps 5, great cond., $11,000 obo. (250)919-7580

2003 Arctic Cat M8, new motor, $3500. Trailer, $650. (250)427-2398

Sport Utility Vehicle

2013 22 Ft Springdale camper. Used once, a/c, awning, 3 bunk beds, queen bed, winterized, $15,900. To view in Invermere Call (403)801-9284 2013 Jayco Travel Trailer, 19’, Ultralite, one slide out, sleeps 4, extended warranty, brand new, $21,000. (250)489-8401

1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Very Good Condition! Many Upgrades Call for info (250)426-7988 1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446 1999 Chev Blazer SUV, good cond., 239,263km, 4WD, auto, sunroof, 31 10.50 R15 LT tires, clean, V6, $4000 obo. (250)427-3040 (250)427-6376

1998 Chev 3/4 ton 4x4, single cab, 454 Vortec engine, manual, bumper with 8000 lb winch, boat rack & drybox, $5000 obo. (250)349-5478

If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to

Utility Trailers

1999 Dodge Dakota, V6, 5-spd, 4x4, good runner, $2500. (250)423-0328

on most cellular networks.

Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Tandem utility trailer, flatdeck, 8x16, $2200. (250)4176893

2000 Chev Astro van, body & interior good, good mechanically, $2200 obo. Call (250)420-1897

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $6000 obo. Call (250)428-9884

2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 4.7L, auto, 205,000km, 4-dr, air, very clean, $6900 obo. (778)517-5084

1-800-663-5555 or *5555

Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™ Boats

10-1/2’ Fiberglass pontoon boat with double hull, oars, life jackets, 28 lb thrust Minnkota like new in the box,trailer with spare tire, $1000.OBO Call (250)428-9145 16’ Open Bow inboard/outboard, EZ-Load trailer, ready to go, some accessories, $6000. (250)427-4987 Boat & trailer, 24’ Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, reduced to $3900 obo. (250)829-0708 Kicker motor. (250)426-7710

TO LEARN WHAT’S theviewcranbrook.ca ON SALE?


The link to your community



Legal Notices Notice of Repossession Under the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, The following unit will be sold at Public Auction or by written bid, Unit #23 Nora Gilday Cranbrook RV & Mini Storage 3608 Wieler Frontage Road, Cranbrook, BC, Public bid will be held on March 12 2016

Digging can be a shocking experience if you don’t know where the wires are.


2004 Nissan Quest, 3.5 SL. V-6, auto, 155,000kms. New brakes, new all season tires, stow away 3rd row seats, excellent condition. Asking $8,500. (250)421-0252

2006 Chev Silveraldo 2500 HD, extended cab, 8’ box, spray in liner, Smittybilt step side bars, frame mounted camper bars, good Toyo winter tires, hidden hitch , security alarm and remote starter, recent front end work done, Asking $14,000 (250)426-8044 2006 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, V8, auto, a/c, 260,000km, well maintained, receipts for new parts, $15,000. (250)426-8591 2006 Nissan Titan SE 4x4 pick up, 161,500km’s, good condition, asking $11,500 OBO. (250)489-4293 2006 Pontiac Montana, 7 seater, 164,557 kms. $6000 or near offer. (250)426-3526 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box, $30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199

2008 Buick Enclave CXL, 141,000 km, fully loaded, twin skylight/sunroof, new winters, tan with leather seats, Navigation/On Star, immaculate, $19,900. (250)919-8564

2010 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext. cab, 4x4, 57,000 km, Leer canopy, 5.3L V8, 6-spd auto, trailer tow pkg, one owner, $24,500. 1 (250)402-6717 2010 Dodge Ram 1500, Laramie Edition, fully loaded, leather interior, 167,000 km, 4’’ lift, chrome pkg, $24,000. (250)919-0837 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2012 Black F350 XLT 4x4 Crew cab, 3� lift, fender flares, headache rack, box rails, toolbox, custom seat covers, custom rims, 35� Toyo mudders, 6.2L gas, V8, 97,000 km, asking $22,000. (250)421-0195

2011 Chev Traverse LT, 60,000km, AWD, 8-passenger, 2-1/2 yrs left on extended warranty, never winter driven, ex. cond., $25,500. (250)342-6968 Windermere


Elk Valley:

2002 Chevy Trail Blazer 4x4, 192,000 kms, remote start, like new winter tires, 5 passenger, $4700 OBO. (778)517-2218

33 Ft, 1998 Four Winds Class A sport motor home. Gas motor, generator, air cond, back up monitor, new awning, all new blinds. Excellent condition. 27,000 miles. $20,000. Kar dolly extra. In Creston. (250)428-6284 or (250)4283015 ONLINE RV DEALS www.VoyagerRV.ca Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447

2 wheel Drive, rebuilt motor, $4000 OBO. (250)426-4637

F-250 4x4 Ford 1999, In mint condition, 213,000 km’s. Titan V8, fully loaded Lariat. All leather & electric interior. New Kenwood sound system. ( Bt & MX ) Body in great shape. 5 new tires, Full tow package new box rack, box liner. Very clean truck. $4800 obo. (250)432-9383 or rockymtboy1@gmail.com

REDUCED 2003 Pontiac Montana, mid night blue, extended van, cloth seats, pw/pl/pm, pwr sliding door, power driver seat, auto load leveler with air pump compressor, hidden hitch tow, 4 Michelin summer tires, 2 brand new Toya winters, 2 Blizzak winters, all on rims. 291,000 km. $2450 OBO. (250)417-2588

2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab 4x4, $5200 obo. Call (250)426-8032

2011 32’ Jay Flight Jayco Trailer super slide, spacious, full back window, sleeps 4, 60 road miles, like new, asking $22,000 obo.(250)426-3243 2011 Lance camper 1181, slide out, full bathroom, winter package, solar, loaded, like new, $27,000 obo. (250)4269832

1997 1500 Dodge Sport,

New Year, New Price



2014 Silver F150 4x4 XLT Crew cab, full load, off road package, V8, 3� lift kit, 33� Toyo mudders, custom rims, custom exhaust, fender flares, smoked lights, push bar & light bar, purchased one year ago, 22,000 km, mint, asking $41,000. (250)421-0195

Jaffray Elementary Jr. Secondary Frank J. Mitchell Elementary Isabella Dicken Elementary Sparwood Secondary Fernie Secondary Elkford Secondary Fernie Maintenance Rocky Mountain Elementary Fernie Learning Centre • All sweeping to be completed between March 12 - March 27, 2016 • Must provide contract tender cost • Must dispose of gravel • The right to accept the lowest or any tender is reserved. • Clearly mark sealed written tenders “PARKING LOT SWEEPINGâ€? • Closing date Tuesday, March 8, 2016 @ 12:00 Noon MST Submit bids to: Mr. Rob Norum Secretary Treasurer School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) 940 Industrial Road No. 1 Cranbrook, B.C. VlC 4C6



Cranbrook Board 2fĂ€ce /aurie Middle School Mt. Baker Secondary Parkland Middle School $my :oodland (lementary *ordon 7errace (lementary Highlands (lementary Kootenay 2rchards (lementary Pinewood (lementary Steeples (lementary 7M Roberts (lementary Mt. Baker $nne[ ‡ $ll sweeping to be completed between March 12 March 2 , 2016 ‡ Must provide contract tender cost ‡ Must dispose of gravel ‡ 7he right to accept the lowest or any tender is reserved. ‡ Clearly mark sealed written tenders ´P$RKIN* /27 S:((PIN*Âľ ‡ Closing date 7uesday, March , 2016 @ 12:00 Noon MS7 Submit bids to: Mr. Rob Norum Secretary 7reasurer School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) 940 Industrial Road No. 1 Cranbrook, B.C. VlC 4C6

Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

18 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

$2, Ice cream $1, Seniors Hall, 17th Ave. and 2nd St.S.

To place a listing in our community news section:

1. OPEN TO all clubs and non-profit organizations. 2. POST YOUR event online at www.kootenayadvertiser.com (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: lily@kootenayadvertiser.com 3. NOTICES ARE published as space permits and for the current week only. A maximum of 30 words. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.

Wed., March 2 Kimberley Aquatic Centre, Free Public swim, 5pm-6pm, Sponsored by Dr. Craig Spowart

Fri., March 4 South Country Residents-Important RDEK OCP meeting, Jaffray

Dance at Seniors Centre, 17th Ave. Music by “Old Spice” 7pm-10:30. All Welcome.

Sun., March 6

Hall, 7-9pm. This affects everyone in the Jaffray, Tie Lake, Rosen Lake area. You must attend and be heard or changes will be made that could be costly especially if you have plans for your land.

Sat., March 5 Music Jam, 1pm-4pm. Admission

Includes 4 Oil and filter change 4 Tire rotation 4 83 pt comprehensive inspection

Registered Disability Savings Plan information session, 3-5pm Cranbrook Society for Community Living, 1402 1st St.S Cranbrook. RSVP: Val Irving 1-800-441-5403 or virving@fsibc.com.

Tues., March 8 CFUW honours Cranbrook’s Woman of the Year 2016-Donna Grainger,4pm in the Foyer of the College of the Rockies. Doors open



Community Calendar

to this event at 3:30pm. All former Woman of the Year recipients, friends, family and well wishers are encouraged to come. Tea, coffee & cake will be served.

Wed., March 9 GoGo Granny Travelogue with Gebhard and Sabine Pfeiffer, 7pm at the COTR lecture theatre. Admission by donation to GoGo Granny’s in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and grandmothers in Africa. Kimberley Aquatic Centre, Free Family swim, 6pm-7pm, Sponsored by Exact Tax. BC Government Retired Employees Association, Rocky Mtn Branch, luncheon 12 noon. Heritage Inn. Guest speaker-Carla Nelson of Maritime Travel. Call Ron Kerr 250432-0002.

Thurs., March 10



*excludes diesels & synthetic oil. Plus taxes


Cranbrook • 250-426-6645 • Toll Free 1-800-663-3839 www.denhamfordbc.com • DL30786

Appointment Andrew Franklin, Director of Digital Development is pleased to announce the appointment of Laura Baziuk as B.C. Digital Editor. Laura graduated from Carleton University’s journalism program in 2007. She worked in various newsrooms, including the Peace Arch News, the Province, the

Kimberley Camera Club presents its annual digital show, 7pm in the

St.Andrews Presbyterian Church in Kimberley. Admission by donation.

Fri., March 25

Fri., March 11

“Undefeated Hope” Spring Conference. Easter weekend celebration. March 25-27Speakers: Steve & Wendy Backlund and a team from BSSM. House of Hope, 6296th St.NW. Friday 7pm, Saturday 9:30am, 2pm and 7pm. Info: 250-421-3784, cranbrookhouseofhope@gmail.com, www.ihopecranbrook.ca.

EK Chapter BCHBC presents the movie “Unbranded” at Centre 64, 7pm. Tickets available at Appaloosa Spring Tack and Tanglefoot Vet Clinic. Brenda Birrell 250-9193423. All monies raised will be used to improve non-motorized trails and venues.

Fri, March 18

Sat., April 23

Ladies Auxiliary to FOE: Spring Home and Vendor Market, Friday Mar.18 5pm-9pm, Sat., Mar. 19 9am-4pm, Sun. Mar. 20 11am4pm. Eagles Hall, 711 Kootenay St.N. Info or to book a table 250426-6006.

Open House-Kootenay Trout Hatchery. FREE event-10am-3pm. Fun for the entire family.

Sun., March 20 3-D Archery Shoot, Kidd Creek Rifle Range (21Km east of Creston), registration at 8am, All ages Adult $20, Youth $10, Child Free, Family $40.Dustin 250-402-8132.

Ongoing Events Calling all Fishermen and Women. Have a passion for fishing and like to learn more about all types of angling? The Cranbrook Rocky Mountain Fly Fishing Club meets every second Tuesday of the month. 250919 5292 for information. MILITARY AMES is a social/cama-

Perfect Pet Contest

raderie/support group that meets the first and third Tuesday of the month in the Kimberley Public Library reading room. All veterans are welcome. Call Cindy 250-9193137. King’s Cottage Thrift Store, Kimberley at former Meadowbrook School. Tues-Sat10-4. Good quality clothing and footwear for the whole family at reasonable prices. Donations gratefully accepted. Cranbrook & District Kennel Club is looking for new members. Check out www.cdkc.ca Cranbrook BC Chess Club, meets every Wednesday 7pm, Alliance Church. www.cranbrook chess. com or facebook/cranbrook chess. Everyone welcome of all ages! Scleroderma Support Group, Betty (250)428-8875, Bev, 427-5033 in Kootenay Region. Al-Anon Meeting EKRH Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Basement EDC Room B. 250-489-1388

Photo courtesy of Wells Photographic Design

Birds, Cats, Dogs, Bunnies, Fish, Hamsters... Send in your favorite picture of your perfect pet for publication in the March 18th issue of the Kootenay Advertiser!

Canadian Press, and most recently, CKNW Radio. She spent four and a half years there, as a reporter and anchor, and was sent to Tofino to cover the whalewatching boat capsizing in 2015. Laura grew up in south Surrey and lives in Vancouver. She enjoys reading crime novels, baking and eating cookies! Please join us in congratulating Laura on her appointment as B.C. Digital Editor.

Laura Baziuk Black Press Digital

One lucky winner receives our “Perfect Pet” ($600 value) prize package from these participating businesses: • The Paw Shop • Western Financial Group • Steeples Vet Clinic • Lil Mutt Pet Resort • Save-On More • Shaggy Wags Grooming • The Leash I Can Do • Top Hand Supplies/Pets go Raw • Fox Den Boarding • Cranbrook Vet Clinic • Tanglefoot Vet Clinic

Open to pets living in the East Kootenay area.

DEADLINE: Friday, March 11

Winner selected by random draw from all photos received. Look inside the March 18th issue of the Kootenay Advertiser to see if you’ve won! Please include pet’s name and contact phone number/email. Sorry only one photo per pet. Drop off to: Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd Street North, Cranbrook OR email to: publisher@kootenayadvertiser.com NOTE: emailed photos must be high resolution of 300dpi. Pictures posted to the web or social media generally will not work.


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