Lake Country Calendar, March 09, 2016

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Calendar Lake Countr y

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March 9, 2016


Tourism motto Lake Country has adopted a new motto for its tourism strategy: Stop, Stay, Shop and Play ...............................


Oceola thanks local optometry business for its support with an award. ...............................



6 Lake views.................6 Realtor awarded...11 Dogs off-leash...........

Flyers ■ Bresciani


LAKE COUNTRY residents will have a chance to comment on the design of the Okanagan Rail Trail planned for the former CN Rail line, on March 14 at the Oyama

Community Hall from 4 to 6:30 p.m. The Okanagan Indian Band will host a session March 16 at the Winfield Memorial Hall from 4 to 6 p.m.

Plans for Okanagan Rail Trail up for public viewing




While CN Rail continues to remove ties and rails along the old CN Rail corridor, design plans are being drawn up for what will be a continuous trail between Kelowna and Coldstream. Members of the public will soon have their chance to give input on what will be-

■ Jysk ■ Rona ■ Safeway ■ Save On Foods ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples

come the early days of the Okanagan rail trail. Public consultation meetings have been scheduled by the District of Lake Country and the Okanagan Indian Band, as well as in Kelowna and Coldstream, to gather input and feedback on plans for the corridor, a trail linking the Central and North Okanagan that likely

won’t be open for public use until mid 2017. The rail trail’s Inter-jurisdictional Development Team (IDT) has spent the winter involved in a planning and design process to create a continuous corridor on the recently acquired rail route and will take its preliminary work to the public this month. “The intention is to

develop the corridor in phases, with the initial phase being construction of a gravel trail with road crossings, signage, fencing, and barriers to provide a basic level of safe and accessible use by pedestrians and cyclists,” said Andrew Gibbs, IDT project manager. In Lake Country, residents are invited to review the concept

and give their feedback on March 14 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the Oyama Community Hall. Staff from the IDT will be on hand to answer questions regarding the design and provide an opportunity for input. Those comments will be gathered for the initial phase of trail development and additional feedback collected from the engage-

ment process will be retained for future reference, for use in any future planning and development of the trail corridor. Meetings will also be held in the different communities with property owners where the rail trail crosses into private property.


We’ve moved. But don’t worry, we didn’t go far. For all your insurance needs, come see Wendy and the team in our new office at 110-9950 Main Street (beside the new RBC Royal Bank).



Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL



Sextet honoured for their bravery A trio of emergency personnel from Lake Country as well as three individuals were recognized on Friday (March 4) by the Governor General of Canada with Decorations for Bravery for their attempts to save the life of a woman whose vehicle plunged into Wood Lake in December of 2012. Lake Country RCMP corporal Michael Loerke (retired), Lake Country constable Russell Stene and Lake Country deputy fire chief Brent Penner, along with Cindy Rogers and Kevin Hiebert of Kelowna and Blind Bay resident Donald St. Pierre, were all honoured with Decorations for Bravery from the Governor General. All six of them put their own lives on the line on a frozen evening in December of 2012 when a Jeep went off the old Highway 97 and into Wood Lake, submerging in freezing water. “Everyone involved worked so hard in the rescue trying to achieve a successful outcome,” Penner had said about the accident. “I was most

Brent Penner impressed by the valiant efforts of passing motorists that stopped to help, with little regard for their own safety.” Stopping at the scene of the accident, Rogers and St. Pierre swam out six metres through the freezing water to reach the jeep and attempt to break its windows. Multiple attempts were made to break the windows of the vehicle which had been submerged in about two metres of water. Hiebert, Corporal Loerke, Deputy Fire Chief Penner and Constable Stene wrapped ropes around the vehicle to have it pulled to shore. Once in shallower wat-


Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 Sex: Female Hello there, my name is Coalette. Spayed/Neutered:Yes I came to the Shelter back in 2011 Age: 9Yrs 5Mths 1Wks when a kind person had been caring for me on her porch for a few Animal ID: 252622 months. I got adopted, but am now back due to no fault of my own (I was House Trained surrendered with my doggie friend). OK with Cats I am a very sweet cat who loves to socialize on a calm level. I dislike commotion so a household with a quiet, loving family would bring out the best in me. I do like to be an indoor/outdoor cat so I am hoping for this type of living situation. If I sound like a potential match, please come introduce yourself! I would love the chance to have a permanent home with a caring family!

Calendar Lake Country


Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A3


Tourism strategy adopted; hotel feasibility study questioned KEVIN PARNELL Stop, Stay, Shop and Play. That’s the new motto for Lake Country as it moves forward with a three-year tourism strategy aimed at getting more people to come to Lake Country, stay in the area and spend valuable tourism dollars within Lake Country. Lake Country council unanimously adopted the strategy at last week’s council meeting, moving forward with the plans that outline a “highlevel vision centred on improving ways for visitors to Lake Country to stop, stay, shop and play in the community,” the report stated. “The vision is that Lake Country will become a hub for tourism activity in the Central Okanagan and position the community as a memorable place to stop, stay, shop and play,” said Lake Country commun-

ity development manager Jamie McEwan. “We want to get people to stay in the community and spent their money here.” The tourism strategy lays out the strengths of Lake Country when it comes to tourism, including its strategic position in the Okanagan Valley, its proximity to the Kelowna International Airport and UBCO, the rural and quiet environment, small town atmosphere, high quality wineries, beaches and lakes as well as cycling routes. It also lays out future opportunities like the Okanagan Rail Trail and Pelmewash Parkway and talks about the aspirations to attract international travellers and become widely known as a place to explore within the Okanagan. But one part of the plan—to commission a hotel feasibility study in 2017 to assess Lake

LAKE COUNTRY adopts new motto: Stop, Stay, Shop and Play.


Country’s readiness for a potential hotel development—had one councillor asking why the district would pay to study market conditions for a hotel in Lake Country. “Why would we be allocating a significant amount of money to do a feasibility study for a hotel? Wouldn’t the developer do that?”

questioned Coun. Penny Gambell. “I don’t think we are going to get a developer coming here unless they see this is an area they are going to invest in. They are going to do all the numbers. They are going to do the analysis. I don’t see why we are going to do the work for them.” In response, McEwan

said a potential feasibility study for a hotel would be another way to attract a potential developer to the community. “It just becomes another tool in the toolkit such as the statistics around our building permits and population growth,” said McEwan. “It’s just an extra complimentary docu-


the isthmus of Oyama. The possibility of having a linear park owned by the municipality in that area will be amazing and could become iconic.” Lake Country purchased its portion for $2.6 million and owes the City of Kelowna a further $2.6 million if and when it decides to purchase the other half. The IDT says councils won’t be asked to put more money into development of the trail. “Due to the significant investment in purchase of the corridor, and in light of other pre-existing community priorities, local governments are not in a position to make any significant financial commitments to development of a trail in the short-term,” said Gibbs. “Opportunities are being explored to work with the community, external fundraisers and granting agencies to secure the funds neces-

sary to develop the corridor for recreational use.” Once the trail plan is approved by the different governing bodies involved, its expected the Vernon-based Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative will take over fundraising for the development of the trail.

ment that could benefit us. It would not only assess specific sites but also Lake Country’s readiness so we have targeted ways we could approach hotel developers.” The feasibility study has not been approved by council as specific plans within the tourism strategy still need to get funding approval but McEwan says the cost would be less than $10,000 and the information could be critical in attracting a larger hotel that would also have meeting and conference rooms available. “For a number of years council has looked at attracting a hotel or convention centre so we have space that can be rented out for convention purposes,” he said. “It would provide additional places for people to stay when they come through town so they don’t have to seek accommodation in surrounding communities.”

Another part of the tourism strategy centres around short-term vacation rentals and work is underway to create a policy on those rentals that are for less than 30 days. Currently those short term rentals are not allowed under Lake Country’s zoning bylaws, but bylaw contraventions are only enforced if there are public complaints. Overall, the tourism strategy is the first time Lake Country has had a specific strategy aimed at increasing tourism for the district and the plan was done in-house, meaning other than staff time there were no extra costs associated with its development. “It’s a certainly a positive for the community (to have this plan),” said McEwan. “As the community grows we’re looking at ways to keep people in the community. This provides a foundation for us to move ahead.”

the City of Kelowna, the District of Lake Country, the Regional District of North Okanagan and

the Province of B.C. Refer to OKRailCorridor for more information.

Inspiring stories Fundraising to foot bill for rail trail from GG awards

BRAVERY FROM A2 3 ers, they were able to pull the victim out, but sadly, she did not survive. “I just thought if someone is in the car I have got to get them out,” said Rogers of the accident. “It was as simple as that. I just think it’s what everyone would do. Faced with that situation again, I would do the same thing.” Rogers had previously been awarded a silver medal for bravery while 11 others who were at the scene were also honoured by the Royal Canadian Humane Association. The six honourees received their accolades at ceremonies being held last Friday in Vancouver. More than 150 remarkable Canadians were being recognized for their excellence, cour-

age or exceptional dedication to service with one of the following honours: The Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award, an Exemplary Service Medal, a Decoration for Bravery or a Meritorious Service Decoration. The Governor General presents honours on behalf of all Canadians in communities across the country to help share inspiring stories, celebrate tremendous contributions to our society and connect with Canadians. From community volunteers to astronauts, from actors to members of the military, from scholars to everyday citizens, hundreds of Canadians were honoured. For more information about honours or to nominate someone who inspires you, visit www.

The communities of Lake Country and Kelowna, the North Okanagan Regional District and the province purchased the 47.5 km corridor from CN Rail for $22 million last year. The corridor runs through the two-kilometre long Duck Lake reserve of the OKIB which maintains ownership of that stretch and late last month announced it was supporting the trail. “We’re really happy to have the OKIB at the table, they will be instrumental as we move forward in creating this,” said Duane Thomson, who spearheaded the yes campaign in last year’s Lake Country referendum. “The inclusion of First Nations people is really important. It was a gaping hole before this. I’m very excited to see the plans, specifically on


• The corridor is approximately 47.5 km long extending from Kelowna’s north end to Mile 88 in Coldstream. • The CN Rail line was constructed in 1925 to bring the produce and lumber of the Okanagan Valley to markets across the country. • Challenged with high costs and low revenues Kelowna Pacific Railway, which operated the line in recent years, entered receivership and ceased rail service in July 2013. • Purchase of the discontinued rail line was finalized on June 1, 2015 by

Okanagan Rail Trail public consultation • Monday Mar. 14 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Oyama Community Hall, 15710 Oyama Rd., hosted by the District of Lake Country • Tuesday Mar. 15 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Parkinson Recreation Centre, 1800 Parkinson Way, hosted by the City of Kelowna • Wednesday Mar. 16 from 4 to 6 p.m. Winfield Memorial Hall, 10130 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. hosted by the Okanagan Indian Band • Thursday Mar. 17 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Coldstream Municipal Hall, 9901 Kalamalka Rd. hosted by the District of Coldstream. Residents can also provide feedback through an online survey at between Monday, March 14 and Sunday, March 27. The trail development plan is anticipated to be submitted to respective councils and board for consideration this spring.



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


Three little hens go north. D Way north.

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


very now and then a good news story comes along that I have to share.

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CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Life and Faith

Barry Gerding

Jim Taylor


This one starts at a resort community somewhere in the Okanagan Valley. Like all resort communities, people come and go; some stay longer than others. This particular resort works hard at building a real sense of community. So residents have their pets. Even if some of those pets are a little

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Premiers do the carbon shuffle Premier Christy Clark had her dancing shoes on as yet another “climate change” meeting ended in disarray in Vancouver last week. “This is not the end,” Clark assured reporters after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the premiers emerged with no agreement on a national minimum carbon price. No kidding. Trudeau declared victory by announcing the unanimous consent to a “Vancouver Declaration,” which basically pays lip service to the concept of “carbon pricing” and kicks another grand federal election promise down the road. As the rest headed for jets waiting at Vancouver airport, Clark expressed the hope that the public would say “they got together and they made progress.” Did they? Let’s take a look. Going into the Whistler-Vancouver stop on Trudeau’s globe-trotting glamour tour, Clark correctly noted that it’s

BC Views

Tom Fletcher other provinces that need to make progress. B.C. has a clear price on carbon emissions; it’s been held at $30 a tonne since Clark succeeded its creator, Gordon Campbell. Clark’s advice for other premiers is to follow Campbell’s example of a revenue-neutral carbon tax, offset by income tax reductions. You won’t build public support for a carbon tax that makes people poorer, she said. Of course that’s what Alberta is doing, at a time when many residents are getting poorer already. Alberta’s NDP government plans

to match the rate of B.C.’s carbon tax within two years and spend the proceeds. Other premiers have more creative definitions for pricing carbon. Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil pointed to transmission lines and power purchases from the Muskrat Falls dam under construction in Labrador, to substitute hydro for coal-fired power. The highest electricity prices in Canada are their “carbon pricing” plan. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall pointed to SaskPower’s Boundary Dam carbon capture and storage project. It is the world’s first coal-fired power station to capture carbon dioxide after combustion. The CO2 is sold to oilfield operators who inject it into declining wells to push more oil out, and the project intends to capture sulphur dioxide and fly ash to process and sell for other industrial uses.

Wall is the only Canadian leader to state a couple of inconvenient truths. The purpose of this exercise is to reduce carbon emissions, not to raise tax revenues. And now is the worst possible time to impose more taxes on the oil and gas industry. Clark’s stand-pat strategy on the B.C. carbon tax is going to change this year, as positioning begins for the 2017 election. A B.C. government advisory panel has recommended a 33 per cent increase, conveniently starting in 2018, with annual increases after that. The current sevencent-per-litre carbon tax on gasoline sold in B.C. is hardly a deterrent these days, as pump prices have tumbled and could stay low for years to come. And with a fragile economy, it seems unlikely that a big boost in carbon taxes will find favour with voters a year from now. The B.C. NDP is try-

ing to rebuild its credibility on climate policy. NDP leader John Horgan tried to revise the party’s history, claiming in year-end interviews that the NDP didn’t oppose the carbon tax, only making it revenue neutral rather than spending the money on green initiatives, as Alberta wants to do. Alas, the NDP’s “axe the tax” campaign going into the 2009 election is a matter of record. The party’s election platform warned that Campbell’s plan “increases taxes for average families by tripling the gas tax” to its current level. Last week the NDP issued a news release denouncing Clark for presiding over increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Tom Fletcher is B.C. legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc

i a a s f unusual. b So you might see p a man taking his pet a pig for a walk along the shore. Or a woman l c cycling to the recreation centre with a hen perched proudly on her h handlebars, looking like t an old-fashioned auto- y e mobile emblem. And if you followed t o that hen home, during the last month, you f would have found her t nesting on a clutch of Th m seven eggs. Two eggs t looked like what you might buy in a super- y market; the other five b were pale brown. They were fertilized Chantecler eggs. Chantecler chickens are uniquely Canadian. In the early 1900s, Brother Wilfred Chatelain was a monk at the Abbey of Notre Dame du Lac in Oka, Que-


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A5



Discuss your succession and estate planning needs


o you own a business? Do you own shares in a corporation? There are a number of important estate planning considerations which arise for you if you have a business that is incorporated or hold shares in a company, specifically legal, tax and financial considerations. In some cases, a shareholders’ agreement for the company in which you hold shares may exist. This will impact the transfer of your shares on death, and may affect who you intend to leave your shares to. The shareholders’ agreement and the articles of the company in which you hold shares should be reviewed carefully in

Vanessa DeDominicis

Have a Plan the course of your estate planning, and should be seen by your lawyer and your accountant so that they can come up with the best possible estate plan for you. Also important to think about will be the day-to-day operation of the business when you

pass away—who will take that over? Do you have a succession plan in place? There are a number of ways of arranging the transfer of shares to meet your wishes. In some cases, you may have a child or other family member who will be taking over the business. In others, you will want the company to be sold and the proceeds from the sale to be available for distribution to the beneficiaries. Specific matters that need to be considered are: 1. Who the voting shares in the company will be transferred to (as they will be entitled to vote on the composition of the board of directors

to run the company) and 2. When you want your chosen successor (if there is one) to receive the shares in the company. Estate planning around your company is very important. Talk to your lawyer and your accountant about your business interest and what you would like to happen to it upon your death. Transferring your interest through your will is just one method that can be used. Other options can also be used to accomplish your wishes, such as Trusts. This is provided as information only and should not be construed as legal advice. Vanessa DeDominicis is a long time Lake Country resi-

dent who practices in the area of wills and estates at

Pushor Mitchell LLP in Kelowna. 250-869-1140

Yard Waste Collection is back on!

• Yard waste pick up every two weeks starting March 1 through the end of November. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, fruit droppings and branches. • Yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.

Little hens that don’t mind the cold TAYLOR FROM A4 bec—the same place that produces a distinctive semi-soft Canadian cheese, and where First Nations people and police forces had an armed standoff for 11 weeks in 1990. Brother Wilfred realized that all hens in Canada came from warmer climates. They didn’t cope well with Canadian winters. So he crossbred hens, until they produced a breed that could stand low temperatures. Down to minus 30 C, I understand. The breed’s name derives from a Middle Ages fable about a rooster named Chanticleer who outsmarted a fox named Reynard. Three of the five Chantecler eggs hatched. When those chicks mature enough to look after themselves, they will be flown—as airline cargo, not under their own power—all the way north to Inuvik, on the Mackenzie River delta 200 km north of the Arctic Circle. In Inuvik, eggs can cost as much as $6 each. Even at that price, like the vegetables also flown in from warmer climes, they’re only sort of fresh. But this year, if all goes well, Inuvik will have its own fresh-laid eggs. Up to 200 eggs a year, from each hen. The idea came from Raygan Solotski, manager of what her step-

father brags is the largest greenhouse north of the Arctic Circle. Owned by the 3,400 citizens of Inuvik, the community greenhouse provides a limited supply of fresh vegetables. The three little Chanticleer hens, and others that may follow them, will live in an insulated hen house connected to the relatively protect-

ed environment of the greenhouse, providing the first fresh eggs that Inuvik has ever known. To add a further twist to this story, some authorities declared the Chantecler extinct in 1979, when what was believed to be the last rooster died, at the University of Saskatchewan. But a few private farms and enthusiasts didn’t ac-

cept the over-hasty verdict. They kept the breed going. And soon their descendants will be laying fresh eggs near the edge of the Arctic Ocean. It shows what can happen when people decide to work together. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

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Have your say on the Okanagan Rail Trail

Input is being gathered to inform the initial phase of trail development. Residents are invited to review the concept and give their feedback at any of the following public information sessions. Monday, March 14 4pm - 6:30pm Oyama Community Hall, 15710 Oyama Rd District of Lake Country Tuesday, March 15 4pm - 6:30pm Parkinson Recreation Centre, 1800 Parkinson Way City of Kelowna Wednesday, March 16 4pm - 6pm Winfield Memorial Hall, 10130 Bottom Wood Lake Rd Okanagan Indian Band Thursday, March 17 4pm - 6:30pm Coldstream Municipal Hall, 9901 Kalamalka Rd Regional District of North Okanagan

Go online and complete the survey from Monday March 14 until Sunday March 27 at


$35 ($1 00 value)

Lake Country To place your order visit or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250-469-6250.

Life. The Okanagan Way.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


Mayor, councillor growl over dogs off-leash on isthmus KEVIN PARNELL

Dog owners who have enjoyed an unofficial off-

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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

leash dog park in Oyama for years may have to keep their pets close at hand in the future, now that the District of Lake Country owns the old CN Rail corridor running the length of the Oyama isthmus. At last week’s Lake Country council meeting, Coun. Owen Dickie did not find support around the table for a notice of motion that would have made the rail corridor across the isthmus and along the east side of Wood Lake to the end of the Canada Lands an off-leash area for dogs, with the exception of public beaches in the area. “For years and years the isthmus has been a dogs-off-leash area,” Dickie said, adding that since the district bought

the corridor, there has been increased enforcement. “We promised everyone there would be no changes (on the corridor) until public consultation,” Dickie said. “It seems like the regional district has taken a different view and has been harassing people on the corridor. The area should remain an off-leash dog area until consultations can be held and decisions about what the area should be are made.” Dickie’s notion of motion brought a quick response from Lake Country Mayor James Baker who said no changes have been made in the area, which has never been designated as an official off-leash dog park. “I think it’s premature to advertise that

as an off-leash area,” said Baker. “You will have everybody in the Central Okanagan coming with their dogs. There will be major conflicts in the area for people that have issues with dogs. It’s not changing the use by enforcing a bylaw that is in effect that hasn’t been enforced before.” In Lake Country, and the rest of the Central Okanagan, dog control bylaws are enforced by the Regional District of the Central Okanagan (RDCO). Communities such as Lake Country inform the RDCO of their specific on and offleash dog parks so bylaw officers can enforce the rules. “Each municipality determines its offleash areas and then we enforce it,” said Bruce

Smith, RDCO spokesperson. “They designate or advise us. We only enforce what they suggest.” The problem with the CN corridor is that Lake Country has yet to set policy on the corridor about dogs and whether they need to be on or off leash. Dickie said the fact remains that people were told nothing would change with the purchase of the corridor and now it appears things have changed with increased enforcement of what used to be an offleash area. “When we proceeded to buy this property we said things would not change and we’re not being fair or honest to the people,” said Dickie. “It’s a significant change.” In the end Dick-

ie’s motion did not re- V ceive a second and instead a motion to ask for b a staff report on the issue b for the March 15 coun- o cil meeting passed with Dickie the lone council- w lor opposed. r “Until we designate t a park or an area of the b trail as off-leash, dogs e have to be on leash any- t time they are out,” said a Baker. l Currently in Lake o Country there are three t areas that the district has o designated as official off- i leash dog areas: An area n off Woodsdale Road and off Bottom Wood Lake p Road at Wood Lake in a Winfield and the North t End of Coral Beach in C Carr’s Landing. C There are no w designated off leash dog o parks in Oyama. t k c

View obstruction a contentious issue KEVIN PARNELL How big a view of Okanagan Lake is left for neighbours has be-


come an issue after designs for a proposed single family home on Finch Road in Lake Country became public. Lake Country council has left the problem up to the three property owners involved to come up with a compromise before the approval process comes back to

council. Council deferred a decision to allow Team Construction to begin building a 2,840 square foot single family home on Finch Road due to the fact the plans for the home infringe upon the district’s sight line bylaw. That bylaw protects the lake view of existing

homes so that they have a 120 degree panoramic view of the lake, keeping new homes from blocking sight lines of existing properties. In essence, a new home must not be built inside a 60 degree line coming from their neighbours home. On Finch Road, the couple in question have

a b b owned the undeveloped c w property since 1993. Original plans to build v put their home in con- t p travention of the bylaw, coming within the p 60-degree sight line of i both of its neighbours. l Their original applica- t tion for a variance to the f a SEE VIEWS A7O

w i h w t p b t h w



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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A7


Neighbours want their lake views preserved


bylaw was turned down by Lake Country council on Feb. 2. Last week the issue was brought back for reconsideration with two new options, either building the home deeper into the rock to drop the level three metres and allow for better sight lines for its neighbours or move the construction back, out of the way of one neighbour but still infringing on the second neighbour. “They’ve owned the property since 1993 and they’d like to build their dream home,” said Charles Kullen of Team Construction. “They want to join the fabric of the neighbourhood… they are interested in keeping the sight lines as clear as possible.” The couple did not appear at the meeting, but both sets of neighbours did speak to council and neither was happy with the proposed development, arguing that the house should not impede on their views and potential rock blasting could also negatively affect their properties, the topography of which features rocks and trees and a steep drop toward Okanagan Lake. “We are concerned we’re going to be staring at the side of another home,” said one resident who owns the property to the north of the proposed development. “The builder says it’s not going to affect the value of our home but we disagree with that.” New plans showed the builder would move the proposed home back on the property, a narrow, 2.22 acre parcel, but the home would still be located ahead of each of the neighbour properties. Lake Country staff had recommended approving the new plans saying that the topography of the land means the sight line bylaw could be amended. “This variance request has merit given that there is a significant topographical change between the two existing residences and the proposed residence,” stated a report to council. “Further the existing lot is densely vegetated ‐ sight lines up and down the lake for existing dwellings are obscured and therefore not truly impacted.”

Councillors weren’t convinced through and asked the developer to go back to the two neighbour properties and try

to work out a compromise. Council heard one way to alleviate the problem would be to move the building back so

that it is parallel to the two neighbour homes, but the builder said that wasn’t an ideal option either.

“If they moved the property back everybody’s privacy would be really reduced,” said Kullen. “The decks would be

side by side and everyone could see everyone walking around in their underwear.” The issue is expected

to be back at council in the future. newsroom@ @KP_media1

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Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


got hurt?get help. The Lake Country Calendar is produced at 2495 Enterprise Way in Kelowna. Visit or call 250-979-7329

news Lake Country Optometry is the 2016 recipient of the Oceola Fish And Game Club Donor Appreciation Award. Dr. Karla Reimer accepts the award from honorary Oceola member Nina Armitage. The game club appreciates all the local businesses and people who support the club’s effort in conservation of wildlife habitat, fisheries projects, lands and water. The next program to be held at the Easter Seals Camp in Winfield and is BOW: Becoming an Outdoor Woman. This B.C. Wildlife Federation program gives women an opportunity to learn and develop their outdoor skills. Certified coaches will instruct canoeing, fishing, orienteering, ATV basics and more. For more information contact provincial co-ordinator Joann at or 250-765-1174.


Lumby vies for Hockeyville prize

British Columbians are urged to help make Lumby Kraft Hockeyville. The village east of Vernon wants to upgrade its Pat Duke Memorial Arena and made the top 10 finalists for Kraft Hockeyville 2016. It is the only B.C. town on the list. “We need provincewide support,” said Angie Clowry, one of the campaign organizers in Lumby. “We have help called in from communities

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across the province.” The winner will receive an NHL pre-season game and $100,000 in arena upgrades. Second prize is $100,000 in arena upgrades, while the remaining eight arenas each will get $25,000 in arena upgrades. Voting opens on March 13 at 6 a.m. and closes March 14 at 9 decide on the two finalists. When the voting opens, you can cast your ballot at http://khv2016. ca/ The Village of Lumby is helping spread the word about the two-day voting session. “We want to get everyone involved,” said Mayor Kevin Acton. “I have sent letters to all mayors in B.C. and we hope they will support small town B.C.” If Lumby receives the funds, the goal is to ensure a proper change room at Pat Duke Memorial Arena for female hockey players. “Their eight-foot-by10-foot closet area that up to four teams may share at a time is not enough,” said Clowry. “Creating a space for our girls who play hockey now and in the future is important as they are a strong and vital part of our teams. And more are signing up to play every year.” The other top 10 communities are St. Laurent, Man., Martensville, Sask., Okotoks, Alta., St. Paul, Alta., Toronto, Ont., Brockville, Ont., Oromocto, N.B., Tatamagouche, N.S. and Saint-Isidore, Que. —Vernon Morning Star

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A9



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Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Lake Country loosens purse strings for band cated they are based in Vernon,” wrote Rose Bronswyk Kassa, chief financial officer, in a report. “Requests for grants by organizations whose function is regional or national in nature will not be considered by council.” The district’s annual budget for community grants is $7,000 and $2,300 has been allocated for 2016. ••• For those needing help filing an income tax return, volunteers will be on hand to help qualified individuals prepare their income tax returns on Mondays from March 7 to April 11, excluding Easter Monday on March 28 at the Municipal Hall from 10 a.m. until noon. For more information and to see if you qualify call Dave or Leona at 778-478-6317

Health Planning Society

Volunteers make our community a better place!

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street • 778 – 215 - 5247

COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

Petrina Koltun was recently named #1 Sole Agent for Royal LePage Kelowna, for 2015. Koltun, of Lake Country, is the second woman to achieve No. 1 Sole Agent status in the history of Royal LePage Kelowna. In February she attended the Royal LePage British Columbia Awards at the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver, where Royal LePage Canada CEO Phil Soper also presented her with the Award of Excellence and the Diamond Award, in recognition of outstanding achievement in 2015.

RCMP Live Healthy... Winfi eld accept no excuses

Vegetarian Cooking Class • Light vegetarian meal with healthful food recipes • Presenter is a registered dietician & raw food chef

WHEN - Thurs. March 17, 6:30 - 8:30pm WHERE - 11370 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Winfield COST - $10/person and $5/attending spouse

Register by phone by March 15

•HUGE COMMUNITY YARD SALE/SWAP - MEET at Winfield Memorial Hall April 9, 9am-3pm. Sponsored jointly by Winfield Memorial Hall & Lake Country/Winfield Lions Club (both will have items for sale). For info and/or book a table: John 250 717 7615. •NEW FOOD BANK NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: Various Jobs to fill… from filling containers, to filling hampers, to filling shelves, to answering the phone… If you can give a couple of hours or more a week we want you. 250-766-0125 •LAKE COUNTRY FOOD ASSISTANCE SOCIETY - Hours of Operation, Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-12 • 1-3. Hampers only on assigned day: Tues 9-12 • 1-2:30. Wed 9-12 • 1-2:30. Thurs 1-2:30. New clients please make appointment 1st 250-766-0125 •OSTEOFIT CLASSES - Strengthening & Fall Prevention Program. Tuesdays 3:30 to 4:30. Lake Country Seniors’ Center, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Contact Bobbi to try out a class/questions: (250) 317-3508. •ST PATRICK’S TEA AND BAKE SALE - Sat., Mar 12 from 1-3 at St.Edwards Church Hall, 11123 Okanagan Centre Road East. Also included will be live entertainment - Irish music and singing by Ceol na hEirann. Everyone welcome. •LC SENIORS BUS SCHEDULE - Mon., Mar 21 Prime Entertainment, Winfield Senior Centre, Tues., Mar 15, 22, 29. Buffet Lunch, Winfield Senior Centre, Sat., Mar 12 Vernon Schubert Centre Pancake Breakfast, shopping, followed by St.Patricks Tea in Winfield, Sat., Mar 19 local shopping and local museum, To reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LAKE COUNTRY OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, and sturdy boots for hiking. For information about our club, please contact: •LOOKING TO VOLUNTEER IN YOUR COMMUNITY? Wanting to make a difference in someone’s life? Then call Lake Country Health Planning Society at 778-215-5247! We have many different opportunities available. Office hours Mon-Thurs, 10am-2pm. •LAKE COUNTRY HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY Proudly offers the Better At Home program for seniors aged 65+. If you are a senior who could benefit from non-medical supports to help maintain your independence at home, call our office 778-215-5247. All calls confidential. Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTER - Osteofit-Seniors fall prevention program. Tuesday’s 3:30-4:30. Osteofit is a safe and appropriate fitness program for ALL seniors whose goal is to build bone and muscle mass, increase balance and prevent falls. Try a free class and see if it is a fit for you! 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. •LAKE COUNTRY SCI-FI BOOK CLUB - 3rd Wednesday of each month. March 16 & April 20. Bring a list of five books you’d like to read. Lake Country Branch-Okanagan Regional Library, #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Be prepared to talk about your favourite book of all time. •BABYTIME - (newborn to 18 months) Fri. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 13. Join us for songs, rhymes & giggly fun! Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •STORYTIME - (recommended for ages 5 & under) Sat. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 14. Caregivers & little ones join us for stories, songs, puppets & more. Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •LEGO BUILDERS CLUB - (ages 6-12) Wed. afternoons 3:30-4:30 pm, March 23, April 27. See what creations you can build with our Lego! Free. Registration required & begins 2 weeks before the program date. 250-766-3141 •LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY ADULT PROGRAMS - Book Chat Sat. Mar 12 & Apr 9 at 2:30pm. Knitting Circle Thurs. afternoons until March 31. Programs are free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •ANGEL AWARD TALENT SHOW - June 25. Looking for talent between ages 10 & 25. In support for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Competition now open. Late registration fees are applicable-don’t delay! One live audition day March 2016 – register now at Creekside Theatre., website: •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Ballroom Dancing class on Wednesdays 6-8pm. Call 250-766-4220 for more info •ADULT BOOK CLUB - Join Rita on the first Tues. of each month at 7pm for a lively discussion of each month’s title. Copies of each title will be available in the library. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIOR CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is open Mon.-Fri. 10am-2pm to answer questions about seniors’ issues. We are in need of volunteers to do odd jobs. Our next event: Prime Time is held on the first & third Monday of the month - call Joanne at 250-766-0667. Have a plaque installed on the Memorial Wall for $20. This is a great place to share with loved ones. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. •BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. - Taoist Tai Chi® at the Oyama Community Hall at 6:30pm. For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9 every Tues. @ noon.. Take home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. Winter hours: Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am-4pm. •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •LC LINE DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247.

Calendar Lake Countr y


nc e 19



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A recent distracted driving enforcement campaign by local RCMP came up with some surprising results. Officers found many more infractions than the usual distractions. On March 1, Central Okanagan Traffic Services used both officers in uniforms and plain clothes to target distracted drivers. However, they found they were dealing with a wide variety of offences under the Motor Vehicle Act. In total RCMP issued $167 fines to 31 violators for using an electronic device while driving. Fines were also issued to 23 drivers and their passengers for not wearing their seatbelts, as well as to 15 drivers for driver’s licencing offences and insurance violations. What police found most surprising were the 64 offences involving vehicle defects. The most common observed were

Lake Country

Yea rs

Instead of following staff ’s recommendation to deny the grant, council voted last week to provide $550 to the North Okanagan Pipe and Drums. “I wanted to do more but council was being very parsimonious,” said Mayor James Baker. The band applied for $2,200 to purchase four new kilts, but council decided to purchase one kilt at $550. Baker believes support is important. “They do provide a presence at our November 11 (Remembrance Day) ceremony,” he said. However, staff disagreed the band was eligible for financial support. “The band, in their application, indicated that they consider themselves a Lake Country pipe band but on their website, the band has indi- A11


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Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL



Central Okanagan

Are you, or someone you know, over THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 65 and without a family doctor? TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP # help. $ % & _ ( ) We can 10 Please call: 250.718.8116 11 The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar :00 SportsCentre Sugar ” Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Right Debt/Part :30 Rachael Ray :00 Motoring TV Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” :30 2016 Tim Noon News CTV10, News 2016 CBC News KIRO News Noon News :00 Hortons THURSDAY, MARCH Vancouver Network ” Hour :30 Brier: Draw Hour Days of our The Social Heartland The Talk Days of our :00 15 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN Proudly supported by CAPITAL ” Lives ” ” ” Lives :30 ” The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife The( Talk :00 # $ % & _ ” ” Mysteries ” ” :30 Interruption SportsCentre Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar :00 The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold The Meredith :00 SportsCentre ” Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Right Debt/Part :30 ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show :30 Motoring TV Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Rachael Ray :00 Young & The Dr. Oz O’Grady Judge Judy Young & :00 Hockey 2016 Tim ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” :30 2016 Tim Restless Show O’Grady Judge Judy Restless :30 Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News :00 Hortons Hortons News CTV10, News Dragons’ KIRO News Early News :00 THURSDAY, Brier: Draw MARCH Hour Vancouver 2016 Network ” Hour :30 ” Vancouver Den KIRO News Global Nat. :30 Brier: Draw 15 Days of our The Social Heartland The Talk our :00 Global Nat. 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Tonight ”” :30 SportsCentre SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGeGrand Bold The Meredith Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar :00 ” Big Brother Big Bang The Nature Big Bang Big Brother :00 Vieira Show neres Vieira Show Debt/Part Daniel Tiger ThisMinute Right Debt/Part :30 ”” Canada DC’s ”Show Designs of Things Life in Canada :30 Hockey Young & Ray Legends The Dr. Oz O’Grady Judge Young & Ray Motoring TV The Rachael Marilyn Best Recipes Mom Young Judy & Rachael :00 Blacklist Firsthand The Blacklist :00 SportsCentre 2016 Tim Restless Show O’Grady Judge Judy Restless ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” :30 ” ” Goldbergs ” Broke Girl ” :30 Hortons News CTV News Dragons’ KIRO News Early News Noon News CBCNational News Noon News :00 SportsCentre Shades of Get Away The Elementary Shades of :00 Brier: Draw Vancouver KIRO ””News Blue Global Hour ” Network Hour Nat. :30 ” Blue With Murder Den ” :30 16 Global Nat. 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Tonight ET ET Canada TheCanada Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife TheCanada Talk :30 :00 SportsCentre ” ” Mysteries ” ” :30 Interruption ” Telenovela The Amazing marketplace The Amazing Telenovela :00 ” Superstore Race Superstore The Meredith Race Ellen DeGe- Hello Grand Bold The Meredith :30 :00 SportsCentre ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira :30 SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Grimm the fifth Hawaii Five- HawaiiShow Five:00 ” 0 ” Oz estate 0 Young & The Dr. O’Grady Judge Judy 0 Young & :30 :00 Hockey 2016 Tim Restless ShowBloods The O’Grady Judge Judy Rookie Restless :30 SportsCentre Rookie Blue Blue National Blue Bloods Blue :00 ” ” ” ” News ” CTV News Dragons’ KIRO ”News Early News :30 :00 Hortons Brier: Page News ”Final News-Lisa Vancouver Den News KIRO News News Global Global News Nat. :30 SportsCentre CBC KIRO :00 Late ShowCoronation Late Global Nat. News--11:30 CTV News CBC VanKIROShowNews Late NewsShowHour :30 :00 Playoff” ” CHBC News Vancouver couver News CBS News ” Big Bang Backstage Colbert Colbert :30 SportsCentre Colbert :00 ”” ET Ron Ent.Canada Tonight Corden etalk Rick James Mercer Corden The Insider ET Ent.Canada Tonight :30 :00 Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada :30 SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang ” Telenovela The 12, Amazing marketplace The Amazing Telenovela :00 SATURDAY, MARCH 2016 ” Superstore Race Hello Race Superstore :30 Hawaii Five- Grimm the fifth Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five:00 SportsCentre TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO ” 0 ” estate 0 0CHAN :30 Rookie Bloods The& National Blue_ Bloods Rookie # $Blue Blue% (Blue :00 SportsCentre ” ” ” ” ” ” :30 Fish’n The Marilyn Absolutely College Fish’n :00 NASCAR SportsCentre Real NewsFishing Final Denis News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News Real Global News :00 Racing Show Canadian Basketball Fishing :30 ” Late Show- News--11:30 Coronation Late Show- Late Show:30 ” Powerboat :00 SC Top 10 Powerboat It Is Written Doc Zone SportsCentre Colbert TV Big Bang Backstage Colbert Colbert TV :00 2016 Tim Driving etalk ” ” Driving :30 ” ET Canada Corden Ron James Corden ET Canada :30 Hortons News SportsCentre Speed ” News :00 PGA Tour ” Skating College PGA Tour SATURDAY, 12, 2016 :30 Brier: Page MARCH Golf Corner Gas FIS Alpine Basketball Golf :00 Playoff ” ” Corner Gas Skiing ” ” :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CrossCBC KIRO CHAN ” ” Canada’s ” ” :00 ” Worst Driver Country ” ” # $ % & _ ( :30 Rugby: Rugby Ice Pilots Disruptors The National College Ice Pilots :00 World NASCAR Fish’n The Marilyn Absolutely College Fish’n :00 Sevens: NWT Moneytalk Hockey Basketball NWT :30 Real Fishing Denis Show Canadian Basketball Real Fishing :30 Racing TBA Decoding The Marilyn NHL ” Decoding :00 Teams SC Top 10 Powerboat It Is Written Doc Zone ” Powerboat :00 2016 Tim the Ancients Denis Show Hockey: ” the Ancients :30 Driving TV etalk ” ” Driving TV :30 2016 Tim Hortons Moves The Social Toronto KIRO News Moves :00 Hortons News SportsCentre Speed ” News :00 Brier: CHBC News etalk Maple Leafs KIRO News Global Nat. :30 Brier: Page PGA Tour ” Skating College PGA Tour :30 Global Nat. CTV News at Ottawa CBS News News Hour :00 Semifinals Playoff Golf Corner Gas2016 FIS Alpine Basketball Golf SATURDAY, MARCH 12, :00 ” CHBC News Vancouver Senators KIRO News ” :30 ” ” Corner Gas Skiing ” ” :30 ” 16x9 W5 NHL Ent. Tonight 16x9 :00 ” ” Canada’s Cross” ” :00 ” ” Hockey: ” ” TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN :30 SportsCentre ” Worst Driver Country ” ” :30 Rugby: ” Side Show Big Bang Nashville NCIS Side Show :00 World Ice Pilots Disruptors The& National Ice Pilots # $ % _ ( :00 ”Rugby First Dates Anger Predators at College ” First Dates :30 Sevens: NWT Moneytalk Hockey Basketball NWT :30 NASCAR Fish’n The Marilyn Vancouver Absolutely College Fish’n Movie: Criminal Criminal Movie: :00 SportsCentre Decoding The Marilyn NHL ” Decoding :00 Teams Racing Real Fishing Minds Denis Show Canucks Canadian Basketball Real Fishing ” TBA “Double Minds “Double :30 Tim the Ancients Denis Show Hockey: ” the Ancients :30 2016 Cross” Motive Show 48 Hours Cross” SC Top 10 Powerboat It Is Written Post Doc Zone ” Powerboat :00 SportsCentre Hortons Moves The Social Toronto KIRO ”News Moves :00 ” ” ” CBC News ” TV 2016 Tim Driving TV etalk ” Driving :30 Brier: CHBC News etalk Maple Leafs KIRO News Global Nat. :30 SportsCentre News Final News Tudors KIRO ”News News Final Hortons SportsCentre The Speed :00 Semifinals Global Nat. CTV News at Ottawa CBS News News Hour :00 Brier: ”Page Saturday News--11:30 ” Scandal Saturday PGA Tour ” Skating College PGA Tour :30 ” CHBC News Vancouver Senators KIRO News ” :30 SportsCentre Night Castle ” Night Golf Live Corner Gas Dragons’ FIS Alpine Basketball Golf Live :00 Playoff” 16x9 ” W5 ” NHL Ent. Tonight 16x9 ” :00 ” The Insider Corner Gas Den Skiing ” :30 ” ” Hockey: ” ” :30 SportsCentre


NHL’s Best Premier

Boj PAW Patrol

The View ”

League Darts

Monkey See KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News

A&E 1


Criminal Minds

Wayside Kid vs. Kat

Criminal Minds

Rated A Rated A

or email us at: 12 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E news 1 ) * ` 1 2 10 3 Be aware: Take care of our water and forests. 11 4 12 5 1 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 6 ) * ` 1 2 7 3 10 8 4 11 9 5 12 10 6 1 11 7 2 12 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 8 9 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 10 ) * ` 1 11 10 12 11 12 1 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ) * ` 1 2 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 1 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 7 2 ) * ` 1 8 3 10 9 4 11 10 5 12 11 6 1 12 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 8 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 9 ) * ` 1 10 10 11 11 12 12 1 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ) * ` 1 2 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 1 SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 7 2 ) * ` 1 8 3 10 9 4 10 11 5 11 12 6 12 1 7 World Poker PAW Patrol Tour: Alpha8 Kate and

Chucks Squirrel

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital

The First 48 ”

Almost Sidekick

Tim and Sid ” NHL’s Best ” Premier ” League Pregame Darts NHL World Poker Hockey: Tour: Alpha8 Sabres at World Poker Canadiens Tour: Alpha8 ”

Maya Curious Boj The Doozers PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Monkey See Mister Maker Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate and Wild Kratts Ruf-Tweet The Polar Tumble Leaf Sea

The Doctors ” The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News The Chew News ” World News General KOMO 4 Hospital News

The First 48 ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The FirstIn 48 60 Days ””

Wayside Kid vs. Kat Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds Rated A SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Assembly Sidekick Nicky, Ricky

Tim and Sid Sportsnet NBA ” NHL’s” Best Basketball: ” Premier Cavaliers at

Maya Waterfront Curious Cities The Boj Doozers Joanna PAW Patrol Lumley’s

The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! Steve The View Grey’s Harvey ” Anatomy

The First 48 ” ””

Mister Maker Monkey See New York Creative Bucket-Dino ” Dino Dan PAW Patrol ” Wild Kate Kratts and ” Canadiens The Polar World Poker Ruf-Tweet Sportsnet Waterfront ” Sea Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Central Cities Sportsnet Waterfront Tim and Sid New MayaYork Sportsnet NBA Cities ” Curious Central ” Basketball: Joanna ” The Doozers Cavaliers at Lumley’s ” PAW Patrol Lakers New York Pregame Mister Maker ” NHL ” Creative Sportsnet ” Hockey: Dino Dan Central ” Sabres at Wild Kratts

KOMO 4 Scandal News ” News The Away Chew Get WorldMurder ”News With

The Chew ”

said Const. Jesse Steve Dateline: Judge laws,” Sesame St. Today Harvey Real Life Judge Peg Plus Cat ” tinted windows, tinted liO’Donaghey. With Carole How/Made Family Feud Dateline: Divorce Dinosaur New Day MacNeil How/Made cence Family Feud covers, Real Lifeand Divorce Northwestfor plate li“IfDinosaur you are stopped CBC News Steven Crime Watch Dateline: Millionaire Why! KING 5 cence plates Real not Life attached usingSuper an electronic deNetwork Avery Daily Millionaire Thomas News toDOCTORS the front of vehicles.Crime Watch vice while With Andrew Moonshiners: Dateline: Sesamedriving St. Daysexpect of our NEWS Outlaw DISC KAYU Real TLC WTBS Cat KCTS KING Nichols Cuts Family Life Daily in the “We Feud are well beyond to pay the fine.”Lives Power & Moonshiners Beauty Dateline: KingA Curious Dr. Phil 7 9 ; < N P Politics ” Office Real Life King Curious ” theTheeducation period for CBC News Network

Yukon Men ”


CBC News ” Network ” With Carole The MacNeil Exchange CBC News CBC News Network ” With Andrew The National Nichols ”

How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” Steven Diesel Avery Brothers Moonshiners: Vegas Rat Outlaw Rods Cuts

Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Mike Daily Anger DOCTORS Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam

The First Criminal The First 48 48 Minds””

Wayside 100 Things Kid vs. Kat Stanley Dyn. Sidekick Wayside Just Kidding Nerds Kid vs. Kat Just Kidding

Power & CBC News Politics ” ” CBC News The National ”” Network

Moonshiners Gold Rush ”” How/Made Yukon Men How/Made How/Made ” How/Made

Beauty Big Bang TheBang Office Big Fish Oil Steve American Pets.TV Harvey Idol

The First 48 48 Criminal The First Minds”” The First 48 60 Days In ””

SpongeBob Rated A Gags SpongeBob Rated A Gags SpongeBob Chucks Haunting SpongeBob Squirrel Haunting

The WithNational Carole The Exchange MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News Network ””

Daily Planet How/Made Diesel ” How/Made Brothers Diesel StevenRat Vegas Brothers Avery Rods

Assembly Almost Gags Nicky, Ricky Sidekick Gags

Sportsnet Canadiens Central ”

Waterfront The Polar Cities Sea

60 TheDays First 48 ” In ”” Wheel ” The Doctors Kimmel Live The First 48 Jeopardy! ”” ” Nightline Grey’s The First Steve The First 48 48 Anatomy ”” Harvey Scandal The KOMO 4 The First First 48 48 ”” News ” Get Away 60 Days In News The First 48 With ”” WorldMurder News News ” In KOMO 4 60 Days Jimmy ”” News

Sportsnet Sportsnet Central NBA

New York Waterfront Cities ”

Basketball: Cavaliers at

Lakers ”

Sportsnet Central

DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING FROM 9 DISTRACTED ; < A11 Athe distracted N driving P

A GP for Me The First 48 ”

Pregame League Lakers NHL Darts ” Hockey: World Poker Sportsnet Sabres at Tour: Alpha8 Central


Expect fine when texting, driving

KOMO General4 News News Hospital Jimmy



Yukon Men How/Made ” How/Made


Steve Fish Oil Harvey Pets.TV


Dateline: My 600-Lb. Real Life Life

Judge Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam Dateline: Divorce My 600-Lb. Big Bang Real Life Divorce Life Big Bang Dateline: Millionaire My 600-Lb. Movie: Real Life Millionaire Life “Groundhog Dateline: Crime Extreme Day” Watch Real Life Weight Loss Daily ” Dateline: King ” Seinfeld Real Life King ” Seinfeld


My 600-Lb. Dateline: Fat Chance Life Real Life ”

Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Family Dateline: ” Feud My 600-Lb. Raising Life Family” Feud Life Real Life Mike My 600-Lb. Crime Watch Extreme Dateline: News Anger Life DailyFam Real Life Mod Weight Loss The National Vegas Rat Two Men Extreme WithNational Andrew Gold Moonshiners: DOCTORS Dateline: The Rush Mike ” Rods Mod Fam Nichols Outlaw” Cuts Two Family Feud Weight Real Life ”” Men ” Loss CBC News Gold Rush Big Bang ” Power & Moonshiners Beauty Dateline: The How/Made How I Met Paid Prog. ” ” Big Bang ” Politics ” The Office Real Life Exchange How/Made Cougar Paid Prog.

100 Things Wayside Just Kidding Stanley Dyn. Kid vs. Kat Just Kidding Just Kidding The National How/Made Sidekick ” How/Made Just Kidding ”” How/Made Nerds How/Made Gags SpongeBob The The National Diesel Daily Planet Gags ” Brothers SpongeBob Exchange ” Haunting CBC News Vegas SpongeBob CBC News Diesel Rat Haunting ”” Rods SpongeBob Brothers

American Fish Oil Idol Pets.TV ” Paid Prog. ” Raising News Mike Mod Fam Anger


Mod Fam Judge Family Guy Mod Fam Judge Amer. Dad

Sesame St. Masterpiece Peg Plus Cat Classic Dinosaur Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Super Why! World News Thomas Business Sesame St. PBS Cat in the NewsHour

Today Ellen DeGe” neres Show New Day KING 5 Northwest News at 4 KING 5 KING 5 News News at 5 Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Curious Great PerCurious formances Masterpiece Sesame ” St. Classic Peg Plus Cat ”

Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeToday You, Me and neres ””Show


Big Bang Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Amer. Dad Movie: Millionaire The Middle “Groundhog Millionaire Payne

Masterpiece Dinosaur Doc Martin Classic Dinosaur -Seven World Super News Why! Grumpy Business Thomas Miss Fisher Day” PBS Crime Watch Sesame St. Browns Uncovered NewsHour Daily ” Cat in the Payne Tribute to Seinfeld Great PerKing Curious Browns Dow Seinfeld King Yet? formances Curious There Creation Fat Chance Family Guy ” My 600-Lb. Mod Fam Masterpiece Amer. Dad ” Life ” Mod Fam Classic My Guy Doc Martin My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. Family Big Bang Masterpiece Life Amer. Dad -Seven Life Big Bang Classic Extreme Middle Grumpy My 600-Lb. The Movie: World News Weight Loss Payne Fisher Life “Groundhog Miss Business

KING 5 NewBlacklist Day The News Northwest ”at 4 KING 5 of Shades News at 5 Blue Nightly Days ofNews our News News Lives Tonight News Dr. Phil Show Evening ” Seth Meyers You, and Ellen Me DeGeneres ”Show The Blacklist KING 5 News ”at 4 Shades KING 5 of Blue News at 5

Mike Two Men Two Mod Men Fam

Kimmel Wheel Live The First ” 48 Nightline ”” Jeopardy!

Gags The Rush Assembly The National National Gold Vegas Rat Gags ”” Nicky, Ricky Rods ” Just Kidding The 100 Things CBC News How/Made Gold Rush Just Kidding How/Made Stanley Dyn. Exchange ” ”

Joanna Lumley’s

Grey’s Anatomy

The First 48 ”

Just Kidding The National How/Made Just Kidding ” How/Made

New York ”

Scandal ”

The First 48 ”

Gags Gags

The National Diesel ” Brothers

Doc Martin -- Seven

The Blacklist ”

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

Vegas Rat Rods

News Mod Fam

Extreme The Middle Weight Loss Payne

Grumpy Miss Fisher

Shades of Blue

” Dateline: ” Real Life Paid Prog. Dateline: Paid Prog. Real Life

Browns Judge Payne Judge Browns Divorce There Yet? Divorce

Uncovered Sesame Tribute toSt. Peg Plus Cat Dow Dinosaur Creation Dinosaur

News Today Tonight ” Show New Seth Day Meyers Northwest

Super Why! Thomas

KING 5 News

” ”

Get Away 60 Days In With Murder ”




Browns Day” Payne”

Uncovered PBS Tribute to NewsHour

News Nightly News Tonight News

How I Met Big Bang Cougar Big Bang

” Extreme ” Loss Weight Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ”

Browns Seinfeld There Yet? Seinfeld

Dow Great PerCreation formances

Show News Seth Meyers Evening

American Idol

Fat Chance ”

Family Guy Amer. Dad

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Amer. Dad

” ”




” ”


Sportsnet MLB Central Preseason Sportsnet Baseball: Central Red Sox at

Waterfront Boj Cities PAW Patrol New York Monkey ” See Bucket-Dino

News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle

” Gags Criminal Wayside ” Gags Minds Kid vs. Kat The First 48 Just Kidding Criminal Rated A ” Just Kidding Minds Rated A

The National CBC News ” Network The With Carole Exchange MacNeil

Gold Rush Mighty” Planes How/Made How/Made How/Made

Mike Steve Two Men Harvey How I Met Family CougarFeud Family Feud

Blue Jays ”

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Damien ”

Nerds Squirrel

CBC News Network

Diesel Brothers

Crime Watch Dateline: Daily Real Life

Millionaire Millionaire

MLB’s Best ”

Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital

The First 48 ”

Almost Sidekick

With Andrew Vegas Rat Nichols Rods

Fish Oil Dateline: Family Feud Real Life

Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the

Tim and Sid ”

Maya Curious

MLB ” ” Preseason

Boj Doozers Steve The View The PAW Patrol Harvey ”

The Doctors The First 48 ” ”

Blue Jays Mister Maker KOMO 4 Baseball: Monkey See News Plays/Month Creative News Red Sox at Bucket-Dino Seattle NHL’s Best Blue Jays NHL ”


Dino PAW Dan Patrol Wild Kate Kratts and

YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

DISC Gold Rush 9 ”

KAYU Prostate The; Office

TLC Dateline: Real< Life

Mighty How/Made How/Made Planes

Steve Beauty Zoo Clues Harvey

Dateline: Say Yes Say RealYes Life

Cize It Up! Say Yes Family Feud Dateline: RaisingFeud Real Say Yes Family Life

Criminal The First 48 Minds”

Wayside Sidekick Chucks Kid vs. Kat

CBC News ” ” Network

The First 48 Criminal Minds”

SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob Rated A

The Carole With Exchange MacNeil

Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made

SpongeBob Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel

CBC News ” Network

Dual Survival Mike Yes Diesel Crime Watch Say Dateline: ” Anger Say Brothers Daily RealYes Life

News 60 Days In The Chew Damien World ”News ”

” The First 48 ”

Judge Mod Fam Mod Fam Judge

Sesame St. Today Masterpiece Ellen DeGeClassic Peg Plus Cat neres ”Show

Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Divorce

” Dinosaur ” Dinosaur

World Super News Why! KING 5 Business News at 5 Thomas

Waterfront KOMO Ruf-Tweet General4 Cities Tumble Leaf News Hospital

SpongeBob Almost SpongeBob Sidekick

The Jade Fever WithNational Andrew Vegas Rat ” Jade Nichols Rods Fever

Two Say Yes Fish Men Oil Dateline: Mod Fam Family Feud Say RealYes Life

Wheel The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! ” ”

Thunder Wayside Movie: Kid vs. Kat

CBC News Power & ” Politics

Mayday: Air Gold Rush Disaster ”

Big Bang Prostate Big TheBang Office

Love, Lust Dateline: or Run Real Life

Sportsnet ” Blue MLB Jays ” Preseason NHL’s Best Blue Jays Plays/Month Baseball: Red Sox at Sportsnet NHL’s Best Central Blue Jays NHL ” Sportsnet Hockey: Central Blackhawks MLB’s Best ” Sportsnet at Stars Central ” Sid Tim and ” Sportsnet

Last Doozers Tango The in Halifax Boj PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Vera Mister Maker ” See Monkey Creative Bucket-Dino ” Dino Dan ” PAWKratts Patrol Wild Kate and BattleWaterfront Bagpipes Cities Ruf-Tweet Tumble Leaf Last Tango Island in Halifax Escape Maya Curious Last Tango

Last Man Steve Dr. TheKen View Harvey ” Shark KOMOTank 4 News ” Seattle 20/20 News ”News The Chew World ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News General HospitalLive Kimmel Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors ” Last Man

“Dr. Seuss’ Sidekick the Lorax” Wayside Chucks Kid vs.” Kat SpongeBob Assembly Rated A SpongeBob Rated A Assembly SpongeBob Max Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel Gags SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Almost Sidekick Dr. Seuss’ Thunder the Lorax Movie: Wayside Kid vs. Kat “Dr. Seuss’

The National ” ” CBC News Network The National ” With Carole Exchange MacNeil CBC News ” CBC News Network The National ”” With Andrew Nichols The CBC News Exchange Power” & Politics The National

Mayday How/Made Mighty” How/Made Planes Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell How/Made ” How/Made Dual Survival Diesel” Brothers Air Mayday: Jade Fever Disaster Jade Fever Vegas Rat Rods Mayday Mayday: Air ” Disaster Gold Rush ” Mayday

Sleepy Beauty Hollow Steve Zoo Clues Harvey Second Cize It Up! Chance Family Feud Raising Family Feud News Mike Mod Fam Crime Watch Anger Daily Mike Two Men Two Mod Fam Fish Men Oil Family Feud How I Met Big Bang Cougar Big Bang Prostate The Office Sleepy

Say Yes Say Yes Dateline: Real Life Love, Lust Say Yes or Run Dateline: Say Yes Real Life Say Yes Say Yes Dateline: RealYes Life Say Say Yes Say Yes Dateline: Real Prog. Life Paid Love, Lust Paid Prog. or Run Dateline: RealYes Life Say

Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Judge Mod Fam Judge Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Divorce Big Bang Divorce The Middle Movie: Payne Millionaire “SpiderMillionaire Browns Man” Payne Crime”Watch Daily ” Surviving Christmas Seinfeld King King Guy Family

American Masterpiece Masters Sesame St. Classic Peg Plus Cat ” This Land Is Dinosaur ” Dinosaur Your Land World News (My Music) Super Why! Business Thomas Nitty PBS Gritty Dirt BandSt. NewsHour Sesame Cat in the and Friends Washington Yoga Charlie CuriousRose Curious American

Blue Jays ” NHL’s”Best

in Halifax Ken The Doozers Dr. Steve HarveyTank Shark

Damien The First 48 ” Criminal Minds 60 TheDays FirstIn 48 ” Criminal Minds” 60 Days In ” Damien ” 48 The First ” ”” The First 48 ” 48 Damien The First ”” The First 48 ” Damien




Dr. Phil ”

Movie: Millionaire “SpiderMillionaire

Island Maya Escape Curious


Days of our Lives

KCTS Curious N Curious

Hockey: MLB’s Best Blackhawks ”



WTBS King KingA

at Stars Tim and Sid ”


You, Me and ”

Man” Crime Watch PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Daily ” Cat in the

WTBS ” King Seinfeld King A


KINGDay 5 New News at 4 Northwest

Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives


Washington News Curious Dr. Phil Charlie CuriousRose Evening ”

Caught on Ellen DeGeCamera TodayShow neres ” Grimm KING 5 ”at 4 New Day News Northwest Dateline KING 5 NBC KING at 5 5 News News News Nightly News Tonight News Days of our Lives Show News Seth Meyers Evening Dr. Phil ” on Caught

PAW Patrol Vera Plays/Month Blue Jays Mister” Maker Plays/Month Creative Sportsnet ” Central ” NHL’s Best Dino Dan NHL Wild Kratts Sportsnet BattleCentral Bagpipes Hockey: Waterfront Blackhawks Last CitiesTango Sportsnet Central in Halifax at Stars Island ” Escape

” Lorax” The First 48 the Sidekick ” In Chucks 60 Days ” ” The First 48 Assembly SpongeBob SpongeBob ”” Assembly ” In Max 60 Days SpongeBob ” 48 Gags SpongeBob The First ”” Gags SpongeBob ” SpongeBob Damien Dr. Seuss’ ” Lorax The First 48 the Thunder ” Movie:

” ” The National The ” Exchange CBC News

” How/Made How/Made Highway Thru Daily Hell Planet ” Dual Survival

Hollow Beauty Zoo Clues Second

Say Yes Say Yes Love, Lust

Amer. Dad Mod Fam Mod Fam Family Guy

” 4 KOMO News 20/20 News ” World News News Jimmy KOMO 4 News Live Kimmel Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!

Chance Cize It Up! Raising News

or Run Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say

Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang The Middle

Masters Masterpiece Camera Ellen DeGeClassic neres Show ” Grimm This Land Is KING ”5 ” ” News at 4 Your Land Dateline

” CBC News ” The National ” The National The ” Exchange CBC News ”

” Dual Survival ” Air Mayday: Disaster Jade Fever Jade Fever Mayday ” Air Mayday: Disaster

Mod Mike Fam Anger Mike Two Two Men Men Mod IFam How Met Cougar Big Bang Big Bang

Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Paid Yes Prog. Paid Love,Prog. Lust or Run

Payne Movie: “SpiderBrowns Payne Man” ” Surviving Christmas ” Seinfeld

(My Music) World News Business Nitty Gritty Dirt PBSBand NewsHour and Friends Yoga Washington Charlie Rose

NBC KING 5 News at 5 News Tonight Nightly News News Show Seth NewsMeyers Evening

Sportsnet Blue Jays

Last Man Dr. Ken

Damien ”

“Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax”

The National Mayday ” ”

Sleepy Hollow

Say Yes Say Yes

Family Guy Amer. Dad

American Masters

Caught on Camera

NHL’s Best Vera Plays/Month ”

Shark Tank ”

60 Days In ”

” Assembly

The National Highway ” Thru Hell

Second Chance

Love, Lust or Run

Family Guy Amer. Dad

” Grimm This Land Is ”

Sportsnet Central NHL’s Best Sportsnet NHL Count Central NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Central Rangers at Red Wings

” ” Wild Kratts BattleWild Kratts Bagpipes Doki Last Tango Creative in Halifax Animals Animals


” ” Wahlburgers The First 48 ” ” Donnie Damien Donnie ” The First 48 ”

Assembly Max Harvey Gags Pig Goat Gags Turtles Dr. Seuss’ SpongeBob the Lorax Movie: “Dr. Seuss’

CBC News ” CBC News The National CBC News ” Network The Asha With Exchange Tomlinson ”

Dual Survival ” Mayday Mayday: ” Air Disaster Mayday: Air Mayday Disaster ” Railroad Alaska

News Mod Fam Paid Prog. Mike ID Protection Two Men NASCAR How I Met NASCAR Cougar Racing ”

Say Yes Say Yes Women in Say Yes Prison Say Yes Women in Paid Prog. Prison Paid Prog. Hoarding: Buried Alive

The Middle Payne Gimme Browns Seinfeld Payne Movie: Surviving “The Christmas Pacifier” ”

Your Land (My Music) Odd Squad Nitty Gritty Arthur Dirt Band Eat Fat, Get and Friends Thin With Yoga Dr. Mark Hyman

” NHL’s Best

Our Part World of X Cosmic Vista Games

The First 48 ”

the Lorax” ”

” ”

Dual Survival ”

” ”

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Movie: “Shrek 2”

Canada ”

30 for 30 ”

60 Days In ”

Max Max

The National Highway Issue Thru Hell

Tip-Off College

Hoarding: Buried Alive

WTBS ” ” A

Smart Fats to Out-Smart

Hockey Central

Sportsnet NHL’s Best Hockey NHL Count NHL NHL Hockey: Hockey: Minnesota Rangers at Wild at Red Wings Montreal ” Canadiens NHL’s Best NHL Hockey Hockey: Central Arizona Sportsnetat Coyotes Hockey NHL’s Best Edmonton NHL NHL Count Oilers Hockey: Sportsnet NHL Minnesota Central Hockey: Wild at Sportsnet Rangers at Montreal Central Red Wings Canadiens Sportsnet ” NHL Central NHL’s Best Hockey:

Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts National Doki Geographic Creative Joanna Animals Lumley’s Animals Hope for Our Part Wildlife Cosmic Vista Lost Sharks Canada ” ” Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Wild Kratts Foyle’s War National Wild Kratts ” Geographic Doki ” Joanna ” Creative Lumley’s Waterfront Animals Hope for Cities Animals Wildlife Foyle’s Our PartWar Lost Sharks ” Vista Cosmic ”

Paid Prog. Born-Explore World News Sea Rescue KOMO 4 Wildlife Docs News Rock-Park NBA Rescue NBA Paid Prog. Basketball: World of X Thunder at Games Spurs 30 for 30 ” ” News Paid Prog. Seattle World News Born-Explore Paid Prog. KOMO 4 Sea Rescue Paid Prog. News Castle Wildlife Docs NBA ” Rock-Park NBA News Rescue Basketball: Paid Prog. Thunder at Paid WorldProg. of X Spurs Crimes Games ”

” Wahlburgers ” ” The First 48 Donnie ” Donnie The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48: The First 48 Extreme Kills ” The First 48: 60 Days In Extreme Kills ” The First 48: Sexual” ” Wahlburgers The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48: Donnie The FirstKills 48 Extreme Donnie ” The First First 48: 48 The First 48: Extreme ” Kills Extreme Kills The First 48: 48 The First 48: Sexual ” Extreme Kills

Max Harvey Max Pig Goat Assembly Turtles Assembly SpongeBob Assembly Movie: Assembly “Dr. Seuss’ Assembly the Lorax” Stanley Dyn. ” Game Max SpongeBob Max 2016 Kids’ Max Choice Max Harvey Awards Assembly Pig Goat School Assembly Assembly Turtles Assembly Assembly SpongeBob Assembly Gags Movie: Assembly Gags “Dr. Seuss’ Stanley Dyn. Kids’ Choice the Lorax” Game” SpongeBob

The National CBC News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Network of Things With Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National ” marketplace ” Fukushima: The National A Nuclear Issue Story The National Issue Mansbridge CBCNational News The The CBCNature News Mansbridge of Things Fukushima: Network the fifth A Nuclear With Asha estate Story Tomlinson The IssueNational ” marketplace The Nature ” Fukushima: of Things ” A Nuclear

Basketball Paid Prog. ” ID Protection ” NASCAR Postgame NASCAR Fish Oil Racing Mike ” Anger ” Big Bang ” Two Men Tip-Off Big Bang College Rosewood Basketball ” ” Paid Prog. Lucifer ID Protection ”” Postgame News NASCAR Fish Oil Wanted NASCAR Mike Party Over Racing Anger Barrett” Big Bang Person ” of Two Men Interest ” Big Bang

Hoarding: Women in Buried Alive Prison Untold StoWomen in ries of ER Prison Untold StoHoarding: ries of ER Buried Alive Untold StoHoarding: ries of ER Buried Alive Sex Sent Me Hoarding: to the E.R. Buried Alive Sex Sent Me Hoarding: to the E.R. Buried Alive WomenStoin Untold Untold StoPrison ries of ER ries of ER Untold WomenStoin Untold Stories of ER Prison ries of ER Peter Popoff Hoarding: Untold StoPaid Prog. Buried Alive ries of ER Paid Prog. Hoarding: Sex Sent Me Paid Prog. Buried Alive to the E.R.

The Middle Gimme The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie: Atlanta Eats “The King Pacifier” King ” Premonition Movie: ” “Shrek 2” ” ” ” ” Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Gimme Burgers Seinfeld Seinfeld Burgers Atlanta Eats Community Movie: King Community “The King Movie: Pacifier” Premonition “Red Eye” ” ” Movie:” ” Paid Prog. “Shrek 2” ”

Last Tango in Halifax

” Born-Explore News Sea Rescue Jimmy Wildlife Docs Kimmel Live Rock-Park Nightline Rescue Paid Prog.









How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Cold Water Mayday: Air Cowboys Disaster Gold Rush Railroad ” Alaska Moonshiners Dual Survival ” ” Vegas Rat Highway Rods Thru Hell Diesel How/Made Brothers How/Made Mayday Moonshiners Cold Water ” Cowboys Vegas Rat Mayday: Air Gold Rush Rods Disaster ” Buying Al. Railroad Moonshiners Buying Alaska Al. ” Diesel Dual Survival Vegas Rat Brothers ” Rods












Dateline NBC English PreNewsLeague mier Tonight Soccer ShowZone Goal Seth Meyers PGA Tour Golf ” ”


KING ” ” P

Bacharach’s Odd Squad Best Arthur Masterpiece Eat Fat, Get Classic Thin With ” Dr. Mark ” Hyman Weekend Smart Fats News to Out-Smart Yanni Live at Aging the Pyramids Burt ” Bacharach’s Celtic Best Odd Squad Thunder Masterpiece Arthur Legacy Classic ” Get Eat Fat, ” Josh Thin With ” Groban: Dr. Mark Weekend Stages Hyman Live News Smart Fats Yanni Live at to Out-Smart the Pyramids

Ruf-Tweet English PreAstroblast mier League Biz Kid$ Soccer Kids News Goal Zone KING 5 PGA Tour News Golf Nightly News ” KING News ” Traveler ” Raw Travel ” Dateline Ruf-Tweet NBC Astroblast English ” PreBiz mierKid$ League ” Kids News Saturday Soccer KING 5 Night Live Goal Zone News KING News PGA Tour Nightly News Saturday Golf KING News Night Live ” Traveler ” Raw Travel

Aging Burt



10 :30 4 :00 :30 11 :30 5 :30 :00 SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016 :00 12 :30 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 11 4 :30 10 :30 :00 12 5 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 1 12 :30 :00 7 2 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 8 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :30 TSN # $ % & :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 3 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 1 :30 :30 7 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :30 :00 3 :30 9 4 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :00 12 6 :30 7 :00 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 :30 :00 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 :30 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 :30 4 :00 :00 12 5 :30 1 :00 :30 6 TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 :00 2 :30 7 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 3 :00 :30 8 :30 # $ % & :00 4 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 8 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 :00 :00 2 :30 9 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 3 :00 :30 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 9 3 :30 4 :00 10 :30 5 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 Brier Tim 2016

Lorna Dueck Celebrity Bomb Girls The Social

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SC Joel Osteen Canada’s Our Calendar March 9, 2016 rLake Country :00 Hortons ” Wednesday, MasterChef Passage” KIRO ” News :00 2016 Tim Brier: Gold Hortons Medal Game Brier: Bronze ”

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O’Grady Heartland TBA ” Exhibitionists ” ” 60 Minutes Speed ” Canadian ” Skating NCAA Screen Scorpion Coronation College CrossChampionAwards ” Design Basketball Country ship Selec” ” Our ” Movie: tion Show The National CSI: Cyber Vancouver ” “Pirate’s Pets.TV ” ” Land & Sea KIRO College Passage” News CBC News KIRO News Mansbridge Basketball ” KIRO News the fifth KIRO News Canadian CBS News O’Grady ” estate Screen Test Face/Nation KIRO ”News Exhibitionists Canadian Scandal Heartland TBA ” Speed ” 60 Minutes Skating NCAA ” ChampionScorpion ship Selec” tion Show ” Pets.TV

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The National CSI: Passage” KIROCyber News ”” KIRO ”News News CBC News KIRO News CTV News Canadian CBS News News--11:30 the fifth KIRO News Vancouver Screen Test KIRO News Castle estate Face/Nation MasterChef Heartland TBA ” Canadian Scandal Canada ” 60 Minutes

Madam Secretary

Once Upon a Time

Canadian Screen

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife

The Family ”

Awards ”

SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SC SportsCentre SC ” Cabbie Cabbie

Simpsons Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part Block Rachael Ray Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

Quantico ” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn CastleShow Denis ” CTV News Vancouver

The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Daniel Tiger the fifth Our estate Vancouver Canadian CBC News Network

SC Reporters

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Heartland ”

SportsCentre The Talk Interruption ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries

SportsCentre The Meredith ” Vieira Show SportsCentre Sugar ” Debt/Part Hockey Young & Basketball Restless SC Rachael Ray SC ” News ”

Ellen DeGe- Grand neres Show Designs The View Bookaboo ” Oz Daniel Tiger The Dr. O’Grady Show The Marilyn O’Grady Our Denis Show Vancouver CTV News Dragons’

” Cabbie Cabbie ” SC ” Reporters SportsCentre SportsCentre ” Interruption Reporters SportsCentre That’s Hcky ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Hockey ”” Basketball SportsCentre SC ”” SC ” SportsCentre Cabbie ”” Cabbie ” SportsCentre SC SportsCentre ” Reporters ” SportsCentre Reporters Interruption That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre ”

Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ” Gotham Ellen DeGe” neres Show Lucifer The View The Dr. ”” Oz Show Blindspot The Marilyn CTV News Denis ”Show Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Vancouver Daily Show The Social etalk Corden ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Gotham ””

Noon ”News Hour Global Nat. Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent. Tonight TheCanada Talk ET ” Supergirl The Meredith ” Vieira Show Chicago Fire Sugar Young & ” Debt/Part Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray News Angeles ” ” News Final Noon News Global Nat. Late ShowHour News CHBC Colbert DaysTonight of our Ent. ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Supergirl ””


Den CBC News Network CBC VanHeartland couver News ” marketplace Murdoch Coronation Mysteries Murdoch Grand Mysteries Designs Jekyll and Bookaboo O’Grady Hyde Daniel Tiger O’Grady The National Our Dragons’ ” Vancouver Den CBC CBC News News CBC VanCoronation Network couver News Rick Mercer Heartland marketplace Ron James ” Coronation Murdoch Murdoch Mysteries Mysteries

The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Jekyll Grandand Chicago Fire Lucifer Vieira ”Show neres ”Show Hyde Designs

Hockey Young Los & SportsCentre NCIS: Basketball Restless ” Angeles

The Dr. Oz Blindspot Show ”

” SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show”

CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation Vancouver Den

” Scorpion

KIRO _ ” ”

CSI: Cyber ” The Price Is KIRO News Right KIRO News Young & Face/Nation Restless Scandal KIRO News ” The Talk ”

Lorna Dueck Bomb Girls Joel Osteen ” Paid Prog. Global Nat. News News Hour PGA Tour ” Golf Big Brother ” Canada

CHAN ” ( Madam ”

Preseason NHL Baseball: Hockey: Rays at Blue Toronto

Little Prince Nights in the Racing ” Little Prince News ” Turnback Annedroids World ”News Time Jays NBA Maple Leafs Dogs Warships KOMO 4 ” Dogs ” NBA at Detroit News CWHL Hope for Basketball: Red Wings Bones of Funny Home Hockey: Wildlife Cavaliers at Sportsnet Turkana Videos

SNP Clarkson Blue) Jays Cup Final:

Secretary Block Engels The Good Lorna Dueck Trashopolis Wife Joel Osteen ” Simpsons Paid Prog. Bomb Girls Simpsons News ” News Final PGA Tour Global Nat. Block News Golf Hour Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Big Brother ” Canada ” Madam Engels Secretary Trashopolis The Good ” Wife Bomb Girls

NHL’s Best MLB Teams TBA Darts Preseason Sportsnet ” Baseball: Pregame Sportsnet Rays at Blue NHL Central Jays Hockey: Sportsnet ” Toronto Central Maple CWHL Leafs Sportsnet at Detroit Hockey: Central Red Wings Clarkson Sportsnet Cup Final: Blue Jays Teams TBA NHL’s Best Sportsnet

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Madam Secretary


SportsCentre Sugar NCIS: Los SportsCentre Angeles ”” Debt/Part SportsCentre News Final Motoring TV Rachael Ray ” Lumberjacks Late Show”

Haunting vs. Aliens” Haunting ”

Movie: Something “Radical ”

Blue Jays NHL’s Best

Inspector Morse

SNP ” )


Simpsons Simpsons Sugar News Final Debt/Part Block Rachael Ray Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

Sportsnet Central MLB Sportsnet Preseason Central Baseball: Sportsnet Twins at Central Cardinals ”

Once Upon a Time

KNOW KOMO * ` Quantico ” ”

Wallander ” Boj ” PAW Patrol ” Monkey See Inspector Bucket-Dino Morse PAW Patrol Kate and

The Family ”

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital

ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy

Vieira Sugar Show Debt/Part Young &

MLB ” Preseason English

Judge Young Judy & Restless KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” The Insider FABLife Ent. Tonight ” Supergirl Bold ” ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge Right ”Judy Judge Judy NCIS: Young Los & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News KIROShowNews Late ” CBS News Colbert The Insider Talk The Corden ” Ent. Tonight FABLife Supergirl ””

Restless Rachael Ray Premier Baseball: ” Twins at Early News League Global Nat. Soccer Noon News Cardinals Hour ” News Hour NHL’s Best Days of World Poker ” our Canucks Lives Tour: Alpha8 Ent. Tonight NHL TheCanada Talk Tim and Sid ET Hockey: ” ” Supergirl Jets at The Meredith ” ” Canucks Vieira Show ” Chicago Fire MLB ” Sugar Young English ”& Sportsnet Debt/Part Preseason Restless Premier NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Sportsnet Baseball: Early News League Angeles Central ” Twins at Global Nat. Soccer Global News Ski TV Noon News Cardinals NewsShowHour NHL’s Best Late Plays/Month Hour ” ” Canucks Colbert Sportsnet DaysTonight of our NHL World Poker Ent. ET Canada Central Lives Tour: Alpha8 ET Canada Hockey: The Talk Tim and Supergirl Jets at Sid ” ”” Canucks

Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ”

The Meredith Chicago Fire ”” Vieira ”Show Sportsnet ”

The Doozers Steve ” Fake or PAW Patrol Harvey Fortune? ”

Young Los & NCIS: Restless Angeles

Mister Maker The KOMO 4 The Hollow Creative News Tree Bachelor

SNP ) ”


English Sportsnet Premier Central

60 Days In ”

A&E 1

60 Days In ”

Intervention ” ” The View Criminal News ” Intervention Minds Full Measure ” KOMO 4 Damien Castle Hoarders News ” ” ” The Chew The First 48 ” ”

Tim and Sid ”

NEWS CBC7 News Grace” marketplace

Gags Grace” Movie: The National Gags Mansbridge “The Nut ” The Nut Job The National Job” Movie: ” ” ” “Radical

Assembly Assembly


Thru Hell ” Gold Rush Naked Afraid ”

Ever! Raising Paid IProg. How Met Paid Prog. Mike

Hard Evid. Medium 48 Hours: Long Island Hard Evid. Medium

First Family Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “The

Barrett Best Pan ” Family Ever! ” Guy Last Man Paid Prog. Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. Raising Livin’ Dream Prerace How I Met Cougar NASCAR Mike Paid Prog. Monopoly Racing: How Simpsons SprintI Met Cup Raising Bordertown Series: Good Burgers Sam 500 Simpsons ” Barrett” Naked Guy MythBusters Family Paid Prog. Afraid ” Last Man Raising Naked and News Naked How I Met Afraid Livin’ Afraid Mike Dream

Medium Love; Lust 48 Hours: Long Lost Love;Evid. Lust Hard Family 48 Hours: Long Lost Long Island Hard Evid. Family Medium 48 Hours: Long Island Long Hard Lost Evid. Medium Family Long Island 48 Hours: Paid Medium Hard Prog. Evid. Paid Prog. Long Lost 48 Hours: Family Hard Evid. Long Island 48 Hours: Medium Hard Evid. Long Long Lost Lost Family Family Long Long Island Island Medium Medium

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48 Hours:

Lost DISC KAYU Long TLC Hard Evid. Family Alaska: The Series: Good 48 Hours: 9 ; < MythBusters Simpsons Long Island Last Frontier Sam 500 Hard Evid.

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Max Max

The National Naked ” Afraid

Family Guy Last Man

Long Lost Family

Haunting Haunting Game Gags Game Gags Game The Nut Job Game ” Movie: “Diary of a

Movie: “Radical CBC News Grace” Network Mansbridge With Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Network

Naked and Afraid Canada’s Dual WorstSurvival Driver ” Naked Naked Afraid Afraid Naked and Afraid

News Livin’ Dream Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Daily

Long Island Medium Dateline: Long Lost Real Life Family Dateline: Paid Life Prog. Real Paid Prog. Dateline: Real Life





” Weekend Eat Fat, Get A Chef’s Life Thin With Masterpiece Dr. Classic

KING News Nightly News Up Late NW KING News Bensinger Little Big Paid Prog. Shots

” ”


Wimpy Kid” ”

YTV 6 Rodrick

With Diana Swain

Dual Survival Paid Prog. Dateline: ” Family Feud Real Life

Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the

Days of our Lives

Power & Politics

MythBusters Paid Prog. ” The Office

King King

Dr. Phil ”

PAW Boj Patrol Harvey The View PAW MisterPatrol Maker KOMO” 4 Creative Monkey See News KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News Dino Dan News

” Criminal Minds The First 48 ” Damien ” The First 48:

Rules Game Game SpongeBob

” CBC News Network The

SpongeBob Game Game SpongeBob

Exchange With Carole MacNeil CBC News

Wild PAWKratts Patrol Kate and Warships Ruf-Tweet ” Tumble Leaf Hope for Maya Wildlife Curious Turn Back The TimeDoozers PAW Patrol Fake Boj or Mister Maker Fortune? PAW Patrol Creative The Hollow Monkey See Dino Dan Tree Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts Hope for PAW Patrol Warships Wildlife Kate and ” Fake or Ruf-Tweet Hope for Fortune? Tumble Wildlife Leaf

Drugs Kill48 The First ” Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Damien The First 48 ” ” Damien The First 48 ” ” The First 48: Criminal The First 48 Drugs Kill Minds ” Bates Motel Damien The First 48: ”” Drugs Kill Damien The First 48 Bates ”Motel ”” Damien The First 48 Damien ”” ” The First 48 Damien ””

SpongeBob Movie: “Diary of a Assembly WimpyRicky Kid” Nicky, ” Assembly Diary of a Max Wimpy Kid: Movie: Rodrick “Mean Rules Girls” Game SpongeBob Game” SpongeBob Game Game On SpongeBob Haunting Game SpongeBob Gags Movie: Assembly Gags “Diary of a Nicky, Ricky Mean WimpyGirls Kid” Assembly ”” Max Diary of a Movie: Wimpy Kid: “Mean

World News The Chew ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The Steve Bachelor Harvey ” The View KOMO ”” 4 News The KOMO 4 News Bachelor News World News News The Chew KOMO 4 Jimmy News ” Kimmel GeneralLive Wheel Nightline Hospital Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelor


MayaBack Turn Curious Time

NEWS 7 ”

DISC 9 How/Made

KAYU ; Paid Prog.

TLC < Dateline on Dateline: Real Life

WTBS A Mod Fam

KCTS N Masterpiece Curious Curious

TLC Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours:

Mod Fam Judge Judge Big Bang

Hard Evid. Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours:

Big Bang Divorce Divorce Movie:

Classic St. Today neres Show Sesame Peg Plus Cat KING ”5 ” ” News at 4 Dinosaur New Day Dinosaur Northwest World News KING 5

How/Made Naked and Afraid Deadliest Dual Job Survival ” Deadliest MythBusters Job ” How/Made How/Made How/Made Deadliest Canada’s Daily Job WorstPlanet Driver ” Deadliest Naked How/Made Job Afraid How/Made How/Made Naked and Deadliest How/Made Afraid Job How/Made Dual Survival Deadliest How/Made Job ” MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made

Anger Crime Watch Daily Two Men Paid Prog. Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big The Office Gotham Paid Prog. ” Big World Lucifer Steve Paid Prog. ” Harvey Raising News Family Feud Mike Fam Mod Family Feud Anger Mike Crime Watch Two Men Men Two DailyFam Mod How I Met PaidBang Prog. Big Cougar Family Feud Big Bang

Hard Evid. Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Evid. Real Life 48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Evid. Real Life 48 Hours: Dateline on Hard Evid. TLC 48 Hours: Dateline: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Real Life Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Dateline: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Real Life Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Dateline: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Real Life Hard Evid. Peter Popoff Dateline: 48 Hours: Paid Prog. Real Life Hard Evid.

How/Made Deadliest How/Made Job

Paid Prog. Gotham The Office ” Paid Prog. Lucifer Big World ”

Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life Hard Evid. Dateline 48 Hours:on TLC Hard Evid.

“Dances Millionaire Millionaire With Crime Watch Wolves” Daily Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam Family Judge Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang The Middle Divorce Movie: Payne Divorce “Dances Browns Millionaire With Payne Millionaire Wolves” Browns Crime Watch Seinfeld There Yet? Daily Seinfeld King Guy Family King Dad Amer. Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Amer.Fam Dad

Business Super Why! Thomas PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Cat in the Rick Steves Curious Europe Curious Marathon Masterpiece ” Classic Yanni Live Sesame ” the Pyramids Peg Plus Cat ” ” Dinosaur World On theNews Dinosaur Business Psychiatrist’s Super Why! PBS CouchThomas NewsHour Daniel Amen Sesame St. Rick Steves Doc Martin Cat in the Europe Curious Marathon Curious ” Masterpiece Yanni Live at Classic the Pyramids

News at 5 KING 5 News Nightly News Days of our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Today” KING ”5 ” News at 4 Blindspot New Day KING ”5 Northwest News at 5 News KING 5News Nightly Tonight News News Show Days of our News Seth Meyers Lives Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ””

The First First 48: 48 Girls” Rodrick The Rules ” Drugs ”Kill

” CBC News Network The National With Diana ” Swain CBC News Power” & Politics The National ” ” The CBCNational News The ” Network Exchange CBC News With Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The CBCNational News The National ” Network ” The With Diana CBC News Exchange Swain” Power & The National Politics ” ” The National ”

The First 48 Bates Motel ”

The News CBC Exchange ”

Daily Planet Deadliest Job ”

Paid Prog. News Raising Mod Fam

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Big Bang The Middle Big Bang Payne

” On the”

KING 5 Blindspot News ”at 4

Mike Two Men Anger

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Movie: Browns Payne “Dances

World News News KING 5 Psychiatrist’s CouchTonight Business News at 5

A&E 1


SpongeBob Game On SpongeBob Haunting






Fake or Warships Fortune? ”

Kimmel KOMO 4Live Damien Bates Motel Nightline ” News

Mean Girls The National How/Made Assembly Deadliest How/Made Nicky,” Ricky Exchange ” Job

How I Met Two Men Cougar Mod Fam

Peter Popoff Browns 48 Hours: With Paid There Yet? Hard Prog. Evid. Wolves”

Daniel PBS Amen Show Nightly News Doc Martin Seth NewsHour NewsMeyers

Hope for Wildlife

Wheel Jeopardy!

Damien ”

Assembly Max

Big Bang Big Bang

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Rick Steves Europe

News Evening

Turn Back Time

The Bachelor

Damien ”

Movie: “Mean

The Voice ”

Deadliest Job

Seinfeld Seinfeld

KNOW KOMO ” ” * `

The National How/Made ” How/Made

Gotham ”

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Marathon ”

The First 48: Girls” Drugs Kill ”

The National Deadliest ” Job

Lucifer ”

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Yanni Live at the Pyramids

NCIS: LosIs The Price Angeles Right

NCIS: Los Sugar Angeles Debt/Part

The Hollow Boj Tree Patrol PAW

Bates Motel Criminal Minds ”

CBC News News CBC ” Network

” St. Sesame On the Peg Plus Cat Psychiatrist’s Dinosaur CouchDinosaur

Heartland ”

Soccer ”

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Murdoch Mysteries


Jets at Canucks

CBC News ”

Fake or Fortune?

The Social ”


KIRO News Young & Late ShowRestless Colbert KIRO News Corden ”

Damien Criminal Minds ” Damien The First 48 ””

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

The First 48 ”

CHAN The Talk ( ”

Sportsnet NHL Count Central Premier

A&E 1

The View The Bachelor ” Global News Ski TV Hope forSee KOMO News 4 Rachael Ray League Monkey Late ShowPlays/Month Wildlife Jimmy ” Darts Bucket-Dino News Colbert Sportsnet Fake or Kimmel Live Noon News Billiards PAW Patrol The Chew ET Canada Central Fortune? Nightline Hour ” Kate and ”

KIRO FABLife _ ”

World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital

SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”

A&E The First 48 1 ”


Game Ricky On Nicky, Haunting Nicky, Ricky Gags Ricky Nicky, Gags Ricky Nicky,




48 Hours: The Willis Hard Evid. Family

The Middle Judge Payne Judge

Mean Girls Movie: ” “Monster

Mike Feud Family Two Men Family Feud How I Met Crime Watch Cougar Daily

48 Hours: The Willis Hard Evid. Family Peter Popoff The Willis Paid Prog. Family

Browns Divorce Payne Divorce Browns Millionaire There Yet? Millionaire

House” Movie:

With Diana Swain

Paid Prog. The Willis Family Feud Family

YTV “Aliens in 6 the Attic”

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

Deadliest Job

DISC How/Made 9 How/Made

TLC The Willis < Family

Jill Jessa: Mod Fam The&Willis Judge Family Judge Counting On Mod Fam

60 Days In Criminal Minds”

” Nicky,”Ricky CBC News Nicky, Ricky Network SpongeBob ”

How/Made Highway Thru Hell How/Made

Paid SteveProg. Harvey Eco Co.

Motoring TV Young Rachael Marilyn Hockey & Ray The Dr. Oz Lumberjacks Restless ” Denis Show Raptors Show

Best Recipes Young & O’Grady Judge Judy Stefano Restless O’Grady Judge Judy

Rachael Young & Ray League NHL ” Darts Restless Hockey:

Monkey See KOMO 4 Mister Maker Bucket-Dino News Creative

Criminal ” Minds”

UEFA NBA UEFA Basketball:

Noon News News Hour ”

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Dragons’ Network Den

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global

Billiards at Islanders ” Penguins

PAW Dan Patrol Dino Kate Kratts and Wild

Champions Raptors at League Bucks

Days ofNat. our Global Lives News CHBC The Talk Ent. Tonight ” ET Canada The Meredith NCIS Vieira ”Show

The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeThe Flash neres ”Show

The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News FABLife The Insider ” Ent. Tonight Bold NCIS ThisMinute ” Judge New Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Orleans The Price Is KIRO News Right Limitless KIRO ”News Young & KIRO News Restless KIRO News CBS ShowNews Late KIRO News The Insider ” Colbert Ent. Tonight Corden The Talk NCIS ” ” FABLife NCIS: ”New Orleans Bold KIRO Limitless ThisMinute ” _ Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy The Price Is Late Show-

Days of our News Hour Lives ” The Talk Ent. Tonight ” ET Canada The Meredith NCIS Vieira ”Show

World ”Poker Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet Tim and Sid NHL ” Hockey: Bruins” at ” Sharks

Right KIRO News Colbert Young & KIRO News Corden ” Denis Show Stefano Restless Global Nat. CTV News CBC VanKIRO News Noon News CBC News News CHBCNews News CTV Vancouver couver News KIRO CBS News Hour Vancouver Network ” Ent. Tonight etalk Hello The Insider Days of our The Social Heartland The Talk ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Ent. Tonight Lives ” ” ” NCISTalk ThePhil Flash Rick Mercer FABLife NCIS The Dr. Murdoch ”” ”” 22 Minutes Mysteries ”” SportsCentre New Agents of Creek NCIS: New SportsCentre NCIS: The Meredith Ellen DeGeGrand Bold ”” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D Orleans Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute

SportsCentre Limitless Hockey Rich Bride, ” UEFA” Poor Bride

CSI: Cyber The Dr. Oz Show ”

Champions News Final SportsCentre League ” ” Late Show-

CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation

The National Limitless O’Grady Judge Judy ” O’Grady Judge”Judy KIRO News KIROShowNews Late

News Hour

Tigers at

Noon ”News Hour

Astros Sportsnet ”



Ent. Tonight NHL Days of our Shark Cage ET Canada Hockey: NCISTalk The ””

Bruins atSid Tim and Sharks ”

NCIS: New The Meredith ”” Orleans Sportsnet Vieira Show Hockey Limitless Sportsnet Rich Bride, NHL ” Central Poor Bride Hockey:

WTBS King KingA

KING ” ” P

Blindspot Today ””

NewsDay New Tonight Northwest Daniel Amen Show 5 Super Why! KING Doc Martin Seth Meyers Thomas News

KCTS Curious N Curious

Days of our Lives


Dr. Phil ”

Masterpiece Ellen DeGeSesame St. Today Peg Plus Cat neres ”Show Classic

Nicky, Ricky With SpongeBob The Carole Nicky, Ricky MacNeil SpongeBob Exchange

How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ”

Family Feud The Paid Prog. Jill &Willis Jessa: Family RaisingFeud Family Countdown

Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang

Dinosaur Masterpiece New KINGDay 5 Dinosaur Northwest Classic News at 4

The Chew ThetoFirst News Fit Fat 48 to ” World ”News Fit

Movie: SpongeBob “Monster SpongeBob

CBC News Network ”

Deadliest Cold Water Job Cowboys

Crime Watch to The Willis Mike Counting Daily Family Anger On

Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “The

Super News Why! KING 5 World Thomas Business News at 5

General4 KOMO Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! Steve Fresh-Boat Harvey Real O’Neals KOMO 4 Agents of News S.H.I.E.L.D. The View News ” Of Kings and World News Prophets KOMO 4 KOMO News 4 News News Jimmy The Chew Wheel ” Live Kimmel Jeopardy! Nightline General Fresh-Boat Hospital Real O’Neals The Doctors Agents ” of S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve KOMO Of Kings and Harvey Prophets ` KOMO 4 News News The View Jimmy

House” Assembly Movie: Ricky Nicky, “Aliens in Game the Attic” School Movie:” SpongeBob “Matilda”

WithNational Diana The Swain” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The National ””

Deadliest Gold Rush Job ” How/Made ” How/Made ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made

Paid Men Prog. Two Family Feud Mod Fam PaidBang Prog. Big The Office Big Bang Paid Girl Prog. New Eco Co. Grand

” Fit to Fat to SpongeBob ” ” SpongeBob Fit Criminal Nicky,” Ricky Fit to Fat to SpongeBob Minds Nicky, Ricky Fit to Fat to Game On Fit SpongeBob Fit Haunting Criminal Nicky, Ricky Fit to Fat Fat to to Gags Assembly Minds Nicky, Ricky Fit to Fit Nicky, Ricky Fit The First 48 Gags Movie: Fit to Fat to Game ” to Movie: “Monster Fit to Fat Fit School Fit “Matilda” The First 48 House” Fit to Fat ” to Movie: Movie: Fit “Matilda” The First 48 “Aliens in Fit to Fat to ” ” the Attic” Fit ” 60A&E Days In ” YTV Fit to Fat to Game On ” SpongeBob Fit 1 Haunting 6 ” SpongeBob Fit to Fat to Gags ” SpongeBob Criminal Odd Parents Fit Gags ” Minds Odd Parents News Fit to to Fat Fat to to Movie: SpongeBob Kimmel Live Fit KOMO 4 Criminal Odd Parents World News Fit SpongeBob Nightline Fit “Matilda” Bucket-Dino News Minds Odd Parents Hope for KOMO 4 Fit to Fat to Assembly PAW Patrol The Chew The Wildlife News Fit First 48 Escape Nicky, Ricky

The National The Exchange ” CBC News CBC News Network CBC News ”” With Carole The National MacNeil The National ”” CBC News CBC News Network The ” Exchange With Diana The National Swain ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ” ” 7 The The National Exchange CBC News ”

Daily Rush Planet Gold ”” Highway Cold Thru Water Hell ” Cowboys ” How/Made Gold Rush How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Deadliest ” Job Water Cold ” Cowboys Deadliest How/Made Job How/Made How/Made Gold Rush How/Made ” How/Made DISC ” How/Made ” 9 Daily Planet How/Made ” Edge of How/Made

Paid Prog. Brooklyn Raising The Grinder Steve Mike Harvey News Anger Mod Fam Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Mike Mod Fam Two Men Crime Watch Big Bang DailyI Met How Big Bang Cougar Paid Prog. New Girl Family Feud Grand Paid Prog. Brooklyn The Office The Grinder Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod; Fam Paid Prog. Mike Raising Steve Two Men

Gold Rush How/Made ” How/Made

Brooklyn Paid Prog. The Grinder Animal Atlas

Ruf-Tweet Hope for Tumble Leaf Wildlife Maya Canada Curious ” The Life Doozers PAW Patrol ” Young New & NHL ” Mister Maker NCIS: Movie: Restless Hockey: Creative Orleans Sportsnet Sugar NHL Count “Art Boj and Early News Sportsnet Islanders Dino Debt/Part Premier at Craft” PAWDan Patrol Limitless Global” Nat. Penguins Wild Kratts Central Unheralded Rachael Ray League Monkey See News ”Hour Hope for Darts ” Bucket-Dino Global News Premier Canada ” Sportsnet Wildlife Late ” NoonShowNews Boxing Billiards PAW Patrol Ent. Tonight NHL Canada Hour ” Kate and Colbert Champions Art and ET Canada Hockey: ” ET Canada Days of our World ”Poker Craft Ruf-Tweet NCIS Bruins at Life Lives Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf ” Sharks ” The Talk Tim and Sid Maya NCIS: ”New ”” Movie: Curious Orleans Sportsnet “Art and The Meredith ” The Doozers CHAN SNP KNOW Limitless Sportsnet Craft” Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol ” Central Unheralded ( ) * Young & NHL Mister Maker Global News Premier Canada Restless Hockey: Creative Sugar MLB Boj Late Show- Boxing ” Debt/Part Preseason PAW Patrol Early News Islanders at Dino Dan Colbert Champions Art and Rachael Ray Baseball: Monkey See Global Nat. Penguins Wild Kratts ET Canada ” Craft



Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the

KAYU Paid Prog. The; Office

The Boj Doozers Steve The View ” PAW Patrol Harvey



News Steve Mod Fam Harvey

The Meredith NHL Count ” Sugar Debt/Part Vieira Show Premier ”



Deadliest Highway Job Hell Thru The National How/Made With Carole How/Made ” How/Made MacNeil How/Made The How/Made CBC News Deadliest Exchange How/Made Network Job

SportsCentre Sugar The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Bold The View Bookaboo The Price Is Debt/Part Daniel Tiger ThisMinute Right ” Vieira Show neres ”Show Designs

Heartland CBC Vancouver” News Murdoch Hello Mysteries Coronation Grand Rick Mercer Designs 22 Minutes Young New & The Dr. of Oz O’Grady NCIS: Agents Creek Restless Show O’Grady Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D Sugar The View Bookaboo News CTV News Dragons’ Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Limitless CSI: Cyber The National ” Vancouver Den ” ” ” Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Global”Final Nat. CTV CBC VanDenisNews Show CBC Stefano News News-Lisa News CHBC News Vancouver couver News Late Coronation NoonShowNews News--11:30 CTV News CBC News Ent. Tonight etalk Hello Hour Vancouver Network Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer ET Canada Big Bang Coronation ET Canada Ron James Days of our Corden The Social Heartland NCIS The Flash Rick Mercer Lives ” ” ” ” 22 Minutes The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch NCIS:”New Agents of Creek ” Mysteries Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Limitless CSI: Cyber The National Vieira Show neres Show Designs ” ” ” Young & The Dr. Oz O’Grady News Final News-Lisa CBC News Restless Show O’Grady Sugar The View Bookaboo Late Show- News--11:30 Coronation Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger News CTV News Dragons’ Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer Rachael The Marilyn Best Recipes ” Ray Corden Vancouver Den James ET Canada Ron

Ellen DeGe” neres ”Show

Colbert News Hour ET Canada ”

Supergirl ”

Days of our Lives


The First 48: Gags SpongeBob News Damien Jimmy Gags World News Drugs”Kill SpongeBob

Sportsnet NHL’s Best Central Canucks

CBCNational News The How/Made ” How/Made


Chicago Fire ” ” Sportsnet

Champions League

KING P Ellen DeGe-

How/Made Big World Canada’s Steve Worst Driver Harvey Daily Planet Paid Prog. Raising Naked” Family Feud Afraid Family Feud How/Made Mike

Supergirl ”

SportsCentre Noon Colbert UEFA News ET Canada UEFA” Hour


Diary of a Wimpy Kid:

Scorpion ”

Blindspot The View ””

Little Big Shots

A&E 1 The First 48

The First 48 ”

Murdoch Mysteries


Hockey: Raw Travel

”” Doc Martin Weekend -Seven A Chef’s Life

Jekyll and Hyde

The National Bookaboo Daniel” Tiger News-Lisa CBC Recipes News The Marilyn Best News--11:30 Coronation Denis Show Stefano Daily Show Rick Mercer CTV News CBC News Corden Ron James Vancouver Network

Soccer ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” That’s”Hcky Hockey SportsCentre Raptors ” SportsCentre NBA ” SportsCentre Basketball: ” Motoring TV Raptors at Lumberjacks SportsCentre Bucks” UEFA UEFA” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” Champions ” League That’s Hcky Soccer SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Hockey SportsCentre Raptors SportsCentre ” ” NBA SportsCentre Royal Winter Basketball: ” ” Raptors at UEFA Bucks UEFA ” Champions SportsCentre League ” Soccer That’s”Hcky

Evil:Bang Afterlife Thunder Cyberchase Big

Rangers News PGA Tour Nightly News Golf KING News Movie: Grumpy ” Terminal” Masterpiece Little Big “Race”to Aging Classic Shots ” Witch Backwards ” ” ” Little Big Mountain” Smart Fats ” The Closer ” Shots Resident Odd Squad Clangers NHL Big Bang to Out-Smart ” Downton Carmichael Evil: Afterlife Cyberchase Hockey: Big Bang Aging LazyTown The Closer Abbey Carmichael PaidBang Prog. Nature Penguins at Big Celtic Traveler ” Yanni ”Live at Hollywood FirstBang Family Rangers Big Thunder Raw Travel There Yet? the Pyramids Game Night Paid Fam Prog. Doc Martin PGA Tour Mod Legacy KING 5 Paid Prog. ” KING Box Office -- Seven Golf News Mod Fam ” News Paid Prog. Eat Fat, Get Up Late NW Movie: Weekend Nightly” News Grumpy Beauty Thin WithLife KING Bensinger “The A Chef’s News “Race to Aging ” Fish Oil Dr. Paid Prog. Terminal” Masterpiece Little Big Witch Backwards ” ” Classic Shots Mountain” Smart Fats ” ” ” Little Big Big Bang to Out-Smart Clangers The Closer Shots Big Bang Aging ” LazyTown ” Downton Carmichael Big Bang Celtic Traveler The Closer Abbey Carmichael Big Bang Thunder Raw Travel ” Yanni Live at Hollywood Mod Fam Legacy KING 5 There Yet? the Pyramids Game Mod Fam ” News Night

Grace” MythBusters Simpsons marketplace ” Barrett


Love; Lust Family

48 Hours: Paid Fam Prog. Nature Penguins at Long Island Mod Legacy KING 5 A13

Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * ` The Doozers Steve Maya Curious

The First 48 ”

YTV Movie: 6 Assembly “Escape

CBC News estate Network Something With Asha ”

Early News League Dino Dan Global News Ski TV Hope for Late ShowWildlife Global Nat. Plays/Month Soccer Wild Kratts

marketplace The Insider Ent. Tonight NHL Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Hockey:

Gotham ”

” Highway How/Made Naked Thru Hell How/Made Afraid Gold Rush MythBusters Naked and ” Afraid Moonshiners Naked Dual Survival Afraid ” ” Naked and Vegas Rat Naked Afraid Rods Afraid Dual Survival Alaska: The ” Last Frontier MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made

” Warships ” ” Inspector Bones of Morse Turkana

Rick Colbert CBC Mercer VanKIRO News Ron James couver News Corden CBS News

Supergirl ”

marketplace CBC News Firsthand The CBCNational News ” ” Network the fifth Movie: With Asha estate “Radical Tomlinson Something Grace”” Mansbridge The National ” The National ” ” Movie: CBC News “Radical marketplace Grace” Firsthand marketplace ” The National the fifth ” estate

Sportsnet Maple Leafs Central at Detroit Sportsnet Red Wings Central Sportsnet

SportsCentre Ent. Tonight etalk ” ET Canada Big Bang

SportsCentre Chicago Fire Lucifer ” ” ”

Assembly Kids’ Choice From Planet Max Assembly Earth” Max Bella Movie: Haunting Henry “Monsters Haunting MaxAliens” vs. Gags Stanley ” Dyn. Gags Movie: Game On The Nut “The NutJob Assembly ” Job” Movie: ” “Escape Assembly From Planet Assembly Earth” Max Movie: Max “Monsters

Quantico Intervention News Hoarders ”” World”News News Intervention KOMO 4 Intervention Full Measure ” News ” Castle Hoarders Funny Home Intervention ” ” Videos ”

CHAN ( The Meredith

KIRO News Late KIROShowNews

” Movie: Intervention 60 Days In “The Omen” ” ” Cont’d Intervention Intervention ” ” Damien Hoarders Intervention ” ” Intervention Bates Motel Hoarders ” ” Intervention ” 60 Days In Intervention ”” 60 Days In Intervention ””

A&E Intervention 1 60 Days In ”

Wallander Turnback Time ”

Days of our Lives

O’Grady Judge Los Judy The National NCIS: O’Grady Judge Judy ” Angeles

Moonshiners Prerace Naked and Monopoly NASCAR Afraid ” Simpsons Vegas Rat Racing: Dual Survival Bordertown Rods ” Sprint Cup Burgers

Sportsnet Hockey: Central Toronto

The Good Wife


Bates Motel Intervention ””

Max Tomlinson Movie: The National Stanley ”” “The NutDyn. Game On Job” Movie:” Assembly ” ” “Radical

Darts Pregame NHL ”

The Talk ”


Damien Intervention ””

a Time IndyCar Full Measure The Family Racing T. McCarver ” ” This Week Quantico ” ” NBA News News NBA News World Full Measure KOMO 4 Basketball: Castle News Cavaliers at ” Funny Home Clippers Videos” Once Upon Full Measure a T.Time McCarver The This Family Week ””

KIRO _ Bold FABLife ”

Assembly “Monsters Bella vs. Aliens” Henry”

Morse Wild Kratts Verbier ” Little Prince Festival ” Little Prince 2012 Wallander Annedroids Nights in the ” Dogs Turnback ” Dogs Time ” Warships Hope for Inspector ” Wildlife Morse Bones of of Architects Turkana Change Inspector Verbier Morse Festival 2012 ” Nights” in the

SportsCentre Colbert Show ” Global Nat. Daily CTV News ” ET Canada CHBC News Corden Vancouver

Reporters That’s Hcky

KNOW KOMO Architects * of Clippers ` Inspector Once Upon Change ”

“The Omen” ” Cont’d Hoarders ””


Kate and

ThetoFirst Fit Fat 48 to ” Fit ThetoFirst Fit Fat 48 to ” Fit 60 to Days Fit FatIn to ” Fit

A&E 1



Fit to Fat to

Life Maya ” Curious

Fresh-Boat Fat to The Doctors Fit ThetoFirst 48 Real O’Neals Fit ” ”

Ruf-Tweet General ” Jeopardy! Tumble Leaf Hospital

The First 48 Fit ”

Movie: Agents of The Doozers Steve “Art and S.H.I.E.L.D. PAW Patrol Harvey

Fit toFirst Fat 48 to The Fit ”


Network CBC News The With Carole ” Exchange MacNeil The National CBC News ” From Planet Network Game CBC News Earth With Diana School ” Movie: Swain Movie: The National “Turbo” Power & “Matilda” ” ” Politics ”” The National ” ” SpongeBob ””

Craft” Maker KOMO Of Kings Fit to Fat to SpongeBob Game On Mister 4 and Wahlburgers Unheralded News Prophets Fit Haunting Creative Wahlburgers SpongeBob

Early at Dino Dan GlobalNews News Canadiens Premier Canada Global Nat. Sabres Wild Kratts Late ShowBoxing ”

News World JimmyNews


Wahlburgers Fit to Fat to SpongeBob Gags ” SpongeBob Fit Gags

CBC News The ” Exchange


Alaska Cold Water Water Cold Cold Water Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” ” ” ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made

” Daily Planet ”

CBC News Jade Fever The National How/Made ”” Jade Fever How/Made


Harvey Mike I Met How Family Anger Feud Cougar Family Feud Two Men Crime Watch Mod Fam Daily Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud New Paid Girl Prog. Grand The Office

The&Willis Jill Jessa: Family Counting On The Willis Willis The Family Family Jill & & Jessa: Jessa: Jill Counting On On Counting

Crime Watch Mexican” Daily ” King Seinfeld King Seinfeld Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Jill &Willis Jessa: Family Big Bang The Guy Countdown Amer. Big Bang Family The Willis Judge Dad to Counting Movie: Family Judge Jill & Jessa: The Middle On “The Countdown Payne The Willis Divorce Jill & Jessa: Browns Mexican” Family Divorce to Counting Counting On ” On Payne The Willis Millionaire The Willis Seinfeld Family Millionaire Paid Prog. Browns Family Seinfeld Paid Prog. There The Willis Crime Yet? Watch Jill & Jessa: Family Family Daily Guy Counting On Amer. Dad The Willis King The Willis Family Family King Guy Family Amer. Dad JillTLC & Jessa: Mod Fam WTBS Jill & Jessa: The Middle Counting On Mod Fam Countdown Payne < A Jill & Jessa: Big Bang to Counting Browns Countdown Payne Big Bang Dateline: Judge On Real Life Judge to Counting Movie: Paid Prog. Browns Dateline: Divorce On “The Yet? Paid Prog. There



Sesame St. PBS Cat in the NewsHour Curious Celtic Curious Thunder Masterpiece Legacy Classic ” Masterpiece Ed Sullivan’s Classic Rock andSt. Sesame World News Peg Classics Plus Cat Roll Business ” Dinosaur PBS Dinosaur Skinny Gut NewsHour Vibrant You Super Why! Celtic Thomas With Brenda Thunder Watson Sesame St. Legacy Cat in the ” Curious Ed Sullivan’s Curious Rock and Masterpiece KCTS Roll Classics Classic ” N Masterpiece Skinny Gut Classic Sesame St. Vibrant You


Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeThe Voice neres ”Show


KING ”5 News ”at 4 Today KING 5 ” Crowded News at 5 Crowded New Day Nightly News Northwest News News Tonight KING 5 News News Show Evening Seth DaysMeyers of our The Voice Lives ” Dr. Phil ”” ” Ellen DeGeCrowded neres Show Crowded KING 5 News News at 4 Today Tonight Peg Plus Cat ” World News Show KING 5 With Brenda Dinosaur New Day Business NewsMeyers at 5 Watson Seth Real Life Divorce Dinosaur Northwest Jill & Jessa: Mexican” PBS Nightly News Dateline: Super Why! News KING 5 Counting On Millionaire ” NewsHour Real Life Millionaire Thomas News The Willis Seinfeld Celtic News Dateline on Crime Watch Sesame St. Days of our Family Seinfeld Thunder Evening TLC Daily Cat in the Lives Jill & Jessa: Guy Legacy The Voice Dateline on Family King Curious Dr. Phil Counting On Amer. Dad ” ”” TLC King Curious The Willis Family Guy Ed Sullivan’s ” Fat Chance Mod Fam Masterpiece Ellen DeGeFamily” Amer. Dad Rock and Mod Fam Classic neres ”Show


NewsProg. Paid Mod Fam Raising

Jill & Jessa: My 600-Lb. Countdown Life

TheBang Middle Big Payne Big Bang

Roll Classics KING Crowded Masterpiece 5 ” Crowded Classic News at 4

Mike Anger Two Men

My 600-Lb. to Counting ” On

Talladega Browns Nights: Payne The

World SkinnyNews Gut Business Vibrant You

KING News 5 News at 5 Tonight

Soccer Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show UEFA” CHBC News Corden Vancouver ET Canada

CBC Mercer VanKIRO News Rick Colbert couver News Corden CBS News Ron James

News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada

” Champions Canucks ”

Canada Art and Craft ”

KOMO The Kimmel4Live Wahlburgers Fit to Fat to Assembly Movie: The National Moonshiners: Cold Water Two How Men I Met News Wahlburgers Nicky, Ricky Exchange ” Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam Nightline Fit “Matilda” Cowboys Cougar

My Paid600-Lb. Prog. Life Paid Prog.

Ballad PBS Brownsof With Brenda Nightly Show News Ricky NewsHour News There Bobby Yet? Watson Seth Meyers

MLS Soccer: Ent. Tonight Whitecaps ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

Gags Coronation

The Insider Ent. Tonight

Ent. Tonight ET Canada

NHL Hockey:

The Polar Sea

Wheel Jeopardy!

Fat Chance ”

Seinfeld Seinfeld

FC at Sporting


Dragons’ Den

Survivor ”

Survivor ”

Avalanche at Kate Humble The Middle Canucks Living withGoldbergs

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Criminal Minds

Big Brother Canada

” Sportsnet

The Monarchy

Chicago P.D.

Sportsnet Central

Sacred Won- Nashville ders of Brit ”

Survivor ”

SportsCentre Big Brother ” Canada

Criminal Minds

X Company ”

SportsCentre Chicago ” P.D.

Criminal Minds

The National Criminal ” Minds

SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation

KIRO News Late Show-

Global News Canucks TV The Polar Late Show- NHL’s Best Sea

SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada

Daily Show Sign Off

Colbert Sign Off

Colbert ET Canada

Rick Mercer Ron James

Sportsnet Central

Mod Fam blackish

News Jimmy

Donnie Donnie

Nicky, Ricky CBC News Stanley Dyn. ”

Wahlburgers Movie: Wahlburgers “Nacho

Moonshiners Big Bang ” Big Bang

The National How/Made ” How/Made

Rosewood ” Hell’s Kitchen

Members’ Choice ” ”

News Evening Law & Order: SVU

Wahlburgers Libre” ” ”

The National Jade Fever ” Jade Fever

Fat Chance ”

Family Guy Amer. Dad

” ”

Law & Order: SVU

Wahlburgers Haunting Wahlburgers Haunting

CBC News ”

Moonshiners: News Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. ”

The Middle Payne

” ”

Chicago P.D.

Donnie Donnie

The National Moonshiners Mike ” ” Two Men

My 600-Lb. Life

Browns Payne

Rick Steves Europe

News Tonight

The Exchange

Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?

Marathon ”

Show Seth Meyers

Gags Gags

Kate Humble Kimmel Live Wahlburgers Nacho Libre Living withNightline Wahlburgers ”

How/Made How/Made

How I Met Cougar

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


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A division of






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Farm Workers

Financial Services

TREE To Me: Farm Manager (Organic) Tree To Me is a new organic farm operation located in Keremeos, BC that has a farm market, coffee shop, bakery and bed and breakfast. The company requires a full time Farm Manager. This is a career position with the opportunity for equity ownership in the business. The current farm operation includes tree fruits, perennial vegetables and berries, annual vegetables and a greenhouse operation. Along with increasing production in these areas, additional farming activities will be added in the future. The successful candidate will have both academic and practical farm experience, an aptitude for equipment and building maintenance and be capable of functioning within a management team. An attractive remuneration package will be offered. Reply by email to

TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online



Merchandise for Sale

Moving & Storage


DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Massive Restaurant Equipment Auction March 12th @ 10am 7305 Meadow Avenue, Burnaby, BC - Shipping/Storage Available New Equipment Liquidation – Structural Concepts, True, Delfield Refrigeration, Imperial, Royal, Prime, US Ranges, S.S. sinks, tables, shelvings, carts, janitorial, bakery, packaging, matching plates, refurbished equipment, bottling line, soft serves, Hobart mixers & dishwashers, back bars, rotary glass washers, cutlery.

Reach A Larger Audience

Misc. for Sale

Haircare Professionals

Painting & Decorating

CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

RETIREMENT home in Kamloops seeking hair stylist to rent salon space and provide services to our residents. Call 250-376-3131 for more info


Misc. Wanted

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra)

Help Wanted WANTED - - AIR CANADA Retirees ! ! Why ? ? Increased membership strengthens our voice to maintain & secure your pensions & benefits. By becoming an Air Canada Pionairs member, you support your organization & you preserve our aviation heritage. Beyond retirement, there’Air Canada Pionairs! For more info go to or email okanagan.pionairs


Price incls. Cloverdale High Performance Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Buying Coin Collections of any size.We collect CAN & US Coins, bills, Silver, Gold. Local couple also deal with Estates, Jewellery, Sterling, Antiques+ Chad & Crissy 250-863-3082. We can make House Calls!

5. Certain poems 6. Hauls 7. Worn: hyph. 8. Infatuation 9. Pink wine 10.Public 11.Brash 19.Speaker 21.Jack’s tote 22.Teen affliction 23.Monthly expense 25.Golf shot 28.Dark-haired 29.Away from home

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Farm Workers 75 Cherry Orchard Workers req’d at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from June 28 to Nov. 30, 2016. Pay: $10.59/hr. Successful applicants must be physically capable of working in all types of weather. Duties are repetitive and incl pruning, clean up, and general labor as well as picking & packing cherries during harvest. Fax resume to 250-766-4993 or call 250-979-8555 for interview. Farm workers required in Kelowna & Oyama for thinning,picking & pruning from May 15 - Oct 31, 40-50 hrs week, $10.59/hr. Call Gurpartap Brar, 250-717-6118.


Misc. Wanted

Buying Collector Coins, Accumulations, coin collections & Old money. US Canada & world coins. Plus anything made of gold or silver. Todd’s Coins. 250-864-3521 I can make House calls!

Rentals Want to Rent

Student looking for room or lower suite in Winfield from Sept- June. (250)-707-1187


when your pet is lost? Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™


Financial Services

Merchandise for Sale

30.Planted 31.Branch offshoot 32.Appetites 39.Capsize 41.Loafer 42.Broadway bust 43.Abide 44.Pulpit word 46.Spool of film 47.Soldier’s standing 51.Yes vote 52.Neckline style 53.Total up

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Deeds 5. Passe 8. Trim 12.Newborn horse 13.Pair 14.Tug-of-war need 15.Fast-food order: 2 wds. 16.Omelet ingredient 17.Computer operator 18.Sheriff’s group 20.Transmitted 21.Kitchen gadget

24.Volcanic residue 26.Smashing serve 27.Cancel a space launch 30.Pig’s digs 33.Lodging place 34.More authentic 35.Be in hock 36.Allow 37.Exceed 38.Prevail 39.Footed vase 40.Male monarchs 42.Flutter 45.Went astray 48.Daiquiri ingredient

49.English beverage 50.Molten rock 54.Chef’s appliance 55.Five and five 56.Watched carefully 57.Await judgment 58.Moose’s cousin 59.Hollow stalk

DOWN 1. Fore-and____ 2. Bird sound 3. Schoolyard game 4. Skiing hill



rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 9, 2016 A15


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Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL


Program Registration is NOW OPEN at

Easter Egg Hunt

Good Friday, March 25 Jack Seaton Park

Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

7pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road

Council has been asked to approve a Temporary Permit to allow for the crushing and screening of rock on the subject properties. The applicant has been approved by the Agricultural Land Commission to engage in “natural resource extraction” until 2022. A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Permit may be carried on.

GET HELP PREPARING YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN It’s Income Tax Time… Trained community volunteers can help prepare your income tax return. If you are a low income senior (below $30,000 single income or $40,000 couple) please come see Dave or Leona in the Winfield Room at Municipal Hall (10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.)

APPLICANT/OWNER: New Dawn Services PERMIT: TP2015-007 SUBJECT PROPERTIES: 16650 Gatzke Road & Gatzke Road (no civic) LEGAL: Lot 2, Sections 11 & 14, Township 14, ODYD, Plan 720 (Except Plans H823, 39753, EPP6135 and H723) Lot 3, Section 14, Township 14, ODYD, Plan 720 (Except Plans H823, 39753, EPP6135) Visit online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

Mondays 10:00am-noon from March 7 to April 11 (excluding the stat holiday March 28). Bring your tax papers/forms.

SEASONAL VACANCY: BYLAW SERVICES OFFICER The Bylaw Services Officer is responsible for providing technical assistance to the Protective Services Department under the Bylaw Compliance and Enforcement Program. The Bylaw Services Officer is required to receive public inquiries and complaints, research bylaws and Provincial Legislation, inspect property, issue warnings and municipal tickets, assist in the administration of business licences, prepare correspondence and reports and make recommendations to the Director of Protective Services on enforcement of municipal bylaws. The normal work week is 35 hours, with a variable schedule which could include evenings and weekends. Operation on a motor vehicle will be required with a valid Class 5 driver’s license and clear drivers abstract. The preferred candidates will have one year post-secondary education in a related field and have certificates in Bylaw Enforcement and Investigative Skills 1 & 2. A minimum of two years related experience in bylaw enforcement or as a police officer. For a detailed job description please visit the District’s website at Applications will be received Until 4:00 pm on March 13, 2016 Please submit your cover letter and resume to: Human Resources, District of Lake Country E-mail:

NOTICE: DISRUPTION TO DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY AND ROAD USE OYAMA RESIDENTS: The Installation of new domestic water supply infrastructure to replace ageing infrastructure in order to provide increased reliability and operational effectiveness will take place March 14-18 2016. Residents will be informed before their water supply will be turned off for approximately 1 hour.

GET MORE INFORMATION Copies of the proposed permit, the application and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, March 9, 2016 to Tuesday, March 15, 2016 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email

Greenhow Rd between Oyama Rd and Young Rd will be CLOSED to vehicular through traffic between 8am – 4pm during Mar 14-18 2016. Access to residents, buses and the emergency services will be maintained.

Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda Package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website.

Contact for more information.

Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

Speak at the Council Meeting

March 9, 2016

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