Ladysmith Chronicle, March 09, 2016

Page 1

Chronicle The

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Serving Ladysmith, Chemainus and area

Cowichan Valley business feeling confident... P. 10

Logs Away

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Ladysmith skier wins gold... P. 7

The Hercules created a splash at the entrance to Ladysmith Harbour recently, unloading 17,000 cubic meters of ‘mixed species’ timber, destined for sorting at Western Forest Product’s Burlieth water sort opposite Ladysmith. The wood was loaded in Gold River, and will eventually be processed at WFP’s Ladysmith and Saltair mills, or made available for local resale. The Ladysmith and Saltair mills are both located in Ladysmith Harbour. The Ladysmith Mill, built in 1967, specializes in small logs; the Saltair Mill, built in 1972, processes multi-species, mid-sized logs and is “capable of filling a diversified order file for high-quality Western Red Cedar, Hemlock and Douglas fir products.” Stay tuned to a future edition of the Chronicle for a story on the Burlieth water sort. Craig Spence

Hot housing market ups Ladysmith values too Craig Spence the chronicle

Red hot real estate markets in Vancouver and Victoria are causing a temperature rise in the Cowichan Valley, too, says the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB). VIREB Past President Jason Finlayson said, “We’re definitely moving into a seller’s market here in the spring.” A domino effect is taking place, with home buyers looking outside the hyper-expensive Vancouver market to Victoria, then – when they discover housing prices on the tip of the Island on the rise – farther north.

The benchmark price for a layson said. “This year the buyers single family home in Duncan, at came out of the gate right after $303,800, compared very favor- January.” ably to the same house in Victoria Home sales doubled in at $525,000 in January of this year. Ladysmith this January comWith that kind of a differential pared to 2015, up from 6 to 13. “they’ll make the decision to drive “You’re probably getting more for over the Malahat,” Finlayson you buck in Ladysmith,” he said. said. “They’ll see the price differIsland-wide February saw a 44 ential between Victoria and the per cent increase in single-famCowichan Valley and they will ily home sales, and VIREB says look here and buy.” there are “no signs of the marAdding to the upward pressure ket slowing down.” This Februin Cowichan Valley, and else- ary 407 single family homes sold, where, is low inventory, and ‘pent compared to 258 last February. up demand.’ Another factor in the brisk marNormally home buyers be- ket is B.C.’s strong economy, comgin their searches in the spring. pared to the rest of Canada, said “That’s when you expect your the B.C. Real Estate Association’s activity to start happening,” Fin- chief economist Cameron Muir.

Beyond Your Expectations

“Some of what we’re seeing is pent-up demand spilling over from 2015, which saw record sales,” says Muir. “We’re anticipating that 2016 will be another busy year, but do expect activity to taper off somewhat in the latter half.” VIREB President Margo Hoffman said a new trend has been noted, with young buyers migrating to the Island. “We’re beginning to see some migration from Vancouver that isn’t retirement-focused,” she said. “An interesting development we’re watching is younger professionals who are trading in their homes for a significantly nicer property on Vancouver Is-

land and then commuting to their jobs on the Lower Mainland.” Hoffman said that the VIREB market is firmly in seller’s territory, with limited inventory continuing to be a challenge. She said savvy sellers may want to take advantage of market conditions. “We’re seeing multiple offers in many transactions throughout the board area because there are more buyers than sellers,” said Hoffman. “If you’ve been thinking about selling, it’s a perfect time to do so because there are lots of people who will want your home.” Finlayson concurred, adding that he has experienced multiple sales offers.

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2 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wednesday, March 9, 2016 3


News Briefs Chronicle in the running for ‘Excellence” award

Everyone at the Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is keeping their fingers crossed, looking to May 7. That’s when the BC & Yukon Community Newspaper Association will announce the winners of the Ma Murray Awards at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond. The Chronicle is up for the Newspaper of Excellence award in its circulation category, along with the Oliver Chronicle and the Revelstoke Review. “Twenty-sixteen was a tough year in community newspapers, but you wouldn’t know it based on the entries we received this year,” says a BCYCNA release. “Over and over we heard the same things from judges, along the lines of, ‘It’s wonderful how much great work is still out there. Clearly community newspapers in BC and Yukon are alive and well.” We’re hoping our readers will send some good vibes our way in the coming weeks, so that the next story you’ll read on this theme will be under a headline with our name in first place. “We’re honoured to be up against Oliver and Revelstoke,” Publisher Teresa McKinley said, “and wish them all the best heading into the finals, too.” More than 30 Black Press publications were up for awards, along with the Chronicle.

Correction In our article Kutaj Family donate screen to the Ladysmith Legion 171 in last week’s issue of the Chronicle, Ben Kutaj was referred to as Ben Bronislaw. Actually Bronislaw was Ben’s given name in Polish, not his surname. The donation was in memory of Ben Kutaj. Our apologies to Ben’s family members, and his colleagues and friends at the Legion.

Communities tire of waiting for E&N

Island Corridor Foundation asked to update North Cowichan council Craig Spence THE CHRONICLE

North Cowichan isn’t the only municipality or government getting more than a little impatient, waiting for their train to arrive along the weedy rails of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway. For a growing number of people time has run out. Take Bev Highton, for example, a Victoria letter writer to the Times Colonist, responding to a defense of the Island Corridor Foundation by View Royal Mayor David Screech. The ICF maintains the E&N right of way and is working with adjacent municipalities, regional districts and First Nations trying to figure out what to do with the line, which hasn’t had anything but service vehicles running along most its length since 2011. Highton agreed with the importance of preserving the line as a transportation corridor for A dayliner hasn’t been seen on the E&N line since 2011. ALASDAIR MCLELLAN, WIKIPEDIA the Island; she took umbrage with the ICF’s ‘ineffective and money and time consuming’ ap- what it sees as the ICF’s wrong-headed way of upgrades – only a fraction of the $103 million proach. needed to effectively repair the line. going about things, is going even farther. “There are any number of options for the use It’s with that pot boiling that North Cowichan In December the Snaw-Naw-As First Nation, of the corridor that should be explored other north of Nanaimo, filed a suit against the ICF council has invited representatives of the Isthan doing nothing, thinking that the provincial seeking the return of traditional land that was land Corridor Foundation and the Southern or federal governments will provide the funds taken in the 20th Century for use by the rail- Railway to come and “provide Council with an to re-establish a train running the length of the road. update on the likelihood and timing of the recorridor,” she said. They argue that since the land is no longer sumption of freight and passenger rail service She adds, “perhaps a special, small, nimble, used or needed for railway purposes, it should on Vancouver Island.” out-of-the-box-thinking type of planning com- be returned for their own use from the ICF and As of early March, the invitation had not been mittee should be established to come up with the Southern Railway of Vancouver Island, the taken up. Said North Cowichan Mayor Jon Lefeconcepts and ideas for the use of the corridor ‘operator’ of the ICF line. bure, “I can advise that invitations were sent to as a valuable transportation right-of-way, rathThe Snaw-Naw-As legal action has side- both Island Corridor Foundation and the Souther than have it lying fallow and languishing in tracked the federal government’s $7.5 million ern Railway of Vancouver Island to present at Never-Never Land.” share of $21 million pledged by senior and a future Council meeting. At this point, neither One group along the right of way, tired of local levels of government for needed track organization have responded to the requests.”

Nanaimo to Duncan chase ends in arrests Craig Spence

Wakesiah Ave. near Second Street shortly before 4 p.m. “They fired multiple shots into the vehicle, struck another vehicle and also struck a house,” said Cst. Gary O’Brien, Nanaimo RCMP spokesperson. The lone occupant of the targeted vehicle was not injured. Two of the injured officers were from the Ladysmith Detachment Commander Staff Sgt. Ken Brissard told the Chronicle, but one was back on duty next day and the other was expected back shortly. Two Ladysmith detachment vehicles were damaged – one here and one in Duncan – “when the suspects rammed them.” One person, who happened to be stopped at the intersection of Highway 1 and First Ave. in Ladysmith, said people were shocked when the

chase flew by in the southbound lane, heading into the Esplanade. Moments later an unmarked police car, trying to enter the highway and join the pursuit from First Ave., lost control and slammed into a street light standard. The passenger in that vehicle was helivaced to Vancouver. Duncan RCMP were unable to deploy a spike belt near Drinkwater Road due to heavy traffic, but the fleeing car was eventually stopped and the two suspects taken into custody without incident at about 5 p.m. Chandi and Aujla have been remanded in custody and are scheduled to appear in court March 11. Charges include: dangerous operation of a motor vehicle; failure to stop for police; discharge of a firearm while being reckless; and attempted murder.

RCMP vehicles box in the suspects’ car in Duncan after a high speed chase down Highway 1, which passed through Ladysmith, where an unmarked RCMP vehicle collided with a street light standard.

Police inspect a vehicle punctured with bullet holes in Nanaimo. CHRIS BUSH / THE NEWS BULLETIN


Two men have been charged with attempted murder, and a string of other offenses, after a drive-by shooting attempt in Nanaimo led to a wild chase down the Island Highway to Duncan, where the pair was finally arrested. RCMP from three detachments were involved in the chase, and by the time the suspects were in custody four police vehicles had been damaged and four officers injured – one of them having to be helivaced to Vancouver. None of the injuries to officers was lifethreatening. Aamaan Singh Chandi, 18, of Surrey and Inderpal Singh Aujla, 19, of Mission are suspected of having fired shots at a vehicle on

4 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


Young Saltair woman killed in Vernon crash

March 6, when the pick hit the shoulder and up truck she was a pas- rolled several times,” senger in went off the said RCMP Sgt. Mike road and rolled several Moyer. times. The two women One other woman, were pronounced dead also a passenger, was on scene the BC Coro• Personal & killed in the crash. ners service confirmed • Personal & Corporate Tax The accident took Tuesday, March 8. • Personal Corporate Tax & place at about 1:30 A 21-year-old ArmIM SCOTT, CPA • Financial Statements , CPA Corporate tax a.m. in Vernon, when a strong man driving the IM SCOTT , CPA • Financial Statements CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT • Financial Statements • Bookkeeping white 2013 GMC Sierra vehicle is under invesPO Box 1019 Firm • Bookkeeping pickup truck, with five tigation. “There is indiA Friendly • Bookkeeping POHigh BoxStreet 1019 PO Box 1019 • Business Consulting 22 occupants, traveling cation that alcohol and & Corporate Tax1A7 • Business Consulting 22 High Street 22BC High Street Ladysmith, V9G • Business Consulting • Personal 22 High Street P/F: 250-924-4322 eastbound on Highway speed could have been • Trust Returns • Financial Statements Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A7 Ladysmith, BC924-4322 V9G 1A7 Ph /Fax:E: (250) • Trust Returns 6, failed to make the a contributing factor,” P: (250) 924-4322 • Trust Returns • Bookkeeping /Fax: (250) 924-4322 E: Paige Whitelaw curve. “The vehicle Moyer said. F: (250) 924-4322 • Business Consulting

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Taxes to increase by 2.95% in North Cowichan An average tax increase of 2.95 per cent is being recommended for 2016 in the Municipality of North Cowichan. Mayor Jon Lefebure said the municipality was considering a tax increase of 2.51 per cent in all classes. But he said council decided at a meeting Thursday, March 3, to reduce North Cowichan’s light industrial tax rates by 15 per cent to make them more competitive with other jurisdictions in the province, which means the municipality is looking at increasing the taxes in the other seven categories by 2.95 per cent. Lefebure said the proposed budget for 2016 is expected to receive the first two readings in council on Wednesday, March 9. The municipality sought more public input on the draft budget for 2016 than it ever had before, Lefebure said.

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wednesday, March 9, 2016 5

No LNG exports from Mt. Hayes planned by Crowley Holdings

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Craig Spence

But Matt Slevert, with Crowley’s Alaska / U.S. West Coast LNG Service, said the company has no the chronicle plans to export LNG from the Mount Hayes facility There is no immediate proposal on the books to any time soon. Slevert said the Mount Hayes facility was included export LNG offshore from an existing facility at Mount Hayes north of Ladysmith, according to the in the NEB application because it’s part of a netCowichan Valley Regional District and the compa- work that could be used to export LNG, not because ny that has included the Mount Hayes facility in an Crowley has immediate plans to use the facility. “To clarify that, it’s FortisBC that’s their main plant,” application to the National Energy Board. Speculation about the possibility of LNG exports he said. “But both plants have to be mentioned.” As for the 10 billion cubic feet per year permit befrom Ladysmith were raised in a column by former CVRD Director Richard Hughes, who posts to a ing requested, he said that’s a number that allows for future needs. blog called Cowichan Conversations. “When you file these permits you have to put a ceilAfter questioning CVRD Chair Jon Lefebure’s concerns over a motion by the board to oppose ing on that,” Slevert said. “I think that’s just a numLNG facilities anywhere in the Cowichan Valley, ber that should last for 25 years.” He did not rule out the possibility that some day Hughes goes on to say; “Now it appears that further LNG operations are planned at Mt. Hayes north of LNG exports could be made from the Mount Hayes facility. Ladysmith in the North Oyster Electoral Area.” He states later in the post that “we could end up being sandwiched between LNG facilities at or near the northern and southern boundaries of the Regional District.” Hughes wonders how Ladysmith Mayor Aaron Stone and North Oyster Director Mary Marcotte might respond to the possibility that an “LNG facility and super tankers could be locating in their neighbourhoods.” But the Chronicle could not confirm any immediate plans to export LNG from Mount Hayes. “That’s the first I’ve heard that suggestion,” Lefebure said. “I haven’t heard any such suggestion.” He said his concern with the CVRD motion opposing LNG export facilities in the Cowichan Valley is over the future impartiality the board has to preserve in the event it ever is asked to consider an application, not with any proposed project. “The board has statutory authority in terms of rezonings, and by law the board has to treat it with an open mind,” he said. Asked if the motion concerning LNG facilities would put them in a legal bind should an application ever come up, Lefebure said, “I think you are asking me to come to a legal conclusion I could not do, I am not a lawyer.” Marcotte said she supported the motion opposed to LNG facilities in the CVRD, but with reservations. “It was one of those motions that was made last minute with no warning,” she said, adding that the Mount Hayes facility has not raised any concerns in the community. A report in the Financial Post cited by Hughes says an Alaska based company, Crowley Holdings Inc., has applied to the National Energy Board for an export permit allowing shipment of up to 10 billion cubic feet of natural gas annually for 25 years. “In its application filed March 1, the company said it plans to export Canadian LNG from FortisBC Energy Inc’s Tilbury LNG plant in Delta, B.C. and from Mount Hayes LNG plant on Vancouver Island,” states the FP article.

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6 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



Ladysmith’s outgrown its city hall Nobody likes to agree when their municipal council is jockeying to spend a whole lot of money on new digs. Sewer upgrades? Okay. Water? Alright. Sidewalks, parks, rec. centres, vehicles? Maybe... But a fancy new palace for your big desks and comfy chairs? Hmm. We better think carefully about that. I mean, isn’t there a closet that can be converted for civic use? What about the basement? You can zone just about anything as office space, can’t you? Well, no. And if anyone needed convincing that the Town of Ladysmith has outgrown its hall at the Esplanade and Roberts Street, Monday’s council meeting would surely have been a clincher. The house was packed, mainly due to a contentious development permit application and the annual grants-in-aid debate. Rather than break the fire regulations about how many citizen-sardines could be packed into the joint, council knocked three items off the agenda and invited the people who had come to see the debate, to please go home. Not a very good advertisement for public participation in the civic decision-making process. If this was an isolated example, it would be bad enough. But the cramped, stuffy conditions in council chambers at many meetings are not condusive to quality debate – the brain needs oxygen to function properly, after all. The situation will be helped when video streaming and archiving of council meetings begins – council has already approved that service. Then, those whose idea of a good time is not a middle seat on a packed, skinny airplane, will at least be able to avoid the congestion, while watching others endure it from the comfort of home. But the real solution is a new municipal hall. Council has bought property on Buller Street and First Avenue that is intended for that purpose. Acquiring the land is only the first step, though; mustering the capital and developing a plan will take time. We just want to say that council and Ladysmith citizens deserve something better than the hall they’ve got. The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practises and ethical behavior. If you have concerns about editorial content, contact: editor@ladysmithchronicle. com or 250-245-2277. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a complaint, visit the mediacouncil. ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.


“There are any number of options for the use of the corridor that should be explored other than doing nothing.” Bev Highton, Page 3 / Communities tire of waiting for E&N

ALC ups application fees to speed process

BC Views

by Tom Fletcher The Agricultural Land Commission is imposing a steep increase in application fees, with a “money back guarantee” if applications aren’t processed within 90 business days. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick and ALC chair Frank Leonard announced the new policy at the B.C. legislature Thursday, to take effect April 1. For zone one, the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and the Okanagan, the application fee goes from $600 to $1,500. In zone two, the remainder of the province, the fee goes from $600 to $900. Letnick said the majority of farm income is generated in zone one, so farmers can afford to pay more.

The increase still doesn’t cover the estimated $3,000 cost of processing an application, most of which are for non-farm use or an exclusion or subdivision of agricultural land. Letnick said the province is adding an additional $1.1 million to the ALC budget to make up the difference. Leonard, appointed last year after Letnick terminated the contract of long-time chair Richard Bullock, said he found almost no decisions were being made within the 60 working days that is his new benchmark. Most were taking a year or more. “I met people in their 80s who had been waiting two years for a decision,” he said. NDP agriculture critic Lana Popham said she’s concerned that the short deadline for commission decisions means the ALC is becoming an “application machine,” drifting away from its mandate to protect farmland. Leonard said subdivision and land exclusion applications mean considerable financial gain for applicants,

Chronicle The

Publications Mail Agreement 40010318 Subscriptions: Regular $32, Seniors $27

940 Oyster Bay Drive PO Box 400, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers.

Letters and Your View policy All letters to the editor must be signed and include your full name, home town and contact phone number. Letters are encouraged to be 300 words, and priority is given to local writers and local issues. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity and legal reasons. Photos for your view must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Send them in: Mail: 940 Oyster Bay Dr., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3 Fax:250-245-2230 E-mail: editor@

Publisher/Advertising ................... Teresa McKinley

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so the increased fee isn’t a deterrent for them. Letnick said approved non-farm uses can mean extra income for farmers and are a priority for the government. The ALC has doubled its compliance and enforcement staff to four, and Leonard said the additional budget will allow him to add two more this year. “Our intention is not only to give the ALC more credibility in terms of enforcing legislation and regulations, but with the budget we have we’ll be able to get them around the province,” Leonard said. “So we won’t have six people in Burnaby waiting for the phone to ring.” The commission is also adding new fees, $150 for reviewing documents, $350 per site inspection and monitoring fees of $500 to $2,000 annually for sites that require ongoing monitoring such as soil fill and removal or gravel extraction.

Editor ...................................................Craig Spence Office / Accounts / Circulation ........... Kara Olson

Vol. 107, #32, 2016

Production Manager......................... Douglas Kent

Ladysmith skier wins gold

Craig Spence

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wednesday, March 9, 2016 7 TOFINO • PACIFIC RIM NATIONAL PARK RESERVE • UCLUELET

Pacific Rim Whale Festival March 12-27, 2016


Sarah Rocque was in top form for the B.C. Winter Games, earning a gold medal in the Slope Freestyle skiing event. “It was awesome,” she said, back home from the premier winter sporting event for youth in the province, which took place in Penticton from Feb. 25 to 28. Rocque has been building up to the win. She won third in the Slope Freestyle event and first in Big Air at Apex earlier in the season; then second in the Slope Freestyle and first in Big Air at Whistler. She looked on target for two medals, but fell in the Big Air event at Penticton. She’ll be looking to repeat her winning ways next week, when she’s off to Ontario to compete in the Junior Nationals. A member of the Mount Washington ski club, Rocque, 14, said she has been skiing since she was a child, and that she wants to take her sport to the limit. “I’d like to compete in the X-Games someday,” Sarah Rocque, gold medalist at the BC Winter Games she said.

Unity Cup teams ready to go The teams, having paid their $825 each for the honour, are lining up for the Unity Cup at Fuller Lake Arena March 26 and 27. The defending Ice Hogs will be first on the ice against the Kings at 8 a.m., an appropriate start, although the line-up was determined by team names drawn out of a hat. After that battle, the round-

robin match-ups will contin- with games scheduled from ue between the Chiefs and the 1 to 7 p.m. at hour-and-a-half Talons, 9:30 a.m.; Cougars and intervals. Believers, 11 a.m.; Kings and The last game is scheduled Chiefs 12:30 p.m.; Ice Hogs to end at 8:15 p.m., and it’s a and Cougars, 2 p.m.; Talons pretty safe bet that the playand Believers, 3:30 p.m.; Kings ers will be leaving it all on the and Cougars, 5 p.m.; Ice Hogs ice. and Talons, 6:30 p.m.; Chiefs The Unity Cup is traditionand Believers, 8 p.m. ally the last event of the year On Sunday the playoff at Fuller Lake before the ice rounds will get underway comes off.

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SALE OF PROPERTY Closed Portion of Clarke Road The Town of Ladysmith intends to dispose of a property described as the closed portion of Clarke Road between Clarke Road and Dogwood Drive. The Town intends to sell the interest in the property to Boulder Point Holdings Ltd. for $22,000. The property in question, approximately 422 square metres, is labelled as “Closed Lane” in the diagram at the left. It is legally described as Part of District Lot 43, Oyster District, shown on Plan VIP52455. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Sandy Bowden, Director of Corporate Services – 250.245.6404; Notice of Disposition (sale, lease or licence) is required under the Community Charter

8 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



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Council, developer get over the Hump

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wednesday, March 9, 2016 9


Craig Spence the chronicle

Ladysmith council has drawn a line in the forest, or at least it wants the developer of the Holland Creek project to draw one that follows the contours of the Arbutus Hump. Council asked Glenn Carey of Glencar Consultants Inc. to redraw a line marking the upper limit of development along the slope of The Hump so that it follows the topography of the site. “Why the straight line and not a line that follows the contours of the land?” Mayor Aaron Stone asked. He pointed out the difference on a projected map of the Holland Creek development, noting that if a straight line is followed it would end up pushing the developable area farther up the slope. Carey responded, “That line is not fixed in stone.” He added later that the intent is to place a multiunit component of the development on

a ‘bench’ lower down. would be far enough The Town of Ladysmith away and low enough and Glencar Consultants down the slope not have been negotiat- to block public viewing back and forth on ing from The Hump’s instructed staff to respects the natural where to place the de- summit. velopment boundary “You are not going to work with Glencar topography’ and proon Arbutus Hump. see any of the build- Consultants to devel- tects a greater portion At its Feb. 1 meeting ings we put up from op a boundary ‘that of the Arbutus Hump. council asked Carey the Hump, period,” he to flag the existing said. development boundCouncil thanked ALALLL CCHHO ary and what was pro- Glencar Consultants OPPIN IN PRPO RO presents presents G GA R RM AM posed on the slope and the project pro! ! of Arbutus Hump so ponents for working councillors could with the municipalJANINA take a look for them- ity, but insisted they selves. wanted to see the conSolo Piano Recital Coun. Rob Hutchins tour lines on a map Sunday, March 13, 2016 said the boundary before approving the 2:30 PM appeared to cross Holland Creek plan. Adults $40 Port Theatre over a rocky outcropOn a motion from Students $25 250 754 8550 ping instead of going Hutchins council around it. Developing the area didn’t ‘make sense’ and would require extensive blasting, he said. Stone noted that the desire to preserve an area on top of Arbutus Hump isn’t only for the sake of it’s arbutus stands. The view from the summit also needs to be protected for the public. “The prize up there isn’t simply the arbutus,” he said. It’s also the view.” Carey responded that any development



Our hostess will bring gifts & greetings along with helpful community information.


Arbutus trees, which give Arbutus Hump its name, are not the only value Ladysmith Council wants to preserve... there’s also the view.

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10 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Cathy Robertson, general manager of Community Futures Cowichan, with a copy of a recent survey of business leaders.

Cowichan Valley Business leaders feeling confident Craig Spence

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last year’s performance. A majority of responTHE CHRONICLE dents, 54 per cent, felt A survey of busi- they were doing better ness leaders in the now than one year ago; Cowichan Valley con- 32.2 per cent felt things ducted for the Duncan hadn’t changed, 13.9 Cowichan Chamber per cent felt they were of Commerce and worse off, or didn’t Community Futures know. “It’s always a good sign Cowichan found that most business leaders when just over half of in the community are the respondents indifeeling good about the cated that in the past

year their company’s financial performance is better,” said Cathy Robertson, general manager of Community Futures Cowichan. Of 202 business leaders surveyed 62 per



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146 athletes from Vancouver Island - Central Coast competed at the 2016 BC Winter Games bringing home 53 medals. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos, and results at BCGAMES.ORG

cent said they were optimistic about business growth continuing into 2016. Most of the businesses surveyed, 44.6 per cent, were located in Duncan; 30.1 per cent were located in the Municipality of North Cowichan; 21.9 per cent in the CVRD; and 1 per cent in the Town of Ladysmith. Optimism translated into a nudge up in employment figures: 29.2 per cent of businesses said they had increased the number of people they employed; 9.4 per cent registered a decrease; 61.4 per cent said the employed the same number of people, or didn’t know if things had changed. Looking forward, 41.1 per cent of business leaders said they expected to increase the number of people they employ during the next 12 months. Surveyed businesses were bullish about their competitiveness with other regions of Vancouver Island, with 41.6 per cent agreeing, or strongly agreeing that the Cowichan region is competitive. Business leaders were not too impressed with the performance of their local government with 55.5 per cent rating their local government’s performance as either poor or fair. Asked what local governments could do to

improve the business climate, respondents said: • Reduce red tape and make it easier to deal with local government departments, 15.3 per cent; • Increase or diversify marketing and promotion to attract tourists and customers, 11.4 per cent; • Improve management and services and control costs, 10.9 per cent; • Encourage new investments, 9.9 per cent. Business leaders strongly favour amalgamation of the City of Duncan and the Municipality of North Cowichan, with 72.3 per cent in favour; 10.9 per cent opposed. Marsha Stanley, partner and business advisor with MNP Duncan – the company that conducted the survey, said the results provide a ‘benchmark’ for future studies. “We are very happy with the participation we received for the first year of the survey, which gives us a valuable benchmark with which to compare the results of future surveys,” Stanley said. “I’m hopeful that the results will spark some meaningful discussion in our community about how to help our local businesses grow and succeed, and improve the overall economic climate in the Cowichan region.”

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wednesday, March 9, 2016 11


Join Doug Routley, MLA for Nanaimo~North Cowichan, the Cedar Trails & Environmental Stewards group and other concerned citizens to discuss the development taking place at Boat Harbour. There will be a presentation followed by a Q&A session. Bring your questions and concerns. Everyone is welcome.

Special events, like Ladysmith Days, are one of the things people want to know about when they drop in at Ladysmith’s Visitor Centre.

Visitor Centre greets 8,535 Ladysmith guests Craig Spence the chronicle

The Visitor Centre welcomed 8,535 people, traveling in 5,420 parties to the Town of Ladysmith in 2015, says a report submitted by the Chamber of Commerce. Submitted to the Town of Ladysmith’s Municipal Services Committee, the report has been compiled from tracking data collected at the Visitor Centre location at 33 Roberts Street. Visits by ‘locals’ over the last four years were down significantly, but there was less of a drop in the number of people coming from elsewhere and stopping in at the centre. The report says a 34 per cent drop in local visits can be attributed to the relocation of the VC in 2014, and the launch of a ‘new and improved’ web site at, where locals are increasingly going for information. During the same four-year period visits from people living outside Ladysmith declined in the first three years by 16 per cent, but rebounded by 8 per cent in 2015. Most visitors to the centre were locals, 35 per cent, or B.C. residents, 31 per cent. Other places of origin were: Europe, 10 per cent; Alberta, 8 per cent; the USA, 7 per cent; Canada, 7 per cent; and Asia / Australia, 2 per cent.

As well as tourists, potential new residents made up a significant number of the visits to the Centre. In particular, “Albertans are scoping out Ladysmith, and the Island, for retirement,” says the report. “This coincides with a significant increase in requests about relocation information.” Most visitors didn’t stop for long at Ladysmith. Same-day visits accounted for almost 82 per cent of the total number of days in the ‘length of stay’ column. “Lack of accommodations would be the logical explanation for this,” the report says. About 20 per cent of visitors stopped in at the centre to get directions. They also wanted to find out about: attractions, 9 per cent; places to eat, 8 per cent; local events and recreational opportunities, 7 per cent each; parks, 6 per cent; transportation and local services, 5 per cent each; accommodation, 4 per cent; shopping, 3 per cent; relocation and investment, 2 per cent; First Nations, 1 per cent. There has been increased interest in First Nations. “Interestingly, requests for information about First Nations – while relatively few in number – increased dramatically over the past year, averaging less than 30 requests in previous years versus 70 requests in 2015.”

CVRD Water Systems Flushing Notice


Location: Cedar Community Hall 2388 Cedar Road


Residents may experience some air in the lines and discolouration of the water supply during these operations. Should this occur, running a cold water tap for a short period will help to restore the water quality to normal. Should the problem persist, please call the CVRD’s Engineering Services Department at (250) 746-2530.

7:00 pm

Doug Routley, MLA Nanaimo~North Cowichan

#1 – 16 High St. | Box 269 Ladysmith V9G 1A2 Phone 250.245.9375 | Fax 250.245.8164 Unit 112 50 Tenth Street Nanaimo V9R 6L1 Phone 250.716.5221 | Fax 250.716.5222

ISLANDS TRUST – NORTHERN OFFICE Board of Variance Appointments The Islands Trust – Northern Office is inviting applications for three (3) positions on a new joint Board of Variance for the Executive Committee, Gabriola, Gambier, Hornby, Denman, Lasqueti, and Thetis Local Trust Areas. Any local government that has adopted a zoning bylaw must establish a Board of Variance as per Section 536 of the British Columbia Local Government Act. The Board of Variance is an independent board consisting of three volunteer members of the public who have been appointed by the Local Trust Committee. These members may not belong to the advisory planning commission and may not be an officer or employee of the local government. The Board of Variance has the authority to permit minor variances from, or exceptions to, land use bylaw regulations in instances where it deems compliance with the bylaw would entail undue hardship, and also to permit alterations or additions to non-conforming uses. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Variance, please submit a written expression of interest, specifying your background in any or all of the following areas:        

The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) will be carrying out flushing of the water system listed below on:

Saltair Water System Monday, February 29, 2016 to Friday, March 11, 2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Previous experience as a member of a Board of Variance Experience on a local government council, board, trust committee, commission or other body Experience with other volunteer boards, commissions or committees Experience and credentials in a planning, design or related profession Experience and credentials in a building or design trade Length of residency in the local trust area or where you currently reside Availability, and willingness to travel between local trust areas Any other related experience, education or comments

The positions are unpaid, but all legitimate expenses relating to Board work will be reimbursed. Over the past several years, there has not been a demand for Board appeals in Local Trust Areas and there is less than an average of one application a year. Enquiries regarding the proposed Board of Variance may be directed to Lisa Webster-Gibson, A / Planner 1 by email at, or by phone at 250-247-2204. For toll-free access, request a transfer via Enquiry BC: in Vancouver at 604-660-2421 and elsewhere in BC at 1-800-663-7867. Written submissions may be delivered to: Mail: Fax: Email:

Islands Trust, 700 North Road, Gabriola Island, BC, V0R 1X3 250-247-7514

Application must be submitted by 4:00 pm March 18, 2016.

12 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


The Last Word

Tell our Island’s story in video D i s c o v e r Va n c o u - know what is really, a new here,” wants your site “letting the world help telling Vancouver

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Island’s story in video. “We are offering you the opportunity to tell the story through a video contest,” says a release from DiscoverVancouverIsland founder Sam Vandervalk. Much as we love Vancouver Island, and think it’s known worldwide, Vandervalk figures there’s still people who don’t know what they’re missing. “I have travelled extensively and while abroad, I have found that most people don’t know exactly where Vancouver Island is. This is your opportunity to help get the word out,” he said. “The purpose of the video contest is to find out who can tell the adventurer’s story in the most compelling way,



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while using the media to showcase Vancouver Island. “We are hoping that through this contest, we will reel in amateur videographers’ passion about Vancouver Island and help showcase to the world what Vancouver Island has to offer.” Vandervalk is hoping to motivate travelers who have visited or are coming to Vancouver Island, for example university students. “People living here have an advantage because the set location is at everyone’s doorstep,” Vandervalk said. “However, many people may have also gathered pieces of spectacular footage while traveling and then may have put it on the shelf. “Now we are providing extra motivation for amateur videographers to tell the world about their great trip and perhaps use some shelved content that would otherwise sit dormant.” Prizes for winning videos will be: first place, $500; second, $300; third, $150. Visit to find out the contest rules. Deadline for video submissions is April 1. Winners will be announced April 30.

March 13, Pianist Andrew Homzy and the N.O.L.A. Nighthawks LAST WORD FOR MARCH 9, 2016 • March 12, Harry Manx at the Cowichan Performing Arts Centre, 2687 James Street, 7:30 p.m. An expert in melding East and West music together, Manx returns to the Cowichan Performing Arts Centre, bringing an exciting eastern twist to blues, pop and jazz classics. He has received CBC Radio’s Great Canadian Blues Award for 2007 and his albums have garnered six Juno nominations. Tickets available at 250-748-7529 or $36 (adults); $32 (Cowichan Folk Guild); $5 (eyeGo). • March 13, Pianist Andrew Homzy and the N.O.L.A. Nighthawks return for an afternoon of jazz in the Big Easy style, with an unusual instrumentation of two trumpets, two trombones, clarinet, baritone sax and a fourpiece rhythm section. Part of the Jazz at Crofton series. Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. at the Crofton Hotel Pub, 1534 Joan Ave. Musicians are invited to join in a jam session during the last hour. Admission this week is $15. For information, call 250-324-2245 or visit • March 14-24, Art Camps at the Nanaimo Art Gallery. During Spring Break the Nanaimo Art Gallery offers a series of Art Camps (each four or five sessions) at its Art Lab, including: Yvonne Vander Kooi, exploring ideas about art, learning and creating using traditional and contemporary approaches to sculpture, painting, video, and photography.; and Carole Brooke, inspired by the work of Ron Tran, who likes to “change the way we see ordinary things by placing them in a different setting.” The camps cost $100 each, materials are included. For more information, or to register, call 250-754-1750. • March 18, Chris Whitely and Diana Braithwaite at St. Michael’s Hall, Chemainus, 7 p.m. Chris and Diana will be bringing Rick Ryce and Taylor Allum with them, to play bass and drums. Admission $15. Advance tickets can be purchased at Maple Lane Cafe (corner of Maple Lane and Alder Street), the Owl’s Nest on Willow Street, and at Chemainus Hardware on Chemainus Road. Tickets should also be available at the door.

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• March 20, Alec Pearson and Bernard Blary, 2 p.m., St. Michael’s Church in Chemainus. Acclaimed for their constant striving to push the limits of their instruments, as well as their technical brilliance, Vancouver performers Alec Pearson on guitar and Bernard Blary on flute will enchant us with a sonorous blend as they showcase exotic music from Europe, the Americas and Asia in this truly international programme, which includes Ravi Shankar’s ‘Enchanted Dawn.’ Tickets: at the door $20; under 18, Includes $5; in advance, $17. Available at: Owl’s Nest Bistro, Chemainus; Valley Vines Includes onlineto Wines, Mill Bay; Ten Old Books, Duncan; online Salamander Books, Ladysmith; access access and Chemainus Festival Inn. Or by phoning 250-748-8383. More information at


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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wednesday, March 9, 2016A13 13

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wed, Mar 9, 2016

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July 15, 1940 – February 22, 2016 Barbara passed away peacefully on February 22nd, 2016 in the Cowichan District Hospital. Barbara was born in Calgary Alberta in 1940 to Frederick and Elinor Brooker. She has an older sister Dorothy and two younger brothers Richard and Bob. She graduated from Western High School in Calgary in 1960. Barbara went on to marry Creighton Williams in 1963 and soon afterwards started their family. Son Garry was born in 1963 and Darryl in 1965. Barbara was a loving wife, mother, Grandmother and friend to all that had the pleasure of meeting her. She was predeceased by her brother Bob in 1976, father Frederick in 1998, mother Elinor in 2004, and husband Creighton in 2006. Barbara is survived by her sons, Garry and Darryl, daughter-in-law Cheryl, Grandchildren; Tyler, Kali and Elijah. Barbara is also survived by her Sister Dorothy; brother-In-law William; Brother Richard and special friend Gordon. Barbara will be soulfully missed forever by her entire family who loved her deeply and by all her friends and acquaintances. I’m Free Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free. I’m following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when I heard him call, I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day, To laugh, to love, to work or play. Tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that place at the close of day. If my parting has left a void, . then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow. I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life’s been full, I’ve savored much. Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief Don lengthen it now with undue grief Lift up your heart and share with me ... God wanted me now, He set me free. Donations in Barbara’s memory may be made to the B.C. Lung Association, 2675 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6H 2K2. Condolences may be offered at Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553

Missing You, Roberta Louise Garneau December 20, 1938 – March 6, 2015 It’s One Year Since You Passed. We feel your Presence and your Absence Profoundly. You’re in the Birdsongs We Hear & the Shooting Stars We See. Planting Pansies in Your Memory, Leo, Dawn & Leslie xox DEATHS


Lacy, Helen Laws (nee Byrt) November 27, 1922 – March 4, 2016

Helen passed away peacefully at age 93 with family by her side, at the Gorge Hospital in Victoria, March 4, 2016. Predeceased by her husband, Wayne Lacy (1991) and son David (2014). Survived by her loving family: sons Jim, Donald (Julia); daughters Pat Darling (Robert), Kit LeRoss (Michael), Margaret Baker (Tony), daughter-in-law Laurie Lacy, 19 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren; brother Harry Byrt; brothers-in-law Lorne Lacy and Charles Fortier; and numerous nieces and nephews. Helen was born and raised in Lloydminster, Sk., daughter of Francis and Hilda (Laws) Byrt. After completing her nursing training at the University of Alberta in 1944, Helen served one year as Nursing Lieutenant in the Canadian Army and then went on to become a public health nurse working in Didsbury, Salmon Arm, Fernie and Invermere. Helen married Wayne in 1953 and together began a busy time raising six children in Invermere and Chemainus. Helen’s life was a gift to her family and her community, and the grief of our loss is tempered by her long and full life. Helen was an active member of St. Joseph’s Parish and also the wider community, where she lived until 2009. She took on many roles including St. Joseph’s parish council, refugee committee (Vietnamese Boat People), Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, and St. Joseph’s school board. She was a founding member of the Cowichan Intercultural Society, delivered Meals on Wheels, and volunteered in many ways, including at Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre and the Chemainus Thrift store. She lived in Chemainus for 48 years. Helen moved to Victoria in 2009 to be closer to family. In these years her wit, stories, and dogged insistence that her offspring use proper grammar in speaking were strongly in evidence and will be fondly remembered. In her last years Helen again became a gift to family by giving us the joy of her presence and the opportunity to serve her needs as she had done so willingly for us. Special thanks to the staff at Gorge Hospital Waterview Residence for their kindness and professional care. Prayers will be offered at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Chemainus on March 11 at 7:00 p.m. Funeral Mass will be held at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, 9727 Elm Street, Chemainus, BC on Saturday March 12th, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Celebrant Vincent Borre. Condolences may be offered at

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Frode Ingeman Andersen It saddens us to announce the passing of Frode Ingeman Andersen born June 25th 1920 in Aalborg, Denmark. He will be dearly missed by all his family and friends. He lived a wonderful life to the age of 95. He leaves behind his Son Kurt, Daughter Lola (Larry), Friend Jytte Larson Grandchildren Erik (Angie), Karina (Darnell), Tony (Amanda), Jennifer (Mark), Jillian and Thomas. Great Grandchildren Kiana, Hayden, Ethan, Amaya and Danaya. Frode went peacefully on March 1st 2016. A celebration of life will be held March 11th 2016, 2:00 pm at First Memorial, 375 Brae Road, Duncan, BC with reception to follow. In lieu of flowers please make donations to The Canadian Cancer Society. First Memorial Funeral Services (250) 748-2134

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14 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A14 CELEBRATIONS

Come celebrate


Wilma Ostle’s 90th Birthday Open House Saturday,

March 19th 12-3 Diamond Community Hall Refreshments will be served DEATHS

MEALS ON WHEELS We provide hot and nutritious meals on an ongoing basis, or short term while recovering from illness or surgery. Covering Ladysmith and immediate area CALL Joanne 250-245-5088 Merle 250-245-7252


Gwendolyn (Gwen) Bertha Boymer (Montgomery) left leftthis thislife lifeFebruary Febru29, 29, 2016 at the ageage of 88 ary 2016 at the of to join her husband, Rev. 88 to join her husband, Tolie Albert BoymerBoyand Rev. Tolie Albert her Lord mer and and herSaviour. Lord and Saviour. Gwen was born in St. Catherine’s, ON toinRev. Gwen was born St. James and Mabel Catherine’s, ON toMontRev. gomeryand in 1927. atJames Mabel She Monttended Bible College She and gomery in 1927. secretarialBible school in Ontario before marrying in attended College and secretarial schoolTolie in On1954.before Together they traveled ministertario marrying Tolie inacross 1954.Canada Together they ing, untilacross they settled Oyen, AB where theysettled raised traveled Canadainministering, until they 5 daughters—Laurel, Lucille, Melody, and in Oyen, AB where they raisedStarlene, 5 daughters—Laurel, Juanita. Starlene, They moved to Sicamous in 1974. Lucille, Melody, and Juanita. They moved to Sicamous in 1974. Two of Gwen’s favourite jobs while working as a bookkeeper/secretary were jobs at Scory in Oyen Two of Gwen’s favourite whileMotors working as a and the high schools inwere Enderby and Sicamous. bookkeeper/secretary at Scory Motors in Oyen and high schools in Enderby and Sicamous. She the loved playing various instruments, singing/directShe loved and playing various instruments,Her singing/diing choirs teaching bookkeeping. favourite recting and teaching bookkeeping. Her favoupastimechoirs was knitting. rite pastime wasofknitting. After the death her husband, Gwen moved to VanAfter deathwhere of hershe husband, moved to Vancouverthe Island residedGwen until her passing. couver where she resided her passing. She willIsland be dearly missed by her until daughters, grand and She be dearly missed byand her daughters, grand and greatwill grandchildren, friends all those she touched great friends and all those she touched duringgrandchildren, her life. during her life. Condolences may be sent to Condolences may be sent to In Lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the CaIn LieuAlzheimers of flowers, donations nadian Society. may be made to the Canadian Alzheimers Society. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Bethel TaberA Celebration Life will@be1:30pm held at the Bethel Tabnacle on Marchof17, 2016 Telford’s of of Nanaimo Nanaimo 250-591-6644 250-591-6644

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PETS PETS FOSTER HOMES Needed for Rescue Dogs: We need caring, loving families for dogs of all sizes (small, medium, large & extra large). Dog experience an asset, fenced secure yard is required. email Dogwood Rescue at: for more information.


Marine Harvest is the world’s largest supplier of farmed salmon and produces 5 million healthy meals per day. We have 10,400 employees and activities in 22 countries. Through our vision of "Leading the Blue Revolution“, Marine Harvest aims to be the leading supplier of healthy, sustainable food from the ocean.

Hatchery Technician - Freshwater Farms Our Freshwater Farms Facility, located in Duncan, is currently seeking applications for the position of Hatchery Technician. Duties include a variety of production tasks such as feeding and caring for salmon brood, disease screening, cleaning and maintaining tanks and related equipment, conducting flow measurements and water quality checks, assisting with fish health sampling, vaccination and record keeping. Candidates for this position should have demonstrated experience and/or training with recirculation technology. Relevant post-secondary education in aquaculture, biology or related field is also preferred, though candidates without post-secondary education will be considered if they possess significant experience. Recirculation experience is an asset. Other required skills and abilities include: good time management, organization & planning skills; a positive attitude and a results orientation; strong communication and teamwork abilities; and a strong work ethic, initiative and ability to do physically demanding work.


AUCTIONS Massive Restaurant Equipment Auction March 12th @ 10am 7305 Meadow Avenue, Burnaby, BC - Shipping/Storage Available New Equipment Liquidation – Structural Concepts, True, Delfield Refrigeration, Imperial, Royal, Prime, US Ranges, S.S. sinks, tables, shelvings, carts, janitorial, bakery, packaging, matching plates, refurbished equipment, bottling line, soft serves, Hobart mixers & dishwashers, back bars, rotary glass washers, cutlery.



TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

15 CU.FT. freezer, $150. White sxs fridge, $200. White apt. size fridge, $100. Smoothtop SS 30� SC range, $250. Maytag W/D, $350. Stacking W/D, $350. Estate washer, $200. GE washer, $200. Maytag dryer, $100. GE Dryer, $150. Built-in dishwashers, $100-$150. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859.


FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.




Red Seal


Boymer (Montgomery) Gwendolyn (Gwen) Bertha


McDougall Electrical




Closing Date: March 11th, 2016 To be considered for this opportunity with a progressive, growthoriented company, please submit your resume and cover letter to: Shylo Loock HR Coordinator Email: or Fax: (250) 850-3275 We value and appreciate submissions from all applicants; however, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

GARAGE SALES YELLOW POINT- 2852 Wildberry Rd, Sat, Mar 12, 9-3pm, Sun, Mar 13, 10-1pm. Furnishings, decor, books, art work, good prices. Coffee!

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ELECTRIC LIFT Chair, good cond. $400. Office desk , good cond. $325. (250)754-7216. Ladysmith: Danby upright freezer 2’x6’, 3 mnths old, $350. Acer Comp. tower with 21� monitor, 10 mnths old $275. 250-924-1310. POLE BARNS, Shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403998-7907; or email: jcameron REFORESTATION Nursery seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/tree. Free Shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.


looking for any type, any condition of firearms, whole estates to single, fair market value paid, have all licences to purchase. Call (250)667-4862.

REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SERVICES TIRED OF the snow and cold? Instead, relocate to sunny Sunshine Coast, just an hour away from Vancouver. Enjoy a serene family homestead, consisting of 14.88 acres of lush forest, meadows, your own private waterfall, an enormous 3374 sq.ft. workshop, a great family home and a carriage suite above a triple garage and a beautiful inground pool. For more information call Susanne Jorgensen, Remax Oceanview 604885-1398.

RENTALS COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL 1800 SQ.FT. Commercial/ Light industrial unit in modern strata complex with Highway Exposure in Duncan area. Call 1(250)658-4336. COMMERCIAL SPACE avail. at Timberlands Mobile Home Park, 3581 Hallberg Rd. Suitable for restaurant or small grocery. Call 250-245-3647.

HOMES FOR RENT Ladysmith: 2 bdrm, close to town, F/S, N/P. 250-245-2630

#(%#+Ă–#,!33)&)%$3 Ă– $BMM

CLUES ACROSS 1. Exclamation that denotes disgust 4. Climbed over 10. Has 50 states 11. Able to move 12. Prime Minister (abbr.) 14. Cotangent (abbr.) 15. Particle 16. Fastened 18. Wonders 22. Surpassing all others 23. Provides basement access 24. Daily 26. North Dakota 27. Related to gulls 28. Provoke 30. Lake __, one of the Great 31. Police department 33. Throat illness 35. South Dakota 36. Contains iron (Brit.) 38. Sees what the future holds 39. The extended location of something 40. Cobalt 41. Dwells 47. Reprimand 49. Agree to a demand 50. Talented in or devoted to music 51. Gospels 52. European defense organization (abbr.) 53. Edge of a cloth 54. Equally 55. Experience again 57. Female sheep 58. Made vanish 59. Unit of force (abbr.)


CELEBRATIONS Wed, Mar 9, 2016, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

SOLUTIONS DOWN 1. ___ up 2. Rear of (nautical) 3. Purses 4. Samarium 5. A way to take forcibly 6. On or into 7. Metric capacity unit (Brit.) 8. Assign to a higher position 9. Delaware 12. Post-traumatic stress disorder 13. Island 17. Central processing unit 19. Pitchers 20. Long-winged member of the gull family 21. Auld lang __, good old days 25. Term of affection 29. They __ 31. Polynesian wrapped skirt 32. Far down areas in the sea 34. Delivered a sermon 36. Any physical damage 37. A Seattle ballplayer 40. Raccoonlike animals 42. Odd 43. Delivery boys 44. Billy __ Williams 45. Icelandic poems 46. A Scottish tax 48. Central Florida city 55. Rhenium 56. -__, denotes past

Jill dAshwood

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Wednesday, March 9, 2016 15





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16 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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