Culinary MASTER
Surrey's David Jorge steps out of the reality TV spotlight and back into the kitchen with a new – and delicious – venture
Vol. 10 • Issue 1 • Spring 2016
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Left: Anna President & Co-Founder Right: Lucky
INDULGE • Spring 2016 3
contents VOLUME 10 • ISSUE 1 • SPRING 2016
5 A standup comedy program that helps those with mental illness find humour in their struggles is making an impact near and far.
12 Spring is in the air, and as the mercury ON THE COVER: Surrey's very own MasterChef David Jorge is firing up the creativity with a new Langley restaurant. (Cover photo: Rob Newell)
begins to rise, this season's edgy fashions will have you ready to step out and make a statement.
18 A Langley couple's quest to give back
to their hometown hospital is leading them – and several lucky others – on a trip of a lifetime to Northern India.
20 When the delicacies of Seattle are
calling, but the exchange rate has your wallet lighter than ever, learn how to make the most out of a trip down south.
From the editor Melissa Smalley
ow that winter is all but behind us, and we have several months of warmer, sunnier weather to look forward to, we can finally shake off what many describe as the "winter blues." Ever since I can remember, I've had a hard time slogging through those cold, rainy days when it's dark on the way to work and even darker on the way home. At the first sign of a warm spring day, my spirits soar and I feel a sense of rejuvenation that only a good dose of vitamin D can bring. While it's common for people in climates such as ours to feel a little down and out over the winter months, according to the Canadian Mental Health Association, seasonal affective disorder – or SAD – makes up 10 per cent of all depression cases, affecting, to some degree, 15 per cent of Canadians. It's important to recognize the symptoms of SAD – irritability, fatigue, weight gain, guilt, change in appetite, to name a few – and seek medical help if they persist. Of course, SAD represents just a small fraction of the mental illnesses that affect Canadians, many of which can be serious and even lifethreatening if they go untreated. It wasn't too long ago that mental illness was something people did not talk openly about, and those who suffered from it were often shunned or ostracized. Thankfully, things have started to change, and there's a growing movement across Canada
4 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
and beyond to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness. In this issue of Indulge, we share the stories of two women who have learned to find the humour in their mental illness diagnosis and recoveries. Through a program called Stand up for Mental Health, the women are among hundreds who have learned the art of standup comedy, which has helped them to look at their illnesses from a humorous point of view, while sharing their strength with others. On the topic of creative cuisine, we chat with Chef David Jorge – who many know as the season two winner of Food Network's MasterChef Canada – who tells us about his lifelong passion for all things delicious and his new Langley restaurant. The latest in edgy spring fashions are on display, proving that it's definitely time to trade in those winter boots and puffy jackets for some flirty skirts and open-toe shoes. A Langley couple shares the unique way they're raising money for their local hospital by hosting a guided tour of India this fall. And we explore a true foodie's paradise in Seattle, while attempting not to break the bank with the current low loonie. We hope you enjoy this spring edition of Indulge, and may sunnier days be on the way.
Publisher Dwayne Weidendorf publisher@indulgemagazine.ca Sales Manager Steve Scott steve.scott@peacearchnews.com Managing Editor Lance Peverley managingeditor@indulgemagazine.ca Editor Melissa Smalley editor@indulgemagazine.ca Creative Services Manager Jim Chmelyk creativeservices@indulgemagazine.ca Contributors Alfonso Arnold • Vicki Brydon Shannon Haskett • Gord Goble • Arshia Khan Jason McRobbie • Rob Newell • Karley Stroscher Indulge is published three times annually by Black Press Suite 200 2411 160 St. Surrey, BC V3Z 0C8 Tel: 604-542-7429 Fax: 604-531-7977 www.indulgemagazine.ca Distributed free to select households in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Paid subscriptions available. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.
matters Finding humour in the darkest of places is helping those with mental illness heal
by Melissa Smalley • photos by Gord Goble
White Rock's Ashleigh Singleton debuts her standup routine at the Coast Capital Playhouse March 6
or much of her life, Ashleigh Singleton did not have a whole lot to laugh about. The 30-year-old White Rock resident was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 16. For two years prior, she had been hearing voices in her head tell her horrible things – that she should kill herself, that she was responsible for her mother’s death. Afraid to tell anyone what was going on, she tried to bury the voices until she suffered from what she describes as a “psychotic break,” and finally received a diagnosis and treatment. While medication has helped – along with the support of a father she says is her “rock and best friend” – her recovery over the past 14 years has not been without bumps in the road.
Late last year, when she was suffering from a bout of depression, Singleton’s dad, Mike, told her about a program coming to White Rock’s Whale House, a community clubhouse for people living with mental illness. Called Stand Up for Mental Health, the class teaches standup comedy to people recovering from mental illness. Singleton had seen a performance by a SUMH group several years ago and recalled how funny the comedians were. “I thought it was great that these people could get together and laugh about their illness and look at it in a lighter way,” Singleton recalled. Along with a friend, Singleton – who speaks
publicly around the community about her illness and recovery – decided to give it a shot. “We just loved it,” she said. “There’s been a lot of laughs. We’re allowed to joke about other things, but the main emphasis is talking about our mental illness and our recovery and what we went through to get to where we are today.” The program was launched in 2004 by Vancouverite David Granirer, who has spent nearly 20 years teaching a standup course at Langara College. It was through that experience that Granirer – who suffers from depression – realized what an impact performing standup can have on people.
continued INDULGE • Spring 2016 5
Andrea Hollebakken performs in White Rock
“I had a student with a fear of flying, and the day after our show she had to get on a plane,” Granirer told Indulge. “She came up to me and said ‘my fear is gone, I felt like once I did standup comedy, I could do anything.’ So I thought, wouldn’t it be great to give this to people, this life-changing experience?” The response, Granirer said, has been beyond his expectations. What started as a one-year pilot program quickly expanded throughout the Lower Mainland and beyond. The course has now been run by Granirer in 35 cities across Canada, the U.S. and in Australia, in partnership with local mental-health organizations. Granirer said the art of standup not only provides a boost of confidence for participants, it gives them the opportunity to feel better about their experiences, which is no easy feat for someone who has been through the rigors of mental illness. “When you have a mental illness, one of the big components often is a lot of shame,” Granirer said. “But by doing standup comedy and talking about these things, you’re getting a theatre full of people laughing and applauding, you start to think, ‘I’m not such a bad person after all.’”
6 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
While Andrea Hollebakken admits she never felt much shame about having bipolar disorder, there have been times that it has been difficult to be her usual ‘happy-go-lucky’ self. The 33-year-old New Westminster resident was diagnosed at the age of 29, and though she spent a few months “grieving the loss of my former self,” she embraced her diagnosis and was quick to make fun of herself or be the “silly person” in the room. For a few years, Hollebakken’s approach worked well, and along with spending time at Port Coquitlam’s New View Society (similar to White Rock’s Whale House), her recovery went relatively smoothly. However, when she took a job as a peer-support worker for the Canadian Mental Health Association – which took her away from New View and exposed her to less-than-lighthearted situations – things got a little bumpy again, and Hollebakken was hospitalized twice. When she was asked in December to take part in the White Rock SUMH group, she knew that although it was a long haul from New Westminster, it would be a good outlet to bring some laughter back into her life. “It’s given me that place to go to make some extra silly jokes in a nonjudgmental place,” she said. “My trouble is sometimes being a little too silly.” While Hollebakken points out that her bipolar diagnosis has given her “endless material” with which to joke, for Singleton, it hasn’t always been easy to look at her mental illness as something that is humourous.
I thought it was great that these people could get together and laugh about their illness...
“When I started the course, I had a really hard time coming up with jokes and laughing about my situation. It seemed really wrong to me that I was trying to joke about it,” Singleton said, noting Granirer offered plenty of encouragement and never pushed participants to address the “raw stuff” if they didn’t want to. “A few classes in, I kind of had an epiphany and said, ‘you know what? I am going to laugh about this stuff.’ And it’s been amazing how it has allowed me to heal.” Singleton and Hollebakken were among four standups who made their performance debut earlier this month at White Rock’s Coast Capital Playhouse, for an evening of comedy that also featured a group of SUMH alumni. While both women have plenty of experience speaking candidly in public about their illnesses, they said the experience did cause a few nerves when it came to cracking certain jokes in front of their friends and family members. They both said they want to continue honing their stand-up skills and stay involved with the SUMH program, promoting what they describe as an “unreal experience” to those who may benefit from it. “I want to participate in anything that can help get rid of the stigma of mental illness,” Hollebakken said. “I feel like since I have had
Let us put some SPRING back into your step!
Stand Up for Mental Health founder David Granirer a really good recovery journey, that it’s my responsibility to look out for my peers. There are a lot of people who don’t have their voice right now.” Singleton agrees, saying she owes a lot to Granirer and the program, which helped her “out of a low place.” “It helps so much to just laugh about it.”
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Shops at Morgan Crossing
Welcome to The Shops at Morgan Crossing, an urban shopping village located in the heart of South Surrey. Established in 2010, The Shops at Morgan Crossing is a vibrant outdoor shopping centre offering a unique collection of national and independent retailers, fashion outlets, services, restaurants and cafes. Over the last six years this trendy, airy, mixed use centre has made a place for itself within the community as a onestop shop. With nearly 400,000 square feet of retail and services – you’re sure to find something to suit your shopping needs! Under the new management of Strathallen Property Management Inc., The Shops at Morgan Crossing continues to provide customers with best-in-class tenants. With over sixty shops and services within the open-air, pedestrian and pet friendly street-scape, this vibrant centre includes Town Shoes, Banana Republic Factory Store, Gap Outlet, Calvin Klein, Restoration Hardware Outlet, Thrifty Foods, Golf Town, Van Heusen and many more. The Shops at Morgan Crossing is located at 24th Avenue and Croydon Drive in the community of South Surrey, BC and adjacent to the community of White Rock. Just 40 kilometers south of Vancouver and five kilometers from the US border, The Shops at Morgan Crossing is the perfect escape year-round offering services from hair, nails, make-up and spa services to clothing boutiques to get you ready for that big day or night out and many restaurants to enjoy an array of culinary delights. The Shops at Morgan Crossing hosts many family and community fundraising events and with new store openings, there always seems to be something buzzing at South Surrey’s most exciting outdoor shopping centre. We invite you to visit us and see what all the excitement is about! General opening hours are Monday through Wednesday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday to Friday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays and Holidays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (individual store hours may vary). For a full store directory, visit www.theshopsatmorgancrossing.com
INDULGE • Spring 2016 7
File Name: MC - Surrey Tourism Ad Ad
1306 - 728 Princess Street New Westminster, BC V3M 6S4
Lifelong passion
Surrey’s MasterChef David Jorge brings a lifetime of inspiration to the table by Jason McRobbie • photos by Rob Newell
8 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
or David Jorge, the past two years have been a journey into the culinary spotlight that has brought him full circle – back to the table with food, family and friends, albeit on a far larger stage than he had ever previously considered. It was a lifelong appreciation of that trinity that carried Jorge into the homes and hearts of countless Canadians in his successful bid to become Food Network Canada's season 2 MasterChef. As the concrete contractor and father of two from Surrey admits, were it not for the encouragement of his sister-in-law, what followed might never have happened. While his passion for cooking had always gone beyond the norm, it was not until they watched the entreaty of MasterChef Canada's first season together that it struck him: “I can do this.” Actually, he had been doing it all of his life. Growing up in a Portuguese family, and living on a five-acre hobby farm in Surrey with his wife and two sons – along with an assortment of steer, poultry and pigs – for Jorge food and family have always been mainstays. That he takes his home hobbyism further than most is a well-grounded given. Adding a few million fans and friends to the mix has only widened his smile – and appreciation for the lifetime of lessons that preceded his victory and joining the Joseph Richard Group as Corporate Chef to bring his vision to the design and dishes behind their latest project, S+L Kitchen and Bar Langley (located at 8399 200 St.). That his touch is noticeable in both the finer points of the menu – as well as the 170-seat room’s concrete flourishes – is only fitting; the Concrete Cook is still very much a part of the family business, Avante Concrete, started by his father in 1974. The most perfect flourish of all, however, lies in synergy between JRG’s CEO Ryan Moreno and Jorge himself – the two have known each other for more than 20 years, from their high school days in Surrey, and could not be more mutually happy with what they have created. “I had always wanted to be in the industry, but was not sure I wanted to do it alone, so when Ryan and I got to talking it was an obvious go,” explains Jorge. “He’s the most passionate, knowledgeable guy around, and always finds the best, so we have had a lot of fun with the new concept at S+L Langley.” As for how that reflects on the menu? “It all starts with what I want to eat,” says Jorge with a grin. “And that ties back to years of great meals and food-travel experiences.” As an operative philosophy, it blended well
with the thinking behind the JRG Group and its 17 properties from the start. “We started with pubs, but the focus for us has always been about creating places we like to go. Back when we started, there was no place to go quite like that, so the vision has always been experience-based,” says Moreno. “Having David on board as our corporate chef lets us move that vision-based experience forward even more.” A big part of that is sharing the dishes that launched JRG’s Jorge into the stratosphere of home cooks in 2015 – ranging from the miso-mayo dressed sablefish that started it all, together with a side of 'bourbon bacon cream corn', to Jorge's championship plate of fried 'master chicken'. Canada’s MasterChef has definitively come home, but the experience and vision is even broader at S+L Langley. From Osso Bucco and bone marrow to Wagyu steaks and patties to porchetta sandwiches and 'The Frank'– a signature lobster and prawn patty served on a brioche bun with smoked bacon – the menu is an extended expression of Jorge’s own culinary experiences. That the dishes look as good as they taste should come as no surprise to anyone who witnessed the plates he created under full pressure and scrutiny. Now that the pressure is off, Jorge welcomes the scrutiny. “We all eat with our eyes. It always has to have that balance of taste and visual appeal. Going into the competition, I really wanted to represent B.C. All the attention was weird at first, because I had been inspired by so many
For me, food has always been fun and a way of making memories...
others,” shares Jorge, whose dishes did the very same for others – whether celebrating his father’s love of sablefish as a sport fisherman, or turning rabbit about three ways for the casting directors in emulation of local nose-totail talent such as chef Robert Belcham. “For me, food has always been fun and a way of making memories.” Looking to spring, and a year of fresh things with the opening of S+L Kitchen and Bar in January, Jorge has never been busier or happier, whether at home on the farm or perfectly at home with old friends and family at work – be it in concrete or one of 17 kitchens. While his brother runs the concrete business now, and the newly minted corporate chef/ MasterChef handles the administration, bear in mind it is a trade Jorge has been mastering since he was 17 years old. Over the years, he has come to appreciate how close the worlds of concrete and cuisine have become for him. “Timing is everything in both cases and both are passion-governed processes,” he explains. “You are dealing with perishable products so you only have one chance. That’s what makes both art forms more than a science. In terms of final product though, that is where the satisfaction of great service comes home. Walking through the door of something we built or to a table where we just plated, it’s the same great feeling when you love what you do.” For all the changes, bright lights and wellearned celebrity, Jorge is unchanged at heart, and all the more inspiring for it. “It is honestly surreal. To make something like MasterChef a goal, to make it happen, and then have all of this open up? It’s humbling and surreal.”
INDULGE • Spring 2016 9
Pan-Roasted Scallops with Butternut Squash Puree
Marinated Sablefish with Miso-Mayo and Potato Salad
20 sea scallops
4 sablefish fillets
canola oil
canola oil
Butternut squash puree ½ butternut squash 2 Tbsp olive oil
20 oz. fingerling potatoes
Miso Marinade ½ cup miso paste
5 oz. butter
3 cups water
1 Tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
Miso Mayonnaise
to taste, salt and pepper Cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Season the flesh with olive oil and salt & pepper. Roast at 400 F until the squash is soft and slightly caramelized. In a sauce pot, melt the butter, and continue to cook on a medium heat until a rich brown colour is achieved. The butter should have a hazelnut aroma to it and not smell bitter. In a blender, pour half the butter in the bottom. Scoop out the squash and add to the blender. Mix on medium-high speed while adding the rest of the browned butter. Blend until smooth and pass through a fine strainer if necessary. Season with the lemon juice and salt & pepper to taste. Sear the scallops on high heat in canola oil for about 45 seconds each side until a nice sear and a medium doneness is achieved. Blot the scallops on paper towel to remove extra oil. Plate on top of a swoosh of the butternut squash puree with bacon bits, crushed hazelnuts and merlot mix micro greens as garnish. 10 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
2 Tbsp miso paste 3/4 cup mayonnaise ½ lime juice and zest
Potato Salad Dressing ¼ wedge lime, juiced ¼ wedge lemon, juiced ¾ cup mayonnaise 1 tsp spicy mustard Whisk together the miso paste and water until it is smooth and submerge the sablefish in the marinade. Let it sit overnight for best results. Whisk together the miso paste, mayonnaise, lime juice & lime zest until it is smooth to form the miso mayonnaise. Whisk together the mayo, citrus juice and spicy mustard until it is smooth to form the potato salad dressing. Hard boil an egg. Separate the white from the yolk and discard the white. In a pan, torch some wood chips until they are smoking. In a perforated pan, on top of the smoking wood chips, place the hard boiled egg yolks and seal the pans with plastic
wrap to lock in the smoke. Let it smoke for 3-5 minutes, then remove the yolks and crumble them finely. Par boil the fingerling potatoes until they are al dente. Slice into large chunks, and deep fry them to order. Toss them in the potato salad dressing once they come out of the fryer. Sear the fillets of sablefish on medium-high heat until a nice golden colour is achieved. Flip the fish and finish in the oven until a medium doneness is achieved. Plate the miso mayonnaise in the centre of the plate with the sable fish on top. Toss the potato salad with the bacon bits and chives, and plate in a ring around the outside of the plate. Garnish the potato salad with the crumbled smoked egg yolk, and the micro greens mix.
Brined Pork Chop with Sweet Potato Puree and Pickled Shiitake Mushrooms 4 pork chops 1.5 cups carrots, sauteed 16 asparagus, sauteed
Sweet Potato Puree 1 large sweet potato 6 Tbsp browned butter ¼ vanilla bean
Pickled Shiitake Mushrooms 1 cup white sugar 1 cup soy sauce 1 cup rice wine vinegar
Presenting Sponsor:
The The Yarmoshuk Yarmoshuk Financial Financial Group Group
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Gold Sponsors: B A R R I S T E R S
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Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd. Leslie Zhao & Louise McKnight: Bay Realty Ltd.
Centennial Arena
6 Tbsp ginger, minced ¾ cup shiitake mushrooms
Brine 1 litre water 1 cup salt 6 Tbsp yellow onion (3 oz) 2 Tbsp garlic cloves Cut the sweet potato in half lengthwise and season it with olive oil and salt & pepper. Roast the sweet potato until it is soft and very tender. Immediately scoop out the flesh and put in a blender with the brown butter and scraped vanilla bean. Blend until smooth and easily spreadable. Whisk together the soy sauce, sugar, minced ginger and rice wine vinegar to form the pickling liquid for the shiitake mushrooms. Place the mushrooms in the liquid and leave them submerged for minimum 3 days. Boil the water with the salt, garlic, and onion to form a brine for the pork chop. Strain and cool the brine and then submerge the pork chop in the brine overnight. Pat dry the brined pork chop and sear in oil on high heat until a deep golden colour is achieved. Flip the pork chop and finish in the oven until a medium doneness is achieved. Spread the warmed sweet potato puree over half the plate, and plate the sautéed carrots and asparagus on top. Scatter the pickled shiitake mushrooms over the plate and then finish with the seared pork chop.
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Sassy spring FASHIONS to help you shake off those winter blues
Photography: Model: Stylist: Hair: Makeup: Assistant stylist: Photo assistant:
Location: Studio 730 & Cabana Lounge, 1159 Granville St., Vancouver 12 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
INDULGE • Spring 2016 13
te Celebriang Spr
g Clothhinoes &S
Grandview Corners #30 - 16031 24th Ave. 604.531.7762 The Boulevard at Southpoint 15057-32nd Ave. 604.535.5119 14 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
Live Healthier, Happier Lives! Dr. Andrews
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ent Beach c s e r C Veterinary Clinic 12823 Crescent Road, South Surrey 604.538.7105 www.crescentbeachvetclinic.ca INDULGE • Spring 2016 15
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Get the look: Page 12: Marta is ready to enjoy the warm spring weather in style, in a Lovely Day floral romper, with a mauve Street Level tote and JQ Vancouver pendant necklace, all from Muse Social Fashion House (604-560-5115). Page 13, top: Turn heads in this Honeybell eyelet sweater with lace trim over a She & Sky hot pink dress and statement necklace, all from Muse. Page 13, bottom left: This versatile fringed poncho pairs perfectly with a long white button-up, both by Simon Chang, both from Zig Zag Boutique (604-535-1565). Page 13, bottom right: Everly scalloped bottom dress and red statement necklace from Muse with Fly London red peekaboo sandal from Zig Zag. Page 14, at left: Naked Zebra off-the-shoulder black top with faux fur vest and text leggings from Crush Clothing (604-531-8421) with blue suede booty from Zig Zag. Page 15, top: Black wrap dress by Skies Are Blue and long silver pendant, both from Muse. Page 15, bottom: Fringed Simon Chang poncho with faux leather leggings from Zig Zag with nude heel from Muse. Page 16: The perfect addition to your spring wardrobe, a She & Sky pink layered dress and statement necklace from Muse, with a bold ring from Crush Clothing.
1187 Johnston Road, | sightforsoreeyesoptical.ca 778 294 1132
Effortless Style… has arrived at EDGE... Fashion on the Edge!
European inspired boutique offering edgy styles & footwear
the EDGE @ FIVE CORNERS #7A-15223 Pacific Ave., White Rock 604.535.2579 INDULGE • Spring 2016 17
Embrace yourself in the
rich history, culture and beauty of India, while supporting a worthy hometown cause
by Melissa Smalley
18 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
ob Sangha never realized how important his community hospital was until his family needed it the most. When the Langley resident's 91-year-old mother, Charan, fell ill last year, she was admitted to Langley Memorial Hospital for treatment. "We almost lost her," Sangha recalls. "The way the hospital staff – the doctors and nurses – rallied around her, it was amazing." When looking for ways to give back to the hospital, Sangha was inspired to combine his love for the Langley community with his passion for travel. Several years ago, Sangha and his wife, Nimi, had taken part in a guided trip through northern India. While Sangha – a native of Punjab who moved to Canada when he was nine years old – said the trip was well-organized and enjoyed by the nearly two dozen participants, he found himself taking the lead while out exploring the country. "I speak the language quite well, and when we were there it felt very comfortable for me, it felt like I was leading the group," Sangha said. "I thought to myself, why don't I do my own trip?" The Sanghas will be hosting a group of travellers through northern India this fall, on a 16-day tour of the country's 'Golden Triangle' – a circuit that connects the capital Delhi with Agra and Jaipur. For each participant taking part in the tour – hosted in conjunction with Bestway Tours & Safaris – $500 will be donated back to the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation. Sangha told Indulge the tour will include the most awe-inspiring destinations that India has to offer. Destinations include the Golden Temple in Amritsar – well-regarded as Sikhism's holiest place of worship – and the Taj Mahal in Agra, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. "All of the historic sights that you want to see will be on this trip," Sangha said. Additional highlights of the tour include stops in Udaipur, a popular destination
Embrace the season with Style!
Nimi and Bob Sangha known for history, culture and lakeside palaces; Ranakpur, a village nestled in the valley of the Arvallis, home to the majestic Chaturmukha Jain Temple; and Pushkar, a town that curls around a holy lake and is known for its tourism and religion. Capping off the more than two-week adventure will be what Sangha describes as an "unforgettable" couple of days spent in Agra during Diwali, known as the festival of lights. "It will be like nothing they've ever experienced," he said of the Diwali celebrations. "It's bigger than Christmas is here." Sangha said he already has several local friends who jumped at the chance to sign up for the tour but there are still spots available for those who want to explore the historic country without having to worry about the small details. The ticket price includes flights, train, bus and plane transfers within India, breakfast, excursions and many dinners over the duration of the tour. "If somebody really wanted to see India in a very safe, comprehensive way, with an Englishspeaking guide, in an air-conditioned bus, this is the trip to go on," he said. "It's the trip of a lifetime for most people." To find out more, email bssangha12@gmail. com
Willowbrook Shopping Centre #313 19705 Fraser Highway 604-533-9200 INDULGE • Spring 2016 19
Seattle ...one bite at a time
t less than a two-hour drive from the Canadian border, Seattle makes for a fun and easy getaway when you need a change of scenery and don’t have a lot of time. Yes, the Canadian dollar is hovering at the lowest exchange rate seen in years, but I figured with some planning I might still have a fabulous experience without breaking the bank. How did I do? Read on! With a wide variety of accommodation and dining options along with some neat attractions, Seattle has a little VICKI something for everyone. I scored a terrific Black Friday deal on Hotels.com for a threenight stay at Hotel Ändra (www.hotelandra. com) in February. The hotel is located downtown near the Seattle Monorail station
and is within walking distance of Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, Capitol Hill and Belltown. While the room rate was reasonable at US$149 per night, daily valet parking charges ran US$39 plus tax (and with credit card exchange rates, it came close to C$60 – ouch!). There were cheaper outdoor lots in the vicinity and if you’re comfortable leaving your vehicle unattended, that’s a better option. My focus was to explore the Seattle foodie scene, and I wasn’t disappointed. With so many gastric choices, I went to the experts and booked a tasting tour with Savor Seattle (www.savorseattletours. com). Six different culinary tours are on offer, and I chose Hip on the Hill, a late-afternoon two-hour jaunt through Seattle’s most eclectic urban neighbourhood,
Capitol Hill. The tour cost US$52 and featured 14 bites and sips at six locations. Our meeting point was Cupcake Royale, which opened in 2003 as the first gourmet cupcake bakery west of New York City. After meeting Jon, the affable tour guide, our group of five sampled the Cupcake Royale classic – vanilla cake with chocolate buttercream – and hit the pavement for the next stop. Infused with historical tidbits and fascinating architectural information, the tasting tour was so much more than just food sampling. Sure, we tried wood-fired bagels and artisan coffee, Korean and Hawaiian fusion tacos, Thai crispy marinated rice with pork, fresh ginger and lime, chicken and pesto sausages with housemade hard apple cider and capped it off with frozen custard (all of which were fantastic!), but Jon’s entertaining stories of Capitol Hill’s famous hipster residents, movie sets and gentrification were equally tantalizing.
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Peninsula Village Corner of King George Blvd and 24th Ave 604 385 1067 pistachio.ca 20 Spring 2016 • INDULGE
STORE 19853 Fraser Hwy, Langley | 604-534-9129 M-F 9-5:30 Sat 9-5 Sun closed OUTLET 5511 192 Street, Surrey | 778-574-1300 M-F 10-5:30 Sat 10-5 Sun closed
Oh, and no need for dinner plans afterwards. I was stuffed! The tasting portions are generous and you get more than your money’s worth, even with the grim exchange rate. Savor Seattle also offers a three-hour Gourmet Seattle tour, Chocolate Indulgence, Booze n’ Bites and Pike Place Market excursions ranging from $42 to $72 (in US funds, of course) with one including early morning VIP access; I would definitely try one of these on my next trip. My foodie expedition wouldn’t be complete without a wander around the famous Pike Place Market. Like Granville Island on steroids, Pike Place is spread over nine acres on Seattle’s waterfront and is bursting with vibrant veggies, dewy berries, just-caught seafood, fresh flowers, pungent cheeses, aromatic spices and, among other things, a plethora of inventive pasta including chocolate linguine. Most stalls provide samples and you could easily skip lunch by spending hours tasting the wares. In addition, there are small casual cafés and bakeries offering budget-friendly sandwiches, steaming bowls of chowder, crumpets and Southern-style biscuits and gravy. Seattle is known for java, in large part thanks to a certain coffee chain. Long before becoming the conglomerate it is today, Starbucks opened its very first location across from Pike Place in 1971. The outlet still stands and, curiously, I noticed the queue for drinks was never less than 30 people long, despite being surrounded by a variety of funky independent shops. One of these that you must visit is Storyville Coffee (www.storyville.com), a Seattle-based roaster with a mission to end human trafficking by donating a portion of its profits. The coffee was
sublime, the ambiance easygoing, the staff extremely jovial and the tray of still-warm sea salt caramel rolls looked magnificent. If you do want to check out Starbucks in its ancestral home, skip Pike Place and instead head to the Starbucks Reserve Roastery & Tasting Room (www.roastery.starbucks.com), a large open warehouse-type space just west of Capitol Hill that showcases the past, present and future of its coffee. With roasting and brewing displays expounding the art and science of creating the perfect cup, and a menu of blends exclusive to that location, it’s worth the trek. There are restaurants on nearly every corner, but I found two worth noting in particular. Purple Café & Wine Bar (www. thepurplecafe.com) is a hip eatery featuring delectable wine pairings for every menu item (including dessert), gothic candle chandeliers and a giant circular wine rack that acts like a beacon in the centre of the two-level loft space. The second is Tilikum Place Café (www.tilikumplacecafe.com), a cozy brick-walled bistro in Belltown that gives off the friendly vibe that '80s-sitcom Cheers was famous for: where everybody knows your name. Both are excellent choices for a charming meal and not too spendy. Though, of course, the exchange added about 40 per cent to my bill, which was a little cringe-worthy when I checked my bank account. The close proximity of Seattle means that a one-nighter is easily feasible and even a day trip is an option if you want to save on accommodation costs and still indulge your inner foodie. Though I found it challenging to stay on budget, I still had a great time and highly recommend making the quick trip for your own epicurean adventure. Just wear your stretchy pants – trust me.
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Captain Gift and Fashion .......... 604-531-0706 General Paint ............................. 604-536-5747 Inside Story Fashions ................ 604-536-2848 International Gems ................... 604-536-3622 Jay’s Clock and Watch Repair ... 604-536-2599 Rewind ....................................... 778-294-1823 White Rock Eye Care .................. 604-538-6722
Dr. E. Lee Colfer - Dentist.......... 604-541-9790 Dr. Francoeur - Surgeon............. 604-535-0525 Dr. Forbes - Surgeon .................. 604-535-0525 Dr. Jogi Harrad - Psychiatrist ... 604-542-1190 Dr. W. Liang & Dr. H. Liang Dentists ...................................... 604-531-3344 Dr. Hugh Maguire Endodontist ................................ 604-531-3631 Dr. May Rane - Dentist ............. 604-538-1204 Dr. Gurwant Singh Neurologist ................................. 604-541-2860 Dr. Steven Stark - Podiatrist ...... 604-541-7666 Dr. Zig Strauts Cosmetic Laser & Vein Clinic .... 604-541-1053 Dr. Mark Turner Respirologist .............................. 604-531-5781 Windsor Square Chiropractic & Masage .................................... 604-535-1242 Dr. Jennifer Yu Acupuncturist ............................ 604-538-6117 International Travel Health & Vaccination Clinic .................. 604-541-2829
FOOD Roundtable Pizza ....................... 604-536-9800 Danica’s Bistro ............................ 604-541-3342 Kiki’s Restaurant ....................... 604-536-8244 Pikanik Creations ....................... 604-210-6585
1959 - 152ND STREET,
(between 19th & 20th Avenue)
White Sand Day Spa and Laser .. 604-538-0320 C&K Courtesy Cleaners ............. 604-538-8231 Concord Interiors ....................... 604-536-5598 Edward Jones ............................ 604-542-2270 Envision Insurance Services ...... 604-501-4279 Mandate Tours ........................... 604-542-5566 Medicine Shoppe ........................ 604-531-4400 Nexx Cut Barber ......................... 604-560-9960 Peace Arch Veterinary Clinic ..... 604-536-3131 She’s Fit! ..................................... 604-535-5411 Teezers European Hair Studio ... 604-538-4466
Live Well Medical & Exercise Clinic Medically Supervised Exercise & Lifestyle Programs: • Cardiology • Internal Medicine • Vascular Surgery ...................................................... 604-531-0888
White Rock Orthodontic Centre ......................................... 604-535-3028 White Rock Orthopaedic Sports Physiotherapy Clinic ........................................... 604-535-1412
PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ADISA Benefit Solutions Inc. .... 604-535-4200 BMO Nesbitt Burns.................... 604-535-4300 Combined Insurance .................. 604-531-8452 Gordon Hogg, MLA ................... 604-542-3930 Homelife Peninsula Property Management .............. 604-536-0220 Anton, Bryson & Schindler Chartered Professional Accountants LLP ... 604-531-0982 Peninsula Strata Management Inc. ...................... 604-385-2242 Raymond S. Bonter, Designer Ltd. ............................. 604-535-3322 Teck Engineering Inc. ................ 604-535-1117 Watkins Odendaal LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants ......... 604-531-4123 Yolo Medical Inc. ....................... 604-542-2200
INDULGE • Spring 2016 21
$125 i society OFF FRAMES
Expires: 07/15/2015 Expires: 10/31/2015
Confident. Refined. Stylish. EYE CARE CENTRE
$125 $125 MICHAEL KORS
OFF #137 -1959 152nd Street, South Surrey. t: 604.538.6722 e: whiterockeyecare@live.ca FRAMES Complete Eyelasses purchase necessary. See in store for details. Not valid with other offers.
Expires 04/30/2016
Confident. OFF FRAMES Refined. Stylish. Confident. Refined. Stylish.
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Expires: 07/15/2015 Expires: 10/31/2015
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Confident. Refined. Stylish.
Confident. Refined. Stylish.
#137 -1959 152nd Street, South Surrey. t: 604.538.6722 e: whiterockeyecare@live.ca GUCCI South Surrey. t: 604.538.6722 e: whiterockeyecare@live.ca Complete Eyelasses purchase necessary. See in store for details. Not valid with other offers.
137 152nd Street,necessary. South Surrey. t: store 604.538.6722 whiterockeyecare@live.ca ete -1959 Eyelasses purchase See in for details.e: Not valid with other offers. Complete Eyelasses purchase necessary. See in store for details. Not valid with other offers.
#137 -1959 152nd Street, South Surrey. t: 604.538.6722 e: whiterockeyecare@live.ca
Complete Eyelasses purchase necessary. See in store for details. Not valid with other offers.
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22 Spring 2016 • INDULGE Indulge Nov outlined.indd 1
15-11-02 3:07 PM
• Clockwise from top left: Attendees of the Surrey Fire Fighters' Charitable Society's Ignite a Dream event at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre wined and dined while raising close to $30,000 for the local program, which helps underprivileged children with education opportunities.
• Four-year-old Grace Farrer works on a LEGO masterpiece at Willowbrook Shopping Centre's Family Day celebrations Feb. 8.
†Cash incentives available only to cash customers on select new 2010 models and range from $2,500 on Civic DX Coupe MT to $6,000 on Odyssey Touring, with the following exception: Civic DX Sedan MT. Cash incentives will be deducted from the negotiated price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers. †Offers valid until August 31, 2010 and are subject to change without notice. Offers valid only for British Columbia residents at BC Honda Dealers locations. See your Honda dealer for full details.
• A crowd mingles at the official launch of Taste of White Rock Jan. 12 at BIN 101 Wine & Tapas Bar. The 18-day festival, sponsored by the White Rock Business Improvement Associtaion, featured more than 25 restaurants from around the city taking part.
• White Rock/South Surrey Hospice Society hosts the Hike 4 Hospice, May 1, 9 a.m. at Blackie Spit Park in Crescent Beach. Registration and pledge forms online at www.whiterockhospice.org • Celebrate Mother's Day at The Glades Garden, 561 172 St., May 8, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Featuring live music from the West Coast Strings among masses of rhododendrons in full bloom. Register online at www.surrey.ca or call 604-501-5100. • The Peace Arch Hospital and Community Health Foundation's annual gala returns May 14 to Centennial Arena, 14600 North Bluff Rd., with a brand-new 'Vintage Vegas' theme. Enjoy music, cuisine, casino games and a few Vegas-inspired surprises. Tickets online at www.pahfoundation.ca or by calling 604-535-4520.
• Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation's annual Denim & Diamonds Gala will be held at
Cascades Casino Resort, 20393 Fraser Hwy., on May 14. For more information and tickets visit www. lmhfoundation.com or call 604-533-6422.
LEASE& 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. at Bill Reid FINANCE Amphitheatre, 17728 64 Ave. Register online at www.relayforlife.ca ACT RATES NOW! $
• The Canadian Cancer Society's annual summer fundraiser, Relay for Life, returns to Surrey June 18,
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in the photos
*Should you find a lower advertised price within thirty (30) days before or after the purchase of qualifying tires from a participating Honda dealer, present the Honda dealer where you purchased or intend to purchase qualifying tires with proof of the advertised price and they will match the lower price. Offer does not apply to quotes or advertised prices from outside Canada, online auction sites, wholesalers, online retailers that have no physical stores in Canada, closeout/liquidation/clearance sales, advertising errors or misprints or restricted offers. Subject to stock availability. Qualifying tires must be purchased and installed at a participating Honda dealer in Canada. Advertised item must: (i) be an in-stock brand, excluding Bridgestone, be of the same brand, size, model, sidewall, speed and load rating; (ii) be sold through an authorized retailer located in Canada; and (iii) be in Canadian dollars. Lowest Price Guarantee does not apply to costs associated with labour, valve stems, mounting/balancing, disposal fees and taxes. Some restrictions apply. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Ask your Honda dealer for details.
INDULGE • Spring 2016 23