Jeff Schall
Lake Country
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
ut ! boings a t ‘Your Okanagan e is Dream Home Consultant’ sk mw l A ne my
March 16, 2016
Chili cook-off raises funds to help ease the transition to a new country for Syrian refugees ...............................
Kettle River camping Closed after wildfire swept through the Rock Creek area, the province is now taking reservations for the Kettle River campgrounds. ...............................
3 Hwy 97 six lanes.......6 Bruins hockey............7 Crime report..............
Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ Hometown ■ Rona ■ Save On Foods ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Sobey’s ■ Staples
OYAMA businessman and former Lake Country councillor Allan Gatzke on the Oyama isthmus. Gatzke presented a vision for the development of a replica train platform (Armstrong Station as an example, inset) for the future of the Okanagan Rail Trail running through Oyama.
Isthmus could be heartbeat of Okanagan Rail Trail KEVIN PARNELL The Oyama isthmus has the potential to be the heartbeat of the Okanagan Rail Trail, according to two well-known citizens of the area. The Lake Country Calendar spoke with former Lake Country council-
lor and Oyama businessman Allan Gatzke and Oyama resident and historian Duane Thomson prior to the first public consultation on the Okanagan Rail Trail, which took place on Monday at the Oyama Community Hall. At the consultation, Gatzke planned
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to present a concept for what he is calling the Oyama Spirit Square, a central gathering point on the Okanagan Rail Trail as it passes between Wood and Kalamalka lakes. The concept calls for a replica train platform, drinking water, washrooms, parking, a herit-
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age park including monuments and displays, a day-use picnic area as well as trail-head for information. The proposed area is across from the Oyama Firehall and near the community hall, a portion of the corridor that features excess lands and already has a two grav-
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el parking lots and plenty of room for the development, said Gatzke. He pegged the total cost at $140,000 with some in-kind construction donations, money he says could be raised in 12 months by fundraising and grants, outside of what is being raised for the development of
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the trail. “It could put us back on the map,” said Gatzke, adding that the relocation of Highway 97 diverted a lot of traffic away from Oyama but the rail trail could be a major benefit in getting
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
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Potential for development on isthmus ISTHMUS FROM A1 more people out to the area. “The relocation of the highway has been both positive and negative,” he noted. “But Oyama has the potential to be more than it ever would have been had the highway not moved. This type of development is attractive to inbound international tourists and at the same time would be convenient to the community, useful and functional.” Gatzke said as the rail trail runs between the two lakes in Oyama, it is virtually in the centre of the 47.5 kilometre stretch that runs from Kelowna to Coldstream. He envisions Oyama as a place where tourists could park and begin to explore the rail trail, going north or south. “This is the middle of the rail trail geographically,” he said. “It could be a place where stories are told about how the Okanagan developed and the role the railway played in the settling and growth and economics of the
area. There are economic benefits for Oyama but tourists would find it an interesting place. This is probably the best place for parking (on the trail) and a great strategic location.” Gatzke pointed to other rail trails in Canada that have built historic information centres that would promote the rail trail and the region. He says his vision is based on the Oyama Sector Plan which was originally put together in the early 2000s and talked about the possibilities of developing the isthmus. Meanwhile, Thomson, who headed the yes campaign in the rail trail referendum and was at the community consultation as a member of the Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative, says of all the places along the corridor, the Oyama isthmus likely has the most potential for development and would be a great starting place for trail users. “I think it has every potential to become a major attraction,” said
Duane Thomson Thomson. “It’s a spectacular site. It’s connected to two parks on Kalamalka Lake, it could be connected to a bird sanctuary, there is room for a place to launch boats and for swimming holes. It’s a mile-long beach. I think there could be a lot of low-impact development that would allow Oyama to retain its character which is a positive element. It would be growth in a controlled way.” While long-term vision is still just that, Gatzke was hoping to raise support for the idea as the public consultation process began with meetings in Oyama, Winfield, Kelowna and
Coldstream and with the OKIB this week. He presented his plan to Lake Country coun- K cil last year but it was deferred at the time. Now the Inter-jurisdiction- h al Development Team is t taking its development s plans to the communitiesr involved with the initial o phase being a gravel trail o that will likely open in L v the first part of 2017. Once councils in the l area approve the initial O plans, fundraising will begin, run by the Ver- e non-based Okanagan h i Rail Trail Initiative. Residents unable to at- m tend a meeting can pro- a vide feedback through t an online survey at www. r r Online input continues until Sunday, March 27. g The City of Kelowna, e District of Lake Coun- C try, Regional District of a North Okanagan and P h the Province of B.C. shared in the investment s of $22 million to purchase the discontinued p t CN Railway line. c @KP_media1
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 16, 2016 A3
Cookoff to take chill off for Syrian arrivals KEVIN PARNELL From spicy hot habaneros and chipotle, to Italian sausage to smoky barbecue, the range in styles and tastes of 11 chili concoctions on display last week in Lake Country was as varied as the people who live in the Central Okanagan community. Adding zest to the event was the fact it was held to support making the Okanagan even more eclectic and varied as it helped raise funds to support more Syrian refugee families set to arrive in the area. “This is pretty darn good,” said organizer Leora Splett, as Lake Country residents came and went from Woody’s Pub to chow down on home-cooked chili and support a great cause. “I would say it’s pretty positive,” Splett said of the response from the community. The chili cook-off and silent auction was organized by the St. Francis Anglican Church in Lake Country, part of the Lutheran-Anglican Refugee Committee (LARC), a group of churches in Lake Country, Kelowna and West Kelowna that have combined forces to help settle Syrian refugees in the Central Okanagan.
LAKE COUNTRY’S Sharon McCoubrey prepares to taste some hot chili, made by local resident Gord Lugrin
at a chili cook-off held to collect money for the potential to bring another Syrian family to the Okanagan. One family has already been settled in the Central Okanagan and more families are expected to arrive within days. LARC has established different committees to help with settlement issues and the funds raised in Lake Country will go towards whatever is needed to help, Splett said. “I think it’s great that our community can sup-
port the arrival of Syrian families,” said Lake Country Mayor James Baker, one of three judges of the contest, held at Woody’s Pub and with the support of the Wooden Nickel Cafe in Lake Country. “This community certainly reaches out to help wherever and whenever we can.” After the judges narrowed down the entrants
to the top three chilis, the mayor, long-time community member Sharon McCoubrey and 2013 Miss Teen Canada Amber Coles gathered together to finalize the winner. And it was the Italian sausage that took top spot, cooked lovingly by Lake Country’s Janet Kluftinger. The true winner, however, may have been the
next Syrian family to arrive in the Central Okanagan, as folks continue to support the newcomers in a variety of ways.“It’s a great thing to support,” said Kluftinger. “It’s a community thing…You see the issue on the news so it’s nice to be able to help out in some small way.” newsroom@
Property crime KEVIN PARNELL A sharp increase in property crime last year in Lake Country appears to have decreased in the first few months of this year. But Lake Country RCMP sergeant Jayson Lucash says residents need to maintain good habits. “The message still needs to get out there to lock vehicles, remove valuables from vehicles and be vigilant. Know your neighbours and if something seems to be out of the norm, don’t be afraid to call us,” said Lucash, who presented his quarterly report to council on Tuesday. “The numbers have come down. We have dealt with some of them through the court system and the messaging may have gotten through.” In 2015, property crime, theft and mischief in Lake Country jumped by as much as 60 per cent from the year before. Lucash said it came from out-of-town suspects coming through the area looking for easy targets, as well as a group of local youth who were doing the same thing. In both cases suspects would cruise for unlocked cars and gain access to things like garage door openers that would allow them into homes, or bank cards with the new tap technology that allowed thieves to com-
mit fraud around town. Another trend saw homes under construction being hit with break and enters shortly after things like major appliances were delivered. At the time RCMP distributed pamphlets and news releases and met with community groups to urge people to lock up valuables and not make homes or businesses an easy target. “Ninety-nine per cent of the time what it comes down to is people locking their vehicles or not leaving items in their vehicles,” he said. “It’s mostly people surfing for the unlocked doors.” “I know it’s a pain but when you think of the types of crimes we’re talking about, these are property offences as opposed to crimes against people. “Obviously we’d like to see that reduced but our overall numbers are low when you compare it to Kelowna or West Kelowna,” Lucash said. Other stats from the RCMP report point to impaired driving still being an issue on local roads. During the last quarter of 2015 there were 11 individuals issued a 90-day roadside prohibition; 14 people were issued a 24-hour driving prohibition for drugs or alcohol while six were charged with driving while impaired. @KP_media1
Kettle camping to open again After suffering some damage and being closed due to the Rock Creek fire last year, the Kettle River Recreation area campground will re-open in May. Park staff have announced that Kettle River Recreation Area reservable sites are available to be reserved with the opening of Discovery Camping reservation system on March 15 at 7 a.m. Last summer, the Rock Creek fire caused an evacuation of the Kettle River Recreation Area campground however the reserv-
able sites were untouched by the fire. Any other damage is in final stages of cleanup and will be ready for camping season in May. With 114 sites, the Kettle River Recreation Area features is one of the largest and most popular destination family campgrounds in the Okanagan–Boundary region. Located minutes from amenities in Rock Creek, it is about 90 minutes from Kelowna. The area features an adventure playground that is popular for families with young children and
offers a mix of flush and pit toilets as well as a large shower house facility. A sani-station is available on site. The site remains closed as BC Parks finishes assessment and cleanup any potential hazards but the campground is scheduled to open Friday May 6th. Reservations for can be made up to 3 month in advance of arrival dates at www.discovercamping. ca or 1-800-689-9025.
THE KETTLE River Campground will re-open for business May 6 and is now
available for reservations, after being closed due to the Rock Creek fire last year.
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Epitaph for a I song writer
he world’s Joy Quotient declined a little on Sunday March 6, when Ian Macdonald died. Ian was one of those rare people who never let his inner child get bur-
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CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
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ied under the overburden of grown-up concerns. He took an almost wicked delight in wit. The prospect of trying something new and different—whether a children’s tale for adults, or Bible study through improv drama—brought out a crooked grin, a
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Welcome to B.C., freeloaders A s the B.C. government spends millions on an international brand campaign with the recycled slogan “Super, Natural B.C.,” another brand identity has spread across Canada. This one’s unintentional. It hit a new peak last week with the arrival of two young men from Saskatchewan, who were given one-way tickets to Vancouver and Victoria by typically burdened social services ministry staff in North Battleford. Sorting through the blizzard of soothing sound bites and sympathetic TV clips, a clearer picture emerges. In his initial interview with the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Charles Neil-Curly, at 23 the elder of the two, said he decided to head west when shelter staff told him his time had run out and he asked for bus tickets to B.C. “When they asked if I had a place to go, I just
BC Views
Tom Fletcher said, ‘yeah’,” Neil-Curly said. “I was going to the next homeless shelter anyway.” Transients and panhandlers aren’t the only ones who say whatever they figure will get them through another day. Politicians do it too. Admitting she knew little about the arrivals, Premier Christy Clark suggested that both were mentally ill and deserve every support the province can give them. B.C. housing czar Rich Coleman has also demonstrated factual flexibility as he presides over the creation of his
latest single-room-occupancy drug ghetto in a residential neighbourhood in Victoria. After quietly proposing a closed-down nursing home called Mount Edwards Court as a temporary solution to the filthy “tent city” that sprang up on provincial property last fall, Coleman abruptly announced from his Langley office Feb. 5 that the building had been bought and partly renovated for $4 million. It would house 38 people for up to a year. I asked him if the purchase meant the conversion of Mount Edwards into permanent “low-barrier” housing for 100 people was a “done deal,” as area residents believe. “They’re wrong,” Coleman indignantly replied, and there would be community consultation over the next year. In subsequent comments to reporters, he said the province doesn’t really need city zoning, but will apply for
it anyway. (That won’t be a problem with Victoria’s far-left city council, which is keen to add a supervised injection site too.) On Feb. 24, Coleman was asked if he is concerned that the 88 housing units at two locations would fill up and other transients would arrive to take their place. By that time the tent squat appeared to have about 100 people in residence, with the usual overdoses, violence and prostitution. Coleman assured us it hasn’t happened in Abbotsford or Maple Ridge, where tent camps have finally been cleaned up after shelters and housing were provided. The next day, he was asked if transitional accommodations would be sufficient to end the camp. “They’re not actually all that transitional,” Coleman replied. “We’ll take Mount Edwards through a zoning process. We’ve got about 100 beds there. We’ve
bought the building so it’s hardly transitional. We’ve permanently done that.” Fast forward to March 11. The 38 Mount Edwards spaces are full, another 40 rooms and camping spaces at a former youth custody centre are almost full, and the province applies for a court order to clear the Victoria camp. A representative of the advocacy group Together Against Poverty Society goes on local radio to pledge legal support for the campers. How many are there now? At least 100, he says. Meanwhile in Maple Ridge, where the “homeless” problem is all fixed, Coleman has just extended temporary shelter funding and paid $5.5 million for a 61room motel to fix it some more. Tom Fletcher is B.C. legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc
b s 9 glint in his eye. t I’m told that I deH scribed him once as “in- E sane—in the best pos- 3 sible way.” Around 1980, Ian and a his colleague Jim Urich l were the ministry team e at Augustine United C Church in Winnipeg. t To relax, they strummed $ their guitars together. A neighbouring Anglican n priest, Gordon Light, i dropped in. Gordon also t played guitar—and had i a guitar case full of songs i that he had written but m had never had the nerve to share with anyone. Out of that meeting—with the later addition of a third United Church minister, Bob Wallace—came the vocal group known as the Common Cup Company. For 35 years, the Common Cup produced albums and CDs of contemporary church music. It wasn’t traditional
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 16, 2016 A5
Highway expansion benefits all through Central OK
t’s been a long road—pardon the pun—but I couldn’t be more thrilled that the six-laning of Highway 97 has taken a major step toward completion. (See Hwy 97 to be six lanes Edwards south to Hwy 33, page A6.) In early March, we announced the $36-million contract awarded to Emil Anderson Construction Inc. for the second phase of this $60-million project. We know Kelowna and its surrounding communities continue to grow. That’s why it’s vital to invest in the infrastructure we need to meet increasing demand. Highway 97 is also a
Norm Letnick significant thoroughfare for commercial traffic, which makes this project important from an economic perspective as well as it helps get goods to market faster. The project will see 4.5 kilometres of Highway 97 widened to six
lanes, in addition to upgrades to major intersections at Leathead, McCurdy, Findlay/ Hollywood and Sexsmith Roads. Meanwhile, the realignment of Rutland Road will reduce congestion and increase separation between Highway 97 and Rutland Road. The ministry aims to keep traffic disruptions to a minimum during construction. Upon completion motorists, transit users, and cyclists will enjoy increased convenience and efficiency, as well as improved safety. We couldn’t undertake a project like this without the positive working relationship we enjoy
with other levels of government and the community, who play a big role in the extensive decision-making process that goes into large infrastructure projects like this one. The Ministry of Transportation starts by identifying needs along the transportation system. Then, public engagement is woven through the project delivery process. Engaging local government, First Nations and stakeholders during each stage helps to ensure we understand the community needs and local perspective on problems. Once the needs are identified, the ministry
carries out project development work to identify specific problems and develop various options to address them. The next step is to evaluate each of the options and choose a pre-
ferred one. The ministry does this by using a Multiple Accounts Evaluation system, which contains a cost-benefit analysis. This evaluation assesses options using five
hymns, though at least a dozen of their songs have been included in denominational hymnaries. It wasn’t folk music, although it was certainly influenced by the passion for justice of Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie. It 5wasn’t the “praise choruses” popular among evangelical churches, but it was clearly religious. Ian and Gordon did most of the writing. In a surprising reversal, Gordon, coming from a liturgical church, wrote mostly about life experiences; Ian, from the liberal United Church, tended to focus on the significance of traditional sacraments. One of my favour-
ites is Ian’s celebration of marriage vows: “Love is gentle, love is kind, Most surprising thing to find, Healing and revealing every gift of heart and mind. And love keeps no score of wrongs, But keeps singing out new songs…” But it was rare for Ian to stay serious for long. After the Mulroney conservatives were almost eliminated in 1993, Ian penned a short-lived song suggesting that the only thing rarer than a Rocky Mountain lobster (think about it!) was a Conservative politician. When fellow Winnipegger Fred McNally staffed the United
Church’s national worship desk in Toronto, Ian and friends dropped in. Feeling that Fred’s cramped cubicle didn’t match his responsibilities, they moved the office walls while Fred’s neighbours were at lunch. As a child at heart, Ian loved parables. He sang of dolphins and eagles, of ponies and bones and rivers. And of dragonflies. One song told of bugs in a pond, climbing reeds to the surface and turning into shimmering dragonflies. But of course, they couldn’t go back to tell of their transformation. “We sang him to sleep,” said Ian’s son Rory. The last song Ian
heard would have been his Celtic Prayer, with its haunting refrain: “Bless Thou to me my life…” But when I heard that Ian had died, I thought first of the song he wrote for Ralph Donnelly, a beloved mentor in Winnipeg. It begins, “Come away, my own dear ones, so softly I’m fading…” Ian too faded away, as progressive dementia sapped his spirit and eventually his life. So for me, the song written for someone else becomes the epitaph for the song writer. Fly free, dear dragonfly. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Hwy 97 to be six lanes, Edwards south to Hwy 33 The long-awaited widening of Highway 97 at the north end of Kelowna may finally be ready to get going. The province announced funding early this month for a project to increase a 4.5 kilometre section of Highway 97 through Kelowna into six lanes from four lanes Emil Anderson Construction Inc. was award-
ed the $36-million contract which will increasing capacity and make travel safer along the busy corridor between Lake Country and Kelowna. Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick said the upgrades to Highway 97 will benefit all residents of the Central Okanagan. From UBCO students, Kelowna airport users, tran-
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sit users, cyclists and residents of Quail Ridge, Rutland, Glenmore, Ellison and Lake Country, the improvements will provide much needed capacity and improve traffic flow. The expansion and upgrade of the section of road, from Highway 33 to Edwards Road, will improve safety and efficiency for all users of the highway and better connect Kelowna’s downtown core with sur-
rounding areas, said the ministry. Initial construction on this $60-million project began last year with a realignment of Finns Road in Kelowna, which was completed in December. Transportation minister Todd Stone said a team has been working for two-and-a-half years to produce a design that meets the needs of the community. “And we thank the community for its patience while this
important work was being done,” he said. Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran said the city was particularly pleased to see the project move ahead. “As the fastest growing region in Canada for the past two years, we’re very pleased to see the province invest in this transportation infrastructure improvement,” said Basran. Premier Christy Clark, MLA for Westside-Kelowna said: “Ke-
lowna and the surrounding communities continue to grow in population, which is why it’s vital to invest in transportation infrastructure to meet increasing demand. With this announcement, the project is taking a major step toward completion.” “The modifications,” said Kelowna-Mission MLA Steve Thomson, “along with other adjustments to the design were necessary to ensure these
improvements best meet the needs of the community.” “We appreciate everyone’s feedback,” Thomson said. The province is contributing $41.5 million and the federal government $18 million to the total costs, through the Building Canada Fund. Construction is expected to start early this spring with completion in fall of 2017.
Hwy 97 expansion to start early this year SIX LANES FROM A5 ments, First Nations and stakeholders to address their needs and concerns. This evaluation allows the ministry to compare the benefits and impacts of each option and as-
sists engineers in recommending a preferred option. Next, a business case is prepared and is used to decide if the option identified is worth the investment. As projects proceed, changes that may
affect the cost are also brought forward for approval. These checks and balances help ensure that projects stay on budget and deliver good value for money. We know the community is eager to see the
end result of this project and the increased capacity, convenience and improved safety to come. That’s why it’s so important we get it right. Our team has been working hard for twoand-a-half years to pro-
duce a design that meets the needs of the community not just today, but tomorrow as well. We appreciate the public’s patience and input, and look forward to construction starting early this spring.
Easter Egg Hunt March 25
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The annual Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt is set for Friday, March 25 at Jack Seaton Park. Sign up begins at 10 a.m. Popular magician and family entertainer Leif David performs at 11:15 a.m. and the hunt begins at noon. ••• Lake Country municipal hall will close for
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the Easter Long Weekend. The office will be closed on both Friday, March 25 and Monday, March 28. ••• Income Tax Clinics are happening in March and April in Lake Country. Volunteers will be on hand to help qualified individuals prepare their
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• Yard waste pick up every two weeks starting March 1 through the end of November. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, fruit droppings and branches. • Yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.
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income tax returns, on Mondays from March 7 to April 11, excluding Easter Monday on March 28, at the Municipal Hall from 10 a.m. until noon. For more information and to see if you qualify call Dave or Leona at 778 478 6317.
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 16, 2016 A7
THE WINFIELD BRUINS had a stellar season of hockey.The team members are (top left to right): Jeff VanDyk, Kevin Hopfner, Carter McConnell, Cole Farrell,Tate McKenzie, Alex Hopfner, Justin Cooke, Jake Kupchanko, Shane Petit,Todd McKenzie (bottom) Jordan Radke, Benson Mackney, Peter Blades, Erik Evans, Jayden VanDyk, Ally James, Brock Clayton. Missing from the photo are Reuben Milne, Dalton Weston and Rob Kupchanko. CONTRIBUTED
The Lake Country Calendar is produced at the Kelowna Capital News office, 2495 Enterprise Way.
Beef & prawn
Winfield Bruins are Okanagan Valley Champions The Winfield Bruins bantam recreational hockey team had a very successful year, going undefeated in their last 22 games including winning the Okanagan Valley Championship earlier this month. The Bruins had a great
year, winning their home tournament, their league, their league playoffs and capped it off with the title of Okanagan Valley Champions. Overall the team was 33-9-3 throughout the season. “I’m very proud of this
Calendar Lake Country
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
group this year,” said cocoach Todd McKenzie. “Their improvement within the season in hockey skills, sportsmanship and maturity from start to finish was very impressive to watch.”
Stay on top of the news:
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Fines increase for interfering with forest firefighting
Every summer complaints are heard
John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Licenced REALTOR®
throughout the Okanagan of gawkers getting in the way of firefighters battling back flames,
and of campers failing to comply with campfire bans while the forest is tinder dry.
250-860-7500 mand dolli@
Kangaroo Creek Farm
Open for Spring Break March 12 thru April 3 Every day including weekends and holidays 10 am – 2 pm
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
250-861-7722 Sex: Male Spayed/Neutered:Yes Age: 5Mths 1Wks Animal ID: 394205 House Trained OK with Dogs
Ben is going to make his new family very happy. He is already house trained. He loves being a puppy, playing with his toys and, oh yes, now and then finding a nice hole to make bigger! He walks very well on a leash. He will need additional puppy obedience classes to both bond with his new human and to become the best adult dog within him. He hasn’t had a lot of socialization with other dogs or being inside a home, so you will have to introduce him to those environments with patience, understanding, and lots of love. Ben is growing quickly and will be a very large adult dog. He has a very thick, long coat that will require regular grooming, which will be a great bonding tool. If you believe you have the right home for Ben, please speak with the Kelowna SPCA Staff to meet him.
Admission: $5 PER PERSON
Visit our website for more info and the rest of the season’s schedule On-site handicapped parking only. General parking on Main Street or the Hill Road area
“Open hearts... open minds... open doors”
ReThink Church SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:50 a.m. includes children’s church
CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE: 7 p.m. 1st Tuesday of the month
THRIFT SHOP: OPEN 10 – 2 Tuesday to Saturday phone 250-766-3387 3751 woodsdale road phone: 250-766-4458
Winfield Community Church
Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. pastor sean harder 9460 GlenMore roAd 250-766-2753 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
These behaviours aren’t OK, we continually are told from officials, but the story remains the same from summer to summer. Now the province is trying to change the narrative with proposed legislative amendments as part of the Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 12). Among other things, changes will result in significantly increased ticket fines for 19 different violations under the Wildfire Act and for seven different violations under Wildfire Regulation, meaning B.C. now has some of the highest wildfire-related violation ticket fines in the country. For example, the fine for failing to comply with a fire restriction under the Wildfire Act is increasing from $345 to $1,150, a 333.33 per cent increase over the old fine for that offence. The bill also clarifies what is considered to be “interference,” in terms of actions that could hinder firefighters. Of particular note, interference does not have to be intentional to constitute contravention of the wildfire act, so drones and lookie-loo drivers may want to take heed. The latter offenders are usually the bane of B.C. wildfire crews, but
St. Edward’s Roman Catholic Church
Easter Sunday Mass
11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East
Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Easter Vigil Saturday, March 26th 8:00 pm
March 27th 9:00 am
Lake Countr y
city firefighters have had some experience with them as well. “Last summer we had a fire on top of Knox Mountain, and it’s a skinny windy road up there,” said Lou Wilde, of the Kelowna Fire Department. “And there was a parade of vehicles going up there to have a look at it.” The time it took to get to the blaze was lengthy and the drive itself ended up being treacherous as fire trucks had to navigate around a traffic jam on what’s little more than a forest road. “Eventually we had RCMP stop people at the bottom of the hill, there was a huge bottle neck,” said Wilde. “It’s naïveté—people don’t really realize the impact it will have. They’re not intentionally trying to hinder operations.” Another way the public creates a hindrance is getting in the way of BC Wildfire water bombers. “There are two problems there. There are boaters who just want the birdseye view of wildfire on hillside get in the way of water bombers,” said Wilde, explaining police end up telling them to get out of the way. “The other was the drones. Last summer B.C. Forest Service, on the West Kelowna side, had to cease aerial operations because somebody was out there with
250-766-3146 |
a drone. It would be catastrophic if one of those bombers hit a drone and was pulled down.” Education, Wilde said, should go a long way to dealing with these issues. And for those who don’t learn as easily, he said, the increased fines will make up the difference. “Obviously if you are going to get a fine that was $345 and now it’s $1,150, maybe more people will take note of that—it carries more weight and shows the province is serious about this and it’s something we need the public to comply with,” he said. Across the lake, West Kelowna Fire Chief Jason Brolund echoed Wilde’s comments. “I think it’s great that the province is paying attention, and these fines draw attention to what a serious matter it is,” said Brolund. “But, my first thought is that the public in our region is generally well educated and cooperative when it comes to us to dealing with wildfires.” Particularly notable, he said, is the lack of resistance the public greets firefighters with when they’re asked to evacuate. That said, Brolund did say he hopes the province’s announcement about increased penalties does serve as a reminder to the public to how serious these situations can be in the summer. On average, 30 to 40 per cent of wildfires in British Columbia are human-caused. The 2015 fire season saw more than 283,400 hectares burned and over $278 million spent on wildfire management. To report a wildfire, call 1 800 663-5555 tollfree or *5555 on a cellphone.
Oil Change and Tire Centre
10 OFF
9716 Hwy 97N, Winfield
$ $
*Present coupon for savings
NEXT TO 7-11
HOURS: Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat 8-5, Closed Sun
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 16, 2016 A9
Join Us!
Are you suffering from tinnitus?
You are not alone. Learn about tinnitus management now offered in the Okanagan. Previously, people suffering from tinnitus had to travel to St Pauls hospital in Vancouver for management.
Having difficulty hearing at venues with background noise or echo perhaps at the theatre or church etc?
T-coil hearing loop systems have been used in Europe for 50 years + yet are fairly new to Canada. Come & experience a T-coil hearing loop system that can be used with your own hearing aid to overcome this problem.
JOIN US for a complimentary Seminar on hearing services now available in the Okanagan
10:30-12:30 am Wednesday March 30th at the Lake Country Senior Centre Light food and refreshments will be provided
to Lakeside Hearing at 250-766-0294 Space is limited. or to
Nichole Sorensen, Audiologist; presenting on tinnitus retraining therapy and progressive tinnitus management Rachel Liu, Audiologist; presenting on Widex Zen Tinnitus Therapy David Moore, Auris Loops; presenting on telecoil loop systems and looped facilities in the Okanagan
Elevating Hearing Health in the Interior
Winfield (250) 766-0294 or Kelowna (236) 420-0294 •
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS
Our Nanny Has 3rd World Mouth
Q: We recently hired a nanny from overseas. She is polite, cute, and works well with our children. Although she seems to always be popping some kind of breath mint, her breath is nothing but horrid. Even my 2 year said it is 'stinky'. I know she brushes her teeth (the 'mom' trick of checking for wet toothbrushes). Whatever could be the problem here? A:
We see most bad breath originating in the mouth – probably 90% of all cases. If she regularly brushes, flosses, cleans her tongue, and has professional cleaning it will likely help with the problem. If that fails to solve it, there is a good chance she has gum disease. It is very common, and typically begins as inflammation but may deteriorate to infection of the gums and occasionally reaches the bone underneath. If the bone becomes infected, it may deteriorate and there is a chance she will lose teeth. Numerous factors all come into play. Inconsistent oral hygiene is the usual culprit, although genetics can play a role. Alcohol or tobacco use can compound her difficulty. Symptoms may be bleeding gums. Some minor bleeding is common when flossing your teeth. Sometimes patients who are using a brush with abnormally hard bristles can aggravate their situation and we usually send them home with a softer brush.
If bleeding persists, the gums may be inflamed from some bacteria buildup. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease experienced by many people. If left unchecked, it may develop into more serious forms of gum disease and I would recommend getting her in to see a dentist. Depending on which culture she originates from, there are some strange ideas out there regarding oral health. Some believe that losing teeth is perfectly normal and problems can really run rampant if left unchecked. It's a crying shame because it is usually completely preventable. The breath mint option can do more harm than good. Some contain sugar which compounds the problems. They make your mouth taste better (rather than smell better). This is a billion dollar industry in the USA alone. TV advertising showing young couples falling in love – all because someone quaffed a breath mint – sell a boatload of that product. The sugar provides food for bacteria, and gives off noxious sulphides as their byproduct of digestion which leave your mouth smelling like a sewer. Sugar free mints are more of a masking agent, no substitute for a toothbrush either. It does sound like her problem is more serious than what brushing alone will correct. After all, her toothbrush is wet – correct 'Detective Mom'? Do everyone a favour, especially her – please take her in to see your dentist.
Winfield Dental Centre
208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.
250-469-9477 Services are provided by General Dentists
Dr. Karla Reimer
Nichole Sorensen
B.Sc., M.A, RAUD
Q Are Auris hearing loops a new technology? A
No, far from it! Hearing loops were invented by the British and have been used in all the other G7 countries for decades! It is fast catching on in the Okanagan; a year ago there were no hearing loops, now there are nearly x 40 systems installed including churches, theatres, residential homes, libraries, hotels and even Kelowna council chambers.
Winfield Professional Building • 100-121 Hill Road (Free parking in the back) 250-766-0294 •
The number one benefit of daily disposable lenses is convenience. Insert the lens in the morning, remove and discard at the end of the day. No solutions required. Comfort is the second benefit. Since you are only wearing them once, you are less likely to experience dryness or allergy problems related to lens deposits or cleaning solutions. Daily disposables can be worn every day or only occasionally. Some patients wear them only when they are traveling, camping, or swimming, when contacts are at a higher risk of being contaminated, and a suitable environment is not available to clean them. They are available in a wide range of prescriptions. Ask about a free trial pair at your next appointment. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country • 250-766-4240 •
Lynne Bowsher
Certified Eating Psychology Coach Mind Body Nutrition Coach
Why can’t I control my binge eating?
Although binge eating seems to be controlling you, rather than you having control over it, the good news is that it can be handled more easily than you might imagine. The most important distinction to understand about binge eating is that it isn’t a “problem”, nor is it an indicator that something is wrong with you. It’s actually a symptom that has a deeper meaning. Every unwanted eating behavior or health symptom is really a message from body wisdom, the innate intelligence of our biology calling for our attention. Through Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition binge eating is addressed in a completely different manner, utilizing highly effective strategies to determine its cause. To learn more about Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition, I will be offering another FREE talk on Wednesday, March 30 from 7:00-8:30 pm. Please call to register. 106 – 2611 Stillwater Way, Lake Country at The Lakes (inside A Place For Yoga and Health Studio) 250-878-1251 •
I replace my contacts once a month, but my friend puts in a new pair every day – what does she know that I don’t?
Petrina Koltun REALTOR®
What is the timeline for selling a home this spring?
To sell a residential home right now statistically takes on average 66 days. So basically if I am to meet with a seller right now to list they would be looking at about May or June for completion. I have really appreciated arranging new listings this past month because it is very important for me to have the inventory to show, especially with Spring Break upon us. It is very important for new listings on the market to get full, professional exposure to the market in order to get top dollar for their home. I communicate with all my sellers that it is very important for me to have their home showcased on the system well before all of our visitors arrive to enjoy all of our Okanagan sunshine! • 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100
Briefs from Lake Country district
8. Chimes 9. Peachlike fruits 10.Binds 11.Shoo! 22.Journalist Sawyer 24.Model 25.Under lock and ____ 26.Soil-breaking tool 27.Pestering 28.Soft toss 30.Deep sorrow
31.Angler’s dipper 34.Cooking herb: 2 wds. 39.Sink item 41.Pushy 42.Saunter 43.Created 44.Felled 46.Qualified 48.Deteriorated 49.Diabolic 50.Beavers’ projects
Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
29.Have 32.Geologic division 33.Home 35.Foot digit 36.Desire 37.Catch 38.Thing of value 40.Comply 42.High peak 43.BLT spread 45.Getaway 47.Had unpaid bills 51.Pivot point 52.Lessen 53.PBS science series
54.Cub Scout groups 55.Every bit 56.Bleak 57.Fidgety 58.Cost 59.Wiggly sea creatures
DOWN 1. Agreement 2. Canyon sound 3. Parched 4. Reheat 5. Yearned 6. Like lemon juice 7. Massaged
Health Planning Society
COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
•HUGE COMMUNITY YARD SALE/SWAP-MEET - At Winfield Memorial Hall April 9, 9am-3pm. Sponsored jointly by Winfield Memorial Hall & Lake Country/Winfield Lions Club (both will have items for sale). For info and/or book a 24.Volcanic 49.English ACROSS table: John 250 717 7615. residue beverage Deeds •1ST1. LC SCOUTS GARAGE SALE - April 16 & 17, 9am-2pm. 14550 Middle Bench Rd., Oyama. If you can donate 26.Smashing gently5.usedPasse items call Cole t 250-548-0065 to arrange for pick up. 50.Molten rock •NEW FOOD BANK NEEDS VOLUNTEERS:serve Various Jobs to fill… from filling containers, to filling hampers, to filling 54.Chef’s 8. toTrim shelves, answering the phone… If you can give a couple of hours or more a week we want you. 250-766-0125 27.Cancel a appliance •LAKE12.Newborn COUNTRY FOOD ASSISTANCE SOCIETY - Hours of Operation, Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-12 • 1-3.ANSWER Hampers onlyTO PU space launch 55.Five and five on assigned day: Tues 9-12 • 1-2:30. Wed 9-12 • 1-2:30. Thurs 1-2:30. New clients please make appointment 1st horse 250-766-0125 30.Pig’s digs 56.Watched 13.Pair •OSTEOFIT CLASSES - Strengthening & Fall Preventionplace Program. Tuesdays 3:30 to 4:30. Lake Country Seniors’ 33.Lodging carefully Center, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Contact Bobbi to try out a class/questions: (250) 317-3508. 14.Tug-of-war 34.More 57.Await •EASTER TURKEY COMMUNITY BINGO Thurs., March 24, Winfield Senior Citizens’ Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom need Wood Lake Rd. Doors open 6pm, games authentic start 7pm. Concession open. 50/50 Draw. Lord/lady game. All welcome. judgment (Sponsored by the Old Age Pensioners’ Organization) 15.Fast-food 35.Be in hock 58.Moose’s •EASTER DINNER 24, noon, complete turkey dinner $12. Tickets can be bought from March 14 & on. Lake order:- March 2 wds. 36.Allow cousin Country Seniors Centre Pancake Breakfast March 19 , 8am-11am, pancakes, hash browns, eggs, sausage, bacon, juice 16.Omelet & coffee. $6. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. 37.Exceed 59.Hollow stalk •LC SENIORS BUS SCHEDULE - Mon., Mar 21 Prime Entertainment, Winfield Senior Centre, Sat., Mar 19 local ingredient 38.Prevail shopping and local museum, To reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 17.Computer vase DOWNenthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, •LAKE COUNTRY OUTDOORS CLUB39.Footed - Welcomes hikers and other outdoor operator wear weather appropriate clothing, and sturdy boots for hiking. For 1. information about our club, please contact: Fore-and40.Male 18.Sheriff’s ____ monarchs •LOOKING TO VOLUNTEER IN YOUR COMMUNITY? Wanting to make a difference in someone’s life? Then call Lake group 2. Bird soundavailable. Office hours Mon42.FlutterWe have many different Country Health Planning Society at 778-215-5247! opportunities Thurs,20.Transmitted 10am-2pm. 3. Schoolyard 45.Went astray •LAKE COUNTRY HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - Proudly offers the Better At Home program for seniors aged 65+. If gameyour independenceCROSSWORD 21.Kitchen 48.Daiquiri you are a senior who could benefit from non-medical supports to help maintain at home, call our P office 778-215-5247. Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm. USE AMERICAN 4. Skiing hill gadget All calls confidential.ingredient •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTER - Osteofit-Seniors fall prevention program. Tuesday’s 3:30-4:30. Osteofit is a safe and appropriate fitness program for ALL seniors whose goal is to build bone and muscle mass, increase balance and prevent falls. Try a free class and see if it is a fit for you! 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. •LAKE COUNTRY SCI-FI BOOK CLUB - 3rd Wednesday of each month. April 20. Bring a list of five books you’d like to read. Lake Country Branch-Okanagan Regional Library, #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Be prepared to talk about your favourite book of all time. •BABYTIME - (newborn to 18 months) Fri. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 13. Join us for songs, rhymes & giggly fun! Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •STORYTIME - (recommended for ages 5 & under) Sat. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 14. Caregivers & little ones join us for stories, songs, puppets & more. Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the PUZZLE NO. 809 Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. 5.creations Bardyou •LEGO BUILDERS CLUB - (ages 6-12) Wed. afternoons 3:30-4:30 pm, March 23, April 27. See what can build with our Lego! Free. Registration required & begins 2 weeks before the program date. 250-766-3141 6. Sunrise •LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY ADULT PROGRAMS - Book Chat Sat. Apr 9 at 2:30pm. Knitting Circle Thurs. afternoons direction until March 31. Programs are free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •ANGEL AWARD TALENT SHOW - June 25. Looking for talent between ages 10 & 25. In support for7.Juvenile Newspape Idiopathic Arthritis. Competition now open. Late registration fees are applicable-don’t delay! One live audition day March 2016 – register now at Creekside Theatre., website: piece •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Ballroom Dancing class on Wednesdays 8. Take6-8pm. steps Call 250-766-4220 for more info •OYAMA BOOK CLUB - Join Michelle in the Oyama Library on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm9.for Healthy a lively discussion of the month’s title. Copies available in the Oyama Library. 10.Trademark •LAKE COUNTRY SENIOR CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is open Mon.-Fri. 10am-2pm to answer questions about seniors’ issues. We are in need of volunteers to do odd jobs. Our next event: Prime Time is held on the first & 11.Argument third Monday of the month - call Joanne at 250-766-0667. Have a plaque installed on the Memorial Wall for $20. This 16.Managed is a great place to share with loved ones. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. •BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE - Taoist Tai Chi® at the Oyama Community Hall at 6:30pm. For further infostic 19.Billiard call Shirley at 250-548-3254. 21.Not quite •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9 every Tues. @ noon.. Take home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. closed •ST. FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHURCH’S SPRING SOUP SMORG - Sat., April 9, 11am-1pm, Winfield Senior Centre, 9832 22.Paddy crop Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Baking, crafts, canning & collectibles table. Lunch, too. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 23.Least per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact24.Dated Rob. 766-3034ditty •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. 26.Louisiana © 2015, Press non-medical support •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in theirCopyright own homes longerPenny by providing swamp services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please callworkers 778-215-5247 for28.Ballpoint, more info, or if 21.Fire crime 46.Lab ACROSS e you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. 1. Herringlike 25.Sugar 51.Netting •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. Allunit proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. Winter hours: Tues., fish For more info on27.Jack’s 52.2,000 Wed. & Thurs., 11am-4pm. 5. Garden companion •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre.pounds Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. 53.Western Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. vegetable 28.Delighted ANSWER TO PU •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for 8. Cobblers’ resort 31.Citric ____ shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •LC LINE DANCERS & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, tools - Tuesdays, 1:30pm 54.Meat spread 32.Letter after 250-766-0850. 12.Game of 55.Clump of 250-766-3982. •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, 7pm at the cee Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS33.Oxen ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The chance turf team Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become 13.Rowboat members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or 34.Exercise 56.Lawyer’s for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities paddle program abbr. are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC14.Dice CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder or mince 36.Bird of illAbuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at www. ____ 15.Bank payment •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKEDOWN A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. 37.Hat’s LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers place 1. Descend Mt. with seniors through the 17.Cato’s Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247.
Snow 38.Visitor clothing Calendar 2. Cackler 18.Space under 39.Light tap ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. aLAKE roofCOUNTRY CALENDAR 3. SmallWAY, insect 41.Corroded OFFICE: 2495 ENTERPRISE KELOWNA BC. CROSSWORD P USE AMERICAN 4. Stag’s mate 20.Fortune 44.Purposes For all other inquiries, please email Lake Countr y
nc e 19
ACROSS 1. Juicy fruit 5. Question 8. Butter squares 12.Land measurement 13.Prisoner 14.Legend 15.Snazzy 16.Color tone 17.Field of study 18.Fuss: hyph. 19.Pitching stat 20.Directory 21.Uneven 23.Phonograph record 25.Uniform color 28.Dominated
8. Infatuation A11 9. Pink wine 10.Public Lake Country Creating Community Connections! 11.Brash 19.Speaker 21.Jack’s tote ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982 22.Teen afflict Volunteers make our community a better place! 23.Monthly expense Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street 25.Golf shot 28.Dark-haired • 778 – 215 - 5247 29.Away from home
Yea rs
9. Hunting dog, 35.Elongated fish for short 38.Personal pronoun 10.Flock mother 40.Miseries 11.Also 43.Airy dwellings 16.Turn a ____ 45.Luau greeting ear 47.Dancer’s jump 20.To’s • Lake Country coun- the installation of new their own gardens, from a stuffi e and joincolored in the counterpart 49.Faintly cil has been asked to apdomestic water supply beginner to expert, so stories, songs, rhymes 22.Rock star prove a temporary perinfrastructure. if you have been thinkand50.Shady fun before trees going to Reed 51.Stomach mit to allow for the Water will be shut ing about growing a gar- bed. Drop-in, it’s free. 24.Deserted crushing and screening off for about an hour at den to eat healthy organMar 31—Th e Bunny 52.Gold source of rock at 16650 Gatza time for affected resiic vegetables, reduce your 25.Skirt style Hop53.Vital statistic ke Rd. dences. food bills and your carApr 14—A Little 26.Footfall chosen The applicant has Greenhow Rd will be bon footprint, call Marj Bird55.One Told Me 27.Narrow at random Copyright © 2015, Press been approved by the closed to through traffi c Penny at 250-548-3837 or Apr 28—Mom’s the Agricultural Land Combetween 8 a.m. and 4 email oyamacommunityWord 31.Path around 56.Motivate ACROSS mission to engage in p.m. until March 18. Ac- for May 12—Okanagan the sun 1. Blend 57.Hosiery “natural resource extraccess to residents, buses more information. Adventures 32.Shades Donkey tion”5. until 2022. and the emergency ser-shade May 26—My Dad is A 8. temporary vices will be maintained. My Super Hero. 58.Tiller • Pioneer Park PlayExcuse permit 34.Function may be used for a max- 36.Reasonable Contact engineering@ ground is progressing 59.____ off ANSWER TOinPUZZLE •NO. 806Club: Join Mi12.Granny imum period of three for and it should be open Book (started 37.Tingly 13.Hawaiian years when the applicant more information. the next couple of weeks. chelle on the first Tuesgolfing) may reapply for another. 39.Mend Its target audience is day of each month at 7 handout 60.Eavesdrop If 14.Yard you have concerns 41.____ •2016 6-year-olds and under. p.m. for tea, treats, and inSpring/Sumthe or comments regarding mer is The playground plan a lively discussion of the budActivity Guide61.Sweet 15.Mishapuse apthis temporary out with lots of things drinksincludes a compacted month’s title. Copies of 42.Vague idea plication, email them to for all ages to do. Watch gravel path to allow for each title will be available 17.Slumbering 44.Freight mayorandcouncil@layour mailbox for the improved access for in the library one month 18.Web-footed or drop 46.Power guide. source DOWN strollers and wheelchairs. ahead of the discussion 1. Unexpected them offbird at the district 48.Skip the date. 19.Resist openly office. • Oyama Community • Oyama Library AcDrop in; no registraproblem wedding Garden has plots availtivities tion required. 21.Legitimate 2. Burrito’s kin march • Road closure/water able. All plots have been Pyjama Storytime April 5—Virgin Cure 23.Illusions 3. Wrongevery second and last 51.Mountain interruption March 14mulched and are ready by Ami McKay boost animal 18 for27.Feather Greenhow Road for spring digging. 4. SalaryTh ursday of the month May 3—Orphan betweenadhesive Oyama and All levels of gardenat 7 p.m. Train by Christina Baker 5. Bubbly 54.Not CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS Young Road to allow ers take part in growing Wear your pj’s, bring Kline beverage USE AMERICAN SPELLING year-round 29.Enemy
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing for 65 years! since 1951
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Central Okanagan
Are you, or someone you know, over 65 and a family doctor? TSNwithout CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP # $ % & _ ( ) We can help. 10 11 Please call: 250.718.8116 THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016
A&E 1
The View Bookaboo 2016 NCAA Sugar NHL’s Best Boj The View Criminal :00 2016 NCAA Sugar ” Daniel Tiger Basketball Debt/Part NHL Count PAW Patrol ” Minds :30 Basketball Debt/Part Monkey See KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Tournament Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Tournament Rachael Ray Misplays cont’d: ” Denis Show Stefano 2016 NCAA ” Curling: Bucket-Dino News Minds :30 60 Days In :00 Teams TBA Noon News CTV News CBC News Basketball Noon News Grand Slam: PAW Patrol The Chew ” Hour Vancouver Network Tournament: Hour Elite 10 Kate and ” ” :30 ” Days of our The Social Heartland First Round: Days of our Round Robin Ruf-Tweet General 60 Days In :00 ” Lives ” ” Teams TBA Lives Leaf Hospital ” TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN 1 SNP Tumble KNOW KOMO A&E :30 ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Murdoch The Price Is Rich Bride, Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors The First 48 Proudly by CAPITAL :00 # $ % & supported _ ( ) * ` 1 ” Poor Bride ” Mysteries Right Poor Bride ” Curious ” ” :30 NCAA Sugar 2016 Sugar View Criminal :00 ” The Meredith The EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Grand KIRONCAA 7 The Meredith NHL’s”Best Boj The Doozers The Steve The First 48 :00 2016 Basketball Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Basketball Debt/Part NHL Count PAW Patrol ” Minds :30 ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs News Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey ” :30 Ray The Best Recipes Tournament Ray Misplays Monkey See KOMO Criminal :00 2016 NCAA Rachael Rich Bride, The Marilyn Dr. Oz O’Grady 2016 NCAA Rachael Rich Bride, Curling: Mister Maker KOMO 4 4 The First 48 :00 Tournament cont’d: ” Denis Show Stefano 2016 NCAA Poor Bride ” Curling: Bucket-Dino News Minds ” Basketball Poor Bride Show O’Grady Basketball Grand Slam: Creative News :30 :30 TBA Noon CBC News Basketball News Grand Slam: PAW Patrol The Chew 60 Days :00 Tournament: News News CTV CTV News News Dragons’ Tournament: Noon Early News Elite Round Dino Dan News The FirstIn 48: :00 Teams THURSDAY, 17, 2016 Hour ” Vancouver Network Tournament: 102 Kate and ” Vancouver Den First Round: Hour Global Nat. Elite Robin Wild Kratts World”News Detective :30 :30 Teams” TBA MARCH ”” Days our The Heartland First Round: our Round” Robin Ruf-Tweet General 60 Days :00 GlobalofNat. CTVSocial News CBC VanTeams TBA Days Newsof Hour The Polar KOMO 4 The FirstIn 48 ”” Lives ” ” News Teams TBA Lives ” Leaf Hospital ”” CHBC News Vancouver couver 2016 NCAA Sea News :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN 1Sportsnet SNP Tumble KNOW KOMO A&E ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Murdoch The Price Is Rich Bride, Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors The First 48 :00 ” Ent. Tonight Grey’s 22 Minutes Basketball Ent. Tonight Central Waterfront Wheel 60 Days In # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 ”” Poor Bride ” Mysteries Right Poor Bride ” Curious ” ”” ET Canada Anatomy Coronation Tournament: ET Canada Curling: Cities Jeopardy! :30 ”” The Meredith The Ellen DeGe- Bookaboo Grand KIRO 7 The Meredith NHL’s ”Best The Doozers The Steve The :00 Big Brother Big Bang The Nature First Round: Big Brother Grand Slam: Ancient Grey’s The First First 48 48 2016 NCAA Sugar View 2016 NCAA Sugar Boj View Criminal :00 ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs News Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey ” ” Canada DC’s ” of Things Teams TBA Debt/Part Canada Elite Count 10 EgyptPatrol Anatomy :30 Basketball Debt/Part Daniel Tiger Basketball NHL PAW ” Minds ” :30 2016 NCAA Rich Bride, The Dr. Oz O’Grady 2016 Rich Bride, Curling: Mister Maker KOMO 4 The ” The Blacklist Legends Firsthand KIRONCAA 7 Post Rachael The Blacklist Round Robin Monkey New York Scandal The First First 48 48: :00 Tournament Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Tournament Ray Misplays See KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Basketball Show O’Grady Basketball Grand Slam: Bucket-Dino Creative News ” ” SportsCentre Poor Bride Goldbergs ” NewsNCAA Poor Bride 3 ” Detective :30 cont’d: ” Denis Show Stefano 2016 ”” Curling: News Minds :30 Tournament: News CTV News Dragons’ Tournament: Early News Elite Round Dino Dan News The First 48: SportsCentre Shades of Get Away The National Judge Judy Shades of Sportsnet ” Get Away The First :00 TBA Noon News CTV News CBC News Basketball Noon News Grand Slam: PAW Patrol The Chew 60 Days In48 :00 Teams Vancouver Den ” First Round: Hour Global Robin Wild Kratts World Blue ” With Murder Network 7 Profiles Blue Nat. Elite Central ” With Murder :30 Teams”” TBA Hour Vancouver Tournament: 102 Kate and ”News Detective ”” :30 Global Nat. CTV News CBC VanTeams TBA Days News Hour ” Robin Ruf-Tweet The Polar KOMO The FirstIn 48 Newsof Final News-Lisa News First KIRORound: News Global News Sportsnet ” News 4 60 Days Days In :00 SportsCentre ”” Days our The Social Heartland of our Round General 60 :00 ” CHBC News Vancouver couver News 2016 NCAA ” Sportsnet Sea News Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral Foncie’s Jimmy :30 ” Lives ” ” Teams TBA Lives 1 Tumble Leaf Hospital ””” :30 ” Ent. Tonight Grey’s 22 Minutes Basketball Ent. Tonight Central Waterfront Wheel 60 Days In Colbert Daily Show Murdoch Rick Mercer The Colbert Colbert Sportsnet New York Kimmel Live The The First First 48 48 :00 SportsCentre ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Price Is Rich Bride, Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors :00 ET Canada Anatomy Coronation Tournament: ET Canada Curling: Cities ” Jeopardy! Corden Ron James Right Corden Central Nightline :30 ”” Poor Bride ” Mysteries Poor Bride ” Curious ” ””” :30 ”” Big Brother Big Bang The Nature First Round: Big Brother Grand Slam: Ancient Grey’s The First 48 :00 The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand KIRO 7 The Meredith ” The Doozers Steve The First 48 :00 ” Canada DC’s of Things Teams TBA Canada Elite 10 Egypt Anatomy ” :30 ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs News Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey ” :30 ” The Blacklist Legends Firsthand KIRO 7 Post The Blacklist Round Robin New York Scandal The First 48: :00 2016 NCAA Rich Bride, The Dr. Oz O’Grady 2016 NCAA Rich Bride, Curling: Mister Maker KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 SportsCentre ” Goldbergs ” News ” 3 ” ” Detective :30 Basketball Poor Bride Show O’Grady Basketball Poor Bride Grand Slam: Creative News ” :30 SportsCentre Shades of Get Away The National Judge Judy Shades of Sportsnet ” Get Away The First 48 :00 Tournament: News CTV News Dragons’ Tournament: Early News Elite Round Dino Dan News The First 48: :00 With Murder ” 7 Profiles Blue Central ” With Murder ” :30 Teams” TBA Blue ” Vancouver Den First Round: Global Nat. Robin 2 Wild Kratts World News Detective :30 SportsCentre News Final News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News Global News Sportsnet ” News 60 Days In :00 ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC VanTeams TBA News Hour ” The Polar KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 ” Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral Foncie’s Jimmy ” :30 ” CHBC News Vancouver couver News 2016 NCAA ” Sportsnet Sea News ” :30 SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert Colbert Sportsnet New York Kimmel Live The First 48 :00 ” Ent. Tonight Grey’s 22 Minutes Basketball Ent. Tonight Central Waterfront Wheel 60 Days In :00 ” ET Canada Corden Ron James Corden ET Canada Central ” Nightline ” :30 ” ET Canada Anatomy Coronation Tournament: ET Canada Curling: Cities Jeopardy! ” :30 ” Big Brother Big Bang The Nature First Round: Big Brother Grand Slam: Ancient Grey’s The First 48 :00 ” Canada DC’s Elite 10 Egypt Anatomy ” :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 of Things Teams TBA Canada ” The Blacklist Legends Firsthand KIRO 7 Post The Blacklist Round Robin New York Scandal The First 48: :00 ” Goldbergs ” News ” 3 ” ” Detective :30 SportsCentre TSN CHBC GetCIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Away The National Judge Judy Shades of Sportsnet ” Get Away The First 48 :00 SportsCentre Shades of ” Blue$ With% Murder ” 7 Profiles Blue( Central ” With` Murder ” :30 # & _ ) * 1 News Final News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News Global News Sportsnet ” News 60 Days In :00 SportsCentre 2016 NCAA Sugar The View Bookaboo 2016ShowNCAA Late Sugar MLB Boj The View Criminal :00 ” Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late ShowCentral Foncie’s Jimmy ” :30 ” Daniel Tiger Basketball Debt/Part Preseason PAW Patrol ” Minds :30 Basketball Debt/Part SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert Colbert Sportsnet New York Kimmel Live The First 48 :00 Tournament Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Tournament Rachael Ray Baseball: Monkey See News Criminal :00 ” ET Canada Corden Ron James Corden ET Canada Central ” Nightline ” :30 ” Denis Show Stefano 2016 NCAA ” Astros at Bucket-Dino Seattle Minds :30 cont’d: PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 :00 Teams TBA Noon News CTV News CBC News Basketball Noon News Blue Jays FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 Network ” Hour Vancouver Tournament: Hour ” Kate and ” ” :30 ” Days of our The Social Heartland First Round: Days of our Tim and Sid Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 :00 ” Lives ” ” Teams TBA Lives ” Tumble Leaf Hospital ” :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Murdoch The Price Is Rich Bride, ” Maya The Doctors The First 48 :00 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 ” Poor Bride ” Mysteries Right Poor Bride ” Curious ” ” :30 ” The Meredith The EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Grand KIRONCAA 7 The Meredith MLB Curling: The Doozers The Steve The First 48 Sugar 2016 Sugar Boj View Criminal :00 2016 NCAA ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs News Vieira Show Grand Slam: PAW Patrol Harvey ” Basketball Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Basketball Debt/Part Preseason PAW Patrol ” Minds :30 2016 NCAA Rachael Young & Ray The Marilyn Dr. Oz O’Grady 2016 NCAA Rachael Young & Ray Baseball: Elite 10 Mister Maker KOMO 4 60 Days In Best Recipes Tournament Monkey See News Criminal :00 Tournament Basketball Restless Show Show Stefano O’Grady Basketball Round at Robin Bucket-Dino Creative News ” Denis 2016 NCAA Restless ” Astros Seattle Minds ” :30 cont’d: Tournament: News News CTV News Dragons’ Tournament: Noon Early News Blue 2 Dino Dan News 60 Days TBA Noon CBC News Basketball Jays PAW Patrol The Chew The First In 48 :00 Teams Vancouver Den First Round: Hour Global Nat. Hockey Wild Kratts World”News ” TBA Hour ” Network Tournament: ” Kate and ”” :30 Teams FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 GlobalofNat. CTVSocial News CBC VanTeams TBA Days Newsof Hour NHLand Sid Ruf-Tweet Waterfront KOMO 4 60 Days ”” Days our The Heartland First Round: our Tim General The First In: 48 :00 CHBC News Vancouver couver” News Teams 2016 NCAA Hockey: Cities Leaf Hospital News Time Out ”” Lives ” TBA Lives ” ” Tumble ” :30 Ent. Tonight etalk Rick Mercer The Basketball Ent. Tonight Canucks at Maya Island Wheel The First 48 48 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW The KOMO A&E :00 ”” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Murdoch Price Is Rich Bride, ” Doctors The First ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Tournament: Poor ET Canada Oilers” Escape Jeopardy! ”” Poor Bride ” Mysteries Right Bride Curious ” ”” :30 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 Telenovela SharkDeGeTank Grand marketplace KIRO First Round: Telenovela ” Last Doozers Tango Steve Last Man The First First 48 48 ”” The Meredith Ellen 7 The Meredith Curling: The The :00 Superstore ”Show Bookaboo Hello Teams TBA Sugar Superstore Sportsnet in Halifax Dr. Ken ”” Vieira Show The neres Designs News Vieira Show MLB Grand Slam: Boj PAW Patrol The Harvey ”” Sugar View 2016 NCAA View Criminal :00 :30 2016 NCAA Basketball Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Basketball Debt/Part Preseason PAW Patrol ” Minds ” NCIS Grimm the fifth KIRO 7 Post NCIS Curling Vera Shark Tank 60 Days In :30 The Dr. Oz O’Grady 2016 NCAA Young & Elite 10 Mister Maker KOMO 4 60 Days In :00 2016 NCAA Young & SportsCentre Rachael ” Ray The ” estate News ” Ray Baseball: ” See News ” Basketball Restless Show O’Grady Basketball Restless Round” Robin Monkey Creative ”” :30 Tournament Marilyn Best Recipes Tournament Rachael Criminal :00 :30 ” Blue Denis Show Stefano ” Blue Astros at Bucket-Dino Seattle Minds SportsCentre News Rookie Criminal The National 2016 JudgeNCAA Judy Early Rookie Sportsnet ” 20/20 60 Days Days In In: :30 :00 cont’d: Tournament: CTV News Dragons’ Tournament: News 2 Dino Dan News 60 :00 ” ” Minds ” 7 Profiles ” Central Grand Tours ” Time Out :30 Teams TBA Noon News ” Vancouver Den News First Round: Noon GlobalNews Nat. Blue Hockey Wild Kratts World News The First ” 48 CTV News CBC Basketball Jays PAW Patrol The Chew :30 :00 ” Hour Vancouver Network Tournament: Hour ” Kate and ” ” Formula One News Final News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News Global News Sportsnet The Hollow News The First 48 :00 :30 ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC VanTeams TBA News Hour NHL Waterfront KOMO 4 60 Days In: :00 Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late Round: ShowLate ShowCentral Tree Jimmy ” 48 :30 Racing” CHBC Vancouver couver News First 2016 NCAA Days ” our Tim Hockey: Cities News TimeFirst Out Days ofNews our The Social Heartland of and Sid Ruf-Tweet General The :30 :00 ”” Lives ” ” Teams ” Leaf Hospital ” Colbert Big Bang Backstage ColbertTBA Lives Colbert Sportsnet Last Tango Kimmel Live The The First First 48 :00 SportsCentre :30 Ent. Tonight etalk Rick Mercer Basketball Ent. Tonight Canucks at Tumble Island Wheel 48 :00 ” ET Canada Canada Big Corden Ron James Tournament: Corden ET Canada Canada Oilers Central in Halifax Nightline :30 ET Bang Coronation ET Escape Jeopardy! ”” 48 ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Murdoch The Price Is Rich Bride, ” Maya The Doctors The First :30 :00 ”” Poor Bride Bride ”” Curious ” ” :30 Telenovela Shark ”Tank Mysteries marketplace Right First Round: Poor Telenovela Last Tango Last Man The First 48 :00 Superstore ” Hello Teams7 TBA The Superstore Sportsnet in Halifax Dr. Ken ” 48 ”” The Meredith Ellen DeGeGrand KIRO Meredith Curling: The Doozers Steve The First :30 :00 ” Vieira Show neres Show Designs News Vieira Show Grand Slam: PAW Patrol Harvey ” ” NCIS Grimm the fifth KIRO 7 Post NCIS Curling Vera Shark Tank 60 Days In :30 :00 SportsCentre ” Oz estate NewsNCAA Young” & ” ” In NCAA Young” & The Dr. O’Grady 2016 Elite 10 Mister”Maker KOMO” 4 60 Days :30 2016 :00 Basketball Restless Show O’Grady Basketball Restless Round Robin Creative News ” In: SportsCentre Rookie Blue Criminal The National Judge Judy Rookie Blue Sportsnet ” 20/20 60 Days :30 :00 ” Minds ” 7 Profiles ” Central Grand Tours News ” Time OutIn :30 Tournament: News ” CTV News Dragons’ Tournament: Early News 2 Dino Dan 60 Days :00 Den First Wild Kratts World ” FormulaTBA One News ”Final Vancouver News-Lisa CBC News KIRORound: News Global Nat. News Hockey Sportsnet The Hollow News News The First 48 :30 :00 Teams Racing Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral Tree Jimmy ” In: :30 ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC VanTeams TBA News Hour NHL Waterfront KOMO 4 60 Days :00 ” CHBC News Vancouver couver News 2016 NCAA ” Hockey: Cities News Time Out Big Bang Backstage Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Last Tango Kimmel Live The First 48 :30 :00 SportsCentre Colbert ET Canada Corden Ron James Corden ET Canada Central at Island in Halifax Nightline ” 48 :30 ”” Ent. Tonight etalk Rick Mercer Basketball Ent. Tonight Canucks Wheel The First :00 ” ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Tournament: ET Canada Oilers Escape Jeopardy! ” :30 ” Telenovela Shark Tank 2016 marketplace First Round: Telenovela ” Last Tango Last Man The First 48 SATURDAY, MARCH 19, :00 ” Superstore ” Hello Teams TBA Superstore Sportsnet in Halifax Dr. Ken ” :30 ” NCIS Grimm the fifth KIRO 7 Post NCIS Curling Vera Shark Tank 60 Days In :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E SportsCentre ” ” estate News ” ” ” ” ” :30 # $Blue Criminal % _ (Blue Sportsnet ) * ` 1In: Rookie The & National Judge Judy Rookie ” 20/20 60 Days :00 SportsCentre ” ” Minds ” 7 Profiles ” Central Grand Tours ” Time Out :30 Fish’n The Marilyn Breakaway 2016 NCAA Fish’n MLB Wild Kratts Born-Explore Donnie :00 Barclays Final News-Lisa KIRO News Global News Sportsnet The First 48 MotoringOne TV News Real Fishing Denis Show CBC News ” Basketball Real Fishing Preseason WildHollow Kratts News Sea Rescue The Donnie :00 :30 Formula Racing Late Show- News--11:30 Coronation Late Show- Late Show- Central Tree Jimmy ” :30 Powerboat It Is Written ” Tournament Powerboat Baseball: Doki Wildlife Docs 60 Days In :00 Golf Talk Colbert Big Bang Backstage Colbert Sportsnet Last Tango Kimmel Live The First STIHL Driving TV etalk ” 2016 NCAA Colbert Driving TV Phillies at Creative Rock-Park ” 48 :00 :30 SportsCentre ” ET Canada Corden Ron James Corden ET Canada Central in Halifax Nightline ” :30 News SportsCentre Figure Basketball News Blue Jays Animals Paid Prog. 60 Days In :00 SC PGA Tour ” Skating Tournament PGA Tour ” Animals Paid Prog. ” :30 SC SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016 ” ” Golf: Arnold Curling: Our Part World of X 60 Days In :00 World Wom- Golf: Arnold Corner Gas en’s ChamPalmer Corner Gas ” ” Palmer Grand Slam: Cosmic Vista Games ” :30 TSN Invitational, CHBC Canada’s CIVT Track CBC KIRO CHAN SNP Canada KNOW KOMO A&E and 2016 NCAA Invitational, Elite 10 ” The First 48 :00 pionships ” Third Round Worst Driver Field Basketball Third Round Quarterfinals ” ” ” # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 :30 ” Ice Pilots Disruptors The National Tournament Ice Pilots ” Waterfront Paid Prog. The First 48 :00 Barclays Fish’n The Marilyn Breakaway 2016 NCAA Fish’n MLB Wild Kratts Born-Explore Donnie :00 ” NWT Moneytalk Hockey ” NWT Hockey Cities Paid Prog. ” :30 Motoring TV Real Fishing Denis Show ” Basketball Real Fishing Preseason Wild Kratts Sea Rescue Donnie :30 SportsCentre Decoding The Marilyn NHL ” Decoding NHL Bones of KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 Golf Talk Powerboat It Is Written ” Tournament Powerboat Baseball: Doki Wildlife Docs 60 Days In :00 the Ancients Denis Show Hockey: 2016 NCAA the Ancients Hockey: Turkana News ” :30 STIHL” Driving TV etalk ” 2016 NCAA Driving TV Phillies at Creative Rock-Park ” :30 English Moves The Social Montreal Basketball Moves Buffalo Ancient NBA The First 48 :00 SC News SportsCentre Figure Basketball News Blue Jays Animals Paid Prog. 60 Days In :00 Premier CHBC News etalk Canadiens at Tournament Global Nat. Sabres at Egypt NBA ” :30 SC PGA Tour ” Skating Tournament PGA Tour ” Animals Paid Prog. ” :30 League Global Nat. CTV News Ottawa ” News Hour Toronto Hope for Basketball: The First 48: :00 World Wom- MARCH Golf: Arnold Corner Gas2016 ” ” Golf: Arnold Curling: Our Part World of X 60 Days In SATURDAY, 19, :00 Soccer CHBC News Vancouver Senators ” ” Maple Leafs Wildlife Warriors at Survivors :30 en’s Cham- Palmer Corner Gas ” ” Palmer Grand Slam: Cosmic Vista Games ” :30 MLS Soccer: 16x9 W5 NHL KIRO 7 Post 16x9 Sportsnet Amazing Spurs The First 48: :00 pionships Invitational, Canada’s Track and 2016 NCAA Invitational, Elite 10 Canada ”” The First 48 :00 ” ” Hockey: Paid Prog. ” Curling: Planet Survivors :30 Whitecaps TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ” Third Round Worst Driver Field Basketball Third Round Quarterfinals ” ” ” :30 Side Show Big Bang St. Louis Ent. Tonight Side Show Grand Slam: Heartbeat News The First 48: :00 FC at ” Ice Disruptors The National Tournament Ice ” Waterfront Paid Prog. The First 48 # $ % & _ ( * ` 1 :00 FirstPilots Dates Anger Blues at ” FirstPilots Dates Elite) 10 ” Paid Prog. Misfortune :30 Sounders ” NWT Moneytalk Hockey ” NWT Hockey Cities Paid Prog. ” :30 SportsCentre Fish’n The 2016 NCAA Fish’n MLB Wild Kratts Donnie Movie: MikeMarilyn Breakaway Vancouver Scandal Movie: Semifinals Foyle’s War Born-Explore Paid Prog. The First 48 :00 Barclays SportsCentre Decoding The Marilyn ”” Decoding NHL ” Bones KOMO 4 The First :00 Motoring Show NHL ” Basketball Real Wild Kratts Sea Rescue Donnie ” TV Real “BabyFishing Denis Cleveland Canucks “BabyFishing Preseason ” of Seattle ” 48 :30 ” the Ancients Denis Show Hockey: 2016 NCAA the Ancients Hockey: Turkana News ” :30 Formula Sellers” Motive 48 Hours Sellers” Sportsnet Wheel Docs 60 The FirstIn48: TalkOne Powerboat It Is Written Post Show ” Tournament Powerboat Baseball: Doki ” Wildlife Days :00 Golf English Moves” TV The Social Montreal Basketball Moves” TV Buffalo Ancient NBA The First 48 :00 STIHL Racing ” CBC News ” Central at Park Jeopardy! Survivors Driving etalk ” 2016 NCAA Driving Phillies Creative Rock-Park ” :30 CHBC News etalk Canadiens at Tournament Global Nat. Sabres at Egypt NBA ” :30 Premier ” News The Tudors Basketball KIRO News News News Final Blue Sportsnet Waterfront NewsProg. The FirstIn48: SC News Final SportsCentre Figure Jays Animals Paid 60 Days :00 League Global Nat. CTV News Ottawa ” News Hour Toronto Hope Basketball: The First 48: :00 Saturday News--11:30 ” The Insider Saturday Central Cities for Paid Prog. Prog. Survivors PGA Tour ” Skating Tournament PGA Tour ” Animals Paid ” :30 SC ” CHBC News Vancouver Senators ” ” Maple Leafs Wildlife Warriors at Survivors :30 Soccer SportsCentre NightArnold Live Castle Gas Dragons’ Paid Prog. NightArnold Live Sportsnet Foyle’s Paid Prog. The FirstIn48: Wom- Golf: Corner ” ” Golf: Curling: Our PartWar World of X 60 Days :00 World MLS Soccer: 16x9 W5 NHL KIRO 7 Post 16x9 Sportsnet Amazing Spurs The First 48: :00 ” ” Paid Prog. CentralSlam: Cosmic ” Vista Games Crimes Misfortune Palmer Corner” Gas Den ” ” Palmer” Grand ” :30 en’s Cham-
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Daily Planet Family Paid Prog. How/Made Feud ” RaisingFeud How/Made Family CBC News News Diesel Dual Survival Crime Mike Watch CBC ” ” Anger Network Brothers Daily The National Mayday Two Men With Andrew Misfit DOCTORS ” ” Mod Fam Nichols Garage Family Feud CBC News Mayday: Air Fish Big Bang Power & How/Made Oil Disaster Big Bang Politics” How/Made The Office The National Mayday Sleepy ” How/Made Fish Oil ” ” Hollow ” How/Made Zoo Clues CBC News Mighty Steve Network Planes Harvey The National Highway Second The Daily Planet Paid Prog. ” Thru Hell Chance Exchange ” Raising With Carole How/Made Family Feud MacNeil CBC News News How/Made Dual Survival Survival Family News Feud CBC Dual Mike ” ” Mod Fam ” Anger Watch CBC News Diesel” Crime
“Kung Gags Fu SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Panda”
Network The National National The ”” With Andrew
Real Life to Say Yes Yes Say SayDress Yes the Dateline:
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Nichols The News CBC Exchange Power”& Politics The National ”” ” The National The ” Exchange CBC News ” CBC News ” The National ” The National
Brothers Mayday: Air Daily MikeMen Mayday Two Disaster Two Fam Men ” Mod Misfit DOCTORS Garage Feud Mayday Air Family How I Met Mayday: Big Bang ” Cougar Disaster Big Bang How/Made Fish Oil How/Made The Office Mayday Sleepy ” Hollow How/Made Fish Oil How/Made Zoo Clues Highway Second Thru Hell Chance Daily Planet Paid Prog. ” Raising Dual Survival News ” Mod Fam Dual Survival Mike ” Air Anger Mayday: Mike Disaster Two Men Men Mayday Two
Amer. Dad Sesame man’s FinanCamera Mod Fam Classic neres Show Judge St. Today Judge ”5 Family Guy Peg cial Plus SoluGrimm Big Bang ” Cat KING Amer. Dad Dinosaur tions for ” 4 Big Bang ” You New NewsDay at Divorce Divorce The Middle Dinosaur Celtic News Northwest Dateline Movie: World KING 5 Payne Thunder NBC “Lord of Business News 5at 5 Millionaire Super Why! KING Millionaire Thomas News Browns Legacy News News War” PBS Nightly Payne ” Tonight ” NewsHour News Crime Watch Sesame St. Days of our
Real Paid Life Prog. Love, Lust Paid Prog. or Run Dateline: Real Life Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Love, Lust or Run Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes to Say Yes
Daily Movie: ” “Sex Drive” Seinfeld King King Family Guy Amer. Dad Mod Fam Mod Fam Family Guy Amer. Dad Big Bang Big TheBang Middle Payne Movie: “Lord of Browns Payne War”
Cat in Groban the Lives Josh Show Washington News Seth Meyers Charlie” Rose Dr. Evening Curious Phil Curious ” on Suze OrCaught man’s Finan- Ellen Camera Masterpiece DeGeClassic neres cial SoluGrimmShow tions for ” ” You KING 5 News at 4 Celtic” Dateline Thunder NBC 5 World News KING Business News Legacy News at 5 ” TonightNews PBS Nightly
SpongeBob Journey 2Myst Movie:
” Mayday ” Air Mayday: Disaster
Mod How Fam I Met Cougar Big Bang
the Dress Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Love, Lust
” Movie: “Sex Drive” ”
NewsHour Josh Groban ” Washington
The ” Exchange CBC News ”
Big Bang
or Run
Charlie Rose Evening
Journey 2: The
The National Mayday ” ”
Sleepy Hollow
Say Yes Say Yes
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Suze OrCaught on man’s Finan- Camera
Mysterious Island
The National Highway ” Thru Hell
Second Chance
Love, Lust or Run
Family Guy Amer. Dad
cial SoluGrimm tions for You ”
Assembly Max Harvey Gags Pig Goat Gags Turtles Journey 2SpongeBob Myst Movie: “Kung Fu
CBC News ” CBC News The CBCNational News ” Network The With Asha Exchange Tomlinson ”
News Mod Fam Match Day Mike Bundesliga Two Men Soccer How I Met ” Cougar ” Beauty
Say Yes Say Yes A Haunting Say Yes ” Say Yes A Haunting Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. A Haunting ”
The Middle Payne Break Browns Seinfeld Payne Movie: Movie: “Scary “Sex Drive” Movie 3” Movie:
Celtic Thunder Odd Squad Legacy Arthur ” KCTS 9 Josh Groban Cooks: ” Salads ”
Dual Survival Movie: ” “Dr. Dolittle
Dateline on TLC
SpongeBob Movie: SpongeBob “Kung Fu SpongeBob Panda” SpongeBob ” Movie: Movie: “Rufus” “Kung Fu Journey Panda 2”2: The ” Thunder Thunder Mysterious SpongeBob Island SpongeBob Thunder
Panda 2” ”
” ”
Nicky, Ricky Harvey Nicky, Ricky Pig Goat Thunder Turtles Thunder SpongeBob Thunder Movie: Thunder “Kung Fu Assembly Panda 2” Stanley Dyn. ” Max Nicky, Ricky Assembly Nicky, Ricky Night at the Nicky, Ricky Museum: Nicky, Ricky Harvey Battle of the Thunder Pig Goat Smithsonian Thunder Game On Turtles Thunder Assembly SpongeBob Thunder Gags Movie: Assembly Gags Fu “Kung Stanley Dyn. Night at Panda 2”the Max Museum ” Assembly
The National CBC News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Network of Things With Asha the fifth Tomlinson estate ” The National ” marketplace ” Movie: The National “Radical Issue Grace” The National Issue Mansbridge CBC News The National The Nature CBC News Mansbridge of Things Movie: Network the fifth “Radical With Asha estate Grace” Tomlinson The National Issue ” marketplace The National ” Movie: Mansbridge ” “Radical
Dual Survival ” Mayday Mayday: ” Air Disaster Mayday: Air Mayday Disaster ” Railroad Alaska
Nicky, Ricky The National Highway Nicky, Ricky Issue Thru Hell
KAYU ” ;
How/Made Anger Mayday Match Day How/Made Paid Prog. ” Bundesliga Cold Water Bones Mayday: Air Soccer Cowboys ” Disaster ” Gold Rush Mike Railroad ” ” Mike Alaska Beauty ” Two Men Dual Survival Movie: ” Big Bang ” “Dr. Dolittle Misfit Two Men Highway 2” Garage Big Bang Thru Hell ” Diesel Rosewood How/Made Anger ” Brothers How/Made Paid Prog. Mayday Moonshiners Match LuciferDay Cold Water Bones” ”” Bundesliga Cowboys ” Gold Rush News Mayday: Air Soccer Gold Rush Mike ” Wanted Disaster ” ” Mike ” Party ”Over Railroad ” Two Men Barrett Alaska” Beauty ” Big Bang Buying Al. Person of Dual Survival Movie: Misfit Two Men Buying Interest ” Al. “Dr. Dolittle Garage Big Bang
Dateline on TLC
WTBS KCTS KING A N P Family Guy Masterpiece Suze OrCaught on Mod Fam Ellen DeGeKing ” Seinfeld King
“War of the Worlds”
WTBS ” ” A
Dateline on The Middle A Haunting Break TLC The Middle ” Seinfeld Untold Sto- Seinfeld A Haunting Movie: ries of ER Atlanta Eats ” “Scary Untold Sto- King A Haunting Movie 3” ries of ER King ” Movie: Untold Sto- Movie: Dateline on “War of the ries of ER “Lions for TLC Worlds” Sex Sent Me Lambs” Dateline on ”” to the E.R. TLC ” Sex Sent Me Family Guy Dateline on The Middle to the E.R. Family Guy TLC The Middle AUntold Haunting Sto- Break Burgers Untold StoSeinfeld Seinfeld ries of” ER Burgers ries of ER Atlanta Eats Sto- Movie: Community AUntold Haunting Untold Sto- “Scary King ries of” ER Community ries of ER King Sto- Movie Movie:3” AUntold Haunting Untold Sto- Movie: ries of” ER “Miracle” Movie: ries of ER “Lions for Peter Popoff Dateline on “War of” the Sex Sent Me Lambs” Paid Prog. ” TLC Worlds” to the E.R. ”
KINGDay 5 New News at 4 Northwest
” ”
KCTS ” ” N
News Show Seth Meyers News
Dateline NBC FIS Alpine News Skiing Tonight ” Show PGA Tour Seth Meyers Golf: Arnold Palmer Invitational, Third Round
KING ” ” P
30 Days to a Ruf-Tweet Odd Squad FIS Alpine Younger Astroblast Arthur Skiing Heart-Masley Biz Kid$ KCTS 9 ” Favorite Kids News Cooks: PGA Tour Love Songs KING 5 Salads Golf: Arnold (My Music) News ” Palmer Weekend Nightly News ” Invitational, KING News News ” Third Round The Traveler ” ” Carpenters: Raw Travel ” ” Close to You Dateline 30 Days to Is a Ruf-Tweet This Land NBC Younger Astroblast Odd FIS Alpine YourSquad Land ” Heart-Masley Biz Kid$ Arthur (My Music) Skiing ” Favorite Kids News Yoga-9 Saturday KCTS ” Love Songs KING 5 Diabetes Night Live Cooks: PGA Tour (My Music) News Suze OrKINGArnold News Salads Golf: Weekend Nightly News man’s” Finan- Palmer Saturday News KING News cial SoluNight Live ” Invitational, The Traveler tions ”for You Third Round ” Carpenters: Raw Travel
10 4 :30 5 :30 :00 SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016 12 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 7 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 10 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 11 :30 10 :00 :30 5 :30 12 11 :00 6 :00 :30 1 :30 12 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 2 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 10 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 3 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 :00 6 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 1 7 :30 :00 2 8 :30 3 :30 9 :00 10 4 :00 :30 :00 11 5 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 7 :30 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 11 4 :30 :00 12 5 :30 :00 1 6 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 :00 2 7 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 3 8 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :00 :30 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2016 :00 2 :30 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 3 :30 :00 4 :30 10 5 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 Champ. ”
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Joel Osteen Canada’s Our SC ” Wednesday, MasterChef March Movie: KIRO :00 Cabbie Calendar 16, Tournament 2016News rLake Paid Prog. Driver Vancouver 2016 SC CHBC News Worst Canada “WALL-E” KIRONCAA News 11Country :30 Cabbie Prerace World WomNASCAR en’s ChamRacing: pionships Sprint ”Cup Series: ” Auto Club 400 ” World ” SportsCentre ”” Champ.
News Global Nat. PGA Tour CHBC News Golf: Arnold Big Brother Palmer Canada Invitational, Madam Final Round Secretary
SportsCentre Land & CTV News ” Sea ” Mansbridge Vancouver ” W5 Alpine MasterChef FIS Heartland ” Skiing Canada ” Armageddon Alpine Once Upon FIS Hello ” Skiing a Time Mr. D Block The Coronation Tackle ” Track and The Good The Social Family Winnipeg Trashopolis ”” Field Lorna Design Wife Dueck Celebrity Comedy
SportsCentre Cabbie SportsCentre ”” Cabbie SC Prerace SportsCentre SC NASCAR ” World WomRacing: SportsCentre en’s ChamSprint ”Cup pionships Series: Auto ” Club 400
” Joel Osteen Elementary BombProg. Paid ”Girls
”” ” ”
” Canada’s Quantico Worst ””Driver MasterChef News News ”Final SportsCentre News CHBC News Canada PGA ” BlockTour News--11:30 Global Nat. CTV News Golf: Arnold W5 Paid Prog. Castle CHBC News Vancouver Palmer ”” Paid Prog. Big Brother Armageddon MasterChef Invitational, Canada Final Round Canada ” Madam Once ”Upon Tackle Secretary a Time Trashopolis ” The Good The Family ” ” Wife ” Bomb Girls ” Elementary Quantico ”” MasterChef ” CHBC News Canada News Final News Global CTV News Block Nat. News--11:30 CHBC News Vancouver Paid Prog. Castle Big MasterChef PaidBrother Prog. ” Canada Canada
” ”
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Dogs/Jobs Warships Dogs/Jobs ” Hope forof Secrets Wildlife ” Architects Inspector of Change Morse Wild Kratts Waldbühne ” 2014 Prince -” A Little
Crimes KOMO 4 Cougar News Building a Funny Home Basilica Videos Paid Prog. Once Upon Paid Prog. a Time
Baseball: Calgary Pirates Flames at at
Basketball News Hour Blue Jays CBS News Montreal Tournament ” KIRO News PGA Tour ” Canadiens ” Golf: Arnold Curling: 60 Minutes Big Brother Sportsnet ”” Palmer Grand Slam: Canada NHL Hockey 2016 NCAA Invitational, Elite 10 Madam Madam ” Final Basketball Final Round ”” Secretary Secretary 2016 NCAA Block MLB Tournament Tackle ” The Good The Good Sportsnet ” Trashopolis Pregame Basketball Lorna Dueck Preseason Wife Wife Blue Jays Backstage KIRO 7 Post ” NHL Our Tournament Joel Osteen Baseball: The National Elementary Elementary Sportsnet Exhibitionists Pets.TV Bomb Hockey: Vancouver 2016 NCAA Paid Prog. ” ” ”Girls Pirates Central at Movie: KIRO Calgary Land & Sea Basketball JaysTV CBC News KIRO News News News News ”Final Blue Canucks “WALL-E” KIRO News Global Nat. Flames at Mansbridge Tournament the fifth KIRO News PGA BlockTour NHL’s” Best ” CBS News News Hour Montreal FIS Alpine ” Golf: Curling: estate Face/Nation Paid Arnold Prog. Sportsnet ” KIRO ”News Palmer ” Canadiens Skiing Grand Canadian Scandal Paid Prog. CentralSlam: Heartland 60 Minutes Big Brother Elite Sportsnet FIS Alpine 2016 NCAA Invitational, 10 Final ” ” Canada NHL Hockey Skiing Basketball Final Round ”
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Madam Tournament Secretary ” Winnipeg The Good Backstage KIRO 7 Post Comedy Wife Exhibitionists Pets.TV The National Elementary Movie:” KIRO ”News “WALL-E” KIRO News CBC News KIRO News ” CBS the fifth KIRONews News ” KIRO News estate Face/Nation Heartland 60 Minutes Canadian Scandal ” ”
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Hello Mr. D
Madam Secretary
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The Good Wife
Sportsnet Blue Jays
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Quantico ” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn Denis Show Castle ” CTV News Vancouver
The National ” Bookaboo Daniel Tiger CBC News the Ourfifth Vancouver estate Canadian CBC News Network
Elementary ” The Price Is Right News KIRO KIRO YoungNews & Restless Face/Nation Scandal KIRO News ”
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Bold ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy Judge Young Judy & Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News
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News-Lisa CBC News CTV News Dragons’ News--11:30 Den Coronation Vancouver Daily News Show CBC Rick Mercer CTV VanCorden Ron James Vancouver couver News
Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ”
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KIRO News Late ShowKIRO News Colbert KIRO News Corden CBS News
A&E 1
60 Days In Intervention ” ”
Hoarders Intervention ” ” Intervention Hoarders ” ” Intervention Intervention ” ” 60 Days In Intervention ” ”
60 Days In ”
A&E 1
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Intervention ” ” The View Damien ” News ” Intervention Full Measure ” KOMO 4 Damien News ” In Castle 60 Days ” ” The Chew The First 48 ” ”
Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * `
Maya Curious
The Doozers Steve PAW Patrol The Harvey Darts ” Boj View ” PAW ” 4 Flames MisterPatrol Maker KOMO Canucks TV Creative News Darts Monkey See KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News NHL ” Dino Dan News Hockey: Wild Kratts World News World Poker PAW Patrol The Chew Tour: Kate and ” 4 Kings Alpha8 at Warships KOMO CHBCofNews Vancouver couver News The CBSTalk News ” our World Predators ” News Days our The Social Heartland Days of Poker Ruf-Tweet General Lives ” ” Lives Tumble Ent. Tonight etalk ” marketplace The Insider Ent. Tonight Tour: Alpha8 ” Hope forLeaf Hospital Wheel ET Canada Big Phil Bang Coronation Ent. Tonight The ET Canada Sportsnet Wildlife Jeopardy! The Talk Dr. Murdoch FABLife Talk Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” Supergirl Gotham Murdoch Supergirl Supergirl Misplays A Very Brit- Dancing The Meredith Ellen DeGeGrand Bold ” The Meredith Doozers Steve ” ” Mysteries ” NHL’s” Best The ish Murder With the Vieira Show neres Show Designs ThisMinute Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey Limitless Lucifer Jekyll and Scorpion Limitless World Poker Marilyn vs. Stars Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar Darts Boj The View Young” & The Dr. Canada Judge”Judy Young” & Flames ” Oz Hyde Tour: Alpha8 Mister MarilynMaker KOMO” 4 Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger Right Debt/Part ” PAW Patrol ” Restless Show Reads 2016 Judge Judy Restless Canucks TV Creative News NCIS: Los Blindspot The National NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Sportsnet Dreamers Castle Rachael Ray The Our Young & Rachael Ray Darts Monkey See KOMO News CTVMarilyn News Dragons’ KIRO News Early News NHL Dino Dan News ” 4 Angeles ” ” Angeles Angeles Central Westbound ”” Denis Show Vancouver Restless ” ” Bucket-Dino News Vancouver Den KIRO News Global Nat. Hockey: Wild Kratts World News News Final News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News Global News Sportsnet Hope for News Noon News News CBC News KIRO News News World Poker PAW Patrol The Chew Global Nat. CTV CTV News CBC VanKIRO News Noon News Hour Kings at Warships KOMO Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral Wildlife Jimmy 4 Hour Network ” Hour ” Tour: Alpha8 Kate and CHBC News Vancouver Vancouver couver News CBS News Predators ” News ” Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Marilyn vs. Kimmel Live Days of our The Social Heartland The Talk of our World ”Poker Ruf-Tweet General Ent. Tonight etalk marketplace Insider Days Ent. Tonight Hope for Wheel ET Canada Corden Ron James The Corden ET Canada Central Marilyn Nightline Lives ” ” ” Lives Alpha8 Tumble ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Tour: Sportsnet Wildlife Leaf Hospital Jeopardy! The Talk Dr. Phil Murdoch FABLife The Talk Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors Supergirl Gotham Murdoch Supergirl Supergirl Misplays A Very Brit- Dancing ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” NHL’s” Best Curious ish Murder With the
SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand Limitless Lucifer Jekyll and ” Vieira ”Show neres ”Show Designs Hyde
pionships ”
SNP ) ”
Tim and Sid ”
Once Upon a Time
KNOW KOMO * ` Quantico
Wallander Boj ” PAW ”Patrol Museum Monkey See Bucket-Dino Inspector Morse PAW Patrol Kate and
Best How Pan I Met Ever! Big Bang
Tomlinson The National ”” ” Movie: ” “He Named CBC News Me Malala” marketplace ” CBC News Firsthand The National ”” CBC News
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School ” Game On ” Max FrankenMax weenie Haunting ” Haunting ” Gags Hotel Gags Transylvania Hotel ” Transylvania ”
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” ”
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Gold Rush Naked and Afraid”
OnceProg. Upon Paid a Time UW 360 The Family Paid Prog. ” T. McCarver Quantico News ” World News News KOMO 4 Full Measure News Castle Funny”Home Videos
The Family ”
Inspector Morse
Thru Hell ”
Network CODE: With Asha Debugging
Max Gags ” Stanley Gags ” Dyn. Hotel Game Hotel On Transylvania Assembly Transylvania Movie:” “Igor” ”
Madam Secretary
” ”
CBC News estate
Bella ” Henry ”
News Hoarders Crimes Bates Motel News Intervention World News Cougar ””” Full Measure KOMO 4 Intervention Building Intervention Castle a 60 Days In News Basilica ””” ” Funny Home Intervention Intervention Paid Prog. Videos Paid Prog. ””
SportsCentre The Good ” Wife
Madam Secretary
Assembly weenie
Bates Motel Max Intervention Hotel ”” Stanley Dyn. Transylvania Intervention Intervention Game ”On ”” Assembly ” Intervention Movie: 60 Days In School ”” “Igor” Game On Full Damien Thunder Paid Prog. Intervention TheMeasure Family Hoarders Max ” UW 360 Rescue ””” Assembly ” Max ” Prog. Intervention FrankenPaid Prog. Damien Bella Quantico Intervention Haunting T. McCarver weenie Paid Prog. ””” Henry ” Haunting
Midsummer Little Prince Wallander Night ” Annedroids Turn Back Dogs/Jobs ” Time Dogs/Jobs Museum Warships Hope for Inspector ” Wildlife Morse Secrets of of Architects ” Change Inspector ”” Waldbühne ” Morse Pregame 2014 - A Sportsnet ” NHL Midsummer Blue Jays ” Hockey: Night Sportsnet Wallander Calgary Turn Back Central ” Flames at Time Canucks TV ” Montreal NHL’s Best Warships Museum Canadiens ” Sportsnet Inspector Sportsnet Secrets Central Morse of NHL Hockey ”
The First 48 ”
A&E 1
School Game On
Dual Survival Paid Prog. Dateline: ” Family Feud Real Life
NEWS 7 ”
MythBusters Paid Prog. ” The Office
Power & Politics
How/Made ” How/Made CBC News Canada’s Network Worst Driver The Daily Planet Exchange With Carole Naked” and MacNeil CBC News Afraid How/Made ” How/Made CBC News Naked and Network The National Afraid Deadliest Nicky, Ricky With Diana ” Job Survival Almost Dual Sidekick Swain ” Assembly CBC News Deadliest Max Job Wayside Power”& MythBusters Kid vs. Kat Politics ” Gags The National How/Made Sidekick ”” How/Made Gags How/Made Chucks ” How/Made Gags The National Deadliest Wayside CBC News Canada’s SpongeBob The ” Daily Gags Job Planet Kid vs. Kat Network Worst Driver SpongeBob Exchange ” Haunting CBC News Deadliest Rated A With Carole Naked and SpongeBob CBC News How/Made Haunting ” Job Rated A MacNeil Afraid SpongeBob ” How/Made Gags The National How/Made Nerds CBC News Naked and Assembly The National Deadliest Gags ” How/Made Squirrel Afraid Nicky, Ricky Network ” Job Gags The How/Made Almost With Diana Dual Survival Assembly CBC News Deadliest Gags Exchange How/Made Sidekick Swain ” Max Job ” Wayside Power & MythBusters Gags The National How/Made Kid vs. Kat Politics” ” Gags How/Made
CBC News The ” Exchange
Sportsnet Kings at Central Predators
NewsProg. Paid Mod Fam Raising
48 Hours: Hours: 48 Hard Evid. Evid. Hard
TheBang Middle Big Payne Big Bang
Blindspot ”” KING 5 Eric Clapton: News at ” 4 Vicious
Gags SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob
The National How/Made CBC News How/Made How/Made ”” How/Made Gags The National Deadliest How/Made Assembly The Gags Ricky Exchange How/Made Nicky, ” Job
Deadliest Daily Planet Job ”
Mike Mike Two Men Anger
48 Hours: Hours: 48 Hard Evid. Evid. Hard
Browns Movie: Payne “Resident
How Men I Met Two Cougar Mod Fam
Peter Popoff Evil: Browns 48 Hours: Paid Prog. There Yet? Hard Evid. Afterlife”
Slowhand at KING News 5 World News 70 -- Live Tonight Business News at 5 Hot Flash Show News PBS Nightly Havoc Seth Meyers NewsHour News
Big Bang Big Bang
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
Seinfeld Seinfeld
This Land Is News Your Land Evening
Gotham ”
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
Family Guy Amer. Dad
(My Music) The Voice Ed Sullivan’s ”
SportsCentre NCIS: World Sugar Los ” Angeles Champ. Debt/Part SportsCentre Final Motoring TV News Rachael Ray ” Late ShowLumberjacks ” SportsCentre Colbert Hockey Noon News ET Canada Lunch” Hour
Blindspot The View ”” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Corden Vancouver
Supergirl ”
Misplays NHL’s Best
The National Bookaboo Daniel” Tiger CBC News Best Recipes Coronation Stefano Rick Mercer CBC News Ron James Network
NCIS: Los Is The Price Angeles Right KIRO YoungNews & Late ShowRestless Colbert KIRO News Corden ”
NCIS: Sugar Los Angeles Debt/Part Global News Rachael Ray Late Show” Colbert Noon News ET Canada Hour
Sportsnet Misplays Central Premier Sportsnet League Central Darts Sportsnet World Poker Central Tour: Alpha8
World Wom- Global News The Social en’s Cham- Princess ”
Federal Budget
The Talk ”
Global News World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Princess Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital
pionships ”
Days of our Lives
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
World ” ” Champ.
The Talk Sugar ” Debt/Part
Federal Grand The View Bookaboo Budget Designs ” 2016 Daniel Tiger
Dreamers Boj Westbound PAW Patrol Hope for See Monkey Wildlife Bucket-Dino Marilyn vs. PAW Patrol Marilyn Kate and
A&E The First 48: 1 Drugs Kill
Castle Bates Motel The View Criminal ”” Minds” News Damien KOMO 4 Criminal Jimmy News Minds” Kimmel Live Damien The Chew After the Nightline ” ” First 48 The First 48 ”
YTV Gags 6 Gags
NEWS The National 7 ”
DISC Deadliest Job 9
KAYU Lucifer ; ”
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags Rated A Gags Rated A Gags Chucks Gags Squirrel
CBC CBC News News ”” The National Power & ” Politics
Deadliest Highway Job Thru Hell How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Deadliest How/Made Job
News Steve Mod Fam Harvey
Almost Sidekick
Federal Budget
Deadliest Job
Paid Prog. Dateline: Family Feud Real Life
Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the
Days of our Lives
Monkey See KOMO Mister Maker KOMO 4 4 Bucket-Dino News Creative News
Criminal A The First 48 Rated SpongeBob Minds ” Rated A SpongeBob
Power & The Politics Exchange
How/Made Feud Dateline: Daily Planet Family Paid Prog. Jill & Jessa: Divorce Big Bang How/Made Family Life On Divorce ” RaisingFeud Real Counting Big Bang
Dinosaur Masterpiece New KINGDay 5 Dinosaur Northwest Classic News at 4
” CBC News ””
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Super World Why! News KING KING 55 Thomas News Business News at 5
Global News World Poker General News Hour Canucks at Ruf-Tweet Hope for KOMO 4 Princess Tour: ” Jets Alpha8 Tumble Wildlife Leaf Hospital News
FABLife The Insider ” Ent. Tonight Bold NCIS ThisMinute ” Judge Judy NCIS: New Judge Judy Orleans The Price Is KIRO News Right Limitless KIRO News Young” & KIRO Restless KIRO News News CBS News Late ShowKIRO News The Insider ” Colbert Ent. Tonight Corden The Talk NCIS ” ” FABLife NCIS:”New Orleans Bold Limitless ThisMinute ” Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy The Price Is Late ShowRight KIRO News Colbert Young & KIRO News Corden Restless KIRO News KIRONews News CBS ” The Insider The Talk Ent. Tonight ” NCIS FABLife ””
Days of our Ent. Tonight Lives ET Canada The Talk NCIS ”” Young & NCIS: New Restless Orleans Sugar Early News Debt/Part Chicago Fire Global” Nat. Rachael Ray News Global”Hour News ” Late ShowNoon News Ent. Tonight Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Global News NCIS Princess ” Days of our NCIS: New Lives Orleans The Talk Chicago Fire ” ” Young & Global News Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Early News Colbert Rachael Ray Global Nat. ET Canada ” News Hour Noon ”News Hour Ent. Tonight Days of our ET Canada Lives NCIS The Talk ””
NCIS: New Bold Orleans ThisMinute
Tim and ” Sid ” Sportsnet ” NHL ” Hockey:
The First In 48 60 Days ””
The Doctors The First In 48 Wheel 60 Days ” ”” Jeopardy! Steve The First Fresh-Boat The First 48 48 Harvey ”” Real O’Neals KOMO The First In 48 Agents 4 of 60 Days News ”” S.H.I.E.L.D. The View Criminal News 60 ” Of Kings and Minds 60 Days Days In In World News ”” Prophets KOMO 4 Criminal KOMO 60 News Minds News 4 60 Days Days In In News ”” Jimmy The Chew After the Wheel 60 Days In ” Live First 48 48 Kimmel The First Jeopardy! ” Nightline ” 48 General The First Fresh-Boat The First 48 Hospital ” Real O’Neals ” The Doctors The First 48 Agents of 60 Days In ” ” S.H.I.E.L.D. ” Steve The First 48 Of Kings and 60 Days In Harvey ” Prophets ” KOMO 4 The First 48 News 60 Days In News ” The View Criminal Jimmy ” ” Minds News Days Kimmel Live 60 The FirstIn 48 KOMO 4 Criminal World News ”” Nightline News Minds KOMO 4 60 Days In The Chew The First 48 News ” ” ” Wheel 60 Days In General The First 48 Jeopardy! ” Hospital ” Fresh-Boat The Doctors The The First First 48 48 Real O’Neals ” ” ”
Masterpiece Ellen DeGeSesame St. Today Classic Peg Plus Cat neres”Show
Paid Dateline: Watch Sesame St. Two Prog. Men Jill & Jessa: Crime Lookout” PBS Family Feud Real Life On Daily ” Cat in the Mod Fam Counting NewsHour
Days of News our Nightly Lives News
Paid Prog. Big Bang The Office Big Bang Paid New Prog. Girl Eco Co. Grand
Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeThe Voice neres Show ” KING 5 Heartbeat News at 4 Today ” KING ”5 Fire Chicago News at ” 5 New Day Nightly Northwest News News News Tonight KING 5 News News Show Evening Seth Meyers Days of our The Voice Lives ” Dr. Phil Heartbeat ” ” Ellen DeGeChicago Fire neres Show ” KING 5 News News at 4 Today Tonight ” KING Show 5 New Day News at 5 Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News KING 5 News News News Days of our Evening Lives The Voice Dr. Phil ””
Gags Sidekick Gags Chucks
The National Gold Rush ” How/Made ” ”” How/Made
NCIS: New Blues ”at The Meredith Orleans Sharks Vieira Show Hockey
Movie: Agents of The Doozers Steve “WhenPatrol I S.H.I.E.L.D. PAW Harvey
60 Days The FirstIn 48 ””
Chicago Young & Fire Sportsnet NHL Restless Hockey: ” Central
Walk” Kings Days In Haunting Mister Maker Of KOMO 4 and 60 Wahlburgers SpongeBob Creative News Wahlburgers SpongeBob Strong Prophets ” Haunting
CBC The News Exchange ”
Early News Senators at Global News Sportsnet Global Nat. Islanders Late ShowCentral
Dino Dan Canada Wild Kratts ”
CBCNational News Jade Fever The How/Made Jade Fever ”” How/Made
Wahlburgers SpongeBob 60 Days In Gags Wahlburgers SpongeBob ” Gags
How/Made Jade Fever How/Made Jade Fever How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Gold Planet Rush ”” Highway Cold Water Thru Hell Jade Fever Cowboys Jade Fever How/Made Gold Rush How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Deadliest Jade Job Cold Fever Water Jade Fever Cowboys Deadliest How/Made Job How/Made How/Made Gold Rush How/Made ” How/Made Jade Fever How/Made Jade Fever Daily Planet How/Made ” Edge of How/Made Alaska Cold Cold Water Water Cold Water Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Jade Fever Jade Fever Jade Fever Jade Fever How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
A&E 1
News World News Jimmy
Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam Judge
Crime Mike Watch Dateline: Jill & Jessa: Millionaire Movie: Daily Real Life Millionaire Anger Countdown “The
Dr. Phil ”
Power & CBC News Politics” ” The National ”” The The National Exchange ” CBC News CBC ” CBC News News ”” Power & The Politics The National National ” ”” CBC ” The News ” Exchange Federal The National Budget ” Power & The National Politics ” ” CBC News ” ” The The National Exchange CBC News ” Network CBC The News With Carole ” Exchange MacNeil The National CBC News ” Network CBC News With Diana ” Swain The National Power & ” Politics
KCTS Curious N Curious
Wayside Game Kid vs. Kat Assembly Sidekick Just Kidding Nerds Just Kidding SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Gags Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Rated A Assembly Rated Gags A Nicky, Gags Ricky Chucks Game Squirrel Just Kidding Assembly Just Kidding Almost Just Kidding Sidekick Just Kidding Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags Sidekick Haunting Nerds Haunting SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Just Kidding Rated A SpongeBob Just Kidding Rated A Assembly Nerds Ricky Nicky, Squirrel Game Almost Assembly Sidekick Just Kidding Wayside Just Kidding Kid vs. Kat
A&E 1
Misplays Blues at Canucks Sharks Misplays NHL Premier Sportsnet Hockey: Central League Canucks Darts Sportsnetat Jets Central World Poker ” Tour: Alpha8 Sportsnet Sportsnet Central World Poker NHL Alpha8 Tour: Hockey: Tim and Sid Blues ”at Sharks ” Sportsnet ” Central Misplays Sportsnet Canucks Darts Central ” NHL Sportsnet Billiards: Hockey: Central Mosconi Cup Canucks at World Poker Jets Tour: Alpha8 ” Shark Cage Sportsnet Poker NHL Tim and Sid Hockey: ”
WTBS King A King
Almost Federal Assembly The National Deadliest Gold Rush Sidekick Job Nicky, Ricky Budget” ”
Maya Canada Curious ” The Life Doozers PAW Patrol ” Mister Movie:Maker Creative “When I Boj Dino PAW Patrol Walk”Dan Wild Kratts Strong Monkey See Hope for Bucket-Dino Canada Wildlife ” PAW Patrol Canada Kate and When I Walk ” ” Ruf-Tweet Life Tumble Leaf ” Maya Movie: Curious “When I The Doozers Walk” PAW Patrol Strong Mister Maker Canada Creative Boj ” PAW Patrol Dino WhenDan I Walk Monkey See Wild Kratts ” Bucket-Dino Hope for PAW Patrol Wildlife Kate and Canada Ruf-Tweet ” Tumble Leaf Life Maya ” Curious
Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel SpongeBob
Dateline on Dateline: TLC Life Real
” Sesame St. Blindspot Today Eric ”” PegClapton: Plus Cat Slowhand Dinosaur at News New Day 70 -- Live Tonight Dinosaur Northwest Hot Flash Super Why! Show KING 5 Havoc Seth Meyers Thomas News
How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell
The Chew After the In News 60 Days World”News First 48 ”
Paid Prog. Steve Eco Co. Harvey
The Middle Judge Payne Judge Browns Divorce Payne Divorce Browns Millionaire There Yet? Millionaire
” CBC News ””
World Patrol NHL Poker PAW Dino Dan Tour: Alpha8 Kate and Hockey: Wild Kratts
TLC Dateline on TLC<
KING ” P ”
The First 48 Wayside Sidekick Criminal Nerds Minds ” Kid vs. Kat
Noon Early News Hour Global Nat.
KAYU Paid Prog. The; Office
The Doozers The Steve Boj View PAW Patrol Patrol Harvey PAW ”
Rachael Young & Ray League Misplays ” Darts Restless Canucks
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
Rock and Roll Classics
” Misplays ” Premier
CBC News Dragons’ Network Den
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Real Evid. Life Mike Hours: Family Feud 48 Dateline: Two Men Family Feud Hard Real Evid. Life How I Met Popoff Crime Watch Peter Dateline: Cougar Paid Daily RealProg. Life
WTBS Family Guy A Amer. Dad
The Talk Sugar ” Debt/Part
Best Recipes Young & Canada Judge Judy Stefano Reads 2016 Restless Judge Judy
YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat
The ” Exchange ”
TLC 48 Hours: Hard< Evid.
SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”
Hockey Noon Madness News News Lunch World Wom- Hour ”
A&E The First 48 1 ”
Deadliest Job
CHAN Days of our ( Lives
Motoring Hockey TV Rachael Young & Ray The Marilyn Dr. Oz Lumberjacks ” Denis SC Restless Show Show
” ”
Afterlife” NewsHour Newsof our Crime Watch Sesame St. Days Daily Cat the Is Lives Seinfeld ThisinLand News Seinfeld Your Land Evening King Curious Dr. Phil King George ” Family Guy (My Music) The Voice Mod Fam Masterpiece Amer. Dad Ed Sullivan’s Ellen DeGe” Mod Fam Classic neres Show Family Guy Rock and ” Judge Sesame St. Today Big Bang ” KING 5 Amer. Dad Roll Classics ” Judge Peg Plus Cat ” Big Bang Vicious News at 4 The Middle ” Blindspot Divorce Dinosaur New Day Movie: World News KING 5 Payne Eric Clapton: ” Divorce Dinosaur Northwest “Resident Business News at 5 Browns Slowhand at News Millionaire Super Why! KING 5 Evil: PBS Nightly Payne 70 -- Live TonightNews Millionaire Thomas News Afterlife” NewsHour News Browns Hot Flash Show Crime Watch Sesame St.Is Days of our Seinfeld Land News There Yet? This Havoc Seth Meyers Daily Cat in the Lives Seinfeld Your Land Evening King Curious Dr. Phil Family Guy (My Music) The Voice King George ”” Amer. Dad Ed Sullivan’s
Bates Motel Haunting The First 48 SpongeBob Haunting ”” SpongeBob
Jekyll and Hyde
pionships ”
Mod Prog. Fam Hard Evid. Paid Dateline: Family Feud Real Life Big Bang 48 Hours: Big Bang Hard Evid. Paid Prog. Dateline on The Office TLC Gotham 48 Hours: Paid Prog. Dateline on ” Hard Evid. Big World TLC Lucifer 48 Hours: Steve Dateline: Paid Prog. 48 Hours: ” Hard Evid. Harvey Real Life Raising Hard Evid. News 48 Hours: Family Feud Dateline: Mike 48 Hours: Mod Fam Hard Evid. Family Anger Feud Real Hard Life Evid. Mike 48 Hours: Crime Watch Dateline: Two 48 Hours: Two Men Men Hard Evid. Daily Real Mod Fam Hard Life Evid. How I Met Peter Popoff Paid Prog. Dateline: Big Bang 48 Hours: Cougar Paid Prog. Family Feud Real Big Bang Hard Life Evid. Paid Prog. Dateline on Gotham 48 Hours: The Office TLC ” Hard Evid.
Damien News The First 48: JimmyNews Drugs ”Kill World Kimmel4Live Bates Damien KOMO Motel Nightline News ””
Lucifer ”
World Wom- Colbert Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre Daily Show en’s ChamCHBC News Corden Vancouver ” ET Canada
Dr. Phil ”
Ellen DeGeneres Show Today KING ”5 News at 4 New Day Northwest KING 5 News 5at 5 KING News Nightly News
HopeDan for Dino Wildlife Wild Kratts Marilyn vs. Warships Marilyn ”
SportsCentre Limitless ” ”
KIRO News KIROShowNews Late
Curious George
Masterpiece Classic St. Sesame Peg Plus ” Cat Vicious Dinosaur Dinosaur World News Business Super Why! Thomas PBS
Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey:
The National How/Made ” How/Made
The National Limitless Canada Judge Judy Reads” 2016 Judge”Judy
King King
Mod Fam Mod Fam Judge Judge Big Bang Big Bang Divorce Divorce Movie: “Resident Millionaire Millionaire Evil:
Sportsnet Dreamers Castle 4 Flames Mister Maker KOMO Central TV Creative Westbound News ” Canucks
Gags Gags
CTV News Dragons’ News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation
Dateline on TLC Dateline on TLC Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Dateline: Real Life 48 Hours:
Global News Early News Late ShowGlobal Nat. Colbert News Hour ET Canada ”
Damien ”
SC News Final SportsCentre SC ” ” Late Show-
Days of our Lives
NCIS: Los Young & Angeles Restless
SportsCentre Chicago Hockey Young & Fire Motive The Dr. Oz SC Top Restless Show ” ” 10 ”
Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the
There JudgeYet? Judge Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Divorce Divorce Best Pan Ever! Millionaire Millionaire
Masterpiece Ellen DeGeRock and ” Classic Roll Classics neres Show ”
A Very Brit-
Crickley Hall Hollywood ” Sesame St. Game TodayNight Peg Plus Cat KING News ” On the Psychiatrist’s Up Late NW Dinosaur New Day Dinosaur Northwest Couch-Amen Bensinger Love Songs Paid Prog. Super Why! KING 5 Thomas News
Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad
Murder With the SNP ish KNOW KOMO World Poker Marilyn vs. Stars ) * ` Tour: Alpha8 Marilyn ”
Crickley Hall Carmichael ” Crowded
Dateline on 48 Hours: TLC Hard Evid.
CHAN Limitless ( ”
Murdoch Gags Mysteries Coronation Grand Rick Mercer Designs 22 Minutes The Dr. of Oz Canada Agents Creek Show Reads S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D 2016 The View Bookaboo CTV News Dragons’ ” Daniel Tiger Motive The National Vancouver Den ” ” The Marilyn Best Recipes CTV News CBC Denis Show Stefano News-Lisa CBC VanNews Vancouver couver News News--11:30 Coronation CTV News CBC News etalk Gags Vancouver Daily Show Network Rick Mercer Big Bang Coronation Corden 22 Minutes The Social Federal The Flash Rick Mercer ” Budget ” 22 Minutes Dr. Phil Murdoch Agents Creek ” of Mysteries S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D Federal Grand Motive The National Budget 2016 Designs ” ” The Dr. Oz Canada News-Lisa CBC News Show Reads 2016 The View Bookaboo News--11:30 Coronation ” Daniel Tiger CTV Daily News Show Dragons’ Rick Mercer The Marilyn Best Recipes Vancouver Den Corden 22 Minutes Denis Show Stefano CTV News CBC VanCTV News CBC News Vancouver couver News Vancouver Network etalk Gags The Social Heartland Big Bang Coronation ” ” The Flash Rick Mercer Dr. Phil Murdoch ”” 22 Minutes Mysteries SportsCentre New Agents of Creek ship: Korea NCIS: The Meredith Ellen DeGeGrand ” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D vs. Canada Vieira Show neres Show Designs
Crickley Hall Little Big ” Shots
” The Closer
Paid Prog. Lucifer Big World ”
KIRO Scorpion _ ”
Federal The Talk CBC VanKIRO News Budget ” couver News CBS News
Paid Prog. Big World Steve Harvey Paid Prog. RaisingFeud Family Family Mike Feud Anger Watch Crime Daily Two Men
Suze Or-Hall Goal Traveler Nature Zone Crickley Hollywood man’s””Finan- PGA Raw Travel Tour Game Night cial SoluKING 5News Aging Golf: On the KINGArnold tions for You News Backwards Psychiatrist’s Palmer Up Late NW Weekend Nightly News This Land Is Invitational, Couch-Amen Bensinger A Chef’s Life KINGRound News Your LoveLand Songs Final Paid Prog. YogaLittle Big (My Music) ” Diabetes Shots The ” Crickley Hall Clangers Little Big Carpenters: ” Shots Close to You LazyTown Crickley Hall Carmichael Suze OrTraveler ” Crowded man’s Finan- Raw Travel Crickley Hall Hollywood cial SoluKING ” Game5Night tions for You News On the KING News Weekend Psychiatrist’s Nightly Up LateNews NW A Chef’s Life KING News Couch-Amen Bensinger YogaLove Songs Little Paid Big Prog. Diabetes Shots
” How/Made The National Deadliest ”” How/Made Job
Murdoch Mysteries
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Federal The Flash Budget ” 2016
News Jill & Jessa: Livin’ SteveDream Recount Dateline: Harvey RealYes Life Cougar Say Beauty Yes Family Feud Say Dateline: Family Feud Paid RealProg. Life How I Met Raising Prog. Crime Watch Paid Dateline: Daily Real Life
” The Closer
The The First First 48 48: Sidekick Gags Chucks Drugs” Kill Gags
Gotham ”
Days of our Ent. Tonight Lives ET Canada The Talk NCIS ”” Young & NCIS: New Restless Orleans Sugar News Debt/Part Chicago Fire ”” Rachael Ray Global Nat. News ”Final CHBC News Late ShowNoon News Ent. Tonight Hour Colbert ET Canada ET Canada Global News NCIS Princess ” Days of our NCIS: New Lives Orleans The Talk Chicago Fire ” ” Young & News Final Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part News Colbert Rachael ” Ray ET Canada ” Global Nat. Noon News CHBC News Hour Ent. Tonight Days of our ET Canada Lives NCIS The Talk ””
Long Lost Family
The Meredith World”Poker The Doozers Steve Limitless Marilyn vs. Stars Vieira ”Show Tour: ”Alpha8 PAW Patrol Harvey Marilyn ”
Supergirl ”
pionships ” ”” ”” ” 10 SC Top Hockey SportsCentre SC World ” Madness Champ. SportsCentre World ”WomMotoring TV en’s ChamLumberjacks SportsCentre pionships ” Hockey ” Lunch SportsCentre ” World ”Wom” en’s ChamSC Top 10 pionships SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” Hockey SportsCentre SC SportsCentre ” ” Madness SportsCentre Madness World ”Wom2016 EURO en’s ChamHockey pionships Lunch ” 2016 World ” Women’s ” Curling SC Top 10 Champion-
” ”
With Diana Swain
Naked and Afraid Canada’s Worst Driver Dual Survival ” and Naked Afraid and Naked Afraid Naked and Afraid
CBC News ”
World Wom- Global News en’s ChamNat. The CTVSocial News en’s Cham- Princess ” pionships CHBC News Vancouver
Almost Sidekick Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Say Yes Say Yes Long Lost Say Yes Say Yes Family Say Yes Say Yes Jill & Jessa: Say Yes Say Yes Recount
Movie: “He Named CBC News Network Me Malala” ” With Carole MacNeil The National ” CBC News Network
Assembly Max
KIRO News KIRO ”News
MythBusters The Passion Long Island ” ” Medium
Damien ”
CTV News Vancouver
Aging Golf: Arnold Weekend Nightly News Backwards A Chef’s Life Palmer KING News This Land Is Invitational, YogaLittle Big Your Land Final Diabetes ShotsRound (My Music) ” Crickley Hall Little Big The ” Shots” Odd Squad Soccer Carpenters: Clangers Crickley Hall EPL Carmichael Close to Cyberchase ” ” You LazyTown Crowded
Me Malala” ”
Wheel Jeopardy!
BoldPrice Is The ThisMinute Right
Movie: Point” “Meet ”the Browns” ” ” The Closer
Lemony Big Bang ” Big Snick. TheBang Closer Big Bang Paid Prog. ” Big Bang First Family There Yet? Jill &Yes Jessa: Paid Mod Fam Say Say Yes PaidProg. Prog. Recount Mod Fam Say Box SayYes Yes PaidOffice Prog. LongYes Island Movie: Movie: Say Paid Prog. Best Pan Medium “Matchthe Say “Meet PaidYes Prog. Ever! LongYes Lost Point” Say Browns” Family Say Yes ”” MythBusters The Passion Long Island ” How/Made ” Say Yes Big Bang ” ” Medium The Closer How/Made ” Say Yes Big Bang Naked and ” Long Lost ” MythBusters Cize It Up! Say Yes Big Bang Afraid ” Family The Closer ” Raising Say Yes Big Bang Naked and News Jill & Jessa: ” Naked How Met Jill & Jessa: Mod Fam Afraid and Livin’I Dream Recount There Yet? Afraid Big Bang Recount Mod Fam Dual Survival Cougar Say Yes Paid Prog. Naked” and Monopoly Long Island Movie: Beauty Say Yes Paid Prog. Afraid Simpsons Medium “Match Naked and How I Met Paid Prog. Best Pan Dual Survival Simpsons Long Lost Point” Afraid Raising Paid Prog. Ever! ” Ice Age Family ”
Hope for Wildlife
KIRO FABLife _ ”
MythBusters Cize It Up! Gold Rush Pan Naked and Best News Raising Ever! Afraid”” Livin’ Dream Naked How I Met ” and Prerace Dual Survival Cougar Afraid”” Big Bang NASCAR Beauty Naked and Monopoly Misfit Naked and Racing: How I Met Afraid Simpsons Garage Sprint Cup Afraid Raising Dual Survival Simpsons Alaska: The Series: Auto ” Ice Age Last Frontier Club 400
marketplace The Insider Ent. Tonight ” Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Sportsnet Supergirl ”
Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “Match
Say LongYes Lost Say Yes Family Say Yes Long Island Say Yes Medium
the fifth Network Movie: estate With Asha “He Named CODE: Tomlinson Me Malala” Debugging ”” The National ” The National ””” Movie: CBC News “He Named marketplace Me Malala” Firsthand ” ” The National the fifth ” estate Movie: CODE: “He Named Debugging Me Malala” The National ” ” The National Movie:” “He Named
Ent. Tonight etalk ET Canada Big Bang
” ”
Say LongYes Island Say Yes Medium
Haunting Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Gags Gags Rated A Rated A Hotel Transylvania Nerds Squirrel
Sidekick Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob SpongeBob Rated A Rated A SpongeBob SpongeBob Nerds Squirrel Assembly
A&E 1
Cyberchase ” man’s Finan- Raw Travel
The National Naked and ” Afraid
The First 48 ”
” 48 The First ” Damien The First ” 48 ” The First 48: Damien The First Drugs Kill48 ” ” Bates Motel Damien The First ” 48: Drugs” Kill Damien The First 48 Bates ”Motel ”” Damien The First 48 Damien ” ”” The First Damien 48 ””
Snick. Big Bang
Max Max
The First 48 ” Damien ” The First 48 ” Damien ” The First 48: Drugs Kill48 The First ” Bates Motel ” 48 The First ” Damien
Say Say Yes Yes
Say Nature Goal Jill &Yes Jessa: Paid Mod Prog. Fam cial SoluKINGZone 5A13 Say Yes First ” You PGA Recount Mod Family Fam tions for NewsTour
Jade Daily Fever Planet ” Jade Fever
King Seinfeld King Seinfeld Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Movie: Judge The Middle “The Payne Divorce Lookout” Divorce Browns Payne” Millionaire Seinfeld Millionaire Browns Seinfeld There Watch Yet? Crime Family Guy Daily Amer. Dad King Family Guy King Amer. Dad Mod Fam The Middle Mod Fam Payne Big Bang Browns Big Bang Judge Payne Judge Movie: Browns Divorce “The There Yet? Divorce Lookout” Millionaire ” Millionaire Seinfeld Crime Watch Seinfeld Daily Family Guy King Amer. King Dad
Curious Members’ Curious Choice Masterpiece ” Classic ” Masterpiece ” Classic” Sesame St. World Peg Plus Cat ”News Business ” Dinosaur PBS Dinosaur Aging NewsHour Backwards Super Why! Members’ Thomas Victor Borge Choice ” St. Sesame Cat in ”the ” Curious ” Curious ” Masterpiece ” Classic ” Masterpiece Aging Classic St. Sesame Backwards Peg Plus Cat World Victor News Borge Dinosaur Business ” Dinosaur PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Members’ Sesame St. Choice Cat in the ” Curious ” Curious
Brooklyn The600-Lb. Willis Paid Prog. My The Grinder Family Animal Atlas Life
Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam
” Heartbeat Masterpiece Ellen DeGe” Classic neres ”Show
News Paid Prog. Raising Mod Fam
Jill Jessa: My & 600-Lb. Life Countdown
The Middle Big Bang Big Bang Payne
” Chicago Masterpiece KING 5 Fire Classic News ”at 4 ”
Mike Anger Two Men
My & 600-Lb. Jill Jessa: ” Countdown
Four World News Browns Aging Christmases Backwards Business Payne
Paid Prog. Brooklyn Raising The Grinder Steve Mike Harvey News Anger Mod Fam Family Feud Two Family Feud MikeMen Mod Two Fam Men Crime Watch Big Bang Daily How I Met Big Bang Cougar Paid Prog. New Girl Family Feud Grand Paid Prog. Brooklyn The Office The Grinder Paid Prog. News Eco Co. Mod Fam Paid Prog. Mike Raising Steve Two Men Harvey Mike How I Met Family Feud Anger Cougar Family Feud Two Men Crime Watch Mod Fam Daily Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud New Paid Girl Prog. Grand The Office
Dateline on The Willis TLC Family Dateline on Jill & Jessa: TLC Counting On Jill & Willis Jessa: The Counting On Family Dateline: Jill & Real Life Jill & Jessa: Jessa: Countdown Countdown Dateline: Jill Jessa: Real Jill & &Life Jessa: Counting On Countdown Dateline: The Willis Real Paid Life Prog. Family Paid Prog. Dateline: Jill & Life Jessa: Real Counting On Dateline on The Willis TLC Family Dateline on Jill & Jessa: TLC Countdown Jill & Jessa: Jill & Jessa: Counting On My 600-Lb. Countdown Life Jill & Jessa: Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Countdown Paid Prog. Life Jill & Jessa: My 600-Lb. Counting On Life The Willis My 600-Lb. Family Life Jill Jessa: My & 600-Lb. Counting On Life
KING 5 News News at 5 Tonight
CBC Mercer VanKIRO News Rick Colbert couver News Corden CBS News 22 Minutes
News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada
” Sportsnet Sportsnet Central
Canada KOMO 4Live The Wahlburgers Assembly The National Moonshiners: When I Walk Kimmel First 48 Just Kidding The Cold Water Two How Men I Met News Wahlburgers Nicky, Ricky Exchange ” Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam ”” Nightline ” Just Kidding Cowboys Cougar
My Paid600-Lb. Prog. Life Paid Prog.
” Browns There ”Yet?
PBS Victor Borge Nightly Show News NewsHour News ” Seth Meyers
Ent. Tonight ET Canada
etalk Big Bang
Gags Coronation
The Insider Ent. Tonight
Ent. Tonight ET Canada
Sportsnet Central
Monster Moves
Fat Chance ”
Seinfeld Seinfeld
In Defense of Food
Survivor ”
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
NHL’s Best Misplays
Kate Humble The Middle Living withGoldbergs
My 600-Lb. Life
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Criminal Minds
Big Brother Canada
Chicago P.D.
Sportsnet Central
SportsCentre Big Brother ” Canada
Criminal Minds
X Company ”
SportsCentre Chicago ” P.D.
Criminal Minds
The National Criminal ” Minds
SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-
News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation
KIRO News Late Show-
SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada
Daily Show Corden
Colbert Corden
Rick Mercer 22 Minutes
Nicky, Ricky CBC News Stanley Dyn. ”
Moonshiners Big Bang ” Big Bang
Wahlburgers Just Kidding The National How/Made ” Just Kidding ” How/Made
Rosewood ” Hell’s Kitchen
” ”
News Evening Heartbeat ”
Wahlburgers Gags Wahlburgers Gags
The National Jade Fever ” Jade Fever
Fat Chance ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
” Yoga-
Law & Order: SVU
Wahlburgers Haunting Wahlburgers Haunting
CBC News ”
Moonshiners: News Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam
My 600-Lb. ”
The Middle Payne
Diabetes Rick Steves
Chicago P.D.
Global News Sportsnet Late Show- Central
Monster Moves
Donnie Donnie
The National Moonshiners Mike ” ” Two Men
My 600-Lb. Life
Browns Payne
Europe Marathon
News Tonight
Colbert ET Canada
Kate Humble Kimmel Live Wahlburgers Gags Living withNightline ” Gags
The Exchange
Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?
Sportsnet Central
Mod Fam blackish
Donnie Donnie
Sacred Won- Nashville ders of Brit ”
The Monarchy
Wheel Jeopardy!
News Jimmy
Gags Gags
How/Made How/Made
How I Met Cougar
” Heart
Show Seth Meyers
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
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2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra)
Buying Bullion, silver & gold coins, bars, ingots, collectors coins, coin collections, antique money plus ANYTHING GOLD or SILVER. Toddâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coins 1250-864-3521 Buying Coin Collections of any size.We collect CAN & US Coins, bills, Silver, Gold. Local couple also deal with Estates, Jewellery, Sterling, Antiques+ Chad & Crissy 250-863-3082. We can make House Calls!
Buying Collector Coins, Accumulations, coin collections & Old money. US Canada & world coins. Plus anything made of gold or silver. Toddâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coins. 250-864-3521 I can make House calls!
Pets & Livestock
Pets 4 yr old male Papillon/YorkieX to a good home only. Welltrained, intelligent, all shots, kennel, etc. Will train new owner. $400 H:250-548-0088
Merchandise for Sale
Moving & Storage
Misc. for Sale
DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282
CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
Want to Rent
Student looking for room or lower suite in Winfield from Sept- June. (250)-707-1187
Find Your Dream Home in the classifieds!
EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue! SMALL BUSINESS BANKING
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Vicky Conway 250-712-3350, ext. 300 CONTRACTING
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
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Commercial/Residential 30 yrs exp. We can do stamped, exposed, or broomed finish. We do polished slabs up to 10,000 sq. ft., driveways, patios, sidewalks, retaining walls, house & garage floors, stairs, wheelchair ramps, and more.
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9:30-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9:30-4 Closed Mondays
Dan at 250-863-5419 for your free estimate.
Frank & Kate â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 Suite 124-3121 Hill Road, Lake Country Winfield Professional Building next to A&W
MAKE THIS SPACE WORK FOR YOU! BUILDING CONTRACTOR Specializing in: â&#x20AC;˘ Additions â&#x20AC;˘ Custom Homes â&#x20AC;˘ Home Renovations
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Agricultural Safety Week
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 16, 2016 A15
PARKING…Site preparation was underway last week on the vacant lot at Main Street and Hill Road being leased by Kangaroo Creek Farm. The lot will provide a minimum of 28 parking spots for their expanded farm and tourist attraction. The off-street parking should help address some of the neighbouring residents’ concerns during the high traffic tourist season. The farm opened for spring break on March 12 and will remain open through April 3, including weekends and holidays. CONTRIBUTED
Kelowna Farmers & Cra�ers Market
Making great things out of B.C. apples since 1946.
are in support of the safety of our farm workers 250-878-5029
Be An AgSafe Family by Keeping Kids Safe Each year, the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association teams up with sponsors and friends to celebrate Canadian Agricultural Safety Week. For the next three years CASA is asking everyone in the agricultural community to “Be An AgSafe Family” and this year, you can do just that by “Keeping Kids Safe.” The Ag family is large; it includes all those who work and care about agriculture. Ag family members come from farming communities, schools, agri-businesses and other organizations that work to make Canadian agriculture vibrant and thriving. For each of the next three years, Canadian Agricultural Safety Week will focus on different parts of the ag family. For 2016, this focus is on “Keeping Kids Safe.” How can members of the ag family (Remember this includes more people than children, moms and dads and grandparents!) work to keep kids safe? Well, there are plenty of things each and every one of us can do. Farm families can work to establish safe play areas where little ones can explore, learn and play without the risk of being hurt or killed. We all know that small children are incredibly curious. Their little minds and bodies are growing and absorbing the big, wonderful world around them all the time. Something as simple as a blade of grass can be fascinating. A small bug or butterfly can send their imaginations soaring. Livestock, farm equipment, and other potential hazards can also be intriguing, exciting and fascinating. That’s why it’s so important to set boundaries and establish rules and guidelines around play areas on the farm. Farm families can also work on determining tasks for children on the farm that are safe and age appropriate. Understanding how children develop and grow is key in determining what they are capable of and how they can participate in ag tasks safely. It’s important to be honest with yourself and your child. Just because they might be big enough, that might not always mean they have the attention span or the skills to successfully and safely complete a task. Farming communities and schools can work to teach children about the hazards they might come across on the farm. Some ways of talking with children about farm safety can include incorporating farm safety into the school day, or even hold a farm safety day event. Safety day events, like Progressive Agriculture Safety Days® are available to all Canadian communities. These days are organized by the community for the community and address the safety issues that are of most concern to the community. Agri-businesses are in unique positions to influence safety on the farm. As trusted members of the farming team, agronomists, equipment technicians, and sales representatives all understand their customers’ needs. Agri-businesses hear the problems of their farming community. Weather woes, equipment prices, input costs, insurance issues, and even safety concerns can all be topics of conversation between the agri-business rep and his customer. By being a voice and talking about safety with your customer, you can influence safety. By supplying safety gloves with products or hearing protection, you are making a difference to the safety of farmers and their families. Most of all, everyone can be a part of keeping kids safe. Supervision, training, determining safe play areas, age-appropriate tasks and talking about safety are all a part of being an Agsafe Family.
Agriculture is our way of life too 1-800-387-3232
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL