◆ Community Forum - pg 6 ◆ OARH Co-ordinator pg 7
◆ Council Notes - pg 2 ◆ Town Hall - pg 3
Published by Black Press Ltd at 150 West Columbia Street, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759
PHONE: 996-8482
WEDNESDAY, March 9, 2016
VOL. 38 NO. 02 $1.30 inc. GST
Syrian Refugee Group: all set for first fundraiser BARBARA LATKOWSKI Caledonia Courier
Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday, March 13, 2016, 2:00:00 AM clocks are turned forward 1 hour
Canada’s first wellness rewards program launches in B.C. VICTORIA - British Columbia residents who are making an effort to lead healthier lifestyles can now be rewarded with loyalty points such as Aeroplan, PetroPoints, Scene and MoreRewards, thanks to an innovative new mobile app called Carrot Rewards. The app, available first to B.C. residents, was launched today by Kamal Khera, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health, Terry Lake, Minister of Health for British Columbia, and Andreas Souvaliotis, founder and CEO of Social Change Rewards, at an event at the Parliament Buildings in Victoria, British Columbia. See more on page 3
Fort St. James is ready to do their part and welcome two Syrian families to their home town. And the Syrian Refugee Group of Fort St. James is ready as fundraising is underway. Only after four meetings, the group has already committed to sponsoring two Syrian families and budgeting is now in the works. Over 8 million Syrians have been displaced and 4 million have fled conflict and poverty in hope of finding a better future and a new opportunity elsewhere. About 25,000 refugees are set to arrive in Canada in 2016. “It’s all about making them feel safe,” said group member, Louise Evan-Salt. Evan-Salt has played an integral part in finding out more about the process of sponsorship through the Mennonite Central Committee who are based in Abbotsford B.C. This international organization has been approved for this purpose and it is keen to help various groups like the one in Fort St. James get through the sponsorship process. And with the situation being as desperate as it is, Fort St. James could see a Syrian family in the community within 1-4 months. But first, it’s all about money. The blended sponsorship program seems the most favored option as government assistance will be made available throughout the one year commitment. About $27,500 needs to be secured and ready before the process can even begin. Priorities such as a budget (for clothing, food, etc.) and housing must be presented as
Members of the Syrian Refugee Group are busily planning for the arrival of a Syrian Family into the Fort St. James community. Photos by Barbara Latkowski
Students at David Hoy Elementary school are doing their part by creating decorations for the first fundraising event set for March 19. well before applying for sponsorship. The group is committed and is now asking for donations and support from the community. The first Syrian refugee fundraising event will take place on March 19th. A Toonie Gift Basket Fundraiser is inviting anyone, including all local companies and organizations to donate a basket of gifts. The draw for the gift baskets will
2 01 5
TOLL FREE: 1-888-449-4029 250-567-4781
DL # 30423
take place at a pot luck ethnic dinner at the Fort St. James High School gym. Baskets are to be ready for collection on March 11. The ethnic dinner invites all to bring an ethnic dish to the school gym for a family night of food, fun and even some belly dancing, drumming, a performance by a Syrian Family from Prince George and face painting thrown in to complete the evening.
For more information, contact: Nancy at (250) 996-3671 nancyc2@telus. net Joyce at (250) 839-3134 The next Syrian Refugee Group meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday March 16 at the Fort St. James Public Library. All are welcome. The Caledonia Courier is proud to welcome the Syrian families to Fort St. James.
B LO W O U T 1473 HWY 16 EAST
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Caledonia Courier
Courier Fort St. James Council Meeting: Feb. 24
Mayor Rob MacDougall
Fort St. James Council held a meeting on Feb. 24. The following are some highlights and conclusions from that evening: Representative, Monica Grill from Nahounli Kennels provided a year-end report. In the last year, 57 percent of the dogs picked up were reclaimed in Fort St. James. About 14 percent went to the Humane Society and 20 percent were transported to either the SPCA in Prince George or
Councillor Brenda Gouglas
Petland. “Even though small, we work together with the Humane Society,” Grill said The Canadian Animal Association Team will be coming back for a third year from June 8-11 to provide inoculations. Fundraising for this took place on Feb. 29. Cupcakes were sold at David Hoy Elementary School to help support local animals. Minutes from The Key were included. The resource centre is currently going through a transition period. Minutes from the Housing Co-op and The Chamber of Commerce minutes were
Councillor Kris Nielsen
Councillor Dave Birdi
discussed. The Co-op Housing presentation took place on March 3 at the Seniors Centre in Fort St. James. District donated funds towards the Ski and Board Team. They will be competing in Fernie, B.C. District has agreed to acquire the old engine from the Fort St. James Fire Dept. A suitable space to accommodate the engine is currently being looked into. The truck will be restored. It is a 1962 International Pumper Truck which was originally purchased by the village of Fort St. James for use by the Fort St.
Councillor Brad Miller
James Volunteer Fire Dept. This was the first truck that the town ever bought brand new. The truck had a long career and was in service until the early 1990’s. Nak’azdli’s “Think Big Annual Career Fair will be held from May 6-7 at the Fort St. James Secondary School. The District of Fort St. James will provide a booth in support of the event. The event is set to benefit 350 students as vendors will attend to share information about job opportunities after graduation. Registration and sponsorship forms for the event are due no later than April 1.
District of Fort St. James Calendar Get acƟve in 2016!
Municipal Website:
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nakalbun
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nak’azdli
Easter Sunday
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nak’azdli
Easter Monday
Lunch Program @ The Anglican Church Women’s Support Group 1 pm info 8081/1214
District Office Closed
Women’s Support Group 1 pm info 8081/1214
5 9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nak’azdli
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nakalbun
19 Slush Cup & Bath Tub Races Fundraiser Dinner 6-9 Old Gym
9:30 Story Time at the Library
Good Friday
District Office closed
Council Meeting
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nakalbun
Lunch Program @ The Anglican Church Women’s Support Group 1 pm info 8081/1214
9:30 Story Time at the Library
Lunch Program @ The Anglican Church
Food Bank
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nak’azdli
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nakalbun
Lunch Program @ The Anglican Church Women’s Support Group 1 pm info 8081/1214
9:30 Story Time at the Library
Slush Cup & Bath Tub Races
Gym @ Nak’azdli Council Meeting Suffragette Movie, 6 pm at Community Centre March 21 Stuart Lake Community Foundation Golf Club AGM 7pm, AGM - 7pm at at club house Community Centre 6pm Music Makers Women’s Support Group Hall, Restorative Justice Theater/Panel info 0003 1 pm info 8081/1214
Daylight Savings Time Starts
9:30-11am Pre School Gym @ Nakalbun
9:30 Story Time at the Library
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.
Lunch Program 8@ The 9 9:30-11am Pre School 10 Anglican Church
7 TBar Everest Challenge Troll vs Murray Ridge
9:30 Story Time at the Library
Council would like to thank Lynda Currie, Louise Evans-Salt and Keith Playfair for their help with the remuneration committee Office: 477 Stuart Drive West
Telephone: 250-996-8233
Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames
Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A3
NEWS Town hall meeting with Nathan Cullen: Courier
What does Fort St. James need? BARBARA LATKOWSKI Caledonia Courier
Federal infrastructure spending plans are underway and MP Nathan Cullen is determined to hear what this means for residents in the Skeena Bulkley Valley riding. Cullen is currently in the first leg of a riding-wide town hall tour to speak with constituents about their priorities for future federal infrastructure spending. “It is fantastic that our communities were able to secure almost 13 percent of the funding allocated to the entire province for much-needed capital and capacity building projects,” Cullen said. The new federal government in Ottawa was elected on a promise to make major investments in towns and communities and as economic development ramps up in the northwest of B.C., Cullen wants support
from the federal government to repair roads and build stronger community infrastructure. So what are the priorities in Fort St. James? About 20 members of the community attended the meeting on Feb. 29 at the Seniors Centre and they were ready to share their ideas. Cullen, thrilled to see his riding receive close to $9.2 million of the $73 million of federal funding, was eager to hear what community members in Fort St. James had to say. Issues raised and needs presented included areas in: transportation, housing and health. Everyone who attended broke up into smaller groups and as they started to share, the ideas began to flow. Main priorities in Fort St. James include: the building of a new hospital, making transportation more
readily available in town, more opportunities for youth, environmental issues surrounding sewage, quality of water and road repair and connectivity and communication. “This is the beginning,” Cullen said. “We now have a starting point. You have contributed to the pitch. Now the government will know what’s needed.” Cullen will continue to hear from other constituents from all across the Skeena-Bulkley Valley as he continues his tour. “The infusion of federal funds to help Northwest communities build, upgrade or outright replace community infrastructure will really help to get some of these important projects off the ground,” Cullen said. “I want to recognise the hard work of municipal governments and staff for their roles in bringing this money to their communities.”
Nathan Cullen leads the Town hall meeting in Fort St. James on Feb. 29.
SPCA Humane Society Cupcake day: takes the cake James in June for the third year in a row. According to the vets and animal The national SPCA Humane health care technicians, there has Society Cupcake Day arrived on been amazing care given to the aniFeb. 29 at David Hoy Elementary mals in the community and that’s beSchool in Fort St. James. cause of the community. Whether white, chocolate or “We have given about 250 free gluten free, there was a wide asspay and neuters. We are very blessed sortment of tasty treats to choose Delicious cupcakes await at David Hoy El- to have such a compassionate and from. ementary school in support of the Humane caring team working for our pets,” Students licked their lips wait- Society. said Luisa Johnson, volunteer for the ing in line to have a taste in support Fort St. James Humane Society. help support the Canadian Animal Asof the animals in their community. “It was a fantastic day,” Johnson said. The David Hoy Humane Society Club sistance Team (CAAT). “It was a good sale with lots of volunThe team is set to come to Fort St. teers and we couldn’t have done it withthanks everyone who baked cupcakes to BARBARA LATKOWSKI Caledonia Courier
Wellness rewards program From front Four-time Olympian Simon Whitfield also joined the event to share his support for the initiative. More Canadians than ever are living with chronic diseases, with four out of five at risk of developing diseases, such as cancer, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Carrot Rewards provides users with incentives to increase their physical activity, eat better and quit smoking, with the goal of encouraging healthy lifestyle habits that help reduce the risks of developing a chronic disease. Users across the province who sign up for Carrot Rewards will be able to earn their choice of leading, brand-name loyalty points for completing activities centred on making healthier lifestyle choices. This can include anything from completing a health profile, to participating in learning activities and quizzes, and in later phases will include activities like going to the gym, visiting a flu clinic, or buying produce from the grocery store. The app is also designed to link up with wearable devices in later stages to track and reward healthy behaviour. Carrot Rewards is delivered through a partnership between the Public Health Agency of Canada, the B.C. Ministry of Health, Social Change Rewards, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Diabetes Association, and YMCA Canada. The app works on smartphones and is available free of charge on iTunes and Google Play, or by visiting: The Government of Canada is investing $5 million in this project, and the Government of British
Columbia has provided $2.5 million to the Canadian Cancer Society to work with the British Columbia Healthy Living Alliance to support the program in British Columbia. With funding from the private sector and other partners, this represents a total investment of over $15
million. In the next five years, Carrot Rewards is expected to expand to interested provinces and territories to reach millions of Canadians, encouraging them to participate in a variety of healthy living interventions that lead to a healthier lifestyle.
EVERYONE IS INVITED CNC 2016/17 BUDGET CONSULTATION SESSIONS CNC is undertaking its annual budget consultation process. The consultation provides an opportunity for community members to present their views on the 2016/17 College Budget. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes and written presentations will also be accepted. Date: Thursday, March 17, 2016 Time(s): 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Place: Room 1-306, Prince George Campus Registration for the consultation meetings opens 8:30 a.m. on Monday, March 7, 2016, closing Tuesday, March 15 at 4:30 p.m. To register, email; include the presenter, organization, name(s), contact information, and specify whether you wish to present during the afternoon or evening session. More information is available at under “Budget” tab.
College of New Caledonia B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A • C A N A D A • W W W . C N C . B C . C A
out the support of local businesses and special thanks go out to Gail Hiebert.” A total of $1,787.70 was raised to help support animals in Fort St. James.
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 91 (NECHAKO LAKES) PRE-REGISTRATION FOR KINDERGARTEN AND GRADE 1 Pre-registration for children who will be entering Kindergarten and Grade 1 in September 2015 will take place March 21 – 24, 2016 at the times listed below. NOTE: Students who will be entering Grade 1 in September 2016 and who are presently enrolled in Kindergarten need NOT register. VANDERHOOF
W.L. McLeod Elementary
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ecole W.L. McLeod Elementary 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. French Immersion
Mapes Elementary Evelyn Dickson Elementary Sinkut View Elementary
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
FRASER LAKE Mouse Mountain Elementary
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
FORT ST. JAMES David Hoy Elementary
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Kindergarten student must be Äve (5) years old by December 31, 2016. 2. Grade 1 students must be six (6) years old by December 31, 2016. 3. An adult must accompany each child. 4. Please bring the child(s) care card and birth certiÄcate. We encourage that immunizations be up-to-date prior to starting school. Inquiries regarding immunization can be made by contacting the Health Unit at 250-567-6900. TO ASSIST US IN STAFFING FOR THIS COMING SEPTEMBER, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR. IF YOU ARE UNSURE AS TO WHICH SCHOOL IS IN YOUR CATCHMENT AREA, PLEASE CONTACT THE NEAREST SCHOOL OR ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AT 250-567-2284.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Caledonia Courier
1 /
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
• Guest Editorial
Nathan Cullen: big vision for a small town BARBARA LATKOWSKI Caledonia Courier
For Nathan Cullen, it’s the smaller towns that make up the real backbone of Canada. “Towns like Fort St. James need support. They are the heart and soul of this country and they need attention,” Cullen said. The 43-year-old MP for Skeena Bulkley Valley continues to be a strong voice for the Northwest and British Columbia in Parliament. Cullen is currently in the first leg of a riding-wide town hall tour to speak with constituents about their priorities for future federal infrastructure spending. The MP led a Town hall meeting at the Seniors Centre in Fort St. James on Feb. 29. The new federal government in Ottawa was elected on a promise to make major investments in towns and communities and as economic development ramps up in the Northwest of B.C., Cullen wants support from the federal
government to repair roads and build stronger community infrastructure. Cullen, thrilled to see his riding receive close to $9.2 million of the $73 million of federal funding, was eager to hear what community members in Fort St. James had to say. For him, it’s all about making sure that smaller towns like Fort St. James continue to have a voice. “The infusion of federal funds to help Northwest communities build, upgrade or outright replace community infrastructure will really help to get some of these important projects off the ground,” Cullen said. “I want to recognise the hard work of municipal governments and staff for their roles in bringing this money to their communities.” “I feel hopeful that these needs reach reality. The first step is to make a connection. The second step is to work with local
municipalities and lastly, is taking community needs to the federal government to get prospects approved,” Cullen says. Cullen who was born in Toronto, Ontario, now enjoys small town living with his wife two 5-yr-old twin boys in Smithers, B.C. “The northwest of B.C. is so beautiful and rich. It’s not the people that make the land, the land makes the people. We are so lucky here. The land is powerful and rich and this is what makes people stronger,” Cullen said. “It’s important that towns like Fort St. James are heard. I want to see this money spent properly, not from Ottawa, but from the people on the ground.” Its towns like Fort St. James that matter most according to Cullen. “This town had great ideas. The people of Fort St. James care about their land and their community. I want to make sure that they continue to be heard.”
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Stop paying government workers to retire early Canadian Federation of Independent Business Vancouver – The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is calling for an end to the unfair and costly “bridge benefit” perk – a little known incentive for government workers who retire early. When workers in the private sector choose to take CPP/QPP early, they receive a lower benefit for the rest of their lives. For most public sector workers, however, the bridge benefit essentially ensures that they receive their full CPP/ QPP benefits even if they retire well before age 65. “Government workers already enjoy much more generous pension benefits than most Canadians could dream of,” said Dan Kelly, CFIB president. “Asking taxpayers to give even more so government workers can get those rich benefits sooner is, frankly, completely unfair.” The bridge benefit varies across
public sector pension plans and can benefit a typical government worker an amount in the range of $7,500 to $8,800 in 2015. In 2010-2011, about 55,000 federal civil servants received the perk at a total cost of more than $385 million to taxpayers. “With massive deficits ahead for most provinces and the federal government, making changes to this entitlement for the future could provide meaningful fiscal relief,” Kelly added. More than 80 per cent of public sector retirees who left the workforce between 2007-2011 did so before age 65, compared to 60 per cent of private sector retirees, and 47 per cent of self-employed. “It’s costing British Columbians a lot of money to allow public sector workers to retire earlier than those in the private sector,” said Richard Truscott, Vice-President, BC and Alberta. “The BC government should take a stand and ensure that all workers are treated equally.”
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A5
Women brought together in World Day of Prayer The service highlighted these girls and women: how they coped, their feelings, their prayers, their love of their country, and what they hoped for the future. This World Day of Prayer recognised the plight of these women and many women around the world. According to the Women’s InterChurch Council of Canada, the hope is that the many prayers of the world and for the Cuban people can be a rising light of support and love for them. The council began in Canada in 1918 when women representing the Anglican, Congregationalist, Methodist and Presbyterian women’s missionary societies met to discuss “united prayer and a stronger voice in national questions.” This meeting led to the first National Day of Prayer in Canada in 1920 and then became the World Day of Prayer in 1922. As an independent organization of Canadian Christian women, WICC is dedicated to ecumenism, women’s spiritual growth, women’s issues and social justice. The council coordinates the Canadian celebration of the World Day of Prayer. It was an evening full of joy, hope, solemnity, prayer and thankfulness, for all women of the world.
On March 4, women of different nationalities, backgrounds and cultures came together. They gathered together to celebrate women, a day dedicated to women and in honour of women. Women’s World Day of Prayer was celebrated at Our Lady of the Snows Roman Catholic Church in Fort St. James. All denominations were welcome. World Day of Prayer was begun by women in Canada and the United States in 1922. It is now celebrated and observed in over 170 countries throughout the world. Those who participated in this year’s World Day of Prayer service joined in worship with Christians around the world in almost 2,000 communities. The World Day of Prayer is facilitated by the World Day of Prayer International Committee which meets every five years to discuss upcoming themes and countries for upcoming services. The theme this year was Cuba: its culture, history, the economic and political struggles and the struggles of various girls and women within the country.
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Photo by Barbara Latkowski
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Women’s World Day of Prayer was held on March 4, at Our Lady of the Snows Roman Catholic Church in Fort St. James.
VANDERHOOF Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op - Grocery Co-op Mall - Lobby Vanderhoof Co-op - C-Store Extra Foods Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road Sob Lake Road Redfern Drive Sinkut Frontage Road Kenny Dam & Lakes Road J&S Restaurant
CLUCULZ LAKE BROOKSIDE RESORT FRASER LAKE Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Building Supplies ENGEN Engen Road Giesbrecht Frontage Road FORT FRASER Fort Fraser Petro Can FORT ST JAMES Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Lakeside Pharmacy
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Caledonia Courier
Fort St. James and Nak’azdli Whut’en Community Forum: keeping community together BARBARA LATKOWSKI Caledonia Courier
Both Fort St. James District and Nak’azdli Whut’en got together to help better understand each other’s roles within the Fort St. James community. The forum invited a number of students from Fort St. James Secondary High school who were there to learn, ask questions and voice their opinions. “This was a great bringing together of both sides,” Fort St. James Councillor, Brenda Gouglas said. “It was so great to have the students participate, to learn more about what municipal government does and why it’s so important.” Presentations on both municipal government and band governments were given. District Councillor, Kris Nielsen offered information about the “Action Team” on Social Health and Resources in Nak’azdli and in Fort St. James. A Truth and Reconciliation presentation and discussion was also given by Chief Justa Monk and Nicholette Prince. Dinner at Murray Ridge followed in celebration of the day’s events.
Gary Miller, Nak’azdli Band member and manager of Carrier Food and Fuel was excited about all of the new people on board. “It was so good to see all of the young people. And it’s exciting to see and meet all the new people in government. It’s a good feeling. Things are happening.”
Fort St. James Secondary School students: Krista Best, Sarah Sampson and Amanda Geernaert took part in and filmed the Fort St. James/ Nak’azdli Whut’en Community Forum.
Shirts were available for all participants to mark the event. Photos by Barbara Latkowski
Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letter may be e-mailed to:
59 athletes from the North West competed at the 2016 BC Winter Games bringing home 13 medals. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos, and results at BCGAMES.ORG
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A7
NEWS New OARH (Organizing Against Racism and Hate) Courier
coordinator looks forward to increasing awareness in celebration of diversity in Fort St. James cerned. “It encompasses everyone,” Hilland says. “I grew up in a very sheltered environment. It wasn’t culturally diverse. The more I was exposed at university and beyond, the more I realised what a rich tapestry B.C. is and I’ve seen people not as excepting of diversity,” she said. “We should not be threatened by it. We should celebrate it.” Safe Harbour workshops are expected to be offered in April or May. If you are interested in either participating in the Leadership Advisory Committee or in taking the Safe Harbour training, please contact OARH Coordinator, April Hilland at the Learning Hub at: (250) 996-7078 or at:
“It’s all about finding ways in which these issues can be addressed to help make our community safer,” - April Hilland BARBARA LATKOWSKI Caledonia Courier
For April Hilland, her new role as OARH (Organizing Against Racism and Hate) is not about reinventing the wheel, but about continuing the valuable projects and conversations that her predecessors left behind. “I love how this is all about putting barriers up and not about tearing barriers down,” Hilland says. Hilland, who began her new role in February, is thrilled with what prospects lie ahead. The B.C. government, through EmbraceBC, has awarded a grant to the College of New Caledonia to continue awareness and understanding of ethnic, social, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity in Fort. St. James. According to Hilland, this isn’t new funding. CNC has received funding for this purpose since 2010 through EmbraceBC. April Hilland is excited about her new role as OARH program coordinator. “It’s all about finding ways in Photo by Barbara Latkowski which these issues can be addressed network with businesses so that we can training as well as help draw in new orto help make our community safer,” have these important conversations that ganizations and individuals,” Hilland Hilland said. said. Hilland will be working closely with we don’t normally have.” Another focus of the OARH program The goal of offering this training is the Leadership Advisory Committee, an established group of organizations and is the delivery of the Safe Harbour train- two-fold according to Hilland. “It recognises the effort that busiindividuals who work collaboratively ing to businesses, organizations and nesses and organizations make to supto find new ways to address incidents community members. In 2013, CNC hosted Safe Harbour port diversity and inclusion as well as of racism and hate by actively helping training to 15 individuals who repre- prepare employees and worksites as to community capacity and skills. “My goal is to develop a standard sented various businesses and organiza- how to provide support and an immediate safe place for someone experiencing and easy to follow community protocol tions in the Fort St. James area. “My hope is that those businesses discrimination.” to respond to an incident of racism or who were part of the training will want For Hilland, it’s not just about stophatred in Fort St. James,” Hilland said. to recertify as a Safe Harbour location ping racism. It can also include issues “This allows us to bring resources into the community and to connect and by participating in the newly developed where gender roles and ageism are con-
Volunteer OpportuniƟes! Looking for a rewarding volunteer experience that makes a real diīerence in your community? Join MADD Fort St. James its work to save lives and support vicƟms of impaired driving. A number of volunteer opportuniƟes are available. Contact us today to Įnd out more. Email:
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Caledonia Courier
NEWS Support group offering women help in Fort St James Courier
Have you ever experienced abuse? Has your mental or physical health been affected as a result of abuse? If your answer is yes, then there is a support group in Fort St. James waiting for you.
All women are welcome. The program is being hosted by the Fireweed Safe Haven in Fort St. James. Fireweed’s house manager, Talia Wyssen is looking forward to another successful program. “We’ve already had one successful experience and we are looking forward to anoth-
er,” Wyssen said. “Women who experience violence are often confronted with mental health issues and addiction. These are things that often follow.” “We are hoping that women come and are able to gain some meaningful relationships and connections.” The 16 week program begins on March 8
at 1pm at 477 Stuart Drive W., in the District Office basement. Coffee, tea and snacks will be served and if you require transportation, it can be arranged. For more information or if you would like to take part in the support group contact: Talia at: (250) 996-8081 or Pearl at (250) 996-1214.
Vanderhoof authors book launch each are more — more amazing then we may give ourselves credit.” The proposed strategy is a way for people to handle daily stress by tapping into their own inner wisdom, he explained. “To get to that inner wisdom and to begin to minimize that personal stress load, can be simply a matter of learning how to take actions that balance our best sense of who we are and who we want to become — our best sense of self gained out of a lifestyle balance,” Blattner said.
VIVIAN CHUI Omineca Express
This season, a Vanderhoof author proposes a self-empowering strategy based on the principles of quantum mechanics — the study of tiny particles — for scientists and nonscientists alike. Along with fellow author Vicky Ford, who introduced her new children’s book series at the event, Jeremy Blattner launched on Feb. 17 evening his first book Out of the Quantum Closet to over 50 friends and family at Vanderhoof Public Library. “I believe we’re made of feelings…all of us are blobs of feelings in this reality,” Blattner said. “Each of us is free to choose how we feel.” With audience volunteers whose emotional tags — including stress, love, and expectation — are exchanged with those of other volunteers as they encounter each other, Blattner demonstrated the idea that people are made of energy, in constant motion. In a room filled with people, for example, different vibes and feelings are transferred among people like mingling atoms and molecules, he explained. “We are autonomous and connected at the same time,” Blattner said. “Feelings are made of energy, and our actions are motivated by how we feel.” In another exercise, volunteers were given flashlights to either shine on their own or in one location. “The flashlight represents your own light within,” he said. “Where you shine your energy reflects your beliefs.” Lights shone together can be likened to shared perspec-
Ford: six children’s books to come
tives. “When we focus our lights, we show cultural beliefs,” Blattner said. “The brighter the object, the stronger the evidence for your reality. “There’s a lot of us looking at the reflection, but forgetting our inner light, if we shine autonomously.” With stories to explain various concepts of empowerment, the book is a 25-year quest written for three reasons, he explained. “To feel better, to satisfy my curiosity, and to share with others awesome stuff about how to reduce and manage stress,” Blattner said. “All of this time and searching has led me to understand that it is a matter of believing that we
Also at the evening book launch was Vicky Ford, Vanderhoof’s resident contributing author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels Among Us. Introducing her latest project of children’s books including Does a Lizard Have a Gizzard and Today I Am a Monkey, the inspiration of which came from her grandson Max, Ford told the audience that she looks to launch six books at once in May this year. Ford’s past work also includes a series of two books titled From Bitchy To Bitchin’: 13 Tips to be Happy Now, as well as adult colouring books and colouring journals for selfreflection. Having moved to Vanderhoof when she was seven years old, Ford have always loved reading since she was little, she explained. “My mother told me, “Books off the table,’” Ford said. “I was the one who propped up a math textbook to hide a trashy novel.”
Premiers do the carbon shuffle TOM FLETCHER Black Press
Premier Christy Clark had her dancing shoes on as yet another “climate change” meeting ended in disarray in Vancouver last week. “This is not the end,” Clark assured reporters after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the premiers emerged with no agreement on a national minimum carbon price. No kidding. Trudeau declared victory by announcing the unanimous consent to a “Vancouver Declaration,” which basically pays lip service to the concept of “carbon pricing” and kicks another grand federal election promise down the road. As the rest headed for jets waiting at Vancouver airport, Clark expressed the hope that the public would say “they got together and they made progress.” Did they? Let’s take a look. Going into the Whistler-Vancouver stop on Trudeau’s globe-trotting glamour tour, Clark correctly noted that it’s other provinces that need to make progress. B.C. has a clear price on carbon emissions; it’s been held at $30 a tonne since Clark succeeded its creator, Gordon Campbell. Clark’s advice for other premiers is to follow Campbell’s example of a
revenue-neutral carbon tax, offset by income tax reductions. You won’t build public support for a carbon tax that makes people poorer, she said. Of course that’s what Alberta is doing, at a time when many residents are getting poorer already. Alberta’s NDP government plans to match the rate of B.C.’s carbon tax within two years and spend the proceeds. Other premiers have more creative definitions for pricing carbon. Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil pointed to transmission lines and power purchases from the Muskrat Falls dam under construction in Labrador, to substitute hydro for coal-fired power. The highest electricity prices in Canada are their “carbon pricing” plan. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall pointed to SaskPower’s Boundary Dam carbon capture and storage project. It is the world’s first coal-fired power station to capture carbon dioxide after combustion. The CO2 is sold to oilfield operators who inject it into declining wells to push more oil out, and the project intends to capture sulphur dioxide and fly ash to process and sell for other industrial uses. Wall is the only Canadian leader to state a couple of inconvenient truths. The purpose of this exercise is to reduce carbon emissions, not to raise tax
revenues. And now is the worst possible time to impose more taxes on the oil and gas industry. Clark’s stand-pat strategy on the B.C. carbon tax is going to change this year, as positioning begins for the 2017 election. A B.C. government advisory panel has recommended a 33 per cent increase, conveniently starting in 2018, with annual increases after that. The current seven-cent-per-litre carbon tax on gasoline sold in B.C. is hardly a deterrent these days, as pump prices have tumbled and could stay low for years to come. And with a fragile economy, it seems unlikely that a big boost in carbon taxes will find favour with voters a year from now. The B.C. NDP is trying to rebuild its credibility on climate policy. NDP leader John Horgan tried to revise the party’s history, claiming in year-end interviews that the NDP didn’t oppose the carbon tax, only making it revenue neutral rather than spending the money on green initiatives, as Alberta wants to do. Alas, the NDP’s “axe the tax” campaign going into the 2009 election is a matter of record. The party’s election platform warned that Campbell’s plan “increases taxes for average families by tripling the gas tax” to its current level. Last week the NDP issued a news
release denouncing Clark for presiding over increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Tom Fletcher is B.C. legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Email: tfletcher@ Twitter: @tomfletcherbc
OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)
SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. MAURINE BARZANTNI, SR.RENEE RICHIE, SR. DIVINA PEDRO 250-996-2275
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A9
Vanderhoof celebrating 90 years Fort St. James celebrating 210 years
The rush to the gold fields The rush to the Omineca gold fields began in the spring of 1869. In July of 1870 coarse gold was found in Germansen River. It was to become the heaviest producer in the area. A mining town known by the name of Artic City, Omineca City or Germansen soon appeared. It was a typical mining camp with about 20 log cabins and several make-shift stores and saloons. By that fall, a total of $55,000 in gold had been recovered from the nearby diggings. (Gold was worth much, much less than todays value). The following summer, another strike was made south of Germansen on Manson River, prospectors streamed to the area and soon found that many of the nearby creeks
also carried gold The sluices and rockers were soon operating and the results were excellent. “Twelve Foot” Davis of Cariboo fame, mined 140 ounces in a single week, and many averaged 100 ounces per week. At the height of the boom in 1871, the entire area was alive with an estimated 1,200 miners on the creeks. As in all mining camps, there were price gougers, and by the end of August of that year many of the miners left, unwilling to pay the exorbitant prices, and fearful of the coming Omineca winter. By winter only a handful of miners remained. Germansen River produced almost $500,000 during the boom days. In 1987,
a 27 ounce nugget was found by the Craton Company. Manson River, like Germansen and most of the placer creeks in the area, was renowned for its coarse gold. Nuggets of two ounces were quite usual on most of the creeks before 1900, but, as in other gold rushes throughout history, some made it and some didn’t. The lure of gold did not diminish with time as during the Great Depression, “Gold Fever” struck once again. Men once more ventured north to seek their fortunes. Several large companies employed many of the local people and supplies and equipment were freighted in to the north. Times were hard during those days, but
the men were tough and willing. There were many hardships to be encountered, as men worked long and hard for the meagre pay they received, but in most cases they were glad for the chance to earn a few dollars. Many were the men who walked every mile from Vanderhoof to Fort St. James, and then to Germansen, only to return without having found work. Of all the mines in operation during the Depression years, one did remain operating. It was the old Germansen Ventures at Germansen, which had been taken over by George Loper in the late 30’s and had been run as a family operation for many years. It was operated as Northgain Minerals.
Bits n’ pieces... Nechako Chronicle 1928 School Division Two Report The following is the monthly report for May of Division Two of the Vanderhoof Superior School, examined by Mrs Arthur M. Johnston, the teacher. Grade Two: First, Jack Roberts; second, Muriel Mitchell; third, Alvin Stokes. Grade Five: First, Stella Roberts; second, Garry Cook; third, Ruth Docking. Grade Six: First, Florence Docking; second, Eileen Mitchell; third, Harold Jones. Grade Seven: First, Murray Page; second, Jean Docking; third: Jessie Embley. *** Fire at Hulatt We regret to report that John W. Sackner lost his house on his Hulatt farm by fire last Sunday. He was at the barn attending to the stock when he first noticed flames coming from the upper part of the house. He rushed to the flaming building and managed to get a few things out, although it was hopeless to save the house, and the principal household effects. We have been informed the loss was partially covered by insurance. *** Radio owners in this District who have not yet paid their license are requested to do so without delay. The fee is one dollar. *** One of the fastest trips made between Vancouver and Vanderhoof was made
last weekend. Mr. R.C. McCorkell left the south coast on the Friday night train for Ashcroft where he entered his Mclaughlin automobile early Saturday morning and arrived home last night (Sunday). *** Under the auspices of the Nechako Farmer’s Institute the annual farmers’ picnic will be held next Thursday on the farm of William Smith, three miles north of Vanderhoof, well known as the Fred Borhaven farm. Seeding is over and the prospects for an abundant harvest look unusually bright, so the forthcoming picnic is a good time to take a holiday and make merry. The Vanderhoof Superior School will be closed for the occasion, and will be in session on Saturday to do Thursday’s work. Everyone is invited to attend this picnic. *** 1951 Nechako Chronicle The start of Kenney Dam Bulldozers working on Nechako Dam Road link may reach within five miles of the dam site today. Marking the start of actual construction work on a mighty hydro-electric project for the $500,000,000 Aluminum Company of Canada plant at Kitimat, two bulldozers owned by Campbell and Johnson, of Vanderhoof are today probing their way through light bushland south-west of Vanderhoof. Latest reports are that the two machines may reach within five miles of their goal today – site of a big dam on the lower Nechako River which
will turn westward the huge Eacha – Eutsuk, Tahtsa waterways system and impound millions of tons of water to create cheap power for the Kitimat producer. The Vanderhoof-Nechako supply road follows the old main highway to Fort Fraser as far as Nulki Lake. From there the road veers south for five miles to the Greer Valley road leading to the Hobson Ranch, bypassing a narrow, winding stretch of existing road through Bearhead hills. The road follows the Nechako River to the dam site.
Two years ago when the Alcan project was first mooted, a bulldozer plazed a trail over the route now being followed, and little difficulty should be experienced in constructing an all-year road for transporting the large quantity of equipment and material which will be required to build the Nechako dam. *** 1956 Nechako Chronicle
propulsion – the diesel locomotive – pulled through Vanderhoof early Wednesday morning. Canadian National Railways carried out a test run of its double-unit, 3,200 hp diesels on the Smithers Division, which includes Prince Geroge. It is reported that the CNR line servicing this town from both east and west will be completely dieselized by 1957. The locomotives left the yards here with 59 loaded cars.
CNC tests diesel motive power on Jasper-Prince Rupert run Sample of the latest in railway
Nechako Chronicle 1977
The Vanderhoof Herald 1918
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Caledonia Courier
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 9, 2016
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Legal Notices
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING District of Fort St. James Municipal Council proposes to adopt a bylaw to amend the permitted uses in the “Social Services/Congregate Care” (I-4) zoning district. The bylaw adds “Dwelling units for rental use consistent with other permitted uses” and “Thrift store or gift store consistent with other permitted uses” to the list of permitted uses in the I-4 zoning district. This bylaw, if adopted, may affect future uses of all properties in the I-4 zoning district, but it will not change the present zoning designation of any property. At present there is only one parcel zoned I-4, located at 241 2nd Ave West. The owner of 349 Stuart Drive West may apply for rezoning to I-4 once the amendment is adopted. Copies of the proposed amending bylaw may be viewed at the District Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, from March 2 to 23, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays. A public hearing on the proposed bylaw will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. All persons who believe their interest in property will be affected by the proposed amendments will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Kevin Crook Chief Administrative Officer
Stop Bullies in their Tracks! A11
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Caledonia Courier
Above - Andrew Kuzli and Dave Birdi, president of the Seniors Association, enjoy a potluck dinner in celebration of the seniors in Fort St. James. Left - Community members take a peek at site plans of the new co-op housing complex. Centre - Pete Valk, gave a presentation regarding progress made in moving the co-op housing project ahead. Photos by Barbara Latkowski
Co-op Housing Presentation: in support of the future of seniors in Fort St. James BARBARA LATKOWSKI Caledonia Courier
A potluck Dinner at the Seniors Recreation Centre on March 3 brought out a full crowd. Following dinner, a co-op presentation by Pete Valk was given on behalf of the Stuart Lake Co-op Housing Board. The presentation was aimed to discuss substantial progress made in moving the co-op housing project ahead and allowed for any questions to be voiced by seniors in the community. “It’s all about being able to provide affordable housing to seniors in Fort St James,” Valk said. According to Valk, a demographic survey concludes that rural Canada is getting older. “In Fort St James, we just don’t have enough housing for our seniors,” Valk said. “We need to find housing here, to keep them in town and with their families.” In an effort to make this happen, a site has been agreed upon and in 2015
a concept design and business plan began to take shape. A 16 unit building is in the plans with a $3 million budget expected. “We need to raise $900,000 in order to make this happen,” Valk said. The project is currently under construction by Ouellette Bros. from Fort St. James. Units could be made available to seniors as early as April, 2016. Pledge sheets were handed out at the presentation for interested seniors to state what type of unit they might be interested in, availability and other additional comments. Site planes were also available for anyone to take a peek and get an idea of what the end project will look like. “There are still many options to explore but the key here is to be able to provide a place for seniors so that they know they have a place to go if anything happens,” Valk said. For anyone interested in viewing a unit or if you have any questions and would like more information, contact: Pete Valk at:
Community Events Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** Holy Trinity Anglican Church are holding their Prime Rib Dinner on Friday, Feb 26 at the Evelyn Hall from 5-8pm. Accompanied by roast potatoes, yorkshire puds and veggies. All are welcome! *** We are looking forward to the 38TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE PERFORMING ARTS!... Dates are March 7- 20, 2016 and will be held at Nechako Valley Secondary School. Monday March 7, Speech Arts. Friday March 11, Strings. Monday March 14- Thursday March 17, Piano. Please check the website at www. for program details *** MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE... advocating for better services in our communities, such as: housing, counseling, education and job opportunities. Meetings held on the second Thursday of each month via – video conferencing from the communities of; Burns Lake, Fraser Lake, Granisle, Ft. St. James, Southside and Vanderhoof. 1:30 – 3:00. In Vanderhoof meetings are held in the boardroom at the hospital. Clients, family members and community partners are invited to attend. Your
voice is IMPORTANT. For more info on the committee and it’s works contact: Heather @ 250692-7500. Or your Mental Health Service Provider *** VOLUNTEER WITHIN YOUR COMMUNITY!...Are you or anyone you know interested in becoming a volunteer? No matter your age or your interests, there are plenty of opportunities for you or your family members to volunteer within our community. At Volunteer Fort St. James we assist local non-profit organizations in recruiting volunteers and assist volunteers to find an organization(s) they want to work with. If you chose to become a volunteer you are in control. You get to choose the event(s) you volunteer for, how often you volunteer and how much time you’d like to volunteer. Volunteers are not obligated to volunteer for any opportunities, no questions asked. It is as simple as that! If you’d like to become a volunteer, when opportunities become available you have the option to be notified by email, or you can check out our Facebook page at or stop by the Volunteer Fort St. James Office Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 – 12:30 pm. You can sign up today to become a volunteer at www.volunteerfsj. ca. For more information you can e-mail us at volunteerfsj@telus. net or call us at 250-996-8284 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11:30 – 12:30 pm). *** STUART LAKE OUTREACH GROUP FOOD BANK SCHEDULE... is the third Wed of each month: 10:00 am to noon at the Food Bank behind St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, Stuart Drive. Volunteers needed. Call 250-567-6744. Food Bank needs canned meals, beans, stews, soups, tuna, salmon, sandwich meats, pasta and sauce,
tea, coffee, toilet paper, canned milk, cereals, etc. At this time we have lots of sugar! Thank you for your generosity. *** UNTOLD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email *** FIREWEED STOPPING THE VIOLENCE & OUTREACH SERVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** STUART LAKE OUTREACH GROUP... hosts a free hot lunch each Tuesday from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the space behind St. Patrick’s Anglican Church. Meals are served by members of area churches and other volunteers from the community. We wish to thank all those who assist by cooking, serving, and cleaning up. Your help is invaluable. We also host a free Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day to all who are lonely or in need. Volunteers for these programs are needed. Please call Gwen at 250-567-6744. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCH & RESCUE... New members are welcome, training is provided for more information please contact Paul at 250-996-7478 or Rod at 250-996-3231 *** FORT ST. JAMES PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30
Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** AUXILIARY TO STUART LAKE HOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** NECHAKO VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAP AND HANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact (Sue) at 250-996-7728 (h) for more information. *** MUSIC MAKERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Heike Fonda at 250-996-7006 for more info. *** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** AA MEETINGS...Thursdays at 8:00pm. United Church on 2nd Ave West. Call 250-996-8290 for more information. *** FIREWEED SAFE HAVEN...a safe place for women and their children leaving violence or abuse. 24 hour access - please call 996-8000. *** FORT ST. JAMES PARENT ADVISORY...3rd Tuesday every month 7 p.m. at High School.